chief executive officer
Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.
Geschäftsführer/Geschäftsführerinnen haben in einem pyramidenartigen Unternehmensaufbau die höchste Position. Sie sind in der Lage, die Funktionsweise, Abteilungen, Risiken und Interessengruppen des Unternehmens vollständig zu verstehen. Sie werten verschiedene Arten von Informationen aus und schaffen zu Entscheidungszwecken Verknüpfungen zwischen diesen Informationen. Sie dienen für die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der Gesamtstrategie als Kommunikationsschnittstelle mit dem Verwaltungsrat.
chief executive officer
['financial statements', 'financial management', 'marketing management', 'business process modelling', 'company policies', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'conclude business agreements', 'imprint visionary aspirations into the business management', 'strive for company growth', 'develop organisational policies', 'establish collaborative relations', 'lead managers of company departments', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'track key performance indicators', 'liaise with shareholders', 'shape corporate culture', 'develop revenue generation strategies', "integrate shareholders' interests in business plans", 'develop company strategies', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'define organisational standards', 'assume responsibility for the management of a business', 'develop business plans', 'build trust', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'make strategic business decisions', 'mergers and acquisitions', 'international trade', 'airport planning', 'airport environmental regulations', 'business law', 'subsidiary operations', 'joint ventures', 'airport operating environment', 'apply export strategies', 'implement airport emergency plans', 'implement improvements in airport operations', 'manage relationships with stakeholders', 'manage budgets', 'motivate employees', 'interact with the board of directors', 'ensure lawful business operations', 'speak different languages', 'provide assistance to airport users', 'describe the financial situation of a region', 'disseminate general corporate information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'evaluate budgets', 'implement operational business plans', 'abide by business ethical code of conducts', 'define the corporate structure', 'show intercultural awareness', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'apply import strategies', 'identify airport safety hazards', 'manage publicly traded companies', 'apply airport standards and regulations', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'develop professional network', "collaborate in company's daily operations ", 'build international relations', 'implement strategic planning']
Carpenters cut, shape and assemble wooden elements for the construction of buildings and other structures. They also use materials such as plastic and metal in their creations. Carpenters create the wooden frames to support wood framed buildings.
Zimmerer sägen, formen und montieren Holzelemente für Gebäude und andere Bauwerken. Sie verwenden für ihre Arbeit auch Materialien wie Kunststoffe und Metalle. Zimmerer fertigen die Rahmen für nach der Holrahmenbauweise errichtete Häuser.
['woodworking tools', 'wood cuts', 'types of wood', 'sort waste', 'install wood elements in structures', 'work ergonomically', 'snap chalk line', 'join wood elements', 'transport construction supplies', 'inspect construction supplies', 'create smooth wood surface', 'identify wood warp', 'keep track of wooden elements', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'keep sawing equipment in good condition', 'install wood hardware', 'interpret 3D plans', 'define part requirements', 'clean wood surface', 'use measurement instruments', 'create wood joints', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'apply wood finishes', 'energy performance of buildings', 'asbestos removal regulations', 'loading charts for transportation of goods', 'operate crosscut saw', 'assess conservation needs', 'apply restoration techniques', 'answer requests for quotation', 'use squaring pole', 'operate band saw', 'use sander', 'monitor stock level', 'work in a construction team', 'maintain equipment', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'calculate needs for construction supplies', 'secure working area', 'install insulation material', 'estimate restoration costs', 'create cutting plan', 'build scaffolding', 'operate wood router', 'keep personal administration', 'order construction supplies', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'program a CNC controller', 'operate table saw', 'keep records of work progress', 'construct wood roofs', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights']
cabinet maker
Cabinet makers build cabinets or other pieces of furniture by cutting, shaping and fitting pieces of wood. They use different kind of power and hand tools, such as lathes, planers and saws.
Tischler bauen Schränke oder andere Möbelstücke, indem sie Holz zuschneiden, formen und einpassen. Sie verwenden verschiedene Arten von Elektrowerkzeugen und Handwerkzeugen, z. B. Drehmaschinen, Hobel und Sägen.
cabinet maker
['furniture trends', 'woodturning', 'technical drawings', 'construction products', 'sanding techniques', 'wood products', 'types of wood', 'join wood elements', 'create smooth wood surface', 'repair furniture frames', 'apply a protective layer', 'sand wood', 'design original furniture', 'tend boring machine', 'clean wood surface', 'create furniture frames', 'design objects to be crafted', 'operate drilling equipment', 'apply wood finishes', 'operate wood sawing equipment', 'organic building materials', 'engraving technologies', 'CAD software', 'furniture industry', 'pass on trade techniques', 'engrave patterns', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'clean furniture', 'manipulate metal', 'apply colour coats', 'fix minor scratches', 'stain wood', 'carve materials', 'manipulate glass', 'dye wood', 'sell household goods', 'create mock-ups', 'use CAD software', 'use substitute materials', 'sell furniture', 'repair furniture parts', 'decorate furniture', 'prepare furniture for application of paint']
industrial machinery mechanic
Industrial machinery mechanics work on new machinery and equipment in operation. They set up for the specific application and build accessories if necessary, perform maintenance and repair, and run diagnostics to find faults in systems or parts that need replacing.
Industriemechaniker arbeiten an neuen und bereits in Betrieb befindlichen Maschinen und Geräten. Sie bereiten die Installation der spezifischen Anlage vor und fertigen bei Bedarf Zubehör, führen Wartungsarbeiten und Reparaturen durch und diagnostizieren Fehler in Systemen oder verschlissene Teile.
industrial machinery mechanic
['types of lubricants', 'hydraulics', 'pneumatics', 'electricity', 'electrical wiring plans', 'mechanics', 'solve technical problems', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'troubleshoot', 'perform test run', 'conduct routine machinery checks', 'secure working area', 'use testing equipment', 'perform maintenance on installed equipment', 'inspect industrial equipment', 'write records for repairs', 'manufacturing of taps and valves', 'manufacturing of pumps and compressors', 'manufacturing of office equipment', 'order supplies', 'operate welding equipment', 'record test data', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'install electrical and electronic equipment', 'lay pipe installation', 'perform ICT troubleshooting', 'install hydraulic systems', 'operate industrial equipment', 'estimate restoration costs', 'install pneumatic systems', 'consult technical resources', 'install blinds drive systems', 'provide customer information related to repairs', 'prepare compliance documents', 'apply technical communication skills', 'issue sales invoices', 'operate soldering equipment']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
food production operator
Food production operators supply and perform one or more tasks in different stages of the food production process. They perform manufacturing operations and processes to foods and beverages, perform packaging, operate machines manually or automatically, follow predetermined procedures, and take food safety regulations on board.
Lebensmittelproduktionsmitarbeiter führen eine oder mehrere Aufgaben in verschiedenen Phasen des Lebensmittelherstellungsprozesses aus. Sie führen Verfahren und Prozesse zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken durch, nehmen die Verpackung vor, bedienen Maschinen manuell oder automatisch, verfolgen vorab festgelegte Verfahren und halten die Vorschriften für die Lebensmittelsicherheit ein.
food production operator
['food waste monitoring systems', 'food safety principles', 'food ethics', 'food authentication techniques', 'food fraud', 'ensure sanitation', 'monitor ingredient storage', 'ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain', 'disassemble equipment', 'keep inventory of goods in production', 'clean food and beverage machinery', 'apply HACCP', 'promote ethical eating', 'administer ingredients in food production', 'be at ease in unsafe environments', 'support management of raw materials', 'monitor the production line', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages', 'apply GMP', 'carry out checks of production plant equipment', 'follow production schedule', 'circular economy', 'food canning production line', 'health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'milk production process', 'condiment manufacturing processes', 'project management', 'fermentation processes of food', 'centrifugal force', 'energy efficiency', 'hydrogenation processes for edible oils', 'food storage', 'cleaning of reusable packaging', 'modern brewing systems', 'food homogenisation', 'tend packaging machines', 'measure sugar refinement', 'operate automated process control', 'tend bottle-washing machine', 'set up equipment for food production', 'operate forklift', 'conduct cleaning in place', 'handle kitchen equipment', 'apply extruding techniques', 'weigh materials', 'perform cleaning duties', 'check quality of products on the production line', 'monitor milled food products', 'check bottles for packaging', 'analyse samples of food and beverages', 'follow evaluation procedures of materials at reception', 'ensure correct goods labelling', 'monitor coating specifications', 'apply preservation treatments', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'perform carbonation processes', 'monitor almond blanching process', 'work according to recipe', 'follow hygienic procedures during food processing', 'check quality of raw materials', 'mould chocolate', 'dispose non-food waste within the food industry', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'adjust drying process to goods', 'mitigate waste of resources', 'monitor filling machines', 'rectify spirits', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'dispose food waste', 'monitor oil blending process', 'apply different dehydration processes of fruits and vegetables', 'examine production samples', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production', 'label samples', 'administer materials to tea bag machines']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
home care aide
haus- und familienpfleger/haus- und familienpflegerin
Home care aides provide personal assistance and promote autonomy, on a daily basis to individuals who are unable to take care of themselves due to illness, ageing or disability. They assist them with personal hygiene, feeding, communication or medication according to the health care professional's instructions.
Haus- und Familienpfleger leisten täglich persönliche Unterstützung und fördern die Autonomie von Personen, die sich aufgrund einer Krankheit, ihres Alters oder einer Behinderung nicht selbst versorgen können. Sie unterstützen sie bei der Körperpflege, der Nahrungsaufnahme, der Kommunikation oder der Medikation gemäß den Anweisungen medizinischer Fachkräfte.
home care aide
['disability care', "older adults' needs", 'disability types', 'first response', 'wash the laundry', 'apply first response', 'provide in-home support for disabled individuals', 'tend to elderly people', 'prepare sandwiches', 'iron textiles', 'buy groceries', 'assist social service users with physical disabilities', 'support social service users to live at home', 'accompany people', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'assist clients with special needs', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'wash the dishes', 'make the beds', "monitor patient's health condition", 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability', 'assist disable passengers', 'keep company', 'visual disability', 'hearing disability', 'mobility disability', 'food allergies', 'prevent domestic accidents', 'communicate with customers', 'assist individuals with disabilities in community activities', 'work ergonomically', 'provide first aid', 'feed pets', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'use food preparation techniques', 'handle linen in stock', 'vacuum surfaces', 'prepare dietary meals', 'clean surfaces', 'provide dog walking services', 'advise on healthy lifestyles', 'clean rooms', 'administer appointments', 'promote healthy lifestyle', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'assess risks for the elderly', 'use cooking techniques', 'promote prevention of social isolation']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
Postmen/Postwomen deliver mails and parcel posts to residences and businesses. They perform mail delivery and collect signatures from the recipients. They perform other duties in connection with mail services from post offices or related organisations.
Postboten stellen Briefe und Paketsendungen an private und geschäftliche Empfänger zu. Sie erledigen die Postzustellung und holen Unterschriften von den Empfängern ein. Außerdem übernehmen sie auch andere Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit Postdiensten bei Postämtern oder verwandten Organisationen.
['geographic areas', 'road traffic laws', 'data protection', 'act reliably', 'ensure the integrity of mail', 'use geographic information systems', 'establish daily priorities', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'handle mail', 'operate mailing information systems', 'analyse travel alternatives', 'interpret traffic signals', 'execute working instructions', 'implement environmental protection measures', 'organise mail deliveries', 'differentiate types of packages', 'communicate with customers', 'drive in urban areas', 'contact customers', 'apply information security policies', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'drive two-wheeled vehicles', "secure sensitive customer's information"]
factory hand
Factory hands assist machine operators and product assemblers. They clean the machines and the working areas. Factory hands make sure supplies and materials are replenished.
Fabrikhilfsarbeiter unterstützen Maschinenbediener und Montagearbeiter. Sie reinigen die Maschinen und Arbeitsbereiche. Fabrikhilfsarbeiter sorgen dafür, dass Vorräte und Materialien nachgefüllt werden.
factory hand
['cleaning products', 'industrial tools', 'cleaning techniques', 'supply machine with appropriate tools', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean surfaces', 'clean equipment', 'supply machine', 'clean building floors', 'quality standards', 'operate grease gun', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'troubleshoot', 'handle delivery of raw materials', 'work safely with machines', 'align components', 'use power tools', 'maintain machinery', 'pack goods', 'operate industrial equipment', 'store goods', 'lift heavy weights', 'handle timber']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Postmen/Postwomen deliver mails and parcel posts to residences and businesses. They perform mail delivery and collect signatures from the recipients. They perform other duties in connection with mail services from post offices or related organisations.
Postboten stellen Briefe und Paketsendungen an private und geschäftliche Empfänger zu. Sie erledigen die Postzustellung und holen Unterschriften von den Empfängern ein. Außerdem übernehmen sie auch andere Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit Postdiensten bei Postämtern oder verwandten Organisationen.
['geographic areas', 'road traffic laws', 'data protection', 'act reliably', 'ensure the integrity of mail', 'use geographic information systems', 'establish daily priorities', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'handle mail', 'operate mailing information systems', 'analyse travel alternatives', 'interpret traffic signals', 'execute working instructions', 'implement environmental protection measures', 'organise mail deliveries', 'differentiate types of packages', 'communicate with customers', 'drive in urban areas', 'contact customers', 'apply information security policies', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'drive two-wheeled vehicles', "secure sensitive customer's information"]
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
hotel porter
Hotel porters welcome guests to accommodation facilities, help them carry their luggage and provide services such as occasional cleaning.
Hotelportiere begrüßen Gäste in einer Unterkunft, unterstützen sie beim Tragen des Gepäcks und erbringen Dienstleistungen wie gelegentliche Reinigung.
hotel porter
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'greet guests', 'maintain customer service', 'assist clients with special needs', 'handle delivered packages', 'handle guest luggage', 'explain features in accommodation venue', 'implement marketing strategies', 'handle customer complaints', 'provide tourism related information', 'provide door security', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean public areas', "park guest's vehicle", 'assist at check-in', 'run errands on behalf of customers', 'implement sales strategies', 'take room service orders', 'detect drug abuse']
Journalists research, verify and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, television and other broadcast media. They cover political, economic, cultural, social and sport events. Journalists must conform to ethical codes such as freedom of speech and right of reply, press law and editorial standards in order to bring objective information.
Journalisten recherchieren, verifizieren und verfassen Reportagen für Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Fernsehen und andere Medien. Sie behandeln politische, wirtschaftliche, kulturelle, soziale und sportliche Ereignisse. Um objektive Informationen zu liefern, müssen Journalisten einen ethischen Verhaltenskodex einhalten, der das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung, das Recht auf Gegendarstellung, das Presserecht und redaktionelle Standards vorschreibt.
['digital journalism', 'interview techniques', 'editorial standards', 'writing techniques', 'spelling', 'grammar', 'copyright legislation', 'participate in editorial meetings', 'study topics', 'evaluate writings in response to feedback', 'interview people', 'stay up to date with social media', 'consult information sources', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'develop professional network', 'follow ethical code of conduct of journalists', 'use specific writing techniques', 'build contacts to maintain news flow', 'write to a deadline', 'follow the news', 'literature', 'political parties', 'election law', 'cultural projects', 'musical instruments', 'political science', 'food materials', 'photography', 'law enforcement', 'political campaigning', 'musical genres', 'art history', 'sport history', 'food science', 'food hygiene rules', 'types of literature genres', 'sports competition information', 'criminal law', 'economics', 'pronunciation techniques', 'history of dance style', 'ICT software specifications', 'multimedia systems', 'rhetoric', 'film studies', 'sport games rules', 'stock market', 'sporting events', 'desktop publishing', 'audio editing software', 'musical theory', 'tax legislation', 'corporate law', 'court procedures', 'press law', 'financial jurisdiction', 'media and information literacy ', 'provide context to news stories', 'ask questions at events', 'edit negatives', 'liaise with cultural partners', 'direct photographic workers', 'analyse market financial trends', 'speak different languages', 'observe new developments in foreign countries', 'do historical research', 'create online news content', 'present arguments persuasively', 'set up photographic equipment', 'follow newspaper house style', 'maintain an artistic portfolio', 'apply desktop publishing techniques', 'check correctness of information', 'attend trade fairs', 'adapt to changing situations', 'study cultures', 'attend book fairs', 'perform video editing', 'select camera apertures', 'analyse trends in the food and beverage industries', 'attend performances', 'proofread text', 'manage writing administration', 'adapt to type of media', 'manage personal finances', 'monitor political conflicts', 'show intercultural awareness', "promote one's writings", 'use word processing software', 'record court procedures', 'rewrite manuscripts', 'meet deadlines', 'perform image editing', 'review unpublished articles', 'liaise with celebrities', 'record multi-track sound', 'watch video and motion picture production products', 'edit digital moving images', 'ensure consistency of published articles', 'manage personal professional development', 'write headlines', 'critically reflect on artistic production processes', 'select photographic equipment', 'address problems critically', 'read books', 'maintain photographic equipment', 'provide written content', 'edit recorded sound', 'use photographic equipment', 'rewrite articles', 'communicate by telephone', 'edit photographs', 'test photographic equipment', 'document interviews', 'show diplomacy', 'follow directions of on-site director', 'present during live broadcasts', 'develop film', 'write captions']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
kitchen assistant
Kitchen assistants assist in the preparation of food and cleaning of the kitchen area.
Küchenhilfen unterstützen bei der Zubereitung von Speisen und der Reinigung des Küchenbereichs.
kitchen assistant
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'monitor stock level', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'use food preparation techniques', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'manage waste', 'maintain customer service', 'work in a hospitality team', 'monitor kitchen supplies', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'work according to recipe', 'store kitchen supplies', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare bakery products', 'cook vegetable products', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish']
vineyard cellar master
Vineyard cellar masters are responsible for vineyard cellars from the entry of grapes to on-site bottling and distribution. They ensure quality at all stages, in compliance with regulations and laws.
Kellermeister sind für Weinkeller verantwortlich, von der Anlieferung der Trauben bis zur Abfüllung des Weins in Flaschen und zum Vertrieb. Sie gewährleisten die Qualität in allen Phasen gemäß den Verordnungen und Gesetzen.
vineyard cellar master
['winery production process', 'health and safety regulations', 'control grape quality', 'manage wine production', 'manage cellar stocks', 'supervise hygiene procedures in agricultural settings', 'manage cellar operations', 'advise on wine quality improvement', 'prepare compressed gas cylinders', 'supervise the wine cellar', 'control wine quality', 'monitor winemaking process', 'train employees', 'clean drink dispense lines', 'crush grapes', 'maintain technical equipment', 'monitor fermentation', 'organic farming', 'manage agricultural staff', 'use different communication channels', 'manage production enterprise', 'ensure proper document management']
accommodation manager
leiter eines beherbergungsbetriebs/leiterin eines beherbergungsbetriebs
Accommodation managers are in charge of managing the operations and overseeing the strategy for a hospitality establishment. They manage human resources, finances, marketing and operations through activities such as supervising the staff, keeping financial records and organising activities.
Leiter von Beherbergungsbetrieben/Leiterinnen von Beherbergungsbetrieben sind in einem Beherbergungsbetrieb für die Betriebsabläufe und die Strategieüberwachung zuständig. Sie verwalten Personal, Finanzen, Marketing und Betriebsabläufe, indem sie u. a. das Personal beaufsichtigen, finanzielle Aufzeichnungen führen und Tätigkeiten organisieren.
accommodation manager
['property management software', 'ensure infrastructure accessibility', 'create solutions to problems', 'implement marketing strategies', 'manage budgets', 'monitor financial accounts', 'manage staff', 'manage different departments in a hospitality establishment', 'manage health and safety standards', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'create annual marketing budget', 'assist at check-in', 'monitor company policy', 'maintain customer service', 'ensure price competitiveness', 'implement sales strategies', 'manage hospitality revenue', 'build business relationships', 'develop strategies for accessibility', 'handle financial transactions', 'local area tourism industry', 'energy conservation', 'train staff to reduce food waste', 'manage inspections of equipment', 'set up pricing strategies', 'greet guests', 'handle customer complaints', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'recruit employees', 'forecast occupancy demand', 'plan shifts of employees', 'design space for religious needs', 'plan health and safety procedures', 'conduct research on food waste prevention', 'develop working procedures', 'develop food waste reduction strategies']
accommodation manager
leiter eines beherbergungsbetriebs/leiterin eines beherbergungsbetriebs
Accommodation managers are in charge of managing the operations and overseeing the strategy for a hospitality establishment. They manage human resources, finances, marketing and operations through activities such as supervising the staff, keeping financial records and organising activities.
Leiter von Beherbergungsbetrieben/Leiterinnen von Beherbergungsbetrieben sind in einem Beherbergungsbetrieb für die Betriebsabläufe und die Strategieüberwachung zuständig. Sie verwalten Personal, Finanzen, Marketing und Betriebsabläufe, indem sie u. a. das Personal beaufsichtigen, finanzielle Aufzeichnungen führen und Tätigkeiten organisieren.
accommodation manager
['property management software', 'ensure infrastructure accessibility', 'create solutions to problems', 'implement marketing strategies', 'manage budgets', 'monitor financial accounts', 'manage staff', 'manage different departments in a hospitality establishment', 'manage health and safety standards', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'create annual marketing budget', 'assist at check-in', 'monitor company policy', 'maintain customer service', 'ensure price competitiveness', 'implement sales strategies', 'manage hospitality revenue', 'build business relationships', 'develop strategies for accessibility', 'handle financial transactions', 'local area tourism industry', 'energy conservation', 'train staff to reduce food waste', 'manage inspections of equipment', 'set up pricing strategies', 'greet guests', 'handle customer complaints', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'recruit employees', 'forecast occupancy demand', 'plan shifts of employees', 'design space for religious needs', 'plan health and safety procedures', 'conduct research on food waste prevention', 'develop working procedures', 'develop food waste reduction strategies']
restaurant manager
Restaurant managers are in charge of managing food and beverage operations in the kitchen and other food and beverage outlets or units in a hospitality establishment.
Restaurantmanager/Restaurantmanagerinnen sind für die Verwaltung der Speise- und Getränketätigkeiten in der Küche und anderen Lebensmittel- und Getränkeabgabestellen in einem Gaststättenbetrieb zuständig.
restaurant manager
['hazard analysis and critical control points', 'waste management', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'train staff to reduce food waste', 'ensure infrastructure accessibility', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'prepare tableware', 'identify suppliers', 'ensure portion control', 'order supplies', 'handle customer complaints', 'monitor financial accounts', 'manage staff', 'ensure maintenance of kitchen equipment', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'set prices of menu items', 'supervise the work of staff on different shifts', 'manage health and safety standards', 'recruit employees', 'manage the customer experience', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'plan menus', "identify customer's needs", 'maintain customer service', 'supervise food quality', 'maximise sales revenues', 'arrange special events', 'manage restaurant service', 'monitor work for special events', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'develop food waste reduction strategies', 'control of expenses', 'train employees', 'manage stock rotation', 'monitor customer service', 'devise special promotions', 'food waste monitoring systems', 'energy conservation', 'inspect table settings', 'monitor the process of wine production', 'manage budgets', 'think creatively about food and beverages', 'keep up with eating out trends', 'enforce alcohol drinking laws', 'evaluate employees', 'create event-specific menus', 'conduct research on food waste prevention', 'mould chocolate', 'compile wine lists', 'develop working procedures', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'apply foreign languages in hospitality', 'create decorative food displays', 'seek innovation in current practices']
kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
footwear stitching machine operator
Footwear stitching machine operators join the cut pieces of leather and other materials to produce the uppers. They use several tools and a wide range of machines such as flat bed, arm and one or two columns. They select threads and needles for the stitching machines, place pieces in the working area, and operate with the machine guiding parts under the needle. They follow seams, edges, markings or moving edges of parts against the guide. Finally, they cut excess thread or material from shoe parts using scissors or dyes.
Schuhstepper fügen die zugeschnittenen Stücke aus Leder und anderen Materialien zusammen, um die Schuhoberteile herzustellen. Sie verwenden verschiedene Werkzeuge und eine breite Palette von Maschinen, wie Flachbett, Arm, eine oder zwei Säulen. Sie wählen Fäden und Nadeln für die Steppmaschinen aus, platzieren Teile im Arbeitsbereich und arbeiten mit den Führungsteilen der Maschine unter der Nadel. Sie folgen Nähten, Rändern oder Markierungen oder bewegen die Ränder entlang der Führung. Schließlich schneiden sie überschüssigen Faden oder überschüssiges Material mit Scheren oder Färbemitteln ab.
footwear stitching machine operator
['pre-stitching processes and techniques for footwear and leather goods', 'footwear equipments', 'footwear materials', 'footwear machinery', 'footwear stitching techniques', 'footwear manufacturing technology', 'footwear quality', 'footwear components', 'apply basic rules of maintenance to leather goods and footwear machinery', 'operate automatic cutting systems for footwear and leather goods', 'apply machine cutting techniques for footwear and leather goods', 'apply stitching techniques', 'apply pre-stitching techniques', 'use manual sewing techniques', 'reduce environmental impact of footwear manufacturing', 'sew pieces of fabric', 'cut footwear uppers']
house sitter
House sitters move in the house of their employers in order to maintain security of the property during their absence. They monitor entrance areas and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the house, inspect conditions of the facility such as plumbing and heating and contact repairers if necessary. House sitters may also do some cleaning activities, forward mail and pay bills.
Haussitter wohnen vorübergehend im Haus ihres Arbeitgebers, um die Sicherheit der Immobilie während dessen Abwesenheit zu wahren. Sie überwachen die Eingangsbereiche und verhindern, dass Unbefugte das Haus betreten. Sie inspizieren den Zustand des Gebäudes, z. B. die Rohrleitungen und die Heizungsanlage, und setzen sich bei Bedarf mit Reparaturbetrieben in Verbindung. Bisweilen übernehmen Haussitter auch Reinigungstätigkeiten, leiten Post weiter und bezahlen Rechnungen.
house sitter
['collect mail', 'follow written instructions', 'promote human rights', 'monitor building security', 'disseminate messages to people', 'register information on arrivals and departures', 'ensure private property security', 'follow verbal instructions', 'credit card payments', 'apply company policies', 'feed pets', 'drive vehicles', 'comply with legal regulations', 'maintain pool cleanliness', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'stay alert', 'provide dog walking services', 'nurse plants', 'clean rooms', 'use gardening equipment', 'provide home pet sitting services ', 'park vehicles', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'communicate by telephone', 'execute inspection walkway']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
house sitter
House sitters move in the house of their employers in order to maintain security of the property during their absence. They monitor entrance areas and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the house, inspect conditions of the facility such as plumbing and heating and contact repairers if necessary. House sitters may also do some cleaning activities, forward mail and pay bills.
Haussitter wohnen vorübergehend im Haus ihres Arbeitgebers, um die Sicherheit der Immobilie während dessen Abwesenheit zu wahren. Sie überwachen die Eingangsbereiche und verhindern, dass Unbefugte das Haus betreten. Sie inspizieren den Zustand des Gebäudes, z. B. die Rohrleitungen und die Heizungsanlage, und setzen sich bei Bedarf mit Reparaturbetrieben in Verbindung. Bisweilen übernehmen Haussitter auch Reinigungstätigkeiten, leiten Post weiter und bezahlen Rechnungen.
house sitter
['collect mail', 'follow written instructions', 'promote human rights', 'monitor building security', 'disseminate messages to people', 'register information on arrivals and departures', 'ensure private property security', 'follow verbal instructions', 'credit card payments', 'apply company policies', 'feed pets', 'drive vehicles', 'comply with legal regulations', 'maintain pool cleanliness', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'stay alert', 'provide dog walking services', 'nurse plants', 'clean rooms', 'use gardening equipment', 'provide home pet sitting services ', 'park vehicles', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'communicate by telephone', 'execute inspection walkway']
wood caulker
Wood caulkers drive oakum into the seams between planking in deck or hull of wooden ships to make them watertight. They mainly use hand tools to heat marine glue and force it into the seams. They can also hammer hemp ropes and cotton lines into the seams and smear hot pitch over them.
Kalfaterer machen Schiffe wasserdicht, indem sie die Nähte zwischen hölzernen Schiffsplanken mit Werg abdichten. Sie verwenden hauptsächlich Handwerkzeuge, um Schiffsklebstoff zu erhitzen und ihn in die Nähte einzubringen. Möglicherweise verwenden sie auch Hanfseile und Baumwolle, die sie dann mit heißem Pech versiegeln.
wood caulker
['traditional wood caulking materials', 'types of wood', 'wood caulking processes', 'calculate materials to build equipment', 'handle chemicals', 'ensure integrity of hull', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean equipment', 'ensure vessel compliance with regulations', 'apply health and safety standards', 'apply preliminary treatment to workpieces', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'use power tools', 'warm marine glue', 'coat seams with hot pitch', 'use caulking tools', 'assist in ship maintenance', 'coat seams with putty', 'operate hot glue gun', 'remove excess glue', 'apply rubber sealant', 'remove old caulking']
metal sawing machine operator
Metal sawing machine operators set up and operate metal sawing machines designed to cut excess metal from a metal workpiece by the use of a (or several) large toothed-edges blade(s). They also trim clean finished shapes out of metal using tin snips, metal shears or wire cutters.  They also smoothen and trim sharp or rough edges using various tools.
Metallsäger übernehmen die Einrichtung und Bedienung von Metallsägemaschinen, die dafür konstruiert sind, mithilfe eines (oder mehrerer) großer Sägeblätter überschüssiges Material von einem Metallwerkstück zu entfernen. Sie schneiden auch fertige Formen aus Metall und verwenden dazu Blechscheren, Metallscheren oder Drahtscheren.  Außerdem glätten sie scharfe oder raue Kanten mithilfe verschiedener Werkzeuge.
metal sawing machine operator
['statistical process control', 'manufacturing processes', 'quality and cycle time optimisation', 'types of metal', 'quality standards', 'types of sawing blades', 'supply machine with appropriate tools', 'remove inadequate workpieces', 'troubleshoot', 'remove processed workpiece', 'operate precision measuring equipment', 'dispose of cutting waste material', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'read standard blueprints', 'ensure equipment availability', 'use CAM software', 'monitor automated machines', 'use automatic programming', 'supply machine', 'program a CNC controller', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'cutting technologies', 'manufacturing of metal structures', 'manufacturing of cutlery', 'electrical engineering', 'ferrous metal processing', 'manufacturing of metal household articles', 'manufacture of small metal parts', 'manufacturing of metal containers', 'manufacturing of metal assembly products', 'manufacturing of steel drums and similar containers', 'manufacturing of heating equipment', 'types of metal manufacturing processes', 'manufacturing of light metal packaging', 'manufacturing of doors from metal', 'manufacturing of weapons and ammunition', 'mechanics', 'manufacturing of tools', 'manufacturing of steam generators', 'work ergonomically', 'inspect quality of products', 'record production data for quality control', 'perform product testing', 'perform test run', 'replace sawing blade on machine', 'monitor conveyor belt', 'apply cross-reference tools for product identification', 'perform machine maintenance', 'advise on machinery malfunctions', 'mark processed workpiece', 'consult technical resources', 'replace machines']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
Accountants review and analyse financial statements, budgets, financial reports, and business plans in order to check for irregularities resulting from error or fraud, and provide their clients with financial advice in matters such as financial forecasting and risk analysis. They may audit financial data, resolve insolvency cases, prepare tax returns and provide other tax-related advice in reference to current legislation.
Controller/Controllerinnen prüfen und analysieren Jahresabschlüsse, Budgets, Finanzberichte und Geschäftspläne auf fehlerbedingte oder betrügerische Unregelmäßigkeiten und beraten ihre Kunden zu Themen wie Finanzprognose und Risikoanalyse. Sie können Finanzdaten prüfen, Insolvenzfälle verwalten, Steuererklärungen erstellen und in Bezug auf die geltenden Rechtsvorschriften weitere Steuerberatung anbieten.
['accounting department processes', 'bookkeeping regulations', 'financial department processes', 'financial statements', 'fraud detection', 'depreciation', 'statistics', 'accounting techniques', 'accounting entries', 'commercial law', 'tax legislation', 'prepare tax returns forms', 'calculate tax', 'perform balance sheet operations', 'interpret financial statements', 'check accounting records', 'prepare financial statements', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'identify accounting errors', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'draft accounting procedures', 'explain accounting records', 'ensure compliance with accounting conventions', 'manage accounts', 'attach accounting certificates to accounting transactions', 'prepare trial accounting balances', 'film production process', 'international financial reporting standards', 'financial forecasting', 'liquidity management', 'insolvency law', 'national generally accepted accounting principles', 'advise on risk management', 'support development of annual budget', 'check the production schedule', 'consult with motion picture producer', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'consult with production director', 'liaise with auditors', 'manage revenue', 'prepare financial auditing reports', 'manage payroll reports', 'evaluate budgets', 'manage corporate bank accounts', 'calculate production costs', 'resolve difficult account allocation cases', 'advise on financial matters', 'perform dunning activities', 'conduct financial audits', 'manage inventory', 'exert expenditure control', 'disseminate information on tax legislation', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'monitor after sales records', 'keep track of expenses', 'handle financial transactions']
office manager
Office managers oversee the administrative work that clerical workers are commissioned to perform in various types of organisations or associations. They perform micromanagement and maintain a close view of administrative processes such as such as controlling correspondence, designing filing systems, reviewing and approving supply requisitions, assigning and monitoring clerical functions. They report to managers within the same department or to general managers in companies, depending on their size.
Büroleiter beaufsichtigen die Tätigkeiten, mit denen Büroangestellte in Organisationen oder Vereinigungen verschiedener Art betraut werden. Sie leisten Mikromanagement und beaufsichtigen kleinteilige Verwaltungsaufgaben, d. h., sie kontrollieren den Schriftverkehr, gestalten Ablagesysteme, prüfen und genehmigen Bestellungen und übernehmen die Zuweisung und Kontrolle von Arbeitsaufgaben im Büro. Je nach Größe des Unternehmens unterstehen sie Managern innerhalb derselben Abteilung oder den Führungskräften des Gesamtunternehmens.
office manager
['cost management', 'office software', 'video conferencing tool', 'give instructions to staff', 'manage needs for stationery items', 'manage staff', 'use different communication channels', 'manage office facility systems', 'use office systems', 'manage administrative systems', 'write work-related reports', 'identify process improvements', 'create a work atmosphere of continuous improvement', 'perform clerical duties', 'manage office appliance requirements', 'analyse staff capacity', 'implement corporate governance', 'labour legislation', 'trade union regulations', 'contract law', 'project management', 'financial capability', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'tax legislation', 'communicate with customers', 'manage budgets', "assess employees' capability levels", 'recruit employees', 'develop classification systems', 'prepare financial statements', 'plan shifts of employees', 'use customer relationship management software', 'maintain contract administration', 'manage accounts', 'train employees', 'revise drafts made by managers']
construction quality manager
fachkraft für qualitätssicherung und -management bau
Construction quality managers make sure the quality of the work meets standards set in the contract, as well as minimum legislative standards. They establish procedures to check quality, perform inspections, and propose solutions to quality shortcomings.
Fachkräfte für Qualitätssicherung und -management Bau sorgen dafür, dass die Qualität der Bauarbeiten den vertraglich vereinbarten Standards entspricht und die gesetzlichen Mindestvorgaben eingehalten werden. Sie führen Verfahren ein, mit denen die Qualität kontrolliert, Inspektionen durchgeführt und Lösungen zur Mängelbehebung vorgeschlagen werden.
construction quality manager
['design principles', 'construction product regulation', 'total quality control', 'energy conservation', 'building materials industry', 'statistical quality control', 'advise on construction materials', 'work ergonomically', 'check compatibility of materials', 'write specifications', 'adjust engineering designs', 'communicate with external laboratories', 'inspect construction supplies', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'keep records of work progress', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'liaise with managers', 'wind energy', 'energy performance of buildings', 'contract law', 'energy efficiency', 'quantity surveying', 'solar products', 'construction methods', 'organise quality circle', 'conduct quality control analysis', 'work in a construction team', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'evaluate budgets', 'test construction material samples', 'make time-critical decisions', 'evaluate employees work', 'supervise staff', 'review construction projects', 'review construction plans authorisations', 'monitor construction site']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
garden labourer
Garden labourers perform simple tasks in cultivating and maintaining flowers, trees and shrubs. This work can take place in either parks or private gardens.
Gartenhilfsarbeiter führen einfache Aufgaben beim Anbau und bei der Pflege von Blumen, Bäumen und Sträuchern durch. Diese Arbeiten können sowohl in Parks als auch in Privatgärten erfolgen.
garden labourer
['soil structure', 'plant species', 'watering principles', 'pest control in plants', 'plant propagation', "maintain plants' growth", 'work in outdoor conditions', 'prepare the ground', 'prepare sites for planting of grass', 'maintain turf and grass', 'prune hedges and trees', 'maintain ground', 'maintain plant soil nutrition', 'nurse plants', 'propagate plants', 'handling chemical products for soil and plants', 'operate hand pruning equipment', 'use gardening equipment', 'plant green plants', 'maintain plant health', 'plant according to guidelines', 'prune plants', 'grow plants', 'prepare planting area', 'operate turf management equipment', 'turf management', 'greenhouse types', 'herbicides sprayers', 'ecology', 'pruning techniques', 'landscaping materials', 'lawn care', 'horticulture principles', 'plant disease control', 'pruning types', 'transport physical resources within the work area', 'build garden masonry', 'assist in interior plant projects', 'de-limb trees', 'establish vertical gardens', 'build fences', 'perform weed control operations', 'maintain turf management equipment', 'establish green roof', 'maintain the greenhouse', 'maintain gardening equipment', 'create garden areas ', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'nurse trees', 'provide lawn care']
Doormen/doorwomen welcome guests to a hospitality establishment and provide additional services related to assistance with luggage, guests' safety whilst ensuring security.
Portiers begrüßen Gäste in einem Hotel- und Gaststättenbetrieb und erbringen zusätzliche Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Unterstützung beim Gepäck und der Sicherheit der Gäste.
['screen clients', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'greet guests', "park guest's vehicle", 'maintain customer service', 'assist clients with special needs', 'detect drug abuse', 'handle customer complaints', 'provide tourism related information', 'provide door security', 'run errands on behalf of customers', 'ensure hotel security', 'handle delivered packages', 'handle guest luggage']
mechatronics assembler
Mechatronics assemblers assemble and maintain complex mechatronic equipment and machines, such as robots, elevators, and advanced home appliances. They build the mechanical, electrical, and electronic components, install software, set the systems in operation, and maintain and repair the components and systems.
Mechatronikmonteure übernehmen die Zusammenstellung und Wartung von komplexen Mechatronikgeräten und Maschinen, wie Robotern, Aufzügen und fortschrittlichen Haushaltsgeräten. Sie bauen die mechanischen, elektrischen und elektronischen Bauteile, installieren Software, richten die Systeme ein und warten und reparieren die Bauteile und Systeme.
mechatronics assembler
['safety engineering', 'quality standards', 'electronics', 'computer equipment', 'mechatronics', 'apply soldering techniques', 'apply assembly techniques', 'monitor machine operations', 'read assembly drawings', 'troubleshoot', 'remove defective products', 'install mechatronic equipment', 'align components', 'read standard blueprints', 'follow standards for machinery safety', 'maintain mechatronic equipment', 'meet deadlines', 'clean components during assembly', 'assemble mechatronic units', 'perform metal work', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'crimping', 'electromechanics', 'microelectronics', 'electronics principles', 'electrical discharge', 'hydraulics', 'computer engineering', 'mechanical engineering', 'ICT system programming', 'instrumentation engineering', 'pneumatics', 'robotics', 'automation technology', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes', 'inspect quality of products', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'measure electrical characteristics', 'measure parts of manufactured products', 'assemble hardware components', 'operate precision measuring equipment', 'test mechatronic units', 'use CAM software', 'assemble robots', 'install automation components', 'assemble machines', 'replace defect components', 'provide power connection from bus bars', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'install blinds drive systems', 'check system parameters against reference values', 'replace machines', 'program firmware', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'adjust manufacturing equipment']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
vehicle maintenance attendant
helfer im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung/helferin im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung
Vehicle maintenance attendants execute basic tasks such as changing oil, changing filters, changing spark plugs at a vehicle maintenance station.
Helfer im Bereich Fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung führen in einer Kfz-Werkstatt einfache Arbeiten wie z. B. Ölwechsel, Filterwechsel und Zündkerzenwechsel aus.
vehicle maintenance attendant
['car controls', 'types of vehicles', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'execute vehicle maintenance', 'identify vehicles service requirements', 'position vehicles for maintenance and repair', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'perform technical tasks with great care', 'ensure client orientation', 'apply health and safety standards', 'execute working instructions', 'perform manual work autonomously', 'carry out improvised vehicle repairs', 'mechanical tools', 'teamwork principles', 'mechanics', 'maintain vehicle records', 'maintain inventory of vehicle cleaning supplies', 'fix minor vehicle scratches', 'drive vehicles', 'order supplies for vehicle maintenance and repair', 'perform minor vehicle repairs', 'process payments', 'report accounts of the professional activity', 'issue sales invoices']
mechatronics assembler
Mechatronics assemblers assemble and maintain complex mechatronic equipment and machines, such as robots, elevators, and advanced home appliances. They build the mechanical, electrical, and electronic components, install software, set the systems in operation, and maintain and repair the components and systems.
Mechatronikmonteure übernehmen die Zusammenstellung und Wartung von komplexen Mechatronikgeräten und Maschinen, wie Robotern, Aufzügen und fortschrittlichen Haushaltsgeräten. Sie bauen die mechanischen, elektrischen und elektronischen Bauteile, installieren Software, richten die Systeme ein und warten und reparieren die Bauteile und Systeme.
mechatronics assembler
['safety engineering', 'quality standards', 'electronics', 'computer equipment', 'mechatronics', 'apply soldering techniques', 'apply assembly techniques', 'monitor machine operations', 'read assembly drawings', 'troubleshoot', 'remove defective products', 'install mechatronic equipment', 'align components', 'read standard blueprints', 'follow standards for machinery safety', 'maintain mechatronic equipment', 'meet deadlines', 'clean components during assembly', 'assemble mechatronic units', 'perform metal work', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'crimping', 'electromechanics', 'microelectronics', 'electronics principles', 'electrical discharge', 'hydraulics', 'computer engineering', 'mechanical engineering', 'ICT system programming', 'instrumentation engineering', 'pneumatics', 'robotics', 'automation technology', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes', 'inspect quality of products', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'measure electrical characteristics', 'measure parts of manufactured products', 'assemble hardware components', 'operate precision measuring equipment', 'test mechatronic units', 'use CAM software', 'assemble robots', 'install automation components', 'assemble machines', 'replace defect components', 'provide power connection from bus bars', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'install blinds drive systems', 'check system parameters against reference values', 'replace machines', 'program firmware', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'adjust manufacturing equipment']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
vehicle maintenance attendant
helfer im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung/helferin im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung
Vehicle maintenance attendants execute basic tasks such as changing oil, changing filters, changing spark plugs at a vehicle maintenance station.
Helfer im Bereich Fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung führen in einer Kfz-Werkstatt einfache Arbeiten wie z. B. Ölwechsel, Filterwechsel und Zündkerzenwechsel aus.
vehicle maintenance attendant
['car controls', 'types of vehicles', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'execute vehicle maintenance', 'identify vehicles service requirements', 'position vehicles for maintenance and repair', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'perform technical tasks with great care', 'ensure client orientation', 'apply health and safety standards', 'execute working instructions', 'perform manual work autonomously', 'carry out improvised vehicle repairs', 'mechanical tools', 'teamwork principles', 'mechanics', 'maintain vehicle records', 'maintain inventory of vehicle cleaning supplies', 'fix minor vehicle scratches', 'drive vehicles', 'order supplies for vehicle maintenance and repair', 'perform minor vehicle repairs', 'process payments', 'report accounts of the professional activity', 'issue sales invoices']
mechatronics assembler
Mechatronics assemblers assemble and maintain complex mechatronic equipment and machines, such as robots, elevators, and advanced home appliances. They build the mechanical, electrical, and electronic components, install software, set the systems in operation, and maintain and repair the components and systems.
Mechatronikmonteure übernehmen die Zusammenstellung und Wartung von komplexen Mechatronikgeräten und Maschinen, wie Robotern, Aufzügen und fortschrittlichen Haushaltsgeräten. Sie bauen die mechanischen, elektrischen und elektronischen Bauteile, installieren Software, richten die Systeme ein und warten und reparieren die Bauteile und Systeme.
mechatronics assembler
['safety engineering', 'quality standards', 'electronics', 'computer equipment', 'mechatronics', 'apply soldering techniques', 'apply assembly techniques', 'monitor machine operations', 'read assembly drawings', 'troubleshoot', 'remove defective products', 'install mechatronic equipment', 'align components', 'read standard blueprints', 'follow standards for machinery safety', 'maintain mechatronic equipment', 'meet deadlines', 'clean components during assembly', 'assemble mechatronic units', 'perform metal work', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'crimping', 'electromechanics', 'microelectronics', 'electronics principles', 'electrical discharge', 'hydraulics', 'computer engineering', 'mechanical engineering', 'ICT system programming', 'instrumentation engineering', 'pneumatics', 'robotics', 'automation technology', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes', 'inspect quality of products', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'measure electrical characteristics', 'measure parts of manufactured products', 'assemble hardware components', 'operate precision measuring equipment', 'test mechatronic units', 'use CAM software', 'assemble robots', 'install automation components', 'assemble machines', 'replace defect components', 'provide power connection from bus bars', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'install blinds drive systems', 'check system parameters against reference values', 'replace machines', 'program firmware', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'adjust manufacturing equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
garden labourer
Garden labourers perform simple tasks in cultivating and maintaining flowers, trees and shrubs. This work can take place in either parks or private gardens.
Gartenhilfsarbeiter führen einfache Aufgaben beim Anbau und bei der Pflege von Blumen, Bäumen und Sträuchern durch. Diese Arbeiten können sowohl in Parks als auch in Privatgärten erfolgen.
garden labourer
['soil structure', 'plant species', 'watering principles', 'pest control in plants', 'plant propagation', "maintain plants' growth", 'work in outdoor conditions', 'prepare the ground', 'prepare sites for planting of grass', 'maintain turf and grass', 'prune hedges and trees', 'maintain ground', 'maintain plant soil nutrition', 'nurse plants', 'propagate plants', 'handling chemical products for soil and plants', 'operate hand pruning equipment', 'use gardening equipment', 'plant green plants', 'maintain plant health', 'plant according to guidelines', 'prune plants', 'grow plants', 'prepare planting area', 'operate turf management equipment', 'turf management', 'greenhouse types', 'herbicides sprayers', 'ecology', 'pruning techniques', 'landscaping materials', 'lawn care', 'horticulture principles', 'plant disease control', 'pruning types', 'transport physical resources within the work area', 'build garden masonry', 'assist in interior plant projects', 'de-limb trees', 'establish vertical gardens', 'build fences', 'perform weed control operations', 'maintain turf management equipment', 'establish green roof', 'maintain the greenhouse', 'maintain gardening equipment', 'create garden areas ', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'nurse trees', 'provide lawn care']
landscape gardener
Landscape gardeners plan, construct, renovate and maintain parks, gardens and public green spaces.
Landschaftsgärtner übernehmen die Planung, das Anlegen, die Sanierung und die Erhaltung von Parks, Gärten und öffentlichen Grünflächen.
landscape gardener
['environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry', 'design principles', 'plant species', 'pest control in plants', 'ecology', 'pruning techniques', 'landscaping materials', 'horticulture principles', 'plant disease control', 'principles of landscape construction', 'pruning types', 'perform pest control', 'work in outdoor conditions', 'transport physical resources within the work area', 'prepare the ground', 'prune hedges and trees', 'maintain ground', 'de-limb trees', 'operate landscaping equipment', 'nurse plants', 'propagate plants', 'handling chemical products for soil and plants', 'use gardening equipment', 'build fences', 'plant green plants', 'perform weed control operations', 'put up signs', 'prune plants', 'grow plants', 'maintain landscape site', 'prepare planting area', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'nurse trees', 'organic farming', 'crop production principles', 'herbicides sprayers', 'agronomy', 'rainwater management', 'manage time in landscaping', 'prepare site for construction', 'work in a landscape team', 'manage agricultural staff', 'prepare flower arrangements', 'build garden masonry', 'assist in interior plant projects', 'lead hard landscape projects', 'establish vertical gardens', 'manage rainwater', 'make decisions regarding landscaping', 'develop architectural plans', 'establish green roof', 'supervise landscape projects', 'create garden areas ', 'manage landscape design projects']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
Postmen/Postwomen deliver mails and parcel posts to residences and businesses. They perform mail delivery and collect signatures from the recipients. They perform other duties in connection with mail services from post offices or related organisations.
Postboten stellen Briefe und Paketsendungen an private und geschäftliche Empfänger zu. Sie erledigen die Postzustellung und holen Unterschriften von den Empfängern ein. Außerdem übernehmen sie auch andere Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit Postdiensten bei Postämtern oder verwandten Organisationen.
['geographic areas', 'road traffic laws', 'data protection', 'act reliably', 'ensure the integrity of mail', 'use geographic information systems', 'establish daily priorities', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'handle mail', 'operate mailing information systems', 'analyse travel alternatives', 'interpret traffic signals', 'execute working instructions', 'implement environmental protection measures', 'organise mail deliveries', 'differentiate types of packages', 'communicate with customers', 'drive in urban areas', 'contact customers', 'apply information security policies', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'drive two-wheeled vehicles', "secure sensitive customer's information"]
printed circuit board assembler
Printed circuit board assemblers read blueprints and drawings to assemble printed circuit boards. They use hand- and automated soldering tools and machines to connect electronic components to the board.
Leiterplattenbestücker lesen technische Pläne und Zeichnungen für die Bestückung von Leiterplatten. Sie verwenden manuelle und automatisierte Lötwerkzeuge und Maschinen, um elektronische Bauteile an der Platte zu befestigen.
printed circuit board assembler
['integrated circuits', 'printed circuit boards', 'through-hole technology', 'electronics', 'semiconductors', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'solder components onto electronic board', 'operate insertion mount machine', 'read assembly drawings', 'ensure public safety and security', 'assemble printed circuit boards', 'meet deadlines', 'coat printed circuit board', 'prepare board for soldering', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'apply through-hole technology manually', '3D printing process', 'printing on large scale machines', 'printed circuit boards testing methods', 'printing techniques', 'microelectronics', 'electroplating', 'printing materials', 'IPC standards', 'maintenance operations', 'surface-mount technology', 'electrochemistry', 'microprocessors', 'maintenance of printing machines', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'determine suitability of materials', 'oversee logistics of finished products', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'use diagnostic tools for electronic repairs', 'check for solder defects', 'pack electronic equipment', 'test microelectronics', 'operate wave soldering machine', 'maintain microelectronics', 'replace defect components', 'operate printing machinery', 'clean components during assembly', 'clean printed circuit board', 'operate SMT placement equipment', 'keep records of work progress', 'test printed circuit boards', 'operate precision machinery', 'operate 3D computer graphics software']
printed circuit board assembler
Printed circuit board assemblers read blueprints and drawings to assemble printed circuit boards. They use hand- and automated soldering tools and machines to connect electronic components to the board.
Leiterplattenbestücker lesen technische Pläne und Zeichnungen für die Bestückung von Leiterplatten. Sie verwenden manuelle und automatisierte Lötwerkzeuge und Maschinen, um elektronische Bauteile an der Platte zu befestigen.
printed circuit board assembler
['integrated circuits', 'printed circuit boards', 'through-hole technology', 'electronics', 'semiconductors', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'solder components onto electronic board', 'operate insertion mount machine', 'read assembly drawings', 'ensure public safety and security', 'assemble printed circuit boards', 'meet deadlines', 'coat printed circuit board', 'prepare board for soldering', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'apply through-hole technology manually', '3D printing process', 'printing on large scale machines', 'printed circuit boards testing methods', 'printing techniques', 'microelectronics', 'electroplating', 'printing materials', 'IPC standards', 'maintenance operations', 'surface-mount technology', 'electrochemistry', 'microprocessors', 'maintenance of printing machines', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'determine suitability of materials', 'oversee logistics of finished products', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'use diagnostic tools for electronic repairs', 'check for solder defects', 'pack electronic equipment', 'test microelectronics', 'operate wave soldering machine', 'maintain microelectronics', 'replace defect components', 'operate printing machinery', 'clean components during assembly', 'clean printed circuit board', 'operate SMT placement equipment', 'keep records of work progress', 'test printed circuit boards', 'operate precision machinery', 'operate 3D computer graphics software']
printed circuit board assembler
Printed circuit board assemblers read blueprints and drawings to assemble printed circuit boards. They use hand- and automated soldering tools and machines to connect electronic components to the board.
Leiterplattenbestücker lesen technische Pläne und Zeichnungen für die Bestückung von Leiterplatten. Sie verwenden manuelle und automatisierte Lötwerkzeuge und Maschinen, um elektronische Bauteile an der Platte zu befestigen.
printed circuit board assembler
['integrated circuits', 'printed circuit boards', 'through-hole technology', 'electronics', 'semiconductors', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'solder components onto electronic board', 'operate insertion mount machine', 'read assembly drawings', 'ensure public safety and security', 'assemble printed circuit boards', 'meet deadlines', 'coat printed circuit board', 'prepare board for soldering', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'apply through-hole technology manually', '3D printing process', 'printing on large scale machines', 'printed circuit boards testing methods', 'printing techniques', 'microelectronics', 'electroplating', 'printing materials', 'IPC standards', 'maintenance operations', 'surface-mount technology', 'electrochemistry', 'microprocessors', 'maintenance of printing machines', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'determine suitability of materials', 'oversee logistics of finished products', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'use diagnostic tools for electronic repairs', 'check for solder defects', 'pack electronic equipment', 'test microelectronics', 'operate wave soldering machine', 'maintain microelectronics', 'replace defect components', 'operate printing machinery', 'clean components during assembly', 'clean printed circuit board', 'operate SMT placement equipment', 'keep records of work progress', 'test printed circuit boards', 'operate precision machinery', 'operate 3D computer graphics software']
printed circuit board assembler
Printed circuit board assemblers read blueprints and drawings to assemble printed circuit boards. They use hand- and automated soldering tools and machines to connect electronic components to the board.
Leiterplattenbestücker lesen technische Pläne und Zeichnungen für die Bestückung von Leiterplatten. Sie verwenden manuelle und automatisierte Lötwerkzeuge und Maschinen, um elektronische Bauteile an der Platte zu befestigen.
printed circuit board assembler
['integrated circuits', 'printed circuit boards', 'through-hole technology', 'electronics', 'semiconductors', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'solder components onto electronic board', 'operate insertion mount machine', 'read assembly drawings', 'ensure public safety and security', 'assemble printed circuit boards', 'meet deadlines', 'coat printed circuit board', 'prepare board for soldering', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'apply through-hole technology manually', '3D printing process', 'printing on large scale machines', 'printed circuit boards testing methods', 'printing techniques', 'microelectronics', 'electroplating', 'printing materials', 'IPC standards', 'maintenance operations', 'surface-mount technology', 'electrochemistry', 'microprocessors', 'maintenance of printing machines', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'determine suitability of materials', 'oversee logistics of finished products', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'use diagnostic tools for electronic repairs', 'check for solder defects', 'pack electronic equipment', 'test microelectronics', 'operate wave soldering machine', 'maintain microelectronics', 'replace defect components', 'operate printing machinery', 'clean components during assembly', 'clean printed circuit board', 'operate SMT placement equipment', 'keep records of work progress', 'test printed circuit boards', 'operate precision machinery', 'operate 3D computer graphics software']
logistics and distribution manager
logistik- und vertriebsmanager/logistik- und vertriebsmanagerin
Logistics and distribution managers take decisions on logistic services, operations and provisions. They take internal and external variables into consideration for effective and successful organisational logistic services. They give appropriate support to all the activities of the supply chain from the beginning to the end. These professionals organise the storage and distribution of goods and ensure that the right products are delivered to the right location on time and at a good cost.
Logistik- und Vertriebsmanager/Logistik- und Vertriebsmanagerinnen treffen Entscheidungen über logistische Dienstleistungen, Abläufe und Bestimmungen. Sie berücksichtigen interne und externe Variablen für eine wirksame und erfolgreiche Logistik. Sie unterstützen alle Tätigkeiten der gesamten Lieferkette auf angemessene Weise. Logistik- und Vertriebsmanager/-managerinnen organisieren die Lagerung und den Vertrieb von Waren und stellen sicher, dass die richtigen Produkte rechtzeitig und kostengünstig an den richtigen Ort geliefert werden.
logistics and distribution manager
['warehouse operations', 'regulations for international transportation', 'safety regulations for warehouses', 'freight transport methods', 'types of packaging used in industrial shipments', 'e-commerce systems', 'supply chain management', 'coordinate dock operations', 'give instructions to staff', 'liaise with transportation companies', 'attend to detail in preparation for audits', 'manage staff', 'analyse relation between supply chain improvement and profit', 'analyse business plans', 'direct logistical functions', 'control reorder points', 'provide operational efficiency training to employees', 'manage dispatch software systems', 'communicate with shipment forwarders', 'analyse supply chain strategies', 'liaise with colleagues', 'create a work atmosphere of continuous improvement', 'conduct full-scale emergency plan exercises', 'handle stressful situations in the work place', 'analyse supply chain trends', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'consider economic criteria in decision making', 'comply with checklists', 'anticipate the overhaul of the fleet', 'manage the fleet according to planned operations', 'develop efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'manage transport of goods from warehouse facilities', 'solve operational transport problems', 'work in a logistics team', 'transportation methods', 'cooperate with colleagues', 'oversee warehouse value-added activities', 'manage budgets', 'use different communication channels', 'check dangerous goods transport unit', 'identify software for warehouse management', 'coordinate export transportation activities', 'have computer literacy', 'liaise with port users', 'improve rail service delivery', 'coordinate import transportation activities']
house sitter
House sitters move in the house of their employers in order to maintain security of the property during their absence. They monitor entrance areas and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the house, inspect conditions of the facility such as plumbing and heating and contact repairers if necessary. House sitters may also do some cleaning activities, forward mail and pay bills.
Haussitter wohnen vorübergehend im Haus ihres Arbeitgebers, um die Sicherheit der Immobilie während dessen Abwesenheit zu wahren. Sie überwachen die Eingangsbereiche und verhindern, dass Unbefugte das Haus betreten. Sie inspizieren den Zustand des Gebäudes, z. B. die Rohrleitungen und die Heizungsanlage, und setzen sich bei Bedarf mit Reparaturbetrieben in Verbindung. Bisweilen übernehmen Haussitter auch Reinigungstätigkeiten, leiten Post weiter und bezahlen Rechnungen.
house sitter
['collect mail', 'follow written instructions', 'promote human rights', 'monitor building security', 'disseminate messages to people', 'register information on arrivals and departures', 'ensure private property security', 'follow verbal instructions', 'credit card payments', 'apply company policies', 'feed pets', 'drive vehicles', 'comply with legal regulations', 'maintain pool cleanliness', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'stay alert', 'provide dog walking services', 'nurse plants', 'clean rooms', 'use gardening equipment', 'provide home pet sitting services ', 'park vehicles', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'communicate by telephone', 'execute inspection walkway']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
cabinet maker
Cabinet makers build cabinets or other pieces of furniture by cutting, shaping and fitting pieces of wood. They use different kind of power and hand tools, such as lathes, planers and saws.
Tischler bauen Schränke oder andere Möbelstücke, indem sie Holz zuschneiden, formen und einpassen. Sie verwenden verschiedene Arten von Elektrowerkzeugen und Handwerkzeugen, z. B. Drehmaschinen, Hobel und Sägen.
cabinet maker
['furniture trends', 'woodturning', 'technical drawings', 'construction products', 'sanding techniques', 'wood products', 'types of wood', 'join wood elements', 'create smooth wood surface', 'repair furniture frames', 'apply a protective layer', 'sand wood', 'design original furniture', 'tend boring machine', 'clean wood surface', 'create furniture frames', 'design objects to be crafted', 'operate drilling equipment', 'apply wood finishes', 'operate wood sawing equipment', 'organic building materials', 'engraving technologies', 'CAD software', 'furniture industry', 'pass on trade techniques', 'engrave patterns', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'clean furniture', 'manipulate metal', 'apply colour coats', 'fix minor scratches', 'stain wood', 'carve materials', 'manipulate glass', 'dye wood', 'sell household goods', 'create mock-ups', 'use CAD software', 'use substitute materials', 'sell furniture', 'repair furniture parts', 'decorate furniture', 'prepare furniture for application of paint']
telephone switchboard operator
telefonist telefonzentrale/telefonistin telefonzentrale
Telephone switchboard operators establish telephone connections by using switchboards and consoles. They also answer customer inquiries and service problem reports.
Telefonisten Telefonzentrale stellen über Schalttafeln und Konsolen Telefonverbindungen her. Darüber hinaus beantworten sie Kundenanfragen und Problemmeldungen.
telephone switchboard operator
['electronic communication', 'use computer telephony integration', 'answer incoming calls', 'use communication devices', 'redirect callers', 'maintain telephony system', 'communicate by telephone', 'ICT communications protocols', 'concepts of telecommunications', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'greet guests', 'install electronic communication equipment', 'implement a virtual private network', "respond to customers' inquiries", "monitor communication channels' performance"]
factory hand
Factory hands assist machine operators and product assemblers. They clean the machines and the working areas. Factory hands make sure supplies and materials are replenished.
Fabrikhilfsarbeiter unterstützen Maschinenbediener und Montagearbeiter. Sie reinigen die Maschinen und Arbeitsbereiche. Fabrikhilfsarbeiter sorgen dafür, dass Vorräte und Materialien nachgefüllt werden.
factory hand
['cleaning products', 'industrial tools', 'cleaning techniques', 'supply machine with appropriate tools', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean surfaces', 'clean equipment', 'supply machine', 'clean building floors', 'quality standards', 'operate grease gun', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'troubleshoot', 'handle delivery of raw materials', 'work safely with machines', 'align components', 'use power tools', 'maintain machinery', 'pack goods', 'operate industrial equipment', 'store goods', 'lift heavy weights', 'handle timber']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
kitchen assistant
Kitchen assistants assist in the preparation of food and cleaning of the kitchen area.
Küchenhilfen unterstützen bei der Zubereitung von Speisen und der Reinigung des Küchenbereichs.
kitchen assistant
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'monitor stock level', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'use food preparation techniques', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'manage waste', 'maintain customer service', 'work in a hospitality team', 'monitor kitchen supplies', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'work according to recipe', 'store kitchen supplies', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare bakery products', 'cook vegetable products', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish']
residential home adult care worker
sozialbetreuer in betreuungseinrichtung für erwachsene/sozialbetreuerin in betreuungseinrichtung für erwachsene
Residential home adult care workers counsel and support vulnerable adults who have physical or mental disabilities or addiction issues. They monitor their progress and provide them with care in a positive living environment. They work with families to support individuals' development and meet their needs.
Sozialbetreuer in Betreuungseinrichtung für Erwachsene betreuen und unterstützen schutzbedürftige Erwachsene mit körperlichen oder geistigen Behinderungen oder Suchtproblemen. Sie überwachen ihre Fortschritte und sorgen dafür, dass sie in einem positiven Lebensumfeld versorgt werden. Sie arbeiten mit Familien zusammen, um die Entwicklung der Einzelnen zu unterstützen und ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
residential home adult care worker
['customer service', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'support harmed social service users', 'provide social counselling', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'assist individuals with disabilities in community activities', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'support social service users in skills management', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', "monitor service users' health", 'undertake risk assessment of social service users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', "support social service users' positiveness", 'maintain privacy of service users', 'support service users in developing skills', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', 'encourage social service users to preserve their independence in their daily activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'assist social service users with physical disabilities', 'relate empathetically', 'support service users to use technological aids', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'tolerate stress', 'refer service users to community resources', 'apply organisational techniques', 'communicate with social service users', 'support social service users with specific communication needs', 'assist social service users in formulating complaints', 'maintain the trust of service users', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'comply with legislation in social services', 'build helping relationship with social service users']