eBusiness manager
eBusiness managers create and execute a company's electronic strategy plan for selling products and services online. They also improve data integrity, placement of online tools and brand exposure and monitor sales for companies that market products to customers using the internet. They collaborate with the marketing and sales management team using ICT tools to reach sales goals and provide accurate information and offerings to business partners.
E-Business-Manager erstellen und verwirklichen den Strategieplan eines Unternehmens für den Online-Vertrieb von Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Außerdem verbessern sie die Integrität der Daten und optimieren die Platzierung von Online-Tools sowie die Markenkontakte. Sie überwachen den Absatz von Unternehmen, die ihre Produkte über das Internet verkaufen. In Zusammenarbeit mit den Teams für Marketing und Vertriebsmanagement setzen sie IKT-Tools ein, um die Verkaufsziele zu erreichen und den Geschäftspartnern präzise Informationen und Angebote zur Verfügung zu stellen.
eBusiness manager
['digital data processing', 'problem-solving with digital tools', 'consumer goods industry', 'business intelligence', 'digital marketing techniques', 'web based collaborative platforms', 'electronic business', 'e-commerce systems', 'business strategy concepts', 'electronic communication', 'ICT market', 'sales strategies', 'mobile marketing', 'plan marketing strategy', 'implement marketing strategies', 'manage budgets', 'define technology strategy', 'perform business analysis', 'create business process models', 'plan digital marketing', 'track key performance indicators', 'analyse business requirements', 'implement sales strategies', 'develop online sales business plan', 'implement strategic planning', 'sales argumentation', 'business requirements techniques', 'web analytics', 'ICT sales methodologies', 'brand marketing techniques', 'business process modelling', 'mobility as a service', 'information confidentiality', 'publishing strategy', 'communicate with customers', 'creatively use digital technologies', 'use different communication channels', 'measure customer feedback', 'conduct search engine optimisation', 'build business relationships', 'apply customer engagement strategy', 'make strategic business decisions', 'lead the brand strategic planning process']
web content manager
Web content managers curate or create content for a web platform according to the long-term strategic goals, policies and procedures for an organisation's online content or their customers. They control and monitor compliance with standards, legal and privacy regulations and ensure web optimisation. They are also responsible for integrating the work of writers and designers to produce a final layout which is compatible with corporate standards.
Web-Content-Manager kuratieren oder erstellen Inhalte für eine Online-Plattform gemäß den langfristigen strategischen Zielen, Strategien und Verfahren für die Online-Inhalte einer Organisation oder ihrer Kunden. Sie kontrollieren und überwachen die Einhaltung von Normen, Rechtsvorschriften und Vorschriften zum Schutz der Privatsphäre und sorgen dafür, dass die Inhalte für das Web optimiert werden. Außerdem sind sie dafür verantwortlich, die Arbeit der Autoren und Designer zu einem endgültigen Layout zu verbinden, das den Vorgaben des Unternehmens entspricht.
web content manager
['digital content creation', 'information structure', 'keywords in digital content', 'web programming', 'web based collaborative platforms', 'legal requirements of ICT products', 'style sheet languages', 'authoring software', 'publishing strategy', 'content development processes', 'use markup languages', 'translate requirement concepts into content', 'identify customer requirements', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'conduct content quality assurance', 'translate requirements into visual design', 'apply tools for content development', 'comply with legal regulations', 'ensure compliance with company regulations', 'use content management system software', 'develop digital content', 'utilise content types', 'interpret technical texts', 'compile content', 'manage content metadata', 'conduct search engine optimisation', 'identify legal requirements', 'provide written content', 'integrate content into output media', 'manage online content', 'create content title', 'provide multimedia content', 'Sass', 'interactive media', 'cognitive psychology', 'LESS', 'JavaScript', 'PHP', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'JSSS', 'augmented reality', 'content marketing strategy', 'AJAX', 'CSS', 'perform online data analysis', 'use spreadsheets software', 'use presentation software', 'design digital call to action', 'proofread text', 'use word processing software', 'manage content development projects', 'provide guidelines for content development', 'ensure proper document management', 'perform copywriting']
collection manager
wissenschaftlicher sammlungsmanager/wissenschaftliche sammlungsmanagerin
Collection managers ensure the care and preservation of objects within cultural institutions, like museums, libraries, and archives. Collection managers, along with exhibition curators, and conservators, play a very important role in collections care. They can be found in most large museums.
Wissenschaftliche Sammlungsmanager sorgen für die Pflege und Erhaltung von Objekten innerhalb von Kultureinrichtungen wie Museen, Bibliotheken und Archiven. Neben den Kuratoren und Konservatoren spielen wissenschaftliche Sammlungsmanager eine wichtige Rolle bei der Betreuung von Sammlungen. Es gibt sie in den meisten großen Museen.
collection manager
['conservation techniques', 'collection management software', 'art history', 'digitization', 'museum databases', 'create collection conservation plan', 'compile detailed collection inventory', 'supervise artefact movement', 'establish high standards of collections care', 'implement risk management for works of art', 'provide project information on exhibitions', 'use ICT resources to solve work related tasks', 'monitor museum environment', 'assess museum object condition', 'advise on loans of art work for exhibitions', 'respect cultural differences in the field of exhibition', 'interact with an audience', 'document museum collection', 'cope with challenging demands', 'handle artworks', 'art-historical values', 'museology', 'coach employees', 'manage budgets', 'arrange interlibrary loans', 'coordinate operational activities', 'present exhibition', 'evaluate art quality', 'train employees', 'contribute to specialised publications']
collection manager
wissenschaftlicher sammlungsmanager/wissenschaftliche sammlungsmanagerin
Collection managers ensure the care and preservation of objects within cultural institutions, like museums, libraries, and archives. Collection managers, along with exhibition curators, and conservators, play a very important role in collections care. They can be found in most large museums.
Wissenschaftliche Sammlungsmanager sorgen für die Pflege und Erhaltung von Objekten innerhalb von Kultureinrichtungen wie Museen, Bibliotheken und Archiven. Neben den Kuratoren und Konservatoren spielen wissenschaftliche Sammlungsmanager eine wichtige Rolle bei der Betreuung von Sammlungen. Es gibt sie in den meisten großen Museen.
collection manager
['conservation techniques', 'collection management software', 'art history', 'digitization', 'museum databases', 'create collection conservation plan', 'compile detailed collection inventory', 'supervise artefact movement', 'establish high standards of collections care', 'implement risk management for works of art', 'provide project information on exhibitions', 'use ICT resources to solve work related tasks', 'monitor museum environment', 'assess museum object condition', 'advise on loans of art work for exhibitions', 'respect cultural differences in the field of exhibition', 'interact with an audience', 'document museum collection', 'cope with challenging demands', 'handle artworks', 'art-historical values', 'museology', 'coach employees', 'manage budgets', 'arrange interlibrary loans', 'coordinate operational activities', 'present exhibition', 'evaluate art quality', 'train employees', 'contribute to specialised publications']
Biologists study living organisms and life in its broader extent in combination with its environment. Through research, they strive to explain the functional mechanisms, interactions, and evolution of organisms.
Biologe/Biologin erforschen lebende Organismen und das Leben im weiteren Sinne und berücksichtigen dabei das Umfeld. Die Forschung soll Erkenntnisse über die Funktionsmechanismen, die Wechselwirkungen und die Entwicklung von Organismen ermöglichen.
['life sciences', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'ecosystem management', 'botany', 'virology', 'scientific literature', 'laboratory techniques', 'molecular biology', 'biology', 'scientific research methodology', 'conduct research on flora', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply scientific methods', 'send samples to laboratory', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'gather experimental data', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'collect biological data', 'conduct research on fauna', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'osteology', 'biological chemistry', 'habitat restoration', 'marine biology ', 'fish identification and classification', 'herpetology', 'medical mycology', 'lepidoptery', 'animal welfare legislation', 'ornithology', 'genomics', 'aquatic species', 'pollution legislation', 'mycology', 'pharmacology', 'oceanography', 'synthetic biology', 'medical parasitology', 'fish biology', 'pollution prevention', 'stem cells', 'assessment of risks and threats', 'mammalogy', 'fish welfare regulations', 'applied zoology', 'proteomics', 'entomology', 'ecology', 'toxicology', 'cryopreservation', 'anthropology', 'biotechnology in aquaculture', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'fish anatomy', 'chemistry', 'pathology', 'reforestation', 'computational biology', 'biosecurity', 'monitor fish mortality rates', 'perform laboratory tests', 'develop management plans', 'deliver online training', 'write research proposals', 'communicate verbal instructions', 'develop aquaculture strategies', 'administer treatments to fish', 'communicate specialised veterinary information', 'adapt communication style according to recipient', 'monitor fish health status', 'prepare fish treatment facilities', 'perform lectures', 'analyse cell cultures', 'develop fish health and welfare management plans', 'provide advice to hatcheries', 'assess environmental impact in aquaculture operations', 'use different communication channels', 'ensure animal welfare in slaughtering practices', 'analyse fish samples for diagnosis', 'keep task records', 'dispose of chemicals', 'collect samples for analysis', 'create training materials', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'prepare fish treatment plan', 'use specialised equipment', 'develop environmental policy', 'preserve fish samples for diagnosis', 'discuss research proposals', 'conduct ecological research', 'apply teaching strategies', 'diagnose aquatic animals disease symptoms', 'communicate technicalities with clients', 'identify risks in aquaculture facilities', 'analyse blood samples', 'communicate in an outdoor setting', 'conduct fish mortality studies', 'develop aquaculture breeding strategies', 'write routine reports', 'conduct genome research', 'screen live fish deformities', 'maintain relationships with animal welfare establishments', 'develop scientific theories', 'carry out fish disease prevention measures', 'monitor treated fish', 'interview parties in relation to animal welfare investigations', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'write work-related reports', 'apply risk management processes', 'control aquatic production environment', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'maintain aquaculture treatment records', 'develop management plans to reduce risks in aquaculture', 'coordinate operational activities', 'perform field research', 'conserve natural resources', 'archive scientific documentation', 'apply blended learning', 'identify poisons', 'prepare visual data', 'inspect animal welfare management', 'inspect fish stock', 'report analysis results', 'provide technical expertise', 'conduct fish populations studies', 'conduct research on reproductive medicine', 'collect fish samples for diagnosis', 'monitor water quality', 'advise on legislative acts', 'report pollution incidents', 'communicate by telephone', 'follow safety precautions in fishery operations', 'assess environmental impact', 'treat fish diseases', 'create natural science taxonomies', 'advise on animal welfare', 'report on environmental issues', 'seek innovation in current practices', 'provide on-site training in aquaculture facilities', 'analyse work-related written reports']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
Biologists study living organisms and life in its broader extent in combination with its environment. Through research, they strive to explain the functional mechanisms, interactions, and evolution of organisms.
Biologe/Biologin erforschen lebende Organismen und das Leben im weiteren Sinne und berücksichtigen dabei das Umfeld. Die Forschung soll Erkenntnisse über die Funktionsmechanismen, die Wechselwirkungen und die Entwicklung von Organismen ermöglichen.
['life sciences', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'ecosystem management', 'botany', 'virology', 'scientific literature', 'laboratory techniques', 'molecular biology', 'biology', 'scientific research methodology', 'conduct research on flora', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply scientific methods', 'send samples to laboratory', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'gather experimental data', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'collect biological data', 'conduct research on fauna', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'osteology', 'biological chemistry', 'habitat restoration', 'marine biology ', 'fish identification and classification', 'herpetology', 'medical mycology', 'lepidoptery', 'animal welfare legislation', 'ornithology', 'genomics', 'aquatic species', 'pollution legislation', 'mycology', 'pharmacology', 'oceanography', 'synthetic biology', 'medical parasitology', 'fish biology', 'pollution prevention', 'stem cells', 'assessment of risks and threats', 'mammalogy', 'fish welfare regulations', 'applied zoology', 'proteomics', 'entomology', 'ecology', 'toxicology', 'cryopreservation', 'anthropology', 'biotechnology in aquaculture', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'fish anatomy', 'chemistry', 'pathology', 'reforestation', 'computational biology', 'biosecurity', 'monitor fish mortality rates', 'perform laboratory tests', 'develop management plans', 'deliver online training', 'write research proposals', 'communicate verbal instructions', 'develop aquaculture strategies', 'administer treatments to fish', 'communicate specialised veterinary information', 'adapt communication style according to recipient', 'monitor fish health status', 'prepare fish treatment facilities', 'perform lectures', 'analyse cell cultures', 'develop fish health and welfare management plans', 'provide advice to hatcheries', 'assess environmental impact in aquaculture operations', 'use different communication channels', 'ensure animal welfare in slaughtering practices', 'analyse fish samples for diagnosis', 'keep task records', 'dispose of chemicals', 'collect samples for analysis', 'create training materials', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'prepare fish treatment plan', 'use specialised equipment', 'develop environmental policy', 'preserve fish samples for diagnosis', 'discuss research proposals', 'conduct ecological research', 'apply teaching strategies', 'diagnose aquatic animals disease symptoms', 'communicate technicalities with clients', 'identify risks in aquaculture facilities', 'analyse blood samples', 'communicate in an outdoor setting', 'conduct fish mortality studies', 'develop aquaculture breeding strategies', 'write routine reports', 'conduct genome research', 'screen live fish deformities', 'maintain relationships with animal welfare establishments', 'develop scientific theories', 'carry out fish disease prevention measures', 'monitor treated fish', 'interview parties in relation to animal welfare investigations', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'write work-related reports', 'apply risk management processes', 'control aquatic production environment', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'maintain aquaculture treatment records', 'develop management plans to reduce risks in aquaculture', 'coordinate operational activities', 'perform field research', 'conserve natural resources', 'archive scientific documentation', 'apply blended learning', 'identify poisons', 'prepare visual data', 'inspect animal welfare management', 'inspect fish stock', 'report analysis results', 'provide technical expertise', 'conduct fish populations studies', 'conduct research on reproductive medicine', 'collect fish samples for diagnosis', 'monitor water quality', 'advise on legislative acts', 'report pollution incidents', 'communicate by telephone', 'follow safety precautions in fishery operations', 'assess environmental impact', 'treat fish diseases', 'create natural science taxonomies', 'advise on animal welfare', 'report on environmental issues', 'seek innovation in current practices', 'provide on-site training in aquaculture facilities', 'analyse work-related written reports']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
chief executive officer
Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.
Geschäftsführer/Geschäftsführerinnen haben in einem pyramidenartigen Unternehmensaufbau die höchste Position. Sie sind in der Lage, die Funktionsweise, Abteilungen, Risiken und Interessengruppen des Unternehmens vollständig zu verstehen. Sie werten verschiedene Arten von Informationen aus und schaffen zu Entscheidungszwecken Verknüpfungen zwischen diesen Informationen. Sie dienen für die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der Gesamtstrategie als Kommunikationsschnittstelle mit dem Verwaltungsrat.
chief executive officer
['financial statements', 'financial management', 'marketing management', 'business process modelling', 'company policies', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'conclude business agreements', 'imprint visionary aspirations into the business management', 'strive for company growth', 'develop organisational policies', 'establish collaborative relations', 'lead managers of company departments', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'track key performance indicators', 'liaise with shareholders', 'shape corporate culture', 'develop revenue generation strategies', "integrate shareholders' interests in business plans", 'develop company strategies', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'define organisational standards', 'assume responsibility for the management of a business', 'develop business plans', 'build trust', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'make strategic business decisions', 'mergers and acquisitions', 'international trade', 'airport planning', 'airport environmental regulations', 'business law', 'subsidiary operations', 'joint ventures', 'airport operating environment', 'apply export strategies', 'implement airport emergency plans', 'implement improvements in airport operations', 'manage relationships with stakeholders', 'manage budgets', 'motivate employees', 'interact with the board of directors', 'ensure lawful business operations', 'speak different languages', 'provide assistance to airport users', 'describe the financial situation of a region', 'disseminate general corporate information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'evaluate budgets', 'implement operational business plans', 'abide by business ethical code of conducts', 'define the corporate structure', 'show intercultural awareness', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'apply import strategies', 'identify airport safety hazards', 'manage publicly traded companies', 'apply airport standards and regulations', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'develop professional network', "collaborate in company's daily operations ", 'build international relations', 'implement strategic planning']
technical sales representative
fachkraft im bereich vertrieb
Technical sales representatives act for a business to sell its merchandise while providing technical insight for customers.
Fachkräfte im Bereich Vertrieb verkaufen im Auftrag eines Unternehmens Produkte und erklären den Kunden deren technische Funktionsweise.
technical sales representative
['characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'communicate with customers', 'manage schedule of tasks', 'implement marketing strategies', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'answer requests for quotation', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'implement customer follow-up', 'prospect new customers', "record customers' personal data", 'contact customers', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'demonstrate motivation for sales', 'use customer relationship management software', 'produce sales reports', 'ensure client orientation', 'implement sales strategies', 'apply technical communication skills', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'supervise sales activities', 'have computer literacy', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'keep records on sales', 'chemical products', 'textile industry machinery products', 'e-procurement', 'sales activities', 'credit card payments', 'electronic and telecommunication equipment', 'types of aircraft', 'office equipment', 'agricultural equipment', 'types of maritime vessels', 'international commercial transactions rules', 'machinery products', 'consumer protection', 'hardware, plumbing and heating equipment products', 'ICT software specifications', 'industrial tools', 'multimedia systems', 'electronic business', 'e-commerce systems', 'mining, construction and civil engineering machinery products', 'market pricing', 'electronic communication', 'sales strategies', 'create solutions to problems', 'speak different languages', 'perform customers’ needs analysis', 'address problems critically', 'issue sales invoices']
technical sales representative
fachkraft im bereich vertrieb
Technical sales representatives act for a business to sell its merchandise while providing technical insight for customers.
Fachkräfte im Bereich Vertrieb verkaufen im Auftrag eines Unternehmens Produkte und erklären den Kunden deren technische Funktionsweise.
technical sales representative
['characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'communicate with customers', 'manage schedule of tasks', 'implement marketing strategies', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'answer requests for quotation', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'implement customer follow-up', 'prospect new customers', "record customers' personal data", 'contact customers', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'demonstrate motivation for sales', 'use customer relationship management software', 'produce sales reports', 'ensure client orientation', 'implement sales strategies', 'apply technical communication skills', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'supervise sales activities', 'have computer literacy', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'keep records on sales', 'chemical products', 'textile industry machinery products', 'e-procurement', 'sales activities', 'credit card payments', 'electronic and telecommunication equipment', 'types of aircraft', 'office equipment', 'agricultural equipment', 'types of maritime vessels', 'international commercial transactions rules', 'machinery products', 'consumer protection', 'hardware, plumbing and heating equipment products', 'ICT software specifications', 'industrial tools', 'multimedia systems', 'electronic business', 'e-commerce systems', 'mining, construction and civil engineering machinery products', 'market pricing', 'electronic communication', 'sales strategies', 'create solutions to problems', 'speak different languages', 'perform customers’ needs analysis', 'address problems critically', 'issue sales invoices']
Hairdressers offer beauty services such as cutting, colouring, bleaching, permanent waving and styling clients' hair. They ask their clients about their hairstyle preferences in order to provide customised services. Hairdressers use clippers, scissors and razors. They provide hair and scalp treatments and shampoo, condition and rinse hair.
Friseure bieten Dienstleistungen im Bereich Schönheitspflege an, beispielsweise das Schneiden, Färben und Frisieren von Haaren oder Dauerwellenbehandlungen. Sie befragen die Kunden zu ihren Frisurwünschen, um sie individuell zu bedienen. Friseure verwenden Haarschneidemaschinen, Scheren und Rasierapparate. Sie bieten Haar- und Kopfhautbehandlungen und behandeln das Haar mit Shampoo, Pflegeprodukten und Spülungen.
['hair colouring', 'hair', 'hair products', 'style hair', 'communicate with customers', 'work ergonomically', 'maintain equipment', 'advise on hair style', 'use equipment for hair care', 'wash hair', "identify customer's needs", 'maintain customer service', 'satisfy customers', 'curl hair', 'process payments', 'dye hair', 'stay up-to-date with hair style trends', 'manage schedule of tasks', 'sell hair products', 'order supplies', 'manage a small-to-medium business', 'treat scalp conditions', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'offer cosmetic beauty advice', 'monitor stock level', 'maintain wigs', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'organise product display', 'maintain professional administration', 'administer appointments', 'supervise staff', 'apply hair cutting techniques', 'recommend cosmetics to customers', 'help customers with hair problems', 'treat facial hair', 'design hair style', 'issue sales invoices', 'train employees']
language school teacher
lehrkraft für sprachschulen
Language school teachers educate non-age-specific students in a language that is not their native language at a specialised school, not bound by a level of education. They focus less on the academic aspect of language teaching, as opposed to language teachers in secondary or higher education, but instead on the theory and practice that will be most helpful to their students in real-life situations since most choose instruction for either business, immigration or leisure reasons. They organise their classes using a variety of lesson materials, work interactively with the group, and assess and evaluate their individual progress through assignments and examinations, putting emphasis on active language skills such as writing and speaking.
Lehrkräfte für Sprachschulen bringen Schülerinnen und Schüler jedes Alters und jeder Bildungsstufe in einer Sprachschule eine Fremdsprache bei. Im Gegensatz zu Sprachlehrkräften in der Sekundar- oder Hochschulbildung konzentrieren sie sich weniger auf den akademischen Aspekt des Sprachunterrichts, sondern auf die theoretischen und praktischen Kenntnisse, die für ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler in realen Situationen besonders hilfreich sind, da die meisten Teilnehmenden die Sprache für den Beruf, das Leben im Land oder für die Freizeit lernen. Bei der Unterrichtsgestaltung verwenden sie verschiedene Materialien, machen Gruppenarbeit und beurteilen die individuellen Leistungen anhand von Aufgaben und Prüfungen. Dabei legen sie den Schwerpunkt auf aktive Sprachfertigkeit wie Schreiben und Sprechen.
language school teacher
['assessment processes', 'learning difficulties', 'instructional strategies', 'language teaching methods', 'Computer Assisted Language Learning', 'curriculum objectives', "guarantee students' safety", 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'liaise with educational support staff', "show consideration for student's situation", 'manage student relationships', "adapt teaching to student's capabilities", 'supervise spoken language learning', 'assess students', "assess students' preliminary learning experiences", 'teach languages', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'give constructive feedback', 'perform classroom management', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'encourage students to acknowledge their achievements', 'adult education', 'ethnolinguistics', 'teamwork principles', 'education administration', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'deliver online training', 'assign homework', 'consult students on learning content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'escort students on a field trip', 'teach ESOL language class', 'promote education course', 'provide immigration advice', 'develop learning curriculum', 'manage resources for educational purposes', "improve students' language examination skills", 'keep personal administration', 'keep records of attendance', 'adapt training to labour market', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'advise on lesson plans', 'teach ESOL literacy class', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'teach further education', 'provide career counselling', 'teach translation techniques']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
Plasterers apply plaster made from gypsum, cement or other solutions to walls as a smooth finish. They mix dry plaster powder with water, then smear the resulting paste onto a wall. The plaster is then smoothed before it hardens and forms a solid coating on the wall.
Stuckateure verputzen und glätten Wände mit Gips, Zement oder anderen geeigneten Stoffen. Sie mischen Trockenputz mit Wasser und tragen die daraus resultierende Paste auf die Wand auf. Der Verputz wird geglättet und bildet nach der Aushärtung eine feste Wandbeschichtung.
['types of plastering materials', 'work ergonomically', 'apply proofing membranes', 'plaster surfaces', 'transport construction supplies', 'inspect construction supplies', 'install insulation material', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'work safely with chemicals', 'use measurement instruments', 'mix construction grouts', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'place drywall', 'art history', 'apply restoration techniques', 'answer requests for quotation', 'use sander', 'protect surfaces during construction work', 'monitor stock level', 'craft ornamental plastering', 'work in a construction team', 'maintain moulds', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'calculate needs for construction supplies', 'tape drywall', 'estimate restoration costs', 'install construction profiles', 'build scaffolding', 'place gypsum blocks', 'keep personal administration', 'order construction supplies', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'keep records of work progress', 'select restoration activities', 'interpret 2D plans', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
food production operator
Food production operators supply and perform one or more tasks in different stages of the food production process. They perform manufacturing operations and processes to foods and beverages, perform packaging, operate machines manually or automatically, follow predetermined procedures, and take food safety regulations on board.
Lebensmittelproduktionsmitarbeiter führen eine oder mehrere Aufgaben in verschiedenen Phasen des Lebensmittelherstellungsprozesses aus. Sie führen Verfahren und Prozesse zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken durch, nehmen die Verpackung vor, bedienen Maschinen manuell oder automatisch, verfolgen vorab festgelegte Verfahren und halten die Vorschriften für die Lebensmittelsicherheit ein.
food production operator
['food waste monitoring systems', 'food safety principles', 'food ethics', 'food authentication techniques', 'food fraud', 'ensure sanitation', 'monitor ingredient storage', 'ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain', 'disassemble equipment', 'keep inventory of goods in production', 'clean food and beverage machinery', 'apply HACCP', 'promote ethical eating', 'administer ingredients in food production', 'be at ease in unsafe environments', 'support management of raw materials', 'monitor the production line', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages', 'apply GMP', 'carry out checks of production plant equipment', 'follow production schedule', 'circular economy', 'food canning production line', 'health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'milk production process', 'condiment manufacturing processes', 'project management', 'fermentation processes of food', 'centrifugal force', 'energy efficiency', 'hydrogenation processes for edible oils', 'food storage', 'cleaning of reusable packaging', 'modern brewing systems', 'food homogenisation', 'tend packaging machines', 'measure sugar refinement', 'operate automated process control', 'tend bottle-washing machine', 'set up equipment for food production', 'operate forklift', 'conduct cleaning in place', 'handle kitchen equipment', 'apply extruding techniques', 'weigh materials', 'perform cleaning duties', 'check quality of products on the production line', 'monitor milled food products', 'check bottles for packaging', 'analyse samples of food and beverages', 'follow evaluation procedures of materials at reception', 'ensure correct goods labelling', 'monitor coating specifications', 'apply preservation treatments', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'perform carbonation processes', 'monitor almond blanching process', 'work according to recipe', 'follow hygienic procedures during food processing', 'check quality of raw materials', 'mould chocolate', 'dispose non-food waste within the food industry', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'adjust drying process to goods', 'mitigate waste of resources', 'monitor filling machines', 'rectify spirits', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'dispose food waste', 'monitor oil blending process', 'apply different dehydration processes of fruits and vegetables', 'examine production samples', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production', 'label samples', 'administer materials to tea bag machines']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
textile specialised seller
fachverkäufer für stoffe und heimtextilien/fachverkäuferin für stoffe und heimtextilien
Textile specialised sellers sell textiles, fabrics and haberdashery, etc. in specialised shops.
Fachverkäufer für Stoffe und Heimtextilien verkaufen in Fachgeschäften Textilien, Stoffe und Kurzwaren.
textile specialised seller
['sales argumentation', 'characteristics of products', 'fabric types', 'e-commerce systems', 'textile measurement', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'carry out products preparation', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'examine merchandise', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'use different communication channels', 'organise storage facilities', 'monitor stock level', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'apply numeracy skills', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'sell textiles fabrics', 'advise customers on sewing patterns', 'carry out active selling', 'cut textiles', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'issue sales invoices', 'advise on haberdashery products', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'textile industry', 'braiding technology', 'textile trends', 'measure yarn count']
textile specialised seller
fachverkäufer für stoffe und heimtextilien/fachverkäuferin für stoffe und heimtextilien
Textile specialised sellers sell textiles, fabrics and haberdashery, etc. in specialised shops.
Fachverkäufer für Stoffe und Heimtextilien verkaufen in Fachgeschäften Textilien, Stoffe und Kurzwaren.
textile specialised seller
['sales argumentation', 'characteristics of products', 'fabric types', 'e-commerce systems', 'textile measurement', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'carry out products preparation', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'examine merchandise', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'use different communication channels', 'organise storage facilities', 'monitor stock level', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'apply numeracy skills', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'sell textiles fabrics', 'advise customers on sewing patterns', 'carry out active selling', 'cut textiles', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'issue sales invoices', 'advise on haberdashery products', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'textile industry', 'braiding technology', 'textile trends', 'measure yarn count']
building materials specialised seller
fachverkäufer für bau- und heimwerkerbedarf/fachverkäuferin für bau- und heimwerkerbedarf
Building materials specialised sellers sell building materials in specialised shops.
Fachverkäufer für Bau- und Heimwerkerbedarf verkaufen in Fachgeschäften Baustoffe.
building materials specialised seller
['sales argumentation', 'characteristics of products', 'construction equipment related to building materials', 'e-commerce systems', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'carry out products preparation', 'operate cash register', 'advise customers on building materials', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'examine merchandise', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'use different communication channels', 'organise storage facilities', 'monitor stock level', 'provide customised building materials', 'handle building materials', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'apply numeracy skills', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'identify construction materials from blueprints', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'sell building materials', 'carry out active selling', 'estimate cost of building materials', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'issue sales invoices', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'construction industry']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
medical administrative assistant
medizinischer sekretär/medizinische sekretärin
Medical administrative assistants work very closely with health professionals. They provide office support such as correspondence, fixing appointments and answering queries of patients.
Medizinische Sekretäre arbeiten sehr eng mit Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe zusammen. Sie helfen bei Bürotätigkeiten, z. B. beim Schriftverkehr, bei Terminvereinbarungen und bei der Beantwortung von Patientenfragen.
medical administrative assistant
['clinical reports', 'administrative tasks in a medical environment', 'medical informatics', 'use spreadsheets software', 'manage budgets', "answer patients' questions", 'maintain healthcare user data confidentiality', "collect healthcare user's general data", 'manage personnel agenda', 'use communication techniques', 'send samples to laboratory', 'type on electronic devices', 'apply organisational techniques', 'communicate by telephone', 'insurance law', 'medical terminology', 'healthcare administration', 'transcription methods', 'professional documentation in health care', 'pathology', 'types of insurance', 'monitor billing procedures', 'order supplies', 'coordinate events', 'allocate bills', 'handle paperwork', 'organise travel arrangements for staff', "record treated patient's information", 'analyse insurance needs', "manage healthcare users' data", 'process medical insurance claims', "record healthcare users' billing information", 'fill out forms', 'fix meetings', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'communicate in foreign languages with health service providers', 'plan schedule', 'manage accounts', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'transcribe dialogues']
Foresters are responsible for monitoring the natural and economic viability of a woodland or forest and for activities related to its management and conservation.
Forstwirte/Forstwirtinnen sind für die Überwachung der natürlichen Lebensfähigkeit und wirtschaftlichen Tragfähigkeit eines Waldes oder Forts und für Forstbewirtschaftung und -erhaltung zuständig.
['environmental policy', 'forestry regulations', 'sustainable forest management', 'animal welfare legislation', 'environmental legislation', 'pest control in plants', 'agronomy', 'reforestation', 'health and safety regulations', 'plant disease control', 'organise labour', 'monitor forest health', 'manage forests', 'de-limb trees', 'write technical reports related to trees', 'organise tree plantations', 'monitor forest productivity', 'promote environmental awareness', 'conserve forests', 'supervise forestry workers', 'business management principles', 'animal hunting', 'geographic information systems', 'organise harvests', 'communicate with customers', 'work independently in forestry services', 'manage budgets', 'apply forest legislation', 'coordinate forestry research', 'coordinate timber sales', 'manage staff', 'manage production enterprise', 'forecast timber production', 'use communication techniques', 'interact with clients in forestry', 'operate GPS systems', 'advise on timber harvest', 'estimate damage', 'manage time in forestry', 'perform project management', 'report pollution incidents', 'harvest timber', 'develop natural areas works programmes']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
legal guardian
gesetzlicher vormund/gesetzliche vormundin
Legal guardians legally assist and support minor children, mentally disabled persons or incapacitated older adults in their personal life. They can manage their property, help with daily financial administration and assist with the ward's medical or social needs.
Gesetzliche Vormünder leisten im Bereich des Privatlebens rechtliche und andere Unterstützung für minderjährige Kinder, Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung oder pflegebedürftige ältere Erwachsene. Beispielsweise verwalten sie das Eigentum ihrer Mündel, unterstützen sie im täglichen Umgang mit Geld und tragen zur Erfüllung ihrer medizinischen oder sozialen Bedürfnisse bei.
legal guardian
['private law', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'family law', 'personal development', 'first aid', 'provide first aid', 'give advice on personal matters', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'advocate for social service users', 'assist with personal administration issues', 'apply person-centred care', 'listen actively', 'determine child welfare', 'maintain the trust of service users', 'disability care', "older adults' needs", "handle children's problems", 'screen clients', 'assist individuals with disabilities in community activities', 'assist children with homework', 'provide in-home support for disabled individuals', 'tend to elderly people', 'assess the development of youth', 'support traumatised children', 'assist children in developing personal skills', 'play with children', "support children's wellbeing", "attend to children's basic physical needs", "maintain relations with children's parents"]
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
software developer
Software developers implement or program all kinds of software systems based on specifications and designs by using programming languages, tools, and platforms.
Softwareentwickler implementieren oder programmieren Softwaresystemen jeder Art auf der Grundlage von Spezifikationen bzw. Entwürfen unter Einsatz von Programmiersprachen, Tools und Plattformen.
software developer
['engineering principles', 'computer programming', 'technical drawings', 'ICT debugging tools', 'project management', 'engineering processes', 'integrated development environment software', 'tools for software configuration management', 'web services', 'use an application-specific interface', 'develop automated migration methods', 'identify customer requirements', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'debug software', 'use software design patterns', 'perform scientific research', 'use technical drawing software', 'manage engineering project', 'develop software prototype', 'use software libraries', 'create flowchart diagram', 'interpret technical requirements', 'define technical requirements', 'analyse software specifications', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'Erlang', 'SAS language', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'Apache Tomcat', 'Visual Basic', 'screen reader', 'defence standard procedures', 'Java (computer programming)', 'Drupal', 'software frameworks', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'blockchain openness', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'cyber attack counter-measures', 'APL', 'SQL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'data visualisation software', 'smart contract', 'STAF', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'WordPress', 'Ansible', 'NoSQL', 'ICT security legislation', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'Oracle Application Development Framework', 'Ajax Framework', 'blockchain platforms', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'JavaScript Framework', 'ML (computer programming)', 'IBM WebSphere', 'SPARK', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'trading software', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'Scala', 'migrate existing data', 'use concurrent programming', 'use logic programming', 'do cloud refactoring', 'use object-oriented programming', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'use query languages', 'use automatic programming', 'utilise machine learning', 'develop creative ideas', 'use functional programming', 'integrate system components', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'design user interface']
computer scientist
Computer scientists conduct research in computer and information science, directed toward greater knowledge and understanding of fundamental aspects of ICT phenomena. They write research reports and proposals. Computer scientists also invent and design new approaches to computing technology, find innovative uses for existing technology and studies and solve complex problems in computing.
Informatiker führen Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Computer- und Informationswissenschaft durch, um grundlegende Aspekte von IKT-Phänomenen besser zu verstehen. Sie verfassen Forschungsberichte und -vorschläge. Außerdem finden und entwickeln Informatiker neue Ansätze in der Computertechnologie, entdecken innovative Anwendungen für bestehende Technologien sowie Studien und lösen komplexe Probleme auf ihrem Gebiet.
computer scientist
['scientific research methodology', 'data science', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'use an application-specific interface', 'manage research data', 'conduct literature research', 'write research proposals', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'define technology strategy', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'conduct scholarly research', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'use back-up and recovery tools', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'conduct research interview', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'execute ICT user research activities', 'mentor individuals', 'apply reverse engineering', 'synthesise research publications', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'conduct qualitative research', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'computer simulation', 'Apache Tomcat', 'business intelligence', 'MDX', 'software frameworks', 'data mining', 'behavioural science', 'innovation processes', 'documentation types', 'XQuery', 'emergent technologies', 'image recognition', 'data engineering', 'SQL', 'scientific computing', 'SPARQL', 'information extraction', 'operational research', 'NoSQL', 'mathematical physics', 'information categorisation', 'resource description framework query language', 'JavaScript Framework', 'query languages', 'LDAP', 'digitization', 'unstructured data', 'LINQ', 'cognitive computing', 'computational biology', 'quantum computing', 'N1QL', 'create solutions to problems', 'use spreadsheets software', 'use presentation software', 'perform data mining', 'develop computer vision system', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'use query languages', 'innovate in ICT', 'apply blended learning', 'implement anti-virus software', 'develop professional network', 'report analysis results', 'process data']
computer scientist
Computer scientists conduct research in computer and information science, directed toward greater knowledge and understanding of fundamental aspects of ICT phenomena. They write research reports and proposals. Computer scientists also invent and design new approaches to computing technology, find innovative uses for existing technology and studies and solve complex problems in computing.
Informatiker führen Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Computer- und Informationswissenschaft durch, um grundlegende Aspekte von IKT-Phänomenen besser zu verstehen. Sie verfassen Forschungsberichte und -vorschläge. Außerdem finden und entwickeln Informatiker neue Ansätze in der Computertechnologie, entdecken innovative Anwendungen für bestehende Technologien sowie Studien und lösen komplexe Probleme auf ihrem Gebiet.
computer scientist
['scientific research methodology', 'data science', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'use an application-specific interface', 'manage research data', 'conduct literature research', 'write research proposals', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'define technology strategy', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'conduct scholarly research', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'use back-up and recovery tools', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'conduct research interview', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'execute ICT user research activities', 'mentor individuals', 'apply reverse engineering', 'synthesise research publications', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'conduct qualitative research', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'computer simulation', 'Apache Tomcat', 'business intelligence', 'MDX', 'software frameworks', 'data mining', 'behavioural science', 'innovation processes', 'documentation types', 'XQuery', 'emergent technologies', 'image recognition', 'data engineering', 'SQL', 'scientific computing', 'SPARQL', 'information extraction', 'operational research', 'NoSQL', 'mathematical physics', 'information categorisation', 'resource description framework query language', 'JavaScript Framework', 'query languages', 'LDAP', 'digitization', 'unstructured data', 'LINQ', 'cognitive computing', 'computational biology', 'quantum computing', 'N1QL', 'create solutions to problems', 'use spreadsheets software', 'use presentation software', 'perform data mining', 'develop computer vision system', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'use query languages', 'innovate in ICT', 'apply blended learning', 'implement anti-virus software', 'develop professional network', 'report analysis results', 'process data']
computer scientist
Computer scientists conduct research in computer and information science, directed toward greater knowledge and understanding of fundamental aspects of ICT phenomena. They write research reports and proposals. Computer scientists also invent and design new approaches to computing technology, find innovative uses for existing technology and studies and solve complex problems in computing.
Informatiker führen Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Computer- und Informationswissenschaft durch, um grundlegende Aspekte von IKT-Phänomenen besser zu verstehen. Sie verfassen Forschungsberichte und -vorschläge. Außerdem finden und entwickeln Informatiker neue Ansätze in der Computertechnologie, entdecken innovative Anwendungen für bestehende Technologien sowie Studien und lösen komplexe Probleme auf ihrem Gebiet.
computer scientist
['scientific research methodology', 'data science', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'use an application-specific interface', 'manage research data', 'conduct literature research', 'write research proposals', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'define technology strategy', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'conduct scholarly research', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'use back-up and recovery tools', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'conduct research interview', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'execute ICT user research activities', 'mentor individuals', 'apply reverse engineering', 'synthesise research publications', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'conduct qualitative research', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'computer simulation', 'Apache Tomcat', 'business intelligence', 'MDX', 'software frameworks', 'data mining', 'behavioural science', 'innovation processes', 'documentation types', 'XQuery', 'emergent technologies', 'image recognition', 'data engineering', 'SQL', 'scientific computing', 'SPARQL', 'information extraction', 'operational research', 'NoSQL', 'mathematical physics', 'information categorisation', 'resource description framework query language', 'JavaScript Framework', 'query languages', 'LDAP', 'digitization', 'unstructured data', 'LINQ', 'cognitive computing', 'computational biology', 'quantum computing', 'N1QL', 'create solutions to problems', 'use spreadsheets software', 'use presentation software', 'perform data mining', 'develop computer vision system', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'use query languages', 'innovate in ICT', 'apply blended learning', 'implement anti-virus software', 'develop professional network', 'report analysis results', 'process data']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
kitchen assistant
Kitchen assistants assist in the preparation of food and cleaning of the kitchen area.
Küchenhilfen unterstützen bei der Zubereitung von Speisen und der Reinigung des Küchenbereichs.
kitchen assistant
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'monitor stock level', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'use food preparation techniques', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'manage waste', 'maintain customer service', 'work in a hospitality team', 'monitor kitchen supplies', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'work according to recipe', 'store kitchen supplies', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare bakery products', 'cook vegetable products', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish']
food service worker
Food service workers prepare food and serve customers. They prepare simple dishes to be used in places that serve food, such as restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, hospitals and ensure that kitchen operations run smoothly and efficiently.
Catering-Mitarbeiter/innen bereiten Speisen zu und bedienen Kunden. Sie bereiten einfache Gerichte zu, die an Orten verwendet werden sollen, an denen Speisen serviert werden, beispielsweise Restaurants, Cafés, Hotels und Krankenhäuser. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Küche reibungslos und effizient funktioniert.
food service worker
['foodborne diseases', 'food legislation', 'food allergies', 'food authentication techniques', 'food preservation', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'store raw food materials', 'use different communication channels', 'maintain food specifications', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'follow hygienic procedures during food processing', 'apply company policies', 'prepare meals for flights', 'improvise to occuring food processing situations', 'liaise with colleagues']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
vehicle maintenance attendant
helfer im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung/helferin im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung
Vehicle maintenance attendants execute basic tasks such as changing oil, changing filters, changing spark plugs at a vehicle maintenance station.
Helfer im Bereich Fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung führen in einer Kfz-Werkstatt einfache Arbeiten wie z. B. Ölwechsel, Filterwechsel und Zündkerzenwechsel aus.
vehicle maintenance attendant
['car controls', 'types of vehicles', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'execute vehicle maintenance', 'identify vehicles service requirements', 'position vehicles for maintenance and repair', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'perform technical tasks with great care', 'ensure client orientation', 'apply health and safety standards', 'execute working instructions', 'perform manual work autonomously', 'carry out improvised vehicle repairs', 'mechanical tools', 'teamwork principles', 'mechanics', 'maintain vehicle records', 'maintain inventory of vehicle cleaning supplies', 'fix minor vehicle scratches', 'drive vehicles', 'order supplies for vehicle maintenance and repair', 'perform minor vehicle repairs', 'process payments', 'report accounts of the professional activity', 'issue sales invoices']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
social pedagogue
Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals' learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.
Sozialpädagogen bieten Kindern und jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund oder unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten Betreuung, Unterstützung und Bildung. Sie konzipieren Bildungsprozesse, bei denen die jungen Menschen selbst Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Dabei verfolgen sie einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, der auf die Lernerfahrung ausgerichtet ist. Sozialpädagogen tragen zum Lernen, zum Wohlergehen und zur gesellschaftlichen Eingliederung von Menschen bei und legen Wert auf die Förderung ihrer Eigenständigkeit.
social pedagogue
['counselling methods', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'supervision of persons', 'social sciences', 'social development', 'social pedagogy', 'health education', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'psychology', 'social justice', 'psychological theories', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'assess the development of youth', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support traumatised children', 'apply person-centred care', 'conduct educational activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'support social service users to live at home', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'communicate with youth', 'apply socially just working principles', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'determine child welfare', 'communicate with social service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'social mediation', 'theatre pedagogy', 'community education', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'special needs education', 'plan youth activities', 'work for public inclusion', "communicate about youth's well-being", "monitor children's physical development", 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'use learning strategies', 'cooperate with professionals', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'support sport activities in education']
social pedagogue
Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals' learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.
Sozialpädagogen bieten Kindern und jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund oder unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten Betreuung, Unterstützung und Bildung. Sie konzipieren Bildungsprozesse, bei denen die jungen Menschen selbst Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Dabei verfolgen sie einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, der auf die Lernerfahrung ausgerichtet ist. Sozialpädagogen tragen zum Lernen, zum Wohlergehen und zur gesellschaftlichen Eingliederung von Menschen bei und legen Wert auf die Förderung ihrer Eigenständigkeit.
social pedagogue
['counselling methods', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'supervision of persons', 'social sciences', 'social development', 'social pedagogy', 'health education', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'psychology', 'social justice', 'psychological theories', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'assess the development of youth', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support traumatised children', 'apply person-centred care', 'conduct educational activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'support social service users to live at home', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'communicate with youth', 'apply socially just working principles', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'determine child welfare', 'communicate with social service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'social mediation', 'theatre pedagogy', 'community education', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'special needs education', 'plan youth activities', 'work for public inclusion', "communicate about youth's well-being", "monitor children's physical development", 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'use learning strategies', 'cooperate with professionals', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'support sport activities in education']
social pedagogue
Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals' learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.
Sozialpädagogen bieten Kindern und jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund oder unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten Betreuung, Unterstützung und Bildung. Sie konzipieren Bildungsprozesse, bei denen die jungen Menschen selbst Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Dabei verfolgen sie einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, der auf die Lernerfahrung ausgerichtet ist. Sozialpädagogen tragen zum Lernen, zum Wohlergehen und zur gesellschaftlichen Eingliederung von Menschen bei und legen Wert auf die Förderung ihrer Eigenständigkeit.
social pedagogue
['counselling methods', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'supervision of persons', 'social sciences', 'social development', 'social pedagogy', 'health education', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'psychology', 'social justice', 'psychological theories', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'assess the development of youth', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support traumatised children', 'apply person-centred care', 'conduct educational activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'support social service users to live at home', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'communicate with youth', 'apply socially just working principles', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'determine child welfare', 'communicate with social service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'social mediation', 'theatre pedagogy', 'community education', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'special needs education', 'plan youth activities', 'work for public inclusion', "communicate about youth's well-being", "monitor children's physical development", 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'use learning strategies', 'cooperate with professionals', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'support sport activities in education']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
department manager
Department managers are responsible for the operations of a certain division or department of a company. They ensure objectives and goals are reached and manage employees.
Abteilungsleiter/Abteilungsleiterinnen sind für die Tätigkeit einer bestimmten Einheit oder Abteilung eines Unternehmens verantwortlich. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Ziele und Vorgaben erreicht werden und verwalten das Personal.
department manager
['corporate social responsibility', 'strategic planning', 'company policies', 'conclude business agreements', 'exercise stewardship', 'ensure lawful business operations', 'strive for company growth', 'report on overall management of a business', 'manage staff', 'recruit employees', 'create a financial plan', 'abide by business ethical code of conducts', "collaborate in company's daily operations ", 'assume responsibility for the management of a business', 'liaise with managers', 'follow company standards', 'business management principles', 'international trade', 'business law', 'banking activities', 'financial statements', 'financial forecasting', 'financial management', 'marketing management', 'project management', 'subsidiary operations', 'cost management', 'business process modelling', 'business loans', 'corporate law', 'marketing principles', 'human resource management', 'financial jurisdiction', 'accounting', 'market entry planning', 'supply chain management', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', "integrate headquarter's guidelines into local operations", 'manage budgets', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'liaise with local authorities', 'interact with the board of directors', 'analyse market financial trends', 'control financial resources', 'speak different languages', 'develop organisational policies', 'share good practices across subsidiaries', 'describe the financial situation of a region', 'apply business acumen', 'analyse business processes', 'synthesise financial information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'oversee quality control', 'analyse business plans', 'prepare financial statements', 'manage office facility systems', 'manage financial risk', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'evaluate employees', 'track key performance indicators', 'manage contracts', 'create a work atmosphere of continuous improvement', 'shape corporate culture', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'develop revenue generation strategies', 'develop company strategies', 'plan health and safety procedures', 'develop professional network', 'establish communication with foreign cultures', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'execute marketing plan', 'build business relationships', 'create a financial report', 'analyse financial risk', 'align efforts towards business development', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'prospect new regional contracts', 'make strategic business decisions']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
Secretaries perform a variety of administrative tasks to help keep an organisation run smoothly. They answer telephone calls, draft and send e-mails, maintain diaries, arrange appointments, take messages, file documents, organise and service meetings, and manage databases.
Sekretariatskräfte nehmen eine Vielzahl administrativer Aufgaben wahr, um reibungslose Abläufe innerhalb einer Organisation zu gewährleisten. Sie nehmen Telefonanrufe entgegen, verfassen und versenden E-Mails, führen Terminkalender, vereinbaren Treffen, nehmen Mitteilungen entgegen, archivieren Dokumente, organisieren und betreuen Sitzungen und verwalten Datenbanken.
['company policies', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'monitor staff absences', 'keep task records', 'process commissioned instructions', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'manage personnel agenda', 'use word processing software', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'administer appointments', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'communicate schedules to the people concerned', 'communicate by telephone', 'draft corporate emails', 'use microsoft office', 'education law', 'accounting techniques', 'labour law', 'education administration', 'liaise with typists', 'prepare presentation material', 'manage budgets', 'manage needs for stationery items', 'organise travel arrangements for staff', 'demonstrate professional attitude to clients', 'place orders for printed paper goods', 'write meeting reports', 'handle petty cash', 'develop documentation in accordance with legal requirements', 'use office systems', 'manage online content', 'deliver correspondence', 'manage accounts', 'issue sales invoices', 'handle financial transactions', 'use personal organization software']
building cleaner
gebäudereiniger innenreinigung/gebäudereinigerin innenreinigung
Building cleaners maintain the cleanliness and overall functionality of various types of buildings such as offices, hospitals and public institutions. They perform cleaning duties like sweeping, vacuuming and mopping floors, empty trash and check security systems, locks and windows. Building cleaners check air conditioning systems and notify the appropriate persons in case of malfunctions or problems.
Gebäudereiniger Innenreinigung bewahren die Sauberkeit und die Gesamtfunktionen verschiedener Gebäudetypen, wie Büros, Krankenhäuser und öffentlicher Einrichtungen. Sie führen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, wie Kehren, Saugen und Wischen von Fußböden, Leeren von Mülleimern und Kontrolle von Sicherheitssystemen, Schlössern und Fenstern. Gebäudereiniger Innenreinigung prüfen Klimaanlagen und unterrichten die entsprechenden Personen bei Funktionsstörungen oder Problemen.
building cleaner
['cleaning industry health and safety measures', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'clean building facade', 'sort waste', 'clean particular areas manually', 'operate janitorial tools', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'remove dust', 'inform on toilet facilities malfunctions', 'perform cleaning duties', 'perform cleaning activities in an environmentally friendly way', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain facility security systems', "perform minor repairs to buildings' systems", 'arrange furniture', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean building floors', 'report major building repairs', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'follow organisational guidelines in the cleaning industry', 'manage routine waste', 'clean glass surfaces', 'hygiene in a health care setting', 'locking mechanisms', 'wood preservation', 'fire safety regulations', 'sterilization techniques', 'hardware, plumbing and heating equipment products', 'snow removal safety hazards', 'lawn care', 'use snow-removal equipment', 'perform pest control', 'disinfect surfaces', 'communicate with waste collectors', 'clean furniture', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'perform ground maintenance activities', 'clean toilet facilities', 'remove snow', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'dispose medical waste', 'clean rooms', 'monitor building security', 'perform weed control operations', 'supervise the work of cleaning staff', 'spray pesticides', 'perform procurement processes', 'clean wood surface', 'dispose food waste', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'provide lawn care']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
factory hand
Factory hands assist machine operators and product assemblers. They clean the machines and the working areas. Factory hands make sure supplies and materials are replenished.
Fabrikhilfsarbeiter unterstützen Maschinenbediener und Montagearbeiter. Sie reinigen die Maschinen und Arbeitsbereiche. Fabrikhilfsarbeiter sorgen dafür, dass Vorräte und Materialien nachgefüllt werden.
factory hand
['cleaning products', 'industrial tools', 'cleaning techniques', 'supply machine with appropriate tools', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean surfaces', 'clean equipment', 'supply machine', 'clean building floors', 'quality standards', 'operate grease gun', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'troubleshoot', 'handle delivery of raw materials', 'work safely with machines', 'align components', 'use power tools', 'maintain machinery', 'pack goods', 'operate industrial equipment', 'store goods', 'lift heavy weights', 'handle timber']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
Photographers take pictures using digital or film cameras and equipment. Photographers may develop negatives or use computer software in order to produce finished images and prints.
Fotografen machen Bilder mit digitalen Kameras, Filmkameras oder anderer Ausrüstung. Fotografen stellen fertige Bilder und Drucke her, indem sie Negative entwickeln oder Computersoftware einsetzen.
['operate a camera', 'select auxiliary equipment for photographic work', 'develop an artistic framework', 'set up photographic equipment', 'develop visual elements', 'set up cameras', 'create digital images', 'select photos', 'prepare personal work environment', 'determine image composition', 'select photographic equipment', 'maintain photographic equipment', 'license photo usage', 'create artificial light', 'test photographic equipment', 'design an artificial lighting system', 'art collections', 'digital marketing techniques', 'landscape architecture', 'social media marketing techniques', 'wildlife', 'architectural design', 'brand marketing techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'computer graphics', 'sporting events', 'home decoration techniques', 'load film', 'mount photos', 'set up photographic exhibitions', 'care for food aesthetic', 'edit negatives', 'direct photographic workers', 'advise customers on photography', 'measure light levels', 'conduct extensive international travel', 'select camera apertures', 'organise product display', 'develop artistic project budgets', 'develop artistic educational activities', 'represent company in exhibitions', 'collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions', 'prepare digital art for master photograph', 'research new photographic procedures', 'communicate with youth', 'design greeting cards', 'use photographic equipment', 'edit photographs', 'handle artworks', 'swim', 'create infrared imagery', 'scan photos', 'develop film']
Secretaries perform a variety of administrative tasks to help keep an organisation run smoothly. They answer telephone calls, draft and send e-mails, maintain diaries, arrange appointments, take messages, file documents, organise and service meetings, and manage databases.
Sekretariatskräfte nehmen eine Vielzahl administrativer Aufgaben wahr, um reibungslose Abläufe innerhalb einer Organisation zu gewährleisten. Sie nehmen Telefonanrufe entgegen, verfassen und versenden E-Mails, führen Terminkalender, vereinbaren Treffen, nehmen Mitteilungen entgegen, archivieren Dokumente, organisieren und betreuen Sitzungen und verwalten Datenbanken.
['company policies', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'monitor staff absences', 'keep task records', 'process commissioned instructions', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'manage personnel agenda', 'use word processing software', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'administer appointments', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'communicate schedules to the people concerned', 'communicate by telephone', 'draft corporate emails', 'use microsoft office', 'education law', 'accounting techniques', 'labour law', 'education administration', 'liaise with typists', 'prepare presentation material', 'manage budgets', 'manage needs for stationery items', 'organise travel arrangements for staff', 'demonstrate professional attitude to clients', 'place orders for printed paper goods', 'write meeting reports', 'handle petty cash', 'develop documentation in accordance with legal requirements', 'use office systems', 'manage online content', 'deliver correspondence', 'manage accounts', 'issue sales invoices', 'handle financial transactions', 'use personal organization software']
building cleaner
gebäudereiniger innenreinigung/gebäudereinigerin innenreinigung
Building cleaners maintain the cleanliness and overall functionality of various types of buildings such as offices, hospitals and public institutions. They perform cleaning duties like sweeping, vacuuming and mopping floors, empty trash and check security systems, locks and windows. Building cleaners check air conditioning systems and notify the appropriate persons in case of malfunctions or problems.
Gebäudereiniger Innenreinigung bewahren die Sauberkeit und die Gesamtfunktionen verschiedener Gebäudetypen, wie Büros, Krankenhäuser und öffentlicher Einrichtungen. Sie führen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, wie Kehren, Saugen und Wischen von Fußböden, Leeren von Mülleimern und Kontrolle von Sicherheitssystemen, Schlössern und Fenstern. Gebäudereiniger Innenreinigung prüfen Klimaanlagen und unterrichten die entsprechenden Personen bei Funktionsstörungen oder Problemen.
building cleaner
['cleaning industry health and safety measures', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'clean building facade', 'sort waste', 'clean particular areas manually', 'operate janitorial tools', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'remove dust', 'inform on toilet facilities malfunctions', 'perform cleaning duties', 'perform cleaning activities in an environmentally friendly way', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain facility security systems', "perform minor repairs to buildings' systems", 'arrange furniture', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean building floors', 'report major building repairs', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'follow organisational guidelines in the cleaning industry', 'manage routine waste', 'clean glass surfaces', 'hygiene in a health care setting', 'locking mechanisms', 'wood preservation', 'fire safety regulations', 'sterilization techniques', 'hardware, plumbing and heating equipment products', 'snow removal safety hazards', 'lawn care', 'use snow-removal equipment', 'perform pest control', 'disinfect surfaces', 'communicate with waste collectors', 'clean furniture', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'perform ground maintenance activities', 'clean toilet facilities', 'remove snow', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'dispose medical waste', 'clean rooms', 'monitor building security', 'perform weed control operations', 'supervise the work of cleaning staff', 'spray pesticides', 'perform procurement processes', 'clean wood surface', 'dispose food waste', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'provide lawn care']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
factory hand
Factory hands assist machine operators and product assemblers. They clean the machines and the working areas. Factory hands make sure supplies and materials are replenished.
Fabrikhilfsarbeiter unterstützen Maschinenbediener und Montagearbeiter. Sie reinigen die Maschinen und Arbeitsbereiche. Fabrikhilfsarbeiter sorgen dafür, dass Vorräte und Materialien nachgefüllt werden.
factory hand
['cleaning products', 'industrial tools', 'cleaning techniques', 'supply machine with appropriate tools', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean surfaces', 'clean equipment', 'supply machine', 'clean building floors', 'quality standards', 'operate grease gun', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'troubleshoot', 'handle delivery of raw materials', 'work safely with machines', 'align components', 'use power tools', 'maintain machinery', 'pack goods', 'operate industrial equipment', 'store goods', 'lift heavy weights', 'handle timber']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
Photographers take pictures using digital or film cameras and equipment. Photographers may develop negatives or use computer software in order to produce finished images and prints.
Fotografen machen Bilder mit digitalen Kameras, Filmkameras oder anderer Ausrüstung. Fotografen stellen fertige Bilder und Drucke her, indem sie Negative entwickeln oder Computersoftware einsetzen.
['operate a camera', 'select auxiliary equipment for photographic work', 'develop an artistic framework', 'set up photographic equipment', 'develop visual elements', 'set up cameras', 'create digital images', 'select photos', 'prepare personal work environment', 'determine image composition', 'select photographic equipment', 'maintain photographic equipment', 'license photo usage', 'create artificial light', 'test photographic equipment', 'design an artificial lighting system', 'art collections', 'digital marketing techniques', 'landscape architecture', 'social media marketing techniques', 'wildlife', 'architectural design', 'brand marketing techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'computer graphics', 'sporting events', 'home decoration techniques', 'load film', 'mount photos', 'set up photographic exhibitions', 'care for food aesthetic', 'edit negatives', 'direct photographic workers', 'advise customers on photography', 'measure light levels', 'conduct extensive international travel', 'select camera apertures', 'organise product display', 'develop artistic project budgets', 'develop artistic educational activities', 'represent company in exhibitions', 'collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions', 'prepare digital art for master photograph', 'research new photographic procedures', 'communicate with youth', 'design greeting cards', 'use photographic equipment', 'edit photographs', 'handle artworks', 'swim', 'create infrared imagery', 'scan photos', 'develop film']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
education policy officer
referent für bildungspolitik/referentin für bildungspolitik
Education policy officers research, analyse and develop education policies, and implement these policies to improve the existing education system. They try to improve all aspects of education which will impact institutions such as schools, universities and vocational schools. They work closely with partners, external organisations or other stakeholders and provide them with regular updates.
Referenten für Bildungspolitik recherchieren, analysieren und erarbeiten Strategien im Bereich der Bildungspolitik und führen diese durch, um das bestehende Bildungssystem zu verbessern. Sie bemühen sich um die Verbesserung aller Aspekte der Bildung, die sich auf Schulen, Universitäten, Berufsschulen und andere Bildungseinrichtungen auswirken. Sie arbeiten eng mit Partnern, externen Organisationen oder anderen Akteuren zusammen und versorgen diese regelmäßig mit aktuellen Informationen.
education policy officer
['government policy implementation', 'community education', 'education law', 'government policy', 'project management', 'scientific research methodology', 'education administration', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'advise legislators', 'evaluate education programmes', 'study topics', 'analyse education system', 'develop artistic educational activities', 'liaise with educational institutions', 'perform project management', 'advise on legislative acts', 'manage government policy implementation', 'adult education', 'European Structural and Investment Funds regulations', 'action research', 'create solutions to problems', 'liaise with local authorities', 'ensure information transparency', 'monitor educational developments', 'inspect education institutions', 'promote education programmes', 'develop professional network', 'liaise with politicians', 'analyse goal progress', 'liaise with educational staff', 'analyse community needs']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
home care aide
haus- und familienpfleger/haus- und familienpflegerin
Home care aides provide personal assistance and promote autonomy, on a daily basis to individuals who are unable to take care of themselves due to illness, ageing or disability. They assist them with personal hygiene, feeding, communication or medication according to the health care professional's instructions.
Haus- und Familienpfleger leisten täglich persönliche Unterstützung und fördern die Autonomie von Personen, die sich aufgrund einer Krankheit, ihres Alters oder einer Behinderung nicht selbst versorgen können. Sie unterstützen sie bei der Körperpflege, der Nahrungsaufnahme, der Kommunikation oder der Medikation gemäß den Anweisungen medizinischer Fachkräfte.
home care aide
['disability care', "older adults' needs", 'disability types', 'first response', 'wash the laundry', 'apply first response', 'provide in-home support for disabled individuals', 'tend to elderly people', 'prepare sandwiches', 'iron textiles', 'buy groceries', 'assist social service users with physical disabilities', 'support social service users to live at home', 'accompany people', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'assist clients with special needs', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'wash the dishes', 'make the beds', "monitor patient's health condition", 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'assist disable passengers', 'keep company', 'visual disability', 'hearing disability', 'mobility disability', 'food allergies', 'prevent domestic accidents', 'communicate with customers', 'assist individuals with disabilities in community activities', 'work ergonomically', 'provide first aid', 'feed pets', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'use food preparation techniques', 'handle linen in stock', 'vacuum surfaces', 'prepare dietary meals', 'clean surfaces', 'provide dog walking services', 'advise on healthy lifestyles', 'clean rooms', 'administer appointments', 'promote healthy lifestyle', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'assess risks for the elderly', 'use cooking techniques', 'promote prevention of social isolation']
club host/club hostess
gästebetreuer club/gästebetreuerin club
Club host/hostess welcome customers to the club. They ensure that clients are well looked after and satisfied.
Gästebetreuer Club nehmen Clubgäste in Empfang. Sie stellen sicher, dass die Kunden gut betreut und zufriedengestellt werden.
club host/club hostess
['assist guest departure', 'monitor guest access', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'greet guests', 'handle customer complaints', 'assist VIP guests', 'assist customers', 'maintain customer service', 'enforce regulations of selling alcoholic beverages to minors', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'deal with aggressive behaviour', 'alcoholic beverage products', 'beverage products', 'advise guests on menus for special events', 'tend to guests with special needs', 'assist at check-in', 'clean surfaces', 'take food and beverage orders from customers', 'control crowd', 'prepare mixed beverages', 'arrange tables', 'process reservations', 'check tickets at venue entry', 'serve beverages', 'prepare alcoholic beverages', 'accommodate special seating', 'handle cash flow', 'devise special promotions']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
Psychologists study the behaviour and mental processes in humans. They provide services to clients who deal with mental health issues and life issues such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. They also provide counselling for mental health issues such as eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and psychosis in order to help the clients rehabilitate and reach a healthy behaviour.
Psychologen untersuchen das Verhalten und die mentalen Prozesse beim Menschen. Sie bieten Dienstleistungen für Kunden an, die unter psychischen Problemen und schwierigen Lebenssituationen leiden, z. B. Trauer um einen Verstorbenen, Beziehungsschwierigkeiten, häusliche Gewalt und sexueller Missbrauch. Sie bieten auch Beratung für psychische Erkrankungen wie Essstörungen, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen und Psychosen an, um den Patienten zu helfen, sich zu erholen und ein gesundes Verhalten zu erlangen.
['counselling methods', 'psychological diagnostics', 'body language', 'health care occupation-specific ethics', 'client-centred counselling', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'behavioural disorders', 'psychological interventions', 'psychology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'test for emotional patterns', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', "respond to healthcare users' extreme emotions", 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', 'conduct psychological assessement', 'follow clinical guidelines', 'conduct forensic evaluations', 'test for behavioural patterns', 'identify mental health issues', 'diagnose psychiatric symptoms', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'use psychoeducation', 'prescribe medication', 'interpret psychological tests', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'counsel clients', 'monitor therapeutic progress', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'manage open publications', 'build trust', 'refer healthcare users', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'clinical reports', 'psychiatric diagnostics', 'forensic psychiatry', 'sport psychology', 'psychiatric disorders', 'neurology', 'psycholinguistics', 'clinical social work', 'clinical psychological treatment', 'crisis intervention', 'experimental psychology', 'sexual disorders', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'first aid', 'psychiatry', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'provide health education', 'diagnose mental disorders', 'apply caseload management', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'apply blended learning', 'support patients to understand their conditions', 'promote mental health', 'carry out psychiatric assessment of child', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'apply systemic therapy', "assess healthcare users' risk for harm"]
Psychologists study the behaviour and mental processes in humans. They provide services to clients who deal with mental health issues and life issues such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. They also provide counselling for mental health issues such as eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and psychosis in order to help the clients rehabilitate and reach a healthy behaviour.
Psychologen untersuchen das Verhalten und die mentalen Prozesse beim Menschen. Sie bieten Dienstleistungen für Kunden an, die unter psychischen Problemen und schwierigen Lebenssituationen leiden, z. B. Trauer um einen Verstorbenen, Beziehungsschwierigkeiten, häusliche Gewalt und sexueller Missbrauch. Sie bieten auch Beratung für psychische Erkrankungen wie Essstörungen, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen und Psychosen an, um den Patienten zu helfen, sich zu erholen und ein gesundes Verhalten zu erlangen.
['counselling methods', 'psychological diagnostics', 'body language', 'health care occupation-specific ethics', 'client-centred counselling', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'behavioural disorders', 'psychological interventions', 'psychology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'test for emotional patterns', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', "respond to healthcare users' extreme emotions", 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', 'conduct psychological assessement', 'follow clinical guidelines', 'conduct forensic evaluations', 'test for behavioural patterns', 'identify mental health issues', 'diagnose psychiatric symptoms', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'use psychoeducation', 'prescribe medication', 'interpret psychological tests', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'counsel clients', 'monitor therapeutic progress', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'manage open publications', 'build trust', 'refer healthcare users', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'clinical reports', 'psychiatric diagnostics', 'forensic psychiatry', 'sport psychology', 'psychiatric disorders', 'neurology', 'psycholinguistics', 'clinical social work', 'clinical psychological treatment', 'crisis intervention', 'experimental psychology', 'sexual disorders', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'first aid', 'psychiatry', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'provide health education', 'diagnose mental disorders', 'apply caseload management', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'apply blended learning', 'support patients to understand their conditions', 'promote mental health', 'carry out psychiatric assessment of child', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'apply systemic therapy', "assess healthcare users' risk for harm"]
Psychologists study the behaviour and mental processes in humans. They provide services to clients who deal with mental health issues and life issues such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. They also provide counselling for mental health issues such as eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and psychosis in order to help the clients rehabilitate and reach a healthy behaviour.
Psychologen untersuchen das Verhalten und die mentalen Prozesse beim Menschen. Sie bieten Dienstleistungen für Kunden an, die unter psychischen Problemen und schwierigen Lebenssituationen leiden, z. B. Trauer um einen Verstorbenen, Beziehungsschwierigkeiten, häusliche Gewalt und sexueller Missbrauch. Sie bieten auch Beratung für psychische Erkrankungen wie Essstörungen, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen und Psychosen an, um den Patienten zu helfen, sich zu erholen und ein gesundes Verhalten zu erlangen.
['counselling methods', 'psychological diagnostics', 'body language', 'health care occupation-specific ethics', 'client-centred counselling', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'behavioural disorders', 'psychological interventions', 'psychology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'test for emotional patterns', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', "respond to healthcare users' extreme emotions", 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', 'conduct psychological assessement', 'follow clinical guidelines', 'conduct forensic evaluations', 'test for behavioural patterns', 'identify mental health issues', 'diagnose psychiatric symptoms', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'use psychoeducation', 'prescribe medication', 'interpret psychological tests', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'counsel clients', 'monitor therapeutic progress', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'manage open publications', 'build trust', 'refer healthcare users', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'clinical reports', 'psychiatric diagnostics', 'forensic psychiatry', 'sport psychology', 'psychiatric disorders', 'neurology', 'psycholinguistics', 'clinical social work', 'clinical psychological treatment', 'crisis intervention', 'experimental psychology', 'sexual disorders', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'first aid', 'psychiatry', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'provide health education', 'diagnose mental disorders', 'apply caseload management', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'apply blended learning', 'support patients to understand their conditions', 'promote mental health', 'carry out psychiatric assessment of child', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'apply systemic therapy', "assess healthcare users' risk for harm"]
Psychologists study the behaviour and mental processes in humans. They provide services to clients who deal with mental health issues and life issues such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. They also provide counselling for mental health issues such as eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and psychosis in order to help the clients rehabilitate and reach a healthy behaviour.
Psychologen untersuchen das Verhalten und die mentalen Prozesse beim Menschen. Sie bieten Dienstleistungen für Kunden an, die unter psychischen Problemen und schwierigen Lebenssituationen leiden, z. B. Trauer um einen Verstorbenen, Beziehungsschwierigkeiten, häusliche Gewalt und sexueller Missbrauch. Sie bieten auch Beratung für psychische Erkrankungen wie Essstörungen, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen und Psychosen an, um den Patienten zu helfen, sich zu erholen und ein gesundes Verhalten zu erlangen.
['counselling methods', 'psychological diagnostics', 'body language', 'health care occupation-specific ethics', 'client-centred counselling', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'behavioural disorders', 'psychological interventions', 'psychology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'test for emotional patterns', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', "respond to healthcare users' extreme emotions", 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', 'conduct psychological assessement', 'follow clinical guidelines', 'conduct forensic evaluations', 'test for behavioural patterns', 'identify mental health issues', 'diagnose psychiatric symptoms', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'use psychoeducation', 'prescribe medication', 'interpret psychological tests', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'counsel clients', 'monitor therapeutic progress', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'manage open publications', 'build trust', 'refer healthcare users', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'clinical reports', 'psychiatric diagnostics', 'forensic psychiatry', 'sport psychology', 'psychiatric disorders', 'neurology', 'psycholinguistics', 'clinical social work', 'clinical psychological treatment', 'crisis intervention', 'experimental psychology', 'sexual disorders', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'first aid', 'psychiatry', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'provide health education', 'diagnose mental disorders', 'apply caseload management', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'apply blended learning', 'support patients to understand their conditions', 'promote mental health', 'carry out psychiatric assessment of child', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'apply systemic therapy', "assess healthcare users' risk for harm"]
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
amusement and recreation attendant
hilfskraft im freizeit- und erholungsbereich
Amusement and recreation attendants perform a variety of attending duties at amusement or recreation facility. They may schedule the use of recreation facilities, maintain and provide equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits or operate amusement concessions and rides.
Hilfskräfte im Freizeit- und Erholungsbereich führen eine Reihe von Aufgaben in einer Freizeit- und Erholungseinrichtung. Sie übernehmen unter Umständen die Planung von Erholungsanlagen, die Wartung und Bereitstellung der Ausrüstung für die Teilnehmer von Sport- oder Freizeitveranstaltungen oder bedienen Fahrgeschäfte.
amusement and recreation attendant
['amusement park emergency procedures', 'announce amusement park attractions', 'tend amusement park booths', 'assist amusement park visitors', 'direct amusement park clients', 'monitor amusement park safety', 'operate amusement rides', 'provide amusement park information', 'clean amusement park facilities', 'issue sport equipment', 'schedule recreation facilities', 'fasten safety devices', 'maintain amusement park attractions', 'check tickets at venue entry', 'serve beverages', 'sell amusement park tickets']
contact centre supervisor
Contact centre supervisors oversee and coordinate the activities of contact centre employees. They ensure that daily operations run smoothly through resolving issues, instructing and training employees and supervising tasks.
Kundenservice-Manager beaufsichtigen und koordinieren die Tätigkeiten von Mitarbeitern des Kundenservice. Sie sorgen für einen reibungslosen Betriebsablauf, indem sie Probleme lösen, Beschäftigte anleiten bzw. schulen und Arbeiten beaufsichtigen.
contact centre supervisor
['characteristics of products', 'call quality assurance management', 'customer relationship management', 'characteristics of services', 'create solutions to problems', 'motivate employees', 'perform data analysis', 'manage staff', 'forecast workload', 'fix meetings', 'supervise work', 'perform project management', 'present reports', 'analyse staff capacity', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'follow company standards', 'customer service', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'handle customer complaints', 'recruit employees', 'contact customers', 'measure customer feedback', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'manage resources', 'create a work atmosphere of continuous improvement', 'coordinate operational activities', 'measure call quality', 'analyse customer service surveys', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'monitor customer service']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
restaurant manager
Restaurant managers are in charge of managing food and beverage operations in the kitchen and other food and beverage outlets or units in a hospitality establishment.
Restaurantmanager/Restaurantmanagerinnen sind für die Verwaltung der Speise- und Getränketätigkeiten in der Küche und anderen Lebensmittel- und Getränkeabgabestellen in einem Gaststättenbetrieb zuständig.
restaurant manager
['hazard analysis and critical control points', 'waste management', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'train staff to reduce food waste', 'ensure infrastructure accessibility', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'prepare tableware', 'identify suppliers', 'ensure portion control', 'order supplies', 'handle customer complaints', 'monitor financial accounts', 'manage staff', 'ensure maintenance of kitchen equipment', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'set prices of menu items', 'supervise the work of staff on different shifts', 'manage health and safety standards', 'recruit employees', 'manage the customer experience', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'plan menus', "identify customer's needs", 'maintain customer service', 'supervise food quality', 'maximise sales revenues', 'arrange special events', 'manage restaurant service', 'monitor work for special events', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'develop food waste reduction strategies', 'control of expenses', 'train employees', 'manage stock rotation', 'monitor customer service', 'devise special promotions', 'food waste monitoring systems', 'energy conservation', 'inspect table settings', 'monitor the process of wine production', 'manage budgets', 'think creatively about food and beverages', 'keep up with eating out trends', 'enforce alcohol drinking laws', 'evaluate employees', 'create event-specific menus', 'conduct research on food waste prevention', 'mould chocolate', 'compile wine lists', 'develop working procedures', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'apply foreign languages in hospitality', 'create decorative food displays', 'seek innovation in current practices']
child care social worker
sozialarbeiter im bereich kinder- und jugendhilfe/sozialarbeiterin im bereich kinder- und jugendhilfe
Child care social workers provide social services to children and their families in order to improve their social and psychological functioning. They aim to maximize family's well-being and protect children from abuse and neglect. They assist adoption arrangements and find foster homes where needed.
Sozialarbeiter im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendhilfe bieten Kindern und ihren Familien soziale Dienstleistungen an, damit sie in sozialer und psychischer Hinsicht besser zurechtkommen. Sie bemühen sich, das Wohlergehen der Familie zu steigern und Kinder vor Missbrauch und Vernachlässigung zu schützen. Bei Bedarf leisten sie Hilfestellung bei Adoptionsverfahren und suchen Pflegefamilien.
child care social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'adolescent psychological development', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'assess the development of youth', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'support traumatised children', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
social pedagogue
Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals' learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.
Sozialpädagogen bieten Kindern und jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund oder unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten Betreuung, Unterstützung und Bildung. Sie konzipieren Bildungsprozesse, bei denen die jungen Menschen selbst Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Dabei verfolgen sie einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, der auf die Lernerfahrung ausgerichtet ist. Sozialpädagogen tragen zum Lernen, zum Wohlergehen und zur gesellschaftlichen Eingliederung von Menschen bei und legen Wert auf die Förderung ihrer Eigenständigkeit.
social pedagogue
['counselling methods', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'supervision of persons', 'social sciences', 'social development', 'social pedagogy', 'health education', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'psychology', 'social justice', 'psychological theories', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'assess the development of youth', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support traumatised children', 'apply person-centred care', 'conduct educational activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'support social service users to live at home', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'communicate with youth', 'apply socially just working principles', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'determine child welfare', 'communicate with social service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'social mediation', 'theatre pedagogy', 'community education', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'special needs education', 'plan youth activities', 'work for public inclusion', "communicate about youth's well-being", "monitor children's physical development", 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'use learning strategies', 'cooperate with professionals', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'support sport activities in education']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
social worker
Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Sozialarbeiter sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und Befreiung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um verschiedene Arten von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit zu ermöglichen. Sozialarbeiter leiten Menschen dabei an, Dienstleistungen wahrzunehmen, um Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu Gemeinschaftsressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze zu finden, Rechtsberatung einzuholen oder mit anderen örtlichen Behörden umzugehen.
social worker
['social work theory', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'apply anti-oppressive practices', 'provide social counselling', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'empower social service users', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply case management', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'apply crisis intervention', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', 'make legislation transparent for users of social services', 'negotiate with social service users', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'address problems critically', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'develop professional network', 'negotiate with social service stakeholders', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'apply organisational techniques', 'refer social service users', 'determine child welfare', 'organise social work packages', 'communicate with social service users', 'consider social impact of actions on service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'counselling methods', 'learning needs analysis', 'communication', "crime victims' rights", 'psychological effects of war', 'restorative justice', 'social mediation', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'social entreprise', 'assessment processes', 'funding methods', 'job market offers', 'family law', 'client-centred counselling', 'supervision of persons', 'community education', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'personal development', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', 'education law', 'social pedagogy', 'adult education', 'school psychology', "older adults' needs", 'personality development theories', 'disability types', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'humanitarian aid actors', 'immigration law', 'clinical social work', 'legal compensation for victims of crime', 'developmental psychology', 'rehabilitation', 'criminal law', 'crisis intervention', 'behavioural disorders', 'therapy in health care', 'employment law', 'illegal substances', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'teamwork principles', 'migration', 'social security law', 'palliative care', 'secondary school procedures', 'university procedures', 'stages of bereavement', "crime victims' needs", 'court procedures', 'scientific research methodology', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', 'strategies for handling cases of sexual assault', 'child protection', 'public housing legislation', 'strategies for handling cases of elder abuse', 'dependency on drugs', 'perform street interventions in social work', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'provide domestic care', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'plan youth activities', "guarantee students' safety", 'provide information on school services', 'promote social security programmes', "consult student's support system", 'support victims of human rights violations', 'supervise educational staff', 'work for public inclusion', "monitor student's behaviour", 'serve on academic committee', 'manage a social work unit', 'address public health issues', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'manage volunteers', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'assess the development of youth', 'build community relations', 'use computer telephony integration', 'compile course material', 'establish collaborative relations', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'liaise with educational support staff', 'analyse call performance trends', "show consideration for student's situation", 'promote youth work in the local community', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'provide victim assistance', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'conduct scholarly research', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'perform fundraising activities', 'help clients cope with grief', 'discuss research proposals', 'apply teaching strategies', 'provide immigration advice', 'monitor educational developments', 'perform educational testing', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'promote human rights', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support social service users to manage their financial affairs', 'handle humanitarian response programs', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'support traumatised children', 'assess students', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist families in crisis situations', 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'apply scientific methods', 'identify mental health issues', "raise awareness on local community's priorities", 'develop learning curriculum', 'assist with funeral planning', 'maintain records of phone calls', 'assess social work students', 'conduct quantitative research', 'advise on social enterprise', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'support juvenile victims', 'act discreetly', 'engage with offenders', 'implement scientific decision making in healthcare', 'advise on training courses', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'advise on conflict management', 'advise on mental health', 'write work-related reports', 'support social service users to live at home', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'supervise staff', 'publish academic research', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', "assess offenders' risk behaviour", 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', "support children's wellbeing", 'keep records of attendance', 'supervise students in social services', 'perform playground surveillance', 'adapt teaching to target group', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'maintain telephony system', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'communicate with youth', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist the homeless', 'conduct field work', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'identify skills gaps', 'arrange in-home services for patients', 'promote mental health', 'provide technical expertise', 'teach principles of social work', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'perform classroom management', 'carry out social work research', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'assist students in their learning', 'develop social security programmes', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'communicate by telephone', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'inform on the risks of substance and alcohol abuse', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'supervise doctoral students', 'counsel on end-of-life care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'liaise with educational staff', "advocate for healthcare users' needs", 'support volunteers', 'provide social guidance over the phone', 'develop course outline', 'advise on social security benefits', 'work with social service users in a group', 'support migrants to integrate in the receiving country', 'counsel students', 'conduct qualitative research', 'provide community development services', 'provide career counselling', 'tackle issues that block academic progress']
social pedagogue
Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals' learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.
Sozialpädagogen bieten Kindern und jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund oder unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten Betreuung, Unterstützung und Bildung. Sie konzipieren Bildungsprozesse, bei denen die jungen Menschen selbst Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Dabei verfolgen sie einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, der auf die Lernerfahrung ausgerichtet ist. Sozialpädagogen tragen zum Lernen, zum Wohlergehen und zur gesellschaftlichen Eingliederung von Menschen bei und legen Wert auf die Förderung ihrer Eigenständigkeit.
social pedagogue
['counselling methods', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'supervision of persons', 'social sciences', 'social development', 'social pedagogy', 'health education', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'psychology', 'social justice', 'psychological theories', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'assess the development of youth', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support traumatised children', 'apply person-centred care', 'conduct educational activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'support social service users to live at home', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'communicate with youth', 'apply socially just working principles', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'determine child welfare', 'communicate with social service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'social mediation', 'theatre pedagogy', 'community education', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'special needs education', 'plan youth activities', 'work for public inclusion', "communicate about youth's well-being", "monitor children's physical development", 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'use learning strategies', 'cooperate with professionals', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'support sport activities in education']
social pedagogue
Social pedagogues provide care, support, and education to children and young persons with different backgrounds or capabilities. They develop educational processes for young persons to be in charge of their own experiences, using a multi-disciplinary approach set to the learning experience. Social pedagogues contribute to the individuals' learning, welfare, and societal inclusion, and put an emphasis on building self-reliance.
Sozialpädagogen bieten Kindern und jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund oder unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten Betreuung, Unterstützung und Bildung. Sie konzipieren Bildungsprozesse, bei denen die jungen Menschen selbst Verantwortung übernehmen müssen. Dabei verfolgen sie einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, der auf die Lernerfahrung ausgerichtet ist. Sozialpädagogen tragen zum Lernen, zum Wohlergehen und zur gesellschaftlichen Eingliederung von Menschen bei und legen Wert auf die Förderung ihrer Eigenständigkeit.
social pedagogue
['counselling methods', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'supervision of persons', 'social sciences', 'social development', 'social pedagogy', 'health education', 'adolescent psychological development', 'pedagogy', 'psychology', 'social justice', 'psychological theories', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'assess the development of youth', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'support traumatised children', 'apply person-centred care', 'conduct educational activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'support social service users to live at home', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', "support children's wellbeing", 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'communicate with youth', 'apply socially just working principles', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'determine child welfare', 'communicate with social service users', 'cooperate at inter-professional level', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'social mediation', 'theatre pedagogy', 'community education', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'special needs education', 'plan youth activities', 'work for public inclusion', "communicate about youth's well-being", "monitor children's physical development", 'apply foreign languages in social services', 'use learning strategies', 'cooperate with professionals', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'communicate by use of interpretation services', 'support sport activities in education']
membership manager
membership manager/membership managerin
Membership managers oversee and coordinate the membership plan, support existing members and engage with possible new members. They analyse the market trend reports and develop marketing plans accordingly. Membership managers monitor and ensure the efficiency of processes, systems and strategies.
Membership Manager überblicken und koordinieren die gezielte Anwerbung neuer Mitglieder, unterstützen die bestehenden Mitglieder und nehmen Kontakt zu potenziellen neuen Mitgliedern auf. Sie analysieren Berichte zu Markttrends und erstellen entsprechende Marketingpläne. Membership Manager überwachen die Effizienz von Prozessen, Systemen und Strategien und stellen diese sicher.
membership manager
['customer service', 'corporate social responsibility', 'product comprehension', 'customer relationship management', 'communication principles', 'create solutions to problems', 'manage staff', 'supervise the management of an establishment', 'manage membership database', 'analyse membership', "identify customer's needs", 'provide information', 'use communication techniques', 'coordinate membership work', 'manage membership', 'provide membership service', 'supervise work', 'develop membership strategies', 'develop professional network', 'liaise with managers', 'recruit members', 'follow company standards', 'office software', 'write leaflets', 'make independent operating decisions', 'deal with pressure from unexpected circumstances', 'handle complaints', 'write work-related reports', 'plan health and safety procedures', 'complete membership administration', 'stimulate creative processes']
sales manager
führungskraft im vertrieb
Sales managers develop sales and targeting strategies for a company. They manage sales teams, allocate sales resources based on the plans, prioritise and follow up on critical leads, develop sales pitches and adjust them over time, and maintain a sales platform to track all leads and sales.
Führungskräfte im Vertrieb entwickeln Absatz- und Zielstrategien für ein Unternehmen. Sie leiten Verkaufsteams, weisen auf der Grundlage der Pläne Absatzressourcen zu, priorisieren und verfolgen wichtige Interessentinnen und Interessenten („Leads“), entwickeln und verfeinern Verkaufsargumente und unterhalten eine Verkaufsplattform, um sämtliche Interessentinnen und Interessenten und Verkäufe zu verfolgen.
sales manager
['sales argumentation', 'consumer goods industry', 'pricing strategies', 'corporate social responsibility', 'brand marketing techniques', 'content marketing strategy', 'sales department processes', 'marketing mix', 'market pricing', 'sales strategies', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'plan marketing strategy', 'study sales levels of products', 'motivate employees', 'carry out sales analysis', 'manage staff', 'evaluate marketing content', 'manage profitability', 'analyse business plans', 'create annual marketing budget', 'analyse consumer buying trends', 'define measurable marketing objectives', 'track key performance indicators', 'coordinate marketing plan actions', 'analyse internal factors of companies', 'write work-related reports', 'plan marketing campaigns', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'integrate marketing strategies with the global strategy', 'produce sales reports', 'implement sales strategies', 'develop professional network', 'prepare visual data', 'analyse customer service surveys', 'set sales goals', 'analyse external factors of companies', 'supervise sales activities', 'identify potential markets for companies', 'align efforts towards business development', 'make strategic business decisions', 'perform market research', 'analyse work-related written reports', 'customer segmentation', 'public relations', 'international business', 'statistics', 'market research', 'communicate with customers', 'forecast sales over periods of time', "integrate headquarter's guidelines into local operations", 'manage budgets', 'present arguments persuasively', 'estimate profitability', 'manage distribution channels', 'recruit personnel', 'teach marketing principles', 'analyse supply chain strategies', 'collaborate in the development of marketing strategies', 'define geographic sales areas', 'investigate customer complaints of food products', 'manage accounts', 'liaise with managers']