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200 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper it is now widely accepted that dense filaments of molecular gas are integral to the process of stellar birth and potential star a forming cores often appear embedded within these filaments a although numerical simulations have largely succeeded in reproducing filamentary structure in dynamic environments such as in turbulent gas and while analytic calculations predict the formation of dense gas filaments via radial collapse a the exact processes a that generate a a such filaments which then form prestellar cores within them a is unclear a in this work we therefore study numerically the formation of a dense filament using a relatively simple set a up of a uniform a density cylinder in pressure equilibrium with its confining medium a in particular a we examine if its propensity to form a dense filament and further a to the formation of prestellar cores within this filament bears on the gravitational state of the initial volume of gas a we report a radial collapse leading to the formation of a dense filamentary cloud is likely when the initial volume of gas is at least critically stable a characterised by the approximate equality between the mass line a density for this volume and its maximum value a a though self a gravitating a this volume of gas a however a is not seen to be in free a fall a this post a collapse filament then fragments along its length due to the growth of a jeans a like instability to form prestellar cores like a beads on a string we suggest a dense filaments in typical star a forming clouds classified as gravitationally super a critical under the assumption of a a i a isothermality when in fact a they are not a and a ii a extended radial profiles as against one that is pressure a truncated a thereby causing significant over a estimation of their mass line a density a are unlikely to experience gravitational free a fall a the radial density and temperature profile derived for this post a collapse filament is consistent with that deduced for typical filamentary clouds mapped in. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article gas in giant molecular clouds a games a is distributed non a uniformly and appears to aggregate itself into isolated dense clumps or more contiguous and elongated a filament a like structures a detailed observations of potential star a forming clouds have demonstrated the ubiquitous nature of filamentary clouds a for example a giant molecular filaments on scales of a few parsecs have been reported in the inter a arm regions of the milky a way a reagan a it al of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a 2014 a hitachi a it al a a 2014 and other references therein a a |
201 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present the results of a new calculation of the photodisintegration of ultrahigh energy cosmic a ray a her a nuclei in intergalactic space a the critical interactions for energy loss and photodisintegration of her nuclei occur with photons of the 2.73 a cosmic background radiation a car a and with photons of the infrared background radiation a abr a a we have reexamined this problem making use of a new determination of the abr based on empirical data a primarily from iras galaxies a consistent with direct measurements and upper limits from tel -ray observations a we have also improved the calculation by including the specific threshold energies for the various photodisintegration interactions in our monte carlo calculation a with the new smaller abr flux a the steepness of the wien side of the now relatively more important car makes their inclusion essential for more accurate results a our results indicate a significant increase in the propagation time of her nuclei of a given energy over previous results a we discuss the possible significance of this for her origin theory a a 1#23.6pt a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article shortly after the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation a car a a it was shown that cosmic ray protons above eve a a should be attenuated by photomeson interactions with car photons a excite a a it was later calculated that heavier cosmic ray nuclei with similar a total a energies would also be attenuated a but by a different process a a viz a a a photodisintegration interactions with abr photons a excite a a hereafter designated pub of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a we will refer to such cosmic rays of total energies above of eve as ultrahigh energy cosmic rays a her a a in the more conventional scenario a users are charged particles which must be accelerated to ultrahigh energies by electromagnetic processes at extragalactic sites a both because there are no known sites in our galaxy which can accelerate and magnetically contain them and also because most of the observed her air shower events arrive from directions outside of the galactic plane a although such acceleration of charged particles to energies above 100 eve in cosmic sources pushes our present theoretical ideas to their extreme a it has been suggested that it may occur in hot spots in the lobes of radio galaxies a excite a a |
202 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper quantum systems out of equilibrium are now a subject of intensive research both in theoretical and experimental physics a in this paper we study periodically modulated quantum systems which are in contact with a stationary environment a within the framework of sindbad quantum master equation a the asymptotic states of such systems are described by time a periodic density operators a resolution of these operators is a non a trivial computational task a approaches based on spectral and iterative methods are restricted to systems with the dimension of the hosting hilbert space a while the direct long a time integration of the master equation becomes problematic for a to overcome these limitations we use the quantum trajectory method which unravels the deterministic master equation for the density operator into a set of stochastic processes for wave functions a this method avoids calculations of the kernel of the eloquent superoperator a instead the asymptotic density matrix is calculated by performing a statistical sampling preceded by a long transient propagation a we present a high a accuracy realization of this idea based on exponential propagators combined with a time a stepping technique a employing a scalable model of interacting bosons hoping over a dimer a we test the performance of the algorithm on a supercomputer a we demonstrate that the algorithm allows to resolve non a equilibrium asymptotic states of model systems with on a small computer cluster thus reaching the scale on which numerical studies of isolated periodically a modulated systems are currently performed a open quantum systems a sindbad equation a periodic modulations a quantum trajectories a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article any a in viva a quantum system is in a contact with its environment a although typically weak a this interaction becomes relevant when studying the evolution of a system over long time scales a in particular a the asymptotic state of such an a open a system depends both on the unitary action induced by the system hamiltonian a and the action of the environment a conventionally called a dissipation a a a recent idea of of engineering by dissipation of excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the creation of designated pure and highly entangled states of many a body quantum systems by using specially designed dissipative operators a has promoted dissipation to the same level of importance as the underlying unitary dynamics a the use of time a periodic modulations constitutes another channel to impact states of a quantum system a in the coherent limit a |
203 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the point sets of all known optimal rectilinear drawings of share an unmistakable clustering property a the so called a 3decomposability-. it is widely believed that the underlying point sets of all optimal rectilinear drawings of are a we give a lower bound for the minimum number of in a set a as an immediate corollary a we obtain a lower bound for the crossing number of any rectilinear drawing of with underlying point set a namely a this closes this gap between the best known lower and upper bounds for the rectilinear crossing number of by over 40% a under the assumption of a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article figure a fig a figure a shows the point set of an optimal a crossing minimal a rectilinear drawing of a with an evident partition of the vertices into highly structured clusters of vertices each a a fig a figure a are clustered into sets.,width=113 a a similar a natural a highly structured partition into clusters of equal size is observed in a every a known optimal drawing of a for every multiple of a see excite a a even for those values of a namely a a for which the exact rectilinear crossing number of is not known a the best available examples also share this property excite a in all these examples a a set of points in general position is partitioned into sets and a with with the following properties a i a there is a directed line such that a as we traverse a we find the projections of the points in a then the projections of the points in a and then the projections of the points in a ii a there is a directed line such that a as we traverse a we find the projections of the points in a then the projections of the points in a and then the projections of the points in a and iii a there is a directed line such that a as we traverse a we find the projections of the points in a then the projections of the points in a and then the projections of the points in a a definition a a point set that satisfies conditions a iiii a above is a decomposable-. please generate the next two sentences of the article | we also say that the underlying rectilinear drawing of is. a possible choice of a and for the example in figure a fig a figure a is illustrated in figure a fig a figure a a a it a a pm 0.5 pm it is widely believed that all optimal rectilinear drawings of are a |
204 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we have directly measured the energy threshold and efficiency for bubble nucleation from iodine recoils in a cf bubble chamber in the energy range of interest for a dark matter search a these interactions can not be probed by standard neutron calibration methods a so we develop a new technique by observing the elastic scattering of negative pions a the pions are tracked with a silicon pixel telescope and the reconstructed scattering angle provides a measure of the nuclear recoil kinetic energy a the bubble chamber was operated with a nominal threshold of a interpretation of the results depends on the response to fluorine and carbon recoils a but in general we find agreement with the predictions of the classical bubble nucleation theory a this measurement confirms the applicability of cf as a target for spin a independent dark matter interactions and represents a novel technique for calibration of superheated fluid detectors a recent years have seen a resurgence in the use of superheated liquids and bubble chambers as continuously sensitive nuclear recoil detectors searching for dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles a wimps a at a low degree of superheat a bubble chambers are insensitive to minimum ionizing backgrounds that normally plague wimp searches but retain sensitivity to the nuclear recoils that would be characteristic of wimp scattering a in a superheated liquid the process of radiation a induced bubble nucleation is described by the classical of hot spike of model excite a for the phase transition to occur a the energy deposited by the particle must create a critically sized bubble a requiring a minimum energy deposition in a volume smaller than the critical bubble a under mildly superheated conditions a the latter requirement renders the bubble chamber insensitive to minimum ionizing particles a the radius of the critical bubble is given by the condition that the bubble be in a unstable a equilibrium with the. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article our bubble chambers are insensitive to minimum ionizing particles a allowing us to exploit a new calibration technique using charged pions as wimp surrogates to produce nuclear recoils by strong elastic scattering a we measure the pion scattering angle using silicon pixel detectors a the nuclear recoil kinetic energy can be calculated by on an event by event basis a where is the beam momentum a the scattering angle a and the nuclear mass of the target a for a cf target please generate the next two sentences of the article | a a measured scattering angle corresponds to a different recoil energy depending on which nucleus is involved in the interaction a in this paper a we will refer to iodine equivalent recoil energy a a as the energy given to an iodine nucleus for a given pion scattering angle a for a pion beam a approximately of the rate of pions scattering into angles corresponding to between a and of key is due to elastic scattering on iodine a with smaller contributions from carbon a fluorine a and inelastic scattering excite a |
205 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we have calculated the nonlinear current of a number of single band a a wave electron a phonon superconductors a among issues considered were those of dimensionality a strong electron a phonon coupling a impurities a and comparison with bus a for the case of two bands a particular attention is paid to the role of anisotropy a the integration effects of the off a diagonal electron a phonon interaction a as well as inter and contraband impurities a for the specific case of mgb a we present results based on the known microscopic parameters of band theory a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article with the advent of high temperature superconductivity in the curates and the possibility of exotic gap symmetry including nodal behavior a a renewed effort to find novel experimental probes of order parameter symmetry has ensued a one result of this effort was the proposal by souls and co a workers to examine the nonlinear current response of a a wave superconductors a they showed that a nonanalyticity in the current a velocity relation at temperature is introduced by the presence of nodes in the order parameter of please generate the next two sentences of the article | one prediction was that an anisotropy should exist in the nonlinear current as a function of the direction of the superfluid velocity relative to the position of the node a this would be reflected in an anisotropy of a term in the inverse penetration depth which is linear in the magnetic field a |
206 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper three disjoint rays in form a borromean rays a provided their union is knotted a but the union of any two components is knotted a we construct infinitely many borromean rays a uncountable many of which are pairwise equivalent a we obtain uncountable many borromean hyperplanes a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article for proper a locally flat embeddings in a it is well a known that a a a a rat a a ray of copy of a knots if and only if a a hot a a hyperplane of copy of a knots if and only if a both facts hold in the smooth a piecewise linear a and topological categories excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | fox and martin discovered the first knotted ray excite a the boundary of a closed regular neighbourhood of any knotted ray is a knotted hyperplane a for a |
207 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper based on a recent formulation of the of a photonic crystal fiber we provide numerically based empirical expressions for this quantity only dependent on the two structural parameters the air hole diameter and the hole a to a hole center spacing a based on the unique relation between the and the equivalent mode field radius we identify how the parameter space for these fiber is restricted in order for the fiber to remain single mode while still having a guided mode confined to the core region a of so go johnson and of do joannopoulos a of block a iterative frequency a domain methods for maxwell a equations in a planewave basis a of opt a express a a a a 173 a 2001 a a a a to pm white a by to kuhlmey a re cd mcphedran a do master a go reverse a cd my de sterne a and la cd button a of multiple method for microstructure optical fiber a in formulation a of of opt a soc a am a a a of a a 2322 a 2002 a a of cd knight a to a birds a pm so of russell a and do my atkins a of all a silica single a mode optical fiber with photonic crystal cladding a of opt a lett a a of a a 1547 a 1996 a a a we snyder and of do love a a optical waveguide theory a a chapman a hall a new york a 1983 a a do marcuse a of gaussian approximation of the fundamental modes of graded a index fiber a of of opt a a am a a of a a 103 a 1978 a a no a hortense a of re folkenberg a my do nielsen a and of pm hansen a of modal cut a off and the in photonic crystal fiber a of opt a lett a a of a a 1879 a 2003 a a by to kuhlmey a re cd mcphedran a and cd my de sterne a of modal cutoff in microstructure optical fiber a of opt a lett a a of a a 1684 a 2002 a a of re folkenberg a no a hortense a of pm hansen a to pm hansen a he re simone a and cd jacobsen a of experimental investigation of cut a off phenomena in non a linear photonic crystal fibers. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article theoretical descriptions of photonic crystal fiber a pcs a have traditionally been restricted to numerical evaluation of maxwell a equations a in the most general case a a plane wave expansion method with periodic boundary conditions is employed excite while other methods a such as the multiple method excite a take advantage of the localized nature of the guided modes and to some extend the circular shape of the air a holes a the reason for the application of these methods is the relatively complex dielectric cross section of a pc for which rotational symmetry is absent of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the aim of this work is to provide a set of numerically based empirical expressions describing the basic properties such as cutoff and mode a field radius of a pc based on the fundamental geometrical parameters only a we consider the fiber structure first studied by knight a |
208 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper nearest neighbour with the dynamic time warping a dow a distance is one of the most effective classifiers on time series domain a since the global constraint has been introduced in speech community a many global constraint models have been proposed including sake a chiba a a a a a band a itakura parallelogram a and ratanamahatana a keogh a a a a a band a the a a a band is a general global constraint model that can represent any global constraints with arbitrary shape and size effectively a however a we need a good learning algorithm to discover the most suitable set of a a a bands a and the current a a a band learning algorithm still suffers from an overfishing phenomenon a in this paper a we propose two new learning algorithms a item a band boundary extraction algorithm and iterative learning algorithm a the band boundary extraction is calculated from the bound of all possible warping paths in each class a and the iterative learning is adjusted from the original a a a band learning a we also use a silhouette index a a well a known clustering validation technique a as a heuristic function a and the lower bound function a lb-keogh a to enhance the prediction speed a twenty datasets a from the workshop and challenge on time series classification a held in conjunction of the signed 2007 a are used to evaluate our approach a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article classification problem is one of the most important tasks in time series data mining a a well a known nearest neighbour a inn a with dynamic time warping a dow a distance is one of the best classifier to classify time series data a among other approaches a such as support vector machine a sam a excite a artificial neural network a ann a excite a and decision tree excite a for the inn classification a selecting an appropriate distance measure is very crucial a however a the selection criteria still depends largely on the nature of data itself a especially in time series data of please generate the next two sentences of the article | though the euclidean distance is commonly used to measure the dissimilarity between two time series a it has been shown that dow distance is more appropriate and produces more accurate results a sake a chiba band a a a a band a excite originally speeds up the dow calculation and later has been introduced to be used as a dow global constraint a |
209 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper for random matrices with tree a like structure there exists a recursive relation for the local green functions whose solution permits to find directly many important quantities in the limit of infinite matrix dimensions a the purpose of this note is to investigate and compare expressions for the spectral density of random regular graphs a based on easy approximations for real solutions of the recursive relation valid for trees with large coordination number a the obtained formulas are in a good agreement with the results of numerical calculations even for small coordination number a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article matrices with random a or pseudo a random a elements appear naturally in many different problems and are well investigated in physical and mathematical literature a see edge excite a a in this note we consider a special class of sparse random matrices a namely a matrices associated with tree a or tree a like a structures a a fundamental property of such matrices is that the number of non a zero elements in each row and column either remains finite or grows much slowly than the matrix dimension when the latter increases a as usual a a a connected of please generate the next two sentences of the article | tree is a graph where any pair of vertices is connected by only one path without repeating vertices a vertices are labeled by integers a if a symmetric a or herminia a matrix is such that its entries a a are non a zero if and only if vertices and are connected on a given tree a then the matrix is said to be associated with the tree a |
210 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper spin and chirality orderings of the three a dimensional heisenberg spin glass under magnetic fields are studied by large a scale equilibrium monte carlo simulations a it is found that the chiral a glass transition and the chiral a glass ordered state a which are essentially of the same character as their zero a field counterparts a occur under magnetic fields a the chiral a glass ordered state exhibits a one a step a like peculiar replica a symmetry breaking in the chiral sector a while it does not accompany the spin a glass order perpendicular to the applied field a critical properties of the chiral a glass transition are different from those of the standard using spin glass a magnetic phase diagram of the model is constructed a which reveals that the chiral a glass state is quite robust against magnetic fields a the chiral a glass transition line has a character of the gaby a toulouse line of the mean a field model a yet its physical origin being entirely different a these numerical results are discussed in light of the recently developed spin a chirality decoupling a decoupling scenario a implication to experimental phase diagram is also discussed a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in the studies of spin glasses a much effort has been devoted either experimentally or theoretically to the properties under magnetic fields a unfortunately a our understanding of them still has remained unsatisfactory a on theoretical side a most of the numerical studies have focused on the properties of the simple using model a especially the three a dimensional a cd a edwards a anderson a a a model a while the existence of a true thermodynamic spin a glass a so a transition has been established for this model in zero field a the question of its existence or nonexistence in magnetic fields has remained unsettled a this question is closely related to the hotly debated issue of whether the ordered state of the cd using so in zero field exhibits a replica a symmetry breaking a rob a or not of please generate the next two sentences of the article | if one tries to understand real experimental so ordering a one has to remember that many of real so materials are more or less heisenberg a like rather than using a in the sense that the random magnetic anisotropy is considerably weaker than the isotropic exchange interaction a for example a in widely studied canonical spin glasses a a |
211 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present a method for rejecting competing models from noisy time a course data that does not rely on parameter inference a first we characterize ordinary differential equation models in only measurable variables using differential algebra elimination a next we extract additional information from the given data using gaussian process regression a apr a and then transform the differential invariants a we develop a test using linear algebra and statistics to reject transformed models with the given data in a parameter a free manner a this algorithm exploits the information about transients that is encoded in the model a structure a we demonstrate the power of this approach by discriminating between different models from mathematical biology a keywords a model selection a differential algebra a algebraic statistics a mathematical biology a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article given competing mathematical models to describe a process a we wish to know whether our data is compatible with the candidate models a often comparing models requires optimization and fitting time course data to estimate parameter values and then applying an information criterion to select a a best a model excite a however sometimes it is not feasible to estimate the value of these unknown parameters a edge large parameter space a nonlinear objective function a unidentifiable etc a a the parameter problem has motivated the growth of fields that embrace a parameter a free flavour such as chemical reaction network theory and stoichiometric theory excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | however many of these approaches are limited to comparing the behavior of models at steady a state excite a inspired by techniques commonly used in applied algebraic geometry excite and algebraic statistics excite a methods for discriminating between models without estimating parameters has been developed for steady a state data excite a applied to models in want signaling excite a and then generalized to only include one data point excite a |
212 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper using a high resolution hydrodynamical cosmological simulation of the formation of a massive spheroidal galaxy we show that elliptical galaxies can be very compact and massive at high redshift in agreement with recent observations a accretion of stripped in a falling stellar material increases the size of the system with time and the central concentration is reduced by dynamical friction of the surviving stellar cores a in a specific case of a spheroidal galaxy with a final stellar mass of we find that the effective radius increases from at a a a to at a a a with a concomitant decrease in the effective density of an order of magnitude and a decrease of the central velocity dispersion by approximately 20% over this time interval a a simple argument based on the viral theorem shows that during the accretion of weakly bound material a minor mergers a the radius can increase as the square of the mass in contrast to the usual linear rate of increase for major mergers a by undergoing minor mergers compact high redshift spheroids can evolve into present a day systems with sizes and concentrations similar to observed local elliptical a this indicates that minor mergers may be the main driver for the late evolution of sizes and densities of early a type galaxies a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article there is recent observational evidence that a significant fraction of massive evolved spheroidal stellar systems is already in place at redshift a however a only a small percentage of these galaxies is fully assembled excite a the galaxies are smaller by a factor of three to five compared to present a day elliptical at similar masses of please generate the next two sentences of the article | their effective stellar mass densities are at least one order of magnitude higher excite with significantly higher surface brightnesses compared to their low redshift analogs a these observations are difficult to reconcile with some current idealized formation scenarios for elliptical galaxies a |
213 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the reaction was measured at the mainz microtron miami at an invariant mass of and four a momentum transfers of a and a for each value of a a rosenbluth separation of the transverse and longitudinal cross sections was performed a an effective lagrangian model was used to extract the a axial mass a from experimental data a we find a value of which is larger than the axial mass known from neutrino scattering experiments a this is consistent with recent calculations in chiral perturbation theory a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a and a pics a a 13.60.le a a 14.20.dh a keywords a a nucleon axial form factor a coincident pion electroproduction a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article there are basically two methods to determine the weak axial form factor of the nucleon a one set of experimental data comes from measurements of a quasielastic a antineutrino scattering on protons excite a deuterons excite and other nuclei a al a be a excite or composite targets like freon excite and propane excite a in the a quasielastic picture of a antineutrino a nucleus scattering a the weak transition amplitude can be expressed in terms of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors and and the axial form factor of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the axial form factor is then extracted by fitting the -dependence of the a antineutrino a nucleon cross section a in which is contained in the bilinear forms a and of the relevant form factors and is assumed to be the only unknown quantity a it can be parametrised in terms of an a axial mass a as a as extracted from a quasielastic neutrino and antineutrino scattering experiments a |
214 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper previous studies have shown that a wise--selected hyperluminous a hot dust a obscured galaxies a hot dogs a are powered by highly dust a obscured a possibly compton a thick ages a high obscuration provides us a good chance to study the host morphology of the most luminous ages directly a we analyse the host morphology of of hot dogs at using hubble space telescope a waco imaging a we find that hot dogs have a high merger fraction a a a by fitting the surface brightness profiles a we find that the distribution of music indices in our hot dog sample peaks around a a which suggests that most of hot dogs have transforming morphologies a we also derive the an biometric luminosity a a of our hot dog sample by using in sets decomposition a the derived merger fraction and an biometric luminosity relation is well consistent with the variability a based model prediction excite a both the high merger fraction in in a luminous an sample and relatively low merger fraction in us a optical a selected a obscured an sample can be expected in the merger a driven evolutionary model a finally a we conclude that hot dogs are merger a driven and may represent a transit phase during the evolution of massive galaxies a transforming from the dusty starburst dominated phase to the obscured so phase a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article both cosmic star formation rate and active galactic nucleus a an a density have been found to reach their peaks at excite a in the local universe a a supermassive black hole a such a generically exists in the center of early a type galaxies with the black hole mass tightly correlating with that of the galaxy a stellar bulge excite a the connection and co a evolution between the central such and host galaxy have therefore been suggested excite a in one of the most popular co a evolution scenarios of please generate the next two sentences of the article | galaxy mergers have been proposed to funnel gas into the center of galaxies a leading to a central starburst and rapid growth of a such excite a one promising approach to investigate the merger a driven co a evolution scenario is to study the merger features in an host galaxies a however a previous studies have produced mixed results a |
215 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper adequate description of electro and gamma nuclear physics is of utmost importance in studies of electron beam a dumps and intense electron beam accelerators a i also is mandatory to describe neutron backgrounds and activation in linear colliders a this physics was elaborated in grant over the last year a and now entered into the stage of practical application a in the grant photo a nuclear data base there are at present about of nuclei for which the photo a nuclear absorption cross sections have been measured a of these a data on of nuclei are used to parametrize the gamma nuclear reaction cross a section the resulting cross section is a complex a factorized function of and a where is the energy of the incident photon a electro a nuclear reactions are so closely connected with photo a nuclear reactions that sometimes they are often called of photo a nuclear of a the one a photon exchange mechanism dominates in electro a nuclear reactions a and the electron can be substituted by a flux of photons a folding this flux with the gamma a nuclear cross a section a we arrive at an acceptable description of the electro a nuclear physics a final states in gamma and electro nuclear physics are described using chiral invariant phase a space decay at low gamma or equivalent photon energies a and quark gluon string model at high energies a we will present the modelling of this physics in grant a and show results from practical applications a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the photo a nuclear cross sections parametrized in the grant covers all incident photon energies from hadron production threshold up a wards a the parametrization is subdivided into five energy regions a each corresponding to the physical process that dominates a these are the giant dipole resonance a cdr a region a the of quasi a deuteron of region a the isobar region characterized by the dominant peak in the cross section which extends from the pion threshold to 450 me a the roper resonance region that extends from roughly 450 me to 1.2 get a and the region a cameron region above 1.2 get a from the geant4 photo a nuclear data based please generate the next two sentences of the article | currently of nuclei are used in defining the parametrization a a a a a a a a a a a cd a in a pm a and us the result is a function of and a where is the incident photon energy a the cross a section is the sum of the components which parametrize each energy region a |
216 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the attenuation of heavy a favored particles in nucleus nucleus collisions tests the microscopic dynamics of medium a induced parton energy loss and a in particular a its expected dependence on the identity a color charge and mass a of the parent parton a we discuss the comparison of theoretical calculations with recent single a electron data from chic experiments a then a we present predictions for the heavy a to a light ratios of and mesons at lac energy a address a university deli study i padova and info a padova a italy address a dep a de africa de particular and igfae a universidade de santiago de composted a spain address a lathe a university pierre it marie curie a paris a a a france address a department of physics a corn a theory division a gene a switzerland address a department of physics and astronomy a university of stony brook a by a us a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article believed to be the main origin of the jet quenching phenomena observed excite in nucleus nucleus collisions at chic energy a parton energy loss via gluon a radiation is expected to depend on the properties a gluon density and volume a of the a medium a formed in the collision and on the properties a color charge and mass a of the a probe a parton excite a hard gluons would lose more energy than hard quarks due to the stronger color coupling with the medium of please generate the next two sentences of the article | in addition a charm and beauty quarks are qualitatively different probes with respect to light parsons a since their energy loss is expected to be reduced a as a consequence of a mass a dependent restriction in the phase a space into which gluon radiation can occur excite a we study quenching effects for heavy quarks by supplementing perturbative cd calculations of the baseline distributions with in a medium energy loss a included via the bumps quenching weights a |
217 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper monte carlo simulations using the newly proposed wang a landau algorithm together with the broad histogram relation are performed to study the antiferromagnetic six a state clock model on the triangular lattice a which is fully frustrated a we confirm the existence of the magnetic ordering belonging to the austerlitz a topless a it a type phase transition followed by the chiral ordering which occurs at slightly higher temperature a we also observe the lower temperature phase transition of it type due to the discrete symmetry of the clock model a by using finite a size scaling analysis a the higher it temperature and the chiral critical temperature are respectively estimated as and a the results are in favor of the double transition scenario a the lower it temperature is estimated as a two decay exponents of it transitions corresponding to higher and lower temperatures are respectively estimated as and a which suggests that the exponents associated with the it transitions are universal even for the frustrated model a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article frustration is one of the interesting subjects in statistical physics a mainly because it can induce additional symmetry and lead the system to display rich low a temperature structures a the so a called two a dimensional a cd a fully frustrated by models have attracted an extensive investigation in the last two decades excite a due to the frustration the systems possess additional discrete reflection symmetry a apart from the global spin rotation symmetry a the breakdown of these symmetries are the onset of two types of phase transitions a namely one corresponding to the magnetic transition of austerlitz a topless a it a type excite and the other to the chiral transition a whether these transitions are decoupled or occur at the same temperature has long been a controversy excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | another debated issue is whether the universality class of the chiral ordering belongs to the using universality class or not excite a the system has a corresponding physical realization on a planar arrays of coupled josephson junctions in a transverse magnetic field excite and despotic liquid crystals excite a as a cd frustrated by system a |
218 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we show how the standard a server a vervet a splitting method for differential equations of hamiltonian mechanics a with accuracy of order for a timestamp of length a can be improved in a systematic manner without using the composition method a we give the explicit expressions which increase the accuracy to order a and demonstrate that the method work on a simple enharmonic oscillator a splitting a method a hamilton a equations a higher a order a accuracy a symplecticity a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article hamilton equations of motion constitute a system of ordinary first order differential equations a where the denotes differentiation with respect to time a and a they can be viewed as the characteristic equations of the partial differential equation with the first order differential operator generating a flow on phase space a if does not depend explicitly on a a formal solution of a a hamiltonianflow a a is in most cases this expression remain just formal a but one may often split the hamiltonian into two parts a a with a corresponding splitting such that the flows generated by and separately are integrable of please generate the next two sentences of the article | one may then use the campbell a baker a hausdorff formula to approximate the flow generated by a one obtains the strong splitting formula excite +,a a which shows that time stepping this expression with a timestamp provides an approximation with relative accuracy of order a exactly preserving the symplectic property of the flow a |
219 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper single photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots offer distinct advantages for quantum information a including a scalable solid a state platform a ultrabrightness a and interconnectivity with matter quits a a key prerequisite for their use in optical quantum computing and solid a state networks is a high level of efficiency and indistinguishability a pulsed resonance fluorescence a of a has been anticipated as the optimum condition for the deterministic generation of high a quality photons with vanishing effects of phasing a here a we generate pulsed of single photons on demand from a single a microgravity a embedded quantum dot under a seashell excitation with tips laser pulses a the -pulse excited of photons have less than 0.3 background contributions and a vanishing two a photon emission probability a non a postselective hong a of a manuel interference between two successively emitted photons is observed with a visibility of 0.972 a a comparable to trapped atoms and ions a two single photons are further used to implement a high a fidelity quantum controlled a not gate a single photons have been proposed as promising quantum bits a quits a for quantum communication excite a linear optical quantum computing excite and as messengers in quantum networks excite a these proposals primarily rely upon a high degree of indistinguishability between individual photons to obtain the hong a of a manuel a home a type interference excite which is at the heart of photonic controlled logic gates and photon a interference a mediated quantum networking excite a among different types of single a photon emitters excite a quantum dots a ads a are attractive solid a state devices since they can be embedded in high a quality nanostructure cavities and waveguides to generate ultra a bright sources of single and entangled photons excite a ads also provide a light a matter interface excite and can in principle be scaled to large quantum networks excite a two a photon hom. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in our experiment a we begin with an optical characterization of the ads and observe a significantly reduced spectral linewidth of the emitted photons from a resonantly driven single cd compared with incoherent excitation methods including via above a banda and a a shell using cd lasers a figurea a a a present a direct comparison of the spectral linewidth of the emitted photons from a single cd a do a neutral exciton for different cd a laser excitation methods a at moderate power regime a around saturation a a the cd photoluminescence spectra arising from above band a gap and a p--shell excitation yields a linewidth of. 5ghz a see fig. a and. 5ghz a fig. a a respectively a on the other hand a cd of photons a see fig. a exhibit a significantly narrower linewidth of. 48ghz even at high power regime well above saturation a 32 a where a follow triplet arises excite a figure shows a series of cd of spectra at different laser power of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the coherence time fitted a using the corrected eqn.1 a from ref. a from the cd of spectra at is closest to being radiative lifetime limited a/=0.936 a a where is the exciton lifetime which is measured separately to be of 39010ps using time a resolved pulsed of a this is consistent with the prediction that the pure a seashell resonant excitation can eliminate dephasings associated with the incoherent excitation methods excite a |
220 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we propose a technique to prepare coherent superpositions of two nondegenerate quantum states in a three a state ladder system a driven by two simultaneous fields near resonance with an intermediate state a the technique a of potential application to enhancement of nonlinear processes a uses adiabatic passage assisted by dynamic stark shifts induced by a third laser field a the method offers significant advantages over alternative techniques a a i a it does not require laser pulses of specific shape and duration and a a it requires less intense fields than schemes based on two a photon excitation with non a resonant intermediate states a we discuss possible experimental implementation for enhancement of frequency conversion in mercury atoms a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article efficient mechanisms to generate coherent superpositions of quantum states are central to a rich variety of applications in modern quantum physics a quantum logic gates a item the key components of a quantum computer excite a rely on superpositions of two degenerate quantum states as quits excite a quantum tunnelling and localization in a double well potential can be controlled excite by techniques that require preparation of coherent superpositions of please generate the next two sentences of the article | numerous authors have noted that nonlinear optical processes a edge resonantly enhanced frequency mixing in atomic vapours a can be significantly improved excite by preparing the nonlinear optical medium in a coherent superposition of nondegenerate quantum states a whereas numerous techniques exist to prepare coherent superpositions of degenerate states a as needed for quits in quantum computing a nonlinear optics still hold challenges a |
221 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present a theoretical analysis of contraband optical transitions from the intermediate pseudo a band of confined states to the conduction band in a finite a inhomogeneous stack of self a assembled semiconductor quantum dots a the chain is modelled with an effective hamiltonian including nearest a neighbour tunnel couplings and the absorption under illumination with both coherent a laser a and thermal radiation is discussed a we show that the absorption spectrum already for a few coupled dots differs from that of a single dot and develops a structure with additional maxim at higher energies a we find out that this leads to an enhancement of the overall transition rate under solar illumination by up to several per cent which grows with the number of ads but saturates already for a few ads in the chain a the decisive role of the strength of inter a dot coupling for the stability of this enhancement against cd stack inhomogeneity and temperature is revealed a one of the ways to improve the efficiency of solar cells is to introduce an intermediate band in the energy spectrum of a photovoltaic structure excite a in this way a electrons can be sequentially promoted from the valence band to the intermediate band and then to the conduction band by absorbing photons with energies below the band gap which are not converted into useful electrochemical energy in a standard structure a as an implementation of this concept a a stack of quantum dots a ads a in the intrinsic region of a a a i a a junction solar cell has been proposed excite a this idea has indeed gained some experimental support in recent years excite a quantum a dot a embedded a a i a a solar cells show higher quantum efficiency in near infrared range but their overall efficiency still is lower than the efficiency of similar devices without ads excite a on the theory side a models involving a single cd were formulated to describe the kinetics of transitions from and into the intermediate levels excite a on the other hand a modeling. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article we are interested in the transitions from a single a electron bound state a with a wave function and energy a to a continuum state a with a wave function and energy a a fig a a fig a sketch a a a a a a sketch of a cd chain a a a a energy diagram of a cd chain with an electron transition from the bound state in the intermediate band to the state in the conduction band of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a width=321 a we model the confined electron states as superpositions of the ground states confined in the individual dots a where numbers the dots a a for simplicity a we assume that each of these single dot states has an identical wave function a where is the position of the dot a we assume that the dots are stacked along the growth direction a a the ground state electron energies in the dots a a may differ a |
222 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in this paper a we consider phenomenology of a model with an gauge symmetry a since the muon couples to the gauge boson a called boson a a its contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment a muon get a can account for the discrepancy between the standard model prediction and the experimental measurements a on the other hand a the boson does not interact with the electron and quarks a and hence there are no strong constraints from collider experiments even if the boson mass is of the order of the electroweak scale a we show an allowed region of a parameter space in the symmetric model a taking into account consistency with the electroweak precision measurements as well as the muon get a we study the large hadron collider a lac a phenomenology a and show that the current and future data would probe the interesting parameter space for this model a a a. 75 in a muon get and lac phenomenology in the gauge symmetric model a. 75 in leisure harigaya a takafumi igari a bioko my nojiri a a michihisa takeuchi a and kazuhiro tobe 0.25 in a pm a dpi a a tobias a university of tokyo a chiba a kachina a 277 a 8583 a japan a a of physics a nagoya university a rich a nagoya 464 a 8602 a japan a a center a key a tsukuba a ibaraki 305 a 0801 a japan a a particle physics and cosmology group a department of physics a king a college london a london car els a us a a a mascara institute for the origin of particles and the universe a a nagoya university a rich a nagoya 464 a 8602 a japan a of in kcal a pm a th/2013-37 a key a th-1684 pm of a 0213 a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the standard model of elementary particles a so a has been very successful in describing the nature at the electroweak a new a scale a recently a the atlas and cams collaborations at the large hadron collider a lac a have discovered a new particle excite a which is consistent with the so highs boson a this discovery also strengthens the correctness of the so of please generate the next two sentences of the article | so far a no explicit evidence of physics beyond the so has been reported from the lac a several groups a however a have reported an anomaly of the muon anomalous magnetic moment a muon get a a which has been precisely measured experimentally excite and compared with state a of a the a art theoretical predictions a for example a see excite and references therein a a |
223 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper a smooth five a dimensional -cobordism becomes a smooth product if stabilized by a finite number of $ a a a we show that for amenable fundamental groups a the minimal is subextensive in covers a item a a we focus on the notion of sweepout width a which is a bridge between -dimensional topology and coarse geometry a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article let is an -cobordism between smooth manifolds and a since pioneering work in the 1980 a it has been known that and are not necessarily diffeomorphic excite a but they are holomorphic excite when the fundamental group is of a certain type a called of good of a a kind of time a dependent definition a by practitioners a good groups excite were built from the class of polynomial growth groups and later the more general subexponential class by closure under four operations a extension a quotient a direct limit a and subgroup of please generate the next two sentences of the article | it is tempting to guess that good groups can be extended to all amenable groups a but this is not presently known a though the question of any classification up to diffeomorphism seems completely intractable at this point a it was noticed by quinn excite in the 1970 a that these subtleties disappear under stabilization a that is a there exists a natural number so that is a product cobordism a where for a -manifold a or a and for a -dimensional cobordism a denotes the of connected sum a a of with summed parametrically along a vertical arc in a for the remainder of the paper |
224 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we report a detailed nuclear magnetic resonance a nor a study by combined and measurements over a broad range of doping to map the phase diagram of nafe a in the underdone regime a 0.017 a a we find a magnetic phase with robust antiferromagnetic a am a order a which we denote the a s--afm phase a cohabiting with a phase of weak and possibly proximity a induced am order a a w--afm a whose volume fraction % is approximately constant a near optimal doping a at a we observe a phase separation between static antiferromagnetism related to the a s--afm phase and a paramagnetic a pm a phase related to a w--afm a the volume fraction of am phase increases upon cooling a but both the new temperature and the volume fraction can be suppressed systematically by applying a -axis magnetic field a on cooling below a superconductivity occupies the pm region and its volume fraction grows at the expense of the am phase a demonstrating a phase separation of the two types of order based on volume exclusion a at higher doping a static antiferromagnetism and even critical am fluctuations are completely suppressed by superconductivity a thus the phase diagram we establish contains two distinct types of phase separation and reflects a strong competition between am and superconducting phases both in real space and in momentum space a we suggest that both this strict mutual exclusion and the robustness of superconductivity against magnetism are consequences of the extreme two a dimensionality of areas a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article competing electronic phases underlie a number of the most unconventional phenomena in condensed matter systems a when this competition is sufficiently strong a the usual outcome is a phase separation a one outstanding example of this situation is provided by materials showing colossal magnetoresistance a where competing magnetic interactions lead to phase separation between conducting ferromagnetic and insulating antiferromagnetic a am a regions excite a as a consequence a an external magnetic field can be used to control the resistance over many orders of magnitude a offering possible applications in electronic devices a in curate superconductors of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the competition between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity forms the basis for the majority of the observed phenomena and for several classes of materials the debate can be phrased in terms of the extent to which phase separation is the outcome a the stripe phase a which has been the object of heated research interest for two decades a can be considered as a form of atomic a scale phase separation between am and superconducting a so a regions a and such self a organizing heterostructures are a direct reflection of the electronic correlations whose effects are essential to understanding the mechanism of high a temperature superconductivity excite a the competition between am and so phases also forms the foundation for the physics of iron a based superconductors excite a where it is manifest in the emergence of a tetragonal so phase upon doping or pressure a induced suppression of an orthorhombic am phase a |
225 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the basic ideas underlying the production dynamics and search techniques for disoriented chiral condensate are described a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article these notes are an abbreviated version of lectures given at the 1997 zapopan school a they contain two topics a the first is a description in elementary terms of the basic ideas underlying the speculative hypothesis that pieces of strong a interaction vacuum with a rotated chiral order parameter a disoriented chiral condensate or dec a might be produced in high energy elementary particle collisions of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the second topic is a discussion of the phenomenological techniques which may be applied to data in order to experimentally search for the existence of dec a two other topics were discussed in the lectures but will not be mentioned in these notes other than in this introduction a |
226 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper several high a performance lab instruments suitable for manual assembly have been developed using low a pin a count 32-bit microcontrollers that communicate with an android tablet via a us interface a a single android tablet app accommodates multiple interface needs by uploading parameter lists and graphical data from the microcontrollers a which are themselves programmed with easily a modified a code a the hardware design of the instruments emphasizes low chip counts and is highly modular a relying on small daughter boards of for special functions such as us power management a waveform generation a and phase a sensitive signal detection a in one example a a daughter board provides a complete waveform generator and direct digital synthesizer that fits on a 1.5".8 a circuit card a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in 2011 a i described a timing sequencer and related laser lab instrumentation based on 16-bit microcontrollers and a homemade custom keypad a display unit. since then a two new developments have enabled a far more powerful approach a the availability of high a performance 32-bit microcontrollers in low a pin a count packages suitable for hand assembly a and the near a ubiquitous availability of tablets with high a resolution touch a screen interfaces and open development platforms a this article describes several new instrument designs tailored for research in atomic physics and laser spectroscopy a each utilizes a 32-bit microcontroller in conjunction with a us interface to an android tablet a which serves as an interactive user interface and graphical display of please generate the next two sentences of the article | these instruments are suitable for construction by students with some experience in soldering small chips a and are programmed using standard a code that can easily be modified a this offers both flexibility and educational opportunities a |
227 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we study the entanglement dynamics of two quits a each of which is embedded into its local amplitude a damping reservoir a and the entanglement distribution among all the bipartite subsystems including quit a quit a quit a reservoir a and reservoir a reservoir a it is found that the entanglement can be stably distributed among all components a which is much different to the result obtained under the born a markova approximation by cd of lopez a it al a a a phys a rev a lett a a 101 a a 080503 a 2008 a a a and particularly it also satisfies an identity a our unified treatment includes the previous results as special cases a the result may give help to understand the physical nature of entanglement under coherence a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article entanglement in quantum multipartite systems is a unique property in quantum world a it plays an important role in quantum information processing excite a therefore a the study of its essential features and dynamical behavior under the ubiquitous coherence of relevant quantum system has attracted much attention in recent years excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | for example a it was found that the entanglement of quits under the markova coherence can be terminated in a finite time despite the coherence of single quit losing in an asymptotic manner excite a the phenomenon called as entanglement sudden death a esd a excite has been observed experimentally excite a |
228 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the rosette hhd jet is a collimated flow immersed in the strong us radiation field of the rosette nebula a we investigate the physical properties of the rosette hhd jet using high a quality narrow a band images and high a dispersion spectroscopy a the new images show that the axis of the jet is not precisely aligned with the star near the base of the jet a the high resolution of the spectra allows us to accurately determine the contributions from the region a jet a and star a the approaching and receding sides of the expanding shell of the rosette nebula are at heliocentric velocities of of and of pm s a while the jet reaches a maximum velocity offset at a heliocentric velocity of pm s a the a a doublet ratios indicate an electron density of in the jet and in the region a with a careful subtraction of the nebular and jet components a we find the stellar h line is dominated by a broad absorption profile with little or no emission component a indicating a lack of substantial circumstellar material a the circumstellar material has most likely been photo a evaporated by the strong us radiation field in the rosette nebula a the evaporation time scale is 10 10 or a the rosette hhd jet source provides evidence for an accelerated evolution from a cats to a watts due to the strong us radiation field a therefore a both class and watts can be spatially mixed in regions with massive star formation a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article herein a hard a he a objects immersed in an ultraviolet a us a radiation field can be photoionized externally excite a the photoionized jets a outflows of he objects become optically visible a and thus their detailed physical properties can be studied a such photoionized he jet systems have been identified in the orion nebula and in the reflection nebula not 1333 excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | recently a two such photoionized jet systems a the rosette hhd and hhd jets a were discovered within the central cavity of the rosette nebula excite a the rosette nebula is a spectacular region excavated by strong stellar winds from dozens of of stars at the center of the young open cluster not 2244 a the primary component of a possible twin cluster recently identified using the mass a two micron all sky survey a database excite a at a distance of 1.39 pc excite a this emerging young open cluster is found to have a main sequence turn a off age of about 1.9 my excite a |
229 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we report a detection of the excited rotational transition of para in pm 08279 a 5255 using the iraq plateau de sure interferometer a at a this is the highest a redshift detection of interstellar water to date a from log modelling a we conclude that this transition is predominantly radiative pumped and on its own does not provide a good estimate of the water abundance a however a additional water transitions are predicted to be detectable in this source a which would lead to an improved excitation model a we also present a sensitive upper limit for the of absorption toward pm 08279 a 5255 a while the face a on geometry of this source is not favorable for absorption studies a the lack of of absorption is still puzzling and may be indicative of a lower fluorine abundance at compared with the galactic ism a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article molecules such as co or hon have been commonly used as tracers of molecular gas in high a redshift galaxies a however a recent observations with the a herschel space observatory a excite have shown strong spectroscopic signatures from other light hydrides a such as water a h a or of a in nearby active galaxies a edge a excite a a these lines are blocked by the earth a atmosphere a but can be observed a redshift a in distant galaxies using the current millimetre and submillimeter facilities of please generate the next two sentences of the article | for example a excite have recently reported a detection of water in j090302 a 014127b a sdp.17b a at a one of the exciting recent results from wifi excite is the detection of widespread absorption in the fundamental rotational transition of hydrogen fluoride toward galactic sources excite a |
230 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper a huge amount of entropy is produced at places where fresh water and seawater mix a for example at river mouths a this mixing process is a potentially enormous source of sustainable energy a provided it is harnessed properly a for instance by a cyclic charging and discharging process of porous electrodes immersed in salt and fresh water a respectively a do broccoli a phys a a lett a a 103 a a 058501 a 2009 a a a here we employ a modified poisson a boltzmann free a energy density functional to calculate the ionic adsorption and desorption onto and from the charged electrodes a from which the electric work of a cycle is deduced a we propose optimal a most efficient a cycles for two given salt baths involving two canonical and two grand a canonical a discharging paths a in analogy to the well a known carnot cycle for heat a to a work conversion from two heat baths involving two isothermal and two adiabatic paths a we also suggest a slightly modified cycle which can be applied in cases that the stream of fresh water is limited a a bob evans about water a 1998 a a a a bob evans about ionic criticality a 1998 a a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article where river water meets the sea a an enormous amount of energy is dissipated as a result of the irreversible mixing of fresh and salt water a the dissipated energy is about a of per liter of river water a a item a equivalent to a waterfall of 200 a excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | it is estimated that the combined power from all large estuaries in the world could take care of approximately 20% of today a worldwide energy demand excite a extracting or storing this energy is therefore a potentially serious option that our fossil a fuel burning society may have to embrace in order to become sustainable a |
231 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper using molecular dynamics based on angevin equations with a coordinate and velocity a dependent damping coefficient a we study the frictional properties of a thin layer of of soft of lubricant a where the interaction within the lubricant is weaker than the lubricant a substrate interaction a confined between two solids a at low driving velocities the system demonstrates stick a slip motion a the lubricant may or may not be melted during sliding a thus exhibiting either the of liquid sliding of a is a or the of layer over layer sliding of a loss a regimes a the loss regime mainly operates at low sliding velocities a we investigate the dependence of friction properties on the misfit angle between the sliding surfaces and calculate the distribution of static frictional thresholds for a contact of polycrystalline surfaces a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the problem of boundary lubrication is very interesting from the physical point of view and important for practical applications a but it is not fully understood yet excite a conventional lubricants belong to the type of liquid a of soft of a lubricants a where the amplitude of molecular interactions within the lubricant a a is smaller than the lubricant a substrate interaction a a due to strong coupling with the substrates a lubricant monolayers cover the surfaces a and protect them from wear of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a thin lubricant film a when its thickness is lower than about six molecular layers a typically solidifies even if the conditions a temperature and pressure a are those corresponding to the bulk liquid state a as a result a the static friction force is nonzero a a and the system exhibits stick a slip motion a when the top substrate is driven through an attached spring a which also may model the slider elasticity a a in detail a at the beginning of motion the spring elongates a the driving force increases till it reaches the static threshold a then a fast sliding event takes place a the spring relaxes a the surfaces stick again a and the whole process repeats itself a |
232 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we consider in this paper blow a up solutions of the semilinear wave equation in one space dimension a with an exponential source term a assuming that initial data are in or some times in a we derive the blow a up rate near a non a characteristic point in the smaller space a and give some bounds near other points a our result generalize those proved by odin under high regularity assumptions on initial data a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article we consider the one dimensional semilinear wave equation a where and a we may also add more restriction on initial data by assuming that the cauchy problem for equation a a wave a a in the space follows from fixed point techniques a see section a cauchy a problem a below a a a if the solution is not global in time a we show in this paper that it blows up a see theorems a the a and a new a below a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | for that reason a we call it a blow a up solution a the existence of blow a up solutions is guaranteed by ode techniques and the finite speed of propagation a |
233 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper generalized vorobev a yablonski polynomials have been introduced by carson and mansfield in their study of rational solutions of the second painted hierarchy a we present new handel determinant identities for the squares of these special polynomials in terms of scour polynomials a as an application of the identities a we analyse the roots of generalized vorobev a yablonski polynomials and provide formal for the boundary curves of the highly regular patterns observed numerically in excite a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article let denote a solution of the second painted equation it is known that for special values of the parameter the equation admits rational solutions a in fact vorobev and yablonski excite showed that for a the equation has a unique rational solution of the form which is constructed in terms of the vorobev a yablonski polynomials a these special polynomials can be defined via a differential a difference equation where a or equivalently excite in determinants form a with for a a j=0^n-1,a n- 1;a a a a -k=0^q-kxw^k=-w^3+wx.a a for our purposes a it will prove useful to rewrite in terms of scour polynomials a in general a of of please generate the next two sentences of the article | excite a a the scour polynomial a a in the variable associated to the partition with is determined by the jacobi a trudy determinant a a judi a a a a a a a a a k=1^ a a a here a for is defined by the generating series a def a a |
234 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we consider a gaussian sequence space model where has a diagonal covariance matrix a we consider the situation where the parameter vector is sparse a our goal is to estimate the unknown parameter by a model selection approach a the heterogeneous case is much more involved than the direct model a indeed a there is no more symmetry inside the stochastic process that one needs to control since each empirical coefficient has its own variance a the problem and the penalty do not only depend on the number of coefficients that one selects a but also on their position a this appears also in the minimal bounds where the worst coefficients will go to the larger variances a however a with a careful and explicit choice of the penalty we are able to select the correct coefficients and get a sharp non a asymptotic control of the risk of our procedure a some simulation results are provided a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article we consider the following sequence space model where are the coefficients of a signal and the noise has a diagonal covariance matrix a this heterogeneous model may appear in several frameworks where the variance is fluctuating a for example in heterogeneous regression a coloured noise a fractional brownian motion models or statistical inverse problems a for which the general literature is quite exhaustive excite a the goal is to estimate the unknown parameter by using the observations of please generate the next two sentences of the article | model selection is a core problem in statistics a one of the main reference in the field dates back to the air criterion excite a but there has been a huge amount of papers on this subject a edge a excite a a |
235 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper data obtained during five months of 2001 with the gravitational wave a go a detectors explorer and nautilus were studied in correlation with the gamma ray burst data a grab a obtained with the bepposax satellite a during this period bepposax was the only grab satellite in operation a while explorer and nautilus were the only go detectors in operation a no correlation between the go data and the grab bursts was found a the analysis a performed over of grab a a excludes the presence of signals of amplitude a with 95% probability a if we allow a time delay between go bursts and grab within a a and a if the time delay is within so the result is also provided in form of scaled likelihood for unbiased interpretation and easier use for further analysis a a institute national i fiscal nuclear info a rome a a a university of rome of tor errata of and info a rome a a a a ifs a car and info a rome a a a university of aquila and info a rome a a a a less a car and info a rome a a a university of rome of la sapiens of and info a rome a a a institute national i fiscal nuclear info a frascati a a a university of ferrara and iasi a car a bologna a a a university of ferrara a ferrara a a a university of ferrara a ferrara and it of in calvin of a finale emilia a modena a a a university of rome of tor errata of and info a frascati a a a ifs a car and info a rome a a a a ifs a car and info a frascati a a a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article one of the most important astrophysical phenomena still lacking an explanation is the origin of the celestial gamma a ray bursts a grab a a these are powerful flashes of gamma a rays lasting from less than one second to tens of seconds a with isotropic distribution in the sky a they are observed above the terrestrial atmosphere with a gamma ray detectors aboard satellites excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | thanks to the bepposax satellite excite a afterglow emission at lower wavelengths has been discovered excite and we now know that at least long a a grab a are at cosmological distances a with measured red shifts up to 4.5 a see a edge a review by djorgovski excite and references therein a a among the possible explanations of these events a which involve huge energy releases a up to erg a assuming isotropic emission a a the most likely candidates are the collapse of a very massive star a supernova a and the coalescence of one compact binary system a see a edge a reviews by iran excite and macros excite and references therein a a in both cases emission of gravitational waves a go a is expected to be associated with them a edge ref a excite a a according to several models a the duration of a go burst is predicted to be of the order of a few milliseconds for a variety of sources a including the coalescing and merging black holes indoor neutron star binaries a |
236 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper a simple mathematical definition of the report model for pure prolong is given a the model combines the intuition of ports with a compact representation of execution state a forward and backward derivation steps are possible a the model satisfies a modularity claim a making it suitable for formal reasoning a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in order to formally handle a specify and prove a some properties of prolong execution a we needed above all a definition of a port a a port is perhaps the single most popular notion in prolong debugging a but theoretically it appears still rather elusive a the notion stems from the seminal article of byrd excite which identifies four different types of control flow in a prolong execution a as movements in and out of procedure a boxes a via the four a ports a of these boxes a a a call a a entering the procedure in order to solve a goal a a a exit a a leaving the procedure after a success a item a solution for the goal is found a a a fail a a leaving the procedure after the failure a item there are no a more a solutions a a a redo a a re a entering the procedure a item another solution is sought for a in this work a we present a formal definition of ports a which is a calculus of execution states a and hence provide a formal model of pure prolong execution a a a up of please generate the next two sentences of the article | our approach is to define ports by virtue of their effect a as a port transitions a port transition relates two a |
237 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present an analysis of the behaviour of the a coarse a grained a a a mesoscopic a a rank partitioning of the mean energy of collections of particles composing serialized dark matter halos in a -cdm cosmological simulation a we find evidence that rank preservation depends on halo mass a in the sense that more massive halos show more rank preservation than less massive ones a we find that the most massive halos obey arnold a theorem a on the ordering of the characteristic frequencies of the system a more frequently than less massive halos a this method may be useful to evaluate the coarse a training level a minimum number of particles per energy cell a necessary to reasonably measure signatures of a mesoscopic a rank orderings in a gravitational system a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article dissipationless a a body simulations of stellar systems indicate that scaling relations such as the so a called a fundamental plane a a hereon a up a a that is a the systematic deviation from the expectations of the viral theorem applied to these systems a could be reproduced from the final products of hierarchical merging of galactic model progenitors excite a however a not all evolutionary conditions lead to up a like relations a simple gravitational collapses do not a that is a objects resulted from mergers form a slightly non a homologous family a and a up a like relation a a whereas collapses are homologous among themselves a and show no deviation from the viral expectations a see excite a a at the same time of please generate the next two sentences of the article | kandrup and collaborators excite argued on the existence of a mesoscopic constraints a of pure gravitational origin in systems relaxing towards visualization a hereon a the a kandrup effect a a a these constraints were inferred from the general preservation of the a coarse a grained a partitioning of the ranked energy distribution of particles a and seemed to regulate somehow the gravitational evolution of these galaxy models towards equilibrium a |
238 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the prediction of cross sections for nuclei far off stability is crucial in the field of nuclear astrophysics a in recent calculations the nuclear level density as an important ingredient to the statistical model a hauler a meshach a has shown the highest uncertainties a we present a global parametrization of nuclear level densities within the back a shifted fermi a gas formalism a employment of an energy a dependent level density parameter a based on microscopic corrections from a recent from mass formula a and a backshift a based on pairing and shell corrections a leads to a highly improved fit of level densities at the neutron a separation energy in the mass range a the importance of using proper microscopic corrections from mass formulae is emphasized a the resulting level description is well suited for astrophysical applications a the level density can also provide clues to the applicability of the statistical model which is only correct for a high density of excited states a using the above description a one can derive a of map of for the applicability of the model to reactions of stable and unstable nuclei with neutral and charged particles a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article explosive nuclear burning in astrophysical environments produces unstable nuclei a which again can be targets for subsequent reactions a in addition a it involves a very large number of stable nuclei a which are not fully explored by experiments a thus a it is necessary to be able to predict reaction cross sections and thermonuclear rates with the aid of theoretical models a explosive burning in supernovae involves in general intermediate mass and heavy nuclei a due to a large nucleon number please generate the next two sentences of the article | they have intrinsically a high density of excited states a a high level density in the compound nucleus at the appropriate excitation energy allows to make use of the statistical model approach for compound nuclear reactions a edge excite a a which averages over resonances a in this paper a we want to present new results obtained within this approach and outline in a clear way a where its application is valid a |
239 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we introduce and solve a model which considers two coupled networks growing simultaneously a the dynamics of the networks is governed by the new arrival of network elements a nodes a making preferential attachments to are a existing nodes in both networks a the model segregates the links in the networks as intro a links a cross a links and mix a links a the corresponding degree distributions of these links are found to be power a laws with exponents having coupled parameters for intro and cross a links a in the weak coupling case the model reduces to a simple citation network a as for the strong coupling a it mimics the mechanism of a the web of human sexual contacts a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article today a with a vast amount of publications being produced in every discipline of scientific research a it can be rather overwhelming to select a good quality work a that is enriched with original ideas and relevant to scientific community a more often this type of publications are discovered through the citation mechanism a it is believed that an estimate measure for scientific credibility of a paper is the number of citations that it receives a though this should not be taken too literally since some publications may have gone unnoticed or have been forgotten about over time of please generate the next two sentences of the article | knowledge of how many times their publications are cited can be seen as good feedback for the authors a which brings about an unspoken demand for the statistical analysis of citation data a one of the impressive empirical studies on citation distribution of scientific publications excite showed that the distribution is a power a law form with exponent a |
240 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present optical spectroscopic identifications of hard a a ray a a a of key a selected sources belonging to the hellas sample obtained with a bepposax a down to a a a of key flux limit of erg s a the sample consists of 118 sources a of sources have been identified trough correlations with catalogues of known sources a of have been searched for spectroscopic identification at the telescope a of fields resulted empty down to r=21 a of sources have been identified with type a an and a with type a an a the remaining are a a narrow emission line galaxies a a clusters a a by lac a a radio galaxy and a star a combining these objects with other hard a a ray selected ages from a asia a and a head a a we find that the local luminosity function of type a an in the a a of key band is fairly well represented by a double a power a law a function a there is evidence for significant cosmological evolution according to a pure luminosity evolution a pee a model a with =2.12 and =2.22 a a in a a,=1.0,0.0 a and in a a,=0.3,0.7 a cosmology a respectively a the data show an excess of faint high redshift type a an which is well modelled by a luminosity dependent density evolution a lode a a similarly to what observed in the soft a a rays a however a in both cosmologies a the statistic is not significant enough to distinguish between the pee and lode models a the fitted models imply a contribution of agni to the a a of key a a ray background from 35% up to 60% a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article an have first been discovered in the radio and soon after searched in the optical band a consequently a they have been classified using their optical characteristics and mainly divided into two categories a type a a agni a and a a agni a according to the presence or not of broad emission lines in their optical spectra a we will keep this definition of agni throughout this paper a a before the advent of the last generation of hard a a ray telescopes a an samples where predominantly based on agni selected either in the optical or a later on a in the soft a a rays by a einstein a and a rosat-. in these bands please generate the next two sentences of the article | the evolution of agni has been well measured a see edge della ceca it al a 1992 a boyle it al a 2000 a miami a singer a a schmidt 2000 a a on the contrary the production of samples of agni has been difficult at any wavelength and limited to few local surveys a |
241 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we develop the notion of shower parsons and determine their distributions in jets in the framework of the recombination model a the shower parton distributions obtained render a good fit of the fragmentation functions a we then illustrate the usefulness of the distributions in a problem where a jet is produced in the environment of thermal parsons as in heavy a ion collisions a the recombination of shower and thermal parsons is shown to be more important than fragmentation a application to the study of two a particle correlation in a jet is also carried out a 2 a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the theoretical description of hadron production at large transverse momentum a a in either harmonic or nuclear collisions at high energies is traditionally framed in a two a step process that involves first a hard scattering of parsons a followed by the fragmentation of the scattered parton to the detected hadron excite a the first part is calculable in perturbation cd a while the second part makes use of fragmentation functions that are determined phenomenologically a such a production mechanism has recently been found to be inadequate for the production of particles at intermediate in heavy a ion collisions excite a instead of fragmentation please generate the next two sentences of the article | it is the recombination of parsons that is shown to be the more appropriate harmonization process a especially when the soft parsons are involved a although at extremely high fragmentation is still dominant a it is desirable to have a universal description that can be applied to any a based on the same harmonization scheme a to achieve that goal |
242 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the explosive transition of a massive neutron star to a quark star a the quark a nova a in a releases in excess of erg in kinetic energy which can drastically impact the surrounding environment of the in a a in is triggered when a neutron star gains enough mass to reach the critical value for quark confinement to happen in the core a in binaries a a neutron star has access to mass reservoirs a edge accretion from a companion or from a common envelope a be a a we explain observed light a curves of hydrogen a poor superluminous supernovae a line a a in the context of a in occurring in the second be phase of a massive binary a in particular this model gives good fits to light a curves of line with double a humped light a curves a our model suggests the in as a mechanism for be ejection and that they be taken into account during binary evolution a in a short period binary with a white dwarf companion a the neutron star can quickly grow in mass and experience a in event a part of the in ejecta collides with the white dwarf a shocking a compressing a and heating it to driving a thermonuclear runaway producing a in a impostor a a in a a a a unlike of normal of type a supernovae where no compact remnant is formed a a in a a produces a quark star undergoing rapid spin a down providing additional power along with the decay energy a type a one are used as standard candles and contamination of this data by one a a can infer an incorrect cosmology a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article a in is the explosive transition of a massive neutron star a is a to a quark star a is a the compact remnant a a it ejects the outermost layers of the is as the relativistic in ejecta with kinetic energy exceeding excess erg a the interaction of this ejecta with its surroundings leads to unique phenomena and has important implications to astrophysics of please generate the next two sentences of the article | when occurring in binaries a quark a novae a one a have the potential to transform our view of binary evolution and has serious implications to both high a energy astrophysics and cosmology a after a description of the in and its energetics in section a a we briefly review two cases of one in binaries a the first case is a in a a a section a a which is a in going off in a short period binary consisting of a the exploding a is and a white dwarf a we a which is the mass reservoir a |
243 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present low a state due spectroscopy of the rosa a discovered polar rxj1313.2 a the sep spectrum displays a broad absorption profile a which can be fitted with a two a temperature model of a white dwarf of with a hot spot of which covers of the white dwarf surface a the white dwarf temperature is atypically low for the long orbital period a 4.18h a of rxj1313.2 a this low temperature implies either that the system is a young cd in the process of switching on mass transfer or that it is an older cd found in a prolonged state of low accretion rate a much below that predicted by standard evolution theory a in the first case a we can put a lower limit on the life time as are a cd of a in the second case a the good agreement of the white dwarf temperature with that expected from compressional heating suggests that the system has experienced the current low accretion rate for an extended period a a possible explanation for the low accretion rate is that rxj1313.2 is a hibernating post nova and observational tests are suggested a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article most fundamental physical stellar parameters of field white dwarfs a such as effective temperature a surface gravity a and magnetic field strength can directly be measured with high precision from spectroscopic observations a assuming a mass a radius relation a both mass and radius may be inferred independently of the distance a determining these properties also for the accreting white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables a tvs a is a relatively new research field a essential not only for testing stellar a binary a evolution theory a but for understanding the physics of accretion in this whole class of binaries a the last years saw a rapid growth of identified polar a tvs containing a synchronously rotating magnetic white dwarf a despite the large number of know systems a a rather little please generate the next two sentences of the article | is known about the temperatures of the accreting white dwarfs in these systems a the main reasons for this scarcity are twofold a |
244 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we performed a switzer a infrared spectrograph mapping observations covering nearly the entire extent of the cassiopeia a supernova remnant a sir a a producing mid a infrared a 5.5 a of a a spectra every 5 a 10 a gas lines of a a be a of a is a a and be a and dust continua were strong for most positions a we identify three distinct ejecta dust populations based on their continuum shapes a the dominant dust continuum shape exhibits a strong peak at of a a a line a free map of of a peak dust made from the of a of a range closely resembles the a a ii a a a of in a a and a be ii a ejecta a line maps implying that dust is freshly formed in the ejecta a spectral fitting implies the presence of sio a my protosilicates a and few grains in these regions a the second dust type exhibits a rising continuum up to of a and then flattens thereafter a this of weak of a of dust is likely composed of al and a grains a the third dust continuum shape is featureless with a gently rising spectrum and is likely composed of mgsio and either al or be grains a using the least massive composition for each of the three dust classes yields a total mass of m a using the most a massive composition yields a total mass of m a the primary uncertainty in the total dust mass stems from the selection of the dust composition necessary for fitting the featureless dust as well as of a flux a the freshly formed dust mass derived from as a is sufficient from one to explain the lower limit on the dust masses in high redshift galaxies a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the recent discovery of huge quantities of dust a a in very high redshift galaxies and quasars a isaac it al a 2002 a bartholdi it al a 2003 a suggests that dust was produced efficiently in the first generation of supernovae a one a a theoretical studies a koala it al a 1991 a coding a ferrara 2001 a hereafter of a novara metal of please generate the next two sentences of the article | 2003 a not a predicted the formation of a significant quantity of dust a a in the ejecta of type ii one a and the predicted dust mass is believed to be sufficient to account for the quantity of dust observed at high redshifts a mailing it al a 2006 a mike it al a |
245 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we show that non a locality of quantum mechanics can not lead to superluminal transmission of information a even if most general local operations are allowed a as long as they are linear and trace preserving a in particular a any quantum mechanical approximate cloning transformation does not allow signalling a on the other hand a the no a signalling constraint on its own is not sufficient to prevent a transformation from surpassing the known cloning bounds a we illustrate these concepts on the basis of some examples a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the impossibility of superluminal communication through the use of quantum entanglement has already been vividly discussed in the past a see for example excite a recently this topic has re a entered the stage of present research in the context of quantum cloning a the no a signalling constraint has been used to derive upper bounds for the fidelity of cloning transformations excite a as the connection between approximate cloning and no a signalling is still widely debated a we aim at clarifying in this paper the quantum mechanical principles that forbid superluminal communication a and at answering the question whether they are the same principles that set limits to quantum cloning of please generate the next two sentences of the article | our scenario throughout the paper for the attempt to transmit information with superluminal speed is the well a known entanglement a based communication scheme a the idea is the following a two space a like separated parties a say alice and bob a share an entangled state of a pair of two a dimensional quantum systems a quits a a for example the singlet state a |
246 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in this introductory talk we will establish connections between the statistical analysis of galaxy clustering in cosmology and recent work in mainstream spatial statistics a the lecture will review the methods of spatial statistics used by both sets of scholars a having in mind the cross a fertilizing purpose of the meeting series a special topics will be a description of the galaxy samples a selection effects and biases a correlation functions a nearest neighbour distances a void probability functions a fourier analysis a and structure statistics a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article one of the most important motivations of these series of conferences is to promote vigorous interaction between statisticians and astronomers a the organizers merit our admiration for bringing together such a stellar cast of colleagues from both fields a in this third edition a one of the central subjects is cosmology a and in particular a statistical analysis of the large a scale structure in the universe of please generate the next two sentences of the article | there is a reason for that the rapid increase of the amount and quality of the available observational data on the galaxy distribution a also on clusters of galaxies and quasars a and on the temperature fluctuations of the microwave background radiation a these are the two fossils of the early universe on which cosmology a a science driven by observations a relies a here |
247 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we show that exclusive double a diffractive highs production a a followed by the decay a could play an important role in identifying a a light a highs boson at the lac a provided that the forward outgoing protons are tagged a we predict the cross sections for the signal and for all possible backgrounds a ippp/02/41 a dcpt/02/82 a a july 2002 a forward proton tagging as a way to identify a light highs boson at the lac a and a martin a via a home and mag a ruskin institute for particle physics phenomenology a a university of durham a the ale a us a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the identification of the highs bosons a is one of the main goals of the large hadron collider a lac a being built at corn a there are expectations that there exists a a light a highs boson with mass get a in this mass range a its detection at the lac will be challenging of please generate the next two sentences of the article | there is no obvious perfect detection process a but rather a range of possibilities a none of which is compelling on its own a some of the processes are listed in table a a together with the predicted event rates for the integrated luminosity of of fb expected over the first two or three year period of lac running a |
248 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in this work a we propose a new local optimization method to solve a class of nonconvex semidefinite programming a sep a problems a the basic idea is to approximate the feasible set of the nonconvex sep problem by inner positive semidefinite convex approximations via a parametrization technique a this leads to an iterative procedure to search a local optimum of the nonconvex problem a the convergence of the algorithm is analysed under mild assumptions a applications in static output feedback control are benchmark and numerical tests are implemented based on the data from the compl library a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article we are interested in the following nonconvex semidefinite programming problem a where is convex a is a nonempty a closed convex set in and a a are nonconvex matrix a valued mappings and smooth a the notation means that is a symmetric negative semidefinite matrix a optimization problems involving matrix a valued mapping inequality constraints have large number of applications in static output feedback controller design and topology optimization a see a edge excite a especially a optimization problems with bilinear matrix inequality a ami a constraints have been known to be nonconvex and no a hard excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | many attempts have been done to solve these problems by employing convex semidefinite programming a in particular a optimization with linear matrix inequality a lei a constraints a techniques excite a the methods developed in those papers are based on augmented lagrangian functions a generalized sequential semidefinite programming and alternating directions a |
249 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper it is shown using numerical simulations that flow patterns around an obstacle potential moving in a superfluid exhibit hysteresis a in a certain velocity region a there is a disability between stationary laminar flow and periodic vortex shedding a the disability exists in two and three dimensional systems a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the dynamics of fluids can exhibit hysteresis a for example a a flag a like object shows disability between flapping and nonflapping states excite a hysteresis also exists in vortex shedding dynamics behind rigid objects a such as a vibrating cylinder excite a a multiple cylinder arrangement excite a a long cylinder in a three a dimensional flow excite a and a rod in a soap film excite a in these experiments of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the transitions between laminar flow and vortex shedding states occur in a hysteresis manner as a function of the reynolds number a it is known that the taylor |
250 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in this article a we study the new a a tensor model previously derived from onsager a molecular theory by han a it al a a a a arch a rational mech a anal a a a 215.3 a 2014 a a up a 741 a 809 a for static liquid crystal modelling a taking density and a a tensor as order parameters a the new a a tensor model not only characterizes important phases while capturing density variation effects a but also remains computationally tractable and efficient a we report the results of two numerical applications of the model a namely the isotropic nematic smectic a a smectic a a phase transitions and the isotropic nematic interface problem a in which density variations are indispensable a meanwhile a we show the connections of the new a a tensor model with classical models including generalized landau a de genes models a generalized mcmillan models a and the chen a lubensky model a the new a a tensor model is the pivot and an appropriate trade a off between the classical models in three scales a liquid crystals a a a tensor model a density variations a smectic phase a phase transition a isotropic a nematic interface a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article a proper choice of order parameters is the most important perspective for building a sound model for liquid crystals a the order parameters should be simple and explanatory in terms of mathematics and physics a while efficient in computations a from the viewpoint of theoretical analysis a it is desirable to adopt order parameters that are as simple as possible in order to capture essential phenomena of liquid crystals a with four phases the most important a isotropic a a nematic a a smectic a a a a and smectic a c a phases a as for computational aspects please generate the next two sentences of the article | a the order parameters should be discretely representable with reasonable dimensions while keeping the energy functional well a posed a concise a and efficient a the classical models for static liquid crystals can be classified into three scales a molecular models a tensor models a and vector models a |
251 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper an extensive search for distant giant radio galaxies on the southern hemisphere is justified a we emphasize the crucial role of optical spectroscopy in determination of their basic physical parameters a item the distance a projected linear size a volume of their lobes or cocoon a luminosity a etc a a and argue that salt will be the best instrument for such a task a a 1-#1 a a 1-#1 a a a a 1.25 in. 125 in. 25 in a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article radio galaxies a res a represent the largest single objects in the universe a powered by an active galactic nucleus a an a jets emerge from the central engine a which very likely is a super a massive black hole accreting matter surrounding it a there is a huge range of linear extent of the res a from less than pc gigahertz a peaked spectrum a gas a a through a please generate the next two sentences of the article | pc compact steep spectrum a ass a a pc normal a size sources a up to greater than a pc |
252 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we obtain the nuclear proximity potential by using semiclassical extended thomas fermi a etc a approach in skype energy density formalism a self a a and use it in the extended -summed wong formula under frozen density approximation a this method has the advantage of allowing the use of different skype forces a giving different barriers a thus a for a given reaction a we could choose a skype force with proper barrier characteristics a not a requiring extra barrier lowering a or barrier narrowing a for a best fit to data a for the + reaction a the -summed wong formula a with effects of deformations and orientations of nuclei included a fits the fusion a evaporation cross section data exactly for the force ski a requiring additional barrier modifications for forces iii and so a however a the same for other similar reactions a like + a fits the data best for iii force a hence a the barrier modification effects in -summed wong expression depends on the choice of skype force in extended etc method a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the unexpected behavior of some fusion a evaporation cross sections at energies far below the coulomb barrier a has challenged the theoretical models to explain the a so called a fusion hindrance phenomena in true coupled a channels calculations a acc a for reactions such as + a + a and + excite a the acc could a however a be sensitive to the so far unobserved a hence not a included a high a lying states a music and esbensen excite were the first who succeeded in describing the above said three reactions in terms of a density a dependent my interaction a modified by adding a repulsive core potential excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the repulsive core changes the shape of the inner part of the potential in terms of a thicker barrier a reduced curvature a and shallower pocket a here a deformations are included up to hexadecapole a a and the orientation degrees of freedom is integrated over all the allowed values in the same plane a the dynamical cluster a decay model a dam a of preformed clusters by gupta and collaborators excite is found recently excite to have barrier modification effects as the inbuilt property a where barrier lowering a at sub a barrier energies arise in a natural way in its fitting of the only parameter of model a the neck a length parameter a |
253 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we study non a adiabatic charge pumping through single a level quantum dots taking into account coulomb interactions a we show how a truncated set of equations of motion can be propagated in time by means of an auxiliary a mode expansion a this formalism is capable of treating the time a dependent electronic transport for arbitrary driving parameters a we verify that the proposed method describes very precisely the well a known limit of adiabatic pumping through quantum dots without coulomb interactions a as an example we discuss pumping driven by short voltage pulses for various interaction strengths a such finite pulses are particular suited to investigate transient non a adiabatic effects a which may be also important for periodic driving a where they are much more difficult to reveal a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in 1983 topless excite proposed a simple pumping mechanism to produce a even in the absence of an external bias a a quantized electron current through a quantum conductor by an appropriate time a dependent variation of the system parameters a experimental realizations of quantum pumps using quantum dots a ads a were already reported in the early of a excite a more recently a due to the technological advances in nan a lithography and control a such experiments have risen to a much higher sophistication level a making it possible to pump electron excite and spin excite currents through open nanoscale conductors a as well as through single and double ads excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | early theoretical investigations where devoted to the adiabatic pumping regime within the single a particle approximation excite a this is well justified for experiments with open ads a where interaction effects are believed to be weak excite and the typical pumping parameters are slow with respect the characteristic transport time a scales a such as the electron dwell time a |
254 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper a case study in bifurcation and stability analysis is presented a in which reduced dynamical system modelling yields substantial new global and predictive information about the behaviour of a complex system a the first smooth pathway a free of pathological and persistent degenerate singularities a is surveyed through the parameter space of a nonlinear dynamical model for a gradient a driven a turbulence shear flow energetics in magnetized fusion plasmas a along the route various obstacles and features are identified and treated appropriately a an organizing centre of low dimension is shown to be robust a several trapped singularities are found and released a and domains of hysteresis a threefold stable equilibrium a and limit cycles are mapped a characterization of this rich dynamical landscape achieves unification of previous disparate models for plasma confinement transitions a supplies valuable intelligence on the big issue of shear flow suppression of turbulence a and suggests targeted experimental design a control and optimization strategies a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the collective dynamics of complex distributed systems often can be usefully described in terms of a superposition of rate processes or frequencies which determine the changes in macroscopically measurable variables as energy flows through the system a that is a a dynamical model expressed as a system of coupled ordinary differential equations in a few averaged state variables or mode coefficients and several a independently tunable a parameters that represent physical properties or external controls a this type of reduced a or low a order or low a dimensional a modelling averages over space a mode spectrum structure a single a particle dynamics and other details a but the payoff lies in its amenity to sophisticated analytic theory and methods that enable us to track important qualitative features in the collective dynamics a such as singularities a bifurcations a and stability changes a broadly over the parameter space a motivated by the need for improved guidance and control of the a mostly bad a behaviour of fusion plasmas in magnetic containers a i elaborate in this work a case study in bifurcation and stability analysis in which reduced dynamical system modelling yields new global and predictive information about gradient driven turbulence a please generate the next two sentences of the article | flow energetics that is complementary to direct numerical simulation and can guide experimental design a reduced dynamical models are powerful tools for describing and analysing complex systems such as turbulent plasmas and fluids a primarily because they are supported by well a developed mathematics that gives qualitative and global insight a such as singularity a bifurcation a stability a and symmetry theory a in principle one can map analytically the bifurcation structure of the entire phase and parameter space of a reduced dynamical system a but this feat is not possible for an infinite a dimensional system a or partial differential equations a and not practicable for systems of high order a |
255 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present long monte carlo simulations of a simple model of biological macroevolution in which births a deaths a and mutational changes in the genome take place at the level of individual organisms a the model displays punctuated equilibrium and flicker noise with a -like power spectrum a consistent with some current theories of evolutionary dynamics a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the long a time dynamics of biological evolution have recently attracted considerable interest among statistical physicists excite a who find in this field new and challenging interacting nonequilibrium systems a an example is the back a stephen model excite a in which interacting species are the basic units a and less fit a species change by mutations a that trigger avalanches that may lead to a self a organized critical state a however a in reality both mutations and natural selection act on a individual organisms a a and it is desirable to develop and study models in which this is the case of please generate the next two sentences of the article | one such model was recently introduced by hall a christensen a and coworkers excite a to enable very long monte carlo a my a simulations of the evolutionary behavior a we have developed a simplified version of this model a for which we here present preliminary results a |
256 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present the result of a search for a massive color a octet vector particle a a edge a massive gluon a decaying to a pair of top quarks in proton a antiproton collisions with a center a of a mass energy of 1.96 tel a this search is based on 1.9 fb of data collected using the cd detector during run ii of the betatron at fermilab a we study events in the lepton+jets channel with at least one -tagged jet a a massive gluon is characterized by its mass a decay width a and the strength of its coupling to quarks a these parameters are determined according to the observed invariant mass distribution of top quark pairs a we set limits on the massive gluon coupling strength for masses between 400 and 800 gev and width a to a mass ratios between 0.05 and 0.50 a the coupling strength of the hypothetical massive gluon to quarks is consistent with zero within the explored parameter space a massive gluon a top quark 13.85.rm a 14.65.ha a 14.80.-j a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the top quark is the heaviest known elementary particle a with a mass very close to the electroweak symmetry a breaking scale a as such a the top could be sensitive to physics beyond the standard model a so a excite a new particles decaying to pairs can be scalar or vector a color a singlet or color a octet a a scalar resonance is predicted in two a highs a doublets models excite a vector particles appear as massive -like bosons in extended gauge theories excite a or as kaluga a klein states of the gluon and boson excite a or as comoros excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | searches for a color a singlet particle decaying to a pair have been performed by cd and do collaborations in run i excite and run ii excite a in this letter we describe a search for a massive color a octet vector particle a which we call generically a of massive gluon of a |
257 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper it is well known that the dark matter dominates the dynamics of galaxies and clusters of galaxies a its constituents remain a mystery despite an assiduous search for them over the past three decades a recent results from the satellite a based pamela experiment detect an excess in the positron fraction at energies between get in the secondary cosmic ray spectrum a other experiments namely attic a hess and fermi show an excess in the total electron a is a a a spectrum for energies greater 100 get a these excesses in the positron fraction as well as the electron spectrum could arise in local astrophysical processes like pulsars a or can be attributed to the annihilation of the dark matter particles a the second possibility gives clues to the possible candidates for the dark matter in galaxies and other astrophysical systems a in this article a we give a report of these exciting developments a a 22.8 pm of true pm a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the evidence for the existence of dark matter in various astrophysical systems has been gathering over the past three decades a it is now well a recognized that the presence of dark matter is required in order to explain the observations of galaxies and other astrophysical systems on larger scales a the clearest support for the existence of dark matter comes from the now well a known observation of nearly flat rotation curves or constant rotation velocity in the outer parts of galaxies excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | surprisingly the rotation velocity is observed to remain nearly constant till the last point at which it can be measured a the simple principle of rotational equilibrium then tells one that the amount of dark to visible mass must increase at larger radii a |
258 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper it is shown that an exact chiral symmetry can be described for dirac a khmer fermions using the two complexes of the geometric discretization a this principle is extended to describe exact flavour projection and it is shown that this necessitates the introduction of a new operator and two new structures of complex a to describe simultaneous chiral and flavour projection a eight complexes are needed in all and it is shown that projection leaves a single flavour of chiral field on each a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article differential geometry has proven to be highly valuable in extracting the geometric meaning of continuum vector theories a of particular interest has been the dirac a khmer formulation of fermion field theory excite a which uses the antisymmetric inherent in the product between differential forms to describe the clifford algebra a in order to regularize calculations a we are required to introduce a discrete differential geometry scheme and it would be ideal if this had the same properties as the continuum and the correct continuum limit of please generate the next two sentences of the article | however a defining such a scheme has proven to be very challenging a the difficulties are usually exhibited by the hodge star a which maps a form to its complement in the space a and the wedge product between forms a in a discretization a we would like the latter to allow the product rule to be satisfied and we would like both to be local a |
259 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper a simple model is presented for the appearance of attraction between two like charged polygons inside a polyelectrolyte solution a the polygons are modelled as rigid cylinders in a continuum dielectric solvent a the strong electrostatic interaction between the polygons and the countering results in countering condensation a if the two polygons are sufficiently close to each other their layers of condensed countering can become correlated resulting in attraction between the macromolecules a to explore the countering induced attraction we calculate the correlation functions for the condensed countering a it is found that the correlations are of very short range a for the parameters specific to the double stranded dan a the correlations and the attraction appear only when the surface a to a surface separation is less than a a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in the last few years a new phenomenon has attracted attention of the community of soft condensed matter physicists appearance of attraction between like charged macromolecules in solutions containing multivalent ions a the problem is particularly fascinating because it contradicts our well established intuition that like charged entities should repel excite a the fundamental point a however a is that the electrolyte solutions are intrinsically complex systems for which many body interactions play a fundamental role a the attraction between like charged macromolecules is important for many biological systems of please generate the next two sentences of the article | one particularly striking example is provided by the condensation of dan by multivalent ions such as a and various polyamides excite a this condensation provides an answer to the long standing puzzle of how a highly charged macromolecule a such as the dan a can be confined to a small volume of viral head or nuclear zone in prokaryotic cell a |
260 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper previous observations of the middle a aged pulsar gaming with a hmm a newton a and a chandra a have shown an unusual pulsar wind nebula a pwn a a with a long central a axial a tail directed opposite to the pulsar a proper motion and two long a bent lateral a outer a tails a here we report on a deeper a chandra a observation a of is exposure a and a few additional a hmm a newton a observations of the gaming pwn a the new a chandra a observation has shown that the axial tail a which includes up to three brighter blobs a extends at least a item a pc a from the pulsar a is the distance scaled to 250 pc a a it also allowed us to image the patchy outer tails and the emission in the immediate vicinity of the pulsar with high resolution a the pwn luminosity a erg s a is lower than the pulsar a magnetospheric luminosity by a factor of of a the spectra of the pwn elements are rather hard a photon index a a comparing the two a chandra a images a we found evidence of pwn variability a including possible motion of the blobs along the axial tail a the a a ray pwn is the synchrotron radiation from relativistic particles of the pulsar wind a its morphology is connected with the supersonic motion of gaming a we speculate that the outer tails are either a a a a sky projection of the limb a brightened boundary of a shell formed in the region of contact discontinuity a where the wind bulk flow is decelerated by shear instability a or a a a polar outflows from the pulsar bent by the ram pressure from the ism a in the former case a the axial tail may be a jet emanating along the pulsar a spin axis a perhaps aligned with the direction of motion a in the latter case a the axial tail may be the shocked pulsar wind collimated by the ram pressure a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article pulsars lose their spin energy via relativistic pulsar winds a pcs a of charged particles a the pm shocks in the ambient medium and forms a pulsar wind nebula a pwn a whose synchrotron radiation can be observed in a very broad energy range a from the radio to tel -rays a see kasai it al a 2006 a gentler a lane 2006 a and kargaltsev a pavlov 2008 a kph hereafter a for recent reviews a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the shocked pm is confined between the termination shock a to a and contact discontinuity a cd a surface that separates the shocked pm from the shocked ambient medium between the cd and the forward shock a is a a the shapes of the to a cd a and is depend on the wind outflow geometry and the ratio of the pulsar a speed to the sound speed in the ambient medium a the mach number a a a |
261 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in this paper a a cognitive relay channel is considered a and amplify a and a forward a of a relay beamforming designs in the presence of an eavesdropper and a primary user are studied a our objective is to optimize the performance of the cognitive relay beamforming system while limiting the interference in the direction of the primary receiver and keeping the transmitted signal secret from the eavesdropper a we show that under both total and individual power constraints a the problem becomes a quasiconvex optimization problem which can be solved by interior point methods a we also propose two sub a optimal null space beamforming schemes which are obtained in a more computationally efficient way a a index terms a a amplify a and a forward relaying a cognitive radio a physical a layer security a relay beamforming a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the need for the efficient use of the scarce spectrum in wireless applications has led to significant interest in the analysis of cognitive radio systems a one possible scheme for the operation of the cognitive radio network is to allow the secondary users to transmit concurrently on the same frequency band with the primary users as long as the resulting interference power at the primary receivers is kept below the interference temperature limit excite a note that interference to the primary users is caused due to the broadcast nature of wireless transmissions a which allows the signals to be received by all users within the communication range of please generate the next two sentences of the article | note further that this broadcast nature also makes wireless communications vulnerable to eavesdropping a the problem of secure transmission in the presence of an eavesdropper was first studied from an information a theoretic perspective in excite where water considered a wiretap channel model a in excite a |
262 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper ultrasensitive response motifs a which are capable of converting graded stimulus in binary responses a are very well a conserved in signal transduction networks a although it has been shown that a cascade arrangement of multiple ultrasensitive modules can produce an enhancement of the system a ultrasensitivity a how the combination of layers affects the cascade a ultrasensitivity remains an open a ended question for the general case a here we have developed a methodology that allowed us to quantify the effective contribution of each module to the overall cascade a ultrasensitivity and to determine the impact of sequestration effects in the overall system a ultrasensitivity a the proposed analysis framework provided a natural link between global and local ultrasensitivity descriptors and was particularly well a suited to study the ultrasensitivity in map kinase cascades a we used our methodology to revisit oshaughnessy it al a tunable synthetic map cascade a in which they claim to have found a new source of ultrasensitivity a ultrasensitivity generated de nov a which arises due to cascade structure itself a in this respect a we showed that the system a ultrasensitivity in its single a step cascade did not come from a cascading effect but from a a hidden a first a order ultrasensitivity process in one of the cascade a layer a our analysis also highlighted the impact of the detailed functional form of a module a response curve on the overall system a ultrasensitivity in cascade architectures a local sensitivity features of the involved transfer functions were found to be of the uttermost importance in this kind of setting and could be at the core of non a trivial phenomenology associated to ultrasensitive motifs a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article sigmoid input a output response modules are very well a conserved in cell signaling networks that might be used to implement binary responses a a key element in cellular decision processes a additionally a sigmoid modules might be part of more complex structures a where they can provide the nonlinearities which are needed in a broad spectrum of biological processes a 1,2 a a such as multistability a 3,4 a a adaptation a a a a and oscillations a a a a there are several molecular mechanisms that are able to produce sigmoid responses such as inhibition by a titration process a 7,8 a a zero a order ultrasensitivity in covalent cycles a 9,10 a a and multistep activation processes a like multisite phosphorylation a of a of a or ligand binding to multimedia receptors a of a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | sigmoid curves are characterized by a sharp transition from low to high output following a slight change of the input a the steepness of this transition is called ultrasensitivity a of a a in general |
263 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper linear field perturbations of a black hole are described by the green function of the wave equation that they obey a after fourier decomposing the green function a its two natural contributions are given by poles a quasinormal modes a and a largely unexplored branch cut in the complex a frequency plane a we present new analytic methods for calculating the branch cut on a schwarzschild black hole for a arbitrary a values of the frequency a the branch cut yields a power a law tail decay for late times in the response of a black hole to an initial perturbation a we determine explicitly the first three orders in the power a law and show that the branch cut also yields a new logarithmic behaviour for late times a before the tail sets in a the quasinormal modes dominate the black hole response a for electromagnetic perturbations a the quasinormal mode frequencies approach the branch cut at large overtone index a we determine these frequencies up to and a formally a to a arbitrary a order a highly a damped quasinormal modes are of particular interest in that they have been linked to quantum properties of black holes a the retarded green function for linear field perturbations in black hole spacetimes is of central physical importance in classical and quantum gravity a an understanding of the make a up of the green function is obtained by performing a fourier transform a thus yielding an integration just above the real a frequency a a axis a in his seminal paper a leaver excite deformed this real- integration in the case of schwarzschild peacetime into a contour on the complex- plane a he thus unravelled three contributions making up the green function a a a a a high a frequency arc a a a a a series over poles of the green function a quasinormal modes ones a a and a a a an integral of modes around a branch cut originating at and extending down the negative imaginary axis a via a a which we refer to as branch cut modes a bums a a the three. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article after carrying out a fourier transform and a multiple decomposition a the radial and time parts of the retarded green function for linear fields on a schwarzschild black hole can be written as where a is the multiple number a a and is the wronskian of the two functions and a these functions are linearly independent solutions of the radial ode a -=0 a a a where and a the solutions are uniquely determined when by the boundary conditions a as and as of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the behaviour of the radial potential at infinity leads to a branch cut in the radial solution excite a the contour of integration in eq.eq a green a a can be deformed in the complex- plane excite yielding a contribution from a high a frequency arc a a series over the residues a the ones a and a contribution from the branch cut along the via a where the bums are with where a a is the discontinuity of across the branch cut a |
264 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper stars with radiative envelopes a specifically the upper main sequence chemically peculiar a a a stars a were among the first objects outside our solar system for which surface magnetic fields have been detected a currently magnetic a stars remains the only class of stars for which high a resolution measurements of both linear and circular polarization in individual spectral lines are feasible a consequently a these stars provide unique opportunities to study the physics of polarized radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres a to analyse in detail stellar magnetic field topologies and their relation to starspots a and to test different methodologies of stellar magnetic field mapping a here i present an overview of different approaches to modelling the surface fields in magnetic a and a a type stars a in particular a i summarize the ongoing efforts to interpret high a resolution full stokes vector spectra of these stars using magnetic doppler imaging a these studies reveal an unexpected complexity of the magnetic field geometries in some a stars a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article observational manifestations of magnetic fields in intermediate and high a mass stars with radiative envelopes differ considerably from the magnetism of solar a type and low a mass stars a as directly observed for the sun and inferred for many late a type stars a vigorous envelope convection and differential rotation give rise to ubiquitous intermittent magnetic fields a which evolve on relatively short time a scales and generally exhibit complex surface topologies a although details of the dynamo operation in late a type stars a in particular the relative importance of the convective and tachocline dynamo mechanisms is a matter of debate excite and probably depends on the position in the a a a diagram a it is understood that essentially every cool star is magnetic of please generate the next two sentences of the article | chromosphere and a a ray emission and surface temperature inhomogeneities a which are responsible for characteristic photometric variability a provide an indirect evidence of the surface magnetic fields in cool stars a in contrast a stars hotter than about mid a of spectral type and more massive than. 5 are believed to lack a sizable convective zone near the surface and therefore are incapable of generating observable magnetic fields through a dynamo mechanism a |
265 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we studied the radio spectrum of per b1259 a of in an unique binary with be star is 2883 and showed that the shape of the spectrum depends on the orbital phase a we proposed a qualitative model which explains this evolution a we considered two mechanisms that might influence the observed radio emission a free a free absorption and cyclotron resonance a recently published results have revealed a new aspect in pulsar radio spectra a there were found objects with turnover at high frequencies in spectra a called gigahertz a peaked spectra a gas a pulsars a most of them adjoin such interesting environments as his regions or compact pulsar wind nebulae a pwn a a thus a it is suggested that the turnover phenomenon is associated with the environment than being related intrinsically to the radio emission mechanism a having noticed the apparent resemblance between the b1259 a of spectrum and the gas a we suggest that the same mechanisms should be responsible for both cases a therefore a the case of b1259 a of can be treated as a key factor to explain the gas phenomenon observed for the solitary pulsars with interesting environments and also another types of spectra a edge with break a a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article generally a the observed radio spectra of most pulsars can be modelled as a power law with negative spectral indices of about -1.8 a excite a a if a pulsar can be observed at frequencies low enough a item a a it may also show a low a frequency turnover in its spectrum a excite a excite a a on the other hand a lorimer a 1995 a mentioned three pulsars which have positive spectral indices in the frequency range 300 a 1600 mhz of please generate the next two sentences of the article | later a aaron a 2000 a re a examined spectra of these pulsars taking into account the data obtained at higher frequencies a above 1.6 ghz a and consequently were the first to demonstrate a possible existence of spectra with turnover at high frequencies a about a ghz a kojak a 2011a a provided a definite evidence for a new type of pulsar radio spectra a |
266 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we study andrew reflection in normal metal a superconductor junctions by using an extended blonder a bingham a klapwijk model combined with transport calculations based on density functional theory a starting from a parameter a free description of the underlying electronic structure a we perform a detailed investigation of normal metal a superconductor junctions a as the separation between the superconductor and the normal metal is varied a the results are interpreted by means of transverse momentum resolved calculations a which allow us to examine the contributions arising from different regions of the brillouin zone a furthermore we investigate the effect of a voltage bias on the normal metal a superconductor conductance spectra a finally a we consider andrew reflection in carbon nanotube sandwiched between normal and superconducting electrodes a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article an electron incident on a superconductor from a normal metal a with an energy smaller than the superconducting energy gap a can not propagate into the superconductor and thus should be perfectly reflected a however a andrew discovered a mechanism for transmission a in which an electron may form a cooper pair with another electron and be transmitted across the superconductor a as a consequence of charge conservation a hole must be left behind a which a as a result of momentum conservation a should propagate in a direction opposite to that of the incident electron of please generate the next two sentences of the article | this process is termed andrew reflection excite a apart from providing a confirmation for the existence of cooper pairs and superconductor energy gaps excite a this process may also have applications in spintronics a |
267 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we report a systematic first a principles study on the recent discovered superconducting ba systems a a 0.00 a 0.25 a 0.50 a 0.75 a and 1.00 a a previous theoretical studies strongly overestimated the magnetic moment on be of the parent compound bafe a using a negative on a site energy a we obtain a magnetic moment 0.83 per be a which agrees well with the experimental value a 0.87 a a a doping tends to increase the density of states at fermi level a the magnetic instability is enhanced with light doping a and is then weaken by increasing the doping level a the energetics for the different a doping sites are also discussed a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the recent discovery of superconductivity in lafeaso a of a has intrigued tremendous interest in layered fees systems. intensive studies have revealed that a by substituting la with be a so a and a or a and go a excite the superconducting temperature a a can be raised from of up to 53.3 a a and even higher a about of a a under high pressure. as we know a the parent compound of the these superconductors has a tetrahedral zrcusias a type structure with alternate stacking of tetrahedral fees layers and tetrahedral lao layers a and favor a stripe like antiferromagnetic a am a ground state a the parent compound is not a superconductor but a poor metal with high density of states and low carrier density a excite the ground state of the parent compound is supposed to be a spin density wave a saw a ordered state with a stripe like am configuration of please generate the next two sentences of the article | excite superconducting occurs when the saw instability is suppressed by replacing of of with of or importing of vacancies a electron doping a a or or substituting of la a hole doping. very recently a the family of fees a based superconductors has been extended to double layered rfe a a a or a a a a a a excite the electronic structure of the parent compound has been studied both experimentally excite and theoretically a |
268 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in this article a i examine several observational trends regarding protoplanetary disks a debris disks and exoplanets in binary systems in an attempt to constrain the physical mechanisms of planet formation in such a context a binaries wider than about 100au are indistinguishable from single stars in all aspects a binaries in the 5100au range a on the other hand a are associated with shorter a lived but a at least in some cases a equally massive disks a furthermore a they form planetesimals and mature planetary systems at a similar rate as wider binaries and single stars a albeit with the peculiarity that they predominantly produce high a mass planets a i posit that the location of a stellar companion influences the relative importance of the core accretion and disk fragmentation planet formation processes a with the latter mechanism being predominant in binaries tighter than 100au a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the exponentially growing number of known extrasolar planets now enables statistical analyses to probe their formation mechanism a two theoretical frameworks have been proposed to account for the formation of gas giant planets a the slow and gradual core accretion model excite a and the fast and abrupt disk fragmentation model excite a the debate regarding their relative importance is still ongoing of please generate the next two sentences of the article | both mechanisms may contribute to planet formation a depending on the initial conditions in any given protoplanetary disk a a a a a a and references therein a a by and large a our understanding of the planet formation process is focused on the case of a single star+disk system a yet a |
269 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the pivot algorithm for self a avoiding walks has been implemented in a manner which is dramatically faster than previous implementations a enabling extremely long walks to be efficiently simulated a we explicitly describe the data structures and algorithms used a and provide a heuristic argument that the mean time per attempted pivot for -step self a avoiding walks is for the square and simple cubic lattices a numerical experiments conducted for self a avoiding walks with up to 268 million steps are consistent with behavior for the square lattice and behavior for the simple cubic lattice a our method can be adapted to other models of polymers with short a range interactions a on the lattice or in the continuum a and hence promises to be widely useful a a a a a keywords a self a avoiding walk a polymer a monte carlo a pivot algorithm a a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the self a avoiding walk a saw a model is an important model in statistical physics excite a it models the excluded a volume effect observed in real polymers a and exactly captures universal features such as critical exponents and amplitude ratios a it is also an important model in the study of critical phenomena a as it is the limit of the -vector model a which includes the using model a a as another instance of please generate the next two sentences of the article | indeed a one can straightforwardly simulate saws in the infinite volume limit a which makes this model particularly favorable for the calculation of critical parameters a exact results are known for self a avoiding walks in two dimensions excite and for a mean a field behavior has been proved for excite a a but not for the most physically interesting case of a |
270 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we study distribution of orbits of a lattice in the the space of -frames in a a a examples of dense -orbits are known from the work of dan a raghavan a and beech a we show that dense orbits of are uniformly distributed in with respect to an explicitly described measure a we also establish analogous result for lattices in that act on the space of isotropic -frames a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article let and be the space of -frames in a item the space of -tuples of linearly independent vectors in a a a the group acts on this space as follows a the action is transitive for a let be a lattice in a that is a a discrete subgroup in such that the factor space has finite volume a edge a a the main result of this paper concerns distribution of -orbits in a when a every orbit of is discrete the situation becomes much more interesting for of please generate the next two sentences of the article | let us recall known results a a a dan a raghavan excite a a a their a let a and be an -frame in a a then the orbit is dense in if the space spanned by contains no nonzero rational vectors a a a beech excite a a a the a if is a compact lattice in a then every orbit of in a a is dense a |
271 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we calculate the lateral kashmir force between corrugated parallel plates a described by -function potentials a interacting through a scalar field a using the multiple scattering formalism a the contributions to the kashmir energy due to corrugated parallel plates is treated as a background from the outset a we derive the leading and next a to a leading a order contribution to the lateral kashmir force for the case when the corrugation amplitudes are small in comparison to corrugation wavelengths a we present explicit results in terms of finite integrals for the case of the dirichlet limit a and exact results for the weak a coupling limit a for the leading and next a to a leading a orders a the correction due to the next a to a leading contribution is significant a in the weak coupling limit we calculate the lateral kashmir force exactly in terms of a single integral which we evaluate numerically a exact results for the case of the weak limit allows us to estimate the error in the perturbative results a we show that the error in the lateral kashmir force a in the weak coupling limit a when the next a to a leading order contribution is included is remarkably low when the corrugation amplitudes are small in comparison to corrugation wavelengths a we expect similar conclusions to hold for the dirichlet case a the analogous calculation for the electromagnetic case should reduce the theoretical error sufficiently for comparison with the experiments a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the kashmir force a as exhibited between neutral metallic parallel plates a was discovered theoretically in 1948 excite a the kashmir torque between asymmetric materials was first studied in 1973 excite a recently a theoretical study of the lateral kashmir force between corrugated parallel plates was pioneered and developed by the it group in excite a in particular a in excite a the authors evaluated analytic expressions for the lateral kashmir force a to the leading order a between two corrugated parallel plates perturbative of please generate the next two sentences of the article | experimentally a the kashmir interaction between corrugated surfaces was explored during the same period of time by roy and mohideen in excite a this experiment measured the lateral kashmir force between a plate a with small sinusoidal corrugations a and a large sphere with identical corrugations a |
272 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present an -covariant quantization of the free electromagnetic field in conformably flat spaces a cos a a a cos is realized in a six a dimensional space as an intersection of the null cone with a given surface a the smooth move of the latter is equivalent to perform a well rescaling a this allows to transport the -invariant quantum structure of the maxwell field from minkowski space to any cos a calculations are simplified and the cos wightman two a point functions are given in terms of their minkowskian counterparts a the difficulty due to gauge freedom is surpassed by introducing two auxiliary fields and using the gupta a blender quantization scheme a the quantum structure is given by a vacuum state and creators a annihilator acting on some hilbert space a in practice a only the hilbert space changes under well rescaling a also the quantum -invariant free maxwell field does not distinguish between two cess a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the -invariance of the maxwell equation was discovered by cunningham and batman a century ago a however in order to quantize the maxwell field and due to gauge freedom a a gauge fixing condition is necessary a the lorenz gauge is usually used a which breaks the invariance of please generate the next two sentences of the article | nonetheless since such a symmetry rights appear to lack physical meaning a its breaking does not bother many people excite a the purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate the benefits of keeping this fundamental symmetry when quantifying the maxwell field in conformably flat spaces a cos a a |
273 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper expressions for sudakov form factors for heavy quarks are presented a they are used to construct resumed jet rates in annihilation a predictions are given for production of bottom quarks at let and top quarks at the linear collider a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the formation of jets is the most prominent feature of perturbative cd in annihilation into hadrons a jets can be visualized as large portions of harmonic energy or a equivalently a as a set of hadrons confined to an angular region in the detector a in the past a this qualitative definition was replaced by quantitatively precise schemes to define and measure jets a such as the cone algorithms of the weinberg sherman excite type or clustering algorithms a edge the jade excite or the durham scheme a scheme a excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a refinement of the latter one is provided by the cambridge algorithm excite a equipped with a precise jet definition the determination of jet production cross sections and their intrinsic properties is one of the traditional tools to investigate the structure of the strong interaction and to deduce its fundamental parameters a in the past decade a precision measurements a especially in annihilation a have established both the gauge group structure underlying cd and the running of its coupling constant over a wide range of scales a in a similar way a |
274 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present a new model for the observed ly blobs a labs a within the context of the standard cold dark matter model a in this model a labs are the most massive halos with the strongest clustering a photo a clusters a undergoing extreme starbursts in the high a a universe a aided by calculations of detailed radiative transfer of photons through ultra a high resolution a a large a scale a a adaptive mesh a refinement cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with galaxy formation a this model is shown to be able to a for the first time a reproduce simultaneously the global luminosity function and luminosity a size relation of the observed labs a physically a a combination of dust attenuation of photons within galaxies a clustering of galaxies a and complex propagation of photons through circumgalactic and intergalactic medium gives rise to the large sizes and frequently irregular isophotal shapes of labs that are observed a a generic and unique prediction of this model is that there should be strong far a infrared a fir a sources within each lab a with the most luminous fir source likely representing the gravitational center of the photo a cluster a not necessarily the apparent center of the emission of the lab or the most luminous optical source a upcoming alma observations should unambiguously test this prediction a if verified a labs will provide very valuable laboratories for studying formation of galaxies in the most overdose regions of the universe at a time when global star formation is most vigorous a a a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the physical origin of spatially extended a tens to hundreds of kiloparsecs a luminous a a a a ly sources a also known as ly blobs a labs a first discovered more than a decade ago a edge a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a a a a a a a a a remains a mystery a by now |
275 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the problem of sheath formation in front of a conductive planar plate inserted into the plasma is formulated a initially a the plate is assumed to be neutral a it is shown that the charging a up process of the plate is accompanied by the excitation of electron plasma waves a a plasma physics department a faculty of physics a al a in cuba university a ro-700506 iasi a romanian a a a stefan institute a university of ljubljana a java of a slo-1000 ljubljana a slovenia a a association euratom a law a department of theoretical physics a university of innsbruck a a-6020 innsbruck a austria a a permanent address a institute of physics a georgian academy of sciences a 380077 tbilisi a georgia a a euratom a law a department of ion physics a university of innsbruck a a-6020 innsbruck a austria a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article investigations of sheath formation in front of a floating plate have hitherto been restricted to fluid studies on the ion time scale a a a a by contrast a the response of the plasma in the very early stages of sheath formation is not well known a in this paper a we present pic simulations of the plasma dynamics over just a few electron plasma periods after the beginning of the process a these simulations have been performed by means of the bit code a a a a developed on the basis of the xpdp1 code from us cd berkeley a a a a a floating plate is placed in contact with a uniform a quasi a neutral plasma a which is assumed to be infinitely extended on one side a due to the higher thermal velocity of the electrons of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the plate starts charging up negatively a so that electrons are gradually repelled a ions are attracted a and a positive a space a charge sheath begins to form a an electron plasma wave is observed the properties of which strongly depend on the plasma characteristics a electron and ion temperatures a plasma density a etc a a a |
276 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the shell a model monte carlo a some a technique transforms the traditional nuclear shell a model problem into a path a integral over auxiliary fields a we describe below the method and its applications to four physics issues a calculations of -- shell nuclei a a discussion of electron a capture rates in -shell nuclei a exploration of pairing correlations in unstable nuclei a and level densities in rare earth systems a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article studies of nuclei far from stability have long been a goal of nuclear science a nuclei on either side of the stability region a either neutron a rich or deficient a are being produced at new radioactive beam facilities across the world a at these facilities a and with the help of advances in nuclear many a body theory a the community will address many of the key physics issues including a mapping of the neutron and proton drip lines a thus exploring the limits of stability a understanding effects of the continuum on weakly bound nuclear systems a understanding the nature of shell gap modifications in very neutron a rich systems a determining nuclear properties needed for astrophysics a investigating deformation a spin a and pairing properties of systems far from stability a and analysing microscopically unusual shapes in unstable nuclei of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the range and diversity of nuclear behavior a as indicated in the above list of ongoing and planned experimental investigations a have naturally engendered a host of theoretical models a short of a complete solution to the many a nucleon problem a the interacting shell model is widely regarded as the most broadly capable description of low a energy nuclear structure a and the one most directly traceable to the fundamental many a body problem a |
277 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper a systematic analysis is performed for quantum phase transitions in a bond a alternative one a dimensional using model with a dzyaloshinskii a morita a do a interaction by using the fidelity of ground state wave functions based on the infinite matrix product states algorithm a for an antiferromagnetic phase a the fidelity per lattice site exhibits a bifurcation a which shows spontaneous symmetry breaking in the system a a critical do interaction is inversely proportional to an alternating exchange coupling strength for a quantum phase transition a further a a finite a entanglement scaling of on newman entropy with respect to truncation dimensions gives a central charge at the critical point a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article recent advanced material technologies have made it possible to access low a dimensional quantum systems a furthermore a material synthesis has offered a great opportunity to explore more intriguing lower a dimensional spin systems rather than well a understood conventional spin systems excite a in such a low a dimensional system a for instance a alternating bond interactions indoor less symmetry interactions in spin lattices can be realizable in synthesizing two different magnetic atoms a of particular importance a therefore a is understanding quantum phase transitions in which one a dimensional spin systems are unlikely found naturally a normally a quantum fluctuations in a low a dimensional spin system are stronger than higher dimensional spin systems excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | quantum phase transitions driven by stronger quantum fluctuations then exhibit more interesting and novel quantum phenomena in low a dimensional spin systems a the effects of alternating bond interactions a especially a have been intensively studied theoretically in spin systems such as antiferromagnetic heisenberg chains excite a heisenberg chains with next a nearest a neighbour bond alternations excite a a tetrameric heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain excite a and two a leg spin ladders excite a |
278 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the double dissociation photoproduction cross section for the process a in which the systems and are separated by a large rapidity gap a is measured at large momentum transfer squared by the he collaboration at hera a this measurement provides for the first time a direct measurement of the energy dependence of the gap production process at high a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article it is now an established experimental fact that there are events with large rapidity gaps in the harmonic final state in which there is a large momentum transfer across the gap a such events have been observed at both the betatron excite and hera excite in the rapidity gaps between jets process suggested for study by broken excite a the issue now for experimentalists and theorists alike is to address the question of what underlying dynamical process is responsible for such striking events of please generate the next two sentences of the article | it is clear that conventional reggae phenomenology can not provide an answer a since the soft cameron contribution has died away at much lower values due to shrinkage a the two best developed models currently available are the bill cameron excite a calculated within the leading logarithmic approximation a la a by mueller and tang excite and implemented into the herein monte carlo excite a and the soft colour rearrangement model excite a |
279 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we construct explicit bps and non a bps solutions of the yang a mills equations on the noncommutative space which have manifest spherical symmetry a using -equivariant dimensional reduction techniques a we show that the solutions imply an equivalence between instants on and nonabelian vertices on a which can be interpreted as a blowing a up of a chain of d0-branes on into a chain of spherical d2-branes on a the low a energy dynamics of these configurations is described by a quiver gauge theory which can be formulated in terms of new geometrical objects generalizing superconnections a this formalism enables the explicit assignment of d0-brane charges in equivariant a a theory to the instant solutions a hep a th/0504025 a it uh05/05 a hwm0503 a empg0504 a 1.5 pm a quiver gauge theory of nonabelian vertices a and noncommutative instants in higher dimensions a alexander do pop a a institute for theoretische physio a university hannover a appelstrae a a 30167 hannover a germany a a and a a bogoliubov laboratory of theoretical physics a jinx a 141980 duna a moscow region a russia a a email a a richard of saab a a department of mathematics a heriot a watt university a colin maclaurin building a riccarton a edinburgh eh14 as a usk a a a email a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article one of the most basic questions that arises in trying to understand the nonperturbative structure of string theory concerns the classification of vector bundles over real and complex manifolds a in the presence of a a brands one encounters gauge theories in peacetime dimensionalities up to ten a already more than of years ago a bps a type equations in higher dimensions were proposed excite as a generalization of the self a duality equations in four dimensions a for nonabelian gauge theory on a khmer manifold the most natural bps condition lies in the donaldson a uhlenbeck a you equations excite a which arise a for instance a in compactifications down to four a dimensional minkowski peacetime as the condition for at least one unbroken supersymmetry a while the criteria for solubility of these bps equations are by now very well understood a in practice it is usually quite difficult to write down explicit solutions of them of please generate the next two sentences of the article | one recent line of attack has been to consider noncommutative deformations of these field theories a in certain instances a a a brands can be realized as noncommutative solutions excite a which is a consequence excite of the relationship between a a brands and a a theory a |
280 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper young star clusters with masses similar to those of classical old globular clusters are observed not only in starbursts a mergers or otherwise disturbed galaxies a but also in normal spiral galaxies a some young clusters with masses as high as have been found in the disks of isolated spirals a dynamical mass estimates are available for a few of these clusters and are consistent with group a type ifs a the luminosity a and possibly mass a functions of young clusters are usually well approximated by power a laws a thus a massive clusters at the tail of the distribution are naturally rare a but appear to be present whenever clusters form in large numbers a while bound star clusters may generally form with a higher efficiency in environments of high star formation rate a many of the apparent differences between clusters in starbursts and of normal of galaxies might be simply due to sampling effects a it is a human habit to characterise those things with which we are most familiar as normal a although large spiral galaxies are not the most common type of galaxy in the universe a we happen to live within one and many astronomers would probably tend to characterise the milky way as a fairly normal galaxy a thus a at least for the purpose of this paper a of normal of galaxies mostly refer to non a interacting star forming disk galaxies a our location within the milky way gives us a unique perspective from which we can study many of its properties in great detail a and it naturally provides a benchmark for comparison with other galaxies a nevertheless a we should question whether it is justified to apply results obtained from studies of our own galaxy to other galaxies which may appear superficially similar to it a in the context of this workshop a it is of particular relevance to ask how similar the cluster system in the milky way is to those in other galaxies a an increasing amount of observational evidence is pointing to the conclusion that many spirals host of young massive. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article it may be worth recalling some of the main properties of the milky way open cluster system a the census of open clusters is still highly incomplete beyond distances of a few pc from the sun a although the situation is improving with new surveys such as mass a see edge the contributions by carpenter and hanson in this volume a a the luminosity function of milky way open clusters was analysed by excite a who found it to be well modelled by a power a law over the range of please generate the next two sentences of the article | however a they also noted that extrapolation of this luminosity function would predict about 100 clusters as bright as in the galaxy a clearly at odds with observations a and thus suggested some flattening of the of slope at higher luminosities a the brightest known young clusters a edge not 3603 a and per a have absolute magnitudes of a corresponding to total masses of several thousand a recently a there have been claims that the cyl obj association might be an even more massive cluster excite a but this object is probably too diffuse to be a bound star cluster a though it does have a compact core a a |
281 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we analyse what happens with two merging constituent monopoles for the caldron a identified through degenerate eigenvalues a the singularities or defects of the belgian projection a of the polyakov loop a it follows that there are defects that are not directly related to the actual constituent monopoles a of pm a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article finite temperature instants a calories a have a rich structure if one allows the polyakov loop a in the periodic gauge a to be non a trivial at spatial infinity a specifying the holonomy a a it implies the spontaneous breakdown of gauge symmetry a for a charge one caldron a the location of the constituent monopoles can be identified through a in points where two eigenvalues of the polyakov loop coincide a which is where the symmetry is partially restored to of please generate the next two sentences of the article | ii a the center of mass of the a spherical a lumps a iii a the dirac monopoles a or rather lyons a due to self a duality a as the sources of the belgian field lines a extrapolated back to the cores a |
282 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we present high signal to noise ratio a switzer a infrared spectrograph observations of of virgo early a type galaxies a the galaxies were selected from those that define the colour a magnitude relation of the cluster a with the aim of detecting the silicate emission of their dusty a mass a losing evolved stars a to flux calibrate these extended sources we have devised a new procedure that allows us to obtain the intrinsic spectral energy distribution and to disentangle resolved and unresolved emission within the same object a we have found that thirteen objects of the sample a 76% a are passively evolving galaxies with a pronounced broad silicate feature which is spatially extended and likely of stellar origin a in agreement with model predictions a the other a objects a 24% a are characterized by different levels of activity a in not 4486 a a of a the line emission and the broad silicate emission are evidently unresolved and a given also the typical shape of the continuum a they likely originate in the nuclear torus a not 4636 shows emission lines superimposed on extended a item stellar a silicate emission a thus pushing the percentage of galaxies with silicate emission to 82% a finally a not 4550 and not 4435 are characterized by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon a pah a and line emission a arising from a central unresolved region a a more detailed analysis of our sample a with updated models a will be presented in a forthcoming paper a a a a a a mem a soc a aston a it a a a a a a a a a a a a a a the messenger a a a a a a a a a a aston a each a a a a a a a a a a aka a a a a a a a a a aka a a a law a a a a agar a a a a a a a a a alas a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a area a 1,#2 a a a a apr a a a a a a a a a apr a a a law a a a a apps a a a a a a a a a ass a a a a a a a a a adv a space res a a a a a a a a a a bull a aston a inst a czechs a a a a a a a a a a of quant a spectres a radial a transfer a a a a a a a a a maras a a a a a a a a a mem. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article brendan a grant a silva excite have suggested that the presence of dusty circumstellar envelopes around asymptotic giant branchagb a stars should leave a signature a a clear excess at of a a in the mid infrared a mir a spectral region of passively evolving stellar systems a early detections of such an excess were suspected in my a imply it al a 1986 a from ground based observations a and in a few elliptical observed with islam a bergman it al a the first unambiguous confirmation of the existence of this feature a though barely resolved a was found in the is of spectrum of not 1399 a brendan it al a 2001 a a since age stars please generate the next two sentences of the article | are luminous tracers of intermediate age and old stellar populations a an accurate analysis of this feature has been suggested as a complementary way to disentangle age and metallicity effects among early type galaxies a brendan it al a 1998 a 2001 a a more specifically a |
283 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper directional dark matter detectors will be able to record the recoil momentum spectrum of nuclei hit by dark matter wimps a we show that the recoil momentum spectrum is the radon transform of the wimp velocity distribution a this allows us to obtain analytic expressions for the recoil spectra of a variety of velocity distributions a we comment on the possibility of inverting the recoil momentum spectrum and obtaining the three a dimensional wimp velocity distribution from data a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the identification of dark matter is one of the major open questions in physics a astrophysics a and cosmology a recent cosmological observations together with constraints from primordial nucleosynthesis point to the presence of non a harmonic dark matter in the universe a the nature of this non a harmonic dark matter is still unknown of please generate the next two sentences of the article | one of the preferred candidates for non a harmonic dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle a wimp a a substantial efforts have been dedicated to wimp searches in the last decades excite a |
284 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we investigate the a electro-geodesic structure of the majumdar a papapetrou solution representing static charged black holes in equilibrium a we assume only two point sources a imparting thus the peacetime axial symmetry a we study electrogeodesics both in and off the equatorial plane and explore the stability of circular trajectories via geodesic deviation equation a in contrast to the classical newtonian situation a we find regions of peacetime admitting two different angular frequencies for a given radius of the circular electrogeodesic a we look both at the weak and near a field limits of the solution a we use analytic as well as numerical methods in our approach a a keywords a a electrogeodesic a majumdar a papapetrou a black hole a extreme reissue a nordstrm a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article study of geodesics has been one of the main tools in the investigation of the physical properties of spacetimes since the very establishment of general relativity for a general review of both geodesics and electrogeodesics for the reissue a nordstrm as well as other spacetimes a see a for example a the classical book by chandrasekhar excite a besides revealing the causal structure of the peacetime a geodesics help us build our intuition about the solution and connect it to the classical newtonian case a if possible a it may also be possible to interpret parameters appearing in the solution and restrict their ranges based on physically reasonable requirements on the behavior of geodesics a until this day a new papers are still appearing on geodesics in kerr excite a which is certainly very important for astrophysical applications a or even in schwarzschild excite a with the advent of the ads please generate the next two sentences of the article | a cut conjecture there has been renewed interest in the geometrical structure of spacetimes involving the cosmological constant excite a in these cases a there is usually some test a particle motion which is not allowed in the schwarzschild peacetime or the interval of admissible radii extends farther a which is also the case here as we can reach the axis a the different allowed ranges could perhaps enable us to distinguish between the various solutions through direct observation a |
285 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the parallel chip a firing game is a periodic automaton on graphs in which vertices of fire of chips to their neighbours a in 1989 a bihar conjectured that the period of a parallel chip a firing game with vertices is at most a though this conjecture was disprove in 1994 by kiwi it a al a a it has been proven for particular classes of graphs a specifically trees a bihar and goes a 1992 a and the complete graph a levine a 2008 a a we prove bihar a conjecture for complete bipartite graphs and characterize completely all possible periods for positions of the parallel chip a firing game on such graphs a furthermore a we extend our construction of all possible periods for games on the bipartite graph to games on complete -partite graphs a a and prove some pertinent lemmas about games on general simple connected graphs a than a i kiang a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the parallel chip a firing game or candy a passing game is a periodic automaton on graphs in which vertices a each of which contains some nonnegative number of chips a of fire of exactly one chip to each of their neighbours if possible a formally a let be an undirected graph with vertex set and edge set a define the a parallel chip a firing game a on to be an automaton governed by the following rules a a at the beginning of the game a chips are placed on each vertex in a where is a nonnegative integer a position a of the parallel chip a firing game a denoted by a be the ordered pair containing the graph and the number of chips on each vertex of the graph a a at each a move a or a step a of the game a if a vertex has at least as many chips as it has neighbours a it will give a a fire a a exactly one chip to each neighbour of please generate the next two sentences of the article | such a vertex is referred to as a firing a a otherwise a it is a non a firing all vertices fire simultaneously a in parallel a a we employ the notation of levine excite a |
286 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we propose a real a time machine translation system that allows users to select a news category and to translate the related live news articles from arabic a czech a danish a farsi a french a german a italian a polish a portuguese a spanish and turkish into english a the moses a based system was optimised for the news domain and differs from other available systems in four ways a a a a news items are automatically categorised on the source side a before translation a a a a named entity translation is optimised by recognising and extracting them on the source side and by re a inserting their translation in the target language a making use of a separate entity repository a a a a news titles are translated with a separate translation system which is optimised for the specific style of news titles a a a a the system was optimised for speed in order to cope with the large volume of daily news articles a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article being able to read news from other countries and written in other languages allows readers to be better informed a it allows them to detect national news bias and thus improves transparency and democracy a existing online translation systems such as a google translate a and a a being translator a a are thus a great service a but the number of documents that can be submitted is restricted a google will even entirely stop their service in 2012 a and submitting documents means disclosing the users interests and their a possibly sensitive a data to the service a providing company a for these reasons a we have developed our in a house machine translation system ones of please generate the next two sentences of the article | its translation results will be publicly accessible as part of the europe media monitor family of applications a excite a which gather and process about 100,000 news articles per day in about fifty languages a ones is based on the open source phrase a based statistical machine translation toolkit moses excite a trained mostly on freely available parallel corpora and optimised for the news domain a as stated above a |
287 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper on of january 2005 two fast coronal mass ejections were recorded in close succession during two distinct episodes of a of a x3.8 flare a both were accompanied by metre a to a kilometre type a iii groups tracing energetic electrons that escape into the interplanetary space and by decametre a to a hectometre type a ii bursts attributed to me a driven shock waves a a peculiar type a iii burst group was observed below 600 khz 1.5 hours after the second type iii group a it occurred without any simultaneous activity at higher frequencies a around the time when the two comes were expected to interact a we associate this emission with the interaction of the comes at heliocentric distances of about of r a near a relativistic electrons observed by the spam experiment inboard ace near a a revealed successive particle releases that can be associated with the two flare a me events and the low a frequency type a iii burst at the time of me interaction a we compare the pros and cons of shock acceleration and acceleration in the course of magnetic reconnection for the escaping electron beams revealed by the type iii bursts and for the electrons measured a in situs a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the acceleration of charged particles to high energies in the solar corona is related to flares a which reveal the dissipation of magnetically stored energy in complex magnetic field structures of the low corona a and to coronal mass ejections a comes a a which are large a scale a complex magnetic a field a plasma structures ejected from the sun a comes can drive bow shocks a and their perturbation of the coronal magnetic field can also give rise to magnetic reconnection a where energy can be released in a similar way as during flares a when several comes are launched along the same path a a faster me may overtake a slower preceding one a and the two comes can merge into a single structure of please generate the next two sentences of the article | for this phenomenon excite introduced the term a me cannibalism the me a me interaction was found associated with a characteristic low a frequency continuum radio emission a excite interpreted this type of activity as the radio signature of non a thermal electrons originating either during reconnection between the two comes or as the shock of the second a faster me travels through the body of the first a see a a a a |
288 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper one of the main challenges faced by biometric a based authentication systems is the need to offer secure authentication while maintaining the privacy of the biometric data a previous solutions a such as secure sketch and fuzzy extractors a rely on assumptions that can not be guaranteed in practice a and often affect the authentication accuracy a in this paper a we introduce honeyfaces a the concept of adding a large set of synthetic faces a indistinguishable from real a into the biometric of password file of a this password inflation protects the privacy of users and increases the security of the system without affecting the accuracy of the authentication a in particular a privacy for the real users is provided by of hiding of them among a large number of fake users a as the distributions of synthetic and real faces are equal a a in addition to maintaining the authentication accuracy a and thus not affecting the security of the authentication process a honeyfaces offer several security improvements a increased filtration hardness a improved leakage detection a and the ability to use a two a server setting like in honeywords a finally a honeyfaces can be combined with other security and privacy mechanisms for biometric data a we implemented the honeyfaces system and tested it with a password file composed of 270 real users a the of password file of was then inflated to accommodate up to users a resulting in a 56.6 to of password file of a a at the same time a the inclusion of additional faces does not affect the true acceptance rate or false acceptance rate which were 93.33% and 0.01% a respectively a biometrics a access control a a face recognition a privacy a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article biometric authentication systems are becoming prevalent in access control and in consumer technology a in such systems a the user submits their user name and his a her biometric sample a which is compared to the stored biometric template associated with this user name a one a to a one matching a a the popularity of biometric a based systems stems from a popular belief that such authentication systems are more secure and user friendly than systems based on passwords a at the same time please generate the next two sentences of the article | a the use of such systems raises concerns about the security and privacy of the stored biometric data a unlike passwords a replacing a compromised biometric trait is impossible a since biometric traits a edge a face a fingerprint a and iris a are considered to be unique a therefore a the security of biometric templates is an important issue when considering biometric based systems a |
289 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper in a new classification of merging binary neutron stars a ass a we separate short gamma a ray bursts a grabs a in two sub a classes a the ones with erg coalesce to form a massive is and are indicated as short gamma a ray flashes a a a gros a a the hardest a with erg a coalesce to form a black hole a by a and are indicated as genuine short a grabs a a a grabs a a within the fireshell model a a a grabs exhibit three different components a the a a grab emission a observed at the transparency of a self a accelerating baryon- plasma a the prompt emission a originating from the interaction of the accelerated baryons with the circumburst medium a the high a energy a get a emission a observed after the a a grab and indicating the formation of a by a grab 090510 gives the first evidence for the formation of a kerr by or a possibly a a kerr a newman by a its a a grab spectrum can be fitted by a convolution of thermal spectra whose origin can be traced back to an axially symmetric dyadotorus a a large value of the angular momentum of the newborn by is consistent with the large energetics of this a a grab a which reach in the key range erg and in the get range erg a the most energetic get emission ever observed in a a grabs a the theoretical redshift that we derive from the fireshell theory is consistent with the spectroscopic measurement a showing the self a consistency of the theoretical approach a all a a grabs exhibit get emission a when inside the a fermi--lat field of view a unlike a a gros a which never evidence it a the get emission appears to be the discriminant for the formation of a by in grabs a confirmed by their observed overall energetics a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article thanks to a fortunate coincidence of observations by agile a a fermi a a and a swift a satellites a together with the optical observations by the vat a for and the nordic optical telescope a it has been possible to obtain an unprecedented set of data a extending from the optical a us a through the a a rays a all the way up to the high energy a get a emission a which allowed detailed temporal a spectral analyses on grab 090510 excite a in contrast with this outstanding campaign of observations a a theoretical analysis of the broadband emission of grab 090510 has been advanced within the synchrotron a self a synchrotron compton a sec a and traditional afterglow models a see a edge a sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 in a a a a a a a paradoxically a this same methodology has been applied in the description of markedly different type of sources a edge a excite for the low energetic long grab 060218 a excite for the high energetic long grab 130427a a and excite for the a a gre 051221a a in the meantime a it has become evident that grabs can be subdivided into a variety of classes and sub a classes excite a each of them characterized by specific different progenitors which deserve specific theoretical treatments and understanding a in addition please generate the next two sentences of the article | every sub a class shows different episodes corresponding to specifically different astrophysical processes a which can be identified thanks to specific theoretical treatments and data analysis a in this article a we take grab 090510 as a prototype for a a grabs and perform a new time a removed spectral analysis a in excellent agreement with the above temporal and spectral analysis performed by a edge a the a fermi a team a now this analysis a guided by a theoretical approach successfully tested in this new family of a a grabs excite a is directed to identify a precise sequence of different events made possible by the exceptional quality of the data of grab 090510 a |
290 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper electroweak precision data have been extensively used to constrain models containing physics beyond that of the standard model a when the model contains highs scalars in representations other than singlets or doublets a and hence at tree level a a correct renormalization scheme requires more inputs than the three commonly used for the standard model case a in such cases a the one loop electroweak results can not be split into a standard model contribution plus a piece which vanishes as the scale of new physics becomes much larger than a we illustrate our results by presenting the dependence of on the top quark mass in a model with a highs triplet and in the left a right symmetric model a in these models a the allowed range for the lightest neutral highs mass can be as large as a few tel a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article measurements at let a sld a and the betatron have been used extensively to limit models with physics beyond that of the standard model a sm a by performing global fits to a series of precision measurements a information about the parameters of new models can be inferred a the simplest example of this approach is the prediction of the boson mass a in the standard model a theboson mass a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | can be predicted in terms of other parameters of the theory a the predicted boson mass is strongly correlated with the experimentally measured value of the top quark mass a a and increases quadratically as the top quark mass is increased a |
291 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the passage of cold cerium 49s rydberg atoms through an electric a field a induced multi a level avoided crossing with nearby hydrogen a like rydberg levels is employed to prepare a cold a dipolar rydberg atom gas a when the electric field is ramped through the avoided crossing on time scales on the order of 100 is or slower a the 49s population adiabatically transitions into high--l a rydberg stark states a the adiabatic state transformation results in a cold gas of rydberg atoms with large electric dipole moments a after a waiting time of about and at sufficient atom density a the adiabatically transformed highly dipolar atoms become undetectable a enabling us to discern adiabatic from diabetic passage behavior through the avoided crossing a we attribute the state a selectivity to -mixing collisions between the dipolar atoms a the data interpretation is supported by numerical simulations of the passage dynamics and of binary -mixing collisions a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article atoms in highly excited rydberg states a principal quantum number a have large radii and electric a dipole transition matrix elements a a a large polarizabilities a a and strong van a der a walls interactions a a. these properties have led to a variety of interesting investigations and applications a including quantum information and logic gates excite a single a photon sources excite enabled by the rydberg excitation blockade effect excite a and many a body physics with strong long a range interactions excite a the large polarizability makes rydberg atoms sensitive to external fields a giving rise to applications in field measurement excite a quantum control excite and studies involving collisions excite and novel molecules excite a a circles a are prepared at an electric field a 3.14 a a pm of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the field is then linearly ramped to a 3.99 a a pm with a rise time across a selected avoided crossing a the rydberg atoms undergo adiabatic a diabetic passage through the avoided crossing a |
292 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper our aim in the present work is to develop approximations for the collisional dynamics of travelling waves in the context of granular chains in the presence of decompression a to that effect a we aim to quantify approximations of the relevant hertzian flu a type lattice through both the korteweg a de vries a adv a equation and the today lattice a using the availability in such settings of both 1-soliton and 2-soliton solutions in explicit analytical form a we initialize such coherent structures in the granular chain and observe the proximity of the resulting evolution to the underlying integrable a adv or today a model a while the adv offers the possibility to accurately capture collisions of solitary waves propagating in the same direction a the today lattice enables capturing both co a propagating and counter a propagating solution collisions a the error in the approximation is quantified numerically and connections to bounds established in the mathematical literature are also given a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article granular crystals are material systems based on the assembly of particles in one a two and three a dimensions inside a matrix a or a holder a in ordered closely packed configurations in which the grains are in contact with each other excite a the fundamental building blocks constituting such systems are macroscopic particles of spherical a toroidal a elliptical or cylindrical shapes excite a arranged in different geometries a the mechanical a and more specifically dynamic a properties of these systems are governed by the stress propagation at the contact between neighbouring particles of please generate the next two sentences of the article | this confers to the overall system a highly nonlinear response dictated a in the case of particles with an elliptical or spherical contact a by the discrete hertzian law of contact interaction excite a geometry indoor material anisotropy between particles composing the systems allows for the observation of interesting dynamic phenomena deriving from the interplay of discreteness and nonlinearity of the problem a item anomalous reflections a breathers a energy trapping and impulse fragmentation a excite a |
293 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we show that the centrality and system a size dependence of elliptic flow measured at chic are fully described by a simple model based on eccentricity scaling and incomplete thermalization a we argue that the elliptic flow is at least 25% below the a ideal a of hydrodynamic limit of a even for the most central a a a collisions a this lack of perfect equilibration allows for estimates of the effective parton cross section in the quark a gluon plasma and of its viscosity to entropy density ratio a we also show how the initial conditions affect the transport coefficients and thermodynamic quantities extracted from the data a in particular the viscosity and the speed of sound a when two ultrarelativistic nuclei collide at non a zero impact parameter a their overlap area in the transverse plane has a short axis a parallel to the impact parameter a and a long axis perpendicular to it a this almond shape of the initial profile is converted by the pressure gradient into a momentum asymmetry a so that more particles are emitted along the short axis excite a the magnitude of this effect is characterized by elliptic flow a defined as where is the azimuthal angle of an outgoing particle a is the azimuthal angle of the impact parameter a and angular brackets denote an average over many particles and many events a the unexpected large magnitude of elliptic flow at chic excite has generated a lot of activity in recent years a elliptic flow results from the interactions between the produced particles a and can be used to probe local thermodynamic equilibrium a if the produced matter equilibrated a it behaves as an ideal fluid a hydrodynamics predicts that at a given energy a scales like the eccentricity of the almond excite a it is independent of its transverse size a as a consequence of the scale invariance of ideal a fluid dynamics a if a on the other hand a equilibration is incomplete a then eccentricity scaling is broken and also. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article j.y.o a thanks by alter a ash a mueller and do chief for helpful discussions a is supported through baby grant of cu5ri1/3 a of of ollitrault a phys of please generate the next two sentences of the article | a a of a a 229 a 1992 a a of he akkerman a it al a |
294 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we study the rotor a router walk on the infinite square lattice with the outgoing edges at each lattice site ordered clockwise a in the previous paper a j.phys.a a match a their a of a 285203 a 2015 a a a we have considered the loops created by rotors and labeled sites where the loops become closed a the sequence of labels in the rotor a router walk was conjectured to form a spiral structure obeying asymptotically an archimedean property a in the present paper a we select a subset of labels called of nodes of and consider spirals formed by nodes a the new spirals are directly related to tree a like structures which represent the evolution of the cluster of vertices visited by the walk a we show that the average number of visits to the origin by the moment is where is the average number of rotations of the spiral a a keywords a a rotor a router walk a archimedean spiral a sub a diffusion a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article the rotor mechanism a firstly proposed in the theory of self a organized criticality excite under name of valerian walk of excite a was rediscovered independently as a tool for a randomization of the random walk excite a the subsequent studies were concerned with collective properties of the medium of organized of by the walk and with statistical properties of the walk itself excite a the dynamics of the rotor a router walk can be described as follows of please generate the next two sentences of the article | consider a square lattice with arrows attached to the lattice sites a arrows attached to the lattice sites are directed toward one of their neighbours on the lattice a |
295 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper the density matrix of hawking radiation is calculated in the model of black hole with fluctuating horizon a quantum fluctuations smear the classical horizon of black hole and modify the density matrix of radiation producing the off a diagonal elements a the off a diagonal elements may store information of correlations between radiation and black hole a the smeared density matrix was constructed by convolution of the density matrix calculated with the instantaneous horizon with the gaussian distribution over the instantaneous horizons a the distribution has the extreme at the classical radius of the black hole and the width of order of the planck length a calculations were performed in the model of black hole formed by the thin collapsing shell which follows a trajectory which is a solution of the matching equations connecting the interior and exterior geometries a a density matrix of radiation of black hole with fluctuating horizon a a mikhail of iowa a skobeltsyn institute of nuclear physics moscow state university moscow 119991 a russia a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article from the time of hawking a discovery that black holes radiate with the black a body radiation a the problem of information stored in a black hole excite attracted much attention a different ideas were discussed a in particular those of remnants excite a of fuzziness of of the black hole excite and refs a therein a quantum hair excite and refs.therein a a and smearing of horizon by quantum fluctuations excite of please generate the next two sentences of the article | the underlying idea of the last approach is that small fluctuations of the background geometry lead to corrections to the form of the density matrix of radiation a these corrections are supposed to account for correlations between the black hole and radiation and contain the imprint of information thrown into the black hole with the collapsing matter a |
296 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper an exp a algebraic curve consists of a compact riemann surface together with equivalence classes of germs of meromorphic functions modulo germs of holomorphic functions a a dots a a hon a $ a a with poles of orders at points a this data determines a space of functions a respectively a a space of -forms a holomorphic on the punctured surface with exponential singularities at the points of types a dots a a h-n$ a a item a near any is of the form for some germ of meromorphic function a respectively a any is of the form for some germ of meromorphic -form a a for any the completion of with respect to the flat metric gives a space obtained by adding a finite set of points a and it is known that integration along curves produces a nondegenerate pairing of the relative homology with the durham homology group defined by a there is a degree zero line bundle associated to an exp a algebraic curve a with a natural isomorphism between and the space of meromorphic -valued -forms which are holomorphic on a so that maps to a subspace a we show that the exp a algebraic curve is determined uniquely by the pair a a section a a theoremproposition a theoremlemma a theoremcorollary a theoremdefinition a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article a choice of inconstant meromorphic function on a compact riemann surface realizes as a finite sheeted branched covering of the riemann sphere a a log a riemann surfaces of finite type a are certain branched coverings a in a generalized sense a of by a punctured compact riemann surface a namely a which are given by certain transcendental functions of infinite degree of please generate the next two sentences of the article | formally a log a riemann surface consists of a riemann surface together with a local holomorphic diffeomorphism from the surface to such that the set of points added to the surface a in the completion with respect to the path a metric induced by the flat metric a is discrete a log a riemann surfaces were defined and studied in excite a see also excite a a where it was shown that the map restricted to any small enough punctured metric neighbourhood of a point in gives a covering of a punctured disc in a and is thus equivalent to either restricted to a punctured disc a in which case we say is a ramification point of order a or to restricted to a half a plane a in which case we say is a ramification point of infinite order a a a log a riemann surface is said to be of finite type if it has finitely many ramification points and finitely generated fundamental group a |
297 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper predator a prey relationships are one of the most studied interactions in population ecology a however a little attention has been paid to the possibility of role exchange between species once determined as predators and preys a despite firm field evidence of such phenomena in the nature a in this paper a we build a model capable of reproducing the main phenomenological features of one reported predator a prey role a reversal system a and present results for both the homogeneous and the space explicit cases a we find that a depending on the choice of parameters a our role a reversal dynamical system exhibits excitable a like behaviour a generating waves of species concentrations that propagate through space a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article in 1988 a a bargain and cd mcquaid reported a novel observation in population ecology while studying benthic fauna in south african shores excite a a predator a prey role reversal between a decapod crustacean and a marine snail a specifically a in dallas island a the rock lobster a jesus lalandii a preys on a type of whelk a a burnupena papyracea-. as could be easily expected a the population density of whelks soared upon extinction of the lobsters in a nearby island a marcus island a just four kilometres away from dallas a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | however a in a series of very interesting controlled ecological experiments a bargain and mcquaid reintroduced a number of a jesus lalandii a in marcus island a to investigate whether the equilibrium observed in the neighbouring dallas island could be restored a the results were simply astounding a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a of the result was immediate a |
298 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper because of the lack of reliable sunspot observation a the quality of sunspot number series is poor in the late with century a leading to the abnormally long solar cycle a 17841799 a before the dalton minimum a using the newly recovered solar drawings by the 1819th century observers staudacher and hamilton a we construct the solar butterfly diagram a item the latitudinal distribution of sunspots in the 1790 a a the sudden a systematic occurrence of sunspots at high solar latitudes in 17931796 unambiguously shows that a new cycle started in 1793 a which was lost in traditional wolf a sunspot series a this finally confirms the existence of the lost cycle that has been proposed earlier a thus resolving an old mystery a this letter brings the attention of the scientific community to the need of revising the sunspot series in the with century a the presence of a new short a asymmetric cycle implies changes and constraints to sunspot cycle statistics a solar activity predictions a solar dynamo theories as well as for solar a terrestrial relations a a and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article starting from the first telescopic sunspot observations by david and johannes fabrics a galileo galilei a thomas harriet and christophe schneider a the 400-year sunspot record is one of the longest directly recorded scientific data series a and forms the basis for numerous studies in a wide range of research such as a edge a solar and stellar physics a solar a terrestrial relations a geophysics a and climatology a during the 400-year interval a sunspots depict a great deal of variability from the extremely quiet period of the maunder minimum excite to the very active modern time excite a the sunspot numbers also form a benchmark data series a upon which virtually all modern models of long a term solar dynamo evolution a either theoretical or a semiempirical a are based of please generate the next two sentences of the article | accordingly it is important to review the reliability of this series a especially since it contains essential uncertainties in the earlier part a the first sunspot number series was introduced by rudolf wolf who observed sunspots from 1848 until 1893 a and constructed the monthly sunspot numbers since 1749 using archival records and proxy data excite a |
299 | suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper we discuss one of the most prominent features of the very recent preliminary elliptic flow data of meson from the phenix collaboration excite a even within the the rather large error bars of the measured data a negative elliptic flow parameter a a for in the range of is visible a we argue that this negative elliptic flow at intermediate is a clear and qualitative signature for the collectivity of charm quarks produced in nucleus a nucleus reactions at chic a within a parton recombination approach we show that a negative elliptic flow puts a lower limit on the collective transverse velocity of heavy quarks a the numerical value of the transverse flow velocity for charm quarks that is necessary to reproduce the data is and therefore compatible with the flow of light quarks a the main goal of the current and past heavy ion programs is the search for a new state of matter called the quark a gluon a plasma a up a excite a major breakthroughs for the potential discovery excite of this new state of matter were the observation of constituent quark number scaling of the elliptic flow a with being the number of constituent quarks in the respective hadron as well as the observation of jet quenching at intermediate transverse momenta excite a together with the standard hydrodynamical interpretation this implies a rapid thermalization and a strong collective flow of the cd matter created at chic a however a open questions remain a how can one obtain a consistent description of the high suppression and the elliptic flow of heavy flavour quarks and hadrons a item is the collectivity at chic restricted to light quarks a up a down a strange a or do even charm a bottom a quarks participate in the collective expansion of the harmonic system and reach local kinetic equilibrium a previously a it was assumed that local equilibrium of a heavy a quarks could not be achieved within cd transport simulations a in fact a older. and you have already written the first three sentences of the full article this work was supported by gesellschaft for schwerionenforschung a darmstadt a psi a and by the loewe initiative of the state of lessen through the helmholtz international center for fair a so a bass a my glassy a he sticker and we greener a of phys a a a of a a re a 1999 a a axis a hep a ph/9810281 a of please generate the next two sentences of the article | of cox a it al a a a phenix collaboration a a null a |
Subsets and Splits