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Morocco is green Among The Greenest And Lowest Carbon Platforms In The World Strong Royal vision with ambitious energy transition plan to make Morocco among the greenest and lowest carbon platforms in the world. Morocco has accelerated the renewable deployment and aims to reach 52% energy mix by 2030 including solar, wind and hydro energies. 37% of the energy produced is from renewable source in 2020 1st most attractive country in Africa by Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index 2021 4GW of installed capacity in 2021, investment of $ 6 billion.
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Your children are the most important thing in the world to you. There is not anything you would not do to keep them healthy and happy. Yet, in the UK, one out of every five children is suffering from an undiagnosed eyesight problem. Keep a lookout for the telltale signs: sitting too close to the television, holding a book too close to their face or squinting. Perhaps what you take for youthful clumsiness could be a manifestation of their inability to accurately judge distance. Even if your child is not exhibiting any of the symptoms described above, it makes good parental sense to take them for regular children’s eye tests – just to be on the safe side. Should the results of your child’s eye examination tell us that they need corrective lenses, your child (if they’re under 16 or under 19 in full time education) will qualify for an NHS voucher entitling them to free spectacles from our stylish children’s range.
Transport generated emissions grow in Wellington While there are more people taking public transport across the Wellington region than ever before, transport-generated emissions continue to grow, a Greater Wellington Regional Council report says. Chair of the Regional Transport Committee councillor Adrienne Staples “It is fantastic to see patronage on Metlink buses and trains continuing to grow year on year. There has been a 5.7 per cent increase in rail users over the last year to June 2019. Similarly, bus boardings have jumped 4 per cent in the same time frame.” “However, the long term trend in transport generated CO2 emissions shows a gradual increase in emissions per person and a steady increase in absolute emissions,” Cr Staples says. The report shows a 7.5 per cent growth in regional population between 2013 and 2018. Whilst still the lowest in the country, vehicle ownership rates across the region have also increased. The net result is around 12 per cent increase in transport generated emissions over the last five years, which is a 5 per cent increase in transport generated CO2 emissions per person.
Relationship is key to business success and failure. The wrong kind of business relations brings failure while the right kind of business relations brings success. We often hear that to be in a good relationship there has to be a “give and take” within the partners. But I think sometimes the “give and take” mentality can get old quick because it has a tendency to be selfish. I give so I can take. Their giving becomes an indirect egotism. To build a good relationship takes time and sincere efforts without hidden agendas, in fact hidden agenda is the bedrock of bad business relationship. We live in a time where “personal happiness” is the ultimate good. It has triumphed over all other goods, business men and woman have become so selfish that they fail to appreciate their partners and customers with a goal of seeking their welfare. There is nothing wrong about personal happiness. But when personal happiness becomes king at the expense of our partners and even customers, that is where the problem starts. When “I” goes before “You”, it becomes “selfishness”. The “You” business agenda” is often promoted through ads. We watch an happy woman, man and even smiling children. But in actuality we see sad people, the “I” business agenda in practice. Just more selfishness. The vision of successful and happy business relationship can only happen when you forget yourself and sincerely reach out to your partners and customers. It is in caring for them first and Yourself last, by so doing you invest in relationship and not products. There is no successful business without people. And real business deals will always remain with delighted partners and customers. Be a person for all. Then, true happiness, real joy will happen behind your back. Refurbished from: “In What Kind of a Relationship Are You In? Give and Take or Give and Give?”
I spent today at a photographic preservation workshop, looking closely at daguerreotypes, tintypes, ambrotypes and other early photographs, and learning how to care for them. Thanks to Lydia Egunnike, conservator at the State Library of Queensland, for an excellent session. My little collection is in for some tender loving care. A few months ago the photographic historian Marcel Safier pointed out to me that my ancestor Daniel Marquis operated a photographic studio in Brisbane from 1866. I regret that I don’t have any examples of Daniel’s work. When Daniel died in 1879 his business was taken over by D F Metcalfe and renamed the Imperial Photo Company (late D Marquis). The picture above comes from a studio that Metcalfe operated before then. It is a carte-de-visite — a nicely lithographed card, 63mm x 105mm, with an albumen print pasted on. Such visiting card photos were immensely popular in the late nineteenth century. Mass-market photography started with the carte-de-visite craze. I have been quietly collecting these little reminders of ordinary life, and enjoying their subjects, their design, and their connection with the photographers who made them.
I have always maintained that those of us who work in football are privileged. And that’s because we get paid for a job we love and are passionate about. And in my case, I have been lucky enough to have worked in different countries, to have observed different cultures and ways of working, to have benefited from those experiences and this gives me, I believe, some idea of being able to analyse things from a different perspective, from the outside. When certain people talk about signings, and how to go about them, the market value of players, the reasons why you buy or sell a player, you can see that some of them don’t really know the true situation which can be very confusing for the fans. So in this article I will try to explain my point of view based on my experience. Obviously I will try to focus on my area of responsibility in the club. That is the football, the playing direction given by the manager or the coach as the case may be. What you first need to establish when you go to a new club are the aims of the club and the resources available to achieve them. So it is essential to analyse in depth the club organisation, its management structure and their different functions especially if you are in a foreign country. The rules, the fixture list, the squad, the staff at the club and their roles, the situation regarding players contracts, the environment, the culture, the club tradition… knowledge of all these are essential to being able to take the right decisions. At least for those who are depending on you. In Spain or Italy there is usually a ‘Director of Football’ or ‘Chief Scout’ who in theory is responsible for signing the Coach and putting the squad together. In the majority of cases, though not all, they usually consult the man in charge at the time, but in many other cases the President or owner, who is in charge of everything, has the last say. (The 2 diagrams are only examples as there are many different structures). In England though, it is the Manager who, also in theory, is responsible for the football, and therefore has the authority to decide how to put the squad together. In practice, both types of structure depend on one premise: the money available for transfers and salaries. The ‘Manager’ on the one hand, or the Coach on the other, will have to consider the inescapable fact that they can sign only the three or four players on their list. That’s how it is. At least in the case of the ‘Manager’ he can choose the ones he wants. Make-up of the Squad As the man in charge of the technical side, you have to decide on the model of play, how you want the team to express itself on the pitch, or at least how you would like them to play. It is important to get to know your players, to talk to them so they can give you information on the composition of the squad and then you have to try to complement it with players who can enhance it and put in to practice what you want to do on the pitch. If you can’t do this, you will have to adapt and trust that they will give you support when you need it. Then you have the rules governing contracts in each country, and they are also different for teams competing in International competitions. There are leagues where it is compulsory to play at least 5 players from that country, others where there is a limit on foreign signings, and others where there is an ‘A’ and ‘B’ list of players…In the end, each country, each league, has its own peculiarities and you have to know them thoroughly and above all digest them quickly before you put the squad together and / or tweak it. This is where the plan, the football project, comes in to play, and with owners from the world of business coming in to football, you can only call it a Business Plan. Again I will refer to my own experience. When I went to Italy there was no ‘business plan’. I was only told about it on the last day of the transfer window, when they suddenly and surprisingly said that we were going to follow the ‘Financial Fair Play’ initiative. I will leave it there. In Spain, the continuous dialogue with club officials keeps you up to date on the economic constraints so you know where you are. Although once, I found myself with a surprise signing of a striker by the President on the last day in August because, as he was on loan, he was cheap. In England, specifically at Liverpool during my first 3 seasons, the Chairman and the Chief Executive kept me informed of the restrictions and options that we had. Later on though, the club structure changed, and over time, ‘business plans’ became more and more important than any football project when it came to making decisions. Something that should not be forgotten is the analysis of the Academy. Incorporating local players always gives more affinity with the club and sensibly reduces costs. In Italy and Spain the organisation depends on the ‘sporting director’ and the Coach has little input in to it. Nevertheless, in England it can be the case, as happened at Liverpool in my last year, that the Manager has control over the youth system and can follow a style of play in all age groups and with more continuity. Barcelona’s model is popular right now. There is no better or more evident example. If there are no players at youth level in the club who have the requisite ability, you have to resort to the transfer market. The ‘sporting director’ or the Manager has to manage a transfer Budget, and on top of that, take players’ wages in to account. A good scouting system is necessary and essential, although not infallible, and the money available in both cases will affect the market you can access. The income from selling and net spend are more important for the Manager than the Coach. The former tries to consider the future of the club and win at the same time. The latter, the way football is going, only tries to win and cost has less importance. Rules and specific types of organisation What also has to be considered are different International regulations. Usually the required list of available players is restricted to 25 for the first team and in some countries, like Spain, you can use youth players for up to 5 matches, after which the player has to be included in the first team squad. In England, you can use the Reserves, which we used to try to develop youngsters by gaining experience so they could move up to the first team. Then you have the U18s. Some of these players, especially if they are coming from abroad, must have professional contracts or you run the risk of losing them to other clubs. This was what people often talked about when I was at Liverpool, either through ignorance or ‘bad faith’, that we signed a lot of players when in actual fact many of them were for the younger age groups and some of them I did not know. In Spain, these signings who join the second team or the youth teams are not considered signings for the first team. And it is the same in Italy. Champions League Rules and Regulations Another set of rules that, unfortunately, we always had to take in to account was the local players and home country players for Champions League list. This number has now reached 4 players brought through the club Academy and 4 players of the home country. If you have spent 3 years at the club before you reach 21, you are considered local. Again there are differences. As Coach, if you can, you plan for your team and the sporting director plans for the squad. But as a Manager you have to plan for the future of the club. At Liverpool one of our priorities was to bring players from abroad and sign them 3 years before they reached 21, like Ayala, Pacheco or Insua. In that way, under the rules at the time, they would be considered local players, saving money in transfers and contracts, with the possibility of including them on the Champions League list. In Spain and Europe in general, as a coach, you are only involved in future planning if you keep winning and you are allowed to stay a few years. Few manage to do it. As always, these are opinions emanating from my experience and they look to provide football fans and people who follow our website with views from a different perspective, another point of view which maybe they have not been aware of. Finally, a thought that keeps occurring to me is that although you hear something repeatedly, it is not necessarily the truth. -Justice for Suarez- Each club could be run in exactly the same way as the parent club. Playing systems, training methods, strategies and tactics would all be identical. Essentially, you’d be setting up a channel where tailor-made ‘pieces’ are gradually promoted into the first team having proven themselves throughout a real competitive season against more-experienced players. I think youngsters need to be playing in the ‘target’ system regularly against experienced professionals who want to beat them. There could be a risk of injury, absolutely, but that’s the price of progress in my view. We need to be stretching these kids and pulling them through. Respect from an Arsenal fan. In light of the current rumblings around Anfield, Ian Ayre has spoken about an approach where there is no Director of Football. As the role contains many elements the LFC board believe it would be better suited that each of these elements are divided up and given to people with expertise within than particular field. This sounds reasonable but I fear if the communication between this people fall down we'll end up in chaos and no better for it. What do you think of this new approach? As you've worked under both european and uk organisations which do you prefer to work with providing everyone performs their roles correctly? ..and I wish FSG would at least talk to you about the current vacancy. I can see the merits of both but surely if the manager has a long term plan and if given the time to implement it, it would be just as good. Training all the different levels to play one as I have heard Barca do(do they really?) has its draw backs. I would have thought that learning to play a way that suits the kayer by playing to their strengths and teaching them to play different ways with many strings to their bow would have been a better way. But I can see that it especially makes it easier to slot in inexperienced players as they should know what is expected of them and their teammates. An educating article I throughly enjoyed and was as usual a delightful and insightful read. Only problem I have is that I can devour these in single reading sessions, please feed me more. You are still the only manager Ive heard describe these informative details and express a view on them. I love them. Wish you all the best with your new project.
Experimental eye-tracking headset could help the disabled For people who cannot speak, nor move their arms, hands or even heads, computer-connected eye-tracking systems allow for communications via eye movements. Such systems have some drawbacks, however, which a new prototype headset is claimed to address. According to Christopher McMurrough, who is a computer science and engineering lecturer from the University of Texas at Arlington, the calibration of regular eye-tracking systems requires assistance from trained experts. Additionally, there is often a lag in the processing of tracked eye movements, not allowing for instantaneous communications. The 3D "point of gaze" headset that he invented reportedly has neither of these problems. First developed as a thesis project when McMurrough was a student, the prototype features a forward-facing 3D depth-mapping camera on the top, along with dual eye-tracking devices pointing in at the wearer's eyes. A program on a linked computer creates a 3D map of the environment in front of the user, based on the camera's output. By combining this data with the output of the eye-trackers, the direction of the user's gaze can be deduced, allowing the program to determine what they're looking at within the 3D map. As a result, the system should conceivably be capable of performing tasks such as activating the controls of an electric wheelchair, or instructing a robotic arm to grab an object such as a bottle of water – all the user would have to do is look at those things. "My interest in this technology grew out of seeing how my mother-in-law struggled with eye-tracking devices as an ALS patient," says McMurrough. "The latest version of our device can be worn as a pair of ski goggles with cameras on top and eye-trackers embedded in the lenses, making it very easy for patients to use it over long periods of time as it moves with them." The technology, which has been patented, could also have applications in fields such as gaming, augmented reality, and the monitoring of medical conditions that affect eye movements. Source: University of Texas at Arlington
2018 Youth Voter Turnout Increased in Every State Youth voting increased across the country in 2018, and a new CIRCLE analysis of state voter file shows that, in every single state for which data is available, the voter turnout of eligible young voters (ages 18-29) was higher in 2018 than in 2014, often by a significant amount. - Compared to 2014, youth voter turnout increased in every single state. In 40 of the 42 states, youth turnout increased by at least 7 percentage points, and in 31 of them it increased by double digits. - Minnesota, Montana, and Colorado led the nation in 2018 youth voting, each with a turnout rate above 40%. Utah, New York, and Arkansas had the lowest rates, although they still registered notable increases compared to 2014. - California, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, and Virginia form a select group of states that registered youth turnout increases of more than 20 percentage points. - In the majority of all states we examined (32 out of 42), the increase in youth turnout exceeded the increase in turnout among the general (all ages) electorate. Youth turnout can differ dramatically from state to state, and can either follow or run counter to national trends. State turnout can be affected by competitive statewide races (or the cumulative effect of more than one close election), facilitative state election policies, a state’s civic culture, the presence of strong youth civic engagement infrastructure (that can, for example activate deliberate outreach on ballot measures), and other factors. Below, we shine a spotlight on several states where close races, on-the-ground engagement efforts, and other factors led to high or significantly increased youth turnout: Not only did youth turnout rise by 16 percentage points in Arizona—a state that received national attention due to its highly competitive Senate race—but the total share of votes cast by youth nearly doubled (from just 6.3% in 2014 to 11.5% in 2018), demonstrating an increase in young people’s influence on the election. After Republican incumbent Jeff Flake announced that he would not seek reelection in 2018, Democrats viewed this historically red state as a possible pickup, especially in light of Arizona’s rising Hispanic population and Hillary Clinton’s relatively strong showing in 2016. Inspire US, a student-driven, nonpartisan nonprofit focused on registering youth to vote in high schools has had a multi-year presence in Arizona. This type of work, which has historically trailed efforts focused on college students, is critical in reaching youth early, building infrastructure in the voter engagement sector, and institutionalizing teaching about elections and voting. Before the election, CIRCLE’s Youth Electoral Significance (YESI) rated Arizona 9th among the top states where youth had the potential for especially high influence in a Senate race. Ultimately, in a race that wasn’t called until days after election night, Democratic Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema just edged out her House colleague, Republican Martha McSally, by just 2.4 percentage points, becoming the first Democrat Arizona sent to the Senate since 1988. A competitive race, combined with intentional outreach to younger voters, can increase turnout and affect electoral outcomes. Despite there being no competitive gubernatorial or Senate races in California, young people still went to the polls in significant numbers and increased their turnout rate by 20 percentage points: from 10% in 2014 to 30% in 2018. Their surge in participation likely helped Democrats flip seven seats in California en route to taking over control of the U.S. House of Representatives; exit polls found that 7 in 10 young Californians voted for the Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom over his Republican opponent John Cox, which suggests a level of support (mirroring young voters’ 35-point preference for Democratic House candidates nationally) that likely aided downballot Democrats in the state. Indeed, in some closely watched swing districts previously held by Republicans, Democratic challengers emerged with key victories. In California’s 25th Congressional District, Katie Hill—a political novice who ran what Vice News described as “the most millennial campaign ever”—edged out incumbent GOP Rep. Steve Knight. In CA-10, Democrat Josh Harder defeated Republican incumbent Jeff Denham by just 4 percentage points. In two other extremely close races that weren’t decided until weeks after Election Day, T.J. Cox flipped Republican David Valadao’s seat in CA-21, and Gil Cisneros edged out Young Kim in CA-39. Some of California’s electoral laws and administrative practices may deserve credit for facilitating youth voting. For example, the state allows 16- and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote. In addition, California’s passed the New Motor Voter Act in 2015, which empowered the Department of Motor Vehicles to send information about its voting-eligible customers to the Secretary of State, which would automatically register them to vote. The Public Policy Institute of California estimated that this law added about two million new voters to the rolls in the first year after passage. In Georgia, youth voter turnout more than doubled between 2014 and 2018, from 13% to 33%, representing a 20 percentage-point increase. The state’s surprisingly close gubernatorial race, in which Democrat Stacey Abrams nearly upset Republican Brian Kemp, likely led to greater investment in youth voter engagement and helped motivate young people—especially young people of color—to head to the polls. In our post-election analysis, we found that counties with high proportions of youth voted for Abrams by 7 percentage points above the state average, and counties with high percentages of youth AND people of color voted for Abrams by 22 points above the average. As young people increased their turnout at a greater rate than the general population in Georgia, it is evident that young voters helped Abrams turn a traditionally deep-red state into a gubernatorial battleground. CIRCLE’s 2018 Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), which measured the states in which young voters had the highest potential to swing an election, ranked Maine 2nd for its gubernatorial race and 10th for its Senate race. Youth voter turnout in the state rose by 5.8 percentage points between 2014 and 2018, a more modest increase than in some other states, but significant given that its 2014 youth voter turnout rate was already relatively high (30.5%), and that the increase to 36.4% in 2018 puts Maine among the states with the highest youth voter turnout rates in the country. Additionally, the youth share of the vote in Maine (the percentage of all votes that were cast by young people) was 10.4% in 2018, which is high for a midterm election. The relatively high levels of youth voting in Maine may be due in part to how the state approaches election administration. For instance, Maine allows 17 year olds to preregister to vote, creating an on-ramp to participate in the electoral process. Additionally, ranked-choice voting was approved by Mainers in 2016 and utilized for the first time in 2018. In Maine’s 2nd Congressional District Democratic candidate Jared Golden edged out Republican Bruce Poliquin, 50.5% to 49.5%, after independent voters’ second- and third- choice votes were added to either candidate. This race served as an example of how the ranked-choice system may make citizens feel like their vote is never “wasted” and that their choice will always impact the election results. Young people may be especially encouraged to participate when they feel certain that their vote matters. In Montana, youth turnout more than doubled—from 17.6% in 2014 to 42.1% in 2018—as young people turned out in droves to carry incumbent Democratic Senator Jon Tester to a close victory. Before the midterms, CIRCLE had ranked the Montana Senate race #4 in our Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), indicating that it was an election in which young people had the potential to make an outsize impact. In the same post-election analysis in which we looked at the county-by-county vote in Georgia, we also found that Tester won 52% of the vote in counties with a high proportion of youth compared to just 32% in counties where young people made up a lower percentage of the population. Grassroots advocacy may have also played a role in the surge of young voters, as organizations like Forward Montana helped to elevate young voters’ need for easy-access polling places through public testimony and other citizen-led actions. There was a large increase in turnout in the precinct that moved to an on-campus voting location. Youth turnout skyrocketed in Nevada, a state which saw challenger Jacky Rosen unseat incumbent Republican Dean Heller for one of the few Senate seats that flipped from a Republican to a Democrat this cycle. Historically, Nevada has not had high youth turnout; for instance, just 1% of young Nevadans participated in the state’s 2012 Republican caucus, and we observed a large decline in the number of registered youth in Nevada ahead of the 2016 election. In addition, we estimate that just 9% of youth in Nevada voted in 2014, representing about 34,000 votes. In 2018, turnout among young voters rose by 20 percentage points to 29%. Correspondingly, the number of votes cast by young people increased from about 34,000 in 2014 to 120,000 in 2018. According to exit polls, Rosen carried the 18-29 age bracket by over a 2-to-1 margin, which indicates that the rise in youth voters alone provided her entire 50,000 vote margin of victory. While turnout did increase for all age groups, the turnout rate of young people increased by a far greater amount than the general population. There was a 77% increase in the total number of votes cast (by all age groups) in Nevada (555,000 in 2014 to 976,000 in 2018), but for youth, the increase was 253%. The youth share of the vote (meaning that the percentage of all votes cast by young people) doubled, from about 6% in 2014 to 12% in 2018. In Tennessee, youth voter turnout more than doubled between 2014 to 2018: from 9.2% to 22.3%. Anticipation for a surge of youth voters in this state rose in the lead-up to the election after pop superstar Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Democratic Senate candidate Phil Bredesen and explicit social media call for voter registration. Swift penned an open letter on her Instagram account and linked to Vote.org, which reported thousands of new voter registrations in Tennessee in the days after her social media post. Given her popularity among youth and her previous reluctance to share her political views, Swift’s efforts drew a lot of attention and may have contributed to the 13 percentage point youth turnout increase in her home state of Tennessee. That said, the overall turnout increase in the state was even larger than the increase among youth, 15.4%, which may suggest that Tennessee youth were undermobilized in spite of social media appeals from a major celebrity. As discussed previously, other dynamics were at play in Tennessee, a solidly “red” state where Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn was favored to win, which may have led to less outreach to young voters. After just 8.2% of Texas youth turned out to vote in 2014—the lowest 2014 turnout rate among these 17 states—young people boosted their 2018 turnout rate to 25.8%. In Texas’ lone U.S. Senate race, challenger Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D) nearly upset incumbent Senator Ted Cruz (R), in part due to extensive youth support at the polls. According to a CIRCLE post-election analysis, O’Rourke earned his greatest support in counties with high proportions of young people—especially Latino youth. O’Rourke’s narrow margin of defeat (3 percentage points) brings into sharp relief the fact the increase in youth turnout merely matched the increase among the general Texas electorate: both went up by about 17 percentage points. With O’Rourke now running for president, Texas figures to be a closely watched state in 2020, and the continued outreach to and influence of youth in the state may play a prominent role. The youth turnout rate nearly doubled in West Virginia, though it failed to exceed the uptick in the overall (all ages) electorate’s voting rate, indicating that there was a high increase in voter participation across the board in the state. CIRCLE’s YESI rated West Virginia 7th among Senate races where young people had the potential to influence the outcome, in part because Democratic incumbent Joe Manchin was expected to face a tough challenge in a deep-red state which Donald Trump won in 2016 by a margin of 42 points. Manchin ended up winning reelection by less than 4 percentage points (under 20,000 votes); it’s likely that young voters had a significant impact on the outcome. West Virginia allows automatic voter registration and pre-registration for 17-year-olds, which may have facilitated youth participation. Methods and Data Sources Data available about young voters has increased a great deal over the past five years, but much takes months to update after an election. One significant advance is the presence of vendors who aggregate state voter file data from public sources into a national voter file (e.g. Catalist, which we use). Starting in 2012, CIRCLE began using a national voter file to calculate state-by-state, district-by-district and county-by-county youth voter turnout estimates for presidential and midterm elections. This data gets updated as each state fully updates their electronic files and that can take months. While we still use the Census Current Population Survey (CPS) Voting Supplement for some subgroup analysis and to view long-term trends, which voter files do not allow, we have used voter file data in our YESI, RAYSE Index (county data) and ongoing analyses as much as possible. CIRCLE uses a number of sources to estimate various turnout figures. For youth turnout, CIRCLE uses national aggregated voter file from Catalist, LLC. to get data on the number of votes cast by people who are ages 18-29 on the Election Day. We use data provided by the United States Election Project at University of Florida to get data on total number of ballots cast in 2014 and 2018 General Election. We derive citizen population estimates from the American Community Survey 1-year state estimate. As in any turnout calculation method, a number of factors can result in slight variations in the turnout estimate.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW AS A PARTICIPANT Research participants are people who have agreed to take part in a study as a subject. Participants are protected by ethical principles, laws, and regulations. YOUR RIGHTS AS A RESEARCH PARTICIPANT Investigators must respect the following rights of research participants: - To have enough time to decide whether or not to be in the research study and to make that decision without any pressure from the people who are conducting the research. - To refuse to be in the study at all, and to stop participating at any time after the study begins. - To be told what the study is trying to find out, what will happen to them, and what they will be asked to do if they are in the study. - To be told about the reasonably foreseeable risks of being in the study. - To be told about possible benefits of being in the study. - To be told whether there are any costs associated with being in the study and whether they will be compensated for participating in the study. - To be told who access to the information will have collected about them and how their confidentiality will be protected. - To be told whom to contact with questions about the research, about research-related injury, and about their rights as a research participant. If the study involves treatment or therapy: - To be told about the other non-research treatment choices they have. - To be told where treatment is available should they have a research-related injury, and who will pay for research-related treatment. HAVE A CONCERN OR COMPLAINT? If you have a concern or a complaint related to a study, please contact our office. To best provide you with timely assistance please describe the issue and reference the following if known: - PI name - IRB # - Study title This information should be included in the study’s recruitment or informed consent materials. For information on privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world, please visit clinicaltrials.gov
In August 2018, pro-life blogger Patricia Maloney reported that the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) recorded 766 late-term, live-birth abortions over a five-year period. In other words, pregnancies were ended late enough in pregnancy that the child survived for some amount of time outside the womb but died shortly thereafter in the absence of attempts at life-saving medical care. This isn’t the first time cases like these have been reported. As Maloney herself notes, there is much speculation about why and how these deaths happen. The sources listed on her blog give us numbers but they don’t tell us how or why these children died after a failed abortion, and why this is still considered an abortion rather than a stillbirth or murder. But ignoring the issue because of the gray areas will never gain us more clarity. We have a pretty terrible reporting system around abortion. Hospitals report their abortion-related data, but they perform only about a quarter of the approximately 100,000 abortions that occur annually in Canada. Private clinics take care of the remaining 75%, but they are not required to report their data on anything from gestational age at the time of abortion to complications that followed. To be clear, most late-term abortions are performed in hospitals, and so recorded. Clinics generally do not perform abortions after the first trimester. It is also likely that many of these children suffered from diseases or abnormalities that resulted in a quick death after birth, or their hearts were injected with something intended to kill them prior to birth which took effect shortly after. However, until we know for sure with proper records, these vague and horrifying numbers will have no context and there will be no criminal consequences for potentially real criminal acts. Our Criminal Code is very clear that pre-born children are not considered persons under the law until they have proceeded, in a living state, from the body of the mother. At this point, after exiting the ‘magical birth canal’ as one viral video calls it, the child has full human rights. The death of a child that proceeded in a living state from its mother may be called a failed abortion, but the rights conferred on that child at birth should stand. So should these deaths be called abortions? Is medically-induced delivery of a baby prior to its due date with the intention of letting it die abortion? We would argue it is not, in terms of statistics. Killing a child in the womb and removing the pieces is abortion. This forced delivery without intent to save falls more to the line of infanticide. Most presume these late-term abortions happen because a fatal abnormality or disability has been detected by ultrasound. This may occasionally be the case, but it is just as likely that the disability is simply unwanted. This could be anything from Trisomy 18 to Down Syndrome to a cleft palate. It seems we allow children born alive to die without intervention because they are not, for whatever reason, wanted anymore. Often these babies start off wanted, and it is devastating to their parents to discover their child will not be what they hoped and dreamed. We don’t want to minimize the grieving that can accompany a late-term prenatal diagnosis. But neither can we minimize the reality that the diagnosis changes a wanted child to an unwanted one on the whim of the parents. The humanity of the child doesn’t change, but the value placed on her does. This has an impact on all Canadians who have, or live with, or know someone with, a disability or abnormality. This is a form of ableism that determines the value of a life by comparing it with a subjective ideal. In Canada, we claim to be a leader in human rights, yet we allow pre-born humans to be aborted because they are girls, because they have a cleft palate, or because they have Down syndrome. Polls show that close to 80% of Canadians assume we have laws limiting abortion at some point in pregnancy. Those Canadians do not believe things like this could happen in Canada, and abortion activists and the media certainly aren’t doing anything to disillusion them. Every other democracy in the world has some legal protections for children in the womb; Canada does not. Let’s have the discussion. Let’s insist on statistics that account properly for a child’s birth and death. Let’s say there are things which are simply not okay.
|OLD TESTAMENT||NEW TESTAMENT| |Old Testament | |Epistles of | |1 Thess. | |1 Τῇ δὲ μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ ἔρχεται πρωῒ σκοτίας ἔτι οὔσης εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον, καὶ βλέπει τὸν λίθον ἠρμένον ἐκ τοῦ μνημείου. 2 τρέχει οὖν καὶ ἔρχεται πρὸς Σίμωνα Πέτρον καὶ πρὸς τὸν ἄλλον μαθητὴν ὃν ἐφίλει ὁ Ἰησοῦς, καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς: ἦραν τὸν κύριον ἐκ τοῦ μνημείου, καὶ οὐκ οἴδαμεν ποῦ ἔθηκαν αὐτόν. 3 ἐξῆλθεν οὖν ὁ Πέτρος καὶ ὁ ἄλλος μαθητής, καὶ ἤρχοντο εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον. 4 ἔτρεχον δὲ οἱ δύο ὁμοῦ: καὶ ὁ ἄλλος μαθητὴς προέδραμεν τάχιον τοῦ Πέτρου καὶ ἦλθεν πρῶτος εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον, 5 καὶ παρακύψας βλέπει κείμενα τὰ ὀθόνια, οὐ μέντοι εἰσῆλθεν. 6 ἔρχεται οὖν καὶ Σίμων Πέτρος ἀκολουθῶν αὐτῷ, καὶ εἰσῆλθεν εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον, καὶ θεωρεῖ τὰ ὀθόνια κείμενα, 7 καὶ τὸ σουδάριον, ὃ ἦν ἐπὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς αὐτοῦ, οὐ μετὰ τῶν ὀθονίων κείμενον ἀλλὰ χωρὶς ἐντετυλιγμένον εἰς ἕνα τόπον. 8 τότε οὖν εἰσῆλθεν καὶ ὁ ἄλλος μαθητὴς ὁ ἐλθὼν πρῶτος εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον, καὶ εἶδεν καὶ ἐπίστευσεν: 9 οὐδέπω γὰρ ᾔδεισαν τὴν γραφὴν ὅτι δεῖ αὐτὸν ἐκ νεκρῶν ἀναστῆναι. 10 ἀπῆλθον οὖν πάλιν πρὸς αὐτοὺς οἱ μαθηταί. 11 Μαρία δὲ εἱστήκει πρὸς τῷ μνημείῳ ἔξω κλαίουσα. ὡς οὖν ἔκλαιεν παρέκυψεν εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον, 12 καὶ θεωρεῖ δύο ἀγγέλους ἐν λευκοῖς καθεζομένους, ἕνα πρὸς τῇ κεφαλῇ καὶ ἕνα πρὸς τοῖς ποσίν, ὅπου ἔκειτο τὸ σῶμα τοῦ Ἰησοῦ. 13 καὶ λέγουσιν αὐτῇ ἐκεῖνοι: γύναι, τί κλαίεις; λέγει αὐτοῖς ὅτι ἦραν τὸν κύριόν μου, καὶ οὐκ οἶδα ποῦ ἔθηκαν αὐτόν. 14 ταῦτα εἰποῦσα ἐστράφη εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω, καὶ θεωρεῖ τὸν Ἰησοῦν ἑστῶτα, καὶ οὐκ ᾔδει ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν. 15 λέγει αὐτῇ Ἰησοῦς: γύναι, τί κλαίεις; τίνα ζητεῖς; ἐκείνη δοκοῦσα ὅτι ὁ κηπουρός ἐστιν, λέγει αὐτῷ: κύριε, εἰ σὺ ἐβάστασας αὐτόν, εἰπέ μοι ποῦ ἔθηκας αὐτόν, κἀγὼ αὐτὸν ἀρῶ. 16 λέγει αὐτῇ Ἰησοῦς: Μαριάμ. στραφεῖσα ἐκείνη λέγει αὐτῷ Ἑβραϊστί: Ραββουνι ὃ λέγεται διδάσκαλε. 17 λέγει αὐτῇ Ἰησοῦς: μή μου ἅπτου: οὔπω γὰρ ἀναβέβηκα πρὸς τὸν πατέρα: πορεύου δὲ πρὸς τοὺς ἀδελφούς μου καὶ εἰπὲ αὐτοῖς: ἀναβαίνω πρὸς τὸν πατέρα μου καὶ πατέρα ὑμῶν καὶ θεόν μου καὶ θεὸν ὑμῶν.||1 Early in the morning on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalen went to the tomb, and found the stone moved away from the tomb door. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter, and that other disciple, whom Jesus loved; They have carried the Lord away from the tomb, she said to them, and we cannot tell where they have taken him. 3 Upon this, Peter and the other disciple both set out, and made their way to the tomb; 4 they began running side by side, but the other disciple outran Peter, and reached the tomb first. 5 He looked in and saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in. 6 Simon Peter, coming up after him, went into the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there, 7 and also the veil which had been put over Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen cloths, but still wrapped round and round in a place by itself. 8 Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and saw this, and learned to believe. 9 They had not yet mastered what was written of him, that he was to rise from the dead. 10 The disciples went back home; 11 but Mary stood without before the tomb, weeping. And she bent down, still weeping, and looked into the tomb; 12 and saw two angels clothed in white sitting there, one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. 13 They said to her, Woman, why art thou weeping? Because they have carried away my Lord, she said, and I cannot tell where they have taken him. 14 Saying this, she turned round, and saw Jesus standing there, without knowing that it was Jesus. 15 Woman, Jesus said to her, why art thou weeping? For whom art thou searching? She supposed that it must be the gardener, and said to him, If it is thou, Sir, that hast carried him off, tell me where thou hast put him, and I will take him away. 16 Jesus said to her, Mary. And she turned and said to him, Rabboni (which is the Hebrew for Master). 17 Then Jesus said, Do not cling to me thus; I have not yet gone up to my Father’s side. Return to my brethren, and tell them this; I am going up to him who is my Father and your Father, who is my God and your God.||1 Una autem sabbati, Maria Magdalene venit mane, cum adhuc tenebræ essent, ad monumentum: et vidit lapidem sublatum a monumento. 2 Cucurrit ergo, et venit ad Simonem Petrum, et ad alium discipulum, quem amabat Jesus, et dicit illis: Tulerunt Dominum de monumento, et nescimus ubi posuerunt eum. 3 Exiit ergo Petrus, et ille alius discipulus, et venerunt ad monumentum. 4 Currebant autem duo simul, et ille alius discipulus præcucurrit citius Petro, et venit primus ad monumentum. 5 Et cum se inclinasset, vidit posita linteamina: non tamen introivit. 6 Venit ergo Simon Petrus sequens eum, et introivit in monumentum, et vidit linteamina posita, 7 et sudarium, quod fuerat super caput ejus, non cum linteaminibus positum, sed separatim involutum in unum locum. 8 Tunc ergo introivit et ille discipulus qui venerat primus ad monumentum: et vidit, et credidit: 9 nondum enim sciebant Scripturam, quia oportebat eum a mortuis resurgere. 10 Abierunt ergo iterum discipuli ad semetipsos. 11 Maria autem stabat ad monumentum foris, plorans. Dum ergo fleret, inclinavit se, et prospexit in monumentum: 12 et vidit duos angelos in albis sedentes, unum ad caput, et unum ad pedes, ubi positum fuerat corpus Jesu. 13 Dicunt ei illi: Mulier, quid ploras? Dicit eis: Quia tulerunt Dominum meum: et nescio ubi posuerunt eum. 14 Hæc cum dixisset, conversa est retrorsum, et vidit Jesum stantem: et non sciebat quia Jesus est. 15 Dicit ei Jesus: Mulier, quid ploras? quem quæris? Illa existimans quia hortulanus esset, dicit ei: Domine, si tu sustulisti eum, dicito mihi ubi posuisti eum, et ego eum tollam. 16 Dicit ei Jesus: Maria. Conversa illa, dicit ei: Rabboni (quod dicitur Magister). 17 Dicit ei Jesus: Noli me tangere, nondum enim ascendi ad Patrem meum: vade autem ad fratres meos, et dic eis: Ascendo ad Patrem meum, et Patrem vestrum, Deum meum, et Deum vestrum.| |18 ἔρχεται Μαριὰμ ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ ἀγγέλλουσα τοῖς μαθηταῖς ὅτι ἑώρακα τὸν κύριον, καὶ ταῦτα εἶπεν αὐτῇ. 19 Οὔσης οὖν ὀψίας τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ τῇ μιᾷ σαββάτων, καὶ τῶν θυρῶν κεκλεισμένων ὅπου ἦσαν οἱ μαθηταὶ διὰ τὸν φόβον τῶν Ἰουδαίων, ἦλθεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς καὶ ἔστη εἰς τὸ μέσον, καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς: εἰρήνη ὑμῖν. 20 καὶ τοῦτο εἰπὼν ἔδειξεν τὰς χεῖρας καὶ τὴν πλευρὰν αὐτοῖς. ἐχάρησαν οὖν οἱ μαθηταὶ ἰδόντες τὸν κύριον. 21 εἶπεν οὖν αὐτοῖς ὁ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν: εἰρήνη ὑμῖν: καθὼς ἀπέσταλκέν με ὁ πατήρ, κἀγὼ πέμπω ὑμᾶς. 22 καὶ τοῦτο εἰπὼν ἐνεφύσησεν καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς: λάβετε πνεῦμα ἅγιον. 23 ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἀφέωνται αὐτοῖς: ἄν τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.||18 So Mary Magdalen brought news to the disciples, of how she had seen the Lord, and he had spoken thus to her. 19 And now it was evening on the same day, the first day of the week; for fear of the Jews, the disciples had locked the doors of the room in which they had assembled; and Jesus came, and stood there in their midst; Peace be upon you, he said. 20 And with that, he shewed them his hands and his side. Thus the disciples saw the Lord, and were glad. 21 Once more Jesus said to them, Peace be upon you; I came upon an errand from my Father, and now I am sending you out in my turn. 22 With that, he breathed on them, and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit; 23 when you forgive men’s sins, they are forgiven, when you hold them bound, they are held bound.||18 Venit Maria Magdalene annuntians discipulis: Quia vidi Dominum, et hæc dixit mihi. 19 Cum ergo sero esset die illo, una sabbatorum, et fores essent clausæ, ubi erant discipuli congregati propter metum Judæorum: venit Jesus, et stetit in medio, et dixit eis: Pax vobis. 20 Et cum hoc dixisset, ostendit eis manus et latus. Gavisi sunt ergo discipuli, viso Domino. 21 Dixit ergo eis iterum: Pax vobis. Sicut misit me Pater, et ego mitto vos. 22 Hæc cum dixisset, insufflavit, et dixit eis: Accipite Spiritum Sanctum: 23 quorum remiseritis peccata, remittuntur eis: et quorum retinueritis, retenta sunt.| |24 Θωμᾶς δὲ εἷς ἐκ τῶν δώδεκα, ὁ λεγόμενος Δίδυμος, οὐκ ἦν μετ' αὐτῶν ὅτε ἦλθεν Ἰησοῦς. 25 ἔλεγον οὖν αὐτῷ οἱ ἄλλοι μαθηταί: ἑωράκαμεν τὸν κύριον. ὁ δὲ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς: ἐὰν μὴ ἴδω ἐν ταῖς χερσὶν αὐτοῦ τὸν τύπον τῶν ἥλων καὶ βάλω τὸν δάκτυλόν μου εἰς τὸν τύπον τῶν ἥλων καὶ βάλω μου τὴν χεῖρα εἰς τὴν πλευρὰν αὐτοῦ, οὐ μὴ πιστεύσω. 26 καὶ μεθ' ἡμέρας ὀκτὼ πάλιν ἦσαν ἔσω οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ, καὶ Θωμᾶς μετ' αὐτῶν. ἔρχεται ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῶν θυρῶν κεκλεισμένων, καὶ ἔστη εἰς τὸ μέσον καὶ εἶπεν: εἰρήνη ὑμῖν. 27 εἶτα λέγει τῷ Θωμᾷ: φέρε τὸν δάκτυλόν σου ὧδε καὶ ἴδε τὰς χεῖράς μου, καὶ φέρε τὴν χεῖρά σου καὶ βάλε εἰς τὴν πλευράν μου, καὶ μὴ γίνου ἄπιστος ἀλλὰ πιστός. 28 ἀπεκρίθη Θωμᾶς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ: ὁ κύριός μου καὶ ὁ θεός μου. 29 λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς: ὅτι ἑώρακάς με, πεπίστευκας; μακάριοι οἱ μὴ ἰδόντες καὶ πιστεύσαντες.||24 There was one of the twelve, Thomas, who is also called Didymus, who was not with them when Jesus came. 25 And when the other disciples told him, We have seen the Lord, he said to them, Until I have seen the mark of the nails on his hands, until I have put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, you will never make me believe. 26 So, eight days afterwards, once more the disciples were within, and Thomas was with them; and the doors were locked. Jesus came and stood there in their midst; Peace be upon you, he said. 27 Then he said to Thomas, Let me have thy finger; see, here are my hands. Let me have thy hand; put it into my side. Cease thy doubting, and believe. 28 Thomas answered, Thou art my Lord and my God. 29 And Jesus said to him, Thou hast learned to believe, Thomas, because thou hast seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have learned to believe.||24 Thomas autem unus ex duodecim, qui dicitur Didymus, non erat cum eis quando venit Jesus. 25 Dixerunt ergo ei alii discipuli: Vidimus Dominum. Ille autem dixit eis: Nisi videro in manibus ejus fixuram clavorum, et mittam digitum meum in locum clavorum, et mittam manum meam in latus ejus, non credam. 26 Et post dies octo, iterum erant discipuli ejus intus, et Thomas cum eis. Venit Jesus januis clausis, et stetit in medio, et dixit: Pax vobis. 27 Deinde dicit Thomæ: Infer digitum tuum huc, et vide manus meas, et affer manum tuam, et mitte in latus meum: et noli esse incredulus, sed fidelis. 28 Respondit Thomas, et dixit ei: Dominus meus et Deus meus. 29 Dixit ei Jesus: Quia vidisti me, Thoma, credidisti: beati qui non viderunt, et crediderunt.| |30 Πολλὰ μὲν οὖν καὶ ἄλλα σημεῖα ἐποίησεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἐνώπιον τῶν μαθητῶν, αὐτοῦ ἃ οὐκ ἔστιν γεγραμμένα ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τούτῳ: 31 ταῦτα δὲ γέγραπται ἵνα πιστεύσητε ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ Χριστὸς ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ, καὶ ἵνα πιστεύοντες ζωὴν ἔχητε ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι αὐτοῦ.||30 There are many other miracles Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, which are not written down in this book; 31 so much has been written down, that you may learn to believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and so believing find life through his name.||30 Multa quidem et alia signa fecit Jesus in conspectu discipulorum suorum, quæ non sunt scripta in libro hoc. 31 Hæc autem scripta sunt ut credatis, quia Jesus est Christus Filius Dei: et ut credentes, vitam habeatis in nomine ejus.| This seems to be the same visit as that recorded in Mt. 28.1; Mk. 16.1; Lk. 24.1; that Mary Magdalen was not alone, is implied by the words ‘we cannot tell’ in verse 2. St Mark tells us that the women came to the tomb at sunrise; it seems therefore that St John must have dated their visit from the moment, some time earlier, when they began their preparations for the journey. vv. 11-14: This appearance of the angels cannot be the same as that recorded by the other Evangelists. On the other hand, the appearance of our Lord to St Mary Magdalen may be the same as that recorded in Mt. 28.9; or the other women may have seen our Lord somewhat later. St Mark records the appearance to St Mary Magdalen, 16.9. vv. 19-23: Mk. 16.14; Lk. 24.36. Knox Translation Copyright © 2013 Westminster Diocese Nihil Obstat. Father Anton Cowan, Censor. Imprimatur. +Most Rev. Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. 8th January 2012. Re-typeset and published in 2012 by Baronius Press Ltd
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Health and Safety Representatives are entitled to complete the 1-day refresher training each year for the duration of their tenure, following initial training. This refresher training ensures you provide a safe working environment by maintaining your knowledge and skills of workplace health and safety. The role of a Health and Safety Rep is to represent the working group that elected them and ensure their safety is maintained and concerns are met. This includes liaising with staff and communicating all identified safety concerns to management. Staff elect a HSR who is able to undergo an initial 5-day training course and is entitled to attend a 1-day safety and health rep refresher course every year. The HSR refresher course is conducted by experts who provide HSR with updates surrounding best practices and legislation. HSR refresher training NSW is imperative for any business to ensure the safety and satisfaction of staff in the workplace. Your role as a health and safety representative directly impacts the rate of incidents and disruptions in your workplace. This role provides you with the position to make a positive impact on the well-being of your peers and the success of the business. The contributions you make to foster a safer environment will be informed by the up-to-date information you receive as part of your 1-day refresher course and initial course. Interpreting the WHS legislative framework Key parties, their legislative obligations and duties Establishing representation in the workplace Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety Committees (HSCs) and other arrangements Participating in effective consultation Negotiation, issue resolution and contributing to the minimisation of risks Monitoring PCBU’s management of WHS risks Workplace inspections, notifiable incidents and incident investigation Issuing of Provisional Improvement Notices Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs) and directing the cessation of unsafe work The Course runs for 1 day, approximately 6.5 hours. Assessment for the course is informal All participants will be issued with an HSR refresher certificate of attendance upon completion. 1-Day HSR Refresher Online or Onsite The 1-Day Refresher course can be completed face-to-face at one of our locations across the state as well as online via Zoom or on-site anywhere in NSW. We aim to meet the new changes brought about to our personal and professional lives by providing HSR refresher courses through a digital platform. To complete the online course all you will need is a stable internet connection and a webcam. As a Safework NSW Approved course, our 1-Day safety and health rep refresher course meets the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Regulation (2017). The 1- day course is also optimised to efficiently teach participants all the relevant material within the 6.5-hour time frame. Safety and Health Rep Refresher FAQ Why Do I Need to Refresh HSR Training? At Leading Safety, work health and safety is our priority. After completing the initial health and safety training, you will possess a foundational understanding to maintain and improve the health and safety standards in your place of work. However, as this is a space in which the government, industry and training organisations such as us are reviewing and improving best practices and guidelines, it is important to complete refresher courses after the initial five day course. These safety and health rep refresher course content will ensure you are kept up to date with government and industry changes and are extending your capacity to operate as health and safety representatives. Upon successful completion, the course content will ensure to equip you with a current and informed understanding so you can make the best decisions for your workplace environment. Can I Complete HSR Training Online? Absolutely. At Leading Safety, we have upheld our promise to deliver second to none health and safety representative training and now offer it online via Zoom (while still offering SafeWork NSW approved training). We still provide face to face training on site, we have just made it available for those who wish to complete both the initial five day course and safety and health rep refresher courses via Zoom as well. Is Refresher Training an Essential Requirement in NSW? Unlike other Australian states, NSW does not have legislation to make it mandatory to have a Health and Safety Representative or undergo refresher training after the initial course. In other states, Queensland for example, election of a Health and Safety Representative is mandatory. However, safety representative HSR members still serve a purpose and are relied on in NSW. In NSW, a worker can request for a HSR where work groups are assembled to elect a representative. After this, the PCBU communicates with the HSR directly. Although it is not mandatory, HSR training and refresher courses are strongly recommended to be completed by an individual in your workplace to ensure effective health and safety management within your workplace. What Are the Duties of a Health & Safety Representative? - Give recommendations in regard to health and safety issues - Perform routine inspections in line with safety framework - Represent work group and their interests and concerns - Attend Health and Safety Committee Meetings - Utilise channels of communication between management, work group and PCBU - Conduct health and safety audits - Directing unsafe work to cease if they believe that an individual is at risk - In the event of a WHS breach, issue a Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN - Thoroughly Investigate any incidents or health and safety issues - Identify potential hazards, risks and dangers in the workplace What Does HSR Stand For and What Do They Do? HSR is the common abbreviation for Health and Safety Representatives. Representatives are elected workers who are responsible with representing the health and safety interests of their work group. Communication is a central component to health and safety representation and as such the majority of training covers communicating with business owners, workers, managers and others concerned with workplace health and safety. Do I Need to Attend the Representative Refresher Every Year? Although not overly complicated, it is essential as a HSR that you understand your role, safety framework and legislation and effective methods of communication to make a positive difference to your workplace. Our 1-day HSR refresher course is vital in updating your knowledge and skills attained. As an HSR, you are entitled to attend a 1-day refresher course during your term. Our refresher course is delivered by facilitators with extensive experience and qualifications in safety training from relevant industries.
Welcome to this BBC Media Action course, Reporting On Climate Change. We are delighted to have you join us. This course will help you understand the science behind the causes of climate change, how international organizations and communities are responding to it and how you as a journalist can cover it effectively for your audience. Communicating climate change is very important as increase in extreme weather events are having severe impacts on the poorest communities in the region. Producing stories about climate change can help improve audiences understanding and provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to help them adapt. The modules are open to the public. Login is NOT needed.
|IRVINE, Calif., July 1, 2020 — Off-highway motorcycle sales shot up 18.9 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council, which means more Americans are eager to get out and ride. And off-road riding can be the perfect social-distancing activity with family. With the July Fourth long weekend here and a full summer ahead of us, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation is reminding riders to wear all the proper gear from head to toe, and to be sure to do a pre-ride inspection of their motorcycle before heading out. “For those new to dirt biking, hands-on training, like an MSF DirtBike School, is the best way to learn to ride,” said Andria Yu, director of communications for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and a DirtBike School coach. “Kids ages 6 and up can take a class with their family. But the MSF also offers an array of tips and resources online, most for free, at DirtBikeSchool.org.” “We have downloadable booklets for parents who want to introduce their kid to dirt bikes, with information from how to determine if your child is ready for motorcycling to an outline of operating procedures and practice exercises,” Yu said. “And we have a Tips & Practice Guide for dirt riders.” Another important aspect to off-road riding is respecting the outdoors. “Always ride on designated trails and try to leave the area better than you found it,” Yu said. “Know which areas are open to dirt bikes, and obey all signs and posted rules. We all have to do our part and be custodians of our public lands. More great tips can be found at treadlightly.org.” MSF DirtBike School Dirt Bike Riding Tips - Always wear a DOT-compliant helmet, goggles, long sleeves, long pants, over-the-ankle boots, and gloves. - Except for dual-purpose models, never ride on paved surfaces except to cross when done safely and permitted by law — another vehicle could hit you. Dirt bikes are designed to be operated off-highway. - Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs. - Supervise riders younger than 16; dirt bikes are not toys. - Never permit youngsters to ride dirt bikes that are too tall or too powerful for their capabilities. - Don’t ride alone on remote trails. Use the buddy system. - Ride only on designated trails and at a safe speed. - Take a hands-on riding course. Visit DirtBikeSchool.org. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation promotes safety through rider training and education, operator licensing tests, and public information programs. The MSF works with the federal government, state agencies, the military, and others to offer training for all skill levels so riders can enjoy a lifetime of safe, responsible motorcycling. Standards established by the MSF have been recognized worldwide since 1973. The MSF is a not-for-profit organization endorsed by American Honda Motor Co., Inc.; BMW Motorrad USA; BRP, Inc.; Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc.; Indian Motorcycle; Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.; KTM North America, Inc.; Suzuki Motor of America, Inc.; Triumph Motorcycles America; and Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. For safety information or to enroll in an MSF Basic RiderCourse near you, or to learn more about the many other MSF course offerings, visit MSF-USA.org or call (800) 446-9227. Follow @msf__usa to keep up with the MSF on Twitter and Instagram.
Pitch-shifting pedals, and those pedals that utilize pitch-shifting, are among the most amusing to play through and can truly open a whole new realm of sonic and harmonic capabilities on guitar, bass and other instruments. What are pitch-shifting guitar pedals, and how do they work? A pitch-shifting guitar/bass pedal is a stompbox unit that affects the pitch (frequencies and note value) of the input signal. The pedal may output the shifted signal or a mix of the direct signal and shifted signal(s). These pedals read the harmonic content of the input and shift it accordingly. In this article, we’ll discuss dedicated pitch-shifting pedals in much more detail, along with the other effects types that utilize pitch-shifting in one manner or another. I’ll share a few pedal examples along the way and tips on how to get more out of your pitch-shifting pedals. Related My New Microphone articles: • The Ultimate Effects Pedal/Stompbox Buyer’s Guide • Top 11 Best Guitar/Bass Effects Pedal Brands To Know & Use • Top 9 Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizer Pedals For Guitar & Bass Table Of Contents - What Is Pitch? - How Does Pitch Shifting Work? - Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizing Pedals - Pitch-Shifting In Other Effects - Tips On Using A Pitch-Shifting Pedal - Where Should Pitch-Shifting Pedals Go In The Signal Chain? - Related Questions What Is Pitch? Before we get into our discussion on pitch-shifting pedals, it's important to define what pitch is. The first thing to point out is that pitch is a subjective/perceptual property of sound (that translates into audio). The electronics (whether analog or digital) found in pitch-shifting pedals, however, act objectively. This discrepancy is worth noting before we begin. Musical pitch is a perceptual property of sound that allows listeners to qualify different sounds as being higher or lower in terms of musical notation. This auditory sensation allows us to relate the positions of different notes within the context of a musical melody. Musical pitch and notation are related to frequency, though not entirely linked. The fundamental frequency (the lowest frequency of a note being played by a tuned instrument) is generally the most linked to musical pitch. A note with a higher fundamental frequency will be higher in pitch. A note with a lower fundamental frequency will be lower in pitch. Note that pitch is truly only applicable to tuned instruments. Percussive instruments like cymbals and drums can be “tuned” but typically lack a distinct musical pitch. Noise also has no pitch, generally speaking. That being said, all these sounds have frequencies within the audible spectrum. The exact note value of a given pitch (with its fundamental frequency) is largely determined by the tuning system used. In western music, the two most common tuning systems are 12-tone equal temperament with A4 = 440 Hz or A4 = 432 Hz I've written about the relationship between pitch and frequency in my article Fundamental Frequencies Of Musical Notes In A=432 & A=440 Hz if you'd like to check that out. How Does Pitch-Shifting Work? While pitch alterations are obviously possible on tuned instruments, pitch-shifting is a purely electrical occurrence where an audio signal is manipulated to sound higher or lower in pitch. The easiest way to achieve pitch-shifting is by speeding up or slowing down audio. This pitch-shifting is a by-product of time-shifting and is often referred to as “pitch controlling”. This can be done by playing an audio file at a different speed than it was recorded. For instance, we could change the sample rate of a digital audio workstation from the sample rate the audio was recorded in. Another example would be to adjust the motor speed of a reel-to-reel tape recorder. Note that time stretching is the process of changing the speed/duration of an audio signal without altering the pitch. Pitch scaling is the process of changing the pitch without altering the speed. However, this isn't how pitch-shifter pedals work. Pitch-shifting pedals need to act in real-time. As the name suggests, pitch-shifting works by altering the pitch of the input signal and outputting a signal with a different musical note. It does so via electrical means, bringing objectivity to the perceived nature of musical pitch. Pitch-shifters can be monophonic or polyphonic. Monophonic pedals can only affect one note at a given time and are easily overloaded if any additional frequency information is included in the input signal. Polyphonic pedals can distinguish between notes in a given signal (between fundamental frequencies of certain notes and harmonics from other notes) and affect more than one note at a time, allowing chords to be pitch-shifted up or down. Some pitch-shifters will only output the shifted/affected signal. Others can output a blend of the pitch-shifted and direct signal, allowing for harmonization with the input notes. Some other pedals can produce multiple copies of the input signal and pitch-shift these copies differently. We'll get into the various designs shortly. Simple octave pedal circuits can be produced via analog circuits that alter the frequency and filter the signal to attain the desired effect. These analog circuits are monophonic. Analog octave circuits may also sound noisy and “warbly” as they attempt to track the input signal. Today, many octave pedals and practically all pitch-shifting pedals (including pitch-bending, harmonizing and transposition-type pedals) achieve their effect via digital signal processing (DSP). The DSP within pitch-shifter pedals typically utilizes frequency-domain shifting based on phase vocoder techniques and algorithms based on short-time Fourier transform (STFT). These processes allow the pitch to be changed in real-time and are relatively simple compared to many time-domain shifting processes. The inner workings and designs of the digital signal processing units are beyond the scope of this article. Just know that pitch-shifting pedals are nearly all digital, and they work by altering the note(s) of the input signal. Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizing Pedals Now let's get into the different types of pitch-shifting pedals and go over some examples. The 4 main types of pitch-shifters, in the modern market, each make up their own type of pedal. However, they are all, at their core, pitch-shifters. These pedal types are: As the name suggests, Octave pedals produce octaves above and/or below the determined pitch of the input signal. The octave pedal was the first type of “pitch-shifter” to be invented and is the most popular type of pitch-shift circuit to this day. This effect can be achieved via analog or digital means. Putting an octave below a guitar signal can give us the sense of an additional bass line. Similarly, putting an octave above a bass can give a sense of an additional guitar line. Adding multiple octaves to a guitar or bass signal can bring us close to the sound of an organ. Affecting these octaves can bring into a synth-like sonic territory, which we'll touch on later in this article. The Boss OC-3 (link to check the price on Amazon) is an awesome octave pedal with inputs designed to track guitar or bass guitar. The OC-3, like the OC-2 before it, offers additional octaves at both 1 and 2 octaves below the input signal. This pedal also has a polyphonic mode along with an overdrive circuit to add some extra grit to the output signal. Boss is featured in the following My New Microphone articles: • Top 11 Best Guitar/Bass Effects Pedal Brands To Know & Use • Top 11 Best Guitar Amplifier Brands In The World • Top 11 Best Pedalboard Brands On The Market The TC Electronic Sub ‘N' Up (link to check the price on Amazon) is another great example of an octave pedal. This pedal offers a classic (monophonic) mode with imperfect tracking along with a polyphonic mode for improved tracking and the ability to affect chords. There are four distinct octaves, each with its own level control: - 2 octaves below - 1 octave below - dry signal - 1 octave above We can dial in our own sounds or use TC Electronic's Toneprint technology to send presets to the pedal wirelessly from an app on our smartphones. TC Electronic is featured in My New Microphone's Top 11 Best Guitar/Bass Effects Pedal Brands To Know & Use. Harmonizer pedals allow for much more than simple octaves above or below the dry signal. These digital pedals will typically offer the choice of several intervals above and/or below the note(s) of the input signal. The idea behind these pedals, as their name suggests, is to provide harmony to the musical notes being played. They will always offer a wet/dry mix to blend the direct signal with the pitch-shifted signal. These intelligent pedals are often programmed to latch into a diatonic key (like major/Ionian or minor/Aeolian) to achieve musical harmonization. This allows the pedal to alter the pitch of the chosen interval to match the sound of the scale. Without getting too deep into theory, let's look at an example. Let's take the C major scale and look at the third harmonies of each of its notes. Notice that some thirds are major (4-semitone difference) while others are minor (3-semitone difference). A harmonizer pedal is designed to work within musical keys will pick up on these differences and affect the signal accordingly. Harmonizer pedals will typically be capable of producing the octave effect, but octave pedals will not be able to do what harmonizers can. The TC Electronic Quintessence (link to check the price on Amazon) is a perfect example of an intelligent and versatile harmonizer pedal. It offers all 12 musical keys in western music along with 6 of the 7 modes (“scales”) of each key (no one uses Locrian, the seventh mode, anyway!) and a custom scale for non-diatonic harmony. Note that the Key control establishes the root note while the Scale control starts the scale on the root note. The harmony control offers several interval options, including a few for triads (chords with 3 notes). The options are: - 6th below - 4th below - 3rd below - 3rd above - 5th above - 6th above - 3rd + 5th above (triad) - 3rd + 6th above (triad) - 3 user-defined Toneprint preset (which can be applied wirelessly from an app on your smartphone) The pedal is complete with a mix knob to blend the dry and wet signals together. This pedal also offers latch or momentary options with its footswitch along with MASH technology that turns the footswitch into a pressure-responsive expression controller, allowing pitch-bending between notes. The TC Electronic Quintessence is featured in My New Microphone's Top 9 Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizer Pedals For Guitar & Bass. Transposition-type pedals act to transpose your entire instrument up or down in pitch. With a transposition pedal, we can drop tune without changing guitars (or manually tuning, which may be awkward to do during a performance). If the pedal offers upward transposition, we can throw away our capo and use a pedal instead. These pedals aren't all that common on the market but are worth mentioning here. The best example of a “transposition pedal” is the DigiTech Drop (link to check the price on Amazon). This polyphonic “pitch-shifter” tracks incredibly well and offers 9 different options for drop-tuning the guitar with 1-7 semitones down; full octave down, and a full octave + direct/dry signal settings. DigiTech is featured in My New Microphone's Top 11 Best Guitar/Bass Effects Pedal Brands To Know & Use. Pitch-bending pedals are hands down the most fun pitch-shifting pedals of the 4 we're discussing here. Even better is that practically all pitch-bending pedals will have some functionality from the previous three types. Pitch-bending pedals bring time into the equation and can gradually shift the pitch of a note from one pitch to another. This can be done via an envelope, as we'll see with the Boss PS-6 or via an expression pedal, as we'll see with the DigiTech Whammy 5. The Boss PS-6 (link to check the price on Amazon) is a harmonizer pedal at its core with octave capabilities along with key control, interval settings (including triads), and minor or major modes. As we'd expect, the pedal also has a mix control to blend the direct and wet signals. This pedal offers a variety of pitch-shifting effects, engaged via the pitcher shifter mode and controlled with the rise time (balanced knob), fall time (key knob), and a momentary footswitch. The pedal also features a detune mode, which we'll cover in the next section. The Boss PS-6 is featured in My New Microphone's Top 9 Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizer Pedals For Guitar & Bass. The Electro-Harmonix Pitch Fork (link to check the price on Amazon) is fairly straightforward in design but powerful in its sonic effect. The pedal offers several intervals to choose from and allows users to choose whether the pedal goes up the set interval, down the set interval or up and down. This can lead to some interesting effects. The blend knob mixes the dry and wet signals together, and the latch button switches the footswitch between latch to momentary functionality. But that's not all. The expression input allows us to connect an expression pedal to the Pitch Fork and control the pitch-bending ourselves via a treadle-type controller. The Electro-Harmonix Pitch Fork is featured in My New Microphone's Top 9 Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizer Pedals For Guitar & Bass. The DigiTech Whammy 5 (link to check the price on Amazon) is the modern version of the legendary Whammy pedal that started it all in terms of pitch-shifting guitar effects. The DigiTech Whammy 5 is featured in My New Microphone's Top 9 Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizer Pedals For Guitar & Bass. The pedal offers expression pedal-based pitch-shifting between 10 intervals. Its 10-mode harmony section offers dual voices with different intervals at each extreme of the treadle (toe-down will give one interval while heel-down will give another). Octaver settings can be achieved with one octave up + dry and one octave down + dry. Harmony can be achieved via any of the 10 harmony modes. Transposition is also possible, though other pedals on the market track much better than the Whammy. The pedal also has a classic mode, more suitable to monophonic inputs and a chords mode that is better suited to hand polyphony. Finally, the Whammy 5 offers two detune settings (shallow and deep), further improving the versatility of this awesome pedal. Pitch-Shifting In Other Effects So we've discussed the pitch-shifter pedals in detail. However, there are other effects that utilize pitch modulation and shifting that are not necessarily “pitch-shifters” in the classic sense. Let's investigate to find out more about these other pitch-based effects. Here is a list of other effects pedals that alter the pitch of the input signal in order to achieve a desired effect. Vibrato is a fast up-and-down variation in pitch that is achievable naturally with the human voice any many pitched instruments. It's also achievable with electronics. That's where vibrato pedals come in. A vibrato pedal will utilize a low-frequency oscillator (LFO) to control the pitch of the signal by moving its frequency/harmonic content. The vibrato effect is then controlled mostly via the rate/speed control of the LFO and depth/amount of pitch-shifting that takes place. The Boss VB-2W Waza Craft (link to check the price on Amazon) is a great example of a vibrato pedal with rate, depth, rise time and mode controls. The Boss VB-2W is featured in My New Microphone's Top 8 Best Vibrato Pedals For Guitar & Bass. For more information on vibrato pedals, check out the following My New Microphone articles: • What Are Vibrato Guitar Effects Pedals & How Do They Work? • Complete Guide To The Vibrato Audio Modulation Effect? Shimmer Delay/Reverb Pedals Shimmer effects can be thought of as a two-effects-in-one deal: - Shimmer delay is like a delay with a direct out and a wet/delayed signal that is pitched up via a pitch-shifter. - Shimmer reverb is like a reverb with a direct out and a wet/reverb signal that is pitched up via a pitch-shifter. The Electro-Harmonix Canyon (link to check the price on Amazon) is a great example of a shimmer delay pedal, combining delay with pitch-shifting. The Electro-Harmonix Canyon is featured in My New Microphone's Top 13 Best Delay Pedals For Guitar & Bass. Electro-Harmonix is featured in My New Microphone’s Top 11 Best Guitar/Bass Effects Pedal Brands To Know & Use. The Strymon Big Sky (link to check the price on Amazon) is a great example of a digital delay pedal with a shimmer option. It features the following emulations: - Swell (a different take on the bloom-type reverb) - Cloud (a cathedral-type reverb) - Chorale (a reverb combined with wah-like filtering) - Magneto (a reverb and delay effect emulating tape warble and echo) - Nonlinear (a non-linear, unnatural and programmable reverb) - Reflections (focuses on early reflections and sounds similar to a stereo delay) The Strymon Big Sky is also featured in My New Microphone's Top 13 Best Delay Pedals For Guitar & Bass. Strymon is featured in My New Microphone’s Top 11 Best Guitar/Bass Effects Pedal Brands To Know & Use. To learn more about delay and reverb pedals, check out the following My New Microphone articles, respectively: • What Are Delay Pedals (Guitar Effects) & How Do They Work? • What Are Reverb Pedals (Guitar Effects) & How Do They Work? True synth pedals are actually designed as synths with built-in oscillators that are controlled by an inputted guitar or bass signal. However, some pedals are awarded the “synth” description if they simply sound like a synth. Pitch-shifting (particularly octave stacking) can turn a normal guitar signal into a synth-like audio signal. Combining that with other effects and filters can produce a sound that is more closely related to a synthesizer than a guitar. The famous Electro-Harmonix POG2 (link to check the price on Amazon) is a polyphonic pitch-multiplier “synth” pedal that allows us to stack 4 octaves in addition to the dry sound: - -2 octaves - -1 octave - +1 octave - +2 octaves The polyphonic octave generator also features an attack control (ADSR), a low-pass filter, and a detune (chorus) function. The Electro-Harmonix POG2 is featured in My New Microphone's Top 9 Pitch-Shifting & Harmonizer Pedals For Guitar & Bass. For more information on Synth Pedals, check out my article What Are Synth Pedals (Guitar/Bass FX) & How Do They Work? Detune is an interesting effect. It is an effect that is sometimes included in pitch-shifting pedals (like the aforementioned DigiTech Whammy 5 and Boss PS-6). What detune does is it duplicates the signal (as any pitch-shifter does) and alters its pitch by cents of a semitone (rather than by specified intervals). The result is a thickening of the signal and a sound similar to a chorus pedal. Note that chorus pedals, which are plentiful on the market (unlike the detune effect), differ in their approach. Chorus produces one (or more) copies of the input signal and modulates the phase of each copy. By altering the phase of the copied signal(s), the effect produces a varying delay relative to the original along with a vibrato-like effect due to phase-shift (similar to a mini, electrical Doppler effect). The chorus pedal then outputs all voices to produce a widening/thickening of the sound. To learn more about chorus pedals, check out the following My New Microphone articles: • What Are Chorus Pedals (Guitar/Bass FX) & How Do They Work? • Complete Guide To The Chorus Audio Modulation Effect? Tips On Using A Pitch-Shifting Pedal Whether you're thinking about getting a pitch-shifting pedal or are looking to get more out of the pedal(s) you've got, these tips should provide some assistance in getting the most out of a pitch-shifting pedal: - Choose the right pedal for the job - Start with octaves - Learn music theory and harmony - Put the pedal before distortion - Experiment after delay and reverb - Play through the neck pickup Choose The Right Pedal For The Job Know what you want out of your pedal and choose one that fits that job description. If you're “only” looking for an octave function, go with a pedal that offers excellent tracking with octave functionality. If you want a fully functional pitch-bender, get one of those. If you're looking to grow into a pedal, choose one that you think will come in handy in the future and learn how to use it to its fullest capacity. Start With Octaves The easiest function to use on any pitch-shifter is the octave. Work with these and get to know your pedal before diving into the other settings. Learn Music Theory And Harmony When it comes to harmonizing with intervals other than the octave, music theory can really take your pitch-shifter pedal usage to the next level. Learn the diatonic scales and modes and their different intervals. Get to know the inversions and develop a sonic relationship with various modes to get the most out of harmonization. Put The Pedal Before Distortion As we'll discuss in a moment, pitch-shifter pedals sound best at the front of the pedal chain. This typically means putting the pedal before any other effects, including distortion and overdrive, and putting the pedal before the amp input rather than in the amp's effects loop. For more information on distortion pedals, check out my article Guitar Pedals: Boost Vs. Overdrive Vs. Distortion Vs. Fuzz. Experiment After Delay And Reverb If your pedal setup is clean, and you're running a clean guitar signal through a delay or reverb, try sending the direct out to one amp or input and the wet signal into a pitch-shifter. This will yield a neat shimmer effect with, perhaps, some extra functionality. Play Through The Neck Pickup Playing through the neck pickup will often give a subtler tone with less in terms of upper harmonics. This can improve the tracking of pitch-shifting pedals versus using the often-brighter bridge pickup. Where Should Pitch-Shifting Pedals Go In The Signal Chain? Pitch-shifting pedals are typically finicky devices, especially if they are designed to be polyphonic. Any additional frequency content or signal modulation can severely affect the pedal's ability to “read” the input signal. Remember that pitch-shifting guitar or bass pedals obtain all their information from the input signal. A clean guitar signal will present the pedal with the cleanest possible information since these pedals are designed to “look for” the harmonic content of a guitar (or bass) signal to discern individual notes. Having extra harmonics (from effects like overdrive, distortion, compression, fuzz, etc.) can throw off the clean balance of harmonics and lead to phasey/warbly results from the pitch-shifter. Modulation effects that alter the phase and frequency content of the signal are also to be avoided before a pitch-shifter. Chorus, phaser, flanger, vibrato, and other modulation effects will trip up the tracking of the pitch-shifter. Finally, time-based effects (delay and reverb) should also come after pitch-shifters since these effects will also trip up the pitch-shifter's input tracking. So then, where should a pitch-shifting pedal go in the pedal signal chain? The answer is “as close to the beginning as possible”. To learn more about ordering pedals in the signal chain, check out my article How To Order Guitar/Bass Pedals (Ultimate Signal Flow Guide). How does a guitar effects pedal work? Guitar (and bass) pedals affect the incoming guitar/bass signal in a wide range of ways in order to produce a specified effect. Pedals work with analog and/or digital circuits to change/route the waveform of the guitar signal or to extract and display information about the signal. To learn more about how guitar pedals work, check out my article What Is A Guitar Effects Pedal And How Do Pedals Work? What pedals should every guitarist have? Every guitarist is different and would benefit from different pedals (if at all). There are no particular “must-have” pedals for guitarists. That being said, common pedals to consider include tuners, boosts/preamps, overdrive or distortions, choruses, delays, reverbs, and wah pedals. Choosing the right effects pedals for your applications and budget can be a challenging task. For this reason, I've created My New Microphone's Comprehensive Effects Pedal Buyer's Guide. Check it out for help in determining your next pedal/stompbox purchase.
Life is full of mystery. Full of questions why there are certain great people came from the rugs, from the garbage, and from an ordinary family hold a greater power in the history of mankind. What are the secrets with this group of individuals? Why they successfully beat the odds in their lives despite of the hardships, calamities, chaos, and storm? Thats a great mystery that I would like to seek an answer. Because of the curiosity of this tiny computer of mine, I start digging and searching, reading the profiles and writings of the great wise men of the world and finally Praise God! I gradually found an answer in the above queries which I would like to share with you in this article. To encourage you, to motivate you, my dear readers to move forward, to beat the odds, and to conquer your dreams and goals in life! James Allen, an immortal inspirational author, gave a very good and inspiring answer in all above questions. And here is his answers, here is a youth hard pressed by poverty and labor; confined along hours in unhealthy workshops; unschooled, and lacking all the arts of refinement. But he dreams of better things; he thinks of intelligence, of refinements, of grace and beauty. He conceives of, mentally builds up, an ideal condition of life; the vision of a wider liberty and a larger scope takes possession of him; unrest urges him to action, and he utilizes all his spare time and means, small though they are, to the development of his latent powers and resources. Very soon so altered has his mind become that the workshop can no longer hold him. It has become so out of harmony with his mentality that it falls out of his life as a garment is cast aside, and, with the growth of opportunities which fit the scope of his expanding powers, he passes out of it forever. James Allen continued, Years later we see this youth as a full-grown man. We find him a master of certain forces of the mind which he wields with world wide influence and almost unequalled power. In his hands he holds the cords of gigantic responsibilities; he speaks, and lo! Lives are changed; men and women hang upon his words and remold their characters, and, sunlike, he becomes the fixed and luminous center around which innumerable destinies resolve. He has realized the Vision of his youth. He has become one with his ideal. He exclaim that There can be no progress, no achievement without sacrifice, and a mans worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices his confused animal thoughts, and fixes his mind on the development of his plans, and the strengthening of his resolution and self-reliance. And the higher he lifts this thoughts, the more upright and righteous he becomes, the greater will be his success, the more blessed and enduring will be his achievements. Thats why I would like to remind you, my dear readers, if you really desire to become a better and a successful person, it lies upon in your hands. In life full of challenges, hardships and trials, we need God and hard works enable to become successful person someday. The great Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul firmly reminded, “Do you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training (1 Corinthians 9:24 NKJV). Remember readers, nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce half results. It produces no results, continuous work, hard work, is the only result that lasts! Before I conclude my article, I would like you to recall this: If you have a dreams, hold on to your dreams, if your dreams die, youre like a wounded bird without a wing! So hold on hold on hold on to your dreams! And always remember that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams! Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless! About the Author Moises Padin Reconalla is an alumnus of Adventist UNiversity of the Philippines, and a graduate student of Manila Theological College. Worked as a Guidance Counselor and College Instructor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. He is also an ezinearticles.com Platinum Expert Author. You can send your comments about this article through his email [email protected] All rights reserved. Copyright October 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla NOTE: You’re free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Moises_Reconalla
Remember the days when we defined everything related to business and work in purely academic terms? Sure you do. Who isn’t disenchanted with data-filled reports that are impressive but fail to touch the strings that create the music? Today, heart-based language – for example, consciousness, mindfulness and self-awareness – has been added to the mix in the workplace. The business world has acknowledged that incorporating these values is the clear way towards greater successes in all aspects of our lives. A decade ago, when I realized that my work was welcomed and needed in different sectors, including corporate, governmental and academic, I was initially surprised by the unexpected fit. Countless authors, studies and opinions later, the business world is altogether redefining how to create real success, from the inside out, for individuals, leaders and businesses of all kinds. To aid this, I coined the term tough skills to talk about the space between logic-based and heart-based languages. Acquiring tough skills means having the discernment and making the determination to strike a much-needed balance between hard and soft skills. I define tough skills as ‘tough’ because: - Too many people, still in power, never learned soft skills nor respected them - We’re still defining how to transfer soft skills into actionable principles to live by - They are a hybrid of what was, what is, and what needs to be We are beginning to pay attention to what people really want and why. Tough skills are what a leader needs in order to get rid of some of the habits and thinking that have been ingrained for a very long time. Some old-style leaders are still baffled by statistics documenting the growing sentiment “keep your raise, I want a life.” Heart-based language is now what forward-thinking leaders are seeking to learn and embrace. Tough skills are my words for what it takes to slowly walk from the base camps of ordinary change to the peaks of extraordinary results and outcomes. Tough skills are what it takes to climb life’s most challenging mountains.
A. In short, A CFD (Contract for Difference) is a financial derivative instrument where you’ll enter into a CONTRACT at one price, close it at another price FOR a profit or a loss depending on the price DIFFERENCE (between your entry and exit). Basically, you’ll be exposed to the share price and the price movements, without actually owning the shares. When you buy a CFD you’ll pay a fraction of the actual underlying share price (known as the margin deposit). But you’ll still be exposed to the full value of the share. That’s why It’s called a derivative. For now, let’s look at an example trading the underlying share versus trading the CFD on the share. EXAMPLE: Buying 20 Aspen shares Let’s say Aspen is trading at R144.00 per share. If you want to buy and own 20 shares you’ll have to pay R2,880 (R144 X 20 shares). When you invest in shares, the maximum amount you can lose is the R2,880 should the share go to zero. When you buy the shares, you’ll have a number of benefits including: Being able to attend AGMs, vote and receive physical dividends. Now let’s see how this differs when you buy 20 Aspen CFDs. EXAMPLE: Buying 20 Aspen CFDs If Aspen is trading at R144 per share, you’ll need to see what Aspen’s CFD will cost. This is known as the margin per share. If the margin is 10% this means, you’ll only pay R14.40 and you’ll still be exposed to the full value of the share (R144.00). If you bought 20 Aspen CFDs you’ll therefore only have to pay R288 (R144 per share X 10% margin per CFD X 20 CFDs). When you buy 20 Aspen CFDs you’ll be exposed to the full value of R2,500. This means, if the share goes to zero, even though you risked only R288 you’ll could lose R2,880 should the share go to zero… The beauty of trading CFDs, is you’ll be exposed to more by paying less… And this is how us traders are able to gear up their profits and losses compared to when trading shares. By managing your risk, you’ll know how to maximise your profits and minimize your losses… If you’re ready to take your trading to the next level, you’ll need to understand how CFD trading works to a T. 15 Profit Hunters What FOUR attendees at Timon’s event has to say: “Thank you Timon. This seminar was more than I expected. The workshop was enlightening and I will now start trading with more confidence.” "Very pleasurable presentation. Lots of good information. Timon is a good presenter" ~ Marius B “The seminar was an eye-opener. It was very empowering without false-promises. It also had excellent strategies to success” ~ Fezisa F "I like how Timon interacted with us and made us comfortable to ask question" Managing Editor, Trading Tips
Montana Farmers, Senator Tester Fight For Fair Prices In March President Obama will be meeting with the new Prime Minister of Canada, and one possible topic of discussion could be Montana farmers. This week Senator Jon Tester wrote the President, asking him to discuss with the Prime Minister trade disparities in wheat exports. Right now, when American wheat is shipped across the border, it’s automatically downgraded to feed, which means huge monetary losses for growers. But when Canadian wheat comes to the US, it’s counted as a higher quality. Farm representatives hope Senator Tester’s letter will be a reminder to those in Washington of an issue that’s plagued Montana farmers for decades. Right now Montana wheat growers export more wheat to Canada than any other country.
(Berlin) – The “yes” vote in Ireland’s referendum on May 22, 2015, will guarantee marriage equality and diminish discrimination against Ireland’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens, Human Rights Watch said today It is predicted that up to two-thirds of voters voted to recognize the right to marry without distinction as to sex or sexual orientation, making Ireland the first country in the world to endorse marriage equality by popular vote, and to enshrine its protection in its constitution. This means that it cannot be removed except through another referendum. “The people of Ireland have expressed support for the fundamental right of same-sex couples to marry,”said Boris Dittrich, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “The vote also indicates the majority of Ireland’s voters rejected the opposition’s fear-mongering tactics.” Dittrich initiated the debate on marriage equality as a member of the Dutch Parliament in 1994. After heated debates in parliament and in society at large, parliament approved same-sex marriage legislation in 2001, making the Netherlands the first country in the world to legally recognize same-sex marriage. No societal problems have emerged after marriage equality that can be attributed to same-sex couples having the right to marry. More than 70 peer-reviewed scholarly studies from around the world have concluded that children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. And for LGBT children, growing up in an environment of non-discrimination and equality serves their best interest. Other countries have followed suit. Same-sex marriage is now legal in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, France, Brazil, Uruguay, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, as well as in parts of Mexico, and in 36 states and the District of Columbia in the United States. The US Supreme Court heard arguments on same-sex marriage in April 2015. Ireland introduced civil partnerships for same-sex couples in 2010, but the institution has fewer fundamental rights protections than marriage and is not protected by the constitution so can be altered or abolished by simple legislation. With marriage equality a constitutional right, LGBT couples and families will have equal protection. But by making the right to marry subject to approval by referendum, it means recognition of a fundamental right of a minority was left to the whim of the majority, Human Rights Watch said. It has also meant that the personal lives of Ireland’s LBGT community have been subjected to extraordinary intrusion, scrutiny, and public debate for months simply to secure a right already enjoyed by the majority of those living in Ireland. “Enshrining marriage equality in the constitution lays an important bedrock for continuing LGBT rights improvements in Ireland,” Dittrich said. “The referendum outcome is positive, but the government should now promptly bring all of its laws and policies in line with international standards on sexual orientation and gender identity.” In March, Ireland’s parliament debated a gender recognition bill, the country’s first attempt to allow transgender people access to legal gender recognition. The bill contained flaws, including a mandate that married people who want to change their legal gender must first get a divorce. The government has published additional draft legislation to be enacted following successful passage of the marriage equality referendum. It includes a section outlining a proposed amendment to the Gender Recognition Bill to ensure that marital status will no longer be a barrier to recognition.
Health Equity Highlight Reel | Health Equity Approaches to Prevention Human rights and public health issues are impacting our communities from every angle. They’re impacting the way we work, the way we feel, the way we treat each other and the way we move through the world. As Audre Lorde said decades ago, “There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” As violence prevention practitioners, we need to be listening. We can’t prevent sexual violence in a vacuum and expect anything to change. The CDC is clear that health equity is the way forward, that we must acknowledge and work to address differences in socially determined circumstances to improve whole person health. For those of us trying to do this work – equity is a big word. There is no formula for health equity, no standardized curricula, no checkboxes. But there are powerful resources and examples in the field that we can look to for inspiration and guidance. For this episode of PreventConnect, we combed through hours of web conferences and resource to find excerpts and examples of health equity in the field and hopefully tell a story on how to translate an academic term into real life practices and make a difference in the communities we serve. Resources mentioned in this Podcast
Let me begin by expanding on the meaning & essence of the "INCLUDE" toolkit. The word "INCLUDE" revolves around the steps to take when eating the glycemic index way: I – Incorporate slowly N – New foods C – Choose low GI foods more often L – Lifestyle U – Understand the concept D – Distribute evenly through the day E – Expand choices The toolkit is meant for: 1. For the Dietitian: It is a collection of teaching tools to teach your clients the complex concept of "Glycemic Index" in a systematic and simple manner. 2. For the client: It is a collection of resources that has been written in very simple client friendly language. A language that your client can understand and clearly follow when they are on their own. Hi there and a very warm welcome to the "INCLUDE"toolkit. I started incorporating "Glycemic Index" into my dietetic practice around 2009 when I started working in diabetes. I found it to be very logical: you eat food and the blood sugar increases. Makes sense. Right! And the increase in blood sugar depends upon what you eat. If you eat black forest cake the increase is steep and if you eat an apple it is lower. I also began to see success for my clients, some even lost weight. Then I began to research a bit more about the concept and discovered the challenges around teaching the concept due the concepts inherent variabilities. I also discovered that one of the main challenge was that there was a lack of literacy friendly resources. The ones available were very high literacy, textual and focused more on the facts rather than providing practical ways to actually incorporate into real life . And that is how the "INCLUDE" toolkit was born. Incase you are thinking that selfcare is taking care of yourself only for your physical & mental health, I will differ with you. In my world "Selfcare" also means taking care of yourself professionally. When you are professionally satisfied it has a positive impact on your physical & mental health. In the various roles that I have had in my career as a clinical dietitian, as a chronic disease program manager and professor, the one thing that kept coming back to my role/s was designing and facilitating professional trainings. Slowly but surely this became an integral part of my life. I was really enjoying the creation and facilitation process. That became an outlet for my creative outlet. And that is how this idea of creating courses and professional trainings came by. Hi there, my name is Alka Chopra and I am a Registered Dietitian & a Certified Diabetes Educator. I have a keen interest in adult education and have been working steadily towards refining my skills to teach & train adults. I hold the following certifications that are all embedded in adult education. IHC Trainings (Institute for Healthcare Communication): * Choices & Changes Faculty Trainer CCMI Certifications (Centre for Collaboration, Motivation and Innovation): * Brief Action Planning Trainer * Motivational Training Trainer Other relevant certifications: * Certified Diabetes Educator * Leader Trainer: Stanford Chronic Disease Self Management Program * Licensed Facilitator: Craving Change * Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management- Level 1 It is my hope that all courses and trainings in my school will be of great support to you personally and professionally. So, go ahead and explore the courses, webinars and trainings. With all good wishes Low GI Meal Plan - Week 1 Low GI Meal Plan - Week 2 Low GI Meal Plan - Week 3 Low GI Meal Plan - Week 4 About this course - 4 lessons - 0 hours of video content
If one were to describe the way the Greek government handles the migrant inflow with one picture, this would be it. Families of hapless migrants with nowhere to go camp out at Omonoia Square in Athens. After all, the poster on the department store welcomes them to Greece, a country that also seems to be going nowhere. The clever, bleeding-heart slogan of Alexis Tsipras, “We will not allow Greece to become a warehouse of souls” seems to be just that, one of the many he uttered, devoid of meaning and sincerity. Empty words by the head of an administration empty of will, ideas and ethics, trapped in the nowhere land between sheer incompetence and outdated political obsession. The reality is that the Greek government did next to nothing for the well-being of the thousands of migrants who landed on its shores in the past year. It was mostly the kindness of ordinary Greeks and legitimate NGOs and charities that kept the migrants alive and hoping. As for Omonoia Square, once the commerce center of the capital, nowadays serves as a makeshift camp for irregular migrants. For those who want to see what Omonoia Square looked like in the not so distant past, here is a picture from the 1980-1990 period. (The recent picture of Omonoia Square is courtesy of Proto Thema website)
Our trip to Ireland with Belmond Grand Hibernian was extensive. Each stop was very well organized and no detail was left unattended. Galway we had an excellent guide who gave us a good view of the city and its history. Vikings, Pirates, Spaniards, English, Cromwell and the Civil War, always interesting but complex, we had a great lunch Ard Bia at Nimmos a beautiful restaurant by the River Corrib (Irish: Abhainn na Gaillimhe) in the west of Ireland flows from Lough Corrib through Galway to Galway Bay. The river is among the shortest in Europe, with only a length of six kilometres from the lough to the Atlantic. Our lunch started with a glass of champagne and oysters on the half shell. It was in an old stone building pictured above, it was at least 700 years old. We had Nan Tom Teaimin to sing some old Irish songs to us. She is a National treasure in Ireland, a very great artist and a great voice. She was not introduced to the group and no one knew who she was, it was somewhat embarrassing to discover afterwards that we had been entertained by such an artist. Nan Tom Teaimin singing at Ard Bia at Nimmos, Spanish Arch in Galway. Ard Bia at Nimmos, highly recommended for its food. Merchants Rd. Galway old town. At the Kings Head tavern we came upon this plaque at no.15 High Street. A very interesting story about the Kings Head, with the fall and execution of King Charles I (Stuart) of England in the yard of Whitehall Palace in London, Oliver Cromwell became the Lord Protector of England. In 1651 the English parliamentarian army gathered its forces around the fortified city of Galway and a long siege lasting nine months ensued after various truce offers were turned down by both sides. A Colonel Peter Stubbers had been appointed Military Governor of Galway and on the 12th of April 1652 after the great siege he led the Cromwellian army as they marched triumphantly into the city. Two years later in October 1654 the last tribal mayor of Galway, Thomas Lynch, was forcibly removed from office and replaced by Stubbers who now became the first protestant mayor of the new order in Galway. Stubbers also took over the mayor’s house at No. 15 High Street. While Governor and then Mayor of Galway Stubbers initiated and enforced a brutal puritan regime on the town and peoples of Galway. Stubbers had all priests rounded up and marched off to prison to the sound of beating drums and blowing bugles. He also made frequent nightly raids throughout the countryside rounding up over 1000 Irishmen for transportation to the West Indies where they were sold as slaves. The town also witnessed the more excessive elements of Puritanism in the despoiling of the churches and tombs both within and outside the town walls. They went so far as to break open the tombs and root out the bodies in search of treasure, usually when disappointed they left the carcasses uncovered so that they were often found mangled and eaten by dogs. After their desecration the town churches were used as stables for the horses of the Cromwellian soldiers. Stubber’s reign of terror, however, came to an end with the restoration of the English monarchy in 1660. Upon this event Stubbers suddenly and mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Stubbers was to be the only member of Cromwell’s inner circle to escape any form of punishment. Very little is known of him after this period, but it appears he fled to Germany. Stubbers had at least one son Edward, who had also acquired property in Galway and the building at 15 high street was actually in the Stubbers family until 1932 when it was finally sold. The building was later turned into a public house and was appropriately named the Kings Head. We also visited a fascinating little Church, St-Nicholas Collegiate Church, built in 1320, it is the oldest medieval parish church still in use in Ireland. The church is dedicated to St.Nicholas of Myra (aka Santa Claus). It is said that Christopher Columbus worshipped in the church in 1477. It is an Anglican church today and the Russian and Romanian Orthodox communities also worship there. We departed Galway by entering into an old railway hotel, The Meyric Hotel on Eyre Square. This was another neat thing about this railway trip, usually if you depart Galway by train you go straight to the railway station. However in our case Belmond had arranged for us to pass through the hotel and bypass the train station all together, like in the old days when patrons of the Meyric went through a private door opened only for them which gave unto a private platform where our train was waiting, how very nice.
There will, of course, in the case of the Continuation Classes as well as in that of the Public Elementary School, have to be certain reasonable excuses which shall be held to justify the absence of a child. But at that moment I glanced round at the crowd that had followed me. Probable Reception of the Committee's Proposals Do you not admire my new silver case, sir. Even though the educational obligation may be a small one, it will still be sufficient to establish the principle that a child is no longer to be regarded as at once attaining, when he enters employment, to the fully independent status of wage-earning manhood. He admonished me quite severely. Ina sense it is true to say that the statutory leaving age is already 14, but the ways in which earlier exemption can be obtained are so numerous, and in many localities are so freely taken advantage of, that the effective leaving age often approximates rather to 13 than to But our principal sideline was a lending library—the usual 'twopenny no-deposit' library of five or six hundred volumes, all fiction. Parental control, so far as it formerly existed, has been relaxed, largely through the absence of fathers of families from their homes. Upon this educational and industrial chaos has come the war, to aggravate conditions that could hardly be made graver, and to emphasise a problem that needed no emphasis. The number who were being educated outside the purview of the Board of Education may be regarded at this stage as almost negligible. An official at the gate entered our names and other particulars in the register and took our bundles away from us. Criminal intent -- or, in lawyer-speak, mens rea -- is a fundamental and an essential element of justice in criminal law In relation to Continuation Classes, the wages question becomes comparatively insignificant; and here we think that the provident parent will easily recognise that the balance of advantage in the proposed change is all in favour of his child. Like most second-hand bookshops we had various sidelines. Similarly, these fundamental subjects may be supplemented in industrial courses by Mechanics and Physics, and in commercial courses by Geography or Shorthand. Nowadays I do buy one occasionally, but only if it is a book that I want to read and can't borrow, and I never buy junk. Through the Board of Education we have been furnished with a large amount of information from those Local Education Authorities which exercise powers under the Choice of of Employment Act on the subject of the changes caused by the war in the conditions of Juvenile Employment. We feel little doubt that there is a considerable element of justice in such criticism. Also, we had to make our ten, fifteen, or it might be twenty miles to the next spike, where the game would begin anew. Normally each o man has to clear a space four or five yards wide. But voluntary efforts had been unable to provide sufficient good schools and the voluntaryist movement collapsed, with Baines himself confessing a change of heart in The convicts, under the command of warders armed with lathis, were already receiving their breakfast. When I saw the prisoner step aside to avoid the puddle, I saw the mystery, the unspeakable wrongness, of cutting a life short when it is in full tide. This leaving age was, however, to be subject to variation in both directions on a basis of local option. Our problem, therefore, is the standing problem of the adolescent wage-earner, aggravated by the effect of war-time conditions upon the serious difficulties which at all times it presents. There are, of course, no substitutes for a sound early education, but such education, when it terminates at 11, or oven at 15, leaves the child with intellect and character still unformed at perhaps the most critical stage of his development, when both his initial and his physical life are at the maximum of instability. When we had bathed our own clothes were taken away from us, and we were dressed in the workhouse shirts, grey cotton things like nightshirts, reaching to the middle of the thigh. The thick blood welled out of him like red velvet, but still he did not die. It was a chewed quid of tobacco. The same principle must clearly also affect the attitude of rival firms of employers engaged in one of the many industries which cover areas much wider than that of any one Authority. A tramp does not see such a meal twice in the year, in the spike or out of it. Many other instances of both types of training could easily be given. It may seem that I am exaggerating, though no one who has been down an old-fashioned pit most of the pits in England are old-fashioned and actually gone as far as the coal face, is likely to say so. Value education is the process by which people give moral values to others. explicit values education is associated with those different pedagogies, Concepts that fall under this term include social and emotional learning, moral reasoning/cognitive development, life skills education, health education; violence prevention, critical. Home Education, Volume 1 of the Charlotte Mason Series. Preface Part 1 Some Preliminary Considerations I. A Method Of Education II. The Child's Estate. Chapter 5: Towards mass education. Background. The Industrial Revolution. In the middle of the eighteenth century, as the Industrial Revolution began, most of England's six million people lived and worked in the countryside. Thus at Venice the College, even in the absence of the Doge, is called "Most Serene Prince." The Palatine of Posen, father of the King of Poland, Duke of Lorraine. THE DIALOGUES OF LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA BOOK I TO LUCILIUS ON PROVIDENCE+. Why, though there is a Providence, some Misfortunes befall Good Men. possible worlds and other essays by j. b. s. haldane sir william dunn reader in biochemistry. in the university of cambridge.Simple essays on value education a remedy for social evils
Organizational assets are defined as capabilities and resources. To be valued strategic assets, they have to contribute to the success of the organization. There is no business value contributed to an asset that does not have an understood return on investment (ROI) for the organization. Capabilities can be defined as the ability, power, potential, or competence to do something or carry out an activity for producing a service or product. Examples of categories of capabilities are people, organization, process, knowledge, and management. Capabilities can be generalized or specialized. When specialized, they can create a unique advantage for an organization. For example, an organization can follow a standard industry process and achieve the same results as another organization, or the organization can improve on the standard industry process and achieve much better results by making the process specialized and more efficient. Resources can be defined as a supply, materials that enable functionality, or the building blocks within an organization to produce services or products. Examples of resources are financial capital, infrastructure, applications, information, and people. Resources are drawn on to extract value for transformation into the needed product or service. Extraction of value has a direct relationship to the capability of the resource. Valued strategic assets contribute to the organization’s success by supporting the effective, efficient, and economical delivery of products and services. Assets that do not contribute to the organization’s top and bottom line are liabilities and can contribute to organizational failure. The most valuable assets in an organization are its people. People need to be enabled to perform at their highest level. This can mean investing in people’s capabilities, especially their abilities to make decisions rapidly and effectively. People deliver specialized capabilities for the organization in various functions. Each of the functions that people serve contributes to a business value chain for producing a product or service for consumption. People are enabled by a process, technology, and other organization capabilities, such as its management systems. Although, people are directed with the process, procedure, and work instructions. Then further enabled with tools, technology, and automation. There remains lots of manual work. Manual repetitious activities performed by people need to be automated to improve organizational performance. Data is continuously processed. Information is extracted from data. With information, knowledge is obtained for decision support. Contributing to the manual activities exists in functional silos, not entirely integrated across the organization. A team sport Behind every organizational initiative is a person or team of people. We are still a long way from the age where machines and artificial intelligence can completely drive an organization. Also, if this was the case, there are still people enablements that have to occur for automated organizations. Enablement of teams and people is improved with the proper management of data lakes. Data needs to be collected efficiently and economically for the end goal of enablement of decision support capabilities for the organization. Data automation increases people’s capabilities by replacing manual daily activities with time to think, learn, study, improve, and utilize the unique capability of a human that a machine cannot accomplish. Experience and data Experience is what builds expertise in people. Experience is not just the participation in an activity but includes the combination of empathy and analysis of the activity for improvement and evolution. The same applies to decisions for business innovation, evolution, and transformation. These things don’t just happen but happen when people have time to do higher-level activities. High-level activities are enabled to successfully manage data, information, and knowledge for organizational decision-making. Simplifying data collection and analysis helps an organization understand customer habits and helps with predictions. Collected experiences interpreted by experienced people help us understand the customer in a way that machines cannot comprehend yet. Combining both as a capability and, over time, creates a unique capability for an organization with data and human decisions can improve overall service, product, and business value. Accelerate the use of data analytics by assuring and addressing people collaboration and decision making across the organization. Improve real-time decision making by understanding how to enable people with actionable data and information. Using the Actian Avalanche Hybrid Data Warehouse solution includes data integration and unique capabilities such as blazing fast analytics, real-time data ingestion, and an ability to deploy on-premises and across multiple cloud platforms, so you can combine your business experience and data to make decisions in the business moment.
This really is as a result of frustrating state of spend, waste, chemicals, and unrecyclable products overtaking landfills, bodies of water, and the environmental surroundings in excessively dangerous ways. But, you will find still many good uses. Plastic could be valuable, actually in regards to being green. Plastic pallets are one of these brilliant items. Sure, plastic is synthetic, manmade, and formed with substances and oils. That doesn’t show that things that are produced from or include plastic are usually bad. Plastic pallets holds major freight all through transport and be simply moved around by hand vehicle or forklift or loaded up one on top of another just like timber pallets. Mostly used instead to wooden pallets, plastic pallets also provide the ability to be customized for individualized shipping. Plastic storage bins crafted from that material can be used to keep objects and produce more company to be put on or integrated into the plastic pallet. That material can be molded and plied in to any type of shape, size, and configuration. It is sturdy and will not shatter like other ingredients, which can demonstrably be dangerous. Plastic pallets are of use objects that can offer as valuable extras in many arenas. Pallets are used to keep, hold, and transfer several types of items all over the world. They are utilized in shops, warehouses, factories, trucks, and greenhouses. Kinds which are made out of plastic are usually secure from the weather, tough, sturdy and affordable. They come in different patterns, shapes, and alternatives, many which are created to be stacked plastic pallet bins. Plastic is long-lasting and durable. This is particularly crucial in the case of applied plastic pallets as these must support lots of items of different weights many times. They have to also last when being raised by a forklift or moved over several miles in trucks over several years, being omitted in the weather time and time again between transports. The product that has obtained some poor push lately is plastic. It’s not inherently bad. It is how, why, and what we utilize it for that places it in a poor or good light. When used in a green way, plastic storage is pleasant and helpful. This is most evident of plastic pallets. These instruments serve many purposes and can not be unreliable or unsteady. Finding the right resources for storage and transportation jobs is vital in many industries. If you’ve decided to start making your personal compost, you are possibly thinking which kind of container, bucket or container to use for it. You will find actually many options for equally indoor and outside compost bins and pots, but they are also rather easy to make your self too. Many commercial bins only have extra features that make the composting method only a little simpler or cleaner. You can for example, purchase a professional compost bin that includes a crank on it to permit you to turn the bin frequently, therefore mixing up your compost pile. Several also have various types of trays and screens which will make harvesting your finished compost easier too, but again these are accessories and not really necessary for a basic compost bin. In reality, very nearly any type of ocean will do for a kitchen table compost bin. I’ve used previous ice cream containers for gathering home compost waste. Bigger bins are essential for bigger levels of compost obviously, and to greatly help get your compost activated. For these you should use a larger plastic storage container like those you will find at Walmart. Only cut a sizable gap in the underside and sit it in an area of dust in the lawn, you can add the contents from your home compost bucket in addition to any garden and backyard spend as needed. The opening in the bottom enables viruses to locate your compost, and they’ll help break down all the resources far more quickly. Yet another easy way to produce your own personal compost container is applying wooden pallets. Just three is going to do but you will need four if you’d like to have a door on your own compost bin. All you could do is stay the pallets on their edges, attach them together with screws or fingernails to make a box or square like container and you’re performed! If you intend to incorporate the last pallet as a home then you might want to include a joint and attach compared to that pallet, therefore you’ll have the ability to start and shut your compost container home quickly when adding materials, mixing the compost, or harvesting it.
Jolly Boys . . . and Girls: RSPS votes to admit women The Royal Scottish Pipers Society, established in Edinburgh in 1885 as a males-only club for amateur pipers, voted on March 1, 2015, to admit females. In a statement, the organization said that “members voted overwhelmingly for this change in the Society’s constitution.” “The Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society is delighted to admit women members after more than 130 years as an all-male society,” Alan W. McGhie, Honorary Secretary, said. “We are glad that our Society will now recognize the excellent contribution made to our art by female pipers.” In 2008 the organization had come under fire for narrowly voting to uphold its men-only status, leaving the RSPS to remain as an anachronism in the piping world, at least 30 per cent of which comprises women. Since then high-profile no-females clubs like the Augusta National Golf Club and the Royal & Ancient Golfing Society have voted to accept women. Membership to the RSPS is limited to pipers who have not competed for money and who hold “professional” careers or peerages. The organization is probably best known to pipers and drummers for the 2/4 singular march by Roderick Campbell, “The Royal Scottish Pipers Society.” Campbell served as the Honourary Pipe-Major and tutor for the Edinburgh-based society in the 1920s, and other Honourary Pipe-Majors include William Ross and John MacDougall-Gillies. The RSPS has accepted women to judge and play at its annual Archie Kenneth Quaich Competition for amateur adult pipers, including the event on March 7th at which the well-known Edinburgh-based piper Jenny Hazzard will judge. The RSPS also sponsors piping competitions over the year, including the Silver Star March, Strathspey & Reel events for former winners at the Argyllshire Gathering and Northern Meeting. Female pipers in the UK were not allowed to compete at the biggest competition until the Sexual Discrimination Act of 1976 was enforced. That year Patricia Henderson, Rona Lightfoot, Anne Sinclair and Anne Spalding were the first women pipers to compete in the Highland Society of London Gold Medal events at Inverness and Oban. Members of the Royal Scottish Pipers Society are traditionally nicknamed the Jolly Boys.
Yaron's Definition of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): Networked code is good. The rest, as they say, is just commentary. What Is SOA? True, "networked code is good" has been understood literally since at least the dawn of modern computing and if I wasn't too lazy I'm sure I could find Sci-Fi examples that predate modern computing. What's changed is that it is now so unbelievably cheap and (cough) easy (cough) to hook remote systems together that it has become possible to change how the average application is written, specifically we can significantly change what re-use means. Once upon a time 're-using' someone's code meant that you copied their code/function/component/jar file/whatever into your code. But in a networked world re-use means reaching out to another application and using its functionality remotely. Networked re-use is likely to be more successful then the 'code' re-use because, if nothing else, it's easier. Code re-use means having to take someone else's environment and replicating it in your own. With SOA re-use one just has to master the on-the-wire behavior which is a much more limited domain. In addition SOA re-use means that as the dependent service is debugged, expanded, etc. one's own service (cough) automatically (cough) gains the benefits of those changes. I'm not suffering from the illusion that SOA will make re-use easy, just easier. I don't overly worry about what 'service' in SOA really means. Services, much like resources in HTTP, are in the eye of the beholder. Furthermore I don't accept the view that a service architecture is either new or revolutionary. The idea of breaking chunks of work into pieces and handling those pieces separately isn't exactly new. After all, Dijkstra had a paper on process based computing in 1965 and UNIX had a Fork command by the 1970s. Once you have processes you are well on your way to the concept of a service oriented architecture. What Isn't SOA? SOA is not HTTP. SOA is not XML. SOA is not REST. SOA is not SOAP. SOA is not WSDL. SOA is not XML Schema. SOA is not Web Services/WS-*. Various folks for various reasons try to restrict SOA to only consist of their preferred technologies. The RESTafarian crowd would have us believe that 'true' SOA must be REST based and just use HTTP and XML. The Redmondtonians and the Big Blue types would have us believe that SOA has something to do with the billion specifications they are pumping out their network ports as fast as they possible can. But SOA is much bigger than any of these approaches. When WS-* is just a bad memory and HTTP has gone to the great protocol museum in the sky, SOA (under whatever name) will still be around. SOA simply means networking is good and as a consequence re-use is important, what technology is used to achieve networking/re-use is secondary. Still, there are easy approaches to SOA (HTTP/XML) and unworkably hard counter productive approaches to SOA (WS-*). In my future articles I will explain ways to achieve SOA's goal of networking/re-use that I think are the easiest.
If you need help to answer the survey, call us on 6205 2222 The Children and Young People Commissioner is a position that is written into law and it is independent from the government. It is part of the ACT Human Rights Commission. Jodie Griffiths-Cook is the Children and Young People Commissioner and one of her most important jobs is hearing from children and young people. Children and young people are the experts in their own lives. Every child and young person is different. It is important to make sure that they have the chance to tell us about the things that are important to them, and to be involved in making decisions about things that are happening in their lives. As well as having the right to have their views heard, children and young people also have the right to more protection because they are a child or young person. This means children and young people might need extra help to make sure their rights are as equally protected as those of adults. This year CYPC is consulting Children and young people in the ACT about their experiences and opinions on racism. Hearing from C&YP about racism will help the Commissioner advocate for changes to benefit them, as well as help government and community sectors, and the ACT Human Rights Commission as a whole, respond to racism in ways that meet the needs of children and young people. The aims of the consultation are to: Click on the graphic at the top of this page if you’d like to take part, or know children and young people that might want to have their say, or contact us at [email protected] for more information. Making sure children and young people can share their knowledge and experiences will help us to make sure that Canberra is both child-safe and child-friendly. This means children and young people are valued members of the community, their thoughts and opinions are respected, and there are opportunities for them to participate in decisions that affect their lives. It also involves making sure their rights are defended and that they are protected. This is central to Jodie’s work as the Children and Young People Commissioner (CYPC). The legislation that describes what we do is: If you would like to know more, or you would like to talk with Jodie, contact us.
Wonderful Words of Wisdom for Young Montana Women to Be Safe When Alone Earlier this week, my sister had locked her keys in her car when she went into Wal-Mart. She was alone, and it was fairly late in the evening. I received a call from my mother, saying that she had used the Wal-Mart phone to call her and a locksmith, and she wanted me to go out and be there with her so that she wasn't alone. "We have to look out for one another," she had said to me. It got me thinking, "What if my mother didn't call me? What would have happened to my sister if I wasn't there?" Montana currently has 53 active missing women cases, and according to research done by DisasterCenter.com, in the year 2019 alone, Montana saw an increase in violent crime numbers, including over 600 rape cases and over 3,400 aggravated assaults. These numbers don't show exactly how many of these were against women, however, it does show that young folks need to be aware of the dangers of the world around them, and the best way to circumvent that danger. Where should someone start? Now, I'm not a woman, however, I was raised by two incredibly smart women, my mother and my grandmother, and I've asked them what they would say to someone, like my sister, to give them the best advice to stay safe. While they both mentioned great things, such as never being out alone or trusting in your gut instinct, they both started with the same exact sentence: be aware of your surroundings. It's easy to forget that one, since we're always distracted by other things, such as our phones, friends talking to you or something of that nature. But, being aware is the number one thing to think about, and where someone should start. The internet also has many resources when it comes to learning about how to best be safe. Maryville University compiled a list of articles detailing women's self-defense techniques and how to utilize them. You can also take a look on Amazon for deals on mace or pepper spray (it's legal to buy, carry, and use in Montana) to make sure you keep any attackers at a distance and incapacitated. Let's make sure to look out for one another as well. I know I will. KEEP READING: 13 Businesses That Should Open a Location in Billings Getting to Know Billings From A to Z LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
A New Manufacturing Approach to Vaccine Production - Posted on 16 March, 2020 Professor Richard Kitney discusses vaccine production using synthetic biology. So, the major topic of the moment is coronavirus, to which, as we know, there is no immunity. The race is on to find an effective vaccine. Laboratories around the world are in a race to find such a vaccine. Current predictions by some labs state that there could be a vaccine for coronavirus in human clinical trials within a few months - but this is not the end of the story. A very important question is once a vaccine is found how long will it take to produce in quantity, so that enough doses can be produced on the scale of flu vaccines? We do have some knowledge of this. In a Daily Telegraph article on the 25th March 2015, the journalist maintained that Ministers had known for about a year of a dangerous new strain of flu (working closely with the WHO). The article concluded that with current production methods it takes about 9 months to produce 10 million doses of three strain flu vaccine. Another worrying fact is that is the winter of 2017/18 two out of the three flu strains that had been identified in the Southern Hemisphere winter, and likely to be dominant in the Northern winter, had been incorporated into that year’s flu vaccine. But they were found to be the wrong strains. The problem was that it took nine months to produce the appropriate number of doses for the UK population - and it was already too late. There is, presumably, the same problem with a vaccine for coronavirus - even when it has been developed and tested. So, is there another solution? The answer is potentially yes. Professor George Lomonossoff of the John Innes Centre for Agri science near Cambridge has developed a scientific method, based in synthetic biology, that has great potential. He discovered that rapidly multiplying a little-known plant virus (cowpea mosaic virus, CPMV) in greenhouse grown plants is a solution to flu vaccine production. CPMV is used to produce a non-infective viral shell called a virus like particle (VLP). Genetic information from the human virus, in this case influenza, decorates the shell with influenza surface proteins. The methodology has been commercialised by a Canadian company called Medicago. The company has a wholly owned subsidiary, Medicago USA, that is located in the Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina. It has had a manufacturing facility there since 2010. According to their website, the company starts with the virus-like particles (VLPs), which forms part of the Lomonossoff method. They then manufacture large quantities of the vaccine in the leaves of tobacco plants. The technology platform is said to lend itself to the mass production of seasonal and pandemic vaccines. Let’s hope that the company’s technology will work for the production of a coronavirus vaccine because their original prediction was that flu vaccine could be produced in quantity - not in 9 months, but 1 month. But there is another interesting, fundamental point. In many, if not most, areas of synthetic biology the basic problem is scale-up. How do you go from the lab to effective industrial production? The interesting thing about agriculture is that it can be a massively parallel process. As every farmer knows, if you want a bigger crop you plant more fields. Presumably, this also applies to the Medicago method of manufacture. One final interesting fact is that Medicago’s manufacturing facility in North Carolina was funded through a partnership with DARPA. Another example of the importance of DARPA in technology development in general and synthetic biology in particular. At SynbiTECH 2020, the production of vaccines will be addressed by a number of companies. Come and join us www.synbitech.com. Share this article:
Priti Patel’s borders bill will result in refugees in detention centers outside the UK facing child and sexual abuse, a torture survivor has said. Nasrin Parvaz’s warning comes after policies key to Ms Patel’s controversial borders bill were voted down in the House of Lords this week. speaking to The Independent in an exclusive interview, Ms Parvaz, an activist who was in prison in Iran for eight years, explained the controversial legislation gives the government the green light to set up new detention facilities outside of Britain. The 64-year-old, who lives in London, added: “Where people will be taken and locked up while their asylum claims are processed. This offshore policy, like the Australian model, will result in child and sexual abuse. “Imagine women hidden in offshore prison-like facilities while they wait for decision on their asylum claim. And we know that it might take more than ten years for a person to receive their decision.” Ms Parvaz questioned how women and girls will manage to “survive” in “camps that are hidden” away, being “treated as if they are dangerous criminals”, who must be taken away from wider society. “Women and little girls will have psychological scars for the rest of their lives even if they do receive their refugee status after staying in these hidden detention centers,” she said. Her comments were echoed by Sile Reynolds, of Freedom from Torture, an NGO, who warned sexual and child abuse “were rife in offshore processing sites” set up by the Australian government. Ms Reynolds, whose NGO helped Ms Parvaz, added: “And it is sickening that Boris Johnson would hold this up as a model to follow. Peers were absolutely correct to vote down offshoring proposals on Wednesday night and it’s high time the government abandoned this vile policy.” The campaigner argued women would be disproportionately hit by the Conservative government’s borders bill. Ms Reynolds added: “Those same women and children that we are watching on TV, fleeing Ukraine to seek protection in Europe, will be criminalised, detained, sent offshore for processing or denied lasting protection if they make their own way to safety in the UK .” Ms Reynolds noted the women her charity supports are often sexual violence survivors whose experiences are hard to back up with evidence. “Under this bill, their need for time, stability, legal advice and support will be ignored,” she said. “Instead, they could be denied protection if they do not disclose details of their order as soon as they arrive in the UK. This will only increase the risk of exploitation and abuse to which women in the UK are subject.” Campaigners have hailed the government’s major defeat over the controversial Nationality and Borders Bill as a “victory for compassion”. The legislation would criminalize and inflict penalties on refugees over how they traveled to Britain via clause 11 of the bill as well as providing ministers with unprecedented powers to revoke British citizenship without notice through clause 9. The two policies have provoked sustained criticism with leading Tory MPs such as David Davis and Dominic Grieve penning a letter to Boris Johnson to warn the measures are “dangerous” and would lead to Britain infringing important “international obligations”. A number of the bill’s measures were rejected in the Lords – including offshore detainment and criminalisation. The legislation is due to come back to the Commons and be voted on again by MPs in forthcoming weeks. Ms Parvaz, who has lived in the UK since 1993, said: “The bill brands refugees who arrive without authorization as second class status, not because their need for protection is less urgent, but because they arrive without authorization. “They lose access to welfare benefits – subject to a destitution test. They have restricted rights to family reunions, and have no automatic right to settlement in the UK. These factors mean we will see more people sleeping in the street and begging for change.” She warned rejected asylum seekers subsisting on a meager £5 a day “already live far below the poverty line and have no right to work” but revoking this already nominal financial support will drive them to “destitution and street homelessness” – endangering their “mental and physical safety”. “In such situations gangs who exploit women and children will house these hungry people to use them as sex workers,” Ms Parvaz added. Discussing her personal experiences of being imprisoned in Iran, Ms Parvaz said she became a civil rights activist when the Islamic regime gained power in 1979. She became a sympathizer of a Socialist organization in 1980 and was arrested in Autumn 1982, she said. She added: “I was interrogated in the Joint Committee interrogation centre, which was in the hands of the Islamic guards’ corps. I was first taken there and I was kept there for six months. Prisoners died under torture there. “My torturers wanted information about my friends, their names and addresses. They used bastinado, which involves hitting the soles of the feet with a cable. I was tortured till I was paralyzed. In one incident they bashed my head against a wall, as a result, I became epileptic. That hitting caused a tumor to grow inside my head which was extracted in 2012.” Ms Parvaz said UN human rights inspectors came to visit Evin prison three times in 1990 – adding that the prisoner’s relatives had given the inspectors her name and those of other political prisoners. She added: “Our families told us during our visit to talk to them. But then one day when we went to bring our teapot, we realized the regime had built a wall in the middle of the long corridor 216 over the night. So the regime hid us behind that wall and ‘showed’ the prison to the UN human rights inspectors.” Ms Parvaz said she was inside a hidden interrogation center for six months and her family did not know where she was. She was then taken to Naven prison and transferred between different Iranian jails, she said. While she was fortunate enough not to be subjected to sexual harassment while imprisoned, her cellmate was, she added, saying she met young girls and women who had been raped. “After being locked in prison, your mental health never recovers,” Ms Parvaz, who was released from jail in 1990, added. “Your scars won’t go away. I remember friends who were executed. I heard the shotguns when they were taken for execution. They took some prisoners to watch the executions.” Ms Parvaz said she is still angry about the mistreatment she endured but argued in some ways this is a positive force that spurs her to speak out about the Iranian regime and other forms of injustice. “Some of my ex-cellmates committed suicide while they were in prison; some ended their lives after prison in Iran, or even when they reached the ‘free’ world,” she said. The Home Office has been approached for comment. George Holan is chief editor at Plainsmen Post and has articles published in many notable publications in the last decade.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Did you know that more than 46 million people in the United States are living in poverty? That’s one out of every seven Americans, and almost one in four children. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the Catholic Church’s response to poverty in the United States, and it is a concrete example of how the Church can be a vehicle for positive change. CCHD is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic bishops, working to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ “…to bring good news to the poor, release to captives…sight to the blind, and let the oppressed go free” (Lk 4:18). CCHD believes that those who are directly affected by unjust systems and structures know best how to change them and offers low-income people the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities. “This program is unique in that it gives a hand up, not a hand out,” said Mary Beth Pinard, executive director of Vermont Catholic Charities Inc. “CCHD empowers people living in poverty to make real, lasting change.” CCHD offers two grant programs: a community development grant program and an economic development grant program. Community development grants fund organizations led by people in poverty that organize low-income community members to change structures and policies that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Economic development grants support community-based organizations and businesses that create just workplaces, provide quality jobs and develop assets for low-income people. Both grant programs fulfill CCHD’s mission of empowering low-income individuals living on the margins of society to end poverty in their communities. Funding for these grants comes almost entirely from the CCHD collection. This year, the collection will take place the weekend of Nov. 18. Twenty-five percent of funds collected remain in the Diocese to support local anti-poverty efforts. The remaining 75 percent is sent to the national CCHD office to fund organizations that empower low-income individuals to eliminate the cycle of poverty. “Although CCHD is a national collection, it benefits organizations and neighbors right here in our local communities,” Pinard said. In Vermont, two organizations recently have received CCHD grants. Vermont Interfaith Action is a faith-based, grassroots coalition of congregations that aims to rectify social injustices identified by those in impoverished communities, focusing particularly on economic justice, criminal justice system reform and education. Board President Bill Thompson commented, “VIA could not have made such a strong impact on social justice without the support of CCHD over the years. We are tremendously grateful.” CCHD also funds the Center for an Agricultural Economy. CCHD support has allowed CAE to work with low-income people in the Northeast Kingdom to identify key issues that are barriers to success and to create solutions that end the cycle of poverty. Next weekend is the second collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Please consider contributing any amount that you can, and thank you in advance for your generosity. —Marina Jerry, CCHD intern, Diocese of Burlington —Originally published in the Nov.10-16, 2018, issue of The Inland See
French Health Record System Goes On-Line Tuesday 08 January 2019 An on-line personal health record system has been introduced, but there remains uncertainty about whether it will be widely used. The birth of the Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) has been a prolonged one, having been conceived in 2004, but then subject to such significant technical difficulties and political controversy that it has only now seen the light of day. The purpose of the DMP is to provide health professionals with medical information on a shared database Thus, your medical history, test results, imaging, ongoing treatments can be shared amongst health professionals, such as general practitioners, specialist consultants, nursing or hospital staff. The intent is that use of this centralised digital record would then improve patient care by ensuring all medical professionals were fully aware of the medical history and circumstances of their patient, particularly useful in the event of an emergency or when travelling away from home. The system is also intended to create savings, by the elimination of unnecessary treatments and avoidance of duplication of treatment. It was launched nationally last month, after trials carried out over 18 months in 9 departments. The development costs to date have been over €500m and the annual running costs are estimated at €15m. Use of the system is entirely voluntary, for both professionals and patients. Everyone can now can create their own DMP by connecting to Dossier Médical Partagé or via a smartphone application called DMP, preferably with professional support, from either the local health authority, their doctor or a chemist. Once created the local health authority will load onto the DMP summaries of treatments received and reimbursements made in the last 24 months. Patients can also add documents or any information they consider useful for their medical follow-up, such as their blood type or any allergies they may have. One of the controversies about the DMP has been over the issue of patient privacy, as a result of which the system provides for the patient to control which elements of their medical record are available to health professionals, although their own doctor has access to all elements of the DMP. Although there appears to be strong public support for the system, many of the DMPs created in trial areas remain empty. There also remains some doubt as to whether the DMP will be used by professionals, whose participation will be required to keep the record up to date. The most important figures in all of this is your GP, whose responsibility it is to write a synthesis of the medical history and treatment of their patient, which is then available for all other professionals to use. This is the base document for the DMP. However, GPs will receive no remuneration for doing so, they already keep their own patient records on their local systems, and the IT systems in a very large number of GP surgeries are not compatible with the software used by the DWP. As so often is the case, the French national auditor has summed up the dilemma, stating in 2017 that the DMP, "will only be truly effective if it is user-friendly, agile and interoperable and if it contains all the information needed to treat patients. From this point of view, the creation of a shared medical file, which is not mandatory, may run up against the reluctance of patients, who may ask that certain information not be included, and the difficulties of hospital information systems to provide them with routine information " The UK government tried to introduce an on-line health records system but it was abandoned in 2016 over the issue of patient confidentiality. A previous attempt was also scrapped with a host of failures and cost overruns.
The lessons of the U.S. mortgage crisis seem to be lost on policymakers tackling student debt. A decade ago, government subsidies and guarantees helped expand the “dream” of homeownership to many Americans who would have been better off renting. Today, it’s college education being made more accessible with cheap funding provided by Uncle Sam. The U.S. Congress, which rarely agrees on anything these days, is achieving quick consensus on the matter. Without action, interest rates on student loans, which are unsecured, are set to double in July. But lawmakers have been scrambling all April to find a way to collect more revenue or cut spending to maintain subsidies and keep the rates down. The effort is all too familiar. Government mortgage guarantees, accompanied by encouragement to make the American Dream available to lower income and less creditworthy borrowers, sent home prices soaring at an inflation-adjusted annual rate of 8 percent over the decade ending when they peaked in late 2006, according to Yale economist Robert Shiller, whose name adorns a closely watched home price index. The price of college has been growing near that rate for even longer, according to College Board data. Over the past 30 years, private nonprofit college tuition and fees, after adjusting for inflation, have increased 6 percent annually. Public university prices have grown at 9 percent. Like homeownership, college education has been exploited as a moral good. Anyone aspiring to earn decent wages needs a degree these days. Even jobs that haven’t traditionally required such academic training, like police work, now do. This shift has pushed the average student loan balance up by 25 percent annually over the last decade, according to finaid.org. These debts now exceed $1 trillion, more than even enthusiastic U.S. consumers have accumulated on their credit cards. Ultra-cheap loans too often encourage young adults to start their working lives with excessive debt. And it’s the federal guarantees that prime the pump. To curb the unsustainable growth in higher education costs requires scaling back the government’s involvement. There’s still some time to keep student debt from turning into a mortgage-like crisis, but probably not much. Read more at Reuters Breakingviews.
Paul Ng began his design study in Hong Kong Polytechnic; he then continued his study in California Institute of the Arts and received his BFA major in Graphic Design. After working in LA for a year, he furthered his studies in UCLA where he specialised in Computational Design and graduated with a MFA in 1988. Paul founded his own design company in the early 90's which has been providing a wide extent of communication design services for different clienteles ranged from multinational corporations to local SMEs. Besides practicing as a professional designer, he also teaches in different tertiary educational institutions, including Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, from time to time. He is a former Member of the DesignSmart Initiative Assessment Panel of CreateHK; currently he is the Hon Treasurer of School of Design Alumni Association of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Computational Design System for Corporate Identity Design Dr Clifford Choy (Chief Supervisor) About the Research The essence of computational design is about creating design through algorithms. In order to create a design with computational method, the related design concepts have to be formalized as a design knowledge base as well as design algorithms in advance. As brand identity design includes three types of essential communication design problems – symbol, typography and colour, it provides the opportunities to study communication design and computational design from different perspectives. Unlike most of the other computational design studies which mainly focus on generating new forms or facilitating design automations, this study also considers the semantic and pragmatic aspects of brand identity design from the perspective of computational design. Design students could be benefited from the knowledge base built for the system. On the other hand, professionals could see how these essential but different topic put together as a sophisticated design system for brand identity design. Furthermore, both amateur and professional could enjoy a power tool for communication design, particularly if the solution could pass the Turing Test, whereas people can hardly differentiate whether the design solution is coming from human or machine.
GUARATINGUETÁ, a city of Brazil In the eastern part of the state of São Paulo, 124 m. N.E. of the city of São Paulo. Pop. (1890) of the municipality, which includes a large rural district and the villages of Apparecida and Roseira, 30,690. The city, which was founded in 1651, stands on a fertile plain 3 m. from the Parahyba river, and is the commercial centre of one of the oldest agricultural districts of the state. The district produces large quantities of coffee, and some sugar, Indian corn and beans. Cattle and pigs are raised. The city dwellings are for the most part constructed of rough wooden frames covered with mud, called taipa by the natives, and roofed with curved tiles. The São Paulo branch of the Brazilian Central railway passes through the city, by which it is connected with Rio de Janeiro on one side and São Paulo and Santos on the other.
Scientists from the Yale School of Medicine, with research collaborators at the MIND Institute, have found that abnormal placental folds and abnormal cell growths called trophoblast inclusions are key markers to identify newborns that are at risk for autism. Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have figured out how to measure an infant’s risk of developing autism by looking for abnormalities in his/her placenta at birth, allowing for earlier diagnosis and treatment for the developmental disorder. The findings are reported in the April 25 online issue of Biological Psychiatry. One out of 50 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), but the diagnosis is usually made when these children are 3 to 4 years of age or older. By then the best opportunities for intervention have been lost because the brain is most responsive to treatment in the first year of life. Senior author Dr. Harvey Kliman, research scientist in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences at the Yale School of Medicine, and research collaborators at the MIND Institute at the University of California, Davis, have found that abnormal placental folds and abnormal cell growths called trophoblast inclusions are key markers to identify newborns who are at risk for autism. Kliman and his team examined 117 placentas from infants of at-risk families, those with one or more previous children with autism. These families were participating in a study called Markers of Autism Risk in Babies – Learning Early Signs. Kliman compared these at-risk placentas to 100 control placentas collected by the UC Davis researchers from the same geographic area. The at-risk placentas had as many as 15 trophoblast inclusions, while none of the control placentas had more than two trophoblast inclusions. Kliman said a placenta with four or more trophoblast inclusions conservatively predicts an infant with a 96.7% probability of being at risk for autism. Currently, the best early marker of autism risk is family history. Couples with a child with autism are nine times more likely to have another child with autism. Kliman said that when these at-risk families have subsequent children they could employ early intervention strategies to improve outcomes. “Regrettably couples without known genetic susceptibility must rely on identification of early signs or indicators that may not overtly manifest until the child’s second or third year of life,” said Kliman. “I hope that diagnosing the risk of developing autism by examining the placenta at birth will become routine, and that the children who are shown to have increased numbers of trophoblast inclusions will have early interventions and an improved quality of life as a result of this test,” Kliman added. Other authors on the study include Kaitlin Anderson, Kristin Milano, and Saier Ye of Yale University; and Cheryl Walker, Daniel Tancredi, Isaac Pessah, and Irva Hertz-Picciotto of UC Davis. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (1 P01 ES11269 and R01 ES 015359), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program (R829388 and R833292), the MIND Institute at the University of California, Davis, and the Yale University Reproductive and Placental Research Unit. Publication: Cheryl K. Walker, et al., “Trophoblast Inclusions Are Significantly Increased in the Placentas of Children in Families at Risk for Autism,” 2013, Biological Psychiatry; doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.03.006 Image: Patrick Lynch, Yale University
A holiday weekend is upon us with the celebration of Labor Day on Monday, September 6. Today, many people think of Labor Day as a national holiday that marks the unofficial end of summer, rather than thinking about the underlying history that resulted in its origins. Labor Day came about in the late nineteenth century to honor workers and their achievements at a time when people were working mandatory 12-hour days, 7 days a week. Funny how today we don’t think twice about working 24/7. When you look at it analytically, people “voluntarily” work 24/7 in today’s work environment, with some carrying it as a workaholic badge of honor. In the nineteenth century, however, people were forced to work these hours under terrible conditions, with no benefits, and limited choices for better working environments. Obviously, working through the pandemic has changed how we view work, and the future of work has many unknowns. McKinsey has compiled an extensive report on The Future of Work After COVID-19 that is well worth a look. This report offers an analysis based on the physical dimension of work. Three trends emerged from this study: (1) the continuation of hybrid remote work, (2) the continued growth of e-commerce and the “delivery economy”, and (3) companies’ use of automation and AI to manage disruptions. Consider the content of this report with an open mind to how their observations may have an impact on your company. The Labor Day of the future is likely to be reimagined based on the extensive number of changes happening so rapidly as a result of the disruption from the pandemic. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday weekend and appreciate the fact that you don’t have to work 24/7 based on crummy working conditions. Celebrate your time off so you can come back next week ready to hit the ground running. Header image by Ono Kosuki of Pixels.
CPD Course Module Development SUSWELL assumes a necessary change in the organisation and positioning of the care for health, it’s accompanying care systems and the role taken by the involved stakeholders, from the professional to the patient. This includes higher education institutes. Our consortium agreed that continuous professional development (CPD) courses are an effective tool to support the shift towards a systems perspective and to bridge the learning from local communities of practice with the existing formal education systems in Kosovo and Russia. CPD is understood as a lifelong learning process that addresses the educational needs of individuals. It is important as it helps to ensure that further learning is progressed in a structured, practical and relevant way. And it allows an individual to focus on what specific skills and knowledge they require over a manageable period. Through a learner-centred approach, CPD is essential to the delivery of safe and effective healthcare by all health and social care professionals. Variety in learning formats and methods ensure the applicability of the learning for the settings in practice. Therefore, it is a main objective of SUSWELL to develop evidence-based and relevant CPD training modules for (future) health professionals. The aim is to enhance lifelong learning and to improve the skills and competences of students and health and social care professionals across the different fields of health and well-being. The course modules’ scope ranges between EQF 4 and EQF 7 and covers 5 ECTS each. |Digital Health Literacy||Governance of Health and Well-being| The Fourth Industrial Revolution Determinants of and Coaching in Digital Health Literacy |Epistemic and Futures Literacy||Complex Adaptive Systems| Anticipating Emergence and the Future |Transition Management||Theories of Change and Approaches to Transition Management| Planning, Implementation and Facilitation of Transition Processes Assessment of Transition Processes |Interprofessional Work||Principles of Interprofessional Work| Interprofessional Learning Theories Facilitation Skills in Interprofessional Education Quality Measurement and Enhancing Mechanisms
Aspire Mining has provided preliminary results from a scooping study for the Erdenet to Ovoot railway. It was carried out in order to determine potential rail alignments from the end point of the railway northwest to the Russian/Mongolian border at Arts Suuri and further north towards the Russian city of Kyzyl in the Tuva province. The study was prepared by Northern Railways LLC (Northern Railways), using data sets and parameters established in the completion of the PreFeasibility Study for the railway. From the study, preliminary capital cost assessments, alignment paths and lengths and the early identification of any engineering, construction or operational challenges to develop rail infrastructure through this terrain are aimed to be uncovered. The work has been undertaken to improve the level of confidence in the viability of the Steppe Railway as a new rail connection into Russia extending from the town of Erdenet through Aspire’s Ovoot Coking Coal Project (Ovoot) and then onto the Russian city of Kyzyl. Ovoot – Arts Suuri (230 – 250 km) The terrain between Ovoot to Arts Suuri is relatively flat and similar to the Erdenet to Ovoot terrain, which provides good conditions for building and operating efficient bulk commodity rail as demonstrated. Arts Suuri to Kyzyl (300 – 330 km) The Arts Suuri to Kyzyl alignment is also generally flat and suitable for rail development. There is approximately 30 to 40 km of alignment that needs to traverse a mountain range. It is reported that the most suitable alignment appears to traverse through a relatively narrow pass. This requires further investigation into alignment and geometric parameters to balance capital construction costs and operational factors to achieve optimal outcomes in both directions. Additional analysis is required to understand the capital cost and operating cost trade-offs in order to identify the optimal alignments. Edited from press release by Harleigh Hobbs Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/exploration-and-development/07092015/preliminary-results-for-the-erdenet-to-ovoot-railway-2823/
Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6 These two VHS tapes contain a recording of an oral history by Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Erwin B. Bigger. In it, Bigger discusses his early life and his service with the U. S. Army as a paratrooper during World War II and the Korean War. This collection features one copy of The Story of the Lewis and Marjorie Fox Family of Big Springs written by their eldest daughter, Judy Elizabeth Fox Knoblock. Featuring the personal narratives of Lewis and Majorie, Judy provides a recollection of their family's history, particularly during the Great Depression and World War II. This collection gives a glimpse into the life of the Freytag family, a miltary family from Wartburg, TN. The collection includes correspondence, press clippings, photographs, and certificates regarding the Freytag children, Albert Jr., Fred, and Maxwell. Albert Jr. was enlisted in the U.S. Marines, Fred was enlisted in the U.S. Navy, and Maxwell was enlisted in the U.S. Army. All materials are photocopies, donated by the family matriarch, Ethel H. Freytag. This collection houses photocopies of official documents and newspaper clippings showing the numerous awards and honors that Lieutenant Hilston Kilcollins earned for his bravery under fire during World War II. Documents related to Joseph A. Boles' World War II service with the U. S. Army in North Africa and Italy. The collection includes a typed record of service and a typed narrative account as well as photocopies of photographs, correspondence, certificates, and a newspaper clipping. A typescript copy of Robert S. Crouse’s memoir, “There I Was…The Wartime Memoir of a Junior Birdman.” This story details Crouse’s time with the U. S. Army Air Corps from his basic training to his service as a bomber pilot in the Mediterranean Theater during World War II. - United States. Army. 3 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Africa, North. 3 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. 3 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Veterans -- United States. 3 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Veterans -- Tennessee. 2 - Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Participation, American. 1 - Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Personal narratives, American. 1 - Morgan County (Tenn.) 1 - United States. Army -- Medals, badges, decorations, etc. 1 - United States. Army -- Parachute troops. 1 - United States. Army. Air Corps. 1 - United States. Army. Airborne Division, 82nd. 1 - United States. Army. Parachute Infantry Regiment, 504th. 1 - United States. Marine Corps. 1 - United States. Navy. 1 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Aerial operations, American. 1 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Europe. 1 - World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Pacific Area. 1 - World War, 1939-1945 -- United States. 1 - World War, 1939-1945. 1 ∧ less
Personalized marketing is proving to be really effective. In fact, In a study of 650 multi-channel marketing campaigns, personalized campaigns consistently and overwhelmingly beat out static campaigns in generating a high response rate from recipients. (Source: MindFire). Data is at the heart of all personalized marketing – whether print or online. While personalized marketing is proving to be incredibly effective, it can also be quite a risky move for marketers. All it takes is one column in your Excel sheet to get bumped up or down, and you’re sending out a potential disaster for your brand and offer. Let me give you an example… the other day, I received a beautiful, glossy full color mail piece that personalized a romantic gift – created just for me and my true love. The direct mail piece features a personalized, heart shaped, Swarovski crystal-studded necklace with “Liz” engraved on one side of the heart with my birthstone, and “Alec” on the other, with his. It’s a spectacular example of how data and creative can integrate seamlessly into a one-of-a kind printed piece. Unfortunately, this piece got my attention all the wrong reasons… Alec is my son, not my husband. WHOOPS! They key to success is to begin with data sourced responsibly. Even if you’re using in house data, following a solid set of quality control processes can help you steer clear of potential disasters. So, how can you reap the amazing benefits of personalized marketing while avoiding the blunders of bad data? Sarah Bender, of New Loyalty USA, Inc., a direct mail and fulfillment company, shares a few ways that data mistakes can happen, and offers a few tips on how to prevent it.”These types of mistakes usually happen for two reasons: 1. Excel spreadsheets are often sorted, and the person doing it accidentally highlights the spreadsheet incorrectly and the columns get out of sync – thus the variable data becomes “off”. 2. The merged and printed pieces are not being quality checked thoroughly for accuracy. A good rule of thumb is to SAVE the original data file. Only sort from a copy of the original. When the data is merged and printed with the variables applied, do a random quality check of at least 20-30 pieces against the original unsorted list. Have your IT department check the Q/C samples as well, have them verify that the variable data fields match back to the original list provided. This is critical since they could have imported the data into Excel and inadvertently merged it incorrectly – providing your digital print and/or press operators with incorrect variable data in the first place.” If you’d like more tips on how to keep your list in top shape, read tips on building and maintaining a high quality list. Let us know if you’ve found this information helpful. If you’d like to receive educational information on marketing, print and design, just click to sign up, and we’ll send an email to you once a month with information you can use.
We are going to summarize these three buddies on their effectiveness in achieving your fitness goals! Which ways to quickly lose weight? Is it an exercise bike, rower, or treadmill? All of them are indeed great workouts for your cardiovascular, building muscles, and are the ultimate weight loss regimes. Let’s keep on reading. Indoor Bike vs Indoor Rower vs Treadmill – The War Is On! It is all starting from your persistence, consistency, body weight, and a properly balanced diet plan that plays a vital part in your fitness success. Let’s get refreshed a bit here. Walking on a treadmill overall helps you to maintain a healthy weight. If you are new to workout, walking is a good start to losing weight but at a slow pace. Besides, this exercise can also boost your heart rate and thus increase metabolism. Meanwhile, if you are looking for a faster way to burn off unwanted calories, you can run on a treadmill. It is much faster and more effective to lose weight than walking. Running burns almost double of calories than walking! Working out with a rowing machine helps to tone and strengthen your body muscles. It also helps to boost the immunity system, strengthening the heart, overall stamina, and mental wellbeing. This workout is targeting the major muscle groups of your body such as the arms, shoulders, upper back, quadriceps, hamstrings, and, glutes. An indoor cycling bike is also a great workout for a fitter and healthier body. This is no doubt one of the best cardio equipment workouts for the weight loss journey. A consistent bike workout could improve a healthy weight and burn off calories. You can be burning many calories in a session depending on the intensity and resistance level. Can I Burn 500 Calories In 30 Minutes With A Rower, Exercise Bike, Or Treadmill? Which One Is Faster? Folks, which one that you think is faster to shed off the calories in just 30 minutes? Typically, you can achieve that with all these three workout equipment, or could be even higher than 500 calories! However, this also depends on the intensity of training, your diet patterns, how much strength you can put into it, and if any interval training is involved. 1. Intensity level. Logically, the higher intensity that you give into any workout, the higher calories will be burning with the same amount of workout time and body weight. 2. Diet patterns. You also have to take these factors together to measure the success rate. A well-balanced healthy diet consisting of protein, carbs, and other nutrients will ensure a positive weight loss result. 3. Strength workouts. Having some other weightlifting training (pushups, squats, or planks just to name a few) into any of these workouts, will lead to faster calorie burning, as this is enhancing a higher metabolism to burn more calories. 4. Interval training. If you are already having good fitness exposure before, getting into interval training with high intense or vigorous workouts proved to burn more calories faster than the low to moderate-intensity workouts. In my opinion, depending on your body composition, intensity, and duration, I will choose running at a steady pace (instead of walking) on a treadmill together with a healthy diet, as the fastest of these three buddies! Running in general not only targets the belly fat, but also the overall body fat. You can stand to burn up to 500 calories or more in 30 minutes by just running steadily at approximately 8mph (depending on your weight and height). However, note that if you are running faster within the same distance covered, the amount of calories burned is still roughly the same as running steadily. With the same intensity, peddling on the bicycle with multiple resistance levels doesn’t burn that many calories, as they are more focusing on strengthening the major muscles. You are mostly working out more on your lower body than your upper body, not the whole body! A rowing machine is also an amazing cardio workout machine for the lower (60%) and upper (40%) bodies. You will burn calories of course, BUT won’t be as many as running on a treadmill. According to the American Council of Exercise, studies have shown that a person weighing 150 lbs running on a treadmill will burn about 180 calories at a distance of 5mph in 30 minutes. This compared to about 160 calories burned with the same amount of time rowing. HIIT Training With A Rower, Exercise Bike, Or Treadmill? Which One Is More Effective For Lose Weight? HIIT Training or ‘High-Intensity Interval Training‘ consists of high and low-moderate intensity workouts with a recovery period in between. It helps to boost metabolism and burn more calories even after finishing a workout (the afterburn effect or EPOC). I honestly think all of them are perfect with the HIIT Training but as mentioned, how effective your lose weight journey depends on how well you give to your fitness plan. Are you working out regularly, putting in enough hard effort or not, and how well are you in managing your diet plan? If you are looking into building more muscles, toner, and endurance, a treadmill workout will fit your goal. Imagine yourself working hard on your full body by running – that needs a lot of endurance plus strength! For burning calories goals, a workout with a rowing machine or an exercise bike will do. Even though both are considered low-impact and non-weight-bearing workouts, in terms of burning calories speed, an effective rowing stroke is working faster to burn calories. This full-body rowing workout with HIIT training gives your heart rate up and metabolism higher calories burning mode. However, you need to nail down well how to work with this machine, plus the techniques properly. As compared with a rower, cycling with a bike is easier even though its primary focus is on the lower body such as the glutes, hips, ankles, and, knees. Why Is Rowing Machine Less Popular Than Indoor Bike Or Treadmill? I think in general, most people know how to use a treadmill or exercise bike more than a rowing machine. Both treadmills and indoor bikes bike is easily adjustable by intensity or resistance levels, and you can just walk, run or peddle. Not so technical to understand to get good workouts from them. You can do rowing strokes but believe me, not many people know the real technique and form of rowing the strokes correctly, except the professionals or expert rowers. There are proper forms as to how your lower and upper body should be positioned well when doing the rowing. You just don’t sit on a rowing machine and start moving back and forth, not knowing that your bodies could be out of sync! Wrong techniques and forms in rowing will be a waste of time and effort towards whatever goals that you are after. I have tried rowing at the gym and I know this is not just simply pushing or pulling to take off easily. My Final Conclusions: Which Ways To Quickly Lose Weight? Biking, Rower, Or Treadmill? A rowing machine and exercise bike are low-impact, less stress on the joints, and are not weight-bearing workouts. While running on a treadmill is a high-impact workout. It does give more stress on the joints, and weight-bearing as it is supporting the body weight when you are running or fast-walking. If I were a beginner, I would certainly go and try all of these three buddies at a gym, and learn them properly based on my fitness goals. Then, I can know which one best fits me, especially if considering purchasing only ONE for home workouts. Regardless of which one best suits you, this article may help you discover your home workout goals better. If you are a newbie, you could learn how to properly operate them effectively, and avoid any potential injury. I hope this helps you to differentiate better which gives the most out of your next home workout. Drop me a comment below and I will reply within 24 hours. Have A Fabulous Home Workout! ***The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the recommended product. Prices are the same for you if your purchase is through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link. You will not pay more by clicking through the link. Please see my Affiliate Disclaimer for more details.
Welcome to Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) is a leading research organization in Bangladesh. It has earned its reputation and credibility in the domain of socio-economic studies since 1999. HDRC has accomplished over 300 contemplative studies on multifarious issues. Guided by the objective ‘Humane development through research and action’– HDRC, through its quality research outputs, has achieved a commendable position in the field of development thinking. Besides large scale primary quantitative data and qualitative information-based research, HDRC has an impressive track record of conducting policy research and research-based advocacies which have provided insight into the way people think and make decisions. The researchers working in this centre possess a high level of competence to deeply understand critical national and international issues, make error-free statistical analyses and write sound reports. HDRC experts are very capable to cover hard-to-reach areas and indigenous communities and collecting primary data using scientific survey formats. Aided by strong management, the organization in coherence with the needs of the assignment engages its most appropriate experts. It has proven ability and considerable experience to work with all the major Government authorities, national and international NGOs, UN agencies and development partners in Bangladesh. Read More
Sweden-based start-up Volta Greentech raises 1.7 million Euro to fight burps from cows — and is now eying to build the world’s largest algae factory in Lysekil. Volta Greentech is producing a feed material for cows that eliminates up to 80 percent of their methane emissions. To enable commercial production, the company has built a land-based algae production prototype in Lysekil, Sweden. The new capital contribution will be invested into establishing its pilot facility during 2021, preparing for a large-scale factory supplying enough seaweed to eliminate a significant portion of methane emissions from Swedish cattle. Among others Skånemejerier has participated in the development. – There are more than one billion cows on the planet, and the emissions from these continue to increase. Despite that, there are no widespread solutions to decrease the emissions, and research in the field is progressing far too slow. However, we are now on track to implement a solution that can reduce a large part of the emissions, and it feels exciting that such competent investors want to join our journey, says Fredrik Åkerman, the university dropout who is today CEO and co-founder at Volta Greentech in a press release. 5 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from one single source: methane from cows’ burps and farts. Volta Greentechs goal is to fight those gasses. And as the company is now building the world’s first commercial land-based red algae farm on Sweden’s west coast. The company’s laboratory at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, the mechanisms for increasing the algae’s methane reducing abilities are under development. Read more HERE
CTTI has been the #1 institution for Technical Education for more than 30 years, making it the most trusted and functional in the market. State of the Art Campus & Facilities, unlimited resources, collaborative work and amazing support are the reasons our students have fallen in love. We are dedicated to providing you with the best experience possible. Join Us to find out why the sky’s the limit when studying at CTTI. Construction Technology Training Institute aspires to establish itself as an esteemed Technical and Vocational Training Institute in dynamic equilibrium with its social and economic environment striving continuously for excellence in training, research and technological service to the nation. Construction Technology Training Institute aims at achieving a prominent status at the national and international levels by creating a dynamic educational environment where technical and vocational training will be imparted to provide knowledge based technological services to satisfy needs of society and local and international industries. The institute will continuously strive to build national capacity in Technical and Vocational sector. - To provide supervisors and sub-engineers, proficient in planning and management of construction machinery / civil engineering works to various agencies for execution of projects in an efficient and economical manner. - To provide trained operators and skilled mechanics to construction agencies so that construction machinery is preserved. - To provide adequate knowledge in planning, employment and supervision of construction machinery to project managers and supervisors. - To contribute in socio-economic development through equipping youth of the country with technical skills in different fields
Brass is not a chemical element but an alloy of copper and zinc that has a yellow colouration. If the brass is quite yellow in colour, this will be because it has a high amount of zinc in it. Brass with less zinc will retain more features of copper and will be redder as a result. Brass is sometimes confused with bronze – another copper-alloy – but instead of copper alloyed with zinc, bronze is a mixture of copper and tin. The Bronze Age followed the Copper Age, but although bronze and brass are both copper-alloys, the Brass Age never happened, because brass is typically quite hard to make without the correct tools. This is due to zinc’s melting point of 420 ºC, which made it difficult to form zinc-alloyed metal pre-18th century. Originally, brass was made from mixing ground zinc ore (calamine) into a crucible with copper. In the crucible, vapour from the zinc would permeate the copper, resulting in brass. In the Ancient World, brass was used differently by different civilisations. The Romans, in particular, loved brass for its beautiful white-gold colour and often used it in the production of helmets. The Roman alloy of brass tended to be around 20% zinc, 80% copper, which is the same combination that is still in high demand today. Brass and Copper polishing works are available
Symantec Security Response - W32.HLLW.Winevar W32.HLLW.Winevar is a mass-mailing worm that disables some Antivirus and Firewall programs and drops and executes the W32.FunLove.4099 virus. Symantec Security Response encourages you to block any attachments in the emails that have .pif or .ceo extensions. W32.HLLW.Winevar arrives in an email that contains three attachments. The names are variable but they will have the format: WIN[some characters].TXT (12.6 KB) MUSIC_1.HTM WIN[some characters].GIF (120 bytes) MUSIC_2.CEO WIN[some characters].PIF Type: Worm Infection Length: 89KB Systems Affected: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Systems Not Affected: Macintosh, OS/2, Unix, Linux and here's the information about Funlove: Symantec Security Response - W32.Funlove.4099 W32.FunLove.4099 replicates under Windows 95/98/Millenium and Windows NT. It infects programs that have .exe, .scr, and .ocx extensions. What is notable about this virus is that it uses a new strategy to attack the Windows NT file security system, and it runs as a service on Windows NT systems. [/me] Type: Virus Infection Length: 4099 bytes How FunLove works Files infected with W32.FunLove.4099 insert the Flcss.exe file into the \Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me) or \Winnt\System32 (Windows NT) folder. Whenever the 4,608-byte Flcss.exe file can be created, the virus attempts to execute it as a service on computers running Windows NT. If for any reason the service can not be executed, the virus creates a thread inside the infected program. This thread infects local and network drives by searching for Portable Executable (PE) files with .exe, .scr, or .ocx extensions. The thread then executes inside the infected process and the main thread of the program takes control. In most cases, this does not cause any noticeable delays. When the virus can execute itself as a service process under the "FLC" name, other infected programs will try to insert the Flcss.exe file, but will not create a new infection thread. W32.FunLove.4099 is the second virus that runs as a service on Windows NT. The WNT.RemEx.A (W32.RemoteExplore) virus is very similar in its functions to W32.FunLove.4099, but W32.FunLove.4099 can run on both Windows 95/98 and Windows NT. It is, therefore, considered more successful than WNT.RemEx.A. When the virus runs as a service, it can spread on the local drives, even if no one is logged on. Because of this, the virus can infect files that are normally not accessible after the logon. For example, the virus can infect Explorer.exe on a Windows NT system. On Windows 95/98 computers, infected programs place the Flcss.exe file in the \System folder and try to execute it as a regular process. If the process cannot be executed, the virus tries to execute the infection thread inside the infected host program. This virus also attacks the Windows NT file security system. For the virus to attempt the attack, it needs administrative rights in Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation during the initial infiltration. Once the Administrator or someone with the equivalent rights logs on, W32.FunLove.4099 has the opportunity to modify the Ntoskrnl.exe file, the Windows NT kernel located in the \Winnt\System32 folder. The virus modifies only two bytes in a security API named SeAccessCheck. W32.FunLove.4099 is then able to give full access to all files to all users, regardless of its original protection, whenever the computer is booted with the modified kernel. This means that a Guest--who has the lowest possible rights on the system--can read and modify all files, including files that are normally accessible only by the Administrator. This is a potential problem, because the virus can spread everywhere, regardless of the actual access restrictions on the particular computer. Furthermore, after the attack, no data can be considered protected from modification by any user. Unfortunately, the consistency of Ntoskrnl.exe is checked only once during the startup process. The loader, Ntldr, checks Ntoskrnl.exe when it loads into physical memory during startup. If the kernel becomes corrupted, Ntldr is supposed to stop loading Ntoskrnl.exe and display an error message, even before a "blue screen" appears. To avoid this, W32.FunLove.4099 patches Ntldr so that no error messages are displayed, and Windows NT will boot successfully, even if its checksum does not match the original. Since no code checks the consistency of Ntldr itself, the patched kernel will be loaded without notifying the user. Because Ntldr is a hidden, system, and read-only file, W32.FunLove.4099 changes the attributes of it to "archive" before it attempts to patch it. The virus does not change the attribute of Ntldr back to its original value after the patch. FunLove can also infect local and network drives. It enumerates the mapped network drives and infects PE files on those computers. In addition, the Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntldr patch is performed on the network drives. Whenever a computer with sufficient rights maps the System drive of a computer running Windows NT, the virus modifies the kernel and the loader components over the network. The Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntldr patches are executed by a routine picked up from the Bolzano virus. In fact, more than 50 percent of the virus code shows similarities to the Bolzano virus. It is very likely that the author of these two viruses is the same person. How FunLove locates the mapped drives on a system FunLove uses the Windows function call WNetEnumResourceA. Details on this function can be found in the Microsoft Developer Network documentation. Can Ntoskrnl.exe be infected across the network, without Flcss.exe actually being copied to the system? The worm infects every network drive that it finds through the call to WNetEnumResourceA. As long as the drive is writeable, FunLove will modify Ntoskrnl.exe over the network, even without dropping Flcss.exe onto the system. FunLove does not actually infect Ntoskrnl.exe, but it changes the file's security function. Once the affected computer is restarted, the modified Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntldr are loaded, and security is compromised. Files not infected The virus does not infect files that begin with the following characters in their names: aler amon avp avp3 avpm f-pr navw scan smss ddhe dpla mpla These are partial file names of antivirus programs, as well as a few other programs.
At present, Rachael McMurray is a design assistant at womenswear brand Nicole Farhi. Working with each collection from concept to completion, a typical day might include working on CAD sketches, Breaking into the fashion industry isn’t easy. But FAD believes that talented, hardworking young people should be able to access a career in fashion, regardless of their background or economic circumstances. Many talented graduates (especially those who can’t afford to do unpaid internships) take low-paid retail jobs after university to pay the bills while they try to get a foot in the door. They often end up frustrated in roles which don’t make use of their skills, talent or experience. Through mentoring, masterclasses and events, FAD’s INTOFashion programme equips them with the confidence, understanding and network they need to move into better-paid, more fulfilling and sustainable careers in the fashion retail industry. Young people get the chance to fulfil their potential, and companies benefit from fresh, enthusiastic, diverse talent: it’s a win-win situation. If you’re a London-based fashion graduate aged 21-26 who’s working in retail, and you’d like to get involved, please drop us a line: [email protected]
The idea of wind generated electric energy is being sold by environmentalists as an overlooked opportunity to reduce greenhouse gasses. Global warming advocates claim that this discounted treasure could be a major part of an effort to reduce the burning of fossil fuels and eliminate the need for some of our nuclear power plants. Is it true that we are passing up on a gold mine of renewable energy in favor of unnecessary and harmful fossil and nuclear fuels? Let’s start by looking at what we use to generate the power we use today. Renewables, such as wind, solar, biomass, etc, provide 2.4% of our electricity. The bulk of our power, 51%, comes from coal, followed by natural gas at 20% and nuclear at 19%. Included below in the category “other renewables”, wind energy is currently supplying about 1% of our electricity Can we replace coal and natural gas with renewable energy sources? Let’s examine the facts. Wind energy is harnessed by windmills that are similar to the types that have been around for centuries. The windmills that produce electricity are called wind turbines; they employ fan blades that turn when the wind is blowing. These blades are connected to electric generators. Keep in mind that sometimes the wind blows slowly or not at all, and windmills don’t produce any power until the wind reaches about 8 MPH. A location for a windmill is not considered viable unless wind speeds average 14 MPH. The percentage of its rated power that a windmill can actually produce, given the variation of wind speeds at the installation site, is called its capacity factor. A realistic capacity factor is 25%. That means that over time, the windmill actually delivers 25% of its rated power. (Electrical [power] is measured in units called watts. A kilowatt (KW) is 1,000 watts, a megawatt (MW) is a million watts. ) A typical large wind-driven turbine is rated at about 1,500 kilowatts. It’s 350 feet tall and has a fan blade of about 240 feet in diameter. It will actually deliver about 375 kilowatts. It can power about 375 microwave ovens, or 6250 60-watt light bulbs simultaneously (only when the wind is blowing at about 25 miles per hour, which is a very strong wind). An average (1 gigawatt) power plant can power nearly a million microwaves, or 16 million light bulbs at the same time. A power plant near me produces 1,100,000 kilowatts (1.1 gigawatts) of power. At a 25% capacity factor it would take nearly 2600 large wind turbines to produce the same power as this nuclear power plant. And this is not a particularly large plant. If you placed these 2600 wind turbines the recommended 5 rotor-blade diameters apart, they would stretch for 600 miles. That’s as far as the distance from Michigan to Georgia. In practice wind turbines are not placed single file, they are placed in several rows, like crops, in what are called wind farms, but you get the idea. The amount of electricity generated by a wind turbine is proportional to the wind speed to the 3rd power (a 20 MPH wind will produce 8 times as much energy as a 10 MPH wind). Therefore wind turbines often produce energy in bursts; when the wind gusts, the energy output spikes, when the wind dies down, energy output dips. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to store these bursts of energy for later use. There are no batteries large enough that are also practical, and pumped-storage systems, which use unwanted energy to pump water into an aboveground reservoir for later use in turning a water-driven generator, require a large body of water. And when there is no wind, windmills produce no power, so a traditional power plant must be operational at all times to provide power during those in-between times. Also, most areas of the country have so little wind that wind turbines are not practical. As indicated in the wind resource map below, most of best energy-producing wind power areas are located far from population centers. The white areas are those that don’t have fast enough winds to make wind power viable. Wind power does work. It is a clean and renewable source of energy. But it does have its limitations; we would have to have wind turbines stretching from sea to sea to equal the energy output we can get from traditional power plants, and they would only be a match for conventional power plants when the winds were strong. On calm days they would produce no energy. And since most of the power would be generated in unpopulated areas, because that’s where the strong winds are, (see map above) we would have to incur huge losses to transport this energy to where it is needed. And after all that, we would still need to maintain our current system of traditional power plants because we would have to have a backup source for when the wind is calm. And since the traditional power plants can’t be turned on and off like a light bulb, it will be necessary to use the traditional power plants to provide the bulk of our power and use the wind generated power to supplement the power plants. All things considered, wind power has limitations that will relegate it to a role as a supplementary, not a primary, source of our electrical energy. So the next time you hear a pundit say that we should throw over fossil and nuclear fuel in exchange for wind, know that it is not possible. And any proposals that are predicated on the replacement of natural fossil fuels, such as the replacement of real jobs with “green jobs” is as fallacious as an equation that is predicated on 2 plus 2 equaling 5. This material is the work of the author(s) indicated. Any opinions expressed in it are not necessarily those of National Wind Watch. The copyright of this material resides with the author(s). As part of its noncommercial effort to present the environmental, social, scientific, and economic issues of large-scale wind power development to a global audience seeking such information, National Wind Watch endeavors to observe “fair use” as provided for in section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law and similar “fair dealing” provisions of the copyright laws of other nations. Queries e-mail. |Wind Watch relies entirely on User Funding
Hip rotation support The circular compression on the hip and thigh ensures the required compression of the operation site and supports the direct postoperative positioning of the treated hip joint. At the same time, the elastic tension on the thigh counteracts the usual external rotation of the leg. The compact design of the hip rotation support limits involuntary and uncontrolled movements, and offers the patient the additional sense of security that is necessary for rapid and wide-ranging mobilisation. The use of medi orthocox simplifies compression treatment of the leg and pelvis in hospital and during rehabilitation and thus makes a lasting contribution to the treatment results with better economy. - Simple, time-saving application - Very comdortable to wear due to highly permeable fabric and skin-friendly material - Notice: The label is fixed to the outside of the product so it does not irritate the operation scar Controls the hip rotation Optimum compression of the hip region Reusable after renewal of dressing Assists patient mobilisation Easy access for dessing medi orthocox is worn around the hips and the thigh. For hip compression pass the upper free end around your pelvis. Adjust the tension to vary the compression to suit the patient. Pass the lower free end around the proximal part of the thigh. The elastic tension of the material exerts pressure to reduce external rotation of the leg. The free ends of the support are secured by broad Velcro fasteners, thus enabling the patient to ad-just compression and thigh rotation independently. |circumference hip (cm)||wHH||70 - 90||85 - 105||100 - 120||115 - 140||130 - 160| |circumference thigh (cm)||cG||50 - 60||55 - 70||65 - 80||75 - 90||75 - 90| |◯ = fill in for orientation||2||left|
This article is for those students who wish to study abroad but can’t afford it. Here you will find information about the Scholarships for Indian Students. Many students dream of going to other countries to study. Going abroad to study opens up many exciting paths to the students. From making new friends to getting their hands on new technologies, there are many reasons for this. Their exposure to the world will increase and they can get a taste of the different culture. But not all the students can afford the luxury that is studying abroad. The scholarship will take care of your fees, accommodation, travel etc. so you don’t have to worry about going abroad anymore. Each scholarship program has its own eligibility requirements for the students availing them. It is necessary for the students to meet these eligibility criteria. Sometimes you can get scholarships based on merit or the country you are hailing from or your chosen subject. If you are from a special background like belonging to a specific race or gender, then also you can avail some of the scholarships. Let us take a look at the Scholarships for Indian Students along with some details. Tata Scholarship (Cornell University) Indian students who want to study their undergraduate courses in Cornell University can apply for this scholarship. The student should admit in the course by Cornell University. Expenses like accommodation, food and travel will cover in this scholarship. The scholarship will take care of your fees but only up to eight semesters. If the course you have chosen is longer than that, then you should pay for it yourselves. In a year, 20 students will select and offer scholarships. During the month of October or November, you have to apply for Tata Scholarship. You will know if you are selected by December. American University Emerging Global Leader Scholarship (US) Academically gifted students who want to do their undergraduate degree in US can avail this scholarship. The Scholarships for Indian Students who want to raise the quality of deserving communities which have poor resources in their own countries. Thus students who are very socially active can apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is given by the American University to study undergraduate course in any chosen field. It will only pay for tuition fees and accommodation and does not cover travelling expenses, books and health insurance. Students who study with the help of this scholarship will check for their performance in studies. Those who show good credentials will offer the scholarship for duration of 4 years. Vice Chancellor’s International scholarship (United Kingdom) If you have been admitted into Newcastle University in United Kingdom, then you can enjoy the benefits for this scholarship. This is available to both the undergraduate and postgraduate students who have acquired a seat in the courses offered by the University. The scholarship is offered to 255 students based on academic merits and based on diversity. But you have to keep it in mind that the scholarship is only partial and offers £ 3000 as fees for one year. It is usually given in February and the biggest advantage is that all the international students will be considered eligible for the scholarship. You don’t have to apply for it separately. UBC International Leader of Tomorrow Award (Canada) This Scholarships for Indian Students who have achieved excellence in their academic studies and have been admitted in the university. University of British Colombia offers this aid after checking the financial need of the student applying. It will continue to provide the aid for 3 years but the student has to renew it each year. You will offer renewal of aid only if you have performed well in your studies and in need of the aid. Nomination of the student by the school where he did his schooling is necessary to avail this scholarship. You should also have the necessary English Language qualifications. If you have proved yourself in sports or performing arts or debating, then you have a best chance at winning this scholarship. Depending on your needs, tuition fees as well as accommodation will pay for. You have to apply within November if you want to join the course in the next academic year.
L O U I S E A L T M A N H A N D M A D E W A L L P A P E R S A while ago I spend a day photographing Louise in her home studio. Louise is a printmaker, trendsetter and an all-around creative good egg. More recently she's been working on patterns and designs and techniques for making her own brand of handmade wallpapers inspired by nature and her environment. The process is slow, laborious and requires considerable skill. Starting with designing the pattern, carving it out, this is followed by inking and lining everything up so the pattern matches on the roll. The result is beautiful, the print is slightly raised from the inking, that gives it the handmade look and feel. This form of wallpaper printing was made back in the mid 17th century and it is currently listed as an endangered craft. It is much more sustainable and environmentally friendly practice than mass-produced digitally made wallpapers, with absolutely no waste as the papers are made to order. www.outofbounds.org.uk
Pursuing a interest is a superb supply of relaxation and leisure. Develop your gross sales strategies , turn out to be an inside sales rep and perfect your chilly calling skills on the facet in your free time for nothing but fee, negotiate a little fairness and also you could revenue huge time in the event you’re pitching a solid product and the startup succeeds. There are always new web sites popping up in need of skilled net design, and foundational books like HTML & CSS: Design and Construct Websites by acclaimed net designer Jon Duckett and Do not Make Me Suppose by user experience legend Steve Krug will get you began down the suitable path to quickly determining whether or not changing into a web designer is a viable side business thought for you. But earlier than you may graduate from side enterprise concept and begin earning a full-time living as a graphic designer, you’ll have to build your abilities’”I like to recommend starting with studying the foundational book Graphic Design School  and Steal Like an Artist , the unimaginable book by Austin Kleon about how you can develop into extra creative. With that in mind, I  put collectively this massive checklist of the a hundred and one Finest Side Business Ideas You Can Begin While You are Still Working a Full-Time Job, to assist in giving you inspiration with proven aspect enterprise ideas that can be executed on while you still hold your day job’”and first supply of revenue. If you’re organized, knowledgeable concerning the increased training course of, and luxuriate in working with adolescents and their parents, take into account beginning a facet enterprise as an independent college utility marketing consultant to help more sensible, formidable, and certified children get into the colleges of their desires.
By: Garrison Wells Publisher: Lerner Publishing Publication Date: January 2012 Reviewed by: Deb Fowler Review Date: April 9, 2012 If you are a fan of amateur wrestling, you may have heard of Henry Cejudo. He was a champion high school wrestler who had dreams of being in the U.S. Olympics. Henry's dreams became reality when he took on Tomihiro Matsunaga and edged him out of the competition and became "the youngest U.S. wrestler to win an Olympic gold medal." Wrestling is when one opponent goes up against another to fight by "using their bodies to win points or to pin [them] to the mat." There are three different types of amateur wrestling: folkstyle, Greco-Roman, and freestyle. The latter two are the most common types, types that you may learn in school or in a wrestling club. You don't have to be built like a football linebacker in order to succeed in wrestling. When entering into a match you will be "divided into age and weight divisions to make sure matches are fair." Each match is timed and divided into three periods, periods that are variable depending on the level. Ways to score points vary with the type of wrestling. Points can be garnered by escaping, takedowns, and reversals. Wrestling has been around for a long time. In fact, "Drawings on cave walls in France show wrestling existed more than 15,000 years ago." You'll briefly learn about the sport in ancient times and swing into its history as a modern, Olympic sport. In order to be safe as you wrestle on the mat, you'll have to have "headgear, shoes, and singlets." In this book you'll learn what they are and the purpose for using them. Some of the most common techniques used include "takedowns [single- and double-leg], escapes, reversals, and pins." You'll get a chance to take a look at successful wrestlers such as Cael Sanderson, Clarissa Chun, and get a look at the top ten American wrestlers. You'll also learn about the different names for the sport, the levels of amateur wrestling, women in the sport, how hard work and practice can pay off, the need for a high level of physical fitness, you'll get a chance to look at top wrestling moves, and you'll learn about many other interesting facets of the sport. The layout of this book relays the excitement of the sport with its engaging full-color, high-action photographs. There are numerous informative sidebars scattered throughout the book. For example, we learn about oil wrestling, sumo wrestling, and how the amateur wrestler can become a pro. With this book in hand, the young reader can explore YouTube to make ther Fireman's Carry, Half Nelson, and Grand Amplitude Throw come to life. In the back of the book is an index, a glossary, and additional recommended book and website resources to explore. Quill says: This is an excellent overview of amateur wrestling for the young person who wants to engage in a little "combat on the mat."
Women are the real architects of the society By Sumayyah Khan “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of a women is improved, it is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.” We cannot deny the fact that women in India have made significant progress in almost 68 years of Independence,but still they have to struggle against many social evils in this male dominated society that resist the forward march of its womenfolk . It is ironical that a country which has acclaimed the status of the first Asian country to accomplish its Mars Mission is positioned at 29 rank across the globe of 147 countries on the basis of Gender Inequality Index . In order to achieve the status of a developed country ,India needs to transform its women force into an effective human resource and this could only be achieved through the empowerment of women. As Women Empowerment itself elaborates that there should be equal political,social and economical rights given to a women as that of a men . A women should know her fundamental and social rights which they get once they are born. There should be respect given to women inside the home and outside their workplace . They should have equal judicial rights in society . They should not be discriminated while acquiring any sort of education. There should be no discrimination while giving jobs and employment to them. They should have safe and secure location with proper privacy . We need women at all levels to change and be dynamic , reshape the conversations and they have to make sure that their voices are heard and not overlooked or ignored. A women is a full circle within her lies the ability to create ,nurture and transform. “Don’t you feel that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21 century . This is the time to raise up our voice so that those without a voice can also be heard. We cannot succeed if those voices are not heard now. And India can never develop by keeping half of us back.
It was around 1:50 pm on Friday, March 29, 1963, when the Jazzmen of Crane Junior College in Chicago began their set at the 5th Annual Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival in the Fieldhouse. The Jazzmen, one of 22 groups invited to the festival, competed for prizes like music scholarships and more than $5,000 worth of instruments. The best combo would be invited to play at the Village Vanguard Club in New York City. All groups were judged in three preliminary sessions, and six finalists (including the Jazzmen) were picked to play in the final session on Saturday. Their roster consisted of band leader Don Myrick on alto sax, Maurice White on drums, Louis Satterfield on trombone, Fred Humphrey on piano, Charles Handy on trumpet and Ernest McCarthy on bass. Two of the musicians, Myrick and McCarthy, earned praise from the judges as the "Most Promising Instrumentalists" of the festival. All the members of the Jazzmen moved on to become noted session musicians — Handy, Myrick and Satterfield even released a studio album under the band’s new name, The Pharaohs, in 1972 — but one name from the lineup may sound particularly familiar. - From the Archives - Fr. Sorin's Eyeglasses - Irish Brigade Flag - Flannery O'Connor at ND - Main Building Steps - Corby Hall - Shakespeare Script - Christmas in Japan - State Charter - Earth, WiND and Fire After leaving the Jazzmen, Maurice White went on to found Earth, Wind, and Fire, one of the most influential funk bands of the 1970s. The group would win 7 Grammy Awards in the course of its career and rack up such Billboard hits as “Shining Star,” “September,” “Boogie Wonderland,” and “After the Love Is Gone.” In the early ’70s, two of White’s fellow Jazzmen, Myrick and Satterfield, would even join the band as members of its horn section, the Phenix Horns — a subgroup that would later play alongside Phil Collins and the rock band Genesis. At the Collegiate Jazz Festival, Crest Records recorded all of the finalists’ performances, and jazz enthusiasts could place their orders for the three-vinyl set in front of the Fieldhouse during the festival. The archival clips featured below include two versions of a short segment of the Jazzmen’s 1963 performance. The first clip is the unaltered original; the second has been cleaned up with audio editing and restoration software. The clicks and pops have been removed and the sound has been enhanced by audio-visual archivist, Erik Dix. In addition to the Jazzmen, many other promising jazz musicians played at the Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival that year, including Count Basie collaborator Oscar Brashear, noted film pianist Mike Lang, and saxophonist Jamey Aebersold, who would go on to become a preeminent jazz educator. In the 55 years since, many more soon-to-be stars have played with their college bands at Notre Dame. The oldest festival of its kind in the U.S., the Collegiate Jazz Festival will convene for its 61st year this weekend, February 22 and 23, in Washington Hall. From the Archives is written by the staff of the University of Notre Dame Archives highlighting notable pieces from their collection. Through its rich historical resources, the University Archives provides campus, national and international communities with a broad historical focus on the evolution of the University of Notre Dame, its contributions to higher education, and its place in history.
Our aim is the reduction of anastomotic leakage Within our ‘anastomotic leakage’ mission we examine a measuring instrument that is indicative of the quality of tissue of the intestinal wall. This provides an improved parameter for the surgeon’s clinical decision making. This concerns a minimally invasive application. In this project we work together with the UMCG, prof. dr. Gooitzen M. van Dam and medical specialists of the Medical Centre Leeuwarden such as Dr. Christiaan Boerma, Dr. Christiaan Hoff, Dr. Sietze Koopal and Prof. Dr. Jean Pierre Pierie and Computer Vision specialist Dr. Klaas Dijkstra of NHL/Stenden. Furthermore, LIMIS-Development PhD researcher Wido Heeman (MSc) is conducting several clinical and non-clinical studies in the field of applications of PerfusiX-Imaging and connected research aspects.
Dashes—specifically, en dashes and em dashes—are like hyphens, but longer. And though there’s some overlap in how hyphens and dashes are used, dashes play a role all their own. I don’t like to dither over style choices. At the beginning of a sentence, it’s routine to start the next word with a capital letter. But when I type a colon within a sentence, I often have to stop and think about how to write the next word: whether to cap it isn’t always obvious. Variant spellings take a toll on editors everywhere. The minutes tick away whenever we leave our documents (as we often do) in search of the answer to that age-old question: What’s the preferred spelling of this word? Periods are small but powerful. Not only do they bring entire sentences to a stop with a single dot, they’re also commonly found in abbreviations and numbers. From our own reading, most of us know that some paperback and hardcover novels have a table of contents page in the front and some don’t. Lurking online, I perceive a widespread notion that tables of contents are old-fashioned and pointless for fiction. One of my favorite MS Word tricks allows a novelist (or any book writer) to view and organize their chapters in the Navigation pane (an option under the View tab). Using this feature, I can see all my chapter titles at a glance, and I can go instantly to the one I want by clicking on its title. William Germano is professor of English at Cooper Union in New York. He’s also had a long career in publishing and brings some of that experience to his work as a teacher, in seminars and workshops worldwide and in the college classroom. Italics can be applied for various reasons, but it is always with the same goal: to mark text as different in some way. This difference can be a matter of emphasis, or it can indicate the title of a book or movie or other work, the scientific name of a species, or the name of a court case, among other things. Commas play at least two main roles in ordinary prose. They can set off words, phrases, and clauses—including direct quotations, questions, and thoughts—from the surrounding sentence. And they can be used between coordinate adjectives and other items in a series. The comma between city and state—or, following the same principle, between city and province or city and country—is so thoroughly inscribed in the written record that most editors don’t give it a second thought.
Like those famous semioticians , I'd argue that we’re all living in a symbolic world loaded with culturally constructed and contested meanings . I'd also argue that decoding and encoding symbols for meaning is the essence of this thing we call literacy. In the 80's when E.D. Hirsch was busy defining Cultural Literacy , Paulo Freire was taking about literacy as “reading the word and the world.” Long before either of these literacies were popularized medieval monks articulated the same metaphor through the phrase liber munti - the "book of the world." By the late 1980's "reading and writing" transformed into a panoply of literacies; economic, political, social, emotional, historical, mathematical, visual and media literacy are just a few of the terms that have become a part of our educational lexicon over the last twenty-five years. Whether your trying to teach students the names of colors, how to read an equation, how to understand the periodic table, or how to understand a blog, educators are always engaging students in the work of decoding and encoding symbols. These actions, oft referred to as literacy, are at the heart of education. Below is a short story called “Book from the Ground” created by the artist Chinese American Artist Xu Bing: Image ©Xu Bing courtesy of Xu Bing Studio Can you make sense of it? Some of the symbols look familiar, but is there a story here? Maybe you need some guidance? Here’s a little blurb from Bing’s statement about his work, “Regarding Book from the Ground”... Book from the Ground is a novel written in a "language of icons" that I have been collecting and organizing over the last few years. Regardless of cultural background, one should be able understand the text as long as one is thoroughly entangled in modern life. We have also created a "font library" computer program to accompany the book. The user can type English sentences (we are still limited in this way, but the next step will include Chinese and other major languages) and the computer will instantaneously translate them into this language of icons. It can function as a "dictionary," and in the future it will have practical applications. Nicole and I first saw this piece at an exhibit called “Second Lives: Remixing The Ordinary” at the museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in New York. MAD builds on the arts and crafts movement made famous by William Morris in the late 19th Century by carefully blurring the hierarchies among art, craft, and design. The three pieces above are also from the "Second Lives" exhibit. The vinyl records morphing into butterflies (My Back Pages by Paul Villinski) were featured in advertisements - that image was intriguing enough to convince us to head down to Columbus Circle to see the works in person. The other images require deeper viewing to understand what materials are being remixed in their "second lives." Terese Agnew’s Portrait of a Textile Worker is a wall size tapestry. As you walk closer to the wall hanging you suddenly notice that the entire image was created by stitching clothing labels together. Deeply seeing this piece suddenly makes you think carefully about the people and labor that brings your clothing to life. A wall of clothing labels and the larger image they create become "symbolic" of much larger ideas The “Quarter Lounge” is made entirely of – you guessed it – "over 5000 Quarters, which required 27,000 welds to a substructure made of stainless steel." What does the use of this media/currency become symbolic of for you? For the artist and the art teacher, these types of works open up a world of possibility. Joe Fusaro over at PBS's Art:21 talks about the educational power of these works in his blog “Remixing. Transformation.” Works like these teach students to think beyond conventional art media. They teach students that you do not need expensive art supplies to create beautiful and unique objects that become something else in the hands of an artist…. And since so much in the world of contemporary art deals with transformation, this museum visit is an important step for my students to take in order to understand the breadth of visual possibilities in materials they encounter each and every day. But most of us aren’t art teachers, so what do artworks like this have to teach us and our students? "Culturally constructed symbolic codes" are commonly refereed to as "symbols" or "languages." Whenever I teach a novel, play or short story there is always, without fail, some student who asks, “do you really think the author intended to use that thing as a symbol?” This question becomes an excuse to ask students if there were any symbols that had an impact on their lives. They often talk about clothing, traffic signals or musicians. They know about symbols in social groups - symbols and styles indigenous to Goths are different from the ones embraced by Hip-Hoppers, Metalheads, or Emo kids. After they discuss symbols in their immediate environment I like move discussion to a symbol that is getting a lot of national media attention. Here are some interesting case studies from the last decade that might be give you some ideas... In roughly cronological order: "South Carolina's Confederate Flag Comes Down" - From Infoplease.com "Bush and art: way beyond Mapplethorpe" = From The SanFrancisco Gate NCAA Executive Committee Issues Guidelines For Use Of Native American Mascots At Championship Events - From NCAA.org "Activist says eliminating Native mascots 'an issue of dignity'" - From the University of Michigan Record "Dems want confederate flag off S.C. grounds" - From MSNBC "The Cartoons Conspiracy - The story behind the story of the furor over the Muhammad cartoons" - from The Village Voice Obama's Flag Pin Flip-Flop? - Time Magazine From here it is easy to talk with students about the practical and political power of symbols. It takes a long time for societies and cultures to agree on the meaning of codes and symbols - consensus can be formal, in informal or nonexistent when it comes to meaning. The first three colored traffic lights were introduced in 1920. Creating common traffic signs and symbols became such a big international issue that the League of Nations (now the United Nations) created within the Ministry of Transport the Permanent Committee on Road Traffic in 1927. By 1934 the League’s Ministry of Transport issued a law that urged all municipalities and other road authorities to adapt the three-color system in traffic lights. Shared symbolic meaning became essential to ensure trans-national road safety in a decentralized Europe. Looking carefully at symbols, their history and impact is not limited to those working in big disciplines like cultural studies and semiotics at the post-secondary level. We're constantly asked to decode symbols. Can you decode this? Additional info on this code here: http://www.timestar.org/ccchilbolton.htm How about this? How about some outdated symbols? Here are the first lines of the famous epic poem Beowulf in Middle English aka Indeterminate Saxon. Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum, þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon. Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum, monegum mægþum, meodosetla ofteah, egsode eorlas. Syððan ærest wearð feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad, weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah, oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra Everyday, we have students in our classes who look at handouts, films or textbooks and feel as daunted as some of us are by as the symbolic codes above. This is where Xu Bing’s “Book from the Ground” comes in as a powerful teaching tool. Stay tuned for our tomorrow’s Decoding Symbolic Language/“Book From Above” lesson plan/PDF!
Covering California’s high-speed rail project and future funding from the cap-and-trade program, Jeff Daniels of CNBC spoke with Near Zero’s Danny Cullenward: The rail authority is projecting it will get $4 billion to $4.5 billion in the future from the cap-and-trade auction through 2030. It also estimates it could get nearly $4 billion to $11 billion in additional funds it is able to borrow against future cap-and-trade revenues through a federal loan or public-private partnership. Yet some suggest the auction of emission allowances has been volatile in recent years and could weaken, as they did a few years ago. As a result, they believe it may be risky to rely on these auction revenues for financing major projects. “The revenue from the program is highly uncertain,” said Danny Cullenward, a Stanford University energy economist and researcher at the climate-change think tank Near Zero. “It’s not likely that you’d see significantly higher revenues in the near future. In fact, you may see them dip down as the volume of allowances goes down.” Read the full article, “California Gov-elect Gavin Newsom faces pressure to cut $77 billion high-speed rail project after audit” by Jeff Daniels, on the CNBC website.
The target of extrusion processing is the continual physical-chemical transformation of viscous polymers and the production of high quality structured products, thanks to the exact management of the processing conditions. The double screw extruders are composed of screwed assemblies, coupled and co-rotating, mounted on fluted shafts located inside a closed barrel. Because of the wide range of barrel and screw designs, varied screw profiles and process functions could be adapted taking under consideration the necessities of each process. Thus, the double screw extruders can carry out the next processes: transport, compression, mixing, cooking, shearing, heating, cooling, pumping, molding, etc. with high ranges of flexibility. The primary advantage of the extruders of double screw reticulated and co-rotary is its remarkable mixing capacity, which confers exceptional traits to the extruded products and provides a significant value to the processing units. Within the processes by extrusion of double screw, the raw supplies might be stable (powders, granulates, flours), liquids, suspensions, and probably gases. The final products are plastic composite, chemically custom-made polymers, textured foods and food products, fiber pulps, etc. Over time, double screw extruder has grow to be the principle commonplace for many industries, because it affords innumerable advantages compared to the extrusion of a single screw: – Better consistency in production, and control of product quality. – Greater flexibility, with capacity to produce a wide range of raw materials. – From easy and straightforward upkeep, they allow to save lots of energy and water. – For straightforward cleaning thanks to the design CIP (cleaning in place). – Enhance in productivity thanks to continuous processing, quick start-up and detention between phases of product transformation, quick conversion and advanced automation. If you have any issues relating to wherever and how to use plastic extrusion machine, you can speak to us at our own internet site.
Preventing Premature Weaning: Management Options for Common Lactation Conditions, Including OMT The benefits of breastfeeding are well established. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that mothers breastfeed infants for at least one year, but most children are not breastfed that long because of many factors. Breastfeeding mothers face many challenges to continued breastfeeding, including medical conditions that arise during this period, such as postpartum depression and lactational mastitis. Because of a perceived lack of consistent guidance on medication safety, it can be difficult for the family physician to treat these conditions while encouraging mothers to continue breastfeeding. The purpose of the current review is to summarize and clarify treatment options for the osteopathic family physician treating lactating mothers. We specifically focus on the pharmacological management of contraception, postpartum depression, and lactational mastitis.
What type of an investor are you? A bargain hunter or an aggressive risk taker? Are you an aggressive driver or a defensive one? The type of strategy that is suitable for you depends on your personality and your life situations. If you are not comfortable with risks, it does not make any sense to force yourself to invest in high risk stocks or funds. Value investors look for bargains. They look for funds that seek stocks that are trading below the fair value of the companies. These funds buy stocks that are considered undervalued. The stocks are sold when the fair market value is reached or the stocks are considered overvalued. The fund managers and analysts examine the balance sheets, financial statements, and cash flows to analyze the values of the target companies. Combined with their forecasts, they will be able to determine if a company is undervalued and therefore, it can be added to their portfolio. Growth investors are looking for tomorrow’s winners. They look for funds that seek companies with potentially substantial growth. The fund managers and analysts look for companies that can generate revenues or earnings greater than the market’s expectations. Growth is all about whether a company can consistently deliver better than expected earnings. Growth is not about a company’s valuation or paying investors dividends regularly. Which strategy do you prefer? It depends on your comfort with risks. If you can’t decide what to do, you could mix them up in your portfolio. Often than not, one will outperform the other. When you own both, it takes the worries away. You just let the market do its thing.
Comp 271 lab 1 - Lists of Strings - Introduction to Arrays - Introduction to for loops In this lab you will build (or finish building) a class StrList, which is supposed to work a lot like ArrayList<String>. I have given you a starter version, but some things need fixing. After you get this version working, you are to implement the generic version TList<T>, in which the type is supplied as a parameter. The strings themselves are stored in an array elements[ ]. Not all of the array is necessarily used; only the first currsize slots are (elements through elements[currsize-1]). The variable currsize thus represents the active length of the StrList, not elements.length. This way our StrList can easily grow in length, at least up until the hard limit of elements.length. The main task of this lab is to implement growing past I've given you a starter/demo project in IntelliJ for both StrList and These contain the following methods: The project also contains class WordTest to add a bunch of words to a list, thus testing your add() method. The main() entry point is in WordTest. - add(string y) - String get(String n) - void set(int n, String val) - int size() - void print() You are to do the following: 1. Make add() work even when elements is full The trick here is to allocate a new array, say newelements, of larger size (doubling works, or increasing by 10, or increasing by 1.5 although that's trickier because of the floating-point conversions): newelements = new string[newsize]; Next you copy from elements[i] for i<currsize. This is done with a straightforward for or while loop. Finally, you replace elements by newelements: elements = newelements does it. Note that in Java there is no need to do anything with the "old" elements. In C++ you should call delete on it; see the destructor ~StrList for an example. At this point, you now have space to add the new item, so you go ahead and do it. The overall add structure looks like: if (currsize == // do the space expansion as above to ensure room // now add the usual way; one way or another we know there elements[currsize] = y; currsize += 1; Once you do this, the program should behave quite differently; you shouldn't get those "no more room to add ...." messages, and the entire list should print out. You can ignore the equals() and hashCode() methods. For 2. Add a fill() method Create a method void fill(string val) that is like Add(val) until the current capacity is reached. That is, element[i] is set to val provided i>currsize and i<elements.Length (or i<capacity in the C++ version). I suppose calling it Fill() rather than fill() would be With this, the following combination would create a list of 10 empty StrList sl = new StrList(10); // currsize = 0 but potential capacity = 3. The generic version: this should be pretty straightforward. Here I encourage you to write an expand() method; you might want to do this for the StrList version as well. Note that get(n) returns null if n is out of range; this works because null is compatible with any object type. Note that in the generic version you cannot create an array T elements. Arrays in Java have to have a "specific" type. It is not clear if there is a good reason for this. What we do instead is create an array Object elements. Assigning a value of type T to a component of this array (as in set()) is legal; Object variables can be assigned values of type T. But get() is a little trickier; we take the value out of the array and have to cast it to type T. Submit your work on Sakai (or via email) by putting it all into a zip file. Zip the whole project.
Does your business need a consultant, a freelancer or both? In a nutshell, freelancers and consultants are both self-employed professionals. They are not employed by the businesses they work for. However, they work differently and tend to be seen in different industries. What is a freelancer? Freelancers are self-employed workers who work from home or their own premises and usually work for several clients on various projects, often simultaneously. Freelancers are common in the creative and media industries, so you will likely find freelance writers, designers, photographers, and web developers. What to typically expect from a freelancer? Freelancers get their hands dirty in that they get on with the work, often working to briefs and deadlines but are usually happy to offer inputs as necessary or requested by the project owner. After all, many freelancers have worked with similar businesses, so they have become knowledgeable of what works and what doesn't and can offer valuable input. How to hire a freelancer It's pretty easy to hire a freelancer. There are many online platforms, such as Fiverr, Bark and Upwork, where you can post jobs for freelancers to bid for or with a quick Google search, you should be able to find many freelancers on their own websites so you can be selective on who you work with. Why should you hire a freelancer? Hiring a freelancer gives you a lot of flexibility. It saves your business money because you can commission your freelancer when you need them for a specific task without the overhead cost of a permanent staff member. For example, suppose you publish annual catalogues. In that case, you will be better off getting a freelance graphic designer to work on the catalogues from any point up to completing the design and print rather than employing a full-time graphic designer when you may not have enough work for the rest of the year. Achieve your business goals with Lizzy Lloyd Creative Designs! What is a consultant? A consultant is someone who provides expertise to companies in a specific field. They don't complete client work but give businesses tools to implement their proposals. They're problem solvers who can help organisations overcome obstacles. Consultants are more prevalent in high speciality areas such as business financial consulting, business growth strategist or IT solutions consultant. The titles are more elaborate and lean more towards strategists and advice, not necessarily doing the work. What to typically expect from a consultant Consultants will enter your business to help you achieve the goal you hired them to achieve. As an example, if you are trying to grow your workforce, you may need an HR consultant who can come into your business to scope out your current situation and help you look for solutions that can help you scale correctly and sustainably. Essentially consultants lean towards problem-solving and offering you the solutions. How to hire a consultant? We create the designs for your invitation, RSVP, information card, and any additional items you may require for your invitation suite. The designs of your ‘On the Day’ stationery items – such as table plan, menu, order of service etc – are also included in the service, providing the same design theme is maintained. A separate fee may be applicable if additional illustrations are required, although this will be agreed with you in advance. Why should you hire a consultant? If you know what you want to achieve but are unsure how to do it, then hiring a consultant would be the best way. Consultants are highly skilled in their field and should be able to quickly discover any potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your business and help you work out solutions in line with your budget. Why work with Lizzy Lloyd Lizzy Lloyd operates as a freelance agency, which means that we offer services as a freelancer with the added value of consultancy. Many of our clients come to us knowing what they want, and whilst some clients may have loads of ideas, and some have a few, some may have none. We offer full consultancy services to get an understanding and scope as to what can be delivered for the budget. Once the project has been defined, a project brief is written up, and then our agency can proceed to the next step as a freelancer to complete the work. The work is carried out exclusively by Lizzy Lloyd Creative Designs, so clients have one point of contact at all times and, therefore, can ensure consistency. Would you like a free 30 minutes consultation to see what we could potentially do for your business? Then call Lizzy Lloyd on (+44) 79 4676 2494 or drop me a line at [email protected].
The Qube! worker can run either as a daemon (a "system service" on Windows), or a user process. When it runs as a daemon, it's said to be running in service mode. When it runs as a user process, it's said to be running in Desktop User mode. - The worker process is usually started at system boot time and runs as long as the system is up - The worker process runs as either a Windows service or a daemon owned by the root user on OS X and linux. - The worker process will run jobs under a user other than root or the system service. This user is determined by the proxy_execution_mode value: proxy_execution_mode = proxy means it will always authenticate as the user defined in proxy_account. proxy_execution_mode = user means it will always authenticate as the user who submitted the job. Desktop User mode: - The worker process is started by a logged in user, usually when that user logs in, and is killed when the user logs out - The worker process is owned by the logged in user - The worker process does not re-authenticate, and all jobs are run by the user who owns the worker process - The worker process has full access to the screenspace Worker Authentication in Service mode When the Worker launches a remote job as dispatched by the Supervisor, it can potentially create several processes, all controlled by the Worker. Since Qube is designed to emulate a user executing jobs on a remote host, the Worker will have to run these processes as some user. Unix & OS X Under Unix-based operating systems, the Worker does a setuid in order to switch user identities before starting the process. One implication of this is that the user's shell environment is not set up (tcshrc or equivalent is not run), so the job's environment may not be identical to an actual login by that user. On Windows, this is handled quite differently. Under Windows, any process attempting to impersonate another user will have to provide certain security information, including the user's encrypted password. To enable the Worker to provide this information every time it creates a new process, the information is stored in the worker's configuration, either in the worker's local qb.conf or the central worker configuration file stored on the supervisor. Authenticating on Windows using an Active Directory Domain account It's possible to use an AD account as the proxy account; this allows the proxy account to be added to the ACL's on networked filesystem, be centrally managed, etc. For example, if you have a domain account that I would login as MyCorp\someuser, where the AD domain name is "MyCorp", and the user's name is "someuser", you would configure it as follows: proxy_account = someuser worker_host_domain = MyCorp These values can be set either in the worker's local qb.conf, but a best practice is to set in the supervisor's central worker configuration file.
A one-stop-skill for your LEGO® needs! Alexa can tell you available sets, themes, and sub-themes and give you details based on set numbers. This Amazon Alexa skill reads the definition of the Merriam-Webster Daily Buzzword from their website with an optional example usage & quiz. Trying to give your Alexa skill a little more character? Use Speechcons in a skill to hack the Alexa voice to show a little emotion. The idea is to play a Bollywood trivia game. It will ask questions related to Bollywood and you give answers to the questions and score pts. Love predictor will give you a percentage score of two people making it together. You say the 2 names, Alexa will give you the score. An Alexa skill to answer common questions about the rules of board games. This trivia game tests your knowledge of the human digestive system.
The total minority enrollment is 9%, and 32% of students are economically disadvantaged. Clear Lake High School Unclaimed. Discover why! Grades 9-12. It is ranked 371st in the best public high schools in California.. Data Citation: Unless otherwise noted, all information on this page is retrieved or calculated from data … With an average of 2,600 students, diversity abounds on a campus filled with limitless possibilities. Also, please explore the links on the left side of this page to learn more about the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Costs and Aid. It is ranked 109th in the best public high schools in Texas.. Data Citation: Unless otherwise noted, all information on this page is retrieved or … FISD is in a great location for enrichment learning in Space, … You will be joining a vibrant and diverse community of … Friendswood High School Unclaimed. Grades 9-12. Venkatesh, a junior at Clear Lake High School in Houston, wrote and starred in the film, which focuses on the main character’s efforts to … Discover why! Explore our 524-acre campus located on a wildlife and nature preserve in the heart of Clear Lake’s high tech community. Students have an enormous opportunity to succeed at a college or university, technical school or career thanks to the foundation built at Clear Creek High School. Clear Lake High School 2929 Bay Area Boulevard Houston, TX, 77058 (281) 284-1900 Application Deadlines; Admissions Requirements; High School Courses Back ... Congratulations on your acceptance to University of Houston-Clear Lake as a sophomore student! Clear Creek Independent School District (281) 284-1900 School website. 702 Greenbriar Drive, Friendswood, TX 77546. Share Clear Creek, a navigable waterway, offers direct water access to the Gulf of Mexico through Clear Lake and Galveston Bay.Our district covers 15 square miles and borders the Alvin, Pearland and Clear Creek school districts and next to the fourth largest city in America. Schedule a Campus Visit. ... Studies show that diversity in school leads to long-term benefits for students. • Writing, Grades 9-12 — Kelli Gapinski, Clear Lake High School; Samantha Orozco, Mason City High School . UHCL hires new coordinator for student diversity. October 26, 2018 | UHCL Staff Creating an inclusive culture on campus is a key factor in facilitating student success, and that begins with ensuring and supporting a diverse student body, says Joshua Quinn, University of Houston-Clear Lake’s new coordinator of women, gender and … Clear Lake High has an academic rating somewhat above the average for California high schools based on its high test performance and low AP course participation. Clear Lake High School has an academic rating significantly above the average for Texas high schools based on its high test performance and high AP course participation. “Be the Difference-CCHS!” Contact info. Friendswood Independent School District (281) 482-3413 School website. Contact info. Students 2,332. 2929 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058. Below you will find pertinent information regarding application deadlines, procedures, and requirements. ... Studies show that diversity in school leads to long-term benefits for students. Students 2,111. Share The AP® participation rate at Clear Lake High is 28%.
Once dubbed “Africa’s Pinochet”, the 72-year-old has been in custody in Senegal since his arrest in June 2013 at the home he shared in an affluent suburb of Dakar with his wife and children. Rights groups say 40,000 Chadians were killed between 1982 and 1990 under a regime propped up by fierce crackdowns on opponents and the targeting of rival ethnic groups he perceived as a threat to his stranglehold on the central African nation. Delayed for years by Senegal, the trial will set a historic precedent as until now African leaders accused of atrocities have been tried in international courts. Senegal and the African Union signed an agreement in December 2012 to set up a court to bring Habre to justice. The AU had mandated Senegal to try Habre in July 2006, but the country stalled the process for years under former president Abdoulaye Wade, who was defeated in 2012 elections. Habre was also wanted for trial in Belgium on war crimes and crimes against humanity charges after three Belgian nationals of Chadian origin filed a suit in 2000 for arbitrary arrest, mass murder and torture. Macky Sall, Wade’s successor who took office in April 2012, ruled out extraditing Habre to Belgium, vowing to organise a trial in Senegal. “This is the first case anywhere in the world – not just in Africa – where the courts of one country, Senegal, are prosecuting the former leader of another, Chad, for alleged human rights crimes,” Reed Brody, a lawyer at Human Rights Watch (HRW) told AFP. Brody said it was also the first time that the concept of “universal jurisdiction” – that a suspect can be prosecuted for their past crimes wherever in the world they find themselves — had been implemented in Africa. “So there are a lot of historical aspects to this. But, for me, the most important kind of thing is that it is the survivors who have pushed for 25 years,” he added. Habre will be judged by the Extraordinary African Chambers, set up by Senegal and the African Union in February 2013 to prosecute the “person or persons” most responsible for international crimes committed in Chad during Habre’s rule. The trial will be heard by two Senegalese judges and one from Burkina Faso, who will serve as president of the process. The chambers indicted Habre in July 2013 and placed him in pre-trial custody while four investigating judges spent 19 months interviewing some 2,500 witnesses and victims and analysing thousands of documents. Around 100 witnesses will testify during hearings expected to last around three months, although 4,000 people have been registered as victims in the case. Habre has said he does not recognise the court’s jurisdiction and vowed that he and his lawyers will play no part, although under Senegalese law he could still be forced to turn up. “When we began this case, when we started working with the victims – I stated in 1999 – one of the victims said to Human Rights Watch ‘since when has justice come all the way to Chad?’,” Brody told AFP. “The African Union saw the importance of being able to show that you can have justice in Africa,” he added.
Energy: For the first time in three months from July to September figures showed that electricity was produced from renewable energy. In the middle year of 2019, records showed that 38.9 per cent energy was produced by wind solar, hydro and other renewable. More than 38.8 per cent energy is produced from gas. The record of the business and energy department shows that 1 per cent is produced by coal. There were very low – carbon energy and for that reason a new of 57.3 per cent was reached. Strong levels of generations were the outcome because of the low output from nuclear reactors. Statistics shows that ongoing switch away from fossil fuels namely Coal. For cleaner sources of energy the government came to the decision to take action and get it all settle. After the election victory the committee on Climate change wrote to Borris Johnson, telling him to deliver 40 gigawatts of the offshore wind by 2030. Also that the producing needs to be cut in some areas, transport, industry, heating homes and agriculture. In 2050 the government would like to reduce the greenhouse gas. Almost 20 per cent of our energy is produced by wind.
Light Efficient Design (North Barrington, IL) recently introduced its new LED-8025 Garage / Utility light. Designed for low bay applications in parking structures and warehouses, this patent pending lamp replaces existing High Intensity Discharge (HID) or High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulbs. Up until now, facility managers and building engineers needed to add the cost of a new fixture when weighing the decision to switch to LED. The LED-8025 simply screws into their current fixture. Each 52W lamp replaces up to a 175W metal halide bulb and has an estimated 50,000 hour life. The unique design includes an active cooling feature comprised of a Delta 70,000 hour fan. Other features include: 5700K Daylight (other K’s available); 3200 Lumens; Dual Voltage (120-277V). For Free Info Click Here
Challenges involved in literary translation services The challenges posed by literary translation are as follows: - Stylistic resources and wordplay. The use of stylistic devices or wordplay makes translating difficult because there are usually no equivalents. The literary translator must understand the meaning and beauty expressed by the author and look for an equivalent to that meaning. - Proper nouns. Proper names, whether of places, people or pets, may have a meaning for the understanding of the text. For example, in the novel Scarlet, an adaptation of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale, one of the main characters is named Wolf in the original. When translated into Spanish, this name became Lobo (the Spanish for “wolf”). - Terminology. This difficulty arises, above all, in science fiction and fantasy literary works. This is because the author invents words or expressions for the worlds, objects or actions in the story. In addition, the terminology can be very complex. - In relation to the previous sections, sagas can also pose a problem for literary translation in this respect. If you have chosen to translate a name or term, it is important to keep it throughout the saga. In this way, the reader will not have problems for the complete understanding of the text. This failure, for example, is present in the aforementioned saga and with the same character. In Scarlet, the character’s name was translated as follows “Lobo” for Wolf, but in later books the English form was retained. This causes confusion for the reader because, if they do not know English, they would not be sure what the name refers to. - Information revealed later. In some books, the author aims to create expectation with the story. Therefore, at the beginning of the novel they tell the story indirectly or in an unclear way, and then reveal everything at the end. This poses a difficulty for literary translators because they may not understand exactly what the fact refers to. For this reason, it is recommended that translators read the entire novel before starting to translate, if they have enough time to do so. - Target culture. The work may have many nuances that refer to the source culture. For this reason, the translator must have a great knowledge of both cultures in order to provoke the same feelings in the readers of both languages. In short, literary translation services not only translate words, but also feelings and emotions. It is also about finding the right equivalents so that the reader thinks that they are not reading a translation, but rather author’s own words directly in their own language. That is why some say that literary translation is like writing a new book, but having a guide on what to write. At Translinguo Global®, our literary translation services will help your work be the best it can be in another language.
|Nutrition Facts (per serving)| |Servings: 6 to 8| |Amount per serving| |% Daily Value*| |Total Fat 13g||17%| |Saturated Fat 8g||38%| |Total Carbohydrate 13g||5%| |Dietary Fiber 1g||4%| |Total Sugars 3g| |Vitamin C 3mg||13%| |*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.| This homemade stuffing recipe never sees the inside of a turkey, so it's up to you whether to call it "stuffing" or "dressing." Either way, baking it in its own dish is preferable because the top turns out golden-brown and crispy. Besides, cooking stuffing inside the bird is a major food safety risk. Stuffing is mainly bread, so not surprisingly, the better your bread, the better your stuffing will be. That doesn't mean it can't be white bread, but a chewy, crusty loaf will hold up better and have a better texture after it's cooked. A hearty sourdough is especially nice. There's always a debate among stuffing aficionados over whether to include an egg, which helps to bind the stuffing together. Some people don't care for it at all, while for others it's two eggs or bust. This recipe includes a single egg, but you can use two or just leave it out, as you prefer. As for the herbs, fresh sage is an absolute must in the homemade stuffing. If you've ever grown your own sage, you know that if you're doing a big harvest (as opposed to just snipping off a leaf or three), it's best to do it a couple of months before the first frost. Which no doubt explains why sage is so traditional in Thanksgiving stuffing. You can use additional herbs as well, like thyme and/or marjoram, but definitely make sure of the sage. Click Play to See This Recipe Come Together 8 slices bread, cut into half-inch dice (about 4 cups or 230 grams) 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celery 4 ounces (1/2 cup) unsalted butter 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped sage, thyme, and/or marjoram 1 large egg, beaten 1 cup walnuts, hazelnuts, or slivered almonds, chopped, optional Raisins, or diced apples, optional Gather the ingredients. Preheat oven to 400 F. Spread the diced bread on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes or until lightly golden. Give the pan a shake midway through so the cubes brown evenly. Remove pan and let the bread cool. Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Sauté the onion and celery until the onion is slightly translucent. Remove from heat and let cool. Transfer the toasted bread, chopped herbs and the cooked celery and onions to a large bowl. Add any nuts or fruit at this stage, too. Give it all a toss to combine. Now, drizzle a bit of the stock over the bread cubes and gently mix. Repeat until all the bread is moistened but not soggy. Now add the egg and toss until all the ingredients are coated. Butter a baking dish, transfer the dressing to the dish and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the top is crispy. Serve hot and enjoy! - While the add-ons (slivered almonds, raisins, diced apples, etc) are optional, they do make a big difference, and if you're only making stuffing one time this year, you might as well go all-out. - Here's some more info about stuffing, including a quantity chart, food safety tips, and how to get it into the bird.
Wormsloe is often cited as one of Savannah’s top attractions. A quick internet search describes it as a state park, famous for its avenue of oak trees dripping with Spanish moss, under which visitors line up to take pictures and even get married. Tripadvisor reviews call it “breathtaking,” “magical,” and “like a fairy tale.” You’d never know Wormsloe was actually a plantation that ran on the labor of enslaved people. Many travelers approach plantations, a cornerstone of tourism in the South, as they would parks, museums, or historical sites: a beautiful place to learn something about local history before having a cocktail or going out to dinner. But plantations need to be experienced differently. Black people were enslaved, raped, tortured, and killed for hundreds of years on these lands. They are America’s concentration camps. Rather than shy away from the painful truth, plantations must expose it. They are a vital educational resource with which to combat modern-day racism. The institution of slavery “translates into virtually every kind of social and economic racial disparity that you might think of today in terms of education, net worth, health, and mortality,” says Bernard Powers, director of the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston and consultant with Middleton Place plantation. “It’s one thing to hear that. It’s another thing to go to a plantation site where you can see where the deed was done, see the implements of oppression, see the chains.” Plantations are uniquely equipped to offer such an impactful, immersive experience. If such tours no longer existed, Powers says, “we would be far closer to developing an amnesia about what happened in the past, and the way in which the past continues to dog us in the present.” Visitors are surprised to hear from Toby Smith, the lead interpretive aide at Charleston’s McLeod Plantation, that the descendants of people enslaved at McLeod continued to live there, occupying huts without running water, until 1990. “It begins to sink in how very recent this is,” she says. McLeod’s Black visitorship rose after the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, though Black and white visitors alike are “looking for answers.” Some people don’t want to hear about slavery when they’re “on vacation,” says Brigette Janea Jones, former director of African American studies at Nashville’s Belle Meade plantation. But the experience can be life-changing. “For many people, they leave feeling much better than they came, that they faced their fears,” Smith says. However, plantation tours vary tremendously, which poses a problem for travelers as they try to choose which one to visit. Some plantations celebrate the white slave-owning family and the upper-class furnishings of the big house with no mention of the atrocities that occurred there. Others are dedicated to honoring the lives of enslaved people, or are imperfectly working toward that goal. This quandary also applies to historic houses, colonial attractions, and other slavery-era sites that functioned like plantations, but perhaps don’t look like them at first glance. Savannah’s Owens-Thomas House and Slave Quarters is one of the oldest examples of urban enslaved people’s housing in the South—but it was only in 2018 that “slave quarters” was added to its official name. Because of that, and its city setting, most visitors don’t view it as a plantation, says Bri Salley, marketing and communications manager for Telfair Museums, whose properties include Owens-Thomas. Visitors come primarily to learn about architecture and decorative arts, but receive an education on slavery too, hearing letters from enslaved people about their experience as cooks and groundskeepers. With so many different types of plantations out there, with ranging emphasis on the history of enslaved people, we’ve created this guide to help travelers navigate their decision-making process. Here are some considerations for your next trip. Take plantation tours that center Black voices Look for plantations that focus heavily on the lives of enslaved people and tell their first-person stories, but more than that, look for plantations that employ Black historians, tours guides, and administrators. Avoid whitewashed storytelling that aims to make the experience more palatable, like tours that revolve around the slave-owning family and the luxurious furnishings of the big house. Brigette Janea Jones is a fifth-generation Tennessean whose family was enslaved in Tennessee, and she led a Journey to Jubilee tour during her time at Belle Meade plantation, a tour that focused on the lives of enslaved people. She recited narratives recorded from enslaved people, whom she viewed as her own family, and the experience was very emotional for her. Journey to Jubilee began as an exhibit in 2007, but “grew like wildfire” once the tour launched in 2018, and there was a subsequent push not to have such segregated tours as they had been operating before she launched this program. Jones says part of the solution was to put more Black artifacts, like portraits of enslaved people, inside the big house to acknowledge their role there, instead of regarding it as a purely white space. “White people can do this work,” says Jones about curating an experience that amplifies Black voices. “But Black people should be doing it.” Avoid plantations that host weddings When Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds had their 2012 wedding at Boone Hall Plantation, in South Carolina, activists sounded the alarm on the decision. Since weddings are a reliable source of revenue, many plantations are reluctant to give it up, but the practice is both inappropriate and disrespectful, drawing parallels to throwing a birthday party at Auschwitz. Similarly, avoid plantations that promote honeymoon packages, girls getaways, or other recreational products that detract from a serious discussion of slavery. For Pia Spinner, a descendant of people enslaved in Virginia and the education research assistant at Virginia’s Menokin plantation, this practice must stop industrywide. “No more plantation weddings,” she says, adding that while weddings did happen on plantations, those of enslaved people were often done in secret and went unrecognized. Menokin does not host weddings. While the revenue may be tempting, a different business model is possible, says Joy Banner, director of communications at Whitney Plantation outside New Orleans. Whitney is famous for focusing exclusively on Black lives, and it does not host weddings or other events that detract from this mission. “There is opportunity to be honest and still have a sustainable business,” she says. Look for the living descendants of enslaved people Plantations should collaborate with the living descendants of people who were enslaved on the property. Descendants should have a say in how their family stories are told, how the property is managed, and how the organization interacts with the surrounding community. Joy Banner is not just an employee at Whitney Plantation—she’s also a descendant of people enslaved on that very property, and she says that descendants are a crucial part of fulfilling Whitney’s mission. Besides herself, descendants occupy various other positions within the organization, including as interpreters and front desk staff. “You’re gonna need to contact the descendant community,” says Janea Jones, advising other curators to collect the oral histories of descendants when developing their historic interpretations. In addition to working with Belle Meade in Nashville, Jones also worked with nearby Rippavilla plantation. At Middleton Place, living descendants have joined the board of trustees and contributed valuably to the plantation’s storytelling, says Jeff Neale, director of preservation and interpretation. For years Middleton hosted separate reunions for Black and white descendants, until the first integrated one in 2006, a turning point says Neale, who joined Middleton in 2009. “From what I was told, people were a little worried, but it turned out to be an incredible experience.” Ask about reparations It’s ideal, though rare, for a plantation to give reparations to its living descendants, or allow descendants to have a say in how reparations are administered. Some plantations are working toward this, either in the form of direct monetary compensation or bolstering economic activity in the descendant community. There’s an ongoing discussion at Menokin about compensating descendants, Spinner says. “I truly believe that all sites that want to work with the descendants of the people that they owned and benefitted from should compensate them.” McLeod is also considering compensating descendants, some of whom have visited and given feedback on the experience, says Smith. “The descendants that contribute to the narrative of a plantation should be compensated,” says Banner of Whitney. “What that compensation looks like should be directed by the descendants.” She says plantations should make some kind of direct payout to descendants, though this has not been instituted at Whitney, and the pandemic put big collaborative projects like this on the back burner. Direct payouts aside, Whitney has fostered some economic activity for the descendant community. Years ago Banner’s sister opened a bakery near Whitney, and after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, the business closed. When Whitney opened to the public in 2014 and attracted visitors to the area, the business reopened as Fee-Fo-Lay Café, and it became a place where Whitney visitors could continue their conversations about slavery’s legacy. Descendants starting their own businesses is “the most powerful access that a plantation can give to a descendant community,” Banner says. Broaden your view of when slavery happened The story of slavery is not confined to a 250-year period. Plantation tours should discuss the lives of African people before the transatlantic slave trade, the fact that plantations were built on land taken from Indigenous peoples, and the links between slavery, Jim Crow, mass incarceration, police brutality, and other current events. For Spinner at Menokin, it’s important to acknowledge the murder and displacement of Native peoples to make way for plantations in the first place. “We do bring up the fact that this is Rappahannock land,” she says, adding that there are ongoing discussions about how to better include the tribe, honor its legacy, and have members use the land—to hold ceremonies, for example. “Our Native American brothers and sisters were here first,” says Smith of McLeod. On her tours, she also traces enslaved people back to their lives on the African continent. She takes visitors down to Wappoo Creek and goes backward in time, by river to the Port of Charleston, by ocean back to Africa, and that opens up a discussion about the diversity of languages and cultures there. This topic is particularly personal for Smith. When her great-great grandmother was a young girl, she was taken away from her family in what is now Ghana, and brought to the United States. Smith says she mourned this familial loss. “Tell the story of who they were before they were captured,” she says. “America only knows Black people as captured.” Last but not least, it’s crucial to connect the past to the present. Plantations should explain how slavery gave way to rampant lynchings during the Jim Crow era, alongside which police brutality flourished, long before the Black Lives Matter movement of today. During this time, countless George Floyds were killed, many of whose deaths did not spark nationwide protests. Honest storytelling is fundamental to this entire effort, says Banner of Whitney. “If we are true to what the plantation was about, the difficulty of the labor that was involved, the system of slavery that kept people in prison on this land, rather than treating it like it’s this beautiful southern resort that was just magical for everybody, then we will be able to contribute a huge amount of progress toward racial healing.” For more information Whitney Plantation: 5099 Louisiana Highway 18, Edgard, LA 70049; whitneyplantation.org McLeod Plantation: 325 Country Club Drive, Charleston, SC 29412; https://ccprc.com/1447/McLeod-Plantation-Historic-Site Menokin Plantation: 4037 Menokin Road, Warsaw, Virginia 22572; menokin.org Source: Read Full Article
Assurance of Hope (Romans 8:18-25) Prepared and preached by Pastor Steve Rhodes for and at Bethel Friends Church on Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23, 2021 In his book The Divine Commodity, Skye Jethani shares a story from a trip he took to India with his father. While walking the streets of New Delhi, a little boy approached them. He was “skinny as a rail, and naked but for tattered blue shorts. His legs were stiff and contorted, like a wire hanger twisted upon itself.” Because of his condition, the little boy could only waddle along on his calloused knees. He made his way toward Skye and his father and cried out, “One rupee, please! One rupee!” Skye describes what happened when his father eventually responded to the boy’s persistent begging: “What do you want?” [my father asked]. “One rupee, sir,” the boy said while motioning his hand to his mouth and bowing his head in deference. My father laughed. “How about I give you five rupees?” he said. The boy’s submissive countenance suddenly became defiant. He retracted his hand and sneered at us. He thought my father was joking, having a laugh at his expense. After all, no one would willingly give up five rupees. The boy started shuffling away, mumbling curses under his breath. My father reached into his pocket. Hearing the coins jingle, the boy stopped and looked back over his shoulder. My father was holding out a five-rupee coin. He approached the stunned boy and placed the coin into his hand. The boy didn’t move or say a word. He just stared at the coin in his hand. We passed him and proceeded to cross the street. A moment later the shouting resumed, except this time the boy was yelling, “Thank you! Thank you, sir! Bless you!” He raced after us once again—but not for more money but to touch my father’s feet. … This, I imagine, is how our God sees us—as miserable creatures in desperate need of his help. But rather than asking for what we truly need, rather than desiring what he is able and willing to give, we settle for lesser things. Do you realize that? God loves us and He sees us with our real needs. God sees our needs. God wants to save us. God gives us the Holy Spirit as a pledge of our salvation (Eph. 1:14). We do settle for lesser things but we have hope. Today, we will look at Romans 8:18-25. The Assurance of Hope The believer has a new hope, the final redemption of all things. - Present grief versus future glory (verse 18). - Verse 18 reads: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Paul had been writing how we are adopted. Paul had been writing about how we are fellow heirs with Christ. Paul had been writing about how the Spirit testifies that we are children of God. Now, Paul begins to write about how our present suffering does not compare with our future glory. Paul writes about our hope. - I notice that Paul acknowledges suffering, do you notice that? - For I consider that the sufferings of this present time… Paul mentions “sufferings,” but also “present time.” - We all suffer in this present time. We are all going through struggles. We all go through sicknesses, if not ourselves, our friends and family face sicknesses. We all go through mental illness, if not ourselves, our friends and family face mental illness. We all go through spiritual attacks, temptations, and even spiritual warfare (Eph 6:10-12). This is true whether we realize it or not. We suffer. - Paul here is acknowledging that we suffer. - Paul does not say, “the suffering is not real…” Paul does not say, “toughen up…” No, Paul is comparing the suffering with our future with Jesus. - Paul says the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. - Paul is contrasting the two. - Paul is referring to the resurrection of the body. - We are to make our present pain seem small in comparison to what is coming. - 2 Co 4:17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison… - 1 Pe 4:13 But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. - Some day God will make all things new. That is in Revelation 21:1-4. - A few weeks ago someone died an untimely death. But the person was a believer in Christ. I was told the person was looking forward to playing cards with family again after COVID. As I prayed I thought, “This person is much happier in heaven.” No matter when we die, if we are in Christ, we will be happier in Heaven. We are always asking the Lord, “Why did You take them so soon?” They are in Heaven asking the opposite. They are in heaven asking the Lord when He will restore all things (Revelation 6:9-11). - What is coming? Let’s look at the next few verses. - Paul’s metaphor of creation (verses 19-23). - Verse 19 reads: For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. - Paul now broadens the subject matter. - In verse 18 Paul used “I” and “us.” These are both personal pronouns. Now, Paul looks at this from a broader view. Now, he looks at this not from an individual perspective, but rather from a broader perspective. Now, Paul writes about all of creation suffering. All of creation is waiting with “eager” longing… or, literally, “eager expectations.” All of creation is waiting expectantly and how are they waiting “eagerly.” All of creation is earnestly waiting. As one writes: He personified it as leaning forward eagerly in anticipation of the great day in which God will fully redeem it too (cf. Gal. 5:5; Phil. 3:20; Heb. 9:28). - What is all of creation waiting for? Creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. - Who are the sons of God? That is us, actually we are sons and daughters of God and that is powerful. Remember verse 16 about this, the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. - Creation is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed and this would mean glorifying the sons of God when all is made new and right. - What is wrong with creation? Sin. Everything is fallen, all creation is depraved and needs redeemed. “all creation” means all animals, insects, stars, asteroids, rivers, oceans, cells, everything is marred by sin. - Look at verses 20-21: For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. - Everything, all creation was subjected to futility. One source says: This refers to the inability to achieve a goal or purpose. Because of man’s sin, God cursed the physical universe (Ge 3:17–19), and now, no part of creation entirely fulfills God’s original purpose. - Bobby Murphy wrote about this in a blog article, he wrote: Those verses reveal when Adam and Eve “fell” in the garden, so did the rest of creation, also called “nature.” There is a spiritual link between humans and nature so defined that nature’s destiny, from the beginning in Genesis 1:1, was tied up with the destiny of humans, and still is. When humans sinned and were cursed, so was nature. As beautiful and joy producing as nature is, therefore, there’s something wrong with it. It’s futile and corrupt. - This futility and corruption are evident in non-living things and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, that is, the Law of Increased Entropy. Left to itself, our sun, for instance, will eventually “grow cold and die.” - As sociologist Tony Campolo points out though, it’s most evident in animals and two obvious characteristics God never intended but they routinely display. One is their brutality. So, hawks swoop down and rip open the necks of mice and squirrels or adorable lion cubs with bloody faces chew at the carcass of a Zebra their mother killed. The other characteristic is their fear: the rabbit frozen in its tracks, the wildcat hunching its back, the rattlesnake poised to strike, or dogs slinking to the ground. Those are without doubt postures of alarm. - One source shares: Verses 19–21 are Paul’s commentary on Gn 3. When Jesus returns to earth with His people, the curse will be lifted from the world. Inanimate creation is personified in this passage as looking forward to the restoration of creation. - Creation was subjected to futility, but not willingly… how? Who is the “him” who subjected it? This happened at the fall. God ultimately subjected it, but this happened because of sin entering the world, but there is a goal. Verse 21 shows that creation is waiting to be set free. - Look at verses 22-23: For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. - All of creation is waiting for redemption. Look at the language Paul is using. All of creation is going through labor pangs. All of creation is going through childbirth. In verse 23 Paul comes back to us. All of creation is groaning in childbirth and so are we. We, Christians, have the firstfruits of the Spirit. That means that we have the firstfruits, that is a pledge that more is to come. - What is the firstfruits? I think the firstfruits would be the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts (Romans 8:9; Galatians 5:22-23). - We are first groaning and waiting eagerly for adoption as sons, but we are ultimately waiting on the redemption of our bodies. - I think right here Paul means resurrection. We are eagerly waiting until when God makes all things new. Paul will come back to this in verses 29-30. - Also, as one source shares: First fruits may have OT offering connotations (cf. Lv 23). The first fruits offering was to show one’s trust in the Lord, that if He has provided early aspects of the harvest, He could be trusted for good provision later. God has given the Spirit to believers at the present time, establishing an unbreakable connection between the initial experience of salvation and its end in eternity. The Spirit is both the first installment of our salvation and the down payment of the pledge that guarantees the remaining stages of the work of God in our salvation. - We wait patiently and confidently (verses 24-25). - Look now at verses 24-25: For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. - Paul talks about our hope. We were saved with the hope of when God will make all things new. - We hope, not for what we see, but what we do not see. - This is why we wait with patience. - Think of this way. - Until the last 30 or so years women did not see their babies until they were born, right? For many of you, you did not know if you were going to have a baby boy or a baby girl until the baby came. You know what that was like. You had hope. You had hope for the baby to come. You knew that you had a baby coming, but you had not seen the baby yet. The birth pangs came and eventually the baby comes. You waited patiently and then your baby came. But you had to go through labor first. - Paul wrote about our creation in birth pangs in verse 22, and like a pregnant mother, creation is waiting for the baby to come. The birth is when God will restore all things and make all things new. - We do not see our hope, but we trust in the promises of God. - Our salvation is secure as long as we persevere in the faith, but our salvation is as of yet unseen so it is a matter of hope. We wait in faith and patience. - Our suffering does not compare to our eternal life (verse 18). We must remember this. We must always remember that this world is the only hell we will experience. We must always remember to keep it in perspective. - We must always remember that people in heaven are not thinking that they wished they lived longer. - We must remember that God has a better plan, all of creation is fallen (verses 20-23). - We must know that we have the firstfruits, we have the Holy Spirit as a pledge of our inheritance (verse 23). - We must remember that we have hope. In Christ we always have hope. - We must patiently wait for when God restores all things (verses 24-25). - We must share the good news of Jesus with others. The doctor said, “If you are a believer in miracles, this would be one.” The doctor was talking about Alcides Moreno. By every law of physics and medicine, Moreno should have died. Moreno was a window washer in Manhattan. He rode platforms with his brother Edgar high into the sky to wash skyscrapers. From there he could look down to see the pavement far below where the people looked like ants. On December 7, 2007, catastrophe struck the Moreno family. As the brothers worked on the 47th story of a high rise, their platform collapsed, and Alcides and Edgar fell from the sky. If you are a believer in miracles, this would be one. No, Alcides Moreno didn’t land on a passing airplane or catch his shirt on a flagpole or have anything else amazing happen like you see in the movies; he fell the entire 47 stories to the pavement below. As would be expected, his brother Edgar died from the fall, but somehow Alcides did not. He lived. For two weeks he hung on to life by a thread. Then, on Christmas Day, he spoke and reached out to touch his nurse’s face. One month later, the doctors were saying that he would probably walk again some day. If you are a believer in miracles, this would be one. In the beginning of the human race, Adam also fell from a great height. From sinless glory in the image of God, Adam rebelled against God and fell into sin and death and judgment, and in this terrible fall he brought with him the whole human race. But “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God the Son left the heights of heaven and descended to the earth to become a man. He lived a sinless life and then willingly went to the cross to die for the sins of Adam’s fallen race. On the third day he rose again, and in his resurrection he made it possible for all to rise again and live forever. If you are a believer in miracles, this would be one. Source: Skye Jethani, The Divine Commodity (Zondervan, 2009), pp. 113-114 John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), Ro 8:20. Source: “It Wasn’t All Bad,” The Week (1-18-08), p. 4
The antioxidant and anthocyanin content of blueberries makes them particularly effective at reducing cognitive decline, supporting cardiovascular health, protecting the liver, and performs many more functions. They also have been found to improve cognition in people undergoing a cognitive decline. Many people when start their fatloss journey they often heard some people saying that they should follow a low carb diet and they are also advised by some well-known fitness coaches as the same. we will find out whether low carb diet or high carb diet is best way for you to loose weight or not. Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas. Vitamin K is an essential vitamin mainly found in plants or produced from intestinal bacteria. It plays an essential role in bone health and regulates blood clotting. A variant of the proverb, “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread” was recorded as a Pembrokeshire saying in 1866. consumption of apples, and by extension, “If one eats healthy foods, one will remain in good health and will not need to see the doctor often”. In this article you will get to know about that how much water you need to drink in a day, Is it 8 glasses of water or 12 glasses. And what are the benefits of maintaining the water balance in the body. Vitamin C is a essential water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. It is a very popular dietary supplement due to its antioxidant properties, safety, and low price. Vitamin C’s structure allows it to act on neurology and depression, as well as interact with the pancreas and modulate cortisol Many people believe that lifting weights in early puberty can stop height and overall growth. Teenagers should avoid any type of lifting as it will result in stunt growth many people believe this but many people not. Body recomposition simply means loosing body fat and building muscle at the same time. Body recomposition means improving body composition Vitamin D is a fat-soluble essential vitamin that our skin synthesizes when exposed to the sun. It is one of the 24 micro-nutrients that are crucial for human survival.
As an outbreak of coronavirus that reportedly originated in Wuhan, China continues to spread, U.S. airlines are beginning to be impacted by travel advisories and a decrease in demand for flights to China. United Airlines told Gizmodo in a statement by email that it has suspended some flights to multiple hubs in China as a result of the virus, with 24 flights currently impacted during the first week of February. Westbound flights will be impacted beginning February 1, while eastbound flights will be scaled back beginning February 2. “Due to a significant decline in demand for travel to China, we are suspending some flights between our hub cities and Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai beginning Feb. 1 through Feb. 8,” the airline said. “We will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and will adjust our schedule as needed.” The airline noted that while it is scaling back the number of flights to and from China, it is still operating out of its hubs. Delta Air Lines told Gizmodo that it’s currently offering a travel waiver to its customers but has not yet made any changes to its schedule. American Airlines, meanwhile, told Gizmodo in a statement that it’s coordinating with border and health officials but has not yet made any flight adjustments. “The health and safety of our customers and team members is our top priority,” the airline said. “We are in close contact with the US Customs & Border Protection (CBP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health officials and will coordinate with them on any required health and safety-related measures.” Air Canada said in a statement that it is canceling “select flights” to China and notifying customers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday advised that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China, noting that there have been “thousands” of cases linked to the outbreak in China and five cases reported in the U.S. among travelers who had recently traveled to Wuhan. As of Tuesday, 32 people had tested negative for the virus while 73 were still pending. A total of 110 people from 26 states have been investigated for the virus as of this week.
As a longtime advocate for Alzheimer’s, I’ve noticed a great many advances in treating and perhaps even curing Alzheimer’s disease. You can write several books on the subject but there’s one particular area that has been brought to the fore lately – the affects of wine on Alzheimer’s. Researchers have discovered a link between a beneficial compound in red wine called resveratrol compared with the cholesterol-carrying protein (plaque) that can create and/or exacerbate the memory-wasting disease, Alzheimer’s. Resveratrol has been determined to negate the debilitating actions of these oppressive plaques. The findings have placed wine front and center in the battle of terrible dementia’s like Alzheimer’s. Essentially what the good compounds do is impede development of Alzheimer’s and therein lies the essential good affect that wine has with inhibiting the debilitating disease. Wine is good Without getting too technical about this natural disruptor, wine is good. Indeed wine has been associated with properties that are good for your heart as well as fighting cancer due to the anti-oxidant assets. Obviously moderation is the key because too much alcohol can produce other problems such as liver disease and hypertension. Nevertheless, they found this chemical compound and now are working towards supplying a medication to give potential patients. Alzheimer’s is a hideous disease that unlike other illnesses attacks the brain and renders the inflicted person helpless to fight it, especially in the latter stages. When fighting other ailments, at least you have your mind but with dementias the will is gone and having seen it first hand, the person has no idea … and I mean no idea, as they are essentially a vegetable. Hopefully this latest bit of research will bring even more advances with the possibility of a cure for Alzheimer’s in the future. Remember, in moderation … drink up! Daryle W. Hier Source: Alzheimer’s Association
The NFL has spoken. Made popular by Colin Kaepernick, kneeling on the field during the National Anthem became a protest and movement based on racial injustice and police brutality, but now the NFL is seeking to put a kebash on it happening, period. The statement from the NFL’s Commissioner Roger Goodell shared that the players were never communicating any unpatriotism by doing this – but it is now expected that all league and team personnel are now to stand and show respect for the National Anthem, and those who don’t? “Personnel who choose not to stand for the Anthem may stay in the locker room until after the Anthem has been performed.” Among his statement, it’s also shared the membership of the 32 clubs in the National Football League are to remain strong and work alongside players to strengthen and advance social justice, with the following bullet points: - All team and league personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem. - The Game Operations Manual will be revised to remove the requirement that all players be on the field for the Anthem. - Personnel who choose not to stand for the Anthem may stay in the locker room or in a similar location off the field until after the Anthem has been performed. - A club will be fined by the League if its personnel are on the field and do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem. - Each club may develop its own work rules, consistent with the above principles, regarding its personnel who do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem. - The Commissioner will impose appropriate discipline on league personnel who do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem. Some took to the internet to then raise the question, including NBC Sports: “If Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid can’t get hired because they won’t commit to standing for the anthem, Wednesday’s uncompromising compromise fashioned by owners who fear a tweet or an base-inspiring rally remark removes the last impediment to their unemployment, right?” Time will tell if Kaep and Reid will end up back on the field. Amy Cooper is one with the force and the force is with her.
On Saturday, Aug. 31, welcome the miltia as they march into town at Old Sturbridge Village (OSV). From 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., OSV will host a day of military celebration, muskets, martial music and more. In the early 19th-century, farmers and craftsmen were required by law to serve in local militia units — the forerunner of today’s National Guard. Often, the various militia companies of several towns would come together for a regimental muster, a grand display that brought the townspeople out to cheer on the companies as they marched by in dashing uniform. On Muster Day at Old Sturbridge Village, visitors are welcome to view and take part in the spectacle firsthand. Watch as the militia demonstrate the use of cannons and muskets and face off with rival miltia companies in the field during mock or “sham fights.” Children can join the company, marching with the militia, following officer instructions and learning early 19th-century drills. The day will also feature a short history of the “striped pig,” a term familiar to musters of the day, used to skirt liquor laws of the early 19th-century. Muster Day is included with Standard Daytime Admission, a season pass, or membership to Old Sturbridge Village. Visit: https://www.osv.org/event/muster-day-august/. Tickets are available online for $2.50 less than admission at the door. Purchase by visiting: https://www. osv.org/visit/purchase-one-day-tickets-online/. Support local journalism, donate to the Neighb News with PayPal. Click here to download the entire 8/29/19 issue: 08-29-19 StatueRestore
We process fiber composite plastics using a variety of processes – including the hand laminate process. We participated in the development of the vacuum expansion process which sandwiches glass fiber reinforcements with foamed polyester resins in construction. Using the RTM process, we manufacture fiber composite plastics by vacuum (VA-RTM) and high-pressure injection (HP-RTM). The process of wet pressing allows for the manufacture of fiber composite plastics with a high proportion of fiber volume and smooth surfaces on both sides. Sheet molding compound hot pressing is a technique by which premixed molding compounds made of plastic resin and fibers are processed into fiber composite plastics using low-pressure presses. With the RIM technique, we process polyurethane into compact foam, integral rigid foam, and semi-rigid foam. We process thermoplastics by deep drawing. Please find our certificates here: Certificates, Business Terms and other Files
Life Insurance Vancouver | Exposing 3 Common Myths There are many reasons why people do not have a life insurance Vancouver plan says Thomas Chan. However, this is something that he hopes. More Canadians plan for, because it can make a huge difference in their life. Life insurance will ensure that people have. Finances set aside for the worst circumstances. Such as they or their loved ones. Get sick, it injured, or unfortunately pass away unexpectedly. While nobody wants to think about tragic events in the future that may or may not happen. If people put a little bit of thought into what might happen. They can plan on what they are going to do to overcome it. Rather than not put any time into this. And then, having the unthinkable happen anyway. And not having any way to support them through it. One thing that Thomas Chan asks every single one of their clients. Is if they would be able to continue living comfortably. If they, or their spouse were suddenly not able to work any longer. They might not work, because they are injured. Or they might not work, because of a health problem. But also, they might not work. Because they have passed away unexpectedly. If the answer is they would not be able to pay their bills. Without two incomes, that is a good indication. That this is a family in need of life insurance Vancouver plans. Life insurance will give people some finances. To replace their income. To pay their bills, or to help with medical expenses. And funeral costs, if the unthinkable happens. If someone does have an accident or injury. And they do not have life insurance Vancouver plans. Their family might be forced to sell the home. Or they might not be able to pay their rent. Without that additional income. Therefore, if people do not know how they are going to survive. If they become a one income family. This is a good indication to Thomas Chan. That they need to have life insurance Vancouver immediately. However, many people do not think. That they have enough money to put into life insurance. They are often paying for more immediate expenses. Like saving for a down payment on a home. Or once they have a home, paying mortgage and saving for household repairs. They might even be paying car payments, credit card bills. And saving for their children’s postsecondary education. And they do not think that they have any money. Or enough money to put into a life insurance plan. However, Thomas Chan says people should consider. That the earlier they can put aside even a small amount of money. That money is going to grow through compound interest and time. And it can equal a lot of money. When they do need it. Which may not be for forty or fifty years into the future. It is far better for people to save a small amount of money, they are young. Rather than try to save a large amount of money. When they are older. Life Insurance Vancouver | Exposing Three Life Insurance Myths People never seem to have enough money, especially for life insurance Vancouver. Thomas Chan says people always have more exciting things. To spend money on, and when they are new into the workforce. They are spending money on things like paying back their student loans. And saving for down payment on a home. Once they have a home, they may be saving for a wedding, a car payment. Or saving for their children’s postsecondary education. They might want to spend money on a vacation. however, while these things may seem more immediately important. People should not underestimate the importance. Of having a great life insurance Vancouver plan. Life insurance is going to give them the finances that they need. If the unthinkable happens. And while nobody wants to think about accidents and tragedy striking. The sad reality is that this happens to thousands of Canadians across the country. Every single day, and if they do not have life insurance, they are left. Without a way to continue on, while maintaining their lifestyle. And while that might sound like. Able going to have to sell their home. And move into a smaller house. For some Canadians, who are merely renting a small apartment. Not having life insurance is going to mean. Potentially becoming homeless. Not having enough food to eat. And living the rest of their life in poverty. Therefore, people should not let this happen to them through chance. Even though nobody thinks that it is going to happen to them. By having life insurance Vancouver, they can have a way forward. If it ever does happen. Besides, Thomas Chan says he has never heard of anybody. Regretting putting money into life insurance Vancouver. And never needing its. Only the regret of people needing life insurance, and not having it. People should ask themselves this important question. Would they be able to live their life. Without any changes or challenges. If they or their significant other. Was suddenly unable to work. Most Canadian families depend on a double income family. In order to simply make ends meet. Which is the entire reason. Why more people need a great life insurance plan. When people have an accident or injury. It is not just the loss of an income. And that is devastating to a family. They often have additional expenses. Such as medication, or treatment and rehabilitation. Such as going to the hospital. Physiotherapy, or other types of therapy. And depending on the health concern, it might be quite extensive and expensive. And it might take a long time, such as years instead of months. As well, if they or their spouse unexpectedly dies. There is also going to be the cost of the funeral. Which can be quite hefty for a lot of people. Rather than hope nothing that happens. People can talk to Thomas Chan and his team today. To start saving for their future. And if they never need it, they will never regret saving it.
“I have had my first vaccine yesterday,” texted Mabvuto. “But today I feel bad. Is that okay my friend?” I was happy to reassure him that the AstraZeneca jab can have side-effects. “I spent 36 hours in bed following my first one,” I messaged back. “Take some Panado [paracetamol], drink lots of water and rest for a day. You will be fine.” And of course he was. The headache and general malaise wore off after a day and he was back to his usual ebullient self. But Mabvuto is one of the lucky ones. He lives in a township on the edge of Lilongwe, Malawi’s capital city, so was able to access the Covid vaccine when the country’s latest supply from Covax – the global vaccine programme – became available. Millions of his fellow Malawians are not so fortunate. As the UK gears up to vaccinate everyone over 50 years old for a third time, most Africans have not yet had their first jab. The international community had set a target of vaccinating 40 per cent of the continent’s population by the end of the year, but Covax has just announced that it has been forced to cut its delivery to Africa by around 150 million doses, and has only enough to protect 17 per cent of people this year. At the latest count, 82 per cent of Britons over 16 had been vaccinated. The World Health Organisation’s regional director for Africa, Matshidiso Moeti, puts the blame for vaccine inequality firmly at the door of rich countries. Speaking earlier this week, she said “export bans and vaccine hoarding have a chokehold on vaccine supplies to Africa”. “As long as rich countries lock Covax out of the market, Africa will miss its vaccination goals. The huge gap in vaccine equity is not closing anywhere near fast enough. It is time for vaccine manufacturing countries to open the gates and help protect those facing the greatest risk,” she added. And there’s another problem, as former PM and newly appointed WHO ambassador, Gordon Brown, pointed out this week. A study by Airfinity shows that there are 100 million doses of vaccine nearing their ‘use-by’ date. These will be destroyed if there is not an urgent plan to distribute them to countries that need them. Brown could barely contain his anger at the prospect of the vaccines being dumped. “It is unthinkable and unconscionable that 100 million vaccines will have to be thrown away from the stockpiles of the rich countries while the populations of the world’s poorest countries will pay for our vaccine waste in lives lost,” he raged. The leader of the world’s richest country, President Joe Biden, showed some contrition on Wednesday at a White House summit when he promised an additional 500 million doses for low and middle-income countries. But delivery of this batch will not start rolling out until January 2022 at the earliest, and global health experts dismissed Biden’s promise as “insufficient”. “We will need six to nine billion doses of vaccines to inoculate the developing world,” Peter Hotez, dean of the National Tropical School of Medicine at Baylor University in Texas, told Reuters. It’s not just a shortage of Covid vaccines that is hurting Africa. The pandemic has damaged the economy of many countries, perhaps irreparably. While the UK government could pour money into the system for furlough payments, business grants and to buy vaccines, countries such as Malawi found their fragile economies shattered by the economic shock of Covid. Foreign investment has dried up, international aid has faltered and tourism has come to a full stop. Before the pandemic hit, Africa had the second-fastest growing tourism sector in the world, contributing 8.5 per cent of GDP and employing 24 million people. People like Mabvuto, a driver and a guide, who has seen his income plummet in the last 18 months. He has to fall back on traditional ways of earning hard cash, such as growing maize, and his dream of growing his taxi business has been put on hold, perhaps forever. “It is hard,” he says, with a virtual shrug. He knows he is powerless in the face of the virus, and worse, he is a victim of the global economic apartheid that has left much of Africa isolated. Many of the countries on Britain’s red list for travel are in sub-Saharan Africa, including Malawi. And the longer it takes to give these countries sufficient supplies of vaccine, the longer they will remain out of bounds, cut off from the rest of the world. Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, warned earlier this year of “a two-track pandemic… leading to a two-track recovery”. She added: “Africa is already falling behind in terms of growth prospects. It is a human tragedy and an economic calamity.” But it didn’t have to be like this. Low and middle-income countries should have been allowed to manufacture the Covid vaccine patent-free, so increasing supply and making distribution easier. The pandemic is, hopefully, a once-in-a-century occurrence. The usual rules should not apply. Rich countries could have held off giving a third vaccine to much of their populations until next year, so ensuring that the world’s most vulnerable people got their first jab before the end of 2021. Covid has shown how our world is intimately connected. The virus emerged out of a province in central China and the dominant variant, Delta, mutated on the streets of India. By selfishly ignoring the plight of the world’s poorest countries, we are putting our world at risk.
The discovery of a ‘Jesus-Era’ man buried outside Jerusalem, Israel, has cast doubt on the famous Turin Shroud. The man, who is thought to have suffered from both tuberculosis and leprosy, was buried in a cave called the ‘Tomb of the Shroud’, part of the ‘Field of Blood’ (Akeldama), a 1st century AD cemetery in the Lower Hinnom Valley (Gehenna) near Jerusalem. The preservation of bodies in the region is extremely rare, thanks to high humidity levels underground. The man’s location in the Valley, beside high priest Annas (6-15 AD) – the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest who betrayed Jesus to the Romans – has led the project’s team to conclude that he too was an important figure. The large team comprises experts from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Lakehead University, Canada; University College London and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. And though the man’s remains, which had unusually not undergone a second burial, could hold the oldest evidence of leprosy in the region, it is their shroud’s relation to the famous Turin Shroud that will inevitably steal headlines all over the world. The Turin Shroud is a mysterious cloth which many believe to have wrapped the body of Christ. It bears the image of a man struck by the wounds of crucifixion, and its efficacy has been fiercely debated for centuries. Yet this shroud, the first found in Jerusalem from Jesus’ era, is completely different, being of a much simpler textile. Assuming it is common of all burial shrouds at the time, this research casts a dark shadow over the Turin Shroud’s authenticity. A lump of the man’s hair, which had been ritually cut, was also found inside the shroud. The unique find may prove the existence of leprosy in the area many years before thought. Previous estimates have suggested that ‘leprosy’ in the Old Testament may in fact refer to skin rashes such as psoriasis, while the disease actually flourished up to 4,000 years ago in the Indus Valley. Earlier this month the team dated tuberculosis 3,000 years earlier than previous estimates, when samples were found at a submerged town off the coast of Haifa.
The ROI of The Predictive Index In today’s job market, it is more important than ever to get your hiring decision right. The PI tools give you the confidence to find the right person for the job quickly while saving your company time and resources. Just one wrong hire can cost your organisation up to three times the salary for the position. Research shows that behaviour drives 89% of hiring failures, while technical skills only account for 11%. By applying the PI assessments to your hiring process, you can identify the ideal candidate, match the applicants to the job target, and secure the right fit. Because the PI tools are quick and easy to use, you can also save time and decrease the risk of losing great candidates because of a lengthy hiring process. As an added bonus, you heighten your company’s ethical standards by applying scientific data which increases objectivity and fairness.
Learn about how Dr. Picard can help you. Neck Pain is one of the most common problems that bring patients into our Cranston office. Trauma to the vertebral joints or tightness in the surrounding muscles of the neck can be caused by a variety of uncomfortable experiences including neck cracking. Often, the pain is associated with posture issues stemming from extended cellphone usage, poor work ergonomics, or lack of exercise. However, we also see many patients who have suffered injuries from sports and car accidents. A series of chiropractic adjustments can greatly improve the range of motion in the cervical spine. It can also decrease inflammation and relieve muscle tension in the neck. There are many types of neck issues and each can have a specific pain pattern associated with it. Many times one or more factors can be associated with neck pain. Some of these factors include spinal or vertebral dysfunctions, ligamentous and muscular issues and a range of postural factors. Below you will find the five most common neck pain issues that respond nicely with chiropractic care. Common neck pain conditions that we treat with chiropractic therapies. - General Neck Pain - Pin-Point Neck Pain - Head & Neck Pain - Neck-Shoulder Pain - Pain usually involves the entire neck - Pain does not radiate into shoulder or arm - Often referred to as a stiff achy neck and “text-neck” - Associated with sports, trauma, computer, looking down for prolonged periods of time, texting and/or poor posture - Pain is usually on one side - Pain is local to one particular spot - Pain usually sharp and worse with turning to one direction - Often referred to as a “crick in the neck” - Associated with turning head abruptly, distorted sleeping positions, air conditioner blowing on neck and/or working out at the gym - Pain usually starts in the neck or at the base of the skull and travels up into the head - Pain is usually one sided and may result in a headache - Pain can travel as far as the top of the head and around the eye - Often referred to as a “cervicogenic headache” - Associated with postural and upper cervical spine issues - Neck pain that travels into the shoulder - Usually one sided - Pain is usually sharp turning towards the side of involvement and dull turning away - Pain can also be felt bending the head from side to side - May be associated with some kind of trauma or from something repetitive like working in the yard planting flowers or painting overhead. - Usually associated with some muscular involvement - Neck pain that radiates into the arm and as far down as the hand - Pain can radiate into one or both arms but is usually one sided - There is usually some history of trauma or degenerative condition of the spine - May be associated with a cervical disc, thoracic outlet syndrome or compression of a cervical nerve - Sometimes referred to as a “pinched nerve” in the neck - Usually more involved than other forms of neck pain - Should have some form of imaging studies done such as x-rays and/or MRI Postural issues associated with neck pain Neck Pain Treatment If you have one of the above forms of neck pain there is most likely a dysfunction of the cervical spine and/or subsequent muscular involvement. The difference is usually the degree of involvement. Simply addressing the muscle will not always correct the underlying problem; however spinal adjustments delivered by a chiropractor will ensure proper alignment and natural reduction of muscular tension. This reduces neck pain and allows for better mobility of the head and neck. By receiving chiropractic care, normal spinal function can be restored and maintained throughout the years.
Traveling | Asking for information At the tourist information office The phrases and expressions given in this lesson will be useful to you when you are at a tourist information office. - We’re looking for accommodation. - Are there any lodges near here? - We need somewhere to stay. - Do you have a list of affordable hotels in the city? - Do you have a map of the city? Events and activities - What are you interested in? - I’d like to see the monuments in the city. Have you got a map of them? - I’m interested in shopping. Where is the main shopping area? - Are there any exhibitions / programs / events on at the moment? - Do you have any brochures on the local attractions? - Can you recommend a good south Indian restaurant? Phrases for various types of travel Here are some general phrases useful for various types of travel. - Where’s the ticket office / railway station / bus station / airport? - Where do I get the bus to Chennai from? - What time is the next bus to Birmingham? - This train has been cancelled. - The flight has been delayed. - What time does the train arrive? - What time do we arrive? - Do you suffer from motion sickness? / Do you ever get travel sick? - What time does the train depart? - How long does the journey take? - Enjoy your stay! - Have a nice journey! - Enjoy your trip! - Have a pleasant stay!
From time to time, the news runs stories of lottery winners who blew through their windfalls quickly and ended up with nothing to show for their good fortune. If you are lucky enough to win the lottery, you need to take steps to ensure this sad scenario does not happen to you. Investing your winnings smartly can allow you to live comfortably off the proceeds for the rest of your life, while making the wrong moves could leave you hoping for another lottery miracle. Calculate the amount of annual income your windfall can provide if invested conservatively. It takes a surprisingly large nest egg to provide a comfortable middle-class lifestyle on interest alone. Even $1 million provides only $40,000 per year, assuming a 4 percent return. Taking 4 percent of the portfolio as income is the best way to ensure the money will last—taking more than that amount could leave you at risk of running out of money. Take a small portion of your winnings and buy a few things you have always wanted. It is normal to want to splurge after a big windfall, and failing to do so could leave you feeling deprived, which could in turn tempt you later on. Divide your money into two parts—one part that is invested conservatively, in safe but low-yielding vehicles like bank CDs and government bonds. The other half of the money can be invested in the stock market, where the risk is higher but the potential returns are higher as well. Contact your bank for information on CD yields and government bonds. Keep in mind that the current limit for FDIC insurance is $250,000, so you might need to use more than one bank if you have a lot of money to invest. Create a ladder of CDs by dividing your money between one-, two-, three-, four- and five-year CDs. This staggers the maturity dates and increases the likelihood that your CDs will mature at higher rates. Contact a low-cost mutual fund family and ask for a prospectus on its index funds. An index fund purchases all the stocks in a given index, often the Standard & Poor's 500. These funds have lower expenses, and they tend to do better over the long run than more costly managed funds. Review the prospectus carefully for information about risks, fees and expenses. Keep in mind that large investors often have access to a special class of funds with lower expenses, as well as additional perks like investment advice and a personal investment counselor. Complete the application and send the form, along with your check or wire transfer, to the address listed on the form. Depending on the fund family you might be able to complete the application and the money transfer online. Decide whether you want the dividends and capital gains reinvested or deposited to your bank account. If you plan to live off the proceeds of your lottery winnings, having the capital gains, interest and dividends sent right to your bank account can be a good idea. Based in Pennsylvania, Bonnie Conrad has been working as a professional freelance writer since 2003. Her work can be seen on Credit Factor, Constant Content and a number of other websites. Conrad also works full-time as a computer technician and loves to write about a number of technician topics. She studied computer technology and business administration at Harrisburg Area Community College.
Clarke Community Schools 802 N JACKSON • OSCEOLA, IOWA 50213 PHONE: 641-342-4969 • FAX: 641-342-6101 Steve Seid, Superintendent of Schools March 20, 2019 Dear Clarke Parent, Per legislation passed by the Iowa Legislature, this year, the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) replaces the Iowa Assessments as the accountability test for all Iowa students. Students will be assessed in the following areas: Mathematics (grades 3-11) Reading (grades 3-11) Writing (grades 3-11) Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) This assessment differs from the Iowa Assessments in several important ways: (1) the test will be administered online; (2) the test will not be timed; and (3) the test will require students to answer a wide variety of questions including multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank, and equation writing, among others. All 3rd-11th grade teachers have received training on testing protocols, test taking strategies, the types of test questions students may encounter and the online tools that will be available to all students. We have instructed teachers to teach students about these topics, including giving them an opportunity to practice with the tools and to work through practice tests. We will be testing the week of March 25th. You can help your student be successful on these assessments in the following ways: Ensure they get a good night’s sleep each night Provide them with a healthy breakfast each morning Have your student wear comfortable clothing to school Get your student to school on time Encourage your student to do his or her best and assure them that they have the tools and knowledge they need to be successful Because this is the first year the ISASP is being administered, test results will not be made available to us until, tentatively, late September. We will share these results with you after we receive them. After this year, test results will be made available to us in a timelier manner. If you have any questions about this assessment, contact your building principal. Thank you for being fierce supporters of your children! We appreciate all you do to ensure they come to school ready to learn. Curriculum Director/Equity Coordinator Clarke Community School District
Claims Exaggeration – what constitutes fraudulent exaggeration? Allianz outlines what constitutes a fraudulent insurance claim exaggeration and the potential impacts. Public perception that it’s acceptable to exaggerate an insurance claim, on the basis that it’s a victimless crime, has shifted in recent years. However, as we recover from the economic downturn it’s evident some policyholders are more inclined to ‘get their money’s worth’ when making a claim. In this article, James Burge, head of counter fraud, Allianz Insurance plc, outlines what constitutes fraudulent exaggeration and the potential impacts. What constitutes fraudulent exaggeration? Fraudulent exaggeration occurs when the policyholder falsely inflates the value of their claim in order to receive more money from their insurer. Critically, the policyholder doesn’t need to falsify documentation in order to fraudulently exaggerate their claim. For example, they may have purchased an item several years ago for £2,000 and since then misplaced the receipt. However, if they tell the insurer it was purchased for £4,000, this would be classified as fraud. Alternatively, the policyholder may exaggerate the extent of the damage to their possessions or claim for damaged contents which they didn’t own. In terms of motive, it could be to cover the cost of the excess or to get reimbursement for other parts of the claim that might not be covered or be subject to a policy limit. Or it could simply be down to desperation and opportunity. Fraudulent exaggeration or slight exaggeration? Generally, fraudulent exaggeration is considered substantial if the exaggeration is over £1,000, unless the overall value of the claim is so high that it dwarfs the extent of the exaggeration. When determining if a policyholder is fraudulently exaggerating their insurance claim it’s important to understand the difference between fraudulent exaggeration and slight (minimal) exaggeration. The extent of exaggeration should be viewed in financial terms; and the amount of exaggeration in proportion to the overall value of the claim. Case law helps us here. It’s apparent that fraudulent exaggeration generally starts from 11%, although it could be lower, depending on the specific case. Fraudulent exaggeration consequences Since its establishment in 2006, the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) has diversified beyond motor fraud, partnering with the Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department (IFED) to tackle and prosecute of all types of insurance fraud. Their investigations, along with the introduction of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, mean that fraudulent claimants now risk losing all of their claim’s payments, and may, in some instances, also have to pay costs. In the event that a policyholder is found to have fraudulently exaggerated their claim, insurers can take the following actions: - Decline to pay the entire claim including the genuine elements - Void and cancel the insurance policy from the date of the fraudulent act (i.e. the date the insured started exaggerating the claim) - Retain the premium paid - Recover any sums previously paid out indemnifying the insured for their claim. It’s important to note that when a policyholder exaggerates the value of their claim, the whole claim is tainted, and the insurer is not obliged to indemnify the insured even for the genuine portion of their claim. Allianz Insurance has been the RMI’s exclusive insurance partner for over 25 years and have a bespoke RMI and Allianz offering for members known as the Motor Trade RMI product. Find out more about this exclusive member offer , and call the IGA Member Helpline on 01788 225 908 to enquire.
2006 - village square - remerschen - luxembourg The repair of a situation that had been ruined in the 1960s and 70s. Although it had stood empty for a long time the inn was not demolished. Only the misshapen music pavilion was removed and all the planting was cut down apart from three trees. Now this central village square – around 600 people live in Remerschen – has been given hard paving using a specially cast stone that matches the plaster façade of the renovated inn. The design of the square uses a very classical vocabulary. There is a pool of water (with a large stone in it for safety reasons), a pergola with plastered columns, laurel hedges and geometrically pruned wisteria. The inn extends into the village square through its garden. A projecting display case window has made it transparent. People waiting for a bus can see what is cooking inside in the kitchen. The new owner has long since captivated the village. And, not unimportantly, in a certain sense this inn has become a kind of branch or canteen of the Luxembourg office of HVP. Bauherr | Client: Administration communale de Schengen Planungsbeginn | Start of planning: 2005 Baubeginn | Start of construction: 2005 Fertigstellung | Completion: 2006 Nutzfläche | Usable floor area: 142 m2 (Wirtshaus | Inn) Umbauter Raum | Enclosed volume: 595 m3 Freifläche | Outdoor area: 1.550 m2 Landschaftsplaner | Landscape planner: HVP Projektleitung | Project management: HVP Axel Christmann, Werner Feltes
It is a simple diagram. It got the name fishbone as the pattern of the diagram- with the issue at the head and the factors at the spine have. The name associated with the fishbone diagram is. The name is associated with the fishbone diagram. The Fishbone Diagram Template PowerPoint is a graphical representation of the various steps of an extensive complex process leading it to final results or can be used to showcase the multiple causes of a particular problem. Even though the foundation of developing on the actual diagram is to enhance the quality this method can be useful in evaluating different business operations like discovery of factors discovery of bottlenecks within the production operation development of numerous operations etc. Assessing the financial return of investments in quality. This tool is used in order to identify a problems root causes. B evaluating defect. The Process Map See Appendix B Figure 1 illustrates. The importance of the FBD is that it uses visual power to highlight the problems and the relationship between problems and their potential sources. A Deming B Crosby C Juran D Ishikawa E Taguchi 16 CORRECT The letters ROQ relate to. The Fishbone Diagram is a diagram-based technique used in brainstorming to identify potential causes for a problem thus it is a visual representation of cause and effect. A fishbone diagram is helpful in a root cause analysis because it organizes information in a consistent way that makes sense. Cause Effect is a diagram-based technique that helps you identify all of the likely causes of the problems youre facing. Kaoru Ishikawa an innovator in quality management. Fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a modern quality management tool that explains the cause and effect relationship for any quality issue that has arisen or that may arise. Like 5-Whys and Brainstorming which can be used to develop the bones the technique is simple to learn and apply. The issues are usually a result of one of more of causes related to people equipment methodology material environment or measurement. With that said you need a team of different experience and specialisms to come. The other name of the cause and effect diagram is the fishbone diagram. Identify the areas broad level categories to be studied and branch them from the backbone. Possible causes of the problem are listed on the individual bones of the fish. The letters ROQ relate to. Managers mostly use the Ishikawa diagram or the cause and effect diagram as a tool in finding out the deviations that are necessary to detect for business expansion. A visual display that includes. The central horizontal line ends with the effect which is usually a quality related problem. A cause and effect diagram is used to examine the. The General Manager of the plant asked QA and Production team to conduct root. Cause and Effect Diagram Example Fishbone diagrams are used to identify the root causes of a problem in the Analyze phase of Six Sigmas DMAIC Define Measure Analyze Improve and Control. The problem or effect serves as the head of the fish. Drawing a fishbone diagram. Lets start with the fact that a Fishbone Diagram is fairly easy to use. This encourages problem-solving teams to consider a wide range of alternatives. Major cause areas categories for the causes of the problem for example materials processes people. This is a typical example of a. The name of the problem stated a way that does not pre-judge its causes. It is also called the Ishikawa diagram after Dr. These lines are the fishbone of the diagram. Next the technique is visual. XYZ is a valve manufacturing unit receiving persistent customer complaints about the valve diameter. When to use a Fishbone Diagram. Chapter 9 Management of Quality A Assessing the financial return of investments in quality. Cause and Effect diagram. Which person is credited with the development of control charts for quality. A Fishbone Diagram is a Cause and Effect diagram. It gets its name from the fact that the diagram resembles a fish with the problem at the head and various branches off of the trunk bones. Typically used for root cause analysis a fishbone diagram combines the practice of brainstorming with a type of mind map template. Fishbone diagram Ishikawa cause and effect A fishbone diagram is a visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes of a problem. When problem-solving has gone stale and the team needs a fresh approach. It provides the visual representation of all the possible causes for a problem to analyze and find out the root cause. This is the backbone. First lets review the pros of using Fishbone Diagrams for root cause analysis. A assessing the financial return of investments in quality. Draw a straight line from the head leading to the left. Its a Team Game Its not the diagram that is important its the successful identification of causes to a problem. 15 CORRECT The name is associated with the fishbone diagram is. Fishbone diagram See Appendix A Figure 1 delineates the potential causes of VAP which are categorized by staff patients policy and procedure and documentation. Fishbone Diagram Pros. Ishikawa The letters ROQ relate to. Typically the diagram is known as fishbone diagram as the appearance of its going to be like fish bone. The name associated with the fishbone diagram is. Draw the head on the right which contains the problem effect or issue for analysis.
WHAT IS THE KISEKI FIRE RETARDANT SPRAY It is an outstanding and phenomenally innovative product which barricades fabrics from fire hazards. It accelerates the strength of fabric that reduces the flammability of fuels and delays their combustion. In the event of a fire, KISEKI Fire Retardant Spray prevents the spreading of flames and reduces smoke levels to aid in the protection of life and property. SURFACES ON WHICH KISEKI FIRE RETARDANT SPRAY CAN BE APPLIED KISEKI fire retardant spray is specially designed for fabrics. All the hanging curtains of the house can be sprayed with KISEKI fire spray to protect them from fire hazards. It is very easy to apply and enriches the fabric with smoothness and comfort. WHY IS KISEKI FIRE RETARDANT IMPORTANT TO USE The use of Fire Retardants is especially important today in Homes protecting the more vulnerable the elderly, children and those differently abled. According to The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Annual Report Published in “Times of India” https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/fire-incidents-kill-12-times-more-people-than-they-injure-ncrb/articleshow/62423748.cms A fire, accidental or otherwise, is likely to cause 12 times more deaths than injuries. The data shows 51 deaths are caused by fire every day as compared to 4 injuries. Incidents at residential buildings account for 29% of the total number of fires caused, while those at such factories account for just 1.42%. More than 65% of the victims are women. Fire Retardants are the hidden protection against the potentially devastating impact of fire in so many products that we take for granted. Their benefits are often noticed only when they are not present. HOW KISEKI FIRE RETARDANT SPRAY WORKS The risk of fire dangers from natural or synthetic materials used for blinds or curtains that catch on fire is increased because they are hung vertically. In the event of a fire, flames can quickly travel up the material and spread. The addition of Fire Retardants helps reduce these potential fire threats on the House curtains made with fabric. HOW TO USE KISEKI FIRE RETARDANT SPRAY As new materials are developed and product designers and engineers expand our choices in furnishings products for homes and offices, fire safety will remain a priority. At KISEKI we continue to innovate and develop new and sustainable Fire Retardant solutions and our Innovated product is a transparent liquid spray that can be applied on natural and synthetic textile. It is water based, non-toxic, Low VOC content , non health hazardous with low emissivity. It is Easy to use and dries quickly.
What is the rule of transferred malice? The doctrine of transferred malice applies where the mens rea of one offence can be transferred to another. For example, suppose A shoots at B intending to kill B, but misses and hits and kills C. Transferred malice can operate so that the mens rea of A (intention to kill B) can be transferred to the killing of C. Does transferred malice work between different crimes? ⇒ Transferred malice does not operate where the crime which occurred was different from that intended. What are the limitations to the transferred intent rule? Unlike other intentional torts, transferred intent doctrine does not apply to intentional infliction of emotional distress, except in the following situation: (1) the victim’s immediate family member is hurt from defendant’s conduct, (2) the victim was present at the scene, and (3) the victim’s presence was known to … What Torts does transferred intent apply to? The doctrine of transferred intent covers only intentional torts, not negligence….Transferred intent is generally only applicable to the commission of one of the following five intentional torts: - False imprisonment; - Trespass to land; and. - Trespass to chattels. Is the transferred intent rule outdated? The transferred intent doctrine is only used for completed crimes, and is not used for attempted crimes. What is the coincidence of actus reus and mens rea? Coincidence of actus reus and mens rea is the principle that both the mental and physical element of the crime must be present in order for someone to be liable for murder. What is an example of transferred intent? For example, if a murderer intends to kill John, but accidentally kills George instead, the intent is transferred from John to George, and the killer is held to have had criminal intent. Transferred intent also applies to tort law. What is the coincidence rule in law? It is a principle of English law that the actus reus and mens rea must coincide. That is they must happen at the same time. This is sometimes referred to as the contemporaneity rule or the coincidence of actus reus and mens rea.
“The Starry Night Reflected” “The problem lies not so much with some feminists’ concept of what femininity is, but rather with their misconception–shared with the public at large–of what art is: with the naive idea that art is direct, personal expression of individual emotional experience, a translation of personal life into visual terms. Art is almost never that, great art never is.” -Linda Nochlin, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”(1) Background of “The Starry Night Reflected” A few weekends back, I was able to see the Van Gogh Exhibition that featured an incredible digitized display of Van Gogh’s work, paired with a historical timeline of the artist and his art-dealer brother, Theo. Perhaps more breath-taking than the paintings, Van Gogh’s turmoil with mental health issues was shocking to learn. Behind the iconic expressive paint strokes of vibrant hues was a painter who struggled to find that very vibrance and life within his own, beyond the canvas. Van Gogh suffered from depression as well as erratic behavior, which eventually saw him staying in a mental asylum in the year 1889. That year also marked the creation of one of his most famous artworks, “The Starry Night.” The painting’s view belonged to one outside the window in his asylum room. Now equipped with the knowledge behind the stunning painting, I recognize a few things as it relates to Linda Nochlin’s above quote from her essay, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?”, which now takes the title as one of the top five best essays I’ve read to date. It must be noted that Nochlin’s argument far extends past the quote above, and while she introduces excellent points that support her stance, I don’t know if I completely agree with Nochlin’s position, though I do admire the wit and truthfulness in her observation. I do think that while the world surrounding us lies at the center of every painting, of every masterpiece, so to0 are the remnants of one’s identity. There’s a brilliant balance of the internal and external at play that I believe both contribute to the success of an artwork. You can’t have one without the other. And sure, the personal attributes may not be as apparent. “The Starry Night” serves as a perfect example wherein the natural, outward view of the landscape is altered to better reflect the artist’s own feelings and thoughts. Van Gogh’s instability at that specific moment in time informs the swift, swirling strokes of the night sky, with movement playing a significant role in the piece. Maybe it’s not explicitly a ‘direct, personal expression of individual emotional experience’; however, the painting is intertwined with the emotions attached to the artist. When you paint, you are translating the vision inside your head to be consumed by the outside world, transcribing a myriad of ideas with a paintbrush. Those ideas are born out of that individual’s experience. Moreover, from a personal standpoint, it’s the very pieces that echo what I am feeling, that I deem my greatest work. How else are we to attempt to capture the infinite complexities that exist in and outside our beings? The artwork I created above, “The Starry Night Reflected” challenges the argument brought forward by Nochlin, by inverting the original painting. Rather than seeing traces of Van Gogh in the night clouds, we see traces of the night clouds on an individual’s face. I do stand by this idea because I think it captures the essence of our human existence in relation to the world around us. We are mirrors just as the landscape is; we reflect one another’s sun-ridden joy, or soul-broken storm. That is why great art does not only welcome one’s personal vision, but requires it. Otherwise, we are left with art emptied of vibrance and truth, for both are so present in each person. Questions for Consideration: 1. Do you personally think that great art is never ‘direct’ or involving ‘personal expression’? Through this lens, how might we interpret artwork that is direct, or is there no such thing? 2. What is the purpose of art? Do we need art as a population- why or why not? 3. What are the different factors that contribute to achieving ‘greatness,’ particularly in art? 4. In what ways do emotions inform one’s performance in their given craft, specifically art? 5. It’s a common idea that, in order to achieve ‘true’ success in art, the artist has to suffer in some way (mental health issues, tragic life or childhood, etc). Do you think this is true? Why or why not? - Nochlin, Linda. “From 1971: Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” com, ARTnews.com, 20 Oct. 2020, www.artnews.com/art-news/retrospective/why-have-there-been-no-great-women-artists-4201/