Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: wear Output:
[ "hair", "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "bear", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "chair", "care", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "air", "scare", "fare", "mehr", "share", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer", "wehr" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: third Output:
[ "nerd", "byrd", "heard", "word", "herd", "blurred", "bird", "stirred", "burd", "curd", "ferd", "gerd", "gird", "gjerde", "hird", "hurd", "jerde", "kurd", "leard", "slurred", "spurred", "unheard", "preferred", "absurd", "occurred", "alward", "chauffeured", "concurred", "conferred", "deferred", "demurred", "deterred", "incurred", "inferred", "interred", "misheard", "one-third", "prefered", "preferred", "preferred", "recurred", "referred", "referred", "reword", "transfered", "transferred", "uncured", "overheard", "undeterred" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sister Output:
[ "twister", "blister", "mister", "mr", "brister", "fister", "hyster", "istre", "kister", "lister", "lyster", "mr.", "pfister", "pistor", "rister", "sr", "transistor" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sense Output:
[ "pense", "dense", "fence", "tense", "bence", "cents", "hence", "hense", "pence", "spence", "spens", "thence", "whence", "whence", "commence", "offense", "suspense", "expense", "defence", "pretense", "defense", "intense", "incense", "condense", "dispense", "ferenc", "immense", "commonsense", "non-defense", "nondefense", "self-defence", "self-defense", "misrepresents" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: stick Output:
[ "mick", "vic", "lick", "pic", "trick", "click", "vick", "wick", "sic", "thick", "knick", "brick", "hick", "slick", "rick", "tick", "nick", "flick", "quik", "pick", "dick", "sick", "kick", "tic", "quick", "chick", "mic", "prick", "bic", "bick", "blick", "bric", "bryk", "crick", "cwik", "dic", "dicke", "dyk", "dzik", "fick", "ficke", "frick", "fricke", "gick", "glick", "klick", "krick", "kwik", "micke", "nic", "nik", "pik", "ric", "ricke", "schick", "schlick", "schmick", "schnick", "schrick", "schtick", "shick", "shtick", "smick", "spic", "sprick", "strick", "swick", "vik", "wicke", "wik", "wyk", "zick", "zwick", "afflik", "handpick", "non-stick", "nonstick", "vandyck", "vanwyck", "vanwyk", "ostpolitik", "realpolitik" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: those Output:
[ "slows", "woes", "owes", "nose", "shows", "blows", "show's", "toes", "doze", "grows", "cose", "so's", "flows", "prose", "chose", "goes", "knows", "froze", "pose", "hoes", "ho's", "o's", "foes", "throws", "lows", "glows", "rows", "crows", "pros", "snows", "hose", "rose", "joe's", "blose", "boase", "boes", "bose", "bowes", "bows", "boze", "bro's", "brose", "close", "clothes", "crose", "crow's", "doe's", "eaux", "ghose", "goghs", "gose", "grose", "joes", "jos", "klose", "kroes", "kroeze", "loews", "lo's", "lowe's", "lowes", "moes", "mose", "noes", "no's", "o.s", "o.'s", "o.s'", "oh's", "ohs", "ooohs", "ose", "poe's", "pows", "pro's", "pros'", "roes", "rohs", "roh's", "rowes", "rowe's", "row's", "shows'", "snow's", "sows", "throes", "tows", "vose", "yoes", "propose", "oppose", "compose", "arose", "suppose", "expose", "bestows", "bio's", "boulos", "campeau's", "cousteau's" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: stead Output:
[ "head", "ted", "spread", "bread", "med", "sped", "ned", "shred", "redd", "sled", "shed", "fed", "led", "dead", "red", "bed", "ed", "thread", "dread", "fred", "said", "bled", "lead", "read", "tread", "wed", "bred", "fled", "dred", "dredd", "fread", "freda", "ged", "jed", "nedd", "pled", "reade", "schwed", "sffed", "shead", "shedd", "sledd", "swed", "szwed", "wedd", "wehde", "zed", "unsaid", "ahead", "misled", "instead", "abed", "behead", "behead", "embed", "imbed", "misread", "numed", "purebred", "retread", "sayed", "unread", "unted", "unwed", "widespread", "thoroughbred", "overhead", "infrared", "biomed", "hilton_head", "interbred", "overfed", "sffed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: broke Output:
[ "woke", "polk", "coke", "joke", "stoke", "spoke", "choke", "stroke", "folk", "oak", "smoke", "poke", "soak", "cloak", "bloke", "boak", "boake", "boeck", "boeke", "bouck", "cloke", "cocke", "croak", "croke", "doak", "doke", "droke", "goecke", "goeke", "gohlke", "hoak", "hoeck", "hoek", "hoke", "knoke", "koch", "koke", "kolk", "moacq", "moak", "moke", "noack", "olk", "roque", "schmoke", "schoeck", "schroeck", "smoak", "snoke", "szoke", "wolk", "wouk", "yoak", "yoke", "yolk", "provoke", "awoke", "baroque", "convoke", "evoke", "evoke", "invoke", "larocque", "laroque", "misspoke", "misspoke", "revoke", "revoke" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: much Output:
[ "touch", "clutch", "dutch", "crutch", "bruch", "buch", "buche", "butsch", "duch", "dusch", "futch", "huch", "hutch", "kuch", "kutch", "kutsch", "mutch", "mutsch", "ruch", "such", "sutch", "szuch", "tuch", "zuch", "how-much", "nonesuch" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: noise Output:
[ "boys", "boys'", "poise", "toys", "boyz", "boy's", "joys", "boies", "boyes", "croix's", "joy's", "moise", "moyes", "noyes", "ploys", "roys", "roy's", "toy's", "toys'", "troise", "destroys", "aloys", "annoys", "bolshoi's", "deploys", "eloise", "employs", "employs", "enjoys", "hanoi's", "mccoys", "illinois", "illinois's" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: mark Output:
[ "marc", "arc", "stark", "park", "lark", "spark", "dark", "bark", "shark", "hark", "clark", "ark", "barch", "barke", "clarke", "darke", "harc", "harke", "karch", "larke", "marke", "marque", "merc", "narc", "parc", "parke", "quark", "sark", "sparc", "starck", "starke", "remark", "demark", "embark", "embark", "premark", "remark", "transpark", "?question-mark", "disembark", "intermark", "question-mark", "mediamark" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: mean Output:
[ "gene", "lean", "nein", "sheen", "spleen", "peine", "bien", "nene", "screen", "seen", "jean", "bein", "mein", "green", "dean", "teen", "bean", "meine", "clean", "queen", "scene", "keen", "beane", "beene", "beine", "biehn", "blouin", "brean", "breen", "cheane", "cian", "crean", "deane", "deen", "drouin", "fiene", "frean", "freen", "gean", "gheen", "glean", "gouin", "greene", "haen", "jeane", "jeanne", "kean", "keane", "keehn", "keene", "kiehn", "kiehne", "kiene", "kleen", "leen", "lein", "lene", "lien", "mien", "plein", "preen", "prien", "reen", "shean", "skeen", "skene", "spreen", "steen", "stene", "sween", "thien", "treen", "tween", "veen", "vien", "wean", "wein", "wien", "xene", "pasion", "christine", "serene", "maxine", "machine", "marine", "caffeine", "mcqueen", "unclean", "eileen", "sixteen", "fifteen", "eighteen", "thirteen", "routine", "nineteen", "fourteen", "jolene", "unseen", "obscene", "irene" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: set Output:
[ "sweat", "et", "jet", "vette", "let", "debt", "threat", "pet", "net", "met", "yet", "get", "bet", "vet", "fret", "wet", "bett", "bret", "brett", "chet", "fett", "fette", "flett", "frett", "goette", "hett", "jett", "jette", "jfet", "kett", "klett", "lett", "mette", "nett", "nyet", "pett", "piet", "plett", "pret", "ret", "rhett", "sette", "smet", "stet", "swett", "tet", "tete", "whet", "whet", "yett", "corvette", "cassette", "duet", "regret", "offset", "claudette", "reset", "brunette", "forget", "upset", "roulette", "abbett", "abet", "allset", "anette", "annett", "annette", "anstett", "arlette", "arnett", "arnette", "arquette", "audet", "audette", "babette", "baguette", "barbette", "barnett", "barnette", "barrette", "baskette", "bassette", "beaudet", "beaudette", "beget", "bennette", "bequette", "berlet", "bernet", "beset", "bessette", "binette", "bissette", "bizet", "blanchette", "bobbette", "bonnette", "boulet", "boulette", "bourget" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: develop Output:
[ "delap", "delapp", "tellep", "envelop", "redevelop", "underdevelop" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: especially Output:
[ "freshly", "freshley", "leschly", "specially" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: triangle Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: body Output:
[ "boddie", "boddy", "droddy", "mahdi", "oddi", "oddy", "radi", "roddey", "roddie", "roddy", "shoddy", "snoddy", "waddie", "waddy", "ahmadi", "alodie", "canady", "conradi", "conrady", "corradi", "deandrade", "embody", "gennadi", "gennady", "gunadi", "hamadi", "laprade", "mahady", "riady", "varady", "andreotti", "disembody", "portinadi" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dance Output:
[ "chance", "prance", "lance", "glance", "trance", "france", "stance", "anse", "crance", "hance", "mance", "nance", "rance", "schanz", "schranz", "vance", "romance", "finance", "enhance", "advance", "askance", "duran's", "expanse", "finance", "lafrance", "mccance", "perchance", "alamance", "pomerance", "pomeranz", "refinance", "underfinance" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: unit Output:
[ "junot" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: last Output:
[ "mast", "blast", "assed", "cast", "fast", "past", "passed", "hast", "gassed", "vast", "asked", "ast", "bast", "caste", "classed", "gast", "glassed", "grassed", "kast", "massed", "nast", "rast", "aghast", "amassed", "contrast", "harassed", "lambaste", "miscast", "outlast", "precast", "recast", "surpassed", "everlast", "lymphoblast", "unsurpassed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: brought Output:
[ "sought", "taught", "thought", "haut", "snot", "ought", "fought", "wat", "ot", "aught", "bought", "caught", "faught", "fraught", "gaut", "haught", "laut", "lot", "maute", "naught", "plaut", "rought", "sot", "taut", "traut", "vaught", "vought", "wrought", "ayotte", "begot", "cadotte", "caillebotte", "distraught", "guillotte", "lamotte", "lezotte", "lizotte", "marcotte", "marotte", "mayotte", "mcnaught", "picotte", "pilotte", "reshot", "rethought", "sicotte", "turcotte", "overbought", "overwrought", "sans-culottes" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: grew Output:
[ "pooh", "queue", "poo", "koo", "du", "jew", "whew", "pew", "que", "rue", "view", "hoo", "pu", "dru", "two", "hue", "moo", "threw", "true", "foo", "boo", "hou", "yoo", "bleu", "hugh", "ku", "su", "shu", "whoo", "blew", "slew", "blue", "knew", "clue", "shoe", "due", "jus", "flew", "screw", "tu", "q", "sue", "lou", "dew", "chew", "yu", "zoo", "drew", "brew", "coo", "ou", "glue", "chu", "vous", "choo", "wu", "oooh", "u", "shoo", "goo", "vu", "mu", "fu", "doo", "cue", "ooh", "lu", "flu", "coup", "nu", "ju", "ru", "stew", "new", "crew", "deux", "woo", "hu", "loo", "beu", "breaux", "brue", "chiu", "chou", "cou", "crewe", "do", "douwe", "due", "ewe", "few", "flue", "frew", "frueh", "glew", "gnu", "graue", "grewe", "gu", "gue" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: cold Output:
[ "old", "hold", "sold", "scold", "strolled", "mould", "told", "rolled", "olde", "fold", "gold", "bold", "mold", "bowled", "dold", "doled", "golde", "holde", "holed", "nold", "nolde", "polled", "roald", "tolled", "vold", "wold", "enfold", "ahold", "foretold", "behold", "unfold", "untold", "controlled", "cajoled", "consoled", "enrolled", "extolled", "fourfold", "machold", "outsold", "paroled", "patrolled", "remold", "resold", "twofold", "unrolled", "unsold", "uphold", "withhold", "decontrolled", "oversold", "uncontrolled", "undersold" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: farm Output:
[ "arm", "harm", "charm", "sharm", "disarm", "alarm", "ducharme", "forearm", "non-farm", "nonfarm", "rearm", "unarm", "underarm" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sent Output:
[ "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "cent", "rent", "bent", "went", "scent", "meant", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: crease Output:
[ "niece", "fleece", "seis", "gees", "cease", "peace", "grease", "piece", "lease", "geese", "breece", "buice", "cece", "cleese", "dease", "freise", "friess", "giese", "greece", "griess", "haese", "kiess", "kneece", "kniess", "leece", "leese", "leise", "maese", "meece", "meese", "meise", "miesse", "neace", "neece", "neice", "neiss", "nice", "niess", "pease", "preece", "priess", "rease", "reece", "reese", "reise", "rhys", "riess", "schiess", "siess", "speece", "suisse", "tese", "treece", "weise", "wiess", "yeas", "zeese", "police", "luis", "maurice", "release", "denise", "increase", "apiece", "aris", "audris", "bernice", "brocious", "capece", "caprice", "cerise", "chambless", "clarice", "clarisse", "decease", "decrease", "denice", "denyse", "devries", "edris", "eglise", "elise", "falise", "felice", "gilcrease", "kilcrease", "lollis", "magness", "markese", "maryse", "mccleese", "mcneece", "mcneese", "mcneice", "obese", "obese", "patese", "patrice", "raptis", "ravi's" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: only Output:
[ "lonely", "conely" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: prepare Output:
[ "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "bear", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "chair", "care", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "air", "scare", "fare", "hair", "mehr", "share", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "wear", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: I Output:
[ "jai", "lai", "dye", "fi", "pi", "aye", "thai", "high", "die", "shy", "tie", "tai", "cry", "pry", "hi", "sy", "pie", "kai", "thy", "fly", "sky", "sigh", "lie", "vie", "chi", "eye", "fry", "mai", "spy", "buy", "vi", "ai", "sly", "guy", "bi", "thigh", "bae", "bye", "dai", "nigh", "rye", "sai", "dry", "ty", "ly", "try", "lye", "frei", "ay", "bligh", "bly", "blye", "brye", "by", "cai", "chae", "chai", "crye", "cy", "di", "drye", "fae", "flye", "frie", "frye", "fye", "gae", "heye", "hy", "i.", "jai", "keye", "kwai", "my", "ngai", "nie", "nye", "pae", "phi", "phy", "ply", "pri", "psi", "pty", "pye", "shai", "sias", "skye", "sligh", "slye", "spry", "sty", "tae", "tri", "trie", "tsai", "tsai", "tye", "vy", "wai" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sell Output:
[ "quel", "smell", "spell", "bel", "pelle", "bell", "del", "schnell", "l", "gel", "tel", "cell", "stelle", "shell", "el", "hell", "yell", "tell", "swell", "dwell", "belle", "well", "elle", "fell", "they'll", "mel", "nel", "behl", "cel", "chell", "clell", "dell", "delle", "dwelle", "ehle", "ell", "fehl", "fel", "frel", "gehl", "gell", "grell", "grelle", "guel", "hehl", "helle", "jell", "kehl", "kell", "kjell", "knell", "krell", "l.", "lehl", "mehl", "mell", "melle", "nell", "nelle", "pehl", "pell", "prell", "quell", "schell", "schmehl", "schnelle", "sel", "selle", "snell", "stell", "strehl", "strehle", "welle", "yelle", "zel", "zell", "zelle", "hotel", "cartel", "miguel", "excel", "estelle", "noel", "farewell", "motel", "chanel", "michelle", "abele", "accel", "adel", "adele", "adell", "adelle", "adwell", "ahnell", "akel", "ancel", "angelle", "ansel", "antell" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: order Output:
[ "border", "boarder", "corder", "gorder", "norder", "warder", "disorder", "recorder", "recorder", "reorder", "vanorder" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: pull Output:
[ "bull", "full", "wool", "kuehl", "ruehl", "schul", "schull" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: from Output:
[ "dumb", "plum", "crumb", "strum", "drum", "come", "um", "bum", "lum", "dum", "humm", "rum", "numb", "cum", "sum", "hum", "umm", "thumb", "gum", "mum", "slum", "scum", "yum", "bluhm", "brum", "brumm", "chum", "clum", "crum", "crumm", "drumm", "dumm", "frum", "glum", "grum", "gumm", "klumb", "krum", "krumm", "krumme", "kumm", "lumb", "lumm", "maam", "mumm", "mumme", "pflum", "plumb", "schrum", "schum", "schumm", "shrum", "shum", "some", "stum", "stumm", "swum", "thum", "thumm", "succumb", "become", "alum", "ancrum", "baucum", "boyum", "deblum", "exum", "hohum", "mccrum", "mccrumb", "narum", "sharum" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: deal Output:
[ "real", "fiel", "neil", "wheel", "steel", "steele", "heal", "spiel", "viele", "we'll", "beale", "feel", "meal", "peel", "piel", "seal", "kneel", "heel", "reel", "she'll", "he'll", "viel", "squeal", "steal", "ciel", "beal", "beall", "beel", "beil", "biehl", "biel", "bleil", "briel", "cele", "creal", "creel", "deahl", "deale", "deel", "diehl", "diel", "eel", "feil", "foell", "freel", "friel", "giel", "gilles", "jheel", "keal", "keel", "keele", "keil", "kheel", "kiehl", "kiel", "kneale", "leal", "lille", "meehl", "mele", "miele", "neal", "neale", "neall", "neel", "neile", "neill", "niel", "peal", "peale", "peele", "peil", "piehl", "riehl", "riel", "scheel", "scheele", "schiel", "schiele", "seale", "seel", "shiel", "skeel", "smeal", "steil", "stiehl", "teal", "teale", "teall", "teel", "teele", "theall", "theel", "thiel", "thiele", "veal", "veale", "weil", "wheel" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: radio Output:
[ "borough", "cisco", "dado", "pogo", "bongo", "shadow", "tiptoe", "tonto", "cargo", "moscow", "primo", "rainbow", "punto", "freakshow", "pinto", "ido", "promo", "sideshow", "memo", "torso", "rhino", "presto", "trio", "borrow", "willow", "duro", "puerto", "meadow", "tempo", "photo", "chico", "gogo", "coco", "scarecrow", "ammo", "lotto", "banjo", "kilo", "hydro", "metro", "solo", "elbow", "combo", "gusto", "agco", "airglow", "aloe", "armco", "backhoe", "bargo", "barklow", "barlow", "barlowe", "barstow", "bartow", "belgo", "bilbo", "bobrow", "bozo", "brownlow", "budrow", "carlow", "cashflow", "cheapo", "compo", "costlow", "crapo", "cristo", "crossbow", "damrow", "denslow", "deskpro", "dildo", "dobro", "dubrow", "ebro", "emo", "fallow", "fargo", "farlow", "farrow", "fishlow", "frodo", "furlow", "gameshow", "giacco", "gingko", "gizmo", "glasgow", "glasgow", "goddeau", "goodloe", "goodlow", "goodreau", "goodroe", "goodrow", "gopro", "greenhoe", "grotto", "guangjo" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: inch Output:
[ "grinch", "lynch", "flinch", "pinch", "cinch", "clinch", "finch", "hinch", "in.", "kinch", "linch", "minch", "synch", "tinch", "winch", "mcninch" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: gone Output:
[ "yawn", "quan", "sean", "drawn", "lawn", "von", "pawn", "shawn", "dawn", "aune", "baughn", "baun", "braun", "braune", "brawn", "craun", "daun", "draughn", "faughn", "fawn", "flawn", "gawne", "haughn", "haun", "hawn", "laun", "maune", "on", "praun", "prawn", "raun", "schwahn", "schwan", "shaun", "spawn", "splawn", "straughn", "strawn", "swan", "vaughan", "vaughn", "yaun", "zaun", "zon", "peron", "vuitton", "adon", "amon", "ayon", "balon", "bardon", "cardon", "caron", "cat-1", "corron", "deyton", "doiron", "exon", "ferdon", "foregone", "garon", "guion", "hands-on", "haton", "jarmon", "jaudon", "jiron", "lamon", "manion", "manon", "maron", "mayon", "mazon", "mccaughan", "mcglaun", "menon", "miron", "monzon", "mouzon", "naron", "pabon", "pierron", "pilon", "pinzon", "predawn", "quinton", "rabon", "ragon", "redrawn", "sang-gon", "silmon", "sobon", "thereon", "vardon", "varnon", "varon", "verdon", "von-braun", "withdrawn", "withdrawn" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: column Output:
[ "solemn", "collom", "collum", "colomb", "gollum", "golomb", "mahlum", "slalom", "wollam", "mccollam", "mccollom", "arunachalam" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: save Output:
[ "wave", "pave", "they've", "grave", "brave", "slave", "gave", "dave", "crave", "cave", "rave", "shave", "fave", "knave", "lave", "mave", "nave", "quave", "schave", "stave", "waive", "forgave", "behave", "concave", "deprave", "engrave", "enslave", "kunaev", "lafave", "lefave", "mcclave", "shortwave", "unfav", "misbehave", "aftershave", "misbehave" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: object Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: this Output:
[ "dis", "hiss", "criss", "vis", "mis", "kiss", "chris", "miss", "piss", "diss", "bliss", "bis", "cris", "kris", "swiss", "sis", "biss", "bliss'", "brys", "buice", "chris'", "chriss", "fis", "fiss", "flis", "fliss", "kis", "kniss", "kriss", "lis", "liss", "pris", "riss", "risse", "rys", "stys", "suess", "suisse", "this'", "twiss", "wis", "wiss", "wyss", "dismiss", "abyss", "amiss", "fariss", "furniss", "phariss", "remiss", "resists", "resists", "reminisce", "alusuisse" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: road Output:
[ "sewed", "flowed", "toad", "showed", "load", "ode", "towed", "code", "rode", "mode", "blowed", "slowed", "owed", "bode", "bowed", "brode", "coad", "coed", "crowed", "gloede", "glowed", "goad", "goedde", "goede", "grode", "knode", "knowed", "lode", "moad", "moede", "mowed", "node", "rhoad", "rhode", "roed", "rohde", "rowed", "shrode", "snowed", "sowed", "stowed", "strode", "thode", "toed", "explode", "reload", "unload", "abode", "annaud", "bestowed", "bestrode", "busload", "c-code", "commode", "corrode", "decode", "encode", "erode", "forebode", "implode", "kanode", "m-code", "methode", "out-mode", "outmode", "plateaued", "richaud", "unbowed", "overflowed", "overrode" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hard Output:
[ "barred", "card", "yard", "guard", "scarred", "ard", "bard", "byard", "chard", "charred", "gard", "garde", "giard", "huard", "jarred", "lard", "marred", "nard", "parde", "shard", "sparred", "starred", "suard", "tarred", "yarde", "regard", "retard", "bernard", "alard", "allard", "archard", "bedard", "belgard", "bellard", "benard", "berard", "berrard", "berrard", "bevard", "billard", "boilard", "bolyard", "bombard", "bongard", "borchard", "bossard", "bouchard", "bouffard", "bovard", "bozard", "brossard", "brouillard", "broussard", "bunyard", "burchard", "burnard", "buzard", "canard", "chouinard", "couillard", "coulthard", "deckard", "denard", "dennard", "dewaard", "dillard", "disbarred", "discard", "drouillard", "fayard", "gabbard", "gallard", "garard", "gaspard", "gerard", "giard", "gibbard", "gillard", "gilyard", "girard", "giscard", "godard", "gossard", "guerard", "guichard", "guinyard", "hilyard", "icard", "jarrard", "lazard", "maillard", "marquard", "mccard", "menard", "minard", "picard", "pickard", "regard", "renard", "rennard" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: of Output:
[ "love", "dove", "shove", "glove", "gov", "above", "belove", "deneuve", "deneuve", "labov", "labove", "o'glove", "thereof", "vanhove" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: these Output:
[ "t's", "c's", "be's", "fleas", "e's", "keys", "tees", "sprees", "breeze", "ease", "three's", "please", "threes", "he's", "crees", "fees", "v's", "lee's", "sees", "squeeze", "pleas", "g's", "sleaze", "cheese", "skis", "geez", "z's", "freeze", "seas", "tease", "bees", "d's", "knees", "seize", "peas", "p's", "b's", "trees", "sneeze", "b.s", "b.'s", "beas", "bee's", "beese", "bes", "brees", "breese", "briese", "c.'s", "c.s", "cees", "d.s", "d.'s", "deas", "dees", "dee's", "deese", "deis", "drees", "dreese", "dreis", "e.'s", "e.s", "feese", "flees", "freas", "frease", "freeh's", "frees", "freese", "freis", "frese", "friese", "frieze", "friis", "g.'s", "g.s", "gee's", "geeze", "gies", "greis", "griese", "hees", "heese", "jees", "jeez", "jeeze", "keas", "kees", "kee's", "keese", "keyes'", "keyes", "key's", "klee's", "klees", "kreis", "kriese", "leas", "lees" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: natural Output:
[ "kuril", "funeral", "general", "several", "federal", "aberle", "admiral", "anderle", "bauerle", "beierle", "corporal", "cultural", "dieterle", "doctoral", "doggerel", "eberle", "eckerle", "enderle", "federle", "guttural", "haberle", "haeberle", "hammerle", "heberle", "humoral", "inderal", "kimmerle", "laperle", "lateral", "literal", "litteral", "littoral", "mackerel", "mayoral", "mellaril", "mineral", "numeral", "oberle", "oesterle", "pastoral", "pectoral", "pepperell", "pfefferle", "pickeral", "pickerel", "pickerell", "scriptural", "sculptural", "sectoral", "structural", "temporal", "visceral", "wackerle", "wetherell", "wetherill", "witherell", "zimmerle", "unnatural", "behavioral", "behavioral", "bilateral", "canaveral", "cholesterol", "collateral", "directoral", "electoral", "ephemeral", "inaugural", "inaugural", "peripheral", "prefectural", "procedural", "trilateral", "supernatural", "agricultural", "architectural", "countercultural", "countercultural", "horticultural", "infrastructural", "intercultural", "multicultural", "multilateral", "multilateral", "neoliberal", "nomenclatural", "petromineral", "plurilateral", "snydergeneral", "unilateral", "non-agricultural", "nonagricultural" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: market Output:
[ "premarket", "remarket" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: separate Output:
[ "tailgate", "rotate", "roommate", "checkmate", "locate", "airfreight", "allstate", "arzate", "backdate", "bathgate", "benlate", "birthrate", "braithwaite", "breakmate", "breastplate", "castrate", "cheapskate", "classmate", "clickbait", "corestate", "deadweight", "dictate", "digate", "donate", "downstate", "filegate", "fixate", "floodgate", "frustrate", "garthwaite", "gestate", "goldthwaite", "gyrate", "holgate", "homestate", "hydrate", "iceskate", "iceskate", "inmate", "magnate", "mandate", "migrate", "mutate", "nameplate", "narrate", "nitrate", "northgate", "outdate", "phonemate", "playmate", "prelate", "primate", "probate", "prostate", "punctate", "rebate", "schoolmate", "seagate", "serrate", "shipmate", "shoemate", "shumate", "southgate", "southstate", "speedskate", "stagnate", "stalemate", "stargate", "substrate", "sulfate", "sulphate", "sunstate", "teammate", "teate", "tristate", "truncate", "update", "westgate", "wingate", "imitate", "generate", "demonstrate", "educate", "regulate", "navigate", "dominate", "tolerate", "stimulate", "liberate", "radiate", "infiltrate", "calculate", "decorate", "recreate", "medicate", "activate", "detonate", "masturbate", "escalate", "celebrate" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: whose Output:
[ "muse", "jews", "twos", "sous", "cruz", "crew's", "q's", "brews", "ooze", "hughes", "coups", "hues", "lose", "cruise", "dues", "who's", "fuse", "crews", "booze", "bruise", "blues", "views", "shoes", "clues", "do's", "choose", "news", "two's", "screws", "snooze", "blues'", "blue's", "boos", "booz", "bruse", "buse", "buus", "chews", "chuse", "chuse", "clews", "crewes", "cruse", "cruze", "cues", "'cuse", "dews", "drewes", "drews", "druse", "druze", "ewes", "flus", "foos", "glues", "goos", "groos", "guse", "hewes", "hews", "hoos", "hughes'", "hughes'", "hughes", "hughs", "hughs", "huse", "jews'", "joos", "kloos", "koos", "kruse", "kuse", "kuze", "leu's", "loos", "lou's", "luiz", "luse", "meuse", "mewes", "moos", "muise", "news'", "news", "oohs", "ooohs", "pews", "pru's", "pugh's", "pughs", "q.s", "q.'s", "ques", "queues", "roos", "roose", "ruse", "schmooze", "shmooze" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: differ Output:
[ "guiffre", "pipher", "schiffer", "shiffer", "sniffer", "stiffer", "sypher" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: meet Output:
[ "fleet", "seat", "mete", "sweet", "feat", "cheat", "beat", "meat", "street", "greet", "feet", "skeet", "pete", "suite", "eat", "sheet", "neat", "heat", "treat", "tweet", "wheat", "sleet", "beet", "breit", "cleat", "cliett", "crete", "deet", "freet", "grete", "keitt", "kriete", "leet", "leete", "leite", "neet", "peat", "peet", "peete", "piet", "piette", "pleat", "prete", "quiett", "skeat", "skeete", "st.", "streett", "sweatt", "swete", "teat", "teet", "threatt", "threet", "thweatt", "tveit", "veit", "vliet", "wheat", "mistreat", "elite", "discreet", "receipt", "complete", "concrete", "defeat", "backseat", "repeat", "compete", "retreat", "petite", "delete", "deceit", "amit", "bridgette", "bufete", "chafete", "conceit", "deplete", "discrete", "downbeat", "effete", "elite", "excrete", "gamete", "jobete", "lalit", "lanete", "murveit", "offbeat", "poteat", "puneet", "receipt", "repeat", "replete", "secrete", "shumeet", "unseat", "vanfleet", "vanvliet" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: wrong Output:
[ "long", "hong", "chong", "pong", "song", "strong", "dong", "kong", "thong", "gong", "aung", "cong", "cuong", "fong", "hmong", "hmong", "jong", "kwong", "kyong", "kyoung", "maung", "mong", "ong", "prong", "quang", "rong", "spong", "sprong", "stong", "throng", "tong", "truong", "vong", "wong", "xiong", "yong", "lifelong", "prolong", "along", "belong", "dejong", "dejonge", "dejongh", "delong", "ding-dong", "drepung", "guangdong", "guangdong", "hmong", "hong-kong", "luong", "phuong", "pudong", "pudong", "sarong", "see-kiong", "vietcong", "vuong", "xudong", "xudong", "xuedong", "yearlong", "yuzong", "zedong", "vietcong", "thousand-years-long" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: do Output:
[ "pooh", "queue", "poo", "koo", "du", "jew", "whew", "pew", "que", "rue", "view", "hoo", "pu", "dru", "two", "hue", "moo", "threw", "true", "foo", "boo", "hou", "yoo", "bleu", "hugh", "ku", "grew", "su", "shu", "whoo", "blew", "slew", "blue", "knew", "clue", "shoe", "due", "jus", "flew", "screw", "tu", "q", "sue", "lou", "dew", "chew", "yu", "zoo", "drew", "brew", "coo", "ou", "glue", "chu", "vous", "choo", "wu", "oooh", "u", "shoo", "goo", "vu", "mu", "fu", "doo", "cue", "ooh", "lu", "flu", "coup", "nu", "ju", "ru", "stew", "new", "crew", "deux", "woo", "hu", "loo", "beu", "breaux", "brue", "chiu", "chou", "cou", "crewe", "douwe", "due", "ewe", "few", "flue", "frew", "frueh", "glew", "gnu", "graue", "grewe", "gu", "gue" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: spread Output:
[ "head", "ted", "bread", "med", "sped", "ned", "shred", "redd", "sled", "stead", "shed", "fed", "led", "dead", "red", "bed", "ed", "thread", "dread", "fred", "said", "bled", "lead", "read", "tread", "wed", "bred", "fled", "dred", "dredd", "fread", "freda", "ged", "jed", "nedd", "pled", "reade", "schwed", "sffed", "shead", "shedd", "sledd", "swed", "szwed", "wedd", "wehde", "zed", "unsaid", "ahead", "misled", "instead", "abed", "behead", "behead", "embed", "imbed", "misread", "numed", "purebred", "retread", "sayed", "unread", "unted", "unwed", "widespread", "thoroughbred", "overhead", "infrared", "biomed", "hilton_head", "interbred", "overfed", "sffed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: subtract Output:
[ "blacked", "pact", "racked", "tact", "tracked", "lacked", "packed", "cracked", "stacked", "act", "backed", "jacked", "smacked", "fact", "bracht", "hacked", "kracht", "pracht", "sacked", "schacht", "slacked", "snacked", "tacked", "tracht", "tract", "whacked", "whacked", "wracked", "abstract", "attacked", "distract", "react", "attract", "exact", "intact", "impact", "compact", "contract", "detract", "diffract", "enact", "extract", "medfact", "protract", "redact", "repacked", "retract", "transact", "unpacked", "inexact", "interact", "interact", "reenact", "counterattacked", "counterattacked", "overreact" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: father Output:
[ "bother", "strother" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: line Output:
[ "mine", "twine", "klein", "kleine", "ein", "spine", "fine", "shine", "whine", "vine", "sein", "pine", "dine", "sign", "wine", "swine", "thine", "nine", "shrine", "shyne", "brine", "bryne", "cline", "clyne", "dhein", "fein", "feyen", "grine", "guynn", "gyn", "hein", "heine", "heyen", "hine", "huynh", "jain", "kline", "kyne", "lyne", "lysne", "prine", "pruyn", "pyne", "quine", "rhein", "rhine", "rhyne", "rine", "schein", "schlein", "shein", "sine", "stein", "stine", "strine", "styne", "thein", "tine", "trine", "tyne", "whine", "wyne", "zine", "recline", "align", "resign", "devine", "divine", "design", "define", "decline", "affine", "aline", "assign", "benign", "bornstein", "burdine", "combine", "confine", "consign", "dewine", "emlynne", "enshrine", "entwine", "gourdine", "hot-line", "ice-nine", "incline", "levine", "limine", "malign", "nadein", "opine", "refine", "refine", "resign", "resign", "sharp-sign", "supine", "vandine" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: common Output:
[ "ahmann", "aman", "bahman", "dahman", "hamann", "lahman", "lahmann", "ommen", "plamann", "rahman", "raman", "strommen", "thommen", "ducommun", "mccommon", "uncommon" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: huge Output:
[ "buege", "cluj", "fruge", "fuge", "googe", "hooge", "huge", "juge", "kluge", "luge", "ruge", "scrooge", "stooge", "zuege", "baton-rouge" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: form Output:
[ "norm", "dorm", "warm", "storm", "swarm", "corm", "orme", "schwarm", "torme", "inform", "conform", "perform", "transform", "deform", "lukewarm", "reform", "reform", "disinform", "misinform" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: serve Output:
[ "irv", "nerve", "swerve", "curve", "d'oeuvre", "herve", "irve", "merv", "mirv", "oeuvre", "serv", "verve", "zurve", "preserve", "deserve", "reserve", "observe", "conserve", "hors_d'oeuvre", "preserve", "preserve", "reserve", "unnerve", "underserve" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: expect Output:
[ "decked", "checked", "wrecked", "becht", "brecht", "fecht", "hecht", "knecht", "necked", "pecht", "precht", "recht", "schlecht", "sect", "specht", "trekked", "wecht", "inject", "select", "detect", "eject", "erect", "infect", "protect", "connect", "effect", "collect", "correct", "perfect", "subject", "direct", "reflect", "suspect", "affect", "reject", "neglect", "respect", "bedecked", "confect", "defect", "deflect", "deject", "deregt", "direct", "direct", "dissect", "effect", "elect", "inspect", "neglect", "object", "project", "rechecked", "reflect", "respect", "unchecked", "resurrect", "recollect", "disrespect", "disconnect", "disaffect", "disinfect", "incorrect", "indirect", "interject", "intersect", "misdirect", "non-direct", "nondirect", "recollect", "reconnect", "redirect", "reelect", "reinspect", "self-respect", "interconnect", "overprotect", "teleconnect" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: run Output:
[ "done", "one", "stun", "donne", "sun", "shun", "kun", "bun", "ton", "dun", "fun", "son", "gun", "un", "pun", "nun", "spun", "hun", "dunn", "none", "bruhn", "brun", "brunn", "bunn", "byun", "chun", "chunn", "dunne", "grun", "gunn", "huhn", "hunn", "hyun", "jun", "kuhne", "luhn", "lun", "lunn", "mun", "munn", "nuhn", "nunn", "one", "thrun", "thun", "tonne", "won", "youn", "yun", "outrun", "begun", "rerun", "m1", "undone", "aslan", "c1", "homerun", "lajeune", "mcfun", "mcmunn", "outdone", "redone", "number-one", "one-on-one", "overdone", "puget-1", "simeone" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: us Output:
[ "bus", "russ", "fuss", "sus", "buss", "cuss", "thus", "plus", "brus", "bruss", "busse", "cus", "fuhs", "gruss", "gus", "guss", "huss", "jus", "klus", "krus", "kus", "kuss", "muhs", "nuss", "prus", "pruss", "pus", "puss", "rus", "russe", "sluss", "struss", "suss", "trus", "truss", "wass", "wuss", "xus", "discuss", "careplus", "mistrusts", "non-pluss", "nonpluss", "vanhuss", "banderas" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: spend Output:
[ "bend", "ende", "end", "fend", "mend", "friend", "lend", "tend", "send", "blend", "trend", "mende", "penned", "rende", "wend", "wende", "descend", "attend", "extend", "ascend", "depend", "defend", "intend", "offend", "pretend", "abend", "amend", "append", "arend", "backend", "befriend", "commend", "contend", "dead-end", "distend", "expend", "high-end", "impend", "landsend", "misspend", "misspend", "portend", "relend", "suspend", "transcend", "unbend", "yearend", "recommend", "comprehend", "apprehend", "condescend", "echemende", "reoffend", "overextend" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: blow Output:
[ "know", "show", "dough", "doh", "joe", "aux", "hoh", "quo", "glow", "mo", "mau", "noe", "poe", "owe", "schau", "row", "ow", "glo", "toe", "doe", "though", "wo", "o'", "whoa", "bro", "bo", "pro", "slow", "au", "throw", "low", "po", "tho", "flo", "lo", "crow", "flow", "foe", "woe", "jo", "ohh", "moe", "grow", "ho", "oh", "co", "ro", "snow", "sew", "hoe", "mow", "fro", "yo", "cho", "tow", "go", "beau", "ko", "beaux", "bleau", "blowe", "boe", "boeh", "bow", "bowe", "breau", "breault", "breaux", "broe", "browe", "cau", "chau", "choe", "cloe", "clow", "co.", "coe", "cro", "crowe", "dau", "eau", "eaux", "faux", "floe", "flowe", "froh", "gau", "gloe", "goe", "gogh", "goh", "gro", "groh", "growe", "joh", "koh", "krogh", "kroh", "krowe", "kyo" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: experience Output:
[ "audience", "ambiance", "ambience", "audience", "dalliance", "deviance", "prescience", "transience", "variance", "expedience", "insouciance", "invariance", "obedience", "provenience", "resilience", "subservience", "disobedience", "disobedience", "inexperience" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: thus Output:
[ "bus", "russ", "fuss", "sus", "buss", "cuss", "us", "plus", "brus", "bruss", "busse", "cus", "fuhs", "gruss", "gus", "guss", "huss", "jus", "klus", "krus", "kus", "kuss", "muhs", "nuss", "prus", "pruss", "pus", "puss", "rus", "russe", "sluss", "struss", "suss", "trus", "truss", "wass", "wuss", "xus", "discuss", "careplus", "mistrusts", "non-pluss", "nonpluss", "vanhuss", "banderas" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: usual Output:
[ "visual", "sensual", "casual", "actual", "perceptual", "individual", "semiannual", "semiannual", "semiannual" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: flower Output:
[ "flour", "how're", "shower", "tower", "sour", "power", "hour", "auer", "bauer", "baur", "bougher", "bower", "brauer", "brougher", "brower", "clower", "cower", "dauer", "dour", "gauer", "glower", "gower", "grauer", "hauer", "hower", "kauer", "klauer", "knauer", "lauer", "mauer", "nauer", "our", "rauer", "sauer", "schauer", "scour", "tauer", "trower", "devour", "empower", "three-hour", "mph", "overpower", "superpower", "underpower" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: good Output:
[ "stood", "goode", "wood", "could", "hood", "would", "schuld", "should", "you'd", "fulwood", "suhud", "withstood", "understood", "misunderstood" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: drive Output:
[ "hive", "thrive", "dr", "dive", "jive", "i've", "five", "strive", "live", "clive", "clyve", "dr.", "shive", "vive", "revive", "arrive", "alive", "survive", "c5", "connive", "contrive", "deprive", "derive", "m5", "o'five", "revive" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: poor Output:
[ "jour", "coeur", "cour", "doer", "fuer", "koor", "poore", "ure", "yoor", "you're", "amour", "darfur", "grandeur", "kapoor", "majeure", "mccluer", "mcclure", "mclure", "pasteur", "rigueur", "secteur", "velour", "voyeur", "well-doer", "raconteur" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: energy Output:
[ "allergy", "cenergy", "cinergy", "entergy", "lethargy", "liturgy", "synergy", "dramaturgy", "metallurgy" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: condition Output:
[ "mission", "britian", "fission", "titian", "wishon", "ignition", "submission", "musician", "addition", "commission", "admission", "tuition", "transition", "position", "ambition", "permission", "suspicion", "tradition", "magician", "edition", "transmission", "admission", "attrition", "audition", "clinician", "cognition", "commision", "contrition", "dentition", "edition", "emission", "fruition", "logician", "mccuistion", "mortician", "munition", "nutrition", "omission", "optician", "partition", "patrician", "petition", "physician", "recission", "remission", "rendition", "sedition", "tactician", "technician", "transmission", "volition", "demolition", "opposition", "superstition", "repetition", "proposition", "disposition", "expedition", "premonition", "intermission", "coalition", "composition", "competition", "definition", "intuition", "ammunition", "politician", "recognition", "abolition", "acquisition", "admonition", "apparition", "daffynition", "decommission", "deposition", "dietician", "dietitian", "dimunition", "electrician", "erudition", "exhibition", "exposition", "extradition", "fondkommission", "imposition", "inhibition", "inhibition", "inquisition", "malnutrition", "obstetrician", "precondition", "preignition", "prohibition", "recognition", "recondition", "reposition", "requisition", "retransmission", "rhetorician", "statistician" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: match Output:
[ "batch", "hatch", "latch", "scratch", "snatch", "catch", "patch", "bache", "brach", "bratsch", "drach", "flach", "gach", "gatch", "hach", "kach", "krach", "lach", "lache", "latsch", "mache", "matsch", "rach", "stach", "tatsch", "thach", "thatch", "tkach", "vlach", "attach", "detach", "dispatch", "mismatch", "rematch", "overmatch", "reattach", "unattach" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: bear Output:
[ "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "chair", "care", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "air", "scare", "fare", "hair", "mehr", "share", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "wear", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer", "wehr" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: same Output:
[ "fame", "ame", "name", "aime", "claim", "came", "game", "aim", "frame", "dame", "lame", "tame", "blame", "shame", "flame", "baim", "bame", "boehm", "boehme", "brame", "damme", "fayme", "flaim", "fraim", "graeme", "haim", "kaim", "maim", "mame", "mayme", "rhame", "sejm", "swaim", "aflame", "reclaim", "became", "proclaim", "acclaim", "ashame", "ballgame", "became", "declaim", "defame", "disclaim", "exclaim", "inflame", "postgame", "rename", "overcame" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: gentle Output:
[ "dental", "mental", "rental", "lentil", "sentell", "yentl", "judgemental", "judgmental", "parental", "pimental", "simental", "fundamental", "oriental", "accidental", "monumental", "instrumental", "sentimental", "continental", "compartmental", "departmental", "detrimental", "elemental", "governmental", "incidental", "incremental", "monumental", "occidental", "occidentale", "ornamental", "regimental", "sentimental", "supplemental", "temperamental", "temperamental", "transcendental", "coincidental", "developmental", "environmental", "experimental", "non-governmental", "nongovernmental", "pancontinental", "transcontinental", "transcontinental", "unsentimental", "intercontinental", "intergovernmental" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: light Output:
[ "night", "bite", "plight", "wright", "flight", "might", "mite", "right", "fight", "sight", "white", "spite", "tight", "kite", "knight", "bright", "fright", "zeit", "rite", "site", "height", "write", "sprite", "slight", "quite", "beit", "bight", "blight", "brite", "byte", "cite", "clyte", "dwight", "feit", "fite", "heit", "hiett", "hight", "hite", "kight", "kyte", "lite", "nite", "reit", "scheidt", "sleight", "spight", "streit", "strite", "trite", "twite", "white", "whyte", "whyte", "wight", "tonight", "alight", "alright", "upright", "delight", "uptight", "despite", "ignite", "invite", "polite", "excite", "recite", "rewrite", "allright", "benight", "clevite", "contrite", "dunite", "ebright", "enright", "enwright", "forthright", "incite", "indict", "indite", "lafite", "macknight", "mccright", "mcknight", "mcright", "mcwhite", "mcwright", "non-white", "non-white", "nonwhite", "nonwhite", "one-night", "onsite", "outright", "tonight", "tonite", "reunite", "overnight", "de-excite", "disinvite" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: store Output:
[ "door", "floor", "pour", "corps", "chore", "shore", "gore", "ore", "score", "wore", "tore", "swore", "whore", "roar", "sore", "core", "bore", "war", "four", "soar", "por", "drawer", "fore", "flor", "yore", "baur", "boar", "boer", "bohr", "borre", "clore", "coar", "cohr", "cor", "corr", "doar", "doerr", "dohr", "d'or", "dore", "dorr", "faure", "flore", "for", "forr", "glor", "glore", "goar", "gorr", "hoar", "hoare", "hoerr", "horr", "knorr", "kohr", "laur", "laure", "loar", "loehr", "lohr", "lor", "lore", "mohr", "moore", "mor", "more", "morr", "nohr", "nor", "oar", "ohr", "or", "orr", "pore", "porr", "roehr", "rohr", "saur", "schnorr", "schor", "schorr", "scor", "shor", "shorr", "snore", "sor", "spaur", "spore", "stoehr", "stohr", "storr", "thor", "tor", "torr", "torre", "vore", "warr", "woehr", "wor", "your" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: ball Output:
[ "brawl", "tall", "lol", "fall", "drawl", "gall", "crawl", "hall", "paul", "mall", "wall", "stall", "haul", "bawl", "small", "call", "all", "aul", "aull", "caul", "crall", "dall", "daul", "faul", "faull", "gaul", "gaulle", "grall", "graul", "kall", "kaul", "krall", "krol", "kroll", "lall", "maul", "maule", "maull", "mol", "nall", "pall", "paule", "paull", "pol", "prall", "rall", "raul", "rawl", "sall", "saul", "schall", "schmall", "schnall", "schwall", "scrawl", "shaul", "shaull", "shawl", "spall", "sprawl", "squall", "taul", "thall", "thrall", "tol", "wahle", "wal", "walle", "baseball", "antol", "appall", "bacall", "befall", "depaul", "edsall", "engwall", "enthral", "fairall", "forestall", "install", "mccall", "mccaul", "mcfall", "mcfaul", "mcnall", "mcphaul", "mehall", "metall", "nepal", "recall", "sabol", "vandall", "vanhall", "vantol", "luminol", "montreal", "peterpaul", "senegal" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sea Output:
[ "see", "glee", "je", "mee", "key", "yee", "flea", "zee", "c", "pre", "free", "lea", "dea", "pea", "de", "dee", "ni", "ye", "nee", "mea", "thee", "lee", "ne", "qui", "tea", "knee", "mi", "bee", "v", "te", "wee", "sie", "tee", "li", "gee", "three", "z", "hee", "yi", "plea", "di", "ski", "fee", "nie", "si", "oui", "ee", "flee", "pee", "chea", "g", "ki", "spree", "tree", "shi", "e", "ti", "b", "p", "chee", "b.", "be", "bea", "blea", "brea", "bree", "brie", "bui", "buie", "c.", "cie", "crea", "cree", "d", "d.", "e.", "fi", "freeh", "fsi", "g.", "ghee", "gyi", "he", "jee", "ji", "jie", "kea", "kee", "klee", "kyi", "leigh", "lxi", "me", "nghi", "p.", "peay", "pree", "pri", "prix", "qi" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: knew Output:
[ "pooh", "queue", "poo", "koo", "du", "jew", "whew", "pew", "que", "rue", "view", "hoo", "pu", "dru", "two", "hue", "moo", "threw", "true", "foo", "boo", "hou", "yoo", "bleu", "hugh", "ku", "grew", "su", "shu", "whoo", "blew", "slew", "blue", "shoe", "due", "jus", "flew", "screw", "clue", "tu", "q", "sue", "lou", "dew", "chew", "yu", "zoo", "drew", "brew", "coo", "ou", "glue", "chu", "vous", "choo", "wu", "oooh", "u", "shoo", "goo", "vu", "mu", "fu", "doo", "cue", "ooh", "lu", "flu", "coup", "nu", "ju", "ru", "stew", "new", "crew", "deux", "woo", "hu", "loo", "beu", "breaux", "brue", "chiu", "chou", "cou", "crewe", "do", "douwe", "due", "ewe", "few", "flue", "frew", "frueh", "glew", "gnu", "graue", "grewe", "gu", "gue" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: point Output:
[ ".point", "joint", "joynt", "pointe", "anoint", "appoint", "disjoint", "lapoint", "lapointe", "pierpoint", "disappoint", "datapoint", "datapoint", "reappoint", "exclamation-point" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: by Output:
[ "jai", "lai", "dye", "fi", "pi", "aye", "thai", "high", "die", "shy", "tie", "tai", "cry", "pry", "hi", "sy", "pie", "kai", "thy", "fly", "sky", "sigh", "lie", "vie", "chi", "eye", "fry", "mai", "spy", "buy", "vi", "ai", "sly", "guy", "bi", "thigh", "bae", "bye", "dai", "nigh", "rye", "sai", "dry", "ty", "ly", "try", "lye", "frei", "ay", "bligh", "bly", "blye", "brye", "cai", "chae", "chai", "crye", "cy", "di", "drye", "fae", "flye", "frie", "frye", "fye", "gae", "heye", "hy", "i", "i.", "jai", "keye", "kwai", "my", "ngai", "nie", "nye", "pae", "phi", "phy", "ply", "pri", "psi", "pty", "pye", "shai", "sias", "skye", "sligh", "slye", "spry", "sty", "tae", "tri", "trie", "tsai", "tsai", "tye", "vy", "wai" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: out Output:
[ "scout", "stout", "sprout", "trout", "spout", "'bout", "tout", "bout", "drought", "doubt", "pout", "clout", "shout", "crout", "doutt", "flout", "fout", "gout", "grout", "hout", "kraut", "krout", "lout", "prout", "raut", "rout", "route", "routt", "shrout", "snout", "stoute", "strout", "thuot", "troutt", "without", "throughout", "about", "all-out", "devout", "redoubt", "reroute", "stake-out", "without", "how-about" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: stop Output:
[ "top", "hop", "cop", "prop", "slop", "shop", "bop", "opp", "chop", "drop", "wop", "pop", "flop", "mop", "crop", "swap", "op", "bopp", "chopp", "copp", "cropp", "dopp", "glop", "gropp", "hopp", "hoppe", "jopp", "klopp", "knop", "knopp", "kopp", "koppe", "kropp", "lop", "lopp", "paap", "paape", "plop", "popp", "poppe", "propp", "raap", "ropp", "schaap", "schopp", "schoppe", "schropp", "shoppe", "skop", "sop", "sopp", "swapp", "topp", "tropp", "tschopp", "yopp", ".full-stop", "atop", "nonstop", "chop-chop", "non-stop" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: put Output:
[ "foot", "foote", "soot", "afoot", "caput", "pussyfoot", "underfoot" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: section Output:
[ "flexion", "injection", "election", "correction", "erection", "inspection", "direction", "affection", "reflection", "connection", "protection", "perfection", "collection", "selection", "complexion", "rejection", "infection", "advection", "complection", "confection", "connexion", "convection", "defection", "deflection", "detection", "dissection", "ejection", "inflection", "objection", "projection", "reflection", "rejection", "imperfection", "resurrection", "circumspection", "disaffection", "disconnection", "disinfection", "insurrection", "interjection", "intersection", "introspection", "introspection", "predilection", "preelection", "recollection", "redirection", "reelection", "reinspection", "interconnection", "overprotection" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: baby Output:
[ "maybe", "cabey", "haby", "mabey", "rabey", "raby", "sabey", "slaby", "smaby", "taibi", "achebe", "crybaby" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: train Output:
[ "rain", "seine", "plane", "rein", "lane", "crane", "zane", "plain", "dane", "kaine", "main", "wayne", "vain", "wane", "jane", "mane", "gain", "pain", "mayne", "grain", "reign", "drain", "cane", "strain", "sane", "stain", "shane", "pane", "vein", "spain", "kane", "cain", "brain", "maine", "slain", "chain", "blaine", "caine", "aine", "ane", "ayn", "bain", "baine", "bane", "bayne", "blain", "blane", "blayne", "cayne", "cheyne", "crain", "craine", "crayne", "dain", "dayne", "deign", "draine", "drane", "duan", "duane", "dwayne", "fain", "fane", "fayne", "feign", "fein", "frain", "fraine", "frane", "frayn", "frayne", "frein", "freyne", "grein", "hahne", "hain", "hane", "hayn", "hayne", "heyn", "heyne", "jain", "jayne", "kain", "kayne", "krain", "krane", "krein", "lain", "laine", "layne", "ln", "meyn", "paign", "paine", "payne", "quain", "raine", "rayne", "reine" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: thousand Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: invent Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "cent", "rent", "bent", "went", "scent", "meant", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: moon Output:
[ "soon", "tune", "swoon", "coon", "croon", "dune", "strewn", "june", "noone", "spoon", "noon", "loon", "goon", "boon", "boone", "broun", "bruen", "brune", "bruun", "choon", "clune", "coone", "gruen", "gruhn", "heun", "hewn", "hoon", "joon", "keune", "koon", "koone", "kroon", "kuehn", "kuehne", "kuhn", "mhoon", "moone", "poon", "prune", "roone", "rune", "schoon", "shoen", "suen", "thune", "toon", "toone", "troon", "yoon", "saloon", "lagoon", "cocoon", "tycoon", "harpoon", "balloon", "cartoon", "immune", "antoon", "aoun", "attune", "baboon", "banoun", "barloon", "bassoon", "bethune", "buffoon", "cahoon", "calhoon", "calhoun", "cancun", "cardoon", "cohoon", "commune", "corroon", "dekroon", "festoon", "galloon", "hamdoon", "harroun", "huntoon", "impugn", "karoun", "karun", "laffoon", "lampoon", "liqun", "magoon", "majnoon", "maroon", "mattoon", "mcclune", "mccuen", "mccune", "mckune", "monsoon", "muldoon", "platoon", "pontoon", "raccoon", "rangoon" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: cause Output:
[ "mas", "pas", "paz", "oz", "ahs", "baas", "broz", "cars", "chas", "chazz", "coz", "droz", "faas", "fraas", "gaz", "laas", "maahs", "maas", "maz", "mroz", "naas", "roz", "shah's", "spas", "staas", "vase", "waas", "wah's", "was", "audas", "because", "coultas", "d'etats", "dupras", "francoise", "ijaz", "mieras", "okaz", "poitras", "debevoise", "vichyssoise" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: feel Output:
[ "real", "fiel", "neil", "wheel", "steel", "steele", "heal", "spiel", "viele", "we'll", "beale", "meal", "peel", "piel", "seal", "kneel", "heel", "reel", "she'll", "deal", "he'll", "viel", "squeal", "steal", "ciel", "beal", "beall", "beel", "beil", "biehl", "biel", "bleil", "briel", "cele", "creal", "creel", "deahl", "deale", "deel", "diehl", "diel", "eel", "feil", "foell", "freel", "friel", "giel", "gilles", "jheel", "keal", "keel", "keele", "keil", "kheel", "kiehl", "kiel", "kneale", "leal", "lille", "meehl", "mele", "miele", "neal", "neale", "neall", "neel", "neile", "neill", "niel", "peal", "peale", "peele", "peil", "piehl", "riehl", "riel", "scheel", "scheele", "schiel", "schiele", "seale", "seel", "shiel", "skeel", "smeal", "steil", "stiehl", "teal", "teale", "teall", "teel", "teele", "theall", "theel", "thiel", "thiele", "veal", "veale", "weil", "wheel" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: check Output:
[ "sec", "cheque", "peck", "beck", "speck", "trek", "wreck", "deck", "tek", "tech", "tec", "heck", "neck", "baek", "bec", "blech", "bleck", "breck", "brekke", "cech", "chek", "creque", "czech", "dec", "dech", "dweck", "eck", "ek", "feck", "fleck", "frech", "freck", "geck", "grech", "jech", "keck", "kleck", "krech", "lech", "leck", "lek", "mech", "meck", "nec", "pech", "quek", "rec", "rech", "reck", "scheck", "schmeck", "schneck", "schreck", "seck", "sheck", "shek", "shreck", "shrek", "spec", "stec", "stech", "steck", "streck", "svec", "szczech", "teck", "weck", "wnek", "yeck", "zech", "zeck", "bedeck", "bo-shek", "dehecq", "domecq", "exec", "high-tech", "labrecque", "low-tech", "macek", "mcpeck", "nobec", "prestech", "quebec", "recheck", "vanek", "vanhecke", "vanvleck", "golombek", "polytech", "receptech" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: less Output:
[ "yes", "bless", "ness", "les", "stress", "esse", "wes", "press", "des", "guess", "es", "'s", "mess", "chess", "dress", "bess", "besse", "bress", "bresse", "ches", "cress", "ess", "fess", "gess", "gless", "gress", "hess", "hesse", "jess", "kess", "kless", "kness", "kress", "kresse", "nes", "pesce", "pless", "press'", "presse", "ques", "ress", "s", "s.", "tess", "tress", "vess", "wess", "ts", "unless", "recess", "confess", "success", "express", "caress", "impress", "possess", "undress", "finesse", "distress", "address", "aggress", "assess", "attests", "compress", "contests", "depress", "digress", "egress", "ellesse", "etess", "excess", "express'", "fluoresce", "fluoresce", "forbess", "ines", "largesse", "l'express", "ls", "lutece", "lyness", "noblesse", "obsess", "oppress", "profess", "progress", "progress", "protests", "redress", "regress", "repress", "requests", "requests", "siese", "simplesse", "suppress", "transgress", "us", "v_s", "irs" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: produce Output:
[ "truce", "luce", "juice", "moose", "duce", "goose", "nous", "use", "deuce", "bruce", "noose", "yous", "loose", "boose", "cheuse", "coos", "cruce", "deuss", "doose", "druce", "foose", "fuoss", "hoose", "mousse", "preuss", "pruess", "reuss", "ruess", "seuss", "sluice", "spruce", "tyus", "zeus", "seduce", "caboose", "reduce", "excuse", "abuse", "abstruse", "asmus", "chartreuse", "damoose", "deduce", "derousse", "diffuse", "disuse", "ekeus", "induce", "labouisse", "lajous", "misuse", "obtuse", "profuse", "recluse", "reuse", "vanhoose", "introduce", "disabuse", "introduce", "reproduce", "overproduce", "reintroduce" ]