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The crack extension in a compact tension specimen of hydrided irradiated Zr-2.5Nb material is investigated by a two-dimensional plane stress finite element analysis. The stress-strain relation of the Zr-2.5Nb material for the finite element analysis is obtained from fitting the experimental tensile stress-strain curve of the irradiated Zr-2.5Nb material without hydrides by a three-dimensional finite element analysis. The calibration of the cohesive zone model with a trapezoidal traction-separation law is based on fitting the load-displacement-crack extension experimental data of a compact tension specimen of hydrided irradiated Zr-2.5Nb material. The general trends of the load-displacement, crack extension-displacement, and load-crack extension curves obtained from the finite element analysis based on the calibrated cohesive zone model are in agreement with the experimental data. Crack Extensions in Compact Tension Specimens of Hydrided Irradiated Zr-2.5Nb Materials Using Cohesive Zone Model - Views Icon Views - Share Icon Share - Search Site Wu, S, Sung, S, Pan, J, Lam, P, & Scarth, DA. "Crack Extensions in Compact Tension Specimens of Hydrided Irradiated Zr-2.5Nb Materials Using Cohesive Zone Model." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Volume 6A: Materials and Fabrication. Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. July 16–20, 2017. V06AT06A025. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2017-65022 Download citation file:
ICS 113: Database Fundamentals (3 credits) This course examines file organization and the use of computer databases. It also examines the handling of information through its organization, management and control. A substantial part of the course develops an understanding of the data processing building blocks: files, records and fields. Techniques to report and maintain data are also covered. (3 hours lecture) Pre-Requisite(s): Placement in MATH 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 82 or higher. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: - Show conversion of computer files into a database system by creating a simple database. - Compare a relational database to a flat database. - Dissect a database into tables, records, fields, keys, views and relationships. - Demonstrate the normalization process. - Find records using Structured Query Language (SQL) in a database. - Create reports with specific records. For transfer information within the UH system, visit the System Transfer page
Kingston Gazette and Religious Advocate (Kingston, ON), May 29, 1829 - Full Text p.23 Domestic - On Thursday the 21st inst. a beautiful Schooner was launched at the Isle of Tanti, built by Mr. David Tate, and owned by Captain Thew, of the Township of Whitby. After the necessary preparations were completed she entered her destined element in gallant style, amidst the hearty cheers of the spectators, assembled on the occasion; she is named the Shannon, and is about fifty tons burden. [U.C. Herald] Port of Entry - Penetang and Goderich declared as ports of entry. the schooner Eagle mentioned, about opening of navigation. [Buffalo Rep. May 16th] Lost or Stolen - a bale of goods which was put on board the steamer Sir James Kempt. - Media Type: - Item Type: - Date of Original: - May 29, 1829 - Local identifier: - Language of Item: - Rick Neilson - Copyright Statement: - Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use. Maritime History of the Great Lakes
The Centre for railway Information Service (CRIS) introduced RailRadar, which is a web based application that provides train's location on a map and network of trains running. The Rail Radar service has been jointly developed by CRIS and Railyatri team and can be accessed by railradar.trainenquiry.com. The service was launched for 6500 trains on the network. The service was available for mobile phones through the internet browser of the phone. Since the application was made accessible via mobiles, over 20% of the traffic was via mobile (2 lakh hits). The SMS is being replaced by the web as the preferred avenue of railway enquiries. Railradar offers a user-friendly interface and users can get information graphically through an interactive map with facility for zooming in and zooming out to get details of train and station. The application permits users to search for a particular station or train and get details like running status of trains, its stoppage, route, location as well as other such details of trains. Earlier this service was called, 'spot your train'. Railradar also provides a glance of the delay or on time status of a train through a link to trainenquiry.com. In case of an unplanned mishap or contingency, Railradar is capable of providing a scan of the train status and situation across the country. At present, RailRadar is configured to update running status of trains every 5 minutes. But updates of every train depend on its location and the area where it is running currently. Updation will be delayed by 5 or more minutes for security and regulatory reasons. Current status of trains running on time is indicated by blue arrows and trains running late are depicted by red arrows. Arrows point to the direction of trains. When you click on a particular arrow, an info box is opened, which contains train's name, last update, last status and next halt. One can check the latest status via a link in the box as well as ascertain train's stops on the map. One can also track your train, and mark a particular train as favorites to access easily for the future. As per RailRadar, monitoring points for train passing are available at over 6000 locations throughout the Indian railways network in the country to provide train running status. These provide updated information in real time on train departure, arrival or crossing a central headquarter. In most places, the updating is automated, but there certain locations where it is done manually. The RailRadar system works with Google maps. It is available at railradar.trainenquiry.com. It locates exact position of train on a map. Access to the site is possible from any mobile phone which has GPRS connection since it is based on HTML 5. A large screen is suitable for this service to track train. Saurav Kr Mishra is contributing travel related articles to various websites like http://www.travelkhana.com. He has travelled extensively by Indian Railways and stays updated on all related developments. In This article he focuses over TravelKhana Spot Your Train utility, a very much user friendlly utility for Indian railway travllers.
Our On-Site Professional Development for Social-Emotional Learning Create a supportive school community that meets every student’s learning needs academically, socially, and emotionally. Our experts will equip you with a customized toolkit of strategies for navigating competing priorities and building meaningful learning experiences across grade levels and subject areas. Where are you on your professional learning journey? Your school or district is ready to start building expertise with Social-Emotional Learning professional development. You need specialized professional learning services to continue deepening your expertise with Social-Emotional Learning. Building Your Skills Supporting Teacher Efficacy Through Self-Care and Wellness Recent research shows that 93 percent of teachers report high levels of job-related stress. Not only is this a concern for our educators, but it’s a serious problem for our students as well. Students with stressed-out teachers have more behavior issues, and those students have lower overall achievement. This workshop explores easy-to-implement wellness hacks that will positively impact both the adults and the students in your building or district. - Review the four seasons of a typical school year and how to help yourself and your staff members thrive through each phase. - Explore multiple self-care/wellness hacks that are easy to implement at both the personal and professional level and correlate to the phases of the school year. - Discover new ways to motivate and inspire your staff so they can lead by example for their students. Best Practices in Wellness for Learners Educating the “Whole” learner is essential to fostering student learning and wellness, through both in-person and virtual instruction. Students come to educators with a multitude of social and emotional needs, and schools must have a support system in place that provides learners with the social and emotional skills necessary to achieve their highest potential. This workshop provides essential best practices for establishing, fostering, and monitoring an effective social and emotional support system, schoolwide. - Learn how to establish and foster a schoolwide system that supports social and emotional learning, through both traditional instruction and e-learning. - Explore a menu of best practices for embedding social and emotional learning in every environment, including the virtual classroom. - Develop a practitioner’s toolkit for effective schoolwide implementation and monitoring of social and emotional learning. Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms: Twelve Brain-based Principles to Avoid Burnout, Increase Optimism, and Support Physical Well-Being Many teachers have long struggled with stress and burnout, even before the challenges of COVID-19. A 2018 study found that 40 to 50 percent of those who become educators decide to depart the profession within the first five years. So, what support can you find to maintain the fire and passion that drew you to the classroom in the first place? Education expert Marcia L. Tate offers strategies that will empower you to be your own best source of strength. In this light-hearted and life-changing workshop, you will learn how to restore your passion for teaching and explore 12 specific ways to improve and maintain your health and improve your quality of life. Come ready to be inspired and leave with your own specific action plan for sparking positive personal and professional change. - Identify what causes teacher burnout. - Learn how to restore your passion for the profession. - Determine how to establish and maintain close personal relationships with others. - Connect the 12 principles for well-being back to your daily classroom practice. Demystifying MTSS: A School and District Framework for Meeting Students' Academic and Social-Emotional Needs Learn how to simplify the approach and process for building an effective and coherent multitiered system of supports (MTSS). Teams will engage in learning the fundamental components of MTSS that can be applied in their own schools and districts using tools and strategies provided in this workshop. Teams will be able to initiate or refine their MTSS journey with clearly defined actions and next steps. - Identify key MTSS foundation components. - Know the “why” of MTSS and the importance of communicating your “why.” - Understand the foundational role of collaborative leadership and teams needed to support MTSS. - Discover how to align systems and resources to build a successful MTSS. Deepening Your Skills Maximizing Student Engagement Discover how to use Questing—a contemporary pedagogy tailored to a student’s interests, needs, and abilities—to develop critical thinking, collaboration, and self-direction. Educators can engross students in emotionally gripping and compelling learning experiences, engage them with actionable targets and goals, and promote collaboration in online and physical spaces. - Form learning partnerships with students that lead to co-teaching and co-learning, where voices and choices matter. - Explore the three main design types—(1) inquiry, (2) network, and (3) game—through which students can Quest. - Investigate the design decisions involved in identifying a Quest, determining checkpoints, and helping students reflect on their Quest. Two-for-One Teaching: Integrate Social-Emotional Learning into Academic Instruction Learn to use the academic tasks students already do as opportunities for them to explore and enact their values. - Understand how to develop a classroom culture of willingness and empowerment. - Practice using protocols that incorporate values work into academic units. - Explore some of the psychology of how to help students discover and do what matters to them. - Learn how to structure units to incorporate social-emotional learning (SEL) into every stage of learning. Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Developing Strengths in All Students The need for belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity are core principles of social and emotional learning. - Study the hazards facing youth at risk: relational trauma, failure as futility, powerlessness, and loss of purpose. - Explore this unique relational, strength-based approach for reclaiming discouraged or alienated youth. Cultivating a Positive School Community Through the Foundational Practice of Mindfulness Build compassionate classrooms and mindful schools that prioritize and balance both learning and well-being. - Explore the theory behind mindful and compassionate education practice, including the interrelated nature of physiology, cognition, emotions, and mindfulness for students. Supporting the Whole Child Through Reflective School Leadership By reenergizing your commitment to ongoing leadership development and engaging both/and rather than either/or thinking for numerous decisions, we can transform schools so students flourish academically while also meeting their social and emotional learning needs. - Study the 12 lenses of school leadership—core educational leadership responsibilities that are essential for leading whole-child schools. Social-Emotional Learning: Supporting Growth in Elementary School Students and Staff The social and emotional well-being of students and staff is fundamental to school success. You have the power to create a positive, supportive environment that values meaningful, effective social-emotional learning. When you partner with one of our experts you and your staff will learn how to work from a deeper understanding of SEL—its importance, how it relates to behavior and child development, and how it positively impacts teacher efficacy. You will also delve into the PLC process as a way to build a healthy school climate, safe and effective classroom environments, and multilayered systems of responding to school and student needs. - Learn how to respond to student behavior in a way that supports SEL development. - Gain strategies for building responsive relationships and supports for emotional regulation. - Access 10 easy-to-implement instructional SEL practices that can be integrated into academic learning. - Explore, design, and implement year-long and daily lesson tools for planning and integrating SEL. - Discover ways to create and use developmentally appropriate assessments to monitor student learning and inform teaching practices around SEL. Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Seminar In this face-to-face session you will explore how trauma can impact students as well as educators, the importance of building a foundation on relationships and routines, and practical strategies and techniques to help make classrooms more trauma-sensitive. Specific outcomes of this two-day session include: - Impacts of trauma on educators and an introduction to teacher self-care - Factors influencing student resilience - The importance of building foundational relationships with students - An understanding of essential factors needed in schools and classrooms when students are experiencing trauma - Teaching strategies for trauma-sensitive classrooms - Developing a plan for trauma-sensitive instruction Sustaining Your Skills Reach your social and emotional learning goals with targeted support from our coaches. Our on-site experts will provide specific direction based on your school or district’s unique challenges, empowering every educator to create a collaborative environment where students feel engaged and motivated. Help your school achieve proficiency and efficacy for all students using evidence-based pedagogy and collaboration. In addition to reexamining their current practices, participants will explore the nature of assessment as a tool to support, learn how to involve the student in the feedback process, and understand how to promote reflective thought and evidence-based actions among learners. Develop a custom learning plan designed to meet your distinct needs. This opportunity ensures that teams and individuals get the support they need through a tailor-made learning experience, with hands-on activities and practical strategies to develop learners’ emotional and social skills as thoroughly as their academic skills. The Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Inspired by research in social-emotional learning (SEL) and trauma-informed wellness, this multisession workshop will help you discover ways of building school relationships based on empathy, sensitivity, and lasting resilience. - Learn the impact of trauma on the brain. - Assess student trauma-sensitive needs in the classroom. - Discover teacher self-care strategies. - Develop an implementation plan for trauma-sensitive instruction. - Engage your school leaders and colleagues in your trauma-sensitive instruction.
Queenslanders are digging in for a bad storm season and preparing themselves for a summer of blackouts. There are already thunder clouds over the executive offices of the two major power suppliers - Ergon and Energex - which have been accused of letting the state's power infrastructure deteriorate to an unacceptable level. Frustrated Queenslanders are gearing up for an even worse year than the 12 months to March when Ergon customers were left without power for an average of nine hours and 38 minutes, and Energex customers were blacked out for an average of six hours and 14 minutes. For Ergon that was 90 minutes more than the previous year and for Energex it was almost double. Bad weather and bush fires aren't the only problem. In many areas the power infrastructure is old and badly in need of maintenance resulting in 'dirty power' - uneven voltage, noisy lines, surges and spikes. The situation has become so politically charged that Queensland premier, Peter Beattie, has appointed a specialist energy minister to deal with the situation as the annual storm season approaches. But it's not only storm season threatening power supplies. The state has just experienced its hottest and driest winter on record and much of South-east Queensland is tinderbox dry, threatening bushfires that could further damage the power grid. A major blackout in August cut power to 200,000 homes and businesses in the southeast corner after a safety switch tripped in northern NSW causing a domino effect similar to the Great East Coast blackout in the US last year. While the power situation is being played up in the local media as doom and gloom, it is a cloud with a silver lining for the uninterruptible power supply industry which is cashing in. But it isn't just storms - political or meteorological - that are driving the market. The improving economy in Asia - particularly China - has resulted in increased demand for raw materials and a boom for our power hungry mining industries in WA and Queensland. With cash in their pockets, the mining companies are spending to upgrade equipment, including their power protection. At the other end of the market, home consumers are becoming more aware of the need for uninterruptible power supplies to protect their expensive home theatre equipment and, that in turn, is opening the audio visual channel to UPS distributors for the first time. This surge in the consumer market for UPS has seen Emerson Network Power Australia move into the market with a range of lower-end products. Earlier this month, Emerson announced it had appointed Ingram Micro as Eastern Zone Master Distributor for its range of Liebert brand. Ingram Micro will be responsible for spearheading Emerson's push into the high-volume consumer and small business UPS markets with its Liebert Micro UPS products. The agreement comes into effect in October in all states other than SA and WA. In the past, the Liebert brand has been associated with enterprise level mission-critical data centres, but now it has modified the same technology to develop products for the home, small and medium business markets. Ingram Micro Australia managing director, Steve Rust, said the company would initially carry four Liebert Micro UPS product ranges: Liebert PowerSure Assistant, Liebert PowerSure Proactive, Liebert PowerSure Interactive and Liebert UPStation GXT. They included entry-level 500VA to 650VA offline UPS products in the Assistant range, 700VA to 3000VA line interactive UPS products in the ProActive and Interactive ranges, and true online double conversion products in the GXT range rated from 700VA to 6000VA. Emerson's managing director, Bob Daniels, predicted that as applications such as Voice-over-IP and Power-over-Ethernet took hold in the small-to-medium business space, companies would be looking to scale up their power protection products, giving vendors and resellers another revenue stream and a way of offering better value product bundles to their customers. Emeron's marketing manager, Peter Spiteri, said because the new ranges would use the same manufacturing facilities as the company's larger UPS', the company had economies of scale the competition could not match. "The margins for the reseller at street price should be around 25 points," he said. Spiteri said there was growth in SOHO, particularly where people have purchased home theatre systems and large plasma screens. "Those appliances are very expensive and draw a lot of power, so given that the average mains power gets about 200 hits a year - whether it be outages, sags or surges - people are being advised at point of purchase to get a UPS," he said. "As a result, we are seeing UPS move into the AV channel." Spiteri said while it was a terrible way to look at it, the bad publicity about the poor state of the power grid throughout the country was good for business. "Since the power grid was deregulated, maintenance has slipped. While you won't always get outages, the further away you get from the point of transmission the more fluctuation, sags and surges in voltage that don't necessarily appear as blackout but are quite injurious to equipment," he said. "Our equipment comes with voltage regulators to handle that." Spiteri said the UPS market could be likened to insurance in that it was reactive rather than proactive. "People will take up insurance after they have had a problem and that's what we find," he said. "After there has been a major outage or electrical storm we can literally graph the sales. "But if you just call on a small business, buying a UPS is not a top-of-the-stack purchase for them unless they have personally had power issues. It's a tricky sell." However, it's not a problem with high-end businesses and mission-critical data centres because they already know the risks associated with their network going down. "As SME's take up Voice-over-IP and Power-over-Ethernet - where if you lose your power you are going to lose your power and your voice - they are becoming more aware and asking us to make UPS part of their network," Spiteri said. Queensland and WA were showing disproportionate growth because the mining sector had been re-energised by Chinese demand for raw materials and capital expenditure had jumped to 16 per cent compared to the national average of about 11 per cent. APC's new general manager for Australia and New Zealand, Paul Munten, said growth in the server market was also flowing through to UPS sales and customers continued to demand high availability and redundancy. "We are seeing the trend of server consolidation continue, meaning an increase in mid- to large-sized UPS' installed," he said. "More and more IT equipment is rack-mounted and IDC predicts that by the end of next year 62 per cent of servers sold will be rack-mounted. This trend must be mirrored in the physical infrastructure supporting IT equipment including the UPS. "Customers also are increasingly demanding a manageable physical layer. To provide a highly available network, they need to be able to monitor and manage the power and environmental conditions in the server room remotely. So they are aware of any issues as soon as they occur to prevent the situation from threatening uptime and availability." Munten said the most significant development recently was the move towards integrating power protection systems into the overall physical infrastructure, supporting the IT systems - including racks, power, cooling and cabling, and the ability to manage this physical layer. APC is providing resellers with a variety of selling tools and one reseller, Dean Calvert of Calvert Technologies in Adelaide, has found a way of using the data gathered from APC PowerChute software to pinpoint areas where the power is particularly unreliable. "Using software I have discovered where the power is particularly unreliable in Adelaide," he said. "I take the information, put it into Excel and create graphs. For example, I'll be talking to a customer located on Greenhill Road and I can show them that premises located on Greenhill Road are particularly liable to power problems. "I emphasise that power problems will occur at the worst possible time. For example, imagine you are doing a payroll run and the power fails. Not only will this undo all your work, but if the system happens to be writing data to the files at the time, you can get data corruption as well. You've lost all your work, you have to go back to your previous back up file, restore it down and pick up again. This can cost a lot of time." While the server market is growing, another APC reseller, Frank Kane, of Sydney-based UPS Solutions, said as storm season approaches he has been getting a lot more calls from home users who are looking to protect individual PCs. "A lot more people - home and corporate users - are becoming aware of power problems because of the coverage they are getting in the media," he said. "IT managers are getting on top of it and management is much more across it, so sales are definitely going to take off in the next couple of years."
TORONTO/OTTAWA (Reuters) – Ontario declared an emergency on Tuesday after latest modelling put Canada’s most populous province on track to have more than 20,000 new COVID-19 cases per day by the middle of February, a nearly ten-fold increase from the current count. Ontario, which is battling a coronavirus surge that has swamped its hospitals and triggered a province-wide lockdown, could also see roughly 1,500 more deaths in its long-term care homes through mid-February under a worst-case scenario, according to modeling from experts advising the government. New restrictions that take effect on Jan. 14 mandate that residents must stay at home except for essential activity, while outdoor gatherings will be limited to five people, and non-essential construction work will be restricted. “I know the stay at home order is a drastic measure, one we don’t take lightly. Everyone must stay home to stay lives,” said Ontario Premier Doug Ford at a media briefing. “Enforcement and inspections will increase.” Canada began targeted vaccinations in December, with current efforts focused on healthcare workers and residents of long-term care homes. The federal government ordered an additional 20 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer Inc and BioNTech, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters on Tuesday. That would take the total number of doses to be delivered this year in Canada to 80 million. Ontario, the country’s economic engine, has been under lockdown since Dec. 26, with non-essential businesses shuttered and schools closed for in-person learning. Yet the daily number of COVID-19 cases has spiked above 3,500 on average over the past seven days, government data showed. On Tuesday, Ontario reported 2,903 new COVID-19 cases. Under the worst-case scenario with 7% case growth, there would be 40,000 new cases daily by mid-February, while the best-case scenario with 1% growth would result in 5,000 new cases every day, Ontario’s data showed. Case growth has recently been over 7% on the worst days, the data showed. In five of the hardest hit areas of Ontario – including the Toronto area, nearby Hamilton, and Windsor-Essex across the border from Detroit – schools will remain closed until at least Feb. 10. Childcare for children who are too young for school will remain open, along with emergency childcare for some school-age children. “We will have to confront choices that no doctor ever wants to make and no family ever wants to hear,” Dr. Steini Brown, head of Ontario’s case modeling, said at a briefing on Tuesday. “People will die from the virus itself and from the overloaded health system that is unable to respond to their needs.” Brown warned that the new COVID-19 variant from Britain was already in Ontario and could decrease the doubling time of cases – or how long it takes for case counts to double, currently 30 to 40 days – to 10 days. Last week Quebec, Canada’s worst-affected province from COVID-19, became the first in the country to introduce a curfew to limit the spread. (Reporting by Moira Warburton in Toronto and David Ljunggren in Ottawa; Additional reporting by Allison Martell in Toronto; Editing by Denny Thomas, Paul Simao and Rosalba O’Brien)
“Science is part of being human, and we all participate in science and technology no matter what we do with our lives in the 21st century,” says Ethan Brue, professor of engineering at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “At Dordt we begin with biblical insight as the foundation of all teaching and learning.” Brue and other talented faculty at Dordt College are mentoring and training Christian leaders in the sciences who can make important decisions, help shape the way our society lives, and teach the next generation. Senior biology major Deborah Tyokighir chose Dordt College to begin her pursuit of a medical degree. “Since coming to Dordt, I’ve grown in my ability to identify why it is I believe and to be able to articulate that,” she says. “My professors have helped me integrate my faith in everything I do.” Deborah knows that her education at Dordt is providing a solid foundation for her future career in medicine. “I’m confident that I’m being well prepared for success in medical school, and I hope to go back to Nigeria, my home country, to set up clinics in rural areas.” What makes our science programs unique? Dordt College has a reputation for academic excellence in the sciences, and for good reason: exceptional professors, undergraduate research opportunities, and outstanding outcomes all contribute to the growing number of students in the sciences at Dordt. Students find that professors care about them and give personal attention to their needs. This kind of relationship helps students looking for internships, graduate school admission, and job opportunities. The College is consistently named to best college lists by U.S.News & World Report, Forbes.com, The Princeton Review, and Washington Monthly. Money magazine recently named Dordt to its list of “Best Colleges for Your Money,” placing Dordt in the top 7% of the nation’s 4,400 colleges and universities. But what really distinguishes Dordt’s academic program is that it challenges students to examine every subject within the illuminating light of God’s Word. This organic integration of faith and learning provides students with insights that equip them to think critically and judge wisely for the rest of their lives. No matter which program you’re interested in, you can be assured that you’ll receive a high-quality, Christ-centered education. Because the number of Dordt College science and technology majors is on pace to double between 2000–2020, a new state-of-the-art Science and Technology Center is under construction. The first phase was completed in the fall of 2014, creating more space and additional laboratories and facilitating additional research opportunities. Dordt’s 20-acre tall-grass prairie serves as a living laboratory where students study plants and wildlife and are instrumental in its maintenance. Come and see for yourself! The best way to find out if Dordt College is right for you is to visit campus. When you visit, you can meet faculty, take a tour, mix with students, and get a feel for Dordt. You can also visit dordt.edu or talk to an admissions counselor by calling 800-343-6738 (option 1). DORDT COLLEGE IN BRIEF MAJORS: More than 90 programs of study, including actuarial science, agriculture, biology, chemistry, computer science, construction management, engineering, environmental studies, health and human performance, mathematics, natural resources, nursing, physics/astronomy, and statistics; and nine pre-professional health programs, including pre-chiropractic, pre-dental, pre-medical, pre-nursing, pre-occupational therapy, pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, and pre-veterinary DEGREES: B.A. degrees in many majors, including an excellent program for teaching science, B.S.N. (nursing), B.S.W. (social work), M.A. (education), and A.A. (Associate of Arts) SIZE: Enrollment of approximately 1,450, representing 37 states and 22 additional countries, including Canadians from eight different provinces FACULTY: 83 full-time faculty members and a student-faculty ratio of 14:1 LOCATION: Sioux Center, Iowa, a safe and friendly community of 7,000 located about an hour’s drive from Sioux City, Iowa, and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, both of which offer major airline connections FINANCIAL AID: About 98% of Dordt students receive financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. Dordt students receive more than $33 million in financial aid annually. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Dordt College requires a minimum high school GPA of 2.25 for regular admission status. ACT or SAT results are also considered. Recommended preparation includes four years of English, two years of foreign language, two years of social science, two years of natural science, and three years of math (including algebra and geometry).
An initiative of Autism CRC, the Sylvia Rodger Academy delivers nationwide programs aimed at empowering autistic adults. Our vision is to see autistic people thriving through discovering and using their strengths. Our mission is to provide programs, pathways and networks that create communities where autistic people fully contribute and influence policy, practice and culture in partnership with their peers. The Sylvia Rodger Academy was launched in conjunction with Autism CRC’s 2018 AGM. At that time, the Research Program and Future Leaders had graduated 61 autistic adults and autism researchers. To acknowledge the vision and work of Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger AM in ensuring these Programs were established and funded, these Programs along with the Governance Program are offered by the Sylvia Rodger Academy. The Future Leaders Program is Australia’s first holistic leadership capacity building program for autistic adults. It empowers autistic adults to explore and develop their leadership skills and networks to positively impact their communities. The Future Leaders Program is delivered in partnership with Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect). The Research Program upskills autistic adults and autism researchers to work together as research co-producers. This ensures that what is being researched, and the way it is being researched is relevant to, and appropriate for, the autistic community. The Governance Program is Australia’s first training program in corporate governance for autistic adults, enabling leadership in decision-making and capturing the strength of diverse thinking to make a broader contribution to the corporate and government sectors. To receive notifications about Programs offered by the Sylvia Rodger Academy, click the link below. To date we have had more than 90 autistic graduates and participants from across Australia and overseas consisting of: 29 Future Leader graduates 47 Research Program graduates 14 Governance Program participants “I learned that the traits I thought I had to overcome were actually qualities that make me special, loved and worthy. It gave me the skills to recognise what I need to thrive and the confidence to self-advocate for that.” “I had spent a lifetime trying to find out where I fit in, and through the program I learnt I could be myself.” The Sylvia Rodger Academy is overseen by a Management Committee comprising of stakeholders from the autistic community and Autism CRC. The members of this committee are: - Ian Harris (Management Committee Chair; Former Director, Autism CRC) - Judy Brewer (Former Director, Autism CRC) - Malcolm Mayfield (Director, Autism CRC; Managing Director, Autism STAR Pty Ltd) - Rochelle Johnson (Autism and queer advocate; Academy alumni and Project Team member) - Moira Boyle (Occupational Therapist; mentor to Sylvia Rodger) - Scott Reading (Director, Autism CRC) Emeritus Professor Sylvia Rodger AM Sylvia’s contribution, both nationally and internationally, to the field of Occupational Therapy – specifically, to autism practice and research – was outstanding. She was the founding CEO of Autism CRC and often reflected that Autism CRC was her dream come true with its high-quality, end-user focused, collaborative research program disseminated and implemented by service providers and policy makers. Sylvia changed culture, creating an inclusive research environment that enabled people on the spectrum to influence research and encourage researchers to work together. She co-founded the Autism CRC Research Academy and in 2015 the autistic participants unanimously agreed to give Sylvia the title “Honorary Research Academy Member” in recognition of her work, openness and willingness to dive into autistic culture, thinking and humour. Julianne Higgins, a Research Academy member, shared her last message to Sylvia with us; “Dear Sylvia, just like to let you know that working with you has dramatically changed my life in the best of ways. Love Julianne”. Another Academy member declared “She was our tribe”. Sylvia Rodger Academy 07 3377 0602 0411 094 346
Thomas Frank Lockwood Introduction to paleography, codicology, analytical and descriptive bibliography; examination of the major contributions to textual theory in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; practice in applying textual theory in editing literary works. This is one of the four required core seminars in the graduate Textual Studies Program (the others are Oral and Manuscript Texts, Hypertext, and Textual Theory). The seminar gives an introduction to the history of printing as an art and a means of textual transmission, as well as a practical view of hand and machine press printing. Also included: introductory surveys of such topics as descriptive and analytical bibliography, the production, transmission, and editing of printed texts, the history of the book, and current textual and editorial theory. Students will also get practical experience in the editing of printed texts. Some seminar sessions will be held in Suzzallo Special Collections in order to provide first-hand access to examples of early modern print and book history. Visiting lecturers and specialists on the course topics will also be scheduled into the seminar. The professor himself is in the middle of a massive three-volume editorial project on Henry Fielding for the Oxford Press, part already published and part forthcoming, and the seminar students will also get a possibly frightening inside view of the messy workings of such a project. There will be two group projects and a critical paper. We will also take a field trip to the Thorniley Collection of early printing press technology at the West Coast Paper Company, where everybody gets a shot at operating a hand press (watch your fingers). No previous work in this subject is assumed for the seminar. If you have questions or would like more detail about the seminar and what it will involve, please feel free to get in touch with Tom Lockwood ([email protected]). Student learning goals General method of instruction Class assignments and grading
WHO Critical Care Training for Tajik Clinicians During the five-day workshop held in Dushanbe, the participants learned how to perform critical care management of severe acute respiratory infection, including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), severe sepsis and septic shock, using a systematic, evidence-based approach. The training course used a problem-solving approach to facilitate the learning of the principal components of critical care management of patients with severe forms of influenza infection. It was based on a participatory approach that offers the participants a step-by-step approach to acquire the knowledge and skills they need for the tasks involved – from hospital entry to discharge of patients suffering from severe influenza virus infection. The trainers used different methods to conduct the workshop: short lectures using slides and small video clips, interactive role play sessions (in small groups of about 10 participants per facilitator), equipment and consumables for demonstration of infection prevention control rules and the use of a toolkit as a reference guide. To measure participants’ knowledge of the course content, a test was conducted at the start and after completion of the course. In addition, the participants completed a survey at the end of each day to provide immediate feedback regarding learning environment, teaching materials, learning methods, and facilitators. Overall, the participants reported most learning sequences to be very good. The clinical workshop was conducted through the joint efforts of WHO headquarters, WHO/Europe and the WHO Country Office in collaboration with Tajikistan’s Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population. The WHO Country Office in Tajikistan was established in 1992 in Dushanbe to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Health in strengthening of the public health system in the country. The country team consists of 24 staff members, including 12 experts in the fields of health policy and financing, immunisation and surveillance, epidemiology, communicable diseases, disaster preparedness and response, family and community health, nutrition, food safety and food security, mental health and environment and health. The priorities for the Country Office are set out in the biennial collaborative agreement between WHO/Europe and the host country. The Office implements the agreement in close collaboration with national institutions and international partner agencies. Image Credit: WHO/Europe Published on : Fri, 30 Jan 2015 Print as PDF Medos hemofilters pro are used for efficient and gentle hemofiltration during extracorporal circulation.Medos hemofilters pro do not need to be pre-flushed and can be used immediately. This guarantees a safe and quick hemofiltration. The HAMILTON-C3 ventilator is a modular high-end ventilation solution for all patient groups. Offering a number of unique features, the HAMILTON-C3 is one of the first ventilators featuring the “Ventilation Autopilot” INTELLiVENT-ASV®. The HAMILTON-C3’s... Monitor vital signs of sensitive patients with reliable, smart and intuitive technology Not available in the US Sensitive patients, like neonates, require comfortable care. With transcutaneous monitoring, you can easily keep track of the oxygenation... Features The SynoVent E5 is the ventilator you need with the interface you want. It does not only include advanced ventilator functionality for patients ranging from infant to adult, but also a modern, easy-to-use interface. The display can be configured...
The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features Michigan.gov has to offer. About the beech tree American beech - Fagus grandifolia Identification: American beech is recognizable by its smooth, thin gray bark and moderately toothed, ribbed oval leaves which come to a tip. Its leaves turn golden and bronze in autumn. In winter, the tree can be identified by its long, pointed winter buds. In autumn, they produce brown beechnuts. Beeches are slow-growing shade trees. Height: 50-70 feet Preferences: Full sun. Hardiness zones 4-9. Drought-sensitive. Wildlife value: Beech nuts are eaten by mice, squirrels, chipmunks, black bears, deer, fox, ruffed grouse, ducks and blue jays. Uses: Wood is hard, close grained and usually pale in color. This wood is typically used for fuel, flooring, furniture, tool handles and woodenware. Threats: Beech Bark Disease, caused by a sap-feeding scale insect and a fungus, threatens Michigan's beech trees. Affected trees decline in health and eventually die.
The Baobab field is located south of Espoir in deep water Block CI-40. CNR International commenced development of the Baobab field in 2003, delivering first oil in record time by mid-2005. Development of the field consists of producing wells and water injectors tied back to four separate subsea manifolds: two for production and two for water injection. The flow lines from these manifolds are tied back to a floating production storage and offtake vessel (FPSO). Oil is exported from the FPSO to shore via shuttle tankers, the natural gas is piped north to the Espoir Ivoirien FPSO, and then ashore via pipeline.
RSIS Monograph No. 15 Today, common concerns are driving East Asians to collaborate in ways unimaginable a few years ago. In particular, recent developments in the financial, energy, health, anti-transnational crime, and other sectors suggest that “functional cooperation” – technical collaboration based on common interests or issues – is on the rise among East Asian states. Collaboration under Anarchy brings together ten leading experts who assess the prospects for deeper and more extensive cooperation in various “non-traditional” sectors of security, as well as the views of several regional powers and of ASEAN on functional cooperation within and by their region. Their analyses suggest that functional cooperation, while not without difficulties, could however prove indispensible to realizing East Asia’s collective aspirations for prosperity, security and order. East Asia and Asia Pacific / International Politics and Security / Monographs / Regionalism and Multilateralism Last updated on 15/10/2014
The Shiripuno River is the Magic River! All the magic begins at the waters of the Shiripuno River, these small and meandered river carries a light brown water, its colors is due to the rich sediments from terra firme, of the Shiripuno Basin. These experience begins every time we embark on our Nature Trips. The Shiripuno River is the main waterflow in the basin. All the running water of this area is in the clouds, the rain can happens anywhere at any time. When rain happens, it hits the foliage in the canopy breaking into smaller drops and start a long journey of dripping tips to end up into a running stream. The water carries sediments, it can be seen using transparents containers while you explore. Sloth in the Shiripuno River! The Shiripuno River like many other rivers in the Amazon Rainforest has the meandered movement , they moves like giant snakes in the vegetation giving life any any direction. The Shiripuno Rivers has a series of flooding events, changing the river’s banks, the flood can reach couple hundreds meter inside, filling old oxbow lakes, shallow varzeas, forest swamps. During flooding of the Shiripuno River all animals living near the bank, have adapted to this lifestyle, they come out with incredible solutions such as termites and leaf cutter ants both building the colonies in the canopy and mid canopy respectively. The Shiripuno River embraces all kind of iconic Amazonian Wildlife during its navigation you might cross with incredible Anacondas, Jaguars, Tapirs, or Harpy Eagles, be prepared for this events, on every corner surprises are awaiting for all of us. Anaconda in the Shiripuno River! Below is a quick Checklist of all animals possible to be seen waiting visiting us. Trees of the Shiripuno River Ceibos or Kapoks Trees of Fire Wildlife of the Shiripuno River People of the Shiripuno River The Shiripuno Rivers has very little human activity, most of the river is protected by the Waorani People and the Yasuni National Park.
Counterfeiting remains problematic worldwide despite increased awareness, so what is brand protection? And how does it fit into a business’s anti-counterfeit strategy? The answers depend on how a company wants to protect intellectual property from criminals. One school of thought is to safeguard the brand as well as secure the actual products themselves, but what are the benefits of this approach? Does it actually work to defend against counterfeiting, or are there other reasons why brand protection is a requisite capability? We’ll outline the answers throughout this post to give you a clear idea of why your company can’t wait another day to begin safeguarding your brand in addition to physical goods. Brand protection definition The definition of brand protection is pretty straightforward. It’s a collection of activities and processes you undergo to ensure that your company suffers minimal damage due to counterfeiting. Whether you want to defend a trademark online and battle rogue websites, success requires a concerted strategy and sound technological capabilities to detect and mitigate incidents. But today, brand protection entails more nuance than in years past when lawsuits and publicity were sufficient to expose counterfeiters. Essentially, protecting your brand has two sides to the equation: the brand owner and the consumer who gets tricked into believing a product is genuine. Two sides of the equation – Brand owners and consumers Regarding the potential impact on brand owners, fake products can severely damage a company’s reputation if the problem is persistent and consumers perceive that the business doesn’t care about their needs. Blatant infringement of intellectual property (IP) is only the start. When counterfeits start to have a reasonable amount of success, they’ll only escalate their crimes. Patents are a good start, yet counterfeiters simply don’t care about infringing your rights because that’s their core business model. Likewise, the situation for consumers is problematic too. When consumers buy inauthentic products, they don’t realize that they’ve been duped until something goes wrong. For instance, a consumer might believe they purchased a legitimate medical device, but after a short while, the device malfunctions because it’s fake. In this case, counterfeiting can be a safety hazard – and potentially life-threatening in a worst-case scenario. Not only do consumers ultimately overpay for substandard quality, but they’ll also stop trusting that the brand in question cares about fighting counterfeiters, which leads us to our next point. Types of brand abuse Indeed, counterfeits in the global market cause real damage to companies and ordinary people, but is all counterfeiting similar? The surprising answer is that there are many different ways in which fraudsters ply their illicit trade. Often, they can successfully fool consumers by simply abusing the brand and not necessarily manufacturing completely fraudulent products. These activities take several forms, but they mostly boil down to copyright abuse, particularly the trademark. Why? What makes a trademark worth faking? A trademark can be a simple logo or a few words that signify your business for some companies. Thus, criminals only have to fake that information instead of going through the complex machinations necessary to fabricate the products themselves. Today, brand impersonation remains just as problematic, even though it’s a relatively simple con. It could be something as rudimentary as spam social media accounts, or it can be something more severe like fully-functioning rogue websites. As such, brand protection services arose to provide businesses with a viable, comprehensive defense. Types of brand protection services The good news is that you’re not helpless against counterfeiting. You have options for brand protection services, but the catch is that they’re not all equally as effective at stopping counterfeits. Some of them do well at pinpointing fake products, yet results still vary company-to-company. Detection is step one; however, what about prevention? It’s one thing to identify when a product is inauthentic; stopping them from entering the global market is another challenge entirely. At a minimum, a brand protection service should also include accurate reporting on top of the ability to capture vital data, sometimes in near real-time. Consequences of counterfeiting Having said that, the next question is this: what are the actual consequences of failing to stop criminals? The problem is that this query isn’t so easy to answer because you first need to quantify the extent of the issue before analyzing the consequences. For instance, you might notice a dip in sales before you anticipate them to fall off, but is this a normal cycle? After all, consumers aren’t robots, and their buying behaviors vary widely. Or, does it suggest that fake products are devouring your sales figures? Furthermore, how do you quantify the damage to your business’s reputation among consumers? Do you look for an increased number of complaints, or, perhaps, a higher number of returned items? In the previous era of anti-counterfeiting, filing lawsuits may have deterred further counterfeiting, but in our modern-day, suits are minimally effective at preventing fake goods from entering the market, if at all. Simply put, criminals are bolder and more daring than they’ve ever been. Protect your brand with minimum safeguards Essentially, the minimum safeguards like consumer education and lawsuits don’t stop counterfeiters. In a digitally connected world, it’s easy for a criminal to work out of another country that may or may not be friendly to IP laws. You can identify the problem, but you can’t sue someone sitting across the planet making rogue websites. You can report them to local law enforcement, but the damage has already occurred. Technology helps, yet you have to implement it correctly to get the most benefit. Still, can technology play a more prominent part? We believe so at AlpVision, so here are a few words about why tech is more vital than in previous eras. Protect your brand with technology Never underestimate the sophistication of fraudsters and cybercriminals. They literally wake up every day and think about how to fool companies and consumers – and they never stop. Counterfeiters are persistent and advanced con artists, so the brand protection system you deploy needs to account for those facts. It’s a stereotype to view professional criminals as dumb and easily tricked. Essentially, you’re the one who’s easy to con, not the fraudster. As a solution, you can use better, more advanced tech than counterfeiters to stay one step ahead. You can use tech to authenticate products as well as capture and analyze vital statistics in a turnkey solution, so with those considerations in mind; we develop a new system to build out a complete brand protection strategy: AlpVision’s Brand Monitoring System (BMS). AlpVision Brand Monitoring System Global enterprises require global solutions that integrate into their current IT infrastructure. As such, we designed AlpVision BMS to be a server-based web application, allowing brand owners to monitor activity online, collect counterfeit statistics, and authentic products when the system flags potential incidents. That’s how the system works at a high level, but AlpVision BMS provides additional safeguards as well concerning brand protection. Not only can our BMS solution help you identify counterfeit wares, but it will also integrate seamlessly with our other systems, such as AlpVision Fingerprint and Cryptoglyph. Still, if you have a custom architecture, our brand monitoring software can also combine well with other tools, including secure QR codes, 2-D dot matrices, or something more covert. Either way, the ideal solution should be able to authenticate stats and collect them while providing real-time alerts. Indeed, AlpVision’s BMS process provides secure encryption, which allows you to receive real-time information and notifications from any part of the world. With our online brand protection system, you can finally take control and minimize the damage to IP and other infringements. If you’d like to learn more specifics about the benefits of AlpVision BMS in combination with additional defenses,download our latest white paper to read about why you can’t wait any longer to safeguard your brand
Also found in: Dictionary, Wikipedia. Fasciotomy is a surgical procedure that cuts away the fascia to relieve tension or pressure. The fascia is thin connective tissue covering, or separating, the muscles and internal organs of the body. It varies in thickness, density, elasticity, and composition, and is different from ligaments and tendons. The fascia can be injured either through constant strain or through trauma. Fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia. The most common condition for which fasciotomy is performed is plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the fascia on the bottom of the foot that is sometimes called a heel spur or stone bruise. Plantar fasciitis is caused by long periods on the feet, being overweight, and wearing shoes that do not support the foot well. Teachers, mail carriers, runners, and others who make heavy use of their feet are especially likely to suffer from plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis results in moderate to disabling heel pain. If nine to twelve months of conservative treatment (reducing time on feet, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, arch supports) under the supervision of a doctor does not result in pain relief, a fasciotomy may be done. Fasciotomy removes a small portion of the fascia to relieve tension and pain. Connective tissue grows back into the cut space left by the cut, effectively lengthening the fascia. When a fasciotomy is performed on other parts of the body, it is usually done to relieve pressure from a compression injury to a limb. This type of injury often occurs during contact sports. The blood vessels of the limb are damaged. They swell and leak, causing inflammation. Fluid builds up in the area contained by the fascia. A fasciotomy is done to relieve this pressure and prevent tissue death. Similar injury occurs in high voltage electrical burns where deep tissue damage occurs. In the case of injury, fasciotomy is done on an emergency basis, and the outcome of the surgery depends largely on the general health of the patient. Plantar fasciotomies are appropriate for most people whose foot problems cannot be resolved in any other way. Fasciotomy in the limbs is usually done by a surgeon under general or regional anesthesia. An incision is made in the skin, and a small area of fascia is removed where it will best relieve pressure. Then the incision is closed. Plantar fasciotomy is an endoscopic (performed with the use of an endoscope) procedure. It is done by a foot specialist in a doctor's office or outpatient surgical clinic under local anesthesia and takes 20 minutes to one hour. The doctor makes two small incisions on either side of the heel. An endoscope is inserted in one to guide the doctor in where to cut. A tiny knife is inserted in the other. A portion of the fascia is cut from near the heel; then the incisions are closed. Little preparation is done before a fasciotomy. When the fasciotomy is related to burn injuries, the fluid and electrolyte status of the patient are constantly monitored. Aftercare depends on the reason for the fasciotomy. People who have endoscopic plantar fasciotomy can walk without pain almost immediately, return to wearing their regular shoes within three to five days, and return to normal activities within three weeks. Most will need to wear arch supports in their shoes. In endoscopic plantar fasciotomy, the greatest risk is that the arch will drop slightly as a result of this surgery, causing other foot problems. Risks involved with other types of fasciotomy are those associated with the administration of anesthesia and the development of blood clots. Fasciotomy in the limbs reduces pressure, thus reducing tissue death. Endoscopic plantar fasciotomy has a success rate of 90-95%. Endoscope — A tube that contains a tiny camera and light, that is inserted in the body to allow a doctor to see inside without making a large incision. "New Treatments for Heel Spur Syndrome." 〈http://www.footspecialist.com/heelspur.html〉. incision of a fascia. Incision through a fascia; used in the treatment of certain disorders and injuries when marked swelling is present or anticipated, that could compromise blood flow; fasciotomy may be combined with embolectomy in the treatment of acute arterial embolism. [fascio- + G. tomē, incision] fasciotomy/fas·ci·ot·o·my/ (fas″e-ot´ah-me) incision of a fascia. Surgical incision through a fascia. a surgical incision into an area of fascia. fasciotomyOrthopedics The incision through a fascial plane, usually to relieve neurovasular pressure in an underlying muscle compartment Incision through a fascia; used in the treatment of some vascular disorders and injuries when marked swelling is anticipated, which could compromise blood flow; fasciotomy may be combined with embolectomy in the treatment of acute arterial embolism. [fascio- + G. tomē, incision] fasciotomyCutting fascia, usually to relieve damaging tension in a muscle compartment or prevent compression of arteries or nerves. Fasciotomy may become necessary if the development of muscles, as in an athlete, exceeds the space available to them in their fascial compartments. fasciotomyincision to divide fascia incision of a fascia.
Carl Lostritto conducts research and teaches in the area of computational design, with an emphasis on drawing and media within the discipline of architecture. He also cofounded and operates the RISD Code Studio, an interdisciplinary group of RISD/Brown faculty and students devoted to the critical, conceptual and technical opportunities surrounding the craft of computing. Lostritto practices as an artist and designer. He regularly exhibits drawings and conceptual works of architecture. Parameters of Time: Computing & Drawing Slowly was on view at the University of Maryland through September 2014. He also consults in design computation with artists, architects and publishers on projects ranging in type and scale to include buildings, websites, objects, maps and drawings. Before joining the RISD faculty, Lostritto taught architecture and design at The Boston Architectural College, The Catholic University of America, The University of Maryland and MIT. He studied in a post-professional research program at MIT within the Design and Computation Group. His professional architecture degree was earned at the University of Maryland, where he was awarded the Alpha Rho Chi Medal Thesis Prize and was recognized by the Center for Teaching Excellence. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland and graduated summa cum laude. Academic research/ areas of interest Carl Lostritto’s broad scholarly agenda involves framing computation conceptually. He focuses on representation as an essential territory of architectural thought and discourse. His modus operandi in practice and pedagogy involves writing software that controls machines and extends the role of the human author in the design process. He has written hundreds of programs and scripts that control vintage pen plotters and indexes, catalogues and writes about the resulting drawings with the goal of generating and addressing questions such as: What does an artificial intelligence engine that plays Connect Four look like? What are the aesthetic implications of a geometric algorithm that gives mass to line? What if abstracted geological forces and particle physics were misused to make a storm cloud form in the world of a drawing? What is the simplest algorithm that produces the most complex spatial condition? How many types of ambiguity are there? Why do architects draw? And, what would Sol LeWitt do? Some of his recent publications on these topics include the essays “How to make sure that time, force and flaws don’t disappear, despite the computer” in The Draftery: Figure 03 (Athanasiou Geolas and Jesen Tanadi, Editors, 2013) and “The Definition, Necessity and Potential of Drawing Computation” in Dosya 29, Computational Design (Onur Yüce Gün, Editor, 2012).
- Corredor Seco - Informe de situación Junio 201629/06/2016 - Evaluaciones de la seguridad de semillas17/06/2016 - Increasing the Resilience of Agricultural Livelihoods17/05/2016 - FAO Position Paper - The World Humanitarian Summit16/05/2016 - Social protection in protracted crises, humanitarian and fragile contexts14/05/2016 Guidance Note - Safe access to firewood and alternative energy in humanitarian settings Safe access to cooking fuel can save lives in humanitarian contexts; supporting safe access to sufficient and appropriate cooking fuel for affected populations requires greater attention and a multisectoral approach from the humanitarian system. The collection, supply, and use of biomass cooking fuel in emergencies creates a myriad of risks for crisis-affected people and their environment, including rape or assault during firewood collection, environmental degradation, and respiratory illnesses caused by the indoor burning of biomass materials. Firewood collection and charcoal production put an increased strain on already fragile environments, contributing to soil erosion, desertification, increased exposure to natural disasters such as droughts and floods, and to loss of agricultural livelihoods. Food and energy security are basic requirements in a humanitarian response as well as for poverty reduction and rural development. Not properly addressing fuel needs during a humanitarian response can have a direct bearing on immediate and longer-term food and nutritional security. FAO’s response to the cooking needs of assisted populations in emergency and recovery contexts focuses on natural resources management and livelihood activities, contributing to increased resilience in crisis and disaster-affected areas.
Location: Austin, TX The candidate will be member of a VLSI design engineering and verification team. The responsibilities will involve design, implementation and verification of the latest video and audio algorithms and working with system and chip architects to design SoCs. The designer will create complex designs using Verilog. The job will involve construction of a bit or cycle exact C simulation of the selected architecture. It will support IC designers with detailed design documents, HW simulation, and functional verification models. Generate customer IC specification documentation. Plan and coordinate integration and verification of subsystems. The candidate should be able to both implement the designs, and to lead others in the implementation of the designs. The ideal candidate will have a minimum MS in Electrical or Computer Engineering. They will have a good understanding of the IC development processes. They should have good experience in C modeling of VLSI hardware systems. In depth knowledge backed by on-the-job IC experience (4+ years) is required in some or all of the following areas: -Video and audio compression, including MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding (H.264, MPEG-4 Part 10) and Audio DSP implementation -Image and digital signal processing -Graphics and Video displays -Security (AES, DES, etc) -Memory controller and system bandwidth analysis -Hardware/software SoC co-design -Integration of IP -High performance processor architectures or embedded RISC CPU based system architecture -C, and/or System-C programming languages -The entire ASIC design flow including architecture, logic entry, simulation, synthesis, and timing closure as well as some scripting (shell scripts, TCL, perl, etc) If you have these skills and your interested in exploring new opportunties in the beautiful city of Austin, please submit your resume when you reply and I'll contact you as soon as possible.
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Journal of Applied Physics vol:79 issue:8 pages:3811-3815 High resolution calorimetric detection of single particles in magnetic fields up to 8 T at temperatures (0.1 K is reported. A careful study of heavily doped Si and Ge thermistors reveals an extremely large positive magnetoresistance in the variable range hopping conductivity regime. This phenomenon is used to optimize the impedance and the temperature sensitivity of a calorimetric detector. Initial experiments show an energy resolution full width at half maximum of 800 eV for 62.5 keV conversion electrons and an energy threshold of <400 eV. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.
Read through the power point and Knowledge Organiser - this will help with your lesson. Using the map (and google) to locate where Asia (the continent) would be. Try to list as many countries as you can that makes up Asia. Also list bordering continents and any of the seas or oceans that encompass China. Children can then list some of the cities in China that they can find using the atlas (include the capital city). Have fun exploring ! Don't forget to play the 'Matching Cards' game.
Christmas can be the most lonely and depressing time of year, that's why I was very impressed to hear that Shish Restaurant is offering free food and company to the elderly and homeless on Christmas Day. Shish Restaurant is a Turkish Restaurant based in Sidcup. The message in the window of the restaurant reads: "No one eats alone on a Christmas Day! We are here to sit with you." The restaurant is offering a three course meal for the homeless from 12-6pm. "It’s not about religion, language or culture. It’s about community," a manager from the restaurant said. We are all human, and Shish Restaurant sets an example to others about working together as a community. We live in a world run on narcissism and greed where often people don't want to help others. Is it really acceptable that we are allowing people to go hungry when we have enough resources to feed everyone? It is a natural instinct to share. I think that when we eat out at places we should all have the option of donating our leftovers to someone in need or even give our leftovers to someone in the street who needs it. There is so much waste in this world. We hear about supermarkets and eateries throwing away perfectly good food, which even staff and customers are not allowed to take. Why not? Maybe it's because there is a belief that if businesses worked liked that nobody would bother buying, and that people would just wait until the food is given away for free. We should have more trust in people and ethics should come first before business. I would like to see more effort in helping those in need rather than just having bystanders not do a thing. I think we should all be inspired by Shish Restaurant and we should all want to do good in this world. For this world to be a success, we need to cooperate. There's no I in team.
|시간 제한||메모리 제한||제출||정답||맞은 사람||정답 비율| |1 초||128 MB||0||0||0||0.000%| Judge Ito is having a problem with people subpoenaed for jury duty giving rather lame excuses in order to avoid serving. In order to reduce the amount of time required listening to goofy excuses, Judge Ito has asked that you write a program that will search for a list of keywords in a list of excuses identifying lame excuses. Keywords can be matched in an excuse regardless of case. Input to your program will consist of multiple sets of data. Line 1 of each set will contain exactly two integers. The first number (1 <= K <= 20) defines the number of keywords to be used in the search. The second number (1 <= E <= 20) defines the number of excuses in the set to be searched. Lines 2 through K+1 each contain exactly one keyword. Lines K+2 through K+1+E each contain exactly one excuse. All keywords in the keyword list will contain only contiguous lower case alphabetic characters of length L (1 <= L <= 20) and will occupy columns 1 through L in the input line. All excuses can contain any upper or lower case alphanumeric character, a space, or any of the following punctuation marks [".,!?] not including the square brackets and will not exceed 70 characters in length. Excuses will contain at least 1 non-space character. For each input set, you are to print the worst excuse(s) from the list. The worst excuse(s) is/are defined as the excuse(s) which contains the largest number of incidences of keywords. If a keyword occurs more than once in an excuse, each occurrance is considered a separate incidence. A keyword "occurs" in an excuse if and only if it exists in the string in contiguous form and is delimited by the beginning or end of the line or any non-alphabetic character or a space. For each set of input, you are to print a single line with the number of the set immediately after the string "Excuse Set #". (See the Sample Output). The following line(s) is/are to contain the worst excuse(s) one per line exactly as read in. If there is more than one worst excuse, you may print them in any order. After each set of output, you should print a blank line. 5 3 dog ate homework canary died My dog ate my homework. Can you believe my dog died after eating my canary... AND MY HOMEWORK? This excuse is so good that it contain 0 keywords. 6 5 superhighway crazy thermonuclear bedroom war building I am having a superhighway built in my bedroom. I am actually crazy. 1234567890.....,,,,,0987654321?????!!!!!! There was a thermonuclear war! I ate my dog, my canary, and my homework ... note outdated keywords? Excuse Set #1 Can you believe my dog died after eating my canary... AND MY HOMEWORK? Excuse Set #2 I am having a superhighway built in my bedroom. There was a thermonuclear war!
Cancel a meeting. Feb 04, · Sign in to the Zoom web portal. Click Account Management, then click Billing. Under the Current Plans tab, find the plan you want to cancel and click Cancel Subscription to stop your subscription’s automatic renewal. Confirm your request by selecting Cancel Subscription. Choose why you would no longer like to renew your g: scheduled meeting. Oct 24, · Unscheduling a scheduled meeting is almost always difficult. Due to the quirk of our brains that overvalues what we already have, losing a meeting feels worse than not scheduling one. We all suffer from Zoom meeting loss aversion. To cancel a scheduled meeting, someone has to take charge. In hierarchies, including academic hierarchies, it is . Apr 07, · You can view, edit, start, and delete scheduled upcoming one-time or recurring meetings from the Zoom client. You can also view any previous meetings that you recorded to the cloud or this computer and see the file path of the recording. Click on Meetings in the Zoom client. You will now have the option to view Upcoming or Recorded Meetings. Upcoming. Meetings in Zoom – Technology Support Center – Knowledge Base. Enable join before host: If you would like your callers to be able to enter the meeting before you dial in, please check the Enable join before host box when scheduling your meeting. Alternate Host: If you are scheduling a meeting for someone else please add them as an Alternative Host. These guidelines will help to ensure privacy and the protection of sensitive information. Invite participants by calendar invite or by email:. Add the meeting information to your Outlook calendar: Click Outlook Calendar. Click on the downloaded. Alternately, you can click Copy the invitation to capture the meeting information, then paste into an email to invitees. You can edit the information provided by Zoom to delete info your audience doesn’t need e. Either US phone number will work regardless of call origination location, however the participants’ usual carrier charges will apply. With Meetings selected in the left pane select the meeting you would like to cancel from your list of meetings. Zoom notes that your Personal Meeting ID is a virtual meeting room that’s always resolved for you. It’s ideal for people you meet with regularly, once someone has a link to your Personal Meeting ID they can join any time the meeting is being used. Passcode: This security setting helps to ensure that only intended guests can access your meeting. Zoom will automatically generate a passcode of random numbers or letters, but you can change it to something that’s easier to remember. Waiting Room: Another security setting, this one requires the host to admit users one by one to the meeting. Video: Select on or off for the host and participants to determine whether or not their video feed will be turned on when joining. If you choose on, the host and participants can still choose to turn off their video feed, and vice versa. Advanced Options: Pretty self-explanatory, advanced options will vary depending on the type of Zoom account you have. They can include allowing participants to join at anytime, muting participants upon entering the meeting, and automatically recording the meeting on the local computer. More Button Icon Circle with three horizontal dots. It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Smart Home. Social Media. Abigail Abesamis Demarest and Marissa Perino. Share icon An curved arrow pointing right. Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting. Twitter LinkedIn icon The word “in”. LinkedIn Fliboard icon A stylized letter F. Flipboard Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url. By clicking Cancel Subscription under the Current Plans tab, you prevent your auto-renewal of a plan you may never cancel. Use the Cancel Subscription button to confirm your request. Opening Hours : Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm. Can I Reschedule Zoom Meeting? Any upcoming meetings you have scheduled, or those that you grant users scheduling privileges, will be displayed here. Once you select the meeting, you can start it, edit the meeting configuration, delete the meeting and change the invitees. Cancel That Regularly Scheduled Meeting | Learning Innovation.How to Delete a Scheduled Canvas Zoom Meeting: Zoom and Canvas Resources Switch to your Calendar and find the meeting. · Double-click the meeting to open it. · On the ribbon, click Cancel Meeting. · The meeting form will change into a. How Do I Cancel My Zoom Meeting? Go to the Zoom web portal by clicking the link below. The Billing option can be found in Account Management.
When computers act up, most people automatically fear that a virus may be responsible, which leads many to scour the Internet looking for answers. Unfortunately, according to the Federal Trade Commission, that antivirus download you see flashing on your screen might contain spyware or some other malware that could makes things much worse. Before you install any type of security program that claims to eliminate malicious software from your computer, consider the following. The Federal Trade Commission Issues a Warning According to the Federal Trade Commission, users should use caution when they see advertisements or notifications warning them that their computer is infected with malicious software. The federal agency says that these programs are often created by scam artists who aim to take advantage of consumer ignorance. Often referred to as "scareware," these programs flash large, official-looking warnings informing users that their computers are infected with dangerous spyware, viruses and other types of malware. Usually, the programs then offer a free antivirus download that will supposedly diagnose and repair the problem. Unfortunately, according to the FTC, when users install the software, they are quickly inundated with false messages urging them to install a host of expensive security programs that will supposedly repair what are in fact non-existent issues. In the end, users either end up paying for something they don't need, or inadvertently leave their systems exposed to viruses or Trojan horses that may be used to harvest their private data. What Users Should Look For According to the , consumers should be wary when they see notifications using phrases, such as "free security scan" or "your computer is infected," especially when they come in a pop-up window or email. Additionally, the agency warns that, because many unscrupulous con artists buy advertising space on reputable websites; users shouldn't necessarily trust a free antivirus download just because it appears on a seemingly-credible site. How to Respond to Scareware Anytime users are confronted with suspicious security alerts, they should use caution. Unfortunately, it's not always enough to merely recognize a potential scam. To ensure that you don't accidentally install one of these programs, follow the government's recommendations for side-stepping attacks. According to the agency, users should never click "cancel," "no" or the "x" located in the top right corner of their browser; as some malware programs are designed to come alive when these buttons are selected. Instead, the agency advises Windows users to shut down their browsers by opening their task managers by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and selecting "end task." For Mac users, the agency suggests pressing Command + Option + Q + Esc to “force quit” their browser program. Finally, if you believe your computer is infected with spyware or a virus, the FTC recommends that you enter the full name of a security program into a search engine, which should provide you with pertinent warnings and reviews to help you assess the product's reputability. Other Recent Kingofhowto.com Stories
Spectacle took part in the Nine Elms architectural walk – part of the World Monuments Fund Watch day 2014. Here is a short edit of the event. The watch day was launched by World Monuments Fund in 2012 to provide an opportunity for people to engage with their local communities and deepen their knowledge of local historic sites. The walk itinerary included Vauxhall and Nine Elms areas looking at sites such as the listed Brunswick House, Convent Garden Flower Market, Tideway Village riverboat community, Battersea Power Station, Battersea Dogs Home, the gas holder site and Battersea Park railway station. The walk was lead by Colin Thom of the Survey of London and had contributions from David Waterhouse (Tideway Village riverboat community), Stuart Tappin (Structural engineer), Brian Barnes (artist and founder member of Battersea Power Station Community group) and Keith Garner (architect).
Elevating sustainability requirements for buildings We are proud to be one of 24 councils collaborating on an innovative planning project to ensure sustainable development for our communities. In a show of unity across the local government sector, 24 councils on July 21st lodged a planning scheme amendment with the State Government, seeking to introduce planning policy that elevates sustainability requirements for new buildings and encourages a move towards net zero carbon development. The councils are all Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) member councils with the project supported by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV). The amendment seeks to build on the current Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) requirements for new developments and in doing so, better protect the natural environment, reduce resource and energy consumption, and support the health and wellbeing of future occupants. The amendments includes detailed, measurable targets that will deliver meaningful outcomes in practice. The 24 councils represent approximately half the Victorian population and planning activity. Comfortable, resilient and green homes Under the proposed changes, new developments would: - Produce net zero carbon emissions. - Reduce household bills by making buildings more energy efficient. - Provide a healthier and more comfortable environment for building occupants. - Better manage water quality, use and collection. - Protect and enhance greening and biodiversity. - Be more resilient to changing climate impacts. For more information go to the CASBE website
If you’re experiencing a flea infestation, you’re probably confused about whether to use chemical or natural products to rid your home of these pesky insects. The problem with chemical products is that they may contain harsh substances that can hurt your family’s and pet’s health. Additionally, some of these chemical products can’t eliminate flea larva and pupae. On the other hand, natural remedies like diatomaceous earth (DE) can help you get rid of fleas safely in your home. But how can diatomaceous earth kill fleas? When these insects contact it, the tiny abrasive particles in the fine powder will damage the tough outer shells (exoskeletons) and stick to their bodies, absorbing moisture till they dry up and die. Now, after going through the mechanism of action of this flea remedy, let’s see how much time does it take to kill these creatures using diatomaceous earth. We’ll also walk you through tips on how to use it in home, yards, and on pets. Adult fleas start to die as soon as four hours after touching the diatomaceous earth powder. However, it may take 48 hours to get them killed, which is why you should leave the powder for this time so that it can do its job. The particles may also get rid of flea larvae, but you’ll need to repeat the process for several weeks and maybe months to ensure that flea pupae or eggs are gone as well. Why Use Diatomaceous Earth There are many advantages to using diatomaceous earth fine powder. Because of its microscopically sharp edges, it can get rid of fleas, but it won’t hurt you because the sharp edges are so small. However, it’s like crawling over broken glass for an insect; it’ll pierce its skin and kill it within hours or days. In addition, this powder is ideal for wall gaps and interior voids of furniture or equipment that can be filled with it. Also, it’s suitable for use around the edges of floors, carpet, and in deeper crevices. Which Diatomaceous Earth Should I Choose? When shopping for diatomaceous earth for pest control, keep in mind that there are two main types: pool-grade and food-grade. Both are classified as pesticides. Pool-grade diatomaceous earth has been treated in ways that make it more dangerous for humans and other large animals to touch or breathe. That’s why you have to make sure to buy the food-grade DE. This type is entirely safe for your family and pets and shouldn’t cause any problems in your house. How to Use Diatomaceous Earth to Get Rid of Fleas in Homes To use the diatomaceous earth fine powder as an effective flea remedy in your home, you need to follow specific procedures within a specific time frame. This ensures the success of the whole process. You’ll have to identify the areas in your home that are infested with fleas, as well as any areas where your infested pet has spent a significant amount of time. For instance, you can inspect your furniture, pet bedding, floors, crevices, cracks, and under sinks. Also, if the infested area has bedding, carpeting, or other textiles, you may want to vacuum it first to get the fleas moving. After identifying the infested areas, start by sprinkling the food-grade DE in a thin layer over these areas. However, if you’re applying the powder onto the carpet, you need to work it into the carpet using a broom to ensure that the powder gets deep into the fibers. And if the areas are challenging to reach, you can apply the powder using a duster or a puffer bottle. Remember that you should vacuum the powder and dead fleas off the infested areas after using DE. But, if the treated area is out of your reach, you can leave the diatomaceous earth powder as it is, and it’ll act as one of your flea preventatives. Using It on Bed Mattresses Since we sleep on bed mattresses, it makes sense that people might be worried about spreading this powder on them. But there’s no need to worry; the process is simple and safe. To begin, steam clean the mattress and, if possible, take it outside and leave it in direct sunlight for not less than 4 hours. Then, make sure that the bed isn’t touching the wall and that no bedsheets are touching the floor. Now, sprinkle the food-grade diatomaceous earth on the mattress and bedding, paying particular attention to any bedding creases. It’d help to dust some of the powder into the mattress’ box springs. Also, for maximum flea protection, let the diatomaceous earth on for some time after applying it. How to Use Diatomaceous Earth in Yards Similar to indoors, you need to identify the areas in your yard where the infestation is most visible. The infested areas are usually the source of the problem, which is why it should be your primary focus when applying diatomaceous earth. After discovering the areas infested with fleas in your yard, you can start applying the powder. However, try to wait for a dry weather period before beginning the treatment process, as diatomaceous earth is most effective in dry states. You can then apply it by throwing handfuls of the powder over the infested areas and letting it float down to coat the entire space. You can also mix approximately 1- 4 tablespoons of diatomaceous earth for every gallon of water and spray the mix onto the lawn, shrubbery, and anywhere else the pests might be. However, note that the powder applied this way will only be effective if the weather remains dry for at least one week. This will allow it to return to its potent powder form and start to attack the fleas. So, generally, don’t be concerned if you don’t see immediate results because it can take a few days before you notice a change in your yard. In fact, it can take 7 to 17 days to get rid of fleas in your yard, but it produces long-lasting results. Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Use on Dogs and Cats? Yes, diatomaceous earth is considered a safe powder that can be used on animals. So while it’s fatal to bugs, it’s harmless to animals. Therefore, don’t worry about using this powder on your dogs and cats to get rid of fleas; you can apply it directly to their coats for flea prevention. You can start by rubbing the powder into your dog’s fur. Next, with the powder on its fur and skin, let it move around for a few days. Then, give your pet a thorough bath with shampoo after a few days. Note that the diatomaceous earth should be kept out of the pet’s mouth and eyes. Also, as we mentioned before, you have to use food-grade diatomaceous earth to kill fleas on your pets because they may lick their coats. But anyway, before you use any new diatomaceous earth product on your pets, it’s important to double-check with your pet’s veterinarian. Using Diatomaceous Earth on Pet Bedding Although it’s safe to use diatomaceous earth on pet bedding to get rid of any fleas, prolonged exposure can have a minor impact on your pet’s skin. That’s why you need to wash your pet bedding with hot water every week to remove the powder’s remains and also for better flea prevention. It’s worth mentioning that fleas won’t develop resistance to diatomaceous earth because this substance kills through mechanical means rather than chemical ones. Is Diatomaceous Earth Damaging to All Stages of the Flea Life Cycle? If your home becomes infested with fleas and you begin using this fine powder, you should be aware that it may take some time to ensure that the fleas are gone for good. This is due to the presence of various stages in the flea life cycle; hence, different stages during an infestation. A flea’s life cycle can be divided into four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The total life cycle will take anywhere from a few weeks to many months, depending on the humidity levels and the environmental temperature. As we mentioned, once adults fleas are contacted with diatomaceous earth, they’ll take between 4 and 48 hours to dry and die. However, you should repeat the treatment from 3 weeks up to several months to ensure that all eggs have hatched and all adults and nymphs have been killed. There’s a chance to quicken and strengthen the effect of this treatment if you create a mix of diatomaceous earth, refined sea salt, and Borax powder and use this mix on your carpets, pet bedding, furniture, yards, and lawns. Concerns for Using Diatomaceous Earth as a Flea Control Because diatomaceous earth powder is commonly used in carpets, it can be difficult for you to get it off. So try using a good vacuum cleaner but nothing too fancy; a bag-based vacuum is ideal because the power can become stuck in more “modern” systems. Also, if you have severe asthma, remember that the powder may irritate your nose and mouth, so keep your asthma pump nearby and hide your mouth and nose with a wet cloth while applying the powder. And when using diatomaceous earth, keep any household fans or anything that creates a draught away from it. This is because they’ll blow the particles all over your home, making cleaning a nightmare and also reducing the chances of killing the irritating fleas. Frequently Asked Questions What Are the Side Effects of Excessive Pool-Grade Diatomaceous Earth Exposure? Pool-grade diatomaceous earth can affect the nasal passages and the nose if inhaled for too long. Also, people may suffer from coughing and shortness of breath if an extremely large amount is inhaled. In addition, it may irritate and dry out the skin. And because of its abrasive nature, this powder may irritate the eyes. Where Can I Buy Diatomaceous Earth for Flea Control? Food-grade diatomaceous earth for fleas is primarily available at hardware and pet supply stores, as well as online. The most common form of this powder comes in bags but can also come in bottles and jars. As mentioned, if you intend to use this flea control powder at home or on your pets, make sure to buy food-grade DE. Furthermore, pet parents should ensure that they’re purchasing an EPA-approved product from a reputable distributor. They should also choose a product that states that it can be applied directly to pets. How Long Does Diatomaceous Earth Stay Effective? Diatomaceous earth is similar to a sponge. When applied to a surface, it absorbs everything it comes into contact with, and in our case, it’s fleas. However, it’ll eventually reach a point where it’ll no longer be likely to absorb any extra fleas and will lose its strength. But, depending on where you use it and whether the area where it’s applied is dry or not, it can take anywhere from months to years to lose its strength. Can I Mix Essential Oils With Diatomaceous Earth? Yes, you can mix them both. But as mentioned, make sure it’s a 100% food-grade diatomaceous earth. Does Diatomaceous Earth Work in Humid Environments? Yes, but in a less effective way. To function properly, it must be dry; it shouldn’t be wet or mixed with water to make a spray. What Kills Fleas Instantly? One of the most common products is Nitenpyram, which is known as Capstar. It’s an instant, effective flea treatment for dogs and cats. It works in just 30 minutes. However, make sure to contact your pet’s vet before giving it any medicine. Is It Safe to Sleep in a Room With Diatomaceous Earth? Yes, it’s completely safe to sleep in a room where there’s diatomaceous earth around. You can even sleep on mattresses that are filled with DE. Can Diatomaceous Earth Products Kill Other Insects? Yes. Diatomaceous earth works well against other insects such as bed bugs, crickets, ticks, cockroaches, and more. If you’re having a flea infestation on your hands and don’t want to turn to chemical substances to get rid of it, then you can use diatomaceous earth since it’s one of the best natural solutions for flea infestations. Whether you need this potent powder to fight fleas on your pet or eliminate these biting bugs from your rugs, furniture, and beddings, it’ll save you in all scenarios. However, make sure to buy the food-grade diatomaceous earth because it’s not toxic for humans and pets. Also, keep in mind that every infested area shall take a different time to be flea-free; it depends on several factors such as humidity and the cycle of the fleas. The diatomaceous earth has a quicker effect on adult fleas; it can get rid of them in just 4 hours. But to completely rid yourself of fleas, you’ll need to continue the treatment techniques described above for weeks, if not months, to make sure that all flea eggs, larvae, and pupae are removed. This way, you’ll save your pet and yourself from reinfestations and, consequently, from future painful flea bites.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides a high quality user-oriented and dynamic statistical service for all sectors of the community. The statistical information it makes available has an important role to play in the decision-making processes that are undertaken by governments, private businesses and individuals. Sample surveys are used extensively by the ABS as part of its role in collecting information for these decision-making processes. This publication is intended to be a basic and practical guide to the use of sample surveys for the purpose of conducting all types of research or information gathering. The chapters are structured in a logical sequence—from the aims and objectives of the survey through to the presentation of the results. The publication is by no means an exhaustive study of the theory and practice of sample surveys, both of which are further covered in numerous journals and books. Custodian: Statistics Australia Optionally provide your comments to help us improve this article... Thank you for your feedback!
Russian Lawyers Debate Legality of Crypto Firm Selling Drinks for BTC An event organizer in Moscow recently sold over USD 1,600 worth of drinks in bitcoin (BTC) to attendees – but experts are divided when it comes to answering the question: was it legal? The event was the brainchild of a crypto startup named Chatex, but per RBC, it has courted controversy. A recently passed law, which promulgates on January 1, 2021, prohibits the use of BTC and altcoins to pay for goods and services. However, it does not prohibit the purchase, issuance, or sale of digital tokens. The media outlet quotes a Moscow-based lawyer and member of the Russian Bar Association as stating that as the new law is yet to come into force, Chatex had done nothing wrong. However, the lawyer pointed out that this would soon change. As of next year, the law is clear on the point of crypto pay – defining what is and is not a cryptoasset. Although companies could technically accept crypto “gifts,” they would not be able to build a business model based on selling goods if bitcoin and altcoin payments were involved. However, another lawyer, also based in the Russian capital, stated that as the company is headquartered in Estonia, Russian laws December not apply to it. Furthermore, the second lawyer added, bitcoin can still be exchanged for other goods – in barter or swap-like deals. The only caveat here is that these deals would not be legally recognized in Russia, and this would not be covered by statutory protection under sales legislation. The lawyer added that even though foreign currencies are not legal tender in Russia, they are also covered by property rights legislation, and courts could consider that bitcoin falls into the same category. On a related note, experts say that there is a slim chance of new Russian crypto law emerging anytime soon.
When we talk to other people about achieving goals, we often speak in terms that relate to energy. We think of ourselves as getting energized to get to work. Psychologists talk about the energy that is related to achieving goals as arousal. Is this mental energy just a metaphor? That is, are these goals just energized in the mind, or does that energy translate to physiological energy in the rest of the body? This question was explored in a paper in the February, 2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Timur Sevincer, Daniel Busatta, and Gabriele Oettingen. In one study, they looked at a method that Gabriele Oettingen and her colleagues have used many times in the past to study the arousal of goals. Their works shows that a good way to energize a goal is to do a mental contrast. First, think about the desired future that you want to achieve. Then, think about where you are right now related to that goal. For people who believe the goal can be achieved, this mental contrasting is an effective way of energizing the goal. But, for people who believe that the goal is impossible to achieve, this kind of mental contrasting actually makes people less interested in achieving the goal. In this study, the researchers linked this kind of mental energy to physiological energy using changes in systolic blood pressure. In one study, college students came to the lab and had a baseline blood pressure measurement. They also did a task where they squeezed a metal hand grip and the researchers measured how long they could hold the hand grip closed. This task is often used in psychology experiments as a measure of physical effort. After that, participants were told that they were going to write a fictitious graduate admissions essay. They rated how well they thought they would do in this task. That was a measure of their belief in whether they would succeed. Next, some participants did a mental contrasting exercise in which they thought about an aspect of themselves like self-confidence and focused first on how writing the essay would make them feel in the future. Then, they thought about that aspect in themselves right now. A second group thought only about the future. A third group focused on unrelated interactions with a teacher. After these exercises, participants had a second measure of systolic blood pressure. They also squeezed the hand grip again. Participants did not actually write an essay. Participants in the future and control conditions showed no particularly strong pattern of results. Their systolic blood pressure was not strongly influenced by their thoughts, and there was no major change in their ability to squeeze the hand grip. The participants in the contrasting condition showed an interesting pattern, though. When they thought the task was not achievable, their systolic blood pressure went down. When they thought it was highly achievable, then their systolic blood pressure went up. The same pattern was observed with the hand grip. Those who thought the task was not achievable held the grip closed for a shorter period of time than they had in the baseline condition, but those who thought it was achievable held it for a longer period of time. This study suggests that getting mentally energized to achieve a goal creates physiological energy. That energy is reflected both in a change in blood pressure as well as an increased ability to perform a physical task. Perhaps it should not be so surprising that mental energy creates a physiological response. The brain controls bodily action, and many of our goals require physical reactions. In the modern era, though, a lot of our mental work is done without much physical activity, and so it is easier to believe that the goals engaged by the brain are contained primarily in the brain.
Birds Tell Us to Act on Climate Pledge to stand with Audubon to call on elected officials to listen to science and work towards climate solutions. Carrie earned her Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Management at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Cobleskill. In her junior year, she was hired for her first seasonal field position with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), where she coordinated a 3-year statewide monitoring effort of secretive marsh birds. When she wasn’t surveying New York’s wetlands in search of rails, bitterns, and grebes, she helped her colleagues band songbirds at a Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survival (MAPS) station, conducted surveys in remote census blocks of the Adirondack Mountains for NY’s Second Breeding Bird Atlas, and assisted capture efforts of Common Loons to monitor for exposure to mercury contamination. She went on to study survival and harvest rates of Mallards and American Black Ducks on eastern Long Island for her Master’s thesis at SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry College in Syracuse, NY. After graduate school, she returned to NYSDEC to coordinate a US Fish and Wildlife Service pilot study on the feasibility of a nationally coordinated monitoring program of secretive marsh birds. In 2010, she joined Biodiversity Research Institute’s (BRI) Center for Loon Conservation, where she focused on capture and satellite deployment efforts of Red-throated Loons along the Mid-Atlantic Coast that yielded winter movement, migratory route, and site fidelity information pertinent to offshore wind development. She also helped coordinate banding and mercury monitoring of breeding Common Loons in the Northeast and Canadian Maritime provinces and worked at BRI’s collaborative research station in the North Slope of Alaska studying Pacific and Yellow-billed Loons. In 2021, Carrie earned her PhD in Ecology and Environmental Sciences from the University of Maine, where she continued her research on the winter and migration movement ecology of Red-throated Loons in eastern North America. In 2021, she joined the National Audubon Society’s Boreal Conservation Program, where she provides science support to help document the ecological values of proposed Indigenous-led conservation proposals across Canada’s Boreal Forest and increase knowledge and understanding about the special biodiversity and natural capital features of the Boreal Forest biome. In her free time, Carrie enjoys exploring the coast of Maine with her husband and son, hiking with her dogs, camping, gardening, The New York Times crossword puzzle, and cooking for her family and friends.
On your search for a new fireplace, you have probably come across some of our impressive marble fire surrounds. However, you might not realise just how impressive they really are! Take a look at the video to find out more… Carrara marble is no run-of-the-mill rock. A slab of this luxurious stone can cost up to £400 per square metre, depending on how it is extracted. It is mined from the Apuan Alps in Northern Tuscany, where the quarries produce more marble than any other place on Earth – around 4 million tonnes a year! What is Carrara Marble? Carrara marble is one of the most popular types of marble used in today’s building and decor. It is typically white or a light blue-grey in colour with a soft and feathery vein running through, making it a very attractive option for kitchen worktops, staircases, bathrooms and fireplaces. What’s more, its even lighter, often more expensive, version called ‘Statuario’ marble was the medium of choice for some of the world’s most famous sculptors. In fact, Michaelangelo’s David was created out of this very material! Marble has been mined at Carrara for over 2,000 years, ever since the Romans first discovered its beauty. Today, it is exported across the world, with China, the USA and Germany being the biggest buyers. Much of it also stays in the area for local artisans to use. The medieval town of Pietrasanta is known for its many Carrara marble workshops and studios that still produce spectacular statues. Marble is a form of natural stone that cannot be manmade. Scientifically speaking, it is a ‘metamorphic’ rock. It starts out as humble limestone, though when it is subjected to high temperature and pressure over the years, it transforms into the much more sought-after marble. Because of this natural process, every single slab of marble is entirely unique, which only adds to its appeal. Is Carrara Marble Expensive? While some types of Carrara marble can come with an expensive price tag, it is also one of the most affordable types of marble. There are actually a few different types of marble mined in the region that are sometimes grouped under the one name of ‘Carrara Marble’. These are: - Carrara Marble - Calcatta Marble - Statuary/ Statuario Marble. The latter two are a much brighter white colour, with a stronger and more varied grain. Carrara marble is softer in appearance, and often less expensive, which makes it perfect for our homes. Carrara is no less beautiful to look at – its more affordable cost is down to the fact that it is easier to quarry, so generally easier to get hold of. Do You Need to Seal Carrara Marble? The main thing to be aware of before investing in a Carrera marble fireplace is the level of maintenance it requires. All types of marble require regular sealing to protect its surface. This is because it has low acid-resistance, meaning it is vulnerable to staining – especially from things like wine, lemon and tomato juice. While durable, marble is also softer than other stones. This means you also need to take a little more care around it to avoid chipping and scratches forming. We have a guide on how to clean marble fireplaces and surrounds if you want to find out more. Our Carrara Marble Fireplaces Have you been inspired to invest in a Carrara marble fireplace for your home? If so, we have some fantastic styles for you to choose from. They look spectacular with a cast iron fireplace, though work just as well with one of our gas fireplaces or electric fires, too. Take a look at them below… This sleek and stylish Carrara marble fireplace is available in two sizes – a 51 inch width and a 56 inch width for larger rooms. The minimalist design is ideal for more modern decors. The traditional style of this fireplace features delicate corbels and clean lines that are sure to look magnificent in any room. Perfect for large fireplaces, this Carrara marble surround is available in a width of either 56 inches or 63 inches. The chunky carved corbels add to the grand effect this surround achieves. If you want something classic and timeless, this is the surround for you. Based on a traditional design, this is one of our most popular Carrara marble fireplaces. We love the cosy feel this fireplace gives off, thanks to its carved Carrara marble corbels. Combining intricate design with clean lines, this surround is full of character.
Online education is becoming more and more popular. We live in a new age where people are busier and busier and also where the Internet has become a major piece of people’s lives. People use the Internet for everything from paying bills to making friends to finding jobs and careers. Thus, if you want a convenient way to pursue a degree, you should definitely look into an online education. People work longer hours than in the past and may even work more than one job. Online education is a good because people can fit it into their schedules. This makes an education available to more people, especially those who have problems fitting traditional classroom educations into their hectic lives. Online education allows people the chance to receive additional training without quitting their day jobs. This level of flexibility makes a lot of sense: a person may already have some training or even a degree, but businesses are always changing and require new skills. This is a way to ensure that people stay up to date and can keep up with the changing world. Additionally, another great benefit for online education is that it allows a person to test-drive a number of subjects. Gone is the pressure of enrolling full-time or even part-time in an institution or higher learning. Instead, a person can take a class or two to feel out a subject or see if returning to school is right for them. Because a person can pursue a degree or class from anywhere in the world and can tailor the class to their schedule, it makes an education that much more possible. You can’t beat this kind of flexibility, especially in today’s day and age. The popularity of online education will only increase with time.
Kledal, Paul Rye (2011) Farmscrapers - fra horisontalt til vertikalt bylandbrug. Global Økologi, June 2011, 2 (2011), pp. 14-15. - Published Version The historical development of Urban Farming from the Gardens of Babylon to the talk of producing food in Modern farmscrabers. Included is the birth of the concept Urban Ecology and how it is implemented in present day Urban Design, and related to the worlds fast population growth and urbanization putteing pressure on resources such as land and water. |EPrint Type:||Newspaper or magazine article| |Keywords:||Urban farming, Urban Ecology, Urban design, Urbanization| |Subjects:|| Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management| Environmental aspects > Landscape and recreation |Deposited By:||Kledal, Dr. Paul Rye| |Deposited On:||16 Jan 2012 09:43| |Last Modified:||27 Jan 2012 10:33| Repository Staff Only: item control page
Similar to the gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, their smaller cousins, Uranus and Neptune, have long been known to harbor swirling clouds and violent winds churning up their atmospheres. Massive bands of jet streams encircling the entire planet have been observed in each case. But given that Uranus’ atmosphere is believed to be thick enough to swallow Earth entirely, it was not known just how far the weather perturbations reach into the planet’s interior. Now a team of planetary scientists with the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, including William Hubbard and Adam Showman, has published the results of new analyses that put an upper limit to the weather zone on Uranus and Neptune. According to their data, the atmospheres on both planets go from screaming winds of infernal violence to dead quiet at a much shallower depth than previously thought. “Our analyses show that the dynamics are confined to a thin weather layer no more than about 680 miles [1,090 kilometers] deep,” said Hubbard. “This number is an upper limit, so in reality, it is possible that the atmosphere quiets down even shallower than that.” For the study, which was led by Yohai Kaspi from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, the team applied computer simulations and numerical analyses to data collected by the spacecraft Voyager 2 during a flyby in 1989. Without a means to probe the atmosphere of gas giants directly, the researchers had to rely on indirect measurements to gather clues about weather patterns on the two planets. “For Neptune and Uranus, the only spacecraft data we have were taken with Voyager 2’s equipment more than 20 years ago, and we won’t be able to get anything that lives up to today’s standards anytime soon,” said Hubbard. Instead, the team used deep circulation theories developed by Showman and Kaspi to predict what the gravitational fields of Neptune and Uranus should look like. This method takes advantage of the fact that large weather perturbations in the atmospheres of giant planets modify their gravitational fields in a way that allows researchers to draw conclusions about the nature and extent of those weather phenomena. “Basically, by applying these newly developed theories, we are able to tease out new information from old data,” Hubbard said. “The reason we can constrain the weather to the upper 680 miles or so is that we would see a much stronger distortion of the gravitational field if the weather extended much deeper.” Hubbard said he made calculations back in 1989, at the time of Voyager 2’s encounter with Neptune, “but today of course we have much better methods than two decades ago, so we can put a more accurate constraint on these phenomena than I was able to at the time.” As a co-investigator on NASA’s Juno mission currently en route to Jupiter, Hubbard develops tools for analyzing the gravity signal from the giant gas planet with the famous Red Spot. Hubbard showed how high-precision gravity data from a close-range orbiter of Jupiter can be used to determine the depths to which Jupiter’s extraordinary zonal wind patterns penetrate. Juno’s goal is to study the interior composition of the largest planet in our system, which is thought to have formed before the other planets and hold answers to many unsolved questions about the formation of our solar system. “We are going to get similar data for Jupiter and Saturn, but in much higher quality than what we have from Voyager 2,” he said, “and also with higher precision than anything that has been done on Jupiter so far.” Using two radio receivers, one on the spacecraft and one on Earth, locked in synchrony, Juno will be able to measure gravity with unprecedented accuracy, Hubbard said. Unlike the jet streams on Uranus and Neptune, Hubbard said the winds are much more subtle on Jupiter and Saturn. “When we start getting detailed data from Juno, we are going to use those methods to apply to what we see on Jupiter and Saturn,” he said. “We want to see how deep these weather phenomena go on those planets.” Hubbard explained that researchers believe the atmospheric disturbances are more numerous on Jupiter and Saturn but less strong compared to Uranus and Neptune, for reasons that may have to do with the planets’ different compositions and their angles between the magnetic fields and rotational axis. “In the case of Earth, our atmosphere is very thin and almost negligible from the point of view of gravity,” Hubbard said. “One would need extremely sensitive measurements to see the effects of the atmosphere on the Earth’s gravitational field.” “In the case of giant gas planets, we are talking about deep, hydrogen-dominated atmospheres that are much denser, more like an ocean than an atmosphere. There is so much mass involved that it leaves a much more visible signature on the gravity.”
How to reduce your risk for Heart Disease the Natural Way Are you one of the millions of people that is suffering from heart disease or even worse? Have already experienced a heart attack. These days its difficult not to meet someone who is either suffering from heart disease, has had a heart attack or has been told they are at risk for heart disease. Its just about as common as meeting someone with brown hair. Unfortunately, the media and even many well-meaning doctors are completely misinformed on how to tackle this growing epidemic. Its the number one killer in the US and plaguing many other countries as well. What are we to do? The best plan of attack is to combat the risk factors the best we can. Use the following 5 tips to get you started on a heart healthy plan: 1. Drop the smokes. Yes, smoking has been shown to be one of the biggest risk factors in heart disease, mainly because of all the toxic chemicals added to cigarettes (not that Im recommending tobacco or anything.) 2. Walk, walk, walk. If finding time for a structured exercise program is just too much of a challenge right now, just start by walking. I have known many people who have strengthened their heart and reversed severe conditions by getting outside and walking. If you can, find a scenic route. Theres nothing more calming than the outdoors. (I highly recommend whistling and singing while you walk. It makes for happy thoughts.) 3. Calm down. By this I mean, dont stress about the stuff you dont have to. This is actually a very funny statement coming from me who used to stress about everything! Deadlines, laundry, work, family you name it, I stressed about. Not until I realized that this would kill me no matter how healthy my food was did I drop the stress and pick up the laughter. Right now as I write this newsletter, Ive got more things that need to get done today than are humanly possible. My reaction Haha..better put my Superwoman shirt on 4. Do not and I repeat, do not go on a low-fat diet. Your heart condition may get worse in your attempts. Drop the bad fats (like hydrogenated oil and the nasty oil in French fries and donuts) and start eating more healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, salmon, walnuts and whole organic eggs. 5. Do not be afraid to eat saturated fat. If read The Truth About Saturated Fat in The Diet Solution Program you know that eating saturated fats is not what is causing people to get heart disease. It is processed foods, sugars and an overabundance of refined carbohydrates that is making this country so sick. The whole saturated fats topic gets me so fired up, I even made a video to further inform you. Even tackling each one of these tips one at a time will get you closer to a healthy heart and a lifetime of good health. Learn how to take control of your own health.
Some of city’s trial areas increase waste collections by 24% using data from ultrasonic devices City of Edinburgh council has increased its rubbish collections in a number of trial areas following the installation of smart sensors in more than 300 bins. It has increased collections in the relevant areas by an average of 24%, and even stepped up the frequency fourfold in some places, under a trial which got under way at the beginning of the year. The initiative began with the installation of sensors in about 100 bins in January and was followed by the provision of 200 more in April, focused on streets around the city centre, Leith Walk, Leith Links and Portobello. A council spokesperson told UKAuthority it plans to continue the trial until the end of the year, following which it will assess the results with a view to a city-wide implementation. “As it goes along we are changing the routes and the times when we are making collections,” the spokesperson said. “We are excited about the results.” The sensors, provided by waste collection technology specialist Enevo, use ultrasonic technology to periodically send out a signal and measure the reflection within the bin to assess how full has it become. The data is then fed to the council’s waste management system to provide alerts of when a bin needs emptying urgently, and to help in planning the collection routes. It can also help the council spot fly tipping when there is sudden spike in the results. The technology also includes a heat sensor that provides an alert if a fire starts inside a bin, and the Enevo Pulse system, which collects data from the sensors to provide reports on waste generation patterns and whether collections are carried out as planned. Councillor Lesley Hinds, Edinburgh’s transport and environment convener, said: “We are learning a lot from this trial which has so far been a success. The sensors are currently in litter bins, but if the positive results continue we’d like to see this roll out to communal bins and recycling banks. “The success of the pilot is attracting a lot of attention from other major cities particularly in the US, where the authorities in Washington DC have contacted us to share our experiences with them.” Ashley Turberfield, product marketing manager for Enevo, said it has been working with more than 20 local authorities including Islington, Greenwich and Stockton-on-Tees, and that the Edinburgh project is one of the largest so far. Image from Enevo
As the last of the Israeli Defense Forces left the Gaza Strip this week, we wondered how coverage by Al Jazeera might look through the eyes of a Westerner. Eric Calderwood, a Harvard graduate student living in Syria, wrote in the Boston Globe recently that, as an American, he was accustomed to “bloodless war journalism,” the kind you see on CNN. And so he was shocked by the unflinching, often gruesome footage he saw in Damascus. Burned By The Christians BOB GARFIELD: As the last of the Israeli Defense Forces left the Gaza Strip this week, we wondered how the coverage, broadcast around the clock by one of the only TV news outlets in Gaza, Al-Jazeera, looked through the eyes of a Westerner. Eric Calderwood, a Harvard graduate student living in Syria, wrote in The Boston Globe recently that as an American he was accustomed to, quote, “bloodless war journalism, the kind you see on CNN.” And so he was shocked by the unflinching, very gruesome footage he saw on Al-Jazeera. He knew it was manipulative, but it was more than that. ERIC CALDERWOOD: It’s very difficult to see an image, for example, of a maimed child in a hospital bemoaning the loss of a parent, often killed in front of his own eyes, and not feel really bad. At the same time, I think that it’s wrong to think that not showing images of violence is somehow neutral, is somehow not manipulative. You know, I think it’s – I wouldn't say a shame, but I think it’s a mistake that networks like CNN don't show you corpses, don't show you dead bodies, don't show you the wounded, don't show you real visual images of the human toll of war. BOB GARFIELD: So that, in fact, when you watch this footage, you discover that apart from political conflict, the central issue of war maybe is war itself. I want to play this piece of tape from an Al-Jazeera broadcast. [CLIP IN ARABIC/END CLIP] What we've just listened to is a man holding one child and showing a camera crew two of his other children, who are dead. It’s vivid footage. And I gather there was a lot of this kind of stuff during the course of the war. ERIC CALDERWOOD: Yes, virtually all the time, but not only in the news segments themselves. I mean, I think something very powerful that Al-Jazeera does is that it uses these very highly-edited montages as sort of segues between each news segment. And there’s one in particular called The War on Gaza that was playing throughout the 22-day war, and this War on Gaza one basically was a bunch of spliced images sort of moving back and forth between civilian suffering and, most specifically, children who were either wounded or dead, and then images of pro-Palestinian street demonstrations from around the world. And so, it gave you the sense not only of how gruesome the war was but also it gave you a sense that the war was sort of causing outrage across the world, that this was the only thing going on and we were all sort of suffering collectively because of it. BOB GARFIELD: You sit there, you watch, you know, heavily-biased coverage all day long, and then there’s a show called The Press Tour which goes out of its way to show how the rest of the world is covering the story. Describe that show. ERIC CALDERWOOD: Basically what it is, for 30 to 45 minutes a newscaster moves from country to country and selects two or three of the major newspapers, shows you an image of the front page and reads and translates excerpts from the major articles, which are both news coverage and also editorials. The countries covered in this Press Tour show are the United States, all the major European newspapers, certainly the Arab newspapers and also, most interestingly, the Israeli press. And during the Gaza war they actually extended this morning segment into an entire nightly news show that was dedicated exclusively to the Israeli press that was called From Israel. And in From Israel they were basically just covering Israeli editorial responses from all sides of the political spectrum. They would be reading very openly articles that were condemning Hamas, that were condemning the war. Some, they were even condemning the Arab press and Al-Jazeera’s coverage of the war. I mean, the motto of the network is “The Opinion and the Other Opinion,” and I think that that sort of dialectic mode of telling you the news is really what they're all about. Rather than trying to blend “The Opinion and the Other Opinion” into one story, they put them out there as two different stories, which are always biased, always politicized, and, in some sense, they do let the viewer choose. BOB GARFIELD: Do you have any idea from talking to Syrians how they process all of this? ERIC CALDERWOOD: All throughout the Al-Jazeera coverage they had this calendar, this sort of countdown that would be the beginning of each news segment in which they would say, today marks the X day of the war in Gaza. They would say it in Fusha, which is sort of standard Arabic, wherein most people speak in dialect. And you'd hear people saying this to each other on the streets. In fact, a woman who comes once a week to my house to clean the house came over and I asked her about the war, because her family’s actually Palestinian. And she responded, though she normally speaks in dialect, in standard classical Arabic and said, today marks the 15th day of the war on Gaza. It was just this really incredible moment in which the Al-Jazeera coverage was shaping people’s sense of time. Point zero was the beginning of the war in Gaza. BOB GARFIELD: From a political point of view, though, is Al-Jazeera’s position on Hamas clear from the 23 days of full-on coverage of the war? ERIC CALDERWOOD: No, Al-Jazeera’s position on Hamas is not clear. They do give voice to Hamas in the sense that they definitely televise the press conferences of the different Hamas leaders, but they also pay a lot of attention to the PA in the West Bank and to other Arab leaders, a lot of whom have a real bone to pick with Hamas. You know, I think that another major issue that’s getting a lot of coverage now that the war’s over is the sort of fallout in the Arab League, because there’s a lot of infighting, in particular between Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, about what the meaning of that war is and why the Arab League wasn't able to get together with a unified response. The only real clear sympathy you get from Al-Jazeera, I think, is with civilian death. BOB GARFIELD: Is there anything else from watching Al-Jazeera that was kind of counterintuitive that you'd like to share? ERIC CALDERWOOD: [SIGHS] Something that I'm still trying to figure out about my experience having watched all the coverage is just how engrossing I found it. It sort of took over my life. I was supposed to be doing research and preparing for class, and I just couldn't turn off the television. And I think that they've really learned a lot about the use of news as entertainment. I'm not under any illusion that there is an objective version of the news, but there’s something sort of perverse and hideous about the idea that I would be so engaged with this war coverage, as if I were tuning into a serialized drama that developed over many days. It had a cast of characters that you could follow and whose flaws and strengths you could predict. I guess I would just end that on a very conflicted note. I mean, I think that something very strong about Al-Jazeera is how satisfying it is to watch, how hard it is to turn off. I think that’s probably something very problematic about it and dangerous about it as well. BOB GARFIELD: Eric, thank you very much. ERIC CALDERWOOD: Thanks so much for talking to me. BOB GARFIELD: Eric Calderwood is a Harvard Ph.D. student researching Muslim/Christian relations in the medieval Mediterranean.
Cannabis has been known to cause a lot of physiological effects, and these effects usually come from some complex compounds called cannabinoids. While many scientists have identified more than 100 various cannabinoids, the two most common ones are CBD and THC. CBD which is also called cannabidiol is becoming quite popular. This is because it’s used as an ingredient in most natural food supplements as it provides several potential effects that can benefit your body. This article discusses what you need to know about CBD oil. Understanding cannabidiol (CBD) By now you may be wondering why you need to but the best CBD oil. Well, CBD is considered a natural substance that has come into the spotlight for good reasons. CBD is regarded as a food supplement that is being accepted as a means of relaxation. Remember that the use of CBD oil is quite new and there are still several types of researches being conducted to determine its effects. However, recent studies have revealed that CBD oil may have multiple benefits. Even better, several people who have used this product claim to have success when it comes to reaching their desired state of relaxation and calm. When you consider the best CBD oil for pain as a chemical substance, you will find out that it has strong antioxidant properties. Because each person is different, you will realize that the effects of the CBD oil can vary depending on their strength. The origins of CBD CBD oil is extracted and separated from some varieties of cannabis that are sometimes called hemp. CBD is one of the more than 85 chemical substances that are called cannabinoids and all these chemicals can be found in the cannabis plants. CBD happens to be the second most common compound in hemp, usually, it represents about 40 percent of its extracts. But you need to know that the most abundant component of cannabis is another cannabinoid called THC. This is intoxicating and can be illegal in some areas, and is responsible for causing users of marijuana to get high. Turns out that CBD can be entirely separated and isolated from THC. The good news is that CBD cannot cause you to get high. Unfortunately, there is a lack of information out there about CBD, so many people tend to have a lot of stigmas because these people mistake THC for CBD. These are unfounded fears, but you may be forgiven since the technology involving CBD can sometimes be confusing. Nonetheless, you should know that it’s quite impossible to get high after smoking or ingesting any CBD-high hemp with small traces of THC. This is because you can’t get high by using CBD oil products that have virtually no THC. It’s worth noting that CBD is extracted and comes in oil form. This oil can be mixed in varying concentrations, so make sure that you read the product’s label to figure out the right dosage suitable for you. The right dosage can help you remain consistent with your daily servings.
Ornithogalum UmbellatumOrnithogalum, Orni-u. Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Ornithogalum Umbellatum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA. Have you ever used Ornithogalum Umbellatum? Yes No Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Ornithogalum Umbellatum Sci-m > general The genus Scilla is distinguished from Allium by having the flowers inserted one above the other on the scape, and from Ornithogalum by having the petals deciduous. Scilla maritima grows on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and has had a place in medicine from the most ancient times. If much handled it irritates the skin. All-s > relationships Compare All. cep. (which see). Ornithogalum umbellatum (stomach affections); Bry., Caps. (fetid breath with cough), Coloc. (colic; hip-pain); Ign.; Kali bi. (ropy expectoration; hair on tongue); Rhus and Hyo. (fear of being poisoned); Lyc., Nux v., Seneg.
Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria and other one-celled organisms and found mainly in animal products, and is typically lacking in vegan diets. It's recommended that all adults aged 50 or older should eat foods fortified with vitamin B-12. Low B12 intakes can cause anemia and nervous system damage. People following a diet free of all animal products need supplemental vitamin B12. Each teaspoon of Ayala’s Magic Spice contains 20% of daily needs. Yeasts, like mushrooms are part of the fungi family. Yeasts have been part of our culinary culture for millennia, and play a role in many of the foods we enjoy, from bread to yogurt, cheese, wine and pickles. Nutritional yeast (pure strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is cultivated specifically for its nutritional value and has high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. It has no leavening power. After the yeast are grown, cultivated and fermented, the yeast are harvested, thoroughly washed and cleaned, and dried on roller drum dryers. Umami is the pleasant savory taste typical of aged cheeses, mushrooms and meaty broths. It's considered the fifth basic taste —alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter — and is synonymous with deliciousness. If you're cooking for others, especially if you're cooking for children, use the original. It will add depth, and its mellow deliciousness will improve taste and nutrition, without overpowering your dishes. If you like it hot, Spicy Ayala's Magic Spice will be your buddy. It's great as a finishing spice — as well as a cooking companion — and will add depth of flavor and a nice bit of heat. Each of the ingredients in Ayala's Magic Spice costs more per ounce when they are bought separately — why, a small jar of turmeric costs $5-6. Ayala's Magic Spice uses the finest organic spices, nutritional yeast (an expensive ingredient) has no fillers, no salt, (salt, a cheap ingredient, is a major part of many spice mixes) and is priced fairly so you can enjoy a good quantity of these healthy ingredients at a reasonable price.
On October 23, 2020, the Jordan Center hosted Joan Neuberger, Professor of History at The University of Texas at Austin, for a talk on Soviet filmmaker and theorist Sergei Eisenstein’s 1945 essay, “The Music of Landscape.” By juxtaposing Eisenstein’s cosmology with his contemporaries’ anthropocentric discourses, Neuberger showed how immersion in nature offered Eisenstein new avenues for further developing his ideas about self, art, radical politics, and the productive contradictions of montage. The talk was introduced by Bruce Grant, Professor of Anthropology at New York University. Professor Neuberger opened the talk by presenting nature not only as a dominant subject for Eisenstein, especially in the later half of his career — but also as an extremely important, underappreciated aspect of his writing. She went on to argue that nature played a determinant role in the filmmaker’s thinking about cinema, montage, production and reception of all of the arts, and that it was integral to the formation of his politics more generally. She believed that the notion of the immersion in nature in his writing will help us answer many controversial questions pertaining to his film theory and philosophy. As Eisenstein is most famously known for his montage theory and dialectics of collision, Neuberger offered a less emphatic portrait of Eisenstein than is normally found elsewhere. Citing David Bordwell (1993), she introduced a shift Eisenstein’s work away from constructed juxtapositions of images towards organic synthesis, namely, “various concepts of opposites that could merge rather than collide.” The avant-garde theorist’s ideas are developing more as a process of accretion rather than a shift. “He saw montage and immersion as complementary rather than mutually exclusive,” added Neuberger. Seen in this light, the Eisensteinian motif of immersion in nature positions itself in conversation with posthumanist critiques of the anthropocentric premise of nature as subordinate to the human. Modernization theorists, for example, of either capitalist or communist traditions, see nature as something to be dominated and managed. Neuberger highlighted Eisenstein’s rejection of such a construct, suggesting “the concept of the human gaze as a detached, disembodied, colonizing, modernizing, male gaze.” Eisenstein called instead for the dissolving and transfiguring of humans into elements of the natural world. Neuberger cited Eisenstein’s 1945 essay “Music of Landscape,” in which the filmmaker reflects on the functions of landscape and music while revisiting his very own Battleship Potemkin in Almaty. He was fascinated with the silent film’s ability to “represent the embodied experience of nature and to convey and evoke feelings in viewers.” The natural landscape, when free from the burdens of character and storytelling, is more than just “a catalog of trees, lakes, and mountaintops”—it became for Eisenstein “a complex bearer or carrier of the possibilities for a plastic interpretation of the emotions,” Neuberger suggested. Landscape can convey feelings like music, not (only) because the viewers can project themselves onto it, but because they can immerse themselves in nature itself. “Everywhere, this was the emotional landscape, dissolving human beings. Or more precisely: everywhere the emotional landscape turned out to be an image of mutual absorption of human and nature into one another,” said Neuberger, quoting Eisenstein. Nature is no longer an inert, passive object, on which humans project their feelings or insert their consciousness. Eisenstein saw the relationship of a dialectical opposition as one necessarily between entities of equal aliveness and equal agency — such is human and nature. “This view of nature as a thing that human beings both use for their own ends and merge into or submit to entirely is at the center of the music of landscape,” said Neuberger. While most scholarly attention has focused on Eisenstein’s passages about the sensory nonverbal experience of nature that landscape shared with music, Neuberger explored the filmic elements’ relationship with the physical realm. “The sensory emotional, invisible, and idealist was always in a productive dialectical tension with the rational, the narrative, and the materialist,” she said of Eisenstein’s film theory. For Eisenstein, landscape ought to be treated as a plastic object, an object that materializes and makes visible immaterial and invisible entities, such as thoughts and emotions. “In cinema, [just as] in painting, fiction, poetry, and so on.” Eisenstein thought of landscape largely as a self-portrait that dissolves the human into itself. Neuberger cited a number of scholars who have read this dissolution as a sacrifice of subjectivity, a total disintegration of the self, and the death preceding resurrection and life — or even the death necessary to life. She also highlighted Eisenstein’s connection of the immersion of nature with the immersion of the individual in a kind of authentic collective — which he saw as the opposite of the Stalinist collective. Neuberger spent the rest of the talk introducing major non-Western and indigenous sources underlying Eisenstein’s theorization of nature. Specifically, she mentioned Eisenstein’s writings on ancient Chinese landscape painting, his encounters with ethnographies of the multispecies indigenous communities in Brazil, his filmmaking in Mexico, among others. During the Q&A, questions were raised regarding the locality of Eisenstein’s philosophy across disciplines (e.g., film theory), periodizations (e.g., modernist), and cultural modalities (e.g. Soviet, or East Asian). To this, Neuberger agrees that to understand Eisenstein is to know “everything about everyone that he’s talking about,” referring to Eisenstein as a voracious reader. The discussion then went on to include dialectical methods, urban landscape, the concept of harmony, nineteenth-century theory of the sublime, and many more.
Children these days are more musically inclined compared to past generations. Perhaps, modern songs are easier to pick up that even a 2 year old can lip sync an artist. I remember when my youngest was 2 1/2 years old, he was able to follow the beat and some lyrics of a song sang by Bruno Mars. He was so into karaoke, be it on the television or youtube, so we recorded some of his stints. A time came when he was so fascinated over his older brother’s Casio keyboard and played with the chords every morning as if he was Bruno Mars in one of his videos, lol. So, when he turned 3 and still in love with playing the Casio, hubby and I decided to buy him a beginner’s keyboard, something that is suitable for kids his age but more like a toy piano. We were on a hunt for the best keyboards for some time, luckily, we found one in another city. Sad that after 2 years, it’s no longer functioning, what with the constant beating of a toddler who thought it also functioned like drums, lol. It looked something like below: Now, if you are in the same dilemma as we were a few years ago, here are a few tips in finding that toy piano for your kid: First and foremost, you will be buying this for a child who doesn’t know how to play one yet or is just playing the keys. So, don’t expect him to learn that fast, much less create a sound that will be music to your ears. Just think of it as an educational toy, which is actually considered as such. - It must have at least 18 keys. Fewer will make them more restless. More than that will make them crazy and asks “which key did you say is “Do”? - If you can get one that lights up in different colours. The purpose is for a kid to easily remember which colour is “Do, Re, Mi” etc. - Size should be the right one for them - It must be both fun and educational. He’s enjoying the play while learning. - Since the senses to use are touch, see and hear – he will be learning eye-hand coordination and develop love for music - Must be durable There are tons of toy pianos in the market today. Make sure that you choose wisely with the thought of your kid enjoying while playing. Learning is one of the important stages in his formative years, so give him what he wants but let it be an education one.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, today released a list of 95 individuals arrested inside the United States since January 2009 on terrorism-related charges as part of more than 50 different investigations. The data include the FBI's recent arrest of Quazi Nafis, who attempted to detonate a bomb at the New York Federal Reserve Bank. "The arrest of Quazi Nafis last week is a reminder that the terrorist threat remains real, and the Intelligence Community--particularly the FBI--has answered the call to keep the homeland safe," Senator Feinstein said. "These arrests are the product of close coordination between the FBI, other intelligence agencies, the Department of Homeland Security and state and local law enforcement units throughout the country. I commend these agencies for their record and for remaining focused on preventing terrorist attacks." The data were compiled by Senate Intelligence Committee staff based on publicly available information from the FBI, the Congressional Research Service and media reports.
When Perl mentioned she was looking for a female drummer in the Hasidic community, a mutual friend introduced her to Dalia. RULE: Always include your significant other on the email thread when making group plans with mutual friends. On Sunday, Hu told American reporters that he wanted to seek “common ground” and build “mutual trust.” There is a lot of history and mutual distrust to cut through to end this cycle of mutual suspicion and blame. Only with this kind of mutual respect, mutual recognition, and mutual flexibility, will we start inching toward peace. It is a matter of pure interest and mutual convenience that binds us. They ceased to invite each other, and scrambled for their mutual acquaintances. The party relies wholly upon the power of education, knowledge, and mutual understanding. The law contained no specification of the mutual rights and duties of the spouses. She was a warmly-blown summer which the breath of mutual happy moments had not withered. late 15c., originally of feelings, from Middle French mutuel (14c.), from Latin mutuus "reciprocal, done in exchange," from PIE root *mei- "to change, exchange" (see mutable). The essence of its meaning is that it involves the relation x is or does to y as y to x; & not the relation, x is or does to z as y to z. [Fowler]Mutual Admiration Society (1851) seems to have been coined by Thoreau. Mutual fund is recorded from 1950. The Cold War's mutual assured destruction attested from 1966. (Assured destruction was an early 1960s term in U.S. military policy circles in reference to nuclear weapons as a deterrent, popularized c.1964 by Robert McNamara, U.S. Secretary of Defense under Lyndon Johnson, e.g. statement before House Armed Services Committee, Feb. 18, 1965; the mutual perhaps first added by Donald Brennan, conservative defense analyst and a public critic of the policy, who also noted the acronym MAD.) short for mutual fund, 1971; see mutual.
Nothing of consequence happened overnight in financial markets. The only mildly intriguing event was an interest rate decision by the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB pulled off a surprise late last year when it cuts its benchmark interest rate to the lowly level of 0.25%. You can’t get much lower than that. But in the latest ‘event’, the ECB did nothing. The next time it does something it will have to be unconventional. It could be another Long Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO) — that’s a complicated way of describing a debt restructuring. You never really pay off large government debts under that strategy. You just refinance them with a later maturity and leave the problem for somebody else to deal with. This concept of forever putting off the day of reckoning brings us back to the point where we left off yesterday. It also relates to the point where we began the week, that there’s a dearth of quality collateral and real capital in the world. What does a Welfare State with unsustainable finances do when faced with the reality that it can’t pay for the promises it’s made without mountains of new debt? Well, the sensible answer is to make fewer promises and, as a society, start living within your means. It would also help if the transnational progressives who’ve never run a business in their life quit trying to turn everyone into a dependent of the State. But this kind of reform rarely comes from within. It’s always imposed by external events. Bankruptcy is one of those events. But as we mentioned yesterday, a one-time 10% wealth tax on the value of your assets is already under serious discussion by the International Monetary Fund. A bail-in is just another way of describing a bank robbery. It’s an inside job, and it’s done with a few keystrokes instead of a loaded gun. But it’s robbery all the same. Our point? Things that are demographically, mathematically, and logically unsustainable can be sustained for an awful long time, provided you have enough belief and plenty of paper and ink for your printing press. The printing press requires the political will of elected officials to use it. Check. The belief comes from a financially illiterate citizenry that mistakes paper money for real wealth. Check again. But, if markets still matter, if they haven’t been completely tamed and perverted by the occupying powers from Washington and Wall Street, then you’ll see 10-year US interest rates rise this year. Of course everyone’s watching the 10-year rate. If you’re looking for a pot that will boil first, while no one is watching, try the SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF (NYSEARCA:JNK). The ETF tracks an index of non-corporate, non-investment grade, US dollar denominated debt. The first thing you’ll notice is that this proxy for junk bonds launched in late 2007, before things really went to pot. Wall Street has impeccable timing when it comes to offering people high risk products at the worst possible time. Beyond that, the stability of the index is what’s most remarkable. The suppression of interest rates has ‘smoothed out’ what are normally much more volatile prices for junk bonds. Even the total gain of over 120% since the 2009 bottom isn’t all that flash, especially since blue chip stocks have done better. But that’s the point, isn’t it? Prices aren’t really telling you much about risk these days. But if price signals DO start to work again, they will flash red for high risk investments. Eventually, they’ll show up in rising ten-year bond yields. But before then, look to the margins for signs of real trouble. Until then enjoy the sun and the summer. And if you haven’t already made plans to attend the World War D conference on March 30th here in Melbourne, you’d better make up your mind fast. We’re working with the venue to try and create some more space. But there are less than 20 guaranteed seats left. It’s going to be the best discussion about the future of money anywhere in the world. for The Daily Reckoning Australia
Every Child A Song Networked learning | STEAM education | Beyond Schooling Leveraging educational technology to promote personalized learning. Reimagining education beyond the traditional spaces, and encouraging alternative learning spaces. Building strong foundations in STEAM education and integrating it with 21st-century skills. Localism strives to address inclusion in education, drawing attention to all those excluded from education, because of background or ability. Centrality of education in a child’s life reminds us that, no matter what argument may be built to the contrary, we have a moral imperative to ensure every child has a right to an appropriate education of high quality. By making formal and informal sites a place to learn, Localism focuses on practical pointers and strategies that help children develop positive thinking patterns, and belonging, counteracting their negative self-perceptions, making students see the relevance of what they are learning, and are they learning. Localism believes in educational interventions that are in local language, use children’s prior knowledge by utilizing culturally relevant pedagogies. Localism attempts to leverage educational technologies to promote personalized yet situated learning. It firmly believes that education needs to be reimagined beyond the traditional spaces, by encouraging alternative learning spaces through the communities of practice approach. Building strong foundations in STEAM education and integrating it with 21st century skills is the way forward.
Meteorologists with the Joint Typhoon Warning Center predict that the storm will make landfall on the island late Thursday night into Friday morning. When it does, the strength will be the equivalent of a Category 4 or 5 hurricane. On Wednesday morning, the storm peaked with winds reaching 175 miles per hour. The super typhoon is expected to weaken in the coming days. Right now, the JTWC predicts the storm will move over Taiwan and then move northwest to Eastern China, bringing inches of rain to an already flooded region. Typhoon Warnings have been issued for eastern Taiwan. The northwest Pacific has experienced its longest streak on record without a named storm, totaling 200 days. Taiwan's military mobilized thousands of troops and Premier Lin Chuan () was briefed by emergency response officials Wednesday, according to The China Post.
We all know that keeping customers happy matters. But do we always know the true importance of customer satisfaction and how to capitalise on the data? One of our customer service marketing experts, Rob Mead, breaks down the how’s and why’s for you. Want to learn more? Read on to get started! Measuring customer satisfaction 101 Measuring customer satisfaction (CSat) is the standard for understanding how customers feel about your customer service (CS). And for good reason. CSat scores are a great indicator of customer loyalty and brand advocacy, both of which affect your sales. Once you’re measuring and collecting data, you can use it to look for improvements in your CS by identifying trends in interactions that lead to low scores. That, in essence, is the real importance of customer satisfaction and why we track it! In this in-depth article, we’re going to talk about measuring customer satisfaction, look at why it’s so important, and how you can improve your CSat score – resulting in happier, more engaged customers. Table of Contents - What is customer satisfaction? - How to measure customer satisfaction - The importance of customer satisfaction and measuring it - The benefits of measuring customer satisfaction - How to Improve Customer Satisfaction - The FM Outsource difference So, What Exactly Is Customer Satisfaction? When we talk about measuring customer satisfaction and the importance of customer satisfaction, we often forget that ‘satisfaction’ can fall into three, fairly broad, categories: all as important as each other! These include satisfaction with the overall brand, satisfaction with the specific product or service, and resolution satisfaction with any pre- or post-sale issues. So measuring customer satisfaction will differ ever so slightly depending on which area you’re interested in. Customer service satisfaction will also mean different things to different departments. The marketing team will want to measure satisfaction as a means of analysing advertising awareness, whereas customer service teams will see ‘satisfaction’ as a means of seeing that their operators are doing a good job. It’s also important to point out that measuring customer satisfaction is never to achieve 100% approval. There will always be difficult customers who want something unreasonable, and pandering to these for higher scores can create financial problems for your business down the line. For example, always giving a discount to customers who complain about services eventually leads to a culture where customers complain as a transactional means to lower prices. This could easily put you in a tricky situation if not contained properly! How to Start Measuring Customer Satisfaction Before we dig any further into this topic, we will first need to answer a fundamental question: what does customer satisfaction measure? When measuring customer satisfaction, it is usually shown as a percentage, with 100% representing complete satisfaction and 0% representing the total opposite! To capture this data, brands present customers with a survey at the end of a customer service interaction. The questions in this survey aren’t set in stone, but the very minimum you need to start measuring customer satisfaction is a field asking them to rate your service out of 5 or 10. In actuality, measuring customer satisfaction can be done in a number of ways, but the most popular are: - CSat Surveys – As mentioned, these tend to be a 1-5 score based on potentially qualitative questions. These are used to measure customer satisfaction with products, services, operators, and overall experience. - Net Promoter Score Surveys – A score of 1-10 where you take your percentage of 9-10 scores and subtract the percentage of 1-6 scores to give you an average of how well you are performing. Generally, 7 and 8 scores are deemed neutral and discounted completely - Reviews – Either on-site or using an external tool such as Trustpilot, these are used to promote positive experiences as marketing collateral. Whilst these are the primary ways of consolidating attitudes, they are not static. Measuring customer satisfaction via a CSat survey is constantly evolving as customers’ expectations change. Historically CSat has been measured using numbers. But an issue here is that one customer’s 3 out of 5 may be the same as someone else’s 4 out of 5, when in fact there’s an order of magnitude difference when averaged out. You’d much rather score 80% than 60%, after all! At FM Outsource, we recommend recording this important customer satisfaction data by operator and by team, as well as an overall score. This amount of visibility lets you recognise high flyers, differences in CSat by channel (e.g. email versus web chat), and trends in clients’ CSat over time. When it comes to the importance of customer satisfaction and measuring it, the data is typically analysed against productivity metrics like response time or contacts per hour. Faster responses lead to happier customers until responses are being received too quickly to contain enough detail to completely resolve the issue. This tipping point is worth identifying in your team (and it does vary by team, there’s no industry standard here). Having this comparison of CSat and productivity readily available makes it easier to identify ways to improve your customer experience, and so your customer satisfaction. The Importance of Customer Satisfaction It’s all well and good knowing the what and how of customer satisfaction, but why is all this so important for your business? The importance of customer satisfaction lies in its ability to indicate how loyal your customers are, and how likely they are to be brand advocates. CSat doesn’t measure them directly but instead serves as a signal of how likely your customers are to prefer and recommend your brand. The UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) of July 2020 found that 95% of customers who gave an organisation a CSat score of 9 out of 10 or over said they were likely to recommend a brand. But the kicker is how this compares to customers who had a satisfaction score of 8 or lower out of 10; only 54% of these customers said they were likely to recommend the brand. This, combined with the fact that it costs 5 times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain a current one, makes the benefit of a high CSat score clear to your bottom line. Measuring customer satisfaction is also important for getting businesses to buy into your processes and performance. Because it results in something quantifiable, it gets a lot of attention from internal parties, and is one of the best ways to create the classic upturn graph which every department needs to look good. The Benefits of Measuring Customer Satisfaction Measuring customer satisfaction leads to a number of business benefits – starting with insight. Businesses don’t know what they don’t know, and leaving customer satisfaction entirely to the customer service department is missing key information that marketing, sales, operations, and other departments really need to get a full view of satisfaction. A great example is product satisfaction. Satisfaction with a new product line is key information for manufacturing and product quality to know whether it’s worth continuing with or whether previous lines performed better. Insight leads to better training, leads to happier customers, and then more revenue. For customers, measuring satisfaction is the first step to delivering excellent service which is a prelude to a successful business. Whether you target consumers in budget, premium, luxury, or some other demographic as a private business, you need to provide a level of service ahead of the competition if you want to continue to grow. How to Improve Customer Satisfaction Reply to Low Scores Measuring customer satisfaction is great for determining areas that need improving within your business and your products, but it also acts as an early warning system of the quality of advice your operators are giving. If you see low scores you can then assess them pragmatically; was the operator at fault, or did the customer not get the answer they were looking for? Our founding CEO, Sally Chandler, found a way to use this level of analysis to increase the same customer’s satisfaction: “We go back to a customer that left a low CSat score and say: “you were right to feel let down, and this is what we’re going to do to make it right.” This makes you look proactive and gives you massive credibility. We ran a survey that asked: “in the event that you have had a claim with us, are you more likely to come back to us, or not?” The response from customers who had made a claim was an overwhelming “yes, I’m more likely to come back” because their complaints were handled so well.“ If you’ve spent enough years measuring customer satisfaction, you’ll have noticed that every time you get busy, a lot of the messages you receive are from customers chasing a response to their previous message because they’re frustrated. It’s a fair assumption that these customers are going to leave a lower CSat score purely for the inconvenience of waiting longer than usual for a response.You can prevent these lower scores by keeping customers updated on the amount of time it will take for them to receive a response. If it usually takes you less than an hour to reply on Facebook Messenger, but this extends to four hours because of volume, let them know. Customers will then either choose a different channel to contact you, or they’ll know they need to wait a bit longer than usual for a response. This may not influence a customer that was going to leave a low score simply because they had to contact your CS team, but the rest of your customers will appreciate the tip. Customers will also get faster answers if your team actively chases first contact resolutions (FCRs). Every 1% increase in FCR rate sees a 1% increase in CSat. How do you boost FCR rate? Make sure operators are providing full answers that explain the rest of the customer’s journey and anticipating any follow-up questions the customer might have. The FM Outsource Difference At FMO, we know the importance of customer satisfaction, which is why we are constantly investing in technology to help us keep a step ahead of the competition. When using an FMO team for measuring customer satisfaction, you’re guaranteed technology and insight being matched with training and coaching of agents. This leads to an increase in customer loyalty, retention, and existing customer revenue from brands that engage with us. The three areas of efficiency, effectiveness, and product knowledge come together to make up FM Outsource’s balanced approach. We over-invest in training and development, which differentiates us from the standard cost-first basis of competitors. We don’t have any time limits to make people stick within a marginal efficiency which benefits the outsourcer over the brand. Our use of technology is what keeps us above SLA for each client, meaning when a customer who needs more time and attention comes up, they’re given what they need rather than rushed through the process. The result is increases in both internal and external scoring (e.g. Trustpilot) and increases in customer retention and advocacy, as well as greater marginal revenue growth. Want some more advice on how best to start measuring customer satisfaction? Speak to one of our experts today! Sign Up To The Newsletter Improve your customer experience with insights from our newsletter. Subscribe today to get started. Explore our latest insights. A Guide to 24/7 Customer Care At this time of digital transformation 24/7 customer service accessibility is essential. Your customer care team needs to be available at all times, whenever your customers want them. Improving Brand Reputation for Our Clients Our client reached out to FM Outsource to digitally transform their customer service offering. Within 10 months, we had improved their review score to 4 out of 5 stars and saw them sitting alongside fashion giant Dior. Case Study: Hotel Chocolat As a brand, Hotel Chocolat have always found outsourcing essential to their operations as it offers them much-needed flexibility. Plus, they have found that when partnering with FM, the expanded teams feel like just another part of the Hotel Chocolat business.
The US media loves to speculate about what is going on in China. There are riots there, unrest, workers striking, politburo infighting, corruption and other woes. Throughout all this, China continues to build itself bigger and better over time. On the other hand…the US and Japan are doing the opposite. Pointing to China and sneering at them is stupid. It is like mocking someone for a flat tire while your car is going off a cliff, is on fire and your passenger has a gun and is preparing to shoot you. The US and Japan have been on a downward trajectory in mutual embrace. This problem both countries have mirror each other. Japan won’t let in any foreigners even those it desperately needs while the US lets in millions of illegal aliens, a fair number of whom are criminals. Japan had a trade surplus which is dwindling fast but is rapidly moving its own industries out while the US has done this for generations already. The US and Japan have joined with the desperadoes running the EU off the cliff to isolate a list of oil exporting nations for political geo-power politic ends which are leading to all other nations with some power to ditch the EU/US/Japan banking system especially since it has driven itself off the cliff while the Derivatives Car is on fire. In the past, I have written many articles about ‘sovereign wealth’. Some EU nations (Germany in particular) have sovereign wealth. The US doesn’t. The nations that are sovereign wealth powers (except for Japan) have begun to build up their alternative systems to eventually replace the US dollar banking system. When the US foolishly decided to cut Iran out of international banking systems, I predicted this would motivate the Chinese and Russians to push forwards their alternative system and…it has happened: Chinese president calls for promoting BRICS cooperation to new level – Xinhua | English.news.cn The creation of an investment bank, or “BRICS Bank,” the grouping’s first institution, was also on the agenda. The summit concluded with a Delhi Declaration on major world and regional issues. BRIC initially grouped Brazil, Russia, India and China, but was enlarged last year to include South Africa and renamed as BRICS. The first BRIC summit was held in 2009. With roughly 42 percent of the world’s population, BRICS has a combined nominal GDP of 13.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2011, or 20 percent of the world’s total, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund. The bloc aims to expand their inter-trade from 230 billion dollars last year to 500 billion dollars by 2015. The US, so anxious to use military power to gain advantage, in its benighted effort to encircle both Russia and China, has made a massive diplomatic strategic error: our State Department stupidly shoved Russia and China, often enemies, into each other’s arms. They are now forming more and more deep alliances and this will grow greater what with GOP candidates openly calling for a new Cold War with both nations. We barely survived the first Cold War intact ONLY because Russia and China’s communist dictators hated each other. This kept them very divided and they even went to war in the mid-1960’s over the border between Manchuria and Siberia. Now, we made them best buddies. A major mistake. Then, Putin won his election even as the US screamed hysterically about how it was a bad election (as if our messy garbage-raddled elections are anything to boast about!). Now, on to Japanese news today. I believe that that nation’s fate will entwine itself with our own messes here to create a collapse of the New World Order unless Europe decides to go ballistic and ape Yugoslavia and fall apart while everyone screams tribal hatreds at each other. Asian neighbors of Japan haven’t forgotten WWII anymore than anyone in Europe has forgotten: NHK WORLD English Japan has dismissed a South Korean protest over the approval of high school textbooks describing a disputed group of islands as inherent Japanese territory. Japan’s education ministry completed its screening and approval of senior high school textbooks on Tuesday. An increasing number of the textbooks refer to the Takeshima Islets in the Sea of Japan. One book says South Korea is occupying the islets illegally. On Wednesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters the Japanese Embassy in Seoul had received the protest the previous day from South Korea’s foreign ministry. He said the government had dismissed the protest, stressing that the islets are an inherent part of Japan. Exactly like Israel, Japan’s ability to do even the most basic form of diplomacy has vanished due to using US military power to overwhelm anyone they want to stomp. So they stomp on toes here, there and everywhere. Arrogance oozes from every pore of the gang that rides the US tiger, put into labor for them after the US assumed we won WWII (obviously, we lost). Japan thinks, simply saying they own these islands they lost in WWII means they own it. To hell with China or Korea! This is how Japan deals with the multitude of rape and murderous actions they did during the occupation of all their neighbors. They just don’t care. The US never made them pay up and so they feel they can ignore demands for retribution. The same goes for whale hunting: everyone hates them for this but they stubbornly do it and don’t even pretend to be polite about it. They do it because they want to do it! To hell with everyone protesting. But the Furies and Fates are hammering Japan: Fukushima No. 2 reactor radiation level up to 73 sieverts per hour – The Mainichi Daily News Human beings could die within one month once exposed to 7 sieverts and within several days once exposed to 20 sieverts or more. Usually, when an ordinary reactor is not operating, the radiation level is low enough for workers to enter inside, according to the utility known as TEPCO. This level kills in minutes if not seconds. And #2 is the nice reactor. #1 and #4 are ten times worse. It is obvious that things are out of control there and there is no human way of cleaning up the mess, there aren’t even tools created yet that can approach the torus where this 10X the maximum rate of radiation for one week survival is happening. That is, robots are unable to do this, running a simple camera set up to look briefly at things can be used only once and only a short while before going on the fritz. So, why is the government of Japan going ape over some uninhabited islands they lost after WWII? They are going ape over MANY islands, big and small and want everyone to hand over everything they lost after they tried to enslave and rape all of Asia. This arrogance will boomerang in a huge way in the not too distant future. Talking about pollution and not being able to stop things from happening, “May be months” to stop North Sea gas cloud – Total the oil company in Europe was trying to tap into gas fields in the North Sea when it went haywire like the Gulf of Mexico mess and exploded. Now, just like the Gulf of Mexico event, they can’t plug it so all shipping has to avoid the entire area or cause a HUGE explosion. So, Fukushima isn’t the only energy event we have to worry about. Our quest for oil is causing wars, pollution and lots of CO2. While everyone at the top yells at us about CO2 pollution, they are also madly seeking out more oil, more gas and in between that, want to plop down more nuclear power plants. Are they insane? Of course: YES. Back to the Japanese being increasingly arrogant, U.S. congressional panel advances bill on child abductions which is very much due to Japan and Saudi Arabia kidnapping children from mixed marriages and not letting the other parent see them again. Both do this arrogantly and openly and even when signing treaties about this, ignore it and refuse to cooperate. Many an American has made the mistake of marrying a Japanese man or woman only to suddenly discover they have zero rights in a divorce if the spouse can kidnap the child and hide it. Here are some comments from the above article from bereaved parents living in Japan or the US, desiring the US to punish the Japanese rulers financially (tariffs!) for enabling kidnappers: Meanwhile, China has corruption but Japan has tons of that, too, maybe even worse since it makes the news over and over and over again yet nothing is ever done to stop it (sounds like here in the US!!!): 90 percent of pension fund workers in charge of asset management are amateurs: gov’t – The Mainichi Daily News The survey found that of all the 721 retired national government employees who had landed jobs at the pension funds — up 75 from 646 in May 2009 when a previous survey was conducted — 689 were from the defunct Social Insurance Agency and the welfare ministry. Of the 200 corporate pension funds where their board members finished their term of office after September 2010 when the welfare ministry urged corporate pension funds across the country to accept applications from the public for their top executive posts, only 37 advertised for their top positions, the survey showed. In Congress, aides to our ‘elected’ (sic) officials slide over to K Street all the time to become lobbyists or they get sweetheart jobs in industries and areas they are supposed to regulate. Ditto, Japan. This rot at the heart of both governments leads to disasters like Fukushima or the Gulf oil spill. Japan is in desperate need for foreigners to take care of them as they slowly die off: 36 foreigners pass care worker exam amid dropping applicant numbers – The Mainichi Daily News It was announced on March 28 that 36 Indonesians and Filipinos had passed the first care worker exam in Japan under Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with those nations — a pass rate of 37.9 percent. However, the number of foreigners coming to Japan to take the exam has dropped to less than a third of that during the program’s peak, apparently due to language barriers and the one-shot exam system…Though the pass rate for the care worker exam exceeded that for a similar exam for foreigners aspiring to be nurses in Japan — which hovers around 10 percent — the care sector remains jittery in the face of labor shortages and the world’s fastest-aging society… …The government’s equivocal attitude has resulted in a decline in the number of care facilities that are willing to accept foreign care worker candidates. While there were 53 facilities that accepted Indonesian candidates in fiscal 2008, that number had dropped to 29 by fiscal 2011. Likewise, while 92 facilities accepted Filipino candidates in fiscal 2009, the figure dwindled to 33 in fiscal 2011. One of the contributing factors is the difference in nursing care subsidies provided to facility operators. While a care facility must maintain a ratio of one employee for every three residents, foreign care worker candidates are not regarded as “employees,” and their salaries are therefore not covered by the government subsidies. The futility of the government is very vivid in this story. They desperately need these nurses but they don’t want them due to racist reasons so, like Israeli Jews, they have to abuse ‘guest workers’ and drive out anyone from Asia who might live there permanently. The nurses that do manage to hike over have to study Japanese, a difficult language, while working. This is nearly impossible. And the government doesn’t care! End of story. Meanwhile, the US is going insane: Passengers subdue crazed flight captain who screamed about bomb. Our airports look more and more like the Soviet Union. People go mad because it is a mad, mad, mad, mad airport world here. Who wants to participate in it? Only people who must. The man was screaming about 9/11 and Iraq while running up and down the aisles. Maybe he should run for President. And news from our Knesset here that lavishes money on Israel’s defenses: Pentagon backs expanding Israel’s anti-rocket defenses. Namely, we get to pay 100% the cost of protecting Iron Dome, the place where all the nukes are hiding. Great, isn’t it? Maybe I should run up and down the aisles of a jet screaming about this. P.O. BOX 483 BERLIN, NY 12022 Make checks out to ‘Elaine Supkis’ Click on the Pegasus icon on the right sidebar to donate via Paypal.
Presentation on theme: "Maryland Department of the Environment Restoration and Regulation Discussion Presented by: Wetlands and Waterways Program Maryland Department of the Environment."— Presentation transcript: Maryland Department of the Environment Restoration and Regulation Discussion Presented by: Wetlands and Waterways Program Maryland Department of the Environment Coordination Meeting March 12, 2013 Need for Timely Completion of Restoration Projects Need for Complete and Accurate Permit Applications and Compliance with Requirements to Issue Authorizations Issues Practitioners Have Expressed Frustration with Need for Permits, Information Requirements, and Delays Regulatory Agencies Have Expressed Frustration at Poor Coordination, Incomplete Applications, and Projects that Fail to Comply with Requirements As with development projects, improperly located, poorly designed and/or constructed restoration projects can also be damaging to water resource functions and statutory/regulatory considerations. The amount of detailed information required for the alternatives analysis is usually based on: Extent of the proposed impact Condition and function of the resource Other mandated considerations Amount of information and extent of avoidance and minimization required depends on characteristics of resource and associated considerations i.e., less information may be required to justify a project in a site with poor condition and limited functional benefits; or other considerations Example is a project in a farm field vs. forested wetlands Examples of Required Information Projects goals and objectives Project narrative and justification Resource characterization Alternatives analysis Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis Notification/permission of adjacent property owners Water quality data Narrative and Justification Attachments or application form Site selection process Alternative site analysis Avoidance and minimization Describe how and why the resource will improve as a result of the restoration Resource Characterization Description of Degradation that Would Benefit from Restoration Include references from other plans, monitoring efforts, and results from project site. Describe assessment method Include field data forms Wetland Biological and Stream Assessment Photographs Sensitive resource/SAV etc. surveys Watershed Plans Can Answer Previous Questions For example: Refer to prioritized list of sites in MS-4 plan and show how proposal is ranked Proposal may face challenges if omitted, is low priority; or contrary to watershed plan priorities Justify Design and Impacts Documentation that landowners affected by project have given permission for project to be established on, or affect their land Include provisions to address consequences of failure Plans- additional guidance under development Project shown in relation to all regulated resources Must be complete and legible Provide clear, step-by-step description of construction methods Are there different construction practices with fewer impacts? Is there another access point with fewer adverse impacts What measures have been taken to avoid soil compaction? How will excavated material be disposed of? Construction Methods cont. How will temporary disturbances be rectified? What measures will be taken to prevent spread of invasive species? If Habitat is the Focus, Describe: Habitat requirements of the specific targeted species or general group of species; What habitat elements are lacking or minimal at the site; How the proposed project will successfully provide the habitat elements so that the desired species would increase at the site; Historic suitability of the site to support the species. Performance Standards These should be: Achievable Measurable, and expected to occur when the project is built as designed within the monitoring period For habitat, may be more appropriate to use: physical chemical and/or biological features of habitat Performance Standards Use of habitat features prevents project being deemed a failure if wildlife species do not return to certain thresholds within the monitoring period However, there should be a reasonable likelihood that the restored species would support the species over a period of time 1800 Washington Boulevard | Baltimore, MD | TTY Users: Maryland Department of the Environment Wetlands and Waterways Program
This is the first in a series of posts based on research undertaken by myself and Jeff Bradshaw. The Mormon Satan At first glance, the Devil of LDS belief does not depart substantially from the Devil of conservative Christian theology. There are, however, a few beliefs held by Mormons about the Devil that, to some Christian ears, might seem rather curious. While few traditional Christians would disagree with the LDS belief that God “allows” Satan to tempt us— for how else can we understand God’s refusal to stop the Devil’s work?—most would avoid the kind of rhetoric uttered by Elder Jedediah M. Grant at the Salt Lake Tabernacle in 1854: I have this idea, that the Lord our God absolutely gave Lucifer a mission to this earth; I will call it a mission. You may think it strange that I believe so good a being as our Father in heaven would actually send such an odd missionary as Lucifer… but his mission, and the mission of his associates who were thrust down with him, …is to continue to oppose the Almighty, scatter His Church, wage war against His kingdom, and change as far as possible His government on the earth. Though one might be tempted to write off Elder Grant’s stark utterance as an anomaly from the early days of Mormonism, it must be admitted that the general idea he voices, albeit with language unlikely to be heard today, is not alien to current LDS belief. For the Latter-day Saints, Satan is not only the diabolical chief of the fallen angels, nor is he simply a monochrome incarnation of evil and temptation unhappily tolerated by a God who—for whatever reason—will not forcibly remove him from the world. For Mormonism, Satan is, in some respects, a curiously “necessary evil.” Mormons believe that the purpose of earth life is to “prove” mankind “to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.” Such a test requires a fallen world, one which the Devil himself helped institute through his temptation in the Garden of Eden. Moreover, in his ongoing role as head Tempter, he ensures that this proving process continues today. Writes Ostler: “Ironically, God has adopted a plan to use Satan’s desire to steal our agency as a means of ensuring our agency: ‘And it must needs be that the devil should tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents unto themselves; for if they never should have the bitter they could not know the sweet.’ Thus, God has created this world as a space to choose by granting us the opportunity to experience ‘opposition in all things.’ Satan provides the opposition necessary to further our agency.” In sum, Mormonism avers that the Devil and, in particular, the Fall that he facilitated, are, in crucial respects, the very means by which God fits His children for eternal life. And yet, despite this, LDS belief remains clear that Satan is an enemy of God whose opposition to God’s plan is both absolute and intractable. Some account of this puzzle seems necessary. Our research explores the Devil’s paradoxical role in Mormon theology, noting Joseph Smith’s statement that it is by “proving contraries” (Satan-as-God’s-tempting-agent vs. Satan-as-God’s-enemy) that the “truth is made manifest.” Our intention is to attempt an answer to the following question: In what specific respects were Satan’s actions objectionable since temptation—the “proving” deemed necessary by Abraham 3:25, and subsequently demonstrated in the expedient Fall and the book of Job—is part of God’s design? A fresh reading of Satan’s plan as understood by Mormon theology seems to shed new light both on his strategy for the Fall in the Garden of Eden, and on his tactics to tempt man thereafter. Next: A “Jobian” Satan?
Diego Oppenheimer is worried that the Googles and the Facebooks will dominate the world of artificial intelligence. It’s a legitimate worry. Elon Musk and Sam Altman are worried about the same thing. That’s why they created a startup called OpenAI. In recent years, Google and Facebook have snapped up so many researchers at the heart of the deep learning movement, an AI movement that’s rapidly reinventing everything from speech recognition to security. So, Musk and Altman grabbed several top AI researchers from Google and Facebook and vowed to share their work with the world at large. Now, Oppenheimer and his startup, Algorithmia, are doing their part in the battle against AI hegemony. Algorithmia is what Oppenheimer calls an open marketplace for algorithms—code that companies and developers can use to beef up their websites and apps—and this marketplace now includes deep learning algorithms that handle tasks like face recognition and character recognition. Whereas OpenAI shares raw AI research, Algorithmia offers working algorithms designed to slot right into new services. “Maybe the future was already invented,” Oppenheimer says. “It’s just stuck in academic papers.” It’s part of a much larger effort to democratize AI. Startups like Clarifai, Nara Logics, and MetaMind (now owned by Salesforce.com) also offer tools for building deep learning into any application. And giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are building cloud computing services that work in similar ways. Algorithmia uses the same marketplace model that startups have applied to so many other goods and services, including everything from artisanal crafts and graphic design to real estate and good ol’ retail. Anyone can upload an algorithm to the market, and then anyone can pay to use it.
The information used to assign Election Districts to registered voters is available on-line. The information will be periodically updated. Please contact the Department of Elections for New Castle County at 302.577.3464 if you have any questions. The Districting or Street Book is an alphabetic list of New Castle County Streets that shows the Election District, Senate District, Representative District, County County District, Wilmington City County District and School District for each entry. It is a valuable tool if used correctly. School District codes are below: - AP = Appoquinimink - BR = Brandywine - CO = Colonial - CS = Christina - RC = Red Clay - SM = Smyrna Many streets have several entries. This is because the the information in the entries is different in some way. Make sure that you select the correct entry. If the street that you are looking for is at the top of a page look at bottom of the previous page to see if there are more entries for the street. And, if the street that you are looking for is at the bottom of a page, look at the top of next page to see if there are more entries for the street. Look up the street and match the Street Address and Zip Code with the information in the Districting (Street) Book. The SIDE column determines whether an entry is for the Odd numbers, Even numbers or Both (Odd and Even numbers). - 214 Alders Dr, 19803 is in Election District 08-11 - 218 Alders Dr, 19803 is in Election District 06-11 - 30 N Avon Dr, 19703 is in Election District 11-10 - 30 S Avon Dr, 19703 is in Election District 07-07 - 200 Delaware Ave, 19703 is in Election District 04-07 - 200 Delaware Ave, 19801 is in Election District 07-02 - 200 Delaware Ave, 19803 is in Election District 08-11 Let us know if there any problems with any of the information in the Districting (Street) Book.
Saturday Dec 09, 2017 Pakistan’s first metro train service is slated to begin operations by March 23, 2018, in Lahore, after a go-ahead from the Supreme Court on Friday. In April, a five-member bench of the Court reserved its ruling in a case regarding Lahore’s Orange Line Metro Train, the Punjab government’s most ambitious but divisive project. Then, this week, eight months later, the verdict was announced. The judgment set aside a lower court’s order and allowed the provincial government to continue construction work at the earliest. The $1.6 billion project stumbled into legal troubles after the Lahore High Court stayed its construction within 200 feet of 11 historical monuments in the city. A petition filed by civil rights activists argued that the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) had expressed serious concern about the rail tracks damaging the colonial and Mughal era monuments, which include the Shalimar Gardens, Gulabi Bagh Gateway, Chauburji, Zebunnisa’s Tomb, Lakshmi Building and the General Post Office. These heritage sites are also protected under the Punjab Special Premises (Preservation) Ordinance, 1985 and Antiquity Act, 1975. In a press release, the Lahore Development Authority, a government department tasked with planning development in the city, stated that 78 percent of the construction was already done, even as the Court was reviewing the project. Six trains have reached Pakistan from China, and 20 others will be arriving soon. “The Chinese contractors are speedily laying down the tracks,” it added. “According to our evaluations, we hope to have the trains running by March. 23,” Amir Khan, the director land acquisition at the LDA, tells Geo.tv, “But this is still a tentative date. We aim to complete it in day-and-night shifts.” There is little doubt that starting from now, work will power through, but the provincial government will also have to be mindful of the 31 conditions set by the Court in its ruling. Amongst which is the order to set up a Rs.100 million fund for the restoration of the historical monuments, ensure that all construction work is monitored by archaeologists and former judges, as well as make arrangements to reduce the speed of the high-speed rail when passing near the heritage sites. The judges also instructed the government to operate the metro train “on an experimental basis for at least two weeks on the entire length of the route” to monitor vibrations. A few hours after the court’s ruling, in a video posted on the Punjab government’s Twitter account, Punjab’s Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif congratulated the people of Pakistan, adding that had there been no delay, the project could already have been benefiting “thousands of children, university students, labourer, doctors, nurses and dishwashers. There would have been fewer cars on the streets which would have helped control air pollution.” The very next day (Saturday), the chief minister began visiting various sites of the metro train from 7 a.m. The OLMT project was launched in May 2014 by Sharif, in collaboration with a Chinese company. Construction for it began rapidly in 2015 and was personally supervised by Punjab’s chief minister. The 27-kilometre metro train is expected to run on electricity and will transport up to 250,000 passengers a day. The capacity will be increased to 500,000 passengers by 2025. - Adnan Malik is a reporter at Geo News, Lahore Bureau. Photographs by Ijjaaz Gill, Geo Television, Lahore.
Teaching Marianne and Uncle Sam : public education, state centralization, and teacher unionism in France and the United States - Nicholas Toloudis. - Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2012. - Physical description - xvi, 213 pages ; 24 cm. - Politics, history, and social change. Law Library (Crown) |LB2844.53 .F8 T65 2012||Unknown| - Toloudis, Nicholas, 1977- - Includes bibliographical references and index. - PART I: The puzzle of turn-of-the-century teachers' politics 1. Teachers, politics, and the state-- 2. Centralization, mobilization, and selective engagement PART II: Centralizing education and mobilizing teachers 3. Centralizing public education and teachers' politics in 19th century France-- 4. Centralization and its discontents among New York City teachers PART III: The politics of selective engagement 5. Selective engagement and teachers' politics in France, 1887-1950-- 6. Selective engagement and teachers' politics in New York City, 1920-1960 PART IV: Conclusions 7. Marianne and Uncle Sam Revisited. - (source: Nielsen Book Data)9781439909065 20160609 - Publisher's Summary - Offering the first systematic, comparative examination of the origins of teachers' unions in two countries - France and the United States - this book shows how teachers' unions came into existence not because of the wilful efforts of particular actors, but over the course of decades of conflict over the proper role of professional educators in public politics. Nicholas Toloudis traces teacher unionism back to the first efforts of governments to centralize public education. He carefully documents how centralization created new understandings of the role of teachers in their societies and generated new sources of conflict within teachers' corps. Using rare archival source materials, Toloudis illustrates how these internal conflicts became salient in teachers' battles with governments over their legitimate right to exist as collective claim-makers within the polity. (source: Nielsen Book Data)9781439909065 20160609 - Publication date - Politics, history, and social change - 9781439909065 (cloth : alk. paper) - 1439909067 (cloth : alk. paper) - 1439909083 (e-book) - 9781439909089 (e-book) Browse related items Start at call number:
Put the coriander, mustard, and cumin seeds in a small saucepan. Toast the spices over medium heat, swirling the pan occasionally, until fragrant and slightly darkened, about 2 minutes. Add the vinegar, garlic, ginger, onion, sugar, salt, peppercorns, turmeric, red pepper flakes, and 1 cup water to the toasted spices. Bring to a boil. For quick (refrigerator) pickles: Pack the cauliflower, carrots, and bell pepper in a 2-qt. heat-resistant glass bowl or measuring cup. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables. Let cool to room temperature and then cover and refrigerate for at least 2 and up to 14 days. For canned pickles: Pack the vegetables into clean, hot pint jars. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Remove any air bubbles by slowly raising and lowering a chopstick or a plastic blade around the inside of the jars (a trapped air bubble may shatter a jar as it heats). If you have extra brine, strain it and distribute the solids among the jars. Wipe the jars' lids with a damp cloth before putting on the lids. Secure the lids with screw bands tightened by hand. Process for 10 minutes, following the instructions in our "Canning Basics" guide. Store the pickles for at least 2 but preferably 7 days (or longer) before opening. Refrigerate after opening. nutrition information (per serving): based on 4 oz. serving, Calories 0, Fat Calories 0, Saturated Fat 2, Monounsaturated Fat 12, Polyunsaturated Fat Photo: Scott Phillips
Cambodia’s widespread land dispute woes can be better addressed if the government adheres closely to the constitution and begins putting people above development needs, a leading researcher says. Lao Monghay, the host of a new monthly call-in show called “Freedom of Expression” on VOA Khmer, said Thursday that people’s wellbeing “must be ensured.” “If there is a relocation, there should be a betterment, or at least maintain the same standard [of living], not deterioration, as we have seen in the past,” he said. The root causes of the land dispute problem stem from a lack of legal enforcement, especially the denial of justice through the courts to local residents, he said. Meanwhile, land disputes continue to be an ongoing problem for many Cambodians, who settled on land after the Khmer Rouge only to lose it to development concessions and other projects. This has led to numerous mass protests in urban and rural areas, oft times leading to clashes between demonstrators and police. However, Lao Monghay said he did not believe in violent uprising as a means to resolving the disputes. “If there are people who are not happy with the way the government addresses the land issue and want to topple the government, they should do this through elections,” he said.
What is an 'Abnormal Return' An abnormal return is a term used to describe the returns generated by a given security or portfolio over a period of time that is different from the expected rate of return. The expected rate of return is the estimated return based on an asset pricing model, using a long run historical average or multiple valuation. BREAKING DOWN 'Abnormal Return'Abnormal returns are important in determining a security's or portfolio's risk-adjusted performance when compared to the overall market or a benchmark index. Abnormal returns could help to determine a portfolio manager's skill on a risk-adjusted basis and whether investors were adequately compensated for the amount of risk assumed. An abnormal return can be either a good or bad thing, as it is merely a summary of how the actual returns differ from the predicted return. For example, earning 30% in a mutual fund that is expected to average 10% per year would create a positive abnormal return of 20%. If, on the other hand, the actual return was 5%, this would generate a negative abnormal return of 5%. Calculating Abnormal Return Using CAPM The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is a framework used to calculate a security's or portfolio's expected return based on the risk-free rate of return, beta and the expected market return. After a security's or portfolio's expected return is calculated, the abnormal return could be calculated by subtracting the expected return from the realized return. The abnormal return may be positive or negative, depending on the performance of the security or portfolio over the specified period. For example, assume that the risk-free rate of return is 2% and the benchmark index has an expected return of 15%. An investor holds a portfolio of securities and wishes to calculate his portfolio's abnormal return during the previous year. The investor's portfolio returned 25% and has a beta of 1.25, when measured against the benchmark index. Therefore, given the amount of risk assumed, the portfolio should have returned 18.25%, or (2% + 1.25 x (15% - 2%)). Consequently, the abnormal return during the previous year was 6.75%, or 25% - 18.25%. The same calculations could be done for a security. For example, stock ABC returned 9% and has a beta of 2, when measured against its benchmark index. Assume that the risk-free rate of return is 5% and the benchmark index has an expected return of 12%. Based on CAPM, stock ABC has an expected return of 19%. Therefore, stock ABC has an abnormal return of -10% and underperformed the market during this period.
It’s that time again—time for another video tutorial! Today I’m sharing a quick tip for all you designers (or aspiring designers) out there. Learn how to change your canvas size in Adobe Illustrator. If you’ve ever opened a new document in Illustrator, you’re probably aware of most of the set up options. But the parameters you set for your document don’t have to be engraved in stone! Fortunately, if you change your mind and need to make alterations to your artboard after you’ve started, you can. The main tools you will be using: Shortcut: Shift O I remember the days when I use to realize part-way through a design that it would work better in landscape, or that I needed to switch to pixels instead of inches. And, because I didn’t know any better, I would open up a brand new document and set everything up again from scratch. I hoped you’ve enjoyed my little tutorial on how to change your canvas size in Adobe Illustrator. Maybe you figured out all of these tricks sooner than I did; but if not, then perhaps this video has been of use to you, and this knowledge can save you precious design time in the future! *This post contains affiliate links. By clicking through my links to make a purchase, you are supporting this blog and the hard work that goes into providing free, quality designs and tutorials.
We have seen the occasional example of VAR working well and helping a ref reach the correct decision, but it really does feel like it’s caused more problems than it solved. When it was introduced it was meant to prevent clear and obvious errors from happening – Think of an incident like Zidane’s headbutt in the World Cup Final if that was missed, rather than drawing lines on a screen to arrive at some questionable offside calls. Leeds saw the prefect example of this tonight as Patrick Bamford saw a late equaliser chalked off for offside against Wolves, and the images that were used don’t really seem to clear anything up. Patrick Bamford’s equaliser ruled out for offside… — Amazon Prime Video Sport (@primevideosport) February 19, 2021 In many ways you can understand the process that led to the decision standing because the linesman initially flagged for offside, but the replays and stills are too close to call so it can’t fall under the “clear and obvious” category to have it overturned. The problem here is the images don’t seem capable of identifying the exact frame when the ball is played forward, while the lines are drawn at a different angle to the play so they don’t get to view the incident right along the line. Bamford is obviously furious about this after the game, but you have to fear he might face some repercussions for this tweet: The problem for Bamford is the FA would much rather silence criticism rather than dealing with the actual problem, so expect some kind of charge for “bringing the game into disrepute” to follow in the next few days
Last April, Britain, France concluded that chemical weapons had been used in Syria. On June 13, the Obama administration finally concluded the Syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians What principle was violated upon the 14th use of chemical weapons but not on the first 13 uses? Obama's reactions to violations of his "red line" have been spineless and incoherent. Apparently chemical weapons use is fine if fewer than 1,429 civilians are killed. But if the death count is dispositive, those totals are met every week with Assad's use of conventional weapons. And if chemical weapons use matters because it violates some international moral norm, as Obama recently argued , then his response comes 13 violations (and the related deaths) too late. Moral leadership aside, there's a reason the U.S. president is the commander in chief: The exigencies of war require executive decisiveness and surprise—neither of which an open and deliberative body like the U.S. Congress can provide. Obama's latest about-face is problematic in at least five ways: 1) It gives Assad weeks to move all of his military assets into protected locations, rendering any eventual U.S. strike less effective. 2) Given Obama's stated goal (deterring further violations of an "international norm"), what is to stop Assad from launching more chemical attacks during the window of time Obama just created until Congress votes on the issue a few weeks from now? 3) What signal does Obama's dithering send to the Syrians who are wondering how much more wholesale slaughter the U.S. will countenance when the mere "prospect of violence on a horrific scale " was enough to prompt U.S. military action in Libya? What signal does Obama's hesitation on Syria send to a far stronger Iran that has been threatening to destroy Israel while developing the nuclear means to do so? And what is Israel to make of Obama's assurances that it will prevent Iran from acquiring nukes? 4) What happens if Congress, like the British Parliament , votes against any military action against Syria? Obama would then be left with an even worse set of choices: flout the will of the very institution he purported to respect and attack Syria anyway (in what might then be a constitutionally questionable move), or renege on his declared intent to punish the violation of a universal norm. Such an embarrassing reversal would undermine whatever little is left of Obama's credibility and U.S. power and influence, and it would implicitly authorize governments around the world to use chemical weapons as they please. South Korean officials rightly expressed concern about the lesson North Korea would glean from a U.S. failure to punish to Syria's chemical attacks, as did Turkish, Israeli and Saudi officials regarding the Iranian nuclear threat. 5) Meanwhile, Syria's neighbors—particularly Israel and Turkey—must now remain for weeks in a state of jittery limbo regarding a potential Syrian retaliation against them as they wait to see if Congress votes to attack Syria. Worse still, Obama's symbolic "punitive strike," if it even happens, will change nothing on the ground. Assad will emerge unscathed, declare that even the mighty U.S. can't stop him, and continue massacring his citizens, perhaps even with chemical weapons again, knowing how tepid the U.S. response will be. At best, Obama is trying with reluctant half-measures to confront adversaries—Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah—fully committed to victory. Such tentative actions achieve nothing and jeopardize U.S. interests by drawing the U.S. and its allies into a dangerous conflict on the enemy's terms. Elizabeth O'Bagy, a senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War who has repeatedly traveled to Syria to investigate the facts on the ground, has concluded there is still a moderate rebel force that shares some U.S. interests and is worthy of U.S. support . A sounder U.S. strategy would both give these rebels the support they need and deliver a decisive military blow that aims to achieve three objectives: 1) destroy Assad's arsenal of chemical weapons so they no longer threaten anyone in or out of Syria, 2) restore U.S. deterrence by establishing that U.S. "red lines" actually mean something when it comes to the use (or development) of weapons of mass destruction and 3) threaten the Assad regime in a way that encourages it to redeploy its remaining resources away from reconquering territory and toward establishing a defensible Alawite state in the northwest provinces of Tartous and Latakia (where Alawites predominate). A policy committed to the above three objectives will also make it far easier for the U.S. to resolve the Iranian nuclear standoff peacefully. The only time the Iranian regime suspended its enrichment activities was briefly after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, when Iran feared it would be attacked next. There is very little time left to convince Iran that U.S.-drawn "red lines" actually mean something; Iran may soon be able to rush across the nuclear finish line undetected, after installing over 1,000 IR-2M centrifuges at its Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant Syria will inevitably balkanize, with the Alawites in the northwest, Kurds in the northeast, Sunnis from east of the Alawites to the Iraqi border, and Druze and Sunnis in the southwest. This is the most "stable" outcome, if only because there has been so much sectarian bloodshed that peaceful coexistence under any one regime is at this point unthinkable, and the belligerents are far more likely to lay down their arms if each enjoys the security of its own mini-state that can protect its respective interests and negotiate long-term peace with mediation by outside powers. But the longer Obama remains spineless on Syria, the longer the bloodbath will continue, with increasingly unpredictable and catastrophic consequences (that could still compel U.S. involvement), and the more the U.S. will telegraph timidity to dangerous regimes deterred only by strength. Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic novel about Iranian nukes and other geopolitical issues in the Middle East.
NASA has released a stunning image of an aurora natural light display taken by one-year astronaut Scott Kelly from the International Space Station. “The dancing lights of the aurora provide spectacular views, but also capture the imagination of scientists who study incoming energy and particles from the sun,” explained NASA, in a statement on its website. “Aurora are one effect of such energetic particles, which can speed out from the sun both in a steady stream called the solar wind and due to giant eruptions known as coronal mass ejections or CMEs.” NASA explained that, after a trip toward Earth that can last two to three days, the solar particles and magnetic fields cause the release of particles already trapped near Earth, which in turn trigger reactions in the upper atmosphere in which oxygen and nitrogen molecules release photons of light. The end results of these reactions are the Northern and Southern lights.
Rosa Luxemburg whom Franz Mehring called “the best brain after Marx in socialist movement” after the death of Marx remained protractedly maligned for over half a century by Josef Stalin and his sidekicks in the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party — subsequently rechristened as the Communist Party of Soviet Union (Bolshevik) and thereafter CPSU — was the ‘ideologue’ of “Luxemburgism” and counter-revolutionary strain of Menshevism. Dr William A Pelz blasted “Luxemburgism “ as “clumsy, cynical and self- serving parody on the ideas of Rosa Luxemburg” at the International Rosa Luxemburg Conference — Internationale Rosa-Luxemburg-Gesellschaft (IRLS) — in Tokyo (April 2007). It was the sixth such conference. The first such meet took place in Chicago in 1998. Last year, Seoul was the venue of the IRLC which is organised by the International Rosa Luxemburg Society (IRLS) that aims at demolition of tendentious ‘Luxemburgism’ and restoration of theoretical and practical struggle, initiated by Luxemburg. The rediscovery of Luxemburg — Another Luxemburgism is possible: Reflections on Rosa and the Radical Socialist Project, the title of Dr Pelz’s paper — could be congenial after the fall of ‘Official Marxism’ (sadly with the fall of Soviet Union). Dr Sobhanlal Datta Gupta, formerly Surendranath Banerjee Chair of political science, University of Calcutta, who has attended every IRLS since 1998 and an internationally reputed research scholar on the international communist movement, has done yet another commendable work, The Socialist Vision and The Silenced Voices of Democracy — New Perspectives — Part I, Rosa Luxemburg (Seriban, Bakhrahat, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, Rs495), a 137-page book, packed with reference to source materials which will help scholars engaged in research on Luxemburg. Gupta is at work for the next two books under this series: one on Nikolai Bukharin and another on György Lukács. “Freedom” Luxemburg wrote famously in the Marxian spirit, “is always the freedom of those who think differently”. Unlike Bolsheviks, including Lenin, she had stuck unflinchingly to the ‘Hegelian-Marxian’ trait in contrast to ‘ultra-centralism’ of RSDLP, the ruling party (after the Bolshevik Revolution) under Lenin. She did her best to rid ‘Marxism’ or Marxian temper of what Robert Locker described as ‘organisational fetishism’, leading to ossification of the RSDLP due to ‘purely mechanistic fashion’ of running the party and the governmental power during Lenin’s lifetime. Luxemburg was compelled to criticise Lenin’s (Trotsky’s too) ‘organisational centralism’. She differed profoundly with Lenin’s aberrant experiment of vanguard role of the party that Marx never prescribed. Gupta’s advantage was his almost six month research at the archive of the Communist International (Third International or Comintern) in Moscow after it was declassified during the last years of Gorbachev era. He published a seminal work, Comintern and the Destiny of Communism in India — Dialectics of Real and Possible History, which was translated into German and Malayalam. The present treatise is split into six sequentially built chapters: New Historiography, Vision of Socialism and Democracy and Spontaneity contra Centralism of Luxemburg, Internationalism of Communism and Destiny of Rosa Luxemburg and Rosa Luxemburg and the World Today. His identification of Rosa as ‘ a heretic, a revolutionary with a difference and so remained a constant threat to all those who felt it safe not to question the claims of official Marxism’ guides a reader to understand the meaning of Dr Pelz’s paper ‘Another Luxemburgism is possible’. Her real name was Rozalia Luksenburg, born in 1871, into a Polish family of secular Jews in a small city in Russian-occupied Poland. How brutally she was killed on January 15, 1919, as a sequel to the abortive bid of her party Independent Socialist Party of Germany (USPD) to overthrow the Ebert-Scheidemann government is well known. Stalin embarked on abusive vilification of her theoretical contributions 12 years thereafter through his infamous letter ‘On Some Questions Concerning the History of Bolshevism’, published in Proletarskaia Revoliutsiia (1931). He blamed Rosa for ‘counterrevolutionary Menshevism’, a tendentious accusation. Instantaneously, Leon Trotsky, Stalin’s enemy number one, lashed out at him with a sharp polemical essay, Hands off Rosa Luxemburg. The wilful abuse against Luxemburg remained unchanged even after the Stalin period. Which was why Annelies Laschitza, the outstanding biographer of Luxemburg, had to submit the manuscript within the bureaucratic frame, set out by the central committee of erstwhile Socialist Unity Party of now-defunct German Democratic Republic, although she and Gunter Radczuan jointly headed the project for Rosa’s biography. “From her own testimony it is now evident that there were vast gaps, distortions, if not falsifications, in the name of Leninism”, noted Gupta. Laschitza’s keynote address, Encountering Rosa Luxemburg-Past and Present, at a symposium, organised by the Berlin-based Institute of History of Working Class in March 1989 is ‘a fascinating analysis’, he adds. Laschitza criticised Lenin for loose comments on the great revolutionary in his Notes of a Publicist’( November 1922), ‘without actually reading it’. Gupta’s paper Understanding Socialism as Hegemony: Rosa Luxemburg and Nikolai Bukharin at the Tokyo conference of IRLS (2007) is an original contribution. Bukharin was closer to Luxemburg than Antonio Gramsci and György Lukács, Gupta observed. Bukharin wrote poignantly: “A static and tranquillised attitude is a trait that grows out of parasitism… The active and creative quality of socialist culture results in an ever-renewed growth of both material and spiritual needs, in which the latter develop into actual passions”. Bukharin thought of ‘new man’ in socialist or communist society like Rosa. Official Marxism never thought alike. However, the new revelations about Luxemberg are mostly in German. Out of her 900-plus letters, edited by Laschitza, Georg Adler and, Peter Hudis, less than 250 have been translated into English. We hope IRLS will look into the matter.
Introduction to Laban's Space Harmony published: Oct. 4, 2012, recorded: September 2012, views: 8653 Report a problem or upload filesIf you have found a problem with this lecture or would like to send us extra material, articles, exercises, etc., please use our ticket system to describe your request and upload the data. Enter your e-mail into the 'Cc' field, and we will keep you updated with your request's status. Mark Jarecke introduces the audience to Rudolf Laban's concepts of Space Harmony. This movement lab takes participants through Laban's systems of spatial architecture and effort quality affinities as well as experimentation with movement scales through three dimensional platonic solid metaphors. Link this pageWould you like to put a link to this lecture on your homepage? Go ahead! Copy the HTML snippet !
Here’s one that’s relevant to the zoning changes in the dock today at Philly City Council: 2. End Minimum Parking Requirements. Most local governments force developers to provide a minimum number of parking spaces for each housing unit. The problem is, it’s not the developer who pays for those parking spaces—it’s the tenant. In a walkable city like Philly with a pretty good public transportation system, lots of people don’t own cars. But they still end up paying for other people’s parking, because the parking costs are bundled into their rent. It’s a shadow tax on people who don’t drive, that subsidizes those who do. The new zoning code sensibly got rid of the parking minimums in many of the most walkable neighborhoods, but now Darrell Clarke and City Council members want to bring them back for some of the most common building types. It’s a terrible deal for renters. Ashley Hahn at PlanPhilly recently wrote a good primer on how parking minimums make housing more expensive and stymie walkable development.
Much of the mayhem currently taking place in Egypt is a direct result of the Constitutional Declaration President Mohammed Morsi announced on 22 November 2012 and the political upheaval it caused. There has been much speculation as to why the declaration was made when it was (just after the end of the Gaza crisis), who had planned it and who was out of the loop and what its purpose was. Mohamed Basal, a reporter for al-Shorouk newspaper, has the inside story of how the Declaration came to be, shedding some light on some of these questions. We bring it to you in English thanks to the upstanding folks at Industry Arabic who make our In Translation series possible. Basal's article is meticulously — though anonymously — sourced and provides a plausible narrative of how the Constitutional Declaration came to be. Some key points: - It was largely drafted by the Legal Affairs Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party, in consultation with Brotherhood leaders, but only with late input from presidential advisors. - Key judicial figures were only consulted late and opposed some of its provisions. - It was initially intended to include bringing the retirement age of judges down to 60 years old. Such a provision could still be implemented later this year to purge a large number of senior judges. The Vice-President threatened to resign over this. - The Minister of Justice and the Vice-President, both judges, fought against several of its provisions and did not think it was necessary — or legal — to "protect" the Constituent Assembly from a Supreme Constitutional Court decision. - Morsi and the Brothers believed a conspiracy was afoot (this much we know from their cryptic statements) for the Supreme Constitutional Court to launch impeachment proceedings against President Morsi — even though there are no constitutional means for this. They were also receiving information of a destabilization campaign from "sovereign bodies", meaning intelligence agencies. - The Constitutional Declaration was originally intended mostly to deal with the replacement of the Public Prosecutor and the extension of the Constituent Assembly, which by late November was far from finishing its work. It was the FJP's legal committee that added other provisions, backed by Morsi notably on the question of protecting the Constituent Assembly from dissolution and giving himself extraordinary powers (intended to deal with a perceived threat of unrest caused by the opposition). Here's the quite long and detailed article for Egypt-watchers who want to understand the steps that led to the Morsi administration's biggest mistake to date. Freedom and Justice Party drafts the declaration’s articles. President agrees without consulting the Vice President. Al-Shorouk provides a behind-the-scenes look at the November 21 declaration. Mohamed Basal, al-Shorouk, 5 March 2013 The constitutional declaration, issued by President Morsi on November 21 of last year, remains the most dangerous and pivotal event of the Morsi administration thus far. The declaration became a land mine, exploding in the faces of the President, the Brotherhood, and the opposition. It helped to divide Egypt as never before, and resulted in the bloodshed that continues to this day. The declaration was a serious one, as it the dismissed former Prosecutor General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, protected the Shura Council and Constituent Assembly against being declared invalid and dissolved, and canceled all legal suits brought against them in either the Supreme Constitutional Court or the Administrative Judiciary. It also placed all decisions and constitutional declarations made by the President of the Republic above review and granted him the power to take extraordinary measures to protect the revolution, without specifying the nature of these measures. The constitutional declaration (which was partially revoked on December 8) was followed by the demonstrations outside the Presidential Palace, which resulted in the deaths of 12 people of various political orientations. The situation deteriorated still further after that, and the scene become one of complete polarization, pitting the Muslim Brotherhood against the National Salvation Front. The full, behind-the-scenes truth of the declaration has remained a secret, known only to those who were present as it was drafted and issued, and a large part will still be unknown even after the coverage by Al-Shorouk. This article is not intended to represent a journalistic ‘scoop’ so much as an effort by the newspaper to document this sensitive period in the history of the revolution. It is based on conversations and the testimony of six individuals who lived through the circumstances surrounding the issuance of the declaration, and the scenes at the Presidential Palace which immediately preceded it. At the request of these six sources, Al-Shorouk has not revealed their names. Some of these six, who for various reasons have refused to reveal their identity, are close to the group of decision makers at the Palace, while the rest belong to higher judicial bodies. The most important and surprising detail upon which these sources agreed was that the declaration was a brainchild of the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party, and not the President's advisors. As such, it is unlike the decision to reinstate the People’s Assembly, as well as the August 11 declaration that abolished the Supplementary Declaration. They also revealed that the first draft of the declaration lowered the retirement age of judges to 65, thus going beyond just dismissing the Prosecutor General, who was 66 at the time. Here are the details: Act 1: The Palace Committee It was interesting that for several days in October and November of last year, several members of the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party met at the Presidential Palace, without anyone knowing the reason. Of particular interest was the presence, at these meetings, of the President’s legal advisor, Mohamed Fouad Gadallah. The members, who met personally with both the President and his Chief of Staff Dr. Ahmed Abdel Ati, did not disclose the purpose of their meetings to anyone inside the palace. Some members of the Legal Committee of the Brotherhood Party spoke of a conspiracy, whereby certain judges within the Constitutional Court were said to be trying to impeach the President. There was and still is an outstanding legal dispute between the Court and two Legal Committee members who accused the Court of rigging the ruling to dissolve the People’s Assembly, despite the results of an investigation conducted by office of the Prosecutor General. This talk of conspiracy was communicated to the Brotherhood's lawyers by individuals who had had several friendly meetings with a member of the Constitutional Court, during which he spoke recklessly of “our ability to impeach President Muhammad Morsi, ” saying: “Just as we appointed him, so we can impeach him. ” This is according to the narrative related by the Brotherhood's lawyers, who conveyed the same version to the President. The President then relayed this information to several members of what was then his presidential team. Even though judges at the Constitutional Court denied the possibility of impeachment, chief among them their president, Counselor Maher al-Beheiri, the Brotherhood took the matter seriously, and it became a major factor in the countermeasures taken against the Court, both from within the Constituent Assembly and otherwise. Meanwhile, talk of conspiracy and concerns over the Constituent Assembly began to dominate the atmosphere in the Presidential Palace, especially when the Court, in its November 7 meeting, scheduled a session on December 2 to review both the dissolution of the People’s Assembly and striking down the law to immunize the Constituent Assembly. This latter issue was promoted as if it would result in a dissolution of the Assembly, even though this was legally impossible according to high-level sources in the Court. The decision only increased apprehension within the Brotherhood, especially in the wake of the fragmentation and resignations which were then taking place within the Constituent Assembly. At that point, the Assembly was not even close to completing a first draft of the Articles, a task that would certainly require stability within its ranks, not additional disruptions. Thus, during the second week of November, the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party began to seriously think of clearing the Constitutional Court, or at least preventing it from examining the issues that awaited on December 2. Morsi and the Judges President Morsi has maintained a cautious attitude towards the judges since the day he took office, and his choice of Counsellor Mahmoud Mekki as Vice President was in no way intended to satisfy or flatter the judges, as some have tried to portray it. At the first meeting to which the President invited the heads of the various judicial bodies, and before Mekki was appointed to his position, the President explicitly stated that there was no intention to undermine the judges. This announcement came amid rumors of a law that would lower the retirement age for judges. Two weeks after Mekki’s appointment on August 12, the President put a proposal before him to lower the retirement age of acting judges to 60. This would legally dispose of former Prosecutor General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, as well as a large number of judges on the Constitutional Court. This includes a number of judges known for their opposition to the Islamist movement, chief among them former Counselor Tahani al-Gabali. The Vice President strongly objected to this proposal, and indicated that he would resign if it was put into effect. Before this, Counsellor Mekki had personally assured the senior judges that they would not be affected, at least until the end of the judicial year on June 30, 2013. This marked the end of the issue between the President and his deputy. Following the formation of the presidential team, the matter was again proposed by advisors to the President, at meetings attended by both the President and the Vice President. The President agreed to the idea, while the Vice President rejected it, and warned that it would potentially shock the legal community, as well as cause general agitation among the people. Amid increasing demands for the Prosecutor General’s dismissal, there was a plan to transfer the Prosecutor to the Vatican as ambassador, but then they backpedaled away from this decision. The Freedom and Justice Party still persisted in its desire to lower the retirement age of judges. Act 2: The Revolutionary Prosecution During the second week of November, the Presidential Palace began to move towards issuing a new constitutional declaration. At that time, the declaration would only “extend the work of the Constituent Assembly by two months, ” by amending Article 60 of the then-in-force constitutional declaration. This action received strong support from the President’s legal advisor, as well as from the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice party. For them, the legal basis for the right of the President to amend the article, despite the March 11 referendum, came from the fact that the referendum concerned other articles, not ones which had been effectively included by the constitutional declaration. Furthermore, the deadline mentioned in the text was by way of organization, and was not binding. It was also agreed within the presidential circle that a special prosecutor be set up to protect the revolution, and to retry the cases of demonstrators killed in the revolution. The President tasked his legal counselor with drafting a law to organize the office of this special prosecutor and its judicial business. This was how it appeared on the surface. Behind the scenes, the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party was busily engaged in drafting other articles to be included in the new constitutional declaration, one of which was originally devoted to extending the activities of the Constituent Assembly. In the matter of the Prosecutor General, the administration had already prepared to cooperate with the Vice President, Mahmoud Mekki, and his brother, the Minister of Justice, Ahmed Mekki, following the dismissal of the Prosecutor General and his transfer to the Vatican. They had called for the résumés of a number of counselors, including several living abroad, as well as associate justices of the Court of Cassation, and the President of the Court of Appeals in Cairo. However, at the last moment, the Prosecutor General backed down from his agreement to move to the Vatican, which held back both the final step in his overthrow, and the announcement of his replacement, who the President had decided would be Talaat Abdullah. The name Talaat Abdullah, however, was still in contention for Presidential appointments, and remained the strongest candidate for the post of Prosecutor General, as soon as the first opportunity arose to dismiss Abdel Meguid Mahmoud. Act 3: Behind the Curtain The Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party prepared the complete constitutional declaration, whose first article provided for a special prosecutor to defend the revolution, as well as the agreed-upon retrials. The fourth article stipulated an extension of the work period of the Constituent Assembly, another matter that had been agreed to within the Presidential Palace. However, the other articles would come as big surprises to members of the presidential team, as well as those non-Brotherhood members close to the President. The second article placed all presidential decisions and declarations above scrutiny, meaning that cases against the declaration could not be brought before the Administrative Judiciary. The third article was the most dangerous, as it lowered the retirement age for judges to 65, meaning that the Prosecutor General would be gotten rid of along with the heads of all judicial bodies, chief among them the Supreme Constitutional Court, as well as five associate justices of the Court, Tahani al-Jabali not among them. This article would also mean that no review could take place, or ruling be issued, against the Constituent Assembly or the Shura Council, as might have occurred in the December 2 session of the Constitutional Court. However, leaving nothing to chance, the committee also drafted Article 5, which banned any judicial authority from dissolving the Constituent Assembly or the Shura Council. The President was presented with the draft of the constitutional declaration within days of the Israeli bombing of Gaza, and he agreed to it in principle. However, he ordered that it be shown to both his legal advisor and to the Minister of Justice, in order to get their opinion concerning the judges. On November 21, President Morsi was able to score a strategic and political victory when acting under the patronage and blessing of the U.S., he oversaw the truce between Israel and Hamas. This cleared the way for the bomb that was the constitutional declaration to explode upon the Egyptian political scene. That evening, the President apologized that he was unable to travel to Pakistan for an Islamic summit, and sent his deputy Mahmoud Mekki in his stead. He was preparing to detonate the constitutional bomb. Mekki knew that something was happing without him, but did not know what exactly. On November 7, he had left his resignation at the discretion of the President, after having been assured that the judges’ retirement age would not be lowered, and that no other move would be made to dismiss the Prosecutor General. Act 4: The Bomb Goes Off The Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party had finished drafting the declaration and several of its members had been at the Presidential Palace since the morning of November 22. Some committee members specifically informed Brotherhood leaders of several of the declaration’s clauses, in particular the lowering of the judges’ retirement age. Clearly, they considered the matter “over and done with,” and not subject to change. As a matter of fact, Brotherhood leaders began informing their headquarters of the need for a demonstration at the Supreme Court building in support of important presidential decisions concerning the judges. In their words: “A popular demonstration in support of these decisions is strongly needed. ” At noon, the president summoned Ahmed Mekki, the Minister of Justice, and Doctor Mohamed Mahsoub, the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, asking them to come quickly. A meeting was held, involving them as well as members of the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party and the President’s legal advisor, Mohamed Fouad Gadallah. Mekki and Gadallah strongly opposed lowering the retirement age, and warned of a violent reaction from the judges. They suggested that this step be postponed, and that it be implemented in phases, beginning gradually after the end of the judicial year. Such a step, according to them, should absolutely not be taken at the present time. The discussion, which lasted almost two hours, ended in a compromise. Article 3, concerning the appointment of the new Prosecutor General, would provide for a four year term, and a new clause would be added: “This provision applies to the one currently holding the position with immediate effect.” Mekki and Gadallah supported this course of action, given that the dismissal of the Prosecutor General was one of the central demands of the Revolution. The new Prosecutor General, Counselor Talaat Abdullah, was immediately summoned so that he might take the oath of office prior to the official announcement of the Prosecutor General’s dismissal. They were eager to maintain secrecy and not repeat the Vatican incident. As for immunizing the Shura Council and Constituent Assembly and stopping litigation on all legal actions calling for their dissolution, some of those at the meeting argued that this was not needed, and that it was not legal to prevent the Constitutional Court from reviewing a case. However, a majority of Freedom and Justice Party members considered immunization to be necessary if the retirement age was not lowered. They argued that the Shura Council and Constituent Assembly would be left exposed, and subject to dissolution at the December 2 session. Some replied that the Constituent Assembly case that was currently before the court would under no circumstances result in its dissolution. It was merely a dispute with regard to implementing the ruling that dissolved the People’s Assembly. The most that could happen was that it could allow a new case to be brought before the Administrative Court to invalidate the Constituent Assembly. However, the President, wanting to prepare for all contingencies, supported the article. Article 6 expanded the powers of the President to include extraordinary measures to protect the revolution, and was also insisted upon by the President. He based his decision on reports, which stressed that the chaotic atmosphere on the streets demanded that he take measures against forces hostile to the revolution. This was almost 10 days after the President received reports from sovereign bodies that businessmen, some belonging to the former regime, were holding meetings in a major hotel to coordinate efforts to destabilize his government. The declaration was issued in a routine manner, and marked with the previous day’s date -- November 21 -- in order to facilitate immediate implementation. Act 5: No to Extending the Constituent Assembly After the declaration was issued, a controversy arose among members of the Technical Secretariat of the Constituent Assembly and Counselor Hossam al-Gheriany, concerning the extension granted to the Constituent Assembly. Al-Gheriany contacted the President, and emphasized his support of the declaration, despite one reservation concerning the extension. This was that a change had been made to an article that had already been approved by a referendum of the people. Article 60 of the constitutional declaration sets a period of six months for the work of the Constituent Assembly. This deadline is binding, not merely a guideline, and as such cannot be interfered with. Therefore, this article of the declaration was ultimately disregarded. In the end, the Constituent Assembly finished its work two days before the scheduled December 2 meeting of the Constitutional Court. The declaration then became like a ball of fire, burning everyone it touched. It continues to enflame the political street, and no one knows how it will end.
Lianas da Estacco Ecologica do Noroeste Paulista Sao Jose Do Rio Preto/Mirassol SP Rezende AA; Ranga NT Acta Botanica Brasilica Lianas are characteristic abundant and ecologically important members of tropical forest but they have been neglected in floristics and phytossociologicals studies. This work presents a floristic survey of the lianas species at Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista (EENP) and a comparison of the list of species recorded in this work with those reported for other fragments of São Paulo state. The EENP -20o 48\\\ 36\\\" S e 49o 22\\\ 50\\\" W- is at 468 m of altitude and comprises an area of 16843 ha divided into three fragments of vegetation. Samples of lianas were collected in the interior and along the edges of the forest fragments. It was identified 105 species: 99 Magnoliopsida (60 genera and 22 families); six Liliopsida (three genera and three families). The richest families in species comprised 59% of the total of lianas sampled. The dendrogram of similarity showed a low similarity between the forest situated in the littoral (Atlantic Forest) and those located in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Some other authors also analysing the similarity of forest of the interior and Atlantic Forest of São Paulo state but considering only the trees reported the same result.
Just 20 minutes walk from the ornate Hotel Bayerischer Hof, where world leaders gathered this weekend for the Munich security conference, lies No 12 Arcisstrasse, the shuttered brown ornamental building known as the Führerbau. On a cold grey Sunday morning, the building, now temporarily closed and in disrepair, has a forbidding air. Near the steps at the front is a small plaque with the bare inscription in German, Czech and Slovak: “In this building, on 29 September, 1938, the Munich agreement was signed, which led to the smashing of the Czechoslovak republic.” No mention is made of the signatories, including Adolf Hitler and then British prime minister Neville Chamberlain, who, fearful of a renewed European war, appeased Hitler by agreeing to cede the Sudetenland. Hitler had promised this was his last territorial claim in Europe. The empty building, its interior preserved, stands as a monument to the ability of diplomats to misread their opponent. Back in the conference hall, this history hung heavy. No speech was complete without a reference to the threat of a return to war in the heart of Europe, or to an impending refugee crisis. No one was foolish enough to compare Russia to national socialism, but underlying every discussion was the question of Vladimir Putin’s true intentions and whether the western response is moral and a sufficient deterrent, or instead a betrayal and a repeat of the appeasement of the 30s. In his mercurial address to the conference hall on Saturday, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, did not hold back in what he described as “his own horrible history lessons’’. Referencing the Russian-backed separatist shell that damaged a nursery school on Thursday, he said: “Seeing a shell crater in the schoolyard, children have a question: has the world forgotten its mistakes of the 20th century? “What do appeasement attempts lead to? How did the question ‘Why die for Danzig ?’ [a French anti-war slogan coined in 1939] turn into the need to die for Dunkirk and dozens of other cities in Europe and the world, at the cost of tens of millions of lives?” He then twisted the knife by saying there was no threat of war in Europe – the war was already under way: “How did it happen that there is a war ongoing and people are dying in Europe in the 21st century? Why does it last longer than World War II? How did we get to the biggest security crisis since the cold war?” Zelenskiy had answers that the doting western security establishment might not have applauded so vociferously if they listened harder to his withering attack on their collective failure. He blamed “selfishness, self-confidence, irresponsibility of countries at the global level. As a result, some commit crimes, and others stay indifferent. Indifference that results in complicity. This is your contribution to the security of Europe and the world.” He said: “Ukraine has been Europe’s shield for eight years. For eight years, it has been holding back one of the largest armies in the world.” Yet the door to the EU and Nato had not been opened. The promises to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty enshrined in the Budapest memorandum in 1994 seemed worthless. “The current policy of appeasement,” he said, “has to be turned into one of guarantees of security and peace”. He called for the west to send more arms and to impose preventive sanctions nimmediately. He revealed he had challenged western leaders who said they were 100% sure that an invasion would occur. “What are you waiting for? We don’t need your sanctions after the bombardment will happen and after our country will be fired on, or after we have no borders, or economy.” On Sunday morning, the former president of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, gently picked up Zelenskiy’s challenge, asking Charles Michel, the European Council president, if at the very least the EU should be more proactive. “Are you ready personally to give Ukraine an emergency invitation to fast-forward discussions on accession to the EU? It would give the EU a unique chance at this difficult time to gain some advantage. Right now the EU is very united, but very reactive.” Kaljulaid did not get an answer in the affirmative. Although Michel claimed Putin’s strategy was backfiring by creating unprecedented transatlantic unity – the common dominant public theme at the conference – the source of his circumspection about enlargement partly lay in history. The German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, reflecting a longstanding scepticism in parts of Germany about Nato enlargement to the east, pointedly told the Munich conference that Ukraine’s membership is not on the foreseeable agenda, and he had told Putin as much. Although Scholz insisted he would not be naive in his diplomacy, and defended the principle of national self-determination, he clearly hopes his statement takes Ukraine closer to effective future neutrality, and that this might assuage Putin. It did not please Zelenskiy, who witheringly dismissed the idea as Munich 2.0. But Putin wants the pledge in writing, and again history plays a role in his thinking. Russian mythology holds that Russia in 1990-91, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, was promised no Nato enlargement to the east. The more subtle truth, meticulously charted by the historian ME Sarotte in her book Not One Inch, judges no such offer was made by George Bush, even if it was discussed by advisers. But Putin has his casus belli, and it may be there will be no compromise, no pledge in writing, no piece of paper, that will lead to peace in our time.
The JBL Flip 4 stereo Bluetooth speaker has several buttons and lamps across its top and side panels, including the Infinity button. Here, we describe the function of this button, how and when to use it, and what it does, This control allows you to sync from two to over a hundred JBL speakers together, such that they all play the same program. Thus, you can fill a much larger party area with sound than you could with just one speaker. And, since the speakers can be tens of feet apart, the area you can cover with several or more speakers is large enough for most small to medium sized parties. JBL Flip 4 Infinity Button Explained Use the Infinity button to connect two or more JBL Connect+ compatible speakers together, in “party mode”. When linked like this, they all play the same program without any delays or echoes. Infinity mode (a.k.a. Connect+ mode) resembles Amazon’s multi room music groups on their Alexa speakers. I.e. All speakers that join up play the same audio at the same time. With each speaker turned on, you press the Infinity button on each JBL speaker you wish to add to the Connect+ group. The Infinity button on the JBL Flip 4 is a circular depression on the top panel with the infinity symbol embossed on its front. Thus its name, as shown in the next picture, pointed at by the green arrow. How to Use the Infinity Button on the JBL Flip 4 Speaker Note that you can mix and match any combination of JBL speakers in this joined group, so long as they support the Connect+ protocol. Most speakers from the Flip, Charge, Xtreme, and Boombox series models will work together as described next. - Place all speakers within a few feet of each other. - Power up and pair the first (master) speaker to your Bluetooth source device. - Next, power up each additional (slave) BT speaker that you wish to join with the master. - Press and release the Infinity button on the master speaker. That button should then light up. - Then press and release the Infinity button on each slave speaker in turn. Again, this button will illuminate on each speaker. - Now when you play something on your Bluetooth source device, you will hear it on all connected speakers. - Finally, you can dissolve the connection between the speakers by pressing and releasing the Infinity button on the “master” speaker. Related Posts to JBL Flip 4 Infinity Button Other Posts About the JBL Flip 4 - JBL Flip 4 Picture Gallery for this Portable Speaker - JBL Flip 4 Change Name, How to Rename This Speaker - How to Connect iPhone to JBL Flip 4 - JBL Flip 4 Specs, Specifications for this Speaker - JBL Flip 4 Reset Instructions, Solves Many Problems - 2020-11-22: First published.
EU, U.S. on verge of "difficult" free-trade negotiations By Robin Emmott SANTIAGO (Reuters) - The United States and the European Union are wrapping up final preparations for talks on a free-trade agreement that would encompass half the world's economic output, Europe's trade chief said on Saturday, while warning of "difficult negotiations." EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht will travel to Washington on February 5 to put the finishing touches on a joint EU-U.S. report. He gave his clearest signal yet that Brussels and Washington are ready to embark on the accord. "Essentially the report is ready. I will go to Washington to discuss a couple of small items and for a final reading. But essentially we're on the same page," De Gucht told Reuters in an interview in the Chilean capital Santiago. "These will be difficult negotiations." A trade deal between the world's two largest economies encompassing 800 million people would unleash billions of dollars in transatlantic business, advocates say. It could also allow Europe and the United States to define the rules of global trade before China and India do. The 27-nation European Union and the United States already account for nearly a third of world trade, but a banking and debt crisis in Europe and meager American growth are pushing both sides to consider removing the final barriers to trade. U.S. companies have invested some $1.9 trillion in production, distribution and other operations in the EU, far more than in China. EU companies have invested about $1.6 trillion in the United States. Continued...
MedicAlert Foundation encourages all Americans to get involved and be proactive during Food Allergy Awareness Week! Are you or someone you know one of the 15 million people impacted by food allergies today? If so, certain foods may leave you feeling itchy, scratchy, swollen, or breathless. It isn’t always possible to anticipate these upcoming reactions when consuming foods that are not your friend, especially when hidden ingredients are involved. Your health is important; and taking action to ensuring your health is safeguarded in the event of experiencing mild to severe anaphylaxis can be life-saving. Left Breathless While Dining Out If you have one or more food allergies, dining at a restaurant or attending a friend’s dinner party may leave you feeling anxious. Making preparations prior to eating outside of your home may seem like a constant challenge, but is important in protecting yourself from anaphylactic shock. When planning to eat at a restaurant, obtain a menu prior to dining, and make your server aware of your food allergies. Ask him or her how the food is prepared and what ingredients the dish consists of. It may seem effortless at times to avoid your food allergens. However, hidden ingredients are often responsible for triggering allergic reactions, In addition, the first step to being proactive in protecting your health is to always make your food allergies known by wearing medical ID jewelry. MedicAlert Kid Smart Sports BandGives Peace of Mind for Food Allergy Families Give yourself the peace of mind that both MedicAlert members and loved ones feel knowing our services work 24/7 to protect their healthcare needs. Erin Lawyer, stay home mother of 4, purchased memberships for her young children due to the fact that 3 of them have medical conditions consisting of asthma, food allergies and diabetes. The family loves to travel and be outdoors. All 4 kids are very active with swimming and riding bikes during the spring and summer months. Her 6-year old son Logan has severe food allergies to nuts, dairy, and eggs, and also suffers from asthma. Erin says, “Knowing he has his MedicAlert bracelet when being away from me gives me a constant peace of mind.” Although 10 year old Nolan is her only child with no medical conditions, he loves to wear his MedicAlert bracelet with the others as well. The Importance of a Food Allergy Medical ID Bracelet Wearing medical ID jewelry at all times allows your food allergies to be known immediately in an emergency situation. With the presence of a MedicAlert medical ID, first responders have the ability to connect with medical personnel to obtain your complete health history. Through our valued partnership with FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), MedicAlert Foundation offers the MyVoice program to FARE supporters, which provides special discounts on our memberships.
"history" blog posts Posted on: 21 February 2020 | Category: 2020 posts While studying Ancient Greek Colonisation and British Imperial Thought (ALGY 336) we examined the theme of intermarriage between Greek settlers and the ‘Barbarians’ they met. Archaeologist Anthony Snodgrass examined parallels between this and the British Empire, arguing that marriage between British officers and local women as positively encouraged in Calcutta (now Kolkata) and Burma (now Myanmar) during the early British Empire but it was later outlawed when Victorian pseudo-scientific ideas about race appeared. The same was true of the ancient Greeks. According to Aristotle, the founder of Massalia (now Marseilles) married a local Celtic princess but after the Persian Wars Greek attitudes to ‘Barbarians’ solidified and became negative. Posted on: 12 February 2020 | Category: 2020 posts The Ancient Greek Colonisation and British Imperial Thought (ALGY336) module examines how academic understanding of ancient Greek overseas settlements was influenced by Victorian ideas of race, gender, and empire. This happened because British scholars made analogies between the ancient Greeks and the contemporary British Empire that they lived in, projecting their own imperialist values back onto history. Even the Victorian Prime Minister William Gladstone said in the House of Commons that the British Empire should treat its colonies like the Greeks had done theirs. We then applied Postcolonialism to critically consider relationships between ancient Greeks and the Celts, Sikels, and Egyptians that they encountered. Posted on: 14 May 2019 | Category: 2019 posts Professor Harold Mytum visited Athens as part of his collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Birch, Department of Anthropology, UGA, supported by a UGA- Liverpool faculty exchange initiative. Posted on: 13 May 2019 | Category: 2019 posts Liverpool’s Classics degree has a strong interest in reception – but what is ‘reception’? In this blogpost, I review four speakers in the Classics and Ancient History seminars who, in four very different ways, showcase some of the ways ‘reception’ can be understood. Posted on: 6 March 2018 | Category: 2018 posts The legendary ancient city of Troy is very much in the limelight this year. A big budget co-production between the BBC and Netflix 'Troy: Fall of a City' recently launched, while Turkey designated 2018 the “Year of Troy” and plans a year of celebration, including the opening of a new museum on the presumed site. Posted on: 27 February 2018 | Category: 2018 posts Outside of her research, Archaeology PhD student Kerry Massheder-Rigby has been working on the HLF funded History of Place project since 2016 as Project Coordinator, investigating the history of the Royal School for the Blind in Liverpool. In this blog, Kerry shares her experience of working on the project and tells us how this work ties in with her research interests. Posted on: 13 February 2018 | Category: 2018 posts This year, Liverpool will come together once more to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of been named the European Capital of Culture. Here, we will explore some of the highlights 2018 will bring as celebration, and check out some other big names that turn 10, too! Posted on: 7 February 2018 | Category: 2018 posts With the launch of the World Museum's 'China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors' exhibition this week, Professor Douglas Baird provides an insight into the historical context of the Warriors and highlights their significance in today's world.
Late day pools allow you to set up courses where the student has a set number of late days which they can use throughout the duration of the class. To enable the late day pool on your course, turn the setting on in your course settings: Enabling the late day pool will give all new students the specified number of days, and as students work on projects during the semester, they can then use up their pool to submit their coursework late with no penalty. If you already have students in your course, you'll have to go to the "Directory" page to set their late days remaining in bulk. Each time a student uses a late day from their pool, it will give them an extra 24 hours to submit. So, for example, our course has 5 late days per student. "Project 1" was due 3 hours ago, and "Project 2" was due 36 hours ago. If a student opts to use a late day from their pool on "Project 1", they will have 21 more hours to submit. If a student opts to use a late day on "Project 2", they will have to opt-in to using two late days, which will leave them with 12 more hours to submit. After doing both of these actions, the student will have two late days remaining. Late Day Limits We have optional settings on coursework that enable you to restrict how many late days may be used on that specific coursework. This can help you have a policy where students have 10 late days throughout the semester to use, but can only use a few on a given piece of coursework. Group projects currently do not support late day pools, but this is feature is currently planned and in development. Students can not use late days from their pool on quizzes or exams.
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Paperback: 164 pages $9.45 Kindle: 164 pages $2.95 About Jamshed Akhtar: Jamshed Akhtar is a writer / researcher, about 65 years old, with a degree in Electrical Engineering from AMU (1969), Aligarh, India. He is involved in the study of religion since 1985. Akhtar is closely associated with several Muslim organizations dealing in scientific study of Islam. In 1996, Akhtar had written a research based fiction. This book entitled ‘The Ultimate Revelations’ is probably the first and only Science fiction in the world, with Quran as the central topic. The book was well covered by almost all the major news papers of India and UAE. Akhtar has also presented his researches on revealed knowledge in different workshops and seminars, in India. In UAE, Akhtar’s book was presented at ‘The Book Mall’ by Shaikha Azza, daughter of the ruler of Sharjah. Akhtar has also appeared on the 'Discover Islam' talk shows on Sharjah TV to explain his researches. The book: In Search of Our Origins, presents complex but interesting information on the origin of life and man. The 119 hints/pointers, extracted from the analysis of the original words of the Quran, seem to tell us how the first molecule of life arose on the planet, what was the mechanism involved, where the event occurred on the primeval earth, and what did happen subsequently. The pointers then tell us how the life is linked to man, how the first man and his mate were created, where they were nurtured initially, and when and where did they appear on the earth. The research also discusses entities like Jinn and malaika (angels), and the concept of Paradise with respect to Adam, within the parameters of the Quran and modern physics. Akhtar argues that the phenomenon of revelations is extraterrestrial, and presents a mechanism for verification of the information that has the potential to permanently lay at rest the debate between creationists and evolutionists. Reviewed by Susan Keefe When I started this book, I was unsure what to expect, however what I found was a compelling read full of interesting information. The author has researched the subject of our origins in depth and presented the reader with a well-balanced book, which is easy to understand. Not only has he has studies the Quran in depth, and indeed other religious teachings, has also looked at the scientific explanations of our origins throughout the ages and presented his findings in an unbiased way. Even though, through necessity, there are references to particular articles and paragraphs in studies and books, the author has managed to produce around these, a book which the reader finds easy to understand and absorb. The insight into the Quran, its teachings, other beliefs and scientific theories about our evolution made this a fascinating read and personally, I found it very interesting. I also found it refreshing to be able to read a book of this genre without feeling as if you had to decide whose side you were on. Available at Amazon in Paperback here http://www.amazon.com/In-Search-Our-Origins-Scientific/dp/145633567... and on Kindle here http://www.amazon.com/Search-Our-Origins-Scientific-ebook/dp/B004LX...
Meeting & Event Crisis Response Planning June 14, 2017 - When the going gets tough... meeting and event planners step up! It's what you do, right? We know that there's no such thing as a perfect meeting and event, so it's always good to refresh what you know and increase your arsenal to handle problems and disruptions. Try these articles for some additional perspectives. Virtual meetings are often seen as a cost-effective alternative to corporate travel, a good excuse to reduce travel budget. With countless tools available, many of them being free or very inexpensive, it is often hard to justify spending thousands of dollars sending employees to a meeting abroad. However, conference calls and virtual meetings must face several communication challenges which may easily lead to an ineffective meeting. Meetings are important in forging relationships, sharing important information, and educating team members and pumping up key stakeholders. Unfortunately, that's where the similarities end. In some cases, the host gets everything right; in others, a penny-wise, pound-foolish approach leads to diminished impact. What is the actual cost of these failures? Sometimes, no matter how well organized or planned an event is, things go wrong. Whether it's technology that lets you down, or simple human error, these things just happen from time to time. The solution is to be aware of what can go wrong (the obvious things, at least) and to make a contingency plan in case they do. Very often it is no one's "fault" when things do not turn out as first expected: unforeseen things occur: technology fails. Speakers forget to poll the audience. The caterer underestimates the voracity of your group's hunger. All stories we can identify with. Regardless of fault, accountability is crucial to a successful client-attendee-planner relationship. You've been sitting in the meeting for 93 minutes. It feels like 93 days. You're asking yourself, who's in charge here? How did all these reasonably well-intentioned people get so far out of whack? And, more to the point, how can this juggernaut be stopped? The only meetings that people wish had run longer are those magical ones that take place when lovers first set eyes upon one another. Don't make the mistake of thinking that your business meeting is that thrilling. For many meetings, the speakers are the heart of the matter. The extent to which they convey the envisioned message might even, in some cases, be the single biggest determinant in whether the meeting is judged a success or failure. Planners who are involved in the entire process of finding, hiring and working with speakers have more factors to consider than a novice might suppose. Here's a step-by step guide. Copyright (C) 2017 Attainium Corp - All rights reserved.
As the government opens its consultation on the next drugs strategy due next March, the challenges for social workers are stark. Department of Health figures show an estimated one million children in England are affected by their parents’ substance misuse problems, and alcohol is a factor in about half of child protection cases. Three-quarters of users of drugs services and 85% of alcohol service users have a mental health problem, 60% of suicide attempts are linked to excessive drinking, while the links between substance misuse and domestic violence are well-known. And up to a quarter of older people are thought to have alcohol-related problems. Such facts may be part of an average day for many social workers, but many experts claim specialist training is inadequate. The Home Office consultation on the new strategy said training was “vital” and mentioned initiatives to bolster the expertise of health and youth workers. But it failed to mention social workers. Sarah Galvani, lecturer in social work at Birmingham University, blames this on the failure of policy makers’ to see the extent of social workers’ involvement with people with drug and alcohol problems, particularly as policies tend to be health or criminal justice-led. While the consultation acknowledges the need for “better social care and support” for people who are entering and leaving treatment, there is “little or no recognition” of social workers’ contribution, Galvani says. Following concerns that a shortage of a skilled substance misuse workforce would risk the implementation of the 1998 drug strategy, the Department of Health last year published plans to develop training. This included a goal to ensure substance misuse was included in initial training and continuing professional development for social workers. But Galvani, who has set up a website to provide social workers with information on substance misuse, says anecdotal evidence suggests many social workers still feel “ill-equipped”. “[Current training] serves only to set up social workers to fail and creates an image of social workers as failing substance users and being ignorant about substance use,” she says. “Without adequate training on these issues their interventions can only be based on ignorance and that is not helpful or confidence-inspiring for either the practitioner or the service users. Nor will it help cement good partnership working.” Drug and alcohol charity Addaction argues that, as part of the next drugs strategy, drug and alcohol use should form a compulsory part of the social work degree in England, as it does in Scotland. Hilary Burgess, senior lecturer in social work at Bristol University, says it is “unusual” for substance misuse to be taught as a free-standing specialism or module on England’s social work degree course. “Since there is not a national curriculum as such for the degree, what is available will vary significantly,” she says. A recent survey of social work programmes by Burgess found substance misuse was taught in a “variety of ways” within other modules including child care and human development, and it was identified as an area “for review and development”. Simon Shepherd, chief executive of the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals, says it is important for social workers to have “at least some basic awareness” of drugs. “There may be an assumption that general social work training prepares you for dealing with people with substance misuse problems, but it does not and cannot,” he says. “Responding to someone with a crack problem requires knowledge and skills that go beyond general training.” |The British Association of Social Workers, in partnership with Birmingham University and substance misuse charity Aquarius, are setting up a special interest group on alcohol and drugs in social work. People who are interested in finding out more or joining a mailing list for the group should telephone BASW on 0121 622 3911 or e-mail [email protected]| Essential information on substance misuse U-turn on cannabis highlights lack of logic in ‘war on drugs’ Contact the author Have you received sufficient training on dealing with clients with substance misuse problems? Have your say on our Discussion Forum This article appeared in the 9 August issue under the headline “Social workers left out of drugs training equation”
Business is booming If the current state of the U.S. economy tells us anything, it is that business-the focus of this issue-is booming. But the reason for the continued boom is puzzling. Consumer confidence remains high, and home building and sales remain robust despite increasing mortgage rates and fears of inflation. Increased home sales and increased mortgage rates don't generally occur at the same time. As for inflation, all the pieces are poised in the right position for inflation to take off-current depreciation of the dollar; low unemployment (4.2 percent in August); high demand for homes, which will drive up home prices; and high demand for goods and services as a result of low productivity increases (gross domestic product increased 1.6 per cent in the second quarter) and weak business-inventory accumulations. But inflation is not occurring. All of this has economic analysts scratching their heads trying to figure out why the economy continues to do so well. The fact is that it does continue to do well, and the ground-care industry is reaping profits from the good times. Landscape contractors and grounds managers will continue to benefit as long as construction remains strong in residential, private non-residential and public sectors. With almost every new building comes a landscape that has to be designed, installed and maintained. For instance, a Gallup survey sponsored by key industry trade associations indicated that 21 million households spent more than $16.8 billion on professional grounds care in 1998. This is an increase of $2.2 billion over the previous year. This scenario has swelled the ranks of landscape and horticultural services with new firms intent on taking a piece of the pie. In fact, the latest U.S. Department of Commerce County Business Patterns report indicated that there are 68,157 landscape and horticultural service establishments-up 5.1 per cent from the previous year. Obviously, increased competition for accounts and labor will ensue. With so many new firms comes the probability of increased low-ball bidding. It may be that individuals in these new firms may not know how to accurately bid a job or they may be intentionally bidding low to try to get a foot in the door to this market. So how do you deal with them? Ron Kujawa, president of Kujawa Enterprises, unveils his strategies in dealing with low-bid contractors on page 12. Individuals contemplating getting into the landscaping market may think that money just grows on trees-well it does in certain respects. Trees add considerable value to a property, and in many instances, such as insurance or legal claims, tax purposes or real estate assessment, a monetary value must be assigned to the tree. This is where a professional tree appraiser can help you. For an overview of what tree appraisers consider in their appraisals, see "How to: Determine the value of a tree," on page 22. A mature tree on a property can be worth a considerable sum; however, an overgrown mass of 2-year-old saplings and brush can detract from a property's value. To clean up the property, you'll need a brush cutter. Learn about some of your product options on page 17. Want to use this article? Click here for options! © 2017 Penton Media Inc.
Creator: Howe, Chiliab Smith, 1809-1875. Collection number: 3092 View finding aid. Abstract: Prominent members of the Howe family of Marengo County, Ala.; Okolona, Miss.; and Memphis, Tenn., included Chiliab Smith Howe (1809-1875), soldier, planter, and merchant; his wife, Julia Pickens Howe (1815-1898), daughter of U.S. congressman and Alabama governor Israel Pickens (1780- 1827); their daughters, Ellen (1839-1921), who married John Richardson (d. 1862), editor of the “Prairie News” and Confederate soldier; Laura (1841- 1927), who married J. Byrd Williams (d. 1864), merchant and Confederate soldier; and Joanna (fl. 1851-1899). The collection is chiefly family correspondence. The earliest letters are from Israel Pickens to his brother-in-law about congressional activities, his move to Alabama, and family events. Also included are a number of letters to Julia (Pickens) Howe, before and after her marriage, from Lenoir family relations at Fort Defiance and elsewhere in North Carolina, including love- letters from her husband-to-be. Between 1836 and 1838, most of the items are military papers, compiled while Chiliab Smith Howe was serving with the U.S. Army removing Cherokee Indians from North Carolina and Tennessee. The rest of the collection consists chiefly of letters among members of the Howe family. Ellen and Laura wrote while they were away attending school in Aberdeen, Miss., and at the Columbia Female Institute in Tennessee. During the Civil War, both Ellen and Laura followed their husbands to various camps in Virginia and Georgia and described their experiences, including a meeting with William C. Falkner. Both men served in the 11th and 41st Mississippi regiments and died during the war. After the war, Ellen and Laura taught school to support themselves at Lamar Female Seminary in Paris, Tex. Also included are an 1863 diary of Ellen (Howe) Richardson and materials relating to the military careers of John Richardson and J. Byrd Williams. Repository: Southern Historical Collection Collection Highlights: In Subseries 1.1. 1814-1827, Smith writes about moving with his family and slaves to Alabama.
In 1910 in November, work in the vineyard was marked by provignage, soil maintenance and stakes. Here is what you can read in the Wine Trade Directory in 1910 : Culture – In November we start the provignage and, if the branches are sufficiently hardened, the submersions and the shoring. We carry out the smashes. Pick up the dry leaves and burn them. The November manure changes the manure into assimilable soil when the sap flows in the spring. Grasses, straw, reeds, rotten hay, brushwood, ferns and branches, sunk thirty or forty centimeters in the middle of the rows, have a lasting and excellent effect as fertilizer. We start pruning in some early Midi vineyards. Equipment care – Clean and store devices against mildew; tear the stakes from the ground and put them in bundles, after giving them a copper sulphate bath to protect them from rot and insect larvae; in countries where wire is used, loosen the stiffeners. Nowadays in November Provignage, also called layering, is little used in the vineyard. This technique made it possible to multiply the vines or to replace the missing stocks. This involves laying an August vine branch, that is to say well lignified, on the ground and partially burying it in order to promote root development. It is therefore a non-sexual vegetative propagation technique. The plants thus created are then straightforward. With the phylloxera crisis at the end of the 19th century, the vines were gradually grafted because the roots of European grape varieties were sensitive to this pest. Thus the majority of the vines are now grafted onto the roots of vines resistant to phylloxera, even if there are still a few plots in certain vineyards where free vines are still found. “Vineyard and cellar – 1910” is a series of articles that we present to you throughout the year 2020, month by month. The articles are taken from the 1910 “Wine Trade Directory” and describe the various works necessary for the grapes and wine production at the beginning of the 20th century.
May 3, 2016 by Jake M. HUD’s Dollar Homes are designed and directed to help local governments in providing sufficient housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income families. They address direct, specific, and important community needs by offering families an opportunity to purchase qualified HUD-owned homes for $1 each. Yes, $1, you heard it right. Dollar Homes are single-family homes that are collected by the Federal Housing Administrations (FHA), as a result of foreclosures. Single-family properties are typically deemed eligible this program whenever the FHA is unable to sell a home (usually given a limit of six months). By selling these vacant, unused, and unsellable properties for just $1 after six months of sales attempts, the HUD creates the opportunity for communities to fix up the selected homes, then put them to good use, while saving considerably as well. The newly occupied homes then act as stimulants for neighborhood growth and rejuvenation, which then attracts new residents and businesses to the area, helping it grow within the economy. Any local governments can partner with local nonprofit homeownership organizations or participate in local programs in order to better resell the homes to those low-to-moderate income residents of their community and surrounding area. If you want to find out more about available properties for sale in your area, visit HUD Homes and search according to the state in which you reside.
The Brighter They Shine by Julie Leidel, 2020 Concerning Scorpio Ten Billion Years B.C. by Vance Kirkland Commemorative 2017 poster for the Kirkland Museum created by Julie Leidel The night sky is so full of possibilities, energy and light. In 1925, Edwin Hubble had a theory that the universe was growing. Scientists have been able to prove that the universe is expanding in all directions, and has been since the beginning, or the Big Bang. "Something" doesn't come from "nothing". Everything has a source, just as our planet and each of us has an origin story. So does the universe, even if we don't know exactly how to quantify that in scientific terms today. The creator can't be "in" the creation, they have to be separate from it. For me personally, science is the vehicle for ever-growing understanding of God's creation. Like little puzzle pieces that are being revealed along the way, science sheds light on the Devine. For believers like me, God (or your personal Higher Power) brings hope and light to a sometimes extremely hard world. I have found that this saying is one of my favorites, especially in difficult times. "God's Promises are Like the Stars; The Darker The Night, The Brighter They Shine." You can't see the stars when the sun is out. You can't know what light is unless you have experienced darkness. We can learn so much from the difficult times in our lives. Suffering can lead to great discovery, if we are open to it. That's part of my faith, which is at the core of who I am. This painting has a familiar feel to some of my work, but it is a departure in the sense that so much of the story is told through dots. I didn't set out to with this goal in mind per say, but upon finishing it, the resemblance to some of Vance Kirkland's paintings is striking to me. He used acrylic, and had a lift that would hover him over his canvas laid flat beneath him in his Colorado art studio. Kirkland would use a variety of dowels to dip into his paint to get perfect circles. I used the end of a few different paint brushes to get a similar feel. Vance Kirkland (1904-1981) is a nationally renowned artist and if you are heading through Denver, Colorado you really shouldn't miss the Kirkland Museum. It's got a remarkable collection of Vance's work and his original art studio. The curator, Hugh Grant has amassed an incredible world-class collection of international decorative artwork from the 1870s through the 1960s. Kirkland Museum is in the top 5 museums around the world for decorative art, especially intriguing for me are the salon style rooms of the Arts and Crafts Movement: Aesthetic, Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, Glasgow Style, and Wiener Werkstatte. I was honored to be chosen as the artist for the commemorative grand opening poster for the Kirkland Museum in 2017. I recognize that my art is inspired by so many facets of my personal experiences. Each puzzle of our own lives comes together to be recalled at a later date, and with new perspective. This human experience sometimes feels like the garden hose is turned on full blast. There are so many things to learn, so many ways to expand who we are, and so many connections we can make to one another. We most certainly won't see the puzzle completed before our time on earth is complete, but I'll be trying to grab as many pieces as I can, and I hope to enjoy the experience with a full heart along the way.
(click image to zoom-in) |Author: Claude Monet| |Landscape, Painting, Oil on canvas, 60.5x81.5 cm| |Origin: France, 1886| Most of the second half of Monet's life was spent in and around Giverny, where the leader of the Impressionists was particularly drawn by the landscape of central France. He captured views of Giverny in numerous canvases. A year before he painted this work in 1886, Monet had already shown a field of poppies , but without the haystack. The Hermitage work is one of the first of his paintings to show the haystack, which was to be the subject of whole series of works. Monet in virtuoso style captures the fine nuances of effects of light and air, picking the very moment at which the weather is changing and the horizon brightening on an overcast, windy day. The Impressionists painted such overcast weather with bright, light colours, which enabled them to capture the translucent sky and bring out the endlessly rich nuances of colour. |Source of entry: State Museum of New Western Art, Moscow, 1930| |Exibition: French Art: 19th - 20th centuries| Unless otherwise noted, images this web site may be used for any purpose without prior permission. Any material in the public domain found on this web site is not protected by copyright. We make no representations or warranties with respect to ownership of copyrights in the images, and do not represent others who may claim to be authors or owners of copyright of any of the images, and make no warranties as to the quality of the images. We shall not be responsible for any loss or expenses resulting from the use of the images, and you release and hold us harmless from all liability arising from such use. We do not sell art prints, framed posters or reproductions. Ads are shown only to compensate the hosting expenses.
Sandvik CS660 cone crusher has a large intake capability and a high capacity in relation to its size. The Automatic Setting Regulation control system (ASRi) enables real-time performance management, giving you a machine that consistently runs at optimum levels, ensuring it The Sandvik CH cone crusher can be calibrated to achieve specific results, maximize productivity and minimize wear, but any calculation will be undermined without Application of C series of cone crusher. C series cone crusher is widely applicated in mining, cement plants, sandstone industries, suitable for different rocks under 350MPA, such as iron ore, non-ferrous metal ore, basalt, granite, limestone, sandstone, pellbles, etc. Working principle. Material is crushed layers and full of crushing cavity. Cone Crusher Applications. A general rule of thumb for applying Cone Crushers is the reduction ratio. A crusher with coarse style liners would typically have a 61 reduction ratio. Thus, with a 34 closed side setting, the maximum feed would be 6 x 34 or 4.5 inches. Aug 15, 2021 The CSS is the most used manipulated variable in cone crusher control strategies. Reducing the CSS leads to more crushing and, thus, a smaller particle size distribution in the product stream. However, this reduction comes at the cost of a smaller processing capacity. According to Sandvik, the intelligent drive and control systems in its CH series of cone crushers and CG series of primary gyratories enable real-time performance management, most tangibly equaling maximized crusher performance and productivity. The company explained that the brain in its crusher control system, the Automatic Setting Regulation system (commonly known as ASRi), protects the Feb 01, 2014 Cone crushers are a vital stage in the comminution chain in many mineral processing plants, and are used as a secondary, tertiary, and quaternary crushing stage to provide a reduction ratio of maximum 110 (Gupta et al., 2006, King, 2001). Traditionally, crushing has received less attention than grinding, but this started to shift recently, partly because of the power consumption of the The C3 and C3R cone crushers provide a high degree of control over the final product, making it the ideal portable secondary crusher. C3 Features. MC300 Cone Volvo Penta or CAT engine Tracked Integrated hopper with folding rear door I-beam plate fabricated chassis construction Large gap between crusher discharge and main conveyor feedboot Our crusher wears are available for stationary crushers, including primary gyratory crushers, Nordberg C Series jaw crushers, HP and GP Series cone crushers, as well as Metso Outotec mobile and portable crushing equipment. We also offer crusher wear parts for non-Metso Outotec crushers. The Finlay C-1540RS tracked mobile cone crusher provides the versatility of a crushing and screening plant on one machine in aggregate and ore surface mining applications. Based on the proven and tested Finlay C-1540 cone crusher, this machine variant features an innovative on-board recirculating system and detachable sizing screen. Cone crushers are used in the mineral, mining, and aggregate industry for fragmentation and production of rock materials. Cone crusher control systems are widely used for machine protection, wear compensation and, to some extent, increasing production. These systems ordinarily focus on the crusher and not the yield of production process. Protect and optimize your crushers and connect it to the cloud to monitor performance. Roctim makes world class crusher control units and cloud solutions for all types of crushers. The SC Series cone crusher is a new type of spring cone crusher developed through joint efforts with METSO and SRH. It has drawn on some advanced METSO technology and has major improvements compared to the old spring cone crushers. The SC series cone crusher have many modern advantages such as a better cavity shape, more stable operations ... We offer a full line of cone crushers that are designed for you. Our line of Raptor Cone Crushers is the most diverse product line on the market, including a broad range of sizes and features. For aggregate applications, we recommend the R250 to the R450, though we also offer larger crushers that are typically used in mining. Cone crusher has high crushing ratio, high efficiency, low energy consumption, uniform product size, suitable for medium crushing and fine crushing of various ores and rocks. In the cone crusher working process will encounter a variety of problems, So, we provides 14 common fault causes and solutions Cone crusher with large stroke for maximum crushing capacity 3-arm crusher design for high throughput High crusher drive power for a continuous crushing process and higher production volume in special applications Gap setting made conveniently via radio remote control and zero-point determination at the touch panel real-time algorithm for cone crusher control with two variables. 3 jun 2019 control systems for cone crusher setting (css) are widely used to compensate the different product fl ows from the crushing plant are continuously monitored computation cost, and model behaviour (linear or non-linear). get price cone crushers. Compact Design for Ease of Installation The XL600 can be easily installed to replace a cone crusher with a 1.5 meter 59 head diameter or larger without major modifications to the foundation or feed arrangement. Security Raptor cone crushers C44 Cone Crusher . The McCloskey tradition continues with the C44 Cone Crusher. ... This is a leader in mobile crushing offering a high degree of control over the finished results. It enables you to have an amazing amount of control over your finished product, which makes it the ultimate choice for a secondary cone crusher operation. With a ... Remote control panel w/ 50 cable OIL COOLER 1HP (.75kW) TEFC motor ... Hydraulic cone brake KODIAK CONE CRUSHERS Specification Sheet ... C B A C B A C Kodiak Series Cone Crusher Liner Specification Sheet. Note Specifications are subject to change without notice. The HPS cone crusher is characterized by a combination of large crushing force, large eccentricity, high crushing frequency and crushing cavity design, which not only improves the production capacity and product quality, but also expands the application range. HP3 cone crushers Creative Performance Theres no better choice than a cone crusher when it comes to . . . high productivity, low operating and wear costs, long service life, and high product yield with desired shape and gradation. Metso leads this market with its CH540 Cone crusher Sandvik CH540 is a hydraulically adjusted cone crusher characterized by robust design and high performance. It has a high capacity in relation to its size, and is easy to service and maintain thanks to easily accessible parts. The McCloskey C2 Cone Crusher is the ideal portable secondary crushing solution for the operator requiring production rates up to 300TPH. It is designed to function in crushing spreads with machines such as our J40 Jaw Crusher and S130 Screening Plant to produce cubical chip from 3/8 to 5 in size. The GC300 Cone Crusher is part of Giants new range of complete mineral processing assemblies. With a fully integrated crusher control system and high crushing capacities the GC300 is sure to deliver market leading performance Nordberg C Series jaw crushers are easily installed into either new plants or to replace older jaw crushers to extend plant lifetime and boost production. The modular concept makes the C Series jaw crushers easy to install. The crusher can be installed as one compact module that includes all the necessary auxiliaries around the crusher itself. Aug 01, 2019 In the mining industry, the most common crusher types are jaw crusher and cone crusher. Jaw crusher is usually used for primary crushing, and cone crusher is used for secondary crushing. The material of crusher plays an important role in its working efficiency and service life. However, the regular operation and maintenance are important, too. Self adjusting aprons and advanced control software deliver unparalleled concrete, asphalt, and CD recycling ... Main products. STATIONARY CRUSHER. Jaw crushers, cone crushers, impact crushers, hammer crushers, roller crushers, VSI crushers, compound crushers. View More . PORTABLE CRUSHER. Portable jaw crusher plant, Portable cone crusher ... Cone crushers are used in the mineral, mining, and aggregate industry for fragmentation and production of rock materials. Cone crusher control systems are widely used for machine protection, wear compensation and, to some extent, increasing production. These systems ordinarily focus on the crusher and not the yield of production process. In this thesis real-time optimization is explored to the ... The crushing action takes place around the cone. Primary Gyratory Crusher Cone Crusher c. Roller crusher The roller crushers operate on the principthat the stress le (to the feed) is applied between the rollers or between a roller and a crushing surface. Double Roll Crusher Single-Roll Crusher Hammer Crusher Vsi crusher machine Stone Crushing Plant Toggle Child Menu. Aggregate crushing plant Construction waste recycling plant Mineral Ore Processing Plant ... Sandvik Cone crusher HP electric cabinet crusher. News October 1, 2021 sandvikcrusher. 0. PEW European Jaw Crusher. PEM Diesel Jaw Crusher. PEM Diesel Jaw Crusher Plant. Introduction Hydraulic cone crusher is a kind of crushing equipment with a hydraulic system to adjust the mine outlet, and used for overload protection. Capacity 5750t/h Improvement The supports at both ends of the cone crusher main shaft, scientific design of crushing chamber, double insurance control of hydraulic and lubricating system.
Writing A Resume That Gets You Noticed As the old saying goes, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression." In today's business world, of course, that first impression usually does not come from a face-to-face conversation, but from whatever you can tell your future boss about yourself on paper: your resume. But knowing what information to put on your resume is a challenge. You want to tell your future boss about every noteworthy thing you've ever done, but your future boss only has a precious few seconds to look at your resume and the countless others that pass their way. How do you create a resume that makes a first impression that counts? Of course, there are the basic things that any employer is going to want to know: ? Job objective, telling what kind of position you are looking for But in order to get beyond the boss's circular file, you are going to need to go beyond the basics. Let's start by talking about the forms that your resume might take. The Chronological Resume This is a resume where you tell your future employer what you've done over the course of your life that makes you the best choice for the position. The basic categories listed above form the skeleton of this resume, with lists for every school you've attended, job you've held, and training you've received, in chronological order. The basic data is pretty standard. You can't really change where you've worked, when you went to school, and what degrees you received (at least without risking being found out as dishonest and unethical). Where you can set yourself apart from the pack is in how you present that data. The words you use to describe the tasks you've performed in a job can communicate much more about you and your capabilities than a bland description ever could. For example, using action words to describe your job tasks can say to your future boss that you are someone who can take initiative rather than someone who simply responds to circumstances. Some examples of good, action-oriented ways of phrasing things are: ? "Implemented company business directives," rather than "followed my boss's instructions." As you present the jobs you've held, the degrees you've received, and the training you've acquired in your chronological resume, remember to use action words and phrases to communicate that there is more to you than just the sum of your activities. The Skills Resume A different type of resume with different goals, the skills resume seeks to communicate the capabilities you bring to a job rather than what training and experience you have. The best course to take here is to show yourself in the best possible light. The main sections of a skills resume are: ? Position: the job for which you are applying. Sometimes, you may have traits that you consider negative, but that can be framed in a positive way for your future boss. Character traits that are complete opposites of one another can both be portrayed as positives. For example, do you think you're "pushy"? In your skills resume, put that you are "assertive". Are you a "push over"? In your skills resume, put that you are "easy to work with". But even more than discussing character traits, a skills resume tells your prospective employer what you think your best qualities are and why you should be given the job. The keys to this are identifying your most important skills and giving examples of how you've used them in the workplace. These descriptions should always be kept short and simple. Remember, your future boss only has a few seconds to size you up. A short sentence that communicates the basic facts is far more important and helpful than a paragraph that gives every single detail of the story. If you can think of positive ways of looking at the things you've accomplished in your life, there is no reason that you cannot communicate those things in exciting ways! Even if you don't think your life has been all that thrilling, you can definitely make it sound that way by using the right words and phrases. The right words can make the qualifications you have sound absolutely indispensable to your future boss and can serve to draw their attention to the areas in your experience and character that will make you the obvious person for that position. Lauren Danver was formerly a Human Resources Manger for ten years. During that time, she accepted and rejected countless resumes based on their merits. She is now the owner and webmaster of ResumeService.Biz Finding the Right Travel Nursing Placement Agency Travel nursing is becoming one of our nation's fastest growing professions, and it's no surprise. If you love seeing new places and enjoy exciting new experiences that evoke the feeling of taking an extended vacation, then the career of a traveling nurse might be just what the doctor ordered! Travel nursing enables many people to stay on vacation for two to six months in free luxury accommodations while earning high hourly wages at the same time. Are Your Intentions Clear in Your Job Search? 1. Do you REALLY know what you want? Your Interview Questions Are a Serious Matter Of course interviews are mainly about you answering the questions they put to you, but at the end of your allotted interview time, the questions that really matter most are yours. You should hope to hear the interviewer ask you: Common Resume Myths & Misconceptions For the person crafting their first résumé the task can seem a little bit daunting, even a bit frightening. Human Resources [HR] specialists, résumé writing professionals, school advisors, and even friends and family members all have their say. When it comes down to it you must have a résumé you feel comfortable with especially since you will be the one to read it the most. Let's take a look at some common résumé myths and misconceptions you need to be aware of before writing your first résumé. Job Interviews: Plan Your Appearance to Make a Great First Impression Your personal appearance is a critical component of that all-important first impression when you walk into the room for your interview. Avoid Your CV Always Ending Up in the Bin Cover Letters must grab the reader's interest so that they immediately want to learn more about the writer (you). Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Career Opportunities for New Graduates Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Career Opportunities for New Graduates Smokin? Up a Storm: Clothing, Smokers, and the Job Interview You're nervous. You're so nervous that you crave a smoke. So you light up, and as you puff away, it feels so relaxing, right? Well, what's good for your nerves is not so good to when you're job hunting. Do More than Expected to Get Ahead One of the best things you can do to increase your career advancement opportunities where you work is to do more than expected. Your resume needs to outline your skills and experience, as most know. What some may not know is that employers want to know what you'll bring to the table. They don't want to know what your daily duties were. They want to know what you did for the companies you worked for that makes you extraordinary. Did you save them money, did you make them money, how were you the best at what you did, etc. Yes, employers want to know what your experience is, so duties are good to add. Again, the name of the game is SELL YOURSELF! This does not lose its importance in a resume. Make em READ Your Cover Letter Using This Killer Secret! Got your attention? Great. That was my intention. Who wouldn't want to read on when the title promises a 'killer secret.' Work Attitude Ethics For Progress This "fruit for thought" article is for all human beings, who somehow find themselves in the role of breadwinner and striving to improve their living standards. Best Strategy Using Internet Job Search Engines Best Strategy using Internet Job Search Engines Job Interviews: What to Wear It takes between seven and seventeen seconds for a person to make an impression of us and much of that impression is based on how we look. It stand to reason, then, that what we wear to job interviews will make a far greater impact on our success than anything we're likely to say once those first crucial seconds have passed. Those Little Things Moving to another state meant finding a new dentist. I tried one a neighbor recommended who seemed friendly, competent and eager to please. But, I never went back. His office was a case study on the importance of little things. Ten Things About Your Career Development There are some tactics you can action whatever you wish for from your career. Whatever you might think right now, you have all the tools you need for a career which give you joy and fulfilment. You might not think that possible, or that it will leave you cash poor. But that's not usually the case. Your life can change within your control. Expose Lies on Resumes Purpose: Learn about the new Polygraph for management hires 5 Ways to Drastically Improve Your Resume in 10 Minutes of Less Follow these quick and easy tips to build yourself a better resume in under 10 minutes flat. For many people, interviewing is not a natural act any more than going on a blind date is. You are asked a bunch of questions about your work. You answer them. They ask a bunch more; you answer them. You're graded on your performance (you receive a job offer or not). Yet interviews are predictable processes and as such can be planned for 5 Resume Mistakes Telecommuters Often Make Finding a legit telecommute job can be difficult. Telecommute jobs are in high demand and hundreds if not thousands of other people are competing for the same position. Recent Job Posts |home | site map|
Got complaints from my customers that their websites are going up & down like a yoyo. Checked, and that’s true enough. Although at first it seems okay, but when you hit reload, you got the error message. Thank God for squid, so even when the server is having problems, it’s not instantly obvious to the visitors. Only to the admins. (hint: admin pages are usually set with no-cache header) The error messages are related to mysql. So I checked it, and indeed MySQL was overloaded to the max. mysqladmin -h localhost -u root -p status showed that it’s handling crazy amount of queries per second. I was a bit baffled. Normally, that will cause MySQL to fell straight away. But at that time, it’s “just” going up & down. So I looked for more clues using top. I quickly noticed that there are huge numbers of smtpd processes. What’s going on ? So I checked the mysql query log. Turned out that the spammers are trying to brute force their way to my smtp server 🙁 They’re trying various combinations of username & password. They doesn’t seem to be anywhere successful, but they sure caused MySQL to act funny. smtpd authenticate to a table in MySQL. The table is small, so it must be cached already by MySQL. But even cached, when the requests are coming very rapidly, it’d still hurt. Checked /etc/postfix/master.cf, and surprised to see that by default, max number of smtpd that will be spawned by Postfix is 100. In normal situation, this won’t be a problem because it’s lightweight. But when there are 100 smtpd processes servicing brute-force attacks of spammer bots, the server will be disturbed. So I changed this line in /etc/postfix/master.cf : smtp inet n – – – – smtpd Into this : smtp inet n – – – 10 smtpd Now postfix won’t spawn more than 10 processes at maximum, slowing down the spammer considerably. Personally, I think old punishment styles such as, oh let’s say “hanged, drawn, quartered” should be reestablished again just for them, spammers. No, I’m not joking. OK, ok… but I think that’s the only punishment that would be able to effectively stop people from spamming. So sue me 🙂
There is no one recipe that marketing experts can give you to make your products or services a great sales success. Various business operation parameters must be utilised to influence sales, and you and your helpers will be the ones who decide which parameters to use. Optimisation of sales Ideally, a total optimisation of sales management would be to add the necessary resources to each parameter at the right time. The big questions are: What are the necessary resources? When is the right time? These parameters help you optimise your sales management: 1) Fundamental sales management tools: - Product design - product/service - Packaging - design, homogeneity, signalling environmental friendliness, recyclability, usefulness - Product range - wide, deep, trade - Price - pricing, psychological prices, sale, market-based price, etc. - Payment terms - cash, credit, - Service - obligations to buyer, right of return, e-services, pre-delivery, after-sales - Location - near customers, near - Staff - conduct, knowledge, expertise, specialisation, attitude - Distribution - direct/indirect sales, retail concept, co-operative purchasing association, sales van, packaging, physical transportation, etc. 2) Communication parameters Communication parameters are the parameters that you can use to promote - Advertising - advertisements, printed matter, internet, catalogues, brochures, magazines, flyers, cinema/TV/radio commercials, traffic adverts, shop displays, exhibition guides, signing, promotional gifts, etc. - Sales promotion - sample products, introductory offer, demonstration, delivery on approval, in-store displays… - Public relations - publicity, storytelling, press releases, events, educational material… - Fair and exhibition showcasing - Sponsorship - providing sponsorship for culture, sports, and environment - Personal sales promotion - sales letters, cold calling, direct mailing Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ´Make me feel important.´ Never forget this message when working with people. - Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics
Another few quotes to spark your poetic heart: “I know I am but Summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year” ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay “Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.” ~ Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets “Summer is only the unfulfilled promise of spring, a charlatan in place of the warm balmy nights I dream of in April. It’s a sad season of life without growth… It has no day.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald Choose a quote and let your poetry grow beautifully from that inspired seed!
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently announced his country’s intention to expand its control over Arctic waters, requiring all cruise ships to register sailings in the area with the Canadian Coast Guard. Currently, Canada regulates all shipping activity within 100 nautical miles of shore. Harper said he plans to introduce legislation this fall that would change the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act to double that jurisdiction to 200 miles. “Whether it is the thawing of the Northwest Passage or the suspected resource riches under the Arctic seabed, more and more countries are taking an interest in the waterways of the Canadian Arctic,” Harper said in a written statement. “We will be sending a clear message to the world that our environmental standards and sovereignty are not up for debate – if you are in Canada’s Arctic you will be playing by Canada’s rules.”
In my social-media workshops around the country, the statement I make that gets the most incredulous response is always the same one: I take three to six minutes crafting each tweet I send. Yes, that's right. I sometimes take even more than that much time to get every aspect of my tweets as right as possible. No typos? Check. Accurate link? Check. Accurate handle of writer I had to hunt down? Check. Accurate "via" to give credit? Check. All of that takes time and patience. The reason for this much care is that my tweets reflect on me, my work, and the institutions I represent. Besides, tweets are likely the only thing I write that will end up in the Library of Congress. So with all that care and time, how in the world did I send out the ridiculous tweet pictured above? The answer is a culprit that trips up thousands of folks every day: Mobile notifications. These alerts that come via text message to your cell phone are a great way to keep track of Twitter activity when you can't get easily to Twitter.com or Twitter management tools like HootSuite and TweetDeck. Because the tweets appear in your stream of text messages, it is easy to hit Reply thinking you are texting back a response. You are, but not to the person who tweeted at you. You're texting back to Twitter, which can then send out the message as a public tweet (if you've set up Twitter to allow you to tweet via SMS -- a good idea in emergencies). Please be careful if you get your tweets via text message -- or you could end up having someone respond like in this tweet: Just be sure to double-check every time you reply via text -- is the message going to Twitter or going to an individual person? As with all digital services, get to know your Twitter.com settings (look for "Settings" or "Edit my profile") and manage the various options there:
Selecting your Bachelor's degree in Psychology at CSUEB All of our programs provide knowledge about behavior and mental experience which is valuable in many career paths and in personal life. They also provide sound fundamental training in research methods and statistics. This solid foundation enables students to continue learning independently after graduation, which is required to maintain and improve skills and knowledge, and prepares students well for graduate study. Graduate programs prefer such training over applied training in "doing therapy" or "self-understanding" or "working with people on the job." Our students do well in graduate programs throughout the country. The Department of Psychology offers two undergraduate degrees, the Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) and the Bachelor of Science (B. S.). The B. S. degree has two options, making a total of three programs. Psychology majors must select one of those three programs. (We do not offer graduate degrees in our department, but graduate programs in counseling psychology and in other areas are available at CSUEB in the Department of Educational Psychology, a separate department.) The goals of the three programs are described below. If you can't decide right away which program is best for you, select the Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) program and register for courses that also count toward the other programs. You can switch programs later without difficulty if you decide a different option is right for you. Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) Program The B. A. program is appropriate for most psychology students. It encourages exposure to many areas of knowledge and provides a basic understanding of human behavior and motivation that is valuable in everyday life, as well as in many careers. This program is appropriate for students who plan to seek immediate employment after graduation in business, government, social service, and education, as well as in mental health. It also provides the background expected for entry into graduate programs in any area of psychology, including clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, health psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and experimental psychology. The complete B. A. program is offered on the Hayward Campus both during the day and in the evening. Concord students will need to take some courses on the Hayward campus to complete the B. A. degree. B.A. program requirements changed in Fall 2006. New students must meet the new requirements. Continuing students may use the old or the new requirements. See Selecting your Catalog. Bachelor of Science, Option in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (75 units) The I/O Option prepares students for careers in psychology as it applies to business and industry, with an emphasis on personnel management. It stresses the areas of psychology most applicable to work in business and industry. It also requires courses in accounting, computer programming, management and statistics. These courses allow graduates to fit comfortably into a business environment. Many careers are available without further training, but this program is also good preparation for graduate study. The complete I/O Option is offered on the Hayward Campus during the day and at the Concord Campus at night. Hayward Campus evening students will need to take some courses either during the day or at the Concord Campus. Program requirements for the I/O Option changed in Fall 2006. New students must meet the new requirements. Continuing students may use the old or the new requirements. See Selecting your Catalog. Note that changes in the College of Business may make it difficult to complete the 2004-2006 requirements. Bachelor of Science, Option in Ergonomics and Human Factors (90 - 94 units) The Ergonomics and Human Factors Option prepares students for careers in human factors or engineering psychology. Psychologists who work in this area perform research to learn the limits of peoples' skills, and help design work environments, procedures, and equipment (e.g., computers, aircraft, automobiles) to take account of human strengths, limitations, and preferences. In addition to relevant courses in psychology and statistics, this option requires courses in computer programming and physics. These courses enable graduates to communicate effectively with the engineers and physical scientists with whom they will work. Careers are available to students without advanced training, but this program is designed to meet entrance requirements in graduate programs in Psychology, Industrial Engineering, and Engineering Psychology at many universities. This option is accredited by the Oxford Research Institute. Several courses required by the Ergonomics and Human Factors Option are offered only on the Hayward Campus during the day. It's possible to complete any program within two years, if you schedule carefully. However, it's better to distribute your major requirements throughout your college career, interspersing them with general education and elective courses. You can attend any combination of day and evening courses, or Hayward Campus and Concord Campus courses. No special registration procedures are required. Courses are equivalent in all settings. The complete B. A. program is offered both during the day and at night at the Hayward Campus. Both B. S. options are also offered during the day at the Hayward Campus. The only complete program at the Concord Campus is the B. A. program at night. Although we offer some of the B. S. courses at night on the Hayward Campus, students cannot complete all of the B. S. requirements through night classes. Similarly, we offer some of the B. S. courses at the Concord Campus, but students cannot complete all the B. S. requirements at the Concord Campus.
Cellulite is the cause of discomfort for a lot of women around the globe. This is nothing but fatty cells that accumulate on the skin and cause dimple like fissures on your skin. The fat accumulates on the thighs, arms, buttocks and abdomen. Diet and exercise are two factors that have a huge impact on the amount of cellulite in the body. In addition to this genes and body mass contribute significantly to the formation of cellulite on the body. Pork sausages, canned foods, processed meats and those foods that are high in fats are factors that contribute to the formation of cellulite on the body. Though cellulite does not pose a threat to your health it is unappealing and makes you look bulky. In order to avoid this you need to watch your diet, have an exercise regime and also take care to eliminate the cellulite that is already built up. Start with making a few changes in your diet. Eliminate carbohydrates from your diet completely. Instead follow a diet that is high in proteins. Carbohydrates add to the fats in your body and this is not beneficial and hence you need to eliminate them completely. There are a few creams and lotions that you can use to get rid of the cellulite however these come with a huge price tag. Not every one can afford these treatments and not all of them are as effective as they claim to be. In order to avoid wasting money you can try a few home remedies. Dry brushing the body to get rid of the fatty cells is very effective. Here you need to use a brush or a loofah with natural bristles and brush your body daily when your body is dry. Do it before a shower as you can wash the dry cells and dead skin cells from your body. Do this daily to increase blood circulation; this will reduce the formation of these fatty cells in the body. Drink warm water with honey when you wake up in the morning. This is an effective remedy to eliminate toxins from the body. It also gets rid of the cellulite and fatty cells in the body. Drink warm beverages and avoid adding ice to your diet as it has a negative impact on your skin.
UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS I. Name of the lesson: unit 11 II. Grammar: conditional sentence type 3 III. Class: students in grade 10 IV. Time allotted: 45 minutes V. Aim(s): to help Sts learn and practice “conditional sentence type 3” VI. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to: - understand and practice “conditional sentence type 3” - use the structure correctly and suitably to communicate. - develop all skills as well (listening, speaking, reading and writing) VII. Teaching aids: textbook, board, pictures, posters. |Time & stages |Activities |Work arran-gement | |Warm-up (5 mins) |Game: Matching |Work in group | | |T sticks the poster on the board. (Poster 1) | | | |T divides class into 2 group ( Tom & Jerry). | | | |Ask sts to match 2 clauses to make a complete sentence of conditional sentence type 1| | | |& 2. | | | |One minute to discuss. Then, going to board one-by-one and writing down the anwer as | | | |quickly as possible. | | | |The winner must be the faster. | | | |* Poster 1 | | | |1. If you come late, | | | |A. I’d give it to you. | | | | | | | |2. If he stopped smoking, | | | |B. I could have a job easily. | | | | | | | |3. Unless she knows who it is, | | | |C. I will not let you in. | | | | | | | |4. If I had a degree, | | | |D. she won’t open the door. | | | | | | | |5. If I knew his address, | | | |E. he might get fat. | | | | | | | | | |...
Mission: FOUNDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT IN CANCER THERAPY (F.A.C.T.), established in 1971. We are a federally approved 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. F.A.C.T.''s goal is to educate physicians and patients about a different concept of cancer and chronic degenerative conditions: whether dealing with breast cancer, lymphoma, Lyme disease — it is a systemic disease. Tumors or abnormal cells are symptoms of a biochemical imbalance in the body, and that imbalance can be corrected with a well-designed, individualized metabolic program. A non-toxic, biologically sound program, focusing on the whole body and not just the tumor, can provide all the materials and conditions necessary to produce healthy cells and restore well being. Programs: Educational grant for Dr. Incao class in the city of Crestone in the state of Colorado. I had non-Hodgkins lymphoma and bone cancer in 1978, and with the help of F.A.C.T. (this foundation), I won my battle with cancer and have remained cancer free for 33 years! The Foundation was my most important link to doctors, research, health resources and time tested information in my successful battle with cancer. I couldn't have done it without their help. FACT (Rethinking Cancer) website is loaded with excellent information, tapes, books, articles and carefully scrutinized materials that has stood the test of time. They know what they are talking about. I recommend this site wholeheartedly and believe they have the best available information on cancer and its elimination.
The Emergency Services providers of the City of Neodesha urge all citizens and visitors to be prepared for emergencies. We stand ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for those in need. CALL 911 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. We encourage our community members to be prepared for emergencies. To help, we have these public safety features: Sign up for emergency alerts: - Nixel: Nixle is a mass communication service that allows the City of Neodesha to notify subscribers via email or cell phone of any emergencies, community events, or disruptions of daily routines. Not only does the City of Neodesha have a Nixle account, but you can also register to be notified via Nixle of school events, closings, etc. There are many others as well. To subscribe, or for additional information, visit their website. - CodeRed: CodeRed is a community notification program. Wilson County is enrolled, so our residents and businesses can add or update their contact information to ensure they will be included when emergency notifications are sent out. Unlisted numbers, mobile numbers, TDD/TTY requirements can all be entered. Visit their website to get started. In the event of a severe weather situation like a tornado, we have storm sirens located throughout the city. In case of an emergency, you will hear… [TYPE OF ALARM / STEADY / HIGH-PITCHED, ETC, & ANY ANNOUNCEMENT, ETC.]
Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will today present the Union Budget for 2020-2021. Since 2019, India’s economy has experienced one Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will today present the Union Budget for 2020-2021. Since 2019, India’s economy has experienced one of its slowest periods of growth in more than 40 years. The recent slowdown has surprised many—India has been one of, if not the fastest-growing developing economy in recent years. However, a dip in domestic consumption, particularly in rural areas, has dogged the economy. Along with adjustments in monetary policy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has provided income support to farmers and low-income households to stimulate consumer demand. Sitharaman’s new plan, the second for the Modi government, is likely to encourage domestic consumption by raising income tax exemption limits. However, this may have negative effects on government tax collection if the money is not spent. It is also predicted that consumer durables and other daily use items will be brought down in price. Expected steps include giving individual consumers more disposable income, raising the Section 80C deduction limit to allow taxpayers to broaden investments, and increasing disposable income. Wake up smarter with an assessment of the stories that will make headlines in the next 24 hours. Download The Daily Brief.
In full, Caesarean section, the birth of a child by means of a surgical opening of the uterus and withdrawal of the fetus. In the USA it is common to drop the diphthong “a” and spell it Cesarean. The procedure is known surgically as a hysterotomy or opening of the uterus. Although it is commonly supposed that Julius Caesar was born in this manner, that seems most unlikely since his mother was alive in his later life and although hysterotomies were performed on dying persons, no one survived. More probable is the suggestion of confusion over the Latin word for “to cut,” or even a desire to report for posterity a miraculous birth which is common to many religions. The “classical” C-section is by a vertical, longitudinal, incision, extending from above the umbilicus to the pubis, and a similar incision through the uterus which lies immediately beneath the skin – this permits extraction of the baby in literally a couple of minutes, and was appropriate for emergency deliveries of a distressed fetus, or in circumstances where anesthesia competence was doubtful, and the quicker the procedure finished the better. It had the cosmetic disadvantage of leaving a noticeable scar. It had the medical disadvantage that, following a C-section, a further pregnancy might result in rupture of the uterus when contracting in childbirth. This led to the saying, “once a C-section, always a C-section,” or the corollary, “Trial of Vaginal Birth after C-Section” which required cautious observation of the mother during her delivery and readiness to go immediately to an opening of the abdomen (laparotomy) should the uterus rupture. However, the classical operation can be performed with very little skill, and in Africa where “very little skill” is the maximum in many places, it is a life-saver. For many years the “low section” has been the norm, performed through a suprapubic Pfannenstiel transverse incision, cutting into the non-contracting part of the lower uterus; this is rarely followed by rupture in later pregnancies, but is technically more difficult to perform, and is accompanied by the opportunity to cut major arteries. “Too posh to push” has become a term for the elective C-section which at one time was only performed for specific difficulties or delays in childbirth, but is now performed for nearly half of the deliveries in some countries. It allows childbirth to be at a convenient time of day, almost an elective procedure, and precludes damage to the “birth canal,” otherwise known as vagina. Obviously there are substantial differences in opinion on the propriety of this procedure. The low transverse incision follows the skin lines, and leaves a very acceptable scar. The vertical incision transgresses the skin lines and the scar is often very obvious. Part of the problem may come from the indifference of the surgeon to techniques of skin closure – her interest lies in the welfare of the baby and not in the mother’s cosmetic concerns, and this vertical incision almost says in itself that this was an emergency procedure performed by a less than fully trained obstetrical surgeon. A mother is left with substantial “extra” folds of skin after the child is born and the size of the uterus reduces with involution. The question arises, should she have a “tummy-tuck” performed immediately after childbirth? The general opinion seems to be that she should delay this decision until some months have passed, during which much of the relatively elastic skin is reduced in volume, and the noticeable scar may also become less visible. She may also find that the pleasures and requirements of child care have become more important to her than the unsightly appearance of the extra skin. This case depicts a 41 year old woman who had borne one child via c-section. Because her skin had remained relatively undamaged by the distensing effects of pregnancy, she elected to undergo abdominal recontouring by liposuction, A previous pregnancy does not indicate that an individual is not a candidate for liposuction of the abdomen. In some instances, both liposuction and an abdominoplasty may be possible. Each has different pros and cons, which must be discussed prior to selecting the appropriate method. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately 3 months after surgery. This case depicts a 51 year old woman who was delivered of two children by c-section. Both her abdominal skin and abdominal wall had been stretched during her pregnancy, giving her abdomen a less taught appearance. These post-partum changes are not typically response to diet or exercise. Although abdominoplasty incisions can vary in length, a portion can be placed within an existing transverse c-section scar. Often, the entire incision is relatively easy to hide, even when wearing a two piece swimsuit. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately one year after surgery. This case depicts a 40 year old woman who had borne three children via c-section. Her c-section resulted in a vertical scar starting immediately below the belly button or umbilicus. She had extra fat beneath the abdominal skin, in addition to a noticeable c-section scar. During her surgery, the abdominal wall was tightened, portions of the excess fat beneath the skin were removed and the entire vertical c-section scar was removed. The post-operative photographs depict this woman's appearance approximately one month after surgery.