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image | qa_id
int32 | ques_en
string | ans_en
string | ques_ha
string | ans_ha
string |
460,732 | What color is the man's shirt? | White. | Menene launin rigar mutumin? | Fari. |
1,494,576 | What is attached to the Westminster palace? | A tall tower. | Menene yake maƙale a jikin fadar Westminster? | Dogon hasumiya. |
886,868 | What are the horses walking on? | Sand. | Akan me dawakan suke tafiya? | Ƙasa. |
1,436,743 | What are the ties on top of? | Blanket. | A kan me ɗamarorin wuyan suke? | Bargo. |
631,160 | Why is the ground white? | It's snowing. | Meyasa ƙasan yayi fari? | Dusar ƙanƙara ke zuba. |
1,740,468 | What are the people doing? | Walking. | Me mutanen sukeyi? | Tafiya. |
225,507 | What are the Men doing? | Playing frisbee. | Me mutanen sukeyi? | Yin wasan frisbee. |
225,511 | What are the people in the background doing? | Watching the Men play. | Me mutanen bayan sukeyi? | Kallon mazan suna wasan. |
1,659,238 | What is on the man's wrist? | A wristband. | Menene a wuyan hannun mutumin? | Bandajin wuyan hannu. |
938,455 | What is covering the window? | A curtain. | Menene ya rufe tagar? | Labule. |
934,508 | What color is the sink? | White. | Menene launin sink ɗin? | Fari. |
597,778 | How many lights are on the front of the bus? | Eight. | Nawane adadin fitilolin gaban bas ɗin? | Takwas. |
597,772 | When was the photo taken? | Daytime. | Yaushe aka ɗauki hoton? | Da rana. |
1,972,463 | Where are the forks? | On the napkin. | Ina cokula masu yatsu? | A kan adikon goge baki. |
523,510 | What color is the ground? | Tan. | Menene launin ƙasan? | Launin tan. |
935,954 | How many cars do not have on their headlights? | One. | Nawane adadin motoci marasa fitila? | Ɗaya. |
1,023,787 | Where is the white building located? | End of street. | A ina farin gini yake? | A ƙarshen titi. |
278,262 | What color are the stairs? | Red. | Menene launin matakalan? | Ja. |
921,158 | What is the teddy bear wearing? | A bowtie. | Me ƴar tsanar ta ke sanye dashi? | Ɗamarar wuya mai kintinkiri. |
1,225,509 | What is in the bowl? | Tomatoes. | Menene a cikin tasan? | Tumatir. |
402,852 | How many light poles? | One. | Nawane adadin ƙarafunan fitila? | Ɗaya. |
1,418,108 | Where is the fence? | Behind the man. | Ina shingen? | A bayan mutumin. |
1,622,741 | What is this object? | Snowman. | Menene wannan abun? | Mutumin dusar ƙanƙara. |
340,833 | Where is the boat? | In the water. | Ina jirgin ruwan? | A cikin ruwan. |
555,836 | Where is this scene? | Airport. | Ina ne wannan gurin? | Filin jirgin sama. |
1,790,519 | What is the man doing with left hand? | Steadying pizza while cutting. | Me mutumin yakeyi da hannun hagu? | Tsayarda fizza yayin yankawa. |
678,483 | What color is out of bounds? | Red. | Wani launi ne a wajen iyaka? | Ja. |
384,086 | How many sets of eyes can you see? | One. | Nawane adadin idanu da ka iya gani? | Ɗaya. |
1,043,062 | What, predominantly, is the material used for the items furnishing this room? | Wood. | Menene, galibi, abun da akayi amfani na sanya kayan ɗakin ɗakinnan? | Katako. |
881,327 | What color objects are on the ground? | Kites. | Wasu launin abubuwa ne a ƙasa? | Jiragen leda. |
1,067,265 | What is around the baseball field? | A fence. | Menene a kewaye da filin baseball ɗin? | Shinge. |
841,898 | What color is the sky? | Blue. | Menene launin saman? | Shuɗi. |
710,705 | What base is in this picture? | 3rd base. | Wani tushe ne a cikin wannan hoton? | Tushe na uku?. |
858,920 | What color is the surfboard? | White. | Menene launin allon hawan igiyar ruwan? | Fari. |
858,921 | What color is the person's wetsuit? | Black. | Menene launin rigar ruwan mutumin? | Baƙa. |
631,161 | When was this photo taken? | During the daytime. | Yaushe aka ɗauka wannan hoton? | Da lokacin rana. |
487,753 | When was the man tilting his head? | Nighttime. | Yaushe mutumin yake karkata kanshi? | Lokacin dare. |
487,757 | What Color is the man's tie? | Purple. | Menene launin ɗamarar wuyan mutumin? | Shunayya. |
934,511 | What color are the tiles? | Brown. | Menene launin tayel ɗin? | Ruwan ƙasa. |
1,962,240 | What part of the plane is down? | The wing flaps. | Wani ɓangaren jirginne a ƙasa? | Maharban fuffuken. |
1,066,444 | How many plates are on the table? | 1 | Nawane adadin farantai a kan tebur ɗin? | 1 |
1,850,022 | What is gathered in a puddle? | Water. | Me aka tara a cikin kududdufi? | Ruwa. |
179,125 | Why is the man on the court? | Playing tennis. | Meyasa mutumin yake filin? | Yin wasan tanis. |
523,506 | What is the dog doing? | Sleeping. | Me karen yakeyi? | Barci. |
1,630,595 | Where is the tile border? | Around the wall. | Ina iyakan tayel ɗin? | Kewaye da bangon. |
1,019,220 | What is the color of telephone wires? | Black. | Menene launin wayoyin tarho? | Baƙi. |
397,177 | Who is blending? | A man. | Wanene yake markaɗe? | Mutumi. |
921,157 | Where is the stuffed animal? | On the couch. | Ina 'yar tsanar dabbar? | A kan kujerar. |
1,894,404 | How is the train? | Arriving. | Yaya jirgin ƙasan? | Yana isowa. |
1,894,398 | What are the cars doing? | Parked. | Me motoci sukeyi? | A ajiye. |
689,726 | How many cats are there? | One. | Nawane adadin maguna a gurin? | Ɗaya. |
752,085 | What color is the man's tie? | Red. | Menene launin ɗamarar wuyan mutumin? | Ja. |
1,920,873 | What is around the bride's neck? | Necklace. | Menene zagaye a wuyan matar? | Sarƙa. |
873,250 | What color is the fence? | Blue. | Menene launin shingen? | Shuɗi. |
1,479,799 | What kind of fence is this? | Chain link. | Wani irin shinge ne wannan? | Mahaɗar sarƙa. |
1,223,106 | Where is the white sheet? | Under the red blanket. | Ina farin shinfiɗan? | A ƙasan jan bargon. |
1,429,647 | What is the person standing on? | Skateboard. | Akan me mutumin yake tsaye? | Allon sullu mai taya. |
952,127 | Where is the cat lying? | On a towel-covered table. | A ina magen take kwance? | Akan tebur mai rufe da tawul. |
608,461 | What are they doing? | Jumping. | Me sukeyi? | Tsalle. |
886,873 | Where are they walking? | Along the beach. | A ina suke tafiya? | Kusa da bakin teku. |
743,264 | How many post on the sidewalk? | One. | Tirke nawane a gefen hanya? | Ɗaya. |
587,235 | Where is the event taking place? | On a baseball field. | A ina akeyin lamarin? | A filin wasan baseball. |
1,369,621 | Where is this picture taken? | A field. | A ina aka ɗauka wannan hoton? | Fili. |
442,302 | What is between two tennis courts? | Fence. | Menene a tsakanin filaye biyu na tanis? | Shinge. |
1,234,517 | How are both eyes? | Open. | Yaya duka idanun? | A buɗe. |
823,469 | What is the toilet paper on? | Wall. | Akan me takardar bayan gida take? | Bango. |
1,247,054 | What has white stitching? | Black ribbon. | Menene yakeda farin ɗinki? | Baƙin kintinkiri. |
1,247,060 | What does the lady bear have on top of head? | Veil with rose. | Me budurwar ƴar tsanar ta ke sanye da shi a saman kai? | Gyale mai furen wardi. |
1,086,480 | Who is watching the game? | Spectators. | Waye yake kallon wasan? | Yan kallo. |
1,910,714 | What is on the floor of the open expanse? | A grate. | Menene a ƙasan buɗaddan filin? | Murfi. |
809,247 | What color is the top of the table? | Black. | Menene launin saman tebur ɗin? | Baƙi. |
809,245 | Where is the clock? | Wall. | Ina agogon? | Bango. |
397,182 | Where is the lady? | No lady. | Ina budurwar? | Babu budurwa. |
808,832 | Where are they lying? | On the bed. | A ina suke kwance? | A kan gadon. |
808,829 | How many feet are there? | 4 | Nawane adadin ƙafafu a gurin? | 4 |
183,798 | Where is the scene? | A place with palm trees. | Inane gurin? | Guri mai bishiyoyin kwakwa. |
1,849,445 | What kind of pants is the man wearing? | Snow pants. | Wani irin wando mutumin yake sanye da shi? | Wandon dusan ƙanƙara. |
1,878,555 | Where is the cat? | Bed. | Ina magen? | Gado. |
404,327 | Where is a hat? | On a woman's head. | Ina hulan? | A kan matar. |
843,950 | What kind of fruit is farthest left? | Lemon. | Wani irin kayan itacene a nesan hagu? | Lemun tsami. |
1,530,075 | What is behind the woman in the sky? | The Moon. | Menene a bayan matar a sama? | Wata. |
1,223,112 | What is on the bedside table? | An alarm clock. | Menene a kan tebur ɗin gefen gadon? | Agogon ƙararrawa. |
453,344 | Who is in the picture? | A man and child. | Waye a hoton? | Mutumi da yaro. |
1,370,253 | What is the man doing? | Eating. | Me mutumin yakeyi? | Cin abinci. |
556,801 | What is the animals doing? | Bending. | Me dabbobin sukeyi? | Sunkuyawa. |
556,806 | What is the color of the bear? | Black. | Menene launin dabbar beya? | Baƙi. |
952,124 | Who is in the photo? | A man. | Waye a cikin hoton? | Mutumi. |
1,494,571 | What is in the picture? | The Big Ben. | Menene a cikin hoton? | Big Ben ɗin. |
460,734 | How many sheep are shown? | One. | Nawane adadin tumakai da aka nuna? | Ɗaya. |
460,729 | Who is trimming the sheep? | The man. | Waye yake wa tumakiya aski? | Mutumin. |
195,177 | What design is on the window panes? | They are a diamond pattern. | Wani irin ado ne a jikin gilasan tagar? | Sun kasance tsarin lu'u lu'u. |
881,328 | What color is the fence? | White. | Menene launin shingen? | Fari. |
186,231 | What color is the boy's shirt? | Red. | Menene launin rigar yaron? | Ja. |
1,733,777 | What direction is the zebra looking? | Left. | Wani ɓangare jakin dawan yake kallo? | Hagu. |
587,239 | What is the name of the player standing at the home base? | Mauer. | Menene sunan ɗan wasan dake tsaye a ƙarshen gidan? | Mauer. |
1,449,366 | What can the people use to lean on? | Railing. | Da me mutanen zasu iya amfani su jingina? | Ƙarfen jingina. |
1,740,475 | What is covering the ground? | Snow. | Menene ya rufe ƙasa? | Dusar ƙanƙara. |
1,659,240 | What is the number of zebras in the picture? | Zero. | Menene adadin jakunan dawan hoton? | Sifili. |
1,659,229 | What is in the man's right hand? | Tennis racket. | Menene a hannun daman mutumin? | Raket ɗin wasan tanis. |
938,457 | What color is the curtain? | White. | Menene launin labulen? | Fari. |
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