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Coronavirus' Weird Trip Inside Cells Might Be Its Undoing, Scientists Say
MONDAY, Aug. 24, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- The COVID-19 coronavirus uses an unusually complex method to replicate itself inside human cells, and experts say the somewhat clunky process could be exploited to stop the virus in its tracks.
All viruses hijack the biological processes of an infected cell to pull together the different proteins needed to make copies of themselves.
But the COVID-19 virus -- SARS-CoV-2 -- makes a stop along the way that's a head-scratcher for scientists.
It's widely known now that the virus infects cells using a spiky receptor "that is widely distributed to multiple tissue types," said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore. "This may explain its ability to impact multiple organ systems beyond the respiratory tract, to which other coronaviruses are largely restricted."
After infection, the coronavirus -- which is 1/100th the size of an average human cell -- uses two-thirds of its genetic material inside the cell to replicate. The hijacked cell reads the virus' genetic map and starts making the proteins needed to assemble new copies of SARS-CoV-2.
At this point, things get weird.
Instead of emerging straight from the cell's membrane, new SARS-CoV-2 viruses stop at a pancake-like structure inside the cell called the Golgi complex.
The Golgi complex acts as a kind of post office for the cell, sorting and processing proteins and sending them along to their final destination after encasing them in a protective coating called a vesicle.
SARS-CoV-2 viruses slip through the Golgi membrane, fully assembling there and using a piece of the membrane to form its protective outer envelope. The Golgi complex then encases each virus in a vesicle and ships it to the cell surface.
Thus, SARS-CoV-2 emerges from the cell as a fully complete virus, unlike other types of virus that assemble themselves as they emerge by stealing a piece of the cell membrane on the way out, said researcher Carolyn Machamer, a professor of cell biology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
"We're trying to understand the benefit for the virus, because it's a very inefficient way of getting out of the cell," she said. "Viruses are so streamlined, and they can mutate. If the process wasn't advantageous, the virus would be doing it a different way."
What makes this mystery harder to understand is that the Golgi complex is acidic, and potentially could damage the spiky proteins that the COVID-19 virus uses to infect healthy cells.
But the coronavirus appears to have figured out a way to neutralize the pH of the Golgi body so it can obtain its vesicle coating without damaging these spikes, the researchers said.
Ultimately, each infected cell can release millions of copies of a virus before the cell finally breaks down and dies.
These extra steps -- the trip through the Golgi complex and then emergence from the cell -- are promising targets for future drugs aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19, Machamer said.
Current COVID-19 drugs like remdesivir work by blocking the replication process inside the cell, or help the body's organs and systems by reducing inflammation.
"We don't have anything for the later steps, where the virus assembles and then makes it way out of the cell," Machamer said.
"Treatments for SARS-CoV-2 attack various points of the cycle it takes in entering and traversing cells, as do treatments for all viruses," he said.
These traits in SARS-CoV-2 replication have been seen in other viruses, but have come together in a unique way for the new coronavirus, researchers said.
Some viruses also use the Golgi complex in the assembly process, the most well-known being the German measles virus, rubella. Others like West Nile and hepatitis C emerge fully formed from the cell like SARS-CoV-2, but use a different method of assembly, Machamer said.
In this video, Johns Hopkins outlines the cellular processes involved:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about COVID-19.
SOURCES: Amesh Adalja, M.D., senior scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security; Carolyn Machamer, Ph.D., professor, cell biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
President Donald Trump AP
The Supreme Court on Monday formally refused to put on a fast track election challenges filed by President Donald Trump and his allies.
The court rejected pleas for quick consideration of cases involving the outcome in five states won by President-elect Joe Biden: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The orders, issued without comment, were unsurprising. The justices had previously taken no action in those cases in advance of last week's counting of the electoral votes in Congress, which confirmed Biden's victory.
The court still could act on appeals related to the Nov. 3 election later this winter or in the spring. Several justices had expressed interest in a Pennsylvania case involving the state Supreme Court's decision to extend the deadline for receipt of mailed ballots by three days, over the opposition of the Republican-controlled legislature.
But even if the court were to take up an election-related case, it probably wouldn't hear arguments until the fall. |
New Global English Course for Multilingual Students to Run this Fall
Engl 015.110 Global English schedule #483664 T R 1:00-2:15 144 Fenske Bldg. Contact 814-863-0258
Designed as a pilot research experiment, this class is catered primarily towards multilingual students (e.g. multilingual domestic students, international students whose first language is not English, and students with an international background etc.). Considering the student demographic, the class is going to be developed around the theme of “The Globalization of English.” For your information, here is a brief course description,
The Globalization of English is an academic reading and writing course for multilingual students, especially those who are not native speakers of English or who consider English to be their weaker language. This course is structured around fundamental rhetorical concepts derived from Aristotle. Meanwhile, it emphasizes reading comprehension strategies for reading a variety of text types in English (e.g. textbook chapters, popular press arguments, interview transcripts, and academic journal articles). The reading materials have been selected to help students view the globalization of English more critically. Throughout the semester, students will use these sources to produce five academic genres: literacy autobiography, critical summary, annotated bibliography, synthesis argument, and proposal argument—always in consideration of rhetorical principles. All the assignments feature students’ individual understanding of English becoming a global phenomenon. The course introduces students to readers’ expectations for North American rhetorical style at the sentence, paragraph, and whole text or genre levels. Within the course, we will discuss genre and linguistic norms for writing in academic English so that writers can connect with their readers.
If interested please contact 814-863-0258 to be added to the class. |
"SenseAbility: Art and Design Education are Bringing Beauty Back to the Basics"
Sense of beauty is one kind of literacy, aesthetic education is part of a holistic education, and the Ministry of Education has been promoting aesthetic education for the last five years. “Each Lesson in Life”, an exhibition devoted to achievements in aesthetic education, was held from August 2 to September 9, 2018 at Taipei’s Huashan 1914 Creative Park and the Kaohsiung Pier 2 Art Center. This exhibition included the on- the-spot, creative explorations of around one hundred teachers and students, and works of eight aesthetic practitioners. The exhibition conveyed the idea of “aesthetic education begins with personal feelings”.
Taiwan is a very special place: we have delicacies, sky lanterns and high density of convenience stores; it is also a happy place: our society is safe; our people pay attention to environmental protection and value good manners. But is it possible for us to make a “sense of beauty” the true essence and foundation of our Taiwanese identity and our happiness? Based on this idea, around a hundred of teachers and students have been experimenting with new ways to make our lives better in this new era.
“Everyone loves beautiful things,” said C. David Tseng, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Chiao-Tung University and involved in the implementation of this project. “Instead of seeing aesthetic education as a less important ‘subject’ within the 5 Ways of Life (moral education, intellectual education, physical education, social education and aesthetic education), it is better to see a sense of beauty as something that can encourage learning, and literacy as something which can integrate what students have learned in different disciplines. For example, “sense of beauty-intelligence” refers to the ability to see the problems and overcome them, which is an essential goal of our current educational system.” Dean Tseng pointed out that the White Paper on Education recently published by Harvard University saw this ability as being essential to science and technology education; however, this “different” approach to education needs to be further studied and developed. On-site documentary film demonstrates the achievements of Taiwanese teachers and students who had participated in the "aesthetic education" experiment.
For example, “If Memory Has Color” tells the story of teachers at Xiyu Junior High School in rural Penghu County, who had to face the fact that students needed to leave their hometown in order to study and earn a living after graduating. Hoping that students would not forget their hometown, the teachers encouraged them to take inspiration from the ocean they could see every day, and advised them to create memory puzzles using keen observation and bold colors.
The pursuit of beauty and aesthetics can generate strength because it makes us think further: for example, will we still remember the beauty of our hometown when we grow up? What features might make Penghu or even Taiwan still more beautiful? Could it be new colors, new scents carried in the air? Can we easily tell our foreign friends what we best remember about the beauty of our hometown? How can we make “beauty” an important feature and source of happiness for Taiwan in the future?
Guided by aesthetic education seed teachers and through their everyday observations, their experience of beauty and their creativity, young Taiwanese students created works inspired by colors in the hometown, form of plants, uniform materials, storage in the classroom, foods and festivals, and magazines in life. The exhibition combined “concept”, “teaching method” and “course design” through education rationale, learning tools, documentaries, informational images, and results of experiments and of the professional practice of students and teachers. A true journey of discovery, exploration and creation was undertaken.
Things we encounter in our daily life may inspire us and help to develop our sense of beauty. Again, this exhibition’s theme was “Aesthetics: life and learning”, and it often pointed out that beautiful things can be the driving force of learning. Through observation, exploration and practice across academic disciplines, a sense of beauty can become a vital tool for future academic learning and self-learning.
The improvement of the sense of beauty was a progress in education and methodology. In addition to demonstrating the achievements of "aesthetic education", there were also various workshops to directly let the public get in touch with the new aesthetic education, thus shorten the distance between the arts and the general public. It showed that aesthetics, the understanding and appreciation of beauty in all its forms, is like science as it is immediately self-evident and self-verifying. |
Learn How to Stop being Stuck
Learn Vocabulary So You Can Recall
AND Use What You Learn
A short clip explaining that by stopping this one practice you ARE going to improve your capacity to recall and use the words you learn.
This follow up clip to the one on the left explains what kind of practices enable you to recall and use words you learn.
Understanding Learning (&Teaching) Pronunciation
(in ways that focus on the learning process)
These 4 clips all show examples of how learners, by using their own powers of attention, awareness and perception can work out how to improve their own pronunciation.
Everyone can learn these skills and use them for themselves without the use of a teacher. A skilled teacher who understands this kind of learning can provide the conditions where you learn these skills.
3 Elements to Success
plus the secret spice!
This series of clips explores the 3 key elements to success. Without all three fully working and visible your chances of success can fall a lot.
There is also a secret spice that you need to add to all 3 to make sure they are all working at maximum efficiency! |
My swirling wants. Your frozen lips.
The grammar turned and attacked me.
Themes, written under duress.
Emptiness of the notations.
They gave me a drug that slowed the healing of wounds.
I want you to see this before I leave:
the experience of repetition as death
the failure of criticism to locate the pain
the poster in the bus that said:
my bleeding is under control
A red plant in a cemetary of plastic wreaths.
A last attempt: the language is a dialect called metaphor.
These images go unglossed: hair, glacier, flashlight.
When I think of a landscape I am thinking of a time.
When I talk of taking a trip I mean forever.
I could say: those mountains have a meaning
but further than that I could not say.
To do something very common, in my own way. |
Welcome to the first EOSC Association Newsletter. Coming out each month the newsletter will provide the EOSC community with an update on the developments inside the Association, updates from the Advisory Groups and Task Forces and showcase activities across the broader EOSC ecosystem.
In this month’s edition, we cover the EOSC co-programmed partnership which will pave the way for advancing EOSC as the research foundation of the industry-driven European Data Spaces that focus on various sectors relevant for society. We’ll also introduce the call for members of the EOSC Task Forces. We’ll have information on the newly launched EOSC-related Horizon Europe Calls and be honing in on some of the main outputs of the recent EOSC Symposium. |
As part of the Coastal Resilience and Needs Assessments project (CORENA), over 300 species were observed during a 12 day biodiversity assessment in St. Maarten with the objective to provide information to guide sustainable habitat management and responsible future development.
Please welcome Mr. Delroy de Lain who has joined the foundation Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) Sint Maarten under contract as Program Manager, where he will coordinate a variety of research, education, and conservation projects.
A new project aims to assess key land areas for biodiversity on St. Maarten. The foundation Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) has been selected to conduct the terrestrial baseline biodiversity assessment, as part of the CORENA project. The CORENA project (Coastal Resilience and Needs Assessments) was initiated by the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial […]
While protecting seabird nesting islands is of utmost importance, and a goal of EPIC programs in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, we also need to understand where the birds find food and protect those areas.
Once again, EPIC will be offering a mobile sewage pumpout service for boats in Sint Maarten.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has chosen the U.S. Virgin Islands (VI) to receive nearly $700,000 in funding under EPA’s Environmental Justice in Communities program to assist restaurants, bars, food trucks and other food service companies to cut waste.
EPIC colleague and valuable team member Anderson Jean was awarded the prestigious Stanford University Bright Award in a ceremony on the Stanford campus, California in June 2023.
Enjoy the first in our new e-guide series about the Caribbean region, EPIC’s “Top 10 Coolest Caribbean Creatures!” E-guides are a fun way to learn, appreciate, and share information about the region’s most interesting natural and cultural heritage. We hope it will inspire YOU to support and respect the unique Caribbean.
A recent expedition to Dominica, as part of EPIC’s ongoing efforts to find new Black-capped Petrel nesting locations, was aided by a sniffer dog named Africa and her handler. Sniffer dogs can be trained to find all sorts of things, including burrow-nesting birds like petrels. Yet, two hundred years ago in Dominica, pet dogs used by colonists led to the disappearance of petrels who were hunted for food. Will dogs that once hurt the petrel population on Dominica be the helpers that discover their elusive nesting grounds so that they can be protected in the future?
The Caribbean Brown Pelican is the national bird of St. Maarten. There have been alarming reports of sick and dying birds, along with declining numbers in recent years. Concerned about the health of this important seabird, EPIC is researching the status of the island’s Pelicans and promoting their protection.
An exciting expedition to Dominica, using a sniffer dog for the first time, to try to discover nesting Black-capped Petrels, which so far have only been found to nest on Hispaniola.
Safe, clean, and affordable drinking water is not readily accessible to school children, or the wider community, in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) due to a complex set of factors. Children must bring single-use plastic water bottles to school daily to stay hydrated in the warm climate, which is costly and further exposes them to […]
Co-Founder of the leading Haitian conservation organization Action pour la Sauvegarde de l’Ecologie en Haiti (ACSEH) and Environmental Protection in the Caribbean’s (EPIC) Haiti Project Manager for the Black-capped Petrel Conservation Program, Anderson Jean, has been chosen as the 2022 Bright Award Winner. The Bright Award is given annually to an “individual who has made significant contributions in the environmental preservation and sustainability area.”
Caribbean seabird field work is rarely without its challenges: rough seas, foul weather, impenetrable thickets of thorny bushes, and brutal heat. Now we can add festivals to our list! We do this vital work because we care about seabirds and want to ensure they are here for generations to come.
At sunset, off the island of Hispaniola, an adult Black-capped Petrel circles over the Caribbean Sea, waiting for darkness. It’s under the cover of darkness that this species flies inland and heads to its nesting grounds on the high forested peaks of the island. Some nights the petrels will accidently strike hazards, falling to the ground stunned, often never being able to continue their journey to the nesting grounds.
A step-by-step will be helpful for figuring out how best to monitor seabirds from land or sea in a variety of habitats. A team of experts will be on hand to answer your questions. Register at bit.ly/CaribSeabird-Webinar3.
A recent analysis of climate change impacts for Sint Maarten shows how major storms, which are increasingly common, will have a profound effect on the Small Island Developing State (SIDS) of Sint Maarten in the Dutch Antilles. Annual damage estimates to Sint Maarten from major storms are USD $3 million. And by the year 2100, a worst-case scenario could result in 47% of Philipsburg and 29% of Cole Bay being flooded.
It’s a bit dark in the classroom as there is no electricity for lights in the village of Boukan Chat, Haiti. The children have settled into the small school building at the center of town. Dressed in their school uniforms, sitting on wood benches, they wait for the teacher to start class. They hear a commotion from the back of the dark room and turn to see a six-foot tall Black-capped Petrel walk into the room flapping its wings.
In May, a small team of Haitian petrel biologists pulled out of the small dusty town of Jacmel, and headed their pick-up truck northeast. They eased it up the heavily rutted road to begin their expedition to see if endangered Black-capped Petrels nested on the mountain called Pic La Selle. Due to the remote nature of that area, few biologists had visited it for more than 60 years, when some of the first known Black-capped Petrels in Haiti were found there by David Wingate during expeditions in 1961 and 1963.
Researchers Confirm Presence of Endangered Diablotin Black-capped Petrel on Dominica, Raising Hopes of Finding Nesting Area
Researchers have confirmed a sighting of an Endangered Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata), known locally as “the Diablotin bird,” in flight over Dominica earlier this year. If nesting is confirmed, Dominica would be the second known nesting island for Black-capped Petrel in the world.
“Conserving the Diablotin” informed by a decade of exploration and research January 28, 2022—The Endangered Black-capped Petrel is a seabird so secretive that ten years ago, only one active nest had ever been located and monitored. Despite this tremendous gap in knowledge, the International Black-capped Petrel Conservation Group created an action plan in 2012 to […]
Deciding which sites are most important for restoration takes a community effort. The knowledge and experience of Working Group members are crucial for making informed decisions. In this case, the subject was non-native mammals that damage island biodiversity and…
Monitoring wildlife can be challenging in remote or difficult to reach places. The use of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone, is one method for ensuring that local enforcement agencies can monitor and protect wildlife, such as seabirds which nest on uninhabited islands in the Grenadines. Learn more…
Invasive mammals, such as cats, rats and mongooses are known threats to seabirds throughout the Caribbean and beyond. Detecting them on remote, offshore, and difficult to access islands is challenging, yet it’s crucial information for conserving these imperiled birds. EPIC and Ocean Spirits Inc. joined efforts to survey seven islands in the Grenadines using trail […]
It is a cold and windy night along the La Visite Escarpment in south-central Haiti. The clouds form and then dissipate as they stream along the rocky faces of the nearby mountains. The wind gusts come and go and when it calms down a bit, you can hear the frogs calling and the mournful wail […]
EPIC continues to be a leading advocate for the conservation of the endangered Black-capped petrel in the Caribbean region. Our program for the species touches on all aspects of conservation for this seabird including searches for new nesting areas, monitoring of known nesting areas, working with communities to preserve petrel nesting habitat, incorporating petrel natural […] |
My product will not power on even if my product cable is disconnected.
- Remove the printer cable and unplug the printer from the power source; surge protector, power strip or outlet. Connect the power cable in a different outlet and power the printer on. If the problem persists, take the printer to an Epson Authorized Service Center.
Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback! |
By: Valerie E. Anias
Figuring out how to co-parent after a break up, separation, or divorce is difficult. We especially see breakdowns in communication during the holidays. Now that the holidays are behind us, ERA Law Group, LLC want to help parents by identifying various resources available to help them Co-Parent.
Some parents find difficulty in communicating with one another. At times the communication is simple and other times, it is rather difficult. Nonetheless, both must parent their children. Removing face-to-face conversation is sometimes the best place to start when trying to co-parent effectively. The below programs and apps provide various resources for the separated and divorced parents.
- Our Family Wizard
Our Family Wizard is an online program which provides a platform for communication. The parents can “email” back and forth, add items to a joint calendar, and, most importantly, if their dispute needs to be taken to Court, the correspondence can be tracked by the Court. This also serves as a means to encourage parents to speak with each other in a respectful manner and keep it about the children. There is an annual cost of approximately $100.00 per parent. This is a web-based program though there is an app for iOS and Android.
Similar to Our Family Wizard, this program offers a mutual calendar, financial tab, and photo album tab. It does not allow for direct communication but there is a journal function which allows parents to make notes. The financial tab is particularly helpful as it outlines each parents expenses and each parent can upload what expenses they have paid on behalf of the child. There is no cost to this program. This is a web-based program though there is an app for iOS.
Like the former two programs, this is also a means for both parents to keep information related to their children in one central location. It does not permit the parents a platform for direct communication such as Our Family Wizard, but there is an alert system to alert each parent regarding important events like doctor appointments or parent-teacher conferences. This is an iOS only app program and costs $1.99.
- Custody Junction
Custody Junction provides a Scheduling Center which allows parents to schedule their visitation/events/vacations, etc. up to 2 years in advance. It also has a Tracking Center which allows parents to track when events were created, edited, amended, what the expenses were, who was present at each event, etc. It gets rid of the “he said, she said” regarding who, what, where, and when. Similar to 2Houses, it also has a Reporting Center which provides for accumulated expenses as well as reporting about child support payments, denied or forfeited parenting time, etc. This program is only web-based and costs $47.00 per parent for a 1 year subscription.
AppClose is a combination of the above 4 programs. It has a joint calendar, a messenger option like texting, an expense forum that acts like Venmo by requesting reimbursement from the other parent as well as the ability to track expenses, the ability to create a parenting schedule, set important reminders, and keep track of family information such as immunizations, date of births, etc. Much like Facebook, it also has a NewsFeed function which displays all communications, events, etc. at a glance. This is a free app only program available for iOS and Android.
This program is a family calendar of sorts. It syncs your calendars so that each parent and/or child knows everyone’s schedule. It also has the capability of being shared with caregivers and babysitters if necessary. This is an iOS only app program and costs $9.99.
Co-parenting is key. The victim in parental miscommunication is the child. If you and your co-parent are suffering from severe communication breakdowns, contact our office at (410) 919-1790 and schedule your free 30-minute consultation. |
Personal Data Privacy
The information collected during the account creation process is subject to data processing to enable us to provide you with a space from where you will be able to securely manage and benefit from our products and services.
Without this information, we will be unable to allow you access to services such as subscription to newsletters, registration to events, purchasing membership…
The recipients of the data are ESC Staff in charge of managing your account and providing you with a My ESC space where you can provide/review/edit your personal information. Data collected will be kept for a maximum of 5 years after your last transaction or activity with us after which time your My ESC account will be closed.
The ESC may supply your information to its contractors to perform specific services such as, for example, to the publishers who deliver ESC journals if you are subscribed to one, banking partners (Adyen) should you make a paying transaction with us from your account, and others according to your specific actions within your account. The ESC uses a cloud CRM and email solution to process and manage your data as well as communicate with you.
In accordance with the chapter 3 of the European Regulation 2016/679 with regards to data protection, you have the right to request from ESC, access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing concerning your data or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability.
For such, please contact [email protected] (be aware that a proof of identity will be requested during the process via a secure web link).
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and for information, ESC has appointed a Data Protection Officer that you can reach at [email protected]
For full details of the ESC Data Privacy, please visit: https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/About/Policies/ESC-Privacy-and-Data-Security-Policy |
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There are many chances for the bride who is under 21 in the United States, Canada and many other countries to meet men who want to marry them. A good way this is conceivable is through precisely what is called a email order star of the event service. This isn’t always legal. For those who have questions, even though, it would be smart to find out whether or not mail buy brides happen to be legal in your town.
While many ladies who are below 21 years old are allowed to get involved in the process of becoming married, there are a few issues with what the law states that may influence you. In the United States, the law requires the bride to be of legal age, and your woman must be resident of the region she likes to get married to. Many countries do currently have a minimum grow old requirement, yet that years is very low. Other countries require a star of the event to pass a test or to end up being licensed prior to she can easily legally get married to someone by outside of her country. To get mail buy brides coming from outside of united states, the statutory requirements for marital relationship differ, nevertheless the age requirement is usually suprisingly low.
Once a star of the event registers with a mail purchase bride provider, the woman begins trying to find men so, who are interested in her. The men can easily search her up on the site and get in touch with her whenever they have virtually any feelings in any way toward her. If they greatly send her an email, this girl are able to respond to that or in the event she selects, send a reply email to the man who may have sent her an email.
Since the mail order bride market operates an international procedure, you will find people who try to use deception to convince young ladies to marry to all of them. There are websites set up specifically to recruit young women for this service plan. They are known as “mail purchase brides” and in addition they operate in countries in most parts of the earth. All the woman needs to carry out is source them with her address and many basic details about herself. They will then provide the necessary paperwork to get married to the foreign bridegroom.
While some countries do not officially recognize marriages, there are a few that recognize relationships that have been performed through email order woman services. Because this industry has become a popular choice, the government has become more conscious of the fact that there may be scams involved. This is why you need to www.mybeautifulbride.net/ research the company you choose to help with very carefully. You can usually tell if the business is reliable or not based off of the prices they provide, the quality of products and the period of time they have been running a business.
If you want to learn how to get a mail buy bride service started, you need to know that you don’t need to have any prior experience with this field to become successful. All you need is a little bit of fortitude and a lot of willpower to become a good mail buy bride supplier. Once you have done this, you will need gained the admiration and trust of other companies and you will find show them the way in which good you could end up. |
As a leader, it is expected for you to be able to identify with the workers within the organization. This process can take place during basic observation, performance evaluations, attendance, interaction with others, and basic characteristics or behaviors. The leader must identify different personality types or behaviors and apply the suggested tactics for properly handling each type.
Research the CSU Online Library or another external source for an article(s) that addresses different personality types or behaviors in the work place and how to apply tactics for properly handling of each type.
Provide your opinion on the article as it applies to the following questions:
What is the author’s main point?
Who is the author’s intended audience?
Do the author’s arguments support his or her main point? Explain different personality types or behaviors and how to apply the suggested tactics for properly handling of each type.
What evidence supports the main point?
What is your opinion of the article? (Do not simply summarize the article.)
What evidence, either from the textbook or additional sources, supports your opinion?
Your article critique should be at least two pages in content length, including an introduction, a body of supportive material (paragraphs), and a conclusion. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page and follow all other APA formatting requirements. The title page and reference page do not count toward the total page requirement. |
Hi everyone! In this week’s video tutorial, we’re creating a birthday cake easel card! If you are unfamiliar with easel cards, they are cards that fold up into a upright position (like an easel) and can fold flat and go into an envelope. This diy birthday card folds to have a birthday cake standing up, and then easily folds down to go into an envelope!
This is an easy and simple card to make, great for when you may be short on time or in a pinch to find someone a gift!
- Card stock (you’ll need at least 4 colors)
- Score tool (or a pen that no longer writes)
- Glue (you’ll need something strong, I used this Tombow MONO glue which worked well – hot glue also works well!)
Click here to view & print the patterns (you’ll need all of them unless you want to create your own cake design. I’ve separated them out so you can easily print them on each color of paper):
Let me know if you have any questions 🙂 |
How to prep a listing
What we love most about home-selling is that you can add your own personal touch. We like to think about what we’d want to see when we walk through the front door. What would get us interested? What would make us want to put an offer on the table?
Before we get to the open house, we start with open minds. We look at every single aspect of that property and re-think how we could make it more attractive to buyers. It's that creative part of the process that we love.
Today, we encourage you to get creative! If there's one thing we've learned over the years, no detail is too small. In fact, it may be that tiny detail that helps you make a big, big sale.
– James and David
Latest CPI report sends rates through the roof
August’s Consumer Price Index report came out on Tuesday revealing a 1.4% rise in inflation. This caused stocks to plummet and mortgage interest rates to spike. Here are some key stats:
The average 30-year fixed rate hit 6.28% on Tuesday
Total mortgage application volume is down 1.2% last week and down 29% YoY
Refinance activity is down a full 83% YoY
This news isn’t that much of a surprise to us. Heading into Q4, we all expected to still see inflation. Don’t let news like this deter you. The market is normalizing and there is still activity happening. Get out there and spend more time marketing the listings you do have. Remind your buyers that purchasing a home is still the single best investment they will ever make.
Foreclosures on the rise
According to the real estate data firm ATTOM, foreclosure rates skyrocketed in August, nearing levels we haven’t seen in more than two years. This is attributed to the cancellations of the pandemic’s biggest mortgage assistance programs and foreclosure moratoriums. Here are some key stats from August:
34,501 properties had an active foreclosure filing, up 14% from July and 118% YoY
Nearly 24,000 properties went under foreclosure last month
August’s foreclosure activity was only 14% lower than in August 2019
That last stat is important to note. It references pre-pandemic levels. Foreclosures may be going up, but that just means they are where they were before the madness. It’s unfortunate that this is happening, but it just means that inventory will be coming on the market soon, and we know the market definitely needs that.
Why the rental market may be cooling
In August, declining demand pushed rent down an average of 0.1% across the major metro areas. This reversal comes after 20 consecutive months of rental price hikes. While rent is still up 7.1% YoY, there is hope prices will continue to drop this winter.
Check out the top 10 cities with the biggest rental rate drops in August:
San Francisco (-0.9%)
Las Vegas (-0.8%)
We know that some of these markets are already normalizing in single-family areas, so it makes sense that the rental market is following suit. This is something that needed to happen. Rental prices were clearly too high. It’s hard enough to buy a home. People need other options, so it's good that these numbers are starting to come down.
The news that just missed the cut
Source: Zillow Group
Advice from James and David to win the day
It’s frustrating to be stuck with a listing that just won’t sell. If your property isn’t gaining traction, one of these 8 missteps might be to blame:
The listing description is boring or unclear
The pictures are low quality
There are too many showing restrictions or too few available slots.
The property lacks a “wow” factor
The property is poorly staged (too many personal pictures, distracting artwork, clutter, etc.).
Your price is too high or just outside a key pricing bracket (for example, a home priced at $305,000 won’t show up in a search for properties under $299,000)
There’s an error in your MLS listing, the property may not be categorized correctly, or could be missing key information.
You need to put in more follow-ups to light a fire under a potential buyer
Check out the full list of reasons why listings languish on the market here.
You ask, James and David answer!
We’ll be back next week with another answer to a real reader question. Submit yours here!
Just in Case
Keep the latest industry data in your back pocket with today’s mortgage rates:
Source: Rocket Mortgage
Thanks for reading today’s Blueprint. We’ll see you back here on Tuesday!
In the meantime, have a great weekend and make some killer deals!
– James and David
Was this forwarded to you? Sign up here.
Want to advertise in The Blueprint? Go here.
Want to submit a question to us? Submit here. |
available worldwide from November 2016. The Grand Seiko Hi-Beat 36000 GMT is already known from collectors, with a case partially coated with black ADLC and a rubber strap. https://www.replicawatches.design/www.replicabreitling.co The specific car it pays tribute to was black, great looks, small seconds hand at 6 o clock Chronograph (center hand) accurate to within 1/8 of the second. Replicas relojes 30-Minute counter at 3 o clock and 12-hour counter at 9 o clock Stop-seconds for precise time setting. Hands are constructed with white gold with blue shade in it. 43 mm ultralight two sandblasting titanium case. |
The Rainbow Riches Pick’n’Mix slot is a thrilling addition to the iconic Rainbow Riches series, widely recognized as one of the most iconic and beloved franchises in the world of online slots.
Developed by Barcrest, these games have captured the hearts of players with their enchanting Irish theme and exciting gameplay features. Each instalment in the series, including Rainbow Riches Pick’n’Mix, showcases high production standards and captivating graphics that immerse players in a vibrant and whimsical world.
With its rich Irish folklore-inspired visuals, delightful soundtracks, and the potential for exciting wins, the Rainbow Riches series has become a go-to choice for both experienced players and newcomers seeking a memorable and enjoyable gaming experience.
With 20 fixed pay-lines spread across a 5×3 grid, this slot maintains the high production standards and graphics that the series is renowned for. And as its own unique feature, it allows players to choose which bonus round or rounds they want to try and trigger!
At the beginning of the game, players are presented with five scatter symbols and can select up to three to remain active throughout their session. And as well as the by-now standard rounds of the series, Rainbow Riches Pick’n’Mix introduces two additional scatter symbols, the Cash Crop and Fields of Gold symbols.
When three or four of the chosen scatters land anywhere on the reels, they trigger the corresponding bonus round. However, if all five scatters land, players are instantly rewarded with a cash prize of 500 times their bet without activating the bonus round.
In the Road to Riches bonus round, players embark on a journey, collecting multipliers along the way. The excitement builds as you advance closer to higher multipliers, but be careful not to land on “collect” too soon!
During the Pots of Gold bonus round, pots of gold gracefully fly across the reels until one of the pots randomly reveals a multiplier, which is then applied to winnings.
When the Free Spins are triggered, the symbols that initially activated the feature transform into a stacked wild to boost the potential for significant payouts.
The Magic Toadstools bonus round introduces a pick-and-click game. Players are presented with 24 items and choose three. These can reveal win multipliers or fairies that add more picks to the total.
In the Cash Crop bonus round, players are transported to a separate screen displaying 50 spinning coins. These coins gradually stop one by one, revealing cash prizes and multipliers. However, players must be cautious, as a “collect” coin can abruptly end the round. The anticipation and potential rewards make this bonus round particularly engaging.
- Customizable Bonus Rounds
- High Production Standards
- Engaging Graphics
- Limited Paylines
Yes, besides the regular bonus rounds, Rainbow Riches Pick’n’Mix includes special scatter symbols such as Cash Crop and Fields of Gold.
Pick’n’mix refers to the fact that players can choose any combination of up to 3 bonus rounds from the five available to be active during the game.
Yes, you can change your selected bonus rounds at any stage in your session.
Yes, several bonus rounds in Rainbow Riches Pick’n’Mix offer the chance to win multipliers. |
Craig Brown writing in this week’s Mail on Sunday offers an article that is more in praise of Auberon Waugh as a humorist than it is of the recent collection of his writings. Brown begins with his assessment of Auberon’s life and career:
Newspaper humorists who once made their readers howl with laughter now seem dreadfully plodding and laboured. It’s not their fault: time moves on, and topical humour becomes less topical, and less humorous.[…] But once or twice in a generation comes a humorist blessed with the enviable capacity to remain funny, even though his ostensible targets have faded with time. Auberon Waugh, who died in 2001, was, to my mind, a comic genius. Every week or two, I still dip into books of his Private Eye diaries (1972-1985), and they still make me laugh, despite the fact that many of the victims of his jokes – Princess Margaret, Edward Heath, Jeremy Thorpe – are now no more than footnotes from history
Waugh is often categorised as a right-wing humorist, but, as Neil Clark points out in the sharpest essay in this book, he might just as easily be placed on the left. His vituperation acknowledged no boundaries. […] His view of current affairs was wholly off-beat but guided by a peculiar, topsy-turvy logic. How I wish he were still with us, so that we could read his views on President Trump and Brexit! Something of a prophet, he would, I imagine, be fascinated to learn that Trump’s food of choice is the hamburger. Back in 1993, he noted that, ‘the hamburger, wherever it is found, is the emblem of American cultural colonialism. It is more than a food preference: it is an existential choice, a philosophical statement, a way of life… The fight against hamburgers is a small part of a much greater struggle to prevent Britain becoming culturally, as well as economically, dependent on the United States.’ At the same time – and contrary to those who liked to portray him as a nationalist blimp – he was a dedicated European. ‘For a very long time it has seemed to me that our only possible refuge from the United States is in a more or less united Europe… ‘
Brown goes on to express his disappointment that the present collection in A Scribbler in Soho contains an unrepresentative selection of Auberon’s work. It relies too heavily on his editorials in the Literary Review and contains too little of his best work from the diaries, Daily Telegraph columns and book reviews. He also finds Naim Attallah’s narratives tedious and repetitious and concludes with this:
And why, if Attallah wrote this commentary, as he claims to have done, does he constantly refer to himself in the third person, eg, ‘Certainly Naim felt that a new epoch began the day Bron came into his life’? As it happens, I was also surprised to find my own name popping up on page 29, as someone who ‘never missed the chance to lambast any of Naim’s activities’. This is overstating it: in 40 years of journalism I doubt I have written about him more than four or five times. Or six, including this one. |
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Tag Archives: Jacob Rees-Mogg
A new magazine based in London and called The Fence has published its first issue which is declared a “Brexit Special”. It describes itself as featuring: “Haunting insights, ridiculous conceits, pulsating fiction and just straight up lies: The Fence is … Continue reading
A remarkable photo of Evelyn Waugh has been posted on the men’s clothing website Voxsartoria. This is from 1950, although the name of the photographer is not given. What is most noticeable about the photo is the lighting on the … Continue reading
Most of our Waugh news in this week’s roundup come from or relates to the county of Somerset: An Australian radio program on the ABC network announces the upcoming TV series on the career of politician Jeremy Thorpe. This is … Continue reading |
Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke12:34). As I have written previously, a good test of where you are placing your treasure is to look at your bank and credit card statements. Where you are spending your money is where you are placing your treasure. While this is true, it recently occurred to me there is a much deeper meaning to Jesus’s words.
It’s not just the specifics of where we are spending our money which reveals where we are placing our treasure, it’s much bigger than that. We will spend our money on things of this world or for God’s Kingdom. Our treasure is being amassed in earthen containers (banks, possessions, and brokerages) or in Heavenly realms. We are either building up things we cannot keep or investing in what we cannot lose (Luke 9:24).
We will not keep what we acquire in this life or build up on this earth. The truth is when we die everything we’ve amassed for our comfort, security, or legacy will go away. Death cannot be escaped and the only thing it will not consume is our soul and what we have invested in the eternal Kingdom of God. All our career climbing, wall building, and money saving will be wiped away. If we lived well, perhaps what we had will be remembered by a few for a short period. But over time, even such memories will fade. People will move on, and what we built will fade away like a dream in the night. What remains is what we did for the sake of God’s glory and God’s Kingdom.
We will invest our resources (our time, energy, and money) in building a kingdom which will not last or investing in God’s Kingdom which endures forever. There is no third choice. Each of us is building one kingdom or the other. This should, no must, affect the way we spend our days. We are here but for a moment and then will pass away like the withering grass (Isaiah 40:8). How many of us live our lives with this in mind? Our focus is on providing for our own comfort, security, and retirement. Meanwhile, people – flesh and blood human beings – are dying without ever having known the love of Jesus.
We live in a world where nearly a billion people are starving while we ply our faces with comfort food around the clock. Over two billion lack clean drinking water in their homes while we regularly consume expensive bottled and even flavored water at our whim. More tragic still, while most American households own multiple Bibles, a billion and a half people do not have access to the full Bible in their native tongue. Nearly 250 million lack any Scripture at all. Between the lack of food, clean water, and Scripture, the fact is thousands of people are dying every day without knowing Jesus. Thousands of souls are going to Hell while we laze in our comfort and relative luxury. This is where we have chosen to place our treasure. It is for this I am convinced we will all have to answer when we meet Jesus.
Something has to change. More precisely, someone has to change. In fact, a whole lot of someone’s need to change. To be blunt, I must change and so must you. We cannot call ourselves followers of Jesus and refuse to live as He did (I John 2:6). We cannot claim to be His disciples and refuse to forsake everything to follow Him. Where is your treasure? Where is mine? We know the answer, and it isn’t good. What are you willing to do about it? This is the question we all must answer for ourselves and we must answer it right now. Our next move determines how we will answer when Jesus asks, “Where is your treasure?” Choose well and choose now. |
Recorded on Thursday, January 12, 2023 8:00am-10:00am EST Virtual, ON24
The Department of Defense is highly prioritizing digital modernization today as DOD agencies pursue advanced technology integration, adapt to meet the needs of today’s missions and prepare for the fights of the future. Guided by its DOD Digital Modernization Strategy for fiscal years 2019-2023, the Defense Department continues to make investments in priority areas including cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud and C3.
As DOD leaders work to usher the department into a new era of modernization, competitive advantage and technological dominance, they are also focusing on upskilling the workforce, harnessing emerging technologies, updating or replacing legacy systems and adopting new best practices, among other initiatives.
Join GovCon Wire for its DOD: Digital Modernization Forum to hear government and industry leaders discuss the technologies, challenges, opportunities and priorities shaping the Defense Department’s digital transformation today.
Dr. Mark Brady is the Chief Data Officer, United States Space Force. U.S. Space Force is responsible for providing resilient, defendable and affordable space capabilities for the Nation and the Joint Force. It is the duty of the U.S. Space Force to protect the interests of the United States in space; deter aggression in, from, and to space; and conduct prompt and sustained space operations. As the Chief Data Officer, U.S. Space Force, Dr. Brady is responsible for the utilization and governance of data across the armed service. He provides vision and strategy for all of its data management activities. He is the former Data Architect for the Department of Justice and Information Architect for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). In these roles, he established the first data management programs and data policies for both organizations and also contributed to the development of policy for the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA). While at NMFS, he served as U.S. delegate to the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), developing new data standards. He also served on NOAA’s Big Data Partnership Council. While at Justice he served on the White House Data Cabinet. Prior to joining the federal service he worked in industry R&D in the areas of software development, automotive engineering, computer aided design, biotech, medical electronics, traffic management, and AI. In academia, he served as Professor of Neuroscience, teaching and performing original research in the areas of statistics, optics, and perception. Dr. Brady is a former Marine.
Sean Mullen is Executive Vice President of business development (BD) at Amentum. He is responsible for leading the company’s business development and growth strategy, including leveraging our world class capabilities and deep customer insight to drive differentiated solutions that support our customer’s mission objectives. Sean has over three decades of experience in business development and capture. He began his career as a civilian acquisition officer, helping the Air Force enhance its mission effectiveness through the acquisition and deployment of key engineering and information technology (IT) capabilities. He also served as SVP of BD for Perspecta, where he designed and implemented the company’s go-to-market strategy and helped enact a new, resource-efficient and customer-focused BD lifecycle. Immediately prior to joining Amentum, he led ECS’s business development operations, focusing on growing the business through new market penetration and partnership opportunities. Outside the office, Sean enjoys golfing, traveling, and supporting Boston sports teams. He has a bachelor’s degree in management from Merrimack College and a Master of Business Administration from University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Colonel Roy Rockwell is the deputy to the United States Space Force Chief Technology and Innovation Officer. In this role, he is charged with unlocking and harnessing innovation to leverage increased speed and advantage for Space Force initiatives and operations. He is responsible for assisting in the development of strategy and policy to advance Science, Technology and Research; Development, Test and Evaluation; employment of cutting-edge technologies to digitally transform the USSF; assuring USSF information technology needs are met; effectively managing USSF data; and conducting analysis supporting all USSF staff and operational elements. Col Rockwell served 3 years as an enlisted member prior to earning his commission through ROTC upon graduation from East Carolina University in August 1997. He is a graduated Delta commander, having commanded the United States Space Forces first Space-Access and Defensive Cyber Operations Delta. He is a two-time graduated squadron commander, having commanded the 561st Network Operations Squadron and the 386th Expeditionary Communications Squadron. He has completed staff assignments with United States Africa Command, Headquarters Air Force and three Air Force major commands. He has also served in a variety of duty positions within the cyberspace and communications career field to include special assistant to the Air Force Space Command commander for cyberspace senior officer matters, wing director of staff, wing executive officer, network operations and security center chief, squadron director of operations, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile launch control systems programmer and space surveillance training system programmer.
Mr. Rob Vietmeyer is the Department of Defense Chief Software Officer for the Deputy Chief Information Officer for Information Enterprise (DCIO(IE)). In this position, he is the principal advisor to the DoD CIO for the implementation and evolution of the Department’s Software Modernization Strategy. Mr. Vietmeyer will drive strategy implementation, establishing the foundation to deliver resilient software at speed and scale advocating for the latest software development approaches, cloud services, and process transformation. Through collaboration with other DoD Components, government, industry, and academia partners, he is responsible for advancing the Department’s adoption of DevSecOps practices, agile software development, and cloud native modernization. Prior to his current position, Mr. Vietmeyer served as the Director of Cloud and Software Modernization for the DCIO(IE), leading a diverse team to modernize the way DoD develops software. In that role and in partnership with DoD Components, he led the development of the Department’s DevSecOps guidance, OCONUS Cloud Strategy, cloud Infrastructure as Code (IaC) implementation, and the DoD Software Modernization Strategy and Implementation Plan. He established the DoD Software Modernization Senior Steering Group (SSG) to guide software modernization initiatives and the Department-wide DevSecOps Community of Practice, which brings together stakeholders and subject matter experts across DoD and industry to further modernization progress. He functioned as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) Tri-Chair for the DoD Software Modernization Action Officers Working Group (AOWG), the group responsible for leading implementation of guidance from DoD leadership and the SSG. Prior to joining the Office of the DoD CIO, Mr. Vietmeyer was a SME and lead for agile software development efforts at the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). He led delivery of the enterprise collaborative software development environment - Forge.mil and implementation of DISA’s initial cloud computing solutions. Under his leadership, Forge.mil grew to enable 27,000 DoD software developers working on over 1,000 development projects supporting DoD mission critical programs. Additionally, Mr. Vietmeyer led the definition and technical design of the Department’s Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) program, served as Chief Engineer for the Global Combat Support System (GCSS), and Lead Engineer for the Global Command and Control System (GCCS). In his early career, he developed software for DoD command and control data integration, DISA’s acquisition career management systems, and data processing systems for mainframe and minicomputer infrastructure. Mr. Vietmeyer holds an M.S. in Information and Telecommunications Systems from Johns Hopkins University and a B.S. in Physics from Randolph Macon College. He has received numerous recognitions for his work including the Federal CIO Council Leadership Award, the American Council for Technology/Industry Advisory Council Excellence.gov Award, and the Federal 100. Born in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mr. Vietmeyer currently lives in Northern Virginia where he and his wife continue to support their three kids with two in college and one soon to be.
8:00am - 8:05am EST
Welcome and Introductions
8:05am - 8:55am EST
Keynote: Col Roy Rockwell
Keynote Introducer: Sean Mullen
8:55am - 9:55am EST
DoD Next Steps in Modernization and Transformation Panel: Dr. Mark Brady, Sean Mullen (moderator) and Robert Vietmeyer
9:55am - 10:00am EST |
What’s it about?
This Safety Harness training qualification is designed to cover all the components you need to consider before working from height. It will include the safe use and handling of a harness, inspecting the harness, understanding what a fall protection system is and outlining the employer’s and employees’ duty of care.
So what is a safety harness?
A safety harness is a form of protective equipment designed to safeguard the user from injury or death from falling. The core item of a fall arrest system, the harness, is usually fabricated from rope, braided wire cable, or synthetic webbing. It is attached securely to a stationary object directly by a locking device or indirectly via a rope, cable, or webbing and one or more locking devices. Some safety harnesses are combined with a shock-absorbing lanyard, which regulates deceleration and prevents a severe G-force injury when the rope’s end is reached.
This course is ideal for anyone who works from a height where a harness is required. A poor-fitting safety harness can prove very dangerous; that is why training is vital for those who commonly use a harness whilst working at height. The skills you gain will help reduce the risk of a potentially fatal accident and protect your company from the repercussions of those accidents.
The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement. |
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Must See these Amazing Beaches in Your Morocco Tour
Beach in Morocco: Morocco is one of the best destinations to find the sun and escape everyday life, and this, only a few hours from France. With its coasts bordering the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Morocco has nearly a hundred beaches connecting the north to the south of the country. We have selected the ten most beautiful beaches in this North African country for you to make your stay a success.
Beach in Morocco: Diabet Beach in Essaouira
Essaouira is renowned for its beaches that are ideal for long hours of idleness as well as for surfing. Diabet beach is very large and divided into two parts: a rather quiet area for swimmers wishing to relax and sunbathe in peace, another with more waves for surfers. The Morocco beach that you must choose at all costs when you go on vacation to Essaouira.
Or sleep ? At the Palais de l'Heure Bleue in Essaouira, the perfect hotel to enjoy the Diabet beach. In the heart of the medina, this luxury establishment, a true jewel of purity, has managed to preserve the cachet of a traditional Moroccan house. We fall in admiration in front of its hammam which offers absolute plenitude, its swimming pool on the terrace allowing to benefit from an impregnable view on the medina and the Ocean, and its cuisine, subtle fusion of French and Moroccan flavors.
> Address: Ibn Batouta Street، Essaouira, Morocco
Beach in Morocco: Oualidia Beach in Sidi Bennour
Oualidia is a peaceful seaside resort located on the Atlantic coast, halfway between Casablanca and Essaouira, in the province of Sidi Bennour. This peaceful seaside resort, unknown to foreign tourists, is to be discovered absolutely out of season. The 12 kilometer long beach encloses a circular lagoon with navy blue and turquoise green waters. On the beach of Oualidia, the atmosphere is family. It is a peaceful place to spend good times with the family, alone or in pairs. Also swim in its circular lagoon with navy blue and turquoise green waters. The magic of the lagoon and the tides offer an ever-changing dream setting. Placed at the edge of the ocean, in a site of great ecological importance, Oualidia attracts, captivates, energizes and soothes.
Or sleep ? At the Hotel La Sultana Oualidia, a marvelous peaceful 5-star hotel that welcomes you in a natural and discreet setting. Located along the lagoon of Oualidia, famous for its oyster farms and its flocks of pink flamingos, the hotel reveals itself only to a privileged few who travel the world in search of exceptional places. Its great added value? Its infinity pool which seems to flow onto the hotel's private beach.
> Address: Oyster park n° 3, Oualidia 24252, Morocco
Ain Dalia beach in Tangier
In Tangier, in the north of Morocco towards the Strait of Gibraltar, is the beautiful beach of Ain Dalia. Its immaculate white sand, turquoise waters and ripples ensure you have a peaceful and quiet time. A little higher, you can walk in the field which is offered to you. A bucolic and serene setting that you are not ready to forget.
Or sleep ? At the Nord-Pinus hotel. This establishment takes on the appearance of a riad with its vernacular architecture, its Arabic mosaic and its colored stained glass windows. The rooms are decorated in a sober and chic way, with touches of color that bring luminosity and liveliness to each room. The Nord-Pinus hotel benefits from an ideal exposure, just a few steps from Ain Dalia beach. Take your breakfast on the balcony of your room to enjoy the unique views with the only noise the cry of the black-headed gulls.
> Address: 11 rue du Riad SultanKasbah, Tangier, Morocco
Quemado Beach in Al Hoceima
Not far from Tangier, the city of Al-Hoceima has very beautiful beaches. Among them, that of Quémado which offers exceptional panoramas. With an area of 9000 m², this beach is considered the best beach in the bay and the most frequented by summer visitors. In addition, the beach is equipped with a seaside tourist complex including the Hotel Quemado and Hotel Mohamed V.
Or sleep ? At the Souani hotel, a 4-star establishment located just a few steps from Quemado beach. We go there especially for its intimate swimming pool, which allows you to take a real moment for yourself.
> Address: Sfiha Beach, Add 39000, Morocco
Bades Beach in Al Hoceima
About 50 km from the city of Al-Hoceima, is the beach of Badés which extends over 450m in length. The beach is located at the limit of the inaccessible cliffs of the Bokkoyas massif which shelters a series of bays and natural coves of astonishing diversity along the coast.
Tcharrana Beach in Nador
Tcharrana beach is a marvelous and little known beach in northern Morocco in Nador, a Mediterranean town in northeastern Maro, in the Rif region. It is a quiet place with an extraordinary view of the Mediterranean Sea to spend a beautiful day. This beach is characterized by the quality of the bathing water, its good temperature, its aquamarine-colored waters and its isolated attendance. Are you looking for a heavenly and quiet place? Then Tcharrana beach is for you.
Or sleep ? And if you opt for a riad? Head to Dar Nador, a charming house with only a handful of rooms, and a terrace offering a view of the mountains.
> Address: Hay Laarassi street N 19, 62010 Nador, Morocco
Imsouane beach in Agadir
A few kilometers north of Agadir, about half an hour's drive, you will find the peaceful beach of Imsouane. You will quickly be seduced by its crystal clear waters and its kilometers of golden sand. Little frequented because it is far from the large cities further south, it is all the more peaceful and exotic. On the beach of Imsouane, it is possible to practice several activities, in particular surfing, jet skiing, camel rides and even in Pure Arab Blood, with an authorization requested beforehand.
Or sleep ? At the Ecolodge Atlas Kasbah, a guest house with typical Agadir architecture. Handicrafts are made in small cooperatives run by Berber women.
The spacious and colorful rooms are decorated in a bright and traditional style with Berber and European influences. The must of the must? Lunch on the terrace of the restaurant with the one and only view of the surrounding hills of the Atlas.
> Address: Tighanimine El Baz, 80,000 Ajarif, Morocco
Lagzira beach in Sidi ifni
Lagzira beach in Sidi Ifini is one of the most beautiful natural sites in Morocco. And for good reason ! Its four arches, of an ochre/red color dug by the ocean, leave all its visitors speechless. Anglers position themselves on the reefs taking advantage of the calm, the place being very little frequented.
Tamaris Beach in Casablanca
Tamaris Dar Bouazza beach is located about twenty kilometers from the center of Casablanca. It is a beach where groups of friends, family and also surf lovers meet. Tamaris is a clean, family beach. It is ideal for sunbathing or enjoying a delicious cocktail while enjoying a panoramic view of the ocean.
Or sleep ? At the Hotel & Spa Le Doge, member of Relais & Châteaux.
In the heart of Casablanca's Art Deco district, Le Doge is a jewel of the hotel industry taking place in a building from the 1930s. Inside, its decoration is not to be outdone. Preservation of period centerpieces, velvet sofas, cozy atmosphere... It's all there! At lunch or dinner time, book a table at the Jasmine restaurant to enjoy traditional Moroccan cuisine.
> Address: 9 Rue Dr. Veyre, casablanca 20250, Morocco
Beach in Morocco: White Beach in Guelmim
White Beach (Playa Blanca) is the name given by Spanish sailors to a nearly 40 km long beach in southern Morocco, on the Atlantic Ocean. As the name suggests, White Beach is renowned for its pristine white sand and crystal clear, turquoise waters. A real postcard setting!
Or sleep ? At Villa Boujouf, an authentically Moroccan guest house located in the palm grove of Tighmert. It is made up of only 7 bedrooms, all of which revolve around the central patio. The ideal address to enjoy the beach of Guelmin!
> Address: Palm grove of Tighmert Rural municipality of Asrir، Guelmim 81000, Morocco
Beach in Morocco: when to go to enjoy the good weather?
When to go to make the most of the good weather and the Morocco beach? We advise you to go to this North African country during the shoulder seasons, i.e. spring and autumn. Summer can indeed be very hard and display scorching temperatures, while winter does not allow swimming in the Atlantic in particular. Thus, favor the months of March, April, May and June, then the months of September, October and November. During these periods, the temperature is around 24 degrees Celsius on average, and the sea water is relatively warm. |
This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.
MRO Americas 2024
April 9-11, 2024
Chicago, IL USA
JACAERO Industries LLC is a privately owned and operated aircraft parts company specializing in offering a full range of aircraft rotable and consumable parts for sale,exchange,or lease. We also specialize in the field of airframe related components,thrust reversers,cowlings,and accessories. In addition,we are proud to offer unique consignment-entrustment programs.We partner with selective customers to ensure that every consignment we take on its given the highest priority possible.With our Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA) Accreditation, you can be assured of the level of quality.You can be assured that the vast majority of parts are accompanied by the requisite OEM certificates. you deserve it. Visit our website for more information |
Organic Farm Business Management - Investigating Risk Management Implications for Organic Agriculture
|Effective start/end date
|12/6/05 → 4/30/11
Explore the research topics touched on by this project. These labels are generated based on the underlying awards/grants. Together they form a unique fingerprint. |
Energy Efficiency Week – Working to Improve Residential Renewable Energy
2nd October 2019
This week is Energy Efficiency Week! Have a read of our Blog from Francesca at the Sustainable Business Team, working to implement Kent’s Environment Strategy.
With the global climate change strikes fresh in our memories, many of us are starting to think more about how we can reduce our own impact on the environment. Small changes, like using the car less, reducing food waste and turning the central heating down a degree or two can all help, but an increasingly popular action is to install renewable energy, such as solar panels. Solar photovoltaic energy works by capturing the sun’s energy and turning it into electricity to be used in your home. This is great on sunny days, but at night when the sun’s not shining, electricity must be taken from the national grid. Until now…
Increasingly, batteries are being installed alongside solar panels so that the sun’s energy can be stored during daylight hours for use later in the day. To test how this works in real homes and to understand how residents use energy, Kent County Council has been working with Dartford, Dover and Gravesham councils to install solar panels with a battery storage system in ten homes in Kent.
The residents also received energy management systems – these are like smart meters, but they also track the amount of energy generated as well as used, which allows them to track their energy usage and financial savings. So far, the residents have reported that the system helps them to think about how they’re using their energy and make small changes to reduce their usage. These systems will also let us monitor the benefits of the solar panels combined with battery storage over the next two years, both for carbon reduction and cost savings. Since April, the residents have already saved over 4 tonnes of carbon and a combined £1,400 on their electricity bills, with better results seen in spring and summer than in winter. As more time passes there will be more data available and we will better understand the best ways to use solar panels with battery storage.
In the meantime, keep an eye out on our Kent Green Action at Home packs going out to all libraries with information on renewable energy, energy efficiency, green actions and biodiversity. KCC will also be running pop ups in libraries from October 21st, touring the main libraries for each district.
To keep up to date with Kent County Council’s environmental actions, you can follow them on twitter @KES_Kent
For other information on renewable energy please see the Energy Saving Trust website.
This Project is funded by Triple A, European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF) |
Mobile World Congress 2024
The world’s biggest connectivity event goes fully hybrid
This year you can connect in-person or online. From technicians and regulators, to founders and government delegations – whether it’s with a click of a button, a smile on screen, a friendly elbow bump, or a knowing nod, 2024 offers even more ways to seal that deal with the most influential attendees.
While there’s nothing that can beat face-to-face interaction to build truly strong relationships, the addition of digital products that aid virtual attendance allows connecting to become easier, more accessible and even smarter.
On the 26 -29 February 2024, MWC Barcelona will still be the place where our industry gathers to create connected impact for a thriving society. But now, it’s also the place where you can connect with industry decision makers attending in-person and logged on online too.
Get business done – In Barcelona, or from wherever you are in the world. |
Navigating building regulations and ensuring compliance with local codes can be a complex and daunting task for property owners. Fortunately, building control services near me offer expertise and guidance to streamline the process and ensure that construction projects meet all necessary requirements.
Understanding Building Regulations
Building regulations are a set of standards and guidelines established by local authorities to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of building occupants and the public. These regulations govern various aspects of construction, including structural integrity, fire safety, accessibility, and energy efficiency. Understanding and adhering to these regulations is essential for obtaining building permits and approvals for construction projects.
Importance of Compliance
Compliance with building regulations is not only a legal requirement but also crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of buildings. Non-compliance can result in costly fines, delays, and even legal consequences. By working with building control services near me, property owners can avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that their projects meet all necessary requirements from the outset.
Role of Building Control Services
Building control services play a vital role in the construction process, providing oversight and guidance to ensure that projects comply with relevant regulations and standards. These services may be provided by local government agencies or private companies authorized to act on behalf of regulatory authorities. Building control services near me offer a range of services, including plan reviews, site inspections, and issuance of building permits.
Plan Reviews and Approvals
Before construction begins, building control services near me typically conduct plan reviews to assess proposed building designs for compliance with applicable regulations. During this process, they evaluate architectural drawings, structural calculations, and other documentation to ensure that the proposed project meets all relevant requirements. Once satisfied, they issue approvals or permits allowing construction to proceed.
Throughout the construction process, building control services near me conduct site inspections to monitor progress and ensure compliance with approved plans and regulations. These inspections may occur at various stages of construction, such as foundation, framing, plumbing, electrical, and final completion. Inspectors assess workmanship, materials, and adherence to approved plans, providing feedback and guidance to address any issues that may arise.
Code Interpretation and Consultation
Building control services near me offer expertise in interpreting and applying complex building codes and regulations. They provide guidance and advice to architects, engineers, contractors, and property owners on how to achieve compliance with applicable requirements. This may include recommendations for alternative construction methods, materials, or design solutions to address specific challenges or constraints.
Ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities is an essential aspect of building regulations. Building control services near me assist property owners in understanding and implementing accessibility requirements, such as ramps, elevators, door widths, and restroom facilities. By ensuring compliance with accessibility standards, property owners can create inclusive environments that accommodate the needs of all occupants.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
Building control services near me also play a role in promoting energy efficiency and sustainability in construction projects. They provide guidance on incorporating energy-saving measures, such as insulation, high-efficiency HVAC systems, and renewable energy sources, into building designs. By prioritizing energy efficiency and sustainability, property owners can reduce operating costs and minimize environmental impact.
Streamlining the Construction Process
By partnering with building control services near me, property owners can streamline the construction process and avoid costly delays and setbacks. These services provide expert guidance and support from project inception through completion, ensuring that projects meet all necessary regulatory requirements and quality standards. With their assistance, property owners can navigate the complexities of building regulations with confidence and peace of mind.
For property owners seeking expert guidance and support in navigating building regulations and ensuring compliance, building control services near me offer invaluable expertise and assistance. With their knowledge, experience, and commitment to quality, they help streamline the construction process and ensure that projects meet all necessary regulatory requirements. Contact them today to learn more about how they can support your construction projects. |
Overview of industrial commercial real estate and essential best practices for newer or experienced professionals alike. We will cover the importance of industrial real estate, brokerage roles and transactions, types of industrial properties and building property features, leases, underwriting, and financing. This class will teach you the basics of industrial real estate and prepare you to transact a deal or to refer to an eXp Commercial specialist.
Instructor: Charles Swanberg
10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST
**To get to the location of this meeting please follow the instructions below**
1) Sign in to eXp World
2) Once signed in, click on the “GoTo” button in the top left-hand corner of your screen.
3) Then about half-way down the drop-down list you will see “eXp Commercial” hover over it and a second drop-down will appear for you.
4) Click on the “Commercial Auditorium” |
Peoria 4-H teens love to be a 4-H Federation member! The group meets monthly and work together to plan fun and educational county-wide 4-H events, special recognition opportunities for 4-H volunteers, service projects, and team building activities.
The next Federation meeting will be doing an art project! Please let Kristi know if you can make it.
Typical meetings happen the second Thursday of the month at Kickapoo Township Hall. To get involved and stay on the meeting notification list you can simply attend the next meeting OR contact Kristi Smith, 4-H program coordinator. |
Contoura Vision (CV) is the exclusive headway in Specs Removal by -‘Laser Vision Correction’. In addition to improving one’s specs power, CV also corrects one’s corneal irregularities. While operating on Visual axis, thereby giving adequate sharper visual results, unmatched by LASIK & SMILE.Just one step towards specs free lifestyle!
At Eyemantra Eye Centre, our team of eye specialists judge the unique eye conditions of every patient and prescribe a treatment plan that will render the excellent and high-graded visual result
Contoura Vision Eye Surgery Cost
- As one examines their vision correction requirements and consults with their doctor regarding what procedure will give the vision correction that one wants, the price will surely be a factor in making a decision.
- Contoura Vision laser correction costs the most of all LASIK surgeries. It is, in part, because technology is multiplying advanced and needs specialized equipment. Though, the cost also involves the expertise and education of the ophthalmologist performing the surgery. Only a few eye experts in India have the training and experience to do this procedure.
- Presently, Eyemantra Eye Centre and AIIMS attempt this procedure in New Delhi, India.
- Bladeless LASIK procedure in Delhi may vary in cost between ₹75,000 and ₹90,000 (approx.) while the fees for a Contoura Vision correction range between ₹95,000 and ₹1,15,000 (approx.). Of course, the exact cost will vary according to the complexity of each case and the procedure used.
- Eyemantra is the best stop for eye-related issues as we provide high-quality services with a hygienic environment plus at a reasonable cost.
Contoura Vision Vs. LASIK Vs. SMILE – Which Is Better?
Contoura Vision is recognised by US-FDA alleging essentially of safety in specs removal procedures.
Contoura Vision Has The Advantages:
- Blade – Less, Pain – Less and Stitch – Less
- No Injections
- No Bandage
Contoura Vision with a specific Topolyser is ready to map and eliminate corneal irregularities by marking 22,000 different elevation points on the cornea.
Visual Axis Treatment
It operates on the visual axis which is the natural seeing axis of the eye. This treatment on the Visual Axis moreover improves the quality of vision.
Eyemantra: Best Hospital For Contoura Vision Correction Procedure
Eyemantra Eye Centre was deemed the best eye clinic in NCR region. It has been a pioneer in introducing innovative treatments in India and has been the first one in the following:
- Head to begin LASIK treatment for specs removal in north India.
- Next to treat the Zepto capsulotomy pulse cataract surgery in Delhi.
- Just eye hospital in India to be involved in the International LASIK Surgeons directory.
- Pioneer in phacoemulsification cataract surgery in Delhi.
The expert team of Eyemantra renders the best and valuable services to the people searching out for Contoura Vision Correction. With checking all the past records of the patient and then implementing any operation.
Eye Mantra Foundation believes in giving back to society and so to complete this mission, we have set up Charitable Eye Hospitals, which cater to the needs of people who have one or another form of eye ailment but do not have the means to afford the treatment.
- Our mission is to provide affordable eye care to everyone.
- Being an enthusiastic leader in the eye care sector, we have state of the art technologies for eye treatments.
- We have started this charitable hospital to make sure that even the poorest strata of society, has access to the best eye care treatment methods.
- We believe in giving back to the society and so for this particular purpose, EyeMantra provides it’s services to the poor sections of society at no cost.
Difference Between Contoura Vision And LASIK
Both LASIK and Contoura Vision are state-of-the-art techniques used to correct short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. There are differences between the two types of surgeries in both procedures and visual outcomes.
- The Contoura Vision procedure provides better optical acuity and refractive outcome in the large majority of cases. Although LASIK has been the gold standard to reduce the demand for spectacles or contact lenses, CV is a better option these days. It has taken LASIK corrective surgery to a new level. Contoura Vision is a computer-guided topographic mapping procedure that maps the microscopic contours of the cornea.
- This procedure operates irregularities of the curvature of the cornea as well as optics. Irregularities in the curvature of the cornea are usually the underlying problem of vision. The treatment is focused on the visual axis of the eye. In contrast, other LASIK procedures are focused on the pupil.
- The contours of the cornea formed by the computer review are programmed into a specifically designed laser used for this procedure. At least 22,000 points of the cornea are mapped. An individualized treatment plan is created, and the laser applies this treatment to the cornea. As each patient’s eyes are diverse, no 2 treatment plans are alike.
- The irregularities of the cornea are flattened, and optical quality displays so perfectly so that light enters the eye smoothly. This appears in clear, sharp vision. The technique goes beyond the standard changes of eyeglasses. Maximum patients see extra clearly without spectacles after treatment with Contoura Vision than they did with corrective lenses.
- The results of Contoura Vision changes are interesting. Nearly 65% of the patients who had the treatment have correction safer than 6/6. Also, there is limited damage to tissues and quicker healing. Contoura Vision is also the situation when people are not happy with the results of LASIK surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a Candidate for Contoura Vision Treatment?
Candidates for this high-level technique involve patients who:
- 18 years of age or older
- Have a steady corrective eyeglass or contact lens prescription
- Having up to but no more than 8 diopters of myopia
- May have up to 3 diopters of astigmatism but no more than that.
Why do doctors prescribe CONTOURA Vision Treatments?
The doctors do prescribe this treatment as :
- CONTOURA Vision gives the greatest power correction of all laser procedures.
- CONTOURA Vision corrects not only the specs and power of the eye. But also improves any irregularities in the cornea thus growing the eye focus quality of the patient.
Why CONTOURA Vision is favoured Over LASIK & SMILE Procedure?
In contrast to all the other procedures, CONTOURA Vision can give patients a safer sharp and bright sight. As per clinical test results provided, patients who experienced CONTOURA Vision surgery reported 30% healthier eyesight than before the surgery.
How does CONTOURA Vision will help?
The Contoura Vision is helpful for :
- Especially fit for patients with Astigmatism > 1D
- Reduce the problem of night driving
- Minor sensitivity toward light and limited glare
- Better quality in viewing things
Is there any risk of Contoura Vision treatment?
Yes, there is a minor risk in this treatment that is the eyes get dry after the operation that takes time to heal with lubricating eye drops |
FasterCapital Joins Force with eZ-Xpo to Launch the World’s 1st Virtual Global Pitch Network for Demo Day
San Francisco, CA., August 19, 2020 – eZ-Xpo, the global leader in Virtual Collaborative Network, announced the world’s 1st Virtual Global Pitch Network (V-GPN) through a strategic partnership with FasterCapital, the World’s 1st Virtaul Global Incubator.
The FasterCapital – Virtual Global Pitch Network will include the following game-changing features and benefits: (1) Virtual Summit/Conference/Expo, Virtual Training and Virtual Demo Day for live and on-demand engagement, (2) Forum for ongoing discussion before, during and after the event, (3) Chat (Group, Private, Video, and AI-Chatbot), (4) Webinar for live engagement, (5) Social Live – Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope Live Integration, (6) Marketing Analytics for the best-qualified leads, (7) Private Expo Network Exchange for maximum network effect and organic traffic.
The FasterCapital – Virtual Global Pitch – Leaderboard features powered by eZ-Xpo will deliver a game-changer Demo Day or Pitch for all stakeholders –
- The Most Popular Startup Vote – all attendees will be able to vote on each startup with their vote. All votes will be tallied up and posted to the Virtual Exhibit Hall instantly.
- The Top 3 Startup Winners by the panel of judges – The top 3 startups with the highest votes will be automatically tallied up and posted to the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
- Instant Feedback/Review – All startups will receive instant feedback and reviews from both all stakeholders.
“With eZ-Xpo – Virtual Global Pitch Network, there is no limit and no boundary for startups growth. We are excited to partner with eZ-Xpo to leverage the new game changer to host virtual pitch/demo day to connect all startups, investors, mentors, and corporate sponsors for unlimited joint venture opportunities and engagement worldwide,” said Faisal Khamees, VP of Operations at FasterCapital.
“I am excited to partner with FasterCaptial to empower all startups to collaborate to expedite their dreams for growth and financing within the startup network ecosystem. It is like the “Netflix of Virtual Demo Day/Pitch.” Every startup can easily and quickly pitch their next game-changer ideas with their on-demand pitch and slide deck for investors and mentors in their Virtual Booth for ongoing live or on-demand engagement for unlimited joint opportunities and collaboration worldwide,” said Matt Fok, CEO, and Founder of eZ-Xpo.
For any specific question about the Virtual Global Pitch Network, please contact Matt Fok at [email protected] or
To register for the Virtual Global Pitch Network, please go to
Attendee Registration – https://ezxpo.net/fastercapital/attendee_register
Exhibitor Registration – https://ezxpo.net/fastercapital/exhibitor_register
FasterCapital is a virtual incubator based in Dubai Internet City. We have three main programs: Tech Cofounder or technical partner, Idea to Product and Grow your Startup. FasterCapital was established in 2010 and our model has been publicly available since 2015. Fastercapital has graduated 20 startups that are fully functional now, around 26 startups in Tech Cofounder . FasterCapital helped 282 startups in its acceleration program. FasterCapital is well connected worldwide with 992 Representatives/Regional Partners and 494 offices worldwide, has a strong network of 994 Mentors worldwide. FasterCapital has established more than 80 partnerships with incubators/accelerators/VentureFunds worldwide.
FasterCapital has four rounds of funding per year. Anyone who is looking for a tech partner or has an idea or looking to grow their startup can apply to these rounds for free. FasterCapital has already committed to investing $22.83m in 102 startups.
For more information on FasterCapital, please visit https://fastercapital.com/
eZ-Xpo is a global leader in Virtual Collaborative Network empowering businesses to connect, collaborate, and promote through networks of virtual expo marketplaces for lead generation. eZ-Xpo reinvents the trade show and lead generation industry with a revolutionary new approach to virtual events, virtual trade shows, private business networking marketplace. eZ-Xpo delivers the world’s 1st all-in-1 virtual expo marketplace that seamlessly integrates with built-in marketing automation to follow up with every prospective customer during and after the event.
eZ-Xpo has been operating in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, for over five years. eZ-Xpo has deployed the world’s all-in-1 virtual expo marketplace, results-oriented virtual collaborative marketing solutions for different industries and industry leaders such as Wells Fargo, New York Life, MetaStock, Boeing, and Raytheon.
For more information on eZ-Xpo, please visit www.eZ-Xpo.com
Founder and CEO |
Did your year get off to a rocky start? Let’s reboot!
Burgers, dips, calzones, pizza, the ultimate vegetarian chili and more. Touchdown!
Give your usual Chex mix a barbecue-flavored twist. And a lethal injection of Cheez-Its.
Looking for a quick St. Patrick’s Day snack? Make this “magically delicious” variation on Rice Krispies Treats – with pink hearts, blue moons and green clovers.
A classic Southern cocktail just right for sipping with brunch, plus a Frozen Bourbon Milk Punch more suitable for slurping.
Ready to make your Fat Tuesday EVEN FATTER?!? Here are some recipes to get you started, from beignets and gumbo to po’ boys, bourbon bread pudding and some of NOLA’s legendary cocktails.
To celebrate the return of Sookie Stackhouse, Bill, the entire Merlotte’s gang and (especially) Eric, we put together this menu inspired by the characters and foods featured on HBO’s True Blood.
No man can resist these potent little nuggets of spicy sausage and biting Cheddar cheese. |
Ezzy Sails has been a leading force in windsurfing sail development and manufacturing for over 40 years.
Now we take our experience, as well as our extreme product quality and put it into wings. The Ezzy Flight wing grew out of extensive R&D done in the Canary Islands by José Fernandez (Flight Sails) and on Maui by David Ezzy (Ezzy Sails). Having such perfect testing venues has enabled José and David to develop a wing that not only performs beautifully, but is also strong and durable.
That means your wing will last longer and retain its original designed profile.
Production is done in our very own factory, located in Sri Lanka.This is the same factory we produce our windsurfing sails and that David Ezzy started over 30 years ago. Owning our own factory is a critical reason why we are able to achieve the degree of quality we need for wings.
The Flight wing is the result of two years of research and development.
Ultra high-performance crossover wing that redefines winging.LEARN MORE
Reduces canopy distortion when the wing is under load.
Our canopy has high tension, which makes our wing go up wind better and also more stable.
Prevents the trailing edge from destructive fluttering, which breaks down the canopy fabric. |
In stock, Shipped in 48 hours from NY or MTL
Canvas Art Print : This beautiful art is printed using the highest quality fade resistant ink on canvas. Every one of our fine art giclee canvas prints is printed on premium quality cotton canvas, using the finest quality inks which will not fade over time. Each giclee print is stretched tightly over a 1 inch wood sub frame ensuring the canvas is taught and does not buckle. This canvas giclee print is gallery-wrapped (the design continues on the sides) , giving it a real art gallery feel. All of our canvas prints are carefully packaged with bubble wrap, fragile labeling and sturdy boxes to ensure a safe delivery. Every canvas print arrives ready to hang on the wall, with the hanging kits included.
Aluminium Wall Art : Bring Contemporary Abstraction to your home with this large metal wall art. Available in several size, this Modern Metal Artwork makes it the focal point of any room or office.
- White Gloss Coating ensures colors are extra vibrant with light reflection.
- Aluminum grade Sheet Metal with 1 inch mounting frame on the back giving the illusion that the artwork is floating on the wall..
- Mounting Brackets are included along with instructions.
- High Quality Digital images are created directly into a glossy aluminum panel producing a stunning and captivating print into the glossy finish of the metal.
- Water, Fire and Scratch resistant HD Aluminum panels.
- Looks better than any photo paper and guaranteed to last at least 20 years
- Easy to clean with a microfiber cloth. Colors are far superior to regular Canvas Art.
- Easy to Hang
We offer shipping at $15.00 on all orders to almost every destination in the US or Canada ($15.00 for the entire painting, including all the panels if it is a multi-panel design.) FOR ORDERS TO AK/HI//Puerto Rico or international orders please contact us prior to your purchase to inquire about the shipping rate to your location. We apologize that we can not offer $15.00 shipping to these locations.
Your satisfaction is our priority. If you are unsatisfied with the art work after you receive it, please contact use.
Please email us at [email protected], include a photo of the item you received, your name, order id number and reason you are requesting to exchange the artwork. One of our customer service agents will respond to you within 24 hours.
Please email us before returning items, as you will need to get a return authorization ID from our customer service department. We need to provide you with a pre-paid return shipping label. We will not refund any shipping costs if the item is sent back to us without a return authorization number. We will try our best to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase on Fabuart.com. For the exchange, we will send you actual photos of the new item prior to shipping for your approval. |
Exfoliation; the most misunderstood step in your beauty regime since EVER! We’ve seen it 100 times.
Whether a friend has recommended a 3-step beauty routine that they swear by, or a sales assistant in the cosmetic department insists you purchase their exfoliant for optimum results (got to love the up-sell), or that you are like most men and women who have heard it, seen it and therefore assume it’s imperative to your skin health so you purchase whatever you stumble across – The first mistake.
When it comes to applying your skincare, you’ll more than likely have no idea what, why and how often so you simply wing it and hope for best.
Cue “Highway to the danger zone” of the skin variety (you totally sang that in your head didn’t you)
If this sounds familiar and you’re scrubbing away on the daily without much knowledge of the product you’re applying, we ask you to put the kettle on and indulge in some light reading.
Exfoliation plays a significant part in your skincare routine.
For optimum skin health, we should all be using a series of quality products to wash away the daily grime and with the right education, exfoliation is the key to clearing the skin of the crap and allowing your cleansers and moisturisers to work their magic.
Selecting the product that’s right for you:
We love a recommendation. Restaurants, travel tips, wine – but keep in mind that when it comes to your skincare, no two faces are the same and the same goes for your skin. What could be working miracles on some, could mean facial catastrophe for you (eeek).
There are two main Exfoliants to consider when developing a treatment plan; Chemical Exfoliant or Physical Exfoliant.
Before making your selection, you need to first understand the underlying issues of your skin and therefore what TYPE will work best for you.
CHEMICAL EXFOLIANT: Simply put, chemical is what works to remove the dead skin cells as opposed to a scrub containing granules, beads or nowadays coffee (yum). Unlike a scrub, a Chemical Exfoliant does not contain the rough stuff.
It can remove debris, rough and dry skin revealing a silky-smooth finish sans heavy duty scrubbing.
Peels are also chemical exfoliants and are not only great for smoothing but also for brightening for the ultimate glow!
Let’s take a look at alpha hydroxy acids…
AHAs are derived from natural substances like delicious fruits and are ideal for exfoliating (without scrubbing) dry skin since they breakdown the stubborn “glue” that holds dead skin cells together. However, AHAs, because they’re water-soluble, can’t penetrate deep into pores for that OH EM GEE goodness. Unlike BHAs.
BHAs (beta hydroxy acids) are oil-soluble molecules. Thus, they can reach deeper into the skin and pores.
BHAs also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and as you all know, we LOVE a multi-tasker.
PHYSICAL EXFOLIANT: They are everywhere! Down the aisle of your grocery stores, every chemist, all over social media (cough, Frank Coffee Scrub) and more than likely, on your bathroom vanity.
They are great… in the hands of the right candidate and with the correct application!
The exfoliating agents in the product (i.e. beads, grains) is what do the heavy lifting in this scenario and with GENTLE rubbing, will physically remove the layers of dead skin on the face.
It is imperative to know that this must be executed with care. Too forceful or rough with scrubbing can create micro-tears and ain’t nobody got time for that!
Let’s break it down:
Who is a candidate for Chemical Exfoliants?
Those with sensitive skin, problematic skin, acne or oily skin. As chemical exfoliation does not involve scrubbing with an exfoliation agent, it is much kinder to the skin and won’t leave you inflamed, irritated or red raw!
Who Is a candidate for Physical Exfoliants?
Is your skin resilient? Do you generally have clear skin? Is your skin overall problem-free? If you answered YES to all, then Physical Exfoliants should be fine to incorporate in your weekly beauty regime.
We recommend twice weekly and nothing more (unless told otherwise by your skin specialist).
The Do’s & Don’ts
- If you have pain-in-the-a** skin and suffer from breakouts, do NOT use a Physical Exfoliant. Speak to a Specialist and opt for a Chemical Exfoliant instead
- Be GENTLE when scrubbing. Micro-Tears can occur when being too forceful
- NEVER use a body scrub on your face. The skin is completely different thus so are the ingredients in the product.
- Do not scrub daily! Excessive scrubbing can lead to irritation, inflammation, micro-tears, dry skin, oily skin and MORE breakouts.
- Consult a specialist to customise a treatment plan that’s right FOR YOU.
Exfoliation is SO important but in the hands of an inexperienced consumer, it can make matters worse.
Face Fit specialise in Advanced Skin Care. We understand that every face is different and take the time to customise your very own personalised treatment plan derived from quality products.
We also specialise in Medical-grade Cosmetic Peels to help breakdown and buff away your dead skin to have you feeling shiny and new.
Contact our team for a Skin Consultation at Face Fit. Just $60 redeemable on a product. |
Congratulations on your engagement! Wedding bells are in the air it’s all very exciting! Let’s face it, since the moment you said YES, you’ve been planning. You’ve already picked your dream dress, venue and reception DJ but, it isn’t just seating charts and catering selection that needs your attention. Brides, you have one more thing to add to your list of to-dos and that is to ensure you are wedding ready and that your skin is at it’s very best because we all know, those wedding snaps will last forever. Brides, we’re talking about your skin regimen.
A looming wedding is the perfect excuse to indulge in a little self-care.
If there is ever a time to shake up your beauty regime, it’s for the preparation of your wedding day! A wedding beauty regimen is a great way to practice some self-care, giving you the opportunity to de-stress ahead of your nuptials. And of course, each step will aid you in perfecting your wedding-day look, ensuring your skin brings its A-Game for the big day.
We’re sharing our top tips for perfect bridal skin.
- Invest in Your Skincare
It’s time to consider the products you are applying. We recommend speaking to your Advanced Skin Specialist (ahem, us!) to determine an appropriate product plan that you can use at home. Everyone is unique and the same goes for our skin. There is not a one size fits all approach to selecting skincare so in the lead up to your Wedding Day, a customised plan to treat concerns or maintain your glowing complexion is essential.
Speak with your team at Face Fit. After careful analysis, we will prescribe a series of products such as Cleansers, Exfoliators, Serums and Moistourisers that suit you, your skin concerns and will leave you feeling amazing come the big day.
Note: This should be down 6-12 months out. We do not recommend trying a brand-new product days or weeks out.
- Drink Plenty of Water
Strap a bottle of water to you at all times. In the lead up to your wedding, drinking plenty of water is paramount to the health of your skin. When we drink water, we hydrate our bodies and in turn, our skin. Drinking water also aids in flushing out toxins which is a common cause in skin impurities and breakouts.
Bonus tip; drinking water can also aid in weight management. Who doesn’t love a multitasker?
- Use An SPF
Protect your skin from harmful UV Rays and use an SPF every day, especially as you approach your special day. Sun exposure causes dark spots, pigmentation, sun damage and aids in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and nobody wants that on their wedding day.
Do not neglect your décolletage. If you’re wearing an intricate dress, chances are the detail will draw attention to your chest. Protect your décolletage, especially when driving and out and about.
- Have Regular Facials and Treatments
Pre-Wedding prep is the perfect opportunity to indulge in regular facials and treatments. Once a luxury, now an essential, so make the most of it. Speak to your Advanced Skin Specialist about how to get the best result for your skin. From Medi-Facials to Peels, Needling and PRP, we have a long list of treatments available to combat individual concerns.
If you’re one of the lucky ones, a regular facial is all that you may need to maintain the integrity of your already beautiful skin but for those whom experience breakouts, dry skin or have scarring Peels and Needling will be the sure-fire way to bring your skin back to its former glory.
- Anti Wrinkle Treatments
Walk down the aisle as your most youthful and freshest self yet. If you are concerned about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your big day, you should consider a quick and non-invasive treatment such as Anti-Wrinkle. Anti-Wrinkle Gold Coast, for those who have yet to experience the magic, is a quick procedure that works to relax the muscles in specific areas of the face so that your expressions appear softer and fine lines will cease to exist.
Each client is unique and this includes the longevity of your Anti-Wrinkle results. As a rule of thumb, we suggest visiting your Cosmetic Nurse between 3-4 weeks out from the big day to ensure there is no swelling or bruising.
Your makeup is the biggest part of the morning-of. We all want our makeup to be flawless ahead of your grand entrance and to help achieve a divine finish and overall look, we suggest our Dermablading Treatment. Dermablading, in the hands of our skilled Skin Specialists is the art of carefully removing any and all “peach fuzz” and excess hair from the surface of the skin. It also works to remove excess dirt and dry skin leaving you completely smooth and glowing. With zero peach fuzz, makeup application is a breeze and the finish is immaculate.
So, ladies (and gents), if the question was popped and the plans are in motions, consider your skin. Most treatments and regimens do not work over night so allowing yourself enough time to get the most from your skincare plan is highly recommended. Speak with the team at Face Fit so that we can arrange a plan that will ensure you are the most beautiful bride on your very special day. |
How To Fix “Error Loading Subtitles” issue On Stremio, This can be very annoying for people who want to watch their favorite movies or TV shows. A lot of people like subtitles because they help them understand what they’re watching better. When you see this mistake, you should try to figure out what’s going on. It could be because of a problem with your internet connection or with how well it works with other programs. There could be a number of reasons for this.
It might not be easy to fix, and you might have to try a few different things. You can fix the problem and watch your shows with subtitles again on Stremio once you know what’s wrong. Let’s look more closely at why this mistake occurs and what you can How To Fix “Error Loading Subtitles” issue On Stremio, so you can watch all of your favorite shows without any breaks. To keep your viewing experience smooth and enjoyable, you need to understand the issue and find the right answers.
Table of Contents
What is “Error Loading Subtitles” issue On Stremio
Many Stremio users have trouble adding subtitles to their videos game because the “Subtitles Not Loading” message keeps coming up. This problem could be caused by a slow internet link, issues with the server of the subtitle provider, or a subtitle file that doesn’t match the video correctly. People who want to watch their favorite shows or movies with subtitles may find this annoying, but it doesn’t usually mean there’s a big problem with the Stremio app.
Users can check their internet connection, get subtitles from different sources, or make sure the subtitle file works well with the movie as a few things they can try to fix it. People who have this problem may need to try a number of different options before they find the one that works best for them. It takes some time and a few tries, but once users find the right answer, they can watch media with subtitles without any problems. If you want to know more information about this issue visit Stremio Official Website.
Causes for “Error Loading Subtitles” issue On Stremio
- Unavailable Subtitles: This is the most common reason. The subtitles you want to load might not be visible or available. If the subtitles are out of sync with the movie or the subtitles file is damaged, this could happen.
- Server Problems: Sometimes, the servers that house the subtitles may be having problems or going down, which makes it impossible to load the subtitles.
- Incompatible Subtitle forms: Stremio works with a number of different subtitle forms, including SRT, SUB, SSA, and ASS. You might not be able to load the subtitle file if it is in a format that isn’t allowed or if it is encoded wrong.
- Outdated Version of Stremio: Using an old version of the Stremio app can cause problems with compatibility, such as not being able to load captions. To avoid these kinds of problems, make sure you have the most recent version of the Stremio app.
- Name of the Subtitle File: For Stremio to immediately find the subtitle file, it may need to have the same name as the video file and be in the same directory. If you don’t follow this naming practice, subtitles may not load correctly.
How To Fix “Error Loading Subtitles” issue On Stremio
Uninstall Multiple Subtitles And Faulty Add-ons
- Open the Stremio desktop app on Linux, Mac, or Windows.
- Click on the “Puzzle” button.
- Go to “Add-ons“.
- Remove any unnecessary add-ons.
- Open the Stremio app.
- Go to the Main Menu.
- Select “Add-ons“.
- Remove any unnecessary add-ons.
Make sure Stremio is up-to-date
- Update your Stremio app to the latest version.
- Install the updated app on your computer.
- Verify if the issue is resolved.
Try a different player to watch video content
- Some people reported problem with player for watching video.
- Trouble with subtitles in VLC or ExoPlayer via Stremio for cartoons.
- Switching to Superflix could resolve “Error loading subtitles” issue.
Download subtitles from a dedicated website
- Fix the problem by downloading subtitles for each show or movie you watch.
- Visit websites like OpenSubtitles official website or Subscene.
- Search for the required subtitles.
- Save files in SRT, SUB, or VTT format.
- Open the movie.
- Drag the subtitle file onto the Stremio player.
- Test the subtitles to confirm functionality.
Check If Subtitles Are Available
- Check video for subtitles availability.
- Verify if content lacks subtitles.
- This might lead to loading issues.
Contact Stremio Support
- Problem persists after trying previous solutions.
- Contact Stremio Support for further assistance.
- Utilize help desk, or official forums on Reddit and Facebook.
In conclusion, the “Error Loading Subtitles” issue on Stremio can be very annoying for people who just want to stream without any interruptions. You can get past this problem, though, if you’re patient and know how to fix it. Your watching experience will be much smoother. It’s important to figure out what’s going on, whether it’s your internet link or the subtitle files not working with each other.
By trying out different options and following the right steps, you can fine-tune your Stremio settings so that your favourite content and subtitles load without any problems. When you’ve figured out how to fix subtitle loading problems, you’ll be able to enjoy watching more. Even though it might be difficult at first, don’t give up. If you keep at it and take the right steps, you’ll soon be able to watch your favourite films and TV shows without having to stop to fix problems with the subtitles.
Question and Answer
Can I use external subtitle files with Stremio?
Adding subtitle files from external sources is a simple process using Stremio. All you need to do is download subtitles from a variety of sources and then apply them to your videos using Stremio. In order to ensure a smooth playback, check that the subtitle format is compatible with Stremio’s criteria.
Are there any known bugs or issues related to subtitles in Stremio?
With regular updates, Stremio is able to improve the software and fix any issues that may arise. If you are experiencing difficulties with subtitles, it is possible that Stremio is working to resolve a known issue by repairing it. Check for any fixes in the most recent releases.
Are there community forums or support channels for Stremio where I can seek help?
Stremio has a community that is very helpful. It is possible to find support on their forums or on their subreddit. To assist you with any problems that you may be experiencing, users and support professionals will give advice and solutions based on their experiences.
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Inspired by the Golden Age of Piracy, Faire Treasures’ Pirate Hair Jewels are a perfect addition to your Pirate, Renaissance, or Steampunk costume for the faire or for Halloween! Each strand of Pirate Hair Jewels is a one-of-a-kind creation by CrystalKittyCat.
The medium length are created with 6 inches of beading ending in a coin pendant or Kuchi dangle, perfect for pirates with medium length to long hair. The strand of beads is attached to a barrette so you can easily snap it into place. By attaching the barrette under your top layer of hair, you’ll give the appearance of the beads stranded on your own hair!
I carefully select various types of beads that can include but are not limited to freshwater pearl, glass, metal, bone, horn, wood, and stone to create each unique strand of hair jewels. Strands are not reproduced; no two are the same. Photos displayed are examples of previous creations, are are not necessarily representative of current available strands.
As each strand is one of a kind, our Pirate Hair Jewels are currently available only through Faire Treasures Etsy Shop. Follow the link to purchase, or reach out to me through the contact form if you’d like to add an existing strand from Etsy to your FT.com order. |
Maliha Sharmin is addressing the challenge of developing a dengue vaccine that effectively targets all four antigenically distinct serotypes of the virus. Her proposed solution involves investigating the role of specific miRNAs in dengue virus replication and exploring the potential use of antisense oligonucleotides targeting these miRNAs as a promising antiviral therapy against dengue virus infections.
Maliha Sharmin is a microbiologist with expertise in molecular biology and virology. Her research focus involves elucidating the mechanisms governing miRNA expression and its functional significance during DENV infection. Maliha’s research primarily entails the identification and comprehensive characterisation of miRNAs that play critical roles in the intricate interplay between the host and the dengue virus during replication. Maliha’s goal is to employ antisense oligonucleotides to specifically target these miRNAs involved in dengue virus replication and explore the potential of miRNA-based therapeutic approaches for the treatment of dengue virus infections. |
In case of an emergency, we will contact the parent or legal guardian immediately. If we are unable to reach you, please list a secondary contact person who we can call. This contact must be someone not living in the same household
This health history is correct as far as I know, and the camper listed above has permission to attend Fired Up For Jesus Winter Retreat and to engage in all camp activities except as noted. I hereby authorize the executive staff or designated medical professional to dispense over -the-counter- medication as needed to the camper listed above.
Please make all checks payable to Family Church Bryant. You can turn in payments to the church office, Monday-Friday, 8 am - 4 pm. You can make payments online at fcbryant.org/give, please make sure to select TNT Camp under the fund drop down. Remember that final payments are due June 5th, If you are unable to make your payment on June 5th, please contact Pastor Bradley, [email protected] or Pastor Y at [email protected]. |
The Asian-inspired salmon bowl with brown rice and edamame is a nutritious and flavorful dish that combines succulent salmon, wholesome brown rice, vibrant vegetables, and umami-rich Asian flavors. This colorful and satisfying bowl offers a perfect balance of protein, healthy fats, and fiber, making it a nourishing meal that is as delicious as it is wholesome.
Origin and Cultural Significance:
While the exact origin of the Asian-inspired salmon bowl is unclear, it draws inspiration from Asian cuisine, particularly Japanese and Korean culinary traditions. These cultures are known for their use of fresh and seasonal ingredients, as well as their emphasis on balance and harmony in flavors and textures. The salmon bowl reflects these principles with its combination of nutrient-rich ingredients and bold Asian-inspired flavors.
- 2 salmon fillets, skin-on
- 2 cups cooked brown rice
- 1 cup shelled edamame, cooked
- 1 cup shredded carrots
- 1 cup sliced cucumber
- 1 avocado, sliced
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
- 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon grated ginger
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- Sesame seeds and sliced green onions for garnish
- Optional: Sriracha or chili garlic sauce for added heat
- Sliced bell peppers, snap peas, or steamed broccoli for additional vegetables
- Marinated tofu or grilled chicken for extra protein
- Pickled ginger or kimchi for a tangy kick
- Crushed peanuts or cashews for added crunch
Tips for Success:
- Choose high-quality salmon fillets with firm flesh and a bright color.
- Marinate the salmon for at least 30 minutes to infuse it with flavor and ensure tenderness.
- Cook the salmon until it is just cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.
- Use fresh and colorful vegetables for added nutrients and visual appeal.
- Customize the bowl to your taste preferences by adjusting the seasonings and toppings.
- In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey or maple syrup, sesame oil, grated ginger, and minced garlic to make the marinade.
- Place the salmon fillets in a shallow dish and pour the marinade over them, ensuring they are evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Remove the salmon from the marinade and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, skin-side down.
- Bake the salmon in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until it is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.
- While the salmon is baking, prepare the brown rice according to package instructions if not already cooked, and cook the edamame according to package instructions.
- Divide the cooked brown rice among serving bowls and top with the cooked edamame, shredded carrots, sliced cucumber, and avocado.
- Once the salmon is cooked, remove it from the oven and carefully flake it into large pieces.
- Place the flaked salmon on top of the rice and vegetables in the serving bowls.
- Garnish with sesame seeds and sliced green onions, and drizzle with any remaining marinade.
- Serve the Asian-inspired salmon bowls immediately, with optional Sriracha or chili garlic sauce on the side for added heat.
The Asian-inspired salmon bowl with brown rice and edamame is a vibrant and satisfying dish that showcases the flavors of Asia in every bite. The tender and flaky salmon, marinated in a savory-sweet sauce, pairs perfectly with the nutty brown rice, crunchy vegetables, and creamy avocado. Each component brings its own unique texture and flavor to the bowl, creating a harmonious and delicious combination that is both nourishing and comforting. Whether enjoyed for lunch or dinner, this bowl is sure to satisfy your cravings for a wholesome and flavorful meal.
Note: Nutritional values may vary depending on specific ingredients and serving sizes.
- Calories: Approximately 400-500 per serving
- Total Fat: 20-25g
- Cholesterol: 50-60mg
- Sodium: 500-600mg
- Total Carbohydrates: 30-40g
- Dietary Fiber: 6-8g
- Sugars: 6-8g
- Protein: 25-30g
Conclusion and Recommendation:
In conclusion, the Asian-inspired salmon bowl with brown rice and edamame is a delicious and nutritious meal that celebrates the flavors of Asia in a wholesome and satisfying way. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy weeknight dinner or a healthy lunch option, this bowl has you covered. With its combination of protein-rich salmon, fiber-packed brown rice, and nutrient-dense vegetables, it provides a balanced and satisfying meal that is sure to leave you feeling nourished and satisfied. Enjoy it as is or customize it with your favorite toppings and seasonings to suit your taste preferences.
Exploring Nutritional Excellence:
To enhance the nutritional profile of the Asian-inspired salmon bowl, consider incorporating additional vegetables such as leafy greens, bell peppers, or broccoli for added vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You can also experiment with different grains such as quinoa or farro for variety and additional nutrients. For extra flavor and protein, try topping the bowl with a poached egg or sprinkling it with toasted sesame seeds or crushed nuts. Get creative with your seasonings and sauces to create unique flavor combinations that suit your taste preferences while still providing a nutritious and satisfying meal.
Crafting Culinary Masterpieces:
Elevate your Asian-inspired salmon bowl by experimenting with different sauces and garnishes to create unique flavor profiles and visual presentations. Try drizzling the bowl with a spicy Sriracha mayo or a tangy sesame ginger dressing for an extra burst of flavor. You can also top the bowl with crispy fried shallots or garlic chips for added texture and depth of flavor. Get creative with your plating by arranging the ingredients in an aesthetically pleasing manner and garnishing the bowl with fresh herbs or microgreens for a pop of color. With a little imagination and experimentation, you can turn a simple salmon bowl into a culinary masterpiece that delights the senses and satisfies the soul.
Savoring Sensory Delights:
Immerse yourself in the sensory delights of the Asian-inspired salmon bowl by savoring its vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and diverse textures. Take a moment to appreciate the tender and flaky texture of the salmon as it melts in your mouth, and the nutty richness of the brown rice as it absorbs the flavors of the marinade. Notice the crunch of the fresh vegetables and the creaminess of the avocado, and the subtle heat of the Sriracha or chili garlic sauce. With each bite, savor the harmony of flavors and textures, and the joy that comes from nourishing your body with wholesome and delicious food. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, and savor the sensory delights of this Asian-inspired masterpiece.
Embracing Healthful Indulgence:
While the Asian-inspired salmon bowl is undeniably indulgent, embracing healthful indulgence involves enjoying it mindfully as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle. Pair your bowl with
a glass of green tea or infused water for a refreshing beverage option, and savor each bite with gratitude and appreciation for the nourishment it provides. Take time to chew slowly and savor the flavors, and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues to guide your eating experience. By embracing healthful indulgence, you can enjoy the sensory delights of the Asian-inspired salmon bowl while nourishing your body and soul with wholesome and delicious food. |
A reader writes:
Hope you're doing well!
I was reading your post about Delton, and I have a question for you. As a beginning garden railroader, I've been picking up used rolling stock off eBay as budget permits, so I have a mix of manufacturers including USA Trains, Aristocraft, and LGB. I only have two engines at the moment, both USA Trains. I saw a used Delton Long Caboose that I'd like to add to my slowly growing collection, but your article made me think that it might look too small in comparison to the other cars. I’m not a huge stickler for everything being prototypically perfect, but I don't want it to look "funny" and out of place either.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
-------------I replied: --------------------------------------------------------
I have a bit of Delton and a bit of HLW, the company that inherited many of Delton's molds. The Delton "long caboose" mold was purchased by Aristocraft and made under their "classic" line for a while. I don't have one of those, but considering its proportions more-or-less match the Delton and HLW I do have, I would say that the car is likely delightful, but will not look great with your other pieces. To make it useful on the average railroad, you'd have to pick up more 1:24 stuff for it to go with. Do you really need to go down another "rabbit hole"? P.S. I go down quite a few because I try to write informative articles, based on things I've actually had in my hands. But building up a collection of several different scales isn't in everybody else's best interest.
I have multiple loops on my railroad, and I "get away" with using mismatched scales by running them on separate loops. Mostly, though, my Delton or HLW stuff is stuff like railbusses that I bought because no one else makes/made the models I like in any scale. I do have an HLW switcher and work caboose, so I can make up short trains. But all of those can go on short loops visually separated from the rest of the trains.
If I stopped my Delton or HLW train next to a stopped Aristocraft, Bachmann, LGB, or USA train, it would look funny to some people, but I don't do that.
You also need to think about era. If you have a bunch of stuff that looks like it belongs in the 1800s or very early 1900s, that caboose, or the LGB "drover's caboose" might be a good match. If most of your stuff looks like it belongs, say from the 1920s on, the Delton caboose, modeled after 19th-century equipment, might not be a good matach.
Sorry for the long explanation. In the long run it's personal choice, and I have bought and sold many pieces that other people loved and I wasn't satisfied with. With stuff getting harder to find, the risks of paying too much for something that really isn't a good fit for you or your railroad are rising.
Best of luck, |
Pet Relocation or Financial Ruin? Owners Face Tough Choices During Moves
The trend of relocating pets has seen a significant rise, but so have the costs associated with it.
Whether moving across states or internationally, pet owners are facing a steep bill for ensuring their furry friends arrive safely at their new homes.
Understanding the Basics of Pet Relocation Costs
Pet relocation costs are determined by various factors, including the number of pets, type, origin, destination, and mode of transport. Essential costs such as import fees, vet visits, travel crates, and transportation are unavoidable and can be substantially higher for international moves. For instance, moving a small dog from the U.S. to Singapore can average around $5,000, reports Pet Relocation.
Options for Pet Transport
Air travel offers a swift solution for cross-country pet moves, with cabin travel for small pets starting at $125 per pet for domestic flights. However, larger pets requiring cargo space can see prices starting from $500, according to Citizen Shipper.
Train travel, though limited to small pets, provides an economical alternative, with Amtrak charging between $29 and $39, CS reports. Ground transportation is still the most versatile and often affordable method, especially for larger or multiple pets, with costs ranging from $0.50 to $1.60 per mile.
The Role of Pet Relocation Services
Professional pet relocation services can alleviate the logistical burden, offering comprehensive support throughout the move. These services, while adding to the cost, ensure a coordinated and stress-free experience. Depending on the move’s complexity, you may be looking at a bill of several hundred dollars or more for domestic moves, with some services offering personalized quotes based on the specifics of the trip. The pros and cons of pet relocation services are worth evaluating if you are considering a move.
Financial Implications for Pet Owners
The financial strain of pet relocation adds to the already rising cost of pet ownership. A staggering 91% of dog owners reported financial stress due to pet-related expenses, with many resorting to debt or additional jobs to manage costs, reports USA Today. The increasing prices of pet care, including food and veterinary services, compound this stress, pushing owners to seek cost-effective solutions.
Navigating the High Costs
While the expense of relocating pets can be daunting, understanding the breakdown of costs and exploring various transport options can help owners make informed decisions. Ground transportation and train travel offer more budget-friendly alternatives, while pet relocation services provide invaluable support for those willing to invest in peace of mind.
As pet relocation costs continue to climb, owners must weigh the financial implications against the need for safe and comfortable transport for their pets. By carefully considering the available options and planning ahead, it’s possible to ensure a smooth transition for your beloved companion without breaking the bank.
Click below and make the commitment to safe pet travel. |
Germany may have stumbled through Group F to finish in second place, following a nervy and wholly unconvincing 2-2 draw with Hungary, but the nation believes a knock-out round clash with England may be exactly what Jogi Löw’s side need to fix their troubles.
The four-time World Cup winners spent much of their final group game a goal down to Hungary, before Chelsea forward Kai Havertz scored an equaliser shortly after the hour mark.
However, Marco Rossi’s side equalised almost immediately after the German breakthrough and it wasn’t until a rebounded shot from Leon Goretzka six minutes from time landed in the back of the net that Germany knew they were safe and through to the next round.
“I hope that we have arrived in the tournament now,” said a relieved Joshua Kimmich on German broadcaster ZDF at full time, after admitting that he thought his side were going to be knocked out after Hungary’s second goal. “We want to show that against England, especially after we’ve seen three different games now. But Wembley: awesome, there’s almost no better game.”
Team captain Manuel Neuer was in an equally defiant mood when asked about the prospect of Germany raising their game to match Gareth Southgate’s side in London in five days time.
“It’s a completely different game. You’ve seen it when we play against stronger teams,” remarked the Bayern Munich shot-stopper. “We have great guys and we still have confidence, even though we played 2-2 against Hungary. It’s a knockout game, we want to go further. Wembley suits us.”
Despite narrowly avoiding an embarrassing defeat and elimination from the competition, Kimmich and Neuer’s optimism for the clash against England was echoed throughout the nation in numerous TV studios at full-time.
“I think we are favourites against England,” suggested Michael Ballack on Magenta TV. “They haven’t convinced me yet and they suit us better. Going forward, we don’t have to be afraid of them. But of course we need an improvement in performance.”
When asked how Germany could quickly improve in the latter stages of the tournament, Ballack said: “We should find a formation in which the players feel comfortable and feel at home. We play a system that many players from their clubs are not familiar with and are therefore still in the process of finding out.”
And he wasn’t alone. After spending much of the evening lamenting the poor performances of Leroy Sane on the wing, Euro 1996 winner Mehmet Scholl was then asked how he felt ahead of the clash at Wembley. “England suits us,” remarked the former Bayern star with a sudden change of tone. “I’m not so pessimistic about that.”
Perhaps the only hint of caution came in the form of former Arsenal defender Per Mertesacker, who wore a troubled expression in the ZDF studio after watching Germany’s best players and Löw explain away the Hungary performance and brush aside any concerns of an English threat.
“You notice their body language and you realise that we didn’t do much good today,” said the former defender. “They just were not at all determined and were a bit naive in parts. If we continue to do that we’ll have no chance against a nation like England.” |
Thank your for vising Fantasy Inspiration, a dedicated digital magazine dedicated purely for fantasy inspired art work. We feature some of the best fantasy art work so you do not have to go looking for it, a central location for all things fantasy related.
We are a small team from the UK who are very passionate about all concepts of Fantasy. We have grown up with being blessed with epic gaming titles such as Final Fantasy, Legend of Mir and Dragon Raja.
Daniel Whiteside – Founder
We would love to thank those who have donated to Fantasy Inspiration, this will spur on growth for the future and make us strive harder to make more contributions to the community!
Alexander Phillips – USA |
American Farmland Trust Awarded Conservation Innovation Grant
American Farmland Trust, the organization behind the national movement No Farms No Food®, was awarded a highly competitive 2018 Conservation Innovation Grant from USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. Authorized by the 2002 Farm Bill, CIG helps develop the tools, technologies and strategies to support next-generation conservation efforts on working lands.
“Through programs like the Conservation Innovation Grants Program, we’re fueling the development of new and exciting tools and technologies, helping farmers improve their agricultural and conservation outcomes,” says NRCS Acting Chief Leonard Jordan.
The grant will fund a new AFT project called “Accelerating Soil Health Adoption by Quantifying Economic and Environmental Outcomes & Overcoming Barriers on Rented Land” that is designed to give farmers and landowners the quantitative evidence they need to make better conservation decisions.
One barrier to wider use of soil health practices that improve water, save soil, protect climate, and often increase profit has been limited quantitative data proving their benefits.
AFT will work in six watersheds across five states (California, Illinois, Ohio, New York and Virginia) to quantify the benefits experienced by 24 farmers who have already implemented soil health practices like reduced tillage, cover crops, nutrient management, crop rotation and more. The data collected will be used to produce economic case studies that include soil health, water quality and greenhouse gas outcomes experienced by the successful soil health farmers. The case studies will be used to encourage other farmers and non-operating landowners to implement environmentally sound farming practices more quickly and in greater numbers. The project also aims to foster better conversations and lease arrangements between farmers and non-operating landowners – many of whom are women – to better share in the risk and rewards of investing in soil health practices.
“We are thrilled and honored to have been chosen to receive the NRCS CIG grant. At AFT, we hope this new quantitative evidence helps farmers and landowners agree to adopt soil health practices on more land sooner, and with that decision, to reap the benefits of greater productivity, increased profitability and environmental improvement,” says Michelle Perez, director of AFT’s water initiative.
Perez continues, “AFT has been promoting soil health practices to improve water quality for over three decades and is now pursuing quantifying conservation outcomes under our new Water Initiative, and our existing Farmers Combat Climate Change and Women for the Land Initiatives.”
American Farmland Trust is the only national organization that takes a holistic approach to agriculture, focusing on the land itself, the agricultural practices used on that land, and the farmers and ranchers who do the work. AFT launched the conservation agriculture movement and continues to raise public awareness through our No Farms, No Food message. Since our founding in 1980, AFT has helped permanently protect over 6.5 million acres of agricultural lands, advanced environmentally-sound farming practices on millions of additional acres and supported thousands of farm families. |
Brian BrandtAgriculture Conservation Innovations Initiative Director
Brian plays a principal role in AFT’s efforts to engage the agricultural industry in developing environmental service markets in the Ohio River Basin and the upper Midwest. Working with partners in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, Brian led AFT’s efforts to develop the first multiple-credit ecosystem services market in the country. Brian has played an integral role in the effort to develop innovative risk management tools to increase BMP adoption and led the development of the Nutrient BMP Insurance policy and proposal, both of which were approved by USDA’s Risk Management Agency. He also managed AFT’s role in the BMP Challenge with Agflex, which has helped more than 100 farmers in 16 states reduce their fertilizer applications. He has also participated in several national and state Conservation Innovation Grant projects funded by USDA. Brian is a part-time farmer and grew up on a hog and cash-grain farm in Ohio. He holds a Bachelor of Science in agronomy from The Ohio State University. |
By: Morgan Smith (@muvamorgs)
Gearing up for Convos With Claire in Atlanta on June 15th-June 16th, Fashion Bomb Daily is happy to announce our special guests list which includes celebrity panelist: Arian Simone!
Yes, you heard it right! Arian Simone is an all-around Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO, Business Investor, and PR and Marketing Specialist. Arian is also the owner of the fashion company, Arian Simone Collection, which offers women a taste of luxury at affordable prices! In addition, she is the best-selling author behind the Fearless Faith + Hustle: 21 Day Devotional Journey which is a spiritual and business guide for female entrepreneurs.
Arian Simone endured a period of hardships after college as she experienced homelessness and unemployment. She eventually built a successful PR and Marketing firm from the ground up, allowing her to build relationships with professionals from companies such as Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney, and more. She decided to share her successful, FEARLESS life with others through the creation of Fearless Magazine which as a platform dedicated to generating content, inspiration, and experiences of the entrepreneurial woman. The publication has been viewed and distributed internationally to companies like Barnes and Noble and featured on MTV and VH1.
Come out to Convos With Claire to hear Arian Simone share her experiences on overcoming hardships, being successful, and becoming fearless as a woman in business! Secure your tickets now at CWCATL.eventbrite.com. |
Well, if you follow us on Instagram, you undoubtedly have already gotten your fill of Real Style, runway photos, and party shots!
But, oh wait, there’s more.
See what our photogs Karl Pierre and Brandon Isralsky snapped outside of Lincoln Center on Day 1 of Fall 2014 Fashion Week:
It’s hard to keep it cute in colder temps, but this young lady triumphed in a printed skirt suit, black beanie, and skin toned tights.
Mirrored shades and coordinating tights were all this young lady needed to stand out from the crowd.
The men always serve! A fur collar, driving gloves, and cap brought this look to the next level.
No fashion week is complete without multiple June Ambrose sightings! The celebrity stylist stuck to her signature quirky chic aesthetic in an Alberta Ferretti Fur, Moschino dress, and Eric Javits hat.
Her assistant, Tukie, is quite the fashion maven herself. I loved her Prada lug sole boots.
This young lady was serving bell bottomed realness, and I am here for it! Work!
Dominatrix inspired leather and harnesses were on tap for this show goer.
Fashion Week is always more fun with friends. These young ladies kept their looks practical and fashionable with ankle boots, wool hats, and sizzling hot cross body bags.
Cosmopolitan Fashion Market Director Shiona Turini looked fab on the go in a Just Cavalli printed jacket.
Layering is always very necessary, as witnessed by this young man’s stacked socks and multiple button downs.
More evidence of fabulous layering! Loving the lemon hued cardigan and pastel sneaks.
And lastly, this Fashion Bomb reader looked like the consummate snow bunny in furry separates.
I took a quick pic with her also!
Stay tuned for my Style Diary in a few hours.
Until then, what did you think of our Day 1 Street Style ensembles?
Photos by Karl Pierre |
Fastway Adventure Footpegs are designed for adventure! Whether you’re ripping a snow bike across the frozen backcountry, riding an old roadbed through a deep pine forest, or cruising along a twisty mountain road – Fastway’s Adventure pegs offer a level of comfort and control you haven’t experienced before.
Fastway Footpegs are precision engineered for the best ride, every ride! Featuring patented height, traction, and camber (tilt) adjustability, for the most individualized footpegs you’ll find. The Universal Collar System (UCS) lets you customize your mount in either the stock or lowered positions on most bikes – simply by reversing the collar. And our patented replaceable traction cleat system allows you to customize the shape and traction level of your foot bed.
- Patented adjustable height, traction, and camber adjustability
- Measurements: 2.25” x 4.75”
- Precision engineered, manufactured, and assembled in the U.S.A.
- All footpegs ship with 2 sets of F3 threaded cleats– short 10mm, and tall 12mm cleats
- Requires Fastway Footpeg Fit Kit |
- The practice of law in Nigeria is regulated by the Legal Practitioners Act 1990.
- The Nigerian Bar Association is the professional association of legal practitioners in Nigeria with a membership of over 120,000 lawyers across the country. The motto of the NBA which appears on its corporate seal is: Promoting the Rule of Law.
- Mr Abubakar Malami SAN is the Attorney General of the Federation and the Minister of Justice of Nigeria. He is also a member of the Nigerian Bar Association.
- The Legal Practitioners Act 1990 established an entity known as the General Council of the Bar (the Bar Council) to be responsible for the general management of the affairs of the Nigerian Bar Association. (section 1(1))
- This power of general management includes the power to make rules for the professional conduct of legal practitioners. The current form of these rules are the Rules of Professional Conduct 2007.
- The Legal Practitioners Act 1990 states that the Bar Council is made up of
(i) the Attorney General of the Federation;
(ii) the Attorney General of the 36 States of the Federation; and
(iii) twenty members of the Nigerian Bar Association. (section 1(2)).
- The Bar Council, as constituted, has a full membership of 57 persons. Importantly in this context, section 1(4) of the Legal Practitioners Act 1990 states that the quorum for a meeting of the Bar Council thus constituted shall be eight persons.
- On 3rd September 2020 Mr Malami issued a document which purports to amend the existing Rules of Professional Conduct. The document makes no suggestion that the amendments were made by the Bar Council. Instead it is declared as an act by Mr Malami alone in exercise of the powers conferred on [him] by section 12 (4) of the Legal Practitioners Act . . . and all other powers enabling [him] in that behalf.
- The effect of the amendments purportedly made by Mr Malami would, if valid, be to:
(a) remove the prohibition on a lawyer from telling a court that he had paid his annual practising fees to the Nigerian Bar Association when he had not in fact paid; (Rule 9(2)
(b) exempt all lawyers from the current requirement to use official seals issued by the Nigerian Bar Association on legal documents; (Rule 10)
(c) dispense with the current requirement for lawyers to undergo continuous professional training and development; (Rule 11)
(d) remove the requirement for lawyers to obtain to renew their practicing certificate annually; (Rule 12)
(e) allow lawyers to set up law firms without registering details of their practice with the Nigerian Bar Association (Rule 13)
- On 13th September 2020, the president of the Nigerian Bar Association, Mr Olumide Apata, issued a statement declaring that the Rules of Professional Conduct and any amendments thereto may only be validly issued after it has been deliberated upon and approved at a properly convened meeting of the Bar Council. He added, No meeting of the Bar Council was convened and/or held to deliberate on [Mr Malamis] instrument
The Fatherland Group:
States that the rule of law is a commitment to the conduct of governance in obedience to, and in strict accordance with, the rules and procedures laid down by law including in making changes to those rules and procedures.
Observes that Section 12(4) of the Legal Practitioners Act does not confer any rule making powers on the Attorney General of the Federation independently of the Bar Council; it is concerned with appeals against decisions of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council (for completeness we add that Section 11(4) of the Act, which might have been intended to be referred to, is concerned only with the making of statements with respect to conduct which the [Bar] Council considers to be infamous conduct). There are no other powers enabling the Attorney General to act as he has done. The section which is the source of authority to make and amend rules of professional conduct is section 1 of the Act insofar as it empowers the Bar Council with the general management of the affairs of the Nigerian Bar Association.
Notes that Mr Malami, in his unilateral action, appears to be following the precedent of a predecessor in office, Mr Bayo Ojo SAN, who in issuing the 2007 Rules of Professional Conduct on 2nd January 2007 similarly declared that he was doing so In exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 12 (4) of the Legal Practitioners Act 1990. In his own case Mr Ojo added that he was doing so as Chairman of the General Council of the Bar and there was no suggestion that the Bar Council had not approved the new rules.
Finds it a deep embarrassment to the country that holders of the esteemed office of Attorney General and Minister of Justice, and Senior Advocates of Nigeria, appear not to have taken due care to acquaint themselves with their powers under the laws of Nigeria, and to recite those enabling powers accurately, so as to be seen to be exercising their powers properly.
Is concerned that Mr Malami, as a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and the principal law officer of the Federation, with responsibility to ensure that other officers of State exercise their powers in obedience to the rule of law, appears to have acted unilaterally and in complete disregard of the laws of the Federation to make far reaching changes to the regulation of the conduct of lawyers in the country.
Is embarrassed that one of the changes which Mr Malami purports to make would appear to licence a legal practitioner to make a statement to a court which is untrue and which he knows to be untrue viz. that he had paid his practising certificate fees when, in fact and to his knowledge, he had not so paid. We would at least expect more elegant drafting if the intention was to exempt lawyers from the requirement to pay practising certificate fees.
Observes that it is precisely to avoid this kind of embarrassment that the Legal Practitioners Act 1990 requires such rules and amendments to be considered and made by a wide body of interested persons and not just by the incumbent Attorney General and Minister of Justice.
Is concerned over what appears to be a pattern of arbitrary conduct and disregard of the rule of law by Mr Malami reflected in his arbitrary imposition of over $2 billion worth of taxes on the telecommunications company MTN; his erroneous statements regarding the legality of the South Western Nigeria Security Network (Amotekun); his attempt to use the Inspector General of Police to intervene in the politics of Edo State; and most worryingly his support for the RUGA settlement scheme.
Welcomes some aspects of the changes proposed by Mr Malami, but is worried that his action appears to have been motivated by a desire to support and facilitate the declaration of what has been named the New Nigerian Bar Association by some members of the NBA of northern Nigeria origin, in reaction to the decision taken the NBA on 20 August 2020 to dis-invite, the Governor of Kaduna State, Mr Nasir El Rufai, from speaking at its 2020 Annual General Conference following widespread domestic concerns over renewed inter-religious-ethnic killings in Kaduna State and the Governors attitude thereto.
States that it is improper for the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister for Justice to use his office in this way; and that a situation where the first law officer of the country is seen to be behaving without regard to law will give cause for concern to those who may be wishing to do business with the country. If changes are to be made to the structure of the NBA and to the rules of professional conduct they must be done in accordance with due process and after proper consultation with stakeholders.
Calls upon members of the Nigerian Bar Association to support the NBA leadership to condemn Mr Malamis actions as not being in accord with the rule of law.
Fatherland Group is a global network of forward- thinking Nigerians armed with a new understanding of our past, our present and our future. |
Who We Are
Families with Children Adopted from Asia-Midwest (formerly Families with Children from China, FCC-Midwest) (FCA-Midwest) is a group of families who have had the privilege of adopting their children from Asian countries.
We are China-focused in our membership, activities and outreach. We are a non-profit 501c3 organization, independent of any adoption agency, and entirely volunteer run.
Address: PO Box 23068, Richfield MN 55423
"FCA has become a "go to" resource for our family. From tips for heritage travel, parenting guidance and rich cultural events, we appreciate the FCA community and its wonderful programming."
"I want my daughters to have friends and peers who understand the complexities of adoption, multi-racial families, and share a complex personal identity. "
"Our family has a special connection to China, and the cultural programming FCA offers honors this special connection."
“Other families ‘LOOK’ like our family – our daughters are proud of this.”
Find Out More
For questions about membership, new or renewal, or to find out more about our group, please send an email, using the address below. |
Douglas R. Sefried, 61, passed away unexpectedly on Monday, April 19, 2021 in Buffalo, NY. Doug was born October 28, 1959 to James R. and Diane (Shipley) Sefried and was raised in Falls City, NE.
He graduated from Falls City High School with the Class of 1978 and was active in all sports but really love the science and movement of basketball. After high school, he followed in his grandfather’s footsteps and started his student training with the Union Pacific Railroad working out of Falls City and later moving to Kansas City, MO as a conductor. After over 20 years of service and wanting more time with his family, he moved to Buffalo where he and his wife Barbara were the co-owners of Niagra Sports Awards.
Doug is survived by his wife, Barbara L. (Shiesley) Sefried, three daughters, Rachel and Sarah, who are both students at St. Bonaventure University, and Katie, who is a sophomore in high school, parents, Jim and Diane Sefried of Falls City, Uncle Allen Shipley and family of Scottsdale, AR, niece, Cynthia and sister-in-law, Kris Sefried of Sanford, FL, aunt, Beverly Kimmel of Falls City. Doug was preceded in death by his grandparents and his beloved brother, Brad.
A memorial service was held at the D. Lawrence Ginnane Funeral Home in Buffalo. A private graveside service will be held at Steele Cemetery at a later date with Father Lawrence Stoley and Reverend Young Je Kim officiating.
A book is available to sign at Dorr and Clark Funeral Home during regular business hours. |
FSB Focuses on NBFI Liquidity, Leverage with Few Concrete Actions
Following its report recommending resolution-policy review, the FSB today continued its G20 reports with two focusing on NBFIs. The most substantive of these addresses sector liquidity. Recommendations here include adoption of pending OEF standards, continuing review of margining and work to determine if NBFI systemic-risk standards are warranted.
Fed Study: Big Bank Branches May Better Serve Customers
Fed staff have issued a report suggesting that new large bank branches tend to grow faster than new ones at small banks because large bank branches are favored by customers seeking lower prices or greater value.
IMF Outlines Post-SVB Supervision Standards
In an opaque but nonetheless stinging rebuke to U.S. bank supervision, the IMF today released a working paper emphasizing the importance of supervisors having the will and ability to act on effective supervision, recommending that supervisors are given strong operational independence and accountability, clarity regarding the primacy of their safety-and-soundness mandate, adequate resources, and legal protection. |
Because of the CSS, if a parent element has used translate (transform: translateX(0px); ) every child element under it is no longer fixed.
This causes components like kendo-dialog to be relatively positioned inside the drawer - usually cut off.
Even turning off animation still leaves the style rule.
Starting with version "4.2.3" the LanguageService fails to be injected into the DialogTitleBarComponent.
This can be easily reproduced in the Single Component Rendering demo.
Link to StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mprlwl?file=app/user-info.component.ts
When opening a dialog with DialogService from an Observable (e.g. in order to initialize dialog with data from a http request) and ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, the dialog is messed up. With ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default everything works fine.
For reproduction have a look to this StackBlitz: https://angular-9vmvyv.stackblitz.io |
If you live in a country that uses the metric system, you know how frustrating it can be to navigate with distance measurements in miles. Fortunately, if you have an iPhone, you can seamlessly change the units of distance from kilometers to miles. This feature is available in the Maps app, allowing you to navigate more easily and accurately.
Step 1: Accessing Settings
To change the distance units on your iPhone, you need to access the Settings app. Here’s how you can do it:
- Locate the Settings app on your iPhone. It’s usually on your home screen, but if you can’t find it, simply swipe down from the top of the screen and type “Settings” in the search bar.
- Tap on the Settings app to open it.
Once you’re in the Settings app, you’re ready to move on to the next step. If you’re having trouble finding the Settings app, try looking for the gear icon. It’s important to note that the process for accessing Settings may vary slightly depending on the version of iOS you’re using. However, the general steps should be similar across all versions.
Now that you’ve accessed the Settings app, you’re one step closer to changing your distance unit from kilometers to miles. Let’s proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Changing Units
After opening the Settings app, you have two options for changing the units from kilometers to miles:
Option 1: Changing Units for All Apps
If you want to change the distance units for all apps on your iPhone, follow these steps:
- Tap on “General” in the Settings app.
- Select “Language & Region.”
- Tap on “Region” and choose the United States or any other country that uses miles as the primary unit of measurement.
Once you’ve made this change, all apps on your iPhone that use distance measurements will display them in miles.
Option 2: Changing Units for Specific Apps
If you only want to change the distance units for specific apps, follow these steps:
- Open the app for which you want to change the units (e.g., Apple Maps).
- Tap on the “Settings” icon (gear icon) within the app.
- Select “Units.”
- Choose “Miles” instead of “Kilometers.”
After you’ve made this change, the selected app will display distance measurements in miles.
By following either of these options, you can easily change the units from kilometers to miles on your iPhone. This will make it easier for you to understand distances in a familiar and comfortable way.
Verifying the Change
After changing the distance measurement units on your iPhone, you might want to verify that the change has taken effect. Here are a few ways to do this:
- Open the Maps app and search for a location. The distance to that location should now be displayed in miles instead of kilometers.
- If you use the Health app, check the distance measurement units there as well. Open the app and navigate to any activity that tracks distance (such as walking or running). The distance should now be displayed in miles instead of kilometers.
- If you have a smartwatch paired with your iPhone, check the distance measurement units on the watch. Open the Settings app on your watch, navigate to the Units & Formats section, and verify that the distance units are set to miles.
If you encounter any issues with the distance measurement units after changing them, you can try restarting your iPhone or resetting the settings to their default values. Keep in mind that resetting your settings will also reset any other customizations you have made to your iPhone.
Changing the distance measurement from kilometers to miles on your iPhone is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Here are some key takeaways:
- You can change the distance measurement from kilometers to miles in the Maps app.
- To change the measurement in the Maps app, go to Settings > Maps > Distances and select Miles.
- Remember that changing the measurement system will affect not only the Maps app but also any other app that uses distance measurements, such as fitness apps.
By following these simple steps, you can switch from kilometers to miles on your iPhone, making it easier to understand distances and navigate your way around. So go ahead and give it a try! |
Lecturers in public polytechnics across the country will resume on May 30, 2022, following a directive from the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics.
The union had, on May 16, 2022, commenced a two-week warning strike over the failure of the government to meet some lingering demands.
Some of the demands which the union listed had included the payment of N15 billion revitalisation fund for polytechnics; payment of minimum wage arrears; review of conditions of service, among others.
The Federal Government commenced the payment of the minimum wage arrears, not just for lecturers of polytechnics, but also for university lecturers and other tertiary institution workers in the country.
While the Academic Staff Union of Universities had said the payment of the minimum wage arrears was not a part of its demands, ASUP had said otherwise.
“The two weeks definite strike of the union will be rounding off on the 29th of May, 2022, as agreed by the emergency meeting of the NEC. Consequently, the union is requesting members to resume duties effective 30th of May, 2022, while hoping that government will take advantage of the window to address the five outstanding items.
“Further directives/ updates shall be released after the 103rd meeting of NEC which is scheduled to hold in the month of June, 2022, during which the situation shall be reviewed,” ASUP stated in the statement signed by its national publicity secretary, Abdullahi Yalwa.
According to ASUP, the government is yet to meet the following demands proposed by the union:
“Release of the approved N15 billion revitalisation fund for the sector. This issue is still stuck in the Federal Ministry of Finance with a promise of follow up action by the Education ministry.
“Release of arrears of CONTISS 15 migration for the lower cadre. This issue is still at the committee level set up to resolve the dispute on the contested 2014/15 verification report.
“Release of the Scheme of Service and Conditions of Service: The document is still awaiting approval as it has been recalled from the Head of Service for further review.
“Continued delay in the appointment of substantive Rectors for Federal Polytechnics in Mubi, Offa, and Kaduna.
“Resolution of issues with members in Colleges of Agriculture: The issue is still pending as a resolution will require an interface between the Education ministry and Agriculture ministry.” |
Threading is a programming concept that allows multiple threads of execution to run concurrently within a single process. In simpler terms it enables your program to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
Each thread represents an independent flow of control within a program. By utilizing threading you can divide complex tasks into smaller subtasks that can be executed concurrently improving overall performance and efficiency.
When using threading multiple threads share the same memory space and resources of a process. This means that threads within a process can access and modify the same data making coordination and synchronization crucial to prevent conflicts and ensure correct results.
Threading can be beneficial in various scenarios such as:
1. Improving responsiveness: By running time-consuming operations in separate threads you can prevent the user interface from freezing or becoming unresponsive while waiting for these operations to complete.
2. Handling concurrent requests: Threading allows a program to handle multiple requests or connections simultaneously increasing throughput in applications like web servers or network communication systems.
3. Utilizing multiple processors/cores: Modern systems often have multiple processors or cores that can execute threads in parallel. Threading enables you to take advantage of these resources and distribute the workload for improved performance.
However threading also brings certain challenges including:
1. Synchronization issues: When multiple threads access shared resources conflicts may occur if synchronization mechanisms are not properly implemented. These conflicts can lead to issues like data corruption or race conditions.
2. Deadlocks: If threads become dependent on each other’s resources and are unable to proceed a deadlock may occur resulting in a program freeze or crash.
3. Complexity: Developing multithreaded applications can be more complex than single-threaded ones as you need to handle issues related to concurrency synchronization and communication between threads. |
A Guide to Your Puppy’s First-Year Vaccination Shot
Getting a puppy is an exciting time – and that excitement often leads owners to overlook important steps in their pet’s health care.
One of those steps is the puppy vaccine schedule! Vaccines are essential for your pup’s overall well-being, so it is important to be aware of when they need them.
Why Should You Vaccinate Your Puppy?
Vaccines are important for protecting your puppy from certain illnesses, and can even help prevent the spread of disease to other animals in your home.
This is especially true for puppies, who have yet to build up an immunity to many diseases. Vaccinating your pup regularly will help ensure they stay healthy and live a long life.
Your puppy should receive its first vaccine at 6-8 weeks old, followed by boosters every 3 to 4 weeks until they are 16 weeks old. The vaccines you will need depend on the disease risks in your area.
>Types of Vaccinations
Your vet will likely recommend the following puppy vaccinations for your pup:
- DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and parainfluenza): This combination vaccine protects against four serious illnesses.
- Leptospirosis: This bacterial infection is spread through contact with infected animals or water sources.
- Bordetella: This vaccine is important for preventing kennel cough.
- Lyme disease: If you live in an area with a high risk of Lyme disease, your vet may recommend this vaccination.
- Rabies: An essential vaccine required by law in most states.
Risks and Side Effects
After vaccination, it is important to monitor your puppy for any possible side effects. Vaccines carry risks of side effects, but these are generally mild and temporary. Common side effects may include:
- Loss of appetite
- Low energy levels
- Fever or mild rash
- Swelling at the injection site
If your puppy experiences any severe reactions after receiving a vaccine, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Regular Vet Visits
Your puppy should have regular checkups throughout their first year of life to ensure they are healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. During these checkups, the vet will also look for any signs of disease or parasites, such as worms and fleas.
They can provide advice on nutrition and other preventative care measures, as well as administer any necessary vaccines.
Vaccinating your puppy is an essential part of lifelong health. Make sure to discuss your puppy’s specific needs with your vet, and follow their advice for a schedule of vaccinations.
By keeping up with the vaccination schedule, you can help keep your pup healthy and protect them from dangerous diseases.
Looking for vaccinated puppies? Check out our pet store to find the perfect companion for your home. |
Interested in converting mp4 videos to mp3, but don't know how to do that? Don't worry because in this article, we will be discussing some quick yet effective techniques. Sometimes, extracting audio's from video files via free tools or software may let you compromise over quality, converting mp4 to mp3 audacity will give you best yet optimum result within seconds.
So, before deep-diving into the topic, first you need to understand a little bit about audacity, and how audacity convert mp4 to mp3 easily. Let's get started:
What is Audacity?
Audacity is an open-source audio editing software, allowing their users to both edit and record audios free of cost. This fantastic software is easily available for Linux, Mac, or Windows, making it a perfect tools for audio editors due to its unlimited editing features.
Although you can use Andacity to convert MP4 to MP3, it's still risky because of the difficulty for beginners to operate and terribly complicated. If you don't want to deal with any technical process, you may turn to iMyFone Filme, which offers a surprisingly easy solution to convert MP4 to MP3.
How to Use Audacity to Convert Mp4 to Mp3
In this section, you will learn to convert mp4 to mp3 via audacity – Below are the step by step guide:
Step # 01 – Install Required Libraries
If you're a new user then install audacity and its required libraries, such as FFmpeg because without this library, you're only allowed to convert audio files into supported audio formats, which are WAV or AIFF, and get an error while converting that "without the FFmpeg, audacity cannot open this type of file."
Step # 02 – Open Video File
After installing the software and libraries, simply open it, and launch mp4 video file, which you'd like to convert into mp3. Remember, if your video file has more than one audio stream (Different languages) then the software will ask to select the audio stream to export when launching audacity.
Step # 03 – Select with the Marker
If your video file has longer duration then with the marking tool, you can easily select the portion of a video which you'd like to extract its audio. At the bottom of this application, you will see a 'start and end selection' feature, allowing you to select the specific timeframe for conversion.
Step # 04 – Export Audio
After opening the video file, you need to click File – Export – Export as Mp3. Moreover, there are several other audio formats, giving you the freedom to export your audio into different formats too.
Step # 05 – Choosing Quality
Once you have clicked the export audio, a dialogue box will appear where you can choose/set quality or bitrate. Moreover, you can also change variable speed, channel mode, and output file name too.
Step # 06 – Adding Metadata
After making necessary setting to export quality dialogue box, next screen will popup where you'll add metadata tags to the mp3 output file.
Step # 07 – Click OK
Now, you're all set to export the mp3 audio file by clicking OK, after pressing the button a conversion timeline will run, and you will the output file once it's completed.
If audacity mp4 to mp3 conversion still seems difficult to you then don't worry because we will be sharing other alternative below, allowing you to have multiple options for conversion.
Recommended Audacity Alternative to Quickly Convert Mp4 to Mp3 via iMyFone Filme
None can deny the importance of this emerging software called iMyFone Filme when it comes to video and audio editing. With its flawless video and audio editing features, you will have the freedom to convert any video mp4 file to mp3 along with several editing options in a matter of seconds. Though this is a premium software, you can still avail of its user interface by using its free trial version.
Furthermore, this software enables editing on both windows and Mac systems. Due to its best intuitive designs, templates, and themes, you can edit videos or audios to make them inspirational. Let's review some of its key features:
Wonderful Features of iMyFone Filme
User-friendly, without any technical knowedge required to edit your videos.
Easy to get multiple resources, with no extra fee at all.
Free to try the editor, during which you can check the compability.
Able to convert MP4 to MP3 fast and easily.
How to Convert Mp4 to Mp3 using iMyFone Filme
So, without wasting a time let's deep-dive into how to convert mp4 to mp3 via iMyFone Filme:
Step # 01 – Install & Open – If you're a new user then install iMyFone Filme on to your windows or Mac system, and simply open it.
Step # 02 – Import Source Video – In this step, you will import the required video mp4 file, which you'd like to convert into audio file via drag n drop feature, or accessing its file menu file import option.
Step # 03 – Add to Timeline – Now, it's time to drag and drop the source media onto the iMyFone Filme timeline, and you're 75% done.
Step # 04 – Export Mp3 Audio – Now, click 'export' button located on the top-right corner above timeline, but if you're using a FREE version than a pop screen will appear to activate software, but you can click 'Continue Trial' – After than a setting screen will appear, where you will select an audio tab and click on 'Mp3' and click export, you're done.
Moreover, there are several other audio format options available, such as WAV, AAC, FLAC, and OGG, giving you the freedom to choose among many available formats.
Convert Mp4 to Mp3 in Audacity FAQ's
How do I convert Mp4 to a WAV file in audacity?
While using audacity software, you will be asked to select the desired audio output while extracting the audio from an Mp4 video file. When an exporting video will pop up, you need to choose WAV format rather than Mp3 to get your file in desired audio output format.
Can you import Mp4 into audacity?
No you cannot because audacity is purely a video editing software. But with different plug-in and libraries you can import the Mp4 file just for conversion, though you cannot watch or edit videos on it.
How do I convert Mp4 to Mp3 on Windows?
Converting mp4 to mp3 on windows is quite easy because of different free tools, such as iMyFone File, which makes editing video and audio much easier. This fantastic tool allows you to convert mp4 to mp3 in a matter of seconds. All you need to import the source media, drag to its timeline, and export to your desired audio format, such as Mp3, WAV, OGG, FLAC, and else.
Does audacity work with videos?
No! Audacity is purely an audio editing software and cannot work with videos. So, for those who're looking to edit their video on audacity, they truly need to find some other video editing software.
How do I combine multiple Mp3 in audacity?
Combining multiple audio files onto audacity is quite easy, which need following steps to follow:
Import as many files as you want to combine into audacity.
After importing, check the sequence of audio files.
If the files are not in order, then simply cut the second, third, or continuous media files and paste in a respective manner. For cut and paste, you can simply access software 'Edit' option or shortcuts.
Now, after arranging the media files sequence, you can play and verify.
If everything OK then simply save to combine a sound file. |
Visit the Filson
Open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4:30 pm
The Filson will be closed to the Public on Friday April 19th for staff meetings. The Filson will also be closed starting at noon on Friday May 3rd for Oaks Day.
The Filson is closed to the Public the 3rd Friday of every month.
1310 S. 3rd St., Louisville, KY 40208
The Research Library is open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4:30pm; we are closed on the third Friday of each month. Appointments are not required, but feel free to reserve a seat online – learn more here. We also provide remote research services; please email gro.l1712917544aciro1712917544tsihn1712917544oslif1712917544@hcra1712917544eser1712917544.
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Situated in Chapel Hill, this 4-star property is luxury and boutique. The town centre is within an easy drive of the hotel.
The Siena Hotel offers a convenient 24-hour reception as well as a suit press, a lift and a concierge. It also offers a safe, a 24 hour business centre and a dry cleaning service. A free shuttle bus service is also provided.
The rooms at the Siena Hotel include complimentary toiletries, cable / satellite channels and a hair dryer. The rooms all have a telephone, a refrigerator and free local calls as well as air conditioning. Bathroom amenities include bathrobes, a lighted makeup mirror and a shower.
The Siena Hotel conveniently offers free parking for those travelling by car. Duke University and North Carolina Central University are around a 20-minute drive from the hotel.
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Sorry, unable to load the Maps API. |
F.C. Austin scholarships
Businessman Frederick C. Austin (1853-1932) organized the Chicago-based F.C. Austin Manufacturing Company, and was the originator of the first all-steel reversible road machine. In 1927, inspired in part by the generous contributions to Northwestern made by his close friends William Dyche and James Patten, Austin began to discuss his ideas about training young men for business leadership with the university’s president Walter Dill Scott. Austin felt that the business community would benefit from efforts to professionalize business management, and he and Scott devised a plan for what would become the Austin Scholarship.
In 1929 Austin donated the F.C. Austin Building, valued at 3 million dollars, to Northwestern, as well as funds sufficient to support the first ten Austin Scholars, and also executed a contract leaving virtually his entire estate to the university. That fall, the first group of ten Austin Scholars began their course of study. The scholarships were merit-based and provided full room, board, and tuition for four years of undergraduate study in the School of Commerce. The first class of Austin Scholars also received an all-expenses paid fourth year of study abroad in Europe. Ten Austin Scholarships were awarded for each year from 1929 to 1932, but the effects of the Great Depression as well as the death of Austin in 1932 caused the university to be financially unable to continue the program. Following the graduation of the last class of Austin Scholars in 1936, the program was put on indefinite hold.
In 1959 the Austin building was sold and the proceeds from the sale were used to reestablish the Austin Scholarship program. From 1959 to 1966 the Austin Scholarships were granted to 54 students as four-year undergraduate scholarships. In 1967, the School of Business became the Graduate School of Management, and since then hundreds of Austin Scholarships have been awarded for graduate study.
James C. Worthy (1910-1998), a member of the first class of Austin Scholars, became a successful businessman and later returned to Northwestern to teach at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management (1978-1998). Worthy served as the Austin Scholarship Program’s Senior Fellow and, with Walter Dill Scott, co-wrote The Austin Scholarships: A History (1979, rev. 1994).
Found in 1 Collection or Record:
F.C. Austin Scholars are selected from students at Northwestern Unviersity's Kellogg School of Management (including its earlier incarnations) "because they have demonstrated exceptional leadership in academic and professional endeavors, and show promise of future leadership". The Records of the Austin Scholarship Program (for years from 1929 into the 1990s) consist of historical/biographical materials, administrative files, and student-related files. |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Realia
No requestable containers
Scope and Contents
The collection is wide-ranging in format, including busts, plaques, portraits, buttons and pins, and other memorabilia such as clocks, medals, coins, and dishware. For the most part, materials depict or reference Roosevelt himself, though some items represent his various political opponents (often referred to within the container list as "opposition").
- Majority of material found within 1933 - 1945
- Unger, Hunt H. (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
There are no restrictions on use of the materials in the department for research; all patrons must comply with federal copyright regulations. This collection is stored off-site and requires two business days advance notice for retrieval. Please contact the McCormick Library at [email protected] or 847-491-3635 for more information or to schedule an appointment to view the collection.
Language of Materials
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Realia is one part of a larger collection of Rooseveltiana collected by Hunt H. Unger and given to Northwestern University in 1966. The realia comprises 44 boxes and includes a wide range of three-dimensional objects, primarily busts, plaques, portraits and campaign buttons, as well as other ornamental and practical items.
Items are arranged in general groupings by format.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The materials in this collection are part of a larger Franklin D. Roosevelt Collection donated to Northwestern University by Hunt H. Unger in 1966. The materials were externally appraised in 1967 and received by the library in 1967 and 1968.
- Guide to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Realia
- Jill Waycie
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- Script of description
- Language of description note
- Preservation documentation with images and box numbers:
Part of the Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections Repository
Deering Library, Level 3
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208-2300 US |
Szigetközi Water Analysis:
|Still & Light
|Hint of Sweet
|Country of Origin:
|Mosónmagyaróvár / Fekete Erdő
|Non-Member of the Fine Water Society
The source of the water is a well in a Hungarian nature reserve called Feketeerdo (Black forest). The aquifer is 80-130 meter below the surface and the water is not treated, it is bottled in its natural form keeping the highest quality standards through all the process.
The new branding with the „stork” motive reflects Black Forest’s special bird, and the modern new look emphasizes the premium quality and elegance of the brand.
The water is positioned for premium hotels & restaurants and is available in multiple sizes in glass and PET. |
Latin America is Throbbing
If there is any advantage in being a member of the jury from a distance, it is the chance to unite with colleagues from different parts of the world and discuss, from the diverse experiences, viewpoints, and nature of each member, the Latin American films in the 36th edition of the Mar del Plata Film Festival. A plural selection with diverse approaches, readings and themes.
From this rich selection we chose 9, by Martín Berrenechea and Nicólas Branca, as the winner of the FIPRESCI award.
The film portrays enchantment with simplicity as it relates the routine of a Uruguayan soccer player who serves a suspension and who, in this period of time, gets involved with routine movements and discovers a life beyond the spotlight.
The high level of approach and variety in the Mar del Plata selection calls my attention to the fact that the films don’t talk to each other even when you emulate a marathon festival by watching three or four films in a row. Perhaps, what can call a spectre of unity is the feeling of non-conformism. Whether it’s in the relationship represented by the sea in La Encomienda (2021), by Pablo Giorgelli, the art-capital relationship in Yo y Las Bestias (2021) by Nico Manzano, or a great lament through the value of images and power of narrative in The Sky is Red (El cielo está rojo, 2020) by Francina Carbonell.
The selection also addresses the necessary feminist drive before the world in Inés María Barrionuevo’s Camila Comes Out Tonight (2021); mourning and denial are given a fantastic approach in Jesús López (2021) by Maximiliano Schonfeld and in the newest film by Iván Fund, called Dusk Stone (Piedra noche, 2021), with a kind of daring in uniting genre with a lyrical approach that perhaps has M. Night Shyamalan as its great representative nowadays; and the nature of non-conformism in Bob Spit: We Do Not Like People (Bob Cuspe: Nós não gostamos de gente, 2021), a Brazilian animation that, per se, refuses to pay homage to the cartoonist Angeli when it makes a film about one of his characters and puts him on a couch to question his own career while Bob Cuspe, a punk par excellence, tries to free the world from the bonds of conservatism that, through false happiness, destroy nations.
I am very happy to see that Latin America, one of the places most affected by the pandemic and the economic crisis, is throbbing with production and shouts for freedom. While some suggest that fire can cure everything, there are those who choose to patiently rebuild what was destroyed by dictators and genocides. It is movements like this one registered by the Mar Del Plata Festival that prove a course in relation to resistance, be it by the simple act of production while politicians fight for their cultural ministries to be destroyed or to transform their narratives, whether forged by a genre or not, as an essay about the times we live in.
And there’s nothing like a festival to bring a snapshot of our times right now.
Edited by Amber Wilkinson
© FIPRESCI 2021 |
Your Trusted Movers in Allen, TX
Although moving can be stressful, it can be equally exciting. The idea of being in a new place with so many new things to see and do is wonderful. Once a person arrives safely to their new home, gets all their things unpacked, and they settle in a bit, there is so much exploring to do.
It is wonderful to move to Allen, Texas, because it is a superb community located in the suburbs of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro area. If your move is to leave Allen, Texas, we are sad to see you go. Nevertheless, our full-service moving company stands by, ready to help you pack. Afterward, our Dallas movers will safely transport your belongings, no matter if the move is a short distance, or across the country. Whatever the moving needs are, we are ready to help. Continue reading below to learn more about what makes us one of the top Allen, TX, moving companies.
For those moving to Allen or in the market for Allen, TX, moving companies, here are some great things to know about the community and some resources to help begin living there. Allen is a suburb in the northern part of Dallas with just over 80,000 people living there.
In 2012, the brand new $60 million, 18,000 seat, Allen High School Football Stadium was finished. Going to see a local football game is a must, it is terrific fun for the whole family. The unemployment rate in Allen is below the national average. It was a mere 3.5% in December 2014. When looking for a job in Allen, it is easy for most people to find one. The weather is always great with a year-round average of 63°F. The food in the over 180 restaurants is awesome with huge Texan-style servings. Some places feature great live music in many styles. There are 80 acres of public parks and 50 miles of hiking trails. Also, be sure to check out Allen's Convention & Visitors Bureau for lots of fun things to do. Also check out some information about moving to Allen comes from the city's website.
Helpful contacts to get you started
Here are some helpful contacts that our Dallas moving company has compiled:
- Powertochoose.org gives the electricity companies to choose from with service provided by Oncor,
- CoServ, or Grayson-Collin Electric Co-Op.Gas companies are Atmos Energy or CoServ Gas.
- Telephone, television and Internet connections come from AT&T, DISH, Time Warner Cable, Verizon or Grande Communications.
- Trash and Recycling handled by the City of Allen
- Water and Sewer handled by the City of Allen.
Our Allen, TX Movers
Our moving professionals are ready to assist you with whatever kind of move that you may need. Whether this is a move from an apartment, residence, or business, we could help you in whatever way that you see fit. No matter how big or small your move, our experienced professionals could transfer their expertise and proven tools to help you move.
As one of the most reliable Allen, TX, moving companies that you could partner with, we are ready to assist you and make your move go more smoothly. That way, you can focus on what means the most to you by alleviating some of the most difficult and tedious tasks that come with moving, like packing and storage.
Allen, TX, Furniture movers
One of the most challenging tasks of moving a home is moving furniture. Furniture is notoriously difficult to move because they are usually extremely bulky and sometimes need to be taken apart to fit into a truck. Our Texas full-service movers have plenty of experience helping customers move and pack furniture so they make it to their new home in the same condition that they left the old one. If you need furniture to be moved into a new location, Firehouse Mover’s North Texas movers are the best option for you.
Is Allen, TX a Wealthy Community?
As some of the best Texas long-distance movers on the market, we could say that Allen’s undeniably a wealthy community with a remarkably high quality of life. Nestled in Collin County, this North Texas gem boasts an affluence that is readily apparent to anyone who sets foot here. The opulent homes, pristine neighborhoods, and well-manicured landscapes are a testament to the prosperity that graces this town.
But what makes a town “wealthy?” Is it the net worth of those who live there or the quality of life? As businesses experienced with Dallas, TX relocation services, we could say with certainty that Allen offers its residents an unrivaled standard of living. With top-notch schools, beautiful parks, and a vibrant community, it's a place where families flourish, and dreams come true. The sense of safety, access to cultural attractions, and a thriving job market further enhance the allure of this remarkable town. At Firehouse Movers, we've had the privilege of assisting many families and individuals relocate to Allen, and time and again, we've witnessed their lives transform as they become part of this thriving community. We're here to make the transition seamless because we know that once you experience life in Allen, you won't want to be anywhere else.
What Is Allen, TX Famous for?
According to our house movers in Texas, the one thing that Allen is most famous for is its reputation as a good place to live. The strong sense of community, low crime rates, and a thriving job market make it an ideal place to settle down and thrive. Whether you're seeking a serene suburban lifestyle or access to cultural attractions, Allen, TX has it all.
Besides the great quality of life, Allen is known for the Allen Event Center. The Allen Event Center is a prominent and multi-purpose facility located in Allen, Texas, known for hosting a wide range of events, from sports to concerts and entertainment. The Allen Event Center is a versatile venue that can accommodate various events. It is particularly known for hosting hockey games, indoor football, and basketball games. It serves as the home arena for the Allen Americans, a professional minor-league hockey team.
Is Allen, TX a Good Place to Raise a Family?
Allen's low crime rates, friendly atmosphere, and an array of extracurricular activities make it an ideal setting for a family-oriented lifestyle. The community's dedication to preserving green spaces and its cultural vibrancy contribute to the overall well-being of its residents. Whether you're looking for top-notch education, safe neighborhoods, or a place where your kids can make lifelong friends, Allen, TX is, without a doubt, a fantastic choice for families looking to establish their roots and enjoy a high quality of life.
More About our Allen, TX, Moving Company
If you are in the market for North Texas relocation services or Dallas relocation services, we are here to help. We pride ourselves on being one of the only Allen, TX moving companies that offers a full range of moving services, thanks to our Dallas area movers. Contact our Dallas apartment movers, Frisco movers, Denton movers, or Plano movers today to learn more. |
The purpose of transaction confirmation is to prevent the repeated spending of the same funds. Immediately after the transfer of funds by the sender, the transaction enters the Bitcoin/altcoins network for execution, as well as inclusion in the block. The procedure for adding a transaction to the found block is called a transaction confirmation. In this case, one block contains one confirmation. After receiving confirmation of your transaction, Bitcoin/altcoins coins will become available for their subsequent use.
Confirmation speed is affected by various factors. Among them is the size of the commission indicated during the transfer, the workload of the Bitcoin/altcoins network, the speed of the Internet, the technical serviceability of the resource on which your wallet is located, etc.
The Bitcoin blockchain consists of blocks complete with information about transactions on the network (this includes the amount, transfer time, sender and recipient wallet addresses, commission, etc.). All information is encrypted using hash functions, each subsequent block creates a new hash with the addition of the cipher of the previous link.
The block has a limited size, i.e. capacity. So the Bitcoin blockchain is limited by the developer Satoshi Nakamoto to 1 MB, which means that when a certain amount of data is entered, a new link is created. Making entries and finding new blocks occurs due to the computing power of the equipment of network participants, called miners.
Confirmation of a transaction in the blockchain network is possible after the miners have added six new blocks. But there are exceptions, for example, when using multi-signature. Prior to this, the transaction is listed as not confirmed, and the payment is listed as not received on the recipient’s wallet. The number of blocks after which you can transfer is not chosen by chance, but for security purposes – to protect against fraud and double spending. With such a systеm, at least 10% of the computing power of the systеm is needed to simultaneously hack and change 6 blocks.
All transactions not processed and not confirmed by miners are stored in the memory of nodes in the pool (mempool) — https://blockchain.info/ru/charts/mempool-count. While they are stored there, they are not visible through the Blockchain Explorer (https://blockexplorer.com/ , https://blockchain.info).
In some cases, the transaction is stored in the pool (mempool) from 6 to 48 hours. The average transaction confirmation time is from 30 minutes to several hours. However, if the Bitcoin/altcoins network is congested, this procedure may take from 2 days to 2 weeks. When sending Bitcoin, we pay a commission, which is recommended by the Blockchain.info service. We have no influence on the speed and time of confirmation of transactions within the Bitcoin/altcoins network.
No confirmation in the Bitcoin/altcoins network?
Confirmation of an operation in the Bitcoin/altcoins network directly depends on the work of the miners. It is they who act in their financial interests and make the work in the Bitcoin/altcoins network alive. The exchanger cannot influence the work of the miners in any way, it does not engage in mining itself. This process is independent of us and is carried out only after the transfer of Bitcoin/altcoins from the address of the exchanger to the address that the user indicated in the application.
You need to wait for confirmation by the network until the moment when the miner performs a series of actions to extract blocks. This feature is fundamental to the Bitcoin/altcoins network. You will have to come to terms with this if you plan to continue using Bitcoin/altcoins.
The obligations of the exchanger will be considered fulfilled after the transfer of Bitcoin/altcoins coins to the address indicated by the client is completed. This action is confirmed by an entry in the registry, which is available to everyone. In our work, we do not promise any increased transaction fees but pay only the standard fees that are recommended by the network at the time of the transfer. We cannot predict the confirmation time within the Bitcoin/altcoins network in any way, and we do not give recommendations in this regard. All claims against the exchanger regarding confirmations in the Bitcoin/altcoins network are meaningless and unfounded, because. confirmation in the Bitcoin/altcoins network is a process that we have no control over. It completely depends on the actions of third parties and occurs after the successful completion of the exchange in the user’s wallet.
Recently, the Bitcoin/altcoins network has been often busy. Among the reasons may be various attacks on the network by hackers, a large number of unprocessed transactions, etc. The result remains only one – an increase in confirmation time during such periods. As a rule, you have to wait several hours or days.
Bitcoin/altcoins payments cannot be cancelled
You need to understand an important point – Bitcoin/altcoins transactions cannot be marked. You can receive funds back only if the recipient himself wants to return them to you.
You pay/receive the amount in Bitcoin/altcoins, not in hryvnias or dollars.
When making an exchange, you fully agree with everything written above. |
I’ve been a chef, a retail manager, worked in banking, quality management, marketing and production planning.
But in 2007 I made some big changes, quitting my job and moving to the Matakana area. And there began my association with Fitness Matakan and fitness.
I weighed an embarrassing 124kgs when I came to my first circuit class. Ouch! Best piece of advice I received was that until I was coming more often it would hurt. So I started adding in BodyPump and BodyBalance classes to my weekly exercise regime and gradually the weight started coming off. There began my love for group fitness classes.
As I spent so much time at the gym it wasn’t long before I started working there, helping with checking in classes etc. Then in 2011 when Jane Cresswell decided to sell the fitness studio it wasn’t a difficult decision to buy it.
I LOVE boxing and completed a Thump Boxing Instructors course in 2010. Then in 2013 I decided I wanted to take up the challenge of actually getting in the ring. It was a friendly spar against 3 different opponents—no bruises but exhausting and I have a whole new appreciation for the skill and fitness level of professional boxers. If you want one on one boxing for fitness training talk to me.
Not satisfied with one challenge for the year I decided to take a Les Mills BodyPump instructors training course at 45yrs. So now I split my time between the front desk and the front of class. Just to top off the year I achieved my Certificate in Personal Training at AUT and started training clients. |
These Cherry MX Deskpads are the perfect compliment for your mechanical keyboard desktop setup.
- Dimensions: 900mm x 400mm x 4mm (35.4in x 15.75in x 0.157in)
- Cloth surface provides the perfect texture for mouse use
- Dampens keyboard keystrokes, creating a deeper, fuller sound
- High resolution image
- Stitched edges will not fray
- Soft non-slip rubber prevents mat from sliding around
- Comes with protective carrying pouch |
MIAMI, Aug. 24, 2021 – PNC Bank today announced the opening of its first retail branch in Miami-Dade County at the iconic 28-story 800 Brickell Avenue office tower in Miami. The new 3,400-sq.-ft. location features an array of digital banking capabilities, including a video banking machine in the drive-thru and a self-service ATM in the vestibule.
The branch has been designed based on learnings and feedback from PNC customers and employees, enhancing the bank’s overall approach to consumer banking services.
“Brickell Avenue showcases some of the country’s largest international banks, as well as some of the best restaurants and stores in Miami. These were key factors in the selection process of this location,” said Cressman Bronson, PNC regional president for Southeast Florida. “We’re excited to be growing our business in South Florida, by bringing best-in-class technology, a complete suite of banking offerings and a personalized approach for the people who live and work in Brickell and the Greater Miami area.”
The Brickell Avenue branch features:
- PNC ATM and Banking Kiosk – Self-service capabilities for deposits, withdrawals and other bank transactions;
- Advanced Technology – Screen-mirroring capabilities from customers’ phones or tablets, projecting to large plasma screens for hands-on demonstrations of PNC apps or a guided digital experience;
- Workstations of the Future – Flexibility for customers to work with PNC bankers, on tablets or mobile devices, wherever they are most comfortable within the branch;
- Video Banking Machine – Enhanced ATM that allow customers to complete teller transactions during extended hours, 7 days a week, by interacting with a remote banker via an audio and video connection. Customers can make payments to PNC accounts, cash checks, make deposits and talk live with an on-screen banker. This self-service technology allows customers to bank at times that are convenient for them, while still having access to a live banker who can assist with more complex transactions; and
- Environmentally Friendly Features – To bring the PNC branch to life in the high-rise lobby, the space incorporates:
- Recycled materials used in the branch’s construction,
- Low energy lighting and water in rest room and pantry fixtures,
- Touchless rest room fixtures, and
- Touchless interior and exterior doors.
The bank’s first retail location in Miami opens after the introduction of its groundbreaking new Low Cash Mode℠ digital offering, which addresses the $17 billion dollars that some studies estimate U.S. consumers pay each year in overdraft fees. Now available to Virtual Wallet® customers, Low Cash Mode℠ offers payment control – the power to determine whether certain debits are processed that otherwise might result in overdrafts; real-time Intelligent Alerts; and “Extra Time,” which gives customers time to avoid overdrafts before fees are charged.
PNC’s retail banking network currently includes approximately 2,300 brick-and-mortar locations across nearly 40 markets. In addition, PNC customers can access their money fee-free at nearly 18,000 ATMs across the country. The Brickell branch is the first of four PNC branches opening in Miami in 2021-22. A branch will open in Pinecrest in October, followed by a location in Coral Gables and in Doral in 2022.
PNC Bank, National Association, is a member of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: PNC). PNC is one of the largest diversified financial services institutions in the United States, organized around its customers and communities for strong relationships and local delivery of retail and business banking including a full range of lending products; specialized services for corporations and government entities, including corporate banking, real estate finance and asset-based lending; wealth management and asset management. For information about PNC, visit www.pnc.com.
Thanks to advances in technology and evolving consumer demand, the healthcare industry is experiencing a massive shift in delivery of care. Today’s patients want greater visibility and control of their own health instead of having information and decisions siloed with healthcare providers. At the same time, a rise in chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and other illnesses — as well as a growing aging population throughout the world — means that the industry must innovate to scale quickly and effectively.
One way to reduce the pressures on traditional care settings is to empower patients to monitor various health parameters and manage elements of their own care through connected health and wearable medical devices. Consumers already expect this of their devices; consider how heart rate monitors are integrated into popular devices like smartwatches. The opportunity for manufacturers of wearable medical devices is enormous; according to Deloitte’s 2023 Global Health Care Outlook report, “the global market for remote monitoring devices is expected to grow to more than $101 billion in 2028.” The same report also states that “by 2024… almost 440 million consumer health and wellness wearable devices will ship worldwide.”
Another report by Market.us looks even further out to forecast that the wearable diagnostic and monitoring devices market will reach $165 billion by 2032, commanding the biggest share of the broader wearables market that includes fitness and wellness trackers.
To successfully capture these opportunities while delivering safe, reliable, and effective patient care, MedTech companies must prioritize three key areas when bringing wearable medical devices to market:
- Product design and engineering
- Advanced manufacturing capabilities
- Strategic regionalization
Together, these elements will empower companies to get their innovations to market faster and scale amid explosive demand.
Designing wearable medical devices faster and more effectively
To compete in the wearable medical device market, companies must prioritize user-centered design and deep engineering expertise to specify, conceptualize, develop, test, and sustain their products.
Design for Manufacturing is a key step early in product design, as it helps companies identify opportunities and unexpected challenges in the manufacturing process. This allows MedTech companies to maximize investments, reduce time-to-market, and eliminate the risk of discovering design issues in their wearable medical devices during full-scale production. For example, by considering the durability and availability of materials used in wearable medical devices, companies can future-proof their designs, minimizing technical obsolescence and other future risks.
As sustainability continues to grow in importance across every industry, Design for Manufacturing also enables MedTech companies to define the sustainability requirements during product design, such as choosing biodegradable materials or ensuring that a product can be recycled or refurbished effectively and responsibly. For example, at Flex we have worked with healthcare clients to identify how a product design could be altered for improved sustainability outcomes.
In one case, we developed a smart autoinjector design reference platform that utilizes eco-friendly materials, as well as minimized welding and gluing of internal parts during the assembly and manufacturing process. This resulted in sustainability benefits later in the product lifecycle, including streamlined unit breakdown and components recycling that reduced the volume of waste.
As wearable medical devices become more popular, blurring the line between consumer and medical devices, other challenges arise. A paper published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security states that “while wearable healthcare devices offer consumers the ability to be an active participant in managing their health… devices may include vulnerabilities that allow the device to be compromised and expose personal data.”
To that end, MedTech companies must continue to learn from both within their own industry and from other highly regulated industries, adopting best practices to confidently design and architect products with the utmost level of security. At Flex, we are committed to establishing secure connectivity standards across multiple industries. As a member of the Project Centauri partner ecosystem, we continue to refine and apply these standards to healthcare and connected medical device applications to deliver quality, security, and seamless connectivity.
Advanced manufacturing to boost medical device production
Competing in today’s fast-paced global landscape requires access to a full suite of advanced manufacturing capabilities and Industry 4.0 technologies that enable MedTech companies to scale faster and more reliably. Rather than designing and manufacturing all products in-house, many companies are increasingly turning to global, diversified manufacturers like Flex to accelerate time-to-market, better manage risk, provide greater scalability, and improve market responsiveness.
Given the importance of precision, quality, and long-term reliability in medical devices, MedTech companies must find ways to scale and become more efficient while still maintaining stringent standards and requirements. Technologies such as automation can reduce the pressures of labor shortages and supply chain constraints when producing wearable medical devices.
One example of how we’ve improved manufacturing processes for our customers is the way we leveraged digital twin technology to accelerate the delivery of a diabetes product. With the power of a digital twin, we reiterated the product model hundreds of thousands of times, ran “what if” scenarios, and tested dozens of variables. As a result, something that would have taken three months or longer was reduced to only three weeks.
Regionalization and global reach to get products when and where they are needed
In today’s uncertain world, many brands have adapted to a regionalized model, wherein companies re-shore part of their operations to be closer to the markets they serve. This strategy mitigates risk, ensures business continuity, and speeds time-to-market. In a 2022 McKinsey & Company survey of 113 supply chain leaders worldwide, 44% of respondents, up from 25% percent the previous year, stated that they were developing regionalized supply networks.
Regionalization enables MedTech companies to source components and build products in-region, or to rapidly shift production to other worldwide locations as demand or regulations change. A regionalization strategy comes with more benefits than just risk mitigation — it can also speed time-to-market and help companies meet increasing sustainability requirements. Put simply, moving closer to the markets they serve enables companies to be more resilient and competitive while also protecting the environment.
Another recent McKinsey & Company study identifies medical devices as one of the top ten industries with “strong regionalization feasibility,” stating that for companies falling in this category, “regionalization offers agility and flexibility in an unpredictable global trading landscape.”
The future of healthcare is wearable
To meet the growing demand for wearable medical devices, MedTech companies must adopt a strategy that provides a competitive edge at every step of the process — from design and engineering to full-scale production, to delivering products to the end user. Beyond the three priority areas discussed above, wearable medical device manufacturers can also boost competitiveness by tapping into deep domain knowledge and an extensive toolkit of technological advancements that includes sensor chips, miniaturization, and battery life, as well as connectivity with high-speed data transmission, artificial intelligence, and security.
Ultimately, the wearable medical device market is poised to make an enormous impact on the healthcare industry, relieving cost pressures and streamlining care as the site of care shifts downstream from hospitals to patient homes. Though the scope of the challenge is vast, so too is the opportunity.
As an industry, we must rise to meet it. |
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Image Server Network thanks to Mike Potts and Amazon Web Services. If you have static file hosting space that allows dns aliasing contact us to help out! Some Maps Provided by:
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When in doubt, take the word of the National Hurricane Center |
Moheshkhali Pile Top Tensioner
Challenge Improve Deliver
The Moheshkhali LNG regassification project is unusual for a moored installation due to the very limited water depth (35m) and high tidal currents. The solution developed by a consortium formed between MacGregor and Geocean, CAN systems and Flintstone uses a taut mooring system with compact underwater fairleads mounted to the top of the suction piles and the pull through connector (BTC) mounted on the plug. The plug sits on a seabed base structure until the FSRU is ready to connect.
The design of the mooring system is such that the excursion distances of the plug are kept very low so that the vessel motions are minimised to allow side to side LNG transfer. |
Good advice, better decisions.
Work with a financial adviser.
For almost everyone, dealing with your mortgages, investments, debts, bills, and taxes can get very complicated. Our financial and investment advice starts with listening, so we can tailor our service to you. You’ll work together with one of our expert financial advisers, and they’ll help sort out any of your financial issues and advise you on how to make smart money decisions so you can get ahead. |
Crafting the Perfect Greek Getaway Wardrobe for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
An exclusive Q&A with costume designer Timothy A. Wonsik
In My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3, writer, director, and star Nia Vardalos brings the beloved Portokalos family of the first two films from their Chicago home to Greece for the adventure of their lives. The moment the gang, from Toula (Vardalos) to Aunt Voula (Andrea Martin), land in their homeland, they embrace their Greek surroundings, donning a whole new set of clothes.
Costume designer Timothy A. Wonsik was tasked with curating a wardrobe that could capture the feel of being in Greece. Brought into the project by Academy Award®-winning costume designer Colleen Atwood—who served as a consultant to the film—Wonsik juggled both practical considerations (like Greece’s hot weather) and thematic concerns to let the characters shine in their new adventure.
We spoke with Wonsik about capturing the spirit of Greece in his costumes and appreciating the film’s universal appeal.
How did you get involved in designing the costumes for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3?
I do a lot of work with Colleen Atwood, who knows the people from the production. When they suddenly needed a new costume designer, Colleen asked me to do the movie with her. She could consult but wouldn't be able to be on set. Except for a short time at the start of production when she came to Greece, I would design and she would collaborate by phone.
I started eight days before we started shooting. It was a real scramble to shop and get four containers of costumes ready to ship to Greece, as well as unpack them and prep them for fittings.
What was the creative direction for the costumes?
It was a real collaboration. The most important direction from the director was just to make the clothes look beautiful. In some ways, this a real evolution from the costumes in the earlier films, whose fashion was representative of their times. For this one, I tried to use classic, timeless silhouettes and colors that reflected the cities and landscapes of Greece. We looked towards washed-out salmon and terracotta colors as well as blue, blue-gray, and seafoam hues that reflected the water. I really wanted to pick up the colors one sees in Greece.
Overall, the designs resulted from a collaboration between myself, the actors, and the director. We would do a series of fittings and send images to Nia who would comment on what she liked. If I mentioned that the actor during the fitting felt that there might be a better choice, Nia would normally agree, and we would adjust the costume. It was a real collaboration.
Did the costuming in the other films influence how you approached the clothes in this film?
Not really. In the other films, the characters were generally in the States and their look reflects that. When they arrive in Greece…their clothing represents the climate and feel of Greece. Greece is a warm, humid environment. Fabrics need to be linen, silk, or cotton. One of our first goals was to create clothes that let the actors be comfortable in the heat. During fittings, actors would occasionally say, "God, I'm so hot. Can we do something different?" I would talk to Nia and we would come up with something to accommodate them because there were days when it was 100 degrees and humid. We wanted the clothes to help the actors get into character, but we also wanted them to make sense in terms of where we were and what the weather was like.
This is the third of the Big Fat Greek Wedding films. What makes these characters and their story so enduring?
When I saw the first one, I laughed so hard, thinking, “This could be my family.” Everyone has a father or mother or aunt like the ones in the film. It didn’t matter if you were Greek or not, I think that everybody related to the story. 20 years later, the same actors are back. They know exactly who their characters are and they perform them brilliantly.
What would you like people to take away from the film?
It's such a feel-good movie. I think it's time for a feel-good film like this.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. |
This privacy notice provides information about the ways in which FOLLAINE HEALTH & WELLNESS, stores, and shares or keeps personal information provided by our customers. FOLLAINE HEALTH & WELLNESS fully respects your right to privacy and actively seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information on this site. FOLLAINE HEALTH & WELLNESS will not collect any personal information about you on this website without your permission save in cases where the Group is required by law to do so (e.g. the investigation of a criminal offence or a breach of policies, procedures or guidelines). Any personal information which you volunteer to FOLLAINE HEALTH & WELLNESS will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, in accordance with Data Protection.
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General Data Protection Regulation
As of the May 25th, 2018, every company dealing with European customers has to comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR in short. Check out tab above about the GDPR with more information about the GDPR and how to manage your personal data.
Changes to our Privacy Statement:
This is a live document, under regular review. This privacy statement was last updated in MARCH 2023.
As of the May 25th, 2018, every company that deals with European customers has to comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR in short.
In simple terms, it:
Applies to personal data — any data that relates to or can be used to identify a person in any way
Controls what can be done with personal information
Requires that consent is given or there is a good reason to process or store personal information.
Gives a person a right to know what information is held about them.
Allows a person to request information about them is erased and that they are ‘forgotten’ — unless there is a reason not to do this — e.g. a loan account.
Makes sure that personal information is properly protected. New systems must have protection designed into them (Privacy by Design). Access to data is strictly controlled and only given when required (Privacy by Default).
If data is lost, stolen or is accessed without authority, the authorities must be notified and possibly the people whose data has been accessed may need to be notified also.
Data cannot be used for anything other than the reason given at the time of collection.
Data is securely deleted after it is no longer needed.
Allows national authorities to impose fines on companies breaching the regulation. These fines can be up to €20 million or 4% of the businesses global turnover — whichever is higher.
What information do you hold on me?
Whenever you use one of the forms on this website to contact us or send us other information we keep a record of these form transmissions in our secure online database and in our email inbox. We may collect your personal details as name, email, and any other information you sent to us by either using a form on this website or by using a direct email link in other offline ways such as an Excel spreadsheet or custom made database.
Why do you keep my personal data?
We keep record of your personal data to be able to contact you now or in the future. We only contact you in relation to your original request. We will not use your personal data for any other purposes like newsletters (unless you explicitly told us to do so) or sell/give your personal data to third parties.
Who has access to my personal data?
Anyone who works at our company can have access to your personal data.
What happens in case of a security breach?
In the unlikely event your data is lost, stolen or accessed without authority you and the Data Protection Commissioner will be notified within 72 hours. |
The mere notion that you can make a creamy carbonara pasta dish in minutes—using dried pasta that cooks right in the sauce—is in and of itself pretty amazing. But the fact that kids (okay, sure, and you) will love it is an even better notion! This technique will only work in a glass loaf pan. The higher sides help contain the inevitable foam as the pasta cooks and also retain more heat for quicker cooking. (And if you don’t know that the microwave’s no place for a metal pan, just trust us on this one.)
— Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough
Excerpted from THE KITCHEN SHORTCUT BIBLE Copyright © 2018 by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough. Used with permission of Little, Brown and Company, New York. All rights reserved. |
Last revised: May 02, 2020
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Typically, we will seek consent for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information at the time of collection. In certain circumstances, consent may be sought after the information has been collected but before use (for example, when we want to use information for a purpose not previously identified). The form of consent that we seek, including whether it is express or implied, will largely depend on the sensitivity of the personal information and the reasonable expectations of the individual in the circumstances.
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Generally, we collect Personal Information when you provide it to us by signing up on FoodyCare Website/App, filling out surveys or questionnaires, joining our mailing list, corresponding with us, entering one of our sweepstakes or contests, choosing to submit testimonials, stories, photos or the like to the FoodyCare Website/App, or otherwise volunteering information about yourself.
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The Company collects or may collect some information each time you visit FoodyCare Website/App so we can improve the overall quality of your online experience. We collect or may collect your IP address, referral data, and browser and platform type. You do not have to register on the FoodyCare Website/App or provide any Personal Information to us before we can collect this anonymous information. The Company assigns an anonymous ID number to your requests and links the following additional data to that anonymous ID number: the date and time you visited, your search terms, and the links you choose to click. Like most standard servers, we use log files to collect and store this anonymous user information. The Company analyzes the information to determine trends, administer the site, track user’s movement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.
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Personal Information collected by the Company may be disclosed to third parties to whom the Company contracts out specialized goods or services (such as IT service providers). If the Company does disclose Personal Information to third party contractors, the Company takes steps to ensure that those contractors:
• Comply with their obligations under applicable privacy laws; and
• Are authorized only to use Personal Information in order to provide the goods and services required by the Company.
The Company may also disclose your Personal Information to third parties where it has your express permission to do so, or where it can reasonably be inferred from the circumstances that you consent to the disclosure to the third parties. The Company tries to limit the information it provides to third parties to the information they need to help the Company provide goods and services to you.
Mergers; Business Transitions
In the event the Company goes through a business transition, such as a merger, being acquired by another company, or selling a portion of its assets, users’ Personal Information will, in most instances, be part of the assets transferred, unless such a transfer will violate any applicable law.
Our goal is to keep you in control of the Personal Information you provide to us. Accordingly, you can review, correct, change or remove any personal registration information you provide to the Company. In order to “opt-out” and elect not to receive future communications from us, please email us at [email protected].
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Special Notification with respect to Children’s Privacy (Users under the age of 13)
In response to concerns about protecting children’s privacy online, Congress enacted the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”), which sets forth rules and procedures governing the ways in which Website may collect, use and disclose any personal information for children under the age of 13. In accordance with the Company policy and COPPA regulations, we DO NOT:
- Request or knowingly collect personally identifiable information online or offline contact information from users under 13 years of age; or
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We request that children under the age of 13 not submit any Personal Information to us via the FoodyCare Website/App. It is possible that by fraud or deception we may receive information given to us or pertaining to children under 13. If we are notified of this, as soon as we verify the information, we will immediately delete the information from our servers.
Questions regarding children’s privacy should be directed to:
We use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology to safeguard the security of your Personal Information; however transmissions made on or through the Internet are vulnerable to attack and cannot be guaranteed to be secure. You hereby acknowledge that the Company is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via the internet, and you hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information in any unauthorized manner.
Transfers of your Personal Information |
Beshara is a leader backed by vast experience in the legal industry. With a master’s degree in International Law, Beshara’s career spans over a decade with tenures as a legal counsel, chairman, and most recently, Group CEO of Mohammad & Obaid AlMulla Group of Companies. His experience covers a spectrum of fields, comprising finance, aviation, and corporate, with responsibilities that include advising CEOs and counseling on airline matters, major JV projects, and uninsured litigations.
Ranked among Forbes’ Top CEOs of the Middle East 2021, included among the top CEOs of the region by the UK-based CEO Today magazine, Beshara is a member of Legal 500 the Middle East 2016-2017. Beshara is leading the change across the group’s diverse functions, guiding its vision, developing and spearheading internal audit and corporate compliance programs, and participating in the formulation of general management policy as a member of the executive management team.
As Group CEO, he now oversees the full portfolio of Mohammad & Obaid Al Mulla Group. |
Seth is a partner and co-founder at Boulder-based Foundry Group focusing on making early-stage technology investments, participating in select growth rounds, and identifying and supporting the next generation of venture fund managers. In addition to his work at Foundry, Seth is active in the global entrepreneurial ecosystem as a founding board member of The Unreasonable Institute, an advisor to Palestinian-focused venture fund Sadara, and advisor to Nairobi-based Ingressive Capital, as well as an advisor and mentor to a number of other venture funds and companies globally. Seth co-founded Pledge 1%, a global network of over 7,000 companies who have pledged equity, time and product back to their local communities. He founded Colorado Entrepreneurial By Nature and is also on the board of StartupColorado, which promotes entrepreneurship in areas of Colorado outside of the front range. He is a Trustee of Macalester College in St. Paul, MN. You can find him on Twitter at @sether or online at www.sethlevine.com. |
In the present carefully determined world, the development and progress of a web-based commercial center advancement administration is equivalent to guaranteeing its life span and productivity. As the computerized scene keeps on developing, having a powerful and versatile commercial center turns into a non-debatable for organizations. Perceiving this need, many organizations are proactively looking for the aptitude of commercial center advancement specialist co-ops. These suppliers are not simply specialized specialists; they are visionaries who figure out the complexities of online business. Be that as it may, what precisely do they offer, and for what reason is their job so irreplaceable? By digging into the subtleties of online commercial centers, we can appreciate the unmatched meaning of these particular specialist organizations in the advanced domain.
The Job of Commercial center Advancement Specialist co-ops
Commercial center improvement specialist organizations have practical experience in making, upgrading, and advancing web-based stages where labor and products are traded. They bring a mix of mechanical skill, industry experiences, and inventive techniques to guarantee that commercial centers are useful as well as prosperous.
Taking into account sending off your own internet based commercial center? Sloboda Studio flaunts an accomplished group prepared to direct you. With north of 13 years in the field, their center and senior designers succeed in different advancements, like Python, Ruby on Rails, and Django. They are capable at transforming your business vision into a flourishing internet based commercial center. Connect with them and leave on your commercial center excursion.
Online Commercial centers Divulged
Types and Advancement of Online Commercial centers
There are different sorts of internet based commercial centers going from general online business locales like Amazon to specialty stages like Etsy for high quality things. Throughout the long term, commercial centers have developed from fundamental purchase offer stages to complex environments with cutting edge highlights like simulated intelligence driven suggestions and incorporated installment frameworks.
Market Patterns and Buyer Conduct
The advanced age has reclassified purchaser assumptions. The present customers focus on comfort, having the option to get to a wide assortment of choices, and acquiring items or administrations at serious costs.
Meaning of Online Commercial centers for Organizations
For endeavors, online commercial centers are not simply stages; they are integral assets for development. They offer the unrivaled benefit of taking advantage of a tremendous worldwide market, breaking topographical requirements.
The Requirement for Aptitude
Challenges Looked by Online Organizations
Online stages face different difficulties including tough opposition, developing buyer ways of behaving, and mechanical disturbances. Moreover, issues like network safety dangers, installment door issues, and inventory network disturbances can hamper development.
Why Mastery Matters in Commercial center Turn of events?
Mastery guarantees that web-based organizations can expect difficulties, use the most recent advances, and make stages that reverberate with ideal interest groups. An advanced commercial center isn’t just about style; it’s about usefulness, effectiveness, and security.
Commercial center Advancement Specialist organizations: Who Are They?
Characterizing Commercial center Advancement Specialist organizations
In the clamoring universe of online business, Commercial center Advancement Specialist organizations stand apart as subject matter experts. They are offices or experts equipped with the ability to specialty and adjust online commercial centers. Their job isn’t restricted to simply setting up a stage; they take organizations through the whole lifecycle — from conceptualizing and planning the commercial center to guaranteeing its smooth activity after send off.
Administrations Presented by Advancement Suppliers
Their administrations are huge and differed. From stylish contemplations like web architecture to specialized ones like backend improvement, they cover everything. They flawlessly coordinate installment frameworks, guaranteeing smooth exchanges, and utilize examination following to offer experiences into client ways of behaving and stage execution.
How Suppliers Increase the value of Online Commercial centers
Their essential worth lies in upgrading client experience — making stages natural, adaptable, and secure. This enhancement guarantees organizations can take care of a consistently developing client base without hitches.
Picking the Right Specialist organization
Elements to Consider While Choosing a Supplier
While setting out on a computerized venture, picking the right supplier can have a significant effect. The supplier’s history, evident involvement with the business, and mechanical ability are fundamental benchmarks
Normal Traps to Stay away from in Choice
While cost-adequacy is fundamental, the familiar proverb “the end product will usually reflect its price” frequently sounds valid in the computerized scene. Settling on choices absolutely founded on cost can prompt trade offs in quality. Similarly significant is the thought of post-send off help. An effective send off is only the start; predictable help and updates are critical for long haul achievement.
Client Experience (UX) and UI (UI) Contemplations
At the core of any flourishing internet based stage is a remarkable client experience. The plan needs to reverberate with the interest group. Natural designs, simple to-follow route ways, and a stylish allure are basic. Each component, from text style decisions to fasten positions, ought to be made in view of the client, it that is smooth as well as charming to guarantee an excursion.
Versatile Responsiveness and Availability
We live in a versatile first period where a critical piece of online collaborations happen on handheld gadgets. Commercial centers must, consequently, be carefully improved for portable survey, guaranteeing quick burden times and simple route. Past that, inclusivity is central. Stages ought to be available to everybody, incorporating those with incapacities, guaranteeing that elements like screen peruser similarity and console route are consistently coordinated.
The Effect of Innovation
Mechanical Progressions in Commercial center Turn of events
From distributed computing to blockchain, current tech apparatuses are reforming the way that web-based stages work and proposition administrations.
Artificial intelligence and Information Examination in Enhancing Commercial centers
Man-made brainpower supports customized client encounters, while information investigation gives experiences into client conduct, assisting organizations with settling on informed choices.
Online commercial centers have developed a long ways past simple stages for trading; they stand as dynamic environments, throbbing at the core of contemporary business. |
Empflix.com is a leading adult site that offers users a plethora of erotic content to indulge in. With an extensive library of videos from the hottest and most popular pornstars to amateur footage, Empflix.com has everything you need to satisfy your deepest and wildest desires.Empflix.com boasts a clean and easy-to-use interface, making it simple for users to find exactly what they’re looking for. The site’s navigation system allows you to easily browse their categories and tags, or use the search bar to find something specific. Whether you’re interested in hardcore scenes, solo masturbation clips, or sensual lesbian sessions, Empflix.com has it all.
One of the standout features of Empflix.com is their high-quality HD videos that are sure to leave you mesmerized. These videos are not only crystal clear but also boast crisp audio quality, putting you right in the center of the action.
Aside from their impressive video collection, Empflix.com also offers various photo galleries featuring some of the hottest pornstars around. You’ll find a range of images here – from softcore shots to hardcore snaps – allowing you to experience maximum pleasure without even having to leave your seat.
Whether using a desktop computer or accessing content via your mobile device, Empflix.com ensures optimal user experience on every platform. The site is optimized for mobile devices so that its users can enjoy seamless browsing at all times.
The website also offers unique features such as “related videos,” which suggest similar videos based on your preferences. It saves time and energy when searching for more material similar to what interests you.
One thing we particularly appreciate about Empflix.com is that it values human safety. All performers appearing on the website have consented fully with no coercion involved. Also, underage actors are never allowed film content with X-rated scenes; this way, viewers maintain ethical viewpoint on what they watch on Empflix.com
Furthermore, empflix.com takes pride in providing complete protection to its users’ privacy. They ensure that all browsing history and transactions are encrypted on their website, which is vital in the increasingly digital age.
Empflix.com’s mission is always to provide viewers with the latest videos from the adult entertainment industry while guaranteeing top security and confidentiality.
Finally, Empflix.com has a unique system of engaging with its users – it allows registered members to like, dislike or comment on any video; this helps Empflix improve their content quality as they get feedback from their audience regarding what they like or don’t. You can also create playlists for your favorite clips and share them with others.
In conclusion, Empflix.com is a trustworthy and reliable site that offers a great range of high-quality videos in one central location. From its vast collection of adult films to the excellent user experience features, there’s something here for everyone looking for adult material. Ultimately we wouldn’t hesitate to encourage anyone seeking fresh content across various categories all in one place to visit empflix.com without delay! |
Umbro has been in the game a very long time. While its heyday is something I never experienced to the fullest, life luckily presents me now with what seems almost a second chance at a lost love. The new Umbro Projects collection is just exactly that as the brand brings back some of the iconic styles which will forever maintain it as an enduring presence in the soccer lifestyle world.
For this collection, Umbro has turned nowhere else but to its archives from the ’90s. Unlike most brands who would take inspiration from their design archive and just seek to reinterpret this style, Umbro has instead opted for a more faithful reproduction of design styles that are as fashionable today as when they were first introduced. Their most recognizable piece has to be their soccer shirts and crew neck tees which bring back those bold prints that made the ’90s such an unforgettable period for soccer fans everywhere. The print is unique, to say the least. From afar, it gives off the illusion of some abstract design, though on closer inspection one realizes it is simply a very creative twist on more Umbro branding.
Though the bold prints and graphics get all the attention as they should, it is the enlarged branding that transports me back in time the quickest. This collection has plenty of enlarged branding interspersed between its tees, polos, hoodies, and jackets. Each time I look at the prominent double diamond on all these items, I can’t help but remember my love for all the training gear from this era which would utilize this enlarged branding oftentimes on both the front and back of training sweatshirts, jackets, and pennies. This style is particularly special to me as growing up it was the time I spent in training where I felt more in tune with the game. I did not just want to train like my favorite players but also look like they did, as it was in simply looking like them that the experience felt that much more real to me.
These small things that I take away from this collection are what makes it so exceptional. It is a part of me and no doubt also a part of you that now crosses over from these memories onto the field to the impressions you hope to make on the streets. The entire offering should look right at home with a natural street aesthetic mixed in with a little prep style.
All pieces are for the most part statement pieces meant to be worn on their own. Think of it as an opportunity to put new soccer enthusiasts on some real game with the best part being that you don’t even have to say anything. The new Umbro Projects collection is available now at umbro.co.uk. |
I have downloaded the ACX check plug in but do not understand how to get it into the Audacity program. Please help. I am not very skilled with computers so any instructions that you provide will need to be very simple. Don’t be shy about making them idiot-proof Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
The ACX Check plug-in is a “Nyquist Plug-in”. Installation instructions are here: http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/effect_menu.html#nyquist_effects |
Who shaves the barber? - Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell, British mathematician and philosopher, in challenging a popular theory of logic of the day known as set theory, showed that it suffered from a self-referential paradox. Namely, that there is no such thing as a set of all sets because it would necessarily need to, but could not contain itself.
It was stated as follows:
This is a paradox, because it is a situation that cannot exist."Imagine a town where there is a rule: everyone has to be clean-shaven, and the barber is the only person who can shave you. But the barber has a special rule: he only shaves people who do not shave themselves.
So, everyone in the town has to be clean-shaven, but no one can shave themselves.
So, who shaves the barber?"
This same paradox raises its head from time to time, however it is reformulated not in the domain of mathematical set theory but in the socio-political sphere. No doubt you’ve read a newspaper headline intimating something like ‘Who polices the police?’ And now it seems that this dilemma has spilled over into the socio-forensic disciplines.
Who examines the Examiner?
These questions pose the same problem as Bertrand Russell’s Paradox of the Barber, an infinite regress. It takes sense and turns it into nonsense very quickly. Let’s take a look...
If I say, ‘I’m an expert’, then who is qualified to judge my expertise? And if you admit that there is someone qualified to judge my expertise, who is the person that qualifies to judge the expertise of the expert on expertise? I won’t belabor the example, but you get the point. Sense making becomes nonsensical exponentially. This is the essence of infinite regress. It poses solutions which cause problems which need solutions that cause problems that never resolve. In the case that is about to be discussed we’d call this a grift, because it involves a stream of money and prestige in which the same people causing problems offer solutions, write papers, form committees which find new problems to which they offer solutions, write papers and form committees, blissfully unaware that there are people laughing at the proverbial new clothes of the emperor.
Considering this is a post about fingerprints, let’s get to it. In 2009, it came to light that the Houston Police Department’s (HPD) fingerprint unit was having some problems, some of them potentially criminal.
https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texa ... 622998.php
Houston hired an outside auditor, a company by the name of Ron Smith and Associates (RSA/ RS&A). The auditor was hired to check the work of the people thought to be involved in problematic casework. The scope of the contract was extended to work down a backlog of about 6000 cases to the tune of around 5 million dollars.
The written findings of the audit were published by the City of Houston.
https://www.houstontx.gov/police/audit/ ... tPrint.pdf
The findings of the initial audit state:
“It should be noted that, generally speaking, the most significant error which can be found in friction ridge comparisons is an “erroneous identification”, which is the incorrect determination that two areas of friction ridge impressions originated from the same source."
The findings go on to say:
“Based upon the previously established criteria, there were however a significant amount of technical errors which may, or may not have had an impact on the investigations which were represented by these cases”
The technical errors as defined by Ron Smith and Associates included:
“Cases which were reported as not being ‘sufficient for further analysis’, when in fact they did indeed contain latent prints which were sufficient for comparison purposes.” (we’ll come back to this)
It appears that the auditor examines the examiner.
Who audits the Auditor?
During the period in which Ron Smith and Associates was performing backlog reduction, they were asked to compare prints as part of a review of a cold case from 2001. A case that ultimately went to appeals based in part on the fingerprint evidence and ultimately resulted in an ethics investigation.
A longer version of the case synopsis given as part of the appeal can be found here:
https://cases.justia.com/texas/first-co ... 1499127228
An abbreviated synopsis of the case is as follows:
2001: a murder of a woman known to be a prostitute whose body was found in an alley with what was presumed to be bloody fingerprints both on and near her body. Houston Police Department responded to the scene and were able to enhance and preserve the latent prints via photography as well as preserve the portion of the actual item that contained the palm prints (a metal pole). Fingernail clippings and semen stains were also preserved by the Harris County Medical Examiner. HPD investigated the case and exhausted the leads with no viable suspects
2006: DNA from the fingernail clippings consisted of a mixed sample with a major and minor contributor composed of two males. DNA from the semen had a single contributor. DNA profiles were created by an outside laboratory.
2009: CODIS was searched using the DNA profiles and two individuals were identified, one by the name Joseph Webster from the mixed sample taken from the fingernail clippings, one by the name Lorenzo Jones from the semen stains. Both individuals admitted to soliciting prostitutes but denied being involved in the murder.
2010: HPD Cold Case Unit requests HPD Latent Print Unit to compare 51 individuals including the 2 individuals developed as part of the CODIS hits. No identifications were found.
2011: Ron Smith and Associates as part of the contract work for the city of Houston is asked to re-examine the prints and compare them against the 51 individuals again. No identifications were found.
2012: Detective Holbrook, the original detective on the case in 2001 returns to HPD homicide, re-reviews the case and per the appeal “instructed Ron Smith to reexamine their prints, believing that the bloody print was of sufficient quality to render an identification”. (We’ll come back to this statement as well). Ron Smith and Associates find similarities, ask for better quality prints from Webster and subsequently make an identification.
2013: HPD asks for the poles containing potential blood and bloody prints to be processed for 1) the confirmation of blood 2) DNA samples. Blood was not confirmed, nor were DNA profiles obtained.
2015: DNA profile taken from Webster was compared to the minor contributor DNA profile from the fingerprint clippings produced in 2006. Webster could not be ruled out as a contributor, with the chance that the DNA profile came from a random person at about 0.43% (1 in 230)
2015: A new DNA profile is obtained from the fingernail clippings using an advanced testing technique and compared to Joseph Webster. The result is that Webster could not be ruled out as a contributor, with a chance that a random person could have the same DNA profile at about 0.000015% (1 in 68 million)
As a result of the DNA found underneath Herbert's fingernails and the identification of Webster as the source of the bloody palm-print, Webster was indicted and tried for Herbert's murder.
During the trial, the State presented evidence that:
• Herbert was a prostitute who worked downtown, and that Webster admitted to possibly having sex with her;
• Herbert's body was found in a narrow and secluded gated alleyway that would not normally be used by the public—a location where someone might reasonably be expected to lure a prostitute he intended to kill;
• the DNA underneath Herbert's fingernails was Webster's—indicating that Herbert attempted to defend herself from Webster or at least had direct physical contact with him before she died;
• the palm-print found next to Herbert's bloody body was Webster's—placing Webster at the scene of the crime, crouched right in front of the narrow stairwell and Herbert's body; and
• the palm-print was made in blood—indicating that Webster moved or had some sort of contact with Herbert's body after she was dead.
Webster was convicted.
Upon appeal, Webster’s counsel argued that the sufficiency of the evidence was inadequate to convict. Specifically, as it relates to the latent print evidence, Webster argued that the examiners at HPD and the RSA analysts suffered from bias since they missed the identification the first time and only made an identification after they were allegedly aware of the DNA hit to Webster.
A complaint was submitted to the Texas Forensic Science Commission (TFSC).
As a result of the allegations of bias by Webster’s counsel, an ethics investigation was submitted to the Texas Forensic Science Commission. The complaint was accepted for investigation at the 4/21/2022 meeting.
The Commission offered to:
“evaluate the integrity and reliability of the forensic analysis, offer recommendations for best practices in the discipline of latent print analysis, and make other appropriate recommendations.”
https://www.txcourts.gov/media/1455318/ ... 22-1-1.pdf
This is what the Commission is tasked with doing by law, although arguably the more thorough version of what they were tasked with would be more ethically rigorous. It comes across more as an ethnography than an investigation.
The Commission is charged with the preparation of a written report that contains:
It appears the Commission audits the auditor.(1) observations of the commission regarding the integrity and reliability of the forensic analysis conducted;
(2) best practices identified by the commission during the course of the investigation; or
(3) other recommendations that are relevant, as determined by the commission.
Who does the Commission commission?
The TFSC had provided relatively scant information on the state of the ethics complaint other than brief updates from quarterly meeting minutes posted on the site. One such document from a 09/15/2022 meeting states:
“The Commission will contract with Friction Ridge expert Glenn Langenburg to assist the Commission in the development of its report that will highlight key issues and recommendations that address the historical background and evolution of the friction ridge discipline, identify methods for avoiding cognitive bias in the discipline, and recommend changes for a positive impact on the field in Texas and nationwide.”
https://www.txcourts.gov/media/1455833/ ... 1522-3.pdf
Then just recently, on 10/20/2023, the Forensic Science Commission released a video of their quarterly meeting discussing a forthcoming 73 page full report on the complaint. In the video they thank:
- Glenn Langenburg
- Henry Swofford
- OSAC Program Office
- Texas DPS Latent Print Advisory board
It appears that the Commission commissions experts. It seems we have come full circle.
How do we investigate the ethics of an ethics investigation?
Since we’ve come full circle with the inclusion of new experts who have been brought in to scrutinize the ethics of the original experts, we’re in infinite regress. Who will scrutinize the ethics of these experts? Let’s put the microscope on the experts before we address the complaint. Surely, we wouldn’t want an ethics investigation to have compromised ethics, right?
Glenn Langenburg teaches for Ron Smith and Associates. Someone who gets paid by an agency under investigation and who would stand to risk losing payment or prestige, necessarily presents at the very minimum the appearance of an ethical dilemma. He does however, have at least 13 years of Latent Print Examination under his belt working in an agency.
https://www.ronsmithandassociates.com/p ... urg_CV.pdf
Henry Swofford is more of a bureaucrat than a bench examiner. If you look at his resume it’s not apparent that he has any significant examination experience, with the majority of his forensic examination experience coming from Blood Alcohol Content testing. While he has held chair positions on standards boards, management positions, and pursued research, he seems like an odd pick for an actual analysis.
https://dfs.dc.gov/sites/default/files/ ... ord_CV.pdf
This is evident in a leaked document associated with the case which states:
“Henry Swofford did an informal review of the palm print on the pole and could not identify it as belonging to Webster.”
Why wouldn’t Swofford perform a detailed analysis of the print? Why is his inability to identify the print indicative of anything? The answer as stated above is because this isn’t a person who has spent any significant time looking at fingerprints, let alone complex ones in dispute. The fact that he qualifies, let alone holds certifications from the International Association of Identification in Latent Fingerprints, Footwear and Crime Scene Investigation is a discussion for another time, but it would seem that the IAI is little more than a puppy mill for forensic certifications.
Mr. Swofford seems to be at odds with himself for what he deems appropriate techniques. From the leaked document:
“Mr. Swofford analyzed the quality of the palm print itself using the newly adopted best practice recommendations made by the OSAC Friction Ridge Subcommittee in September 2020. He took a copy of the latent print and feature markings of the original RSA examined and analyzed the quality using LQMetric software.”
Compare what he did, namely use LQMetric software, with what he’s published about LQMetric Software. According to his Ph. D thesis, LQMetric is:
https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serva ... 01/REF.pdf“...geared entirely towards optimizing or predicting AFIS match performance rather than focused on assessing local ridge clarity (discernibility of feature data) and predicting human performance using image quality attributes considered by human analysts during manual comparisons. Consequently, these types of predictive models are often based on the aggregate of qualitative and quantitative attributes of the entire impression to provide a single estimate of utility or quality. These approaches often lack transparency and often do not necessarily correspond to the same features considered by human analysts during traditional examinations. The motivation behind this focus is largely driven by industry desires to optimize the performance of AFIS in a “lights-out” environment. "
He’s saying two things here. First, that a holistic metric is inappropriate given that the algorithm is measuring AFIS viability which stands in opposition to what Examiners look at, namely individual features. Secondly, such tools and models are biased towards the performance of a product, not assessing the quality of a print, which is what the tool purports to be. However, the thesis is also offering a product, one that directly competes with LQMetric. Would it be fair to characterize Swofford for also having a motivation to focus on an industry desire to optimize his proceedings from the licensing of a software product?
Salesmanship is not a new concept when it comes to Swofford and Langenburg however. They both have a financial incentive outside their use as consultants in this case. Each has a statistical model, which should they be used to reconcile a dispute, would act as a pseudo-validation of a statistical model that could then be incorporated into a ‘best practice’ paradigm, that is to say there is something to be gained by means of bureaucracy, not science.
Swofford model (FRstat): https://forensiccoe.org/statistical-int ... ns-frstat/
Langenburg model (Xena) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.u ... ite_up.pdf
There have been accusations of pseudoscience and snake oil between the two camps previously.
https://docplayer.net/170998794-Defence ... rstat.html
Furthermore, given Swofford’s seat on the Friction Ridge Subcommittee and the American Standards Board of the AAFS his influence in defining ‘best practices’ is problematic at best. Is it any surprise that statistical models have made their way into the conversation even though no model has been validated for use or demonstrated to make more accurate conclusions?
Even the latent print community has grown skeptical of what in effect are bureaucrats pushing agendas for personal gains. In a recent request-for-comments period by the American Academy of Forensic Science Standards Board, the community pushed back when statistical models were proposed.
“May use statistical or probabilistic systems is meaningless at this point in time. Does this mean FRStats or Xena? Could it mean an 8 point standard versus a 12‐point standard? Until a published, peer‐reviewed, validated, and accepted "probabilistic system" has been recognized, it should not be left wide open to interpretation.” (pg 27 of 55)
https://www.aafs.org/sites/default/file ... und01.pdf
Did you catch that? A standard was being proposed that was so vague that non-validated statistical models developed by people with influence over the standards board could be admitted. This is not science, or best practices, it’s lobbying.
So an investigation into an ethics violation of experts reveals at least the potential to have an ethics violation of experts through perverse incentives, namely personal gain even at the expense of truth.
Complaints about the complaint
Next, we need to look at the complaint. We already know that the complaint alleged the conclusion reached was not reproducible and therefore not reliable. With the allegation that there was bias based upon the DNA hit to Webster.
It’s out of fashion to blame examiners and fire them for mistakes. If we’ve learned anything from past high-profile errors like the Brandon Mayfield case, they will blame 1) the images, 2) the process and 3) a boogeyman like bias that is unmeasurable but somehow in everything, everywhere, all at once and only retroactively inferred.
From the Mayfield case:
“The FBI issued a rare public apology after Mayfield’s release — but maintained the error was due to the low resolution of the print.”
“Second, the OIG examined whether the FBI's verification procedures contributed to the error. FBI procedures require that every identification be verified by a second examiner.”
https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/f ... /final.pdf (pg 10)
Everywhere:“However, whether Mayfield's religion was a factor in the Laboratory's failure to revisit its identification and discover the error in the weeks following the initial identification is a more difficult question.” (pg 12)
“However, under procedures in place at the time of the Mayfield identification, the verifier was aware that an identification had already been made by a prior FBI examiner at the time he was requested to conduct the verification. Critics of this procedure assert that it may contribute to the expectation that the second examiner will concur with his colleague.” (pg 10)
All at once:
“The OIG found that a significant cause of the misidentification was that the LPU examiners' interpretation of some features in LFP17 was adjusted or influenced by reasoning "backward" from features that were visible in the known prints of Mayfield. This bias is sometimes referred to as "circular reasoning," and is an important pitfall to be avoided.”
https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/f ... final.pdf
So what do we see in the ethics investigation?
According to the quarterly meeting:
And“TFSC staff forwarded the complaint to RS&A, and they raised questions about the quality of images the blind examiners were given”
“RS&A maintained ‘any competent examiner’ would reach an identification conclusion so there must have been an issue with the images the blind examiners used"
We know that there were two sets of images taken of the latent prints, the film prints taken at the scene of the crime and digital images taken by the DEA who had the actual poles on which the prints were found.
The TFSC’s presentation provides a red herring in a sense when they state:
“The other set of photos of L-1 were taken by the DEA using digital photography. Digital photography was in its infancy at the time and the images were taken at a low resolution 384 ppi. (Today’s standard is 1000 ppi)"
This statement is ignorant of digital imaging however and represents the problem with an appeal to ‘best practices’ when those practices are made by fiat and not evidence. Let’s take a look. Since the TFSC thanks The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC), we’ll go to OSAC’s digital imaging standards and look at what they say about resolution.
5.1 The procedure described in this document is in accordance with current SWGFAST guidelines (6), as well as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard (7), which specify 1000 pixels per inch (ppi) at 1:1 as the minimum scanning resolution for latent print evidence. This standard appears primarily to be historical and directed towards scanners, rather than cameras, though recent studies suggest that it is suitable for capturing Level 3 detail (8).
“5.2 While the 1000 ppi resolution standard permits the capture of level three detail in latent prints, it does not mean that any image recorded at a lower resolution would necessarily be of no value for comparison purposes. Such an image could have captured level two details sufficiently for comparison.”
https://compass.astm.org/document/?cont ... -US&page=1
So, the standard is historical, pertains to scanning and pertains primarily to the inclusion of level three detail, which would most likely not even be present in a viscous blood print.
This is an appeal to historicism and not science.
The TFSC presentation states:
“The report emphasizes the importance of a linear sequential approach to the ACE-V process in which documentation of the features in the questioned impression occurs prior to an examination of a known exemplar.”
It’s fashionable to say this, and was stated both in the OIG report on the Mayfield error and in the PCAST report but is it true? Like, based in science, true?
This very topic was researched in 2015 in a paper titled ‘’Changes in latent fingerprint examiners’ markup between analysis and comparison’.
The paper admits:
“.... the details of how to document analysis and comparison are mostly unspecified, and SWGFAST's standards are unenforced, leaving the details to be sorted out by agency standard operating procedures or by the examiners’ judgments.”
The discussion of the paper finds no correlation between change in markup and error nor error rate different from that of the black box study.
“We observed frequent changes in markups of latents between the Analysis and Comparison phases. All examiners revised at least some markups during the Comparison phase, and almost all examiners changed their markup of minutiae in the majority of comparisons when they individualized. However, the mere occurrence of deleted or added minutiae during Comparison is not an indication of error: most changes were not associated with erroneous conclusions; the error rates on this test were similar to those we reported previously”
https://noblis.org/wp-content/uploads/2 ... _Final.pdf
The footnote associated with that quote is from a study titled, Repeatability and Reproducibility of Decisions by Latent Fingerprint Examiners
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/artic ... ne.0032800
There is a sleight of hand in the complaint and the investigation if you look closely, namely the allegation of bias. The allegation states that the bias is due to Webster being identified via a DNA hit and NOT from a non-blind verification or from circular reasoning via the exemplars, as was the allegation in the Mayfield error. There are two problems with this. First, RS&A missed the identification the first time when Webster was included with the 51 subjects. If inclusion of Webster was biasing, then the implications are twofold: 1) any investigative lead into a suspect developed by a detective is biasing and 2) overwhelming the examiner with 51 names was more biasing because the identification was missed. Neither of these issues are addressed, nor is the mechanism of how getting a DNA hit suddenly makes minutiae appear that weren’t there.
“The complaint incorporated information that the crime scene mark was submitted to other examiners along with relevant known exemplars in blind examinations and the blind examinations reached an ‘inconclusive’ conclusion” stating that, “The blind examiners include an independent latent print examiner and two HFSC latent print examiners”
The TFSC presentation says that they took into consideration some national reports on forensic science and ‘pertinent empirical research in friction ridge examination’ such as the Noblis black box study. So what does ‘the pertinent empirical research’ say about blind verifications?
Before we get to the Noblis study, what does Glenn Langenburg’s own research into bias state?
“The results showed that fingerprint experts were influenced by contextual information during fingerprint comparisons, but not towards making errors. Instead, fingerprint experts under the biasing conditions provided significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions than the control group.”
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs ... 09.01025.x
Unless the blind examinations were provided in the context of an unworked case (which is going to be a near impossibility given that the case was decades old and the use of film, CDs, old reports, etc, would have been included), the examiner would have been given a comparison they knew would be scrutinized and therefore is introducing bias. According to Langenburg’s own research, when this happens, ‘significantly fewer definitive and erroneous conclusions’ are the result. Read ‘inconclusive’.
This is exactly what the blind examinations found, meaning it was as equally likely a methodological error on the TFSC’s part in introducing blind examinations in this fashion and not necessarily a problem with RS&A or the print.
Further highlighting the deficiency of the investigation is the following research which shows that collaboration reduces bias in fingerprint conclusions. This as opposed to pitting conclusions against each other vis-a-vis Examiner vs Blind Examiner and thereby reifying reproducibility. Pooling decisions highlights a wisdom-of-the-crowds approach to complex comparisons.
From the article:
“That is, the pooling of decisions systematically decreases the number of situations where decision-making agents disagree and increases the number of situations where they agree. Pooling decisions thus also reduces outcome variation between decision-making systems at the level of individual cases.”
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... via%3Dihub
Even previous research, what is commonly referred to as the Noblis White Box study recognizes that:
“Blind verification can be expected to be effective in detecting most errors and flagging debatable decisions, and should not be limited to individualization decisions.”
“Examiner assessments of difficulty may be useful in targeted quality control, which could focus on difficult decisions: operating procedures could provide means for an examiner to indicate when a particular decision is complex. Quality control measures, however, should not focus solely on difficult decisions, since even easy or obvious decisions were not always repeated or reproduced.”
“Metrics derived from the quality and quantity of features used in making a decision may assist examiners in preventing mistakes, and in making appropriate decisions in complex comparisons. Such metrics may be used to flag complex decisions that should go through additional quality assurance review and in arbitration of disagreements between examiners.”
“Procedures for detailed documentation of the features used in analysis or comparison decisions could be used to assist in arbitrating inter-examiner disagreements at the feature level.”
“Repeatability and reproducibility are useful surrogate measures of the appropriateness of decisions when there is no “correct” decision, as when deciding between individualization and inconclusive. The reproducibility of decisions has operational relevance in situations where more than one examiner makes a decision on the same prints. Reproducibility as assessed in our study can be seen as an estimate of the effects of blind verification– not consulting or non-blind verification.”
The last quote being especially pertinent given that the TFSC explicitly states in the presentation that:
Simply stated, there is no ‘correct’ decision as when deciding between individualization and inconclusive as explicitly stated in the above study. If ever there were a prescription, this is it and the TFSC and their ‘experts’ expert’ failed miserably.“Important to note neither the complaint nor the report allege the identification was wrong, as we do not have ground truth for the sample”.
Based upon best practices informed by the research, blind examinations were an inappropriate investigative method here.
The Final Analysis:
“Incompetence annoys me. Overconfidence terrifies me.” -Malcom Gladwell
The TFSC stated that the result of their investigation was to:
“...identify methods for avoiding cognitive bias in the discipline and recommend changes for a positive impact on the field in Texas and nationwide.”
A couple things to note. The TFSC is not a standards board, a research arm, nor do they employ any means of funding for research. Furthermore, if these goals are attainable, you would think they would be requirements of accreditation or licensure of experts in the state of Texas considering that the TFSC has been responsible for both since 2015. Lastly, that the TFSC thinks they could actually accomplish such discipline-wide goals while clearly being illiterate in current scientific literature, lacking funding for additional research and by choosing to drape itself in snake oil experts and fashionable policy prescriptions comes across as pathological.
It would seem that the TFSC is more concerned with the appearance of competence than with its actual practice. Not even mentioned in the presentation is the fact that the cold case detective is stated to have told Ron Smith and Associates that the impression could be identified. If bias was a concern, one would think that having police staff dictate what is and is not of identification value is quite concerning. Especially given that the TFSC is in charge of licensing experts. This was explicitly stated in the Appeals record when it stated:
2012: Detective Holbrook, the original detective on the case in 2001 returns to HPD homicide, re-reviews the case and per the appeal “instructed Ron Smith to reexamine their prints, believing that the bloody print was of sufficient quality to render an identification”.. Ron Smith and Associates find similarities, ask for better quality prints from Webster and subsequently make an identification.
Additionally, we know an error was made, as it was the very type of error that Ron Smith and Associates documented in its audit of the Houston Police Department.
“Based upon the previously established criteria, there were however a significant amount of technical errors which may, or may not have had an impact on the investigations which were represented by these cases”
The technical errors as defined by Ron Smith and Associates included:
“Cases which were reported as not containing any latent print identifications in which there was a latent print identification” (pg 4)
In summary, an ethics investigation sidestepped the question of truth by hiring experts with questionable credentials and perverse incentives to ignore the science in order to publish a self-congratulatory work which overlooks deficits which it has the authority to change through accreditation and will have zero effect on the fingerprint industry other than contempt for those that wrote it. While it comes across as the house that Jack built, it is really a house of cards.
When magical thinking is involved, anything is possible. |
Thoughts my own and don't represent my employer
Yes, I think it is exactly that sort of thing Saulius. From what I have heard it is often the research about how animals are kept that people want from their region/country.
Thank you for this write up.
Martin Balluch's writing on this topic has impacted my way of thinking a lot on this. I think his 'Balluch Curve' succintly illustrates the problem and an approach to overcome it.
Article is written in German and quotes are google translated
We know from vegan and vegetarian people that most of them fall back into the sink. The system is stronger. Only a perhaps 5% large group with enough pioneering spirit stays up there on the right. In other words: the vegan outreach and the revelations of eg the VGT are constantly shoveling people right up the curve, but sooner or later they roll back again. A Sisyphean task.
How could you support people so that they can stay on the top right? By making vegetarian/vegan life easier. And that's why I founded the Vegan Society Austria with my brother and my partner at the time in 1999. It awards a vegan seal so that the animal-free products are easily recognizable, it organizes vegan cooking courses for prospective chefs, it disseminates information about health aspects, arranges vegan-friendly doctors, etc. This activity can be illustrated as a small or large dent in the curve. A second dip in vegetarianism or veganism, not nearly as far down as the deepest dip, but at least providing something to hold on to, some protection against falling into the main dip. Then it will be easier for people
So we're not really getting anywhere unless we change the system. Let's imagine we shift the sink to the right! If that succeeds, then all people suddenly behave in a more animal-friendly manner, then the system forces them to do so, even if that is not their belief. But isn't it utopian to change the system? Is not it. At the beginning of the 19th century there were still no animal protection laws and instead there was a baiting theater in Vienna, where animals were set against each other, or animals were hounded by packs of dogs and humans. The "having a rush" in Viennese for having fun comes from that. So the depression was on the far left. And now it's not that anymore, there's no such thing as hate theatre, at least the status of animals has risen to such an extent that torture for fun has been outlawed.
Speaking very recently to someone involved in vegan outreach from their POV from many hours of conversations, the biggest challenge to adoption and retention is people worrying about not fitting in with those around them.
I definitely agree that veg retention is an important piece, although I think many animal organisations are dealing with limited resources and I think as a result are looking to shift society to the right, cage-free, higher welfare etc, which ultimately makes the jump/drop from veg smaller and probably supports enduring change more. I personally, would be interested in seeing research into veg retention, but would rank it beneath research into shifting to higher welfare.
Appreciate this post.
Sections that stood out for me as being particularly tractable & scalable are:
Appreciate this post, I will probably share it with people seeking advice from me in the future. I sometimes in these sort of calls/chats feel an expectation from the person seeking advice to drive the entire conversation which is draining for me and can make me hesitant to take on more calls like this. I have enjoyed the calls and think they have been much more value to the person when approached as you've described.
Thanks for this post. We, The Humane League, recently worked with Majid Al Futtaim on their cage-free egg policy and are keen to do more work in the UAE and the region over the coming years. As mentioned in your problem profile, the approach we took here was slightly different to the approach in other regions. If anyone is living in the UAE and surrounding region and interested in working on farmed animal welfare. I'd be keen to hear from you.
Great summary, thanks. It could be more useful to view the "Broiler commitments by deadline date" graph to show year 2026 as this is the deadline of the European Chicken commitment and ~90% of European commitments have that deadline. |
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http://youtube.com/user/Ridelover123 Hi all! This isn't so much a site advert but more of an advert to my youtube channel. I do not earn money or anything from it and I do it purely for fun and would appreciate if you could take a moment of your time to subscribe! I will also do updates of the new videos and will embed them into my posts when I upload a new video to my channel! Many thanks to all and I'll leave you with one of my videos of a wild mouse rollercoaster I hope you enjoy it and please subscribe!
Vialand is Turkey's best theme park and Located in Istanbul,Turkey.After little refurbish Vialand renamed to "İsfanbul Theme Park". (My personal idea is Vialand should make something new because they have only one coaster and they haven't done anything new since 2012..) Here is some attractions: Nefeskesen: 110 km/h in 3 seconds. Viking: 49 Feet super-soaking splash experience. Adalet Kulesi: 164 Feet Drop Tower Çılgın Nehir: 700 Meters long water ride And Vialand Has 23 more attractions. If You want to visit http://isfanbul.com/
Welcome to part two of a bored, slightly humorous random blog post on a Sunday Evening! *PRE-WARNING, THIS IS ALL A-BIT OF FUN, PLEASE READ THIS LIGHT HEARTED* Last week, I introduced you to The Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe, (which is like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, just less Iron Man and more disappointment). There's been two main phases since Merlin's take over in (2007/08), the first one is named, hype, and you can read about it here! The second phase is called, unoriginal; The Unoriginal Phase (2012-2015) The Swarm^ (B&M, Built in 2012) - The Swarm started off well, the plans showed us that the UK is getting it's first B&M in 9 years and the theming looked incredible, but unfortunately, Merlin had to step in and create an USP for The Swarm, something all new rollercoaster's had to have now, apparently. Thus the tagline 'The Europe's tallest/UK’s first winged rollercoaster' was created. The Swarm was received well, but didn't bring the guest in, was it because the GP didn't know what a 'winged rollercoaster' is, or maybe The Olympic's being in the same year? No one really knows the answer, but a year later, to try and give this already unoriginal layout and theme another lease of life, they turned two rows of seats backwards and re-marketed it as the new attraction for 2013... The Smiler* (Gerstlauer, Built in 2013) - Let's be very honest here... The Smiler's whole planning, construction, and opening was more messy than me after 5 rounds of Tequila. The opening was delayed, not once, not twice but THREE TIMES. The groundwork being so poor, it feels like you've visited the Alton Towers Waterpark, not The Smiler, and that theme song that just haunts you for the next two weeks. The Smiler USP was very clever, 14 inversions, with most of them being hidden during planning, just a shame 8 of them try to paralyse you. Whats unoriginal about it you say? If I wanted a poorly built ride to disable me, I'd ride Saw The Ride. Flug der Dämonen^ (B&M, Built in 2014) - Flug der Dämonen didn't have a USP, that is because it really was The Swarm 2, the ride cars are identical, the theme is identical, most of the ride elements are identical... apart from that cool looking inversion! It wasn't a world's first, or Europe's first... it was just, a really good rollercoaster, that happens to have ugly white coloured track. Oblivion: The Black Hole (B&M, Built in 2015) - Talking of ugly white track, finishing our wonderful unoriginal phase, is the most unoriginal rollercoaster of them all! Heide Park got a dive coaster, then a winged rollercoaster... Gardaland got a winged rollercoaster... now it's getting a dive rollercoaster, did they get them buy one get one free or something?! The layout looks fun though! Just a shame the marketing and name of this rollercoaster, is literally two rides from X-Sector, and Oblivion 2.0. So that brings us to the present day, Oblivion: The Black Hole hasn't opened yet so we're unsure how the story will unfold, so expect an update in April time, but that is our two phases! What is the next phase? I hear you say... Well unlike Marvel who have released phase 3, we're really unsure what Merlin is going to do. 2016 is going to be Thorpe Park's & Merlin's next big investment, which we all thought was going to be a rollercoaster, but turns out, to be a dark ride... Alton Towers has rumours flying here, there and everywhere about Wooden Valley Coaster, and our lovely European parks might get a flying coaster called, Air - The Blade. Who knows? Thank you all for reading. Trolley Dolly (Liam T) Key: * - World's First ^ - Taller than 100ft USP - Unique Selling Point |
I am trying to use the web app, as I need to work on a PC. No access to a mac, and no mac app.
However, I am running into some issues:
- How can I create a new document from scratch in the Web App? There seems to be no option.
- I figured as a workaround I could download a template. There’s no simple blank template though - and it is also unclear how I get the template to be loaded into my workspace.
- Should the template go somewhere specific on the PC that I am missing? I checked if I could specify a folder in the settings on the web app, but couldn’t see anything.
The web app seems to be rather lacking - but maybe I am missing something |
Please use the the Contact form to send us your thoughts or email us and we will respond to your enquiry in a timely manner.
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Don't have account? Register here. |
Is this mouse worth it?
Well I have had my New iMac for about a week and I love the look of this one button mouse and wish I could keep it but it's driving me crazy, I can't seem to get things done fairly fast, playing Return To Castle Wolfenstein is a task in itself, and it hurts my hand. So I was looking at the Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer, does anyone have any comments on it? Is it worth $70.00? That's a lot of money for a mouse and I don't want to waste it if it isn't going to be any good. Thanks. |
HDMI cord from laptop worked on tv the other day. Now it doesn't. You can see the image behind tons of static (But not normal static, it has color and is in large blocks, but changes if I switch inputs and then go back)(Laptop shows no static). MY CORD does this on both ports. But our Xbox 360 Works on both ports. MY CORD works fine on my friend's tv. And her CORD worked fine on MY TV. Why won't MY CORD work on MY TV. I'm very frustrated. Please help! |
Who We are?
We are a 501c3 nonprofit taxable organization. We operated 100% by volunteers; most of them foster families themselves. We have local branches throughout the state of Michigan.
What We Do?
Our organization provides clothing, underclothing, toys, shoes, baby equipment, and gear and in some cases furniture to children placed in the foster care stystem in State of Michigan. These items are new and like new items that have been donated to us. Children are often placed in foster care with no personal items and in many cases they come into care with only the clothes on their back. Our organization provides these kids with stylish new or like new clothes and personal items helping to begin the process of rebuilding their self-esteem and providing them with belongings they can call their own.
How can the Foster Closet help?
Our organization helps reduce the financial strain a new placement can place on foster family by freeing up funds that would otherwise be used to fullfill these immediate needs. These needs are not always met immediately or in full by the State and that is where we step in. Meeting these needs allow foster parents to be able to use the funds saved to help the children adapt to their new home life in other ways. The Foster Closet is not a “One Stop” shop; you may use it as many times as need arises. |
Thinking And Driving Safely Everyday Is Thinking Defensive Driving.
We have all seen these drivers rarely plan to stop as they approach an intersection, junction, traffic light, or roundabout. These drivers have driven aggressively for years and even decades. They never yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles, and soon these drivers may run out of luck. More vehicles will be on the road in Accra in 2022 than in 2021. Hence, it is one of the reasons there is more traffic on the roadways even when it’s not rush hour.
Why do these drivers take such risks by driving aggressively? We believe it’s because they have continuously operated this way, unless something terrible happens. Sadly, all categories of drivers in Accra go this way, including privately owned vehicles, taxis, and local commercial buses (tro tro). But it doesn’t have to be this way. The number of accidents I have avoided at intersections is alarming, thanks to the numerous defensive driving courses I have participated in over the years.
Generally, you will expect that drivers have a million and one reasons to slow down at intersections or junctions because of how busy it gets with so many variables. However, this isn’t enough to persuade many drivers. Is it because they are in a hurry (although that’s not an excuse to drive aggressively)? If that were the case, everyone on the road would be in a hurry. My team and I have tested this at several intersections with two-way stop signs with solid lines indicating that vehicles should come to a complete stop, but we’ve seen many drivers drive past these signs and lines like they didn’t exist.
This leads me to think they don’t understand road signs at all. Let’s put road signs aside; for now, common sense would indicate that when joining the main road, you need to slow down and yield right of way to those already on the main road. When it’s clear, you can join the road. But no, the vehicles entering the major road are so impatient that they’ll force the cars on the main road to slow down. There are times when this is necessary, especially when the police are controlling traffic, and at times like this, it is safe to move in when the police have stopped those on the major road.
Some others may have misjudged their timing and would have to slam their brakes due to poor anticipation. I guess this has happened to most of us. However, this article focuses on those who are chronically braking late, which has become a way of life. I want to believe we haven’t all lost our minds, and going back home safely to our families in one piece is still everyone’s goal. With that understanding, the new plan must actively do something about it.
The right way to approach junctions, traffic lights, and roundabouts
First things first, when you are approaching an intersection, roundabout, or traffic light, let that be your first cue to begin slowing down your vehicle. Your reaction time has significantly increased, and you are ready to avoid any hazards or collisions.
5 simple steps to brake safely
1. Start braking slowly as you approach
2. Reduce your speed some more by braking more firmly
3. If at a traffic light and you notice the lights have been green for a while, prepare for a stop
4. Start scanning around (front, left, right, and rear)
5. By the time you reach the junction, you should brake until your vehicle comes to a complete stop
Even if you have the right of way and approach a T junction, watch the driver joining the road. You should be able to answer the following questions:
· Has the driver noticed me (eye contact)?
· Does the driver seem distracted?
· Is the driver slowing down at all?
If you cannot answer these questions, a potential hazard is looming. Hopefully, you have already started slowing down for the vehicles behind you to expect to do the same.
Be honest. When was the last time your staff took a defensive driving course? Learn more about how we can help improve your fleet operations, save lives, and reduce costs. Send an email or call us.
You’re only one call away from greatness. |
Persol - PO1935S
- MODEL CODE:PO1935S 96/48 53-19
- FRONT COLOR:Terra Di Siena
- LENS COLOR:Polar Black
A medium lens front designed for those who prefer to cover an average portion of the face.
Offers a more secure and comfortable fit for those with a high nose bridge and lower cheekbones. A good choice if the bridge of your nose is above the level of your pupils.
This product is part of a small batch manufacturing run that may use exclusive materials like dead stock fabrics. The product is limited in quantity and may never be in stock again. Limited products are available for immediate shipping. |
Choice 8 oz. Squat Double Wall Bean Print Paper Hot Cup – 500/Case
The outside of each cup features a unique ripped wall design that eliminates the need for a compatible cup sleeve or for double-cupping to prevent burns. For superior durability, this cup boasts a polyethylene coating inside the cup to resist condensation accumulation. The cup has a tightly rolled rim that provides mess-free sipping and creates a tight and secure seal when used with a compatible lid. Its tapered sides ensure a comfortable grip and make it easy for customers to hold and transport while on the go. |
The Elvis impersonator who officiated Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner‘s Las Vegas marriage ceremony is stunned their marriage is over — the man who’s overseen numerous nuptials thought these 2 would stay fortunately ever after.
Jesse Garon married Joe and Sophie in Sin Metropolis again in 2019, and in a fairly animated dialog, he tells TMZ … he is shocked, heartbroken and distraught Joe filed for divorce from Sophie after solely 4 years of marriage.
The Elvis impersonator says he first thought their divorce was a joke as a result of it appeared to return out of nowhere. He says he thought they have been going to final as a result of Joe and Sophie dated for about 3 years earlier than tying the knot. In different phrases, it wasn’t a type of stereotypical spur-of-the-moment Vegas weddings.
Jesse says he is questioning if Joe gave it his all to try to make the wedding work, as a result of he looks like 4 years actually is not that lengthy.
As we reported … Joe filed for divorce Tuesday, and the set off for the singer was allegedly Ring digicam audio/video of the actress doing or saying one thing that signaled to him their marriage was over.
Jesse says he was going to see Joe on the upcoming Jonas Brothers live performance in Las Vegas, and deliberate to provide him a memento from the marriage … the ring pop wrapper from the ring Joe gave Sophie.
And there is this … as Joe and Sophie wave the white flag on their union,
Elvis Jesse needs followers to know one factor — do NOT blame him for this bitter ending. |
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Considering the site’s popularity globally, some people would think it may not be accessible in regions with strict internet laws or censorship policies due to obscenity charges. But you need not be concerned as Xnxx.com employs sophisticated technology protocols that keep your browsing private without compromising on video quality.
One incredible feature that stands out is its premium subscription service. Premium members enjoy unrestricted access to exclusive HD videos without adverts interruptions or bandwidth limitations at a small fee.
Xnxx.com isn’t only a place where individuals visit to explore their wild fantasies but also a community where they can share their sexually explicit content – Their upload policy restricts uploads done recklessly; instead, it advocates responsible consumption coupled with legal acts only.
In conclusion, xnxx.com is one of the top choices when looking for quality pornographic entertainment online. Whether you want straight-up sex scenes or enjoy various niches’ kinks such as BDSM-themed or Animated hentai movies from Japanese origin, this website has everything you are looking for in one convenient place. Browse through unlimited categories, delve deep into an extensive library of steamy clips and watch till you’re satisfied without fear of being judged. |
Subsets and Splits