stringlengths 2
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Minecraft Wiki | <div id="main-page" class="plainlinks main-page"> </div> Category:Minecraft Wiki | null |
Server level.dat | server_level.dat is the name of the file used by the Minecraft Classic server for loading and saving the in-game map The file can be backed up to save content which helps to protect constructions against griefers or to use the file for map editing. | null |
Server level.dat | The file is compressed using gzip to save space (as the files can end up being reasonably large due to everything even air being considered a block ) (Note: in this example a default server_level.dat is being used with the size of 256x256x64 Level files with bigger dimensions may differ in the amount of bytes.) The server level.dat file is where the Minecraft Server dumps the level information for permanent storage As this file is primarily raw level data it can be quite large: a regular 256x256x64 sized level is 4 megabytes in size The file is compressed using gzip however Most of the block values are 0 (empty space) so therefore the size is reduced considerably by the compression usually down to a few hundred kilobytes After un-gzipping the datafile (the player may simply decompress the file itself using a tool which can decompress gzipped files) sequentially the datafile consists of the number 656127880 as 32-bit integer (0x27 0x1B 0xB7 0x88 in HEX) followed by the number 2 as a byte (0x02 in HEX) then followed by serialized Level Java classfile instance The level's block values (material type such as stone) are stored inside of a byte array inside of this class The first 65536 sequential bytes of the array make up the top-most 256x256 "sliver" of the level with the north-most row of bytes from left to right being at locations 0 .. 255 the row below that at from left to right locations 256 .. 511 and so on The default maps are 64 "slivers" deep When uncompressed the format of the file is as follows: {| border="1" class="wikitable" data-description="File format"
! Position
! Size (bytes)
! Name
! Description
| 0
| 4
| Magic ID
| A magic ID is a constant number used to identify the Minecraft file format The current value is 0x271bb788 |-
| 4
| 1
| Version Number
| The version number represents the current format used to save the level The current value is 2 |-
| 5
| Variable
| Serialized Java com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level Class
| More information about the serialization format used by Java is available in the [http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/serialization/ manual] however the easiest way to edit the file is to use the classes already provided with the official <span class="plainlinks">[http://minecraft.net/servers.jsp minecraft-server.jar file]</span> |} One generally has two options for accessing the byte array of blocks: The player could deserialize the compressed .dat file directly back into an instance of a Level object inside of Java thus having access to the instance of the Level object in exactly the same way the Minecraft Server does This would allow the player to set the blocks dimensions spawn point and other aspects of the map directly by calling the methods on the instantiated Level object Manual decompression is not needed before loading because Java can compress and decompress gzipped files on the fly To load the datafile back into an instance of the Level class the player would need the class definition for the Level class This is included with the minecraft-server.jar file An example of this can be seen in the Development resources/Example Minecraft Classic Level Editing Class Others have read and modified the map's data by simply accessing the raw byte array in the datafile file To do this the player would decompress it make changes to the bytes where the byte array is stored and then compress it again Since the player is editing it raw the player must keep the first 344 (14E in HEX) bytes intact The next 256x256x64 bytes are where the byte array is stored Additionally it is also possible to alter the spawn location coordinates this way if the player knows where to look: there are 3 integer values starting at byte 284 and thus overwriting the next 12 bytes (3 integers) allow the player to change the spawn location Category:Server pt:server level.dat zh:server level.dat | Accessing the array of bytes |
Server level.dat | When uncompressed the format of the file is as follows: {| border="1" class="wikitable" data-description="File format"
! Position
! Size (bytes)
! Name
! Description
| 0
| 4
| Magic ID
| A magic ID is a constant number used to identify the Minecraft file format The current value is 0x271bb788 |-
| 4
| 1
| Version Number
| The version number represents the current format used to save the level The current value is 2 |-
| 5
| Variable
| Serialized Java com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level Class
| More information about the serialization format used by Java is available in the [http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/serialization/ manual] however the easiest way to edit the file is to use the classes already provided with the official <span class="plainlinks">[http://minecraft.net/servers.jsp minecraft-server.jar file]</span> |} | File format |
Server level.dat | One generally has two options for accessing the byte array of blocks: The player could deserialize the compressed .dat file directly back into an instance of a Level object inside of Java thus having access to the instance of the Level object in exactly the same way the Minecraft Server does This would allow the player to set the blocks dimensions spawn point and other aspects of the map directly by calling the methods on the instantiated Level object Manual decompression is not needed before loading because Java can compress and decompress gzipped files on the fly To load the datafile back into an instance of the Level class the player would need the class definition for the Level class This is included with the minecraft-server.jar file An example of this can be seen in the Development resources/Example Minecraft Classic Level Editing Class Others have read and modified the map's data by simply accessing the raw byte array in the datafile file To do this the player would decompress it make changes to the bytes where the byte array is stored and then compress it again Since the player is editing it raw the player must keep the first 344 (14E in HEX) bytes intact The next 256x256x64 bytes are where the byte array is stored Additionally it is also possible to alter the spawn location coordinates this way if the player knows where to look: there are 3 integer values starting at byte 284 and thus overwriting the next 12 bytes (3 integers) allow the player to change the spawn location Category:Server pt:server level.dat zh:server level.dat | Accessing the array of bytes |
Multiplayer | thumb Multiplayer is the server -based version of Minecraft that enables multiple player s to interact with each other on a single world allowing them to work together to mine ores build structures and fight mobs (or each other ) or to simply play together. | null |
Multiplayer | Multiplayer works using a server which allows players to play online or via a local area network with other people There are various customization options that can be set by operators These settings depend on the type of server and can create many different multiplayer experiences To change multiplayer settings in Bedrock Edition the world owner has to go to the world settings while not in the world then select the "Multiplayer" tab and are then given some options The first option is "Multiplayer Game" This option allows world owners to decide who can join them over Wi-Fi by selecting an option on the "Microsoft Account Settings" dropdown * If they select "Invite Only" only Xbox Live friends that are owner invites can join them * If they select "Friends Only" then only their friends on Xbox Live can join them * If they select "Friends of Friends" then the owner's Xbox Live friends and their Xbox Live friends can join This is also the default option The second option is called "Visible to LAN Players" which allows anyone on the same local network or Wi-Fi network the owner is on to join them regardless of if they are a friend of theirs or not There can be a maximum of 5/8 players at a time in a world thumb|The disclaimer that appears when clicking onto the Multiplayer section from the [[main menu]] To enable multiplayer the world owner has to first pause the game and press "Open to LAN" then the owner is then prompted some options: * "Game Mode" which sets the gamemode of other players once they join the world for the first time Once a player rejoins they retain their previous gamemode even if the gamemode on join was changed * "Allow Cheats" which allows or denies other players access to cheats depending on the selected option Once a player rejoins they wont retain their cheats permissions unless enabled again Once the world is opened to the LAN players on the same local network or Wi-Fi network as the world owner can join by going to the multiplayer section Players who are going to join over Wi-Fi must do the following: # Add a server/Use Direct Connect # Enter the IPv4 address of the world owner into the server address followed by a colon # Enter the port of the world that was given upon opening the world to LAN # Ensure that there are no spaces in the address then join! An important thing to note is that a Wi-Fi router Firewall/Computer Firewall can block you from joining/having others join your world Ensure that no firewalls stop any incoming connections though beware of the risks Once making the world multiplayer some differences are noticeable with one being that game mechanisms don't stop working if the player pauses the game For example if the player has items being smelted in a furnace pressing ESC does not stop the smelting process there is no difference as opening the menu in a singleplayer also doesn't pause the game Gameplay in Minecraft is generally the same in both single-player and multiplayer with some notable differences Multiplayer has more of an emphasis on community and collaboration between players which is assisted by the multiplayer chat function Multiplayer allows for the player to build contraptions that are intended for multiple players In addition there are many adventure maps and mini-games in which multiple players are required. | Differences from single-player |
Multiplayer | Multiplayer works using a server which allows players to play online or via a local area network with other people There are various customization options that can be set by operators These settings depend on the type of server and can create many different multiplayer experiences To change multiplayer settings in Bedrock Edition the world owner has to go to the world settings while not in the world then select the "Multiplayer" tab and are then given some options The first option is "Multiplayer Game" This option allows world owners to decide who can join them over Wi-Fi by selecting an option on the "Microsoft Account Settings" dropdown * If they select "Invite Only" only Xbox Live friends that are owner invites can join them * If they select "Friends Only" then only their friends on Xbox Live can join them * If they select "Friends of Friends" then the owner's Xbox Live friends and their Xbox Live friends can join This is also the default option The second option is called "Visible to LAN Players" which allows anyone on the same local network or Wi-Fi network the owner is on to join them regardless of if they are a friend of theirs or not There can be a maximum of 5/8 players at a time in a world. | Bedrock Edition |
Multiplayer | thumb|The disclaimer that appears when clicking onto the Multiplayer section from the [[main menu]] To enable multiplayer the world owner has to first pause the game and press "Open to LAN" then the owner is then prompted some options: * "Game Mode" which sets the gamemode of other players once they join the world for the first time Once a player rejoins they retain their previous gamemode even if the gamemode on join was changed * "Allow Cheats" which allows or denies other players access to cheats depending on the selected option Once a player rejoins they wont retain their cheats permissions unless enabled again Once the world is opened to the LAN players on the same local network or Wi-Fi network as the world owner can join by going to the multiplayer section Players who are going to join over Wi-Fi must do the following: # Add a server/Use Direct Connect # Enter the IPv4 address of the world owner into the server address followed by a colon # Enter the port of the world that was given upon opening the world to LAN # Ensure that there are no spaces in the address then join! An important thing to note is that a Wi-Fi router Firewall/Computer Firewall can block you from joining/having others join your world Ensure that no firewalls stop any incoming connections though beware of the risks. | Java Edition |
Multiplayer | Once making the world multiplayer some differences are noticeable with one being that game mechanisms don't stop working if the player pauses the game For example if the player has items being smelted in a furnace pressing ESC does not stop the smelting process there is no difference as opening the menu in a singleplayer also doesn't pause the game Gameplay in Minecraft is generally the same in both single-player and multiplayer with some notable differences Multiplayer has more of an emphasis on community and collaboration between players which is assisted by the multiplayer chat function Multiplayer allows for the player to build contraptions that are intended for multiple players In addition there are many adventure maps and mini-games in which multiple players are required. | Differences from single-player |
Multiplayer | <div style="text-align:center"></div> | Video |
Multiplayer | History |
Multiplayer | Issues |
Multiplayer | <gallery>
Alpha v1.0.5 01 Multiplayer Testing.png|Notch testing multiplayer EarlySMP.png|Early multiplayer Alpha v1.0.10 Multiplayer 2.jpg|Early multiplayer Alpha v1.0.10 Multiplayer 3.png|Early multiplayer BuildCollaboration.png|Some people building on a server PlayersMining.png|Some people mining on a server PlayerVersusPlayer.png|Some people fighting on a server PE Multiplayer.png|Numerous players on a [[Pocket Edition]] server Banned.png|Banned from a Minecraft server WeGotShot.png|Two players in a cave BoatAnimals.png|Two players in boats </gallery> | Gallery |
Multiplayer | * Server list * Server properties * Server requirements * Minecraft Realms * Featured servers | See also |
Multiplayer | Category:Rewritten gameplay cs:Hra vice hracu de:Mehrspieler es:Multijugador fr:Multijoueur it:Multigiocatore ja:maruchipurei nl:Multiplayer pl:Gra wieloosobowa pt:Multijogador ru:Setevaia igra th:hlaayphuueln tr:Cok Oyunculu uk:Merezheva gra zh:Duo Ren You Xi | References |
Stone | Stone is a block found underground in the Overworld or on the surface of mountains . | null |
Stone | Stone can be mined using a pickaxe in which case it drops cobblestone When mined without a pickaxe it drops nothing If a stone is mined with a Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe it drops itself Stone makes up the majority of the solid block s generated in the Overworld above y=0 From y=8 downwards stone gradually transitions into deepslate until it is completely replaced by deepslate at and below y=0 When chunk s generate stone can be found under 1-5 layers of grass block s dirt gravel clay coarse dirt podzol mycelium sand sandstone red sand red sandstone or terracotta depending on the biome <!--There is approximately 11,520 stone per chunk.--> When the world is generating new chunks some stone is replaced with ore feature s of other blocks They may also be revealed on the side of small hills Stone also generates in igloo basements some Overworld ruined portal s and in trail ruins Stone also makes up most of the blocks on the void start platform in Superflat worlds created with the Void biome preset thumb|A simple stone generator Stone can also be made by lava flowing on top of water blocks (both flowing and source) The water is replaced by stone Stone can be smelted from cobblestone. | Smelting |
Stone | Stone makes up the majority of the solid block s generated in the Overworld above y=0 From y=8 downwards stone gradually transitions into deepslate until it is completely replaced by deepslate at and below y=0 When chunk s generate stone can be found under 1-5 layers of grass block s dirt gravel clay coarse dirt podzol mycelium sand sandstone red sand red sandstone or terracotta depending on the biome <!--There is approximately 11,520 stone per chunk.--> When the world is generating new chunks some stone is replaced with ore feature s of other blocks They may also be revealed on the side of small hills Stone also generates in igloo basements some Overworld ruined portal s and in trail ruins Stone also makes up most of the blocks on the void start platform in Superflat worlds created with the Void biome preset. | Natural generation |
Stone | Chest loot |
Stone | thumb|A simple stone generator Stone can also be made by lava flowing on top of water blocks (both flowing and source) The water is replaced by stone. | Post-generation |
Stone | Stone can be smelted from cobblestone. | Smelting |
Stone | Silverfish can enter and hide in stone creating an infested block Apprentice-level stone mason villager s offer to buy 20 stone for an emerald Stone can be placed under note block s to produce "bass drum" sounds. | Note Blocks |
Stone | Silverfish can enter and hide in stone creating an infested block . | Silverfish |
Stone | Smelting ingredient |
Stone | Crafting ingredient |
Stone | Stonecutting |
Stone | Apprentice-level stone mason villager s offer to buy 20 stone for an emerald . | Trading |
Stone | Stone can be placed under note block s to produce "bass drum" sounds. | Note Blocks |
Stone | Sounds |
Stone | : : | Block states |
Stone | : : | ID |
Stone | Block states |
Stone | Data history |
Stone | Data history |
Stone | Issues |
Stone | <gallery>
Natural Stone Generation.png|Stone naturally generated in the side of a [[cliff]] Stone in Cave.png|Stone naturally generated in a side of a [[Cavern#Circular cavern|circular cavern]] StoneVariants.png|The various variants RockSeamlessSlabs.png|Stone as compared with smooth stone and double smooth stone slabs Stone wall.png|Stone naturally generated on the side of a cave </gallery> | Gallery |
Stone | References |
Stone | * [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/block-week-stone Block of the Week: Stone] - Minecraft.net on May 4 2018 Category:Natural blocks Category:Generated structure blocks Category:Manufactured blocks cs:Kamen de:Stein es:Piedra fr:Roche hu:Ko it:Pietra ja:Shi ko:dol nl:Steen pl:Kamien pt:Pedra ru:Kamen' tr:Tas uk:Kamin' zh:Shi Tou | External Links |
Dirt | Dirt is a block found abundantly in most biome s under a layer of grass block s at the top of the Overworld . | null |
Dirt | Dirt comprises the majority of the upper terrain layers in most Overworld biomes bridging the gap between stone and grass block s in various thicknesses There are approximately 1,850 dirt blocks per chunk in plains forest snowy plains jungle and windswept hills biomes In village s dirt generates naturally as part of several different structures In woodland mansion s dirt generates in several types of rooms Four blocks of dirt also generates as part of each ancient city and they also generate in trail ruins Dirt can generate in the Overworld in the form of ore blob s Dirt attempts to generate 7 times per chunk in blobs of size 0-160 at Y=0--160 in all biomes It can replace stone granite andesite diorite polished granite polished andesite polished diorite tuff and deepslate Dirt drops as an item when broken with any tool or by hand but a shovel is the quickest way to break it Farmland dirt path s grass blocks mycelium and podzol drop dirt if broken without Silk Touch Farmland and dirt paths drop dirt even if broken with Silk Touch An enderman drops a dirt block upon death if holding one Farmland turns into dirt if either a mob jumps on it a solid block is placed over it or if nothing is planted on it and it is not within four blocks of water Dirt path s immediately turns into dirt if a solid block is placed over it Coarse dirt can be tilled with a hoe to become dirt Tilling rooted dirt with a hoe turns it into normal dirt and yields a hanging roots item Grass blocks and mycelium can die under various circumstances When they die they turn into dirt By tilling coarse dirt the player can convert gravel into dirt Two blocks each of gravel and dirt become four blocks of coarse dirt which can then be placed and tilled Since gravel is renewable through bartering with piglin s this makes a renewable source of dirt Another way to obtain renewable dirt makes use of moss block s Azalea converts the moss block below it into rooted dirt when grown into a tree Large spruce tree s convert up to about 100 moss blocks into podzol when grown Since moss can be converted from stone using bone meal and stone can be renewably generated with water and lava dirt can be renewably created as long as there is access to water lava and moss blocks A third way to obtain renewable dirt is by buying podzol or rooted dirt from wandering trader s However only 18 blocks of podzol or 10 blocks of rooted dirt can be purchased from each trader so this method cannot be performed on a large scale. | Renewable acquisition |
Dirt | Dirt comprises the majority of the upper terrain layers in most Overworld biomes bridging the gap between stone and grass block s in various thicknesses There are approximately 1,850 dirt blocks per chunk in plains forest snowy plains jungle and windswept hills biomes In village s dirt generates naturally as part of several different structures In woodland mansion s dirt generates in several types of rooms Four blocks of dirt also generates as part of each ancient city and they also generate in trail ruins Dirt can generate in the Overworld in the form of ore blob s Dirt attempts to generate 7 times per chunk in blobs of size 0-160 at Y=0--160 in all biomes It can replace stone granite andesite diorite polished granite polished andesite polished diorite tuff and deepslate . | Natural generation |
Dirt | Dirt drops as an item when broken with any tool or by hand but a shovel is the quickest way to break it Farmland dirt path s grass blocks mycelium and podzol drop dirt if broken without Silk Touch Farmland and dirt paths drop dirt even if broken with Silk Touch. | Breaking |
Dirt | An enderman drops a dirt block upon death if holding one. | Mob loot |
Dirt | Farmland turns into dirt if either a mob jumps on it a solid block is placed over it or if nothing is planted on it and it is not within four blocks of water Dirt path s immediately turns into dirt if a solid block is placed over it Coarse dirt can be tilled with a hoe to become dirt Tilling rooted dirt with a hoe turns it into normal dirt and yields a hanging roots item Grass blocks and mycelium can die under various circumstances When they die they turn into dirt. | Post-generation |
Dirt | By tilling coarse dirt the player can convert gravel into dirt Two blocks each of gravel and dirt become four blocks of coarse dirt which can then be placed and tilled Since gravel is renewable through bartering with piglin s this makes a renewable source of dirt Another way to obtain renewable dirt makes use of moss block s Azalea converts the moss block below it into rooted dirt when grown into a tree Large spruce tree s convert up to about 100 moss blocks into podzol when grown Since moss can be converted from stone using bone meal and stone can be renewably generated with water and lava dirt can be renewably created as long as there is access to water lava and moss blocks A third way to obtain renewable dirt is by buying podzol or rooted dirt from wandering trader s However only 18 blocks of podzol or 10 blocks of rooted dirt can be purchased from each trader so this method cannot be performed on a large scale. | Renewable acquisition |
Dirt | Dirt's primary use is for farming but it can also be used as a highly available building block Dirt has the ability to grow sapling s sugar cane mushroom s sweet berries and bamboo which can be planted directly in dirt under appropriate conditions Using a hoe on dirt turns it into farmland enabling wheat seeds pumpkin seeds melon seeds potato es carrot s beetroot seeds pitcher pods and torchflower seeds to be planted on it a shovel on dirt turns it into a dirt path When a dirt block is adjacent to a grass block and is exposed to a light level of at least 4 it is eventually converted into a grass block at random intervals Mycelium spreads in a similar fashion but requires a light level of at least 9 a water bottle splash water bottle or lingering water bottle will convert the dirt into mud . | Mud |
Dirt | Crafting ingredient |
Dirt | Dirt has the ability to grow sapling s sugar cane mushroom s sweet berries and bamboo which can be planted directly in dirt under appropriate conditions Using a hoe on dirt turns it into farmland enabling wheat seeds pumpkin seeds melon seeds potato es carrot s beetroot seeds pitcher pods and torchflower seeds to be planted on it. | Farming |
Dirt | a shovel on dirt turns it into a dirt path . | Dirt path |
Dirt | When a dirt block is adjacent to a grass block and is exposed to a light level of at least 4 it is eventually converted into a grass block at random intervals Mycelium spreads in a similar fashion but requires a light level of at least 9. | Grass and mycelium spreading |
Dirt | a water bottle splash water bottle or lingering water bottle will convert the dirt into mud . | Mud |
Dirt | : : | Unique |
Dirt | Generic |
Dirt | : : | Unique |
Dirt | : : dirt uses the following block states: | Block states |
Dirt | : : | ID |
Dirt | dirt uses the following block states: | Block states |
Dirt | Data history |
Dirt | Data history |
Dirt | Issues |
Dirt | <gallery>
Wormhole Cave Beta.png|A cave entrance containing multitudes of dirt SavannaDirt.jpg|Coarse dirt found in a savanna biome Grass Spread.png|Grass spreading on a square of dirt Dirt Castle.png|A castle made of dirt </gallery> | Gallery |
Dirt | References |
Dirt | * [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/block-week-dirt Block of the Week: Dirt] - Minecraft.net on February 23 2018 Category:Natural blocks Category:Generated structure blocks cs:Hlina de:Erde es:Tierra fr:Terre hu:Fold it:Terra ja:Tu ko:heulg nl:Aarde pl:Ziemia pt:Terra ru:Zemlia th:din tr:Toprak uk:G'runt zh:Ni Tu | External Links |
Cobblestone | Cobblestone is a common block obtained from mining stone It is mainly used for crafting or as a building block. | null |
Cobblestone | Cobblestone can be mined using a pickaxe in which case it drops itself If mined without a pickaxe it drops nothing Its hardness is greater than stone so it requires more time to break especially with anything other than a pickaxe Cobblestone is dropped by stone when mined without Silk Touch and also by infested cobblestone when mined with Silk Touch Cobblestone occurs naturally in monster room s jungle pyramid s pillager outpost s ocean ruins stronghold s plains taiga and snowy plains village s woodland mansion s and trail ruins a single block of cobblestone always generates at the coordinates of (8 -61 8) at the center of the void start platform in Superflat worlds created with the Void biome preset When water and flowing lava come into contact the flowing lava is replaced by cobblestone However if the lava flows on top of the water from above stone is created instead Non-flowing lava (a lava source block) turns into obsidian upon contact with water thus the requirement of flowing lava. | Post-generation |
Cobblestone | Cobblestone occurs naturally in monster room s jungle pyramid s pillager outpost s ocean ruins stronghold s plains taiga and snowy plains village s woodland mansion s and trail ruins a single block of cobblestone always generates at the coordinates of (8 -61 8) at the center of the void start platform in Superflat worlds created with the Void biome preset. | Natural generation |
Cobblestone | When water and flowing lava come into contact the flowing lava is replaced by cobblestone However if the lava flows on top of the water from above stone is created instead Non-flowing lava (a lava source block) turns into obsidian upon contact with water thus the requirement of flowing lava. | Post-generation |
Cobblestone | Cobblestone can be used as basic building block as it is blast resistant and extremely common Silverfish can enter and hide in cobblestone creating an infested block Cobblestone is one of the repair items for the stone tier and thus can be used to repair the following items in an anvil : * * * * * | Repairing |
Cobblestone | Silverfish can enter and hide in cobblestone creating an infested block . | Silverfish |
Cobblestone | Smelting ingredient |
Cobblestone | Crafting ingredient |
Cobblestone | Stonecutting |
Cobblestone | Cobblestone is one of the repair items for the stone tier and thus can be used to repair the following items in an anvil : * * * * * | Repairing |
Cobblestone | Sounds |
Cobblestone | : : | ID |
Cobblestone | : : | ID |
Cobblestone | Achievements |
Cobblestone | Advancements |
Cobblestone | <gallery>
File:Cobblestone_textures.png|Comparison of all released textures of cobblestone as well as the original texture of stone File:TU_Cobblestone_textures.png|Comparison of all released and unreleased textures of cobblestone in /Flattening|Comparison of all released and unreleased textures of cobblestone in the [[Texture Update]] </gallery> | Data history |
Cobblestone | Data history |
Cobblestone | Issues |
Cobblestone | <gallery>
Water and lava creating cobblestone.png|A lava spring flowing onto a river thus naturally generating cobblestone Cobblestone Room.png|A room mainly made of cobblestone MossyCobblestoneFloor.png|The ground of this shelter has been replaced with mossy cobblestone from a monster room for aesthetic purposes JT1.png|Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone found inside of a jungle temple Plains Village Church.png|Example of a building made with cobblestone this one being a church in a [[village]] 1.14 Main Menu panorama 1.png|Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone as seen in a village and a pillager outpost from the {{el|je}} panorama background Beachside pillager outpost.png|Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone as viewed in a beachside pillager outpost CobblestoneMine.png|A simple cobblestone farm using [[lava]] and [[water]] </gallery> | Gallery |
Cobblestone | References |
Cobblestone | * [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/block-week-cobblestone Block of the Week: Cobblestone] - Minecraft.net on May 18 2018 Category:Natural blocks Category:Generated structure blocks cs:Kameni de:Bruchstein es:Roca fr:Pierres hu:Kotormelek it:Pietrisco ja:Wan Shi ko:joyagdol nl:Keisteen pl:Bruk pt:Pedregulho ru:Bulyzhnik uk:Krugliak zh:Yuan Shi | External Links |
Log | A log or stem is a naturally occurring block found in tree s or huge fungi primarily used as a building block and to create planks a versatile crafting ingredient It comes in ten types: oak spruce birch jungle acacia dark oak mangrove cherry blossom crimson and warped A stripped log or stripped stem is a variant obtained by an axe on a log or a stem respectively Once stripped it cannot be reversed. | null |
Log | Logs and stems can be broken by hand but using an axe speeds up the process Logs and stems drop themselves when broken with any tool Logs generate naturally as part of tree s Especially a jungle log generate for each jungle bush Stems generate naturally as part of huge fungi ; * Oak logs generate as part of houses and at some meeting points in plains village s and as supporting beams of swamp hut s and normal mineshaft s * Stripped oak logs generate in plains villages ; * Spruce logs generate as part of houses in taiga and snowy plains villages * Stripped spruce logs generate in snowy plains villages ; * Acacia logs and stripped acacia logs generate as part of houses in savanna villages ; Dark oak * Dark oak logs can generate in pillager outpost s as a pile of logs and as part of watchtowers They also generate as supporting beams badlands mineshaft s * They are also generated in woodland mansion s in the walls and borders and in ancient cities ; Mixed * Oak spruce jungle and dark oak logs generate as masts in shipwreck s * Stripped oak spruce jungle and dark oak logs also generate as masts in shipwrecks Trees can also be grown using sapling s or azalea and huge fungi can also be grown using small fungi an axe on a log or stem turns it into a stripped log or a stripped stem which act the same as regular logs. | Stripped logs and stems |
Log | Logs and stems can be broken by hand but using an axe speeds up the process Logs and stems drop themselves when broken with any tool. | Breaking |
Log | Chest loot |
Log | Logs generate naturally as part of tree s Especially a jungle log generate for each jungle bush Stems generate naturally as part of huge fungi ; * Oak logs generate as part of houses and at some meeting points in plains village s and as supporting beams of swamp hut s and normal mineshaft s * Stripped oak logs generate in plains villages ; * Spruce logs generate as part of houses in taiga and snowy plains villages * Stripped spruce logs generate in snowy plains villages ; * Acacia logs and stripped acacia logs generate as part of houses in savanna villages ; Dark oak * Dark oak logs can generate in pillager outpost s as a pile of logs and as part of watchtowers They also generate as supporting beams badlands mineshaft s * They are also generated in woodland mansion s in the walls and borders and in ancient cities ; Mixed * Oak spruce jungle and dark oak logs generate as masts in shipwreck s * Stripped oak spruce jungle and dark oak logs also generate as masts in shipwrecks. | Structures |
Log | Logs generate naturally as part of tree s Especially a jungle log generate for each jungle bush . | Trees |
Log | Stems generate naturally as part of huge fungi . | Huge fungi |
Log | ; * Oak logs generate as part of houses and at some meeting points in plains village s and as supporting beams of swamp hut s and normal mineshaft s * Stripped oak logs generate in plains villages ; * Spruce logs generate as part of houses in taiga and snowy plains villages * Stripped spruce logs generate in snowy plains villages ; * Acacia logs and stripped acacia logs generate as part of houses in savanna villages ; Dark oak * Dark oak logs can generate in pillager outpost s as a pile of logs and as part of watchtowers They also generate as supporting beams badlands mineshaft s * They are also generated in woodland mansion s in the walls and borders and in ancient cities ; Mixed * Oak spruce jungle and dark oak logs generate as masts in shipwreck s * Stripped oak spruce jungle and dark oak logs also generate as masts in shipwrecks. | Structures |
Log | Trees can also be grown using sapling s or azalea and huge fungi can also be grown using small fungi an axe on a log or stem turns it into a stripped log or a stripped stem which act the same as regular logs. | Stripped logs and stems |
Log | Trees can also be grown using sapling s or azalea and huge fungi can also be grown using small fungi . | Logs and stems |
Log | an axe on a log or stem turns it into a stripped log or a stripped stem which act the same as regular logs. | Stripped logs and stems |
Log | The following table presents the amount of logs or stems needed to produce an even multiple of a given item with no waste left over and the quantity produced: {| class="wikitable sortable" data-description="Creating wooden products with no waste"
! Product
! Number of logs or stems needed so that there are no redundant planks/sticks/.. after crafting
! Product amount after crafting
! Ratio between the product amount and the number of logs or stems needed
| | 4
| 3
| 75%
| | 4
| 3
| 75%
| | 1<ref group="note" name="stripped">The stripping must be done with an axe which is not counted</ref>
| 1
| 100%
| | 1<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 1
| 100%
| | 4<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 3
| 75%
| | 4<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 3
| 75%
| | 15
| 8
| 53.33%
| (JE)<!--5 planks for 1 boat: 5w=20p=4 boats-->
| 5
| 4
| 80%
| (BE)
| 7
| 4
| 57.14%
| (JE)
| 13
| 4
| 30.76%
| (BE)
| 15
| 4
| 26.66%
| <!--3 planks for 4 bowls: 3w=12p=16 bowls-->
| 3
| 16
| 533.33%
| <!--1 plank for 1 button: 1w=4p=4 buttons-->
| 1
| 4
| 400%
| | 27 crafted 8 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal">Requires the burning of wood into charcoal in a which needs 8 cobblestone and burning material The cobblestone and fuel are ignored for the purpose of this conversion.</ref>
| 8
| 22.86%
| <!--1 wood for 1 charcoal-->
| data-sort-value ="1" | 0 crafted 1 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal"/><ref group="note" name="logs">Assumed to be crafted from logs rather than wood blocks.</ref>
| 1
| 100%
| <!-- 8 planks for 1 chest: 2w=8p=1 chest-->
| 2
| 1
| 50%
| <!--4 planks for 1 table: 1w=4p=1 table-->
| 1
| 1
| 100%
| <!--7 slabs for one composter: 21w=84p=168s=24 composters-->
| 21
| 24
| 114.28%
| <!--6 planks for 3 doors: 3w=12p=6 doors-->
| 3
| 6
| 200%
| <!--2 sticks 4 planks for 3 fences: 5w=20p=16p+8s=12 fences-->
| 5
| 12
| 240%
| <!--4 sticks 2 planks for 1 fence gate: 1w=4p=2p+4s=1 fence gate-->
| 1
| 1
| 100%
| <!--7 sticks for 3 ladders: 7w=28p=56s=24 ladders-->
| 7
| 24
| 342.86%
| <!--6 planks 1 stick for 3 signs:13w=52p=48p+8s=24 signs-->
| 13
| 24
| 184.62%
| <!--2 planks for 4 sticks: 1w=4p=8 sticks-->
| 1
| 8
| 800%
| <!--1 stick 1 charcoal for 4 torches: 9w=8w+4p=8char+8s=32 torches-->
| data-sort-value = "9" | 1 crafted 8 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal"/>
| 32
| 355.56%
| <!--1 wood or hyphae for 4 planks-->
| 1<ref group="note" name="logs_stems">Assumed to be crafted from logs or stems rather than wood or hyphae blocks.</ref>
| 4
| 400%
| <!--3 planks 2 sticks for 1 axe: 2w=8p=6p+4s=2 axes-->
| 2<ref group="note" name="high-cost">Because one plank cannot be crafted into two sticks this crafting recipe requires two wood or hyphae for two units.</ref>
| 2
| 100%
| <!--2 planks 2 sticks for 1 hoe: 3w=12p=8p+8s=4 hoes-->
| 3
| 4
| 133.33%
| <!--3 planks 2 sticks for 1 pickaxe: 2w=8p=6p+4s=2 picks-->
| 2<ref group="note" name="high-cost"/>
| 2
| 100%
| <!--2 planks for 1 pressure plate: 1w=4p=2 pressure plates-->
| 1
| 2
| 200%
| <!--1 plank 2 sticks for 1 shovel: 1w=2p+2s=2 shovels-->
| 1
| 2
| 200%
| <!--3 planks for 6 slabs: 3w=12p=24 slabs-->
| 3
| 24
| 800%
| <!--6 planks for 4 stairs: 3w=12p=8 stairs-->
| 3
| 8
| 266.67%
| <!--2 planks 1 stick for 1 sword: 5w=20p=16p+8s=8 swords-->
| 5
| 8
| 160%
| <!--6 planks for 2 trapdoors: 3w=12p=4 trapdoors-->
| 3
| 4
| 133.33%
|} Logs but not stems can be used as a fuel in furnace s smelting 1.5 items per block Cocoa beans can be placed on the side of both jungle logs and stripped jungle logs to grow a new cocoa pod Logs and stems can be placed under note block s to produce "bass" sounds. | Note blocks |
Log | The following table presents the amount of logs or stems needed to produce an even multiple of a given item with no waste left over and the quantity produced: {| class="wikitable sortable" data-description="Creating wooden products with no waste"
! Product
! Number of logs or stems needed so that there are no redundant planks/sticks/.. after crafting
! Product amount after crafting
! Ratio between the product amount and the number of logs or stems needed
| | 4
| 3
| 75%
| | 4
| 3
| 75%
| | 1<ref group="note" name="stripped">The stripping must be done with an axe which is not counted</ref>
| 1
| 100%
| | 1<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 1
| 100%
| | 4<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 3
| 75%
| | 4<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 3
| 75%
| | 15
| 8
| 53.33%
| (JE)<!--5 planks for 1 boat: 5w=20p=4 boats-->
| 5
| 4
| 80%
| (BE)
| 7
| 4
| 57.14%
| (JE)
| 13
| 4
| 30.76%
| (BE)
| 15
| 4
| 26.66%
| <!--3 planks for 4 bowls: 3w=12p=16 bowls-->
| 3
| 16
| 533.33%
| <!--1 plank for 1 button: 1w=4p=4 buttons-->
| 1
| 4
| 400%
| | 27 crafted 8 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal">Requires the burning of wood into charcoal in a which needs 8 cobblestone and burning material The cobblestone and fuel are ignored for the purpose of this conversion.</ref>
| 8
| 22.86%
| <!--1 wood for 1 charcoal-->
| data-sort-value ="1" | 0 crafted 1 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal"/><ref group="note" name="logs">Assumed to be crafted from logs rather than wood blocks.</ref>
| 1
| 100%
| <!-- 8 planks for 1 chest: 2w=8p=1 chest-->
| 2
| 1
| 50%
| <!--4 planks for 1 table: 1w=4p=1 table-->
| 1
| 1
| 100%
| <!--7 slabs for one composter: 21w=84p=168s=24 composters-->
| 21
| 24
| 114.28%
| <!--6 planks for 3 doors: 3w=12p=6 doors-->
| 3
| 6
| 200%
| <!--2 sticks 4 planks for 3 fences: 5w=20p=16p+8s=12 fences-->
| 5
| 12
| 240%
| <!--4 sticks 2 planks for 1 fence gate: 1w=4p=2p+4s=1 fence gate-->
| 1
| 1
| 100%
| <!--7 sticks for 3 ladders: 7w=28p=56s=24 ladders-->
| 7
| 24
| 342.86%
| <!--6 planks 1 stick for 3 signs:13w=52p=48p+8s=24 signs-->
| 13
| 24
| 184.62%
| <!--2 planks for 4 sticks: 1w=4p=8 sticks-->
| 1
| 8
| 800%
| <!--1 stick 1 charcoal for 4 torches: 9w=8w+4p=8char+8s=32 torches-->
| data-sort-value = "9" | 1 crafted 8 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal"/>
| 32
| 355.56%
| <!--1 wood or hyphae for 4 planks-->
| 1<ref group="note" name="logs_stems">Assumed to be crafted from logs or stems rather than wood or hyphae blocks.</ref>
| 4
| 400%
| <!--3 planks 2 sticks for 1 axe: 2w=8p=6p+4s=2 axes-->
| 2<ref group="note" name="high-cost">Because one plank cannot be crafted into two sticks this crafting recipe requires two wood or hyphae for two units.</ref>
| 2
| 100%
| <!--2 planks 2 sticks for 1 hoe: 3w=12p=8p+8s=4 hoes-->
| 3
| 4
| 133.33%
| <!--3 planks 2 sticks for 1 pickaxe: 2w=8p=6p+4s=2 picks-->
| 2<ref group="note" name="high-cost"/>
| 2
| 100%
| <!--2 planks for 1 pressure plate: 1w=4p=2 pressure plates-->
| 1
| 2
| 200%
| <!--1 plank 2 sticks for 1 shovel: 1w=2p+2s=2 shovels-->
| 1
| 2
| 200%
| <!--3 planks for 6 slabs: 3w=12p=24 slabs-->
| 3
| 24
| 800%
| <!--6 planks for 4 stairs: 3w=12p=8 stairs-->
| 3
| 8
| 266.67%
| <!--2 planks 1 stick for 1 sword: 5w=20p=16p+8s=8 swords-->
| 5
| 8
| 160%
| <!--6 planks for 2 trapdoors: 3w=12p=4 trapdoors-->
| 3
| 4
| 133.33%
|} | Further crafting |
Log | The following table presents the amount of logs or stems needed to produce an even multiple of a given item with no waste left over and the quantity produced: {| class="wikitable sortable" data-description="Creating wooden products with no waste"
! Product
! Number of logs or stems needed so that there are no redundant planks/sticks/.. after crafting
! Product amount after crafting
! Ratio between the product amount and the number of logs or stems needed
| | 4
| 3
| 75%
| | 4
| 3
| 75%
| | 1<ref group="note" name="stripped">The stripping must be done with an axe which is not counted</ref>
| 1
| 100%
| | 1<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 1
| 100%
| | 4<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 3
| 75%
| | 4<ref group="note" name="stripped"/>
| 3
| 75%
| | 15
| 8
| 53.33%
| (JE)<!--5 planks for 1 boat: 5w=20p=4 boats-->
| 5
| 4
| 80%
| (BE)
| 7
| 4
| 57.14%
| (JE)
| 13
| 4
| 30.76%
| (BE)
| 15
| 4
| 26.66%
| <!--3 planks for 4 bowls: 3w=12p=16 bowls-->
| 3
| 16
| 533.33%
| <!--1 plank for 1 button: 1w=4p=4 buttons-->
| 1
| 4
| 400%
| | 27 crafted 8 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal">Requires the burning of wood into charcoal in a which needs 8 cobblestone and burning material The cobblestone and fuel are ignored for the purpose of this conversion.</ref>
| 8
| 22.86%
| <!--1 wood for 1 charcoal-->
| data-sort-value ="1" | 0 crafted 1 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal"/><ref group="note" name="logs">Assumed to be crafted from logs rather than wood blocks.</ref>
| 1
| 100%
| <!-- 8 planks for 1 chest: 2w=8p=1 chest-->
| 2
| 1
| 50%
| <!--4 planks for 1 table: 1w=4p=1 table-->
| 1
| 1
| 100%
| <!--7 slabs for one composter: 21w=84p=168s=24 composters-->
| 21
| 24
| 114.28%
| <!--6 planks for 3 doors: 3w=12p=6 doors-->
| 3
| 6
| 200%
| <!--2 sticks 4 planks for 3 fences: 5w=20p=16p+8s=12 fences-->
| 5
| 12
| 240%
| <!--4 sticks 2 planks for 1 fence gate: 1w=4p=2p+4s=1 fence gate-->
| 1
| 1
| 100%
| <!--7 sticks for 3 ladders: 7w=28p=56s=24 ladders-->
| 7
| 24
| 342.86%
| <!--6 planks 1 stick for 3 signs:13w=52p=48p+8s=24 signs-->
| 13
| 24
| 184.62%
| <!--2 planks for 4 sticks: 1w=4p=8 sticks-->
| 1
| 8
| 800%
| <!--1 stick 1 charcoal for 4 torches: 9w=8w+4p=8char+8s=32 torches-->
| data-sort-value = "9" | 1 crafted 8 cooked<ref group="note" name="charcoal"/>
| 32
| 355.56%
| <!--1 wood or hyphae for 4 planks-->
| 1<ref group="note" name="logs_stems">Assumed to be crafted from logs or stems rather than wood or hyphae blocks.</ref>
| 4
| 400%
| <!--3 planks 2 sticks for 1 axe: 2w=8p=6p+4s=2 axes-->
| 2<ref group="note" name="high-cost">Because one plank cannot be crafted into two sticks this crafting recipe requires two wood or hyphae for two units.</ref>
| 2
| 100%
| <!--2 planks 2 sticks for 1 hoe: 3w=12p=8p+8s=4 hoes-->
| 3
| 4
| 133.33%
| <!--3 planks 2 sticks for 1 pickaxe: 2w=8p=6p+4s=2 picks-->
| 2<ref group="note" name="high-cost"/>
| 2
| 100%
| <!--2 planks for 1 pressure plate: 1w=4p=2 pressure plates-->
| 1
| 2
| 200%
| <!--1 plank 2 sticks for 1 shovel: 1w=2p+2s=2 shovels-->
| 1
| 2
| 200%
| <!--3 planks for 6 slabs: 3w=12p=24 slabs-->
| 3
| 24
| 800%
| <!--6 planks for 4 stairs: 3w=12p=8 stairs-->
| 3
| 8
| 266.67%
| <!--2 planks 1 stick for 1 sword: 5w=20p=16p+8s=8 swords-->
| 5
| 8
| 160%
| <!--6 planks for 2 trapdoors: 3w=12p=4 trapdoors-->
| 3
| 4
| 133.33%
|} | Further crafting |
Log | Smelting ingredient |
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