Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: cent Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "rent", "bent", "went", "scent", "meant", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: perhaps Output:
[ "wraps", "maps", "snaps", "scraps", "craps", "taps", "laps", "claps", "naps", "slaps", "raps", "caps", "straps", "traps", "apps", "capps", "cap's", "chaps", "crapps", "flaps", "gap's", "gaps", "japs", "kappes", "kaps", "knapp's", "lapps", "lapse", "saps", "schnapps", "yaps", "zaps", "relapse", "collapse", "elapse" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: double Output:
[ "trouble", "bubble", "rubble", "hubbell", "hubble", "stubble", "redouble" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: length Output:
[ "strength" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hand Output:
[ "banned", "canned", "grand", "bland", "tanned", "stand", "planned", "sand", "land", "grande", "brand", "band", "strand", "and", "brande", "chand", "fanned", "gland", "lande", "manned", "panned", "rand", "sande", "scanned", "shand", "spanned", "strande", "vande", "zand", "withstand", "command", "demand", "expand", "bourland", "deland", "disband", "fernand", "firsthand", "firsthand", "hoiland", "laband", "left-hand", "lefthand", "marchand", "marchand", "offhand", "outmanned", "remand", "right-hand", "righthand", "unmanned", "unplanned", "understand", "meadowland", "vallegrande", "misunderstand" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: spell Output:
[ "quel", "smell", "bel", "pelle", "bell", "del", "schnell", "l", "gel", "tel", "cell", "stelle", "shell", "el", "hell", "yell", "tell", "swell", "dwell", "belle", "well", "elle", "fell", "they'll", "sell", "mel", "nel", "behl", "cel", "chell", "clell", "dell", "delle", "dwelle", "ehle", "ell", "fehl", "fel", "frel", "gehl", "gell", "grell", "grelle", "guel", "hehl", "helle", "jell", "kehl", "kell", "kjell", "knell", "krell", "l.", "lehl", "mehl", "mell", "melle", "nell", "nelle", "pehl", "pell", "prell", "quell", "schell", "schmehl", "schnelle", "sel", "selle", "snell", "stell", "strehl", "strehle", "welle", "yelle", "zel", "zell", "zelle", "cartel", "miguel", "excel", "hotel", "estelle", "noel", "farewell", "motel", "chanel", "michelle", "abele", "accel", "adel", "adele", "adell", "adelle", "adwell", "ahnell", "akel", "ancel", "angelle", "ansel", "antell" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: live Output:
[ "hive", "thrive", "dr", "dive", "jive", "i've", "drive", "five", "strive", "clive", "clyve", "dr.", "shive", "vive", "revive", "arrive", "alive", "survive", "c5", "connive", "contrive", "deprive", "derive", "m5", "o'five", "revive" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: crop Output:
[ "hop", "cop", "prop", "slop", "shop", "bop", "opp", "chop", "top", "drop", "wop", "pop", "flop", "mop", "stop", "swap", "op", "bopp", "chopp", "copp", "cropp", "dopp", "glop", "gropp", "hopp", "hoppe", "jopp", "klopp", "knop", "knopp", "kopp", "koppe", "kropp", "lop", "lopp", "paap", "paape", "plop", "popp", "poppe", "propp", "raap", "ropp", "schaap", "schopp", "schoppe", "schropp", "shoppe", "skop", "sop", "sopp", "swapp", "topp", "tropp", "tschopp", "yopp", ".full-stop", "atop", "nonstop", "chop-chop", "non-stop" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: also Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: pay Output:
[ "play", "wey", "lei", "j", "whey", "nay", "hay", "ley", "wy", "fray", "ze", "grey", "dray", "bay", "chez", "say", "gray", "tay", "shay", "che", "yea", "mei", "ray", "k", "way", "sleigh", "gay", "spray", "may", "dey", "jay", "sway", "yay", "lay", "stray", "clay", "fe", "day", "trey", "se", "prey", "slay", "pray", "weigh", "ay", "tray", "mae", "hey", "kay", "gaye", "rae", "tre", "rey", "stay", "a", "a.", "ae", "baye", "bayh", "bey", "blay", "bley", "brae", "bray", "brey", "cay", "c'est", "cray", "dae", "daye", "de", "drey", "fay", "faye", "fey", "flay", "frey", "gai", "graye", "guay", "gway", "haigh", "haye", "hwe", "j.", "jae", "jaye", "k.", "'kay", "kaye", "khe", "klay", "kley", "kray", "krey", "lait", "laye", "les", "leyh", "maye" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: capital Output:
[ "capitol", "digital", "prucapital", "societal", "transcapital" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: possible Output:
[ "horrible", "liable", "vegetable", "cannibal", "visible", "valuable", "probable", "sensible", "lovable", "edible", "flexible", "syllable", "culpable", "suitable", "terrible", "capable", "adabelle", "admirable", "affable", "amabelle", "anable", "annabelle", "annable", "arable", "audible", "bankable", "bearable", "biddable", "billable", "breakable", "buildable", "burnable", "callable", "changeable", "chargeable", "clarabelle", "comparable", "conable", "constable", "corabelle", "countable", "credible", "cristobal", "crucible", "curable", "doable", "drinkable", "drivable", "durable", "eatable", "equable", "fallible", "fashionable", "favorable", "feasible", "fixable", "flammable", "forcible", "fusible", "gullible", "huxtable", "laudable", "laughable", "leasable", "legible", "likable", "likeable", "livable", "mandible", "marable", "mirabal", "miscible", "miserable", "moldable", "movable", "mutable", "notable", "orabelle", "palpable", "parable", "passable", "payable", "peaceable", "plausible", "pliable", "portable", "potable", "preferable", "printable", "provable", "puttable", "quotable", "reachable", "readable", "reasonable", "rentable", "ridable", "rosabelle", "salable", "saleable" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: evening Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: town Output:
[ "clown", "drown", "crown", "frown", "gown", "brown", "browne", "crowne", "down", "downe", "lown", "noun", "shoun", "towne", "downtown", "uptown", "around", "facedown", "mccoun", "mccown", "mcgown", "mcquown", "renown", "run-down", "abbotstown", "abbottstown" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: tone Output:
[ "phone", "groan", "prone", "zone", "drone", "blown", "mon", "thrown", "throne", "moan", "shown", "lone", "flown", "known", "shone", "loan", "clone", "stone", "bone", "sown", "sewn", "grown", "cone", "joan", "boan", "boehne", "boen", "bohn", "bohne", "bown", "bowne", "coan", "cohn", "crone", "doan", "doane", "doanh", "don't", "fone", "goan", "goen", "groen", "grone", "hoehn", "hoehne", "hoen", "hone", "jone", "kloehn", "koehn", "koehne", "koen", "kohne", "krohn", "moen", "mone", "oanh", "own", "plohn", "rhone", "roan", "roane", "roen", "rone", "schoen", "schone", "scone", "sloan", "sloane", "slone", "thoen", "thone", "trone", "homegrown", "cyclone", "alone", "simone", "trombone", "condone", "malone", "flintstone", "outgrown", "unknown", "cologne", "capone", "arone", "athlone", "atone", "barone", "barrone", "bastogne", "bayonne", "bemoan", "cadrone", "carone", "catone", "cirone", "damone", "dethrone", "dethrone" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: term Output:
[ "sperm", "squirm", "germ", "firm", "worm", "berm", "ferm", "germe", "herm", "hurm", "schirm", "sturm", "therm", "thurm", "wurm", "confirm", "affirm", "infirm", "long-term", "short-term", "reaffirm", "reconfirm" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: question Output:
[ "suggestion", "congestion", "digestion", "ingestion", "indigestion" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: morning Output:
[ "warning", "mourning", "corning", "horning", "adorning", "forewarning", "goodmorning" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: shop Output:
[ "hop", "cop", "prop", "slop", "bop", "opp", "chop", "top", "drop", "wop", "pop", "flop", "mop", "crop", "stop", "swap", "op", "bopp", "chopp", "copp", "cropp", "dopp", "glop", "gropp", "hopp", "hoppe", "jopp", "klopp", "knop", "knopp", "kopp", "koppe", "kropp", "lop", "lopp", "paap", "paape", "plop", "popp", "poppe", "propp", "raap", "ropp", "schaap", "schopp", "schoppe", "schropp", "shoppe", "skop", "sop", "sopp", "swapp", "topp", "tropp", "tschopp", "yopp", ".full-stop", "atop", "nonstop", "chop-chop", "non-stop" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: meant Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "cent", "rent", "bent", "went", "scent", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: touch Output:
[ "much", "clutch", "dutch", "crutch", "bruch", "buch", "buche", "butsch", "duch", "dusch", "futch", "huch", "hutch", "kuch", "kutch", "kutsch", "mutch", "mutsch", "ruch", "such", "sutch", "szuch", "tuch", "zuch", "how-much", "nonesuch" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fall Output:
[ "call", "tall", "lol", "drawl", "gall", "crawl", "hall", "paul", "mall", "wall", "stall", "haul", "ball", "bawl", "brawl", "small", "all", "aul", "aull", "caul", "crall", "dall", "daul", "faul", "faull", "gaul", "gaulle", "grall", "graul", "kall", "kaul", "krall", "krol", "kroll", "lall", "maul", "maule", "maull", "mol", "nall", "pall", "paule", "paull", "pol", "prall", "rall", "raul", "rawl", "sall", "saul", "schall", "schmall", "schnall", "schwall", "scrawl", "shaul", "shaull", "shawl", "spall", "sprawl", "squall", "taul", "thall", "thrall", "tol", "wahle", "wal", "walle", "baseball", "antol", "appall", "bacall", "befall", "depaul", "edsall", "engwall", "enthral", "fairall", "forestall", "install", "mccall", "mccaul", "mcfall", "mcfaul", "mcnall", "mcphaul", "mehall", "metall", "nepal", "recall", "sabol", "vandall", "vanhall", "vantol", "luminol", "montreal", "peterpaul", "senegal" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: oh Output:
[ "show", "dough", "doh", "joe", "aux", "hoh", "quo", "glow", "mo", "mau", "noe", "poe", "owe", "schau", "row", "ow", "glo", "toe", "doe", "though", "wo", "o'", "bro", "bo", "know", "pro", "au", "whoa", "throw", "blow", "go", "po", "tho", "flo", "lo", "crow", "flow", "foe", "woe", "jo", "ohh", "moe", "grow", "ho", "co", "ro", "slow", "snow", "sew", "hoe", "mow", "fro", "yo", "low", "cho", "tow", "beau", "ko", "beaux", "bleau", "blowe", "boe", "boeh", "bow", "bowe", "breau", "breault", "breaux", "broe", "browe", "cau", "chau", "choe", "cloe", "clow", "co.", "coe", "cro", "crowe", "dau", "eau", "eaux", "faux", "floe", "flowe", "froh", "gau", "gloe", "goe", "gogh", "goh", "gro", "groh", "growe", "joh", "koh", "krogh", "kroh", "krowe", "kyo" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: forward Output:
[ "dorward", "norward", "shoreward", "fast-forward", "straightforward" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: skin Output:
[ "din", "spin", "min", "thin", "lynn", "vin", "yin", "sin", "gin", "bin", "grin", "chin", "pin", "fin", "tin", "twin", "kin", "win", "inn", "finn", "quinn", "been", "bihn", "binn", "blinn", "brin", "brinn", "bryn", "chinh", "chinn", "dinh", "finne", "flinn", "flynn", "ginn", "glyn", "glynn", "guin", "guinn", "gwin", "gwinn", "gwyn", "gwynn", "gwynne", "gyn", "hinn", "in", "in.", "jin", "kihn", "kinn", "kinne", "knin", "knin", "lin", "linh", "linn", "linne", "lwin", "lyn", "lynne", "mihn", "minh", "pinn", "prynne", "qian", "qin", "quin", "rhin", "rihn", "rinn", "rinne", "schwinn", "shin", "shinn", "sinn", "syn", "trinh", "when", "when", "winn", "winne", "wynn", "wynne", "zinn", "zlin", "begin", "askin", "berlin", "within", "adin", "akin", "allin", "allphin", "alpin", "aslin", "astin", "aswin", "atkin", "boleyn" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: while Output:
[ "nile", "vile", "mile", "wile", "tile", "i'll", "smile", "pile", "style", "file", "aisle", "isle", "weil", "bile", "bille", "cheil", "deihl", "dial", "geil", "gile", "gille", "guile", "heil", "hile", "hyle", "kile", "kyl", "kyle", "lile", "lyle", "pfeil", "phyle", "pyle", "reihl", "rile", "ruyle", "ryle", "seil", "sheil", "stile", "theil", "theile", "trial", "weill", "while", "wyle", "zile", "awhile", "worthwhile", "argyll", "beguile", "compile", "delisle", "fertile", "hostile", "kurzweil", "marseille", "mikhail", "monteil", "nevile", "panfile", "refile", "restyle", "revile", "vantuyl", "versatile" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: wind Output:
[ "grind", "dined", "kind", "signed", "bind", "blind", "lined", "mind", "find", "shined", "fined", "freind", "hind", "mined", "pined", "rind", "twined", "wined", "confined", "refined", "combined", "entwined", "aligned", "resigned", "remind", "behind", "unkind", "unwind", "mankind", "designed", "inclined", "defined", "affined", "assigned", "consigned", "declined", "elkind", "enshrined", "maligned", "opined", "reclined", "refined", "resigned", "resigned", "unlined", "unsigned", "intertwined", "disinclined", "realigned", "reassigned", "redefined", "redesigned", "unconfined", "undefined", "undermined", "unrefined" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: new Output:
[ "pooh", "queue", "poo", "koo", "du", "jew", "whew", "pew", "que", "rue", "view", "hoo", "pu", "dru", "two", "hue", "moo", "threw", "true", "foo", "boo", "hou", "yoo", "bleu", "hugh", "ku", "grew", "su", "shu", "whoo", "blew", "slew", "blue", "knew", "clue", "shoe", "due", "jus", "flew", "screw", "tu", "q", "sue", "lou", "dew", "chew", "yu", "zoo", "drew", "brew", "coo", "ou", "glue", "chu", "vous", "choo", "wu", "oooh", "u", "shoo", "goo", "vu", "mu", "fu", "doo", "cue", "ooh", "lu", "flu", "coup", "nu", "ju", "ru", "stew", "crew", "deux", "woo", "hu", "loo", "beu", "breaux", "brue", "chiu", "chou", "cou", "crewe", "do", "douwe", "due", "ewe", "few", "flue", "frew", "frueh", "glew", "gnu", "graue", "grewe", "gu", "gue" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: observe Output:
[ "irv", "serve", "nerve", "swerve", "curve", "d'oeuvre", "herve", "irve", "merv", "mirv", "oeuvre", "serv", "verve", "zurve", "preserve", "deserve", "reserve", "conserve", "hors_d'oeuvre", "preserve", "preserve", "reserve", "unnerve", "underserve" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: probable Output:
[ "horrible", "liable", "vegetable", "cannibal", "visible", "valuable", "sensible", "lovable", "edible", "flexible", "syllable", "culpable", "suitable", "possible", "terrible", "capable", "adabelle", "admirable", "affable", "amabelle", "anable", "annabelle", "annable", "arable", "audible", "bankable", "bearable", "biddable", "billable", "breakable", "buildable", "burnable", "callable", "changeable", "chargeable", "clarabelle", "comparable", "conable", "constable", "corabelle", "countable", "credible", "cristobal", "crucible", "curable", "doable", "drinkable", "drivable", "durable", "eatable", "equable", "fallible", "fashionable", "favorable", "feasible", "fixable", "flammable", "forcible", "fusible", "gullible", "huxtable", "laudable", "laughable", "leasable", "legible", "likable", "likeable", "livable", "mandible", "marable", "mirabal", "miscible", "miserable", "moldable", "movable", "mutable", "notable", "orabelle", "palpable", "parable", "passable", "payable", "peaceable", "plausible", "pliable", "portable", "potable", "preferable", "printable", "provable", "puttable", "quotable", "reachable", "readable", "reasonable", "rentable", "ridable", "rosabelle", "salable", "saleable" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: human Output:
[ "bumann", "crewman", "cumin", "doman", "duman", "heuman", "heumann", "human", "humann", "lewman", "looman", "luman", "lumen", "neuman", "neumann", "newman", "newmann", "ruman", "rumen", "schuhmann", "schuman", "schumann", "shuman", "suman", "thuman", "thumann", "tooman", "truman", "tuman", "vrooman", "youman", "acumen", "albumin", "bitumen", "bitumen", "inhuman", "non-human", "nonhuman", "subhuman", "superhuman", "semi-human" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: plant Output:
[ "tant", "cant", "can't", "rant", "grant", "aunt", "chant", "ant", "bandt", "brandt", "brant", "dant", "fant", "gant", "gantt", "grandt", "jandt", "kandt", "kant", "landt", "lant", "mandt", "pant", "plante", "quant", "sandt", "sant", "scant", "schrandt", "slant", "stant", "trant", "yant", "zandt", "zant", "decant", "durrant", "enchant", "implant", "incant", "labant", "levant", "pylant", "recant", "replant", "supplant", "transplant", "vansandt", "vanzandt" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: phrase Output:
[ "k's", "faze", "a's", "strays", "graze", "hayes", "sways", "jays", "plays", "swayze", "praise", "glaze", "trays", "way's", "days", "jay's", "stays", "blaze", "haze", "gaze", "day's", "phase", "pays", "daze", "maze", "lays", "rays", "ways", "mase", "j's", "sais", "prays", "raise", "weighs", "craze", "a.'s", "a.s", "baise", "baize", "bayes", "bays", "bay's", "bayse", "baze", "blaese", "blaise", "blaize", "blase", "blayze", "braise", "brase", "cayes", "chaise", "che's", "claes", "claeys", "clays", "crase", "crays", "cray's", "dais", "daise", "dase", "days'", "faye's", "fay's", "fe's", "frase", "fraze", "frey's", "gase", "gays", "gray's", "grays", "grey's", "hase", "hays", "hayse", "heys", "j.'s", "jae's", "k.'s", "kase", "kayes", "kays", "kay's", "klase", "lais", "lase", "lay's", "leis", "leys", "maes", "mae's", "maize", "mayes", "may's", "mays", "mays'", "mayse" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: forest Output:
[ "forrest", "deforest", "laforest", "reforest" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: charge Output:
[ "marge", "barge", "large", "farge", "marje", "sarge", "discharge", "enlarge", "lafarge", "mischarge", "recharge", "surcharge", "supercharge", "telecharge" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: motion Output:
[ "notion", "potion", "lotion", "ocean", "bocian", "hoeschen", "kocian", "promotion", "emotion", "devotion", "commotion", "demotion", "laotian", "laotian", "promotion", "locomotion" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: grand Output:
[ "banned", "canned", "hand", "bland", "tanned", "stand", "planned", "land", "grande", "brand", "band", "strand", "sand", "and", "brande", "chand", "fanned", "gland", "lande", "manned", "panned", "rand", "sande", "scanned", "shand", "spanned", "strande", "vande", "zand", "withstand", "command", "demand", "expand", "bourland", "deland", "disband", "fernand", "firsthand", "firsthand", "hoiland", "laband", "left-hand", "lefthand", "marchand", "marchand", "offhand", "outmanned", "remand", "right-hand", "righthand", "unmanned", "unplanned", "understand", "meadowland", "vallegrande", "misunderstand" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: else Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: boat Output:
[ "\"quote", "wrote", "coat", "note", "rote", "throat", "float", "vote", "tote", "quote", "goat", "bloat", "choat", "choate", "cote", "dote", "gloat", "groat", "grote", "haute", "hote", "kote", "moat", "mote", "oat", "pote", "'quote", "roat", "schaut", "sloat", "sloate", "sproat", "vogt", "\"close-quote", "\"end-quote", "\"unquote", "promote", "remote", "afloat", "bacote", "capote", "chipote", "connote", "demote", "denote", "devote", "ducote", "'end-quote", "hinote", "misquote", "outvote", "remote", "rewrote", "uncoat", "unquote", "vannote", "\"double-quote", "\"end-of-quote", "'inner-quote", "overwrote", "'single-quote", "terre_haute", "underwrote", "'end-inner-quote" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: strange Output:
[ "change", "range", "ainge", "ange", "grange", "mange", "prange", "arrange", "exchange", "derange", "downrange", "estrange", "lestrange", "long-range", "phalange", "shortchange", "rearrange", "interchange", "interchange", "prearrange" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: island Output:
[ "byland", "eiland", "heiland", "highland", "hyland", "niland", "nyland", "nylund", "pyland", "reiland", "weiland", "wiland", "wyland", "long_island", "rhode-island" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: happen Output:
[ "lappen", "tappan", "tappen", "misshapen" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: stretch Output:
[ "wretch", "sketch", "fetch", "betsch", "etch", "fetsch", "ketch", "kretsch", "kvetch", "letsch", "meche", "petsch", "petsche", "vetsch", "outstretch" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: must Output:
[ "dust", "crust", "thrust", "cussed", "lust", "trust", "rust", "bust", "blust", "brust", "bused", "bussed", "fussed", "fust", "gust", "guste", "hust", "just", "knust", "prust", "yust", "disgust", "adjust", "clevetrust", "combust", "discussed", "distrust", "encrust", "entrust", "incrust", "mistrust", "non-plussed", "nonplussed", "robust", "unjust", "antitrust", "readjust", "unadjust", "ustrust" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: war Output:
[ "pour", "corps", "store", "chore", "shore", "gore", "ore", "score", "door", "wore", "tore", "swore", "whore", "roar", "floor", "sore", "core", "bore", "four", "soar", "por", "drawer", "fore", "flor", "yore", "baur", "boar", "boer", "bohr", "borre", "clore", "coar", "cohr", "cor", "corr", "doar", "doerr", "dohr", "d'or", "dore", "dorr", "faure", "flore", "for", "forr", "glor", "glore", "goar", "gorr", "hoar", "hoare", "hoerr", "horr", "knorr", "kohr", "laur", "laure", "loar", "loehr", "lohr", "lor", "lore", "mohr", "moore", "mor", "more", "morr", "nohr", "nor", "oar", "ohr", "or", "orr", "pore", "porr", "roehr", "rohr", "saur", "schnorr", "schor", "schorr", "scor", "shor", "shorr", "snore", "sor", "spaur", "spore", "stoehr", "stohr", "storr", "thor", "tor", "torr", "torre", "vore", "warr", "woehr", "wor", "your" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: get Output:
[ "sweat", "et", "jet", "vette", "let", "yet", "set", "debt", "threat", "pet", "net", "met", "bet", "vet", "fret", "wet", "bett", "bret", "brett", "chet", "fett", "fette", "flett", "frett", "goette", "hett", "jett", "jette", "jfet", "kett", "klett", "lett", "mette", "nett", "nyet", "pett", "piet", "plett", "pret", "ret", "rhett", "sette", "smet", "stet", "swett", "tet", "tete", "whet", "whet", "yett", "corvette", "cassette", "duet", "regret", "offset", "claudette", "reset", "brunette", "forget", "upset", "roulette", "abbett", "abet", "allset", "anette", "annett", "annette", "anstett", "arlette", "arnett", "arnette", "arquette", "audet", "audette", "babette", "baguette", "barbette", "barnett", "barnette", "barrette", "baskette", "bassette", "beaudet", "beaudette", "beget", "bennette", "bequette", "berlet", "bernet", "beset", "bessette", "binette", "bissette", "bizet", "blanchette", "bobbette", "bonnette", "boulet", "boulette", "bourget" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: yes Output:
[ "bless", "ness", "les", "stress", "esse", "wes", "press", "des", "guess", "es", "'s", "mess", "chess", "less", "dress", "bess", "besse", "bress", "bresse", "ches", "cress", "ess", "fess", "gess", "gless", "gress", "hess", "hesse", "jess", "kess", "kless", "kness", "kress", "kresse", "nes", "pesce", "pless", "press'", "presse", "ques", "ress", "s", "s.", "tess", "tress", "vess", "wess", "ts", "unless", "recess", "confess", "success", "express", "caress", "impress", "possess", "undress", "finesse", "distress", "address", "aggress", "assess", "attests", "compress", "contests", "depress", "digress", "egress", "ellesse", "etess", "excess", "express'", "fluoresce", "fluoresce", "forbess", "ines", "largesse", "l'express", "ls", "lutece", "lyness", "noblesse", "obsess", "oppress", "profess", "progress", "progress", "protests", "redress", "regress", "repress", "requests", "requests", "siese", "simplesse", "suppress", "transgress", "us", "v_s", "irs" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: toward Output:
[ "scored", "stored", "roared", "floored", "lord", "board", "bored", "sword", "ford", "poured", "ward", "chord", "cord", "fjord", "foard", "forde", "goard", "gored", "gourd", "hoard", "hord", "horde", "jorde", "mord", "nord", "nored", "norred", "oared", "ord", "plourde", "pored", "shored", "soard", "soared", "sward", "warde", "record", "accord", "restored", "afford", "aboard", "toward", "ignored", "reward", "adored", "award", "abhorred", "acord", "alvord", "axford", "beauford", "debord", "deborde", "deplored", "dubord", "explored", "implored", "laborde", "mainord", "mccord", "montford", "mountford", "offshored", "outscored", "reboard", "record", "revord", "reward", "shavord", "verwoerd", "prerecord", "prerecord", "underscored", "unexplored", "untoward", "untoward", "underinsured" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: several Output:
[ "kuril", "natural", "funeral", "general", "federal", "aberle", "admiral", "anderle", "bauerle", "beierle", "corporal", "cultural", "dieterle", "doctoral", "doggerel", "eberle", "eckerle", "enderle", "federle", "guttural", "haberle", "haeberle", "hammerle", "heberle", "humoral", "inderal", "kimmerle", "laperle", "lateral", "literal", "litteral", "littoral", "mackerel", "mayoral", "mellaril", "mineral", "numeral", "oberle", "oesterle", "pastoral", "pectoral", "pepperell", "pfefferle", "pickeral", "pickerel", "pickerell", "scriptural", "sculptural", "sectoral", "structural", "temporal", "visceral", "wackerle", "wetherell", "wetherill", "witherell", "zimmerle", "unnatural", "behavioral", "behavioral", "bilateral", "canaveral", "cholesterol", "collateral", "directoral", "electoral", "ephemeral", "inaugural", "inaugural", "peripheral", "prefectural", "procedural", "trilateral", "supernatural", "agricultural", "architectural", "countercultural", "countercultural", "horticultural", "infrastructural", "intercultural", "multicultural", "multilateral", "multilateral", "neoliberal", "nomenclatural", "petromineral", "plurilateral", "snydergeneral", "unilateral", "non-agricultural", "nonagricultural" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: house Output:
[ "spouse", "haus", "mouse", "youse", "blouse", "bouse", "brouse", "chaus", "chausse", "clouse", "couse", "crouse", "douse", "dowse", "fouse", "gauss", "grouse", "hause", "hauss", "klaus", "knouse", "kraus", "krauss", "krouse", "laos", "louse", "prouse", "rouse", "rousse", "schaus", "shouse", "smouse", "sprouse", "straus", "strause", "strauss", "strouse", "boathouse", "espouse", "in-house" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sit Output:
[ "grit", "skit", "tit", "chit", "hit", "knit", "split", "pitt", "lit", "whit", "mitt", "wit", "pit", "bit", "shits", "kit", "shit", "slit", "spit", "quit", "fit", "brit", "britt", "fitt", "flit", "get", "hitt", "it", "kitt", "litt", "mit", "nit", "plitt", "pritt", "ritt", "schlitt", "schmidt", "schmit", "schmitt", "smit", "splitt", "stitt", "tritt", "vitt", "whit", "whitt", "whitt", "witt", "witte", "writ", "submit", "admit", "permit", "transmit", "commit", "acquit", "barritt", "befit", "boblitt", "burditt", "clampitt", "davitt", "devitt", "dewit", "dewitt", "dewitte", "douthit", "douthitt", "emit", "gillett", "it-wit", "laffitte", "lafitte", "legit", "mcnitt", "obit", "omit", "politte", "presplit", "refit", "remit", "savitt", "unfit", "readmit", "recommit", "resubmit" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: symbol Output:
[ "nimble", "cymbal", "gimbel", "kimball", "kimbel", "kimble", "thimble", "trimble" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: catch Output:
[ "batch", "hatch", "latch", "match", "scratch", "snatch", "patch", "bache", "brach", "bratsch", "drach", "flach", "gach", "gatch", "hach", "kach", "krach", "lach", "lache", "latsch", "mache", "matsch", "rach", "stach", "tatsch", "thach", "thatch", "tkach", "vlach", "attach", "detach", "dispatch", "mismatch", "rematch", "overmatch", "reattach", "unattach" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: listen Output:
[ "glisten", "bissen", "bisson", "brison", "brisson", "christen", "dishon", "dison", "frison", "glisson", "grisson", "ison", "kissane", "nissen", "rison", "sison", "sisson", "thissen", "tison", "zisson", "divison", "edmisten", "rechristen" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hole Output:
[ "ol'", "mole", "stole", "scroll", "troll", "soul", "dole", "roll", "whole", "ole", "pole", "role", "goal", "bowl", "coal", "toll", "stroll", "cole", "sole", "boal", "boehl", "bohl", "bole", "boll", "buol", "coale", "colle", "croll", "dhole", "doell", "droll", "foal", "foale", "fohl", "gohl", "groll", "hoel", "hoell", "hoelle", "hohl", "knoell", "knoll", "koehl", "koelle", "kohl", "kol", "kole", "mohl", "noell", "nohl", "nole", "noll", "ohl", "pfohl", "poehl", "pohl", "poll", "proehl", "roehl", "roell", "roelle", "rohl", "rol", "rolle", "schaul", "scholle", "schroll", "seoul", "skoal", "sohl", "sol", "sowle", "stohl", "stol", "stoll", "strohl", "strole", "thoele", "thole", "toal", "toelle", "tole", "voell", "woehl", "wohl", "control", "parole", "patrol", "nicole", "abrol", "atoll", "cajole", "console", "devaul", "ecole", "enroll", "enroll", "extol", "madole", "mccole" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sharp Output:
[ "harp", "arp", "carp", "garp", "harpe", "karp", "scarp", "scharp", "sharpe", "tarp", "tharp", "tharpe" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: story Output:
[ "glory", "corey", "corrie", "corry", "coury", "dorey", "dori", "dorie", "dorrie", "dory", "florey", "flori", "florrie", "florry", "flory", "forie", "forrey", "forry", "glori", "gorey", "gori", "gory", "haury", "hoary", "hori", "jory", "kaori", "korey", "korry", "laurey", "lauri", "laurie", "laury", "lawrie", "lawry", "lorey", "lori", "lorie", "lorrie", "lorry", "lory", "lowrie", "mauri", "maurie", "maury", "morey", "mori", "morrie", "morry", "mory", "mowrey", "mowry", "norrie", "norry", "ori", "ory", "quarry", "rorie", "rory", "shorey", "sorey", "storey", "storie", "torey", "tori", "torrey", "torry", "tory", "towry", "astore", "basore", "delore", "detore", "dettore", "fiore", "fiori", "gregori", "hattori", "inscore", "kgori", "komori", "kumouri", "latorre", "lepore", "liguori", "liquori", "mcclory", "mccorry", "mccrorey", "mccrory", "mcglory", "mcgrory", "mclaury", "mcrorie", "montuori", "omori", "o'mori", "pecore", "priore", "pylori" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: except Output:
[ "stepped", "slept", "swept", "kept", "crept", "wept", "leaped", "leapt", "prepped", "sept", "accept", "accept", "adept", "inept", "intercept", "intercept", "overslept" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: clear Output:
[ "creer", "sere", "pier", "sheer", "peer", "spear", "beer", "lear", "deere", "smear", "sphere", "mir", "cheer", "gear", "rear", "fear", "year", "steer", "near", "dear", "deer", "mere", "queer", "beare", "bere", "briere", "cleere", "crear", "cyr", "ear", "fier", "fleer", "frear", "freire", "frere", "geer", "gier", "giere", "grear", "greer", "jeer", "kear", "kier", "kir", "kleer", "kneer", "mear", "myhre", "neer", "nir", "schear", "scheer", "schweer", "sear", "shear", "shere", "sneer", "speer", "speir", "stear", "steere", "tear", "teer", "veer", "vere", "we're", "wier", "zerr", "zier", "unclear", "severe", "premiere", "appear", "career", "sincere", "premier", "frontier", "adhere", "alvear", "amir", "amir", "austere", "bahir", "bashir", "bassir", "bebear", "casebeer", "cashier", "chachere", "chusmir", "cohere", "davir", "desir", "dornier", "dyneer", "dyneer", "emir", "emir", "four-year", "guinier" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: spring Output:
[ "swing", "ping", "zing", "ming", "bring", "wring", "ging", "jing", "sing", "string", "ding", "wing", "cling", "sting", "ting", "king", "sling", "ring", "fling", "ching", "ying", "ling", "thing", "bing", "dring", "gring", "hing", "ing", "kling", "kring", "lyng", "ng", "ning", "pring", "qing", "ringe", "schwing", "shing", "singh", "thwing", "xing", "beijing", "chang-ming", "chang-ming", "chongqing", "ginting", "kwok-shing", "mei-ling", "peking", "qingming", "spring", "unring", "upswing", "xiaoping", "yenching" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: general Output:
[ "kuril", "natural", "funeral", "several", "federal", "aberle", "admiral", "anderle", "bauerle", "beierle", "corporal", "cultural", "dieterle", "doctoral", "doggerel", "eberle", "eckerle", "enderle", "federle", "guttural", "haberle", "haeberle", "hammerle", "heberle", "humoral", "inderal", "kimmerle", "laperle", "lateral", "literal", "litteral", "littoral", "mackerel", "mayoral", "mellaril", "mineral", "numeral", "oberle", "oesterle", "pastoral", "pectoral", "pepperell", "pfefferle", "pickeral", "pickerel", "pickerell", "scriptural", "sculptural", "sectoral", "structural", "temporal", "visceral", "wackerle", "wetherell", "wetherill", "witherell", "zimmerle", "unnatural", "behavioral", "behavioral", "bilateral", "canaveral", "cholesterol", "collateral", "directoral", "electoral", "ephemeral", "inaugural", "inaugural", "peripheral", "prefectural", "procedural", "trilateral", "supernatural", "agricultural", "architectural", "countercultural", "countercultural", "horticultural", "infrastructural", "intercultural", "multicultural", "multilateral", "multilateral", "neoliberal", "nomenclatural", "petromineral", "plurilateral", "snydergeneral", "unilateral", "non-agricultural", "nonagricultural" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dollar Output:
[ "scholar", "hollar", "holler", "collar", "bahler", "boller", "coller", "collor", "dahler", "goller", "kahler", "kollar", "koller", "lollar", "mahler", "moller", "ollar", "oller", "pfahler", "scholler", "soller", "squalor", "stahler", "stollar", "strahler", "voller", "wahler", "woller", "zahler", "zoller", "non-dollar", "nondollar" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fill Output:
[ "hill", "sill", "chill", "ill", "till", "thrill", "bill", "til", "gill", "mille", "stille", "stil", "il", "wil", "grill", "pill", "mill", "spill", "mil", "trill", "kill", "skill", "still", "drill", "lil", "phil", "jill", "'til", "ville", "bihl", "bil", "brill", "crill", "dill", "dille", "fil", "fril", "frill", "gil", "grille", "guill", "hille", "jil", "kille", "knill", "krill", "lill", "lille", "nil", "nill", "pihl", "pil", "pille", "prill", "quill", "rill", "schill", "shill", "shrill", "sil", "stihl", "swill", "thill", "twill", "we'll", "will", "wille", "zil", "zill", "deville", "downhill", "goodwill", "seville", "fulfill", "brazil", "uphill", "abril", "antill", "asbill", "auvil", "bastille", "belleville", "brizill", "calill", "cohill", "courville", "demille", "distil", "distill", "douville", "dutil", "gaitskill", "gambill", "gayshill", "gayshill", "grabill", "instill", "isbill", "jabril", "macdill" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: wing Output:
[ "swing", "ping", "zing", "spring", "ming", "bring", "wring", "ging", "jing", "sing", "string", "ding", "cling", "sting", "ting", "king", "sling", "ring", "fling", "ching", "ying", "ling", "thing", "bing", "dring", "gring", "hing", "ing", "kling", "kring", "lyng", "ng", "ning", "pring", "qing", "ringe", "schwing", "shing", "singh", "thwing", "xing", "beijing", "chang-ming", "chang-ming", "chongqing", "ginting", "kwok-shing", "mei-ling", "peking", "qingming", "spring", "unring", "upswing", "xiaoping", "yenching" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fear Output:
[ "creer", "sere", "pier", "sheer", "peer", "spear", "beer", "lear", "deere", "smear", "sphere", "mir", "cheer", "gear", "rear", "year", "clear", "steer", "near", "dear", "deer", "mere", "queer", "beare", "bere", "briere", "cleere", "crear", "cyr", "ear", "fier", "fleer", "frear", "freire", "frere", "geer", "gier", "giere", "grear", "greer", "jeer", "kear", "kier", "kir", "kleer", "kneer", "mear", "myhre", "neer", "nir", "schear", "scheer", "schweer", "sear", "shear", "shere", "sneer", "speer", "speir", "stear", "steere", "tear", "teer", "veer", "vere", "we're", "wier", "zerr", "zier", "unclear", "severe", "premiere", "appear", "career", "sincere", "premier", "frontier", "adhere", "alvear", "amir", "amir", "austere", "bahir", "bashir", "bassir", "bebear", "casebeer", "cashier", "chachere", "chusmir", "cohere", "davir", "desir", "dornier", "dyneer", "dyneer", "emir", "emir", "four-year", "guinier" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: carry Output:
[ "barry", "arey", "barrie", "charry", "clarey", "farrey", "farry", "garey", "garrey", "garry", "gary", "scarry", "wharry", "wharry", "denarii", "mccarey", "mccarry", "meharry", "intermarry" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hold Output:
[ "old", "sold", "scold", "strolled", "mould", "rolled", "olde", "fold", "bold", "cold", "gold", "told", "mold", "bowled", "dold", "doled", "golde", "holde", "holed", "nold", "nolde", "polled", "roald", "tolled", "vold", "wold", "enfold", "ahold", "foretold", "behold", "unfold", "untold", "controlled", "cajoled", "consoled", "enrolled", "extolled", "fourfold", "machold", "outsold", "paroled", "patrolled", "remold", "resold", "twofold", "unrolled", "unsold", "uphold", "withhold", "decontrolled", "oversold", "uncontrolled", "undersold" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dead Output:
[ "head", "said", "ted", "spread", "bread", "med", "sped", "ned", "shred", "redd", "sled", "stead", "shed", "fed", "led", "red", "bed", "ed", "thread", "dread", "fred", "bled", "lead", "read", "tread", "wed", "bred", "fled", "dred", "dredd", "fread", "freda", "ged", "jed", "nedd", "pled", "reade", "schwed", "sffed", "shead", "shedd", "sledd", "swed", "szwed", "wedd", "wehde", "zed", "unsaid", "ahead", "misled", "instead", "abed", "behead", "behead", "embed", "imbed", "misread", "numed", "purebred", "retread", "sayed", "unread", "unted", "unwed", "widespread", "thoroughbred", "overhead", "infrared", "biomed", "hilton_head", "interbred", "overfed", "sffed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: machine Output:
[ "gene", "lean", "nein", "sheen", "spleen", "peine", "bien", "nene", "screen", "mean", "seen", "jean", "bein", "mein", "green", "dean", "teen", "bean", "meine", "clean", "queen", "scene", "keen", "beane", "beene", "beine", "biehn", "blouin", "brean", "breen", "cheane", "cian", "crean", "deane", "deen", "drouin", "fiene", "frean", "freen", "gean", "gheen", "glean", "gouin", "greene", "haen", "jeane", "jeanne", "kean", "keane", "keehn", "keene", "kiehn", "kiehne", "kiene", "kleen", "leen", "lein", "lene", "lien", "mien", "plein", "preen", "prien", "reen", "shean", "skeen", "skene", "spreen", "steen", "stene", "sween", "thien", "treen", "tween", "veen", "vien", "wean", "wein", "wien", "xene", "pasion", "christine", "serene", "maxine", "marine", "caffeine", "mcqueen", "unclean", "eileen", "sixteen", "fifteen", "eighteen", "thirteen", "routine", "nineteen", "fourteen", "jolene", "unseen", "obscene", "irene" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: thin Output:
[ "din", "spin", "min", "lynn", "vin", "yin", "gin", "bin", "grin", "chin", "pin", "fin", "tin", "twin", "kin", "win", "inn", "skin", "sin", "finn", "quinn", "been", "bihn", "binn", "blinn", "brin", "brinn", "bryn", "chinh", "chinn", "dinh", "finne", "flinn", "flynn", "ginn", "glyn", "glynn", "guin", "guinn", "gwin", "gwinn", "gwyn", "gwynn", "gwynne", "gyn", "hinn", "in", "in.", "jin", "kihn", "kinn", "kinne", "knin", "knin", "lin", "linh", "linn", "linne", "lwin", "lyn", "lynne", "mihn", "minh", "pinn", "prynne", "qian", "qin", "quin", "rhin", "rihn", "rinn", "rinne", "schwinn", "shin", "shinn", "sinn", "syn", "trinh", "when", "when", "winn", "winne", "wynn", "wynne", "zinn", "zlin", "askin", "berlin", "begin", "within", "adin", "akin", "allin", "allphin", "alpin", "aslin", "astin", "aswin", "atkin", "boleyn" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: temperature Output:
[ "signature", "curvature", "forfeiture", "tablature", "expenditure", "investiture", "literature", "musculature", "tabulature", "temperature" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: solution Output:
[ "lucian", "shooshan", "pollution", "aleutian", "confucian", "dilution", "dilution", "institution", "constitution", "retribution", "contribution", "absolution", "revolution", "evolution", "resolution", "execution", "andalusian", "attribution", "devolution", "diminution", "dissolution", "distribution", "elocution", "evolution", "evolution", "evolution", "lilliputian", "persecution", "prosecution", "prostitution", "restitution", "substitution", "electrocution", "redistribution", "counterrevolution" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: they Output:
[ "wey", "lei", "j", "whey", "nay", "play", "hay", "ley", "wy", "fray", "ze", "grey", "dray", "bay", "chez", "say", "gray", "tay", "shay", "che", "yea", "mei", "ray", "k", "way", "sleigh", "gay", "spray", "may", "dey", "jay", "sway", "yay", "lay", "stray", "clay", "fe", "pay", "day", "trey", "se", "prey", "slay", "pray", "weigh", "ay", "tray", "mae", "hey", "kay", "gaye", "rae", "tre", "rey", "stay", "a", "a.", "ae", "baye", "bayh", "bey", "blay", "bley", "brae", "bray", "brey", "cay", "c'est", "cray", "dae", "daye", "de", "drey", "fay", "faye", "fey", "flay", "frey", "gai", "graye", "guay", "gway", "haigh", "haye", "hwe", "j.", "jae", "jaye", "k.", "'kay", "kaye", "khe", "klay", "kley", "kray", "krey", "lait", "laye", "les", "leyh" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: supply Output:
[ "jai", "lai", "dye", "fi", "pi", "aye", "thai", "high", "die", "shy", "tie", "tai", "cry", "pry", "hi", "sy", "pie", "kai", "thy", "fly", "sky", "sigh", "lie", "vie", "chi", "eye", "fry", "mai", "spy", "buy", "vi", "ai", "sly", "guy", "bi", "thigh", "bae", "bye", "dai", "nigh", "rye", "sai", "dry", "ty", "ly", "try", "lye", "frei", "ay", "bligh", "bly", "blye", "brye", "by", "cai", "chae", "chai", "crye", "cy", "di", "drye", "fae", "flye", "frie", "frye", "fye", "gae", "heye", "hy", "i", "i.", "jai", "keye", "kwai", "my", "ngai", "nie", "nye", "pae", "phi", "phy", "ply", "pri", "psi", "pty", "pye", "shai", "sias", "skye", "sligh", "slye", "spry", "sty", "tae", "tri", "trie", "tsai", "tsai", "tye", "vy" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sign Output:
[ "mine", "twine", "klein", "kleine", "ein", "line", "spine", "fine", "shine", "whine", "vine", "sein", "pine", "dine", "wine", "swine", "thine", "nine", "shrine", "shyne", "brine", "bryne", "cline", "clyne", "dhein", "fein", "feyen", "grine", "guynn", "gyn", "hein", "heine", "heyen", "hine", "huynh", "jain", "kline", "kyne", "lyne", "lysne", "prine", "pruyn", "pyne", "quine", "rhein", "rhine", "rhyne", "rine", "schein", "schlein", "shein", "sine", "stein", "stine", "strine", "styne", "thein", "tine", "trine", "tyne", "whine", "wyne", "zine", "recline", "align", "resign", "devine", "divine", "design", "define", "decline", "affine", "aline", "assign", "benign", "bornstein", "burdine", "combine", "confine", "consign", "dewine", "emlynne", "enshrine", "entwine", "gourdine", "hot-line", "ice-nine", "incline", "levine", "limine", "malign", "nadein", "opine", "refine", "refine", "resign", "resign", "sharp-sign", "supine", "vandine" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: went Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "cent", "rent", "bent", "scent", "meant", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: noon Output:
[ "tune", "swoon", "coon", "croon", "dune", "strewn", "june", "soon", "noone", "spoon", "moon", "loon", "goon", "boon", "boone", "broun", "bruen", "brune", "bruun", "choon", "clune", "coone", "gruen", "gruhn", "heun", "hewn", "hoon", "joon", "keune", "koon", "koone", "kroon", "kuehn", "kuehne", "kuhn", "mhoon", "moone", "poon", "prune", "roone", "rune", "schoon", "shoen", "suen", "thune", "toon", "toone", "troon", "yoon", "saloon", "lagoon", "cocoon", "tycoon", "harpoon", "balloon", "cartoon", "immune", "antoon", "aoun", "attune", "baboon", "banoun", "barloon", "bassoon", "bethune", "buffoon", "cahoon", "calhoon", "calhoun", "cancun", "cardoon", "cohoon", "commune", "corroon", "dekroon", "festoon", "galloon", "hamdoon", "harroun", "huntoon", "impugn", "karoun", "karun", "laffoon", "lampoon", "liqun", "magoon", "majnoon", "maroon", "mattoon", "mcclune", "mccuen", "mccune", "mckune", "monsoon", "muldoon", "platoon", "pontoon", "raccoon", "rangoon" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: look Output:
[ "hook", "brook", "brooke", "shook", "cook", "took", "crook", "book", "chook", "cooke", "crooke", "flook", "gook", "hooke", "mook", "nook", "rook", "rooke", "schnook", "schook", "snook", "stroock", "tooke", "zook", "mistook", "betook", "chinook", "chinook", "decook", "forsook", "kirkuk", "mccook", "precook", "rebook", "retook", "unbook", "unhook", "vanhook", "overcook", "overtook", "undercook", "undertook", "create-a-book", "gobbledygook" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: field Output:
[ "yield", "heeled", "sealed", "shield", "healed", "peeled", "feild", "heald", "neeld", "neild", "nield", "reeled", "schield", "steeled", "weild", "wheeled", "wheeled", "wield", "revealed", "concealed", "afield", "appealed", "cofield", "congealed", "highyield", "repealed", "repealed", "resealed", "revealed", "unsealed", "satterfield", "unconcealed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: mouth Output:
[ "south", "louth", "routh", "strouth", "mclouth", "foot-and-mouth" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: white Output:
[ "night", "right", "light", "bite", "plight", "wright", "flight", "might", "mite", "bright", "fight", "spite", "tight", "kite", "knight", "fright", "zeit", "rite", "site", "height", "write", "sight", "sprite", "slight", "quite", "beit", "bight", "blight", "brite", "byte", "cite", "clyte", "dwight", "feit", "fite", "heit", "hiett", "hight", "hite", "kight", "kyte", "lite", "nite", "reit", "scheidt", "sleight", "spight", "streit", "strite", "trite", "twite", "white", "whyte", "whyte", "wight", "alight", "upright", "delight", "uptight", "alright", "despite", "ignite", "invite", "polite", "excite", "tonight", "recite", "rewrite", "allright", "benight", "clevite", "contrite", "dunite", "ebright", "enright", "enwright", "forthright", "incite", "indict", "indite", "lafite", "macknight", "mccright", "mcknight", "mcright", "mcwhite", "mcwright", "non-white", "non-white", "nonwhite", "nonwhite", "one-night", "onsite", "outright", "tonight", "tonite", "reunite", "overnight", "de-excite", "disinvite" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: clock Output:
[ "rock", "mock", "hoch", "bach", "brock", "cock", "spock", "glock", "hock", "shock", "doc", "sock", "roc", "stock", "tock", "dock", "jock", "block", "flock", "chalk", "knock", "mach", "och", "lock", "baack", "bloc", "bloch", "blok", "boch", "bock", "bohlke", "bok", "broc", "brok", "caulk", "chock", "chok", "croc", "crock", "floc", "frock", "fyock", "gocke", "gohlke", "groch", "haack", "haacke", "haak", "haake", "hoc", "jacques", "kloc", "klock", "klocke", "knaack", "knaak", "knoch", "kock", "kok", "kroc", "krock", "krok", "kwok", "laack", "laake", "loch", "locke", "lok", "maack", "moch", "mok", "nock", "ploch", "plock", "poch", "pock", "proch", "prock", "roch", "rocke", "rocque", "schaack", "schlock", "schoch", "schock", "schrock", "shaak", "shrock", "skok", "skroch", "smock", "sok", "sprock", "srock", "staack", "stocke", "stokke", "strock", "vlok", "vocke" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: language Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: famous Output:
[ "amos", "ramus", "seamus", "shamus", "brademas", "mandamus", "ignoramus" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: close Output:
[ "gross", "dose", "los", "beauce", "boese", "bowse", "broce", "dohse", "dos", "froese", "groce", "grohs", "gros", "grosz", "kroese", "lohse", "most", "noce", "roese", "rowse", "arkose", "denosse", "engross", "marose", "morose", "adios", "diagnose", "doorenbos", "grandiose" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: here Output:
[ "ear", "we're", "hear", "baehr", "bier", "gere", "grier", "keir", "seer", "speare", "teare", "tier", "weir", "endear", "keneer", "manteer", "mishear", "rehear", "saffir", "sampere", "savir", "sight-seer", "sightseer", "blogosphere", "buccaneer", "comandeer", "disappear", "financier", "financier", "multiyear", "musketeer", "overhear", "puppeteer" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dry Output:
[ "jai", "lai", "dye", "fi", "pi", "aye", "thai", "high", "die", "shy", "tie", "tai", "cry", "pry", "hi", "sy", "pie", "kai", "thy", "fly", "sky", "sigh", "lie", "vie", "chi", "eye", "fry", "mai", "spy", "buy", "vi", "ai", "sly", "guy", "bi", "thigh", "bae", "bye", "dai", "nigh", "rye", "sai", "ty", "ly", "try", "lye", "frei", "ay", "bligh", "bly", "blye", "brye", "by", "cai", "chae", "chai", "crye", "cy", "di", "drye", "fae", "flye", "frie", "frye", "fye", "gae", "heye", "hy", "i", "i.", "jai", "keye", "kwai", "my", "ngai", "nie", "nye", "pae", "phi", "phy", "ply", "pri", "psi", "pty", "pye", "shai", "sias", "skye", "sligh", "slye", "spry", "sty", "tae", "tri", "trie", "tsai", "tsai", "tye", "vy", "wai" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: chair Output:
[ "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "bear", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "care", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "air", "scare", "fare", "hair", "mehr", "share", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "wear", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer", "wehr" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: trip Output:
[ "hip", "whip", "bip", "rip", "ship", "tip", "nip", "gipp", "grip", "dip", "strip", "clip", "sip", "lip", "drip", "skip", "chip", "zip", "crip", "flip", "slip", "blip", "gripp", "gyp", "hipp", "hippe", "ip", "kip", "kipp", "klipp", "knipp", "lipp", "lippe", "nipp", "pip", "pipp", "quip", "quipp", "ripp", "rippe", "scrip", "scripp", "shipp", "sipp", "skipp", "snip", "stipp", "tipp", "tripp", "trippe", "whip", "whipp", "whipp", "yip", "zipp", "unzip", "equip", "outstrip", "roundtrip", "microchip" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: build Output:
[ "thrilled", "killed", "spilled", "chilled", "filled", "bild", "billed", "childe", "drilled", "gild", "grilled", "guild", "hild", "hilde", "milled", "skilled", "spilde", "stilled", "willed", "rebuild", "fulfilled", "distilled", "instilled", "mathilde", "refilled", "unfilled", "unskilled", "unfulfilled" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: share Output:
[ "care", "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "bear", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "chair", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "air", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "scare", "fare", "hair", "mehr", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "wear", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer", "wehr" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fruit Output:
[ "hoot", "mute", "scoot", "suit", "cute", "loot", "route", "boot", "root", "toot", "shoot", "flute", "bluett", "bluitt", "boote", "boutte", "brut", "brute", "bute", "butte", "chute", "clute", "coot", "coote", "crute", "fluet", "groot", "huett", "huette", "huitt", "juett", "jute", "klute", "knute", "lute", "moot", "newt", "nute", "pruett", "puett", "pute", "schuett", "schuette", "shute", "smoot", "stroot", "suitt", "thuot", "toote", "truett", "truitt", "tuite", "voute", "w00t", "recruit", "salute", "pursuit", "acute", "astute", "beabout", "bebout", "beirut", "cahoot", "cahouet", "caillouet", "commute", "compute", "degroote", "dilute", "dilute", "dispute", "enroute", "garoutte", "grassroot", "hirsute", "impute", "macoute", "minute", "minute", "permute", "pollute", "reboot", "recruit", "recruit", "refute", "repute", "reroute", "uproot", "zoot-suit", "absolut", "disrepute", "subacute", "undilute" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: middle Output:
[ "fiddle", "riddle", "biddle", "criddle", "friddle", "kiddle", "liddell", "liddle", "piddle", "riddell", "rydell", "schmidl", "siddall", "siddell", "siddle", "spidel", "spidell", "twiddle", "widdle", "widell" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: tree Output:
[ "glee", "je", "mee", "yee", "flea", "see", "zee", "c", "pre", "free", "lea", "dea", "pea", "de", "thee", "dee", "ni", "ye", "nee", "mea", "lee", "ne", "qui", "tea", "knee", "mi", "bee", "v", "te", "wee", "sie", "tee", "li", "gee", "three", "z", "hee", "yi", "sea", "plea", "di", "ski", "fee", "nie", "si", "oui", "ee", "flee", "pee", "chea", "g", "ki", "spree", "shi", "e", "ti", "key", "b", "p", "chee", "b.", "be", "bea", "blea", "brea", "bree", "brie", "bui", "buie", "c.", "cie", "crea", "cree", "d", "d.", "e.", "fi", "freeh", "fsi", "g.", "ghee", "gyi", "he", "jee", "ji", "jie", "kea", "kee", "klee", "kyi", "leigh", "lxi", "me", "nghi", "p.", "peay", "pree", "pri", "prix", "qi" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: product Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: draw Output:
[ "haw", "paw", "law", "caw", "thaw", "yaw", "aw", "saw", "jaw", "straw", "flaw", "claw", "awe", "baugh", "chaw", "craugh", "craw", "daw", "dawe", "faw", "flaugh", "gaugh", "gaw", "glawe", "gnaw", "graw", "grawe", "haugh", "hawe", "maw", "paugh", "rauh", "rawe", "shaw", "slaugh", "slaw", "spaugh", "spaw", "traugh", "vaugh", "waugh", "xio", "albaugh", "allbaugh", "alpaugh", "alspaugh", "anspaugh", "ashbaugh", "bashaw", "carnaud", "colaw", "czeslaw", "eshbaugh", "foresaw", "guffaw", "in-law", "inlaw", "loblaw", "macaw", "mccaw", "mccraw", "mcgagh", "mcgaugh", "mcgaw", "mcgraw", "ocaw", "redraw", "withdraw", "withdraw", "robertshaw" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: large Output:
[ "marge", "barge", "charge", "farge", "marje", "sarge", "discharge", "enlarge", "lafarge", "mischarge", "recharge", "surcharge", "supercharge", "telecharge" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: take Output:
[ "make", "rake", "flake", "cake", "fake", "blake", "break", "sake", "snake", "lake", "shake", "ache", "wake", "bake", "stake", "steak", "drake", "brake", "jake", "quake", "ake", "dake", "haik", "hake", "jacque", "naik", "paik", "pake", "plake", "schake", "schlake", "schnake", "schwake", "shaik", "shaikh", "shrake", "spake", "yake", "awake", "mistake", "remake", "forsake", "betake", "opaque", "partake", "retake", "retake" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sand Output:
[ "hand", "banned", "canned", "grand", "bland", "tanned", "stand", "planned", "land", "grande", "brand", "band", "strand", "and", "brande", "chand", "fanned", "gland", "lande", "manned", "panned", "rand", "sande", "scanned", "shand", "spanned", "strande", "vande", "zand", "withstand", "command", "demand", "expand", "bourland", "deland", "disband", "fernand", "firsthand", "firsthand", "hoiland", "laband", "left-hand", "lefthand", "marchand", "marchand", "offhand", "outmanned", "remand", "right-hand", "righthand", "unmanned", "unplanned", "understand", "meadowland", "vallegrande", "misunderstand" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: insect Output:
[ "albrecht", "aspect", "hambrecht", "henpecked", "prefect", "rupprecht", "schiltknecht", "suspect", "transect", "utecht", "intellect", "architect", "dialect", "circumspect", "intellect", "intertect", "introspect", "retrospect", "schildknecht", "aftereffect" ]