This study proposes a Neural Attentive Bag-of-Entities model, which is a neural network model that performs text classification using entities in a knowledge base. Entities provide unambiguous and relevant semantic signals that are beneficial for capturing semantics in texts. We combine simple high-recall entity detection based on a dictionary, to detect entities in a document, with a novel neural attention mechanism that enables the model to focus on a small number of unambiguous and relevant entities. We tested the effectiveness of our model using two standard text classification datasets (i.e., the 20 Newsgroups and R8 datasets) and a popular factoid question answering dataset based on a trivia quiz game. As a result, our model achieved state-of-the-art results on all datasets. The source code of the proposed model is available online at https://github.com/wikipedia2vec/wikipedia2vec.
[ "Question Answering", "Text Classification" ]
[ "R8", "20NEWS" ]
[ "F-measure", "Accuracy" ]
Neural Attentive Bag-of-Entities Model for Text Classification
In this paper, we aim to solve for unsupervised domain adaptation of classifiers where we have access to label information for the source domain while these are not available for a target domain. While various methods have been proposed for solving these including adversarial discriminator based methods, most approaches have focused on the entire image based domain adaptation. In an image, there would be regions that can be adapted better, for instance, the foreground object may be similar in nature. To obtain such regions, we propose methods that consider the probabilistic certainty estimate of various regions and specify focus on these during classification for adaptation. We observe that just by incorporating the probabilistic certainty of the discriminator while training the classifier, we are able to obtain state of the art results on various datasets as compared against all the recent methods. We provide a thorough empirical analysis of the method by providing ablation analysis, statistical significance test, and visualization of the attention maps and t-SNE embeddings. These evaluations convincingly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
[ "Domain Adaptation", "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation" ]
[ "Office-31", "Office-Home", "ImageCLEF-DA" ]
[ "Average Accuracy", "Accuracy" ]
Attending to Discriminative Certainty for Domain Adaptation
The need for fine-grained perception in autonomous driving systems has resulted in recently increased research on online semantic segmentation of single-scan LiDAR. Despite the emerging datasets and technological advancements, it remains challenging due to three reasons: (1) the need for near-real-time latency with limited hardware; (2) uneven or even long-tailed distribution of LiDAR points across space; and (3) an increasing number of extremely fine-grained semantic classes. In an attempt to jointly tackle all the aforementioned challenges, we propose a new LiDAR-specific, nearest-neighbor-free segmentation algorithm - PolarNet. Instead of using common spherical or bird's-eye-view projection, our polar bird's-eye-view representation balances the points across grid cells in a polar coordinate system, indirectly aligning a segmentation network's attention with the long-tailed distribution of the points along the radial axis. We find that our encoding scheme greatly increases the mIoU in three drastically different segmentation datasets of real urban LiDAR single scans while retaining near real-time throughput.
[ "3D Semantic Segmentation", "Autonomous Driving", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "SemanticKITTI" ]
[ "mIoU" ]
PolarNet: An Improved Grid Representation for Online LiDAR Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation
Scene text recognition is a hot research topic in computer vision. Recently, many recognition methods based on the encoder-decoder framework have been proposed, and they can handle scene texts of perspective distortion and curve shape. Nevertheless, they still face lots of challenges like image blur, uneven illumination, and incomplete characters. We argue that most encoder-decoder methods are based on local visual features without explicit global semantic information. In this work, we propose a semantics enhanced encoder-decoder framework to robustly recognize low-quality scene texts. The semantic information is used both in the encoder module for supervision and in the decoder module for initializing. In particular, the state-of-the art ASTER method is integrated into the proposed framework as an exemplar. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework is more robust for low-quality text images, and achieves state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets.
[ "Scene Text", "Scene Text Recognition" ]
[ "ICDAR2013", "ICDAR2015", "SVT" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
SEED: Semantics Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Framework for Scene Text Recognition
In this work, we address the challenging issue of scene segmentation. To increase the feature similarity of the same object while keeping the feature discrimination of different objects, we explore to propagate information throughout the image under the control of objects' boundaries. To this end, we first propose to learn the boundary as an additional semantic class to enable the network to be aware of the boundary layout. Then, we propose unidirectional acyclic graphs (UAGs) to model the function of undirected cyclic graphs (UCGs), which structurize the image via building graphic pixel-by-pixel connections, in an efficient and effective way. Furthermore, we propose a boundary-aware feature propagation (BFP) module to harvest and propagate the local features within their regions isolated by the learned boundaries in the UAG-structured image. The proposed BFP is capable of splitting the feature propagation into a set of semantic groups via building strong connections among the same segment region but weak connections between different segment regions. Without bells and whistles, our approach achieves new state-of-the-art segmentation performance on three challenging semantic segmentation datasets, i.e., PASCAL-Context, CamVid, and Cityscapes.
[ "Scene Segmentation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL Context", "Cityscapes test" ]
[ "Mean IoU (class)", "mIoU" ]
Boundary-Aware Feature Propagation for Scene Segmentation
Commonsense reasoning aims to empower machines with the human ability to make presumptions about ordinary situations in our daily life. In this paper, we propose a textual inference framework for answering commonsense questions, which effectively utilizes external, structured commonsense knowledge graphs to perform explainable inferences. The framework first grounds a question-answer pair from the semantic space to the knowledge-based symbolic space as a schema graph, a related sub-graph of external knowledge graphs. It represents schema graphs with a novel knowledge-aware graph network module named KagNet, and finally scores answers with graph representations. Our model is based on graph convolutional networks and LSTMs, with a hierarchical path-based attention mechanism. The intermediate attention scores make it transparent and interpretable, which thus produce trustworthy inferences. Using ConceptNet as the only external resource for Bert-based models, we achieved state-of-the-art performance on the CommonsenseQA, a large-scale dataset for commonsense reasoning.
[ "Common Sense Reasoning", "Knowledge Base Question Answering", "Knowledge Graphs", "Natural Language Inference" ]
[ "CommonsenseQA" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
KagNet: Knowledge-Aware Graph Networks for Commonsense Reasoning
We introduce propagation kernels, a general graph-kernel framework for efficiently measuring the similarity of structured data. Propagation kernels are based on monitoring how information spreads through a set of given graphs. They leverage early-stage distributions from propagation schemes such as random walks to capture structural information encoded in node labels, attributes, and edge information. This has two benefits. First, off-the-shelf propagation schemes can be used to naturally construct kernels for many graph types, including labeled, partially labeled, unlabeled, directed, and attributed graphs. Second, by leveraging existing efficient and informative propagation schemes, propagation kernels can be considerably faster than state-of-the-art approaches without sacrificing predictive performance. We will also show that if the graphs at hand have a regular structure, for instance when modeling image or video data, one can exploit this regularity to scale the kernel computation to large databases of graphs with thousands of nodes. We support our contributions by exhaustive experiments on a number of real-world graphs from a variety of application domains.
[ "Graph Classification" ]
[ "NCI109", "D&D", "MUTAG", "NCI1" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Propagation kernels: efficient graph kernels from propagated information
We consider the importance of different utterances in the context for selecting the response usually depends on the current query. In this paper, we propose the model TripleNet to fully model the task with the triple <context, query, response> instead of <context, response> in previous works. The heart of TripleNet is a novel attention mechanism named triple attention to model the relationships within the triple at four levels. The new mechanism updates the representation for each element based on the attention with the other two concurrently and symmetrically. We match the triple <C, Q, R> centered on the response from char to context level for prediction. Experimental results on two large-scale multi-turn response selection datasets show that the proposed model can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods. TripleNet source code is available at https://github.com/wtma/TripleNet
[ "Conversational Response Selection" ]
[ "Ubuntu Dialogue (v1, Ranking)" ]
[ "R10@1", "R10@5", "R2@1", "R10@2" ]
TripleNet: Triple Attention Network for Multi-Turn Response Selection in Retrieval-based Chatbots
We present GraphMix, a regularization method for Graph Neural Network based semi-supervised object classification, whereby we propose to train a fully-connected network jointly with the graph neural network via parameter sharing and interpolation-based regularization. Further, we provide a theoretical analysis of how GraphMix improves the generalization bounds of the underlying graph neural network, without making any assumptions about the "aggregation" layer or the depth of the graph neural networks. We experimentally validate this analysis by applying GraphMix to various architectures such as Graph Convolutional Networks, Graph Attention Networks and Graph-U-Net. Despite its simplicity, we demonstrate that GraphMix can consistently improve or closely match state-of-the-art performance using even simpler architectures such as Graph Convolutional Networks, across three established graph benchmarks: Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed citation network datasets, as well as three newly proposed datasets: Cora-Full, Co-author-CS and Co-author-Physics.
[ "Generalization Bounds", "Node Classification", "Object Classification" ]
[ "Coauthor CS", "Coauthor Physics", "Pubmed random partition", "Cora: fixed 5 node per class", "Bitcoin-OTC", "CiteSeer with Public Split: fixed 5 nodes per class", "Citeseer random partition", "Cora: fixed 10 node per class", "Bitcoin-Alpha", "Cora with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "Cora random partition", "Cora Full-supervised", "CiteSeer with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class", "PubMed with Public Split: fixed 20 nodes per class" ]
[ "F1-score", "Accuracy" ]
GraphMix: Improved Training of GNNs for Semi-Supervised Learning
To minimize the annotation costs associated with the training of semantic segmentation models, researchers have extensively investigated weakly-supervised segmentation approaches. In the current weakly-supervised segmentation methods, the most widely adopted approach is based on visualization. However, the visualization results are not generally equal to semantic segmentation. Therefore, to perform accurate semantic segmentation under the weakly supervised condition, it is necessary to consider the mapping functions that convert the visualization results into semantic segmentation. For such mapping functions, the conditional random field and iterative re-training using the outputs of a segmentation model are usually used. However, these methods do not always guarantee improvements in accuracy; therefore, if we apply these mapping functions iteratively multiple times, eventually the accuracy will not improve or will decrease. In this paper, to make the most of such mapping functions, we assume that the results of the mapping function include noise, and we improve the accuracy by removing noise. To achieve our aim, we propose the self-supervised difference detection module, which estimates noise from the results of the mapping functions by predicting the difference between the segmentation masks before and after the mapping. We verified the effectiveness of the proposed method by performing experiments on the PASCAL Visual Object Classes 2012 dataset, and we achieved 64.9\% in the val set and 65.5\% in the test set. Both of the results become new state-of-the-art under the same setting of weakly supervised semantic segmentation.
[ "Semantic Segmentation", "Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "PASCAL VOC 2012 test", "PASCAL VOC 2012 val" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "mIoU" ]
Self-Supervised Difference Detection for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Human-motion generation is a long-standing challenging task due to the requirement of accurately modeling complex and diverse dynamic patterns. Most existing methods adopt sequence models such as RNN to directly model transitions in the original action space. Due to high dimensionality and potential noise, such modeling of action transitions is particularly challenging. In this paper, we focus on skeleton-based action generation and propose to model smooth and diverse transitions on a latent space of action sequences with much lower dimensionality. Conditioned on a latent sequence, actions are generated by a frame-wise decoder shared by all latent action-poses. Specifically, an implicit RNN is defined to model smooth latent sequences, whose randomness (diversity) is controlled by noise from the input. Different from standard action-prediction methods, our model can generate action sequences from pure noise without any conditional action poses. Remarkably, it can also generate unseen actions from mixed classes during training. Our model is learned with a bi-directional generative-adversarial-net framework, which not only can generate diverse action sequences of a particular class or mix classes, but also learns to classify action sequences within the same model. Experimental results show the superiority of our method in both diverse action-sequence generation and classification, relative to existing methods.
[ "Action Generation" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D", "Human3.6M" ]
[ "MMD" ]
Learning Diverse Stochastic Human-Action Generators by Learning Smooth Latent Transitions
Pre-training techniques have been verified successfully in a variety of NLP tasks in recent years. Despite the widespread use of pre-training models for NLP applications, they almost exclusively focus on text-level manipulation, while neglecting layout and style information that is vital for document image understanding. In this paper, we propose the \textbf{LayoutLM} to jointly model interactions between text and layout information across scanned document images, which is beneficial for a great number of real-world document image understanding tasks such as information extraction from scanned documents. Furthermore, we also leverage image features to incorporate words' visual information into LayoutLM. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that text and layout are jointly learned in a single framework for document-level pre-training. It achieves new state-of-the-art results in several downstream tasks, including form understanding (from 70.72 to 79.27), receipt understanding (from 94.02 to 95.24) and document image classification (from 93.07 to 94.42). The code and pre-trained LayoutLM models are publicly available at \url{https://aka.ms/layoutlm}.
[ "Document Image Classification", "Document Layout Analysis", "Image Classification" ]
[ "RVL-CDIP" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
LayoutLM: Pre-training of Text and Layout for Document Image Understanding
We consider the problem of cross-view geo-localization. The primary challenge of this task is to learn the robust feature against large viewpoint changes. Existing benchmarks can help, but are limited in the number of viewpoints. Image pairs, containing two viewpoints, e.g., satellite and ground, are usually provided, which may compromise the feature learning. Besides phone cameras and satellites, in this paper, we argue that drones could serve as the third platform to deal with the geo-localization problem. In contrast to the traditional ground-view images, drone-view images meet fewer obstacles, e.g., trees, and could provide a comprehensive view when flying around the target place. To verify the effectiveness of the drone platform, we introduce a new multi-view multi-source benchmark for drone-based geo-localization, named University-1652. University-1652 contains data from three platforms, i.e., synthetic drones, satellites and ground cameras of 1,652 university buildings around the world. To our knowledge, University-1652 is the first drone-based geo-localization dataset and enables two new tasks, i.e., drone-view target localization and drone navigation. As the name implies, drone-view target localization intends to predict the location of the target place via drone-view images. On the other hand, given a satellite-view query image, drone navigation is to drive the drone to the area of interest in the query. We use this dataset to analyze a variety of off-the-shelf CNN features and propose a strong CNN baseline on this challenging dataset. The experiments show that University-1652 helps the model to learn the viewpoint-invariant features and also has good generalization ability in the real-world scenario.
[ "Drone navigation", "Drone-view target localization", "Image-Based Localization" ]
[ "cvusa", "University-1652" ]
[ "recall@5", "recall@top1%", "recall@1", "Recall@10", "AP" ]
University-1652: A Multi-view Multi-source Benchmark for Drone-based Geo-localization
Direct prediction of 3D body pose and shape remains a challenge even for highly parameterized deep learning models. Mapping from the 2D image space to the prediction space is difficult: perspective ambiguities make the loss function noisy and training data is scarce. In this paper, we propose a novel approach (Neural Body Fitting (NBF)). It integrates a statistical body model within a CNN, leveraging reliable bottom-up semantic body part segmentation and robust top-down body model constraints. NBF is fully differentiable and can be trained using 2D and 3D annotations. In detailed experiments, we analyze how the components of our model affect performance, especially the use of part segmentations as an explicit intermediate representation, and present a robust, efficiently trainable framework for 3D human pose estimation from 2D images with competitive results on standard benchmarks. Code will be made available at http://github.com/mohomran/neural_body_fitting
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "Human3.6M" ]
[ "Average MPJPE (mm)" ]
Neural Body Fitting: Unifying Deep Learning and Model-Based Human Pose and Shape Estimation
Entity linking is a standard component in modern retrieval system that is often performed by third-party toolkits. Despite the plethora of open source options, it is difficult to find a single system that has a modular architecture where certain components may be replaced, does not depend on external sources, can easily be updated to newer Wikipedia versions, and, most important of all, has state-of-the-art performance. The REL system presented in this paper aims to fill that gap. Building on state-of-the-art neural components from natural language processing research, it is provided as a Python package as well as a web API. We also report on an experimental comparison against both well-established systems and the current state-of-the-art on standard entity linking benchmarks.
[ "Entity Linking" ]
[ "AIDA-CoNLL" ]
[ "Micro-F1 strong", "Macro-F1 strong" ]
REL: An Entity Linker Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
We propose a new class of implicit networks, the multiscale deep equilibrium model (MDEQ), suited to large-scale and highly hierarchical pattern recognition domains. An MDEQ directly solves for and backpropagates through the equilibrium points of multiple feature resolutions simultaneously, using implicit differentiation to avoid storing intermediate states (and thus requiring only $O(1)$ memory consumption). These simultaneously-learned multi-resolution features allow us to train a single model on a diverse set of tasks and loss functions, such as using a single MDEQ to perform both image classification and semantic segmentation. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach on two large-scale vision tasks: ImageNet classification and semantic segmentation on high-resolution images from the Cityscapes dataset. In both settings, MDEQs are able to match or exceed the performance of recent competitive computer vision models: the first time such performance and scale have been achieved by an implicit deep learning approach. The code and pre-trained models are at https://github.com/locuslab/mdeq .
[ "Image Classification", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "Cityscapes val", "ImageNet" ]
[ "Top 1 Accuracy", "mIoU" ]
Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) are currently the method of choice both for generative, as well as for discriminative learning in computer vision and machine learning. The success of DCNNs can be attributed to the careful selection of their building blocks (e.g., residual blocks, rectifiers, sophisticated normalization schemes, to mention but a few). In this paper, we propose $\Pi$-Nets, a new class of function approximators based on polynomial expansions. $\Pi$-Nets are polynomial neural networks, i.e., the output is a high-order polynomial of the input. The unknown parameters, which are naturally represented by high-order tensors, are estimated through a collective tensor factorization with factors sharing. We introduce three tensor decompositions that significantly reduce the number of parameters and show how they can be efficiently implemented by hierarchical neural networks. We empirically demonstrate that $\Pi$-Nets are very expressive and they even produce good results without the use of non-linear activation functions in a large battery of tasks and signals, i.e., images, graphs, and audio. When used in conjunction with activation functions, $\Pi$-Nets produce state-of-the-art results in three challenging tasks, i.e. image generation, face verification and 3D mesh representation learning. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/grigorisg9gr/polynomial_nets}.
[ "Conditional Image Generation", "Face Identification", "Face Recognition", "Face Verification", "Image Classification", "Image Generation", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "MegaFace", "LFW", "CFP-FF", "CIFAR-10", "CFP-FP", "ImageNet" ]
[ "FID", "Top 1 Accuracy", "Percentage correct", "Accuracy", "Top 5 Accuracy", "Inception score" ]
Deep Polynomial Neural Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have made great progress in synthesizing realistic images in recent years. However, they are often trained on image datasets with either too few samples or too many classes belonging to different data distributions. Consequently, GANs are prone to underfitting or overfitting, making the analysis of them difficult and constrained. Therefore, in order to conduct a thorough study on GANs while obviating unnecessary interferences introduced by the datasets, we train them on artificial datasets where there are infinitely many samples and the real data distributions are simple, high-dimensional and have structured manifolds. Moreover, the generators are designed such that optimal sets of parameters exist. Empirically, we find that under various distance measures, the generator fails to learn such parameters with the GAN training procedure. We also find that training mixtures of GANs leads to more performance gain compared to increasing the network depth or width when the model complexity is high enough. Our experimental results demonstrate that a mixture of generators can discover different modes or different classes automatically in an unsupervised setting, which we attribute to the distribution of the generation and discrimination tasks across multiple generators and discriminators. As an example of the generalizability of our conclusions to realistic datasets, we train a mixture of GANs on the CIFAR-10 dataset and our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of popular metrics, i.e., Inception Score (IS) and Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID).
[ "Conditional Image Generation", "Image Generation" ]
[ "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Inception score", "FID" ]
Lessons Learned from the Training of GANs on Artificial Datasets
In this article, we propose a Dual Relation-aware Attention Network (DRANet) to handle the task of scene segmentation. How to efficiently exploit context is essential for pixel-level recognition. To address the issue, we adaptively capture contextual information based on the relation-aware attention mechanism. Especially, we append two types of attention modules on the top of the dilated fully convolutional network (FCN), which model the contextual dependencies in spatial and channel dimensions, respectively. In the attention modules, we adopt a self-attention mechanism to model semantic associations between any two pixels or channels. Each pixel or channel can adaptively aggregate context from all pixels or channels according to their correlations. To reduce the high cost of computation and memory caused by the abovementioned pairwise association computation, we further design two types of compact attention modules. In the compact attention modules, each pixel or channel is built into association only with a few numbers of gathering centers and obtains corresponding context aggregation over these gathering centers. Meanwhile, we add a cross-level gating decoder to selectively enhance spatial details that boost the performance of the network. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our network and achieve new state-of-the-art segmentation performance on four challenging scene segmentation data sets, i.e., Cityscapes, ADE20K, PASCAL Context, and COCO Stuff data sets. In particular, a Mean IoU score of 82.9% on the Cityscapes test set is achieved without using extra coarse annotated data.
[ "Scene Segmentation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "ADE20K", "COCO-Stuff test", "PASCAL Context", "Cityscapes test" ]
[ "Mean IoU (class)", "Validation mIoU", "mIoU" ]
Scene Segmentation with Dual Relation-aware Attention Network
Oriented object detection in aerial images is a challenging task as the objects in aerial images are displayed in arbitrary directions and are usually densely packed. Current oriented object detection methods mainly rely on two-stage anchor-based detectors. However, the anchor-based detectors typically suffer from a severe imbalance issue between the positive and negative anchor boxes. To address this issue, in this work we extend the horizontal keypoint-based object detector to the oriented object detection task. In particular, we first detect the center keypoints of the objects, based on which we then regress the box boundary-aware vectors (BBAVectors) to capture the oriented bounding boxes. The box boundary-aware vectors are distributed in the four quadrants of a Cartesian coordinate system for all arbitrarily oriented objects. To relieve the difficulty of learning the vectors in the corner cases, we further classify the oriented bounding boxes into horizontal and rotational bounding boxes. In the experiment, we show that learning the box boundary-aware vectors is superior to directly predicting the width, height, and angle of an oriented bounding box, as adopted in the baseline method. Besides, the proposed method competes favorably with state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/yijingru/BBAVectors-Oriented-Object-Detection.
[ "Object Detection", "Object Detection In Aerial Images" ]
[ "DOTA" ]
[ "mAP" ]
Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
Objective Semi-supervised video object segmentation refers to segmenting the object in subsequent frames given the object label in the first frame. Existing algorithms are mostly based on the objectives of matching and propagation strategies, which often make use of the previous frame with masking or optical flow. This paper explores a new propagation method, uses short-term matching modules to extract the information of the previous frame and apply it in propagation, and proposes the network of Long-Short-Term similarity matching for video object segmentation (LSMOVS) Method: By conducting pixel-level matching and correlation between long-term matching module and short-term matching module with the first frame and previous frame, global similarity map and local similarity map are obtained, as well as feature pattern of current frame and masking of previous frame. After two refine networks, final results are obtained through segmentation network. Results: According to the experiments on the two data sets DAVIS 2016 and 2017, the method of this paper achieves favorable average of region similarity and contour accuracy without online fine tuning, which achieves 86.5% and 77.4% in terms of single target and multiple targets. Besides, the count of segmented frames per second reached 21. Conclusion: The short-term matching module proposed in this paper is more conducive to extracting the information of the previous frame than only the mask. By combining the long-term matching module with the short-term matching module, the whole network can achieve efficient video object segmentation without online fine tuning
[ "Optical Flow Estimation", "Semantic Segmentation", "Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation", "Video Object Segmentation", "Video Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "DAVIS 2017 (val)", "DAVIS 2017 (test-dev)", "DAVIS 2016" ]
[ "F-measure (Decay)", "Jaccard (Mean)", "F-measure (Recall)", "Jaccard (Decay)", "Jaccard (Recall)", "F-measure (Mean)", "J&F" ]
LSMVOS: Long-Short-Term Similarity Matching for Video Object
he number of malicious programs has grown both in number and in sophistication. Analyzing the malicious intent of vast amounts of data requires huge resources and thus, effective categorization of malware is required. In this paper, the content of a malicious program is represented as an entropy stream, where each value describes the amount of entropy of a small chunk of code in a specific location of the file. Wavelet transforms are then applied to this entropy signal to describe the variation in the entropic energy. Motivated by the visual similarity between streams of entropy of malicious software belonging to the same family, we propose a file agnostic deep learning approach for categorization of malware. Our method exploits the fact that most variants are generated by using common obfuscation techniques and that compression and encryption algorithms retain some properties present in the original code. This allows us to find discriminative patterns that almost all variants in a family share. Our method has been evaluated using the data provided by Microsoft for the BigData Innovators Gathering Anti-Malware Prediction Challenge, and achieved promising results in comparison with the State of the Art.
[ "Malware Classification" ]
[ "Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge" ]
[ "Accuracy (10-fold)", "Macro F1 (10-fold)", "LogLoss" ]
Classification of Malware by Using Structural Entropy on Convolutional Neural Networks
In this work, we perform an extensive investigation of two state-of-the-art (SotA) methods for the task of Entity Alignment in Knowledge Graphs. Therefore, we first carefully examine the benchmarking process and identify several shortcomings, which make the results reported in the original works not always comparable. Furthermore, we suspect that it is a common practice in the community to make the hyperparameter optimization directly on a test set, reducing the informative value of reported performance. Thus, we select a representative sample of benchmarking datasets and describe their properties. We also examine different initializations for entity representations since they are a decisive factor for model performance. Furthermore, we use a shared train/validation/test split for a fair evaluation setting in which we evaluate all methods on all datasets. In our evaluation, we make several interesting findings. While we observe that most of the time SotA approaches perform better than baselines, they have difficulties when the dataset contains noise, which is the case in most real-life applications. Moreover, we find out in our ablation study that often different features of SotA methods are crucial for good performance than previously assumed. The code is available at https://github.com/mberr/ea-sota-comparison.
[ "Entity Alignment", "Hyperparameter Optimization", "Knowledge Graphs" ]
[ "DBP15k zh-en", "dbp15k fr-en", "dbp15k ja-en" ]
[ "Hits@1" ]
A Critical Assessment of State-of-the-Art in Entity Alignment
Neural architecture search has proven to be highly effective in the design of computationally efficient, task-specific convolutional neural networks across several areas of computer vision. In 2D human pose estimation, however, its application has been limited by high computational demands. Hypothesizing that neural architecture search holds great potential for 2D human pose estimation, we propose a new weight transfer scheme that relaxes function-preserving mutations, enabling us to accelerate neuroevolution in a flexible manner. Our method produces 2D human pose network designs that are more efficient and more accurate than state-of-the-art hand-designed networks. In fact, the generated networks can process images at higher resolutions using less computation than previous networks at lower resolutions, permitting us to push the boundaries of 2D human pose estimation. Our baseline network designed using neuroevolution, which we refer to as EvoPose2D-S, provides comparable accuracy to SimpleBaseline while using 4.9x fewer floating-point operations and 13.5x fewer parameters. Our largest network, EvoPose2D-L, achieves new state-of-the-art accuracy on the Microsoft COCO Keypoints benchmark while using 2.0x fewer operations and 4.3x fewer parameters than its nearest competitor.
[ "2D Human Pose Estimation", "Keypoint Detection", "Multi-Person Pose Estimation", "Neural Architecture Search", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "COCO", "COCO test-dev" ]
[ "Test AP", "Validation AP", "APM", "AP75", "AP", "APL", "AP50", "AR" ]
EvoPose2D: Pushing the Boundaries of 2D Human Pose Estimation using Neuroevolution
This work considers the problem of domain shift in person re-identification.Being trained on one dataset, a re-identification model usually performs much worse on unseen data. Partially this gap is caused by the relatively small scale of person re-identification datasets (compared to face recognition ones, for instance), but it is also related to training objectives. We propose to use the metric learning objective, namely AM-Softmax loss, and some additional training practices to build well-generalizing, yet, computationally efficient models. We use recently proposed Omni-Scale Network (OSNet) architecture combined with several training tricks and architecture adjustments to obtain state-of-the art results in cross-domain generalization problem on a large-scale MSMT17 dataset in three setups: MSMT17-all->DukeMTMC, MSMT17-train->Market1501 and MSMT17-all->Market1501.
[ "Domain Generalization", "Face Recognition", "Metric Learning", "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "MSMT17" ]
[ "Rank-1", "mAP" ]
Building Computationally Efficient and Well-Generalizing Person Re-Identification Models with Metric Learning
We present a self-supervised learning approach for optical flow. Our method distills reliable flow estimations from non-occluded pixels, and uses these predictions as ground truth to learn optical flow for hallucinated occlusions. We further design a simple CNN to utilize temporal information from multiple frames for better flow estimation. These two principles lead to an approach that yields the best performance for unsupervised optical flow learning on the challenging benchmarks including MPI Sintel, KITTI 2012 and 2015. More notably, our self-supervised pre-trained model provides an excellent initialization for supervised fine-tuning. Our fine-tuned models achieve state-of-the-art results on all three datasets. At the time of writing, we achieve EPE=4.26 on the Sintel benchmark, outperforming all submitted methods.
[ "Optical Flow Estimation", "Self-Supervised Learning" ]
[ "KITTI 2012", "Sintel-final", "Sintel-clean", "KITTI 2015" ]
[ "Average End-Point Error", "Fl-all" ]
SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow
Network embedding (or graph embedding) has been widely used in many real-world applications. However, existing methods mainly focus on networks with single-typed nodes/edges and cannot scale well to handle large networks. Many real-world networks consist of billions of nodes and edges of multiple types, and each node is associated with different attributes. In this paper, we formalize the problem of embedding learning for the Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network and propose a unified framework to address this problem. The framework supports both transductive and inductive learning. We also give the theoretical analysis of the proposed framework, showing its connection with previous works and proving its better expressiveness. We conduct systematical evaluations for the proposed framework on four different genres of challenging datasets: Amazon, YouTube, Twitter, and Alibaba. Experimental results demonstrate that with the learned embeddings from the proposed framework, we can achieve statistically significant improvements (e.g., 5.99-28.23% lift by F1 scores; p<<0.01, t-test) over previous state-of-the-art methods for link prediction. The framework has also been successfully deployed on the recommendation system of a worldwide leading e-commerce company, Alibaba Group. Results of the offline A/B tests on product recommendation further confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the framework in practice.
[ "Graph Embedding", "Link Prediction", "Network Embedding", "Product Recommendation", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "Alibaba-S", "Amazon", "YouTube", "Twitter", "Alibaba" ]
[ "ROC AUC", "PR AUC", "F1-Score" ]
Representation Learning for Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network
In the last years, a big interest of both the scientific community and the market has been devoted to the design of audio surveillance systems, able to analyse the audio stream and to identify events of interest; this is particularly true in security applications, in which the audio analytics can be profitably used as an alternative to video analytics systems, but also combined with them. Within this context, in this paper we propose a novel recurrent convolutional neural network architecture, named DENet; it is based on a new layer that we call denoising-enhancement (DE) layer, which performs denoising and enhancement of the original signal by applying an attention map on the components of the band-filtered signal. Differently from state-of-the-art methodologies, DENet takes as input the lossless raw waveform and is able to automatically learn the evolution of the frequencies-of-interest over time, by combining the proposed layer with a bidirectional gated recurrent unit. Using the feedbacks coming from classifications related to consecutive frames (i.e. that belong to the same event), the proposed method is able to drastically reduce the misclassifications. We carried out experiments on the MIVIA Audio Events and MIVIA Road Events public datasets, confirming the effectiveness of our approach with respect to other state-of-the-art methodologies.
[ "Denoising", "Sound Event Detection" ]
[ "Mivia Road Events", "Mivia Audio Events" ]
[ "Rank-1 Recognition Rate" ]
DENet: a deep architecture for audio surveillance applications
Recently, the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) model coupled with recurrent (RNN) or convolutional neural networks (CNN), made it easier to train speech recognition systems in an end-to-end fashion. However in real-valued models, time frame components such as mel-filter-bank energies and the cepstral coefficients obtained from them, together with their first and second order derivatives, are processed as individual elements, while a natural alternative is to process such components as composed entities. We propose to group such elements in the form of quaternions and to process these quaternions using the established quaternion algebra. Quaternion numbers and quaternion neural networks have shown their efficiency to process multidimensional inputs as entities, to encode internal dependencies, and to solve many tasks with less learning parameters than real-valued models. This paper proposes to integrate multiple feature views in quaternion-valued convolutional neural network (QCNN), to be used for sequence-to-sequence mapping with the CTC model. Promising results are reported using simple QCNNs in phoneme recognition experiments with the TIMIT corpus. More precisely, QCNNs obtain a lower phoneme error rate (PER) with less learning parameters than a competing model based on real-valued CNNs.
[ "Speech Recognition" ]
[ "TIMIT" ]
[ "Percentage error" ]
Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition
Target-oriented sentiment classification aims at classifying sentiment polarities over individual opinion targets in a sentence. RNN with attention seems a good fit for the characteristics of this task, and indeed it achieves the state-of-the-art performance. After re-examining the drawbacks of attention mechanism and the obstacles that block CNN to perform well in this classification task, we propose a new model to overcome these issues. Instead of attention, our model employs a CNN layer to extract salient features from the transformed word representations originated from a bi-directional RNN layer. Between the two layers, we propose a component to generate target-specific representations of words in the sentence, meanwhile incorporate a mechanism for preserving the original contextual information from the RNN layer. Experiments show that our model achieves a new state-of-the-art performance on a few benchmarks.
[ "Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis" ]
[ "SemEval 2014 Task 4 Sub Task 2" ]
[ "Laptop (Acc)", "Restaurant (Acc)", "Mean Acc (Restaurant + Laptop)" ]
Transformation Networks for Target-Oriented Sentiment Classification
This paper introduces the pipeline to scale the largest dataset in egocentric vision EPIC-KITCHENS. The effort culminates in EPIC-KITCHENS-100, a collection of 100~hours, 20M frames, 90K actions in 700 variable-length videos, capturing long-term unscripted activities in 45 environments, using head-mounted cameras. Compared to its previous version, EPIC-KITCHENS-100 has been annotated using a novel pipeline that allows denser (54\% more actions per minute) and more complete annotations of fine-grained actions (+128\% more action segments). This collection also enables evaluating the "test of time" - i.e. whether models trained on data collected in 2018 can generalise to new footage collected under the same hypotheses albeit "two years on". The dataset is aligned with 6 challenges: action recognition (full and weak supervision), action detection, action anticipation, cross-modal retrieval (from captions), as well as unsupervised domain adaptation for action recognition. For each challenge, we define the task, provide baselines and evaluation metrics.
[ "Action Anticipation", "Action Detection", "Action Recognition", "Cross-Modal Retrieval", "Domain Adaptation", "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Rescaling Egocentric Vision
In this work, we propose Adversarial Complementary Learning (ACoL) to automatically localize integral objects of semantic interest with weak supervision. We first mathematically prove that class localization maps can be obtained by directly selecting the class-specific feature maps of the last convolutional layer, which paves a simple way to identify object regions. We then present a simple network architecture including two parallel-classifiers for object localization. Specifically, we leverage one classification branch to dynamically localize some discriminative object regions during the forward pass. Although it is usually responsive to sparse parts of the target objects, this classifier can drive the counterpart classifier to discover new and complementary object regions by erasing its discovered regions from the feature maps. With such an adversarial learning, the two parallel-classifiers are forced to leverage complementary object regions for classification and can finally generate integral object localization together. The merits of ACoL are mainly two-fold: 1) it can be trained in an end-to-end manner; 2) dynamically erasing enables the counterpart classifier to discover complementary object regions more effectively. We demonstrate the superiority of our ACoL approach in a variety of experiments. In particular, the Top-1 localization error rate on the ILSVRC dataset is 45.14%, which is the new state-of-the-art.
[ "Object Localization", "Weakly-Supervised Object Localization" ]
[ "ILSVRC 2016" ]
[ "Top-5 Error" ]
Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
This paper introduces geometry and object shape and pose costs for multi-object tracking in urban driving scenarios. Using images from a monocular camera alone, we devise pairwise costs for object tracks, based on several 3D cues such as object pose, shape, and motion. The proposed costs are agnostic to the data association method and can be incorporated into any optimization framework to output the pairwise data associations. These costs are easy to implement, can be computed in real-time, and complement each other to account for possible errors in a tracking-by-detection framework. We perform an extensive analysis of the designed costs and empirically demonstrate consistent improvement over the state-of-the-art under varying conditions that employ a range of object detectors, exhibit a variety in camera and object motions, and, more importantly, are not reliant on the choice of the association framework. We also show that, by using the simplest of associations frameworks (two-frame Hungarian assignment), we surpass the state-of-the-art in multi-object-tracking on road scenes. More qualitative and quantitative results can be found at the following URL: https://junaidcs032.github.io/Geometry_ObjectShape_MOT/.
[ "Multi-Object Tracking", "Object Tracking", "Online Multi-Object Tracking" ]
[ "KITTI Tracking test", "KITTI" ]
[ "MOTA", "MOTP" ]
Beyond Pixels: Leveraging Geometry and Shape Cues for Online Multi-Object Tracking
In this paper, we propose an interactive matching network (IMN) for the multi-turn response selection task. First, IMN constructs word representations from three aspects to address the challenge of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. Second, an attentive hierarchical recurrent encoder (AHRE), which is capable of encoding sentences hierarchically and generating more descriptive representations by aggregating with an attention mechanism, is designed. Finally, the bidirectional interactions between whole multi-turn contexts and response candidates are calculated to derive the matching information between them. Experiments on four public datasets show that IMN outperforms the baseline models on all metrics, achieving a new state-of-the-art performance and demonstrating compatibility across domains for multi-turn response selection.
[ "Conversational Response Selection" ]
[ "Ubuntu Dialogue (v1, Ranking)" ]
[ "R10@1", "R10@5", "R2@1", "R10@2" ]
Interactive Matching Network for Multi-Turn Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots
We propose a method for human activity recognition from RGB data that does not rely on any pose information during test time and does not explicitly calculate pose information internally. Instead, a visual attention module learns to predict glimpse sequences in each frame. These glimpses correspond to interest points in the scene that are relevant to the classified activities. No spatial coherence is forced on the glimpse locations, which gives the module liberty to explore different points at each frame and better optimize the process of scrutinizing visual information. Tracking and sequentially integrating this kind of unstructured data is a challenge, which we address by separating the set of glimpses from a set of recurrent tracking/recognition workers. These workers receive glimpses, jointly performing subsequent motion tracking and activity prediction. The glimpses are soft-assigned to the workers, optimizing coherence of the assignments in space, time and feature space using an external memory module. No hard decisions are taken, i.e. each glimpse point is assigned to all existing workers, albeit with different importance. Our methods outperform state-of-the-art methods on the largest human activity recognition dataset available to-date; NTU RGB+D Dataset, and on a smaller human action recognition dataset Northwestern-UCLA Multiview Action 3D Dataset. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/fabienbaradel/glimpse_clouds.
[ "Action Recognition", "Activity Prediction", "Activity Recognition", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition", "Temporal Action Localization" ]
[ "NTU RGB+D", "N-UCLA" ]
[ "Accuracy (CS)", "Accuracy (CV)", "Accuracy" ]
Glimpse Clouds: Human Activity Recognition from Unstructured Feature Points
Modern cars are incorporating an increasing number of driver assist features, among which automatic lane keeping. The latter allows the car to properly position itself within the road lanes, which is also crucial for any subsequent lane departure or trajectory planning decision in fully autonomous cars. Traditional lane detection methods rely on a combination of highly-specialized, hand-crafted features and heuristics, usually followed by post-processing techniques, that are computationally expensive and prone to scalability due to road scene variations. More recent approaches leverage deep learning models, trained for pixel-wise lane segmentation, even when no markings are present in the image due to their big receptive field. Despite their advantages, these methods are limited to detecting a pre-defined, fixed number of lanes, e.g. ego-lanes, and can not cope with lane changes. In this paper, we go beyond the aforementioned limitations and propose to cast the lane detection problem as an instance segmentation problem - in which each lane forms its own instance - that can be trained end-to-end. To parametrize the segmented lane instances before fitting the lane, we further propose to apply a learned perspective transformation, conditioned on the image, in contrast to a fixed "bird's-eye view" transformation. By doing so, we ensure a lane fitting which is robust against road plane changes, unlike existing approaches that rely on a fixed, pre-defined transformation. In summary, we propose a fast lane detection algorithm, running at 50 fps, which can handle a variable number of lanes and cope with lane changes. We verify our method on the tuSimple dataset and achieve competitive results.
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Lane Detection", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
[ "TuSimple" ]
[ "F1 score", "Accuracy" ]
Towards End-to-End Lane Detection: an Instance Segmentation Approach
Learning individual-level causal effects from observational data, such as inferring the most effective medication for a specific patient, is a problem of growing importance for policy makers. The most important aspect of inferring causal effects from observational data is the handling of confounders, factors that affect both an intervention and its outcome. A carefully designed observational study attempts to measure all important confounders. However, even if one does not have direct access to all confounders, there may exist noisy and uncertain measurement of proxies for confounders. We build on recent advances in latent variable modeling to simultaneously estimate the unknown latent space summarizing the confounders and the causal effect. Our method is based on Variational Autoencoders (VAE) which follow the causal structure of inference with proxies. We show our method is significantly more robust than existing methods, and matches the state-of-the-art on previous benchmarks focused on individual treatment effects.
[ "Causal Inference", "Latent Variable Models" ]
[ "IDHP" ]
[ "Average Treatment Effect Error" ]
Causal Effect Inference with Deep Latent-Variable Models
Most of the unsupervised dependency parsers are based on first-order probabilistic generative models that only consider local parent-child information. Inspired by second-order supervised dependency parsing, we proposed a second-order extension of unsupervised neural dependency models that incorporate grandparent-child or sibling information. We also propose a novel design of the neural parameterization and optimization methods of the dependency models. In second-order models, the number of grammar rules grows cubically with the increase of vocabulary size, making it difficult to train lexicalized models that may contain thousands of words. To circumvent this problem while still benefiting from both second-order parsing and lexicalization, we use the agreement-based learning framework to jointly train a second-order unlexicalized model and a first-order lexicalized model. Experiments on multiple datasets show the effectiveness of our second-order models compared with recent state-of-the-art methods. Our joint model achieves a 10% improvement over the previous state-of-the-art parser on the full WSJ test set
[ "Dependency Grammar Induction", "Dependency Parsing" ]
[ "WSJ10", "WSJ" ]
[ "UAS" ]
Second-Order Unsupervised Neural Dependency Parsing
Pedestrian analysis plays a vital role in intelligent video surveillance and is a key component for security-centric computer vision systems. Despite that the convolutional neural networks are remarkable in learning discriminative features from images, the learning of comprehensive features of pedestrians for fine-grained tasks remains an open problem. In this study, we propose a new attention-based deep neural network, named as HydraPlus-Net (HP-net), that multi-directionally feeds the multi-level attention maps to different feature layers. The attentive deep features learned from the proposed HP-net bring unique advantages: (1) the model is capable of capturing multiple attentions from low-level to semantic-level, and (2) it explores the multi-scale selectiveness of attentive features to enrich the final feature representations for a pedestrian image. We demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of the proposed HP-net for pedestrian analysis on two tasks, i.e. pedestrian attribute recognition and person re-identification. Intensive experimental results have been provided to prove that the HP-net outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on various datasets.
[ "Pedestrian Attribute Recognition", "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "RAP", "PA-100K", "PETA" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
HydraPlus-Net: Attentive Deep Features for Pedestrian Analysis
We consider the question: what can be learnt by looking at and listening to a large number of unlabelled videos? There is a valuable, but so far untapped, source of information contained in the video itself -- the correspondence between the visual and the audio streams, and we introduce a novel "Audio-Visual Correspondence" learning task that makes use of this. Training visual and audio networks from scratch, without any additional supervision other than the raw unconstrained videos themselves, is shown to successfully solve this task, and, more interestingly, result in good visual and audio representations. These features set the new state-of-the-art on two sound classification benchmarks, and perform on par with the state-of-the-art self-supervised approaches on ImageNet classification. We also demonstrate that the network is able to localize objects in both modalities, as well as perform fine-grained recognition tasks.
[ "Audio Classification" ]
[ "AudioSet", "ESC-50" ]
[ "Test mAP", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
Look, Listen and Learn
Multi-label image classification is a fundamental but challenging task in computer vision. Great progress has been achieved by exploiting semantic relations between labels in recent years. However, conventional approaches are unable to model the underlying spatial relations between labels in multi-label images, because spatial annotations of the labels are generally not provided. In this paper, we propose a unified deep neural network that exploits both semantic and spatial relations between labels with only image-level supervisions. Given a multi-label image, our proposed Spatial Regularization Network (SRN) generates attention maps for all labels and captures the underlying relations between them via learnable convolutions. By aggregating the regularized classification results with original results by a ResNet-101 network, the classification performance can be consistently improved. The whole deep neural network is trained end-to-end with only image-level annotations, thus requires no additional efforts on image annotations. Extensive evaluations on 3 public datasets with different types of labels show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-arts and has strong generalization capability. Analysis of the learned SRN model demonstrates that it can effectively capture both semantic and spatial relations of labels for improving classification performance.
[ "Image Classification", "Multi-Label Classification" ]
[ "mAP", "MAP" ]
Learning Spatial Regularization with Image-level Supervisions for Multi-label Image Classification
Learning sophisticated feature interactions behind user behaviors is critical in maximizing CTR for recommender systems. Despite great progress, existing methods seem to have a strong bias towards low- or high-order interactions, or require expertise feature engineering. In this paper, we show that it is possible to derive an end-to-end learning model that emphasizes both low- and high-order feature interactions. The proposed model, DeepFM, combines the power of factorization machines for recommendation and deep learning for feature learning in a new neural network architecture. Compared to the latest Wide \& Deep model from Google, DeepFM has a shared input to its "wide" and "deep" parts, with no need of feature engineering besides raw features. Comprehensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of DeepFM over the existing models for CTR prediction, on both benchmark data and commercial data.
[ "Click-Through Rate Prediction", "Feature Engineering", "Recommendation Systems" ]
[ "Bing News", "Amazon", "MovieLens 20M", "Criteo", "Company*", "Dianping" ]
[ "Log Loss", "AUC" ]
DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction
Recently, several deep learning-based image super-resolution methods have been developed by stacking massive numbers of layers. However, this leads too large model sizes and high computational complexities, thus some recursive parameter-sharing methods have been also proposed. Nevertheless, their designs do not properly utilize the potential of the recursive operation. In this paper, we propose a novel, lightweight, and efficient super-resolution method to maximize the usefulness of the recursive architecture, by introducing block state-based recursive network. By taking advantage of utilizing the block state, the recursive part of our model can easily track the status of the current image features. We show the benefits of the proposed method in terms of model size, speed, and efficiency. In addition, we show that our method outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Image Super-Resolution", "Super-Resolution" ]
[ "Set5 - 4x upscaling", "Urban100 - 4x upscaling", "BSD100 - 4x upscaling", "Set14 - 4x upscaling" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Lightweight and Efficient Image Super-Resolution with Block State-based Recursive Network
The fundamental role of hypernymy in NLP has motivated the development of many methods for the automatic identification of this relation, most of which rely on word distribution. We investigate an extensive number of such unsupervised measures, using several distributional semantic models that differ by context type and feature weighting. We analyze the performance of the different methods based on their linguistic motivation. Comparison to the state-of-the-art supervised methods shows that while supervised methods generally outperform the unsupervised ones, the former are sensitive to the distribution of training instances, hurting their reliability. Being based on general linguistic hypotheses and independent from training data, unsupervised measures are more robust, and therefore are still useful artillery for hypernymy detection.
[ "Hypernym Discovery" ]
[ "Medical domain", "Music domain", "General" ]
[ "P@5", "MRR", "MAP" ]
Hypernyms under Siege: Linguistically-motivated Artillery for Hypernymy Detection
Weakly supervised learning of object detection is an important problem in image understanding that still does not have a satisfactory solution. In this paper, we address this problem by exploiting the power of deep convolutional neural networks pre-trained on large-scale image-level classification tasks. We propose a weakly supervised deep detection architecture that modifies one such network to operate at the level of image regions, performing simultaneously region selection and classification. Trained as an image classifier, the architecture implicitly learns object detectors that are better than alternative weakly supervised detection systems on the PASCAL VOC data. The model, which is a simple and elegant end-to-end architecture, outperforms standard data augmentation and fine-tuning techniques for the task of image-level classification as well.
[ "Data Augmentation", "Object Detection", "Weakly Supervised Object Detection" ]
[ "HICO-DET", "Watercolor2k", "COCO test-dev", "PASCAL VOC 2007", "Charades" ]
[ "AP50", "MAP" ]
Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks
Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) refers to the task of resolving multiple named entity mentions in a document to their correct references in a knowledge base (KB) (e.g., Wikipedia). In this paper, we propose a novel embedding method specifically designed for NED. The proposed method jointly maps words and entities into the same continuous vector space. We extend the skip-gram model by using two models. The KB graph model learns the relatedness of entities using the link structure of the KB, whereas the anchor context model aims to align vectors such that similar words and entities occur close to one another in the vector space by leveraging KB anchors and their context words. By combining contexts based on the proposed embedding with standard NED features, we achieved state-of-the-art accuracy of 93.1% on the standard CoNLL dataset and 85.2% on the TAC 2010 dataset.
[ "Entity Disambiguation", "Entity Linking" ]
[ "TAC2010", "AIDA-CoNLL" ]
[ "Micro Precision", "In-KB Accuracy" ]
Joint Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities for Named Entity Disambiguation
We introduce a new representation learning approach for domain adaptation, in which data at training and test time come from similar but different distributions. Our approach is directly inspired by the theory on domain adaptation suggesting that, for effective domain transfer to be achieved, predictions must be made based on features that cannot discriminate between the training (source) and test (target) domains. The approach implements this idea in the context of neural network architectures that are trained on labeled data from the source domain and unlabeled data from the target domain (no labeled target-domain data is necessary). As the training progresses, the approach promotes the emergence of features that are (i) discriminative for the main learning task on the source domain and (ii) indiscriminate with respect to the shift between the domains. We show that this adaptation behaviour can be achieved in almost any feed-forward model by augmenting it with few standard layers and a new gradient reversal layer. The resulting augmented architecture can be trained using standard backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent, and can thus be implemented with little effort using any of the deep learning packages. We demonstrate the success of our approach for two distinct classification problems (document sentiment analysis and image classification), where state-of-the-art domain adaptation performance on standard benchmarks is achieved. We also validate the approach for descriptor learning task in the context of person re-identification application.
[ "Domain Adaptation", "Image Classification", "Person Re-Identification", "Representation Learning", "Sentiment Analysis" ]
[ "SVNH-to-MNIST", "Synth Digits-to-SVHN", "Office-Home", "Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset", "MNIST-to-MNIST-M", "Syn2Real-C" ]
[ "DVD", "Average", "Kitchen", "Electronics", "Accuracy", "Books" ]
Domain-Adversarial Training of Neural Networks
Deep Recurrent Neural Network architectures, though remarkably capable at modeling sequences, lack an intuitive high-level spatio-temporal structure. That is while many problems in computer vision inherently have an underlying high-level structure and can benefit from it. Spatio-temporal graphs are a popular tool for imposing such high-level intuitions in the formulation of real world problems. In this paper, we propose an approach for combining the power of high-level spatio-temporal graphs and sequence learning success of Recurrent Neural Networks~(RNNs). We develop a scalable method for casting an arbitrary spatio-temporal graph as a rich RNN mixture that is feedforward, fully differentiable, and jointly trainable. The proposed method is generic and principled as it can be used for transforming any spatio-temporal graph through employing a certain set of well defined steps. The evaluations of the proposed approach on a diverse set of problems, ranging from modeling human motion to object interactions, shows improvement over the state-of-the-art with a large margin. We expect this method to empower new approaches to problem formulation through high-level spatio-temporal graphs and Recurrent Neural Networks.
[ "Human Pose Forecasting", "Skeleton Based Action Recognition" ]
[ "Human3.6M", "CAD-120" ]
[ "MAR, walking, 400ms", "MAR, walking, 1,000ms", "Accuracy" ]
Structural-RNN: Deep Learning on Spatio-Temporal Graphs
In this work we explore recent advances in Recurrent Neural Networks for large scale Language Modeling, a task central to language understanding. We extend current models to deal with two key challenges present in this task: corpora and vocabulary sizes, and complex, long term structure of language. We perform an exhaustive study on techniques such as character Convolutional Neural Networks or Long-Short Term Memory, on the One Billion Word Benchmark. Our best single model significantly improves state-of-the-art perplexity from 51.3 down to 30.0 (whilst reducing the number of parameters by a factor of 20), while an ensemble of models sets a new record by improving perplexity from 41.0 down to 23.7. We also release these models for the NLP and ML community to study and improve upon.
[ "Language Modelling" ]
[ "One Billion Word" ]
[ "Number of params", "PPL" ]
Exploring the Limits of Language Modeling
The JPEG image compression algorithm is the most popular method of image compression because of its ability for large compression ratios. However, to achieve such high compression, information is lost. For aggressive quantization settings, this leads to a noticeable reduction in image quality. Artifact correction has been studied in the context of deep neural networks for some time, but the current state-of-the-art methods require a different model to be trained for each quality setting, greatly limiting their practical application. We solve this problem by creating a novel architecture which is parameterized by the JPEG files quantization matrix. This allows our single model to achieve state-of-the-art performance over models trained for specific quality settings.
[ "Image Compression", "JPEG Artifact Correction", "Quantization" ]
[ "BSDS500 (Quality 10 Color)", "BSDS500 (Quality 30 Grayscale)", "LIVE1 (Quality 10 Color)", "ICB (Quality 10 Grayscale)", "ICB (Quality 10 Color)", "LIVE1 (Quality 20 Color)", "BSDS500 (Quality 20 Color)", "Classic5 (Quality 20 Grayscale)", "LIVE1 (Quality 30 Color)", "ICB (Quality 30 Color)", "ICB (Quality 30 Grayscale)", "Live1 (Quality 10 Grayscale)", "Classic5 (Quality 10 Grayscale)", "BSDS500 (Quality 20 Grayscale)", "LIVE1 (Quality 20 Grayscale)", "ICB (Quality 20 Color)", "LIVE1 (Quality 30 Grayscale)", "BSDS500 (Quality 30 Color)", "Classic5 (Quality 30 Grayscale)", "ICB (Quality 20 Grayscale)", "BSDS500 (Quality 10 Grayscale)" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR", "PSNR-B" ]
Quantization Guided JPEG Artifact Correction
Generating semantically coherent responses is still a major challenge in dialogue generation. Different from conventional text generation tasks, the mapping between inputs and responses in conversations is more complicated, which highly demands the understanding of utterance-level semantic dependency, a relation between the whole meanings of inputs and outputs. To address this problem, we propose an Auto-Encoder Matching (AEM) model to learn such dependency. The model contains two auto-encoders and one mapping module. The auto-encoders learn the semantic representations of inputs and responses, and the mapping module learns to connect the utterance-level representations. Experimental results from automatic and human evaluations demonstrate that our model is capable of generating responses of high coherence and fluency compared to baseline models. The code is available at https://github.com/lancopku/AMM
[ "Dialogue Generation", "Text Generation" ]
[ "DailyDialog" ]
[ "BLEU-3", "BLEU-4", "BLEU-2", "BLEU-1" ]
An Auto-Encoder Matching Model for Learning Utterance-Level Semantic Dependency in Dialogue Generation
The design of neural network architectures is an important component for achieving state-of-the-art performance with machine learning systems across a broad array of tasks. Much work has endeavored to design and build architectures automatically through clever construction of a search space paired with simple learning algorithms. Recent progress has demonstrated that such meta-learning methods may exceed scalable human-invented architectures on image classification tasks. An open question is the degree to which such methods may generalize to new domains. In this work we explore the construction of meta-learning techniques for dense image prediction focused on the tasks of scene parsing, person-part segmentation, and semantic image segmentation. Constructing viable search spaces in this domain is challenging because of the multi-scale representation of visual information and the necessity to operate on high resolution imagery. Based on a survey of techniques in dense image prediction, we construct a recursive search space and demonstrate that even with efficient random search, we can identify architectures that outperform human-invented architectures and achieve state-of-the-art performance on three dense prediction tasks including 82.7\% on Cityscapes (street scene parsing), 71.3\% on PASCAL-Person-Part (person-part segmentation), and 87.9\% on PASCAL VOC 2012 (semantic image segmentation). Additionally, the resulting architecture is more computationally efficient, requiring half the parameters and half the computational cost as previous state of the art systems.
[ "Image Classification", "Meta-Learning", "Scene Parsing", "Semantic Segmentation", "Street Scene Parsing" ]
[ "PASCAL-Part", "PASCAL VOC 2012 test", "Cityscapes test" ]
[ "Mean IoU", "Mean IoU (class)", "mIoU" ]
Searching for Efficient Multi-Scale Architectures for Dense Image Prediction
Fake news are nowadays an issue of pressing concern, given their recent rise as a potential threat to high-quality journalism and well-informed public discourse. The Fake News Challenge (FNC-1) was organized in 2017 to encourage the development of machine learning-based classification systems for stance detection (i.e., for identifying whether a particular news article agrees, disagrees, discusses, or is unrelated to a particular news headline), thus helping in the detection and analysis of possible instances of fake news. This article presents a new approach to tackle this stance detection problem, based on the combination of string similarity features with a deep neural architecture that leverages ideas previously advanced in the context of learning efficient text representations, document classification, and natural language inference. Specifically, we use bi-directional Recurrent Neural Networks, together with max-pooling over the temporal/sequential dimension and neural attention, for representing (i) the headline, (ii) the first two sentences of the news article, and (iii) the entire news article. These representations are then combined/compared, complemented with similarity features inspired on other FNC-1 approaches, and passed to a final layer that predicts the stance of the article towards the headline. We also explore the use of external sources of information, specifically large datasets of sentence pairs originally proposed for training and evaluating natural language inference methods, in order to pre-train specific components of the neural network architecture (e.g., the RNNs used for encoding sentences). The obtained results attest to the effectiveness of the proposed ideas and show that our model, particularly when considering pre-training and the combination of neural representations together with similarity features, slightly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art.
[ "Document Classification", "Natural Language Inference", "Representation Learning", "Stance Detection" ]
[ "MultiNLI", "FNC-1", "SNLI" ]
[ "Per-class Accuracy (Disagree)", "% Test Accuracy", "Weighted Accuracy", "Matched", "Per-class Accuracy (Discuss)", "Per-class Accuracy (Unrelated)", "Mismatched", "Per-class Accuracy (Agree)" ]
Combining Similarity Features and Deep Representation Learning for Stance Detection in the Context of Checking Fake News
In this work, we demonstrate that 3D poses in video can be effectively estimated with a fully convolutional model based on dilated temporal convolutions over 2D keypoints. We also introduce back-projection, a simple and effective semi-supervised training method that leverages unlabeled video data. We start with predicted 2D keypoints for unlabeled video, then estimate 3D poses and finally back-project to the input 2D keypoints. In the supervised setting, our fully-convolutional model outperforms the previous best result from the literature by 6 mm mean per-joint position error on Human3.6M, corresponding to an error reduction of 11%, and the model also shows significant improvements on HumanEva-I. Moreover, experiments with back-projection show that it comfortably outperforms previous state-of-the-art results in semi-supervised settings where labeled data is scarce. Code and models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/VideoPose3D
[ "3D Human Pose Estimation", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "Human3.6M" ]
[ "Average MPJPE (mm)", "Multi-View or Monocular", "Using 2D ground-truth joints" ]
3D human pose estimation in video with temporal convolutions and semi-supervised training
In this work, we propose an end-to-end constrained clustering scheme to tackle the person re-identification (re-id) problem. Deep neural networks (DNN) have recently proven to be effective on person re-identification task. In particular, rather than leveraging solely a probe-gallery similarity, diffusing the similarities among the gallery images in an end-to-end manner has proven to be effective in yielding a robust probe-gallery affinity. However, existing methods do not apply probe image as a constraint, and are prone to noise propagation during the similarity diffusion process. To overcome this, we propose an intriguing scheme which treats person-image retrieval problem as a {\em constrained clustering optimization} problem, called deep constrained dominant sets (DCDS). Given a probe and gallery images, we re-formulate person re-id problem as finding a constrained cluster, where the probe image is taken as a constraint (seed) and each cluster corresponds to a set of images corresponding to the same person. By optimizing the constrained clustering in an end-to-end manner, we naturally leverage the contextual knowledge of a set of images corresponding to the given person-images. We further enhance the performance by integrating an auxiliary net alongside DCDS, which employs a multi-scale Resnet. To validate the effectiveness of our method we present experiments on several benchmark datasets and show that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Image Retrieval", "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "DukeMTMC-reID", "Market-1501", "CUHK03" ]
[ "Rank-1", "Rank-5", "MAP" ]
Deep Constrained Dominant Sets for Person Re-identification
Most graph kernels are an instance of the class of $\mathcal{R}$-Convolution kernels, which measure the similarity of objects by comparing their substructures. Despite their empirical success, most graph kernels use a naive aggregation of the final set of substructures, usually a sum or average, thereby potentially discarding valuable information about the distribution of individual components. Furthermore, only a limited instance of these approaches can be extended to continuously attributed graphs. We propose a novel method that relies on the Wasserstein distance between the node feature vector distributions of two graphs, which allows to find subtler differences in data sets by considering graphs as high-dimensional objects, rather than simple means. We further propose a Weisfeiler-Lehman inspired embedding scheme for graphs with continuous node attributes and weighted edges, enhance it with the computed Wasserstein distance, and thus improve the state-of-the-art prediction performance on several graph classification tasks.
[ "Graph Classification" ]
[ "ENZYMES", "PROTEINS", "D&D", "NCI1", "MUTAG", "PTC" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels
Recent advances in semi-supervised learning have shown tremendous potential in overcoming a major barrier to the success of modern machine learning algorithms: access to vast amounts of human-labeled training data. Previous algorithms based on consistency regularization can harness the abundance of unlabeled data to produce impressive results on a number of semi-supervised benchmarks, approaching the performance of strong supervised baselines using only a fraction of the available labeled data. In this work, we challenge the long-standing success of consistency regularization by introducing self-supervised regularization as the basis for combining semantic feature representations from unlabeled data. We perform extensive comparative experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of self-supervised regularization for supervised and semi-supervised image classification on SVHN, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 benchmark datasets. We present two main results: (1) models augmented with self-supervised regularization significantly improve upon traditional supervised classifiers without the need for unlabeled data; (2) together with unlabeled data, our models yield semi-supervised performance competitive with, and in many cases exceeding, prior state-of-the-art consistency baselines. Lastly, our models have the practical utility of being efficiently trained end-to-end and require no additional hyper-parameters to tune for optimal performance beyond the standard set for training neural networks. Reference code and data are available at https://github.com/vuptran/sesemi
[ "Image Classification", "Multi-Task Learning", "Semi-Supervised Image Classification" ]
[ "SVHN, 500 Labels", "CIFAR-10, 2000 Labels", "SVHN, 250 Labels", "SVHN, 1000 labels", "CIFAR-10, 1000 Labels", "cifar-100, 10000 Labels", "CIFAR-10, 4000 Labels" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Exploring Self-Supervised Regularization for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning
A spoken language understanding (SLU) system includes two main tasks, slot filling (SF) and intent detection (ID). The joint model for the two tasks is becoming a tendency in SLU. But the bi-directional interrelated connections between the intent and slots are not established in the existing joint models. In this paper, we propose a novel bi-directional interrelated model for joint intent detection and slot filling. We introduce an SF-ID network to establish direct connections for the two tasks to help them promote each other mutually. Besides, we design an entirely new iteration mechanism inside the SF-ID network to enhance the bi-directional interrelated connections. The experimental results show that the relative improvement in the sentence-level semantic frame accuracy of our model is 3.79% and 5.42% on ATIS and Snips datasets, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art model.
[ "Intent Detection", "Slot Filling", "Spoken Language Understanding" ]
[ "ATIS", "SNIPS" ]
[ "Slot F1 Score", "Intent Accuracy", "F1", "Accuracy" ]
A Novel Bi-directional Interrelated Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling
Existing approaches to recipe generation are unable to create recipes for users with culinary preferences but incomplete knowledge of ingredients in specific dishes. We propose a new task of personalized recipe generation to help these users: expanding a name and incomplete ingredient details into complete natural-text instructions aligned with the user's historical preferences. We attend on technique- and recipe-level representations of a user's previously consumed recipes, fusing these 'user-aware' representations in an attention fusion layer to control recipe text generation. Experiments on a new dataset of 180K recipes and 700K interactions show our model's ability to generate plausible and personalized recipes compared to non-personalized baselines.
[ "Recipe Generation", "Text Generation" ]
[ "Food.com" ]
[ "D-1", "BLEU-1", "BPE Perplexity", "D-2", "Rouge-L", "BLEU-4" ]
Generating Personalized Recipes from Historical User Preferences
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) has attracted increasing attention recently due to its broad applications. In existing ABSA datasets, most sentences contain only one aspect or multiple aspects with the same sentiment polarity, which makes ABSA task degenerate to sentence-level sentiment analysis. In this paper, we present a new large-scale Multi-Aspect Multi-Sentiment (MAMS) dataset, in which each sentence contains at least two different aspects with different sentiment polarities. The release of this dataset would push forward the research in this field. In addition, we propose simple yet effective CapsNet and CapsNet-BERT models which combine the strengths of recent NLP advances. Experiments on our new dataset show that the proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline methods
[ "Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis", "Sentiment Analysis" ]
[ "MAMS" ]
[ "Acc" ]
A Challenge Dataset and Effective Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
The pre-training of text encoders normally processes text as a sequence of tokens corresponding to small text units, such as word pieces in English and characters in Chinese. It omits information carried by larger text granularity, and thus the encoders cannot easily adapt to certain combinations of characters. This leads to a loss of important semantic information, which is especially problematic for Chinese because the language does not have explicit word boundaries. In this paper, we propose ZEN, a BERT-based Chinese (Z) text encoder Enhanced by N-gram representations, where different combinations of characters are considered during training. As a result, potential word or phase boundaries are explicitly pre-trained and fine-tuned with the character encoder (BERT). Therefore ZEN incorporates the comprehensive information of both the character sequence and words or phrases it contains. Experimental results illustrated the effectiveness of ZEN on a series of Chinese NLP tasks. We show that ZEN, using less resource than other published encoders, can achieve state-of-the-art performance on most tasks. Moreover, it is shown that reasonable performance can be obtained when ZEN is trained on a small corpus, which is important for applying pre-training techniques to scenarios with limited data. The code and pre-trained models of ZEN are available at https://github.com/sinovation/zen.
[ "Chinese Named Entity Recognition", "Chinese Word Segmentation", "Document Classification", "Natural Language Inference", "Part-Of-Speech Tagging", "Sentence Pair Modeling", "Sentiment Analysis" ]
[ "MSR", "MSRA" ]
[ "F1" ]
ZEN: Pre-training Chinese Text Encoder Enhanced by N-gram Representations
Despite various methods are proposed to make progress in pedestrian attribute recognition, a crucial problem on existing datasets is often neglected, namely, a large number of identical pedestrian identities in train and test set, which is not consistent with practical application. Thus, images of the same pedestrian identity in train set and test set are extremely similar, leading to overestimated performance of state-of-the-art methods on existing datasets. To address this problem, we propose two realistic datasets PETA\textsubscript{$zs$} and RAPv2\textsubscript{$zs$} following zero-shot setting of pedestrian identities based on PETA and RAPv2 datasets. Furthermore, compared to our strong baseline method, we have observed that recent state-of-the-art methods can not make performance improvement on PETA, RAPv2, PETA\textsubscript{$zs$} and RAPv2\textsubscript{$zs$}. Thus, through solving the inherent attribute imbalance in pedestrian attribute recognition, an efficient method is proposed to further improve the performance. Experiments on existing and proposed datasets verify the superiority of our method by achieving state-of-the-art performance.
[ "Pedestrian Attribute Recognition" ]
[ "PA-100K" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
Rethinking of Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: Realistic Datasets with Efficient Method
Unsupervised learning has always been appealing to machine learning researchers and practitioners, allowing them to avoid an expensive and complicated process of labeling the data. However, unsupervised learning of complex data is challenging, and even the best approaches show much weaker performance than their supervised counterparts. Self-supervised deep learning has become a strong instrument for representation learning in computer vision. However, those methods have not been evaluated in a fully unsupervised setting. In this paper, we propose a simple scheme for unsupervised classification based on self-supervised representations. We evaluate the proposed approach with several recent self-supervised methods showing that it achieves competitive results for ImageNet classification (39% accuracy on ImageNet with 1000 clusters and 46% with overclustering). We suggest adding the unsupervised evaluation to a set of standard benchmarks for self-supervised learning. The code is available at https://github.com/Randl/kmeans_selfsuper
[ "Image Clustering", "Representation Learning", "Self-Supervised Learning", "Unsupervised Image Classification" ]
[ "ImageNet" ]
[ "Accuracy (%)", "ARI" ]
Self-Supervised Learning for Large-Scale Unsupervised Image Clustering
We study unsupervised video representation learning that seeks to learn both motion and appearance features from unlabeled video only, which can be reused for downstream tasks such as action recognition. This task, however, is extremely challenging due to 1) the highly complex spatial-temporal information in videos; and 2) the lack of labeled data for training. Unlike the representation learning for static images, it is difficult to construct a suitable self-supervised task to well model both motion and appearance features. More recently, several attempts have been made to learn video representation through video playback speed prediction. However, it is non-trivial to obtain precise speed labels for the videos. More critically, the learnt models may tend to focus on motion pattern and thus may not learn appearance features well. In this paper, we observe that the relative playback speed is more consistent with motion pattern, and thus provide more effective and stable supervision for representation learning. Therefore, we propose a new way to perceive the playback speed and exploit the relative speed between two video clips as labels. In this way, we are able to well perceive speed and learn better motion features. Moreover, to ensure the learning of appearance features, we further propose an appearance-focused task, where we enforce the model to perceive the appearance difference between two video clips. We show that optimizing the two tasks jointly consistently improves the performance on two downstream tasks, namely action recognition and video retrieval. Remarkably, for action recognition on UCF101 dataset, we achieve 93.7% accuracy without the use of labeled data for pre-training, which outperforms the ImageNet supervised pre-trained model. Code and pre-trained models can be found at https://github.com/PeihaoChen/RSPNet.
[ "Action Recognition", "Representation Learning", "Self-Supervised Action Recognition", "Video Retrieval" ]
[ "UCF101", "HMDB51" ]
[ "3-fold Accuracy", "Pre-Training Dataset", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
RSPNet: Relative Speed Perception for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning
Prevalent models based on artificial neural network (ANN) for sentence classification often classify sentences in isolation without considering the context in which sentences appear. This hampers the traditional sentence classification approaches to the problem of sequential sentence classification, where structured prediction is needed for better overall classification performance. In this work, we present a hierarchical sequential labeling network to make use of the contextual information within surrounding sentences to help classify the current sentence. Our model outperforms the state-of-the-art results by 2%-3% on two benchmarking datasets for sequential sentence classification in medical scientific abstracts.
[ "Sentence Classification", "Structured Prediction" ]
[ "PubMed 20k RCT" ]
[ "F1" ]
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Scientific Abstracts
Identifying the veracity of a news article is an interesting problem while automating this process can be a challenging task. Detection of a news article as fake is still an open question as it is contingent on many factors which the current state-of-the-art models fail to incorporate. In this paper, we explore a subtask to fake news identification, and that is stance detection. Given a news article, the task is to determine the relevance of the body and its claim. We present a novel idea that combines the neural, statistical and external features to provide an efficient solution to this problem. We compute the neural embedding from the deep recurrent model, statistical features from the weighted n-gram bag-of-words model and handcrafted external features with the help of feature engineering heuristics. Finally, using deep neural layer all the features are combined, thereby classifying the headline-body news pair as agree, disagree, discuss, or unrelated. We compare our proposed technique with the current state-of-the-art models on the fake news challenge dataset. Through extensive experiments, we find that the proposed model outperforms all the state-of-the-art techniques including the submissions to the fake news challenge.
[ "Fake News Detection", "Feature Engineering", "Stance Detection" ]
[ "FNC-1" ]
[ "Per-class Accuracy (Disagree)", "Weighted Accuracy", "Per-class Accuracy (Discuss)", "Per-class Accuracy (Unrelated)", "Per-class Accuracy (Agree)" ]
On the Benefit of Combining Neural, Statistical and External Features for Fake News Identification
Humans gather information by engaging in conversations involving a series of interconnected questions and answers. For machines to assist in information gathering, it is therefore essential to enable them to answer conversational questions. We introduce CoQA, a novel dataset for building Conversational Question Answering systems. Our dataset contains 127k questions with answers, obtained from 8k conversations about text passages from seven diverse domains. The questions are conversational, and the answers are free-form text with their corresponding evidence highlighted in the passage. We analyze CoQA in depth and show that conversational questions have challenging phenomena not present in existing reading comprehension datasets, e.g., coreference and pragmatic reasoning. We evaluate strong conversational and reading comprehension models on CoQA. The best system obtains an F1 score of 65.4%, which is 23.4 points behind human performance (88.8%), indicating there is ample room for improvement. We launch CoQA as a challenge to the community at http://stanfordnlp.github.io/coqa/
[ "Generative Question Answering", "Question Answering", "Reading Comprehension" ]
[ "CoQA" ]
[ "Overall", "Out-of-domain", "F1-Score", "In-domain" ]
CoQA: A Conversational Question Answering Challenge
Anomalies are ubiquitous in all scientific fields and can express an unexpected event due to incomplete knowledge about the data distribution or an unknown process that suddenly comes into play and distorts the observations. Due to such events' rarity, it is common to train deep learning models on "normal", i.e. non-anomalous, datasets only, thus letting the neural network to model the distribution beneath the input data. In this context, we propose our deep learning approach to the anomaly detection problem named Multi-LayerOne-Class Classification (MOCCA). We explicitly leverage the piece-wise nature of deep neural networks by exploiting information extracted at different depths to detect abnormal data instances. We show how combining the representations extracted from multiple layers of a model leads to higher discrimination performance than typical approaches proposed in the literature that are based neural networks' final output only. We propose to train the model by minimizing the $L_2$ distance between the input representation and a reference point, the anomaly-free training data centroid, at each considered layer. We conduct extensive experiments on publicly available datasets for anomaly detection, namely CIFAR10, MVTec AD, and ShanghaiTech, considering both the single-image and video-based scenarios. We show that our method reaches superior performances compared to the state-of-the-art approaches available in the literature. Moreover, we provide a model analysis to give insight on how our approach works.
[ "Anomaly Detection" ]
[ "MVTec AD" ]
[ "Overall AUC" ]
MOCCA: Multi-Layer One-Class Classification for Anomaly Detection
Iterative generative models, such as noise conditional score networks and denoising diffusion probabilistic models, produce high quality samples by gradually denoising an initial noise vector. However, their denoising process has many steps, making them 2-3 orders of magnitude slower than other generative models such as GANs and VAEs. In this paper, we establish a novel connection between knowledge distillation and image generation with a technique that distills a multi-step denoising process into a single step, resulting in a sampling speed similar to other single-step generative models. Our Denoising Student generates high quality samples comparable to GANs on the CIFAR-10 and CelebA datasets, without adversarial training. We demonstrate that our method scales to higher resolutions through experiments on 256 x 256 LSUN. Code and checkpoints are available at https://github.com/tcl9876/Denoising_Student
[ "Denoising", "Image Generation", "Knowledge Distillation" ]
[ "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "Inception score", "FID" ]
Knowledge Distillation in Iterative Generative Models for Improved Sampling Speed
Estimating the 3D position and orientation of objects in the environment with a single RGB camera is a critical and challenging task for low-cost urban autonomous driving and mobile robots. Most of the existing algorithms are based on the geometric constraints in 2D-3D correspondence, which stems from generic 6D object pose estimation. We first identify how the ground plane provides additional clues in depth reasoning in 3D detection in driving scenes. Based on this observation, we then improve the processing of 3D anchors and introduce a novel neural network module to fully utilize such application-specific priors in the framework of deep learning. Finally, we introduce an efficient neural network embedded with the proposed module for 3D object detection. We further verify the power of the proposed module with a neural network designed for monocular depth prediction. The two proposed networks achieve state-of-the-art performances on the KITTI 3D object detection and depth prediction benchmarks, respectively. The code will be published in https://www.github.com/Owen-Liuyuxuan/visualDet3D
[ "3D Object Detection", "6D Pose Estimation using RGB", "Autonomous Driving", "Depth Estimation", "Monocular 3D Object Detection", "Object Detection", "Pose Estimation" ]
[ "KITTI Cars Hard", "KITTI Cars Moderate" ]
[ "AP Hard", "AP Medium" ]
Ground-aware Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Semi-supervised learning, i.e., training networks with both labeled and unlabeled data, has made significant progress recently. However, existing works have primarily focused on image classification tasks and neglected object detection which requires more annotation effort. In this work, we revisit the Semi-Supervised Object Detection (SS-OD) and identify the pseudo-labeling bias issue in SS-OD. To address this, we introduce Unbiased Teacher, a simple yet effective approach that jointly trains a student and a gradually progressing teacher in a mutually-beneficial manner. Together with a class-balance loss to downweight overly confident pseudo-labels, Unbiased Teacher consistently improved state-of-the-art methods by significant margins on COCO-standard, COCO-additional, and VOC datasets. Specifically, Unbiased Teacher achieves 6.8 absolute mAP improvements against state-of-the-art method when using 1% of labeled data on MS-COCO, achieves around 10 mAP improvements against the supervised baseline when using only 0.5, 1, 2% of labeled data on MS-COCO.
[ "Image Classification", "Object Detection", "Semi-Supervised Object Detection" ]
[ "COCO 1% labeled data" ]
[ "mAP" ]
Unbiased Teacher for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
Datasets with significant proportions of noisy (incorrect) class labels present challenges for training accurate Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). We propose a new perspective for understanding DNN generalization for such datasets, by investigating the dimensionality of the deep representation subspace of training samples. We show that from a dimensionality perspective, DNNs exhibit quite distinctive learning styles when trained with clean labels versus when trained with a proportion of noisy labels. Based on this finding, we develop a new dimensionality-driven learning strategy, which monitors the dimensionality of subspaces during training and adapts the loss function accordingly. We empirically demonstrate that our approach is highly tolerant to significant proportions of noisy labels, and can effectively learn low-dimensional local subspaces that capture the data distribution.
[ "Learning with noisy labels" ]
[ "mini WebVision 1.0" ]
[ "Top-5 Accuracy", "ImageNet Top-1 Accuracy", "ImageNet Top-5 Accuracy", "Top-1 Accuracy" ]
Dimensionality-Driven Learning with Noisy Labels
In this paper, we introduce 'Coarse-Fine Networks', a two-stream architecture which benefits from different abstractions of temporal resolution to learn better video representations for long-term motion. Traditional Video models process inputs at one (or few) fixed temporal resolution without any dynamic frame selection. However, we argue that, processing multiple temporal resolutions of the input and doing so dynamically by learning to estimate the importance of each frame can largely improve video representations, specially in the domain of temporal activity localization. To this end, we propose (1) `Grid Pool', a learned temporal downsampling layer to extract coarse features, and, (2) `Multi-stage Fusion', a spatio-temporal attention mechanism to fuse a fine-grained context with the coarse features. We show that our method can outperform the state-of-the-arts for action detection in public datasets including Charades with a significantly reduced compute and memory footprint.
[ "Action Detection", "Activity Detection" ]
[ "Charades" ]
[ "mAP" ]
Coarse-Fine Networks for Temporal Activity Detection in Videos
Recently, deep neural networks are widely applied in recommender systems for their effectiveness in capturing/modeling users' preferences. Especially, the attention mechanism in deep learning enables recommender systems to incorporate various features in an adaptive way. Specifically, as for the next item recommendation task, we have the following three observations: 1) users' sequential behavior records aggregate at time positions ("time-aggregation"), 2) users have personalized taste that is related to the "time-aggregation" phenomenon ("personalized time-aggregation"), and 3) users' short-term interests play an important role in the next item prediction/recommendation. In this paper, we propose a new Time-aware Long- and Short-term Attention Network (TLSAN) to address those observations mentioned above. Specifically, TLSAN consists of two main components. Firstly, TLSAN models "personalized time-aggregation" and learn user-specific temporal taste via trainable personalized time position embeddings with category-aware correlations in long-term behaviors. Secondly, long- and short-term feature-wise attention layers are proposed to effectively capture users' long- and short-term preferences for accurate recommendation. Especially, the attention mechanism enables TLSAN to utilize users' preferences in an adaptive way, and its usage in long- and short-term layers enhances TLSAN's ability of dealing with sparse interaction data. Extensive experiments are conducted on Amazon datasets from different fields (also with different size), and the results show that TLSAN outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in both capturing users' preferences and performing time-sensitive next-item recommendation.
[ "Recommendation Systems" ]
[ "Amazon Games", "Amazon Product Data", "Amazon Beauty" ]
[ "AUC" ]
TLSAN: Time-aware Long- and Short-term Attention Network for Next-item Recommendation
Luminoso participated in the SemEval 2018 task on "Capturing Discriminative Attributes" with a system based on ConceptNet, an open knowledge graph focused on general knowledge. In this paper, we describe how we trained a linear classifier on a small number of semantically-informed features to achieve an $F_1$ score of 0.7368 on the task, close to the task's high score of 0.75.
[ "Relation Extraction" ]
[ "SemEval 2018 Task 10" ]
[ "F1-Score" ]
Luminoso at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Distinguishing Attributes Using Text Corpora and Relational Knowledge
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have shown significant improvements in semi-supervised learning on graph-structured data. Concurrently, unsupervised learning of graph embeddings has benefited from the information contained in random walks. In this paper, we propose a model: Network of GCNs (N-GCN), which marries these two lines of work. At its core, N-GCN trains multiple instances of GCNs over node pairs discovered at different distances in random walks, and learns a combination of the instance outputs which optimizes the classification objective. Our experiments show that our proposed N-GCN model improves state-of-the-art baselines on all of the challenging node classification tasks we consider: Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, and PPI. In addition, our proposed method has other desirable properties, including generalization to recently proposed semi-supervised learning methods such as GraphSAGE, allowing us to propose N-SAGE, and resilience to adversarial input perturbations.
[ "Node Classification" ]
[ "Cora", "Pubmed", "Citeseer" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
N-GCN: Multi-scale Graph Convolution for Semi-supervised Node Classification
Recent studies have shown remarkable success in image-to-image translation for two domains. However, existing approaches have limited scalability and robustness in handling more than two domains, since different models should be built independently for every pair of image domains. To address this limitation, we propose StarGAN, a novel and scalable approach that can perform image-to-image translations for multiple domains using only a single model. Such a unified model architecture of StarGAN allows simultaneous training of multiple datasets with different domains within a single network. This leads to StarGAN's superior quality of translated images compared to existing models as well as the novel capability of flexibly translating an input image to any desired target domain. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a facial attribute transfer and a facial expression synthesis tasks.
[ "Image-to-Image Translation" ]
[ "RaFD" ]
[ "Classification Error" ]
StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation
We present a neural network model - based on CNNs, RNNs and a novel attention mechanism - which achieves 84.2% accuracy on the challenging French Street Name Signs (FSNS) dataset, significantly outperforming the previous state of the art (Smith'16), which achieved 72.46%. Furthermore, our new method is much simpler and more general than the previous approach. To demonstrate the generality of our model, we show that it also performs well on an even more challenging dataset derived from Google Street View, in which the goal is to extract business names from store fronts. Finally, we study the speed/accuracy tradeoff that results from using CNN feature extractors of different depths. Surprisingly, we find that deeper is not always better (in terms of accuracy, as well as speed). Our resulting model is simple, accurate and fast, allowing it to be used at scale on a variety of challenging real-world text extraction problems.
[ "Optical Character Recognition" ]
[ "FSNS - Test" ]
[ "Sequence error" ]
Attention-based Extraction of Structured Information from Street View Imagery
Deep learning has achieved a remarkable performance breakthrough in several fields, most notably in speech recognition, natural language processing, and computer vision. In particular, convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures currently produce state-of-the-art performance on a variety of image analysis tasks such as object detection and recognition. Most of deep learning research has so far focused on dealing with 1D, 2D, or 3D Euclidean-structured data such as acoustic signals, images, or videos. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in geometric deep learning, attempting to generalize deep learning methods to non-Euclidean structured data such as graphs and manifolds, with a variety of applications from the domains of network analysis, computational social science, or computer graphics. In this paper, we propose a unified framework allowing to generalize CNN architectures to non-Euclidean domains (graphs and manifolds) and learn local, stationary, and compositional task-specific features. We show that various non-Euclidean CNN methods previously proposed in the literature can be considered as particular instances of our framework. We test the proposed method on standard tasks from the realms of image-, graph- and 3D shape analysis and show that it consistently outperforms previous approaches.
[ "Document Classification", "Graph Classification", "Graph Regression", "Node Classification", "Object Detection", "Speech Recognition", "Superpixel Image Classification" ]
[ "Cora", "ZINC-500k", "75 Superpixel MNIST", "CIFAR10 100k", "PATTERN 100k", "ZINC 100k" ]
[ "MAE", "Accuracy (%)", "Classification Error", "Accuracy" ]
Geometric deep learning on graphs and manifolds using mixture model CNNs
Understanding unstructured text is a major goal within natural language processing. Comprehension tests pose questions based on short text passages to evaluate such understanding. In this work, we investigate machine comprehension on the challenging {\it MCTest} benchmark. Partly because of its limited size, prior work on {\it MCTest} has focused mainly on engineering better features. We tackle the dataset with a neural approach, harnessing simple neural networks arranged in a parallel hierarchy. The parallel hierarchy enables our model to compare the passage, question, and answer from a variety of trainable perspectives, as opposed to using a manually designed, rigid feature set. Perspectives range from the word level to sentence fragments to sequences of sentences; the networks operate only on word-embedding representations of text. When trained with a methodology designed to help cope with limited training data, our Parallel-Hierarchical model sets a new state of the art for {\it MCTest}, outperforming previous feature-engineered approaches slightly and previous neural approaches by a significant margin (over 15\% absolute).
[ "Question Answering", "Reading Comprehension" ]
[ "MCTest-500", "MCTest-160" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
A Parallel-Hierarchical Model for Machine Comprehension on Sparse Data
Most activity localization methods in the literature suffer from the burden of frame-wise annotation requirement. Learning from weak labels may be a potential solution towards reducing such manual labeling effort. Recent years have witnessed a substantial influx of tagged videos on the Internet, which can serve as a rich source of weakly-supervised training data. Specifically, the correlations between videos with similar tags can be utilized to temporally localize the activities. Towards this goal, we present W-TALC, a Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization and Classification framework using only video-level labels. The proposed network can be divided into two sub-networks, namely the Two-Stream based feature extractor network and a weakly-supervised module, which we learn by optimizing two complimentary loss functions. Qualitative and quantitative results on two challenging datasets - Thumos14 and ActivityNet1.2, demonstrate that the proposed method is able to detect activities at a fine granularity and achieve better performance than current state-of-the-art methods.
[ "Weakly Supervised Action Localization" ]
[ "ActivityNet-1.2", "THUMOS 2014", "THUMOS’14" ]
W-TALC: Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization and Classification
Person Re-Identification is still a challenging task in Computer Vision due to a variety of reasons. On the other side, Incremental Learning is still an issue since deep learning models tend to face the problem of over catastrophic forgetting when trained on subsequent tasks. In this paper, we propose a model that can be used for multiple tasks in Person Re-Identification, provide state-of-the-art results on a variety of tasks and still achieve considerable accuracy subsequently. We evaluated our model on two datasets Market 1501 and Duke MTMC. Extensive experiments show that this method can achieve Incremental Learning in Person ReID efficiently as well as for other tasks in computer vision as well.
[ "Incremental Learning", "Person Re-Identification" ]
[ "DukeMTMC-reID", "Market-1501" ]
[ "Rank-1", "MAP" ]
Incremental Learning in Person Re-Identification
When answering a question, people often draw upon their rich world knowledge in addition to the particular context. Recent work has focused primarily on answering questions given some relevant document or context, and required very little general background. To investigate question answering with prior knowledge, we present CommonsenseQA: a challenging new dataset for commonsense question answering. To capture common sense beyond associations, we extract from ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017) multiple target concepts that have the same semantic relation to a single source concept. Crowd-workers are asked to author multiple-choice questions that mention the source concept and discriminate in turn between each of the target concepts. This encourages workers to create questions with complex semantics that often require prior knowledge. We create 12,247 questions through this procedure and demonstrate the difficulty of our task with a large number of strong baselines. Our best baseline is based on BERT-large (Devlin et al., 2018) and obtains 56% accuracy, well below human performance, which is 89%.
[ "Common Sense Reasoning", "Question Answering" ]
[ "CommonsenseQA" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
CommonsenseQA: A Question Answering Challenge Targeting Commonsense Knowledge
We present a novel end-to-end framework named as GSNet (Geometric and Scene-aware Network), which jointly estimates 6DoF poses and reconstructs detailed 3D car shapes from single urban street view. GSNet utilizes a unique four-way feature extraction and fusion scheme and directly regresses 6DoF poses and shapes in a single forward pass. Extensive experiments show that our diverse feature extraction and fusion scheme can greatly improve model performance. Based on a divide-and-conquer 3D shape representation strategy, GSNet reconstructs 3D vehicle shape with great detail (1352 vertices and 2700 faces). This dense mesh representation further leads us to consider geometrical consistency and scene context, and inspires a new multi-objective loss function to regularize network training, which in turn improves the accuracy of 6D pose estimation and validates the merit of jointly performing both tasks. We evaluate GSNet on the largest multi-task ApolloCar3D benchmark and achieve state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Project page is available at https://lkeab.github.io/gsnet/.
[ "3D Reconstruction", "3D Shape Representation", "6D Pose Estimation", "Autonomous Driving", "Pose Estimation", "Self-Driving Cars", "Vehicle Pose Estimation" ]
[ "ApolloCar3D" ]
[ "A3DP" ]
GSNet: Joint Vehicle Pose and Shape Reconstruction with Geometrical and Scene-aware Supervision
Haze and smog are among the most common environmental factors impacting image quality and, therefore, image analysis. This paper proposes an end-to-end generative method for image dehazing. It is based on designing a fully convolutional neural network to recognize haze structures in input images and restore clear, haze-free images. The proposed method is agnostic in the sense that it does not explore the atmosphere scattering model. Somewhat surprisingly, it achieves superior performance relative to all existing state-of-the-art methods for image dehazing even on SOTS outdoor images, which are synthesized using the atmosphere scattering model. Project detail and code can be found here: https://github.com/Seanforfun/GMAN_Net_Haze_Removal
[ "Image Dehazing", "Single Image Dehazing" ]
[ "SOTS Indoor", "SOTS Outdoor" ]
[ "SSIM", "PSNR" ]
Generic Model-Agnostic Convolutional Neural Network for Single Image Dehazing
The latency in the current neural based dialogue state tracking models prohibits them from being used efficiently for deployment in production systems, albeit their highly accurate performance. This paper proposes a new scalable and accurate neural dialogue state tracking model, based on the recently proposed Global-Local Self-Attention encoder (GLAD) model by Zhong et al. which uses global modules to share parameters between estimators for different types (called slots) of dialogue states, and uses local modules to learn slot-specific features. By using only one recurrent networks with global conditioning, compared to (1 + \# slots) recurrent networks with global and local conditioning used in the GLAD model, our proposed model reduces the latency in training and inference times by $35\%$ on average, while preserving performance of belief state tracking, by $97.38\%$ on turn request and $88.51\%$ on joint goal and accuracy. Evaluation on Multi-domain dataset (Multi-WoZ) also demonstrates that our model outperforms GLAD on turn inform and joint goal accuracy.
[ "Dialogue State Tracking", "Multi-domain Dialogue State Tracking" ]
[ "Wizard-of-Oz" ]
[ "Request", "Joint" ]
Toward Scalable Neural Dialogue State Tracking Model
This paper proposes a low-complexity word-level deep convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for text categorization that can efficiently represent long-range associations in text. In the literature, several deep and complex neural networks have been proposed for this task, assuming availability of relatively large amounts of training data. However, the associated computational complexity increases as the networks go deeper, which poses serious challenges in practical applications. Moreover, it was shown recently that shallow word-level CNNs are more accurate and much faster than the state-of-the-art very deep nets such as character-level CNNs even in the setting of large training data. Motivated by these findings, we carefully studied deepening of word-level CNNs to capture global representations of text, and found a simple network architecture with which the best accuracy can be obtained by increasing the network depth without increasing computational cost by much. We call it deep pyramid CNN. The proposed model with 15 weight layers outperforms the previous best models on six benchmark datasets for sentiment classification and topic categorization.
[ "Sentiment Analysis", "Text Classification" ]
[ "Yelp Fine-grained classification", "Amazon Review Polarity", "Yelp Binary classification", "DBpedia", "Amazon Review Full", "AG News" ]
[ "Error", "Accuracy" ]
Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Categorization
We propose a novel framework based on neural networks to identify the sentiment of opinion targets in a comment/review. Our framework adopts multiple-attention mechanism to capture sentiment features separated by a long distance, so that it is more robust against irrelevant information. The results of multiple attentions are non-linearly combined with a recurrent neural network, which strengthens the expressive power of our model for handling more complications. The weighted-memory mechanism not only helps us avoid the labor-intensive feature engineering work, but also provides a tailor-made memory for different opinion targets of a sentence. We examine the merit of our model on four datasets: two are from SemEval2014, i.e. reviews of restaurants and laptops; a twitter dataset, for testing its performance on social media data; and a Chinese news comment dataset, for testing its language sensitivity. The experimental results show that our model consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on different types of data.
[ "Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis", "Feature Engineering", "Sentiment Analysis" ]
[ "SemEval 2014 Task 4 Sub Task 2" ]
[ "Laptop (Acc)", "Restaurant (Acc)", "Mean Acc (Restaurant + Laptop)" ]
Recurrent Attention Network on Memory for Aspect Sentiment Analysis
Named entity recognition (NER) is highly sensitive to sentential syntactic and semantic properties where entities may be extracted according to how they are used and placed in the running text. To model such properties, one could rely on existing resources to providing helpful knowledge to the NER task; some existing studies proved the effectiveness of doing so, and yet are limited in appropriately leveraging the knowledge such as distinguishing the important ones for particular context. In this paper, we improve NER by leveraging different types of syntactic information through attentive ensemble, which functionalizes by the proposed key-value memory networks, syntax attention, and the gate mechanism for encoding, weighting and aggregating such syntactic information, respectively. Experimental results on six English and Chinese benchmark datasets suggest the effectiveness of the proposed model and show that it outperforms previous studies on all experiment datasets.
[ "Chinese Named Entity Recognition", "Named Entity Recognition" ]
[ "Resume NER", "OntoNotes 4", "Weibo NER" ]
[ "F1" ]
Improving Named Entity Recognition with Attentive Ensemble of Syntactic Information
In this paper, we propose a novel encoder-decoder network, called extit{Scale Aggregation Network (SANet)}, for accurate and efficient crowd counting. The encoder extracts multi-scale features with scale aggregation modules and the decoder generates high-resolution density maps by using a set of transposed convolutions. Moreover, we find that most existing works use only Euclidean loss which assumes independence among each pixel but ignores the local correlation in density maps. Therefore, we propose a novel training loss, combining of Euclidean loss and local pattern consistency loss, which improves the performance of the model in our experiments. In addition, we use normalization layers to ease the training process and apply a patch-based test scheme to reduce the impact of statistic shift problem. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conduct extensive experiments on four major crowd counting datasets and our method achieves superior performance to state-of-the-art methods while with much less parameters.
[ "Crowd Counting" ]
[ "UCF CC 50", "ShanghaiTech A", "WorldExpo’10", "ShanghaiTech B" ]
[ "MAE", "Average MAE" ]
Scale Aggregation Network for Accurate and Efficient Crowd Counting
In this work, we consider the problem of robust gaze estimation in natural environments. Large camera-to-subject distances and high variations in head pose and eye gaze angles are common in such environments. This leads to two main shortfalls in state-of-the-art methods for gaze estimation: hindered ground truth gaze annotation and diminished gaze estimation accuracy as image resolution decreases with distance. We first record a novel dataset of varied gaze and head pose images in a natural environment, addressing the issue of ground truth annotation by measuring head pose using a motion capture system and eye gaze using mobile eyetracking glasses. We apply semantic image inpainting to the area covered by the glasses to bridge the gap between training and testing images by removing the obtrusiveness of the glasses. We also present a new real-time algorithm involving appearance-based deep convolutional neural networks with increased capacity to cope with the diverse images in the new dataset. Experiments with this network architecture are conducted on a number of diverse eye-gaze datasets including our own, and in cross dataset evaluations. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in terms of estimation accuracy in all experiments, and the architecture performs well even on lower resolution images.
[ "Gaze Estimation", "Image Inpainting", "Motion Capture" ]
[ "MPII Gaze", "RT-GENE", "UT Multi-view" ]
[ "Angular Error" ]
RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze Estimation in Natural Environments
Recently, we have seen a rapid development of Deep Neural Network (DNN) based visual tracking solutions. Some trackers combine the DNN-based solutions with Discriminative Correlation Filters (DCF) to extract semantic features and successfully deliver the state-of-the-art tracking accuracy. However, these solutions are highly compute-intensive, which require long processing time, resulting unsecured real-time performance. To deliver both high accuracy and reliable real-time performance, we propose a novel tracker called SiamVGG. It combines a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) backbone and a cross-correlation operator, and takes advantage of the features from exemplary images for more accurate object tracking. The architecture of SiamVGG is customized from VGG-16, with the parameters shared by both exemplary images and desired input video frames. We demonstrate the proposed SiamVGG on OTB-2013/50/100 and VOT 2015/2016/2017 datasets with the state-of-the-art accuracy while maintaining a decent real-time performance of 50 FPS running on a GTX 1080Ti. Our design can achieve 2% higher Expected Average Overlap (EAO) compared to the ECO and C-COT in VOT2017 Challenge.
[ "Object Tracking", "Visual Object Tracking", "Visual Tracking" ]
[ "OTB-2015", "VOT2016", "OTB-50", "OTB-2013", "VOT2017" ]
[ "Expected Average Overlap (EAO)", "AUC" ]
SiamVGG: Visual Tracking using Deeper Siamese Networks
Learning how objects sound from video is challenging, since they often heavily overlap in a single audio channel. Current methods for visually-guided audio source separation sidestep the issue by training with artificially mixed video clips, but this puts unwieldy restrictions on training data collection and may even prevent learning the properties of "true" mixed sounds. We introduce a co-separation training paradigm that permits learning object-level sounds from unlabeled multi-source videos. Our novel training objective requires that the deep neural network's separated audio for similar-looking objects be consistently identifiable, while simultaneously reproducing accurate video-level audio tracks for each source training pair. Our approach disentangles sounds in realistic test videos, even in cases where an object was not observed individually during training. We obtain state-of-the-art results on visually-guided audio source separation and audio denoising for the MUSIC, AudioSet, and AV-Bench datasets.
[ "Audio Denoising", "Audio Source Separation", "Denoising" ]
[ "AV-Bench - Violin Yanni", "AV-Bench - Wooden Horse", "AV-Bench - Guitar Solo" ]
[ "NSDR" ]
Co-Separating Sounds of Visual Objects
Flow-based generative models are powerful exact likelihood models with efficient sampling and inference. Despite their computational efficiency, flow-based models generally have much worse density modeling performance compared to state-of-the-art autoregressive models. In this paper, we investigate and improve upon three limiting design choices employed by flow-based models in prior work: the use of uniform noise for dequantization, the use of inexpressive affine flows, and the use of purely convolutional conditioning networks in coupling layers. Based on our findings, we propose Flow++, a new flow-based model that is now the state-of-the-art non-autoregressive model for unconditional density estimation on standard image benchmarks. Our work has begun to close the significant performance gap that has so far existed between autoregressive models and flow-based models. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/aravindsrinivas/flowpp
[ "Density Estimation", "Image Generation" ]
[ "ImageNet 64x64", "ImageNet 32x32", "CIFAR-10" ]
[ "bits/dimension", "bpd", "Bits per dim" ]
Flow++: Improving Flow-Based Generative Models with Variational Dequantization and Architecture Design
We propose an end-to-end deep learning learning model for graph classification and representation learning that is invariant to permutation of the nodes of the input graphs. We address the challenge of learning a fixed size graph representation for graphs of varying dimensions through a differentiable node attention pooling mechanism. In addition to a theoretical proof of its invariance to permutation, we provide empirical evidence demonstrating the statistically significant gain in accuracy when faced with an isomorphic graph classification task given only a small number of training examples. We analyse the effect of four different matrices to facilitate the local message passing mechanism by which graph convolutions are performed vs. a matrix parametrised by a learned parameter pair able to transition smoothly between the former. Finally, we show that our model achieves competitive classification performance with existing techniques on a set of molecule datasets.
[ "Graph Classification", "Representation Learning" ]
[ "Accuracy" ]
PiNet: A Permutation Invariant Graph Neural Network for Graph Classification
We propose an inductive matrix completion model without using side information. By factorizing the (rating) matrix into the product of low-dimensional latent embeddings of rows (users) and columns (items), a majority of existing matrix completion methods are transductive, since the learned embeddings cannot generalize to unseen rows/columns or to new matrices. To make matrix completion inductive, most previous works use content (side information), such as user's age or movie's genre, to make predictions. However, high-quality content is not always available, and can be hard to extract. Under the extreme setting where not any side information is available other than the matrix to complete, can we still learn an inductive matrix completion model? In this paper, we propose an Inductive Graph-based Matrix Completion (IGMC) model to address this problem. IGMC trains a graph neural network (GNN) based purely on 1-hop subgraphs around (user, item) pairs generated from the rating matrix and maps these subgraphs to their corresponding ratings. It achieves highly competitive performance with state-of-the-art transductive baselines. In addition, IGMC is inductive -- it can generalize to users/items unseen during the training (given that their interactions exist), and can even transfer to new tasks. Our transfer learning experiments show that a model trained out of the MovieLens dataset can be directly used to predict Douban movie ratings with surprisingly good performance. Our work demonstrates that: 1) it is possible to train inductive matrix completion models without using side information while achieving similar or better performances than state-of-the-art transductive methods; 2) local graph patterns around a (user, item) pair are effective predictors of the rating this user gives to the item; and 3) Long-range dependencies might not be necessary for modeling recommender systems.
[ "Matrix Completion", "Recommendation Systems", "Transfer Learning" ]
[ "MovieLens 1M", "Flixster Monti", "Douban Monti", "YahooMusic Monti", "MovieLens 100K" ]
[ "RMSE (u1 Splits)", "RMSE" ]
Inductive Matrix Completion Based on Graph Neural Networks
We introduce a detection framework for dense crowd counting and eliminate the need for the prevalent density regression paradigm. Typical counting models predict crowd density for an image as opposed to detecting every person. These regression methods, in general, fail to localize persons accurate enough for most applications other than counting. Hence, we adopt an architecture that locates every person in the crowd, sizes the spotted heads with bounding box and then counts them. Compared to normal object or face detectors, there exist certain unique challenges in designing such a detection system. Some of them are direct consequences of the huge diversity in dense crowds along with the need to predict boxes contiguously. We solve these issues and develop our LSC-CNN model, which can reliably detect heads of people across sparse to dense crowds. LSC-CNN employs a multi-column architecture with top-down feedback processing to better resolve persons and produce refined predictions at multiple resolutions. Interestingly, the proposed training regime requires only point head annotation, but can estimate approximate size information of heads. We show that LSC-CNN not only has superior localization than existing density regressors, but outperforms in counting as well. The code for our approach is available at https://github.com/val-iisc/lsc-cnn.
[ "Crowd Counting", "Regression" ]
[ "UCF CC 50", "ShanghaiTech A", "ShanghaiTech B" ]
[ "MAE" ]
Locate, Size and Count: Accurately Resolving People in Dense Crowds via Detection
Continual lifelong learning is essential to many applications. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective approach to continual deep learning. Our approach leverages the principles of deep model compression, critical weights selection, and progressive networks expansion. By enforcing their integration in an iterative manner, we introduce an incremental learning method that is scalable to the number of sequential tasks in a continual learning process. Our approach is easy to implement and owns several favorable characteristics. First, it can avoid forgetting (i.e., learn new tasks while remembering all previous tasks). Second, it allows model expansion but can maintain the model compactness when handling sequential tasks. Besides, through our compaction and selection/expansion mechanism, we show that the knowledge accumulated through learning previous tasks is helpful to build a better model for the new tasks compared to training the models independently with tasks. Experimental results show that our approach can incrementally learn a deep model tackling multiple tasks without forgetting, while the model compactness is maintained with the performance more satisfiable than individual task training.
[ "Age And Gender Classification", "Continual Learning", "Face Verification", "Facial Expression Recognition", "Incremental Learning", "Model Compression" ]
[ "Stanford Cars (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Sketch (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Adience Gender", "Wikiart (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Flowers (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "ImageNet (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "CUBS (Fine-grained 6 Tasks)", "Adience Age", "Cifar100 (20 tasks)", "Labeled Faces in the Wild", "AffectNet" ]
[ "Accuracy (8 emotion)", "Accuracy (7 emotion)", "Accuracy (5-fold)", "Accuracy", "Average Accuracy" ]
Compacting, Picking and Growing for Unforgetting Continual Learning
Per-pixel ground-truth depth data is challenging to acquire at scale. To overcome this limitation, self-supervised learning has emerged as a promising alternative for training models to perform monocular depth estimation. In this paper, we propose a set of improvements, which together result in both quantitatively and qualitatively improved depth maps compared to competing self-supervised methods. Research on self-supervised monocular training usually explores increasingly complex architectures, loss functions, and image formation models, all of which have recently helped to close the gap with fully-supervised methods. We show that a surprisingly simple model, and associated design choices, lead to superior predictions. In particular, we propose (i) a minimum reprojection loss, designed to robustly handle occlusions, (ii) a full-resolution multi-scale sampling method that reduces visual artifacts, and (iii) an auto-masking loss to ignore training pixels that violate camera motion assumptions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of each component in isolation, and show high quality, state-of-the-art results on the KITTI benchmark.
[ "Depth Estimation", "Image Reconstruction", "Motion Estimation", "Scene Understanding", "Self-Supervised Learning" ]
[ "KITTI Eigen split" ]
[ "absolute relative error" ]
Digging Into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Generating realistic images of complex visual scenes becomes challenging when one wishes to control the structure of the generated images. Previous approaches showed that scenes with few entities can be controlled using scene graphs, but this approach struggles as the complexity of the graph (the number of objects and edges) increases. In this work, we show that one limitation of current methods is their inability to capture semantic equivalence in graphs. We present a novel model that addresses these issues by learning canonical graph representations from the data, resulting in improved image generation for complex visual scenes. Our model demonstrates improved empirical performance on large scene graphs, robustness to noise in the input scene graph, and generalization on semantically equivalent graphs. Finally, we show improved performance of the model on three different benchmarks: Visual Genome, COCO, and CLEVR.
[ "Image Generation", "Layout-to-Image Generation", "Scene Generation" ]
[ "Visual Genome 256x256", "COCO-Stuff 256x256" ]
[ "Inception Score", "FID", "LPIPS" ]
Learning Canonical Representations for Scene Graph to Image Generation