25 values
b'Resumes and Cover Letters\nWith Samples\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nA Resume and Cover Letter - Your Marketing Team\nGetting Started on Your Resume\nWriting a Resume Employers Will Read\nSections of a Resume\nMaking Your Resume Attractive and Easy to Read\nAction Verb List\nCover Letters - The First Impression\nFraming Your Story - Questions to Guide Your Cover Letter\nCover Letter Format\nEmailing Covers Letters and Resumes\nHow the Lazarus Center Can Help\nCover Letter Format\nSample Resumes, Cover Letters, and Position Descriptions\n\nSmith College Lazarus Center for Career Development\\n413-585-2582\[email protected]\nRev 08/15\n\n\x0cA Resume and Cover Letter\xe2\x80\x94Your Marketing Team\nEffective resumes and cover letters are essential partners in your job or internship search. The cover letter\nintroduces you and your resume to the reader, and the resume gives a more complete overview of your\nexperience and qualifications. Together, these important marketing tools show where the match is between\nyou and the position description and determine if you\xe2\x80\x99ll be interviewed.\nYour resume and cover letter must be geared to your audience. Before you start writing:\nAssess yourself. Know what skills and experience you bring to the table. Come talk!\nResearch the field so you can use its keywords in your resume and cover letters, important whether\nyour docs are being scanned by computer or read by a person. Consult our guide, Your Job Search.\nAnalyze the description of position for which you\xe2\x80\x99re applying. Notice the key skills and competencies the employer\nseeks. Identify specific examples in your resume that match these qualifications and stress these in your letter.\nGuidelines on cover letter writing begin on page 6.\n\nGetting Started on Your Resume\nWhether writing your first resume or updating a previous one, it may help to begin with a master list of all\nyour jobs, internships, campus and community activities, special courses and projects, schools attended,\ninterests, travel, and skills. All this will not end up in your final resume, but you want to be sure you don\xe2\x80\x99t leave\nout anything important. A professional resume is likely very different from your college application version.\nLength\nOne page is standard for most fields and for most students and recent graduates. This is especially important\nfor business, technology, or communications firms (advertising or publishing, for example). Employers in many\nother fields appreciate a concise and attractive one-page resume.\nA longer resume is appropriate for certain applicants and fields. For teaching, a two-page resume is\nacceptable if you have significant related experience. For fellowships, grants, or research jobs, you may need a\nCurriculum Vitae, or C.V. A resume for federal jobs is often longer than one page. Speak with a career advisor if\nyou have any questions about what format is appropriate for your needs.\nFormat\nAvoid templates or resume wizards. Your goal is to have your resume stand out in a positive way, and\ntemplate resumes often appear identical to those of many other applicants.\nArrange your education and experience in reverse chronological order, present to past. This lets your reader\neasily see your current and recent background. You may also use categories relevant to your audience, for\nexample, Public Relations Experience, Laboratory Experience, and so forth.\nSome fields require specialized resume formats. A C.V. may be needed for research, science positions, or\nfellowships. For C.V. guidelines, please see Curriculum Vitae for Academic or Research Roles. Acting,\nperformance, or studio arts majors should consult Resumes for Actors and Artists. Note that many U.S.\nemployers asking for a C.V. may actually want a resume.\n2\n\n\x0cWriting a Resume Employers Will Read\nUse action verb phrases to describe your experiences. Instead of \xe2\x80\x9cResponsibilities included training staff\xe2\x80\x9c say\n\xe2\x80\x9cTrained five new staff.\xe2\x80\x9d A list of action verbs is on page 5.\nBe concise; omit personal pronouns and \xe2\x80\x9ca,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9can,\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cthe\xe2\x80\x9d whenever possible. Instead of \xe2\x80\x9cI created and\nmaintained a database using Excel,\xe2\x80\x9d say \xe2\x80\x9cCreated and maintained database using Excel.\xe2\x80\x9d\nStress accomplishments and results; quantify your results when appropriate. For example:\nDraft #1: Waited tables. Opened and closed restaurant.\nDraft #2: Provided customer service to patrons of high-traffic caf\xc3\xa9. Opened and closed restaurant.\nDraft #3: Provided quality customer service to patrons of high-traffic caf\xc3\xa9, serving up to 100 meals\nduring busy lunch and dinner shifts. Developed loyal return clientele. Selected by manager over more\nexperienced wait staff to open and close restaurant. Totaled up to $200 in tips per shift.\nCreate different resumes for different audiences. All fields have different keywords and expectations of\nresumes. If possible, have it reviewed by a professional in your field as well as the Lazarus Center.\nMake it clear. Avoid confusing acronyms and abbreviations. Instead of S.O.S., say \xe2\x80\x9cService Organizations of\nSmith.\xe2\x80\x9d It\xe2\x80\x99s OK to use postal abbreviations for states, but be consistent.\n\nSections of a Resume\nNAME. Put it at the top, centered or flush left. Use caps, bold, and a larger font to make it stand out.\nCONTACT INFORMATION. List your current address, phone, and email on one line (saves space) or blocked.\nAlso list a permanent or forwarding address if it\xe2\x80\x99s in your search region.\nOBJECTIVE (optional). We suggest you omit an objective from your resume and state it in your cover letter.\nSUMMARY or PROFILE (optional). More experienced applicants may begin with a summary geared to the\nreader. For example: Five years communications and marketing experience in non-profit sector. Skilled\nresearcher, writer, and editor. Excellent public speaking and workshop facilitation skills. Strong fundraising\nbackground with special expertise in grant writing. Experience recruiting, training, and motivating volunteers.\n\nEDUCATION generally comes first for students and recent grads. From present to past, list school, location,\ndegree, date awarded or expected, major, minor, and concentration. Study away, other degrees, thesis, related\ncourses, projects, and research papers may be included. GPA is required for finance or consulting but optional\nfor other fields. If your combined SAT is 2100+, we suggest including it on a finance resume. List major and\ncumulative GPA if you like.\nHigh school experience is often included by first years and sophomores. Others may include it if relevant, for\nexample, if you\xe2\x80\x99re searching in the region where you attended high school or if you had significant high school\nexperience related to your objective.\nHONORS and AWARDS, if you have them, may go under Education or as a separate category.\n\n3\n\n\x0cSKILLS can include languages, computer or lab skills, equipment use, and other skills relevant to your reader.\nInclude skills under Education or as a separate category. Add relevant licensing and certifications.\nEXPERIENCE can include jobs, internships, volunteering, extracurricular activities, and course projects. From\npresent to past, list title, organization, location, and dates. (Put organizations first, titles second if you like, but\ndo so consistently.) Use specific titles such as \xe2\x80\x9cAdministrative Intern,\xe2\x80\x9d rather than \xe2\x80\x9cIntern,\xe2\x80\x9d if your supervisor\napproves. Choose headers stressing experience in your target field, for example, Museum Experience.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE (also called Supporting Experience) is an optional category for content you\xe2\x80\x99d like to\ninclude but is less directly relevant to your reader. You may use a second heading as described above.\nACTIVITIES, INTERESTS, SKILLS, TRAVEL, AFFILIATIONS. Choose headings that work for the rest of your\ncontent. Be specific. Say \xe2\x80\x9cEnjoy modern British fiction\xe2\x80\x9d rather than \xe2\x80\x9cEnjoy reading.\xe2\x80\x9d Listing memberships that\nreveal your race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity may encourage or\ndiscourage employers from interviewing you. Feel free to consult a career advisor about your resume content.\nDO NOT INCLUDE the statement \xe2\x80\x9cReferences Available on Request.\xe2\x80\x9d Instead, prepare a separate page titled\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cReferences for Your Name\xe2\x80\x9d with your references\xe2\x80\x99 names, titles, and contact info (with permission) to send if\nrequested. Personal statistics (age, height, weight) and a photograph are only appropriate for a performance\nresume. Marital status is never included on a resume.\nINTERNATIONAL STUDENTS WISHING TO WORK IN THE US should use their Smith address and/or a US\naddress if you have one rather than an international address. Do not include your current visa status or\ncountry of citizenship. It is illegal for employers to ask about these topics in the US, though they may ask\nwhether you have work authorization or will require visa sponsorship in the future. If you are a Permanent\nResident we suggest including this in a final \xe2\x80\x9cActivities and Additional Background\xe2\x80\x9d section. Questions? Please\nsee a career advisor about your resume and the international student advisor about work status regulations.\n\nMaking Your Resume Attractive and Easy to Read\nSelect a font size and style that are easy to read. We suggest 10-12 point size in familiar fonts such as Arial,\nTimes New Roman, or Garamond. Try a slightly larger font for headings and name.\nAdjust the margins to fit your content. 1.0\xe2\x80\x9d margins are typical, but not a strict requirement.\nUse capital letters, bold type, italics, underlining, bullets, and spacing for emphasis.\nBe consistent with spacing, dates, punctuation, and order of information. Details matter!\nProofread your resume carefully. Don\xe2\x80\x99t rely on spell check. Misspellings, grammar and punctuation errors,\nand inconsistencies make a poor first impression. You may not be asked for an interview as a result.\nFor hard copy resumes, use bond paper (24 # weight is suggested) in white, cream, or gray. Use the same\npaper for your letters and get matching envelopes. If using a watermarked paper, get the mark right-side up.\nUse a letter quality printer with a fresh cartridge.\nKeep your resume polished and up-to-date. Revise it as you gain new experiences or change directions. The\neffort you put into this important marketing tool will be time well spent.\n.\n\n4\n\n\x0cAction Verb List\nThe verbs listed below are only a few of the many you can use in describing your experience and\naccomplishments. Make sure you have an action verb for each entry in your resume\'s \xe2\x80\x9cExperience\xe2\x80\x9d section.\naccelerated\n\nconceived\n\nencouraged\n\ninterpreted\n\nproduced\n\nsimplified\n\naccomplished\n\nconducted\n\nenlisted\n\nintroduced\n\nprogrammed\n\nsolved\n\nachieved\n\ndelegated\n\nestablished\n\nlaunched\n\npromoted\n\nspecialized\n\nadapted\n\ndemonstrated\n\nestimated\n\nled\n\nproposed\n\nstimulated\n\nadjusted\n\ndesigned\n\nevaluated\n\nlectured\n\nproved\n\nstreamlined\n\naided\n\ndetermined\n\nexamined\n\nlisted\n\nprovided\n\nstructured\n\nallocated\n\ndeveloped\n\nexpanded\n\nmaintained\n\nran\n\nsubstituted\n\namplified\n\ndevised\n\nexpedited\n\nmanaged\n\nreceived\n\nsuggested\n\nanalyzed\n\ndevoted\n\nextended\n\nmodified\n\nrecommended\n\nsummarized\n\nanswered\n\ndiagnosed\n\nfabricated\n\nmolded\n\nreconciled\n\nsupervised\n\napplied\n\ndiagrammed\n\nfocused\n\nmonitored\n\nrecorded\n\nsupported\n\nappointed\n\ndirected\n\nforecast\n\nmotivated\n\nrecruited\n\nsystematized\n\napproved\n\ndistributed\n\nfortified\n\nnegotiated\n\nreduced\n\nteamed\n\narbitrated\n\ncollaborated\n\nfounded\n\nobserved\n\nre-established\n\ntrained\n\narranged\n\nconstructed\n\ngenerated\n\noperated\n\nregulated\n\ntreated\n\nassisted\n\nconsulted\n\nguided\n\norchestrated\n\nrehearsed\n\ntutored\n\nassumed\n\ncontracted\n\nhandled\n\norganized\n\nreinforced\n\nunified\n\nattained\n\ncontrived\n\nharmonized\n\noriented\n\nrenegotiated\n\nupdated\n\naugmented\n\ncontrolled\n\nheaded\n\noriginated\n\nreorganized\n\nused\n\nawarded\n\ncooperated\n\nimplemented\n\noversaw\n\nreported\n\nutilized\n\nbegan\n\ncoordinated\n\nimproved\n\noverhauled\n\nresearched\n\nvolunteered\n\nbrought\n\ncounseled\n\nincorporated\n\nparticipated\n\nreshaped\n\nwidened\n\nbuilt\n\ncreated\n\nincreased\n\nperformed\n\nrestored\n\nwrote\n\ncalculated\n\ndealt\n\ninfluenced\n\npersuaded\n\nrevamped\n\ncatalogued\n\ndefined\n\ninitiated\n\nplanned\n\nreviewed\n\nchaired\n\nedited\n\ninspected\n\npinpointed\n\nrevised\n\ncompared\n\neffected\n\ninstalled\n\nprepared\n\nscheduled\n\ncompiled\n\neliminated\n\ninstituted\n\npresented\n\nselected\n\ncompleted\n\nemployed\n\ninstructed\n\npreserved\n\nset up\n\n5\n\n\x0cCover Letters: The First Impression\nAn employer\xe2\x80\x99s first impression of you is often your cover letter, so it must engage their attention quickly and\nconvince them to take the time to read your resume. Your cover letter needs to show what makes you a great\nfit for the position. It is not sufficient to say you have the skills required for the position or are interested in it.\nFirst, research the field and organization. Go beyond the website\xe2\x80\x94use press releases, journal/news articles,\nannual reports, Google, LexisNexis, and informational interviews with alums and others. Knowledge of the\norganization shows your initiative and enthusiasm for working there.\nReview the job description; notice the skills sought and field-specific terms used. Identify specific examples\nfrom your resume that demonstrate how you\xe2\x80\x99ve used the skills the employer wants. Stress accomplishments\nand results rather than simply listing your day-to-day responsibilities.\nWhenever possible, address your letter to an actual person, not "To Whom it May Concern." Phone or\nemail to get the recipient\xe2\x80\x99s name and title if it\xe2\x80\x99s not included in the position description. If you can\'t get a\nname, use a title such as "Dear Director" or "Dear Internship Coordinator."\nThe cover letter is a sample of your writing and communication skills. It must be clear, concise, and free of\nspelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Keep it simple. Dense, academic language or slang are\ninappropriate\xe2\x80\x94this is a business letter.\nTailor each cover letter. Employers may receive dozens or even hundreds of applications for any given\nposition. Careful research, relevant examples, and specific reasons why this position and this organization\ninterest you will help distinguish your application.\n\nFraming Your Story: Questions to Guide Your Cover Letter\nUse the following to generate content for your cover letter. Though it need not answer every question, a\ngreat letter will address many of these items and show you\xe2\x80\x99ve considered the others:\nWhy are you interested in this position? This organization? This field/industry?\nFor what position are you applying?\nWhat do you know about the organization, its work, clients/customers/products that especially\ninterests you?\nWhat do you feel distinguishes this organization from its peers?\nWhat specific skills and knowledge is the employer seeking for this position?\nHow have your prior experiences influenced your interest in this position/organization/field?\nIn what ways have your accomplishments during your prior experiences (extracurricular, volunteer,\nwork, other) prepared you to excel in this position?\nWhat aspects of your academic experience will help you succeed in this position?\nCompared to other applicants, how might you be uniquely qualified for the position?\nHow will the organization benefit from hiring you?\nHaving difficulty answering any of these questions? Revisiting the job description, further research, and\nclarifying your skills and interests may help.\n6\n\n\x0cCover Letter Format\nUse standard business letter format for your letter. Refer to the following page for guidelines on address\nformat, greeting and closing, and spacing.\nA cover letter should be no more than one page. Keep the paragraphs short and easy to read. Use a 10-12\npoint font size in the same font style as your resume. Set the margins so the letter is visually balanced on the\npage (1\xe2\x80\x9d is standard). For hard copy applications, use matching resume-weight paper and envelopes, and sign\nyour letter in black ink. If using stationery with a watermark, be sure it is facing the correct way.\n\nEmailing Cover Letters and Resumes\nAlways follow an employer\xe2\x80\x99s preference when emailing your resume and cover letter. If you don\xe2\x80\x99t know an\nemployer\xe2\x80\x99s preference, send your resume and letter as attached PDFs labeled with your name (ex: Jane Doe\nresume.). In the subject line say \xe2\x80\x9cResume and cover letter for children\xe2\x80\x99s trade division editorial assistant\nposition (#498).\xe2\x80\x9d\nIf sending your letter as an attachment, make the email message short:\nDear Ms. Nunez:\nI am a senior English major at Smith College with administrative and publications experience\ninterested in the children\xe2\x80\x99s trade division editorial assistant position (#498) advertised on\ The attached cover letter and resume provide details about my background and\nstrong interest in Cricket Hill Press.\nPlease let me know if you have difficulty opening the attachments. I look forward to discussing\nthis position with you.\nSincerely,\nJane Doe\nBefore emailing your documents to employers, email them to yourself and a couple of friends. This gives\nyou a chance to address any technical or format problems.\n\nHow the Lazarus Center Can Help\nFeel free to bring your resume or cover letter to a 15-minute drop-in appointment. If you\xe2\x80\x99re currently away\nfrom Smith, you may get feedback on your resume and cover letter during a phone or Skype appointment.\n\n7\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER FORMAT\nDate\n\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: One inch margins are typical.\n\nSuzan Smith\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: You may use your resume header instead of this format.\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000\nNorthampton, MA 01063\n413-585-0000\[email protected]\nRecipient\xe2\x80\x99s Name\nRecipient\xe2\x80\x99s Title\nName of Organization\nStreet Address\nCity, State, Zip\n\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: Omit Mr. or Ms. here; include in greeting below.\n\nDear Ms. or Mr. Last Name:\n\n\xe2\x86\x90 Note: If you don\xe2\x80\x99t know the recipient\xe2\x80\x99s gender, say Dear First Last:\n\nOpening Paragraph: Introduce yourself to your reader (not, \xe2\x80\x9cHi, my name is Suzan Smith,\xe2\x80\x9d but something\nsuch as: \xe2\x80\x9cI am a senior at Smith College writing to apply for xxx.\xe2\x80\x9d). State where you saw the position posted.\nMention the contact who referred you \xe2\x80\x93 with her/his permission \xe2\x80\x93 if the employer knows them. You might\nbriefly summarize your specific qualifications for the position or interest in the organization, or do so later in\nthe letter.\nMiddle Paragraph(s): Focus on one or two specific examples from your resume that demonstrate you have\nthe skills sought for the position. Emphasize accomplishments and results that relate to the position. Don\xe2\x80\x99t\nrepeat long sections of your resume. Use terms and a language style appropriate to the field. Show you\xe2\x80\x99ve\nresearched the organization, but don\xe2\x80\x99t recite facts and figures from their website. Connect what you know\nabout the organization to your experience and skills. Your goal is to show why you would be excited to have\nthis specific position at this specific organization.\nBriefly state why the organization\xe2\x80\x99s mission, clients, programs, products, or services attract you. By now, the\nrecipient should clearly understand what you\xe2\x80\x99d add to the organization, and be convinced of your enthusiasm\nfor and match with the position.\nClosing Paragraph: You might briefly summarize your qualifications and interest in the position unless\nyou\xe2\x80\x99ve done so above. Offer a next step: Will you call to arrange an in-person or phone interview? Will you\nbe in the area on a certain day and follow up to arrange a time to meet? If you prefer, simply use the closing\nparagraph to say that you look forward to hearing from the employer and thank them for considering your\napplication.\nSincerely,\nSuzan Smith\n\n8\n\n\x0cSAMPLE RESUMES, COVER LETTERS, AND POSITION DESCRIPTIONS\nA resume and cover letter should always work together as a team to respond to the specific skills and\nqualifications sought in the position description.\nFor this reason, each sample resume-cover letter pair that follows is preceded by the corresponding job or\ninternship description.\nWe suggest you:\nReview the descriptions and identify the keywords and field-specific terms in each.\nNotice how each cover letter cites specific examples from the partner resume that show where\nthe match is between the applicant and the position, focusing on results and accomplishments.\nConsider how the information on each resume, the categories chosen, and the language style\nused respond to the specific wording of the companion description.\nFeel free to get help from the Lazarus Center as often as you like with your resume, cover letters, or any\naspect of your search.\n\n9\n\n\x0cHarlem RBI REAL Kids 2016 Summer Program Internship\n\nHarlem RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) seeks dynamic, motivated individuals to serve as interns in an\ninnovative program for 9-12 year-old youth in East Harlem, New York City. Our REAL Kids (Reading and\nEnrichment Academy for Learning) program provides youth with a full day of educational, enrichment, and\nbaseball activities designed to foster a positive and supportive learning environment.\nInterns work directly with inner city youth and work independently to create and initiate new activities.\nTasks can include:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Serving as an assistant teacher in an innovative, literacy-based enrichment program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coaching and organizing baseball and softball teams for 9-12 year olds\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborating with a co-coach and head teacher to design and document lesson plans and practice sessions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Leading recreational activities and off-site enrichment field trips\n\nIdeal candidates:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Have experience working with children\n\xef\x82\xb7 Are interested in and motivated to work with inner city youth\n\xef\x82\xb7 Have the ability to take initiative and maintain flexibility\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enjoy working independently as well as collaborating with others in a team environment\n\xef\x82\xb7 Have a desire to do good and do it well\nNOTE: Knowledge of baseball/softball is helpful but not required\nMission Statement:\nHarlem RBI is a private, non-profit organization located in East Harlem, New York. Its mission is to use baseball,\nsoftball, and the power of teams to provide inner city youth with opportunities to play, to learn, and to grow,\ninspiring them to recognize their potential and realize their dreams.\nInterested applicants should send a resume and cover letter addressing why the applicant is interested in\nworking with Harlem RBI, as well as the skills and prior experiences that the applicant will contribute to a\nsuccessful summer program. Mail to:\nREAL Kids/Harlem RBI\n333 East 100th Street\nNew York, NY 10029\nNO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.\nFor more information, visit us at\n\n10\n\n\x0cEMILIA RENZI\[email protected]\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063\n\n(413) 585-1234\n\nDecember 8, 2015\nCat Goddard\nAssistant Director\nREAL Kids/Harlem RBI\n333 East 100th Street\nNew York, NY 10029\nDear Ms. Goddard:\nI am a first year student at Smith College pleased to submit my application for a teacher/coach position with the\n2016 REAL Kids/Harlem RBI summer program which I saw in our career center internship database. With strong\ninterests in youth development and team sports, I am drawn to this position as an opportunity to make a positive\ndifference in the lives of inner city youth.\nI have extensive experience working with children in athletic and arts settings. As Assistant Coach of the Marion\nCounty Youth Softball League, I designed non-competitive beginner practices that motivated each player to strive\nfor her personal best. As the girls\xe2\x80\x99 skill level, self-esteem, and teamwork grew, several reported having greater\nsuccess in school. Previously, as Arts Leader for Fine Arts for Kids in Miami, I taught arts and crafts to Hispanic\nyouth and initiated cost-free activities that enriched their appreciation of art. As public schools are increasingly\ncutting funding for arts and sports programs, I am eager to help close the gap for these children however I can.\nAs a teacher/coach with REAL Kids/Harlem RBI I hope to share with my students the important lessons about\nteamwork, leadership, and motivation I\xe2\x80\x99ve learned from softball. I owe my academic success in large part to the\ncommitted coaches I had since joining my first softball team at age six. I am excited by the prospect of inspiring\nyour students to play, learn, and grow this summer.\nI am available at your convenience for an in-person or phone interview, and I look forward to hearing from you\nsoon.\nSincerely,\nEmilia Renzi\n\n11\n\n\x0cEMILIA RENZI\[email protected]\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063\n\n(413) 585-1234\n\nEDUCATION\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nB.A. degree expected May 2019 Intended Major: Sociology\nVanguard High School, Ocala, FL\nGraduated June 2015\nHonors: National Honor Society (inducted as junior); Honor Roll (all 4 years)\nLanguages: Fluent Spanish\nComputer Skills: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint\nLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE\nAssistant Coach, Marion County Youth Softball League, Ocala, FL (Summers 2014 and 2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Co-planned and led twice-weekly practice sessions for 12 girls ages 10 and under including beginner players.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed sessions with focus on players\xe2\x80\x99 self-esteem, motivation, and teamwork skills.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervised team during head coach\xe2\x80\x99s vacations; debriefed players\xe2\x80\x99 daily progress with parents.\nMember, Anchor Service Club, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL (2011-2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in team-based volunteer projects; supported and sponsored 2-3 families during holiday time.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted at several town events such as wrapping holiday presents at mall for needy families. Projects received\nawards from National Association of Anchor Service Clubs.\nPresident, Spanish Club, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL (2013-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted meetings for 15 members; supervised coordinators of 3 sub-committees\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organized activities and fundraisers including candy sale and holiday food and toy drive.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Helped plan and implement school-wide Mardi Gras attended by 250 students.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with faculty advisor. Active member for 2 years before election as President.\nArts Leader, Fine Arts for Kids, Miami, FL (2012-2013)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led arts and crafts activities and cost-free field trips for 10 children ages 6-9.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed projects using items from local recycling center; initiated art show for families of campers.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Discussed children\xe2\x80\x99s progress with parents or guardians at drop-off and pick-up times.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained and replenished art materials and kept area clean and safe.\nOther Activities: Fastpitch Varsity Team; Shocker Park All-Star Travel Softball Team; Slowpitch Varsity Team; JV\nSoccer Team; Symphony Under the Stars Volunteer.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nWaitress, Friendly\xe2\x80\x99s Restaurant, Ocala, FL (Summers 2013-2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided attentive customer service during 3-hour lunch and dinner shifts.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Covered 5-6 tables totaling 20+ customers. Coordinated birthday parties for 10-15 children ages 6-12.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served as dining room hostess while handling high-volume ice cream walk-up window.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Praised by manager for skillful handling of challenging customers.\n\n12\n\n\x0cThe Philadelphia Orchestra Marketing Internship\nThe Marketing Intern will assist in organizing communications about The Philadelphia Orchestra summer\nNeighborhood Concerts. The Marketing Intern will help to organize and maintain communication between\nThe Philadelphia Orchestra, members of Campus Classics, and colleges and universities. The Marketing\nIntern will oversee distribution of Orchestra materials as well as participate in the analysis of campaigns and\nsurveys. The Marketing Intern will also provide concert support when assigned and administrative support\nto the Marketing Department.\nEssential Functions:\n-Maintain marketing materials, advertising schedule, and web activity for Campus Classics, The Philadelphia\nOrchestra\'s program for college students; maintain communication between the Orchestra, members of\nCampus Classics, and colleges and universities.\n-Participate in the analysis of single ticket campaigns, subscription campaigns, and patron surveys.\n-Assist with daily and weekly sales analysis and budget reporting.\n-Oversee distribution of The Philadelphia Orchestra materials.\n-Provide concert support for The Philadelphia Orchestra concerts, as well as special event concerts and free\nneighborhood concerts.\n-Provide administrative support to the Marketing Department including Group Sales.\n-Other duties as assigned.\nMinimum Qualifications:\n-Interest or experience in marketing and statistical analysis a plus.\n-Strong communication skills.\n-Strong writing skills.\n-Proficient in Microsoft Office.\n-Project management skills.\nThis is a full time (35-40 hours per week) internship. Some evening and weekend work required.\n\n13\n\n\x0cElizabeth M. Page\nSmith College|1 Chapin Way|Unit 0000|Northampton, MA\n01063|413.555.1212|[email protected]\nJanuary 16, 2016\nJohn Smith\nThe Philadelphia Orchestra Association\n260 South Broad Street, 16th Floor\nPhiladelphia, PA 19102\nDear Mr. Smith:\nI am a Smith College junior writing to apply for the summer Marketing Intern position at The\nPhiladelphia Orchestra Association. I would be excited to bring my experience in marketing,\nbackground in music performance, and love of symphonic music to this opportunity.\nAs Marketing and Public Relations Manager for the Smith College a cappella group the\nSmiffenpoofs, my marketing efforts and knowledge of the college-age audience achieved a\n10% increase in concert ticket and CD sales last year. By taking courses in research and statistics\nI have further built strengths in data collection and analysis.\nI first experienced the power of live performance while attending The Philadelphia Orchestra\xe2\x80\x99s\nsummer series at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center in upstate New York where I grew up.\nWolfgang Sawallisch\xe2\x80\x99s famed all-Wagner concerts and interpretations of the Bruckner\nsymphonies instilled in me a passion for music that continues to this day. The Marketing Intern\nposition interests me as an opportunity to contribute my marketing savvy and love of live\nsymphony while learning about the business side of the arts.\nI welcome the opportunity to talk with you about my interest in The Philadelphia Orchestra\nAssociation. I am available for a phone interview or I can meet in Philadelphia during my spring\nbreak, March 14-18. I will follow up next week to see if we can arrange a convenient time to\nspeak.\nSincerely,\nElizabeth Page\n\n14\n\n\x0cElizabeth M. Page\nSmith College|1 Chapin Way|Unit 0000|Northampton, MA 01063|413.555.1212|[email protected]\nED UC A TI O N\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nBA, Psychology (Expected May 2017)\nRelated Coursework: Research Design and Analysis; Statistical Methods for Undergraduate\nResearch; Seminar in Latino/a Identity; Social Psychology\nREL A TE D\n\nE X P E R IE N C E\n\nThe Smiffenpoofs, Smith College\nNorthampton, MA\nMarketing and Public Relations Manager\n2015 - Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Oversee all marketing, public relations, and media outreach for nation\xe2\x80\x99s oldest female\ncollegiate a cappella singing group\n\xef\x82\xb7 Delivered 10% increase from previous year in concert ticket and CD sales through new\nmarketing efforts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Write and distribute marketing materials, press kits, and press releases; serve as liaison to press\ncontracts and reporters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinate radio appearances at college radio stations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Secure in-kind donations for events and CD release parties\n\xef\x82\xb7 Work closely with treasurer to track and analyze ticket and CD sales from concerts and\nperformances\n\xef\x82\xb7 Create brochures, flyers, and e-postcards to promote upcoming events and concerts; use\nAdobe Illustrator to create collateral materials\nA DD IT IO N AL\n\nE X P ER I E NC E\n\nSmith College Varsity Soccer Team\nNorthampton, MA\nCaptain\nAugust 2014 - Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Lead 28-member team during practices, games, and tournaments; provide mentorship,\nencouragement, and positive role model\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liaise with coaching staff to address issues of team cohesiveness; mediate conflicts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Achieved 100% attendance at practices and games for two consecutive years\n\xef\x82\xb7 Scout high school talent; lead tours of campus and athletic facilities for prospective students\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist coaches with players\xe2\x80\x99 stretching, conditioning, and nutrition guidance\n\xef\x82\xb7 Execute policies and procedures governed by the NCAA\nSmith College Office of Advancement\nNorthampton, MA\nPhonathon Caller\nJune 2015\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cold-called alumnae and parents to update them on current events at Smith and to\nencourage them to financially support the college and upcoming initiatives\nThe Scoop\nBeverly, MA\nServer\nSummer 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained high level of customer service in high-traffic beach front ice cream store; served\n75+ customers hourly\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handled cash transactions and oversaw daily bank deposits\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cleaned and closed store nightly; communicated with store manager regarding supplies and\nmachine maintenance\nS KIL L S\nAdobe PhotoShop and Illustrator; LexisNexis; Microsoft Office; Social Media\n15\n\n\x0cAnalyst, Barclays Capital Investment Banking and Debt Capital Markets\nOur Analysts fulfill a multitude of roles across the business. To become an Analyst at Barclays Capital you\nneed at least an outstanding undergraduate degree. Work experience gained through internships can also be\nan advantage. Applicants need to be highly intelligent and numerate, with strong communication skills.\nFluency in more than one language is an asset and the ability to work as part of a team is essential.\nThe Investment Banking and Debt Capital Markets area exists to provide effective global \'multi-product\'\nsolutions for clients seeking to raise capital or manage their risk exposure. As a result, Analysts within the\nteam work in close contact with our client groups which are structured by geography and sector. Extensive\nresearch, internal briefings, and presentations are involved in the search for a client solution. Once these\nsolutions are approved, models are built that provide the client with accurate projections. This role involves\ncreative thinking, maintaining relationships, and providing the full range of the firm\'s services to the client \xe2\x80\x93\ngovernment agencies or corporate clients looking to raise capital.\nGenerating new business is an important part of the role. It demands an understanding of complex products\nand their pricing, as well as looking at issues from different angles and creating alternative ideas. Looking at\nthe bigger picture in terms of client needs and wider market issues is also important. As such, you may\nspend your time developing ideas and solutions to pitch to clients. Following that, you may work on live deals\ninvolving products such as bonds, equity and credit derivatives, securitization, loans, foreign exchange,\ninterest rates, and commodities.\nFundamental analysis and research into companies and markets is the starting point in Investment Banking\nand Debt Capital Markets. This offers an opportunity to work with teams across the firm, delivering more\nintegrated solutions for our clients and across all areas of financing and risk management services. As\nrelationship management skills develop you will be given more responsibility for client relationships.\nTraining\nFrom the moment you accept a job at Barclays Capital, you are offered the opportunity to participate in the\npre-employment Global Campus Training Program. This is web-based training that focuses on product\neducation. It is designed to give you a fundamental knowledge of products prior to joining the Graduate\nProgram including an excellent understanding of the financial markets in which we operate, as well as the\nproducts, instruments, and services offered by Barclays Capital. This creates a strong platform on which to\nbuild more in-depth specialist expertise relevant to your chosen area. Upon joining the firm you will\nparticipate in the Graduate Training program at our London headquarters. The Graduate Program takes\nlearning one step further, incorporating practical applications through a variety of case studies, workshops,\nand presentations. Once you return to the US, you will participate in many programs including product\nknowledge sessions, online tutorials, and our mentor program.\nQualifications\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strong-to-superior verbal, quantitative, and analytical skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Resourcefulness, team orientation, enthusiasm, and an entrepreneurial spirit\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proven leadership qualities, a strong work commitment, and high ethical standards\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Minimum GPA of 3.2\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledge of another language desired\nFor additional information or to apply for an opportunity, please visit\ncampusrecruitment.\n\n16\n\n\x0cMARGOT PERLMAN\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063, 413.585.1111,\[email protected]\n\nSeptember 29, 2015\nJane Doe\nHiring Manager\nBarclays Capital\nInvestment Banking Division\n200 Park Avenue\nNew York, NY 10166\nDear Ms. Doe:\nI am a senior economics major at Smith College very interested in the investment banking analyst program\nat Barclays Capital. At the September 28th information session at Amherst College I was struck by firstyear analyst Gregg Casale\xe2\x80\x99s description of Barclays as a global team that prides itself on its ability to do\nthings differently while delivering exceptional financial solutions for clients. With my finance experience,\nteamwork, and problem-solving skills, I believe I am well-paired to the analyst program and to Barclays\nCapital\xe2\x80\x99s culture.\nAs a summer analyst at Morgan Stanley this past summer, I prepared pitch books and analyses for client\npresentations and built financial models for leveraged buyouts and credit reviews. Through participating in\ndeal calls as part of the Financial Institutions Group team, I gained an understanding of how client needs are\nbest met under the pressure of time. Currently as treasurer of Smith\xe2\x80\x99s Student Government Association, I\nadminister financial transactions for 120+ student organizations and oversee a $500,000 budget,\nresponsibilities which draw on my attention to detail and ability to balance multiple priorities.\nI\xe2\x80\x99m attracted to the firm\xe2\x80\x99s practice of bringing together a flat hierarchy of diverse team members, each with\nthe opportunity to make a difference through creative problem solving, as this is how I\xe2\x80\x99ve discovered I work\nbest. Barclays Capital\xe2\x80\x99s commitment to service projects such as mentoring at-risk students and serving food\nin local shelters appeals to me to given my volunteer experience with our local Big Sisters program. The\nfirm\xe2\x80\x99s client-centered philosophy and global market position combined with the opportunity to contribute to\nthe community make Barclays Capital an exciting place to build my career.\nI welcome the opportunity to talk with you about my qualifications, experience, and interest in the analyst\nprogram at Barclays Capital. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from\nyou.\nSincerely,\nMargot Perlman\n\n17\n\n\x0cMARGOT PERLMAN\nSmith College, 1 Chapin Way, Unit 0000, Northampton, MA 01063, 413.585.1111, [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nSMITH COLLEGE, Northampton, MA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Major: Economics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in May 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cumulative GPA: 3.7; SAT: 2200\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant Coursework: Econometrics, Statistics, Money and Banking, Financial Accounting, International Finance,\nGame Theory, International Trade and Commercial Policies\nUNIVERSIT\xc3\x89 DE GEN\xc3\x88VE, Geneva, Switzerland; Smith College J unior Year Abr oad Pr ogr am, 2014-2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 GPA: 3.8\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Relevant Coursework: International Money and Finance, Political Economy of International Finance\nEXPERIENCE\nMORGAN STANLEY, New York, NY\nInvestment Banking Intern\nSummer 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Helped prepare pitch books for client presentations, including shareholder information, earnings vs. expectations\ncharts, and indexed stock pricing graphs as member of Financial Institutions Group team; participated in deal calls\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built financial models for leveraged buyouts and credit review\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Researched potential investors, buyers, and acquisition targets\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used Bloomberg to prepare graphs on daily market performance and earnings estimates\nNEW YORK CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, New York, NY\nSummer 2014\nInternal Audit Intern\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reviewed and analyzed legal documents to synchronize fiscal information among departmental databases\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared audit information to be sent to independent auditors at close of fiscal year\nLEADERSHIP\nSMITH COLLEGE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA)\n2015-Present\nTreasurer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Write SGA\xe2\x80\x99s budget for fiscal year; manage all accounting transactions for 120+ student organizations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Oversee application and allocation process of three SGA Cabinet funds for student body at large; assist\norganizations with fiscal needs\nStudent Finance Committee Member\n2013-2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Allocated $500,000 student activities budget for college\xe2\x80\x99s student organizations as part of 15-person team\nBANGS COMMUNITY CENTER, Amherst, MA\n2013-2014\nBig Brother/Big Sister Volunteer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created and implemented programs and activities for five children in kindergarten through fifth grade\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nLAZARUS CENTER FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT, Smith College\n2014-Present\nStudent Worker/Receptionist\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answer multi-line phone system and greet clients in high-traffic student services office; schedule appointments for\nsix-person advising staff and complete special projects\nSKILLS and INTERESTS\nExcel, Bloomberg, Mathematica, SPSS\nFluent French and German\nEnjoy golf, tennis, and fusion cooking\n18\n\n\x0cCommunications Assistant, the CAIA Association\nThe CAIA Association is a global non-profit in the area of professional credentialing for finance practitioners.\nPosition Overview:\nThis position will support the strategic objective of promoting the organization and providing a high quality\nof service for its membership by implementing and executing communications programs and development\nactivities. These activities shall include, but not be limited to, media partnership development, marketing\nmanagement assistance, membership chapter support services, conference and event strategies, and\ncopywriting of all types of communications.\nResponsibilities:\nUnder the direction of the Directors of Marketing, Member Services and Global Events, the Communications\nAssistant is responsible for:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Creating, copywriting and updating Association newsletters and updates; Annual Report, presentations,\nand other communications and collateral. Drafting and oversight of collateral design.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Copywriting and updating website content.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Establishing and implementing corporate communications and media partnership tracking systems and\nmanaging communications calendar. Providing email and telephone support for inquiries from membership\nand the public\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developing and managing event itineraries, registrations and travel arrangements; off-site collateral\nplacement; and follow-up communications and tracking.\nThe ideal candidate will possess the following skills:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent written and oral communications skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experience working in all Microsoft Office programs (Access optional but preferred)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Must show initiative and have experience working in a team environment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Must be comfortable learning new technology systems\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Basic HTML and wiki experience preferred\nCompetitive salary, full benefits.\nInterested candidates should mail resumes to:\nSearch Committee: Communications Assistant\nThe CAIA Association\n29 South Pleasant Street\nAmherst, MA 01002\nResumes may also be sent to [email protected].\n\n19\n\n\x0cSUZAN SMITH\n\n_______\n742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, MA 01103\n(413) 387-4321 [email protected]\n\nGina Suarez, Head\nCommunications Assistant Search Committee\nThe CAIA Association\n29 South Pleasant Street\nAmherst, MA 01002\nFebruary 3, 2016\nDear Ms. Suarez:\nThank you for speaking with me about the Communications Assistant position last Friday. After\nhearing more about this opportunity from you and from Julia Jimenez who interned at CAIA last\nsummer, I am even more excited about applying. With my strong communication and\ntechnology skills and background in marketing, I believe I could make a strong contribution to\nthe CAIA team.\nI have a demonstrated track record of developing effective communications and publicity\nstrategies. For example:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nI designed publicity materials and launched a website for a two-day women\xe2\x80\x99s leadership\nconference in New England. My efforts increased event visibility and attendance by 15%\nfrom previous years.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAs an intern for Smith\xe2\x80\x99s Poetry Center I initiated and maintained new promotional contacts\nthat built exposure for our upcoming events.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAt CNN last summer I gained writing and editing experience and researched, created, and\nupdated CNN\xe2\x80\x99s entry on Wikipedia.\n\nI am drawn to CAIA\xe2\x80\x99s culture of excellence and emphasis on professional development,\nparticularly for women in finance. As a financial aid recipient at a women\xe2\x80\x99s college, CAIA\xe2\x80\x99s \xe2\x80\x9c100\nWomen in Hedge Funds\xe2\x80\x9d scholarship program mission of better equipping women to navigate\nan increasingly complex investment landscape while removing financial barriers to their career\ndevelopment greatly appeals to me.\nI look forward to contributing my energy and initiative to support CAIA\xe2\x80\x99s goals of expanding\npromotional efforts while providing exceptional customer service. I\xe2\x80\x99m available at your\nconvenience to discuss my interest in the Communications Assistant position at CAIA, and I\nlook forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nSuzan Smith\n\n20\n\n\x0cSUZAN SMITH\n742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, MA 01103\n(413) 387-4321 [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nBachelor of Arts degree expected May 2016\nMajor: The Study of Women and Gender; GPA 3.6\nCOMMUNICATIONS EXPERIENCE\nNews Intern, June - August 2015\nCNN, New York, NY\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with production and reporting teams to create and update website content\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched, wrote, and posted company data on Wikipedia\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contributed to story research for finance and business reports\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and documented stock footage; entered information into database\nIntern, September 2012 - May 2015\nPoetry Center at Smith College, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed, wrote, and edited publicity materials for visiting poets\n\xef\x82\xb7 Publicized readings, researched alumnae poets and poetry centers nationwide; attended\nPoetry Center Committee meetings with director and other faculty members\nAssistant to Event and Volunteer Coordinator, February - May 2014\nWomen in Business Leadership Conference, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and executed publicity campaign for 200+ colleges and media organizations\nthroughout New England; strategies increased attendance 15% from previous years\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created dynamic website using Dreamweaver (\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in planning conference events and schedules\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated panelists\xe2\x80\x99 hotel and travel; managed schedule for 50 panelists and participants\nSUPPORTING EXPERIENCE\nBoard Member, September 2014 - May 2015\nSmith College Judicial Board, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluated and ruled upon alleged cases of ethics and code violations\nOffice Assistant, September - December 2013\nSmith College Student Affairs Office, Northampton, MA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported office scheduling and assisted with management of staff itineraries\n\xef\x82\xb7 Actively responded to phone and email inquiries from students, parents, faculty, and staff\n\xef\x82\xb7 Managed office database using Excel\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nDreamweaver; HTML; MS Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, PowerPoint\n\n21\n\n\x0cJunior Analyst and Researcher, CS SPACE\nThe Junior Analyst and Researcher will monitor and track ongoing trends related to changes in culture and the way\npeople live their lives. Responsibilities include synthesis and analysis of large volumes of data, assisting with qualitative\nresearch, daily article searches, slide deck preparation and performing other general support tasks. The Junior Analyst\nand Researcher will gain valuable experience in the areas of market research, consumer insights and brand innovation.\nCS SPACE is a culture, strategy, and business consultancy, specializing in cultural insights and strategic frame works for\nguiding brand behavior and decision-making. Our clients include: ESPN, CitiBank, HBO, Virgin, Estee Lauder, Snapple,\nComedy Central, among others.\nLocation\n1133 Broadway, Suite 1610, New York, NY 10010\nQualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong research skills \xe2\x80\x93 loves to research, analyze and synthesize\nStrong organizational skills \xe2\x80\x93 takes time to organize\nAble and willing to provide administrative office support\nStrong writing skills \xe2\x80\x93 clear and concise is important (we will ask for a sample)\nStrong fundamental understanding of story and story elements\nFamiliarity and interest in social theory, critical theory and strong elements\nAble to summarize and synthesize multiple resources and make independent conclusions\nCan represent a persuasive argument using deductions and logic\nAvid reader pop culture news\nAvid consumer of pop culture (movies, TV Shows, music, magazines, authors, video games, etc.)\nEnjoys trend spotting\nActive in social media \xe2\x80\x93 so as to have an understanding of how it operates\nMac computer literate \xe2\x80\x93 prefer someone very literate with macs\nTech trend savvy, a big plus\nBasic skill set with Keynote\nBasic skill set with Final Cut Pro, a big plus\nFamiliarity with basic video production, a plus\nSports fan, a big plus\nWilling and able to travel on research trips from 3 days to up to 2 weeks at a time.\n\nContact Information\nFor additional information or to apply for this opportunity, please contact Meg Smolinski, Human Resource\nCoordinator, [email protected]\n\n22\n\n\x0cKyle Layton\n84 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01063 (000) 000-0000\\n\[email protected]\n\nFebruary 15, 2016\nMs. Megan Smolinski, Human Resources Coordinator\nCS SPACE\n1133 Broadway, Suite 1610\nNew York, NY 10010\nDear Ms. Smolinksi:\nI am writing to apply for the Junior Analyst and Researcher position at CS SPACE posted in Smith College\xe2\x80\x99s career\ncenter database. The firm\xe2\x80\x99s mission of strategizing with clients to be more relevant in people\xe2\x80\x99s lives attracts me\nbecause much of my work and academic experience has centered on researching and understanding society,\npopular culture, and consumer decision-making.\nThrough conducting research for a new sociology department course on consumption in society, I learned about\nthe factors at play when a consumer makes a decision. One consumer may respond to experiencing a TV or\nonline ad, while those who skip over ads are more likely to be reached by embedded marketing. The fact that\nCS SPACE\xe2\x80\x99s client roster includes organizations as prominent and wide-ranging as ESPN, Citi, Skype, and\nCampbell\xe2\x80\x99s speaks to your team\xe2\x80\x99s ability to deliver the insights clients need to develop their branding strategies\nfor greatest appeal to consumers.\nAn avid consumer and student of pop culture, I particularly enjoy trend spotting in music and sports, two of my\nkey pastimes. For a seminar paper I wrote for a course called \xe2\x80\x9cThe Sociology of Rock and Pop Music,\xe2\x80\x9d I\nconducted qualitative research on Y\xc3\xa9-Y\xc3\xa9 French pop music which I presented at a January 2016 conference at\nVassar College. With my study abroad experience in France and knowledge of other cultures, I believe I could\ncontribute inter-cultural insights of value to your team in working with your global clientele.\nMy understanding of consumer behavior goes beyond academic research to include front-line sales positions in\na busy resort area retail establishment and cold-calling alums for Smith\xe2\x80\x99s Office of Advancement. As a\nphonathon caller my ability to develop rapport with alumnae, listen to their concerns, and track down\ninformation they requested added to my success rate in obtaining pledges from those who had stopped giving\nto Smith. I would bring to CS SPACE the same client focus along with a strong ability to research, analyze, and\nsynthesize data; keen organizational skills; and a work style that is both collaborative and independent.\nI look forward to sharing a writing sample with you and learning more about your needs for the Junior Analyst\nand Researcher position. I would be very excited to join the CS SPACE team, and I hope to hear from you soon.\nBest,\nKyle Layton\n\n23\n\n\x0cKyle Layton\n84 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01063 (000) 000-0000 [email protected]\\nEDUCATION\nSmith College, Northampton, MA\nB.A. degree expected May 2016\n\nMajor: French\n\nMinor: Sociology\n\nG.P.A.: 3.65\n\nL\xe2\x80\x99Instituts d\xe2\x80\x99\xc3\xa9tudes politiques: Sciences Po, Paris IV: La Sorbonne, Smith College Junior Year Abroad\nProgram, Paris (2014-2015)\nRelated Courses: American Popular Culture; Korean Popular Culture: Translating Tradition into Pop Culture\nComputer Skills: Final Cut Pro; MAC literate; social media (Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, more); Keynote\nLanguages: Fluent French\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant, Department of Sociology, Smith College (Fall 2015-present)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with professor to develop content for course about consumption in modern society\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct online and print research for articles and images\n\xef\x82\xb7 Research college\xe2\x80\x99s online system for organizing and making available course materials available to\nstudents; digitize materials for course on popular culture\nSeminar, \xe2\x80\x9cThe Sociology of Rock and Pop Music,\xe2\x80\x9d Department of Sociology, Smith College (Fall 2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and wrote 15-page paper in French about Y\xc3\xa9-Y\xc3\xa9 French pop music\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented findings in English at French Popular Culture Conference, Vassar College, January 2016\n\nStride Scholar, Department of French Studies, Smith College (2014-2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Digitized and catalogued professor\xe2\x80\x99s images about French history and culture on the Insight art database\nfor use as course material\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nPhonathon Caller, Office of Advancement, Smith College (2012-present)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Communicate with Smith alumnae during fund drives to encourage them to give to the college\n\xef\x82\xb7 Frequently surpass fundraising goals, often eliciting donations from alums who have stopped giving\n\xef\x82\xb7 Research and suggest resources to address alumnae concerns\nTranslation Intern, France T\xc3\xa9l\xc3\xa9com, Paris, France (Summer 2015)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed strategies to encourage conversation and foster understanding of French-English cultural\ndifferences; participated in ESL classes and weekly English-immersion lunches\n\xef\x82\xb7 Translated documents from French into English and vice versa\nMaster Tutor, Department of French Studies, Smith College (2013-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted beginning French students in grammar, comprehension, and pronunciation\nSales Associate and Bead Consultant, The Beadin\xe2\x80\x99 Path, Freeport, ME (Summers 2012-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided high quality customer service and ideas for customers\xe2\x80\x99 jewelry designs\nACTIVITIES & INTERESTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of the Chorale des Grandes \xc3\x89coles (2013-2014) and Smith College Chorus (2012-2014)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enjoy playing and watching sports including soccer, tennis, and ping pong\n\xef\x82\xb7 Avid video gamer\n24\n\n\x0cPhiladelphia Museum of Art\nPRESS RELATIONS COORDINATOR - MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS\nPosted: February 16, 2016\nThe Museum is currently seeking a Press Relations Coordinator to provide overall support to the media relations\nteam. The PR coordinator responds to press inquiries, coordinates press events and mailings, maintains the\nelectronic press room on the website and executes electronic blast press releases, advisories and e-vites. This\nposition works with various contacts within the museum including the Photography Department, Executive\nDepartment, Web Team, and various curatorial departments. Individual must be highly organized and pro-active.\nRequirements include a B.A. degree, preferably in English or Communications, and proficiency with Photoshop,\nInDesign, Access, HTML, and Word. Excellent writing, planning, and effective interpersonal skills are necessary.\nExperience in public relations or in a museum setting is a plus. Background or interest in art and new media are\nhighly desirable. This individual reports to the Director of Media Relations.\n\n25\n\n\x0cALEXANDR (ZANDER) DREW\nP.O. Box 000, South Deerfield, MA 01373\n\n(413) 000-0000\n\[email protected]\n\nFebruary 20, 2016\nGreer Diefenderfer\nEmployment Manager\nHuman Resources Department\nPhiladelphia Museum of Art\nP.O. Box 7646\nPhiladelphia, PA 19101-7646\n\nDear Ms. Diefenderfer:\nI am a graduating senior at Smith College writing to apply for the Press Relations Coordinator opportunity at\nthe Philadelphia Museum of Art posted February 16. I would bring to this position a demonstrated\ncommitment to the arts, strong public relations experience in arts non-profits, and proficiency with web and\npublications design software.\nLast summer as Marketing Intern for the Media Education Foundation, I led the development of MEF\xe2\x80\x99s social\nmedia presence increasing attendance at our events by over 25%. At the same time, I developed press kits,\nresponded to press inquiries, and designed a brochure for distribution at film conferences. Because the MEF\noffers resources designed to help spark discussion about some of the most pressing and complicated issues of\nour time, I saw firsthand the challenge of educating the public about unfamiliar topics. As a Museums\nConcentration student, I have learned that museums face similar challenges as they seek to attract an\nincreasingly diverse audience by engaging them with subject matter from different cultures and historical\nperiods.\nPreviously, as gallery assistant at the Firehouse Gallery in Vermont, I created a media and educational contact\ndatabase and designed an online press media list form \xe2\x80\x93 similar to that in your electronic press room \xe2\x80\x93 using\nDreamweaver. As a result, event attendance increased from previous years. As an intern in Smith\xe2\x80\x99s\nadvancement office I initiated an alumnae database that proved valuable to other campus departments\xe2\x80\x99 outreach\nto alums, while in the alumnae relations office, I answered daily email and phone inquiries, sent blast emails, and\ncoordinated mailings, often under a tight deadline.\nThe Press Relations Coordinator position particularly attracts me because it combines my passions for public\nrelations and the arts with my communication skills and talents in design and media. Having experienced how\nimportant the public relations function is to an arts organization\xe2\x80\x99s success, I am excited at the prospect of\njoining the media relations team at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, renowned for its collections, exhibitions,\nand programs, and adding to its already strong social media and communications efforts.\nI look forward to discussing my strong interest in this opportunity. Thank you for considering my application.\nSincerely,\nZander Drew\n\n26\n\n\x0cALEXANDR (ZANDER) DREW\nP.O. Box 000, South Deerfield, MA 01373\n\n(413) 000-0000\n\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nSmith College, Northampton, MA Bachelor of Arts expected May 2016\nMajor: Art History Minor: French Studies Museums Concentration GPA: 3.56\nRelated Courses: History and Critical Issues of Museums, Curating American Memory, Visual Anthropology\nResearch Paper: \xe2\x80\x9cVirtual vs. \xe2\x80\x98Bricks and Mortar\xe2\x80\x99 Museums: Why the Art World Needs Both\xe2\x80\x9d\nLanguage Proficiency: Fluent French; conversational Spanish\nComputer Skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, HTML; Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest,\nTwitter, YouTube; Constant Contact, Everest Business Management software\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\n\nMarketing Intern, Media Education Foundation, Northampton, MA, Summer 2015\n\xe2\x96\xaa Developed and compiled press kits and promotional materials for non-profit which produces and distributes\ndocumentary films to inspire critical thinking about mass media\n\xe2\x96\xaa Initiated and maintained digital archive of all media and press featuring MEF films; scanned 300+ articles\n\xe2\x96\xaa Contacted conference organizers to pitch MEF films to 30+ upcoming conferences\n\xe2\x96\xaa Created and managed accounts on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube\n\xe2\x96\xaa Launched MEF\'s Twitter and garnered a strong following by actively sharing links and posting Tweets\n\xe2\x96\xaa Researched client response on sites such as Facebook; analyzed efforts and successes of social media interaction\nto maximize positive feedback and buy-in\n\xe2\x96\xaa Updated and maintained individual client accounts using Everest Business Management software\n\nGallery Assistant, Burlington City Arts Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, VT, Summer 2014\n\xe2\x96\xaa Developed media and educational contact database of 500+; conducted research online and by phone\n\xe2\x96\xaa Initiated and designed online press media list form resulting in 150 new contacts\n\xe2\x96\xaa Coordinated educational gallery talks by artists and special events for members and general public\n\xe2\x96\xaa Engaged public in conversations about current exhibits; responded to questions\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\n\nIntern, Office of Advancement, Smith College, Northampton, MA, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015\n\xe2\x96\xaa Communicated with Smith alums by email and phone, responding to 30-40 emails daily\n\xe2\x96\xaa Engaged in conversations with prospective and current donors; referred to other departments as needed\n\xe2\x96\xaa Initiated independent projects: created database that facilitated campus-wide alumnae communications\nReunion Aide, Alumnae Relations Office, Smith College, Northampton, MA, Spring 2013, 2014, 2015\n\xe2\x96\xaa Organized events and activities including panel discussions and class dinners for 150+\n\xe2\x96\xaa Assisted
b"Sample Fresher Software Engineer Resume\nJames V. Walston\n2649 Fieldcrest Road\nNew York, NY 10011\nPhone: 631-963-0531\nEmail: [email protected]\nCareer Objective:\nTo obtain an entry-level software engineer position at\xe2\x80\x9dNexis Technology,\xe2\x80\x9d and contribute my computer\nscience knowledge, mathematical knowledge, and logics in designing and developing business software\napplications.\nSummary of Skills:\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Working experience as an intern at \xe2\x80\x9cALC Technology\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7Strong knowledge of software development cycle and release processes\n\xef\x82\xb7Good understanding software engineering tools\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent understanding of programming language\n\xef\x82\xb7Proficiency in developing web applications\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent communication, interpersonal, and project management skills\nWork Experience:\nTrainee Software Engineer\nMRC Systems, New York, NY\nDecember 2015 - Present\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisting in planning and execution of software development projects\n\xef\x82\xb7Writing, and testing programming for business applications\n\xef\x82\xb7Blending software components into functional software system\n\xef\x82\xb7Following instructions of senior engineers and working on software verification plans\n\xef\x82\xb7Documenting and maintaining software functionality and development stages\nTrainee Software Engineer\nModern Technology, New York, NY\nMarch 2014 - November 2015\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Entered date into various systems and updated information\n\xef\x82\xb7Researched and documented various data processes\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in designing and developing enterprise business applications\n\xef\x82\xb7Contributed in delivering precise and functional products and modules\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7Designed, developed, and executed test cases for business applications\nEducation:\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science\nABC University, New York, NY\n2014"
b"Resumes\n\nfor Engineers\n\nWhat is a resume?\nA resume is a marketing brochure about you. It describes your skills, experience (paid and/or unpaid), and your\neducation. The purpose of an effective resume is to get you an interview.\nIs one resume good for all jobs?\nYour job search materials should be customized for each position. If your search is focused on one type of\nposition, a single version of your resume may be fine, along with a cover letter that is tailored to your\nemployment target. If you\xe2\x80\x99re applying to a wider range of positions, you may need to revise your resume in\naddition to creating a new cover letter. This customization is essential to your marketing and requires research\nabout the organization and industry.\nWhat is a chronological resume?\nThe chronological resume is a commonly used format for undergraduate students. The experience section of a\nchronological resume includes your positions, listed in reverse chronological order (beginning with your most\nrecent position and working backwards). Essential data includes: name of organization, location, your title, and\ndates of employment/involvement. This is followed by several bullets, describing your skills and achievements.\nHow is an engineering resume different than a liberal arts resume?\nAn engineering resume may include specialized section headings such as:\nTechnical Skills\nEngineering Experience\n\nLab Experience\nAcademic Experience\n\nLab Skills\nResearch\n\nRelevant Courses\nProjects or Design Projects\n\nAn engineer often includes academic work including a list of courses and relevant project work. This academic\nexperience might be listed before work experience, if they have not yet interned or worked in an engineering\nenvironment. Technical skills may also be listed at the top of the resume if required by the position.\nWhat else do I need to know about resumes?\n\xe2\x97\x8f Survive the human scan. Resumes get less than 30 seconds of an employer's time.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Survive the electronic scan. Make sure you have used appropriate jargon and keywords for your field.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Capture your reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention by keeping your resume to a single, easily \xe2\x80\x98skimmable\xe2\x80\x99 page. Check\nwith a Career Advisor about exceptions to the one-page rule.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Use good quality paper in colors such as white, off-white or neutral if submitting hard copy.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Check for typos, spelling errors, and grammar usage.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Include a customized cover letter that demonstrates how you match the employer\xe2\x80\x99s requirements.\nHow do I email my resume?\n\xe2\x97\x8f Email your resume and cover letter as one attachment (PDF format with your cover letter as page 1\nand resume as page 2).\n\xe2\x97\x8f When emailing your documents to employers, include your first initial and last name in the title of the\ndocument. When creating an appropriate subject line for your email, use your name and the position\nto which you\xe2\x80\x99re applying. For example: Civil engineering intern application from J. Barnum.\n\xc2\xb7 Include a short note in your email message to briefly introduce yourself, list the position to which you are\napplying, and indicate that you have attached your application to the email and look forward to\nconnecting with the employer to discuss your skills and experiences.\n\n~Please use Resume Checklist on following page to prepare your document~\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cRESUME CHECKLIST\nFORMATTING & MECHANICS\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nDocument fits on one page without overcrowding. Check with a career advisor for rare exceptions.\nFont size is 10-12 point and is professional and uniform throughout resume.\nResume is visually appealing.\nDates are uniformly formatted, NOT placed in the left-hand margin\nJudicious use of bold, italics, and underlines enhances appearance and readability.\nThere are no errors in capitalization, spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation.\nMargins are no smaller than .5 inches.\nEntries are listed in reverse chronological order (current to oldest) in each section.\n\nCONTACT INFORMATION\n\nr Includes 1 address, 1 phone number, and 1 professional email address.\nr If applicable, contact information may include links to a professional portfolio, website, or LinkedIn page.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEducation is first section on resume, below contact info. Include honors/awards here (e.g., Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List).\nEach educational institution (high school/college) includes name and location (City, State).\nJunior/Seniors\xe2\x80\x99 resumes usually omit High School. Check with a career advisor for exceptions.\nStudy abroad is listed (institution, country, and dates of study), if applicable.\nDegree, month, and year of graduation are identified (i.e. \xe2\x80\x9cBachelor of Arts, May 2017\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s degree,\nMay 2017,\xe2\x80\x9d if undeclared)\nr Major(s) and minor(s), if declared, are listed.\nr Including coursework is optional and can be a separate section. List selected courses relevant to\njob/internship.\nr GPA is listed if 3.0 or higher. Include 2 decimal places. Do not round up.\n\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nEXPERIENCE (CAN BE MORE THAN 1 SECTION WITH TAILORED HEADINGS)\n\nr Include paid, volunteer, intern, and extracurricular activities.\nr Include 4 items: employer/organization name, location (City, State), dates, and title/role.\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nUse a round or square, solid bullet ( \xc2\xbe, \xcb\x9c) to list your accomplishments and skills.\nStart descriptions with strong skill-based verbs ( see the next page). Use present tense for ongoing work.\nPhrases are concise and provide useful information. To convey maximum impact, ask yourself, \xe2\x80\x9cSo what?\xe2\x80\x9d\nUse quantitative information, when possible, to prove your results and effectiveness.\n\nSKILLS\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nSkills can be listed in a separate category.\nSkills are identified by type, including computer, language, technical, and laboratory skills.\nProficiency level is included for languages (native, fluent, proficient, conversant).\nDo not include personal attributes or soft skills (e.g., teamwork, communication).\n\nADDITIONAL\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nInclude dates of participation for activities. A category of interests is optional.\nIf publication section is included, it is appropriately formatted.\nDocument does not include use of personal pronouns (I, me, we) or articles (a, the).\nList of references is not included. Do not use the phrase, \xe2\x80\x9cReferences available upon request .\xe2\x80\x9d\nTufts Career Center, Dowling Hall, Suite 740, Medford, MA 02155\n617.627.3299 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\x0cAdministrative Skills\napproved\narranged\ncatalogued\nclassified\n\nACTION VERBS\ncollected\ncompiled\ndispatched\nexecuted\n\ngenerated\nimplemented\ninspected\nmonitored\n\noperated\norganized\nprepared\nprocessed\n\npurchased\nrecorded\nretrieved\nscreened\n\nspecified\nsystematized\ntabulated\nvalidated\n\nCommunication Skills\naddressed\ndeveloped\narbitrated\ndirected\narranged\ndrafted\nedited\nauthored\nenlisted\ncorresponded\n\nformulated\ninfluenced\ninterpreted\nlectured\nmediated\n\nmoderated\nmotivated\nnegotiated\npersuaded\npromoted\n\npublicized\nreconciled\nrecruited\nspoke\n\ntranslated\nwrote\n\nCreative Skills\nacted\nconceptualized\ncreated\ndesigned\n\ndeveloped\ndirected\nestablished\nfounded\n\nillustrated\ninnovated\ninstituted\nintegrated\n\nintroduced\ninvented\noriginated\nperformed\n\nplanned\nrevitalized\nshaped\n\nFinancial Skills\nadministered\nallocated\nanalyzed\n\nappraised\naudited\nbalanced\n\nbudgeted\ncalculated\ncomputed\n\ndeveloped\nforecasted\nmanaged\n\nmarketed\nplanned\n\nHelping Skills\nassessed\nclarified\ncoached\n\ncounseled\ndemonstrated\ndiagnosed\n\neducated\nexpedited\nfacilitated\n\nfamiliarized\nguided\nreferred\n\nrehabilitated\nrepresented\n\nManagement Skills\nadministered\nanalyzed\nassigned\nattained\nchaired\n\nconducted\nconsolidated\ncontracted\ncoordinated\ndelegated\n\ndeveloped\ndirected\nevaluated\nexecuted\nimproved\n\nincreased\norganized\noversaw\nplanned\nprioritized\n\nproduced\nrecommended\nreviewed\n\nscheduled\nstrengthened\nsupervised\n\nResearch Skills\nclarified\ncollected\ncritiqued\n\ndiagnosed\nevaluated\nexamined\n\nextracted\nidentified\ninspected\n\ninterpreted\ninterviewed\ninvestigated\n\norganized\nreviewed\nsummarized\n\nsurveyed\nsystematized\n\nTeaching Skills\nadapted\nadvised\nclarified\ncoached\n\ncommunicated\ncoordinated\ndeveloped\nenabled\n\nencouraged\nevaluated\nexplained\nfacilitated\n\nguided\ninformed\ninitiated\ninstructed\n\npersuaded\nset goals\nstimulated\n\nTechnical Skills\nassembled\nbuilt\ncalculated\n\ncomputed\ndesigned\ndevised\n\nengineered\nfabricated\nmaintained\n\noperated\noverhauled\nprogrammed\n\nremodeled\nrepaired\nsolved\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\nprojected\nresearched\n\nupgraded\ntrained\n\n\x0cHOW TO DESCRIBE PART-TIME JOBS, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT & MORE\nYou\xe2\x80\x99ve probably held part-time and summer jobs that provide income yet may not be aligned with your\ncareer goals. This work has a legitimate place on your resume. It gives prospective employers an\nimportant message about your \xe2\x80\x9csoft skills,\xe2\x80\x9d personality traits and talents such as work ethic, attitude,\nand teamwork. Never underestimate the value of what you may think of as \xe2\x80\x9conly a part-time job.\xe2\x80\x9d\nHere are examples of phrases that describe the types of work done by many students. Please review all\nthe sections to get ideas about language that you can adapt for \xe2\x80\x98bullet points\xe2\x80\x99 on your own resume.\nAdministrative Positions & Campus Employment\n\xc2\xb7 Manage administrative tasks from data entry to appointment scheduling\n\xc2\xb7 Greet clients, manage phone system, and order office supplies\n\xc2\xb7 Compile and process detailed patient information for busy health care practice\n\xc2\xb7 Review email communication, prioritize time-sensitive issues, and direct inquiries to staff\n\xc2\xb7 Reduced time for order fulfillment by recommending and initiating new inventory system\n\xc2\xb7 Monitor library and respond to student inquiries about online and print resources\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\nWait Staff, Bartender & Tufts Dining Services\nManage dinner operations which serve more than 600 customers nightly\nSupervise and train staff; manage scheduling for two shifts\nOversee closing procedures including transferring all cash to safe\nGenerate positive feedback from customers, resulting in favorable reviews by management\nPromoted from Bar Back to Bartender based on performance and dependability\nCollaborate with team of servers for catered events involving up to 500 guests\nSales & Customer Service\nIncreased sales by analyzing customer preferences and recommending merchandise\nRecognized as \xe2\x80\x98Employee of the Week\xe2\x80\x99 in commission-based environment\nManage cash transactions, process sales returns, and restock inventory\nTrain new employees, track inventory, and respond to customer inquiries\nCamp Counseling, Classroom Assistance & Childcare\n\n\xc2\xb7 Planned and led educational, social, and athletic activities for children\n\n\xc2\xb7 Supervised pre-school children, organized group activities, communicated with parents\n\xc2\xb7 Create calendars, charts, bulletin boards, and other classroom visuals\n\xc2\xb7 Coach child with special needs to develop math, English, and social skills\n\nResident Assistant (RA)\n\xc2\xb7 Manage dormitory residence of 30 freshmen; counsel students and resolve conflicts\n\xc2\xb7 Design and implement programming for up to 250 students\n\xc2\xb7 Lead weekly meetings and community-building activities\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\nSmall Business & Entrepreneurial Ventures\nConceived and established organization to promote green initiatives on campus\nLaunched t-shirt company and built sales using social media and special events\nExpand business by generating referrals from existing clients\nAdvise management on use of social media to target new markets\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSample A\n\nName\n\nCurrent Address \xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number\nHome Address \xe2\x80\xa2 Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, expected May xxxx\nGPA: 3.67, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nRELEVANT COURSES\nBiomechanics and Materials in Medicine, Gourmet Engineering, Chemistry/Physical Chemistry, Biology,\nMaterials Science, Thermodynamics and Process Calculations, Health Care in America\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nVillanova Summer Research Institute, Villanova, PA\nResearcher, June xxxx- August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Performed epidemiological and population biology research on HIV and Malaria co-infection\n\xc2\xb7 Gained extensive experience in computer visualization and data analysis\n\xc2\xb7 Created PowerPoint presentations to convey research results and presented to laboratory managers\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nAlexander\xe2\x80\x99s Twin Pharmacy, Cambridge, MA\nPharmacy Technician and Graphic Designer, June xxxx-August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Developed website for infertility medication information\n\xc2\xb7 Designed specialty sales brochures and created labels for compounded medications\n\xc2\xb7 Filled prescriptions and compounded medications\nOffice of New Jersey State Representative Gary Guear, Hamilton, NJ\nIntern and Speech Writer, February-April xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Researched and wrote speeches for Representative Guear to give on House floor and at press conferences\n\xc2\xb7 Organized and managed Cell Phones for Seniors Program\n\nACTIVITIES\nMassachusetts Water Watch, Volunteer, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Educate community about Mystic Valley River System\xe2\x80\x99s water problems; test water for pollutants\nInternational Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers, Class Representative, Dates\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE), Member, Dates\nTufts Dance Collective, Member, Dates\n\nSKILLS\nComputer: CAD, AutoCAD, VBA, JMP In (statistical analysis program), Microsoft Office\nLaboratory: Mass Spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE, Gas Chromatography, Cell Culture, HPLC, Gene Cloning\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSample B\n\nName\nAddress\nPhone number | Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics, May xxxx\nGPA: 3.2 | Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List 5/8 semesters\n\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nBiotechnology Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Intro to Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry/Physical Chemistry, Cells &\nOrganisms, Structure & Strength of Materials, Applications of Mathematics & Software to Chemical Engineering (MATLAB),\nFluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics & Process Calculations, Computer Engineering/Graphics, Quantum Mechanics, Real Analysis,\nCalculus-Based Physics, Intro to Electrical Systems, Linear Algebra, Calculus/Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nTufts University Math Department | Medford, MA | Date-Present\n\xc2\xb7 Prepare assignments for professors of numerous calculus classes, and grade homework\nGibbons Middle School | Westborough, MA | Dates\nSubstitute Teacher for science, English, ESL, Spanish, and music classes\n\xc2\xb7 Translated science and English study material for Spanish/Portuguese students still learning the English language\nLincoln-Sudbury Regional and Westborough Public Schools | Boston Area, MA | Dates\nMath Tutor for AB/BC Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Algebra II, Algebra I, Pre-Algebra, SAT I/IC/IIC, and ACT\nTufts Student Resources | Medford, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Supervised operations of \xe2\x80\x9cThe Rez,\xe2\x80\x9d non-profit, student-run organization on Tufts University campus\n\xc2\xb7 Trained new workers in using equipment and interacting with customers\nAlpha Omicron Pi Leader\xe2\x80\x99s Council | Medford, MA | Dates\nVice President of Education and Chapter Relations Representative\n\xc2\xb7 Managed educational sessions, forums, and events for AOII members to attend at Tufts University and around Boston Area\n\xc2\xb7 Organized calendar of events for AOII National Board\nNatick Mall | Framingham, MA | Dates\nExpress Sales Associate, Lead all sales associates in opening credit card accounts\n\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE\nFundraising America | Medford, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Organized and headed tribute fundraising event to help raise over $7,000, enabling participation of 100 students in the\n\xe2\x80\x9cAmerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention\xe2\x80\x99s Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk\xe2\x80\x9d in New York City\nTufts University Pre-Medical Society | Medford, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Edited application essays for students of Tufts University applying to medical school\nChildren\xe2\x80\x99s Hospital Boston \xe2\x80\x93 Miles for Miracles | Boston, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Ran 2006 Boston Marathon, raising over $500 for Children\xe2\x80\x99s Hospital in Boston\nTowns of Washington and Quincy | Quincy, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Sang in Community Sing with other community adults and Washington-Quincy Regional High School Concert Choir\n\nACTIVITIES\nTufts Math Society | Represent Tufts University in the 200X PUTNAM Competition, nation-wide math competition\nSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) | Active in advertising and building community among the engineering women at Tufts\nTufts Burlesque Troupe (TBT) & Tufts Dance Collective (TDC) | Leading Soloist & Choreographer\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) | Member\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n7\n\n\x0cSample C\nName\nTufts email\nAddress, Phone number\\nEducation\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, May xxxx\nMinor: Philosophy\nGPA 3.75, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List all semesters\n\nSkills\n\nSoftware: MS Office, AutoCAD 14, Sigma Plot\nProgramming Languages: C, C++, Basic, HTML, JavaScript, Perl, Motif, CGI\nLanguages: Proficient in Spanish\n\nRelevant\nCoursework\n\nData Structures in C++\nMultimedia Programming in HTML, JavaScript, Perl. and CGI\nObject Oriented Programming in C++ and Motif\nDifferential Equations\n\nExperience\n\nTufts University EECS Department, Medford, MA\nTeaching Assistant, September xxxx -Present\n\xc2\xb7 Grade homework for Introduction to C Programming\n\xc2\xb7 Teach computer laboratories for beginning programming students\n\xc2\xb7 Provide individual assistance with class projects during open office hours\nNZ Applied Technology, Woburn, MA\nLaboratory Research Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Grew thin ferroelectric films of varying composition on crystal substrates\n\xc2\xb7 Tested materials for electro-optic properties using a 632.8nm He-Ne laser\n\xc2\xb7 Processed and analyzed information and prepared report for publication\n\xc2\xb7 Programmed Visual BASIC modules for data analysis\nCircuit City, Framingham, MA\nCustomer Service Associate, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Handled complaints as an intermediary between customers and management\n\xc2\xb7 Processed credit applications\n\nActivities\n\nTau Beta Pi, Vice-President, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Organized technical writing seminar for 35 members\nTufts University, Unix Systems Administrator, Dates\nInstitution of Industrial Electronics Engineering, Member\n\nPublication\n\nStructural and Electro- Optic Properties in Lead Magnesium Niobate\nTitanate Thin Films, submitted for publication to the Journal of Applied\nPhysics in December xxxx\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSample D\n\nName\n\nAddress \xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number \xe2\x80\xa2 Tufts email\n\nObjective\n\nAn internship working in development, design, implementation or monitoring of\nalternative stormwater and/or wastewater treatment projects.\n\nEducation\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, May xxxx\nGPA: 3.2\nRelevant coursework: Environment and Technology; Applied Mechanics-Statics;\nCalculus; Chemical Principles\nRidgedale High School, Ridgedale, NJ, June xxxx\nNational Honor Society, President\n\nExperience\n\nEarthwatch, Medford, MA, Jan.-May xxxx\nCampus Ambassador\n\xc2\xb7 Coordinated logistics for campus environmental awareness events\n\xc2\xb7 Videotaped campus speakers for use on website\nWBZ-TV Boston, Boston, MA, May-Aug. xxxx\nAssistant\n\xc2\xb7 Contributed to project entitled, \xe2\x80\x9cSuper Construction/Reengineering\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xc2\xb7 Observed newsroom activities, including the writing and editing of stories\n\xc2\xb7 Reviewed page layout under supervision of head engineer\nSouth Shore Music Circus, Quincy, MA, Dates\nSecretary, Waiter\n\xc2\xb7 Provided telephone and administrative support to staff and consumers\n\xc2\xb7 Organized orders to ensure fast delivery; provided excellent customer service\nJoe\xe2\x80\x99s Restaurant, Ridgedale, NJ, Dates\nServer\n\xc2\xb7 Adapted to individual personalities to assure customer satisfaction\n\xc2\xb7 Interacted with owner and staff to produce quality team work\n\nComputer Skills\n\nMicrosoft Office; C++\n\nActivities\n\nEngineers Without Borders, Sept. XXXX -Present\nRidgedale High School, Yearbook Committee, Dates\nRidgedale High School Math Society, Competitive Member, Dates\nRidgedale Community Services, Volunteer, Dates\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n9\n\n\x0cSample E\nName\n\nAddress \xc2\xb7 Phone number \xc2\xb7 Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering expected May xxxx\nMinor: English Literature\nGPA: 3.2/4.0, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Henry J. Leir Memorial Scholarship\nUniversity College London, London, England\nConcentration: Electrical Engineering, Dates\nSKILLS\nProgramming Languages: Assembly, C++, Visual Basic, Avenue\nSoftware: Matlab, AutoCAD, Arcview\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nMicroprocessors, Data Structures, Feedback Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing,\nFields and Waves, Communication Systems\nPROJECTS\nHybrid Racecar Low Voltage Electronics, Sept.XXXX - present\n\xc2\xb7 Scope viability of 3 different electrical designs to assess most effective implementation\nRobotics Academy- Search and Rescue Robots, Sept. XXXX \xe2\x80\x93May XXXX\n\xc2\xb7 Developed microprocessor controls for robots working together to find location\n\xc2\xb7 Collaborated with child development and mechanical engineering students to create robots to\nuse as teaching materials for K-12 engineering education\nEXPERIENCE\nMinimax Corporation, St. Paul, MN\n\nIntern- ScadaCam Development Department, Dates\n\xc2\xb7\n\n\xc2\xb7\n\nConverted microprocessor controls from prototype version to completed set of controls which\nwill be installed in Arizona and Brazil next year\nUpdated embedded 6811 code driving a remotely controlled camera by adding resting pulse\nwidth modulation and slow speed positional smoothing interrupts, position query, stop\ncommand, temperature averaging, and communications protocol\n\nJumpstart, Boston, MA\nAmericorps Member, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Led classroom activities and curriculum planning meetings with team of ten peers\n\xc2\xb7 Developed innovative ways to communicate with Cantonese and Spanish speaking children\nMaier Engineering Inc., St. Paul, MN\n\nIntern \xe2\x80\x93 Geographic Information Systems Department, Dates\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\n\xc2\xb7\n\nPrepared GIS maps for electric utility clients using Arcview\nReorganized server filing system by streamlining folder naming conventions for greater ease\nin project management\nRedesigned CAD spec sheets fixing errors caused by multiple authorship\n\nACTIVITIES\nIEEE, Jan. XXXX \xe2\x80\x93 Present, SWE, Sept. XXXX- Present, Tufts Corale, Jan XXXX - Present\nFormula Hybrid Team, Jan. XXXX \xe2\x80\x93 May XXXX, math tutor, Sept XXXX \xe2\x80\x93 May XXXX\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n10\n\n\x0cSample F\n\nName\nAddress, Phone number, Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering, May xxxx\nMinor: English\nGPA 3.53, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nSoftware: Microsoft Office XP, AutoCAD (3D modeling and design), MS Excel,\nMS PowerPoint, MS Word, Scanning, Writing/Creating CDs\nProgramming Languages: Visual Basic, C++, Very High Speed Integrated Circuit\nHardware Description Language (VHDL), Register Transfer Language (RTL), Machine\nAssembly Language with the Motorola 68HC11 and 68HC12 Microprocessor Chips\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES &\nPROJECTS\n\nElectromagnetic Field and Wave Theory (with lab), Math of Linear Systems,\nMicroprocessor Architecture and Applications (with lab), Introduction to Analog/Digital\nElectronics(with lab), Biomedical Engineering I\nBose Speaker Design Project, First Place Design\n\xc2\xb7 Designed, as part of team, winning speaker based on loudness, clarity and range of\nfrequencies\n\xc2\xb7 Used materials including wood, paper, plastic, rubber, magnets, and copper wire\n\xc2\xb7 Consulted with a professional electrical engineer\nElectronic Musical Instrument\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and built an electronic musical instrument with two other teammates\n\xc2\xb7 Programmed computer to interpret the signals based on colors pressed by musician\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStevenson Lumber Co., Stevenson, CT\nDates\nYard Helper/Delivery Truck Driver\n\xc2\xb7 Promoted to delivery truck driver from yard helper after 6 weeks based on performance\nand dependability\nRiver Restaurant, Derby, CT\nDates\nWaiter/Bar Back\n\xc2\xb7 Interacted with wait staff and bartenders to produce quality teamwork and open\ncommunication during peak business hours\n\xc2\xb7 Demonstrated adaptability to high pressure environment with strict time constraints\n\nVOLUNTEER\nACTIVITIES\n\nKid\xe2\x80\x99s Day, Tufts University\nToys for Tots, Tufts University\nBig Brother/Big Sister, Boston, MA\nNo Homer\xe2\x80\x99s Club, Dodge Ball Benefit Game, Tufts University\n\nATHLETICS\n\nTufts University Varsity Football\n\xc2\xb7 Selected to NESCAC All-Academic Team\n\xc2\xb7 Selected to NESCAC First Team Special Teams\n\xc2\xb7 Selected to All NESCAC Second Team Defensive Back\nTufts University Varsity Track\n\nINTERESTS\n\nSpring xxxx\nFall xxxx\nFall xxxx\nSpring xxxx\nDates\n\nDates\n\nSnowboarding, Skiing, Hiking, Basketball, Golf, and Cooking\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n11\n\n\x0cSample G\n\nName\nAddress \xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number \xe2\x80\xa2 Tufts email\nEducation\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, expected May xxxx\nMinor in Engineering Management\n\nHonors\n\nJackie Robinson Foundation Scholar\nBalfour Scholar\n\nExperience\n\nGilbane Building Company, New Haven, CT\nEngineering Clerk/Intern, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Prepare graphs, maps, and exhibits to support project engineers and program managers who\nrepresented the City of New Haven during the building of public schools\nTufts University Admissions, Medford, MA\nProgram Coordinator, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Coordinated a large 2\xe2\x80\x933 day program encouraging visiting prospective students to apply and\nenroll at Tufts\nTufts University Development, Medford, MA\nDonations Specialist, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Contacted alumni and friends of Tufts about contributing donations for Telefund project\nUnilever Home and Personal Care-North America, Clinton, CT\nTransportation Administrator, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Arranged the shipping of Unilever products, resolved product transportation issues\n\xc2\xb7 Contributed as an active member of a high performance work team\nVector Marketing Corporation, Hamden, CT\nSales Representative, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Sold $5,000 of cutlery; scheduled sales appointments by networking\n\nProfessional\nAffiliations\n\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Student Member, Dates\nNational Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Student Member, Dates\nBoston Society of Civil Engineers Section (BSCES), Student Member, Dates\n\nLeadership\n\nBlack Men\xe2\x80\x99s Group\nPresident, Dates, Senior Class Representative, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Organized first ever meeting with similar groups from 5 other area schools\n\nCommunity\nService\n\nHabitat for Humanity, Dates\n\xc5\xb8 Participated in house building project in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina\n\nComputer\n\nGeneral Programs: Visual Basic Analysis (VBA), AutoCAD and MathCAD\nGeotechnical engineering programs: Stress and BCAF\nStructural engineering program: Visual Analysis\nProgramming Language: C++\n\nSkills\n\nInterests\n\nBasketball, football, rugby, baseball; music (Hip Hop and R&B); environmental conservation\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n12\n\n\x0cSample H\nName\nTufts email\nAddress, Phone number\nEDUCATION\nTufts University Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May xxxx\nUniversity of Canterbury, New Zealand\nStudy Abroad Program, Materials Concentration January xxxx \xe2\x80\x93 June xxxx\nRELEVANT COURSES\nEngineering Materials, Applied Mathematics for Engineers, Modern Quality Control, System Dynamics and\nControls, Instruments and Experiments, Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics and Vibrations, Machine Design,\nThermodynamics, Strength of Materials Technical Writing, Entrepreneurial Leadership\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nKeynote, AutoCAD, Lab View, Microsoft Office, ClarisWorks, iMic\nPROJECTS AND RESEARCH\nTufts University, Microhardness Indentation Testing, Medford, MA\nUndergraduate Researcher, September xxxx-present\n\xc2\xb7 Prepared and performed Knoop and Vickers Test on samples of Epoxy and C. fornicata snail shell\nTufts University Senior Design Competition, Medford, MA\nTesting Technician, December xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Volunteered to test the senior design project of Senior Mechanical Engineer\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented tests to check quality and usability of litter suspension system\nMechanical Engineering Project Work, Medford, MA\nAssistant, September - December xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Machined parts for and assembled Air Motor; designed Lab View program to test efficiency of Air Motor\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and constructed a violin\n\xc2\xb7 Constructed Piezo Film and pressure sensors to collect data from African drums\n\xc2\xb7 Created a dummy drum to play multiple parts at once using data and sensors\nEXPERIENCE\nTufts University Center for Engineering Educational Outreach, Medford, MA\nUndergraduate Fellow/LEGO Camp Counselor, May - August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Guided individual project construction and Introduction to Engineering Design Process\n\xc2\xb7 Developed curriculum and prototyping for World\xe2\x80\x99s Smallest Steamboat\nB\xe2\x80\x99nai B\xe2\x80\x99rith Beber Camp, Mukwonago, WI\nCamp Counselor, July \xe2\x80\x93 August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Organized three day and one day camping trips for 20 campers aged 12-16\n\xc2\xb7 Promoted a safe and enjoyable environment for all campers\nAWARDS AND RECOGNITION\nFIRST Robotics Competition, September xxxx \xe2\x80\x93 June xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Competed in US National Championships, Epcot Center, Florida\nPatent Application for \xe2\x80\x9cWind-Propelled Skateboard\xe2\x80\x9d, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Co-invented and co-built prototypes\nACTIVITIES\nTufts University Robotics Academy, member, December xxxx - Present\nRace Across Campus, 2nd Place, February xxxx\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n13\n\n\x0cSample I\nNAME\nCurrent Address | City, State | Phone number | Email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nMaster of Science in Computer Science, anticipated Date\nGPA: 3.87/4.0\nRelated Courses: Advanced Databases, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Human Computer\nInteraction, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Biotechnology, Biology, Computational Geometry, Special Topics in\nComputer Science.\nThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel\nBachelor of Science, Computer Science, Date\nGPA: 84/100\n\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\nMicroarray Data Analysis: Classification of Human Lung Cancers, Date - Present\n\xc2\xb7 Research various clustering methods in order to classify human lung carcinomas based on microarray experiments.\nIdentification of Transcription Factors from Primary Sequences, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented a program to identify specific transcription factors from raw sequence data.\nWeb Application, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented auction web site using SQL Server 7, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript on Microsoft InterDev.\n\nCOMPUTER EXPERTISE\nDevelopment:\nPlatforms:\n\nJava, C, C++, Scheme, Lisp, VB, SQL Server 7, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML, VBScript,\nJavaScript, ASP, PHP, XML, Remote Scripting, CSS, ODBC, JDBC, Servlet, JSP.\nMicrosoft Visual Studio 6, IBM VisualAge, Visual Caf\xc3\xa9, JDK, Visual InterDev, Dreamweaver,\nMicrosoft Office.\n\nTECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nWebmaster and Teacher Assistant, Date - Present\n\xc2\xb7 Maintain Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments\xe2\x80\x99 websites.\n\xc2\xb7 Teach classes and meet individually with students in Database Systems and Computer Graphics.\n\xc2\xb7 Developed web application for the Tufts Computing and Communications Service.\n\xc2\xb7 Maintained and developed web application under supervision of Vice President Office.\nABC Technologies, Tel Aviv, Israel\nSoftware Engineer, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Developed Web Application involving XML, ASP, VBScript, Jscript, Remote Scripting, and COM objects.\nHebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel\nSoftware Engineer, Office of Dean of Computer Science and Teacher Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented website database structure for students and faculty use.\n\xc2\xb7 Taught computer languages (Java, C++) to first year students.\nACTIVITIES\nTufts Daily, Contributing Writer, Dates\nTufts University Hillel, Dates\n\n7\n\n\x0cSample J\nName\n\nLocal address \xe2\x88\x99 phone number \xe2\x88\x99 Tufts email\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering anticipated May xxxx\nGPA 3.54\nTufts-in-Talloires, six-week study program in French Alps, MacJannet Scholar, May-June xxxx\nENGINEERING EXPERIENCE\nCharles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, Undergraduate Engineer, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed process to fabricate airway stent out of bioresorbable material\n\xc2\xb7 Studied the degradation properties of the bioresorbable material used to fabricate the airway stent\n\xc2\xb7 Imaged nanopatterns deposited on the bioresorbable material with scanning electron microscope (SEM)\nReactive Innovators, Westfield, MA, Laboratory Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Researched catalysts for oxygen and ozone production in oxygen concentrator and water disinfection unit\n\xc2\xb7 Constructed parts of a chlorination unit for large scale drinking water disinfection\nRESEARCH\nTufts BioMedical Laboratory, Research Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed experiments and devices to induce a regenerative response in mammals through the application\nof an external electric field\n\xc2\xb7 Conducted in vitro and in vivo mouse model studies\nEMPLOYMENT\nFire & Ice, Cambridge, MA, Waitress, Dates\nCousens Pool, Tufts University, Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor, Dates\nLakeside Day Camp, Wellesley MA, Waterfront and Arts Counselor, Dates\nSKILLS\nComputer: Proficient in Final Cut Pro; Adobe InDesign, Photoshop; Microsoft Office\nLanguage: Fluent in Spanish, Conversational French\nLaboratory: Tissue culture, histology, microelectrode design, data acquisition systems, in vivo murine studies\nINTERESTS\nDigital photography, songwriting, skiing, travel (18 countries, 3 continents)\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSAMPLE LIST OF REFERENCES\nNAME\nCurrent/School Address City, State, Zip Phone number Email\nREFERENCES\nMr. George Smith\nSenior Engineer\nABC Company\n540 Lexington St.\nWaltham, MA 02542\n781.555.6117\[email protected]\nMr. Smith supervised my employment for two years at ABC Company.\n\nUse the same name/address\nheading that you have on your\nresume for your list of references.\n\nDr. Carla Johnson\nDepartment of Chemical Engineering\nTufts University\nMedford, MA 02155\n617.555.2307\[email protected]\nDr. Johnson is my Academic Advisor at Tufts University, where she guides me in making decisions about my major course of\nstudy and projects.\nMs. Gale Mitchell\nAlways list a telephone number as it\nTraining Supervisor\nis most likely that your references\nXYZ Company\nwill want to discuss your previous\n49 Brattle St\nperformance in a phone call.\nCambridge, MA 02138\n617.555.2222\[email protected]\nMs. Mitchell was my manager at XYZ Company, and she can best describe my program management experience.\n\nWHAT IS A \xe2\x80\x9cLIST OF REFERENCES\xe2\x80\x9d & WHEN WILL I NEED ONE?\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\nMost employers will ask for \xe2\x80\x9creferences,\xe2\x80\x9d which entail a phone conversation with someone who knows your work. In\nsome instances, employers may require written recommendations and will specify this in their job posting.\nBe ready to offer three references from current or former employers, professors who have taught one or more of your\ncourses, and others who have supervised or worked with you in a professional context. Do not list family members,\nneighbors, friends and other personal contacts unless they have supervised your work in a professional or academic\nsetting.\nCheck with your references before you give their contact info to a prospective employer. Provide them with a copy of\nyour resume, a job description, and the highlights of your work with them that are relevant to the new position.\nUse the same name/address heading as you do on your resume in case it gets separated from your resume and the\nsame color/quality paper for the reference sheet if submitting in hard copy.\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n14"
b'ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING RESUME\n\t\nJUAN CORTES\n1932 West Circle\nSouth San Francisco, CA 94080\[email protected]\n(650)749-XXXX\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain an entry-level electrical engineering position\nEDUCATION\nB.S. Electrical Engineering, 20XX\nSan Francisco State University, cumulative GPA: 3.96\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Graduated with Honors 20XX, Summa Cum Laude, San Francisco State University\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nLinear Systems Analysis, Electronics, Basic Computer Architecture, Electromechanical Systems,\nElectromagnetics, Communication Systems, Design with Microprocessors, Digital Signal Processing\nCERTIFICATES\ns Engineering in Training, certificate No. EIT 122475, issued June 24, 20XX\ns Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors\nSKILLS\ns\ns\ns\ns\n\nComputer Hardware: IBM compatible computers, Motorola 68HC12 Microcontroller, PLC\xe2\x80\x99s\nComputer Software: AutoCAD, ActiveCad, Excel, Pspice, Matlab, VHDL, Verilog\nProgramming Languages: C++, Pascal, Visual Basic\nForeign Languages: Fluent in Spanish\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nStudent Design Trainee I (Electrical), San Francisco Public Utilities Commission \xe2\x80\x93 Water Supply and Treatment\nDivision, Millbrae, CA 20XX-present\ns Assist electrical engineer with projects related to electrical equipment upgrade and replacement for\nvarious water treatment facilities\ns Projects included: motor control, SCADA systems, and closed circuit television systems.\ns Prepare AutoCAD drawings and memos, collect and prepare data for different electrical equipment\nneeded for the projects\nOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE\nSenior Clerk/Back-up Supervisor, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, CA 19XX-present\ns Handled escalating customer calls and interacted with supervisors and managers in various departments\nto resolve problems\ns Distributed workload assignments, oversaw daily attendance, implemented call-volume reports for\nsenior department supervisors, trained new hires to become customer service representatives\nLEADERSHIP\ns IEEE \xe2\x80\x93 Vice President, 20XX\nSan Francisco State University \xe2\x80\xa2 Student Involvement & Career Center\n\n\n1600 Holloway Ave, Student Services Building 206, San Francisco CA 94132\n\n\nTel: 415/338-1761 \xe2\x80\xa2 Fax: 415/338-2979 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2'
b'School of Computer Science\nSample Resumes\nFreshman Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.2\nUndergraduate Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.3\nSenior Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.4\nGraduate HCI Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.5\nGraduate Computer Science Sample Resume\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.6\n\n\x0cCocoa Touch\[email protected] | 844-555-0990\nOBJECTIVE:\nAn internship or research opportunity that will allow me to utilize my problem solving skills and attention to\ndetail to further develop my abilities in the field of computer science.\nEDUCATION:\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, May 2018\nWalnut Hills High School, Cincinnati, OH\nDiploma with Honors, June 2014\nGPA 4.0/4.0\nCOURSEWORK:\nAnalysis I and II; Introduction to Programming; Concepts of Mathematics; Principles of Imperative\nProgramming, Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science\nPROJECT:\nProgramming Homework: An Adventure Game (Fall 2014)\n*Created a text-based adventure game with a graphical interface in Python.\nEXPERIENCE:\n*Intern for Dr. Richard M. Males, Cincinnati OH (November 2013 -January 2014):\nAssisted in the reformatting of Excel files for data analysis of expert reviews of flood rates and how they\nimpact different building structures.\n*Tutor for middle school students with East End Youth Projects (Fall 2014-Present)\nTECHNICAL SKILLS:\nProficient in Python.\nACTIVITIES:\nCMU KGB, Fall 2014-Present.\nVarsity High School Cross Country, Fall 2012-Fall 2013 (Team Captain, 2013).\nVarsity High School Track, Spring 2012-Spring 2014\nJunior Engineering Technical Society, 2012-2014.\nHONORS:\nCarnegie Scholarship, Fall 2014-Present.\nNational Merit Scholar, 2014\nNational AP Scholar Award, 2004\nCum Laude Society, 2014\n2\n\n\x0cMay Trix\n\n888-888-8881 | [email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON\nUNIVERSITY\nB.S. IN COMPUTER SCIENCE\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, HUMAN-COMPUTER\nINTERACTION INSTITUTE | RESEARCH ASSISTANT\n\nPittsburgh, PA | Expected May 2018\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Make Android and web apps for NavCog, a tool that uses sensors,\ncomputer vision, and crowdsourcing to help blind people move in\nspaces. Target crowdsourcing effort to create 3-D models of buildings\nand maintain sensors.\nJune 2015 - August 2015 | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led 3 person team developing mobile and wear apps for Chorus, a webbased crowdsourcing conversational assistant. Has text to speech and\nspeech to text capabilities. Uses Yelp Search and Yahoo APIs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Made a natural language processor tool to be added to Chorus web application.\n\nSKILLS\nJava \xe2\x80\xa2 Python \xe2\x80\xa2 C \xe2\x80\xa2 SML \xe2\x80\xa2 HTML5 \xe2\x80\xa2\nCSS \xe2\x80\xa2 Django \xe2\x80\xa2 Android \xe2\x80\xa2 LATEX\xe2\x80\xa2 Git\nData structures \xe2\x80\xa2 Software design\npatterns\n\nCOURSEWORK\nParallel and Sequential Data\nStructures and Algorithms\nIntroduction to Computer Systems\nSoftware System Construction\nGreat Theoretical Ideas in Computer\nScience\nWeb Application Development\nPrinciples of Imperative\nComputation\nPrinciples of Functional\nProgramming\n\nLINKS\nGithub:// sumkit\n\nLinkedIn:// summerkitahara\n\nFebruary 2016 - Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\nBUSINESS GOLF ACADEMY | SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER\nMay 2015 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Manage the social media presence for BGA, which encourages\nwomen to use golf to advance their careers. Tripled Twitter followers\n\nPROJECTS\nUMBRELLA | LEAD ANDROID DEVELOPER, GIT REPO MANAGER\nFebruary 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 App uses crowdsourcing to \xef\xac\x81ght gender-based violence and the\nbystander effect. Bluetooth-based messaging where users\nanonymously post situation.\n\nBUDGIE | LEAD ANDROID DEVELOPER, GIT REPO MANAGER\nSeptember 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 App to manage and categorize expenses. Implements Microsoft\xe2\x80\x99s\nOxford Opitcal Character Recognition API. Pie charts show\nspending distribution.\n\nACTIVITIES\nWOMEN\xe2\x80\x99S VARSITY GOLF TEAM | CAPTAIN (2014-PRESENT)\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Won Thomas B. Craig & LaVerne Craig Tartan Award 2015-2016\n(Most Valuable Player), University Athletic Association All\nAssociation First Team, Eastern College Athletic Conference\nRookie of the Month Division III, University Athletic Association\nWomen\xe2\x80\x99s Golf Athlete of the Week (3 times)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Student Athlete Advisory Council | September 2014 - May 2015\n\nWOMEN@SCS | MENTOR\nSeptember 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\x9dBig sister\xe2\x80\x9d in the Big Sister/Little Sister mentoring program.\n\nTHE FIRST TEE OF PITTSBURGH | VOLUNTEER GOLF\nINSTRUCTOR\nSeptember 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teach golf and life skills to 20 underprivileged children ages 8-16 years\n\n3\n\n\x0cAl Gorithm\n\[email protected] | (918) 555-6197\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain a professional position in the consulting industry utilizing my relevant experience, technical expertise,\nand problem solving skills.\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, May 2016\n\nGPA: 3.0\n\nSelected Coursework: Data Structures (Java), Web Applications, Database Applications, Distributed Systems,\nComputer Systems (C and Unix), Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science\nSKILLS\n\nCoding: C/C++, Java, x86 assembly, C#, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SML, Ruby, Perl\nTechnologies/Environment: Windows, Win32 API/GUI, Linux, MySQL, OpenGL, ASP.NET\n\nEXPERIENCE\nArtemia Health Systems, Cleveland, Ohio\nStudent Intern (Summer 2015)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created new functionality for state-level prescription drug information system\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with end users to determine their information needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote application to create custom surveys\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Migrated existing website from SQL Membership to to ASP.NET\nCarnegie Mellon University Computing Services Help Center, Pittsburgh, PA\nStudent Consultant (September 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 Present)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Resolved issues regarding networking (wired, wireless, and dialup), and email problems for Carnegie\nMellon University users\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answered questions about software supported by the university, such as MS Office\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Communicated with customers through email, telephone, and face to face\nPROJECTS\nVintage Foundation (Fall 2014) \xe2\x80\x93 a consulting project in a nonprofit organization\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advised on new technologies to help further the organizational mission\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed program director on building a user-friendly website and relational database\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assessed systemic problems and suggested possible solutions\nNews Delivery System (Spring 2014) - online information gathering/presentation system\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Integrated old code with new for web application delivering custom tailored web news\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coded in Java using Model-View-Controller architecture\nEbarter (Fall 2013) - an online bartering system running on Apache Tomcat\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Applied software engineering principles along with J2SE Web Development Kit\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led team in coding phase of development\n\n4\n\n\\[email protected]\n(844)555-1905\n\nU.X. (Dee) Sign\nWork Experience\n\nEducation\n\nMHCI Capstone with NASA--Design Lead, Jan \xe2\x80\x93\nAug 2014 Collaborated with a team of masters\nstudents to design for NASA engineers and the\nInternational Space Station, designed and developed\na mobile application and RFID tracking system.\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\nMasters of Human-Computer Interaction, Dec.\n2014\nCarnegie Mellon University\nBFA in Communication Design, May\n2014\nDouble major in HCI\n3.76/4.0 GPA, with highest honors\n\nCMU School of Design--Teaching Assistant, Aug \xe2\x80\x93\nDec 2013 Aided two professors in teaching 41 firstyear design students the basics of design principles.\nGuided the students, answered questions, attended\ntheir class, and helped document their work.\n\nRecognition\n\nApple--Visual Interface Design Intern, Summer\n2013\nCreated usable interactions. Designed user flows.\nWorked on new features with the iTunes Apps\nDesign team. Ideated new interfaces.\n\nPhi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Sept\n2013\nAndrew Carnegie Society Scholar,\nSept 2013\nSchool of Design Merit Award, May\n2012\nCarnegie Mellon Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List 6/8\nsemesters\n\nPenguin Group (USA)--Design/Art Intern, June \xe2\x80\x93\nAug 2012 Designed e-book covers. Assisted cover\ndesigners with type- setting on book jackets. Proposed\nfull book covers to art director.\n\nSkills\n\nBranding Brand\xe2\x80\x94UX Designer, Fall 2014\nDesigned mobile sites and apps for major e-commerce\nbrands. Analyzed client sites and provided\nrecommendations to improve. Devised and\nimplemented A/B tests and measured results. Oversaw\ndesign of new products from conception to launch\n\nUser Research:\nContextual Design\nThink Aloud\nPersona Design\nStoryboarding\nHeuristic Evaluation\n\nInvolvement\n\nDesign:\nSketch\nPhotoshop\nIllustrator\nInDesign\nAfterEffects\n\nCMU Spring Carnival Head of Marketing, 2013 \xe2\x80\x93\nApril 2014 CMU School of Drama\xe2\x80\x99s Playground\nDesigner, 2013, 2014 Counterpoint A Cappella\nPresident, Jan 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2013 CMU CMU\n\nPrototyping:\nHTML/CSS\nJavascript\nMATLAB\nArduino\n\nOrientation Leader, Aug 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug 2013\n\n5\n\n\x0cMACK CROLANGUAGE\n844-555-2626 | [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nMaster of Science, Computer Science, December 2015\nSelected Coursework: Introduction to Machine Learning (10-601, Fall 2014), Distributed Systems (15-440/640, Fall 2014),\nAlgorithm Design and Analysis (15-451/651, Fall 2014), Web Apps Development (15-637, Spring 2015), Machine Learning\nwith Large Datasets (10-605, Spring 2015), Graduate Artificial Intelligence (15-780, Spring 2015)\nBirla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India\nBachelor of Engineering (Hons.), Computer Science (Minor: M.Sc. Economics), July 2014\nSKILLS\nProgramming/Scripting Languages: (Proficient) Java;(Familiar) Python, C, SQL, Javascript, MATLAB, Perl\nFrameworks and tools: Hadoop, Django, DKPro for NLP, Maven, Git\nEXPERIENCE\nSoftware Engineering Intern\nYahoo! Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, May - August, 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interned with the user data team, which is part of cloud services at Yahoo!\nResearch Intern\nUbiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab, TU Darmstadt, Germany, January - June, 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed an application (in Java) using the DKPro library to automatically solve multiple choice reading comprehension\nquestions. Using text similarity and textual entailment measures, it obtained the 2nd best score in the CLEF Entrance Exams\ncompetition.\nResearch Student\nComputer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July - December, 2013\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed an application (in Python) to use a tree-based learning algorithm to model the deadline hit and miss patterns of\nperiodic real-time tasks. The algorithm used formal verification techniques to generate a regular language-based guarantee to\npredict future deadline hits and misses.\nDeveloper (Google Summer of Code)\nStudent Developer for National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB), Summer 2012\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built an app (in Java) for Cytoscape, an open-source software for complex network visualization. The app helped users to\nvisually analyze and modify molecular interaction networks.\nPROJECTS\nMapReduce Engine\nCarnegie Mellon University, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a Hadoop-like MapReduce facility, with master and worker nodes for map-reduce operations over large datasets,\nwith a distributed file system, and fault tolerance to address datanode failures.\nObject Recognition Using CIFAR-10 Dataset\nCarnegie Mellon University, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 As part of an in-class Kaggle competition, several approaches were tried to train a model using 4000 images for the\nCIFAR-10 dataset. With GIST descriptors and a Kernelized (RBF) SVM, a test accuracy of 61% was obtained on a dataset\nconsisting of 15000 images.\nIntelligent Indoor Emergency Response System\nCarnegie Mellon University, Spring 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed a priority-based auctioning algorithm for task allocation in a multi-agent environment. Using a modified A*\nalgorithm, tasks were prioritized based on proximity to the location of the fire resulting in an efficient evacuation.\n\n6'
b'Sample Resume for an Engineer\nThomas J. Smith\n250 Louisiana NE\nAlbuquerque, NM 87110\n505-346-4700 (H)\[email protected]\nEDUCATION:\nBS Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico\n\n1993\n\nKEY SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS:\n\xef\x82\xb7 SMT (Surface Mount Technology)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Lean Manufacturing\n\xef\x82\xb7 RF Test (Radio Frequency)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Kaizen Quality System\n\xef\x82\xb7 BGA (Ball Grid Array)\n\xef\x82\xb7 DFT/DFM (Design for Test/Design for Manufacturing)\n\xef\x82\xb7 ICT (In Circuit Test)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Fuji\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nABC Computer Company - (1993 to present)\n(A contract manufacturer of various computer peripherals)\nCustomers: IBM, Hewlett Packard and various Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).\nCustomer Engineer - Phoenix, AZ (1996 to present)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Responsible for the design, testing and manufacturing of computer peripherals for IBM products.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Met regularly as the technical resource member of 4-person team at client\xe2\x80\x99s plant monthly to\nformally provide status report to IBM\xe2\x80\x99s senior managers.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong background with surface mount technology (SMT) and printed circuit boards (PCB).\nAccomplishments:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided deliverables to IBM with 99.4% efficiency rating (Reject rate of .6%, which betters the\nindustry standard of 1.5% reject rate).\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided just in time (JIT) deliveries of 96%.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Received 5 year contract renewal in 1998.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Received ABC\xe2\x80\x99s \xe2\x80\x9cPlayer of the Year award\xe2\x80\x9d in 1998 for accomplishment.\nSMT Engineer \xe2\x80\x93 Phoenix, AZ (1993 to 1996)\n\xef\x82\xb7 As part of the Engineering Group, responsible for Process SMT engineering.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked with all Fuji equipment\n\xef\x82\xb7 Troubleshooting problem areas to improve line yield to 90% in 1994, 91% in 1995 and 94% in\n1996.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Moved from 2nd shift SMT Engineer to 1st shift SMT Engineer in 1995.\nAccomplishments:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Received 1996 \xe2\x80\x9cEmployee of Year\xe2\x80\x9d award for the plant (150 employees).\nADDITIONAL SKILLS:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Microsoft packages e.g. WORD, ACCESS, EXCEL, PowerPoint\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed seminar \xe2\x80\x9cManaging through Influence\xe2\x80\x9d 1995\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed seminar \xe2\x80\x9cDiversity in the Workplace\xe2\x80\x9d 1996'
b'Resume\nFor\n\nInternship\nor\nCo-OP\nWithout Related Experience\nSMART STUDENT\n1235 Southside Blvd. #777 \xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 32256 \xe2\x80\xa2 (904) 555-9876 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\nCo-op or Internship position in the field of Computer Information Science\nEDUCATION\n\t\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nMasters of Computer Science Expected Graduation: May 2011\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nBachelor of Science in Computer and Information Sciences Program\nEmphasis in Information Systems,\t\nMay 2007\n3.8 G.P.A. Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\n\t\nMicrosoft Excel\t\t\t\n\t\nMicrosoft Access\t\t\t\n\t\nAdobe PageMaker\t\t\t\n\nMicrosoft Power Point\nAdobe PageMaker\nAdobe Acrobat\n\nRELATED COURSEWORK\n\t\nIntro to C - introduction to C programming; types, operations, and expressions\n\t\nFile Structures - focuses on business-oriented file processing and storage techniques\n\t\nIntro to System Structures - computer structure, machine language, instruction execution\n\t\nIntro to Systems Software \xe2\x80\x93 system and utility programs, programming techniques\n\nQUALIFICATIONS\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent written and oral communication\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experience working in a team oriented setting\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Adept at following complex directions\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hard worker who is eager to learn and apply education\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\n\t\nLONGHORN STEAKHOUSE, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nCustomer Service and Sales\t \t\nMay 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide customer service,\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Employee of the Month honor received four times since employment began\n\t\n\t\n\n52 | the edge\n\nGATEWAY INTERNATIONAL, Jacksonville, Florida\nCustomer Service and Relations \t\nDecember 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2005\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nINTERNSHIP\nor\nCo-Op\nWithout Related Experience\nLIONEL HUTZ\n1235 SOUTHSIDE BLVD. #777\nJACKSONVILLE, FL 32256\[email protected]\n904 864-1234\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\n\nTo obtain an Internship or Co-op position in Electrical Engineering\n\nEDUCATION\t Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Expected May 2011\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\n3.5 GPA\nRELATED\t\nSKILLS\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nEngineering\nEntry-level knowledge of electricity and electronic circuits\nComputer Languages\nGeneral C programming knowledge\nSoftware\nExperience in Windows, Microsoft Office\nHardware\nGeneral knowledge of PCs and network assembly\n\nRELATED\t\nCOURSE\t\nWORK\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nIntro to C Programming\n\xe2\x80\xa2 General knowledge of basic C functions and programming procedures\nMicrocomputer Applications Software\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Basic knowledge of computers, networking and systems software\nBasic Circuit Theory\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Basic analysis of DC and AC electric circuits\nElectric Network Theory\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Analysis of two-port networks transmitting sinusoidal signals, Laplace techniques\n\n\t\nHONORS\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Awarded Bright Futures Scholarship for High School Academics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 North Florida Engineering Scholarship\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Golden Key National Honor Society\n\nWORK\t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAMC Theaters, Jacksonville, Florida\nMay 2006- Present\nGeneral Manager\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervise a staff of 15 to 20 employees\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Manage daily operations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Successfully created team oriented environment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Demonstrate effective leadership skills\n\nthe edge\n\n| 53\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nInternship\nor\nCo-op\nWITHOUT RELATED EXPERIENCE\nBART SIMPSON\n\n5500 UNIVERSITY BLVD. \xe2\x80\xa2 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32255\nPHONE (904) 555-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2 FAX (123) 098-7654 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\n\nSummer Internship related to the mechanical engineering field\n\nEDUCATION\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversity Of North Florida\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Program\nExpected date of graduation: May 2011\n\nSKILLS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nWINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS\t HTML\nCAD key\t\nJava\nMicrosoft Word \t\nMicrosoft Excel\nFluent in German\nFamiliar with operation of lathes and milling machines\n\nCOURSE WORK\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAnalysis of Dynamic Systems\nStrength of Material\nMechanical Systems Lab\nStrong foundation of statistics and mathematics\n\n\t\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGranger Lawn Care Service, Jacksonville, Florida\t\nOWNER/OPERATOR\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided excellent customer service\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised and trained employees\n\nSummers 08-09\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida\t\nUNF HOMECOMING COMMITTEE CHAIR\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized fund-raiser for homecoming\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned event for over 400 guests\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Responsible for execution of ideas and set-up\n\n2009-2010\n\nHONORS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n54 | the edge\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Edsel Ford Scholarship for Innovation in Design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Earl Greef Memorial Scholarship\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Merit Scholar\n\n\x0cRESUME\nfor\n\nInternship\nor\nCo-op\nWITHOUT RELATED EXPERIENCE\nMARTIN LAWRENCE\n1235 Southside Blvd. #777\nJacksonville, FL 32256\n(904) 555-9876\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\n\nA Co-op or Internship position in the field of Civil Engineering\n\nEDUCATION\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA, Jacksonville, Florida\n\n\t\n\nEnrolled in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Program\n\n\t\n\nExpected Date of graduation: May 2012\n\nHONORS\t\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List all three semesters, 2009\n\n\t\n\nAwarded 75% Merit Scholarship for Academics, 2008\n\n\t\n\nTwo-time first place winner in SECME Bridge building competition, 2008, 2009\n\nCOURSE \t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Solid Foundation of Writing and Communication\n\nWORK\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Thermodynamics\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Computer Aided Engineering\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dynamics\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Mechanics of Materials\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Analysis of Structures\n\nRELATED\t\n\nComputer\n\nSKILLS\t\n\nMicrosoft Office, spreadsheets, entry-level knowledge of drafting software\n\n\t\n\nInterpersonal/Employability\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Team player with excellent people skills\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Adept at working in a customer service environment\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dependable employee with overabundant initiative\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Quick learner and self-starter\n\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\nRUTH\xe2\x80\x99S CHRIS STEAKHOUSE, Jacksonville, Florida\n\n\t\n\nCustomer Service and Sales, 5/08 \xe2\x80\x93 PRESENT\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide excellent customer service to customers on a daily basis\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Effectively communicate with large team\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implement key principals of time management and customer service\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n\nRED ROBIN GRILL, Jacksonville, Florida\t\n\n\t\n\nCustomer Service and Sales, 12/06-4/08\n\nthe edge\n\n| 55\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nRHODES BRIDGES\n8538 Denallen Dr \xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 Builderbob\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\t\nConstruction management in the area of heavy civil road/bridge construction and road widening.\nEDUCATION:\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\nBachelor of Science in Building Construction Management, Expected May 2010\n\t\nMinor in Business Administration, GPA 3.4)\nCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SKILLS:\n\t\nPrimavera P3 project scheduling software\t\n\t\nPrimavera Sure-Track project scheduling software\t\n\t\nAutocad 12 drafting software\t\n\t\nAgtek site analysis software\t\n\t\nNetscape Web page Composer\t\n\nMicrosoft Excel\nMicrosoft Word\nMicrosoft Photo shop\nMicrosoft Power Point\nMicrosoft Project\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Road Construction: Handled weekly cost vs. production reports, sub contractors pay requisitions, schedule updates,\nand maintained traffic reports (2007-2009)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Associated Schools of Construction Student Competition: Cost Estimate, Safety Plan, and Project Schedule for\na Bridge and Road Widening Project (2008)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Associated Schools of Construction Student Competition, Cost Estimate, Safety Plan, and Project Schedule for an\nAirport Reconstruction Project (2007)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 UNF Parking committee, traffic safety and garage construction plan (2005-2006)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Research Project: Conducted analysis of construction contracts with unusual situations and extra conditions (2006)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Research Project: Conducted analysis for residential construction and the impact of taxes and permit costs (2005)\nSTUDENT ACTIVITIES:\n\t\nNational Association of Home Builders, Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nAssociated General Contractors, Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nConstruction Management Association, Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nAssociated Builders and Contractors Inc., Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nStudent Government Budget and Allocations, Chairman, Managed $2.3 million dollar budget (2008, 2009)\n\t\nCollege of Computing Sciences and Engineering, Student Government Representative (2009)\n\t\nSociety of Physics Students, Member (2008 - present)\n\t\nKappa Alpha Order, Founding Member, Zta Xi chapter (2008 - present)\nACHIEVEMENTS:\n\t\nUNF Student Leadership and Service Award (2009)\n\t\nFirst Place in the Deerwood Labor Day Fitness 5K (2009)\n\t\nUNF Presidential Ambassador of the year (2008)\nEMPLOYMENT:\n\t\nHubbard Construction, Construction Engineer, Jacksonville, FL, \t\n(9/2007 to present)\n\t\nAnderson Construction, Laborer, Jacksonville, FL, (Summers 2005, 2006, 2007)\n\n56 | the edge\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nCLEARA WATERS\n8538 Denallen Dr. \xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 engineering\nCivil Engineer seeking position in areas of wastewater treatment, water supply,\nstorm water analysis, or other environmental engineering.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, August, 2008\n\t\n(Worked an average of 10 hours per week while attending school)\nStanton College Preparatory High School, International Baccalaureate, 2005, Advanced Placement\nRELATED SKILLS\nAutoCAD \xe2\x80\x93 3D drawings and assemblies\t\t\nVisual Analysis \xe2\x80\x93 3D bridge design\nC \xe2\x80\x93 Programming language\t\t\t\t\nWindows operating systems\t\nPSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog and digital circuit design\t\t\nRISA 2D \xe2\x80\x93 2D truss design\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint \xe2\x80\x93 office applications\nSWMM \xe2\x80\x93 Storm Water Management Model; analysis of sub-catchment rainfall runoff\nBioWin \xe2\x80\x93 wastewater treatment plant design and optimization based on treatment volume vs. effluent quality; focus on 3 stage,\nbiodenpho, and Modified Ludzak-Ettinger plant design.\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nFWEA competition: Analyzed 3 alternative wastewater treatment plant options by using BioWin to optimize the treatment\nlevel to treatment volume ratio, performed a cost analysis of the options, and presented the final design recommendations.\nSAE competition: Designed and built formula style racecar with a budget of over $35k (student raised), aided in fabrication\nand assembly, designed, drew, and built braking system.\nASCE steel bridge competition: Designed and built 21\xe2\x80\x99 steel bridge with budget of over $10k (student raised); worked in 3\nstudent teams to design and optimize bridge design, aided in manufacture, and in charge of 3D rendering of bridge in AutoCAD.\nResearch Assistant: Analyzed the effects of pipe material on the decay rate of chlorine disinfectant utility by creating reactors to\nsimulate different pipe conditions and compared decay rate over time for JEA utility\nSurveyed HVAC equipment in SouthTrust building for future redesign and replacement; AutoCAD drawings of HVAC schematics\nMachine shop \xe2\x80\x93 Mill, Lathe, CNC Mill, TIG welder experience.\nACTIVITIES\nFlorida Bright Futures Academic Scholarship.\t\t\nPresident, UNF FL Water Environment Association\nPresident, UF Society of Automotive Engineers.\t\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineering, Member\nFlorida Engineering Society, Member\t\t\t\nMATHCOUNTS Volunteer \xe2\x80\x93 middle school math competition\n\nEngineering Assistant\t\nResearch Assistant\t\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nSunbelt Engineering, Jacksonville, FL\t\t\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\t\t\n\n12/04 \xe2\x80\x93 1/05\n5/04 \xe2\x80\x93 10/04\n\nthe edge\n\n| 57\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nALBERT EINSTEIN\n4567 St. Johns Bluff Road South, HB #1\nJacksonville, Florida 32256\n(904) 620-1234\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE \t\n\nEntry-level position in the field of computer programming to gain and utilize experience with computers.\n\nEDUCATION\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversity of North Florida\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science\t\nMay 2010\nMajor: Computer and Information Sciences\n\nCOMPUTER\t\nSKILLS\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cobol, Assembly, QBasic, C, Pascal, Basic, C++, Java\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Unix, MS-Dos, MS Windows, Windows 95, TSX/RSX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 DEC Alpha, PC, PDP-11, IBM Mainframe\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Word, WordPerfect, Lotus, Excel, dBASE, PageMaker\n\nRELATED\t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nComputing Services\nUniversity of North Florida\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nHelp Desk Programmer Analyst\t\nMay 2008 - present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answer phone inquires\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist in solving problems with employees\xe2\x80\x99 computers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Train new employees and assist with hiring\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nLab Assistant\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted to Programmer Analyst\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Installed hardware\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with various software support\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nACTIVITIES \t\n\t\n\t\n\nAcademic Resource Center\nUniversity of North Florida \t\nJacksonville, Florida\nTutor\t\nMay 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 December 2007\nTutored students in Pre-Calculus and Calculus courses\n\nOTHER WORK\t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nBelk Department Stores\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nAccounting Clerk\t\nMay 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Handled cash deposits\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with reconciliation on cash register tape\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reconciled bank statements and assisted with accounts payable and receivables\n\nHONORS &\t\nAWARDS\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUpsilon Pi Epsilon Award for Academic Excellence in Computing Science\nDeans List\nGolden Key National Honor Society\nMath Student of the Year Award\nGraduated Magna Cum Laude\n\n58 | the edge\n\nJanuary 2008 - April 2008\n\nAssociation of Information Technology Professionals, Member\nUniversity of North Florida Engineering Society, Treasurer\nBACCHUS--the campus alcohol awareness group, volunteer\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFor\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nTodd Flanders\n\n(904) 555-1212 [email protected]\n2657 Uphill Ave, Jacksonville, Florida 32244\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\n\nAn entry-level automotive engineering position requiring strong analytical and organizational skills\n\nEDUCATION\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering \t\nMay 2010\nHonors: Daniel M. Joseph Prize in Mechanical Engineering, 2009\nTop Five Finisher in the ASME Region XI Student Section Website Competition\n\nRELATED COURSEWORK\nThermodynamics, Deformable Solids, Statics, Materials Science, Basic Circuits, Fluids Mechanics, Controls, Heat Transfer, Vibrations,\nStatistics, Design, Turbo Machinery, Automotive Structural Design\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAUTOCRAFTERS, INC.\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nCo-op Engineer \t\nAugust 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked on advanced test project that involved mechanical design, CAD/CAM technology, automobile structures,\nand coordination among project groups\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nSenior Design Project\t\nSpring 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed a data acquisition system to monitor solar panels installed on roof of the UNF Engineering building\nMini-Baja Team participant \t\nFall \t 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked on six-member team to design and build a miniature stock car for\nNational Society of Automotive Engineers competition\nPressure Vessel Project\t\nSpring 2007\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Measured the discharge pressure when one pressure vessel discharged to the next at the instant it\nreached choke flow or subtonic velocity\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION \t\nIntern\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted in experimental and literature research\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared data for technical papers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Computed engineering calculations\n\nDetroit, Michigan\nSummer 2005\n\nSKILLS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2JAVA\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2IDEAS\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2HTML \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2PROE\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2LABVIEW\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2AUTOCAD\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2MATLAB\n\xe2\x80\xa2C++\n\nACTIVITIES\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Society of Automotive Engineers, President, 2009-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2007-Present\n\nthe edge\n\n| 59\n\n\x0cRESUME\nfor\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nBill Dings\n\n123 Buildit Blvd.\t\t\t\t\nJacksonville, FL 32224\t\t\t\n\n904-555-2345\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\n\t\n\t\nEDUCATION\t\n\t\n\t\n\nTo join a successful construction company in an entry-level management position, such\nas project engineer or assistant project manager\n\nRELATED \t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGalaxy Construction Company\t\nJacksonville, FL\nIntern \t\n8/2008-present\n\xe2\x80\xa2Performed buyout responsibilities for two projects in Brunswick Georgia\n\xe2\x80\xa2Researched and contacted qualified subcontractors and suppliers for contract buyout\n\xe2\x80\xa2Evaluated quotes from subcontractors\n\xe2\x80\xa2Checked work scopes with specifications\n\xe2\x80\xa2Wrote purchase orders and change orders\n\xe2\x80\xa2Prepared subcontracts\n\xe2\x80\xa2Performed tasks in Primavera P-3 in support of the Scheduling Manager\n\xe2\x80\xa2Canvass for subcontractors for multiple project bids nationwide\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversal Construction and Remodeling\t\nProject Manager \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Managed scheduled for twenty employees.\n\xe2\x80\xa2Designed and developed work schedules\n\xe2\x80\xa2Processed orders and conducted inventory\n\xe2\x80\xa2Scheduling of subcontractors.\n\nOTHER \t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\nWoodWork Building Group \t\nJacksonville, FL\nLaborer \t\n6/2006-12/2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist in layout and installation of masonry and pavers for walls, driveways, & walkways.\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAcme Builders Construction \t\nFramer \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist in layout and installation of walls, joists, & rafters.\n\nPROFESSIONAL\t\nMEMBERSHIPS\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nSKILLS\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGreen Construction, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),\nHeart of Florida Chapter Emerging Green Builders (EGB)\nConstruction Management Association (CMA),\nAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI)\n\nUniversity of North Florida\t\nBachelor of Science Degree\t\nBuilding Construction Management, Cumulative GPA 3.96\n\nJacksonville, FL\t\nDecember, 2008\n\nJacksonville, FL\n5/2007-3/2008.\n\nOutstanding Group Inc. \t\nJacksonville, FL\nAssistant Project Manager/Intern \t\n1/2007-5/2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2Processed transmittals, submittals, RFI\xe2\x80\x99s, purchase orders, service orders, and subcontracts\n\xe2\x80\xa2Performed quantity take-offs utilizing Onscreen Takeoff\n\xe2\x80\xa2Compiled data for materials, and special equipment\n\xe2\x80\xa2Prepared and processed equipment specifications, and drawing revisions\n\xe2\x80\xa2Attended and took minutes of owner\xe2\x80\x99s, site, subcontract, and operations meetings\n\xe2\x80\xa2Prepared permit packages, and other information associated with the permit process\n\nJacksonville, FL\nSummers 2005/2006\n\nEstimating software: Timberline, ProEST, Graphisoft Estimator, MS Excel\nScheduling software: MS Project, Primavera, Graphisoft Project.\nWord Processing: MS Word, MS Publisher\n\nCERTIFICATION\t OSHA 30 hour card. CSST 100 hour course certification\nACTIVITIES\t\n\n60 | the edge\n\nHabitat for Humanity, Construction management service learning, Spring 2007, Fall 2008\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nWilliam Gates\n\n123 Cable Road\nJacksonville, Florida 32225\n(904) 123-4567\ne-mail: [email protected]\nEDUCATION\n\t\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville Florida\n\t\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering\n\t\nDecember 2009\n\t\nSenior Project: Built and modified electronic motion detector\nHONORS\n\t\n\t\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\t\t\n\t\nAwarded full tuition University Merit Scholarship\n\t\nPhi Theta Kappa Honor Society\nRELATED SKILLS\n\t\n\t\nEngineering\n\t\nThorough knowledge of electric and electronic circuit analysis\n\t\nTheoretical knowledge of analog and digital logic design and power systems\n\t\nComputer Languages\n\t\nProgramming knowledge of C and Microsoft Word macros\n\t\nSoftware\n\t\nExperienced with DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Excel, Mail,\n\t\nPower point and Novel NetWare for PCs\n\t\nHardware\n\t\nPractical knowledge of computer and network assembly, function and technical trouble-shooting\n\t\nInternet\n\t\nKnowledge of TCP-IP protocols and HTML programming\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida Computing Services, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nHelp Desk Analyst and Technician , 2008 - Present\n\t\n- Prepare total office upgrades for clients.\n\t\n- Plan office network migration.\n\t\n- Install and maintain computer hardware.\n\t\n- Provide computer and network technical support in-house, on-site and via phone.\nACTIVITIES\n\t\n\t\nIEEE - member since 2008\n\t\nOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE\n\t\nBarnes and Noble Bookstore at UNF, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nCustomer Service and Sales, 2005 - 2008\n\nthe edge\n\n| 61\n\n\x0cResume\nFOR\n\nExperienced Alumni\nNED LUCKY\n8538 Denallen Dr .\xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 Builderbob\n\nQualified for: Full-time position in Network or System Administration. Interests include routing, domain name services,\nrouter configuration, LAN/WAN setup, design, and server administration.\nEDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA, Jacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science in Computer Information Sciences, Emphasis in Information Systems, May, 2010\nComptia A+ Certification (industry standard for vendor-neutral skills expected of a computer technician.), 2009\t\nCisco Certified Network Associate Certification - Cisco Routers & Switches, 2009\n\nCOMPUTER SCIENCE SKILLS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2Windows 9x, Windows XP \xe2\x80\x93 Microsoft OS\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Linux (Debian, Mandrake) \xe2\x80\x93 Unix OS\n\xe2\x80\xa2Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 Microsoft OS\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Macintosh 8.2-X \xe2\x80\x93 Macintosh OS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Network Administration (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP)\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cisco Routers, Switches, LAN/WAN\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Build/Repair PC Systems\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MSSQL \xe2\x80\x93 Database software and Design\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Visio 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 Network Design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sendmail \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Mail Transfer Agent\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PostFix \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Mail Transfer Agent\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Procmail \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Mail Filter Software\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 AvMailgate \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Virus Server\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Intermail \xe2\x80\x93 Unix Mail Transfer Agent\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Veritas Backup Exec \xe2\x80\x93 Backup Software\n\xe2\x80\xa2 DSL Connectivity \xe2\x80\x93 Dynamic/Static Connections\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MSOffice Suite \xe2\x80\x93 Email, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation Software\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Respond to Abuse issues, Port Scanning, Email Relay attempts, and produced records requested by law enforcement\ncovering 200,000+ customer base\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Configured and Administered servers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Abuse Manager, responsible for answering daily inquires about Abuse policies, conferring with Network Applications\nabout Spam filter changes, tracking and monitoring corporate and customer security\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Email administration for entire customer base\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated with MIS group in build and setup of new LAN for 300+ employees\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Took inbound calls for PC and Macintosh users with DUN connections and periodic Team Lead calls\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supported customers on multiple OS\xe2\x80\x99s (Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT, Macintosh 8.2-10.1)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supported ADSL and DUN connections for ISP accounts\n\nCAMPUS ACTIVITIES\n\t\n\t\n\nMember, ProNet of Florida\nMember, Lambuth University soccer team (1993 TCAC Soccer Championship)\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n62 | the edge\n\nCONVERGYS\t\nVOLARIS ONLINE\t\nCONVERGYS\t\n\nInternet Service Representative\t\nSecurity Systems Administrator\t\nInternet Customer Representative\t\n\n4/09 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n8/05 \xe2\x80\x93 12/08\n11/03 \xe2\x80\x93 8/05\n\n\x0cResume\nfor\n\nExperienced Alumni\nShorty Sircit\n8538 Denallen Dr .\xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\nElectrical Engineering position in digital design. Areas of interest include digital logic design, microcoding,\n\t\nand embedded systems.\nEDUCATION\n\t\nBachelor of Science Degree: Electrical Engineering, August 2008\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\nGPA 3.61\t (Working 20 hours/week as research assistant while attending school)\n\t\n\t\nENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SKILLS\n\t\nC - programming language\t\nPSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog and digital circuit design\n\t\nMaple \xe2\x80\x93 analog circuit simulation\t\nTI OPT101 \xe2\x80\x93 optical sensor\n\t\nrotel \xe2\x80\x93 printed circuit board design\t\nTexas Instruments MSP430 microprocessor\n\t\nVerilog HDL \xe2\x80\x93 digital logic design\t\nMotorola HC12 microprocessor\n\t\nSensComp transducer \xe2\x80\x93 ultrasonic ranging sensor\t\nMATLAB \xe2\x80\x93 controls system design\n\t\nharp GP2Y0A21YK \xe2\x80\x93 infrared proximity sensor\t\nMotorola Creatalink 2XT 2-Way Pager\n\t\nMS FrontPage - web design\t\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint - office applications\n\t\nAR Embedded Workbench IDE \xe2\x80\x93 TI MSP430 microcode development\n\t\nMiniIDE \xe2\x80\x93 Motorola HC12 microcode development in assembly\n\t\nImagecraft IDE for ICC12\xe2\x80\x93 Motorola HC12 microcode development in C\n\t\nCadence \xe2\x80\x93 digital logic design & communication system design\n\t\nStatistical Analysis Program (SAS) \xe2\x80\x93 communications analysis\n\t\nLinux, Unix, Solaris, Windows - operating systems\t\nEXPERIENCE\n\t\nAutonomous Robot Design: Uses TI OPT101 optical sensors to follow lines, neodymium magnets formed in albach array\n\t\nfor pickup mechanism, UART communication using infrared receiver, and 5 TI MSP430 microcontrollers for robotic control\n\t\nIntelligent Sewage Monitoring System: Responsible for power subsystem design and sonar measuring capability of embedded\n\t\nsystem using SensComp\xe2\x80\x99s ultrasonic transducer, and the TI MSP430 microprocessor to monitor sewer lines using real-time and\n\t\nwireless communication via Motorola\xe2\x80\x99s Creatalink 2XT 2-Way Pager\n\t\nIntelligent security system embedded design: uses keypad entry to access room monitored by hall effect sensor using the\n\t\nMotorola HC12 microprocessor. External alarm is triggered by wireless transceiver\n\t\nAnalog circuit design, e.g. resonance transformer (Tesla Coil), sonar ranging module, and infrared distance detector\n\t\nDigital circuit design, e.g. digital phase-locked loop, and 916 MHz ASK wireless transceiver\nACTIVITIES\n\t\nFlorida Bright Futures Academic Scholarship\n\t\nEngineering Advisory Council. Member\t\t\t\n\t\nGolden Key International Honor Society, Member\n\t\nIEEE Southeastcon 2004 Robotics Competition \xe2\x80\x93 2nd Place\n\t\nFlorida Engineering Society (FES) Student Chapter. President (2 terms), Vice President, Secretary\n\t\nEta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honor Society (HKN). Vice President\n\t\nInstitute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (IEEE), Member\n\t\nMATHCOUNTS Volunteer \xe2\x80\x93 middle school math competition\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, Electrical Engineering Teaching Assistant, 1/2004 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\t\nHarold\xe2\x80\x99s Meat Market, Jacksonville, FL, Butcher, 8/2002 \xe2\x80\x93 1/2004\n\nthe edge\n\n| 63\n\n\x0cResume\nFor\n\nExperienced Alumni\n\nHardy Y. Ird\n\n234 Park Avenue, Summerset, FL 32345\n(945) 123-1234\[email protected]\n\nQUALIFIED FOR:\n\t\nElectrical Engineering position in product development. Areas of interest include embedded systems design,\n\t\nwireless technology, biomedical and natural science applications.\nEDUCATION\n\t\nBachelor of Science: Electrical Engineering, May 2009\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 GPA 3.63 (working ~ 20 hrs/week while attending school)\nENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SKILLS\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 VERILOG HDL \xe2\x80\x93 digital logic design\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Motorola M68HC12 Microcontroller\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 C-programming language\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 ASSEMBLY- microcoding HC11/12\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog circuit design\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MATLAB \xe2\x80\x93 control system design\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MathCAD \xe2\x80\x93 advanced mathematical computations\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Windows XP\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 SensComp Series 9000 Transducers\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 TI MSP430 Mixed Signal Processor\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 TI TMP101 temperature sensor\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Fairchild Plastic Infrared LED\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Phototransistors, QEC122 and QSC113\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Image Craft ICC12C compiler environment\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Motorola M68HC12 Microcontroller\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Protel \xe2\x80\x93 printed circuit board development\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Softbaugh LCD Modules\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IAR Workbench TI MSP430 microcode development environment\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MiniIDE Motorola HC12 microcode development environment\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Temperature Sensor using the Texas Instrument MSP430F449 microprocessor\n\t\nand the TI TMP101 digital I2C temperature sensor.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Manhole Cover to detect fluid levels using TI MSP430 microprocessor,\n\t\nSensComp 9000 series acoustic transducer, and Motorola Creatalink 2XT 2-Way Pager for wireless communications.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Alarm System using the Motorola M68HC12 microcontroller and Fairchild\n\t\ninfrared devices, QEC122 and QSC113.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Digital Scale with Wireless Display using the Texas Instrument MSP430F449\n\t\nmicroprocessors, and Motorola ZigBee wireless transceivers.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Digital logic design, e.g. adders, multiplexers, decoders, ALUs, counters.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Analog circuit design, e.g. op-amps, filters, and pulse width modulation using BJT/MOSFET transistors.\nACTIVITIES AND HONORS\n\t\nHansford W. Farris Academic Scholarship.\n\t\nPresident and Treasurer, IEEE Student Chapter.\n\t\nVice President, Society of Women Engineers Student Chapter\t\n\t\nMember, Florida Engineering Society Student Chapter\n\t\nMember, Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society\t\n\t\nMember, Golden Key National Honor Society\n\t\nVolunteer, Habitat for Humanity\n\t\nVolunteer, JETS High School Engineering Competition\n\t\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\t\nStudent Assistant\t\nUniversity of North Florida\t\n\t\nResearch Assistant\t\nUniversity of North Florida\t\n\t\nManager\t\nNew England Eatery & Pub\t\n\n64 | the edge\n\n08/06 - Present\n10/06 - Present\n07/04 - 08/06\n\n\x0cResume\nFor\n\nExperienced Alumni\nBuddy Sapp\n\n124 Springdale Road Apt: 11\nJacksonville, FL 32476\n904-476-1234\[email protected]\nQualified for: Mechanical Engineering. Areas of interest include thermodynamic, propulsion, manufacturing, design, and controls engineering.\n\nEducation\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\nBachelor of Science: Mechanical Engineering\t\n\t\nGPA 3.2\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nMay 2009\n\nFlorida Community College at Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL\nAssociates of Arts: December 2007\nGPA 3.2\n\nEngineering and Computer Skills\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 C \xe2\x80\x93 programming language\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint \xe2\x80\x93 office applications \t\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 AutoCAD \xe2\x80\x93 computer aided design and drafting such as screw and bolt assembly\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog and digital circuit design\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pro/Engineer Wildfire \xe2\x80\x93 3D model of piston assembly\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Matrix Laboratory (Matlab) \xe2\x80\x93 control system design\t\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Statistical Analysis Program (SAS) \xe2\x80\x93 communication system analysis\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IDEAS \xe2\x80\x93 finite element stress analysis, bracket assembly\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 RoboWorks \xe2\x80\x93 3D software modeling, simulation and animation of a robot arm\nExperience\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chilled Water Plant Project: Performed the design and selection of an efficient water-cooled plant. Responsible for analyzing\n\t\ncompressor efficiency and energy usage in order to reduce the operating cost of the selected plant.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed finite element stress analysis on a heat-treated aluminum bracket. Validated simulation results through analysis at\n\t\nparticular locations along the bracket model.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PD and PID Control for ECP Model 205 Torsional Plant: Demonstrated concepts associated with proportional plus derivative (PD)\n\t\nand proportional plus derivative and integral action (PID) controllers and verified system response to dynamic inputs.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pressure Vessel Design: designed a pressure vessel system in order to discharge sonic air flow into ambient conditions and into a\n\t\nsecond pressure vessel. Analyzed the mass flow rate of air under choked conditions in the two configurations.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 U.S. Navy: Supervised a work center of 10-15 personnel. Responsibilities included preventive maintenance on board ship flight\n\t\ndeck, inspection of support equipment such as tow tractors and firefighting gear, and aircraft firefighter and search and rescue team leader.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 U.S. Postal Service: Responsibilities included setting up mail processing workstations, operating motor vehicles to transport mail\n\t\nwithin the facility and handling mail processing equipment.\nSkills/Membershipis\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient in written and spoken Spanish\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instrument rated pilot \xe2\x80\x93 Land Single Engine Aircraft (170 hours logged)\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society\nEmployment History\n\t\nMail Handler\t\n\t\nFlight Deck Director\t\n\nUnited States Postal Service\t\nUnited States Navy\t\n\n11/01 \xe2\x80\x93 02/07\n07/98 \xe2\x80\x93 05/01\n\nthe edge\n\n| 65\n\n\x0cResume\nFor\n\nExperienced Alumni\nMichael Dell\n\nJacksonville, FL 32225\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n(904) 123-4567\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n124 Osprey Way\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science, Minor in Graphic Design\nMajor: GPA 3.87, Overall GPA: 3.65, May 2008\nHonors: Phi Theta Kappa and Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nCOBOL\t\nVisual Basic\t\nLotus\t\n\nCCS\t\nQbasic\t\nMicrosoft Office\t\n\nAssembler\t\nOracle\t\nPowerPoint\t\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\nInformation Resources of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL\nPart-time Programmer, June 2007 - present\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Perform installation procedures, custom programming and testing as required\nBarnett Technologies, Jacksonville, FL\nIntern, August 2006 - December 2006\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Built and installed PCs for staff\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Established user accounts on appropriate networks\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Traced and repaired network problems\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Trouble-shooted various problems with staff computers\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Trained personnel on network and various installed programs\nUNF Career Development Center, Jacksonville, FL\nPart-time Web Master, January 2005 - May 2006\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Worked directly with Director and staff on web page creation and maintenance.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Developed graphics for various marketing and promotional materials\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nU.S. Navy\nE-8, AWCS Anti-submarine Warfare Operator Technician, 2000-2004\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 National Defense Ribbon\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Meritorious Accommodation Medal\nMEMBERSHIPS\nDelta Sigma Pi, 2005- 2008\nUpsilon Pi Epsilon, 2005 - 2008, Coordinator of Special Events, 2006\nStudents in Free Enterprise, 2007 - 2008\n\n66 | the edge\n\nMicrosoft Access\nParadox\nWord Perfect\n\n\x0cA word\n\nABOUT REFERENCES\nShould you list your references\non your resume?\n\nMake certain you tell each reference you intend\nto include his or her name, address, and phone\n\nShould you list your references on your resume?\n\nnumber on your resume. One very effective alter-\n\nExperts disagree, but I think you should list\n\nnative to listing your references directly on your\n\nyour references, either on your resume, or on a\n\nresume is to have a separate \xe2\x80\x9cReference Sheet.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nseparate Reference Sheet, if those references are\n\nIn this way you can send out resumes that do not\n\nrecognizable by name or title. Let me give you an\n\nreveal names and addresses of your references and\n\nexample.\n\nthen present the Reference Sheet at the interview.\nWe had\n\nOr you might decide that some prospective\n\ncompleted his resume, and I asked if he wanted to\n\nemployers should receive references at the same\n\nlist references. \xe2\x80\x9cWhat kind?\xe2\x80\x9d he asked. \xe2\x80\x9cWell,\xe2\x80\x9d I\n\ntime they receive your resume. Then you include\n\nsaid, \xe2\x80\x9cdo you have anybody who would recommend\n\nthe Reference Sheet with the resume.\n\nI was working with a student once.\n\nyou and who is recognizable by name or title? He\nthen proceeded to name a United States Senator\n\nFrom Resumes for Reentry by C. Edward Good\n\nand a United States Congressman whom he had\nknown all his life. Those names, addresses, and\ntelephone numbers went down on his resume.\nIf someone famous will recommend you, put the\n\nUsually, three references are provided. Be sure your\n\nname on your resume. Is it \xe2\x80\x9cname dropping\xe2\x80\x9d to do\n\nname is on the separate Reference Sheet. Example\n\nso? You bet it is. And it works.\n\nof the correct format for listing references:\n\nAlternatively, if someone with a spiffy title will\nrecommend you, put the name, title, address,\n\nThomas English, Ph.D.\n\nand phone number on your resume. Spiffy titles\n\nProfessor of Civil Engineering\n\ninclude: Professor, Dean, President, Owner,\n\nUniversity of North Florida\n\nManager, and so on.\n\nOne UNF Drive\n\nIf you decide to list references, make sure you\npersonally call them and ask their permission.\n\nJacksonville, FL 32224\n(904) 620-1234\n\nthe edge\n\n| 67\n\n\x0cSAMPLE\n\nReference Document\nVinnie Van Gogh\n\n1234 Painters Way\nJacksonville, FL 33224\n(904) 123-4567\[email protected]\nREFERENCES\n\nKen Parker\nDirector\nAmerican Heart Association\n1234 Main Street\nSuite 204\nJacksonville, FL 32211\n904-123-4567\[email protected]\n\nDr. Debra Murphy\nDepartment Chair and Associate Professor (Art History)\nDepartment of Art and Design\nCollege of Arts and Sciences\nUniversity of North Florida\n1 UNF Drive\nJacksonville, FL 32224\n904-620-4037\[email protected]\n\nEllen Housel\nAssistant Professor, Photography\nDepartment of Art and Design\nCollege of Arts and Sciences\nUniversity of North Florida\n1 UNF Drive\nJacksonville, FL 32224\n904-620-4037\[email protected]\n\nDonald Moore\nDivisional Manager\nSoutheastern Customer Service Department\nCitibank\n132 Deerwood Park Drive\nJacksonville, FL 32225\n904-123-5432\[email protected]\n\n68 | the edge'
b'ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING RESUME\n\t\nJUAN CORTES\n1932 West Circle\nSouth San Francisco, CA 94080\[email protected]\n(650)749-XXXX\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain an entry-level electrical engineering position\nEDUCATION\nB.S. Electrical Engineering, 20XX\nSan Francisco State University, cumulative GPA: 3.96\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Graduated with Honors 20XX, Summa Cum Laude, San Francisco State University\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nLinear Systems Analysis, Electronics, Basic Computer Architecture, Electromechanical Systems,\nElectromagnetics, Communication Systems, Design with Microprocessors, Digital Signal Processing\nCERTIFICATES\ns Engineering in Training, certificate No. EIT 122475, issued June 24, 20XX\ns Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors\nSKILLS\ns\ns\ns\ns\n\nComputer Hardware: IBM compatible computers, Motorola 68HC12 Microcontroller, PLC\xe2\x80\x99s\nComputer Software: AutoCAD, ActiveCad, Excel, Pspice, Matlab, VHDL, Verilog\nProgramming Languages: C++, Pascal, Visual Basic\nForeign Languages: Fluent in Spanish\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nStudent Design Trainee I (Electrical), San Francisco Public Utilities Commission \xe2\x80\x93 Water Supply and Treatment\nDivision, Millbrae, CA 20XX-present\ns Assist electrical engineer with projects related to electrical equipment upgrade and replacement for\nvarious water treatment facilities\ns Projects included: motor control, SCADA systems, and closed circuit television systems.\ns Prepare AutoCAD drawings and memos, collect and prepare data for different electrical equipment\nneeded for the projects\nOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE\nSenior Clerk/Back-up Supervisor, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, CA 19XX-present\ns Handled escalating customer calls and interacted with supervisors and managers in various departments\nto resolve problems\ns Distributed workload assignments, oversaw daily attendance, implemented call-volume reports for\nsenior department supervisors, trained new hires to become customer service representatives\nLEADERSHIP\ns IEEE \xe2\x80\x93 Vice President, 20XX\nSan Francisco State University \xe2\x80\xa2 Student Involvement & Career Center\n\n\n1600 Holloway Ave, Student Services Building 206, San Francisco CA 94132\n\n\nTel: 415/338-1761 \xe2\x80\xa2 Fax: 415/338-2979 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2'
b"College of Engineering\nUndergraduate Sample Resumes\nChemical Engineer Freshman/Sophomore Sample Resume .............................................................................2\nChemical Engineer Junior/Senior Sample Resume ............................................................................................ 3\nCivil Engineer Sophomore Sample Resume ...................................................................................................... 4\nCivil Engineer Junior/Senior Sample Resume ................................................................................................... 5\nElectrical & Computer Engineering Freshman/Sophomore Sample Resume ................................................... 6\nElectrical & Computer Engineering Junior/Senior Sample Resume ................................................................... 7\nMechanical Engineer Freshman/Sophomore Sample Resume .......................................................................... 8\nMechanical Engineer Junior/Senior Sample Resume (1) ................................................................................... 9\nMechanical Engineer Junior/Senior Sample Resume (2) & Study Abroad ........................................................ 10\nMaterials Science & Engineering Freshman/Sophomore Sample Resume ......................................................11\nMaterials Science & Engineering Junior/Senior Sample Resume ..................................................................... 12\nMechanical Engineer Design Sample Resume ................................................................................................. 13\n\n1\n\n\x0cPolly Mer\nAddress: XXXX Forbes Avenue, SMC XXX, Pittsburgh, PA 15289 Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX E-Mail: [email protected]\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain a summer internship leveraging my analytical skills and laboratory experience in an engineering role at a\nchemical company\n\nEducation\n\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering\nMinors in Chemistry and French\nGPA: 3.75/4.00\n\nExpected: May 2020\n\nNew York High School New York, NY\nHigh School Diploma, June 2016\nGPA 3.82/4.0\n\nRelevant Experience\n\nResearch Experience for Undergraduates, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\nMay-August 2015\nUndergraduate Researcher\n\xef\x81\xae Synthesized and characterized gold nanoparticles and liposomes for analysis of \xce\xb1-synuclein protein\n\xef\x81\xae Attended weekly group meetings with graduate students and principal investigator Professor Cathy Murphy\n\xef\x81\xae Prepared oral and poster presentations for Illinois Summer Research Symposium\n\nAdditional Experience\n\nGlobal Communication Center, Carnegie Mellon University\nAugust 2015-Present\nWriting Tutor\n\xef\x81\xae Meet with 4 students per week to improve organization, argument, analysis, and communication skills in writing\nLexus of North Hills, Wexford, PA\nDecember 2014-January 2015, August 2015\nOffice Assistant\n\xef\x81\xae Entered receipting and sales data and filed paperwork for the largest volume luxury dealer in Western Pennsylvania\n\xef\x81\xae Processed an average of 25 customer service calls per session resulting in 100% client follow up within 48 hours\n\nLeadership\n\nCollege of Engineering Community Building Committee, Carnegie Mellon University\nApril 2015-Present\nLiaison to the First-Year Advisory Board\n\xef\x81\xae Work with the Dean's Office and facilities staff to plan and advertise for multi-class events drawing 100-200 students\nSociety of Women Engineers, Carnegie Mellon University\nSeptember 2014-Present\nPublicity Chair (2015-2016)\n\xef\x81\xae Prepare advertising material for print and social media for on average 15 events per semester\nCommittee Member \xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x80\x9cSWEet\xe2\x80\x9d Week, CIT Ball (2014-2015)\n\xef\x81\xae Participate in weekly event planning meetings to coordinate 2 events which encourage women in engineering that\ndrew 40 and 200 students respectively\n\nHonors, Awards, Scholarships\n\nCollege of Engineering Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCarnegie Scholarship, Carnegie Mellon University (Academic)\nJ.L. Stone Memorial Scholarship, Carnegie Mellon University (Academic)\nNational Honor Society, New York High School\n\nSkills\n\nComputer: Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, OriginLab, ImageJ; Familiar with MatLab, Photoshop\nLaboratory: Proficient in gold nanosphere synthesis, liposome extrusion\nInstruments: UV/Vis, Circular Dichroism, Dynamic Light Scattering, Zeta Potential\nLanguages: English (native); French (conversant)\n\n2\n\nFall 2014\n2014-2018\n2014-2018\n2016\n\n\x0cPolly Mer\nXXX Street | City, ST XZIPX | [email protected] | (XXX) XXX-XXXX\nEDUCATION\n\nCarnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, May 2017\nAdditional Major in Biomedical Engineering\nOverall GPA: 3.15/4.00\nHonors: College of Engineering Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List (GPA 3.75 or above) \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2013\nAll-University Athletic Association Academic Recognition \xe2\x80\x93 Fall 2014\nLambda Sigma National Honor Society \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2015\n\nRELEVANT\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCenter on Aging at Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL\nSoftware Developer Intern, Summer 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with a team of 5 researchers in the software development of an Android application to enhance social\nconnectivity, memory, skill building, and resource access for a sample group of 100 older adults\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented, tested, and debugged website designs and functionalities by leveraging a variety of frameworks, libraries,\nand APIs, including jQuery, jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap Build, Gmail API, and FacebookAPI\n\nPROJECTS\n\nTA Crush, Principles of Computing, Spring 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used Python to design and implement a Candy Crush-like game with Tkinter\nProtein Content and Creatine Analysis Project, Chemistry Lab, Spring 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and executed an experiment to determine the creatine content in various milk samples through use of a\nreverse phase HPLC (team of four students)\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nVarsity Volleyball Team, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nDefensive Specialist, Fall 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Competed in all 35 matches last season and recorded 324 digs in two seasons\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Placed 3rd in the 2013 University Athletic Association (UAA) Conference Tournament and reached the First Round of\nthe 2013 NCAA Division III Women\xe2\x80\x99s Volleyball Tournament\nResidential Life Staff for Doherty Apartments, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Resident\nAssistant (RA), Fall 2015 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborate with 5 Residential Life Staff members to build community among upperclassmen residents by hosting\nweekly events and developing supportiverelationships\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Respond to emergency situations and resolve disputes for an assigned 35residents\nHistorian/Selections Chair of Lambda Sigma National Honor Society, Fall 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Spring2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Served as Head of Selections Committee for the incoming freshmen class by reviewing applications and\norganizing an induction ceremony for 30 incomingfreshmen\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed alumni relations and led the Personal Relations Committee by producing physical and virtual\nadvertisements for service events\nSouth Florida Hugh O\xe2\x80\x99Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Facilitator, May 2014 and May2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised a group of 10 HOBY ambassadors (high school sophomores) through a variety of team building and\nleadership activities during the annual South Florida HOBY LeadershipConference\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted an energetic and passionate environment, facilitated meaningful group discussions, and served as an\nenthusiastic role model for the 100 HOBY ambassadors attending theconference\n\nSKILLS\n\nLanguages/Software: HTML/CSS (Beginner), JavaScript (Intermediate), Python (Intermediate), MATLAB (Beginner)\nLaboratory: HPLC (Beginner), UV-Vis (Beginner), and Atomic Absorption (Beginner)\nSpoken Languages: Spanish (Intermediate reading and writing, Beginner speaking)\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nSociety for Women in Engineering (SWE) \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDoctors of Carnegie Society (DOCS) \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nEmerging Leaders (Environmental Conservation) \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2014\n\n3\n\n\x0cBridget Spector\nEDUCATION\n\nPermanent Address: XXXX Street, Apt, City, ST XZIPX Current Address: SMC XXXX\nAvenue, Pittsburgh,PA XZIPX\[email protected]\n\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nAnticipated May 2020\nBachelor of Science; Majors: Civil Engineering & Engineering & Public Policy; Minor: Global Systems and Management\nGPA: 3.51; Awards: Deans List (Spring 2015); New Vision Scholarship Award; SHPE Scholarship Recipient (Fall 2015)\nCentral Park East High School, Advanced Regents Diploma, New York, NY\nGPA: 4.0; Advanced Placement coursework: Physics C, Calculus AB, U.S. History, Statistics\nAwards: Hispanic Heritage Foundation Scholarship Award (2014), Valedictorian (2014)\n\nJune 2016\n\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\n\n\\\n\nEngineering and Public Policy Project, Pittsburgh, PA\nJanuary 2015-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Act as a technical analyst for a consulting firm that specializes in solving technical problems that impact society and\nprovide feedback to policy makers regarding the usage of solid waste recycling for electricity generation.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Create a detailed analysis including graphs and tables of whether the policy makers should implement the policy.\nCivil Engineering Bridges Over Water Project, Pittsburgh, PA\nSeptember-December 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Estimated time for the level of dissolved oxygen contained in a lake to be high enough to sustain aquatic life; tested the\nwater every five hours using Hecuvac test to measure the oxygen.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated in a team of four to create a report to advise the professor on the appropriate time to restock the lake\nincluding graphic analysis and tables with data.\n\nLEADERSHIP & EXPERIENCE\n\n\\\n\nSociety for Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Community Outreach Chair, Pittsburgh, PA\nAugust 2014-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organize and plan events including a soccer tournament and community service with additional organizations on\ncampus and SHEP chapters at universities such as the University of Pittsburgh.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Contact, via email, high schools and local organizations to increase awareness of the Latino Community in Pittsburgh.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attend events with representatives from companies including Exxon Mobile and Google.\nSponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO), Scholar & Ambassador, New York, NY\nJanuary 2011-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Selected to participate in an academic achievement program; completed 720+ hours ofcoursework.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in career exploration and networking events; shared personal experiences with potential donors.\nSEO-U\nApril 2015-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Obtain internship preparation through coursework on accounting and consulting; receive training on interviewing & resume\nediting.\nBloomberg L.P, Leadership, Learning & Organizational Development Intern, New York, NY\nMay-August 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with business partners, leaders and relationship managers to create development solutions to impact company\noperation.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Completed analytical projects involving Human Relations systems, data and Bloomberg Terminal.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted during weekly speaker series to assemble materials and introducespeakers.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supported recruiters and facilitated a mixer by planning and organizing an event with 400 people inattendance.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed a solution for Bloomberg campus recruiting working in a team of four; presented to400-500\nBloomberg operations personnel; received award for technical operations.\nContinental Shipping Corporation, Social Media Expert, NewYork, NY\nMarch-May 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed Facebook and Twitter accounts; completed emails and phone calls to clients concerning payments and package\nstatus.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Completed clerical duties including ensuring all payments were completed and clients received receipts; packed\nboxes and completed copies of necessary documents.\n\nSKILLS\n\nComputer: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Intermediate proficiency in Python 3; Experienced with Bloomberg\nLanguages: Fluent in Spanish and English\n\n4\n\n\x0cBridget Spector\n\nXXXX Ave, City, ST XZipX | [email protected] | XXX.XXX.XXX\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2018\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Additional Major in Engineering & Public Policy\nOverall GPA: 3.43, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List Fall 2014, Spring 2015\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nDPR Construction, San Francisco, CA\nSummer 2016\nProject Engineer Intern\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Obtained experience in preconstruction, construction, BIM, consulting and closeout\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teamed up with project clients including SFO, Alexandria Real Estate, Genentech, NASDAQ and DPR Executive Board\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended Stanford Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) VDC Certificate Program\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nOctober 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nOffice Assistant, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Works closely with the Graduate Program Coordinator by compiling student data, calculating over 500 admissions statistics and\nhosting prospective faculty and students\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and planned commencement ceremony for Biomedical Engineering graduate and undergraduate students for past\nthree years\n\nPROJECTS\n\nSan Francisco International Airport (SFO), DPR Construction, Summer 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with the DPR Consulting team to implement BIM and VDC processes into SFO\xe2\x80\x99s project management model\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Evaluated 50 existing Revit models and checked rulesets in Solibri Model Checker\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and created Bluebeam tutorial guide and helped train clients\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote bidirectional DYNAMO script that successfully extracted element data from Revit to Excel and back\nAlexandria Real Estate, 510 Townsend St. (Stripe HQ), DPR Construction, Summer 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated with project engineers, managers and estimators to complete preconstruction request for information (RFI) log and\nsubmit RFI attachments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created hundreds of submittals in CMiC from project specification book\nBuilding Information Modeling (BIM), Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with Dr. Burcu Akinci to explore Revit and Solibri and to research BIM public policy in Independent Study\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Modeled sections of Carnegie Mellon University and sample houses\n\nCOURSEWORK\n\nReality Computing: The Adaptive Home\nGuest Experience and Theme Park Design\nWriting for the Professions\n\nSKILLS\n\nApplication:\nProgramming:\nLanguages:\n\nBIM Construction and Facility Management\nProject Management for Construction\nDecision Analysis and Support Systems (DADSS)\n\nWater Resource Systems Eng.\nEnvironmental Eng.\nGeotechnical Eng.\n\nAutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks, BIM 360 Glue, Solibri, Bluebeam Revu, MATLAB, MS Project, MS Office, CMiC\nProject Management, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Google SketchUp\nDYNAMO, Python 3\nEnglish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Conversational Spanish\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nZeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, Carnegie Mellon University\nVice President: Programming, 2016 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDirector of Alumni Relations, Director of Anchor Games, Spring 2015\nOrientation Leader and Counselor, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 15\n\n5\n\n\x0cDAT A. STRUCTURES\[email protected] 412.889.4600 (Cell)\nU.S. Citizen\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering\nOverall GPA: 3.37/4.00\n\nMAY 20XX\n\nNASHUA HIGH SCHOOL Nashua, NH\nHigh School Diploma\nOverall GPA: 3.80/4.00\nRank: 5/196\n\nJUNE 20XX\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nElectrical and Computer Engineering*\nDifferential Equations\nCalculus in Three Dimensions\n\nMechanical Engineering and Physics\nIntroduction to Data Structures *\n* Spring 20XX\n\nSKILLS\n\nProgramming Languages: Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, JSON, C, SML, Java, HTML\nOperating Systems: Windows 8.1/10, MacOS X, UNIX\nSoftware: Microsoft Office, Matlab, Mathematica\nSpoken Languages: Spanish\n\nPROJECTS\n\nRobot, Robotics Institute\nSpring 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Constructed smaller circuits using a protoboard to power a beeper, LED, clock,\nmemory chip, and two motors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Combined circuits to create a mini programmable robot\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Programmed the robot to successfully complete a test course\n15-112 Term Project\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strategy game implemented in Python based on Sid Meier\xe2\x80\x99s Civilization\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Functional opponent AI, resource gathering, civilization building, combat\n\nFall 20XX\n\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nO\xe2\x80\x99CONNOR IRRIGATION Nashua, NH\nIrrigation System Installation Workman\nSummer 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Senior Associate with plumbing, head installation, Ditch Witch, trench digging,\nwiring, and programming\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed schematics using proper measurements and gauges\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Applied and spread appropriate amounts of loam and grass seed post-installation\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nVarsity Soccer, Carnegie Mellon University\nIntramural Softball, Carnegie Mellon University\nIntramural Doubles Table Tennis, Carnegie Mellon University\nNational Honor Society Secretary, Nashua High School\nVarsity Club President, Nashua High School\nVarsity Soccer Captain, Nashua High School\nIntramural Table Tennis Manager, Nashua High School\n\nHONORS\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, College of Engineering: Fall 20XX\nNashua High School Mathematics Award\nMassachusetts Institute of Technology Book Award\nU.S. Marines Scholarship\nWho\xe2\x80\x99s Who Among American High School Students: 20XX, 20XX, 20XX\n\n6\n\nAugust 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 present\n20XX\n20XX\n20XX \xe2\x80\x9320XX\n20XX\n20XX\nSpring 20XX\n\n\x0cSOFIE WARE\[email protected] 412.626.4444\nU.S. Citizen\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering\nMinor: Chinese Studies\nOverall GPA: 3.4/4.00\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nProgramming Languages: C/C++, Java, Python, System Verilog, Verilog, MATLAB\nSoftware: Git, MS Office, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Revit, AGi32, Cadence\nOperating Systems: Apple Macintosh OSX, Microsoft Windows OS, Linux Ubuntu\nForeign Languages: Mandarin (Chinese)\n\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY CYLAB Pittsburgh, PA\nSummer Research Software Intern\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accomplished autonomous flight using GPS Waypoints for A.R. Drone 2.0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted in human detection algorithms using thermal camera\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Contributed to long-range radio drone-to-drone communications\n\nMAY 20XX\n\nSummer 20XX\n\nM.C. DEAN Dulles, VA\nDesign Engineer Intern\nSummer 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed lighting circuits in 2 current projects using AutoDesk AutoCAD and Revit\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed lighting calculations and analysis using AGi32\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted over 20 pages of takeoffs for cost analysis\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Corrected over 30 pages of lighting diagrams and circuiting\nGENERAL DYNAMICS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Fairfax, VA\nTechnical Summer Intern\nSpring 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed desktop virtualization solutions for 2 government contracts\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Involved in pitching Email as a Service (EaaS) to 3 U.S. government agencies\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed a market analysis in the Federal Space for Cloud technology and desktop virtualization\nsolutions\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Pittsburgh, PA\nComputing Skills Course Instructor, Computer Education\nAugust 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 May 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed required computer skills course for incoming freshmen\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with and evaluated students to promote maximum computing utilization\n\nPROJECTS\n\nRoad Sign Recognition, Digital Communication & Signal Processing System Design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and implemented a road sign recognition algorithm on a TI C67 DSP\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Presented project at the Carnegie Mellon Undergraduate Research Symposium\n\nSpring 20XX\n\nAnalog Circuit Design and Analysis, Electronic Devices and Analog Circuits\nFall 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in a series of hands-on labs to build and operate analog circuits\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gained experience in circuit and component modeling, amplifiers, filters and signal detection and\nprocessing\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nOM \xe2\x80\x93 Spiritual Organization, President:\nApr. 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 present, Secretary: Jan. 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 Mar. 20XX\nOffice of the Dean of Student Affairs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planning Committee, Take Our Children to Work Day:\nAugust 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Volunteer, Niteline Information Resource/ Crisis Control Phone Line:\nAugust 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planning Committee, Mosaic Annual Conference on Women\xe2\x80\x99s Issues:\n20XX \xe2\x80\x93 20XX\nSociety of Women Engineers, Annual Winter Semiformal Chair:\nApril 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 March 20XX\n\nHONORS\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, College of Engineering: Fall 20XX\nSony Scholarship, 20XX\n\n7\n\n\x0cMANNY FACTURE\[email protected] |\nCurrent Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289 Cell: (412) 511-4422\nPermanent Address: 21 School Avenue, New York, NY 10014\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2018\nDouble Major in Engineering & Public Policy\nOverall GPA: 3.0/4.0\nNew York High School\nHigh School Diploma, June 2014\nGPA 3.82/4.0\n\nPROJECTS\n\nNew York, NY\n\nMechanical Crane Project, Spring 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nDesigned a mechanical crane using a truss structure to lift a weight to a pre-determined\nheight, with size, stress and weight constraints\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated in a team by combining ideas to obtain a practical concept for the task\nMousetrap Car Project, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built a small vehicle to carry a can of soda ten feet as fast as possible with only the\npower of a Mousetrap\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reached the finals of the competition by working with the team to improve our design\nComputer Aided Wrench Design, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed an aluminum wrench using Creo Pro/E and analyzed the design for stress\nconcentrations with ANSYS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Combined metal working skills with a CNC milling machine to produce prototype wrench\n\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStudent Life Office, Carnegie Mellon University\nStudent Receptionist, Summer 2015-present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answer telephone and route calls as appropriate\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Complete projects for staff, such as organizing data on spreadsheets\nHappy Summer Camp\nSpringfield, NJ\nCamp Counselor, Summer 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created and coordinated activities for ten campers 10-12 years old\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Negotiated disputes between campers and helped to set-up for parents weekend\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nVice-President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Spring 2015-present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organize monthly speaker series, which has seven corporate and alumni presenters\nTreasurer, Yearbook Club, New York High School, 2013-2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed the finances for the organization with a budget of $5,000\n\nSKILLS\n\nSoftware: Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Solidworks, Creo Pro/E, Autodesk Inventor\nMachines: Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, Band Saw\nLanguage: Fluent in Spanish; Conversant in French\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nAlpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, Fall 2014-present\nIntramural Sports: Softball, Volleyball, Fall 2014-present\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Spring 2015-present\nOrchestra, New York High School, 2010-2014\n\nHONORS\n\nCollege of Engineering Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List (GPA 3.75 and above), Fall 2014\nNational Honor Society, New York High School, 2014\n\n8\n\n\x0cMANNY FACTURE\nPermanent: 3521 Second Avenue, Westford, MA 01881\nCurrent: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289 Cell: 412.111.2222\nEmail: [email protected] LinkedIn:\nEDUCATION\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2018\nDouble Major in Biomedical Engineering\nOverall GPA: 3.0/4.0\n\nRELEVANT\nEXPERIENCE\n\nProcter & Gamble Manufacturing Company Lima, OH\nEngineering Intern, Summer 2017\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted line trials to determine plant capability and made recommendations for noise mitigation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a daily management system for managing scrap in order to reduce weekly accumulation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Commended by supervisor for completing projects 3 weeks ahead of schedule\n\nPROJECTS\n\nSuitcase with Vacuum Pump, Design II, Fall 2017\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed and built a suitcase with a vacuum pump that removed excess air to increase packing capacity by\nup to 50%, allowing travelers to bring more personal items per trip\nTemperature Controlled Shipping Unit, Spring 2017\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and analyzed with FEA a shipping container that can bring a biospecimen container to 4\xc2\xb0C within\n10 minutes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised the system such that it is functional in 60\xc2\xb0C ambient temperature\nSwinging Gripper, Design I, Fall 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led a team of 5 people to create a robotic gripper that used a small motor torque to hold onto a billiards ball\nthrough one full swinging motion\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Constructed a 3D representation of the gripper in SolidWorks and ran stress simulation on the model\nAstronaut\xe2\x80\x99s Coat Rack, Design I, Fall 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created a coat rack with mass and support constraints to sustain a load in space\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Succeeded in a design that could carry three times the required load with an acrylic structure that weighs less\nthan 10 grams\nHead Mechanic and Buggy Chairperson, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2016 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Customized and built a gravity racer, out of composite materials, for annual University racing competition\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created and manufactured all steering, braking and mounting components\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Decreased race time by more than 5 seconds with design of new steering\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nManufacturing Sciences\nComputer-Aided Design\nComputer-Aided Engineering\n\nMechanical Systems Experimentation\nEngineering Statistics and Quality Control\nCellular Biomechanics\n\nMicrofluidics\nEngineering Graphics\nFuel Cell Systems\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nVice-President, Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society), Spring 2016 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Plan outreach events in the Pittsburgh area to bring awareness to the importance of STEM\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Motivate the 60 members to attend meetings and organize events\n\nADDITIONAL\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCarnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA\nDesk Attendant, Fall 2015 \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Checked students\xe2\x80\x99 identification to ensure the safety of the residence hall students\n\nSKILLS\n\nSoftware: Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Solidworks, Creo Pro/E, Autodesk Inventor, ANSYS, ADAMS\nMachines: Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, Band Saw\nSpoken Languages: Fluent in French; Conversant in Spanish\n\nACTIVITIES\n& HONORS\n\nPi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2015 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nMen\xe2\x80\x99s Track and Field Team, Carnegie Mellon, 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nPi Tau Sigma (National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society), 2016 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nCollege of Engineering Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List (GPA 3.75 and above), Fall 2015, Spring 2016\n\n\x0cMANNY FACTURE\n\nCurrent: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289 Permanent: 3521 Second Avenue, Westford, MA 01881\nCell: 412.111.2222 Email: [email protected]\nLinkedIn:\n\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2018\nDouble Major in Biomedical Engineering\nOverall GPA: 3.0/4.0\nUniversity of Madrid, Madrid, Spain\nSemester Abroad, Spring 2016\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nProcter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, Engineering Intern, Lima, OH Summer 2017\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted line trials to determine plant capability and made recommendations for noise mitigation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a daily management system for managing scrap in order to reduce weekly accumulation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Commended by supervisor for completing projects 3 weeks ahead of schedule\nPROJECTS\nSuitcase with Vacuum Pump, Design II, Fall 2017\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed and built a suitcase with a vacuum pump that removed excess air to increase packing capacity by up to 50%,\nallowing travelers to bring more personal items per trip\nTemperature Controlled Shipping Unit, Spring 2017\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and analyzed with FEA a shipping container that can bring a biospecimen container to 4\xc2\xb0C within 10 minutes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised the system such that it is functional in 60\xc2\xb0C ambient temperature\nSwinging Gripper, Design I, Fall 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led a team of five people to create a robotic gripper that used a small motor torque to hold onto a billiards ball through\none full swinging motion\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Constructed a 3D representation of the gripper in SolidWorks and ran stress simulation on the model\nAstronaut\xe2\x80\x99s Coat Rack, Design I, Fall 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed a coat rack with mass and support constraints to sustain a load in space\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created a design that could carry three times the required load with an acrylic structure that weighs less than 10 grams.\nHead Mechanic and Buggy Chairperson, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2016-present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Customized and built a gravity racer, out of composite materials, for annual University racing competition\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Decreased race time by more than 5 seconds with design of new steering\nLEADERSHIP\nVice-President, Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society), Spring 2016-present (Member since Fall 2015)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Plan several outreach and educational events in the Pittsburgh area to bring awareness to the importance of STEM\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nCarnegie Mellon University, Desk Attendant, Pittsburgh, PA Fall 2015-Spring 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Checked students\xe2\x80\x99 identification to ensure the safety of the residence hall students\nSKILLS\nSoftware: Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Solidworks, Creo Pro/E, Autodesk Inventor, ANSYS, ADAMS\nMachines: Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, Band Saw\nSpoken Languages: Fluent in French; Conversant in Spanish\nACTIVITIES & HONORS\nPi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2015-present\nMen\xe2\x80\x99s Track and Field Team, Carnegie Mellon, 2014-present\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2014-present\n\n10\n\n\x0cCOMP O. SITE\[email protected] 412.889.4600 (Cell)\nU.S. Citizen\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering\nOverall GPA: 3.31/4.00\n\nMay 20XX\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nIntro to Materials Science and Engineering\nCalculus in 3D\nPhysics I, II for Engineers\n\nTransport of Materials\nAdvanced Programming in Java\nStructures of Materials\n\nSKILLS\n\nApplications: Minitab, Labview, MathCAD, Java, Python, MS Office\nInstruments: Furnace, Optical Microscope\nSpoken Languages: Conversant in Spanish\n\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON\nResearch Assistant, Materials Science and Engineering\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Evaluate the surface properties of various AL finishes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Perform ongoing mechanical testing and analysis\n\nAugust 20XX - present\n\nManufacturing Engineering Intern, Telephonics Corporation\nJune 20XX-Aug. 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated with a senior manufacturing engineer in projects surrounding\nIdentification of Friend or Foe (IFF) technology UPX -40 and UPX-43 Radar\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created sketches for parts using AutoDesk AutoCAD software\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Spent time on board cell production line soldering and inspecting PC boards for\nproduction\nIrrigation System Installation Workman\nSummer 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Senior Associate with plumbing, head installation, Ditch Witch, trench\ndigging, wiring, and programming\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed schematics using proper measurements and gauges\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Applied and spread appropriate amounts of loam and grass seed post-installation\nPROJECTS\n\nSynthesis of Titanomagnetite, Phase Diagrams and Relations\nFall 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used and created precursors, such as ulvospinel, to synthesize a titanomagnetite\nand analyze the properties of two different compositions to simulate the behavior of\nmaterials on Mars\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nVarsity Soccer, Carnegie Mellon University: 20XX - present\nIntramural Softball, Carnegie Mellon University: 20XX - present\nIntramural Doubles Table Tennis, Carnegie Mellon University: 20XX\nNational Honor Society, Secretary (2012), Austin High School: 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 20XX\nVarsity Soccer, Captain (2012), Austin High School: 20XX \xe2\x80\x93 20XX\n\nHONORS\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, College of Engineering: Spring 20XX\nAustin High School Mathematics Award: 20XX\nMassachusetts Institute of Technology Book Award: 20XX\nU.S. Marines Scholarship: 20XX\n\n11\n\n\x0cComp O. Site\[email protected] (412) 222-1212 (Cell)\nU.S. Citizen\n\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nB.S. in Materials Science and Engineering\nMinors in Manufacturing Engineering and Photography & Digital Imaging\nGPA 3.42/4.0\n\nMay 20XX\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nPower Superconductor Applications Corp., New Castle, PA\nLaboratory Specialist Grade IV\n\nSummer 20XX\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUtilized engineering software such as LabView, MathCAD, and AutoCAD\nConstructed testing apparatus and tested Linear Induction Motors and Transverse Flux Machines\nLed research initiative on the use of Cryogenic Aluminum hyperconductor in company products\nContributed to published paper: Kuznet, Levy, Wilson. \xe2\x80\x9cDevelopment of High-Field Transverse Flux Induction Drive for\nOrdnance Handling on Navy Ships and Industrial Conveyors\xe2\x80\x9d 4th Int. Sym. Linear Drives for Industry Apps.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated in writing government proposals and travel to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, NIST, NRL, and ONR to\nmeet with partners and clients\n\nCarnegie Mellon University, Undergraduate Research\nResearch Assistant, The effect of surface texture on formability in Aluminum sheets\n\nSpring 20XX\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed templates for a photolithography process to texture Aluminum sheets\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performing ongoing mechanical testing and analysis\n\nResearch Assistant, Grain Boundary Movement in Thin Films of Aluminum\n\nSpring 20XX\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Produced images from TEM negatives in a black and white darkroom\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Traced grain boundaries by hand to track movement and wrote original paper on hand tracing techniques\n\nNational High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL\nResearch Intern, Topic: Superconducting Material Magnesium Diboride\n\nSummer 20XX\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Improved production for pure MgB2 by refining heat treatments\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operated SQUID magnetometer and ran X-Ray Diffraction tests\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interpreted results, wrote an original paper, and presented research to scientists, staff, and peers\n\nACADEMIC PROJECT\nMaterials Science Capstone Course, Senior Group Project\nDeformation of Amorphous Metallic Ribbon for use in Magnetic Core Applications\n\nFall 20XX\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed magnetic, compositional, and structural analysis on cores donated from Spang Magnetics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed a billet and performed hot extrusion of a wound core at WPAFB to reduce the ribbon thickness\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cast an amorphous rod and amorphous metallic ribbon for comparative analysis\n\nSKILLS\nApplications: Adobe Photoshop, Minitab, LabVIEW, MathCAD, Java, MS Office\nInstruments: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), SQUID Magnetometer, Differential\nScanning Calorimetry (DSC), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Vickers Hardness Testing,\nCharpy Testing, Polishing, Melt Spinning, Photography and Black and White Darkroom, Color Photography Darkroom,\nSoldering\n\nLEADERSHIP AND HONORS\nResident Advisor, CMU Apartments\nJudith Resnik Challenger Scholarship\n\n20XX- present\n20XX-20XX\n\nNational Society of Collegiate Scholars\nStudent Action Committee, MSE\n\n12\n\n20XX-20XX\n20XX-20XX\n\n\x0cMECKIE D. ZINE\n\nEmail: [email protected] | Portfolio: | Cell: 123.555.4567\n\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA\nB. S. in Mechanical Engineering | May 2018\nDouble Major in Robotics\nGPA: 3.0/4.0\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nProcter & Gamble Manufacturing Company\nEngineering Intern | Lima, OH | Summer 2017\n\xef\x82\xa7 Conducted line trials to determine plant capability and made\nrecommendations for noise mitigation\n\xef\x82\xa7 Implemented a daily management system for managing scrap in order to\nreduce weekly accumulation\nPROJECTS\nRobotic Arm (Independent Project) | Fall 2015-present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Created and manufactured device in order to help children safely reach for\nand carry objects\nSuitcase with Vacuum Pump, Design II | Fall 2017\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed and built a suitcase with a vacuum pump that removed excess\nair to increase packing capacity by up to 50%, allowing travelers to bring\nmore personal items\nTemperature Controlled Shipping Unit | Spring 2017\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed and analyzed with FEA a shipping container that can bring a\nbiospecimen container to 4\xc2\xb0C within 10 minutes\n\xef\x82\xa7 Devised the system such that it is functional in 60\xc2\xb0C ambient temperature\nSwinging Gripper, Design I | Fall 2016\n\xef\x82\xa7 Led a team of five people to create a robotic gripper that used a small\nmotor torque to hold onto a billiards ball through one full swinging motion\n\xef\x82\xa7 Constructed a 3D representation of the gripper in SolidWorks and ran\nstress simulation on the model\nAstronaut\xe2\x80\x99s Coat Rack, Design I | Fall 2016\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed a coat rack with mass and support constraints to sustain a load\nin space\n\xef\x82\xa7 Created a design that could carry three times the required load with an\nacrylic structure that weighs less than 10 grams.\nHead Mechanic and Buggy Chairperson, Alpha Beta Fraternity | 2015-present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Customized and built a gravity racer, out of composite materials, for\nannual University racing competition\n\xef\x82\xa7 Decreased race time by more than 5 seconds with design of new steering\nLEADERSHIP\nVice-President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers| 2016-present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Organize monthly speaker series, which has seven corporate and alumni\npresenters\nTreasurer, Alpha Beta Fraternity | Fall 2016-Spring 2017\n\xef\x82\xa7 Managed $4,500 in funds for 32 members and kept records of all activities\n\n13\n\nSKILLS\nSoftware\nAdobe CC\nIllustrator\nSolidworks\nCreo Pro/E\nANSYS\nProgramming\nPython\nArduino\nMATLAB\nMathematica\nHands-on\nMill\nLathe\nBand Saw\nCNC Machines\n3D Printer\nLaser Cutter\nSoldering\nACTIVITIES &\nHONORS\nAlpha Phi Omega\nService Fraternity\nFall 2015-present\nRobotics Club\nFall 2014-present\nAmerican Society\nof Mechanical\nEngineers (ASME)\nSpring 2015-present\nHabitat for Humanity\nVolunteer\nSummer 2015, 2017\nCollege of Engineering\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n[GPA 3.75 and above]\nFall 2016"
b"Resumes\n\nfor Engineers\n\nWhat is a resume?\nA resume is a marketing brochure about you. It describes your skills, experience (paid and/or unpaid), and your\neducation. The purpose of an effective resume is to get you an interview.\nIs one resume good for all jobs?\nYour job search materials should be customized for each position. If your search is focused on one type of\nposition, a single version of your resume may be fine, along with a cover letter that is tailored to your\nemployment target. If you\xe2\x80\x99re applying to a wider range of positions, you may need to revise your resume in\naddition to creating a new cover letter. This customization is essential to your marketing and requires research\nabout the organization and industry.\nWhat is a chronological resume?\nThe chronological resume is a commonly used format for undergraduate students. The experience section of a\nchronological resume includes your positions, listed in reverse chronological order (beginning with your most\nrecent position and working backwards). Essential data includes: name of organization, location, your title, and\ndates of employment/involvement. This is followed by several bullets, describing your skills and achievements.\nHow is an engineering resume different than a liberal arts resume?\nAn engineering resume may include specialized section headings such as:\nTechnical Skills\nEngineering Experience\n\nLab Experience\nAcademic Experience\n\nLab Skills\nResearch\n\nRelevant Courses\nProjects or Design Projects\n\nAn engineer often includes academic work including a list of courses and relevant project work. This academic\nexperience might be listed before work experience, if they have not yet interned or worked in an engineering\nenvironment. Technical skills may also be listed at the top of the resume if required by the position.\nWhat else do I need to know about resumes?\n\xe2\x97\x8f Survive the human scan. Resumes get less than 30 seconds of an employer's time.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Survive the electronic scan. Make sure you have used appropriate jargon and keywords for your field.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Capture your reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention by keeping your resume to a single, easily \xe2\x80\x98skimmable\xe2\x80\x99 page. Check\nwith a Career Advisor about exceptions to the one-page rule.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Use good quality paper in colors such as white, off-white or neutral if submitting hard copy.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Check for typos, spelling errors, and grammar usage.\n\xe2\x97\x8f Include a customized cover letter that demonstrates how you match the employer\xe2\x80\x99s requirements.\nHow do I email my resume?\n\xe2\x97\x8f Email your resume and cover letter as one attachment (PDF format with your cover letter as page 1\nand resume as page 2).\n\xe2\x97\x8f When emailing your documents to employers, include your first initial and last name in the title of the\ndocument. When creating an appropriate subject line for your email, use your name and the position\nto which you\xe2\x80\x99re applying. For example: Civil engineering intern application from J. Barnum.\n\xc2\xb7 Include a short note in your email message to briefly introduce yourself, list the position to which you are\napplying, and indicate that you have attached your application to the email and look forward to\nconnecting with the employer to discuss your skills and experiences.\n\n~Please use Resume Checklist on following page to prepare your document~\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cRESUME CHECKLIST\nFORMATTING & MECHANICS\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nDocument fits on one page without overcrowding. Check with a career advisor for rare exceptions.\nFont size is 10-12 point and is professional and uniform throughout resume.\nResume is visually appealing.\nDates are uniformly formatted, NOT placed in the left-hand margin\nJudicious use of bold, italics, and underlines enhances appearance and readability.\nThere are no errors in capitalization, spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation.\nMargins are no smaller than .5 inches.\nEntries are listed in reverse chronological order (current to oldest) in each section.\n\nCONTACT INFORMATION\n\nr Includes 1 address, 1 phone number, and 1 professional email address.\nr If applicable, contact information may include links to a professional portfolio, website, or LinkedIn page.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEducation is first section on resume, below contact info. Include honors/awards here (e.g., Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List).\nEach educational institution (high school/college) includes name and location (City, State).\nJunior/Seniors\xe2\x80\x99 resumes usually omit High School. Check with a career advisor for exceptions.\nStudy abroad is listed (institution, country, and dates of study), if applicable.\nDegree, month, and year of graduation are identified (i.e. \xe2\x80\x9cBachelor of Arts, May 2017\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s degree,\nMay 2017,\xe2\x80\x9d if undeclared)\nr Major(s) and minor(s), if declared, are listed.\nr Including coursework is optional and can be a separate section. List selected courses relevant to\njob/internship.\nr GPA is listed if 3.0 or higher. Include 2 decimal places. Do not round up.\n\nr\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nEXPERIENCE (CAN BE MORE THAN 1 SECTION WITH TAILORED HEADINGS)\n\nr Include paid, volunteer, intern, and extracurricular activities.\nr Include 4 items: employer/organization name, location (City, State), dates, and title/role.\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nUse a round or square, solid bullet ( \xc2\xbe, \xcb\x9c) to list your accomplishments and skills.\nStart descriptions with strong skill-based verbs ( see the next page). Use present tense for ongoing work.\nPhrases are concise and provide useful information. To convey maximum impact, ask yourself, \xe2\x80\x9cSo what?\xe2\x80\x9d\nUse quantitative information, when possible, to prove your results and effectiveness.\n\nSKILLS\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nSkills can be listed in a separate category.\nSkills are identified by type, including computer, language, technical, and laboratory skills.\nProficiency level is included for languages (native, fluent, proficient, conversant).\nDo not include personal attributes or soft skills (e.g., teamwork, communication).\n\nADDITIONAL\nr\nr\nr\nr\n\nInclude dates of participation for activities. A category of interests is optional.\nIf publication section is included, it is appropriately formatted.\nDocument does not include use of personal pronouns (I, me, we) or articles (a, the).\nList of references is not included. Do not use the phrase, \xe2\x80\x9cReferences available upon request .\xe2\x80\x9d\nTufts Career Center, Dowling Hall, Suite 740, Medford, MA 02155\n617.627.3299 \xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\x0cAdministrative Skills\napproved\narranged\ncatalogued\nclassified\n\nACTION VERBS\ncollected\ncompiled\ndispatched\nexecuted\n\ngenerated\nimplemented\ninspected\nmonitored\n\noperated\norganized\nprepared\nprocessed\n\npurchased\nrecorded\nretrieved\nscreened\n\nspecified\nsystematized\ntabulated\nvalidated\n\nCommunication Skills\naddressed\ndeveloped\narbitrated\ndirected\narranged\ndrafted\nedited\nauthored\nenlisted\ncorresponded\n\nformulated\ninfluenced\ninterpreted\nlectured\nmediated\n\nmoderated\nmotivated\nnegotiated\npersuaded\npromoted\n\npublicized\nreconciled\nrecruited\nspoke\n\ntranslated\nwrote\n\nCreative Skills\nacted\nconceptualized\ncreated\ndesigned\n\ndeveloped\ndirected\nestablished\nfounded\n\nillustrated\ninnovated\ninstituted\nintegrated\n\nintroduced\ninvented\noriginated\nperformed\n\nplanned\nrevitalized\nshaped\n\nFinancial Skills\nadministered\nallocated\nanalyzed\n\nappraised\naudited\nbalanced\n\nbudgeted\ncalculated\ncomputed\n\ndeveloped\nforecasted\nmanaged\n\nmarketed\nplanned\n\nHelping Skills\nassessed\nclarified\ncoached\n\ncounseled\ndemonstrated\ndiagnosed\n\neducated\nexpedited\nfacilitated\n\nfamiliarized\nguided\nreferred\n\nrehabilitated\nrepresented\n\nManagement Skills\nadministered\nanalyzed\nassigned\nattained\nchaired\n\nconducted\nconsolidated\ncontracted\ncoordinated\ndelegated\n\ndeveloped\ndirected\nevaluated\nexecuted\nimproved\n\nincreased\norganized\noversaw\nplanned\nprioritized\n\nproduced\nrecommended\nreviewed\n\nscheduled\nstrengthened\nsupervised\n\nResearch Skills\nclarified\ncollected\ncritiqued\n\ndiagnosed\nevaluated\nexamined\n\nextracted\nidentified\ninspected\n\ninterpreted\ninterviewed\ninvestigated\n\norganized\nreviewed\nsummarized\n\nsurveyed\nsystematized\n\nTeaching Skills\nadapted\nadvised\nclarified\ncoached\n\ncommunicated\ncoordinated\ndeveloped\nenabled\n\nencouraged\nevaluated\nexplained\nfacilitated\n\nguided\ninformed\ninitiated\ninstructed\n\npersuaded\nset goals\nstimulated\n\nTechnical Skills\nassembled\nbuilt\ncalculated\n\ncomputed\ndesigned\ndevised\n\nengineered\nfabricated\nmaintained\n\noperated\noverhauled\nprogrammed\n\nremodeled\nrepaired\nsolved\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\nprojected\nresearched\n\nupgraded\ntrained\n\n\x0cHOW TO DESCRIBE PART-TIME JOBS, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT & MORE\nYou\xe2\x80\x99ve probably held part-time and summer jobs that provide income yet may not be aligned with your\ncareer goals. This work has a legitimate place on your resume. It gives prospective employers an\nimportant message about your \xe2\x80\x9csoft skills,\xe2\x80\x9d personality traits and talents such as work ethic, attitude,\nand teamwork. Never underestimate the value of what you may think of as \xe2\x80\x9conly a part-time job.\xe2\x80\x9d\nHere are examples of phrases that describe the types of work done by many students. Please review all\nthe sections to get ideas about language that you can adapt for \xe2\x80\x98bullet points\xe2\x80\x99 on your own resume.\nAdministrative Positions & Campus Employment\n\xc2\xb7 Manage administrative tasks from data entry to appointment scheduling\n\xc2\xb7 Greet clients, manage phone system, and order office supplies\n\xc2\xb7 Compile and process detailed patient information for busy health care practice\n\xc2\xb7 Review email communication, prioritize time-sensitive issues, and direct inquiries to staff\n\xc2\xb7 Reduced time for order fulfillment by recommending and initiating new inventory system\n\xc2\xb7 Monitor library and respond to student inquiries about online and print resources\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\nWait Staff, Bartender & Tufts Dining Services\nManage dinner operations which serve more than 600 customers nightly\nSupervise and train staff; manage scheduling for two shifts\nOversee closing procedures including transferring all cash to safe\nGenerate positive feedback from customers, resulting in favorable reviews by management\nPromoted from Bar Back to Bartender based on performance and dependability\nCollaborate with team of servers for catered events involving up to 500 guests\nSales & Customer Service\nIncreased sales by analyzing customer preferences and recommending merchandise\nRecognized as \xe2\x80\x98Employee of the Week\xe2\x80\x99 in commission-based environment\nManage cash transactions, process sales returns, and restock inventory\nTrain new employees, track inventory, and respond to customer inquiries\nCamp Counseling, Classroom Assistance & Childcare\n\n\xc2\xb7 Planned and led educational, social, and athletic activities for children\n\n\xc2\xb7 Supervised pre-school children, organized group activities, communicated with parents\n\xc2\xb7 Create calendars, charts, bulletin boards, and other classroom visuals\n\xc2\xb7 Coach child with special needs to develop math, English, and social skills\n\nResident Assistant (RA)\n\xc2\xb7 Manage dormitory residence of 30 freshmen; counsel students and resolve conflicts\n\xc2\xb7 Design and implement programming for up to 250 students\n\xc2\xb7 Lead weekly meetings and community-building activities\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\nSmall Business & Entrepreneurial Ventures\nConceived and established organization to promote green initiatives on campus\nLaunched t-shirt company and built sales using social media and special events\nExpand business by generating referrals from existing clients\nAdvise management on use of social media to target new markets\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSample A\n\nName\n\nCurrent Address \xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number\nHome Address \xe2\x80\xa2 Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, expected May xxxx\nGPA: 3.67, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nRELEVANT COURSES\nBiomechanics and Materials in Medicine, Gourmet Engineering, Chemistry/Physical Chemistry, Biology,\nMaterials Science, Thermodynamics and Process Calculations, Health Care in America\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nVillanova Summer Research Institute, Villanova, PA\nResearcher, June xxxx- August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Performed epidemiological and population biology research on HIV and Malaria co-infection\n\xc2\xb7 Gained extensive experience in computer visualization and data analysis\n\xc2\xb7 Created PowerPoint presentations to convey research results and presented to laboratory managers\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nAlexander\xe2\x80\x99s Twin Pharmacy, Cambridge, MA\nPharmacy Technician and Graphic Designer, June xxxx-August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Developed website for infertility medication information\n\xc2\xb7 Designed specialty sales brochures and created labels for compounded medications\n\xc2\xb7 Filled prescriptions and compounded medications\nOffice of New Jersey State Representative Gary Guear, Hamilton, NJ\nIntern and Speech Writer, February-April xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Researched and wrote speeches for Representative Guear to give on House floor and at press conferences\n\xc2\xb7 Organized and managed Cell Phones for Seniors Program\n\nACTIVITIES\nMassachusetts Water Watch, Volunteer, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Educate community about Mystic Valley River System\xe2\x80\x99s water problems; test water for pollutants\nInternational Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers, Class Representative, Dates\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE), Member, Dates\nTufts Dance Collective, Member, Dates\n\nSKILLS\nComputer: CAD, AutoCAD, VBA, JMP In (statistical analysis program), Microsoft Office\nLaboratory: Mass Spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE, Gas Chromatography, Cell Culture, HPLC, Gene Cloning\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSample B\n\nName\nAddress\nPhone number | Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics, May xxxx\nGPA: 3.2 | Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List 5/8 semesters\n\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nBiotechnology Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Intro to Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry/Physical Chemistry, Cells &\nOrganisms, Structure & Strength of Materials, Applications of Mathematics & Software to Chemical Engineering (MATLAB),\nFluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics & Process Calculations, Computer Engineering/Graphics, Quantum Mechanics, Real Analysis,\nCalculus-Based Physics, Intro to Electrical Systems, Linear Algebra, Calculus/Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nTufts University Math Department | Medford, MA | Date-Present\n\xc2\xb7 Prepare assignments for professors of numerous calculus classes, and grade homework\nGibbons Middle School | Westborough, MA | Dates\nSubstitute Teacher for science, English, ESL, Spanish, and music classes\n\xc2\xb7 Translated science and English study material for Spanish/Portuguese students still learning the English language\nLincoln-Sudbury Regional and Westborough Public Schools | Boston Area, MA | Dates\nMath Tutor for AB/BC Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Algebra II, Algebra I, Pre-Algebra, SAT I/IC/IIC, and ACT\nTufts Student Resources | Medford, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Supervised operations of \xe2\x80\x9cThe Rez,\xe2\x80\x9d non-profit, student-run organization on Tufts University campus\n\xc2\xb7 Trained new workers in using equipment and interacting with customers\nAlpha Omicron Pi Leader\xe2\x80\x99s Council | Medford, MA | Dates\nVice President of Education and Chapter Relations Representative\n\xc2\xb7 Managed educational sessions, forums, and events for AOII members to attend at Tufts University and around Boston Area\n\xc2\xb7 Organized calendar of events for AOII National Board\nNatick Mall | Framingham, MA | Dates\nExpress Sales Associate, Lead all sales associates in opening credit card accounts\n\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE\nFundraising America | Medford, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Organized and headed tribute fundraising event to help raise over $7,000, enabling participation of 100 students in the\n\xe2\x80\x9cAmerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention\xe2\x80\x99s Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk\xe2\x80\x9d in New York City\nTufts University Pre-Medical Society | Medford, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Edited application essays for students of Tufts University applying to medical school\nChildren\xe2\x80\x99s Hospital Boston \xe2\x80\x93 Miles for Miracles | Boston, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Ran 2006 Boston Marathon, raising over $500 for Children\xe2\x80\x99s Hospital in Boston\nTowns of Washington and Quincy | Quincy, MA | Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Sang in Community Sing with other community adults and Washington-Quincy Regional High School Concert Choir\n\nACTIVITIES\nTufts Math Society | Represent Tufts University in the 200X PUTNAM Competition, nation-wide math competition\nSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) | Active in advertising and building community among the engineering women at Tufts\nTufts Burlesque Troupe (TBT) & Tufts Dance Collective (TDC) | Leading Soloist & Choreographer\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) | Member\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n7\n\n\x0cSample C\nName\nTufts email\nAddress, Phone number\\nEducation\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, May xxxx\nMinor: Philosophy\nGPA 3.75, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List all semesters\n\nSkills\n\nSoftware: MS Office, AutoCAD 14, Sigma Plot\nProgramming Languages: C, C++, Basic, HTML, JavaScript, Perl, Motif, CGI\nLanguages: Proficient in Spanish\n\nRelevant\nCoursework\n\nData Structures in C++\nMultimedia Programming in HTML, JavaScript, Perl. and CGI\nObject Oriented Programming in C++ and Motif\nDifferential Equations\n\nExperience\n\nTufts University EECS Department, Medford, MA\nTeaching Assistant, September xxxx -Present\n\xc2\xb7 Grade homework for Introduction to C Programming\n\xc2\xb7 Teach computer laboratories for beginning programming students\n\xc2\xb7 Provide individual assistance with class projects during open office hours\nNZ Applied Technology, Woburn, MA\nLaboratory Research Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Grew thin ferroelectric films of varying composition on crystal substrates\n\xc2\xb7 Tested materials for electro-optic properties using a 632.8nm He-Ne laser\n\xc2\xb7 Processed and analyzed information and prepared report for publication\n\xc2\xb7 Programmed Visual BASIC modules for data analysis\nCircuit City, Framingham, MA\nCustomer Service Associate, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Handled complaints as an intermediary between customers and management\n\xc2\xb7 Processed credit applications\n\nActivities\n\nTau Beta Pi, Vice-President, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Organized technical writing seminar for 35 members\nTufts University, Unix Systems Administrator, Dates\nInstitution of Industrial Electronics Engineering, Member\n\nPublication\n\nStructural and Electro- Optic Properties in Lead Magnesium Niobate\nTitanate Thin Films, submitted for publication to the Journal of Applied\nPhysics in December xxxx\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSample D\n\nName\n\nAddress \xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number \xe2\x80\xa2 Tufts email\n\nObjective\n\nAn internship working in development, design, implementation or monitoring of\nalternative stormwater and/or wastewater treatment projects.\n\nEducation\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, May xxxx\nGPA: 3.2\nRelevant coursework: Environment and Technology; Applied Mechanics-Statics;\nCalculus; Chemical Principles\nRidgedale High School, Ridgedale, NJ, June xxxx\nNational Honor Society, President\n\nExperience\n\nEarthwatch, Medford, MA, Jan.-May xxxx\nCampus Ambassador\n\xc2\xb7 Coordinated logistics for campus environmental awareness events\n\xc2\xb7 Videotaped campus speakers for use on website\nWBZ-TV Boston, Boston, MA, May-Aug. xxxx\nAssistant\n\xc2\xb7 Contributed to project entitled, \xe2\x80\x9cSuper Construction/Reengineering\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xc2\xb7 Observed newsroom activities, including the writing and editing of stories\n\xc2\xb7 Reviewed page layout under supervision of head engineer\nSouth Shore Music Circus, Quincy, MA, Dates\nSecretary, Waiter\n\xc2\xb7 Provided telephone and administrative support to staff and consumers\n\xc2\xb7 Organized orders to ensure fast delivery; provided excellent customer service\nJoe\xe2\x80\x99s Restaurant, Ridgedale, NJ, Dates\nServer\n\xc2\xb7 Adapted to individual personalities to assure customer satisfaction\n\xc2\xb7 Interacted with owner and staff to produce quality team work\n\nComputer Skills\n\nMicrosoft Office; C++\n\nActivities\n\nEngineers Without Borders, Sept. XXXX -Present\nRidgedale High School, Yearbook Committee, Dates\nRidgedale High School Math Society, Competitive Member, Dates\nRidgedale Community Services, Volunteer, Dates\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n9\n\n\x0cSample E\nName\n\nAddress \xc2\xb7 Phone number \xc2\xb7 Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering expected May xxxx\nMinor: English Literature\nGPA: 3.2/4.0, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Henry J. Leir Memorial Scholarship\nUniversity College London, London, England\nConcentration: Electrical Engineering, Dates\nSKILLS\nProgramming Languages: Assembly, C++, Visual Basic, Avenue\nSoftware: Matlab, AutoCAD, Arcview\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nMicroprocessors, Data Structures, Feedback Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing,\nFields and Waves, Communication Systems\nPROJECTS\nHybrid Racecar Low Voltage Electronics, Sept.XXXX - present\n\xc2\xb7 Scope viability of 3 different electrical designs to assess most effective implementation\nRobotics Academy- Search and Rescue Robots, Sept. XXXX \xe2\x80\x93May XXXX\n\xc2\xb7 Developed microprocessor controls for robots working together to find location\n\xc2\xb7 Collaborated with child development and mechanical engineering students to create robots to\nuse as teaching materials for K-12 engineering education\nEXPERIENCE\nMinimax Corporation, St. Paul, MN\n\nIntern- ScadaCam Development Department, Dates\n\xc2\xb7\n\n\xc2\xb7\n\nConverted microprocessor controls from prototype version to completed set of controls which\nwill be installed in Arizona and Brazil next year\nUpdated embedded 6811 code driving a remotely controlled camera by adding resting pulse\nwidth modulation and slow speed positional smoothing interrupts, position query, stop\ncommand, temperature averaging, and communications protocol\n\nJumpstart, Boston, MA\nAmericorps Member, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Led classroom activities and curriculum planning meetings with team of ten peers\n\xc2\xb7 Developed innovative ways to communicate with Cantonese and Spanish speaking children\nMaier Engineering Inc., St. Paul, MN\n\nIntern \xe2\x80\x93 Geographic Information Systems Department, Dates\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\n\xc2\xb7\n\nPrepared GIS maps for electric utility clients using Arcview\nReorganized server filing system by streamlining folder naming conventions for greater ease\nin project management\nRedesigned CAD spec sheets fixing errors caused by multiple authorship\n\nACTIVITIES\nIEEE, Jan. XXXX \xe2\x80\x93 Present, SWE, Sept. XXXX- Present, Tufts Corale, Jan XXXX - Present\nFormula Hybrid Team, Jan. XXXX \xe2\x80\x93 May XXXX, math tutor, Sept XXXX \xe2\x80\x93 May XXXX\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n10\n\n\x0cSample F\n\nName\nAddress, Phone number, Tufts email\n\nEDUCATION\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering, May xxxx\nMinor: English\nGPA 3.53, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nSoftware: Microsoft Office XP, AutoCAD (3D modeling and design), MS Excel,\nMS PowerPoint, MS Word, Scanning, Writing/Creating CDs\nProgramming Languages: Visual Basic, C++, Very High Speed Integrated Circuit\nHardware Description Language (VHDL), Register Transfer Language (RTL), Machine\nAssembly Language with the Motorola 68HC11 and 68HC12 Microprocessor Chips\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES &\nPROJECTS\n\nElectromagnetic Field and Wave Theory (with lab), Math of Linear Systems,\nMicroprocessor Architecture and Applications (with lab), Introduction to Analog/Digital\nElectronics(with lab), Biomedical Engineering I\nBose Speaker Design Project, First Place Design\n\xc2\xb7 Designed, as part of team, winning speaker based on loudness, clarity and range of\nfrequencies\n\xc2\xb7 Used materials including wood, paper, plastic, rubber, magnets, and copper wire\n\xc2\xb7 Consulted with a professional electrical engineer\nElectronic Musical Instrument\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and built an electronic musical instrument with two other teammates\n\xc2\xb7 Programmed computer to interpret the signals based on colors pressed by musician\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStevenson Lumber Co., Stevenson, CT\nDates\nYard Helper/Delivery Truck Driver\n\xc2\xb7 Promoted to delivery truck driver from yard helper after 6 weeks based on performance\nand dependability\nRiver Restaurant, Derby, CT\nDates\nWaiter/Bar Back\n\xc2\xb7 Interacted with wait staff and bartenders to produce quality teamwork and open\ncommunication during peak business hours\n\xc2\xb7 Demonstrated adaptability to high pressure environment with strict time constraints\n\nVOLUNTEER\nACTIVITIES\n\nKid\xe2\x80\x99s Day, Tufts University\nToys for Tots, Tufts University\nBig Brother/Big Sister, Boston, MA\nNo Homer\xe2\x80\x99s Club, Dodge Ball Benefit Game, Tufts University\n\nATHLETICS\n\nTufts University Varsity Football\n\xc2\xb7 Selected to NESCAC All-Academic Team\n\xc2\xb7 Selected to NESCAC First Team Special Teams\n\xc2\xb7 Selected to All NESCAC Second Team Defensive Back\nTufts University Varsity Track\n\nINTERESTS\n\nSpring xxxx\nFall xxxx\nFall xxxx\nSpring xxxx\nDates\n\nDates\n\nSnowboarding, Skiing, Hiking, Basketball, Golf, and Cooking\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n11\n\n\x0cSample G\n\nName\nAddress \xe2\x80\xa2 Phone number \xe2\x80\xa2 Tufts email\nEducation\n\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, expected May xxxx\nMinor in Engineering Management\n\nHonors\n\nJackie Robinson Foundation Scholar\nBalfour Scholar\n\nExperience\n\nGilbane Building Company, New Haven, CT\nEngineering Clerk/Intern, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Prepare graphs, maps, and exhibits to support project engineers and program managers who\nrepresented the City of New Haven during the building of public schools\nTufts University Admissions, Medford, MA\nProgram Coordinator, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Coordinated a large 2\xe2\x80\x933 day program encouraging visiting prospective students to apply and\nenroll at Tufts\nTufts University Development, Medford, MA\nDonations Specialist, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Contacted alumni and friends of Tufts about contributing donations for Telefund project\nUnilever Home and Personal Care-North America, Clinton, CT\nTransportation Administrator, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Arranged the shipping of Unilever products, resolved product transportation issues\n\xc2\xb7 Contributed as an active member of a high performance work team\nVector Marketing Corporation, Hamden, CT\nSales Representative, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Sold $5,000 of cutlery; scheduled sales appointments by networking\n\nProfessional\nAffiliations\n\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Student Member, Dates\nNational Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Student Member, Dates\nBoston Society of Civil Engineers Section (BSCES), Student Member, Dates\n\nLeadership\n\nBlack Men\xe2\x80\x99s Group\nPresident, Dates, Senior Class Representative, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Organized first ever meeting with similar groups from 5 other area schools\n\nCommunity\nService\n\nHabitat for Humanity, Dates\n\xc5\xb8 Participated in house building project in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina\n\nComputer\n\nGeneral Programs: Visual Basic Analysis (VBA), AutoCAD and MathCAD\nGeotechnical engineering programs: Stress and BCAF\nStructural engineering program: Visual Analysis\nProgramming Language: C++\n\nSkills\n\nInterests\n\nBasketball, football, rugby, baseball; music (Hip Hop and R&B); environmental conservation\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n12\n\n\x0cSample H\nName\nTufts email\nAddress, Phone number\nEDUCATION\nTufts University Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May xxxx\nUniversity of Canterbury, New Zealand\nStudy Abroad Program, Materials Concentration January xxxx \xe2\x80\x93 June xxxx\nRELEVANT COURSES\nEngineering Materials, Applied Mathematics for Engineers, Modern Quality Control, System Dynamics and\nControls, Instruments and Experiments, Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics and Vibrations, Machine Design,\nThermodynamics, Strength of Materials Technical Writing, Entrepreneurial Leadership\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nKeynote, AutoCAD, Lab View, Microsoft Office, ClarisWorks, iMic\nPROJECTS AND RESEARCH\nTufts University, Microhardness Indentation Testing, Medford, MA\nUndergraduate Researcher, September xxxx-present\n\xc2\xb7 Prepared and performed Knoop and Vickers Test on samples of Epoxy and C. fornicata snail shell\nTufts University Senior Design Competition, Medford, MA\nTesting Technician, December xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Volunteered to test the senior design project of Senior Mechanical Engineer\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented tests to check quality and usability of litter suspension system\nMechanical Engineering Project Work, Medford, MA\nAssistant, September - December xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Machined parts for and assembled Air Motor; designed Lab View program to test efficiency of Air Motor\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and constructed a violin\n\xc2\xb7 Constructed Piezo Film and pressure sensors to collect data from African drums\n\xc2\xb7 Created a dummy drum to play multiple parts at once using data and sensors\nEXPERIENCE\nTufts University Center for Engineering Educational Outreach, Medford, MA\nUndergraduate Fellow/LEGO Camp Counselor, May - August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Guided individual project construction and Introduction to Engineering Design Process\n\xc2\xb7 Developed curriculum and prototyping for World\xe2\x80\x99s Smallest Steamboat\nB\xe2\x80\x99nai B\xe2\x80\x99rith Beber Camp, Mukwonago, WI\nCamp Counselor, July \xe2\x80\x93 August xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Organized three day and one day camping trips for 20 campers aged 12-16\n\xc2\xb7 Promoted a safe and enjoyable environment for all campers\nAWARDS AND RECOGNITION\nFIRST Robotics Competition, September xxxx \xe2\x80\x93 June xxxx\n\xc2\xb7 Competed in US National Championships, Epcot Center, Florida\nPatent Application for \xe2\x80\x9cWind-Propelled Skateboard\xe2\x80\x9d, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Co-invented and co-built prototypes\nACTIVITIES\nTufts University Robotics Academy, member, December xxxx - Present\nRace Across Campus, 2nd Place, February xxxx\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n13\n\n\x0cSample I\nNAME\nCurrent Address | City, State | Phone number | Email\n\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nMaster of Science in Computer Science, anticipated Date\nGPA: 3.87/4.0\nRelated Courses: Advanced Databases, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Human Computer\nInteraction, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Biotechnology, Biology, Computational Geometry, Special Topics in\nComputer Science.\nThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel\nBachelor of Science, Computer Science, Date\nGPA: 84/100\n\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\nMicroarray Data Analysis: Classification of Human Lung Cancers, Date - Present\n\xc2\xb7 Research various clustering methods in order to classify human lung carcinomas based on microarray experiments.\nIdentification of Transcription Factors from Primary Sequences, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented a program to identify specific transcription factors from raw sequence data.\nWeb Application, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented auction web site using SQL Server 7, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript on Microsoft InterDev.\n\nCOMPUTER EXPERTISE\nDevelopment:\nPlatforms:\n\nJava, C, C++, Scheme, Lisp, VB, SQL Server 7, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML, VBScript,\nJavaScript, ASP, PHP, XML, Remote Scripting, CSS, ODBC, JDBC, Servlet, JSP.\nMicrosoft Visual Studio 6, IBM VisualAge, Visual Caf\xc3\xa9, JDK, Visual InterDev, Dreamweaver,\nMicrosoft Office.\n\nTECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nWebmaster and Teacher Assistant, Date - Present\n\xc2\xb7 Maintain Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments\xe2\x80\x99 websites.\n\xc2\xb7 Teach classes and meet individually with students in Database Systems and Computer Graphics.\n\xc2\xb7 Developed web application for the Tufts Computing and Communications Service.\n\xc2\xb7 Maintained and developed web application under supervision of Vice President Office.\nABC Technologies, Tel Aviv, Israel\nSoftware Engineer, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Developed Web Application involving XML, ASP, VBScript, Jscript, Remote Scripting, and COM objects.\nHebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel\nSoftware Engineer, Office of Dean of Computer Science and Teacher Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented website database structure for students and faculty use.\n\xc2\xb7 Taught computer languages (Java, C++) to first year students.\nACTIVITIES\nTufts Daily, Contributing Writer, Dates\nTufts University Hillel, Dates\n\n7\n\n\x0cSample J\nName\n\nLocal address \xe2\x88\x99 phone number \xe2\x88\x99 Tufts email\nEDUCATION\nTufts University, Medford, MA\nBachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering anticipated May xxxx\nGPA 3.54\nTufts-in-Talloires, six-week study program in French Alps, MacJannet Scholar, May-June xxxx\nENGINEERING EXPERIENCE\nCharles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, Undergraduate Engineer, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed process to fabricate airway stent out of bioresorbable material\n\xc2\xb7 Studied the degradation properties of the bioresorbable material used to fabricate the airway stent\n\xc2\xb7 Imaged nanopatterns deposited on the bioresorbable material with scanning electron microscope (SEM)\nReactive Innovators, Westfield, MA, Laboratory Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Researched catalysts for oxygen and ozone production in oxygen concentrator and water disinfection unit\n\xc2\xb7 Constructed parts of a chlorination unit for large scale drinking water disinfection\nRESEARCH\nTufts BioMedical Laboratory, Research Assistant, Dates\n\xc2\xb7 Designed experiments and devices to induce a regenerative response in mammals through the application\nof an external electric field\n\xc2\xb7 Conducted in vitro and in vivo mouse model studies\nEMPLOYMENT\nFire & Ice, Cambridge, MA, Waitress, Dates\nCousens Pool, Tufts University, Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor, Dates\nLakeside Day Camp, Wellesley MA, Waterfront and Arts Counselor, Dates\nSKILLS\nComputer: Proficient in Final Cut Pro; Adobe InDesign, Photoshop; Microsoft Office\nLanguage: Fluent in Spanish, Conversational French\nLaboratory: Tissue culture, histology, microelectrode design, data acquisition systems, in vivo murine studies\nINTERESTS\nDigital photography, songwriting, skiing, travel (18 countries, 3 continents)\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n\x0cSAMPLE LIST OF REFERENCES\nNAME\nCurrent/School Address City, State, Zip Phone number Email\nREFERENCES\nMr. George Smith\nSenior Engineer\nABC Company\n540 Lexington St.\nWaltham, MA 02542\n781.555.6117\[email protected]\nMr. Smith supervised my employment for two years at ABC Company.\n\nUse the same name/address\nheading that you have on your\nresume for your list of references.\n\nDr. Carla Johnson\nDepartment of Chemical Engineering\nTufts University\nMedford, MA 02155\n617.555.2307\[email protected]\nDr. Johnson is my Academic Advisor at Tufts University, where she guides me in making decisions about my major course of\nstudy and projects.\nMs. Gale Mitchell\nAlways list a telephone number as it\nTraining Supervisor\nis most likely that your references\nXYZ Company\nwill want to discuss your previous\n49 Brattle St\nperformance in a phone call.\nCambridge, MA 02138\n617.555.2222\[email protected]\nMs. Mitchell was my manager at XYZ Company, and she can best describe my program management experience.\n\nWHAT IS A \xe2\x80\x9cLIST OF REFERENCES\xe2\x80\x9d & WHEN WILL I NEED ONE?\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\n\xc2\xb7\n\xc2\xb7\n\nMost employers will ask for \xe2\x80\x9creferences,\xe2\x80\x9d which entail a phone conversation with someone who knows your work. In\nsome instances, employers may require written recommendations and will specify this in their job posting.\nBe ready to offer three references from current or former employers, professors who have taught one or more of your\ncourses, and others who have supervised or worked with you in a professional context. Do not list family members,\nneighbors, friends and other personal contacts unless they have supervised your work in a professional or academic\nsetting.\nCheck with your references before you give their contact info to a prospective employer. Provide them with a copy of\nyour resume, a job description, and the highlights of your work with them that are relevant to the new position.\nUse the same name/address heading as you do on your resume in case it gets separated from your resume and the\nsame color/quality paper for the reference sheet if submitting in hard copy.\n\nTufts Career Center | | 617.627.3299 | Dowling Hall 740\n\n14"
b'HOW TO WRITE A PROFESSIONAL RESUME\n\n\x0c\x0cRESUME TIPS\nThe following tips are suggestions that you should consider when writing and sending your resume to prospective\nemployers:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUse white or light colored paper in standard size (8 \xc2\xbd x 11 inches). Many office supply stores sell resume paper.\nBe sure to include a cover letter with mailed and emailed resumes. When you email a resume and cover letter,\ncreate a short introduction to use as your email body.\nThe resume should be easy to read, crisp, and have a consistent format.\nAlways keep your resume up-to-date!\n\nMany companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which scan resumes for key words and themes that\nmatch the job description. These words identify skills that the company is looking for to fill specific job postings. However,\ndue to the use of this software, there are specific ways a resume should be formatted so that it will scan properly in to the\ncompany\xe2\x80\x99s system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDo not use a template, invisible text boxes, special graphics, color, or shading. Always use a blank Microsoft Word\ndocument to create a text-only version of your resume for online submissions. Always submit your resume in a .pdf\nformat and save more creative versions of your resume to hand to an employer in person.\nUse standard, non-decorative fonts in black ink only. Font sizes should be 14-16pt for your name and 10-12pt for\nthe body of your resume.\nMargins should be equally set between .6 \xe2\x80\x93 1 inch on all sides.\nAvoid folding or stapling your resume. If your resume is more than one page, create a header and/or footer with\nyour name, contact information, and page number.\n\nKey words describe skills using nouns and action verbs and are very important in your resume. Companies usually\nindicate key skills they are looking for in the job posting.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUse synonyms in your resume \xe2\x80\x93 if you use the word, \xe2\x80\x9cAttorney\xe2\x80\x9d, also use the word, \xe2\x80\x9cLawyer\xe2\x80\x9d.\nDo not use \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cme\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cmy\xe2\x80\x9d, or other personal pronouns \xe2\x80\x93 simply begin statements with strong action verbs to\ndescribe what you did.\nKey words = experience + knowledge (be honest and do not exaggerate your skills).\n\nAlways proofread your resume before you send it!\n\n\x0cOBJECTIVES\nAn objective statement is a one or two line statement of your career or job search goal. It is used in place of a longer\nsummary, likely when a candidate has little to no experience related to their target position. Your objective should be\nspecific to the type of position or field that you\xe2\x80\x99re applying to and focus on what you can contribute to the position or\ncompany, not what you want or what you can gain from the experience.\nNOTE: THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY \xe2\x80\x93 DO NOT COPY.\n\nManagement:\nSeeking an entry-level management position with responsibilities including problem-solving, planning, organizing, and\nmanaging budgets.\nAdmin:\nAn administrative position in the area of rehabilitation and geriatric healthcare, utilizing knowledge of clinical, community,\nand patient services.\nTeaching:\nA position as an Elementary School Teacher that will utilize strong teaching abilities to create a nurturing, motivational, and\nstimulating learning environment to help children achieve their potential.\nCriminal Justice:\nSeeking a full-time position in the field of criminal justice where education, initiative to succeed, and desire to serve will be of\nvalue in administering and safeguarding criminal and judicial processes.\nTech Support:\nPosition utilizing training and hands-on experience in MIS, help-desk services, technical support, and customer service.\nAccounting:\nSeeking entry-level position as a Staff Accountant utilizing outstanding analytical, accounting, and leadership skills.\n\n\x0cSUMMARIES\nA summary takes the place of an objective statement when a candidate has relevant experience in the field to which they\nare applying. A summary is longer than an objective and highlights the desired position and a few relevant qualifications.\nNOTE: THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY \xe2\x80\x93 DO NOT COPY.\nSamples are based on examples presented in \xe2\x80\x9cModernize Your Resumes and Cover Letters\xe2\x80\x9d by Wendy Enelow and Louise Kursmark of The\nResume Writing Academy and Career Thought Leaders Consortium.\n\nMODERN STYLE:\n\nHealth and Social Service Manager\n\nMental Health Program Coordinator \xe2\x94\x82 Social Worker Case Manager\nBilingual (English-Spanish) healthcare leader delivering top-notch health and social service outreach in rural and\nurban communities since 2005\n\nForensic Science Technician\n\nPassion for Science and Discovery\nBS in Biology and Criminology \xe2\x80\x93 Experience collecting, identifying, classifying, and analyzing physical evidence\nthrough classroom projects, criminal investigation internship, and study abroad.\n\nProgrammer Analyst / Software Developer\n\nAnalytical Thinker with 5+ Years\xe2\x80\x99 Experience in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry.\nTechnical Expertise Includes:\nCommand Interpreters \xe2\x80\xa2 MySQL software \xe2\x80\xa2 IEA Software Emerald \xe2\x80\xa2 Microsoft Access\nMicrosoft Visual Basic \xe2\x80\xa2 C++ \xe2\x80\xa2 Python \xe2\x80\xa2 HTML \xe2\x80\xa2 JavaScript\n\nAccounting & Finance\n\nTaxation & Audit \xef\x82\xa7 Financial Planning & Investment\nIntuit QuickBooks \xef\x82\xa7 ERP Software \xef\x82\xa7 Oracle PeopleSoft \xef\x82\xa7 MS Excel \xef\x82\xa7 HR Block Tax Software\nTRADITIONAL STYLE:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Outgoing and articulate, with excellent people skills. Frequently commended for communication and interaction skills\nwith customers and colleagues.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proven ability to learn, retain, and apply new information quickly, with solid academic and employment\nachievements.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Leadership abilities. Consistently gained increased responsibility through employment history and academic pursuit.\nSound judgment and solid decision-making skills.\nDetail-oriented, high-energy Chemical Engineering graduate with keen problem-solving and analytical skills as\nevidenced by the ability to provide analysis and recommendations to improve plant operations. Strong interpersonal,\nplanning, and organizational skills as demonstrated in chemical engineering internships.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contribute independently, or as part of a team, to coordinate and manage products ranging from floor layout\ndesigns and thermodynamic calculations to the reproduction of obsolete parts.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Excellent performance records and personal reviews in three previous co-op positions.\n\n\x0cRELEVANT COURSES\nThe Relevant Courses section should be used on the resume when you need to demonstrate your knowledge of the\nindustry when you have little to no relevant work experience. Choose your most impressive courses; try to avoid listing the\nentry-level ones.\nThis section is best paired with the Academic Projects section. Together, both sections are an excellent way to utilize your\ndegree for your job goal.\nTo format the section, simply list your classes using multiple columns. Course numbers, descriptions, and grades are not\nnecessary.\nNOTE: THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY \xe2\x80\x93 DO NOT COPY.\n\nTWO COLUMN SAMPLE:\nRELEVANT COURSES\nFinancial Accounting\nCalculus\nMacroeconomics\n\nManagement Accounting\nBusiness Finance\nOrganizational Development\n\nTHREE COLUMN SAMPLE:\nRELEVANT COURSES\nDigital Circuits\nHardware Modeling\nVLSI Design\n\nInformation Security\nAdvanced Systems\nNumerical Analysis\n\nDigital Logic\nComputer Graphics\nAutomata Theory\n\n\x0cACADEMIC PROJECTS\nAcademic projects are used to demonstrate your knowledge of an area or industry when you have little or no experience.\nAnything done in class, except tests, can be presented as a project. Examples include presentations, papers, group work,\ncase studies, and research.\nAll academic projects should be written in active voice using the strongest action verbs possible. In this suggested format,\ninclude a title and keep the overview to two to three lines, providing only enough information so the prospective employer\ncan ask questions. If the project is too in-depth to present in two or three lines, use two or three bulleted statements instead\nof the paragraph format.\nNOTE: THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY \xe2\x80\x93 DO NOT COPY.\n\nSoftware Engineering Group Project\nDesigned library catalog web system using 3-tier, client-server model. Presented project plan, software requirement\nspecification, non-functional specification, detailed case analysis technical specification, and test plan.\nJava Programming Project\nComputed United States Golf Association Handicap Index for any number of golf players, designing a simple-to-install and\neasy-to-use application. Created user-friendly interface to input players\xe2\x80\x99 performances and display handicap.\nComparison of Accounting Systems\nResearched and compared the accounting systems of two international companies to determine long-term strategic\ndirection and make financial recommendations for improving revenue.\nInvestment Management\nManaged investment portfolio in Stock-Trak Simulation. Determined successful investment strategies, tested theories, and\nresearched various markets.\nPsychology Research Project\nInvestigated psychophysiology, schema, and depression in young adolescents. Conducted physiological measurement and\nclinical diagnostic interviewing to determine patterns of behavior.\n3D Graphic Design Project\nCreated a 3D model of the skeletal infrastructure of a 20-story building in intricate detail using Maya software. Ensured\nmeasurement and layout accuracy through careful architectural research.\n\n\x0cRESULT/ACCOMPLISHMENT STATEMENTS\nResult and accomplishment statements are used when describing previous experience to show the employer written proof\nof your results, achievements, and successes. They demonstrate what is unique about you and how you can add value to a\npotential position by citing specific examples. Simply listing duties or responsibilities from your job description are not\nenough \xe2\x80\x93 focus on what you actually did and how your efforts impacted your position, the project, or organization.\nTo help get you in the mindset of writing result and accomplishment statements, ask yourself some of these questions:\n\xef\x82\xb7 What was the purpose of this work? How was this work relevant to the organization?\n\xef\x82\xb7 What goals was I contributing to? What value or benefit did I add?\n\xef\x82\xb7 How did I go above and beyond basic job duties? Compared to others in my position, how did I stand out?\n\xef\x82\xb7 Did this work save time/money, increase customer satisfaction, design/improve a process or policy, etc? Did I\nachieve more with less; complete something ahead of schedule/budget?\n\xef\x82\xb7 Did I receive a promotion and/or recognition during my employment? Did I consistently maintain or hit above\npersonal or company goals or quotas?\nNOTE: THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY \xe2\x80\x93 DO NOT COPY.\n\nYou can develop result and accomplishment statements using several methods, which are described below:\nSOAR\nStatement of Action \xe2\x80\x93 What did you do? (Action verb)\nOccurrence of Action \xe2\x80\x93 How often action occurred/took place (daily, weekly, annually, etc.)\nAmount of Action \xe2\x80\x93 How much, how many? (20%, 50+, over 100, $1M, etc.)\nResult of Action \xe2\x80\x93 Result/outcome of efforts (increased, decreased, designed, saved, implemented, etc.)\nStatement \xe2\x80\x93 Managed a technical crew\nOccurrence \xe2\x80\x93 Managed a technical crew on a daily basis\nAmount \xe2\x80\x93 Managed a technical crew of over 20 people on a daily basis\nResult \xe2\x80\x93 Managed a technical crew of over 20 people, on a daily basis, that increased production 3 quarters in a row\nPAR/CAR\nProblem/Challenge \xe2\x80\x93 Problem/challenge/opportunity\nAction \xe2\x80\x93 Action taken to solve the problem\nResult \xe2\x80\x93 Result or outcome of your efforts\n\nSTAR\nSituation/Task \xe2\x80\x93 Situation or task at hand\nAction \xe2\x80\x93 Action taken\nResult \xe2\x80\x93 Result of action taken\n\nADDITIONAL RESULT/ACCOMPLISHMENT STATEMENT EXAMPLES:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected as Freshman Orientation Leader; acclimated 150 new students to college environment through guided\ntours of campus and presentations over a 3-day period.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led 8-member team project that collected new hire data from 350 employers in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Redesigned company accounting and payroll systems by implementing new, electronic reporting system which\ndecreased turnaround time for reimbursements.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Trained over 200 new insurance agents in a 2-month time frame on the legal, ethical, and regulatory aspects of\ninsurance and securities sales.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Innovated blood drive volunteer system, which increased student and faculty participation by 20%.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Recognized and promoted to Assistant Sales Manager within 1 year for consistent customer service-oriented\nattitude, product knowledge, and leadership capabilities.\n\n\x0cTRANSFERABLE SKILLS\nYou have obtained many skills throughout your life: working, being a student, participating in extracurricular activities, and\neven personal experiences have all contributed to your skill set. Skills which can apply to many different jobs or areas are\ncalled transferable skills. They are especially handy to use if you have no relevant work experience or if you are changing\ncareer paths. Incorporating these into your work experience section will help showcase the applicable skills you have to\noffer the employer. Remember, simply listing that you have these skills is not enough. You must include how you used\nthese skills in order to prove you possess them, and show how they are relevant and applicable to the employer.\nBelow is a list of transferable skills to help you get started.\nCommunication\nSpeaking effectively\nListening attentively\nWriting concisely\nEditing\n\nProviding appropriate feedback\nPerceiving nonverbal messages\nFacilitating group discussion\nExpressing ideas\n\nNegotiating and persuading\nSpeaking a foreign language\nReporting information\nDescribing feelings\n\nResearch and Planning\nCreating ideas\nSetting goals\nForecasting\nAnalyzing\n\nExtracting information\nIdentifying resources\nDeveloping strategies\nPredicting outcomes\n\nGathering information\nSynthesizing data\nSolving problems\nDefining needs\n\nHuman Relations\nDeveloping rapport\nBeing sensitive\nCounseling\nAsserting\n\nPerceiving feelings and situations\nProviding support for others\nDelegating with respect\nConveying feelings\n\nRepresenting others\nCooperating\nMotivating\nListening\n\nOrganization, Management, and Leadership\nInitiating new ideas\nDecision making with others\nManaging groups\nDelegating responsibility\nManaging conflict\nSelling ideas or products\nCoaching\nHandling details\n\nCoordinating tasks\nPromoting change\nCounseling\nTeaching\n\nWork Survival\nBeing punctual\nMeeting goals\nCooperating\nOrganizing\n\nAttending to detail\nEnforcing policies\nMaking decisions\nEnlisting help\n\nSetting and meeting deadlines\nImplementing decisions\nAccepting responsibility\nManaging time\n\n\x0cTRANSFERABLE SKILLS: SAMPLES\nHere are some examples of how to use transferable skills to improve on basic job descriptions and prove to the employer\nthat you possess relevant job-related skills. Remember to focus on results and accomplishments rather than simply listing\nduties and responsibilities.\nNOTE: THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY \xe2\x80\x93 DO NOT COPY.\n\nFor a Server:\nBefore: Provided customer service to customers.\nAfter: Gained and maintained clientele of regular customers through reputation as an excellent server.\nBefore: Sold desserts and appetizers to customers.\nAfter: Effectively utilized marketing strategies to upsell items and become top seller in the section.\nFor a Front Desk Worker:\nBefore: Helped with events.\nAfter: Recruited by director for two consecutive years to organize and promote school-wide participation in the department\xe2\x80\x99s\nannual program.\nBefore: Interacted with customers.\nAfter: Interacted with customers, speaking clearly to ensure proper communication of policies.\nFor a Sales Associate:\nBefore: Responsible for opening and closing store as Keyholder.\nAfter: Fast-track promotion from Sales Associate to Keyholder for exceptional communication skills and devotion to\npromoting the store\xe2\x80\x99s brand.\nBefore: Sold shoes, purses, and other accessories.\nAfter: Exceeded daily sales goals regularly, serving 50+ customers a day with a high customer satisfaction rating.\nFor a Camp Counselor:\nBefore: Worked summers at a Girl Scout camp.\nAfter: Supervised at Girl Scout camps in the area, developing study skills, fostering creativity, and encouraging an\nappreciation for the outdoors.\nBefore: Taught valuable skills.\nAfter: Worked with upper management to teach at-risk youth leadership and teamwork skills.\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nWhen describing a current job or project, use these verbs; if you are describing a past job or project, make sure to change\nthese verbs into their past-tense endings.\nBolded words are especially good for describing accomplishments.\nMANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP:\nAdminister Analyze Appoint\nDelegate Develop Direct\nGenerate Handle Hire\nLead\nManage Mediate\nOutline\nOversee Plan\nResolve\nReview Schedule\nCOMMUNICATION:\nAddress\nArbitrate\nCorrespond Define\nIncorporate Interact\nPersuade\nPresent\nSpeak\nTranscribe\nORGANIZATION:\nApprove Arrange\nDistribute Execute\nOperate Order\nRetrieve Schedule\n\nAssign\nEliminate\nImprove\nMerge\nPreside\nStrengthen\n\nArrange\nDevelop\nInterpret\nPromote\nTranslate\n\nCategorize\nFile\nOrganize\nScreen\n\nAuthor\nDirect\nLecture\nPropose\nVerbalize\nCatalog\nGenerate\nOutline\nSpecify\n\nAttain\nEnhance\nIncorporate\nModerate\nPrioritize\nSupervise\n\nChair\nEnsure\nIncrease\nMotivate\nProduce\nSupport\n\nAuthorize\nDraft\nMarket\nPublicize\nWrite\n\nCollaborate\nEdit\nMediate\nReconcile\n\nClassify\nImplement\nPrepare\nSystematize\n\nConsolidate\nEstablish\nInitiate\nNegotiate\nRecommend\nTransition\n\nCollect\nIncorporate\nProcess\nStandardize\n\nContract\nEvaluate\nInstitute\nOrganize\nRecruit\nUnify\n\nCommunicate\nEnlist\nModerate\nRecruit\n\nCompile\nInspect\nPurchase\nTabulate\n\nRESEARCH:\nClarify\nCollect\nCritique Diagnose Evaluate\nExamine Extract\nInterview Investigate Organize Review\nSummarize Survey\n\nCoordinate\nExecute\nInterview\nOriginate\nReorganize\n\nCompose\nFormulate\nMotivate\nReport\n\nCondense\nMaintain\nRecord\nUpdate\n\nConvince\nInfluence\nNegotiate\nResolve\n\nDefine\nMonitor\nReport\nValidate\n\nIdentify Inspect Interpret\n\nTECHNICAL:\nAssemble Build\nCalculate Compute Design Devise Engineer\nFabricate Maintain Operate\nOverhaul Program Remodel Repair\nSolve\nTrain\nTroubleshoot Upgrade\nFINANCIAL:\nAdminister Allocate Analyze Appraise Audit\nBalance Budget\nCalculate Compute Develop\nForecast Manage Market Plan\nProject Research Reconcile Report\nTarget\nHELPING & TEAMWORK:\nAdvocate Aid\nAssess\nClarify\nCoach\nCollaborate Contribute Counsel Demonstrate Diagnose\nEducate\nEnsure Expedite Facilitate Familiarize Guide\nMediate\nModerate Participate\nRefer\nRepresent Resolve Support\nVolunteer Unite\nCREATIVE:\nAct\nCompose Conceptualize Create\nCustomize Design\nDevelop Direct Establish Fashion\nFound Illustrate Initiate\nInstitute\nIntegrate\nIntroduce\nInvent\nMarket Originate Perform\nPlan\nPromote Propose\nRevitalize Shape\nTransform\n\n\x0cADDITIONAL VERBS FOR TEACHING:\nAccomplish Achieve Adapt\nAdvance\nComplete\nConduct Consult\nDeliver\nEncourage Expand Explain\nFocus\nInstall\nInstruct Involve\nLaunch\nProvide\nPublish Receive\nReduce\nSelect\nServe\nSet goals Solidify\nTest\nTravel\nTutor\nUtilize\n\nAdvise\nDiscover\nGroup\nNetwork\nRestore\nSponsor\nValidate\n\nArticulate\nDistinguish\nGuide\nNominate\nRestructure\nStimulate\nVenture\n\nAssist\nDiversify\nInfluence\nObserve\nReverse\nStreamline\nVerify\n\nADDITIONAL VERBS FOR ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE:\nAbstract\nAcquire\nAdd\nAdvertise\nAnswer\nAnticipate\nAssess\nAudit\nAugment\nBolster\nBuy\nBrief\nCharter\nCheck\nCombine\nCompare\nCompile\nConceive\nConvert\nCooperate Copy\nCorrelate\nCultivate\nDeal\nDetect\nDetermine Discriminate Dispatch\nDisplay\nDissect\nDrive\nEarn\nEmpathize\nEnforce\nEnlighten\nEnlist\nExperiment Explore\nExpress\nFinance\nFix\nFollow\nGive\nGovern\nHelp\nImagine\nImprovise\nInaugurate\nListen\nKeep\nLay-out\nLearn\nLevel\nLift\nMaintain\nManage\nManipulate\nMap\nMaster\nMaximize\nMeet\nMinimize\nModel\nModify\nNarrate\nOffer\nPlant\nPractice\nPredict\nProtect\nProve\nQuery\nRank\nRationalize Read\nReason\nRelate\nRely\nScan\nScheme\nSell\nSolicit\nSpecialize\nSpread\nSupervise\nSustain\nSymbolize\nSynthesize Talk\nTheorize\nVisualize\n\nCommend\nEnable\nInform\nObtain\nRevise\nStudy\nWork\n\nApply\nBring\nConserve\nDebate\nDocument\nEstimate\nFoster\nIndex\nLocate\nMeasure\nOvercome\nQuestion\nRespond\nStrategize\nTrace\n\nCompete\nEncounter\nInnovate\nParticipate\n\nReward\nTeach\n\nAppraise\nCare\nConstruct\nDebug\nDraw\nExceed\nGain\nIndicate\nLog\nMemorize\nPerceive\nRaise\nRevamp\nStress\nTransmit\n\nAscertain\nCharge\n\nContract\nDecide\nDrive\n\nExcel\nGather\nJudge\nMake\nMentor\nPerfect\nRun\nSave\nSucceed\nVerify\n\nACTIVE ADJECTIVES\nThese adjectives are perfect in any job search document in which you need to describe yourself or your accomplishments.\nRemember, no \xe2\x80\x9cI, me, my\xe2\x80\x9d on the resume.\nA\xe2\x80\x93E\nActive\nAttentive\nDetermined\nEnterprising\n\nAdaptable\nBright\nDiligent\nEnthusiastic\n\nAdaptive\nCommitted\nDiplomatic\nExceptional\n\nAdept\nAggressive\nAltruistic\nAnalytical Ambitious Assertive\nCompetent Conscientious Consistent Creative Dedicated Dependable\nDisciplined Discreet\nDynamic\nEffective Efficient\nEnergetic\nExperienced\n\nF\xe2\x80\x93P\nFair\nFaithful Familiar\nFirm\nGenerous Honest\nIndependent Innovative Keen\nLogical\nLoyal\nMature Methodical Motivated\nObjective Organized Outgoing\nPassionate Persistent Pleasant\nPositive Practical Productive Professional\nR\xe2\x80\x93Z\nReceptive Reliable\nResilient Resourceful Respectful Quick-witted Self-confident Self-motivated\nSelf-reliant Self-starter Sensitive Sharp\nSincere\nSkilled\nSkillful\nStrong\nStudious\nSuccessful Tactful\nTeam-player Tenacious Trustworthy Understanding Well-organized\n\n\x0cREFERENCE PAGE\nReferences are a separate document from the resume. It is best to ask permission before listing someone as a reference.\nWhen you receive permission, provide a copy of your resume to your reference so they can refer to it if a prospective\nemployer calls. List only 3-4 references and use the same font, format, margins, and name and contact information on the\nreference document as is used on the resume to present a uniform package.\nPossible references include:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Former Managers/Supervisors\n\xef\x82\xb7 Colleagues\n\xef\x82\xb7 Important Customers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Business Associates\n\xef\x82\xb7 Professors\n\nCompile the following information on your prospects:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Name\n\xef\x82\xb7 Position/Company\n\xef\x82\xb7 Town, State Zip\n\xef\x82\xb7 Phone\n\xef\x82\xb7 Email\n\nSAMPLE:\n\nJane Doe\n5555 Deer Forest Street Plano, TX 75093\n(555) 555-5555\[email protected]\n\nReference List\nArtemis Fowl, Entrepreneur\nTara, Ireland\n(555) 334-7621\[email protected]\nProf. Severus Snape, Professor of Potions and the Dark Arts\nHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry\nLondon, England H7 4GS\n(555) 743-4324\[email protected]\nJames Sunderland, Employee\nLakeview Hotel\nSilent Hill, TX 75075\n(555) 387-5649\[email protected]\nRoland Deschain, Gunslinger\nThe Dark Tower\nDallas, TX 75075\n(555) 897-4596\[email protected]\n\n\x0cRESUME SAMPLES\n\nATTENTION\nThe following resumes are for reference purposes only, and copying them word-for-word is a form of academic dishonesty.\nIt is imperative that your resume and information reflect your skills, abilities, and experience. It is strongly recommended that\ntemplates and boilerplate wording be avoided to create a strong, effective resume.\nDo not provide false information or copy wording from other sources.\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 1: Best utilized to distinguish between relevant and non-relevant work experience\nSample Based On Resume in Best Resumes for College Students and New Grads by Louise M. Kursmark.\n\nRAPHAEL GIOVANNI\n\n2120 Midwich Ln. \xe2\x80\xa2 Fremont, NE 68025 \xe2\x80\xa2 (402) 555-8890 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\n\nSocial Studies Teacher, Grades 7-12\n\nTeaching and training experience both in schools and in business. Competent, results-oriented instructor able\nto motivate students of differing abilities to achieve their true potential.\n\xef\x83\x98 Certified to Teach: History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, Sociology, Psychology\n\xef\x83\x98 Strengths: Integrated Curriculum, Multicultural, Service Learning, Special-Needs Students\n\xef\x83\x98 Classroom Media: PowerPoint, Internet Research\nEDUCATION & HONORS\n\nBachelor of Arts in Education: Social Science 7-12 Field Endorsement\nUniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nGPA: 3.97/4.0\nMay 2009\n2006 \xe2\x80\x93 2009\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\n\nStudent Teacher, Grades: 7 \xe2\x80\x93 12 \xe2\x80\xa2 Dunwich Public Schools, Dunwich, NE\n\n2009\n\xef\x83\x98 Taught World History, American History, and Sociology to 100 students.\n\xef\x83\x98 Instructed students on how to research political parties, develop platforms, and debate ideas.\n\nStudent Practicum, Grades: 7 \xe2\x80\x93 8 \xe2\x80\xa2 Alchemilla Middle School, Fremont, NE\n\n2008\n\nMaster-Level Tutor, Undergraduates \xe2\x80\xa2 University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE\n\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\n\nStudent Mentor, Grade: 8 \xe2\x80\xa2 Aperture Science Middle School, Fremont, NE\n\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\n\n\xef\x83\x98 Created and taught unit on Louisiana Purchase to 20 students.\n\xef\x83\x98 Increased awareness of economically disadvantaged persons through planning and implementation of\nservice learning project.\n\xef\x83\x98 Certified by International College Reading and Learning Association.\n\xef\x83\x98 Tutored students in History, Political Science, Sociology, and Geography.\n\xef\x83\x98 Trained several new tutors at workshops and implemented new learning programs.\n\xef\x83\x98 Tutored student with ADHD in English, Math, Science, and History.\n\xef\x83\x98 Implemented creative learning techniques that resulted in student passing exams.\n\nCOMPUTER & LANGUAGE SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMS Office, Internet Research, Windows/MAC\nProficient in German\n\nADDITIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE\n\nShift Manager/Crew Member \xe2\x80\xa2 Flet Woods Eatery, Fremont, NE\n\n2005 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x83\x98 Managed up to five employees including hiring, training, and scheduling.\n\xef\x83\x98 Balanced daily receipts and deposited cash at bank. Discovered and fixed mechanical error resulting in\n$1,000+ savings.\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 2: Best utilized to display relevant experience\nSample Based On Resume in Best Resumes for College Students and New Grads by Louise M. Kursmark.\n\nTALIA ROSS\nMassachusetts \xe2\x80\x93 500.555.4569 \xe2\x80\x93 [email protected]\n\nPROFILE\nDetail-oriented, high-energy Chemical Engineering graduate with keen problem-solving and analytical skills\nas evidenced by the ability to provide analysis and recommendations to improve plant operations. Strong\ninterpersonal, planning, and organizational skills as demonstrated in chemical engineering internships.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contribute independently, or as part of a team, to coordinate and manage products ranging from floor\nlayout designs and thermodynamic calculations to the reproduction of obsolete parts.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Excellent performance records and personal reviews in three previous co-op positions.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Minor in Psychology\nMiskatonic University, Arkham, Massachusetts\n\nGPA: 3.89\nDecember 2012\n\nINTERN EXPERIENCE\nEngineering Co-Op\nHerbert West Biotechnology, Arkham, Massachusetts\nMaintenance and Engineering Department\nJanuary 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched specifications for a large batch mixer Capital Project and collaborated across business\nfunctions to develop engineering operating requirements from startup to installation.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Facilitated meetings for approval, design, and assembly of new polyfilm applicator. Performed troubleshooting and necessary field changes.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with team members to reengineer bulk powder flow in a hopper of material, improving\nspeed of production process.\nMaintenance and Engineering Department\nAugust 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gathered and calculated daily loadings on cooling tower and water chiller to ensure adequate amounts\nfor current usages. Designed backup system for emergency situations.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed layout designs for plant utilities room to house installation of new vacuum system and made\nimprovements to the existing system.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Compiled information on causes of chemical tote pump failures and developed solutions for reducing\nbreakdown frequency.\nProduction Department\nMay 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Redesigned plant pigment room layout to accommodate new scales and equipment.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked extensively on updating new plant systems P&IDs to \xe2\x80\x9cas-built\xe2\x80\x9d drawings.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Modified pump controls to meet operating procedures as required by OSHA.\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS & TOOLS\nCHEMCAD \xe2\x80\xa2 C++ \xe2\x80\xa2 Engineer\xe2\x80\x99s Aide SiNET \xe2\x80\xa2 Thermal Analysis Systems The Energy Analyst\nCatalytic Reactors \xe2\x80\xa2 Plate Filter Press \xe2\x80\xa2 Agitators/Mixers \xe2\x80\xa2 Vial Handling Systems\n\nACTIVITIES & LEADERSHIP\nMiskatonic University Chapter Habitat for Humanity \xe2\x80\xa2 LeaderShape Institute\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 3: Best utilized to highlight academic achievements for scholarship/award applications\nSample Based On Resume in Best Resumes for College Students and New Grads by Louise M. Kursmark.\n\nSTEN R. STEWART\n1788 Fusrodah Blvd., Apt. 356 \xe2\x80\x93 Fairfield, CT 97554 \xe2\x80\x93 203.555.6690 \xe2\x80\x93 [email protected]\n\nSUMMARY\nAccomplished, well-rounded college professional seeking summer fellowship in government and public policy.\nEnthusiastic and energetic contributor to student government and mentoring programs with strengths including:\nLeadership \xe2\x80\x93 Problem-Solving \xe2\x80\x93 Cross-Cultural Communications\n\nEDUCATION & HONORS\nB.S. in Government and Public Policy \xe2\x80\x93 FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY, Fairfield, CT. GPA: 3.87\n\xef\x82\xb7 Recipient of Aramark Fellowship, Spring 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Recipient of Academic Excellence Scholarship, 2008-2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected for Collegium V \xe2\x80\x93 Fairfield University\xe2\x80\x99s Honors Program\n\nMay 2012\n\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nU.S. Foreign Relations\nMoot Court Honors Class\n\nGovernment and Political Communication\nPolitical Policy Process & Procedures\n\nLEADERSHIP/ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES\nChair, Academic Affairs Committee \xe2\x80\x93 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION\n2009\xe2\x80\x93Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Instrumental in various projects including surveying students and persuading the administration to implement new\nforeign language curriculum.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Currently involved in other initiatives such as Advanced Placement credit for selected classes and establishing a\ncampus radio station.\nSenator, Executive Committee \xe2\x80\x93 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION\n2008\xe2\x80\x932009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Elected senator for two consecutive terms.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with President, Vice President and other Senate Chairs to establish effective processes/procedures\nboth within the committee and in partnering with other campus organizations.\nOrientation Team Member \xe2\x80\x93 NEW STUDENTS PROGRAM\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed preparatory class that included leadership skills training.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in the coordination of all orientation programs to facilitate transition of freshmen, transfer and\ngraduate students to the University, as well as at the freshmen camp and Emerging Leadership Program.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served as mentor to 5 students and assisted them with transition/academic issues.\n\n2008\n\nFELLOWSHIP\nSpecial Assistant \xe2\x80\x93 UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE, Washington, DC\nSpring 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Awarded Aramark Fellowship as 1 of 2 from Fairfield University. Produced reports on Congressional hearings,\nconferences and lectures relating to United Nations activities.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched non-profit organizations applying for NGO status with the UN and prepared information updates on the\nUN conference on Sustainable Finance.\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nCashier \xe2\x80\x93 Whole Foods, Fairfield, CT\n\n2011-2012\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 4: Best utilized to highlight academic projects/courses when there is little/no work experience\nMERRILL WOODWARD\n7405 Mirrorlane Circle\nRichardson, TX 75080\n(972) 555-5431\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE: To obtain an internship in software engineering, preferably in object-oriented development,\nutilizing excellent problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.\nEDUCATION\nBS in Computer Science. GPA: 3.87\nThe University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX\n\nExpected December 2014\n\nAS in Business. GPA: 3.73\nCollin College, McKinney, TX\n\nMay 2011\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nLanguages: C, C++, Assembly Language (8085, 8086), Matlab, Simulink\nOperating Systems: UNIX, Solaris, MS DOS, Windows (all versions)\nPackages: MS Office, HTML 4.0\nHardware: VHDL, Spice\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\nSignals and Systems\nProbability and Statistics\nDigital Circuits\nSystems and Control\n\nCommunications Systems\nElectromagnetic Engineering I\nDigital Signal Processing\nMicrowave Circuits and Systems\n\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\nSoftware Engineering Group Project\nDesigned library catalog web system using 3-tier, client-server model. Presented project plan, software\nrequirement specification, non-functional specification, detailed case analysis technical specification, and test\nplan.\nJava Programming Project\nComputed United States Golf Association Handicap Index for any number of golf players, designing a simple-toinstall and easy-to-use application. Created user-friendly interface to input players\xe2\x80\x99 performances and display\nhandicap.\nACTIVITIES\nMember \xe2\x80\x93 IEEE, UT Dallas\nMember \xe2\x80\x93 Emerging Leaders Program, UT Dallas\nVISA STATUS & AVAILABILITY\nF1; Available Spring and Fall 2013\n\n2011-Present\n2010-2012\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 5: Best utilized for applying to on-campus positions\nSUSAN B. GREEN\n1234 Robin Ln.\nRichardson, TX 75080\n(972) 546 -7896\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE:\nTo obtain a part-time, on-campus position utilizing outstanding customer service, organizational, and\nleadership skills.\nEDUCATION:\nBS in Computer Science\nThe University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX\n\nExpected May 2015\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE:\nCustomer Service Representative\nMay 2013-Present\nKohl\xe2\x80\x99s Department Stores, Richardson, TX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide efficient customer service and accurately manage register transactions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Balance and reconcile daily cash receipts for all transactions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist with training new employees by showing necessary procedures of the company\nTECHNICAL & LANGUAGE SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel and Access\n\xef\x82\xb7 Experience with multi-line phone systems\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in Spanish\nCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT:\nVolunteer\n2012-Present\nHabitat for Humanity\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participate in various builds throughout the DFW area\n\xef\x82\xb7 Sell donated materials at the Habitat\xe2\x80\x99s ReStore to support construction of homes\nACTIVITIES:\nPresident\nUT Dallas Emerging Leaders Program\n\n2013-Present\n\nMember\nIEEE\n\n2012-Present\n\nSecretary\nCrush Crew\n\n2011-2012\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 6: Best utilized for changing careers or gaps in work history\nSample Based On Resume in Resume Magic by Susan Britton Whitcomb\n\nGRACE COLTERMAN\n1101 Riversong Drive\nSelton, Alabama 42315\n\[email protected]\n423-555-9987\n\nCUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER\nCommunications \xef\x82\xa7 Sales \xef\x82\xa7 Administration\nBilingual (English-Spanish) professional with 10+ years\xe2\x80\x99 experience in training,\nprogram management, customer relations, and supervision.\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nCommunications: Public Relations, Advertising, Training, Staff Development\n\xef\x82\xa7 Degree in Public Relations/Journalism: Completed comprehensive training in public relations, including advanced\ncoursework in mass communications, newswriting, editing, advertising, media, and graphic arts.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Writing/Verbal Skills: Excellent communication skills for effective customer communications, proposals,\ncorrespondence, flyers, newsletters, internal communications, and public speaking.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Staff Development: Successfully coordinated and implemented monthly training programs-assessed learning needs,\ncreated curriculum, presented instruction, and secured nationally recognized guest speakers.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Background as Educator: Able to provide client-centered interactive training sessions, emphasizing practical\napplications for customer education and/or staff development.\nSales: Presentations, Negotiations, Customer Relations, Event Planning, Fund-Raising\n\xef\x82\xa7 Persuasive Communicator: Made formal presentations to boards and decision makers; sold new program ideas and\nsecured approval for funding. Demonstrated ability to sell varied products as \xe2\x80\x9cfloater\xe2\x80\x9d for upscale retailer;\ngenerated daily sales equal to that of experienced sales associates.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Customer Relations: Selected by management as liaison and troubleshooter to resolve concerns with coworkers,\nexternal customers, and vendors.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Event Planning: Organized well-received special events in work and community volunteer capacities. Planned\nevents for up to 400. Initiated fund-raising projects to offset a $250,000 reduction in state funding.\nAdministration: Program Management, Planning, Development, Budgeting, Supervision\n\xef\x82\xa7 Management: Held direct accountability for planning, staffing, facilities management, and coordination of\neducation program with 250 enrollees and 15 instructors. Hired, placed, and evaluated certified instructors.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Program Development: Created successful programs (business-school partnerships, volunteerism, community\noutreach), from concept development through implementation at multiple sites.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Planning: Served on cross-functional team that conducted strategic planning, developed budgets in excess of\n$345,000, determined programming, and ensured compliance for school site serving 650+ students.\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\nEDUCATION\n\nSite Administrator, Alton Unified School District\nTeacher, Dunder Mifflin Union School District\n\nBachelor of Arts in Public Relations/Journalism\xe2\x80\x93University of Alabama'
b'Career Centre\n\nPage 1 of 2\n\n202 McLaughlin College | 416.736.5351 | [email protected] |\n\nRESUM\xc3\x89 AND C OVER L ETTER WRITING\n\nSample Resum\xc3\xa9: Computer Science\nMaria Garof\n13 9 Al d er Dri ve \xef\x82\x97 M is si s sa u g ua , O n ta r i o \xef\x82\x97 L5 N 6 P 1\n905 8 00 00 00 \xef\x82\x97 ga r o f m @ m m m. ca\n\nObjective\nA Software Designer Internship with a client-driven corporation leading the field of wireless communication,\nwhere outstanding success in team projects, involving design and implementation of software, as well as\nproven ability to deliver high quality projects on-time will contribute to the implementation, testing and\nsupport of innovative wireless products.\n\nEducation & Achievements\nHonours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science\nYork University, Toronto\n\nExpected Spring 2014\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n2012 & 2013\n2010\n2010\n\nComputer Science Award for achieving an average over 85%\nScience & Engineering Scholarship ($2,000 value), based on academic merit\nYork University Entrance Scholarship ($4,000 value)\n\nRelated Project:\nLord of the Rings Software Design Project, Final Grade: A\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nWinter 2013\n\nWorked as part of a team in extending and modifying an existing system of a Lord of the Rings\nsimulation program using Eiffel, an object-oriented programming language similar to C and C++\nSelected as a team lead of the project, organized and prioritize tasks, managed workflow progress,\nverified quality assurance and provided technical support to team members\nContributed programming skills by adding more actors to the game and more functions such as load,\nsave, undo and redo using C language\nDesigned all \xe2\x80\x98Player Commands\xe2\x80\x99 and created over 80% of test cases submitted. Received bonus marks\nfor \xe2\x80\x98good implementation\xe2\x80\x99 of coding\nPrepared a professional 40-page report, designed a user friendly format and addressed all aspects of\nthe project. Successfully produced top quality work within a limited time frame of 4 weeks and was\ncommended by professor for \xe2\x80\x98thorough report\xe2\x80\x99\n\nApplied Technical Skills : Object-oriented programming (Eiffel, similar to C and C++), manual testing and\ntechnical report writing\n\n\xc2\xa9 York University, 2014\n\n\x0cCareer Centre\n\nPage 2 of 2\n\n202 McLaughlin College | 416.736.5351 | [email protected] |\n\nMaria Garof\n\n(905) 800-0000 \xef\x82\x97 ga r o f m @ m m m . ca\n\nPa ge 2\n\nEmployment Experience\nCustomer Service Representative\nFuture Shop, Toronto\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAwarded \xe2\x80\x98Employee of the Month\xe2\x80\x99 in 2011 and 2012 for extraordinary customer service, including\nproviding prompt and courteous responses to customer inquiries and contributing 20% of all loyalty\nprogram sign ups\nVolunteered to schedule the breaks of all Front-End Associates, as a result, was assigned the\nresponsibility of coordinating break schedule on weekends\nTook on a leadership role by utilizing thorough knowledge of policies and procedures to educate new\nassociates, designated by management as a \xe2\x80\x98Customer Service Trainer\xe2\x80\x99\n\nAcademic Resource Advisor\nYork University, Toronto\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n2012 \xe2\x80\x93 2013\n\nReceived the Lola Hayman Award for demonstrating high level of commitment to the program, involving\nadvising students on essay writing, presentations, critical reading, and school-related inquiries\nFacilitated a presentation on \xe2\x80\x98Applying to Graduate and Law School\xe2\x80\x99 at an Academic Advising Session\nand was recognized by professor for \xe2\x80\x98speaking confidently\xe2\x80\x99 throughout session\n\nTechnical Skills\nOperating Systems\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advanced knowledge of Windows XP/Vista, Unix and Linux\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Administration of Windows 2000 Server\nProgramming Languages\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MIPS Assembler, Unix Shell Scripts, C, Java, JVS, VBS, PL/SQL, and ASP\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Digital Logic \xe2\x80\x93 Verilog Hardware Language\nHardware\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Installation and configuration of peripherals and storage devices\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Troubleshooting hardware on POST\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Embedded Systems \xe2\x80\x93 experience on program HC12 using C language (currently building a robot using an\nHC12 embedded microcontroller)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Robotics \xe2\x80\x93 manipulation of a mobile robot and robotic arm via Java\nSoftware\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Office Suite, MS Visio, MS Project, SQL Navigator, Remedy, Eclipse\n\n\xc2\xa9 York University, 2014'
b'1\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nUndergraduate Student Resume Examples\n1. Freshman/Sophomore\n2. Liberal Arts Resume\n3. Kinesiology Resume\n4. Technical Resume (Computer Science/Engineering)\n5. Communications Resume\n6. Federal Government Job Resume (New Graduate)\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\x0c2\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nLeo\t\r \xc2\xa0Leopard\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n555\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne\t\r \xc2\xa0Way,\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\[email protected]\t\r \xc2\xa0\n(909)\t\r \xc2\xa0555-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x905555\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\r \xc2\xa0\nTo\t\r \xc2\xa0obtain\t\r \xc2\xa0an\t\r \xc2\xa0on-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90campus\t\r \xc2\xa0position\t\r \xc2\xa0serving\t\r \xc2\xa0my\t\r \xc2\xa0fellow\t\r \xc2\xa0students\t\r \xc2\xa0which\t\r \xc2\xa0utilizes\t\r \xc2\xa0my\t\r \xc2\xa0strong\t\r \xc2\xa0communication\t\r \xc2\xa0\nskills.\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nEDUCATION\t\r \xc2\xa0\nUniversity\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Expected\t\r \xc2\xa0Graduation:\t\r \xc2\xa0June\t\r \xc2\xa02016\t\r \xc2\xa0\nBachelor\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Arts,\t\r \xc2\xa0Business\t\r \xc2\xa0Administration\t\r \xc2\xa0\nGPA:\t\r \xc2\xa03.5\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nHONORS/AWARDS\t\r \xc2\xa0\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s\t\r \xc2\xa0List\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Fall\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0Spring\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nON\t\r \xc2\xa0CAMPUS\t\r \xc2\xa0INVOLVEMENT\t\r \xc2\xa0\nEnactus,\t\r \xc2\xa0University\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0August\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0Present\t\r \xc2\xa0\nMember\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implement\t\r \xc2\xa0collective\t\r \xc2\xa0ideas\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0sponsor\t\r \xc2\xa0campus\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0community\t\r \xc2\xa0events\t\r \xc2\xa0which\t\r \xc2\xa0promote\t\r \xc2\xa0educational\t\r \xc2\xa0\nand\t\r \xc2\xa0social\t\r \xc2\xa0change\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led\t\r \xc2\xa0groups\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa09\t\r \xc2\xa0junior\t\r \xc2\xa0high\t\r \xc2\xa0students\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0discussion\t\r \xc2\xa0on\t\r \xc2\xa0success\t\r \xc2\xa0skills,\t\r \xc2\xa0business\t\r \xc2\xa0ethics,\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0personal\t\r \xc2\xa0\nfinances\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90designed\t\r \xc2\xa017\t\r \xc2\xa0minute\t\r \xc2\xa0audio-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90visual\t\r \xc2\xa0presentation\t\r \xc2\xa0accurately\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0creatively\t\r \xc2\xa0describing\t\r \xc2\xa0project\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0\nuse\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0regional\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0national\t\r \xc2\xa0competition\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nVOLUNTEER\t\r \xc2\xa0EXPERIENCE\t\r \xc2\xa0\nLionLike\t\r \xc2\xa0MindState,\t\r \xc2\xa0Pomona,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0June\t\r \xc2\xa02012\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0Present\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\nVolunteer\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Plan\t\r \xc2\xa0two\t\r \xc2\xa0yearly\t\r \xc2\xa0outreach\t\r \xc2\xa0events\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0highlight\t\r \xc2\xa0community\t\r \xc2\xa0members\xe2\x80\x99\t\r \xc2\xa0creativity\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0spoken\t\r \xc2\xa0word,\t\r \xc2\xa0\npoetry,\t\r \xc2\xa0music,\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0art\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nYMCA,\t\r \xc2\xa0Pomona,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Summer\t\r \xc2\xa02013,\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\nVolunteer\t\r \xc2\xa0Swim\t\r \xc2\xa0Coach\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed\t\r \xc2\xa0classes\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0up\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa015\t\r \xc2\xa0children\t\r \xc2\xa0on\t\r \xc2\xa0basic\t\r \xc2\xa0swimming\t\r \xc2\xa0skills\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Communicated\t\r \xc2\xa0regularly\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0parents\t\r \xc2\xa0on\t\r \xc2\xa0children\xe2\x80\x99s\t\r \xc2\xa0progress\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nSKILLS\t\r \xc2\xa0\nComputer:\t\r \xc2\xa0Proficient\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0Windows\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0Mac\t\r \xc2\xa0OS,\t\r \xc2\xa0Microsoft\t\r \xc2\xa0Word,\t\r \xc2\xa0PowerPoint,\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0Excel\t\r \xc2\xa0\nLanguage:\t\r \xc2\xa0Fluent\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0Spanish\t\r \xc2\xa0\nSocial\t\r \xc2\xa0Media:\t\r \xc2\xa0Facebook,\t\r \xc2\xa0Twitter,\t\r \xc2\xa0Instagram\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\x0c3\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nLea Leopard\n1750 First Street, La Verne, CA 91750\n(909) 243-5678, [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Sociology\nUniversity of La Verne, La Verne, CA\nRELATED COUSEWORK (in progress *)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Social Problems\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Research Methods\n\nMay 2015\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSociology of Deviance*\nSenior Thesis *(Adolescents and deviance)\n\nINTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE\nCase Management Intern\nJune 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nT.Y.K.E.S. Resource Center, Chino, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborate with community agencies and nonprofit organizations to locate available resources for parents\nin need of social services\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assess need and recommend services for diverse families with children birth to five years of age\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Co-lead the facilitation of court mandated parenting classes\nIntern\nJune 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2013\nPals Program, Human Services Department, Anaheim, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Facilitated educational workshops and activities aimed in promoting positive self-esteem and leadership\nskills among diverse adolescents\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Delivered one-on-one mentoring to at risk and troubled teens\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided tutoring in math, science, and writing to high school age students\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nFront Office Assistant\nUniversity of La Verne, Career Services\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Greet guests, answer questions, and provide information to client inquiries\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Schedule appointments, with proper follow-up to clients and counselors\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answer telephones, direct calls, monitor voicemail and take messages\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Create, monitor and file office records\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Maintain supplies, resources. Keep office clean and resources/supplies stocked.\n\nAugust 2012 - Present\n\nOn-Campus Involvement\nPresident\nAugust 2013 - Present\nSociology and Anthropology Club\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Lead weekly meetings, create agenda, and follow up on member inquires\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Schedule guest speakers to enhance member knowledge and create networking opportunities\nEvents Coordinator\nCampus Activities Board\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Contacted and hired vendors for various events on campus\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with University Risk Management Department to secure contracts\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed a budget of $8000\nADDITIONAL SKILLS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Fluent in Spanish\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledge of Adobe\n\nSeptember 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2013\n\n\x0c4\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nLea Leopard\n123 Main Street\nLa Verne, CA 91750\nHome: (909) 555-1234\nCell: (909) 555-1235\[email protected]\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Science, Kinesiology\nUniversity of La Verne, La Verne, CA\n\nMay 2015\n\nAssociate of Arts\nMt. San Antonio Community College, Walnut, CA\n\nMay 2013\n\nRelevant Experience\nStudent Athletic Training Intern\nAugust 2014 - Present\nSan Dimas High School \xe2\x80\x93 San Dimas, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide support and travel with football, wrestling, basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Develop rehabilitation programs for a variety of ankle and knee injuries from the acute stage until return to\nplay\nPersonal Fitness Trainer\nNovember 2012 - Present\n24 Hour Fitness\xe2\x80\x93 Glendora, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Design workouts and diet plans to assist clients reach their nutrition goals\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conduct weekly check-ins to monitor client\xe2\x80\x99s progress which resulted in an increased weight loss\npercentage\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Create individual training sessions to focus on specific problems (i.e. injuries, obesity, etc.) for gym\nmembers.\n\nOther Work Experience\nBarista\nJune 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 November 2012\nStarbucks \xe2\x80\x93 La Verne, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Served customers quickly while maintaining a cheerful attitude in a high-stress workplace.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Awarded employee of the month July 2012\n\nCertifications\nAdult CPR and First Aid \xe2\x80\x93 Red Cross\nCertified Personal Trainer - Ace Fitness\n\nSeptember 2013\nOctober 2012\n\nSpecial Skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFluent in Spanish\nProficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\x0c5\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nC.S.\t\r \xc2\xa0Whiz\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n1234\t\r \xc2\xa0Leopard\t\r \xc2\xa0Way,\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\[email protected]\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n(909)\t\r \xc2\xa0555-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x905555\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nEDUCATION\t\r \xc2\xa0\nBachelor\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Science,\t\r \xc2\xa0Computer\t\r \xc2\xa0Science\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Expected:\t\r \xc2\xa0May\t\r \xc2\xa02015\t\r \xc2\xa0\nConcentration:\t\r \xc2\xa0Software\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nUniversity\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0\nG.P.A.\t\r \xc2\xa03.55\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nRELATED\t\r \xc2\xa0COURSES\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Principles\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Computer\t\r \xc2\xa0Networks\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assembly\t\r \xc2\xa0Language\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Data\t\r \xc2\xa0Structures\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operating\t\r \xc2\xa0Systems\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Digital\t\r \xc2\xa0Logic\t\r \xc2\xa0Systems\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Database\t\r \xc2\xa0Management\t\r \xc2\xa0Systems\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nCOURSE\t\r \xc2\xa0PROJECT\t\r \xc2\xa0\nHuffman\t\r \xc2\xa0Tree\t\r \xc2\xa0Text\t\r \xc2\xa0Compressor\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Fall\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0Java\t\r \xc2\xa0SE\t\r \xc2\xa06\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0tested\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0JUnit\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Compressed\t\r \xc2\xa0text\t\r \xc2\xa0files\t\r \xc2\xa0by\t\r \xc2\xa0assigning\t\r \xc2\xa0new\t\r \xc2\xa0bit\t\r \xc2\xa0encodings\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0characters\t\r \xc2\xa0according\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0frequency\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Re-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90expanded\t\r \xc2\xa0text\t\r \xc2\xa0files\t\r \xc2\xa0that\t\r \xc2\xa0were\t\r \xc2\xa0previously\t\r \xc2\xa0compressed\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0Huffman\t\r \xc2\xa0encoding\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nTECHNICAL\t\r \xc2\xa0SKILLS\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Languages:\t\r \xc2\xa0C++,\t\r \xc2\xa0HTML,\t\r \xc2\xa0Java,\t\r \xc2\xa0Visual\t\r \xc2\xa0Basic,\t\r \xc2\xa0SQL,\t\r \xc2\xa0JUnit\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operating\t\r \xc2\xa0Systems:\t\r \xc2\xa0Windows,\t\r \xc2\xa0Linux,\t\r \xc2\xa0UNIX\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Database\t\r \xc2\xa0Systems:\t\r \xc2\xa0Oracle,\t\r \xc2\xa0ADB2\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Software:\t\r \xc2\xa0Microsoft\t\r \xc2\xa0Word,\t\r \xc2\xa0Excel,\t\r \xc2\xa0PowerPoint,\t\r \xc2\xa0Photoshop\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nRELATED\t\r \xc2\xa0WORK\t\r \xc2\xa0EXPERIENCE\t\r \xc2\xa0\nUniversity\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0Office\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Information\t\r \xc2\xa0Technology\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0July\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0Present\t\r \xc2\xa0\nIT\t\r \xc2\xa0Assistant\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided\t\r \xc2\xa0over-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90the-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90phone\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0in-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90person\t\r \xc2\xa0troubleshooting\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0various\t\r \xc2\xa0on-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90campus\t\r \xc2\xa0departments\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0departments\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0utilize\t\r \xc2\xa0technology\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0improved\t\r \xc2\xa0communication\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Managed\t\r \xc2\xa0documentation\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0records\t\r \xc2\xa0maintenance\t\r \xc2\xa0according\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0entry\t\r \xc2\xa0procedures\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Made\t\r \xc2\xa0recommendations\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0improved\t\r \xc2\xa0processes\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nON\t\r \xc2\xa0CAMPUS\t\r \xc2\xa0INVOLVEMENT\t\r \xc2\xa0\nAssociated\t\r \xc2\xa0Students\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0ULV\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0August\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0Present\t\r \xc2\xa0\nSenator\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0the\t\r \xc2\xa0College\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Arts\t\r \xc2\xa0&\t\r \xc2\xa0Sciences\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Represent\t\r \xc2\xa0the\t\r \xc2\xa0interests\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0the\t\r \xc2\xa0College\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Arts\t\r \xc2\xa0&\t\r \xc2\xa0Sciences\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborate\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0other\t\r \xc2\xa0student\t\r \xc2\xa0government\t\r \xc2\xa0leaders\t\r \xc2\xa0on\t\r \xc2\xa0issues\t\r \xc2\xa0concerning\t\r \xc2\xa0the\t\r \xc2\xa0ULV\t\r \xc2\xa0student\t\r \xc2\xa0body\t\r \xc2\xa0at\t\r \xc2\xa0\nlarge\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nADDITIONAL\t\r \xc2\xa0SKILLS\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Language:\t\r \xc2\xa0Fluent\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0Vietnamese\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Social\t\r \xc2\xa0Media:\t\r \xc2\xa0Proficient\t\r \xc2\xa0using\t\r \xc2\xa0Facebook,\t\r \xc2\xa0Yelp,\t\r \xc2\xa0Twitter,\t\r \xc2\xa0Instagram,\t\r \xc2\xa0Tumblr\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\x0c6\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nSarah\t\r \xc2\xa0Lane\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0321\t\r \xc2\xa0Leo\t\r \xc2\xa0Way,\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0(714)\t\r \xc2\xa0555-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x901234\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\[email protected]\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nEDUCATION\t\r \xc2\xa0\nBachelor\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Arts\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0Broadcasting,\t\r \xc2\xa0Radio\t\r \xc2\xa0Concentration\t\r \xc2\xa0\nUniversity\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0G.P.A.\t\r \xc2\xa03.6\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nRADIO\t\r \xc2\xa0EXPERIENCE\t\r \xc2\xa0\nLeoFM\t\r \xc2\xa0(FM\t\r \xc2\xa0107.9)\t\r \xc2\xa0\nOn-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90air\t\r \xc2\xa0Personality\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0September\t\r \xc2\xa02012\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0Present\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nLead\t\r \xc2\xa0a\t\r \xc2\xa03-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90hour\t\r \xc2\xa0shift\t\r \xc2\xa0on\t\r \xc2\xa0LeoFM.\t\r \xc2\xa0Provide\t\r \xc2\xa0an\t\r \xc2\xa0entertaining\t\r \xc2\xa0voice\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0\nperspective\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0listeners\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0operate\t\r \xc2\xa0the\t\r \xc2\xa0board\t\r \xc2\xa0efficiently\t\r \xc2\xa0throughout\t\r \xc2\xa0\nbroadcast.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Take,\t\r \xc2\xa0edit,\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0playback\t\r \xc2\xa0on-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90air\t\r \xc2\xa0phone\t\r \xc2\xa0calls\t\r \xc2\xa0using\t\r \xc2\xa0shortcuts.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\nIntegrate\t\r \xc2\xa0promotions\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0public\t\r \xc2\xa0service\t\r \xc2\xa0announcements\t\r \xc2\xa0into\t\r \xc2\xa0show.\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nKROQ\t\r \xc2\xa0(FM\t\r \xc2\xa0106.7)\t\r \xc2\xa0\nIntern\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0September\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0December\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nAssisted\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0in-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90studio\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0off-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90site\t\r \xc2\xa0performances.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Set\t\r \xc2\xa0up\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0took\t\r \xc2\xa0\ndown\t\r \xc2\xa0remote\t\r \xc2\xa0gear.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Promoted\t\r \xc2\xa0station\t\r \xc2\xa0events\t\r \xc2\xa0by\t\r \xc2\xa0blogging\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0posting\t\r \xc2\xa0\non\t\r \xc2\xa0social\t\r \xc2\xa0media.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Assisted\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0stage\t\r \xc2\xa0production\t\r \xc2\xa0during\t\r \xc2\xa0KROQ\t\r \xc2\xa0Weenie\t\r \xc2\xa0\nRoast.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Provided\t\r \xc2\xa0research\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0various\t\r \xc2\xa0stories\t\r \xc2\xa0used\t\r \xc2\xa0by\t\r \xc2\xa0on-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90air\t\r \xc2\xa0\npersonalities.\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nLeoFM\t\r \xc2\xa0(FM\t\r \xc2\xa0107.9)\t\r \xc2\xa0\nProgram\t\r \xc2\xa0Director\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nAugust\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0August\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nManaged\t\r \xc2\xa0LeoFM\t\r \xc2\xa0station\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0ensure\t\r \xc2\xa0proper\t\r \xc2\xa0broadcast\t\r \xc2\xa0coverage,\t\r \xc2\xa0\nconsistent\t\r \xc2\xa0on-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90air\t\r \xc2\xa0messages,\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0execution\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0all\t\r \xc2\xa0promotions.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\nSupervised\t\r \xc2\xa0entire\t\r \xc2\xa0crew\t\r \xc2\xa0including\t\r \xc2\xa0music\t\r \xc2\xa0director,\t\r \xc2\xa0promotions\t\r \xc2\xa0director,\t\r \xc2\xa0\nsports\t\r \xc2\xa0director,\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0all\t\r \xc2\xa0on-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90air\t\r \xc2\xa0talent.\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nLeoFM\t\r \xc2\xa0(FM\t\r \xc2\xa0107.9)\t\r \xc2\xa0\nMusic\t\r \xc2\xa0Director\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0January\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x93\t\r \xc2\xa0August\t\r \xc2\xa02014\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nProgrammed\t\r \xc2\xa0music\t\r \xc2\xa0list\t\r \xc2\xa0for\t\r \xc2\xa0LeoFM,\t\r \xc2\xa0a\t\r \xc2\xa0top-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x9040\t\r \xc2\xa0station.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Led\t\r \xc2\xa0weekly\t\r \xc2\xa0\nmeetings\t\r \xc2\xa0regarding\t\r \xc2\xa0the\t\r \xc2\xa0inclusion\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0new\t\r \xc2\xa0music.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Conducted\t\r \xc2\xa0music\t\r \xc2\xa0\nsurveys\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0studies\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0listeners\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0determine\t\r \xc2\xa0satisfaction.\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Used\t\r \xc2\xa0\nselector\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0protocols\t\r \xc2\xa0to\t\r \xc2\xa0add\t\r \xc2\xa0new\t\r \xc2\xa0music.\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\nHONORS\t\r \xc2\xa0&\t\r \xc2\xa0AWARDS\t\r \xc2\xa0\nAcademic\t\r \xc2\xa0Recognition\t\r \xc2\xa0Award\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Spring\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\nCertificate\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0Achievement\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0 \t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0Fall\t\r \xc2\xa02012,\t\r \xc2\xa0Spring\t\r \xc2\xa02011,\t\r \xc2\xa0Fall\t\r \xc2\xa02013\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0PERSONAL\t\r \xc2\xa0TRAITS\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Passionate\t\r \xc2\xa0about\t\r \xc2\xa0music\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Strong\t\r \xc2\xa0communication\t\r \xc2\xa0\nskills\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Thrive\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0fast-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90paced\t\r \xc2\xa0\nsituations\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Detail-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90oriented\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0SKILLS\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient\t\r \xc2\xa0with\t\r \xc2\xa0Pro\t\r \xc2\xa0\nTools\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0Selector\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experience\t\r \xc2\xa0in\t\r \xc2\xa0multiple\t\r \xc2\xa0\naspects\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0pre\t\r \xc2\xa0and\t\r \xc2\xa0post-\xc2\xad\xe2\x80\x90\nproduction\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Skilled\t\r \xc2\xa0using\t\r \xc2\xa0social\t\r \xc2\xa0\nmedia\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Leadership\t\r \xc2\xa0experience\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0REFERENCES\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Dr.\t\r \xc2\xa0Bob\t\r \xc2\xa0Bobby\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Professor\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0_____________________\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Department\t\r \xc2\xa0Chair\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Communications\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0University\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa01950\t\r \xc2\xa0Third\t\r \xc2\xa0Street\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA,\t\r \xc2\xa091750\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\[email protected]\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Dr.\t\r \xc2\xa0Matt\t\r \xc2\xa0Mathewson\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Professor\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0_____________________\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Communications\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0University\t\r \xc2\xa0of\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa01950\t\r \xc2\xa0Third\t\r \xc2\xa0Street\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0La\t\r \xc2\xa0Verne,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA,\t\r \xc2\xa091750\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\[email protected]\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Carla\t\r \xc2\xa0Karlson\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Station\t\r \xc2\xa0Manager\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0KROQ,\t\r \xc2\xa0CBS\t\r \xc2\xa0Radio\t\r \xc2\xa0Inc.\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0555\t\r \xc2\xa0L.A.\t\r \xc2\xa0Way\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\xa0Los\t\r \xc2\xa0Angeles,\t\r \xc2\xa0CA,\t\r \xc2\xa090210\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\t\r \xc2\[email protected]\t\r \xc2\xa0\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\n\x0c7\t\r \xc2\xa0\n\nJane Q. Public\n1234 Yellow Brick Road \xe2\x99\xa6 City, State 12345\nWork: (123) 123-4567 \xe2\x99\xa6 Cell: (123) 123-3456 \xe2\x99\xa6 Home: (123) 123-3456 \xe2\x99\xa6 Email: [email protected]\n\nSocial Security Number: 012-34-5678\n\nU.S. Citizen\nOBJECTIVE\n\nPOLICY ANALYST: GS-0301-11\n\nVacancy Number: 12345\nEDUCATION\n\nMasters in Arts, Environmental Management\nUniversity of Colorado\nDenver, Colorado\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n5/2014\n\nGraduated with Distinction; 3.8 GPA.\nOne-of-10 US graduate students out of 1,500 applicants awarded a $20,000 Aldo Leopold Research Grant\nThesis: Will the Endangered Species Act Survive?\nPresented thesis results to 50 ecologists at American Institute of Ecology Annual Meeting; Institute\nnewsletter described presentation as a \xe2\x80\x9ctour de force\n\nRelevant Coursework: Environmental Law; Natural Resources Law; Advanced Epidemiology; Federal Health\nPolicy; Quantitative Analysis; Environmental Crises in Developing Countries; Toxicology; Wildlife Ecology\nBachelor of Arts, Political Science\nMinor: Legal Studies\nUniversity of La Verne\nLa Verne, California\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n5/2012\n\nGraduated with Departmental Honors\nFluent in French\nCaptain of the Basketball Team\nWORK EXPERIENCE\n\nSMITH, ROGERS AND ANDERSON\n\n100 Main Street, Denver, Colorado\nParalegal\nSalary: $30,000 per year\n40 hours per week\nSupervisor: John Doe (You may contact at 111-111-1111)\n\n9/2012 to 6/2014\n\nACCOMPLISHMENTS:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Researched case law on five multi-million dollar lawsuits involving exposures to toxic chemicals, and\nsummarized results in memos for four senior attorneys\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tracked all document submission deadlines for cases and court appearance dates, and informed senior\nattorneys of approaching deadlines and dates\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Drafted about two letters per week to clients requesting information or updating them on case status\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent reputation: Promoted from Paralegal I to Paralegal II 6 months after being hired; received very\npositive performance evaluations and bonuses every year\n\n\t\r \xc2\xa0'
b"Computer Science Resume Format Freshers\n\nNEELAM REDDY\n12/1 N S Road\nKallu Street,\nKokopoko,\n\nEmail:[email protected]\n\nChennai - 600002\n\nMobile: 9876543210\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE:\n\nI would like to be a part of an organization where I could use and enhance my knowledge and\ntalent for the development of both the organization and myself.\nACADEMIC PROFILE:\n\nCourse\nB.E.(CSE)\n\nName of School / College\nPanimalar\nTechnology,\nChennai.\n\nInstitute\n\nof\n\nBoard / University\n\nPercentage\n/ CGPA\n\nYear\nPassing\n\nAnna\n\n7.87\n\n2012\n\nHSC\n\nSt.Paul\xe2\x80\x99s Mahajana Hr.Sec School,\nChennai.\n\nState Board\n\n74.3\n\n2008\n\nSSLC\n\nSt.Paul\xe2\x80\x99s Mahajana Hr.Sec School,\nChennai.\n\nState Board\n\n88.4\n\n2006\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS:\n\n\xc3\x98 Operating System\n\n:\n\n\xc3\x98 Languages\n\n:\n\n\xc3\x98 Databases\n\xc3\x98 Web Technologies\n\nWindows 2000, Windows XP\nC, C++, Basic of JAVA, VB.Net\n:\n\nSQL, My SQL\n:\n\nHTML\n\nAREAS OF INTEREST:\n\n\xc3\x98 Data Base Management System (DBMS).\n\xc3\x98 Object Oriented Programming Structure Concepts.\n\nof\n\n\x0cTRAINING & CERTIFICATION:\n\n\xc3\x98 SSI Education - C Certification\n\xc3\x98 NACE - DBMS & Introductions to OS\n\xc3\x98 NetMasters - Core Java\n\nIN-PLANT TRAINING UNDERTAKEN:\n\n\xc3\x98 Attended implant training for one week at Combat Vehicles Research Development and\nEstablishment (CVRDE), Avadi, Chennai and learnt details on Networking and GSM.\n\nINDUSTRIAL EXPOSURE:\n\xc3\x98 Undergone a Industrial Visit at Lenovo Computers, Pondicherry and learnt the details of\nHardware.\n\xc3\x98 Industrial visits at HCL, Anna Nagar, Chennai.\n\nPROJECT UNDERTAKEN:\nTitle: Computer Based Training (CBT) For Armored Fighting Vehicle Simulator.\nLanguage: VB.Net, HTML\nDescription: The main objective of this project is to develop Computer Based Training (CBT) tool to provide\nadequate training for the Main Battle Tank ARJUN crew. CBT provides a good insight on how systems work\nas well as an intuitive graphical user interface. Crew can learn and understand the system function by trial\nand error method.\nTeam Size: 3\nRole: Designing of two panels, Online help using HTML provided in the system.\n\nPERSONAL ASSETS:\n\n\xc3\xb1 Hardworking\n\xc3\xb1 Honest\n\xc3\xb1 Willingness to learn\n\xc3\xb1 Ability to cope up with the changing environment.\n\n\x0cACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS:\n\n\xc3\x98 Secured Centum in Mathematics in SSLC Examination (2006).\n\xc3\x98 Got Best Student Award in School (2003).\n\xc3\x98 Participated and get prizes in Essay writing and Elocution Competition in School days activities.\n\nPERSONAL PROFILE:\n\nName\n\n: Neelam Reddy\n\nFather\xe2\x80\x99s Name\n\n: Raj Reddy\n\nMother\xe2\x80\x99s Name\n\n: Anjali Reddy\n\nDOB\n\n: 23-03-1991\n\nSex\n\n: Female\n\nMarital Status\n\n: Single\n\nNationality\n\n: Indian\n\nLanguages Known\n\n: English, Tamil\n\nHobbies\n\n: Reading Books, Listening to Music, Playing Carom.\n\nDECLARATION:\n\nI hereby declare that the above information's are true to best of my knowledge.\n\nPLACE: Chennai\nDATE:\n\n(NEELAM REDDY)"
b'your resume and try to determine if they have a position that would work for you. An objective statement that\nsays you want a position that offers growth and advancement and the opportunity to expand on your education\nand training tells an employer that you are looking for what they can do for you, not what you can do for them.\n\nEDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE...What to put first\nIf your education is more pertinent to the work you are seeking than your employment history, list your\neducation first. If your education is very pertinent to the job, you may wish to list specific course titles that you\nhave completed that are directly related to the work you would be doing. If your employment history is more\npertinent, it should be listed first on your resume.\n\nACADEMIC BACKGROUND\nYour academic background should be included in the resume with your most recently obtained degree or most\nadvanced degree listed first. The usual method is to list the school name, city and state, degree earned and date\nof graduation. If you are currently enrolled in school, you can list your projected date of graduation.\nIf you have received \xe2\x80\x9chonors\xe2\x80\x9d at school, were elected class president, or supported yourself through college you\ncan add those achievements to your resume under a heading such as \xe2\x80\x9cHonors and Achievements.\xe2\x80\x9d\nIf you feel that some of your coursework will be valuable to you on the job, you may want a heading called\n\xe2\x80\x9cMajor Coursework\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cPertinent Coursework\xe2\x80\x9d where you would list specific classes by name. If the name of\nthe course does not make it obvious what the content of the course was, you may want to add this information in\nparentheses.\n\nOTHER POSSIBLE TOPIC OR SKILL HEADINGS\nEquipment\nComputer Expertise\nQualifications Highlights/Summary\n\nLanguage Competency\nLicenses/Certificates\nAdditional Training\nProfessional Affiliations\nStrengths/Accomplishments/Achievements\n\nREFERENCES\nThere are mixed opinions as to whether or not to have a references notation on your resume. If you are\nsqueezed for space, it is probably in your best interest to use the space to sell yourself to the employer. On the\nother hand, if you are just starting out in the job market, there is no harm in noting that you do have references\navailable on your resume. You should have references available to hand to the employer immediately, and may\nwant to include them with your resume as part of your application packet.\nReferences are usually the last heading on your resume, and are usually listed as \xe2\x80\x9cAvailable upon Request\xe2\x80\x9d,\n\xe2\x80\x9cReferences Attached, Additional References Available Upon Request\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cReferences and Portfolio Available\nUpon Request.\xe2\x80\x9d Be sure that you have them typed and ready to hand out. References should not be listed\nindividually on the resume itself, but rather on a separate sheet, with an indication as to your relationship to the\nperson you are listing as a reference. For work related references you might list company presidents, managers,\nsupervisors, co-workers, or clients. Personal references can include friends, faculty, landlords, etc. Providing a\nlist of references works as long as a reference is still available at your prior employer. A letter of\nrecommendation gives you a hedge against the day that your reference moves on and you can no longer refer\npotential employers to them.\nBe sure that you ask a person if they are willing to be a reference for you before you list them as a reference.\nCheck with your listed references regularly to be sure that they are still available.\n4\n\n\x0cLETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION\nIf possible, get a written letter of recommendation from as many people as possible before you leave a job or\nsoon afterwards. A written recommendation is a known quantity. You can never be sure what someone says\nabout you in a verbal recommendation. Written letters of recommendation may be attached to a resume, or\ngiven to a potential employer separately with your references. A letter of recommendation can speak about you\nin more glowing terms than you would feel comfortable describing yourself. Many employers want to speak to\na reference rather than read a letter of recommendation. They distrust letters of recommendation, knowing that\nyou would be unlikely to provide a less than glowing one, and want to talk to your reference directly, or even\ncircumvent your listed references and speak to other people who may have worked with you at the company.\nAlways check with your references before listing them on an application to be sure that they are still available\nand willing to act as a reference for you. If you are uneasy about what your references may be saying about\nyou, you can hire a reference checking service, or have a friend act as a potential employer and call the\nreference you are concerned about. If you choose to go this route, give them a script to work from. Many\ncompanies have a reference policy and will only verify that you were an employee and the dates that you\nworked for that company.\n\nWHAT NOT TO PUT IN YOUR RESUME\nDo not put your age, sex, marital status, number of children, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, height, weight or\nhealth status. This information may be used to discriminate against you, and is illegal for employers to ask\nprior to hiring you. It is also advisable not to list political or professional affiliations unless they are directly job\nrelated.\nDo not include past salaries or anticipated starting salary. This information may be requested by an employer,\nhowever the consensus with employment professionals is that it is not in your best interest to include the\ninformation in writing. You have to choose whether or not you feel you background is strong enough that they\nwill want to speak to you without this information. If you include a section of hobbies or extracurricular\nactivities, it is recommended that you leave out any activities that could be considered physically hazardous.\nEmployers want you on the job, not recovering from your recreational activities.\n\nREMEMBER\nYour resume should be free of spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Have it proof read. Never\nassume that a computer spell check will find all errors. Keep it simple. Do not use brightly colored paper or a\nvariety of graphics or fonts or font sizes.\nHave your resume printed on good quality, rag bond paper. Have you references list and letters of\nrecommendation and cover letter printed on the same paper as your resume. If possible, avoid plain white\npaper.\nIf your resume will be scanned (not a usual occurrence in Santa Cruz, but common in Silicon Valley), be sure to\nprovide a scanner friendly version.\nIf you are doing a web based resume, be sure any links to or from that web link are professional. Do not post\nyour picture on-line as part of your on-line resume.\nDo not send out a resume that has cross outs or things handwritten in. Take the time to do it right.\n5\n\n\x0cKEY WORDS FOR RESUME PREPARATION\nAbility\nAccelerated\nAccomplished\nAccurate\nAchieved\nActive\nAdapted\nAdjusted\nAdminister\nAdvertised\nAdvised\nAggressive\nAmbitions\nAnalyze\nAnalytical\nAnnounced\nApprove\nArbitrated\nArranged\nAssembled\nAssertive\nAttained\nAttentive\nAudited\nBalanced\nBroad minded\nBuilt\nCalculated\nCapable\nCapacity\nCataloged\nChaired\nCharted\nCollaborated\nCollect\nCommunicated\nCompared\nCompetent\nCompiled\nCompleted\nComputed\nConceived\nConceptualized\nConduct\nConfident\nConscientious\nConserved\nConsistent\nConsolidated\nConstruct\nConsult\nContributions\nContracted\nControl\nConverted\n\nCoordinate\nCorrelated\nCorrespond\nCreated\nDedicated\nDefined\nDelegate\nDemonstrate\nDependable\nDeposited\nDesigned\nDetected\nDetermined\nDeveloped\nDevised\nDiagnosed\nDiplomatic\nDirect\nDisciplined\nDiscovered\nDiscrete\nDispensed\nDistributed\nDiversity\nEconomical\nEdited\nEducated\nEffective\nEliminate\nEncourage\nEnergetic\nEnterprising\nEntertained\nEnthusiastic\nEquipped\nEstablished\nEstimated\nEvaluate\nEvident\nExamined\nExecuted\nExemplary\nExpanded\nExpedite\nExperienced\nExplained\nExtroverted\nFabricated\nFacilitated\nFair\nFamiliarized\nFigured\nFlexible\nForceful\nFormulated\n\nFounded\nGenerate\nGuided\nHandled\nHired\nHonest\nHumorous\nIdentified\nIgnited\nIllustrated\nImaginative\nImplemented\nImprove\nImprovise\nIncrease\nIndependent\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInitiated\nInnovated\nInspected\nInstalled\nInstituted\nInstruct\nIntegrated\nIntelligent\nInterpreted\nInterviewed\nInvented\nKnowledgeable\nLaunched\nLayout\nLead\nLecture\nLiaison\nLogical loyal\nMade\nMaintain\nMajor\nManage\nMarketed\nMature\nMethodical\nModerated\nModified\nMonitored\nMotivated\nNegotiated\nObjective\nObtained\nOperated\nOptimistic\nOrder\nOrganized\nOriginate\n\nOversee\nParticipated\nPerform\nPerspective\nPersonable\nPersistent\nPersuaded\nPertinent\nPinpointed\nPioneered\nPlan\nPleasant\nPositive\nPotential\nPrepared\nProcessed\nProfitable\nProgrammed\nPractical\nPromoted\nProposed\nPreference\nPrepared\nProposed\nProductive\nProficient\nProved\nProvided\nPublicized\nPublished\nQualified\nRealistic\nRecommend\nRecord\nRecruited\nRedesigned\nReduced\nPreferred\nReinforced\nRelate\nReliable\nReorganize\nRepaired\nReported\nRepresented\nResearched\nResourceful\nResponsible\nRespective\nRevamped\nReview\nRevised\nSchedule\nSelected\nSelf-reliant\n\nSelf-starter\nSense-of-humor\nSensitive\nServed\nSet up\nShaped\nSignificant\nSimplified\nSincere\nSold\nSolved\nSparked\nSpecified\nStable\nStaffed\nStimulated\nStrategy\nStreamlined\nStrengthened\nStretched\nStructured\nStudy\nSubstantial\nSucceeded\nSuccessfully\nSummarized\nSupervise\nSupport\nSurveyed\nSynthesized\nSystematic\nTactful\nTalented\nTeach\nTeam player\nTested\nThorough\nTracked\nTraded\nTrained\nTranslated\nTransformed\nTransmitted\nUncovered\nUnified\nUnraveled\nUpgraded\nUsed\nVerified\nVigorous\nWell educated\nWill relocate\nWill travel\nWrote\n\n6\n\n\x0cSAMPLE PHRASES USED IN RESUME PREPARATION\nSupervise administration of _________________\nDesigned new __________________\nPlan and design _____________and ______________\nCoordinate with __________________\nSolve problems by applying ________________ methods\nIdentify and classify ______________________\nDevelop improved methods for ________________\nImprove qualities of ______________________\nArranged ______________ programs for\nConstruct and test methods of _______________\nAnalyze and evaluate data\nServe as liaison between ______________ and _____________\nOrder and evaluate _____________________\nPlan and direct preparation and service of ______________\nMake quantitative and qualitative ______________ analysis\nObtain data for ________________\nResearched data for ______________\nPrepare________________ drawings\nKeep accurate records notes, sketches\nStudy ________ records to establish ______________\nInterpret data concerning ________________\nConstruct graphs and charts regarding ______________\nKeep records on __________________\nPlan work flow with production schedule\nPrevent emergencies by _______________\nSet up sequence for _________________\nReceive incoming ______________ and direct to ____________\nTake physical inventory of __________ and maintain ____________\nInitiated successful ___________________\nOrganized and chaired ________________________\nIncreased sales in ___________________ by ______________________\nInitiated improvements in _________________ and ________________\nNegotiated _____ between _________________ and _____________\nMatched up _________________ and _____________\nResearched and authored ____________________\nDemonstrated experience with _______________________\nEffective and knowledgeable in working with _______________\nUtilized ___________ to increase / decrease __________\nMaintained high standards which set high levels of__________________\nProvided exemplary customer service which _______________\nAble to problem solve and implement changes to_______________\nReduced losses by______________________\nTeam player with strong interpersonal skills and ability to__________________\nSelf-starter, able to initiate projects and follow through to completion\nInstituted new ______________which resulted in ___________________\nDemonstrated positive interactions with diverse populations and cultures\nSkilled in diagnosing and troubleshooting ___________________\nReversed downward trend in___ by ________.\nRaised expectations in________________ for ______________.\nRevitalized stagnant ____________________by _______________.\n7\n\n\x0cTHE COVER LETTER\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should stand on its own, independent of the resume.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEach letter should be carefully adapted for each employer, demonstrating that you understand the needs of that\nparticular company.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should contain examples of results you have produced or problems you have solved, related to\nthe type of work for which you are applying.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDo some research. Show that you have taken the time to learn about the company and their needs or future\nplans.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should not be more than one page long.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should be addressed to a particular person and title.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should be written in a standard business letter format.\n\nDO:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBe sincere and forthright.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse plain English, avoid jargon and abbreviations.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPersonalize your letter by mentioning something about your background or personality to give the employer\nan insight into your personal side.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse quality paper, similar to the paper used in your resume.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAvoid gimmicks such as cartoons and poetry, unless the job you seek\nrequires similar creative talents.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nKeep copies for your records.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFormat your resume so that it is easy to read, use short paragraphs, bullets and white space.\nProof read to be sure there are no typographical or grammatical errors.\n\nDO NOT:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSend copies of generic cover letters.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProvoke the reader by being too directive or challenging them to hire you.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBe too flippant or casual.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProvide too much personal information.\nHave a cover letter that is less than one-half page or more than 2 pages in length. One page is preferred.\n8\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER FORMAT INGREDIENTS\n\nYour Name\nStreet Address\nCity, State, Zip Code\n\nDate\nEmployer\xe2\x80\x99s Name (Always to a specific individual)\nEmployer\xe2\x80\x99s Title\nCompany Name\nCompany Address\nDear (Ms./Mrs./ Mr. / Dr., )__________________,\nSection 1: Tell what position you are applying for and how you found out about the position (If you found out\nabout the job from a friend who works there or for a related firm, be sure they have a good reputation with the\ncompany).\nSection 2: Explain and expand briefly how you meet the company\xe2\x80\x99s needs. State the educational, skill and\npersonality traits that prepare you to contribute to the company in a unique way. Give reference to the enclosed\ndocuments but DO NOT put \xe2\x80\x9csee resume\xe2\x80\x9d for details. The cover letter should make them want to read the\nresume for more information. If you are given an application to fill out, also fill that out completely, do not put\n"see resume" on the application either.\nSection 3: Give a time frame in which you will call to arrange an interview, or indicate that you hope to be\nhearing from them soon, and indicate the best way and time to reach you.\nSection 4: Thank them for their time and consideration.\nSincerely,\nYour signature\n\nYour name typed\nYour phone number typed\nyour e-mail address\nAttachments: Resume, letters of recommendation and application if required\n9\n\n\x0cSAMPLE PARAGRAPHS TO USE IN COVER LETTERS\nSECTION 1: (Introduction)\nIn response to your advertisement in the __________________ newspaper of October ___, 200_ for a\n_______________, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration.\nI was very pleased to hear of your current opening for a _________________. I was referred to this position by\n___________________ who has been a long time client of your firm.\nThis letter is in response to your job posting for a _________________. I was very excited to see your job\nannouncement listed on the student job board at Cabrillo College. I have been studying ___________________\nfor ___ semesters and I have always hoped to have the opportunity to be associated with your company.\nI was excited to see your job listed on the Cabrillo College Student Job Board. I have been looking for exactly\nthis position, and I think that my work experience and related skills will be an excellent match for your needs.\nSECTION 2: (How do you meet their needs)\nYour job announcement requested the skills I have to offer.\nI am an achiever, with ___ years experience as a successful ________________. I have always set high\nstandards and consistently achieved my goals.\nIn my ___ months (years) as a ______________ with _________________ company. I have been commended\nseveral times for the initiative and creativity I have shown on the job.\nOn my last job I discovered that what I most enjoyed about the work was ____________. To expand my skills\nin that area, I returned to school and earned a ________________ in __________.\nIn my last position, I was promoted to ____________, where I worked in the area (s) of _________. In this\nposition I gained the experience to meet the requirements of your position, and have additional skills to _____.\nAs a _________________, I had the opportunity to ___________________, which gave me invaluable\nexperience that enables me to ______________. I think that this background would be an asset to me in the\nposition of ___________________, and allow me to "hit the ground running".\nSECTION 3: (Closing)\nI hope that you feel that I am a strong candidate for your position, and I will hear from you soon to arrange for\nan interview.\nI am excited about the opportunity to be associated with your company and hope to hear form you soon to set\nup an interview to discuss your position further.\nI will contact your office during the week of ______________ to see if we can arrange a time to meet and\ndiscuss your needs and my qualifications.\nI would like to talk with you in person, and discuss where my skills would benefit you the most. I will contact\nyour office on ___________ to see if you would be able to fit me into your schedule.\nI will be in your area the last week of ______________. At that time I will call your office and ask if an\nappointment can be arranged. If you wish to contact me before then, you can reach me at (\n)_____________.\n10\n\n\x0cSENDING OUT YOUR LETTER\nSend your cover letter with your resume attached to the director of the department you are interested in. Check\nout her or his name, title and honorarium (Dr., Mr., Ms., Miss., or Mrs.). You can usually get this information\nfrom the business switchboard operator or receptionist. Be sure that you have the spelling right. The only time\nthat you would send a letter \xe2\x80\x9cTo Whom It May Concern\xe2\x80\x9d would be if you were responding to an advertisement\nwith a blind post office box.\nAlthough personnel / human resources offices sometimes handle initial screening of job applicants, send your\nresume and cover letter to the person you would be working for. If you are applying to a large company,\noffering similar career opportunities in more that one department, send a letter and resume to each department\nhead. In this instance you would want to keep your career objective statement flexible, but not so flexible that\nthey are not sure about the position you are seeking. Do not expect to receive a response if the company is not\ncurrently advertising a position.\nFOR MORE HELP...\nDamn Good Resume Guide, Parker, Yana\nThe Resume Catalog, 200 Damn Good Examples, Parker, Yana (excellent functional resume samples)\nDoes Your Resume Wear Blue Jeans, Good, Edward C.\nCareer Planning Today, Powell, C. Randall\nSweaty Palms, The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed, Medley, Anthony\nKnock \xe2\x80\x98Em Dead With Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions, Yate, Martin\nResume Magic (Second Edition), Whitcomb, Susan Britton (good professional resume samples)\nSOME ON-LINE ASSISTANCE...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nALSO...\nCheck with your local college Career Planning or Student Employment Center, Public Library, State of\nCalifornia Employment Development Department, County Human Resources Agency, YMCA and YWCA\xe2\x80\x99s\nfor job seeking assistance and support groups.\n\n11\n\n\x0c(chronological format - education emphasis)\nMARY PETERSEN\nCampus Address\n540 So. XXth Street\nSan Jose, CA 95112\n(408) XXX-XXXX\n\nPermanent Address\nXXXX White Oaks Way\nSan Carlos, CA 95070\n(415) XXX-XXXX\n\nPROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE\n\nJunior Civil Engineer for a structural design or construction firm\n\nEDUCATION\nSan Jose State University, San Jose, CA\nB.S.: Civil Engineering Structural & Applied Mechanics Option\nGPA: 3.5 Academic Honors: Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nPERTINENT COURSEWORK\nStructures (design analysis)\nSoils\nMath (beyond Differential Equations)\nComputer Science (C++)\nEXPERIENCE\n9/02-4/05\n\nMisc. Engineering Courses\nHydrology\nEnvironmental Engineering\nEconomics\n\nAmes Research Center (NASA), Moffett Field, CA\nEngineering Aid - Completed two work periods under San Jose State Cooperative\nEducation Program in Structural Division of 40\xe2\x80\x99x 80\xe2\x80\x99 Wind Tunnel Expansion ($85\nmillion program). Project responsibilities included: completing design calculations and\nspecification for expansion of major wind tunnel work packages; running computer\nmodels for analysis of stress on 3 dimensional trusses; drafting design revisions and\nmodifications; inspecting fieldwork for adherence to location of critical work points.\n\n1/01-9/02\n\nMelvin Hill Engineering, Campbell, CA\nEngineering Intern - Under supervision of civil engineering staff, analyzed small wood\nframe structures, retaining walls and foundations; drafted revisions; interfaced with San\nJose Building Department in completing drawings and specifications.\n\n5/99-9/01\n(summers)\n\nNational Park Service, Yellowstone National Park, WY\nTour Guide - Led student and public groups on guided tours; organized nature walks.\n\n9/99-12/01\n\nFlour Metals and Mining, San Mateo, CA\nEngineering Technician - Analyzed various steel structures to withstand wind and gravity\nloads (ore processing facility). Compiled data for structural reports.\n\nPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineering-Student Chapter, Secretary and President\nSociety of Women Engineers\nBACKGROUND\nReared in San Francisco Bay Area; have traveled extensively throughout the western states and am willing to\nrelocate. As a result of work experience, am able to establish rapport easily with contractors and professional\nengineers.\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n12\n\n\x0c(Chronological format - emphasizing education, de-emphasizing dates of employment)\nMURPHY J. SIMMONS\nXXXX Cypress Hill Avenue\nSanta Cruz, California 91706\n\n(831) XXX-XXXX (Home)\n(831) XXX-XXXX (Cell)\n\nCAREER\nOBJECTIVE\n\nEntry level position as a Marketing Representative with a\npharmaceutical firm.\n\nACADEMIC\nBACKGROUND\n\nCalifornia State University, Monterey Bay\nBachelor of Arts, major in English with minor in Biology.\nAnticipated date of graduation: December, 2003.\nCabrillo College\nAssociate of Arts, 1999\n\nMAJOR\nCOURSEWORK\n\nTechnical Report Writing\nLanguage and Culture\nCommunication of Ideas\nPopulation & Cell Biology\n\nCommunication Problems\nCreative Writing\nComputational Linguistics\nHuman Anatomy & Physiology\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStore Night Manager, Capitola, CA\nAlberluckies, June, 2002 to present.\nResponsible for store operation during evening hours.\nAccount for cash flows, store security, and employee work assignments.\nMake deposits and complete weekly worksheets.\nAdministrative Assistant, Capitola, CA\nBorge Insurance Company, September, 1999 to May, 2002\nSupervised a dozen student worker\'s whose task was to file medical\ninsurance forms. Solved personnel and filing problems; formulated\nnightly work output reports.\nFront Desk / Guest Services, Santa Cruz, CA\nSanta Cruz Gardens Health Spa, June, 1997- August, 1999\nChecked in Spa members, provided temporary guest memberships,\ncleaned locker rooms, took payments and issued receipts, set up or\nclosed facility as needed.\n\nACHIEVEMENTS Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nWho\xe2\x80\x99s Who among American Junior College Students\nLANGUAGES\n\nFluent in Spanish\n\nCOMPUTER\n\nExperienced with IBM and Macintosh computer systems. Software\ncompetence with Word, Quickbooks Pro, and spread sheets including Excel.\n\nREFERENCES\n\nLetters of reference attached, additional references available upon request\n\n13\n\n\x0c(CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME - Education emphasis)\nMark Robinson\n13254 - XXh Avenue, # 12\nBen Lomond, CA 95006\n(831) XXX-XXXX\[email protected]\n\nJob Objective:\n\nAutocad Drafter\n\nEducation:\n2001-2003\n\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA 95003\nCertificate - Engineering Technology, December 1998\n\n1997-1999\n\nMasters Institute, San Jose, CA 95044\nCertificate - Electro / Mechanical Design and Drafting\n\nRelated Coursework:\n\xe2\x99\xa6Autocad\n\n\xe2\x99\xa6Detail\n\n\xe2\x99\xa63D\n\nRel. 13 - 2004\nWireframe and solid modeling\n\xe2\x99\xa6P-Cad\n\xe2\x99\xa6MS Word 7 and Excel\n\n\xe2\x99\xa6\n\nand Assembly Drawing\n2D Animation Studio\n\xe2\x99\xa6Mechanical Desktop 2.0\n\xe2\x99\xa6 MS Works 4 and Windows 95\n\nWork History:\nJanuary 2001 - April 2005\n\nSneezegate Technology\nScotts Valley, CA 95076\nProduction Operator in clean room environment\nPCB Shop\n\nAugust 1999 - December 2001\n\nACCAPA Services\nSanta Clara, CA\nWarehouse, Shipping, Receiving\n\nJanuary 1997 - March 1999\n\nGolden Opportunities Agency\nSan Jose, CA\nContract work for temporary agency\nMachinist, Warehouse, Light industrial\n\nReferences: List of references attached, additional references available upon request\n14\n\n\x0c(FUNCTIONAL FORMAT - Key word emphasis)\n\nSamantha Robinson\nXXX-XXth Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) XXX-XXXX\n______________________________________________________________________________________\nObjective: General Clerical / Bookkeeping\n\nSpecial Strengths: I have the ability to work well with others and to learn quickly. I am also very detail\noriented, reliable and punctual.\n\nRelated Skills:\nComputer Skills:\n\nExcel Spreadsheet\nTelemajic\nWinWord\nWindows 95\n\nGeneral Clerical:\n\nType with speed and accuracy\nShipping & Receiving experience\nFamiliar with standard office equipment\n\nData entry\nCash register\nMulti-line switchboard\n\nCustomer Service:\n\nExcellent phone & communication skills\nSuccessful problem resolution\n\nSurveyed customers\nProfessional attitude\n\nTravel Planning:\n\nScheduled reservations\nSet up appropriate accommodations\n\nLiaison with travel agencies\nand hotels\n\nBookkeeping:\n\nAccounts Receivable\nStatements\nGeneral Ledger\n\nCollection calls\nMonth end reports\nAccounts Payable\n\nWork History:\n\nWord Perfect 5.0\nWordstar\nPagemaker\nQuark\n\nE-mail\nFoxpro\nAmerican Contractor A/R\nAccess\n\nAccounts Receivable Associate / Marketing Assistant\nFromhaggens Computer Works, Santa Cruz, CA\n\n1998-Present\n\nFile Clerk/ Customer Service\nDoctors on Call, Aptos, CA\n\n1998\n\nFile Clerk / Accounting Assistant\n1995-1998\nBrannagan and Pierce, General Contractors, Santa Cruz, CA\n\nEducation:\n\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nGeneral Business Major (part-time night student)\n\n1997-Present\n\nSoquel High School, Soquel, CA\nCollege Prep.\n\nGraduate\n\nReferences Available Upon Request\n15\n\n\x0c(FUNCTIONAL FORMAT)\n\nSara Prouse\nXXXX Mc Arthur Lane\nSanta Cruz, CA 95061\n(831) XXX-XXXX\n\nJob Objective: Administrative Assistant\nHighlights of Qualifications:\nProfessional appearance and attitude\nExcellent communication and customer service skills\nFlexible, adaptable and enthusiastic\nWork well independently and as part of a team\n\nRelated Experience:\nAdministrative Assistant\nAssistant to store manager and other department managers\nComputer data entry; experience with Word on PC and Macintosh\nManaged supplies and organization of the office\nNegotiated prices with vendors\nManaged accounts receivable for the accounting department\nSales, Promotion and Customer Service\nDirected customers to products and special promotional items\nCustomer assistance on phones and in the store\nDeveloped rapport and cooperation with customers\nAssessed needs and made recommendations for purchases\nSupervision:\nSupervised 12-15 person work crew as well as office staff\nDirected flow of work and targeted projects\nResponsible for meeting quality guidelines and completion deadlines\n\nWork History:\nFebruary 1999-Present\n\nAdministrative Assistant - New Living Center, Soquel, CA\n(Promoted from cashier)\n\nJanuary 1997-January 1999 Crew Leader - California Conservation Corps, Santa Cruz and\nEureka, CA\n\nEducation:\n1999-Present\n1997\n\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nGeneral Education classes\nSanta Cruz Adult Education, Santa Cruz, CA\nGED\n\nReferences attached \xe2\x80\x93Additional References Available Upon Request\n16\n\n\x0c(functional format)\nJOHN DOLAN\nXXX Amen Street\nSan Francisco, CA\n\[email protected]\n(415) XXX-XXXX\nOBJECTIVE\nSales Executive\n\nSALES PROMOTION\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised and supervised promotion projects for large business firms and manufacturers, mostly in the\nelectronics field.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Originated newspaper, radio and television advertising and coordinated sales market potential.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 As sales executive and promotion consultant handled a great variety of accounts. Sales potentials in these\nfirms vary from $100,000 to $5 million per annum. Successfully raised the volume of sales in many of these\ncompanies 25% within the first year.\nSALES MANAGEMENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hired and supervised sales staff on a local, regional, and national basis. Established branch offices\nthroughout the United States.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed uniform systems of processing orders and sales records. Implemented a catalog training program\nsystem involving inventory control to facilitate movement of scarce stock.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted new products as well as improving sales of old ones. Developed sales training.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Over fifteen years retail and wholesale sales. Direct sales to consumer, jobber, and manufacturer. Hard\ngoods, small metals and electrical appliances.\nMARKET RESEARCH\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised and supervised market research projects to determine sales potentials and need for advertising.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote detailed reports and recommendation describing each step in distribution, areas for development and\nplans for sales improvements.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gathered pricing and scheduling information on competitors and reported on changes needed to maintain\ncompetitive edge.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Identified areas of customer satisfaction and motivation and initiated changes to ensure repeat business.\n\n1999-Present\n1989-1999\n\nFIRMS\nB.B. Bower Sales Development Company\nSan Francisco, CA\nJames Bresher Commercial and\nIndustrial Sales Research Corporation\nSan Francisco, CA\n\nSales Executive\nSr. Sales Promotion Manager\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of California, Berkeley, B.S. 1990; Business Administration\n17\n\n\x0c(functional format - specific international emphasis)\n\nPHILIP MARGOLIS\n831.XXX.XXXX (H)\n\nP.O. Box XXX\n\n831.XXX.XXXX5 (C)\n\nBrookdale, CA\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nTo obtain employment as a consultant to an internationally based firm as a Solar Technologist. The\nspecialization\'s in which I am most qualified are desalinization, agricultural development and electrical\ngeneration application.\n\nSYSTEMS DESIGN:\n\nEMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND\nDesigned and fabricated practical solar collection and monitoring\nexpertise as a contractor and on residential and commercial\napplications.\n\nSUPERVISION AND\nTRAINING:\n\nSupervised the design, materials acquisition and construction\nphases of residential construction projects. Trained and oversaw work of\nsubcontractors and construction crews.\n\nPROGRAM\nEVALUATION\n\nAnalyzed statistical data for implementation of public programs.\nMade major policy recommendations to city and county planning departments\n\nFIELD CONDITIONS\nANALYSIS:\n\nConducted water quality tests in field and laboratory and used\ndata for preparation of watershed inventory publication.\n\n1999-Present Owner, Specialized Solar Systems, Santa Cruz, CA\n1995-1999\nIndividual Consultant, Margolis Solar Consulting, Santa Cruz, CA\n1999-2002\nBuilding Contractor, Pacific Construction Co, Santa Cruz, CA\n1997-1999\nAssociate Planner, Planning Dept, Santa Cruz County, CA\n\nBACHELOR OF ARTS:\nASSOCIATE OF\nSCIENCE:\n\nEDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND\nEnvironmental Studies & Biology 1990 UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA\nSolar Energy Technology 1985 Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\nAmerican Section of I.S.E.S.\nSanta Cruz Alternative Energy Cooperative\nINTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE\n\nTRAVEL ABROAD: Japan, England, Germany, Italy, Mexico VALID PASSPORT\nFOREIGN LANGUAGES: Spanish; levels 1-2, Chinese; levels 1-3\n\n18\n\n\x0cBritt Abernathy\nP.O. Box XXXX2,\nAptos, CA 95003-8092\n831-XXX-XXXX\n____________________________________________\n\nJob Objective: Administrative Assistant\nRelated Skills:\nGeneral Office\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated\n\nmultiple assignments and worked independently with increasing responsibility.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked as part of a team to implement large scale projects.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interacted with other departments and sister agencies.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accurately typed letters, drafted inquiries and responses and proofread.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Filed, alphabetized, processed orders, collated, made copies, used fax machine.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used advanced multi-line phone system, took messages, gave phone referrals.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Inventoried and accessed stored materials, purchased office materials and supplies.\n\nCustomer Service\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Greeted\n\ncustomers, answered phones, established how best to meet customer\'s needs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Took and processed work orders and returns.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided detailed information on and encouraged use of project materials.\n\nComputer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Extensive\n\nMacintosh experience.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Thorough knowledge of FilemakerPro, Pagemaker, MS Word and Norton Disk Doctor/Utilities.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Set up and accurately maintained databases, printed labels and reports in various formats.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and developed various marketing and survey materials, flyers, enclosures, newspaper\nadvertisements, office forms and record keeping materials.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Learned and installed new computer programs as needed.\n\nWork History\nFrom / To\n12/04 - present\n9/02 - 11/04\n8/99 - 7/02\n6/97 - 8/99\n\nEmployer Name\nSanta Cruz Metro Transit\nSpecial Care Residential Home\nMarc\'s Brothers Plumbing Supply\nTravel\n\nLocation\nSanta Cruz, CA\nSanta Cruz, CA\nSanta Rosa, CA\nEurope & Asia\n\nSchool Name\nCabrillo College, CA\nUC Santa Cruz, CA\nSanta Rosa Jr. College, CA\nMission High School, CA\n\nCourse of Study\nArchaeology Technology\nPhilosophy\nPsychiatric Technician Degree\nDiploma\n\nEducation\nFrom / To\n1/02 - present\n9/99 - 12/02\n8/98 - 6/99\n\n19\n\n\x0c(skills/abilities resume - dates ambiguous)\nRuby Salavia\nXXXX Porter Place\nAptos, CA 95003\n\[email protected]\n(831) XXX-XXXX\n\n________________________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE: A position as an Administrative Assistant or Account Clerk\nPRIMARY SKILLS:\n\xef\x82\xa7 D-Base Management\n\xef\x82\xa7 Payroll\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bookkeeping\n\xef\x82\xa7 Form Processing\n\xef\x82\xa7 WordPerfect\n\xef\x82\xa7 Quicken / Quatro\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nPC Dos\nLedger Maintenance\nBudget Analysis\nCollections / Billing\n10 Key Calculator\nSupervision\n\nABILITIES:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Spanish/English oral, written and technical communication\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bilingual / Bicultural\n\xef\x82\xa7 Friendly, courteous and articulate\n\xef\x82\xa7 Work independently with no supervision\n\xef\x82\xa7 Interact effectively in dealing with diverse groups\n\xef\x82\xa7 Extensive experience dealing with frequent interruptions and time deadlines\n\xef\x82\xa7 Effective preparation of documents, with close attention to detail\n\xef\x82\xa7 Analytical skills, with a demonstrated ability to solve problems\n\xef\x82\xa7 Extensive experience with administration and clerical procedures\nEXPERIENCE:\n3-D Experiences, Santa Cruz, CA\nEl Serno Health Department, Los Angeles, CA\nTri-County Vocational Training, Walnut, CA\n\nAdministrative Assistant\nTypist Clerk\nOffice Assistant\n\n1 year\n9 years\n3 years\n\nEDUCATION:\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nLos Angeles City College, Los Angeles, CA\nSan Gabriel High School, San Gabriel, CA\n\nBusiness Office Technology\nGeneral Education\nDiploma\n\nREFERENCES ATTACHED, ADDITIONAL REFERENCES FURNISHED UPON REQUEST\n\n20\n\n\x0cWinona Percosa\n__________________________________________________________________________________\nXXX Harper St. # 22\n(831) XXX-XXXX/XXX-XXXX\nSanta Cruz, CA 94062\ne-mail: [email protected]\nObjective\nOffice Manager position with responsibility for purchasing, budgeting, and personnel management.\nQualifications\n12 years of experience in business management with expertise in purchasing, sales, project\nmanagement, leasing, property management, training and creative problem solving. Extensive\nexperience interfacing with outside vendors, clients and corporate executives. Fluent in English and\nSpanish. Able to translate and interpret. Computer literate.\nAchievements\nSupervised properties in 5 states. Organized and restructured office procedures and workflow;\ndeveloped and implemented new systems for rent collection, processing work orders and maintenance\nprojects; wrote and enforced occupancy, safety and security policies; interpreted and enforced OSHA\npolicies and regulations; resolved residential issues and complaints.\nManaged operations functions for multi-unit facility. Negotiated contracts and coordinated\nscheduling with contractors, outside vendors and suppliers; purchased equipment and office supplies;\ncreated budgets and developed expense controls; served as liaison with fire department, police and\nbuilding inspectors.\nCoordinated all personnel, customer service and tenant relation activities. Hired, trained and\npromoted personnel; developed cross-functional teams which met all project benchmarks; trained staff\nin essentials of superior customer service. Delegated assignments to technical and administrative\nteams; Bored through slow moving approval process, obtaining permits in record time; Designated\nteam leaders for successful new project.\nPerformed sales, marketing, leasing and contract negotiations in multiple business environments.\nMarketed and sold condominiums, ATM and POS equipment, clothing, novelties and catering\nservices. Negotiated contracts with vendors, residents and outside contractors.\nProfessional Experience\nMonet Staffing Services, Capitola, CA\nThe Amram Swenson Company, Santa Cruz, CA\nThe John Stewart Company, Aptos, CA\n\n2003-Present\nLeasing Manager\n1999-2003\nAdministrator\n1996-1999\nProperty Manager\n\nEducation\nMBA, Chapman College, Monterey, CA 2004\nFinance and Accounting Certificate, National University, San Jose CA 2002\n\n21\n\n\x0cJohn Aguirre\nXXX Lincoln Street\nWatsonville, CA 95076\n\n(831) XXX-XXXX\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\nJunior Level Network Administrator\n\nCisco Routers\nIOS command structure, router configurations and security using access lists to create firewalls.\nconfiguring both LAN and WAN ports to accepts various protocols on the network. Copy and\nmanipulate configuration files and router files through the use of passwords.\nWindows NT 4.0\nWindows NT 4.0, Windows 95, sharing resources, user management, cross domain management,\nsystem policy, user profiles, security, disaster recovery, NetWare to NT migrations, installation,\nconfiguration, backups, un-interruptable power supplies.\nNovel 4.x\nInstallation, configuration and maintenance of Novel 4.x network, including the design and\nmaintenance. Adding, deleting and granting trustee rights to users. NDS tree design, creating and\nadministration.\nUnix System V.7 (SCO)\nWorking knowledge of vi and ex editors, prep, sed, adding/deleting users, granting rights, permissions\nand security considerations.\nTroubleshooting\nBuilding, repairing, troubleshooting of IBM compatible PC\'s to the FRU level and the\ninstallation/modification of windows 3.1/95 operating systems.\nElectronics\nCircuits, voltages, resistance, series and parallel circuits, waveforms, inductors, capacitance,\nimpedance, transistors, data and analog signals, bandwidth, cabling.\nOperating System software (DOS/Windows)\nExtensive DOS 6.22, commands, file manipulation.\nExperience\n2002-2005\n1999-2002\n\nStudent Worker III (Work Experience Program) - Computer Training Academy,\nSan Jose, CA Installation, configuration and maintenance of Cisco products along with\nNovel and NY networks.\nAssistant Contractor - Sementos Brothers Construction, Watsonville, CA\nSupplied pipe fitters and welders with all the proper equipment needed for jobs\nEducation\n\n2003-Present Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA Currently enrolled - Engineering Technology\n1999-2001\nComputer Training Academy, San Jose, CA Diploma\n22\n\n\x0cRACHELLE ACOSTA\nXXX Scenic Way\nScotts Valley, CA 95066\n\nPhone:(831) XXX-XXXX\nCell: (408) XXX-XXXX\n\nOBJECTIVE\nA challenging position in Organizational Development, Human Resources, Corporate Training or\nBenefits Administration in a well established and positive company environment.\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nHuman Resources Professional with extensive experience in large executive search and consulting\nfirms. Consistently effective in the design and delivery of training workshops and seminars. Strong\nwork ethic and demonstrated history of leadership in fast paced environments. Confident and\nresourceful manager capable of establishing solid business partnerships to support strategic objectives.\nAble to inspire and motivate diverse individuals and teams. Well established consultation skills with\ndemonstrated effectiveness in negotiation, problem solving and analysis. PC literate with current word\nprocessing, spreadsheet and database applications. Areas of expertise include:\nTraining / Curriculum Design\n\xef\x81\xaf Start-up Operations\n\xef\x81\xaf Organizational Development\n\xef\x81\xaf Wage and Compensation Administration\n\xef\x81\xaf Diversity Training\n\xef\x81\xaf Labor Law\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nPerformance Management\n\xef\x81\xaf Employee Relations\n\xef\x81\xaf Benefits Analysis\n\xef\x81\xaf Staffing and Recruiting\n\xef\x81\xaf Employee Retention\n\xef\x81\xaf Search and Selection\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nCAREER ACHIEVEMENTS\nLead trainer for corporate wide leadership development, team building, career coaching and\nperformance improvement seminars. Viewed as content expert and design resource for behavioral\ninterviewing, recruitment and conflict management workshops.\nCreated and implemented professional retention program. Provided career coaching to over 400 high\npotential consultants, successfully transferred over 60 professionals and saved $665,000 in recruitment\nfees in the programs first six months.\nBuilt and sustained a recruiting organization and managed a $3 million recruiting budget, including all\nmedia, advertising and sourcing activities for growing firm area including Electronic Commerce,\nCustomer Relationship Management and Japanese Practices. Recruited more than 280 professionals\nwhile reducing past cost per hire by 54% in nine months.\nConducted job search strategy and resume writing workshops for Career Forum at Stanford\nUniversity. Led training sessions on recruiting and retaining high tech employees in a variety of\nlocations. Instructor for Senior Core of Retired Entrepreneurs.\nWrote and produced Human Resources Procedures Manual covering personnel, training, benefits,\nemployee discipline and administrative issues. Re-wrote job descriptions resulting in greater\nefficiency and fewer personnel.\nDesigned and implemented a Diversity Hiring plan which resulted in a substantial increase in diversity\nhires through extensive sponsorships, publicity and advertising in diversity media.\n(page 1 of 2)\n23\n\n\x0cRACHELLE ACOSTA PAGE 2\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nCENTER FOR HUMAN GROWTH, Palo Alto, CA\nDirector of Staffing\n\n2003-present\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nConducted numerous internal workshops on stress management,\ncommunication, leadership development and team building to promote\nemployee commitment and tenure.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nManaged all professional recruiting and led team of 10 recruiters and two\nschedulers for recruitment of all domestic and globally based professional staff.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nIntegrated American and Japanese Human Resources office procedures.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nDeveloped highly effective presentation outlining results of a work productivity\nstudy, contributing to the adoption of over 80% of my recommendations.\n\nLACHMAN & DOSS CONSULTING, San Francisco, CA\nEmployee Retention and Staffing Manager\n\n2001-2003\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nManaged all professional recruiting and led team of 12 for recruitment of all\ndomestic and global based professional staff, Established Web presence and\nweb based process to advertise open positions and expedite internal transfers.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nLed seminars on performance management and created user\'s guide for\nprofessional level staff.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nFacilitated over 100 "train the trainer" behavioral interviewing workshops.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nConducted needs assessment / gap analysis, recommended training curriculum,\nmanaged program launch, registration and evaluation. Selected and evaluated\ntraining vendors.\n\nPERALTA & JENNER, Oakland, CA\nManagement Analyst\n\n1998-2001\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nManaged four person research team while recruiting partners, associates, and\nconsultants for Big Five and top-tier strategy consulting firms.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nImproved personnel accountability by redefining responsibility for essential\nfunctions.\nEDUCATION AND AFFILIATIONS\n\nM.B.A., International Management, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA\nB.A., Business Management, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA\nMember, American Society for Training and Development- Bay Area Chapter\n24\n\n2004\n2001\n\n\x0c(scannable resume)\nCarol Bryant\nXXXX Hubbard Road\nMoss Landing, CA 93007\n(831) XXX-XXXX3776\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE: Computer Network Administrator, Computer System Operator, or Technical Support\nHIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS: Eleven years computer-related experience including:\nOperating Systems Environments: Hardware:\nLanguages: Applications:\nMS/DOS\nIBM/Clones C\nLotus 1-2-3\nUNIX and Xwindows\nMacintosh\nBasic/Qbasic Wordperfect/Wordstar\nMS Windows 3.1, NT, Workgroups IBM 4381\ndBASEIII\nMicrosoft Word\nNetware 3.11, 4.0\nVAX\nDataEase\nXtree Gold, Hypercard\nMac OS and AppleTalk\nPDP 11/70\nC-shell script Paradox, Filemaker Pro\nVMS\nPrinters\nReSource II DBMS\nMVS/XA, VM/XA\nModems, scanners\nProComm, Telix\n~ Created NetWare 3.11 network including file server, print servers and work stations\n~ Installed and configured peripherals and replaced extension boards in PC compatible computers\n~ Able to master new software and apply its full range of capabilities\n~ Excellent listening skills; experience with interpreting problems and offering the best resolution\n~ Supervisory experience\n~ Ten years administrative background in business environment\nTECHNICAL WORK EXPERIENCE:\nKinkis Computer Center, Santa Cruz, CA\n2002-2005\nComputer Operator and Computer Consultant - Tended UNIX, VM/XA and MVS/XA systems in high\nvolume computer center. Responsible for laser printer jobs, system backups, tape libraries and work\ndocumentation. Instructed users in the use of UNIX system, EtherNet network, IBM PC\'s,\nMacintoshes and AppleTalk network.\nPlanetworks, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA\n2002\nComputer Operator - Responsible for operation of VAX VMS system. Duties included maintaining\nterminals, providing internal technical support for employees, troubleshooting hardware and software\nproblems and connecting hardware. Wrote in-house documentation.\nOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE:\nFocastle and Associates, Santa Cruz, CA\n1998-2001\nOffice Manager and Administrative Assistant - Key person in successful computer conversion.\nResearch hardware and software appropriate to company\'s needs and made final purchasing\nrecommendations. Implemented DataEase database management system used for invoicing, payroll\nand accounts receivable, writing code for company specific modules. Trained staff in use of company\nsoftware; wrote in-house database and software manual. Responsible for office equipment\nmaintenance, purchasing and accounts receivable. Designed and implemented new office procedures.\nInterviewed, hired and supervised office assistants.\nEDUCATION:\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA - Microcomputer Management\nA.S. Degree 2001\nCourses include computer networking, dBASE programming, microcomputer installation /\nmaintenance, Macintosh operating system, telecommunications and accounting.\nREFERENCES: Attached, additional references available upon request\n25\n\n\x0cWork Related References\nMarge Berko\nKinkis Computer Center\n2121 Freedom Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nStore Manager / Direct Supervisor\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\nJudy Pollsowitz\nIT Manager\nPlanet Works\n2525 Vineyard Ave\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\nDirect Supervisor\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\nFrodo Bobbins\nComputer Operator\nKinkis Computer Center\n2121 Freedom Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nCo-Worker in IT Department\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\nWard Cleaver\nComputer Analyst\nPlanet Works\n2525 Vineyard Ave\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\nCo-Worker\n831-XXX-XXXX\[email protected]\n\nJane Doe\nChief Business Officer\nFoscatle and Associates\nXXXX Front Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nSupervisors boss\n831.XXX.XXXX\n\nBob Dolantz\nDirector of IT\nFoscatle and Associates\nXXXX Front Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nDirect Supervisor\n831.XXX.XXX\n\nPersonal References\nPeter Jacobson\nXXXX - 15th AVE\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\nLandlord of 8 years\n831.XXX.XXXX\n\nDr. Slater Biggams\nCabrillo College\n6500 Soquel Drive\nAptos, CA 95003\nInstructor in Computer Science\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\n26\n\n\x0cwhat not to do - see below\n12/15/04 (1)\nresume of: (2)\n\njane doe\n\n(3)\n\nP.O. Box 555\nSeacliff, CA 95003\n\n(408) 555-5555\n\nJOB OBJECTIVE: A job that offers benefits and will allow me to use my education and experience and\ngrow and advance in the company. (4)\n\nWORK HISTORY:\n\n(5)\n\nJune 1997-November 1997 Grill Cook, Betty s Pasta Shop, 1921 Main Street, Santa Lupe,\nCalifornia, Supervisor: Angela Parnelli (555) 121-1212 $ 8.00/hr\nCooked soups, sandwiches, food prep.\n1/15/1997- 5/22/97 AAA Organic Farms, Gardener, Petaluma, Ca., $9.00/hr\nWorked in garden, picked and packed vegetables.\n8/1/94-7/12/96 Parking Lot Attendant/Security Guard, Great Mall of El Segundo, Mesa, Arizona\nParked cars, apprehended shoplifters.\n9/15/96-12/30/87 Retail Sales, The Backpackers Paradise, Crescent City, Arizona $7.50/hr\nSold backpacks and camping supplies.\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nUCCC Santa Lupe , California,\nMajor: Human Studies\nAnticipated date of graduation: June 2005 (6)\nAardvark High School, Mesa, Arizona (7)\n\nREFERENCES: Reverend Milo Wacky, Universal Universalist Church (555)-332-1212\nJune Cleaver, (555) 332-5412 (8)\n\nPERSONAL INFORMATION: Recently divorced, 3 children ages 2,3 & 7. (9)\n(1) Do not date resume.\n(2) Do not label \xe2\x80\x9cresume\xe2\x80\x9d (3) Font too large for name and address, small case not\nappropriate for resume. (4) Objective statement too broad, not targeted. (5) Different format style used for dates,\ndates out of order and have a typo. Formatting generally uneven with job title and employer names staggered. Size of\nfont varies. Do not list street addresses, supervisors names or employer phone numbers here. Do not list salary\ninformation on resume. Detail of skills and responsibilities lacking or vague. Work history not targeted toward any\nspecific type of employment. (6) Anticipated date of graduation too far in future to list. 7) Graduation not indicated.\n(8) Reference has religious orientation, or no indication of relationship, references should be listed on separate page. (9)\nDo not put personal information on resume.\nIn general, resume is too busy, and has too many font styles. Resume not targeted toward any particular type of work.\nFormatting very uneven. Do not use font smaller that 11 pt.\n\n27\n\n\x0cFOLLOW UP LETTER\nFollow up correspondence is an important aspect of your job search. It only takes a few moments to write a\nthank you note and the results can be rewarding.\nThe note should be brief; thank them for their time and consideration in seeing you and reiterate your interest\nin the position. Emphasize what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.\nA thank you note shows that you are considerate. It may put you ahead of the competition, or keep your name\nfresh in the employers\' mind for future consideration.\nBe sure your follow-up note has your contact information on the note itself, not just on the envelope.\n\nSAMPLE FOLLOW UP LETTER\nOctober 15, 2004\nMs. Jennifer Jones\nDistrict Manager\nBank of Central California\n1212 Spring Street\nSan Luis Obispo, CA 95555\nDear Ms. Jones,\nThank you for taking the time to thoroughly discuss your management training program with me yesterday\nduring the course of my interview. After careful consideration, I feel that I would be achieving my personal\ngoals and meeting your needs by utilizing my finance degree as a trainee in your mortgage loan department.\nI am excited by the opportunity to be affiliated with the Bank of Central California during the bank\'s growth\ninto the arena of international banking and would be willing to continue my education in the area of\ninternational business if considered for this position.\nI enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you and I appreciate the time you spent with me. I hope to hear from\nyou soon.\nSincerely,\nEllen James\n1912 Cedar Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\n831-XXX-XXXX\n\n28\n\n\x0cSCANNABLE RESUMES\nThe key points to remember in creating a resume that will translate well when processed through a scanner\nfor selection are SIMPLICITY & TERMINOLOGY.\nScanners look for key words when sorting resumes into employment categories and awarding \xe2\x80\x9cpoints\xe2\x80\x9d for\nconsideration. Many of the things that are important in a resume that is being reviewed by a person, will work\nagainst you when a resume is being scanned by a machine. If you are sending resumes to companies that use\nscanners, and companies that do not use scanners, you will need two styles of resume. You may also want to\nsend both styles of resume to the same company, with an indication that one is for scanning and the other for\nthe hiring manager to read.\nSIMPLICITY : Use plain text only. Do not use italics , bold face, or underlines. (See resume on page 21)\nDo not use shading, borders, graphics or bullets. Use a font that is 11-14 points and is simple and easy to read\nsuch as CG Times, Palatino, Bookman, etc.\nBe sure that your name is on the top line by itself. Print the resume on a laser printer if possible and send a\ncrisp, clean copy on white paper. Use white space. Scanners recognize that white spaces separate categories.\nTERMINOLOGY - Scanners search for key words. Use nouns rather than verbs, Words like systems\nengineering, accounting, public relations, IBM, manager, etc., The more you can use appropriate terminology,\nthe more points you accumulate. With the exception of common abbreviations such as IBM or B.A.,\n(Bachelor of Arts), you will want to minimize the use of abbreviations, and be sure to use words that have a\ncommon definition.\nScanners are designed to look for key words which describe job titles, functions, skills, academic degrees,\nrelevant training, equipment, computer hardware and software, technical and industry jargon, and relevant\npersonality traits.\nA one page resume is no longer the rule for scannable resumes. You can many times re-work your existing\nresume by eliminating the fancy graphics and adding a key word section at the end of the resume. Include\nall of the job specific words that apply to either your education, experience or the job qualifications which you\nmeet.\nOne of the major distributors of resume scanning technology is a company called Resumix\n( They offer a site that allows you to create an on-line resume\n( There are many other resume creation sites also available on\nthe internet.\nPOSTING YOUR RESUME ON-LINE\nSubmitting your resume to an on-line job referral service can be as easy as sending an email. Some sites want\nyou to follow their format and fill in boxes on an e-form, some allow you to cut and paste from a word document.\,,, and additional sites listed on Hot Jobs Links on\nour Cabrillo College Student Employment web site are all potential sites for you to post your resume on-line.\nSome sites offer "push technology" where you can post your e-mail address and have jobs that meet your stated\ncriteria sent to you as they are listed.\n29\n\n\x0cWEB RESUMES\nAnyone can have a web resume if they have access to a web site, although they are more common for people\nwith technical expertise or artistic abilities. Posting your resume on-line gives you the ability to appear to be\ntechnologically savvy, but also provides a window for anyone with a good search engine to get more\ninformation about you than you might like to provide. You may not want to post your address or land line\nphone on an web resume.\nIn a web resume, you can provide copies of letters of recommendation, links to projects that you have done on\nthe web, show off a portfolio of art work, and have your resume available to anyone at anytime. Web\nResumes allow you to expand on a simple paper resume and creative side. Be sure not to include a picture of\nyourself as part of this resume.\n\nE-MAILING YOUR RESUME\nWhen e-mailing your resume to an employer it is a good idea to give them the option as to how they would\nlike to view your resume. You can send it as a word attachment, but it is also a good idea to include it as plain\ntext in the body of your e-mail to the employer. Not every one feels comfortable accepting attachments due to\nthe potential for virus contamination. When sending an ASCII resume, be sure to send it to a couple of\nfriends who use different browsers, as it may not look the same when received as it did when you sent it.\nHave your friends print you a copy so that you can come up with a version to e-mail that will have a good\nreadable layout when received.\nFINAL TIPS\nFocus the resume on the job you are applying for. Think what you can do for the employer. Which\nof your skills are the most applicable for the job you are applying for.\nStart with what will sell you best to the employer. If your education is more relevant than your\nwork history, lead with your education. If your work history is more relevant, lead with that. If you\nhave acquired skills from other venues that are your greatest strengths, lead with a summary of those\nskills.\nUse strong terminology. Key words, action words and strong phrasing are very important.\nKeep it honest. Do not embellish your background with degrees you have not earned or job titles that\nyou have not held.\nMake it easy to read, with no errors. Use white space appropriately. Have it proof read by several\ndifferent people before printing your final draft. Listen to suggestions, but realize that there is no one\nbest way to do a resume, and that only you can make the final decision as to how to market yourself on\npaper to a prospective employer.\n30'
b'RESUMES/COVER LETTERS\nRESUMES\n\nA resume is a brief summary of your qualifications, education, and experiences relevant to your job search objective.\nThe purpose of a resume is to obtain an interview. Employers will spend less than 30 seconds reviewing your resume;\ntherefore, the information must be conveyed in a clear, well-organized style. The sections of a resume are listed below.\n\nYour Name\nEmail address\nPhone number\nCurrent Address \t\nWeb page and/or LinkedIn address (if pertinent)\nObjective\nThis section is optional. The objective can include the specific position\nyou are seeking, skills you wish to use on the job, field or organization\ntype by which you wish to be employed, or a combination of all of the\nabove.\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nEducation\nThis section should include:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Name of the degree-granting institutions; List most recent first.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Degree received and major\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Graduation date or projected graduation date, or dates of attendance if a \ndegree was not completed\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Overseas academic experience\nOptional:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Any minors, specialization or focus areas\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Courses relevant to the position for which you are applying\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Honors and GPA (if they are a strong selling point). Indicate GPA based\non a 4.0 scale.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Senior research/honors thesis title and brief description\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Freshmen and sophomores can include high school\n\nPermanent Address\n\nSample Objectives\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07A position as an editorial\nassistant.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Electrical engineering\ninternship.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07To obtain a position in finance.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07A program coordinator position\nin a community organization\nworking with youth.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Seeking a position in museum\nadministration requiring strong\nwriting skills and a background\nin art history.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07To apply decision and systems\nanalysis to strategic planning\nin the telecommunications\nindustry.\n\nExperience\nList most recent experience first. You should include:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Title of the position\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Name of the organization and location (city and state)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Dates, including month and year\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Descriptions of responsibilities beginning with action verbs (avoid phrases such as \xe2\x80\x9cduties included\xe2\x80\x9d)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Believable, verifiable accomplishments\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Paid jobs, internships, volunteer community service, academic/extracurricular projects involving teamwork or\nleadership, special academic research or honors projects\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07You may choose to divide your experience into two or more sections. Possible section headers might include Research\nExperience, Teaching Experience, Leadership Experience or Volunteer Experience\nAdditional Information\nThis section could include computer skills, languages, volunteer work, sports, and interests. If one of these areas is\nrelevant to the job, however, you may choose to put it in the \xe2\x80\x9cExperience\xe2\x80\x9d section. You may also choose to use more\nspecific section headers such as:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Interests\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Honors and Awards\n\n2 4 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cTIPS FOR CREATING A SUCCESSFUL\nRESUME\nDo\xe2\x80\x99s\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Do design your descriptions to focus on your accomplishments,\nusing action verbs to clearly indicate the skills you\xe2\x80\x99ve used. See\nSample Action Verb list on the next page.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Do try quantifying results in your descriptions, such as\n\xe2\x80\x9cCreated marketing campaign that increased club membership\nby 25%.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Do keep your resume brief enough to fit on one page (or two\npages if your experience is extensive).\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Do print your resume on good quality bond paper, either white\nor conservative tones. If printed on plain computer paper, copy\nonto good quality bond paper.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Do accompany your resume with a cover letter in most cases.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Do have others look over your resume for content and\ngrammar. Career Counselors are available at the CDC to\ncritique your resume during same day appointments.\n\nDon\xe2\x80\x99ts\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Don\xe2\x80\x99t make your margins and font size too small: margins no\nsmaller than one inch and font size no smaller than 10 point.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Don\xe2\x80\x99t include personal pronouns (e.g. I, me, we).\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Don\xe2\x80\x99t include personal information, physical characteristics, or\nphotographs on your resume. However, individuals from other\ncountries may include these on their resumes.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Don\xe2\x80\x99t include the last line: \xe2\x80\x9cReferences available upon\nrequest\xe2\x80\x9d (see Sample Reference List on page 42).\n\nOther Tips\n\nRESUME FORMATS\n\nThere is no single way to format your resume. The format you\nchoose should present your strengths clearly. See sample formats\nand layouts on pages 27 - 41.\n\nChronological Format\n\nThis format is most familiar to employers and most commonly\nused by Stanford students. This style of resume presents your\nexperience and education in reverse chronological sequence,\nstarting with the most recent. Date, job title, organization\xe2\x80\x99s name,\nlocation and a description of your activities are listed as part of\nthe experience section. This format is simple, straightforward,\nand especially useful for anyone with a history of directly relevant\nexperience.\n\nFunctional/Skills Format\n\nThis format focuses on areas of skill and can be effective in\nconveying your strengths to an employer, although many employers\nare not as familiar with this format as with the chronological\nor combination format. This style of resume draws attention to\n\nCombination Format\nThis format is appropriate when you have relevant work\nexperience for each of several skill areas and combines both the\nchronological and functional formats. This style allows you to group\nyour experiences or key selling points together by functional areas\n(such as Research Experience and Teaching Experience), and then\nlist those experiences in reverse chronological order within each\nsection. It is also a familiar format to employers.\n\nSUBMITTING RESUMES\nELECTRONICALLY\nEmail\n\nSend your resume as an attached file and paste the text into the\nbody of the email. Having your resume in the body of the email as\nwell as an attachment gives the employer the opportunity to see\nyour resume in the event they cannot open your attachment or do\nnot take the time. Use a simple format for the resume you put in the\nbody of the email: left justified, no bold, no italics, no underlines,\nno tabs. See Sample Electronic Resume on page 42. Don\xe2\x80\x99t forget to\ninclude a cover letter in the body of the email too. If you have your\nresume in a PDF file, you can also attach that with your email. The\nPDF version will allow the employer the opportunity to see your\nresume in an attractive format, utilizing bold and underlines.\nWhen emailing resume files, name them so the employer can\neasily identify them as your resume. Last name, followed by first\nname and the word \xe2\x80\x9cresume\xe2\x80\x9d is most helpful.\n\nResume Scanning\nCompanies receiving large quantities of resumes may scan each\nresume as an image, and then sort the image into recognizable\nletters, words, and symbols. These scanned images are entered\ninto a database and then searched for keywords, which indicate\nskills, education and knowledge areas the employer is seeking.\nLeft-justify all text and avoid using underlining, italics, bullets, bold,\nand columns.\nEvery occupation and career field has its own jargon, acronyms\nand buzzwords\xe2\x80\x94these are helpful key words to use. If you are\nresponding to a job listing, use words from the job listing in your\nresume and cover letter.\n\nCDC RESOURCES\n\nTitles available in the CDC Resource Library:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Resumes by Stanford Students, a Binder of Examples\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07From College to Career: Entry-level Resumes for Any Major,\nAsher\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Knock \xe2\x80\x98em Dead Resumes: Smart advice to make your online\nand paper resumes more productive, Yate\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Resumes for Performing Arts Careers\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07The Global Resume and CV Guide, Thompson\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07The Smart Women\xe2\x80\x99s Guide to Resumes and Job Hunting, King\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Vault Guide to Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviewing,\nLeifman (available via your Vault Career Insider account at\\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 2 5\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07It is more appropriate for freshmen and sophomores to include\nhigh school experiences. However, important high school\nexperiences that have some relevance to your job objective\nmay be appropriate for upper classmen.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07For International Students it is sometimes a disadvantage to\ninclude your non-immigrant visa status or permanent address\n(if outside the U.S.) on your resume. Usually your visa status\nshould be discussed later during the interview. If you have\nobtained permanent residency or U.S. citizenship, it might be\nto your advantage to list the information on your resume.\n\naccomplishments and highlights your skills by function rather than\nyour work experience and is more commonly used by people with\nvery little formal work experience or are returning to the workplace\nafter being away or otherwise involved.\n\n\x0cRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nSAMPLE ACTION VERBS LISTED BY FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREA\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nAided\nAdvised\nArbitrated\nClarified\nCo-authored\nCollaborated\nConsulted\nCoordinated\nCounseled\nDefined\nEnlisted\nFormulated\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInspired\nInterpreted\nInterviewed\nMediated\nMerged\nNegotiated\nPromoted\nPublicized\nRecommended\nRepresented\nResolved\nSuggested\nCREATIVE\nActed\nAbstracted\nAdapted\nComposed\nConceptualized\nCreated\nDesigned\nDeveloped\nDirected\nDrew\nFashioned\nGenerated\nIllustrated\nImagined\nImprovised\nIntegrated\nInnovated\nPainted\n\nPerformed\nPlanned\nProblem solved\nShaped\nSynthesized\nVisualized\nWrote\n\nMANUAL SKILLS\nArranged\nAssembled\nBound\nBuilt\nChecked\nClassified\nConstructed\n\nDETAIL ORIENTED\nAnalyzed\nApproved\nArranged\nClassified\nCollated\nCompared\nCompiled\nDocumented\nEnforced\nFollowed through\nMet deadlines\nPrepared\nProcessed\nRecorded\nRetrieved\nSet priorities\nSystemized\nTabulated\nFINANCIAL\nAdministered\nAllocated\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nAudited\nBudgeted\nCalculated\nComputed\nDeveloped\nEvaluated\nFigured\nMaintained\nManaged\nPerformed\nPlanned\nProjected\n\n2 6 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\nControlled\nCut\nDesigned\nDeveloped\nDrove\nHandled\nInstalled\nInvented\nMaintained\nMonitored\n\nORGANIZING\nAchieved\nAssigned\nConsulted\nContracted\nControlled\nCoordinated\nDecided\nDelegated\nDeveloped\nEstablished\nEvaluated\nNegotiated\nOrganized\nPlanned\nPrepared\nPrioritized\nProduced\nRecommended\nReported\n\nPrepared\nOperated\nRepaired\nTested\nPROVIDING SERVICE\nAdvised\nAttended\nCared\nCoached\nCoordinated\nCounseled\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nExplained\nFurnished\n\nLEADERSHIP\nAdministered\nChaired\nConvinced\nDirected\nExamined\nExecuted\nExpanded\nFacilitated\nImproved\nInitiated\nManaged\nOversaw\nProduced\nRecommended\nReviewed\nSupervised\n\nGenerated\nInspected\nInstalled\nIssued\nMentored\nProvided\nPurchased\nReferred\nRepaired\nSubmitted\n\nRESEARCH/\nINVESTIGATION\nCalculated\nCataloged\nCollected\nComputed\nConducted\nCorrelated\nCritiqued\nDiagnosed\n\nDiscovered\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExperimented\nExtrapolated\nGathered\nIdentified\nInspected\nInvestigated\nMonitored\nProved\nReviewed\nSurveyed\nTested\nTECHNICAL\nAssembled\nBuilt\nCalculated\nComputed\nDesigned\nEngineered\nFabricated\nMaintained\nOperated\nProgrammed\nRemodeled\nRepaired\nSolved\nTEACHING SKILLS\nAdapted\nAdvised\nClarified\nCoached\nDeveloped\nEncouraged\nEvaluated\nInformed\nInspired\nMotivated\nParticipated\nProvided\nRepresented\nSupported\nTaught\nTrained\nVerified\n\n\x0cSAMPLE CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME\n\nJanette Powell\n\nP.O. Box 2738\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford, CA 94309\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 [email protected]\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 (650) 555-1234\nEducation:\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations, to be conferred 6/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Course work includes economics, organizational behavior, computer science, and\nstatistics\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07GPA - 3.8/4.0\n\n6/XX-9/XX\t\n\t\n\nOxford University, Stanford-in-Oxford, Oxford, England\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Studied Comparative Anglo-American Judicial System\n\nExperience:\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n10/XX-6/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\nVisual Display Artist/Salesperson, The Gap, Palo Alto, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Designed and assembled window and floor displays\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Assisted customers with selection and purchase of merchandise\n\n1/XX-1/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nVice President, Delta Gamma Sorority, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Directed planning and implementation of activities for 95 chapter members\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Supervised and approved officer budgets\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Increased member participation through innovative motivational techniques\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Created prototype for annual chapter retreat and member recognition program\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Organized rush activities\n\n6/XX-6/XX\t\n\t\n\nEntrepreneur, The Sewing Studio, Durham, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Created business offering fashion design and clothing construction courses to\nhome-sewers\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Developed advertising strategies, coordinated class schedules, and taught classes\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Expanded into a business with $200,000 in annual gross sales of merchandise and\nservices\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n7/XX-9/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAdministrative Intern, U.S. Congressman Eugene Chappie, Chico, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Developed computer cataloging system for constituent request files\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Researched local, state, and national issues for congressional use\n\nAdditional Information:\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Division I Varsity Athlete, Women\xe2\x80\x99s Water Polo, Stanford University\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Familiar with Mac and PC software applications including Excel and PowerPoint\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Proficient in Spanish, basic skills in French\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Have travelled extensively throughout Europe\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 2 7\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n\t\n\nResident Assistant, Madera House, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Work with a staff of four resident assistants in an 88-student, freshman dormitory\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Create, plan and implement academic, cultural and social activities with the students\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Encourage and facilitate discussion of social, political and ethical questions among the\nstudents\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Build community spirit and guide residents in assuming responsibility\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Coordinator for \xe2\x80\x9cMadera Makes Music,\xe2\x80\x9d a weekly educational program during winter\nquarter\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Schedule performances, organize the budget and create publicity\n\n\x0cSAMPLE FUNCTIONAL RESUME\n\nBEN PIERCE\[email protected]\nPresent Address:\t\n6756 Ventura, #36\t\nPalo Alto, CA 94306\t\n(650) 555-2190\t\n\nPermanent Address:\n13 Moss Lane\nCrabapple Cove, WI 55555\n(612) 555-3520\n\nOBJECTIVE:\t\x07To obtain a position as a paralegal with a corporate law firm.\nEDUCATION:\t\n\n\x07Stanford University, Stanford, CA. BA degree in Psychology.\nCourse work has included criminal law, economics, political science, and\nsociology (9/XX-6/XX).\n\nEXPERIENCE:\t\x07\nRESEARCHING/WRITING\n\t\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07\x07Researched language development in infants utilizing both\nlibrary resources and experimental data.\n\t\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Generated written report of research project results.\n\t\n\t\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nORGANIZING/SUPERVISING\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07As one of four class presidents, planned events and activities for\nthe Stanford senior class. Contacted businesses targeted for\nparticipation in these events.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Organized and supervised committees to assist in publicizing,\npromoting and raising funds for various senior class functions.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Set goals and guidelines for committee meetings.\nPUBLIC SPEAKING/COMMUNICATING\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Acted as senior class liaison to University officials. Informed\nthem of senior class activities and enlisted their support and\napproval.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Discussed campaign platform and issues at residence halls while\nrunning for class office.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Participated in public relations events to publicize the Varsity\nFootball program to the surrounding community.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Conducted impromptu interviews with various media\nrepresentatives.\nFINANCIAL PLANNING/BUDGETING\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Coordinated a budget of $9,000 for senior class events.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Estimated and quoted prices for a variety of construction\nprojects.\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nHISTORY:\t\x07Crew Member, Pierce\xe2\x80\x99s Asphalt and Seal Coating Service, Crabapple\nCove, WI (6/XX-9/XX, summers).\nADDITIONAL\nINFORMATION:\t\x07\x07\x07President, Senior Class, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.\n\t\nRunning Back, Stanford Varsity Football Team.\n\n2 8 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE COMBINATION RESUME\nPatricia Dixon\[email protected]\nPresent Address:\t\nP.O. Box 1234\t\nStanford, CA 94309\t\n(650) 555-0000\t\n\nPermanent Address:\n123 Park Court\nSan Carlos, CA 94070\n(650) 555-5555\n\nSkills \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Extensive program development and motivational skills.\nSummary:\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Proficient with MS Word, Excel, FileMaker Pro, and PageMaker.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Experienced lab technician executing DNA sequencing and gene analysis.\nEducation:\n9/XX-6/XX\t\x07\nStanford University, Stanford, CA.\n\t\x07Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with Honors. Course work includes\nbiology, calculus, chemistry, and s\xc2\xad tatistics. GPA - 3.7/4.0\nExperience:\t\nResearch/Writing\n9/XX-6/XX\t\nPublic Relations Intern, Hoover Institute Public Affairs Office, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Compiled Hoover Fellow articles from an array of journals, magazines and\nnewspapers. Used PageMaker to create mastheads and retype opinion editorials.\nDeveloped efficient proofreading methods and an innovative talent for pasting up\ndifficult articles.\n\n9/XX-6/XX\t\nFeature Writer, The Stanford Daily, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Developed journalistic writing style and interviewing skills. Successfully met all\ndeadlines and consistently published front page articles.\n\t\nTeaching/Counseling\n10/XX-present\t\nMath/English Tutor, Self-initiated and directed, Palo Alto, CA\n\t\x07Tutor two seventh grade students 2-3 hours per week. Employ the Socratic\nmethod to help develop their analytical skills and help them with their\nhomework. Design tests to chart their progress. Create interactive games to\nincrease their understanding of math and grammar. Plan quarterly outings.\n9/XX-6/XX\t\nFocus Assistant, Stanford\xe2\x80\x99s Environmental Theme House, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Participated on a team of five to develop well organized, thought provoking, and\nsocial programs to familiarize residents with the environmental theme.\n\t\nLeadership/Management\n9/XX-6/XX\t\nOfficer\xe2\x80\x99s Core Member, Black Student Union, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Worked with a team to plan, organize, and publicize a variety of activities\nand programs designed to motive and educate Stanford\xe2\x80\x99s African-American\ncommunity. Chaired a committee to rejuvenate The Real News, an\nAfrican-American news publication.\nInterests:\t\nWriting short stories \xe2\x80\xa2 developing culinary skills in African-American cuisine \xe2\x80\xa2 jazz\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 2 9\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n6/XX-9/XX\t\nResearch Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago Cancer Center, Chicago, IL\n\t\x07Quickly learned complicated laboratory procedures. Successfully executed\nmolecular biology experiments involving DNA sequencing and gene analysis. \nMaintained detailed records for procedural and statistical purposes. Gained\nsignificant independent research and writing experience.\n\n\x0cSAMPLE SUMMER RESUME\n\nJoe Frosh\n\[email protected]\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 (213) 555-5555\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nPresent Address: \t\nP.O. Box 123\t\nStanford, CA 94309\t\n\nPermanent Address:\n345 Summer Job Lane\nHometown, IL 11111\n\nEducation:\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Pursuing BA degree, to be conferred 6/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Coursework includes communication, English, and psychology\n\n9/XX-6/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\nABC High School, Hometown, IL\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Advanced placement coursework included calculus, biology, and English\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Salutatorian\n\nHonors/Awards:\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07National Achievement Scholar \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07National Honor Roll \t\n\nExperience:\n9/XX-present \t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n9/XX-6/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n6/XX-9/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nSkills:\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 AP Scholar\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gates Millennium Scholar Finalist\n\nAdministrative Assistant, Career Development Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Answer daily inquiries from students and employers\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Greet employers visiting Stanford for on-campus recruiting\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Provide assistance to students using the jobs/internships database\nYearbook Editor, ABC High School, Hometown, IL\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Supervised a staff of 18\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Set timelines for project completion, divided and assigned tasks, and managed all aspects\nof publication\xe2\x80\x99s production\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Served as liaison between yearbook staff and school administration\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Assisted in soliciting over $5000 in funding for publication\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Conceptualized new layout and design format for yearbook\nHead Lifeguard, Sink Like a Rock Pool, Hometown, IL\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Oversaw the safety of 100+ swimmers daily\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Assisted in the hiring, training and supervision of new lifeguards\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Organized pool competitions and special events\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Developed flyers to publicize events to the community\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Promoted from position of lifeguard 6/XX\n\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Computer: Familiar with Microsoft Office Suite including MS Word, PowerPoint, and\nExcel\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Languages: Fluent in Portuguese; working knowledge of basic French\n\nAdditional\nInformation:\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Certified American Red Cross CPR and First Aid Instructor\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Eagle Scout\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Member, ABC High School Varsity Baseball team\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Traveled throughout the United States and Mexico\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Interests include jazz, basketball, and baseball card collecting\n\n3 0 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE BUSINESS RESUME\nJOE STUDENT\n\nP.O. Box 1234 \xe2\x80\xa2 Stanford, CA 94309 \xe2\x80\xa2 (650) 555-1212 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\nEDUCATION\n9/XX-12/XX\t\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07BA in Economics; Honors Candidate in Economics. GPA: Major: 3.86/4.00, Cumulative: 3.78/4.00\n\t\x07Relevant Coursework: Econometrics, Multi-Variable Calculus, Micro and Macro Economic Analysis,\nEconomics and Public Policy, Imperfect Competition, Financial Economics, International Economics.\n9/XX-12/XX\t\n\t\n\nOxford University, Oxford, England\nCompleted tutorial on the Political Economy of Trade and Trade Agreements.\n\n\t\x07\nSophomore College: Participated in intensive seminar entitled \xe2\x80\x9cEconomic Thoughts of Plato and\nAristotle.\xe2\x80\x9d Academic work focused on economic ideas among major Greek philosophers, and also on\nassumptions behind modern economic theory. Culminated in a paper critiquing rational choice and\npreference ranking.\nEXPERIENCE\n6/XX-8/XX\t\nResearch Assistant, National Economic Research Associates (NERA), White Plains, NY\n\t\x07Worked with a team of four other researchers on cases relating to antitrust, intellectual property and\nlabor economics. Conducted quantitative and qualitative research, collected and analyzed data, creating\nand managing spreadsheets.\n\n5/XX-6/XX \t\nEconomics Tutor, Undergraduate Advising Center, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Assisted students with understanding concepts and solving problems in micro and macro economics,\neconometrics and statistics. Organized review sessions and prepared practice problems for upcoming\nexams.\n7/XX-9/XX \t\nBusiness Intern, American International Group (AIG), New York, NY\n\t\x07Developed a business analysis on a foreign company, located in Sri Lanka, with which AIG had\nrecently formed a joint venture. Wrote a report on Sri Lanka\xe2\x80\x99s insurance sector, focusing on\nprivatization of insurance companies and on a recent merger between two insurance companies.\nLEADERSHIP\n4/XX-present\t\nStaff Editor, Undergraduate Journal of International Relations, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Review and edit articles relating to capital inflows and international trade in emerging economies. Help\nwith distributing the journal to think tanks, academic institutions, and faculty and students at Stanford.\n5/XX-present \t\nProgram Director, SAT Success, Haas Center for Public Service, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Coordinate all aspects of the tutoring program including recruitment of tutors and tutees. Organize\nevents to introduce high school students to SAT preparation and the college application process.\nConduct training sessions on tutoring the math and verbal sections of the SAT.\n1/XX-6/XX \t\nStaff Editor, Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy, Stanford, CA\n\t\x07Evaluated, edited and helped select and compile papers for Stanford\xe2\x80\x99s undergraduate philosophy\njournal, The Dualist. Focused on reviewing papers on political philosophy and ethics.\nSKILLS\nComputer: \t\nLanguage:\t\n\nProficient in Excel, PowerPoint, and FileMaker.\nProficient in speaking and writing French\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 3 1\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n6/XX-8/XX \t\nSummer Analyst, Galleon Group, New York, NY\n\t\x07Assigned to track a group of technology companies for the New York based hedge fund, Galleon\nGroup. Worked with three other analysts in collecting and analyzing relevant financial statistics,\nPerformed qualitative research to form an assessment of the current status of the companies.\n\n\x0cSAMPLE ARTS ADMINISTRATION RESUME\nKenya Rios\n\nPO Box 12345\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford, CA 94309\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 650.123.4567\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 [email protected]\nEDUCATION:\nStanford University\xe2\x80\x94Stanford, CA\t\n9/XX-present\nB.A. in American Studies with Mass Media & Consumer Culture focus, expected 6/XX - GPA: 3.7\nStanford-In-Paris Study Abroad Program\xe2\x80\x94Paris, France\t\nLanguage, literature and theatre/cinema courses taken\nRELATED EXPERIENCE:\nStanford Concert Network\xe2\x80\x94Stanford, CA\xe2\x80\x94Chief of Staff / Publicity Manager\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Liaison between Executive Board and general staff\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Lead meetings and planning of concert events\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Manage print and media relations, marketing and external promotions\nInphanyte Records\xe2\x80\x94Stanford, CA\xe2\x80\x94Executive Cabinet Member and Recording Artist\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Coordinate campus events to promote records and artists\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Write lyrics and work in studio recording and editing\n\n9/XX-12/XX\n\n4/XX-present\n\n11/XX-present\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nCulture Pub (French television syndicated series)\xe2\x80\x94Paris, France\xe2\x80\x94Research Intern\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Devised new system to catalogue and retrieve film stock\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Performed internet and archive research for upcoming specials\n\n10/XX-12/XX\n\nFender Center for the Performing Arts\xe2\x80\x94Corona, CA\xe2\x80\x94Programs Development Intern\t\n6/XX-8/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Selected to be Arts for Youth Fellow by Stanford\xe2\x80\x99s Haas Center for Public Service\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Implemented three month marketing plan resulting in increase of center recognition and concert\nattendance\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Developed and designed music camp program for summer 20XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Produced and directed promotional video as part of Capital Expansion Campaign\nStudent Organizing Committee for the Arts\xe2\x80\x94Stanford, CA\xe2\x80\x94Selection Team Member\t\n1/XX-4/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Chose artists and track listings for Stanford Soundtrack, Vol. 3 and developed record image\nStanford Student Enterprises\xe2\x80\x94Stanford, CA\xe2\x80\x94Account Executive, Advertising\t\n6/XX-9/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Met and frequently exceeded weekly sales goals; twice chosen as employee of the term\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Designed several advertisements for clients and managed the accounts\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82\x07Identified leads and used persuasive communication skills to generate advertising prospects\nOTHER LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE AND ACTIVITIES:\nVice President / Philanthropy Chair\xe2\x80\x94Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, Stanford University\nProduction Intern\xe2\x80\x94Stanford Film Society short film: \xe2\x80\x9cSold America\xe2\x80\x9d\nCourse Instructor\xe2\x80\x94Modern French Cinema, Stanford University\nPeer Academic Advisor\xe2\x80\x94Stanford University\nVolunteer Dance Instructor\xe2\x80\x94Bay Area Boys and Girls Club\nWriter\xe2\x80\x94contribute to Womenspeak and Black Arts Quarterly publications, Stanford University\nSKILLS:\nTechnical: Drupal web design, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign\nLanguage: Proficient in French\n\n3 2 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE RESEARCH RESUME\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 3 3\n\n\x0cRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nSAMPLE POLICY RESUME\n\n3 4 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE PUBLIC SERVICE RESUME\n\nKelly T. Victory\n\nP.O Box 17742\xe2\x80\x83\xe2\x80\x83 Stanford, CA 94309\xe2\x80\x83\xe2\x80\x83 555.840.5749\xe2\x80\x83\xe2\x80\x83 [email protected]\nEducation:\n9/XX-6/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07B.A. degree in American Studies with a concentration in \xe2\x80\x9cUrban Society and Social Change\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Coursework includes political science, urban studies, sociology, psychology, writing, calculus, and\nSpanish\nPublic Service\nPeer Counselor, 24 Hour Crisis Hotline, Bridge Community Center, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Counseled students with regard to their personal and academic problems\n\n3/XX-4/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nCo-Chair, 3rd Annual Stanford Dance Marathon, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Selected to lead organization, planning, and management of philanthropic event\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Directed a team of 60 undergraduates\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Recruited a record 975 participants (up from 300)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Raised over $215,000 (20XX event raised $58,000) for Partners In Health (nonprofit)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Developed and maintained relationships with outside sponsors, such as Apple Inc. and Kaplan\n\n9/XX-4/XX \t\n\t\n\t\n\nSelection Officer, Volunteers in Latin America, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Designed and implemented the recruiting and application process\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Managed all advertisement, interview, and selection activities\n\n6/XX-9/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\nVolunteer, Volunteers in Latin America, Stanford Student Run Program, Quito, Ecuador\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Oversaw 30 children, ages 9-10, daily at a center for street children\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Created lesson plans, organized field trips and workshops\n\n\t\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\nLeadership\nResidential Assistant, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Work with a team of 5 other staff members to design and implement dorm programming activities\naround issues of mental health, academic resources, diversity, and career preparation\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Oversee the wellbeing of 260 residents\n\n\t\n9/XX-present \t\n\t\n\t\n\nTour Guide, Visitor Information Services, Stanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Lead public and private tours with an emphasis on history and student life\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Operate front desk for Undergraduate Admissions which involves customer service and light\naccounting work\n\n9/XX-present \t\n\t\n\t\n\nMember, Stanford Women in Business Mentoring Program, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Learned about the business world through attendance at various panels and workshops\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Met monthly with Graduate School of Business mentor\n\n6/XX-8/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nMarketing Intern, SearchRev Inc., Palo Alto, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Worked closely with the director of marketing to help increase brand awareness and drive revenue\nof this internet marketing start-up\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Oversaw trade-show planning and preparation\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Managed national ad campaigns\n\n9/XX-6/XX \t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nKitchen Manager, Stanford University Student Organized Services, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Completed weekly grocery runs and managed $150,000 annual budget\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Communicated daily with chefs, in Spanish, regarding menu, supplies, and resident feedback\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Managed residents and planned house activities as a member of the staff\n\n9/XX-11/XX \t\n\t\n\nRegistration Team Leader, Stanford Alumni Association, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Worked as a member of a 60 person team to plan Reunion Homecoming\n\nAwards:\n4/XX\t\n\t\n\nDean of Students Outstanding Achievement Award\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Awarded annually to students who have significantly enriched the quality of student life on campus\n\nSkills:\t\x07Computer:\xe2\x80\x83 Mac and PC platforms; Excel, and PowerPoint; familiar with website development\nthrough HTML coding and JavaScript\n\t\nLanguages: Proficient in Spanish\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 3 5\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nExperience:\t\n9/XX-present \t\n\t\n\n\x0cSAMPLE HEALTH CAREER RESUME\nESPERANZA NICOLLY\nP.O. Box 13244\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford, CA 94309\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Mobile: 555-867-8297\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 [email protected]\nEducation\n\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\t\n\xe2\x80\x83 BA degree in Human Biology\n\nStanford in Berlin, Berlin, Germany\t\n\n9/XX - 6/XX\n3/XX - 6/XX\n\nHealth Research Experience\n\nResearch Intern, Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), Berlin, Germany\t\n6/XX - 9/XX\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Conducted research in the Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Unit for HIV/AIDS and STI. Saw\nproject through from data entry to publication, on the topic of risk factors related to STI incidence in a German\nstudy population. Completed statistical analysis and presented findings, in German, at a conference hosted by RKI. \nCurrently seeking publication.\nResearcher, Water, Health, Environment: Childhood survival in Mozambique, Stanford, CA\t\n5/XX - 9/XX\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Reviewed relevant studies to establish the relationship between water quality and other health-related risk\nfactors to the incidence of diarrhoeal diseases in Mozambique. Received a $5,500 grant from the Vice Provost of\nUndergraduate Education at Stanford University for research.\nHealth Leadership Experience\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nHead Teaching Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician Training, Stanford, CA\t\n6/XX - present\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Plan, organize, and facilitate lesson plans in pre-hospital emergency care for 36-person year-long class designed to\ncertify students as Emergency Medical Technicians. Lead small group sessions for practical training of necessary\npatient skills. Responsible, within a team of 16 other Teaching Assistants, for developing and presenting lecture\nmaterial, writing quizzes and exams, and coordinating the application process for students and Teaching Assistants.\n\nDirector of Training, Stanford Emergency Medical Service, Stanford, CA\t\n6/XX - present\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Coordinate training of new EMTs and recertification of current members. Act as on-call volunteer for campus\nand community events providing Basic Life Support as an EMT-B. Part of a team responsible for starting the\nEmergency Medical Service on Stanford University campus. Helped develop a constitution, establish member\npolicies and procedures, and create Standard Operating Procedures.\n\nChair, Unite For Sight, Stanford Chapter, Stanford, CA\t\n2/XX - 3/XX\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Conducted visual acuity tests and assisted patients in finding eye-care programs at local free clinic. Established\npartnerships with clinics and shelters for patient assessment. Established new chapter at Stanford.\nCampus Coordinator, Students for International Change, Stanford, CA\t\n7/XX- 6/XX\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Organized and taught more than 20 volunteers in preparation for volunteerism in Tanzania. Prefield preparation\nsubjects included an introduction to objectives, culture and education systems, the ethics of volunteerism, intensive\nHIV-related biology, teaching principles, sex education, and social issues.\n\nVolunteer Teacher, Students for International Change, Valeska, Arusha, Tanzania\t\n6/XX - 7/XX\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Taught HIV/AIDS education in a primary school with 250 students and in local community groups in a rural village\nof 1200. Helped coordinate community days that included teaching, condom distribution, testing, and counseling.\nOther Experience\n\nPeer Counselor, Stanford University Career Development Center, Stanford, CA\t\n3/XX - present\n\xe2\x80\x83\x07Counsel students in their application for internships and on-campus positions. Advise on resumes and cover letters,\nand present workshops on career building.\nPresentations\n\n\xe2\x80\x83 Presented research at Stanford University\xe2\x80\x99s Program in Writing and Rhetoric Research Forum I and II\n\xe2\x80\x83 Presented at 5th Annual STI Conference hosted by Robert Koch-Institut\nAdditional Information\n\n\xe2\x80\x83 Languages: Proficient in German; working knowledge of Spanish and Swahili\n\xe2\x80\x83 Computer Skills: MS Office Suite, Macromedia Suite, EpiInfo, SPSS 15.0\n\xe2\x80\x83 Other experience: Autistic school teacher, vice-president and philanthropy director of Chi Omega Fraternity\n\n3 6 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE SCIENCE RESUME\nDANIEL O. KOH\[email protected]\t\nEDUCATION\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nEXPERIENCE\n\n650.555.1212\t\n\nP.O. Box 1234\t\n\nStanford, CA 94309\n\nStanford University, Stanford, CA.\nPursuing BA degree with Honors in Human Biology to be conferred June, 20XX. GPA: 3.72/4.00\n\x07Coursework: Biology, Immunology, Organic Chemistry, Pathogenesis, Calculus, Statistics, and\nEconomics\nPublications: On Research and Patenting \xc2\xa9 20XX Stanford Scientific Review\n\n11/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n\nInstitute for OneWorld Health-Health Policy Intern, San Francisco, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Assist UCSF Professor in researching and writing global pharmaceutical policy articles for publication\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Assess challenges of adherence to international standards when conducting clinical trials in developing\ncountries\n\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\nStanford University Center for Teaching and Learning-Oral Communication Tutor, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Instruct and coach 20 students to perfect their presentation style, in collaboration with Stanford\nProfessors\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Study effective public speaking methods and techniques for teaching those methods\n\n\t\n\nUnited States of America Department of State-Science and Technology Intern, Washington, DC\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 Recruited US Government scientists for worldwide Embassy Science Fellowships\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 Compiled information and briefed State Department officials for meeting with Vietnamese delegates\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Analyzed and articulated, in a classified report to the National Security Council, an international\nscience and technology dilemma in cooperation with two senior State Department employees\n\n6/XX-8/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAmigos de las Americas-Project Supervisor, Valle Region, Honduras\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Insured the health and safety of ten health workers in rural Honduran villages\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Worked cooperatively and lived with team of seven project staff members, responsible for 51\nvolunteers overall\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Implemented community-based healthy lifestyle projects while immersed as field volunteer in Paraguay, 6/\nXX-8/XX\n\n\t\n6/XX-8/XX\t\n\t\n\t\nACTIVITIES\n4/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n9/XX-present\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n3/XX-11/XX\t\n\t\n\t\nAWARDS\n\t\n\t\nADDITIONAL\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nRobinson & Wood, Inc.-Legal Assistant, San Jose, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Conducted legal research focusing on five civil litigation cases; wrote reports for attorneys based on\nthat research\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Contacted expert witnesses and met with clients to gather information\nStanford Alumni Mentoring-Student Management Team, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Collaborate with a team and outside firm to design innovative mentoring software for Stanford students and\nalumni\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Advocate program to students, alumni and school administrators to ensure participation and financial\nsupport\nStanford Scientific Review-CFO and Staff Writer, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Research and write articles examining patents on biotechnology products by universities and private\ncompanies\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Expand annual operating budget from $3,000 to $18,000 by spearheading funding campaign\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Recruit and structure advisory board of Stanford professors, including current editor-in-chief of Science\nmagazine\nStanford Affordable Hearing Aid Startup-Entrepreneur and Business Developer, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Collaborate with doctors, professionals and peers to develop and market an innovative hearing solution\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Edit final business report and deliver presentation to investors, professors, and professionals\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Stanford Center for Latin American Studies Service Fellowship for Honduran Youth Leadership\nproject, 5/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x071st Place, Intel Int\xe2\x80\x99l Science and Engineering Fair and Grand Prize at the Silicon Valley Science Fair, 5/XX\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Computer: Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, WordPerfect, DreamWeaver, PhotoShop\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Proficient speaking and reading Spanish\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \xe2\x80\x82 \x07Interests include social entrepreneurship, travel, academic advising, public speaking, biking, and\nswimming\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 3 7\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n6/XX-8/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\x0cSAMPLE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS RESUME\n\nJOSHUA XAVIER\nPO Box 90484, Stanford, CA 94309\t\n\[email protected] \t\n\n650.555.3999\n\nEDUCATION\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\t\nB.A. International Relations, with Honors. Minor: Languages. GPA 3.5/4.0\n\n9/XX - 6/XX\n\nStanford at Sea, Stanford Hopkins Marine Station, Monterey Bay, CA \t\n\n4/XX - 6/XX\n\nStanford in Paris Program, Paris, France\t\n\n9/XX - 3/XX\n\nRESEARCH/ANALYTICAL EXPERIENCE\nHonors Thesis Research, Baja California, M\xc3\xa9xico, and Stanford, CA\t\n6/XX - present\nAssess sustainability vs. development issues in energy production, salt production, and tourism. Compile model on effective\nstrategies in large-scale development proposal and opposition.\nResearcher, M\xc3\xa9decins Sans Fronti\xc3\xa8res, France, Conakry, Republic of Guinea, and Stanford, CA\t\n1/XX - present\nEvaluate decision making and donor/recipient country relations in emergency relief organization. Coordinate fieldwork\nindependently.\nResearcher, Stanford/NSF Biocomplexity Project, Baja California Sur, M\xc3\xa9xico, and Stanford, CA\t\n6/XX - present\nDesign research surveys for Mexico\xe2\x80\x99s most productive fishing cooperatives. Collaborate with scientists and fishermen to refine\ninterview process for future research.\nResearcher, Stanford Hopkins Marine Station, Republic of Kiritbati, Palmyra Atoll, Monterey Bay, CA\t\n4/XX - 6/XX\nMonitored trophic cascades in reef ecosystems. Identified and size-estimated 25 different species of herbivorous fish. Surveyed\nover 3,000 square meters of reef from different islands with varying fishing gradients.\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nResearcher, Stanford Affordable Hearing Project, Stanford, CA\t\n4/XX - 6/XX\nCalculated need of hearing aid devices for low-income population in Bay Area. Conducted empathy work and identified gaps in\nMedicare and Medicaid. Generated business plan presentation to donors.\nLEADERSHIP/TEAMWORK EXPERIENCE\nResidential Assistant, Yost House (Dorm), Stanford CA\t\n9/XX - present\nManage staff of seven in 60-student dormitory. Plan events aimed at promoting Spanish and Portuguese language and culture.\nTutor, Center for Teaching and Learning, Stanford, CA\t\nCounsel peers in Spanish Literature and Composition courses and French language.\n\n9/XX - present\n\nPolicy Assistant, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France\t\n1/XX - 3/XX\nAssembled data retention agency database and telecom liberalization policy paper. Prepared VoIP technology memorandum in\nFrench. Liaison for Latin American National Committees and Paris Secretariat.\nPayson-Treat Cross-Cultural Fellow, Volunteers in Asia, Stanford, CA \t\n11/XX - 9/XX\nDeveloped 2 week series of events on American Culture for visiting Japanese students. Traveled to Asia on cultural exchange.\nIntern, The Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA\t\nSupported logistics operations at Museum and Grounds Department.\n\n6/XX - 8/XX\n\nTour Guide, Stanford Visitor Information Services, Stanford, CA\t\n9/XX - 6/XX\nLed public and private tours through Stanford University campus with emphasis on history, traditions and student life.\nInterpreter/Volunteer, Genesis Expeditions, Ensenada, M\xc3\xa9xico\t\nMediated relations between non-profit directors, orphanage officials, and construction managers.\nOTHER ACTIVITIES\nBass, Stanford Symphonic Chorus\t\nAthlete, Stanford Canoe and Kayak Team. Medaled in USACK Collegiate Nationals, Atlanta, GA 05/XX\t\n\n6/XX - 6/XX\n\n9/XX - present\n12/XX - present\n\nSKILLS\nLanguages: Native Spanish speaker. Fluent in English, French. Conversational Portuguese.\nTechnical: HTML and JavaScript, MS Office, working knowledge of PhotoShop.\nInterests: Extensive travel in Mexico, Asia, Europe and South America. Rock climber, scuba diver (NAUI certified)\n\n3 8 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RESUME\n\nGui-Ping (Gwen) Zhou\n\n659 Escondido Road, Apt. 16E \xe2\x80\xa2 Stanford CA 94305 \xe2\x80\xa2 (650) 555-5555 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\nObjective\n\t\nEducation\n9/XX-6/XX \t\n\t\n\t\n\nTo obtain a position as Product Manager or New Product Strategist in the solar industry.\n\n\t\n\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07M.S. Management Science and Engineering\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Coursework: Strategies in Innovation, New Product Introduction, Technology and Society;\nStrategic Marketing (Winter Quarter)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07GPA: 3.6/4.0\n\n8/XX \xe2\x80\x93 5/XX \t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nSwiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland\nLicence (M.S. degree), with Honors, Materials Science and Engineering\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Coursework: Nanofabrication, Semiconductor Devices, MEMS, Renewable Energy\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07GPA: 9.2/10\n\nExperience\n6/XX-8/XX \t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n8/XX \xe2\x80\x93 5/XX \t\n\n6/XX-8/XX \t\n(summers) \t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nLeadership\n8/XX \xe2\x80\x93 5/XX\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nI\x07 ndependent Researcher (Honors Thesis), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich,\nSwitzerland\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Conducted extensive literature review to assess competing solar energy technologies.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Estimated and compared projected efficiency limits and cost per generated kilowatt-hour\nof photovoltaic and solar-thermal configurations.\nResearch Assistant, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Characterized electrical and optical properties of amorphous and polycrystalline silicon\nphotovoltaic devices.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Automated test apparatus, reducing data collection time from 2 hours to 20 minutes.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Assisted fabrication of photovoltaic devices with 50-nm dimensions in a Class 10\nnano-fabrication facility.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Became familiar with ion beam deposition and directional etching.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Helped empirically identify and document process parameters for depositing a new type of\npassivation layer.\n\x07Founder/President, Chinese Students Association, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology\n(ETH), Zurich, Switzerland\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Founded organization to support Chinese students and to promote cultural awareness.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Surveyed students and university officials to assess the need for and to clarify the club\xe2\x80\x99s\nmission.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Persuaded Dean of Student Life to allocate seed funding to launch the club.\n\nAdditional Information\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Languages: fluent in English (TOEFL 273/300) and French; native speaker of Mandarin;\nbasic skills in German\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Computer: PC, Word, Excel, Access, Stata 5.0\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Travel: Europe, Asia, Central and North America\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83 \x07Interests: Skiing, mountain biking, playing piano, listening to jazz\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 3 9\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\n\t\n\t\n\nTechnology Intern, National Solar Technology Institute, Beijing, China\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Translated honors thesis from French to Mandarin.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Expanded assessment of technologies to include installation and operating costs specific to\nChina and to meet varied forecasts of China\xe2\x80\x99s expanding energy needs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Co-authored report and executive summary for Ministry of Energy officials.\n\n\x0cSAMPLE ENGINEERING RESUME\nJulia Eng-Bachelor\n\n563 Salvatierra Walk \xe2\x80\xa2 Stanford, CA 94305 \xe2\x80\xa2 (650) 723-0000 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\n\n________________________________ \xe2\x80\x82Objective\xe2\x80\x82 _______________________________\nTo obtain a hands-on position developing and optimizing robots and automated production systems\n\n________________________________\xe2\x80\x82 Education\xe2\x80\x82 _______________________________\nStanford University, Stanford, CA - B.S. in Mechanical Engineering \t\n\xe2\x80\x83\xe2\x80\x83 Major GPA: 3.7/4.0\xe2\x80\x83\xe2\x80\x83 Cumulative GPA: 3.5/4.0\n\nexpected 20xx\n\nStanford in Berlin, Germany \xe2\x80\x93 studied German language, history and culture \t\n\nSpring 20xx\n\n___________________________ \xe2\x80\x82Relevant Coursework\xe2\x80\x82 __________________________\n\t\n\t\n\nRobotics\t\nMachine Vision\t\n\nMechatronics\t\nProduct Design\t\n\nControl Systems\nMachines and Society\n\n________________________________ \xe2\x80\x82 Projects\xe2\x80\x82 _______________________________\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nIntegrated Compliant Arm-Wrist Robot\t\nSpring 20xx\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Worked on a team to simulate and program an existing robot with 6 degrees of freedom\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Empirically determined the acceptable gripping pressures for objects of differing shape, weight,\nand surface texture\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Successfully trained robot to pick up and manipulate a delicate wineglass without damaging it\nThrow & Catch Robots\t\nWinter 20xx\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Trained twin robots to repeatedly throw and catch a tennis ball\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Worked on a three-person team to simulate and develop the motion and control algorithms\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Led the team in rendering and fine-tuning the algorithms into C++\n\n_______________________________ \xe2\x80\x82 Experience\xe2\x80\x82 _______________________________\nEngineering Intern, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany\t\nSummer 20xx\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Provided drafting and engineering support at a plant manufacturing drives and motors\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Updated and maintained electro-mechanical drawings and documentation\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Adhered to best-practice protocols for document control\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Observed factory operations employing precision robots and machine vision\n\n________________________________ \xe2\x80\x82Activities\xe2\x80\x82 _______________________________\nSocial Chair, Sigma Delta Tau Sorority\t\n20xx - present\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Led committee that planned and organized monthly events for all 50 women in the house\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Organized a successful benefit dinner that exceeded fundraising goal (>$5000)\nTour Guide, Stanford University\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x83\x07Polished public speaking skills while conducting three campus tours per week\n\n20xx - present\n\n_________________________________ \xe2\x80\x82Skills\xe2\x80\x82 _ _______________________________\nDesign: \t\nProgramming: \t\nFabrication:\t\nLanguages: \t\n\nSolidWorks\nMatlab, C/C++, Java, HTML\nCNC mill, lathe, brazing\nGerman (conversational)\n\n__________________________\xe2\x80\x82 Professional Affiliations\xe2\x80\x82 _________________________\nASME \xe2\x80\xa2 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society \xe2\x80\xa2 Society of Women Engineers\n\n4 0 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\x0cSAMPLE ELECTRONIC RESUME\nAUDREY CRENSHAW\nP.O. Box 12345\nStanford, CA 94309\n650.497.1234\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\nSummer intern position focusing on software development\nEDUCATION\nStanford University, Stanford, CA\nBachelor of Science, Computer Science, expected June 20XX\nCoursework: Java, C, LISP, programming paradigms and\nalgorithms, databases, and artificial intelligence\n\nEmailing Resumes\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Don\xe2\x80\x99t forget to include a cover\nletter in the body of the email.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07When emailing resume files,\nname them so the employer can\neasily identify it as your resume.\nLast name, followed by first name\nand the word \xe2\x80\x9cresume\xe2\x80\x9d is most\nhelpful.\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nC, Java, LISP, Perl, VisualBASIC, Oracle, PL/SQL, ODL/OQL,\nXML, SQL/CLI, PSM, UNIX, Linux, HTML Web page design,\nDreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash,\nPhotoshop, GoLive, Illustrator,\nAcrobat, FileMakerPro, Lotus Notes Databases\n\nAdobe Systems, Adobe Solutions Network, San Jose, CA\nDatabase Intern, 6/20XX-9/20XX\n* Set up and maintained JSP web pages for connectivity to MySQL databases\n* Redesigned and maintained related FileMakerPro, Lotus Notes, and Oracle databases with team of two\nengineers\nCity of Orange, Orange, CA\nCivil Engineering Intern, Summers 20XX-20XX\n* Assisted with organizing road design plans\nHONORS/AWARDS\nBausch and Lomb Achievement Award\nNational Society of Women Engineers Award\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nYouth Science Center, Teacher\xe2\x80\x99s Aide\nCampaign for Congress, Volunteer\nCampaign for City Council, Volunteer\nACTIVITIES and INTERESTS\nSociety of Women Engineers\nIllustration, Writing Poetry\n\nOptical Scanning\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Optical or electronic scanning technology\nallows organizations to handle large\namounts of information on incoming job\napplicants by scanning resumes for key\nwords which indicate skills, education\nand knowledge areas the employer is\nseeking. Your resume is scanned into the\ncomputer as an image. Optical character\nrecognition (OCR) sorts the image into\nrecognizable letters, words and symbols.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Left-justify all text and avoid using\nunderlining, italics, bullets, bold, and\ncolumns.\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 4 1\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nEXPERIENCE\nCareer Development Center, Stanford University, Stanford CA\nComputer Technician and Programmer, 10/20XX-present\n* Set up and maintain JSP server for connectivity to FileMakerPro databases\n* Help design and maintain center website\n\n\x0cSAMPLE REFERENCE LIST\nREFERENCES FOR JOHN AVILA\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nDr. Jan Smith\nDepartment of Biological Sciences\nStanford University\nStanford, CA 94305\n650-555-3218\[email protected]\nRelationship: professor\nMr. Jerome Titan\nSenior Scientist\nGenentech\n1204 Lloyd St.\nSouth San Francisco, CA 94080\n650-555-2222\[email protected]\nRelationship: past internship supervisor\nMs. Vanessa James\nStore Manager\nThe Gap\n1999 Main St.\nSan Francisco, CA 94105\n415-555-3333\[email protected]\nRelationship: past supervisor\n\n4 2 \xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 Stanford Career Development Center\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07References should be listed on a\nseparate sheet of paper.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Typically, references are requested\nat the point you are considered a\nfinalist for the position.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07It is important to contact your\nreferences prior to submitting their\nnames to potential employers.\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTERS\n\nThe cover letter provides you with an opportunity to introduce yourself and state your objective, personalize\nyour resume, and highlight information that addresses the needs and interests of the employer. Bear in mind\nthat letters you write not only convey your interest and qualifications, but also give the employer an opportunity\nto observe your attentiveness to detail, spelling, grammar, and the overall quality of your written communication.\nFlaws in your letters will often be interpreted as flaws in your qualifications.\n\nAddress\nCity, ST Zip Code\nDate\nName\nTitle\nCompany/Organization Name\nAddress\nCity, ST Zip Code\nDear Mr./Ms. Last Name:\nOpening Paragraph:\nWhat is your intent in writing this letter? What position are you\napplying for and how did you learn about it?\nBriefly introduce yourself, your major, and the degree anticipated.\nIf you are aware of a specific opening, refer to it. If you are not\naware of a specific position, state your area of interest. This\nparagraph can also be used to refer to the individual who\nrecommended that you contact the organization, or other factors\nthat prompted you to write. If possible, convey why you are\ninterested in the organization and anything you know about their\nproduct or service.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07Resumes are only as good as the\nletter accompanying them. So\nmake sure that you spend some\ntime on your letter and direct it to\nthe appropriate person.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07What you write and how you write\nit tells potential employers a great\ndeal about your professionalism,\ncompetence, and personality.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07In a job search aimed at business and professional circles,\nproper procedures and communication etiquette are important.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 \x07A cover letter should entice an\nemployer to want to take action\non your resume. It should\npersuade the employer to invite\nyou for a job interview.\n\nThird Paragraph:\nWhat is your plan of action? Do you want to follow up with a phone call or do you want them to contact\nyou?\nClose your letter by stating that you would like to discuss employment opportunities or other information\nwith the individual and that you will call to follow up on your letter. This demonstrates your initiative and\nfollow-through and will help you maintain some control of your efforts.\nOther points that can be made in the last paragraph:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Express your willingness to provide additional information\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 State a specific time when you will follow up by phone or email\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Let them know if and when you are going to visit their area\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82 Thank the person receiving your letter for their time and interest\nMost importantly, remember to address the cover letter to a person. If you do not have a name, call the\ndepartment or human resources to find out to whom your letter should be addressed. As a last resort,\naddress your letter to the personnel manager, hiring manager, or recruiting representative.\n\\xe2\x80\x82\xe2\x80\x82 4 3\n\nRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nSecond Paragraph:\nWhat are your qualifications? Why do you want to work for this organization? What would you enjoy\ndoing for them? Sell yourself and be brief. Whet the employer\xe2\x80\x99s appetite so that he/she will want to read\nyour resume and schedule an interview.\nDescribe highlights from your background that would be of greatest interest to the organization. Focus on\nskills, activities, accomplishments, and past experience you can contribute to the organization and its work.\nIf possible, demonstrate that you know something about the organization and industry/field. Use action\nverbs that describe relevant skills and expertise you can contribute. Mention specific knowledge you may\nhave such as computer applications, foreign languages, lab techniques, writing and editing capabilities.\nYou are attempting to create a match or \xe2\x80\x9cnotion of fit\xe2\x80\x9d between the employer\xe2\x80\x99s hiring needs and your\ninterests, experience, and skills.\n\n\x0cRESUMES/COVER LETTERS\n\nTIPS FOR CREATING AN EFFECTIVE\nCOVER LETTER\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Collect your thoughts. Your ideas may not come out logically or\nsequentially, but write them down. Don\xe2\x80\x99t judge and evaluate,\nsimply collect them.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\x82\x07Spend time on your letter. As the adage goes, \xe2\x80\x9cWith part-time\neffort, yo
b'Sample Resume \xe2\x80\x93 Engineering\nDO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy this sample but use\nit for ideas to create your own.\n\nEthan Engineer\n24 Lisbon Street\nGlen Waverley, 3150\n\nMobile:\nEmail:\n\n0444 871 541\[email protected]\n\nQualifications\nBachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Commerce\nMar 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\nMonash University\nAchievements:\nHigh distinction average, predicted to graduate with Honours for Engineering\nRotary Student Scholarship awarded for tertiary study\nMajors:\nElectrical Engineering, Computer Systems and Management\nCompletion:\nNov 2015\nVictorian Certificate of Education\nBacchus Marsh College\nAchievements:\nENTER 95.05\n\nFeb 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2011\n\nRelevant Experience\nAssistant Engineer - Intern\nJan - Feb 2015\nKBR, Melbourne\nResponsibilities:\nActively worked and contributed to the train engine team with engineering\nmanager, project leads, estimators and support personnel to refine functionality of\nsystems on board trains.\nAchievements:\nAcknowledged by management for accurate calculations for new computer system\nin trains to ensure they run on time.\n3rd Year Engineering Project\nJun - Nov 2014\nTelstra, Melbourne\nResponsibilities:\nUndertook research project to scope possible solutions to resolve barriers to the\nexpansion of network-portable access to remote and rural areas.\nAchievements:\nThe project findings were sent to Telstra Corporate Strategy Committee and\ncontributed to the program which improves remote computer access, specifically\nfor individuals in rural areas.\n\nVolunteer and Community Experience\nCommittee member\nJun 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\nBacchus Marsh Youth Group\nResponsibilities:\nLed fundraising activities including annual fete, weekly BBQ and trivia night\n\n\x0cVolunteer\nNov 2013 - Jan 2014\nEngineers without Borders with Aurecon staff\nResponsibilities:\nAssisted with the electrical engineering and design of a basic amenities block for\nthe \xe2\x80\x9cFlat Basic Infrastructure\xe2\x80\x9d project in Far North Queensland\n\nOther Employment History\nCustomer Service Agent\nMar 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2014\nColes Online\nAchievements:\nUsed questioning and active listening to ascertain difficulties and respond and\nresolve to online order issues, was praised by management.\nLiaised with on-road colleagues to ensure all stock was delivered correctly and in\nappropriate location\n\nSkills Summary\nComputer System Analysis\nHighly developed computer system analysis skills demonstrated through 3rd year\nEngineering project with Telstra in 2014\nCommunication Skills\nHigh standard of written skills as evidenced by maintaining high distinction in\nwritten assignments during studies at Monash University\nWell developed business writing skills as demonstrated in employee\ncommunication as a workplace supervisor at Coles\nOutstanding oral presentation skills used during delivery of third year Engineering\nproject \xe2\x80\x9cDeveloping computer systems for the future\xe2\x80\x9d, which received a distinction\nComputer Skills\nProficient in 3D Studio Max, Javascript, Maya 8.0, Adobe Photoshop, C++,\nMicrosoft Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher)\n\nInterests\nArts\nSport\nLeisure\n\nCinema, writing, theatre, jazz music\nSwimming, cycling and rugby (Vice Captain of Bacchus March Rugby team)\nStudying languages \xe2\x80\x93 Korean and Japanese and cooking\n\nReferees\nMs. Joan Smith\nManager, Systems Testing Team\nColes Online\nTel: +61 3 8671 3456\[email protected]\nProfessor Barry Crane\nHonours Supervisor\nFaculty of Engineering\nMonash University\nTel: +61 3 9905 3456\[email protected]\\[email protected]\n+61 3 9905 4170\'
b'Sample Resume \xe2\x80\x93 Engineering\nDO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy this sample but use\nit for ideas to create your own.\n\nEthan Engineer\n24 Lisbon Street\nGlen Waverley, 3150\n\nMobile:\nEmail:\n\n0444 871 541\[email protected]\n\nQualifications\nBachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Commerce\nMar 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\nMonash University\nAchievements:\nHigh distinction average, predicted to graduate with Honours for Engineering\nRotary Student Scholarship awarded for tertiary study\nMajors:\nElectrical Engineering, Computer Systems and Management\nCompletion:\nNov 2015\nVictorian Certificate of Education\nBacchus Marsh College\nAchievements:\nENTER 95.05\n\nFeb 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2011\n\nRelevant Experience\nAssistant Engineer - Intern\nJan - Feb 2015\nKBR, Melbourne\nResponsibilities:\nActively worked and contributed to the train engine team with engineering\nmanager, project leads, estimators and support personnel to refine functionality of\nsystems on board trains.\nAchievements:\nAcknowledged by management for accurate calculations for new computer system\nin trains to ensure they run on time.\n3rd Year Engineering Project\nJun - Nov 2014\nTelstra, Melbourne\nResponsibilities:\nUndertook research project to scope possible solutions to resolve barriers to the\nexpansion of network-portable access to remote and rural areas.\nAchievements:\nThe project findings were sent to Telstra Corporate Strategy Committee and\ncontributed to the program which improves remote computer access, specifically\nfor individuals in rural areas.\n\nVolunteer and Community Experience\nCommittee member\nJun 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\nBacchus Marsh Youth Group\nResponsibilities:\nLed fundraising activities including annual fete, weekly BBQ and trivia night\n\n\x0cVolunteer\nNov 2013 - Jan 2014\nEngineers without Borders with Aurecon staff\nResponsibilities:\nAssisted with the electrical engineering and design of a basic amenities block for\nthe \xe2\x80\x9cFlat Basic Infrastructure\xe2\x80\x9d project in Far North Queensland\n\nOther Employment History\nCustomer Service Agent\nMar 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2014\nColes Online\nAchievements:\nUsed questioning and active listening to ascertain difficulties and respond and\nresolve to online order issues, was praised by management.\nLiaised with on-road colleagues to ensure all stock was delivered correctly and in\nappropriate location\n\nSkills Summary\nComputer System Analysis\nHighly developed computer system analysis skills demonstrated through 3rd year\nEngineering project with Telstra in 2014\nCommunication Skills\nHigh standard of written skills as evidenced by maintaining high distinction in\nwritten assignments during studies at Monash University\nWell developed business writing skills as demonstrated in employee\ncommunication as a workplace supervisor at Coles\nOutstanding oral presentation skills used during delivery of third year Engineering\nproject \xe2\x80\x9cDeveloping computer systems for the future\xe2\x80\x9d, which received a distinction\nComputer Skills\nProficient in 3D Studio Max, Javascript, Maya 8.0, Adobe Photoshop, C++,\nMicrosoft Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher)\n\nInterests\nArts\nSport\nLeisure\n\nCinema, writing, theatre, jazz music\nSwimming, cycling and rugby (Vice Captain of Bacchus March Rugby team)\nStudying languages \xe2\x80\x93 Korean and Japanese and cooking\n\nReferees\nMs. Joan Smith\nManager, Systems Testing Team\nColes Online\nTel: +61 3 8671 3456\[email protected]\nProfessor Barry Crane\nHonours Supervisor\nFaculty of Engineering\nMonash University\nTel: +61 3 9905 3456\[email protected]\\[email protected]\n+61 3 9905 4170\'
b'\xc2\xa0\n\nRACHAEL BROWN\n11 Sample Street, Wollongong, NSW, 2500\nE: [email protected]\nM: 0412 345 678\nLinkedIn Profile\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nKEY SKILLS\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCivil/Structural Engineering graduate, with a passion for environmentally sustainable\nconstruction.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nGreat communicator who thrives on collaborative projects. Active member of the Illawarra\nFlame House that won the 2013 Solar Decathlon in Beijing, China.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLeadership and drive: Led a team of 25 multi-disciplinary students to national semi-finals of\n\xe2\x80\x98Enactus\xe2\x80\x99 inter-university challenge.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAccountability: I take work and extra-curricular tasks seriously and deliver my best consistently,\ndemonstrated by sporting, voluntary work and academic achievement.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong proficiency in Excel; Basic user of C and C++ and Microsoft Project.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProficient with CAD, Matlab, Talpac.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\nEDUCATION\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nBachelor of Civil Engineering\n\n2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2015\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nUniversity of Wollongong\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDistinction average (82%)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nHigh Distinctions: Roads Engineering; Geomechanics\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDistinctions: Environmental Engineering Design; Civil Engineering Design\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nUndergraduate Civil Engineer\n\nNov 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Feb 2015\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nNorthrop Consulting Engineers\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUndertook 12 weeks\xe2\x80\x99 full time professional experience on the Northrop Summer Vacation\nprogram\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCompleted rotations through Building Services, Water Infrastructure and Mechanical Services.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted Senior Civil Engineer on a project to determine the ongoing stability of concrete\nstabilised footpaths around a commercial/retail centre\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nShadowed Associate Engineering Consultants working on an industrial development and\ngained insight into flood planning, the use of fibre reinforced slabs and gantry cranes.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nObserved the preparation, function and process of tender and contract documents in action,\nand assisted Civil Engineers to fulfil these.\n\nRACHAEL BROWN, RESUME\n\nPAGE 1 OF 3\n\n\x0c\xc2\xa0\n\nEXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\n\n\xc2\xa0\nStudent Engineer\n\n2012 and 2013\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nTeam UOW Illawarra Flame House\\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nObjective: to \xe2\x80\x98design and construct\xe2\x80\x99 a sustainable, solar powered house, using retrofit\ntechnologies. A team of 40 students from UOW and TAFE Illawarra worked on the house\nwhich won the 2013 Solar Decathlon competition in China.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted in costing estimates for construction materials and researched appliances.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nContributed to final product manual for the house.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nGained amazing exposure to environmentally sustainable design principles and leading\ntechnologies used around the globe.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nSales Assistant\n\nJan 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nMyer, Wollongong\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCasual position, averaging 15 hours per week, whilst studying\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nServed and interacted with customers in the manchester/bedding area.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nArranged merchandising displays for brand promotion and Myer sales periods.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nVOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nVice President\n\nMar 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 July 2014\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nEnactus\nEnactus\xc2\xa0is\xc2\xa0a\xc2\xa0community\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0businesses\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0students\xc2\xa0that\xc2\xa0collaborate\xc2\xa0on\xc2\xa0entrepreneurial\xc2\xa0projects\xc2\xa0that\xc2\xa0\nimprove\xc2\xa0the\xc2\xa0standard\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0living\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0people\xc2\xa0across\xc2\xa0the\xc2\xa0globe.\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nActive university role, averaging 2 - 5 hours per week.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nManaged the UOW team Business Advisory Board.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLed and coordinated a team of 25 students in three local volunteer projects.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPresented business models of the volunteer projects to national Enactus conference, and led\nthe team to the national semi-finals.\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\nVolunteer\nInternational Student Volunteers (ISV)\n\nJan \xe2\x80\x93 Feb 2013\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTwo week visit to Mong Ngok (remote tribal mountain village in north of Thailand).\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted in the construction of a western style toilet block, maintenance of school and in\nteaching English to children at the local school.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nRACHAEL BROWN, RESUME\n\nPAGE 2 OF 3\n\n\x0c\xc2\xa0\nVOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE (continued)\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nJuniors Coach\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 2013\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nKiama Netball Club\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCoached junior netball team through four years (7 \xe2\x80\x93 11 yrs).\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWon 2012 and 2013 grand finals.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nUniCrew Member\n\n2014 and 2015\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nCentre for Student Engagement, University of Wollongong\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUOW Buddies program: Spent fortnightly lunchtime activity and chat sessions with new\ninternational students to build friendships and a welcoming university environment.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted in the hosting of weekly trivia nights at the University, which involved interacting with\naudiences and some microphone work.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEngineers Australia, Student Member\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEngineers without Borders, Student Member\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWomen in Engineering, Member\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nINTERESTS\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRepresentative netball u.21\xe2\x80\x99s (Illawarra District Netball Association) 2010 - 2014\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOpen Division Regional State League Player (South Coast) 2015\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYoga (weekly classes for last two years)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRunning\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nREFEREES\n\xc2\xa0\nJulia Bloggs\n\nDavid Chee\n\nConsulting Engineer\n\nSales Team Leader\n\nNorthrop Consulting Engineers\n\nMyer\n\nWollongong\n\nWollongong\n\n00 0000 0000\n\n00 0000 0000\n\[email protected]\n\[email protected]\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\nRACHAEL BROWN, RESUME\n\nPAGE 3 OF 3'
b'Miles Peters\n1 Main Street, New Cityland, CA 91010\nHome: (555) 322-7337 | Cell: 000-000-0000\[email protected]\nProfile\nForward-thinking Industrial Engineer with hand-on experience performing quality troubleshooting\nsystem design and development. Solid knowledge of the practical application of engineering\nscience and technology. Proven ability to manage multiple projects and meet critical deadlines.\nAreas of Expertise\n\xef\x82\xb7 Industrial production\n\xef\x82\xb7 Quality control\n\xef\x82\xb7 AutoCAD proficient\n\xef\x82\xb7 Mathematical aptitude\n\xef\x82\xb7 Detail-oriented\nProfessional Experience\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nElectro-mechanical design\nComputer programming familiarity\nEnergy management systems\nStrong presentation skills\nOperations research\n\nIndustrial Engineering\n8/1/2010 - Current\nCavendish Industrial\nNew Cityland, CA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOutline manufacturing processes protocols and standards for optimum production.\nDesign equipment and layouts based on manufacturing needs.\nCalibrate machinery and write operational documentation.\nSupervise work of junior industrial engineers.\n\nIndustrial Engineer\n10/1/2006 - 7/1/2010\nTCMP Design\nNew Cityland, CA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed machinery performance and developed models for improvement.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Drafted equipment designs to customer specifications.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Applied strong mathematical skills to break down complex problems.\n\nIndustrial Engineer\n2/1/2003 - 9/1/2006\nColumbus Manufacturing\nColumbus, OH\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7 Managed numerous projects simultaneously within budgetary restrictions.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with engineers and project managers regarding design parameters for client\nprojects.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared accurate specifications for purchase of materials and equipment.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering\n2002\nUniversity of Ohio\nColumbus, OH\nMinor in Electrical Engineering\n3.55 GPA\n\nAffiliations\nInstitute of Industrial Engineers Member\nIAENG Society of Industrial Engineering Member'
b'JANE BULL\nCIVIL\nENGINEER\nPERSONAL SUMMARY\n\nAREAS OF EXPERTISE\n\nCAREER HISTORY\n\nDuties\n\nDayjob Ltd, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6NF, UK\nT: 0044 121 638 0026\nE: [email protected]\nW:\nHighly competent individual who has extensive knowledge and experience of\nmanaging, directing and monitoring both small and large scale civil engineering\nprojects. On the technical side Jane is able to accurately prepare projects to the\nhighest standards, particularly drawings, plans, schedules and construction design\nmaintenance documentation production. In the past she has had successful input\ninto the acquisition of new business, the promotion of the company, team\nleadership, expert technical advice and strategic input into business planning. She\nis now looking for a suitable position with a ambitious &forward thinking company.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWater structures\nTime management\nMS Office\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRenewable energy\nHighways\nAnalytical skills\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRisk assessment\nBridges & Canals\nTeam management\n\nCivil Engineer 2009 - Present\nLOCAL COUNCIL\nResponsible for monitoring the progress of works within the team, advising the\nrelevant Manager at agreed periodicities, and agreeing alterations to programmes\nof work or working patterns as required.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nGiving engineering procedural direction to 3rd parties.\nAttendance at client meetings.\nUndertaking and supervising technical site surveys.\nSetting budgets for projects.\nIdentifying and implementing best practice procedures.\nChecking of detailed designs and drawings.\nDeveloping Wind farm and infrastructure designs.\nReporting progress and monitoring cost.\n\nCivil Engineer 2008 - 2009\nOIL AND GAS EXPLORATION COMPANY\nCivil Engineer 2006 - 2008\nPROPERTY DEVELOPERS\nKEY SKILLS\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nACADEMIC\n\nMembership of a relevant Engineering Institutes.\nAble to produce detailed design calculations and sketches without recourse to\nCAD support.\nAbility to motivate multidisciplinary teams.\nKnowledge and understanding of construction management.\nPreparing and delivering briefings to staff on technical.\nThinking both creatively and logically to resolve design and development\nproblems.\nDelivering projects to the required quality, timeline and budget.\nAbility to explain design ideas and plans clearly.\nWilling and capable of adopting a questioning attitude.\n\nNuneaton University 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 06\nBA (Hons)\nCivil Engineering\nNuneaton South College 2001 \xe2\x80\x93 03\nA levels: Math - English - Physics - Geography\n\nTRAINING\nREFERENCES\n\nAssociation for Project Management (APM) or Project Management Institute (PMI)\nAvailable on request\n\n\x0cCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 This Civil Engineering CV template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd 2012. Job seekers may download and\nuse this particular CV example for their personal use to help them write their own one. You are also most\nwelcome to link to any page on our site However this CV template must not be distributed\nor made available on other websites without our prior permission. For any questions relating to the use of\nthis template please email: [email protected].'
b'RESUME WRITING\nTips for resume formatting and content, with samples from alumni\nA resume is a brief, concise document that presents, and effectively sells, your most relevant and positive credentials for\nemployment, admission to graduate school, consideration for a scholarship or fellowship, or other professional purpose.\nAn employer will usually spend 15 to 30 seconds reviewing your resume, so the content of your resume must be clear,\nconcise, and targeted to the type of job for which you are applying.\n\nPreparation\nResumes should highlight skills and accomplishments that meet employer qualifications, excluding irrelevant\ninformation and experiences. Well-designed resumes will be visually appealing and free from any spelling, typographical,\npunctuation, or grammatical errors. All resumes should be written concisely in an organized format that presents the\nmost important information first.\nEmployers who read individual resumes spend very little time on each resume. Many large employers now use software\nprograms (Applicant Tracking Systems) to assist them with this initial review.\nIf your resume has a typo or grammatical error, it will probably jump off the page to an employer, and this is a way to\nweed you out of a candidate pool. Your resume may be the only chance you get to make an impression, so make it a\ngood one.\n\nConstructing Your Resume\nContact information\nBegin your resume with your name by capitalizing and using bold type.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include street address, city, state, and zip code.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include a phone number(s) where you can be reached.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include your e-mail address.\nObjective (Optional)\nThe purpose of the objective statement is to inform the employer of your career goals and targeted interests. Objectives\nare no longer as widely used as they once were, as employers expect you to cover the same information in more detail\nin the cover letter. If you would like to include an objective, review the samples on the last page of this handout.\nA career/job objective may be advantageous when:\n\xef\x82\xb7 You want to specify your interests and where you would fit in the organization.\n\xef\x82\xb7 You want to present the impression of a focused, self-confident person.\nA career/job objective is not advantageous when it is:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Too broad and meaningless, reflecting indecision.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Too exclusive, eliminating you from jobs for which you might be considered.\nQualifications or Experience Summary (Optional)\nA summary of qualifications can condense an extensive background by emphasizing experiences and accomplishments\nin brief keyword phrases. The qualifications summary is accomplishment-oriented and provides an overview of your\nwork experience. It can also serve to summarize relevant academic, volunteer and leadership experience for those who\nhave limited work experience. A summary is most appropriate for someone with substantial experience, someone who\nis changing careers and wants to demonstrate transferable skills, or someone with a varied background. They\xe2\x80\x99re most\noften used by graduate students and working professionals.\n\n\x0cEducation\nIf your education relates to your objective and is within the past three years, it should be the first section. If not,\neducation should follow the work experience section of your resume.\nIn reverse-chronological order, this section includes the schools you have attended, dates of graduation or dates of\nattendance, as well as degrees sought or completed. Other information that might be included: related coursework,\nscholarships and honors, and special projects (e.g. research projects, teaching).\n\xef\x82\xb7 Start with your most recent degree or the program in which you are currently enrolled. List other degrees or\nrelevant education in reverse chronological order.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Highlight key info by using bold type or capital letters.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Most students begin with the university, followed by the location, degree, and graduation date. You can consider\nlisting your degree before the name of the university as well.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Should I include my GPA? If you are uncertain about including your GPA, ask a Career Services advisor for\nrecommendations based on your individual circumstances.\nWithin this section, you may also want to highlight coursework, research, or a study abroad experience.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Consider listing relevant coursework under the appropriate degree.\n\xef\x82\xb7 You may want to describe thesis, research or design projects (Note: You may want to have a separate \xe2\x80\x9cRelated\nCourse Projects\xe2\x80\x9d section \xe2\x80\x93 see examples in this handout).\nChronological Format\nIn the chronological resume, job history is organized chronologically with the most recent job listed first. Job titles and\nemployers are emphasized and duties and accomplishments are described in detail.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Begin with your current/most recent position and work backward, chronologically.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Devote more space to relevant employment/experiences.\n\xef\x82\xb7 If your job titles relate to your current job objective, start each position description with job titles. If not, begin\nwith the organization.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Follow job title and organizational information with the organization\'s city and state.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Use the first and last month (or semester terms, such as Fall, Spring, and Summer) and year to describe dates of\nemployment.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Describe experiences related to the position you\xe2\x80\x99re applying for in detail. Summarize earlier positions unless\nrelevant to your objective. Within each listed position, stress the major accomplishments and responsibilities that\ndemonstrate your competency\n\nResume Checklist\nThe following checklist has been designed to assist you in writing your resume. This checklist reflects the expertise of the\nCareer Center staff developed through critiquing thousands of resumes, discussing selection criteria with numerous\nemployers, and gathering input from a wide range of career professionals.\nAppearance\n\xef\x82\xb7 Is it inviting and easy to read; not too much information uses appropriate font styles (sans serif fonts are often\nrecommended but the serif font Times New Roman is accepted) and font sizes (10-12 pts.)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Incorporates enough white space between sections to facilitate skimming; adequate margins creates visual impact\n(minimum is .5in on all four sides); using bullets; boldface, italics, and font sizes to emphasize key words (for\nscannable resumes, use boldface only)\nOrganization and Format\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presents strongest qualifications first\n\xef\x82\xb7 Appropriate length: For most cases, one page for undergraduates, more for those with advanced degrees for\nseveral years of post-grad work experience (2-3 pages)\nWriting Style\n\xef\x82\xb7 Begins phrases with powerful action verbs\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nShort bullets (1-2 lines) with 2-6 bullets per experience (depending on how related it is to the opportunity you\nseek); you can list an experience without listing bullets if you want the employer to know about your involvement\nbut it\xe2\x80\x99s not directly related to the position\nBrief, succinct language; no unnecessary words\nAbsolutely free from grammatical, spelling, punctuation, usage, and typographical errors\n\nCONTENT:\nContact Information\n\xef\x82\xb7 Address, current and permanent (if necessary \xe2\x80\x93 otherwise just choose one)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Telephone number\nObjective (Optional)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Briefly indicates the sort of position, title, and possible area of specialization sought\n\xef\x82\xb7 For management or supervisory positions, indicates level of responsibility sought\n\xef\x82\xb7 Language is specific, employer centered not self-centered; avoids broad or vague statements\nSummary of Skills, Accomplishments, or Expertise (Optional)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Identifies 3-6 key achievements that support the objective\n\xef\x82\xb7 Summarizes relevant work experience and accomplishments that support the objective\nEducation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Highest level of attainment is listed first; work from most current degree backward degree in progress or most\nrecently completed degree; include name of university, location of university, type of degree and major, date of\ngraduation, list of other degrees, relevant higher education coursework, continuing professional education or\ntraining\n\xef\x82\xb7 Courses, and study abroad\n\xef\x82\xb7 Second major, minor, or areas of concentration\n\xef\x82\xb7 Omit high school if you have completed more than two years of college unless referencing impressive honors or\nrelevant extracurricular activities\n\xef\x82\xb7 Relevant courses, papers, projects; include paper or project titles\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA, honors, awards, scholarships\nEmployment Experience and/or Related Projects\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include all paid, volunteer, intern, or other experiences that are relevant to your objective\n\xef\x82\xb7 Start with most recent experience if using chronological format\n\xef\x82\xb7 Title held, organization name, city, state, or country location (if not U.S.A.)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dates position held; if several positions for one employer, list employer once responsibilities listed in order of each\nitem\'s relative value to the future employer; indicate transferable skills and adaptive abilities used on the job\n\xef\x82\xb7 Accomplishments on your job; what problems did you face?; what solutions did you find?\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contributions to the organization, i.e., ways your work helped increase profit, membership publicity, funding,\nmotivation, efficiency, productivity, quality; saved time or money; improved programs, management,\ncommunication, information flow etc.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Quantitative or qualitative indicators that describe the results of your contributions or accomplishments, i.e.,\n"increased sales by $50,000"; "reduced staff turnover by 25%"; "significantly improved staff\xe2\x80\x99s ability to access\ndata"\n\xef\x82\xb7 Learning/training that took place on the job that is relevant to your job objective (optional); describe\naccomplishments in jargon of the field\nSkills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Computer skills: software applications, languages, hardware, operating systems\n\xef\x82\xb7 Language skills: specific level of fluency and ability to read and write as "basic," "intermediate," or "advanced" or\n"fluent"\n\xef\x82\xb7 Other\n\xef\x82\xb7 Students often share this section after Education or as the last section.\nExtracurricular Activities, Community Service, Professional Associations\n\xef\x82\xb7 list of significant positions of responsibility; include title, name of organization or team, dates leadership roles,\nachievements, and transferable skills that are relevant\n\n\x0cAdditional Resume Categories\nTo add relevant information to your resume that focuses on special knowledge or skills, consider the following resume headings:\nEDUCATION\nHONORS\nPRESENTATIONS\nRELATED PROJECTS\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nPUBLICATIONS\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nSCHOLARSHIPS\nTRAINING\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nLANGUAGES\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS\nLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE\nINTERESTS\nTRAVEL\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nSKILLS\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nQUALIFICATIONS\nACCOMPLISHMENTS\nSUMMARY\n\nProofread, Proofread, Proofread!\nDoes your resume:\nInclude only relevant information?\nUse action verbs?\nStress skills and accomplishments over duties?\nMake qualifications evident?\nInclude specific info: figures, dates, numbers?\nSupport your purpose/objective?\n\nEvaluate Appearance:\nAttractive layout?\nHeadings in bold?\nWhite space?\nStyle appropriate?\nFont size readable?\nLength appropriate?\nImportant items stand out through spacing and/or bold?\nConsistent placement of information (e.g. dates)?\n\nKEY PHRASES\nThe following phrases and words may help with writing your resume statements. They convey involvement and\naccomplishments and make your resume more effective.\nInteracted with...\nEstablished..\nEdited...\nInitiated...\nManaged...\nMaintained...\nInstrumental in...\nRemained as...\nHonored as...\nRecommendations accepted by...\nAdept at...\nAssisted with...\nCoordinated...\nCreated\xe2\x80\xa6.\nDelegated...\nDirected...\nDeveloped...\nConsulted..\nBudgeted...\nEvaluated...\nInstalled...\nInstructed...\nNegotiated...\nPlanned...\nPresented...\nRecognized as\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nActed as liaison for/between...\nFormulated...\nHandled...\nImplemented...\nAssigned territory consisting of...\nPromoted to/from...\nRecipient of...\nInnovation resulted in...\n...amounting to a total savings of...\nAdministered...\nAnalyzed/Assessed...\nArranged...\nCounseled...\nDesigned\xe2\x80\xa6\nConducted...\nDemonstrated...\nAdvised...\nDelivered...\nDrafted...\nGathered...\nImproved...\nInvestigated...\nOrganized...\nPerformed...\nRecommended...\n\n\x0cAction Verbs By Skill Category\nTip: Circle all of the words relevant to your experiences, and then use them in your resume!\nCommunicative\naddress\narbitrate\narrange\nauthor\nbrief\ncommunicate\ncompose\nconfront\ncontact\nconvince\ncorrespond\ndescribe\ndevelop\ndirect\ndocument\ndraft\nedit\n\nenlist\nexpress\nfollow-up\nformulate\ninfluence\ninform\ninterpret\ninterview\nlecture\nmarket\nmediate\nmeet\nmoderate\nmotivate\nnegotiate\nnetwork\npersuade\n\npresent\npromote\npublicize\npublish\nquestion\nread\nreconcile\nrecruit\nrefer\nreport\nrewrite\nspeak\nsuggest\nsummarize\ntalk\ntranslate\nwrite\n\nexecute\nexplore\nfashion\nforge\nfound\nillustrate\nimagine\nimprovise\ninstitute\nintegrate\nintroduce\ninvent\nmarket\nmodernize\noriginate\nperform\n\npilot\npioneer\nplan\nredesign\nrehearse remodel\nrenovate\nreplace\nrevitalize\nshape\nsketch\nspearhead\nstart\nstimulate\nstrategize\ntransform\n\nbudget\ncalculate\ncompute\ncontrol\ndevelop\nestimate\nfinance\nforecast\nmanage\n\nmarket\nmonitor\nplan\nprocure\nproject\npurchase\nreconcile\nresearch\ntransfer\n\nCreative\nact\nbroaden\ncompose\nconceive\nconceptualize\nconduct\ncreate\ndesign\ndevelop\ndirect\ndiscover\ndraft\ndramatize\ndraw up\nentertain\nestablish\nFinancial\naccount for\nadjust\nadminister\nallocate\nanalyze\nappraise\naudit\nbalance\nbuy\n\n\x0cHelping\nadvise\nadvocated\naided\nanticipated\nassessed\nassisted\ncare for\nclarify\ncoach\ncounsel\ndemonstrate\ndiagnose\neducate\nenable\nManagement\nadminister\naccount for\nanalyze\nappoint\napprove\nassign\nassume\nattain\nchair\nchoose\ncontract\nconsolidate\nconsult\ndecide\ndelegate\ndetermine\ndevelop\ndevote\ndirect\ndispatch\n\nencourage\nenlist\nensure\nevaluate\nexpedite\nfacilitate\nfamiliarize\nforecast\nfoster\nguide\nhandle\nharmonize\nmoderate\nobserve\n\norient\npredict\nprescribe\nprotect\nprovide\nreconcile\nrectify\nrefer\nrehabilitate\nrepresent\nserve\nsupport\nutilize\nvolunteer\n\ndispense\nemploy\nevaluate\nexecute\nformulate\nhandle\nhead\nhire\nleverage\nmanage\nmaintain\norchestrate\norder\norganize\noversee\nplan\nperfect\npreserve\nprioritize\n\nproduce\npropose\nprotect\nrealize\nrecommend\nrecruit\nregulate\nreview\nrevitalize\nreward\nsave\nset goals\nschedule\nsupervise\nterminate\nunify\nwithdraw\n\n\x0cOrganizational\napprove\narrange\ncatalogue\nclassify\ncollaborate\ncollect\ncompile\nconserve\nconsolidate\ncut\ndiagram\ndispatch\ndistribute\nenlist\nexecute\nexpedite\nextract\ngenerate\n\nidentify\nimplement\ninspect\nintegrate\ninterface with\njoin\nlist\nlog\nmonitor\noperate\norganize\npinpoint\nprepare\nprioritize\nprocess\nrecord\nreshape\nreorganize\nretrieve\n\nrevamp\nrevise\nschedule\nscreen\nset up\nshape\nspecialize\nspecify\nstreamline\nstretch\nsubstitute\nsystematize\ntabulate\ntarget\nupdate\nvalidate\n\nResearch\nacquire\namplify\nanalyze\ncalculate\nchart\nclarify\ncollect\ncompare\nconduct\ncritique\ndiagnose\ndesign\n\ndetermine\ndisprove\nevaluate\nexamine\nextract\nformulate\nidentify\ninspect\ninterpret\ninterview\ninvestigate\nlocate\n\nmodify\norganize\nprocess\nreview\nresearch\nstudy\nsummarize\nsurvey\nsystematize\ntest\ntrouble-shoot\n\nexceed\nexcel\nexpand\nextend\nfortify\nimprove\nincrease\ninitiate\nintroduce\nlaunch\nlower costs\nmap\nmaximize\nmeasure\nobtain\npioneer\nprove\n\nreduce\nre-establish\nresolve\nrestore\nselected as\nstabilize\nstandardize\nsucceed\ntransform\ntrim\ntriple\nvalidate\nwiden\nwon\n\nResults\nachieve\naccelerate\naccomplish\nadd\nadvance\nattain\naugment\naward\ncomplete\ncompound\ncontribute\ndecrease\ndouble\neffect\neliminate\nenlarge\nestablish\n\n\x0cTeaching\naccept\nadapt\nadvise\nactively\nanalyzes\napply\nappraise\nassess\nassign\nattend\ncalm\ncategorize\nchallenge\nchoose\nclarify\ncoach\ncommand\ncommunicate\ncompliment\nconsider\ncooperate\ncoordinate\ncorrect\ndefine\ndemonstrate\ndesignate\ndevelop\ndirect\ndiscipline\ndoubt\nTechnical\nactivate\nassemble\nbegan\nbuild\ncalculate\ncompute\nconstruct\ncontrive\nconvert\ndeliver\ndesign\ndetect\ndevise\ndisplay\nengineer\n\n(Monstertrak)\n\neducate\nelaborate\nelicit\nemphasize\nenable\nencourage\nevaluate\nexcite\nexplain\nexplore\nfacilitate\nfocus\ngenerate\nguide\nhypothesize\nidentify\nimplement\nincorporate\nindicate\ninfer\ninform\ninitiate\ninquire\ninstruct\ninteract\nintegrate\ninvestigate\njudge\nlisten\nmodel\n\nexhibit\nfabricate\ninstall\nmaintain\nnavigate\noperate\noverhaul\nparticipate\nprogram\nrehabilitate\nremodel\nrepair\nresolve\nretrieve\nscreen\n\nmodify\nmotivate\nobserve\norganize\npersuade\nponder\npostulate\npraise\nprovoke\nquestion\nreinforce\nrephrase\nreward\nset goals\nset standards\nsimplify\nsolicit\nspeculate\nstate\nstimulate\nstructure\nsynthesize\nsystematize\nteach\ntell\nthank\ntheorize\ntrain\ntutor\n\nsell\nservice\nsolve\nsupply\ntrain\nupgrade\n\n\x0cMany thanks to the students and alumni who shared their resumes for this handout!\n\nJENNIFER ROSE\nSchool Address: 234 Balz, Charlottesville, VA 22904\nPermanent Address: 40xx Street, Richmond, VA 22033\n\[email protected]\nCell: (751) xxx-xxxx\n\nOBJECTIVE\nTo gain experience through an internship in information technology or information systems utilizing work and\nleadership experiences, strong communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nCandidate, B.S. Anticipated Major Civil Engineering\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nBRIDGE Program, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nCharlottesville, VA\nCalculus I, Science Technology & Society, Chemistry I Lab\nSummer 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAn intensive six-week summer program providing academic, personal and professional\ndevelopment\nRELEVANT INTERNSHIPS, PROJECTS & COURSEWORK\nENGR 1620 \xe2\x80\x93 Intro to Engineering, Robot Lab\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built a semi-autonomous, basketball shooting robot for the robot games with a team\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nMicrosoft Office, experienced in Autodesk Inventor, C/C++, Java, MathCAD, Mathematica, and Eclipse\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nLynn\xe2\x80\x99s Hallmark\nSales Assistant\nFedEx Office\nRetail Consultant\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted in consulting on special projects, and operating office equipment\n\nRichmond, VA\nSummers 20xx, 20xx\nRichmond, VA\nSummer 20xx\n\nScott & Stringafellow\nRichmond, VA\nGeneral Assistant\nJune 20xx-December 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted in processing time sheets, at front desk as secretary, and IRA department in special projects\nLEADERSHIP, HONORS, AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\nNational Society of Black Engineers, Member\nSociety of Women Engineers, Member\nHouse Council\n\xef\x82\xb7\nFloor Representative\nImpact Christian Organization\nFirst Year Seminar, Facilitator\nUndergraduate Recruitment Committee, Engineering Student Council, Member\nClub Cross Country, Member\nSinai Scholars Jewish Fellowship Society, Student\nDay in the life program: Zion Union Baptist Church, Tutor\n\nFall 20xx-present\nFall 200xx-present\nFall 20xx-present\nFall 20xx-present\nFall 20xx\nFall 20xx\nFall 2008-Spring 20xx\nFall 20xx\nSpring 20xx\n\n\x0cTOM JEFFERSON\nSchool Address\n10 Rotunda Way\nCharlottesville VA 22903\n434-xxx-xxxx\n\[email protected]\nPermanent Address\nRoute 20, Monticello\nCharlottesville VA 22940\n434-xxx-xxxx\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nB.S Major Systems Engineering, B.A Major Economics, B.S Minor Computer Science\n\xef\x82\xb7 Systems Engineering GPA 3.96\n\xef\x82\xb7 Overall GPA 3.7\n\xef\x82\xb7 Deans List 20xx, 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Intermediate Honors \xe2\x80\x93 Top 20% in class\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nThomas Jefferson High School For Science and Technology\nThomas Jefferson Diploma\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.75\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAlexandria, VA\nJune 20xx\n\nSATS: Math I \xe2\x80\x93 800, Verbal I \xe2\x80\x93 660, Math II \xe2\x80\x93 800\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nNorthrop Grumman IT Commercial, State and Local\nManaged Services Solutions Intern\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a Rough Order Magnitude Tool for Managed Services (Helpdesk,\nDeskside Support, Network, Storage, etc)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Implemented Tool to Web using PHP/mySQL/HTML\n\nChantilly, VA\nSummers 20xx & 20xx\nWinter 20xx\n\nNorthrop Grumman IT Commercial, State and Local\nRichmond, VA\nEnterprise Architecture Intern\nSummer of 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of 15 person team tasked with Enterprise Architecture for acquisition of VITA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed Overview PowerPoint displaying in-scope transformations for NG/VITA Partnership\n\nRELATED PROJECTS AND COURSEWORK\nSYS 323 \xe2\x80\x93 Human Machine Interface\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed Syllabus Creator for teachers using PHP, MySql, HTML, Adobe Dreamweaver\nSYS 201 \xe2\x80\x93 Systems Engineering Concepts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed the current Bowl Championship Series ranking system of College Football teams\nand designed a better alternative\nRobotics Lab\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built semi-autonomous robot to perform multiple tasks on a field\n\n20xx\n20xx\n\n20xx\n\nCourswork: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Engineers as Entrepreneurs, Deterministic Decision Modeling,\nStochastic Decision Modeling, System Evaluation, Discrete Event Simulation\n\nLEADERSHIP, ACTIVITIES AND AWARDS\nSikh Student Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Vice President (20xx) & Treasurer (20xx)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Educated UVA community about Sikh religion and culture\nUniversity of Virginia Club Soccer\nUVA Di Shaan \xe2\x80\x93 Collegiate Bhangra Dance Team\nThomas Jefferson High School Varsity Soccer MVP\nVirginia Soccer All-State Team Honorable Mention\nState Olympic Development Soccer Team 20xx\n\nTECHNICAL AND OTHER SKILLS\nApplications: Java, PHP, mySQL, HTML, C++, Matlab, Adobe Dreamweaver, Mathcad\nLanguages: Fluent in Punjabi\n\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n20xx\n20xx\n20xx\n\n\x0cWendy Wahoo\n(212) xxx-xxxx | [email protected]\n456 Street, City, State ZIP\n\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain a position in consulting utilizing my strong academic background in engineering, demonstrated teamwork\nabilities, market analysis experience and excellent problem solving skills.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nBachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cumulative Index: 3.32/4.0 after the third year, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\xef\x82\xb7 ACT Score: 34\n\nCharlottesville, Virginia\nMay 20xx\n\nSemester at Sea, Study Abroad Program: Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Belize, Costa Rica Summer 2012\nINTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE\nHenry Schein\nMelville, New York\nIntern\nMay-August 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed sales data for the Medical Marketing division to determine which medical specialties generated the\nmost profit\n\xef\x82\xb7 Determined which level of the \xe2\x80\x9cPrivileges\xe2\x80\x9d Rewards Program was the most appealing to key members in\norder to maintain strong, positive relationships between Henry Schein and consumers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created presentations for the Medical Marketing Division to graphically depict changes in growth and profits\nof sales in various medical specialties\nEXPERIENCE\nThe Feinstein Institute for Medical Research\nManhasset, New York\nVisiting Scholar\nMay-August 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to serve as a member of the \xe2\x80\x9cDevelopment of intestinal flora and its changes in preterm infants\nduring stay in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit\xe2\x80\x9d project\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed graphs to represent acquired data and presented findings to fellow researchers\nCycloptics\nCharlottesville, Virginia\nFounding Team Member, Grant Writing Committee Co-Chair\nJanuary 20xx-April 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with a team to design a medical teaching device to aid residents in the Neonatal ICU\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed a working prototype of the product and successfully tested it for functionality, practicality and\nuser-friendliness\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched the potential market for the product and the patenting process and proposed a plan for entry\ninto the existing market\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strengthened communication skills as a leader in the process of acquiring funding\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained experience in market research and product testing\nSKILLS\nComputer: Mathcad, Matlab, Excel, PowerPoint\nLanguages: Conversational in Italian\nLEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONAL, AND VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES\nGuilford Biomedical Research Lab Volunteer, Biomedical Engineering Society and Peer Mentoring Program, Semester\nat Sea Student Representative (Global Ambassadors), Alpha Delta Pi Sorority (Merchandise Chair, Round Robbins\nCommittee), Society of Women Engineers (Publicity Committee), Day in the Life Tutoring Program\nHONORS\nPhi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Intro to Engineering \xe2\x80\x9cInstructor\xe2\x80\x99s Choice\xe2\x80\x9d Award\n\n\x0cJames Jefferson\n(xxx) xxx-xxxx | [email protected]\n333 Street, City, State ZIP\nOBJECTIVE Seeking experience in a full-time consulting position. Areas of expertise include product design & testing, data\ncollection, data analysis, team based problem solving, technical writing, and computational skills\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s of Science in Biomedical Engineering\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine, Department of Neurology\nCharlottesville, VA\nBiomedical Engineering Capstone Design Course\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Managing and planning the design process of a device for chronically implanted catheter sterilization to reduce infection\nrisk. This will be followed by a series of testing procedures for the prototype\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzing existing approaches to infection reduction in chronic infusions, and performing patent searches, financial\nanalyses, managing marketing strategies for different preliminary designs\n\xef\x82\xb7 Applying analytical and critical thinking skills for problem solving in a team-oriented setting\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducting international and national client research in order to manage design implementation strategies\nUniversity of Virginia Health System\nCharlottesville, VA\nVolunteer Services\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handling patient intake at the Emergency room, Dialysis unit, outpatient surgery center, and palliative and geriatric care\ncenter, and facilitating the physician- patient communication\n\xef\x82\xb7 Identifying problems and analyzing innovative strategies to manage the triage system of the Emergency room\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborating with the administrative staff to solve regulatory problems of the system\nUniversity Research Network (URN), UVA\nCharlottesville, VA\nMember of the Workshop Committee\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborating with professors and graduate students from various departments to arrange symposiums to promote research\nbased on innovative solutions and coherent business plans\n\xef\x82\xb7 Serving as an advisor for undergraduate students in order to help them identify and approach the research area that\ncorrelates best with their experiences and skills\nSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Virginia\nCharlottesville, VA\nIntroduction to Nanoscience and Technology Course\nDATE RANGE\nAdvisor: Dr. John C. Bean\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted in depth research on the use of ferromagnetic materials in Neural Imaging especially in the case of\nintracerebral tumors, and on the therapeutic use of iron oxide nanoparticles involving Magnetic Resonance Imaging,\nFocused Ultrasound, and Thermotherapy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Wrote a research paper which is submitted for review by the journal of undergraduate research publications at the\nUniversity of Virginia\nDepartment of Biomedical Engineering and Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)\nCharlottesville, VA\nBiomedical Engineering Design and Discovery Course\nDATE RANGE\nAdvisors: Dr. Peirce-Cottler and Dr. Kaufman\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a device with a team of biomedical engineers that provided real-time feedback of the intubation procedure\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a deliverable solution that integrated the concepts of design validation, patent filing, FDA regulation, and\nmarket analysis\nUniversity of Virginia Bookstore\nCharlottesville, VA\nUniversity of Virginia\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked as a cashier at the Front End Desk and attended to concerns in the customer services department\n\n\x0cCrystal Cavalier\n\n10xx Wertland St, Apt xxx \xef\x82\xb7 Charlottesville, VA 22903 \xef\x82\xb7 703-xxx-xxxx \xef\x82\xb7 [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Minor in Engineering Business\nGPA of 3.715 on a 4.0 scale\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nEXPERIENCE\nSRA International\nFair Lakes, VA\nCapability Centers, Corporate Growth\nJune 20xx-August 20xx\nSenior Intern\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with CTOs, Business Developers and Portfolio Managers to monitor, improve and target business capture\nefforts through strategic pipeline planning and technology lifecycle analysis.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked closely with senior Business Developers and Capture personnel to articulate the value of various IT offerings and\nservices, as well as support cross-company communication to facilitate capture efforts.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed Proposal Fundamentals training, including hands-on, small team breakouts to develop creative strategies for\nsolutioning, storyboarding and proposal writing, critical skills to winning and supporting projects.\nLaboratory for Cell-Signaling Bioanalysis\nCharlottesville, VA\nDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia\nJanuary 20xx-May 20xx\nUndergraduate Researcher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed MATLAB code for tumorous cell classification, in collaboration with a graduate research student, and\npresented results to the Principal Investigator.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported a large-scale, breast cancer cell-line project through the implementation of cell culture and Brightfield\nmicroscopy techniques, which revealed novel insights and fostered creative insights into tumor morphology.\nUnited States Patent and Trademark Office\nAlexandria, VA\nTechnology Center 3700, Art Unit 3762\nMay 20xx-August 20xx\nPatent Examiner Extern\n\xef\x82\xb7 In tandem with Junior, and Supervisory Patent Examiners, I analyzed pending patent applications, classified as light,\nthermal or electrical applications of surgery.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Communicated regularly with examiners, developed innovative parallels between pending and patented technologies, and\nscrutinized prior art.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed office actions, written communications between examiners and inventors, notifying patentability.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in appeal conferences concerning examiner and attorney, a process implemented to resolve issues of\npatentability through open lines of communication and discussion.\nArlington Free Clinic\nArlington, VA\nLaboratory Assistant\nJune 20xx-August 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked with and supported physicians, nurses and lab technicians to update confidential medical records, assist with\nroutine laboratory tests, and foster communications with patients, often requiring bilingual translations.\nLEADERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES\nBiomedical Engineering Society (BMES)\nSpring 20xx-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served as BMES Publicity Chair and participated regularly in BMES Mentorship Program\nSociety of Women Engineers\nFall 20xx-Present\nWomen\xe2\x80\x99s Club Ultimate Frisbee\nFall 20xx-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported team collaboration, communication and strategy through positions including Alumni Relations Chair, Apparel\nChair and Winter League Captain.\nSKILLS\nComputer: MATLAB, MATHCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word\nHONORS\nA. Thomas Young Scholarship Recipient\nParents\xe2\x80\x99 Committee Internship Grant Recipient\nJefferson Scholar Nominee\n\n20xx\n20xx\n20xx\n\n\x0cCHRISTOPHER CAVALIER\[email protected] | phone number\nSchool Address:\n\nPermanent Address:\n\nEDUCATION\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE\nCharlottesville, VA\nB.S Electrical Engineering, concentration in controls: Cumulative GPA: 3.0 Major GPA: 3.4\nMay 20xx\nRelated Coursework: Electronics, Computer Architecture, Power System Fundamentals, Electromagnetic Fields,\nSignals and Systems I & II, Linear Control Systems, Computer Networks, Electrical Engineering Projects\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nCharlottesville, VA\nProject Assistant/Summer Intern,\nSummer 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Researched magneto-rheological fluids and their effectiveness in high impact force dampers and decelerators.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Used research knowledge and principles taught in ECE classes to design an electromagnet to house and\nmanipulate the MR fluid to intricate specifications.\n\nUVA CENTER FOR APPLIED BIOMECHANICS\n\nWashington D.C\nIntern\nWinter 20xx\n\xef\x82\xa7 Explored the lab; exposure to cutting edge research and development.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked with a team that established the longest free-space laser communication link over the Chesapeake Bay\nDetachment.\n\nUS NAVAL RESEARCH LAB, CENTER FOR SPACE TECHNOLOGY\n\nUVA AUTO SAFETY LABORATORY (Bio-Impact Mechanics/Aerospace Engineering lab)\nCharlottesville, VA\nProject Assistant/Summer Intern\nSummer 20xx\n\xef\x82\xa7 Managed and aided in the modeling and conduction of the Fluid Percussion Brain Injury Project in relevance to\nnon-lethal weapons/projectiles.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Modeled an impact interface using a high impact ultra low friction piston/cylinder for the projectile to the brain\nsimulator.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Performed preliminary analysis of brain impact data.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Installed and configured project related computer hardware for testing and data collection.\n\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\n\xef\x82\xa7 Private Tutor, French, Biology, and Mathematics (Algebra/Geometry/Calculus)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Volunteer, INOVA Mount Vernon Hospital\n\xef\x82\xa7 Volunteer, Yoo\xe2\x80\x99s Martial Arts\n\n20xx-present\n20xx-20xx\n20xx-20xx\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nHighly skilled in Excel, MS Office applications; experienced in Java; familiar with Visio, Access, SQL, php, html\n\nLEADERSHIP\nUVa Mentoring \xe2\x80\x93 Executive Board, President, Founder, initiated university-wide mentoring program for freshman.\nResponsible for piloting the program advertising, training mentors, and recruiting mentees.\nTau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) \xe2\x80\x93 Executive Board, Social Chair\nEngineering Mentoring, Act as a mentor for a younger student. Develop worksheet curriculum for goal setting and\nprogress assessment.\nMadison House Volunteering \xe2\x80\x93 Buford Middle School; Charlottesville, VA\n\n\x0cErin Engineer\nCurrent Address \xe2\x80\x93 120 Engineers Way, Charlottesville, VA 22903\nPermanent Address \xe2\x80\x93 999 Springs Circle, Fairfax, VA 20175\[email protected], PHONE\nU.S. Citizen\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia \xe2\x80\x93 School of Engineering and Applied Science \xe2\x80\x93 Cumulative GPA\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bachelor of Science: Electrical Engineering \xe2\x80\x93 Major GPA 3.715\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bachelor of Science: Computer Engineering \xe2\x80\x93 Major GPA 3.628\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\n\xef\x82\xa7 Advanced Digital Design\n\xef\x82\xa7 Analog Integrated Circuits\n\xef\x82\xa7 Advanced Software Development\n\xef\x82\xa7 Computer Architecture\n\xef\x82\xa7 Computer Design Organization\n\xef\x82\xa7 Electronics I and II\n\xef\x82\xa7 Operating Systems\n\xef\x82\xa7 Signals and Systems I and II\n\xef\x82\xa7 Computer Networks\n\xef\x82\xa7 Electromagnetic Fields\n\n3.58\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nGraduation Date: May 20xx\n\nSolid State Devices\nData Representation\nDigital Logic Design\nSoftware Development Methods\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nThe Boeing Company, El Segundo, CA\nLevel-Entry Systems Engineer for Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) Program\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed XML/Schema files and documented requirements for an Interface Control Document (ICD)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Learned industrial engineering concepts and tools to understand IDEF0 and sequence diagrams, to use\ncompany specified tools, to attend meetings, and to aid group in developing ICD\xe2\x80\x99s to meet customer\xe2\x80\x99s\nspecifications\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed sequence diagrams, spreadsheets, and documents for various aspects of satellite network\nsystem\nNaval Surface Warfare Center at Carderock Division, Carderock, MD\nTechnical Aid Specialist for engineers and scientists\n\xef\x82\xa7 Used OrCAD software to design and implement instrumental designs for GPS system\n\xef\x82\xa7 Programmed sections of code to communicate with serial communication ports (Rabbit3k\nmicrocontroller)\n\nJune \xe2\x80\x93 August 20xx\n\nJune \xe2\x80\x93 August 20xx\n\nRELATED PROJECTS\nUniversity of Virginia Senior Thesis Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designing, building, and testing an analog and digital control systems for UVa\xe2\x80\x99s ROMAC project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Control system designed to ensure proper suspension of impeller in magnetic bearings of left ventricular\nassist device (LVAD) prototype\nAnalog Integrated Circuits Class Project: A/D Converter\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed and simulated an analog-to-digital converter to meet frequency and input distortion constraints\nusing Cadence under UNIX environment\nElectronics II: Operational Amplifier\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed, simulated, and built an operational amplifier using transistors (MOSFETs and BJTs)\nElectronics I: Electronic Temperature Sensor\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed, simulated and built a diode-based temperature sensor. Exposed to the PSpise for simulation and\nlab equipments (i.e. oscilloscope) for experimentation\nSoftware Development Methods Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Implemented and programmed software that serves as an interface for security cameras. It is a user-friendly\nsoftware that controls the camera\xe2\x80\x99s movement (pan, tilt, and zoom)\n\nSpring 20xx\n\nSpring 20xx\nFall 20xx\nSpring 20xx\nFall 20xx\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nLanguages and Software:\nPlatforms:\n\n\xef\x82\xa7 Java, C/C++, XML, HTML, VHDL, x86 Assembly\n\xef\x82\xa7 Eclipse, MathCAD, MATLAB, OrCAD, Cadence Tools, PADS, PSpise, FPGA Advantage,\nQuartus II, Microsoft Office\n\xef\x82\xa7 Windows NT/98/2000/XP Professional, Linux/Unix\n\nLEADERSHIP, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES\nVice President, Deafness Education & Awareness for all Students (DEAFS)\nTreasurer, Deafness Education & Awareness for all Students (DEAFS)\nDeafness Education & Awareness for all Students (DEAFS)\nMember of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)\nNational Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS)\n\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 20xx\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\n\x0cDAVID DARDEN\n100 Engineer\xe2\x80\x99s Way\nP.O. Box 30000\nCharlottesville, VA 22904\n\nHome: 434-xxx-xxxx\nWork: 434-xxx-xxxx\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nMechanical or product development engineering position working on designing and testing cardiac related\nmedical devices.\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nGraduate researcher with experience designing and prototyping cardiac assist devices. Proven ability to\nwork well within cross-functional teams. A talent for creative and simple solutions to challenging\nengineering problems. Some specific skills include:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong analytical and problem solving ability\nAble to create and work from engineering models and CAD drawings (SolidWorks, Catia, and\nPRO/E)\nKnowledge of manufacturing processes such as machining, casting, molding, etc.\nExcellent technical writing and documentation skills using the Microsoft suite\n\nEDUCATION\nMasters Degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nGPA 3.8\nExpected May 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis work focused on the mechanical design of a magnetically suspended, axial flow, artificial\nheart pump\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a test rig to validate CFD model predictions and test the fluid components of a left\nventricular assist device\nBachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering Program\nBrigham Young University, Provo, UT\nGPA 3.6\nApr 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Solid background in mechanical design and analysis as well as sound understanding of basic\nelectrical and civil engineering principles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Courses completed in advanced CAD modeling, composites, materials science, machine design,\nand instrumentation\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department\nTeaching Assistant Jan\n20xx -May 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a deep understanding of mechanics of materials\n\xef\x82\xb7 Refined skills in communicating engineering concepts through teaching and tutoring\nBrigham Young University, Physics Department\nPhysics Demo Area Assistant\nApr 20xx -Apr 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained extensive hands on experience with modeling physical phenomenon from eddy current\nproduction to thin film interactions and more\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built multiple prototypes employing basic manufacturing techniques such as milling,\nturning, etc.\nTeam Lead (Senior Design Project)\nSept 20xx -Apr 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong leadership and organization skills developed\n\xef\x82\xb7 Insight gained into carrying products from conception to production\n\n\x0cDANIEL JEFFERSON, PH.D.\n\nEmail: [email protected]\nOffice: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia\n(434) xxx-xxxx\nResidence: 47xx Rotunda Road, Richmond, VA 22301\n(434) xxx-xxxx cell\nOBJECTIVE/SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nTo obtain a research scientist position that utilizes cell biology approaches to engineering design with an\nemphasis on musculoskeletal tissue interaction with biomaterials.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nExpert at fabrication and characterization of biomaterial structures\n\xef\x82\xb7\nSkilled in cell biology techniques\n\xef\x82\xb7\nKnowledge of procedures related to filing patents\nEDUCATION\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nCharlottesville, VA\nDoctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering\n20xx\nDissertation Title: Sintered Poly[bis(amino acid ester)phosphazene] Microspheres Imbued with Poly(Llactide) Nanofibers: Biomimetic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering\nUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Norman, OK\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering with special distinction\n20xx\nFELLOWSHIPS AWARDED\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nNIAMS, NIH Sponsored NRSA T32 Training Fellowship\n\nCharlottesville, VA\n20xx\n\nPRACTICAL EXPERIENCE\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nCharlottesville, VA\nPostdoctoral Fellow\n20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConstruct model substrates from poly(methyl methacrylate)\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInvestigate how focal adhesion assembly is affected by the physical properties of a substrate\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInvestigate how signaling cascades are affected by the physical properties of a substrate\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMonitor how cell migration is affected by the physical properties of a substrate\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nCharlottesville, VA\nGraduate Research Assistant\n20xx \xe2\x80\x93 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nSynthesize polyphosphazenes\n\xef\x82\xb7\nFabricate composite nanofiber/microsphere scaffolds\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCharacterize physicochemical properties of scaffolds and polyphosphazenes\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssay osteoblast phenotype progression\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssay osteoblast transcription factor activity\nPATENTS\n1. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Solvent/Non-Solvent Sintering Technique for Creating Sintered\nMicrosphere Scaffolds. US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/940,549.\n2. Brown JL, Deng M and Laurencin CT. Smart Nanosphere Capable of Targeted Cancer Cell\nDestruction. US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/918,105.\nPUBLICATIONS\n1. Brown JL, Peach MS, Nair LS, Kumbar SG and Laurencin CT. Composite nanofiber/microsphere\nscaffolds: bridging nanoscale and microscale architectures to improve bioactivity of mechanically\ncompetent constructs. Under Review with Nature Materials\n\n\x0cPUBLICATIONS, continued\n2.\n3.\n4.\n\n5.\n\nDeng M, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Krogman NR, Allcock HR and Laurencin\nCT. Biomimetic, Bioactive Etheric Polyphosphazene-Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Bone Tissue\nEngineering. J Biomed Mater Res Pt A. 2009 Jan; Online.\nNukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Krogman NR, Nair LS, Allcock HR and Laurencin CT.\nPolyphosphazene/Nano-Hydroxyapatite Composite Microsphere Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.\nBiomacromolecules. 2008 Jun; 9 (7): 1818-1825.\nBrown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Solvent/Non-Solvent Sintering: A Novel Route to Create Porous\nMicrosphere Scaffolds For Tissue Regeneration. J Biomed Mater Res Pt B. 2008 Aug; 86B (2): 396406.\nBrown JL, Nair LS, Bender J, Allcock HR and Laurencin CT. The formation of an apatite coating on\ncarboxylated polyphosphazenes via a biomimetic process. Mater Lett. 2007 Jul; 61 (17): 3692-3695.\n\nPRESENTATIONS\n1. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Biomimetic Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.\n3rd Musculoskeletal Regeneration Symposium, Charlottesville, (2009).\n2. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Composite Microsphere/Nanofiber Scaffolds for Bone Tissue\nEngineering. World Biomaterials Conference, Amsterdam, (2008).\n3. Brown JL and Laurencin CT. Poly[(amino acid ester)phosphazene] Sintered Microsphere Matrices: A\nNew Direction in Bone Tissue Engineering. \xe2\x80\x9cBrown-bag\xe2\x80\x9d Bioresearch Seminar, Norman, (2007).\n4. Brown JL and Laurencin CT. Polyphosphazene Microsphere Scaffolds: A New Direction in Bone\nTissue Engineering. 1st Musculoskeletal Regeneration Symposium, Charlottesville, (2007).\n5. Brown JL, Meng D and Laurencin CT. Smart Nanospheres for Targeted Cancer Cell Destruction: The\nCure for Cancer. Nanonexus 2007, Oak Ridge, (2007).\n6. Brown JL and Laurencin CT. Solvent/Non-Solvent Slurry Sintering Technique for Preparing\nMicrosphere Scaffolds. BMES, Charlottesville, (2006).\nPOSTERS\n1. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Novel Biodegradable Polyphosphazene Lighter than Water\nMicrosphere Scaffolds for Bioreactor Based Bone Tissue Engineering. Society for Biomaterials 2007,\nChicago, (2007).\n2. Nukavarapu SP, Krogman NR, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Nair LS, Allcock HR and Laurencin CT. Novel\nComposite Polyphosphazene Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Society for\nBiomaterials 2007, Chicago, (2007).\nJOURNAL REVIEWS\n\xef\x82\xb7\nArtificial Organs\n\xef\x82\xb7\nJournal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B. \xe2\x80\x93 Applied Biomaterials\nCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT\n\xef\x82\xb7\nFluvanna County Officer of Election\n\n\x0cYour Resume Career Objectives\nWhy list your objectives?\nDoes your resume speak for itself? Is it clear from your work experiences what you want to be doing in your job or\ninternship? If you are just graduating or looking to make a career change, the answer is probably no, which is why you\nwant an objective on your resume. Let the employer know what you want. Your objective should be as specific as\npossible so the employer clear understands what you are looking for. If you are uncertain of what you are looking for, it\nis best to keep an objective off of your resume rather than creating a generic, vague objective.\nSample Objectives:\n\xef\x83\x98 Professional position using teamwork, chemistry knowledge, computer skills, and creative thinking to solve\nproblems related to chemical engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 To secure a full time position that utilizes my engineering education and interests in the fields of technical business\nand consulting.\n\xef\x83\x98 To apply information technology skills to contribute to the success of a leading edge organization.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a position in the field of Systems Engineering as well as a knowledge of management and organizational\nmethods.\n\xef\x83\x98 Seeking a position as a software engineer, circuit design engineer, or application developer.\n\xef\x83\x98 A position within the computer science discipline, preferably concentrating on network analysis or design.\n\xef\x83\x98 Seeking a position in the electrical engineering or computer science industry with special interest in\ncommunications, networking, digital signals, and microelectronics.\n\xef\x83\x98 To gain employment involving the design, development, or testing of technologies in the fields of aerospace and\nmechanical engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 Position in information technology, network development, or a field related to aerospace/mechanical engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 Position in consulting industry, focusing on e-commerce, internet strategy, and information technology.\n\xef\x83\x98 Utilize my civil engineering education and technical skills in a project management position for a construction firm.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a summer position related to transportation engineering, focusing on traffic analysis or highway design.\n\xef\x83\x98 To gain experience in chemical engineering involving applications of engineering principles such as mass and energy\nbalance, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and chemistry with possible exposure to labs and pilot\nplants.\n\xef\x83\x98 A position in consulting with a specialization in computer information systems.\n\xef\x83\x98 To gain hands-on experience through an internship in an information technology or information systems division.\n\xef\x83\x98 Summer position in computer industry focusing on programming or software development.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a summer internship within the field of civil engineering in order to gain hands-on experience while\nutilizing my academic background and advancing my interest in structural mechanics.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a summer position in mechanical engineering focusing on machine design and structural engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 Position in civil engineering specializing in structural or transportation engineering.\n\n\x0cCopy and paste your contact information from your resume here.\nUse the same font type you did on your resume.\n\nREFERENCES\nName\nTitle and relationship to you\nAddress\nPhone\nFax\nEmail\nName\nTitle and relationship to you\nAddress\nPhone\nFax\nEmail\nName\nTitle and relationship to you\nAddress\nPhone\nFax\nEmail'
b'R. Lance Bennett, P.E.\nPartner\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nLance Bennett has over 19 years of experience in civil engineering: stormwater management,\nroadway design, utilities design and land development projects in both the municipal and private\nsectors. His experience includes due diligence analysis, master stormwater and utility planning and\ndesign, transmission main design, and site civil engineering construction plans for greenfield and\nredevelopment projects. He has extensive knowledge and experience in with state, regional and local\nutility, stormwater and land development regulations. His permitting experience includes local\ngovernments, water management districts, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Florida\nDepartment of Transportation (FDOT) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection\n(FDEP).\n\nEXEMPLARY PROJECTS\nCommercial/Industrial Civil Site Improvements\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDarden Corporate Headquarters Campus (LEED Gold) \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nLockheed Martin Administration Tower, Sand Lake Campus \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nLockheed Martin ETS Tower \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nLockheed Martin GSBA Material Control Center Expansion \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nMaitland Summit - City of Maitland, FL\nWalgreens Distribution Center \xe2\x80\x93 City of Orlando, FL\nGapway Groves Industrial Park \xe2\x80\x93 Lake Alfred, FL\n\nInstitutional/Non-Profit Civil Site Improvements\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nVision 360 Headquarters \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nHarvest Bible Chapel \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nCulinary Arts Building Valencia Community College (Leed Certified) - City of Orlando, FL\nOrlando Union Rescue Mission Chapel - City of Orlando, FL\n\nResidential Civil Site Improvements\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nNorthshore Community and Golf Course at Lake Hart - Orange County, FL\nHighlands Reserve Community and Golf Course - Polk County, FL\nSummit Greens/Diamonds Players Club - City of Clermont, FL\nTapestry/Bronson DRI - City of Kissimmee, FL\nThe Oaks CDD - Osceola County, FL\nPoulos & Bennett, LLC \xe2\x97\x8f 4625 Halder Lane; Suite B \xe2\x97\x8f Orlando, Florida 32814 \xe2\x97\x8f 407.487.2594\\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nArden Park - City of Ocoee, FL\nCypress Springs - Orange County, FL\nAndover Lakes - Orange County , FL\nBaldwin Park - City of Orlando, FL\nIndependence/Signature Lakes \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nIndependence Apartments \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nMeadow Woods PD/DRI \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nMoss Park DRI/PD \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nInnovation Place DRI/PD \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\n\nMaster Stormwater Plans\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nLake Jessamine Water Quality Study - Orange County, FL\nInnovation Place Master Drainage, Water Quality and Flood Study - Orange County, FL\nNew River Master Stormwater Study \xe2\x80\x93 Pasco County, FL\nProvidence Master Stormwater Study \xe2\x80\x93 Polk County, FL\nIndependence Master Stormwater Study \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\n\nMaster Utility Plans\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nNorthshore at Lake Hart \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\nTapestry/Bronson DRI \xe2\x80\x93 City of Kissimmee, FL\nProvidence \xe2\x80\x93 Polk County , FL\nIndependence \xe2\x80\x93 Orange County, FL\n\nRoadway\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMoss Park Road Widening and Realignment (+/- 3 mile, 2 lane rural to 4 lane urban\nroadway), Orange County, FL\nPalm Parkway (+/- 2 mile, new 4-lane urban roadway) - Orange County, FL\nOrange Ave and Rollins Street Realignment - City of Orlando, FL\nCarroll Street Widening and Realignment (2 lane rural to 4 lane urban roadway) \xe2\x80\x93 City of\nKissimmee, FL\n\nEDUCATION\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA\nOrlando, Florida\nMaster of Science in Civil Engineering with emphasis in Water Resources, August 1993.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, December 1991.\n\nOrlando, Florida\n\nPoulos & Bennett, LLC \xe2\x97\x8f 4625 Halder Lane; Suite B \xe2\x97\x8f Orlando, Florida 32814 \xe2\x97\x8f 407.487.2594\\n\n\x0cCERTIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFlorida Registered Professional Engineer (License No. 0050698)\nFDEP Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector\n\nASSOCIATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMember of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)\nMember of the American Society of Healthcare Engineers\n\nPoulos & Bennett, LLC \xe2\x97\x8f 4625 Halder Lane; Suite B \xe2\x97\x8f Orlando, Florida 32814 \xe2\x97\x8f 407.487.2594\'
b'HOW TO WRITE A RESUME FOR\nINTERNSHIPS, CO-OP POSITIONS,\nSUMMER, OR PART-TIME JOBS\n\n08/07\n\n\x0cRESUMES FOR INTERNSHIPS, CO-OP\nPOSITIONS, SUMMER, OR PART-TIME JOBS\n\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\nPage\nIntroduction\n\n1\n\nInternships, Cooperative Education\n\n2\n\nThe Big \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d Referral System\n\n3\n\nWhere do I look for Career Related Positions?\n\n4\n\nWhere do I look for a Summer Job?\n\n5\n\nHow Resumes for Undergraduates differ\n\n6\n\nResume Writing Tips\n\n7\n\nInformation that appears on most resumes\nSample Resumes\n\n8-9\n10-17\n\nThe Cover Letter\nExamples of Cover Letters:\nReferral from Faculty Member or Other\n\n18\n19\n\nAnswer to a Newspaper Ad\n\n20\n\nDirect Solicitation to an Organization\n\n21\n\n1\n\n\x0cINTRODUCTION\nDo you want an interesting, challenging, well-paid position\nwhen you graduate? Does the idea of securing an entry-level job\nwith good long-term career growth appeal to you? If so, act now.\nThere is a lot that you can do to make such a position become a\nreality.\nStudies consistently show that the Number One factor in\nhelping college graduates transition to meaningful paid positions is\ncareer related experience.\nCareer related experience can be gained in a variety of ways.\nThese include internships (paid or unpaid), cooperative education,\nsummer positions, voluntary experience, and part-time jobs. All\nwork experience is valuable, but experience directly related to\none\xe2\x80\x99s long-term career goals is the most meaningful.\nThis booklet is designed to help you write a resume that can\nbe used while you are still an undergraduate. Hopefully, a good\nresume will help you obtain career-related experience before you\ngraduate.\n\n2\n\n\x0cINTERNSHIPS\nAt the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, the Office of\nCareer Services has been designated as the initial point of contact\nfor internships. Employers who are seeking interns from UPJ are\ndirected to this office. They work closely with academic\ndepartments and faculty to refer students to employers. If you are\ninterested in an internship, talk to your faculty advisor or visit the\nCareer Services Office.\n\nCOOPERATIVE EDUCATION\nCooperative Education is a formalized program where\nstudents alternate between semesters of full-time school and\nsemesters of full-time work. Co-op students normally have more\nthan one semester of co-op work experience prior to graduation.\nThe University\xe2\x80\x99s School of Engineering in Pittsburgh has a\nCooperative Education program through which UPJ\xe2\x80\x99s Engineering\nTechnology students can be placed in co-op positions. ET students\nwho are interested in co-op should see their faculty advisor.\n3\n\n\x0cTHE BIG \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d REFERRAL SYSTEM\n\nThe Big \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d program is a computerized job referral system\ndeveloped by Career Services to notify UPJ students of part-time\nand summer job opportunities. After job openings are received in\nthe Career Services Office, they are matched to the fields of\ninterest which are listed on the registration form. Once matches are\nmade, students are then sent a notice with a description of the job.\nIf the student is interested in the position, it is up to him/her to\ncontact the employer, usually by sending a resume and cover letter.\nRegister with the Big \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d in Career Services if you want to receive\nnotices about part-time and summer positions.\n\n4\n\n\x0cWHERE DO I LOOK FOR CAREER\nRELATED POSITIONS?\nBy referring to the directories seniors use in their full-time\njob hunt, you can start a list of all the companies for which you\nwould most like to work for. Most of the companies listed in\ndirectories are very large and/or nationwide, but obviously, they\nare also the companies that are able to conduct large summer\nhiring programs.\nBecause smaller companies do not hire in great volume, it\ncan be more difficult to seek them out, but do not rule them out. A\ngood rule to follow is: don\xe2\x80\x99t leave any stone unturned. Joe\nSchmo\xe2\x80\x99s Fish Market may need summer help to balance the books.\nA good place to look for summer positions is with the state or\nthe federal government. There are a vast number of opportunities\nin the many agencies. A good way to find out about these\nopportunities would be to check the websites;\ and\nThe best ways to find summer employment are to research,\nwrite letters, talk to as many people as you can, and distribute your\nresume as much as possible. Remember \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services can\nprovide you with a lot of good resources. It\xe2\x80\x99s to your advantage to\nutilize this office.\nAnd also, even if you don\xe2\x80\x99t get a position that provides\nexperience in your profession, you can gain valuable\ncommunication and organizational skills simply by delivering\npizzas or waiting tables.\n\n5\n\n\x0cWHERE DO I LOOK FOR\nA SUMMER JOB?\nMany people don\xe2\x80\x99t realize that they have an effective job\nreferral system at their fingertips. This network uses no forms,\ncosts nothing, and has an amazing success rate \xe2\x80\x93 as high as 80\npercent. All you need to do to take advantage of this job network is\n\xe2\x80\x9cget the word out\xe2\x80\x9d to friends, relatives, professors, etc. Many jobs\nare found just by asking people you know to keep an eye out for\njob openings. Give your resume to these people. Ask them to\ncirculate it to those who might need a person with a background\nlike yours.\nWhen picking up and dropping off an application, or a\nresume (it\xe2\x80\x99s always best to do these things in person), look sharp.\nIf a person\xe2\x80\x99s appearance is sloppy and unkempt, a potential\nemployer will take an application and file it away under \xe2\x80\x9cNO\nWAY!\xe2\x80\x9d If the position requires that you complete an application,\nfill it out in blue or black ink, NEATLY. The appearance and\ncondition of your application could tell a great deal about you to an\nemployer. A great looking application may not get you a job, but a\nsloppy application will most certainly stop you from being hired.\nIf you are asked to interview for a position, make sure you\nare dressed properly. Neatness counts in any interview, so try to\nlook your best. Remove any facial piercing, cover tattoos, and\navoid extreme hairdos and clothing. Men should have facial hair\nneatly groomed. Women should use make-up conservatively.\nWhen interviewing for professional positions, professional\nattire is expected.\n\n6\n\n\x0cHOW RESUMES FOR\nUNDERGRADUATES DIFFER FROM\nTHOSE OF SENIORS AND ALUMNI\nWhereas college graduates typically do not include information from\ntheir high school years on their resumes, undergraduates may, and normally\ndo use such information. The younger you are, the more likely it is that you\nwill use information from your high school years.\nYour objective (if you include one) should say that you are seeking a\nsummer position, a part-time job, an internship, or a co-op position. You\nmay choose to include your QPA if it is average or above.\nIt may help to list the courses that you have taken (in high school or\ncollege) that relate to the position for which you are applying. It is generally\nadvisable to list your computer skills.\nEven though career related experience is most significant, all work\nexperience is valuable. If you mowed lawns, worked in fast food, baby sat,\netcetera, don\xe2\x80\x99t shy away from putting it on your resume.\nYour activities and interests can be a real asset. They can display a\ngreat deal about you. They show how active you are, how willing you are to\nserve others, and frequently indicate leadership traits and communication\nand organizational skills.\nYou should have at least three references. Those that you list as\nreferences should not be personal friends or family members. Teachers,\nprofessors, and supervisors from places at which you worked make the best\nreferences. List their name, title, place of employment, address, and\ntelephone number. References are normally typed on a separate sheet of\npaper and given to the employer upon request.\n\n7\n\n\x0cRESUME WRITING TIPS\nWriting a resume can be a daunting experience. The following is a\nlist of tips compiled from the advice of employers, career\ncounselors, and recent graduates whose resumes helped them land\nmeaningful employment.\n\xc2\x99 Pay careful attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar, and\nstyle.\n\xc2\x99 Proofread your resume carefully, using a dictionary and\nstylebook, and have several other people proofread it as well.\n\xc2\x99 Organize information in a logical fashion.\n\xc2\x99 Keep descriptions clear and to the point.\n\xc2\x99 Confine your information to one page.\n\xc2\x99 Use a simple, easy-to-read font.\n\xc2\x99 Use good-quality white or off-white bond paper.\n\xc2\x99 Include as much work experience as possible, even if it\ndoesn\xe2\x80\x99t obviously relate to the job you\xe2\x80\x99re seeking.\n\xc2\x99 Tailor your information to the job you\xe2\x80\x99re seeking.\n\xc2\x99 Seek help at your career services center.\nFor more information on preparing a resume and other jobsearch ideas, visit your career center.\nNational Association of Colleges and Employers\n\n8\n\n\x0cINFORMATION THAT APPEARS ON\nMOST RESUMES\n1.) Personal Information: Name, Campus/Permanent Addresses, Telephone Numbers,\nand an E-mail Address.\n2.) *Employment Goals: (This is normally called the \xe2\x80\x9cCareer Objective\xe2\x80\x9d or simply\n\xe2\x80\x9cObjective\xe2\x80\x9d). Describe the type of work you desire. The objective should reflect your\nshort-range plans. For those with little or no full-time work experience, the development\nof a concisely described job objective may be the most difficult task in compiling a\nresume.\nIf you find that a specific career objective is too confining, or doesn\xe2\x80\x99t meet your needs,\nthere are options available:\na.) You may decide to write your objectives in functional terms that describe the type of\nwork activities you prefer instead of a description or title.\nb.) Eliminate the employment goal section on your resume and incorporate your objective\nin your cover letter.\nc.) Have several resumes with different objectives that you would send to the appropriate\nemployers.\n3.) Education: Name of College(s), Location, Dates, Degree(s), Major(s), Quality Point\nAverage*, Honors, and perhaps courses of particular value if they are related to\nemployment for which you are applying. Whereas college graduates typically do not\ninclude high school background, undergraduates frequently find it advantageous to do so.\n4.) Skills: You may decide to include a section that lists your computer skills, foreign\nlanguages, licenses (CPR, commercial driving, etc.) and other skills.\n5.) Experience: Part-time employment, summer employment, applicable college\nprojects, internships, volunteer work. (This section may be divided into three areas:\ncareer-related experience, part-time employment, and summer experience). For\nundergraduates with little or no full-time professional level work experience, it is very\nimportant to include part-time and summer jobs\xe2\x80\x94even if the type of work has no bearing\non academic or career plans. Remember that career related experience is most valuable,\nbut a proven track record of other successful experience also makes you a more attractive\ncandidate.\nNOTE: It is much more important to emphasize what your experiences were\n(description, explanation) rather than when and where (dates, places).\n6.) Military Service: For those who have completed military obligations, the dates of\nactive duty and rank upon discharge should be included. When appropriate, include a\nbrief description of duties and responsibilities, particularly if the experience relates to\nfuture employment. If you do not have any military experience, omit this section.\n\n9\n\n\x0c7.) Activities and Interests: These include extra-curricular college and/or community\nexperiences, and any leadership positions. A brief listing of hobbies or avocations is\nacceptable. Teacher-education candidates should include all experiences working with\nchildren and adolescents. Candidates for teaching positions might choose to include their\nown high school activities.\n8.) *References: List 3 or 4 persons. Give name, professional title, business address,\nand business phone. These are normally listed on a separate sheet of paper. If you\ndecide not to list your references on your resume, you could indicate that \xe2\x80\x9cReferences are\navailable upon request.\xe2\x80\x9d Do not use personal friends and relatives as references.\nTeachers, faculty, and former supervisors make the best references.\n* indicates optional\n\nPlease Note:\nTraditional advice has been to use \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d when writing resumes and\ncover letters. A list of \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d you might consider using in your resume is\nprovided in the back of this booklet.\nAlthough the use of \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d is still considered important, you also\nshould be aware of a recent trend. Many large organizations are using computers\nto do the first scanning of resumes. When scanned, these computers can quickly\nreview thousands of resumes. However, be aware that they normally scan for nouns\nnot verbs. Action verbs may have a greater effect when a human being does the first\nscanning of your resume, but verbs may not impress a computer.\nIn essence, both action verbs and important descriptive nouns that describe\nyour qualifications (such as titles or positions) are important.\n\n10\n\n\x0cSAMPLE RESUMES\n\nPlease use the following resumes as examples only.\nLook at all the resumes before you begin to\nconstruct your own. Your resume will serve you best\nif it is unique and highlights your own personal\nqualifications. Choosing a format that you like and\nthen blending bits and pieces of a variety of\nexamples will make your resume appear as if it is\noriginal. Resumes copied from somebody else or\nproduced from a template are normally not as\neffective as original resumes.\n\n11\n\n\x0cDuncan Donaldson\[email protected]\nHome Address\n84 Trueman Avenue\nAltoona, PA 15947\n(814) 555-8444\n\nCampus Address\nP.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 112\nJohnstown, PA 15907\n(814) 555-0023\n\nObjective:\nTo secure a summer position in marketing or sales.\nEducation:\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nAnticipated Graduation:\nJune 20_ _\nMajor:\nBusiness\nGPA:\n3.12\nConcentration:\nManagement, Marketing Track\nMajor Course Work:\nPrinciples of Marketing\nMarketing Management\nMarketing Research\nConsumer Behavior\nExpert Systems in Marketing\nAdvertising Management\nExperience:\nSubway, Hollidaysburg, PA 15912\nCashier and Sandwich Artist\nDuties: Assisted with customer relations, prepared sandwiches, handled\ncash register transactions, responsible for closing store and calculating\ndaily receipts. July 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\nYoung Men\xe2\x80\x99s Shop, Altoona, PA 15650\nSales Associate\nDuties: Sold men\xe2\x80\x99s clothing, assisted with customer relations, handled\ncash register transactions. Summer 20_ _\nAltoona Park and Recreation Board, Altoona, PA 15947\nCounselor\nDuties: Planned activities for the children. Summer 20_ _-20_ _\nReferences:\nAvailable upon Request\n\n12\n\n\x0cDavid Ensor\n13 Coolidge Street\nKansas City, MO 64155\n816/555-0499\[email protected]\nObjective:\nA Cooperative Education Position in Electrical Engineering\nEducation:\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nMajor: Electrical Engineering Technology\nAnticipated Graduation: Dec. 20_ _\nQ.P.A: 2.74\nCore Classes Completed as of May 20_ _: Engineering Drawing,\nMechanics/Statics, Circuits I and II, Computer Programming \xe2\x80\x9cC\xe2\x80\x9d, Electronics I,\nEngineering Design, and Mechanics/Dynamics\nComputer Skills:\nHardware: IBM-Compatible, Macintosh, Internal and External Components\nOperating Systems: Windows 95/98/NT/MF/2000/XP\nSoftware: Spreadsheets, Graphics/Drawing/Painting Tools, PowerPoint, and\nAutoCAD\nLanguages: True Basic, Microsoft Visual Basic, \xe2\x80\x9cC\xe2\x80\x9d\nExperience\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nTutor for peer engineering students, Aug. 20_ _-April 20_ _\nDuties: Gave study tips, answered questions, helped calculate math problems,\nassisted in deciphering professors lectures and prepared students for upcoming\ntests.\nFox\xe2\x80\x99s Pizza Den, Ebensburg, PA 15931\nDeliverer/Pizza Maker, Summer 20_ _\nDuties: Prepared pizza for local customers and hand delivered their order to their\nhome.\nReferences Available Upon Request\n\n13\n\n\x0cJames Sharp\n9 Central Avenue\nMorristown, NJ 07869\n(201) 555-1212\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nA summer position in the Civil Engineering Field.\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nMajor: Civil Engineering Technology\nAnticipated Graduation: May 20_ _\nGPA: 2.74\nCourses taken to date: Calculus I and II, Communication I and II,\nEngineering Drawing, Physics I with Lab, General Chemistry with Lab,\nEngineering Technology Freshman Seminar\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nSummer Handyman. Kise\xe2\x80\x99s Trailer Park, Boswell, PA 12345\nResponsible for mowing lawns, conducting general maintenance, operating a\nweed eater and electric hedge clippers. June 20_ _- Present\n\nACTIVITIES\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers\nIntercollegiate Baseball\nStudent Tour Guide and Admissions Representative\nLittle League Baseball Coach\n\nREFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST\n\n14\n\n\x0cThomas J. Horton\n19832 Brookside Way\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(814) 555-7857\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo secure an internship in the field of Public Relations.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCommunication major, Junior status, University of Pittsburgh at\nJohnstown, Johnstown, PA\nAnticipated date of graduation: April 20_ _\nQ.P.A. \xe2\x80\x93 3.79/4.0\n\nEMPLOYMENT\n\nPublic Affairs Work-study \xe2\x80\x93 University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA\nFiled newspaper clippings, wrote press releases, assisted with alumni\nnewsletter, answered telephones, produced forms and brochures, assisted\nin bulk mailings, gained experience in Desktop Publishing and Power\nPoint.\nAugust 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\nResident Assistant \xe2\x80\x93 University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown,\nPA\nSupervised a 70-room dorm, programmed activities, conducted dorm\nprojects, chaired dorm council, and supervised Resident Clerks, assisted\nResident Director.\nAugust 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2005\nSalesperson \xe2\x80\x93 Boscov\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Johnstown, PA\nWorked in sales and advised customers on purchases. Assisted with\nplanning and set up of displays.\nJune 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 August 20_ _\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nPresidential Scholar, Phi Eta Sigma Honorary Society, Treasurer of\nNewman Association, President of UPJ Ambassadors, and Member of\nTrails Yearbook Staff.\n\nREFERENCES\n\nJames Williams, Assistant Director Office of Alumni Affairs,\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\n(814) 555-7000\nHarry Hilton, Director of Housing and Residence Life,\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\n(814) 555-8000\nJoan Mabry, Manager of Infants and Children\xe2\x80\x99s Department,\nBoscov\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Johnstown, PA\n(814) 555-0707\n\n15\n\n\x0cSTEPHANIE LOSSON\[email protected]\nHome Address\n3127 Box Car Alley\nMonroeville, PA 15111\n(412) 555-4212\n\nCampus Address\nP.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 321\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(814) 555-1232\n\nObjective\nTo obtain an internship in Accounting.\nEducation\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nGraduation Date:\nJune 20_ _\nMajor:\nBusiness\nConcentration:\nAccounting\nQ.P.A.\n2.91\nComputer Skills\nSoftware:\n\nMicrosoft Word\nWordPerfect\nPower Point\n\nInternet skills:\n\nNetscape\nInternet Explorer\n\nExperience\nWallet Works, The Galleria, Johnstown, PA\nAugust 20_ _ - Present\nSales Associate/Assistant Manager (full-time, salaried)\nDuties: Merchandising and display, customer relations, inventory control,\nin charge of opening and closing and cash reconciliation in the absence of\nthe manager\nFamily Toy Land, Somerset, PA\nAugust 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 July 20_ _\nSales Associate\nDuties: Handled cash register transactions, maintained dining area,\nassisted with customer relations\nBrett\xe2\x80\x99s Subs, Johnstown, PA\nMay 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 August 20_ _\nCashier, Sandwich Maker\nDuties: Handled cash register transactions, maintained dining area,\nassisted with customer relations, prepared sandwiches\nActivities and Honors\nJason E. and Heather M. Edwards Senior Accounting Award\nAlpha Kappa Psi (Business Fraternity)\nStudent Senator\nReferences available upon Request\n\n16\n\n\x0cAnita L. Dime\[email protected]\nPermanent Address:\n777 Standard Street\nPittsburgh, PA 15555\n(412) 555-8431\n\nCampus Address:\nP.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 112\nJohnstown, PA 15907\n(814) 555-2692\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a summer position in either print or broadcast media which will utilize news and sports gathering\nskills.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nDate of Graduation:\nApril 20_ _\nMajor: Journalism\nMinor: Psychology\nQ.P.A. 3.49/4.0\n\nCompleted Junior Year\n\nCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS\nReporting I, Reporting II, Editorial Writing, Feature Writing, Copyreading/Editing, Layout/Design,\nMagazine Writing, Informative Writing.\nACTIVITIES AND HONORS\nAssociate Editor of The Advocate, Music Director of WUPJ, Vice-President of Time-Out for Christian\nFellowship, Programming Board Member.\nPhi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, Chi Lambda Tau Honorary Leadership Society, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List.\nEXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nAugust 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\n\nWork-Study Position\nCareer Services\n\nPaul\xe2\x80\x99s Pizza, Pittsburgh, PA\nApril 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 August 20_ _\n\nSummer Position\nWaitress\n\nAM-PM Mini Mart, Johnstown, PA\nApril 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\n\nPart-time Position\nCashier\nREFERENCES\n\nThomas Martin, Coordinator of Journalism Department, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(814) 555-9661\nMathew Mark John, Manager, Paul\xe2\x80\x99s Pizza,\nPittsburgh, PA 15344\n\n(412) 555-6767\n\nJoseph Jennings, Assistant Director of Career Services, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(412) 555-9661\n\n17\n\n\x0cDAVID M. RUSSELL\nR.D. #2 Box 247\nJohnstown, Pa 15904\n(814) 555-1212 Email: [email protected]\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nTo obtain an internship in mechanical engineering involving research and development\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nDate of Graduation:\nDecember 20_ _\nMajor:\nMechanical Engineering Technology\nQ.P.A.:\n3.03/4.0\n\nCompleted 76 credits\n\nACTIVITIES & HONORS\nUniversity-\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List (UPJ)\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers\nSociety of Undergraduate Engineers\nCommuter Organization of General Students\n\nCommunity-\n\nChurch Choir\nChurch Youth Group Vice President\nWORK EXPERIENCE & BACKGROUND\n\nSummer 20_ _\n\nSportspal, Inc., Johnstown, PA\nPosition: Factory Worker\nPERSONAL STATEMENT\n\nRaised on a 500-acre farm. Throughout college and high school years, helped to manage the twoman operation. Repaired machinery, did welding, overhauled engines. Operated high lifts and a\nvariety of tractors and other farm machinery.\nREFERENCES\nDr. Jonathan Westcoff, Department of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA 15904. (814) 555-0987.\nMr. James Bryce, Sportspal, Inc., Johnstown, PA 15904. (814) 555-6543\nRev. Mark McGyre, First United Church, Johnstown, PA 15905. (814) 555-2112\n\n18\n\n\x0cTHE COVER LETTER\nThe purpose of a cover letter of application is to let an employer\nknow that you are interested in employment and that you are\nqualified for that employment. Through this letter, you must make\nthe employer want to give you an interview. The cover letter\ncorresponds to the first five minutes of an interview, and your\nmanner and attitudes are conveyed as readily on paper as in person.\nTherefore, you must follow certain standards to carefully write\neffective cover letters. Some guidelines are the following:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Every cover letter should be individually typed.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Quality paper should be used. (If your resume is on colored\npaper, your cover letter should be on matching paper.)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The letter must conform to good business style and be free of\nerrors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The letter should be no more than one page in length\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The cover letter should indicate a special interest in the\norganization. Receiving a generic resume and letter gives the\nimpression that you distributed them indiscriminately to any\norganization that you pulled out of a hat.\nThese are some basic guidelines to preparing a cover letter.\nWhat follows are some examples of cover letters dealing with\ndirect solicitation to employers, response to newspaper ads, and\nreferral from the placement office. These are provided to give\nyou an idea of how cover letters are written; remember that the\nones you write should reflect your qualities to the potential\nemployer. DO NOT SIMPLY COPY THESE EXAMPLES \xe2\x80\x93\nBE CREATIVE!\n\n19\n\n\x0cReferral from Faculty Member or Other:\n701 Forbes Avenue\nPittsburgh, PA 15555\nMarch 25, 20_ _\nMs. Forest Mead\nPersonnel Director\nX-caliber Engineering Company\nWest Middlesex, PA 16656\nDear Ms. Mead\nI wish to be an applicant for internship with the X-caliber Engineering Company. I\nlearned about this position through Professor James Smith in the department of Electrical\nEngineering Technology at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.\nI am currently a second term junior Electrical Engineering Technology major at the\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The EET program here, 90 credits of which I will\nhave completed by April, provides a solid background for work in the systems area.\nRelevant courses include Computer Systems and Programming, and Programmable\nControl Systems. For further details of the EET program, please refer to the enclosed\ndescription sheet.\nIn addition to maintaining a 2.8 quality point average here at UPJ, I have been quite\ninvolved in campus activities. I have held various offices in organizations, which have\nhelped me to develop management skills.\nThe resume accompanying this letter provides further details of my qualifications. I look\nforward to hearing from you in the near future.\nSincerely,\n\nAgustin Storm\nEnclosures\n\n20\n\n\x0cAnswer to a Newspaper Ad\n258 Pine Street\nConemaugh, PA 15905\nJanuary 11, 20_ _\nMr. Russell Banker\nUnited States Steel Corporation\n600 Grant Street\nPittsburgh, PA 15789\nDear Mr. Banker\nYour May 11 advertisement in the Pittsburgh Press stated your need for a computer\noperator trainee during the summer months. I would like you to know that I am actively\nseeking that position.\nAs a Computer Science major at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, I have\nworked in the computer center as a consultant for three years. I assisted undergraduates\nwith the formulation and debugging of their programs, in addition to working on more\nadvanced projects with faculty members. Also, last summer I worked at the IBM plant in\nBoca Raton, Florida, and have gained experience with the IBM S/370 computer system\nthat you have mentioned in your ad.\nA copy of my resume is enclosed. Your time and consideration are appreciated, and I\nlook forward to talking with you.\nSincerely,\n\nWarren Peace\nEnclosure\n\n21\n\n\x0cDirect Solicitation to an Organization:\n717 Sun Road\nPittsburgh, PA 15234\n(412) 555-2789\nFebruary 11, 20_ _\nGeoff Moore, News Director\nWARD Radio\nCover Hill\nJohnstown, PA 15907\nDear Mr. Moore\nI am currently a junior journalism major at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. By\nApril I will have completed 83 credits in this program dealing with subjects such as\nReporting, Feature and Editorial Writing and Public Relations. In addition, I have spent\nthe last three years as a disc jockey on WUPJ, the campus radio station, and the past two\nyears as a music director.\nBecause of my enthusiasm toward my academic and extracurricular work, I am quite\neager to find a summer position to learn more about the broadcasting media. I am\nespecially interested in a station of your size because I will be able to work closely with\nall employees. It is also close to school where I will be taking spring and summer\ncourses.\nPlease examine the enclosed resume for further details of my qualifications.\nI am quite willing to discuss appropriate summer positions available at WARD Radio. I\nam available to work anytime after April 19, 20_ _. Please contact me at the above\naddress or by calling (814) 555-1234.\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\n\nCandy Sweet\nEnclosure\n\n22'
b'Sample Resume for Engineering Students (jr/sr level)\n\nContact Info: This should ALWAYS include your name, address,\nphone number and email. Your voicemail and email address\nshould be professional.\n\nGregory T. Jones\n1234 Oak Avenue\nBowling Green, Kentucky 42101\n(270) 555-1234\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nObjective: Your objective should be tailored to the specific job\nand/or facility for which you are applying.\n\nTo obtain an entry-level position as a Mechanical Engineer with ABC Technologies, allowing\nme to utilize my education and internship experience while gaining valuable work\nexperience in a team oriented environment.\n\nEDUCATION: Western Kentucky University \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nAnticipated May 2012\n\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Mathematics\nGPA: 3.2\n\nSKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSkilled in Solid Works, Math CAD, Matlab, MS Office, PLC programming and machining\nKnowledgeable in Mechanical Engineering Sciences: Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials,\nDynamic Systems Analysis, Vibratory Motion, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer\nFast learner and independent with strong leadership and critical thinking skills\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE:\nLord Corporation \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nIntern\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSummer 2011\n\nCreated manufacturing standards that were adopted throughout the production facility\nAided in facility energy analysis\nDesigned fixtures to improve rubber flash material\nTeamed with engineering department to test design of materials; documented findings\n\nBowling Green Motorsports \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nTeam Leader/Laborer\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nApril 2009-June 2011\n\nProvided maintenance and preparation of all racecars\nServed as tire specialist and recorded all scale data\nWorked in a team of 10+ crew members to prepare sheet metal work on all racecars and overall\nupkeep of all radios used by each team member\n\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nABC Hardware \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nCustomer Service Associate\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2009-Present\nSociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 2010-Present\nReferences Available Upon Request\n\nResume Guidelines\n\nMay 2007-April 2009\n\nEducation: Keep this section as standard as possible and leave\noff all high school information. Include: name of degree,\nanticipated date of graduation, name of institution, city/state,\nand GPA if at least a 3.0.\nSkills & Qualifications: Consider the skills, strengths,\nknowledge and competencies you possess as it directly relates\nto the position. You may also want to use an existing job\ndescription to help you brainstorm for this section.\nRelevant Experience: If you have relevant experience, this is\none of the most important parts of your resume. Bullets are\npreferred over heavily worded paragraphs. Three to five\nbullets per job is considered the norm. Begin each bullet with\nan action verb. List in reverse chronological order (starting\nwith your current job and working back).\n\nAdditional Experience: Use this section to discuss additional\nwork experience and to show some of your work history. Try\nto touch on transferrable skills that would also be beneficial in\nthe job you are seeking.\n\nMemberships: Include organization name and dates of\nmembership.\nReferences: Provide only if requested. For now, saying\n\xe2\x80\x98available upon request\xe2\x80\x99 is appropriate.\nQuick Tips: Be sure to proofread, checking for spelling or\ngrammatical errors, formatting, consistency, neatness and\nflow. Avoid using templates and update your resume\nregularly. Also, remember to tailor your resume to the\nposition for which you apply.'
b'CURRICULUM VITAE\nPERSONAL INFORMATION\nName:\nBernard Njenga Irungu\nMarital Status:\nMarried\nNationality:\nKenyan\nAge:\n41 yrs\nSex:\nMale\nSpoken Languages: English, Kiswahili and Kikuyu\nReligion:\nChristian\nCurrent Address:\nJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology\nTelecommunication and Information Engineering Department.\nP.o Box 62000-00200.\nNairobi\nMobile Number:\n0723-711682\nEmail:\[email protected]\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nMay 2006-Todate:\nTitle:\nPosition held:\nWorking experience:\n\nJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology\nSenior Technologist\nIn-charge Telecommunications laboratory\nFour years\n\nApril 1990-May 2006:\nTitle:\nPosition held:\nRank:\nWorking experience:\n\nKenya Air force (KAF)\nAvionics Technologist\nSupervisor In-charge Avionics systems\nSergeant\nSixteen (16) years\n\nTotal Working Experience: Twenty (20) years\n\nSKILLS AND EXPERIENCE\nResponsibilities at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology:\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nSenior Technologist in- charge Telecommunications laboratory.\nInstructing and tutoring students on lab. Practices, setting up of experiments and assisting in\ndesign and analysis of electronics circuits.\nServicing of laboratory and other electrical and electronics equipments.\n\nSkills acquired:\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nAs a tutor, how to create a good learning environment with the student in the Laboratory.\nGood communication skills.\nUnderstanding students and ways of assisting them in various difficulties encountered in the\nlearning process.\n\n\x0cResponsibilities in the Kenya Air force:\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nIn charge servicing, maintenance, repair and installation of aircraft radio, combat radio,\nelectrical systems, communication and navigation systems.\nInstallation of mobile transceivers and base transceiver stations on cars and trucks.\nInstallation/mounting of Public Address (P.A) systems\nInstructing students on Field Training Detachment and On Job Training Practices.\nWorkshop supervision and personnel management\n\nSkills acquired: \xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nHow to carry out servicing, maintenance and repair of HF, VHF and UHF radio\ncommunication and navigation systems from fault diagnosis to serviceability state.\nGeneral handling and safety of aircrafts.\nIn Hawk Fighter aircraft; First and second line servicing and maintenance of both aircraft\nnavigation and radio communication systems.\nIn Y-12 Dornnier Transport aircraft; First and second line servicing and maintenance of both\naircraft navigation and radio communication systems.\nIn Bulldog Trainer aircraft; First and second line servicing and maintenance of aircraft\nnavigation, radio communication systems and carrying out various modifications as\nrecommended by the manufacturer.\nInstallation of aerials/antennas for electronic/electrical communication and navigation systems.\nServicing, maintenance and repair of electrical appliances, electronic systems and combat radio\nsystems from fault diagnosis to serviceability state.\nHandling of General Aircraft Instruments.\nKnowledge of Aircraft A.C power Generators and D.C Power systems.\nRelevant Basic Aircraft Systems, Training, Servicing and Maintenance.\nServicing, repair and maintenance of mobile transceivers and base transceiver stations from\nfault diagnosis to serviceability state.\nSolar systems installations and wiring.\nWorkshop supervision, deployment and personnel management.\nInstructing students on practices, setting of experimental benches, designs and modifications of\nelectrical and electronic systems.\n\nACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS\nJune 2003-Aug. 2003: Methods of Teaching/Training Course.\nKenya Armed Forces Technical College. (KAFTEC)\nMay 2000-Nov. 2002: Higher National Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering.\nTelecommunication Engineering-Option. (KNEC)\nKenya Polytechnic.\nJan 1997-Dec 1998: French Language Course levels 1 & 2\nAlliance Francises.\nFeb1991-Mar 1996: Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering.\nKenya Armed Forces Technical College (KAFTEC)\nFeb 1984-Nov 1987: Kenya Certificate of Education (K.C.E)\nNdaragwa sec. school.\n\n\x0cPROFESSIONAL QULIFICATIONS\nTelecommunications Engineering Technologist.\nAvionics Technologist.\nEx- Kenya Air Force Officer.\n\nTRAINING AND COURSES\nAug.3rd \xe2\x80\x93.5th 2009: Fire Fighting course.\nJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology\nth\nth\nApril.25 -26 2007: HIV Aids workshop.\nJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology\nSept.2005-Nov.2005: Senior leadership and Management Course.\nLaikipia Air Base\nOct.2005-Nov.2005: Leadership Development Course\nMt. Kenya School of Adventure\nMar 2000: Total Quality Customer Service Programme\nLaikipia Air Base\nJan 1999-Feb 1999: Junior Leadership and Management Course\nLaikipia Air Base.\nApril 1990-Oct 1990: Military Training\nRecruit Training School-Eldoret\n\nHONOURS AND AWARDS\nAwarded certificate of good show/merit in recognition of performance as the Best\nStudent in academic studies in senior leadership and management course.\n\nHOBBIES AND INTERESTS\nListening to music, playing chess and table tennis.\n\nFUTURE PLANS\nTo further studies in Telecommunication Engineering.\n\nREFEREES\n1.\n\n3.\n\nPro.John N.Nderu\nJomo Kenyatta University\nof Agriculture and Technology\nC/O E/EE Dept.\nP.o.Box 62000-00200\nNairobi.\nMobile: 0710530652.\nHerbert M.Gikandi\nKenya AirForce,\ 41584-00100\nNairobi.\nMobile:0721333854.\n\n2. George K.Irungu\nJomo Kenyatta University\nof Agriculture and Technology\nC/O E/EE Dept.\nP.o Box 62000-00200\nNairobi\nMobile: 0733963687.'
b"Gary White\nIT support engineer\nAREAS OF EXPERTISE\n\nPERSONAL SUMMARY\n\nNetworking \xe2\x80\x93 Switches /\nRouters / Firewalls\n\nA confident and reliable IT support engineer with extensive practical experience of\nworking with computers and resolving any support issues that are raised to the\nservice desk. Possessing a proven ability to administer and control the operation,\nconfiguration and maintenance of computer based information systems, as well as\nhaving an eye for detail and able to multi-task under pressure. An excellent\ncommunicator, can relate well with people at all levels and has the flexibility of\nworking well as part of a team and on my own.\n\nSQL\n1st/2nd line issues\nInfrastructure support\n\nNow looking to further an already successful career by working for a ambitious\nand expanding company.\n\nServer support\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nMicrosoft technologies\nIT Consultancy Firm \xe2\x80\x93 Coventry\nRemote support tools\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nMicrosoft Certified\nDesktop Support\nTechnician (MCDST)\n\nPERSONAL SKILLS\nProblem solving\nCommitment to outcomes\nHighly analytical\nHelpful attitude\n\nIT SUPPORT ENGINEER\n\nJune 2008 - Present\n\nResponsible for supporting the company's SME clients at all levels as part of a\nhelpdesk team. Ensuring that all hardware and software is configured and installed\ncorrectly.\nDuties:\nResponsible for networking, design, installation and maintenance services.\nSupporting users and network administrators over the telephone and by email.\nMaintain the companies network infrastructure.\nNetworking and providing support for Windows, Macintosh and Linux issues.\nConfiguration and testing of any new hardware and software.\nTravelling to client sites to help with installs, deployment, and troubleshooting.\nManagement of the daily data backup and retrieval scheme.\nInstalling and operating Windows desktop and server operating systems.\nTCP/IP networking and hardware maintenance and repair.\nTraining new employees.\nAssistance with training of staff and compiling procedural documentation.\nAssisting the network manager with support requests.\nEnsure computer hardware is safe & complies with health and safety legislation.\nApplying patches in accordance with company procedures.\nKEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES\n\nPERSONAL DETAILS\nGary White\n34 Anywhere Road\nCoventry\nCV6 7RF\n\nExperience as a Team Leader for projects and systems migrations.\nExcellent customer facing skills.\nA positive attitude towards customer service and good communication skills.\nExperience of Windows server 2003, Exchange /xp professional / office 2003.\nCommercial technical support experience of servers and network infrastructure.\nAbility to be clear & concise when explaining technical procedures to customers.\n\nACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS\n\nT: 02476 888 5544\nM: 0887 222 9999\nE: [email protected]\n\nBSc (Hons)\nWeb Programming\nNuneaton University 2005 - 2008\n\nDOB: 12/09/1985\nDriving license: Yes\nNationality: British\n\nA levels:\nMaths (A) English (B) Technology (B) Science (C)\nCoventry Central College 2003 - 2005\nREFERENCES \xe2\x80\x93 Available on request.\n\n\x0cCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 This IT support engineer CV template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd August 2010. Jobseekers may download and use this\nCV example for their own personal use to help them create their own CVs. You are most welcome to link to this page or any\nother page on our site However these CVs must not be distributed or made available on other websites\nwithout our prior permission. For any questions relating to the use of this CV template please email: [email protected]."
b'Maryam Shekari\n123 Main Street\nHouston, Texas 85621\n713-222-3333\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nChemical engineering position in Houston, Texas\n\nSUMMARY:\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chemical engineering internship with DuPont.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Magna Cum Laude graduate with BS in Chemical Engineering.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient with Fortran, MatLab, MS Office, Windows XP,Visual\nBasics,C++ and the Internet\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Fall 2001-Present\nUniversity of Houston, Houston, Texas\nGPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale\nExpected Graduation Date:Spring 2005\n\nEXPERIENCE:\n\nCourses taken includes:\nChemical Composites\nPolymer Engineering\nChemical Process Control\nThermodynamics I & II\nChemical Reaction Engineering\nChemical Engineering Internship, May 2003 to August 2003\nDuPont, Houston, Texas\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Product support position in Research & Development Department.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Enhanced computer model of multiple polymer compounds for new\ncountertop materials under development.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Improved hazardous chemical disposal process by consolidating wastes from\nseveral departments in non-volatile compartmentalized storage containers for\nweekly pickup. Reduced employee time in disposal and saved over $16,000\nannually in pickup and transportation costs.\nSummer Intern, May 2002 to August 2002\nState of Texas, Dept. of Natural Resources, Houston, Texas\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Computerized case log histories for public beach cleanliness programs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted field audits of beaches for compliance measurement and\nenforcement.\n\nACTIVITIES/\nHONORS:\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2002-2003\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tau Beta Pi engineering honors society, 2002-2003 and Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List spring\n2002'
b'Project Associate\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering\nIndian Institute of Technology, Kanpur\[email protected], [email protected]\n\n+91- 9415770233\n\nDEEPAK PAL\n\nCAREER VISION\nTo work in a challenging environment demanding all my skills and efforts to explore and adapt myself in different fields and\nrealize my potential where I get the opportunity for continuous learning\nRELEVENT EXPERIENCE\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India\nDec, 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nProject Associate\nProf. Aditya K. Jagannatham, Multimedia Wireless Networks Lab, IIT Kanpur\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed robust MPEG encoder in MATLAB and C that performs streaming of live videos over wireless network\n\xef\x82\xb7 Set up a wireless link, supporting radio data rate up to 250 kbps for transmission of images and small sized video using\nTELOS B motes on TINY OS platform using JAVA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed H.261 video encoder and decoder on MATLAB Platform\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed study of JSVM (Joint Scalable Video Model) for h.264 compliant bitstream generation and transmission\n\xef\x82\xb7 Currently developing H.264/SVC codec to achieve video streaming of live events on IIT Kanpur campus wireless\ninfrastructure\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India\nAug, 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2010\nProject Fellow\nProf. Aditya K. Jagannatham, Multimedia Wireless Networks Lab, IIT Kanpur\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed GUI for transmission and reception of digital images over AWGN and RAYLEIGH channel with noise filtering\nmechanism at the receiver on MATLAB Platform\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed extensive work in video motion estimation, morphological image processing, aliasing, transform coding, 2D\nsampling, filtering and interpolation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed JPEG encoder and decoder on MATLAB platform\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nLanguages\n\xef\x82\xb7 MATLAB\n(EXPERT, 3 Years)\n\xef\x82\xb7 HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT (MEDIUM, 6 months)\nTools and Libraries\n\xef\x82\xb7 Visual Studio\n|\nEclipse\n\xef\x82\xb7 GNU Scientific Library |\nOpen CV\nOperating Systems\n\xef\x82\xb7 Windows - 7, Vista, XP |\nLinux \xe2\x80\x93 Ubuntu\n\n|\n|\n\nC\n( ADVANCED, 2.5 Years)\nVerilog (FAMILIAR, 3 Months)\n\n|\n|\n\nDreamweaver\nJRTP\n\n|\n\nXilinx IDE\n\n|\n\nCygwin\n\nEDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS\nBachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering (UPTU, Percentage - 70.02 %)\nGalgotias College of Engineering and Technology\nIntermediate (UP Board, Percentage \xe2\x80\x93 79.4 %)\nLucknow Public Inter College\nHigh School (UP Board, Percentage \xe2\x80\x93 65.8 %)\nSt. Peters High School\n\nAug 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Jun 2010\nMay 2004\nJun 2002\n\nPROJECTS\nMULTIMEDIA TRANSMISSION OVER WIRELESS\nNov 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDetails\n\xef\x82\xb7 Objective - Implement a video coding standard to enable transmission and unpacking at multiple spatio-temporal\nresolutions with variegated bitrates so as to make video streaming readily suited for wireless networks\n\xef\x82\xb7 Sponsor company \xe2\x80\x93 BSNL India\nRole\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed MPEG encoder with scalability feature. Generated bitstream can be decoded up to 3 spatial resolutions\ndepending on the receiver requirement and bandwidth availability\n\xef\x82\xb7 Added RTP functionality to encoder using JRTP library so as to complete a working model of the SVC codec for video\nstreaming of live events on the IITK campus wireless infrastructure\n\xef\x82\xb7 Platform \xe2\x80\x93 Linux/Windows\n|\nTools \xe2\x80\x93 Eclipse/Visual studio\n|\nLanguage \xe2\x80\x93 C (Started with MATLAB)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Libraries \xe2\x80\x93 Open CV, JRTP\n\n\x0cACADEMIC PROJECTS\nMoving Object Tracking Using MATLAB (Guide: A.Prof Navneet Sharma, Dept. of ECE, GCET)\nMar 2010 - May2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and constructed moving object tracking system on MATLAB with ATMEGA 16 microcontroller controlled\nmovable webcam\nSpeed Control of Permanent Magnet DC Motor\nFeb 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Mar 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed and designed microcontroller based speed control system for permanent magnet DC Motor\nMicromouse\nNov 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Jan 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed an autonomous robot capable of solving mazes with the help of IR sensors using ATMEGA 16 microcontroller\nLine Follower\nFeb 2008- Mar 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed an automatic robot capable of traversing black line on white background using microcontroller ATMEGA 16\nBiogas Engine for Rural Transformation (Mentor: Prof G.P Govil, H.O.D, Mechanical Engg, GCET)\nSep 2007- Nov 2007\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked on a business model which can be implemented in rural sector for employment generation and solve as well as\nenergy problem using biogas\nTRAININGS\nBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Mahanagar Telephone Exchange, Lucknow\nJun 2009 - Jul 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Undergone summer training on working of telephone exchange\nTraining on MATLAB SOFTWARE from QMS Softech Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow\nJun 2008 - Aug 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Undergone summer training on basic knowledge of MATLAB Software\nMicro Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute (Govt. of INDIA), New Delhi\nFeb 2010- Mar 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Undergone training on BUSINESS SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on basic qualities of an entrepreneur & how to set\nup an enterprise\nPAPER PRESENTATION\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPublished a national level technical paper on \xe2\x80\x98Electromagnetic Suspension\xe2\x80\x99 in The 3rd CSI National Conference on\nEducation & Research sponsored by IEEE & CSI at Jaypee Institute of Eng. & Tech. Guna\nMar \xe2\x80\x93 2010\nPublished a national level technical paper on \xe2\x80\x98Moving Object Tracking Using MATLAB\xe2\x80\x99 at LNCT, Bhopal\nMar - 2010\n\nPOSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY\nGeneral Secretary, GNIX (Student Based Electronic Society of College)\nAug 2008- May2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organized events: BULLZ AND BEARZ (Virtual stock market event), SKEP TORING (To build structure using provided\nmaterial), YAMAHA DAY, QUIZ, Technical Paper presentation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organized Industrial Trip to NTPC Dadri\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted hand\xe2\x80\x99s on workshop on Robotics\n\xef\x82\xb7 Inspired students for experimental learning attitude towards engineering\nCoordinator (Metal Storm - Inter College Robotic Event) for Gladiator \xe2\x80\x9808, annual Technical Festival\nApr 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Managed overall task for successful conduction of the event\nACHIEVEMENTS & PARTICIPATION\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWon 1st prize in \xe2\x80\x98SAVIOR SENSE\xe2\x80\x99, a manual robotic event at TECHKRITI \xe2\x80\x9808, Technical festival of IIT Kanpur\nInitiated a technical environment in the college by introducing technical competitions like \xe2\x80\x98GLADIATOR\xe2\x80\x99, a Manual\nRobotics competition and various technical competitions for the first time. Ensured high participation of students\nrespectively\nWon 1st prize in an Advertising event at GCET organized by NATIONAL ENTREPRENEUR NETWORK(NEN)\nFeb 2009\nWon 1st prize in \xe2\x80\x98DEXTERITY- Assembling & Disassembling of Machines\xe2\x80\x99 at GCET\nMar 2007\nSecured RUNNER UP position in \xe2\x80\x98CAPTIVITY\xe2\x80\x99 event at GCET\nMay 2009\nParticipated in TECHKRITI \xe2\x80\x9808, Technical festival of IIT Kanpur\nFeb 2008\nParticipated in robotic event at SHAASTRA \xe2\x80\x9807, Technical festival of IIT Madras\nSep 2007\nParticipated in Techfest NEXUS 2007 at MNIT Jaipur\nSep 2007\n\nHOBBIES\nReading Books |\nKanpur, UP\nDate:\n\nInternet Surfing |\n\nSolving Sudoku |\n\nListening to music\n\n(Deepak Pal)'
b'Engineering/Technical Sample\nResume\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0123 Main Street\nBaltimore, M D 21201\n(410) 555-5555\[email protected]\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\nED U C A TIO N\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering\nJohns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD\nCumulative GPA: 3.87\nCivil Engineering Award\n\nMay 2013\n\nRELATED COURSWORK\nModels and Simulations; Circuits; Systems and Controls; Java; Biomedical Instrumentation; Digital Systems,\nBiomaterials I & II; Mechatronics, Data Structures, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics;\nMicro/Nanotechnology; Systems Bioengineering; Molecules and Cells; Microfabrication Lab; Modeling.\nRELEVANT EX P ER IEN C E S\nProject Co-Leader, Johns Hopkins University\nSeptember 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Project co-leader for a solar-powered hydraulic system currently being built in Guatemala.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a reinforced concrete water pump tank for fluid pressure and seismic loading.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Communicate with professional engineers on a weekly basis to coordinate project details.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Engineered more resilient, therapeutic, easily fitted and economical AFO than current products on the\nmarket\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed market research and IRB approved human trials to assess and address limitations of current\nAFO\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed 3-D computer models for stress testing, mechanical/material analysis and manufacturing.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created and evaluated working prototypes and current products via IRB approved human trials and\nstrength test.\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nSummer Undergraduate Researcher, NEES\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nReceived a $5000 fellowship to perform research at the NEES laboratory at UIUC\nAnalyzed the near-collapse performance of a reinforced concrete frame using hybrid simulation\nParticipated in the 2013 annual Quake Summit meeting gin Reno, Nevada\n\nAssistant Team Captain, Johns Hopkins University\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJune 20 1 3 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2013\n\nAugust 2 0 1 2 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2013\n\nDesigned and analyzed a five-foot wood high-rise structure for the Seismic Design Competition\nCompete in the EERI conference in Seattle, June 2013\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMicrosoft: Word, Excel, PowerPoint; METLEB/Simulink; OpenSees; Mastan2; STAAD Pro; AutoCAD;\nSketchUp; Technical Writing; Modeling, Java\nAble to drive meaning from data\nExperience composing quality technical reports quickly\nAccustomed to bridging design and operation'
b'Automobile Engineering Resume Format\n\nName of the Candidate\nName of the Post Applied\nJob related skills / software\nCategory\nSub Category\nYears of Experience\nState\nGender\nSalary Expected per Month(Rs)\nHighest Qualification attained\nMajor / Specialization\nEmail Id\nAre you looking for job now?\nCan the recruiter contact you?\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\n[Private]\nAutomobile Engineer\nPro-E, Wildfire, AutoCAD\nDesign Engineering\nAutomobile Design Engineer\n0 years\nTamil Nadu\nMale\nNegotiable\nB.E. / BE : Bachelor of Engineering\nAutomobile\n[Private]\n\n: No\nNo\n: Sponsored Links:\n\nOBJECTIVE:\nTo attain a good position in the organization I work, where my presence is felt and my contribution\nis a vital importance to the growth of the company and my career.\nEDUCATION QUALIFICATION :\nCourseName of the InstitutionDote/ UniversityYearPercentage\nBE- Automobile Engineering Sriram Engineering College \xe2\x80\x93 Perumalpattu Anna University 2011 84\nDiploma in Mechatronics Engineering\nGovernment Polytechnic College \xe2\x80\x93 Purasaiwalkam DOTE 2008 83.71\nSSLC Government High School \xe2\x80\x93 ArungulamState Board of Tamilnadu 2005 83.2\nPROJECT CARRIED OUT :\n**PERFORMANCE AND TESTING OF AN IC ENGINE USING BIO DIESEL AS ALTERNATE\nFUEL (BE Final year Project)\n**The random extraction and consumption of fossil fuels have led to a reduction in petroleum\nreserves.\n**So that we need an alternate source to meet the demand of fuel crisis. In this direction, an attempt\nhas been made to investigate the performance and emission characteristics of transesterified\nJatropha oil found and it was compared with pure diesel.\n**The fuels considered are 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% ethyl esters of Jatropha oil (biodiesel)\nblended with pure diesel.\n**The results derived from the test shows that biofuels of Jatropha oil having akin performance\ncharacteristics as that of die\nSponsored links :\n\n\x0cAutomobile Engineering Resume Format\nsel and better emission characteristics\n**DIGITAL ALARM WITH FLEXIBLE PROGRAMMING (Diploma project)\n**In this project one digital clock is designed using a microcontroller.\n**This clock controls any electrical equipment or home appliances based on the user settings.\nCONFERENCE ATTENTED :\n**\xe2\x80\x9cNational conference on current trends in telematics\xe2\x80\x9d at SREC Chennai, Oct 28-30,2009andJan\n27-28,2011\nCOMPUTER KNOWLEDGE :\n**Operating System : Windows XP, Windows 7\n**Packages : MS Office 03,07\n**Designing Software : AutoCAD, Pro-E wilfire2.0 and Solid works 2007SP\nINDUSTRIAL VISIT :\n**Integral coach factory in perambur\n**Engine factory in Avadi\n**MTC Central Workshop in Chrompet\nEXTRA CURICULAR ACTIVITIES :\n**Member of Society of Automobile Engineering(SAE)\n**Student coordinator in the National conference on Current Trends in Telematics\n**Student placement coordinator in Automobile Department in SREC\nSTRENGTH :\n**Self-belief, Self-motivation, Self-confidence and ability to grasp things quickly.\n**Positive attitude, Team oriented and Hard working.\nDECLARATION :\nI hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the\nresponsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.'
b'TEMESGEN MARKOS KINDO\nPhD Student (Sept. 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 To date)\nDuke Computational Mechanics Laboratory\nDuke University\nDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering\nEDUCATION\nMaster of Science (Cum Laude), Industrial and Applied Mathematics\n\nNov. 2006\n\nEindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands\nCourse track: Computational Science and Engineering\nThesis: Mechanical Degradation and Remodeling of Cerebral Arteries\nBachelor of Science (Great Distinction), Civil Engineering\n\nJuly 2002\n\nArbaminch Water Technology Institute (now Arbaminch University), Ethiopia\nAWARDS\nJ. B. Duke Fellowship, Duke University, Sept. 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 To date\nRoyal Dutch Shell Centenary Scholarship, Sept. 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug. 2006\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nJunior Consultant\n\nFeb. 2007-Jul. 2008\n\nLaboratory for Industrial Mathematics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands\nMathematical modeling and simulations\nGuest Lecturer\n\nDec. 2006-Jan. 2007\n\nDepartment of Civil Engineering, Jimma University, Ethiopia\nNumerical Methods (civil engineering undergraduates)\nTeaching Assistant\n\nOct. 2003-Aug. 2004\n\nDepartment of Civil Engineering, Debub(Hawassa) University, Ethiopia\nEngineering Mechanics , Mechanics of Materials , Introduction to Computing\nJunior Civil Engineer\n\nSept. 2002-Oct. 2003\n\nDANA and Associates Consulting Engineers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia\nStructural and hydrologic design of minor bridges and culverts\nQuantity surveying and construction supervision\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nGeneral Programming \xe2\x80\x93 Proficient in C++, Fortran\nMathematical Environments \xe2\x80\x93 Proficient in Matlab and comfortable with Mathematica\nParallel Programming \xe2\x80\x93 some experience with MPI in C++\nFinite Element Packages \xe2\x80\x93 Working knowledge of COMSOL\n\nRESEARCH/PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nGeneral\nApplied Mechanics\nScientific Computing\nEngineering Mathematics\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSpecific\nNonlinear Finite Element Methods\nComputational Contact Mechanics\nA posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement\nComputational Inelasticity'
b'Fresher Mechanical Engineer Resume\nCURRICULUM VITAE\nDAKESHWAR [email protected]\nA POCKET, 4/D, MARODA SECTOR,\n09981130212(M), 09691500855(M)\nBHILAI NAGAR, DURG (C G), 490006\nCareer Objective:\nTo secure a challenging position, where I can effectively contribute my skills as TechnicalProfessional,\npossessing competent Technical Skills.\nEducational Qualifications:Technical Education:Computer Skills:\nLiteracy : CLAP-I & CLAP-IIModeling Software : AutoCAD, CATIA.O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m s : W i n d o w s\nX P, D O S 6 . 0 , W i n d o w s V i s t a\nVocational Training:\nI have visited one of the integrated steel plants\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x9dBHILAI STEEL PLANT\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x9d for three monthsincluding all the\nmajor sections like Ore handling plant, Sinter plant, Blast furnace, Steel melt shop, Continuous\ncasting Shop, Blooming mill, Rail & structural mill, Wire Rod mill, Plate Mill,Central hydraulics\ndepartment, Machine shop\nAcademic ProjectsMinor Project:Working model of conventional EOT Crane\nProject description:The working model of the conventional EOT crane which is mostly used in industries anddockyards for lifting\nand placing the heavy objects within confined area. The construction mainlyconsists of a structure made\nfrom steel strips of channel section, three motors, and one pulley withrope, an electromagnetic disc, toy\ngears, and power unit.\nMajor Project:Modification of the same EOT Crane for safety purpose\nProject description:\nThe following modifications are made in the existing one:-1.Use of limit switches at the ends of\ntrolleys to prevent the collis ion between two cranesin the same track by cut off the power\nsupply.2.Limit switches are also used in wire hoist to confine the motion of lifting hook or\ndisc.3.Using additional power source to avoid the fall of object in case of power failure. But\nittales few seconds to activate the additional sources, for this purpose a capacitor is usedto supply power for\nthis time with the help of relay.4.Using a big screen to understand the hand signals from the\nperson just below the crane, 5 . U s e o f t r a n s m i t t e r s t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e v o i c e o f\ni n s t r u c t o r a t t h e n o i s y e n v i r o n m e n t , a r e some\nDeclaration:\nI hereby declare that the information given in the application is true, complete and correctto the best of my\nknowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information beingfalse or incorrect at any stage;\nmy candidature shall be liable for cancellation/termination\nplace:\nDate:'
b'JANE R. DOE\n227 US Route #1 PMB 120\nEdison, NJ 08902\nTel: (732) 594-0478\nE-mail: [email protected]\n\nEducation:\n\nTHE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY\nBachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, May 2004\nGPA: 3.9/4.0\n\nWork Experience\n2004 - Present\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nState College, PA\n\nCOMPANY XYZ, INC.\nManufacturing Engineer\nDunellen, NJ\nParticipated in the overall management of an 80 person bulk pharmaceutical manufacturing facility\ngenerating in excess of $1B annually in revenues. Cross function team consists of engineers,\nsupervisors, chemical operators and administrative support staff.\nProvided training for operators, engineers and supervisors on new equipment and processes.\nDeveloped numerous factory shut down plans and coordinated the execution of shut down activities\nincluding campaign change over and major maintenance activities, assisting in the development of\nimplementation of reliability centered maintenance programs.\nSuccessfully coordinated the timely production launch of a new drug critical to the company\xe2\x80\x99s\nstrategic objectives including project scale-up, technology transfer and personnel training.\nCoordinated the execution of numerous simultaneous multi-million dollar projects in an operating\nbulk pharmaceutical manufacturing facility including vessel replacements, major equipment\nupgrades, a DCS replacement and DI water system upgrades. The cost of the capital upgrades\nexceeded $80MM.\nSuccessfully identified and conducted process yield, time cycle and abnormality investigations by\napplying problem solving techniques such as Six Sigma methodology.\n\nMay 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2003\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCompany XYZ, Inc. \xe2\x80\x93 Summer Intern\nDunellen, NJ\nAssistant Engineer\nAssisted in directing chemical operators in the manufacture of bulk pharmaceuticals including\nprocess technical support, process troubleshooting, training, motivation, union contract interpretation\nand cGMP, Environmental and Safety compliance on a rotating shift schedule.\nEffectively supported aggressive production schedules while optimizing procedures, minimizing\ndown time, yield losses and process delays for two processes operating simultaneously.\nDeveloped an excellent knowledge and understanding of current Good Manufacturing Practices\n(cGMPs), Safety, and Environmental Compliance Policies\n\nMay 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2002\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCompany ABC - Summer Intern\n\nPhiladelphia, PA\n\nAssisted in Project Management activities such as cost tracking and forecasting, scheduling and\ncontractor labor & material tracking.\nGained a strong background in construction, project management and contractor relations.\nResponsible for "front end" engineering support for Bulk Chemical and Pharmaceutical projects\nwhich included scope development, scheduling, planning, estimating, estimate review, forecasting\nand preparation for funding review and approval.\n\nEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES and HONORS:\nPresident, ISPE Student Chapter; Secretary of Student Council; Den Leader for Big Sisters, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s Honor Roll, Tau Beta\nPi, Delta Sigma Sorority\nREFERENCES:\n\nAvailable on request.'
b'JANE BULL\nCIVIL\nENGINEER\n\n123 Some Made Up Road, Birmingham, B18 6NF\nT: 0044 121 638 0026\nE: [email protected]\nW:\n\nHeather Benn\nHiring Manager\nDayjob Ltd\n120 Vyse Street\nBirmingham\nB18 6NF\n23rd July 2012\n\nDear Ms Benn\nPlease find enclosed my resume in response to your advertisement yesterday on the \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\nwebsite for a ...............\nAs a skilled .............. I am looking for exactly this sort of position with a reputable company\nlike yours where my abilities will not only be recognized but also rewarded. After reading the\njob description I am convinced that my background, work experience and qualifications all\ncombined make me suitably qualified for your specific requirements.\nI am very confident that I can make an immediate and significant contribution to your\ncompany\xe2\x80\x99s operations in the areas of \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6. and \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6 I would also bring to your position\nand company an ability to not only work hard but also identify areas where performance\nimprovement is needed. On top of this I have considerable experience in the fields of \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..,\n\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.. and \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\nFor the past \xe2\x80\xa6.. years I have worked for \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.. as a \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6 With my present employer my\nachievements range from setting up a \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.., right through to being in charge of the\n\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.. I would also like you to know that I work well with other people and consider myself\nto be a strong communicator, presenter and also listener.\nYou will find me to be a reliable person who has a professional, calm and honest approach to\nall work related matters. Technically minded and with good problem resolution skills, I am\nable to work effectively in fast paced and ever changing environments.\nPlease refer to the accompanying CV for more detailed information regarding my abilities and\nskill sets.\nIf this brief account of my competencies intrigues you enough to invite me for an interview\nthen feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.\n\nYours sincerely\n\nJane Bull\n\n\x0cCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 These cover letter examples are the copyright of Dayjob Ltd 2012. Job seekers may download and use this particular cover letter\nexample for their own personal use to help them write their own one. You are also most welcome to link to any page on our site\ However this cover letter must not be distributed or made available on other websites without our prior\npermission. For any questions relating to the use of this cover letter template please email: [email protected].'
b'COVER LETTER\n\nResume Writing\nYOUR PRESENT ADDRESS\nCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE\nDate of Correspondence\nName of Individual\nTitle\nName of company/organization\nAddress\nCity, State, Zip Code\nDear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (Last Name):\n\nDo not address to "To whom it may concern."\nPARAGRAPH ONE\nTell why you are writing. Name the position, field or general area in which you are interested. Tell\nhow you found out about the position. Tell why you want to work for this company. Check the\ncompany web site and mention something about the company that interests you.\n\nCareer planning is a lifelong process that requires\ncareful planning and commitment on your part.\n\nPARAGRAPH TWO\nDescribe your professional/educational qualifications, but do not restate your resume. Cite one or\ntwo areas of qualification experience, which specifically qualify you for the position. Emphasize\nparticular areas of related experience and training. Stress why you are unique, special and the\n\nCheck out the following:\n\nperfect person for the position. If you claim to have certain skills, back these up with examples as\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nproof. Tell about a professional or personal accomplishment and the skills you gained or\n\nCAP Center Resource Library\nCAP Center Online Resources\nCAP Center Resume Critique Service\nCAP Center Resume Writing Assistance\nIndividual Career Counseling\nOn-Campus Interviews\n\ndemonstrated.\nPARAGRAPH THREE\nClose by noting that you have enclosed a copy of your resume and that you will provide any\nadditional information requested. Note that you will look forward to a future response and that you\nwould like to schedule an interview. Include your telephone number.\n\nFor more information on career related issues call\nthe CAP Center at (856) 256-4456 or check us out at our\nwebsite:\n\nSincerely,\n\nName\n\n\x0cSample Cover Letter Utilizing Statement of Reference\n\nSample of Cover Letter\n\n123 Accounts Payable Lane\nMoneyville, NJ 08029\n856-863-9547\n\nDawn Lowell\n322 Mullica Hill Road\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-4322\n\nFebruary 28, 201x\nFebruary 12, 201x\nCoopers & Lybrand\n2400 Eleven Penn Center\nPhiladelphia, PA 19103\nAttn: Mr. Daniel Spiller\nPersonnel Director\n\nDear Mr. Spiller:\nAfter talking with Mr. James Osgood at the recent Rowan University Career Fair, reading your\nrecruitment information and checking your web site, I am seeking an opportunity to join the firm of\nCoopers & Lybrand. Your company has an impressive track record for mentoring entry-level\naccountants plus offering valuable experience in auditing, tax compliance and cost accounting. As\na Rowan University senior, anticipating graduation in May, I am anxious to interview with you\nduring your upcoming recruitment trip to our campus.\nMy strong academic performance and outstanding internship experience make me a strong\ncandidate for a junior accountant position with Coopers and Lybrand. As an honor student and\nrecipient of the Medallion Scholar Award for the internationally accredited College of Business, I\nwas chosen to intern for the local public accounting firm of Money and Associates CPA. At Money\nand Associates, I assisted with the preparation of clients for corporate tax audits and performed\nintake consultations for tax preparation purposes. My supervising accountant, Mr. Charles Money\ninvited me to continue my internship for a second semester. On my internship evaluation form he\nwrote, "John\'s knowledge and ability to grasp accounting procedures and principles is quite\nimpressive. His computer skills and team-working abilities make him a valuable resource. I believe\nJohn will develop into a top-notch accountant."\nEnclosed is a copy of my resume, which outlines my qualifications in further detail. I look forward\nto an opportunity to meet with you during the upcoming recruitment week at Rowan University. I\ncan be reached at 856-863-9547. Thank you for your time and consideration.\n\nRespectfully,\n\nMr. Dwight Thompson\nHuman Resources Manager\nSavitz Pharmaceuticals\n856 Bozorth Parkway\nEsby, NJ 08028\nDear Mr. Thompson:\nIn response to your advertisement in the Glassboro Examiner for a sales representative for Savitz\nPharmaceuticals, I hereby submit my letter of application. I was excited to read your ad since I\nhave had a long-time interest in pharmaceutical sales and your products sound particularly\nappealing to me.\nAs a college student, I had the opportunity to experience in sales and customer service. Of\nparticular interest to you, I worked at Glassboro Medical Supply serving customers who enter our\nstore. Through reading professional periodicals and magazines that are sent to me as an\nemployee of Glassboro Medical Supply, I have become knowledgeable of the different types of\nmedical supplies. This knowledge enables me to fully address our customers\xe2\x80\x99 medical supply\nneeds and answer their questions. Utilizing my proactive approach to sales and customer service,\nI increased sales this year by 20% over last year\xe2\x80\x99s figures. In light of my accomplishment, my\nsupervisor has given me the responsibility of developing a plan to market medical supplies to local\ndrug stores. In addition to my work experience, I recently completed a course in\ndrug/pharmacology terminology at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Completion of\nthis course increased my knowledge of medicines and their effects.\nI have always had a strong interest in the medical/pharmaceutical sales field and have attempted\nto gain the knowledge and experience needed to work effectively in that capacity. With that in\nmind, I feel I am highly qualified for the position of sales representative for Savitz Pharmaceuticals.\nMy enclosed resume outlines my qualifications in further detail. I welcome an opportunity to meet\nwith you at your convenience. I can be reached at 856-256-4322 or on my cell phone at 856- 2222348.\nThank you for your time and consideration.\n\nJohn Q. Afterinternship\n\nRespectfully,\n\nDawn Lowell\n\n\x0cResume Checklist\nGeneral Resume Guidelines.\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBUILD A RESUME\nName: ______________________________________________________________________\nHome Address: ____________________\n\nCollege Address: _____________________\n\nProfessional Appearance\nMaterial fits neatly on one page. Margins approximately 1 inch on all four sides. High quality\nprint in black ink.\n\nStreet: ___________________________\n\nStreet: ______________________________\n\nCity: _________State: ____ Zip: _______\n\nCity: ___________State: ____ Zip: _______\n\nWhite or neutral colored paper, 8.5 x 11 inches, 20lb weight. No staples or folds.\n\nPhone: ___________________________\n\nPhone: _____________________________\n\nEmail: ____________________________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nPlain font with straight lines, such as Helvetica. Font size 10-14 points.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBold and capital letters used where appropriate for emphasis, but not overdone.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nNo italics, script, parentheses, brackets, underlining, shading or graphics.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nAvoid use of unnecessary punctuation, horizontal or vertical lines.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nFormat\nName, address, telephone, and e-mail address centered at top, with name in bold and larger\nfont.\n\nName of College: ______________________________ City: ___________ State: ____________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nOmit extraneous and personal information such as height, weight, age, sex.\n\nGPA: _____________ (If 3.0 or higher)\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nUse format that best suits your needs. Reverse chronological format, listing education and\nexperience from most recent to least recent, is most commonly used.\n\nCourse Highlights (Use primarily in resumes for internships.)\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nObjective clearly stating position being sought, usually beginning with \xe2\x80\x9cTo obtain a position\nas\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cSeeking an entry level position in\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nEducation category including any college/university from which a degree was earned. GPA,\nexpressed in tenths, may be included if 3.0 or above. Examples in correct format:\n\nWork Experience (Start with most recent place of employment.)\n\nJob Objective (Indicate your work direction; be as specific as possible.)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nEducation\n\nBachelor of Arts, History\nMay 200x\nMinor: Psychology\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.4, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nBachelor of Science, Finance expected May 200x\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.9, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Medallion Award\nSumma Cum Laude Honors anticipated\n\nExperience category including several entries in consistent format:\nJob Title\nDates of employment\nCompany, City, State\nDescriptive statements of experience\nContent\nJob descriptions/accomplishments written in 1-5 bulleted statements or brief paragraph\nformat, reading in the first person, with pronouns \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cmy\xe2\x80\x9d omitted. Use a variety of\naction verbs and keyword nouns specific to the major/profession, often the same words used\nin typical job postings for such position.\nDescriptive statements highlighting skills and abilities, as well as experience and\naccomplishments. Show evidence of teamwork, computer proficiency, attention to detail,\ncustomer satisfaction, willingness to learn new skills, ability to produce results, and your\nenthusiasm/work ethic. Supply enough description to create reader interest but not to\noverwhelm.\nFinished product should be a unique statement about you. It must be professional looking,\nerror free, with consistent verb tense and end punctuation. Do NOT rely on computer spell\ncheck, grammar check, or resume writing software for your final resume.\n\nDegree: _____________________________ Expected Graduation Date: ___________________\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n\nJob Title: ______________________________________\n\nPeriod Employed: _____________\n\nName of Company, City, State ____________________________________________________\nResponsibilities: (Use action words.) _______________________________________________\n____________________________________________________________________________\nSkills (EXAMPLE: computer, leadership, language skills)\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nAwards\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nActivities & Interests\n______________________________________________________________________________\n______________________________________________________________________________\nReferences available upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nJessica Laptop\n\nGomez Addams\n\n1313 Microchip Lane\nWest Deptford, NJ 08028\n856-899-2000\[email protected]\n\n1313 Mockingbird Lane\nMantua, NJ 08028\n856-856-9876\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\nAn entry-level position in public relations or marketing.\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nSeeking a summer internship in the field of computer science.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBachelor of Science, Computer Science\nMinor: Mathematics\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.45, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts, Public Relations\nConcentration: Leadership Studies\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.6, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Cum Laude honors anticipated\n\nMay 201x\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nPageMaker\nMicrosoft Photo Editor\nHarvard Graphics\n\nPowerPoint\nMicrosoft Publisher\nAccess\n\nWordPerfect\nExcel\nMicrosoft Word\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nLANGUAGE/\nOPERATING\nSYSTEMS\nWORK\nEXPERIENCE\n\nanticipated December 201x\n\nIntroduction to Programming, Computer Laboratory Techniques, Data\nStructures, Calculus I, II, and III, Operating Systems, Web Programming\n\nBASIC, Pascal, C, C++, COBOL, Lisp, MS-DOS, UNIX\n\n13 Congressional District Intern\nSpring 201x\nCongressman Charles Sheen, Washington, DC\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResponsibilities included researching legislation, drafting recommendations and briefs.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResponded to constituent correspondence and inquiries, as well as aiding in office\nadministration.\n\nLab Instructor\nSummer 201x\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInstructed freshman students in the use of microcomputers.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted faculty in establishing research goals consistent with\nthe data available.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nTaught resident assistants the detailed use of technical\nsoftware.\n\nCorrespondent\nFall 200x\nRolling Stone Magazine, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCovered local music and political events under commission for monthly publication.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMaintained valuable media contacts.\n\nLab Technician\n200x-200x\nPitman High School, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nDeveloped a database for the school\xe2\x80\x99s athletic department.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nIdentified specific applications for a newly written program.\n\nMarketing Intern\nSpring 200x\nGlassboro Convention Center, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nDeveloped and implemented marketing program for the convention center.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCoordinated on-site conference registration.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted presenters during multimedia presentations.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPrepared and disseminated over 6,000 registration packets.\n\nStudent Worker\n200x-200x\nRowan University Information Desk, Glassboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProcessed and balanced payments in Compco Student\nTelephone billing system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssigned long distance codes to Rowan students and\nanswered the university switchboard.\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nth\n\nACTIVITIES\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVice President, Public Relations Society, Rowan University Chapter\nSecretary, American Marketing Association, Rowan University Student Chapter\nVolunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen\n\nHONORS\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nAlpha Lambda Delta Honorary Society\nDon Serious Scholarship\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nMember, Computer Science Society\nVolunteer, Glassboro Soup Kitchen\nVice President, Me Phi Me Sorority\nIntramural Sports \xe2\x80\x93 Basketball, Street Hockey\n\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n\nREFERENCES\nAvailable upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experiences in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nMarshall Law\n\nVeronica Lewinski\n\[email protected]\nCurrent address:\n369 Mansion Park\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-3372\n\nObjective\nTo obtain an internship position in law and criminal justice, utilizing and developing\nparticular interest in juvenile delinquency.\nEducation\nBachelor of Arts: Law/Justice\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA 3.2/4.0, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nRelated Courses\nParole, Probation and Community Correction\nMinorities, Crime, and Criminal Justice\nIntroduction to Courts\n\n21 Jump Street\nGlassboro, NJ 08028\n856-256-9999\[email protected]\n\nPermanent address:\n2115 Herbert Drive\nWillingboro, NJ 08046\n609-835-2028\nOBJECTIVE\n\nSeeking an entry-level position in environmental management.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Civil Engineering\nEmphasis: Environmental Engineering\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA 3.77, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nMagna Cum Laude honors anticipated\n\nanticipated May 201x\n\nMay 201x\n\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nSocial Problems\nAmerican Police\nIntroduction to Corrections\n\nUndergraduate Researcher\nApril 201x \xe2\x80\x93 present\nRowan University College of Engineering, Glassboro, NJ\nContributed to the design and testing of a freshwater chamber\nintended to replace methods currently used by the seafood industry\nto separate crabmeat from claw. Provide chemical analysis of\nresulting wastewater.\n\nExperience\nYouth Advocate\nJune 200x - present\nYouth Advocate Program, Woodbury, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide mentoring to teenage males, based on total trust, encouraging\ndevelopment of self-esteem and self-control.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMotivate youth to pursue productive life activities, including employment and\neducational opportunities.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nVisit library and attend various community activities with mentees to broaden\nawareness of community resources.\nSecurity Officer\nNovember 200x - present\nDeptford Mall, Deptford, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConduct surveillance for shoplifters in all stores throughout mall.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWork collaboratively with senior security officers and store managers regarding\nmatters of customer safety and merchandise security.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide accurate written reports regarding security-related issues and encounters.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProvide information to senior officers and store employees regarding suspicious or\ndisruptive behavior of mall patrons.\nAssistant Girls\xe2\x80\x99 Basketball Coach\nNovember 200x - March 200x\nMemorial Junior High School, Willingboro, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted during practices and games, providing instruction and motivation related\nto basketball, academics, and life values.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMonitored academic eligibility and medical records plus uniform and equipment\ninventory.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nRecruited and trained scorekeepers for all season games.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCreated computerized report of all team and player statistics.\nAdditional Information\nAmerican Criminal Justice Association, Lamda Epsilon Fraternity\nComputer skills include Excel, Word Perfect, Access and PowerPoint\nCertified New Jersey Fire Fighter with Hazmat Certification\nAmerican Heart Association Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care\nProvider, CPR Certified\n\nEngineering Intern\nSummer 200x\nNew Jersey Highway Division, Trenton, NJ\nWorked with highway engineers on traffic pattern study and\nanalysis. Conducted research in current traffic management theory\nand technology. Prepared written reports for presentations to chief\nengineer. Assisted with the planning and preparation for public\nhearings on proposed change in traffic flow.\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nAutoCAD, Visual C++, Mathematica, PowerC, Windows 98, Unix,\nWindows NT, MiniTab, MS Word & Excel 98\nHONORS AND ACTIVTIES\nTau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society\nSociety of Women Engineers\nPride 2000 Scholarship\nBrad Pitt Engineering Scholarship\nVolunteer, Glassboro Big Sister Program\nPresident, Student Government Association\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Functional Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and employment in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nJane C. Asylum\n\nJohn Engineer\n\n321 Writearesume Lane\nWantstowork, New Jersey 08777\n856-854-0001\[email protected]\n\n1776 Smart Blvd\nBrainville, NJ 08007\n856-990-4354\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE: Research Associate position with a biotechnology firm.\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain an entry-level position in social work utilizing my abilities in Spanish.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBachelor of Arts, Sociology\nMinor: Spanish\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA: 3.7, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Magna Cum Laude\n\nDecember 201x\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nSkilled in all phases of hybridoma production.\nInspired by the challenge of research and experimentation.\nGood working knowledge of immunology.\nExcellent skills in communication and collaboration.\nHighly inquisitive, creative and resourceful.\n\n\xef\x80\xa0Financed 100% of college education\nCOURSE\nHIGHLIGHTS\n\nSocial Problems, Human Service Organizations, Sociology of Work,\nIntroduction to Sociology, Intermediate Spanish I & II, Advanced Spanish\nConversation, Advanced Spanish Grammar\n\nINTERNSHIP\n\nProgram Coordinator\nSpring 201x\nCamden City Battered Women\xe2\x80\x99s Shelter, Camden, New Jersey\nConducted intake interviews and served as translator assistant.\nCoordinated after school programs for enrolled children and managed\nrecreational facility. Encouraged fair play, self-reliance and positive selfesteem in children with troubled family backgrounds.\n\nSPECIAL\nSKILLS\n\nBilingual: Spanish/English\nCommunication Skills: Written and Verbal\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nVolunteer Translator, Camden County Aids Hospice\nMember, Latino Affairs Committee, Rowan University\nMember, National Association of Black Social Workers\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nLotus 1-2-3, Windows, WordPerfect 6.0, EXCEL, Quicken, DOS, Ventura,\nDesktop Publishing, Internet\n\nHONORS\n\nGlassboro Businessmen\xe2\x80\x99s Association Scholarship, 2008\nNational Merit Scholar, 2008\n\nWORK HISTORY\n\nNight Assistant Manager\nMay 200x \xe2\x80\x93 December 201x\nBurgerqueen, Glassboro, New Jersey\nSupervised employees, coordinated work schedules and managed customer\ncomplaints. Processed bank deposits and resolved employee disputes.\n\nReferences available upon request.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nApplied Research\nTailored screening strategies using ELISA, RIA and Immunoblot techniques to effectively\nisolate the desired hybridomas.\nPerformed experiments to induce animal immune systems to respond to a weak antigen.\nDeveloped in collaboration with other researchers, a novel assay which identified the\nantibodies\xe2\x80\x99 ability to bind to live, intact tumor cells.\nConducted periodic presentations of results and works in progress to Research Center staff.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLaboratory Skills\nTissue Culture and Hamster Egg Penetration Test\nElectroblotting and Radiolabeling of Antibodies\nImmunoblot Strip Assay\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLab Technician\nResearch Assistant\nYouth Counselor\nTeaching Assistant\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nBellmarr Research Center, Bellmarr, NJ\nRowan University Biology Department, Glassboro, NJ\nVineland Day Care Program, Vineland, NJ\nBuena Vista Normal School, Buena, NJ\n\nBachelor of Science, Biology\nAssociate of Science, Chemistry\n\nEDUCATION\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGloucester County College, Sewell, NJ\n\n201x - present\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 200x\nSummer 200x\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 200x\n\nMay 200x\nMay 200x\n\nRelated Courses: Immunology and Lab, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Ornithology, Cell\nCulture Technology\nAWARDS and ACTIVITIES\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nAlbert Einstein Scholarship\nMember, American Association of Biologists\nVolunteer, Dumbville Ambulance Service\nREFERENCES: Available upon request.\n\n\x0cSample of a Chronological Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nSample of a Chronological Resume- list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nArthur B. Enthusiastic\n\nROSE ROYCE\n\n290 Birchwood Lane\nMantua, New Jersey, 08051\n856-468-6161\[email protected]\n\n123 Main Road\nAnywhere, NJ 01234\n856-987-6543\nchronological.resume@cap\n\nJob Target\nA position as an Art Educator within a museum\xe2\x80\x99s public outreach program, utilizing recent degree\nplus experience in public relations and art education.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCapabilities\nDevelop art education programs.\nWrite press releases and promotional copies.\nCoordinate efforts with local schools.\nOrganize related events with speakers and presentations.\nUtilize a variety of computer skills.\n\nJOB OBJECTIVE\nAn entry- level accounting position with potential for advancement.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nComputer literate, experience includes Word 6.0, Excel and database management.\nExcellent organizational and communication skills.\nFluent in Japanese and Spanish.\nSharp in learning and comprehending new systems and methods.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Arts: Art\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\nGPA 3.7, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nMagna Cum Laude honors anticipated\nAssociate of Arts: Art\nGloucester County College, Sewell, New Jersey\nGPA 3.9, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, President\xe2\x80\x99s List\nSumma Cum Laude\n\nDecember 201x\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Accounting\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCompleted independent study in International Business\n\nexpected Dec. 201x\n\nMay 200x\nAssociate of Arts and Science, Business Studies\nGloucester Community College, Sewell, NJ\n\nMay 200x\n\nAchievements\nCo-developed Art in Public Places program.\nPlaced several articles in local newspapers.\nConducted Murals in Public Places project for Eagle Scout Award.\n\nRELATED COURSES:\nManagerial Accounting, Auditing, Cost Accounting, Advanced Accounting,\nIndividual Taxation, Accounting Information Systems\n\nWork History\nOffice Assistant\nJanuary 200x-present\nThe Association of Educational Publishers\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssist in the coordination of annual conferences plus related office duties.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWork extensively on Macintosh using Word, Works, Excel, File Maker Pro, including data\nentry, report generation, plus brochure and poster design.\n\nRELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nTEACHING ASSISTANT\nAugust 201x - Present\nGlassboro Community College, Pitman, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssist professor with Urban Enterprise Zone research project.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nTutor students in accounting, maintain class records, and correct papers.\n\nArts and Crafts Instructor\nSummer 200x\nKids Rule Day Camp\nRowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConducted wide variety of hands-on projects for 120 campers per week, divided into groups\nof 20 campers ages 6 to 12 years.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nWorked collaboratively with camp counselors to provide enriching activities relating to\ndifferent themes each week.\nTour Guide\nSummer 200x\nHampton House\nHampton, New Jersey\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConducted tours of historic home, while providing visitors with related information.\nReferences available upon request.\n\nBOOKKEEPER\nSummer 2008, 2009\nLaurel Museum, Mullica Hill, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nVerified and entered details of financial transactions into computer system.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nBalanced books and compiled statistical reports.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCalculated general ledger and employee wages.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nSALESPERSON\nSummer 2007\nOld Navy, Clayton, NJ\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerformed sales duties while coordinating store displays and floor moves.\nREFERENCES\nAvailable Upon Request\n\n\x0cSample of a Combination Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and employment in reverse\n\nSample of an Education Resume \xe2\x80\x93 list education and experience in reverse chronological\norder within appropriate categories.\n\nchronological order within appropriate categories.\n\nWanda Teacher\n\nAbigail B. Gettingajob\n\n12 Wantajob Lane\nLindenwold, NJ 08091\n856-256-0009\[email protected]\n\n225 Salary Survey Lane\nMedford, NJ 08092\n609-779-0987\[email protected]\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nSeeking an elementary education teaching position in southern New Jersey.\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nTo obtain an entry-level business management position.\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nBachelor of Science, Business Administration\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nSpecialization: Management\nGPA: 3.5, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Cum Laude\n\nCOURSE\nHIGHLIGHTS:\n\nOrganizational Behavior, Integrated Software for Business, Management\nInformation Systems, Operations Management, Management of Human\nResources, Legal Environment of Business, Organizational Behavior\n\nMay 201x\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nManagement/Supervision\n\xef\x81\xa9 Exercised total supervisory responsibility for specialty retail merchandiser.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained time sheets.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Managed and coordinated special promotions.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Implemented employee disciplinary and termination procedures.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained loss prevention reports.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Supervised merchandise displays.\nHuman Resources Administration\n\xef\x81\xa9 Coordinated trip reduction survey results.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Conducted staffing interviews.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Managed accident reports.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Assisted in devising personnel policies.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Assisted in the implementation of employee orientation.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Contributing reporter for company newsletter.\n\xef\x81\xa9 Maintained employee benefits database.\n\nTyco Toys, Marlton, NJ\nThe GAP, Marlton, NJ\n\nAssociate in Arts, Early Childhood Education\nBurlington County College, Pemberton, NJ\nGPA \xe2\x80\x93 3.5\n\nMay 201x\n\nMay 201x\n\nSTUDENT TEACHER\nStudent Teacher, School #4, Maple Shade, NJ\nSpring 201x\nTaught 4th grade students using manipulatives and multi-sensory approaches in mathematics and\nscience lessons. Utilized cooperative learning, assertive discipline and whole language\napproaches. Integrated curriculum to meet the needs of three inclusion students.\nPRACTICUM EXPERIENCE\nPracticum Teacher, Fleetwood School, Mount Laurel, NJ\nFall 200x\nAssisted classroom teacher with individual needs of students. Served as a volunteer aide during\nsemester break. Co-directed musical production of \xe2\x80\x9cAlice in Wonderland\xe2\x80\x9d; constructed scenery\nand costumes.\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nMath Tutor, 1st Grade\nFall 201x - Present\nTutored grade school students in math. Designed and created a \xe2\x80\x9cMath for Fun\xe2\x80\x9d workbook.\nSubstitute Teacher, Certified K \xe2\x80\x93 12, Burlington County, NJ\nFall 200x\nResponsible for several long-term substitute positions, including organization and implementation\nof lesson plans, correcting papers and recording grades.\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\nManagement Intern\nAssistant Manager\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Arts, Elementary Education / History\nRowan University, Glassboro, NJ\nGPA \xe2\x80\x93 3.9, Summa Cum Laude anticipated, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCertificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing anticipated\n\n201x - Present\n200x \xe2\x80\x93 201x\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS:\n\nMicrosoft Office, Internet, Excel, DOS.\n\nPROFESSIONAL\nASSOCIATIONS:\n\nSociety of Human Resource Management, Rowan University Student\nChapter, Vice President; Career Fair Chairperson;\nTri-State Human Resource Management Association, Member.\n\nACTIVITIES:\n\nPi Sigma Alpha, Secretary;\nAmerican Red Cross, Volunteer.\n\nReligious Education Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sewell, NJ\nSpring 201x - Present\nResponsible for implementing curriculum to 3rd grade students in preparation for their first Holy\nCommunion.\nHONORS\nKappa Delta Pi Honor Society\nJames M. Lynch, Jr. Scholarship Award \xe2\x80\x93 $1,000.00\nACTIVITIES\nStudent Member, New Jersey Education Association\nPanelist, New Jersey Association of Teacher Educators\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nSales Person, Rainbow Shop, Burlington Center, Burlington, NJ\nPresently on call as mascot \xe2\x80\x93 The Rainbow Bear\n\nAugust 200x - Present\n\nPORTFOLIO AND REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST'
b'Entry Level Resume Guide\n\nThis packet is intended to serve as a starting point for creating or improving your resume.\nIt includes sample resumes, as well as best practices and helpful resources for developing a\nsuccessful document.\nDePaul University\xe2\x80\x99s Peer Career Advisors are available on a walk-in basis to assist you with\ncreating and/or improving your resume. Inquire about Peer Career Advisor Program hours\nby calling the Career Center at (312) 362-8437 (Loop Campus) or (773) 325-7431 (Lincoln\nPark Campus).\n\n\x0cContents\nI.\n\nResume Purpose, Design, & Mechanics\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Page 3\n\nII.\n\nKey Elements of a Successful Resumes\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6....Page 4\nThis document is intended to guide you in creating your resume by outlining\nimportant types of information to include and tips for doing so in a professional and\npersuasive manner. Please note this is not intended as a template and the format\nemployed may or may not best represent you. Consider meeting with a Peer Career\nAdvisor to discuss how you might best layout your own resume.\n\nIII.\n\nTransferable Skills & Action Verbs\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.Page 5\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in a variety of industries and job\nfunctions. Considering which transferable skills you want to convey to employers is a\ngreat place to start when composing your resume. This list is a sampling of the types of\nskills you might highlight on your resume, in addition to those skills that are more\nspecific to your major, intended industry, or job function.\nA sampling of action verbs is also included on this page. Be sure to use strong action\nverbs to begin each of your bulleted statements, previewing the skill to be exemplified\nthrough the accomplishment statement.\n\nIV.\n\nChronological Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Pages 6-11\nIn this most commonly accepted resume format, job titles and employers are\nemphasized, starting with your most recent experiences to illustrate a progressive work\nhistory. Your skills and accomplishments are described through bulleted statements\nunder each position. This resume type is recommended for people who have recently\ngraduated with a bachelor\xe2\x80\x99s degree, those who are staying within the same career field,\nand candidates with few time gaps in their job history. This type is most often preferred\nby employers because it is easy to scan, highlights job titles, employers, and dates, and\nclearly ties candidates\xe2\x80\x99 skills and accomplishments to their work histories.\n\nV.\n\nFunctional & Combination Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Pages 12-13\nThis format is an option for candidates who have changed employers frequently,\nhave gaps in their employment history, or are hoping to transition to a new industry\nor unrelated job function. Functional resumes enable candidates to highlight\ntransferable skills, placing less emphasis on employment dates, job titles, and\nemployers.\n\nVI.\n\nAdditional Career Center Resume Resources\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Page 14\n\n2\n\n\x0cI. Resume Purpose, Design, & Mechanics\nThe purpose of a resume is to market yourself to employers by succinctly summarizing your education, experience,\nand skills, ultimately aiming to convince employers to invite you to interview. When conceptualizing your resume,\nthink of it as a marketing tool, rather than a simple work history, as it is intended to promote you as the perfect\ncandidate for the opportunity at hand.\nResume writing is an art, not a science. There is no one correct way to formulate a resume, but there are some best\npractices and standards that the Career Center recommends. Stand out from the crowd with high quality content\nand a clearly written, error-free document. Sequence the information from most important to least important with\nregard to your career objective. When constructing bullet points, aim to highlight accomplishments that exemplify\nthe skills you possess and employers are seeking.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Length: With a few rare exceptions, when applying for internships or entry-level jobs, students should\nkeep their resume to 1 page. If you have difficulty narrowing down your resume, consider removing\nelements that are not closely related to the opportunities for which you are applying.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Margins: Make your resume visually attractive. Use some whitespace to allow the reader\xe2\x80\x99s eye to rest.\nUsing .5 inch to 1.5 inch margins is recommended.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Font: Use a font that is easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New are good choices. A\n10-12 point font size is recommended.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Consistency: Keep the formatting consistent throughout your resume. For example, if you choose to bold\na job title, make sure you bold every job title. Also, make sure that all of your bullet points, section headers,\ndates, etc. line up neatly on the page.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Accuracy: Your resume, and all other job search materials, must be 100% error free. Be sure to carefully\nread through your resume, checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is a good idea to have at least\n2-3 people proofread it as well.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Be Accomplishment-Orientated: Employers hire you for your skills and want to read about times when\nyou have successfully utilized the skills they are seeking. Describe achievements, rather than listing duties,\nquantify outcomes whenever possible, and be sure to highlight your proficiency in both technical (industry\nor job function-specific) and transferable skills.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Use Action Verbs: Strengthen your bullet points by beginning each with an action verb that previews the\nskill to be exemplified in that accomplishment statement. This allows a potential employer to more easily\nscan your resume for what he or she is seeking.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Make it Clear and Be Succinct: Eliminate the pronoun \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d at the beginning of each bullet point as this is\nassumed. Avoid introductory and wind-up phrases such as \xe2\x80\x9cMy duties included...\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cMy responsibilities\nwere\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x81\xb6 Overall Appearance: Ask yourself and others if your document is easy to read and professional looking.\nAlso, consider that the average recruiter may scan your resume for 30 seconds or less. Make sure that your\nmost important information stands out.\n\n3\n\n\x0cII. Key Elements of a Successful Resume\nYour First and Last Name\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Phone number \xe2\x99\xa6 Email address \xe2\x99\xa6 Street address \xe2\x99\xa6 City, state & zip code \xe2\x99\xa6\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE\nCreate a statement describing or naming the position you are seeking to obtain. You may also include the specific field or area\nyou are interested in and the skills and expertise you could contribute to the company. This section is optional and could be\nomitted or substituted with a \xe2\x80\x95Career Highlights\xe2\x80\x96 or \xe2\x80\x95Summary of Qualifications\xe2\x80\x96 section.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nEDUCATION\nInstitution City, State\n(Expected) Graduation Month Year\nWrite out the full name of your (expected) degree; also list Minors and Concentrations\nGPA: 4.0/4.0 (it is recommended that you include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher)\nOther possible information to include: Study Abroad experiences, Relevant Coursework, or Academic Awards and Honors.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nEXPERIENCE, RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE [possible titles/descriptive headings]\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nThe position header above is one example of formatting. Other formats can include using two lines or rearranging the order of\nthe Organization, Job Title, Location, and Dates to emphasize the most important elements.\nYou can bold or italicize your title or your organization\xe2\x80\x94whichever is more relevant, but be consistent.\nIn this section include bulleted accomplishment statements, which provide examples of times you have successfully used the\nskills employers are seeking.\nStart with a strong action verb, then follow with an explanation of what you were doing, describe how you did it, and, when\npossible, include any outcomes that you achieved. Remember, statements should ultimately convey your proficiency in one or\nmore skill sets of interest to the employer by way of providing an example of when you have used them.\nConsider the following questions to help you create more effective bullet points: What was the result/outcome of your work?\nWhat were your accomplishments? How did you help the organization? What skills/knowledge did you enhance? How does\nthis experience relate to your internship/employment goal?\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nBulleted statements should be in the proper tense (past or present tense) and use consistent grammar and punctuation.\nBe specific by including quantity, frequency, population, and impact of your work whenever possible.\nMake sure your resume is easy to read and not too text heavy. Avoid using colors, multiple fonts, pictures, being too brief, or\nmaking it too dense. Make it your own, but be professional.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE, LEADERSHIP, HONORS, ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY SERVICE, VOLUNTEER,\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT [possible titles/descriptive headings]\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nUsing multiple experience sections is optional and allows you to emphasize (by placing it closer to the top) your most relevant\nexperience. Experiences within a section should be listed in reverse chronological order.\nPositions within this section should be formatted like previous experience sections, but may or may not include bullet points.\nIn an additional experience section, you can include work experiences that may not be directly related to the job you are\napplying to, but add to your credibility by exemplifying a progressive work history.\nEmphasize your transferable skills, those that can be taken from one experience and applied elsewhere.\nOrganization, Your Role (e.g. Member, Participant, Honoree, or Presenter) \xe2\x80\x93 City, State Month Year - Month Year\nThis section can also be an opportunity to share your experiences as a leader, honors received, community involvement,\nprofessional development activities, or membership in organizations. As illustrated, replace \xe2\x80\x95job title\xe2\x80\x96 with the role you played.\nIncluding bullet points is optional, depending on what you wish to convey to a potential employer.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nADDITIONAL SKILLS [List skills that are testable and concrete. Soft skills such as communication, organizational, and\ninterpersonal skills should not be listed here, but rather incorporated into your bulleted accomplishment statements above.]\nTechnology: Try to include programs that would not be assumed based on education and include your proficiency level. For\nexample: Advanced User of Microsoft Office Suite, including Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as Adobe Photoshop.\nLanguages: For example: Proficient in oral and written German; Beginner knowledge of Spanish.\n\n4\n\n\x0cIII. Transferable Skills & Action Verbs\nTRANSFERABLE SKILLS\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in multiple work settings. Consider incorporating them, in addition to those\nthat are specific to your intended career field, by providing examples of when you have successfully used them in your\nbulleted accomplishment statements. Some examples of transferable skills include the following:\nCLERICAL\nBookkeeping\nClassifying\nCollecting\nCompiling\nComputing\nExamining\nFiling\nOrganizing\nRecording\nWord processing\n\nCREATIVE\nDesigning\nDeveloping\nEstablishing\nIllustrating\nImagining\nImprovising\nInventing\nperforming\nRevitalizing\nVisualizing\n\nHUMAN RELATIONS\nAdvising\nAssisting\nCounseling\nEmpathizing\nFacilitating\nGuiding\nListening\nMotivating\nRepresenting\nServing\n\nPUBLIC RELATIONS\nConducting\nConsulting\nInforming\nPlanning\nPresenting\nPromoting\nRepresenting\nResponding\nResearching\nWriting\n\nRESEARCH\nAssessing\nCalculating\nCollecting\nDiagnosing\nEvaluating\nExamining\nExtrapolating\nInterviewing\nInvestigating\nSynthesizing\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nEditing\nExplaining\nInfluencing\nInterpreting\nlistening\nMediating\nPromoting\nSpeaking\nTranslating\nWriting\n\nFINANCIAL\nAccounting\nAdministering\nAllocating\nAuditing\nBalancing\nCalculating\nForecasting\nInvesting\nProjecting\n\nMANAGEMENT\nCommunicating\nConsulting\nCoordinating\nDelegating\nDirecting\nEvaluating\nLeading\nNegotiating\nPersuading\nPlanning\n\nPROBLEM SOLVING\nAnalyzing\nAppraising\nDiagnosing\nExamining\nExecuting\nPlanning\nProving\nReasoning\nRecognizing\nValidating\n\nTECHNICAL\nAdjusting\nAligning\nAssembling\nDrafting\nEngineering\nInstalling\nObserving\nOperating\nProgramming\nRepairing\n\nTRAINING\nAdapting\nCommunicating\nDemonstrating\nEnabling\nEncouraging\nEvaluating\nExplaining\nInstructing\nPlanning\nStimulating\n\nACTION VERBS\nBeginning each bulleted accomplishment statement with a strong action verb helps to highlight your successes and allows a\nreader to get a sense of your skills by scanning the page prior to reading each individual bullet point. It is a good idea to vary\nthe action verbs on your resume in order to appeal to different audiences. Below is a list of verbs to help get you started.\nA\nAchieved\nActed\nAdapted\nAdjusted\nAdministered\nAdvanced\nAdvised\nAltered\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nArranged\nAssembled\nAssessed\nAudited\nB\nBalanced\nBudgeted\nBuilt\nC\nCalculated\nCalibrated\nCategorized\nCharted\nClassified\nCoached\nCollected\nCombined\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nComputed\nConducted\nConfigured\nConsolidated\nConstructed\n\nConsulted\nContrasted\nControlled\nConverted\nConvinced\nCoordinated\nCounseled\nCounted\nCreated\nCultivated\nD\nDecided\nDecreased\nDefined\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDetermined\nDeveloped\nDevised\nDiagnosed\nDifferentiated\nDistributed\nDocumented\nDoubled\nDrafted\nE\nEdited\nEliminated\nEncouraged\nEngineered\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nEstablished\nEstimated\n\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExecuted\nExpanded\nExpedited\nF\nFacilitated\nFiled\nFilled\nForecasted\nFormulated\nFostered\nFulfilled\nG\nGained\nGathered\nGenerated\nGrew\nGuided\nH\nHandled\nHeaded\nHired\nI\nIdentified\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInitiated\nInspected\nInstalled\nInstituted\nInstructed\n\nIntegrated\nIntended\nInterviewed\ninvented\nInvestigated\nL\nLaunched\nLectured\nLed\nLiaised\nLogged\nM\nMaintained\nManaged\nManufactured\nMarketed\nMeasured\nMediated\nMentored\nMigrated\nMinimized\nMonitored\nMotivated\nN\nNegotiated\nO\nObtained\nOperated\nOrchestrated\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOriginated\nOversaw\nP\nPerformed\nPersuaded\n\nPlanned\nPosted\nPrepared\nPrescribed\nPresented\nPriced\nProcessed\nProduced\nPromoted\nProposed\nProtected\nProvided\nPurchased\nR\nRealized\nReceived\nRecommended\nReconciled\nRecorded\nRecruited\nRedesigned\nReduced\nReferred\nRemoved\nReorganized\nRepaired\nReported\nRepresented\nResearched\nResolved\nRestructured\nRevamped\nReviewed\nRevised\nRevitalized\nRouted\n\nS\nScheduled\nSelected\nSeparated\nServed\nServiced\nSet up\nSimplified\nSold\nSolved\nSpecified\nStarted\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nStrengthened\nStudied\nSummarized\nSupervised\nSupplied\nSupported\nT\nTested\nTracked\nTrained\nTransformed\nTranslated\nTroubleshot\nU\nUpdated\nUpgraded\nV\nVerified\nW\nWeighed\nWired\nWon\n\n5\n\n\x0cIV. Chronological Resume Samples\nSAMPLE 1: Chronological Resume\n\nMin Nguyen\[email protected]\nPermanent Address:\n1515 Howard Street\nAtlanta, GA 30342\n(404) 555-5555\nEducation\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising\nExpected June 2012\nG.P.A. 3.3/4.0\nAcademic Honors: Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List all quarters in attendance\nGolden Key International\n\nCoursework Advertising Campaigns\nAdvertising Media Planning\nExperience\n\nCurrent Address:\n2500 North Kenmore #2\nChicago, IL 60614\n(312) 555-5555\n\nHealthcare and Public Relations\nCrisis Communication\n\nDePaul Student Government, Chicago, IL\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAdvertising Staff\nAssist in production of independent and commercial documentary films.\nCoordinate media relations and arrange promotional events.\nCollaborate with marketing and creative staff on press releases, space ads,\nposters, and dealer promotions.\nIrvin and Smith, Inc., Atlanta, GA\nSummers 2008, 2009\nAdministrative Assistant\nResearched new market opportunities by investigating and identifying potential\ncustomers and competitors.\nProvided status reports to management on all operations activities on a weekly\nbasis.\nWorked with advertising, sales, and technical groups to develop brochures and\ntrade show displays.\nArranged employee travel to and from conventions and conferences.\n\nLeadership\n\nSkills\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFreshman Orientation Leader\nFamiliarize students with on campus support services and facilitate tours of\nDePaul\xe2\x80\x99s Campus\nDePaul University Accounting Club, Chicago, IL\nTreasurer\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nStudent Newspaper\nStaff Writer\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2010\n\nLanguage: Conversational in Spanish\nComputer: Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint\n6\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 2: Chronological Resume\n\nMartha Smith [email protected]\n2425 N. Sheffield, Apt #602 ~ Chicago, IL 60614 ~ (773) 555 \xe2\x80\x935555\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain an internship in marketing or communications in which I can contribute my\ninterpersonal, writing, and time management skills.\n\nEducation\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Arts in English, June 2011\nMinor in Japanese Studies\nG.P.A. 3.4/4.0\nRitsumeikan University , Kyoto, Japan\nStudy Abroad Program, Winter Quarter 2010\n\nExperience\n\nCNA Insurance Company, Chicago, IL\nJuly 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMarketing Support Clerk\n\xef\x82\xa7 Conduct an average of 50-75 telephone interviews per week with customers from target\nmarkets.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative research data using internet databases,\nprescribed interviewing techniques, and SPSS.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Draft marketing materials to be included in new publications.\nMcDermott, Will & Emery Law Firm, Chicago, IL\nMay 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2009\nReceptionist\n\xef\x82\xa7 Directed incoming calls on a 40-line switchboard.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Greeted clients and instructed them to fill out appropriate paperwork.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Organized all aspects of a luncheon for the law firm\xe2\x80\x99s attorneys and their clients.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Created and maintained an electronic filing system, enabling users to access scanned\ndocuments remotely.\nMacy\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Chicago, IL\nSeasonal 2007 & 2008\nSales Associate\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assisted and advised customers on purchases of various merchandise.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Dealt with customer inquiries and complaints in a polite and efficient manner.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Executed special customer orders via telephone, email, and fax.\n\nActivities\n\nDePaul Ambassador Club, Member\nStudent Advisory Board, Member\nMarketing Club member, Special Events Coordinator\nAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member\n\nSkills\n\nProficient in Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook, and SPSS\nFunctional in PowerPoint\nFluent in verbal and written Japanese\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n7\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 3: Chronological Resume\n\nHector Gonzales\n123 Software Way\n312-555-5555\nChicago, IL 60000\[email protected]\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nOBJECTIVE: To obtain a part-time or internship position in which I can contribute 1+ years of IT experience and\neducation, as well as my collaboration and communication skills.\nEDUCATION:\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, DePaul University, Chicago, IL\nCumulative GPA: 3.0/4.0; Major GPA: 3.6/4.0\n\nExpected June 2011\n\nTECHNICAL SUMMARY:\nLanguages: C++, Visual Basic, Cobol, Java, HTML, JavaScript\nSoftware: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, Front Page\nOperating Systems: Windows, UNIX, DOS\nDatabases: Access, SQL\nCOURSE PROJECTS:\nSystem Analysis and Design\nWinter 2010\nProduction Control Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Led a team of five students in designing, coding and implementing an SQL database.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Entered and updated information using a search engine robot.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Completed analysis and designed documentation with data flow diagrams, structure charts, process\nspecifications, data-dictionary and a user manual.\nE-Commerce\nSummer 2009\nWebsite Design Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed a personal web site using HTML; viewable at\nRELATED EXPERIENCE:\nDigiworld, Chicago, IL\nMay 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDatabase Intern\n\xef\x82\xa7 Maintain 1000 customer records in company\xe2\x80\x99s Access database.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Update website with information on new events and services utilizing Front Page.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Process online subscriptions, activating new subscriber accounts by creating usernames and passwords.\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nOctober 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 July 2008\nLab Assistant\n\xef\x82\xa7 Provided technical support to students in a lab with 150 workstations.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Performed troubleshooting and problem-solving of hardware and software issues.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nGeneral Office Company, Naperville, IL\nClerk\n\xef\x82\xa7 Coordinated scheduling of events and meetings for multiple departments.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Distributed newsletters and correspondence to constituents.\n\nAugust 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2009\n\nACTIVITIES:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Member, Computer Science Society (ACM student chapter)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Secretary, Student Government Association\n\xef\x82\xa7 Member, Golden Key Honor Society\n\nSeptember 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDecember 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMay 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n8\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 4: Chronological Resume\n\nLaura Jackson\n\n_________________________________________________________________\n1005 West George, #2 Chicago, IL 60657\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Science in Marketing, June 2007\nMinor in Sociology\nG.P.A. 3.1/4.0\n\[email protected]\n\n(773) 555-5555\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUSA Track & Field, Indianapolis, IN\nCommunication/Media Intern, Summer 2006\nCoordinated communications between USA Track and Field publications, internet production, and\ninformation distribution teams.\nContributed to writing, editing, and distribution of press releases.\nFacilitated daily press department mailings.\nGenerated database for USA Track and Field Hall of Fame grand opening.\nUpdated athletes\xe2\x80\x99 online biographies after every track meet.\nAssisted the Promotions Department by participating in on-location promotional events and\nprogramming activities.\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nNursing Learning Resource Center Assistant, August 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 January 2006\nProvided nursing students with research advice and service regarding nursing center, media library, and\nlab resources.\nAcquired and maintained knowledge of nursing curriculum, prerequisites, and other nursing-related\ncourse work in order to advise current students and promote program to prospective students.\nIssued audiovisual materials, reference books, reserve materials, and other clinical equipment.\nAnswered phones for department and directed students to appropriate resources.\nAttended to opening and closing duties, such as prepping the computer lab, preparing reserve items for\nstudents, checking messages, and locking up.\nACTIVITIES & LEADERSHIP\nAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member, January 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFacilitate and support fundraising efforts by marketing through emails, flyers, and social media websites\nfor philanthropic and community service efforts.\nDePaul Ambassador Club, Senior Member, September 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nProvided tours of campus to prospective students and their families.\nTrained six new ambassadors on delivering campus tours and overnight visit protocol.\nDePaul Marketing Club, Vice President, September 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 March 2007\nRecruited members and co-led club\xe2\x80\x99s annual fundraising drive.\n\n9\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 5: Chronological Resume\n\nNicole Anderson\n456 Bellfour Drive Lincolnwood, IL 60654\n(773) 555-5555 [email protected]\n\nSummary of Qualifications\nFour years of progressive experience in communications, media, and public relations\nGraduate level education in public relations and advertising with coursework in theory, integrated\ncampaigns, and strategic planning\nHighly motivated professional with an understanding of new media\xe2\x80\x99s role in public relations\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nMaster of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising, December 2010\nSouth University, Kansas City, MO\nBachelor of Arts in Management, June 2007\nRelated Experience\nPublic Relations Assistant\nFox Chicago News, Chicago IL, 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2009\nPrepared and edited press releases to promote upcoming events and convey highlights of recent\nhappenings\nCreated organizational publications for internal and external audiences, including employee newsletters\nAssisted in the planning and execution of promotional events, including a \xe2\x80\x95flash mob\xe2\x80\x96 with over 50\nparticipants\nArranged public appearances, lectures, contests, and exhibits for Fox Chicago News personalities\nSpecial Report Intern\nReal Life News, Anye, NY, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nInvestigated and proposed opportunities to incorporate new media into organization\xe2\x80\x99s strategic\ncommunications plan\nDeveloped and marketed organization\xe2\x80\x99s Facebook Fan Page, gaining over 1,500 fans in the first six\nweeks\nCollected and analyzed data, consulted with industry experts, and provided reporters with premise and\nsources for stories consistently ahead of schedule\nAdditional Experience\nCustomer Service Associate\nMarshall and Company, Chicago, IL, 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nServe customers making various payment transactions\nProcess cash advances quickly and accurately to employees, resulting in being honored as Employee of\nthe Month three times\nBalance cash receipts of previous day and compiled daily report for the auditing department,\neliminating the need for a second shift employee, saving the company over $2000 per month\nHonors & Activities\nGolden Key Honor Society Member, 2008\nAmoco Scholarship Recipient, 2008\nMarketing Club Secretary, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n10\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 6: Chronological Resume\n\nDouglas Noth\[email protected] (312) 555-1111\nOnline Portfolio Viewable at:\nCAREER HIGHLIGHTS\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n2 years of experience in producing, directing, and editing videos, specifically documentaries\nCompleted the Atlantis Dual Degree Study Abroad Program in France and Sweden\nOver 8 years of experience in community service, including fundraising, event and advocacy planning\nProven skills in organizing, implementing, and working with diverse team members\n\nEDUCATION\nAtlantis Dual Degree Study Abroad Program, June 2009\nB. A. in Digital Cinema, DePaul University, Chicago, IL\nB. A. in Business Administration, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nDirector/Producer: Atlantis Documentary, Chicago, IL, January 2009-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Produce and direct a documentary on the Atlantis Study Abroad Program to promote dual degree programs\nthrough DePaul and affiliate universities abroad.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Travel to France and Sweden to coordinate and conduct interviews with University Presidents, Directors and\nstudents.\nCo-Producer/Camera Operator: Rafiki Collaborative Documentary, Kenya/ Chicago, IL, November 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Traveled to Kenya to film a 15-minute documentary, which portrayed cultural and structural issues surrounding\nHIV and AIDS.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed interviewing skills by conducting 11 interviews with local community leaders.\nAssistant to Producer (Internship): Richter Studios, Chicago, IL, September 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assist Producer with various pre-production activities, including location scouting and shoot planning.\nCo-Director/Co-Producer: Voices Documentary, Chicago, IL, January 2009-June 2009\n\xef\x82\xa7 Commissioned by DePaul Community Service Organization to create a 20-minute documentary about social\njustice on campus to be shown to all incoming freshman and elsewhere on campus to encourage student\ninvolvement.\nFeatured Extra: Universal Studios, Chicago, IL, May 2007\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked as a paid extra on a Dennis Quaid film, The Express, for Universal Studios.\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\nSound Director: Cheap Seats movie for Project Bluelight, Chicago, IL, August 2008\n\xef\x82\xa7 Directed sound for 30-minute short written and directed by a faculty member with a crew of 20 students.\nProducer: Ride music video, Chicago, IL, July 2007\n\xef\x82\xa7 Produced a 3-minute music video for local hip-hop artist and DJ with crew of 4 students.\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nDePaul Community Service Association: Senior Team, Chicago, IL, August 2008-Current\nOle Lounge: Bartender/ Server, Chicago, IL, August 2008-January 2009\nDePaul University: Resident Advisor, Chicago, IL, August 2006-June 2007\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE AND HONORS\nBest Buddies E-Buddy, May 2007-July 2008\nDePaul Community Service Coordinator, April 2006-March 2007\nDePaul AIDS Project Volunteer, January 2005-2007\nSpecial Olympics Volunteer, May 2006\n\n11\n\n\x0cV. Functional & Combination Resume Samples\nSAMPLE 7: Functional Resume, Career Changer with Gap in Work History\n\nDominique Harris\n2312 N. Sheffield #306\nChicago, IL 60614\n(773) 555-5555\[email protected]\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain a management position that will allow me to utilize my proven interpersonal,\norganizational, and management skills\n\nEducation\n\nDePaul University\nBachelor of Arts in Psychology, June 2011\nMinor in Management\nGPA: 3.2/4.0\n\nHonors\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, all quarters in attendance\nPsi Chi, Psychology Honors Society Member, 2009\xe2\x80\x93 present\nPsychology Club, Alumni Relations Team Leader, 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nGolden Key Award Recipient, 2008\n\nChicago, IL\n\nExperience\nInterpersonal\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nFacilitated negotiation between management and employees to resolve conflicts.\nProvided effective service by listening to customers and meeting their needs efficiently.\nUtilized effective persuasive skills in retail sales to sway customers to buy certain items.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nPlanned and organized store merchandise displays.\nDesigned and developed merchandise system for business course research project.\nRecognized by supervisors as being detail-oriented in the office setting.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nTrained nine new employees in effective sales techniques.\nSupervised various team building activities to enhance working environment.\nServed as store supervisor in manager\xe2\x80\x99s absence.\n\nOrganizational\n\nManagement\n\nWork History\nDePaul University, Department of Psychology\nSecretary/Receptionist, 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nChicago, IL\n\nJCPenney Company\nSales Clerk/Cashier, 1994 \xe2\x80\x93 1998\n\nNiles, IL\n\nWalgreens\nAssistant Manager, 1992 \xe2\x80\x93 1994\n\nChicago, IL\n\n12\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 8: Combination Resume, Part-Time or Internship Position\n\nAdita Patel\n1235 Turn Arial, Niles, IL 12345\n(123) 456-7890\[email protected]\nObjective\nTo secure a part-time or internship position in the area of financial services in order to contribute my skills in\nanalysis, customer service, and communication.\nCareer Skills\nSupervised a team of three part-time employees in processing and auditing customers\xe2\x80\x99 special orders on a\nregular basis.\nPrepared and distributed online financial weekly reports.\nProven ability to work with diverse groups of staff and management.\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nExpected Graduation \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nBachelor of Science \xe2\x80\x93 Finance\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List \xe2\x80\x93 all quarters in attendance\nRelevant Course Work\nFinancial Accounting\nFinancial Management\n\nBusiness Law\nBusiness Statistic\n\nMoney and Banking\nCapital Growth\n\nWork Experience\nWarrenburg Furniture, Chicago, IL\nClient Service Agent\nApril 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\nOversaw the accounts receivable department for a small upscale local furniture manufacturer.\nLincoln Bank & Loan, Niles, IL\nFinancial Services Agent\nJanuary 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 March 2008\nServiced loan clients in transactions for loan applications and personal savings accounts.\nProfessional Development\nDePaul University Mentor Program, Member, 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAssist new College of Commerce students by providing information on university resources, study-related\nissues, academic planning, and social events.\nDePaul University Finance Club, Emerging Leaders Event Committee Chairperson, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n13\n\n\x0cVI. Additional Career Center Resume Resources\n\nThe Career Center offers several options for getting help in creating and perfecting your resume.\nTake advantage of one or more of the following services available to students and alumni:\n\xef\x81\xb6 Peer Career Advising: Peer Career Advisors have been specially trained to provide resume\n\nassistance and basic career services to the DePaul community. Peers are available on a walk-in\nbasis during most business hours or via email at [email protected] for questions,\njob search advice, resume assistance, and cover letter critiques.\n\n\xef\x81\xb6 Online Tutorial and Resources: Visit the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s website at\n\ to access an interactive resume tutorial, Instant Message a Peer\nCareer Advisor, or access this packet and other documents electronically.\n\n\xef\x81\xb6 Career Advising: Career Advisors, who specialize in serving the needs of students and\n\nalumni from each of DePaul\xe2\x80\x99s colleges, are available to meet by appointment. Advising\nsessions can cover a variety of topics, including selecting a major, advanced resume\ndevelopment, job search strategies, interviewing skills, and other career-related concerns.\nContact the Career Center to schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor or inquire about\nPeer Career Advisor Availability.\n\nDePaul University Career Center\nContact Information\nLincoln Park Campus\n2320 N Kenmore Ave, SAC 192\nChicago IL, 60614\n(773)-325-7431\n\nLoop Campus\n1 E. Jackson Blvd, Suite 9500\nChicago IL, 60604\n(312)-362-8437\n\n14'
b'Graduate Resume and Curriculum Vitae Guide\nWHAT IS A RESUME?\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYour marketing tool to prospective employers in industry\nA concise one- to three-page document that highlights your most relevant experiences and skills tailored to each position to\nwhich you are applying\nTip: Create a master resume of all your experiences and accomplishments. Use this record to write a one- to three-page tailored\nresume for each position you apply for highlighting your most relevant qualifications.\n\nWHAT IS A CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)?\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAn academic version of a resume that provides a professional archive of all your experiences related to your academic career\nFor graduate students, a CV is typically a few pages. Length can be determined by the amount and depth of your experiences.\nA CV should then be tailored to the position you are applying for by ordering your sections from most to least relevant\n\xef\x82\xb7 Use your CV as a professional archive and keep it updated with all your accomplishments\nTip: Consider consulting with a faculty member or advisor for advice and feedback on your CV because they often serve on hiring\ncommittees and have experienced an academic job search.\n\nTO GET STARTED WITH YOUR RESUME OR CV:\n\n\xef\x80\xb1\xef\x80\xa9 Make a list of your experiences: Education, research, teaching, publications/presentations, organizations, etc.\n\xef\x80\xb2\xef\x80\xa9 Think about your contributions, skills you used and developed, and your significant achievements\n\xef\x80\xb3\xef\x80\xa9 Begin to craft your resume or CV by organizing these experiences into sections (examples below)\nThere are many sections that could be a part of your document. It is important to keep in mind that your document should be\nspecific to your experience and the position for which you are applying. You have flexibility in the choice, naming, and placement of\nsections. While your contact information and education are usually listed first, other sections can be in any order, based on your\nstrengths and the requirements of the position or opportunity. If you are unsure if you should provide a resume or a CV, you may\nwant to contact the organization directly to see which they prefer.\n\nRESUME AND CV SECTIONS\nBelow is a list of common sections you may use when creating your document. To see examples of these sections, refer to the\nexample resume and CV at the end of this guide.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nCONTACT INFORMATION:\nInclude your name, present and/or permanent address, telephone number, and email address.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:\nIncluded on a resume, a set of bullet points (skills statements) that concisely highlight skills and experiences on your resume that\nrelate directly to the position.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nEDUCATION:\nInclude all institutions of higher education you have attended and are currently attending in reverse-chronological order (most\nrecent first). Include: The degree you are seeking, university name, college name, city and state of the university, your (expected)\ngraduation date, and GPA. Thesis and dissertation titles, minors, coursework, academic awards, and study abroad programs may\nalso be included in this section.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nTHESIS/DISSERTATION:\nProvide the title and a short description of your work, its framework, and your findings, as well as your advisor and committee\nmembers. Also include the completion date.\n\nPage 1\n\n\x0cEXPERIENCE:\nFor each experience (paid or volunteer) include your position title, organization name and location, and dates of\nemployment. Then create bulleted skills statements to describe your experience using this formula: Action Verb + Details + Result\n(when applicable).\nTo format skills statements, begin with a bullet point, then use an action verb (see pg. 4 for list) that describes the skill used (e.g.\n\xe2\x80\x9ccreated,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cresearched,\xe2\x80\x9d etc.) and summarize your duties, accomplishments, and projects. When possible describe the results of\nyour efforts.\nExample of skills statement: Demonstrates teamwork\n\xef\x82\xb7 Weak Skills Statement: \xe2\x80\x9cManufactured diagnostic reagents\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong Skills Statement: \xe2\x80\x9cCollaborated in a team of 15 to efficiently manufacture diagnostic reagents in a GMP environment\xe2\x80\x9d\nAvoid using personal pronouns such as \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d and make sure verbs are in the correct tense (past tense for past experiences and\npresent tense for current experiences). List your experiences in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Consider creating\nspecific experience sections to highlight different types of experiences, such as \xe2\x80\x9cRelated Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x9cResearch Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cLeadership Experience,\xe2\x80\x9d etc.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nTEACHING/RESEARCH EXPERIENCE:\nTeaching experiences include information such as courses taught, university and department names, dates, and a description.\nResearch includes title/type of research, faculty contributing, and a description of the purpose and findings. Postdoctoral\ninformation can also be included in these types of sections.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nSKILLS:\nInclude tangible skills, such as language, technical, and laboratory skills. Consider your level of proficiency. Avoid including\ntransferable or \xe2\x80\x9csoft\xe2\x80\x9d skills, such as communication skills.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nPUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:\nProvide a list of published works and presentations authored or co-authored (those submitted and under review), including the\ntitle, co-authors or presenters, place of publications or presentations, and dates similar to a bibliography page. When included on a\nresume the list of publications should be selected based on the job description. On a CV you will provide a complete list of your\nworks.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS:\nList professional associations/organizations in which you hold memberships, including dates of your involvement and a description\nof your contribution if you have been involved beyond general membership.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nAWARDS AND HONORS/FELLOWSHIPS:\nList competitive scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships received, names of scholastic honors, and teaching or research\nawards you have received, specifically those most relevant to the position.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nCERTIFICATIONS:\nInclude certificates related to your field you have earned. List the name of the certificate and its expiration date.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nGRANTS RECEIVED:\nProvide the name, dates, and amount of grants you have written and received.\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nREFERENCES:\nWhen requested as part of an application, include the name, job title, organization name, address, phone number, and email\naddress for 3-5 individuals. It can also be helpful to provide a brief statement describing your relationship with each reference. If\nincluded along with a resume, references are on a separate page that is formatted to match your resume. If included as part of\nyour CV, references may be placed at the end of the document.\n\nPage 2\n\n\x0cTRANSFERABLE SKILLS:\nAs you begin your search for a career and/or job, it is important to know your qualifications and communicate these skills to an\nemployer through your resume, cover letter, and interview. Over the years you have developed many skills through your\ncoursework, extracurricular activities, and life experiences. Review the list below and identify which transferrable skills you have\nand reflect on how you acquired these skills. Use this information when creating your resume to describe your experiences and the\nskills gained from these experiences. For example, if you have researched a topic for class and then wrote, edited, and presented a\nfinal research paper in front of your peers, you have used skills (gathering information, writing, problem-solving, presenting) which\nare not limited to that specific academic discipline, but are transferable to many occupations.\n\nResearch and\nplanning\n\nHuman relations\n\nOrganizing,\nmanagement and\nleadership\n\nWork survival\n\nThe skillful expression\nand interpretation of\nknowledge and ideas.\n\nThe search for specific\nknowledge and the ability\nto conceptualize future\nneeds and solutions.\n\nThe use of interpersonal\nskills for resolving\nconflict, relating to and\nhelping people.\n\nAbility to supervise and\nguide individuals and\ngroups in the\ncompletion of goals.\n\nThe daily skills that\nassist in promoting\neffective production and\nwork satisfaction.\n\nSpeaking effectively\n\nPredicting\n\nDeveloping\nrelationships\n\nInitiating new ideas\n\nImplementing decisions\n\nWriting effectively\n\nCreating theories and\nideas\n\nBeing sensitive\n\nHandling details\n\nCooperating\n\nIdentifying problems\n\nListening\n\nCoordinating tasks\n\nEnforcing policies\n\nImagining alternatives\n\nConveying feelings\n\nManaging groups\n\nBeing punctual\n\nIdentifying resources\n\nProviding support\n\nDelegating\nresponsibility\n\nManaging time\n\nGathering information\n\nMotivating\n\nTeaching\n\nSolving problems\n\nSharing credit\n\nPerceiving non-verbal\nmessages\n\nCoaching\n\nSetting goals\n\nCounseling\n\nAdvising\n\nPresenting information\n\nExtracting information\n\nCooperating\n\nPromoting change\n\nAccepting\nresponsibility\n\nDescribing feelings\n\nDefining needs\n\nDelegating with respect\n\nInterviewing\n\nDeveloping evaluations\n\nRepresenting others\n\nSelling ideas or\nproducts\n\nSetting and meeting\ndeadlines\n\nEditing\n\nCreating spreadsheets\nand databases\n\nPerceiving feelings,\nsituations\n\nDecision making with\nothers\n\nOrganizing\n\nCommunication\n\nListening attentively\nExpressing ideas\nFacilitating discussions\nNegotiating\nPersuading\n\nCalculating results\n\nAsserting\n\nAttending to detail\nMeeting goals\nEnlisting help\n\nMaking decisions\nManaging conflict\n\nPage 3\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS:\nAction verbs are an effective way to begin a skills statement. They help to catch the readers attention and demonstrate both\ntechnical and transferable skills you have used in your experiences.\nAccomplishment\nlectured\nrevised\nauthorized\nstudied\ngrossed\nachieved\nlistened\nrevitalized\ncataloged\nsuggested\nincreased\ncompleted\nmarketed\nshaped\ncentralized\ntailored\ninventoried\ndecreased\nmediated\nsolved\ncharted\ntracked\nmaximized\nexpanded\nmoderated\nclassified\nmultiplied\nexceeded\nnegotiated\nHelping\ncollected\nProblem Solving\nnetted\nimproved\nobserved\naided\ncommissioned\nalleviated\nprofited\nincreased\noutlined\naccommodated\ncommitted\nanalyzed\nprojected\noriented\nparticipated\nadvised\nconfirmed\nbrainstormed\npurchased\npioneered\npersuaded\nalleviated\ncontracted\ncollaborated\nquantified\nreduced (losses)\npresented\nassisted\ncoordinated\nconceived\nrated\nresolved (issues)\npromoted\nassured\ncustomized\nconceptualized\nreconciled\nrestored\nproposed\nbolstered\ndelegated\ncreated\nrecorded\nspearheaded\npublicized\ncoached\ndesignated\ndebugged\nreduced\nsucceeded\nreconciled\ncontinued\ndesigned\ndecided\ntotaled\nsurpassed\nrecruited\ncooperated\ndetermined\ndeciphered\ntransformed\nreferred\ncounseled\ndeveloped\ndetected\nTechnical Skills\nwon\nreinforced\ndealt\ndevised\ndiagnosed\nadapted\nreported\neased\ndispatched\nengineered\napplied\nCommunication\nresolved\nelevated\nestablished\nforesaw\nassembled\naddressed\nresponded\nenabled\nevaluated\nformulated\nbuild\nadvertised\nsolicited\nendorsed\nfacilitated\nfound\ncalculated\narranged\nspecified\nenhanced\nforecasted\ninvestigated\ncomputed\narticulated\nspoke\nenriched\nformulated\nrecommended\nconserved\nauthored\nsuggested\nfamiliarized\nhoused\nremedied\nconstructed\nclarified\nsummarized\nhelped\nidentified\nremodeled\nconverted\ncollaborated\nsynthesized\ninterceded\nimplemented\nrepaired\ndebugged\ncommunicated\ntranslated\nmobilized\nincorporated\nrevamped\ndesigned\ncomposed\nwrote\nmodeled\ninstituted\nrevitalized\ndetermined\ncondensed\npolished\nissued\nsatisfied\ndeveloped\nconferred\nCreative\nprescribed\nlinked\nsolved\nengineered\ncontacted\nadapted\nprovided\nlogged\nsynthesized\nfabricated\nconveyed\nbegan\nprotected\nmapped out\ntheorized\nfortified\nconvinced\ncombined\nrehabilitated\nobserved\ninstalled\ncorresponded\ncomposed\nrelieved\nobtained\nQuantitative\nmaintained\ndebated\nconceptualized\nrescued\nordered\naccounted for\noperated\ndefined\ncondensed\nsaved\norganized\nappraised\noverhauled\ndescribed\ncreated\nserved\nplanned\napproximated\nprinted\ndeveloped\ncustomized\nsustained\nprepared\naudited\nprogrammed\ndirected\ndesigned\ntutored\nprioritized\nbalanced\nregulated\ndiscussed\ndeveloped\nvalidated\nprocured\nbudgeted\nremodeled\ndrafted\ndirected\nprogrammed\ncalculated\nrepaired\nedited\ndisplayed\nPlanning &\nrecruited\nchecked\nreplaced\nelicited\nestablished\nOrganizing\nrectified\ncompiled\nrestored\nenlisted\nfashioned\nacquired\nresearched\ncompounded\nsolved\nexplained\nformulated\nactivated\nreserved\ncomputed\nspecialized\nexpressed\nfounded\nadjusted\nretrieved\nconserved\nspearheaded\nformulated\nillustrated\nadministered\nrevised\nconverted\nstandardized\nfurnished\ninitiated\nallocated\nrouted\ncounted\nstudied\ninfluenced\nintegrated\naltered\nscheduled\ndispensed\nupgrade\ninteracted\nintroduced\nanticipated\nselected\ndispersed\nutilized\ninterpreted\ninvented\nappointed\nsecured\nearned\ninterviewed\nmodeled\narranged\nsimplified\nenumerated\ninvolved\nmodified\nassembled\nsought\nestimated\njoined\nperformed\nassessed\nstraightened\nfigured\njudged\nplanned\nassigned\nstrategize\nfinanced\nPage 4\n\n\x0cFORMATTING YOUR RESUME OR CV:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nThe length of your resume or CV will depend on your level of experience and qualifications. Generally a graduate resume\nshould be 2-3 full pages and a CV should be 3-5 pages long. However, based on your experiences, career field, and the position\ndescription, it could be longer or shorter. Whatever the case, only print your document on one side of the paper and include\nyour name and the page number at the top of each page.\nAvoid using a resume or CV template. This decreases your ability to personalize and make changes as your document evolves.\nYour resume or CV should be well organized, without spelling errors, and easy to read. An employer spends a short amount of\ntime reading your document\xe2\x80\x94it is imperative that the employer clearly sees the most important qualifications.\nTo organize your document, you may choose to use bold, italics, all caps, indenting, and bullets. You will want to use these\nsparingly to emphasize the most important information. Avoid pictures, graphics, non-black ink, shading, and symbols instead\nof traditional, round, solid bullet points.\nIt is a good idea to start with a 1-inch margin on each side. You can expand the margins if need be. Font size should be\nbetween 10-12 point, and you will want to choose easy to read font styles, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Garamond.\nKeep font size and style consistent throughout your CV (except for your name, which should be a larger size).\nPresent your resume or CV on quality bond paper (20 pound)\xe2\x80\x94choose white or off-white to ensure your document is easy to\nread.\nIf you are filling out an online application where you cannot upload your document directly, keep the format simple when\nfilling in required information.\nIf you are requested to submit your documents via email, save your resume or CV and cover letter (if applicable) as attachments. Include a brief note in the body of the email stating your purpose.\n\nTIPS FOR RESUME AND CV WRITING:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMake sure that your resume or CV is a unique and personal document. It is a great idea to look at examples of resumes or CVs\nbut also important to make it your own.\nThere are some suggestions that we provide when writing a resume or CV, but there are also options and room for choice. If\nyou give your document to several people, they may all give you different feedback. Beyond some of our strongly suggested\nguidelines, resumes and CVs are subjective.\nBe 100% honest and factual. Avoid abbreviations.\nOrganize your document so the most important information is at the top.\nDo not include a work history. Rather, include your most related experiences or those where you demonstrated a high level of\nskill.\nPersonal information, such as marital status, age, ethnicity, height, and weight should not be included.\nAvoid personal pronouns (I, my, we) and complete sentences to describe your experiences. Start your statements with action\nverbs.\nAlways proofread your resume or CV. Do not solely rely on spell check. Some employers may eliminate candidates based on\nerrors.\nIt is suggested that you tailor your resume or CV to the job description. You may have more than one version of your\ndocument depending on the positions to which you are applying . You may change the order of sections to list more relevant\nareas of your experience closer to the top.\nRemember that your resume or CV is YOUR marketing tool. Many times it is an employer\xe2\x80\x99s first impression of you. It is also a\nwork in progress that you will continually revise.\n\nADDITIONAL RESOURCES:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVisit to view our Resume Writing or Curriculum Vitae Workshops.\nVisit the CSE Career Center Resource Center to view our Resume Examples Binder and related books.\nHave your resume or CV reviewed by a CSE Career Counselor. You can email to [email protected]. If you\xe2\x80\x99d like to meet with a\nCSE Career Counselor to discuss your application materials, you can make a 30-45 minute appointment or stop by during\nDrop-In Advising and Counseling hours (paper copy only; no laptops).\n\nPage 5\n\n\x0cRESUME EXAMPLE:\n\nGOLDY GOPHER\n1234 Gopher Way, Minneapolis, MN 55414\n612-555-5555\[email protected]\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPursuing a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nObtained industry experience through internship at Boeing and collaborated on a project with BASF\nProficient in aerosol/nanoparticle synthesis, sampling, measurements and instrumentation\nExperience in air filtration, cleanroom technology, engine emission, and flow measurement/CFD\nKnowledgeable about thermal-fluid problems, aerosol physics, and mechanical design\n\nEDUCATION\nMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN\nCollege of Science and Engineering\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nCumulative GPA: 3.87\n\nExpected Graduation May 2015\n\nBachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI\nCollege of Engineering\nCumulative GPA: 3.76\n\nMay 2013\n\nRELATED INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE\nIntern\nSummer 2014\nBoom Inc., Seattle, WA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted systematic measurement for flow fields in a smoke test chamber at different heating and ventilation\nconditions, using Particle Image Velocimetry\n\xef\x82\xb7 Helped validate CFD simulation results for smoke generation and transport in commercial airplane cabins\n\xef\x82\xb7 Streamlined a key product characterization procedure, improving reproducibility and turn-around time for\nmanufacturing\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and implemented comparative studies of various standard operating procedures in order to detect\nareas of improvements\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team of software engineers, electrical engineers, and aerospace engineers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Interacted with customers, partners, subcontractors and suppliers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented findings and recommendations of project areas that could be developed to the internship coordinator\nand colleagues\n\nSKILLS\nParticle Generation: Nebulizer, Tube Furnace, Fluidized Bed, Diffusion Burner, Electrospray\nLaboratory Instruments: Electron Microscopy (TEM, SEM, EDX), Differential Mobility Analyzer, Condensation\nParticle Counter, Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor, Nanometer Aerosol Sampler, Aerodynamic Particle Sizer,\nOptical Particle Counter, Liquid Particle Counters\nPrograms: LabVIEW, Matlab, ANSYS, Fluent, AutoCAD, Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, ImageJ, Macromedia\nComputer Languages: C/C++, Fortran, HTML, JavaScript\n\nPage 6\n\n\x0cGopher, p. 2\nPROJECT EXPERIENCE\nDeveloping Pulsed Aerosol Loading System, Center for Filtration Research (CFR)\nSpring Semester 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built the control hardware and program of an experimental system for pulsed aerosol loading\ntests on filter media\nUpgrading Control Software of UNPA, BASF Company\nFall Semester 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Improved the LabVIEW control software of Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA); added new functions, such\nas particle diffusion loss correction; enhanced program user interface and debugged code errors\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nGraduate Research Assistant\nSeptember 2013\xe2\x80\x93present\nParticle Technology Lab, College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with area companies through the Center for Filtration Research (CFR) to study mass loading and\npressure drop on Nanofiber filters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Perform experimental and theoretical studies on the filtration of fractal aggregates\n\xef\x82\xb7 Measure penetration of silver aggregates across model screens at various sintering temperatures\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop an analytical model for predicting effects of particle structure on filter efficiency\n\xef\x82\xb7 Continue NSF funded research on real-time structure and mass measurements for agglomerated nanoparticles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluate in situ the particulate mass concentration of diesel engine emissions using a variety of instrumentation\nand methods\n\xef\x82\xb7 Apply the Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA) to investigate effects of sintering on morphology of metallic\nnanoparticle agglomerates formed by spark discharge\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop new modules for and maintained a web-based software on filter performance evaluation, dust cake\nloading and filter pleating design\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct numerical study on diffusion-limited aggregation of nanoparticles in laminar shear to find the relation\nbetween velocity gradient and aggregate fractal dimension\n\nSELECTED PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS\nJournals\n\xef\x82\xb7 G., Gopher, L. Yang, A.B. Duggard, H. Aleckson (2012). Measurement of Metal Nanoparticle Agglomerates\nGenerated by Spark Discharge using the Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA). Aerosol Sci. & Technol.,\nAccepted\nConferences\nth\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presentation, Effect of Nanofiber Layer on Dust Cake Formation and Structure. XX AAAR Annual Conference,\nMinneapolis, MN, Oct 26-30, 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presentation, Online Measurements of Structure and Mass Concentration for Airborne Nanoparticle\nAgglomerates. AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Dec 10-14, 2013\n\nPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS\nMember of American Institute of Chemical Engineers\nMember of American Association for Aerosol Research\nMember of American Filtration & Separations Society\n\n2013\xe2\x80\x93present\n2011\xe2\x80\x93present\n2011\xe2\x80\x93present\n\nPage 7\n\n\x0cCV EXAMPLE:\n\nMichael Anical\n1000 Gopher Avenue #12\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n\n651-000-1212\[email protected]\n\n_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nEDUCATION\nPh.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering\nExpected May 2015\nCollege of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\nDissertation title: \xe2\x80\x9cNumerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels\xe2\x80\x9d\nMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nCollege of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nThesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cLow Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nMay 2013\nMinneapolis, MN\n\nBachelor of Mechanical Engineering\nCollege of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n\nMay 2011\nMinneapolis, MN\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nGraduate Research Assistant, Particle Technology Lab\nAugust 2011-present\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Administer experimental and theoretical studies on the filtration of fractal aggregates\n\xef\x82\xb7 Sustain NSF funded research on real-time structure and mass measurements for agglomerated\nnanoparticles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with area companies through Center for Filtration Research (CFR) to study mass loading and\npressure drop on Nanofiber filters\n\xef\x82\xb7 Develop new modules for and maintaining a web-based software on filter performance evaluation, dust\ncake loading, and filter pleating design\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct numerical study on diffusion-limited aggregation of nanoparticles in laminar shear to find the\nrelation between velocity gradient and aggregate fractal dimension\nResearch Assistant, High Temperature and Plasma Laboratory\nAugust 2010-May 2011\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and optimized a low pressure silane plasma reactor to synthesize single crystal cube shaped silicon\nnanoparticles for electronic device applications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Examined and categorized nanoparticles on electron and atomic force microscopes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Characterized plasma particle system using electrostatic capacitance probe, white light absorption\nspectroscopy, optical emission spectroscopy, and laser light scattering\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assembled and maintained vacuum equipment for the experimental setup\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed experiments for varying plasma conditions\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nTeaching Assistant, Graduate Level Course-Advanced Aerosol & Particle Engineering January 2011-May 2011\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted office hours to help students understand and solve homework problems\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared and graded homework solutions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Wrote weekly quizzes, posted solutions online, graded quizzes and exams, kept record of the scores\nusing Excel\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with professors and other TA\xe2\x80\x99s on course material and grading policies, improving\ncommunication skills\n\nPage 8\n\n\x0cMichael Anical\n(Page 2)\nPATENTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Integrated input roller having a rotary mass actuator\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handheld device having multiple localized force feedback\n\xef\x82\xb7 Tag for facilitating interaction with a wireless communication device\n\nFiled: April 2014\nFiled: March 2014\nFiled: March 2014\n\nAWARDS & FUNDING\n\xef\x82\xb7 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship\nMay 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Mechanical Engineering Advanced Study Grant\nAugust 2012-May 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Recognized as a \xe2\x80\x9cPh.D. Student of Promise\xe2\x80\x9d by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, nominated by\nDr. Byron Labb\nJune 2013\n\xef\x82\xb7 Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers Graduate Student Scholarship\nAugust 2013-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 North Star Stem Alliance Scholar, University of Minnesota\nAugust 2007-May 2011\nSCHOLARSHIP\nPublications\nJournal publications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anical, Michael, John Author, Anne Gineer. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical\nEngineering, 2013; Under review.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anical, Michael, Goldy Article, Grant Riter. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical\nEngineering, 2012; 126 (56-70): 1020-1056.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anical, Michael, Rita Journal, Andy Mann. Journal article title. International Journal of Mechanical\nEngineering, 2011; 122 (43-52): 894-906.\nConference publications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Author, Mark, Michael Anical, Tom Article. Title. Conference title, Conference City, State, 2012.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Author, Mark, Michael Anical, Tom Article. Title. Conference title, Conference City, State, 2011.\nPresentations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cNumerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels\xe2\x80\x9d at the Minnesota\nSociety of Professional Engineers Conference, St. Paul, MN, September 19-22, 2013.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cNumerical Study of Natural Convection in Solar Thermal Storage Vessels\xe2\x80\x9d at the American Society\nof Mechanical Engineers Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 4-7, 2013.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cReal-Time Automotive Slip Angle Estimation with Nonlinear Observer\xe2\x80\x9d at American Control\nConference, Auburn, AL, January 12-15, 2013.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented \xe2\x80\x9cLow Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles\xe2\x80\x9d at University of Minnesota\nMaster Thesis Event, Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2010.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented robot at University of Minnesota Robot Show Fall, Minneapolis, MN, December 8, 2008.\n\nPosters\n\xef\x82\xb7 \xe2\x80\x9cLow Pressure Plasma Synthesis of Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticles,\xe2\x80\x9d Minnesota Society of Professional\nEngineers Conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 20-24, 2010.\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\n\xef\x82\xb7 International Association of Mechanical Engineers\n\xef\x82\xb7 American Society of Mechanical Engineers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers\n\nAugust 2010-present\nAugust 2009-present\nAugust 2008-present\n\nPage 9\n\n\x0cMichael Anical\n(Page 3)\nINDUSTRY EXPERIENCE\nEngineering Intern\nMay 2010-August 2010\nThe XYZ Company\nMinneapolis, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and developed a solution to manufacturing problems that include ergonomics, structural failures,\nflow impedances, and quality issues\n\xef\x82\xb7 Justified the purchasing of new office equipment through the use of statistical analysis and presented\nfindings to the supervisor and other interns\n\xef\x82\xb7 Improved the manufacturing of modular enclosures through the implementation of lean manufacturing and\nsix sigma capability studies\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with four other interns on a variety of projects and improved my teamwork and communication\nskills\nSERVICE\nProfessional\n\xef\x82\xb7 Reviewer for the University Executive Council of Graduate and Professional Student Professional\nAdvancement Grants\nCommunity\n\xef\x82\xb7 Volunteer, Annual Blood Drive-American Red Cross, St. Paul, MN\n\xef\x82\xb7 AmeriCorps Volunteer, MN Math Corps, St. Paul, MN\n\nFall 2012\n\nMay 2009-present\nJune 2011-July 2011\n\nREFERENCES\nDr. Gordon Gopher, Professor\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n124 Minnesota Lane\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n651-555-7799\[email protected]\nRelationship: Professor and mentor for 4 years\nDr. Byron Labb, Professor\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n124 Minnesota Lane\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n651-555-7799\[email protected]\nRelationship: Ph. D. advisor for 3 years\nDr. Mark Machine, Professor\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering\nUniversity of Minnesota-Twin Cities\n124 Minnesota Lane\nMinneapolis, MN 55414\n651-555-7799\[email protected]\nRelationship: Teaching assistant advisor and mentor for 3 years\nPage 10'
b'Sample CV for Freshers\n\nSample CV for candidates who have just passed out of college and are looking out for their first job.\nThis CV sample works for most of the people who do not have any complexity in their career.\n\nTitle of the CV\n\n(e.g. C++ Developer, Microsoft IT Professional, Java Developer, Sales Professional)\n\nName:\nAddress:\nE-Mail Id:\nContact No.:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCareer Statement: Your objective should fit into the purpose of the opening notified. It should not be\ntoo broad and vague.\n\nCareer Summary:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nIf you are a fresher, focus on your qualification, grades and achievements during your student life.\nIf you are an experienced candidate, focus on your work experience and the skills you have\nacquired during your employment.\nIf you have any expertise on any software packages which can be useful for the company, it\xe2\x80\x99s a\ngood place in your CV to mention about it.\nIf you have any other skills which you think would impress your prospective employer, it\xe2\x80\x99s a good\nplace to mention them. They will catch the employer\xe2\x80\x99s attention fast.\nIn this section of CV you can also mention about your travel with in or outside the country.\n\nProject Experience:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCurrently working on XYZ project for ABC company ltd., using VB and SQL.\nImplemented ABC system at XYZ client using C++.\nImplemented XYZ system using VB and Oracle at ABC ltd.\n\nComputer skills:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProgramming in C/ C++\nWell Verse with VB 6.0, Oracle and MS Access\nProgramming in Core Java, learning advance Java.\n\nEducational Qualifications:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPursuing \xe2\x80\x9cCourse Name\xe2\x80\x9d from \xe2\x80\x9cCollege Name\xe2\x80\x9d\nH.S.C. with \xe2\x80\x9cpercentage of marks\xe2\x80\x9d from \xe2\x80\x9cSchool Name\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cPlace\xe2\x80\x9d\nS.S.C with 91.46% marks from School Name, Place\n\nAchievements:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nObtained scholarship of \xe2\x80\x9camount\xe2\x80\x9d from XYZ Group of Industries in \xe2\x80\x9cyear\xe2\x80\x9d\nRanked \xe2\x80\x9cA\xe2\x80\x9d in S.S.C. merit list\nWon best student award by \xe2\x80\x9cgroup name\xe2\x80\x9d in \xe2\x80\x9cyear\xe2\x80\x9d\n\n\x0cExtracurricular activities:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLead the college tech-fest \xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x80\x9cname\xe2\x80\x9d\nActive Member of \xe2\x80\x9cNGO\xe2\x80\x9d named \xe2\x80\x9cXYZ\xe2\x80\x9d\nMember of the organizing committee of \xe2\x80\x9cgroup name\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nPersonal Details:\nDate of Birth:\nLanguages known:\nHobbies:'
b'CIVIL ENGINEERING RESUME\n419 Rose Street\nSan Francisco AC\n94102\n(415) 626-5708\[email protected]\n\nROSANNA SANCHEZ\nObjective\n\nTo obtain an internship position in civil engineering\n\nHighlights\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hard worker with excellent communication and team work skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experience as project lead in large group project\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bilingual in English and Spanish\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Familiar with Microsoft Office 2000, Word, Excel, PowerPoint\nEducation\nSan Francisco State University, San Francisco CA\nB.S in Civil Engineering, expected graduation May 20XX\nRelated Coursework\nAutoCAD, Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Thermodynamics\nWork Experience\n20XX \xe2\x80\x93 20XX, Shamrock Building Supplies\nCoordinator and Sales Manager\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sold cement and concrete to construction workers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Determined client needs, developed proposed budget and followed up after sale as needed\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Increased sales from $40 thousand to $75 thousand in two years\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Open and closed cash drawers as needed\nMembership\n\xe2\x80\xa2 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Society of Women Engineers (SWE)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Math Engineering Science Achievement Program (MESA)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)\nVolunteer\n\nTutor children, ages 8-13, in Math and Language at Church\n\nSan Francisco State University \xe2\x80\xa2 Student Involvement & Career Center\n1600 Holloway Ave, Student Services Building 206, San Francisco CA 94132\nTel: 415/338-1761 \xe2\x80\xa2 Fax: 415/338-2979 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2'
b'\n\nCURRICULUM VITAE\nMr. Stephan B.E.(CIVIL)\nCompany Name\nDUBAI - U.A.E.\nTel: +971 50 500000\nEmail : [email protected]\n\nProfession\n\n:\n\nCivil Engineer\n\nNationality\n\n:\n\nBritish\n\nDate of Birth\n\n:\n\n10.05.1975\n\nQualification\n\n:\n\nBachelor of Civil Engineering ( B.E. civil )\nTAFE, Australia 1988\n\nAdditional Qualification\n\n:\n\nGraduate Diploma in Project Management ( GDPM )\nNational Institute of Construction Management and\nResearch, UK 2003\nOSHA training course\nCertified by U.S.Department of Labour.,2007\n\nComputer Proficiency\n\n:\n\nMS Office ,Primavera P3\n\nMarital Status\n\n:\n\nMarried\n\nLanguages Known\n\n:\n\nEnglish, Arbaic, German\n\nKey Experience\n\n:\n\nDriving licence\n\n:\n\nTotal 19 years in management and execution in construction and\nfinishes of residential projects, high rise\nBuildings, commercial complexes & industrial projects\n(U.A.E. 13 years, UK 2 years, India 4 years)\n\nHave valid UAE driving licence.\n\nJOB PROFILE\n\n1. Employer\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\nXYZ, Dubai (Working )\nAM Developer\nGreens\nArea Construction Manager (Sept 2005-Till date)\nCoordinating with clients,local authorities,consultants and\ncontractors.Pushing contractors,subcontractors and consultants for\ntimely completion of works.Controlling quality,progress,cost and safety\nof works. Structural, architectural,infrastructure and MEP coordination.\nStrict follow up of Snagging and handing over of project.Ensuring the\nworks are carried out as per the project specifications and\ncontracts.Advising admin.departments for design changes and\nvariations for cost savings.Training subordinates.\n\n1\n\n\x0cClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\n2. Employer\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\nClient\nProject\n\n:\n:\n\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\n3. Employer\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\nClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n\nAsst Resident Engineer-Construction ( April 2004 to Aug 2005 )\nApproving shopdrawings,method statements and materials.Coordinating\nstructural,architectural and MEP works of 44 storied\ntowers,QualityControl&qualityassurance,Monitoring posttensioning\nWorks and slipform works.\n\nKestrel project-Casthouse No. 2- South extension\nCivil inspector ( Dec. 2002 to March 2004 )\nInspecting structural and finishing works,Quality controlling\nand quality assurance,Structural and mechanical coordination, Safety\nof works,Preparing snaglists & Final acceptance of all works.\n\nPower Project, UAE\nProject Engineer (Dec. 2001 to Nov. 2002)\nExecution of structural works for power plant project, Checking bar\nbending schedule material procurement, manpower assessment,\nprogress monitoring, Raising technical queries.\n\nProject engineer\nExecution of structural works for desalination plant project, checking\nbar bending schedules, material orders, progress monitoring, coordinating with sub-contractors, leading team of engineers.\n\nRefurbishment of Administration Building and Extension of News\nRoom.\nSite Agent ( Feb. 2000 to Sept. 2000)\nExecution of finishing works such as raised flooring, vinyl flooring,\nacoustic walls, plasterboard partitions, glazed partitions, glazed doors,\ntiling, plumbing, acoustic ceilings, suspended ceilings, painting\netc.Material procurement, dealing with clients and co-ordinating with\nsub-contractors.\n\nSite Engineer ( AUG. 1999 to jan. 2000)\nExecution and supervision of finishing works, Material procurement,\ndealing with consultants, co-ordinating with sub-contractors, safety or\nworks, getting permits to works etc.\nXYZ, UK\n\nSite Engineer ( April 1998 to Aug. 1999 )\nExecution of structural works for potlines,cooling plant,substation bldgs,\nSupervision of finishing works, drainage systems etc. Inspections and\napprovals, follow up of materials, co-ordinating with MEP subcontractors, setting out and surveying with distomats, getting permits to\nworks and safety of works.\n\n.\nSite Engineer (finishes)\nExecution & supervision of high end finishing works. Inspections and\napprovals, co-ordinating with civil and MEP sub-contractors.Safety of\nworks.\n\n2\n\n\x0cClient\nProject\nDesignation\nResponsibilities\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\nPower plant, Sept. 1995 to June 1997)\nSite Engineer\nExecution of structural works for gas turbines,substation bldgs,rectifiers\netc. setting outs, checking reinforcements & shuttering and getting\napprovals, quality controlling,safety of works, co-ordinating with subcontractors.Getting permits to excavate, hot works,condfined spaces\netc.\n\n\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\xef\x82\xa8\n\n3'
b'Alan H. Cheng\nDepartment of Computer Science\nDuke University\nBox 90129, Durham, NC-27708-0129\n(919) 660-4009\[email protected]\nHttp://\nObjectives\n\nDevelop applications in computer graphics and computational geometry\nin order to provide solutions for engineering, biology and other problems.\n\nResearch &\nTeaching\nInterests\n\nAdaptive Surface Meshing, Computer Graphics, Automatic Geometric\nMorphing, Geometric Modeling, Discrete and Computational Geometry,\nComputational Biology, Topology Optimization.\n\nEducation\n\n1996 - Summer 2001\nPh.D. Candidate, Computer Science, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign (UIUC), USA\nResearch Supervisor: Prof. H. Edelsbrunner\nDissertation Title: Construction and Deformation of Smooth Surface in R3.\n1994 -1996\nM. Phil., Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and\nTechnology (HKUST), Hong Kong\nThesis Title: The Construction and Display of a Smooth Surface Defined\nby Weighted Points in R3.\nResearch Supervisors: Prof. H. Edelsbrunner and Dr. S. Cheng\n1990-1994\nB. Sc., Computer Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong\nFinal year project: 3D Dungeon and Dragon Network Game (SUN/OS)\n\nEmployment\n\n1999\xe2\x80\x93present UIUC & Duke University\nVisiting Scholar and Research Assistant\n\nDurham, NC\n\nProjects include:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Dynamic Skin Construction\n\xef\x82\xa7 Mesh Generation\n\xef\x82\xa7 Molecular Modeling And Docking Problem\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bezier Patches For Quadratic Surfaces.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Weighted Delunay Triangulation And Weighted Alpha Shape\n\xef\x82\xa7 Variable-Topology Optimization\n\xef\x82\xa7 Clipping Algorithm For Curved Polygon (Enhanced Weiler Algorithm)\n\n1997\xe2\x80\x932000\n\nRaindrop Geomagic Inc. Research Triangle Park, NC\n\nSoftware Development and Engineering Intern\n\nFormatted\n\nFormatted\n\n\x0cProjects include:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Geometric application development and research\n\xef\x82\xa7 \'Points To Points\' & \'Points-To-Surface\' Alignment In 3D (Points\nRegistration)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Incremental WRAP Algorithm\n\xef\x82\xa7 Kd-Tree For Nearest Point Query\n\xef\x82\xa7 Triangle Date Structure Builder\n\xef\x82\xa7 Graphics Optimizer\n\xef\x82\xa7 Shortest Pather On 3D Surface, 3D File Format Parser (VRML, DXF,\nIGES, Etc.)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Web Reference:\n1994\xe2\x80\x931996\n\nHKUST\n\nHong Kong\n\nTeaching Assistant\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nComputer Graphics\nData structures and algorithms\n\n1995\n\nCreature House Ltd.\n\nHong Kong\n\nSenior Software Engineer\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nSoftware development of Expression (Graphics Design Software with\nthe Skeletal Stroke Technology)\nWeb Reference:\n\n1994\n\nDepartment of Institute of Technology\nHong Kong Government\n\nHong Kong\n\nTeacher\nProviding a training course for Microsoft Windows for employees of Hong\nKong Government\n1993\n\nKwun Tong Technical Institute\n\nHong Kong\n\nTeacher\nProviding training courses for summer classes\n\nPublications\n\nJournals:\nH. Cheng, Tamal Dey, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Sullivan, Dynamic Skin\nTriangulation, Discrete Computational Geometry (Special issue for Shasir\'s\n50th Birthday)\nH. Cheng, H. Edelsbrunner and P. Fu, Shape Space from Deformation,\nComputational Geometry Theory and Applications (Special issue on surface\nconstruction)\nConferences:\nH. Cheng, Tamal Dey, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Sullivan, Dynamic Skin\nTriangulation, SIAM/ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm (SODA), 2001.\nH. Cheng, H. Edelsbrunner and P. Fu, Shape Space from Deformation, Proc.\n\n\x0c6th Pacific Conf. Comput. Graphics Appl., 1998, Singapore, 104-113\nM.P. Bendsoe, R.B. Haber and H. Cheng, Skin-Based Topology Design.\n\nAssociation\n\nComputational Geometry for Structural Biology and\nBioinformatics (\n\nComputer\nRelated Skill\n\nLanguages\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nC/C++ (Unix/Visual), Visual Basic, LISP, COBOL, Ada, Pascal,\nProlog, 6502 & 80x86 assembly\n\nSoftware/Tools\n\nAward\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nMicrosoft Foundation Class, OpenGL/GL, XForms, Motif\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nAlias/Wavefront; participated modeling and animation in a CG movie\n"No. 9" in National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA),\n1996.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nGeomagic Studio/Shape: 3D Photography application for reverse\nengineering, 3D modeling and medical application.\n\n1996 Best Teaching Assistant (HKUST)'
b'Sample Resume \xe2\x80\x93 Engineering\nDO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy this sample but use\nit for ideas to create your own.\n\nEthan Engineer\n24 Lisbon Street\nGlen Waverley, 3150\n\nMobile:\nEmail:\n\n0444 871 541\[email protected]\n\nQualifications\nBachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Commerce\nMar 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\nMonash University\nAchievements:\nHigh distinction average, predicted to graduate with Honours for Engineering\nRotary Student Scholarship awarded for tertiary study\nMajors:\nElectrical Engineering, Computer Systems and Management\nCompletion:\nNov 2015\nVictorian Certificate of Education\nBacchus Marsh College\nAchievements:\nENTER 95.05\n\nFeb 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2011\n\nRelevant Experience\nAssistant Engineer - Intern\nJan - Feb 2015\nKBR, Melbourne\nResponsibilities:\nActively worked and contributed to the train engine team with engineering\nmanager, project leads, estimators and support personnel to refine functionality of\nsystems on board trains.\nAchievements:\nAcknowledged by management for accurate calculations for new computer system\nin trains to ensure they run on time.\n3rd Year Engineering Project\nJun - Nov 2014\nTelstra, Melbourne\nResponsibilities:\nUndertook research project to scope possible solutions to resolve barriers to the\nexpansion of network-portable access to remote and rural areas.\nAchievements:\nThe project findings were sent to Telstra Corporate Strategy Committee and\ncontributed to the program which improves remote computer access, specifically\nfor individuals in rural areas.\n\nVolunteer and Community Experience\nCommittee member\nJun 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\nBacchus Marsh Youth Group\nResponsibilities:\nLed fundraising activities including annual fete, weekly BBQ and trivia night\n\n\x0cVolunteer\nNov 2013 - Jan 2014\nEngineers without Borders with Aurecon staff\nResponsibilities:\nAssisted with the electrical engineering and design of a basic amenities block for\nthe \xe2\x80\x9cFlat Basic Infrastructure\xe2\x80\x9d project in Far North Queensland\n\nOther Employment History\nCustomer Service Agent\nMar 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2014\nColes Online\nAchievements:\nUsed questioning and active listening to ascertain difficulties and respond and\nresolve to online order issues, was praised by management.\nLiaised with on-road colleagues to ensure all stock was delivered correctly and in\nappropriate location\n\nSkills Summary\nComputer System Analysis\nHighly developed computer system analysis skills demonstrated through 3rd year\nEngineering project with Telstra in 2014\nCommunication Skills\nHigh standard of written skills as evidenced by maintaining high distinction in\nwritten assignments during studies at Monash University\nWell developed business writing skills as demonstrated in employee\ncommunication as a workplace supervisor at Coles\nOutstanding oral presentation skills used during delivery of third year Engineering\nproject \xe2\x80\x9cDeveloping computer systems for the future\xe2\x80\x9d, which received a distinction\nComputer Skills\nProficient in 3D Studio Max, Javascript, Maya 8.0, Adobe Photoshop, C++,\nMicrosoft Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher)\n\nInterests\nArts\nSport\nLeisure\n\nCinema, writing, theatre, jazz music\nSwimming, cycling and rugby (Vice Captain of Bacchus March Rugby team)\nStudying languages \xe2\x80\x93 Korean and Japanese and cooking\n\nReferees\nMs. Joan Smith\nManager, Systems Testing Team\nColes Online\nTel: +61 3 8671 3456\[email protected]\nProfessor Barry Crane\nHonours Supervisor\nFaculty of Engineering\nMonash University\nTel: +61 3 9905 3456\[email protected]\\[email protected]\n+61 3 9905 4170\'
b'Jon A. Reilly\n801 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70114\nCell: 504-555-1980 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\nIndustrial Engineering Profile\nCost-conscious and analytical with history of success optimizing quality and\nproduction processes in fast-paced manufacturing environments.\nIncrease productivity, quality, and profitability through keen data analysis and\nprocess design; significantly improve operations and provide efficient resolution\nof production issues. Identify opportunities for honing safety standards and\nmaximizing ROI. Excel at completing projects accurately, on time, and within\nbudget. Proficient in AutoCAD, Simul8, Minitab, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.\nOutstanding communication, problem-solving, and relationship-management\nskills.\nAreas of Expertise\nLean Manufacturing ~ Supply Chain Management ~ Just-in-Time (JIT) ~ Six\nSigma\nKnow Your Customer (KYC) ~ Statistical Process Control (SPC) ~ Cost\nReduction & Avoidance\nProfessional Experience\nINDUSTRIAL ENGINEER II - 8/2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMinnzon Industries \xe2\x80\x93 New Orleans, Louisiana\nChallenged with increasing product quality, improving process flow, and reducing\ncosts while maintaining or improving safety for large plastics manufacturer.\nDevelop, evaluate, document, and advance manufacturing methods and\nprocesses through Lean techniques and Kaizen Events. Analyze and reengineer\nproduction layouts, designing and implementing efficiency and quality\nimprovement projects across production lines. Collaborate with administrative\nand financial teams to establish viable support of safety standards. Provide\nongoing production support and troubleshooting.\nSelected Contributions:\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7Collaborated with senior management on Business Process Reengineering\n(BPR) efforts, gaining 7% increase in productivity and quality.\n\xef\x82\xb7Established first preventive maintenance schedule, ensuring optimal equipment\noperation without costly downtime.\n\xef\x82\xb7Created and implemented efficiency enhancements to generate more than 12%\nimprovement through associated cost reductions.\n\xef\x82\xb7Significantly reduced waste and end-to-end production time by leveraging\nexpertise with Statistical Process Control (SPC) methodology.\nINDUSTRIAL ENGINEER I - 4/2008 \xe2\x80\x93 7/2012\nMacuso, Inc. \xe2\x80\x93 Shreveport, Louisiana\nDeveloped accurate, operations-wide measurement standards to increase\nproduction, minimize non-value-added time, and reduce cost for leader in\naluminum extrusion. Monitored and analyzed workflow, processes, procedures,\nand line activities, identifying and resolving bottlenecks to maximize efficiency.\nCreated cost models to support customer proposals and cost reduction\ninitiatives. Served on quality assurance team, developing guidelines and\nprocedures to improve standards and performance. Developed documentation\nsystem to ensure accurate, timely updates.\nSelected Contributions:\n\xef\x82\xb7Implemented Just-in-Time (JIT) strategy to optimize throughput and lower\nwarehouse costs by as much as 17%.\n\xef\x82\xb7Redesigned floor layout, achieving 10% improvement in overall productivity\nwhile reducing required manpower by 4%.\nINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING INTERN - 7/2007 \xe2\x80\x93 12/2007\nZattalin, Inc. \xe2\x80\x93 Bywater, Louisiana\nIntegrated quickly into six-person team tasked with investigating, recommending,\nplanning, and implementing optimization processes in manufacture of fireretardant clothing. Provided operation expertise and Lean manufacturing\nstrategies to increase ROI and enhance throughput. Consulted with\nmanufacturing team to identify best practices for safety and supply chain\noperations.\n\n\x0cSelected Contributions:\n\xef\x82\xb7Completed comprehensive time study project three weeks ahead of schedule.\n\xef\x82\xb7Identified and proposed optimization affecting three manufacturing lines.\nEducation and Credentials\nBachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (12/2007)\nLouisiana Tech University \xe2\x80\x93 Ruston, Louisiana\n\nProfessional Development\nPrinciples in Lean Manufacturing\nManufacturing System Layout and Design\nIndustrial Safety and Compliance Management\nOperations and Facilities Design\n\nMemberships & Associations\nInstitute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), 2008-present\nAmerican Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), 2012-present'
b'YOGESH CHAUDHARI\nEmail: [email protected]\nPhone: +91 9741990907\nAddress: 4-Surya Park, 137/2-7 Vidya Vilas Colony,\nOff ITI Road, Aundh, Pune- 411007,\nMaharashtra, India\n\nSynopsis\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nAn Engineering graduate with more than 3 years of experience in embedded technologies\nSpecialization in Electronics from University of Pune, India\nProfessional diploma in Embedded System Design from Centre for Development of Advanced\nComputing, Pune (CDAC)\nExperience in developing working models based on Embedded systems\nAreas of interest include Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and Computer Networks\nAdept at decision making through analysis of quantitative and qualitative data\nExpertise in Analysis, Development & Deployment of BSP for ABB Paint robots based on Linux\nDevelopment using C and Python\nIn-depth knowledge of Operating Systems and Embedded Systems Concepts\nWorked extensively on Embedded Systems used in ABB\xe2\x80\x99s robot controllers\n\nSoftware Engineering Skills\nSkills\nAnalysis & Design,\nDevelopment\nProgramming Languages\n\nOperating Systems\nIntegrated Development\nEnvironments (IDE)\nConfiguration Management\nHardware Systems\nOffice Productivity\nSoftware\n\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xa7\nRequirement Analysis, System Design and Review\n\xef\x82\xa7\nApplication Implementation, Test cases design & development, User\nacceptance, Documentation\n\xef\x82\xa7\nProficiency in C in UNIX/LINUX environment\n\xef\x82\xa7\nProgramming of Powerpc processors.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nTrace32\n\xef\x82\xa7\nPython\n\xef\x82\xa7\nDOS, WINDOWS and Linux platforms\n\xef\x82\xa7\nVisual Studio 2008\n\xef\x82\xa7\nEclipse (CDT)\n\xef\x82\xa7\nSVN\n\xef\x82\xa7\nGIT\n\xef\x82\xa7\nPC assembling, installation and networking (A+, N+)\n\xef\x82\xa7\nMS-Office\n\nExperience\nAsea Brown Boveri []\nDuration \xe2\x80\x93 February 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 till date (2 years 7 months)\nFunction \xe2\x80\x93 Embedded Developer\nLocation \xe2\x80\x93 Bangalore, India; Stavanger, Norway\n\nAbout\nABB is a Swiss-Swedish multinational corporation headquartered in Z\xc3\xbcrich, Switzerland, operating mainly in the\npower and automation technology areas. ABB is one of the largest engineering companies as well as one of the\nlargest conglomerates in the world. ABB has operations in around 100 countries, with approximately 117,000\nemployees, and reported global revenue of $31.8 billion for 2009. ABB is traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Z\xc3\xbcrich\nand the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden since 1999, and the New York Stock Exchange in the United States\nsince 2001. ABB is ranked 237th on Fortune 500 list. ABB key business areas include Power Products, Power Systems,\nDiscrete Automation and Motion, Low Voltage Products and Process Automation.\n\n1 of 4\n\nPage\n\n\x0cResume of Yogesh Chaudhari\n\nProjects\nProject\nName\nClient\nWork Location\nDuration\nDescription\nTeam Size\nResponsibilities\n\nOperating\nSystem\nLanguages\nDevelopment\nTools\nOther Tools\nCustomer\nBenefit\n\nDescription\nEmbedded Linux for Integrated Paint System - eLIPS\nNOATM, SEROP\nBangalore\nSince Feb 2008.\nThis project evaluated the real time properties of preempt_rt linux to deploy Linux based BSP\n(board support package) for use in IPS(Integrated Paint System) of ABB\xe2\x80\x99s paint robots and\nvalidate its performance in real world applications.\n4 persons\n\xef\x82\xa7\nPorting rt-preempt linux and u-boot to the paint interface board.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nPatch management.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nTesting and analysis of real-time performance for rt-preempt on PIB.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nLauterbach scripts for porting boot-loader to PIB.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nDeveloped code for multiport PTPd from the IEEE1588 specifications for precise time\nsynchronization.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nRelease manager for all incremental and final release of eLIPS.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nConfiguration management\nWindows 7, Linux, preempt_rt patch\nC, Trace32, shell script\nVisual Studio, Vim,\nTrace32 Debugging Tool, SVN, TFS, gdb, eldk cross-compilers\nIn case of propriety RTOS like vxWorks a large amount of time and money had to be invested in\nterms of both development and licensing cost. Also much time was required to port ABB\napplications to APIs that were not completely POSIX compliant and it increased the reliance on\nsingle vendor. All these problems could be overcome by using an open source OS like linux\nwhile still maintaining the real time constraints using preempt_rt patch. This was a research\nproject that studied the properties of preempt_rt patched Linux in real world scenarios and\ndecided on worst case timings that will satisfy requirements in ABB\xe2\x80\x99s robotic applications\n\nProject\nName\nRole\nClient\nDuration\nWork Location\nDescription\n\nDescription\nCCPU\nSoftware Developer\nNOATM\nJuly 2009\nBangalore\nThis project involved putting realtime embedded Linux on the MPC5200 based CCPU board.\nThe CCPU is a piggyback board and the application running on it depends on where it is\nmounted. This project follows CMMi Level 5 standards.\n\nTeam Size\nResponsibilities\n\n1 person\n\xef\x82\xa7\nWriting a user space driver for detecting configuration of underlying board.\n\xef\x82\xa7\nOpen source software license compliance\n\xef\x82\xa7\nCreate a Install image for installing IPS on Linux BSP provided and develop, present and\nmerge into NOATM build system\n\xef\x82\xa7\nProvide a mechanism for field upgrade of BSP provided in case of newer releases\n\xef\x82\xa7\nStartup scripts to start various applications and daemons on board boot-up\n\xef\x82\xa7\nTo identify and perform tests to check the real-time properties of Linux kernel and\nintegrate them into NOATM BVT (build verification test) system using python scripts.\nWindows 7, Linux, preempt_rt patch\n\nOperating\nSystem\nLanguages\nTools\n2 of 4\n\nC, Trace32, shell script\nVisual Studio, Vim, Trace32 Debugging Tool, SVN, TFS, gdb, eldk cross-compilers\nPage\n\n\x0cResume of Yogesh Chaudhari\nCustomer Benifit\n\nApart from the obvious benefits that any open source software brings, using an open source\nLinux BSP allowed the customer to use a number of COTS (commercially off the shelf)\ncomponents that drastically reduced the time to marked, especially since many libraries useful\nfor robotics applications are readily available for Linux platforms like vision libraries, Ability to\nport languages like python, perl etc which can be readily done on linux but is extremely time\nconsuming on other real time platforms like vxworks. Such porting does not provide any value\naddition to ABB robotics and yet increases time to market.\n\nProject\nName\n\nDescription\n\nRole\nWork Location\nTeam size\nDescription\n\nSoftware Developer\nBangalore\n4 persons\nThis project involves putting a Linux BSP on the\nMPC8323 based safety board and porting the safety\napplication to Linux\n\nResponsibilities\n\nLinux kernel testing \xe2\x80\x93 Create an automated tool which will deploy all linux kernel functional\nand performance tests on all embedded boards running on linux BSPs and store the result logs\non a server.\n\nOperating\nSystem\nLanguages\n\nLinux\n\nDevelopment\nTools\n\nVim\n\nProject\nName\n\nDescription\n\nRole\nWork Location\nTeam size\nDescription\n\nSoftware Developer\nBangalore\n2 persons\nThis project involves creating debian and red hat package managers for porting robot\napplications to main controller using RobotStudio environment and virtualization\n\nResponsibilities\n\nSafety Board\n\nC, shell script\n\nGandalf \xe2\x80\x93 Install Services\n\nDevelop and deploy the build environment for creating and porting applications to main\ncontroller with VirtualBox and RobotStudio\n\nOperating\nSystem\nLanguages\n\nLinux/Windows\n\nDevelopment\nTools\n\nVim, VirtualBox\n\nProject\nName\n\nDescription\n\nRole\nWork Location\nTeam size\nDescription\nResponsibilities\n\nSoftware Developer\nBangalore\n5 persons\nThis project involves creating a software emulation of PLC for Robot.\n\nShell script, Python\n\n.\n\n3 of 4\n\nSoftPLC\n\nDevelop and port the implementation of SoftPLC to Linux platform on main controller\nPage\n\n\x0cResume of Yogesh Chaudhari\nOperating\nSystem\nLanguages\n\nLinux/Windows\n\nDevelopment\nTools\n\nVim, ELDK\n\nC, Shell script\n\nEducation\nDegree\nDiploma in\nEmbedded\nSystems\nBachelor of\nEngineering (B.E.)\nHigher Secondary\nCertificate (Std XII)\nSenior Secondary\nCertificate (Std X)\nCertification\nCourse\n\nUniversity (Year)\nCentre for Development of\nAdvanced Computing, (CDAC)\nPune, India (2008)\nVishwakarma Institute of\nTechnology (VIT), University\nof Pune, India (2007)\nModern College, Pune, India\n(2002)\nSt John\xe2\x80\x99s Sr. Sec. School,\nChennai, India: Affiliated to\nCBSE curriculum (2000)\nIndian Institute of Hardware\nTechnology\n\nTrack\nDSP, 32-bit microprocessors,\nOperating System Concepts,\nWireless Embedded Systems Design\nElectronics Engineering\n\nPercentage\nA+ (Amongst the top\n10 in the batch)\n\nPhysics, Chemistry, Mathematics\n\n83.33 % (Distinction)\n\nMathematics, Science\n\n83.35 % (Distinction)\n\nNetworking\n\nCertification\n\n62.93 % (First Class)\n\nDiploma in Embedded System Design - from CDAC\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nDSP - Architecture, Floating point arithmetic, DSP based embedded system design, FFT algorithms, design of FIR\nand IIR filters, Audio/Video Coding\n32 bit micro controllers (ARM) - programming in C and Assembly using C and GNU tools and various protocols\nlike I2c, CAN, USB, PCI etc.\nOperating system concepts - Introduction to OS, Process Management and Inter Process Communication,\nMemory management, I/O subsystem, File System Organization, POSIX Thread Programming, Introduction to\nReal-Time / Embedded Operating Systems, Real Time Scheduling, Linux and RTAI Internals, Programming in\nLinux and RTAI, Configuring and Compiling RTAI\nWireless Embedded Systems Design - Protocol Design and Validation, Network Embedded Systems (Operating\nSystems and programming), Bluetooth and IrDA, Wireless Sensor Networks and ZigBee, Wireless LAN - IEEE\n802.11, RFID, GSM and GPRS\n\nSubject of Interest from Engineering Degree\nSubject\nEmbedded Systems\n\nDescription\nIntroduction to embedded system, General architecture of Embedded systems,\nEmbedded systems development, Communication interfaces.\n\nAcademic Projects in Robotics and Embedded Systems\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nTraffic signal system with Automatic tracking: A working model of traffic signal system was constructed which\nallowed automated tracking of vehicles. This project was based on 8051 micro-controllers and full duplex\ncommunication system\nVoice over Internet Protocol: Developed the hardware and software required for VoIP using an ARM9 processor\nand successfully demonstrated it. This technology reduces the telephony charges of both SOHO users as well as\nlarge firms to almost nil\n\nAchievements and Interests\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nStood second in order of merit in Indian Physics Association quiz held in 2000-01\nCertificates of Excellence for memory and learning methods, public speaking, human relations and mind science\nQualified first-degree Reiki practitioner\nCertified first and second degree Graphologist from Institute of Graphology, Pune, India\n\n4 of 4\n\nPage\n\n\x0cResume of Yogesh Chaudhari\n\nLanguage Proficiency\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nEnglish \xe2\x80\x93 Good\nHindi & Marathi - Native\nJapanese - Beginner\n\nReferences\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nGajendra Ramteke, Account Manager \xe2\x80\x93 UK and Europe, SYSTIME, London. Phone: +44 7961675300, Email:\[email protected]\nM. M. Kulkarni, Professor, VIT,Pune Phone: +91 9422303150, Email: [email protected]\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nShinose Rahiman, Senior Developer, ABB. Phone: +91 9886177431 Email:[email protected]\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n5 of 4\n\nPage'
b'Sample Resume for Engineering Students (Fr./Soph. level)\n\nContact Info: This should ALWAYS include your name, address,\nphone number and email. Your voicemail and email address\nshould be professional.\n\nGregory T. Jones\n1234 Oak Avenue\nBowling Green, Kentucky 42101\n(270) 555-1234\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nObjective: Your objective should be tailored to the specific\nopportunity and/or facility for which you are applying.\n\nTo obtain a summer internship within the Mechanical Engineering Department at ABC\nTechnologies, allowing me to utilize my education while gaining valuable work experience in\na team oriented environment.\n\nEDUCATION: Western Kentucky University \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nAnticipated May 2014\n\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nGPA: 3.2\n\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCalculus\nPhysics I\nSophomore Design\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMaterials and Methods of Manufacturing\nEngineering Thermodynamics I\nDifferential Equations\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE:\nWestern Kentucky University, Engineering Prototyping Facility \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nStudent Worker\nFall 2011-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provide engineering and technical support to students and faculty\n\xef\x82\xb7 Design, fabricate and prototype project ideas such as: energy efficient green house and building\noptimization\n\xef\x82\xb7 Order various materials and equipment via telephone and internet for the department\n\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nABC Hardware \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nCustomer Service Associate\nMay 2009-August 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided excellent customer service and assisted customers in finding proper hardware for\nbasic home improvements\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained inventory of product over $5 million dollars\n\xef\x82\xb7 Rang up customer orders\n\xef\x82\xb7 Processed returns in an efficient manner\n\nEducation: Keep this section as standard as possible and leave\noff all high school information. Include: name of degree,\nanticipated date of graduation, name of institution, city/state,\nand GPA if at least a 3.0.\nRelevant Coursework: Consider the position you are applying\nfor and think of 4-6 courses that demonstrate specialized\neducation in the field. Remember to list the full title of the\nclass \xe2\x80\x93 not the course number.\nRelevant Experience: If you have relevant experience, this is\none of the most important parts of your resume. Bullets are\npreferred over heavily worded paragraphs. Three to five\nbullets per job is considered the norm. Begin each bullet with\nan action verb. List in reverse chronological order (starting\nwith your current job and working back).\n\nAdditional Experience: Use this section to discuss additional\nwork experience and to show some of your work history. Try\nto touch on transferrable skills that would also be beneficial in\nthe job you are seeking.\n\nMemberships: Include organization name and dates of\nmembership.\nReferences: Provide only if requested. For now, saying\n\xe2\x80\x98available upon request\xe2\x80\x99 is appropriate.\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nResume Guidelines\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2011-Present\nSociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 2011-Present\nReferences Available Upon Request\n\nQuick Tips: Be sure to proofread, checking for spelling or\ngrammatical errors, formatting, consistency, neatness and\nflow. Avoid using templates and update your resume\nregularly. Also, remember to tailor your resume to the\nposition for which you apply.'
b'Hong San, Wong\n28806 Arroyo Drive, Irvine, CA 92617\n\n(949)500-8981 | [email protected]\n\n\nOBJECTIVE\nSeeking an Entry-Level Position within the RF, DSP and Communication Field\n\nCurrent UCI graduate student in Electrical Engineering (System & Signal Processing) with experience in Filter\ndesign, Communication system simulation, antenna design and image processing in C.\n\nEDUCATION\nUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE, CA (M.S) Electrical Engineering,\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nExp Grad: 7/2015\n\nGPA: 3.4\n\nConcentration: System & Signal Processing (Communication)\nRelevant Courses: Communication Systems [(Modulation Theory: QAM, PAM, etc); Equalizer Theory (Linear\nEqualizer, Zero-Forcing/MSE Equalizer, Decision Feedback Equalizer; OFDM; Spread Spectrum)], Antenna\nDesign, Digital Signal Processing [FIR/IIR Filter Design; Sampling Theory; Projection Theory]; Industrial and\nPower Electronics [Power Switching Devices, PWM Method, Smith Chart and Impedance Matching]\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nActivities: IEEE (Industrial Relations Chair), Beall Student Design Competition (Product Development)\nUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE, CA (B.S) Electrical Engineering,\nGrad: 7/2013\nGPA: 3.05\n\xef\x82\xa7 Concentration: Solid State Devices & Signal Processing\n\nSKILLS\nPROGRAMMING AND SOFTWARE: C/C++, JAVA, LINUX, MATLAB, SIMULINK, PSPICE, HFSS, MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT\nLABORATORY AND CIRCUITS: SMITH CHART, SPECTRUM ANALYZER, DMM, POWER SUPPLY, OSCILLOSCOPE\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Irvine, CA\nGraduate Researcher, 02/2014 (Ongoing Research)\nResearch on CE-OFDM theory and develop algorithm to increase the information package limit per channel.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Summarize research paper in OFDM area and conduce simulation with MATLAB.\nDEIPHI DISPLAY SYSTEMS, Costa Mesa, CA\nEngineering firm providing fast food drive thru systems solutions. Electrical Engineer Intern, 01/2013 to 04/2013\nDesign power and signal distribution (through PoE, PoE+, LTPoE++) device to minimize AC power outlet usage.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked under senior electrical engineers to design power converter.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Build cost estimation and market validation (Market need, current competition).\n\xef\x82\xa7 Research on PoE, PoE+, LTPoE++ standard and performance\nUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Irvine, CA\nResearcher, (Prof Glenn Healey) 01/2013 to 04/2013\nResearch on Face Recognition with Hyerspectral images with Gabor filter features algorithm.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Features Extraction from hyperspectral images.\nHONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY\nSummer Researcher, 07/2013 to 10/2013\nResearch on high efficiency nanostructured solar cell with aluminum anodization technology. Key Contributions:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Resolved the challenge of constructing tall nano-spike by controlling etching windows in solar cell development.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Preformed nano-dot imprint on aluminum base and solar cell optical behavior examination.\n\nPROJECTS\nImage Subsampling and Interpolation\nDeveloped a C program to subsample and zoom images in Linux environment to demonstrate image distortion\ncaused by subsampled image.\nLinear Array Antenna Simulation\nStudied the influence on radiation pattern, solid angle and directivity due to self-coupling and mutual\ncoupling and size of the linear array.\nPatch Antenna CAD Design\nDesign a patch antenna with HFSS design tool. Studied the antenna gain, directivity and radiation pattern.\nLMS / Normalized LMS / RLS Simulation (Adaptive Noise Cancelation Simulation)\nSimulated and compared performance of various adaptive equalizers used in communication systems with\nMatlab.\n\nAWARDS\n1st Place at StartUp Weekend Product Development Competition 2014\nDeveloped a Smart sprinkler system that integrate weather data feed from the server. Provide solution to\nwatering plants (i.e. Best time, amount of water base on plant type, remote control through smartphone)\n2nd place at IEEE SoC (OC) Student Design Competition 2012\nDesigned a 3D solar cell with nanostructures on each surface for high light trapping efficiency'
b'RESUME WRITING\nTips for resume formatting and content, with samples from alumni\nA resume is a brief, concise document that presents, and effectively sells, your most relevant and positive credentials for\nemployment, admission to graduate school, consideration for a scholarship or fellowship, or other professional purpose.\nAn employer will usually spend 15 to 30 seconds reviewing your resume, so the content of your resume must be clear,\nconcise, and targeted to the type of job for which you are applying.\n\nPreparation\nResumes should highlight skills and accomplishments that meet employer qualifications, excluding irrelevant\ninformation and experiences. Well-designed resumes will be visually appealing and free from any spelling, typographical,\npunctuation, or grammatical errors. All resumes should be written concisely in an organized format that presents the\nmost important information first.\nEmployers who read individual resumes spend very little time on each resume. Many large employers now use software\nprograms (Applicant Tracking Systems) to assist them with this initial review.\nIf your resume has a typo or grammatical error, it will probably jump off the page to an employer, and this is a way to\nweed you out of a candidate pool. Your resume may be the only chance you get to make an impression, so make it a\ngood one.\n\nConstructing Your Resume\nContact information\nBegin your resume with your name by capitalizing and using bold type.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include street address, city, state, and zip code.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include a phone number(s) where you can be reached.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include your e-mail address.\nObjective (Optional)\nThe purpose of the objective statement is to inform the employer of your career goals and targeted interests. Objectives\nare no longer as widely used as they once were, as employers expect you to cover the same information in more detail\nin the cover letter. If you would like to include an objective, review the samples on the last page of this handout.\nA career/job objective may be advantageous when:\n\xef\x82\xb7 You want to specify your interests and where you would fit in the organization.\n\xef\x82\xb7 You want to present the impression of a focused, self-confident person.\nA career/job objective is not advantageous when it is:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Too broad and meaningless, reflecting indecision.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Too exclusive, eliminating you from jobs for which you might be considered.\nQualifications or Experience Summary (Optional)\nA summary of qualifications can condense an extensive background by emphasizing experiences and accomplishments\nin brief keyword phrases. The qualifications summary is accomplishment-oriented and provides an overview of your\nwork experience. It can also serve to summarize relevant academic, volunteer and leadership experience for those who\nhave limited work experience. A summary is most appropriate for someone with substantial experience, someone who\nis changing careers and wants to demonstrate transferable skills, or someone with a varied background. They\xe2\x80\x99re most\noften used by graduate students and working professionals.\n\n\x0cEducation\nIf your education relates to your objective and is within the past three years, it should be the first section. If not,\neducation should follow the work experience section of your resume.\nIn reverse-chronological order, this section includes the schools you have attended, dates of graduation or dates of\nattendance, as well as degrees sought or completed. Other information that might be included: related coursework,\nscholarships and honors, and special projects (e.g. research projects, teaching).\n\xef\x82\xb7 Start with your most recent degree or the program in which you are currently enrolled. List other degrees or\nrelevant education in reverse chronological order.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Highlight key info by using bold type or capital letters.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Most students begin with the university, followed by the location, degree, and graduation date. You can consider\nlisting your degree before the name of the university as well.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Should I include my GPA? If you are uncertain about including your GPA, ask a Career Services advisor for\nrecommendations based on your individual circumstances.\nWithin this section, you may also want to highlight coursework, research, or a study abroad experience.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Consider listing relevant coursework under the appropriate degree.\n\xef\x82\xb7 You may want to describe thesis, research or design projects (Note: You may want to have a separate \xe2\x80\x9cRelated\nCourse Projects\xe2\x80\x9d section \xe2\x80\x93 see examples in this handout).\nChronological Format\nIn the chronological resume, job history is organized chronologically with the most recent job listed first. Job titles and\nemployers are emphasized and duties and accomplishments are described in detail.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Begin with your current/most recent position and work backward, chronologically.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Devote more space to relevant employment/experiences.\n\xef\x82\xb7 If your job titles relate to your current job objective, start each position description with job titles. If not, begin\nwith the organization.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Follow job title and organizational information with the organization\'s city and state.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Use the first and last month (or semester terms, such as Fall, Spring, and Summer) and year to describe dates of\nemployment.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Describe experiences related to the position you\xe2\x80\x99re applying for in detail. Summarize earlier positions unless\nrelevant to your objective. Within each listed position, stress the major accomplishments and responsibilities that\ndemonstrate your competency\n\nResume Checklist\nThe following checklist has been designed to assist you in writing your resume. This checklist reflects the expertise of the\nCareer Center staff developed through critiquing thousands of resumes, discussing selection criteria with numerous\nemployers, and gathering input from a wide range of career professionals.\nAppearance\n\xef\x82\xb7 Is it inviting and easy to read; not too much information uses appropriate font styles (sans serif fonts are often\nrecommended but the serif font Times New Roman is accepted) and font sizes (10-12 pts.)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Incorporates enough white space between sections to facilitate skimming; adequate margins creates visual impact\n(minimum is .5in on all four sides); using bullets; boldface, italics, and font sizes to emphasize key words (for\nscannable resumes, use boldface only)\nOrganization and Format\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presents strongest qualifications first\n\xef\x82\xb7 Appropriate length: For most cases, one page for undergraduates, more for those with advanced degrees for\nseveral years of post-grad work experience (2-3 pages)\nWriting Style\n\xef\x82\xb7 Begins phrases with powerful action verbs\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nShort bullets (1-2 lines) with 2-6 bullets per experience (depending on how related it is to the opportunity you\nseek); you can list an experience without listing bullets if you want the employer to know about your involvement\nbut it\xe2\x80\x99s not directly related to the position\nBrief, succinct language; no unnecessary words\nAbsolutely free from grammatical, spelling, punctuation, usage, and typographical errors\n\nCONTENT:\nContact Information\n\xef\x82\xb7 Address, current and permanent (if necessary \xe2\x80\x93 otherwise just choose one)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Telephone number\nObjective (Optional)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Briefly indicates the sort of position, title, and possible area of specialization sought\n\xef\x82\xb7 For management or supervisory positions, indicates level of responsibility sought\n\xef\x82\xb7 Language is specific, employer centered not self-centered; avoids broad or vague statements\nSummary of Skills, Accomplishments, or Expertise (Optional)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Identifies 3-6 key achievements that support the objective\n\xef\x82\xb7 Summarizes relevant work experience and accomplishments that support the objective\nEducation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Highest level of attainment is listed first; work from most current degree backward degree in progress or most\nrecently completed degree; include name of university, location of university, type of degree and major, date of\ngraduation, list of other degrees, relevant higher education coursework, continuing professional education or\ntraining\n\xef\x82\xb7 Courses, and study abroad\n\xef\x82\xb7 Second major, minor, or areas of concentration\n\xef\x82\xb7 Omit high school if you have completed more than two years of college unless referencing impressive honors or\nrelevant extracurricular activities\n\xef\x82\xb7 Relevant courses, papers, projects; include paper or project titles\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA, honors, awards, scholarships\nEmployment Experience and/or Related Projects\n\xef\x82\xb7 Include all paid, volunteer, intern, or other experiences that are relevant to your objective\n\xef\x82\xb7 Start with most recent experience if using chronological format\n\xef\x82\xb7 Title held, organization name, city, state, or country location (if not U.S.A.)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dates position held; if several positions for one employer, list employer once responsibilities listed in order of each\nitem\'s relative value to the future employer; indicate transferable skills and adaptive abilities used on the job\n\xef\x82\xb7 Accomplishments on your job; what problems did you face?; what solutions did you find?\n\xef\x82\xb7 Contributions to the organization, i.e., ways your work helped increase profit, membership publicity, funding,\nmotivation, efficiency, productivity, quality; saved time or money; improved programs, management,\ncommunication, information flow etc.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Quantitative or qualitative indicators that describe the results of your contributions or accomplishments, i.e.,\n"increased sales by $50,000"; "reduced staff turnover by 25%"; "significantly improved staff\xe2\x80\x99s ability to access\ndata"\n\xef\x82\xb7 Learning/training that took place on the job that is relevant to your job objective (optional); describe\naccomplishments in jargon of the field\nSkills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Computer skills: software applications, languages, hardware, operating systems\n\xef\x82\xb7 Language skills: specific level of fluency and ability to read and write as "basic," "intermediate," or "advanced" or\n"fluent"\n\xef\x82\xb7 Other\n\xef\x82\xb7 Students often share this section after Education or as the last section.\nExtracurricular Activities, Community Service, Professional Associations\n\xef\x82\xb7 list of significant positions of responsibility; include title, name of organization or team, dates leadership roles,\nachievements, and transferable skills that are relevant\n\n\x0cAdditional Resume Categories\nTo add relevant information to your resume that focuses on special knowledge or skills, consider the following resume headings:\nEDUCATION\nHONORS\nPRESENTATIONS\nRELATED PROJECTS\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nPUBLICATIONS\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\nSCHOLARSHIPS\nTRAINING\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nLANGUAGES\nPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS\nLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE\nINTERESTS\nTRAVEL\nVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE\nSKILLS\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\nQUALIFICATIONS\nACCOMPLISHMENTS\nSUMMARY\n\nProofread, Proofread, Proofread!\nDoes your resume:\nInclude only relevant information?\nUse action verbs?\nStress skills and accomplishments over duties?\nMake qualifications evident?\nInclude specific info: figures, dates, numbers?\nSupport your purpose/objective?\n\nEvaluate Appearance:\nAttractive layout?\nHeadings in bold?\nWhite space?\nStyle appropriate?\nFont size readable?\nLength appropriate?\nImportant items stand out through spacing and/or bold?\nConsistent placement of information (e.g. dates)?\n\nKEY PHRASES\nThe following phrases and words may help with writing your resume statements. They convey involvement and\naccomplishments and make your resume more effective.\nInteracted with...\nEstablished..\nEdited...\nInitiated...\nManaged...\nMaintained...\nInstrumental in...\nRemained as...\nHonored as...\nRecommendations accepted by...\nAdept at...\nAssisted with...\nCoordinated...\nCreated\xe2\x80\xa6.\nDelegated...\nDirected...\nDeveloped...\nConsulted..\nBudgeted...\nEvaluated...\nInstalled...\nInstructed...\nNegotiated...\nPlanned...\nPresented...\nRecognized as\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nActed as liaison for/between...\nFormulated...\nHandled...\nImplemented...\nAssigned territory consisting of...\nPromoted to/from...\nRecipient of...\nInnovation resulted in...\n...amounting to a total savings of...\nAdministered...\nAnalyzed/Assessed...\nArranged...\nCounseled...\nDesigned\xe2\x80\xa6\nConducted...\nDemonstrated...\nAdvised...\nDelivered...\nDrafted...\nGathered...\nImproved...\nInvestigated...\nOrganized...\nPerformed...\nRecommended...\n\n\x0cAction Verbs By Skill Category\nTip: Circle all of the words relevant to your experiences, and then use them in your resume!\nCommunicative\naddress\narbitrate\narrange\nauthor\nbrief\ncommunicate\ncompose\nconfront\ncontact\nconvince\ncorrespond\ndescribe\ndevelop\ndirect\ndocument\ndraft\nedit\n\nenlist\nexpress\nfollow-up\nformulate\ninfluence\ninform\ninterpret\ninterview\nlecture\nmarket\nmediate\nmeet\nmoderate\nmotivate\nnegotiate\nnetwork\npersuade\n\npresent\npromote\npublicize\npublish\nquestion\nread\nreconcile\nrecruit\nrefer\nreport\nrewrite\nspeak\nsuggest\nsummarize\ntalk\ntranslate\nwrite\n\nexecute\nexplore\nfashion\nforge\nfound\nillustrate\nimagine\nimprovise\ninstitute\nintegrate\nintroduce\ninvent\nmarket\nmodernize\noriginate\nperform\n\npilot\npioneer\nplan\nredesign\nrehearse remodel\nrenovate\nreplace\nrevitalize\nshape\nsketch\nspearhead\nstart\nstimulate\nstrategize\ntransform\n\nbudget\ncalculate\ncompute\ncontrol\ndevelop\nestimate\nfinance\nforecast\nmanage\n\nmarket\nmonitor\nplan\nprocure\nproject\npurchase\nreconcile\nresearch\ntransfer\n\nCreative\nact\nbroaden\ncompose\nconceive\nconceptualize\nconduct\ncreate\ndesign\ndevelop\ndirect\ndiscover\ndraft\ndramatize\ndraw up\nentertain\nestablish\nFinancial\naccount for\nadjust\nadminister\nallocate\nanalyze\nappraise\naudit\nbalance\nbuy\n\n\x0cHelping\nadvise\nadvocated\naided\nanticipated\nassessed\nassisted\ncare for\nclarify\ncoach\ncounsel\ndemonstrate\ndiagnose\neducate\nenable\nManagement\nadminister\naccount for\nanalyze\nappoint\napprove\nassign\nassume\nattain\nchair\nchoose\ncontract\nconsolidate\nconsult\ndecide\ndelegate\ndetermine\ndevelop\ndevote\ndirect\ndispatch\n\nencourage\nenlist\nensure\nevaluate\nexpedite\nfacilitate\nfamiliarize\nforecast\nfoster\nguide\nhandle\nharmonize\nmoderate\nobserve\n\norient\npredict\nprescribe\nprotect\nprovide\nreconcile\nrectify\nrefer\nrehabilitate\nrepresent\nserve\nsupport\nutilize\nvolunteer\n\ndispense\nemploy\nevaluate\nexecute\nformulate\nhandle\nhead\nhire\nleverage\nmanage\nmaintain\norchestrate\norder\norganize\noversee\nplan\nperfect\npreserve\nprioritize\n\nproduce\npropose\nprotect\nrealize\nrecommend\nrecruit\nregulate\nreview\nrevitalize\nreward\nsave\nset goals\nschedule\nsupervise\nterminate\nunify\nwithdraw\n\n\x0cOrganizational\napprove\narrange\ncatalogue\nclassify\ncollaborate\ncollect\ncompile\nconserve\nconsolidate\ncut\ndiagram\ndispatch\ndistribute\nenlist\nexecute\nexpedite\nextract\ngenerate\n\nidentify\nimplement\ninspect\nintegrate\ninterface with\njoin\nlist\nlog\nmonitor\noperate\norganize\npinpoint\nprepare\nprioritize\nprocess\nrecord\nreshape\nreorganize\nretrieve\n\nrevamp\nrevise\nschedule\nscreen\nset up\nshape\nspecialize\nspecify\nstreamline\nstretch\nsubstitute\nsystematize\ntabulate\ntarget\nupdate\nvalidate\n\nResearch\nacquire\namplify\nanalyze\ncalculate\nchart\nclarify\ncollect\ncompare\nconduct\ncritique\ndiagnose\ndesign\n\ndetermine\ndisprove\nevaluate\nexamine\nextract\nformulate\nidentify\ninspect\ninterpret\ninterview\ninvestigate\nlocate\n\nmodify\norganize\nprocess\nreview\nresearch\nstudy\nsummarize\nsurvey\nsystematize\ntest\ntrouble-shoot\n\nexceed\nexcel\nexpand\nextend\nfortify\nimprove\nincrease\ninitiate\nintroduce\nlaunch\nlower costs\nmap\nmaximize\nmeasure\nobtain\npioneer\nprove\n\nreduce\nre-establish\nresolve\nrestore\nselected as\nstabilize\nstandardize\nsucceed\ntransform\ntrim\ntriple\nvalidate\nwiden\nwon\n\nResults\nachieve\naccelerate\naccomplish\nadd\nadvance\nattain\naugment\naward\ncomplete\ncompound\ncontribute\ndecrease\ndouble\neffect\neliminate\nenlarge\nestablish\n\n\x0cTeaching\naccept\nadapt\nadvise\nactively\nanalyzes\napply\nappraise\nassess\nassign\nattend\ncalm\ncategorize\nchallenge\nchoose\nclarify\ncoach\ncommand\ncommunicate\ncompliment\nconsider\ncooperate\ncoordinate\ncorrect\ndefine\ndemonstrate\ndesignate\ndevelop\ndirect\ndiscipline\ndoubt\nTechnical\nactivate\nassemble\nbegan\nbuild\ncalculate\ncompute\nconstruct\ncontrive\nconvert\ndeliver\ndesign\ndetect\ndevise\ndisplay\nengineer\n\n(Monstertrak)\n\neducate\nelaborate\nelicit\nemphasize\nenable\nencourage\nevaluate\nexcite\nexplain\nexplore\nfacilitate\nfocus\ngenerate\nguide\nhypothesize\nidentify\nimplement\nincorporate\nindicate\ninfer\ninform\ninitiate\ninquire\ninstruct\ninteract\nintegrate\ninvestigate\njudge\nlisten\nmodel\n\nexhibit\nfabricate\ninstall\nmaintain\nnavigate\noperate\noverhaul\nparticipate\nprogram\nrehabilitate\nremodel\nrepair\nresolve\nretrieve\nscreen\n\nmodify\nmotivate\nobserve\norganize\npersuade\nponder\npostulate\npraise\nprovoke\nquestion\nreinforce\nrephrase\nreward\nset goals\nset standards\nsimplify\nsolicit\nspeculate\nstate\nstimulate\nstructure\nsynthesize\nsystematize\nteach\ntell\nthank\ntheorize\ntrain\ntutor\n\nsell\nservice\nsolve\nsupply\ntrain\nupgrade\n\n\x0cMany thanks to the students and alumni who shared their resumes for this handout!\n\nJENNIFER ROSE\nSchool Address: 234 Balz, Charlottesville, VA 22904\nPermanent Address: 40xx Street, Richmond, VA 22033\n\[email protected]\nCell: (751) xxx-xxxx\n\nOBJECTIVE\nTo gain experience through an internship in information technology or information systems utilizing work and\nleadership experiences, strong communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nCandidate, B.S. Anticipated Major Civil Engineering\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nBRIDGE Program, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nCharlottesville, VA\nCalculus I, Science Technology & Society, Chemistry I Lab\nSummer 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAn intensive six-week summer program providing academic, personal and professional\ndevelopment\nRELEVANT INTERNSHIPS, PROJECTS & COURSEWORK\nENGR 1620 \xe2\x80\x93 Intro to Engineering, Robot Lab\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built a semi-autonomous, basketball shooting robot for the robot games with a team\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nMicrosoft Office, experienced in Autodesk Inventor, C/C++, Java, MathCAD, Mathematica, and Eclipse\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nLynn\xe2\x80\x99s Hallmark\nSales Assistant\nFedEx Office\nRetail Consultant\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted in consulting on special projects, and operating office equipment\n\nRichmond, VA\nSummers 20xx, 20xx\nRichmond, VA\nSummer 20xx\n\nScott & Stringafellow\nRichmond, VA\nGeneral Assistant\nJune 20xx-December 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssisted in processing time sheets, at front desk as secretary, and IRA department in special projects\nLEADERSHIP, HONORS, AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\nNational Society of Black Engineers, Member\nSociety of Women Engineers, Member\nHouse Council\n\xef\x82\xb7\nFloor Representative\nImpact Christian Organization\nFirst Year Seminar, Facilitator\nUndergraduate Recruitment Committee, Engineering Student Council, Member\nClub Cross Country, Member\nSinai Scholars Jewish Fellowship Society, Student\nDay in the life program: Zion Union Baptist Church, Tutor\n\nFall 20xx-present\nFall 200xx-present\nFall 20xx-present\nFall 20xx-present\nFall 20xx\nFall 20xx\nFall 2008-Spring 20xx\nFall 20xx\nSpring 20xx\n\n\x0cTOM JEFFERSON\nSchool Address\n10 Rotunda Way\nCharlottesville VA 22903\n434-xxx-xxxx\n\[email protected]\nPermanent Address\nRoute 20, Monticello\nCharlottesville VA 22940\n434-xxx-xxxx\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nB.S Major Systems Engineering, B.A Major Economics, B.S Minor Computer Science\n\xef\x82\xb7 Systems Engineering GPA 3.96\n\xef\x82\xb7 Overall GPA 3.7\n\xef\x82\xb7 Deans List 20xx, 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Intermediate Honors \xe2\x80\x93 Top 20% in class\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nThomas Jefferson High School For Science and Technology\nThomas Jefferson Diploma\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.75\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAlexandria, VA\nJune 20xx\n\nSATS: Math I \xe2\x80\x93 800, Verbal I \xe2\x80\x93 660, Math II \xe2\x80\x93 800\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nNorthrop Grumman IT Commercial, State and Local\nManaged Services Solutions Intern\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a Rough Order Magnitude Tool for Managed Services (Helpdesk,\nDeskside Support, Network, Storage, etc)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Implemented Tool to Web using PHP/mySQL/HTML\n\nChantilly, VA\nSummers 20xx & 20xx\nWinter 20xx\n\nNorthrop Grumman IT Commercial, State and Local\nRichmond, VA\nEnterprise Architecture Intern\nSummer of 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member of 15 person team tasked with Enterprise Architecture for acquisition of VITA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed Overview PowerPoint displaying in-scope transformations for NG/VITA Partnership\n\nRELATED PROJECTS AND COURSEWORK\nSYS 323 \xe2\x80\x93 Human Machine Interface\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed Syllabus Creator for teachers using PHP, MySql, HTML, Adobe Dreamweaver\nSYS 201 \xe2\x80\x93 Systems Engineering Concepts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed the current Bowl Championship Series ranking system of College Football teams\nand designed a better alternative\nRobotics Lab\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built semi-autonomous robot to perform multiple tasks on a field\n\n20xx\n20xx\n\n20xx\n\nCourswork: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Engineers as Entrepreneurs, Deterministic Decision Modeling,\nStochastic Decision Modeling, System Evaluation, Discrete Event Simulation\n\nLEADERSHIP, ACTIVITIES AND AWARDS\nSikh Student Association\n\xef\x82\xb7 Vice President (20xx) & Treasurer (20xx)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Educated UVA community about Sikh religion and culture\nUniversity of Virginia Club Soccer\nUVA Di Shaan \xe2\x80\x93 Collegiate Bhangra Dance Team\nThomas Jefferson High School Varsity Soccer MVP\nVirginia Soccer All-State Team Honorable Mention\nState Olympic Development Soccer Team 20xx\n\nTECHNICAL AND OTHER SKILLS\nApplications: Java, PHP, mySQL, HTML, C++, Matlab, Adobe Dreamweaver, Mathcad\nLanguages: Fluent in Punjabi\n\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n20xx\n20xx\n20xx\n\n\x0cWendy Wahoo\n(212) xxx-xxxx | [email protected]\n456 Street, City, State ZIP\n\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain a position in consulting utilizing my strong academic background in engineering, demonstrated teamwork\nabilities, market analysis experience and excellent problem solving skills.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nBachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cumulative Index: 3.32/4.0 after the third year, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\xef\x82\xb7 ACT Score: 34\n\nCharlottesville, Virginia\nMay 20xx\n\nSemester at Sea, Study Abroad Program: Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Belize, Costa Rica Summer 2012\nINTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE\nHenry Schein\nMelville, New York\nIntern\nMay-August 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzed sales data for the Medical Marketing division to determine which medical specialties generated the\nmost profit\n\xef\x82\xb7 Determined which level of the \xe2\x80\x9cPrivileges\xe2\x80\x9d Rewards Program was the most appealing to key members in\norder to maintain strong, positive relationships between Henry Schein and consumers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Created presentations for the Medical Marketing Division to graphically depict changes in growth and profits\nof sales in various medical specialties\nEXPERIENCE\nThe Feinstein Institute for Medical Research\nManhasset, New York\nVisiting Scholar\nMay-August 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected to serve as a member of the \xe2\x80\x9cDevelopment of intestinal flora and its changes in preterm infants\nduring stay in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit\xe2\x80\x9d project\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed graphs to represent acquired data and presented findings to fellow researchers\nCycloptics\nCharlottesville, Virginia\nFounding Team Member, Grant Writing Committee Co-Chair\nJanuary 20xx-April 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with a team to design a medical teaching device to aid residents in the Neonatal ICU\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed a working prototype of the product and successfully tested it for functionality, practicality and\nuser-friendliness\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched the potential market for the product and the patenting process and proposed a plan for entry\ninto the existing market\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strengthened communication skills as a leader in the process of acquiring funding\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained experience in market research and product testing\nSKILLS\nComputer: Mathcad, Matlab, Excel, PowerPoint\nLanguages: Conversational in Italian\nLEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONAL, AND VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES\nGuilford Biomedical Research Lab Volunteer, Biomedical Engineering Society and Peer Mentoring Program, Semester\nat Sea Student Representative (Global Ambassadors), Alpha Delta Pi Sorority (Merchandise Chair, Round Robbins\nCommittee), Society of Women Engineers (Publicity Committee), Day in the Life Tutoring Program\nHONORS\nPhi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Intro to Engineering \xe2\x80\x9cInstructor\xe2\x80\x99s Choice\xe2\x80\x9d Award\n\n\x0cJames Jefferson\n(xxx) xxx-xxxx | [email protected]\n333 Street, City, State ZIP\nOBJECTIVE Seeking experience in a full-time consulting position. Areas of expertise include product design & testing, data\ncollection, data analysis, team based problem solving, technical writing, and computational skills\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s of Science in Biomedical Engineering\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine, Department of Neurology\nCharlottesville, VA\nBiomedical Engineering Capstone Design Course\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Managing and planning the design process of a device for chronically implanted catheter sterilization to reduce infection\nrisk. This will be followed by a series of testing procedures for the prototype\n\xef\x82\xb7 Analyzing existing approaches to infection reduction in chronic infusions, and performing patent searches, financial\nanalyses, managing marketing strategies for different preliminary designs\n\xef\x82\xb7 Applying analytical and critical thinking skills for problem solving in a team-oriented setting\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducting international and national client research in order to manage design implementation strategies\nUniversity of Virginia Health System\nCharlottesville, VA\nVolunteer Services\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handling patient intake at the Emergency room, Dialysis unit, outpatient surgery center, and palliative and geriatric care\ncenter, and facilitating the physician- patient communication\n\xef\x82\xb7 Identifying problems and analyzing innovative strategies to manage the triage system of the Emergency room\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborating with the administrative staff to solve regulatory problems of the system\nUniversity Research Network (URN), UVA\nCharlottesville, VA\nMember of the Workshop Committee\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborating with professors and graduate students from various departments to arrange symposiums to promote research\nbased on innovative solutions and coherent business plans\n\xef\x82\xb7 Serving as an advisor for undergraduate students in order to help them identify and approach the research area that\ncorrelates best with their experiences and skills\nSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Virginia\nCharlottesville, VA\nIntroduction to Nanoscience and Technology Course\nDATE RANGE\nAdvisor: Dr. John C. Bean\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted in depth research on the use of ferromagnetic materials in Neural Imaging especially in the case of\nintracerebral tumors, and on the therapeutic use of iron oxide nanoparticles involving Magnetic Resonance Imaging,\nFocused Ultrasound, and Thermotherapy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Wrote a research paper which is submitted for review by the journal of undergraduate research publications at the\nUniversity of Virginia\nDepartment of Biomedical Engineering and Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)\nCharlottesville, VA\nBiomedical Engineering Design and Discovery Course\nDATE RANGE\nAdvisors: Dr. Peirce-Cottler and Dr. Kaufman\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a device with a team of biomedical engineers that provided real-time feedback of the intubation procedure\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a deliverable solution that integrated the concepts of design validation, patent filing, FDA regulation, and\nmarket analysis\nUniversity of Virginia Bookstore\nCharlottesville, VA\nUniversity of Virginia\nDATE RANGE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked as a cashier at the Front End Desk and attended to concerns in the customer services department\n\n\x0cCrystal Cavalier\n\n10xx Wertland St, Apt xxx \xef\x82\xb7 Charlottesville, VA 22903 \xef\x82\xb7 703-xxx-xxxx \xef\x82\xb7 [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied Science\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Minor in Engineering Business\nGPA of 3.715 on a 4.0 scale\n\nCharlottesville, VA\nMay 20xx\n\nEXPERIENCE\nSRA International\nFair Lakes, VA\nCapability Centers, Corporate Growth\nJune 20xx-August 20xx\nSenior Intern\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with CTOs, Business Developers and Portfolio Managers to monitor, improve and target business capture\nefforts through strategic pipeline planning and technology lifecycle analysis.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked closely with senior Business Developers and Capture personnel to articulate the value of various IT offerings and\nservices, as well as support cross-company communication to facilitate capture efforts.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed Proposal Fundamentals training, including hands-on, small team breakouts to develop creative strategies for\nsolutioning, storyboarding and proposal writing, critical skills to winning and supporting projects.\nLaboratory for Cell-Signaling Bioanalysis\nCharlottesville, VA\nDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia\nJanuary 20xx-May 20xx\nUndergraduate Researcher\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed MATLAB code for tumorous cell classification, in collaboration with a graduate research student, and\npresented results to the Principal Investigator.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported a large-scale, breast cancer cell-line project through the implementation of cell culture and Brightfield\nmicroscopy techniques, which revealed novel insights and fostered creative insights into tumor morphology.\nUnited States Patent and Trademark Office\nAlexandria, VA\nTechnology Center 3700, Art Unit 3762\nMay 20xx-August 20xx\nPatent Examiner Extern\n\xef\x82\xb7 In tandem with Junior, and Supervisory Patent Examiners, I analyzed pending patent applications, classified as light,\nthermal or electrical applications of surgery.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Communicated regularly with examiners, developed innovative parallels between pending and patented technologies, and\nscrutinized prior art.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed office actions, written communications between examiners and inventors, notifying patentability.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Participated in appeal conferences concerning examiner and attorney, a process implemented to resolve issues of\npatentability through open lines of communication and discussion.\nArlington Free Clinic\nArlington, VA\nLaboratory Assistant\nJune 20xx-August 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked with and supported physicians, nurses and lab technicians to update confidential medical records, assist with\nroutine laboratory tests, and foster communications with patients, often requiring bilingual translations.\nLEADERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES\nBiomedical Engineering Society (BMES)\nSpring 20xx-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served as BMES Publicity Chair and participated regularly in BMES Mentorship Program\nSociety of Women Engineers\nFall 20xx-Present\nWomen\xe2\x80\x99s Club Ultimate Frisbee\nFall 20xx-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supported team collaboration, communication and strategy through positions including Alumni Relations Chair, Apparel\nChair and Winter League Captain.\nSKILLS\nComputer: MATLAB, MATHCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word\nHONORS\nA. Thomas Young Scholarship Recipient\nParents\xe2\x80\x99 Committee Internship Grant Recipient\nJefferson Scholar Nominee\n\n20xx\n20xx\n20xx\n\n\x0cCHRISTOPHER CAVALIER\[email protected] | phone number\nSchool Address:\n\nPermanent Address:\n\nEDUCATION\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE\nCharlottesville, VA\nB.S Electrical Engineering, concentration in controls: Cumulative GPA: 3.0 Major GPA: 3.4\nMay 20xx\nRelated Coursework: Electronics, Computer Architecture, Power System Fundamentals, Electromagnetic Fields,\nSignals and Systems I & II, Linear Control Systems, Computer Networks, Electrical Engineering Projects\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nCharlottesville, VA\nProject Assistant/Summer Intern,\nSummer 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Researched magneto-rheological fluids and their effectiveness in high impact force dampers and decelerators.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Used research knowledge and principles taught in ECE classes to design an electromagnet to house and\nmanipulate the MR fluid to intricate specifications.\n\nUVA CENTER FOR APPLIED BIOMECHANICS\n\nWashington D.C\nIntern\nWinter 20xx\n\xef\x82\xa7 Explored the lab; exposure to cutting edge research and development.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked with a team that established the longest free-space laser communication link over the Chesapeake Bay\nDetachment.\n\nUS NAVAL RESEARCH LAB, CENTER FOR SPACE TECHNOLOGY\n\nUVA AUTO SAFETY LABORATORY (Bio-Impact Mechanics/Aerospace Engineering lab)\nCharlottesville, VA\nProject Assistant/Summer Intern\nSummer 20xx\n\xef\x82\xa7 Managed and aided in the modeling and conduction of the Fluid Percussion Brain Injury Project in relevance to\nnon-lethal weapons/projectiles.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Modeled an impact interface using a high impact ultra low friction piston/cylinder for the projectile to the brain\nsimulator.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Performed preliminary analysis of brain impact data.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Installed and configured project related computer hardware for testing and data collection.\n\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\n\xef\x82\xa7 Private Tutor, French, Biology, and Mathematics (Algebra/Geometry/Calculus)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Volunteer, INOVA Mount Vernon Hospital\n\xef\x82\xa7 Volunteer, Yoo\xe2\x80\x99s Martial Arts\n\n20xx-present\n20xx-20xx\n20xx-20xx\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nHighly skilled in Excel, MS Office applications; experienced in Java; familiar with Visio, Access, SQL, php, html\n\nLEADERSHIP\nUVa Mentoring \xe2\x80\x93 Executive Board, President, Founder, initiated university-wide mentoring program for freshman.\nResponsible for piloting the program advertising, training mentors, and recruiting mentees.\nTau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) \xe2\x80\x93 Executive Board, Social Chair\nEngineering Mentoring, Act as a mentor for a younger student. Develop worksheet curriculum for goal setting and\nprogress assessment.\nMadison House Volunteering \xe2\x80\x93 Buford Middle School; Charlottesville, VA\n\n\x0cErin Engineer\nCurrent Address \xe2\x80\x93 120 Engineers Way, Charlottesville, VA 22903\nPermanent Address \xe2\x80\x93 999 Springs Circle, Fairfax, VA 20175\[email protected], PHONE\nU.S. Citizen\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Virginia \xe2\x80\x93 School of Engineering and Applied Science \xe2\x80\x93 Cumulative GPA\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bachelor of Science: Electrical Engineering \xe2\x80\x93 Major GPA 3.715\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bachelor of Science: Computer Engineering \xe2\x80\x93 Major GPA 3.628\nRELEVANT COURSEWORK\n\xef\x82\xa7 Advanced Digital Design\n\xef\x82\xa7 Analog Integrated Circuits\n\xef\x82\xa7 Advanced Software Development\n\xef\x82\xa7 Computer Architecture\n\xef\x82\xa7 Computer Design Organization\n\xef\x82\xa7 Electronics I and II\n\xef\x82\xa7 Operating Systems\n\xef\x82\xa7 Signals and Systems I and II\n\xef\x82\xa7 Computer Networks\n\xef\x82\xa7 Electromagnetic Fields\n\n3.58\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nGraduation Date: May 20xx\n\nSolid State Devices\nData Representation\nDigital Logic Design\nSoftware Development Methods\n\nRELATED WORK EXPERIENCE\nThe Boeing Company, El Segundo, CA\nLevel-Entry Systems Engineer for Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) Program\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed XML/Schema files and documented requirements for an Interface Control Document (ICD)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Learned industrial engineering concepts and tools to understand IDEF0 and sequence diagrams, to use\ncompany specified tools, to attend meetings, and to aid group in developing ICD\xe2\x80\x99s to meet customer\xe2\x80\x99s\nspecifications\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed sequence diagrams, spreadsheets, and documents for various aspects of satellite network\nsystem\nNaval Surface Warfare Center at Carderock Division, Carderock, MD\nTechnical Aid Specialist for engineers and scientists\n\xef\x82\xa7 Used OrCAD software to design and implement instrumental designs for GPS system\n\xef\x82\xa7 Programmed sections of code to communicate with serial communication ports (Rabbit3k\nmicrocontroller)\n\nJune \xe2\x80\x93 August 20xx\n\nJune \xe2\x80\x93 August 20xx\n\nRELATED PROJECTS\nUniversity of Virginia Senior Thesis Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designing, building, and testing an analog and digital control systems for UVa\xe2\x80\x99s ROMAC project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Control system designed to ensure proper suspension of impeller in magnetic bearings of left ventricular\nassist device (LVAD) prototype\nAnalog Integrated Circuits Class Project: A/D Converter\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed and simulated an analog-to-digital converter to meet frequency and input distortion constraints\nusing Cadence under UNIX environment\nElectronics II: Operational Amplifier\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed, simulated, and built an operational amplifier using transistors (MOSFETs and BJTs)\nElectronics I: Electronic Temperature Sensor\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed, simulated and built a diode-based temperature sensor. Exposed to the PSpise for simulation and\nlab equipments (i.e. oscilloscope) for experimentation\nSoftware Development Methods Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Implemented and programmed software that serves as an interface for security cameras. It is a user-friendly\nsoftware that controls the camera\xe2\x80\x99s movement (pan, tilt, and zoom)\n\nSpring 20xx\n\nSpring 20xx\nFall 20xx\nSpring 20xx\nFall 20xx\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nLanguages and Software:\nPlatforms:\n\n\xef\x82\xa7 Java, C/C++, XML, HTML, VHDL, x86 Assembly\n\xef\x82\xa7 Eclipse, MathCAD, MATLAB, OrCAD, Cadence Tools, PADS, PSpise, FPGA Advantage,\nQuartus II, Microsoft Office\n\xef\x82\xa7 Windows NT/98/2000/XP Professional, Linux/Unix\n\nLEADERSHIP, HONORS AND ACTIVITIES\nVice President, Deafness Education & Awareness for all Students (DEAFS)\nTreasurer, Deafness Education & Awareness for all Students (DEAFS)\nDeafness Education & Awareness for all Students (DEAFS)\nMember of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)\nNational Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS)\n\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 20xx\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\nFall 20xx \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\n\x0cDAVID DARDEN\n100 Engineer\xe2\x80\x99s Way\nP.O. Box 30000\nCharlottesville, VA 22904\n\nHome: 434-xxx-xxxx\nWork: 434-xxx-xxxx\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nMechanical or product development engineering position working on designing and testing cardiac related\nmedical devices.\n\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nGraduate researcher with experience designing and prototyping cardiac assist devices. Proven ability to\nwork well within cross-functional teams. A talent for creative and simple solutions to challenging\nengineering problems. Some specific skills include:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong analytical and problem solving ability\nAble to create and work from engineering models and CAD drawings (SolidWorks, Catia, and\nPRO/E)\nKnowledge of manufacturing processes such as machining, casting, molding, etc.\nExcellent technical writing and documentation skills using the Microsoft suite\n\nEDUCATION\nMasters Degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering\nUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA\nGPA 3.8\nExpected May 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis work focused on the mechanical design of a magnetically suspended, axial flow, artificial\nheart pump\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a test rig to validate CFD model predictions and test the fluid components of a left\nventricular assist device\nBachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering Program\nBrigham Young University, Provo, UT\nGPA 3.6\nApr 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Solid background in mechanical design and analysis as well as sound understanding of basic\nelectrical and civil engineering principles\n\xef\x82\xb7 Courses completed in advanced CAD modeling, composites, materials science, machine design,\nand instrumentation\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Virginia, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department\nTeaching Assistant Jan\n20xx -May 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a deep understanding of mechanics of materials\n\xef\x82\xb7 Refined skills in communicating engineering concepts through teaching and tutoring\nBrigham Young University, Physics Department\nPhysics Demo Area Assistant\nApr 20xx -Apr 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained extensive hands on experience with modeling physical phenomenon from eddy current\nproduction to thin film interactions and more\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built multiple prototypes employing basic manufacturing techniques such as milling,\nturning, etc.\nTeam Lead (Senior Design Project)\nSept 20xx -Apr 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong leadership and organization skills developed\n\xef\x82\xb7 Insight gained into carrying products from conception to production\n\n\x0cDANIEL JEFFERSON, PH.D.\n\nEmail: [email protected]\nOffice: Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia\n(434) xxx-xxxx\nResidence: 47xx Rotunda Road, Richmond, VA 22301\n(434) xxx-xxxx cell\nOBJECTIVE/SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nTo obtain a research scientist position that utilizes cell biology approaches to engineering design with an\nemphasis on musculoskeletal tissue interaction with biomaterials.\n\xef\x82\xb7\nExpert at fabrication and characterization of biomaterial structures\n\xef\x82\xb7\nSkilled in cell biology techniques\n\xef\x82\xb7\nKnowledge of procedures related to filing patents\nEDUCATION\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nCharlottesville, VA\nDoctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering\n20xx\nDissertation Title: Sintered Poly[bis(amino acid ester)phosphazene] Microspheres Imbued with Poly(Llactide) Nanofibers: Biomimetic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering\nUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Norman, OK\nBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering with special distinction\n20xx\nFELLOWSHIPS AWARDED\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nNIAMS, NIH Sponsored NRSA T32 Training Fellowship\n\nCharlottesville, VA\n20xx\n\nPRACTICAL EXPERIENCE\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nCharlottesville, VA\nPostdoctoral Fellow\n20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nConstruct model substrates from poly(methyl methacrylate)\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInvestigate how focal adhesion assembly is affected by the physical properties of a substrate\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInvestigate how signaling cascades are affected by the physical properties of a substrate\n\xef\x82\xb7\nMonitor how cell migration is affected by the physical properties of a substrate\nUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING\nCharlottesville, VA\nGraduate Research Assistant\n20xx \xe2\x80\x93 20xx\n\xef\x82\xb7\nSynthesize polyphosphazenes\n\xef\x82\xb7\nFabricate composite nanofiber/microsphere scaffolds\n\xef\x82\xb7\nCharacterize physicochemical properties of scaffolds and polyphosphazenes\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssay osteoblast phenotype progression\n\xef\x82\xb7\nAssay osteoblast transcription factor activity\nPATENTS\n1. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Solvent/Non-Solvent Sintering Technique for Creating Sintered\nMicrosphere Scaffolds. US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/940,549.\n2. Brown JL, Deng M and Laurencin CT. Smart Nanosphere Capable of Targeted Cancer Cell\nDestruction. US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/918,105.\nPUBLICATIONS\n1. Brown JL, Peach MS, Nair LS, Kumbar SG and Laurencin CT. Composite nanofiber/microsphere\nscaffolds: bridging nanoscale and microscale architectures to improve bioactivity of mechanically\ncompetent constructs. Under Review with Nature Materials\n\n\x0cPUBLICATIONS, continued\n2.\n3.\n4.\n\n5.\n\nDeng M, Nair LS, Nukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Krogman NR, Allcock HR and Laurencin\nCT. Biomimetic, Bioactive Etheric Polyphosphazene-Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Bone Tissue\nEngineering. J Biomed Mater Res Pt A. 2009 Jan; Online.\nNukavarapu SP, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Krogman NR, Nair LS, Allcock HR and Laurencin CT.\nPolyphosphazene/Nano-Hydroxyapatite Composite Microsphere Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.\nBiomacromolecules. 2008 Jun; 9 (7): 1818-1825.\nBrown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Solvent/Non-Solvent Sintering: A Novel Route to Create Porous\nMicrosphere Scaffolds For Tissue Regeneration. J Biomed Mater Res Pt B. 2008 Aug; 86B (2): 396406.\nBrown JL, Nair LS, Bender J, Allcock HR and Laurencin CT. The formation of an apatite coating on\ncarboxylated polyphosphazenes via a biomimetic process. Mater Lett. 2007 Jul; 61 (17): 3692-3695.\n\nPRESENTATIONS\n1. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Biomimetic Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.\n3rd Musculoskeletal Regeneration Symposium, Charlottesville, (2009).\n2. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Composite Microsphere/Nanofiber Scaffolds for Bone Tissue\nEngineering. World Biomaterials Conference, Amsterdam, (2008).\n3. Brown JL and Laurencin CT. Poly[(amino acid ester)phosphazene] Sintered Microsphere Matrices: A\nNew Direction in Bone Tissue Engineering. \xe2\x80\x9cBrown-bag\xe2\x80\x9d Bioresearch Seminar, Norman, (2007).\n4. Brown JL and Laurencin CT. Polyphosphazene Microsphere Scaffolds: A New Direction in Bone\nTissue Engineering. 1st Musculoskeletal Regeneration Symposium, Charlottesville, (2007).\n5. Brown JL, Meng D and Laurencin CT. Smart Nanospheres for Targeted Cancer Cell Destruction: The\nCure for Cancer. Nanonexus 2007, Oak Ridge, (2007).\n6. Brown JL and Laurencin CT. Solvent/Non-Solvent Slurry Sintering Technique for Preparing\nMicrosphere Scaffolds. BMES, Charlottesville, (2006).\nPOSTERS\n1. Brown JL, Nair LS and Laurencin CT. Novel Biodegradable Polyphosphazene Lighter than Water\nMicrosphere Scaffolds for Bioreactor Based Bone Tissue Engineering. Society for Biomaterials 2007,\nChicago, (2007).\n2. Nukavarapu SP, Krogman NR, Kumbar SG, Brown JL, Nair LS, Allcock HR and Laurencin CT. Novel\nComposite Polyphosphazene Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Society for\nBiomaterials 2007, Chicago, (2007).\nJOURNAL REVIEWS\n\xef\x82\xb7\nArtificial Organs\n\xef\x82\xb7\nJournal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B. \xe2\x80\x93 Applied Biomaterials\nCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT\n\xef\x82\xb7\nFluvanna County Officer of Election\n\n\x0cYour Resume Career Objectives\nWhy list your objectives?\nDoes your resume speak for itself? Is it clear from your work experiences what you want to be doing in your job or\ninternship? If you are just graduating or looking to make a career change, the answer is probably no, which is why you\nwant an objective on your resume. Let the employer know what you want. Your objective should be as specific as\npossible so the employer clear understands what you are looking for. If you are uncertain of what you are looking for, it\nis best to keep an objective off of your resume rather than creating a generic, vague objective.\nSample Objectives:\n\xef\x83\x98 Professional position using teamwork, chemistry knowledge, computer skills, and creative thinking to solve\nproblems related to chemical engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 To secure a full time position that utilizes my engineering education and interests in the fields of technical business\nand consulting.\n\xef\x83\x98 To apply information technology skills to contribute to the success of a leading edge organization.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a position in the field of Systems Engineering as well as a knowledge of management and organizational\nmethods.\n\xef\x83\x98 Seeking a position as a software engineer, circuit design engineer, or application developer.\n\xef\x83\x98 A position within the computer science discipline, preferably concentrating on network analysis or design.\n\xef\x83\x98 Seeking a position in the electrical engineering or computer science industry with special interest in\ncommunications, networking, digital signals, and microelectronics.\n\xef\x83\x98 To gain employment involving the design, development, or testing of technologies in the fields of aerospace and\nmechanical engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 Position in information technology, network development, or a field related to aerospace/mechanical engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 Position in consulting industry, focusing on e-commerce, internet strategy, and information technology.\n\xef\x83\x98 Utilize my civil engineering education and technical skills in a project management position for a construction firm.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a summer position related to transportation engineering, focusing on traffic analysis or highway design.\n\xef\x83\x98 To gain experience in chemical engineering involving applications of engineering principles such as mass and energy\nbalance, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and chemistry with possible exposure to labs and pilot\nplants.\n\xef\x83\x98 A position in consulting with a specialization in computer information systems.\n\xef\x83\x98 To gain hands-on experience through an internship in an information technology or information systems division.\n\xef\x83\x98 Summer position in computer industry focusing on programming or software development.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a summer internship within the field of civil engineering in order to gain hands-on experience while\nutilizing my academic background and advancing my interest in structural mechanics.\n\xef\x83\x98 To obtain a summer position in mechanical engineering focusing on machine design and structural engineering.\n\xef\x83\x98 Position in civil engineering specializing in structural or transportation engineering.\n\n\x0cCopy and paste your contact information from your resume here.\nUse the same font type you did on your resume.\n\nREFERENCES\nName\nTitle and relationship to you\nAddress\nPhone\nFax\nEmail\nName\nTitle and relationship to you\nAddress\nPhone\nFax\nEmail\nName\nTitle and relationship to you\nAddress\nPhone\nFax\nEmail'
b'HOW TO WRITE A RESUME FOR\nINTERNSHIPS, CO-OP POSITIONS,\nSUMMER, OR PART-TIME JOBS\n\n08/07\n\n\x0cRESUMES FOR INTERNSHIPS, CO-OP\nPOSITIONS, SUMMER, OR PART-TIME JOBS\n\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\nPage\nIntroduction\n\n1\n\nInternships, Cooperative Education\n\n2\n\nThe Big \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d Referral System\n\n3\n\nWhere do I look for Career Related Positions?\n\n4\n\nWhere do I look for a Summer Job?\n\n5\n\nHow Resumes for Undergraduates differ\n\n6\n\nResume Writing Tips\n\n7\n\nInformation that appears on most resumes\nSample Resumes\n\n8-9\n10-17\n\nThe Cover Letter\nExamples of Cover Letters:\nReferral from Faculty Member or Other\n\n18\n19\n\nAnswer to a Newspaper Ad\n\n20\n\nDirect Solicitation to an Organization\n\n21\n\n1\n\n\x0cINTRODUCTION\nDo you want an interesting, challenging, well-paid position\nwhen you graduate? Does the idea of securing an entry-level job\nwith good long-term career growth appeal to you? If so, act now.\nThere is a lot that you can do to make such a position become a\nreality.\nStudies consistently show that the Number One factor in\nhelping college graduates transition to meaningful paid positions is\ncareer related experience.\nCareer related experience can be gained in a variety of ways.\nThese include internships (paid or unpaid), cooperative education,\nsummer positions, voluntary experience, and part-time jobs. All\nwork experience is valuable, but experience directly related to\none\xe2\x80\x99s long-term career goals is the most meaningful.\nThis booklet is designed to help you write a resume that can\nbe used while you are still an undergraduate. Hopefully, a good\nresume will help you obtain career-related experience before you\ngraduate.\n\n2\n\n\x0cINTERNSHIPS\nAt the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, the Office of\nCareer Services has been designated as the initial point of contact\nfor internships. Employers who are seeking interns from UPJ are\ndirected to this office. They work closely with academic\ndepartments and faculty to refer students to employers. If you are\ninterested in an internship, talk to your faculty advisor or visit the\nCareer Services Office.\n\nCOOPERATIVE EDUCATION\nCooperative Education is a formalized program where\nstudents alternate between semesters of full-time school and\nsemesters of full-time work. Co-op students normally have more\nthan one semester of co-op work experience prior to graduation.\nThe University\xe2\x80\x99s School of Engineering in Pittsburgh has a\nCooperative Education program through which UPJ\xe2\x80\x99s Engineering\nTechnology students can be placed in co-op positions. ET students\nwho are interested in co-op should see their faculty advisor.\n3\n\n\x0cTHE BIG \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d REFERRAL SYSTEM\n\nThe Big \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d program is a computerized job referral system\ndeveloped by Career Services to notify UPJ students of part-time\nand summer job opportunities. After job openings are received in\nthe Career Services Office, they are matched to the fields of\ninterest which are listed on the registration form. Once matches are\nmade, students are then sent a notice with a description of the job.\nIf the student is interested in the position, it is up to him/her to\ncontact the employer, usually by sending a resume and cover letter.\nRegister with the Big \xe2\x80\x9cS\xe2\x80\x9d in Career Services if you want to receive\nnotices about part-time and summer positions.\n\n4\n\n\x0cWHERE DO I LOOK FOR CAREER\nRELATED POSITIONS?\nBy referring to the directories seniors use in their full-time\njob hunt, you can start a list of all the companies for which you\nwould most like to work for. Most of the companies listed in\ndirectories are very large and/or nationwide, but obviously, they\nare also the companies that are able to conduct large summer\nhiring programs.\nBecause smaller companies do not hire in great volume, it\ncan be more difficult to seek them out, but do not rule them out. A\ngood rule to follow is: don\xe2\x80\x99t leave any stone unturned. Joe\nSchmo\xe2\x80\x99s Fish Market may need summer help to balance the books.\nA good place to look for summer positions is with the state or\nthe federal government. There are a vast number of opportunities\nin the many agencies. A good way to find out about these\nopportunities would be to check the websites;\ and\nThe best ways to find summer employment are to research,\nwrite letters, talk to as many people as you can, and distribute your\nresume as much as possible. Remember \xe2\x80\x93 Career Services can\nprovide you with a lot of good resources. It\xe2\x80\x99s to your advantage to\nutilize this office.\nAnd also, even if you don\xe2\x80\x99t get a position that provides\nexperience in your profession, you can gain valuable\ncommunication and organizational skills simply by delivering\npizzas or waiting tables.\n\n5\n\n\x0cWHERE DO I LOOK FOR\nA SUMMER JOB?\nMany people don\xe2\x80\x99t realize that they have an effective job\nreferral system at their fingertips. This network uses no forms,\ncosts nothing, and has an amazing success rate \xe2\x80\x93 as high as 80\npercent. All you need to do to take advantage of this job network is\n\xe2\x80\x9cget the word out\xe2\x80\x9d to friends, relatives, professors, etc. Many jobs\nare found just by asking people you know to keep an eye out for\njob openings. Give your resume to these people. Ask them to\ncirculate it to those who might need a person with a background\nlike yours.\nWhen picking up and dropping off an application, or a\nresume (it\xe2\x80\x99s always best to do these things in person), look sharp.\nIf a person\xe2\x80\x99s appearance is sloppy and unkempt, a potential\nemployer will take an application and file it away under \xe2\x80\x9cNO\nWAY!\xe2\x80\x9d If the position requires that you complete an application,\nfill it out in blue or black ink, NEATLY. The appearance and\ncondition of your application could tell a great deal about you to an\nemployer. A great looking application may not get you a job, but a\nsloppy application will most certainly stop you from being hired.\nIf you are asked to interview for a position, make sure you\nare dressed properly. Neatness counts in any interview, so try to\nlook your best. Remove any facial piercing, cover tattoos, and\navoid extreme hairdos and clothing. Men should have facial hair\nneatly groomed. Women should use make-up conservatively.\nWhen interviewing for professional positions, professional\nattire is expected.\n\n6\n\n\x0cHOW RESUMES FOR\nUNDERGRADUATES DIFFER FROM\nTHOSE OF SENIORS AND ALUMNI\nWhereas college graduates typically do not include information from\ntheir high school years on their resumes, undergraduates may, and normally\ndo use such information. The younger you are, the more likely it is that you\nwill use information from your high school years.\nYour objective (if you include one) should say that you are seeking a\nsummer position, a part-time job, an internship, or a co-op position. You\nmay choose to include your QPA if it is average or above.\nIt may help to list the courses that you have taken (in high school or\ncollege) that relate to the position for which you are applying. It is generally\nadvisable to list your computer skills.\nEven though career related experience is most significant, all work\nexperience is valuable. If you mowed lawns, worked in fast food, baby sat,\netcetera, don\xe2\x80\x99t shy away from putting it on your resume.\nYour activities and interests can be a real asset. They can display a\ngreat deal about you. They show how active you are, how willing you are to\nserve others, and frequently indicate leadership traits and communication\nand organizational skills.\nYou should have at least three references. Those that you list as\nreferences should not be personal friends or family members. Teachers,\nprofessors, and supervisors from places at which you worked make the best\nreferences. List their name, title, place of employment, address, and\ntelephone number. References are normally typed on a separate sheet of\npaper and given to the employer upon request.\n\n7\n\n\x0cRESUME WRITING TIPS\nWriting a resume can be a daunting experience. The following is a\nlist of tips compiled from the advice of employers, career\ncounselors, and recent graduates whose resumes helped them land\nmeaningful employment.\n\xc2\x99 Pay careful attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar, and\nstyle.\n\xc2\x99 Proofread your resume carefully, using a dictionary and\nstylebook, and have several other people proofread it as well.\n\xc2\x99 Organize information in a logical fashion.\n\xc2\x99 Keep descriptions clear and to the point.\n\xc2\x99 Confine your information to one page.\n\xc2\x99 Use a simple, easy-to-read font.\n\xc2\x99 Use good-quality white or off-white bond paper.\n\xc2\x99 Include as much work experience as possible, even if it\ndoesn\xe2\x80\x99t obviously relate to the job you\xe2\x80\x99re seeking.\n\xc2\x99 Tailor your information to the job you\xe2\x80\x99re seeking.\n\xc2\x99 Seek help at your career services center.\nFor more information on preparing a resume and other jobsearch ideas, visit your career center.\nNational Association of Colleges and Employers\n\n8\n\n\x0cINFORMATION THAT APPEARS ON\nMOST RESUMES\n1.) Personal Information: Name, Campus/Permanent Addresses, Telephone Numbers,\nand an E-mail Address.\n2.) *Employment Goals: (This is normally called the \xe2\x80\x9cCareer Objective\xe2\x80\x9d or simply\n\xe2\x80\x9cObjective\xe2\x80\x9d). Describe the type of work you desire. The objective should reflect your\nshort-range plans. For those with little or no full-time work experience, the development\nof a concisely described job objective may be the most difficult task in compiling a\nresume.\nIf you find that a specific career objective is too confining, or doesn\xe2\x80\x99t meet your needs,\nthere are options available:\na.) You may decide to write your objectives in functional terms that describe the type of\nwork activities you prefer instead of a description or title.\nb.) Eliminate the employment goal section on your resume and incorporate your objective\nin your cover letter.\nc.) Have several resumes with different objectives that you would send to the appropriate\nemployers.\n3.) Education: Name of College(s), Location, Dates, Degree(s), Major(s), Quality Point\nAverage*, Honors, and perhaps courses of particular value if they are related to\nemployment for which you are applying. Whereas college graduates typically do not\ninclude high school background, undergraduates frequently find it advantageous to do so.\n4.) Skills: You may decide to include a section that lists your computer skills, foreign\nlanguages, licenses (CPR, commercial driving, etc.) and other skills.\n5.) Experience: Part-time employment, summer employment, applicable college\nprojects, internships, volunteer work. (This section may be divided into three areas:\ncareer-related experience, part-time employment, and summer experience). For\nundergraduates with little or no full-time professional level work experience, it is very\nimportant to include part-time and summer jobs\xe2\x80\x94even if the type of work has no bearing\non academic or career plans. Remember that career related experience is most valuable,\nbut a proven track record of other successful experience also makes you a more attractive\ncandidate.\nNOTE: It is much more important to emphasize what your experiences were\n(description, explanation) rather than when and where (dates, places).\n6.) Military Service: For those who have completed military obligations, the dates of\nactive duty and rank upon discharge should be included. When appropriate, include a\nbrief description of duties and responsibilities, particularly if the experience relates to\nfuture employment. If you do not have any military experience, omit this section.\n\n9\n\n\x0c7.) Activities and Interests: These include extra-curricular college and/or community\nexperiences, and any leadership positions. A brief listing of hobbies or avocations is\nacceptable. Teacher-education candidates should include all experiences working with\nchildren and adolescents. Candidates for teaching positions might choose to include their\nown high school activities.\n8.) *References: List 3 or 4 persons. Give name, professional title, business address,\nand business phone. These are normally listed on a separate sheet of paper. If you\ndecide not to list your references on your resume, you could indicate that \xe2\x80\x9cReferences are\navailable upon request.\xe2\x80\x9d Do not use personal friends and relatives as references.\nTeachers, faculty, and former supervisors make the best references.\n* indicates optional\n\nPlease Note:\nTraditional advice has been to use \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d when writing resumes and\ncover letters. A list of \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d you might consider using in your resume is\nprovided in the back of this booklet.\nAlthough the use of \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d is still considered important, you also\nshould be aware of a recent trend. Many large organizations are using computers\nto do the first scanning of resumes. When scanned, these computers can quickly\nreview thousands of resumes. However, be aware that they normally scan for nouns\nnot verbs. Action verbs may have a greater effect when a human being does the first\nscanning of your resume, but verbs may not impress a computer.\nIn essence, both action verbs and important descriptive nouns that describe\nyour qualifications (such as titles or positions) are important.\n\n10\n\n\x0cSAMPLE RESUMES\n\nPlease use the following resumes as examples only.\nLook at all the resumes before you begin to\nconstruct your own. Your resume will serve you best\nif it is unique and highlights your own personal\nqualifications. Choosing a format that you like and\nthen blending bits and pieces of a variety of\nexamples will make your resume appear as if it is\noriginal. Resumes copied from somebody else or\nproduced from a template are normally not as\neffective as original resumes.\n\n11\n\n\x0cDuncan Donaldson\[email protected]\nHome Address\n84 Trueman Avenue\nAltoona, PA 15947\n(814) 555-8444\n\nCampus Address\nP.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 112\nJohnstown, PA 15907\n(814) 555-0023\n\nObjective:\nTo secure a summer position in marketing or sales.\nEducation:\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nAnticipated Graduation:\nJune 20_ _\nMajor:\nBusiness\nGPA:\n3.12\nConcentration:\nManagement, Marketing Track\nMajor Course Work:\nPrinciples of Marketing\nMarketing Management\nMarketing Research\nConsumer Behavior\nExpert Systems in Marketing\nAdvertising Management\nExperience:\nSubway, Hollidaysburg, PA 15912\nCashier and Sandwich Artist\nDuties: Assisted with customer relations, prepared sandwiches, handled\ncash register transactions, responsible for closing store and calculating\ndaily receipts. July 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\nYoung Men\xe2\x80\x99s Shop, Altoona, PA 15650\nSales Associate\nDuties: Sold men\xe2\x80\x99s clothing, assisted with customer relations, handled\ncash register transactions. Summer 20_ _\nAltoona Park and Recreation Board, Altoona, PA 15947\nCounselor\nDuties: Planned activities for the children. Summer 20_ _-20_ _\nReferences:\nAvailable upon Request\n\n12\n\n\x0cDavid Ensor\n13 Coolidge Street\nKansas City, MO 64155\n816/555-0499\[email protected]\nObjective:\nA Cooperative Education Position in Electrical Engineering\nEducation:\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nMajor: Electrical Engineering Technology\nAnticipated Graduation: Dec. 20_ _\nQ.P.A: 2.74\nCore Classes Completed as of May 20_ _: Engineering Drawing,\nMechanics/Statics, Circuits I and II, Computer Programming \xe2\x80\x9cC\xe2\x80\x9d, Electronics I,\nEngineering Design, and Mechanics/Dynamics\nComputer Skills:\nHardware: IBM-Compatible, Macintosh, Internal and External Components\nOperating Systems: Windows 95/98/NT/MF/2000/XP\nSoftware: Spreadsheets, Graphics/Drawing/Painting Tools, PowerPoint, and\nAutoCAD\nLanguages: True Basic, Microsoft Visual Basic, \xe2\x80\x9cC\xe2\x80\x9d\nExperience\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nTutor for peer engineering students, Aug. 20_ _-April 20_ _\nDuties: Gave study tips, answered questions, helped calculate math problems,\nassisted in deciphering professors lectures and prepared students for upcoming\ntests.\nFox\xe2\x80\x99s Pizza Den, Ebensburg, PA 15931\nDeliverer/Pizza Maker, Summer 20_ _\nDuties: Prepared pizza for local customers and hand delivered their order to their\nhome.\nReferences Available Upon Request\n\n13\n\n\x0cJames Sharp\n9 Central Avenue\nMorristown, NJ 07869\n(201) 555-1212\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nA summer position in the Civil Engineering Field.\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA 15904\nMajor: Civil Engineering Technology\nAnticipated Graduation: May 20_ _\nGPA: 2.74\nCourses taken to date: Calculus I and II, Communication I and II,\nEngineering Drawing, Physics I with Lab, General Chemistry with Lab,\nEngineering Technology Freshman Seminar\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nSummer Handyman. Kise\xe2\x80\x99s Trailer Park, Boswell, PA 12345\nResponsible for mowing lawns, conducting general maintenance, operating a\nweed eater and electric hedge clippers. June 20_ _- Present\n\nACTIVITIES\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers\nIntercollegiate Baseball\nStudent Tour Guide and Admissions Representative\nLittle League Baseball Coach\n\nREFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST\n\n14\n\n\x0cThomas J. Horton\n19832 Brookside Way\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(814) 555-7857\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo secure an internship in the field of Public Relations.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCommunication major, Junior status, University of Pittsburgh at\nJohnstown, Johnstown, PA\nAnticipated date of graduation: April 20_ _\nQ.P.A. \xe2\x80\x93 3.79/4.0\n\nEMPLOYMENT\n\nPublic Affairs Work-study \xe2\x80\x93 University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA\nFiled newspaper clippings, wrote press releases, assisted with alumni\nnewsletter, answered telephones, produced forms and brochures, assisted\nin bulk mailings, gained experience in Desktop Publishing and Power\nPoint.\nAugust 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\nResident Assistant \xe2\x80\x93 University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown,\nPA\nSupervised a 70-room dorm, programmed activities, conducted dorm\nprojects, chaired dorm council, and supervised Resident Clerks, assisted\nResident Director.\nAugust 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2005\nSalesperson \xe2\x80\x93 Boscov\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Johnstown, PA\nWorked in sales and advised customers on purchases. Assisted with\nplanning and set up of displays.\nJune 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 August 20_ _\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nPresidential Scholar, Phi Eta Sigma Honorary Society, Treasurer of\nNewman Association, President of UPJ Ambassadors, and Member of\nTrails Yearbook Staff.\n\nREFERENCES\n\nJames Williams, Assistant Director Office of Alumni Affairs,\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\n(814) 555-7000\nHarry Hilton, Director of Housing and Residence Life,\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\n(814) 555-8000\nJoan Mabry, Manager of Infants and Children\xe2\x80\x99s Department,\nBoscov\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Johnstown, PA\n(814) 555-0707\n\n15\n\n\x0cSTEPHANIE LOSSON\[email protected]\nHome Address\n3127 Box Car Alley\nMonroeville, PA 15111\n(412) 555-4212\n\nCampus Address\nP.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 321\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(814) 555-1232\n\nObjective\nTo obtain an internship in Accounting.\nEducation\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nGraduation Date:\nJune 20_ _\nMajor:\nBusiness\nConcentration:\nAccounting\nQ.P.A.\n2.91\nComputer Skills\nSoftware:\n\nMicrosoft Word\nWordPerfect\nPower Point\n\nInternet skills:\n\nNetscape\nInternet Explorer\n\nExperience\nWallet Works, The Galleria, Johnstown, PA\nAugust 20_ _ - Present\nSales Associate/Assistant Manager (full-time, salaried)\nDuties: Merchandising and display, customer relations, inventory control,\nin charge of opening and closing and cash reconciliation in the absence of\nthe manager\nFamily Toy Land, Somerset, PA\nAugust 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 July 20_ _\nSales Associate\nDuties: Handled cash register transactions, maintained dining area,\nassisted with customer relations\nBrett\xe2\x80\x99s Subs, Johnstown, PA\nMay 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 August 20_ _\nCashier, Sandwich Maker\nDuties: Handled cash register transactions, maintained dining area,\nassisted with customer relations, prepared sandwiches\nActivities and Honors\nJason E. and Heather M. Edwards Senior Accounting Award\nAlpha Kappa Psi (Business Fraternity)\nStudent Senator\nReferences available upon Request\n\n16\n\n\x0cAnita L. Dime\[email protected]\nPermanent Address:\n777 Standard Street\nPittsburgh, PA 15555\n(412) 555-8431\n\nCampus Address:\nP.O. Box 1200, UPJ Box 112\nJohnstown, PA 15907\n(814) 555-2692\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a summer position in either print or broadcast media which will utilize news and sports gathering\nskills.\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nDate of Graduation:\nApril 20_ _\nMajor: Journalism\nMinor: Psychology\nQ.P.A. 3.49/4.0\n\nCompleted Junior Year\n\nCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS\nReporting I, Reporting II, Editorial Writing, Feature Writing, Copyreading/Editing, Layout/Design,\nMagazine Writing, Informative Writing.\nACTIVITIES AND HONORS\nAssociate Editor of The Advocate, Music Director of WUPJ, Vice-President of Time-Out for Christian\nFellowship, Programming Board Member.\nPhi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, Chi Lambda Tau Honorary Leadership Society, Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List.\nEXPERIENCE\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nAugust 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\n\nWork-Study Position\nCareer Services\n\nPaul\xe2\x80\x99s Pizza, Pittsburgh, PA\nApril 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 August 20_ _\n\nSummer Position\nWaitress\n\nAM-PM Mini Mart, Johnstown, PA\nApril 20_ _ \xe2\x80\x93 April 20_ _\n\nPart-time Position\nCashier\nREFERENCES\n\nThomas Martin, Coordinator of Journalism Department, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(814) 555-9661\nMathew Mark John, Manager, Paul\xe2\x80\x99s Pizza,\nPittsburgh, PA 15344\n\n(412) 555-6767\n\nJoseph Jennings, Assistant Director of Career Services, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA 15904\n(412) 555-9661\n\n17\n\n\x0cDAVID M. RUSSELL\nR.D. #2 Box 247\nJohnstown, Pa 15904\n(814) 555-1212 Email: [email protected]\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nTo obtain an internship in mechanical engineering involving research and development\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA\nDate of Graduation:\nDecember 20_ _\nMajor:\nMechanical Engineering Technology\nQ.P.A.:\n3.03/4.0\n\nCompleted 76 credits\n\nACTIVITIES & HONORS\nUniversity-\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List (UPJ)\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers\nSociety of Undergraduate Engineers\nCommuter Organization of General Students\n\nCommunity-\n\nChurch Choir\nChurch Youth Group Vice President\nWORK EXPERIENCE & BACKGROUND\n\nSummer 20_ _\n\nSportspal, Inc., Johnstown, PA\nPosition: Factory Worker\nPERSONAL STATEMENT\n\nRaised on a 500-acre farm. Throughout college and high school years, helped to manage the twoman operation. Repaired machinery, did welding, overhauled engines. Operated high lifts and a\nvariety of tractors and other farm machinery.\nREFERENCES\nDr. Jonathan Westcoff, Department of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown,\nJohnstown, PA 15904. (814) 555-0987.\nMr. James Bryce, Sportspal, Inc., Johnstown, PA 15904. (814) 555-6543\nRev. Mark McGyre, First United Church, Johnstown, PA 15905. (814) 555-2112\n\n18\n\n\x0cTHE COVER LETTER\nThe purpose of a cover letter of application is to let an employer\nknow that you are interested in employment and that you are\nqualified for that employment. Through this letter, you must make\nthe employer want to give you an interview. The cover letter\ncorresponds to the first five minutes of an interview, and your\nmanner and attitudes are conveyed as readily on paper as in person.\nTherefore, you must follow certain standards to carefully write\neffective cover letters. Some guidelines are the following:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Every cover letter should be individually typed.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Quality paper should be used. (If your resume is on colored\npaper, your cover letter should be on matching paper.)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The letter must conform to good business style and be free of\nerrors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The letter should be no more than one page in length\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The cover letter should indicate a special interest in the\norganization. Receiving a generic resume and letter gives the\nimpression that you distributed them indiscriminately to any\norganization that you pulled out of a hat.\nThese are some basic guidelines to preparing a cover letter.\nWhat follows are some examples of cover letters dealing with\ndirect solicitation to employers, response to newspaper ads, and\nreferral from the placement office. These are provided to give\nyou an idea of how cover letters are written; remember that the\nones you write should reflect your qualities to the potential\nemployer. DO NOT SIMPLY COPY THESE EXAMPLES \xe2\x80\x93\nBE CREATIVE!\n\n19\n\n\x0cReferral from Faculty Member or Other:\n701 Forbes Avenue\nPittsburgh, PA 15555\nMarch 25, 20_ _\nMs. Forest Mead\nPersonnel Director\nX-caliber Engineering Company\nWest Middlesex, PA 16656\nDear Ms. Mead\nI wish to be an applicant for internship with the X-caliber Engineering Company. I\nlearned about this position through Professor James Smith in the department of Electrical\nEngineering Technology at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.\nI am currently a second term junior Electrical Engineering Technology major at the\nUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The EET program here, 90 credits of which I will\nhave completed by April, provides a solid background for work in the systems area.\nRelevant courses include Computer Systems and Programming, and Programmable\nControl Systems. For further details of the EET program, please refer to the enclosed\ndescription sheet.\nIn addition to maintaining a 2.8 quality point average here at UPJ, I have been quite\ninvolved in campus activities. I have held various offices in organizations, which have\nhelped me to develop management skills.\nThe resume accompanying this letter provides further details of my qualifications. I look\nforward to hearing from you in the near future.\nSincerely,\n\nAgustin Storm\nEnclosures\n\n20\n\n\x0cAnswer to a Newspaper Ad\n258 Pine Street\nConemaugh, PA 15905\nJanuary 11, 20_ _\nMr. Russell Banker\nUnited States Steel Corporation\n600 Grant Street\nPittsburgh, PA 15789\nDear Mr. Banker\nYour May 11 advertisement in the Pittsburgh Press stated your need for a computer\noperator trainee during the summer months. I would like you to know that I am actively\nseeking that position.\nAs a Computer Science major at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, I have\nworked in the computer center as a consultant for three years. I assisted undergraduates\nwith the formulation and debugging of their programs, in addition to working on more\nadvanced projects with faculty members. Also, last summer I worked at the IBM plant in\nBoca Raton, Florida, and have gained experience with the IBM S/370 computer system\nthat you have mentioned in your ad.\nA copy of my resume is enclosed. Your time and consideration are appreciated, and I\nlook forward to talking with you.\nSincerely,\n\nWarren Peace\nEnclosure\n\n21\n\n\x0cDirect Solicitation to an Organization:\n717 Sun Road\nPittsburgh, PA 15234\n(412) 555-2789\nFebruary 11, 20_ _\nGeoff Moore, News Director\nWARD Radio\nCover Hill\nJohnstown, PA 15907\nDear Mr. Moore\nI am currently a junior journalism major at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. By\nApril I will have completed 83 credits in this program dealing with subjects such as\nReporting, Feature and Editorial Writing and Public Relations. In addition, I have spent\nthe last three years as a disc jockey on WUPJ, the campus radio station, and the past two\nyears as a music director.\nBecause of my enthusiasm toward my academic and extracurricular work, I am quite\neager to find a summer position to learn more about the broadcasting media. I am\nespecially interested in a station of your size because I will be able to work closely with\nall employees. It is also close to school where I will be taking spring and summer\ncourses.\nPlease examine the enclosed resume for further details of my qualifications.\nI am quite willing to discuss appropriate summer positions available at WARD Radio. I\nam available to work anytime after April 19, 20_ _. Please contact me at the above\naddress or by calling (814) 555-1234.\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\n\nCandy Sweet\nEnclosure\n\n22'
b'Engineering Fresher Resume\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x81\xae\n\xef\x81\xae\n\xef\x81\xae'
b"CURRICULUM VITAE\n1. Personal Details\nFamily Name:\nFirst Names:\nDate of birth:\nNationality:\nCivil status:\nGender:\n\nREGMI\nMEGHA RAJ\n14 May 1956\nNepalese\nResearcher/ Senior Engineer\nMale\n\n2. Contact Details\nMailing Address:\n\nTelephone No:\nFax No:\nE-mail address:\n\nMEGHA RAJ REGMI\nGPO Box: 4836\nKathmandu\nNepal\n++9771-4248957\n++9771-4419802, 4413280\[email protected]\n\n3. Education\nInstitution\n[ Date from - Date to ]\nTribhuvan University\nNepal\n2000-2003\nVinnitsa National\nTechnical University,\nUkraine, 1981-1986\nTribhuvan University1975\n-1977\nNepal Administrative Staff\nCollege Lalitpur, Nepal,\n1996\n\nDegree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:\nM.Sc. in Environmental Engineering\n\nM.Sc. in Civil Engineering\n\nDiploma in civil Engineering\nManagement Training for Officers\n\n4. Language skills\nIndicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)\nLanguage\nEnglish\nRussian\nHindi\nNepali\n\nReading\n1\n1\n1\n1\n\nSpeaking\n1\n1\n2\n1\n\nPage 1\n\nWriting\n1\n1\n2\n1\n\n\x0c5. Membership of professional bodies:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLife Member- Nepal Engineer's Association, Nepal\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLife Member - Society of Public Health Engineers, Nepal (SOPHEN)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nChairman - Nepal-Ukraine Society\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMember- International Water Association, Nepal\n\n6. Other skills MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD etc\n7. Present position: Senior Engineer: Small Towns Water Supply &\nSanitation Project, Nepal\n8. Years within present position: Eighteen years\n9. Key qualifications: Water Supply, Environmental Sanitation, Public\nHeath , Environment Engineering, River and Air pollution\n10. Specific experience in the region:\nCountry\nNepal\nUkraine (USSR)\nNepal\n\nDate from - Date to\n1977-1980, Remote Hill Area \xe2\x80\x93 Water and Sanitation\n1980-1986 , Study in M.Sc in Civil engineering.\n1986-to date, Water and Sanitation; visited to Europe,\nAustralia and Asia for Research paper presentation at\nthe international conferences from time to time.\n\n11. Professional experience\nDate from\n\xe2\x80\x93 Date to\n\nLocation\n\nCompany\n\nPosition\n\nDescription\n\n19771979\n\nRural area\n\nLocal\nDevelopme\nnt Dept,\nNepal\n\nProject In\ncharge\n\nSurvey, design and Implementation\nof Rural Water Supply and Sanitation\nprojects in remote areas of Nepal\n\n1986-to\ndate\n\nRural\nHimalayan, Hill\nand Semiurban area\n\nDepartment\nof Water\nSupply and\nSewerage\nNepal\n\nDistrict\nEngineer\n\nDesign,\nPlanning,\nSurveying,\nEvaluation,\nManagement\nand\nimplementation of water supply and\nsanitation projects. Involved in the\nResearch work of Dry sanitation.\n\nAugust\n2003\n\nTampere,\nFinland\n\nResearcher\n\nResearcher\n\nPresentation of Research paper at\nthe first international Dry Toilet\nConference.\n\nFebruar\ny 2004\n\nPerth, Australia\n\nMurdoch\nUniversity\n\nResearcher\n\nPresentation of Research paper at\nthe Onsite Wastewater Treatment &\nRecycling\n\nPage 2\n\n\x0c12. Other relevant information:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Technical Development of Dry Toilets- IWA journal (Paper Accepted).\n\xef\x82\xb7 Exploration the concept of Dry sanitation- Thesis Tribhuvan University.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Hundreds of design and estimate Reports of water Supply and\nSanitation Projects.\n13. Name and address of 2 referees:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEr. Hari Ram Koirala: Joint Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning and\nworks, Kathmandu, Nepal; Tel: 4274416( R): Email:\[email protected]\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEr. Dinesh Chandra Pyakuryal: Secretary, Ministry of Industry and\nCommerce, Kathmandu, Nepal; Tel: 4410356( R )\n\n14. Date of CV: March 20, 2004\n\nPage 3"
b'Paul Pratt\n1 Main Street, New Cityland, CA 91010\nHome: (555) 322-7337 | Cell: 000-000-0000\[email protected]\nProfile\nHighly skilled Computer Engineer experienced in high performance mixed-signal system architecture boardlevel design custom backplanes FPGA implementations remote sensory analog signal conditioning and test\nengineering. Detail-oriented and organized professional with creative mindset and strong project\nmanagement abilities.\nCore Qualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Technical design\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7 Quality assurance\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7 Testing\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7 Agile/Scrum\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7 Team player\n\xef\x82\xb7\nProfessional Experience\n\nCross-tier components implementation\nDocument management\nCapacity and scalability planning\nOptimizing and performance tuning\nStrong analytical skills\n\nComputer Engineer\n3/1/2011 - Current\nTeletron Inc.\nNew Cityland, CA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervise team testing in-development products.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Observe and document system and component performance.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Write and compile user manuals for completed systems.\n\nComputer Engineer\n11/1/2007 - 2/1/2011\nOptimus Interactive\nNew Cityland, CA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Oversaw design of system electrical components.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed cost-benefit analysis for each system and component.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Troubleshot malfunctions and wrote reports detailing findings.\nComputer Engineer\n5/1/2004 - 10/1/2007\nNovatis One\nSaint Louis, CA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Tested all in-design systems for usability and performance.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed documented and executed system maintenance procedures.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used pipe and filter model to find bottlenecks and enable measurement of system resource usage and\nprocess behavior.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Science - Computer Science\n2004\n\n\x0cUniversity of Missouri\nSaint Louis, MO\nSelected Technical Skills\nProgramming languages: JAVA C++ and HTML\nOperating Systems: Windows Mac Unix/Linux and Android including mobile platforms\nPrograms: VHDL MATLAB and AutoCAD'
b'Entry Level Engineer\nAddress, phone number, email address\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering\nUniversity 123, Moscow, ID\nRelevant Coursework:\nEnvironmental Engineering\nEcological Effects of Wastewater\nCivil Engineering Systems\n\nDecember 2011\nGPA 3.22/3.45\n\nAir Pollution Control\nFluid Mechanics\nSurvey Engineering\n\nHydraulics\nTechnical Writing\nHydrology\n\nProject Highlights:\n\xe2\x80\x9cDeclining Salmon Runs on the White River\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gathered and analyzed field samples in group of three students and a faculty advisor.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Determined excessive amounts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus were released into river by water treatment\nplants, violating Clean Water Act and Tribal Fishing Rights as well as threatening salmon populations.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented findings to engineering dean and faculty, fellow students, and members of the Board of\nRegents.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and wrote reports (40+ pages each) on metal and concrete as construction materials.\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7 AutoCAD, MATLAB, Solid Works, basic Java programming, ArcGIS, Windows 2000/XP, and MS\nOffice\nENGINEERING EXPERIENCE\nABC Company, Richland, WA\nSummers 2010 and 2011\nSummer Intern / Fellowship\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed procedures, conducted videoscope inspections, and analyzed results for building stack sample\nlines as required by new federal radioactive air emissions standards under the National Emissions\nStandards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), 40 CFR 61, Subpart H.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Preloaded NESHAPs inventory data into new radioactive materials tracking (RMT) database and assisted\nwith the radiochemical processing laboratory (RPL) model stack testing.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Wrote broad-scoped inspection procedures including safety considerations applicable to all buildings\nacross the laboratory.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and performed required inspections on time.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Completed two independent self-assessments for the Effluent Management Group - one for liquid effluent\ntask and one for radioactive air emissions task. Implemented recommendations.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Identified errors and corrected Hanford Site standard equations for calculating effective stack height on\nradioactive air emission units.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Awarded Environmental Management Services Performance Award for exceptional work performance.\nPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS\nChi Epsilon\nNational Collegiate Honor Society\n\n2010\n2009\n\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nRestaurant DEF, Richland, WA\nServer\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided excellent customer service to up to 50 customers simultaneously.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Tracked and maintained till amounts of $200 to $300 daily.\n\\n\n(208) 885-6121\n\nSummer 2009\n\nIdaho Commons 334'
b'SAMPLE CIVIL ENGINEERING RESUME\xe2\x80\x93 Sophomores, Freshmen\n\nBRIDGETSPECTOR\[email protected]\n\nCurrent Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA15289 (412) 511-4422\nPermanent Address: 21 School Avenue, Philadelphia, PA19111\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a summer internship in the field of civil engineering that will utilize\nmy problem solving and leadership skills.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\n\nPittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, May 2015\nOverall GPA: 3.20/4.0\n\nBestHigh School\nPhiladelphia, PA\nHigh School Diploma, June 2011\nGPA 3.82/4.0\n\nPROJECTS\n\nCardboard Structure, Fall 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDesigned and constructed a cardboard bridge meant to support the\naverage adult male.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPrepared scale models for analysis of alternatives, prior to final test.\n\nBrick Wall Scheduling, Fall 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDeveloped a bid proposal for building a brick wall.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nConducted time studies and generated Gantt charts to investigate\nmost economical method of using resources.\n\nTraffic Light Timing, Fall 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nConducted studies on the flow of traffic through three intersections on\nForbes Avenue.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDesigned more efficient traffic light cycles based on collected data.\n\nWORK\n\nPennsylvania Governor\xe2\x80\x99s School for the Sciences\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nTeaching Assistant, Summer 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPittsburgh, PA\n\nGraded papers, fielded questions and held review sessions for Organic\nChemistry.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLed a group of students in the area of Spectroscopic Analysis.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nActed as a Residential Assistant for 90 students, providing support,\nenforcing dorm policy, and sponsoring recreational activities.\n\nHappy Summer Camp\nSpringfield, NJ\nCamp Counselor, Summer 2010\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCreated and coordinated activities for ten campers 10-12 years old.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nHelped administrators to set-up for parents weekend.\n\nVice-President,American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Spring\n\n2011-present\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOrganize monthly speaker series, which has seven corporate and\nalumni speakers.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSKILLS\n\nMotivate the 65 members to attend meetings and events.\n\nOperating Systems: Windows, MacOS\n\n\x0cSoftware: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Maple, Sure Track, MS\nProject, C++\nLanguages: Fluent in Spanish; Conversant in French\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nAlpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, 2011-present\n\n& HONORS\n\nKiltie Band, 2011-present\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2011-present\nOrientation Counselor, Fall 2012\nOrchestra, Best High School, 2008-2011\nNational Honor Society, Best High School, 2011\n\n\x0cSAMPLE CIVIL ENGINEERING RESUME \xe2\x80\x93 Seniors, Juniors\n\nBRIDGET SPECTOR\[email protected]\n\nCurrent Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA15289 (412) 511-4422\nPermanent Address: 21 School Avenue, Philadelphia, PA19111\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a full time position in the field of Civil Engineering that utilizes my\nanalytical and interpersonal skills\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY\n\nPittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, May 2012\nMajor GPA: 3.22/4.0\n\nRELEVANT\n\nOverall GPA: 3.0/4.0\n\nMichael Baker Inc.\n\nPittsburgh, PA\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStructures Intern, Summer 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCollaborated on a pre-cast segmental post-tensioned box girder bridge\nproject\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDesigned and performed quality control of stress analysis\nspreadsheets\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCreated bridge model and evaluated construction stages using\nMIDAS/Civil\n\nPROJECTS\n\nCivil Engineering Design, Spring 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDesigned and constructed a solution to water runoff problem at a site\nadjacent to parking lot\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProject leader for design, scheduling and cost estimation of new site\n\nWindow Power Feasibility Study, Fall 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStudied the cost benefits and structural ability of installing wind\nturbines on the roof of a building in Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Technology\nCenter)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nGathered relevant cost and system information from manufacturer\nsales associate\n\nIntersection Development, Fall 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDeveloped alternative designs to improve safety and maintain efficient\ntraffic flow of problematic intersection in Gibsonia, PA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDelivered oral proposal and final recommendation\n\nADDITIONAL\n\nPennsylvania Governor\xe2\x80\x99s School for the Sciences\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nTeaching Assistant, Summer 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPittsburgh, PA\n\nGraded papers, fielded questions and held review sessions for the\nOrganic Chemistry core course\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nServed as a team project leader for a group of students in the area of\nSpectroscopic Analysis\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nActed as Resident Assistant for 90 students, providing support, and\nsponsoring recreational activities\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nVice-President,American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Fall 2010 \xe2\x80\x93\n\npresent\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOrganize monthly speaker series, which has seven corporate and\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMotivate the 65 members to attend meetings and events\n\nalumni speakers\n\nRELEVANT\n\nAir Quality Engineering\n\nTechnical Communications\n\nEngineering Economics\n\n\x0cCOURSES\n\nSolid Mechanics\n\nFluid Mechanics\n\nDesign\n\nSoil Mechanics\n\nCivil\n\nand Construction\nEngineering Statistics\nEngineering Design\n\nSKILLS\n\nComputer: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Maple, MS Project, MIDAS/Civil\nLanguages:Fluent in French; Conversant in Spanish\n\nACTIVITIES &\nHONORS\n\nChi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society, Spring 2010-present\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Fall 2008-present\nVarsity Volleyball, Carnegie Mellon, Fall 2008-present\nPittsburgh Cares Volunteer and Project Coordinator, 2009-2011\nOrientation Counselor, Fall 2009\nCollege of Engineering Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List (GPA 3.75 and above), Spring 2010, Fall\n2010\n\n\x0cSAMPLE CIVIL ENGINEERING RESUME \xe2\x80\x93 Master\xe2\x80\x99s Degree\n\nBRIDGET SPECTOR\[email protected]\n\nCurrent Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA15289 (412) 511-4422\nPermanent Address: 21 School Street, Harrisburg, PA18111\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a full time position in the field of Civil Engineering that utilizes my\nanalytical and interpersonal skills\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY\n\nPittsburgh, PA\n\nMaster\n\nof Science in Civil & Environmental Engineering, May 2012\nConcentration: Advanced Infrastructure Systems\n\nCORNELLUNIVERSITY\n\nIthaca,\n\nNY\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, May 2011\nOverall GPA: 3.20/4.0\n\nRELEVANT\n\nMICHAEL BAKER JR., INC\n\nPittsburgh, PA\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStructures Intern, Summer 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCollaborated on a pre-cast segmental post-tensioned box girder bridge\nproject\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDesigned and performed quality control of stress analysis\nspreadsheets\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCreated bridge model and evaluated construction stages using\nMIDAS/Civil\n\nLEHIGHUNIVERSITY ATLSS PITA \xe2\x80\x93 REU\n\nBethlehem, PA\n\nStudent Researcher, Summer 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAnalyzed axial forces carried by suspension rods of ReiglesvilleBridge\n(ASCE National Historic Landmark) which spans the Delaware River\nfrom Reigelsville, PA to Reigelsville, NJ\n\nPROJECTS\n\nHigh Speed Rail Sensor Network Proposal, Fall 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7Developing proposal for sensor network research for application to high\nspeed rail health monitoring\n\nfor Infrastructure Management term project\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProposing a synthesis of robust technologies to incorporate in an\nembedded sensor network for\n\nreal-time rail flaw detection\n\nTransportation Efficiency Study, Fall 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDeveloping framework for determining and evaluating student use of\navailable transportation options, with respect to university expenditures\nand students\xe2\x80\x99 preferences, for Decision Analysis and Decision Support\nSystems term project\n\nCivil Engineering Design, Spring 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDesigned and constructed a solution to a water runoff problem at a site\nadjacent to parking lot\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRELEVANT\n\nProject leader for design, scheduling and cost estimation of new site\n\nGraduate Courses:\n\nUndergraduate\n\nCourses:\nCOURSES\n\nFinite Element Method\nAdvanced Elasticity\n\nManagement\n\nStructural Steel Design\nConstruction\n\n\x0cStructural Dynamics\n\nAdvanced\n\nMechanics of Materials\n\nSKILLS\n\nComputer:Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Maple, MS Project, MIDAS/Civil\nLanguages: Fluent in French; Conversant in Spanish\n\nACTIVITIES &\n\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Treasurer, 2009-2010; Member 2008Present\n\nHONORS\n\nPittsburgh Cares Volunteer and Project Coordinator, 2010-Present\nChi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society, Vice President, 2009-2011\nOrientation Counselor, Fall 2009\nCollege of Engineering Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, Spring 2010, Fall 2010\nThe Alice C. Smith Scholarship, 2010\n\n\x0cSAMPLE CIVIL ENGINEERING RESUME \xe2\x80\x93 PH.D.\n\nBRIDGET SPECTOR\n222 Fifth Avenue, Apartment 2D\nPittsburgh, PA15213\[email protected]\n(412) 555-5225\n\nRESEARCH INTERESTS\nEnvironmental, social and economic impacts of energy production and use; current and future electricity\ngeneration, transmission and distribution technologies; full supply chain life\xe2\x80\x90cycle assessment of energy\nsystems; hybrid life\xe2\x80\x90cycle inventory and assessment methods; social & policy implications of life\xe2\x80\x90cycle\nresults.\n\nEDUCATION\nCarnegieMellonUniversity, Pittsburgh, PA\nPh.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering and Engineering & Public Policy, May 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAdvisors: H. Scott Matthews, Lester B. Lave, Jay Apt, Chris T. Hendrickson\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nThesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cAn Electricity-focused Economic Input-output Tool: Life-Cycle Assessment and\nPolicy Implications of Future Electricity Generation Scenarios\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nM.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering,May 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAdvisor: H. Scott Matthews\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nConcentration in Green Design\n\nUniversity of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA\nB.S. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, May 2002\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nProject Scientist/Engineer, Green Design Institute, 2012-Present\nCarnegieMellonUniversity, Pittsburgh, PA\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPost-doctoral research on next-generation electricity generation\n\nAdjunct Faculty, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Fall 2012\nUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTeach introductory sustainable engineering course for undergraduates\n\nGraduate Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center, 2007-2011\nCarnegieMellonUniversity, Pittsburgh, PA\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nConducted life-cycle assessment of power generation construction and operation\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nResearched environmental impacts of interstate electricity trading\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nExamined climate change implications of U.S. nuclear fleet decommissioning\n\nTechnical Marketing Engineer, Optical Network Equipment, 2005-2007\nDYNARC, San Jose, CA\n\nSystems Engineer, Network Traffic Engineering, 2003-2005\nTelcordia Technologies, Piscataway, NJ\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nAdjunct Faculty, Engineering and Sustainable Development, Fall 2011\nGuest Lecturer, Advanced Life-cycle Assessment, Spring 2011\nTeaching Assistant, Guest Lecturer, Quantitative Policy Analysis, Fall 2009, 2010\nTeaching Assistant, Policy Analysis Project, Spring 2009\nTeaching Assistant, Civil Systems Investment, Planning & Pricing, Fall 2008\nBridget Spector\nPage 2\n\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE (continued)\nGuest Lecturer, Technology and the Environment, Spring 2008\n\n\x0cTeacher, Green Design Apprenticeship Program, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Fall 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2010\n\nOUTREACH & LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES\nGreen Design Apprenticeship Program, 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVolunteer instructor and coordinator for group of local high school students interested in\nenvironmental engineering and green design\n\nGreen Design Reading Group, 2007-2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPrepare readings for a graduate student journal club\n\nCoordinator, Graduate Student Association Volleyball League, 2009-2011\n\nPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES & AWARDS\nMichael Baker Corporation Graduate Fellowship, 2007-2008\nInternational Society of Industrial Ecologists, Member,2007-Present\nInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Member, 2003-2005\nStephen Omar Lee Award for Outstanding Policy Project, 2004\n\nPUBLICATIONS & WORKING PAPERS\nSpector, B., Matthews, H. S., \xe2\x80\x9cDisaggregating the power generation sector for input-output life-cycle\nassessment\xe2\x80\x9d. In preparation.\nMatthews, D., Hawkins, T., Jaramillo, P., Spector, B., Sharrard, A., \xe2\x80\x9cGreen Design Outreach: Teaching\nSustainability to High School Students.\xe2\x80\x9d In preparation.\nSpector, B., Matthews, H. S., \xe2\x80\x9cComparative Life-cycle Assessments Using Electricity Consumption and\nGeneration Mixes\xe2\x80\x9d. In preparation.\nSpector, B., Matthews H.S., \xe2\x80\x9cEnvironmental Effects of Interstate Power Trading on Electricity Consumption\nMixes\xe2\x80\x9d. Environmental Science & Technology 2011; vol 39, 22.\n\xe2\x80\x9cWireless Communications for Emergency Response in Allegheny County,\xe2\x80\x9d Policy Analysis Project Class\nFinal Report to Allegheny County Emergency Services, December 2010.\nSpector, B., \xe2\x80\x9cIncrease in GWP from Decommissioning U.S. Nuclear Power Plants\xe2\x80\x9d. Unpublished research\npaper, December 2009.\n\nCONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS\n\xe2\x80\x9cMoving Towards a Mixed-unit Input-output LCA Model for Power Generation.\xe2\x80\x9d Accepted to International Life\nCycle Assessment/Life Cycle Management Conference, Portland, OR, September 2012.\n\xe2\x80\x9cOpportunities for Industrial Ecology in Power Generation Supply Chains.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented at International\nSociety for Industrial Ecology Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 2012.\n\xe2\x80\x9cPolicy Implications of Power Generation Life-cycle Assessment.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented at the Electric Utilities\nEnvironmental Conference, Tucson, AZ, January 2012.\n\xe2\x80\x9cBuilding an Electricity-focused Economic Input-output LCA Tool to Analyze Future Power Generation\nScenarios.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented at International Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Management Conference,\nWashington, DC, October 2011.\n\xe2\x80\x9cComparative Life-cycle Assessments Using Electricity Consumption and Generation Mixes.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented at\nInternational Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Management Conference, Washington, DC, October 2011.\n\xe2\x80\x9cImproving the Life-Cycle Assessment of Electricity.\xe2\x80\x9d Presented at International Society for Industrial\nEcology Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011.'
b'CHEMISTRY R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89S\n1. There is no absolute right format. This is your personal work, so create a resume that represents you well and that\nyou like. However, be sure that you follow basic guidelines:\nA. Make sure your resume says the most about you in the fewest number of words (one page is recommended for\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s level students, 2 pages for graduate students\xe2\x80\xa6but there are some exceptions, e.g. more than ten\nyears of employment experience).\nB. Be consistent with your format! Margins, bolding, capitalization, and style must be consistent as well as order\nand style of information.\nC. Proofread for typing and spelling accuracy.\n2. Only items leading directly to setting up an interview should be included. Keep your resume specific to the job\nyou are applying for, even if that means having different resumes for different jobs. (E.g. one resume for researchrelated positions and another for sales positions.) Salary requirements, supervisor\xe2\x80\x99s names, abbreviations, clich\xc3\xa9s,\nreasons for leaving jobs, personal opinions and personal information such as height, weight, age, marital status,\netc. should be excluded.\nA. Required Categories: (Heading) Name, Address, Phone Number (Note: Be sure your phone number is\nprominent. Employers who cannot find--or read--your telephone number will not call!),\nEmail Address; (Body) Education, Experience (Work and/or Activities).\nB. Optional Categories: (Body) Objective, Relevant Coursework, Honors & Awards, Activities, Credentials,\nSkills, Computer Skills, Publications or Presentations, Professional Affiliations, and\nOther.\n3. If you do include an objective, be sure that it shows your career goals. It must be narrow and specific and include\nyour strengths as they apply to the position. (E.g. To obtain a position as a Chemical Engineer at a growing\ncompany where I can use my research abilities and excellent communication skills to create advanced products in\na team setting.)\n4. Both the resume and cover letter should be examples of your best work! Maintain a positive tone by excluding\nnegative aspects of your experience.\n5. Choose a conservative font such as Helvetica, Times, Courier, Geneva, New York, Palatino, or a sans serif font no\nsmaller than 10 and no larger than 14. Include as much \xe2\x80\x9cwhite space\xe2\x80\x9d as possible for easier scanning by the\nemployer.\n6. Make your resume look professional. If you make a hard copy, use only a laser printer on good quality bond\npaper. Use white, off white, or a light blue or gray, 8-1/2" X 11" bond paper. (Remember that your potential\nemployer may photocopy your resume, so be sure that the paper is not too dark or \xe2\x80\x9cblotchy\xe2\x80\x9d to photocopy well!).\n7. Be specific with dates, job titles, employers, interests, and accomplishments. Be complete and descriptive without\nbeing too long. Always be completely accurate and truthful!\n8. Use what is called telegraphic style. Omit all personal pronouns (I, we, they, you, etc.) Use incomplete sentences\nin list form (no paragraphs!) without punctuation.\n9. Use results oriented, \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d in describing your experience. Words such as administered, coordinated,\ndeveloped, created, implemented, managed, and prepared are keys in telling employers what you have\naccomplished. Use past tense unless you are describing a job you are currently doing (in which case present tense\nor past tense is acceptable). Career Services has additional recommendations for action verbs.\n10. Do not staple, paper clip, fold, or put your resume in a folder. Use the larger 9" X 12" envelopes to mail and be\nsure watermarks, if your paper has them, are right-side up.\n\nFor more information or assistance with a r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 or other job search question, please contact us at:\nSchool of Chemical Sciences Career Counseling & Placement Services\n105 Noyes Laboratory\n217-333-1050 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 1: Entry-Level BS Chemist\n\nJOHN T. LEIBOWITZ\nPresent: 2334 S. Austin Rd, Apt. B, Champaign, IL 30301\nPermanent: 1835 Eisenhower Circle, Appleton, WI 12360\n\n217-555-1212 (home) 217-555-1212 (cell)\n322-112-4928 [email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nBS, Chemistry, with Honors; minor concentration: Russian\nUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Expected 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Honors thesis: \xe2\x80\x9cSynthesis of bis-dipyridyl complexes of divalent transition metals\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Nina R. Young\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.55/4.00\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nResearch Assistant, Professor Nina R. Young\nUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2012-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Synthesized organic ligands and inorganic compounds, on large and small scales,\nusing anaerobic techniques\n\xef\x82\xb7 Produced complexes of divalent first-row transition metals; studied their\ninteraction with dioxygen\n\xef\x82\xb7 Characterized products with 1 H NMR, UV-vis, and IR spectroscopy as well as Xray crystallography and magnetic susceptibility\nTeaching Assistant, Undergraduate Inorganic Chemistry\nUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Fall 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and led help sessions and recitations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated materials, conducted lab sessions, and graded lab reports\n\nCOMPUTER\nEXPERIENCE\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nNavigate Mac OS, DOS, MS Windows, X windows, and UNIX\nProficient in MathCAD, Excel, MS Word, AmiProd, MS PowerPoint\n\xef\x82\xb7 Acquainted with Cambridge Structural Database and Inorganic Crystal Structure\nDatabase\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to learn new software quickly\n\nCOURSEWORK\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nAWARDS\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nACTIVITIES\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nCompleted, in addition to required courses, graduate-level biochemistry (4 hours),\ninstrumental analysis (2 hours), bioanalysis lab (2 hours), and computational\nchemistry lab (2 hours)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Attended workshop/conference on bioinorganic chemistry\nDean\'s List, Fall 2010-January 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Grant recipient from the General Electric Foundation, Summer 2011\nPrivate music tutor (cello), 2010-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member, Alpha Delta Chi honor society, 2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Intern, Urbana Food Bank, Fall 2011\n\n\x0cJOHN T. LEIBOWITZ\n2334 S. Austin Rd, Apt. B\nAtlanta GA 30301\n217-555-1212 (home) 217-555-1212 (cell) [email protected]\nREFERENCES\n\nProfessor Nina R. Young, Department of Chemistry\nUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\n112 Gorder Drive, Box 6-788\nUrbana, IL 61801\n217-555-1212\[email protected]\nProfessor Rodney Tree, Department of Chemistry\nUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\n900 Gorder Drive, Box 8-200\nUrbana, IL 61801\n217-555-1212\[email protected]\nProfessor James Orney, Department of Mathematics\nUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\n122 Simpson Avenue, Box 7-407\nChampaign, IL 61820\n217-555-1212\[email protected]\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 2: Entry-Level PhD Chemist\n\nERNSTINE QUIGLEY\n123 Gorder Drive\nIowa City IA 52240\n319-555-1212\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\n\xef\x82\xb7 To utilize my experience in spectroscopic investigations in heterogeneous systems in a research and\ndevelopment position in an industrial setting\nHIGHLIGHTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Extensive experience in the investigation of photochemical reactions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Modeling of the kinetics of heterogeneous reactions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Industrial experience (summer intern program)\nEDUCATION\nPhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nAnticipated December 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cPhotochemical Studies of Heterogeneous Reactions in the Atmosphere\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\nBS, Chemistry (summa cum laude), Central College, Pella IA\nMay 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.60/4.00\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cComputer simulation of ozone reactions\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nGraduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\n2009-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a new, highly sensitive technique for the measurement of photochemical reactions on\nheterogeneous surfaces\n\xef\x82\xb7 Modeled the kinetics of heterogeneous photochemical atmospheric reactions\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gained experience in all types of optical investigations of photochemical processes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led Advanced Physical Chemistry and Advanced Kinetics laboratories\nSummer Intern, Exxon Research and Development, Houston TX\nSummer 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervisor: Dr. Chuck Johnson\n\xef\x82\xb7 Studied gas-phase reactions on various heterogeneous catalysts of industrial importance using\nspectroscopy\n\n\x0cERNSTINE QUIGLEY\nPage 2\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE CONTINUED\nSummer Intern, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\nSummer 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in the laboratory of Professor Ivan P. Oakes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Studied chlorofluorocarbons reacting with water droplets using spectroscopy\nUndergraduate Research Assistant, Central College, Pella IA\n2007-2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan\n\xef\x82\xb7 Studied reactions of ozone both experimentally and theoretically\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used computer modeling\nAFFILIATIONS\n\xef\x82\xb7 American Chemical Society, 2011-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Optical Society of America, 2009-present\nPUBLICATIONS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Quigley, E.; Morgan, J. P. \xe2\x80\x9cComputer simulation of ozone reactions.\xe2\x80\x9d J. Phys. Chem. 2013, 88, 124126.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nBruckner, A.; Kline, B. J.; Quigley, E. \xe2\x80\x9cThe detection of fluorocarbon-water complexes in the\natmosphere.\xe2\x80\x9d J. Phys. Atmospheric Sci. 2012, 14, 428-431.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDavis, J.; Quigley, E.; Bruckner, A. \xe2\x80\x9cA critical review of the kinetics of heterogeneous\nphotochemical atmospheric reactions.\xe2\x80\x9d Chem. Rev. 2012, 45, 120-145.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nQuigley, E.; Bruckner, A. \xe2\x80\x9cA novel optical technique for the measurement of atmospheric\nchlorofluorocarbons.\xe2\x80\x9d J. Instrum. Anal. 2010, 135, 1214-1218.\n\nPATENT\n\xef\x82\xb7 Peach, J. R.; Petrov, V.; Goldstone, W.; Quigley, E. Catalyst for the cycloamination of butenes, US\nPatent 4 333 219, March 24, 2009.\n\nReferences Page\nYou may choose to set up a separate page of references (set-up as above; 3-5 references\xe2\x80\xa6could be a\ncombination of academic & industrial supervisors, focus on contacts from graduate-level work)\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 3: Chemist With Postdoctoral Experience\n\nReagan R. Randolph\n1835 Eisenhower Circle\nAlbuquerque NM 87185\n505-555-1212\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo use my creativity in new instrumentation for analyzing biologically\nimportant materials to assist in the research & development lab of your\norganization\n\nSUMMARY\n\nDeveloped new techniques for the analysis of biomolecules\nExtensive experience characterizing RNA samples\nStrong background in ultrafast laser spectroscopy\nInvestigated interfacial phenomena by using new spectroscopic techniques\n\nEDUCATION\n\nPhD, Chemistry, University of Chicago (IL), 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cStudies of Structure and Dynamics of Liquid Supported Monolayers\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Wilson Albright\nMS, Chemistry, University of Chicago (IL), 2008\nBS, Chemistry, University of Southern Florida (Tampa) 2006\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cPhotochemistry and Photophysics of Cyclopropylphenols\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Stuart Anthony\n\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE\n\nPostdoctoral Fellow, Sandia National Laboratory (Albuquerque NM),\n2011-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed novel signal amplification for detecting and sizing single RNA samples\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and implemented an efficient system for the mass spectrometric\nseparation and identification of individual molecules\nResearch Assistant, University of Chicago (IL), 2006-2011\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Wilson Albright\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained operational responsibility for Professor Albright\'s laser facility for the\nmeasurement of ultrafast kinetics of chemical phenomena in bulk liquid and at airwater interfaces\n\xef\x82\xb7 Investigated the molecular properties, orientation, kinetics, and relaxation\nphenomena at liquid and solid interfaces by nonlinear optical techniques\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led Advanced Physical Chemistry and Optical Methods of Analysis laboratories\n\n\x0cReagan R. Randolph\nPage 2\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE\nCONTINUED\n\nUndergraduate Research Assistant, University of South Florida (Tampa),\n2003-2006\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advisor: Professor Stuart Anthony\n\xef\x82\xb7 Studied photochemistry and photophysics of p-cyclopropylphenols both\nexperimentally and theoretically\nResearch Assistant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN), Summer 2005\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervisor: Dr. Leopold Wiseman\n\xef\x82\xb7 Studied chlorofluorocarbons excited by gamma radiation using spectroscopy\n\nAFFILIATIONS\n\nAmerican Chemical Society, 2004-present\nAmerican Physical Society, 2008-present\nOptical Society of America, 2008-present\n\nPUBLICATIONS\n\nAlbright, W.; Randolph, R. R. \xe2\x80\x9cA critical review of the structure and\ndynamics of liquid supported monolayers.\xe2\x80\x9d Chem. Rev. 2011, 45, 320362.\nDavis, B.; Randolph, R. R.; Ickes, H. \xe2\x80\x9cMethod for the preparation of\nmonolayers of denatured RNA.\xe2\x80\x9d Biol. Chem. 2010, 111, 124-127.\nRandolph, R. R.; Davis, B.; Ickes, H. \xe2\x80\x9cThe detection of monomeric RNA\nsamples.\xe2\x80\x9d J. Biol. Chem. 2009, 104, 4439-4445.\nRandolph, R. R.; Albright, W. \xe2\x80\x9cA novel signal amplification for the\ndetection of single RNA samples.\xe2\x80\x9d J. Instrum. Anal. 2007 , 134, 214-218.\n\nPRESENTATIONS Randolph, R.R.; Albright, W. \xe2\x80\x9cLiquid Supported Monolayers: Structure\nand Dynamics.\xe2\x80\x9d Oral presentation at the National Meeting of the\nAmerican Chemical Society, March 2010.\nRandolph, R. R. Anthony, S. \xe2\x80\x9cPhotophysical analysis of pcyclopropylphenol.\xe2\x80\x9d Poster presentation at the University of Chicago\nChemical and Physical Sciences Conference, January 2095.\nAWARDS\n\nPhi Beta Kappa, 2008\nOak Ridge National Laboratory\xe2\x80\x99s Prestige Award, 2007\n\nReferences Page\nYou may choose to set up a separate page of references (set-up as above; 3-5 references\xe2\x80\xa6could be a\ncombination of academic & industrial supervisors, focus on contacts from graduate & post-doc-level work)\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 4: Academic Curriculum Vitae\n\nEugene Timmons\n1400 North County Road\nZurich Switzerland A94724M\[email protected]\nSwiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) +41 1 632-4430 (lab)\nETH Honggerberg-HCI F330 +41 1 362-7933 (home)\nEDUCATION\nPhD, Chemistry, December 2014, Cornell University, Ithaca NY\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA: 4.0/4.0\nMS, Chemistry, May 2012, Cornell University, Ithaca NY\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA: 4.0/4.0\nBS, Chemistry, May 2010, Pennsylvania State University, State College PA\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA: 3.82/4.0\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List, 2007-2010\nRESEARCH INTERESTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Mechanistic enzymology, with an emphasis on natural product biosynthesis\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enzyme evolution, with an emphasis on understanding the origins of substrate pecificity,\nallosteric interactions, and enzyme complexes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Protein engineering and design\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developing and applying combinatorial methods in biology\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nPostdoctoral Fellow, December 2014-Present, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),\nZurich Switzerland\nProf. Eric Hubbert\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and constructed very large (>108 members) random gene libraries to investigate\nthe frequency of occurrence of catalysts in protein sequence space\n\xef\x82\xb7 Using binary patterning, 8 of the 20 standard amino acids, and chorismate mutase as a\ndesign scaffold, selected catalytically active variants at a frequency of 1 in 10,000 from a\nlibrary that was 80% randomized versus the wild-type sequence\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used iterative cycles of directed evolution and genetic selection to produce 40-fold\nimprovements in the catalytic efficiency of a novel engineered homo-hexameric chorismate\nmutase\nGraduate Researcher, July 2010- August 2014, Cornell University, Ithaca NY\nProf. Richard Barrett\nThesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cThe Biosynthesis of Thiamin in E. coli: Biosynthesis of the Thiazole Moiety\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used several approaches in investigating the biosynthesis of thiamin, including chemical\nsynthesis of thiazole precursors, purification and characterization of several E. coli and B.\nsubtilis enzymes involved in the biosynthesis\n\xef\x82\xb7 Utilized high-resolution mass spectrometry to track the generation of transient protein\nmodifications during the sulfur transfer\n\n\x0cEugene Timmons\nPage 2\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE continued\nUndergraduate Researcher, August 2007-May 2010, State University, State College PA\nProf. Julia P. Huang\n\xef\x82\xb7 Expressed and purified 6 mutants of sperm whale myoglobin from 80-L fermentations and\nmeasured their rates of heme orientation isomerization using paramagnetic region NMR\nspectra\n\xef\x82\xb7 Discovered that long-range mutations exert a strong influence on the binding site of\nmyoglobin\nPUBLICATIONS\n(List all publications, reverse chronological order, on a CV)\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nLecturer, Fall 2015, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presented eight 90-minute lectures in Biological Chemistry I, an introductory biochemistry\ncourse for chemistry majors\nTeaching Assistant, January 2015-May 2016, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),\nZurich, Switzerland\n\xef\x82\xb7 Supervised a PhD student, 3 MS students, and 2 undergraduate students\nTeaching Assistant, Fall 2012, Cornell University, Ithaca NY\n\xef\x82\xb7 Directly supervised 4 undergraduate students\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted with graduate-level biological chemistry course\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted with introductory organic laboratories and lecture courses\nChemistry Department Tutor, August 2010-April 2014, Pennsylvania State University, State\nCollege\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted review sessions for general and introductory organic chemistry\n\xef\x82\xb7 Held one-on-one help sessions for students\nAWARDS AND AFFILIATIONS\n\xef\x82\xb7 American Chemical Society Member, 20010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 NIH Biochemistry Training Grant, 2012-2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 NIH Molecular & Cell Biology Training Grant, 2013-2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Teas Scholarship in Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, 2008-2010\nOTHER POSSIBLE CATEGORIES??\n(May wish to include things like community service, outreach, technological/lab skills,\netc\xe2\x80\xa6.whatever you think may be important to the particular institution)\nREFERENCES\nYou may choose to set up a separate page of references (This candidate would list\nacademic/research references.)\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nLeadership &\nOrganizational\nSkills\nAchieved\nAcquired\nActed\nAdapted\nAdministered\nApproved\nArranged\nAscertained\nAssembled\nAttained\nAudited\nBudgeted\nCatalogued\nCharged\nChartered\nCompleted\nComplied\nConducted\nControlled\nDecided\nDelegated\nDetermined\nDirected\nDrove\nEarned\nEffected\nEliminated\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nExceeded\nExcelled\nExecuted\nExpanded\nGuided\nHeaded\nHired\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nIndexed\nInstigated\nInstituted\nInventoried\nKept\nLed\nLogged\nManaged\nMarketed\nMotivated\nObserved\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOvercame\nParticipated\nPerformed\n\nPlanned\nPrepared\nPresided\nProcured\nProjected\nProvided\nRan\nRecommended\nRecorded\nRecruited\nReorganized\nScanned\nScheduled\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nSucceeded\nSupervised\nSupported\nUnified\nWon\n\nResearch\nSkills\n\nTechnical\nSkills\n\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nClassified\nCoded\nCollaborated\nCollected\nCompared\nConstructed\nContrasted\nContributed\nCoordinated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDiagnosed\nDiscovered\nDissected\nDistributed\nEngineered\nExamined\nExperimented\nExplored\nExtracted\nFormulated\nInnovated\nInquired\nInspected\nInterpreted\nInvented\nInvestigated\nMade\nManipulated\nMaximized\nMinimized\nModeled\nModified\nMonitored\nObtained\nOversaw\nPioneered\nProduced\nProposed\nReported\nResearched\nReviewed\nSolved\nSpecialized\nStimulated\nStudied\nSummarized\nSurveyed\nSynthesized\nTheorized\nTransformed\nVerified\n\nApplied\nAssessed\nCalculated\nComputed\nCorrelated\nDevised\nDocumented\nEstimated\nFinanced\nHandled\nIntegrated\nMaintained\nOperated\nProgrammed\nRepaired\n\nCreative\nSkills\nBuilt\nConceived\nConceptualized\nCreated\nDeveloped\nEstablished\nFashioned\nFounded\nGenerated\nInitiated\nInspired\nLaunched\nOriginated\nPiloted\nRevised\nShaped\nSymbolized\nTailored\nVisualized\n\n\x0cTeaching & Helping\nSkills\n\nCommunication\nSkills\n\nAdvised\nAdvocated\nAided\nAllocated\nApproved\nAssessed\nAssisted\nAttended\nCared\nChecked\nClarified\nCoached\nCollaborated\nConducted\nCooperated\nCounseled\nDemonstrated\nDeveloped\nDiagnosed\nDirected\nEducated\nEnabled\nEncouraged\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExplained\nFacilitated\nFollowed\nFostered\nGuided\nHelped\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInspired\nInstructed\nLectured\nLed\nMentored\nPlanned\nPrompted\nProposed\nRepresented\nReviewed\nServed\nShaped\nSolicited\nSupported\nSustained\nTaught\nTrained\nTutored\nUnited\n\nAddressed\nAdvertised\nAnswered\nArbitrated\nAuthored\nClarified\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nConsulted\nContacted\nCorresponded\nCritiqued\nDebated\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDrafted\nEdited\nExplained\nInformed\nInterviewed\nIntroduced\nMediated\nModerated\nNarrated\nNegotiated\nNotified\nOffered\nPersuaded\nPresented\nPromoted\nProofread\nPublicized\nPublished\nQuestioned\nReferred\nRelated\nResponded\nSpoke\nTranslated\nWrote'
b'Sample Cover Letter for Engineering Students (Fr./Soph. level)\n1234 Oak Avenue\nBowling Green, KY 42101\nFebruary 1, 2012\nMr. Keith Franklin\nVice President of Engineering\nABC Technologies\n1234 Worth Drive\nCincinnati, OH 45671\nDear Mr. Franklin:\nI am applying Mechanical Engineering internship position that was posted with Western Kentucky\nUniversity\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99s Career Services Center this week. Based on the requirements for the position, it fits very\nwell with my education and career interests.\nI am currently pursuing my B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering with an anticipated graduation date\nof May 2014. I have taken various freshman and sophomore engineering courses and have a strong\nbackground in math and physics. Since September 2011, I have been working in the engineering\nprototyping facility at Western Kentucky University. This position has allowed me to apply my\nknowledge in a hands-on setting. While I am gaining good experience as a student worker, an internship\nwith ABC Technologies will help me to become fully immersed in an engineering environment and learn\nmore about manufacturing systems and design standards.\nPlease find my attached resume with additional information about my education, experience and\nprofessional memberships. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for the\ninternship more fully in an interview. I can be reached at (270) 555-1234 or by email at:\[email protected]. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to talking with\nyou soon.\nSincerely,\nGregory T. Jones'
b'ALEX SMITH\n128 Chemical Drive\nThunder Bay ON P7I 2B4\n\n(807) 142-0111\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nSeeking a full-time technician position with TB Engineering in which previously gained skills and knowledge can contribute\nto a chemical engineering team and the team\xe2\x80\x99s knowledge can contribute to professional engineering goals\n\nSUMMARY OF SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nKnowledge of chemical engineering research strategies from academic and work experiences\nLed a university Chemical Engineering Society Challenge team in a thermodynamics project\nPossess excellent organizational skills and an eye for detail and accuracy\nAble to work in a fast paced environment and able to manage time efficiently\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMatLAB\nChemSketch\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPolymath\nZetasizer\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWindows 7\nMicrosoft Office Suite\n\nEDUCATION\nHonours Bachelor of Engineering \xe2\x80\x93 Chemical Engineering\nLakehead University\n\n2010 to Present\nThunder Bay ON\n\nEngineering Technology Diploma \xe2\x80\x93 Chemical Engineering\nLakehead University\n\n2008 to 2010\nThunder Bay ON\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant\nLakehead University \xe2\x80\x93 Engineering Department\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist in the design, set-up and implementation of laboratory experiments\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enter experiment results in database system and analyze data\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internet and library searches for relevant literature\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handle chemical solutions using appropriate safety precautions\n\n2009 to Present\nThunder Bay ON\n\nResidence Assistant\nLakehead University Residence \xe2\x80\x93 Atikokan House\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated events such as How to Write a Resume in collaboration with university staff\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided confidential support services to student experiencing difficulties\n\xef\x82\xb7 Ensured the safety of students by keeping informed regarding safety measures\n\n2008 to 2009\nThunder Bay ON\n\nEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\nTeam Lead\nLakehead University Chemical Engineering Society Challenge\n\n2009 to 2010\nThunder Bay ON\n\nASSOCIATIONS\nProfessional Engineering Association \xe2\x80\x93 Student Member\n\n2008 to Present\n\nReferences Available Upon Request\nLakehead University \xe2\x80\x93 Student Success Centre\n\nSample Resume: Faculty of Engineering\n\nRoom: SC 0008 \xe2\x97\x8f Telephone: (807) 343-8264 \xe2\x97\x8f Fax: (807) 343-8919 \xe2\x97\x8f Email: [email protected] \xe2\x97\x8f Web:'
b'Resume\nFor\n\nInternship\nor\nCo-OP\nWithout Related Experience\nSMART STUDENT\n1235 Southside Blvd. #777 \xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 32256 \xe2\x80\xa2 (904) 555-9876 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\nCo-op or Internship position in the field of Computer Information Science\nEDUCATION\n\t\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nMasters of Computer Science Expected Graduation: May 2011\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nBachelor of Science in Computer and Information Sciences Program\nEmphasis in Information Systems,\t\nMay 2007\n3.8 G.P.A. Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\n\t\nMicrosoft Excel\t\t\t\n\t\nMicrosoft Access\t\t\t\n\t\nAdobe PageMaker\t\t\t\n\nMicrosoft Power Point\nAdobe PageMaker\nAdobe Acrobat\n\nRELATED COURSEWORK\n\t\nIntro to C - introduction to C programming; types, operations, and expressions\n\t\nFile Structures - focuses on business-oriented file processing and storage techniques\n\t\nIntro to System Structures - computer structure, machine language, instruction execution\n\t\nIntro to Systems Software \xe2\x80\x93 system and utility programs, programming techniques\n\nQUALIFICATIONS\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent written and oral communication\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experience working in a team oriented setting\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Adept at following complex directions\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hard worker who is eager to learn and apply education\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\n\t\nLONGHORN STEAKHOUSE, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nCustomer Service and Sales\t \t\nMay 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide customer service,\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Employee of the Month honor received four times since employment began\n\t\n\t\n\n52 | the edge\n\nGATEWAY INTERNATIONAL, Jacksonville, Florida\nCustomer Service and Relations \t\nDecember 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2005\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nINTERNSHIP\nor\nCo-Op\nWithout Related Experience\nLIONEL HUTZ\n1235 SOUTHSIDE BLVD. #777\nJACKSONVILLE, FL 32256\[email protected]\n904 864-1234\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\n\nTo obtain an Internship or Co-op position in Electrical Engineering\n\nEDUCATION\t Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Expected May 2011\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\n3.5 GPA\nRELATED\t\nSKILLS\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nEngineering\nEntry-level knowledge of electricity and electronic circuits\nComputer Languages\nGeneral C programming knowledge\nSoftware\nExperience in Windows, Microsoft Office\nHardware\nGeneral knowledge of PCs and network assembly\n\nRELATED\t\nCOURSE\t\nWORK\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nIntro to C Programming\n\xe2\x80\xa2 General knowledge of basic C functions and programming procedures\nMicrocomputer Applications Software\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Basic knowledge of computers, networking and systems software\nBasic Circuit Theory\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Basic analysis of DC and AC electric circuits\nElectric Network Theory\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Analysis of two-port networks transmitting sinusoidal signals, Laplace techniques\n\n\t\nHONORS\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Awarded Bright Futures Scholarship for High School Academics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 North Florida Engineering Scholarship\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Golden Key National Honor Society\n\nWORK\t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAMC Theaters, Jacksonville, Florida\nMay 2006- Present\nGeneral Manager\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervise a staff of 15 to 20 employees\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Manage daily operations\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Successfully created team oriented environment\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Demonstrate effective leadership skills\n\nthe edge\n\n| 53\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nInternship\nor\nCo-op\nWITHOUT RELATED EXPERIENCE\nBART SIMPSON\n\n5500 UNIVERSITY BLVD. \xe2\x80\xa2 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32255\nPHONE (904) 555-1234 \xe2\x80\xa2 FAX (123) 098-7654 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\n\nSummer Internship related to the mechanical engineering field\n\nEDUCATION\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversity Of North Florida\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Program\nExpected date of graduation: May 2011\n\nSKILLS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nWINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS\t HTML\nCAD key\t\nJava\nMicrosoft Word \t\nMicrosoft Excel\nFluent in German\nFamiliar with operation of lathes and milling machines\n\nCOURSE WORK\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAnalysis of Dynamic Systems\nStrength of Material\nMechanical Systems Lab\nStrong foundation of statistics and mathematics\n\n\t\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGranger Lawn Care Service, Jacksonville, Florida\t\nOWNER/OPERATOR\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided excellent customer service\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supervised and trained employees\n\nSummers 08-09\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida\t\nUNF HOMECOMING COMMITTEE CHAIR\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Organized fund-raiser for homecoming\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planned event for over 400 guests\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Responsible for execution of ideas and set-up\n\n2009-2010\n\nHONORS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n54 | the edge\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Edsel Ford Scholarship for Innovation in Design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Earl Greef Memorial Scholarship\n\xe2\x80\xa2 National Merit Scholar\n\n\x0cRESUME\nfor\n\nInternship\nor\nCo-op\nWITHOUT RELATED EXPERIENCE\nMARTIN LAWRENCE\n1235 Southside Blvd. #777\nJacksonville, FL 32256\n(904) 555-9876\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\n\nA Co-op or Internship position in the field of Civil Engineering\n\nEDUCATION\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA, Jacksonville, Florida\n\n\t\n\nEnrolled in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Program\n\n\t\n\nExpected Date of graduation: May 2012\n\nHONORS\t\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List all three semesters, 2009\n\n\t\n\nAwarded 75% Merit Scholarship for Academics, 2008\n\n\t\n\nTwo-time first place winner in SECME Bridge building competition, 2008, 2009\n\nCOURSE \t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Solid Foundation of Writing and Communication\n\nWORK\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Thermodynamics\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Computer Aided Engineering\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dynamics\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Mechanics of Materials\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Analysis of Structures\n\nRELATED\t\n\nComputer\n\nSKILLS\t\n\nMicrosoft Office, spreadsheets, entry-level knowledge of drafting software\n\n\t\n\nInterpersonal/Employability\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Team player with excellent people skills\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Adept at working in a customer service environment\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Dependable employee with overabundant initiative\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Quick learner and self-starter\n\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\nRUTH\xe2\x80\x99S CHRIS STEAKHOUSE, Jacksonville, Florida\n\n\t\n\nCustomer Service and Sales, 5/08 \xe2\x80\x93 PRESENT\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provide excellent customer service to customers on a daily basis\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Effectively communicate with large team\n\n\t\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implement key principals of time management and customer service\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n\nRED ROBIN GRILL, Jacksonville, Florida\t\n\n\t\n\nCustomer Service and Sales, 12/06-4/08\n\nthe edge\n\n| 55\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nRHODES BRIDGES\n8538 Denallen Dr \xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 Builderbob\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\t\nConstruction management in the area of heavy civil road/bridge construction and road widening.\nEDUCATION:\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\nBachelor of Science in Building Construction Management, Expected May 2010\n\t\nMinor in Business Administration, GPA 3.4)\nCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SKILLS:\n\t\nPrimavera P3 project scheduling software\t\n\t\nPrimavera Sure-Track project scheduling software\t\n\t\nAutocad 12 drafting software\t\n\t\nAgtek site analysis software\t\n\t\nNetscape Web page Composer\t\n\nMicrosoft Excel\nMicrosoft Word\nMicrosoft Photo shop\nMicrosoft Power Point\nMicrosoft Project\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Road Construction: Handled weekly cost vs. production reports, sub contractors pay requisitions, schedule updates,\nand maintained traffic reports (2007-2009)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Associated Schools of Construction Student Competition: Cost Estimate, Safety Plan, and Project Schedule for\na Bridge and Road Widening Project (2008)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Associated Schools of Construction Student Competition, Cost Estimate, Safety Plan, and Project Schedule for an\nAirport Reconstruction Project (2007)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 UNF Parking committee, traffic safety and garage construction plan (2005-2006)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Research Project: Conducted analysis of construction contracts with unusual situations and extra conditions (2006)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Research Project: Conducted analysis for residential construction and the impact of taxes and permit costs (2005)\nSTUDENT ACTIVITIES:\n\t\nNational Association of Home Builders, Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nAssociated General Contractors, Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nConstruction Management Association, Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nAssociated Builders and Contractors Inc., Member, UNF student chapter (2009 - present)\n\t\nStudent Government Budget and Allocations, Chairman, Managed $2.3 million dollar budget (2008, 2009)\n\t\nCollege of Computing Sciences and Engineering, Student Government Representative (2009)\n\t\nSociety of Physics Students, Member (2008 - present)\n\t\nKappa Alpha Order, Founding Member, Zta Xi chapter (2008 - present)\nACHIEVEMENTS:\n\t\nUNF Student Leadership and Service Award (2009)\n\t\nFirst Place in the Deerwood Labor Day Fitness 5K (2009)\n\t\nUNF Presidential Ambassador of the year (2008)\nEMPLOYMENT:\n\t\nHubbard Construction, Construction Engineer, Jacksonville, FL, \t\n(9/2007 to present)\n\t\nAnderson Construction, Laborer, Jacksonville, FL, (Summers 2005, 2006, 2007)\n\n56 | the edge\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nCLEARA WATERS\n8538 Denallen Dr. \xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 engineering\nCivil Engineer seeking position in areas of wastewater treatment, water supply,\nstorm water analysis, or other environmental engineering.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, August, 2008\n\t\n(Worked an average of 10 hours per week while attending school)\nStanton College Preparatory High School, International Baccalaureate, 2005, Advanced Placement\nRELATED SKILLS\nAutoCAD \xe2\x80\x93 3D drawings and assemblies\t\t\nVisual Analysis \xe2\x80\x93 3D bridge design\nC \xe2\x80\x93 Programming language\t\t\t\t\nWindows operating systems\t\nPSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog and digital circuit design\t\t\nRISA 2D \xe2\x80\x93 2D truss design\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint \xe2\x80\x93 office applications\nSWMM \xe2\x80\x93 Storm Water Management Model; analysis of sub-catchment rainfall runoff\nBioWin \xe2\x80\x93 wastewater treatment plant design and optimization based on treatment volume vs. effluent quality; focus on 3 stage,\nbiodenpho, and Modified Ludzak-Ettinger plant design.\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nFWEA competition: Analyzed 3 alternative wastewater treatment plant options by using BioWin to optimize the treatment\nlevel to treatment volume ratio, performed a cost analysis of the options, and presented the final design recommendations.\nSAE competition: Designed and built formula style racecar with a budget of over $35k (student raised), aided in fabrication\nand assembly, designed, drew, and built braking system.\nASCE steel bridge competition: Designed and built 21\xe2\x80\x99 steel bridge with budget of over $10k (student raised); worked in 3\nstudent teams to design and optimize bridge design, aided in manufacture, and in charge of 3D rendering of bridge in AutoCAD.\nResearch Assistant: Analyzed the effects of pipe material on the decay rate of chlorine disinfectant utility by creating reactors to\nsimulate different pipe conditions and compared decay rate over time for JEA utility\nSurveyed HVAC equipment in SouthTrust building for future redesign and replacement; AutoCAD drawings of HVAC schematics\nMachine shop \xe2\x80\x93 Mill, Lathe, CNC Mill, TIG welder experience.\nACTIVITIES\nFlorida Bright Futures Academic Scholarship.\t\t\nPresident, UNF FL Water Environment Association\nPresident, UF Society of Automotive Engineers.\t\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineering, Member\nFlorida Engineering Society, Member\t\t\t\nMATHCOUNTS Volunteer \xe2\x80\x93 middle school math competition\n\nEngineering Assistant\t\nResearch Assistant\t\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nSunbelt Engineering, Jacksonville, FL\t\t\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\t\t\n\n12/04 \xe2\x80\x93 1/05\n5/04 \xe2\x80\x93 10/04\n\nthe edge\n\n| 57\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nALBERT EINSTEIN\n4567 St. Johns Bluff Road South, HB #1\nJacksonville, Florida 32256\n(904) 620-1234\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE \t\n\nEntry-level position in the field of computer programming to gain and utilize experience with computers.\n\nEDUCATION\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversity of North Florida\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science\t\nMay 2010\nMajor: Computer and Information Sciences\n\nCOMPUTER\t\nSKILLS\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cobol, Assembly, QBasic, C, Pascal, Basic, C++, Java\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Unix, MS-Dos, MS Windows, Windows 95, TSX/RSX\n\xe2\x80\xa2 DEC Alpha, PC, PDP-11, IBM Mainframe\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Word, WordPerfect, Lotus, Excel, dBASE, PageMaker\n\nRELATED\t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nComputing Services\nUniversity of North Florida\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nHelp Desk Programmer Analyst\t\nMay 2008 - present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answer phone inquires\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist in solving problems with employees\xe2\x80\x99 computers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Train new employees and assist with hiring\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nLab Assistant\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted to Programmer Analyst\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Installed hardware\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with various software support\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nACTIVITIES \t\n\t\n\t\n\nAcademic Resource Center\nUniversity of North Florida \t\nJacksonville, Florida\nTutor\t\nMay 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 December 2007\nTutored students in Pre-Calculus and Calculus courses\n\nOTHER WORK\t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nBelk Department Stores\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nAccounting Clerk\t\nMay 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 April 2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Handled cash deposits\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted with reconciliation on cash register tape\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Reconciled bank statements and assisted with accounts payable and receivables\n\nHONORS &\t\nAWARDS\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUpsilon Pi Epsilon Award for Academic Excellence in Computing Science\nDeans List\nGolden Key National Honor Society\nMath Student of the Year Award\nGraduated Magna Cum Laude\n\n58 | the edge\n\nJanuary 2008 - April 2008\n\nAssociation of Information Technology Professionals, Member\nUniversity of North Florida Engineering Society, Treasurer\nBACCHUS--the campus alcohol awareness group, volunteer\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFor\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nTodd Flanders\n\n(904) 555-1212 [email protected]\n2657 Uphill Ave, Jacksonville, Florida 32244\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\n\nAn entry-level automotive engineering position requiring strong analytical and organizational skills\n\nEDUCATION\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering \t\nMay 2010\nHonors: Daniel M. Joseph Prize in Mechanical Engineering, 2009\nTop Five Finisher in the ASME Region XI Student Section Website Competition\n\nRELATED COURSEWORK\nThermodynamics, Deformable Solids, Statics, Materials Science, Basic Circuits, Fluids Mechanics, Controls, Heat Transfer, Vibrations,\nStatistics, Design, Turbo Machinery, Automotive Structural Design\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAUTOCRAFTERS, INC.\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nCo-op Engineer \t\nAugust 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked on advanced test project that involved mechanical design, CAD/CAM technology, automobile structures,\nand coordination among project groups\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA\t\nJacksonville, Florida\nSenior Design Project\t\nSpring 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed a data acquisition system to monitor solar panels installed on roof of the UNF Engineering building\nMini-Baja Team participant \t\nFall \t 2008\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked on six-member team to design and build a miniature stock car for\nNational Society of Automotive Engineers competition\nPressure Vessel Project\t\nSpring 2007\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Measured the discharge pressure when one pressure vessel discharged to the next at the instant it\nreached choke flow or subtonic velocity\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION \t\nIntern\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted in experimental and literature research\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared data for technical papers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Computed engineering calculations\n\nDetroit, Michigan\nSummer 2005\n\nSKILLS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2JAVA\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2IDEAS\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2HTML \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2PROE\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2LABVIEW\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2AUTOCAD\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2MATLAB\n\xe2\x80\xa2C++\n\nACTIVITIES\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Society of Automotive Engineers, President, 2009-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2007-Present\n\nthe edge\n\n| 59\n\n\x0cRESUME\nfor\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nBill Dings\n\n123 Buildit Blvd.\t\t\t\t\nJacksonville, FL 32224\t\t\t\n\n904-555-2345\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\t\n\t\n\t\nEDUCATION\t\n\t\n\t\n\nTo join a successful construction company in an entry-level management position, such\nas project engineer or assistant project manager\n\nRELATED \t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGalaxy Construction Company\t\nJacksonville, FL\nIntern \t\n8/2008-present\n\xe2\x80\xa2Performed buyout responsibilities for two projects in Brunswick Georgia\n\xe2\x80\xa2Researched and contacted qualified subcontractors and suppliers for contract buyout\n\xe2\x80\xa2Evaluated quotes from subcontractors\n\xe2\x80\xa2Checked work scopes with specifications\n\xe2\x80\xa2Wrote purchase orders and change orders\n\xe2\x80\xa2Prepared subcontracts\n\xe2\x80\xa2Performed tasks in Primavera P-3 in support of the Scheduling Manager\n\xe2\x80\xa2Canvass for subcontractors for multiple project bids nationwide\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUniversal Construction and Remodeling\t\nProject Manager \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Managed scheduled for twenty employees.\n\xe2\x80\xa2Designed and developed work schedules\n\xe2\x80\xa2Processed orders and conducted inventory\n\xe2\x80\xa2Scheduling of subcontractors.\n\nOTHER \t\nEXPERIENCE\t\n\t\n\nWoodWork Building Group \t\nJacksonville, FL\nLaborer \t\n6/2006-12/2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist in layout and installation of masonry and pavers for walls, driveways, & walkways.\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nAcme Builders Construction \t\nFramer \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist in layout and installation of walls, joists, & rafters.\n\nPROFESSIONAL\t\nMEMBERSHIPS\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nSKILLS\t\n\t\n\t\n\nGreen Construction, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),\nHeart of Florida Chapter Emerging Green Builders (EGB)\nConstruction Management Association (CMA),\nAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI)\n\nUniversity of North Florida\t\nBachelor of Science Degree\t\nBuilding Construction Management, Cumulative GPA 3.96\n\nJacksonville, FL\t\nDecember, 2008\n\nJacksonville, FL\n5/2007-3/2008.\n\nOutstanding Group Inc. \t\nJacksonville, FL\nAssistant Project Manager/Intern \t\n1/2007-5/2007\n\xe2\x80\xa2Processed transmittals, submittals, RFI\xe2\x80\x99s, purchase orders, service orders, and subcontracts\n\xe2\x80\xa2Performed quantity take-offs utilizing Onscreen Takeoff\n\xe2\x80\xa2Compiled data for materials, and special equipment\n\xe2\x80\xa2Prepared and processed equipment specifications, and drawing revisions\n\xe2\x80\xa2Attended and took minutes of owner\xe2\x80\x99s, site, subcontract, and operations meetings\n\xe2\x80\xa2Prepared permit packages, and other information associated with the permit process\n\nJacksonville, FL\nSummers 2005/2006\n\nEstimating software: Timberline, ProEST, Graphisoft Estimator, MS Excel\nScheduling software: MS Project, Primavera, Graphisoft Project.\nWord Processing: MS Word, MS Publisher\n\nCERTIFICATION\t OSHA 30 hour card. CSST 100 hour course certification\nACTIVITIES\t\n\n60 | the edge\n\nHabitat for Humanity, Construction management service learning, Spring 2007, Fall 2008\n\n\x0cRESUME\nFOR\n\nENTRY-LEVEL\nPOST-GRADUATION JOB\nWilliam Gates\n\n123 Cable Road\nJacksonville, Florida 32225\n(904) 123-4567\ne-mail: [email protected]\nEDUCATION\n\t\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville Florida\n\t\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering\n\t\nDecember 2009\n\t\nSenior Project: Built and modified electronic motion detector\nHONORS\n\t\n\t\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List\t\t\n\t\nAwarded full tuition University Merit Scholarship\n\t\nPhi Theta Kappa Honor Society\nRELATED SKILLS\n\t\n\t\nEngineering\n\t\nThorough knowledge of electric and electronic circuit analysis\n\t\nTheoretical knowledge of analog and digital logic design and power systems\n\t\nComputer Languages\n\t\nProgramming knowledge of C and Microsoft Word macros\n\t\nSoftware\n\t\nExperienced with DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Excel, Mail,\n\t\nPower point and Novel NetWare for PCs\n\t\nHardware\n\t\nPractical knowledge of computer and network assembly, function and technical trouble-shooting\n\t\nInternet\n\t\nKnowledge of TCP-IP protocols and HTML programming\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida Computing Services, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nHelp Desk Analyst and Technician , 2008 - Present\n\t\n- Prepare total office upgrades for clients.\n\t\n- Plan office network migration.\n\t\n- Install and maintain computer hardware.\n\t\n- Provide computer and network technical support in-house, on-site and via phone.\nACTIVITIES\n\t\n\t\nIEEE - member since 2008\n\t\nOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE\n\t\nBarnes and Noble Bookstore at UNF, Jacksonville, Florida\n\t\nCustomer Service and Sales, 2005 - 2008\n\nthe edge\n\n| 61\n\n\x0cResume\nFOR\n\nExperienced Alumni\nNED LUCKY\n8538 Denallen Dr .\xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 Builderbob\n\nQualified for: Full-time position in Network or System Administration. Interests include routing, domain name services,\nrouter configuration, LAN/WAN setup, design, and server administration.\nEDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nUNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA, Jacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science in Computer Information Sciences, Emphasis in Information Systems, May, 2010\nComptia A+ Certification (industry standard for vendor-neutral skills expected of a computer technician.), 2009\t\nCisco Certified Network Associate Certification - Cisco Routers & Switches, 2009\n\nCOMPUTER SCIENCE SKILLS\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2Windows 9x, Windows XP \xe2\x80\x93 Microsoft OS\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Linux (Debian, Mandrake) \xe2\x80\x93 Unix OS\n\xe2\x80\xa2Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 Microsoft OS\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Macintosh 8.2-X \xe2\x80\x93 Macintosh OS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Network Administration (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP)\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Cisco Routers, Switches, LAN/WAN\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Build/Repair PC Systems\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MSSQL \xe2\x80\x93 Database software and Design\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Visio 2000 \xe2\x80\x93 Network Design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sendmail \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Mail Transfer Agent\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PostFix \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Mail Transfer Agent\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Procmail \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Mail Filter Software\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 AvMailgate \xe2\x80\x93 Linux Virus Server\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Intermail \xe2\x80\x93 Unix Mail Transfer Agent\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Veritas Backup Exec \xe2\x80\x93 Backup Software\n\xe2\x80\xa2 DSL Connectivity \xe2\x80\x93 Dynamic/Static Connections\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MSOffice Suite \xe2\x80\x93 Email, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation Software\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Respond to Abuse issues, Port Scanning, Email Relay attempts, and produced records requested by law enforcement\ncovering 200,000+ customer base\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Configured and Administered servers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Abuse Manager, responsible for answering daily inquires about Abuse policies, conferring with Network Applications\nabout Spam filter changes, tracking and monitoring corporate and customer security\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Email administration for entire customer base\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Participated with MIS group in build and setup of new LAN for 300+ employees\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Took inbound calls for PC and Macintosh users with DUN connections and periodic Team Lead calls\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supported customers on multiple OS\xe2\x80\x99s (Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT, Macintosh 8.2-10.1)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Supported ADSL and DUN connections for ISP accounts\n\nCAMPUS ACTIVITIES\n\t\n\t\n\nMember, ProNet of Florida\nMember, Lambuth University soccer team (1993 TCAC Soccer Championship)\n\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n62 | the edge\n\nCONVERGYS\t\nVOLARIS ONLINE\t\nCONVERGYS\t\n\nInternet Service Representative\t\nSecurity Systems Administrator\t\nInternet Customer Representative\t\n\n4/09 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n8/05 \xe2\x80\x93 12/08\n11/03 \xe2\x80\x93 8/05\n\n\x0cResume\nfor\n\nExperienced Alumni\nShorty Sircit\n8538 Denallen Dr .\xe2\x80\xa2 Jacksonville, FL 33526 \xe2\x80\xa2 Cell: 904-313-4618 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\t\nElectrical Engineering position in digital design. Areas of interest include digital logic design, microcoding,\n\t\nand embedded systems.\nEDUCATION\n\t\nBachelor of Science Degree: Electrical Engineering, August 2008\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\nGPA 3.61\t (Working 20 hours/week as research assistant while attending school)\n\t\n\t\nENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SKILLS\n\t\nC - programming language\t\nPSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog and digital circuit design\n\t\nMaple \xe2\x80\x93 analog circuit simulation\t\nTI OPT101 \xe2\x80\x93 optical sensor\n\t\nrotel \xe2\x80\x93 printed circuit board design\t\nTexas Instruments MSP430 microprocessor\n\t\nVerilog HDL \xe2\x80\x93 digital logic design\t\nMotorola HC12 microprocessor\n\t\nSensComp transducer \xe2\x80\x93 ultrasonic ranging sensor\t\nMATLAB \xe2\x80\x93 controls system design\n\t\nharp GP2Y0A21YK \xe2\x80\x93 infrared proximity sensor\t\nMotorola Creatalink 2XT 2-Way Pager\n\t\nMS FrontPage - web design\t\nMS Word, Excel, PowerPoint - office applications\n\t\nAR Embedded Workbench IDE \xe2\x80\x93 TI MSP430 microcode development\n\t\nMiniIDE \xe2\x80\x93 Motorola HC12 microcode development in assembly\n\t\nImagecraft IDE for ICC12\xe2\x80\x93 Motorola HC12 microcode development in C\n\t\nCadence \xe2\x80\x93 digital logic design & communication system design\n\t\nStatistical Analysis Program (SAS) \xe2\x80\x93 communications analysis\n\t\nLinux, Unix, Solaris, Windows - operating systems\t\nEXPERIENCE\n\t\nAutonomous Robot Design: Uses TI OPT101 optical sensors to follow lines, neodymium magnets formed in albach array\n\t\nfor pickup mechanism, UART communication using infrared receiver, and 5 TI MSP430 microcontrollers for robotic control\n\t\nIntelligent Sewage Monitoring System: Responsible for power subsystem design and sonar measuring capability of embedded\n\t\nsystem using SensComp\xe2\x80\x99s ultrasonic transducer, and the TI MSP430 microprocessor to monitor sewer lines using real-time and\n\t\nwireless communication via Motorola\xe2\x80\x99s Creatalink 2XT 2-Way Pager\n\t\nIntelligent security system embedded design: uses keypad entry to access room monitored by hall effect sensor using the\n\t\nMotorola HC12 microprocessor. External alarm is triggered by wireless transceiver\n\t\nAnalog circuit design, e.g. resonance transformer (Tesla Coil), sonar ranging module, and infrared distance detector\n\t\nDigital circuit design, e.g. digital phase-locked loop, and 916 MHz ASK wireless transceiver\nACTIVITIES\n\t\nFlorida Bright Futures Academic Scholarship\n\t\nEngineering Advisory Council. Member\t\t\t\n\t\nGolden Key International Honor Society, Member\n\t\nIEEE Southeastcon 2004 Robotics Competition \xe2\x80\x93 2nd Place\n\t\nFlorida Engineering Society (FES) Student Chapter. President (2 terms), Vice President, Secretary\n\t\nEta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honor Society (HKN). Vice President\n\t\nInstitute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (IEEE), Member\n\t\nMATHCOUNTS Volunteer \xe2\x80\x93 middle school math competition\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, Electrical Engineering Teaching Assistant, 1/2004 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\t\nHarold\xe2\x80\x99s Meat Market, Jacksonville, FL, Butcher, 8/2002 \xe2\x80\x93 1/2004\n\nthe edge\n\n| 63\n\n\x0cResume\nFor\n\nExperienced Alumni\n\nHardy Y. Ird\n\n234 Park Avenue, Summerset, FL 32345\n(945) 123-1234\[email protected]\n\nQUALIFIED FOR:\n\t\nElectrical Engineering position in product development. Areas of interest include embedded systems design,\n\t\nwireless technology, biomedical and natural science applications.\nEDUCATION\n\t\nBachelor of Science: Electrical Engineering, May 2009\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 GPA 3.63 (working ~ 20 hrs/week while attending school)\nENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SKILLS\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 VERILOG HDL \xe2\x80\x93 digital logic design\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Motorola M68HC12 Microcontroller\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 C-programming language\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 ASSEMBLY- microcoding HC11/12\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog circuit design\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MATLAB \xe2\x80\x93 control system design\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MathCAD \xe2\x80\x93 advanced mathematical computations\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Windows XP\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) \t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 SensComp Series 9000 Transducers\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 TI MSP430 Mixed Signal Processor\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 TI TMP101 temperature sensor\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Fairchild Plastic Infrared LED\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Phototransistors, QEC122 and QSC113\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Image Craft ICC12C compiler environment\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Motorola M68HC12 Microcontroller\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Protel \xe2\x80\x93 printed circuit board development\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Softbaugh LCD Modules\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IAR Workbench TI MSP430 microcode development environment\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MiniIDE Motorola HC12 microcode development environment\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Temperature Sensor using the Texas Instrument MSP430F449 microprocessor\n\t\nand the TI TMP101 digital I2C temperature sensor.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Manhole Cover to detect fluid levels using TI MSP430 microprocessor,\n\t\nSensComp 9000 series acoustic transducer, and Motorola Creatalink 2XT 2-Way Pager for wireless communications.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Alarm System using the Motorola M68HC12 microcontroller and Fairchild\n\t\ninfrared devices, QEC122 and QSC113.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Embedded system design of an Intelligent Digital Scale with Wireless Display using the Texas Instrument MSP430F449\n\t\nmicroprocessors, and Motorola ZigBee wireless transceivers.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Digital logic design, e.g. adders, multiplexers, decoders, ALUs, counters.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2Analog circuit design, e.g. op-amps, filters, and pulse width modulation using BJT/MOSFET transistors.\nACTIVITIES AND HONORS\n\t\nHansford W. Farris Academic Scholarship.\n\t\nPresident and Treasurer, IEEE Student Chapter.\n\t\nVice President, Society of Women Engineers Student Chapter\t\n\t\nMember, Florida Engineering Society Student Chapter\n\t\nMember, Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society\t\n\t\nMember, Golden Key National Honor Society\n\t\nVolunteer, Habitat for Humanity\n\t\nVolunteer, JETS High School Engineering Competition\n\t\nEMPLOYMENT HISTORY\n\t\nStudent Assistant\t\nUniversity of North Florida\t\n\t\nResearch Assistant\t\nUniversity of North Florida\t\n\t\nManager\t\nNew England Eatery & Pub\t\n\n64 | the edge\n\n08/06 - Present\n10/06 - Present\n07/04 - 08/06\n\n\x0cResume\nFor\n\nExperienced Alumni\nBuddy Sapp\n\n124 Springdale Road Apt: 11\nJacksonville, FL 32476\n904-476-1234\[email protected]\nQualified for: Mechanical Engineering. Areas of interest include thermodynamic, propulsion, manufacturing, design, and controls engineering.\n\nEducation\n\t\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL\n\t\nBachelor of Science: Mechanical Engineering\t\n\t\nGPA 3.2\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\nMay 2009\n\nFlorida Community College at Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL\nAssociates of Arts: December 2007\nGPA 3.2\n\nEngineering and Computer Skills\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 C \xe2\x80\x93 programming language\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint \xe2\x80\x93 office applications \t\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 AutoCAD \xe2\x80\x93 computer aided design and drafting such as screw and bolt assembly\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PSPICE \xe2\x80\x93 analog and digital circuit design\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pro/Engineer Wildfire \xe2\x80\x93 3D model of piston assembly\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Matrix Laboratory (Matlab) \xe2\x80\x93 control system design\t\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Statistical Analysis Program (SAS) \xe2\x80\x93 communication system analysis\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 IDEAS \xe2\x80\x93 finite element stress analysis, bracket assembly\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 RoboWorks \xe2\x80\x93 3D software modeling, simulation and animation of a robot arm\nExperience\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Chilled Water Plant Project: Performed the design and selection of an efficient water-cooled plant. Responsible for analyzing\n\t\ncompressor efficiency and energy usage in order to reduce the operating cost of the selected plant.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Performed finite element stress analysis on a heat-treated aluminum bracket. Validated simulation results through analysis at\n\t\nparticular locations along the bracket model.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 PD and PID Control for ECP Model 205 Torsional Plant: Demonstrated concepts associated with proportional plus derivative (PD)\n\t\nand proportional plus derivative and integral action (PID) controllers and verified system response to dynamic inputs.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Pressure Vessel Design: designed a pressure vessel system in order to discharge sonic air flow into ambient conditions and into a\n\t\nsecond pressure vessel. Analyzed the mass flow rate of air under choked conditions in the two configurations.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 U.S. Navy: Supervised a work center of 10-15 personnel. Responsibilities included preventive maintenance on board ship flight\n\t\ndeck, inspection of support equipment such as tow tractors and firefighting gear, and aircraft firefighter and search and rescue team leader.\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 U.S. Postal Service: Responsibilities included setting up mail processing workstations, operating motor vehicles to transport mail\n\t\nwithin the facility and handling mail processing equipment.\nSkills/Membershipis\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient in written and spoken Spanish\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instrument rated pilot \xe2\x80\x93 Land Single Engine Aircraft (170 hours logged)\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)\n\t\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Member, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society\nEmployment History\n\t\nMail Handler\t\n\t\nFlight Deck Director\t\n\nUnited States Postal Service\t\nUnited States Navy\t\n\n11/01 \xe2\x80\x93 02/07\n07/98 \xe2\x80\x93 05/01\n\nthe edge\n\n| 65\n\n\x0cResume\nFor\n\nExperienced Alumni\nMichael Dell\n\nJacksonville, FL 32225\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n(904) 123-4567\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n124 Osprey Way\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida\nBachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science, Minor in Graphic Design\nMajor: GPA 3.87, Overall GPA: 3.65, May 2008\nHonors: Phi Theta Kappa and Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\nCOBOL\t\nVisual Basic\t\nLotus\t\n\nCCS\t\nQbasic\t\nMicrosoft Office\t\n\nAssembler\t\nOracle\t\nPowerPoint\t\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\n\nInformation Resources of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL\nPart-time Programmer, June 2007 - present\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Perform installation procedures, custom programming and testing as required\nBarnett Technologies, Jacksonville, FL\nIntern, August 2006 - December 2006\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Built and installed PCs for staff\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Established user accounts on appropriate networks\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Traced and repaired network problems\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Trouble-shooted various problems with staff computers\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Trained personnel on network and various installed programs\nUNF Career Development Center, Jacksonville, FL\nPart-time Web Master, January 2005 - May 2006\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Worked directly with Director and staff on web page creation and maintenance.\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Developed graphics for various marketing and promotional materials\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nU.S. Navy\nE-8, AWCS Anti-submarine Warfare Operator Technician, 2000-2004\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 National Defense Ribbon\n\t \xe2\x80\xa2 Meritorious Accommodation Medal\nMEMBERSHIPS\nDelta Sigma Pi, 2005- 2008\nUpsilon Pi Epsilon, 2005 - 2008, Coordinator of Special Events, 2006\nStudents in Free Enterprise, 2007 - 2008\n\n66 | the edge\n\nMicrosoft Access\nParadox\nWord Perfect\n\n\x0cA word\n\nABOUT REFERENCES\nShould you list your references\non your resume?\n\nMake certain you tell each reference you intend\nto include his or her name, address, and phone\n\nShould you list your references on your resume?\n\nnumber on your resume. One very effective alter-\n\nExperts disagree, but I think you should list\n\nnative to listing your references directly on your\n\nyour references, either on your resume, or on a\n\nresume is to have a separate \xe2\x80\x9cReference Sheet.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nseparate Reference Sheet, if those references are\n\nIn this way you can send out resumes that do not\n\nrecognizable by name or title. Let me give you an\n\nreveal names and addresses of your references and\n\nexample.\n\nthen present the Reference Sheet at the interview.\nWe had\n\nOr you might decide that some prospective\n\ncompleted his resume, and I asked if he wanted to\n\nemployers should receive references at the same\n\nlist references. \xe2\x80\x9cWhat kind?\xe2\x80\x9d he asked. \xe2\x80\x9cWell,\xe2\x80\x9d I\n\ntime they receive your resume. Then you include\n\nsaid, \xe2\x80\x9cdo you have anybody who would recommend\n\nthe Reference Sheet with the resume.\n\nI was working with a student once.\n\nyou and who is recognizable by name or title? He\nthen proceeded to name a United States Senator\n\nFrom Resumes for Reentry by C. Edward Good\n\nand a United States Congressman whom he had\nknown all his life. Those names, addresses, and\ntelephone numbers went down on his resume.\nIf someone famous will recommend you, put the\n\nUsually, three references are provided. Be sure your\n\nname on your resume. Is it \xe2\x80\x9cname dropping\xe2\x80\x9d to do\n\nname is on the separate Reference Sheet. Example\n\nso? You bet it is. And it works.\n\nof the correct format for listing references:\n\nAlternatively, if someone with a spiffy title will\nrecommend you, put the name, title, address,\n\nThomas English, Ph.D.\n\nand phone number on your resume. Spiffy titles\n\nProfessor of Civil Engineering\n\ninclude: Professor, Dean, President, Owner,\n\nUniversity of North Florida\n\nManager, and so on.\n\nOne UNF Drive\n\nIf you decide to list references, make sure you\npersonally call them and ask their permission.\n\nJacksonville, FL 32224\n(904) 620-1234\n\nthe edge\n\n| 67\n\n\x0cSAMPLE\n\nReference Document\nVinnie Van Gogh\n\n1234 Painters Way\nJacksonville, FL 33224\n(904) 123-4567\[email protected]\nREFERENCES\n\nKen Parker\nDirector\nAmerican Heart Association\n1234 Main Street\nSuite 204\nJacksonville, FL 32211\n904-123-4567\[email protected]\n\nDr. Debra Murphy\nDepartment Chair and Associate Professor (Art History)\nDepartment of Art and Design\nCollege of Arts and Sciences\nUniversity of North Florida\n1 UNF Drive\nJacksonville, FL 32224\n904-620-4037\[email protected]\n\nEllen Housel\nAssistant Professor, Photography\nDepartment of Art and Design\nCollege of Arts and Sciences\nUniversity of North Florida\n1 UNF Drive\nJacksonville, FL 32224\n904-620-4037\[email protected]\n\nDonald Moore\nDivisional Manager\nSoutheastern Customer Service Department\nCitibank\n132 Deerwood Park Drive\nJacksonville, FL 32225\n904-123-5432\[email protected]\n\n68 | the edge'
b'RACHAEL BROWN\n11 Sample St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500\nP: 0411 000 111 | E: [email protected] | Li:\n\nKEY SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCivil/Structural Engineering graduate, with a passion for environmentally sustainable\nconstruction.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nGreat communicator who thrives on collaborative projects. Active member of the Illawarra\nFlame House that won the 2013 Solar Decathlon in Beijing, China.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLeadership and drive: Led a team of 25 multi-disciplinary students to national semi-finals of\n\xe2\x80\x98Enactus\xe2\x80\x99 inter-university challenge.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAccountability: I take work and extra-curricular tasks seriously and deliver my best consistently,\ndemonstrated by sporting, voluntary work and academic achievement.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong proficiency in Excel; Basic user of C and C++ and Microsoft Project.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProficient with CAD, Matlab, Talpac.\n\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Civil Engineering\n\n2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2015\n\nUniversity of Wollongong\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDistinction average (82%)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nHigh Distinctions: Roads Engineering; Geomechanics\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDistinctions: Environmental Engineering Design; Civil Engineering Design\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nUndergraduate Civil Engineer\n\nNov 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Feb 2015\n\nNorthrop Consulting Engineers\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUndertook 12 weeks\xe2\x80\x99 full time professional experience on the Northrop Summer Vacation\nprogram\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCompleted rotations through Building Services, Water Infrastructure and Mechanical Services.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted Senior Civil Engineer on a project to determine the ongoing stability of concrete\nstabilised footpaths around a commercial/retail centre\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nShadowed Associate Engineering Consultants working on an industrial development and\ngained insight into flood planning, the use of fibre reinforced slabs and gantry cranes.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nObserved the preparation, function and process of tender and contract documents in action,\nand assisted Civil Engineers to fulfil these.\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nRACHAEL BROWN, RESUME\n\n\xc2\xa0\n\nPAGE 1 OF 3\n\n\x0cEXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\nStudent Engineer\n\n2012 and 2013\n\nTeam UOW Illawarra Flame House\\n\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nObjective: to \xe2\x80\x98design and construct\xe2\x80\x99 a sustainable, solar powered house, using retrofit\ntechnologies. A team of 40 students from UOW and TAFE Illawarra worked on the house\nwhich won the 2013 Solar Decathlon competition in China.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted in costing estimates for construction materials and researched appliances.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nContributed to final product manual for the house.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nGained amazing exposure to environmentally sustainable design principles and leading\ntechnologies used around the globe.\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\nEngineers Australia, Student Member\nEngineers without Borders, Student Member\nWomen in Engineering, Member - Student Chapter\nADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT\nSales Assistant\n\nJan 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Current\n\nMyer, Wollongong\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCasual position, averaging 15 hours per week, whilst studying\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nServed and interacted with customers in the manchester/bedding area.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nArranged merchandising displays for brand promotion and Myer sales periods.\n\nVOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE\nVice President\n\nMar 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 July 2014\n\nEnactus\nEnactus\xc2\xa0is\xc2\xa0a\xc2\xa0community\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0businesses\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0students\xc2\xa0that\xc2\xa0collaborate\xc2\xa0on\xc2\xa0entrepreneurial\xc2\xa0projects\xc2\xa0that\xc2\xa0\nimprove\xc2\xa0the\xc2\xa0standard\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0living\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0people\xc2\xa0across\xc2\xa0the\xc2\xa0globe.\xc2\xa0\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nActive university role, averaging 2 - 5 hours per week.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nManaged the UOW team Business Advisory Board.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLed and coordinated a team of 25 students in three local volunteer projects.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPresented business models of the volunteer projects to national Enactus conference, and led\nthe team to the national semi-finals.\n\nRACHAEL BROWN, RESUME\n\nPAGE 2 OF 3\n\n\x0cVOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE continued\nJan \xe2\x80\x93 Feb 2013\n\nVolunteer\nInternational Student Volunteers (ISV)\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTwo week visit to Mong Ngok (remote tribal mountain village in north of Thailand).\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted in the construction of a western style toilet block, maintenance of school and in\nteaching English to children at the local school.\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 2013\n\nJuniors Coach\nKiama Netball Club\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCoached junior netball team through four years (7 \xe2\x80\x93 11 yrs).\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWon 2012 and 2013 grand finals.\n\nUniCrew Member\n\n2014 and 2015\n\nCentre for Student Engagement, University of Wollongong\nDescription\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUOW Buddies program: Spent fortnightly lunchtime activity and chat sessions with new\ninternational students to build friendships and a welcoming university environment.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAssisted in the hosting of weekly trivia nights at the University, which involved interacting with\naudiences and some microphone work.\n\nINTERESTS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRepresentative netball u.21\xe2\x80\x99s (Illawarra District Netball Association) 2010 - 2014\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOpen Division Regional State League Player (South Coast) 2015\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYoga (weekly classes for last two years)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRunning (for fitness and wind-down)\n\nREFEREES\nJulia Bloggs\n\nDavid Chee\n\nConsulting Engineer\n\nSales Team Leader\n\nNorthrop Consulting Engineers\n\nMyer\n\nWollongong\n\nWollongong\n\n00 0000 0000\n\n00 0000 0000\n\[email protected]\n\[email protected]\n\nRACHAEL BROWN, RESUME\n\nPAGE 3 OF 3'
b'FUNCTIONAL RESUME EXAMPLE\n\nJOHN I. DOE\nADDRESS\nPHONE # AND E-MAIL\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUMMARY\n(Do not copy verbatim, use your own specialties and experience skills sets, be original. This is purely a hybrid functional resume to bring out your true technical and\norganizational skills for engineering types of positions.)\n\nInspirational leader with seven years experience in fast-paced operations management, engineering problem solving, and\ntechnical training and consulting. Skilled planner and problem solver with demonstrated achievements in process\nimprovement and program management. Team-builder, mentor, and communicator with experience dealing with entry to\nexecutive level professionals.\n\nPERSONAL TRAITS\nHonest and hard working. Innovative thinker, combines a forward looking vision with current technology to solve\nproblems of integration and progression within a competitive organization. Thrives in challenging work environments\nwith the ability to set strategic goals, attains immediate results, and complete a job from start to finish. Creative approach\ncombined with a competitive personality, ranked 1 of 13 and 6 of 62 among peers at the last two organizations.\n(These examples are only guidelines, use your own example, portraying your true technical skills and engineering experiences)\n\nENGINEERING\nThorough knowledge of the design and operation of various engineering plant equipment; such as heat exchangers,\nhydraulic systems, pneumatic systems (high and low pressure air compressors and reducers), steam turbines, diesel\nengines, lube oil systems, pumps (multi-stage centrifugal and positive displacement), valves, water chemistry control,\nelectrical power generation and distribution (AC & DC generators, busswork and breakers), and plant parameter\nmonitoring and control devices (electrical instrumentation systems for level, temperature and flow).\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experienced in preventative and corrective maintenance procedures, the preparation and analyzing of equipment summaries\nand performance logs, and the supervision of overhaul, repairs and testing of mechanical, electrical and structural systems.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Overhaul and upgrade of major propulsion and auxiliary systems in foreign and domestic shipyards.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Experienced in the creation and implementation of quality control work packages, inspection of in-process work, and the\nverification of systems integrity and their subsequent safe operations.\n\nPROGRAM MANAGEMENT: Demonstrated a superior level of leadership and personnel management with the ability to\norganize, coordinate and direct multi-functional teams. Consistently displayed the ability to economize resources while\nmaximizing operational scope and training benefits. Held a wide variety of positions of responsibility. Directed the\nbase\'s $60 million flight simulator program with an annual operating budget of $1.1 million. Responsible for the effective\nand efficient use of the B-1 simulator by more than 130 aircrews. Supervised a "Quality Assurance Program" and over 12\nmilitary/civilian operators and technicians.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAwarded the Meritorious Service Medal for outstanding program management. As a Navy planner, developed the\ncomposition and functions of large, 150+ exercise staffs with $1M+ exercise budgets, in various multi-service exercises\nthroughout Latin America. Coordinated their exercise budgets and effectively integrated Navy teams into the complex multiservice environment.\nNegotiated through substantial bureaucratic and personal obstacles in the development of a highly successful and first ever\ndeployment of Navy reserve divers to Panama. Subsequently established as an annual event, this evolution saves the US\nGovernment hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributory support.\nDeveloped a local B-1 training program saving $110,000 annually in travel expenses.\nResolved discrepancies in software and hardware by coordinating efforts between engineers and operations personnel resulting\nin positive evaluation during a Congressionally mandated B-1 test.\nProvided "team leadership" between maintenance and operators ensuring the highest quality use of the B-1B Defensive\nAvionics Suite through the use of system/operational feedback.\nOrchestrated a fleet wide $3000 B-1B Defensive Avionics Suite change saving $480 million in repair costs over a five-year\nperiod and increased system reliability by 20 percent.\nCatalyst behind implementing war only database in all four Air Force B-1 simulators, ensuring more realistic training for all B1B crewmembers.\n\n\x0cFUNCTIONAL RESUME EXAMPLE\nPROCESS IMPROVEMENT/QUALITY: Well versed in the principles of Total Quality Management and Leadership.\nAwarded two personal decorations (Navy Achievement Medals) for attaining a superior level of quality in maintenance\nand repair of assigned shipboard machinery and equipment.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nImplemented ISO 9000 standards compliance program at Trident Training Facility, Kings Bay, GA.\nMentored and motivated Navy officers through a preparation program required for chief engineer certification. Implemented\nprocess improvements increasing certification rate by 15%.\nProven team builder and motivational leader. Implemented TQM initiatives to technician service process resulting in the\nhighest scores during periodic evaluations.\nEvaluated customer\xe2\x80\x99s operations and provided process improvements to ensure the highest state readiness.\n\nLEADERSHIP/TRAINING: Employs a hands on leadership style that is adaptable to any environment. Supervised\norganizations of up to 150 personnel and provided coordination for groups of up to 200 individuals. Excelled in\ninstructing both individual and group lectures. Firm believer in quality training and constant development of\nsubordinates. Awarded Navy Commendation Medal for leadership and training of the Navy\xe2\x80\x99s reserve augmentation\nforces into the Joint Training Program in the Latin American Theater of operations.\n\nOther skill/experience sets vital to Engineering Opportunities (Expand and add your experiences, the more\ntechnical bullets you can add, the better the resume. The skill areas listed below are more important than the\nones above.):\nMAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT: including new program implementation, improvements, inspections, etc.\nPLANT OPERATIONS:\n\nboth civilian and military\n\nTESTING AND DESIGN:\n\neven education based or intern experiences\n\nWORK HISTORY:\n\n1999 - Present General Electric Power Systems\nCommissioning Engineer, Atlanta, GA\n\nEDUCATION:\n\n1997 - 1999\n\nLead Instructor, Prospective Nuclear Engineer Officer\nNuclear Power Training Facility, Charleston, SC\n\n1993 - 1996\n\nNuclear Plant Manager and Operations Manager (150 personnel)\nUSS Tennessee, SSBN 734, Kings Bay, GA\n\n(Order of importance 1: university degrees, relevant military or civilian engineering courses/schools, leadership schools)\n\nMasters of Science in Engineering Management, 1998\nOld Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, GPA: 3.68\nBS Electrical Engineering, June 1991\nOklahoma University, GPA: 2.87\nRugby Team - Letterman\nNaval Nuclear Power School and Prototype Training Unit, U. S. Navy, 1992, GPA: 3.45, 3.05\n(Graduate level curriculum on the operation and management of nuclear reactor and steam plants.)\nTotal Quality Management/Leadership courses\nQuality Assurance Management Training'
b'Michael Andrews\nGraduate architect\nAREAS OF EXPERTISE\nArchitectural design\nDrafting skills\nPlanning regulations\nHealth & Safety\nStructural engineering\n\nPERSONAL SUMMARY\nA team player with excellent communication skills and academic qualifications,\nwho has recently graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and\nArchitecture.\nPossessing a proven ability to ensure projected architectural designs are\nfunctional, safe and economical and meet the needs of the client. Excellent\ncommunication skills to keep in touch with clients to ensure that the project\ndesigns match their needs\nEasy going by nature and able to get along with both work colleagues and\nsenior managers, currently looking for a suitable architect position.\n\nFeasibility studies\nSurveying\n\nACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS\nBuilding regulations\nSustainable environmental\nsolutions\nSite inspections\n\nCivil Engineering with Architecture (BEng)\nCardiff East University 2007 - 2010\n\n2:2\n\nRIBA Part I & II (Distinction)\nA levels:\nMaths (A) English (B) Technology (B) Science (C)\nCardiff College 2006 - 2007\n\nCAD\nPhotoshop\n\nGCSE:\nMaths (B) English (C) Physics (C) Geography (A)\nMount Pleasant School 2005 - 2006\n\nCAREER STATEMENT\n\nCAREER HISTORY\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cI feel that my three greatest\nstrengths are firstly my ability\nto have a clear understanding\nof the needs of client. Secondly\nthe satisfaction I get from being\ninvolved in a building project.\nFinally my passion for being\ninvolved in creating buildings\nthat could last for decades and\nknowing that they will make a\npositive impact on peoples lives\nand the environment..\xe2\x80\x9c\n\nBarton Primary School - Salford\nARCHITECT (TEMPORARY)\n\nMichael Andrews\n\nApril 2010 - Present\n\nEmployed with a small architects firm and currently involved in working on a\nvariety of exciting new projects throughout the UK.\nDuties:\nWorking closely with other professionals like surveyors and civil engineers.\nProducing drawings and specifications for construction teams\nInvolved in designing student campus accommodation and associated facilities.\nIdentifying customer requirements and attending meetings on site.\nHelping to co-ordinate technicians and craftspeople.\nAssessing the impact a building will have on the local environment.\nEnsuring building projects are completed within budget and schedule.\nLiaising with local authorities and regulatory bodies re: building regulations.\nHelping to prepare company tender applications.\nWriting design and technical reports.\nAn understanding of all aspects of the design and procurement process.\nExcellent interpersonal and presentation skills.\nResponsible for specifying the nature and quality of materials required..\n\n\x0cPROFESSIONAL\n\nVOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE\nAnimal Welfare Charity - Cardiff\n\nFirst Aid Certificate\n\nWEB DESIGNER AND VOLUNTEER\n\nFire Marshall\n\nAs a unpaid volunteer helped to design, create and also maintain the charities\nwebsite. Also carried out general administrative duties in the office like filing,\nphotocopying etc.\n\nEuropean Computer\nDriving Licence (ECDL)\n\nSummer 2009\n\nDuties:\n\nPERSONAL SKILLS\nAn eye for detail\nExcellent communicator\nTactful & articulate\n\nGeneral administrative duties in the office.\nOrganising and participating in fundraising activities.\nCreating a logo for the charity.\nUpdating the website with relevant news and information.\nLaunching a email campaign.\nKeeping databases and spreadsheets up to date.\nOccasionally working at the charity shop.\nWorking on the reception desk answering phone calls.\nAttending volunteer recruitment evenings.\nVisiting the charities rescue centre and attending to injured animals.\nHelping to nurse sick animals.\n\nProblem solving\nExcellent organisational skills\n\nPERSONAL DETAILS\nMichael Andrews\n7 Anywhere Street\nCardiff\nC14 8LR\nT: 0191 211 2223\nM: 0766 000 3333\nE:\[email protected]\nDOB: 12/05/1987\nDriving license: Yes\nNationality: British\n\nPERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES\nSound knowledge of Building Regulations and British Standards.\nProficient with Vectorworks and knowledge of Microstation or AutoCad.\nHaving the ability to think and create in three dimensions.\nAble to work as part of a team or individually.\nAbility to prioritize and plan effectively.\nCAD proficient and have good design & technical skills.\nFlexible and willing to travel..\nAn ability to withstand a pressured team.\nEnsuring confidentiality at all times.\nAble to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.\nIn-depth understanding of the construction industry.\nAble to resolve problems and issues that arise during construction.\nCompetent with dealing with letters, emails and telephone queries.\nFully aware or all Health & Safety regulations and requirements.\n\nREFERENCES - Available on request.\n\nCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 This CV template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd August 2010. Jobseekers may download and use this CV example for their\nown personal use to help them create their own CVs. You are most welcome to link to this page or any other page on our site\ However these CVs must not be distributed or made available on other websites without our prior\npermission. For any questions relating to the use of this CV template please email: [email protected].'
b'V. Vineet Kumar\n\nB.Tech (Hons.) , Electrical Engineering\nContact No. : E-mail:- [email protected]\nPresent Address:\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nTo work in a firm with a professional work driven environment where I can utilize and apply my\nknowledge, skills which would enable me as a fresh graduate to grow while fulfilling organizational\ngoals.\nBASIC ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS\nQualification\nB.Tech (Electrical\nEngineering)\nIntermediate\nHigh School\n\nBoard/University\n\nYear\n\nPercentage\n\nLovely Professional University\n\n2008-2011\n\n10/10\n\nISC\nBishop Westcott boys school\nICSE\nCarmel school\n\n2008\n\n86%\n\n2006\n\n91%\n\nEXPERIENTIAL LEARNING (SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM)\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCompany Name\nProject Title\nDuration\n\n:- Jaffer Electricals Pvt. Ltd.\n:- Design of High Power Switch\n:- one Months (24th May\xe2\x80\x9910 to 24th june\xe2\x80\x9910)\n\nPROJECTS REPORT\n\xef\x81\xb6 Thermal Power Plant (NTPC)\n\nIT PROFICIENCY\n\xef\x81\xb6 Auto CAD (Electrical)\n\xef\x81\xb6 Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Power Point\n\xef\x81\xb6 Internet Browsing\n\xef\x81\xb6 Language: C++ , C\n\xef\x81\xb6 General and graphic application: HTML, JAVA Script\n\nVisit for More Resumes.\n\n\x0cCO-/EXTRA \xe2\x80\x93CURRICULAR ACTIVITIE\n\xef\x81\xb6 Executive Member of sport Committee in bishop Westcott boy\xe2\x80\x99s school.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Executive Member of Event Organizing Committee in Lovely Professional University\nACHIEVEMENTS\n\xef\x81\xb6 Won a bronze medal in relay in zonal in year 2007.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Actively participated in various sports activities for inter school.\n\nINTERPERSONAL SKILL\n\xef\x81\xb6 Ability to rapidly build relationship and set up trust.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Confident and Determined\n\xef\x81\xb6 Ability to cope up with different situations.\n\nREFERENCES\nSachin Sharma, Head of Department, School of Electrical Engineering, LPU.\nThamarai Selvan, Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, LPU\nRashmi Misra Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, LPU\nPERSONAL DETAILS\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\xef\x81\xb6\n\nFather\xe2\x80\x99s Name\nPermanent Address\nDate of Birth\nLanguage Known\nMarital Status\nNationality/Religion\nInterest & Hobbies\n\n:::::::-\n\n26thJanurary 1990\nEnglish & Hindi\nSingle\nIndian /\nInternet browsing ,dance, badminton and reading novel\n\nDECLARATION\nI do hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.\n\nPlace:\nDate:\n\nV. Vineet Kumar\n(Signature)\n\nVisit for More Resumes.'
b'Sample Resume\n1234 Street \xef\x82\xa8 A Town, CA 90000 \xef\x82\xa8 310-123-1234 \xef\x82\xa8 [email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nAn internship position in field of mechanical engineering.\nEDUCATION\nLoyola Marymount University (LMU), Los Angeles, CA\nBachelor of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering\n\nMay 2011\n\nRELATED PROJECTS\nMini Baja: Designed, constructed & raced motorized vehicle in regional competition; team placed 42nd\nLighter Than Air Vehicle: Designed & built vehicle under specific constraints to deliver payload from point A to B\n\nEXPERIENCES\nTeaching Assistant\nLMU Science and Engineering Department, Los Angeles, CA\n\xef\x82\xa8 Collaborate with faculty to develop classroom presentations in their absence\n\xef\x82\xa8 Provide tutoring for students\n\xef\x82\xa8 Maintained class grades\nCorporate and Personal Assistant\nComedy Workshops Production, Venice, CA\n\xef\x82\xa8 Track all accounts receivable and payable for company and personal finances\n\xef\x82\xa8 Recruit and publicize class openings and corporate speaking engagements\n\xef\x82\xa8 Maintain and organize class rosters, personal files and schedules\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nResearch Assistant\nSummer 2008\nLMU Science and Engineering Department, Los Angeles, CA\n\xef\x82\xa8 Gathered information for research papers on mechanical engineering topics, resulting in publication\n\xef\x82\xa8 Collaborated with co-writers, researchers and faculty to produce publication\n\xef\x82\xa8 Edited/rewrote articles per journal specifications\nAdministrative Assistant\nLMU Student Employment Services, Los Angeles, CA\n\xef\x82\xa8Performed general clerical duties\n\xef\x82\xa8Assisted with the hiring of work-study students\n\xef\x82\xa8Organized and maintained files\n\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\n\nCOMPUTER SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xa8 Engineering Software: Mathlab, AutoCAD, Pro-Engineering, & Working Model\n\xef\x82\xa8 Microsoft Office:\nWorks, Words, Excel, Spreadsheet and Power Point\n\xef\x82\xa8 General Office Software: Quicken 2008, ACT, Access and some basic web design knowledge'
b'Cindy Carmichael\n123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122\nHome: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000\[email protected]\nProfessional Summary\nDetermined Automotive Mechanical Engineer who consistently applies a variety of skills and\ndisciplines to thoroughly and accurately complete a wide selection of jobs. Skilled in hybrid\nvehicles electrical engineering and aerodynamics. Specialize in powertrain dynamics vehicle\nstructure principles and automotive refinement.\nCore Qualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Ricardo Wave and Matlab\n\xef\x82\xb7 HyperMesh\n\xef\x82\xb7 AutoCAD Catia and StarCCM+\n\xef\x82\xb7 All-terrain and sport-suspension standards and testing modules\n\xef\x82\xb7 Anses and Pro-E\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advanced manufacturing processes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Team management and coaching\n\xef\x82\xb7 Presentations and public speaking\nExperience\nAutomotive Mechanical Engineer\n1/1/2007 - 8/1/2014\nSEA\nRichmond, VA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed failure/accident analysis and conducted field investigations for mechanical\nequipment incidents involving any/all vehicles.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Executed all major computer analysis for vehicle accident recreation and mechanical failure\nreports.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Inspected all fuel delivery systems for safety design and failure as well as all hybrid concepts\nfor fabrication issues.\n\nAutomotive Mechanical Engineer\n3/1/2003 - 12/1/2006\nChase Racing\nIndianapolis, IN\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Authored all reports for mechanical testing results including providing presentations to\naudiences varying in technical knowledge and skills.\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7 Performed system simulation and CFD analysis of hydraulic and air-pressured automotive\ncomponents.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted multiple training and improvement seminars for engineers and technicians in the\nautomotive engineering department to improve testing efficiencies.\n\nAutomotive Mechanical Engineer\n7/1/1995 - 4/1/2003\nNissan USA\nDetroit, MI\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led an R&D team to produce a comprehensive manual for best practices through the NHTSA\nand Department of Public Safety studies and findings.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Subject Matter Expert for legal audits inspections and testimonials.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Tasked with client acquisition development retention and education when pertaining to\nengineering specifications in all departments.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a training manual for all engineering new hires and interns.\n\nEducation\nDegree\nXXXX - XXXX\nUniversity\nCity, State'
b'Allyhunt: Sample Resume for Fresh Graduate\n\nRazak Bin Mohamed Radzi\nNo. 76, Jalan Tasek 25\nBandar Seri Alam,\n81750 Masai, Johor\nContact No.: 012-768 8829\nEmail Address: [email protected]\n\nObjective\nApply and contribute engineering knowledge to fulfill company\xe2\x80\x99s objectives in their engineering\ndevelopment.\n\nProfile Summary\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nA fresh graduate in mechanical engineering field and completed a final year research based\nproject that specializes on the influence of lubricant content on the mechanical properties of iron\npowder compacts generated through warm forming route.\nAbility to lead and work with people well as evidenced by my active participation in campus\nactivities.\n\nWork Experience 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2009\nIntern, Cal Dynamics Sdn Bhd\nApr \xe2\x80\x93 June 2009\nJob Level\nIntern/Trainee\nJob type\nInternship\nIndustry\nEngineering\nJob Specialization\nEngineering-Mechanical\nMonthly Allowance\nRM700\nJob Responsibilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Learn to design and implemented a new mixed-model assembly\nline to accommodate a new product.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Help to re-organize an inventory system to prevent material\nshortages.\n\nClerk, Kilat Berjaya Sdn Bhd\nNov \xe2\x80\x93 Dec 2007\nJob Level\nJob type\nIndustry\nJob Specialization\nMonthly Salary\nJob Responsibilities\n\nNon-Executive\nPart-time\nTrading\nGeneral Administration\nRM800\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Deal with suppliers on stationery order and office equipment\nmaintenance and repairs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Data entry and filing work\n\n\x0cAllyhunt: Sample Resume for Fresh Graduate\n\nAcademic Qualifications\nUniversity Tenaga Nasional, Putrajaya\nBachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Jan 2010\nCGPA: 3.10\n\nFinal Year Project\nResearch based project:The influence of lubricant content on the mechanical properties of iron powder compacts generated\nthrough warm forming route.\n\nExtra-Curricular Activities\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n2007 to 2009 - President of The Mechanical Engineering Society\n2008 - Treasurer of the Students\xe2\x80\x99 Representative Council\n\nSkills\nSkill\nPro Engineering (PTC) 3D CAD\nAutocad 2007\nMicrosoft Office (Word, Excel,\nPowerpoint)\n\nProficiency\nIntermediate\nIntermediate\nAdvanced\n\nYears of experience\n1\n1\n5\n\nLanguages (0=Poor, 5=Excellent)\nLanguage\nBahasa Malaysia\nEnglish\n\nSpoken Proficiency\n5\n4\n\nOther Particulars\nDate of birth\nNationality\nMyKad/Passport\nGender\nMarital Status\nWillingness to travel/relocate\nOwn transport\nExpected Salary\nAvailability\n\n22nd October 1987\nMalaysia\n871022-14-5472\nMale\nSingle\nWill consider\nNo\nNegotiable\nImmediate\n\nWritten Proficiency\n5\n4'
b'CURRICULUM VITAE\n1. NAME:\n\nAnoop Chawla\n\n2. CURRENT POSITION and ADDRESS:\nHenry Ford Chair and Professor,\nDepartment of Mech. Engineering\nIndian Institute of Technology,\nHauzkhas, New Delhi 110016.\nemail: [email protected]\nPhone: 91-11-26591058 (W)\n91-11-26857840 (H)\n3. PERMANENT ADDRESS:\nc/o Shri MM Chawla.\nA 491, Shahpura\nBhopal 462016, INDIA\n4. DATE OF BIRTH:\n\n28th August, 1964.\n\n5. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS:\n1. PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 1993, Broad Area / Keywords: Artificial\nIntelligence, Model based reasoning, Topic of the thesis: Model Building Approach to\nconfigurational design: Relating multile levels of knowledge, Under the supervision\nof: Prof R Sangal, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.\n2. Btech (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1985 CGPA\n9.49 on a 10 pt scale.\n6. WORK EXPERIENCE:\n1. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology\nDelhi, Hauzkhas, New Delhi, October 2006 onwards.\n2. Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of\nTechnology Delhi, Hauzkhas, New Delhi, January 2000 to October 2006.\n3. Visiting Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of\nIllinois at Urbana Champaign, Aug 1999 to Dercmeber 1999.\n4. Assitant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of\nTechnology Delhi, Hauzkhas, New Delhi, May 1993 to January 2000.\n5. Assistant Engineer, at the CAD unit of Tata Iron and Steel Co Ltd, Jamshedpur, from\nJuly 1985 to December 1990.\n\n\x0c6A. Administrative Experience\n1. Incharge, Design Group, Mechanical Engineering Department. 2007 onwards\n2. Program coordinator, Mtech (Design of Mechanical Equipment), 2002-2005.\n3. In charge of various labs in Dept of Mech Engg, IIT Delhi.\n4. Chairman, Timetabling Committee, IIT Delhi. 1998-1999.\n5. Secretary Faculty Board, Mech Engg Dept., IIT Delhi. 1997 \xe2\x80\x93 1999.\n6. President, Mechanical Crasfts Society, IIT Delhi, 1996 \xe2\x80\x93 1999.\n7. Chairman, Grades and Registration, IIT Delhi, 1996 \xe2\x80\x93 1998.\n8. Member Library Computerization Minotoring Committee, IIT Delhi, -96\n9. Secrtetary, Department Research Committee, ME Dept IIT Delhi. 1995 - 1997.\n10. Warden, Karakoram Hostel, IIT Delhi, 1995 - 1998\n7. AREAS OF INTEREST:\nMy areas of interest include Impact Biomechanics, Modeling in CAD / CAM / CAE,\nArtificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics and Design Methodology, and. Some of the\ndetailed topics are as follows:\n1. Impact Biomechanics, FE Modeling of the human body under dynamic\nconditions, Modeling of vehicles for safety in crashes.\n2. Modeling in CAD / CAM / CAE: Modeling using Finite elements and rigid body\ndynamics, Computer integrated manufacturing, Design Methodology.\n3. Computer Graphics and related areas: Surface and solid modeling Computational\ngeometry, and Computer aided design.\n4. Artificial Intelligence related areas: Knowledge based systems, Model based\nreasoning, Knowledge acquisition, Machine learning, object oriented\nprogramming, Knowledge Based systems applications in engineering (in design,\nin engineering diagnostics, in manufacturing etc).\n8. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES:\ni. Fellow, Institution of Engineers, India\nii. Fellow, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers of India.\niii. Member, Americal Society of Mechanical Engineers\niv. Member, Society of Automotive Engineers\nv. Member Indian Society of Mechcnical Engineers(ISME)\nvi. Editor, Indian Journal of Biomechanics\n9. COURSES TAUGHT:\nUndergraduate Level:\ni.\nComputer Aided Mechanical Design (Btech ME elective, 400 level)\nii.\nKnowledge Based Systems Applications in Mechanical Engineering (Btech ME /\nMF elective, 400 level)\niii. Computer Integrated Manufacture (shared) (Btech MF core, 400 level)\n\n\x0civ.\nv.\nvi.\nvii.\nviii.\nix.\nx.\n\nMachine Design (shared) (Btech ME core, 300 level)\nMachine Design Lab (shared) (Btech ME core, 300 level)\nMechanical Vibrations (shared) (Btech ME / MF elective, 400 level)\nInstrumentation and Control, (Btech ME core, 300 level)\nGraphic Science (I & II), (shared) (Btech all disciplines, core, 100 level)\nMachine Design (Core for ME and PF, 200 level)\nComputer Graphics (300 level, for Computer Science and other engineering\nstudents at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)\nxi. File Systems (300 level, for non-Computer Science students at the University of\nIllinois at Urbana Champaign)\n(ME: Mechanical Engineering; MF: Manufacturing Science and Engineering)\nPost Graduate level:\ni.\nComputer Graphics (Mtech equiv, Advanced level course in Computer science\norganized by Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)\nii.\nArtificial Intelligence (Mtech equiv, Advanced level course in Computer science\norganized by Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)\niii. Computer Aided Mechanical Design (core course of MTech- Design of Mechanical\nEquipment).\niv. Computer Graphics (for Computer Science and other engineering students at the\nUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)\nv.\nFile Systems (for non-Computer Science students at the University of Illinois at\nUrbana Champaign)\nIndustry oriented courses\ni.\nAn Introduction to Finite Elements (shared)\nii.\nCAD / CAM (shared)\niii. Vehicle Crashworthiness and Safety Standards (shared)\niv. International course on prevention and control of traffic accidents and injuries\n(Selected lectures on use of computer modeling for safe design of vehicles)\nv.\nTraining in CAD / CAM / CAE using Pro/Engineer.\nvi. Co-cordinator of QIP course on CAD\n10. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT RELATED WORK:\ni.\nSetup a new lab for work in the area of vehicle crash simulation.\nii.\nSet up a new lab for work in the area of \xe2\x80\x9cAI / Simulation / Robotics / CAD\n/ CAM\xe2\x80\x9d\nii.\nSet up a new lab for teaching CAD / Computer Graphics to over 85\npersons simultaneously : Computer Aided Graphics Instruction Lab.\n11. CONFERENCES / SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED:\ni.\nMember Program Committee, 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial\nIntelligence (IICAI-07) to be held in Pune in December 2007\nii.\nMember Review Committee, International Conference on Cognitive Systems,\nheld in New Delhi December 2005.\n\n\x0ciii.\niv.\nv.\nvi.\nvii.\nviii.\nix.\nx.\nxi.\nxii.\nxiii.\n\nMember National Advisory Committee and Review Committee, Advances in\nMechanical Engineering Conference, held at Jamia Millia Islamia, January 2006.\nMember Organizing Committee, National Conference of machines and\nmecanisms, NACOMM, December 2003.\nCo-coordinator of QIP course on CAD, December 1997.\nMember Organizing Committee, 11th ISME Conference, 3-5th February, 1999, IIT\nNew Delhi.\nMember Organizing Committee, Indian Conference on Computer Vision,\nGraphics and Image Processing, December 21-23 1999, IIT New Delhi.\nOrganized a "Technology Appreciation Seminar in CAD" on October 10, 1998.\nVice chairman of the 4th AI in Design Conference held at Lisbon, Portugal, from\n20-23 July 1998.\nMember, Organizing Committee, IUTAM-IITD International Winter School on\nOptimum Dynamic Design (INSODYD), December 15-19, 1997, IIT Delhi.\nVice chairman of the 3rd AI in Design Conference held at Stanford, USA, from\n24-27 June 1996.\nMember of advisory committee of the 2nd AI in Design Conference held at CMU,\nPittsburg, in June 1994.\nCoordinator of workshop on \xe2\x80\x9cSystems approach to manufacturing\ncompetetiveness - Scope for Industry Institute interaction\xe2\x80\x9d, Department of\nMechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1994.\n\n12. AWARDS WON:\ni. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Prize given by Institute of Engineers, 2007 for the paper\ntitled \xe2\x80\x9cMechanicalProperties of the Human Body Soft Tissues in the Head, Neck and\nSpine\xe2\x80\x9d.\nii. The AICTE career award for young scientists for the year 1998.\niii. The NK Iyengar memorial medal for the paper titled "Expert System for DFM of Die\nCast Components" published in the Insititution of Engineers Journal, Vol 78,\nFebruary 1998.\n13. LIST OF PATENTS:\ni.\nii.\niii.\niv.\nv.\n\nA Folding/Unfolding Transport Container and A Method of Folding and\nUnfolding a Transport Container (Folding Container), Filed in India. Also filed in\nUSA, EU, China, Japan, Singapore, Hongkong.\nAn Apparatus and A Method for Folding and Unfolding a Foldable Transport\nContainer (PCT/IN2008/000157), Filed in India. Also filed in USA, EU, China,\nJapan, Singapore, Hongkong.\nA folding mechanism for folding flat structures, filed in India.\nHinge Joint System, Provisional application filed in India.\nLocking System for Hinges, Provisional application filed in India.\n\n\x0c14. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS:\nList of papers in journals: (Accepted / Published)\n1. A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, Effect of muscle contraction on the lower\nlimb response in low speed carpedestrian lateral impact - simulations for a walking\npedestrian, Vol 14, No 4, International Journal of Crashworthiness, pp 1754-2111\n\n2. S Mukherjee, Chawla A, A road crash reconstruction technique, Vol 91, July\n2010, Institute of Engineers Journal, pp 3-8.\n3. A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, Effect of muscle contraction in high\nspeed car-pedestrian impact - simulations for walking posture, Accepted for\nInternational Journal of Vehicle Safety.\n4. Jani D, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Goyal R, Nataraju V, Repositioning the Human\nBody Lower Extremity FE Model, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars \xe2\x80\x93\nMechanical Systems, Volume 2 No 1, pp 1024-1030, October 2009.\n5. Soni A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Malhotra R, Response of tonic lower limb FE\nmodel in various real life car-pedestrian impact configurations \xe2\x80\x93 a parametric\nstudy for standing posture, Int. J. Vehicle Safety, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2009, pp 14-28.\n6. Soni A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Malhora R, Response of lower limb in full scale\ncar-pedestrian low speed lateral impact- Influence of muscle contraction,\nInternational Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 14, No. 4, August 2009, 339\xe2\x80\x93348.\n7. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Karthikeyan B, Characterization of human passive\nmuscles for impact loads using genetic algorithm and inverse finite element\nmethods, Biomechanics and modelling in mechanobiology, Volume 9, Issue 1,\npage 67-76.\n8. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Iyer SK, Use of optimization to position dummies in\ncrash simulations, Institute of Engineers Journal, Vol 89, July 2008, pp 42-46.\n9. Subhash Wadhwa, Bibhushan, Jitendra Madaan and Anoop Chawla, An objectoriented framework for modelling control policies in a supply chain, Accepted for\npublication in Int J of Value Chain Mngmt\n10. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Soni A and Malhotra R, Effect of active muscle forces\non knee injury risks for pedestrian standing posture at low speed impacts, Vol 9,\nNo. 6, 2008, Traffic Injury and Prevention, pp 544-551.\n11. Chawla A, Soni A and Mukherjee S, Effect of active muscles on knee ligament\nforces during impact, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 39, Suppl 1, 2006, P-S160.\n12. Karthikeyan B, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, Inverse finite element\ncharacterization of soft tissues using genetic algorithm, Journal of Biomechanics,\nVol 39, Suppl 1, 2006, P-S491.\n13. Karthikeyan B, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Malhotra R, Inverse Finite Element\nCharacterization of Soft Tissues Using Impact Experiments and Taguchi Methods,\nTransactions Journal of Passenger Cars \xe2\x80\x93 Mechanical Systems, SAE 2006, SAE\npaper No 2006-01-252.\n\n\x0c14. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Snarma A, An algorithm for optimized generation of\na finite element mesh for folded airbags, International Journal of Crashworthiness,\nVol 10, No 3, 2005, pp 2459-266.\n15. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, A review of the mechanical properties of\nhuman body soft tissues in the head, neck and spine, Institute of Engineers\nJournal, Vol 87, November 2006, pp 10-24.\n16. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, A review of the mechanical properties of\nhuman body soft tissues in the chest, abdomen and upper extremity, Institute of\nEngineers Journal, Vol 87, November 2006, pp 3-9\n17. S. Mukherjee, A. Chawla, J. Jangra, Issues in ALE simulation of airbags, to\nappear in the International Journal of Crashworthiness??\n18. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D and Nayak A, Investigating the rollover\npropensity of a 15 seater mini bus, The International Journal of Vehicle Safety,\nVol 2, Nos \xc2\xbd, 2007.\n19. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Nayak A and Mohan D, Rollover crashworthiness of a\nrural transport vehicle using Madymo, Intenational Journal of Crashworthiness,\n2006, Vol 11 No 5, pp 495-503.\n20. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, and Iyer SK, Positioning of motorcycle dummies in\ncrash simulations, Intenational Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol 11 No 4, pp337343, 2006.\n21. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Mohan D, Chandrawat S and Kumar V, Predicting throw\ndistance variations in Bicycle crashes, International Journal of Vehicle Safety, Vol\n1, No 4, 2006.\n22. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, Soni A, Mohan D, Finite element crash\nsimulations of the human body: Passive and active muscle modeling, Saadhana,\nVol 32, No 4, pp 409-426, August 2007\n23. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Chawla A and Mohan D, Motorcycle safety device\ninvestigation: A case study on airbags, Saadhana, Vol 32, No 4, pp 427-444,\nAugust 2007.\n24. Mukherjee S, Gawade T, Chawla A and Mohan D Three-wheeled scooter taxi: A\nsafety analysis, Saadhana, Vol 32, No 4, pp 459-478, August 2007.\n25. A. Chawla, Sandeep Kadam, Singh S .P, Dynamic modelling based optimal\ndesign of a crash helmet, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 3, Nos.\n1-4, 2006, to be published,\n26. Darpe A K, Gupta K, Chawla A, Dynamics of a Bowed Rotor with a Transverse\nSurface Crack, accepted for publicationin Journal of sound and vibration\n\n27. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, and Sharma A, Development of FE meshes for folded\nairbags, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2005, Vol 10, No 3, pp 259266.\n28. Chawla A, Bhosale PV, Mukherjee S, Modeling of Passenger side Airbag mesh,\nSAE Paper No 2005-26-059.\n29. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D, Bose D, Rawat P, Nakatani T and Sakurai M,\nFE Simulations of motorcycle car frontal crashes, validations and observations,\nInternational Journal of Crashworthiness, 2005, Vol 10, No 4, pp 319-326.\n\n\x0c30. A. Chawla, S. Mukherjee, D. Mohan, Dipan Bose, Prakash Rawat, M. Sakurai, T.\nNakatani, FE Simulations of Car \xe2\x80\x93 Motor cycle frontal crashes, Jari Research\nJournal, 2004, Vol 26 No 10, pp 37-43.\n31. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Mesh Generation for folded airbags,\nComputer Aided Design and Applications, Vol 1 No 1-4, P269-276, 2004.\n32. Darpe AK, Gupta K, Chawla A, Transient response and breathing behaviour of a\ncracked Jeffcott rotor, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 272 (1-2):\n207-243 APR 22 2004\n33. Darpe AK, Gupta K, Chawla A, Coupled bending, longitudinal and torsional\nvibrations of a cracked rotor, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 269 (12): 33-60 JAN 6 2004\n34. A.K.Darpe, K.Gupta and A.Chawla, Experimental Investigation of the response of\na cracked rotor to periodic axial excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol\n260 (2003), p 265-286.\n35. A.K.Darpe, K.Gupta and A.Chawla, Dynamics of a two crack rotor, Journal of\nSound and Vibration, Vol 259, No 3, 2003 pp 229-235.\n36. Dileep Kumar, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, T Nakatani and M Ueno, Prediction of\nCrushing behaviour of honeycomb structures, International Journal of\nCrashwortiness, Vol 8, No 3, 2003, pp 229-235.\n37. J. S. Rao, Ashish K Darpe, A. Chawla, Kapil Bharati, D.A.Roy, C.K. Pithawa,\nUmesh Chandra, A. Rama Rao, N.P.S. Gill, " Development Of Online Diagnostic\nSystem Software For Turbogenerator Set Of Kakarapara Atomic Power Station",\nAdvances in Vibration Engineering, Vol 1, no 4, 2003, p 305-321.\n38. AK Darpe, A Chawla and K Gupta, Analysis of the response of a cracked Jeffcot\nrotor to axial excitation, Vol 249 No 3, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002.\n39. Rao JS, Pathak A, Chawla A, Blade life: A comparison by cumulative damage\ntheories, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWERTRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 123 (4): 886-892 OCT 2001\n40. NAKATANI T, SAKURAI M, CHAWLA A and MUKHERJEE S, A\nmethodology for Motorcycle-vehicle Crash Simulation-Development of\nMotorcycle Computer Simulation Model, Jari research Journal, Vol.23, No.10,\np28-35, 2001\n41. Chawla A, Mukherjee, S, Mohan D, Singh M, Sakurai M and Nakatani T, \xe2\x80\x9cA\nMethodology for car \xe2\x80\x93 motorcycle crash simulation, Jari Research Journal, 2001,\nVol 23, No 2, pp 18-21.\n42. A Chawla, Dinesh Mohan, Vivek Sharma and Janusz Kajzer, Safer Truck front\ndesign for pedestrian impacts, Journal of crash prevention and injury control,\nMarch 2000, Vol 2(1), pp 33-43.\n43. KR Bhupal Reddy, D Prasad Raju, S Wadhwa and A Chawla, Applications of\nSimulated annealing to the cell formation, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol\nXXIX, No 8, August 2000, pp 2-26.\n44. KR Bhupal Reddy, S Wadhwa and A Chawla, Application of back propagation\nartificial neural networks in cellular manufacturing, Journal of Production\nEngineering, Institution of Engineers (I), v80, November 1999,\npp.43-46. ***Awarded Certificate of Merit***\n\n\x0c45. A Chawla, K Raviraju and Amit Gupta, Expert System for DFM of Die Cast\nComponents, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, India,\nVol 78, February 1998.\n46. A Chawla, D Mohan and V Sharma, Computer simulation of bus roll over\ncrashes, Indian Journal of Transport Management, March, 1998, Vol. 22(3), pp\n135-142.\n47. D Mohan, J Kajzer, KS Bawa Bhalla and A Chawla, Imact Modeling Studies for a\nthree wheeled scooter taxi, Journal of Accident analysis and Prevention, Vol 29,\nNo 2, 1997, PP161-170.\nSubmitted\n1. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Hassan AH, Grover V, Ng E, Car Accident\nReconstruction and Head Injury Correlation, submitted to Institute of Engineers\nJournal of India.\n2. Soni A, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Effects of boundary conditions in dynamic tests\nfor pedestrian safety \xe2\x80\x93 A FE simulation study, submitted to the International\nJournal of Vehicle Safety.\n3. Soni A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Malhotra R, Effect of impactor mass on the\nresponse of knee joint during FE simulations, submitted to the Indian Journal of\nBiomechanics.\n4. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, A review of the mechanical properties of\nhuman body soft tissues in the lower extremity, submitted to the Institute of\nEngineers Journal\n5. Karthikeyan B, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, Malhotra R, Determining strain rate\ndependency in human muscles by using quasi-static and impact experiments,\nsubmitted to the Jounrl aof Biomechanics.\n6. Karthikeyan B, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, Malhotra R, Determining strain rate\ndependency in human muscles by using quasi-static and impact experiments,\nsubmitted to the Journal of Biomechanics\n7. Karthikeyan B, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, Material Characterization of Soft Tissues Under\nImpact, Submitted to the International Journal of Vehicle Safety.\n\n8. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, A review of the mechanical properties of\nhuman body soft tissues in the lower extremity, submitted to the Institute of\nEngineers Journal\nList of papers in Conferences: (Accepted / Published)\n1. D Jani, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, R Goyal, R Khatri, N Vusirikala, S\nJayaraman, Repositioning the human body fe model at the hip (femuropelvic)\njoint, IRCOBI 2010.\n2. R Marathe, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhiotra, Prediction of lumbar spine\nposture for repositioning of spinal fe model, IRCOBI 2010\n3. A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhiotra, Lateral bending moment threshold\nof the knee joint \xe2\x80\x93 effects of active muscles, IRCOBI 2010.\n\n\x0c4. A Chawla, WJA Mike, S Mukherjee, Predicting Fracture in Human Bones under\nImpact, World Congress on Biomechanics, 2010.\n5. A Soi, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, Repositioning methodology for fehbm pelvis flesh to account for upper extremity posture change, submitted to the\nSAE World Congress 2011.\n6. Mike WJA, S Mukherjee, A Chawla, Reconstructing fracture progression in\nimpact, ESAR Conference 2010.\n7. Teja K, S Mukherjee, A Chawla, Elastic response of bones at varying strain rates,\nESAR Conference 2010\n8. Jain A, Mukherjee S and Chawla A, \xe2\x80\x9cParameter Estimation for a CMM for bones\xe2\x80\x9d\nProceedings of the 4th National Conference on Instrumentation and Control\nEngineering ICECON \xe2\x80\x9909, Dec 2009, pg 71-74.\n9. A Chawla, S Mukherjee, H Warhatkar, R Malhotra, \xe2\x80\x9cDynamic characterization of\nbovine medial Collateral ligaments\xe2\x80\x9d IRCOBI Conference Proceedings.\nInternational Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, York, Sep 2009,\npp 109-113,\n10. Anurag Soni, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra, \xe2\x80\x9cEffect of\nmuscle contraction in high speed car pedestrian impact \xe2\x80\x93Simulations for\nwalking posture\xe2\x80\x9d, IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. International Research\nCouncil on the Biomechanics of Injury, York, Sep 2009, pp 237-250\n11. Dhaval Jani, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rahul Goyal, V Nataraju\n\xe2\x80\x9cHuman body FE model repositioning: a step towards posture Specific \xe2\x80\x93 human\nbody models (PS-HBM)\xe2\x80\x9d, IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. International\nResearch Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, York, Sep 2009, pp 327-340\n12. Anurag Soni, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra \xe2\x80\x9cEffect Of\nMuscle Contraction In Low Speed Car-Pedestrian Impact \xe2\x80\x93 Simulations For\nWalking Posture\xe2\x80\x9d, 21st ESV, Stuttgart, June 2009, Paper Number 09-0366-O\n13. Anurag Soni, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra , \xe2\x80\x9cSensitivity\nAnalysis of Muscle Parameters and Identification of Effective Muscles in Low\nSpeed Lateral Impact\xe2\x80\x9d, Paper 2009-01-1211, SAE World Congress, Detriot, Apr\n2009\n14. Dhaval Jani, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rahul Goyal, V Nataraju\n\xe2\x80\x9cRepositioning the Human Body Lower Extremity FE Model\xe2\x80\x9d, Paper 2009-010922, SAE World Congress, Detriot, Apr 2009\n15. Hemant Warhatkar, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra ,\xe2\x80\x9d\nExperimental Study of Variation between Quasi-Static and Dynamic Load\nDeformation Properties of Medial Collateral Knee Ligaments\xe2\x80\x9d Paper 2009-010392, SAE World Congress, Detriot Apr 2009.\n16. Soni, A., Chawla, A., Mukherjee, S and Malhotra R. 2008, "Response of lower\nextremity in car-pedestrian impact-influence of muscle contraction. IRCOBI\nConference Proceedings. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of\nInjury, Zurich, pp. 469-472.\n17. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Mohan d, Singh M, and Dey R, Effect of Vehicle design\non Head Injury Severity and throw distance variations in bicycle crashes,\n\n\x0cProceedings of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference 2007, Lyon, France,\nJune 2007.\n18. Soni A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Effect of Muscle Contraction on knee loading\nfor a standing pedestrian in lateral impacts, Proceedings of the Enhanced Safety\nof Vehicles Conference 2007, Lyon, France, June 2007.\n19. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Soni A, Malhotra R, Effect of active muscle forces on\nknee injury risks for pedestrian standing posture at low speed impacts,\nProceedings of the IRCOBI 2007 conference, September 2007, Masstricht,\nHolland\n20. M. Singh, R. Dey, S. Mukherjee, D. Mohan, A. Chawla, Effect of vehicle design\nin bicycle frontal crashes, Proceedings of the IRCOBI 2007 conference,\nSeptember 2007, Masstricht, Holland\n21. Chawla A, Soni A and Mukherjee S, Effect of active muscles on knee ligament\nforces during impact, accepted for World congress of Biomechanics 2006.\n22. Karthikeyan B, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Inverse finite element characterization of\nsoft tissues using genetic algorithm, accepted for World congress of\nBiomechanics 2006.\n23. S. Mukherjee, A. Chawla, D. Mohan, V. Agrawal and S. Chadrawat, Throw\ndistance in bicycle frontal crashes, accepted for IRCOBI 2006.\n24. A. Chawla , S. Mukherjee, R Marathe, B Karthikeyan, R Malhotra, Determination\nof Strain rate dependence of human body soft tissue properties using a SHPB\naccepted for IRCOBI 2006.\n25. Chawla A, Sandeep K and Singh SP, Dynamic modeling based optimum design of\na crash helmet, Proceedings of CAD \xe2\x80\x9906 conference held in Bangkok in June\n2006.\n26. Chawla A, Sharma G and Mukherjee S, A technique for developing FE meshes\nfor human bones from CT / MRI scan data, Proceedings of CAD \xe2\x80\x9906 conference\nheld in Bangkok in June 2006.\n27. Sharma A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, A tool for developing FE meshes for folded\nairbags, Proceedings of CAD \xe2\x80\x9906 conference held in Bangkok in June 2006.\n28. B.Karthikeyan, A. Chawla, S. Mukherjee and A. Soni, Effect of Impactor massin\nfree fall impact tests on isoloated passive muscle tissue, to appear in\nProceedings of 12th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering\n(ICBME 2005), Singapore..\n29. Karthikeyan B, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Malhotra R, Inverse Finite Element\nCharacterization of Soft Tissues Using Impact Experiments and Taguchi\nMethods, Proceedings of SAE 2006 World Congress.\n30. Soni A, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, Effect of Active Muscle Forces on the\nResponse of knee Joint at Low Speed Lateral Impacts, Proceedings of SAE 2006\nWorld Congress\n31. Marathe R, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, and Malhotra R, Strain rate dependence of\nhuman body soft tissues using SHPB, First International Conference on\nMechanics of biomaterials and tissues, ICOMBT 2005.\n32. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D and Jain S, Validation of the cervical spine\nmodel in Thums, Proceedings of ESV 2005, held in Washington DC, June 2005,\n\n\x0cPaper No 05-0184-O.\n33. S. Mukherjee, A Chawla, A. Nayak and D. Mohan, Rollover crash analysis of the\nRTV using Madymo, Proceedings of ESV 2005, held in Washington DC, June\n2005, Paper No 05-0186-O.\n34. Rogers N, Zellner J, Chawla A and Nakatani T, Methodologies for motorcyclist\ninjury prevention by use of computer simulations, Proceedings of ESV 2005,\nheld in Washington DC, June 2005. Paper No 05-0311-W.\n35. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Jangra J, Studies in Motor cycle airbags, proceedings of\nIRCOBI September 2005.\n36. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Nayak A and Mohan D, Rollover crash analysis of the\nRTV using Madymo, accepted for SIAT\xe2\x80\x9905, to be held in Pune, in January 2005.\n37. Chawla, Bhosale P and Mukherjee S, Modeling of foldig of passenger side airbag\nmesh, SIAT\xe2\x80\x9905, held in Pune, in January 2005.\n38. A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Mohan and A Parihar, Validation of lower exteremity\nmodel in Thums, Proceedings of IRCOBI 2004, Graz, Austria, 2004.\n39. Rogers N, Zellner J, Chawla A and Nakatani T, Methodologies for motorcycle\ninjury prediction by means of computer simulations, Proceedings of IRCOBI\n2004, Graz, Austria, 2004.\n40. A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Mohan and Jain S, Validation of the cervial spine\nmodel in Thums, Proceedings of the Canadia Multidisciplinary Road Safety\nConference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2004.\n41. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Mesh Generation of folded airbags,\nProceedings of the International CAD conference, May, 2004, Pattaya, Thailand.\n42. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Human Tolerance and Crashworthiness, Seminar on\nWorld Health Day,April 14, 2004.\n43. A. Chawla, S. Mukherjee, J.S. Rao and Ashish K. Darpe, Development of an\nOnline Diagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set of GGSSTPP\nPower Station Ropar, Workshop on condition monitoring, Chandigarh, January\n2004.\n44. Modelling of body parts consisting of bones as well as soft tisse: An experimental\nand finite element study, S. Mukherjee*, A. Chawla, D. Mohan and M. Metri,\nProceedings of IRCOBI 2003.\n45. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, A tool for developing FE meshes for\nfolded airbags, Proceedings of NACOMM, 2003, New Delhi India.\n46. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, FE mesh generation for folded cloth \xe2\x80\x93 an\napplication in airbags, proceedings of Workshop on textile ropes and cordages,\nDecember 2003, Delhi, India.\n47. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Development of FE mesh for folded\nairbags, Proceedings of ChinePAM 2003, Shanghai, China.\n48. Darpe A, Gupta K and Chawla A, Response of a rotor with an unstable\npropagating crack, Proceedings of Implast 2003.\n49. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D, Rajiv Kr, Tushar Gawade, FE Simulation\nstudies of a three wheeled scooter taxi, Proceedings of China PAM 2002,\nBeijing, 2002.\n50. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D, Singh Jasvinder P, Nadeem Rizvi, Crash\n\n\x0cSimulations of a three wheeled scooter taxi, Proceedings of ESV 2003, may,\n2003, Magoya, Japan.\n51. Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D, Bose D,, Sakurai M, Nakatani T, FE\nsimulations of car \xe2\x80\x93 MC frontal crashes \xe2\x80\x93 validations and observations,\nProceedings of ESV 2003, May 2003, Nagoya, Japan.\n52. Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Mohan D, Impact biomechanics in two wheeled and\nthree wheeled vehicles, Proceedings of Suymposium on large deformations,\nSeptember 2002, Delhi.\n53. S Mukherjee, A Chawla, D Mohan, M Singh, T Nakatani and M Sakurai,\nModeling Car \xe2\x80\x93 MC Sideimpact Simulations, to appear in Proceedings of\nIRCOBI 2001, to be held in Isle of Man, UK from Oct 10-12, 2001\n54. T Nakatani, M Sakurai, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, A methodology for\nmotorcycle-vehicle crash simulation -development of motorcycle computer\nsimulation model, to appear in JSAE, October 23-25, 2001\n55. T Nakatani, M Sakurai, Chawla A and Mukherjee S , Motorcycle-vehicle crash\nsimulation construction of motorcycle model, to appear in JASME, September\n21, 2001\n56. JS Rao, R Sreenivas and A Chawla, Analytical and Experimental Investigations of\nmislaigned rotors, to appear in Proceedings of ISROMAC-9,\n57. JS Rao, R Sreenivas and A Chawla, Experimental investigation of misaligned\nrotors, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2001.\n58. S Mukherjee, A Chawla et al, Modeling of head impact on laminated glass wind\nshields, Proceedings of IRCOBI 2000, Montpellier, France, September 2000.\n59. Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Mohan D, Singh M, Sakurai M and Nakatani T, Motor\ncycle wall crash, simulation and validation, Proceedings of Pam Users\nConference Asia 2000.\n60. S Mukherjee, A Chawla, P. Mahajan and D Mohan, "Preliminary analysis (using\nPAMCRASH)of likelihood of neck injuries to helmet wearing personnel when\nhit by bullets", 5th Injury Prevention and Control Conference, N. Delhi,\nFebruary 2000.\n61. J. S. Rao, Ashish K Darpe, A. Chawla, Kapil Bharati, D.A.Roy, C.K. Pithawa,\nUmesh Chandra, A. Rama Rao, N.P.S. Gill, " Development Of Online\nDiagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set Of Kakarapara Atomic\nPower Station", VETOMAC-I, 2000.\n62. KR Bhupal Reddy, S Wadhwa and A Chawla, Simulated annealing based cell\nformation methodology for parts with multiple routings, Proceedings of the third\nintrenational conference on operations and quantitative management, University\nof Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2000.\n63. A Chawla, JS Rao and A Pathak, Blade Life - a comparision by cumulative\ndamage theories, ASME TURBO EXPO - 99, organized by ASME in\nIndianapolis in June 1999.\n64. A Chawla and S Mukherjee, Graphics Science in Engineering Education,\nProceedings of the 11th ISME conference, held in Delhi from 3-5, 1999.\n65. A Chawla, S Pandey and NR Naidu, An expert system for DFM of welded parts,\nProceedings of the SERC School on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, held\n\n\x0cfrom November 2-14, 1998 in Delhi.\n66. A Chawla, D Mohan and V Sharma, Computer simulation of bus roll over\ncrashes, Proceedings of IMECE-98.\n67. A Chawla, Vivek Sharma, J Kajzer and D Mohan, Safer truck Front Deisgn,\nProceedings of the 1998 IRCOBI conference on the biokinetics of impact, held\nin Goteberg, Sweden, September 16-18, 1998.\n68. A Chawla, S Wadhwa and K Rama Bhupal Reddy, Analysis of comparative\nperformance studies on Job Shop and Cellular Manufacturing Layouts,\nProceedings of the 14th International conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and\nFactories of the future, Nov 30 - Dec 3, 1998 Coimbatore India.\n69. Chawla A, Sharma V and Mohan D, MADYMO as a tool to analyze India specific\ntraffic conditions, MADYMO User\'s meet, 1998.\n70. A Chawla, KR Bhupal Reddy, D Prasad Raju and S Wadhwa, Simulated\nannealing - An approach to the cell formation, Proceedings of the 2nd\nInternational conference on Engineering Design and Automation, held at\nHawaii, Aug 9-12, 1998.\n71. A Chawla, Wadhwa S and KR Bhupal Reddy, Part mix perturbations in cellular\nmanufacturing - a simulation study, Proceedings of AIMTDR\'98, held from Dec\n1-3, 1998\n72. Chawla A, Wadhwa S, D Prasad Raju and KR Bhupal Reddy, Artificial Neural\nNetworks - An application in cellular manufacturing, Proceedings of the 2nd\nInternational Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, held in\nHawai, from August 9-12, 1998.\n73. H Hirani and A Chawla, Journal Bearing Design : An integrated Approach,\nsubmitted for the Fifteenth National Convention of Mechanical Engineers to be\nheld in Hyderabad from December 16-18, 1999.\n74. H Hirani and A Chawla, A simplified inverse solution to the liquid lubricated\nhead disk interface, submitted for International conference on Tribology of\nInformation Storage Devices, TISD-\'99.\n75. H Hirani and A Chawla, Tribology of Information Storage Devices, submitted for\nthe National Conference on machines and mechanisms, 1999.\n76. A Chawla and Vivek Sharma, Crash modeling of Indian Bus structure,\nProceedings of the 4th World Congress on injury prevention and control, May\n1998, Amsterdam, Netherland.\n77. A Chawla, R Chattopadhyaya, Design of a creep testing machine for industrial\nropes, Proceedings of the NACOMM 1997 held in IIT Kanpur, in December\n1997.\n78. A Chawla and Amit Gupta, Use of IT tools for DFM of Die Cast Components,\nProceedings of the National Conference on Information Technology for\nIndustrial and Organization Development, held in October 1997, in Delhi.\n79. D Mohan and A Chawla, \xe2\x80\x9cUse of Computer Modeling Techniques to optimize\nsafety of country specific vehicles in impact\xe2\x80\x9d, Proceedings of the International\nconference on new frontiers in biomedical engineering, Tokyo, Japan (1997),\nPP281-284.\n80. Rao JS, Chawla A and Duttagupta C, Development of an off-line expert system\n\n\x0cfor the condition monitoring of an aircraft engine, Proceedings of the 6th\nInternational Symposium on Transport Phenomenon and Dynamics of Rotating\nMachinery, 1996, pp 455-463.\n81. D Mohan, Janusz Kajzer, KS Bawa Bhalla and Chawla A, Impact Modeling\nStudies for a three wheeler scooter taxi, Proceedings of IRCOBI\xe2\x80\x9995, held at\nBrunnen, Switzerland, September, 1995.\n82. Chawla A and Sangal R, An Intelligent Design System, Proceedings of the 7th AI\nin Engineering Conference, Waterloo, Canada, 1992.\n83. Chawla A and Sangal R, Functional Reasoning in Configurational Design,\nProceedings of the 2nd AI in Design Conference, 1992.\n84. Chawla A and Sangal R, Abduction in Design, Proceedings of the 4th UNB AI\nSymposium, University of New Brunswick, Canada, 1991.\n85. Chawla A and Sangal R, Capturing Design Knowledge, Proceedings of the\nKnowledge Acquisition Workshop, Banff, Canada, 1991.\n86. A Chawla and S Ray, Design and drafting on PC based systems, Proceedings of\nthe 23rd Annual convention of the Computer Society of India, held from\nJanuary, 6-9, 1988 in Madras.\n15. PROJECTS / CONSULTANCIES COMPLETE\n\n\x0cS.\nNo.\n\nTitle\n\nPI /\nDep Client\nCo-PI tt.\n\nFinancial Year 2010-11 (upto August, 2010)\nPI\nME M/s Maruti Suzuki\n3\nIndia Ltd., Gurgaon\n\n1\n\nInjury Biomechanics and Impact\nSimulations using MADYMOTM\n\n2\n\nSafety Modeling and\nEpidimeological research\nTechnological Evaluation of RTVs\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nDevelopment of a full scale version\nof a folding container\nSome Medico-Technical Issues \xe2\x80\x93 1.\nDetermining Mechanical Properties\nof Ligaments and ii. Development\nof stereo-cameras for operative /\nanatomic video sequences\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nPI\n\nME\n\n6\n\nStudies of Road Traffic Crashers\nand Injuries in UK\n\nPI\n\nME\n\n1\n\nOccupant Protection on Railway\nRolling Stock \xe2\x80\x93 Simulation,\nModelling Techniques and Usage\nof Dummies\nDynamic Characterization of the\nhumerous, scapula and clavicle\nbones of the shoulder complex\n\nPI\n\n3\n\n4\n5\n\n2\n\nValue\nFITT Project\n(Rs.lacs) Number\n\nPI\n\nVolvo Research\nFoundation\nTransport department\nof governement of\nDelhi\nSimpri Investments\nLtd\nIndain Council of\nMedical Research\n\nM/s Mercedes-Benz\nResearch and\nDevelopment India\n\nEnding\nDate\n\nFT/03/1516/X\n\n11-Jun-10\n\n2 months\n\nFT/03/1464/09\n\n30-Jun-09\n\n9 months\n\nFT/03/1474/09\n\n15-Aug-09\n\n8 months\n\n600\n2\n2.5\n18 blacs\n\nUK India Educational GBP\nand Research\n108,000\nInitiative\nFinancial Year 2009-10\nME M/s Rites Ltd,\n9.50\nGurgaon\nME\n\nStarting\nDate\n\n58.02\n\n\x0cPvt Ltd., Bangalore\n\n1\n\n2\n\n3\n\nDevelopment of Optimization\nTechniques for Product Design\n(Phase-II)\nDynamic Characterization of bones\nof shoulder complex\n\nPI\n\nFinite Element Modeling of Lateral\nImpact of Pneumatic Tires\n\nPI\n\nPI\n\n1\n\nDevelopment of Optimization\nTechniques for Product Design\n\nPI\n\n2\n\nDevelopment of an HBM\nPositioning Tool\nDevelopment of a full scale version\nof a folding container with donors\non the side panel\n\nPI\n\n3\n\nFinancial Year 2008-09\nM/s Mitsubishi\n9.19\nHeavy Industries\nLtd., Japan\nME M/s Mercedes-Benz\n32.04\nResearch &\nDevelopment India\nPvt Ltd., Bangalore\nME M/s General Motors\n8.51\nIndia Ltd., Bangalore\nME\n\nFinancial Year 2007-08\nME M/s Mitsubishi\n3.11\nHeavy Industries Ltd,\nJapan\nME M/s General Motors India 58.87\n\nFT/5/121/7\n\nJan-08\n\nMar-08\n\nFT/03/1410/08\n\n1-May-08\n\n27-Nov-09\n\nFT/05/152/08\n\n22-Dec-08\n\n20-Nov-09\n\nFT/05/121/2007\n\n1-Oct-07\n\nMar-08\n\nFT/05/129/07\n\n22-Dec-07\n\n24 months\n\nFT/5/89/5\n\n1-Feb-06\n\n16-Mar-07\n\nLtd., Bangalore\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nM/s Simpri Investments\nLimited, Hongkong\n\n2.50\n\nFinancial Year 2006-07\nNil\n\n1\n\nChecking Patent Violation of\nDrums\n\nPI\n\nFinancial Year 2005-06\nME M/s. BSA Poly\n1.36\nContainer, Mumbai\n\nFT/03/1289/05\n\n\x0c2\n\nDevelopment of Technology to get PI\nDynamic Compressive Properties of\nTissues\nDevt of CAD Models of a spray\nPI\ntooth brush\n\nME\n\nM/s. General Motors\nIndia Ltd., Bangalore\n\n46.01\n\nFT/05/92/5\n\nME\n\nM K Singh\n\n0.20\n\nFT/03/1315/06\n\nTechnology Development of a Note\nCounting Machine\nTech Devt for Collecting bone &\ntissue properties & Devt of human\nbody FE Model\nStructural & Thermal Analysis of\nLarge Appert. Silicon Mirror upon\nhigh power laser rediation\nDevelopment of a model for a\nfolding container\n\nPI\n\nME\n\n1\n\nDoor Clip for Child Safety\n\nPI\n\n2\n\nDevelopment of Automated Note\nVendring Machine\n\n1\n\nSensitivity analysis for CarMotorcycle side impact crashes\nusing PAMCRASH\n\n3\n\n1\n2\n3\n4\n\n1\n\nConsultancy for NOIDA\n\nPI\n\nFinancial Year 2004-05\nMindmill Software\n0.50\nLtd\nME JARI, Japan\n13.56\n\n1-May-05\n\n30-Jun-07\n\nFT/05/77A/04\n\n10-Jul-04\n\n18-Nov-04\n\nFT/05/87/05\n\n1-Aug-04\n\nNov-06\n\nCo-PI ME\n\nLASTEC\n\n8.40\n\nFT/05/80/05\n\n31-Jan-05\n\n30-Jun-06\n\nPI\n\nSIMPRI Investments\n\n5\n\nFT/05/89/05\n\n15-Mar-05\n\n10-Oct-05\n\nFT/05/77/04\n\n15-Dec-03\n\n12-May-05\n\nFT/03/507/99\n\n1-Jul-01\n\nAug-02\n\nFT/03/775/00\n\nAug-00\n\n5 months\n\nME\n\nFinancial Year 2003-04\nM/s Sam Innovation, 1.02\nNew Delhi\nCo-PI ME M/s Mind Mill\n4\nSoftware Ltd\nME\n\nFinancial Year 2001-02\nJapan Automobile\n12.47\nResearch Institute\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nPI\n\nFinancial Year 2000-01\nME NOIDA\n0.45\n\nFT/03/1263\n\n\x0c2\n\nConsultancy in conducting CAD\ntraining courses at the Computer\nAided Graphics Instructional Lab\n(CAGIL) of Deptt. Of ME, IIT\nDelhi (Phase-III)\nConsultancy to NOIDA\nRail Wheel Dynamics\nSample Studies on Car-Motorcycle\nSimulations Using Pamcrash\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nPI\nPI\nPI\n\nME\nME\nME\n\n6\n\nCrash Simulation of the CarMotorcycle crash using\nPAMCRASH (Phase-II)\n\nPI\n\n1\n\nConsultancy in Conducting CAS\nTraining Courses at the\nComputer Aided Graphics\nInstructional Lab (CAGIL) of\nDeptt of ME, IITDelhi (Phase-II)\nCrash Simulation of the CarMotorcycle Crash Using\nPAMCRASH\nShortlisting of Junior Engineers\n\nPI\n\nConsultamcy in conducting CAD\ntraining courses at the CAGIL of\nDeptt. of\nME, IIT Delhi\n\nPI\n\n3\n4\n5\n\n2\n3\n1\n\nPI\nPI\n\nM/s IIS Scientific\n1.50\nComputing Ltd., New\nDelhi\n\nFT/03/429/98\n\n20-Aug-00\n\n1-Apr-01\n\nNOIDA\n2\nRDSO, Lucknow\n10.60\nJapan Automobile\n1.84\nResearch Institute,\nJapan\nTRI Japan Automobile\n14.35\nPP\nResearch Institure,\nJapan\nFinancial Year 1999-2000\nME M/s IIS Scientific\n1.25\nComputing Ltd.,\nNew Delhi\n\nFT/03/879/00\nFT/03/818/00\nFT/03/507/99\n\nDec-00\n6-Oct-00\n1-Jul-01\n\n6 months\n18-Mar-04\nAug-02\n\nFT/03/507/99\n\n1-Jul-01\n\nAug-02\n\nFT/03/429/98\n\n20-Aug-00\n\n1-Apr-01\n\nME\n\nFT/03/507/99\n\n1-Jul-01\n\nAug-02\n\nJapan Automobile\n15.76\nResearch Institute,\nJapan\nME NOIDA\n2\nFinancial Year 1998-99\nME M/S IIS-XOX, New 0.10\nDelhi\n\nFT/03/489/99\nFT/03/429/98\n\n20-Aug-00\n1-Apr-01\n\n\x0c1\n2\n\n3\n4\n5\n\n6\n7\n8\n9\n\nOlder Completed Projects\nME ICICI\n80\n\nSetting up of Computer Aided\nGraphics Instruction Lab\nDevelopment work on TG sets of\n220MW NPPs in the areas of a.\nFatigue analysis of Lp blades and b.\nOn line diagnostic System\n\nCoPI\nPI\n\nME\n\nBRNS\n\n15\n\nDesign of a Creep Testing Machine\nfor Fibre Ropes\nDevelopment of Simulators to\nassist proactive shopfloor control\nAn automated approach to\nmanufacturability based design of\ndie cast components\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\nAICTE\n\n5\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\nDOE\n\n34\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nDST\n\n1.50\n\nModernisation of Design\nEngineering Laboratory\nKnowledge Based Environment for\nEngineering Design\nSafety of Front Seat Passengers:\nAnalysis of Vehicele Performance\nSafer Truck Fronts: Phase I\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\nMHRD\n\n15\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nIIT\n\n0.50\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\nTELCO\n\n5\n\nCoPI\nCoPI\n\nME\nME\n\nVolvo Truck\nCorporation\nDelhi Police\n\nUS$30,0\n00.00\n1.70\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nJARI\n\nUS$3700\n0\n\n10\n\nPrediction of Safety of head and\nneck from bullet impact without\npenetration on a helmet\n\n11\n\nModeling of car-motor cycle\ncrashes\n\n\x0c12\n13\n14\n\n15\n16\n17\n18\n19\n20\n\n21\n22\n23\n\nConsultancy in conducting training\ncourses using Pro / Engineer\nCAD / CAM Courses using Pro\nEngineer\nDevelopment of instrumentation\nsystems and related technology for\ncondition monitoring of\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\nPI\n\nSample studies regarding car-mc\nsimulation \xe2\x80\x93 II\nCAD / CAM Courses using Pro\nEngineer\nThree Wheeler Crash worthiness\nPhase I\nDevelpoment of methodology for\nmodeling of airbags\nDevelopment of airbag modles for\nOOP study\nDevelopment of an automated\nSecurity system for vehicle entry \xe2\x80\x93\nexit control consisting of vehicle\nauthorization system and under\ncarriage vehicle inspection system\nModernization of Mechanism Lab\nDevelopment of airbag module\nmodels\nDevelopment of FE models for\nhuman body parts for impact\n\n1.50\n\nME\n\nIIS Scientific\nComputing\nHero Global Design\nSystems\nDST\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nJARI\n\n1.62\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\n5.25\n\nCoPI\n\nME\n\nHero Global Design\nSystems\nBajaj Auto\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nJARI\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nJARI\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nDepartnment of\nInformation\nTechnology, R&D\nDivision\n\nPI\nPI\n\nME\nME\n\nMHRD\nJARI\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nMHRD\n\n6.57\n26\n\n5+\nUS$2000\nUS $\n30000\nUS$\n30000\n132\n\n5\nUS$3000\n0\n5\n\nJul-01\n\n3 months\n\n\x0csimulation\n24\n25\n\n26\n\n27\n28\n\n29\n\nObtaining low-speed impact\nproperties of soft tissues\nTechnology Development for\ncollecting Bone and Tissue\nproperties, and development of\nhuman body FE model \xe2\x80\x93 Phase II\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nMHRD\n\n11\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nJARI\n\nUS$6000\n0\n\nTechnology Development for bone\nand tissue properties and\ndevelopment of human body FE\nmodel \xe2\x80\x93 Phase III\nMeasuring Impact properties of\nhuman body parts\nDevelopment of technology to get\ndynamic compressive Properties of\ntissues\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nJARI\n\nUS$3000\n0\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nDST\n\n24\n\nPI\n\nME\n\nGeneral Motors\n\n50\n\nStudy of scientific investigation and PI\nanalysis of road accidents in Delhi\n\nME\n\nMinistry of shipping,\nroad transport and\nhighways,\nGovernment of India\n\n16.20\n\n\x0c16. BTECH PROJECTS SUPERVISED:\nWork Under progress:\nThesis Already Submitted:\n1. Jyoti Singh and Shirish Upadhyaya, Near Real Time Tracking of anatomical axis of\nlower limb, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT\nDelhi, May, 2007.\n2. Akash Agarwal and Aseem Suri, Computer Assist in Knee Osteotomy, Btech (Mech\nEngg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, May, 2007.\n3. Tanpreet Singh and Vijay Jain, FE Simulations to study the kinematics of the knee\njoint after surgery, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical\nEngineering, IIT Delhi, May, 2006.\n4. Suman Chndrawat and Varun Agarwal, Simulations of bicycle crashes on Indian\nRoads, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi,\nMay, 2005.\n5. Saurav Raaj, Sunil Kaler, Bicycle crash Modeling, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis,\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2004.\n6. Amitayush Bahari, Anant Sudarshan, An orthopaedic model of the human index\nfinger, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi,\n2004.\n7. Kumar Rajiv and Swaminathan TN, FE Based Crash Modelling of a three wheeler,\nBtech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2000.\n8. Kartik MV; Bhargava P, Impact Behaviour of Visoelastic materials: Simulation and\nExperimental Validation, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical\nEngineering, IIT Delhi, 2003.\n9. Choudhari Amit Kumar; Garg Ankur, FE modelling of Human neck, Btech (Mech\nEngg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2002.\n10. Kumar Rajiv; Swaminathan T.N., Finite element based crash simulation of TSTs\nusing pamcrash, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering,\nIIT Delhi, 2002.\n11. Sharma A., Automation of The LBW Decision in Cricket, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis,\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2002.\n12. Jain G, Study of Crash of A Three Wheeled Scooter Taxi with A Leg Impactor, Btech\n(Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2002.\n13. Kapoor A., Modelling of a Bicycle Crash with a Wall using MADYMO, Btech (Mech\nEngg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2001.\n14. Maini G.S., Design of A Weld Joint on An I-Girder in WeighBridges, Btech (Mech\nEngg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2001.\n15. Gupta N.N., Dynamics of Rail-Wheel Interaction, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis,\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2001.\n16. Bose D, Finite Element Analysis of Child Restraint System in CAR Crash simulation,\nBtech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2001.\n\n\x0c17. Bhatia P., Study of Crash (in Case of Vehicle Accidents) Simulation using\nMADYMO, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT\nDelhi, 2000.\n18. Lahoti Ujwal and Jain Gaurav, Impact simulations of auto parts, Btech (Mech Engg)\nThesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2000.\n19. Pundeer Anurag and Kumar Praveen, Motorbike \xe2\x80\x93 car crash modelling using\nPamcrash, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT\nDelhi, 1999.\n20. Wadhwa Aashish and Garg tarun, Feature Based Design System for shop floor\nscheduling, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT\nDelhi, 1999.\n21. Singh Ravi and Srivastava Chitranshu, Finding equivalent beam elements for a box\nbeam, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi,\n2000.\n22. Bose Diapn and Gupta Rahul, Finite Element Analysis of child restraint system in car\ncrash simulations, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical\nEngineering, IIT Delhi, 2001.\n23. Gupta Nitin Navish and Govil Rohit, Dynamics of rail-wheel interaction, Btech\n(Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2001.\n24. Saini Parul Joy and Yadav Sumit, Modelling of helmets, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis,\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1998.\n25. Arora Vikram and Maurya Shyam Roop, Design of Plastic components, Btech (Mech\nEngg) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1998.\n26. Sharma Vivek, Crash modeling of Bus Body Structure, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis,\nDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1997.\n27. Mehta Amit and Vishwanath Donti, Three Dimensional Crash modeling of Indian two\nwheelers using computer simulation, Btech (Mech Engg) Thesis, Department of\nMechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1997.\n28. Bansal A and Vajpayee S, 3D crash modeling of an Indian bus using computer\nsimulation techniques, Btech (Mech Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical\nEngineering, IIT Delhi, 1996.\n29. Ghosh S, Expert System to automate decision making in a manufacturing unit, Btech\n(Mech Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1996.\n30. Singh S and Bawabhalla KS, Three Dimensional crash modeling of vehicles on Indian\nRoads, Btech (Mech Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi\n1995.\n31. Jain V and Agarwal P, Development for Expert system for Design of watches, Btech\n(Mech Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1995.\n32. Kapoor N and Singh D, Expert System Development for Fabric Design, Btech\n(Textile Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1994.\n33. SK Mangla and Verma S, Knowledge Based Reasoning Model for Fault Diagnosis,\nBtech (Mech Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1994.\n34. Bairwa GL, A Knowledge Based Approach to Mechanical Design, Btech (Comp Sc)\nthesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1994\n\n\x0c35. Chandana AK and Sharma Sameer, Safety and related manufacture of a three wheeler\nscooter rickshaw, Btech (Mech Engg) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering,\nIIT Delhi 1994.\n17. MSc / MTech PROJECTS SUPERVISED:\nWork Under progress:\nThesis already submitted:\n1. Varun Grover, Car Accident Reconstruction and head injury correlation, May 2008.\n2. Shehroz Dost, DSeveopment of a wrist bone drilling simulator using a 6-axis parallel\nmanipulator, May 2008.\n3. Pathan SS, Tracking the mechanical and anatomical axis during knee surgery, May\n2007\n4. Baviskar T.S., Developing Methodologies for damage based accident investigation\ninvolving two wheelers, May 2007\n5. Umale S.S., Developing a virtual environment of drilling a bone in wrist surgery, May\n2007\n6. Misra K.L., Material characterization of live body organs using inverse FEM\nAnalysis, May 2007\n7. Adity Shekhar, Estimating properties of human body bones by doing three point\nbending tests and inverse mapping from FE simulations, May 2006.\n8. Pawan Kumar, Investigating the simplification of ISO 13232, May 2006.\n9. Babu Jadhav, Development of Human dummy models for crash simulation (MS(res))\n10. Ashok Biradar, Evaluation of effectiveness of leg guard bars in an Indian Motor cycle using\nComputer Simulations, Mtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of\nmechanical engineering, May 2005.\n11. Ratnakar R.S., Material Chractarization of Soft Tissues in Compression and Impact,\nMtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering,\nMay 2005.\n12. S Gondu, Material characterization of soft tissues under tension, Mtech (Design of\nmech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, May 2005.\n13. Abhijeet Parihar, Validation of human body FE models for different impact\nconditions (human knee) , Mtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of\nmechanical engineering, 2004.\n14. Ashish Nayak, Crash Analysis of RTV using Madymo, Mtech (Design of mech\nequipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2004.\n15. Lala Ram Patel, Road Accident Reconstruction, Mtech (Design of mech equipment)\nthesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2004.\n16. Sidhartha Jain, Validation of human body FE models for different impact conditions\n(human neck) , Mtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical\nengineering, 2004.\n\n\x0c17. Walesh Kumar, FE modeling of rupture of materials under impact loading, Mtech\n(Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2004.\n18. Girish Sharma, FE Meshing of human bones from MRI Data, Mtech (Design of mech\nequipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2004.\n19. Dileep Kr, Modeling of honey comb structures used in car-side impact tests, Mtech\n(Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, , Mtech\n(Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2001.\n20. Gavhane S.A., Child dummy model development for study of car - child\npedestrian impact, , Mtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of\nmechanical engineering, 2003.\n21. Mallikarjuna Metri, Development of FE model for human forearm and\nestimation of mechanical properties of tissues thereof, , Mtech (Design of mech\nequipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2002.\n22. Shiv K Iyer, Modeling of MATD dummies for MC crash modeling, Mtech (Design of\nmech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2001.\n23. Sandeep, Optimization of helmet, Mtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis,\ndepartment of mechanical engineering, 2001.\n24. S Vulli, Modeling of car floor panel for crash simulations, Mtech (Design of mech\nequipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2000.\n25. Deepak Chougule, A study of leg impact implication on bumper design, Mtech\n(Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2000.\n26. K Mani, FE based simulations of car-motor cycle frontal crashes \xe2\x80\x93 an initial study,\nMtech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering,\n2000.\n27. Mahesh Hamne, Numerical analysis of applicability of pultruded FRP profiles\ncompared to aluminum profiles, Mtech (Production Engineering) thesis, department\nof mechanical engineering, 2001, (under the DAAD exchange program).\n28. R Sreenivas, Dynamic analysis of misaligned rotor systems MS(Res) thesis,\ndepartment of mechanical engineering, 2000.\n29. Vijay Sridhar, CAD Modeller for Madymo - II, Advanced Level Course in Computer\nScience, Institute of electronic and Telecommunication Engineers, India, 2001.\n30. Parab Milind, Modelling of car \xe2\x80\x93 motor cycle crashes using PAM CRASH, Mtech\n(Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 2000.\n31. Mane NH, Modelling of bullet penetration in helmet, Mtech (Design of mech\nequipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering.\n32. Ch Rajaiha, Design of an on-line expert system for condition monitoring of 220MW\nTG sets, MTech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical\nengineering, 1998.\n33. Yatinder Saxena, CAD Modeller for Madymo - I, Advanced Level Course in\nComputer Science, Institute of electronic and Telecommunication Engineers, India,\n1998.\n34. Nagaraju B, Design of a test-rig used to study the effect of misalignment of the\nvibration of a rotor, MTech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of\nmechanical engineering, 1998.\n\n\x0c35. Pimparkar Vanita, Development of a system handling room allotment problem,\nAdvanced Level Course in Computer Science, Institute of electronic and\nTelecommunication Engineers, India, 1998.\n36. Gajanan SP, A CLIPS based expert system for the condition monitoring of AI-20D\naircraft engine, Advanced Level Course in Computer Science, Institute of electronic\nand Telecommunication Engineers, India, 1998.\n37. Pathak A Abhijit, Life estimation of a turbine blade by cumulative damage theories,\nMTech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering,\n1998.\n38. Mohan Rao KL, Dynamic Analysis of helmet structure, MTech (Design of mech\nequipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 1998.\n39. Naidu Narasimharao, Development of an expert system for design of manufacturbility\nof welded components, MTech (Design of mech equipment) thesis, department of\nmechanical engineering, 1997.\n40. Warhatkar Hemant, Design of a screw extruder for food products, MTech (Design of\nmech equipment) thesis, department of mechanical engineering, 1997.\n41. Samal JK, Reasoning with 2Dshapes - a special case, Mtech (Computer Applications)\nthesis, Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, 1997.\n42. Sarkar Bidyut, Design and fabrication of a creep testing equipment for industrial rope,\nMTech (textile technology) thesis, Department of textile technology, IIT Delhi, 1997.\n43. Ramesh DRV, Rendereing of B spline surfaces, Mtech (Computer Applications)\nthesis, Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, 1997.\n44. Varshneya Amit, Development for an ORACLE based softwarefor maintenance and\nassembly line planning, Mtech (Computer Applications) thesis, Department of\nMathematics, IIT Delhi, 1996.\n45. Ch Phanikumar, Computer Aided Design of die casting dies, Mtech (Design) Thesis,\ndepartment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1996.\n46. Kishore NV, Transient Dynamic and Failure Analysis of composite plates under\nimpact, Mtech (Deisgn) thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi,\n1996.\n47. Gurpreet Singh, Object Oriented Planner for Mechanical Design, Advanced Level\nCourse in Computer Science, Institute of electronic and Telecommunication\nEngineers, India, 1996.\n48. Mrithyunjaya Kr and Botke Prashant, Interactive system for fractal image encoding decoding, Mtech (Computer Applications) thesis, Department of Mathematics, IIT\nDelhi, 1996.\n49. Jain R, Development of a pre processor for MADYMO, Msc Thesis (Mathematics\nand Computer Application), Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, 1995.\n50. Amit Gupta, Development of an Expert System for DFM of Die casting components,\nMtech (design) Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1995.\n51. Pushkar Singh, Design of Surface modeller and generation of tool path for milling\nmachines, Mtech (computer applications) thesis, Department of Mathematics, IIT\nDelhi, 1995.\n52. Vijay Pratap Singh, Modeling of turbulent gaseous motion using fractals, Mtech\n(Computer Applictaions) thesis, Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, 1995.\n\n\x0c53. Srivastava VK, Development of a computer aided facility for analysis of metal\ntransfer in welding, Mtech (Production engineering) thesis, Department of\nMechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 1995.\n54. C Duttagupta, Development of an off line expert system for condition monitoring of\nAI20D aircraft system, Mtech (Design) Thesis, Department of Mechanical\nEngineering, IIT Delhi, 1994.\n55. P Subbaram, Development of Constructive Solid Geometry Modeler, Mtech\n(Computer Applications) Thesis, Department of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, 1994.\n18. PhD THESIS SUPERVISED\nAlready Submitted\n1. Ashis Darpe, Dynamics of cracked rotors, (Co supervisor, Prof K Gupta)\n2. K Bhupal Reddy, Lead time reduction in flexible manufacturing environments, (Cosupervisor, Prof S Wadhwa)\n3. Bibhushan, Design and development of virtual enterprises in competitive supply chain\nenvironment, (Co supervisor, Prof S Wadhwa).\n4. Kartikeyan, Dynamic Impact Properties of Human soft tissues, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S\nMukherjee).\n5. Anurag Soni, Muscle contribution in knee kinematics, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S\nMukherjee).\nUnder Progress\n1. Prashant Bhosale, Airbags in 100 cc Indian Motor cycles, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S\nMukherjee).\n2. Mike WJ Arun, Understanding fracture Behiviour of Bones (Co-Supervisor Dr S\nMukherjee)\n3. Hemant Warhatkar, Simulating knee osteotomy surgeries, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S\nMukherjee).\n4. Dhaval Jani, Repositioning of Human Body FE Model, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S\nMukherjee).\n5. Lalaram, Issues in Human Body Modeling, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S Mukherjee).\n6. Amrit lal, Issues in Crash Reconstruction, (Co-Supervisor, Dr S Mukherjee).'
b'EMILY ROEBLING\n1439 SW Washington Way \xe2\x97\x8f Vancouver, Washington 98686\n(360) 333-4444 \xef\x82\xb7 [email protected]\nSUMMARY\n\xef\x82\xb7\nSolid understanding of electrical engineering, semiconductor devices, and renewable energy principles\n\xef\x82\xb7\nIEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, student member\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tireless work ethic, maintaining a 3.7 GPA while working as much as 30 hours a week\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proven track record of responsibility and leadership demonstrated in civilian positions and the US Air Force\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Over 6 years of experience communicating effectively in teams in the work place\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering\nWashington State University Vancouver, Vancouver, WA\n\nExpected May 2017\nGPA: 3.7\n\nRelevant Coursework: Digital Systems Design, Silicon Integrated Circuit Design Technology, Nanotechnology for\nSemiconductor and Renewable Energy Applications\nUnited States Air Force Academy, Electrical Engineering\nAcademically ranked 12th out of 1000 cadets at time of honorable discharge\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 2011\nGPA: 3.8\n\nRelevant Coursework: Differential Equations with Circuit Applications I, Electronics I, Fundamentals of Mechanics,\nand Electrical Circuits and Systems with Differential Equations and Linear Algebra\nENGINEERING PROJECTS\nEvaporative Cooler, Washington State University Vancouver\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed, built and tested an evaporative cooler using xyz techniques\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Add another bullet or two about skills used in the project and results\n\nSpring 2015\n\nSecond Project Here, Washington State University Vancouver\nFall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Make sure to use details of the project \xe2\x80\x93 if it is a team project focus on what you accomplished as a team member\n\xe2\x80\xa2 If you presented work to the class or as part of a poster fair make sure to add this information\nLEADERSHIP\nCadet, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO\nJune 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 July 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Collaborated in groups of up to 6 members on real-life scenarios to experiment, analyze, and create solutions to\nincrease understanding of engineering principle applications\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Vice President of the local Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers chapter, and a leader in the Crossfit club\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Underwent over 800 hours of training on small group tactics, interpersonal dynamics in extreme situations, and Air\nForce regulations\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nCarpenter/General Laborer, Byrd Construction, Longview WA\nJuly 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed a solid understanding of design and construction with numerous large and small scale opportunities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented design elements into construction projects, gaining valuable insight into the implementation phase of\nprojects\nCustomer Service Representative, DirecTV, Portland OR\nJuly 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 August 2009\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used problem solving and communication skills to effectively address customer questions and concerns\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ranked in the top 10% in new service sales and upgrades out of a staff of 65\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE\nBig Brothers/Big Sisters \xe2\x80\x93 Falcon Club\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Served as Big sister for a young teen and participated in various events with the club\n\nSeptember 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2011'
b'GET STARTED NOW!\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nTo communicate your education, experiences\n& accomplishments, providing a snapshot of\nyou!\nTo make a professional first impression that\nencourages the reader to invite you for an\ninterview.\nEach situation is different; tailor your resume\nto each opportunity!\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\nWhen you apply to an internship,\norganizations are looking for the following:\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Relevant Information.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Truthful Information.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 A reader-friendly resume that is easy to\nfollow.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Flowing content with consistent formatting.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 No errors; this is one instance where\nperfection is the goal.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nHave current internship descriptions in front of\nyou.\nAs a starting point, create lists & outlines of:\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nWork experiences\nInternship experiences\nVolunteer experiences\nAcademic Experiences/Class Projects\nLeadership/Extracurricular Activities\nSkills\nAccomplishments/Honors\n\nSelect relevant information.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n1 page in length if feasible; don\xe2\x80\x99t exceed 2\npages.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nMargins are no less than 0.5 inches on all sides.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nBalance use of blank space & margins.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nProfessional fonts include Times & Bookman.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nGeneral content should be in 10-12 pt. font.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nHeaders should be in 10-14 pt. font.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nPresents a summary of information in reverse\nchronological order.\nUnder each category, list the most recent\nexperiences/information first & work\nbackwards.\n\nAvoid or minimize irrelevant information.\nWeigh each portion of your experience from\nthe organization\xe2\x80\x99s perspective to decide what\nto include and what to emphasize.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nHighlights major areas of accomplishments &\nstrengths in an order that best supports your\nobjectives.\nOrganization is driven by abilities versus job\ntitles or time sequences.\nNote: As an intern or entry-level professional,\nthe chronological vs. functional approach is\ngenerally the easiest and most appropriate.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nResume information should be divided into\nclearly labeled sections.\nWhat to include:\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\nHeader\nObjective (optional)\nEducation\nSkills & Qualifications\nExperience\nHonors, Activities and Affiliations\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nHeader-includes your name, address, phone\nnumber and email address.\n\nFormat your header so that your name stands\nout\xe2\x80\xa6\nDarth Vader\n13731 Starship Enterprise Drive\nLa Jolla, CA 92037\n782-792-7711\[email protected]\nNote: Your e-mail address should be professionally appropriate; using\nyour UCSD address is safest; your voicemail greeting should also set a\nprofessional tone.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nObjective-a focused statement describing\ndesired position. The rest of the resume\nshould support your objective.\nExamples:\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Obtain internship as a (title) utilizing skills A, B, & C\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Secure Position with an (industry) organization,\nspecializing in X.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Obtain internship as a (specific internship title from\nan organization\xe2\x80\x99s posting).\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\nInclude:\n\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Full name of university.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Degree/Major and minor.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Anticipated graduation date.\n\n\xe2\x97\xa6 GPA if over 3.0.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Collegiate study abroad experiences: Program, University,\nLocation, date, focus of coursework or experience.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Community college & coursework at other universities if relevant\nor if degree or certificate was completed.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Special certifications if applicable.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Pertinent coursework if desired.\n\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Do not include high school.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nThis section should provide a quick overview of your\nstrongest & most pertinent skills or qualifications.\nIndicate computer competencies, other technical skills,\nspecialized communication skills, interpersonal skills,\nresearch skills, lab proficiencies, etc.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nInclude language and cultural competency skills.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nYou may use subsections to delineate between different types\nof skill sets.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nThis is a good place to incorporate Keywords and Phrases\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Many companies use applicant tracking software that screens\nresumes according to keywords including job titles, technical\nskills, etc.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Read the internship description closely for cues on what keywords\nto use.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nInclude Title, Organization, Responsibilities,\nLocation and Dates.\nUse action verbs to convey skills & abilities and\ninfuse energy into your resume. (demonstrated,\nresearched, coordinated)\nDemonstrate evidence of your experience by\nfocusing on skills, results and accomplishments.\nUse specific numbers and adjectives to quantify\nand qualify the descriptions of your experiences\n& add impact.\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\nInclude relevant\n\nawards and honors\nacademic/professional affiliations\npresentations\npublications\nleadership roles if not already included in experience.\ninvolvement in campus clubs/activities if not already\nincluded in experience.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 community volunteer work if not already included\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\xe2\x97\xa6\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nName this section appropriately, based on what\nyou include (i.e. Professional Affiliations, Community\nInvolvement, Leadership Experience, Honors, etc.)\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nKeep it short and sweet! Be concise, and make every word\ncount.\nCustomize your resume for each position to which you\napply; make sure any required or preferred\nskills/qualifications stand out & highlight your strengths.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nUse a telegraphic style, not complete sentences. Eliminate\nmost articles like \xe2\x80\x9cthe\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9ca\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9can\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nAvoid personal pronouns like \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cme\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cmy\xe2\x80\x9d to create a\nperception of objectivity.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nAny current positions should be described in present\ntense. For previous positions, use past tense verbiage.\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nProofread, Proofread, Proofread!\n\n\x0c\x0cElla Q. Rodriguez\n3711 Purple Tree Lane #1492, San Diego, CA 12345\n(111) 492-2222 [email protected]\nObjective: To obtain a spring internship at Supersonic Systems, specializing in electronic circuit design.\n\nEducation\nUniversity of California, San Diego\nB.S. in Electrical Engineering, expected June 2020\nEmphasis: Communications Theory & Systems and Electronic Circuits & Systems.\nGPA 3.37, Provost Honors (3 quarters)\n\nTechnical Skills\nComputer Skills: C/C++, Java, Assembly Language, VHDL, Verilog\nPlatforms: Windows XP, Mac OS, Unix/Linux\nSoftware Packages: Matlab, Orcad Capture/PSpice, Cadence, Xilinx ISE, Altera Quartus II, ModelSim\nHardware: Altera FPGA\n\nRelevant Upper-Division Coursework\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCommunications Systems Sequence\nProbability and Random Processes\nBasic Digital Signal Processing\nLinear Systems Fundamentals\nIntroduction to Linear & Nonlinear\nOptimization\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAdvanced Digital Design Project\nAnalog Integrated Circuit Design\nElectronic Circuits and Systems\nIntroduction to Active Circuit Design\nDigital Circuits\n\nExperience\nSystems Intern, Scorpion Defense Systems\n1/09-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborate with team of five engineers to research inter-nodal connectivity capabilities for\nUSMC Command and Control\n\xef\x82\xb7 Design and implement conceptual architecture for inter-nodal communications using cellular\nnetworks\nIntern, Teams in Engineering Service Project, UC San Diego\n6/08-8/08\n\xef\x82\xb7 Integrated computer vision technologies with wearable wireless grocery shopping\naids for vision-impaired shoppers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with computer vision graduate students to maintain and expand\nMySQL database\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed Python script to parse XML files\n\xef\x82\xb7 Queried Python objects into MySQL database using SQLAlchemy\nDesign Manager, Course Project - Mobile 802.11 Robot\n3/08-6/08\n\xef\x82\xb7 Earned class distinction for finished product: \xe2\x80\x9cBest Project Award\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Collaborated with team of three to develop mobile robot controlled through IEEE wireless 802.11\nprotocol\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed and implemented speed control and improved packaging of unit\n\xef\x82\xb7 Integrated webcam to provide visual feedback at remote terminal\n\xef\x82\xb7 Improved web interface used for direct interaction between operator and unit\n\nLeadership and Campus Involvement\nPresident, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)\nActive Member, Society of Women Engineers (SWE)\n\n3/09-Present\n9/07-Present\n\n\x0cShrek Green\n0711 Fiction Road\nSan Diego, CA 12345\n(492) 222-2222 [email protected]\nObjective\nTo obtain an internship in the law field, utilizing communication, analytical and organizational skills\nEducation\nBachelor of Science, Political Science\nBachelor of Science, Psychology\nUniversity of California, San Diego (UCSD)\n\nExpected Graduation Date: June 2012\n\nRelated Coursework\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLaw and Society\nSupreme Court Constitution\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPower and Justice\nPolitical Parties\n\nSkills/Qualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Computer literate in Microsoft Word, Excel, e-mail & social media\n\xef\x82\xb7 Demonstrated experience in leadership through active role/presidenry in clubs and organization\n\xef\x82\xb7 Multitasking through active student involvement at UCSD\n\xef\x82\xb7 Team working skills through experience on athletic teams\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in written and conversational French\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong oral and written communication skills\nExperience\nIslands Restaurants\nFood City, CA\nServer/ Hostess\nMay 2OO7 -Present\n-Greet and seat 50 guests per day to create welcoming and comfortable atmosphere\n-Prepare and organize tables quickly and efficiently to enable efficient turn over time\n--Communicate with guests to ensure excellent experience\n-Provide assistance to coworkers to establish collaborative environment\nMega Transports\nAssistant\n-Organized records to create system for easily accessible files\n-Maintained clean and organized work space\n-Represented executives to clients over phone and documented messages\n\nEnchanted Forest, CA\nApril 2006-September 2007\n\nSt. Nicholas Medical Center\nNorth Pole , CA\nVolunteer\nJune 2006-September 2006\n-Entrusted with filing of confidential medical documents\n-Guided patients to appropriate departments and connected patients with practitioners\n-Managed multi-line phones for doctors & nursing staff\nLeadership & Campus Involvement\n-Active Member, Phi Alpha Delta-Pre-Law Fraternity\n-Team Member, UCSD Track & Field\n-President/Choreographer-UCSD Ballroom Dancing Team\n\nSeptember 2010-present\nSeptember 2008-present\nSeptember 2008-present\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\nCover letters and resumes go hand in hand\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nAdds a personal touch to resumes\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nHighlights experiences and skills\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nExplains how the organization will benefit\nfrom having you as an intern\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\nFormatting\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nLayout\n\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Use the header of your resume on your cover letter.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Be sure the name & title of your contact is spelled\ncorrectly.\n\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Introductory Paragraph-explains the purpose of your\nletter\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Middle Paragraph(s)-includes qualifications & reasons\nfor your interest in relation to the position &\norganization.\n\xe2\x97\xa6 Closing Paragraph-reaffirms your interest in being\ninterviewed, invites the organization to contact you &\nthanks them for their consideration.\n\n\x0cDear (Ms./Mr./Dr.) (Last Name):\n\nAs a participant in UC San Diego\xe2\x80\x99s Academic Internship Program, I am applying for the (title of\nposition) internship at (name of organization). If selected, I am interested in interning during\nUCSD\xe2\x80\x99s (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) quarter, from ________________ through ________________\n(dates the quarter begins and ends).\n\nState your interest in this type of work and how it relates to your academic and career goals.\nTell the organization what relevant skills and experience you can offer. Make a connection\nbetween your interests/education/qualifications and the organization and/or position to which\nyou are applying. Your paragraph(s) should be four to five sentences long.\nI would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications for your\ninternship opportunity. Please contact me at (your phone number & e-mail address). Thank you\nfor your consideration of my resume, and I look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\n\n(Print Your First and Last Name)\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\n\xef\x81\xbd\n\nFor additional assistance with your resume or\ncover letter:\nContact AIP at 858-534-4355 to meet with\nan AIP Peer Advisor.\nVisit UC San Diego Career Services:\n'
b"SAMPLE RESUME\n\nMaria E. Parker\nCampus Address\n256 Fitzpatrick Hall\nNotre Dame, IN 46556\n(574) 631- 6039\n\[email protected]\n\nPermanent Address\n1060 W. Addison St.\nChicago, IL 60613\n(773) 404-2827\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a summer internship in Mechanical Engineering.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nUniversity of Notre Dame\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nGPA: 3.1/4.0, to be awarded May 2006\nDean's List: Spring 2004\nStudy Abroad Program\nLondon, England\n\nCOURSEWORK\n\nEngineering Graphics (Pro-E)\nMechanical Design\nControl Systems I, II\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nLanguages:\n\nFORTRAN, MATLAB, C++\n\nSystems:\n\nMS-DOS, UNIX, Macintosh, Windows: 9x, XP, 2000, & NT\n\nSoftware:\n\nProEngineer Wildfire, AutoCAD, MS Word, MS Excel\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nThermodynamics\nComputing & Programming\nHeat Transfer\n\nAlivaf Technology Corporation, San Antonio, TX, June-September 2004\nEngineering Intern: Design widgets using Pro-Engineer to meet design\nspecifications. Selected and tested appropriate materials to optimized strengthto-weight ratio. Tested widgets using IBRAKEM testing apparatus.\nUniversity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, Fall 2004\nUndergraduate Research Assistant: Conducted preliminary research on fuel\ncells. Assisted in setting up apparatus for rheology experiments using polymers\nand fiber composites. Took permeability measurements of deformed fabrics.\n\nMEMBERSHIPS\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), member, 2004\nTau Beta Pi, Treasurer, 2005\nOrganized fundraisers grossing $3,000\nNational Society of Black Engineers, member, 2004\nAssociation for Computing Machinery, member, 2003\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nRacquetball, jogging, church volunteer, math tutor"
b'LYNN A. ENGINEERING STUDENT\nStreet Address, City, State Zip\n\nArea Code/Phone Number\n\nE-mail Address\n\nOBJECTIVE\nObtain an entry level chemical engineering position with a firm in the petroleum industry.\nEDUCATION\nBachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering; Minor, Spanish\nUniversity of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Expected May 2010\nGPA: 3.2/3.7\nEarned 30% of college expenses.\nCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Physical and Organic Chemistry\n\xef\x82\xb7 Engineer Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEngineering Fluid Mechanics\nEngineering Physics\n\nTECHNICAL COMPETENCIES\nComputer Languages: Cobol, MS Office; Microcontroller Programming\nResearch Experience: Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology\nKnowledge of concepts of Conductivity Meter and Electron Microscopy\nPROJECTS\nName of Project. Describe briefly. (Class name, semester year)\n[Projects help identify hands-on experience through lab, design, team or research.]\nEXPERIENCE\nIntern, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Vemal, Utah\nSummer 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Integrated reservoir and geologic information into an optimum design\n\xef\x82\xb7 Demonstrated interpersonal skills and work effectively in a team environment.\nLab Monitor, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided hardware and software assistance to lab users\n\xef\x82\xb7 Replenished supplies as needed\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enforced computer lab policies\n\nSeptember 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2009\n\nSPECIAL SKILLS\nSpanish, both written and conversationally fluent\nCPR certified\nHONORS/ACTIVITIES/SERVICE\nList in reverse chronological order by category [most recent first]. List those which will be of employer interest.\nAs freshmen/sophomores, you may use some high school activities; however, you MUST build college-level\nactivities. Juniors and senior include only college-level activities. Involvement in a student professional\norganization is important.\n\\n\n(208) 885-6121\n\nIdaho Commons 334\n\n\\n\n(208) 885-6121\n\nIdaho Commons 334'
b'Course\n\nUniversity/\nBoard\n\nInstitute\n\nYear of\npassing\n\nPercentage/\nCGPA\n\nB.EMechanical\nEngineering\n\nAnna\n\nSri Muthukumaran Institute of\nHigher Technology\n\n2012\n\n7.44(cgpa)\n\n2008\n\n76.58\n\n2006\n\n79.9\n\nHigher\nSecondary\n\nMatric\n\nSSLC\n\nMatric\n\nNav Bharath\nVidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School,\nMangadu\nNav Bharath\nVidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School,\nMangadu\n\nFresher Mechanical Engineering Resume\nMobile: 09876543210\nPhone: 044-12345678\nEmail: [email protected]\n\nANIL JAIN\nCareer objective\n\nTo have a growth oriented and challenging career, where I can contribute my knowledge and\nskills to the organization and enhance my experience through continuous learning and teamwork.\n\nAcademic Qualification\n\nWork Experience\n\nJuly2012\xe2\x80\x93 Dec2012 (6months) Works as a junior production engineer inYONGSAN\nAUTOMOTIVE INDIA PVT LTD, Papparampakkam\n\nSoftware proficiency\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0 Software known: Auto Cad, SolidWorks, Ansys, Automation Studio.\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Office suite: MS-office.\n\n\x0cArea of Interest\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Manufacturing Technology\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Automobile Engineering\n\nMini Project\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Project Area\n\n: Manufacturing Technology\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Project Title\n\n: \xe2\x80\x9cDesign and fabrication of\n\nReciprocating Saw\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Project Role\n\n: Team leader\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Software used for Designing: SolidWorks 2005\nMain Project\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Project Area\n\n: Design of Transmission system.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Project Title\n\n: \xe2\x80\x9cDesign, Analysis and fabrication of\n\nModular Stair\nCase Climber\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Project Role\n\n: Done the Analysis and helped in\n\nfabrication.\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Software used for Designing: Solid Works-2010.\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Software used for Analyzing: Ansys 11\n\nIndustrial visits\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Integral Coach Factory(ICF), Chennai\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Karnataka Turned Components, Hosur\n\nTraining and Workshops undergone\nImplant training:\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Organization\n\n: Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Perumbur, Chennai-\n\n\x0c600 038.\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Duration\n\n: 7 days\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0 Knowledge Gained : Learnt about various machining processes\n\nWork shop:\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Robotics:\nPlace: college campus\nPeriod and Time: 21-24th Jan 2011.\n\nPapers presented\n\nPresented a Paper on \xe2\x80\x9cPower Production Through Bladeless Turbine.\xe2\x80\x9d at Misrimal Navajee\nMunoth Jain Engineering College\n\nAchievements and Extra-curricular activities\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Participated and won prizes in English essay competition at school level.\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Participated and won prizes in drawing competition conducted by Road\nsafety Educational & Research Service Society - at school level.\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0 Active participant of NSS and Active blood donor.\n\nPersonal Trait\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Creative and logical\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Problem solving ability\n\xef\x82\xb7\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0\xef\x82\xa0Co-operative and keen observer\nHobbies\nGardening\nPlaying Volleyball\n\nPersonal Profile\n\n\x0cDate of Birth\n\n:\n\n12.11.1992\n\nGender\n\n:\n\nMale\n\nMarital status\n\n:\n\nSingle\n\nLanguages Known\n\n:\n\nTamil, English and Hindi (Read and Write)\n\nPermanent Address\n\n:\n\n10/1 N S Road, Marina Lane, Chennai-600010\n\nI hereby declare that all the details furnished here are true to the best of my knowledge.\nDATE :\n\nNAME\n\n: ANIL JAIN\n\nPLACE:\n\nSIGNATURE:'
b'Your Name\[email protected]\n0400 000 000\n99 Example Street, Example Town, Example City, 2000\nSee CareerOne\xe2\x80\x99s advice articles, videos and resume building tool here\n\nPERSONAL STATEMENT\nI\xe2\x80\x99m an accomplished Electrical Engineer with a background in commercial and industrial\ninstallations.\nI have an in depth knowledge of distribution boards and am looking to expand my experience\nwithin a role that combines new builds as well as maintenance contracts.\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nElectrical Engineer\nMetipacto Ltd | Example City |\nMM-YY > MM-YY\nAchievements\no Saved \xc2\xa340,000 productions costs by identifying strategic improvements to product\nlife cycle during a New Product Development process.\no Successfully developed testing validation procedures leading to a 2.3%\nincrease in sensor reliability.\no Played key role in ensuring team efforts met and exceeded all financial,\nperformance, quality and reliability goals.\no Centralised purchasing, created a core component list and consolidated the supplier\nbase to reduce material costs by 3.5%\nElectrical Technician\nXYZ Systems | Example City |\nMM-YY > MM-YY\nAchievements\no Conceived solution to improve high resolution analog measurements and increase\nproduction quality\no Contributed to increased throughput by rapidly diagnosing and correcting issues that\nimpacted baseline performance\no Successfully leveraged sound signal integrity principles and noise reduction leading\nto improved system reliability.\nJunior Electronic Technician\nTed Systems | Example City |\nMM-YY > MM-YY\nAchievements\no Built collaborative rapport with Controls Engineer to effectively conduct I/O systems\nand HMI troubleshooting\no Expertly performed preventative maintenance and calibration of equipment and\nsystems, earning outstanding reputation for proficiency and quality.\n\n\x0cPROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES\no\n\nBayer Advia 1650/2400 training course\n\no\n\nFuruno CA400 training course\n\no\n\nYellow Belt Six Sigma quality control programme\n\no\n\nHitachi 717 photometric analyser\n\nKEY SKILLS\nTechnical Skills\no MS Office\no AutoCAD\no Visio\no Matlab\no Mathcad\no EPRI MCTN\nMemberships\no Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers\n\nEDUCATION\no\n\nExample University\nHNC Electronic & Electrical Engineering\n\no\n\nExample College\nBTEC National Certificate in Electrical Engineering\n\no\n\nExample School\n10 subjects including Maths (B), Science (B), French (C)\n\nPERSONAL INTERESTS\nTraveling | Reading | Golf | Classic Cars\n\nREFERENCES\nReferences are available on request.'
b'N\n\name\n\nName\nAddress\nPhone :\nE-mail:\n\nObjectives\nTo pursue a challenging career in leading and progressive research organization offering\nopportunities for utilizing my skills towards the growth of the organization.\nEducation\nProfessional\n\nTechnical\n\nAcademic\n\nProjects Undertaken:\n\nAchievements:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Adjudged\nExtra Curricular:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nParticipated in\nInterests and Activities:\n\nDate:\n\n\x0c\xef\x81\xbd Resume: Header\n\nPlace:\n\nSignature:\n\n(Name)'
b'Sample Resume for Engineering Students (jr/sr level)\n\nContact Info: This should ALWAYS include your name, address,\nphone number and email. Your voicemail and email address\nshould be professional.\n\nGregory T. Jones\n1234 Oak Avenue\nBowling Green, Kentucky 42101\n(270) 555-1234\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nObjective: Your objective should be tailored to the specific job\nand/or facility for which you are applying.\n\nTo obtain an entry-level position as a Mechanical Engineer with ABC Technologies, allowing\nme to utilize my education and internship experience while gaining valuable work\nexperience in a team oriented environment.\n\nEDUCATION: Western Kentucky University \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nAnticipated May 2012\n\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Mathematics\nGPA: 3.2\n\nSKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSkilled in Solid Works, Math CAD, Matlab, MS Office, PLC programming and machining\nKnowledgeable in Mechanical Engineering Sciences: Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials,\nDynamic Systems Analysis, Vibratory Motion, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer\nFast learner and independent with strong leadership and critical thinking skills\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE:\nLord Corporation \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nIntern\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSummer 2011\n\nCreated manufacturing standards that were adopted throughout the production facility\nAided in facility energy analysis\nDesigned fixtures to improve rubber flash material\nTeamed with engineering department to test design of materials; documented findings\n\nBowling Green Motorsports \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nTeam Leader/Laborer\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nApril 2009-June 2011\n\nProvided maintenance and preparation of all racecars\nServed as tire specialist and recorded all scale data\nWorked in a team of 10+ crew members to prepare sheet metal work on all racecars and overall\nupkeep of all radios used by each team member\n\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nABC Hardware \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nCustomer Service Associate\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2009-Present\nSociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 2010-Present\nReferences Available Upon Request\n\nResume Guidelines\n\nMay 2007-April 2009\n\nEducation: Keep this section as standard as possible and leave\noff all high school information. Include: name of degree,\nanticipated date of graduation, name of institution, city/state,\nand GPA if at least a 3.0.\nSkills & Qualifications: Consider the skills, strengths,\nknowledge and competencies you possess as it directly relates\nto the position. You may also want to use an existing job\ndescription to help you brainstorm for this section.\nRelevant Experience: If you have relevant experience, this is\none of the most important parts of your resume. Bullets are\npreferred over heavily worded paragraphs. Three to five\nbullets per job is considered the norm. Begin each bullet with\nan action verb. List in reverse chronological order (starting\nwith your current job and working back).\n\nAdditional Experience: Use this section to discuss additional\nwork experience and to show some of your work history. Try\nto touch on transferrable skills that would also be beneficial in\nthe job you are seeking.\n\nMemberships: Include organization name and dates of\nmembership.\nReferences: Provide only if requested. For now, saying\n\xe2\x80\x98available upon request\xe2\x80\x99 is appropriate.\nQuick Tips: Be sure to proofread, checking for spelling or\ngrammatical errors, formatting, consistency, neatness and\nflow. Avoid using templates and update your resume\nregularly. Also, remember to tailor your resume to the\nposition for which you apply.'
b'SAMPLE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RESUME \xe2\x80\x93 Master\xe2\x80\x99s Degree\n\nMANNY FACTURE\nCurrent Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289\nPermanent Address: 3521 Second Avenue, Westford, MA 01881\nEmail: [email protected] Cell: (978) 222-5050\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a full-time position in the field of mechanical engineering utilizing my problem solving and\nleadership skills\n\nEDUCATION\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA\nMaster of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2009\nCornell University\nIthaca, NY\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2008\nOverall GPA: 3.4/4.0\n\nRELEVANT\nEXPERIENCE\n\nProcter & Gamble Manufacturing Company Lima, OH\nEngineering Intern, Lima Plant Engineering, Summer 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Led a torque quality improvement team\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted line trials to determine plant capability and made recommendations for noise mitigation\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a daily management system for managing scrap\nVisteon Automotive Systems\nDearborn, MI\nSummer Intern, Advanced Product & Manufacturing Technology, Summer 2007\n\xef\x82\xb7 Researched and developed a testing plan to verify device durability and functionality\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and built fixture to test device\n\xef\x82\xb7 Identified and addressed safety issues for application of device\n\nPROJECTS\n\nSenior Engineering Design Project, Fall 2007\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed and developed a device to auto-erase dry boards\nStress Analysis Project, Spring 2007\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a mechanical crane to lift a weight to a pre-determined height\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cooperated with my team to combine ideas and to make a class presentation\n\nADDITIONAL\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCornell University Ithaca, NY\nDesk Attendant, Fall 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2007\n\xef\x82\xb7 Checked student id\xe2\x80\x99s to ensure the safety of the residence hall students\n\nLEADERSHIP\n\nVice-President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fall 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Spring 2008\n\xef\x82\xb7 Organized monthly speaker series, which has seven corporate and alumni speakers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Motivated the 65 members to attend meetings and events\n\nRELEVANT\nCOURSES\n\nGraduate Courses:\nRapid Prototype Design\nEngineering Graphics\nOptimization\n\nSKILLS\n\nOperating Systems: Windows, MacOS, Unix\nSoftware: MS Office, ProEngineer, ANSYS, ADAMS, AutoCAD, MATLAB, Solidworks\nMachines: Milling, Lathes, Drill Press, Band Saw\nSpoken Languages: Fluent in French; Conversant in Spanish\n\nACTIVITIES\n& HONORS\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nPi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nMen\xe2\x80\x99s Track and Field Team, 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nPi Tau Sigma (National Mechanical Engineering Honors Society), 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 present\n\nUndergraduate Courses:\nBusiness for Engineers\nMath Models for Consulting\nEngineering Statistics and Quality Control'
b"RESUME\nSmt K Nagaratna\nAsst Professor\nDepartment of Electronics and Communication\nEngineering\nBasaveshwar Engineering College\nBagalkot - 587 102, Karnataka, India.\nPhone: + 91 - 8354 - 200 684 (D)\nMobile: 09900334456\n\nPERSONAL PROFILE\nName\n\n:\n\nSmt K Nagaratna\n\nDate of Birth\n\n:\n\n20th November 1969\n\nNationality\n\n:\n\nIndian\n\nPermanent Address\nPostal address\n\n:\n:\n\nNo.40 , B/d R K Ashram , C B Nagar , DHARWAD- 580007, Karnataka , India.\nDept. Of Electronics and Communications Engineering ,\nBasaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot\xe2\x80\x93587102, Karnataka.\n\nMartial Status\n\n:\n\nMarried\n\nEDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS\n\nQualification\nRegistered Ph.D. (Electronics\nand Communication Engg.)\nM.Tech (Power Electronics)\n\nB. E (E& C Engg)\n\nInstitute/University\nBasaveshwar Engineering college, Bagalkot.\nVisvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.\nGuide : Dr Jayashree D Mallapur\nPoojya Doddappa College of Engineering Gulbarga.\nGulbarga University, Gulbarga.\nVTU Belgaum.\nVijayanagara Engineering College , Bellary\nGulbarga University.\n\nDivision\n\nYear\n2011\nDecember\nRegistered\n\nFirst class\n\n2004\n\nSecond class\n\n1995\n\nAREAS OF RESEARCH\n\nWireless Communications, Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Communications.\nTitle of Ph. D. Undergoing\nTitle of M. Tech Dissertation\n\n: Energy Efficient Time Synchronisation of WSN\n: Automation of Rolling Mill Using Allen Bradley Software\nat Kallyani Steels and Ferrous.\n\n1\n\n\x0cSERVICES\n\nS. N.\n\nInstitute\n\n1\n\nBasaveshwar\nEngineering College,\nBagalkot.\nSri Dharmastala\nManjunateswara\nCollege of Engineering\nand Technology\n( SDMCET) Dharwad.\n\n2\n\nPeriod of service in\neach post\nJanuary 2012\nTill date\nMarch 2008\nto\nJanuary 2012\n\nDesignation\nAssistant\nProfessor\nAssistant\nProfessor\n\nNature of work and level of\nresponsibilities\nTeaching and Research\nTeaching , Student Mentorship\xc2\xa0\nInstrumental\n\nin\n\nstarting\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cMicrocontroller lab\xe2\x80\x9d, and added\nManual with\n\nintroduction to Kiel\n\nsoftware.\nInstrumental\n\nin\n\nstarting\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cProgramming the web lab\xe2\x80\x9d, and\nadded Manual with\nIntroduction to XHTML , CSS,\nJavaScript, PHP, XML\n3\n\nTontadarya College of\nEngineering, Gadag .\n\nSeptember 2007\nTo\nJanuary 2008\n-\n\nAssistant\nProfessor\n\n4\n\nVDRIT,Haliyal ,\nKarnataka\n\nAugust 2006\nTo\nAugust 2007\nAugust 2005\nTo\nJuly 2006\nMarch 2005\nTo\nJuly 2005\nSept 2003\nTo\nMarch 2005\nNovember 1997\nTo\nSeptember 2001\n\nSenior Grade\nLecturer\n\nTeaching and Lab in charge\n\nLecturer\n\nTeaching and Lab in charge\n\nLecturer\n\nTeaching and Lab in charge\n\nLecturer\n\nTeaching and Lab in charge\n\nLecturer\n\nTeaching , Lab incharge and\n\n5\n6\n7\n8\n\nBellary Engineering.\nCollege, Bellary.\nKarnataka\nCity Engineering .\nCollege, Bangalore.\nKarnataka.\nTontadarya College of\nEngineering\n, Gadag. Karnataka\nP.D.I.T.Engineering\ncollege, Hospet\n,Karnataka\n\nTeaching and\nCoordinator/ students\n\nResponsible\n\nfor\n\nthe\n\nadvisor.\n\ncomplete\n\ndevelopment of Main ComputerCenter of Electronics & comm. At\nPDIT Hospet\n\n9\n\nBITS(Beauro of\ninformation &\nTechnology)\n\nYears of Experience : In Teaching\nAdministration\nResearch\n\nNovember 1995\nTo\nNovember 1997\n\nTrainee\nprogrammer\n\n13 Years\n2 Years\n1 Years\n\n2\n\n\x0cSUBJECTS TAUGHT FOR UG\n\nMicrocontroller 8051, Multimedia & computing, Embedded Systems , Microprocessor ,VHDL , Solid state devices,\nOops , DSP, Data Base , Management System ,Java(Core) , C' language , Optical fiber comm. ,Analog & Digital\nelectronics,Material Science and Electronic Devices.\n\nMEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nLife Member Institution of Engineers, India\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nLife Member of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.\n\nADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCES\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nInvolved\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa0P&T\xc2\xa0project\xc2\xa0for\xc2\xa0Telephone\xc2\xa0exchange(switches)\xc2\xa0at\xc2\xa0Bellary\xc2\xa0\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nInvolved\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa0BUDA\xc2\xa0projects\xc2\xa0at\xc2\xa0Bellary.\xc2\xa0\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nInvolved\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa0Rolling\xc2\xa0mill\xc2\xa0automation\xc2\xa0with\xc2\xa0PLC\xc2\xa0(AllenBradly)\xc2\xa0at\xc2\xa0Kalyani\xc2\xa0Steel\xc2\xa0&\xc2\xa0\nFerrous,\xc2\xa0Ginigera\xc2\xa0\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nInvolved\xc2\xa0 in\xc2\xa0 Software\xc2\xa0 Training\xc2\xa0 program\xc2\xa0 for\xc2\xa0 Engineers\xc2\xa0 in\xc2\xa0 WinTech\xc2\xa0 software\xc2\xa0\ndevelopers\xc2\xa0at\xc2\xa0Bangalore.\xc2\xa0\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCoordinator and Student advisor for Electronics & Communication Students Association, SDMCET Dharwad.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMember, Anti Ragging Committee, SDMCET Dharwad\n\n3\n\n\x0cSHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMMES /FACULTY DEVELOPMENT\nPROGRAMMES/SEMINARS/SYMPOSIUMS/WORKSHOPS ATTENDED\n\nS.N\n1\n\nCourse title\n\n4\n\nTraining on rapid simulation and\nperformance evaluation of current\nand future networks construct\xe2\x80\x99s\nAdvances in DBMS and Future\nAllied Research Avenues\nTraining Of Trainers on\nEnterpreneurial Motivation\nMulticore Programming\n\n2\n\nWeb\xc2\xa0Programming\xc2\xa0\n\n2\n3.\n\n3\n\n2\n\nInstitute\nNihon\nCommunication\nsolutions, Bang lore\n\nNo. of weeks\nTwo days\n\nDuration\n19-20 Feb 2012\n\nKLE Institute of\nTechnology, Hubli\nSDMCET , Dharwad\n\nThree Days\n\n24-26 Feb 2011\n\nOne Day\n\n8 th Oct 2010\n\nIntel Centre ,\nBangalore\n\nThree Days\n\n27-29 Jan 2010\n\nThree days\n\n25-27 June 2009\n\nThree Days\n\n13-15 March 2009\n\nFive Days\n\n18-22 Dec 2008\n\nOne day\n\n17th May 2008\n\nThree Days\n\n29-31 Oct 2004\n\nBIET,\xc2\xa0\nDavanagere\nResearch\xc2\xa0Opportunities\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa0 SDMCET\xc2\xa0,\xc2\xa0\nthe\xc2\xa0area\xc2\xa0of\xc2\xa0Digital\xc2\xa0Image\xc2\xa0\nDharwad.\xc2\xa0\nProcessing.\xc2\xa0\nwork\xc2\xa0 shop\xc2\xa0 on\xc2\xa0 embedded\xc2\xa0 BVB Hubli\nsystems\xc2\xa0\n\nusing\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\nMicrocontroller.\xc2\xa0\n3\n4\n\nIntroduction to Quantum\nComputers and Algorithms.\nNetworking Technology (WONET)\n\nSDMCET , Dharwad\nBVBCET, Hubli\n\nINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS\n\n1.\n\nJ. D. Mallapur, M. I. Sataraddi, S. C. Hiremath and K. Nagarathna, \xe2\x80\x9cPriority Based Scheduler for Bluetooth Network\xe2\x80\x9d,\nProceedings of International Conference on Advances in Communication, Computing and Control, (ICAC3), 18th - 19th January 2013, Fr.\nConceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Bandra, Mumbai, CCIS 361, pp. 356-365.\n\n2.\n\nJ D. Mallapur, Kiran Y. B, K. Nagarathna S. Hiremath \xe2\x80\x9cTrust Based Secured Routing in Wireless Multimedia\nSensor Networks\xe2\x80\x9d Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and\nNetworks, 24 - 26 July Pucket , pp 53-58, 2012.\n\n4\n\n\x0cREFERENCES\n\n1.Dr. Jayashree D. Mallapur\nProfessor\nDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering\nBasaveshwar Engineering College\nBagalkot - 587 102, Karnataka, India.\nPhone: + 91 - 8354 - 200 684 (D), 233 995 (R)\nMobile: 094481 03180\n\n5"
b"John Walton\n\nCivil Engineer In Training\n777 East 62\n\nnd\n\nAve, Vancouver BC V5X 2G5 Tel: 604-777-0925 Email:[email protected]\n\nP R O F I L E\n\nTalented & ambitious Junior Civil Construction Engineer seeking a junior engineering,\nproject management, or related position utilizing successful experience in civil engineering, consulting, design\nand building construction. Extensive experience in a wide variety of projects including building infrastructure,\ntransportation, urban land, building engineering and architecture design.\n\nS U M M A R Y\n\nO F\n\nQ U A L I F I C A T I O N S\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Multi-phase construction infrastructure\nprojects\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bachelor of Civil Engineering\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Frame Structure Analysis\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Construction Inspection and Land Surveys\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Fluent in English and Mandarin\n\nP R O F E S S I O N A L\nJunior Civil Engineer\nKrippton Bergman Ltd\nVancouver, British Columbia\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient in AutoCAD Civil 3D, SAP 2000, STAAD\nPro\n\xe2\x80\xa2 BC Building Codes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Design & Project Management\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Concrete, Wood, Steel Code & Column Design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Valid BC Driver's License\n\nE X P E R I E N C E\nJan-July 2009 (contract)\n\nDelta Port Berth 3\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted Senior Engineers in the inspection of all material to ensure engineer's specification and\nquantities were met\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Produced and logged photographic records\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Checked shop drawings and assisted in producing as-built drawings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored ground improvement construction of container yard foundation and logged relevant\ngeotechnical data\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Extensively monitored compaction density tests both nuclear densometer or sand cone method\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Monitored construction and QA cone penetration tests\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Inspected installation of water main system, storm drain system, communication duct system, and\ngantry crane rail system\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Inspect all major concrete structures and supervised QA concrete testing\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assisted in the set up and maintenance of Engineer's reports\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Conducted engineer's estimate for barge ramp construction\nJunior Civil Engineer\nDelean Corporation\nVancouver, British Columbia\n\nMay-Aug 2008 (contract)\n\nFraser Surrey Dock Pavement Rehabilitation\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Prepared preliminary cost estimates and contract administration documents, including change\nBurnaby,orders\nBC and progress draws\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Attended construction progress meetings and prepared meeting minutes\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Surveyed the construction site to ensure the finished grades were as per design\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Inspected excavation, trench drain installation, catch basin installation, and pavement base grading\n\n\x0cPage 2\n\nJunior Civil Engineer Intern\nCWMM Consulting Engineers Ltd\nVancouver, British Columbia\n\nMay \xe2\x80\x93Dec 2007 (contract)\n\nUBC Okanagan Engineering and Management Building\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed shallow foundations, cantilever retaining walls, concrete slabs and columns, and steel\nplates with hand calculation and spreadsheets\nBurnaby,embedment\nBC\nPage 2\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Selected open web steel joists, structural steel beams and columns for different levels and sections\nof the building Performed calculation checks on crane supporting steel beam\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Edited AutoCAD drafting\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assist Senior Engineers and Planners in the compilation of construction design information\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Carry out assignments on project design teams and attend various project meetings\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Liase with clients and team members\n\nE D U C A T I O N\n\n&\n\nA W A R D S\n\nUniversity of British Columbia, Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Civil Engineering, 2010\nRichard Genest Memorial Service Award in Building Science\nPresident's Entrance Book Award\n\nS C H O O L\n\nT E C H N I C A L\n\nP R O J E C T S\n\nEERI Undergraduate Seismic Design Project\nRecycled Latex Paint in Concrete Project\nUBC Student Steelbridge Project\n\nP R O F E S S I O N A L\n\nA F F I L I A T I O N S\n\nStudent Member of APEGBC\nStudent Member of Structural Engineers Association of BC\n\nC O M P U T E R\n\nS K I L L S\n\nMS Office, SAP2000, STAAD Pro, AutoCAD, Internet Explorer\n\nReferences Available Upon Request"
b'Resume and Cover Letter Tips @ MS of Electrical Engineering\n\n2013-2014 Academic Year\n\nResources from the Columbia Center for Career Education (CCE) You Should Review:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Planning Guide for Resumes/CVs and Cover Letters\no For Resumes/CVs (pages 14-31)\no For Cover Letters (pages 40-45)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Tip Sheets for Resumes and Cover Letters\no Resume Tip Sheet\no Cover Letter Tip Sheet\nEE Recommended Resume Format\n\xe2\x80\xa2 One (1) page document\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Page Size: 8.5\xe2\x80\x9d x 11\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Sections: Each section clearly outlined\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Font Style: Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, or Tahoma\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Font Size: Dependent on Style, but no less than size 10\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Margins: No less than 0.5\xe2\x80\x9d on each side\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consistency: Use one Font throughout\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Microsoft Word Format\n\nResume Sections\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Header\no Name: Legal First Name followed by Legal Last Name\n\xef\x82\xa7 If using a Preferred Name, the recommended format is:\nPreferred Name (Legal First Name in Parentheses) Legal Last Name\no Address: Where to mail physical offer letter\no Phone Number in the US\no Email: If using a Preferred Name, change your email \xe2\x80\x98Display Name\xe2\x80\x99 to reflect this format. It\nis also suggested you use your Columbia email.\no Webpage (LinkedIn Profile or other professional site such as a blog)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Education: School and Degrees- in order of attendance starting with the most recent\no No high school\no Clearly indicate name of undergraduate institution, the location, degree program and month\nand year of graduation (required)\no Include any additional graduate degrees in the same format as undergraduate institution\no Performance indicator (i.e. GPA, honors, awards)\no List titles of relevant courses (no course numbers) if applicable\no Briefly summarize projects or thesis, if applicable\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Professional, Research, Academic Experience- in order of experience starting with the most recent\no Name of organization\no Location of organization\no Title of position\no Duration of experience (month and year began and month and year completed)\no Description of experience\n\xef\x82\xa7 Use action verb to start all bullet points (examples of verbs)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Verb tense: Past experiences should begin with a word in the past tense and Current\nexperiences should begin with a word in in present or active voice.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Tailor the resume to the job or purpose\n\xef\x82\xa7 Quantify your skills and highlight accomplishments- For example, include cost\nsavings in dollars or number of people you managed\n\xef\x82\xa7 All bullet points should be in the third person (no I, Me, Us, We\xe2\x80\xa6)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Skills and Certifications\no Skills: Language(s), Computer, Programing, Other (i.e. hardware)\no Certifications\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interests and Activities\no Interests: Select interesting ones and try to be specific\n\n\x0cResume and Cover Letter Tips @ MS of Electrical Engineering\n\n2013-2014 Academic Year\n\no Activities: Describe transferable skills and leadership\nThe Cover Letter Defined:\nIt is a business letter that\xe2\x80\xa6\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Introduces you as an applicant and highlights your qualifications\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Markets your creativity, writing style, and personality\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Informs the employer that you understand the requirements of the job\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Demonstrates that you possess the skills necessary for the job\n\nEE Recommended Cover Letter Format\n\xe2\x80\xa2 One (1) page document\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Page Size: 8.5\xe2\x80\x9d x 11\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Font Style: Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, or Tahoma\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Length: 4 or 5 brief paragraphs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Font Size: Dependent on Style, but no less than size 10 and no more than size 12\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Consistency: Use one Font throughout, no bold or italics\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Microsoft Word Format\nCover Letter Sections:\nHeader: Your Name, Address, phone number and email\nGreeting: \xe2\x80\x98To Human Resources and Hiring Manager:\xe2\x80\x99 or \xe2\x80\x98Dear Mr. Riley:\xe2\x80\x99\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nWhenever possible, write to a specific person\n\nParagraph 1- Introduction- What position you are applying for, how you heard about the position, why\nthis position is exciting to you and a statement about what you bring to the table \xe2\x80\x9cbased on my\ngraduate education and previous internship/full time experience I will add value to this role in X way."\nParagraph 2- Specific Example(s) drawing on competencies/responsibilities listed in the job description\nthat you can speak to. "In my current role/graduate program I manage/take classes (in) Z where I\nstrengthened my BLANK skills.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nNote: If you are a career changer, you should provide a statement about how your previous\ncareer led you to transition back to school and seek a job opportunity in a new field or industry.\n\nParagraph 3- Specific Example(s) drawing on competencies/responsibilities listed in the job description\nthat you can speak to "In my current/previous role I create(d) Z where I develop(ed) BLANK skills.\xe2\x80\x9d\nParagraph 4- If Necessary: Specific Example(s) drawing on competencies/responsibilities listed in the\njob description that you can speak to. "In my current/past role I manage(d) X, Y, Z where I have\napplied BLANK skills.\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nNote: If you have limited work or internship experience, this paragraph is likely not necessary.\n\nPara 5(or 4) Summation- What experience you are bringing to the table, why you will succeed and why\nyou are enthusiastic about this potential opportunity.\nClosing: Sincerely, Kind Regards, Best, Respectfully followed by exact name on your resume\n\nand time(s) and method to best reach you.\n\n\x0cResume and Cover Letter Tips @ MS of Electrical Engineering\n\n2013-2014 Academic Year\n\nAlways avoid clich\xc3\xa9s ( \xe2\x80\x98 I am a hard worker \xe2\x80\x99) . Highlight your strengths, but always follow up statements ab\nout your competencies ( \xe2\x80\x98 I have advanced technical skills\xe2\x80\x99) with a specific example.\n\nQuestions to ask yourself\n1. Does this resume stand up to the brand I wish to convey to employers?\nYour resume is a marketing presentation of you. It is a document with a purpose and summarizes\nyour education, experience, and skills in short, concrete, result-oriented phrases that puts together\nthe right picture of you.\n2. Which three people can I show this to for a variety of responses and constructive criticism?\nYou need a resume that can appeal to different pairs of eyes and people are subjective so be sure\nto gather various opinions during your editing process.\n3. What should I put in the cover letter rather than in the resume?\nThe cover letter is an opportunity to introduce yourself in full sentences and should explain how\nyou learned about the position and why you are interested and qualified for the role in comparison\nto a resume which highlights the tasks and responsibilities of your work and educational experience\nin bullet points. Also note, there is a difference between a formal 3-4 paragraph cover letter and an\nemail introduction to the prospective employer. The email form should be a brief 1 paragraph note\nthat pulls from the first and last paragraph of your formal cover letter and should be edited and\nreviewed thoroughly for errors before hitting send!\n\nIngredients for a Knock-out Resume\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nKeep your resume to one page.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse an attractive and professional layout.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nCatch the reader\xe2\x80\x99s attention in 15 seconds.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nStart each bullet point with an active verb\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nMake everything positive on your resume. Your resume should convey a sense of vitality and an\nimage of you progressing smoothly and confidently through your career rather than having bumps.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nTailor your resume to a job description whenever possible. Identify the five main qualities in the\ndescription and make sure those five qualities or as many as you can describe that are clearly\ndemonstrated in your resume.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nHighlight achievements, rather than listing everything you have done.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAvoid raising unanswered questions and don\xe2\x80\x99t leaving gaps in your resume. Whether you served in\nthe military or did some traveling while unemployed or took a sabbatical, include a brief description\nto set the tone of a continued career progression\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProofread \xe2\x80\x93 not just spell/grammar check! Check for tenses! Make sure to set your computer\nlanguage to U.S. English.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDO NOT Include:\no Personal Information (too personal)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Age, gender, marital status, number of children\no Repetitious use of words \xe2\x80\x9cResponsible for\xe2\x80\xa6Duties include\xe2\x80\x9d\n\n\x0cResume and Cover Letter Tips @ MS of Electrical Engineering\no\no\no\no\n\nYour GPA, if less than 3.0\nLong narrations\nList of references or \xe2\x80\x9cReference Available Upon Request\xe2\x80\x9d\nJPEGS, TIFFs, Animation\n\n2013-2014 Academic Year\n\n\x0cFIRST LAST\n425 Riverside Ave # 9A Manhattan NY 10027\n\n123-456-7139\xc2\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\nColumbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science\n\nNew York, NY\n\nMS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.79/4\nExpected Dec 2012\nCourses: Digital VLSI Circuits, Analog Electronic Circuits, Communication Circuits, Analog System in VLSI, Millimeter Wave Circuits,\nAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits, Advanced Digital Electronic Circuits.\n\nTongji University, School of Electronics and Information\n\nShanghai, China\n\nBS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.8/4\nJul 2011\nCourses: Computer Architecture, Analog Electronic Technique, Digital Electronic Technology, Principles of Microcomputers and Interface\nTechnology, Automatic Control Theory, Programmable devices, Embedded systems.\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\n\nHardware Design Team, Qualcomm Reference Design\n\nShanghai, China\nJun 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug 2012\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nUsed Agilent 8960 to test WCDMA performance of Mobile Phone, such as Spectrum Emission Mask, Frequency\nError, Occupied bandwidth\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nMeasured GSM index of Mobile Phone, like output power, Output RF Spectrum, Frequency Error, Receive Sensitivity\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nModified the schematic of RF part to improve cell phone\xe2\x80\x99s RF performance\nSummer Intern\n\nPROJECT EXPERIENCE\nColumbia University\n\nDesigned and Physical Implementation of an AM radio receiver\n\nNew York, NY\nJan 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Apr 2012\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nDesigned a TRF (tuned radio frequency) receiver for the AM band. Verified the circuit by simulation using LTspice.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nBreadboard designed to make sure the circuit works with practical components.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nBuilt the design in permanent form, by soldering the components to a regular-pattern PCBs. Achieved the frequency\nranges from 520kHz to 1710 kHz with a 50mW audio power into a 8-Ohm loudspeaker\nDesigned a fully differential switched capacitor amplifier used for pipelined ADC\nNew York, NY\nClass: Communication Circuits\n\nClass: Advanced Analog Circuits\nJan 2012 \xe2\x80\x93 Apr 2012\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nMade a system-level design for 5MHz, 7-bit ADC. Chose a full-scale voltage 1.4V with power supply 1.8V. Chose the\nswitch-MOSFET sizes. Determined the OTA specifications using the ideal OTA model.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nDesigned an OTA satisfies the requirements, choose the topology, size transistors.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nPlug in the OTA in the fully differential switched capacitor sample-and-hold amplifier with MOSFET switches and\nrun through the clock phases. Made sure it got a settling error of less than 1/2Vlsb with full-scale input.\nDesigned a CMOS Operational Amplifier with the demand specifications\nNew York, NY\n\nOct 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Dec 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nCame up with a preliminary design, taking into account relevant specifications given, calculating transistors\xe2\x80\x99 sizes.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nVerified with LTSpice. Tuned the circuits Simulated DC operating point, DC transfer curve and DC small-signal gain,\nCommon-mode small-signal gain at DC, AC analysis.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nAchieved Low Frequent Gain of 88.31dB, CMRR of 95dB, Unity-gain Frequency of 70.91MHz and Power\nconsumption of 99uW.\nDesigned a 8_bit Micro Processor using IBM 90-nm technology\nNew York, NY\nClass: Analog Electronic Circuits\n\nClass: Digital VLSI Circuits\nOct 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Dec 2011\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nCreated a proposal to determine the topology of the circuits.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nConstructed schematics for each part of the circuits with Cadence, analyzed key parameters including the delay, the\nfrequency and the sizing with preliminary W and L values. Made simulation to tune a considerable sizing. Finished the\nlayout of each part of the processor.\n\xe2\x80\xa2\nImplemented the whole layout in Virtuoso with DRC, LVS clean.\n\nAWARDS\n\nNational Scholarship\nFirst-Level People\'s Scholarship, Tongji University\nExcellent Student Award, Tongji University\n\nSKILLS\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Verilog HDL, Matlab, C, tcl, Cadence Virtuoso, LTSpice\n\nSep 2009\nJun 2009\nOct 2009\n\n\x0cFIRST LAST\n123-456-7890\n\[email protected]\n\nCURRENT POSITION\nHardware Development Engineer at LSI\n\nSan Jose, CA\n\nEDUCATION\nColumbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science\n\nNew York, NY\n\nMS in Electrical Engineering\n\nFeb 2013\n\nCoursework: Digital VLSI Circuits, Advanced Logic Design, Computer Architecture, CAD of Digital Systems, Embedded\nSystems, Advanced Digital Electronics Circuits, Formal SW & HW Verification, Computer Hardware Design\nHarbin Institute of Technology, School of Electronics and Information Technology\n\nHarbin, China\n\nBS in Communication Engineering (Microwave Technology)\n\nJuly 2011\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nALTOBEAM\n\nBeijing, China\n\nASIC Design Engineer\n\nSummer 2012\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nParticipated in the Merlin project designing high-performance receiver for digital television.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDesigned RTL modules in Verilog HDL to develop algorithms in Matlab, and verified them by writing testbenches in Verilog\nand Matlab and did large numbers of tests randomly by script files wrote in Perl and Makefile.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSet up the FPGA test environment, including collecting all related design modules and check for syntax errors, PIN\nassignment, running the simulations and synthesis, and report the timing and LUT utilization results.\n\nPROJECT EXPERIENCE\nColumbia University\n\nNew York, NY\n\nDesign of a Low Power Digital Signal Processor\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSpring 2012\n\nDesigned a 32-bit microprocessor for DFT, IDFT and convolution operations, applying several low-power technologies, such\nas clock gating and multiple supply voltages, to minimize its power. The designed processor is capable of dealing with\ndifferent data lengths (2n, n varies from 1 to 16), and has specially designed hardware part for SRAM address calculation.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nImplemented the design in System Verilog and wrote testbenches to verify its performance.\n\nDesign of a Small CAD Tool for Logic Miniaturization\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSpring 2012\n\nDesigned a CAD tool in C based on unate recursive paradigm for generation of prime implicants from the input set of covers\nand identification of the essential ones. Functions built in the tool include: Termination Rule Checking, Tautology Checking,\nConsensus Generation, Single-Cube Containment, and Split variable picking.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nVerified the tool with designed input PLA files covering all different kinds of initial covers.\n\nDesign and Verification of CAM\n\nFall 2012\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDesigned a 32-bit content accessible memory (CAM) in System Verilog, realized its reset, read, write and search function.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nVerified the design with testbench wrote in System Verilog, including manual-set tests, random tests, code coverage and\nfunction coverage.\n\nRTL Design of a Hybrid Floating-Point Integer Adder\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFall 2011\n\nDetailed design of a special adder with an integer and a floating number as operands, including its Pseudo code, Algorithmic\nState Machine (ASM), architecture and microarchitecture, state diagram and Finite State Machine (FSM).\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nImplemented the design in VHDL and write testbenches to verify its performances with Quartus tool.\n\nOptimization of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Microprocessor\n\nFall 2011\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nApplied a more efficient algorithm and rewrote the software part in C.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAdjusted the hardware configurations of the processor, such as core type, memory hierarchy, cache configuration and clock\nfrequency, to minimize the execution time within the cost and RAM size limitations.\n\nTECHINICAL SKILLS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nApplications:\n\nOrigin, Excel, MS Word, PowerPoint, MS Visio, Endnote\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nResearch & Development:\n\nMatlab, Quartus, Cadence, Advanced Design System, CST Microwave Studio\xc2\xae\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProgramming Languages:\n\nC, C++, Verilog HDL, System Verilog, VHDL, Perl, Tcl\n\n\x0cFirst Last\[email protected] \xc2\xb7 (+1) 123-456-7890\n122 West 126th Street, Apt.2E \xc2\xb7 New York, NY 10031\nEDUCATION\nExpected Dec.2012\nColumbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science\nM.S. in Electrical Engineering, Majoring in Analog IC Design\nRelevant Coursework:Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits, Analog Systems in VLSI, Electrical Power Networks\nBeijing JiaoTong University, School of Electrical Engineering\nSept.2007-Jun.2011\nB.S. in Electrical Engineering, Majoring in Power Systems and Power Electronics\nRelevant Coursework:Power Electronics, Power Electronics Device & Application, Photovoltaic Power Generation\nTechnology, Relay Protection of Power Systems\nOutstanding Graduates Award & Excellent Individual in Social Practice & Tri-A Student Scholarship\nEXPERIENCE\nElectrical Engineer at Urban Green Energy Inc., New York Headquarters\nMay.2012-Present\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Leading the Patent-Pending Project of Auto Relay Protection System for Wind Turbines from ideas to\nprofitable product, broadening the global market and reducing over $150 potential cost per unit\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Independently designed and developed a Solar Radiation Sensor for next generation 1st Step Weather Station,\ncreating an extra $15 profit for each device\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Effectively communicating with groups of people from over 15 different countries and regions\nGraduate Research Assistant at Columbia Laboratory for Unconventional Electronics\nSept.2011-May.2012\n-The EnHANTs (Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags) Project\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and simulated a Pulse-Width Modulation driver circuit to control LED lights for EnHANTs project\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed, improved and implemented an Energy Harvesting Module for EnHANTs project, cutting down\npower consumption by 15%, while increasing the accuracy of current measurement\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Won Best Student Demo Award at ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems(SenSys 2011)\nUndergraduate Research Assistant of Electric Power Engineering Laboratory at BJTU\nJuly.2010-Jan.2011\n-The Control and Protection Strategy of Micro-Grid with Charging Station involved\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Investigated and designed fundamental units and protection strategies of Micro-Grid\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Employed MATLAB and Simulink to build Micro-Grid model and verify protection strategies\nSELECTIVE PROJECTS\nApril.2009-April.2011\nProject Leader of Creative Experimental Project of National Undergraduate Students\n-Micro-Grid Power Quality Monitoring Network\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed, simulated and implemented a power quality data acquisition module, utilizing Proteus to simulate\nand Altium Designer to develop Printed circuit board\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed and implemented Modbus-TCP/IP Protocol and Ethernet Protocols to achieve full duplex data\ntransmission based on Microchip TCP/IP Stack\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Proficient in MPLAB IDE for micro-controller firmware development and lab equipments for debugging and\ntesting PCB\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gained valuable experience in working cooperatively in a leadership role to accomplish goals\nMar.2012-May.2012\nAdvanced Analog Integrated Circuits Course Project\n-Design of a Fully Differential Switched Capacitor Amplifier for a 7-bit/5MHz Pipelined ADC\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Utilized Cadence to Design, simulate and test a two-stage fully differential telescopic Op-Amp in 0.18um\nCMOS technology\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Achieved desired functionality with a distinguished Figure of Merit by elaborate sizing and persevering effort\nDigital VLSI Circuits Course Project\nOct.2011-Dec.2011\n-Design of an 8-bit Microprocessor core in 90nm CMOS technology\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Utilized Cadence suits to design and simulate the schematics of each component within microprocessor core\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accomplished layout of the completed microprocessor and obtained a DRC, LVS clean verification\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Achieved nearly 50% less area and power consumption because of ingenious design and sizing\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nProficient in Cadence, ADS, SPICE Tools, MATLAB/Simulink, PCB Design/Layout, MPLAB, Microprocessor\nApplication Development, Modbus-TCP/IP Protocol Development\nACTIVITIES\nJun.2012-Aug.2012\nElectronics Tutor for selective high school students at BlueStamp Engineering\nMay.2008\nOrganizer of Soliciting Contributions Collecting over $2,300 for 2008.5.12 Sichuan Earthquake\n\n\x0cFirst Last\[email protected]\n\n1962 1st Ave., APT 1K, New York, NY, 10029\n\n1-234-567-8901\n\nEDUCATION\nColumbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science\nMS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.5/4.0\nShanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Microelectronics\nBS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.5/4.0\n\nNew York, NY\nExpected December 2013\nShanghai, China\nJune 2012\n\nSELECTED COURSE DESIGNS\nColumbia University\n\nNew York, NY\n\nDesign: A Processor Employing Accelerator\n\xef\x82\x9f\nModified MIPS instruction set to enable accelerators for high performance calculation\n\xef\x82\x9f\nBuilt from Verilog RTL code to Place&Route, using 130nm technology\n\xef\x82\x9f\nWrote scripts to do simulation and timing & power analysis in Perl/bash\n\nFeb. 2013 - May. 2013\n\nDesigned a Hardware Firewall: \xe2\x80\x9cKillswitch\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\x9f\nTargeted at filtering and capture of 10Gb/s Ethernet network\n\xef\x82\x9f\nBuilt Avalon ST interfaces of killswitch module for connection to Solarflare Board Service\n\xef\x82\x9f\nFiltering with CAM based structure to meet timing requirements\n\nFeb. 2013 - May. 2013\n\nDesigned a Network-On-Chip System\n\xef\x82\x9f\nBuilt a 4x4 mesh network in SystemVerilog\n\xef\x82\x9f\nAchieved Y-X dimension-ordered and credit based wormhole routing\n\xef\x82\x9f\nApplied golden brick to do random test to guarantee the correctness\n\xef\x82\x9f\nSynthesized with Design Compiler. Adjusted the design to meet the timing and area constraints.\n\nAug. 2012 - Dec. 2012\n\nShanghai Jiao Tong University\n\nShanghai, China\n\nProgrammed an Internet Information Server\nMar. 2011 - Jun. 2011\n\xef\x82\x9f\nCoded in C providing network function with TCP/IP socket, multithread using pthread and setup file configuration\n\xef\x82\x9f\nFunctions including several Linux commands (pwd, ls) via telnet provided to multiple client access.\n\xef\x82\x9f\nAvoided multithread data hazard using locks (mutex).\nDesigned a Pipeline Mips CPU\n\xef\x82\x9f\nImplemented optimizations including FORWARD to achieve better CPI\n\xef\x82\x9f\nCoded in Verilog, verified with several testbenches and synthesized in ISE\n\nMar. 2010 - Jun. 2010\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nProject: Modeling and calibration of high speed, high resolution ADC\n\xef\x82\x9f\nEstablished the ideal model using Modelsim/Matlab , added harmonic distortion\n\xef\x82\x9f\nImplemented HDC algorithm and verified it.\n\nAug. 2010 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov.2011\n\nProject: Embedded System Design for the Portable Bio-Electrochemistry Sensor\n\xef\x82\x9f\nProgrammed the control software in C# for the device running on PC\n\xef\x82\x9f\nDesigned multi-channel mode with data verification\n\nApril. 2010-April.2011\n\nSKILLS\n\xef\x82\x9f\nProgramming Languages: asm, C, C++, C#,Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, Java,Perl\n\xef\x82\x9f\nEngineering Tool: Modelsim, Xilinx ISE, Hspice, Multisim, Quartus, Matlab\n\xef\x82\x9f\nOperating Systems: Windows, Linux\n\xef\x82\x9f\nDocuments: Word, PowerPoint, Excel\n\xef\x82\x9f\nLanguages: Chinese(Native speaker), Japanese(N2)\nACTIVITIES\nAug. 2009 \xe2\x80\x93Jul. 2012\nForum Moderator, software board in online forum for SJTU\n\xef\x82\x9f\nHeld several themed parties offline\n\xef\x82\x9f\nDaily management\n\n\x0cFirst Last\n40 18st STR, Jackson Heights, Queens, NY, U.S\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2 123-456-7890\n\nEDUCATION\nColumbia University, New York, USA\nMS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.6/4.0\nBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China\nBS in Telecommunication Engineering with Management, GPA 3.7/4.0\n\nDEC 2012\nJUL 2011\n\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nSoftware Developer, JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York, USA\nWINTER 2012 (till present)\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented the Proof Of Concept for website of Vedere to be like the business pattern of Vayable include the\nhtmls and database reconstructions.\n\xc2\xb7 Developed iOS mobile apps using Objective-C and Cocoa Touch SDK.\n\xc2\xb7 Developed Android mobile apps using JAVA and android SDK.\nSoftware Developer, HuaWei Technologies, Inc. Santa Clara, USA\nSUMMER 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Designed and implemented an online demonstration for the VXLAN project in Cloud Computing & Networks\ngroup, using JavaScript and Canvas in HTML5/CSS3\n\xc2\xb7 Designed an algorithm using HashTables to realize the connections between User Interface and actual virtual\nmachines with different combinations allowed.\n\xc2\xb7 Installed the virtual machine manager KVM and Openvswitch hypervisor under the Linux Ubuntu system to\nachieve the communications between the virtual machines by openvswitch.\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented the packet send and receive mechanisms under Layer 3 network of the VXLAN module using C++\n\xc2\xb7 Improved the performance of VLAN by using the featured updates from VXLAN\nInvestment Assistant, Shaanxi Hi-tech Industry Investment Ltd Co. Xi\xe2\x80\x99an, China\nSUMMER 2011\n\xc2\xb7 Accomplished the entire process of high risk investment of the Western Superconducting Technologies (WST)\n\xc2\xb7 Calculated the allowance of the depreciation, the capital and dividends of WST in financial year 2011.\n\xc2\xb7 Calculated the present value of the company by analyzing the investment value for future 3-5 years including\nprediction of gain and cash flow, evaluation of technology, management and intellectual property with the\ndiscount rate.\nPROJECT EXPERIENCE\nJava/PHP Developer, "Online Movie Rental DBMS" on Oracle 10g, Columbia University\nFALL 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Simulated the famous online movie rental website Netflix and designed our own Online Movie Rental Database\nManagement System Model by using E/R Diagrams and SQL Schema.\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented functions like Searching, Borrowing, Returning, Rating and Movies Management\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented web front-end application of the Library DBMS using Java, PHP, HTML and CSS\n\xc2\xb7 Won the best DBMS project in the class.\nJava (J2EE) Developer, \xe2\x80\x9cStocksBox\xe2\x80\x9d Web Application on AWS Cloud, Columbia University\nSPRING 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Designed a web application using Java, JSP, JavaScript and HTML/CSS to help clients\nsearch, store and display their selected stocks exchanges on our website from MySQL database\n\xc2\xb7 Utilized AWS EC2 with Linux, Apache/Tomcat, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) to support the web server\n\xc2\xb7 Designed elastic support with auto-scale processing units and storage when the number of clients\nor the amount of data exceeds their thresholds\nJava (J2EE) Developer, \xe2\x80\x9cTwitterBlog\xe2\x80\x9d Web Application on GoogleAppEngine, Columbia University\nSPRING 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Designed a blog website and deployed on Google App Engine\n\xc2\xb7 Designed a search engine using Get Search Service to create a request for Twitter API\n\xc2\xb7 Created a DataStore to store every Twitter request into an object instance for each given tweet Id\n\xc2\xb7 Fetched the 10 most popular tweets using Memcache service and used Java Mail Service to deliver them\nJava Developer, Vending Machine System, BUPT\nSPRING 2010\n\xc2\xb7 Designed vending machine model by using UML, which required conceptual diagrams, sequence diagrams\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented functions, including Transaction Management, Stock Management and Security Management\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nProgramming:\nJAVA, JavaScript, PHP, JSP/Servlet, HTML5/CSS3, SQL, C++, Matlab and Assemly language Tools:\nEclipse, MySQL, Xcode,Oracle 10g Database, Tomcat, Matlab, OpenGl, Flash\nOperation System: Linux/Unix, Mac OS, Windows\nLanguage skills:\nChinese Mandarin\n\n\x0cFirst Last\nTEL : (123)-456-7890\nEmail: [email protected]\n\nEducation\nColumbia University, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science\n\nNew York, NY\n\nMS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.42/4.0\n\nExpected December 2013\n\nOhio University, Russ College of Engineering and Technology\n\nAthens, OH\n\nBS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.7/4.0\nJune 2012\nMinor in Math\nRelevant Coursework:\nAnalog System in VLSI, Advance Digital Circuits, Advance Analog Integrated Circuits, Digital VLSI Circuit, Electronic\nCircuits, Computer Architecture, Micro Device Fabrication, Energy Conversion Microcontroller, Electric Machine\n\nProject Experience\nColumbia University\n\nNew York, NY [January 2013-Current]\n\nFFT/FIR Accelerators design for General CPU\n\xef\x81\xac\n\xef\x81\xac\n\xef\x81\xac\n\xef\x81\xac\n\nDesigned algorithms for FFT/FIR accelerators in order to improve the speed of DSP.\nDesigned custom instructions, data paths and communication system between CPU and accelerators.\nWrote algorithms in Verilog HDL at RTL for accelerators.\nAnalyze static time for the design. Did Synthesis and convert verilog code to circuit net list using design compiler provide\nby Synopsys. Using Synopsys Primetime tool to produce timing and power information.\n\xef\x81\xac Wrote Verilog test bench and Perl scripts to automatically check functionality of the accelerators in Modelsim.\n\xef\x81\xac Designed Golden brick verification to compare results between Modelsim simulation and Matlab simulation.\n\xef\x81\xac Automatically produced layout of the whole design using Cadence Encounter and minimized the area. Hand adjusted the\nlayout to clean all DRC and LVS errors.\nColumbia University\nNew York, NY [September 2012-December 2012]\n\n8- Bit CPU Design\n\xef\x81\xac\n\nDesigned transistor level schematic circuit for an eight bit CPU in submicron (90nm) technology. The CPU contains\nmemory (SRAM), adder, shifter, flip-flop, tri-state bus controller, Mux and PLA in Cadence Virtuoso.\n\xef\x81\xac Designed Custom Layout for the eight bit CPU in order to use minimum area and fully understand design rules and layout\nissues.\n\xef\x81\xac Simulation in Cadence with layout parasitic extraction to fully prove the functionality and detect delay, power consumption\nof the CPU.\nColumbia University\nNew York, NY [September 2012-December 2012]\n\nTransimpedance Amplifier Design\n\xef\x81\xac\n\nDesigned a Transimpedance Amplifier used for the receiver in optic communication systems, which can convert current\nfrom a photodiode to large output voltage.\n\xef\x81\xac Analyzed and constructed the circuits in Pspice using CMOS technology. Technology tradeoffs between gain, bandwidth\nand power consumption to meet low power and large bandwidth requirements for the Amplifier.\n\xef\x81\xac Simulated the amplifier in different temperatures to prove the stability and wrote specification report.\nOhio University\nAthens, OH [September 2011- June 2012]\n\nSenior Design Project Wire Leach\n\xef\x81\xac Hardware design for the power harvest system for small UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).\n\xef\x81\xac Write codes using C++ in ROS allowed the UAV to detect a power line and land on the power line.\n\nTechnical Skills\nApplications: MATLAB, Cadence Virtuoso ,Modelsim, Pspice, Quartus, Modelsim, Cadabra,Synopsys design compiler\n& Primetime,Multisim, MS Excel, Word and Power point, ROS, BlueJ.\nProgramming Languages: C/C++, Java, VHDL/Verilog HDL, Perl, Python\nOperating System: Linux, Windows and Mac\n\n\x0cFirst Last\n250 W 106th St., Apt. 4J, New York, NY 10025 \xc2\xb7 1(234)567---8901 \xc2\xb7 [email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\nColumbia University, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science\nMS in Electrical Engineering, GPA 3.8/4.0\n\nNew York, NY\nExpected December 2013\n\nRelevant Coursework: Analog Electronic Circuits, Digital VLSI Design, Computer Architecture, Advanced Logic Design, Advanced\nAnalog Integrated Circuits, Analog Systems in VLSI, Communication Circuits\nTsinghua University\n\nBeijing, China\n\nBS in Microelectronics, GPA 87/100\n\nJuly 2012\n\nRelevant Coursework: C++ Programming, JAVA Programming, Data Structure, Digital Logic Design, Principles of Microcomputer,\nDigital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design, Analog Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design, Semiconductor Devices\n\nCURRICULUM PROJECTS\n\xe2\x80\x9cA Low---Power 2.8GHz 70dB\xce\xa9 TIA\xe2\x80\x9d\nFall 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Perfectly met all requirements in bandwidth, gain, and group delay with only 800uW power consumption (required less than\n30mW) due to the optimized design of structure and progressively optimizing transistor parameters under 130nm technology.\n\xc2\xb7 Used HSPICE to simulate and MATLAB to analyze the simulation result.\n\xe2\x80\x9cA 8---bit Microcontroller Core\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nFall 2012\n\n\xc2\xb7 Designed an 8-- bit core that can operate fundamental instructions, such as add/sub, shift, load, and store.\n\xc2\xb7\n\nDesigned all schematics on Cadence Composer. Carefully sizing of transistors and the insertion of buffer stages significantly\n\nimproved the circuit\xe2\x80\x99s speed, which is two times faster than the second of the class.\n\xc2\xb7 Completed manually layout on Cadence Virtuoso and passed DRC and LVS. High density and uniform height for the data path\nelements were achieved by using bit slice style while power and clock distribution were discreetly designed.\n\xe2\x80\x9cI2C (Inter---IC) Bus Protocol Implementation\xe2\x80\x9d\nFall 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Developed and simulated a Moore FSM controller specification for a slave device on the I2C bus protocol, where the slave can\nbe either a receiver or a transmitter. Described in VHDL.\n\xc2\xb7 Designed simple fault tolerance. Even parity code is used as the error detection.\n\xe2\x80\x9cA Custom Trigonometric FP Function Unit\xe2\x80\x9d\nFall 2012\n\xc2\xb7 Adopted RTL design flows and methodologies to implement a FP unit that operates on IEEE 754 SPFP numbers to compute both\nsine and cosine functions with user specified precision.\n\xc2\xb7 Derived a Moore controller ASM specification, on which a pipeline is designed to achieve high---speed.\n\xc2\xb7 Developed VHDL code and testbenches to verify the function.\n\xe2\x80\x9cFly Ball\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented an Arkanoid game described in VHDL on FPGA, displayed on a monitor via the VGA interface.\n\xc2\xb7 Designed algorithms for logic module; developed VGA module that shows pictures loaded from ROM.\n\nFall 2009\n\nRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\n\xe2\x80\x9cRFID---2.4GHz OQPSK Digital Transmission and Reception System\xe2\x80\x9d\nSummer 2011\n\xc2\xb7 Implemented a communication protocol used on wireless sensor networks.\n\xc2\xb7 Developed and debugged the codes on IAR Embedded Workbench, and verified the protocol on TI CC2530 developing kits.\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\nAnalog Circuits Design: Cadence, HSPICE\n\nDigital Circuits Design: VHDL, Verilog, Perl\n\nProgramming: C++, Matlab, Java\n\nLayout: Cadence, Altium Designer, Ledit\n\n\x0cFIRST LAST\n329 Perry Avenue, Apt 3, Bronx, NY\n(347)-651-8235; Email: [email protected];\nEDUCATION:\n\nColumbia University- Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, NY, USA\nMaster of Science in Electrical Engineering, Expected May 2013;\n\nGPA: 3.83/4.33\n\nRelevant Coursework: Advanced Logic Design, Computer Architecture, Parallel Computer Architecture, SoC Design,\nEmbedded System Design, VLSI design, Computer HW Design, Resilient HW System, Adv. Digital IC Design\nIslamic University of Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh\nB.S. in Electrical Engineering, Class of 2010.\n\nGPA: 3.97/4.00\nSKILLS:\n\nPossess academic background in computer system design and microprocessor architecture, digital logic design, RTL design and\nvalidation, System on Chip design, ASIC, FPGA.\nProgramming and CAD tools: Cadence Spectre, Virtuoso, C-to-Silicon, VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog, SystemC, C, C++, Perl,\nMATLAB, RTL and waveform debugging tools.\nRELEVANT PROJECTS:\n\nColumbia University\nAsynchronous Design:\nSpring 2013\nEfficient Completion Detectors (CD) for m-of-n Return-to-Zero codes for asynchronous on-chip communication.\nASIC/Semi-custom Design:\nSpring 2013\nNoC: A 4x4 on-chip interconnection network.\nImplemented a 4x4 mesh network using completely synthesizable SystemVerilog HDL on Synopsys 90nm generic library.\nCrypto Core: A DPA tolerant AES Core for Cryptography application.\nImplementing a Differential Power Attack Tolerant AES (Advanced Encryption System) core in TSMS 130nm technology.\nECC: Fault Tolerant Channel Interface Unit for On-Chip Router Node using RTL design flow.\nDesigned an Error Correction and Detection unit to manage a single communication channel attached to a router node.\nCustom Design:\nFall 2012\nFull custom 8-bit microprocessor design.\nDesigned a full custom 8-bit microprocessor core in IBM 90nm technology.\nReconfigurable Computing- FPGA:\nFall 2012\nAn open source FIX (Financial Information Exchange) Engine on FPGA.\nExploring low-latency FPGA based solutions for high frequency trading platform.\nHardware Accelerator for High Frequency Trading Application on FPGA.\nDesigned 100Mbps UDP offload engine on Altera Cyclone II FPGA platform for low latency electronic stock trading.\nSystem level design & simulation:\nFall 2012\nSystemC TLM implementation of AMBA AXI4 protocol on a virtual Network on Chip simulator.\nImplemented network interfaces for an open source heterogeneous SoC simulator (developed by System Level Design\nGroup @CU) based on ARM AMBA AXI-4 protocol.\nDesigning a Microprocessor for Nucleotide Matching.\nImplemented a special purpose multicore processor to speed up the multithreaded Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)\nalgorithm for DNA sequence matching.\nCOAUTHORED RESEARCH PAPER:\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cPerformance Comparison between Round Robin and Proportional Fair Scheduling Methods for LTE,\xe2\x80\x9d Proc of 2010\nInternational Conference on Future Information Technology - IC FIT 2010, Changsha, China.\nLEADERSHIP & ACTIVITIES:\n\nTeam Leader of the high school Math Olympiad team. Won championship in the regional mathematical Olympiad.\nSchool representative on LIFE in 2020- LM Ericsson Ltd. Secured second position for presenting a business model based on\npervasive computing.'
b'Dr. SHEETAL J. PATIL\nPost Doctorate Fellow\nMicroelectronics branch\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering\nIndian Institute of Technology Bombay,\nPowai, Mumbai, India\nPhone:- +91-22-2576 4405\nE-mail:- [email protected]\n\nAREAS OF INTEREST\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nBio- MEMS and Nano technology\nDeep Sub-micron CMOS Technology\nHigh and Low-k Dielectrics and their Reliability\nNovel Semiconductor Device Structures\nFabrication and characterization of Sensor materials\n\nEDUCATION\n\nDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Electronic Science\n(Department of Electronics Science)\nSpecialization\n: Thin films processing (Material Science)\nInstitute\n: University of Pune\nAwarded date\n: July 2004\n\nMaster of Science (M. Sc.) in Electronic Science\nMajor\nInstitute\nPost Graduation\n\n: Electronic Science\n: Department of Electronic Science,\nUniversity of Pune, India\n: June 1998\n\nBachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Electronic Science\nMajor\nInstitute\nGraduation\n\n: Electronic Science\n: Modern College,\nUniversity of Pune, India\n: June 1996\n\nSheetal J. Patil Resume\n\n\x0cRESEARCH EXPERIENCE\nFrom\n\nTo\n\nApril 2004\n\nTill date\n\nAugust 2001\n\nMarch 2004\n\nDec. 1998\n\nJuly 2001\n\nJuly 2000\n\nOct. 2000\n\nJune 1998\n\nDec. 1998\n\nName and Address of\nCompany / Organization\nMicroelectronics group\nDept. of Electrical Engg.\nIIT Bombay, Powai,\nMumbai 400 076\nDept. of Electronic Science\nUniversity of Pune, Pune\n411 007\nDept. of Electronic Science\nUniversity of Pune, Pune\n411 007\nModern College, University\nof Pune\nDept. of Electronic Science\nUniversity of Pune, Pune\n411 007\n\nPosition held\nPost Doctorate Fellow\n(PDF)\n\nCSIR-India sponsored\nSenior Research Fellow\n(SRF)\nJunior Research Fellow\n(JRF) (BRNS sponsored\nproject)\nLecturer\nOHP Software Developer\n\nPROJECTS & SEMINARS UNDERTAKEN\nPh. D. Topic\n\xef\x82\xb7 Deposition and characterization of Nitride and/or Oxynitride films of Silicon and\nIndium in an In-House fabricated, \xe2\x80\x9cActivated Reactive Evaporation (ARE)\xe2\x80\x9d System.\nGuide: Prof. S. A. Gangal\nM. Sc. Project\n\xef\x82\xb7 Development of Voltage Clamp instruments for Cell Characterization\nGuide: Dr. A. D. Shaligram\nProject Like Experiment\n1. MOS Capacitor fabrication\n2. PC to PC communications\nB. Sc. project\n\xef\x82\xb7 Development of data acquisition system using 8085 microprocessor\nGuide: Dr. S. Deuskar\nPROFICIENCY IN\n1. Programming Languages\n\n: C, C++ and HTML 4.0\n\n2. Graphical Packages\n\n: Corel 9, Adobe Photoshop 5.0, Illustrator 7.0, Fractal\nDesigner, Origin 6.0\n\n3. Operating Systems\n\n: MS-DOS, Windows 9X, 2000 & WINDOWS-NT\n\n4. Web Packages\n\n: Front Page 2000, First Page 2000, Java Designer\nSheetal J. Patil Resume\n\n\x0cEXPERIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING\nWorking in Microelectronics lab (Class 1000) of Department of Electrical Engineering at\nI.I.T. Bombay, INDIA. I am having expertise on following systems: \xef\x82\xb7\n\nActivate Reactive Evaporation (ARE) system\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nThree zone Oxidation/Diffusion Furnaces from M/sTempress, General signal\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nElectron Beam Vacuum Coating Unit M/s Edwards Vacuum systems\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nThermal Evaporation System M/s HindHivac Vacuum systems\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMask aligner M/s Indo French High tech Equipment\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDC and RF Plasma Sputtering System\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMillipore and Barnstead DI water plant set up\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRCA and Ultra sonic cleaning set up\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEllipsometer M/s Sentech Ellipsometer (SE800)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nThorough knowledge of operation and maintenance of clean workbenches (class 100)\nand clean rooms (class 1000)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOptical Lithography\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMagnetron Sputtering System\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPlasma Polymerization System\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPlasma Ashing system\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nScanning Electron Microscope\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nX-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer\n\nCHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES KNOWN\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nX-Ray Diffraction (XRD)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEnergy Dispersive Analysis of X-ray (EDAX)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nFourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR)\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nUV Spectroscopy\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEllipsometery\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nContact Angle measurement\n\nSheetal J. Patil Resume\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\nScanning Electron Microscopy\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nC-V and I-V measurements\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAtomic Force Microscopy\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAntibody Immobilization set up\n\nPUBLICATIONS\n\nInternational Journal\n1)\n\nSheetal J. Patil, Dhananjay S. Bodas, A. S. Ethiraj, R. C. Purandare, G. J. Phatak, S. K.\nKulkarni and S. A. Gangal. \xe2\x80\x9cVacuum 65/1 (2002) 91-100\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n2)\n\nSheetal J. Patil, Dhananjay S. Bodas, G. J. Phatak and S. A. Gangal. \xe2\x80\x9cBull. Mater. Sci.\n25/5 (2002) 399-402\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n3)\n\nSheetal J. Patil, Dhananjay S. Bodas, A. B. Mandale and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cThin Solid\nFilms 444 (1-2) (2003) 52-57\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n4)\n\nSheetal J. Patil, Dhananjay S. Bodas, A. B. Mandale and S. A. Gangal Accepted for\nPublication to the Journal \xe2\x80\x9cAppl. Surf. Sci.\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n5)\n\nDhananjay S. Bodas, Sheetal J. Patil, A. B. Mandale and S. A. Gangal, Accepted for\nPublication to the Journal of \xe2\x80\x9cAppl. Poly. Sci. 91 (2004) 1183-1192\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\n6)\n\nDhananjay S. Bodas, R. V. Dhabhade, Sheetal J. Patil, and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cProc. MHS2001 IEEE; 51-56\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\nNational Journal\n7)\n\nDhananjay S. Bodas, R. V. Dhabhade, Sheetal J. Patil, and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cJournal of\nIndian Institute of Science\xe2\x80\x9d 81/6 (2001) 645.\n\nConferences\n8)\n\nDhananjay S. Bodas, R. V. Dabhade, Sheetal J. Patil, and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cNational\nSeminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors (NSPTS-9)\xe2\x80\x9d at Dept. of ElectronicScience, University of Pune, India, March 2002, p-C-33-1\n\n9)\n\nSheetal J. Patil, Dhananjay S. Bodas and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x98IVSNS 2001\xe2\x80\x99 at IISc. Banglore\nIndia 2001.\n\n10) Dhananjay S. Bodas, R. V. Dhabhade, Sheetal J. Patil, and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x98IVSNS 2001\xe2\x80\x99\nat IISc. Banglore India 2001.\n\nSheetal J. Patil Resume\n\n\x0c11) Sheetal. J. Patil, G. J. Phatak and S. A. Gangal \xe2\x80\x9cNational Seminar on Physics and\nTechnology of Sensors (NSPTS-8)\xe2\x80\x9d at IGCAR, Kalpakam, India, Feb. 2001, p-49.\n12) Dhananjay S. Bodas, Sheetal J. Patil, and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cNational Seminar on Physics\nand Technology of Sensors (NSPTS-8)\xe2\x80\x9d at IGCAR, Kalpakam, India, Feb. 2001, p-48.\n13) S. J. Patil, G. J. Phatak, and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cNational Seminar on Physics and\nTechnology of Sensors (NSPTS-7)\xe2\x80\x9d at Dept. of Electronic-Science, Univ. of Pune, India,\nMarch 2000, p-C-59-1\n14) S. J. Patil, N. A. Kulkarni and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cNational Seminar on Physics and\nTechnology of Sensors (NSPTS-6)\xe2\x80\x9d at Thapar Institute, Patiala, India, Mar 1999 p-C-36\n\nCommunicated\n1) Sheetal J. Patil, K. C. Mohite, A. B. Mandale, M.G. Takawale and S. A. Gangal,\n\xe2\x80\x9cCharacterization of \xe2\x80\x98ARE\xe2\x80\x99 deposited silicon nitride films and their feasibility of\nantireflection coating\xe2\x80\x9d communicated to the journal \xe2\x80\x9cSurface Science and coating\ntechnology\xe2\x80\x9d.\n2) Dhananjay S. Bodas, Sheetal J. Patil, A. B. Mandle and S. A. Gangal, \xe2\x80\x9cPMMA as an\netch mask for silicon micromachining\xe2\x80\x9d, communicated to the journal, \xe2\x80\x9cSmart\nMaterials and Structures\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\nMANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE\n1. As a system In charge for various furnaces and equipments\n2. As a lab In charge of Microelectronics lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, IITBombay. (Nov 04 \xe2\x80\x93 till date)\nPROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE\nSeeking excellence in the chosen professional field through self-motivation, hard work\nand augmentation of core skills required to effectively deliver goods. Striving to achieve\nexcellence through selective and focused pursuit of the short and long-term goals and trying\nto create an environment through my chosen organization and work field where knowledge\nand excellence are given their due.\n\nSheetal J. Patil Resume\n\n\x0cFAVORABLE PERSONALITY TRAITS\nCommitment to work, adaptability, goal oriented person, problem-solving abilities,\nComfortable with teamwork, good coordination and persuasion skills.\n\nPERSONAL DETAILS\nDate of Birth\n\n: 1st Nov 1975\n\nMarital Status\n\n: Single\n\nCategory\n\n: General\n\nNationality\n\n: Indian\n\nCurrent Status\n\n: Post Doctorate Fellow\nMicroelectronics Group\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering,\nIndian Institute of Technology (I.I.T) Bombay,\nPowai, Mumbai 400 076, INDIA\n\nPresent Address\n\n: Hostel No. 11, Room No. 233\nIIT \xe2\x80\x93 Bombay, Mumbai - 400076\n\nPermanent Address : 6th lane, Jaymala nagar, Near Ambi Hospital\nSangavi, Pune-411 027,\nPhone: +91-20-2728 5130\nLanguages Known\n\n: English , Hindi & Marathi\n\nHobbies\n\n: Reading, singing, traveling & watching movies\n\nIndoor games\n\n: Chess, Carom, Cards\n\nE-mail\n\n: [email protected], [email protected]\n\nSheetal J. Patil Resume\n\n\x0cREFERENCES\nProf. V. Ramgopal Rao\nMicroelectronics branch\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering\nIndian Institute of technology, Bombay\nPowai, Mumbai, INDIA\nE- mail: [email protected]\nProf. Rakesh Lal\nMicroelectronics branch\nDepartment of Electrical Engineering\nIndian Institute of technology, Bombay\nPowai, Mumbai, INDIA\nEmail: [email protected]\nProf. (Ms.) S. A. Gangal\nDepartment of Electronics Science\nUniversity of Pune, Pune 411 007\nINDIA\nEmail: [email protected]\n\nSheetal J. Patil Resume'
b'Summary of Qualifications\nGraduate Student Resources\nThe University of Georgia Career Center\nClark Howell Hall, 706.542.3375,\n\nExample #1:\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n6+ years research experience in biological/biomedical engineering, which includes biosensors, microfluidics,\nelectrochemistry, micro-/nano-fabrication, cell culture, cell assay and biomaterials\nStrong quantitative & analytical skills with a broad interdisciplinary educational background in biochemistry,\nchemical engineering, biostatistics and pharmaceutical sciences\nIndependent researcher in close collaboration with 10+ biochemists, physicists, animal scientists and\nbioengineers from different labs and institutions\nFirst author of 4 journal publications under peer-review and 3 conference presentations\nExperienced lab manager who routinely trained and supervised new graduate students, undergraduate interns\nand visiting scholars\nProficient in SigmaPlot, ImageJ, Office and Acrobat, and skilled in MatLab, SAS, Origin, AutoCAD and\nEndNote\nFluent in English and Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese)\n\nExample #2:\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Guide, motivate, counsel and instruct individuals in defining their talents, skills and abilities to compose\neffective resumes as a marketing tool.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent listener exercising keen insight to accurately analyze and identify solutions to career issues.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accustomed to delivering high-quality customer service on a continual basis, often exceeding position\nexpectations, in a client-driven business.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Exhibit organizational knowledge and convey that knowledge effectively.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Self-motivated, displaying strong administrative and marketing skills resulting in efficient and accurate\nproject completion.\n\nExample #3:\nSkills and Qualifications\nFinance: Proficient in Asset Pricing Models, Continuous-time Finance, Derivative Pricing; Market\nLiquidity Modeling; Interest Rate Term Structure Modeling, Fixed Income Analysis;\nCorporate Finance, Game Theory.\nQuantitative: Proficient in Regression and Statistical Analysis, Time-Series Analysis, Advanced\nProbability, Stochastic Calculus, Dynamic Programming, and Stochastic Control.\nProgramming: Proficient in FORTRAN and MATLAB; Comfortable with SAS and Visual Basic;\nSkilled in EVIEWS, EXCEL, and Mathematica.'
b'ALEX SMITH\n128 Chemical Drive\nThunder Bay ON P7I 2B4\n\n(807) 142-0111\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE\nSeeking a full-time technician position with TB Engineering in which previously gained skills and knowledge can contribute\nto a chemical engineering team and the team\xe2\x80\x99s knowledge can contribute to professional engineering goals\n\nSUMMARY OF SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nKnowledge of chemical engineering research strategies from academic and work experiences\nLed a university Chemical Engineering Society Challenge team in a thermodynamics project\nPossess excellent organizational skills and an eye for detail and accuracy\nAble to work in a fast paced environment and able to manage time efficiently\n\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMatLAB\nChemSketch\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPolymath\nZetasizer\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWindows 7\nMicrosoft Office Suite\n\nEDUCATION\nHonours Bachelor of Engineering \xe2\x80\x93 Chemical Engineering\nLakehead University\n\n2010 to Present\nThunder Bay ON\n\nEngineering Technology Diploma \xe2\x80\x93 Chemical Engineering\nLakehead University\n\n2008 to 2010\nThunder Bay ON\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant\nLakehead University \xe2\x80\x93 Engineering Department\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist in the design, set-up and implementation of laboratory experiments\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enter experiment results in database system and analyze data\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conduct internet and library searches for relevant literature\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handle chemical solutions using appropriate safety precautions\n\n2009 to Present\nThunder Bay ON\n\nResidence Assistant\nLakehead University Residence \xe2\x80\x93 Atikokan House\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated events such as How to Write a Resume in collaboration with university staff\n\xef\x82\xb7 Provided confidential support services to student experiencing difficulties\n\xef\x82\xb7 Ensured the safety of students by keeping informed regarding safety measures\n\n2008 to 2009\nThunder Bay ON\n\nEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\nTeam Lead\nLakehead University Chemical Engineering Society Challenge\n\n2009 to 2010\nThunder Bay ON\n\nASSOCIATIONS\nProfessional Engineering Association \xe2\x80\x93 Student Member\n\n2008 to Present\n\nReferences Available Upon Request\nLakehead University \xe2\x80\x93 Student Success Centre\n\nSample Resume: Faculty of Engineering\n\nRoom: SC 0008 \xe2\x97\x8f Telephone: (807) 343-8264 \xe2\x97\x8f Fax: (807) 343-8919 \xe2\x97\x8f Email: [email protected] \xe2\x97\x8f Web:'
b"SAMPLE RESUME\n\nMaria E. Parker\nCampus Address\n256 Fitzpatrick Hall\nNotre Dame, IN 46556\n(574) 631- 6039\n\[email protected]\n\nPermanent Address\n1060 W. Addison St.\nChicago, IL 60613\n(773) 404-2827\n\nOBJECTIVE\n\nTo obtain a summer internship in Mechanical Engineering.\n\nEDUCATION\n\nUniversity of Notre Dame\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering\nGPA: 3.1/4.0, to be awarded May 2006\nDean's List: Spring 2004\nStudy Abroad Program\nLondon, England\n\nCOURSEWORK\n\nEngineering Graphics (Pro-E)\nMechanical Design\nControl Systems I, II\n\nCOMPUTER\nSKILLS\n\nLanguages:\n\nFORTRAN, MATLAB, C++\n\nSystems:\n\nMS-DOS, UNIX, Macintosh, Windows: 9x, XP, 2000, & NT\n\nSoftware:\n\nProEngineer Wildfire, AutoCAD, MS Word, MS Excel\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nThermodynamics\nComputing & Programming\nHeat Transfer\n\nAlivaf Technology Corporation, San Antonio, TX, June-September 2004\nEngineering Intern: Design widgets using Pro-Engineer to meet design\nspecifications. Selected and tested appropriate materials to optimized strengthto-weight ratio. Tested widgets using IBRAKEM testing apparatus.\nUniversity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, Fall 2004\nUndergraduate Research Assistant: Conducted preliminary research on fuel\ncells. Assisted in setting up apparatus for rheology experiments using polymers\nand fiber composites. Took permeability measurements of deformed fabrics.\n\nMEMBERSHIPS\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), member, 2004\nTau Beta Pi, Treasurer, 2005\nOrganized fundraisers grossing $3,000\nNational Society of Black Engineers, member, 2004\nAssociation for Computing Machinery, member, 2003\n\nACTIVITIES\n\nRacquetball, jogging, church volunteer, math tutor\n\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request"
b'School of Computer Science\nSample Resumes\nFreshman Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.2\nUndergraduate Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.3\nSenior Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.4\nGraduate HCI Sample Resume \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.5\nGraduate Computer Science Sample Resume\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.6\n\n\x0cCocoa Touch\[email protected] | 844-555-0990\nOBJECTIVE:\nAn internship or research opportunity that will allow me to utilize my problem solving skills and attention to\ndetail to further develop my abilities in the field of computer science.\nEDUCATION:\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, May 2018\nWalnut Hills High School, Cincinnati, OH\nDiploma with Honors, June 2014\nGPA 4.0/4.0\nCOURSEWORK:\nAnalysis I and II; Introduction to Programming; Concepts of Mathematics; Principles of Imperative\nProgramming, Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science\nPROJECT:\nProgramming Homework: An Adventure Game (Fall 2014)\n*Created a text-based adventure game with a graphical interface in Python.\nEXPERIENCE:\n*Intern for Dr. Richard M. Males, Cincinnati OH (November 2013 -January 2014):\nAssisted in the reformatting of Excel files for data analysis of expert reviews of flood rates and how they\nimpact different building structures.\n*Tutor for middle school students with East End Youth Projects (Fall 2014-Present)\nTECHNICAL SKILLS:\nProficient in Python.\nACTIVITIES:\nCMU KGB, Fall 2014-Present.\nVarsity High School Cross Country, Fall 2012-Fall 2013 (Team Captain, 2013).\nVarsity High School Track, Spring 2012-Spring 2014\nJunior Engineering Technical Society, 2012-2014.\nHONORS:\nCarnegie Scholarship, Fall 2014-Present.\nNational Merit Scholar, 2014\nNational AP Scholar Award, 2004\nCum Laude Society, 2014\n2\n\n\x0cMay Trix\n\n888-888-8881 | [email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEXPERIENCE\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON\nUNIVERSITY\nB.S. IN COMPUTER SCIENCE\n\nCARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, HUMAN-COMPUTER\nINTERACTION INSTITUTE | RESEARCH ASSISTANT\n\nPittsburgh, PA | Expected May 2018\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Make Android and web apps for NavCog, a tool that uses sensors,\ncomputer vision, and crowdsourcing to help blind people move in\nspaces. Target crowdsourcing effort to create 3-D models of buildings\nand maintain sensors.\nJune 2015 - August 2015 | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led 3 person team developing mobile and wear apps for Chorus, a webbased crowdsourcing conversational assistant. Has text to speech and\nspeech to text capabilities. Uses Yelp Search and Yahoo APIs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Made a natural language processor tool to be added to Chorus web application.\n\nSKILLS\nJava \xe2\x80\xa2 Python \xe2\x80\xa2 C \xe2\x80\xa2 SML \xe2\x80\xa2 HTML5 \xe2\x80\xa2\nCSS \xe2\x80\xa2 Django \xe2\x80\xa2 Android \xe2\x80\xa2 LATEX\xe2\x80\xa2 Git\nData structures \xe2\x80\xa2 Software design\npatterns\n\nCOURSEWORK\nParallel and Sequential Data\nStructures and Algorithms\nIntroduction to Computer Systems\nSoftware System Construction\nGreat Theoretical Ideas in Computer\nScience\nWeb Application Development\nPrinciples of Imperative\nComputation\nPrinciples of Functional\nProgramming\n\nLINKS\nGithub:// sumkit\n\nLinkedIn:// summerkitahara\n\nFebruary 2016 - Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\nBUSINESS GOLF ACADEMY | SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER\nMay 2015 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Manage the social media presence for BGA, which encourages\nwomen to use golf to advance their careers. Tripled Twitter followers\n\nPROJECTS\nUMBRELLA | LEAD ANDROID DEVELOPER, GIT REPO MANAGER\nFebruary 2016\n\xe2\x80\xa2 App uses crowdsourcing to \xef\xac\x81ght gender-based violence and the\nbystander effect. Bluetooth-based messaging where users\nanonymously post situation.\n\nBUDGIE | LEAD ANDROID DEVELOPER, GIT REPO MANAGER\nSeptember 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 App to manage and categorize expenses. Implements Microsoft\xe2\x80\x99s\nOxford Opitcal Character Recognition API. Pie charts show\nspending distribution.\n\nACTIVITIES\nWOMEN\xe2\x80\x99S VARSITY GOLF TEAM | CAPTAIN (2014-PRESENT)\nAugust 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Won Thomas B. Craig & LaVerne Craig Tartan Award 2015-2016\n(Most Valuable Player), University Athletic Association All\nAssociation First Team, Eastern College Athletic Conference\nRookie of the Month Division III, University Athletic Association\nWomen\xe2\x80\x99s Golf Athlete of the Week (3 times)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Student Athlete Advisory Council | September 2014 - May 2015\n\nWOMEN@SCS | MENTOR\nSeptember 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 \xe2\x80\x9dBig sister\xe2\x80\x9d in the Big Sister/Little Sister mentoring program.\n\nTHE FIRST TEE OF PITTSBURGH | VOLUNTEER GOLF\nINSTRUCTOR\nSeptember 2014 \xe2\x80\x93 Present | Pittsburgh, PA\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Teach golf and life skills to 20 underprivileged children ages 8-16 years\n\n3\n\n\x0cAl Gorithm\n\[email protected] | (918) 555-6197\nOBJECTIVE\nTo obtain a professional position in the consulting industry utilizing my relevant experience, technical expertise,\nand problem solving skills.\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, May 2016\n\nGPA: 3.0\n\nSelected Coursework: Data Structures (Java), Web Applications, Database Applications, Distributed Systems,\nComputer Systems (C and Unix), Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science\nSKILLS\n\nCoding: C/C++, Java, x86 assembly, C#, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SML, Ruby, Perl\nTechnologies/Environment: Windows, Win32 API/GUI, Linux, MySQL, OpenGL, ASP.NET\n\nEXPERIENCE\nArtemia Health Systems, Cleveland, Ohio\nStudent Intern (Summer 2015)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Created new functionality for state-level prescription drug information system\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked with end users to determine their information needs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote application to create custom surveys\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Migrated existing website from SQL Membership to to ASP.NET\nCarnegie Mellon University Computing Services Help Center, Pittsburgh, PA\nStudent Consultant (September 2013 \xe2\x80\x93 Present)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Resolved issues regarding networking (wired, wireless, and dialup), and email problems for Carnegie\nMellon University users\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Answered questions about software supported by the university, such as MS Office\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Communicated with customers through email, telephone, and face to face\nPROJECTS\nVintage Foundation (Fall 2014) \xe2\x80\x93 a consulting project in a nonprofit organization\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Advised on new technologies to help further the organizational mission\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Instructed program director on building a user-friendly website and relational database\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Assessed systemic problems and suggested possible solutions\nNews Delivery System (Spring 2014) - online information gathering/presentation system\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Integrated old code with new for web application delivering custom tailored web news\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coded in Java using Model-View-Controller architecture\nEbarter (Fall 2013) - an online bartering system running on Apache Tomcat\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Applied software engineering principles along with J2SE Web Development Kit\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Led team in coding phase of development\n\n4\n\n\\[email protected]\n(844)555-1905\n\nU.X. (Dee) Sign\nWork Experience\n\nEducation\n\nMHCI Capstone with NASA--Design Lead, Jan \xe2\x80\x93\nAug 2014 Collaborated with a team of masters\nstudents to design for NASA engineers and the\nInternational Space Station, designed and developed\na mobile application and RFID tracking system.\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\nMasters of Human-Computer Interaction, Dec.\n2014\nCarnegie Mellon University\nBFA in Communication Design, May\n2014\nDouble major in HCI\n3.76/4.0 GPA, with highest honors\n\nCMU School of Design--Teaching Assistant, Aug \xe2\x80\x93\nDec 2013 Aided two professors in teaching 41 firstyear design students the basics of design principles.\nGuided the students, answered questions, attended\ntheir class, and helped document their work.\n\nRecognition\n\nApple--Visual Interface Design Intern, Summer\n2013\nCreated usable interactions. Designed user flows.\nWorked on new features with the iTunes Apps\nDesign team. Ideated new interfaces.\n\nPhi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Sept\n2013\nAndrew Carnegie Society Scholar,\nSept 2013\nSchool of Design Merit Award, May\n2012\nCarnegie Mellon Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List 6/8\nsemesters\n\nPenguin Group (USA)--Design/Art Intern, June \xe2\x80\x93\nAug 2012 Designed e-book covers. Assisted cover\ndesigners with type- setting on book jackets. Proposed\nfull book covers to art director.\n\nSkills\n\nBranding Brand\xe2\x80\x94UX Designer, Fall 2014\nDesigned mobile sites and apps for major e-commerce\nbrands. Analyzed client sites and provided\nrecommendations to improve. Devised and\nimplemented A/B tests and measured results. Oversaw\ndesign of new products from conception to launch\n\nUser Research:\nContextual Design\nThink Aloud\nPersona Design\nStoryboarding\nHeuristic Evaluation\n\nInvolvement\n\nDesign:\nSketch\nPhotoshop\nIllustrator\nInDesign\nAfterEffects\n\nCMU Spring Carnival Head of Marketing, 2013 \xe2\x80\x93\nApril 2014 CMU School of Drama\xe2\x80\x99s Playground\nDesigner, 2013, 2014 Counterpoint A Cappella\nPresident, Jan 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2013 CMU CMU\n\nPrototyping:\nHTML/CSS\nJavascript\nMATLAB\nArduino\n\nOrientation Leader, Aug 2011 \xe2\x80\x93 Aug 2013\n\n5\n\n\x0cMACK CROLANGUAGE\n844-555-2626 | [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA\nMaster of Science, Computer Science, December 2015\nSelected Coursework: Introduction to Machine Learning (10-601, Fall 2014), Distributed Systems (15-440/640, Fall 2014),\nAlgorithm Design and Analysis (15-451/651, Fall 2014), Web Apps Development (15-637, Spring 2015), Machine Learning\nwith Large Datasets (10-605, Spring 2015), Graduate Artificial Intelligence (15-780, Spring 2015)\nBirla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India\nBachelor of Engineering (Hons.), Computer Science (Minor: M.Sc. Economics), July 2014\nSKILLS\nProgramming/Scripting Languages: (Proficient) Java;(Familiar) Python, C, SQL, Javascript, MATLAB, Perl\nFrameworks and tools: Hadoop, Django, DKPro for NLP, Maven, Git\nEXPERIENCE\nSoftware Engineering Intern\nYahoo! Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, May - August, 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interned with the user data team, which is part of cloud services at Yahoo!\nResearch Intern\nUbiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab, TU Darmstadt, Germany, January - June, 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed an application (in Java) using the DKPro library to automatically solve multiple choice reading comprehension\nquestions. Using text similarity and textual entailment measures, it obtained the 2nd best score in the CLEF Entrance Exams\ncompetition.\nResearch Student\nComputer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July - December, 2013\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed an application (in Python) to use a tree-based learning algorithm to model the deadline hit and miss patterns of\nperiodic real-time tasks. The algorithm used formal verification techniques to generate a regular language-based guarantee to\npredict future deadline hits and misses.\nDeveloper (Google Summer of Code)\nStudent Developer for National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB), Summer 2012\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Built an app (in Java) for Cytoscape, an open-source software for complex network visualization. The app helped users to\nvisually analyze and modify molecular interaction networks.\nPROJECTS\nMapReduce Engine\nCarnegie Mellon University, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Implemented a Hadoop-like MapReduce facility, with master and worker nodes for map-reduce operations over large datasets,\nwith a distributed file system, and fault tolerance to address datanode failures.\nObject Recognition Using CIFAR-10 Dataset\nCarnegie Mellon University, Fall 2014\n\xe2\x80\xa2 As part of an in-class Kaggle competition, several approaches were tried to train a model using 4000 images for the\nCIFAR-10 dataset. With GIST descriptors and a Kernelized (RBF) SVM, a test accuracy of 61% was obtained on a dataset\nconsisting of 15000 images.\nIntelligent Indoor Emergency Response System\nCarnegie Mellon University, Spring 2015\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed a priority-based auctioning algorithm for task allocation in a multi-agent environment. Using a modified A*\nalgorithm, tasks were prioritized based on proximity to the location of the fire resulting in an efficient evacuation.\n\n6'
b"S.A.KISHORE KUMAR\nPG Specialization: Chemical Engineering\n\nMale\nM.Tech.\n\nIndian Institute of Technology, Bombay\[email protected]\[email protected]\n\nDOB: 01-10-1983\n\nExamination\n\nUniversity\n\nInstitute\n\nCompletion Year\n\nPost Graduation\nIIT Bombay\nUG Specialization: Chemical Engineering\nGraduation\nAndhra University\nCollege of Engineering\n\nAndhra University\nCollege of Engineering\n\n2006\n\nIntermediate/+2\nMatriculation\n\nSri Chaityana Junior College\nZ.P.High School\n\n2002\n2000\n\nB.I.E., A.P.\nB.S.E., A.P.\n\nIIT Bombay\n\n+91-9920239798\n\nJune -2009\n\nCPI / %\n8.75\n80.50\n\n92.20\n73.00\n\nINDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE\n\nNagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited, Kakinada\nDesignation: Executive Trainee\n[June 06 \xe2\x80\x93Feb 07]\n\xef\x82\xb7 Main objective of the training program was to acquaint with different operations involved in\nAmmonia plant.\nDesignation: Assistant Manager \xe2\x80\x93Production\n[Feb 07\xe2\x80\x93 July 07]\nResponsibility:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist the plant manager with the development of operative strategies\n\xef\x82\xb7 Scheduling and controlling of production processes and preparing production documents\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handling plant in shifts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handling and properly utilizing the manpower of 30 operators\n\xef\x82\xb7 Trained 15 operators\n\xef\x82\xb7 One among the ten member monitoring committee appointed for conducting the maintenance\nactivities during plant\xe2\x80\x99s annual turnaround\n\xef\x82\xb7 Increased the effectiveness of the equipments handled in the production plant\nEquipments Handled:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Heat Exchangers and Furnaces\n\xef\x82\xb7 Pumps and Compressors\n\xef\x82\xb7 Absorption columns and strippers\n\xef\x82\xb7 Reactors\n\xef\x82\xb7 Distillation columns\nHindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Visakh Refinery, Visakhapatnam\nAttended 15 day\xe2\x80\x99s industrial training program in visakh refinery, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation\nLimited, Visakhapatnam and submitted a report on different operations involved in the Refinery.\nEXTRA -CURRICULAR ACTIVITIE S AND AWARDS\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMember of the Gold medal winning IITB cricket team in the 44th Inter IIT Sports meet held at IIT\nMadras (\xe2\x80\x9808)\nMember, Andhra University cricket team which secured 6th position at Inter-university Sports Meet\nheld at Manipal University which saw about 40 universities all over India (\xe2\x80\x9805)\nCaptain, A.U.C.E cricket team for the year (\xe2\x80\x9806): Nominated out of 3000 students. Led a team of\n16 players to 2nd position in Inter-collegiate games and was man of the match in semi finals.\nCaptain, District Kabaddi team (U -15) Led a team of 10 players to 5 position in Regional meet\nheld at KV Picket Hyderabad which saw about 20 team from all over the district (\xe2\x80\x9897)\nCaptain, cricket team which represented Chemical engineering Dept and secured 4th Position out of\n25 Teams in PG sports held at IITB (\xe2\x80\x9808)\nSecured 1st position in 200 meters and 2nd position in long jump in the main GC held at AUCE (\xe2\x80\x9803)\nMember, Hostel Cricket team which secured 2nd position out of 12 teams in inter-hostel Main General\nChampionship held at IITB (\xe2\x80\x9808)\nHostel \xe2\x80\x98Sports Colour\xe2\x80\x99 for excellence in Cricket (\xe2\x80\x9807)\nMember, Badminton team which represented Chemical Engg Dept in PG sports held at IITB (\xe2\x80\x9807,\xe2\x80\x9908)\n-1-\n\n\x0cACADEMIC PROJECTS\n\nPost Graduation Project: \xe2\x80\x9cAlkane Aromatization Process Modelling\xe2\x80\x9d under the guidance of Prof.\nA.S.Moharir, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay (Jan\xe2\x80\x9908- present)\nDetails:\n\xef\x82\xb7 BTX hydrocarbons (Benzene, Toluene and Xylenes) are mainly obtained by catalytic reforming of\nNaphthas and Naphtha feedstock represents about 80% of the production cost of BTX. Therefore it is\nnecessary to substitute a less expensive material for Naphtha\n\xef\x82\xb7 Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) which is produced in excess and has high transportation costs can be\nused as an alternative feed for the production of aromatics. Cyclar process which is developed\nrecently by UOP and BP uses a Gallium loaded zeolite catalyst for converting LPG into aromatic\nproducts\nThe main achievements of this project are,\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proposed a mechanism for the aromatization of alkanes on HZSM-5 and GaHZSM-5 catalysts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a simulation model for the aromatization of both Propane and n-Butane over GaHZSM-5\n\xef\x82\xb7 Performed simulations and obtain concentration profiles of various components along the PFR\n\xef\x82\xb7 Extended the model to an Adiabatic plug flow reactor and Obtained the temperature profile along the\nPFR which will optimize the selectivity of the aromatics\n\xef\x82\xb7 Determine the reactor configuration which gives better yield of aromatics\nGraduation Project: \xe2\x80\x9cProcess Development Studies on Biodiesels\xe2\x80\x9d\nDetails:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Biodiesels consists of short chain alkyl esters which are produced from renewable resources like\nanimal fats and plant seeds. Biodiesels are not only eco-friendly but also biodegradable and non-toxic\n\xef\x82\xb7 Biodiesels are produced by transesterification reaction in which vegetable oil is chemically reacted\nwith an alcohol (mainly methanol) in presence of catalyst like KOH and NaOH.\nThe main achievements of this project are,\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed a process to produce Biodiesel in the lab\n\xef\x82\xb7 Experimentally produced biodiesels using Jatropha, Niger and Mustard oils.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Determined the effect catalyst concentrations and mole ratio of oil to methonal on the yield of\nbiodeisels\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluated the physical properties of obtained Biodiesel samples\n\xef\x82\xb7 Got 2nd prize for presenting a paper on \xe2\x80\x98The Growing Importance of Biodiesels\xe2\x80\x99 in Ripples (2005)\nNational level students\xe2\x80\x99 symposium at AUCE.\nSeminar: \xe2\x80\x9cPolymer Synthesis in Ionic Liquids\xe2\x80\x9d\nDetails: Carried out literature survey on the topic and determined the various advantages of conducting\npolymerization in Ionic liquids\nCourse project: \xe2\x80\x9cDesign of Petluyk Distillation Column\xe2\x80\x9d\nDetails:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed a Petluyk Distillation Column for separating Toluene, Benzene and Xylene using Aspen\nPlus.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Designed the Direct Sequence of two Distillation columns using Aspen Plus\n\xef\x82\xb7 Compared the energy efficiency of Petluyk distillation columns and direct sequence\nCourse project \xe2\x80\x9cCFD Modelling of a Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed\xe2\x80\x9d\nDetails:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Simulations were performed for water fluidization of glass spheres using Fluent software.\n\xef\x82\xb7 The effect of mesh size, time step and convergence criteria on the hydrodynamics of the fluidized\nBeds are investigated.\nAttended a 5 day program on \xe2\x80\x9cTomography and Velocity Imaging in Multiphase Reactors\xe2\x80\x9d, at IIT Delhi\nCHEMICAL ENGINEERING EXPERTISE\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSimulation Packages : ASPEN PLUS, FLUENT, GAMBIT, MATLAB\nProgramming Languages : C\nKey Courses: Process plant Simulation, Advanced process synthesis, Advanced process\noptimization, Computational flow modelling etc.\n-2-\n\n\x0cPOSITIONS OF RESPONS IBILITY\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCore group member of the \xe2\x80\x9cBiosynth\xe2\x80\x9d team consisting of 30 students formed to set up a bio-diesel\nplant in IIT Bombay with a capacity of 150 L per batch and run all campus vehicles\nWork includes:\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerform laboratory runs and provide data for plant design\n\xef\x82\xb7\nInteraction with faculty on technical aspects\n\xef\x82\xb7\nQuality control: Standardize the analytical methods, document them and train other students\n\xef\x82\xb7\nResearch on possible improvement in the process\nDepartmental Nominee for P.G. Sports 2008-present: Nominated out of 80 students. Work involves\nconducting camps for PGs and organizing PG Sports. Brought up the students participation by 40%\ncompared to the previous year\nOne of the Organizers of the event RIPPLES-2005, National level student\xe2\x80\x99s symposium in department\nof chemical engineering A.U, in which 350 students from 40 colleges all over India participated. Led\na team of 20 students and raised Rs. 2.5 lakhs from sponsorships\nOne of the Organizers of the event Azeotropy-2008, National level students symposium in\ndepartment of chemical engineering, IIT Bombay in which 400 people from 50 colleges participated.\nConducted \xe2\x80\x9cPerry's Scope\xe2\x80\x9d Chemical Engineering Quiz for 100 teams\n\nOTHER DETAILS\n\nI am very ambitious person always on the urge of learning something new. In my one year of industrial\nexperience I learnt how to handle Furnace, Heat Exchangers, Pumps, Compressors, Reactors, Absorbers and\nStrippers other than this I learnt how to handle people which is more difficult than handling machines\nbecause machines don\xe2\x80\x99t have brain.\nI am a sports enthusiast right from my childhood love to play all kind of sports. Recently I have learnt\nSwimming, Table Tennis and Attended Shooting champ conducted in IITB.I maintain a right balance\nbetween sports and academics.\nOther than games I love travelling which gives me scope to learn something new by interact with different\npeople.\nI constantly derive motivation from my surroundings. For me the strongest motivation has been my friends\nwhat ever I have achieved till now is because of them.\nCONTACT DETAILS\n\nPresent Address :\nRoom No.201,\nA wing, Hostel 12,\nIIT Bombay\nPowai, Mumbai-400076\n\nPermanent Address :\n3-57/1, Chandranagar\nYellapuvanipalem,\nGopalapatnam (Po.),\nVishakapatnam, A.P-530027\n\n-3-"
b'CHEMICAL ENGINEERING R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89S\n1. There is no absolute right format. This is your personal work, so create a resume that represents you well and that\nyou like. However, be sure that you follow basic guidelines:\nA. Make sure your resume says the most about you in the fewest number of words (one page is recommended for\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s level students, 2 pages for graduate students\xe2\x80\xa6but there are some exceptions, e.g. more than ten\nyears of employment experience).\nB. Be consistent with your format! Margins, bolding, capitalization, and style must be consistent as well as order\nand style of information.\nC. Proofread for typing and spelling accuracy.\n2. Only items leading directly to setting up an interview should be included. Keep your resume specific to the job\nyou are applying for, even if that means having different resumes for different jobs. (E.g. one resume for researchrelated positions and another for sales positions.) Salary requirements, supervisor\xe2\x80\x99s names, abbreviations, clich\xc3\xa9s,\nreasons for leaving jobs, personal opinions and personal information such as height, weight, age, marital status,\netc. should be excluded.\nA. Required Categories: (Heading) Name, Address, Phone Number (Note: Be sure your phone number is\nprominent. Employers who cannot find--or read--your telephone number will not call!),\nEmail Address; (Body) Education, Experience (Work and/or Activities).\nB. Optional Categories: (Body) Objective, Relevant Coursework, Honors & Awards, Activities, Credentials,\nSkills, Computer Skills, Publications or Presentations, Professional Affiliations, and\nOther.\n3. If you do include an objective, be sure that it shows your career goals. It must be narrow and specific and include\nyour strengths as they apply to the position. (e.g. To obtain a position as a Chemical Engineer at a growing\ncompany where I can use my research abilities and excellent communication skills to create advanced products in\na team setting.)\n4. Both the resume and cover letter should be examples of your best work! Maintain a positive tone by excluding\nnegative aspects of your experience.\n5. Choose a conservative font such as Helvetica, Times, Courier, Geneva, New York, Palatino, or a sans serif font no\nsmaller than 10 and no larger than 14. Include as much \xe2\x80\x9cwhite space\xe2\x80\x9d as possible for easier scanning by the\nemployer.\n6. Make your resume look professional. If you make a hard copy, use only a laser printer on good quality bond\npaper. Use white, off white, or a light blue or gray, 8-1/2" X 11" bond paper. (Remember that your potential\nemployer may photocopy your resume, so be sure that the paper is not too dark or \xe2\x80\x9cblotchy\xe2\x80\x9d to photocopy well!).\n7. Be specific with dates, job titles, employers, interests, and accomplishments. Be complete and descriptive without\nbeing too long. Always be completely accurate and truthful!\n8. Use what is called telegraphic style. Omit all personal pronouns (I, we, they, you, etc.) Use incomplete sentences\nin list form (no paragraphs!) without punctuation.\n9. Use results oriented, \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d in describing your experience. Words such as administered, coordinated,\ndeveloped, created, implemented, managed, and prepared are keys in telling employers what you have\naccomplished. Use past tense unless you are describing a job you are currently doing (in which case present tense\nor past tense is acceptable). Career Services has additional recommendations for action verbs.\n10. Do not staple, paper clip, fold, or put your resume in a folder. Use the larger 9" X 12" envelopes to mail and be\nsure watermarks, if your paper has them, are right-side up.\n\nFor more information or assistance with a r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 or other job search question, please contact us at:\nSchool of Chemical Sciences Career Counseling & Placement Services\n105 Noyes Laboratory\n217-333-1050 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 1: Entry-Level BS Chemical Engineer\n\nJOHN T. LEIBOWITZ\n2334 S. Austin Rd, Apt. B\nNantucket, IA 30301\n217-555-1212 (home) 217-555-1212 (cell) [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nBS, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Expected 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Nina R. Young\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.55/4.00\nEXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant, Professor Nina R. Young\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, 2012-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared and measured laminates for Li-ion battery electrodes\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWrote programs for testing batteries using MACCOR\n\nTeaching Assistant, Undergraduate Introductory Chemistry Lab\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Fall 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and led help sessions and recitations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated materials, conducted lab sessions, and graded lab reports for over 60 students\nIntern\nABC Engineering, New York, NY, Summer 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted in-dept reappraisal of a drilling joint-venture\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed an Excel-based steam optimization program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Audited 7 completed energy projects\nTutor\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Spring 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist in educating college students in Chemistry and Physics\nCOMPUTER EXPERIENCE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Navigate Mac OS, DOS, MS Windows, X windows, and UNIX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in MathCAD, Excel, MS Word, AmiProd, MS PowerPoint\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to learn new software quickly.\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7 UV-Vis, IR, NMR Spectroscopy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gas, Liquid Chromatography\n\xef\x82\xb7 Factional distillation & recrystallization\nAWARDS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dean\'s List, Fall 2010-January 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Grant recipient from the General Electric Foundation, Summer 2011\nEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\n\xef\x82\xb7 Private music tutor (cello), 2010-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member, Alpha Delta Chi honor society, 2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Intern, Urban Food Bank, Fall 2011\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 2: Entry-Level PhD Chemical Engineer\n\nERNSTINE QUIGLEY\n123 Gorder Drive\nIowa City IA 52240\n319-555-1212\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nPhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nAnticipated December 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cRecovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\nMS, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nMay 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cRecovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Charles Lucas\nBS, Chemistry (summa cum laude), Central College, Pella IA\nMay 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.60/4.00\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cComputer simulation of ozone reactions\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan.\n\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE\n\nGraduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\n2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\n\xef\x82\xb7 Investigated clarification and purification methods to recover recombinant\nproteins\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluated processes for upstream operations (i.e. size reduction, milling,\nextraction, and centrifugation) and downstream operations (chromatography,\nprecipitation, filtration, and expanded bed adsorption)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Established theoretical and applied guidelines for developing efficient processes\nfor the purification of recombinant industrial, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical\nproducts\nSummer Intern, Exxon Research and Development, Houston TX\nSummer 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerformed protein structure determination studies including amplifying DNA\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPurified product and performed agarose gel electrophoresis\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPurified cardiac calsequestrin using hydrophobic interaction chromatography\n\xef\x82\xb7\nExtracted product from the gel for future structure analysis\n\n\x0cERNSTINE QUIGLEY\nPage 2\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE cont.\xe2\x80\x99\n\nSummer Intern, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\nSummer 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in the laboratory of Professor Ivan P. Oakes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked independently on synthesis project\nUndergraduate Research Assistant, Central College, Pella IA\n2007-2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed new experimental equipment parts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used computer modeling\n\nAFFILIATIONS\n\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009-present\n\nPUBLICATIONS\n\n"Process for the Recovery of Strontium from Radioactive Waste Solutions"\nPresented at Emmanual Vasqueze International Conference on Chemical\nStorage, Mexico City, April, 2012.\nQuigley, E. and Morgan, J.P. "Purex Pulse Studies \xe2\x80\x93 1998," Modern Science,\nSpring 2012.\nList others in similar manner\xe2\x80\xa6\nAdditional optional categories may include ACTIVITIES or LEADERSHIP, COMMUNITY\nSERVICE, SKILLS, INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE, or whatever experiences/skills you\nhave that make you a unique and excellent candidate\n\nReferences Page\nYou may choose to set up a separate page of references (set-up as above; 3-5 references\xe2\x80\xa6could be a\ncombination of academic & industrial supervisors, focus on contacts from graduate-level work)\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nLeadership &\nOrganizational\nSkills\nAchieved\nAcquired\nActed\nAdapted\nAdministered\nApproved\nArranged\nAscertained\nAssembled\nAttained\nAudited\nBudgeted\nCatalogued\nCharged\nChartered\nCompleted\nComplied\nConducted\nControlled\nDecided\nDelegated\nDetermined\nDirected\nDrove\nEarned\nEffected\nEliminated\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nExceeded\nExcelled\nExecuted\nExpanded\nGuided\nHeaded\nHired\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nIndexed\nInstigated\nInstituted\nInventoried\nKept\nLed\nLogged\nManaged\nMarketed\nMotivated\nObserved\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOvercame\nParticipated\nPerformed\n\nPlanned\nPrepared\nPresided\nProcured\nProjected\nProvided\nRan\nRecommended\nRecorded\nRecruited\nReorganized\nScanned\nScheduled\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nSucceeded\nSupervised\nSupported\nUnified\nWon\n\nResearch\nSkills\n\nTechnical\nSkills\n\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nClassified\nCoded\nCollaborated\nCollected\nCompared\nConstructed\nContrasted\nContributed\nCoordinated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDiagnosed\nDiscovered\nDissected\nDistributed\nEngineered\nExamined\nExperimented\nExplored\nExtracted\nFormulated\nInnovated\nInquired\nInspected\nInterpreted\nInvented\nInvestigated\nMade\nManipulated\nMaximized\nMinimized\nModeled\nModified\nMonitored\nObtained\nOversaw\nPioneered\nProduced\nProposed\nReported\nResearched\nReviewed\nSolved\nSpecialized\nStimulated\nStudied\nSummarized\nSurveyed\nSynthesized\nTheorized\nTransformed\nVerified\n\nApplied\nAssessed\nCalculated\nComputed\nCorrelated\nDevised\nDocumented\nEstimated\nFinanced\nHandled\nIntegrated\nMaintained\nOperated\nProgrammed\nRepaired\n\nCreative\nSkills\nBuilt\nConceived\nConceptualized\nCreated\nDeveloped\nEstablished\nFashioned\nFounded\nGenerated\nInitiated\nInspired\nLaunched\nOriginated\nPiloted\nRevised\nShaped\nSymbolized\nTailored\nVisualized\n\n\x0cTeaching &\nHelping Skills\n\nCommunication\nSkills\n\nAdvised\nAdvocated\nAided\nAllocated\nApproved\nAssessed\nAssisted\nAttended\nCared\nChecked\nClarified\nCoached\nCollaborated\nConducted\nCooperated\nCounseled\nDemonstrated\nDeveloped\nDiagnosed\nDirected\nEducated\nEnabled\nEncouraged\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExplained\nFacilitated\nFollowed\nFostered\nGuided\nHelped\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInspired\nInstructed\nLectured\nLed\nMentored\nPlanned\nPrompted\nProposed\nRepresented\nReviewed\nServed\nShaped\nSolicited\nSupported\nSustained\nTaught\nTrained\nTutored\nUnited\n\nAddressed\nAdvertised\nAnswered\nArbitrated\nAuthored\nClarified\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nConsulted\nContacted\nCorresponded\nCritiqued\nDebated\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDrafted\nEdited\nExplained\nInformed\nInterviewed\nIntroduced\nMediated\nModerated\nNarrated\nNegotiated\nNotified\nOffered\nPersuaded\nPresented\nPromoted\nProofread\nPublicized\nPublished\nQuestioned\nReferred\nRelated\nResponded\nSpoke\nTranslated\nWrote'
b'Sample cover letter for a mechanical engineering summer internship\n3718 Locust Walk, Suite 20\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104\nJanuary 20, 2015\nMr. David Jones, Recruiter (address letter to an individual if a name is available)\nConsumer Products Company\n123 Pennsylvania Avenue\nBig City, PA 00000\nDear Mr. Jones:\nI am writing to apply for the R&D Product Development Summer Intern position, found on the\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99s PennLink system. I am a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in\nEngineering, and majoring in Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics at UPenn. With my\nengineering coursework and project experience, my innovative mindset and affinity for problem\nsolving, and my history of successful team projects, I believe I am a strong candidate for this\nrole.\nAs an undergraduate, I have balanced a rigorous course load and a number of extracurricular\nactivities that have allowed me to enhance my skills relevant to this role. Specific to\nengineering, through my academic project work I have developed abilities in 3-D design and\nmodeling, an understanding of materials, and have practiced different manufacturing\ntechnologies. For example, in my Machine Design and Manufacturing course, I along with two\nteammates created mechanical drawings and designs in SolidWorks. We then modeled,\nmachined and assembled the parts of a working Stirling engine, meeting or exceeding all\nrequirements and deadlines. I have also developed the strong interpersonal and\ncommunication skills required to succeed as the R&D Product Development intern; in addition\nto academic team projects that require collaboration and strong writing and presentation skills,\nI have been selected by my peers for a leadership role within Penn\xc3\xa2\xc2\x80\xc2\x99s Formula SAE team this\nyear, and am an active member of our ASME chapter. Throughout all of my experiences, I have\nused my dedication to efficient and creative problem solving and my ability to prioritize and\nmanage competing demands to positive ends. I am eager to apply my engineering knowledge\nand skills at the Consumer Products Company.\nI am very interested in interviewing for this opportunity and look forward to learning more\nabout your requirements. Attached, please find my resume for your consideration; it contains\nnot only a further description of my Stirling Engine project, but a more in-depth review of other\nrelated projects and experiences that I would be glad to discuss with you. Please feel free to\ncontact me at (215) 000-0000 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you very much for\nyour consideration.\nSincerely,\nSarah Student\nAttachment (1)'
b'CHEMICAL ENGINEERING R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89S\n1. There is no absolute right format. This is your personal work, so create a resume that represents you well and that\nyou like. However, be sure that you follow basic guidelines:\nA. Make sure your resume says the most about you in the fewest number of words (one page is recommended for\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s level students, 2 pages for graduate students\xe2\x80\xa6but there are some exceptions, e.g. more than ten\nyears of employment experience).\nB. Be consistent with your format! Margins, bolding, capitalization, and style must be consistent as well as order\nand style of information.\nC. Proofread for typing and spelling accuracy.\n2. Only items leading directly to setting up an interview should be included. Keep your resume specific to the job\nyou are applying for, even if that means having different resumes for different jobs. (E.g. one resume for researchrelated positions and another for sales positions.) Salary requirements, supervisor\xe2\x80\x99s names, abbreviations, clich\xc3\xa9s,\nreasons for leaving jobs, personal opinions and personal information such as height, weight, age, marital status,\netc. should be excluded.\nA. Required Categories: (Heading) Name, Address, Phone Number (Note: Be sure your phone number is\nprominent. Employers who cannot find--or read--your telephone number will not call!),\nEmail Address; (Body) Education, Experience (Work and/or Activities).\nB. Optional Categories: (Body) Objective, Relevant Coursework, Honors & Awards, Activities, Credentials,\nSkills, Computer Skills, Publications or Presentations, Professional Affiliations, and\nOther.\n3. If you do include an objective, be sure that it shows your career goals. It must be narrow and specific and include\nyour strengths as they apply to the position. (e.g. To obtain a position as a Chemical Engineer at a growing\ncompany where I can use my research abilities and excellent communication skills to create advanced products in\na team setting.)\n4. Both the resume and cover letter should be examples of your best work! Maintain a positive tone by excluding\nnegative aspects of your experience.\n5. Choose a conservative font such as Helvetica, Times, Courier, Geneva, New York, Palatino, or a sans serif font no\nsmaller than 10 and no larger than 14. Include as much \xe2\x80\x9cwhite space\xe2\x80\x9d as possible for easier scanning by the\nemployer.\n6. Make your resume look professional. If you make a hard copy, use only a laser printer on good quality bond\npaper. Use white, off white, or a light blue or gray, 8-1/2" X 11" bond paper. (Remember that your potential\nemployer may photocopy your resume, so be sure that the paper is not too dark or \xe2\x80\x9cblotchy\xe2\x80\x9d to photocopy well!).\n7. Be specific with dates, job titles, employers, interests, and accomplishments. Be complete and descriptive without\nbeing too long. Always be completely accurate and truthful!\n8. Use what is called telegraphic style. Omit all personal pronouns (I, we, they, you, etc.) Use incomplete sentences\nin list form (no paragraphs!) without punctuation.\n9. Use results oriented, \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d in describing your experience. Words such as administered, coordinated,\ndeveloped, created, implemented, managed, and prepared are keys in telling employers what you have\naccomplished. Use past tense unless you are describing a job you are currently doing (in which case present tense\nor past tense is acceptable). Career Services has additional recommendations for action verbs.\n10. Do not staple, paper clip, fold, or put your resume in a folder. Use the larger 9" X 12" envelopes to mail and be\nsure watermarks, if your paper has them, are right-side up.\n\nFor more information or assistance with a r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 or other job search question, please contact us at:\nSchool of Chemical Sciences Career Counseling & Placement Services\n105 Noyes Laboratory\n217-333-1050 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 1: Entry-Level BS Chemical Engineer\n\nJOHN T. LEIBOWITZ\n2334 S. Austin Rd, Apt. B\nNantucket, IA 30301\n217-555-1212 (home) 217-555-1212 (cell) [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nBS, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Expected 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Nina R. Young\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.55/4.00\nEXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant, Professor Nina R. Young\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, 2012-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared and measured laminates for Li-ion battery electrodes\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWrote programs for testing batteries using MACCOR\n\nTeaching Assistant, Undergraduate Introductory Chemistry Lab\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Fall 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and led help sessions and recitations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated materials, conducted lab sessions, and graded lab reports for over 60 students\nIntern\nABC Engineering, New York, NY, Summer 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted in-dept reappraisal of a drilling joint-venture\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed an Excel-based steam optimization program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Audited 7 completed energy projects\nTutor\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Spring 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist in educating college students in Chemistry and Physics\nCOMPUTER EXPERIENCE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Navigate Mac OS, DOS, MS Windows, X windows, and UNIX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in MathCAD, Excel, MS Word, AmiProd, MS PowerPoint\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to learn new software quickly.\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7 UV-Vis, IR, NMR Spectroscopy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gas, Liquid Chromatography\n\xef\x82\xb7 Factional distillation & recrystallization\nAWARDS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dean\'s List, Fall 2010-January 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Grant recipient from the General Electric Foundation, Summer 2011\nEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\n\xef\x82\xb7 Private music tutor (cello), 2010-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member, Alpha Delta Chi honor society, 2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Intern, Urban Food Bank, Fall 2011\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 2: Entry-Level PhD Chemical Engineer\n\nERNSTINE QUIGLEY\n123 Gorder Drive\nIowa City IA 52240\n319-555-1212\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nPhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nAnticipated December 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cRecovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\nMS, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nMay 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cRecovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Charles Lucas\nBS, Chemistry (summa cum laude), Central College, Pella IA\nMay 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.60/4.00\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cComputer simulation of ozone reactions\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan.\n\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE\n\nGraduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\n2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\n\xef\x82\xb7 Investigated clarification and purification methods to recover recombinant\nproteins\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluated processes for upstream operations (i.e. size reduction, milling,\nextraction, and centrifugation) and downstream operations (chromatography,\nprecipitation, filtration, and expanded bed adsorption)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Established theoretical and applied guidelines for developing efficient processes\nfor the purification of recombinant industrial, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical\nproducts\nSummer Intern, Exxon Research and Development, Houston TX\nSummer 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerformed protein structure determination studies including amplifying DNA\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPurified product and performed agarose gel electrophoresis\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPurified cardiac calsequestrin using hydrophobic interaction chromatography\n\xef\x82\xb7\nExtracted product from the gel for future structure analysis\n\n\x0cERNSTINE QUIGLEY\nPage 2\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE cont.\xe2\x80\x99\n\nSummer Intern, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\nSummer 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in the laboratory of Professor Ivan P. Oakes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked independently on synthesis project\nUndergraduate Research Assistant, Central College, Pella IA\n2007-2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed new experimental equipment parts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used computer modeling\n\nAFFILIATIONS\n\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009-present\n\nPUBLICATIONS\n\n"Process for the Recovery of Strontium from Radioactive Waste Solutions"\nPresented at Emmanual Vasqueze International Conference on Chemical\nStorage, Mexico City, April, 2012.\nQuigley, E. and Morgan, J.P. "Purex Pulse Studies \xe2\x80\x93 1998," Modern Science,\nSpring 2012.\nList others in similar manner\xe2\x80\xa6\nAdditional optional categories may include ACTIVITIES or LEADERSHIP, COMMUNITY\nSERVICE, SKILLS, INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE, or whatever experiences/skills you\nhave that make you a unique and excellent candidate\n\nReferences Page\nYou may choose to set up a separate page of references (set-up as above; 3-5 references\xe2\x80\xa6could be a\ncombination of academic & industrial supervisors, focus on contacts from graduate-level work)\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nLeadership &\nOrganizational\nSkills\nAchieved\nAcquired\nActed\nAdapted\nAdministered\nApproved\nArranged\nAscertained\nAssembled\nAttained\nAudited\nBudgeted\nCatalogued\nCharged\nChartered\nCompleted\nComplied\nConducted\nControlled\nDecided\nDelegated\nDetermined\nDirected\nDrove\nEarned\nEffected\nEliminated\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nExceeded\nExcelled\nExecuted\nExpanded\nGuided\nHeaded\nHired\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nIndexed\nInstigated\nInstituted\nInventoried\nKept\nLed\nLogged\nManaged\nMarketed\nMotivated\nObserved\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOvercame\nParticipated\nPerformed\n\nPlanned\nPrepared\nPresided\nProcured\nProjected\nProvided\nRan\nRecommended\nRecorded\nRecruited\nReorganized\nScanned\nScheduled\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nSucceeded\nSupervised\nSupported\nUnified\nWon\n\nResearch\nSkills\n\nTechnical\nSkills\n\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nClassified\nCoded\nCollaborated\nCollected\nCompared\nConstructed\nContrasted\nContributed\nCoordinated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDiagnosed\nDiscovered\nDissected\nDistributed\nEngineered\nExamined\nExperimented\nExplored\nExtracted\nFormulated\nInnovated\nInquired\nInspected\nInterpreted\nInvented\nInvestigated\nMade\nManipulated\nMaximized\nMinimized\nModeled\nModified\nMonitored\nObtained\nOversaw\nPioneered\nProduced\nProposed\nReported\nResearched\nReviewed\nSolved\nSpecialized\nStimulated\nStudied\nSummarized\nSurveyed\nSynthesized\nTheorized\nTransformed\nVerified\n\nApplied\nAssessed\nCalculated\nComputed\nCorrelated\nDevised\nDocumented\nEstimated\nFinanced\nHandled\nIntegrated\nMaintained\nOperated\nProgrammed\nRepaired\n\nCreative\nSkills\nBuilt\nConceived\nConceptualized\nCreated\nDeveloped\nEstablished\nFashioned\nFounded\nGenerated\nInitiated\nInspired\nLaunched\nOriginated\nPiloted\nRevised\nShaped\nSymbolized\nTailored\nVisualized\n\n\x0cTeaching &\nHelping Skills\n\nCommunication\nSkills\n\nAdvised\nAdvocated\nAided\nAllocated\nApproved\nAssessed\nAssisted\nAttended\nCared\nChecked\nClarified\nCoached\nCollaborated\nConducted\nCooperated\nCounseled\nDemonstrated\nDeveloped\nDiagnosed\nDirected\nEducated\nEnabled\nEncouraged\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExplained\nFacilitated\nFollowed\nFostered\nGuided\nHelped\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInspired\nInstructed\nLectured\nLed\nMentored\nPlanned\nPrompted\nProposed\nRepresented\nReviewed\nServed\nShaped\nSolicited\nSupported\nSustained\nTaught\nTrained\nTutored\nUnited\n\nAddressed\nAdvertised\nAnswered\nArbitrated\nAuthored\nClarified\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nConsulted\nContacted\nCorresponded\nCritiqued\nDebated\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDrafted\nEdited\nExplained\nInformed\nInterviewed\nIntroduced\nMediated\nModerated\nNarrated\nNegotiated\nNotified\nOffered\nPersuaded\nPresented\nPromoted\nProofread\nPublicized\nPublished\nQuestioned\nReferred\nRelated\nResponded\nSpoke\nTranslated\nWrote'
b'Sample CV for Freshers\n\nSample CV for candidates who have just passed out of college and are looking out for their first job.\nThis CV sample works for most of the people who do not have any complexity in their career.\n\nTitle of the CV\n\n(e.g. C++ Developer, Microsoft IT Professional, Java Developer, Sales Professional)\n\nName:\nAddress:\nE-Mail Id:\nContact No.:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCareer Statement: Your objective should fit into the purpose of the opening notified. It should not be\ntoo broad and vague.\n\nCareer Summary:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nIf you are a fresher, focus on your qualification, grades and achievements during your student life.\nIf you are an experienced candidate, focus on your work experience and the skills you have\nacquired during your employment.\nIf you have any expertise on any software packages which can be useful for the company, it\xe2\x80\x99s a\ngood place in your CV to mention about it.\nIf you have any other skills which you think would impress your prospective employer, it\xe2\x80\x99s a good\nplace to mention them. They will catch the employer\xe2\x80\x99s attention fast.\nIn this section of CV you can also mention about your travel with in or outside the country.\n\nProject Experience:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nCurrently working on XYZ project for ABC company ltd., using VB and SQL.\nImplemented ABC system at XYZ client using C++.\nImplemented XYZ system using VB and Oracle at ABC ltd.\n\nComputer skills:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProgramming in C/ C++\nWell Verse with VB 6.0, Oracle and MS Access\nProgramming in Core Java, learning advance Java.\n\nEducational Qualifications:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPursuing \xe2\x80\x9cCourse Name\xe2\x80\x9d from \xe2\x80\x9cCollege Name\xe2\x80\x9d\nH.S.C. with \xe2\x80\x9cpercentage of marks\xe2\x80\x9d from \xe2\x80\x9cSchool Name\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cPlace\xe2\x80\x9d\nS.S.C with 91.46% marks from School Name, Place\n\nAchievements:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nObtained scholarship of \xe2\x80\x9camount\xe2\x80\x9d from XYZ Group of Industries in \xe2\x80\x9cyear\xe2\x80\x9d\nRanked \xe2\x80\x9cA\xe2\x80\x9d in S.S.C. merit list\nWon best student award by \xe2\x80\x9cgroup name\xe2\x80\x9d in \xe2\x80\x9cyear\xe2\x80\x9d\n\n\x0cExtracurricular activities:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLead the college tech-fest \xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x80\x9cname\xe2\x80\x9d\nActive Member of \xe2\x80\x9cNGO\xe2\x80\x9d named \xe2\x80\x9cXYZ\xe2\x80\x9d\nMember of the organizing committee of \xe2\x80\x9cgroup name\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nPersonal Details:\nDate of Birth:\nLanguages known:\nHobbies:'
b'Sample Resume for Engineering Students (jr/sr level)\n\nContact Info: This should ALWAYS include your name, address,\nphone number and email. Your voicemail and email address\nshould be professional.\n\nGregory T. Jones\n1234 Oak Avenue\nBowling Green, Kentucky 42101\n(270) 555-1234\[email protected]\n\nOBJECTIVE:\n\nObjective: Your objective should be tailored to the specific job\nand/or facility for which you are applying.\n\nTo obtain an entry-level position as a Mechanical Engineer with ABC Technologies, allowing\nme to utilize my education and internship experience while gaining valuable work\nexperience in a team oriented environment.\n\nEDUCATION: Western Kentucky University \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nAnticipated May 2012\n\nBachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Mathematics\nGPA: 3.2\n\nSKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSkilled in Solid Works, Math CAD, Matlab, MS Office, PLC programming and machining\nKnowledgeable in Mechanical Engineering Sciences: Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials,\nDynamic Systems Analysis, Vibratory Motion, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer\nFast learner and independent with strong leadership and critical thinking skills\n\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE:\nLord Corporation \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nIntern\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nSummer 2011\n\nCreated manufacturing standards that were adopted throughout the production facility\nAided in facility energy analysis\nDesigned fixtures to improve rubber flash material\nTeamed with engineering department to test design of materials; documented findings\n\nBowling Green Motorsports \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\nTeam Leader/Laborer\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nApril 2009-June 2011\n\nProvided maintenance and preparation of all racecars\nServed as tire specialist and recorded all scale data\nWorked in a team of 10+ crew members to prepare sheet metal work on all racecars and overall\nupkeep of all radios used by each team member\n\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nABC Hardware \xe2\x80\x93 Bowling Green, Kentucky\n\nCustomer Service Associate\n\nPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2009-Present\nSociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 2010-Present\nReferences Available Upon Request\n\nResume Guidelines\n\nMay 2007-April 2009\n\nEducation: Keep this section as standard as possible and leave\noff all high school information. Include: name of degree,\nanticipated date of graduation, name of institution, city/state,\nand GPA if at least a 3.0.\nSkills & Qualifications: Consider the skills, strengths,\nknowledge and competencies you possess as it directly relates\nto the position. You may also want to use an existing job\ndescription to help you brainstorm for this section.\nRelevant Experience: If you have relevant experience, this is\none of the most important parts of your resume. Bullets are\npreferred over heavily worded paragraphs. Three to five\nbullets per job is considered the norm. Begin each bullet with\nan action verb. List in reverse chronological order (starting\nwith your current job and working back).\n\nAdditional Experience: Use this section to discuss additional\nwork experience and to show some of your work history. Try\nto touch on transferrable skills that would also be beneficial in\nthe job you are seeking.\n\nMemberships: Include organization name and dates of\nmembership.\nReferences: Provide only if requested. For now, saying\n\xe2\x80\x98available upon request\xe2\x80\x99 is appropriate.\nQuick Tips: Be sure to proofread, checking for spelling or\ngrammatical errors, formatting, consistency, neatness and\nflow. Avoid using templates and update your resume\nregularly. Also, remember to tailor your resume to the\nposition for which you apply.'
b'CHEMICAL ENGINEERING R\xc3\x89SUM\xc3\x89S\n1. There is no absolute right format. This is your personal work, so create a resume that represents you well and that\nyou like. However, be sure that you follow basic guidelines:\nA. Make sure your resume says the most about you in the fewest number of words (one page is recommended for\nBachelor\xe2\x80\x99s level students, 2 pages for graduate students\xe2\x80\xa6but there are some exceptions, e.g. more than ten\nyears of employment experience).\nB. Be consistent with your format! Margins, bolding, capitalization, and style must be consistent as well as order\nand style of information.\nC. Proofread for typing and spelling accuracy.\n2. Only items leading directly to setting up an interview should be included. Keep your resume specific to the job\nyou are applying for, even if that means having different resumes for different jobs. (E.g. one resume for researchrelated positions and another for sales positions.) Salary requirements, supervisor\xe2\x80\x99s names, abbreviations, clich\xc3\xa9s,\nreasons for leaving jobs, personal opinions and personal information such as height, weight, age, marital status,\netc. should be excluded.\nA. Required Categories: (Heading) Name, Address, Phone Number (Note: Be sure your phone number is\nprominent. Employers who cannot find--or read--your telephone number will not call!),\nEmail Address; (Body) Education, Experience (Work and/or Activities).\nB. Optional Categories: (Body) Objective, Relevant Coursework, Honors & Awards, Activities, Credentials,\nSkills, Computer Skills, Publications or Presentations, Professional Affiliations, and\nOther.\n3. If you do include an objective, be sure that it shows your career goals. It must be narrow and specific and include\nyour strengths as they apply to the position. (e.g. To obtain a position as a Chemical Engineer at a growing\ncompany where I can use my research abilities and excellent communication skills to create advanced products in\na team setting.)\n4. Both the resume and cover letter should be examples of your best work! Maintain a positive tone by excluding\nnegative aspects of your experience.\n5. Choose a conservative font such as Helvetica, Times, Courier, Geneva, New York, Palatino, or a sans serif font no\nsmaller than 10 and no larger than 14. Include as much \xe2\x80\x9cwhite space\xe2\x80\x9d as possible for easier scanning by the\nemployer.\n6. Make your resume look professional. If you make a hard copy, use only a laser printer on good quality bond\npaper. Use white, off white, or a light blue or gray, 8-1/2" X 11" bond paper. (Remember that your potential\nemployer may photocopy your resume, so be sure that the paper is not too dark or \xe2\x80\x9cblotchy\xe2\x80\x9d to photocopy well!).\n7. Be specific with dates, job titles, employers, interests, and accomplishments. Be complete and descriptive without\nbeing too long. Always be completely accurate and truthful!\n8. Use what is called telegraphic style. Omit all personal pronouns (I, we, they, you, etc.) Use incomplete sentences\nin list form (no paragraphs!) without punctuation.\n9. Use results oriented, \xe2\x80\x9caction verbs\xe2\x80\x9d in describing your experience. Words such as administered, coordinated,\ndeveloped, created, implemented, managed, and prepared are keys in telling employers what you have\naccomplished. Use past tense unless you are describing a job you are currently doing (in which case present tense\nor past tense is acceptable). Career Services has additional recommendations for action verbs.\n10. Do not staple, paper clip, fold, or put your resume in a folder. Use the larger 9" X 12" envelopes to mail and be\nsure watermarks, if your paper has them, are right-side up.\n\nFor more information or assistance with a r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9 or other job search question, please contact us at:\nSchool of Chemical Sciences Career Counseling & Placement Services\n105 Noyes Laboratory\n217-333-1050 \xe2\x80\xa2 [email protected] \xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 1: Entry-Level BS Chemical Engineer\n\nJOHN T. LEIBOWITZ\n2334 S. Austin Rd, Apt. B\nNantucket, IA 30301\n217-555-1212 (home) 217-555-1212 (cell) [email protected]\nEDUCATION\nBS, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Expected 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Nina R. Young\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.55/4.00\nEXPERIENCE\nResearch Assistant, Professor Nina R. Young\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, 2012-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Prepared and measured laminates for Li-ion battery electrodes\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nWrote programs for testing batteries using MACCOR\n\nTeaching Assistant, Undergraduate Introductory Chemistry Lab\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Fall 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Planned and led help sessions and recitations\n\xef\x82\xb7 Coordinated materials, conducted lab sessions, and graded lab reports for over 60 students\nIntern\nABC Engineering, New York, NY, Summer 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Conducted in-dept reappraisal of a drilling joint-venture\n\xef\x82\xb7 Developed an Excel-based steam optimization program\n\xef\x82\xb7 Audited 7 completed energy projects\nTutor\nUniversity of Nantucket, Nantucket, IA, Spring 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assist in educating college students in Chemistry and Physics\nCOMPUTER EXPERIENCE\n\xef\x82\xb7 Navigate Mac OS, DOS, MS Windows, X windows, and UNIX\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in MathCAD, Excel, MS Word, AmiProd, MS PowerPoint\n\xef\x82\xb7 Able to learn new software quickly.\nTECHNICAL SKILLS\n\xef\x82\xb7 UV-Vis, IR, NMR Spectroscopy\n\xef\x82\xb7 Gas, Liquid Chromatography\n\xef\x82\xb7 Factional distillation & recrystallization\nAWARDS\n\xef\x82\xb7 Dean\'s List, Fall 2010-January 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Grant recipient from the General Electric Foundation, Summer 2011\nEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES\n\xef\x82\xb7 Private music tutor (cello), 2010-Present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Member, Alpha Delta Chi honor society, 2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Intern, Urban Food Bank, Fall 2011\n\n\x0cEXAMPLE 2: Entry-Level PhD Chemical Engineer\n\nERNSTINE QUIGLEY\n123 Gorder Drive\nIowa City IA 52240\n319-555-1212\[email protected]\n\nEDUCATION\n\nPhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nAnticipated December 2014\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cRecovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\nMS, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\nMay 2012\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cRecovery and Purification of Recombinant Proteins\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Charles Lucas\nBS, Chemistry (summa cum laude), Central College, Pella IA\nMay 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 GPA 3.60/4.00\n\xef\x82\xb7 Thesis title: \xe2\x80\x9cComputer simulation of ozone reactions\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan.\n\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE\n\nGraduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL\n2010-present\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor Anton Bruckner\n\xef\x82\xb7 Investigated clarification and purification methods to recover recombinant\nproteins\n\xef\x82\xb7 Evaluated processes for upstream operations (i.e. size reduction, milling,\nextraction, and centrifugation) and downstream operations (chromatography,\nprecipitation, filtration, and expanded bed adsorption)\n\xef\x82\xb7 Established theoretical and applied guidelines for developing efficient processes\nfor the purification of recombinant industrial, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical\nproducts\nSummer Intern, Exxon Research and Development, Houston TX\nSummer 2010\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPerformed protein structure determination studies including amplifying DNA\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPurified product and performed agarose gel electrophoresis\n\xef\x82\xb7\nPurified cardiac calsequestrin using hydrophobic interaction chromatography\n\xef\x82\xb7\nExtracted product from the gel for future structure analysis\n\n\x0cERNSTINE QUIGLEY\nPage 2\nRESEARCH\nEXPERIENCE cont.\xe2\x80\x99\n\nSummer Intern, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\nSummer 2009\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in the laboratory of Professor Ivan P. Oakes\n\xef\x82\xb7 Worked independently on synthesis project\nUndergraduate Research Assistant, Central College, Pella IA\n2007-2010\n\xef\x82\xb7 Advisor: Professor J. P. Morgan\n\xef\x82\xb7 Constructed new experimental equipment parts\n\xef\x82\xb7 Used computer modeling\n\nAFFILIATIONS\n\nAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009-present\n\nPUBLICATIONS\n\n"Process for the Recovery of Strontium from Radioactive Waste Solutions"\nPresented at Emmanual Vasqueze International Conference on Chemical\nStorage, Mexico City, April, 2012.\nQuigley, E. and Morgan, J.P. "Purex Pulse Studies \xe2\x80\x93 1998," Modern Science,\nSpring 2012.\nList others in similar manner\xe2\x80\xa6\nAdditional optional categories may include ACTIVITIES or LEADERSHIP, COMMUNITY\nSERVICE, SKILLS, INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE, or whatever experiences/skills you\nhave that make you a unique and excellent candidate\n\nReferences Page\nYou may choose to set up a separate page of references (set-up as above; 3-5 references\xe2\x80\xa6could be a\ncombination of academic & industrial supervisors, focus on contacts from graduate-level work)\n\n\x0cACTION VERBS\nLeadership &\nOrganizational\nSkills\nAchieved\nAcquired\nActed\nAdapted\nAdministered\nApproved\nArranged\nAscertained\nAssembled\nAttained\nAudited\nBudgeted\nCatalogued\nCharged\nChartered\nCompleted\nComplied\nConducted\nControlled\nDecided\nDelegated\nDetermined\nDirected\nDrove\nEarned\nEffected\nEliminated\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nExceeded\nExcelled\nExecuted\nExpanded\nGuided\nHeaded\nHired\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nIndexed\nInstigated\nInstituted\nInventoried\nKept\nLed\nLogged\nManaged\nMarketed\nMotivated\nObserved\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOvercame\nParticipated\nPerformed\n\nPlanned\nPrepared\nPresided\nProcured\nProjected\nProvided\nRan\nRecommended\nRecorded\nRecruited\nReorganized\nScanned\nScheduled\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nSucceeded\nSupervised\nSupported\nUnified\nWon\n\nResearch\nSkills\n\nTechnical\nSkills\n\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nClassified\nCoded\nCollaborated\nCollected\nCompared\nConstructed\nContrasted\nContributed\nCoordinated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDiagnosed\nDiscovered\nDissected\nDistributed\nEngineered\nExamined\nExperimented\nExplored\nExtracted\nFormulated\nInnovated\nInquired\nInspected\nInterpreted\nInvented\nInvestigated\nMade\nManipulated\nMaximized\nMinimized\nModeled\nModified\nMonitored\nObtained\nOversaw\nPioneered\nProduced\nProposed\nReported\nResearched\nReviewed\nSolved\nSpecialized\nStimulated\nStudied\nSummarized\nSurveyed\nSynthesized\nTheorized\nTransformed\nVerified\n\nApplied\nAssessed\nCalculated\nComputed\nCorrelated\nDevised\nDocumented\nEstimated\nFinanced\nHandled\nIntegrated\nMaintained\nOperated\nProgrammed\nRepaired\n\nCreative\nSkills\nBuilt\nConceived\nConceptualized\nCreated\nDeveloped\nEstablished\nFashioned\nFounded\nGenerated\nInitiated\nInspired\nLaunched\nOriginated\nPiloted\nRevised\nShaped\nSymbolized\nTailored\nVisualized\n\n\x0cTeaching &\nHelping Skills\n\nCommunication\nSkills\n\nAdvised\nAdvocated\nAided\nAllocated\nApproved\nAssessed\nAssisted\nAttended\nCared\nChecked\nClarified\nCoached\nCollaborated\nConducted\nCooperated\nCounseled\nDemonstrated\nDeveloped\nDiagnosed\nDirected\nEducated\nEnabled\nEncouraged\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExplained\nFacilitated\nFollowed\nFostered\nGuided\nHelped\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInspired\nInstructed\nLectured\nLed\nMentored\nPlanned\nPrompted\nProposed\nRepresented\nReviewed\nServed\nShaped\nSolicited\nSupported\nSustained\nTaught\nTrained\nTutored\nUnited\n\nAddressed\nAdvertised\nAnswered\nArbitrated\nAuthored\nClarified\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nConsulted\nContacted\nCorresponded\nCritiqued\nDebated\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDrafted\nEdited\nExplained\nInformed\nInterviewed\nIntroduced\nMediated\nModerated\nNarrated\nNegotiated\nNotified\nOffered\nPersuaded\nPresented\nPromoted\nProofread\nPublicized\nPublished\nQuestioned\nReferred\nRelated\nResponded\nSpoke\nTranslated\nWrote'
b'Sample Resume - Chemical Engineer Resume\n\nSample Resume - Chemical Engineer Resume\nThis article provides a sample resume format for those applying for the post of\nChemical Engineer. You can make use of this sample resume format while preparing\nyour actual resume.\nChemical Engineer Resume\nA chemical engineer takes a vital responsibility in an organization since they take the\nresponsibility of designing and manufacturing cost-effective products. The main\nattribute of chemical engineers is to produce a cost-effective economic product and\nat the same time produce the product with efficiency. For this a chemical engineer\nmust have a wide knowledge on the basic and advanced concepts of subjects. This\ncombined with a blend on research attitude would give greater prospects in career\nfor a chemical engineer. There are variety of branches and products and a chemical\nengineer takes a branch or product of their choice and specializes in the area.\nChemical engineers take up wide roles in research, consulting and also in mentor\nactivities. The main task of chemical engineer is to design, manufacture, and monitor\nand control the production of products so that cost-effective efficient products are\nproducts which give greater customer satisfaction and productivity to the\norganization.\nAbhijit Sharma\n875, Some Park\nB\xe2\x80\x99gudi, Banglore 40050\nHome: 111-111-1111\nCell: 222-222-2222\nEmail : (include Email Address)\nHave 8 years of professional experience as Chemical Engineer. I have operated with\nmedium to large scale chemical product industries which gave me a great\nprofessional insight in chemical engineering area. I have taken extensive role in\nresearch area and have also taken the task of implementing and designing a\nchemical plant for an organization which stands a milestone in my career to prove\nmy efficiency. Having got a strong and wide knowledge in chemical engineering\nconcepts I applied this in my professional experience in my career and could\nproduce cost-effective efficient products for the organization I worked with.\nObjective:\nTo have a challenging position in chemical engineering where I could apply all major\nprinciples and my specialized interested areas of application namely\nthermodynamics, fluid dynamics by which I can apply my wide knowledge and\nprofessional expertise in the field of chemical engineering.\nEducation:\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2 Master of Business Administration, Finance, Seabells University, 1999\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Wallmask University, 1997\nAchievements and Skills:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Expertise in using MS Office tools, Operating system Windows XP\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Active Member of Georgia Institute of Chemical Engineers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wide knowledge and experience in the concepts of Conductivity Meter, Electron\nMicroscopy\nWork History:\nMediTrans, Banglore\nTechnical consultant - Research Division\nApril 2005 - Till Date\nResponsibilities:\nI was assigned the task of finding new chemical formulas by mixing chemical\nmixtures as per chart given by scientists. I took the responsibility of maintaining the\nsample mixtures and technical work sheet of my findings on sample. This is taken as\ninput by senior scientist for their further working on findings. Also took part in a\nresearch activity along with senior scientists to test the hardness of water and to\npurify it at a lower cost. In this activity I took the task of making a complete research\nreport on water and its attributes, its reaction with other metals, non-metals and\noxides. This research report was presented by me before the senior scientists and I\nwas appreciated for my best presentation and valuable input for their research.\nDehMad Chemical Industry, Banglore\nChemical Engineer\nDec 2003-April 2005\nResponsibilities:\nAs a Chemical Engineer I involved in research activities for developing and testing\nnew products and also improving the existing products as per the feedback of\ncustomers and senior officials. For this I applied my wide knowledge of chemical\nengineering concepts and technological knowledge gained. I also took the\nresponsibility of quality control of products which helped the organization to have\nproducts developed with greater efficiency. I also helped to have a cost effective\nsolution of producing efficient products by reorganizing the production and\nmanufacturing process.\nSeaTell Chemical Pvt Ltd, Banglore\nChemical Engineer\nMar 2002-Dec 2003\nResponsibilities:\n\n\x0cI took the responsibility of research and development in biochemical products in the\norganization. To conduct the research in biochemical products I made use of variety\nof biotechnology equipment and applied my wide knowledge in biochemical branch\nto produce new effective products.\nTaskMark Chemical Industry, Banglore\nSenior Process Chemical Engineer\nNov 2000-Mar 2002\nResponsibilities:\nAs a senior Process Chemical Engineer I took a vital and challenging role in the\norganization. I took the responsibility of setting and implementing the chemical plant\ndivision. This task involved in it lot of challenges and I applied my extensive\nknowledge on chemical design to finish this project successfully and efficiently on\ntime which made a remarkable stand not only in my career achievement but also\nprovided a cost-effective design and solution for the organization.\nABC Chemicals Pvt Ltd, Banglore\nProcess Chemical Engineer\nApr 1999 - Nov 2000\nResponsibilities:\nAs a process Chemical Engineer I took the responsibility of monitoring and\ncontrolling the production and manufacturing process of chemical products. I also\ntook the responsibility of ensuring the quality of products and take vital steps for\nproduction of efficient chemical products on time with minimal cost.'
b'your resume and try to determine if they have a position that would work for you. An objective statement that\nsays you want a position that offers growth and advancement and the opportunity to expand on your education\nand training tells an employer that you are looking for what they can do for you, not what you can do for them.\n\nEDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE...What to put first\nIf your education is more pertinent to the work you are seeking than your employment history, list your\neducation first. If your education is very pertinent to the job, you may wish to list specific course titles that you\nhave completed that are directly related to the work you would be doing. If your employment history is more\npertinent, it should be listed first on your resume.\n\nACADEMIC BACKGROUND\nYour academic background should be included in the resume with your most recently obtained degree or most\nadvanced degree listed first. The usual method is to list the school name, city and state, degree earned and date\nof graduation. If you are currently enrolled in school, you can list your projected date of graduation.\nIf you have received \xe2\x80\x9chonors\xe2\x80\x9d at school, were elected class president, or supported yourself through college you\ncan add those achievements to your resume under a heading such as \xe2\x80\x9cHonors and Achievements.\xe2\x80\x9d\nIf you feel that some of your coursework will be valuable to you on the job, you may want a heading called\n\xe2\x80\x9cMajor Coursework\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cPertinent Coursework\xe2\x80\x9d where you would list specific classes by name. If the name of\nthe course does not make it obvious what the content of the course was, you may want to add this information in\nparentheses.\n\nOTHER POSSIBLE TOPIC OR SKILL HEADINGS\nEquipment\nComputer Expertise\nQualifications Highlights/Summary\n\nLanguage Competency\nLicenses/Certificates\nAdditional Training\nProfessional Affiliations\nStrengths/Accomplishments/Achievements\n\nREFERENCES\nThere are mixed opinions as to whether or not to have a references notation on your resume. If you are\nsqueezed for space, it is probably in your best interest to use the space to sell yourself to the employer. On the\nother hand, if you are just starting out in the job market, there is no harm in noting that you do have references\navailable on your resume. You should have references available to hand to the employer immediately, and may\nwant to include them with your resume as part of your application packet.\nReferences are usually the last heading on your resume, and are usually listed as \xe2\x80\x9cAvailable upon Request\xe2\x80\x9d,\n\xe2\x80\x9cReferences Attached, Additional References Available Upon Request\xe2\x80\x9d or \xe2\x80\x9cReferences and Portfolio Available\nUpon Request.\xe2\x80\x9d Be sure that you have them typed and ready to hand out. References should not be listed\nindividually on the resume itself, but rather on a separate sheet, with an indication as to your relationship to the\nperson you are listing as a reference. For work related references you might list company presidents, managers,\nsupervisors, co-workers, or clients. Personal references can include friends, faculty, landlords, etc. Providing a\nlist of references works as long as a reference is still available at your prior employer. A letter of\nrecommendation gives you a hedge against the day that your reference moves on and you can no longer refer\npotential employers to them.\nBe sure that you ask a person if they are willing to be a reference for you before you list them as a reference.\nCheck with your listed references regularly to be sure that they are still available.\n4\n\n\x0cLETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION\nIf possible, get a written letter of recommendation from as many people as possible before you leave a job or\nsoon afterwards. A written recommendation is a known quantity. You can never be sure what someone says\nabout you in a verbal recommendation. Written letters of recommendation may be attached to a resume, or\ngiven to a potential employer separately with your references. A letter of recommendation can speak about you\nin more glowing terms than you would feel comfortable describing yourself. Many employers want to speak to\na reference rather than read a letter of recommendation. They distrust letters of recommendation, knowing that\nyou would be unlikely to provide a less than glowing one, and want to talk to your reference directly, or even\ncircumvent your listed references and speak to other people who may have worked with you at the company.\nAlways check with your references before listing them on an application to be sure that they are still available\nand willing to act as a reference for you. If you are uneasy about what your references may be saying about\nyou, you can hire a reference checking service, or have a friend act as a potential employer and call the\nreference you are concerned about. If you choose to go this route, give them a script to work from. Many\ncompanies have a reference policy and will only verify that you were an employee and the dates that you\nworked for that company.\n\nWHAT NOT TO PUT IN YOUR RESUME\nDo not put your age, sex, marital status, number of children, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, height, weight or\nhealth status. This information may be used to discriminate against you, and is illegal for employers to ask\nprior to hiring you. It is also advisable not to list political or professional affiliations unless they are directly job\nrelated.\nDo not include past salaries or anticipated starting salary. This information may be requested by an employer,\nhowever the consensus with employment professionals is that it is not in your best interest to include the\ninformation in writing. You have to choose whether or not you feel you background is strong enough that they\nwill want to speak to you without this information. If you include a section of hobbies or extracurricular\nactivities, it is recommended that you leave out any activities that could be considered physically hazardous.\nEmployers want you on the job, not recovering from your recreational activities.\n\nREMEMBER\nYour resume should be free of spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Have it proof read. Never\nassume that a computer spell check will find all errors. Keep it simple. Do not use brightly colored paper or a\nvariety of graphics or fonts or font sizes.\nHave your resume printed on good quality, rag bond paper. Have you references list and letters of\nrecommendation and cover letter printed on the same paper as your resume. If possible, avoid plain white\npaper.\nIf your resume will be scanned (not a usual occurrence in Santa Cruz, but common in Silicon Valley), be sure to\nprovide a scanner friendly version.\nIf you are doing a web based resume, be sure any links to or from that web link are professional. Do not post\nyour picture on-line as part of your on-line resume.\nDo not send out a resume that has cross outs or things handwritten in. Take the time to do it right.\n5\n\n\x0cKEY WORDS FOR RESUME PREPARATION\nAbility\nAccelerated\nAccomplished\nAccurate\nAchieved\nActive\nAdapted\nAdjusted\nAdminister\nAdvertised\nAdvised\nAggressive\nAmbitions\nAnalyze\nAnalytical\nAnnounced\nApprove\nArbitrated\nArranged\nAssembled\nAssertive\nAttained\nAttentive\nAudited\nBalanced\nBroad minded\nBuilt\nCalculated\nCapable\nCapacity\nCataloged\nChaired\nCharted\nCollaborated\nCollect\nCommunicated\nCompared\nCompetent\nCompiled\nCompleted\nComputed\nConceived\nConceptualized\nConduct\nConfident\nConscientious\nConserved\nConsistent\nConsolidated\nConstruct\nConsult\nContributions\nContracted\nControl\nConverted\n\nCoordinate\nCorrelated\nCorrespond\nCreated\nDedicated\nDefined\nDelegate\nDemonstrate\nDependable\nDeposited\nDesigned\nDetected\nDetermined\nDeveloped\nDevised\nDiagnosed\nDiplomatic\nDirect\nDisciplined\nDiscovered\nDiscrete\nDispensed\nDistributed\nDiversity\nEconomical\nEdited\nEducated\nEffective\nEliminate\nEncourage\nEnergetic\nEnterprising\nEntertained\nEnthusiastic\nEquipped\nEstablished\nEstimated\nEvaluate\nEvident\nExamined\nExecuted\nExemplary\nExpanded\nExpedite\nExperienced\nExplained\nExtroverted\nFabricated\nFacilitated\nFair\nFamiliarized\nFigured\nFlexible\nForceful\nFormulated\n\nFounded\nGenerate\nGuided\nHandled\nHired\nHonest\nHumorous\nIdentified\nIgnited\nIllustrated\nImaginative\nImplemented\nImprove\nImprovise\nIncrease\nIndependent\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInitiated\nInnovated\nInspected\nInstalled\nInstituted\nInstruct\nIntegrated\nIntelligent\nInterpreted\nInterviewed\nInvented\nKnowledgeable\nLaunched\nLayout\nLead\nLecture\nLiaison\nLogical loyal\nMade\nMaintain\nMajor\nManage\nMarketed\nMature\nMethodical\nModerated\nModified\nMonitored\nMotivated\nNegotiated\nObjective\nObtained\nOperated\nOptimistic\nOrder\nOrganized\nOriginate\n\nOversee\nParticipated\nPerform\nPerspective\nPersonable\nPersistent\nPersuaded\nPertinent\nPinpointed\nPioneered\nPlan\nPleasant\nPositive\nPotential\nPrepared\nProcessed\nProfitable\nProgrammed\nPractical\nPromoted\nProposed\nPreference\nPrepared\nProposed\nProductive\nProficient\nProved\nProvided\nPublicized\nPublished\nQualified\nRealistic\nRecommend\nRecord\nRecruited\nRedesigned\nReduced\nPreferred\nReinforced\nRelate\nReliable\nReorganize\nRepaired\nReported\nRepresented\nResearched\nResourceful\nResponsible\nRespective\nRevamped\nReview\nRevised\nSchedule\nSelected\nSelf-reliant\n\nSelf-starter\nSense-of-humor\nSensitive\nServed\nSet up\nShaped\nSignificant\nSimplified\nSincere\nSold\nSolved\nSparked\nSpecified\nStable\nStaffed\nStimulated\nStrategy\nStreamlined\nStrengthened\nStretched\nStructured\nStudy\nSubstantial\nSucceeded\nSuccessfully\nSummarized\nSupervise\nSupport\nSurveyed\nSynthesized\nSystematic\nTactful\nTalented\nTeach\nTeam player\nTested\nThorough\nTracked\nTraded\nTrained\nTranslated\nTransformed\nTransmitted\nUncovered\nUnified\nUnraveled\nUpgraded\nUsed\nVerified\nVigorous\nWell educated\nWill relocate\nWill travel\nWrote\n\n6\n\n\x0cSAMPLE PHRASES USED IN RESUME PREPARATION\nSupervise administration of _________________\nDesigned new __________________\nPlan and design _____________and ______________\nCoordinate with __________________\nSolve problems by applying ________________ methods\nIdentify and classify ______________________\nDevelop improved methods for ________________\nImprove qualities of ______________________\nArranged ______________ programs for\nConstruct and test methods of _______________\nAnalyze and evaluate data\nServe as liaison between ______________ and _____________\nOrder and evaluate _____________________\nPlan and direct preparation and service of ______________\nMake quantitative and qualitative ______________ analysis\nObtain data for ________________\nResearched data for ______________\nPrepare________________ drawings\nKeep accurate records notes, sketches\nStudy ________ records to establish ______________\nInterpret data concerning ________________\nConstruct graphs and charts regarding ______________\nKeep records on __________________\nPlan work flow with production schedule\nPrevent emergencies by _______________\nSet up sequence for _________________\nReceive incoming ______________ and direct to ____________\nTake physical inventory of __________ and maintain ____________\nInitiated successful ___________________\nOrganized and chaired ________________________\nIncreased sales in ___________________ by ______________________\nInitiated improvements in _________________ and ________________\nNegotiated _____ between _________________ and _____________\nMatched up _________________ and _____________\nResearched and authored ____________________\nDemonstrated experience with _______________________\nEffective and knowledgeable in working with _______________\nUtilized ___________ to increase / decrease __________\nMaintained high standards which set high levels of__________________\nProvided exemplary customer service which _______________\nAble to problem solve and implement changes to_______________\nReduced losses by______________________\nTeam player with strong interpersonal skills and ability to__________________\nSelf-starter, able to initiate projects and follow through to completion\nInstituted new ______________which resulted in ___________________\nDemonstrated positive interactions with diverse populations and cultures\nSkilled in diagnosing and troubleshooting ___________________\nReversed downward trend in___ by ________.\nRaised expectations in________________ for ______________.\nRevitalized stagnant ____________________by _______________.\n7\n\n\x0cTHE COVER LETTER\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should stand on its own, independent of the resume.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nEach letter should be carefully adapted for each employer, demonstrating that you understand the needs of that\nparticular company.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should contain examples of results you have produced or problems you have solved, related to\nthe type of work for which you are applying.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDo some research. Show that you have taken the time to learn about the company and their needs or future\nplans.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should not be more than one page long.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should be addressed to a particular person and title.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nThe cover letter should be written in a standard business letter format.\n\nDO:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBe sincere and forthright.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse plain English, avoid jargon and abbreviations.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nPersonalize your letter by mentioning something about your background or personality to give the employer\nan insight into your personal side.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nUse quality paper, similar to the paper used in your resume.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nAvoid gimmicks such as cartoons and poetry, unless the job you seek\nrequires similar creative talents.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nKeep copies for your records.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nFormat your resume so that it is easy to read, use short paragraphs, bullets and white space.\nProof read to be sure there are no typographical or grammatical errors.\n\nDO NOT:\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nSend copies of generic cover letters.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProvoke the reader by being too directive or challenging them to hire you.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nBe too flippant or casual.\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nProvide too much personal information.\nHave a cover letter that is less than one-half page or more than 2 pages in length. One page is preferred.\n8\n\n\x0cCOVER LETTER FORMAT INGREDIENTS\n\nYour Name\nStreet Address\nCity, State, Zip Code\n\nDate\nEmployer\xe2\x80\x99s Name (Always to a specific individual)\nEmployer\xe2\x80\x99s Title\nCompany Name\nCompany Address\nDear (Ms./Mrs./ Mr. / Dr., )__________________,\nSection 1: Tell what position you are applying for and how you found out about the position (If you found out\nabout the job from a friend who works there or for a related firm, be sure they have a good reputation with the\ncompany).\nSection 2: Explain and expand briefly how you meet the company\xe2\x80\x99s needs. State the educational, skill and\npersonality traits that prepare you to contribute to the company in a unique way. Give reference to the enclosed\ndocuments but DO NOT put \xe2\x80\x9csee resume\xe2\x80\x9d for details. The cover letter should make them want to read the\nresume for more information. If you are given an application to fill out, also fill that out completely, do not put\n"see resume" on the application either.\nSection 3: Give a time frame in which you will call to arrange an interview, or indicate that you hope to be\nhearing from them soon, and indicate the best way and time to reach you.\nSection 4: Thank them for their time and consideration.\nSincerely,\nYour signature\n\nYour name typed\nYour phone number typed\nyour e-mail address\nAttachments: Resume, letters of recommendation and application if required\n9\n\n\x0cSAMPLE PARAGRAPHS TO USE IN COVER LETTERS\nSECTION 1: (Introduction)\nIn response to your advertisement in the __________________ newspaper of October ___, 200_ for a\n_______________, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration.\nI was very pleased to hear of your current opening for a _________________. I was referred to this position by\n___________________ who has been a long time client of your firm.\nThis letter is in response to your job posting for a _________________. I was very excited to see your job\nannouncement listed on the student job board at Cabrillo College. I have been studying ___________________\nfor ___ semesters and I have always hoped to have the opportunity to be associated with your company.\nI was excited to see your job listed on the Cabrillo College Student Job Board. I have been looking for exactly\nthis position, and I think that my work experience and related skills will be an excellent match for your needs.\nSECTION 2: (How do you meet their needs)\nYour job announcement requested the skills I have to offer.\nI am an achiever, with ___ years experience as a successful ________________. I have always set high\nstandards and consistently achieved my goals.\nIn my ___ months (years) as a ______________ with _________________ company. I have been commended\nseveral times for the initiative and creativity I have shown on the job.\nOn my last job I discovered that what I most enjoyed about the work was ____________. To expand my skills\nin that area, I returned to school and earned a ________________ in __________.\nIn my last position, I was promoted to ____________, where I worked in the area (s) of _________. In this\nposition I gained the experience to meet the requirements of your position, and have additional skills to _____.\nAs a _________________, I had the opportunity to ___________________, which gave me invaluable\nexperience that enables me to ______________. I think that this background would be an asset to me in the\nposition of ___________________, and allow me to "hit the ground running".\nSECTION 3: (Closing)\nI hope that you feel that I am a strong candidate for your position, and I will hear from you soon to arrange for\nan interview.\nI am excited about the opportunity to be associated with your company and hope to hear form you soon to set\nup an interview to discuss your position further.\nI will contact your office during the week of ______________ to see if we can arrange a time to meet and\ndiscuss your needs and my qualifications.\nI would like to talk with you in person, and discuss where my skills would benefit you the most. I will contact\nyour office on ___________ to see if you would be able to fit me into your schedule.\nI will be in your area the last week of ______________. At that time I will call your office and ask if an\nappointment can be arranged. If you wish to contact me before then, you can reach me at (\n)_____________.\n10\n\n\x0cSENDING OUT YOUR LETTER\nSend your cover letter with your resume attached to the director of the department you are interested in. Check\nout her or his name, title and honorarium (Dr., Mr., Ms., Miss., or Mrs.). You can usually get this information\nfrom the business switchboard operator or receptionist. Be sure that you have the spelling right. The only time\nthat you would send a letter \xe2\x80\x9cTo Whom It May Concern\xe2\x80\x9d would be if you were responding to an advertisement\nwith a blind post office box.\nAlthough personnel / human resources offices sometimes handle initial screening of job applicants, send your\nresume and cover letter to the person you would be working for. If you are applying to a large company,\noffering similar career opportunities in more that one department, send a letter and resume to each department\nhead. In this instance you would want to keep your career objective statement flexible, but not so flexible that\nthey are not sure about the position you are seeking. Do not expect to receive a response if the company is not\ncurrently advertising a position.\nFOR MORE HELP...\nDamn Good Resume Guide, Parker, Yana\nThe Resume Catalog, 200 Damn Good Examples, Parker, Yana (excellent functional resume samples)\nDoes Your Resume Wear Blue Jeans, Good, Edward C.\nCareer Planning Today, Powell, C. Randall\nSweaty Palms, The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed, Medley, Anthony\nKnock \xe2\x80\x98Em Dead With Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions, Yate, Martin\nResume Magic (Second Edition), Whitcomb, Susan Britton (good professional resume samples)\nSOME ON-LINE ASSISTANCE...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nALSO...\nCheck with your local college Career Planning or Student Employment Center, Public Library, State of\nCalifornia Employment Development Department, County Human Resources Agency, YMCA and YWCA\xe2\x80\x99s\nfor job seeking assistance and support groups.\n\n11\n\n\x0c(chronological format - education emphasis)\nMARY PETERSEN\nCampus Address\n540 So. XXth Street\nSan Jose, CA 95112\n(408) XXX-XXXX\n\nPermanent Address\nXXXX White Oaks Way\nSan Carlos, CA 95070\n(415) XXX-XXXX\n\nPROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE\n\nJunior Civil Engineer for a structural design or construction firm\n\nEDUCATION\nSan Jose State University, San Jose, CA\nB.S.: Civil Engineering Structural & Applied Mechanics Option\nGPA: 3.5 Academic Honors: Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nPERTINENT COURSEWORK\nStructures (design analysis)\nSoils\nMath (beyond Differential Equations)\nComputer Science (C++)\nEXPERIENCE\n9/02-4/05\n\nMisc. Engineering Courses\nHydrology\nEnvironmental Engineering\nEconomics\n\nAmes Research Center (NASA), Moffett Field, CA\nEngineering Aid - Completed two work periods under San Jose State Cooperative\nEducation Program in Structural Division of 40\xe2\x80\x99x 80\xe2\x80\x99 Wind Tunnel Expansion ($85\nmillion program). Project responsibilities included: completing design calculations and\nspecification for expansion of major wind tunnel work packages; running computer\nmodels for analysis of stress on 3 dimensional trusses; drafting design revisions and\nmodifications; inspecting fieldwork for adherence to location of critical work points.\n\n1/01-9/02\n\nMelvin Hill Engineering, Campbell, CA\nEngineering Intern - Under supervision of civil engineering staff, analyzed small wood\nframe structures, retaining walls and foundations; drafted revisions; interfaced with San\nJose Building Department in completing drawings and specifications.\n\n5/99-9/01\n(summers)\n\nNational Park Service, Yellowstone National Park, WY\nTour Guide - Led student and public groups on guided tours; organized nature walks.\n\n9/99-12/01\n\nFlour Metals and Mining, San Mateo, CA\nEngineering Technician - Analyzed various steel structures to withstand wind and gravity\nloads (ore processing facility). Compiled data for structural reports.\n\nPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS\nAmerican Society of Civil Engineering-Student Chapter, Secretary and President\nSociety of Women Engineers\nBACKGROUND\nReared in San Francisco Bay Area; have traveled extensively throughout the western states and am willing to\nrelocate. As a result of work experience, am able to establish rapport easily with contractors and professional\nengineers.\nREFERENCES\n\nAvailable upon request.\n12\n\n\x0c(Chronological format - emphasizing education, de-emphasizing dates of employment)\nMURPHY J. SIMMONS\nXXXX Cypress Hill Avenue\nSanta Cruz, California 91706\n\n(831) XXX-XXXX (Home)\n(831) XXX-XXXX (Cell)\n\nCAREER\nOBJECTIVE\n\nEntry level position as a Marketing Representative with a\npharmaceutical firm.\n\nACADEMIC\nBACKGROUND\n\nCalifornia State University, Monterey Bay\nBachelor of Arts, major in English with minor in Biology.\nAnticipated date of graduation: December, 2003.\nCabrillo College\nAssociate of Arts, 1999\n\nMAJOR\nCOURSEWORK\n\nTechnical Report Writing\nLanguage and Culture\nCommunication of Ideas\nPopulation & Cell Biology\n\nCommunication Problems\nCreative Writing\nComputational Linguistics\nHuman Anatomy & Physiology\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nEXPERIENCE\n\nStore Night Manager, Capitola, CA\nAlberluckies, June, 2002 to present.\nResponsible for store operation during evening hours.\nAccount for cash flows, store security, and employee work assignments.\nMake deposits and complete weekly worksheets.\nAdministrative Assistant, Capitola, CA\nBorge Insurance Company, September, 1999 to May, 2002\nSupervised a dozen student worker\'s whose task was to file medical\ninsurance forms. Solved personnel and filing problems; formulated\nnightly work output reports.\nFront Desk / Guest Services, Santa Cruz, CA\nSanta Cruz Gardens Health Spa, June, 1997- August, 1999\nChecked in Spa members, provided temporary guest memberships,\ncleaned locker rooms, took payments and issued receipts, set up or\nclosed facility as needed.\n\nACHIEVEMENTS Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List\nWho\xe2\x80\x99s Who among American Junior College Students\nLANGUAGES\n\nFluent in Spanish\n\nCOMPUTER\n\nExperienced with IBM and Macintosh computer systems. Software\ncompetence with Word, Quickbooks Pro, and spread sheets including Excel.\n\nREFERENCES\n\nLetters of reference attached, additional references available upon request\n\n13\n\n\x0c(CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME - Education emphasis)\nMark Robinson\n13254 - XXh Avenue, # 12\nBen Lomond, CA 95006\n(831) XXX-XXXX\[email protected]\n\nJob Objective:\n\nAutocad Drafter\n\nEducation:\n2001-2003\n\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA 95003\nCertificate - Engineering Technology, December 1998\n\n1997-1999\n\nMasters Institute, San Jose, CA 95044\nCertificate - Electro / Mechanical Design and Drafting\n\nRelated Coursework:\n\xe2\x99\xa6Autocad\n\n\xe2\x99\xa6Detail\n\n\xe2\x99\xa63D\n\nRel. 13 - 2004\nWireframe and solid modeling\n\xe2\x99\xa6P-Cad\n\xe2\x99\xa6MS Word 7 and Excel\n\n\xe2\x99\xa6\n\nand Assembly Drawing\n2D Animation Studio\n\xe2\x99\xa6Mechanical Desktop 2.0\n\xe2\x99\xa6 MS Works 4 and Windows 95\n\nWork History:\nJanuary 2001 - April 2005\n\nSneezegate Technology\nScotts Valley, CA 95076\nProduction Operator in clean room environment\nPCB Shop\n\nAugust 1999 - December 2001\n\nACCAPA Services\nSanta Clara, CA\nWarehouse, Shipping, Receiving\n\nJanuary 1997 - March 1999\n\nGolden Opportunities Agency\nSan Jose, CA\nContract work for temporary agency\nMachinist, Warehouse, Light industrial\n\nReferences: List of references attached, additional references available upon request\n14\n\n\x0c(FUNCTIONAL FORMAT - Key word emphasis)\n\nSamantha Robinson\nXXX-XXth Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) XXX-XXXX\n______________________________________________________________________________________\nObjective: General Clerical / Bookkeeping\n\nSpecial Strengths: I have the ability to work well with others and to learn quickly. I am also very detail\noriented, reliable and punctual.\n\nRelated Skills:\nComputer Skills:\n\nExcel Spreadsheet\nTelemajic\nWinWord\nWindows 95\n\nGeneral Clerical:\n\nType with speed and accuracy\nShipping & Receiving experience\nFamiliar with standard office equipment\n\nData entry\nCash register\nMulti-line switchboard\n\nCustomer Service:\n\nExcellent phone & communication skills\nSuccessful problem resolution\n\nSurveyed customers\nProfessional attitude\n\nTravel Planning:\n\nScheduled reservations\nSet up appropriate accommodations\n\nLiaison with travel agencies\nand hotels\n\nBookkeeping:\n\nAccounts Receivable\nStatements\nGeneral Ledger\n\nCollection calls\nMonth end reports\nAccounts Payable\n\nWork History:\n\nWord Perfect 5.0\nWordstar\nPagemaker\nQuark\n\nE-mail\nFoxpro\nAmerican Contractor A/R\nAccess\n\nAccounts Receivable Associate / Marketing Assistant\nFromhaggens Computer Works, Santa Cruz, CA\n\n1998-Present\n\nFile Clerk/ Customer Service\nDoctors on Call, Aptos, CA\n\n1998\n\nFile Clerk / Accounting Assistant\n1995-1998\nBrannagan and Pierce, General Contractors, Santa Cruz, CA\n\nEducation:\n\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nGeneral Business Major (part-time night student)\n\n1997-Present\n\nSoquel High School, Soquel, CA\nCollege Prep.\n\nGraduate\n\nReferences Available Upon Request\n15\n\n\x0c(FUNCTIONAL FORMAT)\n\nSara Prouse\nXXXX Mc Arthur Lane\nSanta Cruz, CA 95061\n(831) XXX-XXXX\n\nJob Objective: Administrative Assistant\nHighlights of Qualifications:\nProfessional appearance and attitude\nExcellent communication and customer service skills\nFlexible, adaptable and enthusiastic\nWork well independently and as part of a team\n\nRelated Experience:\nAdministrative Assistant\nAssistant to store manager and other department managers\nComputer data entry; experience with Word on PC and Macintosh\nManaged supplies and organization of the office\nNegotiated prices with vendors\nManaged accounts receivable for the accounting department\nSales, Promotion and Customer Service\nDirected customers to products and special promotional items\nCustomer assistance on phones and in the store\nDeveloped rapport and cooperation with customers\nAssessed needs and made recommendations for purchases\nSupervision:\nSupervised 12-15 person work crew as well as office staff\nDirected flow of work and targeted projects\nResponsible for meeting quality guidelines and completion deadlines\n\nWork History:\nFebruary 1999-Present\n\nAdministrative Assistant - New Living Center, Soquel, CA\n(Promoted from cashier)\n\nJanuary 1997-January 1999 Crew Leader - California Conservation Corps, Santa Cruz and\nEureka, CA\n\nEducation:\n1999-Present\n1997\n\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nGeneral Education classes\nSanta Cruz Adult Education, Santa Cruz, CA\nGED\n\nReferences attached \xe2\x80\x93Additional References Available Upon Request\n16\n\n\x0c(functional format)\nJOHN DOLAN\nXXX Amen Street\nSan Francisco, CA\n\[email protected]\n(415) XXX-XXXX\nOBJECTIVE\nSales Executive\n\nSALES PROMOTION\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised and supervised promotion projects for large business firms and manufacturers, mostly in the\nelectronics field.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Originated newspaper, radio and television advertising and coordinated sales market potential.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 As sales executive and promotion consultant handled a great variety of accounts. Sales potentials in these\nfirms vary from $100,000 to $5 million per annum. Successfully raised the volume of sales in many of these\ncompanies 25% within the first year.\nSALES MANAGEMENT\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Hired and supervised sales staff on a local, regional, and national basis. Established branch offices\nthroughout the United States.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Developed uniform systems of processing orders and sales records. Implemented a catalog training program\nsystem involving inventory control to facilitate movement of scarce stock.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Promoted new products as well as improving sales of old ones. Developed sales training.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Over fifteen years retail and wholesale sales. Direct sales to consumer, jobber, and manufacturer. Hard\ngoods, small metals and electrical appliances.\nMARKET RESEARCH\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Devised and supervised market research projects to determine sales potentials and need for advertising.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Wrote detailed reports and recommendation describing each step in distribution, areas for development and\nplans for sales improvements.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Gathered pricing and scheduling information on competitors and reported on changes needed to maintain\ncompetitive edge.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Identified areas of customer satisfaction and motivation and initiated changes to ensure repeat business.\n\n1999-Present\n1989-1999\n\nFIRMS\nB.B. Bower Sales Development Company\nSan Francisco, CA\nJames Bresher Commercial and\nIndustrial Sales Research Corporation\nSan Francisco, CA\n\nSales Executive\nSr. Sales Promotion Manager\n\nEDUCATION\nUniversity of California, Berkeley, B.S. 1990; Business Administration\n17\n\n\x0c(functional format - specific international emphasis)\n\nPHILIP MARGOLIS\n831.XXX.XXXX (H)\n\nP.O. Box XXX\n\n831.XXX.XXXX5 (C)\n\nBrookdale, CA\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE\nTo obtain employment as a consultant to an internationally based firm as a Solar Technologist. The\nspecialization\'s in which I am most qualified are desalinization, agricultural development and electrical\ngeneration application.\n\nSYSTEMS DESIGN:\n\nEMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND\nDesigned and fabricated practical solar collection and monitoring\nexpertise as a contractor and on residential and commercial\napplications.\n\nSUPERVISION AND\nTRAINING:\n\nSupervised the design, materials acquisition and construction\nphases of residential construction projects. Trained and oversaw work of\nsubcontractors and construction crews.\n\nPROGRAM\nEVALUATION\n\nAnalyzed statistical data for implementation of public programs.\nMade major policy recommendations to city and county planning departments\n\nFIELD CONDITIONS\nANALYSIS:\n\nConducted water quality tests in field and laboratory and used\ndata for preparation of watershed inventory publication.\n\n1999-Present Owner, Specialized Solar Systems, Santa Cruz, CA\n1995-1999\nIndividual Consultant, Margolis Solar Consulting, Santa Cruz, CA\n1999-2002\nBuilding Contractor, Pacific Construction Co, Santa Cruz, CA\n1997-1999\nAssociate Planner, Planning Dept, Santa Cruz County, CA\n\nBACHELOR OF ARTS:\nASSOCIATE OF\nSCIENCE:\n\nEDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND\nEnvironmental Studies & Biology 1990 UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA\nSolar Energy Technology 1985 Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS\nAmerican Section of I.S.E.S.\nSanta Cruz Alternative Energy Cooperative\nINTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE\n\nTRAVEL ABROAD: Japan, England, Germany, Italy, Mexico VALID PASSPORT\nFOREIGN LANGUAGES: Spanish; levels 1-2, Chinese; levels 1-3\n\n18\n\n\x0cBritt Abernathy\nP.O. Box XXXX2,\nAptos, CA 95003-8092\n831-XXX-XXXX\n____________________________________________\n\nJob Objective: Administrative Assistant\nRelated Skills:\nGeneral Office\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Coordinated\n\nmultiple assignments and worked independently with increasing responsibility.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Worked as part of a team to implement large scale projects.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Interacted with other departments and sister agencies.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Accurately typed letters, drafted inquiries and responses and proofread.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Filed, alphabetized, processed orders, collated, made copies, used fax machine.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Used advanced multi-line phone system, took messages, gave phone referrals.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Inventoried and accessed stored materials, purchased office materials and supplies.\n\nCustomer Service\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Greeted\n\ncustomers, answered phones, established how best to meet customer\'s needs.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Took and processed work orders and returns.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Provided detailed information on and encouraged use of project materials.\n\nComputer\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Extensive\n\nMacintosh experience.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Thorough knowledge of FilemakerPro, Pagemaker, MS Word and Norton Disk Doctor/Utilities.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Set up and accurately maintained databases, printed labels and reports in various formats.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Designed and developed various marketing and survey materials, flyers, enclosures, newspaper\nadvertisements, office forms and record keeping materials.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Learned and installed new computer programs as needed.\n\nWork History\nFrom / To\n12/04 - present\n9/02 - 11/04\n8/99 - 7/02\n6/97 - 8/99\n\nEmployer Name\nSanta Cruz Metro Transit\nSpecial Care Residential Home\nMarc\'s Brothers Plumbing Supply\nTravel\n\nLocation\nSanta Cruz, CA\nSanta Cruz, CA\nSanta Rosa, CA\nEurope & Asia\n\nSchool Name\nCabrillo College, CA\nUC Santa Cruz, CA\nSanta Rosa Jr. College, CA\nMission High School, CA\n\nCourse of Study\nArchaeology Technology\nPhilosophy\nPsychiatric Technician Degree\nDiploma\n\nEducation\nFrom / To\n1/02 - present\n9/99 - 12/02\n8/98 - 6/99\n\n19\n\n\x0c(skills/abilities resume - dates ambiguous)\nRuby Salavia\nXXXX Porter Place\nAptos, CA 95003\n\[email protected]\n(831) XXX-XXXX\n\n________________________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE: A position as an Administrative Assistant or Account Clerk\nPRIMARY SKILLS:\n\xef\x82\xa7 D-Base Management\n\xef\x82\xa7 Payroll\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bookkeeping\n\xef\x82\xa7 Form Processing\n\xef\x82\xa7 WordPerfect\n\xef\x82\xa7 Quicken / Quatro\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nPC Dos\nLedger Maintenance\nBudget Analysis\nCollections / Billing\n10 Key Calculator\nSupervision\n\nABILITIES:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Spanish/English oral, written and technical communication\n\xef\x82\xa7 Bilingual / Bicultural\n\xef\x82\xa7 Friendly, courteous and articulate\n\xef\x82\xa7 Work independently with no supervision\n\xef\x82\xa7 Interact effectively in dealing with diverse groups\n\xef\x82\xa7 Extensive experience dealing with frequent interruptions and time deadlines\n\xef\x82\xa7 Effective preparation of documents, with close attention to detail\n\xef\x82\xa7 Analytical skills, with a demonstrated ability to solve problems\n\xef\x82\xa7 Extensive experience with administration and clerical procedures\nEXPERIENCE:\n3-D Experiences, Santa Cruz, CA\nEl Serno Health Department, Los Angeles, CA\nTri-County Vocational Training, Walnut, CA\n\nAdministrative Assistant\nTypist Clerk\nOffice Assistant\n\n1 year\n9 years\n3 years\n\nEDUCATION:\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA\nLos Angeles City College, Los Angeles, CA\nSan Gabriel High School, San Gabriel, CA\n\nBusiness Office Technology\nGeneral Education\nDiploma\n\nREFERENCES ATTACHED, ADDITIONAL REFERENCES FURNISHED UPON REQUEST\n\n20\n\n\x0cWinona Percosa\n__________________________________________________________________________________\nXXX Harper St. # 22\n(831) XXX-XXXX/XXX-XXXX\nSanta Cruz, CA 94062\ne-mail: [email protected]\nObjective\nOffice Manager position with responsibility for purchasing, budgeting, and personnel management.\nQualifications\n12 years of experience in business management with expertise in purchasing, sales, project\nmanagement, leasing, property management, training and creative problem solving. Extensive\nexperience interfacing with outside vendors, clients and corporate executives. Fluent in English and\nSpanish. Able to translate and interpret. Computer literate.\nAchievements\nSupervised properties in 5 states. Organized and restructured office procedures and workflow;\ndeveloped and implemented new systems for rent collection, processing work orders and maintenance\nprojects; wrote and enforced occupancy, safety and security policies; interpreted and enforced OSHA\npolicies and regulations; resolved residential issues and complaints.\nManaged operations functions for multi-unit facility. Negotiated contracts and coordinated\nscheduling with contractors, outside vendors and suppliers; purchased equipment and office supplies;\ncreated budgets and developed expense controls; served as liaison with fire department, police and\nbuilding inspectors.\nCoordinated all personnel, customer service and tenant relation activities. Hired, trained and\npromoted personnel; developed cross-functional teams which met all project benchmarks; trained staff\nin essentials of superior customer service. Delegated assignments to technical and administrative\nteams; Bored through slow moving approval process, obtaining permits in record time; Designated\nteam leaders for successful new project.\nPerformed sales, marketing, leasing and contract negotiations in multiple business environments.\nMarketed and sold condominiums, ATM and POS equipment, clothing, novelties and catering\nservices. Negotiated contracts with vendors, residents and outside contractors.\nProfessional Experience\nMonet Staffing Services, Capitola, CA\nThe Amram Swenson Company, Santa Cruz, CA\nThe John Stewart Company, Aptos, CA\n\n2003-Present\nLeasing Manager\n1999-2003\nAdministrator\n1996-1999\nProperty Manager\n\nEducation\nMBA, Chapman College, Monterey, CA 2004\nFinance and Accounting Certificate, National University, San Jose CA 2002\n\n21\n\n\x0cJohn Aguirre\nXXX Lincoln Street\nWatsonville, CA 95076\n\n(831) XXX-XXXX\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE\nJunior Level Network Administrator\n\nCisco Routers\nIOS command structure, router configurations and security using access lists to create firewalls.\nconfiguring both LAN and WAN ports to accepts various protocols on the network. Copy and\nmanipulate configuration files and router files through the use of passwords.\nWindows NT 4.0\nWindows NT 4.0, Windows 95, sharing resources, user management, cross domain management,\nsystem policy, user profiles, security, disaster recovery, NetWare to NT migrations, installation,\nconfiguration, backups, un-interruptable power supplies.\nNovel 4.x\nInstallation, configuration and maintenance of Novel 4.x network, including the design and\nmaintenance. Adding, deleting and granting trustee rights to users. NDS tree design, creating and\nadministration.\nUnix System V.7 (SCO)\nWorking knowledge of vi and ex editors, prep, sed, adding/deleting users, granting rights, permissions\nand security considerations.\nTroubleshooting\nBuilding, repairing, troubleshooting of IBM compatible PC\'s to the FRU level and the\ninstallation/modification of windows 3.1/95 operating systems.\nElectronics\nCircuits, voltages, resistance, series and parallel circuits, waveforms, inductors, capacitance,\nimpedance, transistors, data and analog signals, bandwidth, cabling.\nOperating System software (DOS/Windows)\nExtensive DOS 6.22, commands, file manipulation.\nExperience\n2002-2005\n1999-2002\n\nStudent Worker III (Work Experience Program) - Computer Training Academy,\nSan Jose, CA Installation, configuration and maintenance of Cisco products along with\nNovel and NY networks.\nAssistant Contractor - Sementos Brothers Construction, Watsonville, CA\nSupplied pipe fitters and welders with all the proper equipment needed for jobs\nEducation\n\n2003-Present Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA Currently enrolled - Engineering Technology\n1999-2001\nComputer Training Academy, San Jose, CA Diploma\n22\n\n\x0cRACHELLE ACOSTA\nXXX Scenic Way\nScotts Valley, CA 95066\n\nPhone:(831) XXX-XXXX\nCell: (408) XXX-XXXX\n\nOBJECTIVE\nA challenging position in Organizational Development, Human Resources, Corporate Training or\nBenefits Administration in a well established and positive company environment.\nSUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\nHuman Resources Professional with extensive experience in large executive search and consulting\nfirms. Consistently effective in the design and delivery of training workshops and seminars. Strong\nwork ethic and demonstrated history of leadership in fast paced environments. Confident and\nresourceful manager capable of establishing solid business partnerships to support strategic objectives.\nAble to inspire and motivate diverse individuals and teams. Well established consultation skills with\ndemonstrated effectiveness in negotiation, problem solving and analysis. PC literate with current word\nprocessing, spreadsheet and database applications. Areas of expertise include:\nTraining / Curriculum Design\n\xef\x81\xaf Start-up Operations\n\xef\x81\xaf Organizational Development\n\xef\x81\xaf Wage and Compensation Administration\n\xef\x81\xaf Diversity Training\n\xef\x81\xaf Labor Law\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nPerformance Management\n\xef\x81\xaf Employee Relations\n\xef\x81\xaf Benefits Analysis\n\xef\x81\xaf Staffing and Recruiting\n\xef\x81\xaf Employee Retention\n\xef\x81\xaf Search and Selection\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nCAREER ACHIEVEMENTS\nLead trainer for corporate wide leadership development, team building, career coaching and\nperformance improvement seminars. Viewed as content expert and design resource for behavioral\ninterviewing, recruitment and conflict management workshops.\nCreated and implemented professional retention program. Provided career coaching to over 400 high\npotential consultants, successfully transferred over 60 professionals and saved $665,000 in recruitment\nfees in the programs first six months.\nBuilt and sustained a recruiting organization and managed a $3 million recruiting budget, including all\nmedia, advertising and sourcing activities for growing firm area including Electronic Commerce,\nCustomer Relationship Management and Japanese Practices. Recruited more than 280 professionals\nwhile reducing past cost per hire by 54% in nine months.\nConducted job search strategy and resume writing workshops for Career Forum at Stanford\nUniversity. Led training sessions on recruiting and retaining high tech employees in a variety of\nlocations. Instructor for Senior Core of Retired Entrepreneurs.\nWrote and produced Human Resources Procedures Manual covering personnel, training, benefits,\nemployee discipline and administrative issues. Re-wrote job descriptions resulting in greater\nefficiency and fewer personnel.\nDesigned and implemented a Diversity Hiring plan which resulted in a substantial increase in diversity\nhires through extensive sponsorships, publicity and advertising in diversity media.\n(page 1 of 2)\n23\n\n\x0cRACHELLE ACOSTA PAGE 2\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE\nCENTER FOR HUMAN GROWTH, Palo Alto, CA\nDirector of Staffing\n\n2003-present\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nConducted numerous internal workshops on stress management,\ncommunication, leadership development and team building to promote\nemployee commitment and tenure.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nManaged all professional recruiting and led team of 10 recruiters and two\nschedulers for recruitment of all domestic and globally based professional staff.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nIntegrated American and Japanese Human Resources office procedures.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nDeveloped highly effective presentation outlining results of a work productivity\nstudy, contributing to the adoption of over 80% of my recommendations.\n\nLACHMAN & DOSS CONSULTING, San Francisco, CA\nEmployee Retention and Staffing Manager\n\n2001-2003\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nManaged all professional recruiting and led team of 12 for recruitment of all\ndomestic and global based professional staff, Established Web presence and\nweb based process to advertise open positions and expedite internal transfers.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nLed seminars on performance management and created user\'s guide for\nprofessional level staff.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nFacilitated over 100 "train the trainer" behavioral interviewing workshops.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nConducted needs assessment / gap analysis, recommended training curriculum,\nmanaged program launch, registration and evaluation. Selected and evaluated\ntraining vendors.\n\nPERALTA & JENNER, Oakland, CA\nManagement Analyst\n\n1998-2001\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nManaged four person research team while recruiting partners, associates, and\nconsultants for Big Five and top-tier strategy consulting firms.\n\n\xef\x81\xaf\n\nImproved personnel accountability by redefining responsibility for essential\nfunctions.\nEDUCATION AND AFFILIATIONS\n\nM.B.A., International Management, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA\nB.A., Business Management, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA\nMember, American Society for Training and Development- Bay Area Chapter\n24\n\n2004\n2001\n\n\x0c(scannable resume)\nCarol Bryant\nXXXX Hubbard Road\nMoss Landing, CA 93007\n(831) XXX-XXXX3776\[email protected]\nOBJECTIVE: Computer Network Administrator, Computer System Operator, or Technical Support\nHIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS: Eleven years computer-related experience including:\nOperating Systems Environments: Hardware:\nLanguages: Applications:\nMS/DOS\nIBM/Clones C\nLotus 1-2-3\nUNIX and Xwindows\nMacintosh\nBasic/Qbasic Wordperfect/Wordstar\nMS Windows 3.1, NT, Workgroups IBM 4381\ndBASEIII\nMicrosoft Word\nNetware 3.11, 4.0\nVAX\nDataEase\nXtree Gold, Hypercard\nMac OS and AppleTalk\nPDP 11/70\nC-shell script Paradox, Filemaker Pro\nVMS\nPrinters\nReSource II DBMS\nMVS/XA, VM/XA\nModems, scanners\nProComm, Telix\n~ Created NetWare 3.11 network including file server, print servers and work stations\n~ Installed and configured peripherals and replaced extension boards in PC compatible computers\n~ Able to master new software and apply its full range of capabilities\n~ Excellent listening skills; experience with interpreting problems and offering the best resolution\n~ Supervisory experience\n~ Ten years administrative background in business environment\nTECHNICAL WORK EXPERIENCE:\nKinkis Computer Center, Santa Cruz, CA\n2002-2005\nComputer Operator and Computer Consultant - Tended UNIX, VM/XA and MVS/XA systems in high\nvolume computer center. Responsible for laser printer jobs, system backups, tape libraries and work\ndocumentation. Instructed users in the use of UNIX system, EtherNet network, IBM PC\'s,\nMacintoshes and AppleTalk network.\nPlanetworks, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA\n2002\nComputer Operator - Responsible for operation of VAX VMS system. Duties included maintaining\nterminals, providing internal technical support for employees, troubleshooting hardware and software\nproblems and connecting hardware. Wrote in-house documentation.\nOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE:\nFocastle and Associates, Santa Cruz, CA\n1998-2001\nOffice Manager and Administrative Assistant - Key person in successful computer conversion.\nResearch hardware and software appropriate to company\'s needs and made final purchasing\nrecommendations. Implemented DataEase database management system used for invoicing, payroll\nand accounts receivable, writing code for company specific modules. Trained staff in use of company\nsoftware; wrote in-house database and software manual. Responsible for office equipment\nmaintenance, purchasing and accounts receivable. Designed and implemented new office procedures.\nInterviewed, hired and supervised office assistants.\nEDUCATION:\nCabrillo College, Aptos, CA - Microcomputer Management\nA.S. Degree 2001\nCourses include computer networking, dBASE programming, microcomputer installation /\nmaintenance, Macintosh operating system, telecommunications and accounting.\nREFERENCES: Attached, additional references available upon request\n25\n\n\x0cWork Related References\nMarge Berko\nKinkis Computer Center\n2121 Freedom Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nStore Manager / Direct Supervisor\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\nJudy Pollsowitz\nIT Manager\nPlanet Works\n2525 Vineyard Ave\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\nDirect Supervisor\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\nFrodo Bobbins\nComputer Operator\nKinkis Computer Center\n2121 Freedom Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nCo-Worker in IT Department\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\nWard Cleaver\nComputer Analyst\nPlanet Works\n2525 Vineyard Ave\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\nCo-Worker\n831-XXX-XXXX\[email protected]\n\nJane Doe\nChief Business Officer\nFoscatle and Associates\nXXXX Front Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nSupervisors boss\n831.XXX.XXXX\n\nBob Dolantz\nDirector of IT\nFoscatle and Associates\nXXXX Front Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\nDirect Supervisor\n831.XXX.XXX\n\nPersonal References\nPeter Jacobson\nXXXX - 15th AVE\nSanta Cruz, CA 95062\nLandlord of 8 years\n831.XXX.XXXX\n\nDr. Slater Biggams\nCabrillo College\n6500 Soquel Drive\nAptos, CA 95003\nInstructor in Computer Science\n831.XXX.XXXX\[email protected]\n\n26\n\n\x0cwhat not to do - see below\n12/15/04 (1)\nresume of: (2)\n\njane doe\n\n(3)\n\nP.O. Box 555\nSeacliff, CA 95003\n\n(408) 555-5555\n\nJOB OBJECTIVE: A job that offers benefits and will allow me to use my education and experience and\ngrow and advance in the company. (4)\n\nWORK HISTORY:\n\n(5)\n\nJune 1997-November 1997 Grill Cook, Betty s Pasta Shop, 1921 Main Street, Santa Lupe,\nCalifornia, Supervisor: Angela Parnelli (555) 121-1212 $ 8.00/hr\nCooked soups, sandwiches, food prep.\n1/15/1997- 5/22/97 AAA Organic Farms, Gardener, Petaluma, Ca., $9.00/hr\nWorked in garden, picked and packed vegetables.\n8/1/94-7/12/96 Parking Lot Attendant/Security Guard, Great Mall of El Segundo, Mesa, Arizona\nParked cars, apprehended shoplifters.\n9/15/96-12/30/87 Retail Sales, The Backpackers Paradise, Crescent City, Arizona $7.50/hr\nSold backpacks and camping supplies.\n\nEDUCATION:\n\nUCCC Santa Lupe , California,\nMajor: Human Studies\nAnticipated date of graduation: June 2005 (6)\nAardvark High School, Mesa, Arizona (7)\n\nREFERENCES: Reverend Milo Wacky, Universal Universalist Church (555)-332-1212\nJune Cleaver, (555) 332-5412 (8)\n\nPERSONAL INFORMATION: Recently divorced, 3 children ages 2,3 & 7. (9)\n(1) Do not date resume.\n(2) Do not label \xe2\x80\x9cresume\xe2\x80\x9d (3) Font too large for name and address, small case not\nappropriate for resume. (4) Objective statement too broad, not targeted. (5) Different format style used for dates,\ndates out of order and have a typo. Formatting generally uneven with job title and employer names staggered. Size of\nfont varies. Do not list street addresses, supervisors names or employer phone numbers here. Do not list salary\ninformation on resume. Detail of skills and responsibilities lacking or vague. Work history not targeted toward any\nspecific type of employment. (6) Anticipated date of graduation too far in future to list. 7) Graduation not indicated.\n(8) Reference has religious orientation, or no indication of relationship, references should be listed on separate page. (9)\nDo not put personal information on resume.\nIn general, resume is too busy, and has too many font styles. Resume not targeted toward any particular type of work.\nFormatting very uneven. Do not use font smaller that 11 pt.\n\n27\n\n\x0cFOLLOW UP LETTER\nFollow up correspondence is an important aspect of your job search. It only takes a few moments to write a\nthank you note and the results can be rewarding.\nThe note should be brief; thank them for their time and consideration in seeing you and reiterate your interest\nin the position. Emphasize what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.\nA thank you note shows that you are considerate. It may put you ahead of the competition, or keep your name\nfresh in the employers\' mind for future consideration.\nBe sure your follow-up note has your contact information on the note itself, not just on the envelope.\n\nSAMPLE FOLLOW UP LETTER\nOctober 15, 2004\nMs. Jennifer Jones\nDistrict Manager\nBank of Central California\n1212 Spring Street\nSan Luis Obispo, CA 95555\nDear Ms. Jones,\nThank you for taking the time to thoroughly discuss your management training program with me yesterday\nduring the course of my interview. After careful consideration, I feel that I would be achieving my personal\ngoals and meeting your needs by utilizing my finance degree as a trainee in your mortgage loan department.\nI am excited by the opportunity to be affiliated with the Bank of Central California during the bank\'s growth\ninto the arena of international banking and would be willing to continue my education in the area of\ninternational business if considered for this position.\nI enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you and I appreciate the time you spent with me. I hope to hear from\nyou soon.\nSincerely,\nEllen James\n1912 Cedar Street\nSanta Cruz, CA 95060\n831-XXX-XXXX\n\n28\n\n\x0cSCANNABLE RESUMES\nThe key points to remember in creating a resume that will translate well when processed through a scanner\nfor selection are SIMPLICITY & TERMINOLOGY.\nScanners look for key words when sorting resumes into employment categories and awarding \xe2\x80\x9cpoints\xe2\x80\x9d for\nconsideration. Many of the things that are important in a resume that is being reviewed by a person, will work\nagainst you when a resume is being scanned by a machine. If you are sending resumes to companies that use\nscanners, and companies that do not use scanners, you will need two styles of resume. You may also want to\nsend both styles of resume to the same company, with an indication that one is for scanning and the other for\nthe hiring manager to read.\nSIMPLICITY : Use plain text only. Do not use italics , bold face, or underlines. (See resume on page 21)\nDo not use shading, borders, graphics or bullets. Use a font that is 11-14 points and is simple and easy to read\nsuch as CG Times, Palatino, Bookman, etc.\nBe sure that your name is on the top line by itself. Print the resume on a laser printer if possible and send a\ncrisp, clean copy on white paper. Use white space. Scanners recognize that white spaces separate categories.\nTERMINOLOGY - Scanners search for key words. Use nouns rather than verbs, Words like systems\nengineering, accounting, public relations, IBM, manager, etc., The more you can use appropriate terminology,\nthe more points you accumulate. With the exception of common abbreviations such as IBM or B.A.,\n(Bachelor of Arts), you will want to minimize the use of abbreviations, and be sure to use words that have a\ncommon definition.\nScanners are designed to look for key words which describe job titles, functions, skills, academic degrees,\nrelevant training, equipment, computer hardware and software, technical and industry jargon, and relevant\npersonality traits.\nA one page resume is no longer the rule for scannable resumes. You can many times re-work your existing\nresume by eliminating the fancy graphics and adding a key word section at the end of the resume. Include\nall of the job specific words that apply to either your education, experience or the job qualifications which you\nmeet.\nOne of the major distributors of resume scanning technology is a company called Resumix\n( They offer a site that allows you to create an on-line resume\n( There are many other resume creation sites also available on\nthe internet.\nPOSTING YOUR RESUME ON-LINE\nSubmitting your resume to an on-line job referral service can be as easy as sending an email. Some sites want\nyou to follow their format and fill in boxes on an e-form, some allow you to cut and paste from a word document.\,,, and additional sites listed on Hot Jobs Links on\nour Cabrillo College Student Employment web site are all potential sites for you to post your resume on-line.\nSome sites offer "push technology" where you can post your e-mail address and have jobs that meet your stated\ncriteria sent to you as they are listed.\n29\n\n\x0cWEB RESUMES\nAnyone can have a web resume if they have access to a web site, although they are more common for people\nwith technical expertise or artistic abilities. Posting your resume on-line gives you the ability to appear to be\ntechnologically savvy, but also provides a window for anyone with a good search engine to get more\ninformation about you than you might like to provide. You may not want to post your address or land line\nphone on an web resume.\nIn a web resume, you can provide copies of letters of recommendation, links to projects that you have done on\nthe web, show off a portfolio of art work, and have your resume available to anyone at anytime. Web\nResumes allow you to expand on a simple paper resume and creative side. Be sure not to include a picture of\nyourself as part of this resume.\n\nE-MAILING YOUR RESUME\nWhen e-mailing your resume to an employer it is a good idea to give them the option as to how they would\nlike to view your resume. You can send it as a word attachment, but it is also a good idea to include it as plain\ntext in the body of your e-mail to the employer. Not every one feels comfortable accepting attachments due to\nthe potential for virus contamination. When sending an ASCII resume, be sure to send it to a couple of\nfriends who use different browsers, as it may not look the same when received as it did when you sent it.\nHave your friends print you a copy so that you can come up with a version to e-mail that will have a good\nreadable layout when received.\nFINAL TIPS\nFocus the resume on the job you are applying for. Think what you can do for the employer. Which\nof your skills are the most applicable for the job you are applying for.\nStart with what will sell you best to the employer. If your education is more relevant than your\nwork history, lead with your education. If your work history is more relevant, lead with that. If you\nhave acquired skills from other venues that are your greatest strengths, lead with a summary of those\nskills.\nUse strong terminology. Key words, action words and strong phrasing are very important.\nKeep it honest. Do not embellish your background with degrees you have not earned or job titles that\nyou have not held.\nMake it easy to read, with no errors. Use white space appropriately. Have it proof read by several\ndifferent people before printing your final draft. Listen to suggestions, but realize that there is no one\nbest way to do a resume, and that only you can make the final decision as to how to market yourself on\npaper to a prospective employer.\n30'
b'Thomas J. Smith\n55 Northern Road | Sometown, NY 11375\nPhone: 555-555-5555 | [email protected]\nTargeting an Internship or Entry-Level Opportunity in...\nSoftware Engineering\n\xef\x82\xb7Upcoming BSSE graduate offering a strong foundation in software engineering and\nprogramming principles across multiple platforms.\n\xef\x82\xb7Experienced in object-oriented programming; developing, testing and debugging code;\ndesigning interfaces; and administering systems and networks.\n\xef\x82\xb7Quickly learn and master new technologies; successful working in both team and self-directed\nsettings.\nEducation\nABC COLLEGE -- Sometown, NY\nPursuing Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE), 108/120 credits completed\n\xef\x82\xb7Academic Honors: ABC College Program Achievement Citation (2011), Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List (3\nsemesters)\n\xef\x82\xb7Senior Software Engineering Capstone Design Project (in progress):\n\xef\x82\xb7Project Scope: Currently working as part of a five-member team on next-generation rollout of\nrobot control software for DEF Company, a technology research company specializing in robotics.\nAnalyzed functional requirements, developed code and currently testing software applications.\n\xef\x82\xb7Tools: Visual Studio .Net, C# and ASP.Net\nCourses Completed:\n\xef\x82\xb7 Software\nJava Programming\nEngineering\n& Data\nProcess\nStructures\nManagement\n\xef\x82\xb7 Enterprise\nWireless Mobile\nSoftware\nSoftware\nOverview\nEngineering\n\xef\x82\xb7 Software\nObject-Oriented\nQualityDesign\nTesting\n\xef\x82\xb7 Network\nDatabaseSecurity\nManagement Systems\n\nDEF\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Distributed\nInformation OS\nSecurity\n\nTECHNOLOGY\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Human\nAssembly\nComputer\nLanguage\nInterface\nProgramming\n\nINSTITUTE --\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Bioinformatics\nComputer Organization and Architecture\n\nSometown, NY\n\n\x0cAssociate of Science in Computer Science, May 2009\nWork Experience\nABC COLLEGE -- Sometown, NY\nHelp Desk Technician, October 2011 to Present\n\xef\x82\xb7Provide networking and desktop support, account maintenance and printing assistance to\nstudents and faculty. Troubleshoot and resolve complex technology problems as the \xe2\x80\x9cgo-to\xe2\x80\x9d\nperson for IT issues.\nGHI COMPANY & JKL COMPANY -- Sometown, NY\nBarista, 2009 to 2010 (seasonal)\n\xef\x82\xb7Excelled within service-oriented positions (concurrent with college studies), delivering premium\ncustomer service and attracting repeat customers.\nTechnology Summary\nVisual Studio .Net, Visual Basic 6, C#, ASP.Net, C, C++, Java, .Net, XML/HTML, JavaScript,\nAjax, CSS, Windows, Linux, Unix, MS Office Suite'
b'Senior Accountant Resume Format\nMUHAMMAD IMRAN\nContact No: 000\nSkype ID: 000\nCareer Objectives:\nMore than 9 years Accounting/Finance/Audit (Chief Accounts and Finance Officer Resume) experience in\nPakistan, I want to be associated with a progressive organization where I can implement my knowledge, skills and\nprofessional experience to increase level of responsibility and career advancement as Accountant/Chief\nAccountant, Finance Manager/Internal Auditor/CFO.\nKEY MANAGEMENT SKILLS:\n\xef\x82\x95\nTactical Financial Planning\nBudgeting & Forecasting\n\xef\x82\x95\nCost Control & Profit Management\nFinancial Reporting\n\xef\x82\x95\nAudit Management\nLeadership & Supervision\n\xef\x82\x95\nPayroll Management & Executive\nBank Negotiations & Relation\n\xef\x82\x95\nAccounts management using Tally,Quick Book and custom applications designed in oracle,VB etc.\nQualification:\nMaster in Business Administration (M.B.A)-Banking & Finance\nAllama Iqbal Open University,Islamabad,\nPakistan.\nCommerce Graduate (B.Com)\nAgriculture University, Faisalabad,\nPakistan.\nCareer Snapshot:\nChief Accounts and Finance Officer:\nChiniot Blood Bank & Dialysis Centre,\nFaisalabad, Pakistan\n(A Project of C.A.I.Karachi)\nHealth & Service Association\n(From February 05, 2012 to November 15, 2014)\n\xef\x82\x95\nManage the financial budget, planning and analysis required for strategic purpose.\n\xef\x82\x95\npreparation of annual /monthly financial statements/profit & loss accounts.\n\xef\x82\x95\nMonitor and coordination of all accounting activities.\n\xef\x82\x95\nCarried out review of financing made by the banks as per the requirements of prudential regulations.\n\xef\x82\x95\nSupervising inventory department to make sure that all the received and issuance has recorded properly.\nManager Accounts & Taxation:\nRafiq Fabrics (Pvt.) Limited, Faisalabad,\nPakistan.\nTextile & Manufacturing Co.\n(From September, 2007 to January 31, 2012)\n\xef\x82\x95\nPrepare and post transnational vouchers with supporting documentation.\n\xef\x82\x95\nAccounts payable/receivable and bank reconciliations.\n\xef\x82\x95\nAssist with payroll administration.\n\xef\x82\x95\nAssist with implementation of new systems and policies and procedures.\n\xef\x82\x95\nEstablish, maintain, and coordinate the implementation of accounting and internal control procedures.\n\xef\x82\x95\nPrepare and review budget, revenue, expense, invoices, and other accounting documents.\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\x95\n\xef\x82\x95\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nPrepare profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports.\nSupervising inventory department to make sure that all the receiving and issuance has recorded properly .\nInvolved in project accounting\n\nAuditor:\nRiaz Ahmad & Company Faisalabad,\nPakistan.\nChartered Accountants\n(From March, 2006 to August, 2007)\n\xef\x82\x95\nPlanning, execution and completion of various audit assignments.\n\xef\x82\x95\nPreliminary review of financial statements, drafting of audit programs, supervision and review of team\nmembers\xe2\x80\x99 work as well as establishing and strengthening of cordial relationship through liaison at various levels\ntop management.\nIT Skills:\n09 years of using IT skills advance level, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point & Access\n\xef\x82\x95\nCapability of internet using searching and surfing\n\xef\x82\x95\nAccounts management using Tally,Quick Book and custom applications designed in oracle,VB etc.\nOther Qualifications:\n\xef\x82\x95\nDiploma in Professional Accounting Program from Soft Tech Computer College Lahore, Pakistan.\n\xef\x82\x95\nDiploma in Computer Application (C.A) from Byte Computer College (Regd.) Sahiwal, Pakistan.\n\xef\x82\x95\nDiploma in Office Management (M.C) from Modern Institute of Technology (Regd.) Faisalabad,\nPakistan.\nParticipation in Seminars:\nRegarding continuous professional development on;\n\xef\x82\x95\n\xef\x82\x95\n\xef\x82\x95\n\nFinance & Administration\nOperations & Management\nGeneral meetings/gatherings\n\nPersonal Detail:\nMobile(UAE): 0000\nMobile(PAK): 0000\nE-Mail: xxxx\n\xef\x82\x95\nFather\xe2\x80\x99s Name:\n\xef\x82\x95\nNationality:\n\xef\x82\x95\nN.I.C:\n\xef\x82\x95\nDate of Birth:\n\xef\x82\x95\nGender: Male\n\xef\x82\x95\nMarital Status:\n\xef\x82\x95\nReligion:\n\xef\x82\x95\nPassport#:\nReference:\nCan be furnished on demand\n\nxxxx\nPakistani\n0000\n0000\nMarried\nIslam\n00000'
b'Senior Accountant Resume Sample\n\nRoudha\nDubai\nPh:586685236\nEmail:[email protected]\n\nCAREER OBJECTIVE:\nExcellent accounting skills, with experience in Oracle and SAP, dealt with customers and high\nlevel workloads within strict deadlines. Now looking to start a new challenging position to meet\nmy competencies, capabilities, skills, education and experience\n\nWORK EXPERIENCE:\nNAME OF THE COMPANY\n\nPOSITION\n\nDURATION\n\nABC GROUP, Dubai, UAE\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nRETAIL LOGISTICS LLC\nSTEINWEG SHARAF FZE\nSHARAF SHIPPING AGENCY LLC\n\nRENOLD, Singapore\nFLAMING GROUP, India\n\nACCOUNTANT\nGENEREAL\n\nWorking since 23rd Feb 2006 To till date.\n\nACCOUNTANT\n\n2nd May, 2005 to 22nd Dec, 2005\n\nACCOUNTANTS\nASSISTANT\n\n1st July 2003 To 30th March, 2005.\n\nPROFESSIONAL SUMMARY:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nHaving over 4 years of Experience in the field of Accounts, Finance, Auditing and\nLogistics, in which 1 \xc2\xbd years of experience in UAE.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nStrong in ERP software (SAP and ORACLE 6i) and in Accounting Packages\n\nAccounts Experience:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nExpertise in ORACLE for the all the modules such as Accounts Payable, Accounts\nReceivable, Cash Management, General Ledger and Inventory Modules\nExperienced in preparing monthly financials like Trial Balance, Profit & Loss a/c, Balance\nSheet, Cash Flow statement, Ratios and Analytical points on Financials.\nExpertise in monthly job analysis\nExpertise in preparing of weekly Bank, Cash positions and Cash Budget statement\nExpertise in managing the Fund Management\nExpertise in Audit preparation of yearly financials in audit format and submitting to auditors\nfor auditing\nStrong in interaction with Auditors for Finalization of Accounts\nExperienced in preparation of monthly Bank Reconciliation statement\n1\n\n\x0cSenior Accountant Resume Sample\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nExperienced in controlling Debtors & Creditors and preparation of debtors & Creditors\nOutstanding list and reporting to Management\nWell versed in preparation of department wise Monthly Collection Report.\nExpertise in reconciliation of receivable & payables with their respective statements\nExpertise in dealing with banks for issue of Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantee and other\nvarious issues\nExpertise in Preparation of monthly schedules\nSupervising and Coordinating subordinates to ensure in smooth accounting.\nHandling Self-Correspondence with all Business Clients, Suppliers and Banks\nEnhanced the credibility of finance function by generating accurate and timely MIS Reports\nDiplomatic and Excellent in Public Relation and Office Administration\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nKnowledge of International Accounting Standards and IFRS\nStrong in adopt new analytical approaches, tools & environment.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nLogistics Experience:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nProcedure and Processing of Letters of Credit\n(Imports and Exports/Local and Overseas/Incoming and Outgoing)\nCorresponding with Suppliers and/or Banks for Amendment of L/C\nLiaison with Freight Forwarders, Shipping Companies, Ports and Other Local Authorities.\nFamiliar in Customs Clearance\nProcedure and Processing of Documents for Imports\n\nAudit Experience:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVouching of Cash and Bank Books, Sale and Purchase Register, Debtors Ledger, Creditors\nLedger, General Ledger so as to authenticate the figures appearing in the Books of Accounts\nof the client.\nVerification of Banks Reconciliation Statements, Fixed Assets and Stock\n\nQUALIFICATIONS:\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nM.Com from Singapore National University in 2005\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nB.Com from Delhi University in 2003\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nDIPLOMA in Computer Applications: Ms-Word, Excel and Presentation of Power Point.\n\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nERP PACKAGE: S.A.P. FI/CO (Trained in SAP FI/CO modules in 2005).\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAccounts Receivables\nAccounts Payables\nGeneral Ledger Accounting\nBank Accounting\nFixed Assets Accounting\n2\n\n\x0cSenior Accountant Resume Sample\n\xef\x81\xb1\n\nACCOUNTING PAKAGES:\nTally, Focus, Peachtree and Wings Ex\n\nPERSONAL PROFILE:\nDate of birth\nNationality\nSex\nMarital Status\nLanguages Known\nVisa status\n\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n:\n\n10th Feb, 1982\nIndian\nMale\nSingle\nEnglish, Hindi, Arabic\nOn Employment Visa\n\n3'
b'Dayjob Ltd, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham B18 6NF\nT: 00 44 121 638 0026 - E: [email protected]\nW:\n\nMARTIN BELL\nACCOUNT MANAGER\n\nSummary\n\nA dynamic and ambitious professional who is results orientated and committed to growing a\nbusiness from within. Martin possesses the right attitude that will fit in to any existing highly skilled\nteam and has the same passion and drive for every project he works on. He is a well-organised\nindividual with an effective use of time management and an ability to prioritise effectively and be\nflexible where necessary. Right now he would like to further an already successful career by\nworking for a ambitious company in a stimulating and challenging work environment.\n\nSkills\n\nSales\n\nManagement\n\nPersonal\n\nNew business generation\nTelemarketing\nMarket intelligence\nMarket penetration\nMeeting sales targets\nMarketing performance\nAdministrative tasks\nAdvertising campaigns\n\nJoint planning\nFinancial reporting\nDatabase building\nBrand reputation\nMonitoring budgets\nProcess management\nInternal reporting\nConsulting\n\nTroubleshooting\nProfessional manner\nAmicable\nCan handle stress\nAlways pro-active\nEnthusiastic\nProduct knowledge\nCommunication skills\n\nCareer\n\nACCOUNT MANAGER\nMay 2007 - Present\nInsurance Company\nResponsible for performing tasks that will maximise business opportunities in new and existing\nmarkets. Also in overall charge of establishing, maintaining and developing working relationships\nwith both internal and external partners.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nMaintaining a list of key client accounts and working to cultivate these clients.\nAnalysing and interpreting sales data to identify unexpected patterns and trends.\nBuilding up a sales pipeline of business opportunities that will ensure sales targets are met.\nProactively seeking out commercial opportunities and partnerships.\nPromoting and selling additional applications and services to clients.\nProviding realistic plans and forecasts on customer performance.\nDealing with all aspects of a marketing campaign.\nEnsuring customer compliance with all agreements.\nLeading project management activity.\n\nACCOUNT MANAGER\nRetail Wholesalers\n\nAcademic\n\nNuneaton University\nRetail Management BA (Hons)\n\nFeb 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2007\n\n2003 \xe2\x80\x93 2006\n\nNuneaton College\n2001 \xe2\x80\x93 2003\nA levels: Math (A) English (C) Physics (B) Geography (D)\n\nReferences\n\nAvailable on request.\n\n\x0cCopyright information - Please read\n\xc2\xa9 This Account Manager CV template is the copyright of Dayjob Ltd 2012. Job seekers may download and use this\nparticular CV example for their personal use to help them write their own one. You are also most welcome to link to\nany page on our site However this CV template must not be distributed or made available on other\nwebsites without our prior permission. For any questions relating to the use of this template please email:\[email protected].'
b"Corporate Accountant Resume\nJason Johnston\n123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94122\nHome: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000\[email protected]\nProfessional Summary\nEnterprising Corporate Accountant proficient in generally accepted accounting principles including use of the\nlatest industry standard software. Extensive experience with corporate payroll corporate tax preparation and\ndetailed budget planning. In-depth knowledge of data analysis and reporting.\nCore Qualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Proficient in MS Excel Word Oracle applications PowerPoint and Access\n\xef\x82\xb7 Management and supervisory experience\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong analytical and technical skills\n\xef\x82\xb7 Ability to work well in groups and individually\n\xef\x82\xb7 Strong work ethic\n\xef\x82\xb7 Self motivated\nExperience\nCorporate Accountant\n6/1/2010 - 10/1/2012\nParkland Finance\nNew Parkland, CA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPrepared accurate general ledger and reporting packages in a timely manner.\nRoutinely reconciled accounts records reports ledgers and journals.\nPrepared monthly and annual financial statements and analysis reports.\nResponded to management inquiries.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted with internal and external audits.\n\nCorporate Accountant\n11/1/2012 - 9/1/2013\nParkland Manufacturing Corporation\nNew Parkland, CA\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nReconciled asset and liability accounts.\nAssisted with monthly closing processes.\nPrepared and filed local state and federal tax returns.\nGenerated monthly reports specific to management requests.\nEnsured the accuracy of ledgers and journal entries.\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7 Assisted in determining more efficient budgeting processes.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Handled routine fixed asset accounting duties.\n\nCorporate Accountant\n11/1/2013 Present Parkland Beverage Co.\nNew Parkland, CA\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nPrepared financial reporting data and ratios as per management's requests.\nAssisted with internal and external audits.\nPrepared reviewed and posted weekly monthly and quarterly accounting entries.\nPrepared monthly and quarterly financial statements.\nOrganized required tax documents and prepared annual tax returns.\nTracked monthly expenditures and revenue.\nHandled client billing.\nPrepared and tracked invoices.\n\nEducation\nBachelor of Science - Accounting\n2010\nUniversity of California\nNew Parkland, CA\n\nBachelor of Science - Business Administration\n2014\nParkland Business College\nNew Parkland, CA"
b'Financial Accountant Resume Sample\nYour Name\[email protected]\n0400 000 000\n99 Example Street, Example Town, Example City, 2000\nNeed help writing your resume? See CareerOne\xe2\x80\x99s advice articles and videos here\n\nPERSONAL STATEMENT\nI\xe2\x80\x99m an experienced Accountant looking for a new opportunity within a large or small\noperation in Adelaide.\nI have previous experience in corporate accounting and small business accounting.\n\nTechnical Skills\no Outlook\no Word\no Excel\no PowerPoint\no Access\no Sage Line 50 Financial Controller\no Client Manager\no Payroll Bureau\nCertificates\no Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)\nMemberships\no National Institute of Accountants (NIA)\n\nEDUCATION\no\n\nUniversity Of Example Town\nBSc Accounting & Finance (2:1)\n\no\n\nExample College\nHSC \xe2\x80\x93 Math\xe2\x80\x99s (A), Business Studies (B), ICT (B)\n\no\n\nSydenham School\nSC including Math\xe2\x80\x99s (A), Business Studies (A), English (A)\n\nEMPLOYMENT\nFinancial accountant\nABC Banking worldwide | Perth\nMM-YY > MM-YY\n\n\x0cAchievements\no Established and maintained an effective system for analysing and reporting\non operating and capital expenditure over 6 countries.\no I Deal with a turnover of over \xc2\xa325 million per year\no I prepared revenue budgets, forecasts and plans Marketing Managers\nAssistant Accountant\nOne Global | Darwin\nMM-YY > MM-YY\nAchievements\no I was in charge of the reconciliations for 3 large bank accounts\no I recovered \xc2\xa32.1 million in outstanding debts from clients.\no Worked successfully with lead 3 junior accountants in completed two quarter\nend close procedures in extreme deadlines.\nAccountants Assistant\nAccounts Global | Brisbane\nMM-YY > MM-YY\nAchievements\no I produced the Monthly bank reconciliations of the 8 bank accounts posting all\ntransactions to the ledgers.\no I was in charge the company patty cash during my time Accounts Global\no I dealt with the weekly payments 200 suppliers.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Fortnightly staff Expenses\n\xef\x82\xb7 Fortnightly payment of invoices for groups overseas companies\n\nPERSONAL INTERESTS\nShopping | Traveling | Reading | Golf | Table Tennis\n\nREFERENCES'
b'ENTRY LEVEL ACCOUNTANT RESUME\nYOUR FULL NAME\nYour mailing address\nYour phone numbers\nYour email address\n\nObjective\nExamples:\nTo secure an entry level accounting position that utilizes my qualifications and knowledge.\nAn entry level accounting position that provides the opportunity to pursue a career as a\ncorporate accountant\n\nProfile Statement\nExamples:\nHard working graduate with a Bachelors degree in Accounting. Equipped, through hands-on\nexperience, with technical accounting skills and a practical understanding of how to apply\naccounting and business\nknowledge. Accuracy and precision in all tasks results in increased efficiency and successful\nproblem resolution. An enthusiastic and motivated individual who is committed to a career in\nthe accounting field.\nAn enterprising accounting graduate with an excellent track record. Regarded by mentors and\npeers as a highly motivated and hard working individual who has achieved excellent results\n(GPA). Strong organizational and planning skills enable the successful completion of first rate\nprojects. Part-time work has provided a solid grounding in the practical application of academic\nknowledge. A proactive problem-solver and determined achiever who is looking for an\nopportunity to prove himself.\n\nEducation\nUniversity of Denver, CO\nThe Daniels School of Accountancy\nBachelor of Science in Accountancy 2015\nRelated coursework:\nPrinciples of Accounting, Business Ethics, Economics, Financial Accounting, Statistics,\nInformation Processing, Income Tax, Auditing and Attestation, Advanced Topics in Accounting\nActivities:\nStudent Advisory Committee, Peer Tutor, Student Accountancy\nChapter, Hockey and Basketball\n\nWork Experience\nAccounting Assistant\nBramleys Food Emporium, Denver, CO\nJanuary 2014 - date (Part-time concurrent with college studies)\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7perform general ledger accounting\n\xef\x82\xb7develop monthly statements\n\xef\x82\xb7draw up monthly sales reports\n\xef\x82\xb7compile inventory reports\n\xef\x82\xb7assist with preparation of tax returns\n\xef\x82\xb7organize checks and deposits\nAccounting Clerk\nThe Good Life Cafe Group, Denver, CO\nOctober 2012 - November 2013 (Part-time concurrent with college\nstudies)\n\xef\x82\xb7assisted with accounts payable\n\xef\x82\xb7processed invoices\n\xef\x82\xb7liaised with vendors\n\xef\x82\xb7researched invoice discrepancies\n\xef\x82\xb7resolved invoice problems\n\xef\x82\xb7provided general support to the Accounting Department\nSales Assistant\nSeason Sports, Boulder, CO\nSummer Job 2010, 2011\n\xef\x82\xb7responsible for sales and customer service\n\xef\x82\xb7processed payments\n\n\xef\x82\xb7controlled and ordered inventory\nComputer Skills\n\xef\x82\xb7MS Office\n\xef\x82\xb7Quickbooks\n\n\xef\x82\xb7Oracle\nCore Competencies\n\xef\x82\xb7organizational and planning skills\n\xef\x82\xb7attention to detail\n\xef\x82\xb7information gathering and management\n\xef\x82\xb7problem analysis and resolution\n\n\xef\x82\xb7communication skills'