from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import classification_report import pickle import logging class recommendersystem(): def __init__(self,features,svd_params): self.features = features self.svd_input = svd_params self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') print ("recommendersystem starts \\n") #To extract dict key,values def extract_params(self,dict): self.dict=dict for k,v in self.dict.items(): return k,v def recommender_model(self,df,outputfile): from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from utils.file_ops import save_csv USER_ITEM_MATRIX = 'user_item_matrix' ITEM_SIMILARITY_MATRIX = 'item_similarity_matrix' selectedColumns = self.features.split(',') data = pd.DataFrame() for i in range(0,len(selectedColumns)): data[selectedColumns[i]] = df[selectedColumns[i]] dataset = data'-------> Top(5) Rows') start = time.time()'\\n----------- Recommender System Training Starts -----------') #--------------- Task 11190:recommender system changes Start ---Usnish------------------# # selectedColumns = ['userId', 'movieId', 'rating'] df_eda = df.groupby(selectedColumns[1]).agg(mean_rating=(selectedColumns[2], 'mean'),number_of_ratings=(selectedColumns[2], 'count')).reset_index()'-------> Top 10 most rated Items:')'number_of_ratings', ascending=False).head(10)) matrix = data.pivot_table(index=selectedColumns[1], columns=selectedColumns[0], values=selectedColumns[2]) relative_file = os.path.join(outputfile, 'data', USER_ITEM_MATRIX + '.csv') matrix.to_csv(relative_file) item_similarity_cosine = cosine_similarity(matrix.fillna(0)) item_similarity_cosine = pd.DataFrame(item_similarity_cosine,columns=pd.Series([i + 1 for i in range(item_similarity_cosine.shape[0])],name='ItemId'),index=pd.Series([i + 1 for i in range(item_similarity_cosine.shape[0])],name='ItemId'))'---------> Item-Item Similarity matrix created:') relative_file = os.path.join(outputfile, 'data', ITEM_SIMILARITY_MATRIX + '.csv') save_csv(item_similarity_cosine,relative_file) # --------------- recommender system changes End ---Usnish------------------# executionTime=time.time() - start"------->Execution Time: "+str(executionTime))'----------- Recommender System Training End -----------\\n') return "filename",matrix,"NA","",""<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import numpy as np import pickle import pandas as pd import sys import time import os from os.path import expanduser import platform from sklearn.preprocessing import binarize import logging import tensorflow as tf from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from tensorflow.keras import preprocessing from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Embedding, LSTM, Lambda import tensorflow.keras.backend as K from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.layers import Concatenate from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, Flatten, GlobalMaxPool2D, GlobalAvgPool2D, Concatenate, Multiply, Dropout, Subtract, Add, Conv2D from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity, cosine_distances import tensorflow.keras.backend as K from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, Sequential from tensorflow.keras import layers, utils, callbacks, optimizers, regularizers ## Keras subclassing based siamese network class siameseNetwork(Model): def __init__(self, activation,inputShape, num_iterations): self.activation=activation self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') super(siameseNetwork, self).__init__() i1 = layers.Input(shape=inputShape) i2 = layers.Input(shape=inputShape) featureExtractor = self.build_feature_extractor(inputShape, num_iterations) f1 = featureExtractor(i1) f2 = featureExtractor(i2) #distance vect distance = layers.Concatenate()([f1, f2]) cosine_loss = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=1) c_loss=cosine_loss(f1, f2) similarity = tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=1,normalize=True)([f1,f2]) outputs = layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(distance) self.model = Model(inputs=[i1, i2], outputs=outputs) ##Build dense sequential layers def build_feature_extractor(self, inputShape, num_iterations): layers_config = [layers.Input(inputShape)] for i, n_units in enumerate(num_iterations): layers_config.append(layers.Dense(n_units)) layers_config.append(layers.Dropout(0.2)) layers_config.append(layers.BatchNormalization()) layers_config.append(layers.Activation(self.activation)) model = Sequential(layers_config, name='feature_extractor') return model def call(self, x): return self.model(x) def euclidean_distance(vectors): (f1, f2) = vectors sumSquared = K.sum(K.square(f1 - f2), axis=1, keepdims=True) return K.sqrt(K.maximum(sumSquared, K.epsilon())) def cosine_similarity(vectors): (f1, f2) = vectors f1 = K.l2_normalize(f1, axis=-1) f2 = K.l2_normalize(f2, axis=-1) return K.mean(f1 * f2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) def cos_dist_output_shape(shapes): shape1, shape2 = shapes return (shape1[0],1) class eion_similarity_siamese: def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def siamese_model(self,df,col1,col2,targetColumn,conf,pipe,deployLocation,iterName,iterVersion,testPercentage,predicted_data_file): try:'-------> Read Embedded File') home = expanduser("~") if platform.system() == 'Windows': modelsPath = os.path.join(home,'AppData','Local','HCLT','AION','PreTrainedModels','TextSimilarity') else: modelsPath = os.path.join(home,'HCLT','AION','PreTrainedModels','TextSimilarity') if os.path.isdir(modelsPath) == False: os.makedirs(modelsPath) embedding_file_path = os.path.join(modelsPath,'glove.6B.100d.txt') if not os.path.exists(embedding_file_path): from pathlib import Path import urllib.request import zipfile location = modelsPath local_file_path = os.path.join(location,"") file_test, header_test = urllib.request.urlretrieve('', local_file_path) with zipfile.ZipFile(local_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(location) os.unlink(os.path.join(location,"")) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(location,"glove.6B.50d.txt")): os.unlink(os.path.join(location,"glove.6B.50d.txt")) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(location,"glove.6B.300d.txt")): os.unlink(os.path.join(location,"glove.6B.300d.txt")) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(location,"glove.6B.200d.txt")): os.unlink(os.path.join(location,"glove.6B.200d.txt")) X = df[[col1,col2]] Y = df[targetColumn] testPercentage = testPercentage'\\n-------------- Test Train Split ----------------') if testPercentage == 0: xtrain=X ytrain=Y xtest=X ytest=Y else: testSize=testPercentage/100'-------> Split Type: Random Split')'-------> Train Percentage: '+str(testSize)) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=testSize)'-------> Train Data Shape: '+str(X_train.shape)+' ---------->')'-------> Test Data Shape: '+str(X_test.shape)+' ---------->')'-------------- Test Train Split End ----------------\\n')'\\n-------------- Train Validate Split ----------------') X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.20, random_state=42)'-------> Train Data Shape: '+str(X_train.shape)+' ---------->')'-------> Validate Data Shape: '+str(X_val.shape)+' ---------->')'-------------- Train Validate Split End----------------\\n')'Status:- |... Train / test split done: '+str(100-testPercentage)+'% train,'+str(testPercentage)+'% test') train_sentence1 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_train[col1].values) train_sentence2 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_train[col2].values) val_sentence1 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_val[col1].values) val_sentence2 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_val[col2].values) len_vec = [len(sent_vec) for sent_vec in train_sentence1] max_len = np.max(len_vec) len_vec = [len(sent_vec) for sent_vec in train_sentence2] if (max_len < np.max(len_vec)): max_len = np.max(len_vec) train_sentence1 = pad_sequences(train_sentence1, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') train_sentence2 = pad_sequences(train_sentence2, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') val_sentence1 = pad_sequences(val_sentence1, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') val_sentence2 = pad_sequences(val_sentence2, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') y_train = y_train.values y_val = y_val.values activation = str(conf['activation']) model = siameseNetwork(activation,inputShape=train_sentence1.shape[1], num_iterations=[10]) model.compile( loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer=optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0001), metrics=["accuracy"]) es = callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5, verbose=1, restore_best_weights=True) rlp = callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau( monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1, patience=2, min_lr=1e-10, mode='min', verbose=1 ) x_valid=X_val y_valid=y_val n_epoch = int(conf['num_epochs']) batch_size = int(conf['batch_size']) similarityIndex = conf['similarityIndex'][train_sentence1,train_sentence2],y_train.reshape(-1,1), epochs = n_epoch,batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=([val_sentence1, val_sentence2],y_val.reshape(-1,1)),callbacks=[es, rlp]) scores = model.evaluate([val_sentence1, val_sentence2], y_val.reshape(-1,1), verbose=0)'-------> Model Score Matrix: Accuracy')'-------> Model Score (Validate Data) : '+str(scores[1]))'Status:- |... Algorithm applied: SIAMESE') test_sentence1 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_test[col1].values) test_sentence2 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_test[col2].values) test_sentence1 = pad_sequences(test_sentence1, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') test_sentence2 = pad_sequences(test_sentence2, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') prediction = model.predict([test_sentence1, test_sentence2 ]) n_epoch = conf['num_epochs'] batch_size = conf['batch_size'] activation = conf['activation'] similarityIndex = conf['similarityIndex']'-------> similarityIndex : '+str(similarityIndex)) prediction = np.where(prediction > similarityIndex,1,0) rocauc_sco = roc_auc_score(y_test,
prediction) acc_sco = accuracy_score(y_test, prediction) predict_df = pd.DataFrame() predict_df['actual'] = y_test predict_df['predict'] = prediction predict_df.to_csv(predicted_data_file)'-------> Model Score Matrix: Accuracy')'-------> Model Score (Validate Data) : '+str(scores[1]))'Status:- |... Algorithm applied: SIAMESE') test_sentence1 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_test[col1].values) test_sentence2 = pipe.texts_to_sequences(X_test[col2].values) test_sentence1 = pad_sequences(test_sentence1, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') test_sentence2 = pad_sequences(test_sentence2, maxlen=max_len, padding='post') prediction = model.predict([test_sentence1, test_sentence2 ]) prediction = np.where(prediction > similarityIndex,1,0) rocauc_sco = roc_auc_score(y_test,prediction) acc_sco = accuracy_score(y_test, prediction) predict_df = pd.DataFrame() predict_df['actual'] = y_test predict_df['predict'] = prediction predict_df.to_csv(predicted_data_file)"predict_df: \\n"+str(predict_df)) sco = acc_sco'-------> Test Data Accuracy Score : '+str(acc_sco))'Status:- |... Testing Score: '+str(acc_sco))'-------> Test Data ROC AUC Score : '+str(rocauc_sco)) matrix = '"Accuracy":'+str(acc_sco)+',"ROC AUC":'+str(rocauc_sco) prediction = model.predict([train_sentence1, train_sentence2]) prediction = np.where(prediction > similarityIndex,1,0) train_rocauc_sco = roc_auc_score(y_train,prediction) train_acc_sco = accuracy_score(y_train, prediction)'-------> Train Data Accuracy Score : '+str(train_acc_sco))'-------> Train Data ROC AUC Score : '+str(train_rocauc_sco)) trainmatrix = '"Accuracy":'+str(train_acc_sco)+',"ROC AUC":'+str(train_rocauc_sco) model_tried = '{"Model":"SIAMESE","Score":'+str(sco)+'}' saved_model = 'textsimilarity_'+iterName+'_'+iterVersion # filename = os.path.join(deployLocation,'model','textsimilarity_'+iterName+'_'+iterVersion+'.sav') # filename = os.path.join(deployLocation,'model','textsimilarity_'+iterName+'_'+iterVersion+'.h5') ## Because we are using subclassing layer api, please use dir (as below) to store deep learn model instead of .h5 model. filename = os.path.join(deployLocation,'model','textsimilarity_'+iterName+'_'+iterVersion) # model.save_weights(filename) model_name = 'SIAMESE MODEL' return(model_name,scores[1],matrix,trainmatrix,model_tried,saved_model,filename,max_len,similarityIndex) except Exception as inst:"SIAMESE failed " + str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import json #Python sklearn & std libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time_series.ts_arima_eion import eion_arima from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import coint_johansen from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model import VAR from math import * from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error from math import sqrt import logging import os import sys import time from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from pandas import read_csv from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller import pmdarima as pm from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import grangercausalitytests from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson from sklearn.utils import check_array class timeseriesModelTests(): def __init__(self,data,targetFeature,datetimeFeature,count): #self.tsConfig = tsConfig #self.modelconfig = modelconfig #self.modelList = modelList = data self.targetFeature = targetFeature self.dateTimeFeature = datetimeFeature self.count=count self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def StatinaryChecks(self,dictDiffCount):"\\n---------------Start Stationary Checks-----------") tFeature = self.targetFeature.split(',') tFeature.append(self.dateTimeFeature)[tFeature] tFeature.remove(self.dateTimeFeature) lengthtFeature=len(tFeature) diffCount=0 try : for features in (tFeature): XSt =[features] XSt=XSt.values resultSt = adfuller(XSt,autolag='AIC') stationaryFlag = False #print(resultSt)'-------> Features: '+str(features))'----------> ADF Statistic: '+str(resultSt[0]))'----------> p-value: %f' % resultSt[1]) if resultSt[1]<= 0.05:"-------------> Converted As Stationary Data") stationaryFlag = True else:"-------------> Stationary Conversion Required") stationaryFlag = False'----------> Critical Values') for key, value in resultSt[4].items():'----------> '+str(key)+': '+str(value)) if stationaryFlag == False:[features][features].diff() dictDiffCount[features]=1 XStt =[features] XStt=XStt.values resultStt = adfuller(XStt) if resultStt[1] > 0.05:[features][features].diff() dictDiffCount[features]=2 XSttt =[features] XSttt=XSttt.values resultSttt = adfuller(XSttt) if resultSttt[1]<= 0.05: stationaryFlag = True else: stationaryFlag = True"------------->"+str(dictDiffCount)) if stationaryFlag == True:"----------> Equals to Stationary Data") else:"----------> Not Equal To Stationary Data")"-------> Stationary data diff()")"---------------Start Stationary Checks Ends-----------\\n") return,dictDiffCount except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Time Series Stationary Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def varTimeseriesModelTests(self,data): try : tFeature = self.targetFeature.split(',')"\\n--------- Start Granger Causality Test Results ------------") gtest=grangercausalitytests(data[tFeature], maxlag=15, addconst=True, verbose=True)"-------> GrangerCausalitytest Results "+str(gtest.values()))"--------- End Granger Causality Test Results ------------\\n") return gtest except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Time Series Granger Causality testTest Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def grangersCausationMatrix(self,data, variables, test='ssr_chi2test', verbose=False): try : countVariables=0"\\n--------------Start GrangersCausationMatrix---------------") df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(variables), len(variables))), columns=variables, index=variables) for c in df.columns: for r in df.index: test_result = grangercausalitytests(data[[r, c]], maxlag=12, verbose=False) p_values = [round(test_result[i+1][0][test][1],4) for i in range(12)] if verbose: print(f'Y = {r}, X = {c}, P Values = {p_values}') min_p_value = np.min(p_values) df.loc[r, c] = min_p_value df.columns = [var + '_x' for var in variables] df.index = [var + '_y' for var in variables] for i in range(len(variables)): for j in range(len(variables)): if i!=j and df.iloc[i][j]<0.05 and df.iloc[i][j]<0.05: countVariables=countVariables+1"--------------End GrangersCausationMatrix---------------\\n") return df,countVariables except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Time Series grangersCausationMatrix Test Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return df,countVariables def coIntegrationTest(self,data): try : tdata = data.drop([self.dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index = data[self.dateTimeFeature] cols = tdata.columns"\\n-------------- Start of the Co Integration test ---------------") lenTargetFeature=len(self.targetFeature) countIntegrationFeature=0 N, l = tdata.shape jres = coint_johansen(tdata, 0, 1) trstat = jres.lr1 tsignf = jres.cvt for i in range(l): if trstat[i] > tsignf[i, 1]: r = i + 1 jres.r = r jres.evecr = jres.evec[:, :r] jres.r = r countIntegrationFeature=jres.r jres.evecr = jres.evec[:, :r]'------->coint_johansen trace statistics: '+str(trstat))'------->coint_johansen critical values:')"------->There are "+str(countIntegrationFeature)+" Co-Integration vectors")"-------------- End of the Co Integration test ---------------\\n") return countIntegrationFeature except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Time Series Co-Integration Test Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname =
os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' # For timeseries pyramid pdaarima module import json #Python sklearn & std libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error #from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from math import sqrt import warnings # For serialization. #from sklearn.externals import joblib import pickle import os,sys # For ploting (mathlab) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plotly #Import eion config manager module import logging from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import time import random import statsmodels.api as sm # prophet by Facebook # time series analysis #from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose #from import plot_acf, plot_pacf from prophet.plot import plot_plotly,plot_components_plotly #import seaborn as sns from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid import holidays #from prophet.diagnostics import performance_metrics #from prophet.diagnostics import cross_validation from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error import logging,sys from scipy.special import inv_boxcox from prophet.diagnostics import cross_validation #from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # Aion Prophet module class aion_fbprophet (): #Constructor def __init__(self,configfile,testpercentage,data,targetFeature,dateTimeFeature): try: self.tsprophet_params = configfile self.targetFeature=targetFeature self.dateTimeFeature=dateTimeFeature self.testpercentage = testpercentage self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Prophet INIT Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) #Find datetime column def get_datetime_col(self,data): df=data dt_col=[] categorical_features=[] discrete_features=[] # Here, I am checking each column type, whether it is object type or float or int. Then I am trying to convert the # Object type to datetime format using python pd.to_datetime() function. If the column converts , it is datetime format, else it is some other format (categorical or discrete) for col in df.columns: if (df[col].dtype == 'object' or df[col].dtype == 'datetime64[ns]' ): try: df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col]) dt_col.append(col) except ValueError: categorical_features.append(col) pass elif (df[col].dtype == 'float64' or 'int64' or 'int' or 'float64' or 'float'): #('int' or 'float' or 'int64' or 'float64')): #print("discrete features found..\\n") discrete_features.append(col) else: pass #Uncomment to know the datetime, categorical and continuous cols # print ("Date time colms: dt_col: \\n",dt_col) # print("categorical features: \\n",categorical_features) # print("continuous features: \\n",discrete_features) return dt_col def get_predict_frequency(self,df,datetime_col_name): #dt_col=pd.to_datetime(df[datetime_col_name], format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') dt_col=pd.to_datetime(df[datetime_col_name]) #df['tvalue'] = df[datetime_col_name] df['time_diff'] = (df[datetime_col_name]-df[datetime_col_name].shift()).fillna(pd.Timedelta('0')) mean_diff_dt=df['time_diff'].mean() time_diff_secs=mean_diff_dt.total_seconds() time_sec_2_hr=((time_diff_secs/60)/60) pred_freq="" time_sec_2_hr=round(time_sec_2_hr) #For abbreviation ,refer if (time_sec_2_hr < 1): pred_freq="min" else: if (time_sec_2_hr >= 24): if (time_sec_2_hr > 168): if(time_sec_2_hr > 696 or time_sec_2_hr < 744): # based on 29 days, to 31 days if(time_sec_2_hr > 8760): pred_freq="Y" else: pred_freq="M" else: pred_freq="W" else: pred_freq="D" else: pred_freq="H" pass return pred_freq #To extract dict key,values def extract_params(self,dict): self.dict=dict for k,v in self.dict.items(): return k,v def mean_absolute_percentage_error(self,y_true, y_pred): if (y_true.isin([0]).sum() > 0): y_true=y_true.mask(y_true==0).fillna(y_true.mean()) try: y_true, y_pred=np.array(y_true), np.array(y_pred) #return np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true+sys.float_info.epsilon)) * 100 return np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true)) * 100 except Exception as inst:'<------------- mean_absolute_percentage_error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def regressor_list(self,regressorstr): lst = regressorstr.split (",") reg_list=[] for i in lst: reg_list.append(i) #print(reg_list) return reg_list # def get_regressors(self,reg): # print("get extra inputs for prophet...\\n") def aion_probhet(self,train_data,datetime_col_name,predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation): from prophet import Prophet #Getting prophet params #key,val = self.extract_params(self.tsprophet_params) val=self.tsprophet_params'-------> The given prophet algorithm parameters:>>')" "+str(val)) changepoint_prior_scale=[] changepoint_range=[] mcmc_samples=[] interval_width=[] holidays_prior_scale=[] n_changepoints=[] uncertainty_samples=[] seasonality_prior_scale=[] seasonality_mode="" yearly_seasonality=None weekly_seasonality=None daily_seasonality=None additional_regressors="" holiday_country_name="" holiday_years=[] no_of_periods=0 pred_frequncy="" for k,v in val.items(): try: if (k == "seasonality_mode"): seasonality_mode=v elif (k == "changepoint_prior_scale"): changepoint_prior_scale=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "changepoint_range"): changepoint_range=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "yearly_seasonality"): if v.lower() == 'true': yearly_seasonality=True elif v.lower() == 'false': yearly_seasonality=False elif v.lower() == 'auto': yearly_seasonality=v else: yearly_seasonality=True elif (k == "weekly_seasonality"): if v.lower() == 'true': weekly_seasonality=True elif v.lower() == 'false': weekly_seasonality=False elif v.lower() == 'auto': weekly_seasonality=v else: weekly_seasonality=False #weekly_seasonality=v elif (k == "daily_seasonality"): if v.lower() == 'true': daily_seasonality=True elif v.lower() == 'false': daily_seasonality=False elif v.lower() == 'auto': daily_seasonality=v else: daily_seasonality=False elif (k == "mcmc_samples"): mcmc_samples=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "interval_width"): interval_width=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "holidays_prior_scale"): #holidays_prior_scale=float(v) holidays_prior_scale=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "n_changepoints"): n_changepoints=[int(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "uncertainty_samples"): uncertainty_samples=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "seasonality_prior_scale"): seasonality_prior_scale=[float(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "additional_regressors"): additional_regressors=str(v) elif (k == "holiday_country_name"): holiday_country_name=v elif (k == "holiday_years"): holiday_years=[int(i) for i in v.split(',')] elif (k == "no_of_periods"): no_of_periods=int(v) elif (k == "pred_frequncy"): pred_frequncy=v else:"Invalid string.") except Exception: continue try: start = time.time() datetime_col_name=str(datetime_col_name) target_col=str(self.targetFeature) #extra_regressors=additional_regressors reg_list=self.regressor_list(additional_regressors) get_dtcol="" get_dtcol=self.get_datetime_col([0] #get predict frequency for user data pred_freq= str(self.get_predict_frequency(,datetime_col_name)) if (pred_frequncy): pred_frequncy=pred_frequncy else: #If user not defined predict_freq in aion config or GUI, our algorithm will find automatically by get_predict_frequency() method pred_frequncy=pred_freq"Auto Predict frequency period (Hour-H/Day-D/Week-W/Month-M/Year-Y): \\n"+str(pred_frequncy)) #For proper datetime format check.[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature]) filterd_df =[get_dtcol,target_col]) holiday = pd.DataFrame([]) holiday_specified=holidays.CountryHoliday(holiday_country_name,years=holiday_years) for date, name in sorted(holiday_specified.items()): holiday = holiday.append(pd.DataFrame({'ds': date, 'holiday': "Holidays"}, index=[0]), ignore_index=True) holiday['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(holiday['ds'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', errors='ignore') filterd_df=filterd_df.rename(columns={self.dateTimeFeature:'ds',target_col:'y'}) #Set seasonality model try: if not seasonality_mode:'empty input for seasonality_mode parameter in aion configuration file.Please check. Setting default mode: additive. \\n') seasonality_mode=[] seasonality_mode=['additive'] multiplicative_s="multiplicative" additive_s="additive" else: seasonality_mode = seasonality_mode.split(',') len_seasonality_mode=len(seasonality_mode) except ValueError as e: params_grid = {'seasonality_mode':(seasonality_mode), 'changepoint_prior_scale':changepoint_prior_scale, 'changepoint_range': changepoint_range, 'yearly_seasonality': [yearly_seasonality], 'weekly_seasonality': [weekly_seasonality], 'daily_seasonality': [daily_seasonality], 'mcmc_samples': mcmc_samples, 'interval_width': interval_width, 'holidays_prior_scale':holidays_prior_scale, 'n_changepoints' : n_changepoints, 'uncertainty_samples': uncertainty_samples, 'seasonality_prior_scale': seasonality_
prior_scale} grid = ParameterGrid(params_grid) p_cnt = 0 for p in grid: p_cnt = p_cnt+1"--------------- Total Possible prophet iterations: --------------- \\n")"\\n--------------- Modal Validation Start ---------------") size = int(len(filterd_df) * (100 - self.testpercentage)/100) train = filterd_df.loc[0:size] valid = filterd_df.loc[size:len(filterd_df)]"------->Train Data Shape: "+str(train.shape))"------->Valid Data Shape"+str(valid.shape)) X_train = train X_test = valid len_test=len(X_test) #For add_regressor,copy the add_regressor columns to use. if (additional_regressors): df1=pd.DataFrame() df1[additional_regressors][additional_regressors] model_parameters_mape = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['MAPE','Parameters']) model_parameters_rmse = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['rmse','Parameters']) model_parameters_mse = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['mse','Parameters']) model_parameters_mae = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['MAE','Parameters']) model_parameters_r2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['r2','Parameters']) for P in grid: pred_forecast = pd.DataFrame() random.seed(0) train_model =Prophet(changepoint_prior_scale = P['changepoint_prior_scale'], seasonality_mode=P['seasonality_mode'], changepoint_range=P['changepoint_range'], holidays_prior_scale = P['holidays_prior_scale'], n_changepoints = P['n_changepoints'], mcmc_samples=P['mcmc_samples'], interval_width=P['interval_width'], uncertainty_samples=P['uncertainty_samples'], seasonality_prior_scale= P['seasonality_prior_scale'], holidays=holiday, weekly_seasonality=P['weekly_seasonality'], daily_seasonality = P['daily_seasonality'], yearly_seasonality = P['yearly_seasonality'] ) train_forecast=pd.DataFrame() try: train_forecast = train_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=len_test, freq=pred_frequncy,include_history = False) train_forecast = train_model.predict(train_forecast) except ValueError as e: ("------->Check mcmc_samples value in aion confiuration, either 0 (default) or defined value,e.g.mcmc_samples:'300' to be set.If no idea on value, set to default.\\n") pred_forecast=train_forecast[['ds','yhat']] Actual=X_test len_act=len(Actual['y']) len_pred=len(pred_forecast['yhat']) MAPE = self.mean_absolute_percentage_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) model_parameters_mape = model_parameters_mape.append({'MAPE':MAPE,'Parameters':p},ignore_index=True) #MAE MAE = mean_absolute_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat']))) mse = mean_squared_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) r2 = r2_score(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) # ("------->Prophet RMSE :"+str(rmse)) # ("------->Prophet MSE :"+str(mse)) # ("------->Prophet MAE :"+str(MAE)) # ("------->Prophet R2 :"+str(r2)) model_parameters_mape = model_parameters_mape.append({'MAPE':MAPE,'Parameters':p},ignore_index=True) model_parameters_rmse = model_parameters_rmse.append({'rmse':rmse,'Parameters':p},ignore_index=True) model_parameters_mse = model_parameters_mse.append({'mse':mse,'Parameters':p},ignore_index=True) model_parameters_mae = model_parameters_mae.append({'MAE':MAE,'Parameters':p},ignore_index=True) model_parameters_r2 = model_parameters_r2.append({'r2':r2,'Parameters':p},ignore_index=True) #end of for loop parameters_mape = model_parameters_mape.sort_values(by=['MAPE']) parameters_mape = parameters_mape.reset_index(drop=True) best_params_mape=parameters_mape['Parameters'][0] # print("Best Parameters on which the model has the least MAPE is: \\n",best_params_mape) best_mape_score=parameters_mape['MAPE'].iloc[0]'------->Mean absolute percent error log: \\n ')'------->best_mape_score: \\n '+str(best_mape_score)) parameters_rmse = model_parameters_rmse.sort_values(by=['rmse']) parameters_rmse = parameters_rmse.reset_index(drop=True) best_params_rmse=parameters_rmse['Parameters'][0] best_rmse_score=parameters_rmse['rmse'].iloc[0]'------->Root Man Squared Error log (Prophet timeseries): \\n ')'------->best_rmse_score ((Prophet timeseries)): \\n '+str(best_rmse_score)) #mse parameters_mse = model_parameters_mse.sort_values(by=['mse']) parameters_mse = parameters_mse.reset_index(drop=True) best_params_mse = parameters_mse['Parameters'][0] best_mse_score=parameters_mse['mse'].iloc[0] #MAE parameters_mae = model_parameters_mae.sort_values(by=['MAE']) parameters_mae = parameters_mae.reset_index(drop=True) best_params_mae = parameters_mae['Parameters'][0] best_mae_score=parameters_mae['MAE'].iloc[0] # R2 score parameters_r2 = model_parameters_r2.sort_values(by=['r2']) parameters_r2 = parameters_r2.reset_index(drop=False) best_params_r2 = parameters_r2['Parameters'][0] best_r2_score=parameters_r2['r2'].iloc[0] #Final best prophet mse,rmse,mape scores # ("------->Prophet RMSE :"+str(best_rmse_score)) # ("------->Prophet MSE :"+str(best_mse_score)) # ("------->Prophet MAE :"+str(best_mae_score)) # ("------->Prophet R2 :"+str(best_r2_score)) #Extracting best model parameters for k,v in best_params_mape.items(): try: if (k == "changepoint_prior_scale"): changepoint_prior_scale=float(v) elif (k == "changepoint_range"): changepoint_range=float(v) elif (k == "daily_seasonality"): daily_seasonality=v elif (k == "holidays_prior_scale"): holidays_prior_scale=float(v) elif (k == "interval_width"): interval_width=float(v) elif (k == "mcmc_samples"): mcmc_samples=float(v) elif (k == "n_changepoints"): n_changepoints=int(v) elif (k == "seasonality_mode"): seasonality_mode=str(v) elif (k == "seasonality_prior_scale"): seasonality_prior_scale=int(v) elif (k == "uncertainty_samples"): uncertainty_samples=float(v) elif (k == "weekly_seasonality"): weekly_seasonality=v elif (k == "yearly_seasonality"): yearly_seasonality=v else: pass except Exception as e:"\\n prophet time series config param parsing error"+str(e)) #continue"\\n Best prophet model accuracy parameters.\\n ") #Prophet model based on mape best params. best_prophet_model = Prophet(holidays=holiday, changepoint_prior_scale= changepoint_prior_scale, holidays_prior_scale = holidays_prior_scale, n_changepoints = n_changepoints, seasonality_mode = seasonality_mode, weekly_seasonality= weekly_seasonality, daily_seasonality = daily_seasonality, yearly_seasonality = yearly_seasonality, interval_width=interval_width, mcmc_samples=mcmc_samples, changepoint_range=changepoint_range) # If holiday not set using prophet model,we can add as below. # best_prophet_model.add_country_holidays(country_name=holiday_country_name) #prophet add_regressor ,adding additional influencer (regressor) features, but it different from multivariant model. if (additional_regressors): filterd_df[additional_regressors] = df1[additional_regressors] filterd_df.reset_index(drop=True) for v in reg_list: best_prophet_model=best_prophet_model.add_regressor(v) else: pass #Model prophet fit, it should be done before make_future_dataframe future = best_prophet_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=no_of_periods, freq=pred_frequncy,include_history = False) if (additional_regressors): future[additional_regressors] = filterd_df[additional_regressors] future.reset_index(drop=True) future=future.dropna() else: pass #Final prediction forecast = best_prophet_model.predict(future) # forecast_df=forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']] # #Save forecast as csv file # forecast_df.to_csv(r"prophet_realtime_user_steps.csv",index = False, header=True) #Plot the predition and save in file forecast_plot = best_prophet_model.plot(forecast) imagefilename = os.path.join(dataFolderLocation,'log','img','prophet_fig.png') forecast_plot.savefig(imagefilename) #The below part is used to compare prophet predicted with actual value #For train data #Prophet model with train and test data, based on mape best params. best_prophet_model_new = Prophet(holidays=holiday, changepoint_prior_scale= changepoint_prior_scale, holidays_prior_scale = holidays_prior_scale, n_changepoints = n_changepoints, seasonality_mode = seasonality_mode, weekly_seasonality= weekly_seasonality, daily_seasonality = daily_seasonality, yearly_seasonality = yearly_seasonality, interval_width=interval_width, mcmc_samples=mcmc_samples, changepoint_range=changepoint_range) fp_forecast=pd.DataFrame() try: fp_forecast = best_prophet_model_new.make_future_dataframe(periods=len_test, freq=pred_frequncy,include_history = False) fp_forecast = best_prophet_model_new.predict(fp_forecast) except ValueError as e: ("------->Check mcmc_samples value in aion confiuration, either 0 (default) or defined value,e.g.mcmc_samples:'300' to be set.If no idea on value, set to default.\\n") pred_forecast=fp_forecast[['ds','yhat']] pred_forecast['ds']=Actual['ds'].to_numpy() Actual.ds = pd.to_datetime(Actual.ds) pred_forecast.ds = pd.to_datetime(pred_forecast.ds) MAE = mean_absolute_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat']))) mse = mean_squared_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) r2 = r2_score(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) MAPE = self.mean_absolute_percentage_error(Actual['y'],abs(pred_forecast['yhat'])) #Final best prophet mse,rmse,mape scores ("------->Prophet RMSE : "+str(rmse)) ("------->Prophet MSE : "+str(mse)) ("------->Prophet MAE : "+str(MAE)) ("------->Prophet R2 : "+str(r2))"------->Prophet MAPE: "+str(MAPE))'------->best_mape_score: \\n '+str(best_mape_score)) prophet_df = pd.merge(Actual,pred_forecast, on=['ds'], how='left') cols = ['ds','y','yhat'] prophet_df_new = prophet_df[cols] prophet_df_new.dropna(inplace=True) actualfeature = target_
col+'_actual' predictfeature = target_col+'_pred' prophet_df_new=prophet_df_new.rename(columns={'ds': 'datetime', 'y': actualfeature,'yhat': predictfeature}) #prophet_df_new.to_csv(predicted_data_file) #cv_results = cross_validation( model = best_prophet_model, initial = pd.to_timedelta(no_of_periods,unit=pred_frequncy), horizon = pd.to_timedelta(no_of_periods,unit=pred_frequncy)) #forecast_df=forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']] #Save forecast as csv file #forecast_df.to_csv(r"prophet_realtime_Output.csv",index = False, header=True) #'------->Prophet time series forecast (last 7 prediction for user view): \\n ') #[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail(7)) plot_prd=plot_plotly(best_prophet_model, forecast) imagefilename = os.path.join(dataFolderLocation,'log','img','1_ppm_plot') plotly.offline.plot(plot_prd, filename=imagefilename,auto_open = False) plot_prd_components=plot_components_plotly(best_prophet_model, forecast) imagefilename = os.path.join(dataFolderLocation,'log','img','2_ppm_plot') plotly.offline.plot(plot_prd_components, filename=imagefilename,auto_open = False) executionTime=(time.time() - start)'-------> Time: '+str(executionTime)) return best_prophet_model,best_mae_score,best_rmse_score,best_mse_score,best_mape_score,best_r2_score,pred_frequncy,additional_regressors,prophet_df_new except Exception as inst: #print("********** aion_fbprophet exception ************* \\n")'<!------------- Prophet Execute Error ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' # For timeseries pyramid pdaarima module from pmdarima.arima import auto_arima import pmdarima as pm import json #Python sklearn & std libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error #from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from math import sqrt import warnings # For serialization. #from sklearn.externals import joblib import pickle import os,sys # For ploting (mathlab) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import eion config manager module import logging from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import time import os import sys # Eion arima module class eion_arima (): #Constructor def __init__(self,configfile,testpercentage,sesonalityChecks,stationaryChecks): # eaobj - eion arima class object try: tsarima_params = configfile self.testpercentage = testpercentage self.start_p= int(tsarima_params['start_p']) self.start_q= int(tsarima_params['start_q']) self.max_p= int(tsarima_params['max_p']) self.max_q= int(tsarima_params['max_q']) self.max_d= int(tsarima_params['max_d']) self.max_order= int(tsarima_params['max_order']) self.start_Q= int(tsarima_params['start_Q']) self.max_P= int(tsarima_params['max_P']) self.max_D= int(tsarima_params['max_D']) self.max_Q= int(tsarima_params['max_Q']) self.m= int(tsarima_params['m']) self.start_P= int(tsarima_params['start_P']) self.seasonal= tsarima_params['seasonal'] #self.seasonal= sesonalityChecks self.stationary=stationaryChecks #print("self.seasonal: \\n",self.seasonal) #print("self.stationary: \\n",self.stationary) if self.seasonal and not self.seasonal.isspace(): if (self.seasonal.lower() == 'true'): self.seasonal=True elif (self.seasonal.lower() == 'false'): self.seasonal=False else: self.seasonal=True else: self.seasonal=True self.d= int(tsarima_params['d']) self.D= int(tsarima_params['D']) #self.trace= tsarima_params['trace'] self.error_action= tsarima_params['error_action'] self.suppress_warnings= tsarima_params['suppress_warnings'] self.stepwise= tsarima_params['stepwise'] #self.random= tsarima_params['random'] self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Arima INIT Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def mean_absolute_percentage_error(self,y_true, y_pred): try: y_true, y_pred=np.array(y_true), np.array(y_pred) return np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true+sys.float_info.epsilon)) * 100 except Exception as inst:'<------------- mean_absolute_percentage_error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def eion_arima(self,train_data): try: start = time.time() auto_arima_stepwise_fit = pm.auto_arima(train_data, start_p=self.start_p, start_q=self.start_q,max_p=self.max_p, max_q=self.max_q,max_d=self.max_d,max_P=self.max_P,max_D=self.max_D,max_Q=self.max_Q,max_order=self.max_order, m=self.m,start_P=self.start_P,start_Q=self.start_Q, seasonal=self.seasonal,stationary=self.stationary,d=self.d, D=self.D,error_action=self.error_action,suppress_warnings=self.suppress_warnings,stepwise=self.stepwise) #auto_arima_stepwise_fit = pm.auto_arima(train_data, start_p=self.start_p, start_q=self.start_q,max_p=self.max_p, max_q=self.max_q,max_d=self.max_d,max_P=self.max_P,max_D=self.max_D,max_Q=self.max_Q,max_order=self.max_order, m=self.m,start_P=self.start_P,start_Q=self.start_Q, seasonal=True,stationary=True,d=self.d, D=self.D,error_action=self.error_action,suppress_warnings=self.suppress_warnings,random_state=20,stepwise=True) aic_score = auto_arima_stepwise_fit.aic()'------->AIC Score: '+str(aic_score))'\\n--------- Fit Summary --------------') (auto_arima_stepwise_fit.summary())'--------- Fit Summary End--------------\\n')"\\n--------------- Modal Validation Start ---------------") size = int(len(train_data) * (100 - self.testpercentage)/100) train = train_data.loc[0:size] valid = train_data.loc[size:len(train_data)] # valid_perc=((100-self.testpercentage)/100) # valid_perc=round(valid_perc, 1) # print("valid_perc: \\n", valid_perc)"------->Train Data Shape: "+str(train.shape))"------->Valid Data Shape"+str(valid.shape)) start1=len(train) end1=len(train_data) modelfit = a_prediction = auto_arima_stepwise_fit.predict(valid.shape[0]) #a_prediction = auto_arima_stepwise_fit.predict(n_periods=len(valid)) #a_prediction = auto_arima_stepwise_fit.predict(start=start1,end=end1) #print("a_prediction: \\n",a_prediction) mae = metrics.mean_absolute_error(valid, a_prediction) ("------->MAE: "+str(mae)) mape = self.mean_absolute_percentage_error(valid, a_prediction) #mape=np.mean(np.abs((valid - a_prediction) / valid)) * 100 ("------->MAPE :"+str(mape)) #RMSE rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(valid,a_prediction)) mse = mean_squared_error(valid,a_prediction) ("------->RMSE :"+str(rmse)) ("------->MSE :"+str(mse)) from sklearn.metrics import r2_score r2 = r2_score(valid,a_prediction) ########### End #################### # now we have the model"------------- Validate Model End----------------\\n") executionTime=time.time() - start'-------> Time: '+str(executionTime)+'\\n') return auto_arima_stepwise_fit,mae,rmse,mse,r2,aic_score,mape,valid,a_prediction except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Arima Execute Error ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import json #Python sklearn & std libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time_series.ts_arima_eion import eion_arima from time_series.aion_fbprophet import aion_fbprophet from time_series.timeseriesDLUnivariate import timeseriesDLUnivariate from time_series.timeseriesDLMultivariate import timeseriesDLMultivariate from time_series.tsDLMultiVrtInUniVrtOut import tsDLMultiVrtInUniVrtOut from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import coint_johansen from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.var_model import VAR from math import * from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error from math import sqrt import logging import os import sys import time import pickle from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller import pmdarima as pm from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import grangercausalitytests from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson from time_series.ts_modelvalidation import timeseriesModelTests from sklearn.utils import check_array from time_series.tsStationarySeasonalityTest import tsStationarySeasonalityTest class timeseries(): def __init__(self,ts
Config,modelconfig,modelList,data,targetFeature,dateTimeFeature,modelName,trainPercentage,usecasename,version,deployLocation,scoreParam): self.tsConfig = tsConfig self.modelconfig = modelconfig self.modelList = modelList = data self.data1=data self.pred_freq = '' self.additional_regressors='' self.trainPercentage = trainPercentage self.targetFeature = targetFeature self.dateTimeFeature = dateTimeFeature self.modelName=modelName self.usecasename=usecasename self.model_fit=None self.selectedColumns = '' self.version=version self.deployLocation=deployLocation self.dictDiffCount={} self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.scoreParam=str(scoreParam) try: ##For bug:12280'all',axis=1,inplace=True) except Exception as e:"data empty feature process error info:, check any text column contain empty records. if yes, please remove the column and upload the data for time series forecasting. \\n"+str(e)) def var_prediction(self,no_of_prediction): tdata =[self.dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index =[self.dateTimeFeature] lag_order = self.model_fit.k_ar predictions = self.model_fit.forecast(tdata.values[-lag_order:],steps=no_of_prediction) predictions = predictions.round(2) col = self.targetFeature.split(",") pred = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0,len(predictions)),columns=col) for j in range(0,len(col)): for i in range(0, len(predictions)): pred.iloc[i][j] = predictions[i][j] predictions = pred pred=self.invertTransformation(tdata,self.targetFeature,predictions,self.dictDiffCount) return pred def save_dl_model(self,smodel,scaler_model): try: saved_model = self.usecasename+'_'+self.version filename = os.path.join(self.deployLocation,'model',saved_model) if scaler_model != 'NA' and scaler_model != '': scaler_filename = os.path.join(self.deployLocation,'model',saved_model+'_scaler.pkl') with open(scaler_filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(scaler_model,f) f.close() else: scaler_filename = 'NA' return filename,saved_model,scaler_filename except Exception as e: print(e) def save_model(self,smodel): try: saved_model = self.usecasename+'_'+self.version+'.sav' filename = os.path.join(self.deployLocation,'model',saved_model) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(smodel,f) f.close() return filename,saved_model except Exception as e: print(e) def mean_absolute_percentage_error(self,y_true, y_pred): try: y_true, y_pred=np.array(y_true), np.array(y_pred) mape=np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true+sys.float_info.epsilon)) * 100 return mape except Exception as inst:'------------- mean_absolute_percentage_error ---------------') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) ## Fbprophet model def getfbprophetmodel(self,predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation,tFeature): try: modelName='fbprophet' modelconfig = self.modelconfig['fbprophet'] self.targetFeature=tFeature[0] X_Train = pd.DataFrame([self.targetFeature]) try: #[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') except: #for utc timestamp[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce',utc=True) = except: pass aion_prophet_obj = aion_fbprophet(modelconfig,self.trainPercentage,,self.targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature)'Status:- |... TimeSeries Algorithm applied: FBPROPHET') self.model_fit,mae,rmse_prophet,mse,mape,r2,pred_freq,additional_regressors,prophet_df_new = aion_prophet_obj.aion_probhet(X_Train,self.dateTimeFeature,predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation) ## Added for additional scoring params if (self.scoreParam.lower() == "r2"): scoringparam_v=r2"fbprophet User selected scoring parameter is r2. r2 value: "+str(r2)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "rmse"): scoringparam_v=rmse_prophet"fbprophet User selected scoring parameter is RMSE. RMSE value: "+str(rmse_prophet)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mse"): scoringparam_v=mse"fbprophet User selected scoring parameter is MSE. MSE value: "+str(mse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mae"): scoringparam_v=mae"fbprophet User selected scoring parameter is MAE. MAE value: "+str(mae)) else: scoringparam_v=rmse_prophet'Status:- |... Score '+self.scoreParam.capitalize()+': '+str(round(scoringparam_v,2))) #task 11997 displaying user selected scoring parameter in status logs error_matrix = '"RMSE":"'+str(round(rmse_prophet,2))+'","MAPE":"'+str(round(mape,2))+'","R2":"'+str(round(r2,2))+'","MAE":"'+str(round(mae,2))+'","MSE":"'+str(round(mse,2))+'"'"fbprophet all scoring parameter results: "+str(error_matrix)) scoredetails = '{"Model":"FBProphet ","Score":'+str(scoringparam_v)+',"Scoring Param": "'+str(self.scoreParam.lower())+'"}' self.selectedColumns = self.targetFeature+','+self.dateTimeFeature self.selectedColumns = self.selectedColumns.split(",") self.pred_freq = pred_freq self.additional_regressors=additional_regressors'------------- End FBPROPHET Model -------------\\n') return('Success',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),scoringparam_v,self.model_fit,self.selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,prophet_df_new) except Exception as e:"FBProphet operation failed. error: "+str(e)) return('Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),0,None,self.selectedColumns,'','{}',self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,pd.DataFrame()) ## Arima model def get_arima_values(self): try: tFeature = self.targetFeature.split(',') if(len(tFeature) == 1): model_name = 'arima' else:"Note: ARIMA model is going to perform only on first feature of provided target features due to data not met the VAR model constraints") self.targetFeature=tFeature[0] sesonalityChecks=True stationaryChecks=False #start checking sessonality using ch test and ocsb res = pm.arima.nsdiffs([self.targetFeature], m=355, max_D=5, test="ch") # 365 since daily'-------> Seasonality checks: %f' % res) if res >=4:"-----------> Data is following Seasonality ")'Status:- |... Seasonality Check Done. Data is following Seasonality ') sesonalityChecks=True else:"-----------> Data is not following Seasonality ")'Status:- |... Seasonality Check Done. Data is not following Seasonality') sesonalityChecks=False # end checking sessonality using ch test and ocsb # start checking stationary data for time Series[self.targetFeature] adf_test = pm.arima.ADFTest(alpha=0.05) resultSt = adfuller([self.targetFeature])'ADF Statistic: %f' % resultSt[0])'p-value: %f' % resultSt[1]) if resultSt[1]<= 0.05: stationaryChecks=True"the data does not have a unit root and is stationary.")'Status:- |... Stationary Check Done. Data is stationary') else: stationaryChecks=False"the data has a unit root and is non-stationary.")'Status:- |... Stationary Check Done. Data is non-stationary') # End of stationary checks'\\n------------- Start Arima Model -------------')'-------> Top 5 Rows: ') eion_arima_obj = eion_arima(self.modelconfig['arima'],self.trainPercentage,sesonalityChecks,stationaryChecks) return 'Success',eion_arima_obj except Exception as e:'<!------------- Get ARIMA Values ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return 'Error',None def getEncDecLSTMMultVrtInUniVrtOut(self): try:'Status:- |... TimeSeries Algorithm applied: Encoder Decoder LSTM') modelName='encoder_decoder_lstm_mvi_uvo' modelconfig = self.modelconfig['encoder_decoder_lstm_mvi_uvo'] df = targetFeature = list(self.targetFeature.split(",")) try: # df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') except: #for utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce',utc=True) df = df.dropna() except: pass df = df.groupby(self.dateTimeFeature).mean() df = df.reset_index() tdata = df.drop([self.dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index = df[self.dateTimeFeature] #tdata = tdata[tdata.columns[tdata.columns.isin(targetFeature)]] #selectedColumns = self.targetFeature+','+self.dateTimeFeature #selectedColumns = selectedColumns.split(",") selectedColumns = tdata.columns df_predicted=None aion_dlts_obj = tsDLMultiVrtInUniVrtOut(modelconfig,self.trainPercentage,targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature) status,mse,rmse,r2,mae,model,df_predicted,lag_order,scaler = aion_dlts_obj.lstm_encdec_mvin_uvout(tdata) if status.lower() == 'success': ## Added for additional scoring params if (self.scoreParam.lower() == "r2"): scoringparam_v=r2'Status:- |... Score R2(Avg) '+str(r2)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "rmse"): scoringparam_v=rmse"Status:- |... Score RMSE(Avg) "+str(rmse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mse"): scoringparam_v=mse"Status:- |... Score MSE(Avg) "+str(mse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mae"): scoringparam_v=mae"Status:- |... Score MAE(Avg) : "+str(mae)) else: scoringparam_v=rmse error_matrix = '"RMSE":"'+str(round(rmse,2))+'","MSE":"'+str(round(mse,2))+'"' error_matrix=error_matrix+',"R2":"'+str(round(r2,2))+'","MAE":"'+str(round(mae,2))+'"'"LSTM Multivariant Input Univariate Output all scoring param results: "+str(error_matrix))'Status:- |... Score '+self.scoreParam.capitalize()+': '+str(round(scoringparam_v,2))) #task 11997 displaying user selected scoring parameter in status logs scoredetails = '{"Model":"LSTM Multivariant","Score":'+str(scoringparam_v)+',"Scoring Param": "'+str(self.scoreParam.lower())+'"}' else: return 'Error',modelName.upper(),
self.scoreParam.lower(),'NA',None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),lag_order,None except Exception as e:"getEncDecLSTMMultVrtInUniVrtOut method error. Error msg: "+str(e)) return 'Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),'NA',None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),lag_order,None return 'Success',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),scoringparam_v,model,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,df_predicted,lag_order,scaler def getLSTMMultivariate(self): try:'Status:- |... TimeSeries Algorithm applied: LSTM') modelName='lstm' modelconfig = self.modelconfig['lstm'] df = targetFeature = list(self.targetFeature.split(",")) try: # df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') except: #for utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce',utc=True) df = df.dropna() except: pass df = df.groupby(self.dateTimeFeature).mean() df = df.reset_index() tdata = df.drop([self.dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index = df[self.dateTimeFeature] tdata = tdata[tdata.columns[tdata.columns.isin(targetFeature)]] selectedColumns = self.targetFeature+','+self.dateTimeFeature selectedColumns = selectedColumns.split(",") df_predicted=None aion_dlts_obj = timeseriesDLMultivariate(modelconfig,self.trainPercentage,targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature) status,mse,rmse,r2,mae,model,df_predicted,lag_order,scaler = aion_dlts_obj.lstm_multivariate(tdata) if status.lower() == 'success': ## Added for additional scoring params if (self.scoreParam.lower() == "r2"): scoringparam_v=r2'Status:- |... Score R2(Avg) '+str(r2)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "rmse"): scoringparam_v=rmse"Status:- |... Score RMSE(Avg) "+str(rmse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mse"): scoringparam_v=mse"Status:- |... Score MSE(Avg) "+str(mse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mae"): scoringparam_v=mae"Status:- |... Score MAE(Avg) : "+str(mae)) else: scoringparam_v=rmse error_matrix = '"RMSE":"'+str(round(rmse,2))+'","MSE":"'+str(round(mse,2))+'"' error_matrix=error_matrix+',"R2":"'+str(round(r2,2))+'","MAE":"'+str(round(mae,2))+'"'"LSTM Multivariant all scoring param results: "+str(error_matrix))'Status:- |... Score '+self.scoreParam.capitalize()+': '+str(round(scoringparam_v,2))) #task 11997 displaying user selected scoring parameter in status logs scoredetails = '{"Model":"LSTM Multivariant","Score":'+str(scoringparam_v)+',"Scoring Param": "'+str(self.scoreParam.lower())+'"}' else: return 'Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),'NA',None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),lag_order,None except Exception as e:"getLSTMMultivariate method error. Error msg: "+str(e)) return 'Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),'NA',None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),lag_order,None return 'Success',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),scoringparam_v,model,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,df_predicted,lag_order,scaler def getUniVarientLSTMModel(self): try:'Status:- |... TimeSeries Algorithm applied: LSTM') modelName='lstm' lstmconfig = self.modelconfig['lstm'] df = try: # df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') except: #for utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce',utc=True) df = df.dropna() except: pass tdata = df.drop([self.dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index = df[self.dateTimeFeature] tdata = pd.DataFrame(tdata[self.targetFeature]) selectedColumns = self.targetFeature+','+self.dateTimeFeature selectedColumns = selectedColumns.split(",") aion_dlts_obj = timeseriesDLUnivariate(lstmconfig,self.trainPercentage,self.targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature,modelName) status,lstm_mse,lstm_rmse,r2,mae,lstm_model,df_predicted_lstm,lag_order,scaler = aion_dlts_obj.ts_lstm(tdata) if status.lower() == 'success': ## Added for additional scoring params if (self.scoreParam.lower() == "r2"): scoringparam_v=r2"LSTM Univariant User selected scoring parameter is r2. r2 value: "+str(r2)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "rmse"): scoringparam_v=lstm_rmse"LSTM Univariant User selected scoring parameter is RMSE. Rmse value: "+str(lstm_rmse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mse"): scoringparam_v=lstm_mse"LSTM Univariant User selected scoring parameter is MSE. Mse value: "+str(lstm_mse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mae"): scoringparam_v=mae"LSTM Univariant User selected scoring parameter is MAE. Mae value: "+str(mae)) else: scoringparam_v=lstm_rmse error_matrix = '"RMSE":"'+str(round(lstm_rmse,2))+'","MSE":"'+str(round(lstm_mse,2))+'"' error_matrix=error_matrix+',"R2":"'+str(round(r2,2))+'","MAE":"'+str(round(mae,2))+'"'"LSTM Univariant, all scoring param results: "+str(error_matrix))'Status:- |... Score '+self.scoreParam.capitalize()+': '+str(round(scoringparam_v,2))) #task 11997 displaying user selected scoring parameter in status logs scoredetails = '{"Model":"LSTM Univariant","Score":'+str(scoringparam_v)+',"Scoring Param": "'+str(self.scoreParam.lower())+'"}' return 'Success',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),scoringparam_v,lstm_model,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,df_predicted_lstm,lag_order,scaler else: return 'Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),0,None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),0,None except Exception as inst:'<!------------- LSTM Error ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return 'Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),0,None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),0,None def getUniVarientMLPModel(self): try:'Status:- |... TimeSeries Algorithm applied: MLP') modelName='mlp' lstmconfig = self.modelconfig['mlp'] df = try: # df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') except: #for utc timestamp df[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df[self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce',utc=True) df = df.dropna() except: pass tdata = df.drop([self.dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index = df[self.dateTimeFeature] tdata = pd.DataFrame(tdata[self.targetFeature]) selectedColumns = self.targetFeature+','+self.dateTimeFeature selectedColumns = selectedColumns.split(",") aion_dlts_obj = timeseriesDLUnivariate(lstmconfig,self.trainPercentage,self.targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature,modelName) mlp_mse,mlp_rmse,r2,mae,mlp_model,df_predicted_mlp,look_back,scaler = aion_dlts_obj.mlpDL(tdata) ## Added for additional scoring params if (self.scoreParam.lower() == "r2"): scoringparam_v=r2"MLP Univariant User selected scoring parameter is R2. R2 value: "+str(r2)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "rmse"): scoringparam_v=mlp_rmse"MLP Univariant User selected scoring parameter is RMSE. Rmse value: "+str(mlp_rmse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mse"): scoringparam_v=mlp_mse"MLP Univariant User selected scoring parameter is MSE. Mse value: "+str(mlp_mse)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mae"): scoringparam_v=mae"MLP Univariant User selected scoring parameter is MAE. Mae value: "+str(mae)) else: scoringparam_v=mlp_rmse error_matrix = '"RMSE":"'+str(round(mlp_rmse,2))+'","MSE":"'+str(round(mlp_mse,2))+'"' error_matrix=error_matrix+',"R2":"'+str(round(r2,2))+'","MAE":"'+str(round(mae,2))+'"'"MLP Univariant, all scoring param results: "+str(error_matrix))'Status:- |... Score '+self.scoreParam.capitalize()+': '+str(round(scoringparam_v,2))) #task 11997 displaying user selected scoring parameter in status logs scoredetails = '{"Model":"MLP","Score":'+str(scoringparam_v)+',"Scoring Param": "'+str(self.scoreParam.lower())+'"}' return 'Success',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),scoringparam_v,mlp_model,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,df_predicted_mlp,look_back,scaler except Exception as inst: import traceback"MLP Error in timeseries module: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc()))'<!------------- MLP Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return 'Error',modelName.upper(),self.scoreParam.lower(),0,None,selectedColumns,'','{}',pd.DataFrame(),0,None def getARIMAmodel(self,predicted_data_file): try: modelName='arima' status,eion_arima_obj = self.get_arima_values()'Status:- |... TimeSeries Algorithm applied: ARIMA') selected_feature_list =[self.targetFeature].values selected_feature_list = selected_feature_list.astype('int32')'-------> Target Feature First 5 Rows: ')[self.targetFeature].head(5)) X_Train = pd.DataFrame([self.targetFeature]) try: #[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce') except: #for utc timestamp[self.dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime([self.dateTimeFeature],errors='coerce',utc=True) = except: pass if status.lower() == 'success': self.model_fit,mae,rmse_arima,mse,r2,aic_score,mape,valid,pred = eion_arima_obj.eion_arima(X_Train) ## Added for additional scoring params if (self.scoreParam.lower() == "r2"): scoringparam_v=r2"ARIMA Univariant User selected scoring parameter is r2. r2 value: "+str(r2)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "rmse"): scoringparam_v
=rmse_arima"ARIMA Univariant User selected scoring parameter is RMSE. RMSE value: "+str(rmse_arima)) elif (self.scoreParam.lower() == "mse"): scoringparam_v=mse sel
.append(rmse_mlp) modelScore.append(rmse_var) if (min(modelScore) == rmse_arima and rmse_arima != 0xFFFF): best_model='arima''Status:- |... TimeSeries Best Algorithm: ARIMA') return best_model elif (min(modelScore) == rmse_prophet and rmse_prophet != 0xFFFF): best_model='fbprophet''Status:- |... TimeSeries Best Algorithm: FBPROPHET') return best_model elif (min(modelScore) == rmse_lstm and rmse_lstm != 0xFFFF): best_model='lstm''Status:- |... TimeSeries Best Algorithm: LSTM') return best_model elif (min(modelScore) == rmse_mlp and rmse_mlp != 0xFFFF): best_model='mlp''Status:- |... TimeSeries Best Algorithm: MLP') return best_model elif (min(modelScore) == rmse_var and rmse_var != 0xFFFF): best_model='var''Status:- |... TimeSeries Best Algorithm: VAR') return best_model else: #'Both arima and fbprophet rmse are equal, so both models are performing equal. ## So, selecting arima as best one. best_model='arima' return best_model ## Selecting best model algorithm def bestmodelProcess(self,modelNames,nfeatures,trained_data_file,tFeature,predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation): try: best_model='' lag_order = 1 predict_var=None predict_arima=None predict_lstm=None predict_mlp=None predict_fbprophet=None modelNames = modelNames modelNames=[x.lower() for x in modelNames] inputFeature_len=nfeatures status = 'Success' if 'fbprophet' in modelNames: status,modelName_prophet,fbprophet,rmse_prophet,fp_model_fit,selectedColumns_prophet,error_matrix_prophet,scoredetails_prophet,dictDiffCount_prophet,pred_freq_prophet,additional_regressors_prophet,predict_fbprophet = self.getfbprophetmodel(predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation,tFeature) if status.lower() == 'error':'-------------> FBPROPHET RMSE Score: Error') if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_prophet = -0xFFFF else: rmse_prophet = 0xFFFF else:"-------------> FBPROPHET RMSE Score:\\t"+str(round(rmse_prophet,2))) else: if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_prophet = -0xFFFF else: rmse_prophet = 0xFFFF if 'arima' in modelNames: status,modelName,aic,rmse_arima,ar_model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,rmse_arima_act,predict_arima = self.getARIMAmodel(predicted_data_file) if status.lower() == 'error':'-------------> ARIMA RMSE Score: Error') if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_arima = -0xFFFF else: rmse_arima = 0xFFFF else:'-------------> ARIMA RMSE Score:\\t'+str(round(rmse_arima,2))) else: if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_arima = -0xFFFF ## -65535 else: rmse_arima = 0xFFFF if 'lstm' in modelNames: if inputFeature_len == 1: status,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,predict_lstm,lag_order,lstm_scaler = self.getUniVarientLSTMModel() else: status,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,predict_lstm,lag_order,lstm_scaler = self.getLSTMMultivariate() if status.lower() == 'error':'-------------> LSTM RMSE Score: Error') if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_lstm = -0xFFFF else: rmse_lstm = 0xFFFF else:'-------------> LSTM RMSE Score:\\t'+str(round(rmse_lstm,2))) else: if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_lstm = -0xFFFF else: rmse_lstm = 0xFFFF if 'mlp' in modelNames: status,modelName_mlp,score_type,rmse_mlp,mlp_model_fit,mlp_selectedColumns,error_matrix_mlp,scoredetails_mlp,predict_mlp,lag_order,mlp_scaler = self.getUniVarientMLPModel() if status.lower() == 'error':'-------------> MLP Score: Error') if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_mlp = -0xFFFF else: rmse_mlp = 0xFFFF else:'-------------> MLP RMSE Score:\\t'+str(round(rmse_mlp,2))) else: if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_mlp = -0xFFFF else: rmse_mlp = 0xFFFF if 'var' in modelNames: status,modelName_var,score_var_type,rmse_var,var_model,var_selectedColumns,error_matrix_var,scoredetails_var,predict_var,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,lag_order = self.getVARmodel() if status.lower() == 'error':'-------------> VAR Score: Error') if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_var = -0xFFFF else: rmse_var = 0xFFFF else: if (self.scoreParam.lower() == 'r2'): rmse_var = -0xFFFF else: rmse_var = 0xFFFF best_model = self.getbestmodel(rmse_prophet,rmse_arima,rmse_lstm,rmse_mlp,rmse_var) if (best_model.lower() == 'arima'):'Best model is ARIMA based on metric '+str(self.scoreParam.lower())) predict_arima.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model = self.save_model(ar_model_fit) return best_model,modelName,aic,rmse_arima,ar_model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,'NA' elif (best_model.lower() == 'fbprophet'):'Best model is fbprophet based on metric '+str(self.scoreParam.lower())) predict_fbprophet.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model = self.save_model(fp_model_fit) return best_model,modelName_prophet,fbprophet,rmse_prophet,fp_model_fit,selectedColumns_prophet,error_matrix_prophet,scoredetails_prophet,dictDiffCount_prophet,pred_freq_prophet,additional_regressors_prophet,filename,saved_model,lag_order,'NA' elif (best_model.lower() == 'var'):'Best model is VAR based on metric '+str(self.scoreParam.lower())) predict_var.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model = self.save_model(var_model) return best_model,modelName_var,score_var_type,rmse_var,var_model,var_selectedColumns,error_matrix_var,scoredetails_var,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,'NA' elif (best_model.lower() == 'lstm'):'Best model is LSTM based on metric '+str(self.scoreParam.lower())) predict_lstm.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model,scaler_model = self.save_dl_model(lstm_model_fit,lstm_scaler) return best_model,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_model elif (best_model.lower() == 'mlp'):'Best model is MLP based on metric '+str(self.scoreParam.lower())) predict_mlp.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model,scaler_model = self.save_dl_model(mlp_model_fit,mlp_scaler) return best_model,modelName_mlp,score_type,rmse_mlp,mlp_model_fit,mlp_selectedColumns,error_matrix_mlp,scoredetails_mlp,self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_model else: pass except Exception as e:'Issue in running multi time series algorithm selection process..Please check the config params')'error: '+str(e)) #Method to determine seasonality and stationrity in the input data features. (Task:12622,12623) def seasonality_stationarity_test(self): ##The below part is to test stationarity and sessonality in the given time series data based on statsmodels lib.,self.targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature"<-------------- Time series stationarity and seasonality test Started...---------------->\\n") ts_sstest=tsStationarySeasonalityTest(,self.deployLocation) ## Time series Stationary check ## Currently stationarity check method set as Augmented dickey fuller, but kpss method also implemented. stationary_method='adfuller' if (isinstance(self.targetFeature,list)): target=self.targetFeature pass elif (isinstance(self.targetFeature,str)): target=list(self.targetFeature.split(',')) stats_model,n_lags,p_value,stationary_result,stationary_combined_res=ts_sstest.stationary_check(target,self.dateTimeFeature,stationary_method) ## Time series Seasonality check ##Seasonal model default set as additive seasonal_model="additive" df,decompose_result_mult,seasonality_result,seasonality_combined_res=ts_sstest.seasonal_check(target,self.dateTimeFeature,seasonal_model)"<-------------- Time series stationarity and seasonality test completed.---------------->\\n") return stationary_result,seasonality_result #Main timeseries function. def timeseries_learning(self,trained_data_file,predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation): dataFolderLocation=dataFolderLocation lag_order = 1 # ##The below part is to test stationarity and sessonality in the given time series data based on statsmodels lib. stationary_result,seasonality_result=self.seasonality_stationarity_test() try : tFeature = self.targetFeature.split(',') lentFeature=len(tFeature) try: if lentFeature > 1: if any('timeseriesforecasting' in x.lower() for x in self.modelName): #task 11997 self.modelName.remove('timeseriesforecasting') if 'arima' in self.modelName:'Status:- |... TimeSeries algorithm ARIMA not supported for multiple features') self.modelName.remove('arima') if 'fbprophet' in self.modelName:'Status:- |... TimeSeries algorithm FBPROPHET not supported for multiple features') self.modelName.remove('fbprophet') if 'mlp' in self.modelName:'Status:- |... TimeSeries algorithm MLP not supported for multiple features') self.modelName.remove('mlp') if len(self.modelName) == 0:'--------> Default Set to VAR') self.modelName.append('var') if lentFeature == 1: if any('timeseriesforecasting' in x.lower() for x in self.modelName): #task 11997 self.modelName.remove('timeseriesforecasting') if 'var' in self.modelName:'Status:- |... TimeSeries algorithm VAR not supported for single feature') self.modelName.remove('var') if len(self.modelName) == 0:'--------> Default Set to ARIMA,FBProphet') self.modelName.append('arima') except Exception as e:'input model name error: '+ str(e))"error in user selected model, may be wrong configuration, please check.") if (len(self.modelName) > 1): try:'User selected models: '+str(self.modelName)) best_model,modelName,score_type,score,model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_transformation = self.bestmodel
Process(self.modelName,lentFeature,trained_data_file,tFeature,predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation) return best_model,modelName,score_type,score,model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_transformation except Exception as e:'multi model timeseries processing error '+str(e)) else: self.modelName = self.modelName[0] ## Normal arima ,var or fbprophet model call (user selects only one model at a time) if self.modelName.lower() == 'fbprophet': try: model_name='fbprophet' status,modelName,fbprophet,rmse_prophet,fp_model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,predict_output = self.getfbprophetmodel(predicted_data_file,dataFolderLocation,tFeature) if status.lower() == 'success': predict_output.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model = self.save_model(fp_model_fit) return 'self.modelName',modelName,fbprophet,rmse_prophet,fp_model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,'NA' else: raise Exception('Exception during model training') except Exception as e:'fbprophet error....') elif self.modelName.lower() == 'encoder_decoder_lstm_mvi_uvo': try: status,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,predict_lstm,lag_order,lstm_scaler = self.getEncDecLSTMMultVrtInUniVrtOut() if status.lower() == 'success': predict_lstm.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model,scaler_model = self.save_dl_model(lstm_model_fit,lstm_scaler) return self.modelName,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_model else: raise Exception('Exception during model training') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- LSTM Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) elif self.modelName.lower() == 'lstm': try: if lentFeature == 1: status,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,predict_lstm,lag_order,lstm_scaler = self.getUniVarientLSTMModel() else: status,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,predict_lstm,lag_order,lstm_scaler = self.getLSTMMultivariate() if status.lower() == 'success': predict_lstm.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model,scaler_model = self.save_dl_model(lstm_model_fit,lstm_scaler) return self.modelName,modelName_lstm,score_type,rmse_lstm,lstm_model_fit,lstm_selectedColumns,error_matrix_lstm,scoredetails_lstm,self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_model else: raise Exception('Exception during model training') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- LSTM Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) elif self.modelName.lower() == 'mlp': try: status,modelName_mlp,score_type,rmse_mlp,mlp_model_fit,mlp_selectedColumns,error_matrix_mlp,scoredetails_mlp,predict_mlp,lag_order,mlp_scaler = self.getUniVarientMLPModel() if status.lower() == 'success': predict_mlp.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model,scaler_model = self.save_dl_model(mlp_model_fit,mlp_scaler) return self.modelName,modelName_mlp,score_type,rmse_mlp,mlp_model_fit,mlp_selectedColumns,error_matrix_mlp,scoredetails_mlp,self.dictDiffCount,self.pred_freq,self.additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,scaler_model else: raise Exception('Exception during model training') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- MLP Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) else: #task 12627 time series profiler removed if lentFeature>1: self.modelName='var' else: self.modelName='arima' if self.modelName.lower()=='var': tsModelTestObj=timeseriesModelTests(,self.targetFeature,self.dateTimeFeature,0),self.dictDiffCount=tsModelTestObj.StatinaryChecks(self.dictDiffCount)'Status:- |... Stationary Check Done.') gtestResults,countVariables=tsModelTestObj.grangersCausationMatrix(,tFeature) if countVariables >= (lentFeature*lentFeature)-(lentFeature) or ((lentFeature*lentFeature)-(lentFeature))/2 : coIntegrationVectors=tsModelTestObj.coIntegrationTest( if coIntegrationVectors<=lentFeature:"There are statistically significant relationship in data ")'Status:- |... Statistically Check Done. Statistically significant relations') else:"There are no statistically significant relationship in data")'Status:- |... Statistically Check Done. No statistically significant relations') else: self.modelName='arima' if self.modelName.lower()=='var': try:'ARIMA, FBProphet cannot apply, Input data contains more than one feature, only VAR algorithm can apply, applying VAR by AION \\n') status,modelName,aic,aic_score,model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,predict_var,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,lag_order = self.getVARmodel() if status.lower() == 'success': filename,saved_model = self.save_model(model_fit) predict_var.to_csv(predicted_data_file) return self.modelName,modelName,aic,aic_score,model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,'NA' else: raise Exception('Exception during VAR model training') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Var model Error ---------------> ') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) if self.modelName.lower() == 'arima': try: status,modelName,aic,scoringparam_v,model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,rmse_arima_act,predict_output = self.getARIMAmodel(predicted_data_file) if status.lower() == 'success': predict_output.to_csv(predicted_data_file) filename,saved_model = self.save_model(model_fit) lag_order=0 return self.modelName,modelName,aic,scoringparam_v,model_fit,selectedColumns,error_matrix,scoredetails,dictDiffCount,pred_freq,additional_regressors,filename,saved_model,lag_order,'NA' else: raise Exception('Exception during model training') except Exception as inst:'<!------------- Arima Error ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) except Exception as inst:'<!------------- TimeSeries Learning Error ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def invertTransformation(self,Xtrain,targetFeature, preddf,dictDiffCount): try: dfforecast = preddf.copy() columns =targetFeature.split(",") for col in columns: if col in dictDiffCount: if dictDiffCount[col]==2: dfforecast[col] = (Xtrain[col].iloc[-1]-Xtrain[col].iloc[-2]) + dfforecast[col].cumsum() dfforecast[col] = Xtrain[col].iloc[-1] + dfforecast[col].cumsum() # Roll back 1st Diff return dfforecast except Exception as inst:'<!------------- invertTransformation Error ---------------> '+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import pandas as pd # import os import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import math from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dropout from tensorflow.keras import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import LSTM import logging # import kerastuner import keras_tuner #from keras_tuner.engine.hyperparameters import HyperParameters from keras_tuner.tuners import RandomSearch,BayesianOptimization ,Hyperband import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) # from keras.models import load_model # from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD # from tensorflow.keras.utils import load_model from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model class timeseriesDLUnivariate: def __init__(self,configfile,testpercentage,targetFeature,dateTimeFeature,modelName): self.look_back=None #Preprocessed dataframe # self.df=df self.savedmodelname=None self.deploy_location=None self.epochs=None self.batch_size=None self.hidden_layers=None self.optimizer=None self.activation_fn=None self.loss_fn=None self.first_layer=None self.dropout=None self.model_name=None self.hpt_train=None ##Below is model type (MLP or lstm) self.model_type=modelName #self.dataFolderLocation=str(dataFolderLocation) ##Added for ts hpt self.tuner_algorithm="" self.dl_params = configfile # self.targetFeature=targetFeature self.dateTimeFeature=dateTimeFeature self.testpercentage = testpercentage self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') #To extract dict key,values def extract_params(self,dict): self.dict=dict for k,v in self.dict.items(): return k,v ##Get deep learning model hyperparameter from advanced config def getdlparams(self): val=self.dl_params self.'-------> The given mlp/lstm timeseries algorithm parameters:>>')" "+str(val)) for k,v in val.items(): try: if (k == "tuner_algorithm"): self.tuner_algorithm=str(v) elif (k == "activation"): self.activation_fn=str(v) elif (k == "optimizer"): self.optimizer=str(v) elif (k == "loss"): self.loss_fn=str(v) elif (k == "first_layer"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.first_layer=str(v).split(',') else: self.first_layer=k elif (k == "lag_order"): if isinstance(k,list): k = ''.join(v) k=int(float(str(v))) else: self.look_back=int(float(str(v))) elif (k == "hidden_layers"): self.hidden_layers=int(v) elif (k == "dropout"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.dropout=str(v).split(',') else: self.dropout=k elif (k == "batch_size"): self.batch_size=int(v) elif (k == "epochs"): self.epochs=int(v) elif (k == "model_name"): self.model_name=str(v) except Exception as e:'Exception occured in deeep learn param reading, setting up default params.') self.activation_fn="relu" self.optimizer="adam" self.loss_fn="mean_squared_error" self.first_layer=[8,512] self.hidden_layers=1 self.look_back=int(2) self.dropout=[0.1,0.5] self.batch_size=2 self.epochs=50 self.model_name="lstmmodel.h5" continue ## Just use this if user need to create dataframe from input data. def createdf(self,df): target="" # splitting reframed to X and Y considering the first column to be out target featureX=reframed.drop(['var1(t)'],axis=1) X=df.drop([target],axis=1) Y=df[target] X_values=X.values Y_values=Y.values n_predict=len(Y_values) train_X,train_Y = X_values[:(X_values.shape[0]-n_predict),:],Y_values[:(X_values.shape[0]-n_predict)] test_X,test_Y = X_values[(X_values.shape[0]-n_predict):,:],Y_values[(X_values.shape[0]-n_predict):] #reshaping train and test to feed to LSTM train_X = train_X.reshape((train_X.shape[0], 1, train_X.shape[1])) test_X = test_X.reshape((test_X.shape[0], 1, test_X.shape[1])) return train_X,train_Y,test_X,test_Y # convert an array of values into a dataset matrix def numpydf(self,dataset, look_back): dataX, dataY = [], [] for i in range(len(dataset)-look_back-1): a = dataset[i:(i+look_back), 0] dataX.append(a) dataY.append(dataset[i + look_back, 0]) # x,y=numpy.array(dataX), numpy.array(dataY) return np.array(dataX), np.array(dataY) def model_save(self,model): import os.path savedmodelname=self.model_name path = os.path.join(self.deploy_location,savedmodelname) return (savedmodelname) ## MLP model buid def mlpDL(self,df):"MLP timeseries learning starts.....") try: self.getdlparams() # look_back = self.look_back dataset = df.values dataset = dataset.astype('float32') ##The below Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (kpss) statsmodel lib used for stationary check as well getting number of lags. ##number of lag calculated just for reference ,not used now. #Dont delete this, just use in future. from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import kpss statistic, p_value, n_lags, critical_values = kpss(df[self.targetFeature])"Based on kpss statsmodel, lag order (time steps to calculate next prediction) is: \\t"+str(n_lags)) scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) dataset = scaler.fit_transform(dataset) # split into train and test sets train_size = int(len(dataset) * 0.80) test_size = len(dataset) - train_size train, test = dataset[0:train_size,:], dataset[train_size:len(dataset),:] self.hpt_train=train tuner_alg=self.tuner_algorithm try: ## Remove untitled_project dir in AION root folder created by previous tuner search run import shutil shutil.rmtree(r".\\untitled_project") except: pass if (tuner_alg.lower()=="randomsearch"): tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="bayesianoptimization"): tuner=BayesianOptimization(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="hyperband"): tuner=Hyperband(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_epochs=50,factor=3) #[...,np.new_axis],y,epochs=2,validation_data=(y[...,np.newaxis])) stop_early = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5) try:,y=train,validation_data=(test,test),callbacks=[stop_early]) except:,y=train,validation_split=0.2,callbacks=[stop_early]) # best_model=tuner.get_best_models(num_models=1)[0] best_hps=tuner.get_best_hyperparameters(num_trials=1)[0] best_first_layer=best_hps.get('units') best_dropout=best_hps.get('Dropout_rate') best_learning_rate=float(best_hps.get('learning_rate'))"best hyperparameter values for mlp: \\n"+str(best_hps.values)) look_back = 1 ## Because univariate problemtype trainX, trainY = self.numpydf(train, look_back) testX, testY = self.numpydf(test, look_back) ##Added for mlp issue,because tuner build also need to compile. try: best_hmodel.compile(loss=self.loss_fn, optimizer=self.optimizer) except: pass model_fit =, trainY, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size, verbose=2) val_acc_per_epoch = model_fit.history['loss'] best_epoch = val_acc_per_epoch.index(min(val_acc_per_epoch)) + 1"MLP best epochs value:\\n"+str(best_epoch)) trainScore = best_hmodel.evaluate(trainX, trainY, verbose=0) testScore = best_hmodel.evaluate(testX, testY, verbose=0) #Scoring values for the model mse_eval=testScore try: #If mse_eval is list of values min_v=min(mse_eval) except: #If mse_eval is single value min_v=mse_eval rmse_eval = math.sqrt(min_v) # generate predictions for training trainPredict = best_hmodel.predict(trainX) #print(testX) testPredict = best_hmodel.predict(testX) #print(testPredict) # invert predictions, because we used mimanmax scaler trainY = scaler.inverse_transform([trainY]) trainPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(trainPredict) ## For test data testY = scaler.inverse_transform([testY]) testPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(testPredict) ## Creating dataframe for actual,predictions predictions = pd.DataFrame(testPredict, columns=[self.targetFeature+'_pred']) actual = pd.DataFrame(testY.T, columns=[self.targetFeature+'_actual']) df_predicted=pd.concat([actual,predictions],axis=1) #print(df_predicted) from math import sqrt from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error try: mse_mlp = mean_squared_error(testY.T,testPredict) rmse_mlp=sqrt(mse_mlp)'mse_mlp: '+str(mse_mlp))'rmse_mlp: '+str(rmse_mlp)) from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error r2 = r2_score(testY.T,testPredict) mae = mean_absolute_error(testY.T,testPredict)'r2_mlp: '+str(r2))'mae_mlp: '+str(mae)) except Exception as e: import traceback"MLP dataframe creation error traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) # df_predicted.to_csv('mlp_prediction.csv') except Exception as e:"MLP timeseries model traceback error msg e: "+str(e))"MLP training successfully completed.\\n") return mse_mlp,rmse_mlp,r2,mae,best_hmodel,df_predicted,look_back,scaler ## Added function for hyperparam tuning (TFSTask:7033) def build_model(self,hp): try: loss=self.loss_fn optimizer=self.optimizer try: if optimizer.lower() == "adam": optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam elif(optimizer.lower() == "adadelta"): optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adadelta elif(optimizer.lower() == "nadam"): optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.Nadam elif(optimizer.lower() == "adagrad"): optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adagrad elif(optimizer.lower() == "adamax"): optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adamax elif(optimizer.lower() == "rmsprop"): optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.RMSprop elif(optimizer.lower() == "sgd"): optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.experimental.SGD else: optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam except: optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam pass first_layer_min=round(int(self.first_layer[0])) first_layer_max=round(int(self.first_layer[1])) dropout_min=float(self.dropout[0]) dropout_max=float(self.dropout[1]) model=tf.keras.Sequential() if (self.model_type.lower() == 'lstm'): model.add(LSTM(units=hp.Int('units',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=16),input_shape=(self.look_back,self.hpt_train.shape[1]), activation=hp.Choice('dense_activation',values=['relu']))) elif (self.model_type.lower() == 'mlp'): # model.add(Dense(units=hp.Int('units',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=16),input_dim=(hp.Int('time_steps',min_value=look_back_min,max_value=look_back_max,step=1)), # activation='relu')) ##input_dim is 1 because mlp is for univariate. model.add(Dense(units=hp.Int('units',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=16),input_dim=(1),activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(hp.Float('Dropout_rate',min_value=dropout_min,max_value=dropout_max,step=0.1))) model.add(Dense(units=1)) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer(hp.Choice('learning_rate',values=[1e-1,1e-2,1e-3,1e-4])),loss=loss,metrics=[loss]) except Exception as e: import traceback"lstm errorbuild_model traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return model ##LSTM timeseries function call def ts_lstm(self,df):"lstm network model learning starts.....\\n") try: self.getdlparams() dataset = df.values dataset = dataset.astype('float32') ##The below Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (kpss) statsmodel lib used for stationary check as well getting number of lags. ##number of lag calculated just for reference ,not used now. #Dont delete this, just use in future. from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import kpss statistic, p_value, n_lags, critical_values = kpss(df[self.targetFeature])"Based on kpss statsmodel, lag order (time steps to calculate next prediction) is: \\t"+str(
n_lags)) # normalize the dataset scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) dataset = scaler.fit_transform(dataset) # split into train and test sets train_size = int(len(dataset) * 0.80) test_size = len(dataset) - train_size train, test = dataset[0:train_size,:], dataset[train_size:len(dataset),:] self.hpt_train=train tuner_alg=self.tuner_algorithm try: ## Remove untitled_project dir in AION root folder created by previous tuner search run import shutil shutil.rmtree(r".\\untitled_project") except: pass if (tuner_alg.lower()=="randomsearch"): tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="bayesianoptimization"): tuner=BayesianOptimization(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="hyperband"): tuner=Hyperband(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_epochs=50,factor=3) #[...,np.new_axis],y,epochs=2,validation_data=(y[...,np.newaxis])) from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping stop_early = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5) ##Need both x and y with same dimention.,y=train,validation_split=0.2,callbacks=[stop_early]) #,y=test,validation_data=(test,test),callbacks=[stop_early]) best_hps=tuner.get_best_hyperparameters(num_trials=1)[0] best_time_steps=self.look_back"best lag order or lookback (time_steps) for LSTM: \\n"+str(best_time_steps))"best hyperparameter values for LSTM: \\n"+str(best_hps.values)) look_back = best_time_steps trainX, trainY = self.numpydf(train, look_back) testX, testY = self.numpydf(test, look_back) # reshape input to be [samples, time steps, features] trainX = np.reshape(trainX, (trainX.shape[0], trainX.shape[1], 1)) testX = np.reshape(testX, (testX.shape[0], testX.shape[1], 1)) #create and fit the LSTM network try: best_hmodel.compile(loss=self.loss_fn, optimizer=self.optimizer) except: pass model_fit =, trainY, validation_split=0.2, epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size, verbose=2) val_acc_per_epoch = model_fit.history['loss'] best_epoch = val_acc_per_epoch.index(min(val_acc_per_epoch)) + 1"best epochs value:\\n"+str(best_epoch)) # #,y=trainY,validation_split=0.2,epochs=best_epoch) ##Using model_evaluate,calculate mse # mse_eval = model.evaluate(testX, testY, verbose=0) mse_eval = best_hmodel.evaluate(testX, testY, verbose=0) try: #If mse_eval is list of values min_v=min(mse_eval) except: #If mse_eval is single value min_v=mse_eval rmse_eval=math.sqrt(min_v) #'LSTM mse:'+str(mse_eval)) #'LSTM rmse:'+str(rmse_eval)) # lstm time series predictions trainPredict = best_hmodel.predict(trainX) testPredict = best_hmodel.predict(testX) # invert predictions, because we used mim=nmax scaler trainY = scaler.inverse_transform([trainY]) trainPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(trainPredict) testY = scaler.inverse_transform([testY]) testPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(testPredict) ## Creating dataframe for actual,predictions predictions = pd.DataFrame(testPredict, columns=[self.targetFeature+'_pred']) actual = pd.DataFrame(testY.T, columns=[self.targetFeature+'_actual']) df_predicted=pd.concat([actual,predictions],axis=1) from math import sqrt from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error try: mse_lstm=None mse_lstm = mean_squared_error(testY.T,testPredict) rmse_lstm=sqrt(mse_lstm)"mse_lstm: "+str(mse_lstm))"rmse_lstm: "+str(rmse_lstm)) from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error r2 = r2_score(testY.T,testPredict) mae = mean_absolute_error(testY.T,testPredict)'r2_lstm: '+str(r2))'mae_lstm: '+str(mae)) except Exception as e:"lstm error loss fns"+str(e)) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None except Exception as e: import traceback"lstm training error traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None return 'Success',mse_lstm,rmse_lstm,r2,mae,best_hmodel,df_predicted,look_back,scaler if __name__ == '__main__': print('Inside timeseriesDLUnivariate main....\\n') # tsdl_obj = timeseriesDLUnivariate() ## for testing purpose ''' df1= pd.read_csv(r"C:\\aiontest\\testPrograms\\Data\\energydemand.csv",encoding='utf-8', engine='python') dateTimeFeature = "utcTimeStamp" targetFeature="temperature" try: df1[dateTimeFeature] = pd.to_datetime(df1[dateTimeFeature]) #, format = '%d/%m/%Y %H.%M') except: pass tdata = df1.drop([dateTimeFeature], axis=1) tdata.index = df1[dateTimeFeature] tdata = pd.DataFrame(tdata[targetFeature]) cols = tdata.columns mse,rmse,model = tsdl_obj.mlpDL(tdata) lmse,lrmse,lstmmodel = tsdl_obj.ts_lstm(tdata) print("mlp mse: \\n",mse) print("mlp rmse: \\n",rmse) print("lstm mse: \\n",lmse) print("lstm rmse: \\n",lrmse) savedmodelname=tsdl_obj.model_save(lstmmodel) ''' <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import os import sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np import numpy import pandas import math from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, TimeDistributed, LSTM, Dropout, RepeatVector from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler import logging import tensorflow as tf import keras_tuner #from keras_tuner.engine.hyperparameters import HyperParameters from keras_tuner.tuners import RandomSearch,BayesianOptimization ,Hyperband from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import TimeseriesGenerator import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error class tsDLMultiVrtInUniVrtOut: def __init__(self,configfile,testpercentage,targetFeature,dateTimeFeature): self.look_back=None self.look_forward=None # self.df=df self.epochs=None self.batch_size=None self.hidden_layers=None self.optimizer=None self.activation_fn="relu" self.loss_fn=None self.first_layer=None self.dropout=None self.model_name=None self.dl_params = configfile # self.targetFeature=targetFeature self.dateTimeFeature=dateTimeFeature self.testpercentage = float(testpercentage) self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') ##Added for ts hpt (TFSTask:7033) self.tuner_algorithm="" self.num_features=0 ##Get deep learning model hyperparameter from advanced config def getdlparams(self): val=self.dl_params'-------> The given mlp/lstm timeseries algorithm parameters:>>')" "+str(val)) for k,v in val.items(): try: if (k == "tuner_algorithm"): self.tuner_algorithm=str(v) elif (k == "activation"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.activation_fn=str(v).split(',') else: self.activation_fn=k elif (k == "optimizer"): self.optimizer=str(v) elif (k == "loss"): self.loss_fn=str(v) elif (k == "first_layer"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.first_layer=str(v).split(',') else: self.first_layer=k elif (k == "lag_order"): if isinstance(k,list): k = ''.join(v) k=int(float(str(v))) else: self.look_back=int(float(str(v))) elif (k == "forward_order"): if isinstance(k,list): k = ''.join(v) k=int(float(str(v))) else: self.look_forward=int(float(str(v))) elif (k == "hidden_layers"): self.hidden_layers=int(v) elif (k == "dropout"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.dropout=str(v).split(',') else: self.dropout=k elif (k == "batch_size"): self.batch_size=int(v) elif (k == "epochs"): self.epochs=int(v) elif (k == "model_name"): self.model_name=str(v) except Exception as e:'Exception occured in deeep learn param reading, setting up default params.') self.activation_fn="relu" self.optimizer="adam" self.loss_fn="mean_squared_error" self.first_layer=[8,512] self.hidden_layers=1 self.look_back=int(2) self.dropout=[0.0,0.1,0.01] self.batch_size=2 self.epochs=50 self.model_name="lstmmodel.h5" continue # Reshape the data to the required input shape of the LSTM model def create_dataset(self,series, n_past, n_future, targetcolindx): X, y = list(), list() for window_start in range(len(series)): past_end = window_start + n_past future_end = past_end + n_future if future_end > len(series): break # slicing the past and future parts of the window past, future = series[window_start:past_end, :], series[past_end:future_end, targetcolindx] X.append(past) y.append(future) return np.array(X), np.array(y) #return X, y ## Added function for hyperparam tuning (TFSTask:7033) def build_model(self,hp): n_features = self.num_features try: loss=self.loss_fn optimizer=self.optimizer # self.getdlparams() try: if optimizer.lower() == "adam": optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam elif(optimizer.lower() == "adadelta"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adadelta elif(optimizer.lower() == "nadam"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Nadam elif(optimizer.lower() == "adagrad"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adagrad elif(optimizer.lower() == "adamax"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adamax elif(optimizer.lower() == "rmsprop"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.RMSprop elif(optimizer.lower() == "sgd"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.SGD else: optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam except: optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam pass # look_back_min=int(self.look_back[0]) # look_back_max=int(self.look_back[1]) first_layer_min=round(int(self.first_layer[0])) first_layer_max=
round(int(self.first_layer[1])) dropout_min=float(self.dropout[0]) dropout_max=float(self.dropout[1]) dropout_step=float(self.dropout[2]) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() n_past= self.look_back n_future = self.look_back encoder_l = {} encoder_outputs = {} encoder_states = {} decoder_l = {} decoder_outputs = {} encoder_inputs = Input(shape=(n_past, n_features)) try: if(self.hidden_layers > 0): encoder_l[0] = LSTM(units=hp.Int('enc_input_unit',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=32), activation = hp.Choice(f'enc_input_activation', values = self.activation_fn), return_sequences = True, return_state=True) else: encoder_l[0] = LSTM(units=hp.Int('enc_input_unit',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=32), activation = hp.Choice(f'enc_input_activation', values = self.activation_fn), return_state=True) except Exception as e: import traceback"lstm build traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) model=tf.keras.Sequential() return model encoder_outputs[0] = encoder_l[0](encoder_inputs) encoder_states[0] = encoder_outputs[0][1:] if(self.hidden_layers > 0): for indx in range(self.hidden_layers): lindx = indx + 1 if lindx == self.hidden_layers: encoder_l[lindx] = LSTM(units=hp.Int(f'enc_lstm_units_{lindx}',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=32), dropout=hp.Float(f'enc_lstm_dropout_{lindx}',min_value=dropout_min,max_value=dropout_max,step=dropout_step), activation = hp.Choice(f'enc_lstm_activation_{lindx}', values = self.activation_fn), return_state=True) else: encoder_l[lindx] = LSTM(units=hp.Int(f'enc_lstm_units_{lindx}',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=32), dropout=hp.Float(f'enc_lstm_dropout_{lindx}',min_value=dropout_min,max_value=dropout_max,step=dropout_step), activation = hp.Choice(f'enc_lstm_activation_{lindx}', values = self.activation_fn), return_sequences = True, return_state=True) encoder_outputs[lindx] = encoder_l[lindx](encoder_outputs[indx][0]) encoder_states[lindx] = encoder_outputs[lindx][1:] decoder_inputs = RepeatVector(n_future)(encoder_outputs[self.hidden_layers][0]) else: decoder_inputs = RepeatVector(n_future)(encoder_outputs[0][0]) # if(self.hidden_layers > 0): decoder_l[0] = LSTM(encoder_states[0][0].get_shape()[1], activation = hp.Choice(f'dec_input_activation', values = self.activation_fn), return_sequences=True)(decoder_inputs,initial_state = encoder_states[0]) else: decoder_l[0] = LSTM(encoder_states[0][0].get_shape()[1], activation = hp.Choice(f'dec_input_activation', values = self.activation_fn), return_sequences=True)(decoder_inputs,initial_state = encoder_states[0]) if(self.hidden_layers > 0): for indx in range(self.hidden_layers): lindx = indx + 1 decoder_l[lindx] = LSTM(encoder_states[lindx][0].get_shape()[1], activation = hp.Choice(f'dec_lstm_activation_{lindx}', values = self.activation_fn), return_sequences=True)(decoder_l[indx],initial_state = encoder_states[lindx]) decoder_outputs[0] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(decoder_l[self.hidden_layers][0].get_shape()[1], activation = hp.Choice(f'dec_output_activation_1', values = self.activation_fn)))(decoder_l[self.hidden_layers]) decoder_outputs[1] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1))(decoder_outputs[0]) else: # decoder_outputs[0] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(decoder_l[0][0].get_shape()[1]))(decoder_l[0]) # decoder_outputs[1] = LSTM(200, return_sequences=True)(decoder_outputs[0]) # decoder_outputs[2] = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(decoder_outputs[1]) # decoder_outputs[3] = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(decoder_outputs[2]) decoder_outputs[0] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(decoder_l[0][0].get_shape()[1], activation = hp.Choice(f'dec_output_activation_1', values = self.activation_fn)))(decoder_l[0]) decoder_outputs[1] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1))(decoder_outputs[0]) # model = tf.keras.models.Model(encoder_inputs,decoder_outputs[1]) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer(hp.Choice('learning_rate',values=[1e-1,1e-2,1e-3,1e-4])),loss=loss,metrics=[self.loss_fn]) except Exception as e: import traceback",Hyperparam tuning build_model err msg: \\n"+ str(e))"Hyperparam tuning build_model err traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return model ##LSTM ecncoder decoder with multivariate input and univarite output prediction function (lstm model, train, prediction, metrics) def lstm_encdec_mvin_uvout(self,df): try: loss=self.loss_fn self.getdlparams() n_features = len(df.columns) self.num_features=n_features n_past= self.look_back n_future = self.look_back try: if (type(self.targetFeature) is list): pass else: self.targetFeature = list(self.targetFeature.split(",")) except: pass targetColIndx = [] for target in self.targetFeature: targetColIndx.append(df.columns.get_loc(target)) #if user doesnt applies any transformation, this will get applied scaler=MinMaxScaler() df_trnsf=scaler.fit_transform(df) train_data, test_data = train_test_split(df_trnsf, test_size=0.2, shuffle=False) tuner_alg=self.tuner_algorithm #The below create_dataset only for getting best model and best hyperparameters X_train, y_train = self.create_dataset(train_data, n_past, n_future, targetColIndx) X_test, y_test = self.create_dataset(test_data, n_past, n_future, targetColIndx) # X_train = X_train.reshape((X_train.shape[0], X_train.shape[1],n_features)) # y_train = y_train.reshape((y_train.shape[0], y_train.shape[1], 1))"Hyperparameter tuning algorithm is given by user (AION->Advanced configuration -> timeSeriesForecasting->LSTM): \\n"+str(tuner_alg)) try: ## Remove untitled_project dir in AION root folder created by previous tuner search run import shutil shutil.rmtree(r".\\untitled_project") except: pass try: if (tuner_alg.lower()=="randomsearch"): tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=1,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="bayesianoptimization"): tuner=BayesianOptimization(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="hyperband"): tuner=Hyperband(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_epochs=50,factor=3) else:"The given alg is not implemented. Using default hyperparam tuning algorithm: RandomSearch.\\n") tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping stop_early = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5) except Exception as e: import traceback"The given alg have some issue, Using default hyperparam tuning algorithm: RandomSearch.\\n"+str(e)) tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=1,executions_per_trial=3)"Started Exception default Random Search") #hpt search for best params try:"First try: Tuner search started"), y_train,validation_data=(X_test, y_test), callbacks=[stop_early])"First try: Tuner search ends") except Exception as e:"Second try: Tuner search starts.\\n"+str(e)),y=y_train,validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[stop_early])"Second try: Tuner search ends") # best_model = tuner.get_best_models(num_models=1)[0]"best_model.summary(): \\n"+str(best_model.summary())) best_hps=tuner.get_best_hyperparameters(num_trials=1)[0]"TS Multivariate LSTM best hyperparameter values:\\n"+str(best_hps.values))"Activation fn:\\n"+str(self.activation_fn)) n_input=self.look_back optimizer=self.optimizer learning_rate=float(best_hps.get('learning_rate')) try: ##TFSTask:7033, Added below try block for time series hyperparam tuning, here, for any optimizer, best learning_rate is provided from best_hps. try: if optimizer.lower() == "adam": optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "adadelta"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adadelta(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "nadam"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Nadam(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "adagrad"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adagrad(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "adamax"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adamax(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "rmsprop"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.RMSprop(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "sgd"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate) else: optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate) except: optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate) pass ##From best hyperparameter values, now creating multivariate time series model using time generator. generatorTrain=TimeseriesGenerator(X_train, y_train, length=n_past, batch_size=self.batch_size) # generatorTest=TimeseriesGenerator(test,test,length=n_input,batch_size=self.batch_size) batch_0=generatorTrain[0] x,y=batch_0 epochs=int(self.epochs) ##Multivariate LSTM model try: encoder_l = {} encoder_outputs = {} encoder_states = {} decoder_l = {} decoder_outputs = {} enc_lstm_dropout = {} enc_input_unit = best_hps.get('enc_input_unit') enc_input_activation = best_hps.get('enc_input_activation') dec_input_activation = best_hps.get('dec_input_activation') dec_output_activation_1 = best_hps.get('dec_output_activation_1') enc_lstm_units = {} enc_lstm_activation = {} dec_lstm_activation = {} for indx in range(self.hidden_layers): lindx = indx + 1 enc_lstm_units[lindx] = best_hps.get('enc_lstm_units_'+str(lindx)) enc_lstm_activation[lindx] = best_hps.get('enc_lstm_activation_'+str(lindx)) dec_lstm_activation[lindx] = best_hps.get('dec_lstm_activation_'+str(lindx)) enc_lstm
_dropout[lindx] = best_hps.get('enc_lstm_dropout_'+str(lindx)) encoder_inputs = Input(shape=(n_past, n_features)) if(self.hidden_layers > 0): encoder_l[0] = LSTM(enc_input_unit, activation = enc_input_activation, return_sequences = True, return_state=True) else: encoder_l[0] = LSTM(enc_input_unit, activation = enc_input_activation, return_state=True) encoder_outputs[0] = encoder_l[0](encoder_inputs) encoder_states[0] = encoder_outputs[0][1:] if(self.hidden_layers > 0): for indx in range(self.hidden_layers): lindx = indx + 1 if lindx == self.hidden_layers: encoder_l[lindx] = LSTM(enc_lstm_units[lindx], dropout = enc_lstm_dropout[lindx], activation = enc_lstm_activation[lindx], return_state=True) else: encoder_l[lindx] = LSTM(enc_lstm_units[lindx], dropout = enc_lstm_dropout[lindx], activation = enc_lstm_activation[lindx], return_sequences = True, return_state=True) encoder_outputs[lindx] = encoder_l[lindx](encoder_outputs[indx][0]) encoder_states[lindx] = encoder_outputs[lindx][1:] decoder_inputs = RepeatVector(n_future)(encoder_outputs[self.hidden_layers][0]) else: decoder_inputs = RepeatVector(n_future)(encoder_outputs[0][0]) # if(self.hidden_layers > 0): decoder_l[0] = LSTM(encoder_states[0][0].get_shape()[1], activation = dec_input_activation, return_sequences=True)(decoder_inputs,initial_state = encoder_states[0]) else: decoder_l[0] = LSTM(encoder_states[0][0].get_shape()[1], activation = dec_input_activation, return_sequences=True)(decoder_inputs,initial_state = encoder_states[0]) if(self.hidden_layers > 0): for indx in range(self.hidden_layers): lindx = indx + 1 decoder_l[lindx] = LSTM(encoder_states[lindx][0].get_shape()[1], activation = dec_lstm_activation[lindx], return_sequences=True)(decoder_l[indx],initial_state = encoder_states[lindx]) decoder_outputs[0] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(decoder_l[self.hidden_layers][0].get_shape()[1], activation = dec_output_activation_1))(decoder_l[self.hidden_layers]) decoder_outputs[1] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1))(decoder_outputs[0]) else: decoder_outputs[0] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(decoder_l[0][0].get_shape()[1], activation = dec_output_activation_1))(decoder_l[0]) decoder_outputs[1] = TimeDistributed(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1))(decoder_outputs[0]) # model = tf.keras.models.Model(encoder_inputs,decoder_outputs[1])"loss="+self.loss_fn) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer,loss=self.loss_fn,metrics=[self.loss_fn]) #model.fit_generator(generatorTrain, epochs=epochs,shuffle=False, verbose=0), y_train, batch_size=self.batch_size, epochs=epochs,shuffle=False, verbose=2) except Exception as e: import traceback"multivariate model build error: error msg:: \\n"+str(e)) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None #predictions = model.predict_generator(generatorTest) except Exception as e: import traceback"optimizer and timesereis generator build error: error msg:: \\n"+str(e))"optimizer and timesereis generator build error traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None try: predictions=[] X_test, y_test = self.create_dataset(test_data, n_past, n_future, targetColIndx) predictions = model.predict(X_test) #convert the x test(includes target) to 2d as inverse transform accepts only 2d values xtestlen = len(X_test) xtest_2d = X_test.ravel().reshape(xtestlen * n_past, n_features) #inverse tranform of actual value xtest_2d = scaler.inverse_transform(xtest_2d) actual = xtest_2d[:, targetColIndx] #inverse tranform of predicted value prediction_1d = predictions.ravel() prediction_1d = prediction_1d.reshape(len(prediction_1d),1) xtest_2d[:, targetColIndx] = prediction_1d xtest_2d = scaler.inverse_transform(xtest_2d) predictions = xtest_2d[:, targetColIndx] mse=None rmse=None ## Creating dataframe for actual,predictions try: pred_cols=list() actual_cols=list() for i in range(len(self.targetFeature)): pred_cols.append(self.targetFeature[i]+'_pred') actual_cols.append(self.targetFeature[i]+'_actual') predictions = pd.DataFrame(predictions.ravel(), columns=pred_cols) actual = pd.DataFrame(actual.ravel(), columns=actual_cols) df_predicted=pd.concat([actual,predictions],axis=1)"LSTM Multivariate prediction dataframe: \\n"+str(df_predicted)) from math import sqrt from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error target=self.targetFeature mse_dict={} rmse_dict={} mae_dict={} mape_dict={} r2_dict={} lstm_var = 0 mse = mean_squared_error(actual,predictions) mse_dict[self.targetFeature[0]]=mse rmse=sqrt(mse) rmse_dict[self.targetFeature[0]]=rmse lstm_var = lstm_var+rmse"Name of the target feature: "+str(self.targetFeature))"RMSE of the target feature: "+str(rmse)) r2 = r2_score(actual,predictions) r2_dict[self.targetFeature[0]]=r2 mae = mean_absolute_error(actual,predictions) mae_dict[self.targetFeature[0]]=mae mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(actual,predictions) mape_dict[self.targetFeature[0]]=mape ## For VAR comparison, send last target mse and rmse from above dict lstm_var = lstm_var/len(target) select_msekey=list(mse_dict.keys())[-1] l_mse=list(mse_dict.values())[-1] select_rmsekey=list(rmse_dict.keys())[-1] l_rmse=list(rmse_dict.values())[-1] select_r2key=list(r2_dict.keys())[-1] l_r2=list(r2_dict.values())[-1] select_maekey=list(mae_dict.keys())[-1] l_mae=list(mae_dict.values())[-1] l_mape=list(mape_dict.values())[-1]"Selected target feature of LSTM for best model selection: "+str(select_rmsekey))"lstm rmse: "+str(l_rmse))"lstm mse: "+str(l_mse))"lstm r2: "+str(l_r2))"lstm mae: "+str(l_mae))"lstm mape: "+str(l_mape)) except Exception as e: import traceback"prediction error traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) except Exception as e: import traceback"dataframe creation error. err.msg: "+str(e))"dataframe creation error traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None return 'Success',round(l_mse,2),round(l_rmse,2),round(l_r2,2),round(l_mae,2),model,df_predicted,n_input,scaler # import os #predicted_file_name='lstm_prediction_df.csv' #predicted_file_path=os.path.join(self.dataFolderLocation,predicted_file_name) #df_predicted.to_csv(predicted_file_path) ##save model #model_path = os.path.join(self.dataFolderLocation,self.model_name)"mlp model saved at: "+str(model_path)) except Exception as e: import traceback ## Just use below traceback print to get detailed error information. # import traceback # print(" traceback error 7:\\n",traceback.print_exc()) ## Enable traceback for debugging"dataframe creation error. err.msg: "+str(e))"Final exception traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import pandas as pd import os import numpy as np import numpy import pandas from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense from tensorflow.keras.layers import LSTM from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler import logging import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dropout import math import tensorflow as tf import keras_tuner #from keras_tuner.engine.hyperparameters import HyperParameters from keras_tuner.tuners import RandomSearch,BayesianOptimization ,Hyperband from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import TimeseriesGenerator import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) class timeseriesDLMultivariate: def __init__(self,configfile,testpercentage,targetFeature,dateTimeFeature): self.look_back=None # self.df=df self.epochs=None self.batch_size=None self.hidden_layers=None self.optimizer=None self.activation_fn="relu" self.loss_fn=None self.first_layer=None self.dropout=None self.model_name=None self.dl_params = configfile # self.targetFeature=targetFeature self.dateTimeFeature=dateTimeFeature self.testpercentage = float(testpercentage) self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') ##Added for ts hpt (TFSTask:7033) self.tuner_algorithm="" self.num_features=0 ##Get deep learning model hyperparameter from advanced config def getdlparams(self): val=self.dl_params'-------> The given mlp/lstm timeseries algorithm parameters:>>')" "+str(val)) for k,v in val.items(): try: if (k == "tuner_algorithm"): self.tuner_algorithm=str(v) elif (k == "activation"): self.activation_fn=str(v) elif (k == "optimizer"): self.optimizer=str(v) elif (k == "loss"): self.loss_fn=str(v) elif (k == "first_layer"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.first_layer=str(v).split(',') else: self.first_layer=k elif (k == "lag_order"): if isinstance(k,list): k = ''.join(v) k=int(float(str(v))) else: self.look_back=int(float(str(v))) elif (k == "hidden_layers"): self.hidden_layers=int(v) elif (k ==
"dropout"): if not isinstance(k,list): self.dropout=str(v).split(',') else: self.dropout=k elif (k == "batch_size"): self.batch_size=int(v) elif (k == "epochs"): self.epochs=int(v) elif (k == "model_name"): self.model_name=str(v) except Exception as e:'Exception occured in deeep learn param reading, setting up default params.') self.activation_fn="relu" self.optimizer="adam" self.loss_fn="mean_squared_error" self.first_layer=[8,512] self.hidden_layers=1 self.look_back=int(2) self.dropout=[0.1,0.5] self.batch_size=2 self.epochs=50 self.model_name="lstmmodel.h5" continue # Reshape the data to the required input shape of the LSTM model def create_dataset(self,X, y, n_steps): Xs, ys = [], [] for i in range(len(X) - n_steps): v = X.iloc[i:(i + n_steps)].values Xs.append(v) ys.append(y.iloc[i + n_steps]) return np.array(Xs), np.array(ys) ## Added function for hyperparam tuning (TFSTask:7033) def build_model(self,hp): n_features = len(self.targetFeature) try: loss=self.loss_fn optimizer=self.optimizer # self.getdlparams() try: if optimizer.lower() == "adam": optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam elif(optimizer.lower() == "adadelta"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adadelta elif(optimizer.lower() == "nadam"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Nadam elif(optimizer.lower() == "adagrad"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adagrad elif(optimizer.lower() == "adamax"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adamax elif(optimizer.lower() == "rmsprop"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.RMSprop elif(optimizer.lower() == "sgd"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.SGD else: optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam except: optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam pass # look_back_min=int(self.look_back[0]) # look_back_max=int(self.look_back[1]) first_layer_min=round(int(self.first_layer[0])) first_layer_max=round(int(self.first_layer[1])) dropout_min=float(self.dropout[0]) dropout_max=float(self.dropout[1]) model=tf.keras.Sequential() try: model.add(LSTM(units=hp.Int('units',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=16),input_shape=(self.look_back,self.num_features))) except Exception as e: import traceback"lstm build traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) return model model.add(Dropout(hp.Float('Dropout_rate',min_value=dropout_min,max_value=dropout_max,step=0.1))) model.add(Dense(units=n_features)) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer(hp.Choice('learning_rate',values=[1e-1,1e-2,1e-3,1e-4])),loss=loss,metrics=[self.loss_fn]) except Exception as e:",Hyperparam tuning build_model err msg: \\n"+ str(e)) return model ##Multivariate lstm prediction function (lstm model, train, prediction, metrics) def lstm_multivariate(self,df): try: self.getdlparams() n_features = len(self.targetFeature) self.num_features=n_features try: if (type(self.targetFeature) is list): pass else: self.targetFeature = list(self.targetFeature.split(",")) except: pass df_new = df[df.columns[df.columns.isin(self.targetFeature)]] scaler=MinMaxScaler() df_transformed=scaler.fit_transform(df_new) ## For hyperparam tuning below part is added.only for getting best model and best hyperparameters train_size = int(len(df) * 0.80) train_data, test_data = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2, shuffle=False) self.hpt_train=train_data time_steps=self.look_back ## Just for initialization before hyperparameter tuning. tuner_alg=self.tuner_algorithm #The below create_dataset only for getting best model and best hyperparameters X_train, y_train = self.create_dataset(train_data, train_data, time_steps) X_test, y_test = self.create_dataset(test_data, test_data, time_steps)"Hyperparameter tuning algorithm is given by user (AION->Advanced configuration -> timeSeriesForecasting->LSTM): \\n"+str(tuner_alg)) try: ## Remove untitled_project dir in AION root folder created by previous tuner search run import shutil shutil.rmtree(r".\\untitled_project") except: pass try: if (tuner_alg.lower()=="randomsearch"): tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="bayesianoptimization"): tuner=BayesianOptimization(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) elif (tuner_alg.lower()=="hyperband"): tuner=Hyperband(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_epochs=50,factor=3) else:"The given alg is not implemented. Using default hyperparam tuning algorithm: RandomSearch.\\n") tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3) from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping stop_early = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5) except Exception as e:"The given alg have some issue, Using default hyperparam tuning algorithm: RandomSearch.\\n") tuner=RandomSearch(self.build_model,keras_tuner.Objective("val_loss", direction="min"),max_trials=5,executions_per_trial=3)"tuner errmsg:\\n"+str(e)) #hpt search for best params try:, y_train,validation_data=(X_test, y_test),callbacks=[stop_early]) except:,y=y_train,validation_split=0.2,callbacks=[stop_early]) # best_model = tuner.get_best_models(num_models=1)[0] #"best_model.summary(): \\n"+str(best_model.summary())) best_hps=tuner.get_best_hyperparameters(num_trials=1)[0]"TS Multivariate LSTM best hyperparameter values:\\n"+str(best_hps.values))"Activation fn:\\n"+str(self.activation_fn)) # time_steps_best=best_hps.get('time_steps') n_input=self.look_back optimizer=self.optimizer self.first_layer=best_hps.get('units') self.dropout=best_hps.get('Dropout_rate') learning_rate=float(best_hps.get('learning_rate')) try: ##TFSTask:7033, Added below try block for time series hyperparam tuning, here, for any optimizer, best learning_rate is provided from best_hps. try: if optimizer.lower() == "adam": optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "adadelta"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adadelta(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "nadam"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Nadam(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "adagrad"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adagrad(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "adamax"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.Adamax(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "rmsprop"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.RMSprop(learning_rate=learning_rate) elif(optimizer.lower() == "sgd"): optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.experimental.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate) else: optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate) except: optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate) pass ##From best hyperparameter values, now creating multivariate time series model using time generator. t_lb=1 test_size=t_lb+1 train,test = train_test_split(df_transformed,test_size=0.2,shuffle=False) generatorTrain=TimeseriesGenerator(df_transformed,df_transformed,length=n_input,batch_size=self.batch_size) # generatorTest=TimeseriesGenerator(test,test,length=n_input,batch_size=self.batch_size) batch_0=generatorTrain[0] x,y=batch_0 epochs=int(self.epochs) ##Multivariate LSTM model try: from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dropout model=Sequential() model.add(LSTM(self.first_layer,activation=self.activation_fn,input_shape=(n_input,n_features))) model.add(Dropout(self.dropout)) model.add(Dense(n_features)) model.compile(optimizer=self.optimizer,loss=self.loss_fn),epochs=epochs,batch_size=self.batch_size,shuffle=False) model.fit_generator(generatorTrain, epochs=epochs,shuffle=False, verbose=0) # lstm_mv_testScore_mse = model.evaluate(x, y, verbose=0) except Exception as e:"multivariate model build error: error msg:: \\n"+str(e)) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None #predictions = model.predict_generator(generatorTest) except Exception as e:"multivariate model build error: error msg:: \\n"+str(e)) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None try: predictions=[] future_pred_len=n_input #To get values for prediction,taking look_back steps of rows first_batch=test[-future_pred_len:] c_batch = first_batch.reshape((1,future_pred_len,n_features)) current_pred=None for i in range(len(test)): #get pred for firstbatch current_pred=model.predict_generator(c_batch)[0] predictions.append(current_pred) #remove first val c_batch_rmv_first=c_batch[:,1:,:] #update c_batch=np.append(c_batch_rmv_first,[[current_pred]],axis=1) prediction_actual=scaler.inverse_transform(predictions) test_data_actual=scaler.inverse_transform(test) mse=None rmse=None ## Creating dataframe for actual,predictions try: pred_cols=list() for i in range(len(self.targetFeature)): pred_cols.append(self.targetFeature[i]+'_pred') predictions = pd.DataFrame(prediction_actual, columns=pred_cols) actual = pd.DataFrame(test_data_actual, columns=self.targetFeature) actual.columns = [str(col) + '_actual' for col in df.columns] df_predicted=pd.concat([actual,predictions],axis=1)"LSTM Multivariate prediction dataframe: \\n"+str(df_predicted)) from math import sqrt from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error target=self.targetFeature mse_dict={} rmse_dict={} mae_dict={} r2_dict={} lstm_var = 0 for name in target: index = df.columns.get_loc(name) mse = mean_squared_error(test_data_actual[:,index],prediction_actual[:,index]) mse_dict[name]=mse rmse=sqrt(mse) rmse_dict[name]=rmse lstm_var = lstm_var+rmse"Name of the target feature: "+str(name))"RMSE of the target feature: "+str(rmse)) r2 = r2_score(test_data_actual[:,index],prediction_actual[:,index]) r2_dict[name]=r2 mae = mean_absolute_error(test_data_actual[:,index],prediction_actual[:,index])
mae_dict[name]=mae ## For VAR comparison, send last target mse and rmse from above dict lstm_var = lstm_var/len(target) select_msekey=list(mse_dict.keys())[-1] l_mse=list(mse_dict.values())[-1] select_rmsekey=list(rmse_dict.keys())[-1] l_rmse=list(rmse_dict.values())[-1] select_r2key=list(r2_dict.keys())[-1] l_r2=list(r2_dict.values())[-1] select_maekey=list(mae_dict.keys())[-1] l_mae=list(mae_dict.values())[-1]"Selected target feature of LSTM for best model selection: "+str(select_rmsekey))"lstm rmse: "+str(l_rmse))"lstm mse: "+str(l_mse))"lstm r2: "+str(l_r2))"lstm mae: "+str(l_mae)) except Exception as e: import traceback print(" traceback error:\\n",traceback.print_exc())"prediction error traceback: \\n"+str(traceback.print_exc())) except Exception as e:"dataframe creation error. err.msg: "+str(e)) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None return 'Success',round(l_mse,2),round(l_rmse,2),round(l_r2,2),round(l_mae,2),model,df_predicted,n_input,scaler # import os #predicted_file_name='lstm_prediction_df.csv' #predicted_file_path=os.path.join(self.dataFolderLocation,predicted_file_name) #df_predicted.to_csv(predicted_file_path) ##save model #model_path = os.path.join(self.dataFolderLocation,self.model_name)"mlp model saved at: "+str(model_path)) except Exception as e: ## Just use below traceback print to get detailed error information. # import traceback # print(" traceback error 7:\\n",traceback.print_exc()) ## Enable traceback for debugging"dataframe creation error. err.msg: "+str(e)) return 'Error',0,0,0,0,None,pd.DataFrame(),0,None <s> import pandas as pd import numpy as np from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import kpss from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose import logging import os import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') ## Main class to find out seassonality and stationary in timeseries data. class tsStationarySeasonalityTest: def __init__(self,df,deployLocation): self.df=df self.deployLocation=deployLocation self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') ## to get the timeseries data stationary information def stationary_model(self,df,target_features,stationary_check_method):"<------ Time Series stationary test started.....------------->\\n")"<------ Feature used:------------->\\t"+str(target_features)) stationary_status=None if (stationary_check_method.lower()=='adfuller'): stats_model=adfuller(df[target_features]) # p_val=adf_result[1] statistic, p_value, n_lags, num_bservations,critical_values,info_criterion_best=stats_model[0],stats_model[1],stats_model[2],stats_model[3],stats_model[4],stats_model[5] ##Uncomment below logs when required."Adfuller test (time series stationary test) p_value: \\t"+str(p_value)) #"Adfuller test (time series stationary test) statistics: \\t"+str(statistic)) #"Adfuller test (time series stationary test) number of lags (time steps): \\t"+str(n_lags)) #"Adfuller test (time series stationary test) Critical values: \\n") ##To display critical values # for key, value in stats_model[4].items(): #" \\t"+str(key)+"\\t"+str(value)) if (p_value>0.05): stationary_status="feature is non-stationary"'Status:- |... '+str(target_features)+' is non stationary') elif(p_value<0.05): stationary_status="feature is stationary"'Status:- |... '+str(target_features)+' is stationary') ##kpss is opposite to ADF in considering null hypothesis. In KPSS, if null hypothesis,then it is stationary as oppose to ADF. elif (stationary_check_method.lower()=='kpss'): from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import kpss stats_model = kpss(df[target_features]) statistic, p_value, n_lags, critical_values=stats_model[0],stats_model[1],stats_model[2],stats_model[3]"kpss test (time series stationary test) p_value: \\t"+str(p_value))"kpss test (time series stationary test) statistics: \\t"+str(statistic))"kpss test (time series stationary test) number of lags (time steps): \\t"+str(n_lags))"kpss test (time series stationary test) Critical values: \\n") for key, value in stats_model[3].items():" \\t"+str(key)+"\\t"+str(value)) ##In kpss, the stationary condition is opposite to Adafuller. if (p_value>0.05):'Status:- |... '+str(target_features)+' is stationary') else:'Status:- |... '+str(target_features)+' is non stationary') return stats_model,n_lags,p_value,stationary_status ## Get stationary details def stationary_check(self,target_features,time_col,method): df=self.df try: df[time_col]=pd.to_datetime(df[time_col]) except Exception as e:"issue in datetime conversion...\\n"+str(e)) df=df.set_index(time_col) try: stationary_check_method=method except: stationary_check_method='adfuller' if (len(target_features) == 1): try: if isinstance(target_features,list): target_features=''.join(target_features) elif isinstance(target_features,int): target_features=str(target_features) elif isinstance(target_features,str): pass except Exception as e:"stationary check target feature error: \\t"+str(e)) stationary_result={} stats_model,n_lags,p_value,stationary_status=self.stationary_model(df,target_features,stationary_check_method) stationary_result[target_features]=stationary_status elif(len(target_features) > 1): stationary_result={} for col in df.columns: #"Multivariate feature for Stationary check:\\t"+str(col)) stats_model,n_lags,p_value,stationary_status=self.stationary_model(df,col,stationary_check_method) stationary_result[col]=stationary_status else:"TS Stationarity Test: Error in target feature, pls check.\\n.") #"Feature based stationarity_result:\\n"+str(stationary_result)) # ## Stationary component for whole dataset stationary_combined_res=dict() # stats_model,n_lags,p_value,stationary_status=self.stationary_all_features(time_col,'adfuller') c_dict=[k for k,v in stationary_result.items() if 'non-stationary' in v] if (len(c_dict)>=1): stationary_combined_res['dataframe_stationarity']='Non-Stationary''Status:- |... Data is non stationarity') else: stationary_combined_res['dataframe_stationarity']='Stationary' #"Stationarity information for whole dataset:\\n"+str(stationary_combined_res))"Time series Stationarity test completed.\\n") return stats_model,n_lags,p_value,stationary_result,stationary_combined_res #Get seasonality by using seasonal_decompose lib. def seasonality_model(self,target_features,df):"<------ Time Series Seasonality test started.....------------->\\n")"<------ Feature used:------------->\\n"+str(target_features)) seasonality_status=None try: try: stats_model = kpss(df[target_features]) statistic, p_value, n_lags, critical_values=stats_model[0],stats_model[1],stats_model[2],stats_model[3] except: n_lags=1 pass try: df_target=self.df[target_features] decompose_result_mult = seasonal_decompose(df_target,model='additive', extrapolate_trend='freq', period=n_lags) except Exception as e:"Logging seasonality_model decompose_result_mult: \\t"+str(e)) ##If additive model (type of seasonal component) failed, use multiplicative decompose_result_mult = seasonal_decompose(df_target,model='multiplicative', extrapolate_trend='freq', period=1) trend = decompose_result_mult.trend observed=decompose_result_mult.observed seasonal = decompose_result_mult.seasonal residual = decompose_result_mult.resid try: if isinstance(df_target, pd.Series): auto_correlation = df_target.autocorr(lag=n_lags) #"seasonality test: auto_correlation value:\\n"+str(auto_correlation)) elif isinstance(df_target, pd.DataFrame): df_target = df_target.squeeze() auto_correlation = df_target.autocorr(lag=n_lags) #"seasonality test: auto_correlation value:\\n"+str(auto_correlation)) except: pass"<------------------ Time series Seasonality test result:------------------>") if (seasonal.sum()==0): seasonality_status="feature don't have seasonality (non seasonality)."'Status:- |... '+str(target_features)+' does not have seasonality')"<----- The model feature: "+str(target_features)+" does not have significant seasonality.----->\\n") else: seasonality_status="feature has seasonality."'Status:- |... '+str(target_features)+' have seasonality') ##Please use the below plot for GUI show (seasonality components) # decompose_result_mult.plot() df['observed'] = decompose_result_mult.observed df['residual'] = decompose_result_mult.resid df['seasonal'] = decompose_result_mult.seasonal df['trend'] = decompose_result_mult.trend df_name='timeseries_seasonality_check_'+f"{target_features}"+'.csv' dir_n = os.path.join(self.deployLocation,'data','seasonality') if not os.path.exists(dir_n): os.makedirs(dir_n) model_path=os.path.join(dir_n,df_name)"Seasonality information saved as dataframe at:\\t "+str(model_path)) ## Seasonal component for whole dataset df.to_csv(model_path) except Exception as e:"Seasonality function exception: \\t"+str(e)) return df,decompose_result_mult,seasonality_status ##Main function to check seasonlity in data def seasonal_check(self,target_features,time_col,seasonal_model): df=self.df #"seasonal check started... \\n") try: df[time_col]=pd.to_datetime(df[time_col]) except Exception as e:"Issue in datetime conversion...\\n"+str(e)) df=df.set_index(time_col) if (len(target_features)==1): try: if isinstance(target_features,list): target_features=''.join(target_features) elif isinstance(target_features,int): target_features=str(target_features) elif isinstance(target_features,str): pass except Exception as e:"stationary check target feature error: \\t"+str(e)) ## Seasonal component for individual feature based. seasonality_result=dict() df,decompose_result_mult,seasonality_status = self.seasonality_model(target_features,df) seasonality_result[target_features]=seasonality_status elif(len(target_features) > 1): seasonality_result=dict()"TS seasonality Test: The problem type is time series Multivariate.") for col in df.columns: df,decompose_result_mult,seasonality_status = self.seasonality_model(col,df) seasonality_result[col]=seasonality_status else:"TS seasonality Test: Error in target feature, pls check.\\n.") #"Feature based seasonality_result:\\n"+str(seasonality_result)) # ## Seasonal component for whole dataset seasonality_combined_res=dict() c_dict=[k for k,v in seasonality_result.items() if 'non seasonality' in v] if (len(c_dict)>=1): seasonality_combined_res['dataframe_seasonality']='No Seasonal elements' else: seasonality_combined_res['dataframe_seasonality']='contains seasonal elements.' #"Seasonality information for whole dataset:\\n"+str(season
ality_combined_res))"Time series Seasonality test completed.\\n") return df,decompose_result_mult,seasonality_result,seasonality_combined_res #Main fn for standalone test purpose if __name__=='__main__': print("Inside seasonality-stationary test main function...") print("Below code used for standalone test purpose.") # df=pd.read_csv(r"C:\\AION_Works\\Data\\order_forecast_ts.csv") # print("df info: \\n", # df=df.drop('index',axis=1) # time_col="DateTime" # target='order1' # stationary_method='adfuller' # seasonal_model="additive" ## two models are available: 1.multiplicative, 2.additive # if (isinstance(target,list)): # pass # elif (isinstance(target,str)): # target=list(target.split(',')) # cls_ins=aion_ts_stationary_seassonality_test(df) # stats_model,n_lags,p_value=cls_ins.stationary_check(target,time_col,stationary_method) # df,decompose_result_mult=cls_ins.seasonal_check(target,time_col,seasonal_model) # print(" Time series stationary and seasonality check completed.")<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .imports import importModule supported_reader = ['sqlite', 'influx','s3'] functions_code = { 'dataReader':{'imports':[{'mod':'json'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':""" class dataReader(): def get_reader(self, reader_type, target_path=None, config=None): if reader_type == 'sqlite': return sqlite_writer(target_path=target_path) elif reader_type == 'influx': return Influx_writer(config=config) elif reader_type == 'gcs': return gcs(config=config) elif reader_type == 'azure': return azure(config=config) elif reader_type == 's3': return s3bucket(config=config) else: raise ValueError(reader_type) """ }, 'sqlite':{'imports':[{'mod':'sqlite3'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}],'code':"""\\n\\ class sqlite_writer(): def __init__(self, target_path): self.target_path = Path(target_path) database_file = self.target_path.stem + '.db' self.db = sqlite_db(self.target_path, database_file) def file_exists(self, file): if file: return self.db.table_exists(file) else: return False def read(self, file): return def write(self, data, file): self.db.write(data, file) def close(self): self.db.close() class sqlite_db(): def __init__(self, location, database_file=None): if not isinstance(location, Path): location = Path(location) if database_file: self.database_name = database_file else: self.database_name = location.stem + '.db' db_file = str(location/self.database_name) self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.tables = [] def table_exists(self, name): if name in self.tables: return True elif name: query = f"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{name}';" listOfTables = self.cursor.execute(query).fetchall() if len(listOfTables) > 0 : self.tables.append(name) return True return False def read(self, table_name): return pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}", self.conn) def create_table(self,name, columns, dtypes): query = f'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {name} (' for column, data_type in zip(columns, dtypes): query += f"'{column}' TEXT," query = query[:-1] query += ');' self.conn.execute(query) return True def write(self,data, table_name): if not self.table_exists(table_name): self.create_table(table_name, data.columns, data.dtypes) tuple_data = list(data.itertuples(index=False, name=None)) insert_query = f'INSERT INTO {table_name} VALUES(' for i in range(len(data.columns)): insert_query += '?,' insert_query = insert_query[:-1] + ')' self.cursor.executemany(insert_query, tuple_data) self.conn.commit() return True def delete(self, name): pass def close(self): self.conn.close() """ }, 'influx':{'imports':[{'mod':'InfluxDBClient','mod_from':'influxdb'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ class Influx_writer(): def __init__(self, config): self.db = influx_db(config) def file_exists(self, file): if file: return self.db.table_exists(file) else: return False def read(self, file): query = "SELECT * FROM {}".format(file) if 'read_time' in self.db_config.keys() and self.db_config['read_time']: query += f" time > now() - {self.db_config['read_time']}" return def write(self, data, file): self.db.write(data, file) def close(self): pass class influx_db(): def __init__(self, config): = config['host'] self.port = config['port'] self.user = config.get('user', None) self.password = config.get('password', None) self.token = config.get('token', None) self.database = config['database'] self.measurement = config['measurement'] self.tags = config['tags'] self.client = self.get_client() def table_exists(self, name): query = f"SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON {self.database}" result = self.client(query) for measurement in result['measurements']: if measurement['name'] == name: return True return False def read(self, query)->pd.DataFrame: cursor = self.client.query(query) points = cursor.get_points() my_list=list(points) df=pd.DataFrame(my_list) return df def get_client(self): headers = None if self.token: headers={"Authorization": self.token} client = InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user, self.password,headers=headers) databases = client.get_list_database() databases = [x['name'] for x in databases] if self.database not in databases: client.create_database(self.database) return InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user,self.password,self.database,headers=headers) def write(self,data, measurement=None): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): sorted_col = data.columns.tolist() sorted_col.sort() data = data[sorted_col] data = data.to_dict(orient='records') if not measurement: measurement = self.measurement for row in data: if 'time' in row.keys(): p = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' time_str = datetime.strptime(row['time'], p) del row['time'] else: time_str = None if 'model_ver' in row.keys(): self.tags['model_ver']= row['model_ver'] del row['model_ver'] json_body = [{ 'measurement': measurement, 'time': time_str, 'tags': self.tags, 'fields': row }] self.client.write_points(json_body) def delete(self, name): pass def close(self): self.client.close() """ }, 's3':{'imports':[{'mod':'boto3'},{'mod': 'ClientError', 'mod_from': 'botocore.exceptions'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ class s3bucket(): def __init__(self, config={}): if 's3' in config.keys(): config = config['s3'] aws_access_key_id = config.get('aws_access_key_id','') aws_secret_access_key = config.get('aws_secret_access_key','') bucket_name = config.get('bucket_name','') if not aws_access_key_id: raise ValueError('aws_access_key_id can not be empty') if not aws_secret_access_key: raise ValueError('aws_secret_access_key can not be empty') self.client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=str(aws_secret_access_key)) self.bucket_name = bucket_name def read(self, file_name): try: response = self.client.get_object(Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=file_name) return pd.read_csv(response['Body']) except ClientError as ex: if ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchBucket': raise ValueError(f"Bucket '{self.bucket_name}' not found in aws s3 storage") elif ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchKey': raise ValueError(f"File '{file_name}' not found in s3 bucket '{self.bucket_name}'") else: raise """ }, 'azure':{'imports':[{'mod':'DataLakeServiceClient', 'mod_from':''},{'mod':'detect', 'mod_from':'detect_delimiter'},{'mod':'pandavro', 'mod_as':'pdx'},{'mod':'io'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ def azure(): def __init__(self,config={}): if 'azure' in config.keys(): config = config['azure'] account_name = config.get('account_name','') account_key = config.get('account_key','') container_name = config.get('container_name','') if not account_name: raise ValueError('Account name can not be empty') if not account_key: raise ValueError('Account key can not be empty') if not container_name: raise ValueError('Container name can not be empty') service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url="{}://{}".format("https", account_name), credential=account_key) self.file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(container_name) def read(self, directory_name): root_dir = str(directory_name) file_paths = self.file_system_client.get_paths(path=root_dir) main_df = pd.DataFrame() for path in file_paths: if not path.is_directory: file_client = file_system_client.get_file_client( file_ext = Path( if file_ext in [".csv", ".tsv"]: with open(csv_local, "wb") as my_file: file_client.download_file().readinto(my_file) with open(csv_local, 'r') as file: data = row_delimiter = detect(text=data, default=None, whitelist=[',', ';', ':', '|', '\\t']) processed_df = pd.read_csv(csv_local, sep=row_delimiter) elif file_ext == ".parquet": stream = io.BytesIO() file_client.download_file().readinto(stream) processed_df = pd.read_parquet(stream, engine='pyarrow') elif file_ext == ".avro": with open(avro_local, "wb") as my_file: file_client.download_file().readinto(my_file) processed_df = pdx.read_avro(avro_local) if main_df.empty: main_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_df) else: main_df = main_df.append(processed_df, ignore_index=True) return main_df """ }, 'gcs':{'imports':[{'mod':'storage','mod_from':''},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ class gcs(): def __
init__(self, config={}): if 'gcs' in config.keys(): config = config['gcs'] account_key = config.get('account_key','') bucket_name = config.get('bucket_name','') if not account_key: raise ValueError('Account key can not be empty') if not bucket_name: raise ValueError('bucket name can not be empty') storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json(account_key) self.bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name) def read(self, bucket_name, file_name): data = self.bucket.blob(file_name).download_as_text() return pd.read_csv(data, encoding = 'utf-8', sep = ',') """ } } class data_reader(): def __init__(self, reader_type=[]): self.supported_readers = supported_reader if isinstance(reader_type, str): self.readers = [reader_type] elif not reader_type: self.readers = self.supported_readers else: self.readers = reader_type unsupported_reader = [ x for x in self.readers if x not in self.supported_readers] if unsupported_reader: raise ValueError(f"reader type '{unsupported_reader}' is not supported\\nSupported readers are {self.supported_readers}") self.codeText = "" self.importer = importModule() def get_reader_code(self, readers): reader_code = { 'sqlite': 'return sqlite_writer(target_path=target_path)', 'influx': 'return Influx_writer(config=config)', 'gcs': 'return gcs(config=config)', 'azure': 'return azure(config=config)', 's3': 'return s3bucket(config=config)' } code = "\\n\\ndef dataReader(reader_type, target_path=None, config=None):\\n" for i, reader in enumerate(readers): if not i: code += f" if reader_type == '{reader}':\\n" else: code += f" elif reader_type == '{reader}':\\n" code += f" {reader_code[reader]}\\n" if readers: code += " else:\\n" code += f""" raise ValueError("'{{reader_type}}' not added during code generation")\\n""" else: code += f""" raise ValueError("'{{reader_type}}' not added during code generation")\\n""" return code def get_code(self): code = self.get_reader_code(self.readers) functions = [] for reader in self.readers: functions.append(reader) for function in functions: code += self.get_function_code(function) self.codeText += self.importer.getCode() self.codeText += code return self.codeText def get_function_code(self, name): code = "" if name in functions_code.keys(): code += functions_code[name]['code'] if self.importer: if 'imports' in functions_code[name].keys(): for module in functions_code[name]['imports']: mod_name = module['mod'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) self.importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) return code def get_importer(self): return self.importer <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ class output_drift(): def __init__(self, missing=False, word2num_features = None, cat_encoder=False, target_encoder=False, normalizer=False, text_profiler=False, feature_reducer=False, score_smaller_is_better=True, problem_type='classification', tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = '' self.missing = missing self.word2num_features = word2num_features self.cat_encoder = cat_encoder self.target_encoder = target_encoder self.normalizer = normalizer self.text_profiler = text_profiler self.feature_reducer = feature_reducer self.score_smaller_is_better = score_smaller_is_better self.problem_type = problem_type def addDatabaseClass(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\nclass database():\\ \\n def __init__(self, config):\\ \\n = config['host']\\ \\n self.port = config['port']\\ \\n self.user = config['user']\\ \\n self.password = config['password']\\ \\n self.database = config['database']\\ \\n self.measurement = config['measurement']\\ \\n self.tags = config['tags']\\ \\n self.client = self.get_client()\\ \\n\\ \\n def read_data(self, query)->pd.DataFrame:\\ \\n cursor = self.client.query(query)\\ \\n points = cursor.get_points()\\ \\n my_list=list(points)\\ \\n df=pd.DataFrame(my_list)\\ \\n return df\\ \\n\\ \\n def get_client(self):\\ \\n client = InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user,self.password)\\ \\n databases = client.get_list_database()\\ \\n databases = [x['name'] for x in databases]\\ \\n if self.database not in databases:\\ \\n client.create_database(self.database)\\ \\n return InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user,self.password, self.database)\\ \\n\\ \\n def write_data(self,data):\\ \\n if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):\\ \\n sorted_col = data.columns.tolist()\\ \\n sorted_col.sort()\\ \\n data = data[sorted_col]\\ \\n data = data.to_dict(orient='records')\\ \\n for row in data:\\ \\n if 'time' in row.keys():\\ \\n p = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'\\ \\n time_str = datetime.strptime(row['time'], p)\\ \\n del row['time']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n time_str = None\\ \\n if 'model_ver' in row.keys():\\ \\n self.tags['model_ver']= row['model_ver']\\ \\n del row['model_ver']\\ \\n json_body = [{\\ \\n 'measurement': self.measurement,\\ \\n 'time': time_str,\\ \\n 'tags': self.tags,\\ \\n 'fields': row\\ \\n }]\\ \\n self.client.write_points(json_body)\\ \\n\\ \\n def close(self):\\ \\n self.client.close()\\ \\n" if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def addPredictClass(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\nclass predict():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self, base_config):\\ \\n self.usecase = base_config['modelName'] + '_' + base_config['modelVersion']\\ \\n self.dataLocation = base_config['dataLocation']\\ \\n self.db_enabled = base_config.get('db_enabled', False)\\ \\n if self.db_enabled:\\ \\n self.db_config = base_config['db_config']\\ \\n home = Path.home()\\ \\n if platform.system() == 'Windows':\\ \\n from pathlib import WindowsPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n else:\\ \\n from pathlib import PosixPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n if not output_model_dir.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found at {output_model_dir}')\\ \\n\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'file:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns')\\ \\n registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns.db')\\ \\n mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n mlflow.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient(\\ \\n tracking_uri=tracking_uri,\\ \\n registry_uri=registry_uri,\\ \\n )\\ \\n self.model_version = client.get_latest_versions(self.usecase, stages=['production'] )[0].version\\ \\n model_version_uri = 'models:/{model_name}/production'.format(model_name=self.usecase)\\ \\n self.model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_version_uri)\\ \\n run = client.get_run(self.model.metadata.run_id)\\ \\n if'file:'): #remove file:///\\ \\n self.artifact_path = Path([len('file:///') : ])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n self.artifact_path = Path(\\ \\n with open(self.artifact_path/'deploy.json', 'r') as f:\\ \\n deployment_dict = json.load(f)\\ \\n with open(self.artifact_path/'features.txt', 'r') as f:\\ \\n self.train_features = f.readline().rstrip().split(',')\\ \\n\\ \\n self.dataLocation = base_config['dataLocation']\\ \\n self.selected_features = deployment_dict['load_data']['selected_features']\\ \\n self.target_feature = deployment_dict['load_data']['target_feature']\\ \\n self.output_model_dir = output_model_dir" if self.missing: text += "\\n self.missing_values = deployment_dict['transformation']['fillna']" if self.word2num_features: text += "\\n self.word2num_features = deployment_dict['transformation']['word2num_features']" if self.cat_encoder == 'labelencoding': text += "\\n self.cat_encoder = deployment_dict['transformation']['cat_encoder']" elif (self.cat_encoder == 'targetencoding') or (self.cat_encoder == 'onehotencoding'): text += "\\n self.cat_encoder = deployment_dict['transformation']['cat_encoder']['file']" text += "\\n self.cat_encoder_cols = deployment_dict['transformation']['cat_encoder']['features']" if self.target_encoder: text += "\\n self.target_encoder = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['transformation']['target_encoder'])" if self.normalizer: text += "\\n self.normalizer = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['transformation']['normalizer']['file'])\\ \\n self.normalizer_col = deployment_dict['transformation']['normalizer']['features']" if self.text_profiler: text += "\\n self.text_profiler = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['transformation']['Status']['text_profiler']['file'])\\ \\n self.text_profiler_col = deployment_dict['transformation']['Status']['text_profiler']['features']" if self.feature_reducer: text += "\\n self.feature_reducer = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['file'])\\ \\n self.feature_reducer_cols = deployment_dict['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['features']" text += """ def read_data_from_db(self): if self.db_enabled: try: db = database(self.db_config) query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE model_ver = '{}' AND {} != ''".format(db.measurement, self.model_version, self.target_feature) if 'read_time' in self.db_config.keys() and self.db_config['read_time']: query += f" time > now() - {self.db_config['read_time']}" data = db.read_data(query) except: raise ValueError('Unable to read from the database') finally: if db: db.close() return data return None""" text += "\\ \\n def predict(self, data):\\ \\n df = pd.DataFrame()\\ \\n if Path(data).exists():\\ \\n if Path(data).suffix == '.tsv':\\ \\n df=read_data(data,encoding='utf-8',sep='\\t')\\ \\n elif Path(data).suffix == '.csv':\\ \\n df=read_data(data,encoding='utf-8')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n if Path(data).suffix == '.json':\\ \\n jsonData = read_json(data)\\ \\n df = pd.json_normalize(jsonData)\\ \\n elif is_file_name_url(data):\\ \\n df = read_data(data,encoding='utf-8')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n jsonData = json.loads(data)\\ \\n df = pd.json_normalize(jsonData)\\ \\n if len(df) == 0:\\ \\n raise ValueError('No data record found')\\ \\n missing_features = [x for x in self.selected_features if x not in df.columns]\\ \\n if missing_features:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'some feature/s is/are missing: {missing_features}')\\ \\n if self.target_feature not in df.columns:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Ground truth values/target column({self.target_feature})
not found in current data')\\ \\n df_copy = df.copy()\\ \\n df = df[self.selected_features]" if self.word2num_features: text += "\\n for feat in self.word2num_features:" text += "\\n df[ feat ] = df[feat].apply(lambda x: s2n(x))" if self.missing: text += "\\n df.fillna(self.missing_values, inplace=True)" if self.cat_encoder == 'labelencoding': text += "\\n df.replace(self.cat_encoder, inplace=True)" elif self.cat_encoder == 'targetencoding': text += "\\n cat_enc = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/self.cat_encoder)" text += "\\n df = cat_enc.transform(df)" elif self.cat_encoder == 'onehotencoding': text += "\\n cat_enc = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/self.cat_encoder)" text += "\\n transformed_data = cat_enc.transform(df[self.cat_encoder_cols]).toarray()" text += "\\n df[cat_enc.get_feature_names()] = pd.DataFrame(transformed_data, columns=cat_enc.get_feature_names())[cat_enc.get_feature_names()]" if self.normalizer: text += "\\n df[self.normalizer_col] = self.normalizer.transform(df[self.normalizer_col])" if self.text_profiler: text += "\\n text_corpus = df[self.text_profiler_col].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1)\\ \\n df_vect=self.text_profiler.transform(text_corpus)\\ \\n if isinstance(df_vect, np.ndarray):\\ \\n df1 = pd.DataFrame(df_vect)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n df1 = pd.DataFrame(df_vect.toarray(),columns = self.text_profiler.named_steps['vectorizer'].get_feature_names())\\ \\n df1 = df1.add_suffix('_vect')\\ \\n df = pd.concat([df, df1],axis=1)" if self.feature_reducer: text += "\\n df = self.feature_reducer.transform(df[self.feature_reducer_cols])" else: text += "\\n df = df[self.train_features]" if self.target_encoder: text += "\\n output = pd.DataFrame(self.model._model_impl.predict_proba(df), columns=self.target_encoder.classes_)\\ \\n df_copy['prediction'] = output.idxmax(axis=1)" else: text += "\\n output = self.model.predict(df).reshape(1, -1)[0].round(2)\\ \\n df_copy['prediction'] = output" text += "\\n return df_copy" if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def getClassificationMatrixCode(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\ndef get_classification_metrices(actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n accuracy_score = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values)\\ \\n avg_precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_f1 = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n\\ \\n result['accuracy'] = accuracy_score\\ \\n result['precision'] = avg_precision\\ \\n result['recall'] = avg_recall\\ \\n result['f1'] = avg_f1\\ \\n return result\\ \\n\\ " if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def getRegrssionMatrixCode(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\ndef get_regression_metrices( actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n\\ \\n me = np.mean(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n sde = np.std(predicted_values - actual_values, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_err = np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n mae = np.mean(abs_err)\\ \\n sdae = np.std(abs_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_perc_err = 100.*np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values) / actual_values\\ \\n mape = np.mean(abs_perc_err)\\ \\n sdape = np.std(abs_perc_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n result['mean_error'] = me\\ \\n result['mean_abs_error'] = mae\\ \\n result['mean_abs_perc_error'] = mape\\ \\n result['error_std'] = sde\\ \\n result['abs_error_std'] = sdae\\ \\n result['abs_perc_error_std'] = sdape\\ \\n return result\\ \\n\\ " if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): text ="\\n\\ \\ndef check_drift( config):\\ \\n prediction = predict(config)\\ \\n usecase = config['modelName'] + '_' + config['modelVersion']\\ \\n train_data_path = prediction.artifact_path/(usecase+'_data.csv')\\ \\n if not train_data_path.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Training data not found at {train_data_path}')\\ \\n curr_with_pred = prediction.read_data_from_db()\\ \\n if prediction.target_feature not in curr_with_pred.columns:\\ \\n raise ValueError('Ground truth not updated for corresponding data in database')\\ \\n train_with_pred = prediction.predict(train_data_path)\\ \\n performance = {}" if self.problem_type == 'classification': text += "\\n\\ \\n performance['train'] = get_classification_metrices(train_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], train_with_pred['prediction'])\\ \\n performance['current'] = get_classification_metrices(curr_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], curr_with_pred['prediction'])" else: text += "\\n\\ \\n performance['train'] = get_regression_metrices(train_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], train_with_pred['prediction'])\\ \\n performance['current'] = get_regression_metrices(curr_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], curr_with_pred['prediction'])" text += "\\n return performance" text += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n try:\\ \\n if len(sys.argv) < 2:\\ \\n raise ValueError('config file not present')\\ \\n config = sys.argv[1]\\ \\n if Path(config).is_file() and Path(config).suffix == '.json':\\ \\n with open(config, 'r') as f:\\ \\n config = json.load(f)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n config = json.loads(config)\\ \\n output = check_drift(config)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','Message':json.loads(output)}\\ \\n print('output_drift:'+json.dumps(status))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print('output_drift:'+json.dumps(status))" if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def generateCode(self): self.codeText += self.addDatabaseClass() self.codeText += self.addPredictClass() if self.problem_type == 'classification': self.codeText += self.getClassificationMatrixCode() elif self.problem_type == 'regression': self.codeText += self.getRegrssionMatrixCode() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported problem type: {self.problem_type}") self.codeText += self.addSuffixCode() def getCode(self): return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class transformer(): def __init__(self, indent=0, tab_size=4): self.df_name = 'df' = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = "" self.transformers = [] self.TxCols = [] self.imputers = {} self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.function_code = '' self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'rawData.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','log' : 'aion.log','trainData' : 'transformedData.dat','testData' : 'test.dat','preprocessor' : 'preprocessor.pkl'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config" return text def getPrefixModules(self): modules = [ {'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'numpy', 'mod_as':'np'} ,{'module':'scipy'} ] return modules def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ def transformation(log): config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') meta_data_file = targetPath/IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') log_file = targetPath/IOFiles['log'] log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) dataLoc = targetPath/IOFiles['inputData'] if not dataLoc.exists(): return {'Status':'Failure','Message':'Data location does not exists.'} status = dict() df = read_data(dataLoc) log.log_dataframe(df) target_feature = config['target_feature'] if config['test_ratio'] == 0.0: train_data = df test_data = pd.DataFrame() else: """ def getSuffixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'joblib'} ] return modules def addSuffixCode(self,encoder=False, indent=1): self.codeText += """ train_data, preprocess_pipe, label_encoder = profilerObj.transform() if not preprocess_pipe: raise ValueError('Pipeline not created') joblib.dump(preprocess_pipe, targetPath/IOFiles['preprocessor']) test_data.reset_index(inplace=True) """ if encoder: self.codeText += """ joblib.dump(label_encoder, targetPath/IOFiles['targetEncoder']) if not test_data.empty: ytest = label_encoder.transform(test_data[target_feature]) """ else: self.codeText += """ if not test_data.empty: ytest = test_data[target_feature] """ self.codeText += """ test_data.astype(profilerObj.train_features_type) test_data = preprocess_pipe.transform(test_data) if isinstance(test_data, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): test_data = test_data.toarray() preprocess_out_columns = train_data.columns.tolist() preprocess_out_columns.remove(target_feature) write_data(train_data,targetPath/IOFiles['trainData'],index=False) if isinstance( test_data, np.ndarray): test_data = pd.DataFrame(test_data, columns=preprocess_out_columns) test_data[target_feature] = ytest write_data(test_data,targetPath/IOFiles['testData'],index=False)
log.log_dataframe(train_data) status = {'Status':'Success','trainData':IOFiles['trainData'],'testData':IOFiles['testData']} meta_data['transformation'] = {} meta_data['transformation']['cat_features'] = train_data.select_dtypes('category').columns.tolist() meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor'] = IOFiles['preprocessor'] meta_data['transformation']['preprocess_out_columns'] = preprocess_out_columns """ if encoder: self.codeText += """ meta_data['transformation']['target_encoder'] = IOFiles['targetEncoder'] """ self.codeText += """ meta_data['transformation']['Status'] = status write_json(meta_data, str(targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']))"Transformed data saved at {targetPath/IOFiles['trainData']}")'output: {status}') return json.dumps(status) """ def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'sys'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ,{'module':'argparse'} ] return modules def addMainCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n log = None\\ \\n try:\\ \\n print(transformation(log))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n if log:\\ \\n log.error(e, exc_info=True)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print(json.dumps(status))" def addValidateConfigCode(self, indent=1): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.addValidateConfigCode() def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self, indent=1): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText def getDFName(self): return self.df_name class data_profiler(): def __init__(self, importer, text_features=False): self.importer = importer self.codeText = "" self.text_features = text_features def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def get_module_import_statement(self, mod): text = "" if not mod.get('module', None): return text if mod.get('mod_from', None): text += f"from {mod['mod_from']} " text += f"import {mod['module']} " if mod.get('mod_as', None): text += f"as {mod['mod_as']}" text += "\\n" return text def get_import_modules(self): profiler_importes = [ {'module': 'scipy', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'numpy', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'np'}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'w2n', 'mod_from': 'word2number', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'LabelEncoder', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.preprocessing', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'OrdinalEncoder', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.preprocessing', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'OneHotEncoder', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.preprocessing', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'SimpleImputer', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.impute', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'KNNImputer', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.impute', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'Pipeline', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.pipeline', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'FeatureUnion', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.pipeline', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'MinMaxScaler', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.preprocessing', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'StandardScaler', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.preprocessing', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'PowerTransformer', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.preprocessing', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'ColumnTransformer', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.compose', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'TransformerMixin', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.base', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'IsolationForest', 'mod_from': 'sklearn.ensemble', 'mod_as': None }, {'module': 'TargetEncoder', 'mod_from': 'category_encoders', 'mod_as': None } ] if self.text_features: profiler_importes.append({'module': 'textProfiler', 'mod_from': 'text.textProfiler', 'mod_as': None }) profiler_importes.append({'module': 'textCombine', 'mod_from': 'text.textProfiler', 'mod_as': None }) return profiler_importes def get_importer(self): return self.importer def get_code(self): common_importes = self.get_import_modules() for module in common_importes: mod_name = module['module'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) if module['module'] in ['textProfiler','textCombine']: self.importer.addLocalModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) else: self.importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) self.codeText += """ STR_TO_CAT_CONVERSION_LEN_MAX = 10 log_suffix = f'[{Path(__file__).stem}] ' target_encoding_method_change = {'targetencoding': 'labelencoding'} supported_method = { 'fillNa': { 'categorical' : ['mode','zero','na'], 'numeric' : ['median','mean','knnimputer','zero','drop','na'], }, 'categoryEncoding': ['labelencoding','targetencoding','onehotencoding','na','none'], 'normalization': ['standardscaler','minmax','lognormal', 'na','none'], 'outlier_column_wise': ['iqr','zscore', 'disable'], 'outlierOperation': ['dropdata', 'average', 'nochange'] } def findiqrOutlier(df): Q1 = df.quantile(0.25) Q3 = df.quantile(0.75) IQR = Q3 - Q1 index = ~((df < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) |(df > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))) return index def findzscoreOutlier(df): z = np.abs(scipy.stats.zscore(df)) index = (z < 3) return index def findiforestOutlier(df): isolation_forest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=100) y_pred_train = isolation_forest.predict(df) return y_pred_train == 1 def get_one_true_option(d, default_value=None): if isinstance(d, dict): for k,v in d.items(): if (isinstance(v, str) and v.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(v, bool) and v == True): return k return default_value def get_boolean(value): if (isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(value, bool) and value == True): return True else: return False class profiler(): def __init__(self, xtrain, ytrain=None, target=None, encode_target = True, config={}, keep_unprocessed=[], log=None): if not isinstance(xtrain, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError(f'{log_suffix}supported data type is pandas.DataFrame but provide data is of {type(xtrain)} type') if xtrain.empty: raise ValueError(f'{log_suffix}Data frame is empty') if target and target in xtrain.columns: = xtrain[target] xtrain.drop(target, axis=1, inplace=True) self.target_name = target elif ytrain: = ytrain self.target_name = 'target' else: = pd.Series() self.target_name = None self.encode_target = encode_target self.label_encoder = None keep_unprocessed = [x for x in keep_unprocessed if x in xtrain.columns] if keep_unprocessed: self.unprocessed = xtrain[keep_unprocessed] = xtrain.drop(keep_unprocessed, axis=1) else: = xtrain self.unprocessed = pd.DataFrame() self.colm_type = {} for colm, infer_type in zip(, self.colm_type[colm] = infer_type self.numeric_feature = [] self.cat_feature = [] self.text_feature = [] self.wordToNumericFeatures = [] self.added_features = [] self.pipeline = [] self.dropped_features = {} self.train_features_type={} self.__update_type() self.config = config self.featureDict = config.get('featureDict', []) self.output_columns = [] self.feature_expender = [] self.text_to_num = {} if log: self.log = log else: self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.type_conversion = {} def log_dataframe(self, msg=None): import io buffer = io.StringIO() if msg: log_text = f'Data frame after {msg}:' else: log_text = 'Data frame:' log_text += '\\\\n\\\\t'+str('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t') log_text += ('\\\\n\\\\t' + buffer.getvalue().replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t')) def transform(self): if self.is_target_available(): if self.target_name:"Target feature name: '{self.target_name}'")"Target feature size: {len(}") else:"Target feature not present") self.log_dataframe() try: self.process() except Exception as e: self.log.error(e, exc_info=True) raise pipe = FeatureUnion(self.pipeline) process_data = pipe.fit_transform(, self.update_output_features_names(pipe) if isinstance(process_data, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): process_data = process_data.toarray() df = pd.DataFrame(process_data, columns=self.output_columns) if self.is_target_available() and self.target_name: df[self.target_name] = if not self.unprocessed.empty: df[self.unprocessed.columns] = self.unprocessed self.log_numerical_fill() self.log_categorical_fill() self.log_normalization() return df, pipe, self.label_encoder def log_type_conversion(self): if self.log:'----------- Inspecting Features -----------')'----------- Type Conversion -----------') count = 0 for k, v in self.type_conversion.items(): if v[0] != v[1]:'{k} -> from {v[0]} to {v[1]} : {v[2]}')'Status:- |... Feature inspection done') def check_config(self): removeDuplicate = self.config.get('removeDuplicate', False) self.config['removeDuplicate'] = get_boolean(removeDuplicate) self.config['misValueRatio'] = float(self.config.get('misValueRatio', '1.0')) self.config['numericFeatureRatio'] = float(self.config.get('numericFeatureRatio', '1.0')) self.config['categoryMaxLabel'] = int(self.config.get('categoryMaxLabel', '20')) featureDict = self.config.get('featureDict', []) if isinstance(featureDict, dict): self.config['featureDict'] = [] if isinstance(featureDict, str): self.config['featureDict'] = [] def process(self): #remove duplicate not required at the time of prediction self.check_config() self.remove_constant_feature() self.remove_empty_feature(self.config['misValueRatio']) self.remove_index_features() self.drop_na_target() if self.config['removeDuplicate']: self.drop_duplicate() self.check_categorical_features() self.string_to_numeric() self.process_target() self.train_features_type = dict(zip(, self.parse_process_step_config() self.process_drop_fillna() #self.log_type_conversion() self.update_num_fill_dict() #print(self.num_fill_method_dict) self.update_cat_fill_dict() self.create_pipeline() self.text_pipeline(self.config) self.apply_outlier() def is_target_available(self): return (isinstance(, pd.Series) and not or len( def process_target(self, operation='encode', arg=None): if self.encode_target: if self.is_target_available(): self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder() = self.label_encoder.fit_transform( return self.label_encoder return None def is_target_column(self,
column): return column == self.target_name def fill_default_steps(self): num_fill_method = get_one_true_option(self.config.get('numericalFillMethod',None)) normalization_method = get_one_true_option(self.config.get('normalization',None)) for colm in self.numeric_feature: if num_fill_method: self.fill_missing_value_method(colm, num_fill_method.lower()) if normalization_method: self.fill_normalizer_method(colm, normalization_method.lower()) cat_fill_method = get_one_true_option(self.config.get('categoricalFillMethod',None)) cat_encode_method = get_one_true_option(self.config.get('categoryEncoding',None)) for colm in self.cat_feature: if cat_fill_method: self.fill_missing_value_method(colm, cat_fill_method.lower()) if cat_encode_method: self.fill_encoder_value_method(colm, cat_encode_method.lower(), default=True) def parse_process_step_config(self): self.process_method = {} user_provided_data_type = {} for feat_conf in self.featureDict: colm = feat_conf.get('feature', '') if not self.is_target_column(colm): if colm in user_provided_data_type[colm] = feat_conf['type'] if user_provided_data_type: self.update_user_provided_type(user_provided_data_type) self.fill_default_steps() for feat_conf in self.featureDict: colm = feat_conf.get('feature', '') if not self.is_target_column(colm): if colm in if feat_conf.get('fillMethod', None): self.fill_missing_value_method(colm, feat_conf['fillMethod'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('categoryEncoding', None): self.fill_encoder_value_method(colm, feat_conf['categoryEncoding'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('normalization', None): self.fill_normalizer_method(colm, feat_conf['normalization'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('outlier', None): self.fill_outlier_method(colm, feat_conf['outlier'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('outlierOperation', None): self.fill_outlier_process(colm, feat_conf['outlierOperation'].lower()) def update_output_features_names(self, pipe): columns = self.output_columns start_index = {} for feat_expender in self.feature_expender: if feat_expender: step_name = list(feat_expender.keys())[0] index = list(feat_expender.values())[0] for transformer_step in pipe.transformer_list: if transformer_step[1].steps[-1][0] in step_name: start_index[index] = {transformer_step[1].steps[-1][0]: transformer_step[1].steps[-1][1].get_feature_names()} if start_index: index_shifter = 0 for key,value in start_index.items(): for k,v in value.items(): if k == 'vectorizer': v = [f'{x}_vect' for x in v] key = key + index_shifter self.output_columns[key:key] = v index_shifter += len(v) self.added_features = [*self.added_features, *v] def text_pipeline(self, conf_json): if self.text_feature: pipeList = [] max_features = 2000 text_pipe = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", self.text_feature) ], remainder="drop")), ("text_fillNa",SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='')), ("merge_text_feature", textCombine())]) obj = textProfiler() pipeList = obj.textProfiler(conf_json, pipeList, max_features) last_step = "merge_text_feature" for pipe_elem in pipeList: text_pipe.steps.append((pipe_elem[0], pipe_elem[1])) last_step = pipe_elem[0] text_transformer = ('text_process', text_pipe) self.pipeline.append(text_transformer) self.feature_expender.append({last_step:len(self.output_columns)}) def create_pipeline(self): num_pipe = {} for k,v in self.num_fill_method_dict.items(): for k1,v1 in v.items(): if k1 and k1 != 'none': num_pipe[f'{k}_{k1}'] = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", v1) ], remainder="drop")), (k, self.get_num_imputer(k)), (k1, self.get_num_scaler(k1)) ]) else: num_pipe[f'{k}_{k1}'] = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", v1) ], remainder="drop")), (k, self.get_num_imputer(k)) ]) self.output_columns.extend(v1) cat_pipe = {} for k,v in self.cat_fill_method_dict.items(): for k1,v1 in v.items(): cat_pipe[f'{k}_{k1}'] = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", v1) ], remainder="drop")), (k, self.get_cat_imputer(k)), (k1, self.get_cat_encoder(k1)) ]) if k1 not in ['onehotencoding']: self.output_columns.extend(v1) else: self.feature_expender.append({k1:len(self.output_columns)}) for key, pipe in num_pipe.items(): self.pipeline.append((key, pipe)) for key, pipe in cat_pipe.items(): self.pipeline.append((key, pipe)) if not self.unprocessed.empty: self.pipeline.append(Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", self.unprocessed.columns) ], remainder="drop"))])) "Drop: feature during training but replace with zero during prediction " def process_drop_fillna(self): drop_column = [] if 'numFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for col, method in self.process_method['numFill'].items(): if method == 'drop': self.process_method['numFill'][col] = 'zero' drop_column.append(col) if 'catFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for col, method in self.process_method['catFill'].items(): if method == 'drop': self.process_method['catFill'][col] = 'zero' drop_column.append(col) if drop_column:, inplace=True) def update_num_fill_dict(self): self.num_fill_method_dict = {} if 'numFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for f in supported_method['fillNa']['numeric']: self.num_fill_method_dict[f] = {} for en in supported_method['normalization']: self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en] = [] for col in self.numeric_feature: numFillDict = self.process_method.get('numFill',{}) normalizationDict = self.process_method.get('normalization',{}) if f == numFillDict.get(col, '') and en == normalizationDict.get(col,''): self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en].append(col) if not self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en] : del self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en] if not self.num_fill_method_dict[f]: del self.num_fill_method_dict[f] def update_cat_fill_dict(self): self.cat_fill_method_dict = {} if 'catFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for f in supported_method['fillNa']['categorical']: self.cat_fill_method_dict[f] = {} for en in supported_method['categoryEncoding']: self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en] = [] for col in self.cat_feature: catFillDict = self.process_method.get('catFill',{}) catEncoderDict = self.process_method.get('catEncoder',{}) if f == catFillDict.get(col, '') and en == catEncoderDict.get(col,''): self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en].append(col) if not self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en] : del self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en] if not self.cat_fill_method_dict[f]: del self.cat_fill_method_dict[f] def __update_type(self): self.numeric_feature ='number').columns.tolist() self.cat_feature ='category').columns.tolist() self.date_time ='datetime').columns.tolist() self.text_feature ='object').columns.tolist() def update_user_provided_type(self, data_types): allowed_types = ['numerical','categorical', 'text','date','index'] type_mapping = {'numerical': np.dtype('float'), 'float': np.dtype('float'),'categorical': 'category', 'text':np.dtype('object'),'date':'datetime64[ns]','index': np.dtype('int64'),} mapped_type = {k:type_mapping[v] for k,v in data_types.items()} self.update_type(mapped_type, 'user provided data type') def get_type(self, as_list=False): if as_list: return [self.colm_type.values()] else: return self.colm_type def update_type(self, data_types={}, reason=''): invalid_features = [x for x in data_types.keys() if x not in] if invalid_features: valid_feat = list(set(data_types.keys()) - set(invalid_features)) valid_feat_type = {k:v for k,v in data_types if k in valid_feat} else: valid_feat_type = data_types for k,v in valid_feat_type.items(): if v != self.colm_type[k].name: try:{k:v}) self.colm_type.update({[k].dtype}) self.type_conversion[k] = (self.colm_type[k] , v, 'Done', reason) except: self.type_conversion[k] = (self.colm_type[k] , v, 'Fail', reason) = self.__update_type() def string_to_numeric(self): def to_number(x): try: return w2n.word_to_num(x) except: return np.nan for col in self.text_feature: col_values =[col].copy() col_values = pd.to_numeric(col_values, errors='coerce') if col_values.count() >= (self.config['numericFeatureRatio'] * len(col_values)): self.text_to_num[col] = 'float64' self.wordToNumericFeatures.append(col) if self.text_to_num: columns = list(self.text_to_num.keys())[columns] =[columns].apply(lambda x: to_number(x)) self.update_type(self.text_to_num)'----------- Inspecting Features -----------') for col in self.text_feature:'-------> Feature : {col}') if col in self.text_to_num:'----------> Numeric Status :Yes')'----------> Data Type Converting to numeric :Yes') else:'----------> Numeric Status :No')'\\\\nStatus:- |... Feature inspection done for numeric data: {len(self.text_to_num)} feature(s) converted to numeric')'\\\\nStatus:- |... Feature word to numeric treatment done: {self.text_to_num}')'----------- Inspecting Features End -----------') def check_categorical_features(self): num_data ='number') num_data_unique = num_data.nunique() num_to_cat_col = {} for i, value in enumerate(num_data_unique): if value < self.config['categoryMaxLabel']: num_to_cat_col[num_data_unique.index[i]] = 'category' if num_to_cat_col: self.update_type(num_to_cat_col, 'numerical to categorical') str_to_cat_col = {} str_data ='object') str_data_unique = str_data.nunique() for i, value in enumerate(str_data_unique): if value < self.config['categoryMaxLabel']: str_to_cat_col[str_data_unique.index[i]] = 'category' for colm in str_data.columns: if[colm].str.len().max() < STR_TO_CAT_CONVERSION_LEN_MAX: str_to_cat_col[colm] = 'category' if str_to_cat_col: self.update_type(str_to_cat_col, 'text to categorical') def drop_features(self, features=[], reason='unspecified'): if isinstance(features, str): features = [features] feat_to_remove = [x for x in features if x in] if feat_to_remove:, axis=1, inplace=True) for feat in feat_to_remove: self.dropped_features[feat] = reason self.log_drop_feature(feat_to_remove, reason) self.__update_type() def drop_duplicate(self): index ='first') if index.sum(): self.remove_rows(index, 'duplicate rows') def drop_na_target(self): if self.is_target_available(): self.remove_rows(, 'null target values') def log_drop_feature(self, columns, reason):'---------- Dropping {reason} features ----------')'\\\\nStatus:- |... {reason} feature treatment done: {len(columns)} {reason} feature(s) found')'-------> Drop Features: {columns}')'Data Frame Shape After Dropping (Rows,Columns): {}') def log_normalization(self): if self.process_method.get('normalization', None):'\\\\nStatus:- !... Normalization treatment done') for method in supported_method['normalization']: cols = [] for col, m in self.process_method['normalization'].items(): if m == method: cols.append(col) if cols and method != 'none':'Running {method} on features: {cols}') def log_numerical_fill(self): if self.process_method.get('numFill', None):'\\\\nStatus:- !... Fillna for numeric feature done') for method in supported_method['fillNa']['numeric']: cols = [] for col, m in self.process_method['numFill'].items(): if m == method: cols.append(col) if cols:'-------> Running {method} on features: {cols}') def log_categorical_fill(self): if self.process_method.get('catFill', None):'\\\\nStatus:-!... FillNa for categorical feature done') for method in supported_method['fillNa']['categorical']: cols = [] for col, m in self.process_method['catFill'].items(): if m == method: cols.append(col) if cols:'-------> Running {method} on features: {cols}') def remove_constant_feature(self): unique_values = constant_features = [] for i, value in enumerate(unique_values): if value == 1: constant_features.append(unique_values.index[i]) if constant_features: self.drop_features(constant_features, "constant") for i in constant_features: try: self.numeric_feature.remove(i) except ValueError: pass try: self.cat_feature.remove(i) except ValueError: pass def remove_empty_feature(self, misval_ratio=1.0): missing_ratio = / len( missing_ratio = {k:v for k,v in zip(, missing_ratio)} empty_features = [k for k,v in missing_ratio.items() if v > misval_ratio] if empty_features: self.drop_features(empty_features, "empty") for i in empty_features: try: self.numeric_feature.remove(i) except ValueError: pass try: self.cat_feature.remove(i) except: pass def remove_index_features(self): index_feature = [] for feat in self.numeric_feature: if[feat].nunique() == len( if ([feat].sum()- sum( == ([0][feat][0])*len( index_feature.append(feat) self.drop_features(index_feature, "index") for i in index_feature: try: self.numeric_feature.remove(i) except ValueError: pass try: self.cat_feature.remove(i) except: pass def fill_missing_value_method(self, colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in supported_method['fillNa']['numeric']: if 'numFill' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['numFill'] = {} if method == 'na' and self.process_method['numFill'].get(colm, None): pass # don't overwrite else: self.process_method['numFill'][colm] = method if colm in self.cat_feature: if method in supported_method['fillNa']['categorical']: if 'catFill' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['catFill'] = {} if method == 'na' and self.process_method['catFill'].get(colm, None): pass else: self.process_method['catFill'][colm] = method def check_encoding_method(self, method, colm,default=False): if not self.is_target_available() and (method.lower() == list(target_encoding_method_change.keys())[0]): method = target_encoding_method_change[method.lower()] if default:"Applying Label encoding instead of Target encoding on feature '{colm}' as target feature is not present") return method def fill_encoder_value_method(self,colm, method, default=False): if colm in self.cat_feature: if method.lower() in supported_method['categoryEncoding']: if 'catEncoder' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['catEncoder'] = {} if method == 'na' and self.process_method['catEncoder'].get(colm, None): pass else: self.process_method['catEncoder'][colm] = self.check_encoding_method(method, colm,default) else:"-------> categorical encoding method '{method}' is not supported. supported methods are {supported_method['categoryEncoding']}") def fill_normalizer_method(self,colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in supported_method['normalization']: if 'normalization' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['normalization'] = {} if (method == 'na' or method == 'none') and self.process_method['normalization'].get(colm, None): pass else: self.process_method['normalization'][colm] = method else:"-------> Normalization method '{method}' is not supported. supported methods are {supported_method['normalization']}") def apply_outlier(self): inlier_indices = np.array([True] * len( if self.process_method.get('outlier', None):'-------> Feature wise outlier detection:') for k,v in self.process_method['outlier'].items(): if k in self.numeric_feature: if v == 'iqr': index = findiqrOutlier([k]) elif v == 'zscore': index = findzscoreOutlier([k]) elif v == 'disable': index = None if k in self.process_method['outlierOperation'].keys(): if self.process_method['outlierOperation'][k] == 'dropdata': inlier_indices = np.logical_and(inlier_indices, index) elif self.process_method['outlierOperation'][k] == 'average': mean =[k].mean() index = ~index[index,[k]] = mean'-------> {k}: Replaced by Mean {mean}: total replacement {index.sum()}') elif self.process_method['outlierOperation'][k] == 'nochange' and v != 'disable':'-------> Total outliers in "{k}": {(~index).sum()}') if self.config.get('outlierDetection',None): if self.config['outlierDetection'].get('IsolationForest','False') == 'True': index = findiforestOutlier([self.numeric_feature]) inlier_indices = np.logical_and(inlier_indices, index)'-------> Numeric feature based Outlier detection(IsolationForest):') if inlier_indices.sum() != len( self.remove_rows( inlier_indices == False, 'outlier detection')'Status:- |... Outlier treatment done')'-------> Data Frame Shape After Outlier treatment (Rows,Columns): {}') def remove_rows(self, indices, msg=''): if indices.sum(): indices = ~indices if len(indices) != len( raise ValueError('Data Frame length mismatch') =[indices], inplace=True) if self.is_target_available(): =[indices] if isinstance(, pd.Series):, inplace=True) if not self.unprocessed.empty: self.unprocessed = self.unprocessed[indices] self.unprocessed.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)'-------> {msg} dropped rows count: {(indices == False).sum()}') def fill_outlier_method(self,colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in supported_method['outlier_column_wise']: if 'outlier' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['outlier'] = {} if method != 'Disable': self.process_method['outlier'][colm] = method else:"-------> outlier detection method '{method}' is not supported for column wise. supported methods are {supported_method['outlier_column_wise']}") def fill_outlier_process(self,colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in supported_method['outlierOperation']: if 'outlierOperation' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['outlierOperation'] = {} self.process_method['outlierOperation'][colm] = method else:"-------> outlier process method '{method}' is not supported for column wise. supported methods are {supported_method['outlieroperation']}") def get_cat_imputer(self,method): if method == 'mode': return SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent') elif method == 'zero': return SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value=0) def get_cat_encoder(self,method): if method == 'labelencoding': return OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown="error") elif method == 'onehotencoding': return OneHotEncoder(sparse=False,handle_unknown="error") elif method == 'targetencoding': if not self.is_target_available(): raise ValueError('Can not apply Target Encoding when target feature is not present') return TargetEncoder(handle_unknown='error') def get_num_imputer(self,method): if method == 'mode': return SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent') elif method == 'mean': return SimpleImputer(strategy='mean') elif method == 'median': return SimpleImputer(strategy='median') elif method == 'knnimputer': return KNNImputer() elif method == 'zero': return SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value=0) def get_num_scaler(self,method): if method == 'minmax': return MinMaxScaler() elif method == 'standardscaler': return StandardScaler() elif method == 'lognormal': return PowerTransformer(method='yeo-johnson', standardize=False) """ return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class register(): def __init__(self, importer, indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.codeText = "" self.function_code = "" self.importer = importer self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.addInputFiles({'log' : 'aion.log', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','model' : 'model.pkl', 'performance': 'performance.json','production':'production.json','monitor':'monitoring.json'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def code_imports(self): modules = [{'module':'sys'} ,{'module':'json'}
,{'module':'time'} ,{'module':'platform'} ,{'module':'tempfile'} ,{'module':'sqlite3'} ,{'module':'mlflow'} ,{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'ViewType', 'mod_from':'mlflow.entities'} ,{'module':'MlflowClient', 'mod_from':'mlflow.tracking'} ,{'module':'ModelVersionStatus', 'mod_from':'mlflow.entities.model_registry.model_version_status'} ] self.import_modules(modules) def import_module(self, module, mod_from=None, mod_as=None): self.importer.addModule(module, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) def import_modules(self, modules): if isinstance(modules, list): for mod in modules: if isinstance(mod, dict): self.importer.addModule(mod['module'], mod_from= mod.get('mod_from', None), mod_as=mod.get('mod_as', None)) def getImportCode(self): return self.importer.getCode() def __addValidateConfigCode(self, models=None): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config\\ " return text def addLocalFunctionsCode(self, models): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode(models) def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.code_imports() self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\ndef __merge_logs(log_file_sequence,path, files):\\ \\n if log_file_sequence['first'] in files:\\ \\n with open(path/log_file_sequence['first'], 'r') as f:\\ \\n main_log =\\ \\n files.remove(log_file_sequence['first'])\\ \\n for file in files:\\ \\n with open(path/file, 'r') as f:\\ \\n main_log = main_log +\\ \\n (path/file).unlink()\\ \\n with open(path/log_file_sequence['merged'], 'w') as f:\\ \\n f.write(main_log)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef merge_log_files(folder, models):\\ \\n log_file_sequence = {\\ \\n 'first': 'aion.log',\\ \\n 'merged': 'aion.log'\\ \\n }\\ \\n log_file_suffix = '_aion.log'\\ \\n log_files = [x+log_file_suffix for x in models if (folder/(x+log_file_suffix)).exists()]\\ \\n log_files.append(log_file_sequence['first'])\\ \\n __merge_logs(log_file_sequence, folder, log_files)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef register_model(targetPath,models,usecasename, meta_data):\\ \\n register = mlflow_register(targetPath, usecasename, meta_data)\\ \\n register.setup_registration()\\ \\n\\ \\n runs_with_score = register.get_unprocessed_runs(models)\\ \\n best_run = register.get_best_run(runs_with_score)\\ \\n register.update_unprocessed(runs_with_score)\\ \\n return register.register_model(models, best_run)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef register(log):\\ \\n config = validateConfig()\\ \\n targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath']\\ \\n models = config['models']\\ \\n merge_log_files(targetPath, models)\\ \\n meta_data_file = targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']\\ \\n if meta_data_file.exists():\\ \\n meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}')\\ \\n usecase = config['targetPath']\\ \\n # enable logging\\ \\n log_file = targetPath/IOFiles['log']\\ \\n log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem)\\ \\n register_model_name = register_model(targetPath,models,usecase, meta_data)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','Message':f'Model Registered: {register_model_name}'}\\ \\n'output: {status}')\\ \\n return json.dumps(status)" def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'sys'} ,{'module':'os'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ,{'module':'shutil'} ,{'module':'argparse'} ] return modules def addMainCode(self, models, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n log = None\\ \\n try:\\ \\n print(register(log))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n if log:\\ \\n log.error(e, exc_info=True)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print(json.dumps(status))" def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" def query_with_quetes_code(self, decs=True, indent=1): return """\\n{first_indentation}def __get_unprocessed_runs_sorted(self): {indentation}query = "tags.processed = 'no'" {indentation}runs = self.client.search_runs( {indentation} experiment_ids=self.experiment_id, {indentation} filter_string=query, {indentation} run_view_type=ViewType.ACTIVE_ONLY, {indentation} order_by=['metrics.test_score {0}'] {indentation}) {indentation}return runs\\n""".format('DESC' if decs else 'ASC', first_indentation=indent*, indentation=(1+indent)* def addClassCode(self, smaller_is_better=False): self.codeText += "\\ \\nclass mlflow_register():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self, input_path, model_name, meta_data):\\ \\n self.input_path = Path(input_path).resolve()\\ \\n self.model_name = model_name\\ \\n self.meta_data = meta_data\\ \\n self.logger = logging.getLogger('ModelRegister')\\ \\n self.client = None\\ \\n self.monitoring_data = read_json(self.input_path/IOFiles['monitor'])\\ \\n mlflow_default_config = {'artifacts_uri':'','tracking_uri_type':'','tracking_uri':'','registry_uri':''}\\ \\n if not self.monitoring_data.get('mlflow_config',False):\\ \\n self.monitoring_data['mlflow_config'] = mlflow_default_config\\ \\n\\ \\n def setup_registration(self):\\ \\n tracking_uri, artifact_uri, registry_uri = get_mlflow_uris(self.monitoring_data['mlflow_config'],self.input_path)\\ \\n'MLflow tracking uri: {tracking_uri}')\\ \\n'MLflow registry uri: {registry_uri}')\\ \\n mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n mlflow.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n self.client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient(\\ \\n tracking_uri=tracking_uri,\\ \\n registry_uri=registry_uri,\\ \\n )\\ \\n self.experiment_id = self.client.get_experiment_by_name(self.model_name).experiment_id\\ \\n" self.codeText += self.query_with_quetes_code(smaller_is_better == False) self.codeText += "\\ \\n def __log_unprocessed_runs(self, runs):\\ \\n'Unprocessed runs:')\\ \\n for run in runs:\\ \\n' {}: {}'.format(,['test_score']))\\ \\n\\ \\n def get_unprocessed_runs(self, model_path):\\ \\n unprocessed_runs = self.__get_unprocessed_runs_sorted()\\ \\n if not unprocessed_runs:\\ \\n raise ValueError('Registering fail: No new trained model')\\ \\n self.__log_unprocessed_runs( unprocessed_runs)\\ \\n return unprocessed_runs\\ \\n\\ \\n def __wait_until_ready(self, model_name, model_version):\\ \\n client = MlflowClient()\\ \\n for _ in range(10):\\ \\n model_version_details = self.client.get_model_version(\\ \\n name=model_name,\\ \\n version=model_version,\\ \\n )\\ \\n status = ModelVersionStatus.from_string(model_version_details.status)\\ \\n if status == ModelVersionStatus.READY:\\ \\n break\\ \\n time.sleep(1)\\ \\n\\ \\n def __create_model(self, run):\\ \\n artifact_path = 'model'\\ \\n model_uri = 'runs:/{run_id}/{artifact_path}'.format(, artifact_path=artifact_path)\\ \\n'Registering model (run id): {}')\\ \\n model_details = mlflow.register_model(model_uri=model_uri, name=self.model_name)\\ \\n self.__wait_until_ready(, model_details.version)\\ \\n self.client.set_tag(, 'registered', 'yes' )\\ \\n state_transition = self.client.transition_model_version_stage(\\ \\n,\\ \\n version=model_details.version,\\ \\n stage='Production',\\ \\n )\\ \\n\\ \\n return model_details\\ \\n\\ \\n def get_best_run(self, models):\\ \\n return models[0]\\ \\n\\ \\n def __validate_config(self):\\ \\n try:\\ \\n load_data_loc = self.meta_data['load_data']['Status']['DataFilePath']\\ \\n except KeyError:\\ \\n raise ValueError('DataIngestion step output is corrupted')\\ \\n\\ \\n def __mlflow_log_transformer_steps(self, best_run):\\ \\n run_id =\\ \\n meta_data = read_json(self.input_path/(['mlflow.runName']+'_'+IOFiles['metaData']))\\ \\n self.__validate_config()\\ \\n with mlflow.start_run(run_id):\\ \\n if 'transformation' in meta_data.keys():\\ \\n if 'target_encoder' in meta_data['transformation'].keys():\\ \\n source_loc = meta_data['transformation']['target_encoder']\\ \\n mlflow.log_artifact(str(self.input_path/source_loc))\\ \\n meta_data['transformation']['target_encoder'] = Path(source_loc).name\\ \\n if 'preprocessor' in meta_data['transformation'].keys():\\ \\n source_loc = meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor']\\ \\n mlflow.log_artifact(str(self.input_path/source_loc))\\ \\n meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor'] = Path(source_loc).name\\ \\n\\ \\n write_json(meta_data, self.input_path/IOFiles['metaData'])\\ \\n mlflow.log_artifact(str(self.input_path/IOFiles['metaData']))\\ \\n\\ \\n def __update_processing_tag(self, processed_runs):\\ \\n'Changing status to processed:')\\ \\n for run in processed_runs:\\ \\n self.client.set_tag(, 'processed', 'yes')\\ \\n' run id: {}')\\ \\n\\ \\n def update_unprocessed(self, runs):\\ \\n return self.__update_processing_tag( runs)\\ \\n\\ \\n def __force_register(self, best_run):\\ \\n self.__create_model( best_run)\\ \\n self.__mlflow_log_transformer_steps( best_run)\\ \\n production_json = self.input_path/IOFiles['production']\\ \\n production_model = {'Model'['mlflow.runName'],'runNo':self.monitoring_data['runNo'],'score'['test_score']}\\ \\n write_json(production_model, production_json)\\ \\n database_path = self.input_path/(self.input_path.stem + '.db')\\ \\n if database_path.exists():\\ \\n database_path.unlink()\\ \\n return['mlflow.runName']\\ \\n\\ \\n def __get_register_model_score(self):\\ \\n reg = self.client.list_registered_models()\\ \\n if not reg:\\ \\n return '', 0\\ \\n run_id = reg[0].latest_versions[0].run_id\\ \\n run = self.client.get_run(run_id)\\ \\n score =['test_score']\\ \\n return run_id, score\\ \\n\\ \\n def register_model(self, models, best_run):\\ \\n return self.__force_register(best_run)" def local_functions_code(self, smaller_is_
better=True, indent=1): if smaller_is_better: min_max = 'min' else: min_max = 'max' self.codeText += "\\ndef validate_config(deploy_dict):\\ \\n try:\\ \\n load_data_loc = deploy_dict['load_data']['Status']['DataFilePath']\\ \\n except KeyError:\\ \\n raise ValueError('DataIngestion step output is corrupted')\\ \\n\\ \\ndef get_digest(fname):\\ \\n import hashlib\\ \\n hash_algo = hashlib.sha256()\\ \\n with open(fname, 'rb') as f:\\ \\n for chunk in iter(lambda: ** 20), b''):\\ \\n hash_algo.update(chunk)\\ \\n return hash_algo.hexdigest()\\ \\n" def getCode(self, indent=1): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .imports import importModule utility_functions = { 'load_data': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'transformer': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'selector': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'train': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'register': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'Prediction': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'drift': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], } #TODO convert read and write functions in to class functions functions_code = { 'read_json':{'imports':[{'mod':'json'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef read_json(file_path):\\ \\n data = None\\ \\n with open(file_path,'r') as f:\\ \\n data = json.load(f)\\ \\n return data\\ \\n"}, 'write_json':{'imports':[{'mod':'json'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef write_json(data, file_path):\\ \\n with open(file_path,'w') as f:\\ \\n json.dump(data, f)\\ \\n"}, 'read_data':{'imports':[{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef read_data(file_path, encoding='utf-8', sep=','):\\ \\n return pd.read_csv(file_path, encoding=encoding, sep=sep)\\ \\n"}, 'write_data':{'imports':[{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n return data.to_csv(file_path, index=index)\\ \\n\\ \\n#Uncomment and change below code for google storage\\ \\n#from import storage\\ \\n#def write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n# file_name=\\ \\n# data.to_csv('output_data.csv')\\ \\n# storage_client = storage.Client()\\ \\n# bucket = storage_client.bucket('aion_data')\\ \\n# bucket.blob('prediction/'+file_name).upload_from_filename('output_data.csv', content_type='text/csv')\\ \\n# return data\\ \\n"}, 'is_file_name_url':{'imports':[],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef is_file_name_url(file_name):\\ \\n supported_urls_starts_with = ('gs://','https://','http://')\\ \\n return file_name.startswith(supported_urls_starts_with)\\ \\n"}, 'logger_class':{'imports':[{'mod':'logging'}, {'mod':'io'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\nclass logger():\\ \\n #setup the logger\\ \\n def __init__(self, log_file, mode='w', logger_name=None):\\ \\n logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, filemode=mode, format='%(asctime)s %(name)s- %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')\\ \\n self.log = logging.getLogger(logger_name)\\ \\n\\ \\n #get logger\\ \\n def getLogger(self):\\ \\n return self.log\\ \\n\\ \\n def info(self, msg):\\ \\n\\ \\n\\ \\n def error(self, msg, exc_info=False):\\ \\n self.log.error(msg,exc_info)\\ \\n\\ \\n # format and log dataframe\\ \\n def log_dataframe(self, df, rows=2, msg=None):\\ \\n buffer = io.StringIO()\\ \\n\\ \\n log_text = 'Data frame{}'.format(' after ' + msg + ':' if msg else ':')\\ \\n log_text += '\\\\n\\\\t'+str(df.head(rows)).replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t')\\ \\n log_text += ('\\\\n\\\\t' + buffer.getvalue().replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t'))\\ \\n\\ \\n"}, } class utility_function(): def __init__(self, module): if module in utility_functions.keys(): self.module_name = module else: self.module_name = None self.importer = importModule() self.codeText = "" def get_code(self): code = "" if self.module_name: functions = utility_functions[self.module_name] for function in functions: self.codeText += self.get_function_code(function) code = self.importer.getCode() code += self.codeText return code def get_function_code(self, name): code = "" if name in functions_code.keys(): code += functions_code[name]['code'] if self.importer: if 'imports' in functions_code[name].keys(): for module in functions_code[name]['imports']: mod_name = module['mod'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) self.importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) return code def get_importer(self): return self.importer if __name__ == '__main__': obj = utility_function('load_data') p = obj.get_utility_code() print(p)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .imports import importModule from .load_data import tabularDataReader from .transformer import transformer as profiler from .transformer import data_profiler from .selector import selector from .trainer import learner from .register import register from .deploy import deploy from .drift_analysis import drift from .functions import global_function from .data_reader import data_reader from .utility import utility_function <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class deploy(): def __init__(self, target_encoder=False, feature_reducer=False, score_smaller_is_better=True, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = "\\n\\n\\ \\nclass deploy():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self, base_config, log=None):\\ \\n self.targetPath = (Path('aion')/base_config['targetPath']).resolve()\\ \\n if log:\\ \\n self.logger = log\\ \\n else:\\ \\n log_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['log']\\ \\n self.logger = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem)\\ \\n try:\\ \\n self.initialize(base_config)\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True)\\ \\n\\ \\n def initialize(self, base_config):\\ \\n self.usecase = base_config['targetPath']\\ \\n monitoring_data = read_json(self.targetPath/IOFiles['monitor'])\\ \\n self.prod_db_type = monitoring_data['prod_db_type']\\ \\n self.db_config = monitoring_data['db_config']\\ \\n mlflow_default_config = {'artifacts_uri':'','tracking_uri_type':'','tracking_uri':'','registry_uri':''}\\ \\n tracking_uri, artifact_uri, registry_uri = get_mlflow_uris(monitoring_data.get('mlflow_config',mlflow_default_config), self.targetPath)\\ \\n mlflow.tracking.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n mlflow.tracking.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()\\ \\n self.model_version = client.get_latest_versions(self.usecase, stages=['production'] )\\ \\n model_version_uri = 'models:/{model_name}/production'.format(model_name=self.usecase)\\ \\n self.model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_version_uri)\\ \\n run = client.get_run(self.model.metadata.run_id)\\ \\n if'file:'): #remove file:///\\ \\n skip_name = 'file:'\\ \\n if'file:///'):\\ \\n skip_name = 'file:///'\\ \\n self.artifact_path = Path([len(skip_name) : ])\\ \\n self.artifact_path_type = 'file'\\ \\n meta_data = read_json(self.artifact_path/IOFiles['metaData'])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n self.artifact_path =\\ \\n self.artifact_path_type = 'url'\\ \\n meta_data_file = mlflow.artifacts.download_artifacts(self.artifact_path+'/'+IOFiles['metaData'])\\ \\n meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file)\\ \\n self.selected_features = meta_data['load_data']['selected_features']\\ \\n self.train_features = meta_data['training']['features']" if target_encoder: self.codeText += "\\ \\n if self.artifact_path_type == 'url':\\ \\n preprocessor_file = mlflow.artifacts.download_artifacts(self.artifact_path+'/'+meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor'])\\ \\n target_encoder_file = mlflow.artifacts.download_artifacts(self.artifact_path+'/'+meta_data['transformation']['target_encoder'])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n preprocessor_file = self.artifact_path/meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor']\\ \\n target_encoder_file = self.artifact_path/meta_data['transformation']['target_encoder']\\ \\n self.target_encoder = joblib.load(target_encoder_file)" else: self.codeText += "\\ \\n if self.artifact_path_type == 'url':\\ \\n preprocessor_file = mlflow.artifacts.download_artifacts(self.artifact_path+'/'+meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor'])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n preprocessor_file = self.artifact_path/meta_data['transformation']['preprocessor']" self.codeText += "\\ \\n self.preprocessor = joblib.load(preprocessor_file)\\ \\n self.preprocess_out_columns = meta_data['transformation']['preprocess_out_columns']\\ " if feature_reducer: self.codeText += "\\ \\n if self.artifact_path_type == 'url':\\ \\n feature_reducer_file = mlflow.artifacts.download_artifacts(self.artifact_path+'/'+meta_data['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['file'])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n feature_reducer_file = self.artifact_path/meta_data['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['file']\\ \\n self.feature_reducer = joblib.load(feature_reducer_file)\\ \\n self.feature_reducer_cols = meta_data['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['features']" self.codeText +="\\n\\ \\n def write_to_db(self, data):\\ \\n prod_file = IOFiles['prodData']\\ \\n writer = dataReader(reader_type=self.prod_db_type,target_path=self.targetPath, config=self.db_config )\\ \\n writer.write(data, prod_file)\\ \\n writer.close()\\ \\n\\ \\n def predict(self, data=None):\\ \\n try:\\ \\n return self.__predict(data)\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n if self.logger:\\ \\n self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True)\\
\\n raise ValueError(json.dumps({'Status':'Failure', 'Message': str(e)}))\\ \\n\\ \\n def __predict(self, data=None):\\ \\n df = pd.DataFrame()\\ \\n jsonData = json.loads(data)\\ \\n df = pd.json_normalize(jsonData)\\ \\n if len(df) == 0:\\ \\n raise ValueError('No data record found')\\ \\n missing_features = [x for x in self.selected_features if x not in df.columns]\\ \\n if missing_features:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'some feature/s is/are missing: {missing_features}')\\ \\n df_copy = df.copy()\\ \\n df = df[self.selected_features]\\ \\n df = self.preprocessor.transform(df)\\ \\n if isinstance(df, scipy.sparse.spmatrix):\\ \\n df = df.toarray()\\ \\n df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=self.preprocess_out_columns)" if feature_reducer: self.codeText += "\\n df = self.feature_reducer.transform(df[self.feature_reducer_cols])" else: self.codeText += "\\n df = df[self.train_features]" if target_encoder: self.codeText += "\\n df = df.astype(np.float32)\\ \\n output = pd.DataFrame(self.model._model_impl.predict_proba(df), columns=self.target_encoder.classes_)\\ \\n df_copy['prediction'] = output.idxmax(axis=1)\\ \\n self.write_to_db(df_copy)\\ \\n df_copy['probability'] = output.max(axis=1).round(2)\\ \\n df_copy['remarks'] = output.apply(lambda x: x.to_json(), axis=1)\\ \\n output = df_copy.to_json(orient='records')" else: self.codeText += "\\n output = self.model._model_impl.predict(df).reshape(1, -1)[0].round(2)\\ \\n df_copy['prediction'] = output\\ \\n self.write_to_db(df_copy)\\ \\n output = df_copy.to_json(orient='records')" self.codeText += "\\n return output" self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'rawData.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json', 'performance' : 'performance.json','monitor':'monitoring.json','log':'predict.log','prodData':'prodData'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() text += '\\n' text += self.getOutputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): pass def getCode(self): return self.codeText def getGroundtruthCode(self): return """ import sys import math import json import sqlite3 import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import platform from utility import * from data_reader import dataReader IOFiles = { "monitoring":"monitoring.json", "prodDataGT":"prodDataGT" } class groundtruth(): def __init__(self, base_config): self.targetPath = Path('aion')/base_config['targetPath'] data = read_json(self.targetPath/IOFiles['monitoring']) self.prod_db_type = data['prod_db_type'] self.db_config = data['db_config'] def actual(self, data=None): df = pd.DataFrame() jsonData = json.loads(data) df = pd.json_normalize(jsonData) if len(df) == 0: raise ValueError('No data record found') self.write_to_db(df) status = {'Status':'Success','Message':'uploaded'} return json.dumps(status) def write_to_db(self, data): prod_file = IOFiles['prodDataGT'] writer = dataReader(reader_type=self.prod_db_type, target_path=self.targetPath, config=self.db_config ) writer.write(data, prod_file) writer.close() """ def getServiceCode(self): return """ from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn import os from os.path import expanduser import platform import threading import subprocess import argparse import re import cgi import json import shutil import logging import sys import time import seaborn as sns from pathlib import Path from predict import deploy from groundtruth import groundtruth import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as st import numpy as np import warnings from utility import * from data_reader import dataReader warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") config_input = None IOFiles = { "inputData": "rawData.dat", "metaData": "modelMetaData.json", "production": "production.json", "log": "aion.log", "monitoring":"monitoring.json", "prodData": "prodData", "prodDataGT":"prodDataGT" } def DistributionFinder(data): try: distributionName = "" sse = 0.0 KStestStatic = 0.0 dataType = "" if (data.dtype == "float64" or data.dtype == "float32"): dataType = "Continuous" elif (data.dtype == "int"): dataType = "Discrete" elif (data.dtype == "int64"): dataType = "Discrete" if (dataType == "Discrete"): distributions = [st.bernoulli, st.binom, st.geom, st.nbinom, st.poisson] index, counts = np.unique(data.astype(int), return_counts=True) if (len(index) >= 2): best_sse = np.inf y1 = [] total = sum(counts) mean = float(sum(index * counts)) / total variance = float((sum(index ** 2 * counts) - total * mean ** 2)) / (total - 1) dispersion = mean / float(variance) theta = 1 / float(dispersion) r = mean * (float(theta) / 1 - theta) for j in counts: y1.append(float(j) / total) pmf1 = st.bernoulli.pmf(index, mean) pmf2 = st.binom.pmf(index, len(index), p=mean / len(index)) pmf3 = st.geom.pmf(index, 1 / float(1 + mean)) pmf4 = st.nbinom.pmf(index, mean, r) pmf5 = st.poisson.pmf(index, mean) sse1 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf1, 2.0)) sse2 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf2, 2.0)) sse3 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf3, 2.0)) sse4 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf4, 2.0)) sse5 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf5, 2.0)) sselist = [sse1, sse2, sse3, sse4, sse5] best_distribution = 'NA' for i in range(0, len(sselist)): if best_sse > sselist[i] > 0: best_distribution = distributions[i].name best_sse = sselist[i] elif (len(index) == 1): best_distribution = "Constant Data-No Distribution" best_sse = 0.0 distributionName = best_distribution sse = best_sse elif (dataType == "Continuous"): distributions = [st.uniform, st.expon, st.weibull_max, st.weibull_min, st.chi, st.norm, st.lognorm, st.t, st.gamma, st.beta] best_distribution = best_sse = np.inf datamin = data.min() datamax = data.max() nrange = datamax - datamin y, x = np.histogram(data.astype(float), bins='auto', density=True) x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0 for distribution in distributions: params = arg = params[:-2] loc = params[-2] scale = params[-1] pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg) sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0)) if (best_sse > sse > 0): best_distribution = best_sse = sse distributionName = best_distribution sse = best_sse except: response = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) message = 'Job has Failed' + response exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(str(exc_type) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print(message) return distributionName, sse def getDriftDistribution(feature, dataframe, newdataframe=pd.DataFrame()): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import io, base64, urllib np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') try: plt.clf() except: pass plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) sns.set(color_codes=True) pandasNumericDtypes = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] if len(feature) > 4: numneroffeatures = len(feature) plt.figure(figsize=(10, numneroffeatures*2)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) for i in enumerate(feature): dataType = dataframe[i[1]].dtypes if dataType not in pandasNumericDtypes: dataframe[i[1]] = pd.Categorical(dataframe[i[1]]) dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]] dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]].astype(int) dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]].fillna(dataframe[i[1]].mode()[0]) else: dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]].fillna(dataframe[i[1]].mean()) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.7, top=1) plt.subplot(math.ceil((len(feature) / 2)), 2, i[0] + 1) distname, sse = DistributionFinder(dataframe[i[1]]) print(distname) ax = sns.distplot(dataframe[i[1]], label=distname) ax.legend(loc='best') if newdataframe.empty == False: dataType = newdataframe[i[1]].dtypes if dataType not in pandasNumericDtypes: newdataframe[i[1]] = pd.Categorical(newdataframe[i[1]]) newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]] newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]].astype(int) newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]].fillna(newdataframe[i[1]].mode()[0]) else: newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]].fillna(newdataframe[i[1]].mean()) distname, sse = DistributionFinder(newdataframe[i[1]]) print(distname) ax = sns.distplot(newdataframe[i[1]],label=distname) ax.legend(loc='best') buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') string = base64.b64encode( uri = urllib.parse.quote(string) return uri def read_json(file_path): data = None with open(file_path,'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return data class HTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): print('PYTHON ######## REQUEST ####### STARTED') if None !='/AION/', self.path) or None !='/aion/', self.path): ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get('content-type')) if ctype == 'application/json': length = int(self.headers.get('content-length')) data = usecase = self.path.split('/')[-2] if usecase.lower() == config_input['targetPath'].lower(): operation = self.path.split('/')[-1] data = json.loads(data) dataStr = json.dumps(data) if operation.lower() == 'predict': output=deployobj.predict(dataStr) resp = output elif operation
.lower() == 'groundtruth': gtObj = groundtruth(config_input) output = gtObj.actual(dataStr) resp = output elif operation.lower() == 'delete': targetPath = Path('aion')/config_input['targetPath'] for file in data: x = targetPath/file if x.exists(): os.remove(x) resp = json.dumps({'Status':'Success'}) else: outputStr = json.dumps({'Status':'Error','Msg':'Operation not supported'}) resp = outputStr else: outputStr = json.dumps({'Status':'Error','Msg':'Wrong URL'}) resp = outputStr else: outputStr = json.dumps({'Status':'ERROR','Msg':'Content-Type Not Present'}) resp = outputStr resp=resp+'\\\\n' resp=resp.encode() self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(resp) else: print('python ==> else1') self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() print('PYTHON ######## REQUEST ####### ENDED') return def do_GET(self): print('PYTHON ######## REQUEST ####### STARTED') if None !='/AION/', self.path) or None !='/aion/', self.path): usecase = self.path.split('/')[-2] self.send_response(200) self.targetPath = Path('aion')/config_input['targetPath'] meta_data_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') production_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['production'] if production_file.exists(): production_data = read_json(production_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Production Details not found: {production_file}') operation = self.path.split('/')[-1] if (usecase.lower() == config_input['targetPath'].lower()) and (operation.lower() == 'metrices'): self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() ModelString = production_data['Model'] ModelPerformance = ModelString+'_performance.json' performance_file = self.targetPath/ModelPerformance if performance_file.exists(): performance_data = read_json(performance_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Production Details not found: {performance_data}') Scoring_Creteria = performance_data['scoring_criteria'] train_score = round(performance_data['metrices']['train_score'],2) test_score = round(performance_data['metrices']['test_score'],2) current_score = 'NA' monitoring = read_json(self.targetPath/IOFiles['monitoring']) reader = dataReader(reader_type=monitoring['prod_db_type'],target_path=self.targetPath, config=monitoring['db_config']) inputDatafile = self.targetPath/IOFiles['inputData'] NoOfPrediction = 0 NoOfGroundTruth = 0 inputdistribution = '' if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodData']): dfPredict =['prodData']) dfinput = pd.read_csv(inputDatafile) features = meta_data['training']['features'] inputdistribution = getDriftDistribution(features,dfinput,dfPredict) NoOfPrediction = len(dfPredict) if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodDataGT']): dfGroundTruth =['prodDataGT']) NoOfGroundTruth = len(dfGroundTruth) common_col = [k for k in dfPredict.columns.tolist() if k in dfGroundTruth.columns.tolist()] proddataDF = pd.merge(dfPredict, dfGroundTruth, on =common_col,how = 'inner') if Scoring_Creteria.lower() == 'accuracy': from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score current_score = accuracy_score(proddataDF[config_input['target_feature']], proddataDF['prediction']) current_score = round((current_score*100),2) elif Scoring_Creteria.lower() == 'recall': from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score current_score = recall_score(proddataDF[config_input['target_feature']], proddataDF['prediction'],average='macro') current_score = round((current_score*100),2) msg = \\"""<html> <head> <title>Performance Details</title> </head> <style> table, th, td {border} </style> <body> <h2><b>Deployed Model:</b>{ModelString}</h2> <br/> <table style="width:50%"> <tr> <td>No of Prediction</td> <td>{NoOfPrediction}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>No of GroundTruth</td> <td>{NoOfGroundTruth}</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <th>Score Type</th> <th>Train Score</th> <th>Test Score</th> <th>Production Score</th> </tr> <tr> <td>{Scoring_Creteria}</td> <td>{train_score}</td> <td>{test_score}</td> <td>{current_score}</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <br/> <img src="data:image/png;base64,{newDataDrift}" alt="" > </body> </html> \\""".format(border='{border: 1px solid black;}',ModelString=ModelString,Scoring_Creteria=Scoring_Creteria,NoOfPrediction=NoOfPrediction,NoOfGroundTruth=NoOfGroundTruth,train_score=train_score,test_score=test_score,current_score=current_score,newDataDrift=inputdistribution) elif (usecase.lower() == config_input['targetPath'].lower()) and (operation.lower() == 'logs'): self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() log_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['log'] if log_file.exists(): with open(log_file) as f: msg = f.close() else: raise ValueError(f'Log Details not found: {log_file}') else: self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() features = meta_data['load_data']['selected_features'] bodydes='[' for x in features: if bodydes != '[': bodydes = bodydes+',' bodydes = bodydes+'{"'+x+'":"value"}' bodydes+=']' urltext = '/AION/'+config_input['targetPath']+'/predict' urltextgth='/AION/'+config_input['targetPath']+'/groundtruth' urltextproduction='/AION/'+config_input['targetPath']+'/metrices' msg=\\""" Version:{modelversion} RunNo: {runNo} URL for Prediction ================== URL:{url} RequestType: POST Content-Type=application/json Body: {displaymsg} Output: prediction,probability(if Applicable),remarks corresponding to each row. URL for GroundTruth =================== URL:{urltextgth} RequestType: POST Content-Type=application/json Note: Make Sure that one feature (ID) should be unique in both predict and groundtruth. Otherwise outputdrift will not work URL for Model In Production Analysis ==================================== URL:{urltextproduction} RequestType: GET Content-Type=application/json \\""".format(modelversion=config_input['modelVersion'],runNo=config_input['deployedRunNo'],url=urltext,urltextgth=urltextgth,urltextproduction=urltextproduction,displaymsg=bodydes) self.wfile.write(msg.encode()) else: self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() return class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): allow_reuse_address = True def shutdown(self): self.socket.close() HTTPServer.shutdown(self) class file_status(): def __init__(self, reload_function, params, file, logger): self.files_status = {} self.initializeFileStatus(file) self.reload_function = reload_function self.params = params self.logger = logger def initializeFileStatus(self, file): self.files_status = {'path': file, 'time':file.stat().st_mtime} def is_file_changed(self): if self.files_status['path'].stat().st_mtime > self.files_status['time']: self.files_status['time'] = self.files_status['path'].stat().st_mtime return True return False def run(self): global config_input while( True): time.sleep(30) if self.is_file_changed(): production_details = targetPath/IOFiles['production'] if not production_details.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Model in production details does not exist') productionmodel = read_json(production_details) config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json' if not Path(config_file).exists(): raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}') config_input = read_json(config_file) config_input['deployedModel'] = productionmodel['Model'] config_input['deployedRunNo'] = productionmodel['runNo']'Model changed Reloading.....')'Model: {config_input["deployedModel"]}')'Version: {str(config_input["modelVersion"])}')'runNo: {str(config_input["deployedRunNo"])}') self.reload_function(config_input) class SimpleHttpServer(): def __init__(self, ip, port, model_file_path,reload_function,params, logger): self.server = ThreadedHTTPServer((ip,port), HTTPRequestHandler) self.status_checker = file_status( reload_function, params, model_file_path, logger) def start(self): self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() self.status_thread = threading.Thread( self.status_thread.start() def waitForThread(self): self.server_thread.join() self.status_thread.join() def stop(self): self.server.shutdown() self.waitForThread() if __name__=='__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HTTP Server') parser.add_argument('-ip','--ipAddress', help='HTTP Server IP') parser.add_argument('-pn','--portNo', type=int, help='Listening port for HTTP Server') args = parser.parse_args() config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json' if not Path(config_file).exists(): raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}') config = read_json(config_file) if args.ipAddress: config['ipAddress'] = args.ipAddress if args.portNo: config['portNo'] = args.portNo targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') production_details = targetPath/IOFiles['production'] if not production_details.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Model in production details does not exist') productionmodel = read_json(production_details) config['deployedModel'] = productionmodel['Model'] config['deployedRunNo'] = productionmodel['runNo'] #server = SimpleHttpServer(config['ipAddress'],int(config['portNo'])) config_input = config logging.basicConfig(filename= Path(targetPath)/IOFiles['log'], filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s %(name)s- %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')
logger = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__) deployobj = deploy(config_input, logger) server = SimpleHttpServer(config['ipAddress'],int(config['portNo']),targetPath/IOFiles['production'],deployobj.initialize,config_input, logger)'HTTP Server Running...........')"IP Address: {config['ipAddress']}")"Port No.: {config['portNo']}") print('HTTP Server Running...........') print('For Prediction') print('================') print('Request Type: Post') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/predict') print('\\\\nFor GroundTruth') print('================') print('Request Type: Post') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/groundtruth') print('\\\\nFor Help') print('================') print('Request Type: Get') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/help') print('\\\\nFor Model In Production Analysis') print('================') print('Request Type: Get') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/metrices') server.start() server.waitForThread() """<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ class global_function(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = "" self.available_functions = { 'iqr':{'name':'iqrOutlier','code':f"\\n\\ndef iqrOutlier(df):\\ \\n{}Q1 = df.quantile(0.25)\\ \\n{}Q3 = df.quantile(0.75)\\ \\n{}IQR = Q3 - Q1\\ \\n{}index = ~((df < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) |(df > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))).any(axis=1)\\ \\n{}return index"}, 'zscore':{'name':'zscoreOutlier','imports':[{'mod':'stats','mod_from':'scipy'},{'mod':'numpy'}],'code':f"\\n\\ndef zscoreOutlier(df):\\ \\n{}z = numpy.abs(stats.zscore(df))\\ \\n{}index = (z < 3).all(axis=1)\\ \\n{}return index"}, 'iforest':{'name':'iforestOutlier','imports':[{'mod':'IsolationForest','mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'}],'code':f"\\n\\ndef iforestOutlier(df):\\ \\n{}from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest\\ \\n{}isolation_forest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=100)\\ \\n{}\\ \\n{}y_pred_train = isolation_forest.predict(df)\\ \\n{}return y_pred_train == 1"}, 'minMaxImputer':{'name':'minMaxImputer','code':f"\\n\\nclass minMaxImputer(TransformerMixin):\\ \\n{}def __init__(self, strategy='max'):\\ \\n{}{}self.strategy = strategy\\ \\n{}def fit(self, X, y=None):\\ \\n{}{}self.feature_names_in_ = X.columns\\ \\n{}{}if self.strategy == 'min':\\ \\n{}{}{}self.statistics_ = X.min()\\ \\n{}{}else:\\ \\n{}{}{}self.statistics_ = X.max()\\ \\n{}{}return self\\ \\n{}def transform(self, X):\\ \\n{}{}import numpy\\ \\n{}{}return numpy.where(X.isna(), self.statistics_, X)"}, 'DummyEstimator':{'name':'DummyEstimator','code':f"\\n\\nclass DummyEstimator(BaseEstimator):\\ \\n{}def fit(self): pass\\ \\n{}def score(self): pass"}, 'start_reducer':{'name':'start_reducer','imports':[{'mod':'itertools'},{'mod':'numpy','mod_as':'np'},{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'},{'mod':'VarianceThreshold','mod_from':'sklearn.feature_selection'}], 'code':""" def start_reducer(df,target_feature,corr_threshold=0.85,var_threshold=0.05): qconstantColumns = [] train_features = df.columns.tolist() train_features.remove(target_feature) df = df.loc[:, (df != df.iloc[0]).any()] #remove constant feature numeric_features = df.select_dtypes(include='number').columns.tolist() non_numeric_features = df.select_dtypes(exclude='number').columns.tolist() if numeric_features and var_threshold: qconstantFilter = VarianceThreshold(threshold=var_threshold) tempDf=df[numeric_features] qconstantColumns = [column for column in numeric_features if column not in tempDf.columns[qconstantFilter.get_support()]] if target_feature in qconstantColumns: qconstantColumns.remove(target_feature) numeric_features = list(set(numeric_features) - set(qconstantColumns)) if numeric_features: numColPairs = list(itertools.product(numeric_features, numeric_features)) for item in numColPairs: if(item[0] == item[1]): numColPairs.remove(item) tempArray = [] for item in numColPairs: tempCorr = np.abs(df[item[0]].corr(df[item[1]])) if(tempCorr > corr_threshold): tempArray.append(item[0]) tempArray = np.unique(tempArray).tolist() nonsimilarNumericalCols = list(set(numeric_features) - set(tempArray)) groupedFeatures = [] if tempArray: corrDic = {} for feature in tempArray: temp = [] for col in tempArray: tempCorr = np.abs(df[feature].corr(df[col])) temp.append(tempCorr) corrDic[feature] = temp #Similar correlation df corrDF = pd.DataFrame(corrDic,index = tempArray) corrDF.loc[:,:] = np.tril(corrDF, k=-1) alreadyIn = set() similarFeatures = [] for col in corrDF: perfectCorr = corrDF[col][corrDF[col] > corr_threshold].index.tolist() if perfectCorr and col not in alreadyIn: alreadyIn.update(set(perfectCorr)) perfectCorr.append(col) similarFeatures.append(perfectCorr) updatedSimFeatures = [] for items in similarFeatures: if(target_feature != '' and target_feature in items): for p in items: updatedSimFeatures.append(p) else: updatedSimFeatures.append(items[0]) newTempFeatures = list(set(updatedSimFeatures + nonsimilarNumericalCols)) updatedFeatures = list(set(newTempFeatures + non_numeric_features)) else: updatedFeatures = list(set(df.columns) -set(qconstantColumns)) else: updatedFeatures = list(set(df.columns) -set(qconstantColumns)) return updatedFeatures """}, 'feature_importance_class':{'name':'feature_importance_class','code':"\\n\\ \\ndef feature_importance_class(df, numeric_features, cat_features,target_feature,pValTh,corrTh):\\ \\n import pandas as pd\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import f_classif\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif\\ \\n \\ \\n impFeatures = []\\ \\n if cat_features:\\ \\n categoricalData=df[cat_features]\\ \\n chiSqCategorical=chi2(categoricalData,df[target_feature])[1]\\ \\n corrSeries=pd.Series(chiSqCategorical, index=cat_features)\\ \\n impFeatures.append(corrSeries[corrSeries<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n if numeric_features:\\ \\n quantData=df[numeric_features]\\ \\n fclassScore=f_classif(quantData,df[target_feature])[1]\\ \\n miClassScore=mutual_info_classif(quantData,df[target_feature])\\ \\n fClassSeries=pd.Series(fclassScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n miClassSeries=pd.Series(miClassScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n impFeatures.append(fClassSeries[fClassSeries<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n impFeatures.append(miClassSeries[miClassSeries>corrTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n pearsonScore=df.corr() \\ \\n targetPScore=abs(pearsonScore[target_feature])\\ \\n impFeatures.append(targetPScore[targetPScore<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n return list(set(sum(impFeatures, [])))"}, 'feature_importance_reg':{'name':'feature_importance_reg','code':"\\n\\ \\ndef feature_importance_reg(df, numeric_features, target_feature,pValTh,corrTh):\\ \\n import pandas as pd\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression\\ \\n \\ \\n impFeatures = []\\ \\n if numeric_features:\\ \\n quantData =df[numeric_features]\\ \\n fregScore=f_regression(quantData,df[target_feature])[1]\\ \\n miregScore=mutual_info_regression(quantData,df[target_feature])\\ \\n fregSeries=pd.Series(fregScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n miregSeries=pd.Series(miregScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n impFeatures.append(fregSeries[fregSeries<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n impFeatures.append(miregSeries[miregSeries>corrTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n pearsonScore=df.corr()\\ \\n targetPScore=abs(pearsonScore[target_feature])\\ \\n impFeatures.append(targetPScore[targetPScore<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n return list(set(sum(impFeatures, [])))"}, 'scoring_criteria':{'name':'scoring_criteria','imports':[{'mod':'make_scorer','mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'},{'mod':'roc_auc_score','mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'}], 'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef scoring_criteria(score_param, problem_type, class_count):\\ \\n if problem_type == 'classification':\\ \\n scorer_mapping = {\\ \\n 'recall':{'binary_class': 'recall', 'multi_class': 'recall_weighted'},\\ \\n 'precision':{'binary_class': 'precision', 'multi_class': 'precision_weighted'},\\ \\n 'f1_score':{'binary_class': 'f1', 'multi_class': 'f1_weighted'},\\ \\n 'roc_auc':{'binary_class': 'roc_auc', 'multi_class': 'roc_auc_ovr_weighted'}\\ \\n }\\ \\n if (score_param.lower() == 'roc_auc') and (class_count > 2):\\ \\n score_param = make_scorer(roc_auc_score, needs_proba=True,multi_class='ovr',average='weighted')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n class_type = 'binary_class' if class_count == 2 else 'multi_class'\\ \\n if score_param in scorer_mapping.keys():\\ \\n score_param = scorer_mapping[score_param][class_type]\\ \\n else:\\ \\n score_param = 'accuracy'\\ \\n return score_param"}, 'log_dataframe':{'name':'log_dataframe','code':f"\\n\\ \\ndef log_dataframe(df, msg=None):\\ \\n import io\\ \\n buffer = io.StringIO()\\ \\n\\ \\n if msg:\\ \\n log_text = f'Data frame after {{msg}}:'\\ \\n else:\\ \\n log_text = 'Data frame:'\\ \\n log_text += '\\\\n\\\\t'+str(df.head(2)).replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t')\\ \\n log_text += ('\\\\n\\\\t' + buffer.getvalue().replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t'))\\ \\n get_logger().info(log_text)"}, 'BayesSearchCV':{'name':'BayesSearchCV','imports':[{'mod':'cross_val_score','mod_from':'sklearn.model_selection'},{'mod':'fmin','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'tpe','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'hp','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'STATUS_OK','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'Trials','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'numpy','mod_as':'np'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\nclass BayesSearchCV():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self, estimator, params
, scoring, n_iter, cv):\\ \\n self.estimator = estimator\\ \\n self.params = params\\ \\n self.scoring = scoring\\ \\n self.iteration = n_iter\\ \\n = cv\\ \\n self.best_estimator_ = None\\ \\n self.best_score_ = None\\ \\n self.best_params_ = None\\ \\n\\ \\n def __min_fun(self, params):\\ \\n score=cross_val_score(self.estimator, self.X, self.y,scoring=self.scoring,\\ \\n acc = score.mean()\\ \\n return {'loss':-acc,'score': acc, 'status': STATUS_OK,'model' :self.estimator,'params': params}\\ \\n\\ \\n def fit(self, X, y):\\ \\n trials = Trials()\\ \\n self.X = X\\ \\n self.y = y\\ \\n best = fmin(self.__min_fun,self.params,algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=self.iteration, trials=trials)\\ \\n result = sorted(trials.results, key = lambda x: x['loss'])[0]\\ \\n self.best_estimator_ = result['model']\\ \\n self.best_score_ = result['score']\\ \\n self.best_params_ = result['params']\\ \\n, y)\\ \\n\\ \\n def hyperOptParamConversion( paramSpace):\\ \\n paramDict = {}\\ \\n for j in list(paramSpace.keys()):\\ \\n inp = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n isLog = False\\ \\n isLin = False\\ \\n isRan = False\\ \\n isList = False\\ \\n isString = False\\ \\n try:\\ \\n # check if functions are given as input and reassign paramspace\\ \\n v = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n if 'logspace' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isLog = True\\ \\n elif 'linspace' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isLin = True\\ \\n elif 'range' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isRan = True\\ \\n elif 'list' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isList = True\\ \\n elif '[' and ']' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isList = True\\ \\n x = paramSpace[j].split(',')\\ \\n except:\\ \\n x = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n str_arg = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n\\ \\n # check if arguments are string\\ \\n try:\\ \\n test = eval(x[0])\\ \\n except:\\ \\n isString = True\\ \\n\\ \\n if isString:\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, x)})\\ \\n else:\\ \\n res = eval(str_arg)\\ \\n if isLin:\\ \\n y = eval('np.linspace' + str(res))\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.uniform(j, eval(x[0]), eval(x[1]))})\\ \\n elif isLog:\\ \\n y = eval('np.logspace' + str(res))\\ \\n paramDict.update(\\ \\n {j: hp.uniform(j, 10 ** eval(x[0]), 10 ** eval(x[1]))})\\ \\n elif isRan:\\ \\n y = eval('np.arange' + str(res))\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, y)})\\ \\n # check datatype of argument\\ \\n elif isinstance(eval(x[0]), bool):\\ \\n y = list(map(lambda i: eval(i), x))\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, eval(str(y)))})\\ \\n elif isinstance(eval(x[0]), float):\\ \\n res = eval(str_arg)\\ \\n if len(str_arg.split(',')) == 3 and not isList:\\ \\n y = eval('np.linspace' + str(res))\\ \\n #print(y)\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.uniform(j, eval(x[0]), eval(x[1]))})\\ \\n else:\\ \\n y = list(res) if isinstance(res, tuple) else [res]\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, y)})\\ \\n else:\\ \\n res = eval(str_arg)\\ \\n if len(str_arg.split(',')) == 3 and not isList:\\ \\n y = eval('np.linspace' +str(res)) if eval(x[2]) >= eval(x[1]) else eval('np.arange'+str(res))\\ \\n else:\\ \\n y = list(res) if isinstance(res, tuple) else [res]\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, y)})\\ \\n return paramDict"}, 's2n':{'name':'s2n','imports':[{'mod':'word2number','mod_as':'w2n'},{'mod':'numpy','mod_as':'np'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef s2n(value):\\ \\n try:\\ \\n x=eval(value)\\ \\n return x\\ \\n except:\\ \\n try:\\ \\n return w2n.word_to_num(value)\\ \\n except:\\ \\n return np.nan"}, 'readWrite':{'name':'readWrite','imports':[{'mod':'json'},{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef read_json(file_path):\\ \\n data = None\\ \\n with open(file_path,'r') as f:\\ \\n data = json.load(f)\\ \\n return data\\ \\n\\ \\ndef write_json(data, file_path):\\ \\n with open(file_path,'w') as f:\\ \\n json.dump(data, f)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef read_data(file_path, encoding='utf-8', sep=','):\\ \\n return pd.read_csv(file_path, encoding=encoding, sep=sep)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n return data.to_csv(file_path, index=index)\\ \\n\\ \\n#Uncomment and change below code for google storage\\ \\n#def write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n# file_name=\\ \\n# data.to_csv('output_data.csv')\\ \\n# storage_client = storage.Client()\\ \\n# bucket = storage_client.bucket('aion_data')\\ \\n# bucket.blob('prediction/'+file_name).upload_from_filename('output_data.csv', content_type='text/csv')\\ \\n# return data\\ \\n\\ \\ndef is_file_name_url(file_name):\\ \\n supported_urls_starts_with = ('gs://','https://','http://')\\ \\n return file_name.startswith(supported_urls_starts_with)\\ \\n"}, 'logger':{'name':'set_logger','imports':[{'mod':'logging'}],'code':f"\\n\\ \\nlog = None\\ \\ndef set_logger(log_file, mode='a'):\\ \\n global log\\ \\n logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, filemode=mode, format='%(asctime)s %(name)s- %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')\\ \\n log = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__)\\ \\n return log\\ \\n\\ \\ndef get_logger():\\ \\n return log\\n"}, 'mlflowSetPath':{'name':'mlflowSetPath','code':f"\\n\\ndef mlflowSetPath(path, name):\\ \\n{}db_name = str(Path(path)/'mlruns')\\ \\n{}mlflow.set_tracking_uri('file:///' + db_name)\\ \\n{}mlflow.set_experiment(str(Path(path).name))\\ \\n"}, 'mlflow_create_experiment':{'name':'mlflow_create_experiment','code':f"\\n\\ndef mlflow_create_experiment(config, path, name):\\ \\n{}tracking_uri, artifact_uri, registry_uri = get_mlflow_uris(config, path)\\ \\n{}mlflow.tracking.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n{}mlflow.tracking.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n{}client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()\\ \\n{}experiment = client.get_experiment_by_name(name)\\ \\n{}if experiment:\\ \\n{}{}experiment_id = experiment.experiment_id\\ \\n{}else:\\ \\n{}{}experiment_id = client.create_experiment(name, artifact_uri)\\ \\n{}return client, experiment_id\\ \\n"}, 'get_mlflow_uris':{'name':'get_mlflow_uris','code':f"\\n\\ndef get_mlflow_uris(config, path):\\ \\n artifact_uri = None\\ \\n tracking_uri_type = config.get('tracking_uri_type',None)\\ \\n if tracking_uri_type == 'localDB':\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(path.resolve()/'mlruns.db')\\ \\n elif tracking_uri_type == 'server' and config.get('tracking_uri', None):\\ \\n tracking_uri = config['tracking_uri']\\ \\n if config.get('artifacts_uri', None):\\ \\n if Path(config['artifacts_uri']).exists():\\ \\n artifact_uri = 'file:' + config['artifacts_uri']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n artifact_uri = config['artifacts_uri']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n artifact_uri = 'file:' + str(path.resolve()/'mlruns')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'file:' + str(path.resolve()/'mlruns')\\ \\n artifact_uri = None\\ \\n if config.get('registry_uri', None):\\ \\n registry_uri = config['registry_uri']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(path.resolve()/'registry.db')\\ \\n return tracking_uri, artifact_uri, registry_uri\\ \\n"}, 'logMlflow':{'name':'logMlflow','code':f"\\n\\ndef logMlflow( params, metrices, estimator,tags={{}}, algoName=None):\\ \\n{}run_id = None\\ \\n{}for k,v in params.items():\\ \\n{}{}mlflow.log_param(k, v)\\ \\n{}for k,v in metrices.items():\\ \\n{}{}mlflow.log_metric(k, v)\\ \\n{}if 'CatBoost' in algoName:\\ \\n{}{}model_info = mlflow.catboost.log_model(estimator, 'model')\\ \\n{}else:\\ \\n{}{}model_info = mlflow.sklearn.log_model(sk_model=estimator, artifact_path='model')\\ \\n{}tags['processed'] = 'no'\\ \\n{}tags['registered'] = 'no'\\ \\n{}mlflow.set_tags(tags)\\ \\n{}if model_info:\\ \\n{}{}run_id = model_info.run_id\\ \\n{}return run_id\\ \\n"}, 'classification_metrices':{'name':'classification_metrices','imports':[{'mod':'sklearn'},{'mod':'math'}],'code':"\\ndef get_classification_metrices( actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n accuracy_score = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values)\\ \\n avg_precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_f1 = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n\\ \\n result['accuracy'] = math.floor(accuracy_score*10000
)/100\\ \\n result['precision'] = math.floor(avg_precision*10000)/100\\ \\n result['recall'] = math.floor(avg_recall*10000)/100\\ \\n result['f1'] = math.floor(avg_f1*10000)/100\\ \\n return result\\ \\n"}, 'regression_metrices':{'name':'regression_metrices','imports':[{'mod':'numpy', 'mod_as':'np'}],'code':"\\ndef get_regression_metrices( actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n\\ \\n me = np.mean(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n sde = np.std(predicted_values - actual_values, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_err = np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n mae = np.mean(abs_err)\\ \\n sdae = np.std(abs_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_perc_err = 100.*np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values) / actual_values\\ \\n mape = np.mean(abs_perc_err)\\ \\n sdape = np.std(abs_perc_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n result['mean_error'] = me\\ \\n result['mean_abs_error'] = mae\\ \\n result['mean_abs_perc_error'] = mape\\ \\n result['error_std'] = sde\\ \\n result['abs_error_std'] = sdae\\ \\n result['abs_perc_error_std'] = sdape\\ \\n return result\\ \\n"} } def add_function(self, name, importer=None): if name in self.available_functions.keys(): self.codeText += self.available_functions[name]['code'] if importer: if 'imports' in self.available_functions[name].keys(): for module in self.available_functions[name]['imports']: mod_name = module['mod'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) def get_function_name(self, name): if name in self.available_functions.keys(): return self.available_functions[name]['name'] return None def getCode(self): return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from importlib.metadata import version import sys class importModule(): def __init__(self): self.importModule = {} self.stdlibModule = [] self.localModule = {} def addLocalModule(self,module, mod_from=None, mod_as=None): if module == '*': if module not in self.localModule.keys(): self.localModule[module]= [mod_from] else: self.localModule[module].append(mod_from) elif module not in self.localModule.keys(): self.localModule[module] = {'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as} def addModule(self, module, mod_from=None, mod_as=None): if module not in self.importModule.keys(): self.importModule[module] = {'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as} if module in sys.stdlib_module_names: self.stdlibModule.append(module) elif isinstance(self.importModule[module], list): if mod_as not in [x['as'] for x in self.importModule[module]]: self.importModule[module].append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) elif mod_as not in [x['from'] for x in self.importModule[module]]: self.importModule[module].append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) elif mod_as != self.importModule[module]['as']: as_list = [self.importModule[module]] as_list.append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) self.importModule[module] = as_list elif mod_from != self.importModule[module]['from']: as_list = [self.importModule[module]] as_list.append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) self.importModule[module] = as_list def getModules(self): return (self.importModule, self.stdlibModule) def getBaseModule(self, extra_importers=[]): modules_alias = { 'sklearn':'scikit-learn', 'genetic_selection':'sklearn-genetic', 'google': 'google-cloud-storage', 'azure':'azure-storage-file-datalake'} local_modules = {'AIX':'/app/AIX-0.1-py3-none-any.whl'} modules = [] require = "" if extra_importers: extra_importers = [importer.importModule for importer in extra_importers if isinstance(importer, importModule)] importers_module = [self.importModule] + extra_importers for importer_module in importers_module: for k,v in importer_module.items(): if v['from']: mod = v['from'].split('.')[0] else: mod = k if mod in modules_alias.keys(): mod = modules_alias[mod] modules.append(mod) modules = list(set(modules)) for mod in modules: try: if mod in local_modules.keys(): require += f"{local_modules[mod]}\\n" else: require += f"{mod}=={version(mod)}\\n" except : if mod not in sys.stdlib_module_names: raise return require def getCode(self): def to_string(k, v): mod = '' if v['from']: mod += 'from {} '.format(v['from']) mod += 'import {}'.format(k) if v['as']: mod += ' as {} '.format(v['as']) return mod modules = "" local_modules = "" std_lib_modules = "" third_party_modules = "" for k,v in self.importModule.items(): if k in self.stdlibModule: std_lib_modules = std_lib_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, v) elif isinstance(v, dict): third_party_modules = third_party_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, v) elif isinstance(v, list): for alias in v: third_party_modules = third_party_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, alias) for k,v in self.localModule.items(): if k != '*': local_modules = local_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, v) else: for mod_from in v: local_modules = local_modules + '\\n' + f'from {mod_from} import {k}' if std_lib_modules: modules = modules + "\\n#Standard Library modules" + std_lib_modules if third_party_modules: modules = modules + "\\n\\n#Third Party modules" + third_party_modules if local_modules: modules = modules + "\\n\\n#local modules" + local_modules + '\\n' return modules def copyCode(self, importer): self.importModule, self.stdlibModule = importer.getModules() <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class learner(): def __init__(self, problem_type="classification", target_feature="", sample_method=None,indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.df_name = 'df' self.problem_type = problem_type self.target_feature = target_feature self.search_space = [] self.codeText = f"\\ndef train(log):" self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.function_code = '' self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'featureEngineeredData.dat','testData' : 'test.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','monitor':'monitoring.json','log' : 'aion.log'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config" return text def __addSaveModelCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef save_model( experiment_id, estimator, features, metrices, params,tags, scoring):\\ \\n # mlflow log model, metrices and parameters\\ \\n with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id = experiment_id, run_name = model_name):\\ \\n return logMlflow(params, metrices, estimator, tags, model_name.split('_')[0])" return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() self.function_code += self.__addSaveModelCode() def getPrefixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ] return modules def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\ \\n config = validateConfig()\\ \\n targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath']\\ \\n if not targetPath.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist')\\ \\n meta_data_file = targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']\\ \\n if meta_data_file.exists():\\ \\n meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}')\\ \\n log_file = targetPath/IOFiles['log']\\ \\n log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem)\\ \\n dataLoc = targetPath/IOFiles['inputData']\\ \\n if not dataLoc.exists():\\ \\n return {'Status':'Failure','Message':'Data location does not exists.'}\\ \\n\\ \\n status = dict()\\ \\n usecase = config['targetPath']\\ \\n df = pd.read_csv(dataLoc)\\ \\n prev_step_output = meta_data['featureengineering']['Status']" def getSuffixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'platform'} ,{'module':'time'} ,{'module':'mlflow'} ] return modules def add_100_trainsize_code(self): self.codeText +="\\n\\ \\n else:\\ \\n test_score = train_score\\ \\n metrices = {}" def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\n meta_data['training'] = {}\\ \\n meta_data['training']['features'] = features\\ \\n scoring = config['scoring_criteria']\\ \\n tags = {'estimator_name': model_name}\\ \\n monitoring_data = read_json(targetPath/IOFiles['monitor'])\\ \\n mlflow_default_config = {'artifacts_uri':'','tracking_uri_type':'','tracking_uri':'','registry_uri':''}\\ \\n mlflow_client, experiment_id = mlflow_create_experiment(monitoring_data.get('mlflow_config',mlflow_default_config), targetPath, usecase)\\ \\n run_id = save_model(experiment_id, estimator,features, metrices,best_params,tags,scoring)\\ \\n write_json(meta_data, targetPath/IOFiles['metaDataOutput'])\\ \\n write_json({'scoring_criteria': scoring, 'metrices':metrices, 'param':best_params}, targetPath/IOFiles['performance'])\\ \\n\\ \\n # return status\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','mlflow_run_id':run_id,'FeaturesUsed':features,'test_score':metrices['test_score'],'train
_score':metrices['train_score']}\\ \\n'Test score: {test_score}')\\ \\n'Train score: {train_score}')\\ \\n'MLflow run id: {run_id}')\\ \\n'output: {status}')\\ \\n return json.dumps(status)" def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'sys'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ] return modules def addMainCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n log = None\\ \\n try:\\ \\n print(train(log))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n if log:\\ \\n log.error(e, exc_info=True)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print(json.dumps(status))\\ " def add_variable(self, name, value, indent=1): if isinstance(value, str): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{name} = '{value}'" else: self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{name} = {value}" def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" def add_search_space_w(self, algoritms): for model, params in algoritms.items(): d = {'clf': f"[{model}()]"} for k,v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, str): d[f'clf__{k}']=f"'{v}'" else: d[f'clf__{k}']= f"{v}" self.search_space.append(d) def add_search_space(self, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{}search_space = config['search_space']" def add_train_test_split(self, train_feature, target_feature,test_ratio, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\n # split the data for training\\ \\n selected_features = prev_step_output['selected_features']\\ \\n target_feature = config['target_feature']\\ \\n train_features = prev_step_output['total_features'].copy()\\ \\n train_features.remove(target_feature)\\ \\n X_train = df[train_features]\\ \\n y_train = df[target_feature]\\ \\n if config['test_ratio'] > 0.0:\\ \\n test_data = read_data(targetPath/IOFiles['testData'])\\ \\n X_test = test_data[train_features]\\ \\n y_test = test_data[target_feature]\\ \\n else:\\ \\n X_test = pd.DataFrame()\\ \\n y_test = pd.DataFrame()" def add_model_fit(self, estimator, optimizer, selector_method, importer, indent=1): # need to adjust the indent importer.addModule('importlib') importer.addModule('operator') text = f"\\n features = selected_features['{selector_method}']\\ \\n estimator = {estimator}()\\ \\n param = config['algorithms']['{estimator}']" if optimizer == 'GridSearchCV': text += "\\n grid = GridSearchCV(estimator, param,cv=config['optimization_param']['trainTestCVSplit'])\\ \\n[features], y_train)\\ \\n train_score = grid.best_score_ * 100\\ \\n best_params = grid.best_params_\\ \\n estimator = grid.best_estimator_" elif optimizer == 'GeneticSelectionCV': text += "\\n grid = GeneticSelectionCV(estimator, scoring=scorer, n_generations=config['optimization_param']['iterations'],cv=config['optimization_param']['trainTestCVSplit'],n_population=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['n_population'],crossover_proba=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['crossover_proba'],mutation_proba=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['mutation_proba'],crossover_independent_proba=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['crossover_independent_proba'],mutation_independent_proba=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['mutation_independent_proba'],tournament_size=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['tournament_size'],n_gen_no_change=config['optimization_param']['geneticparams']['n_gen_no_change'])\\ \\n[features], y_train)\\ \\n train_score = grid.score(X_train[features], y_train)\\ \\n best_params = grid.estimator_.get_params()\\ \\n estimator = grid.estimator_" else: text += f"\\n grid = {optimizer}(estimator, param, scoring=scorer, n_iter=config['optimization_param']['iterations'],cv=config['optimization_param']['trainTestCVSplit'])\\ \\n[features], y_train)\\ \\n train_score = grid.best_score_ * 100\\ \\n best_params = grid.best_params_\\ \\n estimator = grid.best_estimator_" self.codeText += text def addLearner(self, model_name, params, importer, indent=1): importer.addModule('Pipeline', mod_from='sklearn.pipeline') importer.addModule('ColumnTransformer', mod_from='sklearn.compose') importer.addModule('confusion_matrix', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') model_params = [] for k,v in params.items(): if isinstance(v, str): model_params.append(f"{k}='{v}'") else: model_params.append(f"{k}={v}") model_params = ",".join(model_params) self.codeText += self.getTransformer() text = f"\\n{ * indent}pipeline = Pipeline(steps = [('preprocessor', preprocessor),('learner',{model_name}({model_params}))])" self.codeText += text self.codeText += self.splitTargetFeature(importer) if self.balancing: self.codeText += self.balancingCode(importer) self.codeText += self.fitModelCode(importer) def splitTargetFeature(self, importer, indent=1): importer.addModule('train_test_split', mod_from='sklearn.model_selection') return f"\\n{ * indent}target = df['{self.target_feature}']\\ \\n{ * indent}df = df.drop(['{self.target_feature}'], axis=1)\\ \\n{ * indent}X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df,target, train_size = percentage/100.0)" def getCode_remove(self, model_name=None, indent=1): return self.codeText def getDFName(self): return self.df_name def copyCode(self, learner): self.codeText = learner.getCode() <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ class input_drift(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = '' def addInputDriftClass(self): text = "\\ \\nclass inputdrift():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self,base_config):\\ \\n self.usecase = base_config['modelName'] + '_' + base_config['modelVersion']\\ \\n self.currentDataLocation = base_config['currentDataLocation']\\ \\n home = Path.home()\\ \\n if platform.system() == 'Windows':\\ \\n from pathlib import WindowsPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n else:\\ \\n from pathlib import PosixPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n if not output_model_dir.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found at {output_model_dir}')\\ \\n\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'file:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns')\\ \\n registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns.db')\\ \\n mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n mlflow.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient(\\ \\n tracking_uri=tracking_uri,\\ \\n registry_uri=registry_uri,\\ \\n )\\ \\n model_version_uri = 'models:/{model_name}/production'.format(model_name=self.usecase)\\ \\n model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_version_uri)\\ \\n run = client.get_run(model.metadata.run_id)\\ \\n if'file:'):\\ \\n artifact_path = Path([len('file:///') : ])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n artifact_path = Path(\\ \\n self.trainingDataPath = artifact_path/(self.usecase + '_data.csv')\\ \\n\\ \\n def get_input_drift(self,current_data, historical_data):\\ \\n curr_num_feat = current_data.select_dtypes(include='number')\\ \\n hist_num_feat = historical_data.select_dtypes(include='number')\\ \\n num_features = [feat for feat in historical_data.columns if feat in curr_num_feat]\\ \\n alert_count = 0\\ \\n data = {\\ \\n 'current':{'data':current_data},\\ \\n 'hist': {'data': historical_data}\\ \\n }\\ \\n dist_changed_columns = []\\ \\n dist_change_message = []\\ \\n for feature in num_features:\\ \\n curr_static_value = st.ks_2samp( hist_num_feat[feature], curr_num_feat[feature]).pvalue\\ \\n if (curr_static_value < 0.05):\\ \\n distribution = {}\\ \\n distribution['hist'] = self.DistributionFinder( historical_data[feature])\\ \\n distribution['curr'] = self.DistributionFinder( current_data[feature])\\ \\n if(distribution['hist']['name'] == distribution['curr']['name']):\\ \\n pass\\ \\n else:\\ \\n alert_count = alert_count + 1\\ \\n dist_changed_columns.append(feature)\\ \\n changed_column = {}\\ \\n changed_column['Feature'] = feature\\ \\n changed_column['KS_Training'] = curr_static_value\\ \\n changed_column['Training_Distribution'] = distribution['hist']['name']\\ \\n changed_column['New_Distribution'] = distribution['curr']['name']\\ \\n dist_change_message.append(changed_column)\\ \\n if alert_count:\\ \\n resultStatus = dist_change_message\\ \\n else :\\ \\n resultStatus='Model is working as expected'\\ \\n return(alert_count, resultStatus)\\ \\n\\ \\n def DistributionFinder(self,data):\\ \\n best_distribution =''\\ \\n best_sse =0.0\\ \\n if(data.dtype in ['int','int64']):\\ \\n distributions= {'bernoulli':{'algo':st.bernoulli},\\ \\n 'binom':{'algo':st.binom},\\ \\n 'geom':{'algo':st.geom},\\ \\n 'nbinom':{'algo':st.nbinom},\\ \\n 'poisson':{'algo':st.poisson}\\ \\n }\\ \\n index, counts = np.unique(data.astype(int),return_counts=True)\\ \\n if(len(index)>=2):\\ \\n best_sse = np.inf\\ \\n y1=[]\\ \\n total=sum(counts)\\ \\n mean=float(sum(index*counts))/total\\ \\n variance=float((sum(index**2*counts) -total*mean**2))/(total-1)\\ \\n dispersion=mean/float(variance)\\ \\n theta=1/float(dispersion)\\ \\n r=mean*(float(theta)/1-theta)\\ \\n\\ \\n for j in counts:\\ \\n y1.append(float(j)/total)\\ \\n distributions['bernoulli']['pmf'] = distributions['bernoulli']['algo'].pmf(index,mean)\\ \\n distributions['binom']['pmf'] = distributions['binom']['algo'].pmf(index,len(index),p=mean/len(index))\\ \\n distributions['geom']['pmf'] = distributions['geom']['algo'].pmf(index,1/float(1+mean))\\ \\n distributions['nbinom']['pmf'] = distributions['nbinom']['algo'].pmf(index,mean,r)\\ \\n distributions['poisson']['pmf'] = distributions['poisson']['algo'].pmf(index,mean)\\ \\n\\ \\n sselist = []\\ \\n for dist in distributions.keys():\\ \\n distributions[dist]['sess'] = np.sum(np.power(y1 - distributions[dist]['pmf'], 2.0))\\ \\n if np.isnan(distributions[dist]['s
ess']):\\ \\n distributions[dist]['sess'] = float('inf')\\ \\n best_dist = min(distributions, key=lambda v: distributions[v]['sess'])\\ \\n best_distribution = best_dist\\ \\n best_sse = distributions[best_dist]['sess']\\ \\n\\ \\n elif (len(index) == 1):\\ \\n best_distribution = 'Constant Data-No Distribution'\\ \\n best_sse = 0.0\\ \\n elif(data.dtype in ['float64','float32']):\\ \\n distributions = [st.uniform,st.expon,st.weibull_max,st.weibull_min,st.chi,st.norm,st.lognorm,st.t,st.gamma,st.beta]\\ \\n best_distribution =\\ \\n best_sse = np.inf\\ \\n nrange = data.max() - data.min()\\ \\n\\ \\n y, x = np.histogram(data.astype(float), bins='auto', density=True)\\ \\n x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0\\ \\n\\ \\n for distribution in distributions:\\ \\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\\ \\n warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')\\ \\n params =\\ \\n arg = params[:-2]\\ \\n loc = params[-2]\\ \\n scale = params[-1]\\ \\n pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)\\ \\n sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0))\\ \\n if( sse < best_sse):\\ \\n best_distribution =\\ \\n best_sse = sse\\ \\n\\ \\n return {'name':best_distribution, 'sse': best_sse}\\ \\n\\ " return text def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): text ="\\n\\ \\ndef check_drift( config):\\ \\n inputdriftObj = inputdrift(config)\\ \\n historicaldataFrame=pd.read_csv(inputdriftObj.trainingDataPath)\\ \\n currentdataFrame=pd.read_csv(inputdriftObj.currentDataLocation)\\ \\n dataalertcount,message = inputdriftObj.get_input_drift(currentdataFrame,historicaldataFrame)\\ \\n if message == 'Model is working as expected':\\ \\n output_json = {'status':'SUCCESS','data':{'Message':'Model is working as expected'}}\\ \\n else:\\ \\n output_json = {'status':'SUCCESS','data':{'Affected Columns':message}}\\ \\n return(output_json)\\ \\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n try:\\ \\n if len(sys.argv) < 2:\\ \\n raise ValueError('config file not present')\\ \\n config = sys.argv[1]\\ \\n if Path(config).is_file() and Path(config).suffix == '.json':\\ \\n with open(config, 'r') as f:\\ \\n config = json.load(f)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n config = json.loads(config)\\ \\n output = check_drift(config)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','Message':output}\\ \\n print('input_drift:'+json.dumps(status))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print('input_drift:'+json.dumps(status))" return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def generateCode(self): self.codeText += self.addInputDriftClass() self.codeText += self.addSuffixCode() def getCode(self): return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class tabularDataReader(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.function_code = '' self.codeText = '' self.code_generated = False def getInputFiles(self): IOFiles = { "rawData": "rawData.dat", "metaData" : "modelMetaData.json", "log" : "aion.log", "outputData" : "rawData.dat", "monitoring":"monitoring.json", "prodData": "prodData", "prodDataGT":"prodDataGT" } text = 'IOFiles = ' if not IOFiles: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(IOFiles, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): output_files = { 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json', 'log' : 'aion.log', 'outputData' : 'rawData.dat' } text = 'output_file = ' if not output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n if not config['targetPath']:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Target Path is not configured')\\ \\n return config" return text def addMainCode(self): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n log = None\\ \\n try:\\ \\n print(load_data(log))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n if log:\\ \\n log.getLogger().error(e, exc_info=True)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print(json.dumps(status))\\ \\n raise Exception(str(e))\\ " def addLoadDataCode(self): self.codeText += """ #This function will read the data and save the data on persistent storage def load_data(log): config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath'] targetPath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log_file = targetPath/IOFiles['log'] log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) monitoring = targetPath/IOFiles['monitoring'] if monitoring.exists(): monitoringStatus = read_json(monitoring) if monitoringStatus['dataLocation'] == '' and monitoringStatus['driftStatus'] != 'No Drift': reader = dataReader(reader_type=monitoring_data.get('prod_db_type','sqlite'),target_path=targetPath, config=config.get('db_config',None)) raw_data_location = targetPath/IOFiles['rawData'] if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodData']) and reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodDataGT']): predicted_data =['prodData']) actual_data =['prodDataGT']) common_col = [k for k in predicted_data.columns.tolist() if k in actual_data.columns.tolist()] mergedRes = pd.merge(actual_data, predicted_data, on =common_col,how = 'inner') raw_data_path = pd.read_csv(raw_data_location) df = pd.concat([raw_data_path,mergedRes]) else: raise ValueError(f'Prod Data not found') elif monitoringStatus['dataLocation'] == '': raise ValueError(f'Data Location does not exist') else: if 's3' in monitoringStatus.keys(): input_reader = dataReader(reader_type='s3',target_path=None, config=monitoringStatus['s3'])"Downloading '{monitoringStatus['s3']['file_name']}' from s3 bucket '{monitoringStatus['s3']['bucket_name']}'") df =['s3']['file_name']) else: location = monitoringStatus['dataLocation']'Dataset path: {location}') df = read_data(location) else: raise ValueError(f'Monitoring.json does not exist') status = {} output_data_path = targetPath/IOFiles['outputData'] log.log_dataframe(df) required_features = list(set(config['selected_features'] + [config['target_feature']]))'Dataset features required: ' + ','.join(required_features)) missing_features = [x for x in required_features if x not in df.columns.tolist()] if missing_features: raise ValueError(f'Some feature/s is/are missing: {missing_features}')'Removing unused features: '+','.join(list(set(df.columns) - set(required_features)))) df = df[required_features]'Required features: {required_features}') try:'Saving Dataset: {str(output_data_path)}') write_data(df, output_data_path, index=False) status = {'Status':'Success','DataFilePath':IOFiles['outputData'],'Records':len(df)} except: raise ValueError('Unable to create data file') meta_data_file = targetPath/IOFiles['metaData'] meta_data = dict() meta_data['load_data'] = {} meta_data['load_data']['selected_features'] = [x for x in config['selected_features'] if x != config['target_feature']] meta_data['load_data']['Status'] = status write_json(meta_data, meta_data_file) output = json.dumps(status) return output """ def addValidateConfigCode(self, indent=1): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def generateCode(self): self.addValidateConfigCode() self.addLoadDataCode() self.addMainCode() self.code_generated = True def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): if not self.code_generated: self.generateCode() return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class drift(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = '' def getInputFiles(self): IOFiles = { "log": "aion.log", "trainingData":"rawData.dat", "production": "production.json", "monitoring":"monitoring.json", "prodData": "prodData", "prodDataGT":"prodDataGT" } text = 'IOFiles = ' if not IOFiles: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(IOFiles, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): return self.codeText # temporary code def get_input_drift_import_modules(self): return [ {'module': 'sys', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'mlflow', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'stats', 'mod_from': 'scipy', 'mod_as': 'st'}, {'module': 'numpy', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'np'}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'warnings', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None } ] def get_input_drift_code(self): return """ class inputdrift(): def __init__(self,base_config): if 'mlflowURL' in base_config: self.usecase = base_config['modelName'] + '_' + base_config['modelVersion'] self.currentDataLocation = base_config['currentDataLocation'] home = Path.home() if platform.system() == 'Windows': from pathlib import WindowsPath output_data_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data' output_model_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase else: from pathlib import PosixPath output_data_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data' output_model_dir = Posix
Path(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase if not output_model_dir.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found at {output_model_dir}') tracking_uri = 'file:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns') registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns.db') mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri) mlflow.set_registry_uri(registry_uri) client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient( tracking_uri=tracking_uri, registry_uri=registry_uri, ) model_version_uri = 'models:/{model_name}/production'.format(model_name=self.usecase) model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_version_uri) run = client.get_run(model.metadata.run_id) if'file:'): artifact_path = Path([len('file:///') : ]) else: artifact_path = Path( self.trainingDataPath = artifact_path/(self.usecase + '_data.csv') def get_input_drift(self,current_data, historical_data): curr_num_feat = current_data.select_dtypes(include='number') hist_num_feat = historical_data.select_dtypes(include='number') num_features = [feat for feat in historical_data.columns if feat in curr_num_feat] alert_count = 0 data = { 'current':{'data':current_data}, 'hist': {'data': historical_data} } dist_changed_columns = [] dist_change_message = [] for feature in num_features: curr_static_value = round(st.ks_2samp( hist_num_feat[feature], curr_num_feat[feature]).pvalue,3) if (curr_static_value < 0.05): try: distribution = {} distribution['hist'] = self.DistributionFinder( historical_data[feature]) distribution['curr'] = self.DistributionFinder( current_data[feature]) if(distribution['hist']['name'] == distribution['curr']['name']): pass else: alert_count = alert_count + 1 dist_changed_columns.append(feature) changed_column = {} changed_column['Feature'] = feature changed_column['KS_Training'] = curr_static_value changed_column['Training_Distribution'] = distribution['hist']['name'] changed_column['New_Distribution'] = distribution['curr']['name'] dist_change_message.append(changed_column) except: pass if alert_count: resultStatus = dist_change_message else : resultStatus='Model is working as expected' return(alert_count, resultStatus) def DistributionFinder(self,data): best_distribution ='' best_sse =0.0 if(data.dtype in ['int','int64']): distributions= {'bernoulli':{'algo':st.bernoulli}, 'binom':{'algo':st.binom}, 'geom':{'algo':st.geom}, 'nbinom':{'algo':st.nbinom}, 'poisson':{'algo':st.poisson} } index, counts = np.unique(data.astype(int),return_counts=True) if(len(index)>=2): best_sse = np.inf y1=[] total=sum(counts) mean=float(sum(index*counts))/total variance=float((sum(index**2*counts) -total*mean**2))/(total-1) dispersion=mean/float(variance) theta=1/float(dispersion) r=mean*(float(theta)/1-theta) for j in counts: y1.append(float(j)/total) distributions['bernoulli']['pmf'] = distributions['bernoulli']['algo'].pmf(index,mean) distributions['binom']['pmf'] = distributions['binom']['algo'].pmf(index,len(index),p=mean/len(index)) distributions['geom']['pmf'] = distributions['geom']['algo'].pmf(index,1/float(1+mean)) distributions['nbinom']['pmf'] = distributions['nbinom']['algo'].pmf(index,mean,r) distributions['poisson']['pmf'] = distributions['poisson']['algo'].pmf(index,mean) sselist = [] for dist in distributions.keys(): distributions[dist]['sess'] = np.sum(np.power(y1 - distributions[dist]['pmf'], 2.0)) if np.isnan(distributions[dist]['sess']): distributions[dist]['sess'] = float('inf') best_dist = min(distributions, key=lambda v: distributions[v]['sess']) best_distribution = best_dist best_sse = distributions[best_dist]['sess'] elif (len(index) == 1): best_distribution = 'Constant Data-No Distribution' best_sse = 0.0 elif(data.dtype in ['float64','float32']): distributions = [st.uniform,st.expon,st.weibull_max,st.weibull_min,st.chi,st.norm,st.lognorm,st.t,st.gamma,st.beta] best_distribution = best_sse = np.inf nrange = data.max() - data.min() y, x = np.histogram(data.astype(float), bins='auto', density=True) x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0 for distribution in distributions: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') params = arg = params[:-2] loc = params[-2] scale = params[-1] pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg) sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0)) if( sse < best_sse): best_distribution = best_sse = sse return {'name':best_distribution, 'sse': best_sse} def check_drift( config): inputdriftObj = inputdrift(config) historicaldataFrame=pd.read_csv(inputdriftObj.trainingDataPath,skipinitialspace = True,na_values=['-','?']) currentdataFrame=pd.read_csv(inputdriftObj.currentDataLocation,skipinitialspace = True,na_values=['-','?']) historicaldataFrame.columns = historicaldataFrame.columns.str.strip() currentdataFrame.columns = currentdataFrame.columns.str.strip() dataalertcount,message = inputdriftObj.get_input_drift(currentdataFrame,historicaldataFrame) if message == 'Model is working as expected': output_json = {'status':'SUCCESS','data':{'Message':'Model is working as expected'}} else: output_json = {'status':'SUCCESS','data':{'Affected Columns':message}} return(output_json) """ def get_main_drift_code(self, problem_type, smaller_is_better=True): text = '' if problem_type == 'classification': text += """ def is_drift_within_limits(production, current_matrices,scoring_criteria,threshold = 5): testscore = production['score'] current_score = current_matrices[scoring_criteria] threshold_value = testscore * threshold / 100.0 if current_score > (testscore - threshold_value) : return True else: return False def get_metrices(actual_values, predicted_values): from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_score from sklearn.metrics import recall_score from sklearn.metrics import f1_score result = {} accuracy_score = accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values) avg_precision = precision_score(actual_values, predicted_values, average='macro') avg_recall = recall_score(actual_values, predicted_values, average='macro') avg_f1 = f1_score(actual_values, predicted_values, average='macro') result['accuracy'] = round((accuracy_score*100),2) result['precision'] = round((avg_precision*100),2) result['recall'] = round((avg_recall*100),2) result['f1'] = round((avg_f1*100),2) return result """ else: text += """ def is_drift_within_limits(production, current_matrices,scoring_criteria,threshold = 5): testscore = production['score'] current_score = current_matrices[scoring_criteria] threshold_value = testscore * threshold / 100.0 """ if smaller_is_better: text += """ if current_score < (testscore + threshold_value) :""" else: text += """ if current_score > (testscore - threshold_value) :""" text += """ return True else: return False def get_metrices(actual_values, predicted_values): import numpy as np result = {} me = np.mean(predicted_values - actual_values) sde = np.std(predicted_values - actual_values, ddof = 1) abs_err = np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values) mae = np.mean(abs_err) sdae = np.std(abs_err, ddof = 1) abs_perc_err = 100.0 * np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values) / actual_values mape = np.mean(abs_perc_err) sdape = np.std(abs_perc_err, ddof = 1) result['mean_error'] = me result['mean_abs_error'] = mae result['mean_abs_perc_error'] = mape result['error_std'] = sde result['abs_error_std'] = sdae result['abs_perc_error_std'] = sdape return result """ text += """ def monitoring(config, log=None): targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath'] targetPath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log_file = targetPath/IOFiles['log'] log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) output_json = {} trainingDataLocation = targetPath/IOFiles['trainingData'] monitoring = targetPath/IOFiles['monitoring']'Input Location External: {config["inputUriExternal"]}') trainingStatus = 'False' dataFileLocation = '' driftStatus = 'No Drift' if monitoring.exists(): monitoring_data = read_json(monitoring) if monitoring_data.get('runNo', False): reader = dataReader(reader_type=monitoring_data.get('prod_db_type','sqlite'),target_path=targetPath, config=config.get('db_config',None)) production= targetPath/IOFiles['production'] proddataDF = pd.DataFrame() predicted_data = pd.DataFrame() if production.exists(): production = read_json(production) if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodData']) and reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodDataGT']): predicted_data =['prodData']) actual_data =['prodDataGT']) common_col = [k for k in predicted_data.columns.tolist() if k in actual_data.columns.tolist()] proddataDF = pd.merge(actual_data, predicted_data, on =common_col,how = 'inner') currentPerformance = {} currentPerformance = get_metrices(proddataDF[config['target_feature']], proddataDF['prediction']) if is_drift_within_limits(production, currentPerformance,config['scoring_criteria']):'OutputDrift: No output drift found') output_json.update({'outputDrift':'Model score is with in limits'}) else:'OutputDrift: Found Output Drift')'Original Test Score: {production["score"]}')'Current Score: {currentPerformance[config["scoring_criteria"]]}') output_json.update({'outputDrift':{'Meassage': 'Model output is drifted','trainedScore':production["score"], 'currentScore':currentPerformance[config["scoring_criteria"]]}}) trainingStatus = 'True' driftStatus = 'Output Drift' else: if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodData']): predicted_data =['prodData'])'OutputDrift: Prod Data not found') output_json.update({'outputDrift':'Prod Data not found'}) else:'Last Time pipeline not executed completely') output_json.update({'Msg':'Pipeline is not executed completely'}) trainingStatus = 'True' if config['inputUriExternal']: dataFileLocation = config['inputUriExternal'] elif 's3' in config.keys(): dataFileLocation = 'cloud' else: dataFileLocation = config['inputUri'] if trainingStatus == 'False': historicaldataFrame=pd.read_csv(trainingDataLocation) if config['inputUriExternal']: currentdataFrame=pd.read_csv(config['inputUriExternal']) elif not predicted_data.empty: currentdataFrame = predicted_data.copy() elif 's3' in config.keys(): reader = dataReader(reader_type='s3',target_path=config['targetPath'], config=config['s3']) currentdataFrame =['s3']['file_name']) else
: currentdataFrame=pd.read_csv(config['inputUri']) inputdriftObj = inputdrift(config) dataalertcount,inputdrift_message = inputdriftObj.get_input_drift(currentdataFrame,historicaldataFrame) if inputdrift_message == 'Model is working as expected':'InputDrift: No input drift found') output_json.update({'Status':'SUCCESS','inputDrift':'Model is working as expected'}) else:'InputDrift: Input drift found')'Affected Columns {inputdrift_message}') output_json.update({'inputDrift':{'Affected Columns':inputdrift_message}}) trainingStatus = 'True' driftStatus = 'Input Drift' if config['inputUriExternal']: dataFileLocation = config['inputUriExternal'] elif actual_data_path.exists() and predict_data_path.exists(): dataFileLocation = '' elif 's3' in config.keys(): dataFileLocation = 'cloud' else: dataFileLocation = config['inputUri'] else:'Pipeline Executing first Time') output_json.update({'Msg':'Pipeline executing first time'}) trainingStatus = 'True' if config['inputUriExternal']: dataFileLocation = config['inputUriExternal'] elif 's3' in config.keys(): dataFileLocation = 'cloud' else: dataFileLocation = config['inputUri'] else:'Pipeline Executing first Time') output_json.update({'Msg':'Pipeline executing first time'}) trainingStatus = 'True' if config['inputUriExternal']: dataFileLocation = config['inputUriExternal'] elif 's3' in config.keys(): dataFileLocation = 'cloud' else: dataFileLocation = config['inputUri'] if monitoring.exists(): monitoring_data['runNo'] = int(monitoring_data.get('runNo', '0')) + 1 else: monitoring_data = {} monitoring_data['runNo'] = 1 monitoring_data['prod_db_type'] = config.get('prod_db_type', 'sqlite') monitoring_data['db_config'] = config.get('db_config', {}) monitoring_data['mlflow_config'] = config.get('mlflow_config', None) if 's3' in config.keys(): monitoring_data['s3'] = config['s3'] monitoring_data['dataLocation'] = dataFileLocation monitoring_data['driftStatus'] = driftStatus write_json(monitoring_data,targetPath/IOFiles['monitoring']) output = {'Status':'SUCCESS'} output.update(output_json) return(json.dumps(output)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputUri', help='Training Data Location') args = parser.parse_args() config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json' if not Path(config_file).exists(): raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}') config = read_json(config_file) config['inputUriExternal'] = None if args.inputUri: if args.inputUri != '': config['inputUriExternal'] = args.inputUri log = None try: print(monitoring(config, log)) except Exception as e: if log: log.error(e, exc_info=True) status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) raise Exception(str(e)) """ return text<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class selector(): def __init__(self, indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.codeText = f"\\n\\ndef featureSelector(log):" self.pipe = 'pipe' self.code_generated = False self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.function_code = '' self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'transformedData.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','log' : 'aion.log','outputData' : 'featureEngineeredData.dat'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config" return text def addMainCode(self): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n log = None\\ \\n try:\\ \\n print(featureSelector(log))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n if log:\\ \\n log.error(e, exc_info=True)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print(json.dumps(status))\\ " def addValidateConfigCode(self, indent=1): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.addValidateConfigCode() def getPrefixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ] return modules def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\ \\n config = validateConfig()\\ \\n targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath']\\ \\n if not targetPath.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist')\\ \\n meta_data_file = targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']\\ \\n if meta_data_file.exists():\\ \\n meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}')\\ \\n log_file = targetPath/IOFiles['log']\\ \\n log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem)\\ \\n dataLoc = targetPath/IOFiles['inputData']\\ \\n if not dataLoc.exists():\\ \\n return {'Status':'Failure','Message':'Data location does not exists.'}\\ \\n\\ \\n status = dict()\\ \\n df = pd.read_csv(dataLoc)\\ \\n prev_step_output = meta_data['transformation']" def getSuffixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'platform'} ,{'module':'time'} ] return modules def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\ \\n csv_path = str(targetPath/IOFiles['outputData'])\\ \\n write_data(df, csv_path,index=False)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','DataFilePath':IOFiles['outputData'],'total_features':total_features, 'selected_features':selected_features}\\ \\n'Selected data saved at {csv_path}')\\ \\n meta_data['featureengineering']['Status'] = status\\ \\n write_json(meta_data, str(targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']))\\ \\n'output: {status}')\\ \\n return json.dumps(status)" def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'sys'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ,{'module':'argparse'} ] return modules def add_variable(self, name, value, indent=1): if isinstance(value, str): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{name} = '{value}'" else: self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{name} = {value}" def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" def modelBased(self, problem_type, indent=1): if problem_type == 'classification': self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}selector = SelectFromModel(ExtraTreesClassifier())" self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}selector()" if problem_type == 'regression': self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}pipe = Pipeline([('selector', SelectFromModel(Lasso()))])" self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}[train_features],df[target_feature])" self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}selected_features = [x for x,y in zip(train_features, selector.get_support()) if y]" self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}df = df[selected_features + [target_feature]]" def featureReductionBased(self, reducer, n_components, indent=1): if reducer == 'pca': if n_components == 0: self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}pipe = Pipeline([('selector', PCA(n_components='mle',svd_solver = 'full'))])" elif n_components < 1: self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}pipe = Pipeline([('selector', PCA(n_components={n_components},svd_solver = 'full'))])" else: self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}pipe = Pipeline([('selector', PCA(n_components=int({n_components})))])" self.codeText += "pipe.fit_transform(df)" def getPipe(self): return self.pipe <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from import * from .utility import * def run_output_drift(config): importer = importModule() drifter = output_drift(missing = get_variable('fillna', False), word2num_features= get_variable('word2num_features', False), cat_encoder = get_variable('cat_encoder', False),target_encoder = get_variable('target_encoder', False),normalizer = get_variable('normalizer', False),text_profiler = get_variable('text_features', False),feature_reducer = get_variable('feature_reducer', False),score_smaller_is_better = get_variable('smaller_is_better', False),problem_type=config['problem_type']) function = global_function() importer.addModule('sys') importer.addModule('math') importer.addModule('json') importer.addModule('platform') importer.addModule('joblib') importer.addModule('mlflow') importer.addModule('sklearn') importer.addModule('numpy', mod_as='np') importer.addModule('pandas', mod_as='pd') importer.addModule('Path', mod_from='pathlib') importer.addModule('InfluxDBClient', mod_from='influxdb') function.add_function('readWrite') code = file_header(config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion']) code += importer.getCode() code += function.getCode() drifter.generateCode() code += drifter.getCode() deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'OutputDrift' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) py_file = deploy_path/"" with open(py_file, "w") as f: f.write(code) req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: f.write(importer.getBaseModule()) create_docker_file('output_drift', deploy_path) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import shutil from pathlib import Path import json from
.core import * from .utility import * import tarfile output_file_map = { 'text' : {'text' : 'text_profiler.pkl'}, 'targetEncoder' : {'targetEncoder' : 'targetEncoder.pkl'}, 'featureEncoder' : {'featureEncoder' : 'inputEncoder.pkl'}, 'normalizer' : {'normalizer' : 'normalizer.pkl'} } def add_common_imports(importer): common_importes = [ {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'argparse', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None } ] for mod in common_importes: importer.addModule(mod['module'], mod_from=mod['mod_from'], mod_as=mod['mod_as']) def add_text_dependency(): return """nltk==3.6.3 textblob==0.15.3 spacy==3.1.3 demoji==1.1.0 bs4==0.0.1 text_unidecode==1.3 contractions==0.1.73 """ def get_transformer_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","train_features","text_features","profiler","test_ratio"] #Bugid 13217 data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_transformer(config): transformer = profiler() importer = importModule() function = global_function() importModules(importer, transformer.getPrefixModules()) importer.addModule('warnings') transformer.addPrefixCode() importer.addModule('train_test_split', mod_from='sklearn.model_selection') if config["problem_type"] == 'classification': importer.addModule('LabelEncoder', mod_from='sklearn.preprocessing') transformer.addInputFiles({'targetEncoder':'targetEncoder.pkl'}) update_variable('target_encoder', True) transformer.addStatement("train_data, test_data = train_test_split(df,stratify=df[target_feature],test_size=config['test_ratio'])",indent=2) #Bugid 13217 transformer.addStatement("profilerObj = profiler(xtrain=train_data, target=target_feature, encode_target=True, config=config['profiler'],log=log)") #Bugid 13217 else: transformer.addStatement("train_data, test_data = train_test_split(df,test_size=config['test_ratio'])",indent=2) transformer.addStatement("profilerObj = profiler(xtrain=train_data, target=target_feature, config=config['profiler'],log=log)") importModules(importer, transformer.getSuffixModules()) importModules(importer, transformer.getMainCodeModules()) transformer.addSuffixCode( config["problem_type"] == 'classification') transformer.addMainCode() usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'DataTransformation' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) generated_files = [] # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('transformer') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") # create the dataProfiler file profiler_importer = importModule() importer.addLocalModule('profiler', mod_from='dataProfiler') profiler_obj = data_profiler(profiler_importer, True if config["text_features"] else False) code_text = profiler_obj.get_code() # import statement will be generated when profiler_obj.get_code is called. # need to copy data profiler from AION code as code is splitted and merging code amnnually # can add bugs. need a better way to find the imported module #aion_transformer = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent/'transformations' aion_utilities = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent/'utilities' #added for non encryption --Usnish (deploy_path/'transformations').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not (aion_utilities/'transformations'/'').exists(): raise ValueError('Data profiler file removed from AION') shutil.copy(aion_utilities/'transformations'/'',deploy_path/"") shutil.copy(aion_utilities/'transformations'/'',deploy_path/"transformations"/"") if (deploy_path/'text').exists(): shutil.rmtree(deploy_path/'text') with'text.tar') as file: file.extractall(deploy_path) if (deploy_path/'utils').exists(): shutil.rmtree(deploy_path/'utils') with / 'utils.tar') as file: file.extractall(deploy_path) generated_files.append("") generated_files.append("transformations") generated_files.append("text") generated_files.append("utils") code = file_header(usecase) code += "\\nimport os\\nos.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir))\\n" #chdir to import from current dir code += importer.getCode() code += '\\nwarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += transformer.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() transformer.addLocalFunctionsCode() code += transformer.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer(), profiler_importer]) if config["text_features"]: req += add_text_dependency() f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_transformer_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('transformer', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files,True if config["text_features"] else False) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from import * from .utility import * def get_register_params(config, models): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] data['models'] = models return data def run_register(config): importer = importModule() function = global_function() registration = register(importer) function.add_function('get_mlflow_uris') models = get_variable('models_name') smaller_is_better = get_variable('smaller_is_better', False) registration.addClassCode(smaller_is_better) registration.addLocalFunctionsCode(models) registration.addPrefixCode() registration.addMainCode(models) importModules(importer, registration.getMainCodeModules()) importer.addModule('warnings') generated_files = [] usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'ModelRegistry' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('register') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file required for creating a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = registration.getImportCode() code += '\\nwarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += registration.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() code += registration.getCode() # create serving file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + code) generated_files.append("") # create requirements file req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") # create config file with open (deploy_path/"config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(get_register_params(config, models), f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") # create docker file create_docker_file('register', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import datetime from pathlib import Path variables = {} def init_variables(): global variables variables = {} def update_variable(name, value): variables[name] = value def get_variable(name, default=None): return variables.get(name, default) def append_variable(name, value): data = get_variable(name) if not data: update_variable(name, [value]) elif not isinstance(data, list): update_variable(name, [data, value]) else: data.append(value) update_variable(name, data) def addDropFeature(feature, features_list, coder, indent=1): coder.addStatement(f'if {feature} in {features_list}:', indent=indent) coder.addStatement(f'{features_list}.remove({feature})', indent=indent+1) def importModules(importer, modules_list): for module in modules_list: mod_from = module.get('mod_from',None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as',None) importer.addModule(module['module'], mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) def file_header(use_case, module_name=None): time_str ='seconds', sep=' ') text = "#!/usr/bin/env python\\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" return text + f"'''\\nThis file is automatically generated by AION for {use_case} usecase.\\nFile generation time: {time_str}\\n'''" def get_module_mapping(module): mapping = { "LogisticRegression": {'module':'LogisticRegression', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"GaussianNB": {'module':'GaussianNB', 'mod_from':'sklearn.naive_bayes'} ,"DecisionTreeClassifier": {'module':'DecisionTreeClassifier', 'mod_from':'sklearn.tree'} ,"SVC": {'module':'SVC', 'mod_from':'sklearn.svm'} ,"KNeighborsClassifier": {'module':'KNeighborsClassifier', 'mod_from':'sklearn.neighbors'} ,"GradientBoostingClassifier": {'module':'GradientBoostingClassifier', 'mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'} ,'RandomForestClassifier':{'module':'RandomForestClassifier','mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'} ,'XGBClassifier':{'module':'XGBClassifier','mod_from':'xgboost'} ,'LGBMClassifier':{'module':'LGBMClassifier','mod_from':'lightgbm'} ,'CatBoostClassifier':{'module':'CatBoostClassifier','mod_from':'catboost'} ,"LinearRegression": {'module':'LinearRegression', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"Lasso": {'module':'Lasso', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"Ridge": {'module':'Ridge', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"DecisionTreeRegressor": {'module':'DecisionTreeRegressor', 'mod_from':'sklearn.tree'} ,'RandomForestRegressor':{'module':'RandomForestRegressor','mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'} ,'XGBRegressor':{'module':'XGBRegressor','mod_from':'xgboost'} ,'LGBMRegressor':{'module':'LGBMRegressor','mod_from':'lightgbm'} ,'CatBoostRegressor':{'module':'CatBoostRegressor','mod_from':'catboost'} } return mapping.get(module, None) def create_docker_file(name, path,usecasename,files=[],text_feature=False): text = "" if name == 'load_data': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "
usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'transformer': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='''RUN \\ ''' text+=''' pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt\\ ''' if text_feature: text += ''' && python -m nltk.downloader stopwords && python -m nltk.downloader punkt && python -m nltk.downloader wordnet && python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger\\ ''' text+='\\n' elif name == 'selector': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'train': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' text+='COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt' text+='\\n' text+='COPY config.json config.json' text+='\\n' text+='COPY' text+='\\n' text+='COPY' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'register': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'Prediction': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='''RUN \\ ''' text+='''pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt\\ ''' if text_feature: text += ''' && python -m nltk.downloader stopwords && python -m nltk.downloader punkt && python -m nltk.downloader wordnet && python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger\\ ''' text+='\\n' text+='ENTRYPOINT ["python", "","-ip","","-pn","8094"]\\n' elif name == 'input_drift': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' file_name = Path(path)/'Dockerfile' with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(text)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .load_data import run_loader from .transformer import run_transformer from .selector import run_selector from .trainer import run_trainer from .register import run_register from .deploy import run_deploy from .drift_analysis import run_drift_analysis <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import shutil from pathlib import Path import json from import * from .utility import * import tarfile def add_text_dependency(): return """nltk==3.6.3 textblob==0.15.3 spacy==3.1.3 demoji==1.1.0 bs4==0.0.1 text_unidecode==1.3 contractions==0.1.73 """ def get_deploy_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] data['ipAddress'] = '' data['portNo'] = '8094' return data def import_trainer_module(importer): non_sklearn_modules = get_variable('non_sklearn_modules') if non_sklearn_modules: for mod in non_sklearn_modules: module = get_module_mapping(mod) mod_from = module.get('mod_from',None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as',None) importer.addModule(module['module'], mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) imported_modules = [ {'module': 'sys', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'math', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'scipy', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'joblib', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'shutil', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'mlflow', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'sklearn', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'numpy', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'np'}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'argparse', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None} ] def run_deploy(config): generated_files = [] importer = importModule() deployer = deploy(target_encoder = get_variable('target_encoder', False),feature_reducer = get_variable('feature_reducer', False),score_smaller_is_better = get_variable('smaller_is_better', False)) function = global_function() importModules(importer, imported_modules) if get_variable('cat_encoder', False): importer.addModule('category_encoders') import_trainer_module(importer) if get_variable('word2num_features'): function.add_function('s2n', importer) if get_variable('text_features'): importer.addLocalModule('textProfiler', mod_from='text.textProfiler') usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'ModelServing' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('Prediction') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create the production data reader file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='data_reader') reader_obj = data_reader(['sqlite','influx']) with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + reader_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # need to copy data profiler from AION code as code is splitted and merging code amnnually # can add bugs aion_utilities = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent / 'utilities' with / 'text.tar') as file: file.extractall(deploy_path) if (deploy_path / 'utils').exists(): shutil.rmtree(deploy_path / 'utils') with / 'utils.tar') as file: file.extractall(deploy_path ) generated_files.append("text") generated_files.append("utils") # create empty init file required for creating a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") function.add_function('get_mlflow_uris') code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += deployer.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() code += deployer.getCode() # create prediction file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") # create groundtruth file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + deployer.getGroundtruthCode()) generated_files.append("") # create create service file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + deployer.getServiceCode()) generated_files.append("") importer.addModule('seaborn') # create requirements file req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer(), reader_obj.get_importer()]) if config["text_features"]: req += add_text_dependency() f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") # create config file config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_deploy_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") # create docker file create_docker_file('Prediction', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files, True if config["text_features"] else False)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from import * from .utility import * def get_model_name(algo, method): if method == 'modelBased': return algo + '_' + 'MLBased' if method == 'statisticalBased': return algo + '_' + 'StatisticsBased' else: return algo def get_training_params(config, algo): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","train_features","scoring_criteria","test_ratio","optimization_param"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['algorithms'] = {algo: config['algorithms'][algo]} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def addImporterLearner(model, importer): module = get_module_mapping(model) mod_from = module.get('mod_from',None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as',None) importer.addModule(module['module'], mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) if not get_variable('non_sklearn_modules'): update_variable('non_sklearn_modules', []) if 'sklearn' not in mod_from: modules = get_variable('non_sklearn_modules') modules.append(model) update_variable('non_sklearn_modules', modules) def addEvaluator(scorer_type, optimizer,trainer, importer): trainer.addStatement("if not X_test.empty:") if optimizer == 'genetic': trainer.addStatement('features = [x for i,x in enumerate(features) if grid.support_[
i]]',indent=2) trainer.addStatement('y_pred = estimator.predict(X_test[features])',indent=2) if scorer_type == 'accuracy': importer.addModule('accuracy_score', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = round(accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred),2) * 100",indent=2) importer.addModule('confusion_matrix', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement("'Confusion Matrix:')",indent=2) trainer.addStatement("'\\\\n' + pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test,y_pred)).to_string())",indent=2) elif scorer_type == 'recall': importer.addModule('recall_score', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = round(recall_score(y_test,y_pred,average='macro'),2) * 100",indent=2) importer.addModule('confusion_matrix', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"'Confusion Matrix:\\\\n')",indent=2) trainer.addStatement(f',y_pred)))',indent=2) elif scorer_type == 'precision': importer.addModule('precision_score', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = round(precision_score(y_test,y_pred,average='macro'),2) * 100",indent=2) importer.addModule('confusion_matrix', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"'Confusion Matrix:\\\\n')",indent=2) trainer.addStatement(f',y_pred)))',indent=2) elif scorer_type == 'f1_score': importer.addModule('f1_score', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = round(f1_score(y_test,y_pred,average='macro'),2) * 100",indent=2) importer.addModule('confusion_matrix', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"'Confusion Matrix:\\\\n')",indent=2) trainer.addStatement(f',y_pred)))',indent=2) elif scorer_type == 'roc_auc': importer.addModule('roc_auc_score', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement("try:") trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = round(roc_auc_score(y_test,y_pred),2) * 100", indent=3) importer.addModule('confusion_matrix', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f"'Confusion Matrix:\\\\n')",indent=3) trainer.addStatement(f',y_pred)))',indent=3) trainer.addStatement("except:") trainer.addStatement("try:",indent=3) trainer.addStatement("actual = pd.get_dummies(y_test)",indent=4) trainer.addStatement("y_pred = pd.get_dummies(y_pred)",indent=4) trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = round(roc_auc_score(y_test,y_pred,average='weighted', multi_class='ovr'),2) * 100", indent=3) trainer.addStatement(f"'Confusion Matrix:\\\\n')",indent=4) trainer.addStatement(f',y_pred)))',indent=4) trainer.addStatement("except:",indent=3) trainer.addStatement(f"test_score = 0.0", indent=4) elif scorer_type == 'neg_mean_squared_error' or scorer_type == 'mse': importer.addModule('mean_squared_error', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f'test_score = round(mean_squared_error(y_test,y_pred),2)',indent=2) update_variable('smaller_is_better', True) elif scorer_type == 'neg_root_mean_squared_error' or scorer_type == 'rmse': importer.addModule('mean_squared_error', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f'test_score = round(mean_squared_error(y_test,y_pred,squared=False),2)',indent=2) update_variable('smaller_is_better', True) elif scorer_type == 'neg_mean_absolute_error' or scorer_type == 'mae': importer.addModule('mean_absolute_error', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f'test_score = round(mean_absolute_error(y_test,y_pred),2)',indent=2) update_variable('smaller_is_better', True) elif scorer_type == 'r2': importer.addModule('r2_score', mod_from='sklearn.metrics') trainer.addStatement(f'test_score = round(r2_score(y_test,y_pred),2)',indent=2) def update_search_space(algo, config): search_space = [] algoritms = config["algorithms"] model = algo params = algoritms[model] model_dict = {model:get_module_mapping(model)['mod_from']} d = {'algo': model_dict} d['param'] = params search_space.append(d) config['search_space'] = search_space def get_optimization(optimization, importer, function=None): if optimization == 'grid': importer.addModule('GridSearchCV', mod_from='sklearn.model_selection') optimization = 'GridSearchCV' elif optimization == 'random': importer.addModule('RandomizedSearchCV', mod_from='sklearn.model_selection') optimization = 'RandomizedSearchCV' elif optimization == 'genetic': importer.addModule('GeneticSelectionCV', mod_from='genetic_selection') optimization = 'GeneticSelectionCV' elif optimization == 'bayesopt': optimization = 'BayesSearchCV' function.add_function(optimization,importer) return optimization def scoring_criteria_reg(score_param): scorer_mapping = { 'mse':'neg_mean_squared_error', 'rmse':'neg_root_mean_squared_error', 'mae':'neg_mean_absolute_error', 'r2':'r2' } return scorer_mapping.get(score_param, 'neg_mean_squared_error') def addBalancing(balancingMethod, importer, code): if balancingMethod == 'oversample': importer.addModule('SMOTE', mod_from='imblearn.over_sampling') code.addStatement("\\n # data balancing") code.addStatement("X_train, y_train = SMOTE(sampling_strategy='auto', k_neighbors=1, random_state=100).fit_resample(X_train, y_train)") if balancingMethod == 'undersample': importer.addModule('TomekLinks', mod_from='imblearn.under_sampling') code.addStatement("\\n # data balancing") code.addStatement("X_train, y_train = TomekLinks().fit_resample(X_train, y_train)") def run_trainer(base_config): base_trainer = learner() base_importer = importModule() function = global_function() base_importer.addModule('joblib') base_importer.addModule('warnings') base_importer.addModule('argparse') base_importer.addModule('pandas', mod_as='pd') base_importer.addModule('Path', mod_from='pathlib') function.add_function('get_mlflow_uris') function.add_function('mlflow_create_experiment') importModules(base_importer,base_trainer.getPrefixModules()) base_trainer.addPrefixCode() if base_config["algorithms"]: base_trainer.add_train_test_split('train_features', 'target_feature', "config['test_ratio']") if base_config["problem_type"] == 'classification': if base_config["balancingMethod"]: addBalancing(base_config["balancingMethod"],base_importer,base_trainer) base_trainer.addStatement(f"'Data balancing done')") base_trainer.addStatement("\\n #select scorer") if base_config["problem_type"] == 'classification': function.add_function('scoring_criteria', base_importer) base_trainer.addStatement("scorer = scoring_criteria(config['scoring_criteria'],config['problem_type'], df[target_feature].nunique())") else: base_config['scoring_criteria'] = scoring_criteria_reg(base_config['scoring_criteria']) base_trainer.addStatement(f"scorer = config['scoring_criteria']") base_trainer.addStatement(f"'Scoring criteria: {base_config['scoring_criteria']}')") feature_selector = [] if base_config['feature_reducer']: feature_selector.append(base_config['feature_reducer']) elif base_config['feature_selector']: feature_selector = base_config['feature_selector'] for algo in base_config["algorithms"].keys(): for method in feature_selector: trainer = learner() importer = importModule() trainer.copyCode(base_trainer) importer.copyCode(base_importer) config = base_config usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] addImporterLearner(algo, importer) trainer.addStatement("\\n #Training model") trainer.addStatement(f"'Training {algo} for {method}')") trainer.add_model_fit(algo, get_optimization(config["optimization"], importer, function), method, importer) trainer.addStatement("\\n #model evaluation") addEvaluator(config['scoring_criteria'],config["optimization"], trainer, importer) function.add_function('mlflowSetPath') function.add_function('logMlflow') importModules(importer, trainer.getSuffixModules()) importModules(importer, trainer.getMainCodeModules()) if base_config["problem_type"] == 'classification': function.add_function('classification_metrices', importer) trainer.addStatement("metrices = get_classification_metrices(y_test,y_pred)",indent=2) trainer.add_100_trainsize_code() trainer.addStatement("metrices.update({'train_score': train_score, 'test_score':test_score})") else: function.add_function('regression_metrices', importer) trainer.addStatement("metrices = get_regression_metrices(y_test,y_pred)",indent=2) trainer.add_100_trainsize_code() trainer.addStatement("metrices.update({'train_score': train_score, 'test_score':test_score})") trainer.addSuffixCode() trainer.addMainCode() model_name = get_model_name(algo,method) deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/('ModelTraining'+'_' + model_name) deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) generated_files = [] # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('train') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = importer.getCode() code += 'warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += f"\\nmodel_name = '{model_name}'\\n" append_variable('models_name',model_name) out_files = {'log':f'{model_name}_aion.log','model':f'{model_name}_model.pkl','performance':f'{model_name}_performance.json','metaDataOutput':f'{model_name}_modelMetaData.json'} trainer.addOutputFiles(out_files) code += trainer.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() trainer.addLocalFunctionsCode() code += trainer.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") with open (deploy_path/"config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(get_training_params(config, algo), f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('train', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from import * from .utility import * def run_input_drift(config): importer = importModule() drifter = input_drift() importer.addModule('sys') importer.addModule('json') importer.addModule('mlflow') importer.addModule('platform') importer.addModule('warnings') importer.addModule('numpy', mod_as='np') importer.addModule('pandas', mod_as='pd')
importer.addModule('stats', mod_from='scipy', mod_as='st') importer.addModule('Path', mod_from='pathlib') code = file_header(config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion']) code += importer.getCode() drifter.generateCode() code += drifter.getCode() deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'InputDrift' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) py_file = deploy_path/"" with open(py_file, "w") as f: f.write(code) req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: f.write(importer.getBaseModule()) create_docker_file('input_drift', deploy_path) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json import platform from import * from .utility import * imported_modules = [ {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'argparse', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None } ] def get_load_data_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","selected_features"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_loader(config): generated_files = [] importer = importModule() loader = tabularDataReader() importModules(importer, imported_modules) usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'DataIngestion' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('load_data') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create the production data reader file importer.addLocalModule('dataReader', mod_from='data_reader') readers = ['sqlite','influx'] if 's3' in config.keys(): readers.append('s3') reader_obj = data_reader(readers) with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + reader_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += loader.getInputOutputFiles() code += loader.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer(), reader_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_load_data_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('load_data', deploy_path,config['modelName'],generated_files)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from import * from .utility import * imported_modules = [ {'module': 'sys', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'math', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'joblib', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'mlflow', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'sklearn', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'numpy', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'np'}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'argparse', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'stats', 'mod_from': 'scipy', 'mod_as': 'st'}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None } ] def get_drift_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","selected_features","scoring_criteria","s3"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} usecase = config['modelName'] data['targetPath'] = usecase if config['dataLocation'] != '': data['inputUri'] = config['dataLocation'] else: data['inputUri'] = '<input datalocation>' data['prod_db_type'] = config.get('prod_db_type', 'sqlite') data['db_config'] = config.get('db_config', {}) data['mlflow_config'] = config.get('mlflow_config', {'artifacts_uri':'','tracking_uri_type':'','tracking_uri':'','registry_uri':''}) return data def run_drift_analysis(config): init_variables() importer = importModule() function = global_function() drifter = drift() importModules(importer, imported_modules) usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'ModelMonitoring' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) generated_files = [] # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('drift') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create the production data reader file importer.addLocalModule('dataReader', mod_from='data_reader') readers = ['sqlite','influx'] if 's3' in config.keys(): readers.append('s3') reader_obj = data_reader(readers) with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + reader_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") importer.addLocalModule('inputdrift', mod_from='input_drift') code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += drifter.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() code += drifter.get_main_drift_code(config['problem_type'], get_variable('smaller_is_better', False)) with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") input_drift_importer = importModule() importModules(input_drift_importer, drifter.get_input_drift_import_modules()) code = file_header(usecase) code += input_drift_importer.getCode() code += drifter.get_input_drift_code() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open (deploy_path/"config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(get_drift_params(config), f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: f.write(importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer(), reader_obj.get_importer(), input_drift_importer])) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") create_docker_file('input_drift', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json import platform from import * from .utility import * output_file_map = { 'feature_reducer' : {'feature_reducer' : 'feature_reducer.pkl'} } def get_selector_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","train_features","cat_features","n_components"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_selector(config): select = selector() importer = importModule() function = global_function() importModules(importer,select.getPrefixModules()) select.addPrefixCode() if config["target_feature"] in config["train_features"]: config["train_features"].remove(config["target_feature"]) select.addStatement("train_features = df.columns.tolist()") select.addStatement("target_feature = config['target_feature']") select.addStatement("train_features.remove(target_feature)") select.addStatement("cat_features = prev_step_output['cat_features']") select.add_variable('total_features',[]) select.addStatement("log.log_dataframe(df)") methods = config.get("feature_selector", None) feature_reducer = config.get("feature_reducer", None) select.addStatement("selected_features = {}") select.addStatement("meta_data['featureengineering']= {}") if feature_reducer: update_variable('feature_reducer', True) select.addStatement(f"'Running dimensionality reduction technique( {feature_reducer})')") if feature_reducer == 'pca': importer.addModule('PCA', mod_from='sklearn.decomposition') if int(config["n_components"]) == 0: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = PCA(n_components='mle',svd_solver = 'full')") elif int(config["n_components"]) < 1: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = PCA(n_components=config['n_components'],svd_solver = 'full')") else: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = PCA(n_components=config['n_components'])") elif feature_reducer == 'svd': importer.addModule('TruncatedSVD', mod_from='sklearn.decomposition') if config["n_components"] < 2: config["n_components"] = 2 select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = TruncatedSVD(n_components=config['n_components'], n_iter=7, random_state=42)") elif feature_reducer == 'factoranalysis': importer.addModule('FactorAnalysis', mod_from='sklearn.decomposition') if config["n_components"] == 0: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = FactorAnalysis()") else: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = FactorAnalysis(n_components=config['n_components'])") elif feature_reducer == 'ica': importer.addModule('FastICA', mod_from='sklearn.decomposition') if config["n_components"] == 0: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = FastICA()") else: select.addStatement("dimension_reducer = FastICA(n_components=config['n_components'])") select.addStatement("pca_array = dimension_reducer.fit_transform(df[train_features])") select.addStatement("pca_columns = ['pca_'+str(e) for e in list(range(pca_array.shape[1]))]") select.addStatement("scaledDF = pd.DataFrame(pca_array, columns=pca_columns)") select.addStatement("scaledDF[target_feature] = df[target_feature]") select.addStatement("df = scaledDF") select.addStatement(f"selected_features['{feature_reducer}'] = pca_columns") select.addStatement("total_features = df.columns.tolist()") select.addStatement("meta_data['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']= {}") select.addStatement("reducer_file_name = str(targetPath/IOFiles['feature_reducer'])") importer.addModule('joblib') select.addStatement("joblib.dump(dimension_reducer, reducer
_file_name)") select.addStatement("meta_data['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['file']= IOFiles['feature_reducer']") select.addStatement("meta_data['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['features']= train_features") select.addOutputFiles(output_file_map['feature_reducer']) elif methods: if 'allFeatures' in methods: addDropFeature('target_feature', 'train_features', select) select.addStatement("selected_features['allFeatures'] = train_features") if 'modelBased' in methods: select.addStatement(f"'Model Based Correlation Analysis Start')") select.addStatement("model_based_feat = []") importer.addModule('numpy', mod_as='np') importer.addModule('RFE', mod_from='sklearn.feature_selection') importer.addModule('MinMaxScaler', mod_from='sklearn.preprocessing') if config["problem_type"] == 'classification': importer.addModule('ExtraTreesClassifier', mod_from='sklearn.ensemble') select.addStatement("estimator = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100)") else: importer.addModule('Lasso', mod_from='sklearn.linear_model') select.addStatement("estimator = Lasso()") select.addStatement("[train_features],df[target_feature])") select.addStatement("rfe = RFE(estimator, n_features_to_select=1, verbose =0 )") select.addStatement("[train_features],df[target_feature])") select.addStatement("ranks = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(-1*np.array([list(map(float, rfe.ranking_))]).T).T[0]") select.addStatement("ranks = list(map(lambda x: round(x,2), ranks))") select.addStatement("for item, rank in zip(df.columns,ranks):") select.addStatement("if rank > 0.30:", indent=2) select.addStatement("model_based_feat.append(item)", indent=3) addDropFeature('target_feature', 'model_based_feat', select) select.addStatement("selected_features['modelBased'] = model_based_feat") select.addStatement(f"'Highly Correlated Features : {{model_based_feat}}')") if 'statisticalBased' in methods: select.addStatement(f"'Statistical Based Correlation Analysis Start')") function.add_function('start_reducer',importer) select.addStatement(f"features = start_reducer(df, target_feature, {config['corr_threshold']},{config['var_threshold']})") select.addStatement("train_features = [x for x in features if x in train_features]") select.addStatement("cat_features = [x for x in cat_features if x in features]") select.addStatement("numeric_features = df[features].select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist()") if config["problem_type"] == 'classification': function.add_function('feature_importance_class') select.addStatement(f"statistics_based_feat = feature_importance_class(df[features], numeric_features, cat_features, target_feature, {config['pValueThreshold']},{config['corr_threshold']})") else: function.add_function('feature_importance_reg') select.addStatement(f"statistics_based_feat = feature_importance_reg(df[features], numeric_features, target_feature, {config['pValueThreshold']},{config['corr_threshold']})") addDropFeature('target_feature', 'statistics_based_feat', select) select.addStatement("selected_features['statisticalBased'] = statistics_based_feat") select.addStatement(f"'Highly Correlated Features : {{statistics_based_feat}}')") select.addStatement("total_features = list(set([x for y in selected_features.values() for x in y] + [target_feature]))") select.addStatement(f"df = df[total_features]") select.addStatement("log.log_dataframe(df)") select.addSuffixCode() importModules(importer, select.getSuffixModules()) importModules(importer, select.getMainCodeModules()) select.addMainCode() generated_files = [] usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'FeatureEngineering' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('selector') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += select.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() select.addLocalFunctionsCode() code += select.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_selector_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('selector', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .imports import importModule supported_reader = ['sqlite', 'influx','s3'] functions_code = { 'dataReader':{'imports':[{'mod':'json'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':""" class dataReader(): def get_reader(self, reader_type, target_path=None, config=None): if reader_type == 'sqlite': return sqlite_writer(target_path=target_path) elif reader_type == 'influx': return Influx_writer(config=config) elif reader_type == 'gcs': return gcs(config=config) elif reader_type == 'azure': return azure(config=config) elif reader_type == 's3': return s3bucket(config=config) else: raise ValueError(reader_type) """ }, 'sqlite':{'imports':[{'mod':'sqlite3'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}],'code':"""\\n\\ class sqlite_writer(): def __init__(self, target_path): self.target_path = Path(target_path) database_file = self.target_path.stem + '.db' self.db = sqlite_db(self.target_path, database_file) def file_exists(self, file): if file: return self.db.table_exists(file) else: return False def read(self, file): return def write(self, data, file): self.db.write(data, file) def close(self): self.db.close() class sqlite_db(): def __init__(self, location, database_file=None): if not isinstance(location, Path): location = Path(location) if database_file: self.database_name = database_file else: self.database_name = location.stem + '.db' db_file = str(location/self.database_name) self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.tables = [] def table_exists(self, name): if name in self.tables: return True elif name: query = f"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{name}';" listOfTables = self.cursor.execute(query).fetchall() if len(listOfTables) > 0 : self.tables.append(name) return True return False def read(self, table_name): return pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}", self.conn) def create_table(self,name, columns, dtypes): query = f'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {name} (' for column, data_type in zip(columns, dtypes): query += f"'{column}' TEXT," query = query[:-1] query += ');' self.conn.execute(query) return True def write(self,data, table_name): if not self.table_exists(table_name): self.create_table(table_name, data.columns, data.dtypes) tuple_data = list(data.itertuples(index=False, name=None)) insert_query = f'INSERT INTO {table_name} VALUES(' for i in range(len(data.columns)): insert_query += '?,' insert_query = insert_query[:-1] + ')' self.cursor.executemany(insert_query, tuple_data) self.conn.commit() return True def delete(self, name): pass def close(self): self.conn.close() """ }, 'influx':{'imports':[{'mod':'InfluxDBClient','mod_from':'influxdb'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ class Influx_writer(): def __init__(self, config): self.db = influx_db(config) def file_exists(self, file): if file: return self.db.table_exists(file) else: return False def read(self, file): query = "SELECT * FROM {}".format(file) if 'read_time' in self.db_config.keys() and self.db_config['read_time']: query += f" time > now() - {self.db_config['read_time']}" return def write(self, data, file): self.db.write(data, file) def close(self): pass class influx_db(): def __init__(self, config): = config['host'] self.port = config['port'] self.user = config.get('user', None) self.password = config.get('password', None) self.token = config.get('token', None) self.database = config['database'] self.measurement = config['measurement'] self.tags = config['tags'] self.client = self.get_client() def table_exists(self, name): query = f"SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON {self.database}" result = self.client(query) for measurement in result['measurements']: if measurement['name'] == name: return True return False def read(self, query)->pd.DataFrame: cursor = self.client.query(query) points = cursor.get_points() my_list=list(points) df=pd.DataFrame(my_list) return df def get_client(self): headers = None if self.token: headers={"Authorization": self.token} client = InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user, self.password,headers=headers) databases = client.get_list_database() databases = [x['name'] for x in databases] if self.database not in databases: client.create_database(self.database) return InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user,self.password,self.database,headers=headers) def write(self,data, measurement=None): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): sorted_col = data.columns.tolist() sorted_col.sort() data = data[sorted_col] data = data.to_dict(orient='records') if not measurement: measurement = self.measurement for row in data: if 'time' in row.keys(): p = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' time_str = datetime.strptime(row['time'], p) del row['time'] else: time_str = None if 'model_ver' in row.keys(): self.tags['model_ver']= row['model_ver'] del row['model_ver'] json_body = [{ 'measurement': measurement, 'time': time_str, 'tags': self.tags, 'fields': row }] self.client.write_points(json_body) def delete(self, name): pass def close(self): self.client.close() """ }, 's3':{'imports':[{'mod':'boto3'},{'mod': 'ClientError', 'mod_from': 'botocore.exceptions'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ class s3bucket(): def __init__(self, config={}): if 's3' in config.keys(): config = config['s3'] aws_access_key_id = config.get('aws_access_key_id','')
aws_secret_access_key = config.get('aws_secret_access_key','') bucket_name = config.get('bucket_name','') if not aws_access_key_id: raise ValueError('aws_access_key_id can not be empty') if not aws_secret_access_key: raise ValueError('aws_secret_access_key can not be empty') self.client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=str(aws_secret_access_key)) self.bucket_name = bucket_name def read(self, file_name): try: response = self.client.get_object(Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=file_name) return pd.read_csv(response['Body']) except ClientError as ex: if ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchBucket': raise ValueError(f"Bucket '{self.bucket_name}' not found in aws s3 storage") elif ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchKey': raise ValueError(f"File '{file_name}' not found in s3 bucket '{self.bucket_name}'") else: raise """ }, 'azure':{'imports':[{'mod':'DataLakeServiceClient', 'mod_from':''},{'mod':'detect', 'mod_from':'detect_delimiter'},{'mod':'pandavro', 'mod_as':'pdx'},{'mod':'io'},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ def azure(): def __init__(self,config={}): if 'azure' in config.keys(): config = config['azure'] account_name = config.get('account_name','') account_key = config.get('account_key','') container_name = config.get('container_name','') if not account_name: raise ValueError('Account name can not be empty') if not account_key: raise ValueError('Account key can not be empty') if not container_name: raise ValueError('Container name can not be empty') service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url="{}://{}".format("https", account_name), credential=account_key) self.file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(container_name) def read(self, directory_name): root_dir = str(directory_name) file_paths = self.file_system_client.get_paths(path=root_dir) main_df = pd.DataFrame() for path in file_paths: if not path.is_directory: file_client = file_system_client.get_file_client( file_ext = Path( if file_ext in [".csv", ".tsv"]: with open(csv_local, "wb") as my_file: file_client.download_file().readinto(my_file) with open(csv_local, 'r') as file: data = row_delimiter = detect(text=data, default=None, whitelist=[',', ';', ':', '|', '\\t']) processed_df = pd.read_csv(csv_local, sep=row_delimiter) elif file_ext == ".parquet": stream = io.BytesIO() file_client.download_file().readinto(stream) processed_df = pd.read_parquet(stream, engine='pyarrow') elif file_ext == ".avro": with open(avro_local, "wb") as my_file: file_client.download_file().readinto(my_file) processed_df = pdx.read_avro(avro_local) if main_df.empty: main_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_df) else: main_df = main_df.append(processed_df, ignore_index=True) return main_df """ }, 'gcs':{'imports':[{'mod':'storage','mod_from':''},{'mod': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib'},{'mod': 'pandas', 'mod_as': 'pd'}],'code':"""\\n\\ class gcs(): def __init__(self, config={}): if 'gcs' in config.keys(): config = config['gcs'] account_key = config.get('account_key','') bucket_name = config.get('bucket_name','') if not account_key: raise ValueError('Account key can not be empty') if not bucket_name: raise ValueError('bucket name can not be empty') storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json(account_key) self.bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name) def read(self, bucket_name, file_name): data = self.bucket.blob(file_name).download_as_text() return pd.read_csv(data, encoding = 'utf-8', sep = ',') """ } } class data_reader(): def __init__(self, reader_type=[]): self.supported_readers = supported_reader if isinstance(reader_type, str): self.readers = [reader_type] elif not reader_type: self.readers = self.supported_readers else: self.readers = reader_type unsupported_reader = [ x for x in self.readers if x not in self.supported_readers] if unsupported_reader: raise ValueError(f"reader type '{unsupported_reader}' is not supported\\nSupported readers are {self.supported_readers}") self.codeText = "" self.importer = importModule() def get_reader_code(self, readers): reader_code = { 'sqlite': 'return sqlite_writer(target_path=target_path)', 'influx': 'return Influx_writer(config=config)', 'gcs': 'return gcs(config=config)', 'azure': 'return azure(config=config)', 's3': 'return s3bucket(config=config)' } code = "\\n\\ndef dataReader(reader_type, target_path=None, config=None):\\n" for i, reader in enumerate(readers): if not i: code += f" if reader_type == '{reader}':\\n" else: code += f" elif reader_type == '{reader}':\\n" code += f" {reader_code[reader]}\\n" if readers: code += " else:\\n" code += f""" raise ValueError("'{{reader_type}}' not added during code generation")\\n""" else: code += f""" raise ValueError("'{{reader_type}}' not added during code generation")\\n""" return code def get_code(self): code = self.get_reader_code(self.readers) functions = [] for reader in self.readers: functions.append(reader) for function in functions: code += self.get_function_code(function) self.codeText += self.importer.getCode() self.codeText += code return self.codeText def get_function_code(self, name): code = "" if name in functions_code.keys(): code += functions_code[name]['code'] if self.importer: if 'imports' in functions_code[name].keys(): for module in functions_code[name]['imports']: mod_name = module['mod'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) self.importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) return code def get_importer(self): return self.importer <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ class output_drift(): def __init__(self, missing=False, word2num_features = None, cat_encoder=False, target_encoder=False, normalizer=False, text_profiler=False, feature_reducer=False, score_smaller_is_better=True, problem_type='classification', tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = '' self.missing = missing self.word2num_features = word2num_features self.cat_encoder = cat_encoder self.target_encoder = target_encoder self.normalizer = normalizer self.text_profiler = text_profiler self.feature_reducer = feature_reducer self.score_smaller_is_better = score_smaller_is_better self.problem_type = problem_type def addDatabaseClass(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\nclass database():\\ \\n def __init__(self, config):\\ \\n = config['host']\\ \\n self.port = config['port']\\ \\n self.user = config['user']\\ \\n self.password = config['password']\\ \\n self.database = config['database']\\ \\n self.measurement = config['measurement']\\ \\n self.tags = config['tags']\\ \\n self.client = self.get_client()\\ \\n\\ \\n def read_data(self, query)->pd.DataFrame:\\ \\n cursor = self.client.query(query)\\ \\n points = cursor.get_points()\\ \\n my_list=list(points)\\ \\n df=pd.DataFrame(my_list)\\ \\n return df\\ \\n\\ \\n def get_client(self):\\ \\n client = InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user,self.password)\\ \\n databases = client.get_list_database()\\ \\n databases = [x['name'] for x in databases]\\ \\n if self.database not in databases:\\ \\n client.create_database(self.database)\\ \\n return InfluxDBClient(,self.port,self.user,self.password, self.database)\\ \\n\\ \\n def write_data(self,data):\\ \\n if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):\\ \\n sorted_col = data.columns.tolist()\\ \\n sorted_col.sort()\\ \\n data = data[sorted_col]\\ \\n data = data.to_dict(orient='records')\\ \\n for row in data:\\ \\n if 'time' in row.keys():\\ \\n p = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'\\ \\n time_str = datetime.strptime(row['time'], p)\\ \\n del row['time']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n time_str = None\\ \\n if 'model_ver' in row.keys():\\ \\n self.tags['model_ver']= row['model_ver']\\ \\n del row['model_ver']\\ \\n json_body = [{\\ \\n 'measurement': self.measurement,\\ \\n 'time': time_str,\\ \\n 'tags': self.tags,\\ \\n 'fields': row\\ \\n }]\\ \\n self.client.write_points(json_body)\\ \\n\\ \\n def close(self):\\ \\n self.client.close()\\ \\n" if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def addPredictClass(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\nclass predict():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self, base_config):\\ \\n self.usecase = base_config['modelName'] + '_' + base_config['modelVersion']\\ \\n self.dataLocation = base_config['dataLocation']\\ \\n self.db_enabled = base_config.get('db_enabled', False)\\ \\n if self.db_enabled:\\ \\n self.db_config = base_config['db_config']\\ \\n home = Path.home()\\ \\n if platform.system() == 'Windows':\\ \\n from pathlib import WindowsPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n else:\\ \\n from pathlib import PosixPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n if not output_model_dir.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found at {output_model_dir}')\\ \\n\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'file:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns')\\ \\n registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns.db')\\ \\n mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n mlflow.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient(\\ \\n tracking_uri=tracking_uri,\\ \\n registry_uri=registry_uri,\\ \\n )\\ \\n self.model_version = client.get_latest_versions(self.usecase, stages=['production'] )[0].version\\ \\n model_version_uri = 'models:/{model_name}/production'.format(model_name=self.usecase)\\ \\n self.model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_version_uri)\\ \\n run = client.get_run(self.model.metadata.run_id)\\ \\n if'file:'): #remove file:///\\ \\n self.artifact_path = Path([len('file:///') : ])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n self.artifact_path = Path(\\ \\n with open(self.artifact_path/'deploy.json', 'r') as f:\\ \\n deployment_dict = json.load(f)\\ \\n with open(self.artifact_path/'features.txt', 'r') as f:\\ \\n self.train_features = f.readline().
rstrip().split(',')\\ \\n\\ \\n self.dataLocation = base_config['dataLocation']\\ \\n self.selected_features = deployment_dict['load_data']['selected_features']\\ \\n self.target_feature = deployment_dict['load_data']['target_feature']\\ \\n self.output_model_dir = output_model_dir" if self.missing: text += "\\n self.missing_values = deployment_dict['transformation']['fillna']" if self.word2num_features: text += "\\n self.word2num_features = deployment_dict['transformation']['word2num_features']" if self.cat_encoder == 'labelencoding': text += "\\n self.cat_encoder = deployment_dict['transformation']['cat_encoder']" elif (self.cat_encoder == 'targetencoding') or (self.cat_encoder == 'onehotencoding'): text += "\\n self.cat_encoder = deployment_dict['transformation']['cat_encoder']['file']" text += "\\n self.cat_encoder_cols = deployment_dict['transformation']['cat_encoder']['features']" if self.target_encoder: text += "\\n self.target_encoder = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['transformation']['target_encoder'])" if self.normalizer: text += "\\n self.normalizer = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['transformation']['normalizer']['file'])\\ \\n self.normalizer_col = deployment_dict['transformation']['normalizer']['features']" if self.text_profiler: text += "\\n self.text_profiler = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['transformation']['Status']['text_profiler']['file'])\\ \\n self.text_profiler_col = deployment_dict['transformation']['Status']['text_profiler']['features']" if self.feature_reducer: text += "\\n self.feature_reducer = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/deployment_dict['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['file'])\\ \\n self.feature_reducer_cols = deployment_dict['featureengineering']['feature_reducer']['features']" text += """ def read_data_from_db(self): if self.db_enabled: try: db = database(self.db_config) query = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE model_ver = '{}' AND {} != ''".format(db.measurement, self.model_version, self.target_feature) if 'read_time' in self.db_config.keys() and self.db_config['read_time']: query += f" time > now() - {self.db_config['read_time']}" data = db.read_data(query) except: raise ValueError('Unable to read from the database') finally: if db: db.close() return data return None""" text += "\\ \\n def predict(self, data):\\ \\n df = pd.DataFrame()\\ \\n if Path(data).exists():\\ \\n if Path(data).suffix == '.tsv':\\ \\n df=read_data(data,encoding='utf-8',sep='\\t')\\ \\n elif Path(data).suffix == '.csv':\\ \\n df=read_data(data,encoding='utf-8')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n if Path(data).suffix == '.json':\\ \\n jsonData = read_json(data)\\ \\n df = pd.json_normalize(jsonData)\\ \\n elif is_file_name_url(data):\\ \\n df = read_data(data,encoding='utf-8')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n jsonData = json.loads(data)\\ \\n df = pd.json_normalize(jsonData)\\ \\n if len(df) == 0:\\ \\n raise ValueError('No data record found')\\ \\n missing_features = [x for x in self.selected_features if x not in df.columns]\\ \\n if missing_features:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'some feature/s is/are missing: {missing_features}')\\ \\n if self.target_feature not in df.columns:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Ground truth values/target column({self.target_feature}) not found in current data')\\ \\n df_copy = df.copy()\\ \\n df = df[self.selected_features]" if self.word2num_features: text += "\\n for feat in self.word2num_features:" text += "\\n df[ feat ] = df[feat].apply(lambda x: s2n(x))" if self.missing: text += "\\n df.fillna(self.missing_values, inplace=True)" if self.cat_encoder == 'labelencoding': text += "\\n df.replace(self.cat_encoder, inplace=True)" elif self.cat_encoder == 'targetencoding': text += "\\n cat_enc = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/self.cat_encoder)" text += "\\n df = cat_enc.transform(df)" elif self.cat_encoder == 'onehotencoding': text += "\\n cat_enc = joblib.load(self.artifact_path/self.cat_encoder)" text += "\\n transformed_data = cat_enc.transform(df[self.cat_encoder_cols]).toarray()" text += "\\n df[cat_enc.get_feature_names()] = pd.DataFrame(transformed_data, columns=cat_enc.get_feature_names())[cat_enc.get_feature_names()]" if self.normalizer: text += "\\n df[self.normalizer_col] = self.normalizer.transform(df[self.normalizer_col])" if self.text_profiler: text += "\\n text_corpus = df[self.text_profiler_col].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1)\\ \\n df_vect=self.text_profiler.transform(text_corpus)\\ \\n if isinstance(df_vect, np.ndarray):\\ \\n df1 = pd.DataFrame(df_vect)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n df1 = pd.DataFrame(df_vect.toarray(),columns = self.text_profiler.named_steps['vectorizer'].get_feature_names())\\ \\n df1 = df1.add_suffix('_vect')\\ \\n df = pd.concat([df, df1],axis=1)" if self.feature_reducer: text += "\\n df = self.feature_reducer.transform(df[self.feature_reducer_cols])" else: text += "\\n df = df[self.train_features]" if self.target_encoder: text += "\\n output = pd.DataFrame(self.model._model_impl.predict_proba(df), columns=self.target_encoder.classes_)\\ \\n df_copy['prediction'] = output.idxmax(axis=1)" else: text += "\\n output = self.model.predict(df).reshape(1, -1)[0].round(2)\\ \\n df_copy['prediction'] = output" text += "\\n return df_copy" if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def getClassificationMatrixCode(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\ndef get_classification_metrices(actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n accuracy_score = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values)\\ \\n avg_precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_f1 = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n\\ \\n result['accuracy'] = accuracy_score\\ \\n result['precision'] = avg_precision\\ \\n result['recall'] = avg_recall\\ \\n result['f1'] = avg_f1\\ \\n return result\\ \\n\\ " if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def getRegrssionMatrixCode(self, indent=0): text = "\\ \\ndef get_regression_metrices( actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n\\ \\n me = np.mean(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n sde = np.std(predicted_values - actual_values, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_err = np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n mae = np.mean(abs_err)\\ \\n sdae = np.std(abs_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_perc_err = 100.*np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values) / actual_values\\ \\n mape = np.mean(abs_perc_err)\\ \\n sdape = np.std(abs_perc_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n result['mean_error'] = me\\ \\n result['mean_abs_error'] = mae\\ \\n result['mean_abs_perc_error'] = mape\\ \\n result['error_std'] = sde\\ \\n result['abs_error_std'] = sdae\\ \\n result['abs_perc_error_std'] = sdape\\ \\n return result\\ \\n\\ " if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): text ="\\n\\ \\ndef check_drift( config):\\ \\n prediction = predict(config)\\ \\n usecase = config['modelName'] + '_' + config['modelVersion']\\ \\n train_data_path = prediction.artifact_path/(usecase+'_data.csv')\\ \\n if not train_data_path.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Training data not found at {train_data_path}')\\ \\n curr_with_pred = prediction.read_data_from_db()\\ \\n if prediction.target_feature not in curr_with_pred.columns:\\ \\n raise ValueError('Ground truth not updated for corresponding data in database')\\ \\n train_with_pred = prediction.predict(train_data_path)\\ \\n performance = {}" if self.problem_type == 'classification': text += "\\n\\ \\n performance['train'] = get_classification_metrices(train_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], train_with_pred['prediction'])\\ \\n performance['current'] = get_classification_metrices(curr_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], curr_with_pred['prediction'])" else: text += "\\n\\ \\n performance['train'] = get_regression_metrices(train_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], train_with_pred['prediction'])\\ \\n performance['current'] = get_regression_metrices(curr_with_pred[prediction.target_feature], curr_with_pred['prediction'])" text += "\\n return performance" text += "\\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n try:\\ \\n if len(sys.argv) < 2:\\ \\n raise ValueError('config file not present')\\ \\n config = sys.argv[1]\\ \\n if Path(config).is_file() and Path(config).suffix == '.json':\\ \\n with open(config, 'r') as f:\\ \\n config = json.load(f)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n config = json.loads(config)\\ \\n output = check_drift(config)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','Message':json.loads(output)}\\ \\n print('output_drift:'+json.dumps(status))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print('output_drift:'+json.dumps(status))" if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', ( * indent) + '\\n') return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def generateCode(self): self.codeText += self.addDatabaseClass() self.codeText += self.addPredictClass() if self.problem_type == 'classification': self.codeText += self.getClassificationMatrixCode() elif self.problem_type == 'regression': self.codeText += self.getRegrssionMatrixCode() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported problem type: {self.problem_type}") self.codeText += self.addSuffixCode() def getCode(self): return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class transformer(): def __init__(self, indent=0, tab_size=4): self.df_name = 'df' = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = "" self.transformers = [] self.TxCols = [] self.imputers = {} self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.function_code = '' self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'rawData.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','log' : 'aion.log','transformedData' : 'transformedData.dat','normalization' : 'normalization.pkl'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.
input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config" return text def getPrefixModules(self): modules = [ {'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'warnings'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ,{'module':'joblib'} ,{'module':'MinMaxScaler', 'mod_from':'sklearn.preprocessing'} ] return modules def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ def transformation(config, targetPath, log): dataLoc = targetPath / IOFiles['inputData'] if not dataLoc.exists(): return {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': 'Data location does not exists.'} df = read_data(dataLoc) log.log_dataframe(df) target_feature = config['target_feature'] dateTimeFeature=config['dateTimeFeature'] df.set_index(dateTimeFeature, inplace=True) df = df.dropna() df=df.fillna(df.mean()) if len(target_feature) == 1: trainX = df[target_feature].to_numpy().reshape(-1,1) else: trainX = df[target_feature].to_numpy() scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) trainX = scaler.fit_transform(trainX) normalization_file_name = str(targetPath / IOFiles['normalization']) joblib.dump(scaler, normalization_file_name) df[target_feature] = trainX log.log_dataframe(df) csv_path = str(targetPath / IOFiles['transformedData']) write_data(df, csv_path, index=True) status = {'Status': 'Success', 'DataFilePath': IOFiles['transformedData'], 'target_feature': target_feature,'dateTimeFeature':dateTimeFeature, "Normalization_file":normalization_file_name } meta_data['transformation'] = {} meta_data['transformation']['Status'] = status write_json(meta_data, str(targetPath / IOFiles['metaData']))'Transformed data saved at {csv_path}')'output: {status}') return json.dumps(status) """ def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'sys'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ,{'module':'argparse'} ] return modules def addMainCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ if __name__ == '__main__': config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion') / config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') log_file = targetPath / IOFiles['log'] log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: print(transformation(config, targetPath, log)) except Exception as e: status = {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) """ def addValidateConfigCode(self, indent=1): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.addValidateConfigCode() def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self, indent=1): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText def getDFName(self): return self.df_name <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class register(): def __init__(self, importer, indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.codeText = "" self.function_code = "" self.importer = importer self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.addInputFiles({'log' : 'aion.log', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','metrics': 'metrics.json','production': 'production.json'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self, models=None): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = utils.read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config\\ " return text def addLocalFunctionsCode(self, models): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode(models) def addPrefixCode(self, smaller_is_better=False, indent=1): compare = 'min' if smaller_is_better else 'max' self.codeText += f""" def get_best_model(run_path): models_path = [d for d in run_path.iterdir() if d.is_dir] scores = {{}} for model in models_path: metrics = utils.read_json(model/IOFiles['metrics']) if metrics.get('score', None): scores[model.stem] = metrics['score'] best_model = {compare}(scores, key=scores.get) return best_model def __merge_logs(log_file_sequence,path, files): if log_file_sequence['first'] in files: with open(path/log_file_sequence['first'], 'r') as f: main_log = files.remove(log_file_sequence['first']) for file in files: with open(path/file, 'r') as f: main_log = main_log + (path/file).unlink() with open(path/log_file_sequence['merged'], 'w') as f: f.write(main_log) def merge_log_files(folder, models): log_file_sequence = {{ 'first': 'aion.log', 'merged': 'aion.log' }} log_file_suffix = '_aion.log' log_files = [x+log_file_suffix for x in models if (folder/(x+log_file_suffix)).exists()] log_files.append(log_file_sequence['first']) __merge_logs(log_file_sequence, folder, log_files) def register(config, targetPath, log): meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = utils.read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {{meta_data_file}}') run_id = meta_data['monitoring']['runId'] usecase = config['targetPath'] current_run_path = targetPath/'runs'/str(run_id) register_model_name = get_best_model(current_run_path) models = config['models'] merge_log_files(targetPath, models) meta_data['register'] = {{'runId':run_id, 'model': register_model_name}} utils.write_json(meta_data, targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']) utils.write_json({{'Model':register_model_name,'runNo':str(run_id)}}, targetPath/IOFiles['production']) status = {{'Status':'Success','Message':f'Model Registered: {{register_model_name}}'}}'output: {{status}}') return json.dumps(status) """ def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'json'} ] return modules def addMainCode(self, models, indent=1): self.codeText += """ if __name__ == '__main__': config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion') / config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') log_file = targetPath / IOFiles['log'] log = utils.logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: print(register(config, targetPath, log)) except Exception as e: status = {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) """ def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" def getCode(self, indent=1): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .imports import importModule utility_functions = { 'load_data': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'transformer': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'selector': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'train': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'register': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'Prediction': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], 'drift': ['read_json','write_json','read_data','write_data','is_file_name_url','logger_class'], } #TODO convert read and write functions in to class functions functions_code = { 'read_json':{'imports':[{'mod':'json'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef read_json(file_path):\\ \\n data = None\\ \\n with open(file_path,'r') as f:\\ \\n data = json.load(f)\\ \\n return data\\ \\n"}, 'write_json':{'imports':[{'mod':'json'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef write_json(data, file_path):\\ \\n with open(file_path,'w') as f:\\ \\n json.dump(data, f)\\ \\n"}, 'read_data':{'imports':[{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef read_data(file_path, encoding='utf-8', sep=','):\\ \\n return pd.read_csv(file_path, encoding=encoding, sep=sep)\\ \\n"}, 'write_data':{'imports':[{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n return data.to_csv(file_path, index=index)\\ \\n\\ \\n#Uncomment and change below code for google storage\\ \\n#from import storage\\ \\n#def write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n# file_name=\\ \\n# data.to_csv('output_data.csv')\\ \\n# storage_client = storage.Client()\\ \\n# bucket = storage_client.bucket('aion_data')\\ \\n# bucket.blob('prediction/'+file_name).upload_from_filename('output_data.csv', content_type='text/csv')\\ \\n# return data\\ \\n"}, 'is_file_name_url':{'imports':[],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef is_file_name
_url(file_name):\\ \\n supported_urls_starts_with = ('gs://','https://','http://')\\ \\n return file_name.startswith(supported_urls_starts_with)\\ \\n"}, 'logger_class':{'imports':[{'mod':'logging'}, {'mod':'io'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\nclass logger():\\ \\n #setup the logger\\ \\n def __init__(self, log_file, mode='w', logger_name=None):\\ \\n logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, filemode=mode, format='%(asctime)s %(name)s- %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')\\ \\n self.log = logging.getLogger(logger_name)\\ \\n\\ \\n #get logger\\ \\n def getLogger(self):\\ \\n return self.log\\ \\n\\ \\n def info(self, msg):\\ \\n\\ \\n\\ \\n def error(self, msg, exc_info=False):\\ \\n self.log.error(msg,exc_info)\\ \\n\\ \\n # format and log dataframe\\ \\n def log_dataframe(self, df, rows=2, msg=None):\\ \\n buffer = io.StringIO()\\ \\n\\ \\n log_text = 'Data frame{}'.format(' after ' + msg + ':' if msg else ':')\\ \\n log_text += '\\\\n\\\\t'+str(df.head(rows)).replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t')\\ \\n log_text += ('\\\\n\\\\t' + buffer.getvalue().replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t'))\\ \\n\\ \\n"}, } class utility_function(): def __init__(self, module): if module in utility_functions.keys(): self.module_name = module else: self.module_name = None self.importer = importModule() self.codeText = "" def get_code(self): code = "" if self.module_name: functions = utility_functions[self.module_name] for function in functions: self.codeText += self.get_function_code(function) code = self.importer.getCode() code += self.codeText return code def get_function_code(self, name): code = "" if name in functions_code.keys(): code += functions_code[name]['code'] if self.importer: if 'imports' in functions_code[name].keys(): for module in functions_code[name]['imports']: mod_name = module['mod'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) self.importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) return code def get_importer(self): return self.importer if __name__ == '__main__': obj = utility_function('load_data') p = obj.get_utility_code() print(p)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from mlac.timeseries.core.imports import importModule from mlac.timeseries.core.load_data import tabularDataReader from mlac.timeseries.core.transformer import transformer as profiler from mlac.timeseries.core.selector import selector from mlac.timeseries.core.trainer import learner from mlac.timeseries.core.register import register from mlac.timeseries.core.deploy import deploy from mlac.timeseries.core.drift_analysis import drift from mlac.timeseries.core.functions import global_function from mlac.timeseries.core.data_reader import data_reader from mlac.timeseries.core.utility import utility_function <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class deploy(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = "" self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.addInputFiles({'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','log':'predict.log'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() text += '\\n' text += self.getOutputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): pass def getPredictionCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'joblib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'numpy', 'mod_as':'np'} ,{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'json_normalize', 'mod_from':'pandas'} ,{'module':'load_model', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.models'} ] return modules def addPredictionCode(self): self.codeText += """ class deploy(): def __init__(self, base_config, log=None): self.targetPath = (Path('aion') / base_config['targetPath']).resolve() if log: self.logger = log else: log_file = self.targetPath / IOFiles['log'] self.logger = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: self.initialize(base_config) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) def initialize(self, base_config): targetPath = Path('aion') / base_config['targetPath'] meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = utils.read_json(meta_data_file) self.dateTimeFeature = meta_data['training']['dateTimeFeature'] self.targetFeature = meta_data['training']['target_feature'] normalization_file = meta_data['transformation']['Status']['Normalization_file'] self.normalizer = joblib.load(normalization_file) self.lag_order = base_config['lag_order'] self.noofforecasts = base_config['noofforecasts'] run_id = str(meta_data['register']['runId']) model_path = str(targetPath/'runs'/str(meta_data['register']['runId'])/meta_data['register']['model']/'model') self.model = load_model(model_path) self.model_name = meta_data['register']['model'] def predict(self, data=None): try: return self.__predict(data) except Exception as e: if self.logger: self.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) raise ValueError(json.dumps({'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)})) def __predict(self, data=None): jsonData = json.loads(data) dataFrame = json_normalize(jsonData) xtrain = dataFrame if len(dataFrame) == 0: raise ValueError('No data record found') df_l = len(dataFrame) pred_threshold = 0.1 max_pred_by_user = round((df_l) * pred_threshold) # prediction for 24 steps or next 24 hours if self.noofforecasts == -1: self.noofforecasts = max_pred_by_user no_of_prediction = self.noofforecasts if (str(no_of_prediction) > str(max_pred_by_user)): no_of_prediction = max_pred_by_user noofforecasts = no_of_prediction # self.sfeatures.remove(self.datetimeFeature) features = self.targetFeature if len(features) == 1: xt = xtrain[features].values else: xt = xtrain[features].values xt = xt.astype('float32') xt = self.normalizer.transform(xt) pred_data = xt y_future = [] self.lag_order = int(self.lag_order) for i in range(int(no_of_prediction)): pdata = pred_data[-self.lag_order:] if len(features) == 1: pdata = pdata.reshape((1, self.lag_order)) else: pdata = pdata.reshape((1, self.lag_order, len(features))) if (len(features) > 1): pred = self.model.predict(pdata) predout = self.normalizer.inverse_transform(pred) y_future.append(predout) pred_data = np.append(pred_data, pred, axis=0) else: pred = self.model.predict(pdata) predout = self.normalizer.inverse_transform(pred) y_future.append(predout.flatten()[-1]) pred_data = np.append(pred_data, pred) pred = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0, len(y_future)), columns=self.targetFeature) for i in range(0, len(y_future)): pred.iloc[i] = y_future[i] predictions = pred forecast_output = predictions.to_json(orient='records') return forecast_output """ def getCode(self): return self.codeText def getServiceCode(self): return """ from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn import os from os.path import expanduser import platform import threading import subprocess import argparse import re import cgi import json import shutil import logging import sys import time import seaborn as sns from pathlib import Path from predict import deploy import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as st import numpy as np import warnings from utility import * warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") config_input = None IOFiles = { "inputData": "rawData.dat", "metaData": "modelMetaData.json", "production": "production.json", "log": "aion.log", "monitoring":"monitoring.json", "prodData": "prodData", "prodDataGT":"prodDataGT" } def DistributionFinder(data): try: distributionName = "" sse = 0.0 KStestStatic = 0.0 dataType = "" if (data.dtype == "float64" or data.dtype == "float32"): dataType = "Continuous" elif (data.dtype == "int"): dataType = "Discrete" elif (data.dtype == "int64"): dataType = "Discrete" if (dataType == "Discrete"): distributions = [st.bernoulli, st.binom, st.geom, st.nbinom, st.poisson] index, counts = np.unique(data.astype(int), return_counts=True) if (len(index) >= 2): best_sse = np.inf y1 = [] total = sum(counts) mean = float(sum(index * counts)) / total variance = float((sum(index ** 2 * counts) - total * mean ** 2)) / (total - 1) dispersion = mean / float(variance) theta = 1 / float(dispersion) r = mean * (float(theta) / 1 - theta) for j in counts: y1.append(float(j) / total) pmf1 = st.bernoulli.pmf(index, mean) pmf2 = st.binom.pmf(index, len(index), p=mean / len(index)) pmf3 = st.geom.pmf(index, 1 / float(1 + mean)) pmf4 = st.nbinom.pmf(index, mean, r) pmf5 = st.poisson.pmf(index, mean) sse1 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf1, 2.0)) sse2 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf2, 2.0)) sse3 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf3, 2.0)) sse4 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf4, 2.0)) sse5 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf5, 2.0)) sselist = [sse1, sse2, sse3, sse4, sse5] best_distribution = 'NA' for i in range(0, len(sselist)): if best_sse > sselist[i] > 0: best_distribution = distributions[i].name best_sse = sselist[i] elif (len(index) == 1): best_distribution = "Constant Data-No Distribution" best_sse = 0.0 distributionName = best_distribution sse = best_sse elif (dataType == "Continuous"): distributions = [st.
uniform, st.expon, st.weibull_max, st.weibull_min, st.chi, st.norm, st.lognorm, st.t, st.gamma, st.beta] best_distribution = best_sse = np.inf datamin = data.min() datamax = data.max() nrange = datamax - datamin y, x = np.histogram(data.astype(float), bins='auto', density=True) x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0 for distribution in distributions: params = arg = params[:-2] loc = params[-2] scale = params[-1] pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg) sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0)) if (best_sse > sse > 0): best_distribution = best_sse = sse distributionName = best_distribution sse = best_sse except: response = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) message = 'Job has Failed' + response exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(str(exc_type) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print(message) return distributionName, sse def getDriftDistribution(feature, dataframe, newdataframe=pd.DataFrame()): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import io, base64, urllib np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') try: plt.clf() except: pass plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) sns.set(color_codes=True) pandasNumericDtypes = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] if len(feature) > 4: numneroffeatures = len(feature) plt.figure(figsize=(10, numneroffeatures*2)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) for i in enumerate(feature): dataType = dataframe[i[1]].dtypes if dataType not in pandasNumericDtypes: dataframe[i[1]] = pd.Categorical(dataframe[i[1]]) dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]] dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]].astype(int) dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]].fillna(dataframe[i[1]].mode()[0]) else: dataframe[i[1]] = dataframe[i[1]].fillna(dataframe[i[1]].mean()) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.7, top=1) plt.subplot(math.ceil((len(feature) / 2)), 2, i[0] + 1) distname, sse = DistributionFinder(dataframe[i[1]]) print(distname) ax = sns.distplot(dataframe[i[1]], label=distname) ax.legend(loc='best') if newdataframe.empty == False: dataType = newdataframe[i[1]].dtypes if dataType not in pandasNumericDtypes: newdataframe[i[1]] = pd.Categorical(newdataframe[i[1]]) newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]] newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]].astype(int) newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]].fillna(newdataframe[i[1]].mode()[0]) else: newdataframe[i[1]] = newdataframe[i[1]].fillna(newdataframe[i[1]].mean()) distname, sse = DistributionFinder(newdataframe[i[1]]) print(distname) ax = sns.distplot(newdataframe[i[1]],label=distname) ax.legend(loc='best') buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') string = base64.b64encode( uri = urllib.parse.quote(string) return uri def read_json(file_path): data = None with open(file_path,'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return data class HTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): print('PYTHON ######## REQUEST ####### STARTED') if None !='/AION/', self.path) or None !='/aion/', self.path): ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get('content-type')) if ctype == 'application/json': length = int(self.headers.get('content-length')) data = usecase = self.path.split('/')[-2] if usecase.lower() == config_input['targetPath'].lower(): operation = self.path.split('/')[-1] data = json.loads(data) dataStr = json.dumps(data) if operation.lower() == 'predict': output=deployobj.predict(dataStr) resp = output elif operation.lower() == 'groundtruth': gtObj = groundtruth(config_input) output = gtObj.actual(dataStr) resp = output elif operation.lower() == 'delete': targetPath = Path('aion')/config_input['targetPath'] for file in data: x = targetPath/file if x.exists(): os.remove(x) resp = json.dumps({'Status':'Success'}) else: outputStr = json.dumps({'Status':'Error','Msg':'Operation not supported'}) resp = outputStr else: outputStr = json.dumps({'Status':'Error','Msg':'Wrong URL'}) resp = outputStr else: outputStr = json.dumps({'Status':'ERROR','Msg':'Content-Type Not Present'}) resp = outputStr resp=resp+'\\\\n' resp=resp.encode() self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(resp) else: print('python ==> else1') self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() print('PYTHON ######## REQUEST ####### ENDED') return def do_GET(self): print('PYTHON ######## REQUEST ####### STARTED') if None !='/AION/', self.path) or None !='/aion/', self.path): usecase = self.path.split('/')[-2] self.send_response(200) self.targetPath = Path('aion')/config_input['targetPath'] meta_data_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') production_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['production'] if production_file.exists(): production_data = read_json(production_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Production Details not found: {production_file}') operation = self.path.split('/')[-1] if (usecase.lower() == config_input['targetPath'].lower()) and (operation.lower() == 'metrices'): self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() ModelString = production_data['Model'] ModelPerformance = ModelString+'_performance.json' performance_file = self.targetPath/ModelPerformance if performance_file.exists(): performance_data = read_json(performance_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Production Details not found: {performance_data}') Scoring_Creteria = performance_data['scoring_criteria'] train_score = round(performance_data['metrices']['train_score'],2) test_score = round(performance_data['metrices']['test_score'],2) current_score = 'NA' monitoring = read_json(self.targetPath/IOFiles['monitoring']) reader = dataReader(reader_type=monitoring['prod_db_type'],target_path=self.targetPath, config=monitoring['db_config']) inputDatafile = self.targetPath/IOFiles['inputData'] NoOfPrediction = 0 NoOfGroundTruth = 0 inputdistribution = '' if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodData']): dfPredict =['prodData']) dfinput = pd.read_csv(inputDatafile) features = meta_data['training']['features'] inputdistribution = getDriftDistribution(features,dfinput,dfPredict) NoOfPrediction = len(dfPredict) if reader.file_exists(IOFiles['prodDataGT']): dfGroundTruth =['prodDataGT']) NoOfGroundTruth = len(dfGroundTruth) common_col = [k for k in dfPredict.columns.tolist() if k in dfGroundTruth.columns.tolist()] proddataDF = pd.merge(dfPredict, dfGroundTruth, on =common_col,how = 'inner') if Scoring_Creteria.lower() == 'accuracy': from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score current_score = accuracy_score(proddataDF[config_input['target_feature']], proddataDF['prediction']) current_score = round((current_score*100),2) elif Scoring_Creteria.lower() == 'recall': from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score current_score = recall_score(proddataDF[config_input['target_feature']], proddataDF['prediction'],average='macro') current_score = round((current_score*100),2) msg = \\"""<html> <head> <title>Performance Details</title> </head> <style> table, th, td {border} </style> <body> <h2><b>Deployed Model:</b>{ModelString}</h2> <br/> <table style="width:50%"> <tr> <td>No of Prediction</td> <td>{NoOfPrediction}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>No of GroundTruth</td> <td>{NoOfGroundTruth}</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <th>Score Type</th> <th>Train Score</th> <th>Test Score</th> <th>Production Score</th> </tr> <tr> <td>{Scoring_Creteria}</td> <td>{train_score}</td> <td>{test_score}</td> <td>{current_score}</td> </tr> </table> <br/> <br/> <img src="data:image/png;base64,{newDataDrift}" alt="" > </body> </html> \\""".format(border='{border: 1px solid black;}',ModelString=ModelString,Scoring_Creteria=Scoring_Creteria,NoOfPrediction=NoOfPrediction,NoOfGroundTruth=NoOfGroundTruth,train_score=train_score,test_score=test_score,current_score=current_score,newDataDrift=inputdistribution) elif (usecase.lower() == config_input['targetPath'].lower()) and (operation.lower() == 'logs'): self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() log_file = self.targetPath/IOFiles['log'] if log_file.exists(): with open(log_file) as f: msg = f.close() else: raise ValueError(f'Log Details not found: {log_file}') else: self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() features = meta_data['load_data']['selected_features'] bodydes='[' for x in features: if bodydes != '[': bodydes = bodydes+',' bodydes = bodydes+'{"'+x+'":"value"}' bodydes+=']' urltext = '/AION/'+config_input['targetPath']+'/predict' urltextgth='/AION/'+config_input['targetPath']+'/groundtruth' urltextproduction='/AION/'+config_input['targetPath']+'/metrices' msg=\\"""
Version:{modelversion} RunNo: {runNo} URL for Prediction ================== URL:{url} RequestType: POST Content-Type=application/json Body: {displaymsg} Output: prediction,probability(if Applicable),remarks corresponding to each row. URL for GroundTruth =================== URL:{urltextgth} RequestType: POST Content-Type=application/json Note: Make Sure that one feature (ID) should be unique in both predict and groundtruth. Otherwise outputdrift will not work URL for Model In Production Analysis ==================================== URL:{urltextproduction} RequestType: GET Content-Type=application/json \\""".format(modelversion=config_input['modelVersion'],runNo=config_input['deployedRunNo'],url=urltext,urltextgth=urltextgth,urltextproduction=urltextproduction,displaymsg=bodydes) self.wfile.write(msg.encode()) else: self.send_response(403) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() return class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): allow_reuse_address = True def shutdown(self): self.socket.close() HTTPServer.shutdown(self) class file_status(): def __init__(self, reload_function, params, file, logger): self.files_status = {} self.initializeFileStatus(file) self.reload_function = reload_function self.params = params self.logger = logger def initializeFileStatus(self, file): self.files_status = {'path': file, 'time':file.stat().st_mtime} def is_file_changed(self): if self.files_status['path'].stat().st_mtime > self.files_status['time']: self.files_status['time'] = self.files_status['path'].stat().st_mtime return True return False def run(self): global config_input while( True): time.sleep(30) if self.is_file_changed(): production_details = targetPath/IOFiles['production'] if not production_details.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Model in production details does not exist') productionmodel = read_json(production_details) config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json' if not Path(config_file).exists(): raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}') config_input = read_json(config_file) config_input['deployedModel'] = productionmodel['Model'] config_input['deployedRunNo'] = productionmodel['runNo']'Model changed Reloading.....')'Model: {config_input["deployedModel"]}')'Version: {str(config_input["modelVersion"])}')'runNo: {str(config_input["deployedRunNo"])}') self.reload_function(config_input) class SimpleHttpServer(): def __init__(self, ip, port, model_file_path,reload_function,params, logger): self.server = ThreadedHTTPServer((ip,port), HTTPRequestHandler) self.status_checker = file_status( reload_function, params, model_file_path, logger) def start(self): self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() self.status_thread = threading.Thread( self.status_thread.start() def waitForThread(self): self.server_thread.join() self.status_thread.join() def stop(self): self.server.shutdown() self.waitForThread() if __name__=='__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HTTP Server') parser.add_argument('-ip','--ipAddress', help='HTTP Server IP') parser.add_argument('-pn','--portNo', type=int, help='Listening port for HTTP Server') args = parser.parse_args() config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json' if not Path(config_file).exists(): raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}') config = read_json(config_file) if args.ipAddress: config['ipAddress'] = args.ipAddress if args.portNo: config['portNo'] = args.portNo targetPath = Path('aion')/config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') production_details = targetPath/IOFiles['production'] if not production_details.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Model in production details does not exist') productionmodel = read_json(production_details) config['deployedModel'] = productionmodel['Model'] config['deployedRunNo'] = productionmodel['runNo'] #server = SimpleHttpServer(config['ipAddress'],int(config['portNo'])) config_input = config logging.basicConfig(filename= Path(targetPath)/IOFiles['log'], filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s %(name)s- %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__) deployobj = deploy(config_input, logger) server = SimpleHttpServer(config['ipAddress'],int(config['portNo']),targetPath/IOFiles['production'],deployobj.initialize,config_input, logger)'HTTP Server Running...........')"IP Address: {config['ipAddress']}")"Port No.: {config['portNo']}") print('HTTP Server Running...........') print('For Prediction') print('================') print('Request Type: Post') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/predict') print('\\\\nFor GroundTruth') print('================') print('Request Type: Post') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/groundtruth') print('\\\\nFor Help') print('================') print('Request Type: Get') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/help') print('\\\\nFor Model In Production Analysis') print('================') print('Request Type: Get') print('Content-Type: application/json') print('URL: /AION/'+config['targetPath']+'/metrices') server.start() server.waitForThread() """<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ class global_function(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = "" self.available_functions = { 'iqr':{'name':'iqrOutlier','code':f"\\n\\ndef iqrOutlier(df):\\ \\n{}Q1 = df.quantile(0.25)\\ \\n{}Q3 = df.quantile(0.75)\\ \\n{}IQR = Q3 - Q1\\ \\n{}index = ~((df < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) |(df > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))).any(axis=1)\\ \\n{}return index"}, 'zscore':{'name':'zscoreOutlier','imports':[{'mod':'stats','mod_from':'scipy'},{'mod':'numpy'}],'code':f"\\n\\ndef zscoreOutlier(df):\\ \\n{}z = numpy.abs(stats.zscore(df))\\ \\n{}index = (z < 3).all(axis=1)\\ \\n{}return index"}, 'iforest':{'name':'iforestOutlier','imports':[{'mod':'IsolationForest','mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'}],'code':f"\\n\\ndef iforestOutlier(df):\\ \\n{}from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest\\ \\n{}isolation_forest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=100)\\ \\n{}\\ \\n{}y_pred_train = isolation_forest.predict(df)\\ \\n{}return y_pred_train == 1"}, 'minMaxImputer':{'name':'minMaxImputer','code':f"\\n\\nclass minMaxImputer(TransformerMixin):\\ \\n{}def __init__(self, strategy='max'):\\ \\n{}{}self.strategy = strategy\\ \\n{}def fit(self, X, y=None):\\ \\n{}{}self.feature_names_in_ = X.columns\\ \\n{}{}if self.strategy == 'min':\\ \\n{}{}{}self.statistics_ = X.min()\\ \\n{}{}else:\\ \\n{}{}{}self.statistics_ = X.max()\\ \\n{}{}return self\\ \\n{}def transform(self, X):\\ \\n{}{}import numpy\\ \\n{}{}return numpy.where(X.isna(), self.statistics_, X)"}, 'DummyEstimator':{'name':'DummyEstimator','code':f"\\n\\nclass DummyEstimator(BaseEstimator):\\ \\n{}def fit(self): pass\\ \\n{}def score(self): pass"}, 'start_reducer':{'name':'start_reducer','code':"\\n\\ \\ndef start_reducer(df,target_feature,corr_threshold=0.85,var_threshold=0.05):\\ \\n import numpy as np\\ \\n import pandas as pd\\ \\n import itertools\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold\\ \\n\\ \\n train_features = df.columns.tolist()\\ \\n train_features.remove(target_feature)\\ \\n df = df.loc[:, (df != df.iloc[0]).any()] #remove constant feature\\ \\n numeric_features = df.select_dtypes(include='number').columns.tolist()\\ \\n non_numeric_features = df.select_dtypes(exclude='number').columns.tolist()\\ \\n if numeric_features and var_threshold:\\ \\n qconstantFilter = VarianceThreshold(threshold=var_threshold)\\ \\n tempDf=df[numeric_features]\\ \\n\\ \\n numeric_features = [x for x,y in zip(numeric_features,qconstantFilter.get_support()) if y]\\ \\n if numeric_features:\\ \\n numColPairs = list(itertools.product(numeric_features, numeric_features))\\ \\n for item in numColPairs:\\ \\n if(item[0] == item[1]):\\ \\n numColPairs.remove(item)\\ \\n tempArray = []\\ \\n for item in numColPairs:\\ \\n tempCorr = np.abs(df[item[0]].corr(df[item[1]]))\\ \\n if(tempCorr > corr_threshold):\\ \\n tempArray.append(item[0])\\ \\n tempArray = np.unique(tempArray).tolist()\\ \\n nonsimilarNumericalCols = list(set(numeric_features) - set(tempArray))\\ \\n groupedFeatures = []\\ \\n if tempArray:\\ \\n corrDic = {}\\ \\n for feature in tempArray:\\ \\n temp = []\\ \\n for col in tempArray:\\ \\n tempCorr = np.abs(df[feature].corr(df[col]))\\ \\n temp.append(tempCorr)\\ \\n corrDic[feature] = temp\\ \\n #Similar correlation df\\ \\n corrDF = pd.DataFrame(corrDic,index = tempArray)\\ \\n corrDF.loc[:,:] = np.tril(corrDF, k=-1)\\ \\n alreadyIn = set()\\ \\n similarFeatures = []\\ \\n for col in corrDF:\\ \\n perfectCorr = corrDF[col][corrDF[col] > corr_threshold].index.tolist()\\ \\n if perfectCorr and col not in alreadyIn:\\ \\n alreadyIn.update(set(perfectCorr))\\ \\n perfectCorr.append(col)\\ \\n similarFeatures.append(perfectCorr)\\ \\n updatedSimFeatures = []\\ \\n for items in similarFeatures:\\ \\n if(target_feature != '' and target_feature in items):\\ \\n for p in items:\\ \\n updatedSimFeatures.append(p)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n updatedSimFeatures.append(items[0])\\ \\n newTempFeatures = list(set(updatedSimFeatures + nonsimilarNumericalCols))\\ \\n updatedFeatures = list(set(newTempFeatures + non_numeric_features))\\ \\n else:\\ \\n updatedFeatures = list(set(columns) - set(constFeatures)-set(qconstantColumns))\\ \\n else:\\
\\n updatedFeatures = list(set(columns) - set(constFeatures)-set(qconstantColumns))\\ \\n return updatedFeatures"}, 'feature_importance_class':{'name':'feature_importance_class','code':"\\n\\ \\ndef feature_importance_class(df, numeric_features, cat_features,target_feature,pValTh,corrTh):\\ \\n import pandas as pd\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import f_classif\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif\\ \\n \\ \\n impFeatures = []\\ \\n if cat_features:\\ \\n categoricalData=df[cat_features]\\ \\n chiSqCategorical=chi2(categoricalData,df[target_feature])[1]\\ \\n corrSeries=pd.Series(chiSqCategorical, index=cat_features)\\ \\n impFeatures.append(corrSeries[corrSeries<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n if numeric_features:\\ \\n quantData=df[numeric_features]\\ \\n fclassScore=f_classif(quantData,df[target_feature])[1]\\ \\n miClassScore=mutual_info_classif(quantData,df[target_feature])\\ \\n fClassSeries=pd.Series(fclassScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n miClassSeries=pd.Series(miClassScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n impFeatures.append(fClassSeries[fClassSeries<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n impFeatures.append(miClassSeries[miClassSeries>corrTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n pearsonScore=df.corr() \\ \\n targetPScore=abs(pearsonScore[target_feature])\\ \\n impFeatures.append(targetPScore[targetPScore<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n return list(set(sum(impFeatures, [])))"}, 'feature_importance_reg':{'name':'feature_importance_reg','code':"\\n\\ \\ndef feature_importance_reg(df, numeric_features, target_feature,pValTh,corrTh):\\ \\n import pandas as pd\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression\\ \\n from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression\\ \\n \\ \\n impFeatures = []\\ \\n if numeric_features:\\ \\n quantData =df[numeric_features]\\ \\n fregScore=f_regression(quantData,df[target_feature])[1]\\ \\n miregScore=mutual_info_regression(quantData,df[target_feature])\\ \\n fregSeries=pd.Series(fregScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n miregSeries=pd.Series(miregScore,index=numeric_features)\\ \\n impFeatures.append(fregSeries[fregSeries<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n impFeatures.append(miregSeries[miregSeries>corrTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n pearsonScore=df.corr()\\ \\n targetPScore=abs(pearsonScore[target_feature])\\ \\n impFeatures.append(targetPScore[targetPScore<pValTh].index.tolist())\\ \\n return list(set(sum(impFeatures, [])))"}, 'scoring_criteria':{'name':'scoring_criteria','imports':[{'mod':'make_scorer','mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'},{'mod':'roc_auc_score','mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'}], 'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef scoring_criteria(score_param, problem_type, class_count):\\ \\n if problem_type == 'classification':\\ \\n scorer_mapping = {\\ \\n 'recall':{'binary_class': 'recall', 'multi_class': 'recall_weighted'},\\ \\n 'precision':{'binary_class': 'precision', 'multi_class': 'precision_weighted'},\\ \\n 'f1_score':{'binary_class': 'f1', 'multi_class': 'f1_weighted'},\\ \\n 'roc_auc':{'binary_class': 'roc_auc', 'multi_class': 'roc_auc_ovr_weighted'}\\ \\n }\\ \\n if (score_param.lower() == 'roc_auc') and (class_count > 2):\\ \\n score_param = make_scorer(roc_auc_score, needs_proba=True,multi_class='ovr',average='weighted')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n class_type = 'binary_class' if class_count == 2 else 'multi_class'\\ \\n if score_param in scorer_mapping.keys():\\ \\n score_param = scorer_mapping[score_param][class_type]\\ \\n else:\\ \\n score_param = 'accuracy'\\ \\n return score_param"}, 'log_dataframe':{'name':'log_dataframe','code':f"\\n\\ \\ndef log_dataframe(df, msg=None):\\ \\n import io\\ \\n buffer = io.StringIO()\\ \\n\\ \\n if msg:\\ \\n log_text = f'Data frame after {{msg}}:'\\ \\n else:\\ \\n log_text = 'Data frame:'\\ \\n log_text += '\\\\n\\\\t'+str(df.head(2)).replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t')\\ \\n log_text += ('\\\\n\\\\t' + buffer.getvalue().replace('\\\\n','\\\\n\\\\t'))\\ \\n get_logger().info(log_text)"}, 'BayesSearchCV':{'name':'BayesSearchCV','imports':[{'mod':'cross_val_score','mod_from':'sklearn.model_selection'},{'mod':'fmin','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'tpe','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'hp','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'STATUS_OK','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'Trials','mod_from':'hyperopt'},{'mod':'numpy','mod_as':'np'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\nclass BayesSearchCV():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self, estimator, params, scoring, n_iter, cv):\\ \\n self.estimator = estimator\\ \\n self.params = params\\ \\n self.scoring = scoring\\ \\n self.iteration = n_iter\\ \\n = cv\\ \\n self.best_estimator_ = None\\ \\n self.best_score_ = None\\ \\n self.best_params_ = None\\ \\n\\ \\n def __min_fun(self, params):\\ \\n score=cross_val_score(self.estimator, self.X, self.y,scoring=self.scoring,\\ \\n acc = score.mean()\\ \\n return {'loss':-acc,'score': acc, 'status': STATUS_OK,'model' :self.estimator,'params': params}\\ \\n\\ \\n def fit(self, X, y):\\ \\n trials = Trials()\\ \\n self.X = X\\ \\n self.y = y\\ \\n best = fmin(self.__min_fun,self.params,algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=self.iteration, trials=trials)\\ \\n result = sorted(trials.results, key = lambda x: x['loss'])[0]\\ \\n self.best_estimator_ = result['model']\\ \\n self.best_score_ = result['score']\\ \\n self.best_params_ = result['params']\\ \\n, y)\\ \\n\\ \\n def hyperOptParamConversion( paramSpace):\\ \\n paramDict = {}\\ \\n for j in list(paramSpace.keys()):\\ \\n inp = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n isLog = False\\ \\n isLin = False\\ \\n isRan = False\\ \\n isList = False\\ \\n isString = False\\ \\n try:\\ \\n # check if functions are given as input and reassign paramspace\\ \\n v = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n if 'logspace' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isLog = True\\ \\n elif 'linspace' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isLin = True\\ \\n elif 'range' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isRan = True\\ \\n elif 'list' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v[v.find('(') + 1:v.find(')')].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isList = True\\ \\n elif '[' and ']' in paramSpace[j]:\\ \\n paramSpace[j] = v.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].replace(' ', '')\\ \\n isList = True\\ \\n x = paramSpace[j].split(',')\\ \\n except:\\ \\n x = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n str_arg = paramSpace[j]\\ \\n\\ \\n # check if arguments are string\\ \\n try:\\ \\n test = eval(x[0])\\ \\n except:\\ \\n isString = True\\ \\n\\ \\n if isString:\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, x)})\\ \\n else:\\ \\n res = eval(str_arg)\\ \\n if isLin:\\ \\n y = eval('np.linspace' + str(res))\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.uniform(j, eval(x[0]), eval(x[1]))})\\ \\n elif isLog:\\ \\n y = eval('np.logspace' + str(res))\\ \\n paramDict.update(\\ \\n {j: hp.uniform(j, 10 ** eval(x[0]), 10 ** eval(x[1]))})\\ \\n elif isRan:\\ \\n y = eval('np.arange' + str(res))\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, y)})\\ \\n # check datatype of argument\\ \\n elif isinstance(eval(x[0]), bool):\\ \\n y = list(map(lambda i: eval(i), x))\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, eval(str(y)))})\\ \\n elif isinstance(eval(x[0]), float):\\ \\n res = eval(str_arg)\\ \\n if len(str_arg.split(',')) == 3 and not isList:\\ \\n y = eval('np.linspace' + str(res))\\ \\n #print(y)\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.uniform(j, eval(x[0]), eval(x[1]))})\\ \\n else:\\ \\n y = list(res) if isinstance(res, tuple) else [res]\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, y)})\\ \\n else:\\ \\n res = eval(str_arg)\\ \\n if len(str_arg.split(',')) == 3 and not isList:\\ \\n y = eval('np.linspace' +str(res)) if eval(x[2]) >= eval(x[1]) else eval('np.arange'+str(res))\\ \\n else:\\ \\n y = list(res) if isinstance(res, tuple) else [res]\\ \\n paramDict.update({j: hp.choice(j, y)})\\ \\n return paramDict"}, 's2n':{'name':'s2n','imports':[{'mod':'word2number','mod_as':'w2n'},{'mod':'numpy','mod_as':'np'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef s2n(value):\\ \\n try:\\ \\n x=eval(value)\\ \\n return x\\ \\n except:\\ \\n try:\\ \\n return w2n.word_to_num(value)\\ \\n except:\\ \\n return np.nan"}, 'readWrite':{'name':'readWrite','imports':[{'mod':'json'},{'mod':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'}],'code':"\\n\\ \\ndef read_json(file_path):\\ \\n data = None\\ \\n with open(file_path,'r') as f:\\ \\n data = json.load(f)\\ \\n return data\\ \\n\\ \\ndef write_json(data, file_path):\\ \\n with open(file_path,'w') as f:\\ \\n json.dump(data, f)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef read_data(file_path, encoding='utf-8', sep=','):\\ \\n return pd.read_csv(file_path, encoding=encoding, sep=sep)\\ \\n\\ \\ndef write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n return data.to_csv(file_path, index=index)\\ \\n\\ \\n#Uncomment and change below code for google storage\\ \\n#def write_data(data, file_path, index=False):\\ \\n# file_name=\\ \\n# data.to_csv('output_data.csv')\\ \\n# storage_client = storage.Client()\\ \\n# bucket = storage_client.bucket('aion_data')\\ \\n# bucket.blob
('prediction/'+file_name).upload_from_filename('output_data.csv', content_type='text/csv')\\ \\n# return data\\ \\n\\ \\ndef is_file_name_url(file_name):\\ \\n supported_urls_starts_with = ('gs://','https://','http://')\\ \\n return file_name.startswith(supported_urls_starts_with)\\ \\n"}, 'logger':{'name':'set_logger','imports':[{'mod':'logging'}],'code':f"\\n\\ \\nlog = None\\ \\ndef set_logger(log_file, mode='a'):\\ \\n global log\\ \\n logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, filemode=mode, format='%(asctime)s %(name)s- %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')\\ \\n log = logging.getLogger(Path(__file__)\\ \\n return log\\ \\n\\ \\ndef get_logger():\\ \\n return log\\n"}, 'mlflowSetPath':{'name':'mlflowSetPath','code':f"\\n\\ndef mlflowSetPath(path, name):\\ \\n{}db_name = str(Path(path)/'mlruns')\\ \\n{}mlflow.set_tracking_uri('file:///' + db_name)\\ \\n{}mlflow.set_experiment(str(Path(path).name))\\ \\n"}, 'mlflow_create_experiment':{'name':'mlflow_create_experiment','code':f"\\n\\ndef mlflow_create_experiment(config, path, name):\\ \\n{}tracking_uri, artifact_uri, registry_uri = get_mlflow_uris(config, path)\\ \\n{}mlflow.tracking.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n{}mlflow.tracking.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n{}client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()\\ \\n{}experiment = client.get_experiment_by_name(name)\\ \\n{}if experiment:\\ \\n{}{}experiment_id = experiment.experiment_id\\ \\n{}else:\\ \\n{}{}experiment_id = client.create_experiment(name, artifact_uri)\\ \\n{}return client, experiment_id\\ \\n"}, 'get_mlflow_uris':{'name':'get_mlflow_uris','code':f"\\n\\ndef get_mlflow_uris(config, path):\\ \\n artifact_uri = None\\ \\n tracking_uri_type = config.get('tracking_uri_type',None)\\ \\n if tracking_uri_type == 'localDB':\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(path.resolve()/'mlruns.db')\\ \\n elif tracking_uri_type == 'server' and config.get('tracking_uri', None):\\ \\n tracking_uri = config['tracking_uri']\\ \\n if config.get('artifacts_uri', None):\\ \\n if Path(config['artifacts_uri']).exists():\\ \\n artifact_uri = 'file:' + config['artifacts_uri']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n artifact_uri = config['artifacts_uri']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n artifact_uri = 'file:' + str(path.resolve()/'mlruns')\\ \\n else:\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'file:' + str(path.resolve()/'mlruns')\\ \\n artifact_uri = None\\ \\n if config.get('registry_uri', None):\\ \\n registry_uri = config['registry_uri']\\ \\n else:\\ \\n registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(path.resolve()/'registry.db')\\ \\n return tracking_uri, artifact_uri, registry_uri\\ \\n"}, 'logMlflow':{'name':'logMlflow','code':f"\\n\\ndef logMlflow( params, metrices, estimator,tags={{}}, algoName=None):\\ \\n{}run_id = None\\ \\n{}for k,v in params.items():\\ \\n{}{}mlflow.log_param(k, v)\\ \\n{}for k,v in metrices.items():\\ \\n{}{}mlflow.log_metric(k, v)\\ \\n{}if 'CatBoost' in algoName:\\ \\n{}{}model_info = mlflow.catboost.log_model(estimator, 'model')\\ \\n{}else:\\ \\n{}{}model_info = mlflow.sklearn.log_model(sk_model=estimator, artifact_path='model')\\ \\n{}tags['processed'] = 'no'\\ \\n{}tags['registered'] = 'no'\\ \\n{}mlflow.set_tags(tags)\\ \\n{}if model_info:\\ \\n{}{}run_id = model_info.run_id\\ \\n{}return run_id\\ \\n"}, 'classification_metrices':{'name':'classification_metrices','imports':[{'mod':'sklearn'},{'mod':'math'}],'code':"\\ndef get_classification_metrices( actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n accuracy_score = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(actual_values, predicted_values)\\ \\n avg_precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n avg_f1 = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(actual_values, predicted_values,\\ \\n average='macro')\\ \\n\\ \\n result['accuracy'] = math.floor(accuracy_score*10000)/100\\ \\n result['precision'] = math.floor(avg_precision*10000)/100\\ \\n result['recall'] = math.floor(avg_recall*10000)/100\\ \\n result['f1'] = math.floor(avg_f1*10000)/100\\ \\n return result\\ \\n"}, 'regression_metrices':{'name':'regression_metrices','imports':[{'mod':'numpy', 'mod_as':'np'}],'code':"\\ndef get_regression_metrices( actual_values, predicted_values):\\ \\n result = {}\\ \\n\\ \\n me = np.mean(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n sde = np.std(predicted_values - actual_values, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_err = np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values)\\ \\n mae = np.mean(abs_err)\\ \\n sdae = np.std(abs_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n abs_perc_err = 100.*np.abs(predicted_values - actual_values) / actual_values\\ \\n mape = np.mean(abs_perc_err)\\ \\n sdape = np.std(abs_perc_err, ddof = 1)\\ \\n\\ \\n result['mean_error'] = me\\ \\n result['mean_abs_error'] = mae\\ \\n result['mean_abs_perc_error'] = mape\\ \\n result['error_std'] = sde\\ \\n result['abs_error_std'] = sdae\\ \\n result['abs_perc_error_std'] = sdape\\ \\n return result\\ \\n"} } def add_function(self, name, importer=None): if name in self.available_functions.keys(): self.codeText += self.available_functions[name]['code'] if importer: if 'imports' in self.available_functions[name].keys(): for module in self.available_functions[name]['imports']: mod_name = module['mod'] mod_from = module.get('mod_from', None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as', None) importer.addModule(mod_name, mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) def get_function_name(self, name): if name in self.available_functions.keys(): return self.available_functions[name]['name'] return None def getCode(self): return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from importlib.metadata import version import sys class importModule(): def __init__(self): self.importModule = {} self.stdlibModule = [] self.localModule = {} def addLocalModule(self,module, mod_from=None, mod_as=None): if module == '*': if module not in self.localModule.keys(): self.localModule[module]= [mod_from] else: self.localModule[module].append(mod_from) elif module not in self.localModule.keys(): self.localModule[module] = {'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as} def addModule(self, module, mod_from=None, mod_as=None): if module not in self.importModule.keys(): self.importModule[module] = {'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as} if module in sys.stdlib_module_names: self.stdlibModule.append(module) elif isinstance(self.importModule[module], list): if mod_as not in [x['as'] for x in self.importModule[module]]: self.importModule[module].append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) elif mod_as not in [x['from'] for x in self.importModule[module]]: self.importModule[module].append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) elif mod_as != self.importModule[module]['as']: as_list = [self.importModule[module]] as_list.append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) self.importModule[module] = as_list elif mod_from != self.importModule[module]['from']: as_list = [self.importModule[module]] as_list.append({'from':mod_from, 'as':mod_as}) self.importModule[module] = as_list def getModules(self): return (self.importModule, self.stdlibModule) def getBaseModule(self, extra_importers=[]): modules_alias = { 'sklearn':'scikit-learn', 'genetic_selection':'sklearn-genetic', 'google': 'google-cloud-storage', 'azure':'azure-storage-file-datalake'} local_modules = {'AIX':'/app/AIX-0.1-py3-none-any.whl'} modules = [] require = "" if extra_importers: extra_importers = [importer.importModule for importer in extra_importers if isinstance(importer, importModule)] importers_module = [self.importModule] + extra_importers for importer_module in importers_module: for k,v in importer_module.items(): if v['from']: mod = v['from'].split('.')[0] else: mod = k if mod in modules_alias.keys(): mod = modules_alias[mod] modules.append(mod) modules = list(set(modules)) for mod in modules: try: if mod in local_modules.keys(): require += f"{local_modules[mod]}\\n" else: require += f"{mod}=={version(mod)}\\n" except : if mod not in sys.stdlib_module_names: raise return require def getCode(self): def to_string(k, v): mod = '' if v['from']: mod += 'from {} '.format(v['from']) mod += 'import {}'.format(k) if v['as']: mod += ' as {} '.format(v['as']) return mod modules = "" local_modules = "" std_lib_modules = "" third_party_modules = "" for k,v in self.importModule.items(): if k in self.stdlibModule: std_lib_modules = std_lib_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, v) elif isinstance(v, dict): third_party_modules = third_party_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, v) elif isinstance(v, list): for alias in v: third_party_modules = third_party_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, alias) for k,v in self.localModule.items(): if k != '*': local_modules = local_modules + '\\n' + to_string(k, v) else: for mod_from in v: local_modules = local_modules + '\\n' + f'from {mod_from} import {k}' if std_lib_modules: modules = modules + "\\n#Standard Library modules" + std_lib_modules if third_party_modules: modules = modules + "\\n\\n#Third Party modules" + third_party_modules if local_modules: modules = modules + "\\n\\n#local modules" + local_modules + '\\n' return modules def copyCode(self, importer): self.importModule, self.stdlibModule = importer.getModules() <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 20
22 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class learner(): def __init__(self, problem_type="classification", target_feature="", sample_method=None,indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.df_name = 'df' self.problem_type = problem_type self.target_feature = target_feature self.search_space = [] self.codeText = f"\\ndef train(log):" self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.function_code = '' self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'featureEngineeredData.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','monitor':'monitoring.json'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = utils.read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config" return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def getPrefixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ] return modules def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\ " def getSuffixModules(self): modules = [] return modules def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "\\n\\ " def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'logging'} ] return modules def getMlpCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'math'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'joblib'} ,{'module':'keras_tuner'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'numpy', 'mod_as':'np'} ,{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'r2_score', 'mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'} ,{'module':'mean_squared_error', 'mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'} ,{'module':'mean_absolute_error', 'mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'} ,{'module':'Dense', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.layers'} ,{'module':'Sequential', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras'} ,{'module':'Dropout', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.layers'} ] return modules def addMlpCode(self): self.codeText = """ def getdlparams(config): for k, v in config.items(): if (k == "activation"): activation_fn = str(v) elif (k == "optimizer"): optimizer = str(v) elif (k == "loss"): loss_fn = str(v) elif (k == "first_layer"): if not isinstance(k, list): first_layer = str(v).split(',') else: first_layer = k elif (k == "lag_order"): lag_order = int(v) elif (k == "hidden_layers"): hidden_layers = int(v) elif (k == "dropout"): if not isinstance(k, list): dropout = str(v).split(',') else: dropout = k elif (k == "batch_size"): batch_size = int(v) elif (k == "epochs"): epochs = int(v) elif (k == "model_name"): model_name = str(v) return activation_fn, optimizer, loss_fn, first_layer, lag_order, hidden_layers, dropout, batch_size, epochs, model_name def numpydf(dataset, look_back): dataX, dataY = [], [] for i in range(len(dataset) - look_back - 1): subset = dataset[i:(i + look_back), 0] dataX.append(subset) dataY.append(dataset[i + look_back, 0]) return np.array(dataX), np.array(dataY) def startTraining(dataset,train_size,mlpConfig,filename_scaler,target_feature,scoreParam,log):'Training started') activation_fn, optimizer, loss_fn, first_layer, hidden_layers, look_back, dropout, batch_size, epochs, model_name = getdlparams(mlpConfig) hp = keras_tuner.HyperParameters() first_layer_min = round(int(first_layer[0])) first_layer_max = round(int(first_layer[1])) dropout_min = float(dropout[0]) dropout_max = float(dropout[1]) dataset = dataset.values train, test = dataset[0:train_size, :], dataset[train_size:len(dataset), :] trainX, trainY = numpydf(train, look_back) testX, testY = numpydf(test, look_back) # create and fit Multilayer Perceptron model model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(units=hp.Int('units',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=16), input_dim=look_back, activation=activation_fn)) #BUGID 13484 model.add(Dropout(hp.Float('Dropout_rate',min_value=dropout_min,max_value=dropout_max,step=0.1))) #BUGID 13484 model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) model.compile(loss=loss_fn, optimizer=optimizer) model_fit =, trainY, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=2) # Estimate model performance trainScore = model.evaluate(trainX, trainY, verbose=0) testScore = model.evaluate(testX, testY, verbose=0) # Scoring values for the model mse_eval = testScore rmse_eval = math.sqrt(testScore) # generate predictions for training trainPredict = model.predict(trainX) testPredict = model.predict(testX) scaler = joblib.load(filename_scaler) trainY = scaler.inverse_transform([trainY]) trainPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(trainPredict) ## For test data testY = scaler.inverse_transform([testY]) testPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(testPredict) mse_mlp = mean_squared_error(testY.T, testPredict) scores = {} r2 = round(r2_score(testY.T, testPredict), 2) scores['R2'] = r2 mae = round(mean_absolute_error(testY.T, testPredict), 2) scores['MAE'] = mae scores['MSE'] = round(mse_mlp, 2) rmse = round(math.sqrt(mse_mlp), 2) scores['RMSE'] = rmse scores[scoreParam] = scores.get(scoreParam.upper(), scores['MSE'])"mlp rmse: "+str(rmse))"mlp mse: "+str(round(mse_mlp, 2)))"mlp r2: "+str(r2))"mlp mae: "+str(mae)) return model, look_back, scaler,testScore,trainScore,scores def train(config, targetPath, log): dataLoc = targetPath / IOFiles['inputData'] if not dataLoc.exists(): return {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': 'Data location does not exists.'} status = dict() usecase = config['targetPath'] df = utils.read_data(dataLoc) target_feature = config['target_feature'] dateTimeFeature= config['dateTimeFeature'] df.set_index(dateTimeFeature, inplace=True) train_size = int(len(df) * (1-config['test_ratio'])) #BugID:13217 mlpConfig = config['algorithms']['MLP'] filename = meta_data['transformation']['Status']['Normalization_file'] scoreParam = config['scoring_criteria']'Training MLP for TimeSeries') mlp_model, look_back, scaler,testScore,trainScore, error_matrix = startTraining(df,train_size,mlpConfig,filename,target_feature,scoreParam,log) score = error_matrix[scoreParam] # Training model model_path = targetPath/'runs'/str(meta_data['monitoring']['runId'])/model_name model_file_name = str(model_path/'model') meta_data['training'] = {} meta_data['training']['model_filename'] = model_file_name meta_data['training']['dateTimeFeature'] = dateTimeFeature meta_data['training']['target_feature'] = target_feature utils.write_json(meta_data, targetPath / IOFiles['metaData']) utils.write_json({'scoring_criteria': scoreParam, 'metrices': error_matrix,'score':error_matrix[scoreParam]}, model_path / IOFiles['metrics']) # return status status = {'Status': 'Success', 'errorMatrix': error_matrix, 'test_score':testScore, 'train_score': trainScore,'score':error_matrix[scoreParam]}'Test score: {testScore}')'Train score: {trainScore}')'output: {status}') return json.dumps(status) """ def getLstmCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'math'} ,{'module':'json'} ,{'module':'joblib'} ,{'module':'keras_tuner'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'numpy', 'mod_as':'np'} ,{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'r2_score', 'mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'} ,{'module':'mean_squared_error', 'mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'} ,{'module':'mean_absolute_error', 'mod_from':'sklearn.metrics'} ,{'module':'Dense', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.layers'} ,{'module':'Sequential', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras'} ,{'module':'Dropout', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.layers'} ,{'module':'LSTM', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.layers'} ,{'module':'TimeseriesGenerator', 'mod_from':'tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence'} ,{'module':'train_test_split', 'mod_from':'sklearn.model_selection'} ] return modules def addLstmCode(self): self.codeText = """ def getdlparams(config): for k, v in config.items(): if (k == "activation"): activation_fn = str(v) elif (k == "optimizer"): optimizer = str(v) elif (k == "loss"): loss_fn = str(v) elif (k == "first_layer"): if not isinstance(k, list): first_layer = str(v).split(',') else: first_layer = k elif (k == "lag_order"): lag_order = int(v) elif (k == "hidden_layers"): hidden_layers = int(v) elif (k == "dropout"): if not isinstance(k, list): dropout = str(v).split(',') else: dropout = k elif (k == "batch_size"): batch_size = int(v) elif (k == "epochs"): epochs = int(v) return activation_fn, optimizer, loss_fn, first_layer, lag_order, hidden_layers, dropout, batch_size, epochs def numpydf(dataset, look_back): dataX, dataY = [], [] for i in range(len(dataset) - look_back - 1): subset = dataset[i:(i + look_back), 0] dataX.append(subset) dataY.append(dataset[i + look_back, 0]) return np.array(dataX), np.array(dataY) def startTraining(dataset,test_size,mlpConfig,filename_scaler,target_feature,scoreParam,log):'Training started') activation_fn, optimizer, loss_fn, first_layer, look_back,hidden_layers, dropout, batch_size, epochs= getdlparams(mlpConfig) n_features = len(target_feature) n_input = look_back hp = keras_tuner.HyperParameters() first_layer_min = round(int(first_layer[0])) first_layer_max = round(int(first_layer[1])) dropout_min = float(dropout[0]) dropout_max = float(dropout[1]) dataset = dataset[target_feature] dataset_np = dataset.values train, test = train_test_split(dataset_np, test_size=test_size, shuffle=False) generatorTra
in = TimeseriesGenerator(train, train, length=n_input, batch_size=8) generatorTest = TimeseriesGenerator(test, test, length=n_input, batch_size=8) batch_0 = generatorTrain[0] x, y = batch_0 epochs = int(epochs) ##Multivariate LSTM model model = Sequential() model.add(LSTM(units=hp.Int('units',min_value=first_layer_min,max_value=first_layer_max,step=16), activation=activation_fn, input_shape=(n_input, n_features))) model.add(Dropout(hp.Float('Dropout_rate',min_value=dropout_min,max_value=dropout_max,step=0.1))) model.add(Dense(n_features)) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss_fn) #,epochs=epochs,batch_size=self.batch_size,shuffle=False) model.fit_generator(generatorTrain, steps_per_epoch=1, epochs=epochs, shuffle=False, verbose=0) # lstm_mv_testScore_mse = model.evaluate(x, y, verbose=0) predictions = [] future_pred_len = n_input # To get values for prediction,taking look_back steps of rows first_batch = train[-future_pred_len:] c_batch = first_batch.reshape((1, future_pred_len, n_features)) current_pred = None for i in range(len(test)): # get pred for firstbatch current_pred = model.predict(c_batch)[0] predictions.append(current_pred) # remove first val c_batch_rmv_first = c_batch[:, 1:, :] # update c_batch = np.append(c_batch_rmv_first, [[current_pred]], axis=1) ## Prediction, inverse the minmax transform scaler = joblib.load(filename_scaler) prediction_actual = scaler.inverse_transform(predictions) test_data_actual = scaler.inverse_transform(test) mse = None rmse = None ## Creating dataframe for actual,predictions pred_cols = list() for i in range(len(target_feature)): pred_cols.append(target_feature[i] + '_pred') predictions = pd.DataFrame(prediction_actual, columns=pred_cols) actual = pd.DataFrame(test_data_actual, columns=target_feature) actual.columns = [str(col) + '_actual' for col in dataset.columns] df_predicted = pd.concat([actual, predictions], axis=1) print("LSTM Multivariate prediction dataframe: \\\\n" + str(df_predicted)) # df_predicted.to_csv('mlp_prediction.csv') from math import sqrt from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error target = target_feature mse_dict = {} rmse_dict = {} mae_dict = {} r2_dict = {} lstm_var = 0 for name in target: index = dataset.columns.get_loc(name) mse = mean_squared_error(test_data_actual[:, index], prediction_actual[:, index]) mse_dict[name] = mse rmse = sqrt(mse) rmse_dict[name] = rmse lstm_var = lstm_var + rmse print("Name of the target feature: " + str(name)) print("RMSE of the target feature: " + str(rmse)) r2 = r2_score(test_data_actual[:, index], prediction_actual[:, index]) r2_dict[name] = r2 mae = mean_absolute_error(test_data_actual[:, index], prediction_actual[:, index]) mae_dict[name] = mae ## For VAR comparison, send last target mse and rmse from above dict lstm_var = lstm_var / len(target) select_msekey = list(mse_dict.keys())[-1] l_mse = list(mse_dict.values())[-1] select_rmsekey = list(rmse_dict.keys())[-1] l_rmse = list(rmse_dict.values())[-1] select_r2key = list(r2_dict.keys())[-1] l_r2 = list(r2_dict.values())[-1] select_maekey = list(mae_dict.keys())[-1] l_mae = list(mae_dict.values())[-1]'Selected target feature of LSTM for best model selection: ' + str(select_rmsekey)) scores = {} scores['R2'] = l_r2 scores['MAE'] = l_mae scores['MSE'] = l_mse scores['RMSE'] = l_rmse scores[scoreParam] = scores.get(scoreParam.upper(), scores['MSE'])"lstm rmse: "+str(l_rmse))"lstm mse: "+str(l_mse))"lstm r2: "+str(l_r2))"lstm mae: "+str(l_mae)) return model,look_back,scaler, scores def train(config, targetPath, log): dataLoc = targetPath / IOFiles['inputData'] if not dataLoc.exists(): return {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': 'Data location does not exists.'} status = dict() usecase = config['targetPath'] df = utils.read_data(dataLoc) target_feature = config['target_feature'] dateTimeFeature= config['dateTimeFeature'] scoreParam = config['scoring_criteria'] testSize = config['test_ratio'] lstmConfig = config['algorithms']['LSTM'] filename = meta_data['transformation']['Status']['Normalization_file'] if (type(target_feature) is list): pass else: target_feature = list(target_feature.split(",")) df.set_index(dateTimeFeature, inplace=True)'Training LSTM for TimeSeries') mlp_model, look_back, scaler, error_matrix = startTraining(df,testSize,lstmConfig,filename,target_feature,scoreParam,log) score = error_matrix[scoreParam]"LSTM Multivariant all scoring param results: "+str(error_matrix)) # Training model model_path = targetPath/'runs'/str(meta_data['monitoring']['runId'])/model_name model_file_name = str(model_path/'model') meta_data['training'] = {} meta_data['training']['model_filename'] = model_file_name meta_data['training']['dateTimeFeature'] = dateTimeFeature meta_data['training']['target_feature'] = target_feature utils.write_json(meta_data, targetPath / IOFiles['metaData']) utils.write_json({'scoring_criteria': scoreParam, 'metrices': error_matrix,'score':error_matrix[scoreParam]}, model_path / IOFiles['metrics']) # return status status = {'Status': 'Success', 'errorMatrix': error_matrix,'score':error_matrix[scoreParam]}'score: {error_matrix[scoreParam]}')'output: {status}') return json.dumps(status) """ def addMainCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ if __name__ == '__main__': config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion') / config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = utils.read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') log_file = targetPath / IOFiles['log'] log = utils.logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: print(train(config, targetPath, log)) except Exception as e: status = {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) """ def add_variable(self, name, value, indent=1): if isinstance(value, str): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{name} = '{value}'" else: self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{name} = {value}" def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ class input_drift(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.codeText = '' def addInputDriftClass(self): text = "\\ \\nclass inputdrift():\\ \\n\\ \\n def __init__(self,base_config):\\ \\n self.usecase = base_config['modelName'] + '_' + base_config['modelVersion']\\ \\n self.currentDataLocation = base_config['currentDataLocation']\\ \\n home = Path.home()\\ \\n if platform.system() == 'Windows':\\ \\n from pathlib import WindowsPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = WindowsPath(home)/'AppData'/'Local'/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n else:\\ \\n from pathlib import PosixPath\\ \\n output_data_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'Data'\\ \\n output_model_dir = PosixPath(home)/'HCLT'/'AION'/'target'/self.usecase\\ \\n if not output_model_dir.exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found at {output_model_dir}')\\ \\n\\ \\n tracking_uri = 'file:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns')\\ \\n registry_uri = 'sqlite:///' + str(Path(output_model_dir)/'mlruns.db')\\ \\n mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri)\\ \\n mlflow.set_registry_uri(registry_uri)\\ \\n client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient(\\ \\n tracking_uri=tracking_uri,\\ \\n registry_uri=registry_uri,\\ \\n )\\ \\n model_version_uri = 'models:/{model_name}/production'.format(model_name=self.usecase)\\ \\n model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(model_version_uri)\\ \\n run = client.get_run(model.metadata.run_id)\\ \\n if'file:'):\\ \\n artifact_path = Path([len('file:///') : ])\\ \\n else:\\ \\n artifact_path = Path(\\ \\n self.trainingDataPath = artifact_path/(self.usecase + '_data.csv')\\ \\n\\ \\n def get_input_drift(self,current_data, historical_data):\\ \\n curr_num_feat = current_data.select_dtypes(include='number')\\ \\n hist_num_feat = historical_data.select_dtypes(include='number')\\ \\n num_features = [feat for feat in historical_data.columns if feat in curr_num_feat]\\ \\n alert_count = 0\\ \\n data = {\\ \\n 'current':{'data':current_data},\\ \\n 'hist': {'data': historical_data}\\ \\n }\\ \\n dist_changed_columns = []\\ \\n dist_change_message = []\\ \\n for feature in num_features:\\ \\n curr_static_value = st.ks_2samp( hist_num_feat[feature], curr_num_feat[feature]).pvalue\\ \\n if (curr_static_value < 0.05):\\ \\n distribution = {}\\ \\n distribution['hist'] = self.DistributionFinder( historical_data[feature])\\ \\n distribution['curr'] = self.DistributionFinder( current_data[feature])\\ \\n if(distribution['hist']['name'] == distribution['curr']['name']):\\ \\n pass\\ \\n else:\\ \\n alert_count = alert_count + 1\\ \\n dist_changed_columns.append(feature)\\ \\n changed_column = {}\\ \\n changed_column['Feature'] = feature\\ \\n changed_column['KS_Training'] = curr_static_value\\ \\n changed_column['Training_Distribution'] = distribution['hist']['name']\\ \\n changed_column['New_Distribution'] = distribution['curr']['name']\\ \\n dist_change_message.append(changed_column)\\ \\n if alert_count:\\ \\n resultStatus = dist_change_message\\ \\n else :\\ \\n resultStatus='Model is working as expected'\\ \\n return(alert_count, resultStatus)\\ \\n\\ \\n def DistributionFinder(self,data):\\ \\n best_distribution =''\\ \\n best_sse =0.0\\ \\n if(data.dtype in ['int','int64']):\\ \\n distributions= {'bernoulli':{'algo':st.bernoulli},\\ \\n 'binom':{'algo':st.binom},\\ \\n 'geom':{'algo':st.geom},\\ \\n 'nbinom':{'algo':st.nbinom},\\ \\n 'poisson':{'algo':st.poisson}\\ \\n }\\ \\n index, counts = np.unique(data.astype(int),return_counts=True)\\ \\n if(len(index)>=2):\\ \\n best_sse = np.inf\\ \\n y1=[]\\ \\n total=sum(counts)\\ \\n mean=float(sum(index*counts))/total\\
\\n variance=float((sum(index**2*counts) -total*mean**2))/(total-1)\\ \\n dispersion=mean/float(variance)\\ \\n theta=1/float(dispersion)\\ \\n r=mean*(float(theta)/1-theta)\\ \\n\\ \\n for j in counts:\\ \\n y1.append(float(j)/total)\\ \\n distributions['bernoulli']['pmf'] = distributions['bernoulli']['algo'].pmf(index,mean)\\ \\n distributions['binom']['pmf'] = distributions['binom']['algo'].pmf(index,len(index),p=mean/len(index))\\ \\n distributions['geom']['pmf'] = distributions['geom']['algo'].pmf(index,1/float(1+mean))\\ \\n distributions['nbinom']['pmf'] = distributions['nbinom']['algo'].pmf(index,mean,r)\\ \\n distributions['poisson']['pmf'] = distributions['poisson']['algo'].pmf(index,mean)\\ \\n\\ \\n sselist = []\\ \\n for dist in distributions.keys():\\ \\n distributions[dist]['sess'] = np.sum(np.power(y1 - distributions[dist]['pmf'], 2.0))\\ \\n if np.isnan(distributions[dist]['sess']):\\ \\n distributions[dist]['sess'] = float('inf')\\ \\n best_dist = min(distributions, key=lambda v: distributions[v]['sess'])\\ \\n best_distribution = best_dist\\ \\n best_sse = distributions[best_dist]['sess']\\ \\n\\ \\n elif (len(index) == 1):\\ \\n best_distribution = 'Constant Data-No Distribution'\\ \\n best_sse = 0.0\\ \\n elif(data.dtype in ['float64','float32']):\\ \\n distributions = [st.uniform,st.expon,st.weibull_max,st.weibull_min,st.chi,st.norm,st.lognorm,st.t,st.gamma,st.beta]\\ \\n best_distribution =\\ \\n best_sse = np.inf\\ \\n nrange = data.max() - data.min()\\ \\n\\ \\n y, x = np.histogram(data.astype(float), bins='auto', density=True)\\ \\n x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0\\ \\n\\ \\n for distribution in distributions:\\ \\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\\ \\n warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')\\ \\n params =\\ \\n arg = params[:-2]\\ \\n loc = params[-2]\\ \\n scale = params[-1]\\ \\n pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)\\ \\n sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0))\\ \\n if( sse < best_sse):\\ \\n best_distribution =\\ \\n best_sse = sse\\ \\n\\ \\n return {'name':best_distribution, 'sse': best_sse}\\ \\n\\ " return text def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): text ="\\n\\ \\ndef check_drift( config):\\ \\n inputdriftObj = inputdrift(config)\\ \\n historicaldataFrame=pd.read_csv(inputdriftObj.trainingDataPath)\\ \\n currentdataFrame=pd.read_csv(inputdriftObj.currentDataLocation)\\ \\n dataalertcount,message = inputdriftObj.get_input_drift(currentdataFrame,historicaldataFrame)\\ \\n if message == 'Model is working as expected':\\ \\n output_json = {'status':'SUCCESS','data':{'Message':'Model is working as expected'}}\\ \\n else:\\ \\n output_json = {'status':'SUCCESS','data':{'Affected Columns':message}}\\ \\n return(output_json)\\ \\n\\ \\nif __name__ == '__main__':\\ \\n try:\\ \\n if len(sys.argv) < 2:\\ \\n raise ValueError('config file not present')\\ \\n config = sys.argv[1]\\ \\n if Path(config).is_file() and Path(config).suffix == '.json':\\ \\n with open(config, 'r') as f:\\ \\n config = json.load(f)\\ \\n else:\\ \\n config = json.loads(config)\\ \\n output = check_drift(config)\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Success','Message':output}\\ \\n print('input_drift:'+json.dumps(status))\\ \\n except Exception as e:\\ \\n status = {'Status':'Failure','Message':str(e)}\\ \\n print('input_drift:'+json.dumps(status))" return text def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def generateCode(self): self.codeText += self.addInputDriftClass() self.codeText += self.addSuffixCode() def getCode(self): return self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class tabularDataReader(): def __init__(self, tab_size=4): = ' ' * tab_size self.function_code = '' self.codeText = '' self.code_generated = False def getInputFiles(self): IOFiles = { "rawData": "rawData.dat", "metaData" : "modelMetaData.json", "log" : "aion.log", "outputData" : "rawData.dat", "monitoring":"monitoring.json", "prodData": "prodData", "prodDataGT":"prodDataGT" } text = 'IOFiles = ' if not IOFiles: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(IOFiles, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): output_files = { 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json', 'log' : 'aion.log', 'outputData' : 'rawData.dat' } text = 'output_file = ' if not output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n if not config['targetPath']:\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Target Path is not configured')\\ \\n return config" return text def addMainCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ if __name__ == '__main__': config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion') / config['targetPath'] targetPath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if not meta_data_file.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') log_file = targetPath / IOFiles['log'] log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: print(load_data(config, targetPath, log)) except Exception as e: status = {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) """ def addLoadDataCode(self): self.codeText += """ #This function will read the data and save the data on persistent storage def load_data(config, targetPath, log): meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file) if meta_data.get('monitoring', False) and not meta_data['monitoring'].get('retrain', False): raise ValueError('New data is not enougth to retrain model') df = read_data(config['dataLocation']) status = {} output_data_path = targetPath / IOFiles['outputData'] log.log_dataframe(df) required_features = list(set(config['selected_features'] + config['dateTimeFeature'] + config['target_feature']))'Dataset features required: ' + ','.join(required_features)) missing_features = [x for x in required_features if x not in df.columns.tolist()] if missing_features: raise ValueError(f'Some feature/s is/are missing: {missing_features}')'Removing unused features: ' + ','.join(list(set(df.columns) - set(required_features)))) df = df[required_features]'Required features: {required_features}') try:'Saving Dataset: {str(output_data_path)}') write_data(df, output_data_path, index=False) status = {'Status': 'Success', 'DataFilePath': IOFiles['outputData'], 'Records': len(df)} except: raise ValueError('Unable to create data file') meta_data['load_data'] = {} meta_data['load_data']['selected_features'] = [x for x in config['selected_features'] if x != config['target_feature']] meta_data['load_data']['Status'] = status write_json(meta_data, meta_data_file) output = json.dumps(status) return output """ def addValidateConfigCode(self, indent=1): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.addValidateConfigCode() def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class drift(): def __init__(self, indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.codeText = "" self.function_code = "" self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.addInputFiles({'log' : 'aion.log', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = utils.read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config\\ " return text def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def addPrefixCode(self, smaller_is_better=False, indent=1): self.codeText += """ def monitoring(config, targetPath, log): retrain = False last_run_id = 0 retrain_threshold = config.get('retrainThreshold', 100) meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = utils.read_json(meta_data_file) if not meta_data.get('register', None):'Last time Pipeline not executed properly') retrain = True else: last_run_id = meta_data['register']['runId'] df = utils.read_data(config['dataLocation']) df_len = len(df) if not meta_data['monitoring'].get('endIndex', None): meta_data['monitoring']['endIndex'] = int(meta_data['load_data']['Status']['Records']) meta_data['monitoring']['endIndexTemp'] = meta_data['monitoring']['endIndex'] if meta_data['register'].get('registered', False): meta_data['monitoring']['endIndex'] = meta_data['monitoring']['endIndexTemp'] meta_data['register']['
registered'] = False #ack registery if (meta_data['monitoring']['endIndex'] + retrain_threshold) < df_len: meta_data['monitoring']['endIndexTemp'] = df_len retrain = True else:'Pipeline running first time') meta_data = {} meta_data['monitoring'] = {} retrain = True if retrain: meta_data['monitoring']['runId'] = last_run_id + 1 meta_data['monitoring']['retrain'] = retrain utils.write_json(meta_data, targetPath/IOFiles['metaData']) status = {'Status':'Success','retrain': retrain, 'runId':meta_data['monitoring']['runId']}'output: {status}') return json.dumps(status) """ def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas','mod_as':'pd'} ,{'module':'json'} ] return modules def addMainCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ if __name__ == '__main__': config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion') / config['targetPath'] targetPath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log_file = targetPath / IOFiles['log'] log = utils.logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: print(monitoring(config, targetPath, log)) except Exception as e: status = {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) """ def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" def getCode(self, indent=1): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import json class selector(): def __init__(self, indent=0, tab_size=4): = " "*tab_size self.codeText = "" self.pipe = 'pipe' self.code_generated = False self.input_files = {} self.output_files = {} self.function_code = '' self.addInputFiles({'inputData' : 'transformedData.dat', 'metaData' : 'modelMetaData.json','log' : 'aion.log','outputData' : 'featureEngineeredData.dat'}) def addInputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def addOutputFiles(self, files): if not isinstance(files, dict): raise TypeError(f"Required dict type got {type(files)} type") for k,v in files.items(): self.input_files[k] = v def getInputFiles(self): text = 'IOFiles = ' if not self.input_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.input_files, indent=4) return text def getOutputFiles(self): text = 'output_file = ' if not self.output_files: text += '{ }' else: text += json.dumps(self.output_files, indent=4) return text def getInputOutputFiles(self, indent=0): text = '\\n' text += self.getInputFiles() if indent: text = text.replace('\\n', * indent + '\\n') return text def __addValidateConfigCode(self): text = "\\n\\ \\ndef validateConfig():\\ \\n config_file = Path(__file__).parent/'config.json'\\ \\n if not Path(config_file).exists():\\ \\n raise ValueError(f'Config file is missing: {config_file}')\\ \\n config = read_json(config_file)\\ \\n return config" return text def addMainCode(self): self.codeText += """ if __name__ == '__main__': config = validateConfig() targetPath = Path('aion') / config['targetPath'] if not targetPath.exists(): raise ValueError(f'targetPath does not exist') meta_data_file = targetPath / IOFiles['metaData'] if meta_data_file.exists(): meta_data = read_json(meta_data_file) else: raise ValueError(f'Configuration file not found: {meta_data_file}') log_file = targetPath / IOFiles['log'] log = logger(log_file, mode='a', logger_name=Path(__file__).parent.stem) try: print(featureSelector(config,targetPath, log)) except Exception as e: status = {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': str(e)} print(json.dumps(status)) """ def addValidateConfigCode(self, indent=1): self.function_code += self.__addValidateConfigCode() def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += '\\n' + * indent + statement def getCode(self): return self.function_code + '\\n' + self.codeText def addLocalFunctionsCode(self): self.addValidateConfigCode() def getPrefixModules(self): modules = [{'module':'Path', 'mod_from':'pathlib'} ,{'module':'pandas', 'mod_as':'pd'} ] return modules def addPrefixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += """ def featureSelector(config, targetPath, log): dataLoc = targetPath / IOFiles['inputData'] if not dataLoc.exists(): return {'Status': 'Failure', 'Message': 'Data location does not exists.'} status = dict() df = pd.read_csv(dataLoc) log.log_dataframe(df) csv_path = str(targetPath / IOFiles['outputData']) write_data(df, csv_path, index=False) status = {'Status': 'Success', 'dataFilePath': IOFiles['outputData']}'Selected data saved at {csv_path}') meta_data['featureengineering'] = {} meta_data['featureengineering']['Status'] = status write_json(meta_data, str(targetPath / IOFiles['metaData']))'output: {status}') return json.dumps(status) """ def getSuffixModules(self): modules = [] return modules def addSuffixCode(self, indent=1): self.codeText += "" def getMainCodeModules(self): modules = [ {'module':'json'} ,{'module':'logging'} ] return modules def addStatement(self, statement, indent=1): self.codeText += f"\\n{ * indent}{statement}" def getPipe(self): return self.pipe <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json import platform from mlac.timeseries.core import * from .utility import * output_file_map = { 'text' : {'text' : 'text_profiler.pkl'}, 'targetEncoder' : {'targetEncoder' : 'targetEncoder.pkl'}, 'featureEncoder' : {'featureEncoder' : 'inputEncoder.pkl'}, 'normalizer' : {'normalizer' : 'normalizer.pkl'} } def add_common_imports(importer): common_importes = [ {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'argparse', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None } ] for mod in common_importes: importer.addModule(mod['module'], mod_from=mod['mod_from'], mod_as=mod['mod_as']) def get_transformer_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","train_features","text_features","profiler","test_ratio","dateTimeFeature"] #BugID:13217 data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_transformer(config): transformer = profiler() importer = importModule() function = global_function() importModules(importer, transformer.getPrefixModules()) importer.addModule('warnings') transformer.addPrefixCode() importModules(importer, transformer.getMainCodeModules()) transformer.addMainCode() usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'DataTransformation' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) generated_files = [] # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('transformer') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = file_header(usecase) code += "\\nimport os\\nos.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir))\\n" #chdir to import from current dir code += importer.getCode() code += '\\nwarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += transformer.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() transformer.addLocalFunctionsCode() code += transformer.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_transformer_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('transformer', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from mlac.timeseries.core import * from .utility import * def get_register_params(config, models): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] data['models'] = models return data def run_register(config): importer = importModule() registration = register(importer) models = get_variable('models_name') smaller_is_better = get_variable('smaller_is_better', False) registration.addLocalFunctionsCode(models) registration.addPrefixCode(smaller_is_better) registration.addMainCode(models) importModules(importer, registration.getMainCodeModules()) importer.addModule('warnings') generated_files = [] usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'ModelRegistry' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('utility', mod_as='utils') utility_obj = utility_function('register') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file required for creating a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = importer.getCode() code += '\\nwarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += registration.getInputOutputFiles() code += registration.getCode() # create serving file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + code) generated_files.append("") # create requirements file req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") # create config file with open (deploy_path/"config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(get_register_params(config, models), f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") # create docker file create_docker_file('register',
deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ import datetime from pathlib import Path variables = {} def update_variable(name, value): variables[name] = value def get_variable(name, default=None): return variables.get(name, default) def append_variable(name, value): data = get_variable(name) if not data: update_variable(name, [value]) elif not isinstance(data, list): update_variable(name, [data, value]) else: data.append(value) update_variable(name, data) def addDropFeature(feature, features_list, coder, indent=1): coder.addStatement(f'if {feature} in {features_list}:', indent=indent) coder.addStatement(f'{features_list}.remove({feature})', indent=indent+1) def importModules(importer, modules_list): for module in modules_list: mod_from = module.get('mod_from',None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as',None) importer.addModule(module['module'], mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) def file_header(use_case, module_name=None): time_str ='seconds', sep=' ') text = "#!/usr/bin/env python\\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" return text + f"'''\\nThis file is automatically generated by AION for {use_case} usecase.\\nFile generation time: {time_str}\\n'''" def get_module_mapping(module): mapping = { "LogisticRegression": {'module':'LogisticRegression', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"GaussianNB": {'module':'GaussianNB', 'mod_from':'sklearn.naive_bayes'} ,"DecisionTreeClassifier": {'module':'DecisionTreeClassifier', 'mod_from':'sklearn.tree'} ,"SVC": {'module':'SVC', 'mod_from':'sklearn.svm'} ,"KNeighborsClassifier": {'module':'KNeighborsClassifier', 'mod_from':'sklearn.neighbors'} ,"GradientBoostingClassifier": {'module':'GradientBoostingClassifier', 'mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'} ,'RandomForestClassifier':{'module':'RandomForestClassifier','mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'} ,'XGBClassifier':{'module':'XGBClassifier','mod_from':'xgboost'} ,'LGBMClassifier':{'module':'LGBMClassifier','mod_from':'lightgbm'} ,'CatBoostClassifier':{'module':'CatBoostClassifier','mod_from':'catboost'} ,"LinearRegression": {'module':'LinearRegression', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"Lasso": {'module':'Lasso', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"Ridge": {'module':'Ridge', 'mod_from':'sklearn.linear_model'} ,"DecisionTreeRegressor": {'module':'DecisionTreeRegressor', 'mod_from':'sklearn.tree'} ,'RandomForestRegressor':{'module':'RandomForestRegressor','mod_from':'sklearn.ensemble'} ,'XGBRegressor':{'module':'XGBRegressor','mod_from':'xgboost'} ,'LGBMRegressor':{'module':'LGBMRegressor','mod_from':'lightgbm'} ,'CatBoostRegressor':{'module':'CatBoostRegressor','mod_from':'catboost'} } return mapping.get(module, None) def create_docker_file(name, path,usecasename,files=[],text_feature=False): text = "" if name == 'load_data': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'transformer': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' if text_feature: text+='COPY AIX-0.1-py3-none-any.whl AIX-0.1-py3-none-any.whl\\n' text+='\\n' text+='''RUN \\ ''' if text_feature: text += ''' git && pip install requests && pip install git+\\ && ''' text+=''' pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt\\ ''' if text_feature: text += ''' && python -m nltk.downloader stopwords && python -m nltk.downloader punkt && python -m nltk.downloader wordnet && python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger\\ ''' text+='\\n' elif name == 'selector': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'train': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'register': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' elif name == 'Prediction': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' if text_feature: text+='COPY AIX-0.1-py3-none-any.whl AIX-0.1-py3-none-any.whl\\n' text+='''RUN \\ ''' if text_feature: text += ''' git && pip install requests && pip install git+\\ && ''' text+='''pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt\\ ''' if text_feature: text += ''' && python -m nltk.downloader stopwords && python -m nltk.downloader punkt && python -m nltk.downloader wordnet && python -m nltk.downloader averaged_perceptron_tagger\\ ''' text+='\\n' text+='ENTRYPOINT ["python", "","-ip","","-pn","8094"]\\n' elif name == 'input_drift': text='FROM python:3.8-slim-buster' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase"="'+str(usecasename)+'"' text+='\\n' text+='LABEL "usecase_test"="'+str(usecasename)+'_test'+'"' text+='\\n' for file in files: text+=f'\\nCOPY {file} {file}' text+='\\n' text+='RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt' file_name = Path(path)/'Dockerfile' with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(text)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .load_data import run_loader from .transformer import run_transformer from .selector import run_selector from .trainer import run_trainer from .register import run_register from .deploy import run_deploy from .drift_analysis import run_drift_analysis <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from mlac.timeseries.core import * from .utility import * def get_deploy_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","lag_order","noofforecasts"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] data['ipAddress'] = '' data['portNo'] = '8094' return data def import_trainer_module(importer): non_sklearn_modules = get_variable('non_sklearn_modules') if non_sklearn_modules: for mod in non_sklearn_modules: module = get_module_mapping(mod) mod_from = module.get('mod_from',None) mod_as = module.get('mod_as',None) importer.addModule(module['module'], mod_from=mod_from, mod_as=mod_as) imported_modules = [ ] def run_deploy(config): generated_files = [] importer = importModule() deployer = deploy() importModules(importer, imported_modules) usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'ModelServing' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('utility', mod_as='utils') utility_obj = utility_function('Prediction') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file required for creating a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") importModules(importer,deployer.getPredictionCodeModules()) code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += deployer.getInputOutputFiles() deployer.addPredictionCode() code += deployer.getCode() # create prediction file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") # create create service file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + deployer.getServiceCode()) generated_files.append("") importer.addModule('seaborn') importer.addModule('sklearn') # create requirements file req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") # create config file config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_deploy_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") # create docker file create_docker_file('Prediction', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from mlac.timeseries.core import * from import utility as utils def get_model_name(algo, method): if method == 'modelBased': return algo + '_' + 'MLBased' if method == 'statisticalBased': return algo + '_' + 'StatisticsBased'
else: return algo def get_training_params(config, algo): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","train_features","scoring_criteria","test_ratio","optimization_param","dateTimeFeature"]#BugID:13217 data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['algorithms'] = {algo: config['algorithms'][algo]} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def update_score_comparer(scorer): smaller_is_better_scorer = ['neg_mean_squared_error','mse','neg_root_mean_squared_error','rmse','neg_mean_absolute_error','mae'] if scorer.lower() in smaller_is_better_scorer: utils.update_variable('smaller_is_better', True) else: utils.update_variable('smaller_is_better', False) def run_trainer(config): trainer = learner() importer = importModule() function = global_function() utils.importModules(importer,trainer.getPrefixModules()) update_score_comparer(config['scoring_criteria']) model_name = list(config['algorithms'].keys())[0] if model_name == 'MLP': utils.importModules(importer,trainer.getMlpCodeModules()) trainer.addMlpCode() elif model_name == 'LSTM': utils.importModules(importer,trainer.getLstmCodeModules()) trainer.addLstmCode() trainer.addMainCode() usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/('ModelTraining'+'_' + model_name) deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) generated_files = [] # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('utility', mod_as='utils') utility_obj = utility_function('train') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(utils.file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(utils.file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") importer.addModule("warnings") code = importer.getCode() code += 'warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += f"\\nmodel_name = '{model_name}'\\n" utils.append_variable('models_name',model_name) out_files = {'log':f'{model_name}_aion.log','model':f'{model_name}_model.pkl','metrics':'metrics.json','metaDataOutput':f'{model_name}_modelMetaData.json','production':'production.json'} trainer.addOutputFiles(out_files) code += trainer.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() trainer.addLocalFunctionsCode() code += trainer.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") with open (deploy_path/"config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(get_training_params(config, model_name), f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") utils.create_docker_file('train', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json import platform from mlac.timeseries.core import * from .utility import * imported_modules = [ {'module': 'json', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'Path', 'mod_from': 'pathlib', 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'pandas', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': 'pd'}, {'module': 'argparse', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None}, {'module': 'platform', 'mod_from': None, 'mod_as': None } ] def get_load_data_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","selected_features","dateTimeFeature","dataLocation"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_loader(config): generated_files = [] importer = importModule() loader = tabularDataReader() importModules(importer, imported_modules) usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'DataIngestion' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('load_data') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create the production data reader file importer.addLocalModule('dataReader', mod_from='data_reader') readers = ['sqlite','influx'] if 's3' in config.keys(): readers.append('s3') reader_obj = data_reader(readers) with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + reader_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += loader.getInputOutputFiles() loader.addLocalFunctionsCode() loader.addLoadDataCode() loader.addMainCode() code += loader.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer(), reader_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_load_data_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('load_data', deploy_path,config['modelName'],generated_files)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json from mlac.timeseries.core import * from .utility import * def get_drift_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","retrainThreshold","dataLocation"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_drift_analysis(config): importer = importModule() monitor = drift() monitor.addLocalFunctionsCode() monitor.addPrefixCode() monitor.addMainCode() importModules(importer, monitor.getMainCodeModules()) importer.addModule('warnings') generated_files = [] usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'ModelMonitoring' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('utility', mod_as='utils') utility_obj = utility_function('load_data') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file required for creating a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = importer.getCode() code += '\\nwarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")\\n' code += monitor.getInputOutputFiles() code += monitor.getCode() # create serving file with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + code) generated_files.append("") # create requirements file req_file = deploy_path/"requirements.txt" with open(req_file, "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") # create config file with open (deploy_path/"config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(get_drift_params(config), f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") # create docker file create_docker_file('input_drift', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files) <s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from pathlib import Path import json import platform from mlac.timeseries.core import * from .utility import * output_file_map = { 'feature_reducer' : {'feature_reducer' : 'feature_reducer.pkl'} } def get_selector_params(config): param_keys = ["modelVersion","problem_type","target_feature","train_features","cat_features","n_components"] data = {key:value for (key,value) in config.items() if key in param_keys} data['targetPath'] = config['modelName'] return data def run_selector(config): select = selector() importer = importModule() function = global_function() importModules(importer,select.getPrefixModules()) importModules(importer, select.getSuffixModules()) importModules(importer, select.getMainCodeModules()) select.addPrefixCode() select.addSuffixCode() select.addMainCode() generated_files = [] usecase = config['modelName']+'_'+config['modelVersion'] deploy_path = Path(config["deploy_path"])/'MLaC'/'FeatureEngineering' deploy_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create the utility file importer.addLocalModule('*', mod_from='utility') utility_obj = utility_function('selector') with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase) + utility_obj.get_code()) generated_files.append("") # create empty init file to make a package with open(deploy_path/"", 'w') as f: f.write(file_header(usecase)) generated_files.append("") code = file_header(usecase) code += importer.getCode() code += select.getInputOutputFiles() code += function.getCode() select.addLocalFunctionsCode() code += select.getCode() with open(deploy_path/"", "w") as f: f.write(code) generated_files.append("") with open(deploy_path/"requirements.txt", "w") as f: req=importer.getBaseModule(extra_importers=[utility_obj.get_importer()]) f.write(req) generated_files.append("requirements.txt") config_file = deploy_path/"config.json" config_data = get_selector_params(config) with open (config_file, "w") as f: json.dump(config_data, f, indent=4) generated_files.append("config.json") create_docker_file('selector', deploy_path,config['modelName'], generated_files)<s> """ /** * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * © Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. */ """ from .imports import importModule from .load_data import tabularDataReader from .transformer import transformer as profiler from .selector import selector from .trainer import learner from .deploy import deploy from .functions import global_function <s> import pandas as pd import numpy as np from appbe.eda import ux_eda from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import mpld
3 import subprocess import os import sys import re import json import pandas as pd from appbe.eda import ux_eda from aif360.datasets import StandardDataset from aif360.metrics import ClassificationMetric from aif360.datasets import BinaryLabelDataset def get_metrics(request): dataFile = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], "data", "preprocesseddata.csv.gz") predictionScriptPath = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], '') displaypath = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], "etc", "display.json") f = open(displaypath, "r") configSettings = f.close() configSettings = json.loads(configSettings) Target_feature = configSettings['targetFeature'] outputStr = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, predictionScriptPath, dataFile]) outputStr = outputStr.decode('utf-8') outputStr ='predictions:(.*)', str(outputStr), re.IGNORECASE).group(1) outputStr = outputStr.strip() predict_dict = json.loads(outputStr) df = pd.read_csv(dataFile) df_p = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(predict_dict['data']) d3_url = request.GET.get('d3_url') mpld3_url = request.GET.get('mpld3_url') df_temp = request.GET.get('feature') global metricvalue metricvalue = request.GET.get('metricvalue') Protected_feature = df_temp df_p = df_p.drop(columns=[Target_feature, 'remarks', 'probability']) df_p.rename(columns={'prediction': Target_feature}, inplace=True) eda_obj = ux_eda(dataFile, optimize=1) features,dateFeature,seqFeature,constantFeature,textFeature,targetFeature,numericCatFeatures,numericFeature,catfeatures = eda_obj.getFeatures() features_to_Encode = features categorical_names = {} encoders = {} for feature in features_to_Encode: le = LabelEncoder()[feature]) df[feature] = le.transform(df[feature])[feature]) df_p[feature] = le.transform(df_p[feature]) categorical_names[feature] = le.classes_ encoders[feature] = le new_list = [item for item in categorical_names[Protected_feature] if not(pd.isnull(item)) == True] claas_size = len(new_list) if claas_size > 10: return 'HeavyFeature' metrics = fair_metrics(categorical_names, Protected_feature,Target_feature, claas_size, df, df_p) figure = plot_fair_metrics(metrics) html_graph = mpld3.fig_to_html(figure,d3_url=d3_url,mpld3_url=mpld3_url) return html_graph def fair_metrics(categorical_names, Protected_feature,Target_feature, claas_size, df, df_p): cols = [metricvalue] obj_fairness = [[0]] fair_metrics = pd.DataFrame(data=obj_fairness, index=['objective'], columns=cols) for indx in range(claas_size): priv_group = categorical_names[Protected_feature][indx] privileged_class = np.where(categorical_names[Protected_feature] == priv_group)[0] data_orig = StandardDataset(df, label_name=Target_feature, favorable_classes=[1], protected_attribute_names=[Protected_feature], privileged_classes=[privileged_class]) attr = data_orig.protected_attribute_names[0] idx = data_orig.protected_attribute_names.index(attr) privileged_groups = [{attr:data_orig.privileged_protected_attributes[idx][0]}] unprivileged_size = data_orig.unprivileged_protected_attributes[0].size unprivileged_groups = [] for idx2 in range(unprivileged_size): unprivileged_groups.extend([{attr:data_orig.unprivileged_protected_attributes[idx][idx2]}]) bld = BinaryLabelDataset(df=df, label_names=[Target_feature], protected_attribute_names=[Protected_feature]) bld_p = BinaryLabelDataset(df=df_p, label_names=[Target_feature], protected_attribute_names=[Protected_feature]) ClsMet = ClassificationMetric(bld, bld_p,unprivileged_groups=unprivileged_groups, privileged_groups=privileged_groups) if metricvalue == "Theil Index": row = pd.DataFrame([[ClsMet.theil_index()]], columns = cols , index = [priv_group]) elif metricvalue == "Equal Opportunity Difference": row = pd.DataFrame([[ClsMet.equal_opportunity_difference()]], columns = cols , index = [priv_group]) elif metricvalue == "Disparate Impact": row = pd.DataFrame([[ClsMet.disparate_impact()]], columns = cols , index = [priv_group]) elif metricvalue == "Statistical Parity Difference": row = pd.DataFrame([[ClsMet.statistical_parity_difference()]], columns = cols , index = [priv_group]) #fair_metrics = fair_metrics.append(row) fair_metrics = pd.concat([fair_metrics,row]) return fair_metrics def plot_fair_metrics(fair_metrics): import matplotlib.patches as patches'default') import seaborn as sns fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,4), ncols=1, nrows=1) plt.subplots_adjust( left = 0.125, bottom = 0.1, right = 0.9, top = 0.9, wspace = .5, hspace = 1.1 ) y_title_margin = 1.2 plt.suptitle("Fairness metrics", y = 1.09, fontsize=20) sns.set(style="dark") cols = fair_metrics.columns.values obj = fair_metrics.loc['objective'] if metricvalue == "Theil Index": size_rect = [0.5] rect = [-0.1] bottom = [-0.1] top = [2] bound = [[-0.1,0.1]] elif metricvalue == "Equal Opportunity Difference": size_rect = [0.2] rect = [-0.1] bottom = [-1] top = [1] bound = [[-0.1,0.1]] elif metricvalue == "Disparate Impact": size_rect = [0.4] rect = [0.8] bottom = [0] top = [2] bound = [[-0.1,0.1]] elif metricvalue == "Statistical Parity Difference": size_rect = [0.2] rect = [-0.1] bottom = [-1] top = [1] bound = [[-0.1,0.1]] for attr in fair_metrics.index[1:len(fair_metrics)].values: check = [bound[i][0] < fair_metrics.loc[attr][i] < bound[i][1] for i in range(0,1)] for i in range(0,1): plt.subplot(1, 1, i+1) xx = fair_metrics.index[1:len(fair_metrics)].values.tolist() yy = fair_metrics.iloc[1:len(fair_metrics)][cols[i]].values.tolist() palette = sns.color_palette('husl', len(xx)) ax = sns.pointplot(x=fair_metrics.index[1:len(fair_metrics)], y=yy, palette=palette, hue=xx) index = 0 for p in zip(ax.get_xticks(), yy): if (p[1] > 2.0): _color = palette.as_hex()[index] _val = 'Outlier(' + str(round(p[1],3)) + ')' ax.text(p[0]-0.5, 0.02, _val, color=_color) else: ax.text(p[0], p[1]+0.05, round(p[1],3), color='k') index = index + 1 plt.ylim(bottom[i], top[i]) plt.setp(ax.patches, linewidth=0) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.legend(loc='right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.8), ncol=1) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((-5,rect[i]), 10, size_rect[i], alpha=0.3, facecolor="green", linewidth=1, linestyle='solid')) # plt.axhline(obj[i], color='black', alpha=0.3) plt.title(cols[i], fontname="Times New Roman", size=20,fontweight="bold") ax.set_ylabel('') ax.set_xlabel('') return fig<s> import json import os def get_brier_score(request): try: displaypath = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], "etc", "output.json") with open(displaypath) as file: config = json.load(file) problem_type = config["data"]["ModelType"] brier_score = config["data"]["matrix"]["BRIER_SCORE"] print(problem_type,brier_score) except Exception as e: #print(str(e)) raise ValueError(str(e)) return problem_type, brier_score <s> import numpy as np import joblib import pandas as pd from appbe.eda import ux_eda from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, LabelEncoder # from pathlib import Path import configparser import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os def trustedai_uq(request): try: displaypath = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], "etc", "display.json") f = open(displaypath, "r") configSettings = f.close() configSettings = json.loads(configSettings) TargetFeature = configSettings['targetFeature'] problemType = configSettings['problemType'] raw_data_loc = configSettings['preprocessedData'] dataLocation = configSettings['postprocessedData'] selectedfeatures = request.GET.get('values') if problemType.lower() == "classification": model = (os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], 'model', configSettings['saved_model'])) df = pd.read_csv(dataLocation) trainfea = df.columns.tolist() feature = json.loads(selectedfeatures) # feature = ",".join(featurs) # features = ['PetalLengthCm','PetalWidthCm'] targ = TargetFeature tar =[targ] from bin.aion_uncertainties import aion_uq outputStr = aion_uq(model,dataLocation,feature,tar) return outputStr if problemType.lower() == "regression": model = (os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], 'model', configSettings['saved_model'])) df = pd.read_csv(dataLocation) trainfea = df.columns.tolist() feature = json.loads(selectedfeatures) # feature = ",".join(featurs) # features = ['PetalLengthCm','PetalWidthCm'] targ = TargetFeature tar =[targ] from bin.aion_uncertainties import aion_uq outputStr = aion_uq(model,dataLocation,feature,tar) print(outputStr) return outputStr except Exception as e: print('error',e) return e<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import json from pathlib import Path def get_metrics(request): output = {} output_path = Path(request.session['deploypath'])/"etc"/"output.json" if not output_path.exists(): raise ValueError('output json path does not exist, something unexpected happen') with open(output_path) as file: config = json.load(file) output['problem_type'] = config.get('data',{}).get('ModelType') output['best_model'] = config.get('data',{}).get('BestModel') output['hyper_params'] = config.get('data',{}).get('params') output['best_score'] = str(round(float(config.get('data',{}).get('BestScore')), 2)) output['scoring_method'] = config.get('data',{}).get('ScoreType') if output['problem_type'] == 'classification': output['mcc_score'] = str(round(float(config.get('data',{}).get('matrix',{}).get('MCC_SCORE', 0.0)), 2)) else: output['mcc_score'] = 'NA' return output <s> import base64 import io import json import os import urllib import joblib import numpy as np import pandas as pd from SALib.analyze import sobol class sensitivityAnalysis(): def __init__(self, model, problemType, data, target, featureName): self.model = model self.probemType = problemType = data = target
self.featureName = featureName self.paramvales = [] self.X = [] self.Y = [] self.problem = {} def preprocess(self): self.X =[self.featureName].values self.Y =[].values bounds = [[np.min(self.X[:, i]), np.max(self.X[:, i])] for i in range(self.X.shape[1])] self.problem = { 'num_vars': self.X.shape[1], 'names': self.featureName, 'bounds': bounds } def generate_samples(self,size): from SALib.sample import sobol self.param_values = sobol.sample(self.problem, size) def calSiClass(self, satype,isML,isDL): try: D = self.problem['num_vars'] S = np.zeros(self.X.shape[1]) for class_label in np.unique(self.Y): if isML: y_pred_poba = self.model.predict_proba(self.param_values)[:, class_label] if isDL: y_pred_poba = self.model.predict(self.param_values)[:,class_label] if not y_pred_poba.size % (2 * D + 2) == 0: lim = y_pred_poba.size - y_pred_poba.size % (2 * D + 2) y_pred_poba = y_pred_poba[:lim] Si = sobol.analyze(self.problem, y_pred_poba) if satype.lower() == 'first': S += Si['S1'] else: S += Si['ST'] S /= len(np.unique(self.Y)) return S except Exception as e: print('Error in calculating Si for Classification: ', str(e)) raise ValueError(str(e)) def calSiReg(self, satype,isML,isDL): try: D = self.problem['num_vars'] Y = np.array([self.model.predict(X_sample.reshape(1, -1)) for X_sample in self.param_values]) Y = Y.reshape(-1) if not Y.size % (2 * D + 2) == 0: lim = Y.size - Y.size % (2 * D + 2) Y = Y[:lim] Si = sobol.analyze(self.problem, Y) if satype.lower() == 'first': S = Si['S1'] else: S = Si['ST'] return S except Exception as e: print('Error in calculating Si for Regression: ', str(e)) raise ValueError(str(e)) def plotSi(self, S, saType): try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if saType.lower() == 'first': title, label = 'Sensitivity Analysis', 'First order' else: title, label = 'Sensitivity Analysis', 'Total order' x = np.arange(len(self.problem['names'])) width = 0.35 fig, ax = plt.subplots() - width / 2, S, width, label=label) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xlabel('Features') ax.set_ylabel('Sensitivity Indices') ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xticklabels(self.problem['names'], rotation=45, ha="right") ax.legend() plt.tight_layout() image = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(image, format='png') string = base64.b64encode( SAimage = 'data:image/png;base64,' + urllib.parse.quote(string) except Exception as e: print(e) SAimage = '' return SAimage def checkModelType(modelName): isML= False isDL = False if modelName in ["Neural Network", "Convolutional Neural Network (1D)", "Recurrent Neural Network","Recurrent Neural Network (GRU)", "Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)", "Neural Architecture Search", "Deep Q Network", "Dueling Deep Q Network"]: isDL = True elif modelName in ["Linear Regression","Lasso","Ridge","Logistic Regression", "Naive Bayes", "Decision Tree", "Random Forest", "Support Vector Machine", "K Nearest Neighbors", "Gradient Boosting", "Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)", "Light Gradient Boosting (LightGBM)", "Categorical Boosting (CatBoost)","Bagging (Ensemble)"]: isML = True return isML,isDL def startSA(request): try: displaypath = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], "etc", "display.json") if not os.path.exists(displaypath): raise Exception('Config file not found.') with open(displaypath) as file: config = json.load(file) probelmType = config['problemType'] if probelmType.lower() not in ['classification','regression']: raise Exception(f"Probolem Type: {probelmType} not supported") isML,isDL = checkModelType(config['modelname']) sample_size = 1024 if isML: model = joblib.load(os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], 'model', config['saved_model'])) sample_size = 2048 if isDL: from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model model = load_model(os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], 'model', config['saved_model'])) sample_size = 512 target = config['targetFeature'] featureName = config['modelFeatures'] dataPath = os.path.join(request.session['deploypath'], 'data', 'postprocesseddata.csv.gz') if not os.path.exists(dataPath): raise Exception('Data file not found.') from utils.file_ops import read_df_compressed read_status,dataFrame = read_df_compressed(dataPath) obj = sensitivityAnalysis(model, probelmType, dataFrame, target, featureName) obj.preprocess() obj.generate_samples(sample_size) submitType = str(request.GET.get('satype')) saType = 'first' if submitType == 'first' else 'total' if probelmType.lower() == 'classification': SA_values = obj.calSiClass(saType,isML,isDL) else: SA_values = obj.calSiReg(saType,isML,isDL) if SA_values.size and saType: graph = obj.plotSi(SA_values, saType) if graph: outputJson = {'Status': "Success", "graph": graph} else: outputJson = {'Status': "Error", "graph": '','reason':'Error in Plotting Graph'} else: outputJson = {'Status': "Error", "graph": '','reason':'Error in calculating Si values'} output_json = json.dumps(outputJson) return output_json except Exception as e: print(str(e)) raise ValueError(str(e)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sklearn.metrics as metrics from collections import defaultdict from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import re import shutil import scipy.stats as st import json import os,sys import glob import logging from utils.file_ops import read_df_compressed class Visualization(): def __init__(self,usecasename,version,dataframe,visualizationJson,dateTimeColumn,deployPath,dataFolderLocation,numericContinuousFeatures,discreteFeatures,categoricalFeatures,modelFeatures,targetFeature,modeltype,original_data_file,profiled_data_file,trained_data_file,predicted_data_file,labelMaps,vectorizerFeatures,textFeatures,numericalFeatures,nonNumericFeatures,emptyFeatures,nrows,ncols,saved_model,scoreParam,learner_type,modelname,featureReduction,reduction_data_file): self.dataframe = dataframe self.displayjson = {} self.visualizationJson = visualizationJson self.dateTimeColumn = dateTimeColumn self.deployPath = deployPath #shutil.copy2(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),''),self.deployPath) if learner_type == 'ML' and modelname != 'Neural Architecture Search': if(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''))): os.remove(os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'..','utilities','xai',''),self.deployPath) # os.rename(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''),os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) try: os.rename(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''),os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) except FileExistsError: os.remove(os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) os.rename(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''),os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) elif learner_type == 'DL' or modelname == 'Neural Architecture Search': if(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''))): os.remove(os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'..','utilities','xai',''),self.deployPath) # os.rename(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''),os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) try: os.rename(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''),os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) except FileExistsError: os.remove(os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) os.rename(os.path.join(self.deployPath,''),os.path.join(self.deployPath,'')) self.jsondeployPath = deployPath #self.deployPath = self.deployPath+'visualization/' self.dataFolderLocation = dataFolderLocation self.vectorizerFeatures = vectorizerFeatures self.textFeatures = textFeatures self.emptyFeatures = emptyFeatures ''' try: os.makedirs(self.deployPath) except OSError as e: print("\\nFolder Already Exists") ''' self.numericContinuousFeatures = numericContinuousFeatures self.discreteFeatures = discreteFeatures self.categoricalFeatures = categoricalFeatures self.modelFeatures = modelFeatures self.modeltype = modeltype self.targetFeature = targetFeature self.displayjson['usecasename'] = str(usecasename) self.displayjson['version'] = str(version) self.displayjson['problemType'] = str(self.modeltype) self.displayjson['targetFeature'] = self.targetFeature self.displayjson['numericalFeatures'] = numericalFeatures self.displayjson['nonNumericFeatures'] = nonNumericFeatures self.displayjson['modelFeatures'] = self.modelFeatures self.displayjson['textFeatures'] = self.textFeatures self.displayjson['emptyFeatures'] = self.emptyFeatures self.displayjson['modelname']= str(modelname) self.displayjson['preprocessedData'] = str(original_data_file) self.displayjson['nrows'] = str(nrows) self.displayjson['ncols'] = str(ncols) self.displayjson['saved_model'] = str(saved_model) self.displayjson['scoreParam'] = str(scoreParam) self.displayjson['labelMaps'] = eval(str(labelMaps)) self.original_data_file = original_data_file self.displayjson['featureReduction'] = featureReduction if featureReduction == 'True': self.displayjson['reduction_data_file'] = reduction_data_file else: self.displayjson['reduction_data_file'] = '' self.pred_filename = predicted_data_file self.profiled_data_file = profiled_data_file self.displayjson['predictedData'] = predicted_data_file self.displayjson['postprocessedData'] = profiled_data_file #self.trained_data_file = trained_data_file #self.displayjson['trainingData'] = trained_data_file #self.displayjson['categorialFeatures']=categoricalFeatures #self.displayjson['discreteFeatures']=discreteFeatures #self.displayjson['continuousFeatures']=numericContinuousFeatures #y = json.dumps(self.displayjson) #print(y) self.labelMaps = labelMaps self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def visualizationrecommandsystem(self): try: import tensorflow.keras.utils as kutils datasetid = self.visualizationJson['datasetid'] self.'\\n================== Data Profiling Details==================') datacolumns=list(self.dataframe.columns)'================== Data Profiling Details End ==================\\n')'================== Features Correlation Details ==================\\n')'\\n================== Model Performance Analysis ==================') if os.path.exists(self.pred_filename): try: status,df=read_df_compressed(self.pred_filename) if self.modeltype == 'Classification' or self.modeltype == 'ImageClassification' or self.modeltype == 'anomaly_detection': y_actual = df['actual'].values y_predict = df['predict'].values y_actual = kutils.to_categorical(y_actual) y_predict = kutils.to_categorical(y_predict) classes = df.actual.unique() n_classes = y_actual.shape[1]'-------> ROC AUC CURVE') roc_curve_dict = [] for i in classes: try: classname = i if str(self.labelMaps) != '{}': inv_map = {v: k for k, v in self.labelMaps.items()} classname = inv_map[i] fpr, tpr, threshold = metrics.roc_curve(y_actual[:,i],y_predict[:,i]) roc_auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) class_roc_auc_curve = {} class_roc_auc_curve['class'] = str(classname) fprstring = ','.join(str(v) for v in fpr) tprstring = ','.join(str(v) for v in tpr) class_roc_auc_curve['FP'] = str(fprstring) class_roc_auc_curve['TP'] = str(tprstring) roc_curve_dict.append(class_roc_auc_curve)'----------> Class: '+str(classname))'------------> ROC_AUC: '+str(roc_auc))'------------> False Positive Rate (x Points): '+str(fpr))'------------> True Positive Rate (y Points): '+str(tpr)) except: pass self.displayjson['ROC_AUC_CURVE'] = roc_curve_dict'-------> Precision Recall CURVE') precision_recall_curve_dict = [] for i in range(n_classes): try: lr_precision, lr_recall, threshold = metrics.precision_recall_curve(y_actual[:,i],y_predict[:,i]) classname = i if str(self.labelMaps) != '{}': inv_map = {v: k for k, v in self.labelMaps.items()} classname = inv_map[i] roc_auc = metrics.auc(lr_recall,lr_precision) class_precision_recall_curve = {} class_precision_recall_curve['class'] = str(classname) Precisionstring = ','.join(str(round(v,2)) for v in lr_precision) Recallstring = ','.join(str(round(v,2)) for v in lr_recall) class_precision_recall_curve['Precision'] = str(Precisionstring) class_precision_recall_curve['Recall'] = str(Recallstring) precision_recall_curve_dict.append(class_precision_recall_curve) except: pass'----------> Class: '+str(classname))'------------> ROC_AUC: '+str(roc_auc))'------------> Recall (x Points): '+str(lr_precision))'------------> Precision (y Points): '+str(lr_recall)) self.displayjson['PRECISION_RECALL_CURVE'] = precision_recall_curve_dict status,predictdataFrame=read_df_compressed(self.displayjson['predictedData']) except Exception as e:'================== Error in Calculation ROC_AUC/Recall Precision Curve '+str(e))'================== Model Performance Analysis End ==================\\n')'\\n================== For Descriptive Analysis of Model Features ==================') outputfile = os.path.join(self.jsondeployPath,'etc','display.json') with open(outputfile, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.displayjson, fp)'================== For Descriptive Analysis of Model Features End ==================\\n') except Exception as inst:'Visualization Failed !....'+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def drawlinechart(self,xcolumn,ycolumn,deploy_path,datasetid): title = 'aion_visualization_'+xcolumn+"_"+ycolumn+"_linechart" yaxisname = 'Average '+ycolumn datasetindex = datasetid visulizationjson = '[{"_id": "543234","_type": "visualization","_source": {"title": "'+title+'",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'"visState": "{\\\\"title\\\\":\\\\"'+title+'\\\\",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"line\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"line\\\\",\\\\"grid\\\\":{\\\\"categoryLines\\\\":false,\\\\"style\\\\":{\\\\"color\\\\":\\\\"#eee\\\\"}},\\\\"categoryAxes\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"CategoryAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"category\\\\",\\\\"position\\\\":\\\\"bottom\\\\",\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"style\\\\":{},\\\\"scale\\\\":{\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"linear\\\\"},\\\\"labels\\\\":{\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"truncate\\\\":100},\\\\"title\\\\":{}}],\\\\"valueAxes\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"ValueAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"name\\\\":\\\\"LeftAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"value\\\\",\\\\"position\\\\":\\\\"left\\\\",\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"style\\\\":{},\\\\"scale\\\\":{\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"linear\\\\",\\\\"mode\\\\":\\\\"normal\\\\"},\\\\"labels\\\\":{\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"rotate\\\\":0,\\\\"filter\\\\":false,\\\\"truncate\\\\":100},\\\\"title\\\\":' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'{\\\\"text\\\\":\\\\"'+yaxisname+'\\\\"}}],\\\\"seriesParams\\\\":[{\\\\"show\\\\":\\\\"true\\\\",\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"line\\\\",\\\\"mode\\\\":\\\\"normal\\\\",\\\\"data\\\\":' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'{\\\\"label\\\\":\\\\"'+yaxisname+'\\\\",\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\"},\\\\"valueAxis\\\\":\\\\"ValueAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"drawLinesBetweenPoints\\\\":true,\\\\"showCircles\\\\":true}],\\\\"addTooltip\\\\":true,\\\\"addLegend\\\\":true,\\\\"legendPosition\\\\":\\\\"right\\\\",\\\\"times\\\\":[],\\\\"addTimeMarker\\\\":false},\\\\"aggs\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"enabled\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"avg\\\\",\\\\"schema\\\\":\\\\"metric\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"field\\\\":\\\\"'+str(ycolumn)+'\\\\"}},{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"2\\\\",\\\\"enabled\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"terms\\\\",\\\\"schema\\\\":\\\\"segment\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"field\\\\":\\\\"'+xcolumn+'\\\\",\\\\"size\\\\":100,\\\\"order\\\\":\\\\"desc\\\\",\\\\"orderBy\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"otherBucket\\\\":false,\\\\"otherBucketLabel\\\\":\\\\"Other\\\\",\\\\"missingBucket\\\\":false,\\\\"missingBucketLabel\\\\":\\\\"Missing\\\\"}}]}","uiStateJSON": "{}", "description": "","version": 1,"kibanaSavedObjectMeta": {"searchSourceJSON": "{\\\\"index\\\\":\\\\"'+datasetindex+'\\\\",\\\\"query\\\\":{\\\\"query\\\\":\\\\"\\\\",\\\\"language\\\\":\\\\"lucene\\\\"},\\\\"filter\\\\":[]}"}},"_migrationVersion": {"visualization": "6.7.2"}}]' filename = deploy_path+title+'.json' f = open(filename, "w") f.write(str(visulizationjson)) f.close() def drawbarchart(self,xcolumn,ycolumn,deploy_path,datasetid): title = 'aion_visualization_'+xcolumn+"_"+ycolumn+"_barchart" yaxisname = 'Average '+ycolumn datasetindex = datasetid visulizationjson = '[{"_id": "123456","_type": "visualization","_source": {"title":"'+title+'",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'"visState": "{\\\\"title\\\\":\\\\"'+title+'\\\\",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"histogram\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"addLegend\\\\":true,\\\\"addTimeMarker\\\\":false,\\\\"addTooltip\\\\":true,\\\\"categoryAxes\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"CategoryAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"labels\\\\":{\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"truncate\\\\":100},\\\\"position\\\\":\\\\"bottom\\\\",\\\\"scale\\\\":{\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"linear\\\\"},\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"style\\\\":{},\\\\"title\\\\":{},\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"category\\\\"}],\\\\"grid\\\\":{\\\\"categoryLines\\\\":false,\\\\"style\\\\":{\\\\"color\\\\":\\\\"#eee\\\\"}},\\\\"legendPosition\\\\":\\\\"right\\\\",\\\\"seriesParams\\\\":[{\\\\"data\\\\":{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'\\\\"label\\\\":\\\\"'+yaxisname+'\\\\"},' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'\\\\"drawLinesBetweenPoints\\\\":true,\\\\"mode\\\\":\\\\"stacked\\\\",\\\\"show\\\\":\\\\"true\\\\",\\\\"showCircles\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"histogram\\\\",\\\\"valueAxis\\\\":\\\\"ValueAxis-1\\\\"}],\\\\"times\\\\":[],\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"histogram\\\\",\\\\"valueAxes\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"ValueAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"labels\\\\":{\\\\"filter\\\\":false,\\\\"rotate\\\\":0,\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"truncate\\\\":100},\\\\"name\\\\":\\\\"LeftAxis-1\\\\",\\\\"position\\\\":\\\\"left\\\\",\\\\"scale\\\\":{\\\\"mode\\\\":\\\\"normal\\\\",\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"linear\\\\"},\\\\"show\\\\":true,\\\\"style\\\\":{},\\\\"title\\\\":' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'{\\\\"text\\\\":\\\\"'+yaxisname+'\\\\"},' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"value\\\\"}]},\\\\"aggs\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"enabled\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"avg\\\\",\\\\"schema\\\\":\\\\"metric\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"field\\\\":\\\\"'+str(xcolumn)+'\\\\"}},{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"2\\\\",\\\\"enabled\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"terms\\\\",\\\\"schema\\\\":\\\\"segment\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"field\\\\":\\\\"'+ycolumn+'\\\\",\\\\"size\\\\":100,\\\\"order\\\\":\\\\"asc\\\\",\\\\"orderBy\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"otherBucket\\\\":false,\\\\"otherBucketLabel\\\\":\\\\"Other\\\\",\\\\"missingBucket\\\\":false,\\\\"missingBucketLabel\\\\":\\\\"Missing\\\\"}}]}","uiStateJSON":"{}","description": "","version": 1,"kibanaSavedObjectMeta": {' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'"searchSourceJSON": "{\\\\"index\\\\":\\\\"'+datasetindex+'\\\\",\\\\"query\\\\":{\\\\"language\\\\":\\\\"lucene\\\\",\\\\"query\\\\":\\\\"\\\\"},\\\\"filter\\\\":[]}"}},"_migrationVersion":{"visualization": "6.7.2"}}]' filename = deploy_path+title+'.json' f = open(filename, "w") f.write(str(visulizationjson)) f.close() def drawpiechart(self,xcolumn,deploy_path,datasetid): title = 'aion_visualization_'+xcolumn+"_piechart" datasetindex = datasetid visulizationjson = '[{"_id": "123456","_type": "visualization","_source": {"title":"'+title+'",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'"visState": "{\\\\"title\\\\":\\\\"'+title+'\\\\",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"pie\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"pie\\\\",\\\\"addTooltip\\\\":true,\\\\"addLegend\\\\":true,\\\\"legendPosition\\\\":\\\\"right\\\\",\\\\"isDonut\\\\":true,\\\\"labels\\\\":{\\\\"show\\\\":false,\\\\"values\\\\":true,\\\\"last_level\\\\":true,\\\\"truncate\\\\":100}},\\\\"ag
gs\\\\":[{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"enabled\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"count\\\\",\\\\"schema\\\\":\\\\"metric\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{}},{\\\\"id\\\\":\\\\"2\\\\",\\\\"enabled\\\\":true,\\\\"type\\\\":\\\\"terms\\\\",\\\\"schema\\\\":\\\\"segment\\\\",\\\\"params\\\\":{\\\\"field\\\\":\\\\"'+xcolumn+'\\\\",\\\\"size\\\\":100,\\\\"order\\\\":\\\\"asc\\\\",\\\\"orderBy\\\\":\\\\"1\\\\",\\\\"otherBucket\\\\":false,\\\\"otherBucketLabel\\\\":\\\\"Other\\\\",\\\\"missingBucket\\\\":false,\\\\"missingBucketLabel\\\\":\\\\"Missing\\\\"}}]}",' visulizationjson = visulizationjson+'"uiStateJSON": "{}","description": "","version": 1,"kibanaSavedObjectMeta": {"searchSourceJSON":"{\\\\"index\\\\":\\\\"'+datasetid+'\\\\",\\\\"query\\\\":{\\\\"query\\\\":\\\\"\\\\",\\\\"language\\\\":\\\\"lucene\\\\"},\\\\"filter\\\\":[]}"}},"_migrationVersion": {"visualization": "6.7.2"}}]' filename = deploy_path+title+'.json' f = open(filename, "w") f.write(str(visulizationjson)) f.close() def get_confusion_matrix(self,df): setOfyTrue = set(df['actual']) unqClassLst = list(setOfyTrue) if(str(self.labelMaps) != '{}'): inv_mapping_dict = {v: k for k, v in self.labelMaps.items()} unqClassLst2 = (pd.Series(unqClassLst)).map(inv_mapping_dict) unqClassLst2 = list(unqClassLst2) else: unqClassLst2 = unqClassLst indexName = [] columnName = [] for item in unqClassLst2: indexName.append("act:"+str(item)) columnName.append("pre:"+str(item)) result = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(df['actual'], df['predict'], labels = unqClassLst),index = indexName, columns = columnName) resultjson = result.to_json(orient='index') return(resultjson) def DistributionFinder(self,data): try: distributionName ="" sse =0.0 KStestStatic=0.0 dataType="" if(data.dtype == "float64"): dataType ="Continuous" elif(data.dtype =="int" or data.dtype =="int64"): dataType="Discrete" if(dataType == "Discrete"): distributions= [st.bernoulli,st.binom,st.geom,st.nbinom,st.poisson] index, counts = np.unique(abs(data.astype(int)),return_counts=True) if(len(index)>=2): best_sse = np.inf y1=[] total=sum(counts) mean=float(sum(index*counts))/total variance=float((sum(index**2*counts) -total*mean**2))/(total-1) dispersion=mean/float(variance) theta=1/float(dispersion) r=mean*(float(theta)/1-theta) for j in counts: y1.append(float(j)/total) pmf1=st.bernoulli.pmf(index,mean) pmf2=st.binom.pmf(index,len(index),p=mean/len(index)) pmf3=st.geom.pmf(index,1/float(1+mean)) pmf4=st.nbinom.pmf(index,mean,r) pmf5=st.poisson.pmf(index,mean) sse1 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf1, 2.0)) sse2 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf2, 2.0)) sse3 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf3, 2.0)) sse4 = np.sum(np.power(y1 - pmf4, 2.0)) sse5 = np.sum(np.power(y1- pmf5, 2.0)) sselist=[sse1,sse2,sse3,sse4,sse5] for i in range(0,len(sselist)): if best_sse > sselist[i] > 0: best_distribution = distributions[i].name best_sse = sselist[i] elif (len(index) == 1): best_distribution = "Constant Data-No Distribution" best_sse = 0.0 distributionName =best_distribution sse=best_sse elif(dataType == "Continuous"): distributions = [st.uniform,st.expon,st.weibull_max,st.weibull_min,st.chi,st.norm,st.lognorm,st.t,st.gamma,st.beta] best_distribution = best_sse = np.inf datamin=data.min() datamax=data.max() nrange=datamax-datamin y, x = np.histogram(data.astype(float), bins='auto', density=True) x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0 for distribution in distributions: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') params = # Separate parts of parameters arg = params[:-2] loc = params[-2] scale = params[-1] # Calculate fitted PDF and error with fit in distribution pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg) sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0)) if(best_sse >sse > 0): best_distribution = best_sse = sse distributionName =best_distribution sse=best_sse except: response = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) message='Job has Failed'+response print(message) return distributionName,sse <s><s> import autograd import autograd.numpy as np import scipy.optimize from autograd import grad from autograd.scipy.special import logsumexp from sklearn.cluster import KMeans class HMM: """ A Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian observations with unknown means and known precisions. """ def __init__(self, X, config_dict=None): self.N, self.T, self.D = X.shape self.K = config_dict['K'] # number of HMM states self.I = np.eye(self.K) self.Precision = np.zeros([self.D, self.D, self.K]) self.X = X if config_dict['precision'] is None: for k in np.arange(self.K): self.Precision[:, :, k] = np.eye(self.D) else: self.Precision = config_dict['precision'] self.dParams_dWeights = None self.alphaT = None # Store the final beliefs. self.beta1 = None # store the first timestep beliefs from the beta recursion. self.forward_trellis = {} # stores \\alpha self.backward_trellis = {} # stores \\beta def initialize_params(self, seed=1234): np.random.seed(seed) param_dict = {} A = np.random.randn(self.K, self.K) # use k-means to initialize the mean parameters X = self.X.reshape([-1, self.D]) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.K, random_state=seed, n_init=15).fit(X) labels = kmeans.labels_ _, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) pi = counts phi = kmeans.cluster_centers_ param_dict['A'] = np.exp(A) param_dict['pi0'] = pi param_dict['phi'] = phi return self.pack_params(param_dict) def unpack_params(self, params): param_dict = dict() K = self.K # For unpacking simplex parameters: have packed them as # log(pi[:-1]) - log(pi[-1]). unnorm_A = np.exp(np.append(params[:K**2-K].reshape(K, K-1), np.zeros((K, 1)), axis=1) ) Z = np.sum(unnorm_A[:, :-1], axis=1) unnorm_A /= Z[:, np.newaxis] norm_A = unnorm_A / unnorm_A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) param_dict['A'] = norm_A unnorm_pi = np.exp(np.append(params[K**2-K:K**2-1], 0.0)) Z = np.sum(unnorm_pi[:-1]) unnorm_pi /= Z param_dict['pi0'] = unnorm_pi / unnorm_pi.sum() param_dict['phi'] = params[K**2-K+K-1:].reshape(self.D, K) return param_dict def weighted_alpha_recursion(self, xseq, pi, phi, Sigma, A, wseq, store_belief=False): """ Computes the weighted marginal probability of the sequence xseq given parameters; weights wseq turn on or off the emissions p(x_t | z_t) (weighting scheme B) :param xseq: T * D :param pi: K * 1 :param phi: D * K :param wseq: T * 1 :param A: :return: """ ll = self.log_obs_lik(xseq[:, :, np.newaxis], phi[np.newaxis, :, :], Sigma) alpha = np.log(pi.ravel()) + wseq[0] * ll[0] if wseq[0] == 0: self.forward_trellis[0] = alpha[:, np.newaxis] for t in np.arange(1, self.T): alpha = logsumexp(alpha[:, np.newaxis] + np.log(A), axis=0) + wseq[t] * ll[t] if wseq[t] == 0: # store the trellis, would be used to compute the posterior z_t | x_1...x_t-1, x_t+1, ...x_T self.forward_trellis[t] = alpha[:, np.newaxis] if store_belief: # store the final belief self.alphaT = alpha return logsumexp(alpha) def weighted_beta_recursion(self, xseq, pi, phi, Sigma, A, wseq, store_belief=False): """ Runs beta recursion; weights wseq turn on or off the emissions p(x_t | z_t) (weighting scheme B) :param xseq: T * D :param pi: K * 1 :param phi: D * K :param wseq: T * 1 :param A: :return: """ ll = self.log_obs_lik(xseq[:, :, np.newaxis], phi[np.newaxis, :, :], Sigma) beta = np.zeros_like(pi.ravel()) # log(\\beta) of all ones. max_t = ll.shape[0] if wseq[max_t - 1] == 0: # store the trellis, would be used to compute the posterior z_t | x_1...x_t-1, x_t+1, ...x_T self.backward_trellis[max_t - 1] = beta[:, np.newaxis] for i in np.arange(1, max_t): t = max_t - i - 1 beta = logsumexp((beta + wseq[t + 1] * ll[t + 1])[np.newaxis, :] + np.log(A), axis=1) if wseq[t] == 0: # store the trellis, would be used to compute the posterior z_t | x_1...x_t-1, x_t+1, ...x_T self.backward_trellis[t] = beta[:, np.newaxis] # account for the init prob beta = (beta + wseq[0] * ll[0]) + np.log(pi.ravel()) if store_belief: # store the final belief self.beta1 = beta return logsumexp(beta) def weighted_loss(self, params, weights): """ For LOOCV / IF computation within a single sequence. Uses weighted alpha recursion :param params: :param weights: :return: """ param_dict = self.unpack_params(params) logp = self.get_prior_contrib(param_dict) logp = logp + self.weighted_alpha_recursion(self.X[0], param_dict['pi0'], param_dict['phi'], self.Precision, param_dict['A'], weights) return -logp def loss_at_missing_timesteps(self, weights, params): """ :param weights: zeroed out weights indicate missing values :param params: packed parameters :return: """ # empty forward and
backward trellis self.clear_trellis() param_dict = self.unpack_params(params) # populate forward and backward trellis lpx = self.weighted_alpha_recursion(self.X[0], param_dict['pi0'], param_dict['phi'], self.Precision, param_dict['A'], weights, store_belief=True ) lpx_alt = self.weighted_beta_recursion(self.X[0], param_dict['pi0'], param_dict['phi'], self.Precision, param_dict['A'], weights, store_belief=True) assert np.allclose(lpx, lpx_alt) # sanity check test_ll = [] # compute loo likelihood ll = self.log_obs_lik(self.X[0][:, :, np.newaxis], param_dict['phi'], self.Precision) # compute posterior p(z_t | x_1,...t-1, t+1,...T) \\forall missing t tsteps = [] for t in self.forward_trellis.keys(): lpz_given_x = self.forward_trellis[t] + self.backward_trellis[t] - lpx test_ll.append(logsumexp(ll[t] + lpz_given_x.ravel())) tsteps.append(t) # empty forward and backward trellis self.clear_trellis() return -np.array(test_ll) def fit(self, weights, init_params=None, num_random_restarts=1, verbose=False, maxiter=None): if maxiter: options_dict = {'disp': verbose, 'gtol': 1e-10, 'maxiter': maxiter} else: options_dict = {'disp': verbose, 'gtol': 1e-10} # Define a function that returns gradients of training loss using Autograd. training_loss_fun = lambda params: self.weighted_loss(params, weights) training_gradient_fun = grad(training_loss_fun, 0) if init_params is None: init_params = self.initialize_params() if verbose: print("Initial loss: ", training_loss_fun(init_params)) res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun=training_loss_fun, jac=training_gradient_fun, x0=init_params, tol=1e-10, options=options_dict) if verbose: print('grad norm =', np.linalg.norm(res.jac)) return res.x def clear_trellis(self): self.forward_trellis = {} self.backward_trellis = {} #### Required for IJ computation ### def compute_hessian(self, params_one, weights_one): return autograd.hessian(self.weighted_loss, argnum=0)(params_one, weights_one) def compute_jacobian(self, params_one, weights_one): return autograd.jacobian(autograd.jacobian(self.weighted_loss, argnum=0), argnum=1)\\ (params_one, weights_one).squeeze() ################################################### @staticmethod def log_obs_lik(x, phi, Sigma): """ :param x: T*D*1 :param phi: 1*D*K :param Sigma: D*D*K --- precision matrices per state :return: ll """ centered_x = x - phi ll = -0.5 * np.einsum('tdk, tdk, ddk -> tk', centered_x, centered_x, Sigma ) return ll @staticmethod def pack_params(params_dict): param_list = [(np.log(params_dict['A'][:, :-1]) - np.log(params_dict['A'][:, -1])[:, np.newaxis]).ravel(), np.log(params_dict['pi0'][:-1]) - np.log(params_dict['pi0'][-1]), params_dict['phi'].ravel()] return np.concatenate(param_list) @staticmethod def get_prior_contrib(param_dict): logp = 0.0 # Prior logp += -0.5 * (np.linalg.norm(param_dict['phi'], axis=0) ** 2).sum() logp += (1.1 - 1) * np.log(param_dict['A']).sum() logp += (1.1 - 1) * np.log(param_dict['pi0']).sum() return logp @staticmethod def get_indices_in_held_out_fold(T, pct_to_drop, contiguous=False): """ :param T: length of the sequence :param pct_to_drop: % of T in the held out fold :param contiguous: if True generate a block of indices to drop else generate indices by iid sampling :return: o (the set of indices in the fold) """ if contiguous: l = np.floor(pct_to_drop / 100. * T) anchor = np.random.choice(np.arange(l + 1, T)) o = np.arange(anchor - l, anchor).astype(int) else: # i.i.d LWCV o = np.random.choice(T - 2, / 100. * T), replace=False) + 1 return o @staticmethod def synthetic_hmm_data(K, T, D, sigma0=None, seed=1234, varainces_of_mean=1.0, diagonal_upweight=False): """ :param K: Number of HMM states :param T: length of the sequence """ N = 1 # For structured IJ we will remove data / time steps from a single sequence np.random.seed(seed) if sigma0 is None: sigma0 = np.eye(D) A = np.random.dirichlet(alpha=np.ones(K), size=K) if diagonal_upweight: A = A + 3 * np.eye(K) # add 3 to the diagonal and renormalize to encourage self transitions A = A / A.sum(axis=1) pi0 = np.random.dirichlet(alpha=np.ones(K)) mus = np.random.normal(size=(K, D), scale=np.sqrt(varainces_of_mean)) zs = np.empty((N, T), X = np.empty((N, T, D)) for n in range(N): zs[n, 0] = int(np.random.choice(np.arange(K), p=pi0)) X[n, 0] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mus[zs[n, 0]], cov=sigma0) for t in range(1, T): zs[n, t] = int(np.random.choice(np.arange(K), p=A[zs[n, t - 1], :])) X[n, t] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mus[zs[n, t]], cov=sigma0) return {'X': X, 'state_assignments': zs, 'A': A, 'initial_state_assignment': pi0, 'means': mus} <s><s> from builtins import range import autograd.numpy as np def adam(grad, x, callback=None, num_iters=100, step_size=0.001, b1=0.9, b2=0.999, eps=10**-8, polyak=False): """Adapted from autograd.misc.optimizers""" m = np.zeros(len(x)) v = np.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(num_iters): g = grad(x, i) if callback: callback(x, i, g, polyak) m = (1 - b1) * g + b1 * m # First moment estimate. v = (1 - b2) * (g**2) + b2 * v # Second moment estimate. mhat = m / (1 - b1**(i + 1)) # Bias correction. vhat = v / (1 - b2**(i + 1)) x = x - step_size*mhat/(np.sqrt(vhat) + eps) return x<s> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr import torch as torch def make_data_gap(seed, data_count=100): import GPy npr.seed(0) x = np.hstack([np.linspace(-5, -2, int(data_count/2)), np.linspace(2, 5, int(data_count/2))]) x = x[:, np.newaxis] k = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1, variance=1., lengthscale=1.) K = k.K(x) L = np.linalg.cholesky(K + 1e-5 * np.eye(data_count)) # draw a noise free random function from a GP eps = np.random.randn(data_count) f = L @ eps # use a homoskedastic Gaussian noise model N(f(x)_i, \\sigma^2). \\sigma^2 = 0.1 eps_noise = np.sqrt(0.1) * np.random.randn(data_count) y = f + eps_noise y = y[:, np.newaxis] plt.plot(x, f, 'ko', ms=2) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.title("GP generated Data") plt.pause(1) return torch.FloatTensor(x), torch.FloatTensor(y), torch.FloatTensor(x), torch.FloatTensor(y) def make_data_sine(seed, data_count=450): # fix the random seed np.random.seed(seed) noise_var = 0.1 X = np.linspace(-4, 4, data_count) y = 1*np.sin(X) + np.sqrt(noise_var)*npr.randn(data_count) train_count = int (0.2 * data_count) idx = npr.permutation(range(data_count)) X_train = X[idx[:train_count], np.newaxis ] X_test = X[ idx[train_count:], np.newaxis ] y_train = y[ idx[:train_count] ] y_test = y[ idx[train_count:] ] mu = np.mean(X_train, 0) std = np.std(X_train, 0) X_train = (X_train - mu) / std X_test = (X_test - mu) / std mu = np.mean(y_train, 0) std = np.std(y_train, 0) # mu = 0 # std = 1 y_train = (y_train - mu) / std y_test = (y_test -mu) / std train_stats = dict() train_stats['mu'] = torch.FloatTensor([mu]) train_stats['sigma'] = torch.FloatTensor([std]) return torch.FloatTensor(X_train), torch.FloatTensor(y_train), torch.FloatTensor(X_test), torch.FloatTensor(y_test),\\ train_stats<s> import autograd import autograd.numpy as np import numpy.random as npr import scipy.optimize sigmoid = lambda x: 0.5 * (np.tanh(x / 2.) + 1) get_num_train = lambda inputs: inputs.shape[0] logistic_predictions = lambda params, inputs: sigmoid(, params)) class LogisticRegression: def __init__(self): self.params = None def set_parameters(self, params): self.params = params def predict(self, X): if self.params is not None: # Outputs probability of a label being true according to logistic model return np.atleast_2d(sigmoid(, self.params))).T else: raise RuntimeError("Params need to be fit before predictions can be made.") def loss(self, params, weights, inputs, targets): # Training loss is the negative log-likelihood of the training labels. preds = logistic_predictions(params, inputs) label_probabilities = preds * targets + (1 - preds) * (1 - targets) return -np.sum(weights * np.log(label_probabilities + 1e-16)) def fit(self, weights, init_params, inputs, targets, verbose=True): training_loss_fun = lambda params: self.loss(params, weights, inputs, targets) # Define a function that returns gradients of training loss using Autograd. training_gradient_fun = autograd.grad(training_loss_fun, 0) # optimize params if verbose: print("Initial loss:", self.loss(init_params, weights, inputs, targets)) # opt_params = sgd(training_gradient_fun, params, hyper=1, num_iters=5000, step_size=0.1) res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun=training_loss_fun, jac=training_gradient_fun, x0=init_params, tol=1e-10, options={'disp': verbose}) opt_params = res.x if verbose: print("Trained loss:", self.loss(opt_params, weights, inputs, targets)) self.params = opt_params return opt_params def get_test_acc(self, params, test_targets, test_inputs): preds = np.round(self.predict(test_inputs).T).astype( err = np.abs(test_targets - preds).sum() return 1 - err/ test_targets.shape[1] #### Required for IJ computation ### def compute_hessian(self, params_one, weights_one, inputs, targets): return autograd.hessian(self.loss, argnum=0)(params_one, weights_one, inputs, targets) def compute_jacobian(self, params_one, weights_one, inputs, targets): return autograd.jacobian(autograd.jacobian(self.loss, argnum=0), argnum=1)\\ (params_one, weights_one, inputs, targets).squeeze() ################################################### @staticmethod def synthetic_lr_data(N=10000, D=10): x = 1. * npr.randn(N, D) x_test = 1. * npr.randn(int(0.3 * N
), D) w = npr.randn(D, 1) y = sigmoid((x @ w)).ravel() y = npr.binomial(n=1, p=y) # corrupt labels y_test = sigmoid(x_test @ w).ravel() # y_test = np.round(y_test) y_test = npr.binomial(n=1, p=y_test) return x, np.atleast_2d(y), x_test, np.atleast_2d(y_test) <s> import abc import sys # Ensure compatibility with Python 2/3 if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): ABC = abc.ABC else: ABC = abc.ABCMeta(str('ABC'), (), {}) from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr def make_batches(n_data, batch_size): return [slice(i, min(i+batch_size, n_data)) for i in range(0, n_data, batch_size)] def generate_regression_data(seed, data_count=500): """ Generate data from a noisy sine wave. :param seed: random number seed :param data_count: number of data points. :return: """ np.random.seed(seed) noise_var = 0.1 x = np.linspace(-4, 4, data_count) y = 1*np.sin(x) + np.sqrt(noise_var)*npr.randn(data_count) train_count = int (0.2 * data_count) idx = npr.permutation(range(data_count)) x_train = x[idx[:train_count], np.newaxis ] x_test = x[ idx[train_count:], np.newaxis ] y_train = y[ idx[:train_count] ] y_test = y[ idx[train_count:] ] mu = np.mean(x_train, 0) std = np.std(x_train, 0) x_train = (x_train - mu) / std x_test = (x_test - mu) / std mu = np.mean(y_train, 0) std = np.std(y_train, 0) y_train = (y_train - mu) / std train_stats = dict() train_stats['mu'] = mu train_stats['sigma'] = std return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, train_stats def form_D_for_auucc(yhat, zhatl, zhatu): # a handy routine to format data as needed by the UCC fit() method D = np.zeros([yhat.shape[0], 3]) D[:, 0] = yhat.squeeze() D[:, 1] = zhatl.squeeze() D[:, 2] = zhatu.squeeze() return D def fitted_ucc_w_nullref(y_true, y_pred_mean, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper): """ Instantiates an UCC object for the target predictor plus a 'null' (constant band) reference :param y_pred_lower: :param y_pred_mean: :param y_pred_upper: :param y_true: :return: ucc object fitted for two systems: target + null reference """ # form matrix for ucc: X_for_ucc = form_D_for_auucc(y_pred_mean.squeeze(), y_pred_mean.squeeze() - y_pred_lower.squeeze(), y_pred_upper.squeeze() - y_pred_mean.squeeze()) # form matrix for a 'null' system (constant band) X_null = deepcopy(X_for_ucc) X_null[:,1:] = np.std(y_pred_mean) # can be set to any other constant (no effect on AUUCC) # create an instance of ucc and fit data from uq360.metrics.uncertainty_characteristics_curve import UncertaintyCharacteristicsCurve as ucc u = ucc()[X_for_ucc, X_null], y_true.squeeze()) return u def make_sklearn_compatible_scorer(task_type, metric, greater_is_better=True, **kwargs): """ Args: task_type: (str) regression or classification. metric: (str): choice of metric can be one of these - [aurrrc, ece, auroc, nll, brier, accuracy] for classification and ["rmse", "nll", "auucc_gain", "picp", "mpiw", "r2"] for regression. greater_is_better: is False the scores are negated before returning. **kwargs: additional arguments specific to some metrics. Returns: sklearn compatible scorer function. """ from uq360.metrics.classification_metrics import compute_classification_metrics from uq360.metrics.regression_metrics import compute_regression_metrics def sklearn_compatible_score(model, X, y_true): """ Args: model: The model being scored. Currently uq360 and sklearn models are supported. X: Input features. y_true: ground truth values for the target. Returns: Computed score of the model. """ from uq360.algorithms.builtinuq import BuiltinUQ from uq360.algorithms.posthocuq import PostHocUQ if isinstance(model, BuiltinUQ) or isinstance(model, PostHocUQ): # uq360 models if task_type == "classification": score = compute_classification_metrics( y_true=y_true, y_prob=model.predict(X).y_prob, option=metric, **kwargs )[metric] elif task_type == "regression": y_mean, y_lower, y_upper = model.predict(X) score = compute_regression_metrics( y_true=y_true, y_mean=y_mean, y_lower=y_lower, y_upper=y_upper, option=metric, **kwargs )[metric] else: raise NotImplementedError else: # sklearn models if task_type == "classification": score = compute_classification_metrics( y_true=y_true, y_prob=model.predict_proba(X), option=metric, **kwargs )[metric] else: if metric in ["rmse", "r2"]: score = compute_regression_metrics( y_true=y_true, y_mean=model.predict(X), y_lower=None, y_upper=None, option=metric, **kwargs )[metric] else: raise NotImplementedError("{} is not supported for sklearn regression models".format(metric)) if not greater_is_better: score = -score return score return sklearn_compatible_score class DummySklearnEstimator(ABC): def __init__(self, num_classes, base_model_prediction_fn): self.base_model_prediction_fn = base_model_prediction_fn self.classes_ = [i for i in range(num_classes)] def fit(self): pass def predict_proba(self, X): return self.base_model_prediction_fn(X) <s> # Adapted from # Utilization target is kept as a continuous target. import os import pandas as pd def default_preprocessing(df): """ 1.Create a new column, RACE that is 'White' if RACEV2X = 1 and HISPANX = 2 i.e. non Hispanic White and 'non-White' otherwise 2. Restrict to Panel 19 3. RENAME all columns that are PANEL/ROUND SPECIFIC 4. Drop rows based on certain values of individual features that correspond to missing/unknown - generally < -1 5. Compute UTILIZATION. """ def race(row): if ((row['HISPANX'] == 2) and (row['RACEV2X'] == 1)): #non-Hispanic Whites are marked as WHITE; all others as NON-WHITE return 'White' return 'Non-White' df['RACEV2X'] = df.apply(lambda row: race(row), axis=1) df = df.rename(columns = {'RACEV2X' : 'RACE'}) df = df[df['PANEL'] == 19] # RENAME COLUMNS df = df.rename(columns = {'FTSTU53X' : 'FTSTU', 'ACTDTY53' : 'ACTDTY', 'HONRDC53' : 'HONRDC', 'RTHLTH53' : 'RTHLTH', 'MNHLTH53' : 'MNHLTH', 'CHBRON53' : 'CHBRON', 'JTPAIN53' : 'JTPAIN', 'PREGNT53' : 'PREGNT', 'WLKLIM53' : 'WLKLIM', 'ACTLIM53' : 'ACTLIM', 'SOCLIM53' : 'SOCLIM', 'COGLIM53' : 'COGLIM', 'EMPST53' : 'EMPST', 'REGION53' : 'REGION', 'MARRY53X' : 'MARRY', 'AGE53X' : 'AGE', 'POVCAT15' : 'POVCAT', 'INSCOV15' : 'INSCOV'}) df = df[df['REGION'] >= 0] # remove values -1 df = df[df['AGE'] >= 0] # remove values -1 df = df[df['MARRY'] >= 0] # remove values -1, -7, -8, -9 df = df[df['ASTHDX'] >= 0] # remove values -1, -7, -8, -9 df = df[(df[['FTSTU','ACTDTY','HONRDC','RTHLTH','MNHLTH','HIBPDX','CHDDX','ANGIDX','EDUCYR','HIDEG', 'MIDX','OHRTDX','STRKDX','EMPHDX','CHBRON','CHOLDX','CANCERDX','DIABDX', 'JTPAIN','ARTHDX','ARTHTYPE','ASTHDX','ADHDADDX','PREGNT','WLKLIM', 'ACTLIM','SOCLIM','COGLIM','DFHEAR42','DFSEE42','ADSMOK42', 'PHQ242','EMPST','POVCAT','INSCOV']] >= -1).all(1)] #for all other categorical features, remove values < -1 def utilization(row): return row['OBTOTV15'] + row['OPTOTV15'] + row['ERTOT15'] + row['IPNGTD15'] + row['HHTOTD15'] df['TOTEXP15'] = df.apply(lambda row: utilization(row), axis=1) df = df.rename(columns = {'TOTEXP15' : 'UTILIZATION'}) df = df[['REGION','AGE','SEX','RACE','MARRY', 'FTSTU','ACTDTY','HONRDC','RTHLTH','MNHLTH','HIBPDX','CHDDX','ANGIDX', 'MIDX','OHRTDX','STRKDX','EMPHDX','CHBRON','CHOLDX','CANCERDX','DIABDX', 'JTPAIN','ARTHDX','ARTHTYPE','ASTHDX','ADHDADDX','PREGNT','WLKLIM', 'ACTLIM','SOCLIM','COGLIM','DFHEAR42','DFSEE42','ADSMOK42','PCS42', 'MCS42','K6SUM42','PHQ242','EMPST','POVCAT','INSCOV','UTILIZATION','PERWT15F']] return df class MEPSDataset(): """ The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) [#]_ data consists of large scale surveys of families and individuals, medical providers, and employers, and collects data on health services used, costs & frequency of services, demographics, health status and conditions, etc., of the respondents. This specific dataset contains MEPS survey data for calendar year 2015 obtained in rounds 3, 4, and 5 of Panel 19, and rounds 1, 2, and 3 of Panel 20. See :file:`uq360/datasets/data/meps_data/` for more details on the dataset and instructions on downloading/processing the data. References: .. [#] `Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data <>`_ """ def __init__(self, custom_preprocessing=default_preprocessing, dirpath=None): self._dirpath = dirpath if not self._dirpath: self._dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'meps_data') self._filepath = os.path.join(self._dirpath, 'h181.csv') try: df = pd.read_csv(self._filepath, sep=',', na_values=[]) except IOError as err: print("IOError: {}".format(err)) print("To use this class, please place the heloc_dataset.csv:") print("file, as-is, in the folder:") print("\\n\\t{}\\n".format(os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.abspath(__file__), 'data', 'meps_data')))) import sys sys.exit(1) if custom_preprocessing: self._data = custom_preprocessing(df) def data(self): return self._data<s> from .meps_dataset import MEPSDataset <s><s> import abc import sys # Ensure compatibility with Python 2/3 if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): ABC = abc.ABC else: ABC = abc.ABCMeta(str('ABC'), (), {}) class BuiltinUQ(ABC): """ BuiltinUQ is the base class for any algorithm that has UQ built into it. """ def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Initialize a BuiltinUQ object. """ @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Learn the UQ related parameters.. """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, *argv, **kwargs):
""" Method to obtain the predicitve uncertainty, this can return the total, epistemic and/or aleatoric uncertainty in the predictions. """ raise NotImplementedError def set_params(self, **parameters): for parameter, value in parameters.items(): setattr(self, parameter, value) return self <s><s> import abc import sys # Ensure compatibility with Python 2/3 if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): ABC = abc.ABC else: ABC = abc.ABCMeta(str('ABC'), (), {}) class PostHocUQ(ABC): """ PostHocUQ is the base class for any algorithm that quantifies uncertainty of a pre-trained model. """ def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Initialize a BuiltinUQ object. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _process_pretrained_model(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Method to process the pretrained model that requires UQ. """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Method to obtain the predicitve uncertainty, this can return the total, epistemic and/or aleatoric uncertainty in the predictions. """ raise NotImplementedError def set_params(self, **parameters): for parameter, value in parameters.items(): setattr(self, parameter, value) return self def get_params(self): """ This method should not take any arguments and returns a dict of the __init__ parameters. """ raise NotImplementedError <s> from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np import torch from scipy.stats import norm from import DataLoader from import TensorDataset from uq360.algorithms.builtinuq import BuiltinUQ from uq360.models.heteroscedastic_mlp import GaussianNoiseMLPNet as _MLPNet np.random.seed(42) torch.manual_seed(42) class HeteroscedasticRegression(BuiltinUQ): """ Wrapper for heteroscedastic regression. We learn to predict targets given features, assuming that the targets are noisy and that the amount of noise varies between data points. """ def __init__(self, model_type=None, model=None, config=None, device=None, verbose=True): """ Args: model_type: The base model architecture. Currently supported values are [mlp]. mlp modeltype learns a multi-layer perceptron with a heteroscedastic Gaussian likelihood. Both the mean and variance of the Gaussian are functions of the data point ->git N(y_n | mlp_mu(x_n), mlp_var(x_n)) model: (optional) The prediction model. Currently support pytorch models that returns mean and log variance. config: dictionary containing the config parameters for the model. device: device used for pytorch models ignored otherwise. verbose: if True, print statements with the progress are enabled. """ super(HeteroscedasticRegression).__init__() self.config = config self.device = device self.verbose = verbose if model_type == "mlp": self.model_type = model_type self.model = _MLPNet( num_features=self.config["num_features"], num_outputs=self.config["num_outputs"], num_hidden=self.config["num_hidden"], ) elif model_type == "custom": self.model_type = model_type self.model = model else: raise NotImplementedError def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"model_type": self.model_type, "config": self.config, "model": self.model, "device": self.device, "verbose": self.verbose} def _loss(self, y_true, y_pred_mu, y_pred_log_var): return torch.mean(0.5 * torch.exp(-y_pred_log_var) * torch.abs(y_true - y_pred_mu) ** 2 + 0.5 * y_pred_log_var) def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit the Heteroscedastic Regression model. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the training data. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Returns: self """ X = torch.from_numpy(X).float().to(self.device) y = torch.from_numpy(y).float().to(self.device) dataset_loader = DataLoader( TensorDataset(X,y), batch_size=self.config["batch_size"] ) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config["lr"]) for epoch in range(self.config["num_epochs"]): avg_loss = 0.0 for batch_x, batch_y in dataset_loader: self.model.train() batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var = self.model(batch_x) loss = self.model.loss(batch_y, batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() avg_loss += loss.item()/len(dataset_loader) if self.verbose: print("Epoch: {}, loss = {}".format(epoch, avg_loss)) return self def predict(self, X, return_dists=False): """ Obtain predictions for the test points. In addition to the mean and lower/upper bounds, also returns epistemic uncertainty (return_epistemic=True) and full predictive distribution (return_dists=True). Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. return_dists: If True, the predictive distribution for each instance using scipy distributions is returned. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. dists: list of predictive distribution as `scipy.stats` objects with length n_samples. Only returned when `return_dists` is True. """ self.model.eval() X = torch.from_numpy(X).float().to(self.device) dataset_loader = DataLoader( X, batch_size=self.config["batch_size"] ) y_mean_list = [] y_log_var_list = [] for batch_x in dataset_loader: batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var = self.model(batch_x) y_mean_list.append( y_log_var_list.append( y_mean = np.concatenate(y_mean_list) y_log_var = np.concatenate(y_log_var_list) y_std = np.sqrt(np.exp(y_log_var)) y_lower = y_mean - 2.0*y_std y_upper = y_mean + 2.0*y_std Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) if return_dists: dists = [norm(loc=y_mean[i], scale=y_std[i]) for i in range(y_mean.shape[0])] Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_dists',)) res = Result(*res, y_dists=dists) return res <s> from .heteroscedastic_regression import HeteroscedasticRegression<s> from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from scipy.stats import norm from import DataLoader from import TensorDataset from uq360.algorithms.builtinuq import BuiltinUQ np.random.seed(42) torch.manual_seed(42) class _MLPNet_Main(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_features, num_outputs, num_hidden): super(_MLPNet_Main, self).__init__() self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(num_features, num_hidden) self.fc_mu = torch.nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs) self.fc_log_var = torch.nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.fc(x)) mu = self.fc_mu(x) log_var = self.fc_log_var(x) return mu, log_var class _MLPNet_Aux(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_features, num_outputs, num_hidden): super(_MLPNet_Aux, self).__init__() self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(num_features, num_hidden) self.fc_log_var = torch.nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.fc(x)) log_var = self.fc_log_var(x) return log_var class AuxiliaryIntervalPredictor(BuiltinUQ): """ Auxiliary Interval Predictor [1]_ uses an auxiliary model to encourage calibration of the main model. References: .. [1] Thiagarajan, J. J., Venkatesh, B., Sattigeri, P., & Bremer, P. T. (2020, April). Building calibrated deep models via uncertainty matching with auxiliary interval predictors. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 34, No. 04, pp. 6005-6012). """ def __init__(self, model_type=None, main_model=None, aux_model=None, config=None, device=None, verbose=True): """ Args: model_type: The model type used to build the main model and the auxiliary model. Currently supported values are [mlp, custom]. `mlp` modeltype learns a mlp neural network using pytorch framework. For `custom` the user provide `main_model` and `aux_model`. main_model: (optional) The main prediction model. Currently support pytorch models that return mean and log variance. aux_model: (optional) The auxiliary prediction model. Currently support pytorch models that return calibrated log variance. config: dictionary containing the config parameters for the model. device: device used for pytorch models ignored otherwise. verbose: if True, print statements with the progress are enabled. """ super(AuxiliaryIntervalPredictor).__init__() self.config = config self.device = device self.verbose = verbose if model_type == "mlp": self.model_type = model_type self.main_model = _MLPNet_Main( num_features=self.config["num_features"], num_outputs=self.config["num_outputs"], num_hidden=self.config["num_hidden"], ) self.aux_model = _MLPNet_Aux( num_features=self.config["num_features"], num_outputs=self.config["num_outputs"], num_hidden=self.config["num_hidden"], ) elif model_type == "custom": self.model_type = model_type self.main_model = main_model self.aux_model = aux_model else: raise NotImplementedError def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"model_type": self.model_type, "config": self.config, "main_model": self.main_model, "aux_model": self.aux_model, "device": self.device, "verbose": self.verbose} def _main_model_loss(self, y_true, y_pred_mu, y_pred_log_var, y_pred_log_var_aux): r = torch.abs(y_true - y_pred_mu) # + 0.5 * y_pred_log_var + loss = torch.mean(0.5 * torch.exp(-y_pred_log_var) * r ** 2) + \\ self.config["lambda_match"] * torch.mean(torch.abs(torch.exp(0.5 * y_pred_log_var) - torch.exp(0.5 * y_pred_log_var_aux))) return loss def _aux_model_loss(self, y_true, y_pred_mu, y_pred_log_var_aux): deltal = deltau = 2.0 * torch.exp(0.5 * y_pred_log_var_aux) upper = y_pred_mu + deltau lower = y_pred_mu - deltal width = upper - lower r = torch.abs(y_true - y_pred_mu) emce = torch.mean(torch.sigmoid((y_true - lower) * (upper - y_true) * 100000)) loss_emce = torch.abs(self.config["calibration_alpha"]-emce) loss_noise = torch.mean(torch.abs(0.5 * width - r)) loss_sharpness = torch.mean(torch.abs(upper - y_true)) + torch.mean(torch.abs(lower - y_true)) #print(emce) return loss_emce + self.config["lambda_noise"] * loss_noise + self.config["lambda_sharpness"] * loss_sharpness def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit the Auxiliary Interval Predictor model. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the training data. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Returns: self """ X = torch.from_numpy(X).float().to(self.device) y = torch.from_numpy(y).float().to(self.device) dataset_loader = DataLoader( TensorDataset(X,y), batch_size=self.config["batch_size"] ) optimizer_main_model = torch.optim.Adam(self.
main_model.parameters(), lr=self.config["lr"]) optimizer_aux_model = torch.optim.Adam(self.aux_model.parameters(), lr=self.config["lr"]) for it in range(self.config["num_outer_iters"]): # Train the main model for epoch in range(self.config["num_main_iters"]): avg_mean_model_loss = 0.0 for batch_x, batch_y in dataset_loader: self.main_model.train() self.aux_model.eval() batch_y_pred_log_var_aux = self.aux_model(batch_x) batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var = self.main_model(batch_x) main_loss = self._main_model_loss(batch_y, batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var, batch_y_pred_log_var_aux) optimizer_main_model.zero_grad() main_loss.backward() optimizer_main_model.step() avg_mean_model_loss += main_loss.item()/len(dataset_loader) if self.verbose: print("Iter: {}, Epoch: {}, main_model_loss = {}".format(it, epoch, avg_mean_model_loss)) # Train the auxiliary model for epoch in range(self.config["num_aux_iters"]): avg_aux_model_loss = 0.0 for batch_x, batch_y in dataset_loader: self.aux_model.train() self.main_model.eval() batch_y_pred_log_var_aux = self.aux_model(batch_x) batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var = self.main_model(batch_x) aux_loss = self._aux_model_loss(batch_y, batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var_aux) optimizer_aux_model.zero_grad() aux_loss.backward() optimizer_aux_model.step() avg_aux_model_loss += aux_loss.item() / len(dataset_loader) if self.verbose: print("Iter: {}, Epoch: {}, aux_model_loss = {}".format(it, epoch, avg_aux_model_loss)) return self def predict(self, X, return_dists=False): """ Obtain predictions for the test points. In addition to the mean and lower/upper bounds, also returns full predictive distribution (return_dists=True). Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. return_dists: If True, the predictive distribution for each instance using scipy distributions is returned. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. dists: list of predictive distribution as `scipy.stats` objects with length n_samples. Only returned when `return_dists` is True. """ self.main_model.eval() X = torch.from_numpy(X).float().to(self.device) dataset_loader = DataLoader( X, batch_size=self.config["batch_size"] ) y_mean_list = [] y_log_var_list = [] for batch_x in dataset_loader: batch_y_pred_mu, batch_y_pred_log_var = self.main_model(batch_x) y_mean_list.append( y_log_var_list.append( y_mean = np.concatenate(y_mean_list) y_log_var = np.concatenate(y_log_var_list) y_std = np.sqrt(np.exp(y_log_var)) y_lower = y_mean - 2.0*y_std y_upper = y_mean + 2.0*y_std Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) if return_dists: dists = [norm(loc=y_mean[i], scale=y_std[i]) for i in range(y_mean.shape[0])] Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_dists',)) res = Result(*res, y_dists=dists) return res <s> from .auxiliary_interval_predictor import AuxiliaryIntervalPredictor <s> from .infinitesimal_jackknife import InfinitesimalJackknife <s> from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np from uq360.algorithms.posthocuq import PostHocUQ class InfinitesimalJackknife(PostHocUQ): """ Performs a first order Taylor series expansion around MLE / MAP fit. Requires the model being probed to be twice differentiable. """ def __init__(self, params, gradients, hessian, config): """ Initialize IJ. Args: params: MLE / MAP fit around which uncertainty is sought. d*1 gradients: Per data point gradients, estimated at the MLE / MAP fit. d*n hessian: Hessian evaluated at the MLE / MAP fit. d*d """ super(InfinitesimalJackknife).__init__() self.params_one = params self.gradients = gradients self.hessian = hessian self.d, self.n = gradients.shape self.dParams_dWeights = -np.linalg.solve(self.hessian, self.gradients) self.approx_dParams_dWeights = -np.linalg.solve(np.diag(np.diag(self.hessian)), self.gradients) self.w_one = np.ones([self.n]) self.config = config def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"params": self.params, "config": self.config, "gradients": self.gradients, "hessian": self.hessian} def _process_pretrained_model(self, *argv, **kwargs): pass def get_parameter_uncertainty(self): if (self.config['resampling_strategy'] == "jackknife") or (self.config['resampling_strategy'] == "jackknife+"): w_query = np.ones_like(self.w_one) resampled_params = np.zeros([self.n, self.d]) for i in np.arange(self.n): w_query[i] = 0 resampled_params[i] = self.ij(w_query) w_query[i] = 1 return np.cov(resampled_params), resampled_params elif self.config['resampling_strategy'] == "bootstrap": pass else: raise NotImplementedError("Only jackknife, jackknife+, and bootstrap resampling strategies are supported") def predict(self, X, model): """ Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. model: model object, must implement a set_parameters function Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. """ n, _ = X.shape y_all = model.predict(X) _, d_out = y_all.shape params_cov, params = self.get_parameter_uncertainty() if d_out > 1: print("Quantiles are computed independently for each dimension. May not be accurate.") y = np.zeros([params.shape[0], n, d_out]) for i in np.arange(params.shape[0]): model.set_parameters(params[i]) y[i] = model.predict(X) y_lower = np.quantile(y, q=0.5 * self.config['alpha'], axis=0) y_upper = np.quantile(y, q=(1. - 0.5 * self.config['alpha']), axis=0) y_mean = y.mean(axis=0) Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) return res def ij(self, w_query): """ Args: w_query: A n*1 vector to query parameters at. Return: new parameters at w_query """ assert w_query.shape[0] == self.n return self.params_one + self.dParams_dWeights @ (w_query-self.w_one).T def approx_ij(self, w_query): """ Args: w_query: A n*1 vector to query parameters at. Return: new parameters at w_query """ assert w_query.shape[0] == self.n return self.params_one + self.approx_dParams_dWeights @ (w_query-self.w_one).T<s> import copy from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader import as data_utils from scipy.stats import norm from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from uq360.algorithms.builtinuq import BuiltinUQ from uq360.models.bayesian_neural_networks.bnn_models import horseshoe_mlp, bayesian_mlp class BnnRegression(BuiltinUQ): """ Variationally trained BNNs with Gaussian and Horseshoe [6]_ priors for regression. References: .. [6] Ghosh, Soumya, Jiayu Yao, and Finale Doshi-Velez. "Structured variational learning of Bayesian neural networks with horseshoe priors." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2018. """ def __init__(self, config, prior="Gaussian"): """ Args: config: a dictionary specifying network and learning hyperparameters. prior: BNN priors specified as a string. Supported priors are Gaussian, Hshoe, RegHshoe """ super(BnnRegression, self).__init__() self.config = config if prior == "Gaussian": = bayesian_mlp.BayesianRegressionNet(ip_dim=config['ip_dim'], op_dim=config['op_dim'], num_nodes=config['num_nodes'], num_layers=config['num_layers']) self.config['use_reg_hshoe'] = None elif prior == "Hshoe": = horseshoe_mlp.HshoeRegressionNet(ip_dim=config['ip_dim'], op_dim=config['op_dim'], num_nodes=config['num_nodes'], num_layers=config['num_layers'], hshoe_scale=config['hshoe_scale']) self.config['use_reg_hshoe'] = False elif prior == "RegHshoe": = horseshoe_mlp.HshoeRegressionNet(ip_dim=config['ip_dim'], op_dim=config['op_dim'], num_nodes=config['num_nodes'], num_layers=config['num_layers'], hshoe_scale=config['hshoe_scale'], use_reg_hshoe=config['use_reg_hshoe']) self.config['use_reg_hshoe'] = True else: raise NotImplementedError("'prior' must be a string. It can be one of Gaussian, Hshoe, RegHshoe") def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"prior": self.prior, "config": self.config} def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit the BNN regression model. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the training data. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Returns: self """ torch.manual_seed(1234) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=self.config['step_size']) neg_elbo = torch.zeros([self.config['num_epochs'], 1]) params_store = {} for epoch in range(self.config['num_epochs']): loss =, x=X, y=y.float().unsqueeze(dim=1)) / X.shape[0] optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if hasattr(, 'fixed_point_updates'): # for hshoe or regularized hshoe nets neg_elbo[epoch] = loss.item() if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: # print ((net.noise_layer.bhat/net.noise_layer.ahat).data.numpy()[0]) print('Epoch[{}/{}], neg elbo: {:.6f}, noise var: {:.6f}' .format(epoch + 1, self.config['num_epochs'], neg_elbo[epoch].item() / X.shape[0], params_store[epoch] = copy.deepcopy( # for small nets we can just store all. best_model_id = neg_elbo.argmin() # loss_val_store.argmin() #[best_model_id.item()]) return self def predict(self, X, mc_samples=100, return_dists=False, return_epistemic=True, return_epistemic_dists=False): """ Obtain predictions for the test points. In addition to the mean and lower/upper bounds, also returns epistemic uncertainty (return_epistemic=True) and full predictive distribution (return_dists=True). Args:
X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. mc_samples: Number of Monte-Carlo samples. return_dists: If True, the predictive distribution for each instance using scipy distributions is returned. return_epistemic: if True, the epistemic upper and lower bounds are returned. return_epistemic_dists: If True, the epistemic distribution for each instance using scipy distributions is returned. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower_epistemic: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of epistemic component of the predictive distribution of the test points. Only returned when `return_epistemic` is True. y_upper_epistemic: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of epistemic component of the predictive distribution of the test points. Only returned when `return_epistemic` is True. dists: list of predictive distribution as `scipy.stats` objects with length n_samples. Only returned when `return_dists` is True. """ epistemic_out = np.zeros([mc_samples, X.shape[0]]) total_out = np.zeros([mc_samples, X.shape[0]]) for s in np.arange(mc_samples): pred = epistemic_out[s] = pred total_out[s] = pred + np.sqrt( * np.random.randn(pred.shape[0]) y_total_std = np.std(total_out, axis=0) y_epi_std = np.std(epistemic_out, axis=0) y_mean = np.mean(total_out, axis=0) y_lower = y_mean - 2 * y_total_std y_upper = y_mean + 2 * y_total_std y_epi_lower = y_mean - 2 * y_epi_std y_epi_upper = y_mean + 2 * y_epi_std Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) if return_epistemic: Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('lower_epistemic', 'upper_epistemic',)) res = Result(*res, lower_epistemic=y_epi_lower, upper_epistemic=y_epi_upper) if return_dists: dists = [norm(loc=y_mean[i], scale=y_total_std[i]) for i in range(y_mean.shape[0])] Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_dists',)) res = Result(*res, y_dists=dists) if return_epistemic_dists: epi_dists = [norm(loc=y_mean[i], scale=y_epi_std[i]) for i in range(y_mean.shape[0])] Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_epistemic_dists',)) res = Result(*res, y_epistemic_dists=epi_dists) return res class BnnClassification(BuiltinUQ): """ Variationally trained BNNs with Gaussian and Horseshoe [6]_ priors for classification. """ def __init__(self, config, prior="Gaussian", device=None): """ Args: config: a dictionary specifying network and learning hyperparameters. prior: BNN priors specified as a string. Supported priors are Gaussian, Hshoe, RegHshoe """ super(BnnClassification, self).__init__() self.config = config self.device = device if prior == "Gaussian": = bayesian_mlp.BayesianClassificationNet(ip_dim=config['ip_dim'], op_dim=config['op_dim'], num_nodes=config['num_nodes'], num_layers=config['num_layers']) self.config['use_reg_hshoe'] = None elif prior == "Hshoe": = horseshoe_mlp.HshoeClassificationNet(ip_dim=config['ip_dim'], op_dim=config['op_dim'], num_nodes=config['num_nodes'], num_layers=config['num_layers'], hshoe_scale=config['hshoe_scale']) self.config['use_reg_hshoe'] = False elif prior == "RegHshoe": = horseshoe_mlp.HshoeClassificationNet(ip_dim=config['ip_dim'], op_dim=config['op_dim'], num_nodes=config['num_nodes'], num_layers=config['num_layers'], hshoe_scale=config['hshoe_scale'], use_reg_hshoe=config['use_reg_hshoe']) self.config['use_reg_hshoe'] = True else: raise NotImplementedError("'prior' must be a string. It can be one of Gaussian, Hshoe, RegHshoe") if "batch_size" not in self.config: self.config["batch_size"] = 50 = def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"prior": self.prior, "config": self.config, "device": self.device} def fit(self, X=None, y=None, train_loader=None): """ Fits BNN regression model. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_classes). Features vectors of the training data or the probability scores from the base model. Ignored if train_loader is not None. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Ignored if train_loader is not None. train_loader: pytorch train_loader object. Returns: self """ if train_loader is None: train = data_utils.TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X), torch.Tensor(y.values).long()) train_loader = data_utils.DataLoader(train, batch_size=self.config['batch_size'], shuffle=True) torch.manual_seed(1234) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=self.config['step_size']) neg_elbo = torch.zeros([self.config['num_epochs'], 1]) params_store = {} for epoch in range(self.config['num_epochs']): avg_loss = 0.0 for batch_x, batch_y in train_loader: loss =, x=batch_x, y=batch_y) / batch_x.size(0) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if hasattr(, 'fixed_point_updates'): # for hshoe or regularized hshoe nets avg_loss += loss.item() neg_elbo[epoch] = avg_loss / len(train_loader) if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: # print ((net.noise_layer.bhat/net.noise_layer.ahat).data.numpy()[0]) print('Epoch[{}/{}], neg elbo: {:.6f}' .format(epoch + 1, self.config['num_epochs'], neg_elbo[epoch].item())) params_store[epoch] = copy.deepcopy( # for small nets we can just store all. best_model_id = neg_elbo.argmin() # loss_val_store.argmin() #[best_model_id.item()]) return self def predict(self, X, mc_samples=100): """ Obtain calibrated predictions for the test points. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_classes). Features vectors of the training data or the probability scores from the base model. mc_samples: Number of Monte-Carlo samples. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_pred: ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Predicted labels of the test points. y_prob: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) Predicted probability scores of the classes. y_prob_var: ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Variance of the prediction on the test points. y_prob_samples: ndarray of shape (mc_samples, n_samples, n_classes) Samples from the predictive distribution. """ X = torch.Tensor(X) y_prob_samples = [F.softmax(, dim=1).detach().numpy() for _ in np.arange(mc_samples)] y_prob_samples_stacked = np.stack(y_prob_samples) prob_mean = np.mean(y_prob_samples_stacked, 0) prob_var = np.std(y_prob_samples_stacked, 0) ** 2 if len(np.shape(prob_mean)) == 1: y_pred_labels = prob_mean > 0.5 else: y_pred_labels = np.argmax(prob_mean, axis=1) Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_pred', 'y_prob', 'y_prob_var', 'y_prob_samples']) res = Result(y_pred_labels, prob_mean, prob_var, y_prob_samples) return res <s><s> import inspect from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError from uq360.algorithms.posthocuq import PostHocUQ class BlackboxMetamodelClassification(PostHocUQ): """ Extracts confidence scores from black-box classification models using a meta-model [4]_ . References: .. [4] Chen, Tongfei, et al. "Confidence scoring using whitebox meta-models with linear classifier probes." The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2019. """ def _create_named_model(self, mdltype, config): """ Instantiates a model by name passed in 'mdltype'. Args: mdltype: string with name (must be supported) config: dict with args passed in the instantiation call Returns: mdl instance """ assert (isinstance(mdltype, str)) if mdltype == 'lr': mdl = LogisticRegression(**config) elif mdltype == 'gbm': mdl = GradientBoostingClassifier(**config) else: raise NotImplementedError("ERROR: Requested model type unknown: \\"%s\\"" % mdltype) return mdl def _get_model_instance(self, model, config): """ Returns an instance of a model based on (a) a desired name or (b) passed in class, or (c) passed in instance. :param model: string, class, or instance. Class and instance must have certain methods callable. :param config: dict with args passed in during the instantiation :return: model instance """ assert (model is not None and config is not None) if isinstance(model, str): # 'model' is a name, create it mdl = self._create_named_model(model, config) elif inspect.isclass(model): # 'model' is a class, instantiate it mdl = model(**config) else: # 'model' is an instance, register it mdl = model if not all([hasattr(mdl, key) and callable(getattr(mdl, key)) for key in self.callable_keys]): raise ValueError("ERROR: Passed model/method failed the interface test. Methods required: %s" % ','.join(self.callable_keys)) return mdl def __init__(self, base_model=None, meta_model=None, base_config=None, meta_config=None, random_seed=42): """ :param base_model: Base model. Can be: (1) None (default mdl will be set up), (2) Named model (e.g., logistic regression 'lr' or gradient boosting machine 'gbm'), (3) Base model class declaration (e.g., sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression). Will instantiate. (4) Model instance (instantiated outside). Will be re-used. Must have certain callable methods. Note: user-supplied classes and models must have certain callable methods ('predict', 'fit') and be capable of raising NotFittedError. :param meta_model: Meta model. Same values possible as with 'base_model' :param base_config: None or a params dict to be passed to 'base_model' at instantiation :param meta_config: None or a params dict to be passed to 'meta_model' at instantiation :param random_seed: seed used in the various pipeline steps """ super(BlackboxMetamodelClassification).__init__() self.random_seed = random_seed self.callable_keys = ['predict', 'fit'] # required methods - must be present in models passed in self.base_model_default = 'gbm' self.meta_model_default = 'lr' self.base_config_default = {'n_estimators': 300, 'max_depth': 10, 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'min_samples_leaf': 10, 'min_samples_split': 10, 'random_state': self.random_seed} self.meta_config_default = {'penalty': 'l1', 'C': 1, 'solver': 'liblinear', 'random_state': self.random_seed} self.base_config = base_config if base_config is not None else self.base_config_default self.meta_config = meta_config if meta_config is not None else self.meta_config_default self.base_model = None self.meta_model = None self.base_model = self._get_model_instance(base_model if base_model is not None else self.base_model_default, self.base_config)
self.meta_model = self._get_model_instance(meta_model if meta_model is not None else self.meta_model_default, self.meta_config) def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"base_model": self.base_model, "meta_model": self.meta_model, "base_config": self.base_config, "meta_config": self.meta_config, "random_seed": self.random_seed} def _process_pretrained_model(self, X, y_hat_proba): """ Given the original input features and the base output probabilities, generate input features to train a meta model. Current implementation copies all input features and appends. :param X: numpy [nsamples, dim] :param y_hat_proba: [nsamples, nclasses] :return: array with new features [nsamples, newdim] """ assert (len(y_hat_proba.shape) == 2) assert (X.shape[0] == y_hat_proba.shape[0]) # sort the probs sample by sample faux1 = np.sort(y_hat_proba, axis=-1) # add delta between top and second candidate faux2 = np.expand_dims(faux1[:, -1] - faux1[:, -2], axis=-1) return np.hstack([X, faux1, faux2]) def fit(self, X, y, meta_fraction=0.2, randomize_samples=True, base_is_prefitted=False, meta_train_data=(None, None)): """ Fit base and meta models. :param X: input to the base model, array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the training data. :param y: ground truth for the base model, array-like of shape (n_samples,) :param meta_fraction: float in [0,1] - a fractional size of the partition carved out to train the meta model (complement will be used to train the base model) :param randomize_samples: use shuffling when creating partitions :param base_is_prefitted: Setting True will skip fitting the base model (useful for base models that have been instantiated outside/by the user and are already fitted. :param meta_train_data: User supplied data to train the meta model. Note that this option should only be used with 'base_is_prefitted'==True. Pass a tuple meta_train_data=(X_meta, y_meta) to activate. Note that (X,y,meta_fraction, randomize_samples) will be ignored in this mode. :return: self """ X = np.asarray(X) y = np.asarray(y) assert (len(meta_train_data) == 2) if meta_train_data[0] is None: X_base, X_meta, y_base, y_meta = train_test_split(X, y, shuffle=randomize_samples, test_size=meta_fraction, random_state=self.random_seed) else: if not base_is_prefitted: raise ValueError("ERROR: fit(): base model must be pre-fitted to use the 'meta_train_data' option") X_base = y_base = None X_meta = meta_train_data[0] y_meta = meta_train_data[1] # fit the base model if not base_is_prefitted:, y_base) # get input for the meta model from the base try: y_hat_meta_proba = self.base_model.predict_proba(X_meta) # determine correct-incorrect outcome - these are targets for the meta model trainer # y_hat_meta_targets = np.asarray((y_meta == np.argmax(y_hat_meta_proba, axis=-1)), -- Fix for python 3.8.11 update (in y_hat_meta_targets = np.asarray((y_meta == np.argmax(y_hat_meta_proba, axis=-1)), dtype=int) except NotFittedError as e: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: fit(): The base model appears not pre-fitted (%s)" % repr(e)) # get input features for meta training X_meta_in = self._process_pretrained_model(X_meta, y_hat_meta_proba) # train meta model to predict 'correct' vs. 'incorrect' of the base, y_hat_meta_targets) return self def predict(self, X): """ Generate a base prediction along with uncertainty/confidence for data X. :param X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. :return: namedtuple: A namedtuple that holds y_pred: ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Predicted labels of the test points. y_score: ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Confidence score the test points. """ y_hat_proba = self.base_model.predict_proba(X) y_hat = np.argmax(y_hat_proba, axis=-1) X_meta_in = self._process_pretrained_model(X, y_hat_proba) z_hat = self.meta_model.predict_proba(X_meta_in) index_of_class_1 = np.where(self.meta_model.classes_ == 1)[0][0] # class 1 corresponds to probab of positive/correct outcome Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_pred', 'y_score']) res = Result(y_hat, z_hat[:, index_of_class_1]) return res <s> from .blackbox_metamodel_regression import BlackboxMetamodelRegression from .blackbox_metamodel_classification import BlackboxMetamodelClassification <s> import inspect from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError from uq360.algorithms.posthocuq import PostHocUQ class BlackboxMetamodelRegression(PostHocUQ): """ Extracts confidence scores from black-box regression models using a meta-model [2]_ . References: .. [2] Chen, Tongfei, et al. Confidence scoring using whitebox meta-models with linear classifier probes. The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2019. """ def _create_named_model(self, mdltype, config): """ Instantiates a model by name passed in 'mdltype' :param mdltype: string with name (must be supprted) :param config: dict with args passed in the instantiation call :return: mdl instance """ assert (isinstance(mdltype, str)) if mdltype == 'gbr': mdl = GradientBoostingRegressor(**config) else: raise NotImplementedError("ERROR: Requested model type unknown: \\"%s\\"" % mdltype) return mdl def _get_model_instance(self, model, config): """ Returns an instance of a model based on (a) a desired name or (b) passed in class, or (c) passed in instance :param model: string, class, or instance. Class and instance must have certain methods callable. :param config: dict with args passed in during the instantiation :return: model instance """ assert (model is not None and config is not None) if isinstance(model, str): # 'model' is a name, create it mdl = self._create_named_model(model, config) elif inspect.isclass(model): # 'model' is a class, instantiate it mdl = model(**config) else: # 'model' is an instance, register it mdl = model if not all([hasattr(mdl, key) and callable(getattr(mdl, key)) for key in self.callable_keys]): raise ValueError("ERROR: Passed model/method failed the interface test. Methods required: %s" % ','.join(self.callable_keys)) return mdl def __init__(self, base_model=None, meta_model=None, base_config=None, meta_config=None, random_seed=42): """ :param base_model: Base model. Can be: (1) None (default mdl will be set up), (2) Named model (e.g., 'gbr'), (3) Base model class declaration (e.g., sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegressor). Will instantiate. (4) Model instance (instantiated outside). Will be re-used. Must have required callable methods. Note: user-supplied classes and models must have certain callable methods ('predict', 'fit') and be capable of raising NotFittedError. :param meta_model: Meta model. Same values possible as with 'base_model' :param base_config: None or a params dict to be passed to 'base_model' at instantiation :param meta_config: None or a params dict to be passed to 'meta_model' at instantiation :param random_seed: seed used in the various pipeline steps """ super(BlackboxMetamodelRegression).__init__() self.random_seed = random_seed self.callable_keys = ['predict', 'fit'] # required methods - must be present in models passed in self.base_model_default = 'gbr' self.meta_model_default = 'gbr' self.base_config_default = {'loss': 'ls', 'n_estimators': 300, 'max_depth': 10, 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'min_samples_leaf': 10, 'min_samples_split': 10, 'random_state': self.random_seed} self.meta_config_default = {'loss': 'quantile', 'alpha': 0.95, 'n_estimators': 300, 'max_depth': 10, 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'min_samples_leaf': 10, 'min_samples_split': 10, 'random_state': self.random_seed} self.base_config = base_config if base_config is not None else self.base_config_default self.meta_config = meta_config if meta_config is not None else self.meta_config_default self.base_model = None self.meta_model = None self.base_model = self._get_model_instance(base_model if base_model is not None else self.base_model_default, self.base_config) self.meta_model = self._get_model_instance(meta_model if meta_model is not None else self.meta_model_default, self.meta_config) def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"base_model": self.base_model, "meta_model": self.meta_model, "base_config": self.base_config, "meta_config": self.meta_config, "random_seed": self.random_seed} def fit(self, X, y, meta_fraction=0.2, randomize_samples=True, base_is_prefitted=False, meta_train_data=(None, None)): """ Fit base and meta models. :param X: input to the base model :param y: ground truth for the base model :param meta_fraction: float in [0,1] - a fractional size of the partition carved out to train the meta model (complement will be used to train the base model) :param randomize_samples: use shuffling when creating partitions :param base_is_prefitted: Setting True will skip fitting the base model (useful for base models that have been instantiated outside/by the user and are already fitted. :param meta_train_data: User supplied data to train the meta model. Note that this option should only be used with 'base_is_prefitted'==True. Pass a tuple meta_train_data=(X_meta, y_meta) to activate. Note that (X,y,meta_fraction, randomize_samples) will be ignored in this mode. :return: self """ X = np.asarray(X) y = np.asarray(y) assert(len(meta_train_data)==2) if meta_train_data[0] is None: X_base, X_meta, y_base, y_meta = train_test_split(X, y, shuffle=randomize_samples, test_size=meta_fraction, random_state=self.random_seed) else: if not base_is_prefitted: raise ValueError("ERROR: fit(): base model must be pre-fitted to use the 'meta_train_data' option") X_base = y_base = None X_meta = meta_train_data[0] y_meta = meta_train_data[1] # fit the base model if not base_is_prefitted:, y_base) # get input for the meta model from the base try: y_hat_meta = self.base_model.predict(X_meta) except NotFittedError as e: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: fit(): The base model appears not pre-fitted (%s)" % repr(e)) # used base input and output as meta input X_meta_in = self._process_pretrained_model(X_meta, y_hat_meta) # train meta model to predict abs diff, np.abs(y_hat_meta - y_meta)) return self def _process_pretrained_model(self, X, y_hat): """ Given the original input features and the base output probabilities, generate input features to train a meta model. Current implementation copies all input features and appends. :param X: numpy [nsamples, dim] :param y_hat: [nsamples,] :return: array with new features [nsamples, newdim] """ y_hat_meta_prime = np.expand_dims(y_hat, -1) if len(y_hat.shape) < 2 else y_hat X_meta_in = np.hstack([X, y_hat_meta_prime]) return X_meta_in def predict(self, X): """ Generate prediction and uncertainty bounds for data X. :param X: input features :return: namedtuple: A namedtuple that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. """ y_hat = self.base_model.predict(X) y_hat_prime = np.expand_dims(y_hat, -1) if len(y_hat.shape) < 2 else y_hat X_meta_in = np.h
stack([X, y_hat_prime]) z_hat = self.meta_model.predict(X_meta_in) Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_hat, y_hat - z_hat, y_hat + z_hat) return res <s> from .quantile_regression import QuantileRegression <s> from collections import namedtuple from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor from uq360.algorithms.builtinuq import BuiltinUQ class QuantileRegression(BuiltinUQ): """Quantile Regression uses quantile loss and learns two separate models for the upper and lower quantile to obtain the prediction intervals. """ def __init__(self, model_type="gbr", config=None): """ Args: model_type: The base model used for predicting a quantile. Currently supported values are [gbr]. gbr is sklearn GradientBoostingRegressor. config: dictionary containing the config parameters for the model. """ super(QuantileRegression).__init__() if config is not None: self.config = config else: self.config = {} if "alpha" not in self.config: self.config["alpha"] = 0.95 if model_type == "gbr": self.model_type = model_type self.model_mean = GradientBoostingRegressor( loss='ls', n_estimators=self.config["n_estimators"], max_depth=self.config["max_depth"], learning_rate=self.config["learning_rate"], min_samples_leaf=self.config["min_samples_leaf"], min_samples_split=self.config["min_samples_split"] ) self.model_upper = GradientBoostingRegressor( loss='quantile', alpha=self.config["alpha"], n_estimators=self.config["n_estimators"], max_depth=self.config["max_depth"], learning_rate=self.config["learning_rate"], min_samples_leaf=self.config["min_samples_leaf"], min_samples_split=self.config["min_samples_split"] ) self.model_lower = GradientBoostingRegressor( loss='quantile', alpha=1.0 - self.config["alpha"], n_estimators=self.config["n_estimators"], max_depth=self.config["max_depth"], learning_rate=self.config["learning_rate"], min_samples_leaf=self.config["min_samples_leaf"], min_samples_split=self.config["min_samples_split"]) else: raise NotImplementedError def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"model_type": self.model_type, "config": self.config} def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit the Quantile Regression model. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the training data. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Returns: self """, y), y), y) return self def predict(self, X): """ Obtain predictions for the test points. In addition to the mean and lower/upper bounds, also returns epistemic uncertainty (return_epistemic=True) and full predictive distribution (return_dists=True). Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. """ y_mean = self.model_mean.predict(X) y_lower = self.model_lower.predict(X) y_upper = self.model_upper.predict(X) Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) return res <s> from collections import namedtuple import botorch import gpytorch import numpy as np import torch from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP from botorch.utils.transforms import normalize from gpytorch.constraints import GreaterThan from scipy.stats import norm from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from uq360.algorithms.builtinuq import BuiltinUQ np.random.seed(42) torch.manual_seed(42) class HomoscedasticGPRegression(BuiltinUQ): """ A wrapper around Botorch SingleTask Gaussian Process Regression [1]_ with homoscedastic noise. References: .. [1] """ def __init__(self, kernel=gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel()), likelihood=None, config=None): """ Args: kernel: gpytorch kernel function with default set to `RBFKernel` with output scale. likelihood: gpytorch likelihood function with default set to `GaussianLikelihood`. config: dictionary containing the config parameters for the model. """ super(HomoscedasticGPRegression).__init__() self.config = config self.kernel = kernel self.likelihood = likelihood self.model = None self.scaler = StandardScaler() self.X_bounds = None def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"kernel": self.kernel, "likelihood": self.likelihood, "config": self.config} def fit(self, X, y, **kwargs): """ Fit the GP Regression model. Additional arguments relevant for SingleTaskGP fitting can be passed to this function. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the training data. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values **kwargs: Additional arguments relevant for SingleTaskGP fitting. Returns: self """ y = self.scaler.fit_transform(y) X, y = torch.tensor(X), torch.tensor(y) self.X_bounds = X_bounds = torch.stack([X.min() * torch.ones(X.shape[1]), X.max() * torch.ones(X.shape[1])]) X = normalize(X, X_bounds) model_homo = SingleTaskGP(train_X=X, train_Y=y, covar_module=self.kernel, likelihood=self.likelihood, **kwargs) model_homo.likelihood.noise_covar.register_constraint("raw_noise", GreaterThan(1e-5)) model_homo_marginal_log_lik = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model_homo.likelihood, model_homo) model_homo_marginal_log_lik.eval() self.model = model_homo_marginal_log_lik self.inferred_observation_noise = self.scaler.inverse_transform(self.model.likelihood.noise.detach().numpy()[0].reshape(1,1)).squeeze() return self def predict(self, X, return_dists=False, return_epistemic=False, return_epistemic_dists=False): """ Obtain predictions for the test points. In addition to the mean and lower/upper bounds, also returns epistemic uncertainty (return_epistemic=True) and full predictive distribution (return_dists=True). Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. return_dists: If True, the predictive distribution for each instance using scipy distributions is returned. return_epistemic: if True, the epistemic upper and lower bounds are returned. return_epistemic_dists: If True, the epistemic distribution for each instance using scipy distributions is returned. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtuple that holds y_mean: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower_epistemic: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of epistemic component of the predictive distribution of the test points. Only returned when `return_epistemic` is True. y_upper_epistemic: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of epistemic component of the predictive distribution of the test points. Only returned when `return_epistemic` is True. dists: list of predictive distribution as `scipy.stats` objects with length n_samples. Only returned when `return_dists` is True. """ X = torch.tensor(X) X_test_norm = normalize(X, self.X_bounds) self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): posterior = self.model.model.posterior(X_test_norm) y_mean = posterior.mean #y_epi_std = torch.sqrt(posterior.variance) y_lower_epistemic, y_upper_epistemic = posterior.mvn.confidence_region() predictive_posterior = self.model.model.posterior(X_test_norm, observation_noise=True) #y_std = torch.sqrt(predictive_posterior.variance) y_lower_total, y_upper_total = predictive_posterior.mvn.confidence_region() y_mean, y_lower, y_upper, y_lower_epistemic, y_upper_epistemic = self.scaler.inverse_transform(y_mean.numpy()).squeeze(), \\ self.scaler.inverse_transform(y_lower_total.numpy()).squeeze(),\\ self.scaler.inverse_transform(y_upper_total.numpy()).squeeze(),\\ self.scaler.inverse_transform(y_lower_epistemic.numpy()).squeeze(),\\ self.scaler.inverse_transform(y_upper_epistemic.numpy()).squeeze() y_epi_std = (y_upper_epistemic - y_lower_epistemic) / 4.0 y_std = (y_upper_total - y_lower_total) / 4.0 Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) if return_epistemic: Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_lower_epistemic', 'y_upper_epistemic',)) res = Result(*res, y_lower_epistemic=y_lower_epistemic, y_upper_epistemic=y_upper_epistemic) if return_dists: dists = [norm(loc=y_mean[i], scale=y_std[i]) for i in range(y_mean.shape[0])] Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_dists',)) res = Result(*res, y_dists=dists) if return_epistemic_dists: epi_dists = [norm(loc=y_mean[i], scale=y_epi_std[i]) for i in range(y_mean.shape[0])] Result = namedtuple('res', Result._fields + ('y_epistemic_dists',)) res = Result(*res, y_epistemic_dists=epi_dists) return res <s> from .homoscedastic_gaussian_process_regression import HomoscedasticGPRegression<s> from .ucc_recalibration import UCCRecalibration <s> from collections import namedtuple from uq360.algorithms.posthocuq import PostHocUQ from uq360.utils.misc import form_D_for_auucc from uq360.metrics.uncertainty_characteristics_curve.uncertainty_characteristics_curve import UncertaintyCharacteristicsCurve class UCCRecalibration(PostHocUQ): """ Recalibration a regression model to specified operating point using Uncertainty Characteristics Curve. """ def __init__(self, base_model): """ Args: base_model: pretrained model to be recalibrated. """ super(UCCRecalibration).__init__() self.base_model = self._process_pretrained_model(base_model) self.ucc = None def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"base_model": self.base_model} def _process_pretrained_model(self, base_model): return base_model def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit the Uncertainty Characteristics Curve. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Returns: self """ y_pred_mean, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper = self.base_model.predict(X)[:3] bwu = y_pred_upper - y_pred_mean bwl = y_pred_mean - y_pred_lower self.ucc = UncertaintyCharacteristicsCurve(), bwl, bwu), y.squeeze()) return self def predict(self, X, missrate=0.05): """ Generate prediction and uncertainty bounds for data X. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features). Features vectors of the test points. missrate: desired missrate of the new operating point, set to 0.05 by default. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_mean: ndarray of
shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Mean of predictive distribution of the test points. y_lower: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Lower quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. y_upper: ndarray of shape (n_samples, [n_output_dims]) Upper quantile of predictive distribution of the test points. """ C = self.ucc.get_specific_operating_point(req_y_axis_value=missrate, vary_bias=False) new_scale = C['modvalue'] y_pred_mean, y_pred_lower, y_pred_upper = self.base_model.predict(X)[:3] bwu = y_pred_upper - y_pred_mean bwl = y_pred_mean - y_pred_lower if C['operation'] == 'bias': calib_y_pred_upper = y_pred_mean + (new_scale + bwu) # lower bound width calib_y_pred_lower = y_pred_mean - (new_scale + bwl) # Upper bound width else: calib_y_pred_upper = y_pred_mean + (new_scale * bwu) # lower bound width calib_y_pred_lower = y_pred_mean - (new_scale * bwl) # Upper bound width Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_mean', 'y_lower', 'y_upper']) res = Result(y_pred_mean, calib_y_pred_lower, calib_y_pred_upper) return res <s> from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from uq360.utils.misc import DummySklearnEstimator from uq360.algorithms.posthocuq import PostHocUQ class ClassificationCalibration(PostHocUQ): """Post hoc calibration of classification models. Currently wraps `CalibratedClassifierCV` from sklearn and allows non-sklearn models to be calibrated. """ def __init__(self, num_classes, fit_mode="features", method='isotonic', base_model_prediction_func=None): """ Args: num_classes: number of classes. fit_mode: features or probs. If probs the `fit` and `predict` operate on the base models probability scores, useful when these are precomputed. method: isotonic or sigmoid. base_model_prediction_func: the function that takes in the input features and produces base model's probability scores. This is ignored when operating in `probs` mode. """ super(ClassificationCalibration).__init__() if fit_mode == "probs": # In this case, the fit assumes that it receives the probability scores of the base model. # create a dummy estimator self.base_model = DummySklearnEstimator(num_classes, lambda x: x) else: self.base_model = DummySklearnEstimator(num_classes, base_model_prediction_func) self.method = method def get_params(self, deep=True): return {"num_classes": self.num_classes, "fit_mode": self.fit_mode, "method": self.method, "base_model_prediction_func": self.base_model_prediction_func} def _process_pretrained_model(self, base_model): return base_model def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits calibration model using the provided calibration set. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_classes). Features vectors of the training data or the probability scores from the base model. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets) Target values Returns: self """ self.base_model.label_encoder_ = LabelEncoder().fit(y) self.calib_model = CalibratedClassifierCV(base_estimator=self.base_model, cv="prefit", method=self.method), y) return self def predict(self, X): """ Obtain calibrated predictions for the test points. Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples, n_classes). Features vectors of the training data or the probability scores from the base model. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtupe that holds y_pred: ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Predicted labels of the test points. y_prob: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) Predicted probability scores of the classes. """ y_prob = self.calib_model.predict_proba(X) if len(np.shape(y_prob)) == 1: y_pred_labels = y_prob > 0.5 else: y_pred_labels = np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1) Result = namedtuple('res', ['y_pred', 'y_prob']) res = Result(y_pred_labels, y_prob) return res <s> from .classification_calibration import ClassificationCalibration <s> import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score from ..utils.misc import fitted_ucc_w_nullref def picp(y_true, y_lower, y_upper): """ Prediction Interval Coverage Probability (PICP). Computes the fraction of samples for which the grounds truth lies within predicted interval. Measures the prediction interval calibration for regression. Args: y_true: Ground truth y_lower: predicted lower bound y_upper: predicted upper bound Returns: float: the fraction of samples for which the grounds truth lies within predicted interval. """ satisfies_upper_bound = y_true <= y_upper satisfies_lower_bound = y_true >= y_lower return np.mean(satisfies_upper_bound * satisfies_lower_bound) def mpiw(y_lower, y_upper): """ Mean Prediction Interval Width (MPIW). Computes the average width of the the prediction intervals. Measures the sharpness of intervals. Args: y_lower: predicted lower bound y_upper: predicted upper bound Returns: float: the average width the prediction interval across samples. """ return np.mean(np.abs(y_lower - y_upper)) def auucc_gain(y_true, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper): """ Computes the Area Under the Uncertainty Characteristics Curve (AUUCC) gain wrt to a null reference with constant band. Args: y_true: Ground truth y_mean: predicted mean y_lower: predicted lower bound y_upper: predicted upper bound Returns: float: AUUCC gain """ u = fitted_ucc_w_nullref(y_true, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) auucc = u.get_AUUCC() assert(isinstance(auucc, list) and len(auucc) == 2), "Failed to calculate auucc gain" assert (not np.isclose(auucc[1], 0.)), "Failed to calculate auucc gain" auucc_gain = (auucc[1]-auucc[0])/auucc[0] return auucc_gain def negative_log_likelihood_Gaussian(y_true, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper): """ Computes Gaussian negative_log_likelihood assuming symmetric band around the mean. Args: y_true: Ground truth y_mean: predicted mean y_lower: predicted lower bound y_upper: predicted upper bound Returns: float: nll """ y_std = (y_upper - y_lower) / 4.0 nll = np.mean(-norm.logpdf(y_true.squeeze(), loc=y_mean.squeeze(), scale=y_std.squeeze())) return nll def compute_regression_metrics(y_true, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper, option="all", nll_fn=None): """ Computes the metrics specified in the option which can be string or a list of strings. Default option `all` computes the ["rmse", "nll", "auucc_gain", "picp", "mpiw", "r2"] metrics. Args: y_true: Ground truth y_mean: predicted mean y_lower: predicted lower bound y_upper: predicted upper bound option: string or list of string contained the name of the metrics to be computed. nll_fn: function that evaluates NLL, if None, then computes Gaussian NLL using y_mean and y_lower. Returns: dict: dictionary containing the computed metrics. """ assert y_true.shape == y_mean.shape, "y_true shape: {}, y_mean shape: {}".format(y_true.shape, y_mean.shape) assert y_true.shape == y_lower.shape, "y_true shape: {}, y_mean shape: {}".format(y_true.shape, y_lower.shape) assert y_true.shape == y_upper.shape, "y_true shape: {}, y_mean shape: {}".format(y_true.shape, y_upper.shape) results = {} if not isinstance(option, list): if option == "all": option_list = ["rmse", "nll", "auucc_gain", "picp", "mpiw", "r2"] else: option_list = [option] if "rmse" in option_list: results["rmse"] = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_mean, squared=False) if "nll" in option_list: if nll_fn is None: nll = negative_log_likelihood_Gaussian(y_true, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) results["nll"] = nll else: results["nll"] = np.mean(nll_fn(y_true)) if "auucc_gain" in option_list: gain = auucc_gain(y_true, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper) results["auucc_gain"] = gain if "picp" in option_list: results["picp"] = picp(y_true, y_lower, y_upper) if "mpiw" in option_list: results["mpiw"] = mpiw(y_lower, y_upper) if "r2" in option_list: results["r2"] = r2_score(y_true, y_mean) return results def _check_not_tuple_of_2_elements(obj, obj_name='obj'): """Check object is not tuple or does not have 2 elements.""" if not isinstance(obj, tuple) or len(obj) != 2: raise TypeError('%s must be a tuple of 2 elements.' % obj_name) def plot_uncertainty_distribution(dist, show_quantile_dots=False, qd_sample=20, qd_bins=7, ax=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, title='Predicted Distribution', xlims=None, xlabel='Prediction', ylabel='Density', **kwargs): """ Plot the uncertainty distribution for a single distribution. Args: dist: scipy.stats._continuous_distns. A scipy distribution object. show_quantile_dots: boolean. Whether to show quantil dots on top of the density plot. qd_sample: int. Number of dots for the quantile dot plot. qd_bins: int. Number of bins for the quantile dot plot. ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional (default=None). Target axes instance. If None, new figure and axes will be created. figsize: tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Figure size. dpi : int or None, optional (default=None). Resolution of the figure. title : string or None, optional (default=Prediction Distribution) Axes title. If None, title is disabled. xlims : tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Tuple passed to ``ax.xlim()``. xlabel : string or None, optional (default=Prediction) X-axis title label. If None, title is disabled. ylabel : string or None, optional (default=Density) Y-axis title label. If None, title is disabled. Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes: ax : The plot with prediction distribution. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: if figsize is not None: _check_not_tuple_of_2_elements(figsize, 'figsize') _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) x = np.linspace(dist.ppf(0.01), dist.ppf(0.99), 100) ax.plot(x, dist.pdf(x), **kwargs) if show_quantile_dots: from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection import matplotlib.ticker as ticker data = dist.rvs(size=10000) p_less_than_x = np.linspace(1 / qd_sample / 2, 1 - (1 / qd_sample / 2), qd_sample) x_ = np.percentile(data, p_less_than_x * 100) # Inverce CDF (ppf) # Create bins hist = np.histogram(x_, bins=qd_bins) bins, edges = hist radius = (edges[1] - edges[0]) / 2 ax2 = ax.twinx() patches = [] max_y = 0 for i in range(qd_bins): x_bin = (edges[i + 1] + edges[i]) / 2 y_bins = [(i + 1) * (radius * 2) for i in range(bins[i])] max_y = max(y_bins) if max(y_bins) > max_y else max_y for _, y_bin in enumerate(y_bins): circle = Circle((x_bin, y_bin), radius) patches.append(circle) p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.4) ax2.add_collection(p) # Axis tweek y_scale = (max_y + radius) / max(dist.pdf(x)) ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x_ / y_scale)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) if xlims is not None: ax2.set_xlim(left=xlims[0], right=xlims[1]) else: ax2.set_xlim([min(
x_) - radius, max(x) + radius]) ax2.set_ylim([0, max_y + radius]) ax2.set_aspect(1) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return ax def plot_picp_by_feature(x_test, y_test, y_test_pred_lower_total, y_test_pred_upper_total, num_bins=10, ax=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, xlims=None, ylims=None, xscale="linear", title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """ Plot how prediction uncertainty varies across the entire range of a feature. Args: x_test: One dimensional ndarray. Feature column of the test dataset. y_test: One dimensional ndarray. Ground truth label of the test dataset. y_test_pred_lower_total: One dimensional ndarray. Lower bound of the total uncertainty range. y_test_pred_upper_total: One dimensional ndarray. Upper bound of the total uncertainty range. num_bins: int. Number of bins used to discritize x_test into equal-sample-sized bins. ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional (default=None). Target axes instance. If None, new figure and axes will be created. figsize: tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Figure size. dpi : int or None, optional (default=None). Resolution of the figure. xlims : tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Tuple passed to ``ax.xlim()``. ylims: tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Tuple passed to ``ax.ylim()``. xscale: Passed to ``ax.set_xscale()``. title : string or None, optional Axes title. If None, title is disabled. xlabel : string or None, optional X-axis title label. If None, title is disabled. ylabel : string or None, optional Y-axis title label. If None, title is disabled. Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes: ax : The plot with PICP scores binned by a feature. """ from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: if figsize is not None: _check_not_tuple_of_2_elements(figsize, 'figsize') _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) x_uniques_sorted = np.sort(np.unique(x_test)) num_unique = len(x_uniques_sorted) sample_bin_ids = np.searchsorted(x_uniques_sorted, x_test) if len(x_uniques_sorted) > 10: # bin the values q_bins = mquantiles(x_test, np.histogram_bin_edges([], bins=num_bins-1, range=(0.0, 1.0))[1:]) q_sample_bin_ids = np.digitize(x_test, q_bins) picps = np.array([picp(y_test[q_sample_bin_ids==bin], y_test_pred_lower_total[q_sample_bin_ids==bin], y_test_pred_upper_total[q_sample_bin_ids==bin]) for bin in range(num_bins)]) unique_sample_bin_ids = np.digitize(x_uniques_sorted, q_bins) picp_replicated = [len(x_uniques_sorted[unique_sample_bin_ids == bin]) * [picps[bin]] for bin in range(num_bins)] picp_replicated = np.array([item for sublist in picp_replicated for item in sublist]) else: picps = np.array([picp(y_test[sample_bin_ids == bin], y_test_pred_lower_total[sample_bin_ids == bin], y_test_pred_upper_total[sample_bin_ids == bin]) for bin in range(num_unique)]) picp_replicated = picps ax.plot(x_uniques_sorted, picp_replicated, label='PICP') ax.axhline(0.95, linestyle='--', label='95%') ax.set_ylabel('PICP') ax.legend(loc='best') if title is None: title = 'Test data overall PICP: {:.2f} MPIW: {:.2f}'.format( picp(y_test, y_test_pred_lower_total, y_test_pred_upper_total), mpiw(y_test_pred_lower_total, y_test_pred_upper_total)) if xlims is not None: ax.set_xlim(left=xlims[0], right=xlims[1]) if ylims is not None: ax.set_ylim(bottom=ylims[0], top=ylims[1]) ax.set_title(title) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xscale is not None: ax.set_xscale(xscale) return ax def plot_uncertainty_by_feature(x_test, y_test_pred_mean, y_test_pred_lower_total, y_test_pred_upper_total, y_test_pred_lower_epistemic=None, y_test_pred_upper_epistemic=None, ax=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, xlims=None, xscale="linear", title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """ Plot how prediction uncertainty varies across the entire range of a feature. Args: x_test: one dimensional ndarray. Feature column of the test dataset. y_test_pred_mean: One dimensional ndarray. Model prediction for the test dataset. y_test_pred_lower_total: One dimensional ndarray. Lower bound of the total uncertainty range. y_test_pred_upper_total: One dimensional ndarray. Upper bound of the total uncertainty range. y_test_pred_lower_epistemic: One dimensional ndarray. Lower bound of the epistemic uncertainty range. y_test_pred_upper_epistemic: One dimensional ndarray. Upper bound of the epistemic uncertainty range. ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes or None, optional (default=None). Target axes instance. If None, new figure and axes will be created. figsize: tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Figure size. dpi : int or None, optional (default=None). Resolution of the figure. xlims : tuple of 2 elements or None, optional (default=None). Tuple passed to ``ax.xlim()``. xscale: Passed to ``ax.set_xscale()``. title : string or None, optional Axes title. If None, title is disabled. xlabel : string or None, optional X-axis title label. If None, title is disabled. ylabel : string or None, optional Y-axis title label. If None, title is disabled. Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes: ax : The plot with model's uncertainty binned by a feature. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: if figsize is not None: _check_not_tuple_of_2_elements(figsize, 'figsize') _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) x_uniques_sorted = np.sort(np.unique(x_test)) y_pred_var = ((y_test_pred_upper_total - y_test_pred_lower_total) / 4.0)**2 agg_y_std = np.array([np.sqrt(np.mean(y_pred_var[x_test==x])) for x in x_uniques_sorted]) agg_y_mean = np.array([np.mean(y_test_pred_mean[x_test==x]) for x in x_uniques_sorted]) ax.plot(x_uniques_sorted, agg_y_mean, '-b', lw=2, label='mean prediction') ax.fill_between(x_uniques_sorted, agg_y_mean - 2.0 * agg_y_std, agg_y_mean + 2.0 * agg_y_std, alpha=0.3, label='total uncertainty') if y_test_pred_lower_epistemic is not None: y_pred_var_epistemic = ((y_test_pred_upper_epistemic - y_test_pred_lower_epistemic) / 4.0)**2 agg_y_std_epistemic = np.array([np.sqrt(np.mean(y_pred_var_epistemic[x_test==x])) for x in x_uniques_sorted]) ax.fill_between(x_uniques_sorted, agg_y_mean - 2.0 * agg_y_std_epistemic, agg_y_mean + 2.0 * agg_y_std_epistemic, alpha=0.3, label='model uncertainty') ax.legend(loc='best') if xlims is not None: ax.set_xlim(left=xlims[0], right=xlims[1]) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xscale is not None: ax.set_xscale(xscale) return ax <s> import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import entropy from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, log_loss, accuracy_score def entropy_based_uncertainty_decomposition(y_prob_samples): """ Entropy based decomposition [2]_ of predictive uncertainty into aleatoric and epistemic components. References: .. [2] Depeweg, S., Hernandez-Lobato, J. M., Doshi-Velez, F., & Udluft, S. (2018, July). Decomposition of uncertainty in Bayesian deep learning for efficient and risk-sensitive learning. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1184-1193). PMLR. Args: y_prob_samples: list of array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes) containing class prediction probabilities corresponding to samples from the model posterior. Returns: tuple: - total_uncertainty: entropy of the predictive distribution. - aleatoric_uncertainty: aleatoric component of the total_uncertainty. - epistemic_uncertainty: epistemic component of the total_uncertainty. """ y_preds_samples_stacked = np.stack(y_prob_samples) preds_mean = np.mean(y_preds_samples_stacked, 0) total_uncertainty = entropy(preds_mean, axis=1) aleatoric_uncertainty = np.mean( np.concatenate([entropy(y_pred, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) for y_pred in y_prob_samples], axis=1), axis=1) epistemic_uncertainty = total_uncertainty - aleatoric_uncertainty return total_uncertainty, aleatoric_uncertainty, epistemic_uncertainty def multiclass_brier_score(y_true, y_prob): """Brier score for multi-class. Args: y_true: array-like of shape (n_samples,) ground truth labels. y_prob: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes). Probability scores from the base model. Returns: float: Brier score. """ assert len(y_prob.shape) > 1, "y_prob should be array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes)" y_target = np.zeros_like(y_prob) y_target[:, y_true] = 1.0 return np.mean(np.sum((y_target - y_prob) ** 2, axis=1)) def area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve(y_true, y_prob, y_pred=None, selection_scores=None, risk_func=accuracy_score, attributes=None, num_bins=10, subgroup_ids=None, return_counts=False): """ Computes risk vs rejection rate curve and the area under this curve. Similar to risk-coverage curves [3]_ where coverage instead of rejection rate is used. References: .. [3] Franc, Vojtech, and Daniel Prusa. "On discriminative learning of prediction uncertainty." In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 1963-1971. 2019. Args: y_true: array-like of shape (n_samples,) ground truth labels. y_prob: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes). Probability scores from the base model. y_pred: array-like of shape (n_samples,) predicted labels. selection_scores: scores corresponding to certainty in the predicted labels. risk_func: risk function under consideration. attributes: (optional) if risk function is a fairness metric also pass the protected attribute name. num_bins: number of bins. subgroup_ids: (optional) selectively compute risk on a subgroup of the samples specified by subgroup_ids. return_counts: set to True to return counts also. Returns: float or tuple: - aurrrc (float): area under risk rejection rate curve. - rejection_rates (list): rejection rates for each bin (returned only if return_counts is True). - selection_thresholds (list): selection threshold for each bin (returned only if return_counts is True). - risks (list): risk in each bin (returned only if return_counts is True). """ if selection_scores is None: assert len(y_prob.shape) > 1, "y_prob should be array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes)" selection_scores = y_prob[np.arange(y_prob.shape[0]), np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1)] if y_pred is None: assert len(y_prob.shape) > 1, "y_prob should be array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes)" y_pred = np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1) order = np.argsort(selection_scores)[::-1] rejection_rates = [] selection_thresholds = [] risks = [] for bin_id in range(num_bins): samples_in_
bin = len(y_true) // num_bins selection_threshold = selection_scores[order[samples_in_bin * (bin_id+1)-1]] selection_thresholds.append(selection_threshold) ids = selection_scores >= selection_threshold if sum(ids) > 0: if attributes is None: if isinstance(y_true, pd.Series): y_true_numpy = y_true.values else: y_true_numpy = y_true if subgroup_ids is None: risk_value = 1.0 - risk_func(y_true_numpy[ids], y_pred[ids]) else: if sum(subgroup_ids & ids) > 0: risk_value = 1.0 - risk_func(y_true_numpy[subgroup_ids & ids], y_pred[subgroup_ids & ids]) else: risk_value = 0.0 else: risk_value = risk_func(y_true.iloc[ids], y_pred[ids], prot_attr=attributes) else: risk_value = 0.0 risks.append(risk_value) rejection_rates.append(1.0 - 1.0 * sum(ids) / len(y_true)) aurrrc = np.nanmean(risks) if not return_counts: return aurrrc else: return aurrrc, rejection_rates, selection_thresholds, risks def expected_calibration_error(y_true, y_prob, y_pred=None, num_bins=10, return_counts=False): """ Computes the reliability curve and the expected calibration error [1]_ . References: .. [1] Chuan Guo, Geoff Pleiss, Yu Sun, Kilian Q. Weinberger; Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 70:1321-1330, 2017. Args: y_true: array-like of shape (n_samples,) ground truth labels. y_prob: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes). Probability scores from the base model. y_pred: array-like of shape (n_samples,) predicted labels. num_bins: number of bins. return_counts: set to True to return counts also. Returns: float or tuple: - ece (float): expected calibration error. - confidences_in_bins: average confidence in each bin (returned only if return_counts is True). - accuracies_in_bins: accuracy in each bin (returned only if return_counts is True). - frac_samples_in_bins: fraction of samples in each bin (returned only if return_counts is True). """ assert len(y_prob.shape) > 1, "y_prob should be array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes)" num_samples, num_classes = y_prob.shape top_scores = np.max(y_prob, axis=1) if y_pred is None: y_pred = np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1) if num_classes == 2: bins_edges = np.histogram_bin_edges([], bins=num_bins, range=(0.5, 1.0)) else: bins_edges = np.histogram_bin_edges([], bins=num_bins, range=(0.0, 1.0)) non_boundary_bin_edges = bins_edges[1:-1] bin_centers = (bins_edges[1:] + bins_edges[:-1])/2 sample_bin_ids = np.digitize(top_scores, non_boundary_bin_edges) num_samples_in_bins = np.zeros(num_bins) accuracies_in_bins = np.zeros(num_bins) confidences_in_bins = np.zeros(num_bins) for bin in range(num_bins): num_samples_in_bins[bin] = len(y_pred[sample_bin_ids == bin]) if num_samples_in_bins[bin] > 0: accuracies_in_bins[bin] = np.sum(y_true[sample_bin_ids == bin] == y_pred[sample_bin_ids == bin]) / num_samples_in_bins[bin] confidences_in_bins[bin] = np.sum(top_scores[sample_bin_ids == bin]) / num_samples_in_bins[bin] ece = np.sum( num_samples_in_bins * np.abs(accuracies_in_bins - confidences_in_bins) / num_samples ) frac_samples_in_bins = num_samples_in_bins / num_samples if not return_counts: return ece else: return ece, confidences_in_bins, accuracies_in_bins, frac_samples_in_bins, bin_centers def compute_classification_metrics(y_true, y_prob, option='all'): """ Computes the metrics specified in the option which can be string or a list of strings. Default option `all` computes the [aurrrc, ece, auroc, nll, brier, accuracy] metrics. Args: y_true: array-like of shape (n_samples,) ground truth labels. y_prob: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes). Probability scores from the base model. option: string or list of string contained the name of the metrics to be computed. Returns: dict: a dictionary containing the computed metrics. """ results = {} if not isinstance(option, list): if option == "all": option_list = ["aurrrc", "ece", "auroc", "nll", "brier", "accuracy"] else: option_list = [option] if "aurrrc" in option_list: results["aurrrc"] = area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve(y_true=y_true, y_prob=y_prob) if "ece" in option_list: results["ece"] = expected_calibration_error(y_true=y_true, y_prob=y_prob) if "auroc" in option_list: results["auroc"], _ = roc_auc_score(y_true=y_true, y_score=y_prob) if "nll" in option_list: results["nll"] = log_loss(y_true=y_true, y_pred=np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1)) if "brier" in option_list: results["brier"] = multiclass_brier_score(y_true=y_true, y_prob=y_prob) if "accuracy" in option_list: results["accuracy"] = accuracy_score(y_true=y_true, y_pred=np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1)) return results def plot_reliability_diagram(y_true, y_prob, y_pred, plot_label=[""], num_bins=10): """ Plots the reliability diagram showing the calibration error for different confidence scores. Multiple curves can be plot by passing data as lists. Args: y_true: array-like or or a list of array-like of shape (n_samples,) ground truth labels. y_prob: array-like or or a list of array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes). Probability scores from the base model. y_pred: array-like or or a list of array-like of shape (n_samples,) predicted labels. plot_label: (optional) list of names identifying each curve. num_bins: number of bins. Returns: tuple: - ece_list: ece: list containing expected calibration error for each curve. - accuracies_in_bins_list: list containing binned average accuracies for each curve. - frac_samples_in_bins_list: list containing binned sample frequencies for each curve. - confidences_in_bins_list: list containing binned average confidence for each curve. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(y_true, list): y_true, y_prob, y_pred = [y_true], [y_prob], [y_pred] if len(plot_label) != len(y_true): raise ValueError('y_true and plot_label should be of same length.') ece_list = [] accuracies_in_bins_list = [] frac_samples_in_bins_list = [] confidences_in_bins_list = [] for idx in range(len(plot_label)): ece, confidences_in_bins, accuracies_in_bins, frac_samples_in_bins, bins = expected_calibration_error(y_true[idx], y_prob[idx], y_pred[idx], num_bins=num_bins, return_counts=True) ece_list.append(ece) accuracies_in_bins_list.append(accuracies_in_bins) frac_samples_in_bins_list.append(frac_samples_in_bins) confidences_in_bins_list.append(confidences_in_bins) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) for idx in range(len(plot_label)): plt.plot(bins, frac_samples_in_bins_list[idx], 'o-', label=plot_label[idx]) plt.title("Confidence Histogram") plt.xlabel("Confidence") plt.ylabel("Fraction of Samples") plt.grid() plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.legend() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) for idx in range(len(plot_label)): plt.plot(bins, accuracies_in_bins_list[idx], 'o-', label="{} ECE = {:.2f}".format(plot_label[idx], ece_list[idx])) plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 1, 50), np.linspace(0, 1, 50), 'b.', label="Perfect Calibration") plt.title("Reliability Plot") plt.xlabel("Confidence") plt.ylabel("Accuracy") plt.grid() plt.legend() return ece_list, accuracies_in_bins_list, frac_samples_in_bins_list, confidences_in_bins_list def plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate(y_true, y_prob, y_pred, selection_scores=None, plot_label=[""], risk_func=None, attributes=None, num_bins=10, subgroup_ids=None): """ Plots the risk vs rejection rate curve showing the risk for different rejection rates. Multiple curves can be plot by passing data as lists. Args: y_true: array-like or or a list of array-like of shape (n_samples,) ground truth labels. y_prob: array-like or or a list of array-like of shape (n_samples, n_classes). Probability scores from the base model. y_pred: array-like or or a list of array-like of shape (n_samples,) predicted labels. selection_scores: ndarray or a list of ndarray containing scores corresponding to certainty in the predicted labels. risk_func: risk function under consideration. attributes: (optional) if risk function is a fairness metric also pass the protected attribute name. num_bins: number of bins. subgroup_ids: (optional) ndarray or a list of ndarray containing subgroup_ids to selectively compute risk on a subgroup of the samples specified by subgroup_ids. Returns: tuple: - aurrrc_list: list containing the area under risk rejection rate curves. - rejection_rate_list: list containing the binned rejection rates. - selection_thresholds_list: list containing the binned selection thresholds. - risk_list: list containing the binned risks. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(y_true, list): y_true, y_prob, y_pred, selection_scores, subgroup_ids = [y_true], [y_prob], [y_pred], [selection_scores], [subgroup_ids] if len(plot_label) != len(y_true): raise ValueError('y_true and plot_label should be of same length.') aurrrc_list = [] rejection_rate_list = [] risk_list = [] selection_thresholds_list = [] for idx in range(len(plot_label)): aursrc, rejection_rates, selection_thresholds, risks = area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve( y_true[idx], y_prob[idx], y_pred[idx], selection_scores=selection_scores[idx], risk_func=risk_func, attributes=attributes, num_bins=num_bins, subgroup_ids=subgroup_ids[idx], return_counts=True ) aurrrc_list.append(aursrc) rejection_rate_list.append(rejection_rates) risk_list.append(risks) selection_thresholds_list.append(selection_thresholds) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) for idx in range(len(plot_label)): plt.plot(rejection_rate_list[idx], risk_list[idx], label="{} AURRRC={:.5f}".format(plot_label[idx], aurrrc_list[idx])) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel("Rejection Rate") if risk_func is None: ylabel = "Prediction Error Rate" else: if 'accuracy' in risk_func.__name__: ylabel = "1.0 - " + risk_func.__name__ else: ylabel = risk_func.__name__ plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title("Risk vs Rejection Rate Plot") plt.grid() plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) for idx in range(len(plot_label)): plt.plot(selection_thresholds_list[idx], risk_list[idx], label="{}".format(plot_label[idx])) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel("Selection Threshold") if risk_func is None: ylabel = "Prediction Error Rate" else: if 'accuracy' in risk_func.__name__: ylabel = "1.0 - " + risk_func.__name__ else: ylabel = risk_func.__name__ plt.ylabel(ylabel
) plt.title("Risk vs Selection Threshold Plot") plt.grid() return aurrrc_list, rejection_rate_list, selection_thresholds_list, risk_list <s> from .classification_metrics import expected_calibration_error, area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve, \\ compute_classification_metrics, entropy_based_uncertainty_decomposition from .regression_metrics import picp, mpiw, compute_regression_metrics, plot_uncertainty_distribution, \\ plot_uncertainty_by_feature, plot_picp_by_feature from .uncertainty_characteristics_curve import UncertaintyCharacteristicsCurve <s> from copy import deepcopy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import simps, trapz from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression DEFAULT_X_AXIS_NAME = 'excess' DEFAULT_Y_AXIS_NAME = 'missrate' class UncertaintyCharacteristicsCurve: """ Class with main functions of the Uncertainty Characteristics Curve (UCC). """ def __init__(self, normalize=True, precompute_bias_data=True): """ :param normalize: set initial axes normalization flag (can be changed via set_coordinates()) :param precompute_bias_data: if True, fit() will compute statistics necessary to generate bias-based UCCs (in addition to the scale-based ones). Skipping this precomputation may speed up the fit() call if bias-based UCC is not needed. """ self.axes_name2idx = {"missrate": 1, "bandwidth": 2, "excess": 3, "deficit": 4} self.axes_idx2descr = {1: "Missrate", 2: "Bandwidth", 3: "Excess", 4: "Deficit"} self.x_axis_idx = None self.y_axis_idx = None self.norm_x_axis = False self.norm_y_axis = False self.std_unit = None self.normalize = normalize self.d = None = None = None self.ub = None self.precompute_bias_data = precompute_bias_data self.set_coordinates(x_axis_name=DEFAULT_X_AXIS_NAME, y_axis_name=DEFAULT_Y_AXIS_NAME, normalize=normalize) def set_coordinates(self, x_axis_name=None, y_axis_name=None, normalize=None): """ Assigns user-specified type to the axes and normalization behavior (sticky). :param x_axis_name: None-> unchanged, or name from self.axes_name2idx :param y_axis_name: ditto :param normalize: True/False will activate/deactivate norming for specified axes. Behavior for Axes_name that are None will not be changed. Value None will leave norm status unchanged. Note, axis=='missrate' will never get normalized, even with normalize == True :return: none """ normalize = self.normalize if normalize is None else normalize if x_axis_name is None and self.x_axis_idx is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): x-axis has not been defined.") if y_axis_name is None and self.y_axis_idx is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): y-axis has not been defined.") if x_axis_name is None and y_axis_name is None and normalize is not None: # just set normalization on/off for both axes and return self.norm_x_axis = False if x_axis_name == 'missrate' else normalize self.norm_y_axis = False if y_axis_name == 'missrate' else normalize return if x_axis_name is not None: self.x_axis_idx = self.axes_name2idx[x_axis_name] self.norm_x_axis = False if x_axis_name == 'missrate' else normalize if y_axis_name is not None: self.y_axis_idx = self.axes_name2idx[y_axis_name] self.norm_y_axis = False if y_axis_name == 'missrate' else normalize def set_std_unit(self, std_unit=None): """ Sets the UCC's unit to be used when displaying normalized axes. :param std_unit: if None, the unit will be calculated as stddev of the ground truth data (ValueError raised if data has not been set at this point) or set to the user-specified value. :return: """ if std_unit is None: # set it to stddev of data if is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): No data specified - cannot set stddev unit.") self.std_unit = np.std( if np.isclose(self.std_unit, 0.): print("WARN(UCC): data-based stddev is zero - resetting axes unit to 1.") self.std_unit = 1. else: self.std_unit = float(std_unit) def fit(self, X, gt): """ Calculates internal arrays necessary for other methods (plotting, auc, cost minimization). Re-entrant. :param X: [numsamples, 3] numpy matrix, or list of numpy matrices. Col 1: predicted values Col 2: lower band (deviate) wrt predicted value (always positive) Col 3: upper band wrt predicted value (always positive) If list is provided, all methods will output corresponding metrics as lists as well! :param gt: Ground truth array (i.e.,the 'actual' values corresponding to predictions in X :return: self """ if not isinstance(X, list): X = [X] newX = [] for x in X: assert (isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and len(x.shape) == 2 and x.shape[1] == 3 and x.shape[0] == len(gt)) newX.append(self._sanitize_input(x)) self.d = [gt - x[:, 0] for x in newX] = [x[:, 1] for x in newX] self.ub = [x[:, 2] for x in newX] = gt self.set_std_unit() self.plotdata_for_scale = [] self.plotdata_for_bias = [] # precompute plotdata: for i in range(len(self.d)): self.plotdata_for_scale.append(self._calc_plotdata(self.d[i],[i], self.ub[i], vary_bias=False)) if self.precompute_bias_data: self.plotdata_for_bias.append(self._calc_plotdata(self.d[i],[i], self.ub[i], vary_bias=True)) return self def minimize_cost(self, x_axis_cost=.5, y_axis_cost=.5, augment_cost_by_normfactor=True, search=('scale', 'bias')): """ Find minima of a linear cost function for each component. Cost function C = x_axis_cost * x_axis_value + y_axis_cost * y_axis_value. A minimum can occur in the scale-based or bias-based UCC (this can be constrained by the 'search' arg). The function returns a 'recipe' how to achieve the corresponding minimum, for each component. :param x_axis_cost: weight of one unit on x_axis :param y_axis_cost: weight of one unit on y_axis :param augment_cost_by_normfactor: when False, the cost multipliers will apply as is. If True, they will be pre-normed by the corresponding axis norm (where applicable), to account for range differences between axes. :param search: list of types over which minimization is to be performed, valid elements are 'scale' and 'bias'. :return: list of dicts - one per component, or a single dict, if there is only one component. Dict keys are - 'operation': can be 'bias' (additive) or 'scale' (multiplicative), 'modvalue': value to multiply by or to add to error bars to achieve the minimum, 'new_x'/'new_y': new coordinates (operating point) with that minimum, 'cost': new cost at minimum point, 'original_cost': original cost (original operating point). """ if self.d is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): call fit() prior to using this method.") if augment_cost_by_normfactor: if self.norm_x_axis: x_axis_cost /= self.std_unit if self.norm_y_axis: y_axis_cost /= self.std_unit print("INFO(UCC): Pre-norming costs by corresp. std deviation: new x_axis_cost = %.4f, y_axis_cost = %.4f" % (x_axis_cost, y_axis_cost)) if isinstance(search, tuple): search = list(search) if not isinstance(search, list): search = [search] min_costs = [] for d in range(len(self.d)): # original OP cost m, b, e, df = self._calc_missrate_bandwidth_excess_deficit(self.d[d],[d], self.ub[d]) original_cost = x_axis_cost * [0., m, b, e, df][self.x_axis_idx] + y_axis_cost * [0., m, b, e, df][ self.y_axis_idx] plotdata = self.plotdata_for_scale[d] cost_scale, minidx_scale = self._find_min_cost_in_component(plotdata, self.x_axis_idx, self.y_axis_idx, x_axis_cost, y_axis_cost) mcf_scale_multiplier = plotdata[minidx_scale][0] mcf_scale_x = plotdata[minidx_scale][self.x_axis_idx] mcf_scale_y = plotdata[minidx_scale][self.y_axis_idx] if 'bias' in search: if not self.precompute_bias_data: raise ValueError( "ERROR(UCC): Cannot perform minimization - instantiated without bias data computation") plotdata = self.plotdata_for_bias[d] cost_bias, minidx_bias = self._find_min_cost_in_component(plotdata, self.x_axis_idx, self.y_axis_idx, x_axis_cost, y_axis_cost) mcf_bias_add = plotdata[minidx_bias][0] mcf_bias_x = plotdata[minidx_bias][self.x_axis_idx] mcf_bias_y = plotdata[minidx_bias][self.y_axis_idx] if 'bias' in search and 'scale' in search: if cost_bias < cost_scale: min_costs.append({'operation': 'bias', 'cost': cost_bias, 'modvalue': mcf_bias_add, 'new_x': mcf_bias_x, 'new_y': mcf_bias_y, 'original_cost': original_cost}) else: min_costs.append({'operation': 'scale', 'cost': cost_scale, 'modvalue': mcf_scale_multiplier, 'new_x': mcf_scale_x, 'new_y': mcf_scale_y, 'original_cost': original_cost}) elif 'scale' in search: min_costs.append({'operation': 'scale', 'cost': cost_scale, 'modvalue': mcf_scale_multiplier, 'new_x': mcf_scale_x, 'new_y': mcf_scale_y, 'original_cost': original_cost}) elif 'bias' in search: min_costs.append({'operation': 'bias', 'cost': cost_bias, 'modvalue': mcf_bias_add, 'new_x': mcf_bias_x, 'new_y': mcf_bias_y, 'original_cost': original_cost}) else: raise ValueError("(ERROR): Unknown search element (%s) requested." % ",".join(search)) if len(min_costs) < 2: return min_costs[0] else: return min_costs def get_specific_operating_point(self, req_x_axis_value=None, req_y_axis_value=None, req_critical_value=None, vary_bias=False): """ Finds corresponding operating point on the current UCC, given a point on either x or y axis. Returns a list of recipes how to achieve the point (x,y), for each component. If there is only one component, returns a single recipe dict. :param req_x_axis_value: requested x value on UCC (normalization status is taken from current display) :param req_y_axis_value: requested y value on UCC (normalization status is taken from current display) :param vary_bias: set to True when referring to bias-induced UCC (scale UCC default) :return: list of dicts (recipes), or a single dict """ if self.d is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): call fit() prior to using this method.") if np.sum([req_x_axis_value is not None, req_y_axis_value is not None, req_critical_value is not None]) != 1: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): exactly one axis value must be requested at a time.") if vary_bias and not self.precompute_bias_data: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): Cannot vary bias - instantiated without bias data computation") xnorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_x_axis else 1. ynorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_y_axis else 1. recipe = [] for dc in range(len(self.d)): plotdata = self.plotdata_for_bias[dc] if vary_bias else self.plotdata_for_scale[dc] if req_x_axis_value is not None: tgtidx = self.x_axis_idx req_value = req_x_axis_value * xnorm elif req_y_axis_value is not None: tgtidx = self.y_axis_idx req_value = req_y_axis_value * ynorm elif req_critical_value is not None: req_value = req_critical_value tgtidx = 0 # first element in plotdata is always the critical value (scale of bias) else: raise RuntimeError("Unhandled case") closestidx = np.argmin(np.asarray([np.abs(p[tgtidx] - req_value) for p in plotdata])) recipe.append({'operation': ('bias' if vary_bias else 'scale'), 'modvalue': plotdata[closestidx][0], 'new_x': plotdata[closestidx][self.x_axis_idx] / xnorm, 'new_y': plotdata[closestidx][self.y_axis_
idx] / ynorm}) if len(recipe) < 2: return recipe[0] else: return recipe def _find_min_cost_in_component(self, plotdata, idx1, idx2, cost1, cost2): """ Find s minimum cost function value and corresp. position index in plotdata :param plotdata: liste of tuples :param idx1: idx of x-axis item within the tuple :param idx2: idx of y-axis item within the tuple :param cost1: cost factor for x-axis unit :param cost2: cost factor for y-axis unit :return: min cost value, index within plotdata where minimum occurs """ raw = [cost1 * i[idx1] + cost2 * i[idx2] for i in plotdata] minidx = np.argmin(raw) return raw[minidx], minidx def _sanitize_input(self, x): """ Replaces problematic values in input data (e.g, zero error bars) :param x: single matrix of input data [n, 3] :return: sanitized version of x """ if np.isclose(np.sum(x[:, 1]), 0.): raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): Provided lower bands are all zero.") if np.isclose(np.sum(x[:, 2]), 0.): raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): Provided upper bands are all zero.") for i in [1, 2]: if any(np.isclose(x[:, i], 0.)): print("WARN(UCC): some band values are 0. - REPLACING with positive minimum") m = np.min(x[x[:, i] > 0, i]) x = np.where(np.isclose(x, 0.), m, x) return x def _calc_avg_excess(self, d, lb, ub): """ Excess is amount an error bar overshoots actual :param d: pred-actual array :param lb: lower band :param ub: upper band :return: average excess over array """ excess = np.zeros(d.shape) posidx = np.where(d >= 0)[0] excess[posidx] = np.where(ub[posidx] - d[posidx] < 0., 0., ub[posidx] - d[posidx]) negidx = np.where(d < 0)[0] excess[negidx] = np.where(lb[negidx] + d[negidx] < 0., 0., lb[negidx] + d[negidx]) return np.mean(excess) def _calc_avg_deficit(self, d, lb, ub): """ Deficit is error bar insufficiency: bar falls short of actual :param d: pred-actual array :param lb: lower band :param ub: upper band :return: average deficit over array """ deficit = np.zeros(d.shape) posidx = np.where(d >= 0)[0] deficit[posidx] = np.where(- ub[posidx] + d[posidx] < 0., 0., - ub[posidx] + d[posidx]) negidx = np.where(d < 0)[0] deficit[negidx] = np.where(- lb[negidx] - d[negidx] < 0., 0., - lb[negidx] - d[negidx]) return np.mean(deficit) def _calc_missrate_bandwidth_excess_deficit(self, d, lb, ub, scale=1.0, bias=0.0): """ Calculates recall at a given scale/bias, average bandwidth and average excess :param d: delta :param lb: lower band :param ub: upper band :param scale: scale * (x + bias) :param bias: :return: miss rate, average bandwidth, avg excess, avg deficit """ abslband = scale * np.where((lb + bias) < 0., 0., lb + bias) absuband = scale * np.where((ub + bias) < 0., 0., ub + bias) recall = np.sum((d >= - abslband) & (d <= absuband)) / len(d) avgbandwidth = np.mean([absuband, abslband]) avgexcess = self._calc_avg_excess(d, abslband, absuband) avgdeficit = self._calc_avg_deficit(d, abslband, absuband) return 1 - recall, avgbandwidth, avgexcess, avgdeficit def _calc_plotdata(self, d, lb, ub, vary_bias=False): """ Generates data necessary for various UCC metrics. :param d: delta (predicted - actual) vector :param ub: upper uncertainty bandwidth (above predicted) :param lb: lower uncertainty bandwidth (below predicted) - all positive (bandwidth) :param vary_bias: True will switch to additive bias instead of scale :return: list. Elements are tuples (varyvalue, missrate, bandwidth, excess, deficit) """ # step 1: collect critical scale or bias values critval = [] for i in range(len(d)): if not vary_bias: if d[i] >= 0: critval.append(d[i] / ub[i]) else: critval.append(-d[i] / lb[i]) else: if d[i] >= 0: critval.append(d[i] - ub[i]) else: critval.append(-lb[i] - d[i]) critval = sorted(critval) plotdata = [] for i in range(len(critval)): if not vary_bias: missrate, bandwidth, excess, deficit = self._calc_missrate_bandwidth_excess_deficit(d, lb, ub, scale=critval[i]) else: missrate, bandwidth, excess, deficit = self._calc_missrate_bandwidth_excess_deficit(d, lb, ub, bias=critval[i]) plotdata.append((critval[i], missrate, bandwidth, excess, deficit)) return plotdata def get_AUUCC(self, vary_bias=False, aucfct="trapz", partial_x=None, partial_y=None): """ returns approximate area under the curve on current coordinates, for each component. :param vary_bias: False == varies scale, True == varies bias :param aucfct: specifies AUC integrator (can be "trapz", "simps") :param partial_x: tuple (x_min, x_max) defining interval on x to calc a a partial AUC. The interval bounds refer to axes as visualized (ie. potentially normed) :param partial_y: tuple (y_min, y_max) defining interval on y to calc a a partial AUC. partial_x must be None. :return: list of floats with AUUCCs for each input component, or a single float, if there is only 1 component. """ if self.d is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): call fit() prior to using this method.") if vary_bias and not self.precompute_bias_data: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): Cannot vary bias - instantiated without bias data computation") if partial_x is not None and partial_y is not None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): partial_x and partial_y can not be specified at the same time.") assert(partial_x is None or (isinstance(partial_x, tuple) and len(partial_x)==2)) assert(partial_y is None or (isinstance(partial_y, tuple) and len(partial_y)==2)) # find starting point (where the x axis value starts to actually change) rv = [] # do this for individual streams xind = self.x_axis_idx aucfct = simps if aucfct == "simps" else trapz for s in range(len(self.d)): plotdata = self.plotdata_for_bias[s] if vary_bias else self.plotdata_for_scale[s] prev = plotdata[0][xind] t = 1 cval = plotdata[t][xind] while cval == prev and t < len(plotdata) - 1: t += 1 prev = cval cval = plotdata[t][xind] startt = t - 1 # from here, it's a valid function endtt = len(plotdata) if startt >= endtt - 2: rvs = 0. # no area else: xnorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_x_axis else 1. ynorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_y_axis else 1. y=[(plotdata[i][self.y_axis_idx]) / ynorm for i in range(startt, endtt)] x=[(plotdata[i][self.x_axis_idx]) / xnorm for i in range(startt, endtt)] if partial_x is not None: from_i = self._find_closest_index(partial_x[0], x) to_i = self._find_closest_index(partial_x[1], x) + 1 elif partial_y is not None: from_i = self._find_closest_index(partial_y[0], y) to_i = self._find_closest_index(partial_y[1], y) if from_i > to_i: # y is in reverse order from_i, to_i = to_i, from_i to_i += 1 # as upper bound in array indexing else: from_i = 0 to_i = len(x) to_i = min(to_i, len(x)) if to_i < from_i: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): Failed to find an appropriate partial-AUC interval in the data.") if to_i - from_i < 2: raise RuntimeError("ERROR(UCC): There are too few samples (1) in the partial-AUC interval specified") rvs = aucfct(x=x[from_i:to_i], y=y[from_i:to_i]) rv.append(rvs) if len(rv) < 2: return rv[0] else: return rv @ staticmethod def _find_closest_index(value, array): """ Returns an index of the 'array' element closest in value to 'value' :param value: :param array: :return: """ return np.argmin(np.abs(np.asarray(array)-value)) def _get_single_OP(self, d, lb, ub, scale=1., bias=0.): """ Returns Operating Point for original input data, on coordinates currently set up, given a scale/bias. :param scale: :param bias: :return: single tuple (x point, y point, unit of x, unit of y) """ xnorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_x_axis else 1. ynorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_y_axis else 1. auxop = self._calc_missrate_bandwidth_excess_deficit(d, lb, ub, scale=scale, bias=bias) op = [0.] + [i for i in auxop] # mimic plotdata (first element ignored here) return (op[self.x_axis_idx] / xnorm, op[self.y_axis_idx] / ynorm, xnorm, ynorm) def get_OP(self, scale=1., bias=0.): """ Returns all Operating Points for original input data, on coordinates currently set up, given a scale/bias. :param scale: :param bias: :return: list of tuples (x point, y point, unit of x, unit of y) or a single tuple if there is only 1 component. """ if self.d is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): call fit() prior to using this method.") op = [] for dc in range(len(self.d)): op.append(self._get_single_OP(self.d[dc],[dc], self.ub[dc], scale=scale, bias=bias)) if len(op) < 2: return op[0] else: return op def plot_UCC(self, titlestr='', syslabel='model', outfn=None, vary_bias=False, markers=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, **kwargs): """ Will plot/display the UCC based on current data and coordinates. Multiple curves will be shown if there are multiple data components (via fit()) :param titlestr: Plot title string :param syslabel: list is label strings to appear in the plot legend. Can be single, if one component. :param outfn: base name of an image file to be created (will append .png before creating) :param vary_bias: True will switch to varying additive bias (default is multiplicative scale) :param markers: None or a list of marker styles to be used for each curve. List must be same or longer than number of components. Markers can be one among these ['o', 's', 'v', 'D', '+']. :param xlim: tuples or lists of specifying the range for the x axis, or None (auto) :param ylim: tuples or lists of specifying the range for the y axis, or None (auto) :param `**kwargs`: Additional arguments passed to the main plot call. :return: list of areas under the curve (or single area, if one data component) list of operating points (or single op): format of an op is tuple (xaxis value, yaxis value, xunit, yunit) """ if self.d is None: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): call fit() prior to using this method.") if vary_bias and not self.precompute_bias_data: raise ValueError("ERROR(UCC): Cannot vary bias - instantiated without bias data computation") if not isinstance(syslabel, list): syslabel = [syslabel] assert (len(syslabel) == len(self.d)) assert (markers is None or (isinstance(markers, list) and len(markers) >= len(self.d))) # main plot of (possibly multiple) datasets plt.figure() xnorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_x_axis else 1. ynorm = self.std_unit if self.norm_y_axis else 1. op_info = [] auucc = self.get_AUUCC(vary_bias=vary_bias) auucc = [auucc] if not isinstance(auucc, list) else auucc for s in range(len(self.d)): # original operating point x_op, y_op, x_unit, y_unit = self._get_single_OP(self.d[s],[s], self.ub[s]) op_info.append((x_op, y_op, x_unit, y_unit)) # display chart plotdata = self.plotdata_for_scale[s] if not vary_bias else self.plotdata_for_bias[s] axisX_data
= [i[self.x_axis_idx] / xnorm for i in plotdata] axisY_data = [i[self.y_axis_idx] / ynorm for i in plotdata] marker = None if markers is not None: marker = markers[s] p = plt.plot(axisX_data, axisY_data, lab
- 0.5 return kld_weights.sum() + kld_bias.sum() class HorseshoeLayer(BayesianLinearLayer): """ Uses non-centered parametrization. w_k = v*tau_k*beta_k where k indexes an output unit and w_k and beta_k are vectors of all weights incident into the unit """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, cuda=False, scale=1.): super(HorseshoeLayer, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) self.cuda = cuda self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.nodescales = InvGammaHalfCauchyLayer(out_features=out_features, b=1.) self.layerscale = InvGammaHalfCauchyLayer(out_features=1, b=scale) # prior on beta is N(0, I) when employing non centered parameterization self.prior_stdv = torch.Tensor([1]) self.prior_mean = torch.Tensor([0.]) def forward(self, x, do_sample=True, debug=False, eps_scale=None, eps_w=None): # At a particular unit k, preactivation_sample = scale_sample * pre_activation_sample # sample scales scale_mean = 0.5 * ( + scale_var = 0.25 * (self.nodescales.log_sigma.exp() ** 2 + self.layerscale.log_sigma.exp() ** 2) scale_sample = reparam(scale_mean, scale_var.log(), do_sample=do_sample).exp() # sample preactivations mu_activations = F.linear(x, self.weights, self.bias) var_activations = F.linear(x.pow(2), self.weights_logvar.exp(), self.bias_logvar.exp()) activ_sample = reparam(mu_activations, var_activations.log(), do_sample=do_sample) return scale_sample * activ_sample def kl(self): return super(HorseshoeLayer, self).kl() + self.nodescales.kl() + self.layerscale.kl() def fixed_point_updates(self): self.nodescales.fixed_point_updates() self.layerscale.fixed_point_updates() class RegularizedHorseshoeLayer(HorseshoeLayer): """ Uses the regularized Horseshoe distribution. The regularized Horseshoe soft thresholds the tails of the Horseshoe. For all weights w_k incident upon node k in the layer we have: w_k ~ N(0, (tau_k * v)^2 I) N(0, c^2 I), c^2 ~ InverseGamma(c_a, b). c^2 controls the scale of the thresholding. As c^2 -> infinity, the regularized Horseshoe -> Horseshoe. """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, cuda=False, scale=1., c_a=2., c_b=6.): super(RegularizedHorseshoeLayer, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, cuda=cuda, scale=scale) self.c = InvGammaLayer(a=c_a, b=c_b) def forward(self, x, do_sample=True, **kwargs): # At a particular unit k, preactivation_sample = scale_sample * pre_activation_sample # sample regularized scales scale_mean = + scale_var = self.nodescales.log_sigma.exp() ** 2 + self.layerscale.log_sigma.exp() ** 2 scale_sample = reparam(scale_mean, scale_var.log(), do_sample=do_sample).exp() c_sample = reparam(, 2 * self.c.log_sigma, do_sample=do_sample).exp() regularized_scale_sample = (c_sample * scale_sample) / (c_sample + scale_sample) # sample preactivations mu_activations = F.linear(x, self.weights, self.bias) var_activations = F.linear(x.pow(2), self.weights_logvar.exp(), self.bias_logvar.exp()) activ_sample = reparam(mu_activations, var_activations.log(), do_sample=do_sample) return torch.sqrt(regularized_scale_sample) * activ_sample def kl(self): return super(RegularizedHorseshoeLayer, self).kl() + self.c.kl() class NodeSpecificRegularizedHorseshoeLayer(RegularizedHorseshoeLayer): """ Uses the regularized Horseshoe distribution. The regularized Horseshoe soft thresholds the tails of the Horseshoe. For all weights w_k incident upon node k in the layer we have: w_k ~ N(0, (tau_k * v)^2 I) N(0, c_k^2 I), c_k^2 ~ InverseGamma(a, b). c_k^2 controls the scale of the thresholding. As c_k^2 -> infinity, the regularized Horseshoe -> Horseshoe Note that we now have a per-node c_k. """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, cuda=False, scale=1., c_a=2., c_b=6.): super(NodeSpecificRegularizedHorseshoeLayer, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, cuda=cuda, scale=scale) self.c = InvGammaLayer(a=c_a, b=c_b, out_features=out_features) <s> import numpy as np import torch from uq360.models.noise_models.homoscedastic_noise_models import GaussianNoiseFixedPrecision def compute_test_ll(y_test, y_pred_samples, std_y=1.): """ Computes test log likelihoods = (1 / Ntest) * \\sum_n p(y_n | x_n, D_train) :param y_test: True y :param y_pred_samples: y^s = f(x_test, w^s); w^s ~ q(w). S x Ntest, where S is the number of samples q(w) is either a trained variational posterior or an MCMC approximation to p(w | D_train) :param std_y: True std of y (assumed known) """ S, _ = y_pred_samples.shape noise = GaussianNoiseFixedPrecision(std_y=std_y) ll = noise.loss(y_pred=y_pred_samples, y_true=y_test.unsqueeze(dim=0), reduce_sum=False) ll = torch.logsumexp(ll, dim=0) - np.log(S) # mean over num samples return torch.mean(ll) # mean over test points <s> from abc import ABC import torch from torch import nn from uq360.models.bayesian_neural_networks.layers import BayesianLinearLayer from uq360.models.noise_models.homoscedastic_noise_models import GaussianNoiseGammaPrecision import numpy as np td = torch.distributions class BayesianNN(nn.Module, ABC): """ Bayesian neural network with zero mean Gaussian priors over weights. """ def __init__(self, layer=BayesianLinearLayer, ip_dim=1, op_dim=1, num_nodes=50, activation_type='relu', num_layers=1): super(BayesianNN, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers if activation_type == 'relu': # activation self.activation = nn.ReLU() elif activation_type == 'tanh': self.activation = nn.Tanh() else: print("Activation Type not supported") self.fc_hidden = [] self.fc1 = layer(ip_dim, num_nodes,) for _ in np.arange(self.num_layers - 1): self.fc_hidden.append(layer(num_nodes, num_nodes, )) self.fc_out = layer(num_nodes, op_dim, ) self.noise_layer = None def forward(self, x, do_sample=True): x = self.fc1(x, do_sample=do_sample) x = self.activation(x) for layer in self.fc_hidden: x = layer(x, do_sample=do_sample) x = self.activation(x) return self.fc_out(x, do_sample=do_sample, scale_variances=True) def kl_divergence_w(self): kld = self.fc1.kl() + self.fc_out.kl() for layer in self.fc_hidden: kld += layer.kl() return kld def prior_predictive_samples(self, n_sample=100): n_eval = 1000 x = torch.linspace(-2, 2, n_eval)[:, np.newaxis] y = np.zeros([n_sample, n_eval]) for i in np.arange(n_sample): y[i] = self.forward(x).data.numpy().ravel() return, y ### get and set weights ### def get_weights(self): assert len(self.fc_hidden) == 0 # only works for one layer networks. weight_dict = {} weight_dict['layerip_means'] =[self.fc1.weights, self.fc1.bias.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() weight_dict['layerip_logvar'] =[self.fc1.weights_logvar, self.fc1.bias_logvar.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() weight_dict['layerop_means'] =[self.fc_out.weights, self.fc_out.bias.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() weight_dict['layerop_logvar'] =[self.fc_out.weights_logvar, self.fc_out.bias_logvar.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() return weight_dict def set_weights(self, weight_dict): assert len(self.fc_hidden) == 0 # only works for one layer networks. to_param = lambda x: nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(x)) self.fc1.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_means'][:, :-1]) self.fc1.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_logvar'][:, :-1]) self.fc1.bias = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_means'][:, -1]) self.fc1.bias_logvar = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_logvar'][:, -1]) self.fc_out.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_means'][:, :-1]) self.fc_out.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_logvar'][:, :-1]) self.fc_out.bias = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_means'][:, -1]) self.fc_out.bias_logvar = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_logvar'][:, -1]) class BayesianRegressionNet(BayesianNN, ABC): """ Bayesian neural net with N(y_true | f(x, w), \\lambda^-1); \\lambda ~ Gamma(a, b) likelihoods. """ def __init__(self, layer=BayesianLinearLayer, ip_dim=1, op_dim=1, num_nodes=50, activation_type='relu', num_layers=1): super(BayesianRegressionNet, self).__init__(layer=layer, ip_dim=ip_dim, op_dim=op_dim, num_nodes=num_nodes, activation_type=activation_type, num_layers=num_layers, ) self.noise_layer = GaussianNoiseGammaPrecision(a0=6., b0=6.) def likelihood(self, x=None, y=None): out = self.forward(x) return -self.noise_layer.loss(y_pred=out, y_true=y) def neg_elbo(self, num_batches, x=None, y=None): # scale the KL terms by number of batches so that the minibatch elbo is an unbiased estiamte of the true elbo. Elik = self.likelihood(x, y) neg_elbo = (self.kl_divergence_w() + self.noise_layer.kl()) / num_batches - Elik return neg_elbo def mse(self, x, y): """ scaled rmse (scaled by 1 / std_y**2) """ E_noise_precision = 1. / self.noise_layer.get_noise_var() return (0.5 * E_noise_precision * (self.forward(x, do_sample=False) - y)**2).sum() def get_noise_var(self): return self.noise_layer.get_noise_var() class BayesianClassificationNet(BayesianNN, ABC): """ Bayesian neural net with Categorical(y_true | f(x, w)) likelihoods. Use for classification. """ def __init__(self, layer=BayesianLinearLayer, ip_dim=1, op_dim=1, num_nodes=50, activation_type='relu', num_layers=1): super(BayesianClassificationNet, self).__init__(layer=layer, ip_dim=ip_dim, op_dim=op_dim, num_nodes=num_nodes, activation_type=activation_type, num_layers=num_layers) self.noise_layer = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='sum') def likelihood(self, x=None, y=None): out = self.forward(x) return -self.noise_layer(out, y) def neg_elbo(self, num_batches, x=None, y=None): # scale the KL terms by number of batches so that the minibatch elbo is an unbiased estiamte of the true elbo. Elik = self.likelihood(x, y) neg_elbo = self.kl_divergence_w() / num_batches - Elik return neg_elbo <s><s> from abc import ABC import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn from uq360.models.bayesian_neural_networks.layers import HorseshoeLayer, BayesianLinearLayer, RegularizedHorseshoeLayer from uq360.models.noise_models.homoscedastic_noise_models import GaussianNoiseGammaPrecision import numpy as np td = torch.distributions class HshoeB
NN(nn.Module, ABC): """ Bayesian neural network with Horseshoe layers. """ def __init__(self, ip_dim=1, op_dim=1, num_nodes=50, activation_type='relu', num_layers=1, hshoe_scale=1e-1, use_reg_hshoe=False): if use_reg_hshoe: layer = RegularizedHorseshoeLayer else: layer = HorseshoeLayer super(HshoeBNN, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers if activation_type == 'relu': # activation self.activation = nn.ReLU() elif activation_type == 'tanh': self.activation = nn.Tanh() else: print("Activation Type not supported") self.fc_hidden = [] self.fc1 = layer(ip_dim, num_nodes, scale=hshoe_scale) for _ in np.arange(self.num_layers - 1): self.fc_hidden.append(layer(num_nodes, num_nodes)) self.fc_out = BayesianLinearLayer(num_nodes, op_dim) self.noise_layer = None def forward(self, x, do_sample=True): x = self.fc1(x, do_sample=do_sample) x = self.activation(x) for layer in self.fc_hidden: x = layer(x, do_sample=do_sample) x = self.activation(x) return self.fc_out(x, do_sample=do_sample, scale_variances=True) def kl_divergence_w(self): kld = self.fc1.kl() + self.fc_out.kl() for layer in self.fc_hidden: kld += layer.kl() return kld def fixed_point_updates(self): if hasattr(self.fc1, 'fixed_point_updates'): self.fc1.fixed_point_updates() if hasattr(self.fc_out, 'fixed_point_updates'): self.fc_out.fixed_point_updates() for layer in self.fc_hidden: if hasattr(layer, 'fixed_point_updates'): layer.fixed_point_updates() def prior_predictive_samples(self, n_sample=100): n_eval = 1000 x = torch.linspace(-2, 2, n_eval)[:, np.newaxis] y = np.zeros([n_sample, n_eval]) for i in np.arange(n_sample): y[i] = self.forward(x).data.numpy().ravel() return, y ### get and set weights ### def get_weights(self): assert len(self.fc_hidden) == 0 # only works for one layer networks. weight_dict = {} weight_dict['layerip_means'] =[self.fc1.weights, self.fc1.bias.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() weight_dict['layerip_logvar'] =[self.fc1.weights_logvar, self.fc1.bias_logvar.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() weight_dict['layerop_means'] =[self.fc_out.weights, self.fc_out.bias.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() weight_dict['layerop_logvar'] =[self.fc_out.weights_logvar, self.fc_out.bias_logvar.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1).data.numpy() return weight_dict def set_weights(self, weight_dict): assert len(self.fc_hidden) == 0 # only works for one layer networks. to_param = lambda x: nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(x)) self.fc1.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_means'][:, :-1]) self.fc1.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_logvar'][:, :-1]) self.fc1.bias = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_means'][:, -1]) self.fc1.bias_logvar = to_param(weight_dict['layerip_logvar'][:, -1]) self.fc_out.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_means'][:, :-1]) self.fc_out.weights = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_logvar'][:, :-1]) self.fc_out.bias = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_means'][:, -1]) self.fc_out.bias_logvar = to_param(weight_dict['layerop_logvar'][:, -1]) class HshoeRegressionNet(HshoeBNN, ABC): """ Horseshoe net with N(y_true | f(x, w), \\lambda^-1); \\lambda ~ Gamma(a, b) likelihoods. """ def __init__(self, ip_dim=1, op_dim=1, num_nodes=50, activation_type='relu', num_layers=1, hshoe_scale=1e-5, use_reg_hshoe=False): super(HshoeRegressionNet, self).__init__(ip_dim=ip_dim, op_dim=op_dim, num_nodes=num_nodes, activation_type=activation_type, num_layers=num_layers, hshoe_scale=hshoe_scale, use_reg_hshoe=use_reg_hshoe) self.noise_layer = GaussianNoiseGammaPrecision(a0=6., b0=6.) def likelihood(self, x=None, y=None): out = self.forward(x) return -self.noise_layer.loss(y_pred=out, y_true=y) def neg_elbo(self, num_batches, x=None, y=None): # scale the KL terms by number of batches so that the minibatch elbo is an unbiased estiamte of the true elbo. Elik = self.likelihood(x, y) neg_elbo = (self.kl_divergence_w() + self.noise_layer.kl()) / num_batches - Elik return neg_elbo def mse(self, x, y): """ scaled rmse (scaled by 1 / std_y**2) """ E_noise_precision = 1. / self.noise_layer.get_noise_var() return (0.5 * E_noise_precision * (self.forward(x, do_sample=False) - y)**2).sum() def get_noise_var(self): return self.noise_layer.get_noise_var() class HshoeClassificationNet(HshoeBNN, ABC): """ Horseshoe net with Categorical(y_true | f(x, w)) likelihoods. Use for classification. """ def __init__(self, ip_dim=1, op_dim=1, num_nodes=50, activation_type='relu', num_layers=1, hshoe_scale=1e-5, use_reg_hshoe=False): super(HshoeClassificationNet, self).__init__(ip_dim=ip_dim, op_dim=op_dim, num_nodes=num_nodes, activation_type=activation_type, num_layers=num_layers, hshoe_scale=hshoe_scale, use_reg_hshoe=use_reg_hshoe) self.noise_layer = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='sum') def likelihood(self, x=None, y=None): out = self.forward(x) return -self.noise_layer(out, y) def neg_elbo(self, num_batches, x=None, y=None): # scale the KL terms by number of batches so that the minibatch elbo is an unbiased estiamte of the true elbo. Elik = self.likelihood(x, y) neg_elbo = (self.kl_divergence_w()) / num_batches - Elik return neg_elbo <s> import abc import sys # Ensure compatibility with Python 2/3 if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): ABC = abc.ABC else: ABC = abc.ABCMeta(str('ABC'), (), {}) class AbstractNoiseModel(ABC): """ Abstract class. All noise models inherit from here. """ def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Initialize an AbstractNoiseModel object. """ @abc.abstractmethod def loss(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Compute loss given predictions and groundtruth labels """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def get_noise_var(self, *argv, **kwargs): """ Return the current estimate of noise variance """ raise NotImplementedError <s> import math import numpy as np import torch from scipy.special import gammaln from uq360.models.noise_models.noisemodel import AbstractNoiseModel from torch.nn import Parameter td = torch.distributions def transform(a): return torch.log(1 + torch.exp(a)) class GaussianNoise(torch.nn.Module, AbstractNoiseModel): """ N(y_true | f_\\mu(x, w), f_\\sigma^2(x, w)) """ def __init__(self, cuda=False): super(GaussianNoise, self).__init__() self.cuda = cuda self.const = torch.log(torch.FloatTensor([2 * math.pi])) def loss(self, y_true=None, mu_pred=None, log_var_pred=None, reduce_mean=True): """ computes -1 * ln N (y_true | mu_pred, softplus(log_var_pred)) :param y_true: :param mu_pred: :param log_var_pred: :return: """ var_pred = transform(log_var_pred) ll = -0.5 * self.const - 0.5 * torch.log(var_pred) - 0.5 * (1. / var_pred) * ((mu_pred - y_true) ** 2) if reduce_mean: return -ll.mean(dim=0) else: return -ll.sum(dim=0) def get_noise_var(self, log_var_pred): return transform(log_var_pred) <s><s> import math import numpy as np import torch from scipy.special import gammaln from uq360.models.noise_models.noisemodel import AbstractNoiseModel from torch.nn import Parameter td = torch.distributions def transform(a): return torch.log(1 + torch.exp(a)) class GaussianNoiseGammaPrecision(torch.nn.Module, AbstractNoiseModel): """ N(y_true | f(x, w), \\lambda^-1); \\lambda ~ Gamma(a, b). Uses a variational approximation; q(lambda) = Gamma(ahat, bhat) """ def __init__(self, a0=6, b0=6, cuda=False): super(GaussianNoiseGammaPrecision, self).__init__() self.cuda = cuda self.a0 = a0 self.b0 = b0 self.const = torch.log(torch.FloatTensor([2 * math.pi])) # variational parameters self.ahat = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([10.])) self.bhat = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([3.])) def loss(self, y_pred=None, y_true=None): """ computes -1 * E_q(\\lambda)[ln N (y_pred | y_true, \\lambda^-1)], where q(lambda) = Gamma(ahat, bhat) :param y_pred: :param y_true: :return: """ n = y_pred.shape[0] ahat = transform(self.ahat) bhat = transform(self.bhat) return -1 * (-0.5 * n * self.const + 0.5 * n * (torch.digamma(ahat) - torch.log(bhat)) \\ - 0.5 * (ahat/bhat) * ((y_pred - y_true) ** 2).sum()) def kl(self): ahat = transform(self.ahat) bhat = transform(self.bhat) return (ahat - self.a0) * torch.digamma(ahat) - torch.lgamma(ahat) + gammaln(self.a0) + \\ self.a0 * (torch.log(bhat) - np.log(self.b0)) + ahat * (self.b0 - bhat) / bhat def get_noise_var(self): ahat = transform(self.ahat) bhat = transform(self.bhat) return (bhat / ahat).data.numpy()[0] class GaussianNoiseFixedPrecision(torch.nn.Module, AbstractNoiseModel): """ N(y_true | f(x, w), sigma_y**2); known sigma_y """ def __init__(self, std_y=1., cuda=False): super(GaussianNoiseFixedPrecision, self).__init__() self.cuda = cuda self.const = torch.log(torch.FloatTensor([2 * math.pi])) self.sigma_y = std_y def loss(self, y_pred=None, y_true=None): """ computes -1 * ln N (y_pred | y_true, sigma_y**2) :param y_pred: :param y_true: :return: """ ll = -0.5 * self.const - np.log(self.sigma_y) - 0.5 * (1. / self.sigma_y ** 2) * ((y_pred - y_true) ** 2) return -ll.sum(dim=0) def get_noise_var(self): return self.sigma_y ** 2<s><s> import pandas as pd tab = ' ' VALID_AGGREGATION_METHODS = ['mean','sum'] VALID_GRANULARITY_UNITS = ['second','minute','hour','day','week','month','year'] VALID_INTERPOLATE_KWARGS = {'linear':{},'spline':{'order':5},'timebased':{}} VALID_INTERPOLATE_METHODS = list( VALID_INTERPOLATE_KWARGS.keys()) def get_one_true_option(d, default_value=None): if isinstance(d, dict): for k,v in d.items(): if (isinstance(v,
str) and v.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(v, bool) and v == True): return k return default_value def get_boolean(value): if (isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(value, bool) and value == True): return True else: return False def get_source_delta( data: pd.DataFrame): MAX_SAMPLE_TRY = 20 if len( data) <= 1: return None time_delta = data.index[-1] - data.index[-2] count = {} for i in range(len(data)): if i == MAX_SAMPLE_TRY or i == data.index[-1]: break delta = data.index[i+1] - data.index[i] if delta not in count.keys(): count[delta] = 1 else: count[delta] += 1 if count: return max(count, key=count.get) else: return None class timeSeries(): def __init__( self, config, datetime, log=None): self.datetime = datetime self.validate_config(config) self.log = log def validate_config( self, config): if not self.datetime or self.datetime.lower() == 'na': raise ValueError('date time feature is not provided') self.config = {} method = get_one_true_option(config.get('interpolation',None)) self.config['interpolate'] = {} self.config['interpolate']['enabled'] = method in VALID_INTERPOLATE_METHODS self.config['interpolate']['method'] = method self.config['rolling'] = {} self.config['rolling']['enabled'] = get_boolean( config.get('rollingWindow',False)) self.config['rolling']['size'] = int( config.get('rollingWindowSize',1)) if self.config['rolling']['size'] < 1: raise ValueError('Rolling window size should be greater than 0.') self.config['aggregation'] = {} aggregation = config.get('aggregation',{}) agg_method = get_one_true_option(aggregation['type']) self.config['aggregation'] = {} self.config['aggregation']['enabled'] = agg_method in VALID_AGGREGATION_METHODS self.config['aggregation']['method'] = agg_method granularity = aggregation.get('granularity',{}) granularity_unit = get_one_true_option( granularity.get('unit',None)) if granularity_unit in VALID_GRANULARITY_UNITS: granularity_mapping = {'second':'S','minute':'Min','hour':'H','day':'D','week':'W','month':'M','year':'Y'} size = int(granularity.get('size',10)) granularity_unit = granularity_mapping.get(granularity_unit,granularity_unit) self.config['aggregation']['granularity'] = {} self.config['aggregation']['granularity']['unit'] = granularity_unit self.config['aggregation']['granularity']['size'] = size def log_info(self, msg, type='info'): if self.log: if type == 'error': self.log.error( msg) else: msg) else: print( msg) def is_down_sampling(self, data, size, granularity_unit): down_sampling = False if granularity_unit in ['M', 'Y']: return True else: target_delta = pd.Timedelta(size , granularity_unit) source_delta = get_source_delta(data) if not source_delta: raise ValueError('Could not find the data frame time frequency') return source_delta < target_delta def run( self, data): if self.datetime not in data.columns: raise ValueError(f"Date time feature '{self.datetime}' is not present in data") try: # data[self.datetime] = pd.to_datetime( data[self.datetime]) ##For bug 13513 - If the datetime needs UTC timestamp process, except part will handle. try: #for non utc timestamp data[self.datetime] = pd.to_datetime( data[self.datetime]) except: #for utc timestamp data[self.datetime] = pd.to_datetime( data[self.datetime],utc=True) data.set_index( self.datetime, inplace=True) except: raise ValueError(f"can not convert '{self.datetime}' to dateTime") if self.config.get('interpolate',{}).get('enabled',False): method = self.config['interpolate']['method'] self.log_info(f"Applying Interpolation using {method}") methods_mapping = {'timebased': 'time'} self.config['interpolate']['mapped_method'] = methods_mapping.get(method, method) data.interpolate(method=self.config['interpolate']['mapped_method'], inplace=True, **VALID_INTERPOLATE_KWARGS[method]) if self.config.get('rolling',{}).get('enabled',False): if self.config['rolling']['size'] > len( data): raise ValueError('Rolling window size is greater than dataset size') self.log_info(f"Applying rolling window( moving avg) with size {self.config['rolling']['size']}") data = data.rolling( self.config['rolling']['size']).mean() data = data.iloc[self.config['rolling']['size'] - 1:] aggregation = self.config.get('aggregation',{}) if aggregation.get('enabled',False): method = aggregation.get('method','mean') self.rule = str(aggregation['granularity']['size']) + aggregation['granularity']['unit'] if self.is_down_sampling(data, aggregation['granularity']['size'], aggregation['granularity']['unit']): self.log_info(f"Applying down sampling( {self.rule})") if method == 'mean': data = data.resample( self.rule).mean() elif method == 'sum': data = data.resample( self.rule).sum() else: self.log_info(f"Applying up sampling using forward fill method( {self.rule})") data = data.resample( self.rule).ffill() data.reset_index( inplace=True, names=self.datetime) return data def get_code(self, indent=0): tab = ' ' code = '' code += f""" def preprocess( data): try: #for non utc timestamp data['{self.datetime}'] = pd.to_datetime( data['{self.datetime}']) except: data['{self.datetime}'] = pd.to_datetime( data['{self.datetime}'],utc=True) data.set_index( '{self.datetime}', inplace=True) """ if self.config.get('interpolate',{}).get('enabled',False): code += tab + f"data.interpolate(method='{self.config['interpolate']['mapped_method']}', inplace=True, **{VALID_INTERPOLATE_KWARGS[self.config['interpolate']['method']]})\\n" if self.config.get('rolling',{}).get('enabled',False): code += tab + f"data = data.rolling( {self.config['rolling']['size']}).mean().iloc[{self.config['rolling']['size'] - 1}:]\\n" if self.config.get('aggregation',{}).get('enabled',False): code += tab + f"data = data.resample( '{self.rule}').{self.config.get('aggregation',{}).get('method','mean')}()\\n" code += tab + f"data.reset_index( inplace=True, names='{self.datetime}')\\n" code += tab + "return data\\n" return code <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sys import os import warnings import logging from pathlib import Path import random from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import operator import re import pdfplumber class dataReader(): def __init__(self): self.dataDf =None self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def readCsv(self,dataPath,featureList,targetColumn): data=pd.read_csv(dataPath) dataDf=data[featureList] predictDf=data[targetColumn] return dataDf,predictDf def rowsfilter(self,filters,dataframe):'\\n-------> No of rows before filtering: '+str(dataframe.shape[0])) #task-13479 filterexpression='' firstexpressiondone = False for x in filters: if firstexpressiondone: filterexpression += ' ' if x['combineOperator'].lower() == 'and': filterexpression += '&' elif x['combineOperator'].lower() == 'or': filterexpression += '|' filterexpression += ' ' firstexpressiondone = True filterexpression += x['feature'] filterexpression += ' ' if x['condition'].lower() == 'equals': filterexpression += '==' elif x['condition'].lower() == 'notequals': filterexpression += '!=' elif x['condition'].lower() == 'lessthan': filterexpression += '<' elif x['condition'].lower() == 'lessthanequalto': filterexpression += '<=' elif x['condition'].lower() == 'greaterthan': filterexpression += '>' elif x['condition'].lower() == 'greaterthanequalto': filterexpression += '>=' filterexpression += ' ' if dataframe[x['feature']].dtype in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']: filterexpression += x['value'] else: filterexpression += '\\''+x['value']+'\\'' dataframe = dataframe.query(filterexpression)'-------> Row filter: '+str(filterexpression)) #task-13479'-------> No of rows after filtering: '+str(dataframe.shape[0])) return dataframe,filterexpression def grouping(self,grouper,dataframe): grouperbyjson= {} groupbyfeatures = grouper['groupby'] dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() features = dataframe.columns.tolist() aggjson = {} for feature, featureType in zip(features,dataframe.dtypes): if feature == groupbyfeatures or feature == 'index': continue if dataframe[feature].empty == True: continue if dataframe[feature].isnull().all() == True: continue if featureType in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']: temp = {} temp[feature+'_size'] = 'size' temp[feature+'_sum'] = 'sum' temp[feature+'_max'] = 'max' temp[feature+'_min'] = 'min' temp[feature+'_mean'] = 'mean' aggjson[feature] = temp else: temp = {} temp[feature+'_size'] = 'size' temp[feature+'_unique'] = 'nunique' aggjson[feature] = temp groupbystring = 'groupby([\\''+groupbyfeatures+'\\']).agg('+str(aggjson)+')' grouperbyjson['groupbystring'] = groupbystring dataframe = dataframe.groupby([groupbyfeatures]).agg(aggjson) dataframe.columns = dataframe.columns.droplevel(0) dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() ''' if operation.lower() == 'size': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).size() elif operation.lower() == 'mean': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).mean() elif operation.lower() == 'max': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).max() elif operation.lower() == 'min': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).min() dataframe = dataframe.rename("groupby_value") dataframe = dataframe.to_frame() dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() ''' return dataframe,grouperbyjson def timeGrouping(self,timegrouper,dataframe): grouperbyjson= {} dateTime = timegrouper['dateTime'] frequency = timegrouper['freq'] groupbyfeatures = timegrouper['groupby'] grouperbyjson['datetime'] = dateTime if dataframe[dateTime].dtypes in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']: dtlenth = dataframe[dateTime].iloc[0] dtlenth = np.int64(dtlenth) dtlenth = len(str(dtlenth)) if dtlenth == 13: dataframe['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[dateTime],unit='ms') grouperbyjson['unit'] = 'ms' elif dtlenth == 10: dataframe['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[dateTime],unit='s') grouperbyjson['unit'] = 's' else: dataframe['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[dateTime]) grouperbyjson['unit'] = '' else: dataframe['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe[dateTime]) grouperbyjson['unit'] = '' dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() dataframe.set_index('date',inplace=True) features = dataframe.columns.tolist() aggjson = {} for feature, featureType in zip(features,dataframe.dtypes): if feature == groupbyfeatures
or feature == dateTime or feature == 'index': continue if dataframe[feature].empty == True: continue if dataframe[feature].isnull().all() == True: continue if featureType in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']: temp = {'size','sum','max','min','mean'} aggjson[feature] = temp else: temp = {'size','nunique'} aggjson[feature] = temp if groupbyfeatures == '': groupbystring = 'groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=\\''+frequency+'\\')]).agg('+str(aggjson)+')' else: groupbystring = 'groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=\\''+frequency+'\\'),\\''+groupbyfeatures+'\\']).agg('+str(aggjson)+')' grouperbyjson['groupbystring'] = groupbystring print(grouperbyjson) if groupbyfeatures == '': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency)]).agg(aggjson) else: dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).agg(aggjson) dataframe.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in dataframe.columns] dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() ''' if operation.lower() == 'size': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).size() elif operation.lower() == 'mean': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).mean() elif operation.lower() == 'max': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).max() elif operation.lower() == 'min': dataframe = dataframe.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq=frequency),groupbyfeatures]).min() dataframe = dataframe.rename("groupby_value") dataframe = dataframe.to_frame() dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() ''' return dataframe,grouperbyjson def readDf(self,dataF,featureList,targetColumn): dataDf = dataF[featureList] predictDf =dataF[targetColumn] return dataDf,predictDf def csvTodf(self,dataPath,delimiter,textqualifier): ''' if os.path.splitext(dataPath)[1] == ".tsv": dataFrame=pd.read_csv(dataPath,encoding='latin1',sep='\\t') else: dataFrame=pd.read_csv(dataPath,encoding='latin1') ''' if os.path.splitext(dataPath)[1] == ".py": f = open(dataPath, "r") pythoncode = f.close() ldict = {} exec(pythoncode, globals(), ldict) dataFrame = ldict['dfpy'] else: dataFrame=pd.read_csv(dataPath,encoding='utf-8',sep=delimiter,quotechar=textqualifier, skipinitialspace = True,na_values=['-','?'],encoding_errors= 'replace') dataFrame.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip(), inplace=True) return dataFrame def read_file(self, fileName): fileName = Path(fileName) if fileName.suffix == '.pdf': pdf = text = '' for index, page in enumerate(pdf.pages): if index: text += ' ' text += page.extract_text() else: with open(fileName, "r",encoding="utf-8") as f: text = return text def documentsTodf(self,folderlocation,labelFilePath): dataDf = pd.DataFrame() error_message = "" dataset_csv_file = os.path.join(folderlocation,labelFilePath) labels = pd.read_csv(dataset_csv_file) dataDict = {} keys = ["File","Label"] for key in keys: dataDict[key] = [] for i in range(len(labels)): filename = os.path.join(folderlocation,labels.loc[i,"File"]) dataDict["File"].append(self.read_file(filename)) dataDict["Label"].append(labels.loc[i,"Label"]) dataDf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataDict) error_message = "" return dataDf, error_message def removeFeatures(self,df,datetimeFeature,indexFeature,modelFeatures,targetFeature):"\\n---------- Prepare Features ----------") if(str(datetimeFeature).lower() != 'na'): datetimeFeature = datetimeFeature.split(",") datetimeFeature = list(map(str.strip, datetimeFeature)) for dtfeature in datetimeFeature: if dtfeature in df.columns:"-------> Remove Date Time Feature: "+dtfeature) df = df.drop(columns=dtfeature) if(str(indexFeature).lower() != 'na'): indexFeature = indexFeature.split(",") indexFeature = list(map(str.strip, indexFeature)) for ifeature in indexFeature: if ifeature in df.columns:"-------> Remove Index Feature: "+ifeature) df = df.drop(columns=ifeature) if(str(modelFeatures).lower() != 'na'):"-------> Model Features: "+str(modelFeatures)) modelFeatures = modelFeatures.split(",") modelFeatures = list(map(str.strip, modelFeatures)) if(targetFeature != '' and str(targetFeature).lower() != 'na'): targetFeature = targetFeature.split(",") targetFeature = list(map(str.strip, targetFeature)) for ifeature in targetFeature: if ifeature not in modelFeatures: modelFeatures.append(ifeature) if(str(indexFeature).lower() != 'na'): for ifeature in indexFeature: if ifeature in modelFeatures: modelFeatures.remove(ifeature) if(str(datetimeFeature).lower() != 'na'): for dtfeature in datetimeFeature: if dtfeature in modelFeatures: modelFeatures.remove(dtfeature) df = df[modelFeatures]"---------- Prepare Features End ----------") return(df) def splitImageDataset(self, df, ratio, modelType): if modelType.lower() == "objectdetection": images = df['File'].unique().tolist() trainImages = random.sample(images, int(len(images) * ratio)) mask = [0] * len(df) for i in range(len(df)): mask[i] = df.iloc[i]['File'] in trainImages trainDf = df.iloc[mask] testDf = df.iloc[[not elem for elem in mask]] return trainDf, testDf else: return train_test_split(df, test_size=(1 - ratio)) def createTFRecord(self, train_image_dir, output_dir, csv_file, testPercentage, AugEnabled,keepAugImages,operations, modelType,augConf={}): from transformations import generate_tfrecord from transformations.imageAug import ImageAugmentation if isinstance(csv_file, pd.DataFrame): df = csv_file else: df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(train_image_dir,csv_file)) labelmap_path, num_classes = generate_tfrecord.createLabelFile(df, output_dir) train_df, test_df = self.splitImageDataset(df, testPercentage/100.0, modelType) if AugEnabled: augFile = os.path.join(output_dir,"tempTrainDf.csv") train_df.to_csv(augFile) ia = ImageAugmentation(train_image_dir, augFile) augFile = ia.augment(modelType, operations,None,augConf) train_df = pd.read_csv(augFile) generate_tfrecord.generate_TF_record(train_image_dir, output_dir, train_df, test_df, labelmap_path) if AugEnabled and not keepAugImages: ia.removeAugmentedImages(train_df) return train_df, num_classes <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' #System imports import os import sys import json import datetime,time,timeit import itertools import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler,StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer import logging class dataTransformer(): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def startTransformer(self,df,features,target,transType): scaler ='None' if target in features: features.remove(target) transFeatures=features transDfColumns=[] dataframe=df[transFeatures] #targetArray=np.array(df[target]) #targetArray.shape = (len(targetArray), 1)"Data Normalization has started") if transType.lower() =='standardscaler': scaler = StandardScaler().fit(dataframe) transDf = scaler.transform(dataframe) elif transType.lower() =='minmax': scaler=MinMaxScaler().fit(dataframe) transDf = scaler.transform(dataframe) elif transType.lower() =='lognormal': print(dataframe) scaler = PowerTransformer(method='yeo-johnson', standardize=False).fit(dataframe) transDf = scaler.transform(dataframe) else:"Need to implement") #features.append(target) #scaledDf = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((transDf, targetArray)),columns=features) return transDf,features,scaler<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import io import json import logging import pandas as pd import sys import numpy as np from pathlib import Path from word2number import w2n from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer, KNNImputer from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler,StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest from category_encoders import TargetEncoder try: import transformations.data_profiler_functions as cs except: import data_profiler_functions as cs if 'AION' in sys.modules: try: from appbe.app_config import DEBUG_ENABLED except: DEBUG_ENABLED = False else: DEBUG_ENABLED = False log_suffix = f'[{Path(__file__).stem}] ' class profiler(): def __init__(self, xtrain, ytrain=None, target=None, encode_target = False, config={}, keep_unprocessed=[],data_path=None,log=None): if not isinstance(xtrain, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError(f'{log_suffix}supported data type is pandas.DataFrame but provide data is of {type(xtrain)} type') if xtrain.empty: raise ValueError(f'{log_suffix}Data frame is empty') if target and target in xtrain.columns: = xtrain[target] xtrain.drop(target, axis=1, inplace=True) self.target_name = target elif ytrain: = ytrain self.target_name = 'target' else: = pd.Series() self.target_name = None self.data_path = data_path self.encode_target = encode_target self.label_encoder = None = xtrain self.keep_unprocessed = keep_unprocessed self.colm_type = {} for colm, infer_type in zip(, self.colm_type[colm] = infer_type self.numeric_feature = [] self.cat_feature = [] self.text_feature = [] self.wordToNumericFeatures = [] self.added_features = [] self.pipeline = [] self.dropped_features =
{} self.train_features_type={} self.__update_type() self.config = config self.featureDict = config.get('featureDict', []) self.output_columns = [] self.feature_expender = [] self.text_to_num = {} self.force_numeric_conv = [] if log: self.log = log else: self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.type_conversion = {} self.log_input_feat_info() def log_input_feat_info(self): if self.featureDict: feature_df = pd.DataFrame(self.featureDict) log_text = '\\nPreprocessing options:' log_text += '\\n\\t'+str(feature_df.head( len(self.featureDict))).replace('\\n','\\n\\t') def log_dataframe(self, msg=None): buffer = io.StringIO() if msg: log_text = f'Data frame after {msg}:' else: log_text = 'Data frame:' log_text += '\\n\\t'+str('\\n','\\n\\t') log_text += ('\\n\\t' + buffer.getvalue().replace('\\n','\\n\\t')) def transform(self): if self.is_target_available(): if self.target_name:"Target feature name: '{self.target_name}'")"Target feature size: {len(}") else:"Target feature not present") self.log_dataframe() print( try: self.process() except Exception as e: self.log.error(e, exc_info=True) raise pipe = FeatureUnion(self.pipeline) try: if self.text_feature: from text.textProfiler import set_pretrained_model set_pretrained_model(pipe) conversion_method = self.get_conversion_method() process_data = pipe.fit_transform(, # save for testing if DEBUG_ENABLED: if not isinstance(process_data, np.ndarray): process_data = process_data.toarray() df = pd.DataFrame(process_data) df.to_csv('debug_preprocessed.csv', index=False) if self.text_feature and conversion_method == 'latentsemanticanalysis': n_size = self.get_tf_idf_output_size( pipe) dimensions = self.get_tf_idf_dimensions() if n_size < dimensions or n_size > dimensions: dimensions = n_size from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD reducer = TruncatedSVD( n_components = dimensions) reduced_data = reducer.fit_transform( process_data[:,-n_size:]) text_process_idx = [t[0] for t in pipe.transformer_list].index('text_process') pipe.transformer_list[text_process_idx][1].steps.append(('feature_reducer',reducer)) if not isinstance(process_data, np.ndarray): process_data = process_data.toarray() process_data = np.concatenate((process_data[:,:-n_size], reduced_data), axis=1) last_step = self.feature_expender.pop() self.feature_expender.append({'feature_reducer':list(last_step.values())[0]}) except EOFError as e: if "Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached" in str(e): raise EOFError('Pretrained model is not downloaded properly') self.update_output_features_names(pipe) if not isinstance(process_data, np.ndarray): process_data = process_data.toarray() df = pd.DataFrame(process_data,, columns=self.output_columns) if self.is_target_available() and self.target_name: df[self.target_name] = if self.keep_unprocessed: df[self.keep_unprocessed] =[self.keep_unprocessed] self.log_numerical_fill() self.log_categorical_fill() self.log_normalization() return df, pipe, self.label_encoder def log_type_conversion(self): if self.log:'----------- Inspecting Features -----------')'----------- Type Conversion -----------') count = 0 for k, v in self.type_conversion.items(): if v[0] != v[1]:'-------> {k} -> from {v[0]} to {v[1]} : {v[2]}')'Status:- |... Feature inspection done') def check_config(self): removeDuplicate = self.config.get('removeDuplicate', False) self.config['removeDuplicate'] = cs.get_boolean(removeDuplicate) self.config['misValueRatio'] = float(self.config.get('misValueRatio', cs.default_config['misValueRatio'])) self.config['numericFeatureRatio'] = float(self.config.get('numericFeatureRatio', cs.default_config['numericFeatureRatio'])) self.config['categoryMaxLabel'] = int(self.config.get('categoryMaxLabel', cs.default_config['categoryMaxLabel'])) featureDict = self.config.get('featureDict', []) if isinstance(featureDict, dict): self.config['featureDict'] = [] if isinstance(featureDict, str): self.config['featureDict'] = [] def process(self): #remove duplicate not required at the time of prediction self.check_config() self.remove_constant_feature() self.remove_empty_feature(self.config['misValueRatio']) self.remove_index_features() self.dropna() if self.config['removeDuplicate']: self.drop_duplicate() #self.check_categorical_features() #self.string_to_numeric() self.process_target() self.train_features_type = {k:v for k,v in zip(,} self.parse_process_step_config() self.process_drop_fillna() self.log_type_conversion() self.update_num_fill_dict() if DEBUG_ENABLED: print(self.num_fill_method_dict) self.update_cat_fill_dict() self.create_pipeline() self.text_pipeline(self.config) self.apply_outlier() if DEBUG_ENABLED: def is_target_available(self): return (isinstance(, pd.Series) and not or len( def process_target(self, operation='encode', arg=None): if self.is_target_available(): # drop null values self.__update_index(, 'target') if self.encode_target: self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder() = self.label_encoder.fit_transform( return self.label_encoder return None def is_target_column(self, column): return column == self.target_name def fill_default_steps(self): num_fill_method = cs.get_one_true_option(self.config.get('numericalFillMethod',{})) normalization_method = cs.get_one_true_option(self.config.get('normalization',{}),'none') for colm in self.numeric_feature: if num_fill_method: self.fill_missing_value_method(colm, num_fill_method.lower()) if normalization_method: self.fill_normalizer_method(colm, normalization_method.lower()) cat_fill_method = cs.get_one_true_option(self.config.get('categoricalFillMethod',{})) cat_encode_method = cs.get_one_true_option(self.config.get('categoryEncoding',{})) for colm in self.cat_feature: if cat_fill_method: self.fill_missing_value_method(colm, cat_fill_method.lower()) if cat_encode_method: self.fill_encoder_value_method(colm, cat_encode_method.lower(), default=True) def parse_process_step_config(self): self.process_method = {} user_provided_data_type = {} for feat_conf in self.featureDict: colm = feat_conf.get('feature', '') if not self.is_target_column(colm): if colm in user_provided_data_type[colm] = feat_conf['type'] if user_provided_data_type: self.update_user_provided_type(user_provided_data_type) self.fill_default_steps() for feat_conf in self.featureDict: colm = feat_conf.get('feature', '') if not self.is_target_column(colm): if colm in if feat_conf.get('fillMethod', None): self.fill_missing_value_method(colm, feat_conf['fillMethod'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('categoryEncoding', None): self.fill_encoder_value_method(colm, feat_conf['categoryEncoding'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('normalization', None): self.fill_normalizer_method(colm, feat_conf['normalization'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('outlier', None): self.fill_outlier_method(colm, feat_conf['outlier'].lower()) if feat_conf.get('outlierOperation', None): self.fill_outlier_process(colm, feat_conf['outlierOperation'].lower()) def get_tf_idf_dimensions(self): dim = cs.get_one_true_option(self.config.get('embeddingSize',{}).get('TF_IDF',{}), 'default') return {'default': 300, '50d':50, '100d':100, '200d':200, '300d':300}[dim] def get_tf_idf_output_size(self, pipe): start_index = {} for feat_expender in self.feature_expender: if feat_expender: step_name = list(feat_expender.keys())[0] index = list(feat_expender.values())[0] for transformer_step in pipe.transformer_list: if transformer_step[1].steps[-1][0] in step_name: start_index[index] = {transformer_step[1].steps[-1][0]: transformer_step[1].steps[-1][1].get_feature_names_out()} if start_index: for key,value in start_index.items(): for k,v in value.items(): if k == 'vectorizer': return len(v) return 0 def update_output_features_names(self, pipe): columns = self.output_columns start_index = {} index_shifter = 0 for feat_expender in self.feature_expender: if feat_expender: step_name = list(feat_expender.keys())[0] for key,value in start_index.items(): for k,v in value.items(): index_shifter += len(v) index = list(feat_expender.values())[0] for transformer_step in pipe.transformer_list: if transformer_step[1].steps[-1][0] in step_name: start_index[index + index_shifter] = {transformer_step[1].steps[-1][0]: transformer_step[1].steps[-1][1].get_feature_names_out()} #print(start_index) if start_index: for key,value in start_index.items(): for k,v in value.items(): if k == 'vectorizer': v = [f'{x}_vect' for x in v] self.output_columns[key:key] = v self.added_features = [*self.added_features, *v] def text_pipeline(self, conf_json): if self.text_feature: from text.textProfiler import textProfiler from text.textProfiler import textCombine pipeList = [] text_pipe = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", self.text_feature) ], remainder="drop")), ("text_fillNa",SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='')), ("merge_text_feature", textCombine())]) obj = textProfiler() pipeList = obj.cleaner(conf_json, pipeList, self.data_path) pipeList = obj.embedding(conf_json, pipeList) last_step = "merge_text_feature" for pipe_elem in pipeList: text_pipe.steps.append((pipe_elem[0], pipe_elem[1])) last_step = pipe_elem[0] text_transformer = ('text_process', text_pipe) self.pipeline.append(text_transformer) self.feature_expender.append({last_step:len(self.output_columns)}) def create_pipeline(self): num_pipe = {} for k,v in self.num_fill_method_dict.items(): for k1,v1 in v.items(): if k1 and k1 != 'none': num_pipe[f'{k}_{k1}'] = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", v1) ], remainder="drop")), (k, self.get_num_imputer(k)), (k1, self.get_num_scaler(k1)) ]) else: num_pipe[f'{k}_{k1}'] = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", v1) ], remainder="drop")), (k, self.get_num_imputer(k)) ]) self.output_columns.extend(v1) cat_pipe = {} for k,v in self.cat_fill_method_dict.items(): for k1,v1 in v.items(): cat_pipe[f'{k}_{
k1}'] = Pipeline([ ('selector', ColumnTransformer([ ("selector", "passthrough", v1) ], remainder="drop")), (k, self.get_cat_imputer(k)), (k1, self.get_cat_encoder(k1)) ]) if k1 not in ['onehotencoding']: self.output_columns.extend(v1) else: self.feature_expender.append({k1:len(self.output_columns)}) for key, pipe in num_pipe.items(): self.pipeline.append((key, pipe)) for key, pipe in cat_pipe.items(): self.pipeline.append((key, pipe)) "Drop: feature during training but replace with zero during prediction " def process_drop_fillna(self): drop_column = [] if 'numFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for col, method in self.process_method['numFill'].items(): if method == 'drop': self.process_method['numFill'][col] = 'zero' drop_column.append(col) if 'catFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for col, method in self.process_method['catFill'].items(): if method == 'drop': self.process_method['catFill'][col] = 'zero' drop_column.append(col) if drop_column:, inplace=True) def update_num_fill_dict(self): self.num_fill_method_dict = {} if 'numFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for f in cs.supported_method['fillNa']['numeric']: self.num_fill_method_dict[f] = {} for en in cs.supported_method['normalization']: self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en] = [] for col in self.numeric_feature: numFillDict = self.process_method.get('numFill',{}) normalizationDict = self.process_method.get('normalization',{}) if f == numFillDict.get(col, '') and en == normalizationDict.get(col,''): self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en].append(col) if not self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en] : del self.num_fill_method_dict[f][en] if not self.num_fill_method_dict[f]: del self.num_fill_method_dict[f] def update_cat_fill_dict(self): self.cat_fill_method_dict = {} if 'catFill' in self.process_method.keys(): for f in cs.supported_method['fillNa']['categorical']: self.cat_fill_method_dict[f] = {} for en in cs.supported_method['categoryEncoding']: self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en] = [] for col in self.cat_feature: catFillDict = self.process_method.get('catFill',{}) catEncoderDict = self.process_method.get('catEncoder',{}) if f == catFillDict.get(col, '') and en == catEncoderDict.get(col,''): self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en].append(col) if not self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en] : del self.cat_fill_method_dict[f][en] if not self.cat_fill_method_dict[f]: del self.cat_fill_method_dict[f] def __update_type(self): self.numeric_feature = list( set('number').columns.tolist()) - set(self.keep_unprocessed)) self.cat_feature = list( set('category').columns.tolist()) - set(self.keep_unprocessed)) self.text_feature = list( set('object').columns.tolist()) - set(self.keep_unprocessed)) self.datetime_feature = list( set('datetime').columns.tolist()) - set(self.keep_unprocessed)) def update_user_provided_type(self, data_types): allowed_types = ['numerical','categorical', 'text'] skipped_types = ['date','index'] type_mapping = {'numerical': np.dtype('float'), 'float': np.dtype('float'),'categorical': 'category', 'text':np.dtype('object'),'date':'datetime64[ns]','index': np.dtype('int64'),} mapped_type = {k:type_mapping[v] for k,v in data_types.items() if v in allowed_types} skipped_features = [k for k,v in data_types.items() if v in skipped_types] if skipped_features: self.keep_unprocessed.extend( skipped_features) self.keep_unprocessed = list(set(self.keep_unprocessed)) self.update_type(mapped_type, 'user provided data type') def get_type(self, as_list=False): if as_list: return [self.colm_type.values()] else: return self.colm_type def update_type(self, data_types={}, reason=''): invalid_features = [x for x in data_types.keys() if x not in] if invalid_features: valid_feat = list(set(data_types.keys()) - set(invalid_features)) valid_feat_type = {k:v for k,v in data_types if k in valid_feat} else: valid_feat_type = data_types for k,v in valid_feat_type.items(): if v != self.colm_type[k].name: try:{k:v}) self.colm_type.update({[k].dtype}) self.type_conversion[k] = (self.colm_type[k] , v, 'Done', reason) except: self.type_conversion[k] = (self.colm_type[k] , v, 'Fail', reason) if v == np.dtype('float64') and self.colm_type[k].name == 'object': if self.check_numeric( k):[ k] = pd.to_numeric([ k], errors='coerce') self.type_conversion[k] = (self.colm_type[k] , v, 'Done', reason) self.force_numeric_conv.append( k) else: raise ValueError(f"Can not convert '{k}' feature to 'numeric' as numeric values are less than {self.config['numericFeatureRatio'] * 100}%") = self.__update_type() def check_numeric(self, feature): col_values =[feature].copy() col_values = pd.to_numeric(col_values, errors='coerce') if col_values.count() >= (self.config['numericFeatureRatio'] * len(col_values)): return True return False def string_to_numeric(self): def to_number(x): try: return w2n.word_to_num(x) except: return np.nan for col in self.text_feature: col_values =[col].copy() col_values = pd.to_numeric(col_values, errors='coerce') if col_values.count() >= (self.config['numericFeatureRatio'] * len(col_values)): self.text_to_num[col] = 'float64' self.wordToNumericFeatures.append(col) if self.text_to_num: columns = list(self.text_to_num.keys())[columns] =[columns].apply(lambda x: to_number(x), axis=1, result_type='broadcast') self.update_type(self.text_to_num)'----------- Inspecting Features -----------') for col in self.text_feature:'-------> Feature : {col}') if col in self.text_to_num:'----------> Numeric Status :Yes')'----------> Data Type Converting to numeric :Yes') else:'----------> Numeric Status :No')'\\nStatus:- |... Feature inspection done for numeric data: {len(self.text_to_num)} feature(s) converted to numeric')'\\nStatus:- |... Feature word to numeric treatment done: {self.text_to_num}')'----------- Inspecting Features End -----------') def check_categorical_features(self): num_data ='number') num_data_unique = num_data.nunique() num_to_cat_col = {} for i, value in enumerate(num_data_unique): if value < self.config['categoryMaxLabel']: num_to_cat_col[num_data_unique.index[i]] = 'category' if num_to_cat_col: self.update_type(num_to_cat_col, 'numerical to categorical') str_to_cat_col = {} str_data ='object') str_data_unique = str_data.nunique() for i, value in enumerate(str_data_unique): if value < self.config['categoryMaxLabel']: str_to_cat_col[str_data_unique.index[i]] = 'category' for colm in str_data.columns: if[colm].str.len().max() < cs.default_config['str_to_cat_len_max']: str_to_cat_col[colm] = 'category' if str_to_cat_col: self.update_type(str_to_cat_col, 'text to categorical') def drop_features(self, features=[], reason='unspecified'): if isinstance(features, str): features = [features] feat_to_remove = [x for x in features if x in] if feat_to_remove:, axis=1, inplace=True) for feat in feat_to_remove: self.dropped_features[feat] = reason self.log_drop_feature(feat_to_remove, reason) self.__update_type() def __update_index(self, indices, reason=''): if isinstance(indices, (bool, pd.core.series.Series)) and len(indices) == len( if not indices.all(): =[indices] if self.is_target_available(): =[indices] self.log_update_index((indices == False).sum(), reason) def dropna(self):'all',inplace=True) if self.is_target_available(): =[] def drop_duplicate(self): index ='first') self.__update_index( ~index, reason='duplicate') def log_drop_feature(self, columns, reason):'---------- Dropping {reason} features ----------')'\\nStatus:- |... {reason} feature treatment done: {len(columns)} {reason} feature(s) found')'-------> Drop Features: {columns}')'Data Frame Shape After Dropping (Rows,Columns): {}') def log_update_index(self,count, reason): if count: if reason == 'target':'-------> Null Target Rows Drop:')'-------> Dropped rows count: {count}') elif reason == 'duplicate':'-------> Duplicate Rows Drop:')'-------> Dropped rows count: {count}') elif reason == 'outlier':'-------> Dropped rows count: {count}')'Status:- |... Outlier treatment done')'-------> Data Frame Shape After Dropping samples(Rows,Columns): {}') def log_normalization(self): if self.process_method.get('normalization', None):'\\nStatus:- !... Normalization treatment done') for method in cs.supported_method['normalization']: cols = [] for col, m in self.process_method['normalization'].items(): if m == method: cols.append(col) if cols and method != 'none':'Running {method} on features: {cols}') def log_numerical_fill(self): if self.process_method.get('numFill', None):'\\nStatus:- !... Fillna for numeric feature done') for method in cs.supported_method['fillNa']['numeric']: cols = [] for col, m in self.process_method['numFill'].items(): if m == method: cols.append(col) if cols:'-------> Running {method} on features: {cols}') def log_categorical_fill(self): if self.process_method.get('catFill', None):'\\nStatus:- !... FillNa for categorical feature done') for method in cs.supported_method['fillNa']['categorical']: cols = [] for col, m in self.process_method['catFill'].items(): if m == method: cols.append(col) if cols:'-------> Running {method} on features: {cols}') def remove_constant_feature(self): unique_values = constant_features = [] for i, value in enumerate(unique_values): if value == 1: constant_features.append(unique_values.index[i]) if constant_features: self.drop_features(constant_features, "constant") def remove_empty_feature(self, misval_ratio=1.0): missing_ratio = / len( missing_ratio = {k:v for k,v in zip(, missing_ratio)} empty_features = [k for k,v in missing_ratio.items() if v > misval_ratio] if empty_features: self.drop_features(empty_features, "empty") def remove_index_features(self
): index_feature = [] for feat in self.numeric_feature: if[feat].nunique() == len( #if ([feat].sum()- sum( == ([0][feat][0])*len( # index feature can be time based count = ([feat] -[feat].shift() == 1).sum() if len( - count == 1: index_feature.append(feat) self.drop_features(index_feature, "index") def fill_missing_value_method(self, colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in cs.supported_method['fillNa']['numeric']: if 'numFill' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['numFill'] = {} if method == 'na' and self.process_method['numFill'].get(colm, None): pass # don't overwrite else: self.process_method['numFill'][colm] = method if colm in self.cat_feature: if method in cs.supported_method['fillNa']['categorical']: if 'catFill' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['catFill'] = {} if method == 'na' and self.process_method['catFill'].get(colm, None): pass else: self.process_method['catFill'][colm] = method def check_encoding_method(self, method, colm,default=False): if not self.is_target_available() and (method.lower() == list(cs.target_encoding_method_change.keys())[0]): method = cs.target_encoding_method_change[method.lower()] if default:"Applying Label encoding instead of Target encoding on feature '{colm}' as target feature is not present") return method def fill_encoder_value_method(self,colm, method, default=False): if colm in self.cat_feature: if method.lower() in cs.supported_method['categoryEncoding']: if 'catEncoder' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['catEncoder'] = {} if method == 'na' and self.process_method['catEncoder'].get(colm, None): pass else: self.process_method['catEncoder'][colm] = self.check_encoding_method(method, colm,default) else:"-------> categorical encoding method '{method}' is not supported. supported methods are {cs.supported_method['categoryEncoding']}") def fill_normalizer_method(self,colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in cs.supported_method['normalization']: if 'normalization' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['normalization'] = {} if (method == 'na' or method == 'none') and self.process_method['normalization'].get(colm, None): pass else: self.process_method['normalization'][colm] = method else:"-------> Normalization method '{method}' is not supported. supported methods are {cs.supported_method['normalization']}") def apply_outlier(self): inlier_indice = np.array([True] * len( if self.process_method.get('outlier', None):'-------> Feature wise outlier detection:') for k,v in self.process_method['outlier'].items(): if k in self.numeric_feature: if v == 'iqr': index = cs.findiqrOutlier([k]) elif v == 'zscore': index = cs.findzscoreOutlier([k]) elif v == 'disable': index = None if k in self.process_method['outlierOperation'].keys(): if self.process_method['outlierOperation'][k] == 'dropdata': inlier_indice = np.logical_and(inlier_indice, index) elif self.process_method['outlierOperation'][k] == 'average': mean =[k].mean() index = ~index[index,[k]] = mean'-------> {k}: Replaced by Mean {mean}: total replacement {index.sum()}') elif self.process_method['outlierOperation'][k] == 'nochange' and v != 'disable':'-------> Total outliers in "{k}": {(~index).sum()}') if self.config.get('outlierDetection',None): if self.config['outlierDetection'].get('IsolationForest','False') == 'True': if self.numeric_feature: index = cs.findiforestOutlier([self.numeric_feature]) inlier_indice = np.logical_and(inlier_indice, index)'-------> Numeric feature based Outlier detection(IsolationForest):') if inlier_indice.sum() != len( self.__update_index(inlier_indice, 'outlier') def fill_outlier_method(self,colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in cs.supported_method['outlier_column_wise']: if 'outlier' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['outlier'] = {} if method not in ['Disable', 'na']: self.process_method['outlier'][colm] = method else:"-------> outlier detection method '{method}' is not supported for column wise. supported methods are {cs.supported_method['outlier_column_wise']}") def fill_outlier_process(self,colm, method): if colm in self.numeric_feature: if method in cs.supported_method['outlierOperation']: if 'outlierOperation' not in self.process_method.keys(): self.process_method['outlierOperation'] = {} self.process_method['outlierOperation'][colm] = method else:"-------> outlier process method '{method}' is not supported for column wise. supported methods are {cs.supported_method['outlierOperation']}") def get_cat_imputer(self,method): if method == 'mode': return SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent') elif method == 'zero': return SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value=0) def get_cat_encoder(self,method): if method == 'labelencoding': return OrdinalEncoder() elif method == 'onehotencoding': return OneHotEncoder(sparse=False,handle_unknown="ignore") elif method == 'targetencoding': if not self.is_target_available(): raise ValueError('Can not apply Target Encoding when target feature is not present') return TargetEncoder() def get_num_imputer(self,method): if method == 'mode': return SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent') elif method == 'mean': return SimpleImputer(strategy='mean') elif method == 'median': return SimpleImputer(strategy='median') elif method == 'knnimputer': return KNNImputer() elif method == 'zero': return SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value=0) def get_num_scaler(self,method): if method == 'minmax': return MinMaxScaler() elif method == 'standardscaler': return StandardScaler() elif method == 'lognormal': return PowerTransformer(method='yeo-johnson', standardize=False) def recommenderStartProfiler(self,modelFeatures): return cs.recommenderStartProfiler(self,modelFeatures) def folderPreprocessing(self,folderlocation,folderdetails,deployLocation): return cs.folderPreprocessing(self,folderlocation,folderdetails,deployLocation) def textSimilarityStartProfiler(self, doc_col_1, doc_col_2): return cs.textSimilarityStartProfiler(self, doc_col_1, doc_col_2) def get_conversion_method(self): return cs.get_one_true_option(self.config.get('textConversionMethod','')).lower() def set_features(features,profiler=None): return cs.set_features(features,profiler) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import random from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import cv2 import albumentations as A import os import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path class ImageAugmentation(): def __init__(self, dataLocation, csvFile): self.AugmentationOptions = {"Flip": {"operation": A.HorizontalFlip, "suffix":"_flip"}, "Rotate": {"operation": A.Rotate, "suffix":"_rotate"}, "Shift": {"operation": A.RGBShift, "suffix":"_shift"}, "Crop": {"operation": [A.CenterCrop, A.RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop], "suffix":"_crop"}, "Contrast": {"operation": A.RandomContrast, "suffix":"_cont"}, "Brightness": {"operation": A.RandomBrightness, "suffix":"_bright"}, "Blur": {"operation": A.GaussianBlur, "suffix":"_blur"} } self.dataLocation = dataLocation self.csvFile = csvFile def __applyAugmentationClass(self, image, augmentation,limit): if augmentation in list(self.AugmentationOptions.keys()): if augmentation == "Crop": height, width, _ = image.shape crop_percentage = random.uniform(0.6, 0.9) transform = self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"][0](height=int(height*crop_percentage), width=int(width*crop_percentage) ) elif augmentation == "Blur": transform = self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"](blur_limit = limit) elif augmentation in ["Contrast","Brightness"]: transform = self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"](limit = limit) else: transform = self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"]() return transform(image=image) def __applyAugmentation(self, image, augmentation,limit,bboxes=None, category_ids=None, seed=7): transformOptions = [] if bboxes: bbox_params = A.BboxParams(format='pascal_voc', label_fields=['category_ids']) else: bbox_params = None if augmentation in list(self.AugmentationOptions.keys()): if augmentation == "Crop": height, width, _ = image.shape crop_percentage = random.uniform(0.6, 0.9) transformOptions.append(self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"][1](height=int(height*crop_percentage), width=int(width*crop_percentage) )) elif augmentation == "Blur": transformOptions.append(self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"](blur_limit = limit)) elif augmentation in ["Contrast","Brightness"]: transformOptions.append(self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"](limit = limit)) else: transformOptions.append(self.AugmentationOptions[augmentation]["operation"]()) transform = A.Compose( transformOptions, bbox_params=bbox_params, ) random.seed(seed) return transform(image=image, bboxes=bboxes, category_ids=category_ids) else: return None def getBBox(self, df, imageLoc, category_name_to_id): subDf = df[df['loc']==imageLoc] boxes = [] category = [] for index, row in subDf.iterrows(): boxes.append( [row['xmin'],row['ymin'],row['xmax'],row['ymax']]) category.append(category_name_to_id[row['Label']]) return boxes, category def __objAug(self, imageLoc, df, classes_names, category_id_to_name, category_name_to_id,limit,numberofImages,op): for x in range(numberofImages): bbox, category_ids = self.getBBox(df, imageLoc, category_name_to_id) image = cv2.imread(imageLoc) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) transformed = self.__applyAugmentation(image, op,limit,bbox, category_ids) transformed['image'] = cv2.cvtColor(transformed['image'], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) count = 1 row = df[df['loc']==imageLoc].iloc[0] filename = (Path(imageLoc).stem +'_'+str(x)+ self.AugmentationOptions[op]["suffix"] + Path(imageLoc).suffix) newImage = str(Path(imageLoc).parent/filename) for index,bbox in enumerate(transformed['bboxes']): data = {'File':filename, 'xmin':bbox[0],'ymin':bbox[1],'xmax':bbox[2],'ymax':bbox[3],'Label':category_id_to_name[transformed['category_ids'][index]],'id':count,'height':row['height'],'width':row['width'], 'angle':0.0, 'loc': newImage, 'AugmentedImage': True} count += 1 df=df.append(data, ignore_index=True) cv2.imwrite(newImage, transformed['image']) return df def __objectDetection(self, images, df, optionDf, classes_names, suffix='',augConf={}): category_id_to_name = {v+1:k for v,k in enumerate(classes_names)} category_name_to_id = {k:v+1 for v,k in enumerate(classes_names)} for i, imageLoc in enumerate(images): for key in optionDf.columns: if optionDf.iloc[i][key]: if key in augConf: limit = eval(augConf[key].get('limit','0.2')) numberofImages = int(
augConf[key].get('noOfImages',1)) else: limit = 0.2 numberofImages = 1 df = self.__objAug(imageLoc, df, classes_names, category_id_to_name,category_name_to_id,limit,numberofImages,op=key) return df def __augClassificationImage(self, imageLoc, df,limit,imageindex,op): data = {} image = cv2.imread(imageLoc) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) transformed = self.__applyAugmentationClass(image, op,limit) transformed['image'] = cv2.cvtColor(transformed['image'], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) location = Path(imageLoc).parent filename = (Path(imageLoc).stem +'_'+'str(imageindex)'+ self.AugmentationOptions[op]["suffix"] + Path(imageLoc).suffix) cv2.imwrite(str(location/'AION'/'AugumentedImages'/filename), transformed['image']) data['File'] = filename data['Label'] = df[df['File']==Path(imageLoc).name]["Label"].iloc[0] data['AugmentedImage'] = True data['loc'] = str(location/filename) return data def __classification(self, images, df, optionDf,augConf,csv_file=None, outputDir=None): for i, imageLoc in enumerate(images): for key in optionDf.columns: if optionDf.iloc[i][key]: if key in augConf: limit = eval(augConf[key].get('limit','0.2')) numberofImages = int(augConf[key].get('noOfImages',1)) else: limit = 0.2 numberofImages = 1 for x in range(numberofImages): rows = self.__augClassificationImage(imageLoc, df,limit,x,op=key) df=df.append(rows, ignore_index=True) return df def removeAugmentedImages(self, df): removeDf = df[df['AugmentedImage'] == True]['loc'].unique().tolist() #df[df['imageAugmentationOriginalImage'] != True][loocationField].apply(lambda x: Path(x).unlink()) for file in removeDf: if file: Path(file).unlink() def augment(self, modelType="imageclassification",params=None,csvSavePath = None,augConf={}): if isinstance(params, dict) and any(params.values()): df = pd.read_csv(self.csvFile) if not self.dataLocation.endswith('/'): images = self.dataLocation+'/' else: images = self.dataLocation if modelType == "imageclassification": images = images + df['File'] else: images = images + df['File'] df['loc'] = images images = set(images.tolist()) option = {} for key in list(self.AugmentationOptions.keys()): option[key] = params.get(key, False) optionDf = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(option.keys())) for i in range(len(images)): optionDf = optionDf.append(option, ignore_index=True) if modelType == "imageclassification": df = self.__classification(images, df, optionDf,augConf) else: classes_names = sorted(df['Label'].unique().tolist()) df = self.__objectDetection(images, df, optionDf, classes_names,'',augConf) df.to_csv(self.csvFile, index=False) return self.csvFile<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' #System imports import logging from distutils.util import strtobool import pandas as pd from text import TextProcessing def get_one_true_option(d, default_value): if isinstance(d, dict): for k,v in d.items(): if (isinstance(v, str) and v.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(v, bool) and v == True): return k return default_value class textProfiler(): def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def textCleaning(self, textCorpus): textProcessor = TextProcessing.TextProcessing() textCorpus = textProcessor.transform(textCorpus) return(textCorpus) def textProfiler(self, textCorpus, conf_json, pipeList, max_features): cleaning_kwargs = {} textCleaning = conf_json.get('textCleaning')"Text Preprocessing config: ",textCleaning) cleaning_kwargs['fRemoveNoise'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('removeNoise', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['fNormalize'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('normalize', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['fReplaceAcronym'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('replaceAcronym', 'False')) cleaning_kwargs['fCorrectSpelling'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('correctSpelling', 'False')) cleaning_kwargs['fRemoveStopwords'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('removeStopwords', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['fRemovePunctuation'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('removePunctuation', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['fRemoveNumericTokens'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('removeNumericTokens', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['normalizationMethod'] = get_one_true_option(textCleaning.get('normalizeMethod'), 'lemmatization').capitalize() removeNoiseConfig = textCleaning.get('removeNoiseConfig') if type(removeNoiseConfig) is dict: cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_fHtmlDecode'] = strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('decodeHTML', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_fRemoveHyperLinks'] = strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('removeHyperLinks', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_fRemoveMentions'] = strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('removeMentions', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_fRemoveHashtags'] = strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('removeHashtags', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_RemoveOrReplaceEmoji'] = 'remove' if strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('removeEmoji', 'True')) else 'replace' cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_fUnicodeToAscii'] = strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('unicodeToAscii', 'True')) cleaning_kwargs['removeNoise_fRemoveNonAscii'] = strtobool(removeNoiseConfig.get('removeNonAscii', 'True')) acronymConfig = textCleaning.get('acronymConfig') if type(acronymConfig) is dict: cleaning_kwargs['acronymDict'] = acronymConfig.get('acronymDict', None) stopWordsConfig = textCleaning.get('stopWordsConfig') if type(stopWordsConfig) is dict: cleaning_kwargs['stopwordsList'] = stopWordsConfig.get('stopwordsList', []) cleaning_kwargs['extend_or_replace_stopwordslist'] = 'extend' if strtobool(stopWordsConfig.get('extend', 'True')) else 'replace' removeNumericConfig = textCleaning.get('removeNumericConfig') if type(removeNumericConfig) is dict: cleaning_kwargs['removeNumeric_fIncludeSpecialCharacters'] = strtobool(removeNumericConfig.get('removeNumeric_IncludeSpecialCharacters', 'True')) removePunctuationConfig = textCleaning.get('removePunctuationConfig') if type(removePunctuationConfig) is dict: cleaning_kwargs['fRemovePuncWithinTokens'] = strtobool(removePunctuationConfig.get('removePuncWithinTokens', 'False')) cleaning_kwargs['fExpandContractions'] = strtobool(textCleaning.get('expandContractions', 'False')) if cleaning_kwargs['fExpandContractions']: cleaning_kwargs['expandContractions_googleNewsWordVectorPath'] = GOOGLE_NEWS_WORD_VECTORS_PATH libConfig = textCleaning.get('libConfig') if type(libConfig) is dict: cleaning_kwargs['tokenizationLib'] = get_one_true_option(libConfig.get('tokenizationLib'), 'nltk') cleaning_kwargs['lemmatizationLib'] = get_one_true_option(libConfig.get('lemmatizationLib'), 'nltk') cleaning_kwargs['stopwordsRemovalLib'] = get_one_true_option(libConfig.get('stopwordsRemovalLib'), 'nltk') textProcessor = TextProcessing.TextProcessing(**cleaning_kwargs) textCorpus = textProcessor.transform(textCorpus) pipeList.append(("TextProcessing",textProcessor)) textFeatureExtraction = conf_json.get('textFeatureExtraction') if strtobool(textFeatureExtraction.get('pos_tags', 'False')): pos_tags_lib = get_one_true_option(textFeatureExtraction.get('pos_tags_lib'), 'nltk') posTagger = TextProcessing.PosTagging( pos_tags_lib) textCorpus = posTagger.transform(textCorpus) pipeList.append(("posTagger",posTagger)) ngram_min = 1 ngram_max = 1 if strtobool(textFeatureExtraction.get('n_grams', 'False')): n_grams_config = textFeatureExtraction.get("n_grams_config") ngram_min = int(n_grams_config.get('min_n', 1)) ngram_max = int(n_grams_config.get('max_n', 1)) if (ngram_min < 1) or ngram_min > ngram_max: ngram_min = 1 ngram_max = 1 invalidNgramWarning = 'WARNING : invalid ngram config.\\nUsing the default values min_n={}, max_n={}'.format(ngram_min, ngram_max) ngram_range_tuple = (ngram_min, ngram_max) textConversionMethod = conf_json.get('textConversionMethod') conversion_method = get_one_true_option(textConversionMethod, None) if conversion_method.lower() == "countvectors": X, vectorizer = TextProcessing.ExtractFeatureCountVectors(textCorpus, ngram_range=ngram_range_tuple, max_features=max_features) pipeList.append(("vectorizer",vectorizer)) df1 = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names()) df1 = df1.add_suffix('_vect')'----------> Conversion Method: CountVectors') elif conversion_method.lower() in ["word2vec","fasttext","glove"]: embedding_method = conversion_method wordEmbeddingVecotrizer = TextProcessing.wordEmbedding(embedding_method) wordEmbeddingVecotrizer.checkAndDownloadPretrainedModel() X = wordEmbeddingVecotrizer.transform(textCorpus) df1 = pd.DataFrame(X) df1 = df1.add_suffix('_vect') pipeList.append(("vectorizer",wordEmbeddingVecotrizer))'----------> Conversion Method: '+str(conversion_method)) elif conversion_method.lower() == "sentencetransformer": from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/msmarco-distilroberta-base-v2') X = model.encode(textCorpus) df1 = pd.DataFrame(X) df1 = df1.add_suffix('_vect') pipeList.append(("vectorizer",model))'----------> Conversion Method: SentenceTransformer') elif conversion_method.lower() == 'tf_idf': X, vectorizer = TextProcessing.ExtractFeatureTfIdfVectors(textCorpus,ngram_range=ngram_range_tuple, max_features=max_features) pipeList.append(("vectorizer",vectorizer)) df1 = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names()) df1 = df1.add_suffix('_vect')'----------> Conversion Method: TF_IDF') else: df1 = pd.DataFrame() df1['tokenize'] = textCorpus'----------> Conversion Method: NA') return df1, pipeList,conversion_method <s> import os import sys import numpy as np import scipy import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path default_config = { 'misValueRatio': '1.0', 'numericFeatureRatio': '1.0', 'categoryMaxLabel': '20', 'str_to_cat_len_max': 10 } target_encoding_method_change = {'targetencoding': 'labelencoding'} supported_method = { 'fillNa': { 'categorical' : ['mode','zero','na'], 'numeric' : ['median','mean','knnimputer','zero','drop','na'], }, 'categoryEncoding': ['labelencoding','targetencoding','onehotencoding','na','none'], 'normalization': ['standardscaler','minmax','lognormal', 'na','none'], 'outlier_column_wise': ['iqr','zscore', 'disable', 'na'], 'outlierOperation': ['dropdata', 'average', 'nochange'] } def findiqrOutlier(df): Q1 = df.quantile(0.25) Q3 = df.quantile(0.75) IQR = Q3 - Q1 index = ~((df < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)) |
(df > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR))) return index def findzscoreOutlier(df): z = np.abs(scipy.stats.zscore(df)) index = (z < 3) return index def findiforestOutlier(df): from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest isolation_forest = IsolationForest(n_estimators=100) y_pred_train = isolation_forest.predict(df) return y_pred_train == 1 def get_one_true_option(d, default_value=None): if isinstance(d, dict): for k,v in d.items(): if (isinstance(v, str) and v.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(v, bool) and v == True): return k return default_value def get_boolean(value): if (isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() == 'true') or (isinstance(value, bool) and value == True): return True else: return False def recommenderStartProfiler(self,modelFeatures): try:'----------> FillNA:0') ='Status:- !... Missing value treatment done')'----------> Remove Empty Row') =,how='all')'Status:- !... Empty feature treatment done') userId,itemId,rating = modelFeatures.split(',')[itemId] =[itemId].astype(np.int32)[userId] =[userId].astype(np.int32)[rating] =[rating].astype(np.float32) return except Exception as inst:"Error: dataProfiler failed "+str(inst)) return( def folderPreprocessing(self,folderlocation,folderdetails,deployLocation): try: dataset_directory = Path(folderlocation) dataset_csv_file = dataset_directory/folderdetails['label_csv_file_name'] tfrecord_directory = Path(deployLocation)/'Video_TFRecord' from savp import PreprocessSAVP import csv csvfile = open(dataset_csv_file, newline='') csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) PreprocessSAVP(dataset_directory,csv_reader,tfrecord_directory) dataColumns = list( VideoProcessing = True return dataColumns,VideoProcessing,tfrecord_directory except Exception as inst:"Error: dataProfiler failed "+str(inst)) def textSimilarityStartProfiler(self, doc_col_1, doc_col_2): import os try: features = [doc_col_1, doc_col_2] pipe = None dataColumns = list( self.numofCols =[1] self.numOfRows =[0] from transformations.textProfiler import textProfiler'-------> Execute Fill NA With Empty String') =" ")'Status:- |... Missing value treatment done')[doc_col_1] = textProfiler().textCleaning([doc_col_1])[doc_col_2] = textProfiler().textCleaning([doc_col_2])'-------> Concatenate: ' + doc_col_1 + ' ' + doc_col_2)['text'] =[[doc_col_1, doc_col_2]].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1) from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer pipe = Tokenizer() pipe.fit_on_texts(['text'].values)'-------> Tokenizer: Fit on Concatenate Field')'Status:- |... Tokenizer the text')[doc_col_1] =[doc_col_1].astype(str)[doc_col_1] =[doc_col_1].astype(str) return (, pipe, self.target_name, features) except Exception as inst:"StartProfiler failed " + str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def set_features(features,profiler=None): if profiler: features = [x for x in features if x not in profiler.added_features] return features + profiler.text_feature return features<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import sys from pathlib import Path import urllib.request import tarfile import json import subprocess import os from os.path import expanduser import platform class ODpretrainedModels(): def __init__(self, location=None): if location: if isinstance(location, Path): self.pretrained_models_location = location.as_posix() else: self.pretrained_models_location = location else: p =[sys.executable, "-m", "pip","show","AION"],capture_output=True, text=True) if p.returncode == 0: Output = p.stdout.split('\\n') for x in Output: y = x.split(':',1) if(y[0]=='Location'): self.pretrained_models_location = y[1].strip()+"/AION/pretrained_models/object_detection" break if Path(self.pretrained_models_location).is_dir(): self.config_file_location = self.pretrained_models_location+'/supported_models.json' with open(self.config_file_location) as json_data: self.supportedModels = json.load(json_data) home = expanduser("~") if platform.system() == 'Windows': self.modelsPath = os.path.join(home,'AppData','Local','HCLT','AION','PreTrainedModels','ObjectDetection') else: self.modelsPath = os.path.join(home,'HCLT','AION','PreTrainedModels','ObjectDetection') if os.path.isdir(self.modelsPath) == False: os.makedirs(self.modelsPath) def __save_config(self): with open(self.config_file_location, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(self.supportedModels, json_file) def __download(self, modelName): try: url = self.supportedModels[modelName]["url"] file = self.supportedModels[modelName]["file"] local_file_path = Path(self.modelsPath)/(file+".tar.gz") urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_path) except: raise ValueError("{} model download error, check your internet connection".format(modelName)) return local_file_path def __extract(self, modelName, file_location, extract_dir): try: tarFile = tarFile.extractall(extract_dir) tarFile.close() Path.unlink(file_location) return True except: return False def download(self, modelName): if modelName in list(self.supportedModels.keys()): p = Path(self.modelsPath).glob('**/*') modelsDownloaded = [ for x in p if x.is_dir()] if self.supportedModels[modelName]['file'] not in modelsDownloaded: file = self.__download(modelName) self.supportedModels[modelName]["downloaded"] = True if self.__extract(modelName, file, self.modelsPath): self.supportedModels[modelName]["extracted"] = True self.__save_config() else: self.__save_config() raise ValueError("{} model downloaded but extraction failed,please try again".format(modelName)) else: raise ValueError("{} is not supported for object detection".format(modelName)) return self.supportedModels[modelName] def get_info(self,modeltype): models_info = {} p = Path(self.pretrained_models_location) downloaded_models = [ for x in p.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] for model in list(self.supportedModels.keys()): if (self.supportedModels[model]['type'] == modeltype) or (modeltype == ''): models_info[model] = self.supportedModels[model]['extracted'] return models_info def is_model_exist(self, model_name): models = self.get_info('') status = "NOT_SUPPORTED" if model_name in models: if self.supportedModels[model_name]['extracted']: status = "READY" else: status = "NOT_READY" return status def clear_config(self, model_name): self.supportedModels[model_name]['extracted'] = False self.supportedModels[model_name]['downloaded'] = False self.__save_config() <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import numpy as np import os import sys import string import spacy #import en_core_web_sm from spacy.lang.en.stop_words import STOP_WORDS from spacy.lang.en import English try: from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS except: from sklearn.feature_extraction.stop_words import ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer,TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer import re from collections import defaultdict from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from nltk import pos_tag from nltk.corpus import stopwords class textDataProfiler(): def __init__(self): #self.nlp=en_core_web_sm.load() self.punctuations = string.punctuation self.stopwords = list(STOP_WORDS) def startTextProfiler(self,df,target): try: dataColumns = list(df.columns) print(' \\n No of rows and columns in dataFrame',df.shape) print('\\n features in dataFrame',dataColumns) dataFDtypes=self.dataFramecolType(df) print('\\n feature types in dataFrame',dataFDtypes) trainX=df['text'] trainY=df[target] return trainX,trainY except Exception as inst: print('startTextProfiler code execution failed !....',inst) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) def dataFramecolType(self,dataFrame): dataFDtypes=[] try: dataColumns=list(dataFrame.columns) for i in dataColumns: dataType=dataFrame[i].dtypes dataFDtypes.append(tuple([i,str(dataType)])) return dataFDtypes except Exception as e: print("error in dataFramecolyType",e) return dataFDtypes def textTokenizer(self,text): try: parser = English() tokens = parser(text) tokens = [ word.lemma_.lower().strip() if word.lemma_ != "-PRON-" else word.lower_ for word in tokens ] tokens = [ word for word in tokens if word not in self.stopwords and word not in self.punctuations ] return tokens except Exception as inst: print('textDataProfiler code execution failed !....',inst) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) return {} def cleanText(self,text): try: text=str(text).strip().lower() for punctuation in string.punctuation: text = text.replace(punctuation, '') return text except Exception as inst: print('cleanText code execution failed !....',inst) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) def textTokenization(self,text): try: tokenizedText=word_tokenize(text) return tokenizedText except Exception as inst: print('textDataProfiler code execution failed !....',inst) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(exc_type, fname, exc
_tb.tb_lineno) return {} def textLemmitizer(self,text): try: tag_map = defaultdict(lambda : wn.NOUN) tag_map['J'] = wn.ADJ tag_map['V'] = wn.VERB tag_map['R'] = wn.ADV Final_words = [] word_Lemmatized = WordNetLemmatizer() for word, tag in pos_tag(text): if word not in stopwords.words('english') and word.isalpha(): word_Final = word_Lemmatized.lemmatize(word,tag_map[tag[0]]) Final_words.append(word_Final) return str(Final_words) except Exception as inst: print('textLemmitizer code execution failed !....',inst) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) return {} class TextCleaner(TransformerMixin): def clean_text(self,text): try: text=str(text).strip().lower() text = text.replace("isn't", "is not") text = text.replace("aren't", "are not") text = text.replace("ain't", "am not") text = text.replace("won't", "will not") text = text.replace("didn't", "did not") text = text.replace("shan't", "shall not") text = text.replace("haven't", "have not") text = text.replace("hadn't", "had not") text = text.replace("hasn't", "has not") text = text.replace("don't", "do not") text = text.replace("wasn't", "was not") text = text.replace("weren't", "were not") text = text.replace("doesn't", "does not") text = text.replace("'s", " is") text = text.replace("'re", " are") text = text.replace("'m", " am") text = text.replace("'d", " would") text = text.replace("'ll", " will") text = re.sub(r'^https?:\\/\\/.*[\\r\\n]*', ' ', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) text = re.sub(r'[\\w\\.-]+@[\\w\\.-]+', ' ', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) for punctuation in string.punctuation: text = text.replace(punctuation,' ') text = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9\\s]',r' ',text) text = re.sub(r'\\n',r' ',text) text = re.sub(r'[0-9]',r' ',text) wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() text = " ".join([wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(w, pos='v') for w in text.split()]) return text except Exception as inst: print('TextCleaner clean_text code execution failed !....',inst) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) def text_cleaner(self,text): text = self.clean_text(text) stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) text_tokens = word_tokenize(text) out=' '.join(str(j) for j in text_tokens if j not in stop_words and (len(j)!=1)) return(out) def transform(self, X, **transform_params): # Cleaning Text return [self.clean_text(text) for text in X] def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): return self def get_params(self, deep=True): return {}<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import os import glob import pandas as pd import io import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import argparse os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' # Suppress TensorFlow logging (1) import tensorflow as tf from PIL import Image from object_detection.utils import dataset_util, label_map_util from collections import namedtuple from pathlib import Path def class_text_to_int(row_label, label_map_dict): return label_map_dict[row_label] def split(df, group): data = namedtuple('data', ['File', 'object']) gb = df.groupby(group) return [data(File, gb.get_group(x)) for File, x in zip(gb.groups.keys(), gb.groups)] def create_tf_example(group, path, label_map_dict): with, '{}'.format(group.File)), 'rb') as fid: encoded_jpg = encoded_jpg_io = io.BytesIO(encoded_jpg) image = width, height = image.size File = group.File.encode('utf8') image_format = b'jpg' xmins = [] xmaxs = [] ymins = [] ymaxs = [] classes_text = [] classes = [] for index, row in group.object.iterrows(): xmin_n = min(row['xmin'], row['xmax']) xmax_n = max(row['xmin'], row['xmax']) ymin_n = min(row['ymin'], row['ymax']) ymax_n = max(row['ymin'], row['ymax']) xmin_new = min(xmin_n, width) xmax_new = min(xmax_n, width) ymin_new = min(ymin_n, height) ymax_new = min(ymax_n, height) xmn = xmin_new / width xmins.append(xmn) xmx = xmax_new / width xmaxs.append(xmx) ymn = ymin_new / height ymins.append(ymn) ymx = ymax_new / height ymaxs.append(ymx) classes_text.append(row['Label'].encode('utf8')) classes.append(class_text_to_int(row['Label'], label_map_dict)) tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'image/height': dataset_util.int64_feature(height), 'image/width': dataset_util.int64_feature(width), 'image/filename': dataset_util.bytes_feature(File), 'image/source_id': dataset_util.bytes_feature(File), 'image/encoded': dataset_util.bytes_feature(encoded_jpg), 'image/format': dataset_util.bytes_feature(image_format), 'image/object/bbox/xmin': dataset_util.float_list_feature(xmins), 'image/object/bbox/xmax': dataset_util.float_list_feature(xmaxs), 'image/object/bbox/ymin': dataset_util.float_list_feature(ymins), 'image/object/bbox/ymax': dataset_util.float_list_feature(ymaxs), 'image/object/class/text': dataset_util.bytes_list_feature(classes_text), 'image/object/class/label': dataset_util.int64_list_feature(classes), })) return tf_example def labelFile(classes_names, label_map_path): pbtxt_content = "" for i, class_name in enumerate(classes_names): pbtxt_content = ( pbtxt_content + "item {{\\n id: {0}\\n name: '{1}'\\n}}\\n\\n".format(i + 1, class_name) ) pbtxt_content = pbtxt_content.strip() with open(label_map_path, "w") as f: f.write(pbtxt_content) def createLabelFile(train_df, save_path): labelmap_path = str(Path(save_path)/ 'label_map.pbtxt') classes_names = sorted(train_df['Label'].unique().tolist()) labelFile(classes_names, labelmap_path) return labelmap_path, len(classes_names) def generate_TF_record(image_dir, output_dir, train_df, test_df, labelmap_path): outputPath = str(Path(output_dir)/ 'train.tfrecord') writer = outputPath) grouped = split(train_df, 'File') label_map = label_map_util.load_labelmap(labelmap_path ) label_map_dict = label_map_util.get_label_map_dict(label_map) for group in grouped: tf_example = create_tf_example(group, image_dir, label_map_dict) writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) writer.close() if len(test_df): outputPath = str(Path(output_dir)/ 'test.tfrecord') writer = outputPath) grouped = split(test_df, 'File') for group in grouped: tf_example = create_tf_example(group, image_dir, label_map_dict) writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) writer.close() <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' #from sklearn.externals import joblib import joblib # import pyreadstat # import sys # import math import time import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_absolute_error,mean_squared_error from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import argparse import json import os import pathlib from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model # from tensorflow.keras import backend as K import tensorflow as tf # from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation from pathlib import Path #from aionUQ import aionUQ from uq_main import aionUQ import os from datetime import datetime from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('savFile') parser.add_argument('csvFile') parser.add_argument('features') parser.add_argument('target') args = parser.parse_args() from appbe.dataPath import DEPLOY_LOCATION if ',' in args.features: args.features = [x.strip() for x in args.features.split(',')] else: args.features = args.features.split(",") models = args.savFile if Path(models).is_file(): # if Path(args.savFile.is_file()): model = joblib.load(args.savFile) # print(model.__class__.__name__) # print('class:',model.__class__) # print(type(model).__name__) # try: # print('Classess=',model.classes_) # except: # print("Classess=N/A") # print('params:',model.get_params()) # try: # print('fea_imp =',model.feature_importances_) # except: # print("fea_imp =N/A") ProblemName = model.__class__.__name__ Params = model.get_params() # print("ProblemName: \\n",ProblemName) # print("Params: \\n",Params) # print('ProblemName:',model.__doc__) # print(type(ProblemName)) if ProblemName in ['LogisticRegression','SGDClassifier','SVC','DecissionTreeClassifier','RandomForestClassifier','GaussianNB','KNeighboursClassifier','DecisionTreeClassifier','GradientBoostingClassifier']: Problemtype = 'Classification' else : Problemtype = 'Regression' if Problemtype == 'Classification': df = pd.read_csv(args.csvFile) object_cols = [col for col, col_type in df.dtypes.items() if col_type == 'object'] df = df.drop(object_cols, axis=1) df = df.dropna(axis=1) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) modelfeatures = args.features # dfp = df[modelfeatures] tar = # target = df[tar] y=df[tar] X = df.drop(tar, axis=1) #for dummy test,train values pass X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_
split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) uqObj=aionUQ(df,X,y,ProblemName,Params,model,modelfeatures,tar) #accuracy,uq_ece,output_jsonobject,model_confidence_per,model_uncertaitny_per=uqObj.uqMain_BBMClassification(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test,"uqtest") accuracy,uq_ece,output_jsonobject,model_confidence_per,model_uncertaitny_per=uqObj.uqMain_BBMClassification() # print("UQ Classification: \\n",output_jsonobject) print(accuracy,uq_ece,output_jsonobject,model_confidence_per,model_uncertaitny_per) print("End of UQ Classification.\\n") else: df = pd.read_csv(args.csvFile) modelfeatures = args.features # print("modelfeatures: \\n",modelfeatures) # print("type modelfeatures: \\n",type(modelfeatures)) dfp = df[modelfeatures] tar = target = df[tar] #Not used, just dummy X,y split y=df[tar] X = df.drop(tar, axis=1) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) uqObj=aionUQ(df,dfp,target,ProblemName,Params,model,modelfeatures,tar) total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,uq_medium,uq_best,scoringCriteria,uq_jsonobject=uqObj.uqMain_BBMRegression() print(total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,uq_medium,uq_best,scoringCriteria,uq_jsonobject) print("End of UQ reg\\n") elif Path(models).is_dir(): os.environ['TF_XLA_FLAGS'] = '--tf_xla_enable_xla_devices' os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL']='2' model = load_model(models) ProblemName = model.__class__.__name__ Problemtype = 'Classification' # print('class:',model.__class__) # print('class1',model.__class__.__name__) # print(model.summary()) # print('ProblemName1:',model.get_config()) def Params(model: tf.keras.Model): Params = [] model.Params(print_fn=lambda x: Params.append(x)) return '\\n'.join(Params) df = pd.read_csv(args.csvFile) modelfeatures = args.features dfp = df[modelfeatures] tar = target = df[tar] df3 = dfp.astype(np.float32) predic = model.predict(df3) if predic.shape[-1] > 1: predic = np.argmax(predic, axis=-1) else: predic = (predic > 0.5).astype("int32") matrixconfusion = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(predic,target)) matrixconfusion = matrixconfusion.to_json(orient='index') classificationreport = pd.DataFrame(classification_report(target,predic,output_dict=True)).transpose() classificationreport = round(classificationreport,2) classificationreport = classificationreport.to_json(orient='index') output = {} output["Precision"] = "%.3f" % precision_score(target, predic,average='weighted') output["Recall"] = "%.3f" % recall_score(target, predic,average='weighted') output["Accuracy"] = "%.3f" % accuracy_score(target, predic) output["ProblemName"] = ProblemName output["Params"] = Params output["Problemtype"] = Problemtype output["Confusionmatrix"] = matrixconfusion output["classificationreport"] = classificationreport print(json.dumps(output)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import logging logging.getLogger('tensorflow').disabled = True import json #from nltk.corpus import stopwords from collections import Counter from matplotlib import pyplot import sys import os import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from uq360.algorithms.blackbox_metamodel import BlackboxMetamodelRegression from uq360.algorithms.ucc_recalibration import UCCRecalibration from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import pandas as pd from uq360.metrics.regression_metrics import compute_regression_metrics import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_score from sklearn.metrics import recall_score from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve # from math import sqrt from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_squared_error, explained_variance_score,mean_absolute_error # from uq360.metrics import picp, mpiw, compute_regression_metrics, plot_uncertainty_distribution, plot_uncertainty_by_feature, plot_picp_by_feature from uq360.metrics import plot_uncertainty_by_feature, plot_picp_by_feature #Added libs from MLTest import sys import time from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from pathlib import Path import logging # import json class aionUQ: # def __init__(self,uqdf,targetFeature,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,uqconfig_base,uqconfig_meta,deployLocation,saved_model): def __init__(self,df,dfp,target,ProblemName,Params,model,modelfeatures,targetfeature,deployLocation): # #printprint("Inside aionUQ \\n") try: #print("Inside aionUQ init\\n ") self.dfFeatures=dfp self.uqconfig_base=Params self.uqconfig_meta=Params self.targetFeature=targetfeature self.selectedfeature=modelfeatures self.X=self.dfFeatures self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.basemodel=model self.model_name=ProblemName self.Deployment = os.path.join(deployLocation,'log','UQ') os.makedirs(self.Deployment,exist_ok=True) self.uqgraphlocation = os.path.join(self.Deployment,'UQgraph') os.makedirs(self.uqgraphlocation,exist_ok=True) except Exception as e:'<!------------- UQ model INIT Error ---------------> '+str(e)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def totalUncertainty(self,df,basemodel,model_params,xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest,aionstatus): from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # To get each class values and uncertainty if (aionstatus.lower() == 'aionuq'): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest # y_val = y_train.append(y_test) else: # y_val = self.y y=df[self.targetFeature] X = df.drop(self.targetFeature, axis=1) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) key = 'criterion' #if key in model_params: try: #if model_params.has_key(key): if key in model_params: if (model_params['criterion']): uq_scoring_param=model_params.get('criterion') elif(model_params['criterion'] == None): uq_scoring_param='picp' else: uq_scoring_param='picp' else: uq_scoring_param='picp' pass except Exception as inst: uq_scoring_param='picp' # from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor # from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression,Lasso,Ridge # from sklearn import linear_model # from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor if uq_scoring_param in ['rmse', 'nll','auucc_gain','picp','mpiw','r2']: uq_scoring_param=uq_scoring_param else: uq_scoring_param='picp' uq_model = BlackboxMetamodelRegression(base_model=basemodel, meta_model=basemodel, base_config=model_params, meta_config=model_params) # this will fit both the base and the meta model uqmodel_fit =, y_train) y_hat, y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub = uq_model.predict(X_test) y_hat_total_mean=np.mean(y_hat) y_hat_lb_total_mean=np.mean(y_hat_lb) y_hat_ub_total_mean=np.mean(y_hat_ub) mpiw_20_per=(y_hat_total_mean*20/100) mpiw_lower_range = y_hat_total_mean - mpiw_20_per mpiw_upper_range = y_hat_total_mean + mpiw_20_per from uq360.metrics import picp, mpiw observed_alphas_picp = picp(y_test, y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub) observed_widths_mpiw = mpiw(y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub) observed_alphas_picp=round(observed_alphas_picp,2) observed_widths_mpiw=round(observed_widths_mpiw,2) picp_percentage= round(observed_alphas_picp*100) Uncertainty_percentage=round(100-picp_percentage)'Model total observed_widths_mpiw : '+str(observed_widths_mpiw))'Model mpiw_lower_range : '+str(mpiw_lower_range))'Model mpiw_upper_range : '+str(mpiw_upper_range))'Model total picp_percentage : '+str(picp_percentage)) return observed_alphas_picp,observed_widths_mpiw,picp_percentage,Uncertainty_percentage,mpiw_lower_range,mpiw_upper_range def display_results(self,X_test, y_test, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper): try: global x_feature,y_feature if (isinstance(self.selectedfeature, list) or isinstance(self.selectedfeature, tuple)): x_feature=''.join(map(str, self.selectedfeature)) else: x_feature= str(self.selectedfeature) # self.selectedfeature=str(self.selectedfeature) X_test=np.squeeze(X_test) y_feature=str(self.targetFeature) pred_dict = {x_feature: X_test, 'y': y_test, 'y_mean': y_mean, 'y_upper': y_upper, 'y_lower': y_lower } pred_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pred_dict) pred_df_sorted = pred_df.sort_values(by=x_feature) plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature], pred_df_sorted['y'], 'o', label='Observed') plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature], pred_df_sorted['y_mean'], '-', lw=2, label='Predicted') plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature], pred_df_sorted['y_upper'], 'r--', lw=2, label='Upper Bound') plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature], pred_df_sorted['y_lower'], 'r--', lw=2, label='Lower Bound') plt.legend() plt.xlabel(x_feature) plt.ylabel(y_feature) plt.title('UQ Confidence Interval Plot.') # plt.savefig('uq_test_plt.png') if os.path.exists(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/uq_test_plt.png'): os.remove(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/uq_test_plt.png') plt.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/uq_test_plt.png') plt.savefig(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/uq_test_plt.png') plt.clf() plt.cla()
plt.close() pltreg=plot_picp_by_feature(X_test, y_test, y_lower, y_upper, xlabel=x_feature) #pltreg.savefig('x.png') pltr=pltreg.figure if os.path.exists(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/picp_per_feature.png'): os.remove(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/picp_per_feature.png') pltr.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/picp_per_feature.png') pltr.savefig(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/picp_per_feature.png') plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() except Exception as e: # #print("display exception: \\n",e)'<!------------- UQ model Display Error ---------------> '+str(e)) def classUncertainty(self,pred,score): try: outuq = {} classes = np.unique(pred) for c in classes: ids = pred == c class_score = score[ids] predc = 'Class_'+str(c) outuq[predc]=np.mean(class_score) x = np.mean(class_score) #Uncertaininty in percentage x=x*100'----------------> Class '+str(c)+' Confidence Score '+str(round(x))) return outuq except Exception as e: # #print("display exception: \\n",e)'<!------------- UQ classUncertainty Error ---------------> '+str(e)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def uqMain_BBMClassification(self,x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test,aionstatus): try: # print("Inside uqMain_BBMClassification\\n") # print("lenth of x_train {}, x_test {}, y_train {}, y_test {}".format(x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test)) aionstatus = str(aionstatus) if (aionstatus.lower() == 'aionuq'): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(self.X, self.y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) from uq360.algorithms.blackbox_metamodel import BlackboxMetamodelClassification from uq360.metrics.classification_metrics import plot_reliability_diagram,area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve,plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate,expected_calibration_error,compute_classification_metrics from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from xgboost import XGBClassifier from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier base_modelname=__class__.__name__ base_config = self.uqconfig_base meta_config = self.uqconfig_base model_name=self.basemodel.__class__.__name__ #print(model_name) try: #geting used features model_used_features=self.basemodel.feature_names_in_"Base model used training features are (UQ Testing): \\n"+str(model_used_features)) except: pass model_params=self.basemodel.get_params() uq_scoring_param='accuracy' basemodel=None if (model_name == "GradientBoostingClassifier"): basemodel=GradientBoostingClassifier elif (model_name == "SGDClassifier"): basemodel=SGDClassifier elif (model_name == "GaussianNB"): basemodel=GaussianNB elif (model_name == "DecisionTreeClassifier"): basemodel=DecisionTreeClassifier elif(model_name == "RandomForestClassifier"): basemodel=RandomForestClassifier elif (model_name == "SVC"): basemodel=SVC elif(model_name == "KNeighborsClassifier"): basemodel=KNeighborsClassifier elif(model_name.lower() == "logisticregression"): basemodel=LogisticRegression elif(model_name == "XGBClassifier"): basemodel=XGBClassifier elif(model_name == "LGBMClassifier"): basemodel=LGBMClassifier else: basemodel=LogisticRegression calibrated_mdl=None if (model_name == "SVC"): from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV basemodel=SVC(**model_params) calibrated_mdl = CalibratedClassifierCV(basemodel,method='sigmoid',cv=3), y_train) basepredict = calibrated_mdl.predict(X_test) predprob_base = calibrated_mdl.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] elif (model_name == "SGDClassifier"): from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV basemodel=SGDClassifier(**model_params) calibrated_mdl = CalibratedClassifierCV(basemodel,method='sigmoid',cv=3), y_train) basepredict = calibrated_mdl.predict(X_test) predprob_base = calibrated_mdl.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] else: from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV base_mdl = basemodel(**model_params) calibrated_mdl = CalibratedClassifierCV(base_mdl,method='sigmoid',cv=3) basemodelfit =, y_train) basepredict = calibrated_mdl.predict(X_test) predprob_base=calibrated_mdl.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] cal_model_params=calibrated_mdl.get_params() acc_score_base=accuracy_score(y_test, basepredict) base_estimator_calibrate = cal_model_params['base_estimator'] uq_model = BlackboxMetamodelClassification(base_model=self.basemodel, meta_model=basemodel, base_config=model_params, meta_config=model_params) try: X_train=X_train[model_used_features] X_test=X_test[model_used_features] except: pass uqmodel_fit =, y_train,base_is_prefitted=True,meta_train_data=(X_train, y_train)) # uqmodel_fit =, y_train) y_t_pred, y_t_score = uq_model.predict(X_test) acc_score=accuracy_score(y_test, y_t_pred) test_accuracy_perc=round(100*acc_score) if(aionstatus == "aionuq"): test_accuracy_perc=round(test_accuracy_perc,2) #uq_aurrrc not used for any aion gui configuration, so it initialized as 0. if we use area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve(), it shows plot in cmd prompt,so code execution we make it 0. uq_aurrrc=0 pass else: bbm_c_plot = plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate( y_true=y_test, y_prob=predprob_base, selection_scores=y_t_score, y_pred=y_t_pred, plot_label=['UQ_risk_vs_rejection'], risk_func=accuracy_score, num_bins = 10 ) # This done by kiran, need to uncomment for GUI integration. # bbm_c_plot_sub = bbm_c_plot[4] bbm_c_plot_sub = bbm_c_plot if os.path.exists(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate.png'): os.remove(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate.png') # bbm_c_plot_sub.savefig(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate.png') re_plot=plot_reliability_diagram(y_true=y_test, y_prob=predprob_base, y_pred=y_t_pred, plot_label=['UQModel reliability_diagram'], num_bins=10 ) # This done by kiran, need to uncomment for GUI integration. # re_plot_sub = re_plot[4] re_plot_sub = re_plot if os.path.exists(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/plot_reliability_diagram.png'): os.remove(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/plot_reliability_diagram.png') # re_plot_sub.savefig(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/plot_reliability_diagram.png') uq_aurrrc=area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve( y_true=y_test, y_prob=predprob_base, y_pred=y_t_pred, selection_scores=y_t_score, attributes=None, risk_func=accuracy_score,subgroup_ids=None, return_counts=False, num_bins=10) uq_aurrrc=uq_aurrrc test_accuracy_perc=round(test_accuracy_perc) #metric_all=compute_classification_metrics(y_test, y_prob, option='all') metric_all=compute_classification_metrics(y_test, predprob_base, option='accuracy') #expected_calibration_error uq_ece=expected_calibration_error(y_test, y_prob=predprob_base,y_pred=basepredict, num_bins=10, return_counts=False) # uq_aurrrc=uq_aurrrc confidence_score=acc_score_base-uq_ece ece_confidence_score=round(confidence_score,2) # Model uncertainty using ECE score # model_uncertainty_ece = 1-ece_confidence_score #Uncertainty Using model inherent predict probability mean_predprob_total=np.mean(y_t_score) model_confidence=mean_predprob_total model_uncertainty = 1-mean_predprob_total model_confidence = round(model_confidence,2) # To get each class values and uncertainty if (aionstatus.lower() == 'aionuq'): y_val = np.append(y_train,y_test) else: y_val = self.y'------------------> Model Confidence Score '+str(model_confidence)) outuq = self.classUncertainty(y_t_pred,y_t_score) # Another way to get conf score model_uncertainty_per=round((model_uncertainty*100),2) model_confidence_per=round((model_confidence*100),2) acc_score_per = round((acc_score*100),2) uq_ece_per=round((uq_ece*100),2) output={} recommendation = "" if (uq_ece > 0.5): # RED text recommendation = 'Model has high ece (expected calibration error) score compare to threshold (0.5),not good to be deploy. need to be add more input data across all feature ranges to train base model, also try with different classification algorithms/
ensembling to reduce ECE (ECE~0).' else: #'Model has good ECE score and accuracy, ready to deploy.\\n.') if (uq_ece <= 0.1 and model_confidence >= 0.9): # Green Text recommendation = 'Model has best calibration score (near to 0) and good confidence score , ready to deploy. ' else: # Orange recommendation = 'Model has good ECE score (between 0.1-0.5), but less confidence score compare to threshold (90%). If user wants,model can be improve by adding more input data across all feature ranges and could be evaluate with different algorithms/ensembling. ' #Adding each class uncertainty value classoutput = {} for k,v in outuq.items(): classoutput[k]=(str(round((v*100),2))) output['classes'] = classoutput output['ModelConfidenceScore']=(str(model_confidence_per)) output['ExpectedCalibrationError']=str(uq_ece_per) output['ModelUncertainty']=str(model_uncertainty_per) output['Recommendation']=recommendation # output['user_msg']='Please check the plot for more understanding of model uncertainty' #output['UQ_area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve']=round(uq_aurrrc,4) output['Accuracy']=str(acc_score_per) output['Problem']= 'Classification''Model Accuracy score in percentage : '+str(test_accuracy_perc)+str(' %')) # #print("Prediction mean for the given model:",np.mean(y_hat),"\\n")"Model_confidence_score: " +str(confidence_score))"Model_uncertainty: " +str(round(model_uncertainty,2)))'Please check the plot for more understanding of model uncertainty.\\n.') uq_jsonobject = json.dumps(output) with open(str(self.Deployment)+"/uq_classification_log.json", "w") as f: json.dump(output, f) return test_accuracy_perc,uq_ece,output,model_confidence_per,model_uncertainty_per except Exception as inst:'\\n < ---------- UQ Model Execution Failed Start--------->')'\\n<------Model Execution failed!!!.' + str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))'\\n < ---------- Model Execution Failed End --------->') def aion_confidence_plot(self,df): df=df df = df.sort_values(by=self.selectedfeature) best_values=df.Best_values.to_list() best_upper=df.Best__upper.to_list() best_lower=df.Best__lower.to_list() Total_Upper_PI=df.Total_Upper_PI.to_list() Total_Low_PI=df.Total_Low_PI.to_list() Obseved = df.Observed.to_list() plt.plot(df[x_feature], df['Observed'], 'o', label='Observed') plt.plot(df[x_feature], df['Best__upper'],'r--', lw=2, color='grey') plt.plot(df[x_feature], df['Best__lower'],'r--', lw=2, color='grey') plt.plot(df[x_feature], df['Best_values'], 'r--', lw=2, label='MeanPrediction',color='red') plt.fill_between(df[x_feature], Total_Upper_PI, Total_Low_PI, label='Good Confidence', color='lightblue', alpha=.5) plt.fill_between(df[x_feature],best_lower, best_upper,label='Best Confidence', color='orange', alpha=.5) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(self.selectedfeature) plt.ylabel(self.targetFeature) plt.title('UQ Best & Good Area Plot') if os.path.exists(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/uq_confidence_plt.png'): os.remove(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/uq_confidence_plt.png') plt.savefig(str(self.uqgraphlocation)+'/uq_confidence_plt.png') plt.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/uq_confidence_plt.png') def uqMain_BBMRegression(self,x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test,aionstatus): aionstatus = str(aionstatus) # if (aionstatus.lower() == 'aionuq'): # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test # total_picp,total_mpiw,total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,mpiw_lower_range,mpiw_upper_range = self.totalUncertainty(,basemodel,model_params,x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test,aionstatus) # else: # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(self.X, self.y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) # modelName = ""'<!------------- Inside BlackBox MetaModel Regression process. ---------------> ') try: from uq360.algorithms.blackbox_metamodel import BlackboxMetamodelRegression import pandas as pd base_modelname=__class__.__name__ base_config = self.uqconfig_base meta_config = self.uqconfig_base model_name=self.basemodel.__class__.__name__ model_params=self.basemodel.get_params() # #print("model_params['criterion']: \\n",model_params['criterion']) key = 'criterion' #if key in model_params: try: #if model_params.has_key(key): if key in model_params: if (model_params['criterion']): uq_scoring_param=model_params.get('criterion') elif(model_params['criterion'] == None): uq_scoring_param='picp' else: uq_scoring_param='picp' else: uq_scoring_param='picp' pass except Exception as inst: uq_scoring_param='picp' # modelname='sklearn.linear_model'+'.'+model_name # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = self.xtrain,self.xtest,self.ytrain,self.ytest #Geeting trained model name and to use the model in BlackboxMetamodelRegression from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression,Lasso,Ridge from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor if (model_name == "DecisionTreeRegressor"): basemodel=DecisionTreeRegressor elif (model_name == "LinearRegression"): basemodel=LinearRegression elif (model_name == "Lasso"): basemodel=Lasso elif (model_name == "Ridge"): basemodel=Ridge elif(model_name == "RandomForestRegressor"): basemodel=RandomForestRegressor else: basemodel=LinearRegression if (aionstatus.lower() == 'aionuq'): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test total_picp,total_mpiw,total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,mpiw_lower_range,mpiw_upper_range = self.totalUncertainty(,basemodel,model_params,x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test,aionstatus) else: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(self.X, self.y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) total_picp,total_mpiw,total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,mpiw_lower_range,mpiw_upper_range = self.totalUncertainty(,basemodel,model_params,None, None, None, None,aionstatus) if uq_scoring_param in ['rmse', 'nll','auucc_gain','picp','mpiw','r2']: uq_scoring_param=uq_scoring_param else: uq_scoring_param='picp' uq_model = BlackboxMetamodelRegression(base_model=basemodel, meta_model=basemodel, base_config=model_params, meta_config=model_params) # this will fit both the base and the meta model uqmodel_fit =, y_train) # #print("X_train.shape: \\n",X_train.shape) y_hat, y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub = uq_model.predict(X_test) from uq360.metrics import picp, mpiw observed_alphas_picp = picp(y_test, y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub) observed_widths_mpiw = mpiw(y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub) picp_percentage= round(observed_alphas_picp*100) Uncertainty_percentage=round(100-picp_percentage)'<!------------- observed_picp: ---------------> '+str(observed_alphas_picp))'<!------------- observed_widths_mpiw: ---------------> '+str(observed_widths_mpiw)) # UQ metamodel regression have metrics as follows, “rmse”, “nll”, “auucc_gain”, “picp”, “mpiw”, “r2” #metric_all=compute_regression_metrics(y_test, y_hat,y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub,option='all',nll_fn=None) #nll - Gaussian negative log likelihood loss. metric_all=compute_regression_metrics(y_test, y_hat,y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub,option=uq_scoring_param,nll_fn=None) metric_used='' for k,v in metric_all.items(): metric_used=str(round(v,2))'<!------------- Metric used for regression UQ: ---------------> '+str(metric_all)) # Determine the confidence level and recommentation to the tester # test_data=y_test observed_alphas_picp=round(observed_alphas_picp,2) observed_widths_mpiw=round(observed_widths_mpiw,2) #Calculate total uncertainty for all features # total_picp,total_mpiw,total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage = self.totalUncertainty( # total_picp,total_mpiw,total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,mpiw_lower_range,mpiw_upper_range = self.totalUncertainty(,basemodel,model_params,x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test,aionstatus) recommendation="" output={} if (observed_alphas_picp >= 0.95 and total_picp >= 0.75): # Add GREEN text'Model has good confidence for the selected feature, ready to deploy.\\n.') recommendation = "Model has good confidence score, ready to deploy." elif ((observed_alphas_picp >= 0.50 and observed_alphas_picp <= 0.95) and (total_picp >= 0.50)): # Orange recommendation = "Model has average confidence compare to threshold (95%), need to be add more input data across all feature ranges to train base model, also try with different regression algorithms/ensembling."'Model has average confidence score compare to threshold, need to be add more input data for training base model and again try with UQ .') else: # RED text recommendation = "Model has less confidence compare to threshold (95%), need to be add more input data across all feature ranges to train base model, also try with different regression algorithms/ensembling."'Model has less confidence score compare to threshold, need to be add more input data for training base model and again try with UQ .') #Build uq json info dict output['ModelConfidenceScore']=(str(total_picp_percentage)+'%') output['ModelUncertainty']=(str(total_Uncertainty_percentage)+'%') output['SelectedFeatureConfidence']=(str(picp_percentage)+'%') output['SelectedFeatureUncertainty']=(str(Uncertainty_percentage)+'%') output['PredictionIntervalCoverageProbability']=ob
served_alphas_picp output['MeanPredictionIntervalWidth']=round(observed_widths_mpiw) output['DesirableMPIWRange: ']=(str(round(mpiw_lower_range))+str(' - ')+str(round(mpiw_upper_range))) output['Recommendation']=str(recommendation) output['Metric']=uq_scoring_param output['Score']=metric_used output['Problemtype']= 'Regression''Model confidence in percentage is: '+str(picp_percentage)+str(' %'))'Model Uncertainty is:: '+str(Uncertainty_percentage)+str(' %'))'Please check the plot for more understanding of model uncertainty.\\n.') #self.display_results(X_test, y_test, y_mean=y_hat, y_lower=y_hat_lb, y_upper=y_hat_ub) uq_jsonobject = json.dumps(output) with open(str(self.Deployment)+"/uq_reg_log.json", "w") as f: json.dump(output, f) #To get best and medium UQ range of values from total predict interval y_hat_m=y_hat.tolist() y_hat_lb=y_hat_lb.tolist() upper_bound=y_hat_ub.tolist() y_hat_ub=y_hat_ub.tolist() for x in y_hat_lb: y_hat_ub.append(x) total_pi=y_hat_ub medium_UQ_range = y_hat_ub best_UQ_range= y_hat.tolist() ymean_upper=[] ymean_lower=[] y_hat_m=y_hat.tolist() for i in y_hat_m: y_hat_m_range= (i*20/100) x=i+y_hat_m_range y=i-y_hat_m_range ymean_upper.append(x) ymean_lower.append(y) min_best_uq_dist=round(min(best_UQ_range)) max_best_uq_dist=round(max(best_UQ_range)) # initializing ranges list_medium=list(filter(lambda x:not(min_best_uq_dist<=x<=max_best_uq_dist), total_pi)) list_best = y_hat_m X_test = np.squeeze(X_test) ''' uq_dict = {x_feature:X_test,'Observed':y_test,'Best_values': y_hat_m, 'Best__upper':ymean_upper, 'Best__lower':ymean_lower, 'Total_Low_PI': y_hat_lb, 'Total_Upper_PI': upper_bound, } print(uq_dict) uq_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(data=uq_dict) uq_pred_df_sorted = uq_pred_df.sort_values(by='Best_values') uq_pred_df_sorted.to_csv(str(self.Deployment)+"/uq_pred_df.csv",index = False) csv_path=str(self.Deployment)+"/uq_pred_df.csv" df=pd.read_csv(csv_path)'uqMain() returns: observed_alphas_picp,observed_widths_mpiw,list_medium,list_best,metric_all.\\n.') #Callconfidence olot fn only for UQTest interface if (aionstatus.lower() == 'aionuq'): #No need to showcase confidence plot for aion main pass else: self.aion_confidence_plot(df) ''' return total_picp_percentage,total_Uncertainty_percentage,list_medium,list_best,metric_all,json.loads(uq_jsonobject) except Exception as inst: exc = {"status":"FAIL","message":str(inst).strip('"')} out_exc = json.dumps(exc) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) + ' ' + str(fname) + ' ' + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import logging logging.getLogger('tensorflow').disabled = True import json #from nltk.corpus import stopwords from collections import Counter from matplotlib import pyplot import sys import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from uq360.algorithms.blackbox_metamodel import BlackboxMetamodelRegression from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import pandas as pd from uq360.metrics.regression_metrics import compute_regression_metrics import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_score from sklearn.metrics import recall_score from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_squared_error, explained_variance_score,mean_absolute_error from uq360.metrics import plot_uncertainty_by_feature, plot_picp_by_feature import sys import time from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from pathlib import Path import logging import logging.config from os.path import expanduser import platform from sklearn.utils import shuffle class aionUQ: # def __init__(self,uqdf,targetFeature,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,uqconfig_base,uqconfig_meta,deployLocation,saved_model): def __init__(self,df,dfp,target,ProblemName,Params,model,modelfeatures,targetfeature): try: self.dfFeatures=dfp self.uqconfig_base=Params self.uqconfig_meta=Params self.targetFeature=targetfeature self.log = logging.getLogger('aionUQ') self.selectedfeature=modelfeatures self.X=self.dfFeatures from appbe.dataPath import DEPLOY_LOCATION self.Deployment = os.path.join(DEPLOY_LOCATION,('UQTEST_'+str(int(time.time())))) os.makedirs(self.Deployment,exist_ok=True) self.basemodel=model self.model_name=ProblemName # self.X, self.y = shuffle(self.X, self.y) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(self.X, self.y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) self.xtrain = X_train self.xtest = X_test self.ytrain = y_train self.ytest = y_test # self.deployLocation=deployLocation except Exception as e: #'<!------------- UQ model INIT Error ---------------> '+str(e)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) #' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def totalUncertainty(self,df,basemodel,model_params): try: # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # # y=df[self.targetFeature] # X = df.drop(self.targetFeature, axis=1) if (isinstance(self.selectedfeature,list)): selectedfeature=[self.selectedfeature[0]] selectedfeature=' '.join(map(str,selectedfeature)) if (isinstance(self.targetFeature,list)): targetFeature=[self.targetFeature[0]] targetFeature=' '.join(map(str,targetFeature)) X =[selectedfeature] y =[targetFeature] X = X.values.reshape((-1,1)) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) key = 'criterion' #if key in model_params: try: #if model_params.has_key(key): if key in model_params: if (model_params['criterion']): uq_scoring_param=model_params.get('criterion') elif(model_params['criterion'] == None): uq_scoring_param='picp' else: uq_scoring_param='picp' else: uq_scoring_param='picp' pass except Exception as inst: uq_scoring_param='picp' # from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor # from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression,Lasso,Ridge # from sklearn import linear_model # from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor if uq_scoring_param in ['rmse', 'nll','auucc_gain','picp','mpiw','r2']: uq_scoring_param=uq_scoring_param else: uq_scoring_param='picp' uq_model = BlackboxMetamodelRegression(base_model=basemodel, meta_model=basemodel, base_config=model_params, meta_config=model_params) # this will fit both the base and the meta model uqmodel_fit =, y_train) y_hat, y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub = uq_model.predict(X_test) y_hat_total_mean=np.mean(y_hat) y_hat_lb_total_mean=np.mean(y_hat_lb) y_hat_ub_total_mean=np.mean(y_hat_ub) mpiw_20_per=(y_hat_total_mean*20/100) mpiw_lower_range = y_hat_total_mean - mpiw_20_per mpiw_upper_range = y_hat_total_mean + mpiw_20_per from uq360.metrics import picp, mpiw observed_alphas_picp = picp(y_test, y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub) observed_widths_mpiw = mpiw(y_hat_lb, y_hat_ub) observed_alphas_picp=round(observed_alphas_picp,2) observed_widths_mpiw=round(observed_widths_mpiw,2) picp_percentage= round(observed_alphas_picp*100) Uncertainty_percentage=round(100-picp_percentage) #'Model total observed_widths_mpiw : '+str(observed_widths_mpiw)) #'Model mpiw_lower_range : '+str(mpiw_lower_range)) #'Model mpiw_upper_range : '+str(mpiw_upper_range)) #'Model total picp_percentage : '+str(picp_percentage)) except Exception as e: print("totalUncertainty fn error: \\n",e) return observed_alphas_picp,observed_widths_mpiw,picp_percentage,Uncertainty_percentage,mpiw_lower_range,mpiw_upper_range def display_results(self,X_test, y_test, y_mean, y_lower, y_upper): try: global x_feature,y_feature if (isinstance(self.selectedfeature, list) or isinstance(self.selectedfeature, tuple)): x_feature=','.join(map(str, self.selectedfeature)) else: x_feature= str(self.selectedfeature) # self.selectedfeature=str(self.selectedfeature) X_test=np.squeeze(X_test) y_feature=str(self.targetFeature) pred_dict = {x_feature: X_test, 'y': y_test, 'y_mean': y_mean, 'y_upper': y_upper, 'y_lower': y_lower } pred_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pred_dict) x_feature1 = x_feature.split(',') pred_df_sorted = pred_df.sort_values(by=x_feature1) plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature1[0]], pred_df_sorted['
y'], 'o', label='Observed') plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature1[0]], pred_df_sorted['y_mean'], '-', lw=2, label='Predicted') plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature1[0]], pred_df_sorted['y_upper'], 'r--', lw=2, label='Upper Bound') plt.plot(pred_df_sorted[x_feature1[0]], pred_df_sorted['y_lower'], 'r--', lw=2, label='Lower Bound') plt.legend() plt.xlabel(x_feature1[0]) plt.ylabel(y_feature) plt.title('UQ Confidence Interval Plot.') # plt.savefig('uq_test_plt.png') ''' if os.path.exists(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/uq_test_plt.png'): os.remove(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/uq_test_plt.png') ''' plt.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/uq_test_plt.png') #plt.savefig(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/uq_test_plt.png') confidencePlot = os.path.join(self.Deployment,'picp_per_feature.png') plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() pltreg=plot_picp_by_feature(X_test, y_test, y_lower, y_upper, xlabel=x_feature) #pltreg.savefig('x.png') pltr=pltreg.figure ''' if os.path.exists(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/picp_per_feature.png'): os.remove(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/picp_per_feature.png') ''' pltr.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/picp_per_feature.png') picpPlot = os.path.join(self.Deployment,'picp_per_feature.png') #pltr.savefig(str(DEFAULT_FILE_PATH)+'/picp_per_feature.png') plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() except Exception as e: print("display exception: \\n",e) #'<!------------- UQ model Display Error ---------------> '+str(e)) return confidencePlot,picpPlot def classUncertainty(self,predprob_base): # from collections import Counter predc="Class_" classes = np.unique(self.y) total = len(self.y) list_predprob=[] counter = Counter(self.y) #for loop for test class purpose for k,v in counter.items(): n_samples = len(self.y[self.y==k]) per = ((v/total) * 100) prob_c=predprob_base[:,int(k)] list_predprob.append(prob_c) # #print("Class_{} : {}/{} percentage={}% \\n".format(k,n_samples,total,per )) outuq={} for k in classes: predc += str(k) mean_predprob_class=np.mean(list_predprob[int(k)]) uncertainty=1-mean_predprob_class predc+='_Uncertainty' outuq[predc]=uncertainty predc="Class_" return outuq def uqMain_BBMClassification(self): #'<!------------- Inside BlackBox MetaModel Classification process. ---------------> ') # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt try: from uq360.algorithms.blackbox_metamodel import BlackboxMetamodelClassification except: ##In latest UQ360, library changed from BlackboxMetamodelClassification to MetamodelClassification. from uq360.algorithms.blackbox_metamodel import MetamodelClassification # from uq360.metrics.classification_metrics import area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve,plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate,expected_calibration_error,compute_classification_metrics from uq360.metrics.classification_metrics import plot_reliability_diagram,area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve,plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate,expected_calibration_error,compute_classification_metrics # from sklearn import datasets # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier # from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # import pandas as pd base_modelname=__class__.__name__ base_config = self.uqconfig_base meta_config = self.uqconfig_base model_name=self.basemodel.__class__.__name__ model_params=self.basemodel.get_params() try: #geting used features model_used_features=self.basemodel.feature_names_in_ except: pass X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = self.xtrain,self.xtest,self.ytrain,self.ytest uq_scoring_param='accuracy' basemodel=None if (model_name == "GradientBoostingClassifier"): basemodel=GradientBoostingClassifier elif (model_name == "SGDClassifier"): basemodel=SGDClassifier elif (model_name == "GaussianNB"): basemodel=GaussianNB elif (model_name == "DecisionTreeClassifier"): basemodel=DecisionTreeClassifier elif(model_name == "RandomForestClassifier"): basemodel=RandomForestClassifier elif (model_name == "SVC"): basemodel=SVC elif(model_name == "KNeighborsClassifier"): basemodel=KNeighborsClassifier elif(model_name == "LogisticRegression"): basemodel=LogisticRegression else: basemodel=LogisticRegression try: try: ##Removed meta_config because leave meta model config as default ml model params uq_model = BlackboxMetamodelClassification(base_model=self.basemodel, meta_model=basemodel,base_config=model_params) except: uq_model = BlackboxMetamodelClassification(base_model=self.basemodel, meta_model=basemodel,base_config=model_params, meta_config=model_params) except: ##In latest version BlackboxMetamodelClassification name modified as MetamodelClassification try: ##Removed meta_config because leave meta model config as default ml model params uq_model = MetamodelClassification(base_model=self.basemodel, meta_model=basemodel,base_config=model_params) except: uq_model = MetamodelClassification(base_model=self.basemodel, meta_model=basemodel,base_config=model_params, meta_config=model_params) # this will fit both the base and the meta model try: X_train=X_train[model_used_features] X_test=X_test[model_used_features] except: pass uqmodel_fit =, y_train,base_is_prefitted=True,meta_train_data=(X_train, y_train)) # uqmodel_fit =, y_train) #Test data pred, score y_t_pred, y_t_score = uq_model.predict(X_test) #predict probability # uq_pred_prob=uq_model.predict_proba(X_test) # predprob_base=basemodel.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] #if (model_name == "SVC" or model_name == "SGDClassifier"): # if model_name in ['SVC','SGDClassifier']: if (model_name == "SVC"): from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV basemodel=SVC(**model_params) calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(basemodel,method='sigmoid',cv=3), y_train) basepredict = basemodel.predict(X_test) predprob_base = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] elif (model_name == "SGDClassifier"): from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV basemodel=SGDClassifier(**model_params) calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(basemodel,method='sigmoid',cv=3), y_train) basepredict = basemodel.predict(X_test) predprob_base = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] else: base_mdl = basemodel(**model_params) basemodelfit =, y_train) basepredict = base_mdl.predict(X_test) predprob_base=base_mdl.predict_proba(X_test)[:, :] acc_score=accuracy_score(y_test, y_t_pred) test_accuracy_perc=round(100*acc_score) ''' bbm_c_plot = plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate( y_true=y_test, y_prob=predprob_base, selection_scores=y_t_score, y_pred=y_t_pred, plot_label=['UQ_risk_vs_rejection'], risk_func=accuracy_score, num_bins = 10 ) # This done by kiran, need to uncomment for GUI integration. try: bbm_c_plot_sub = bbm_c_plot[4] bbm_c_plot.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate.png') riskPlot = os.path.join(self.Deployment,'plot_risk_vs_rejection_rate.png') except Exception as e: print(e) pass riskPlot = '' ''' riskPlot = '' ''' try: re_plot=plot_reliability_diagram(y_true=y_test, y_prob=predprob_base, y_pred=y_t_pred, plot_label=['UQModel reliability_diagram'], num_bins=10) # This done by kiran, need to uncomment for GUI integration. re_plot_sub = re_plot[4] # re_plot_sub = re_plot re_plot_sub.savefig(str(self.Deployment)+'/plot_reliability_diagram.png') reliability_plot = os.path.join(self.Deployment,'plot_reliability_diagram.png') except Exception as e: print(e) pass reliability_plot = '' ''' reliability_plot = '' uq_aurrrc=area_under_risk_rejection_rate_curve( y_true=y_test, y_prob=predprob_base, y_pred=y_t_pred, selection_scores=y_t_score, attributes=None, risk_func=accuracy_score,subgroup_ids=None, return_counts=False, num_bins=10) uq_aurrrc=uq_aurrrc test_accuracy_perc=round(test_accuracy_perc) #metric_all=compute_classification_metrics(y_test, y_prob, option='all') metric_all=compute_classification_metrics(y_test, predprob_base, option='accuracy') #expected_calibration_error uq_ece=expected_calibration_error(y_test, y_prob=predprob_base,y_pred=y_t_pred, num_bins=10, return_counts=False) uq_aurrrc=uq_aurrrc confidence_score=acc_score-uq_ece ece_confidence_score=round(confidence_score,2) # Model uncertainty using ECE score # model_uncertainty_ece = 1-ece_confidence_score # #print("model_uncertainty1: \\n",model_uncertainty_ece) #Uncertainty Using model inherent predict probability mean_predprob_total=np.mean(predprob_base) model_uncertainty = 1-mean_predprob_total model_confidence=mean_predprob_total model_confidence = round(model_confidence,2) # To get each class values and uncertainty outuq = self.classUncertainty(predprob_base) # Another way to get conf score model_uncertainty_per
=round((model_uncertainty*100),2) # model_confidence_per=round((model_confidence*100),2) model_confidence_per=round((ece_confidence_score*100),2) acc_score_per = round((acc_score*100),2) uq_ece_per=round((uq_ece*100),2) output={} recommendati
() for x in y_hat_lb: y_hat_ub.append(x) total_pi=y_hat_ub medium_UQ_range = y_hat_ub best_UQ_range= y_hat.tolist() ymean_upper=[] ymean_lower=[] y_hat_m=y_hat.tolist() for i in y_hat_m: y_hat_m_range= (i*20/100) x=i+y_hat_m_range y=i-y_hat_m_range ymean_upper.append(x) ymean_lower.append(y) min_best_uq_dist=round(min(best_UQ_range)) max_best_uq_dist=round(max(best_UQ_range)) # initializing ranges list_medium=list(filter(lambda x:not(min_best_uq_dist<=x<=max_best_uq_dist), total_pi)) list_best = y_hat_m ''' print(X_test) print(X_test) X_test = np.squeeze(X_test) print(x_feature) ''' uq_dict = pd.DataFrame(X_test) #print(uq_dict) uq_dict['Observed'] = y_test uq_dict['Best_values'] = y_hat_m uq_dict['Best__upper'] = ymean_upper uq_dict['Best__lower'] = ymean_lower uq_dict['Total_Low_PI'] = y_hat_lb uq_dict['Total_Upper_PI'] = upper_bound ''' uq_dict = {x_feature:X_test,'Observed':y_test,'Best_values': y_hat_m, 'Best__upper':ymean_upper, 'Best__lower':ymean_lower, 'Total_Low_PI': y_hat_lb, 'Total_Upper_PI': upper_bound, }''' uq_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(data=uq_dict) uq_pred_df_sorted = uq_pred_df.sort_values(by='Best_values') uq_pred_df_sorted.to_csv(str(self.Deployment)+"/uq_pred_df.csv",index = False) csv_path=str(self.Deployment)+"/uq_pred_df.csv" df=pd.read_csv(csv_path) #'uqMain() returns: observed_alphas_picp,observed_widths_mpiw,list_medium,list_best,metric_all.\\n.') # confidenceplot = self.aion_confidence_plot(df) # output['Confidence Plot']= confidenceplot uq_jsonobject = json.dumps(output) print("UQ regression problem training completed...\\n") return observed_alphas_picp,observed_widths_mpiw,list_medium,list_best,metric_all,uq_jsonobject except Exception as inst: print('-------',inst) exc = {"status":"FAIL","message":str(inst).strip('"')} out_exc = json.dumps(exc) <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' #System imports import logging import os import sys import pickle #Sci-Tools imports import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from scipy import stats from word2number import w2n #river imports from river.preprocessing import StatImputer from river import stats, compose, anomaly class incProfiler(): def __init__(self): self.DtypesDic={} self.pandasNumericDtypes=['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] self.allNumberTypeCols = [] #all number type columns self.allNumCols = [] #only numerical columns which includes num features and target if it is numerical self.allCatCols = [] self.numFtrs = [] self.catFtrs = [] self.textFtrs = [] self.textVectorFtrs = [] self.numDiscreteCols = [] self.numContinuousCols = [] self.wordToNumericFeatures=[] self.emptyCols=[] self.missingCols = [] self.targetColumn = "" self.le_dict = {} self.configDict = {} self.incFill = None self.incLabelMapping = None self.incCatEncoder = None self.incScaler = None self.incOutlierRem = None self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def pickleDump(self, model, path): if model is not None: with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(model, f) def saveProfilerModels(self, deployLocation): if isinstance(self.incFill['num_fill'], StatImputer) or isinstance(self.incFill['cat_fill'], StatImputer): self.pickleDump(self.incFill, os.path.join(deployLocation,'production','profiler','incFill.pkl')) self.pickleDump(self.incLabelMapping, os.path.join(deployLocation,'production','profiler','incLabelMapping.pkl')) self.pickleDump(self.incCatEncoder, os.path.join(deployLocation,'production','profiler','incCatEncoder.pkl')) self.pickleDump(self.incScaler, os.path.join(deployLocation,'production','profiler','incScaler.pkl')) self.pickleDump(self.incOutlierRem, os.path.join(deployLocation,'production','profiler','incOutlierRem.pkl')) def featureAnalysis(self, df, conf_json, targetFeature): try:'-------> Remove Duplicate Rows') noofdplicaterows = df.duplicated(keep='first').sum() df = df.drop_duplicates(keep="first") df = df.reset_index(drop=True)'Status:- |... Duplicate row treatment done: '+str(noofdplicaterows)) '\\n----------- Inspecting Features -----------') ctn_count = 0 df = df.replace('-', np.nan) df = df.replace('?', np.nan) dataFDtypes=self.dataFramecolType(df) numerical_ratio = float(conf_json['numericFeatureRatio']) categoricalMaxLabel = int(conf_json['categoryMaxLabel']) indexFeatures = [] numOfRows = df.shape[0] dataCols = df.columns for item in dataFDtypes: if(item[1] == 'object'): filteredDf,checkFlag = self.smartFilter(item[0],df,numerical_ratio) if(checkFlag): self.wordToNumericFeatures.append(item[0])'----------> Data Type Converting to numeric :Yes') try: df[item[0]]=filteredDf[item[0]].astype(float) except: pass ctn_count = ctn_count+1 else: count = (df[item[0]] - df[item[0]].shift() == 1).sum() if((numOfRows - count) == 1): '-------> Feature :'+str(item[0]))'----------> Sequence Feature') indexFeatures.append(item[0]) self.configDict['wordToNumCols'] = self.wordToNumericFeatures self.configDict['emptyFtrs'] = indexFeatures'Status:- |... Feature inspection done for numeric data: '+str(ctn_count)+' feature(s) converted to numeric')'Status:- |... Feature word to numeric treatment done: '+str(self.wordToNumericFeatures)) '----------- Inspecting Features End -----------\\n') except Exception as inst:"Error in Feature inspection: "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) try:'\\n---------- Dropping Index features ----------')'Index Features to remove '+str(indexFeatures)) if len(indexFeatures) > 0: dataCols = list(set(dataCols) - set(indexFeatures)) for empCol in indexFeatures:'-------> Drop Feature: '+empCol) df = df.drop(columns=[empCol])'---------- Dropping Index features End----------\\n') dataFDtypes=self.dataFramecolType(df) categoricalMaxLabel = int(conf_json['categoryMaxLabel']) for item in dataFDtypes: self.DtypesDic[item[0]] = item[1] nUnique=len(df[item[0]].unique().tolist()) if item[1] in self.pandasNumericDtypes: self.allNumberTypeCols.append(item[0]) if nUnique >= categoricalMaxLabel: self.allNumCols.append(item[0]) #pure numerical if item[1] in ['int16', 'int32', 'int64']: self.numDiscreteCols.append(item[0]) elif item[1] in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64']: self.numContinuousCols.append(item[0]) else: self.allCatCols.append(item[0]) elif item[1] != 'bool': if (nUnique >= categoricalMaxLabel) and targetFeature != item[0]: self.textFtrs.append(item[0]) else: col = item[0] if (max(df[col].astype(str).str.split().str.len()) > 10) and targetFeature != item[0]: self.textFtrs.append(item[0]) else: self.allCatCols.append(item[0]) else: self.allCatCols.append(item[0]) misval_ratio = float(conf_json['misValueRatio']) self.configDict['misval_ratio'] = misval_ratio missingCols, emptyCols = self.getMissingVals(df, dataCols, misval_ratio) if targetFeature in emptyCols: raise Exception('Target column '+str(targetFeature)+' cannot be empty') dataCols = list(set(dataCols) - set(emptyCols))'\\n---------- Dropping empty features ----------') for empCol in emptyCols:'-------> Drop Feature: '+empCol) df = df.drop(columns=[empCol])'---------- Dropping empty features End----------\\n')'Status:- |... Empty feature treatment done: '+str(len(emptyCols))+' empty feature(s) found')'-------> Data Frame Shape After Dropping (Rows,Columns): '+str(df.shape)) self.allNumCols = list(set(self.allNumCols) - set(emptyCols)) self.allCatCols = list(set(self.allCatCols) - set(emptyCols)) self.textFtrs = list(set(self.textFtrs) - set(emptyCols)) missingValFtrs = list(set(missingCols) - set(emptyCols))' feature(s) found with missing value(s)')'\\n-------> Numerical continuous columns :'+(str(self.numContinuousCols))[:500])'-------> Numerical discrete columns :'+(str(self.numDiscreteCols))[:500])'-------> Non numerical columns :'+(str(self.allCatCols))[:500])'-------> Text columns :'+(str(self.textFtrs))[:500]) except Exception as inst:"Error in segregating numerical and categorical columns: "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f
_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return df, missingValFtrs, emptyCols, dataCols, self.allNumCols, self.allCatCols, self.textFtrs def createIncProfiler(self, df, conf_json, allNumCols, numFtrs, allCatCols, textFtrs, missingValFtrs): self.incLabelMapping = None catFtrs = allCatCols.copy() #LabelEncoding if self.targetColumn in allCatCols: catFtrs.remove(self.targetColumn) self.incLabelMapping = LabelEncoder() df[self.targetColumn] = df[self.targetColumn].apply(str)[self.targetColumn]) self.le_dict = dict(zip(self.incLabelMapping.classes_, self.incLabelMapping.transform(self.incLabelMapping.classes_)))'----------> Encoded Values of Target Labels: '+(str(self.le_dict))[:500]) #self.incFill --> {num_fill:SI/0.0/'drop', cat_fill:SI/0.0/'drop'} #fill self.incFill = {} self.incCatEncoder = None self.incScaler = None self.incOutlierRem = None num_fill_method = 'Mean' for x in list(conf_json['numericalFillMethod'].keys()): if conf_json['numericalFillMethod'][x] == 'True': num_fill_method = x break if num_fill_method.lower() =='mean': num_fill = [(col, stats.Mean()) for col in allNumCols] self.incFill['num_fill'] = StatImputer(*num_fill) elif num_fill_method.lower() =='min': num_fill = [(col, stats.Min()) for col in allNumCols] self.incFill['num_fill'] = StatImputer(*num_fill) elif num_fill_method.lower() == 'max': num_fill = [(col, stats.Max()) for col in allNumCols] self.incFill['num_fill'] = StatImputer(*num_fill) elif num_fill_method.lower() =='zero': self.incFill['num_fill'] = 'zero' elif num_fill_method.lower() =='drop': self.incFill['num_fill'] = 'drop' else: num_fill = [(col, stats.Mean()) for col in allNumCols] self.incFill['num_fill'] = StatImputer(*num_fill) cat_fill_method = 'Mode' for x in list(conf_json['categoricalFillMethod'].keys()): if conf_json['categoricalFillMethod'][x] == 'True': cat_fill_method = x break if cat_fill_method.lower() =='zero': self.incFill['cat_fill'] = 'zero' elif cat_fill_method.lower() == 'mode': cat_fill = [(col, stats.Mode()) for col in allCatCols] self.incFill['cat_fill'] = StatImputer(*cat_fill) elif cat_fill_method.lower() =='drop': self.incFill['cat_fill'] = 'drop' #CatEncoding for x in list(conf_json['categoryEncoding'].keys()): if conf_json['categoryEncoding'][x] == 'True': catEncoder = x break catEncHow = 'Mean' for x in list(conf_json['targetEncodingParams']['how'].keys()): if conf_json['targetEncodingParams']['how'][x] == 'True': catEncHow = x break if self.targetColumn in catFtrs: catFtrs.remove(self.targetColumn) if len(catFtrs) > 0: from river.feature_extraction import TargetAgg if catEncHow.lower() == 'mean': agg_stat = stats.Mean() if catEncHow.lower() == 'bayesianmean' or catEncHow.lower() == 'bayesian mean': agg_stat = stats.BayesianMean(prior=0.5, prior_weight=50) self.incCatEncoder = TargetAgg( by=catFtrs[0], how=agg_stat) for col in catFtrs[1:]: self.incCatEncoder += TargetAgg( by=col, how=agg_stat) self.incCatEncoder|= compose.Discard(*catFtrs) #Scaling normalization_status = 'False' normalization_method = "" if 'normalization' in conf_json: nor_supported_methods = conf_json['normalization'] for k in nor_supported_methods.keys(): if conf_json['normalization'][k].lower() == 'true': normalization_status='True' normalization_method =k break if normalization_status.lower() == "true" and len(numFtrs) > 0: from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, MaxAbsScaler if self.targetColumn in numFtrs: numFtrs.remove(self.targetColumn) if normalization_method.lower() =='standardscaler': self.incScaler = StandardScaler() elif normalization_method.lower() =='minmaxscaler' or normalization_method.lower() =='minmax': self.incScaler = MinMaxScaler() elif normalization_method.lower() =='maxabsscaler' or normalization_method.lower() =='maxabs': self.incScaler = MaxAbsScaler() else: self.incScaler = None #OutlierRemoval outlier_status = 'False' outlier_method = 'None' for x in list(conf_json['outlierDetection'].keys()): if conf_json['outlierDetection'][x] == 'True': outlier_method = x outlier_status = 'True' break if outlier_status and numFtrs: outlierMethodNames = list(conf_json['outlierDetectionParams'].keys()) if outlier_method.lower() == 'oneclasssvm' or outlier_method.lower() == 'one class svm': for x in outlierMethodNames: if x[0].lower() == 'o': key = x break params = conf_json['outlierDetectionParams'][key]'<--- one class SVM with quantile filter --->') self.incOutlierRem = anomaly.QuantileFilter(anomaly.OneClassSVM(nu=float(params['nu'])),q=float(params['q'])) elif outlier_method.lower() =='halfspacetrees' or outlier_method.lower() =='half space trees': for x in outlierMethodNames: if x[0].lower() == 'h': key = x break params = conf_json['outlierDetectionParams'][key]'<--- Half space trees with quantile filter --->') self.incOutlierRem = anomaly.QuantileFilter(anomaly.HalfSpaceTrees(n_trees=int(params['n_trees']),height=int(params['height']), window_size=int(params['window_size'])) ,q=float(params['q'])) else:"No method is provided for outlier analysis") def getMissingVals(self,dataframe,columns,misval_ratio): try: '\\n----------- Detecting for Missing Values -----------') nonNAArray=[] numOfRows = dataframe.shape[0] for i in columns: numNa=dataframe.loc[(pd.isna(dataframe[i])),i ].shape[0] nonNAArray.append(tuple([i,numNa])) for item in nonNAArray: numofMissingVals = item[1] if(numofMissingVals !=0):'-------> Feature '+str(item[0]))'----------> Number of Empty Rows '+str(numofMissingVals)) self.missingCols.append(item[0]) if(numofMissingVals >= numOfRows * misval_ratio):'----------> Empty: Yes')'----------> Permitted Rows: '+str(int(numOfRows * misval_ratio))) self.emptyCols.append(item[0]) if(len(self.missingCols) !=0): '----------- Detecting for Missing Values End -----------\\n') return self.missingCols, self.emptyCols else: '-------> Missing Value Features :Not Any') '----------- Detecting for Missing Values End -----------\\n') return self.missingCols, self.emptyCols except Exception as e:"getMissingVals failed ==>" +str(e)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return None, None def startIncProfiler(self,df,conf_json,targetFeature,deployLocation,problemType): try: self.targetColumn = targetFeature df, missingValFtrs, emptyFtrs, dataFtrs, allNumCols, allCatCols, textFtrs = self.featureAnalysis(df, conf_json, self.targetColumn) if len(textFtrs)>0:'Text Features are not supported. Dropping '+str(textFtrs)[:500]) df = df.drop(columns=textFtrs) catFtrs = allCatCols.copy() numFtrs = allNumCols.copy() if self.targetColumn in catFtrs: catFtrs.remove(self.targetColumn) if targetFeature in allNumCols: numFtrs.remove(targetFeature) self.configDict['targetCol'] = self.targetColumn self.configDict['numFtrs'] = numFtrs self.configDict['catFtrs'] = catFtrs self.configDict['allNumCols'] = allNumCols self.configDict['allCatCols'] = allCatCols self.configDict['allFtrs'] = numFtrs+catFtrs try:'\\n---------- Creating Incremental profiler models ----------') self.createIncProfiler(df, conf_json, allNumCols, numFtrs, allCatCols, textFtrs, missingValFtrs)'\\n--------- Incremental profiler models have been created ---------') except Exception as inst:"Error in creating Incremental profiler models"+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) raise try: #mvt # if missingValFtrs: if self.incFill['num_fill'] == 'drop': df = df.dropna(axis = 0, subset=allNumCols) self.configDict['num_fill'] = 'drop' elif self.incFill['num_fill'] == 'zero': df[allNumCols] = df[allNumCols].fillna(value = 0.0) self.configDict['num_fill'] = 'zero' else: df = df.astype(object).where(df.notna(), None) df[allNumCols]= df[allNumCols].apply(lambda row: self.apply_river_model(row.to_dict(), self.incFill ['num_fill']), axis='columns') self.configDict['num_fill'] = {col:self.incFill['num_fill'].stats[col].get() for col in allNumCols} if self.incFill['cat_fill'] == 'drop': df = df.dropna(axis = 0, subset=allCatCols) self.configDict['cat_fill'] = 'drop' elif self.incFill['cat_fill'] == 'zero': df[allCatCols] = df[allCatCols].fillna(value = 0.0) self.configDict['cat_fill'] = 'zero' else: df = df.astype(object).where(df.notna(), None) df[allCatCols]= df[allCatCols].apply(lambda row: self.apply_river_model(row.to_dict(), self.incFill['cat_fill']), axis='columns')
self.configDict['cat_fill'] = {col:self.incFill['cat_fill'].stats[col].get() for col in allCatCols}'\\nStatus:- |... Missing value treatment done') except Exception as inst:"Error in Missing value treatment "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) raise try: #labelenc if self.incLabelMapping: df[targetFeature] = self.incLabelMapping.transform(df[targetFeature]) # self.configDict['labelMapping'] = self.le_dict except Exception as inst:"Error in Label mapping "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) raise try: #catenc if self.incCatEncoder:'\\n--------- Converting Non Numerical Categorical Features to Numerical Features ---------') self.encTarget = targetFeature if problemType.lower() == 'regression': from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler sc = StandardScaler() self.encTarget = 'scaledTarget' df['scaledTarget'] = sc.fit_transform(df[targetFeature].to_numpy().reshape(-1,1)) encCols = catFtrs.copy() encCols.append(self.encTarget) self.configDict['encCols'] = encCols self.configDict['encTarget'] = self.encTarget transformed_data = df[encCols].apply(lambda row: self.apply_enc(row.to_dict()), axis='columns') if targetFeature in transformed_data.columns: transformed_data.drop(targetFeature, inplace=True, axis = 1) if problemType.lower() == 'regression': df.drop('scaledTarget', inplace=True, axis = 1) df[catFtrs] = transformed_data #'Status:- |... Target Encoding state is as follows: ') self.configDict['catEnc'] = [] if len(catFtrs) == 1: col = catFtrs[0] self.configDict['catEnc'].append({col:self.incCatEncoder['TargetAgg'].state.to_dict()}) else: for i, col in enumerate(catFtrs): if i==0: no = '' else: no = str(i) self.configDict['catEnc'].append({col:self.incCatEncoder['TransformerUnion']['TargetAgg'+no].state.to_dict()}) # print(self.incCatEncoder['TransformerUnion']['TargetAgg'].state) #'Status:- |... Categorical to numeric feature conversion done: '+str(len(catFtrs))+' features converted') except Exception as inst:"Error in categorical encoding "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) raise try: #scaler if self.incScaler:"\\n---------- Data Normalization has started ----------") self.incScaler = self.incScaler.partial_fit(df[numFtrs]) df[numFtrs] = self.incScaler.transform(df[numFtrs]) "---------- Normalization Done on Following features ----------")'Status:- |... Normalization treatment done') except Exception as inst:"Error in normalization "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) raise try: #outlierrem if self.incOutlierRem:'\\n---------- Performing outlier analysis ----------') df = df[df[numFtrs].apply(lambda x: False if self.apply_od_pipe(x.to_dict()) else True, axis=1)]'\\n <--- dataframe after outlier analysis --->') df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)'Status:- |... Outlier treatment done')'\\n <--- shape of dataframe after outlier analysis --->') except Exception as inst:"Error in outlier treatment "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) raise #saveprofiler'\\n---------- Saving profiler models ----------') self.saveProfilerModels(deployLocation)'<--- Profiler models saved at '+deployLocation+' --->') return df,targetFeature,missingValFtrs,numFtrs,catFtrs,self.le_dict,self.configDict,textFtrs,emptyFtrs,self.wordToNumericFeatures except Exception as inst:"Error: dataProfiler failed "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def transformData(self, df, targetFeature, missingValFtrs,numFtrs, catFtrs, textFtrs): try: df = df.drop_duplicates(keep="first") df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df = df.replace('-', np.nan) df = df.replace('?', np.nan) text_mv_cols = list(set(missingValFtrs).intersection(set(textFtrs))) if len(text_mv_cols)>0: df[text_mv_cols] = df[text_mv_cols].fillna(value = 'NA') if 'num_fill' in self.configDict: if self.configDict['num_fill'] == 'drop': df = df.dropna(axis = 0, subset=self.allNumCols) elif self.configDict['num_fill'] == 'zero': df[self.allNumCols] = df[self.allNumCols].fillna(value = 0.0) else: for x in self.allNumCols: df[x] = df[x].fillna(value = self.configDict['num_fill'][x]) if 'cat_fill' in self.configDict: if self.configDict['cat_fill'] == 'drop': df = df.dropna(axis = 0, subset=self.allCatCols) elif self.configDict['cat_fill'] == 'zero': df[self.allCatCols] = df[self.allCatCols].fillna(value = 0.0) else: for x in self.allCatCols: df[x] = df[x].fillna(value = self.configDict['cat_fill'][x]) if self.incLabelMapping: df[targetFeature] = self.incLabelMapping.transform(df[targetFeature]) if self.incCatEncoder: transformed_data = df[catFtrs].apply(lambda row: self.apply_enc(row.to_dict(), isTrain=False), axis='columns') df[catFtrs] = transformed_data if self.incScaler: df[numFtrs] = self.incScaler.transform(df[numFtrs]) return df except Exception as inst:"Error: DataProfiling transformation failed "+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def checknumStr(self,dataframe,feature): try: dataframe[feature]=dataframe[feature].apply(lambda x: self.testStr(x)) return dataframe except:"checknumStr failed") return dataframe #test whether the value is numeric /string def testStr(self,value): try: x=eval(value) return np.nan except: return value """ Missing values analysis Detects number of missing values in each column of dataframe """ def checksRows(self,dataframe,target_column,dataColumns): '\\n----------- Checking Target Feature Empty Rows -----------') if self.targetColumn != '': numNa=dataframe.loc[(pd.isna(dataframe[self.targetColumn])),self.targetColumn].shape[0]'------->No of Empty Rows in Target Fields: '+str(numNa)) if numNa >0:'-------> Remove Empty Target Field Rows') dataframe = dataframe.dropna(axis=0, subset=[self.targetColumn])'-------> Remove Duplicate Rows') dataframe = dataframe.dropna(axis=0,how='all',subset=dataColumns) noofdplicaterows = dataframe.duplicated(keep='first').sum() dataframe = dataframe.drop_duplicates(keep="first") dataframe = dataframe.reset_index(drop=True) return dataframe,noofdplicaterows def apply_river_model(self, x, profModel): profModel.learn_one(x) return pd.Series(profModel.transform_one(x)) def apply_enc(self, x, isTrain=True): if isTrain: y = x[self.encTarget] self.incCatEncoder.learn_one(x, y) return pd.Series(self.incCatEncoder.transform_one(x)) def apply_od_pipe(self, x): score = self.incOutlierRem.score_one(x) is_anomaly = self.incOutlierRem.classify(score) self.incOutlierRem.learn_one(x) return is_anomaly #Convert Words To Number def s2n(self,value): try: x=eval(value) return x except: try: return w2n.word_to_num(value) except: return np.nan def convertWordToNumeric(self,dataframe,feature): try: dataframe[feature]=dataframe[feature].apply(lambda x: self.s2n(x)) return dataframe except Exception as inst:"convertWordToNumeric Failed ===>"+str(inst)) return dataframe #test whether the value is numeric /string def testNum(self,value): try: x=eval(value) return x except: return np.nan ##check for numeric values in string column def checkNumeric(self,dataframe,feature): try: dataframe[feature]=dataframe[feature].apply(lambda x: self.testNum(x)) return dataframe except Exception as inst:"checkNumeric Failed ===>"+str(inst)) return dataframe def smartFilter(self,feature,df,numericRatio): try: distinctCount = len(df[feature].unique()) numOfRows = df.shape[0] tempDataFrame=df.copy(deep=True) if(distinctCount != 1):'-------> Feature :'+str(feature)) testDf = self.
checkNumeric(tempDataFrame,feature) tempDf = testDf[feature] tempDf = tempDf.dropna() numberOfNonNullVals = tempDf.count() if(numberOfNonNullVals > int(numOfRows * numericRatio)): tempDataFrame=df.copy(deep=True) testDf = self.convertWordToNumeric(tempDataFrame,feature) tempDf = testDf[feature] tempDf = tempDf.dropna()'----------> Numeric Status :Yes') return testDf,True else: #Wasnt't a numerical feature'----------> Numeric Status :No') #numDf = self.checknumStr(df,feature) return df,False else: '\\n---> No Numerics found in :' +str(feature)) return df,False except: '\\n---> No Numerics found in :'+str(feature)) return df,False def dataFramecolType(self,dataFrame): dataFDtypes=[] try: dataColumns=list(dataFrame.columns) for i in dataColumns: dataType=dataFrame[i].dtypes dataFDtypes.append(tuple([i,str(dataType)])) return dataFDtypes except:"error in dataFramecolyType") return dataFDtypes <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import logging import sklearn from random import sample from numpy.random import uniform import numpy as np import math import pickle import os import json from math import isnan from sklearn.preprocessing import binarize from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from incremental.incClassificationModel import incClassifierModel from incremental.incRegressionModel import incRegressionModel class incMachineLearning(object): def __init__(self,mlobj): self.features=[] self.mlobj=mlobj self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def startLearning(self,mlconfig,modelType,modelParams,modelList,scoreParam,features,targetColumn,dataFrame,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,categoryCountList,targetType,deployLocation,iterName,iterVersion,trained_data_file,predicted_data_file,labelMaps): model = 'None' params = 'None' score = 0xFFFF estimator = None model_tried = '' threshold = -1 pscore = -1 rscore = -1 topics = {} if(targetColumn != ''): targetData = dataFrame[targetColumn] datacolumns=list(dataFrame.columns) if targetColumn in datacolumns: datacolumns.remove(targetColumn) scoreParam = self.mlobj.setScoreParams(scoreParam,modelType,categoryCountList)'\\n-------------- Training ML: Start --------------') model_type,model,params, score, estimator,model_tried,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,threshold,pscore,rscore,method,incObj=self.startLearnerModule(mlconfig,modelType,modelParams,modelList,scoreParam,targetColumn,dataFrame,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,categoryCountList,targetType,deployLocation,iterName,iterVersion,trained_data_file,labelMaps)'-------------- Training ML: End --------------\\n') filename = os.path.join(deployLocation,'production','model',model+'.pkl') saved_model = model+'.pkl' pickle.dump(estimator, open(filename, 'wb')) df_test = xtest.copy() df_test.reset_index(inplace = True,drop=True) trainPredictedData = incObj.bestTrainPredictedData predictedData = incObj.bestPredictedData try: if(model_type == 'Classification'):'\\n--------- Performance Matrix with Train Data ---------') train_matrix = self.mlobj.getClassificationPerformaceMatrix(ytrain,trainPredictedData,labelMaps)'--------- Performance Matrix with Train Data End ---------\\n')'\\n--------- Performance Matrix with Test Data ---------') performancematrix = self.mlobj.getClassificationPerformaceMatrix(ytest,predictedData,labelMaps) ytest.reset_index(inplace=True,drop=True) df_test['actual'] = ytest df_test['predict'] = predictedData'--------- Performance Matrix with Test Data End ---------\\n') matrix = performancematrix elif(model_type == 'Regression'):'\\n--------- Performance Matrix with Train Data ---------') train_matrix = self.mlobj.get_regression_matrix(ytrain, trainPredictedData)'--------- Performance Matrix with Train Data End ---------\\n')'\\n--------- Performance Matrix with Test Data ---------') matrix = self.mlobj.get_regression_matrix(ytest, predictedData) ytest.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) df_test['actual'] = ytest df_test['predict'] = predictedData'--------- Performance Matrix with Test Data End ---------\\n') except Exception as Inst:'--------- Error Performance Matrix ---------\\n') df_test['predict'] = predictedData matrix = "" train_matrix = ""'--------- Performance Matrix with Test Data End ---------\\n') df_test.to_csv(predicted_data_file) return 'Success',model_type,model,saved_model,matrix,train_matrix,xtrain.shape,model_tried,score,filename,self.features,threshold,pscore,rscore,method,estimator,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,topics,params def startLearnerModule(self,mlconfig,modelType,modelParams,modelList,scoreParam,targetColumn,dataFrame,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,categoryCountList,targetType,deployLocation,iterName,iterVersion,trained_data_file,labelMaps): matrix = '' threshold = -1 pscore = -1 rscore = -1 datacolumns=list(xtrain.columns) if targetColumn in datacolumns: datacolumns.remove(targetColumn) self.features =datacolumns'-------> Features Used For Training the Model: '+(str(self.features))[:500]) xtrain = xtrain[self.features] xtest = xtest[self.features] method = mlconfig['optimizationMethod'] method = method.lower() geneticParam = '' optimizationHyperParameter = mlconfig['optimizationHyperParameter'] cvSplit = optimizationHyperParameter['trainTestCVSplit'] nIter = int(optimizationHyperParameter['iterations']) if(method.lower() == 'genetic'): geneticParam = optimizationHyperParameter['geneticparams'] scoreParam = scoreParam if 'thresholdTunning' in mlconfig: thresholdTunning = mlconfig['thresholdTunning'] else: thresholdTunning = 'NA' if cvSplit == "": cvSplit =None else: cvSplit =int(cvSplit) if modelType == 'classification': model_type = "Classification" MakeFP0 = False MakeFN0 = False if(len(categoryCountList) == 2): if(thresholdTunning.lower() == 'fp0'): MakeFP0 = True elif(thresholdTunning.lower() == 'fn0'): MakeFN0 = True noOfClasses= len(labelMaps) incObjClf = incClassifierModel(noOfClasses,modelList, modelParams, scoreParam, cvSplit, nIter,geneticParam, xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,method,modelType,MakeFP0,MakeFN0,deployLocation) model, params, score, estimator,model_tried,threshold,pscore,rscore = incObjClf.firstFit() incObj = incObjClf elif modelType == 'regression': model_type = "Regression" incObjReg = incRegressionModel(modelList, modelParams, scoreParam, cvSplit, nIter,geneticParam, xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,method,deployLocation) model,params,score,estimator,model_tried = incObjReg.firstFit() incObj = incObjReg return model_type,model,params, score, estimator,model_tried,xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,threshold,pscore,rscore,method, incObj<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' from learner.optimizetechnique import OptimizationTq from learner.parameters import parametersDefine import time import logging import os import sys from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error,make_scorer from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from learner.aion_matrix import aion_matrix class incRegressionModel(): def __init__(self,modelList,params,scoreParam,cvSplit,numIter,geneticParam,trainX,trainY,testX,testY,method,deployLocation): self.modelList =modelList self.params =params self.trainX =trainX self.trainY =trainY self.testX = testX self.testY = testY self.method =method self.scoreParam=scoreParam self.cvSplit=cvSplit self.numIter=numIter self.geneticParam=geneticParam self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.deployLocation = deployLocation self.bestTrainPredictedData = None self.bestPredictedData = None self.AlgorithmNames={'Online Linear Regression':'Online Linear Regression', 'Online Decision Tree Regressor':'Online Decision Tree Regressor', 'Online KNN Regressor':'Online KNN Regressor'} self.modelToAlgoNames = {value: key for key, value in self.AlgorithmNames.items()} def firstFit(self): bestModel='' bestParams={} import sys bestScore=-sys.float_info.max #bugfix 11656 scoredetails = '''\\n---------- Regression Model has started ----------') try: for modelName in self.modelList: if modelName not in self.params: continue paramSpace=self.params[modelName] algoName = self.AlgorithmNames[modelName] from incremental.riverML import riverML riverMLObj = riverML()"-------> Model Name: "+str(modelName)) start = time.time() model, modelParams, estimator, trainPredictedData = riverMLObj.startLearn('regression',algoName,paramSpace,self.trainX, self.trainY) modelParams = str(modelParams) executionTime=time.time() - start'---------> Total Execution: '+str(executionTime)) predictedData = riverMLObj.getPrediction(estimator,self.testX) if 'neg_mean_squared_error' in self.scoreParam: meanssquatederror = mean_squared_error(self.testY,predictedData) score = meanssquatederror elif 'neg_root_mean_squared_error' in self.scoreParam: rootmeanssquatederror=mean_squared_error(self.testY,predictedData,squared=False) score = rootmeanssquatederror elif 'neg_mean_absolute_error' in self.scoreParam: meanabsoluteerror=mean_absolute_error(self.testY,predictedData) score = meanabsoluteerror elif 'r2' in self.scoreParam: r2score=r2_score(self.testY,predictedData) score = round(r2score*100, 2) if self.scoreParam == "r2": if score>bestScore: bestScore =score
bestModel =model bestParams=modelParams bestEstimator=estimator self.bestTrainPredictedData = trainPredictedData self.bestPredictedData = predictedData else: if abs(score) < bestScore or bestScore == -sys.float_info.max: bestScore =abs(score) bestModel =model bestParams=modelParams bestEstimator=estimator self.bestTrainPredictedData = trainPredictedData self.bestPredictedData = predictedData metrices = {} metrices["score"] = score if(scoredetails != ''): scoredetails += ',' scoredetails += '{"Model":"'+self.modelToAlgoNames[model]+'","Score":'+str(abs(score))+'}''Status:- |... ML Algorithm applied: '+modelName)"Status:- |... Testing Score: "+str(score))'---------- Regression Model End ---------- \\n')'\\n------- Best Model and its parameters -------------')'Status:- |... Best Algorithm selected: '+str(self.modelToAlgoNames[bestModel])+' Score='+str(round(bestScore,2)))"-------> Best Name: "+str(bestModel))"-------> Best Score: "+str(bestScore)) return self.modelToAlgoNames[bestModel],bestParams,bestScore,bestEstimator,scoredetails except Exception as inst: '\\n-----> regressionModel failed!!!.'+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import time import os import sys import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import recall_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_score from sklearn.preprocessing import binarize from learner.optimizetechnique import OptimizationTq from learner.parameters import parametersDefine import logging from learner.aion_matrix import aion_matrix # apply threshold to positive probabilities to create labels def to_labels(pos_probs, threshold): return (pos_probs >= threshold).astype('int') class incClassifierModel(): def __init__(self,noOfClasses,modelList,params,scoreParam,cvSplit,numIter,geneticParam,trainX,trainY,testX,testY,method,modelType,MakeFP0,MakeFN0,deployLocation): self.noOfClasses = noOfClasses self.modelList =modelList self.params =params self.trainX =trainX self.X =trainX self.trainY =trainY self.testX = testX self.testY = testY self.method =method self.scoreParam=scoreParam self.cvSplit=cvSplit self.numIter=numIter self.geneticParam=geneticParam self.MakeFP0= MakeFP0 self.MakeFN0=MakeFN0 self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.modelType = modelType self.deployLocation = deployLocation self.isRiverModel = False self.AlgorithmNames={'Online Logistic Regression':'Online Logistic Regression', 'Online Softmax Regression':'Online Softmax Regression', 'Online Decision Tree Classifier':'Online Decision Tree Classifier', 'Online KNN Classifier':'Online KNN Classifier'} self.modelToAlgoNames = {value: key for key, value in self.AlgorithmNames.items()} def check_threshold(self,estimator,testX,testY,threshold_range,checkParameter,modelName): thresholdx = -1 for threshold in threshold_range: predictedData = estimator.predict_proba(testX) predictedData = binarize(predictedData[:,1].reshape(-1, 1),threshold=threshold)#bug 12437 p_score = precision_score(testY, predictedData) r_score = recall_score(testY, predictedData) tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(testY, predictedData).ravel() if(checkParameter.lower() == 'fp'): if fp == 0: if(p_score == 1): thresholdx = threshold'---------------> Best Threshold:'+str(threshold))'---------------> Best Precision:'+str(p_score))'---------------> Best Recall:'+str(r_score))'---------------> TN:'+str(tn))'---------------> FP:'+str(fp))'---------------> FN:'+str(fn))'---------------> TP:'+str(tp)) break if(checkParameter.lower() == 'fn'): if fn == 0: if(r_score == 1): thresholdx = threshold'---------------> Best Threshold:'+str(threshold))'---------------> Best Precision:'+str(p_score))'---------------> Best Recall:'+str(r_score))'---------------> TN:'+str(tn))'---------------> FP:'+str(fp))'---------------> FN:'+str(fn))'---------------> TP:'+str(tp)) break return(thresholdx,p_score,r_score) def getBestModel(self,fp0,fn0,threshold,bestthreshold,rscore,brscore,pscore,bpscore,tscore,btscore): cmodel = False if(threshold != -1): if(bestthreshold == -1): cmodel = True bestthreshold = threshold brscore = rscore bpscore = pscore btscore = tscore elif fp0: if rscore > brscore: cmodel = True bestthreshold = threshold brscore = rscore bpscore = pscore btscore = tscore elif rscore == brscore: if tscore > btscore or btscore == -0xFFFF: cmodel = True bestthreshold = threshold brscore = rscore bpscore = pscore btscore = tscore elif fn0: if pscore > bpscore: cmodel = True bestthreshold = threshold brscore = rscore bpscore = pscore btscore = tscore elif pscore == bpscore: if tscore > btscore or btscore == -0xFFFF: cmodel = True bestthreshold = threshold brscore = rscore bpscore = pscore btscore = tscore else: if tscore > btscore or btscore == -0xFFFF: cmodel = True btscore = tscore else: if(bestthreshold == -1): if tscore > btscore or btscore == -0xFFFF: cmodel = True btscore = tscore return cmodel,btscore,bestthreshold,brscore,bpscore def firstFit(self): bestModel='None' bestParams={} bestScore=-0xFFFF bestEstimator = 'None' scoredetails = '' threshold = -1 bestthreshold = -1 precisionscore =-1 bestprecisionscore=-1 recallscore = -1 bestrecallscore=-1 self.bestTrainPredictedData = None self.bestPredictedData = None'\\n---------- ClassifierModel has started ----------') objClf = aion_matrix() try: for modelName in self.modelList: paramSpace=self.params[modelName] algoName = self.AlgorithmNames[modelName] from incremental.riverML import riverML riverMLObj = riverML()"-------> Model Name: "+str(modelName)) start = time.time() model, modelParams, estimator, trainPredictedData = riverMLObj.startLearn('classification',algoName,paramSpace,self.trainX, self.trainY, self.noOfClasses) modelParams = str(modelParams) predictedData = riverMLObj.getPrediction(estimator,self.testX) executionTime=time.time() - start self.testY.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) score = objClf.get_score(self.scoreParam,self.testY.values.flatten(),predictedData.values.flatten()) metrices = {} metrices["score"] = score threshold = -1 precisionscore = precision_score(self.testY, predictedData, average='macro') recallscore = recall_score(self.testY, predictedData, average='macro')'---------> Total Execution: '+str(executionTime)) if(scoredetails != ''): scoredetails += ',' scoredetails += '{"Model":"'+self.modelToAlgoNames[model]+'","Score":'+str(score)+'}' status,bscore,bthres,brscore,bpscore = self.getBestModel(self.MakeFP0,self.MakeFN0,threshold,bestthreshold,recallscore,bestrecallscore,precisionscore,bestprecisionscore,score,bestScore) if status: bestScore =bscore bestModel =model bestParams=modelParams bestEstimator=estimator bestthreshold = threshold bestrecallscore = recallscore bestprecisionscore = precisionscore self.bestTrainPredictedData = trainPredictedData self.bestPredictedData = predictedData'Status:- |... ML Algorithm applied: '+modelName)"Status:- |... Testing Score: "+str(score))'---------- ClassifierModel End ---------- \\n')'\\n------- Best Model and its parameters -------------')'Status:- |... Best Algorithm selected: '+str(self.modelToAlgoNames[bestModel])+' Score='+str(round(bestScore,2)))"-------> Best Name: "+str(bestModel))"-------> Best Score: "+str(bestScore)) return self.modelToAlgoNames[bestModel],bestParams,bestScore,bestEstimator,scoredetails,bestthreshold,bestprecisionscore,bestrecallscore except Exception as inst: '\\n-----> ClassifierModel failed!!!.'+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> import logging import pickle import os import sys import pandas as pd from river import stream from river.linear_model import LogisticRegression, SoftmaxRegression, LinearRegression from river.tree import ExtremelyFastDecisionTreeClassifier, HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor # from river.ensemble import AdaptiveRandomForestRegressor, AdaptiveRandomForestClassifier from river.neighbors import KNNClassifier, KNNRegressor from river.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from river.optim import SGD, Adam, AdaDelta, NesterovMomentum, RMSProp # from river.optim.losses import CrossEntropy, Log, MultiClassLoss, Poisson, RegressionLoss, BinaryLoss, Huber # from river.optim.initializers import Normal class riverML(object): def __init__(self): self.algoDict={'Online Logistic Regression':LogisticRegression, 'Online Softmax Regression':SoftmaxRegression, 'Online Decision Tree Classifier':ExtremelyFastDecisionTreeClassifier, 'Online KNN Classifier':
KNNClassifier,'Online Linear Regression':LinearRegression, 'Online Decision Tree Regressor':HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor, 'Online KNN Regressor':KNNRegressor} self.optDict={'sgd': SGD, 'adam':Adam, 'adadelta':AdaDelta, 'nesterovmomentum':NesterovMomentum, 'rmsprop':RMSProp} self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') def getPrediction(self, model,X): testStream = stream.iter_pandas(X) preds = [] for (xi,yi) in testStream: pred = model.predict_one(xi) preds.append(pred) return pd.DataFrame(preds) def startLearn(self,problemType,algoName,params,xtrain,ytrain,noOfClasses=None): try: model = self.algoDict[algoName] params = self.parseParams(params, algoName) if problemType == 'classification': if noOfClasses>2: model = OneVsRestClassifier(classifier=model(**params)) else: model = model(**params) else: model = model(**params) trainStream = stream.iter_pandas(xtrain, ytrain) #head start for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(trainStream): if i>100: break if yi!=None: model.learn_one(xi, yi) trainPredictedData = [] trainStream = stream.iter_pandas(xtrain, ytrain) for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(trainStream): if yi!=None: trainPredictedData.append(model.predict_one(xi)) model.learn_one(xi, yi) trainPredictedData = pd.DataFrame(trainPredictedData) return algoName, params, model, trainPredictedData except Exception as inst: '\\n-----> '+algoName+' failed!!!.'+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) def parseParams(self, params, algoName): try: from learner.parameters import parametersDefine paramsObj = parametersDefine() paramDict =paramsObj.paramDefine(params,method=None) paramDict = {k:v[0] for k,v in paramDict.items()} if algoName=='Online Logistic Regression' or algoName=='Online Softmax Regression' or algoName=='Online Linear Regression': opt = self.optDict[paramDict.pop('optimizer').lower()] lr = float(paramDict.pop('optimizer_lr')) paramDict['optimizer'] = opt(lr) return paramDict except Exception as inst: '\\n-----> Parameter parsing failed!!!.'+str(inst)) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)' '+str(fname)+' '+str(exc_tb.tb_lineno)) <s> import json import sys,os from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath from fabric import Connection import tarfile import copy from hyperscalers.cloudServer import awsGPUTraining import time import shutil import logging import multiprocessing from hyperscalers.mergeLogs import mergeLogs class AION(awsGPUTraining): def __init__(self, config): config['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds'] = [] #removing the support for Instance Id super().__init__(config) self.remoteUpload = {} def copyDataOnServer(self, index): try: client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) 'mkdir -p {}'.format(self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation'])) client.put(self.remoteUpload['configFile'], self.remoteUpload['remoteConfigLoc']) if not Path(self.remoteUpload['dataLoc']).exists(): raise ValueError(" data location {} does not exist".format(self.remoteUpload['dataLoc'])) if Path(self.remoteUpload['dataLoc']).is_file(): client.put(self.remoteUpload['dataLoc'], self.remoteUpload['remoteDataLoc']) else: 'mkdir -p {}'.format(self.remoteUpload['remoteDataLoc'])) p = Path(self.remoteUpload['dataLoc']).glob('**/*') files = [x for x in p if x.is_file()] for file in files: client.put(file, self.remoteUpload['remoteDataLoc']) if self.remoteUpload.get('imgCsvLoc', None): client.put(self.remoteUpload['imgCsvLoc'], self.remoteUpload['remoteDataLoc']) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Error in copying data to cloud server. " + str(e)) def executeCode(self): try: client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) cmd = '{} {} {}'.format("/home/ubuntu/aws/venv/aion-env/bin/python3.8", "/home/ubuntu/aws/venv/aion-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/AION/", self.remoteUpload['remoteConfigLoc']) output = cmd, warn=True) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Error in running code on cloud server. " + str(e)) def downloadAndExtractModel(self): try: client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) remote = PurePosixPath(self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation']) fileName = self.remoteUpload['deployName'] local = Path(self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation']) tarFileName = fileName+".tar.gz" cmd = 'cd {};tar -czvf {} -C {}/ {}'.format(remote, tarFileName, remote, fileName) cmd) extractFile = str(local/tarFileName) client.get( str(remote/tarFileName), extractFile) with, "r:gz") as tar: tar.extractall(local) Path(extractFile).unlink() 'rm -r {}'.format(remote/fileName)) 'rm {}'.format(remote/tarFileName)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Error in downloading file from server. " + str(e)) def deleteDataOnServer(self): client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) dataPaths = [self.remoteUpload['remoteDataLoc'], self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation'], self.remoteUpload['remoteConfigLoc']] for loc in dataPaths: if Path(loc).is_file(): 'rm {}'.format(loc)) else: 'rm -r {}'.format(loc)) # only for csv files def updateConfigGetRemoteLoc(self, config, index=0): remote_location = '/home/ubuntu/aws/usecase' remoteInputLoc = PurePosixPath(remote_location)/"input" remoteOutputLoc = PurePosixPath(remote_location)/"target" if Path(config['basic']['dataLocation']).is_dir(): if Path(config['basic']['folderSettings']['labelDataFile']).parent !=Path(config['basic']['dataLocation']): self.remoteUpload['imgCsvLoc'] = config['basic']['folderSettings']['labelDataFile'] config['basic']['folderSettings']['labelDataFile'] = Path(config['basic']['folderSettings']['labelDataFile']).name csvFile = Path(config['basic']['dataLocation']).name localFile = config['basic']['dataLocation'] localDeployLoc = config['basic']['deployLocation'] config['basic']['dataLocation'] = str(remoteInputLoc/csvFile) config['basic']['deployLocation'] = str(remoteOutputLoc) jsonFile = Path(__file__).parent/'remote_{}.json'.format(index) with open(jsonFile,"w") as f: json.dump(config, f) self.remoteUpload['remoteDataLoc'] = config['basic']['dataLocation'] self.remoteUpload['remoteConfigLoc'] = str(remoteInputLoc)+ "/temp.json" self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation'] = config['basic']['deployLocation'] self.remoteUpload['dataLoc'] = localFile self.remoteUpload['configFile'] = str(jsonFile) self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'] = localDeployLoc self.remoteUpload['deployName'] = "{}_{}".format(config['basic']['modelName'],config['basic']['modelVersion']) def updateDeployPath(self): import fileinput logFile = Path(self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'])/self.remoteUpload['deployName']/"model_training_logs.log" self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'] = self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'].replace('\\\\','/') if Path(logFile).exists(): with fileinput.FileInput(logFile, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file: for line in file: remoteLoc = self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation'] +'/'+ self.remoteUpload['deployName'] localLoc = self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'] +'/'+ "_".join(self.remoteUpload['deployName'].split('_')[:-1]) print(line.replace(remoteLoc, localLoc), end='') logFile = Path(self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'])/self.remoteUpload['deployName']/"output.json" if Path(logFile).exists(): with fileinput.FileInput(logFile, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file: for line in file: remoteLoc = self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation'] +'/'+ self.remoteUpload['deployName'] localLoc = self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'] +'/'+ "_".join(self.remoteUpload['deployName'].split('_')[:-1]) print(line.replace(remoteLoc, localLoc), end='') logFile = Path(self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'])/self.remoteUpload['deployName']/"display.json" if Path(logFile).exists(): with fileinput.FileInput(logFile, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file: for line in file: remoteLoc = self.remoteUpload['remoteDeployLocation'] +'/'+ self.remoteUpload['deployName'] localLoc = self.remoteUpload['localDeployLocation'] +'/'+ "_".join(self.remoteUpload['deployName'].split('_')[:-1]) print(line.replace(remoteLoc, localLoc), end='') def updateUserServerConfig(aws_config): aws_config['ssh']['keyFilePath'] = str(Path(__file__).parent/"AION_GPU.pem") return aws_config def getKeyByValue(dictionary, refValue): for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == refValue: return key return None def getKeysByValue(dictionary, refValue): keys = [] for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == refValue: keys.append(key) return keys class openInstancesStatus(): def __init__(self): pass def addInstance(self, instanceId, args=None): fileName = instanceId + '.ec2instance' data = {} data[instanceId] = args with open(fileName, "w") as f: json.dump( data, f, indent=4) #TODO do we need to encrypt def removeInstance(self, instanceId): fileName = instanceId + '.ec2instance' if Path(fileName).exists(): Path(fileName).unlink() def clearPreviousInstancesState(self): # check and stop the previous instance openInstances = Path().glob("*.ec2instance") for file in openInstances: with open(file, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) prevConfig = list(data.values())[0] key = Path(file).stem if prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['amiId']: prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds'] = [key] prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['amiId'] = "" # clear amiId instance = awsGPUTraining(prevConfig) if len(prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds']) > 0: try: if instance.is_instance_running(prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds'][0]): instance.stop_server_instance() except: pass self.removeInstance(key) class prepareConfig(): def __init__(self, config,noOfInstance,ComputeInfrastructure): if isinstance(config, dict): self.config = config self.configDir = Path(__file__).parent elif isinstance(config, str): with open(config, 'r') as f: self.config = json.load(f) self.configDir = Path(config).parent else: raise TypeError("{} type object is not supported for config".format(type(config))) self.problemType = getKeyByValue(self.config['basic']['analysisType'] ,"True") self.algorithms = getKeysByValue(self.config['basic']['algorithms'][self.problemType] ,"True") self.numInstances = int(noOfInstance) self.computeInfrastructure = ComputeInfrastructure self.isMultiInstance = False self.validateMultiInstance() self.newConfigs = [] def isRemoteTraining(self): return True if(self.computeInfrastructure == "True") else False def validateMultiInstance(self): if self.isRemoteTraining(): if self.problemType == 'classification' or self.problemType == 'regression': if self.numInstances > len(self.algorithms): self.numInstances = len(self.algorithms) if len(self.algorithms) > 1 and self.numInstances > 1: self.isMultiInstance = True def createNewConfigs(self): configs = [] algos
= self.algorithms if len(algos) <= self.numInstances: self.numInstances = len(algos) algosPerInstances = (len(algos)+(self.numInstances - 1))//self.numInstances remainingAlgos = len(algos) for i in range(
ances = Path().glob("*.ec2instance") for file in openInstances: with open(file, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) prevConfig = list(data.values())[0] key = Path(file).stem if prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['amiId']: prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds'] = [key] prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['amiId'] = "" # clear amiId instance = awsGPUTraining(prevConfig) if len(prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds']) > 0: try: if instance.is_instance_running(prevConfig['AMAZON_EC2']['InstanceIds'][0]): instance.stop_server_instance() except: pass self.removeInstance(key) class prepareConfig(): def __init__(self, config,noOfInstance,ComputeInfrastructure): if isinstance(config, dict): self.config = config self.configDir = Path(__file__).parent elif isinstance(config, str): with open(config, 'r') as f: self.config = json.load(f) self.configDir = Path(config).parent else: raise TypeError("{} type object is not supported for config".format(type(config))) self.problemType = getKeyByValue(self.config['basic']['analysisType'] ,"True") self.algorithms = getKeysByValue(self.config['basic']['algorithms'][self.problemType] ,"True") self.numInstances = int(noOfInstance) self.computeInfrastructure = ComputeInfrastructure self.isMultiInstance = False self.validateMultiInstance() self.newConfigs = [] def isRemoteTraining(self): return True if(self.computeInfrastructure == "True") else False def validateMultiInstance(self): if self.isRemoteTraining(): if self.problemType == 'classification' or self.problemType == 'regression': if self.numInstances > len(self.algorithms): self.numInstances = len(self.algorithms) if len(self.algorithms) > 1 and self.numInstances > 1: self.isMultiInstance = True def createNewConfigs(self): configs = [] algos = self.algorithms if len(algos) <= self.numInstances: self.numInstances = len(algos) algosPerInstances = (len(algos)+(self.numInstances - 1))//self.numInstances remainingAlgos = len(algos) for i in range(self.numInstances): newConfig = copy.deepcopy(self.config) for k,v in newConfig['basic']['algorithms'][self.problemType].items(): newConfig['basic']['algorithms'][self.problemType][k] = "False" algosPerInstances = remainingAlgos // (self.numInstances - i) for j in range(algosPerInstances): newConfig['basic']['algorithms'][self.problemType][algos[len(algos) - remainingAlgos + j]] = "True" newConfig['basic']['modelVersion'] = newConfig['basic']['modelVersion'] + "_{}".format(i) newFileName = str(self.configDir/"splittedConfig_{}.json".format(i)) with open(newFileName, 'w') as jsonFile: json.dump(newConfig, jsonFile, indent=4) configs.append(newFileName) remainingAlgos -= algosPerInstances return configs class Process(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, aws_config, configFile, index, openInstancesLog): super(Process, self).__init__() self.index = index self.aws_config = aws_config self.configFile = configFile self.openInstances = openInstancesLog def run(self): log = logging.getLogger('eion') serverStart = False try: server = AION(self.aws_config) with open(self.configFile,"r") as f: config = json.load(f) server.updateConfigGetRemoteLoc(config, self.index) instanceId = server.start_instance()'Status:-|... start instance: {}'.format(instanceId)) serverStart = True self.openInstances.addInstance(instanceId, self.aws_config) time.sleep(40)'Status:-|... copying data on instance: {}'.format(instanceId)) server.copyDataOnServer( config)'Status:-|... Training on instance: {}'.format(instanceId)) server.executeCode()'Status:-|... downloading data from instance: {}'.format(instanceId)) server.downloadAndExtractModel() server.deleteDataOnServer()'Status:-|... stopping instance: {}'.format(instanceId)) server.stop_server_instance() serverStart = False self.openInstances.removeInstance(instanceId) server.updateDeployPath() except Exception as e: print(e) pass finally: if serverStart:'Status:-|... stopping instance: {}'.format(instanceId)) server.stop_server_instance() self.openInstances.removeInstance(instanceId) def awsTraining(configPath): try: # This function responsible for starting the training with AWS with open(configPath, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2',region_name=AWS_Region) instance_id= instance[0].instance_id deployFolder = config['basic']['deployLocation'] iterName = config['basic']['modelName'] iterVersion = config['basic']['modelVersion'] dataLocation = config['basic']['dataLocation'] usecaseLocation = os.path.join(deployFolder,iterName) if not Path(usecaseLocation).exists(): os.makedirs(usecaseLocation) deployLocation = os.path.join(usecaseLocation,iterVersion) if Path(deployLocation).exists(): shutil.rmtree(deployLocation) os.makedirs(deployLocation) logLocation = os.path.join(deployLocation,'log') if not Path(logLocation).exists(): os.makedirs(logLocation) #read the server config logFileName=os.path.join(logLocation,'model_training_logs.log') filehandler = logging.FileHandler(logFileName, 'w','utf-8') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') filehandler.setFormatter(formatter) log = logging.getLogger('eion') log.propagate = False for hdlr in log.handlers[:]: # remove the existing file handlers if isinstance(hdlr,logging.FileHandler): log.removeHandler(hdlr) log.addHandler(filehandler) log.setLevel(logging.INFO)'Status:-|... Compute Infrastructure:AMAZON EC2') with open(Path(__file__).parent/"../config/compute.conf", "r") as f: aws_config = json.load(f) aws_config = updateUserServerConfig(aws_config) configSplitter = prepareConfig(sys.argv[1],aws_config['AMAZON_EC2']['NoOfInstance'],aws_config['ComputeInfrastructure']) newConfigs = configSplitter.createNewConfigs() print(newConfigs) openInstances = openInstancesStatus() openInstances.clearPreviousInstancesState() folders = [] processes = [0] * len(newConfigs) for index, config in enumerate(newConfigs): processes[index] = Process(aws_config, config, index, openInstances) processes[index].start() for index, config in enumerate(newConfigs): processes[index].join() folders.append(deployLocation + '_{}'.format(index)) if Path(deployLocation+'_0').exists(): filehandler.close() log.removeHandler(filehandler) merge = mergeLogs(folders) merge.mergeFolder() else: output = {"status":"FAIL","message":"Please check cloud server configuration."} output = json.dumps(output)'server code execution failed !....')'\\n------------- Output JSON ------------')'-------> Output :'+str(output))'------------- Output JSON ------------\\n') print("\\n") print("aion_learner_status:",output) print("\\n") except Exception as inst: output = {"status":"FAIL","message":str(inst).strip('"')} output = json.dumps(output)'server code execution failed !....'+str(inst))'\\n------------- Output JSON ------------')'-------> Output :'+str(output))'------------- Output JSON ------------\\n') print("\\n") print("aion_learner_status:",output) print("\\n") <s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * '''<s> ''' * * ============================================================================= * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * ============================================================================= * @ Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2021, 2022,2023 * Proprietary and confidential. All information contained herein is, and * remains the property of HCL Technologies Limited. Copying or reproducing the * contents of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited unless prior * written permission is obtained from HCL Technologies Limited. * ''' import boto3 import json import time import requests import datetime import uuid import shutil from websocket import create_connection from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import tarfile from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath from stat import S_ISDIR from fabric import Connection import time import logging class awsGPUTraining(): def __init__(self, config): local_config = {"location":{"data":"aion/data/od", "code":"", "pretrainedModel":"aion/pretrainedModels"}, "jupyter":{"header":{"Authorization":"Token f3af05d5348301997fb014f245569e872d27bb9018fd70d2"}, "portNo":"8888", "notebook_path":"aion/code/AWS_GPU_OD_Training.ipynb"}} self.serverConfig = config["server"] self.sshConfig = config["ssh"] self.log = logging.getLogger('eion') self.codeLocation = local_config["location"]["code"] self.dataLocation = local_config["location"]["data"] self.pretrainedModelLocation = local_config["location"]["pretrainedModel"] self.jupyterConfig = local_config["jupyter"] self.serverIP = "" if self.serverConfig["awsAccessKeyId"] == "" or self.serverConfig["awsSecretAccessKey"] == "": raise ValueError("Cloud server configuration is not available.") if len(self.serverConfig["InstanceIds"]) == 0 and self.serverConfig["amiId"] == "": raise ValueError("Please provide either InstanceIds or amiId in server config") self.instanceId = [] self.separate_instance = False if self.serverConfig["amiId"] != "": self.separate_instance = True else: if len(self.serverConfig["InstanceIds"]): if isinstance(self.serverConfig["InstanceIds"], list): self.instanceId = self.serverConfig["InstanceIds"] elif isinstance(self.serverConfig["InstanceIds"], str): self.instanceId = [self.serverConfig["InstanceIds"]] self.ec2_client = boto3.client(self.serverConfig["serverName"], region_name=self.serverConfig["regionName"], aws_access_key_id=self.serverConfig["awsAccessKeyId"], aws_secret_access_key=self.serverConfig["awsSecretAccessKey"]) def __sftp_exists(self, sftp, path): try: sftp.stat(path) return True except:# IOError, e: #if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False def __rmtree(self, sftp, remotepath, level=0): for f in sftp.listdir_attr(remotepath): rpath = str(PurePosixPath(remotepath)/f.filename) if S_ISDIR(f.st_mode): self.__rmtree(sftp, rpath, level=(level + 1)) sftp.rmdir(rpath) else: rpath = str(PurePosixPath(remotepath)/f.filename) sftp.remove(rpath) def copy_files_to_server(self, location): try: client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) client.sudo('rm -rf {}/*'.format(self.dataLocation)) tarFile = str((PurePosixPath(self.dataLocation).parent/PurePosixPath(self.dataLocation).name).with_suffix(".tar.gz")) client.put(location+'/test.tfrecord', self.dataLocation+'/test.tfrecord') client.put(location+'/train.tfrecord', self.dataLocation+'/train.tfrecord') client.put(location+'/pipeline.config', self.dataLocation+'/pipeline.config') client.put(location+'/label_map.pbtxt', self.dataLocation+'/label_map.pbtxt') client.put(location+'/model.config', self.dataLocation+'/model.config') if self.jupyterConfig != "":"touch {}".format(self.dataLocation+'/log.txt')) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Error in copying data to cloud server. " + str(e)) def __myexec(self, ssh, cmd, timeout, want_exitcode=False): # one channel per command stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) # get the shared channel for stdout/stderr/stdin channel = # we do not need stdin. stdin.close() # indicate that we're not going to write to that channel anymore channel.shutdown_write() # read stdout/stderr in order to prevent read block hangs stdout_chunks = [] stdout_chunks.append( # chunked read to prevent stalls while not channel.closed or channel.recv_ready() or channel.recv_stderr_ready(): # stop if channel was closed prematurely, and there is no data in the buffers. got_chunk = False readq, _, _ =[], [], [], timeout) for c in readq:
if c.recv_ready(): stdout_chunks.append( got_chunk = True if c.recv_stderr_ready(): # make sure to read stderr to prevent stall got_chunk = True ''' 1) make sure that there are at least 2 cycles with no data in the input buffers in order to not exit too early (i.e. cat on a >200k file). 2) if no data arrived in the last loop, check if we already received the exit code 3) check if input buffers are empty 4) exit the loop ''' if not got_chunk \\ and \\ and not \\ and not # indicate that we're not going to read from this channel anymore # close the channel break # exit as remote side is finished and our bufferes are empty # close all the pseudofiles stdout.close() stderr.close() if want_exitcode: # exit code is always ready at this point return (''.join(stdout_chunks), return ''.join(stdout_chunks) def __myexec1(self, ssh, cmd, timeout, want_exitcode=False): # one channel per command stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd, get_pty=True) for line in iter(stderr.readline, ""): print(line, end="") stdin.close() stdout.close() stderr.close() def executeCode(self): try: client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) cmd = 'python3.8 {} {} {}'.format(self.codeLocation, self.dataLocation, self.pretrainedModelLocation) cmd) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Error in running code on cloud server. " + str(e)) def start_executing_notebook(self): try: publicIp_Port = self.serverIP + ":" + self.jupyterConfig["portNo"] conURL = "ws://" + publicIp_Port base = 'http://' + publicIp_Port + '' headers = self.jupyterConfig["header"] url = base + '/api/kernels' flag = True while flag: # deadlock need to add timeout response =, headers=headers) flag = False kernel = json.loads(response.text) # Load the notebook and get the code of each cell url = base + '/api/contents/' + self.jupyterConfig["notebook_path"] response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) file = json.loads(response.text) code = [c['source'] for c in file['content']['cells'] if len(c['source']) > 0 and c['cell_type']=='code' ] ws = create_connection(conURL + "/api/kernels/" + kernel["id"] + "/channels", header=headers) def send_execute_request(code): msg_type = 'execute_request'; content = {'code': code, 'silent': False} hdr = {'msg_id': uuid.uuid1().hex, 'username': 'test', 'session': uuid.uuid1().hex, 'data':, 'msg_type': msg_type, 'version': '5.0'} msg = {'header': hdr, 'parent_header': hdr, 'metadata': {}, 'content': content} return msg for c in code: ws.send(json.dumps(send_execute_request(c))) # We ignore all the other messages, we just get the code execution output # (this needs to be improved for production to take into account errors, large cell output, images, etc.) error_msg = '' traceback_msg = '' for i in range(0, len(code)): msg_type = ''; while msg_type != "stream": rsp = json.loads(ws.recv()) msg_type = rsp["msg_type"] if msg_type == 'error': raise ValueError("Error on Cloud machine: "+rsp['content']['evalue']) ws.close()'Status:- |...Execution Started`') except ClientError as e: raise ValueError(e) def __wait_for_completion(self, sftp, remoteLogFile, localLogFile): waiting = True error_msg = "" while waiting: time.sleep(5 * 60) try: sftp.get(str(remoteLogFile), str(localLogFile)) with open(localLogFile, "r") as f: content = f.readlines() for x in content: if "Error" in x: waiting = False error_msg = x if "success" in x: waiting = False except: raise (str(e)) return error_msg def copy_file_from_server(self, localPath): try: client = Connection( host=self.serverIP, user=self.sshConfig["userName"], connect_kwargs={ "key_filename": self.sshConfig["keyFilePath"], }, ) remoteLogFile = PurePosixPath(self.dataLocation)/'log.txt' localLogFile = Path(localPath)/'remote_log.txt' client.get(str(remoteLogFile), str(localLogFile)) tarFile = (PurePosixPath(self.dataLocation).parent/PurePosixPath(self.dataLocation).name).with_suffix(".tar.gz") client.get(str(tarFile), str(Path(localPath)/ except: raise return str(Path(localPath)/ def create_instance(self): instances = self.ec2_client.run_instances( ImageId=self.serverConfig["amiId"], MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, InstanceType="t2.xlarge", KeyName="AION_GPU", SecurityGroupIds = ["sg-02c3a6c8dd67edb74"] ) self.instanceId = [instances['Instances'][0]['InstanceId']] def start_instance(self): if self.separate_instance: self.create_instance() try: response = self.ec2_client.start_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId, DryRun=True) except Exception as e: if 'DryRunOperation' not in str(e): raise ValueError("Error in starting the EC2 instance, check server configuration. " + str(e)) try: running_state_code = 16 response = self.ec2_client.start_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId, DryRun=False) instance_status_code = 0 while instance_status_code != running_state_code: response = self.ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId) instance_status_code = response['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['State']['Code'] if instance_status_code == running_state_code: self.serverIP = response['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['PublicIpAddress'] break except ClientError as e: raise ValueError("Error in starting the EC2 instance. " + str(e)) def terminate_instance(self): ec2 = boto3.resource(self.serverConfig["serverName"], region_name=self.serverConfig["regionName"], aws_access_key_id=self.serverConfig["awsAccessKeyId"], aws_secret_access_key=self.serverConfig["awsSecretAccessKey"]) ec2.instances.filter(InstanceIds=self.instanceId).terminate() # for terminating an ec2 instance def stop_server_instance(self): try: self.ec2_client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId, DryRun=True) except Exception as e: if 'DryRunOperation' not in str(e): raise stopped_state_code = 80 # Dry run succeeded, call stop_instances without dryrun try: response = self.ec2_client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId, DryRun=False) response = self.ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId) instance_status_code = 0 while instance_status_code != stopped_state_code: response = self.ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=self.instanceId) instance_status_code = response['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]['State']['Code'] if instance_status_code == stopped_state_code: break except: raise ValueError("Error in stopping the EC2 instance {}.Please stop it manually ".format(self.instanceId[0])) if self.separate_instance: try: self.terminate_instance() except: raise ValueError("Error in terminating the EC2 instance {}.Please terminate it manually ".format(self.instanceId[0])) <s> import json from pathlib import Path import shutil class mergeLogs(): def __init__(self, folders, dataLocation=None): self.folders = [Path(x) for x in folders] self.dataLocation = dataLocation self.baseFolder = "" self.outputData = {} def readOutputStr(self, data): text = "-------> Output :" output = data.find(text) def keywithmaxval(self, d): """ a) create a list of the dict's keys and values; b) return the key with the max value""" v=list(d.values()) k=list(d.keys()) return k[v.index(max(v))] def getBestScore(self, data): text = "-------> Output :" output = [x[len(text):-1] for x in data if text in x] self.outputData = json.loads(output[0]) return self.outputData['data']['BestScore'] def getModelParams(self, data): capture = False startText = "---------- ClassifierModel has started ----------" endText = "---------- ClassifierModel End ---------- " modelBasedText = "Models Based Selected Features Start" CorrelationBased = "Top/CorrelationBased Features Start" removableText = "Status:- |... Search Optimization Method applied: random\\n" modelsParam = [] modelcorrelation = None output = {} for x in data: if endText in x: capture = False output[modelcorrelation] = ''.join(modelsParam) modelcorrelation = None modelsParam = [] elif capture: if x != removableText: modelsParam.append(x) elif startText in x: capture = True elif modelBasedText in x: modelcorrelation = 'modelBased' elif CorrelationBased in x: modelcorrelation = 'correlationBased' return output def mergeConfigFiles(self, bestScoreFolder): # path is already updated with open(bestScoreFolder/'etc'/'code_config.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) if self.dataLocation: config['dataLocation'] = self.dataLocation if 'modelVersion' in config.keys(): config['modelVersion'] = '_'.join(config['modelVersion'].split('_')[:-1]) with open(bestScoreFolder/'etc'/'code_config.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=4) with open(bestScoreFolder/'etc'/'display.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) if 'version' in config.keys(): config['version'] = '_'.join(config['version'].split('_')[:-1]) with open(bestScoreFolder/'etc'/'display.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=4) if len(self.folders) > 1: with open(bestScoreFolder/'etc'/'output.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) evaluated_models = config['data']['EvaluatedModels'] for folder in self.folders: if folder != bestScoreFolder: with open(folder/'etc'/'output.json', 'r') as f: sub_config = json.load(f) for evaluated_model in sub_config['data']['EvaluatedModels']: evaluated_models.append(evaluated_model) with open(bestScoreFolder/'etc'/'output.json', 'w') as f: config['data']['EvaluatedModels'] = evaluated_models json.dump(config, f, indent=4) def mergeLogFiles(self, bestScoreFolder, data): startText = "---------- ClassifierModel has started ----------\\n" endText = "---------- ClassifierModel End ---------- \\n" modelBasedText = "Models Based Selected Features Start" CorrelationBased = "Top/CorrelationBased Features Start" with open(bestScoreFolder/'log'/'model_training_logs.log', 'r') as f: text = CorrelationBasedIndex = text.find(CorrelationBased) modelBasedTextIndex = text.find(modelBasedText) firstendIndex = text.find(endText) numOfMethods = 0 if CorrelationBasedIndex > 0: numOfMethods += 1 if modelBasedTextIndex > 0: numOfMethods += 1 if numOfMethods == 2: secondendIndex = text[firstendIndex+ len(endText):].find(endText) +firstendIndex+len(endText) # assuming correlation is always first for k,v in data.items(): if k != bestScoreFolder: if 'correlationBased' in v.keys(): text = text[:firstendIndex] + v['correlationBased'] + text[firstendIndex:] firstendIndex += len(v['correlationBased']) if numOfMethods == 2: secondendIndex += len(v['correlationBased']) if 'modelBased' in v.keys(): if numOfMethods == 2: text = text[:secondendIndex] + v['modelBased'] + text[secondendIndex:] secondendIndex += len(v['modelBased']) else: text = text[:firstendIndex] + v['modelBased'] + text[firstendIndex:] firstendIndex += len(v['modelBased']) with open(bestScoreFolder/'log'/'model_training_logs.log', 'w') as f: text = text.replace(str(bestScoreFolder), str(self.baseFolder)) f.write(text) def mergeFolder(self): bestScoreInFile
= {} modelsTrainOutput = {} self.baseFolder = self.folders[0].parent/"_".join(self.folders[0].name.split('_')[:-1]) if len(self.folders) == 1: if self.baseFolder.exists(): shutil.rmtree(self.baseFolder)
predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>`): A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method. verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``. Returns: The Mean Squared Error of predictions. Raises: ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty. """ if not predictions: raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.") mse_ = np.mean( [float((true_r - est) ** 2) for (_, _, true_r, est, _) in predictions] ) if verbose: print(f"MSE: {mse_:1.4f}") return mse_ def mae(predictions, verbose=True): """Compute MAE (Mean Absolute Error). .. math:: \\\\text{MAE} = \\\\frac{1}{|\\\\hat{R}|} \\\\sum_{\\\\hat{r}_{ui} \\\\in \\\\hat{R}}|r_{ui} - \\\\hat{r}_{ui}| Args: predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>`): A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method. verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``. Returns: The Mean Absolute Error of predictions. Raises: ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty. """ if not predictions: raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.") mae_ = np.mean([float(abs(true_r - est)) for (_, _, true_r, est, _) in predictions]) if verbose: print(f"MAE: {mae_:1.4f}") return mae_ def fcp(predictions, verbose=True): """Compute FCP (Fraction of Concordant Pairs). Computed as described in paper `Collaborative Filtering on Ordinal User Feedback <>`_ by Koren and Sill, section 5.2. Args: predictions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Prediction\\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>`): A list of predictions, as returned by the :meth:`test() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method. verbose: If True, will print computed value. Default is ``True``. Returns: The Fraction of Concordant Pairs. Raises: ValueError: When ``predictions`` is empty. """ if not predictions: raise ValueError("Prediction list is empty.") predictions_u = defaultdict(list) nc_u = defaultdict(int) nd_u = defaultdict(int) for u0, _, r0, est, _ in predictions: predictions_u[u0].append((r0, est)) for u0, preds in predictions_u.items(): for r0i, esti in preds: for r0j, estj in preds: if esti > estj and r0i > r0j: nc_u[u0] += 1 if esti >= estj and r0i < r0j: nd_u[u0] += 1 nc = np.mean(list(nc_u.values())) if nc_u else 0 nd = np.mean(list(nd_u.values())) if nd_u else 0 try: fcp = nc / (nc + nd) except ZeroDivisionError: raise ValueError( "cannot compute fcp on this list of prediction. " + "Does every user have at least two predictions?" ) if verbose: print(f"FCP: {fcp:1.4f}") return fcp <s> """ The :mod:`dataset <surprise.dataset>` module defines the :class:`Dataset` class and other subclasses which are used for managing datasets. Users may use both *built-in* and user-defined datasets (see the :ref:`getting_started` page for examples). Right now, three built-in datasets are available: * The `movielens-100k <>`_ dataset. * The `movielens-1m <>`_ dataset. * The `Jester <>`_ dataset 2. Built-in datasets can all be loaded (or downloaded if you haven't already) using the :meth:`Dataset.load_builtin` method. Summary: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: Dataset.load_builtin Dataset.load_from_file Dataset.load_from_folds """ import itertools import os import sys from collections import defaultdict from .builtin_datasets import BUILTIN_DATASETS, download_builtin_dataset from .reader import Reader from .trainset import Trainset class Dataset: """Base class for loading datasets. Note that you should never instantiate the :class:`Dataset` class directly (same goes for its derived classes), but instead use one of the three available methods for loading datasets.""" def __init__(self, reader): self.reader = reader @classmethod def load_builtin(cls, name="ml-100k", prompt=True): """Load a built-in dataset. If the dataset has not already been loaded, it will be downloaded and saved. You will have to split your dataset using the :meth:`split <DatasetAutoFolds.split>` method. See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validate_example>`. Args: name(:obj:`string`): The name of the built-in dataset to load. Accepted values are 'ml-100k', 'ml-1m', and 'jester'. Default is 'ml-100k'. prompt(:obj:`bool`): Prompt before downloading if dataset is not already on disk. Default is True. Returns: A :obj:`Dataset` object. Raises: ValueError: If the ``name`` parameter is incorrect. """ try: dataset = BUILTIN_DATASETS[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "unknown dataset " + name + ". Accepted values are " + ", ".join(BUILTIN_DATASETS.keys()) + "." ) # if dataset does not exist, offer to download it if not os.path.isfile(dataset.path): answered = not prompt while not answered: print( "Dataset " + name + " could not be found. Do you want " "to download it? [Y/n] ", end="", ) choice = input().lower() if choice in ["yes", "y", "", "omg this is so nice of you!!"]: answered = True elif choice in ["no", "n", "hell no why would i want that?!"]: answered = True print("Ok then, I'm out!") sys.exit() download_builtin_dataset(name) reader = Reader(**dataset.reader_params) return cls.load_from_file(file_path=dataset.path, reader=reader) @classmethod def load_from_file(cls, file_path, reader): """Load a dataset from a (custom) file. Use this if you want to use a custom dataset and all of the ratings are stored in one file. You will have to split your dataset using the :meth:`split <DatasetAutoFolds.split>` method. See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <load_from_file_example>`. Args: file_path(:obj:`string`): The path to the file containing ratings. reader(:obj:`Reader <surprise.reader.Reader>`): A reader to read the file. """ return DatasetAutoFolds(ratings_file=file_path, reader=reader) @classmethod def load_from_folds(cls, folds_files, reader): """Load a dataset where folds (for cross-validation) are predefined by some files. The purpose of this method is to cover a common use case where a dataset is already split into predefined folds, such as the movielens-100k dataset which defines files u1.base, u1.test, u2.base, u2.test, etc... It can also be used when you don't want to perform cross-validation but still want to specify your training and testing data (which comes down to 1-fold cross-validation anyway). See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <load_from_folds_example>`. Args: folds_files(:obj:`iterable` of :obj:`tuples`): The list of the folds. A fold is a tuple of the form ``(path_to_train_file, path_to_test_file)``. reader(:obj:`Reader <surprise.reader.Reader>`): A reader to read the files. """ return DatasetUserFolds(folds_files=folds_files, reader=reader) @classmethod def load_from_df(cls, df, reader): """Load a dataset from a pandas dataframe. Use this if you want to use a custom dataset that is stored in a pandas dataframe. See the :ref:`User Guide<load_from_df_example>` for an example. Args: df(`Dataframe`): The dataframe containing the ratings. It must have three columns, corresponding to the user (raw) ids, the item (raw) ids, and the ratings, in this order. reader(:obj:`Reader <surprise.reader.Reader>`): A reader to read the file. Only the ``rating_scale`` field needs to be specified. """ return DatasetAutoFolds(reader=reader, df=df) def read_ratings(self, file_name): """Return a list of ratings (user, item, rating, timestamp) read from file_name""" with open(os.path.expanduser(file_name)) as f: raw_ratings = [ self.reader.parse_line(line) for line in itertools.islice(f, self.reader.skip_lines, None) ] return raw_ratings def construct_trainset(self, raw_trainset): raw2inner_id_users = {} raw2inner_id_items = {} current_u_index = 0 current_i_index = 0 ur = defaultdict(list) ir = defaultdict(list) # user raw id, item raw id, translated rating, time stamp for urid, irid, r, timestamp in raw_trainset: try: uid = raw2inner_id_users[urid] except KeyError: uid = current_u_index raw2inner_id_users[urid] = current_u_index current_u_index += 1 try: iid = raw2inner_id_items[irid] except KeyError: iid = current_i_index raw2inner_id_items[irid] = current_i_index current_i_index += 1 ur[uid].append((iid, r)) ir[iid].append((uid, r)) n_users = len(ur) # number of users n_items = len(ir) # number of items n_ratings = len(raw_trainset) trainset = Trainset( ur, ir, n_users, n_items, n_ratings, self.reader.rating_scale, raw2inner_id_users, raw2inner_id_items, ) return trainset def construct_testset(self, raw_testset): return [(ruid, riid, r_ui_trans) for (ruid, riid, r_ui_trans, _) in raw_testset] class DatasetUserFolds(Dataset): """A derived class from :class:`Dataset` for which folds (for cross-validation) are predefined.""" def __init__(self, folds_files=None, reader=None): Dataset.__init__(self, reader) self.folds_files = folds_files # check that all files actually exist. for train_test_files in self.folds_files: for f in train_test_files: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(f)): raise ValueError("File " + str(f) + " does not exist.") class DatasetAutoFolds(Dataset): """A derived class from :class:`Dataset` for which folds (for cross-validation) are not predefined. (Or for when there are no folds at all).""" def __init__(self, ratings_file=None, reader=None, df=None): Dataset.__init__(self, reader) self.has_been_split = False # flag indicating if split() was called. if ratings_file is not None: self.ratings_file = ratings_file self.raw_ratings = self.read_ratings(self.ratings_file) elif df is not None: self.df = df self.raw_ratings = [ (uid, iid, float(r), None) for (uid, iid, r) in self.df.itertuples(index=False) ] else: raise ValueError("Must specify ratings file or dataframe.") def build_full_trainset(self): """Do not split the dataset into folds and just return a trainset as is, built from the whole dataset. User can then query for predictions, as shown in the :ref:`User Guide <train_on_whole_trainset>`. Returns: The :class:`Trainset <surprise.Trainset>`. """ return self.construct_trainset(self.raw_ratings) <s> from pkg_resources import get_distribution from . import dump, model_selection from .builtin_datasets import get_dataset_dir from .dataset import Dataset from .prediction_algorithms import ( AlgoBase, BaselineOnly, CoClustering, KNNBaseline, KNNBasic, KNNWithMeans, KNNWithZScore, NMF, NormalPredictor, Prediction, PredictionImpossible, SlopeOne, SVD, SVDpp, ) from .reader import Reader from .trainset import Trainset __all__ = [ "AlgoBase", "NormalPredictor", "BaselineOnly", "KNNBasic", "KNNWithMeans", "KNNBaseline", "SVD", "SVDpp", "NMF", "SlopeOne", "CoClustering", "PredictionImpossible", "
Prediction", "Dataset", "Reader", "Trainset", "dump", "KNNWithZScore", "get_dataset_dir", "model_selection", ] __version__ = get_distribution("scikit-surprise").version <s> """This module contains the Reader class.""" from .builtin_datasets import BUILTIN_DATASETS class Reader: """The Reader class is used to parse a file containing ratings. Such a file is assumed to specify only one rating per line, and each line needs to respect the following structure: :: user ; item ; rating ; [timestamp] where the order of the fields and the separator (here ';') may be arbitrarily defined (see below). brackets indicate that the timestamp field is optional. For each built-in dataset, Surprise also provides predefined readers which are useful if you want to use a custom dataset that has the same format as a built-in one (see the ``name`` parameter). Args: name(:obj:`string`, optional): If specified, a Reader for one of the built-in datasets is returned and any other parameter is ignored. Accepted values are 'ml-100k', 'ml-1m', and 'jester'. Default is ``None``. line_format(:obj:`string`): The fields names, in the order at which they are encountered on a line. Please note that ``line_format`` is always space-separated (use the ``sep`` parameter). Default is ``'user item rating'``. sep(char): the separator between fields. Example : ``';'``. rating_scale(:obj:`tuple`, optional): The rating scale used for every rating. Default is ``(1, 5)``. skip_lines(:obj:`int`, optional): Number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file. Default is ``0``. """ def __init__( self, name=None, line_format="user item rating", sep=None, rating_scale=(1, 5), skip_lines=0, ): if name: try: self.__init__(**BUILTIN_DATASETS[name].reader_params) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "unknown reader " + name + ". Accepted values are " + ", ".join(BUILTIN_DATASETS.keys()) + "." ) else: self.sep = sep self.skip_lines = skip_lines self.rating_scale = rating_scale lower_bound, higher_bound = rating_scale splitted_format = line_format.split() entities = ["user", "item", "rating"] if "timestamp" in splitted_format: self.with_timestamp = True entities.append("timestamp") else: self.with_timestamp = False # check that all fields are correct if any(field not in entities for field in splitted_format): raise ValueError("line_format parameter is incorrect.") self.indexes = [splitted_format.index(entity) for entity in entities] def parse_line(self, line): """Parse a line. Ratings are translated so that they are all strictly positive. Args: line(str): The line to parse Returns: tuple: User id, item id, rating and timestamp. The timestamp is set to ``None`` if it does no exist. """ line = line.split(self.sep) try: if self.with_timestamp: uid, iid, r, timestamp = (line[i].strip() for i in self.indexes) else: uid, iid, r = (line[i].strip() for i in self.indexes) timestamp = None except IndexError: raise ValueError( "Impossible to parse line. Check the line_format" " and sep parameters." ) return uid, iid, float(r), timestamp <s> #!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import os import random as rd import shutil import sys import numpy as np import surprise.dataset as dataset from surprise import __version__ from surprise.builtin_datasets import get_dataset_dir from surprise.dataset import Dataset from surprise.model_selection import cross_validate, KFold, PredefinedKFold from surprise.prediction_algorithms import ( BaselineOnly, CoClustering, KNNBaseline, KNNBasic, KNNWithMeans, NMF, NormalPredictor, SlopeOne, SVD, SVDpp, ) from surprise.reader import Reader # noqa def main(): class MyParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """A parser which prints the help message when an error occurs. Taken from""" # noqa def error(self, message): sys.stderr.write("error: %s\\n" % message) self.print_help() sys.exit(2) parser = MyParser( description="Evaluate the performance of a rating prediction " + "algorithm " + "on a given dataset using cross validation. You can use a built-in " + "or a custom dataset, and you can choose to automatically split the " + "dataset into folds, or manually specify train and test files. " + "Please refer to the documentation page " + "( for more details.", epilog="""Example:\\n surprise -algo SVD -params "{'n_epochs': 5, 'verbose': True}" -load-builtin ml-100k -n-folds 3""", ) algo_choices = { "NormalPredictor": NormalPredictor, "BaselineOnly": BaselineOnly, "KNNBasic": KNNBasic, "KNNBaseline": KNNBaseline, "KNNWithMeans": KNNWithMeans, "SVD": SVD, "SVDpp": SVDpp, "NMF": NMF, "SlopeOne": SlopeOne, "CoClustering": CoClustering, } parser.add_argument( "-algo", type=str, choices=algo_choices, help="The prediction algorithm to use. " + "Allowed values are " + ", ".join(algo_choices.keys()) + ".", metavar="<prediction algorithm>", ) parser.add_argument( "-params", type=str, metavar="<algorithm parameters>", default="{}", help="A kwargs dictionary that contains all the " + "algorithm parameters." + "Example: \\"{'n_epochs': 10}\\".", ) parser.add_argument( "-load-builtin", type=str, dest="load_builtin", metavar="<dataset name>", default="ml-100k", help="The name of the built-in dataset to use." + "Allowed values are " + ", ".join(dataset.BUILTIN_DATASETS.keys()) + ". Default is ml-100k.", ) parser.add_argument( "-load-custom", type=str, dest="load_custom", metavar="<file path>", default=None, help="A file path to custom dataset to use. " + "Ignored if " + "-loadbuiltin is set. The -reader parameter needs " + "to be set.", ) parser.add_argument( "-folds-files", type=str, dest="folds_files", metavar="<train1 test1 train2 test2... >", default=None, help="A list of custom train and test files. " + "Ignored if -load-builtin or -load-custom is set. " "The -reader parameter needs to be set.", ) parser.add_argument( "-reader", type=str, metavar="<reader>", default=None, help="A Reader to read the custom dataset. Example: " + "\\"Reader(line_format='user item rating timestamp'," + " sep='\\\\t')\\"", ) parser.add_argument( "-n-folds", type=int, dest="n_folds", metavar="<number of folds>", default=5, help="The number of folds for cross-validation. " + "Default is 5.", ) parser.add_argument( "-seed", type=int, metavar="<random seed>", default=None, help="The seed to use for RNG. " + "Default is the current system time.", ) parser.add_argument( "--with-dump", dest="with_dump", action="store_true", help="Dump the algorithm " + "results in a file (one file per fold). " + "Default is False.", ) parser.add_argument( "-dump-dir", dest="dump_dir", type=str, metavar="<dir>", default=None, help="Where to dump the files. Ignored if " + "with-dump is not set. Default is " + os.path.join(get_dataset_dir(), "dumps/"), ) parser.add_argument( "--clean", dest="clean", action="store_true", help="Remove the " + get_dataset_dir() + " directory and exit.", ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=__version__) args = parser.parse_args() if args.clean: folder = get_dataset_dir() shutil.rmtree(folder) print("Removed", folder) exit() # setup RNG rd.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) # setup algorithm params = eval(args.params) if args.algo is None: parser.error("No algorithm was specified.") algo = algo_choices[args.algo](**params) # setup dataset if args.load_custom is not None: # load custom and split if args.reader is None: parser.error("-reader parameter is needed.") reader = eval(args.reader) data = Dataset.load_from_file(args.load_custom, reader=reader) cv = KFold(n_splits=args.n_folds, random_state=args.seed) elif args.folds_files is not None: # load from files if args.reader is None: parser.error("-reader parameter is needed.") reader = eval(args.reader) folds_files = args.folds_files.split() folds_files = [ (folds_files[i], folds_files[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(folds_files) - 1, 2) ] data = Dataset.load_from_folds(folds_files=folds_files, reader=reader) cv = PredefinedKFold() else: # load builtin dataset and split data = Dataset.load_builtin(args.load_builtin) cv = KFold(n_splits=args.n_folds, random_state=args.seed) cross_validate(algo, data, cv=cv, verbose=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main() <s> """This module contains the Trainset class.""" import numpy as np class Trainset: """A trainset contains all useful data that constitute a training set. It is used by the :meth:`fit() <>` method of every prediction algorithm. You should not try to build such an object on your own but rather use the :meth:`Dataset.folds() <surprise.dataset.Dataset.folds>` method or the :meth:`DatasetAutoFolds.build_full_trainset() <surprise.dataset.DatasetAutoFolds.build_full_trainset>` method. Trainsets are different from :class:`Datasets <surprise.dataset.Dataset>`. You can think of a :class:`Dataset <surprise.dataset.Dataset>` as the raw data, and Trainsets as higher-level data where useful methods are defined. Also, a :class:`Dataset <surprise.dataset.Dataset>` may be comprised of multiple Trainsets (e.g. when doing cross validation). Attributes: ur(:obj:`defaultdict` of :obj:`list`): The users ratings. This is a dictionary containing lists of tuples of the form ``(item_inner_id, rating)``. The keys are user inner ids. ir(:obj:`defaultdict` of :obj:`list`): The items ratings. This is a dictionary containing lists of tuples of the form ``(user_inner_id, rating)``. The keys are item inner ids. n_users: Total number of users :math:`|U|`. n_items: Total number of items :math:`|I|`. n_ratings: Total number of ratings :math:`|R_{train}|`. rating_scale(tuple): The minimum and maximal rating of the rating scale. global_mean: The mean of all ratings :math:`\\\\mu`. """ def __init__( self, ur, ir, n_users, n_items, n_ratings, rating_scale, raw2inner_id_users, raw2inner_id_items, ): self.ur = ur = ir self.n_users = n_users self.n_items = n_items self.n_ratings = n_ratings self.rating_scale = rating_scale self._raw2inner_id_users = raw2inner_id_users self._raw2inner_id_items = raw2inner_id_items self._global_mean = None # inner2raw dicts could be built right now (or even before) but they # are not always useful so we wait until we need them. self._inner2raw_id_users = None self._inner2raw_id_items = None def knows_user(self, uid): """Indicate if the user is part of the trainset. A user is part of the trainset if the user has at least one rating. Args: uid(int): The (inner) user id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. Returns: ``True`` if user is part of the trainset, else ``False``. """ return uid in self.ur def knows_item(self, iid): """Indicate if the item is part of the trainset. An item is part of the trainset if the item was rated at least once. Args: iid(int): The (inner) item id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. Returns: ``True`` if item is part of the trainset, else ``False``. """ return iid in def to_inner_uid(self, ruid): """Convert a **user** raw id to an inner id.
See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. Args: ruid(str): The user raw id. Returns: int: The user inner id. Raises: ValueError: When user is not part of the trainset. """ try: return self._raw2inner_id_users[ruid] except KeyError: raise ValueError("User " + str(ruid) + " is not part of the trainset.") def to_raw_uid(self, iuid): """Convert a **user** inner id to a raw id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. Args: iuid(int): The user inner id. Returns: str: The user raw id. Raises: ValueError: When ``iuid`` is not an inner id. """ if self._inner2raw_id_users is None: self._inner2raw_id_users = { inner: raw for (raw, inner) in self._raw2inner_id_users.items() } try: return self._inner2raw_id_users[iuid] except KeyError: raise ValueError(str(iuid) + " is not a valid inner id.") def to_inner_iid(self, riid): """Convert an **item** raw id to an inner id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. Args: riid(str): The item raw id. Returns: int: The item inner id. Raises: ValueError: When item is not part of the trainset. """ try: return self._raw2inner_id_items[riid] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Item " + str(riid) + " is not part of the trainset.") def to_raw_iid(self, iiid): """Convert an **item** inner id to a raw id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. Args: iiid(int): The item inner id. Returns: str: The item raw id. Raises: ValueError: When ``iiid`` is not an inner id. """ if self._inner2raw_id_items is None: self._inner2raw_id_items = { inner: raw for (raw, inner) in self._raw2inner_id_items.items() } try: return self._inner2raw_id_items[iiid] except KeyError: raise ValueError(str(iiid) + " is not a valid inner id.") def all_ratings(self): """Generator function to iterate over all ratings. Yields: A tuple ``(uid, iid, rating)`` where ids are inner ids (see :ref:`this note <raw_inner_note>`). """ for u, u_ratings in self.ur.items(): for i, r in u_ratings: yield u, i, r def build_testset(self): """Return a list of ratings that can be used as a testset in the :meth:`test() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method. The ratings are all the ratings that are in the trainset, i.e. all the ratings returned by the :meth:`all_ratings() <surprise.Trainset.all_ratings>` generator. This is useful in cases where you want to to test your algorithm on the trainset. """ return [ (self.to_raw_uid(u), self.to_raw_iid(i), r) for (u, i, r) in self.all_ratings() ] def build_anti_testset(self, fill=None): """Return a list of ratings that can be used as a testset in the :meth:`test() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.test>` method. The ratings are all the ratings that are **not** in the trainset, i.e. all the ratings :math:`r_{ui}` where the user :math:`u` is known, the item :math:`i` is known, but the rating :math:`r_{ui}` is not in the trainset. As :math:`r_{ui}` is unknown, it is either replaced by the :code:`fill` value or assumed to be equal to the mean of all ratings :meth:`global_mean <surprise.Trainset.global_mean>`. Args: fill(float): The value to fill unknown ratings. If :code:`None` the global mean of all ratings :meth:`global_mean <surprise.Trainset.global_mean>` will be used. Returns: A list of tuples ``(uid, iid, fill)`` where ids are raw ids. """ fill = self.global_mean if fill is None else float(fill) anti_testset = [] for u in self.all_users(): user_items = {j for (j, _) in self.ur[u]} anti_testset += [ (self.to_raw_uid(u), self.to_raw_iid(i), fill) for i in self.all_items() if i not in user_items ] return anti_testset def all_users(self): """Generator function to iterate over all users. Yields: Inner id of users. """ return range(self.n_users) def all_items(self): """Generator function to iterate over all items. Yields: Inner id of items. """ return range(self.n_items) @property def global_mean(self): if self._global_mean is None: self._global_mean = np.mean([r for (_, _, r) in self.all_ratings()]) return self._global_mean <s> """The utils module contains the get_rng function.""" import numbers import numpy as np def get_rng(random_state): """Return a 'validated' RNG. If random_state is None, use RandomState singleton from numpy. Else if it's an integer, consider it's a seed and initialized an rng with that seed. If it's already an rng, return it. """ if random_state is None: return np.random.mtrand._rand elif isinstance(random_state, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)): return np.random.RandomState(random_state) if isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): return random_state raise ValueError( "Wrong random state. Expecting None, an int or a numpy " "RandomState instance, got a " "{}".format(type(random_state)) ) <s> """ the :mod:`knns` module includes some k-NN inspired algorithms. """ import heapq import numpy as np from .algo_base import AlgoBase from .predictions import PredictionImpossible # Important note: as soon as an algorithm uses a similarity measure, it should # also allow the bsl_options parameter because of the pearson_baseline # similarity. It can be done explicitly (e.g. KNNBaseline), or implicetely # using kwargs (e.g. KNNBasic). class SymmetricAlgo(AlgoBase): """This is an abstract class aimed to ease the use of symmetric algorithms. A symmetric algorithm is an algorithm that can can be based on users or on items indifferently, e.g. all the algorithms in this module. When the algo is user-based x denotes a user and y an item. Else, it's reversed. """ def __init__(self, sim_options={}, verbose=True, **kwargs): AlgoBase.__init__(self, sim_options=sim_options, **kwargs) self.verbose = verbose def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) ub = self.sim_options["user_based"] self.n_x = self.trainset.n_users if ub else self.trainset.n_items self.n_y = self.trainset.n_items if ub else self.trainset.n_users self.xr = self.trainset.ur if ub else self.yr = if ub else self.trainset.ur return self def switch(self, u_stuff, i_stuff): """Return x_stuff and y_stuff depending on the user_based field.""" if self.sim_options["user_based"]: return u_stuff, i_stuff else: return i_stuff, u_stuff class KNNBasic(SymmetricAlgo): """A basic collaborative filtering algorithm. The prediction :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as: .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v) \\\\cdot r_{vi}} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v)} or .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j) \\\\cdot r_{uj}} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j)} depending on the ``user_based`` field of the ``sim_options`` parameter. Args: k(int): The (max) number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation (see :ref:`this note <actual_k_note>`). Default is ``40``. min_k(int): The minimum number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation. If there are not enough neighbors, the prediction is set to the global mean of all ratings. Default is ``1``. sim_options(dict): A dictionary of options for the similarity measure. See :ref:`similarity_measures_configuration` for accepted options. verbose(bool): Whether to print trace messages of bias estimation, similarity, etc. Default is True. """ def __init__(self, k=40, min_k=1, sim_options={}, verbose=True, **kwargs): SymmetricAlgo.__init__(self, sim_options=sim_options, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self.k = k self.min_k = min_k def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) self.sim = self.compute_similarities() return self def estimate(self, u, i): if not (self.trainset.knows_user(u) and self.trainset.knows_item(i)): raise PredictionImpossible("User and/or item is unknown.") x, y = self.switch(u, i) neighbors = [(self.sim[x, x2], r) for (x2, r) in self.yr[y]] k_neighbors = heapq.nlargest(self.k, neighbors, key=lambda t: t[0]) # compute weighted average sum_sim = sum_ratings = actual_k = 0 for (sim, r) in k_neighbors: if sim > 0: sum_sim += sim sum_ratings += sim * r actual_k += 1 if actual_k < self.min_k: raise PredictionImpossible("Not enough neighbors.") est = sum_ratings / sum_sim details = {"actual_k": actual_k} return est, details class KNNWithMeans(SymmetricAlgo): """A basic collaborative filtering algorithm, taking into account the mean ratings of each user. The prediction :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as: .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = \\\\mu_u + \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v) \\\\cdot (r_{vi} - \\\\mu_v)} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v)} or .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = \\\\mu_i + \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j) \\\\cdot (r_{uj} - \\\\mu_j)} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j)} depending on the ``user_based`` field of the ``sim_options`` parameter. Args: k(int): The (max) number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation (see :ref:`this note <actual_k_note>`). Default is ``40``. min_k(int): The minimum number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation. If there are not enough neighbors, the neighbor aggregation is set to zero (so the prediction ends up being equivalent to the mean :math:`\\\\mu_u` or :math:`\\\\mu_i`). Default is ``1``. sim_options(dict): A dictionary of options for the similarity measure. See :ref:`similarity_measures_configuration` for accepted options. verbose(bool): Whether to print trace messages of bias estimation, similarity, etc. Default is True. """ def __init__(self, k=40, min_k=1, sim_options={}, verbose=True, **kwargs): SymmetricAlgo.__init__(self, sim_options=sim_options, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self.k = k self.min_k = min_k def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) self.sim = self.compute_similarities() self.means = np.zeros(self.n_x) for x, ratings in self.xr.items(): self.means[x] = np.mean([r for (_, r) in ratings]) return self def estimate(self, u, i): if not (self.trainset.knows_user(u) and self.trainset.knows_item(i)): raise PredictionImpossible("User and/or item is unknown.") x, y = self.switch(u, i) neighbors = [(x2, self.sim[x, x2], r) for (x2, r) in self.yr[y]] k_neighbors = heapq.nlargest(self.k, neighbors, key=lambda t: t[1]) est = self.means[x] # compute weighted average sum_sim = sum_ratings = actual_k = 0 for (nb, sim, r) in k_neighbors: if sim > 0: sum_sim += sim sum_ratings += sim * (r - self.means[nb]) actual_k += 1 if actual_k < self.min_k: sum_ratings = 0 try: est += sum_ratings / sum_sim except ZeroDivisionError: pass # return mean details = {"actual_k": actual_k} return est, details class KNNBaseline(SymmetricAlgo): """A basic collaborative filtering algorithm taking into account a *bas
eline* rating. The prediction :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as: .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = b_{ui} + \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v) \\\\cdot (r_{vi} - b_{vi})} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v)} or .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = b_{ui} + \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j) \\\\cdot (r_{uj} - b_{uj})} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j)} depending on the ``user_based`` field of the ``sim_options`` parameter. For the best predictions, use the :func:`pearson_baseline <surprise.similarities.pearson_baseline>` similarity measure. This algorithm corresponds to formula (3), section 2.2 of :cite:`Koren:2010`. Args: k(int): The (max) number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation (see :ref:`this note <actual_k_note>`). Default is ``40``. min_k(int): The minimum number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation. If there are not enough neighbors, the neighbor aggregation is set to zero (so the prediction ends up being equivalent to the baseline). Default is ``1``. sim_options(dict): A dictionary of options for the similarity measure. See :ref:`similarity_measures_configuration` for accepted options. It is recommended to use the :func:`pearson_baseline <surprise.similarities.pearson_baseline>` similarity measure. bsl_options(dict): A dictionary of options for the baseline estimates computation. See :ref:`baseline_estimates_configuration` for accepted options. verbose(bool): Whether to print trace messages of bias estimation, similarity, etc. Default is True. """ def __init__( self, k=40, min_k=1, sim_options={}, bsl_options={}, verbose=True, **kwargs ): SymmetricAlgo.__init__( self, sim_options=sim_options, bsl_options=bsl_options, verbose=verbose, **kwargs ) self.k = k self.min_k = min_k def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) self.bu, = self.compute_baselines() self.bx, = self.switch(self.bu, self.sim = self.compute_similarities() return self def estimate(self, u, i): est = self.trainset.global_mean if self.trainset.knows_user(u): est += self.bu[u] if self.trainset.knows_item(i): est +=[i] x, y = self.switch(u, i) if not (self.trainset.knows_user(u) and self.trainset.knows_item(i)): return est neighbors = [(x2, self.sim[x, x2], r) for (x2, r) in self.yr[y]] k_neighbors = heapq.nlargest(self.k, neighbors, key=lambda t: t[1]) # compute weighted average sum_sim = sum_ratings = actual_k = 0 for (nb, sim, r) in k_neighbors: if sim > 0: sum_sim += sim nb_bsl = self.trainset.global_mean + self.bx[nb] +[y] sum_ratings += sim * (r - nb_bsl) actual_k += 1 if actual_k < self.min_k: sum_ratings = 0 try: est += sum_ratings / sum_sim except ZeroDivisionError: pass # just baseline again details = {"actual_k": actual_k} return est, details class KNNWithZScore(SymmetricAlgo): """A basic collaborative filtering algorithm, taking into account the z-score normalization of each user. The prediction :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set as: .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = \\\\mu_u + \\\\sigma_u \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v) \\\\cdot (r_{vi} - \\\\mu_v) / \\\\sigma_v} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{v \\\\in N^k_i(u)} \\\\text{sim}(u, v)} or .. math:: \\\\hat{r}_{ui} = \\\\mu_i + \\\\sigma_i \\\\frac{ \\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j) \\\\cdot (r_{uj} - \\\\mu_j) / \\\\sigma_j} {\\\\sum\\\\limits_{j \\\\in N^k_u(i)} \\\\text{sim}(i, j)} depending on the ``user_based`` field of the ``sim_options`` parameter. If :math:`\\\\sigma` is 0, than the overall sigma is used in that case. Args: k(int): The (max) number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation (see :ref:`this note <actual_k_note>`). Default is ``40``. min_k(int): The minimum number of neighbors to take into account for aggregation. If there are not enough neighbors, the neighbor aggregation is set to zero (so the prediction ends up being equivalent to the mean :math:`\\\\mu_u` or :math:`\\\\mu_i`). Default is ``1``. sim_options(dict): A dictionary of options for the similarity measure. See :ref:`similarity_measures_configuration` for accepted options. verbose(bool): Whether to print trace messages of bias estimation, similarity, etc. Default is True. """ def __init__(self, k=40, min_k=1, sim_options={}, verbose=True, **kwargs): SymmetricAlgo.__init__(self, sim_options=sim_options, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self.k = k self.min_k = min_k def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) self.means = np.zeros(self.n_x) self.sigmas = np.zeros(self.n_x) # when certain sigma is 0, use overall sigma self.overall_sigma = np.std([r for (_, _, r) in self.trainset.all_ratings()]) for x, ratings in self.xr.items(): self.means[x] = np.mean([r for (_, r) in ratings]) sigma = np.std([r for (_, r) in ratings]) self.sigmas[x] = self.overall_sigma if sigma == 0.0 else sigma self.sim = self.compute_similarities() return self def estimate(self, u, i): if not (self.trainset.knows_user(u) and self.trainset.knows_item(i)): raise PredictionImpossible("User and/or item is unknown.") x, y = self.switch(u, i) neighbors = [(x2, self.sim[x, x2], r) for (x2, r) in self.yr[y]] k_neighbors = heapq.nlargest(self.k, neighbors, key=lambda t: t[1]) est = self.means[x] # compute weighted average sum_sim = sum_ratings = actual_k = 0 for (nb, sim, r) in k_neighbors: if sim > 0: sum_sim += sim sum_ratings += sim * (r - self.means[nb]) / self.sigmas[nb] actual_k += 1 if actual_k < self.min_k: sum_ratings = 0 try: est += sum_ratings / sum_sim * self.sigmas[x] except ZeroDivisionError: pass # return mean details = {"actual_k": actual_k} return est, details <s> """ This class implements the baseline estimation. """ from .algo_base import AlgoBase class BaselineOnly(AlgoBase): r"""Algorithm predicting the baseline estimate for given user and item. :math:`\\hat{r}_{ui} = b_{ui} = \\mu + b_u + b_i` If user :math:`u` is unknown, then the bias :math:`b_u` is assumed to be zero. The same applies for item :math:`i` with :math:`b_i`. See section 2.1 of :cite:`Koren:2010` for details. Args: bsl_options(dict): A dictionary of options for the baseline estimates computation. See :ref:`baseline_estimates_configuration` for accepted options. verbose(bool): Whether to print trace messages of bias estimation, similarity, etc. Default is True. """ def __init__(self, bsl_options={}, verbose=True): AlgoBase.__init__(self, bsl_options=bsl_options) self.verbose = verbose def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) self.bu, = self.compute_baselines() return self def estimate(self, u, i): est = self.trainset.global_mean if self.trainset.knows_user(u): est += self.bu[u] if self.trainset.knows_item(i): est +=[i] return est <s> """ The :mod:`prediction_algorithms` package includes the prediction algorithms available for recommendation. The available prediction algorithms are: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: random_pred.NormalPredictor baseline_only.BaselineOnly knns.KNNBasic knns.KNNWithMeans knns.KNNWithZScore knns.KNNBaseline matrix_factorization.SVD matrix_factorization.SVDpp matrix_factorization.NMF slope_one.SlopeOne co_clustering.CoClustering """ from .algo_base import AlgoBase from .baseline_only import BaselineOnly from .co_clustering import CoClustering from .knns import KNNBaseline, KNNBasic, KNNWithMeans, KNNWithZScore from .matrix_factorization import NMF, SVD, SVDpp from .predictions import Prediction, PredictionImpossible from .random_pred import NormalPredictor from .slope_one import SlopeOne __all__ = [ "AlgoBase", "NormalPredictor", "BaselineOnly", "KNNBasic", "KNNBaseline", "KNNWithMeans", "SVD", "SVDpp", "NMF", "SlopeOne", "CoClustering", "PredictionImpossible", "Prediction", "KNNWithZScore", ] <s> """ Algorithm predicting a random rating. """ import numpy as np from .algo_base import AlgoBase class NormalPredictor(AlgoBase): """Algorithm predicting a random rating based on the distribution of the training set, which is assumed to be normal. The prediction :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is generated from a normal distribution :math:`\\\\mathcal{N}(\\\\hat{\\\\mu}, \\\\hat{\\\\sigma}^2)` where :math:`\\\\hat{\\\\mu}` and :math:`\\\\hat{\\\\sigma}` are estimated from the training data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation: .. math:: \\\\hat{\\\\mu} &= \\\\frac{1}{|R_{train}|} \\\\sum_{r_{ui} \\\\in R_{train}} r_{ui}\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\hat{\\\\sigma} &= \\\\sqrt{\\\\sum_{r_{ui} \\\\in R_{train}} \\\\frac{(r_{ui} - \\\\hat{\\\\mu})^2}{|R_{train}|}} """ def __init__(self): AlgoBase.__init__(self) def fit(self, trainset):, trainset) num = sum( (r - self.trainset.global_mean) ** 2 for (_, _, r) in self.trainset.all_ratings() ) denum = self.trainset.n_ratings self.sigma = np.sqrt(num / denum) return self def estimate(self, *_): return np.random.normal(self.trainset.global_mean, self.sigma) <s> """ The :mod:`surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base` module defines the base class :class:`AlgoBase` from which every single prediction algorithm has to inherit. """ import heapq from .. import similarities as sims from .optimize_baselines import baseline_als, baseline_sgd from .predictions import Prediction, PredictionImpossible class AlgoBase: """Abstract class where is defined the basic behavior of a prediction algorithm. Keyword Args: baseline_options(dict, optional): If the algorithm needs to compute a baseline estimate, the ``baseline_options`` parameter is used to configure how they are computed. See :ref:`baseline_estimates_configuration` for usage. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.bsl_options = kwargs.get("bsl_options", {}) self.sim_options = kwargs.get("sim_options", {}) if "user_based" not in self.sim_options: self.sim_options["user_based"] = True def fit(self, trainset): """Train an algorithm on a given training set. This method is called by every derived class as the first basic step for training an algorithm. It basically just initializes some internal structures and set the self.trainset attribute. Args: trainset(:obj:`Trainset <surprise.Trainset>`) : A training set, as returned by the :meth:`folds <surprise.dataset.Dataset.folds>` method. Returns: self """ self.trainset = trainset # (re) Initialise baselines self.bu = = None return self def predict(self, uid, iid, r_ui=None, clip=True, verbose=False): """Compute the rating prediction for given user and item. The ``predict`` method converts raw ids to inner ids and then calls the ``estimate`` method which is defined in every derived class. If the prediction is impossible (e.g. because the user and/or the item is unknown), the prediction is set according to :meth:`default_prediction() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.default_prediction>`. Args: uid: (Raw) id
of the user. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. iid: (Raw) id of the item. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. r_ui(float): The true rating :math:`r_{ui}`. Optional, default is ``None``. clip(bool): Whether to clip the estimation into the rating scale. For example, if :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is :math:`5.5` while the rating scale is :math:`[1, 5]`, then :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set to :math:`5`. Same goes if :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui} < 1`. Default is ``True``. verbose(bool): Whether to print details of the prediction. Default is False. Returns: A :obj:`Prediction\\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>` object containing: - The (raw) user id ``uid``. - The (raw) item id ``iid``. - The true rating ``r_ui`` (:math:`r_{ui}`). - The estimated rating (:math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}`). - Some additional details about the prediction that might be useful for later analysis. """ # Convert raw ids to inner ids try: iuid = self.trainset.to_inner_uid(uid) except ValueError: iuid = "UKN__" + str(uid) try: iiid = self.trainset.to_inner_iid(iid) except ValueError: iiid = "UKN__" + str(iid) details = {} try: est = self.estimate(iuid, iiid) # If the details dict was also returned if isinstance(est, tuple): est, details = est details["was_impossible"] = False except PredictionImpossible as e: est = self.default_prediction() details["was_impossible"] = True details["reason"] = str(e) # clip estimate into [lower_bound, higher_bound] if clip: lower_bound, higher_bound = self.trainset.rating_scale est = min(higher_bound, est) est = max(lower_bound, est) pred = Prediction(uid, iid, r_ui, est, details) if verbose: print(pred) return pred def default_prediction(self): """Used when the ``PredictionImpossible`` exception is raised during a call to :meth:`predict() <surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase.predict>`. By default, return the global mean of all ratings (can be overridden in child classes). Returns: (float): The mean of all ratings in the trainset. """ return self.trainset.global_mean def test(self, testset, verbose=False): """Test the algorithm on given testset, i.e. estimate all the ratings in the given testset. Args: testset: A test set, as returned by a :ref:`cross-validation itertor<use_cross_validation_iterators>` or by the :meth:`build_testset() <surprise.Trainset.build_testset>` method. verbose(bool): Whether to print details for each predictions. Default is False. Returns: A list of :class:`Prediction\\ <surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions.Prediction>` objects that contains all the estimated ratings. """ # The ratings are translated back to their original scale. predictions = [ self.predict(uid, iid, r_ui_trans, verbose=verbose) for (uid, iid, r_ui_trans) in testset ] return predictions def compute_baselines(self): """Compute users and items baselines. The way baselines are computed depends on the ``bsl_options`` parameter passed at the creation of the algorithm (see :ref:`baseline_estimates_configuration`). This method is only relevant for algorithms using :func:`Pearson baseline similarity<surprise.similarities.pearson_baseline>` or the :class:`BaselineOnly <surprise.prediction_algorithms.baseline_only.BaselineOnly>` algorithm. Returns: A tuple ``(bu, bi)``, which are users and items baselines.""" # Firt of, if this method has already been called before on the same # trainset, then just return. Indeed, compute_baselines may be called # more than one time, for example when a similarity metric (e.g. # pearson_baseline) uses baseline estimates. if self.bu is not None: return self.bu, method = dict(als=baseline_als, sgd=baseline_sgd) method_name = self.bsl_options.get("method", "als") try: if getattr(self, "verbose", False): print("Estimating biases using", method_name + "...") self.bu, = method[method_name](self) return self.bu, except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Invalid method " + method_name + " for baseline computation." + " Available methods are als and sgd." ) def compute_similarities(self): """Build the similarity matrix. The way the similarity matrix is computed depends on the ``sim_options`` parameter passed at the creation of the algorithm (see :ref:`similarity_measures_configuration`). This method is only relevant for algorithms using a similarity measure, such as the :ref:`k-NN algorithms <pred_package_knn_inpired>`. Returns: The similarity matrix.""" construction_func = { "cosine": sims.cosine, "msd":, "pearson": sims.pearson, "pearson_baseline": sims.pearson_baseline, } if self.sim_options["user_based"]: n_x, yr = self.trainset.n_users, else: n_x, yr = self.trainset.n_items, self.trainset.ur min_support = self.sim_options.get("min_support", 1) args = [n_x, yr, min_support] name = self.sim_options.get("name", "msd").lower() if name == "pearson_baseline": shrinkage = self.sim_options.get("shrinkage", 100) bu, bi = self.compute_baselines() if self.sim_options["user_based"]: bx, by = bu, bi else: bx, by = bi, bu args += [self.trainset.global_mean, bx, by, shrinkage] try: if getattr(self, "verbose", False): print(f"Computing the {name} similarity matrix...") sim = construction_func[name](*args) if getattr(self, "verbose", False): print("Done computing similarity matrix.") return sim except KeyError: raise NameError( "Wrong sim name " + name + ". Allowed values " + "are " + ", ".join(construction_func.keys()) + "." ) def get_neighbors(self, iid, k): """Return the ``k`` nearest neighbors of ``iid``, which is the inner id of a user or an item, depending on the ``user_based`` field of ``sim_options`` (see :ref:`similarity_measures_configuration`). As the similarities are computed on the basis of a similarity measure, this method is only relevant for algorithms using a similarity measure, such as the :ref:`k-NN algorithms <pred_package_knn_inpired>`. For a usage example, see the :ref:`FAQ <get_k_nearest_neighbors>`. Args: iid(int): The (inner) id of the user (or item) for which we want the nearest neighbors. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. k(int): The number of neighbors to retrieve. Returns: The list of the ``k`` (inner) ids of the closest users (or items) to ``iid``. """ if self.sim_options["user_based"]: all_instances = self.trainset.all_users else: all_instances = self.trainset.all_items others = [(x, self.sim[iid, x]) for x in all_instances() if x != iid] others = heapq.nlargest(k, others, key=lambda tple: tple[1]) k_nearest_neighbors = [j for (j, _) in others] return k_nearest_neighbors <s> """ The :mod:`surprise.prediction_algorithms.predictions` module defines the :class:`Prediction` named tuple and the :class:`PredictionImpossible` exception. """ from collections import namedtuple class PredictionImpossible(Exception): r"""Exception raised when a prediction is impossible. When raised, the estimation :math:`\\hat{r}_{ui}` is set to the global mean of all ratings :math:`\\mu`. """ pass class Prediction(namedtuple("Prediction", ["uid", "iid", "r_ui", "est", "details"])): """A named tuple for storing the results of a prediction. It's wrapped in a class, but only for documentation and printing purposes. Args: uid: The (raw) user id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. iid: The (raw) item id. See :ref:`this note<raw_inner_note>`. r_ui(float): The true rating :math:`r_{ui}`. est(float): The estimated rating :math:`\\\\hat{r}_{ui}`. details (dict): Stores additional details about the prediction that might be useful for later analysis. """ __slots__ = () # for memory saving purpose. def __str__(self): s = f"user: {self.uid:<10} " s += f"item: {self.iid:<10} " if self.r_ui is not None: s += f"r_ui = {self.r_ui:1.2f} " else: s += "r_ui = None " s += f"est = {self.est:1.2f} " s += str(self.details) return s <s> from .search import GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV from .split import ( KFold, LeaveOneOut, PredefinedKFold, RepeatedKFold, ShuffleSplit, train_test_split, ) from .validation import cross_validate __all__ = [ "KFold", "ShuffleSplit", "train_test_split", "RepeatedKFold", "LeaveOneOut", "PredefinedKFold", "cross_validate", "GridSearchCV", "RandomizedSearchCV", ] <s> """ The :mod:`model_selection.split<surprise.model_selection.split>` module contains various cross-validation iterators. Design and tools are inspired from the mighty scikit learn. The available iterators are: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: KFold RepeatedKFold ShuffleSplit LeaveOneOut PredefinedKFold This module also contains a function for splitting datasets into trainset and testset: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: train_test_split """ import numbers from collections import defaultdict from itertools import chain from math import ceil, floor import numpy as np from ..utils import get_rng def get_cv(cv): """Return a 'validated' CV iterator.""" if cv is None: return KFold(n_splits=5) if isinstance(cv, numbers.Integral): return KFold(n_splits=cv) if hasattr(cv, "split") and not isinstance(cv, str): return cv # str have split raise ValueError( "Wrong CV object. Expecting None, an int or CV iterator, " "got a {}".format(type(cv)) ) class KFold: """A basic cross-validation iterator. Each fold is used once as a testset while the k - 1 remaining folds are used for training. See an example in the :ref:`User Guide <use_cross_validation_iterators>`. Args: n_splits(int): The number of folds. random_state(int, RandomState instance from numpy, or ``None``): Determines the RNG that will be used for determining the folds. If int, ``random_state`` will be used as a seed for a new RNG. This is useful to get the same splits over multiple calls to ``split()``. If RandomState instance, this same instance is used as RNG. If ``None``, the current RNG from numpy is used. ``random_state`` is only used if ``shuffle`` is ``True``. Default is ``None``. shuffle(bool): Whether to shuffle the ratings in the ``data`` parameter of the ``split()`` method. Shuffling is not done in-place. Default is ``True``. """ def __init__(self, n_splits=5, random_state=None, shuffle=True): self.n_splits = n_splits self.shuffle = shuffle self.random_state = random_state def split(self, data): """Generator function to iterate over trainsets and testsets. Args: data(:obj:`Dataset<surprise.dataset.Dataset>`): The data containing ratings that will be divided into trainsets and testsets. Yields: tuple of (trainset, testset) """ if self.n_splits > len(data.raw_ratings) or self.n_splits < 2: raise ValueError( "Incorrect value for n_splits={}. " "Must be >=2 and less than the number " "of ratings".format(len(data.raw_ratings)) ) # We use indices to avoid shuffling the original data.raw_ratings list. indices = np.arange(len(data.raw_ratings)) if self.shuffle: get_rng(self.random_state).shuffle(indices) start, stop = 0, 0 for fold_i in range(self.n_splits): start = stop stop += len(indices) // self.n_splits if fold_i < len(indices) % self.n_splits: stop += 1 raw_trainset = [ data.raw_ratings[i] for i in chain(indices[:start], indices[stop:]) ] raw_testset = [data.raw_ratings[i] for i in indices[start:stop]] trainset = data.construct_trainset(raw_trainset) testset = data.construct_testset(raw_testset) yield trainset, testset def get_n_folds(self):