from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from django.conf import settings def is_root_user(*, request: "HttpRequest", user: "User") -> bool: root = ( hasattr(settings, "ROOT_USER") and request.user != user and user.username == settings.ROOT_USER ) demo = ( getattr(settings, "DEMO", False) and request.user.username == settings.ROOT_USER ) return root or demo
from django.db import migrations def link_agents_to_users(apps, schema_editor): Agent = apps.get_model("agents", "Agent") User = apps.get_model("accounts", "User") for agent in Agent.objects.all(): user = User.objects.filter(username=agent.agent_id).first() if user: user.agent = agent
import django.db.models.deletion from django.db import migrations, models def delete_alerts_without_agent(apps, schema): Alert = apps.get_model("alerts", "Alert") Alert.objects.filter(agent=None).delete()
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from rest_framework import permissions from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm, _has_perm_on_agent class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def _has_perm_on_alert(user: "User", id: int) -> bool: from alerts.models import Alert role = user.role if user.is_superuser or (role and getattr(role, "is_superuser")): return True # make sure non-superusers with empty roles aren't permitted elif not role: return False alert = get_object_or_404(Alert, id=id) if alert.agent: agent_id = alert.agent.agent_id else: return True return _has_perm_on_agent(user, agent_id)
from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from tacticalrmm.celery import app from .models import Alert class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def unsnooze_alerts() -> str: Alert.objects.filter(snoozed=True, snoozed=False, snooze_until=None ) return "ok"
from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from tacticalrmm.celery import app from .models import Alert class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def cache_agents_alert_template() -> str: for agent in Agent.objects.only( "pk", "site", "policy", "alert_template" ).select_related("site", "policy", "alert_template"): agent.set_alert_template() return "ok"
import random from django.conf import settings from tacticalrmm.structs import AgentCheckInConfig def get_agent_config() -> AgentCheckInConfig: return AgentCheckInConfig( checkin_hello=random.randint(*getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_HELLO", (30, 60))), checkin_agentinfo=random.randint( *getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_AGENTINFO", (200, 400)) ), checkin_winsvc=random.randint( *getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_WINSVC", (2400, 3000)) ), checkin_pubip=random.randint(*getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_PUBIP", (300, 500))), checkin_disks=random.randint(*getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_DISKS", (1000, 2000))), checkin_sw=random.randint(*getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_SW", (2800, 3500))), checkin_wmi=random.randint(*getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_WMI", (3000, 4000))), checkin_syncmesh=random.randint( *getattr(settings, "CHECKIN_SYNCMESH", (800, 1200)) ), limit_data=getattr(settings, "LIMIT_DATA", False), install_nushell=getattr(settings, "INSTALL_NUSHELL", False), install_nushell_version=getattr(settings, "INSTALL_NUSHELL_VERSION", ""), install_nushell_url=getattr(settings, "INSTALL_NUSHELL_URL", ""), nushell_enable_config=getattr(settings, "NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG", False), install_deno=getattr(settings, "INSTALL_DENO", False), install_deno_version=getattr(settings, "INSTALL_DENO_VERSION", ""), install_deno_url=getattr(settings, "INSTALL_DENO_URL", ""), deno_default_permissions=getattr(settings, "DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS", ""), )
import json import subprocess import tempfile import urllib.parse from base64 import b64encode from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, cast import requests import websockets from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.http import FileResponse from meshctrl.utils import get_auth_token from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX, CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX, TRMM_WS_MAX_SIZE, AgentPlat, MeshAgentIdent, ) def download_mesh_agent(dl_url: str) -> FileResponse: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="mesh-", dir=settings.EXE_DIR) as fp: r = requests.get(dl_url, stream=True, timeout=15) with open(, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) del r return FileResponse(open(, "rb"), as_attachment=True,
import json import subprocess import tempfile import urllib.parse from base64 import b64encode from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, cast import requests import websockets from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.http import FileResponse from meshctrl.utils import get_auth_token from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX, CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX, TRMM_WS_MAX_SIZE, AgentPlat, MeshAgentIdent, ) def _b64_to_hex(h: str) -> str: return b64encode(bytes.fromhex(h)).decode().replace(r"/", "$").replace(r"+", "@") async def send_command_with_mesh( cmd: str, uri: str, mesh_node_id: str, shell: int, run_as_user: int ) -> None: node_id = _b64_to_hex(mesh_node_id) async with websockets.connect(uri) as ws: await ws.send( json.dumps( { "action": "runcommands", "cmds": cmd, "nodeids": [f"node//{node_id}"], "runAsUser": run_as_user, "type": shell, "responseid": "trmm", } ) )
import json import subprocess import tempfile import urllib.parse from base64 import b64encode from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, cast import requests import websockets from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.http import FileResponse from meshctrl.utils import get_auth_token from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX, CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX, TRMM_WS_MAX_SIZE, AgentPlat, MeshAgentIdent, ) def _b64_to_hex(h: str) -> str: return b64encode(bytes.fromhex(h)).decode().replace(r"/", "$").replace(r"+", "@") async def remove_mesh_agent(uri: str, mesh_node_id: str) -> None: node_id = _b64_to_hex(mesh_node_id) async with websockets.connect(uri) as ws: await ws.send( json.dumps( { "action": "removedevices", "nodeids": [f"node//{node_id}"], "responseid": "trmm", } ) )
import json import subprocess import tempfile import urllib.parse from base64 import b64encode from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, cast import requests import websockets from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.http import FileResponse from meshctrl.utils import get_auth_token from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX, CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX, TRMM_WS_MAX_SIZE, AgentPlat, MeshAgentIdent, ) def get_meshagent_url( *, ident: "MeshAgentIdent", plat: str, mesh_site: str, mesh_device_id: str ) -> str: if settings.DOCKER_BUILD: base = settings.MESH_WS_URL.replace("ws://", "http://") elif getattr(settings, "TRMM_INSECURE", False): base = mesh_site.replace("https", "http") + ":4430" else: base = mesh_site if plat == AgentPlat.WINDOWS: params = { "id": ident, "meshid": mesh_device_id, "installflags": 0, } else: params = { "id": mesh_device_id, "installflags": 2, "meshinstall": ident, } return base + "/meshagents?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
from django.db import migrations def update_hide_in_summary(apps, schema_editor): CustomField = apps.get_model("core", "CustomField") for field in CustomField.objects.filter(hide_in_ui=True): field.hide_in_summary = True["hide_in_summary"])
import json from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponse def monitoring_view(function): def wrap(request, *args, **kwargs): if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponse("Invalid request type\n", status=400) try: data = json.loads(request.body) except: return HttpResponse("Invalid json\n", status=400) if "auth" not in data.keys(): return HttpResponse("Invalid payload\n", status=400) token = getattr(settings, "MON_TOKEN", "") if not token: return HttpResponse("Missing token\n", status=401) if data.get("auth") != token: return HttpResponse("Not authenticated\n", status=401) return function(request, *args, **kwargs) wrap.__doc__ = function.__doc__ wrap.__name__ = function.__name__ return wrap
import asyncio import traceback from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import nats from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from accounts.models import User from accounts.utils import is_superuser from agents.models import Agent from agents.tasks import clear_faults_task, prune_agent_history from alerts.models import Alert from alerts.tasks import prune_resolved_alerts from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from checks.models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from checks.tasks import prune_check_history from clients.models import Client, Site from core.mesh_utils import ( MeshSync, build_mesh_display_name, has_mesh_perms, transform_mesh, transform_trmm, ) from core.models import CoreSettings from core.utils import get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url from logs.models import PendingAction from logs.tasks import prune_audit_log, prune_debug_log from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, AlertSeverity, AlertType, PAAction, PAStatus, TaskStatus, TaskSyncStatus, TaskType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import make_random_password, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.logger import logger from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import a_nats_cmd from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock def remove_orphaned_history_results() -> int: try: with transaction.atomic(): check_hist_agentids = CheckHistory.objects.values_list( "agent_id", flat=True ).distinct() current_agentids = set(Agent.objects.values_list("agent_id", flat=True)) orphaned_agentids = [ i for i in check_hist_agentids if i not in current_agentids ] count, _ = CheckHistory.objects.filter( agent_id__in=orphaned_agentids ).delete() return count except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) return 0 def clear_faults_task(older_than_days: int) -> None: from alerts.models import Alert # agents = Agent.objects.exclude(last_seen__isnull=True).filter( - djangotime.timedelta(days=older_than_days) ) for agent in agents: for check in agent.get_checks_with_policies(): # reset check status if check.check_result: check.check_result.status = CheckStatus.PASSING["status"]) if check.alert.filter(agent=agent, resolved=False).exists(): alert = Alert.create_or_return_check_alert(check, agent=agent) if alert: alert.resolve() # reset overdue alerts agent.overdue_email_alert = False agent.overdue_text_alert = False agent.overdue_dashboard_alert = False update_fields=[ "overdue_email_alert", "overdue_text_alert", "overdue_dashboard_alert", ] ) def prune_agent_history(older_than_days: int) -> str: from .models import AgentHistory AgentHistory.objects.filter( - djangotime.timedelta(days=older_than_days) ).delete() return "ok" def prune_resolved_alerts(older_than_days: int) -> str: Alert.objects.filter(resolved=True).filter( - djangotime.timedelta(days=older_than_days) ).delete() return "ok" class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="autotasks", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) custom_field = models.ForeignKey( "core.CustomField", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) # format -> [{"type": "script", "script": 1, "name": "Script Name", "timeout": 90, "script_args": [], "env_vars": []}, {"type": "cmd", "command": "whoami", "timeout": 90}] actions = JSONField(default=list) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", null=True, blank=True, related_name="assignedtasks", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) collector_all_output = models.BooleanField(default=False) enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True) continue_on_error = models.BooleanField(default=True) alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) # options sent to agent for task creation # general task settings task_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskType.choices, default=TaskType.MANUAL ) win_task_name = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, blank=True, default=generate_task_name ) # should be changed to unique=True run_time_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) expire_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) # daily daily_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(255)] ) # weekly run_time_bit_weekdays = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) weekly_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(52)] ) run_time_minute = models.CharField( max_length=5, null=True, blank=True ) # deprecated # monthly monthly_days_of_month = models.PositiveBigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) monthly_months_of_year = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # monthly days of week monthly_weeks_of_month = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # additional task settings task_repetition_duration = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) task_repetition_interval = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) stop_task_at_duration_end = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) random_task_delay = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) remove_if_not_scheduled = models.BooleanField(default=False) run_asap_after_missed = models.BooleanField(default=False) # added in agent v1.4.7 task_instance_policy = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, default=1) # deprecated managed_by_policy = models.BooleanField(default=False) # non-database property task_result: "Union[TaskResult, Dict[None, None]]" = {} def __str__(self) -> str: return def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") # get old task if exists old_task = AutomatedTask.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_task, *args, **kwargs) # check if fields were updated that require a sync to the agent and set status to notsynced if old_task: for field in self.fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent: if getattr(self, field) != getattr(old_task, field): if self.policy: TaskResult.objects.exclude( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ).filter( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) else: TaskResult.objects.filter(agent=self.agent, task=self).update( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") super().delete(*args, **kwargs) def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.task_type == TaskType.MANUAL: return "Manual" elif self.task_type == TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE: return "Every time check fails" elif self.task_type == TaskType.RUN_ONCE: return f'Run once on {self.run_time_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")}' elif self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") if self.daily_interval == 1: return f"Daily at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"Every {self.daily_interval} days at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) if self.weekly_interval != 1: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice} every {self.weekly_interval} weeks" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) days = bitmonthdays_to_string(self.monthly_days_of_month) return f"Runs on {months} on days {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) weeks = bitweeks_to_string(self.monthly_weeks_of_month) days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) return f"Runs on {months} on {weeks} on {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.ONBOARDING: return "Onboarding: Runs once on task creation." return None def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: return FIELDS_TRIGGER_TASK_UPDATE_AGENT def serialize(task): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import TaskAuditSerializer return TaskAuditSerializer(task).data def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: # Copies certain properties on this task (self) to a new task and sets it to the supplied Policy task = AutomatedTask.objects.create( policy=policy, assigned_check=assigned_check, ) for field in POLICY_TASK_FIELDS_TO_COPY: setattr(task, field, getattr(self, field)) # agent version >= 1.8.0 def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: task = { "pk":, "type": "rmm", "name": self.win_task_name, "overwrite_task": True, "enabled": self.enabled, "trigger": ( self.task_type if self.task_type != TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE else TaskType.MANUAL ), "multiple_instances": self.task_instance_policy or 0, "delete_expired_task_after": ( self.remove_if_not_scheduled if self.expire_date else False ), "start_when_available": ( self.run_asap_after_missed if self.task_type != TaskType.RUN_ONCE else True ), } if self.task_type in ( TaskType.DAILY, TaskType.WEEKLY, TaskType.MONTHLY, TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW, TaskType.RUN_ONCE, ): if not self.run_time_date: self.run_time_date = task["start_year"] = self.run_time_date.year task["start_month"] = self.run_time_date.month task["start_day"] = task["start_hour"] = self.run_time_date.hour task["start_min"] = self.run_time_date.minute if self.expire_date: task["expire_year"] = self.expire_date.year task["expire_month"] = self.expire_date.month task["expire_day"] = task["expire_hour"] = self.expire_date.hour task["expire_min"] = self.expire_date.minute if self.random_task_delay: task["random_delay"] = convert_to_iso_duration(self.random_task_delay) if self.task_repetition_interval and self.task_repetition_duration: task["repetition_interval"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_interval ) task["repetition_duration"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_duration ) task["stop_at_duration_end"] = self.stop_task_at_duration_end if self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: task["day_interval"] = self.daily_interval elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: task["week_interval"] = self.weekly_interval task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: # check if "last day is configured" if self.monthly_days_of_month >= 0x80000000: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month - 0x80000000 task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = True else: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = False task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year task["weeks_of_month"] = self.monthly_weeks_of_month return task def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to create scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully created." ) return "ok" def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to modify scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully modified." ) return "ok" def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "delschedtask", "schedtaskpayload": {"name": self.win_task_name}, } r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok" and "The system cannot find the file specified" not in r: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION with suppress(DatabaseError):["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to delete task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: self.delete()"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was deleted.") return "ok" def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) task_result.agent.nats_cmd( {"func": "runtask", "taskpk":}, wait=False ) ) return "ok" def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): return ( self.dashboard_alert or self.email_alert or self.text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.task_always_alert or alert_template.task_always_email or alert_template.task_always_text ) ) ) def prune_check_history(older_than_days: int) -> str: from .models import CheckHistory CheckHistory.objects.filter( x__lt=djangotime.make_aware( - djangotime.timedelta(days=older_than_days) ).delete() return "ok" def get_core_settings() -> "CoreSettings": from core.models import CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, CoreSettings coresettings = cache.get(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY) if coresettings and isinstance(coresettings, CoreSettings): return coresettings else: coresettings = CoreSettings.objects.first() if not coresettings: raise CoreSettingsNotFound("CoreSettings not found.") cache.set(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, coresettings, 600) return cast(CoreSettings, coresettings) def prune_debug_log(older_than_days: int) -> str: from .models import DebugLog DebugLog.objects.filter( - djangotime.timedelta(days=older_than_days) ).delete() return "ok" def prune_audit_log(older_than_days: int) -> str: from .models import AuditLog AuditLog.objects.filter( - djangotime.timedelta(days=older_than_days) ).delete() return "ok" def core_maintenance_tasks() -> None: AutomatedTask.objects.filter( remove_if_not_scheduled=True, ).delete() remove_orphaned_history_results() core = get_core_settings() # remove old CheckHistory data if core.check_history_prune_days > 0: prune_check_history.delay(core.check_history_prune_days) # remove old resolved alerts if core.resolved_alerts_prune_days > 0: prune_resolved_alerts.delay(core.resolved_alerts_prune_days) # remove old agent history if core.agent_history_prune_days > 0: prune_agent_history.delay(core.agent_history_prune_days) # remove old debug logs if core.debug_log_prune_days > 0: prune_debug_log.delay(core.debug_log_prune_days) # remove old audit logs if core.audit_log_prune_days > 0: prune_audit_log.delay(core.audit_log_prune_days) # clear faults if core.clear_faults_days > 0: clear_faults_task.delay(core.clear_faults_days)
import asyncio import traceback from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import nats from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from accounts.models import User from accounts.utils import is_superuser from agents.models import Agent from agents.tasks import clear_faults_task, prune_agent_history from alerts.models import Alert from alerts.tasks import prune_resolved_alerts from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from checks.models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from checks.tasks import prune_check_history from clients.models import Client, Site from core.mesh_utils import ( MeshSync, build_mesh_display_name, has_mesh_perms, transform_mesh, transform_trmm, ) from core.models import CoreSettings from core.utils import get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url from logs.models import PendingAction from logs.tasks import prune_audit_log, prune_debug_log from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, AlertSeverity, AlertType, PAAction, PAStatus, TaskStatus, TaskSyncStatus, TaskType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import make_random_password, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.logger import logger from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import a_nats_cmd from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class PendingAction(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="pendingactions", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) entry_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) action_type = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=PAAction.choices, null=True, blank=True ) status = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=PAStatus.choices, default=PAStatus.PENDING, ) details = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.action_type}" def due(self) -> str: if self.action_type == PAAction.SCHED_REBOOT: return cast(str, self.details["time"]) elif self.action_type == PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE: return "Next update cycle" elif self.action_type == PAAction.CHOCO_INSTALL: return "ASAP" return "On next checkin" def description(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.action_type == PAAction.SCHED_REBOOT: return "Device pending reboot" elif self.action_type == PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE: return f"Agent update to {self.details['version']}" elif self.action_type == PAAction.CHOCO_INSTALL: return f"{self.details['name']} software install" elif self.action_type in ( PAAction.RUN_CMD, PAAction.RUN_SCRIPT, PAAction.RUN_PATCH_SCAN, PAAction.RUN_PATCH_INSTALL, ): return f"{self.action_type}" return None def resolve_pending_actions() -> None: # change agent update pending status to completed if agent has just updated actions: "QuerySet[PendingAction]" = ( PendingAction.objects.select_related("agent") .defer("agent__services", "agent__wmi_detail") .filter(action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING) ) to_update: list[int] = [ for action in actions if pyver.parse(action.agent.version) == pyver.parse(settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER) and action.agent.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] PendingAction.objects.filter(pk__in=to_update).update(status=PAStatus.COMPLETED)
import asyncio import traceback from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import nats from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from accounts.models import User from accounts.utils import is_superuser from agents.models import Agent from agents.tasks import clear_faults_task, prune_agent_history from alerts.models import Alert from alerts.tasks import prune_resolved_alerts from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from checks.models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from checks.tasks import prune_check_history from clients.models import Client, Site from core.mesh_utils import ( MeshSync, build_mesh_display_name, has_mesh_perms, transform_mesh, transform_trmm, ) from core.models import CoreSettings from core.utils import get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url from logs.models import PendingAction from logs.tasks import prune_audit_log, prune_debug_log from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, AlertSeverity, AlertType, PAAction, PAStatus, TaskStatus, TaskSyncStatus, TaskType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import make_random_password, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.logger import logger from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import a_nats_cmd from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock def _get_agent_qs() -> "QuerySet[Agent]": qs: "QuerySet[Agent]" = ( Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER) .select_related( "site__server_policy", "site__workstation_policy", "site__client__server_policy", "site__client__workstation_policy", "policy", "policy__alert_template", "alert_template", ) .prefetch_related( Prefetch( "agentchecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script"), ), Prefetch( "checkresults", queryset=CheckResult.objects.select_related("assigned_check"), ), Prefetch( "taskresults", queryset=TaskResult.objects.select_related("task"), ), "autotasks", ) ) return qs class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def resolve_alerts_task(self) -> str: with redis_lock(RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, as acquired: if not acquired: return f"{} still running" # TODO rework this to not use an agent queryset, use Alerts for agent in _get_agent_qs(): if ( pyver.parse(agent.version) >= pyver.parse("1.6.0") and agent.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ): # handles any alerting actions if Alert.objects.filter( alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, agent=agent, resolved=False ).exists(): Alert.handle_alert_resolve(agent) return "completed"
import asyncio import traceback from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import nats from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from accounts.models import User from accounts.utils import is_superuser from agents.models import Agent from agents.tasks import clear_faults_task, prune_agent_history from alerts.models import Alert from alerts.tasks import prune_resolved_alerts from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from checks.models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from checks.tasks import prune_check_history from clients.models import Client, Site from core.mesh_utils import ( MeshSync, build_mesh_display_name, has_mesh_perms, transform_mesh, transform_trmm, ) from core.models import CoreSettings from core.utils import get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url from logs.models import PendingAction from logs.tasks import prune_audit_log, prune_debug_log from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, AlertSeverity, AlertType, PAAction, PAStatus, TaskStatus, TaskSyncStatus, TaskType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import make_random_password, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.logger import logger from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import a_nats_cmd from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock def _get_agent_qs() -> "QuerySet[Agent]": qs: "QuerySet[Agent]" = ( Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER) .select_related( "site__server_policy", "site__workstation_policy", "site__client__server_policy", "site__client__workstation_policy", "policy", "policy__alert_template", "alert_template", ) .prefetch_related( Prefetch( "agentchecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script"), ), Prefetch( "checkresults", queryset=CheckResult.objects.select_related("assigned_check"), ), Prefetch( "taskresults", queryset=TaskResult.objects.select_related("task"), ), "autotasks", ) ) return qs class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="autotasks", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) custom_field = models.ForeignKey( "core.CustomField", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) # format -> [{"type": "script", "script": 1, "name": "Script Name", "timeout": 90, "script_args": [], "env_vars": []}, {"type": "cmd", "command": "whoami", "timeout": 90}] actions = JSONField(default=list) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", null=True, blank=True, related_name="assignedtasks", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) collector_all_output = models.BooleanField(default=False) enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True) continue_on_error = models.BooleanField(default=True) alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) # options sent to agent for task creation # general task settings task_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskType.choices, default=TaskType.MANUAL ) win_task_name = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, blank=True, default=generate_task_name ) # should be changed to unique=True run_time_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) expire_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) # daily daily_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(255)] ) # weekly run_time_bit_weekdays = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) weekly_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(52)] ) run_time_minute = models.CharField( max_length=5, null=True, blank=True ) # deprecated # monthly monthly_days_of_month = models.PositiveBigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) monthly_months_of_year = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # monthly days of week monthly_weeks_of_month = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # additional task settings task_repetition_duration = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) task_repetition_interval = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) stop_task_at_duration_end = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) random_task_delay = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) remove_if_not_scheduled = models.BooleanField(default=False) run_asap_after_missed = models.BooleanField(default=False) # added in agent v1.4.7 task_instance_policy = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, default=1) # deprecated managed_by_policy = models.BooleanField(default=False) # non-database property task_result: "Union[TaskResult, Dict[None, None]]" = {} def __str__(self) -> str: return def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") # get old task if exists old_task = AutomatedTask.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_task, *args, **kwargs) # check if fields were updated that require a sync to the agent and set status to notsynced if old_task: for field in self.fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent: if getattr(self, field) != getattr(old_task, field): if self.policy: TaskResult.objects.exclude( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ).filter( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) else: TaskResult.objects.filter(agent=self.agent, task=self).update( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") super().delete(*args, **kwargs) def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.task_type == TaskType.MANUAL: return "Manual" elif self.task_type == TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE: return "Every time check fails" elif self.task_type == TaskType.RUN_ONCE: return f'Run once on {self.run_time_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")}' elif self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") if self.daily_interval == 1: return f"Daily at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"Every {self.daily_interval} days at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) if self.weekly_interval != 1: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice} every {self.weekly_interval} weeks" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) days = bitmonthdays_to_string(self.monthly_days_of_month) return f"Runs on {months} on days {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) weeks = bitweeks_to_string(self.monthly_weeks_of_month) days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) return f"Runs on {months} on {weeks} on {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.ONBOARDING: return "Onboarding: Runs once on task creation." return None def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: return FIELDS_TRIGGER_TASK_UPDATE_AGENT def serialize(task): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import TaskAuditSerializer return TaskAuditSerializer(task).data def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: # Copies certain properties on this task (self) to a new task and sets it to the supplied Policy task = AutomatedTask.objects.create( policy=policy, assigned_check=assigned_check, ) for field in POLICY_TASK_FIELDS_TO_COPY: setattr(task, field, getattr(self, field)) # agent version >= 1.8.0 def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: task = { "pk":, "type": "rmm", "name": self.win_task_name, "overwrite_task": True, "enabled": self.enabled, "trigger": ( self.task_type if self.task_type != TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE else TaskType.MANUAL ), "multiple_instances": self.task_instance_policy or 0, "delete_expired_task_after": ( self.remove_if_not_scheduled if self.expire_date else False ), "start_when_available": ( self.run_asap_after_missed if self.task_type != TaskType.RUN_ONCE else True ), } if self.task_type in ( TaskType.DAILY, TaskType.WEEKLY, TaskType.MONTHLY, TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW, TaskType.RUN_ONCE, ): if not self.run_time_date: self.run_time_date = task["start_year"] = self.run_time_date.year task["start_month"] = self.run_time_date.month task["start_day"] = task["start_hour"] = self.run_time_date.hour task["start_min"] = self.run_time_date.minute if self.expire_date: task["expire_year"] = self.expire_date.year task["expire_month"] = self.expire_date.month task["expire_day"] = task["expire_hour"] = self.expire_date.hour task["expire_min"] = self.expire_date.minute if self.random_task_delay: task["random_delay"] = convert_to_iso_duration(self.random_task_delay) if self.task_repetition_interval and self.task_repetition_duration: task["repetition_interval"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_interval ) task["repetition_duration"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_duration ) task["stop_at_duration_end"] = self.stop_task_at_duration_end if self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: task["day_interval"] = self.daily_interval elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: task["week_interval"] = self.weekly_interval task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: # check if "last day is configured" if self.monthly_days_of_month >= 0x80000000: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month - 0x80000000 task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = True else: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = False task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year task["weeks_of_month"] = self.monthly_weeks_of_month return task def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to create scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully created." ) return "ok" def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to modify scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully modified." ) return "ok" def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "delschedtask", "schedtaskpayload": {"name": self.win_task_name}, } r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok" and "The system cannot find the file specified" not in r: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION with suppress(DatabaseError):["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to delete task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: self.delete()"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was deleted.") return "ok" def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) task_result.agent.nats_cmd( {"func": "runtask", "taskpk":}, wait=False ) ) return "ok" def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): return ( self.dashboard_alert or self.email_alert or self.text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.task_always_alert or alert_template.task_always_email or alert_template.task_always_text ) ) ) class TaskResult(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "task"),) objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="0.0000") last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) status = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=TaskStatus.choices, default=TaskStatus.PENDING ) sync_status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskSyncStatus.choices, default=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.task}" def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_task_alert( self.task, agent=self.agent, skip_create=not self.task.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def save_collector_results(self) -> None: agent_field = self.task.custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(self.agent) value = ( self.stdout.strip() if self.task.collector_all_output else self.stdout.strip().split("\n")[-1].strip() ) agent_field.save_to_field(value) def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of Email sent when Task has email alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of SMS sent when Task has SMS alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def sync_scheduled_tasks(self) -> str: with redis_lock(SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, as acquired: if not acquired: return f"{} still running" actions: list[tuple[str, int, Agent, Any, str, str]] = [] # list of tuples for agent in _get_agent_qs(): if ( not agent.is_posix and pyver.parse(agent.version) >= pyver.parse("1.6.0") and agent.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ): # create a list of tasks to be synced so we can run them asynchronously for task in agent.get_tasks_with_policies(): # TODO can we just use agent?? agent_obj: "Agent" = agent if task.policy else task.agent # onboarding tasks require agent >= 2.6.0 if task.task_type == TaskType.ONBOARDING and pyver.parse( agent.version ) < pyver.parse("2.6.0"): continue # policy tasks will be an empty dict on initial if (not task.task_result) or ( isinstance(task.task_result, TaskResult) and task.task_result.sync_status == TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ): actions.append( ( "create",, agent_obj, task.generate_nats_task_payload(), agent.agent_id, agent.hostname, ) ) elif ( isinstance(task.task_result, TaskResult) and task.task_result.sync_status == TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION ): actions.append( ( "delete",, agent_obj, {}, agent.agent_id, agent.hostname, ) ) elif ( isinstance(task.task_result, TaskResult) and task.task_result.sync_status == TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ): actions.append( ( "modify",, agent_obj, task.generate_nats_task_payload(), agent.agent_id, agent.hostname, ) ) async def _handle_task_on_agent( nc: "NATSClient", actions: tuple[str, int, Agent, Any, str, str] ) -> None: # tuple: (0: action, 1:, 2: agent object, 3: nats task payload, 4: agent_id, 5: agent hostname) action = actions[0] task_id = actions[1] agent = actions[2] payload = actions[3] agent_id = actions[4] hostname = actions[5] task: "AutomatedTask" = await AutomatedTask.objects.aget(id=task_id) try: task_result = await TaskResult.objects.aget(agent=agent, task=task) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = await TaskResult.objects.acreate(agent=agent, task=task) if action in ("create", "modify"): logger.debug(payload) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": payload, } r = await a_nats_cmd(nc=nc, sub=agent_id, data=nats_data, timeout=10) if r != "ok": if action == "create": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED logger.error( f"Unable to {action} scheduled task {} on {hostname}: {r}" ) else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED f"{hostname} task {} was {'created' if action == 'create' else 'modified'}" ) await task_result.asave(update_fields=["sync_status"]) # delete else: nats_data = { "func": "delschedtask", "schedtaskpayload": {"name": task.win_task_name}, } r = await a_nats_cmd(nc=nc, sub=agent_id, data=nats_data, timeout=10) if r != "ok" and "The system cannot find the file specified" not in r: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION with suppress(DatabaseError): await task_result.asave(update_fields=["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to {action} scheduled task {} on {hostname}: {r}" ) else: task_name = await task.adelete()"{hostname} task {task_name} was deleted.") async def _run(): opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(ret) return ret if tasks := [_handle_task_on_agent(nc, task) for task in actions]: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) await nc.flush() await nc.close() return "ok"
import asyncio import traceback from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import nats from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from accounts.models import User from accounts.utils import is_superuser from agents.models import Agent from agents.tasks import clear_faults_task, prune_agent_history from alerts.models import Alert from alerts.tasks import prune_resolved_alerts from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from checks.models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from checks.tasks import prune_check_history from clients.models import Client, Site from core.mesh_utils import ( MeshSync, build_mesh_display_name, has_mesh_perms, transform_mesh, transform_trmm, ) from core.models import CoreSettings from core.utils import get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url from logs.models import PendingAction from logs.tasks import prune_audit_log, prune_debug_log from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, AlertSeverity, AlertType, PAAction, PAStatus, TaskStatus, TaskSyncStatus, TaskType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import make_random_password, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.logger import logger from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import a_nats_cmd from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock def _get_agent_qs() -> "QuerySet[Agent]": qs: "QuerySet[Agent]" = ( Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER) .select_related( "site__server_policy", "site__workstation_policy", "site__client__server_policy", "site__client__workstation_policy", "policy", "policy__alert_template", "alert_template", ) .prefetch_related( Prefetch( "agentchecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script"), ), Prefetch( "checkresults", queryset=CheckResult.objects.select_related("assigned_check"), ), Prefetch( "taskresults", queryset=TaskResult.objects.select_related("task"), ), "autotasks", ) ) return qs def _get_failing_data(agents: "QuerySet[Agent]") -> dict[str, bool]: data = {"error": False, "warning": False} for agent in agents: if agent.maintenance_mode: break if ( agent.overdue_email_alert or agent.overdue_text_alert or agent.overdue_dashboard_alert ): if agent.status == AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE: data["error"] = True break if agent.checks["has_failing_checks"]: if agent.checks["warning"]: data["warning"] = True if agent.checks["failing"]: data["error"] = True break if not data["error"] and not data["warning"]: for task in agent.get_tasks_with_policies(): if data["error"] and data["warning"]: break elif not isinstance(task.task_result, TaskResult): continue elif ( not data["error"] and task.task_result.status == TaskStatus.FAILING and task.alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR ): data["error"] = True elif ( not data["warning"] and task.task_result.status == TaskStatus.FAILING and task.alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING ): data["warning"] = True return data class Client(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) failing_checks = models.JSONField(default=_default_failing_checks_data) workstation_policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="workstation_clients", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) server_policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="server_clients", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="clients", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): from alerts.tasks import cache_agents_alert_template # get old client if exists old_client = Client.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_client, *args, **kwargs) # check if polcies have changed and initiate task to reapply policies if so if old_client and ( old_client.alert_template != self.alert_template or old_client.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy or old_client.server_policy != self.server_policy ): cache_agents_alert_template.delay() if old_client and ( old_client.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy or old_client.server_policy != self.server_policy ): sites = self.sites.all() if old_client.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy: for site in sites: cache.delete_many_pattern(f"site_workstation_*{}_*") if old_client.server_policy != self.server_policy: for site in sites: cache.delete_many_pattern(f"site_server_*{}_*") class Meta: ordering = ("name",) def __str__(self): return def live_agent_count(self) -> int: return Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER).filter(site__client=self).count() def serialize(client): from .serializers import ClientAuditSerializer # serializes the client and returns json return ClientAuditSerializer(client).data class Site(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() client = models.ForeignKey(Client, related_name="sites", on_delete=models.CASCADE) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) failing_checks = models.JSONField(default=_default_failing_checks_data) workstation_policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="workstation_sites", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) server_policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="server_sites", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="sites", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): from alerts.tasks import cache_agents_alert_template # get old client if exists old_site = Site.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_site, *args, **kwargs) # check if polcies have changed and initiate task to reapply policies if so if old_site: if ( old_site.alert_template != self.alert_template or old_site.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy or old_site.server_policy != self.server_policy ): cache_agents_alert_template.delay() if old_site.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy: cache.delete_many_pattern(f"site_workstation_*{}_*") if old_site.server_policy != self.server_policy: cache.delete_many_pattern(f"site_server_*{}_*") class Meta: ordering = ("name",) unique_together = (("client", "name"),) def __str__(self): return def live_agent_count(self) -> int: return self.agents.defer(*AGENT_DEFER).count() # type: ignore def serialize(site): from .serializers import SiteAuditSerializer # serializes the site and returns json return SiteAuditSerializer(site).data def cache_db_fields_task() -> None: qs = _get_agent_qs() # update client/site failing check fields and agent counts for site in Site.objects.all(): agents = qs.filter(site=site) site.failing_checks = _get_failing_data(agents)["failing_checks"]) for client in Client.objects.all(): agents = qs.filter(site__client=client) client.failing_checks = _get_failing_data(agents)["failing_checks"])
import asyncio import traceback from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any import nats from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Prefetch from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from accounts.models import User from accounts.utils import is_superuser from agents.models import Agent from agents.tasks import clear_faults_task, prune_agent_history from alerts.models import Alert from alerts.tasks import prune_resolved_alerts from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from checks.models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from checks.tasks import prune_check_history from clients.models import Client, Site from core.mesh_utils import ( MeshSync, build_mesh_display_name, has_mesh_perms, transform_mesh, transform_trmm, ) from core.models import CoreSettings from core.utils import get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url from logs.models import PendingAction from logs.tasks import prune_audit_log, prune_debug_log from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, RESOLVE_ALERTS_LOCK, SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, SYNC_SCHED_TASK_LOCK, AlertSeverity, AlertType, PAAction, PAStatus, TaskStatus, TaskSyncStatus, TaskType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import make_random_password, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.logger import logger from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import a_nats_cmd from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class User(AbstractUser, BaseAuditModel): is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True) block_dashboard_login = models.BooleanField(default=False) totp_key = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True) dark_mode = models.BooleanField(default=True) show_community_scripts = models.BooleanField(default=True) agent_dblclick_action: "AgentDblClick" = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=AgentDblClick.choices, default=AgentDblClick.EDIT_AGENT ) url_action = models.ForeignKey( "core.URLAction", related_name="user", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) default_agent_tbl_tab = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=AgentTableTabs.choices, default=AgentTableTabs.MIXED ) agents_per_page = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=50) # not currently used client_tree_sort = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=ClientTreeSort.choices, default=ClientTreeSort.ALPHA_FAIL ) client_tree_splitter = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=11) loading_bar_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="red") dash_info_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="info") dash_positive_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="positive") dash_negative_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="negative") dash_warning_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="warning") clear_search_when_switching = models.BooleanField(default=True) date_format = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True, null=True) is_installer_user = models.BooleanField(default=False) last_login_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(default=None, blank=True, null=True) agent = models.OneToOneField( "agents.Agent", related_name="user", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) role = models.ForeignKey( "accounts.Role", null=True, blank=True, related_name="users", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def mesh_user_id(self): return f"user//{self.mesh_username}" def mesh_username(self): # lower() needed for mesh api return f"{self.username.lower()}___{}" def serialize(user): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import UserSerializer return UserSerializer(user).data def get_and_set_role_cache(self) -> "Optional[Role]": role = cache.get(f"{ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX}{self.role}") if role and isinstance(role, Role): return role elif not role and not self.role: return None else: models.prefetch_related_objects( [self.role], "can_view_clients", "can_view_sites", ) cache.set(f"{ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX}{self.role}", self.role, 600) return self.role def is_superuser(user: "User") -> bool: return user.role and getattr(user.role, "is_superuser") class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def build_mesh_display_name( *, first_name: str | None, last_name: str | None, company_name: str | None ) -> str: ret = "" if first_name: ret += first_name if last_name: ret += f" {last_name}" if ret and company_name: ret += f" - {company_name}" elif company_name: ret += company_name return ret def has_mesh_perms(*, user: "User") -> bool: if user.is_superuser or is_superuser(user): return True return user.role and getattr(user.role, "can_use_mesh") def transform_trmm(obj): ret = [] try: for node in obj: node_id = node["node_id"] user_ids = [link["_id"] for link in node["links"]] ret.append({"node_id": node_id, "user_ids": user_ids}) except Exception: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc) return ret def transform_mesh(obj): pattern = re.compile(r".*___\d+") ret = [] try: for _, nodes in obj.items(): for node in nodes: node_id = node["_id"] try: user_ids = [ user_id for user_id in node["links"].keys() if pattern.match(user_id) ] except KeyError: # will trigger on initial sync cuz no mesh users yet # also triggers for invalid agents after sync pass else: ret.append({"node_id": node_id, "user_ids": user_ids}) except Exception: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc) return ret class MeshSync: def __init__(self, uri: str): self.uri = uri self.mesh_users = self.get_trmm_mesh_users() # full list def mesh_action( self, *, payload: dict[str, Any], wait=True ) -> dict[str, Any] | None: async def _do(payload): async with websockets.connect(self.uri, max_size=TRMM_WS_MAX_SIZE) as ws: await ws.send(json.dumps(payload)) if wait: while 1: try: message = await asyncio.wait_for(ws.recv(), 120) r = json.loads(message) if r["action"] == payload["action"]: return r except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.error("Timeout reached.") return None else: return None payload["responseid"] = "meshctrl" logger.debug(payload) return def get_unique_mesh_users( self, trmm_agents_list: list[dict[str, Any]] ) -> list[str]: userids = [i["links"] for i in trmm_agents_list] all_ids = [item["_id"] for sublist in userids for item in sublist] return list(set(all_ids)) def get_trmm_mesh_users(self): payload = {"action": "users"} ret = { i["_id"]: i for i in self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=True)["users"] if".*___\d+", i["_id"]) } return ret def add_users_to_node(self, *, node_id: str, user_ids: list[str]): payload = { "action": "adddeviceuser", "nodeid": node_id, "usernames": [s.replace("user//", "") for s in user_ids], "rights": 72, "remove": False, } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) def delete_users_from_node(self, *, node_id: str, user_ids: list[str]): payload = { "action": "adddeviceuser", "nodeid": node_id, "userids": user_ids, "rights": 0, "remove": True, } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) def update_mesh_displayname(self, *, user_info: dict[str, Any]) -> None: payload = { "action": "edituser", "id": user_info["_id"], "realname": user_info["full_name"], } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) def add_user_to_mesh(self, *, user_info: dict[str, Any]) -> None: payload = { "action": "adduser", "username": user_info["username"], "email": user_info["email"], "pass": make_random_password(len=30), "resetNextLogin": False, "randomPassword": False, "removeEvents": False, "emailVerified": True, } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) if user_info["full_name"]: self.update_mesh_displayname(user_info=user_info) def delete_user_from_mesh(self, *, mesh_user_id: str) -> None: payload = { "action": "deleteuser", "userid": mesh_user_id, } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) def add_agent_to_user(self, *, user_id: str, node_id: str) -> None: payload = { "action": "adddeviceuser", "nodeid": node_id, "userids": [user_id], "rights": 72, "remove": False, } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) def remove_agent_from_user(self, *, user_id: str, node_id: str) -> None: payload = { "action": "adddeviceuser", "nodeid": node_id, "userids": [user_id], "rights": 0, "remove": True, } self.mesh_action(payload=payload, wait=False) class CoreSettings(BaseAuditModel): email_alert_recipients = ArrayField( models.EmailField(null=True, blank=True), blank=True, default=list, ) sms_alert_recipients = ArrayField( models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True), blank=True, default=list, ) twilio_number = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) twilio_account_sid = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) twilio_auth_token = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) smtp_from_email = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, default="[email protected]" ) smtp_from_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) smtp_host = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default="") smtp_host_user = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, default="[email protected]" ) smtp_host_password = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, default="changeme" ) smtp_port = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=587, blank=True) smtp_requires_auth = models.BooleanField(default=True) default_time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, default="America/Los_Angeles" ) # removes check history older than days check_history_prune_days = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) resolved_alerts_prune_days = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) agent_history_prune_days = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=60) debug_log_prune_days = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) audit_log_prune_days = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) agent_debug_level = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=DebugLogLevel.choices, default=DebugLogLevel.INFO ) clear_faults_days = models.IntegerField(default=0) mesh_token = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, default="") mesh_username = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, default="") mesh_site = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, default="") mesh_device_group = models.CharField( max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, default="TacticalRMM" ) mesh_company_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) sync_mesh_with_trmm = models.BooleanField(default=True) agent_auto_update = models.BooleanField(default=True) workstation_policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="default_workstation_policy", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) server_policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="default_server_policy", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="default_alert_template", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, ) date_format = models.CharField( max_length=30, blank=True, default="MMM-DD-YYYY - HH:mm" ) open_ai_token = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) open_ai_model = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, default="gpt-3.5-turbo" ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: from alerts.tasks import cache_agents_alert_template cache.delete(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY) if not and CoreSettings.objects.exists(): raise ValidationError("There can only be one CoreSettings instance") # for install script if not with suppress(Exception): self.mesh_site = settings.MESH_SITE self.mesh_username = settings.MESH_USERNAME.lower() self.mesh_token = settings.MESH_TOKEN_KEY old_settings = type(self).objects.get( if else None super().save(*args, **kwargs) if old_settings: if ( old_settings.alert_template != self.alert_template or old_settings.server_policy != self.server_policy or old_settings.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy ): cache_agents_alert_template.delay() if old_settings.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_workstation_*") if old_settings.server_policy != self.server_policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_server_*") if ( old_settings.server_policy != self.server_policy or old_settings.workstation_policy != self.workstation_policy ): cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*") def __str__(self) -> str: return "Global Site Settings" def mesh_api_superuser(self) -> str: # must be lowercase otherwise mesh api breaks return self.mesh_username.lower() def sms_is_configured(self) -> bool: return all( [ self.twilio_auth_token, self.twilio_account_sid, self.twilio_number, ] ) def email_is_configured(self) -> bool: # smtp with username/password authentication if ( self.smtp_requires_auth and self.smtp_from_email and self.smtp_host and self.smtp_host_user and self.smtp_host_password and self.smtp_port ): return True # smtp relay elif ( not self.smtp_requires_auth and self.smtp_from_email and self.smtp_host and self.smtp_port ): return True return False def send_mail( self, subject: str, body: str, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None, test: bool = False, ) -> tuple[str, bool]: if test and not self.email_is_configured: return "There needs to be at least one email recipient configured", False # return since email must be configured to continue elif not self.email_is_configured: return "SMTP messaging not configured.", False # override email from if alert_template is passed and is set if alert_template and alert_template.email_from: from_address = alert_template.email_from else: from_address = self.smtp_from_email # override email recipients if alert_template is passed and is set if alert_template and alert_template.email_recipients: email_recipients = ", ".join(alert_template.email_recipients) elif self.email_alert_recipients: email_recipients = ", ".join(cast(List[str], self.email_alert_recipients)) else: return "There needs to be at least one email recipient configured", False try: msg = EmailMessage() msg["Subject"] = subject if self.smtp_from_name: msg["From"] = Address( display_name=self.smtp_from_name, addr_spec=from_address ) else: msg["From"] = from_address msg["To"] = email_recipients msg.set_content(body) with smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host, self.smtp_port, timeout=20) as server: if self.smtp_requires_auth: server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login( self.smtp_host_user, self.smtp_host_password, ) server.send_message(msg) server.quit() else: # gmail smtp relay specific handling. if self.smtp_host == "": server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.send_message(msg) server.quit() else: # smtp relay. no auth required server.send_message(msg) server.quit() except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(message=f"Sending email failed with error: {e}") if test: return str(e), False if test: return "Email test ok!", True return "ok", True def send_sms( self, body: str, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None, test: bool = False, ) -> tuple[str, bool]: if not self.sms_is_configured: return "Sms alerting is not setup correctly.", False # override email recipients if alert_template is passed and is set if alert_template and alert_template.text_recipients: text_recipients = alert_template.text_recipients elif self.sms_alert_recipients: text_recipients = cast(List[str], self.sms_alert_recipients) else: return "No sms recipients found", False tw_client = TwClient(self.twilio_account_sid, self.twilio_auth_token) for num in text_recipients: try: tw_client.messages.create(body=body, to=num, from_=self.twilio_number) except TwilioRestException as e: DebugLog.error(message=f"SMS failed to send: {e}") if test: return str(e), False if test: return "SMS Test sent successfully!", True return "ok", True def serialize(core): # serializes the core and returns json from .serializers import CoreSerializer return CoreSerializer(core).data def get_mesh_ws_url() -> str: core = get_core_settings() token = get_auth_token(core.mesh_api_superuser, core.mesh_token) if settings.DOCKER_BUILD: uri = f"{settings.MESH_WS_URL}/control.ashx?auth={token}" else: if getattr(settings, "USE_EXTERNAL_MESH", False): site = core.mesh_site.replace("https", "wss") uri = f"{site}/control.ashx?auth={token}" else: mesh_port = getattr(settings, "MESH_PORT", 4430) uri = f"ws://{mesh_port}/control.ashx?auth={token}" return uri def sync_mesh_perms_task(self): with redis_lock(SYNC_MESH_PERMS_TASK_LOCK, as acquired: if not acquired: return f"{} still running" try: core = CoreSettings.objects.first() do_not_sync = not core.sync_mesh_with_trmm uri = get_mesh_ws_url() ms = MeshSync(uri) if do_not_sync: for user in ms.mesh_users: ms.delete_user_from_mesh(mesh_user_id=user) return company_name = core.mesh_company_name mnp = {"action": "nodes"} mesh_nodes_raw = ms.mesh_action(payload=mnp, wait=True)["nodes"] users = User.objects.select_related("role").filter( agent=None, is_installer_user=False, is_active=True, block_dashboard_login=False, ) trmm_agents_meshnodeids = [ f"node//{i.hex_mesh_node_id}" for i in Agent.objects.only("mesh_node_id") if i.mesh_node_id ] mesh_users_dict = {} for user in users: full_name = build_mesh_display_name( first_name=user.first_name, last_name=user.last_name, company_name=company_name, ) # mesh user creation will fail if same email exists for another user # make sure that doesn't happen by making a random email rand_str1 = make_random_password(len=6) rand_str2 = make_random_password(len=5) email = f"{user.username}.{rand_str1}@tacticalrmm-do-not-change-{rand_str2}.local" mesh_users_dict[user.mesh_user_id] = { "_id": user.mesh_user_id, "username": user.mesh_username, "full_name": full_name, "email": email, } new_trmm_agents = [] for agent in Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER): agent_dict = { "node_id": f"node//{agent.hex_mesh_node_id}", "hostname": agent.hostname, } tmp: list[dict[str, str]] = [] for user in users: if not has_mesh_perms(user=user): logger.debug(f"No mesh perms for {user} on {agent.hostname}") continue if (user.is_superuser or is_superuser(user)) or _has_perm_on_agent( user, agent.agent_id ): tmp.append({"_id": user.mesh_user_id}) agent_dict["links"] = tmp new_trmm_agents.append(agent_dict) final_trmm = transform_trmm(new_trmm_agents) final_mesh = transform_mesh(mesh_nodes_raw) # delete users first source_users_global = set() for item in final_trmm: source_users_global.update(item["user_ids"]) target_users_global = set() for item in final_mesh: target_users_global.update(item["user_ids"]) # identify and create new users new_users = list(source_users_global - target_users_global) for user_id in new_users: user_info = mesh_users_dict[user_id]"Adding new user {user_info['username']} to mesh") ms.add_user_to_mesh(user_info=user_info) users_to_delete_globally = list(target_users_global - source_users_global) for user_id in users_to_delete_globally:"Deleting {user_id} from mesh") ms.delete_user_from_mesh(mesh_user_id=user_id) source_map = {item["node_id"]: set(item["user_ids"]) for item in final_trmm} target_map = {item["node_id"]: set(item["user_ids"]) for item in final_mesh} def _get_sleep_after_n_inter(n): # {number of agents: chunk size} thresholds = {250: 150, 500: 275, 800: 300, 1000: 340} for threshold, value in sorted(thresholds.items()): if n <= threshold: return value return 375 iter_count = 0 sleep_after = _get_sleep_after_n_inter(len(source_map)) for node_id, source_users in source_map.items(): # skip agents without valid node id if node_id not in trmm_agents_meshnodeids: continue target_users = target_map.get(node_id, set()) - set( users_to_delete_globally ) source_users_adjusted = source_users - set(users_to_delete_globally) # find users that need to be added or deleted users_to_add = list(source_users_adjusted - target_users) users_to_delete = list(target_users - source_users_adjusted) if users_to_add or users_to_delete: iter_count += 1 if users_to_add:"Adding {users_to_add} to {node_id}") ms.add_users_to_node(node_id=node_id, user_ids=users_to_add) if users_to_delete:"Deleting {users_to_delete} from {node_id}") ms.delete_users_from_node(node_id=node_id, user_ids=users_to_delete) if iter_count % sleep_after == 0 and iter_count != 0: # mesh is very inefficient with sql, give it time to catch up so we don't crash the system f"Sleeping for 7 seconds after {iter_count} iterations." ) sleep(7) # after all done, see if need to update display name ms2 = MeshSync(uri) unique_ids = ms2.get_unique_mesh_users(new_trmm_agents) for user in unique_ids: try: mesh_realname = ms2.mesh_users[user]["realname"] except KeyError: mesh_realname = "" trmm_realname = mesh_users_dict[user]["full_name"] if mesh_realname != trmm_realname: f"Display names don't match. Updating {user} name from {mesh_realname} to {trmm_realname}" ) ms2.update_mesh_displayname(user_info=mesh_users_dict[user]) except Exception: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
import json import re from contextlib import suppress from pathlib import Path from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import psutil import requests from cryptography import x509 from django.conf import settings from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from redis import from_url from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.request import Request from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.decorators import monitoring_view from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import get_core_settings, sysd_svc_is_running, token_is_valid from logs.models import AuditLog from tacticalrmm.constants import AuditActionType, PAStatus from tacticalrmm.helpers import get_certs, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from .models import CodeSignToken, CoreSettings, CustomField, GlobalKVStore, URLAction from .permissions import ( CodeSignPerms, CoreSettingsPerms, CustomFieldPerms, ServerMaintPerms, URLActionPerms, ) from .serializers import ( CodeSignTokenSerializer, CoreSettingsSerializer, CustomFieldSerializer, KeyStoreSerializer, URLActionSerializer, ) def version(request): return Response(settings.APP_VER)
import json import re from contextlib import suppress from pathlib import Path from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import psutil import requests from cryptography import x509 from django.conf import settings from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from redis import from_url from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.request import Request from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.decorators import monitoring_view from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import get_core_settings, sysd_svc_is_running, token_is_valid from logs.models import AuditLog from tacticalrmm.constants import AuditActionType, PAStatus from tacticalrmm.helpers import get_certs, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from .models import CodeSignToken, CoreSettings, CustomField, GlobalKVStore, URLAction from .permissions import ( CodeSignPerms, CoreSettingsPerms, CustomFieldPerms, ServerMaintPerms, URLActionPerms, ) from .serializers import ( CodeSignTokenSerializer, CoreSettingsSerializer, CustomFieldSerializer, KeyStoreSerializer, URLActionSerializer, ) def clear_entire_cache() -> None: cache.delete_many_pattern(f"{ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX}*") cache.delete_many_pattern(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}*") cache.delete(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY) cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*") def clear_cache(request): from core.utils import clear_entire_cache clear_entire_cache() return Response("Cache was cleared!")
import json import re from contextlib import suppress from pathlib import Path from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import psutil import requests from cryptography import x509 from django.conf import settings from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from redis import from_url from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.request import Request from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.decorators import monitoring_view from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import get_core_settings, sysd_svc_is_running, token_is_valid from logs.models import AuditLog from tacticalrmm.constants import AuditActionType, PAStatus from tacticalrmm.helpers import get_certs, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from .models import CodeSignToken, CoreSettings, CustomField, GlobalKVStore, URLAction from .permissions import ( CodeSignPerms, CoreSettingsPerms, CustomFieldPerms, ServerMaintPerms, URLActionPerms, ) from .serializers import ( CodeSignTokenSerializer, CoreSettingsSerializer, CustomFieldSerializer, KeyStoreSerializer, URLActionSerializer, ) def token_is_expired() -> bool: from core.models import CodeSignToken t: "CodeSignToken" = CodeSignToken.objects.first() if not t or not t.token: return False return t.is_expired def get_core_settings() -> "CoreSettings": from core.models import CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, CoreSettings coresettings = cache.get(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY) if coresettings and isinstance(coresettings, CoreSettings): return coresettings else: coresettings = CoreSettings.objects.first() if not coresettings: raise CoreSettingsNotFound("CoreSettings not found.") cache.set(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, coresettings, 600) return cast(CoreSettings, coresettings) def dashboard_info(request): from core.utils import token_is_expired from tacticalrmm.utils import get_latest_trmm_ver, runcmd_placeholder_text core_settings = get_core_settings() return Response( { "trmm_version": settings.TRMM_VERSION, "latest_trmm_ver": get_latest_trmm_ver(), "dark_mode": request.user.dark_mode, "show_community_scripts": request.user.show_community_scripts, "dbl_click_action": request.user.agent_dblclick_action, "default_agent_tbl_tab": request.user.default_agent_tbl_tab, "url_action": ( if request.user.url_action else None ), "client_tree_sort": request.user.client_tree_sort, "client_tree_splitter": request.user.client_tree_splitter, "loading_bar_color": request.user.loading_bar_color, "clear_search_when_switching": request.user.clear_search_when_switching, "hosted": getattr(settings, "HOSTED", False), "date_format": request.user.date_format, "default_date_format": core_settings.date_format, "token_is_expired": token_is_expired(), "open_ai_integration_enabled": bool(core_settings.open_ai_token), "dash_info_color": request.user.dash_info_color, "dash_positive_color": request.user.dash_positive_color, "dash_negative_color": request.user.dash_negative_color, "dash_warning_color": request.user.dash_warning_color, "run_cmd_placeholder_text": runcmd_placeholder_text(), } )
import json import re from contextlib import suppress from pathlib import Path from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import psutil import requests from cryptography import x509 from django.conf import settings from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from redis import from_url from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.request import Request from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.decorators import monitoring_view from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import get_core_settings, sysd_svc_is_running, token_is_valid from logs.models import AuditLog from tacticalrmm.constants import AuditActionType, PAStatus from tacticalrmm.helpers import get_certs, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from .models import CodeSignToken, CoreSettings, CustomField, GlobalKVStore, URLAction from .permissions import ( CodeSignPerms, CoreSettingsPerms, CustomFieldPerms, ServerMaintPerms, URLActionPerms, ) from .serializers import ( CodeSignTokenSerializer, CoreSettingsSerializer, CustomFieldSerializer, KeyStoreSerializer, URLActionSerializer, ) def get_core_settings() -> "CoreSettings": def email_test(request): core = get_core_settings() msg, ok = core.send_mail( subject="Test from Tactical RMM", body="This is a test message", test=True ) if not ok: return notify_error(msg) return Response(msg)
import json import re from contextlib import suppress from pathlib import Path from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import psutil import requests from cryptography import x509 from django.conf import settings from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from redis import from_url from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.request import Request from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.decorators import monitoring_view from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import get_core_settings, sysd_svc_is_running, token_is_valid from logs.models import AuditLog from tacticalrmm.constants import AuditActionType, PAStatus from tacticalrmm.helpers import get_certs, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from .models import CodeSignToken, CoreSettings, CustomField, GlobalKVStore, URLAction from .permissions import ( CodeSignPerms, CoreSettingsPerms, CustomFieldPerms, ServerMaintPerms, URLActionPerms, ) from .serializers import ( CodeSignTokenSerializer, CoreSettingsSerializer, CustomFieldSerializer, KeyStoreSerializer, URLActionSerializer, ) def status(request): class AuditLog(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: def audit_mesh_session( username: str, agent: "Agent", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_raw_command( username: str, agent: "Agent", cmd: str, shell: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_changed( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_add( username: str, object_type: str, after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_delete( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_script_run( username: str, agent: "Agent", script: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_user_failed_login(username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) -> None: def audit_user_failed_twofactor( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_user_login_successful( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_url_action( username: str, urlaction: "URLAction", instance: "Union[Agent, Client, Site]", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_bulk_action( username: str, action: str, affected: Dict[str, Any], debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: class PendingAction(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def due(self) -> str: def description(self) -> Optional[str]: def remove_orphaned_win_tasks(self) -> str: class Alert(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": def site(self) -> "Site": def client(self) -> "Client": def resolve(self) -> None: def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: def server_maintenance(request): from tacticalrmm.utils import reload_nats if "action" not in return notify_error("The data is incorrect") if["action"] == "reload_nats": reload_nats() return Response("Nats configuration was reloaded successfully.") if["action"] == "rm_orphaned_tasks": from autotasks.tasks import remove_orphaned_win_tasks remove_orphaned_win_tasks.delay() return Response("The task has been initiated.") if["action"] == "prune_db": from logs.models import AuditLog, PendingAction if "prune_tables" not in return notify_error("The data is incorrect.") tables =["prune_tables"] records_count = 0 if "audit_logs" in tables: auditlogs = AuditLog.objects.filter(action=AuditActionType.CHECK_RUN) records_count += auditlogs.count() auditlogs.delete() if "pending_actions" in tables: pendingactions = PendingAction.objects.filter(status=PAStatus.COMPLETED) records_count += pendingactions.count() pendingactions.delete() if "alerts" in tables: from alerts.models import Alert alerts = Alert.objects.all() records_count += alerts.count() alerts.delete() return Response(f"{records_count} records were pruned from the database") return notify_error("The data is incorrect")
from django.db import migrations def link_sites_to_agents(apps, schema_editor): Agent = apps.get_model("agents", "Agent") Site = apps.get_model("clients", "Site") for agent in Agent.objects.all(): site = Site.objects.get(client__client=agent.client, agent.site_link = site
from django.db import migrations def reverse(apps, schema_editor): Agent = apps.get_model("agents", "Agent") for agent in Agent.objects.all(): = agent.client = agent.site_link.client.client
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from import call_command from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from core.utils import get_core_settings from logs.models import DebugLog from scripts.models import Script from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, CheckStatus, DebugLogType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock def auto_self_agent_update_task() -> None: call_command("update_agents")
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from import call_command from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from core.utils import get_core_settings from logs.models import DebugLog from scripts.models import Script from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, CheckStatus, DebugLogType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def agent_outage_email_task(pk: int, alert_interval: Optional[float] = None) -> str: from alerts.models import Alert try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" if not alert.email_sent: sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) alert.agent.send_outage_email() alert.email_sent =["email_sent"]) else: if alert_interval: # send an email only if the last email sent is older than alert interval delta = - dt.timedelta(days=alert_interval) if alert.email_sent < delta: sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) alert.agent.send_outage_email() alert.email_sent =["email_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from import call_command from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from core.utils import get_core_settings from logs.models import DebugLog from scripts.models import Script from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, CheckStatus, DebugLogType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def agent_recovery_email_task(pk: int) -> str: from alerts.models import Alert sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" alert.agent.send_recovery_email() alert.resolved_email_sent =["resolved_email_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from import call_command from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from core.utils import get_core_settings from logs.models import DebugLog from scripts.models import Script from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, CheckStatus, DebugLogType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def agent_outage_sms_task(pk: int, alert_interval: Optional[float] = None) -> str: from alerts.models import Alert try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" if not alert.sms_sent: sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) alert.agent.send_outage_sms() alert.sms_sent =["sms_sent"]) else: if alert_interval: # send an sms only if the last sms sent is older than alert interval delta = - dt.timedelta(days=alert_interval) if alert.sms_sent < delta: sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) alert.agent.send_outage_sms() alert.sms_sent =["sms_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from import call_command from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from core.utils import get_core_settings from logs.models import DebugLog from scripts.models import Script from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, CheckStatus, DebugLogType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args def agent_recovery_sms_task(pk: int) -> str: from alerts.models import Alert sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" alert.agent.send_recovery_sms() alert.resolved_sms_sent =["resolved_sms_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional from import call_command from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from agents.models import Agent from core.utils import get_core_settings from logs.models import DebugLog from scripts.models import Script from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE, CheckStatus, DebugLogType, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": def site(self) -> "Site": def client(self) -> "Client": def resolve(self) -> None: def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: def _get_agent_qs() -> "QuerySet[Agent]": def agent_outages_task(self) -> str: with redis_lock(AGENT_OUTAGES_LOCK, as acquired: if not acquired: return f"{} still running" from alerts.models import Alert from core.tasks import _get_agent_qs for agent in _get_agent_qs(): if agent.status == AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE: Alert.handle_alert_failure(agent) return "completed"
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class AgentHostnameSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): client = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source="") site = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source="") class Meta: model = Agent fields = ( "id", "hostname", "agent_id", "client", "site", ) def get_agent_versions(request): agents = ( Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER) .filter_by_role(request.user) # type: ignore .select_related("site__client") ) return Response( { "versions": [settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER], "agents": AgentHostnameSerializer(agents, many=True).data, } )
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) def token_is_valid() -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: token: str, is_valid: bool. Token wil be an empty string is not valid. """ from core.models import CodeSignToken t: "Optional[CodeSignToken]" = CodeSignToken.objects.first() if not t: return "", False if not t.token: return "", False if t.is_valid: return t.token, True return "", False class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_agent_update_task(*, agent_ids: list[str], token: str, force: bool) -> None: agents: "QuerySet[Agent]" = Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER).filter( agent_id__in=agent_ids ) for agent in agents: agent.do_update(token=token, force=force) def update_agents(request): q = ( Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user) # type: ignore .filter(["agent_ids"]) .only("agent_id", "version") ) agent_ids: list[str] = [ i.agent_id for i in q if pyver.parse(i.version) < pyver.parse(settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER) ] token, _ = token_is_valid() send_agent_update_task.delay(agent_ids=agent_ids, token=token, force=False) return Response("ok")
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) class Agent(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs): def client(self) -> "Client": def timezone(self) -> str: def is_posix(self) -> bool: def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: def status(self) -> str: def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: def graphics(self) -> str: def local_ips(self) -> str: def make_model(self) -> str: def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: def serial_number(self) -> str: def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": def check_run_interval(self) -> int: def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: def approve_updates(self) -> None: def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: def send_outage_email(self) -> None: def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: def get_event_log(request, agent_id, logtype, days): if getattr(settings, "DEMO", False): from tacticalrmm.demo_views import demo_get_eventlog return demo_get_eventlog() agent = get_object_or_404(Agent, agent_id=agent_id) timeout = 180 if logtype == EvtLogNames.SECURITY else 30 data = { "func": "eventlog", "timeout": timeout, "payload": { "logname": logtype, "days": str(days), }, } r =, timeout=timeout + 2)) if r in ("timeout", "natsdown"): return notify_error("Unable to contact the agent") return Response(r)
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) class AuditLog(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: def audit_mesh_session( username: str, agent: "Agent", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_raw_command( username: str, agent: "Agent", cmd: str, shell: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_changed( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_add( username: str, object_type: str, after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_delete( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_script_run( username: str, agent: "Agent", script: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_user_failed_login(username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) -> None: def audit_user_failed_twofactor( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_user_login_successful( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_url_action( username: str, urlaction: "URLAction", instance: "Union[Agent, Client, Site]", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_bulk_action( username: str, action: str, affected: Dict[str, Any], debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: class Agent(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs): def client(self) -> "Client": def timezone(self) -> str: def is_posix(self) -> bool: def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: def status(self) -> str: def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: def graphics(self) -> str: def local_ips(self) -> str: def make_model(self) -> str: def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: def serial_number(self) -> str: def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": def check_run_interval(self) -> int: def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: def approve_updates(self) -> None: def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: def send_outage_email(self) -> None: def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: class AgentHistory(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def send_raw_cmd(request, agent_id): agent = get_object_or_404(Agent, agent_id=agent_id) timeout = int(["timeout"]) if["shell"] == "custom" and["custom_shell"]: shell =["custom_shell"] else: shell =["shell"] data = { "func": "rawcmd", "timeout": timeout, "payload": { "command":["cmd"], "shell": shell, }, "run_as_user":["run_as_user"], } hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.CMD_RUN,["cmd"], username=request.user.username[:50], ) data["id"] = r =, timeout=timeout + 2)) if r == "timeout": return notify_error("Unable to contact the agent") AuditLog.audit_raw_command( username=request.user.username, agent=agent,["cmd"], shell=shell, debug_info={"ip": request._client_ip}, ) return Response(r)
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) def ping(request, agent_id): agent = get_object_or_404(Agent, agent_id=agent_id) status = AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE attempts = 0 while 1: r ={"func": "ping"}, timeout=2)) if r == "pong": status = AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE break else: attempts += 1 time.sleep(0.5) if attempts >= 3: break return Response({"name": agent.hostname, "status": status}) def token_is_valid() -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: token: str, is_valid: bool. Token wil be an empty string is not valid. """ from core.models import CodeSignToken t: "Optional[CodeSignToken]" = CodeSignToken.objects.first() if not t: return "", False if not t.token: return "", False if t.is_valid: return t.token, True return "", False class User(AbstractUser, BaseAuditModel): is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True) block_dashboard_login = models.BooleanField(default=False) totp_key = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True) dark_mode = models.BooleanField(default=True) show_community_scripts = models.BooleanField(default=True) agent_dblclick_action: "AgentDblClick" = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=AgentDblClick.choices, default=AgentDblClick.EDIT_AGENT ) url_action = models.ForeignKey( "core.URLAction", related_name="user", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) default_agent_tbl_tab = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=AgentTableTabs.choices, default=AgentTableTabs.MIXED ) agents_per_page = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=50) # not currently used client_tree_sort = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=ClientTreeSort.choices, default=ClientTreeSort.ALPHA_FAIL ) client_tree_splitter = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=11) loading_bar_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="red") dash_info_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="info") dash_positive_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="positive") dash_negative_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="negative") dash_warning_color = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="warning") clear_search_when_switching = models.BooleanField(default=True) date_format = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True, null=True) is_installer_user = models.BooleanField(default=False) last_login_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(default=None, blank=True, null=True) agent = models.OneToOneField( "agents.Agent", related_name="user", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) role = models.ForeignKey( "accounts.Role", null=True, blank=True, related_name="users", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def mesh_user_id(self): return f"user//{self.mesh_username}" def mesh_username(self): # lower() needed for mesh api return f"{self.username.lower()}___{}" def serialize(user): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import UserSerializer return UserSerializer(user).data def get_and_set_role_cache(self) -> "Optional[Role]": role = cache.get(f"{ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX}{self.role}") if role and isinstance(role, Role): return role elif not role and not self.role: return None else: models.prefetch_related_objects( [self.role], "can_view_clients", "can_view_sites", ) cache.set(f"{ROLE_CACHE_PREFIX}{self.role}", self.role, 600) return self.role def get_agent_url(*, goarch: str, plat: str, token: str = "") -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if token: params = { "version": ver, "arch": goarch, "token": token, "plat": plat, "api": settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS[0], } return settings.AGENTS_URL + urllib.parse.urlencode(params) return f"{ver}/tacticalagent-v{ver}-{plat}-{goarch}.exe" def generate_linux_install( client: str, site: str, agent_type: str, arch: str, token: str, api: str, download_url: str, ) -> FileResponse: match arch: case "amd64": arch_id = MeshAgentIdent.LINUX64 case "386": arch_id = MeshAgentIdent.LINUX32 case "arm64": arch_id = MeshAgentIdent.LINUX_ARM_64 case "arm": arch_id = MeshAgentIdent.LINUX_ARM_HF case _: arch_id = "not_found" core = get_core_settings() uri = get_mesh_ws_url() mesh_id =, core.mesh_device_group)) mesh_dl = ( f"{core.mesh_site}/meshagents?id={mesh_id}&installflags=2&meshinstall={arch_id}" ) text = Path(settings.LINUX_AGENT_SCRIPT).read_text() replace = { "agentDLChange": download_url, "meshDLChange": mesh_dl, "clientIDChange": client, "siteIDChange": site, "agentTypeChange": agent_type, "tokenChange": token, "apiURLChange": api, } for i, j in replace.items(): text = text.replace(i, j) text += "\n" with StringIO(text) as fp: return FileResponse(, as_attachment=True, filename="" ) def install_agent(request): from knox.models import AuthToken from accounts.models import User from agents.utils import get_agent_url from core.utils import token_is_valid insecure = getattr(settings, "TRMM_INSECURE", False) if insecure and["installMethod"] in {"exe", "powershell"}: return notify_error( "Not available in insecure mode. Please use the 'Manual' method." ) # TODO rework this ghetto validation hack # try: int(["expires"]) except ValueError: return notify_error("Please enter a valid number of hours") client_id =["client"] site_id =["site"] version = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER goarch =["goarch"] plat =["plat"] if not _has_perm_on_site(request.user, site_id): raise PermissionDenied() codesign_token, is_valid = token_is_valid() if["installMethod"] in {"bash", "mac"} and not is_valid: return notify_error( "Linux/Mac agents require code signing. Please see for more info." ) inno = f"tacticalagent-v{version}-{plat}-{goarch}" if plat == AgentPlat.WINDOWS: inno += ".exe" download_url = get_agent_url(goarch=goarch, plat=plat, token=codesign_token) installer_user = User.objects.filter(is_installer_user=True).first() _, token = AuthToken.objects.create( user=installer_user, expiry=dt.timedelta(hours=int(["expires"])) ) install_flags = [ "-m", "install", "--api",["api"], "--client-id", client_id, "--site-id", site_id, "--agent-type",["agenttype"], "--auth", token, ] if["installMethod"] == "exe": from tacticalrmm.utils import generate_winagent_exe return generate_winagent_exe( client=client_id, site=site_id,["agenttype"],["rdp"],["ping"],["power"], goarch=goarch, token=token,["api"],["fileName"], ) elif["installMethod"] == "bash": from agents.utils import generate_linux_install return generate_linux_install( client=str(client_id), site=str(site_id),["agenttype"], arch=goarch, token=token,["api"], download_url=download_url, ) elif["installMethod"] in {"manual", "mac"}: resp = {} if["installMethod"] == "manual": cmd = [ inno, "/VERYSILENT", "/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES", "&&", "ping", "", "-n", "5", "&&", r'"C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe"', ] + install_flags if int(["rdp"]): cmd.append("--rdp") if int(["ping"]): cmd.append("--ping") if int(["power"]): cmd.append("--power") if insecure: cmd.append("--insecure") resp["cmd"] = " ".join(str(i) for i in cmd) else: install_flags.insert(0, f"sudo ./{inno}") cmd = install_flags.copy() dl = f"curl -L -o {inno} '{download_url}'" resp["cmd"] = ( dl + f" && chmod +x {inno} && " + " ".join(str(i) for i in cmd) ) if insecure: resp["cmd"] += " --insecure" resp["url"] = download_url return Response(resp) elif["installMethod"] == "powershell": text = Path(settings.BASE_DIR / "core" / "installer.ps1").read_text() replace_dict = { "innosetupchange": inno, "clientchange": str(client_id), "sitechange": str(site_id), "apichange":["api"], "atypechange":["agenttype"], "powerchange": str(["power"]), "rdpchange": str(["rdp"]), "pingchange": str(["ping"]), "downloadchange": download_url, "tokenchange": token, } for i, j in replace_dict.items(): text = text.replace(i, j) with StringIO(text) as fp: response = HttpResponse(, content_type="text/plain") response["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=rmm-installer.ps1" return response
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) def get_mesh_ws_url() -> str: core = get_core_settings() token = get_auth_token(core.mesh_api_superuser, core.mesh_token) if settings.DOCKER_BUILD: uri = f"{settings.MESH_WS_URL}/control.ashx?auth={token}" else: if getattr(settings, "USE_EXTERNAL_MESH", False): site = core.mesh_site.replace("https", "wss") uri = f"{site}/control.ashx?auth={token}" else: mesh_port = getattr(settings, "MESH_PORT", 4430) uri = f"ws://{mesh_port}/control.ashx?auth={token}" return uri class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def recover(request, agent_id: str) -> Response: agent: Agent = get_object_or_404( Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER), agent_id=agent_id ) mode =["mode"] if mode == "tacagent": uri = get_mesh_ws_url() agent.recover(mode, uri, wait=False) return Response("Recovery will be attempted shortly") elif mode == "mesh": r, err = agent.recover(mode, "") if err: return notify_error(f"Unable to complete recovery: {r}") return Response("Successfully completed recovery")
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) class AuditLog(models.Model): id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) username = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) entry_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) action = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=AuditActionType.choices) object_type = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=AuditObjType.choices) before_value = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) after_value = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) message = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) debug_info = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.username} {self.action} {self.object_type}" def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not and self.message: # truncate message field if longer than 255 characters self.message = ( (self.message[:253] + "..") if len(self.message) > 255 else self.message ) return super().save(*args, **kwargs) def audit_mesh_session( username: str, agent: "Agent", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, agent=agent.hostname, agent_id=agent.agent_id, object_type=AuditObjType.AGENT, action=AuditActionType.REMOTE_SESSION, message=f"{username} used Mesh Central to initiate a remote session to {agent.hostname}.", debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_raw_command( username: str, agent: "Agent", cmd: str, shell: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, agent=agent.hostname, agent_id=agent.agent_id, object_type=AuditObjType.AGENT, action=AuditActionType.EXEC_COMMAND, message=f"{username} issued {shell} command on {agent.hostname}.", after_value=cmd, debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_object_changed( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=object_type, agent=before["hostname"] if object_type == AuditObjType.AGENT else None, agent_id=before["agent_id"] if object_type == AuditObjType.AGENT else None, action=AuditActionType.MODIFY, message=f"{username} modified {object_type} {name}", before_value=before, after_value=after, debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_object_add( username: str, object_type: str, after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=object_type, agent=after["hostname"] if object_type == AuditObjType.AGENT else None, agent_id=after["agent_id"] if object_type == AuditObjType.AGENT else None, action=AuditActionType.ADD, message=f"{username} added {object_type} {name}", after_value=after, debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_object_delete( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=object_type, agent=before["hostname"] if object_type == AuditObjType.AGENT else None, agent_id=before["agent_id"] if object_type == AuditObjType.AGENT else None, action=AuditActionType.DELETE, message=f"{username} deleted {object_type} {name}", before_value=before, debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_script_run( username: str, agent: "Agent", script: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( agent=agent.hostname, agent_id=agent.agent_id, username=username, object_type=AuditObjType.AGENT, action=AuditActionType.EXEC_SCRIPT, message=f'{username} ran script: "{script}" on {agent.hostname}', debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_user_failed_login(username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=AuditObjType.USER, action=AuditActionType.FAILED_LOGIN, message=f"{username} failed to login: Credentials were rejected", debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_user_failed_twofactor( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=AuditObjType.USER, action=AuditActionType.FAILED_LOGIN, message=f"{username} failed to login: Two Factor token rejected", debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_user_login_successful( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=AuditObjType.USER, action=AuditActionType.LOGIN, message=f"{username} logged in successfully", debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_url_action( username: str, urlaction: "URLAction", instance: "Union[Agent, Client, Site]", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent name = instance.hostname if isinstance(instance, Agent) else classname = type(instance).__name__ AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, agent=name if isinstance(instance, Agent) else None, agent_id=instance.agent_id if isinstance(instance, Agent) else None, object_type=classname.lower(), action=AuditActionType.URL_ACTION, message=f"{username} ran url action: {urlaction.pattern} on {classname}: {name}", debug_info=debug_info, ) def audit_bulk_action( username: str, action: str, affected: Dict[str, Any], debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent from clients.models import Client, Site from scripts.models import Script target = "" agents = None if affected["target"] == "all": target = "on all agents" elif affected["target"] == "client": client = Client.objects.get(pk=affected["client"]) target = f"on all agents within client: {}" elif affected["target"] == "site": site = Site.objects.get(pk=affected["site"]) target = f"on all agents within site: {}\\{}" elif affected["target"] == "agents": agents = Agent.objects.filter(agent_id__in=affected["agents"]).values_list( "hostname", flat=True ) target = "on multiple agents" if action == "script": script = Script.objects.get(pk=affected["script"]) action = f"script: {}" if agents: affected["agent_hostnames"] = list(agents) AuditLog.objects.create( username=username, object_type=AuditObjType.BULK, action=AuditActionType.BULK_ACTION, message=f"{username} executed bulk {action} {target}", debug_info=debug_info, after_value=affected, ) class Script(BaseAuditModel): guid = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, blank=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, default="") filename = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) shell = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=ScriptShell.choices, default=ScriptShell.POWERSHELL ) script_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=ScriptType.choices, default=ScriptType.USER_DEFINED ) args = ArrayField( models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) env_vars = ArrayField( models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) syntax = TextField(null=True, blank=True) favorite = models.BooleanField(default=False) category = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) script_body = models.TextField(blank=True, default="") script_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) code_base64 = models.TextField(blank=True, default="") # deprecated default_timeout = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=90) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) supported_platforms = ArrayField( models.CharField(max_length=20), null=True, blank=True, default=list ) run_as_user = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __str__(self): return def code_no_snippets(self): return self.script_body or "" def code(self): return self.replace_with_snippets(self.code_no_snippets) def replace_with_snippets(cls, code): # check if snippet has been added to script body matches = re.finditer(r"{{(.*)}}", code) if matches: replaced_code = code for snippet in matches: snippet_name = if ScriptSnippet.objects.filter(name=snippet_name).exists(): value = ScriptSnippet.objects.get(name=snippet_name).code else: value = "" replaced_code = re.sub(, value.replace("\\", "\\\\"), replaced_code ) return replaced_code return code def hash_script_body(self): from django.conf import settings msg = self.code.encode(errors="ignore") return, msg, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() def load_community_scripts(cls): import json import os from django.conf import settings # load community uploaded scripts into the database # skip ones that already exist, only updating name / desc in case it changes # for install script scripts_dir = os.path.join(settings.SCRIPTS_DIR, "scripts") with open(os.path.join(settings.SCRIPTS_DIR, "community_scripts.json")) as f: info = json.load(f) # used to remove scripts from DB that are removed from the json file and file system community_scripts_processed = [] # list of script guids for script in info: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(scripts_dir, script["filename"])): s = cls.objects.filter( script_type=ScriptType.BUILT_IN, guid=script["guid"] ) category = ( script["category"] if "category" in script.keys() else "Community" ) default_timeout = ( int(script["default_timeout"]) if "default_timeout" in script.keys() else 90 ) args = script["args"] if "args" in script.keys() else [] syntax = script["syntax"] if "syntax" in script.keys() else "" supported_platforms = ( script["supported_platforms"] if "supported_platforms" in script.keys() else [] ) # if community script exists update it if s.exists(): i: Script = s.get() = script["name"] i.description = script["description"] i.category = category = script["shell"] i.default_timeout = default_timeout i.args = args i.syntax = syntax i.filename = script["filename"] i.supported_platforms = supported_platforms with open(os.path.join(scripts_dir, script["filename"]), "rb") as f: i.script_body ="utf-8") # i.hash_script_body() community_scripts_processed.append(i.guid) # doesn't exist in database so create it else: print(f"Adding new community script: {script['name']}") with open(os.path.join(scripts_dir, script["filename"]), "rb") as f: script_body ="utf-8") new_script: Script = cls( script_body=script_body, guid=script["guid"], name=script["name"], description=script["description"], shell=script["shell"], script_type=ScriptType.BUILT_IN, category=category, default_timeout=default_timeout, args=args, filename=script["filename"], syntax=syntax, supported_platforms=supported_platforms, ) # new_script.hash_script_body() # also saves script community_scripts_processed.append(new_script.guid) # check for community scripts that were deleted from json and scripts folder count, _ = ( Script.objects.filter(script_type=ScriptType.BUILT_IN) .exclude(guid__in=community_scripts_processed) .delete() ) if count: print( f"Removing {count} community scripts that was removed from source repo" ) def serialize(script): # serializes the script and returns json from .serializers import ScriptSerializer return ScriptSerializer(script).data # TODO refactor common functionality of parse functions def parse_script_args(cls, agent, shell: str, args: List[str] = []) -> list: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): # only get the match between the () in regex string = value = replace_arg_db_values( string=string, instance=agent, shell=shell, quotes=shell != ScriptShell.CMD, ) if value: try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append( re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg) ) else: # pass parameter unaltered temp_args.append(arg) else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args # TODO refactor common functionality of parse functions def parse_script_env_vars(cls, agent, shell: str, env_vars: list[str] = []) -> list: if not env_vars: return [] temp_env_vars = [] pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{(.*)\\}\\}.*") for env_var in env_vars: # must be in format KEY=VALUE try: env_key = env_var.split("=")[0] env_val = env_var.split("=")[1] except: continue if match := pattern.match(env_val): string = value = replace_arg_db_values( string=string, instance=agent, shell=shell, quotes=False, ) if value: try: new_val = re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, env_val) except re.error: new_val = re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), env_val) temp_env_vars.append(f"{env_key}={new_val}") else: # pass parameter unaltered temp_env_vars.append(env_var) return temp_env_vars class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class Note(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( Agent, related_name="notes", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) user = models.ForeignKey( "accounts.User", related_name="user", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) note = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) entry_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.agent.hostname class AgentHistory(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( Agent, related_name="history", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) type: "AgentHistoryType" = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=AgentHistoryType.choices, default=AgentHistoryType.CMD_RUN, ) command = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, default="") username = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="system") results = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) script = models.ForeignKey( "scripts.Script", null=True, blank=True, related_name="history", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) script_results = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.type}" def run_script_email_results_task( agentpk: int, scriptpk: int, nats_timeout: int, emails: list[str], args: list[str] = [], history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ): agent = Agent.objects.get(pk=agentpk) script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) r = agent.run_script(, args=args, full=True, timeout=nats_timeout, wait=True, history_pk=history_pk, run_as_user=run_as_user, env_vars=env_vars, ) if r == "timeout": DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"{agent.hostname}({}) timed out running script.", ) return CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{agent.hostname} {} Results" exec_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) body = ( subject + f"\nReturn code: {r['retcode']}\nExecution time: {exec_time} seconds\nStdout: {r['stdout']}\nStderr: {r['stderr']}" ) import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage msg = EmailMessage() msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = CORE.smtp_from_email if emails: msg["To"] = ", ".join(emails) else: msg["To"] = ", ".join(CORE.email_alert_recipients) msg.set_content(body) try: with smtplib.SMTP(CORE.smtp_host, CORE.smtp_port, timeout=20) as server: if CORE.smtp_requires_auth: server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.login(CORE.smtp_host_user, CORE.smtp_host_password) server.send_message(msg) server.quit() else: server.send_message(msg) server.quit() except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(message=str(e)) class CustomField(BaseAuditModel): order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) model = models.CharField(max_length=25, choices=CustomFieldModel.choices) type = models.CharField( max_length=25, choices=CustomFieldType.choices, default=CustomFieldType.TEXT ) options = ArrayField( models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) required = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) default_value_string = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) default_value_bool = models.BooleanField(default=False) default_values_multiple = ArrayField( models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) hide_in_ui = models.BooleanField(default=False) hide_in_summary = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: unique_together = (("model", "name"),) def __str__(self) -> str: return def serialize(field): from .serializers import CustomFieldSerializer return CustomFieldSerializer(field).data def default_value(self): if self.type == CustomFieldType.MULTIPLE: return self.default_values_multiple elif self.type == CustomFieldType.CHECKBOX: return self.default_value_bool return self.default_value_string def get_or_create_field_value(self, instance): from agents.models import Agent, AgentCustomField from clients.models import Client, ClientCustomField, Site, SiteCustomField if isinstance(instance, Agent): if AgentCustomField.objects.filter(field=self, agent=instance).exists(): return AgentCustomField.objects.get(field=self, agent=instance) else: return AgentCustomField.objects.create(field=self, agent=instance) elif isinstance(instance, Client): if ClientCustomField.objects.filter(field=self, client=instance).exists(): return ClientCustomField.objects.get(field=self, client=instance) else: return ClientCustomField.objects.create(field=self, client=instance) elif isinstance(instance, Site): if SiteCustomField.objects.filter(field=self, site=instance).exists(): return SiteCustomField.objects.get(field=self, site=instance) else: return SiteCustomField.objects.create(field=self, site=instance) def run_script(request, agent_id): agent = get_object_or_404(Agent, agent_id=agent_id) script = get_object_or_404(Script,["script"]) output =["output"] args =["args"] run_as_user: bool =["run_as_user"] env_vars: list[str] =["env_vars"] req_timeout = int(["timeout"]) + 3 AuditLog.audit_script_run( username=request.user.username, agent=agent,, debug_info={"ip": request._client_ip}, ) hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=script, username=request.user.username[:50], ) history_pk = if output == "wait": r = agent.run_script(, args=args, timeout=req_timeout, wait=True, history_pk=history_pk, run_as_user=run_as_user, env_vars=env_vars, ) return Response(r) elif output == "email": emails = ( [] if["emailMode"] == "default" else["emails"] ) run_script_email_results_task.delay(,, nats_timeout=req_timeout, emails=emails, args=args, history_pk=history_pk, run_as_user=run_as_user, env_vars=env_vars, ) elif output == "collector": from core.models import CustomField r = agent.run_script(, args=args, timeout=req_timeout, wait=True, history_pk=history_pk, run_as_user=run_as_user, env_vars=env_vars, ) custom_field = CustomField.objects.get(["custom_field"]) if custom_field.model == CustomFieldModel.AGENT: field = custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(agent) elif custom_field.model == CustomFieldModel.CLIENT: field = custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(agent.client) elif custom_field.model == CustomFieldModel.SITE: field = custom_field.get_or_create_field_value( else: return notify_error("Custom Field was invalid") value = ( r.strip() if["save_all_output"] else r.strip().split("\n")[-1].strip() ) field.save_to_field(value) return Response(r) elif output == "note": r = agent.run_script(, args=args, timeout=req_timeout, wait=True, history_pk=history_pk, run_as_user=run_as_user, env_vars=env_vars, ) Note.objects.create(agent=agent, user=request.user, note=r) return Response(r) else: agent.run_script(, args=args, timeout=req_timeout, history_pk=history_pk, run_as_user=run_as_user, env_vars=env_vars, ) return Response(f"{} will now be run on {agent.hostname}")
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) class AuditLog(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: def audit_mesh_session( username: str, agent: "Agent", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_raw_command( username: str, agent: "Agent", cmd: str, shell: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_changed( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_add( username: str, object_type: str, after: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_object_delete( username: str, object_type: str, before: Dict[Any, Any], name: str = "", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_script_run( username: str, agent: "Agent", script: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_user_failed_login(username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) -> None: def audit_user_failed_twofactor( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_user_login_successful( username: str, debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {} ) -> None: def audit_url_action( username: str, urlaction: "URLAction", instance: "Union[Agent, Client, Site]", debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: def audit_bulk_action( username: str, action: str, affected: Dict[str, Any], debug_info: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, ) -> None: class Script(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self): def code_no_snippets(self): def code(self): def replace_with_snippets(cls, code): def hash_script_body(self): def load_community_scripts(cls): def serialize(script): def parse_script_args(cls, agent, shell: str, args: List[str] = []) -> list: def parse_script_env_vars(cls, agent, shell: str, env_vars: list[str] = []) -> list: def bulk_command_task( *, agent_pks: list[int], cmd: str, shell: str, timeout: int, username: str, run_as_user: bool = False, ) -> None: def bulk_script_task( *, script_pk: int, agent_pks: list[int], args: list[str] = [], timeout: int, username: str, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> None: def bulk_install_updates_task(pks: list[int]) -> None: def bulk_check_for_updates_task(pks: list[int]) -> None: class Agent(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs): def client(self) -> "Client": def timezone(self) -> str: def is_posix(self) -> bool: def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: def status(self) -> str: def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: def graphics(self) -> str: def local_ips(self) -> str: def make_model(self) -> str: def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: def serial_number(self) -> str: def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": def check_run_interval(self) -> int: def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: def approve_updates(self) -> None: def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: def send_outage_email(self) -> None: def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: def bulk(request): if["target"] == "agents" and not["agents"]: return notify_error("Must select at least 1 agent") if["target"] == "client": if not _has_perm_on_client(request.user,["client"]): raise PermissionDenied() q = Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user).filter( # type: ignore["client"] ) elif["target"] == "site": if not _has_perm_on_site(request.user,["site"]): raise PermissionDenied() q = Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user).filter( # type: ignore["site"] ) elif["target"] == "agents": q = Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user).filter( # type: ignore["agents"] ) elif["target"] == "all": q = Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user).only("pk", "monitoring_type") # type: ignore else: return notify_error("Something went wrong") if["monType"] == "servers": q = q.filter(monitoring_type=AgentMonType.SERVER) elif["monType"] == "workstations": q = q.filter(monitoring_type=AgentMonType.WORKSTATION) if["osType"] == AgentPlat.WINDOWS: q = q.filter(plat=AgentPlat.WINDOWS) elif["osType"] == AgentPlat.LINUX: q = q.filter(plat=AgentPlat.LINUX) elif["osType"] == AgentPlat.DARWIN: q = q.filter(plat=AgentPlat.DARWIN) agents: list[int] = [ for agent in q] if not agents: return notify_error("No agents were found meeting the selected criteria") AuditLog.audit_bulk_action( request.user,["mode"],, debug_info={"ip": request._client_ip}, ) if["mode"] == "command": if["shell"] == "custom" and["custom_shell"]: shell =["custom_shell"] else: shell =["shell"] bulk_command_task.delay( agent_pks=agents,["cmd"], shell=shell,["timeout"], username=request.user.username[:50],["run_as_user"], ) return Response(f"Command will now be run on {len(agents)} agents") elif["mode"] == "script": script = get_object_or_404(Script,["script"]) bulk_script_task.delay(, agent_pks=agents,["args"],["timeout"], username=request.user.username[:50],["run_as_user"],["env_vars"], ) return Response(f"{} will now be run on {len(agents)} agents") elif["mode"] == "patch": if["patchMode"] == "install": bulk_install_updates_task.delay(agents) return Response( f"Pending updates will now be installed on {len(agents)} agents" ) elif["patchMode"] == "scan": bulk_check_for_updates_task.delay(agents) return Response(f"Patch status scan will now run on {len(agents)} agents") return notify_error("Something went wrong")
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def agent_maintenance(request): if["type"] == "Client": if not _has_perm_on_client(request.user,["id"]): raise PermissionDenied() count = ( Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user) # type: ignore .filter(["id"]) .update(["action"]) ) elif["type"] == "Site": if not _has_perm_on_site(request.user,["id"]): raise PermissionDenied() count = ( Agent.objects.filter_by_role(request.user) # type: ignore .filter(["id"]) .update(["action"]) ) else: return notify_error("Invalid data") if count: action = "disabled" if not["action"] else "enabled" return Response(f"Maintenance mode has been {action} on {count} agents") return Response( "No agents have been put in maintenance mode. You might not have permissions to the resources." )
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) def bulk_recover_agents_task() -> None: def bulk_agent_recovery(request): bulk_recover_agents_task.delay() return Response("Agents will now be recovered")
import asyncio import datetime as dt import random import string import time from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime from meshctrl.utils import get_login_token from packaging import version as pyver from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from core.tasks import sync_mesh_perms_task from core.utils import ( get_core_settings, get_mesh_ws_url, remove_mesh_agent, token_is_valid, wake_on_lan, ) from logs.models import AuditLog, DebugLog, PendingAction from scripts.models import Script from scripts.tasks import bulk_command_task, bulk_script_task from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AGENT_DEFER, AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE, AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, AGENT_TABLE_DEFER, AgentHistoryType, AgentMonType, AgentPlat, CustomFieldModel, DebugLogType, EvtLogNames, PAAction, ) from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past, notify_error from tacticalrmm.permissions import ( _has_perm_on_agent, _has_perm_on_client, _has_perm_on_site, ) from tacticalrmm.utils import get_default_timezone, reload_nats from winupdate.models import WinUpdate, WinUpdatePolicy from winupdate.serializers import WinUpdatePolicySerializer from winupdate.tasks import bulk_check_for_updates_task, bulk_install_updates_task from .models import Agent, AgentCustomField, AgentHistory, Note from .permissions import ( AgentHistoryPerms, AgentNotesPerms, AgentPerms, AgentWOLPerms, EvtLogPerms, InstallAgentPerms, ManageProcPerms, MeshPerms, RebootAgentPerms, RecoverAgentPerms, RunBulkPerms, RunScriptPerms, SendCMDPerms, UpdateAgentPerms, ) from .serializers import ( AgentCustomFieldSerializer, AgentHistorySerializer, AgentHostnameSerializer, AgentNoteSerializer, AgentSerializer, AgentTableSerializer, ) from .tasks import ( bulk_recover_agents_task, run_script_email_results_task, send_agent_update_task, ) def get_mesh_ws_url() -> str: async def wake_on_lan(*, uri: str, mesh_node_id: str) -> None: class Agent(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs): def client(self) -> "Client": def timezone(self) -> str: def is_posix(self) -> bool: def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: def status(self) -> str: def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: def graphics(self) -> str: def local_ips(self) -> str: def make_model(self) -> str: def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: def serial_number(self) -> str: def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": def check_run_interval(self) -> int: def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: def approve_updates(self) -> None: def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: def send_outage_email(self) -> None: def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: def wol(request, agent_id): agent = get_object_or_404( Agent.objects.defer(*AGENT_DEFER), agent_id=agent_id, ) try: uri = get_mesh_ws_url(), mesh_node_id=agent.mesh_node_id)) except Exception as e: return notify_error(str(e)) return Response(f"Wake-on-LAN sent to {agent.hostname}")
import json import os import secrets import string from itertools import cycle from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from model_bakery.recipe import Recipe, foreign_key, seq from tacticalrmm.constants import AgentMonType, AgentPlat def generate_agent_id() -> str: return "".join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(39))
import json import os import secrets import string from itertools import cycle from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from model_bakery.recipe import Recipe, foreign_key, seq from tacticalrmm.constants import AgentMonType, AgentPlat def get_wmi_data(): with open( os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "tacticalrmm/test_data/wmi_python_agent.json") ) as f: return json.load(f)
import json import os import secrets import string from itertools import cycle from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from model_bakery.recipe import Recipe, foreign_key, seq from tacticalrmm.constants import AgentMonType, AgentPlat def get_win_svcs(): svcs = settings.BASE_DIR.joinpath("tacticalrmm/test_data/winsvcs.json") with open(svcs) as f: return json.load(f)
import asyncio from typing import Any from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from rest_framework.decorators import api_view from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from agents.models import Agent from logs.models import PendingAction from tacticalrmm.constants import PAAction from tacticalrmm.helpers import notify_error from .models import ChocoSoftware, InstalledSoftware from .permissions import SoftwarePerms from .serializers import InstalledSoftwareSerializer class ChocoSoftware(models.Model): chocos = models.JSONField() added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __str__(self): return f"{len(self.chocos)} - {self.added}" def chocos(request): chocos = ChocoSoftware.objects.last() if not chocos: return Response({}) return Response(chocos.chocos)
def bytes2human(n: int) -> str: # symbols = ("K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y") prefix = {} for i, s in enumerate(symbols): prefix[s] = 1 << (i + 1) * 10 for s in reversed(symbols): if n >= prefix[s]: value = float(n) / prefix[s] return "%.1f%s" % (value, s) return "%sB" % n
from django.db import migrations, transaction from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from tacticalrmm.constants import CheckType def migrate_check_results(apps, schema_editor): Check = apps.get_model("checks", "Check") CheckResult = apps.get_model("checks", "CheckResult") for check in Check.objects.exclude(agent=None).iterator(): try: with transaction.atomic(): if check.managed_by_policy: CheckResult.objects.create( assigned_check_id=check.parent_check,, status=check.status, more_info=check.more_info, last_run=check.last_run, fail_count=check.fail_count, outage_history=check.outage_history, extra_details=check.extra_details, stdout=check.stdout, stderr=check.stderr, retcode=check.retcode, execution_time=check.execution_time, history=check.history, alert_severity=check.alert_severity if check.check_type in [ CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ] else None, ) else: CheckResult.objects.create(,, status=check.status, more_info=check.more_info, last_run=check.last_run, fail_count=check.fail_count, outage_history=check.outage_history, extra_details=check.extra_details, stdout=check.stdout, stderr=check.stderr, retcode=check.retcode, execution_time=check.execution_time, history=check.history, alert_severity=check.alert_severity if check.check_type in [ CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ] else None, ) except IntegrityError: pass
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import Optional from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from alerts.models import Alert from checks.models import CheckResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class CheckResult(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "assigned_check"),) id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="checkresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="checkresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=CheckStatus.choices, default=CheckStatus.PENDING ) # for memory, diskspace, script, and cpu checks where severity changes alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=15, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, null=True, blank=True, ) more_info = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) fail_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) outage_history = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) # store extra_details = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) # cpu and mem check history history = ArrayField( models.IntegerField(blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.assigned_check}" def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # if check is a policy check clear cache on everything if not self.alert_severity and self.assigned_check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ): self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING super().save(*args, **kwargs) def history_info(self): if self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): return ", ".join(str(f"{x}%") for x in self.history[-6:]) def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_check_alert( self.assigned_check, agent=self.agent, alert_severity=self.alert_severity, skip_create=not self.assigned_check.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def handle_check(self, data, check: "Check", agent: "Agent"): from alerts.models import Alert update_fields = [] # cpuload or mem checks if check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): self.history.append(data["percent"]) if len(self.history) > 15: self.history = self.history[-15:] update_fields.extend(["history"]) avg = int(mean(self.history)) if check.error_threshold and avg > check.error_threshold: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR elif check.warning_threshold and avg > check.warning_threshold: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING # add check history check.add_check_history(data["percent"], agent.agent_id) # diskspace checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: if data["exists"]: percent_used = round(data["percent_used"]) if ( check.error_threshold and (100 - percent_used) < check.error_threshold ): self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR elif ( check.warning_threshold and (100 - percent_used) < check.warning_threshold ): self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING self.more_info = data["more_info"] # add check history check.add_check_history(100 - percent_used, agent.agent_id) else: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR self.more_info = f"Disk {check.disk} does not exist" update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) # script checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: self.stdout = data["stdout"] self.stderr = data["stderr"] self.retcode = data["retcode"] self.execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(data["runtime"]) if data["retcode"] in check.info_return_codes: self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.INFO self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING elif data["retcode"] in check.warning_return_codes: self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING elif data["retcode"] != 0: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING update_fields.extend( [ "stdout", "stderr", "retcode", "execution_time", ] ) # add check history check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, { "retcode": data["retcode"], "stdout": data["stdout"][:60], "stderr": data["stderr"][:60], "execution_time": self.execution_time, }, ) # ping checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.PING: self.status = data["status"] self.more_info = data["output"] update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, self.more_info[:60], ) # windows service checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: self.status = data["status"] self.more_info = data["more_info"] update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, self.more_info[:60], ) elif check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: log = data["log"] if check.fail_when == EvtLogFailWhen.CONTAINS: if log and len(log) >= check.number_of_events_b4_alert: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING elif check.fail_when == EvtLogFailWhen.NOT_CONTAINS: if log and len(log) >= check.number_of_events_b4_alert: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING else: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.extra_details = {"log": log} update_fields.extend(["extra_details"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, "Events Found:" + str(len(self.extra_details["log"])), ) self.last_run = # handle status if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING: self.fail_count += 1 update_fields.extend(["status", "fail_count", "alert_severity", "last_run"]) if self.fail_count >= check.fails_b4_alert: Alert.handle_alert_failure(self) elif self.status == CheckStatus.PASSING: self.fail_count = 0 update_fields.extend(["status", "fail_count", "alert_severity", "last_run"]) if Alert.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False ).exists(): Alert.handle_alert_resolve(self) else: update_fields.extend(["last_run"]) return self.status def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() body: str = "" if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" try: percent_used = [ d["percent"] for d in self.agent.disks if d["device"] == self.assigned_check.disk ][0] percent_free = 100 - percent_used body = subject + f" - Free: {percent_free}%, {text}" except: body = subject + f" - Disk {self.assigned_check.disk} does not exist" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.PING: body = self.more_info elif self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" avg = int(mean(self.history)) if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.CPU_LOAD: body = subject + f" - Average CPU utilization: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.MEMORY: body = subject + f" - Average memory usage: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: body = subject + f" - Status: {self.more_info}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: if self.assigned_check.event_source and self.assigned_check.event_message: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, source {self.assigned_check.event_source}, containing string {self.assigned_check.event_message} " elif self.assigned_check.event_source: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, source {self.assigned_check.event_source} " elif self.assigned_check.event_message: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, containing string {self.assigned_check.event_message} " else: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id} " body = start + f"was found in the {self.assigned_check.log_name} log\n\n" for i in self.extra_details["log"]: try: if i["message"]: body += f"{i['message']}\n" except: continue CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() body: str = "" if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" try: percent_used = [ d["percent"] for d in self.agent.disks if d["device"] == self.assigned_check.disk ][0] percent_free = 100 - percent_used body = subject + f" - Free: {percent_free}%, {text}" except: body = subject + f" - Disk {self.assigned_check.disk} does not exist" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: body = subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.PING: body = subject elif self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" avg = int(mean(self.history)) if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.CPU_LOAD: body = subject + f" - Average CPU utilization: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.MEMORY: body = subject + f" - Average memory usage: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: body = subject + f" - Status: {self.more_info}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: body = subject CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = f"{self} is now back to normal" CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" CORE.send_sms(subject, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_check_email_alert_task( pk: int, alert_interval: Optional[float] = None ) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending email if not alert.email_sent: check_result = CheckResult.objects.get( assigned_check=alert.assigned_check, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) check_result.send_email() alert.email_sent =["email_sent"]) else: if alert_interval: # send an email only if the last email sent is older than alert interval delta = - dt.timedelta(days=alert_interval) if alert.email_sent < delta: check_result = CheckResult.objects.get( assigned_check=alert.assigned_check, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) check_result.send_email() alert.email_sent =["email_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import Optional from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from alerts.models import Alert from checks.models import CheckResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class CheckResult(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "assigned_check"),) id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="checkresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="checkresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=CheckStatus.choices, default=CheckStatus.PENDING ) # for memory, diskspace, script, and cpu checks where severity changes alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=15, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, null=True, blank=True, ) more_info = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) fail_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) outage_history = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) # store extra_details = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) # cpu and mem check history history = ArrayField( models.IntegerField(blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.assigned_check}" def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # if check is a policy check clear cache on everything if not self.alert_severity and self.assigned_check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ): self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING super().save(*args, **kwargs) def history_info(self): if self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): return ", ".join(str(f"{x}%") for x in self.history[-6:]) def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_check_alert( self.assigned_check, agent=self.agent, alert_severity=self.alert_severity, skip_create=not self.assigned_check.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def handle_check(self, data, check: "Check", agent: "Agent"): from alerts.models import Alert update_fields = [] # cpuload or mem checks if check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): self.history.append(data["percent"]) if len(self.history) > 15: self.history = self.history[-15:] update_fields.extend(["history"]) avg = int(mean(self.history)) if check.error_threshold and avg > check.error_threshold: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR elif check.warning_threshold and avg > check.warning_threshold: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING # add check history check.add_check_history(data["percent"], agent.agent_id) # diskspace checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: if data["exists"]: percent_used = round(data["percent_used"]) if ( check.error_threshold and (100 - percent_used) < check.error_threshold ): self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR elif ( check.warning_threshold and (100 - percent_used) < check.warning_threshold ): self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING self.more_info = data["more_info"] # add check history check.add_check_history(100 - percent_used, agent.agent_id) else: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR self.more_info = f"Disk {check.disk} does not exist" update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) # script checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: self.stdout = data["stdout"] self.stderr = data["stderr"] self.retcode = data["retcode"] self.execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(data["runtime"]) if data["retcode"] in check.info_return_codes: self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.INFO self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING elif data["retcode"] in check.warning_return_codes: self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING elif data["retcode"] != 0: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING update_fields.extend( [ "stdout", "stderr", "retcode", "execution_time", ] ) # add check history check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, { "retcode": data["retcode"], "stdout": data["stdout"][:60], "stderr": data["stderr"][:60], "execution_time": self.execution_time, }, ) # ping checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.PING: self.status = data["status"] self.more_info = data["output"] update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, self.more_info[:60], ) # windows service checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: self.status = data["status"] self.more_info = data["more_info"] update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, self.more_info[:60], ) elif check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: log = data["log"] if check.fail_when == EvtLogFailWhen.CONTAINS: if log and len(log) >= check.number_of_events_b4_alert: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING elif check.fail_when == EvtLogFailWhen.NOT_CONTAINS: if log and len(log) >= check.number_of_events_b4_alert: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING else: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.extra_details = {"log": log} update_fields.extend(["extra_details"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, "Events Found:" + str(len(self.extra_details["log"])), ) self.last_run = # handle status if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING: self.fail_count += 1 update_fields.extend(["status", "fail_count", "alert_severity", "last_run"]) if self.fail_count >= check.fails_b4_alert: Alert.handle_alert_failure(self) elif self.status == CheckStatus.PASSING: self.fail_count = 0 update_fields.extend(["status", "fail_count", "alert_severity", "last_run"]) if Alert.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False ).exists(): Alert.handle_alert_resolve(self) else: update_fields.extend(["last_run"]) return self.status def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() body: str = "" if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" try: percent_used = [ d["percent"] for d in self.agent.disks if d["device"] == self.assigned_check.disk ][0] percent_free = 100 - percent_used body = subject + f" - Free: {percent_free}%, {text}" except: body = subject + f" - Disk {self.assigned_check.disk} does not exist" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.PING: body = self.more_info elif self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" avg = int(mean(self.history)) if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.CPU_LOAD: body = subject + f" - Average CPU utilization: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.MEMORY: body = subject + f" - Average memory usage: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: body = subject + f" - Status: {self.more_info}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: if self.assigned_check.event_source and self.assigned_check.event_message: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, source {self.assigned_check.event_source}, containing string {self.assigned_check.event_message} " elif self.assigned_check.event_source: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, source {self.assigned_check.event_source} " elif self.assigned_check.event_message: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, containing string {self.assigned_check.event_message} " else: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id} " body = start + f"was found in the {self.assigned_check.log_name} log\n\n" for i in self.extra_details["log"]: try: if i["message"]: body += f"{i['message']}\n" except: continue CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() body: str = "" if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" try: percent_used = [ d["percent"] for d in self.agent.disks if d["device"] == self.assigned_check.disk ][0] percent_free = 100 - percent_used body = subject + f" - Free: {percent_free}%, {text}" except: body = subject + f" - Disk {self.assigned_check.disk} does not exist" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: body = subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.PING: body = subject elif self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" avg = int(mean(self.history)) if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.CPU_LOAD: body = subject + f" - Average CPU utilization: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.MEMORY: body = subject + f" - Average memory usage: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: body = subject + f" - Status: {self.more_info}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: body = subject CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = f"{self} is now back to normal" CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" CORE.send_sms(subject, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_check_sms_alert_task(pk: int, alert_interval: Optional[float] = None) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending text if not alert.sms_sent: check_result = CheckResult.objects.get( assigned_check=alert.assigned_check, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) check_result.send_sms() alert.sms_sent =["sms_sent"]) else: if alert_interval: # send a text only if the last text sent is older than 24 hours delta = - dt.timedelta(days=alert_interval) if alert.sms_sent < delta: check_result = CheckResult.objects.get( assigned_check=alert.assigned_check, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) check_result.send_sms() alert.sms_sent =["sms_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import Optional from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from alerts.models import Alert from checks.models import CheckResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class CheckResult(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "assigned_check"),) id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="checkresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="checkresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=CheckStatus.choices, default=CheckStatus.PENDING ) # for memory, diskspace, script, and cpu checks where severity changes alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=15, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, null=True, blank=True, ) more_info = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) fail_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) outage_history = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) # store extra_details = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) # cpu and mem check history history = ArrayField( models.IntegerField(blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.assigned_check}" def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # if check is a policy check clear cache on everything if not self.alert_severity and self.assigned_check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ): self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING super().save(*args, **kwargs) def history_info(self): if self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): return ", ".join(str(f"{x}%") for x in self.history[-6:]) def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_check_alert( self.assigned_check, agent=self.agent, alert_severity=self.alert_severity, skip_create=not self.assigned_check.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def handle_check(self, data, check: "Check", agent: "Agent"): from alerts.models import Alert update_fields = [] # cpuload or mem checks if check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): self.history.append(data["percent"]) if len(self.history) > 15: self.history = self.history[-15:] update_fields.extend(["history"]) avg = int(mean(self.history)) if check.error_threshold and avg > check.error_threshold: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR elif check.warning_threshold and avg > check.warning_threshold: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING # add check history check.add_check_history(data["percent"], agent.agent_id) # diskspace checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: if data["exists"]: percent_used = round(data["percent_used"]) if ( check.error_threshold and (100 - percent_used) < check.error_threshold ): self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR elif ( check.warning_threshold and (100 - percent_used) < check.warning_threshold ): self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING self.more_info = data["more_info"] # add check history check.add_check_history(100 - percent_used, agent.agent_id) else: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR self.more_info = f"Disk {check.disk} does not exist" update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) # script checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: self.stdout = data["stdout"] self.stderr = data["stderr"] self.retcode = data["retcode"] self.execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(data["runtime"]) if data["retcode"] in check.info_return_codes: self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.INFO self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING elif data["retcode"] in check.warning_return_codes: self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.WARNING self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING elif data["retcode"] != 0: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING update_fields.extend( [ "stdout", "stderr", "retcode", "execution_time", ] ) # add check history check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, { "retcode": data["retcode"], "stdout": data["stdout"][:60], "stderr": data["stderr"][:60], "execution_time": self.execution_time, }, ) # ping checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.PING: self.status = data["status"] self.more_info = data["output"] update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, self.more_info[:60], ) # windows service checks elif check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: self.status = data["status"] self.more_info = data["more_info"] update_fields.extend(["more_info"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, self.more_info[:60], ) elif check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: log = data["log"] if check.fail_when == EvtLogFailWhen.CONTAINS: if log and len(log) >= check.number_of_events_b4_alert: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING else: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING elif check.fail_when == EvtLogFailWhen.NOT_CONTAINS: if log and len(log) >= check.number_of_events_b4_alert: self.status = CheckStatus.PASSING else: self.status = CheckStatus.FAILING self.extra_details = {"log": log} update_fields.extend(["extra_details"]) check.add_check_history( 1 if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING else 0, agent.agent_id, "Events Found:" + str(len(self.extra_details["log"])), ) self.last_run = # handle status if self.status == CheckStatus.FAILING: self.fail_count += 1 update_fields.extend(["status", "fail_count", "alert_severity", "last_run"]) if self.fail_count >= check.fails_b4_alert: Alert.handle_alert_failure(self) elif self.status == CheckStatus.PASSING: self.fail_count = 0 update_fields.extend(["status", "fail_count", "alert_severity", "last_run"]) if Alert.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False ).exists(): Alert.handle_alert_resolve(self) else: update_fields.extend(["last_run"]) return self.status def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() body: str = "" if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" try: percent_used = [ d["percent"] for d in self.agent.disks if d["device"] == self.assigned_check.disk ][0] percent_free = 100 - percent_used body = subject + f" - Free: {percent_free}%, {text}" except: body = subject + f" - Disk {self.assigned_check.disk} does not exist" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.PING: body = self.more_info elif self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" avg = int(mean(self.history)) if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.CPU_LOAD: body = subject + f" - Average CPU utilization: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.MEMORY: body = subject + f" - Average memory usage: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: body = subject + f" - Status: {self.more_info}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: if self.assigned_check.event_source and self.assigned_check.event_message: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, source {self.assigned_check.event_source}, containing string {self.assigned_check.event_message} " elif self.assigned_check.event_source: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, source {self.assigned_check.event_source} " elif self.assigned_check.event_message: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id}, containing string {self.assigned_check.event_message} " else: start = f"Event ID {self.assigned_check.event_id} " body = start + f"was found in the {self.assigned_check.log_name} log\n\n" for i in self.extra_details["log"]: try: if i["message"]: body += f"{i['message']}\n" except: continue CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() body: str = "" if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.DISK_SPACE: text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" try: percent_used = [ d["percent"] for d in self.agent.disks if d["device"] == self.assigned_check.disk ][0] percent_free = 100 - percent_used body = subject + f" - Free: {percent_free}%, {text}" except: body = subject + f" - Disk {self.assigned_check.disk} does not exist" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.SCRIPT: body = subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.PING: body = subject elif self.assigned_check.check_type in (CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.MEMORY): text = "" if self.assigned_check.warning_threshold: text += f" Warning Threshold: {self.assigned_check.warning_threshold}%" if self.assigned_check.error_threshold: text += f" Error Threshold: {self.assigned_check.error_threshold}%" avg = int(mean(self.history)) if self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.CPU_LOAD: body = subject + f" - Average CPU utilization: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.MEMORY: body = subject + f" - Average memory usage: {avg}%, {text}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.WINSVC: body = subject + f" - Status: {self.more_info}" elif self.assigned_check.check_type == CheckType.EVENT_LOG: body = subject CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = f"{self} is now back to normal" CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" CORE.send_sms(subject, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task(pk: int) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending text if not alert.resolved_sms_sent: check_result = CheckResult.objects.get( assigned_check=alert.assigned_check, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) check_result.send_resolved_sms() alert.resolved_sms_sent =["resolved_sms_sent"]) return "ok"
import datetime as dt from time import sleep from typing import Optional from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from alerts.models import Alert from checks.models import CheckResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range class Alert(models.Model): def __str__(self) -> str: def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": def site(self) -> "Site": def client(self) -> "Client": def resolve(self) -> None: def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: class CheckResult(models.Model): def __str__(self): def save(self, *args, **kwargs): def history_info(self): def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def handle_check(self, data, check: "Check", agent: "Agent"): def send_email(self): def send_sms(self): def send_resolved_email(self): def send_resolved_sms(self): def handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task(pk: int) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending email if not alert.resolved_email_sent: check_result = CheckResult.objects.get( assigned_check=alert.assigned_check, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) check_result.send_resolved_email() alert.resolved_email_sent =["resolved_email_sent"]) return "ok"
import asyncio from datetime import datetime as dt from django.db.models import Prefetch, Q from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from automation.models import Policy from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_DEFER, CheckStatus, CheckType from tacticalrmm.exceptions import NatsDown from tacticalrmm.helpers import notify_error from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import abulk_nats_command from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from .models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from .permissions import BulkRunChecksPerms, ChecksPerms, RunChecksPerms from .serializers import CheckHistorySerializer, CheckSerializer class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def run_checks(request, agent_id): agent = get_object_or_404(Agent, agent_id=agent_id) r ={"func": "runchecks"}, timeout=15)) if r == "busy": return notify_error(f"Checks are already running on {agent.hostname}") elif r == "ok": return Response(f"Checks will now be run on {agent.hostname}") return notify_error("Unable to contact the agent")
import asyncio from datetime import datetime as dt from django.db.models import Prefetch, Q from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from automation.models import Policy from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_DEFER, CheckStatus, CheckType from tacticalrmm.exceptions import NatsDown from tacticalrmm.helpers import notify_error from tacticalrmm.nats_utils import abulk_nats_command from tacticalrmm.permissions import _has_perm_on_agent from .models import Check, CheckHistory, CheckResult from .permissions import BulkRunChecksPerms, ChecksPerms, RunChecksPerms from .serializers import CheckHistorySerializer, CheckSerializer class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def bulk_run_checks(request, target, pk): q = Q() match target: case "client": q = Q(site__client__id=pk) case "site": q = Q(site__id=pk) agent_ids = list( Agent.objects.only("agent_id", "site") .filter(q) .values_list("agent_id", flat=True) ) if not agent_ids: return notify_error("No agents matched query") payload = {"func": "runchecks"} items = [(agent_id, payload) for agent_id in agent_ids] try: except NatsDown as e: return notify_error(str(e)) ret = f"Checks will now be run on {len(agent_ids)} agents" return Response(ret)
from abc import abstractmethod from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast from django.db import models from core.utils import get_core_settings from tacticalrmm.constants import ( AuditActionType, AuditObjType, DebugLogLevel, DebugLogType, PAAction, PAStatus, ) from tacticalrmm.middleware import get_debug_info, get_username from tacticalrmm.models import PermissionQuerySet def get_core_settings() -> "CoreSettings": from core.models import CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, CoreSettings coresettings = cache.get(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY) if coresettings and isinstance(coresettings, CoreSettings): return coresettings else: coresettings = CoreSettings.objects.first() if not coresettings: raise CoreSettingsNotFound("CoreSettings not found.") cache.set(CORESETTINGS_CACHE_KEY, coresettings, 600) return cast(CoreSettings, coresettings) def get_debug_level() -> str: return get_core_settings().agent_debug_level
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db import migrations def update_agent_field(apps, schema_editor): AuditLog = apps.get_model("logs", "AuditLog") Agent = apps.get_model("agents", "Agent") for log in AuditLog.objects.exclude(agent_id=None): try: log.agent_id = Agent.objects.get(pk=log.agent_id).agent_id except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): pass
import datetime as dt from django.db.models.signals import post_init from django.dispatch import receiver from tacticalrmm.constants import PAAction, PAStatus from tacticalrmm.helpers import date_is_in_past from .models import PendingAction class PendingAction(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="pendingactions", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) entry_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) action_type = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=PAAction.choices, null=True, blank=True ) status = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=PAStatus.choices, default=PAStatus.PENDING, ) details = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.action_type}" def due(self) -> str: if self.action_type == PAAction.SCHED_REBOOT: return cast(str, self.details["time"]) elif self.action_type == PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE: return "Next update cycle" elif self.action_type == PAAction.CHOCO_INSTALL: return "ASAP" return "On next checkin" def description(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.action_type == PAAction.SCHED_REBOOT: return "Device pending reboot" elif self.action_type == PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE: return f"Agent update to {self.details['version']}" elif self.action_type == PAAction.CHOCO_INSTALL: return f"{self.details['name']} software install" elif self.action_type in ( PAAction.RUN_CMD, PAAction.RUN_SCRIPT, PAAction.RUN_PATCH_SCAN, PAAction.RUN_PATCH_INSTALL, ): return f"{self.action_type}" return None def handle_status(sender, instance: PendingAction, **kwargs): if # change status to completed once scheduled reboot date/time has expired if ( instance.action_type == PAAction.SCHED_REBOOT and instance.status == PAStatus.PENDING ): reboot_time = dt.datetime.strptime( instance.details["time"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) if date_is_in_past( datetime_obj=reboot_time, agent_tz=instance.agent.timezone ): instance.status = PAStatus.COMPLETED["status"])
from tacticalrmm.celery import app class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: def serialize(task): def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): def run_win_policy_autotasks_task(task: int) -> str: from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask try: policy_task = AutomatedTask.objects.get(pk=task) except AutomatedTask.DoesNotExist: return "AutomatedTask not found" if not policy_task.policy: return "AutomatedTask must be a policy" # get related agents from policy for agent in policy_task.policy.related_agents(): policy_task.run_win_task(agent) return "ok"
import uuid from typing import Dict from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField from django.core.cache import cache from django.db import models from agents.models import Agent from logs.models import BaseAuditModel from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_DEFER, AgentMonType, CustomFieldType, GoArch from tacticalrmm.models import PermissionQuerySet def _default_failing_checks_data() -> Dict[str, bool]: return {"error": False, "warning": False}
from django.db import migrations from tacticalrmm.constants import GoArch def change_arch(apps, schema_editor): Deployment = apps.get_model("clients", "Deployment") for d in Deployment.objects.all(): if d.arch == "64": d.arch = GoArch.AMD64 else: d.arch = GoArch.i386["arch"])
import asyncio from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union from django.conf import settings from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from agents.models import Agent from tacticalrmm.helpers import notify_error from .permissions import WinSvcsPerms def process_nats_response(data: Union[str, Dict]) -> Tuple[bool, bool, str]: natserror = isinstance(data, str) success = ( data["success"] if isinstance(data, dict) and isinstance(data["success"], bool) else False ) errormsg = ( data["errormsg"] if isinstance(data, dict) and isinstance(data["errormsg"], str) else "timeout" ) return success, natserror, errormsg
import asyncio from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import APIView from django.conf import settings from agents.permissions import RunScriptPerms from tacticalrmm.constants import ScriptShell, ScriptType from tacticalrmm.helpers import notify_error from .models import Script, ScriptSnippet from .permissions import ScriptsPerms from .serializers import ( ScriptSerializer, ScriptSnippetSerializer, ScriptTableSerializer, ) from core.utils import clear_entire_cache class Script(BaseAuditModel): guid = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=True, blank=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, default="") filename = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True) shell = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=ScriptShell.choices, default=ScriptShell.POWERSHELL ) script_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=ScriptType.choices, default=ScriptType.USER_DEFINED ) args = ArrayField( models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) env_vars = ArrayField( models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), null=True, blank=True, default=list, ) syntax = TextField(null=True, blank=True) favorite = models.BooleanField(default=False) category = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) script_body = models.TextField(blank=True, default="") script_hash = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) code_base64 = models.TextField(blank=True, default="") # deprecated default_timeout = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=90) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) supported_platforms = ArrayField( models.CharField(max_length=20), null=True, blank=True, default=list ) run_as_user = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __str__(self): return def code_no_snippets(self): return self.script_body or "" def code(self): return self.replace_with_snippets(self.code_no_snippets) def replace_with_snippets(cls, code): # check if snippet has been added to script body matches = re.finditer(r"{{(.*)}}", code) if matches: replaced_code = code for snippet in matches: snippet_name = if ScriptSnippet.objects.filter(name=snippet_name).exists(): value = ScriptSnippet.objects.get(name=snippet_name).code else: value = "" replaced_code = re.sub(, value.replace("\\", "\\\\"), replaced_code ) return replaced_code return code def hash_script_body(self): from django.conf import settings msg = self.code.encode(errors="ignore") return, msg, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() def load_community_scripts(cls): import json import os from django.conf import settings # load community uploaded scripts into the database # skip ones that already exist, only updating name / desc in case it changes # for install script scripts_dir = os.path.join(settings.SCRIPTS_DIR, "scripts") with open(os.path.join(settings.SCRIPTS_DIR, "community_scripts.json")) as f: info = json.load(f) # used to remove scripts from DB that are removed from the json file and file system community_scripts_processed = [] # list of script guids for script in info: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(scripts_dir, script["filename"])): s = cls.objects.filter( script_type=ScriptType.BUILT_IN, guid=script["guid"] ) category = ( script["category"] if "category" in script.keys() else "Community" ) default_timeout = ( int(script["default_timeout"]) if "default_timeout" in script.keys() else 90 ) args = script["args"] if "args" in script.keys() else [] syntax = script["syntax"] if "syntax" in script.keys() else "" supported_platforms = ( script["supported_platforms"] if "supported_platforms" in script.keys() else [] ) # if community script exists update it if s.exists(): i: Script = s.get() = script["name"] i.description = script["description"] i.category = category = script["shell"] i.default_timeout = default_timeout i.args = args i.syntax = syntax i.filename = script["filename"] i.supported_platforms = supported_platforms with open(os.path.join(scripts_dir, script["filename"]), "rb") as f: i.script_body ="utf-8") # i.hash_script_body() community_scripts_processed.append(i.guid) # doesn't exist in database so create it else: print(f"Adding new community script: {script['name']}") with open(os.path.join(scripts_dir, script["filename"]), "rb") as f: script_body ="utf-8") new_script: Script = cls( script_body=script_body, guid=script["guid"], name=script["name"], description=script["description"], shell=script["shell"], script_type=ScriptType.BUILT_IN, category=category, default_timeout=default_timeout, args=args, filename=script["filename"], syntax=syntax, supported_platforms=supported_platforms, ) # new_script.hash_script_body() # also saves script community_scripts_processed.append(new_script.guid) # check for community scripts that were deleted from json and scripts folder count, _ = ( Script.objects.filter(script_type=ScriptType.BUILT_IN) .exclude(guid__in=community_scripts_processed) .delete() ) if count: print( f"Removing {count} community scripts that was removed from source repo" ) def serialize(script): # serializes the script and returns json from .serializers import ScriptSerializer return ScriptSerializer(script).data # TODO refactor common functionality of parse functions def parse_script_args(cls, agent, shell: str, args: List[str] = []) -> list: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): # only get the match between the () in regex string = value = replace_arg_db_values( string=string, instance=agent, shell=shell, quotes=shell != ScriptShell.CMD, ) if value: try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append( re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg) ) else: # pass parameter unaltered temp_args.append(arg) else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args # TODO refactor common functionality of parse functions def parse_script_env_vars(cls, agent, shell: str, env_vars: list[str] = []) -> list: if not env_vars: return [] temp_env_vars = [] pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{(.*)\\}\\}.*") for env_var in env_vars: # must be in format KEY=VALUE try: env_key = env_var.split("=")[0] env_val = env_var.split("=")[1] except: continue if match := pattern.match(env_val): string = value = replace_arg_db_values( string=string, instance=agent, shell=shell, quotes=False, ) if value: try: new_val = re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, env_val) except re.error: new_val = re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), env_val) temp_env_vars.append(f"{env_key}={new_val}") else: # pass parameter unaltered temp_env_vars.append(env_var) return temp_env_vars def download(request, pk): script = get_object_or_404(Script, pk=pk) with_snippets = request.GET.get("with_snippets", True) if with_snippets == "false": with_snippets = False match case ScriptShell.POWERSHELL: ext = ".ps1" case ScriptShell.CMD: ext = ".bat" case ScriptShell.PYTHON: ext = ".py" case ScriptShell.SHELL: ext = ".sh" case ScriptShell.NUSHELL: ext = ".nu" case ScriptShell.DENO: ext = ".ts" case _: ext = "" return Response( { "filename": f"{}{ext}", "code": script.code if with_snippets else script.code_no_snippets, } )
import asyncio import datetime as dt import time from contextlib import suppress from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from agents.models import Agent from logs.models import DebugLog from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, DebugLogType class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def auto_approve_updates_task() -> None: # scheduled task that checks and approves updates daily agents = Agent.objects.only( "pk", "agent_id", "version", "last_seen", "overdue_time", "offline_time" ) for agent in agents: agent.delete_superseded_updates() try: agent.approve_updates() except: continue online = [ i for i in agents if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE and pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse("1.3.0") ] chunks = (online[i : i + 40] for i in range(0, len(online), 40)) for chunk in chunks: for agent in chunk:{"func": "getwinupdates"}, wait=False)) time.sleep(1)
import asyncio import datetime as dt import time from contextlib import suppress from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from packaging import version as pyver from agents.models import Agent from logs.models import DebugLog from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, DebugLogType class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class DebugLog(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) entry_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="debuglogs", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) log_level = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=DebugLogLevel.choices, default=DebugLogLevel.INFO ) log_type = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=DebugLogType.choices, default=DebugLogType.SYSTEM_ISSUES ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) def info( cls, message: str, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None, log_type: str = DebugLogType.SYSTEM_ISSUES, ) -> None: if get_debug_level() == DebugLogLevel.INFO: cls.objects.create( log_level=DebugLogLevel.INFO, agent=agent, log_type=log_type, message=message, ) def warning( cls, message: str, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None, log_type: str = DebugLogType.SYSTEM_ISSUES, ) -> None: if get_debug_level() in (DebugLogLevel.INFO, DebugLogLevel.WARN): cls.objects.create( log_level=DebugLogLevel.INFO, agent=agent, log_type=log_type, message=message, ) def error( cls, message: str, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None, log_type: str = DebugLogType.SYSTEM_ISSUES, ) -> None: if get_debug_level() in ( DebugLogLevel.INFO, DebugLogLevel.WARN, DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ): cls.objects.create( log_level=DebugLogLevel.ERROR, agent=agent, log_type=log_type, message=message, ) def critical( cls, message: str, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None, log_type: str = DebugLogType.SYSTEM_ISSUES, ) -> None: if get_debug_level() in ( DebugLogLevel.INFO, DebugLogLevel.WARN, DebugLogLevel.ERROR, DebugLogLevel.CRITICAL, ): cls.objects.create( log_level=DebugLogLevel.CRITICAL, agent=agent, log_type=log_type, message=message, ) def check_agent_update_schedule_task() -> None: # scheduled task that installs updates on agents if enabled for agent in Agent.online_agents(min_version="1.3.0"): agent.delete_superseded_updates() install = False patch_policy = agent.get_patch_policy() # check if auto approval is enabled if ( patch_policy.critical == "approve" or patch_policy.important == "approve" or patch_policy.moderate == "approve" or patch_policy.low == "approve" or patch_policy.other == "approve" ): # get current time in agent local time timezone = ZoneInfo(agent.timezone) agent_localtime_now = weekday = agent_localtime_now.weekday() hour = agent_localtime_now.hour day = if agent.patches_last_installed: # get agent last installed time in local time zone last_installed = agent.patches_last_installed.astimezone(timezone) # check if patches were already run for this cycle and exit if so if last_installed.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") == agent_localtime_now.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ): continue # check if schedule is set to daily/weekly and if now is the time to run if ( patch_policy.run_time_frequency == "daily" and weekday in patch_policy.run_time_days and patch_policy.run_time_hour == hour ): install = True elif patch_policy.run_time_frequency == "monthly": if patch_policy.run_time_day > 28: months_with_30_days = [3, 6, 9, 11] current_month = agent_localtime_now.month if current_month == 2: patch_policy.run_time_day = 28 elif current_month in months_with_30_days: patch_policy.run_time_day = 30 # check if patches were scheduled to run today and now if ( day == patch_policy.run_time_day and patch_policy.run_time_hour == hour ): install = True if install: # initiate update on agent asynchronously and don't worry about ret code agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.WIN_UPDATES, message=f"Installing windows updates on {agent.hostname}", ) nats_data = { "func": "installwinupdates", "guids": agent.get_approved_update_guids(), }, wait=False)) agent.patches_last_installed =["patches_last_installed"])
from django.db import migrations from django.utils.timezone import make_aware from tacticalrmm.constants import TaskType def migrate_script_data(apps, schema_editor): AutomatedTask = apps.get_model("autotasks", "AutomatedTask") # convert autotask to the new format for task in AutomatedTask.objects.all(): try: edited = False # convert scheduled task_type if task.task_type == TaskType.SCHEDULED: task.task_type = TaskType.DAILY task.run_time_date = make_aware(task.run_time_minute.strptime("%H:%M")) task.daily_interval = 1 edited = True # convert actions if not task.actions: if not task.script: task.delete() task.actions = [ { "type": "script", "script":, "script_args": task.script_args, "timeout": task.timeout, "name":, } ] edited = True if edited: except: continue
from django.db import migrations from django.db.models import Count from autotasks.models import generate_task_name from tacticalrmm.constants import TaskSyncStatus def generate_task_name() -> str: chars = string.ascii_letters return "TacticalRMM_" + "".join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(35)) def check_for_win_task_name_duplicates(apps, schema_editor): AutomatedTask = apps.get_model("autotasks", "AutomatedTask") TaskResult = apps.get_model("autotasks", "TaskResult") duplicate_tasks = ( AutomatedTask.objects.values("win_task_name") .annotate(records=Count("win_task_name")) .filter(records__gt=1) ) for task in duplicate_tasks: dups = list(AutomatedTask.objects.filter(win_task_name=task["win_task_name"])) for x in range(task["records"] - 1): dups[x].win_task_name = generate_task_name() dups[x].save(update_fields=["win_task_name"]) # update task_result sync status TaskResult.objects.filter(task=dups[x]).update( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED )
from django.db import migrations, transaction from django.db.utils import IntegrityError def migrate_task_results(apps, schema_editor): AutomatedTask = apps.get_model("autotasks", "AutomatedTask") TaskResult = apps.get_model("autotasks", "TaskResult") for task in AutomatedTask.objects.exclude(agent=None): try: with transaction.atomic(): if task.managed_by_policy: TaskResult.objects.create( task_id=task.parent_task, agent_id=task.agent_id, retcode=task.retcode, stdout=task.stdout, stderr=task.stderr, execution_time=task.execution_time, last_run=task.last_run, status=task.status, sync_status=task.sync_status, ) else: TaskResult.objects.create(,, retcode=task.retcode, stdout=task.stdout, stderr=task.stderr, execution_time=task.execution_time, last_run=task.last_run, status=task.status, sync_status=task.sync_status, ) except IntegrityError: continue
from django.db import migrations def migrate_env_vars(apps, schema_editor): AutomatedTask = apps.get_model("autotasks", "AutomatedTask") for task in AutomatedTask.objects.iterator(chunk_size=30): try: tmp = [] if isinstance(task.actions, list) and task.actions: for t in task.actions: if isinstance(t, dict): if t["type"] == "script": try: t["env_vars"] except KeyError: t["env_vars"] = [] tmp.append(t) if tmp: task.actions = tmp["actions"]) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: {e}")
from django.db import migrations from tacticalrmm.utils import get_bit_days DAYS_OF_WEEK = { 0: "Monday", 1: "Tuesday", 2: "Wednesday", 3: "Thursday", 4: "Friday", 5: "Saturday", 6: "Sunday", } def migrate_days(apps, schema_editor): AutomatedTask = apps.get_model("autotasks", "AutomatedTask") for task in AutomatedTask.objects.exclude(run_time_days__isnull=True).exclude( run_time_days=[] ): run_days = [DAYS_OF_WEEK.get(day) for day in task.run_time_days] task.run_time_bit_weekdays = get_bit_days(run_days)["run_time_bit_weekdays"])
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Agent(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs): def client(self) -> "Client": def timezone(self) -> str: def is_posix(self) -> bool: def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: def status(self) -> str: def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: def graphics(self) -> str: def local_ips(self) -> str: def make_model(self) -> str: def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: def serial_number(self) -> str: def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": def check_run_interval(self) -> int: def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: def approve_updates(self) -> None: def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: def send_outage_email(self) -> None: def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): def __str__(self) -> str: def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: def serialize(task): def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): def create_win_task_schedule(pk: int, agent_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str: with suppress( AutomatedTask.DoesNotExist, Agent.DoesNotExist, ): task = AutomatedTask.objects.get(pk=pk) if agent_id: task.create_task_on_agent(Agent.objects.get(agent_id=agent_id)) else: task.create_task_on_agent() return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="autotasks", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) custom_field = models.ForeignKey( "core.CustomField", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) # format -> [{"type": "script", "script": 1, "name": "Script Name", "timeout": 90, "script_args": [], "env_vars": []}, {"type": "cmd", "command": "whoami", "timeout": 90}] actions = JSONField(default=list) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", null=True, blank=True, related_name="assignedtasks", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) collector_all_output = models.BooleanField(default=False) enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True) continue_on_error = models.BooleanField(default=True) alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) # options sent to agent for task creation # general task settings task_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskType.choices, default=TaskType.MANUAL ) win_task_name = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, blank=True, default=generate_task_name ) # should be changed to unique=True run_time_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) expire_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) # daily daily_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(255)] ) # weekly run_time_bit_weekdays = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) weekly_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(52)] ) run_time_minute = models.CharField( max_length=5, null=True, blank=True ) # deprecated # monthly monthly_days_of_month = models.PositiveBigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) monthly_months_of_year = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # monthly days of week monthly_weeks_of_month = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # additional task settings task_repetition_duration = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) task_repetition_interval = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) stop_task_at_duration_end = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) random_task_delay = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) remove_if_not_scheduled = models.BooleanField(default=False) run_asap_after_missed = models.BooleanField(default=False) # added in agent v1.4.7 task_instance_policy = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, default=1) # deprecated managed_by_policy = models.BooleanField(default=False) # non-database property task_result: "Union[TaskResult, Dict[None, None]]" = {} def __str__(self) -> str: return def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") # get old task if exists old_task = AutomatedTask.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_task, *args, **kwargs) # check if fields were updated that require a sync to the agent and set status to notsynced if old_task: for field in self.fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent: if getattr(self, field) != getattr(old_task, field): if self.policy: TaskResult.objects.exclude( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ).filter( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) else: TaskResult.objects.filter(agent=self.agent, task=self).update( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") super().delete(*args, **kwargs) def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.task_type == TaskType.MANUAL: return "Manual" elif self.task_type == TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE: return "Every time check fails" elif self.task_type == TaskType.RUN_ONCE: return f'Run once on {self.run_time_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")}' elif self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") if self.daily_interval == 1: return f"Daily at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"Every {self.daily_interval} days at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) if self.weekly_interval != 1: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice} every {self.weekly_interval} weeks" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) days = bitmonthdays_to_string(self.monthly_days_of_month) return f"Runs on {months} on days {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) weeks = bitweeks_to_string(self.monthly_weeks_of_month) days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) return f"Runs on {months} on {weeks} on {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.ONBOARDING: return "Onboarding: Runs once on task creation." return None def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: return FIELDS_TRIGGER_TASK_UPDATE_AGENT def serialize(task): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import TaskAuditSerializer return TaskAuditSerializer(task).data def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: # Copies certain properties on this task (self) to a new task and sets it to the supplied Policy task = AutomatedTask.objects.create( policy=policy, assigned_check=assigned_check, ) for field in POLICY_TASK_FIELDS_TO_COPY: setattr(task, field, getattr(self, field)) # agent version >= 1.8.0 def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: task = { "pk":, "type": "rmm", "name": self.win_task_name, "overwrite_task": True, "enabled": self.enabled, "trigger": ( self.task_type if self.task_type != TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE else TaskType.MANUAL ), "multiple_instances": self.task_instance_policy or 0, "delete_expired_task_after": ( self.remove_if_not_scheduled if self.expire_date else False ), "start_when_available": ( self.run_asap_after_missed if self.task_type != TaskType.RUN_ONCE else True ), } if self.task_type in ( TaskType.DAILY, TaskType.WEEKLY, TaskType.MONTHLY, TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW, TaskType.RUN_ONCE, ): if not self.run_time_date: self.run_time_date = task["start_year"] = self.run_time_date.year task["start_month"] = self.run_time_date.month task["start_day"] = task["start_hour"] = self.run_time_date.hour task["start_min"] = self.run_time_date.minute if self.expire_date: task["expire_year"] = self.expire_date.year task["expire_month"] = self.expire_date.month task["expire_day"] = task["expire_hour"] = self.expire_date.hour task["expire_min"] = self.expire_date.minute if self.random_task_delay: task["random_delay"] = convert_to_iso_duration(self.random_task_delay) if self.task_repetition_interval and self.task_repetition_duration: task["repetition_interval"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_interval ) task["repetition_duration"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_duration ) task["stop_at_duration_end"] = self.stop_task_at_duration_end if self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: task["day_interval"] = self.daily_interval elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: task["week_interval"] = self.weekly_interval task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: # check if "last day is configured" if self.monthly_days_of_month >= 0x80000000: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month - 0x80000000 task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = True else: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = False task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year task["weeks_of_month"] = self.monthly_weeks_of_month return task def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to create scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully created." ) return "ok" def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to modify scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully modified." ) return "ok" def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "delschedtask", "schedtaskpayload": {"name": self.win_task_name}, } r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok" and "The system cannot find the file specified" not in r: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION with suppress(DatabaseError):["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to delete task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: self.delete()"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was deleted.") return "ok" def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) task_result.agent.nats_cmd( {"func": "runtask", "taskpk":}, wait=False ) ) return "ok" def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): return ( self.dashboard_alert or self.email_alert or self.text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.task_always_alert or alert_template.task_always_email or alert_template.task_always_text ) ) ) def modify_win_task(pk: int, agent_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str: with suppress( AutomatedTask.DoesNotExist, Agent.DoesNotExist, ): task = AutomatedTask.objects.get(pk=pk) if agent_id: task.modify_task_on_agent(Agent.objects.get(agent_id=agent_id)) else: task.modify_task_on_agent() return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="autotasks", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) custom_field = models.ForeignKey( "core.CustomField", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) # format -> [{"type": "script", "script": 1, "name": "Script Name", "timeout": 90, "script_args": [], "env_vars": []}, {"type": "cmd", "command": "whoami", "timeout": 90}] actions = JSONField(default=list) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", null=True, blank=True, related_name="assignedtasks", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) collector_all_output = models.BooleanField(default=False) enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True) continue_on_error = models.BooleanField(default=True) alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) # options sent to agent for task creation # general task settings task_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskType.choices, default=TaskType.MANUAL ) win_task_name = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, blank=True, default=generate_task_name ) # should be changed to unique=True run_time_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) expire_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) # daily daily_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(255)] ) # weekly run_time_bit_weekdays = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) weekly_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(52)] ) run_time_minute = models.CharField( max_length=5, null=True, blank=True ) # deprecated # monthly monthly_days_of_month = models.PositiveBigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) monthly_months_of_year = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # monthly days of week monthly_weeks_of_month = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # additional task settings task_repetition_duration = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) task_repetition_interval = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) stop_task_at_duration_end = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) random_task_delay = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) remove_if_not_scheduled = models.BooleanField(default=False) run_asap_after_missed = models.BooleanField(default=False) # added in agent v1.4.7 task_instance_policy = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, default=1) # deprecated managed_by_policy = models.BooleanField(default=False) # non-database property task_result: "Union[TaskResult, Dict[None, None]]" = {} def __str__(self) -> str: return def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") # get old task if exists old_task = AutomatedTask.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_task, *args, **kwargs) # check if fields were updated that require a sync to the agent and set status to notsynced if old_task: for field in self.fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent: if getattr(self, field) != getattr(old_task, field): if self.policy: TaskResult.objects.exclude( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ).filter( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) else: TaskResult.objects.filter(agent=self.agent, task=self).update( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") super().delete(*args, **kwargs) def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.task_type == TaskType.MANUAL: return "Manual" elif self.task_type == TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE: return "Every time check fails" elif self.task_type == TaskType.RUN_ONCE: return f'Run once on {self.run_time_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")}' elif self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") if self.daily_interval == 1: return f"Daily at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"Every {self.daily_interval} days at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) if self.weekly_interval != 1: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice} every {self.weekly_interval} weeks" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) days = bitmonthdays_to_string(self.monthly_days_of_month) return f"Runs on {months} on days {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) weeks = bitweeks_to_string(self.monthly_weeks_of_month) days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) return f"Runs on {months} on {weeks} on {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.ONBOARDING: return "Onboarding: Runs once on task creation." return None def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: return FIELDS_TRIGGER_TASK_UPDATE_AGENT def serialize(task): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import TaskAuditSerializer return TaskAuditSerializer(task).data def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: # Copies certain properties on this task (self) to a new task and sets it to the supplied Policy task = AutomatedTask.objects.create( policy=policy, assigned_check=assigned_check, ) for field in POLICY_TASK_FIELDS_TO_COPY: setattr(task, field, getattr(self, field)) # agent version >= 1.8.0 def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: task = { "pk":, "type": "rmm", "name": self.win_task_name, "overwrite_task": True, "enabled": self.enabled, "trigger": ( self.task_type if self.task_type != TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE else TaskType.MANUAL ), "multiple_instances": self.task_instance_policy or 0, "delete_expired_task_after": ( self.remove_if_not_scheduled if self.expire_date else False ), "start_when_available": ( self.run_asap_after_missed if self.task_type != TaskType.RUN_ONCE else True ), } if self.task_type in ( TaskType.DAILY, TaskType.WEEKLY, TaskType.MONTHLY, TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW, TaskType.RUN_ONCE, ): if not self.run_time_date: self.run_time_date = task["start_year"] = self.run_time_date.year task["start_month"] = self.run_time_date.month task["start_day"] = task["start_hour"] = self.run_time_date.hour task["start_min"] = self.run_time_date.minute if self.expire_date: task["expire_year"] = self.expire_date.year task["expire_month"] = self.expire_date.month task["expire_day"] = task["expire_hour"] = self.expire_date.hour task["expire_min"] = self.expire_date.minute if self.random_task_delay: task["random_delay"] = convert_to_iso_duration(self.random_task_delay) if self.task_repetition_interval and self.task_repetition_duration: task["repetition_interval"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_interval ) task["repetition_duration"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_duration ) task["stop_at_duration_end"] = self.stop_task_at_duration_end if self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: task["day_interval"] = self.daily_interval elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: task["week_interval"] = self.weekly_interval task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: # check if "last day is configured" if self.monthly_days_of_month >= 0x80000000: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month - 0x80000000 task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = True else: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = False task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year task["weeks_of_month"] = self.monthly_weeks_of_month return task def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to create scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully created." ) return "ok" def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to modify scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully modified." ) return "ok" def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "delschedtask", "schedtaskpayload": {"name": self.win_task_name}, } r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok" and "The system cannot find the file specified" not in r: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION with suppress(DatabaseError):["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to delete task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: self.delete()"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was deleted.") return "ok" def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) task_result.agent.nats_cmd( {"func": "runtask", "taskpk":}, wait=False ) ) return "ok" def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): return ( self.dashboard_alert or self.email_alert or self.text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.task_always_alert or alert_template.task_always_email or alert_template.task_always_text ) ) ) def delete_win_task_schedule(pk: int, agent_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str: with suppress( AutomatedTask.DoesNotExist, Agent.DoesNotExist, ): task = AutomatedTask.objects.get(pk=pk) if agent_id: task.delete_task_on_agent(Agent.objects.get(agent_id=agent_id)) else: task.delete_task_on_agent() return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Agent(BaseAuditModel): class Meta: indexes = [ models.Index(fields=["monitoring_type"]), ] objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() version = models.CharField(default="0.1.0", max_length=255) operating_system = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) plat: "AgentPlat" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=AgentPlat.choices, default=AgentPlat.WINDOWS ) goarch: "GoArch" = models.CharField( # type: ignore max_length=255, choices=GoArch.choices, null=True, blank=True ) hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) agent_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True) last_seen = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) services = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) public_ip = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255) total_ram = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) disks = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) boot_time = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) logged_in_username = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) last_logged_in_user = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) monitoring_type = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AgentMonType.choices, default=AgentMonType.SERVER ) description = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) mesh_node_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=255) overdue_email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) overdue_dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) offline_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=4) overdue_time = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=30) check_interval = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=120) needs_reboot = models.BooleanField(default=False) choco_installed = models.BooleanField(default=False) wmi_detail = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) patches_last_installed = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) time_zone = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=TZ_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True ) maintenance_mode = models.BooleanField(default=False) block_policy_inheritance = models.BooleanField(default=False) alert_template = models.ForeignKey( "alerts.AlertTemplate", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) site = models.ForeignKey( "clients.Site", related_name="agents", on_delete=models.RESTRICT, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="agents", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.hostname def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # prevent recursion since calling set_alert_template() also calls save() if not hasattr(self, "_processing_set_alert_template"): self._processing_set_alert_template = False if and not self._processing_set_alert_template: orig = Agent.objects.get( mon_type_changed = self.monitoring_type != orig.monitoring_type site_changed = self.site_id != orig.site_id if mon_type_changed or site_changed: self._processing_set_alert_template = True self.set_alert_template() self._processing_set_alert_template = False super().save(*args, **kwargs) def client(self) -> "Client": return def timezone(self) -> str: # return the default timezone unless the timezone is explicity set per agent if self.time_zone: return self.time_zone return get_core_settings().default_time_zone def is_posix(self) -> bool: return self.plat in {AgentPlat.LINUX, AgentPlat.DARWIN} # DEPRECATED, use goarch instead def arch(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.is_posix: return self.goarch if self.operating_system is not None: if "64 bit" in self.operating_system or "64bit" in self.operating_system: return "64" elif "32 bit" in self.operating_system or "32bit" in self.operating_system: return "32" return None def do_update(self, *, token: str = "", force: bool = False) -> str: ver = settings.LATEST_AGENT_VER if not self.goarch: DebugLog.warning( agent=self, log_type=DebugLogType.AGENT_ISSUES, message=f"Unable to determine arch on {self.hostname}({self.agent_id}). Skipping agent update.", ) return "noarch" if pyver.parse(self.version) <= pyver.parse("1.3.0"): return "not supported" url = get_agent_url(goarch=self.goarch, plat=self.plat, token=token) bin = f"tacticalagent-v{ver}-{self.plat}-{self.goarch}.exe" if not force: if self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).exists(): self.pendingactions.filter( # type: ignore action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, status=PAStatus.PENDING ).delete() PendingAction.objects.create( agent=self, action_type=PAAction.AGENT_UPDATE, details={ "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, ) nats_data = { "func": "agentupdate", "payload": { "url": url, "version": ver, "inno": bin, }, }, wait=False)) return "created" def status(self) -> str: now = offline = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.offline_time) overdue = now - djangotime.timedelta(minutes=self.overdue_time) if self.last_seen is not None: if (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen > overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE elif (self.last_seen < offline) and (self.last_seen < overdue): return AGENT_STATUS_OVERDUE else: return AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE else: return AGENT_STATUS_OFFLINE def checks(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: total, passing, failing, warning, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(exclude_overridden=True): total += 1 if ( not hasattr(check.check_result, "status") or isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.PASSING ): passing += 1 elif ( isinstance(check.check_result, CheckResult) and check.check_result.status == CheckStatus.FAILING ): alert_severity = ( check.check_result.alert_severity if check.check_type in ( CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, ) else check.alert_severity ) if alert_severity == AlertSeverity.ERROR: failing += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.WARNING: warning += 1 elif alert_severity == AlertSeverity.INFO: info += 1 ret = { "total": total, "passing": passing, "failing": failing, "warning": warning, "info": info, "has_failing_checks": failing > 0 or warning > 0, } return ret def pending_actions_count(self) -> int: ret = cache.get(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}") if ret is None: ret = self.pendingactions.filter(status=PAStatus.PENDING).count() cache.set(f"{AGENT_TBL_PEND_ACTION_CNT_CACHE_PREFIX}{}", ret, 600) return ret def cpu_model(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[str], self.wmi_detail["cpus"]) except: return ["unknown cpu model"] ret = [] try: cpus = self.wmi_detail["cpu"] for cpu in cpus: name = [x["Name"] for x in cpu if "Name" in x][0] lp, nc = "", "" with suppress(Exception): lp = [ x["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x ][0] nc = [x["NumberOfCores"] for x in cpu if "NumberOfCores" in x][0] if lp and nc: cpu_string = f"{name}, {nc}C/{lp}T" else: cpu_string = name ret.append(cpu_string) return ret except: return ["unknown cpu model"] def graphics(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: if not self.wmi_detail["gpus"]: return "No graphics cards" return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["gpus"]) except: return "Error getting graphics cards" ret, mrda = [], [] try: graphics = self.wmi_detail["graphics"] for i in graphics: caption = [x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0] if "microsoft remote display adapter" in caption.lower(): mrda.append("yes") continue ret.append([x["Caption"] for x in i if "Caption" in x][0]) # only return this if no other graphics cards if not ret and mrda: return "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" return ", ".join(ret) except: return "Graphics info requires agent v1.4.14" def local_ips(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return ", ".join(self.wmi_detail["local_ips"]) except: return "error getting local ips" ret = [] try: ips = self.wmi_detail["network_config"] except: return "error getting local ips" for i in ips: try: addr = [x["IPAddress"] for x in i if "IPAddress" in x][0] except: continue if addr is None: continue for ip in addr: if validators.ipv4(ip): ret.append(ip) if len(ret) == 1: return cast(str, ret[0]) return ", ".join(ret) if ret else "error getting local ips" def make_model(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(str, self.wmi_detail["make_model"]) except: return "error getting make/model" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys"][0] comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] make = [x["Vendor"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Vendor" in x][0] model = [x["Model"] for x in comp_sys if "Model" in x][0] if "to be filled" in model.lower(): mobo = self.wmi_detail["base_board"][0] make = [x["Manufacturer"] for x in mobo if "Manufacturer" in x][0] model = [x["Product"] for x in mobo if "Product" in x][0] if make.lower() == "lenovo": sysfam = [x["SystemFamily"] for x in comp_sys if "SystemFamily" in x][0] if "to be filled" not in sysfam.lower(): model = sysfam return f"{make} {model}" with suppress(Exception): comp_sys_prod = self.wmi_detail["comp_sys_prod"][0] return cast(str, [x["Version"] for x in comp_sys_prod if "Version" in x][0]) return "unknown make/model" def physical_disks(self) -> Sequence[Disk]: if self.is_posix: try: return cast(List[Disk], self.wmi_detail["disks"]) except: return ["unknown disk"] try: disks = self.wmi_detail["disk"] ret = [] for disk in disks: interface_type = [ x["InterfaceType"] for x in disk if "InterfaceType" in x ][0] if interface_type == "USB": continue model = [x["Caption"] for x in disk if "Caption" in x][0] size = [x["Size"] for x in disk if "Size" in x][0] size_in_gb = round(int(size) / 1_073_741_824) ret.append(f"{model} {size_in_gb:,}GB {interface_type}") return ret except: return ["unknown disk"] def serial_number(self) -> str: if self.is_posix: try: return self.wmi_detail["serialnumber"] except: return "" try: return self.wmi_detail["bios"][0][0]["SerialNumber"] except: return "" def hex_mesh_node_id(self) -> str: return _b64_to_hex(self.mesh_node_id) def online_agents(cls, min_version: str = "") -> "List[Agent]": if min_version: return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if pyver.parse(i.version) >= pyver.parse(min_version) and i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] return [ i for i in cls.objects.only(*ONLINE_AGENTS) if i.status == AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE ] def is_supported_script(self, platforms: List[str]) -> bool: return self.plat.lower() in platforms if platforms else True def get_checks_with_policies( self, exclude_overridden: bool = False ) -> "List[Check]": if exclude_overridden: checks = ( list( check for check in self.agentchecks.all() if not check.overridden_by_policy ) + self.get_checks_from_policies() ) else: checks = list(self.agentchecks.all()) + self.get_checks_from_policies() return self.add_check_results(checks) def get_tasks_with_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": tasks = list(self.autotasks.all()) + self.get_tasks_from_policies() return self.add_task_results(tasks) def add_task_results(self, tasks: "List[AutomatedTask]") -> "List[AutomatedTask]": results = self.taskresults.all() # type: ignore for task in tasks: for result in results: if == task.task_result = result break return tasks def add_check_results(self, checks: "List[Check]") -> "List[Check]": results = self.checkresults.all() # type: ignore for check in checks: for result in results: if == check.check_result = result break return checks def get_agent_policies(self) -> "Dict[str, Optional[Policy]]": from checks.models import Check site_policy = getattr(, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) client_policy = getattr(self.client, f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None) default_policy = getattr( get_core_settings(), f"{self.monitoring_type}_policy", None ) # prefetch excluded objects on polices only if policy is not Non models.prefetch_related_objects( [ policy for policy in (self.policy, site_policy, client_policy, default_policy) if policy ], "excluded_agents", "excluded_sites", "excluded_clients", models.Prefetch( "policychecks", queryset=Check.objects.select_related("script") ), "autotasks", ) return { "agent_policy": ( self.policy if self.policy and not self.policy.is_agent_excluded(self) else None ), "site_policy": ( site_policy if (site_policy and not site_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance else None ), "client_policy": ( client_policy if (client_policy and not client_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not else None ), "default_policy": ( default_policy if (default_policy and not default_policy.is_agent_excluded(self)) and not self.block_policy_inheritance and not and not self.client.block_policy_inheritance else None ), } def check_run_interval(self) -> int: interval = self.check_interval # determine if any agent checks have a custom interval and set the lowest interval for check in self.get_checks_with_policies(): if check.run_interval and check.run_interval < interval: # don't allow check runs less than 15s interval = 15 if check.run_interval < 15 else check.run_interval return interval def run_script( self, scriptpk: int, args: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 120, full: bool = False, wait: bool = False, run_on_any: bool = False, history_pk: int = 0, run_as_user: bool = False, env_vars: list[str] = [], ) -> Any: from scripts.models import Script script = Script.objects.get(pk=scriptpk) # always override if set on script model if script.run_as_user: run_as_user = True parsed_args = script.parse_script_args(self,, args) parsed_env_vars = script.parse_script_env_vars(self,, env_vars) data = { "func": "runscriptfull" if full else "runscript", "timeout": timeout, "script_args": parsed_args, "payload": { "code": script.code, "shell":, }, "run_as_user": run_as_user, "env_vars": parsed_env_vars, "nushell_enable_config": settings.NUSHELL_ENABLE_CONFIG, "deno_default_permissions": settings.DENO_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, } if history_pk != 0: data["id"] = history_pk running_agent = self if run_on_any: nats_ping = {"func": "ping"} # try on self first r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = self else: for agent in Agent.online_agents(): r =, timeout=1)) if r == "pong": running_agent = agent break if == return "Unable to find an online agent" if wait: return, timeout=timeout, wait=True)) else:, wait=False)) return "ok" # auto approves updates def approve_updates(self) -> None: patch_policy = self.get_patch_policy() severity_list = [] if patch_policy.critical == "approve": severity_list.append("Critical") if patch_policy.important == "approve": severity_list.append("Important") if patch_policy.moderate == "approve": severity_list.append("Moderate") if patch_policy.low == "approve": severity_list.append("Low") if patch_policy.other == "approve": severity_list.append("") self.winupdates.filter(severity__in=severity_list, installed=False).exclude( action="approve" ).update(action="approve") # returns agent policy merged with a client or site specific policy def get_patch_policy(self) -> "WinUpdatePolicy": from winupdate.models import WinUpdatePolicy # check if site has a patch policy and if so use it patch_policy = None agent_policy = self.winupdatepolicy.first() if not agent_policy: agent_policy = WinUpdatePolicy.objects.create(agent=self) # Get the list of policies applied to the agent and select the # highest priority one. policies = self.get_agent_policies() for _, policy in policies.items(): if policy and and policy.winupdatepolicy.exists(): patch_policy = policy.winupdatepolicy.first() break # if policy still doesn't exist return the agent patch policy if not patch_policy: return agent_policy # patch policy exists. check if any agent settings are set to override patch policy if agent_policy.critical != "inherit": patch_policy.critical = agent_policy.critical if agent_policy.important != "inherit": patch_policy.important = agent_policy.important if agent_policy.moderate != "inherit": patch_policy.moderate = agent_policy.moderate if agent_policy.low != "inherit": patch_policy.low = agent_policy.low if agent_policy.other != "inherit": patch_policy.other = agent_policy.other if agent_policy.run_time_frequency != "inherit": patch_policy.run_time_frequency = agent_policy.run_time_frequency patch_policy.run_time_hour = agent_policy.run_time_hour patch_policy.run_time_days = agent_policy.run_time_days if agent_policy.reboot_after_install != "inherit": patch_policy.reboot_after_install = agent_policy.reboot_after_install if not agent_policy.reprocess_failed_inherit: patch_policy.reprocess_failed = agent_policy.reprocess_failed patch_policy.reprocess_failed_times = agent_policy.reprocess_failed_times patch_policy.email_if_fail = agent_policy.email_if_fail return patch_policy def get_approved_update_guids(self) -> list[str]: return list( self.winupdates.filter(action="approve", installed=False).values_list( # type: ignore "guid", flat=True ) ) # sets alert template assigned in the following order: policy, site, client, global # sets None if nothing is found def set_alert_template(self) -> "Optional[AlertTemplate]": core = get_core_settings() policies = self.get_agent_policies() # loop through all policies applied to agent and return an alert_template if found processed_policies: List[int] = [] for key, policy in policies.items(): # default alert_template will override a default policy with alert template applied if ( "default" in key and core.alert_template and core.alert_template.is_active and not core.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = core.alert_template["alert_template"]) return core.alert_template elif ( policy and and not in processed_policies and policy.alert_template and policy.alert_template.is_active and not policy.alert_template.is_agent_excluded(self) ): self.alert_template = policy.alert_template["alert_template"]) return policy.alert_template elif ( "site" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return elif ( "client" in key and and and not ): self.alert_template =["alert_template"]) return # no alert templates found or agent has been excluded self.alert_template = None["alert_template"]) return None def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_availability_alert( self, skip_create=not self.should_create_alert(alert_template) ) def get_checks_from_policies(self) -> "List[Check]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance or self.agentchecks.exists(): cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_checks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_checks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_checks" cached_checks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_checks, list): return cached_checks else: # clear agent checks that have overridden_by_policy set self.agentchecks.update(overridden_by_policy=False) # type: ignore # get agent checks based on policies checks = Policy.get_policy_checks(self) cache.set(cache_key, checks, 600) return checks def get_tasks_from_policies(self) -> "List[AutomatedTask]": from automation.models import Policy # check if agent is blocking inheritance if self.block_policy_inheritance: cache_key = f"agent_{self.agent_id}_tasks" elif self.policy: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_policy_{self.policy_id}_tasks" else: cache_key = f"site_{self.monitoring_type}_{self.plat}_{self.site_id}_tasks" cached_tasks = cache.get(cache_key) if isinstance(cached_tasks, list): return cached_tasks else: # get agent tasks based on policies tasks = Policy.get_policy_tasks(self) cache.set(cache_key, tasks, 600) return tasks async def nats_cmd( self, data: Dict[Any, Any], timeout: int = 30, wait: bool = True ) -> Any: opts = setup_nats_options() try: nc = await nats.connect(**opts) except: return "natsdown" if wait: try: msg = await nc.request( self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data), timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: ret = "timeout" else: try: ret = msgpack.loads( except Exception as e: ret = str(e) logger.error(e) await nc.close() return ret else: await nc.publish(self.agent_id, msgpack.dumps(data)) await nc.flush() await nc.close() def recover(self, mode: str, mesh_uri: str, wait: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ Return type: tuple(message: str, error: bool) """ if mode == "tacagent": if self.plat == AgentPlat.LINUX: cmd = "systemctl restart tacticalagent.service" shell = 3 elif self.plat == AgentPlat.DARWIN: cmd = "launchctl kickstart -k system/tacticalagent" shell = 3 else: cmd = "net stop tacticalrmm & taskkill /F /IM tacticalrmm.exe & net start tacticalrmm" shell = 1 send_command_with_mesh(cmd, mesh_uri, self.mesh_node_id, shell, 0) ) return "ok", False elif mode == "mesh": data = {"func": "recover", "payload": {"mode": mode}} if wait: r =, timeout=20)) if r == "ok": return "ok", False else: return str(r), True else:, timeout=20, wait=False)) return "ok", False return "invalid", True def serialize(agent: "Agent") -> Dict[str, Any]: # serializes the agent and returns json from .serializers import AgentAuditSerializer return AgentAuditSerializer(agent).data def delete_superseded_updates(self) -> None: with suppress(Exception): pks = [] # list of pks to delete kbs = list(self.winupdates.values_list("kb", flat=True)) d = Counter(kbs) dupes = [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1] for dupe in dupes: titles = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).values_list("title", flat=True) # extract the version from the title and sort from oldest to newest # skip if no version info is available therefore nothing to parse try: matches = r"(Version|Versão)" pattern = r"\(" + matches + r"(.*?)\)" vers = [, i, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(2).strip() for i in titles ] sorted_vers = sorted(vers, key=LooseVersion) except: continue # append all but the latest version to our list of pks to delete for ver in sorted_vers[:-1]: q = self.winupdates.filter(kb=dupe).filter(title__contains=ver) pks.append(q.first().pk) pks = list(set(pks)) self.winupdates.filter(pk__in=pks).delete() def should_create_alert( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" = None ) -> bool: return bool( self.overdue_dashboard_alert or self.overdue_email_alert or self.overdue_text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.agent_always_alert or alert_template.agent_always_email or alert_template.agent_always_text ) ) ) def send_outage_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", ( f"Data has not been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "within the expected time." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_email(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_mail( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", ( f"Data has been received from client {}, " f"site {}, " f"agent {self.hostname} " "after an interruption in data transmission." ), alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_outage_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data overdue", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) def send_recovery_sms(self) -> None: CORE = get_core_settings() CORE.send_sms( f"{}, {}, {self.hostname} - data received", alert_template=self.alert_template, ) class AutomatedTask(BaseAuditModel): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="autotasks", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) policy = models.ForeignKey( "automation.Policy", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) custom_field = models.ForeignKey( "core.CustomField", related_name="autotasks", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) # format -> [{"type": "script", "script": 1, "name": "Script Name", "timeout": 90, "script_args": [], "env_vars": []}, {"type": "cmd", "command": "whoami", "timeout": 90}] actions = JSONField(default=list) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", null=True, blank=True, related_name="assignedtasks", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) collector_all_output = models.BooleanField(default=False) enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True) continue_on_error = models.BooleanField(default=True) alert_severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) text_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) dashboard_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) # options sent to agent for task creation # general task settings task_type = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskType.choices, default=TaskType.MANUAL ) win_task_name = models.CharField( max_length=255, unique=True, blank=True, default=generate_task_name ) # should be changed to unique=True run_time_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) expire_date = DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) # daily daily_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(255)] ) # weekly run_time_bit_weekdays = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True) weekly_interval = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(1), MaxValueValidator(52)] ) run_time_minute = models.CharField( max_length=5, null=True, blank=True ) # deprecated # monthly monthly_days_of_month = models.PositiveBigIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) monthly_months_of_year = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # monthly days of week monthly_weeks_of_month = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # additional task settings task_repetition_duration = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) task_repetition_interval = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) stop_task_at_duration_end = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) random_task_delay = models.CharField(max_length=10, null=True, blank=True) remove_if_not_scheduled = models.BooleanField(default=False) run_asap_after_missed = models.BooleanField(default=False) # added in agent v1.4.7 task_instance_policy = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, default=1) # deprecated managed_by_policy = models.BooleanField(default=False) # non-database property task_result: "Union[TaskResult, Dict[None, None]]" = {} def __str__(self) -> str: return def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") # get old task if exists old_task = AutomatedTask.objects.get( if else None super().save(old_model=old_task, *args, **kwargs) # check if fields were updated that require a sync to the agent and set status to notsynced if old_task: for field in self.fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent: if getattr(self, field) != getattr(old_task, field): if self.policy: TaskResult.objects.exclude( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ).filter( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) else: TaskResult.objects.filter(agent=self.agent, task=self).update( sync_status=TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED ) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # if task is a policy task clear cache on everything if self.policy: cache.delete_many_pattern("site_*_tasks") cache.delete_many_pattern("agent_*_tasks") super().delete(*args, **kwargs) def schedule(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.task_type == TaskType.MANUAL: return "Manual" elif self.task_type == TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE: return "Every time check fails" elif self.task_type == TaskType.RUN_ONCE: return f'Run once on {self.run_time_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p")}' elif self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") if self.daily_interval == 1: return f"Daily at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"Every {self.daily_interval} days at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) if self.weekly_interval != 1: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice}" else: return f"{days} at {run_time_nice} every {self.weekly_interval} weeks" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) days = bitmonthdays_to_string(self.monthly_days_of_month) return f"Runs on {months} on days {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: run_time_nice = self.run_time_date.strftime("%I:%M%p") months = bitmonths_to_string(self.monthly_months_of_year) weeks = bitweeks_to_string(self.monthly_weeks_of_month) days = bitdays_to_string(self.run_time_bit_weekdays) return f"Runs on {months} on {weeks} on {days} at {run_time_nice}" elif self.task_type == TaskType.ONBOARDING: return "Onboarding: Runs once on task creation." return None def fields_that_trigger_task_update_on_agent(self) -> List[str]: return FIELDS_TRIGGER_TASK_UPDATE_AGENT def serialize(task): # serializes the task and returns json from .serializers import TaskAuditSerializer return TaskAuditSerializer(task).data def create_policy_task( self, policy: "Policy", assigned_check: "Optional[Check]" = None ) -> None: # Copies certain properties on this task (self) to a new task and sets it to the supplied Policy task = AutomatedTask.objects.create( policy=policy, assigned_check=assigned_check, ) for field in POLICY_TASK_FIELDS_TO_COPY: setattr(task, field, getattr(self, field)) # agent version >= 1.8.0 def generate_nats_task_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: task = { "pk":, "type": "rmm", "name": self.win_task_name, "overwrite_task": True, "enabled": self.enabled, "trigger": ( self.task_type if self.task_type != TaskType.CHECK_FAILURE else TaskType.MANUAL ), "multiple_instances": self.task_instance_policy or 0, "delete_expired_task_after": ( self.remove_if_not_scheduled if self.expire_date else False ), "start_when_available": ( self.run_asap_after_missed if self.task_type != TaskType.RUN_ONCE else True ), } if self.task_type in ( TaskType.DAILY, TaskType.WEEKLY, TaskType.MONTHLY, TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW, TaskType.RUN_ONCE, ): if not self.run_time_date: self.run_time_date = task["start_year"] = self.run_time_date.year task["start_month"] = self.run_time_date.month task["start_day"] = task["start_hour"] = self.run_time_date.hour task["start_min"] = self.run_time_date.minute if self.expire_date: task["expire_year"] = self.expire_date.year task["expire_month"] = self.expire_date.month task["expire_day"] = task["expire_hour"] = self.expire_date.hour task["expire_min"] = self.expire_date.minute if self.random_task_delay: task["random_delay"] = convert_to_iso_duration(self.random_task_delay) if self.task_repetition_interval and self.task_repetition_duration: task["repetition_interval"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_interval ) task["repetition_duration"] = convert_to_iso_duration( self.task_repetition_duration ) task["stop_at_duration_end"] = self.stop_task_at_duration_end if self.task_type == TaskType.DAILY: task["day_interval"] = self.daily_interval elif self.task_type == TaskType.WEEKLY: task["week_interval"] = self.weekly_interval task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY: # check if "last day is configured" if self.monthly_days_of_month >= 0x80000000: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month - 0x80000000 task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = True else: task["days_of_month"] = self.monthly_days_of_month task["run_on_last_day_of_month"] = False task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year elif self.task_type == TaskType.MONTHLY_DOW: task["days_of_week"] = self.run_time_bit_weekdays task["months_of_year"] = self.monthly_months_of_year task["weeks_of_month"] = self.monthly_weeks_of_month return task def create_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to create scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully created." ) return "ok" def modify_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "schedtask", "schedtaskpayload": self.generate_nats_task_payload(), } logger.debug(nats_data) r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok": task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.NOT_SYNCED["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to modify scheduled task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.SYNCED["sync_status"]) f"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was successfully modified." ) return "ok" def delete_task_on_agent(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) nats_data = { "func": "delschedtask", "schedtaskpayload": {"name": self.win_task_name}, } r =, timeout=10)) if r != "ok" and "The system cannot find the file specified" not in r: task_result.sync_status = TaskSyncStatus.PENDING_DELETION with suppress(DatabaseError):["sync_status"]) logger.error( f"Unable to delete task {} on {task_result.agent.hostname}: {r}" ) return "timeout" else: self.delete()"{task_result.agent.hostname} task {} was deleted.") return "ok" def run_win_task(self, agent: "Optional[Agent]" = None) -> str: if self.policy and not agent: return "agent parameter needs to be passed with policy task" else: agent = agent if self.policy else self.agent try: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get(agent=agent, task=self) except TaskResult.DoesNotExist: task_result = TaskResult(agent=agent, task=self) task_result.agent.nats_cmd( {"func": "runtask", "taskpk":}, wait=False ) ) return "ok" def should_create_alert(self, alert_template=None): return ( self.dashboard_alert or self.email_alert or self.text_alert or ( alert_template and ( alert_template.task_always_alert or alert_template.task_always_email or alert_template.task_always_text ) ) ) def run_win_task(pk: int, agent_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str: with suppress( AutomatedTask.DoesNotExist, Agent.DoesNotExist, ): task = AutomatedTask.objects.get(pk=pk) if agent_id: task.run_win_task(Agent.objects.get(agent_id=agent_id)) else: task.run_win_task() return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class TaskResult(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "task"),) objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="0.0000") last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) status = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=TaskStatus.choices, default=TaskStatus.PENDING ) sync_status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskSyncStatus.choices, default=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.task}" def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_task_alert( self.task, agent=self.agent, skip_create=not self.task.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def save_collector_results(self) -> None: agent_field = self.task.custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(self.agent) value = ( self.stdout.strip() if self.task.collector_all_output else self.stdout.strip().split("\n")[-1].strip() ) agent_field.save_to_field(value) def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of Email sent when Task has email alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of SMS sent when Task has SMS alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_task_email_alert(pk: int, alert_interval: Union[float, None] = None) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending email if not alert.email_sent: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get( task=alert.assigned_task, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) task_result.send_email() alert.email_sent =["email_sent"]) else: if alert_interval: # send an email only if the last email sent is older than alert interval delta = - dt.timedelta(days=alert_interval) if alert.email_sent < delta: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get( task=alert.assigned_task, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) task_result.send_email() alert.email_sent =["email_sent"]) return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class TaskResult(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "task"),) objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="0.0000") last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) status = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=TaskStatus.choices, default=TaskStatus.PENDING ) sync_status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskSyncStatus.choices, default=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.task}" def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_task_alert( self.task, agent=self.agent, skip_create=not self.task.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def save_collector_results(self) -> None: agent_field = self.task.custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(self.agent) value = ( self.stdout.strip() if self.task.collector_all_output else self.stdout.strip().split("\n")[-1].strip() ) agent_field.save_to_field(value) def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of Email sent when Task has email alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of SMS sent when Task has SMS alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_task_sms_alert(pk: int, alert_interval: Union[float, None] = None) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending text if not alert.sms_sent: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get( task=alert.assigned_task, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) task_result.send_sms() alert.sms_sent =["sms_sent"]) else: if alert_interval: # send a text only if the last text sent is older than alert interval delta = - dt.timedelta(days=alert_interval) if alert.sms_sent < delta: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get( task=alert.assigned_task, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) task_result.send_sms() alert.sms_sent =["sms_sent"]) return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class TaskResult(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "task"),) objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="0.0000") last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) status = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=TaskStatus.choices, default=TaskStatus.PENDING ) sync_status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskSyncStatus.choices, default=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.task}" def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_task_alert( self.task, agent=self.agent, skip_create=not self.task.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def save_collector_results(self) -> None: agent_field = self.task.custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(self.agent) value = ( self.stdout.strip() if self.task.collector_all_output else self.stdout.strip().split("\n")[-1].strip() ) agent_field.save_to_field(value) def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of Email sent when Task has email alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of SMS sent when Task has SMS alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_resolved_task_sms_alert(pk: int) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending text if not alert.resolved_sms_sent: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get( task=alert.assigned_task, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) task_result.send_resolved_sms() alert.resolved_sms_sent =["resolved_sms_sent"]) return "ok"
import asyncio import datetime as dt from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import suppress from time import sleep from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import msgpack import nats from django.utils import timezone as djangotime from nats.errors import TimeoutError from agents.models import Agent from alerts.models import Alert from autotasks.models import AutomatedTask, TaskResult from tacticalrmm.celery import app from tacticalrmm.constants import AGENT_STATUS_ONLINE, ORPHANED_WIN_TASK_LOCK from tacticalrmm.helpers import rand_range, setup_nats_options from tacticalrmm.utils import redis_lock class Alert(models.Model): objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="agent", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_check = models.ForeignKey( "checks.Check", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) assigned_task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="alert", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, ) alert_type = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=AlertType.choices, default=AlertType.AVAILABILITY ) message = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) alert_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, blank=True) snoozed = models.BooleanField(default=False) snooze_until = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved = models.BooleanField(default=False) resolved_on = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) severity = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=AlertSeverity.choices, default=AlertSeverity.INFO ) email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_email_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_sms_sent = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) action_execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) resolved_action_execution_time = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.alert_type} - {self.message}" def assigned_agent(self) -> "Optional[Agent]": return self.agent def site(self) -> "Site": return def client(self) -> "Client": return self.agent.client def resolve(self) -> None: self.resolved = True self.resolved_on = self.snoozed = False self.snooze_until = None["resolved", "resolved_on", "snoozed", "snooze_until"]) def create_or_return_availability_alert( cls, agent: Agent, skip_create: bool = False ) -> Optional[Alert]: if not cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, severity=AlertSeverity.ERROR, message=f"{agent.hostname} in {}\\{} is overdue.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.AVAILABILITY, resolved=False ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_check_alert( cls, check: "Check", agent: "Agent", alert_severity: Optional[str] = None, skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": # need to pass agent if the check is a policy if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.CHECK, severity=( check.alert_severity if check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else alert_severity ), message=f"{agent.hostname} has a {check.check_type} check: {check.readable_desc} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_check=check, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def create_or_return_task_alert( cls, task: "AutomatedTask", agent: "Agent", skip_create: bool = False, ) -> "Optional[Alert]": if not cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ).exists(): if skip_create: return None return cast( Alert, cls.objects.create( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, alert_type=AlertType.TASK, severity=task.alert_severity, message=f"{agent.hostname} has task: {} that failed.", hidden=True, ), ) else: try: return cast( Alert, cls.objects.get( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ), ) except cls.MultipleObjectsReturned: alerts = cls.objects.filter( assigned_task=task, agent=agent, resolved=False, ) last_alert = cast(Alert, alerts.last()) # cycle through other alerts and resolve for alert in alerts: if != alert.resolve() return last_alert except cls.DoesNotExist: return None def handle_alert_failure( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables dashboard_severities = None email_severities = None text_severities = None always_dashboard = None always_email = None always_text = None alert_interval = None email_task = None text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_outage_email_task, agent_outage_sms_task email_task = agent_outage_email_task text_task = agent_outage_sms_task email_alert = instance.overdue_email_alert text_alert = instance.overdue_text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.overdue_dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode alert_severity = AlertSeverity.ERROR agent = instance dashboard_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] email_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] text_severities = [AlertSeverity.ERROR] # set alert_template settings if alert_template: always_dashboard = alert_template.agent_always_alert always_email = alert_template.agent_always_email always_text = alert_template.agent_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.agent_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_check_email_alert_task, handle_check_sms_alert_task, ) email_task = handle_check_email_alert_task text_task = handle_check_sms_alert_task email_alert = instance.assigned_check.email_alert text_alert = instance.assigned_check.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.assigned_check.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = ( instance.assigned_check.alert_severity if instance.assigned_check.check_type not in { CheckType.MEMORY, CheckType.CPU_LOAD, CheckType.DISK_SPACE, CheckType.SCRIPT, } else instance.alert_severity ) agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = ( alert_template.check_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, AlertSeverity.INFO, ] ) email_severities = alert_template.check_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.check_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.check_always_alert always_email = alert_template.check_always_email always_text = alert_template.check_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.check_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import handle_task_email_alert, handle_task_sms_alert email_task = handle_task_email_alert text_task = handle_task_sms_alert email_alert = instance.task.email_alert text_alert = instance.task.text_alert dashboard_alert = instance.task.dashboard_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode alert_severity = instance.task.alert_severity agent = instance.agent # set alert_template settings if alert_template: dashboard_severities = alert_template.task_dashboard_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] email_severities = alert_template.task_email_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] text_severities = alert_template.task_text_alert_severity or [ AlertSeverity.ERROR, AlertSeverity.WARNING, ] always_dashboard = alert_template.task_always_alert always_email = alert_template.task_always_email always_text = alert_template.task_always_text alert_interval = alert_template.task_periodic_alert_days run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return # check if alert severity changed and update the alert if alert_severity != alert.severity: alert.severity = alert_severity["severity"]) # create alert in dashboard if enabled if dashboard_alert or always_dashboard: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and dashboard_severities and alert.severity in dashboard_severities ): alert.hidden = False["hidden"]) # send email if enabled if email_alert or always_email: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and email_severities and alert.severity in email_severities ): email_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval, ) # send text if enabled if text_alert or always_text: # check if alert template is set and specific severities are configured if ( not alert_template or alert_template and text_severities and alert.severity in text_severities ): text_task.delay(, alert_interval=alert_interval) # check if any scripts should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.action and run_script_action and not alert.action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-failure", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.action_args), timeout=alert_template.action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format(r["execution_time"]) alert.action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Failure action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) failure alert", ) def handle_alert_resolve( cls, instance: Union[Agent, TaskResult, CheckResult] ) -> None: from agents.models import Agent, AgentHistory from autotasks.models import TaskResult from checks.models import CheckResult # set variables email_on_resolved = False text_on_resolved = False resolved_email_task = None resolved_text_task = None run_script_action = None # check what the instance passed is if isinstance(instance, Agent): from agents.tasks import agent_recovery_email_task, agent_recovery_sms_task resolved_email_task = agent_recovery_email_task resolved_text_task = agent_recovery_sms_task alert_template = instance.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.maintenance_mode agent = instance if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.agent_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.agent_script_actions if agent.overdue_email_alert: email_on_resolved = True if agent.overdue_text_alert: text_on_resolved = True elif isinstance(instance, CheckResult): from checks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task, handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_check_email_alert_task resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_check_sms_alert_task alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.check_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.check_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.check_script_actions elif isinstance(instance, TaskResult): from autotasks.tasks import ( handle_resolved_task_email_alert, handle_resolved_task_sms_alert, ) resolved_email_task = handle_resolved_task_email_alert resolved_text_task = handle_resolved_task_sms_alert alert_template = instance.agent.alert_template maintenance_mode = instance.agent.maintenance_mode agent = instance.agent if alert_template: email_on_resolved = alert_template.task_email_on_resolved text_on_resolved = alert_template.task_text_on_resolved run_script_action = alert_template.task_script_actions else: return alert = instance.get_or_create_alert_if_needed(alert_template) # return if agent is in maintenance mode if not alert or maintenance_mode: return alert.resolve() # check if a resolved email notification should be send if email_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_email_sent: resolved_email_task.delay( # check if resolved text should be sent if text_on_resolved and not alert.resolved_sms_sent: resolved_text_task.delay( # check if resolved script should be run if ( alert_template and alert_template.resolved_action and run_script_action and not alert.resolved_action_run ): hist = AgentHistory.objects.create( agent=agent, type=AgentHistoryType.SCRIPT_RUN, script=alert_template.action, username="alert-action-resolved", ) r = agent.run_script(, args=alert.parse_script_args(alert_template.resolved_action_args), timeout=alert_template.resolved_action_timeout, wait=True,, full=True, run_on_any=True, run_as_user=False, env_vars=alert_template.resolved_action_env_vars, ) # command was successful if isinstance(r, dict): alert.resolved_action_retcode = r["retcode"] alert.resolved_action_stdout = r["stdout"] alert.resolved_action_stderr = r["stderr"] alert.resolved_action_execution_time = "{:.4f}".format( r["execution_time"] ) alert.resolved_action_run = else: DebugLog.error( agent=agent, log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=f"Resolved action: {} failed to run on any agent for {agent.hostname}({}) resolved alert", ) def parse_script_args(self, args: List[str]) -> List[str]: if not args: return [] temp_args = [] # pattern to match for injection pattern = re.compile(".*\\{\\{alert\\.(.*)\\}\\}.*") for arg in args: if match := pattern.match(arg): name = # check if attr exists and isn't a function if hasattr(self, name) and not callable(getattr(self, name)): value = f"'{getattr(self, name)}'" else: continue try: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", value, arg)) except re.error: temp_args.append(re.sub("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", re.escape(value), arg)) except Exception as e: DebugLog.error(log_type=DebugLogType.SCRIPTING, message=str(e)) continue else: temp_args.append(arg) return temp_args class TaskResult(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = (("agent", "task"),) objects = PermissionQuerySet.as_manager() id = models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True) agent = models.ForeignKey( "agents.Agent", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) task = models.ForeignKey( "autotasks.AutomatedTask", related_name="taskresults", on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) retcode = models.BigIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) stdout = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) stderr = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) execution_time = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="0.0000") last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) status = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=TaskStatus.choices, default=TaskStatus.PENDING ) sync_status = models.CharField( max_length=100, choices=TaskSyncStatus.choices, default=TaskSyncStatus.INITIAL ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.agent.hostname} - {self.task}" def get_or_create_alert_if_needed( self, alert_template: "Optional[AlertTemplate]" ) -> "Optional[Alert]": from alerts.models import Alert return Alert.create_or_return_task_alert( self.task, agent=self.agent, skip_create=not self.task.should_create_alert(alert_template), ) def save_collector_results(self) -> None: agent_field = self.task.custom_field.get_or_create_field_value(self.agent) value = ( self.stdout.strip() if self.task.collector_all_output else self.stdout.strip().split("\n")[-1].strip() ) agent_field.save_to_field(value) def send_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of Email sent when Task has email alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, self.agent.alert_template) def send_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() # Format of SMS sent when Task has SMS alert if self.agent: subject = f"{}, {}, {self.agent.hostname} - {self} Failed" else: subject = f"{self} Failed" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_email(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_mail(subject, body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def send_resolved_sms(self): CORE = get_core_settings() subject = f"{}, {}, {self} Resolved" body = ( subject + f" - Return code: {self.retcode}\nStdout:{self.stdout}\nStderr: {self.stderr}" ) CORE.send_sms(body, alert_template=self.agent.alert_template) def handle_resolved_task_email_alert(pk: int) -> str: try: alert = Alert.objects.get(pk=pk) except Alert.DoesNotExist: return "alert not found" # first time sending email if not alert.resolved_email_sent: task_result = TaskResult.objects.get( task=alert.assigned_task, agent=alert.agent ) sleep(rand_range(100, 1500)) task_result.send_resolved_email() alert.resolved_email_sent =["resolved_email_sent"]) return "ok"
import re import setuptools import sys def get_package_dir(): pkg_dir = { "": "tools", "yolox.exp.default": "exps/default", } return pkg_dir
import re import setuptools import sys def get_install_requirements(): with open("requirements.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reqs = [x.strip() for x in] reqs = [x for x in reqs if not x.startswith("#")] return reqs
import re import setuptools import sys def get_yolox_version(): with open("yolox/", "r") as f: version = r'^__version__\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]',, re.MULTILINE ).group(1) return version
import re import setuptools import sys def get_long_description(): with open("", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: long_description = return long_description
import re import setuptools import sys TORCH_AVAILABLE = True def get_ext_modules(): ext_module = [] if sys.platform != "win32": # pre-compile ops on linux assert TORCH_AVAILABLE, "torch is required for pre-compiling ops, please install it first." # if any other op is added, please also add it here from yolox.layers import FastCOCOEvalOp ext_module.append(FastCOCOEvalOp().build_op()) return ext_module
import re import setuptools import sys TORCH_AVAILABLE = True def get_cmd_class(): cmdclass = {} if TORCH_AVAILABLE: cmdclass["build_ext"] = cpp_extension.BuildExtension return cmdclass
import os import sys from unittest import mock from import Domain from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import sphinx_rtd_theme class GithubURLDomain(Domain): def resolve_any_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, target, node, contnode): from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser import yolox def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options): def setup(app): from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify app.add_domain(GithubURLDomain) app.connect("autodoc-skip-member", autodoc_skip_member) # app.add_role("paper", paper_ref_role) app.add_config_value( "recommonmark_config", {"enable_math": True, "enable_inline_math": True, "enable_eval_rst": True}, True, ) app.add_transform(AutoStructify)
import os import random import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.nn as nn from .base_exp import BaseExp class Exp(BaseExp): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # ---------------- model config ---------------- # # detect classes number of model self.num_classes = 80 # factor of model depth self.depth = 1.00 # factor of model width self.width = 1.00 # activation name. For example, if using "relu", then "silu" will be replaced to "relu". self.act = "silu" # ---------------- dataloader config ---------------- # # set worker to 4 for shorter dataloader init time # If your training process cost many memory, reduce this value. self.data_num_workers = 4 self.input_size = (640, 640) # (height, width) # Actual multiscale ranges: [640 - 5 * 32, 640 + 5 * 32]. # To disable multiscale training, set the value to 0. self.multiscale_range = 5 # You can uncomment this line to specify a multiscale range # self.random_size = (14, 26) # dir of dataset images, if data_dir is None, this project will use `datasets` dir self.data_dir = None # name of annotation file for training self.train_ann = "instances_train2017.json" # name of annotation file for evaluation self.val_ann = "instances_val2017.json" # name of annotation file for testing self.test_ann = "instances_test2017.json" # --------------- transform config ----------------- # # prob of applying mosaic aug self.mosaic_prob = 1.0 # prob of applying mixup aug self.mixup_prob = 1.0 # prob of applying hsv aug self.hsv_prob = 1.0 # prob of applying flip aug self.flip_prob = 0.5 # rotation angle range, for example, if set to 2, the true range is (-2, 2) self.degrees = 10.0 # translate range, for example, if set to 0.1, the true range is (-0.1, 0.1) self.translate = 0.1 self.mosaic_scale = (0.1, 2) # apply mixup aug or not self.enable_mixup = True self.mixup_scale = (0.5, 1.5) # shear angle range, for example, if set to 2, the true range is (-2, 2) self.shear = 2.0 # -------------- training config --------------------- # # epoch number used for warmup self.warmup_epochs = 5 # max training epoch self.max_epoch = 300 # minimum learning rate during warmup self.warmup_lr = 0 self.min_lr_ratio = 0.05 # learning rate for one image. During training, lr will multiply batchsize. self.basic_lr_per_img = 0.01 / 64.0 # name of LRScheduler self.scheduler = "yoloxwarmcos" # last #epoch to close augmention like mosaic self.no_aug_epochs = 15 # apply EMA during training self.ema = True # weight decay of optimizer self.weight_decay = 5e-4 # momentum of optimizer self.momentum = 0.9 # log period in iter, for example, # if set to 1, user could see log every iteration. self.print_interval = 10 # eval period in epoch, for example, # if set to 1, model will be evaluate after every epoch. self.eval_interval = 10 # save history checkpoint or not. # If set to False, yolox will only save latest and best ckpt. self.save_history_ckpt = True # name of experiment self.exp_name = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[1].split(".")[0] # ----------------- testing config ------------------ # # output image size during evaluation/test self.test_size = (640, 640) # confidence threshold during evaluation/test, # boxes whose scores are less than test_conf will be filtered self.test_conf = 0.01 # nms threshold self.nmsthre = 0.65 def get_model(self): from yolox.models import YOLOX, YOLOPAFPN, YOLOXHead def init_yolo(M): for m in M.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): m.eps = 1e-3 m.momentum = 0.03 if getattr(self, "model", None) is None: in_channels = [256, 512, 1024] backbone = YOLOPAFPN(self.depth, self.width, in_channels=in_channels, act=self.act) head = YOLOXHead(self.num_classes, self.width, in_channels=in_channels, act=self.act) self.model = YOLOX(backbone, head) self.model.apply(init_yolo) self.model.head.initialize_biases(1e-2) self.model.train() return self.model def get_dataset(self, cache: bool = False, cache_type: str = "ram"): """ Get dataset according to cache and cache_type parameters. Args: cache (bool): Whether to cache imgs to ram or disk. cache_type (str, optional): Defaults to "ram". "ram" : Caching imgs to ram for fast training. "disk": Caching imgs to disk for fast training. """ from import COCODataset, TrainTransform return COCODataset( data_dir=self.data_dir, json_file=self.train_ann, img_size=self.input_size, preproc=TrainTransform( max_labels=50, flip_prob=self.flip_prob, hsv_prob=self.hsv_prob ), cache=cache, cache_type=cache_type, ) def get_data_loader(self, batch_size, is_distributed, no_aug=False, cache_img: str = None): """ Get dataloader according to cache_img parameter. Args: no_aug (bool, optional): Whether to turn off mosaic data enhancement. Defaults to False. cache_img (str, optional): cache_img is equivalent to cache_type. Defaults to None. "ram" : Caching imgs to ram for fast training. "disk": Caching imgs to disk for fast training. None: Do not use cache, in this case cache_data is also None. """ from import ( TrainTransform, YoloBatchSampler, DataLoader, InfiniteSampler, MosaicDetection, worker_init_reset_seed, ) from yolox.utils import wait_for_the_master # if cache is True, we will create self.dataset before launch # else we will create self.dataset after launch if self.dataset is None: with wait_for_the_master(): assert cache_img is None, \ "cache_img must be None if you didn't create self.dataset before launch" self.dataset = self.get_dataset(cache=False, cache_type=cache_img) self.dataset = MosaicDetection( dataset=self.dataset, mosaic=not no_aug, img_size=self.input_size, preproc=TrainTransform( max_labels=120, flip_prob=self.flip_prob, hsv_prob=self.hsv_prob), degrees=self.degrees, translate=self.translate, mosaic_scale=self.mosaic_scale, mixup_scale=self.mixup_scale, shear=self.shear, enable_mixup=self.enable_mixup, mosaic_prob=self.mosaic_prob, mixup_prob=self.mixup_prob, ) if is_distributed: batch_size = batch_size // dist.get_world_size() sampler = InfiniteSampler(len(self.dataset), seed=self.seed if self.seed else 0) batch_sampler = YoloBatchSampler( sampler=sampler, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=False, mosaic=not no_aug, ) dataloader_kwargs = {"num_workers": self.data_num_workers, "pin_memory": True} dataloader_kwargs["batch_sampler"] = batch_sampler # Make sure each process has different random seed, especially for 'fork' method. # Check for more details. dataloader_kwargs["worker_init_fn"] = worker_init_reset_seed train_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, **dataloader_kwargs) return train_loader def random_resize(self, data_loader, epoch, rank, is_distributed): tensor = torch.LongTensor(2).cuda() if rank == 0: size_factor = self.input_size[1] * 1.0 / self.input_size[0] if not hasattr(self, 'random_size'): min_size = int(self.input_size[0] / 32) - self.multiscale_range max_size = int(self.input_size[0] / 32) + self.multiscale_range self.random_size = (min_size, max_size) size = random.randint(*self.random_size) size = (int(32 * size), 32 * int(size * size_factor)) tensor[0] = size[0] tensor[1] = size[1] if is_distributed: dist.barrier() dist.broadcast(tensor, 0) input_size = (tensor[0].item(), tensor[1].item()) return input_size def preprocess(self, inputs, targets, tsize): scale_y = tsize[0] / self.input_size[0] scale_x = tsize[1] / self.input_size[1] if scale_x != 1 or scale_y != 1: inputs = nn.functional.interpolate( inputs, size=tsize, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) targets[..., 1::2] = targets[..., 1::2] * scale_x targets[..., 2::2] = targets[..., 2::2] * scale_y return inputs, targets def get_optimizer(self, batch_size): if "optimizer" not in self.__dict__: if self.warmup_epochs > 0: lr = self.warmup_lr else: lr = self.basic_lr_per_img * batch_size pg0, pg1, pg2 = [], [], [] # optimizer parameter groups for k, v in self.model.named_modules(): if hasattr(v, "bias") and isinstance(v.bias, nn.Parameter): pg2.append(v.bias) # biases if isinstance(v, nn.BatchNorm2d) or "bn" in k: pg0.append(v.weight) # no decay elif hasattr(v, "weight") and isinstance(v.weight, nn.Parameter): pg1.append(v.weight) # apply decay optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( pg0, lr=lr, momentum=self.momentum, nesterov=True ) optimizer.add_param_group( {"params": pg1, "weight_decay": self.weight_decay} ) # add pg1 with weight_decay optimizer.add_param_group({"params": pg2}) self.optimizer = optimizer return self.optimizer def get_lr_scheduler(self, lr, iters_per_epoch): from yolox.utils import LRScheduler scheduler = LRScheduler( self.scheduler, lr, iters_per_epoch, self.max_epoch, warmup_epochs=self.warmup_epochs, warmup_lr_start=self.warmup_lr, no_aug_epochs=self.no_aug_epochs, min_lr_ratio=self.min_lr_ratio, ) return scheduler def get_eval_dataset(self, **kwargs): from import COCODataset, ValTransform testdev = kwargs.get("testdev", False) legacy = kwargs.get("legacy", False) return COCODataset( data_dir=self.data_dir, json_file=self.val_ann if not testdev else self.test_ann, name="val2017" if not testdev else "test2017", img_size=self.test_size, preproc=ValTransform(legacy=legacy), ) def get_eval_loader(self, batch_size, is_distributed, **kwargs): valdataset = self.get_eval_dataset(**kwargs) if is_distributed: batch_size = batch_size // dist.get_world_size() sampler = valdataset, shuffle=False ) else: sampler = dataloader_kwargs = { "num_workers": self.data_num_workers, "pin_memory": True, "sampler": sampler, } dataloader_kwargs["batch_size"] = batch_size val_loader =, **dataloader_kwargs) return val_loader def get_evaluator(self, batch_size, is_distributed, testdev=False, legacy=False): from yolox.evaluators import COCOEvaluator return COCOEvaluator( dataloader=self.get_eval_loader(batch_size, is_distributed, testdev=testdev, legacy=legacy), img_size=self.test_size, confthre=self.test_conf, nmsthre=self.nmsthre, num_classes=self.num_classes, testdev=testdev, ) def get_trainer(self, args): from yolox.core import Trainer trainer = Trainer(self, args) # NOTE: trainer shouldn't be an attribute of exp object return trainer def eval(self, model, evaluator, is_distributed, half=False, return_outputs=False): return evaluator.evaluate(model, is_distributed, half, return_outputs=return_outputs) def check_exp_value(exp: Exp): h, w = exp.input_size assert h % 32 == 0 and w % 32 == 0, "input size must be multiples of 32"
import contextlib import io import itertools import json import tempfile import time from collections import ChainMap, defaultdict from loguru import logger from tabulate import tabulate from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import torch from import COCO_CLASSES from yolox.utils import ( gather, is_main_process, postprocess, synchronize, time_synchronized, xyxy2xywh ) def per_class_AP_table(coco_eval, class_names=COCO_CLASSES, headers=["class", "AP"], colums=6): per_class_AP = {} precisions = coco_eval.eval["precision"] # dimension of precisions: [TxRxKxAxM] # precision has dims (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets) assert len(class_names) == precisions.shape[2] for idx, name in enumerate(class_names): # area range index 0: all area ranges # max dets index -1: typically 100 per image precision = precisions[:, :, idx, 0, -1] precision = precision[precision > -1] ap = np.mean(precision) if precision.size else float("nan") per_class_AP[name] = float(ap * 100) num_cols = min(colums, len(per_class_AP) * len(headers)) result_pair = [x for pair in per_class_AP.items() for x in pair] row_pair = itertools.zip_longest(*[result_pair[i::num_cols] for i in range(num_cols)]) table_headers = headers * (num_cols // len(headers)) table = tabulate( row_pair, tablefmt="pipe", floatfmt=".3f", headers=table_headers, numalign="left", ) return table
import os import pickle import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import numpy as np def parse_rec(filename): """Parse a PASCAL VOC xml file""" tree = ET.parse(filename) objects = [] for obj in tree.findall("object"): obj_struct = {} obj_struct["name"] = obj.find("name").text obj_struct["pose"] = obj.find("pose").text obj_struct["truncated"] = int(obj.find("truncated").text) obj_struct["difficult"] = int(obj.find("difficult").text) bbox = obj.find("bndbox") obj_struct["bbox"] = [ int(bbox.find("xmin").text), int(bbox.find("ymin").text), int(bbox.find("xmax").text), int(bbox.find("ymax").text), ] objects.append(obj_struct) return objects def voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric=False): """ Compute VOC AP given precision and recall. If use_07_metric is true, uses the VOC 07 11 point method (default:False). """ if use_07_metric: # 11 point metric ap = 0.0 for t in np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1): if np.sum(rec >= t) == 0: p = 0 else: p = np.max(prec[rec >= t]) ap = ap + p / 11.0 else: # correct AP calculation # first append sentinel values at the end mrec = np.concatenate(([0.0], rec, [1.0])) mpre = np.concatenate(([0.0], prec, [0.0])) # compute the precision envelope for i in range(mpre.size - 1, 0, -1): mpre[i - 1] = np.maximum(mpre[i - 1], mpre[i]) # to calculate area under PR curve, look for points # where X axis (recall) changes value i = np.where(mrec[1:] != mrec[:-1])[0] # and sum (\Delta recall) * prec ap = np.sum((mrec[i + 1] - mrec[i]) * mpre[i + 1]) return ap def voc_eval( detpath, annopath, imagesetfile, classname, cachedir, ovthresh=0.5, use_07_metric=False, ): # first load gt if not os.path.isdir(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, "annots.pkl") # read list of images with open(imagesetfile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() imagenames = [x.strip() for x in lines] if not os.path.isfile(cachefile): # load annots recs = {} for i, imagename in enumerate(imagenames): recs[imagename] = parse_rec(annopath.format(imagename)) if i % 100 == 0: print(f"Reading annotation for {i + 1}/{len(imagenames)}") # save print(f"Saving cached annotations to {cachefile}") with open(cachefile, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(recs, f) else: # load with open(cachefile, "rb") as f: recs = pickle.load(f) # extract gt objects for this class class_recs = {} npos = 0 for imagename in imagenames: R = [obj for obj in recs[imagename] if obj["name"] == classname] bbox = np.array([x["bbox"] for x in R]) difficult = np.array([x["difficult"] for x in R]).astype(bool) det = [False] * len(R) npos = npos + sum(~difficult) class_recs[imagename] = {"bbox": bbox, "difficult": difficult, "det": det} # read dets detfile = detpath.format(classname) with open(detfile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() if len(lines) == 0: return 0, 0, 0 splitlines = [x.strip().split(" ") for x in lines] image_ids = [x[0] for x in splitlines] confidence = np.array([float(x[1]) for x in splitlines]) BB = np.array([[float(z) for z in x[2:]] for x in splitlines]) # sort by confidence sorted_ind = np.argsort(-confidence) BB = BB[sorted_ind, :] image_ids = [image_ids[x] for x in sorted_ind] # go down dets and mark TPs and FPs nd = len(image_ids) tp = np.zeros(nd) fp = np.zeros(nd) for d in range(nd): R = class_recs[image_ids[d]] bb = BB[d, :].astype(float) ovmax = -np.inf BBGT = R["bbox"].astype(float) if BBGT.size > 0: # compute overlaps # intersection ixmin = np.maximum(BBGT[:, 0], bb[0]) iymin = np.maximum(BBGT[:, 1], bb[1]) ixmax = np.minimum(BBGT[:, 2], bb[2]) iymax = np.minimum(BBGT[:, 3], bb[3]) iw = np.maximum(ixmax - ixmin + 1.0, 0.0) ih = np.maximum(iymax - iymin + 1.0, 0.0) inters = iw * ih # union uni = ( (bb[2] - bb[0] + 1.0) * (bb[3] - bb[1] + 1.0) + (BBGT[:, 2] - BBGT[:, 0] + 1.0) * (BBGT[:, 3] - BBGT[:, 1] + 1.0) - inters ) overlaps = inters / uni ovmax = np.max(overlaps) jmax = np.argmax(overlaps) if ovmax > ovthresh: if not R["difficult"][jmax]: if not R["det"][jmax]: tp[d] = 1.0 R["det"][jmax] = 1 else: fp[d] = 1.0 else: fp[d] = 1.0 # compute precision recall fp = np.cumsum(fp) tp = np.cumsum(tp) rec = tp / float(npos) # avoid divide by zero in case the first detection matches a difficult # ground truth prec = tp / np.maximum(tp + fp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps) ap = voc_ap(rec, prec, use_07_metric) return rec, prec, ap
import bisect import copy import os import random from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from functools import partial, wraps from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import psutil from loguru import logger from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from import ConcatDataset as torchConcatDataset from import Dataset as torchDataset def cache_read_img(use_cache=True): def decorator(read_img_fn): """ Decorate the read_img function to cache the image Args: read_img_fn: read_img function use_cache (bool, optional): For the decorated read_img function, whether to read the image from cache. Defaults to True. """ @wraps(read_img_fn) def wrapper(self, index, use_cache=use_cache): cache = self.cache and use_cache if cache: if self.cache_type == "ram": img = self.imgs[index] img = copy.deepcopy(img) elif self.cache_type == "disk": img = np.load( os.path.join( self.cache_dir, f"{self.path_filename[index].split('.')[0]}.npy")) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown cache type: {self.cache_type}") else: img = read_img_fn(self, index) return img return wrapper return decorator
import copy import os import cv2 import numpy as np from pycocotools.coco import COCO from ..dataloading import get_yolox_datadir from .datasets_wrapper import CacheDataset, cache_read_img The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `remove_useless_info` function. Write a Python function `def remove_useless_info(coco)` to solve the following problem: Remove useless info in coco dataset. COCO object is modified inplace. This function is mainly used for saving memory (save about 30% mem). Here is the function: def remove_useless_info(coco): """ Remove useless info in coco dataset. COCO object is modified inplace. This function is mainly used for saving memory (save about 30% mem). """ if isinstance(coco, COCO): dataset = coco.dataset dataset.pop("info", None) dataset.pop("licenses", None) for img in dataset["images"]: img.pop("license", None) img.pop("coco_url", None) img.pop("date_captured", None) img.pop("flickr_url", None) if "annotations" in coco.dataset: for anno in coco.dataset["annotations"]: anno.pop("segmentation", None)
Remove useless info in coco dataset. COCO object is modified inplace. This function is mainly used for saving memory (save about 30% mem).
import torch from torch import nn from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url def create_yolox_model(name: str, pretrained: bool = True, num_classes: int = 80, device=None, exp_path: str = None, ckpt_path: str = None) -> nn.Module: """creates and loads a YOLOX model Args: name (str): name of model. for example, "yolox-s", "yolox-tiny" or "yolox_custom" if you want to load your own model. pretrained (bool): load pretrained weights into the model. Default to True. device (str): default device to for model. Default to None. num_classes (int): number of model classes. Default to 80. exp_path (str): path to your own experiment file. Required if name="yolox_custom" ckpt_path (str): path to your own ckpt. Required if name="yolox_custom" and you want to load a pretrained model Returns: YOLOX model (nn.Module) """ from yolox.exp import get_exp, Exp if device is None: device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" device = torch.device(device) assert name in _CKPT_FULL_PATH or name == "yolox_custom", \ f"user should use one of value in {_CKPT_FULL_PATH.keys()} or \"yolox_custom\"" if name in _CKPT_FULL_PATH: exp: Exp = get_exp(exp_name=name) exp.num_classes = num_classes yolox_model = exp.get_model() if pretrained and num_classes == 80: weights_url = _CKPT_FULL_PATH[name] ckpt = load_state_dict_from_url(weights_url, map_location="cpu") if "model" in ckpt: ckpt = ckpt["model"] yolox_model.load_state_dict(ckpt) else: assert exp_path is not None, "for a \"yolox_custom\" model exp_path must be provided" exp: Exp = get_exp(exp_file=exp_path) yolox_model = exp.get_model() if ckpt_path: ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location="cpu") if "model" in ckpt: ckpt = ckpt["model"] yolox_model.load_state_dict(ckpt) return yolox_model def yolox_custom(ckpt_path: str = None, exp_path: str = None, device: str = None) -> nn.Module: return create_yolox_model("yolox_custom", ckpt_path=ckpt_path, exp_path=exp_path, device=device)
import os import random import cv2 import numpy as np def random_color(): return random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255) The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `visualize_assign` function. Write a Python function `def visualize_assign(img, boxes, coords, match_results, save_name=None) -> np.ndarray` to solve the following problem: visualize label assign result. Args: img: img to visualize boxes: gt boxes in xyxy format coords: coords of matched anchors match_results: match results of each gt box and coord. save_name: name of save image, if None, image will not be saved. Default: None. Here is the function: def visualize_assign(img, boxes, coords, match_results, save_name=None) -> np.ndarray: """visualize label assign result. Args: img: img to visualize boxes: gt boxes in xyxy format coords: coords of matched anchors match_results: match results of each gt box and coord. save_name: name of save image, if None, image will not be saved. Default: None. """ for box_id, box in enumerate(boxes): x1, y1, x2, y2 = box color = random_color() assign_coords = coords[match_results == box_id] if assign_coords.numel() == 0: # unmatched boxes are red color = (0, 0, 255) cv2.putText( img, "unmatched", (int(x1), int(y1) - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, color, 1 ) else: for coord in assign_coords: # draw assigned anchor, (int(coord[0]), int(coord[1])), 3, color, -1) cv2.rectangle(img, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), color, 2) if save_name is not None: cv2.imwrite(save_name, img) return img
visualize label assign result. Args: img: img to visualize boxes: gt boxes in xyxy format coords: coords of matched anchors match_results: match results of each gt box and coord. save_name: name of save image, if None, image will not be saved. Default: None.
import os import random import cv2 import numpy as np def mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path)
import os import random import cv2 import numpy as np def multiclass_nms_class_aware(boxes, scores, nms_thr, score_thr): """Multiclass NMS implemented in Numpy. Class-aware version.""" final_dets = [] num_classes = scores.shape[1] for cls_ind in range(num_classes): cls_scores = scores[:, cls_ind] valid_score_mask = cls_scores > score_thr if valid_score_mask.sum() == 0: continue else: valid_scores = cls_scores[valid_score_mask] valid_boxes = boxes[valid_score_mask] keep = nms(valid_boxes, valid_scores, nms_thr) if len(keep) > 0: cls_inds = np.ones((len(keep), 1)) * cls_ind dets = np.concatenate( [valid_boxes[keep], valid_scores[keep, None], cls_inds], 1 ) final_dets.append(dets) if len(final_dets) == 0: return None return np.concatenate(final_dets, 0) def multiclass_nms_class_agnostic(boxes, scores, nms_thr, score_thr): """Multiclass NMS implemented in Numpy. Class-agnostic version.""" cls_inds = scores.argmax(1) cls_scores = scores[np.arange(len(cls_inds)), cls_inds] valid_score_mask = cls_scores > score_thr if valid_score_mask.sum() == 0: return None valid_scores = cls_scores[valid_score_mask] valid_boxes = boxes[valid_score_mask] valid_cls_inds = cls_inds[valid_score_mask] keep = nms(valid_boxes, valid_scores, nms_thr) if keep: dets = np.concatenate( [valid_boxes[keep], valid_scores[keep, None], valid_cls_inds[keep, None]], 1 ) return dets The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `multiclass_nms` function. Write a Python function `def multiclass_nms(boxes, scores, nms_thr, score_thr, class_agnostic=True)` to solve the following problem: Multiclass NMS implemented in Numpy Here is the function: def multiclass_nms(boxes, scores, nms_thr, score_thr, class_agnostic=True): """Multiclass NMS implemented in Numpy""" if class_agnostic: nms_method = multiclass_nms_class_agnostic else: nms_method = multiclass_nms_class_aware return nms_method(boxes, scores, nms_thr, score_thr)
Multiclass NMS implemented in Numpy
import os import random import cv2 import numpy as np def demo_postprocess(outputs, img_size, p6=False): grids = [] expanded_strides = [] strides = [8, 16, 32] if not p6 else [8, 16, 32, 64] hsizes = [img_size[0] // stride for stride in strides] wsizes = [img_size[1] // stride for stride in strides] for hsize, wsize, stride in zip(hsizes, wsizes, strides): xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(wsize), np.arange(hsize)) grid = np.stack((xv, yv), 2).reshape(1, -1, 2) grids.append(grid) shape = grid.shape[:2] expanded_strides.append(np.full((*shape, 1), stride)) grids = np.concatenate(grids, 1) expanded_strides = np.concatenate(expanded_strides, 1) outputs[..., :2] = (outputs[..., :2] + grids) * expanded_strides outputs[..., 2:4] = np.exp(outputs[..., 2:4]) * expanded_strides return outputs
import functools import os import time from collections import defaultdict, deque import psutil import numpy as np import torch def get_total_and_free_memory_in_Mb(cuda_device): devices_info_str = os.popen( "nvidia-smi,memory.used --format=csv,nounits,noheader" ) devices_info ="\n") if "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" in os.environ: visible_devices = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"].split(',') cuda_device = int(visible_devices[cuda_device]) total, used = devices_info[int(cuda_device)].split(",") return int(total), int(used) The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `occupy_mem` function. Write a Python function `def occupy_mem(cuda_device, mem_ratio=0.9)` to solve the following problem: pre-allocate gpu memory for training to avoid memory Fragmentation. Here is the function: def occupy_mem(cuda_device, mem_ratio=0.9): """ pre-allocate gpu memory for training to avoid memory Fragmentation. """ total, used = get_total_and_free_memory_in_Mb(cuda_device) max_mem = int(total * mem_ratio) block_mem = max_mem - used x = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(256, 1024, block_mem) del x time.sleep(5)
pre-allocate gpu memory for training to avoid memory Fragmentation.
import functools import os import time from collections import defaultdict, deque import psutil import numpy as np import torch The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `gpu_mem_usage` function. Write a Python function `def gpu_mem_usage()` to solve the following problem: Compute the GPU memory usage for the current device (MB). Here is the function: def gpu_mem_usage(): """ Compute the GPU memory usage for the current device (MB). """ mem_usage_bytes = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() return mem_usage_bytes / (1024 * 1024)
Compute the GPU memory usage for the current device (MB).
import functools import os import time from collections import defaultdict, deque import psutil import numpy as np import torch The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `mem_usage` function. Write a Python function `def mem_usage()` to solve the following problem: Compute the memory usage for the current machine (GB). Here is the function: def mem_usage(): """ Compute the memory usage for the current machine (GB). """ gb = 1 << 30 mem = psutil.virtual_memory() return mem.used / gb
Compute the memory usage for the current machine (GB).
import numpy as np import torch import torchvision def cxcywh2xyxy(bboxes): bboxes[:, 0] = bboxes[:, 0] - bboxes[:, 2] * 0.5 bboxes[:, 1] = bboxes[:, 1] - bboxes[:, 3] * 0.5 bboxes[:, 2] = bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2] bboxes[:, 3] = bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3] return bboxes
import argparse import logging as log import os import sys import cv2 import numpy as np from openvino.inference_engine import IECore from import preproc as preprocess from import COCO_CLASSES from yolox.utils import mkdir, multiclass_nms, demo_postprocess, vis The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `parse_args` function. Write a Python function `def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace` to solve the following problem: Parse and return command line arguments Here is the function: def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: """Parse and return command line arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) args = parser.add_argument_group('Options') args.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit.') args.add_argument( '-m', '--model', required=True, type=str, help='Required. Path to an .xml or .onnx file with a trained model.') args.add_argument( '-i', '--input', required=True, type=str, help='Required. Path to an image file.') args.add_argument( '-o', '--output_dir', type=str, default='demo_output', help='Path to your output dir.') args.add_argument( '-s', '--score_thr', type=float, default=0.3, help="Score threshould to visualize the result.") args.add_argument( '-d', '--device', default='CPU', type=str, help='Optional. Specify the target device to infer on; CPU, GPU, \ MYRIAD, HDDL or HETERO: is acceptable. The sample will look \ for a suitable plugin for device specified. Default value \ is CPU.') args.add_argument( '--labels', default=None, type=str, help='Option:al. Path to a labels mapping file.') args.add_argument( '-nt', '--number_top', default=10, type=int, help='Optional. Number of top results.') return parser.parse_args()
Parse and return command line arguments