In our business, we see the signs of progress
all around us. Whether it’s saving water and
energy or reducing waste and greenhouse
gas emissions, there’s a growing realization
that these priorities go hand in hand with
business growth and profitability.
We all must work together to make the
most of this opportunity. If we seize it
now, we can build an economy that offers
sustainable growth for all without creating
additional harm to our planet.
At Ecolab, we are privileged to help drive
these positive developments forward.
Our expertise puts us at the crossroads
of global macro trends. Around the world,
we help our customers
deal with the demands
of population
growth, economic
growth, urbanization,
changing consumer
habits, climate change
and water scarcity.
We do this in ways
big and small, from
providing a more water- and energyefficient dishmachine program to your
favorite restaurant to reducing water
for steel mills, car manufacturers and
power plants. In each case, we help our
customers work more efficiently and
reduce costs, while lowering their impact
on the environment and saving energy
and natural resources.
In 2018, we helped our customers around
the world save 188 billion gallons of water,
equivalent to the annual drinking water
needs of 650 million people. We are on
our way to achieving our 2030 goal of
saving 300 billion gallons, enough for
one billion people. We also helped customers
save 19 trillion British thermal units (BTUs)
of energy, avoid 2.4 billion pounds of
greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate
54 million pounds of waste.
We can do that because of our mix of
service, expertise, insights and innovation.
Using connected digital technology and
data science, we can do things that were
simply impossible just a few years ago.
Today, for instance, we have 40,000 of
our connected 3D TRASAR™ smart water
sensors deployed worldwide, across a host
of industries. Thanks to that network, we
can spot trends that were previously
invisible and address problems before
they happen. That helps our customers
adjust to changing
circumstances in real-time,
boost efficiency and minimize
their environmental impacts.
By the nature of our work,
we help companies achieve
their sustainability goals.
In the aggregate, this
moves the world closer
to the ambition of
UN Sustainable Development Goal 6:
Ensuring access to clean water and
sanitation for all.
Meanwhile, we are steadily improving
sustainability within our own operations.
We are making systematic investments
in reducing, reusing and recycling water
at our plants around the world. Building
on steady efficiency gains, we are closing
in on our greenhouse gas emissions
reduction goal of 10 percent by 2020,
and thanks to a renewable power deal
that we closed in 2018, we are set to
surpass it significantly.
At the same time, we kept more than
71 million pounds of plastic out of landfills
in the last five years. We did that by using
recycled plastic instead of virgin resin
and by thinking constantly about how we
can design our products more efficiently.
One example: using concentrated solid
chemistries in shrink wrap instead of bulky
liquids in large containers, which reduces
plastic needed for packaging by 99 percent.
Given what I see at Ecolab and beyond, I
am optimistic that we can collectively forge
a sustainable path forward. Much of the
technology we need to continue to innovate
is here today. Now is the time to step up