We present Spider, a large-scale, complex and cross-domain semantic parsing and text-to-SQL dataset annotated by 11 college students. It consists of 10,181 questions and 5,693 unique complex SQL queries on 200 databases with multiple tables, covering 138 different domains. We define a new complex and cross-domain semantic parsing and text-to-SQL task where different complex SQL queries and databases appear in train and test sets. In this way, the task requires the model to generalize well to both new SQL queries and new database schemas. Spider is distinct from most of the previous semantic parsing tasks because they all use a single database and the exact same programs in the train set and the test set. We experiment with various state-of-the-art models and the best model achieves only 12.4% exact matching accuracy on a database split setting. This shows that Spider presents a strong challenge for future research. Our dataset and task are publicly available at https://yale-lily.github.io/spider
[ "Semantic Parsing", "Text-To-Sql" ]
[ "spider" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Spider: A Large-Scale Human-Labeled Dataset for Complex and Cross-Domain Semantic Parsing and Text-to-SQL Task
State-of-the-art approaches for semantic image segmentation are built on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The typical segmentation architecture is composed of (a) a downsampling path responsible for extracting coarse semantic features, followed by (b) an upsampling path trained to recover the input image resolution at the output of the model and, optionally, (c) a post-processing module (e.g. Conditional Random Fields) to refine the model predictions. Recently, a new CNN architecture, Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNets), has shown excellent results on image classification tasks. The idea of DenseNets is based on the observation that if each layer is directly connected to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion then the network will be more accurate and easier to train. In this paper, we extend DenseNets to deal with the problem of semantic segmentation. We achieve state-of-the-art results on urban scene benchmark datasets such as CamVid and Gatech, without any further post-processing module nor pretraining. Moreover, due to smart construction of the model, our approach has much less parameters than currently published best entries for these datasets. Code to reproduce the experiments is available here : https://github.com/SimJeg/FC-DenseNet/blob/master/train.py
[ "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "CamVid" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "Global Accuracy" ]
The One Hundred Layers Tiramisu: Fully Convolutional DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation
Modeling sentence pairs plays the vital role for judging the relationship between two sentences, such as paraphrase identification, natural language inference, and answer sentence selection. Previous work achieves very promising results using neural networks with attention mechanism. In this paper, we propose the multiway attention networks which employ multiple attention functions to match sentence pairs under the matching-aggregation framework. Specifically, we design four attention functions to match words in corresponding sentences. Then, we aggregate the matching information from each function, and combine the information from all functions to obtain the final representation. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed multiway attention networks improve the result on the Quora Question Pairs, SNLI, MultiNLI, and answer sentence selection task on the SQuAD dataset.
[ "Natural Language Inference", "Paraphrase Identification" ]
[ "Quora Question Pairs", "SNLI" ]
[ "Parameters", "% Train Accuracy", "% Test Accuracy", "Accuracy" ]
Multiway Attention Networks for Modeling Sentence Pairs
We address the problem of action detection in videos. Driven by the latest progress in object detection from 2D images, we build action models using rich feature hierarchies derived from shape and kinematic cues. We incorporate appearance and motion in two ways. First, starting from image region proposals we select those that are motion salient and thus are more likely to contain the action. This leads to a significant reduction in the number of regions being processed and allows for faster computations. Second, we extract spatio-temporal feature representations to build strong classifiers using Convolutional Neural Networks. We link our predictions to produce detections consistent in time, which we call action tubes. We show that our approach outperforms other techniques in the task of action detection.
[ "Action Detection", "Object Detection", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition" ]
[ "J-HMDB" ]
[ "Accuracy (RGB+pose)" ]
Finding Action Tubes
Classical deformable registration techniques achieve impressive results and offer a rigorous theoretical treatment, but are computationally intensive since they solve an optimization problem for each image pair. Recently, learning-based methods have facilitated fast registration by learning spatial deformation functions. However, these approaches use restricted deformation models, require supervised labels, or do not guarantee a diffeomorphic (topology-preserving) registration. Furthermore, learning-based registration tools have not been derived from a probabilistic framework that can offer uncertainty estimates. In this paper, we build a connection between classical and learning-based methods. We present a probabilistic generative model and derive an unsupervised learning-based inference algorithm that uses insights from classical registration methods and makes use of recent developments in convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We demonstrate our method on a 3D brain registration task for both images and anatomical surfaces, and provide extensive empirical analyses. Our principled approach results in state of the art accuracy and very fast runtimes, while providing diffeomorphic guarantees. Our implementation is available at http://voxelmorph.csail.mit.edu.
[ "Constrained Diffeomorphic Image Registration", "Deformable Medical Image Registration", "Diffeomorphic Medical Image Registration", "Image Registration", "Medical Image Registration" ]
[ "Dice (SE)", "CPU (sec)", "GPU sec", "Dice (Average)", "Neg Jacob Det" ]
Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Diffeomorphic Registration for Images and Surfaces
Generating text from graph-based data, such as Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), is a challenging task due to the inherent difficulty in how to properly encode the structure of a graph with labeled edges. To address this difficulty, we propose a novel graph-to-sequence model that encodes different but complementary perspectives of the structural information contained in the AMR graph. The model learns parallel top-down and bottom-up representations of nodes capturing contrasting views of the graph. We also investigate the use of different node message passing strategies, employing different state-of-the-art graph encoders to compute node representations based on incoming and outgoing perspectives. In our experiments, we demonstrate that the dual graph representation leads to improvements in AMR-to-text generation, achieving state-of-the-art results on two AMR datasets.
[ "AMR-to-Text Generation", "Data-to-Text Generation", "Graph-to-Sequence", "Text Generation" ]
[ "LDC2017T10" ]
[ "BLEU" ]
Enhancing AMR-to-Text Generation with Dual Graph Representations
Permutation Invariant Training (PIT) has long been a stepping stone method for training speech separation model in handling the label ambiguity problem. With PIT selecting the minimum cost label assignments dynamically, very few studies considered the separation problem to be optimizing both the model parameters and the label assignments, but focused on searching for good model architecture and parameters. In this paper, we investigate instead for a given model architecture the various flexible label assignment strategies for training the model, rather than directly using PIT. Surprisingly, we discover a significant performance boost compared to PIT is possible if the model is trained with fixed label assignments and a good set of labels is chosen. With fixed label training cascaded between two sections of PIT, we achieved the state-of-the-art performance on WSJ0-2mix without changing the model architecture at all.
[ "Speech Separation" ]
[ "wsj0-2mix" ]
[ "SI-SDRi" ]
Interrupted and cascaded permutation invariant training for speech separation
Data-to-text generation can be conceptually divided into two parts: ordering and structuring the information (planning), and generating fluent language describing the information (realization). Modern neural generation systems conflate these two steps into a single end-to-end differentiable system. We propose to split the generation process into a symbolic text-planning stage that is faithful to the input, followed by a neural generation stage that focuses only on realization. For training a plan-to-text generator, we present a method for matching reference texts to their corresponding text plans. For inference time, we describe a method for selecting high-quality text plans for new inputs. We implement and evaluate our approach on the WebNLG benchmark. Our results demonstrate that decoupling text planning from neural realization indeed improves the system's reliability and adequacy while maintaining fluent output. We observe improvements both in BLEU scores and in manual evaluations. Another benefit of our approach is the ability to output diverse realizations of the same input, paving the way to explicit control over the generated text structure.
[ "Data-to-Text Generation", "Graph-to-Sequence", "Text Generation" ]
[ "WebNLG" ]
[ "BLEU" ]
Step-by-Step: Separating Planning from Realization in Neural Data-to-Text Generation
In generative modeling, the Wasserstein distance (WD) has emerged as a useful metric to measure the discrepancy between generated and real data distributions. Unfortunately, it is challenging to approximate the WD of high-dimensional distributions. In contrast, the sliced Wasserstein distance (SWD) factorizes high-dimensional distributions into their multiple one-dimensional marginal distributions and is thus easier to approximate. In this paper, we introduce novel approximations of the primal and dual SWD. Instead of using a large number of random projections, as it is done by conventional SWD approximation methods, we propose to approximate SWDs with a small number of parameterized orthogonal projections in an end-to-end deep learning fashion. As concrete applications of our SWD approximations, we design two types of differentiable SWD blocks to equip modern generative frameworks---Auto-Encoders (AE) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). In the experiments, we not only show the superiority of the proposed generative models on standard image synthesis benchmarks, but also demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance on challenging high resolution image and video generation in an unsupervised manner.
[ "Image Generation", "Video Generation" ]
[ "LSUN Bedroom 256 x 256", "TrailerFaces", "CelebA-HQ 1024x1024" ]
[ "FID" ]
Sliced Wasserstein Generative Models
Previous feed-forward architectures of recently proposed deep super-resolution networks learn the features of low-resolution inputs and the non-linear mapping from those to a high-resolution output. However, this approach does not fully address the mutual dependencies of low- and high-resolution images. We propose Deep Back-Projection Networks (DBPN), the winner of two image super-resolution challenges (NTIRE2018 and PIRM2018), that exploit iterative up- and down-sampling layers. These layers are formed as a unit providing an error feedback mechanism for projection errors. We construct mutually-connected up- and down-sampling units each of which represents different types of low- and high-resolution components. We also show that extending this idea to demonstrate a new insight towards more efficient network design substantially, such as parameter sharing on the projection module and transition layer on projection step. The experimental results yield superior results and in particular establishing new state-of-the-art results across multiple data sets, especially for large scaling factors such as 8x.
[ "Image Super-Resolution", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "Set14 - 2x upscaling", "Set14 - 4x upscaling", "Manga109 - 8x upscaling", "Manga109 - 4x upscaling", "Urban100 - 2x upscaling", "BSDS100 - 2x upscaling", "Manga109 - 2x upscaling", "Set5 - 4x upscaling", "BSDS100 - 4x upscaling", "Set14 - 8x upscaling", "Urban100 - 8x upscaling", "BSDS100 - 8x upscaling", "Set5 - 8x upscaling", "Set5 - 2x upscaling", "Urban100 - 4x upscaling" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Deep Back-Projection Networks for Single Image Super-resolution
We address talker-independent monaural speaker separation from the perspectives of deep learning and computational auditory scene analysis (CASA). Specifically, we decompose the multi-speaker separation task into the stages of simultaneous grouping and sequential grouping. Simultaneous grouping is first performed in each time frame by separating the spectra of different speakers with a permutation-invariantly trained neural network. In the second stage, the frame-level separated spectra are sequentially grouped to different speakers by a clustering network. The proposed deep CASA approach optimizes frame-level separation and speaker tracking in turn, and produces excellent results for both objectives. Experimental results on the benchmark WSJ0-2mix database show that the new approach achieves the state-of-the-art results with a modest model size.
[ "Speaker Separation", "Speech Separation" ]
[ "wsj0-2mix" ]
[ "SI-SDRi" ]
Divide and Conquer: A Deep CASA Approach to Talker-independent Monaural Speaker Separation
Answering natural language questions over tables is usually seen as a semantic parsing task. To alleviate the collection cost of full logical forms, one popular approach focuses on weak supervision consisting of denotations instead of logical forms. However, training semantic parsers from weak supervision poses difficulties, and in addition, the generated logical forms are only used as an intermediate step prior to retrieving the denotation. In this paper, we present TAPAS, an approach to question answering over tables without generating logical forms. TAPAS trains from weak supervision, and predicts the denotation by selecting table cells and optionally applying a corresponding aggregation operator to such selection. TAPAS extends BERT's architecture to encode tables as input, initializes from an effective joint pre-training of text segments and tables crawled from Wikipedia, and is trained end-to-end. We experiment with three different semantic parsing datasets, and find that TAPAS outperforms or rivals semantic parsing models by improving state-of-the-art accuracy on SQA from 55.1 to 67.2 and performing on par with the state-of-the-art on WIKISQL and WIKITQ, but with a simpler model architecture. We additionally find that transfer learning, which is trivial in our setting, from WIKISQL to WIKITQ, yields 48.7 accuracy, 4.2 points above the state-of-the-art.
[ "Question Answering", "Semantic Parsing", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "SQA", "WikiSQL", "WikiTableQuestions" ]
[ "Accuracy (Test)", "Accuracy (Dev)", "Average question accuracy", "Denotation accuracy (test)" ]
TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training
Fine-grained visual categorization is a classification task for distinguishing categories with high intra-class and small inter-class variance. While global approaches aim at using the whole image for performing the classification, part-based solutions gather additional local information in terms of attentions or parts. We propose a novel classification-specific part estimation that uses an initial prediction as well as back-propagation of feature importance via gradient computations in order to estimate relevant image regions. The subsequently detected parts are then not only selected by a-posteriori classification knowledge, but also have an intrinsic spatial extent that is determined automatically. This is in contrast to most part-based approaches and even to available ground-truth part annotations, which only provide point coordinates and no additional scale information. We show in our experiments on various widely-used fine-grained datasets the effectiveness of the mentioned part selection method in conjunction with the extracted part features.
[ "Feature Importance", "Fine-Grained Image Classification", "Fine-Grained Visual Categorization", "Image Classification" ]
[ " CUB-200-2011", "Stanford Cars", "Flowers-102", "NABirds" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Classification-Specific Parts for Improving Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
Neural architecture search (NAS) relies on a good controller to generate better architectures or predict the accuracy of given architectures. However, training the controller requires both abundant and high-quality pairs of architectures and their accuracy, while it is costly to evaluate an architecture and obtain its accuracy. In this paper, we propose SemiNAS, a semi-supervised NAS approach that leverages numerous unlabeled architectures (without evaluation and thus nearly no cost). Specifically, SemiNAS 1) trains an initial accuracy predictor with a small set of architecture-accuracy data pairs; 2) uses the trained accuracy predictor to predict the accuracy of large amount of architectures (without evaluation); and 3) adds the generated data pairs to the original data to further improve the predictor. The trained accuracy predictor can be applied to various NAS algorithms by predicting the accuracy of candidate architectures for them. SemiNAS has two advantages: 1) It reduces the computational cost under the same accuracy guarantee. On NASBench-101 benchmark dataset, it achieves comparable accuracy with gradient-based method while using only 1/7 architecture-accuracy pairs. 2) It achieves higher accuracy under the same computational cost. It achieves 94.02% test accuracy on NASBench-101, outperforming all the baselines when using the same number of architectures. On ImageNet, it achieves 23.5% top-1 error rate (under 600M FLOPS constraint) using 4 GPU-days for search. We further apply it to LJSpeech text to speech task and it achieves 97% intelligibility rate in the low-resource setting and 15% test error rate in the robustness setting, with 9%, 7% improvements over the baseline respectively.
[ "Natural Language Transduction", "Neural Architecture Search" ]
[ "ImageNet" ]
[ "Top-1 Error Rate", "Accuracy" ]
Semi-Supervised Neural Architecture Search
This paper presents X3D, a family of efficient video networks that progressively expand a tiny 2D image classification architecture along multiple network axes, in space, time, width and depth. Inspired by feature selection methods in machine learning, a simple stepwise network expansion approach is employed that expands a single axis in each step, such that good accuracy to complexity trade-off is achieved. To expand X3D to a specific target complexity, we perform progressive forward expansion followed by backward contraction. X3D achieves state-of-the-art performance while requiring 4.8x and 5.5x fewer multiply-adds and parameters for similar accuracy as previous work. Our most surprising finding is that networks with high spatiotemporal resolution can perform well, while being extremely light in terms of network width and parameters. We report competitive accuracy at unprecedented efficiency on video classification and detection benchmarks. Code will be available at: https://github.com/facebookresearch/SlowFast
[ "Action Classification", "Feature Selection", "Image Classification", "Video Classification", "Video Recognition" ]
[ "Kinetics-400" ]
[ "Vid acc@5", "Vid acc@1" ]
X3D: Expanding Architectures for Efficient Video Recognition
Although a significant progress has been witnessed in supervised person re-identification (re-id), it remains challenging to generalize re-id models to new domains due to the huge domain gaps. Recently, there has been a growing interest in using unsupervised domain adaptation to address this scalability issue. Existing methods typically conduct adaptation on the representation space that contains both id-related and id-unrelated factors, thus inevitably undermining the adaptation efficacy of id-related features. In this paper, we seek to improve adaptation by purifying the representation space to be adapted. To this end, we propose a joint learning framework that disentangles id-related/unrelated features and enforces adaptation to work on the id-related feature space exclusively. Our model involves a disentangling module that encodes cross-domain images into a shared appearance space and two separate structure spaces, and an adaptation module that performs adversarial alignment and self-training on the shared appearance space. The two modules are co-designed to be mutually beneficial. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed joint learning framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by clear margins.
[ "Domain Adaptation", "Person Re-Identification", "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation" ]
[ "Market to MSMT" ]
[ "rank-10", "mAP", "rank-5", "rank-1" ]
Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
Pre-training general-purpose visual features with convolutional neural networks without relying on annotations is a challenging and important task. Most recent efforts in unsupervised feature learning have focused on either small or highly curated datasets like ImageNet, whereas using uncurated raw datasets was found to decrease the feature quality when evaluated on a transfer task. Our goal is to bridge the performance gap between unsupervised methods trained on curated data, which are costly to obtain, and massive raw datasets that are easily available. To that effect, we propose a new unsupervised approach which leverages self-supervision and clustering to capture complementary statistics from large-scale data. We validate our approach on 96 million images from YFCC100M, achieving state-of-the-art results among unsupervised methods on standard benchmarks, which confirms the potential of unsupervised learning when only uncurated data are available. We also show that pre-training a supervised VGG-16 with our method achieves 74.9% top-1 classification accuracy on the validation set of ImageNet, which is an improvement of +0.8% over the same network trained from scratch. Our code is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/DeeperCluster.
[ "Self-Supervised Image Classification", "Unsupervised Pre-training" ]
[ "ImageNet (finetuned)" ]
[ "Top 1 Accuracy" ]
Unsupervised Pre-Training of Image Features on Non-Curated Data
The ever-increasing size of modern data sets combined with the difficulty of obtaining label information has made semi-supervised learning one of the problems of significant practical importance in modern data analysis. We revisit the approach to semi-supervised learning with generative models and develop new models that allow for effective generalisation from small labelled data sets to large unlabelled ones. Generative approaches have thus far been either inflexible, inefficient or non-scalable. We show that deep generative models and approximate Bayesian inference exploiting recent advances in variational methods can be used to provide significant improvements, making generative approaches highly competitive for semi-supervised learning.
[ "Bayesian Inference" ]
[ "SVHN" ]
[ "Percentage error" ]
Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models
We propose a CNN-based approach for multi-camera markerless motion capture of the human body. Unlike existing methods that first perform pose estimation on individual cameras and generate 3D models as post-processing, our approach makes use of 3D reasoning throughout a multi-stage approach. This novelty allows us to use provisional 3D models of human pose to rethink where the joints should be located in the image and to recover from past mistakes. Our principled refinement of 3D human poses lets us make use of image cues, even from images where we previously misdetected joints, to refine our estimates as part of an end-to-end approach. Finally, we demonstrate how the high-quality output of our multi-camera setup can be used as an additional training source to improve the accuracy of existing single camera models.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Markerless Motion Capture", "Motion Capture", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "Human3.6M" ]
[ "Average MPJPE (mm)" ]
Rethinking Pose in 3D: Multi-stage Refinement and Recovery for Markerless Motion Capture
In this work, we propose a novel method for training neural networks to perform single-document extractive summarization without heuristically-generated extractive labels. We call our approach BanditSum as it treats extractive summarization as a contextual bandit (CB) problem, where the model receives a document to summarize (the context), and chooses a sequence of sentences to include in the summary (the action). A policy gradient reinforcement learning algorithm is used to train the model to select sequences of sentences that maximize ROUGE score. We perform a series of experiments demonstrating that BanditSum is able to achieve ROUGE scores that are better than or comparable to the state-of-the-art for extractive summarization, and converges using significantly fewer update steps than competing approaches. In addition, we show empirically that BanditSum performs significantly better than competing approaches when good summary sentences appear late in the source document.
[ "Extractive Text Summarization" ]
[ "CNN / Daily Mail" ]
[ "ROUGE-L", "ROUGE-1", "ROUGE-2" ]
BanditSum: Extractive Summarization as a Contextual Bandit
We propose the Lanczos network (LanczosNet), which uses the Lanczos algorithm to construct low rank approximations of the graph Laplacian for graph convolution. Relying on the tridiagonal decomposition of the Lanczos algorithm, we not only efficiently exploit multi-scale information via fast approximated computation of matrix power but also design learnable spectral filters. Being fully differentiable, LanczosNet facilitates both graph kernel learning as well as learning node embeddings. We show the connection between our LanczosNet and graph based manifold learning methods, especially the diffusion maps. We benchmark our model against several recent deep graph networks on citation networks and QM8 quantum chemistry dataset. Experimental results show that our model achieves the state-of-the-art performance in most tasks. Code is released at: \url{https://github.com/lrjconan/LanczosNetwork}.
[ "Node Classification" ]
[ "PubMed (0.1%)", "PubMed (0.03%)", "Cora (1%)", "PubMed (0.05%)", "Cora (3%)", "CiteSeer (1%)", "Cora (0.5%)", "Cora with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "CiteSeer (0.5%)", "CiteSeer with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "PubMed with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
LanczosNet: Multi-Scale Deep Graph Convolutional Networks
Knowledge Bases (KBs) require constant up-dating to reflect changes to the world they represent. For general purpose KBs, this is often done through Relation Extraction (RE), the task of predicting KB relations expressed in text mentioning entities known to the KB. One way to improve RE is to use KB Embeddings (KBE) for link prediction. However, despite clear connections between RE and KBE, little has been done toward properly unifying these models systematically. We help close the gap with a framework that unifies the learning of RE and KBE models leading to significant improvements over the state-of-the-art in RE. The code is available at https://github.com/billy-inn/HRERE.
[ "Link Prediction", "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "NYT Corpus" ]
[ "P@30%", "P@10%" ]
Connecting Language and Knowledge with Heterogeneous Representations for Neural Relation Extraction
We propose real-time, six degrees of freedom (6DoF), 3D face pose estimation without face detection or landmark localization. We observe that estimating the 6DoF rigid transformation of a face is a simpler problem than facial landmark detection, often used for 3D face alignment. In addition, 6DoF offers more information than face bounding box labels. We leverage these observations to make multiple contributions: (a) We describe an easily trained, efficient, Faster R-CNN--based model which regresses 6DoF pose for all faces in the photo, without preliminary face detection. (b) We explain how pose is converted and kept consistent between the input photo and arbitrary crops created while training and evaluating our model. (c) Finally, we show how face poses can replace detection bounding box training labels. Tests on AFLW2000-3D and BIWI show that our method runs at real-time and outperforms state of the art (SotA) face pose estimators. Remarkably, our method also surpasses SotA models of comparable complexity on the WIDER FACE detection benchmark, despite not been optimized on bounding box labels.
[ "Face Alignment", "Face Detection", "Facial Landmark Detection", "Head Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "WIDER Face (Medium)", "AFLW2000", "WIDER Face (Easy)", "WIDER Face (Hard)", "BIWI" ]
[ "MAE", "MAE_t", "AP", "MAE (trained with other data)" ]
img2pose: Face Alignment and Detection via 6DoF, Face Pose Estimation
This paper presents SPICE, a Semantic Pseudo-labeling framework for Image ClustEring. Instead of using indirect loss functions required by the recently proposed methods, SPICE generates pseudo-labels via self-learning and directly uses the pseudo-label-based classification loss to train a deep clustering network. The basic idea of SPICE is to synergize the discrepancy among semantic clusters, the similarity among instance samples, and the semantic consistency of local samples in an embedding space to optimize the clustering network in a semantically-driven paradigm. Specifically, a semantic-similarity-based pseudo-labeling algorithm is first proposed to train a clustering network through unsupervised representation learning. Given the initial clustering results, a local semantic consistency principle is used to select a set of reliably labeled samples, and a semi-pseudo-labeling algorithm is adapted for performance boosting. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SPICE clearly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on six common benchmark datasets including STL10, Cifar10, Cifar100-20, ImageNet-10, ImageNet-Dog, and Tiny-ImageNet. On average, our SPICE method improves the current best results by about 10% in terms of adjusted rand index, normalized mutual information, and clustering accuracy.
[ "Deep Clustering", "Image Clustering", "Representation Learning", "Semantic Similarity", "Semantic Textual Similarity", "Unsupervised Representation Learning" ]
[ "Imagenet-dog-15", "CIFAR-100", "CIFAR-10", "Tiny-ImageNet", "ImageNet-10", "STL-10" ]
[ "Train set", "Train Split", "ARI", "Backbone", "Train Set", "NMI", "Accuracy" ]
SPICE: Semantic Pseudo-labeling for Image Clustering
Learning to generate natural scenes has always been a challenging task in computer vision. It is even more painstaking when the generation is conditioned on images with drastically different views. This is mainly because understanding, corresponding, and transforming appearance and semantic information across the views is not trivial. In this paper, we attempt to solve the novel problem of cross-view image synthesis, aerial to street-view and vice versa, using conditional generative adversarial networks (cGAN). Two new architectures called Crossview Fork (X-Fork) and Crossview Sequential (X-Seq) are proposed to generate scenes with resolutions of 64x64 and 256x256 pixels. X-Fork architecture has a single discriminator and a single generator. The generator hallucinates both the image and its semantic segmentation in the target view. X-Seq architecture utilizes two cGANs. The first one generates the target image which is subsequently fed to the second cGAN for generating its corresponding semantic segmentation map. The feedback from the second cGAN helps the first cGAN generate sharper images. Both of our proposed architectures learn to generate natural images as well as their semantic segmentation maps. The proposed methods show that they are able to capture and maintain the true semantics of objects in source and target views better than the traditional image-to-image translation method which considers only the visual appearance of the scene. Extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations support the effectiveness of our frameworks, compared to two state of the art methods, for natural scene generation across drastically different views.
[ "Cross-View Image-to-Image Translation", "Image Generation", "Image-to-Image Translation", "Scene Generation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "cvusa", "Dayton (256×256) - ground-to-aerial", "Dayton (64x64) - ground-to-aerial", "Dayton (64×64) - aerial-to-ground", "Ego2Top", "Dayton (256×256) - aerial-to-ground" ]
[ "SSIM" ]
Cross-View Image Synthesis using Conditional GANs
Most of the recent deep learning-based 3D human pose and mesh estimation methods regress the pose and shape parameters of human mesh models, such as SMPL and MANO, from an input image. The first weakness of these methods is an appearance domain gap problem, due to different image appearance between train data from controlled environments, such as a laboratory, and test data from in-the-wild environments. The second weakness is that the estimation of the pose parameters is quite challenging owing to the representation issues of 3D rotations. To overcome the above weaknesses, we propose Pose2Mesh, a novel graph convolutional neural network (GraphCNN)-based system that estimates the 3D coordinates of human mesh vertices directly from the 2D human pose. The 2D human pose as input provides essential human body articulation information, while having a relatively homogeneous geometric property between the two domains. Also, the proposed system avoids the representation issues, while fully exploiting the mesh topology using a GraphCNN in a coarse-to-fine manner. We show that our Pose2Mesh outperforms the previous 3D human pose and mesh estimation methods on various benchmark datasets. The codes are publicly available https://github.com/hongsukchoi/Pose2Mesh_RELEASE.
[ "3D Hand Pose Estimation", "3D Human Pose Estimation" ]
[ "FreiHAND", "3DPW" ]
Pose2Mesh: Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Pose and Mesh Recovery from a 2D Human Pose
Convolutional neural networks have recently demonstrated high-quality reconstruction for single-image super-resolution. In this paper, we propose the Laplacian Pyramid Super-Resolution Network (LapSRN) to progressively reconstruct the sub-band residuals of high-resolution images. At each pyramid level, our model takes coarse-resolution feature maps as input, predicts the high-frequency residuals, and uses transposed convolutions for upsampling to the finer level. Our method does not require the bicubic interpolation as the pre-processing step and thus dramatically reduces the computational complexity. We train the proposed LapSRN with deep supervision using a robust Charbonnier loss function and achieve high-quality reconstruction. Furthermore, our network generates multi-scale predictions in one feed-forward pass through the progressive reconstruction, thereby facilitates resource-aware applications. Extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations on benchmark datasets show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods in terms of speed and accuracy.
[ "Image Super-Resolution", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "Urban100 - 4x upscaling", "BSD100 - 4x upscaling", "Set14 - 4x upscaling" ]
[ "PSNR" ]
Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks for Fast and Accurate Super-Resolution
Face detection has received intensive attention in recent years. Many works present lots of special methods for face detection from different perspectives like model architecture, data augmentation, label assignment and etc., which make the overall algorithm and system become more and more complex. In this paper, we point out that \textbf{there is no gap between face detection and generic object detection}. Then we provide a strong but simple baseline method to deal with face detection named TinaFace. We use ResNet-50 \cite{he2016deep} as backbone, and all modules and techniques in TinaFace are constructed on existing modules, easily implemented and based on generic object detection. On the hard test set of the most popular and challenging face detection benchmark WIDER FACE \cite{yang2016wider}, with single-model and single-scale, our TinaFace achieves 92.1\% average precision (AP), which exceeds most of the recent face detectors with larger backbone. And after using test time augmentation (TTA), our TinaFace outperforms the current state-of-the-art method and achieves 92.4\% AP. The code will be available at \url{https://github.com/Media-Smart/vedadet}.
[ "Data Augmentation", "Face Detection", "Object Detection" ]
[ "WIDER Face (Hard)" ]
[ "AP" ]
TinaFace: Strong but Simple Baseline for Face Detection
Multiple object video object segmentation is a challenging task, specially for the zero-shot case, when no object mask is given at the initial frame and the model has to find the objects to be segmented along the sequence. In our work, we propose a Recurrent network for multiple object Video Object Segmentation (RVOS) that is fully end-to-end trainable. Our model incorporates recurrence on two different domains: (i) the spatial, which allows to discover the different object instances within a frame, and (ii) the temporal, which allows to keep the coherence of the segmented objects along time. We train RVOS for zero-shot video object segmentation and are the first ones to report quantitative results for DAVIS-2017 and YouTube-VOS benchmarks. Further, we adapt RVOS for one-shot video object segmentation by using the masks obtained in previous time steps as inputs to be processed by the recurrent module. Our model reaches comparable results to state-of-the-art techniques in YouTube-VOS benchmark and outperforms all previous video object segmentation methods not using online learning in the DAVIS-2017 benchmark. Moreover, our model achieves faster inference runtimes than previous methods, reaching 44ms/frame on a P100 GPU.
[ "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Youtube-VOS" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "YouTube-VOS", "DAVIS 2017 (test-dev)" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "Jaccard (Unseen)", "F-Measure (Seen)", "Jaccard (Seen)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F", "F-Measure (Unseen)" ]
RVOS: End-to-End Recurrent Network for Video Object Segmentation
Recently, the machine learning community paused in a moment of self-reflection. In a widely discussed paper at ICLR 2018, Sculley et al. wrote: "We observe that the rate of empirical advancement may not have been matched by consistent increase in the level of empirical rigor across the field as a whole." Their primary complaint is the development of a "research and publication culture that emphasizes wins" (emphasis in original), which typically means "demonstrating that a new method beats previous methods on a given task or benchmark". An apt description might be "leaderboard chasing"-and for many vision and NLP tasks, this isn't a metaphor. There are literally centralized leaderboards1 that track incremental progress, down to the fifth decimal point, some persisting over years, accumulating dozens of entries. Sculley et al. remind us that "the goal of science is not wins, but knowledge". The structure of the scientific enterprise today (pressure to publish, pace of progress, etc.) means that "winning" and "doing good science" are often not fully aligned. To wit, they cite a number of papers showing that recent advances in neural networks could very well be attributed to mundane issues like better hyperparameter optimization. Many results can't be reproduced, and some observed improvements might just be noise.
[ "Ad-Hoc Information Retrieval", "Hyperparameter Optimization" ]
[ "TREC Robust04" ]
[ "P@20", "MAP" ]
The Neural Hype and Comparisons Against Weak Baselines
Scoring functions (SFs), which measure the plausibility of triplets in knowledge graph (KG), have become the crux of KG embedding. Lots of SFs, which target at capturing different kinds of relations in KGs, have been designed by humans in recent years. However, as relations can exhibit complex patterns that are hard to infer before training, none of them can consistently perform better than others on existing benchmark data sets. In this paper, inspired by the recent success of automated machine learning (AutoML), we propose to automatically design SFs (AutoSF) for distinct KGs by the AutoML techniques. However, it is non-trivial to explore domain-specific information here to make AutoSF efficient and effective. We firstly identify a unified representation over popularly used SFs, which helps to set up a search space for AutoSF. Then, we propose a greedy algorithm to search in such a space efficiently. The algorithm is further sped up by a filter and a predictor, which can avoid repeatedly training SFs with same expressive ability and help removing bad candidates during the search before model training. Finally, we perform extensive experiments on benchmark data sets. Results on link prediction and triplets classification show that the searched SFs by AutoSF, are KG dependent, new to the literature, and outperform the state-of-the-art SFs designed by humans.
[ "AutoML", "Graph Embedding", "Knowledge Graph Embedding", "Link Prediction" ]
[ " FB15k", "WN18RR", "WN18", "FB15k-237" ]
[ "Hits@10", "MRR" ]
AutoSF: Searching Scoring Functions for Knowledge Graph Embedding
We aim to better understand attention over nodes in graph neural networks (GNNs) and identify factors influencing its effectiveness. We particularly focus on the ability of attention GNNs to generalize to larger, more complex or noisy graphs. Motivated by insights from the work on Graph Isomorphism Networks, we design simple graph reasoning tasks that allow us to study attention in a controlled environment. We find that under typical conditions the effect of attention is negligible or even harmful, but under certain conditions it provides an exceptional gain in performance of more than 60% in some of our classification tasks. Satisfying these conditions in practice is challenging and often requires optimal initialization or supervised training of attention. We propose an alternative recipe and train attention in a weakly-supervised fashion that approaches the performance of supervised models, and, compared to unsupervised models, improves results on several synthetic as well as real datasets. Source code and datasets are available at https://github.com/bknyaz/graph_attention_pool.
[ "Graph Classification" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Understanding Attention and Generalization in Graph Neural Networks
This paper extends the popular task of multi-object tracking to multi-object tracking and segmentation (MOTS). Towards this goal, we create dense pixel-level annotations for two existing tracking datasets using a semi-automatic annotation procedure. Our new annotations comprise 65,213 pixel masks for 977 distinct objects (cars and pedestrians) in 10,870 video frames. For evaluation, we extend existing multi-object tracking metrics to this new task. Moreover, we propose a new baseline method which jointly addresses detection, tracking, and segmentation with a single convolutional network. We demonstrate the value of our datasets by achieving improvements in performance when training on MOTS annotations. We believe that our datasets, metrics and baseline will become a valuable resource towards developing multi-object tracking approaches that go beyond 2D bounding boxes. We make our annotations, code, and models available at https://www.vision.rwth-aachen.de/page/mots.
[ "Multi-Object Tracking", "Object Tracking" ]
[ "KITTI Tracking test" ]
[ "MOTA" ]
MOTS: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
The paper introduces methods of adaptation of multilingual masked language models for a specific language. Pre-trained bidirectional language models show state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of tasks including reading comprehension, natural language inference, and sentiment analysis. At the moment there are two alternative approaches to train such models: monolingual and multilingual. While language specific models show superior performance, multilingual models allow to perform a transfer from one language to another and solve tasks for different languages simultaneously. This work shows that transfer learning from a multilingual model to monolingual model results in significant growth of performance on such tasks as reading comprehension, paraphrase detection, and sentiment analysis. Furthermore, multilingual initialization of monolingual model substantially reduces training time. Pre-trained models for the Russian language are open sourced.
[ "Natural Language Inference", "Paraphrase Identification", "Question Answering", "Reading Comprehension", "Sentiment Analysis", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "RuSentiment", "SQuAD1.1" ]
[ "Weighted F1", "F1" ]
Adaptation of Deep Bidirectional Multilingual Transformers for Russian Language
A significant amount of the world's knowledge is stored in relational databases. However, the ability for users to retrieve facts from a database is limited due to a lack of understanding of query languages such as SQL. We propose Seq2SQL, a deep neural network for translating natural language questions to corresponding SQL queries. Our model leverages the structure of SQL queries to significantly reduce the output space of generated queries. Moreover, we use rewards from in-the-loop query execution over the database to learn a policy to generate unordered parts of the query, which we show are less suitable for optimization via cross entropy loss. In addition, we will publish WikiSQL, a dataset of 80654 hand-annotated examples of questions and SQL queries distributed across 24241 tables from Wikipedia. This dataset is required to train our model and is an order of magnitude larger than comparable datasets. By applying policy-based reinforcement learning with a query execution environment to WikiSQL, our model Seq2SQL outperforms attentional sequence to sequence models, improving execution accuracy from 35.9% to 59.4% and logical form accuracy from 23.4% to 48.3%.
[ "Text-To-Sql" ]
[ "WikiSQL" ]
[ "Exact Match Accuracy", "Execution Accuracy" ]
Seq2SQL: Generating Structured Queries from Natural Language using Reinforcement Learning
Robust machine learning relies on access to data that can be used with standardized frameworks in important tasks and the ability to develop models whose performance can be reasonably reproduced. In machine learning for healthcare, the community faces reproducibility challenges due to a lack of publicly accessible data and a lack of standardized data processing frameworks. We present MIMIC-Extract, an open-source pipeline for transforming raw electronic health record (EHR) data for critical care patients contained in the publicly-available MIMIC-III database into dataframes that are directly usable in common machine learning pipelines. MIMIC-Extract addresses three primary challenges in making complex health records data accessible to the broader machine learning community. First, it provides standardized data processing functions, including unit conversion, outlier detection, and aggregating semantically equivalent features, thus accounting for duplication and reducing missingness. Second, it preserves the time series nature of clinical data and can be easily integrated into clinically actionable prediction tasks in machine learning for health. Finally, it is highly extensible so that other researchers with related questions can easily use the same pipeline. We demonstrate the utility of this pipeline by showcasing several benchmark tasks and baseline results.
[ "Length-of-Stay prediction", "Outlier Detection", "Time Series" ]
[ "Accuracy (LOS>7 Days)", "Accuracy (LOS>3 Days)" ]
MIMIC-Extract: A Data Extraction, Preprocessing, and Representation Pipeline for MIMIC-III
Constructing a joint representation invariant across different modalities (e.g., video, language) is of significant importance in many multimedia applications. While there are a number of recent successes in developing effective image-text retrieval methods by learning joint representations, the video-text retrieval task, in contrast, has not been explored to its fullest extent. In this paper, we study how to effectively utilize available multi-modal cues from videos for the cross-modal video-text retrieval task. Based on our analysis, we propose a novel framework that simultaneously utilizes multimodal features (different visual characteristics, audio inputs, and text) by a fusion strategy for efficient retrieval. Furthermore, we explore several loss functions in training the joint embedding and propose a modified pairwise ranking loss for the retrieval task. Experiments on MSVD and MSR-VTT datasets demonstrate that our method achieves significant performance gain compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.
[ "Video Retrieval", "Video-Text Retrieval" ]
[ "MSR-VTT" ]
[ "text-to-video Median Rank", "text-to-video R@5", "video-to-text Mean Rank", "video-to-text R@10", "text-to-video R@1", "text-to-video Mean Rank", "video-to-text Median Rank", "video-to-text R@1", "text-to-video R@10", "video-to-text R@5" ]
Learning Joint Embedding with Multimodal Cues for Cross-Modal Video-Text Retrieval
Temporal action localization is a challenging computer vision problem with numerous real-world applications. Most existing methods require laborious frame-level supervision to train action localization models. In this work, we propose a framework, called 3C-Net, which only requires video-level supervision (weak supervision) in the form of action category labels and the corresponding count. We introduce a novel formulation to learn discriminative action features with enhanced localization capabilities. Our joint formulation has three terms: a classification term to ensure the separability of learned action features, an adapted multi-label center loss term to enhance the action feature discriminability and a counting loss term to delineate adjacent action sequences, leading to improved localization. Comprehensive experiments are performed on two challenging benchmarks: THUMOS14 and ActivityNet 1.2. Our approach sets a new state-of-the-art for weakly-supervised temporal action localization on both datasets. On the THUMOS14 dataset, the proposed method achieves an absolute gain of 4.6% in terms of mean average precision (mAP), compared to the state-of-the-art. Source code is available at https://github.com/naraysa/3c-net.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Localization", "Temporal Action Localization", "Weakly Supervised Action Localization", "Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization", "Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "ActivityNet-1.2", "THUMOS'14", "THUMOS 2014", "THUMOS’14" ]
[ "mAP", "[email protected]", "Mean mAP" ]
3C-Net: Category Count and Center Loss for Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
Everyone makes mistakes. So do human annotators when curating labels for named entity recognition (NER). Such label mistakes might hurt model training and interfere model comparison. In this study, we dive deep into one of the widely-adopted NER benchmark datasets, CoNLL03 NER. We are able to identify label mistakes in about 5.38% test sentences, which is a significant ratio considering that the state-of-the-art test F1 score is already around 93%. Therefore, we manually correct these label mistakes and form a cleaner test set. Our re-evaluation of popular models on this corrected test set leads to more accurate assessments, compared to those on the original test set. More importantly, we propose a simple yet effective framework, CrossWeigh, to handle label mistakes during NER model training. Specifically, it partitions the training data into several folds and train independent NER models to identify potential mistakes in each fold. Then it adjusts the weights of training data accordingly to train the final NER model. Extensive experiments demonstrate significant improvements of plugging various NER models into our proposed framework on three datasets. All implementations and corrected test set are available at our Github repo: https://github.com/ZihanWangKi/CrossWeigh.
[ "Named Entity Recognition" ]
[ "Long-tail emerging entities", "CoNLL 2003 (English)", "CoNLL++" ]
[ "F1" ]
CrossWeigh: Training Named Entity Tagger from Imperfect Annotations
We propose Chirality Nets, a family of deep nets that is equivariant to the "chirality transform," i.e., the transformation to create a chiral pair. Through parameter sharing, odd and even symmetry, we propose and prove variants of standard building blocks of deep nets that satisfy the equivariance property, including fully connected layers, convolutional layers, batch-normalization, and LSTM/GRU cells. The proposed layers lead to a more data efficient representation and a reduction in computation by exploiting symmetry. We evaluate chirality nets on the task of human pose regression, which naturally exploits the left/right mirroring of the human body. We study three pose regression tasks: 3D pose estimation from video, 2D pose forecasting, and skeleton based activity recognition. Our approach achieves/matches state-of-the-art results, with more significant gains on small datasets and limited-data settings.
[ "3D Pose Estimation", "Activity Recognition", "Pose Estimation", "Regression", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition" ]
[ "Kinetics-Skeleton dataset" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Chirality Nets for Human Pose Regression
Graph similarity search is among the most important graph-based applications, e.g. finding the chemical compounds that are most similar to a query compound. Graph similarity computation, such as Graph Edit Distance (GED) and Maximum Common Subgraph (MCS), is the core operation of graph similarity search and many other applications, but very costly to compute in practice. Inspired by the recent success of neural network approaches to several graph applications, such as node or graph classification, we propose a novel neural network based approach to address this classic yet challenging graph problem, aiming to alleviate the computational burden while preserving a good performance. The proposed approach, called SimGNN, combines two strategies. First, we design a learnable embedding function that maps every graph into a vector, which provides a global summary of a graph. A novel attention mechanism is proposed to emphasize the important nodes with respect to a specific similarity metric. Second, we design a pairwise node comparison method to supplement the graph-level embeddings with fine-grained node-level information. Our model achieves better generalization on unseen graphs, and in the worst case runs in quadratic time with respect to the number of nodes in two graphs. Taking GED computation as an example, experimental results on three real graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. Specifically, our model achieves smaller error rate and great time reduction compared against a series of baselines, including several approximation algorithms on GED computation, and many existing graph neural network based models. To the best of our knowledge, we are among the first to adopt neural networks to explicitly model the similarity between two graphs, and provide a new direction for future research on graph similarity computation and graph similarity search.
[ "Graph Classification", "Graph Similarity" ]
[ "IMDb" ]
[ "mse (10^-3)" ]
SimGNN: A Neural Network Approach to Fast Graph Similarity Computation
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) is currently the method of choice both for generative, as well as for discriminative learning in computer vision and machine learning. The success of DCNNs can be attributed to the careful selection of their building blocks (e.g., residual blocks, rectifiers, sophisticated normalization schemes, to mention but a few). In this paper, we propose $\Pi$-Nets, a new class of DCNNs. $\Pi$-Nets are polynomial neural networks, i.e., the output is a high-order polynomial of the input. $\Pi$-Nets can be implemented using special kind of skip connections and their parameters can be represented via high-order tensors. We empirically demonstrate that $\Pi$-Nets have better representation power than standard DCNNs and they even produce good results without the use of non-linear activation functions in a large battery of tasks and signals, i.e., images, graphs, and audio. When used in conjunction with activation functions, $\Pi$-Nets produce state-of-the-art results in challenging tasks, such as image generation. Lastly, our framework elucidates why recent generative models, such as StyleGAN, improve upon their predecessors, e.g., ProGAN.
[ "Audio Classification", "Graph Representation Learning", "Image Classification", "Image Generation" ]
[ "COMA", "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Error (mm)", "Inception score", "FID" ]
$Π-$nets: Deep Polynomial Neural Networks
We present a simple and effective deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model for video deblurring. The proposed algorithm mainly consists of optical flow estimation from intermediate latent frames and latent frame restoration steps. It first develops a deep CNN model to estimate optical flow from intermediate latent frames and then restores the latent frames based on the estimated optical flow. To better explore the temporal information from videos, we develop a temporal sharpness prior to constrain the deep CNN model to help the latent frame restoration. We develop an effective cascaded training approach and jointly train the proposed CNN model in an end-to-end manner. We show that exploring the domain knowledge of video deblurring is able to make the deep CNN model more compact and efficient. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods on the benchmark datasets as well as real-world videos.
[ "Deblurring", "Optical Flow Estimation" ]
[ "GoPro", "DVD " ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Cascaded Deep Video Deblurring Using Temporal Sharpness Prior
Deep-learning-based image inpainting methods have shown significant promise in both rectangular and irregular holes. However, the inpainting of irregular holes presents numerous challenges owing to uncertainties in their shapes and locations. When depending solely on convolutional neural network (CNN) or adversarial supervision, plausible inpainting results cannot be guaranteed because irregular holes need attention-based guidance for retrieving information for content generation. In this paper, we propose two new attention mechanisms, namely a mask pruning-based global attention module and a global and local attention module to obtain global dependency information and the local similarity information among the features for refined results. The proposed method is evaluated using state-of-the-art methods, and the experimental results show that our method outperforms the existing methods in both quantitative and qualitative measures.
[ "Image Inpainting" ]
[ "Places2" ]
[ "L1-loss", "40-50% Mask PSNR", "SSIM", "free-form mask l2 err" ]
Global and Local Attention-Based Free-Form Image Inpainting
This paper proposes a novel differentiable architecture search method by formulating it into a distribution learning problem. We treat the continuously relaxed architecture mixing weight as random variables, modeled by Dirichlet distribution. With recently developed pathwise derivatives, the Dirichlet parameters can be easily optimized with gradient-based optimizer in an end-to-end manner. This formulation improves the generalization ability and induces stochasticity that naturally encourages exploration in the search space. Furthermore, to alleviate the large memory consumption of differentiable NAS, we propose a simple yet effective progressive learning scheme that enables searching directly on large-scale tasks, eliminating the gap between search and evaluation phases. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Specifically, we obtain a test error of 2.46% for CIFAR-10, 23.7% for ImageNet under the mobile setting. On NAS-Bench-201, we also achieve state-of-the-art results on all three datasets and provide insights for the effective design of neural architecture search algorithms.
[ "Neural Architecture Search" ]
[ "NAS-Bench-201, ImageNet-16-120" ]
[ "Accuracy (Test)", "Accuracy (val)" ]
DrNAS: Dirichlet Neural Architecture Search
Simi-Supervised Recognition Challenge-FGVC7 is a challenging fine-grained recognition competition. One of the difficulties of this competition is how to use unlabeled data. We adopted pseudo-tag data mining to increase the amount of training data. The other one is how to identify similar birds with a very small difference, especially those have a relatively tiny main-body in examples. We combined generic image recognition and fine-grained image recognition method to solve the problem. All generic image recognition models were training using PaddleClas . Using the combination of two different ways of deep recognition models, we finally won the third place in the competition.
[ "Fine-Grained Image Recognition", "Image Classification" ]
[ "ImageNet" ]
[ "Number of params", "Top 5 Accuracy", "Top 1 Accuracy" ]
Semi-Supervised Recognition under a Noisy and Fine-grained Dataset
Progress in Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms goes hand-in-hand with the development of challenging environments that test the limits of current methods. While existing RL environments are either sufficiently complex or based on fast simulation, they are rarely both. Here, we present the NetHack Learning Environment (NLE), a scalable, procedurally generated, stochastic, rich, and challenging environment for RL research based on the popular single-player terminal-based roguelike game, NetHack. We argue that NetHack is sufficiently complex to drive long-term research on problems such as exploration, planning, skill acquisition, and language-conditioned RL, while dramatically reducing the computational resources required to gather a large amount of experience. We compare NLE and its task suite to existing alternatives, and discuss why it is an ideal medium for testing the robustness and systematic generalization of RL agents. We demonstrate empirical success for early stages of the game using a distributed Deep RL baseline and Random Network Distillation exploration, alongside qualitative analysis of various agents trained in the environment. NLE is open source at https://github.com/facebookresearch/nle.
[ "NetHack", "NetHack Score", "Systematic Generalization" ]
[ "NetHack Learning Environment" ]
[ "Average Score" ]
The NetHack Learning Environment
We propose a novel framework to perform classification via deep learning in the presence of noisy annotations. When trained on noisy labels, deep neural networks have been observed to first fit the training data with clean labels during an "early learning" phase, before eventually memorizing the examples with false labels. We prove that early learning and memorization are fundamental phenomena in high-dimensional classification tasks, even in simple linear models, and give a theoretical explanation in this setting. Motivated by these findings, we develop a new technique for noisy classification tasks, which exploits the progress of the early learning phase. In contrast with existing approaches, which use the model output during early learning to detect the examples with clean labels, and either ignore or attempt to correct the false labels, we take a different route and instead capitalize on early learning via regularization. There are two key elements to our approach. First, we leverage semi-supervised learning techniques to produce target probabilities based on the model outputs. Second, we design a regularization term that steers the model towards these targets, implicitly preventing memorization of the false labels. The resulting framework is shown to provide robustness to noisy annotations on several standard benchmarks and real-world datasets, where it achieves results comparable to the state of the art.
[ "Image Classification", "Learning with noisy labels" ]
[ "mini WebVision 1.0", "WebVision", "Clothing1M" ]
[ "Top 1 Accuracy", "Top-5 Accuracy", "ImageNet Top-1 Accuracy", "Top-1 Accuracy", "Accuracy", "Top 5 Accuracy", "ImageNet Top-5 Accuracy" ]
Early-Learning Regularization Prevents Memorization of Noisy Labels
A number of lane detection methods depend on a proposal-free instance segmentation because of its adaptability to flexible object shape, occlusion, and real-time application. This paper addresses the problem that pixel embedding in proposal-free instance segmentation based lane detection is difficult to optimize. A translation invariance of convolution, which is one of the supposed strengths, causes challenges in optimizing pixel embedding. In this work, we propose a lane detection method based on proposal-free instance segmentation, directly optimizing spatial embedding of pixels using image coordinate. Our proposed method allows the post-processing step for center localization and optimizes clustering in an end-to-end manner. The proposed method enables real-time lane detection through the simplicity of post-processing and the adoption of a lightweight backbone. Our proposed method demonstrates competitive performance on public lane detection datasets.
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Lane Detection", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "TuSimple" ]
[ "F1 score", "Accuracy" ]
Towards Lightweight Lane Detection by Optimizing Spatial Embedding
Prior works in cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) with no/little labeled data fall into two primary categories: model transfer based and data transfer based methods. In this paper we find that both method types can complement each other, in the sense that, the former can exploit context information via language-independent features but sees no task-specific information in the target language; while the latter generally generates pseudo target-language training data via translation but its exploitation of context information is weakened by inaccurate translations. Moreover, prior works rarely leverage unlabeled data in the target language, which can be effortlessly collected and potentially contains valuable information for improved results. To handle both problems, we propose a novel approach termed UniTrans to Unify both model and data Transfer for cross-lingual NER, and furthermore, to leverage the available information from unlabeled target-language data via enhanced knowledge distillation. We evaluate our proposed UniTrans over 4 target languages on benchmark datasets. Our experimental results show that it substantially outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Cross-Lingual NER", "Cross-Lingual Transfer", "Knowledge Distillation", "Named Entity Recognition" ]
[ "CoNLL Dutch", "CoNLL German", "NoDaLiDa Norwegian Bokmål", "CoNLL Spanish" ]
[ "F1" ]
UniTrans: Unifying Model Transfer and Data Transfer for Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition with Unlabeled Data
Traditional signature-based methods have started becoming inadequnate to deal with next generation malware which utilize sophisticated obfuscation (polymorphic and metamorphic) techniques to evade detection. Recently, research efforts have been conducted on malware detection and classification by applying machine learning techniques. Despite them, most methods are build on shallow learning architectures and rely on the extraction of hand-crafted features. In this paper, based on assembly language code extracted from disassembled binary files and embedded into vectors, we present a convolutional neural network architecture to learn a set of discriminative patterns able to cluster malware files amongst families. To demonstrate the suitability of our approach we evaluated our model on the data provided by Microsoft for the BigData Innovators Gathering 2015 Anti-Malware Prediction Challenge. Experiments show that the method achieves competitive results without relying on the manual extraction of features and is resilient to the most common obfuscation techniques.
[ "Malware Classification", "Malware Detection" ]
[ "Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge" ]
[ "Accuracy (10-fold)", "Macro F1 (10-fold)", "LogLoss" ]
Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Malware Assembly Code
Recent developments in medical imaging with Deep Learning presents evidence of automated diagnosis and prognosis. It can also be a complement to currently available diagnosis methods. Deep Learning can be leveraged for diagnosis, severity prediction, intubation support prediction and many similar tasks. We present prediction of intubation support requirement for patients from the Chest X-ray using Deep representation learning. We release our source code publicly at https://github.com/aniketmaurya/covid-research.
[ "COVID-19 Diagnosis", "Intubation Support Prediction", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "COVID chest X-ray" ]
[ "AUC-ROC" ]
Predicting intubation support requirement of patients using Chest X-ray with Deep Representation Learning
Fine-tuning pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) to a target dataset, also known as transfer learning, is widely used in computer vision and NLP. Because task-specific layers mainly contain categorical information and categories vary with datasets, practitioners only \textit{partially} transfer pre-trained models by discarding task-specific layers and fine-tuning bottom layers. However, it is a reckless loss to simply discard task-specific parameters who take up as many as $20\%$ of the total parameters in pre-trained models. To \textit{fully} transfer pre-trained models, we propose a two-step framework named \textbf{Co-Tuning}: (i) learn the relationship between source categories and target categories from the pre-trained model and calibrated predictions; (ii) target labels (one-hot labels), as well as source labels (probabilistic labels) translated by the category relationship, collaboratively supervise the fine-tuning process. A simple instantiation of the framework shows strong empirical results in four visual classification tasks and one NLP classification task, bringing up to $20\%$ relative improvement. While state-of-the-art fine-tuning techniques mainly focus on how to impose regularization when data are not abundant, Co-Tuning works not only in medium-scale datasets (100 samples per class) but also in large-scale datasets (1000 samples per class) where regularization-based methods bring no gains over the vanilla fine-tuning. Co-Tuning relies on a typically valid assumption that the pre-trained dataset is diverse enough, implying its broad application area.
[ "Image Classification", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "COCO70" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Co-Tuning for Transfer Learning
In this work, we introduce a novel local autoregressive translation (LAT) mechanism into non-autoregressive translation (NAT) models so as to capture local dependencies among tar-get outputs. Specifically, for each target decoding position, instead of only one token, we predict a short sequence of tokens in an autoregressive way. We further design an efficient merging algorithm to align and merge the out-put pieces into one final output sequence. We integrate LAT into the conditional masked language model (CMLM; Ghazvininejad et al.,2019) and similarly adopt iterative decoding. Empirical results on five translation tasks show that compared with CMLM, our method achieves comparable or better performance with fewer decoding iterations, bringing a 2.5xspeedup. Further analysis indicates that our method reduces repeated translations and performs better at longer sentences.
[ "Machine Translation" ]
[ "WMT2014 German-English", "WMT2016 Romanian-English", "WMT2016 English-Romanian", "WMT2014 English-German" ]
[ "BLEU score" ]
Incorporating a Local Translation Mechanism into Non-autoregressive Translation
General purpose relation extractors, which can model arbitrary relations, are a core aspiration in information extraction. Efforts have been made to build general purpose extractors that represent relations with their surface forms, or which jointly embed surface forms with relations from an existing knowledge graph. However, both of these approaches are limited in their ability to generalize. In this paper, we build on extensions of Harris' distributional hypothesis to relations, as well as recent advances in learning text representations (specifically, BERT), to build task agnostic relation representations solely from entity-linked text. We show that these representations significantly outperform previous work on exemplar based relation extraction (FewRel) even without using any of that task's training data. We also show that models initialized with our task agnostic representations, and then tuned on supervised relation extraction datasets, significantly outperform the previous methods on SemEval 2010 Task 8, KBP37, and TACRED.
[ "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "TACRED", "SemEval-2010 Task 8" ]
[ "F1" ]
Matching the Blanks: Distributional Similarity for Relation Learning
Recent insights on language and vision with neural networks have been successfully applied to simple single-image visual question answering. However, to tackle real-life question answering problems on multimedia collections such as personal photos, we have to look at whole collections with sequences of photos or videos. When answering questions from a large collection, a natural problem is to identify snippets to support the answer. In this paper, we describe a novel neural network called Focal Visual-Text Attention network (FVTA) for collective reasoning in visual question answering, where both visual and text sequence information such as images and text metadata are presented. FVTA introduces an end-to-end approach that makes use of a hierarchical process to dynamically determine what media and what time to focus on in the sequential data to answer the question. FVTA can not only answer the questions well but also provides the justifications which the system results are based upon to get the answers. FVTA achieves state-of-the-art performance on the MemexQA dataset and competitive results on the MovieQA dataset.
[ "Memex Question Answering", "Question Answering", "Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "MemexQA" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
The success of deep learning has been due, in no small part, to the availability of large annotated datasets. Thus, a major bottleneck in current learning pipelines is the time-consuming human annotation of data. In scenarios where such input-output pairs cannot be collected, simulation is often used instead, leading to a domain-shift between synthesized and real-world data. This work offers an unsupervised alternative that relies on the availability of task-specific energy functions, replacing the generic supervised loss. Such energy functions are assumed to lead to the desired label as their minimizer given the input. The proposed approach, termed "Deep Energy", trains a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to approximate this minimization for any chosen input. Once trained, a simple and fast feed-forward computation provides the inferred label. This approach allows us to perform unsupervised training of DNNs with real-world inputs only, and without the need for manually-annotated labels, nor synthetically created data. "Deep Energy" is demonstrated in this paper on three different tasks -- seeded segmentation, image matting and single image dehazing -- exposing its generality and wide applicability. Our experiments show that the solution provided by the network is often much better in quality than the one obtained by a direct minimization of the energy function, suggesting an added regularization property in our scheme.
[ "Image Dehazing", "Image Matting", "Single Image Dehazing" ]
[ "SOTS Outdoor" ]
[ "SIMM", "PSNR" ]
Deep-Energy: Unsupervised Training of Deep Neural Networks
This paper presents a method for adding multiple tasks to a single deep neural network while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Inspired by network pruning techniques, we exploit redundancies in large deep networks to free up parameters that can then be employed to learn new tasks. By performing iterative pruning and network re-training, we are able to sequentially "pack" multiple tasks into a single network while ensuring minimal drop in performance and minimal storage overhead. Unlike prior work that uses proxy losses to maintain accuracy on older tasks, we always optimize for the task at hand. We perform extensive experiments on a variety of network architectures and large-scale datasets, and observe much better robustness against catastrophic forgetting than prior work. In particular, we are able to add three fine-grained classification tasks to a single ImageNet-trained VGG-16 network and achieve accuracies close to those of separately trained networks for each task. Code available at https://github.com/arunmallya/packnet
[ "Continual Learning", "Network Pruning" ]
[ "Stanford Cars (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Sketch (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Wikiart (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "CUBS (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "ImageNet (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Cifar100 (20 tasks)", "Flowers (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)" ]
[ "Average Accuracy", "Accuracy" ]
PackNet: Adding Multiple Tasks to a Single Network by Iterative Pruning
Benefiting from the joint learning of the multiple tasks in the deep multi-task networks, many applications have shown the promising performance comparing to single-task learning. However, the performance of multi-task learning framework is highly dependant on the relative weights of the tasks. How to assign the weight of each task is a critical issue in the multi-task learning. Instead of tuning the weights manually which is exhausted and time-consuming, in this paper we propose an approach which can dynamically adapt the weights of the tasks according to the difficulty for training the task. Specifically, the proposed method does not introduce the hyperparameters and the simple structure allows the other multi-task deep learning networks can easily realize or reproduce this method. We demonstrate our approach for face recognition with facial expression and facial expression recognition from a single input image based on a deep multi-task learning Conventional Neural Networks (CNNs). Both the theoretical analysis and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic multi-task learning method. This multi-task learning with dynamic weights also boosts of the performance on the different tasks comparing to the state-of-art methods with single-task learning.
[ "Face Recognition", "Facial Expression Recognition", "Multi-Task Learning" ]
[ "Oulu-CASIA" ]
[ "Accuracy (10-fold)" ]
Dynamic Multi-Task Learning for Face Recognition with Facial Expression
Timely accurate traffic forecast is crucial for urban traffic control and guidance. Due to the high nonlinearity and complexity of traffic flow, traditional methods cannot satisfy the requirements of mid-and-long term prediction tasks and often neglect spatial and temporal dependencies. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning framework, Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (STGCN), to tackle the time series prediction problem in traffic domain. Instead of applying regular convolutional and recurrent units, we formulate the problem on graphs and build the model with complete convolutional structures, which enable much faster training speed with fewer parameters. Experiments show that our model STGCN effectively captures comprehensive spatio-temporal correlations through modeling multi-scale traffic networks and consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on various real-world traffic datasets.
[ "Time Series", "Time Series Prediction", "Traffic Prediction" ]
[ "PeMS-M", "METR-LA" ]
[ "MAE (60 min)", "MAE @ 12 step" ]
Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting
Single image super resolution is a very important computer vision task, with a wide range of applications. In recent years, the depth of the super-resolution model has been constantly increasing, but with a small increase in performance, it has brought a huge amount of computation and memory consumption. In this work, in order to make the super resolution models more effective, we proposed a novel single image super resolution method via recursive squeeze and excitation networks (SESR). By introducing the squeeze and excitation module, our SESR can model the interdependencies and relationships between channels and that makes our model more efficiency. In addition, the recursive structure and progressive reconstruction method in our model minimized the layers and parameters and enabled SESR to simultaneously train multi-scale super resolution in a single model. After evaluating on four benchmark test sets, our model is proved to be above the state-of-the-art methods in terms of speed and accuracy.
[ "Image Super-Resolution", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "Set5 - 4x upscaling", "Urban100 - 4x upscaling", "BSD100 - 4x upscaling", "Set14 - 4x upscaling" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
SESR: Single Image Super Resolution with Recursive Squeeze and Excitation Networks
We improve automatic correction of grammatical, orthographic, and collocation errors in text using a multilayer convolutional encoder-decoder neural network. The network is initialized with embeddings that make use of character N-gram information to better suit this task. When evaluated on common benchmark test data sets (CoNLL-2014 and JFLEG), our model substantially outperforms all prior neural approaches on this task as well as strong statistical machine translation-based systems with neural and task-specific features trained on the same data. Our analysis shows the superiority of convolutional neural networks over recurrent neural networks such as long short-term memory (LSTM) networks in capturing the local context via attention, and thereby improving the coverage in correcting grammatical errors. By ensembling multiple models, and incorporating an N-gram language model and edit features via rescoring, our novel method becomes the first neural approach to outperform the current state-of-the-art statistical machine translation-based approach, both in terms of grammaticality and fluency.
[ "Grammatical Error Correction", "Language Modelling" ]
[ "_Restricted_", "Restricted", "CoNLL-2014 Shared Task", "CoNLL-2014 Shared Task (10 annotations)", "JFLEG" ]
[ "GLEU", "F0.5" ]
A Multilayer Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Neural Network for Grammatical Error Correction
Table-to-text generation aims to generate a description for a factual table which can be viewed as a set of field-value records. To encode both the content and the structure of a table, we propose a novel structure-aware seq2seq architecture which consists of field-gating encoder and description generator with dual attention. In the encoding phase, we update the cell memory of the LSTM unit by a field gate and its corresponding field value in order to incorporate field information into table representation. In the decoding phase, dual attention mechanism which contains word level attention and field level attention is proposed to model the semantic relevance between the generated description and the table. We conduct experiments on the \texttt{WIKIBIO} dataset which contains over 700k biographies and corresponding infoboxes from Wikipedia. The attention visualizations and case studies show that our model is capable of generating coherent and informative descriptions based on the comprehensive understanding of both the content and the structure of a table. Automatic evaluations also show our model outperforms the baselines by a great margin. Code for this work is available on https://github.com/tyliupku/wiki2bio.
[ "Table-to-Text Generation", "Text Generation" ]
[ "WikiBio" ]
[ "BLEU", "ROUGE" ]
Table-to-text Generation by Structure-aware Seq2seq Learning
Learning with recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on long sequences is a notoriously difficult task. There are three major challenges: 1) complex dependencies, 2) vanishing and exploding gradients, and 3) efficient parallelization. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective RNN connection structure, the DilatedRNN, which simultaneously tackles all of these challenges. The proposed architecture is characterized by multi-resolution dilated recurrent skip connections and can be combined flexibly with diverse RNN cells. Moreover, the DilatedRNN reduces the number of parameters needed and enhances training efficiency significantly, while matching state-of-the-art performance (even with standard RNN cells) in tasks involving very long-term dependencies. To provide a theory-based quantification of the architecture's advantages, we introduce a memory capacity measure, the mean recurrent length, which is more suitable for RNNs with long skip connections than existing measures. We rigorously prove the advantages of the DilatedRNN over other recurrent neural architectures. The code for our method is publicly available at https://github.com/code-terminator/DilatedRNN
[ "Sequential Image Classification" ]
[ "Sequential MNIST" ]
[ "Permuted Accuracy", "Unpermuted Accuracy" ]
Dilated Recurrent Neural Networks
We propose a new method for semantic instance segmentation, by first computing how likely two pixels are to belong to the same object, and then by grouping similar pixels together. Our similarity metric is based on a deep, fully convolutional embedding model. Our grouping method is based on selecting all points that are sufficiently similar to a set of "seed points", chosen from a deep, fully convolutional scoring model. We show competitive results on the Pascal VOC instance segmentation benchmark.
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Metric Learning", "Object Proposal Generation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2012, 60 proposals per image" ]
[ "Average Recall" ]
Semantic Instance Segmentation via Deep Metric Learning
This paper describes our system (HIT-SCIR) submitted to the CoNLL 2018 shared task on Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. We base our submission on Stanford's winning system for the CoNLL 2017 shared task and make two effective extensions: 1) incorporating deep contextualized word embeddings into both the part of speech tagger and parser; 2) ensembling parsers trained with different initialization. We also explore different ways of concatenating treebanks for further improvements. Experimental results on the development data show the effectiveness of our methods. In the final evaluation, our system was ranked first according to LAS (75.84%) and outperformed the other systems by a large margin.
[ "Dependency Parsing", "Word Embeddings" ]
[ "Universal Dependencies" ]
[ "LAS" ]
Towards Better UD Parsing: Deep Contextualized Word Embeddings, Ensemble, and Treebank Concatenation
The number of emergencies have increased over the years with the growth in urbanization. This pattern has overwhelmed the emergency services with limited resources and demands the optimization of response processes. It is partly due to traditional `reactive' approach of emergency services to collect data about incidents, where a source initiates a call to the emergency number (e.g., 911 in U.S.), delaying and limiting the potentially optimal response. Crowdsourcing platforms such as Waze provides an opportunity to develop a rapid, `proactive' approach to collect data about incidents through crowd-generated observational reports. However, the reliability of reporting sources and spatio-temporal uncertainty of the reported incidents challenge the design of such a proactive approach. Thus, this paper presents a novel method for emergency incident detection using noisy crowdsourced Waze data. We propose a principled computational framework based on Bayesian theory to model the uncertainty in the reliability of crowd-generated reports and their integration across space and time to detect incidents. Extensive experiments using data collected from Waze and the official reported incidents in Nashville, Tenessee in the U.S. show our method can outperform strong baselines for both F1-score and AUC. The application of this work provides an extensible framework to incorporate different noisy data sources for proactive incident detection to improve and optimize emergency response operations in our communities.
[ "Traffic Accident Detection" ]
[ "custom" ]
[ "Average F1" ]
Emergency Incident Detection from Crowdsourced Waze Data using Bayesian Information Fusion
In many practical few-shot learning problems, even though labeled examples are scarce, there are abundant auxiliary data sets that potentially contain useful information. We propose a framework to address the challenges of efficiently selecting and effectively using auxiliary data in image classification. Given an auxiliary dataset and a notion of semantic similarity among classes, we automatically select pseudo shots, which are labeled examples from other classes related to the target task. We show that naively assuming that these additional examples come from the same distribution as the target task examples does not significantly improve accuracy. Instead, we propose a masking module that adjusts the features of auxiliary data to be more similar to those of the target classes. We show that this masking module can improve accuracy by up to 18 accuracy points, particularly when the auxiliary data is semantically distant from the target task. We also show that incorporating pseudo shots improves over the current state-of-the-art few-shot image classification scores by an average of 4.81 percentage points of accuracy on 1-shot tasks and an average of 0.31 percentage points on 5-shot tasks.
[ "Few-Shot Image Classification", "Few-Shot Learning", "Image Classification", "Semantic Similarity", "Semantic Textual Similarity" ]
[ "CIFAR-FS - 1-Shot Learning", "FC100 5-way (1-shot)", "CIFAR-FS 5-way (5-shot)", "Mini-Imagenet 5-way (1-shot)", "Tiered ImageNet 5-way (1-shot)", "Mini-Imagenet 5-way (5-shot)", "CIFAR-FS - 5-Shot Learning", "CIFAR-FS 5-way (1-shot)", "Fewshot-CIFAR100 - 5-Shot Learning", "FC100 5-way (5-shot)", "Fewshot-CIFAR100 - 1-Shot Learning", "Tiered ImageNet 5-way (5-shot)" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Pseudo Shots: Few-Shot Learning with Auxiliary Data
Meta-learning has been proposed as a framework to address the challenging few-shot learning setting. The key idea is to leverage a large number of similar few-shot tasks in order to learn how to adapt a base-learner to a new task for which only a few labeled samples are available. As deep neural networks (DNNs) tend to overfit using a few samples only, meta-learning typically uses shallow neural networks (SNNs), thus limiting its effectiveness. In this paper we propose a novel few-shot learning method called meta-transfer learning (MTL) which learns to adapt a deep NN for few shot learning tasks. Specifically, "meta" refers to training multiple tasks, and "transfer" is achieved by learning scaling and shifting functions of DNN weights for each task. In addition, we introduce the hard task (HT) meta-batch scheme as an effective learning curriculum for MTL. We conduct experiments using (5-class, 1-shot) and (5-class, 5-shot) recognition tasks on two challenging few-shot learning benchmarks: miniImageNet and Fewshot-CIFAR100. Extensive comparisons to related works validate that our meta-transfer learning approach trained with the proposed HT meta-batch scheme achieves top performance. An ablation study also shows that both components contribute to fast convergence and high accuracy.
[ "Few-Shot Image Classification", "Few-Shot Learning", "Meta-Learning", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "FC100 5-way (1-shot)", "Mini-Imagenet 5-way (1-shot)", "FC100 5-way (10-shot)", "Mini-Imagenet 5-way (5-shot)", "FC100 5-way (5-shot)" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Meta-Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Learning
Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has shown excellent results in designing architectures for computer vision problems. NAS alleviates the need for human-defined settings by automating architecture design and engineering. However, NAS methods tend to be slow, as they require large amounts of GPU computation. This bottleneck is mainly due to the performance estimation strategy, which requires the evaluation of the generated architectures, mainly by training them, to update the sampler method. In this paper, we propose EPE-NAS, an efficient performance estimation strategy, that mitigates the problem of evaluating networks, by scoring untrained networks and creating a correlation with their trained performance. We perform this process by looking at intra and inter-class correlations of an untrained network. We show that EPE-NAS can produce a robust correlation and that by incorporating it into a simple random sampling strategy, we are able to search for competitive networks, without requiring any training, in a matter of seconds using a single GPU. Moreover, EPE-NAS is agnostic to the search method, since it focuses on the evaluation of untrained networks, making it easy to integrate into almost any NAS method.
[ "Neural Architecture Search" ]
[ "NAS-Bench-201, ImageNet-16-120", "NAS-Bench-201, CIFAR-100", "NAS-Bench-201, CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Search time (s)", "Accuracy (Test)", "Accuracy (Val)", "Accuracy (val)" ]
EPE-NAS: Efficient Performance Estimation Without Training for Neural Architecture Search
State-of-the-art methods for video action recognition commonly use an ensemble of two networks: the spatial stream, which takes RGB frames as input, and the temporal stream, which takes optical flow as input. In recent work, both of these streams consist of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks, which apply spatiotemporal filters to the video clip before performing classification. Conceptually, the temporal filters should allow the spatial stream to learn motion representations, making the temporal stream redundant. However, we still see significant benefits in action recognition performance by including an entirely separate temporal stream, indicating that the spatial stream is "missing" some of the signal captured by the temporal stream. In this work, we first investigate whether motion representations are indeed missing in the spatial stream of 3D CNNs. Second, we demonstrate that these motion representations can be improved by distillation, by tuning the spatial stream to predict the outputs of the temporal stream, effectively combining both models into a single stream. Finally, we show that our Distilled 3D Network (D3D) achieves performance on par with two-stream approaches, using only a single model and with no need to compute optical flow.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Recognition", "Optical Flow Estimation", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "Kinetics-400", "AVA v2.1", "UCF101", "Kinetics-600", "HMDB-51" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy", "mAP (Val)", "Top-1 Accuracy", "Average accuracy of 3 splits", "Vid acc@1" ]
D3D: Distilled 3D Networks for Video Action Recognition
We introduce the Self-Annotated Reddit Corpus (SARC), a large corpus for sarcasm research and for training and evaluating systems for sarcasm detection. The corpus has 1.3 million sarcastic statements -- 10 times more than any previous dataset -- and many times more instances of non-sarcastic statements, allowing for learning in both balanced and unbalanced label regimes. Each statement is furthermore self-annotated -- sarcasm is labeled by the author, not an independent annotator -- and provided with user, topic, and conversation context. We evaluate the corpus for accuracy, construct benchmarks for sarcasm detection, and evaluate baseline methods.
[ "Sarcasm Detection" ]
[ "SARC (all-bal)", "SARC (pol-unbal)", "SARC (pol-bal)" ]
[ "Avg F1", "Accuracy" ]
A Large Self-Annotated Corpus for Sarcasm
Current deep neural networks (DNNs) can easily overfit to biased training data with corrupted labels or class imbalance. Sample re-weighting strategy is commonly used to alleviate this issue by designing a weighting function mapping from training loss to sample weight, and then iterating between weight recalculating and classifier updating. Current approaches, however, need manually pre-specify the weighting function as well as its additional hyper-parameters. It makes them fairly hard to be generally applied in practice due to the significant variation of proper weighting schemes relying on the investigated problem and training data. To address this issue, we propose a method capable of adaptively learning an explicit weighting function directly from data. The weighting function is an MLP with one hidden layer, constituting a universal approximator to almost any continuous functions, making the method able to fit a wide range of weighting functions including those assumed in conventional research. Guided by a small amount of unbiased meta-data, the parameters of the weighting function can be finely updated simultaneously with the learning process of the classifiers. Synthetic and real experiments substantiate the capability of our method for achieving proper weighting functions in class imbalance and noisy label cases, fully complying with the common settings in traditional methods, and more complicated scenarios beyond conventional cases. This naturally leads to its better accuracy than other state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Image Classification", "Meta-Learning" ]
[ "Clothing1M" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Meta-Weight-Net: Learning an Explicit Mapping For Sample Weighting
Many of the recent successful methods for video object segmentation (VOS) are overly complicated, heavily rely on fine-tuning on the first frame, and/or are slow, and are hence of limited practical use. In this work, we propose FEELVOS as a simple and fast method which does not rely on fine-tuning. In order to segment a video, for each frame FEELVOS uses a semantic pixel-wise embedding together with a global and a local matching mechanism to transfer information from the first frame and from the previous frame of the video to the current frame. In contrast to previous work, our embedding is only used as an internal guidance of a convolutional network. Our novel dynamic segmentation head allows us to train the network, including the embedding, end-to-end for the multiple object segmentation task with a cross entropy loss. We achieve a new state of the art in video object segmentation without fine-tuning with a J&F measure of 71.5% on the DAVIS 2017 validation set. We make our code and models available at https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/feelvos.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "DAVIS 2017 (test-dev)", "DAVIS 2016", "YouTube" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "mIoU", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
FEELVOS: Fast End-to-End Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation
The paper presents a first attempt towards unsupervised neural text simplification that relies only on unlabeled text corpora. The core framework is composed of a shared encoder and a pair of attentional-decoders and gains knowledge of simplification through discrimination based-losses and denoising. The framework is trained using unlabeled text collected from en-Wikipedia dump. Our analysis (both quantitative and qualitative involving human evaluators) on a public test data shows that the proposed model can perform text-simplification at both lexical and syntactic levels, competitive to existing supervised methods. Addition of a few labelled pairs also improves the performance further.
[ "Denoising", "Text Simplification" ]
[ "ASSET", "TurkCorpus" ]
[ "BLEU", "SARI (EASSE>=0.2.1)" ]
Unsupervised Neural Text Simplification
We introduce an exploration bonus for deep reinforcement learning methods that is easy to implement and adds minimal overhead to the computation performed. The bonus is the error of a neural network predicting features of the observations given by a fixed randomly initialized neural network. We also introduce a method to flexibly combine intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. We find that the random network distillation (RND) bonus combined with this increased flexibility enables significant progress on several hard exploration Atari games. In particular we establish state of the art performance on Montezuma's Revenge, a game famously difficult for deep reinforcement learning methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method that achieves better than average human performance on this game without using demonstrations or having access to the underlying state of the game, and occasionally completes the first level.
[ "Atari Games", "Montezuma's Revenge" ]
[ "Atari 2600 Venture", "Atari 2600 Private Eye", "Atari 2600 Montezuma's Revenge", "Atari 2600 Solaris", "Atari 2600 Gravitar", "Atari 2600 Pitfall!" ]
[ "Score" ]
Exploration by Random Network Distillation
Human activity understanding is crucial for building automatic intelligent system. With the help of deep learning, activity understanding has made huge progress recently. But some challenges such as imbalanced data distribution, action ambiguity, complex visual patterns still remain. To address these and promote the activity understanding, we build a large-scale Human Activity Knowledge Engine (HAKE) based on the human body part states. Upon existing activity datasets, we annotate the part states of all the active persons in all images, thus establish the relationship between instance activity and body part states. Furthermore, we propose a HAKE based part state recognition model with a knowledge extractor named Activity2Vec and a corresponding part state based reasoning network. With HAKE, our method can alleviate the learning difficulty brought by the long-tail data distribution, and bring in interpretability. Now our HAKE has more than 7 M+ part state annotations and is still under construction. We first validate our approach on a part of HAKE in this preliminary paper, where we show 7.2 mAP performance improvement on Human-Object Interaction recognition, and 12.38 mAP improvement on the one-shot subsets.
[ "Human-Object Interaction Detection" ]
[ "HICO" ]
[ "mAP" ]
HAKE: Human Activity Knowledge Engine
Visual Question Answering (VQA) deep-learning systems tend to capture superficial statistical correlations in the training data because of strong language priors and fail to generalize to test data with a significantly different question-answer (QA) distribution. To address this issue, we introduce a self-critical training objective that ensures that visual explanations of correct answers match the most influential image regions more than other competitive answer candidates. The influential regions are either determined from human visual/textual explanations or automatically from just significant words in the question and answer. We evaluate our approach on the VQA generalization task using the VQA-CP dataset, achieving a new state-of-the-art i.e., 49.5% using textual explanations and 48.5% using automatically annotated regions.
[ "Question Answering", "Visual Question Answering" ]
[ "VQA-CP" ]
[ "Score" ]
Self-Critical Reasoning for Robust Visual Question Answering
Video object segmentation (VOS) aims at pixel-level object tracking given only the annotations in the first frame. Due to the large visual variations of objects in video and the lack of training samples, it remains a difficult task despite the upsurging development of deep learning. Toward solving the VOS problem, we bring in several new insights by the proposed unified framework consisting of object proposal, tracking and segmentation components. The object proposal network transfers objectness information as generic knowledge into VOS; the tracking network identifies the target object from the proposals; and the segmentation network is performed based on the tracking results with a novel dynamic-reference based model adaptation scheme. Extensive experiments have been conducted on the DAVIS'17 dataset and the YouTube-VOS dataset, our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on several video object segmentation benchmarks. We make the code publicly available at https://github.com/sydney0zq/PTSNet.
[ "Object Tracking", "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation", "Youtube-VOS" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "YouTube-VOS" ]
[ "Jaccard (Mean)", "Jaccard (Unseen)", "Jaccard (Seen)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
Proposal, Tracking and Segmentation (PTS): A Cascaded Network for Video Object Segmentation
Graph embedding methods transform high-dimensional and complex graph contents into low-dimensional representations. They are useful for a wide range of graph analysis tasks including link prediction, node classification, recommendation and visualization. Most existing approaches represent graph nodes as point vectors in a low-dimensional embedding space, ignoring the uncertainty present in the real-world graphs. Furthermore, many real-world graphs are large-scale and rich in content (e.g. node attributes). In this work, we propose GLACE, a novel, scalable graph embedding method that preserves both graph structure and node attributes effectively and efficiently in an end-to-end manner. GLACE effectively models uncertainty through Gaussian embeddings, and supports inductive inference of new nodes based on their attributes. In our comprehensive experiments, we evaluate GLACE on real-world graphs, and the results demonstrate that GLACE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art embedding methods on multiple graph analysis tasks.
[ "Graph Embedding", "Link Prediction", "Node Classification" ]
[ "Pubmed (nonstandard variant)", "ACM", "Cora (nonstandard variant)", "DBLP", "Citeseer (nonstandard variant)" ]
[ "AP", "AUC" ]
Gaussian Embedding of Large-scale Attributed Graphs
Domain generalization refers to the task of training a model which generalizes to new domains that are not seen during training. We present CSD (Common Specific Decomposition), for this setting,which jointly learns a common component (which generalizes to new domains) and a domain specific component (which overfits on training domains). The domain specific components are discarded after training and only the common component is retained. The algorithm is extremely simple and involves only modifying the final linear classification layer of any given neural network architecture. We present a principled analysis to understand existing approaches, provide identifiability results of CSD,and study effect of low-rank on domain generalization. We show that CSD either matches or beats state of the art approaches for domain generalization based on domain erasure, domain perturbed data augmentation, and meta-learning. Further diagnostics on rotated MNIST, where domains are interpretable, confirm the hypothesis that CSD successfully disentangles common and domain specific components and hence leads to better domain generalization.
[ "Data Augmentation", "Domain Generalization", "Meta-Learning", "Rotated MNIST" ]
[ "PACS", "LipitK", "Rotated Fashion-MNIST" ]
[ "Average Accuracy", "Accuracy" ]
Efficient Domain Generalization via Common-Specific Low-Rank Decomposition
This paper creates a paradigm shift with regard to the way we build neural extractive summarization systems. Instead of following the commonly used framework of extracting sentences individually and modeling the relationship between sentences, we formulate the extractive summarization task as a semantic text matching problem, in which a source document and candidate summaries will be (extracted from the original text) matched in a semantic space. Notably, this paradigm shift to semantic matching framework is well-grounded in our comprehensive analysis of the inherent gap between sentence-level and summary-level extractors based on the property of the dataset. Besides, even instantiating the framework with a simple form of a matching model, we have driven the state-of-the-art extractive result on CNN/DailyMail to a new level (44.41 in ROUGE-1). Experiments on the other five datasets also show the effectiveness of the matching framework. We believe the power of this matching-based summarization framework has not been fully exploited. To encourage more instantiations in the future, we have released our codes, processed dataset, as well as generated summaries in https://github.com/maszhongming/MatchSum.
[ "Document Summarization", "Extractive Text Summarization", "Text Matching", "Text Summarization" ]
[ "CNN / Daily Mail", "BBC XSum", "WikiHow", "Reddit TIFU", "Pubmed" ]
[ "ROUGE-L", "ROUGE-1", "ROUGE-2" ]
Extractive Summarization as Text Matching
Recognizing an activity with a single reference sample using metric learning approaches is a promising research field. The majority of few-shot methods focus on object recognition or face-identification. We propose a metric learning approach to reduce the action recognition problem to a nearest neighbor search in embedding space. We encode signals into images and extract features using a deep residual CNN. Using triplet loss, we learn a feature embedding. The resulting encoder transforms features into an embedding space in which closer distances encode similar actions while higher distances encode different actions. Our approach is based on a signal level formulation and remains flexible across a variety of modalities. It further outperforms the baseline on the large scale NTU RGB+D 120 dataset for the One-Shot action recognition protocol by 5.6%. With just 60% of the training data, our approach still outperforms the baseline approach by 3.7%. With 40% of the training data, our approach performs comparably well to the second follow up. Further, we show that our approach generalizes well in experiments on the UTD-MHAD dataset for inertial, skeleton and fused data and the Simitate dataset for motion capturing data. Furthermore, our inter-joint and inter-sensor experiments suggest good capabilities on previously unseen setups.
[ "Action Recognition", "Face Identification", "Metric Learning", "Object Recognition", "One-Shot 3D Action Recognition" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D 120" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
SL-DML: Signal Level Deep Metric Learning for Multimodal One-Shot Action Recognition
In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on the co-salient object detection (CoSOD) problem for images. CoSOD is an emerging and rapidly growing extension of salient object detection (SOD), which aims to detect the co-occurring salient objects in a group of images. However, existing CoSOD datasets often have a serious data bias, assuming that each group of images contains salient objects of similar visual appearances. This bias can lead to the ideal settings and effectiveness of models trained on existing datasets, being impaired in real-life situations, where similarities are usually semantic or conceptual. To tackle this issue, we first introduce a new benchmark, called CoSOD3k in the wild, which requires a large amount of semantic context, making it more challenging than existing CoSOD datasets. Our CoSOD3k consists of 3,316 high-quality, elaborately selected images divided into 160 groups with hierarchical annotations. The images span a wide range of categories, shapes, object sizes, and backgrounds. Second, we integrate the existing SOD techniques to build a unified, trainable CoSOD framework, which is long overdue in this field. Specifically, we propose a novel CoEG-Net that augments our prior model EGNet with a co-attention projection strategy to enable fast common information learning. CoEG-Net fully leverages previous large-scale SOD datasets and significantly improves the model scalability and stability. Third, we comprehensively summarize 40 cutting-edge algorithms, benchmarking 18 of them over three challenging CoSOD datasets (iCoSeg, CoSal2015, and our CoSOD3k), and reporting more detailed (i.e., group-level) performance analysis. Finally, we discuss the challenges and future works of CoSOD. We hope that our study will give a strong boost to growth in the CoSOD community. The benchmark toolbox and results are available on our project page at http://dpfan.net/CoSOD3K/.
[ "Co-Salient Object Detection", "Object Detection", "RGB Salient Object Detection", "Salient Object Detection" ]
[ "CoCA" ]
[ "mean E-Measure", "Mean F-measure", "S-Measure", "max F-Measure" ]
Re-thinking Co-Salient Object Detection
Existing weakly-supervised semantic segmentation methods using image-level annotations typically rely on initial responses to locate object regions. However, such response maps generated by the classification network usually focus on discriminative object parts, due to the fact that the network does not need the entire object for optimizing the objective function. To enforce the network to pay attention to other parts of an object, we propose a simple yet effective approach that introduces a self-supervised task by exploiting the sub-category information. Specifically, we perform clustering on image features to generate pseudo sub-categories labels within each annotated parent class, and construct a sub-category objective to assign the network to a more challenging task. By iteratively clustering image features, the training process does not limit itself to the most discriminative object parts, hence improving the quality of the response maps. We conduct extensive analysis to validate the proposed method and show that our approach performs favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2012 val" ]
[ "Mean IoU" ]
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Sub-category Exploration
We define the object detection from imagery problem as estimating a very large but extremely sparse bounding box dependent probability distribution. Subsequently we identify a sparse distribution estimation scheme, Directed Sparse Sampling, and employ it in a single end-to-end CNN based detection model. This methodology extends and formalizes previous state-of-the-art detection models with an additional emphasis on high evaluation rates and reduced manual engineering. We introduce two novelties, a corner based region-of-interest estimator and a deconvolution based CNN model. The resulting model is scene adaptive, does not require manually defined reference bounding boxes and produces highly competitive results on MSCOCO, Pascal VOC 2007 and Pascal VOC 2012 with real-time evaluation rates. Further analysis suggests our model performs particularly well when finegrained object localization is desirable. We argue that this advantage stems from the significantly larger set of available regions-of-interest relative to other methods. Source-code is available from: https://github.com/lachlants/denet
[ "Object Detection", "Object Localization", "Real-Time Object Detection" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2007" ]
[ "MAP" ]
DeNet: Scalable Real-time Object Detection with Directed Sparse Sampling
In this paper, we present a new feature representation for first-person videos. In first-person video understanding (e.g., activity recognition), it is very important to capture both entire scene dynamics (i.e., egomotion) and salient local motion observed in videos. We describe a representation framework based on time series pooling, which is designed to abstract short-term/long-term changes in feature descriptor elements. The idea is to keep track of how descriptor values are changing over time and summarize them to represent motion in the activity video. The framework is general, handling any types of per-frame feature descriptors including conventional motion descriptors like histogram of optical flows (HOF) as well as appearance descriptors from more recent convolutional neural networks (CNN). We experimentally confirm that our approach clearly outperforms previous feature representations including bag-of-visual-words and improved Fisher vector (IFV) when using identical underlying feature descriptors. We also confirm that our feature representation has superior performance to existing state-of-the-art features like local spatio-temporal features and Improved Trajectory Features (originally developed for 3rd-person videos) when handling first-person videos. Multiple first-person activity datasets were tested under various settings to confirm these findings.
[ "Activity Recognition", "Time Series", "Video Understanding" ]
[ "DogCentric" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Pooled Motion Features for First-Person Videos
Single image rain streak removal is an extremely challenging problem due to the presence of non-uniform rain densities in images. We present a novel density-aware multi-stream densely connected convolutional neural network-based algorithm, called DID-MDN, for joint rain density estimation and de-raining. The proposed method enables the network itself to automatically determine the rain-density information and then efficiently remove the corresponding rain-streaks guided by the estimated rain-density label. To better characterize rain-streaks with different scales and shapes, a multi-stream densely connected de-raining network is proposed which efficiently leverages features from different scales. Furthermore, a new dataset containing images with rain-density labels is created and used to train the proposed density-aware network. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over the recent state-of-the-art methods. In addition, an ablation study is performed to demonstrate the improvements obtained by different modules in the proposed method. Code can be found at: https://github.com/hezhangsprinter
[ "Density Estimation", "Single Image Deraining" ]
[ "Test2800", "Rain100H", "Test100", "Test1200", "Rain100L" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Density-aware Single Image De-raining using a Multi-stream Dense Network
Most previous work on neural text generation from graph-structured data relies on standard sequence-to-sequence methods. These approaches linearise the input graph to be fed to a recurrent neural network. In this paper, we propose an alternative encoder based on graph convolutional networks that directly exploits the input structure. We report results on two graph-to-sequence datasets that empirically show the benefits of explicitly encoding the input graph structure.
[ "Data-to-Text Generation", "Graph-to-Sequence", "Text Generation" ]
[ "SR11Deep", "WebNLG" ]
[ "BLEU" ]
Deep Graph Convolutional Encoders for Structured Data to Text Generation
I propose a system for Automated Theorem Proving in higher order logic using deep learning and eschewing hand-constructed features. Holophrasm exploits the formalism of the Metamath language and explores partial proof trees using a neural-network-augmented bandit algorithm and a sequence-to-sequence model for action enumeration. The system proves 14% of its test theorems from Metamath's set.mm module.
[ "Automated Theorem Proving" ]
[ "Metamath set.mm" ]
[ "Percentage correct" ]
Holophrasm: a neural Automated Theorem Prover for higher-order logic
Non-local methods exploiting the self-similarity of natural signals have been well studied, for example in image analysis and restoration. Existing approaches, however, rely on k-nearest neighbors (KNN) matching in a fixed feature space. The main hurdle in optimizing this feature space w.r.t. application performance is the non-differentiability of the KNN selection rule. To overcome this, we propose a continuous deterministic relaxation of KNN selection that maintains differentiability w.r.t. pairwise distances, but retains the original KNN as the limit of a temperature parameter approaching zero. To exploit our relaxation, we propose the neural nearest neighbors block (N3 block), a novel non-local processing layer that leverages the principle of self-similarity and can be used as building block in modern neural network architectures. We show its effectiveness for the set reasoning task of correspondence classification as well as for image restoration, including image denoising and single image super-resolution, where we outperform strong convolutional neural network (CNN) baselines and recent non-local models that rely on KNN selection in hand-chosen features spaces.
[ "Denoising", "Image Denoising", "Image Restoration", "Image Super-Resolution", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "Set5 - 3x upscaling", "Urban100 sigma25", "Urban100 sigma50", "Set12 sigma50", "BSD68 sigma50", "Set5 - 4x upscaling", "BSD68 sigma70", "Set12 sigma25", "BSD68 sigma25", "Set5 - 2x upscaling", "Set12 sigma70", "Urban100 sigma70" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Neural Nearest Neighbors Networks
The noetic end-to-end response selection challenge as one track in Dialog System Technology Challenges 7 (DSTC7) aims to push the state of the art of utterance classification for real world goal-oriented dialog systems, for which participants need to select the correct next utterances from a set of candidates for the multi-turn context. This paper describes our systems that are ranked the top on both datasets under this challenge, one focused and small (Advising) and the other more diverse and large (Ubuntu). Previous state-of-the-art models use hierarchy-based (utterance-level and token-level) neural networks to explicitly model the interactions among different turns' utterances for context modeling. In this paper, we investigate a sequential matching model based only on chain sequence for multi-turn response selection. Our results demonstrate that the potentials of sequential matching approaches have not yet been fully exploited in the past for multi-turn response selection. In addition to ranking the top in the challenge, the proposed model outperforms all previous models, including state-of-the-art hierarchy-based models, and achieves new state-of-the-art performances on two large-scale public multi-turn response selection benchmark datasets.
[ "Conversational Response Selection", "Goal-Oriented Dialog" ]
[ "DSTC7 Ubuntu", "Advising Corpus", "Ubuntu Dialogue (v1, Ranking)" ]
[ "R10@1", "R10@2", "R@10", "1-of-100 Accuracy", "R@50", "R@1", "R10@5" ]
Sequential Attention-based Network for Noetic End-to-End Response Selection
Can performance on the task of action quality assessment (AQA) be improved by exploiting a description of the action and its quality? Current AQA and skills assessment approaches propose to learn features that serve only one task - estimating the final score. In this paper, we propose to learn spatio-temporal features that explain three related tasks - fine-grained action recognition, commentary generation, and estimating the AQA score. A new multitask-AQA dataset, the largest to date, comprising of 1412 diving samples was collected to evaluate our approach (https://github.com/ParitoshParmar/MTL-AQA). We show that our MTL approach outperforms STL approach using two different kinds of architectures: C3D-AVG and MSCADC. The C3D-AVG-MTL approach achieves the new state-of-the-art performance with a rank correlation of 90.44%. Detailed experiments were performed to show that MTL offers better generalization than STL, and representations from action recognition models are not sufficient for the AQA task and instead should be learned.
[ "Action Classification", "Action Quality Assessment", "Action Recognition", "Fine-grained Action Recognition", "Multi-Task Learning", "Temporal Action Localization", "Video Captioning" ]
[ "MTL-AQA" ]
[ "Spearman Correlation" ]
What and How Well You Performed? A Multitask Learning Approach to Action Quality Assessment
3D human pose estimation from a monocular image or 2D joints is an ill-posed problem because of depth ambiguity and occluded joints. We argue that 3D human pose estimation from a monocular input is an inverse problem where multiple feasible solutions can exist. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to generate multiple feasible hypotheses of the 3D pose from 2D joints.In contrast to existing deep learning approaches which minimize a mean square error based on an unimodal Gaussian distribution, our method is able to generate multiple feasible hypotheses of 3D pose based on a multimodal mixture density networks. Our experiments show that the 3D poses estimated by our approach from an input of 2D joints are consistent in 2D reprojections, which supports our argument that multiple solutions exist for the 2D-to-3D inverse problem. Furthermore, we show state-of-the-art performance on the Human3.6M dataset in both best hypothesis and multi-view settings, and we demonstrate the generalization capacity of our model by testing on the MPII and MPI-INF-3DHP datasets. Our code is available at the project website.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "Human3.6M" ]
[ "Average MPJPE (mm)" ]
Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Mixture Density Network
We present a bundle-adjustment-based algorithm for recovering accurate 3D human pose and meshes from monocular videos. Unlike previous algorithms which operate on single frames, we show that reconstructing a person over an entire sequence gives extra constraints that can resolve ambiguities. This is because videos often give multiple views of a person, yet the overall body shape does not change and 3D positions vary slowly. Our method improves not only on standard mocap-based datasets like Human 3.6M -- where we show quantitative improvements -- but also on challenging in-the-wild datasets such as Kinetics. Building upon our algorithm, we present a new dataset of more than 3 million frames of YouTube videos from Kinetics with automatically generated 3D poses and meshes. We show that retraining a single-frame 3D pose estimator on this data improves accuracy on both real-world and mocap data by evaluating on the 3DPW and HumanEVA datasets.
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "Human3.6M", "3DPW" ]
[ "Average MPJPE (mm)", "PA-MPJPE" ]
Exploiting temporal context for 3D human pose estimation in the wild
This paper presents PointWeb, a new approach to extract contextual features from local neighborhood in a point cloud. Unlike previous work, we densely connect each point with every other in a local neighborhood, aiming to specify feature of each point based on the local region characteristics for better representing the region. A novel module, namely Adaptive Feature Adjustment (AFA) module, is presented to find the interaction between points. For each local region, an impact map carrying element-wise impact between point pairs is applied to the feature difference map. Each feature is then pulled or pushed by other features in the same region according to the adaptively learned impact indicators. The adjusted features are well encoded with region information, and thus benefit the point cloud recognition tasks, such as point cloud segmentation and classification. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-arts on both semantic segmentation and shape classification datasets.
[ "3D Point Cloud Classification", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "S3DIS Area5", "S3DIS", "ModelNet40" ]
[ "Overall Accuracy", "oAcc", "Mean IoU", "mAcc", "mIoU" ]
PointWeb: Enhancing Local Neighborhood Features for Point Cloud Processing
Lip reading has received an increasing research interest in recent years due to the rapid development of deep learning and its widespread potential applications. One key point to obtain good performance for the lip reading task depends heavily on how effective the representation can be to capture the lip movement information and meanwhile to resist the noises resulted from the change of pose, lighting conditions, speaker's appearance and so on. Towards this target, we propose to introduce the mutual information constraints on both the local feature's level and the global sequence's level to enhance the relations of the features with the speech content. On the one hand, we constraint the features generated at each time step to enable them carry a strong relation with the speech content by imposing the local mutual information maximization constraint (LMIM), leading to improvements over the model's ability to discover fine-grained lip movements and the fine-grained differences among words with similar pronunciation, such as ``spend'' and ``spending''. On the other hand, we introduce the mutual information maximization constraint on the global sequence's level (GMIM), to make the model be able to pay more attention to discriminate key frames related with the speech content, and less to various noises appeared in the speaking process. By combining these two advantages together, the proposed method is expected to be both discriminative and robust for effective lip reading. To verify this method, we evaluate on two large-scale benchmark. We perform a detailed analysis and comparison on several aspects, including the comparison of the LMIM and GMIM with the baseline, the visualization of the learned representation and so on. The results not only prove the effectiveness of the proposed method but also report new state-of-the-art performance on both the two benchmarks.
[ "Lipreading", "Lip Reading" ]
[ "Lip Reading in the Wild", "LRW-1000" ]
[ "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
Mutual Information Maximization for Effective Lip Reading
Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are a powerful deep learning approach for graph-structured data. Recently, GCNs and subsequent variants have shown superior performance in various application areas on real-world datasets. Despite their success, most of the current GCN models are shallow, due to the {\em over-smoothing} problem. In this paper, we study the problem of designing and analyzing deep graph convolutional networks. We propose the GCNII, an extension of the vanilla GCN model with two simple yet effective techniques: {\em Initial residual} and {\em Identity mapping}. We provide theoretical and empirical evidence that the two techniques effectively relieves the problem of over-smoothing. Our experiments show that the deep GCNII model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on various semi- and full-supervised tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/chennnM/GCNII .
[ "Graph Models" ]
[ "Graph Convolutional Network", "GCN" ]
[ "PPI", "Pubmed Full-supervised", "Cora with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "Cora Full-supervised", "CiteSeer with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "Citeseer Full-supervised", "PubMed with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class" ]
[ "F1", "Accuracy" ]
Simple and Deep Graph Convolutional Networks
We introduce a novel approach for scanned document representation to perform field extraction. It allows the simultaneous encoding of the textual, visual and layout information in a 3D matrix used as an input to a segmentation model. We improve the recent Chargrid and Wordgrid models in several ways, first by taking into account the visual modality, then by boosting its robustness in regards to small datasets while keeping the inference time low. Our approach is tested on public and private document-image datasets, showing higher performances compared to the recent state-of-the-art methods.
[ "RVL-CDIP" ]
[ "WAR", "FAR" ]
VisualWordGrid: Information Extraction From Scanned Documents Using A Multimodal Approach
Deep learning-based detectors usually produce a redundant set of object bounding boxes including many duplicate detections of the same object. These boxes are then filtered using non-maximum suppression (NMS) in order to select exactly one bounding box per object of interest. This greedy scheme is simple and provides sufficient accuracy for isolated objects but often fails in crowded environments, since one needs to both preserve boxes for different objects and suppress duplicate detections. In this work we develop an alternative iterative scheme, where a new subset of objects is detected at each iteration. Detected boxes from the previous iterations are passed to the network at the following iterations to ensure that the same object would not be detected twice. This iterative scheme can be applied to both one-stage and two-stage object detectors with just minor modifications of the training and inference procedures. We perform extensive experiments with two different baseline detectors on four datasets and show significant improvement over the baseline, leading to state-of-the-art performance on CrowdHuman and WiderPerson datasets. The source code and the trained models are available at https://github.com/saic-vul/iterdet.
[ "Object Detection" ]
[ "CrowdHuman (full body)", "WiderPerson" ]
[ "mMR", "AP" ]
IterDet: Iterative Scheme for Object Detection in Crowded Environments