
< 1K
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: cent Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "rent", "bent", "went", "scent", "meant", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: perhaps Output:
[ "wraps", "maps", "snaps", "scraps", "craps", "taps", "laps", "claps", "naps", "slaps", "raps", "caps", "straps", "traps", "apps", "capps", "cap's", "chaps", "crapps", "flaps", "gap's", "gaps", "japs", "kappes", "kaps", "knapp's", "lapps", "lapse", "saps", "schnapps", "yaps", "zaps", "relapse", "collapse", "elapse" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: double Output:
[ "trouble", "bubble", "rubble", "hubbell", "hubble", "stubble", "redouble" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: length Output:
[ "strength" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hand Output:
[ "banned", "canned", "grand", "bland", "tanned", "stand", "planned", "sand", "land", "grande", "brand", "band", "strand", "and", "brande", "chand", "fanned", "gland", "lande", "manned", "panned", "rand", "sande", "scanned", "shand", "spanned", "strande", "vande", "zand", "withstand", "command", "demand", "expand", "bourland", "deland", "disband", "fernand", "firsthand", "firsthand", "hoiland", "laband", "left-hand", "lefthand", "marchand", "marchand", "offhand", "outmanned", "remand", "right-hand", "righthand", "unmanned", "unplanned", "understand", "meadowland", "vallegrande", "misunderstand" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: spell Output:
[ "quel", "smell", "bel", "pelle", "bell", "del", "schnell", "l", "gel", "tel", "cell", "stelle", "shell", "el", "hell", "yell", "tell", "swell", "dwell", "belle", "well", "elle", "fell", "they'll", "sell", "mel", "nel", "behl", "cel", "chell", "clell", "dell", "delle", "dwelle", "ehle", "ell", "fehl", "fel", "frel", "gehl", "gell", "grell", "grelle", "guel", "hehl", "helle", "jell", "kehl", "kell", "kjell", "knell", "krell", "l.", "lehl", "mehl", "mell", "melle", "nell", "nelle", "pehl", "pell", "prell", "quell", "schell", "schmehl", "schnelle", "sel", "selle", "snell", "stell", "strehl", "strehle", "welle", "yelle", "zel", "zell", "zelle", "cartel", "miguel", "excel", "hotel", "estelle", "noel", "farewell", "motel", "chanel", "michelle", "abele", "accel", "adel", "adele", "adell", "adelle", "adwell", "ahnell", "akel", "ancel", "angelle", "ansel", "antell" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: live Output:
[ "hive", "thrive", "dr", "dive", "jive", "i've", "drive", "five", "strive", "clive", "clyve", "dr.", "shive", "vive", "revive", "arrive", "alive", "survive", "c5", "connive", "contrive", "deprive", "derive", "m5", "o'five", "revive" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: crop Output:
[ "hop", "cop", "prop", "slop", "shop", "bop", "opp", "chop", "top", "drop", "wop", "pop", "flop", "mop", "stop", "swap", "op", "bopp", "chopp", "copp", "cropp", "dopp", "glop", "gropp", "hopp", "hoppe", "jopp", "klopp", "knop", "knopp", "kopp", "koppe", "kropp", "lop", "lopp", "paap", "paape", "plop", "popp", "poppe", "propp", "raap", "ropp", "schaap", "schopp", "schoppe", "schropp", "shoppe", "skop", "sop", "sopp", "swapp", "topp", "tropp", "tschopp", "yopp", ".full-stop", "atop", "nonstop", "chop-chop", "non-stop" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: also Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: pay Output:
[ "play", "wey", "lei", "j", "whey", "nay", "hay", "ley", "wy", "fray", "ze", "grey", "dray", "bay", "chez", "say", "gray", "tay", "shay", "che", "yea", "mei", "ray", "k", "way", "sleigh", "gay", "spray", "may", "dey", "jay", "sway", "yay", "lay", "stray", "clay", "fe", "day", "trey", "se", "prey", "slay", "pray", "weigh", "ay", "tray", "mae", "hey", "kay", "gaye", "rae", "tre", "rey", "stay", "a", "a.", "ae", "baye", "bayh", "bey", "blay", "bley", "brae", "bray", "brey", "cay", "c'est", "cray", "dae", "daye", "de", "drey", "fay", "faye", "fey", "flay", "frey", "gai", "graye", "guay", "gway", "haigh", "haye", "hwe", "j.", "jae", "jaye", "k.", "'kay", "kaye", "khe", "klay", "kley", "kray", "krey", "lait", "laye", "les", "leyh", "maye" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: capital Output:
[ "capitol", "digital", "prucapital", "societal", "transcapital" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: possible Output:
[ "horrible", "liable", "vegetable", "cannibal", "visible", "valuable", "probable", "sensible", "lovable", "edible", "flexible", "syllable", "culpable", "suitable", "terrible", "capable", "adabelle", "admirable", "affable", "amabelle", "anable", "annabelle", "annable", "arable", "audible", "bankable", "bearable", "biddable", "billable", "breakable", "buildable", "burnable", "callable", "changeable", "chargeable", "clarabelle", "comparable", "conable", "constable", "corabelle", "countable", "credible", "cristobal", "crucible", "curable", "doable", "drinkable", "drivable", "durable", "eatable", "equable", "fallible", "fashionable", "favorable", "feasible", "fixable", "flammable", "forcible", "fusible", "gullible", "huxtable", "laudable", "laughable", "leasable", "legible", "likable", "likeable", "livable", "mandible", "marable", "mirabal", "miscible", "miserable", "moldable", "movable", "mutable", "notable", "orabelle", "palpable", "parable", "passable", "payable", "peaceable", "plausible", "pliable", "portable", "potable", "preferable", "printable", "provable", "puttable", "quotable", "reachable", "readable", "reasonable", "rentable", "ridable", "rosabelle", "salable", "saleable" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: evening Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: town Output:
[ "clown", "drown", "crown", "frown", "gown", "brown", "browne", "crowne", "down", "downe", "lown", "noun", "shoun", "towne", "downtown", "uptown", "around", "facedown", "mccoun", "mccown", "mcgown", "mcquown", "renown", "run-down", "abbotstown", "abbottstown" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: tone Output:
[ "phone", "groan", "prone", "zone", "drone", "blown", "mon", "thrown", "throne", "moan", "shown", "lone", "flown", "known", "shone", "loan", "clone", "stone", "bone", "sown", "sewn", "grown", "cone", "joan", "boan", "boehne", "boen", "bohn", "bohne", "bown", "bowne", "coan", "cohn", "crone", "doan", "doane", "doanh", "don't", "fone", "goan", "goen", "groen", "grone", "hoehn", "hoehne", "hoen", "hone", "jone", "kloehn", "koehn", "koehne", "koen", "kohne", "krohn", "moen", "mone", "oanh", "own", "plohn", "rhone", "roan", "roane", "roen", "rone", "schoen", "schone", "scone", "sloan", "sloane", "slone", "thoen", "thone", "trone", "homegrown", "cyclone", "alone", "simone", "trombone", "condone", "malone", "flintstone", "outgrown", "unknown", "cologne", "capone", "arone", "athlone", "atone", "barone", "barrone", "bastogne", "bayonne", "bemoan", "cadrone", "carone", "catone", "cirone", "damone", "dethrone", "dethrone" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: term Output:
[ "sperm", "squirm", "germ", "firm", "worm", "berm", "ferm", "germe", "herm", "hurm", "schirm", "sturm", "therm", "thurm", "wurm", "confirm", "affirm", "infirm", "long-term", "short-term", "reaffirm", "reconfirm" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: question Output:
[ "suggestion", "congestion", "digestion", "ingestion", "indigestion" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: morning Output:
[ "warning", "mourning", "corning", "horning", "adorning", "forewarning", "goodmorning" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: shop Output:
[ "hop", "cop", "prop", "slop", "bop", "opp", "chop", "top", "drop", "wop", "pop", "flop", "mop", "crop", "stop", "swap", "op", "bopp", "chopp", "copp", "cropp", "dopp", "glop", "gropp", "hopp", "hoppe", "jopp", "klopp", "knop", "knopp", "kopp", "koppe", "kropp", "lop", "lopp", "paap", "paape", "plop", "popp", "poppe", "propp", "raap", "ropp", "schaap", "schopp", "schoppe", "schropp", "shoppe", "skop", "sop", "sopp", "swapp", "topp", "tropp", "tschopp", "yopp", ".full-stop", "atop", "nonstop", "chop-chop", "non-stop" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: meant Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "cent", "rent", "bent", "went", "scent", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: touch Output:
[ "much", "clutch", "dutch", "crutch", "bruch", "buch", "buche", "butsch", "duch", "dusch", "futch", "huch", "hutch", "kuch", "kutch", "kutsch", "mutch", "mutsch", "ruch", "such", "sutch", "szuch", "tuch", "zuch", "how-much", "nonesuch" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fall Output:
[ "call", "tall", "lol", "drawl", "gall", "crawl", "hall", "paul", "mall", "wall", "stall", "haul", "ball", "bawl", "brawl", "small", "all", "aul", "aull", "caul", "crall", "dall", "daul", "faul", "faull", "gaul", "gaulle", "grall", "graul", "kall", "kaul", "krall", "krol", "kroll", "lall", "maul", "maule", "maull", "mol", "nall", "pall", "paule", "paull", "pol", "prall", "rall", "raul", "rawl", "sall", "saul", "schall", "schmall", "schnall", "schwall", "scrawl", "shaul", "shaull", "shawl", "spall", "sprawl", "squall", "taul", "thall", "thrall", "tol", "wahle", "wal", "walle", "baseball", "antol", "appall", "bacall", "befall", "depaul", "edsall", "engwall", "enthral", "fairall", "forestall", "install", "mccall", "mccaul", "mcfall", "mcfaul", "mcnall", "mcphaul", "mehall", "metall", "nepal", "recall", "sabol", "vandall", "vanhall", "vantol", "luminol", "montreal", "peterpaul", "senegal" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: oh Output:
[ "show", "dough", "doh", "joe", "aux", "hoh", "quo", "glow", "mo", "mau", "noe", "poe", "owe", "schau", "row", "ow", "glo", "toe", "doe", "though", "wo", "o'", "bro", "bo", "know", "pro", "au", "whoa", "throw", "blow", "go", "po", "tho", "flo", "lo", "crow", "flow", "foe", "woe", "jo", "ohh", "moe", "grow", "ho", "co", "ro", "slow", "snow", "sew", "hoe", "mow", "fro", "yo", "low", "cho", "tow", "beau", "ko", "beaux", "bleau", "blowe", "boe", "boeh", "bow", "bowe", "breau", "breault", "breaux", "broe", "browe", "cau", "chau", "choe", "cloe", "clow", "co.", "coe", "cro", "crowe", "dau", "eau", "eaux", "faux", "floe", "flowe", "froh", "gau", "gloe", "goe", "gogh", "goh", "gro", "groh", "growe", "joh", "koh", "krogh", "kroh", "krowe", "kyo" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: forward Output:
[ "dorward", "norward", "shoreward", "fast-forward", "straightforward" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: skin Output:
[ "din", "spin", "min", "thin", "lynn", "vin", "yin", "sin", "gin", "bin", "grin", "chin", "pin", "fin", "tin", "twin", "kin", "win", "inn", "finn", "quinn", "been", "bihn", "binn", "blinn", "brin", "brinn", "bryn", "chinh", "chinn", "dinh", "finne", "flinn", "flynn", "ginn", "glyn", "glynn", "guin", "guinn", "gwin", "gwinn", "gwyn", "gwynn", "gwynne", "gyn", "hinn", "in", "in.", "jin", "kihn", "kinn", "kinne", "knin", "knin", "lin", "linh", "linn", "linne", "lwin", "lyn", "lynne", "mihn", "minh", "pinn", "prynne", "qian", "qin", "quin", "rhin", "rihn", "rinn", "rinne", "schwinn", "shin", "shinn", "sinn", "syn", "trinh", "when", "when", "winn", "winne", "wynn", "wynne", "zinn", "zlin", "begin", "askin", "berlin", "within", "adin", "akin", "allin", "allphin", "alpin", "aslin", "astin", "aswin", "atkin", "boleyn" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: while Output:
[ "nile", "vile", "mile", "wile", "tile", "i'll", "smile", "pile", "style", "file", "aisle", "isle", "weil", "bile", "bille", "cheil", "deihl", "dial", "geil", "gile", "gille", "guile", "heil", "hile", "hyle", "kile", "kyl", "kyle", "lile", "lyle", "pfeil", "phyle", "pyle", "reihl", "rile", "ruyle", "ryle", "seil", "sheil", "stile", "theil", "theile", "trial", "weill", "while", "wyle", "zile", "awhile", "worthwhile", "argyll", "beguile", "compile", "delisle", "fertile", "hostile", "kurzweil", "marseille", "mikhail", "monteil", "nevile", "panfile", "refile", "restyle", "revile", "vantuyl", "versatile" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: wind Output:
[ "grind", "dined", "kind", "signed", "bind", "blind", "lined", "mind", "find", "shined", "fined", "freind", "hind", "mined", "pined", "rind", "twined", "wined", "confined", "refined", "combined", "entwined", "aligned", "resigned", "remind", "behind", "unkind", "unwind", "mankind", "designed", "inclined", "defined", "affined", "assigned", "consigned", "declined", "elkind", "enshrined", "maligned", "opined", "reclined", "refined", "resigned", "resigned", "unlined", "unsigned", "intertwined", "disinclined", "realigned", "reassigned", "redefined", "redesigned", "unconfined", "undefined", "undermined", "unrefined" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: new Output:
[ "pooh", "queue", "poo", "koo", "du", "jew", "whew", "pew", "que", "rue", "view", "hoo", "pu", "dru", "two", "hue", "moo", "threw", "true", "foo", "boo", "hou", "yoo", "bleu", "hugh", "ku", "grew", "su", "shu", "whoo", "blew", "slew", "blue", "knew", "clue", "shoe", "due", "jus", "flew", "screw", "tu", "q", "sue", "lou", "dew", "chew", "yu", "zoo", "drew", "brew", "coo", "ou", "glue", "chu", "vous", "choo", "wu", "oooh", "u", "shoo", "goo", "vu", "mu", "fu", "doo", "cue", "ooh", "lu", "flu", "coup", "nu", "ju", "ru", "stew", "crew", "deux", "woo", "hu", "loo", "beu", "breaux", "brue", "chiu", "chou", "cou", "crewe", "do", "douwe", "due", "ewe", "few", "flue", "frew", "frueh", "glew", "gnu", "graue", "grewe", "gu", "gue" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: observe Output:
[ "irv", "serve", "nerve", "swerve", "curve", "d'oeuvre", "herve", "irve", "merv", "mirv", "oeuvre", "serv", "verve", "zurve", "preserve", "deserve", "reserve", "conserve", "hors_d'oeuvre", "preserve", "preserve", "reserve", "unnerve", "underserve" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: probable Output:
[ "horrible", "liable", "vegetable", "cannibal", "visible", "valuable", "sensible", "lovable", "edible", "flexible", "syllable", "culpable", "suitable", "possible", "terrible", "capable", "adabelle", "admirable", "affable", "amabelle", "anable", "annabelle", "annable", "arable", "audible", "bankable", "bearable", "biddable", "billable", "breakable", "buildable", "burnable", "callable", "changeable", "chargeable", "clarabelle", "comparable", "conable", "constable", "corabelle", "countable", "credible", "cristobal", "crucible", "curable", "doable", "drinkable", "drivable", "durable", "eatable", "equable", "fallible", "fashionable", "favorable", "feasible", "fixable", "flammable", "forcible", "fusible", "gullible", "huxtable", "laudable", "laughable", "leasable", "legible", "likable", "likeable", "livable", "mandible", "marable", "mirabal", "miscible", "miserable", "moldable", "movable", "mutable", "notable", "orabelle", "palpable", "parable", "passable", "payable", "peaceable", "plausible", "pliable", "portable", "potable", "preferable", "printable", "provable", "puttable", "quotable", "reachable", "readable", "reasonable", "rentable", "ridable", "rosabelle", "salable", "saleable" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: human Output:
[ "bumann", "crewman", "cumin", "doman", "duman", "heuman", "heumann", "human", "humann", "lewman", "looman", "luman", "lumen", "neuman", "neumann", "newman", "newmann", "ruman", "rumen", "schuhmann", "schuman", "schumann", "shuman", "suman", "thuman", "thumann", "tooman", "truman", "tuman", "vrooman", "youman", "acumen", "albumin", "bitumen", "bitumen", "inhuman", "non-human", "nonhuman", "subhuman", "superhuman", "semi-human" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: plant Output:
[ "tant", "cant", "can't", "rant", "grant", "aunt", "chant", "ant", "bandt", "brandt", "brant", "dant", "fant", "gant", "gantt", "grandt", "jandt", "kandt", "kant", "landt", "lant", "mandt", "pant", "plante", "quant", "sandt", "sant", "scant", "schrandt", "slant", "stant", "trant", "yant", "zandt", "zant", "decant", "durrant", "enchant", "implant", "incant", "labant", "levant", "pylant", "recant", "replant", "supplant", "transplant", "vansandt", "vanzandt" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: phrase Output:
[ "k's", "faze", "a's", "strays", "graze", "hayes", "sways", "jays", "plays", "swayze", "praise", "glaze", "trays", "way's", "days", "jay's", "stays", "blaze", "haze", "gaze", "day's", "phase", "pays", "daze", "maze", "lays", "rays", "ways", "mase", "j's", "sais", "prays", "raise", "weighs", "craze", "a.'s", "a.s", "baise", "baize", "bayes", "bays", "bay's", "bayse", "baze", "blaese", "blaise", "blaize", "blase", "blayze", "braise", "brase", "cayes", "chaise", "che's", "claes", "claeys", "clays", "crase", "crays", "cray's", "dais", "daise", "dase", "days'", "faye's", "fay's", "fe's", "frase", "fraze", "frey's", "gase", "gays", "gray's", "grays", "grey's", "hase", "hays", "hayse", "heys", "j.'s", "jae's", "k.'s", "kase", "kayes", "kays", "kay's", "klase", "lais", "lase", "lay's", "leis", "leys", "maes", "mae's", "maize", "mayes", "may's", "mays", "mays'", "mayse" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: forest Output:
[ "forrest", "deforest", "laforest", "reforest" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: charge Output:
[ "marge", "barge", "large", "farge", "marje", "sarge", "discharge", "enlarge", "lafarge", "mischarge", "recharge", "surcharge", "supercharge", "telecharge" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: motion Output:
[ "notion", "potion", "lotion", "ocean", "bocian", "hoeschen", "kocian", "promotion", "emotion", "devotion", "commotion", "demotion", "laotian", "laotian", "promotion", "locomotion" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: grand Output:
[ "banned", "canned", "hand", "bland", "tanned", "stand", "planned", "land", "grande", "brand", "band", "strand", "sand", "and", "brande", "chand", "fanned", "gland", "lande", "manned", "panned", "rand", "sande", "scanned", "shand", "spanned", "strande", "vande", "zand", "withstand", "command", "demand", "expand", "bourland", "deland", "disband", "fernand", "firsthand", "firsthand", "hoiland", "laband", "left-hand", "lefthand", "marchand", "marchand", "offhand", "outmanned", "remand", "right-hand", "righthand", "unmanned", "unplanned", "understand", "meadowland", "vallegrande", "misunderstand" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: else Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: boat Output:
[ "\"quote", "wrote", "coat", "note", "rote", "throat", "float", "vote", "tote", "quote", "goat", "bloat", "choat", "choate", "cote", "dote", "gloat", "groat", "grote", "haute", "hote", "kote", "moat", "mote", "oat", "pote", "'quote", "roat", "schaut", "sloat", "sloate", "sproat", "vogt", "\"close-quote", "\"end-quote", "\"unquote", "promote", "remote", "afloat", "bacote", "capote", "chipote", "connote", "demote", "denote", "devote", "ducote", "'end-quote", "hinote", "misquote", "outvote", "remote", "rewrote", "uncoat", "unquote", "vannote", "\"double-quote", "\"end-of-quote", "'inner-quote", "overwrote", "'single-quote", "terre_haute", "underwrote", "'end-inner-quote" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: strange Output:
[ "change", "range", "ainge", "ange", "grange", "mange", "prange", "arrange", "exchange", "derange", "downrange", "estrange", "lestrange", "long-range", "phalange", "shortchange", "rearrange", "interchange", "interchange", "prearrange" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: island Output:
[ "byland", "eiland", "heiland", "highland", "hyland", "niland", "nyland", "nylund", "pyland", "reiland", "weiland", "wiland", "wyland", "long_island", "rhode-island" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: happen Output:
[ "lappen", "tappan", "tappen", "misshapen" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: stretch Output:
[ "wretch", "sketch", "fetch", "betsch", "etch", "fetsch", "ketch", "kretsch", "kvetch", "letsch", "meche", "petsch", "petsche", "vetsch", "outstretch" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: must Output:
[ "dust", "crust", "thrust", "cussed", "lust", "trust", "rust", "bust", "blust", "brust", "bused", "bussed", "fussed", "fust", "gust", "guste", "hust", "just", "knust", "prust", "yust", "disgust", "adjust", "clevetrust", "combust", "discussed", "distrust", "encrust", "entrust", "incrust", "mistrust", "non-plussed", "nonplussed", "robust", "unjust", "antitrust", "readjust", "unadjust", "ustrust" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: war Output:
[ "pour", "corps", "store", "chore", "shore", "gore", "ore", "score", "door", "wore", "tore", "swore", "whore", "roar", "floor", "sore", "core", "bore", "four", "soar", "por", "drawer", "fore", "flor", "yore", "baur", "boar", "boer", "bohr", "borre", "clore", "coar", "cohr", "cor", "corr", "doar", "doerr", "dohr", "d'or", "dore", "dorr", "faure", "flore", "for", "forr", "glor", "glore", "goar", "gorr", "hoar", "hoare", "hoerr", "horr", "knorr", "kohr", "laur", "laure", "loar", "loehr", "lohr", "lor", "lore", "mohr", "moore", "mor", "more", "morr", "nohr", "nor", "oar", "ohr", "or", "orr", "pore", "porr", "roehr", "rohr", "saur", "schnorr", "schor", "schorr", "scor", "shor", "shorr", "snore", "sor", "spaur", "spore", "stoehr", "stohr", "storr", "thor", "tor", "torr", "torre", "vore", "warr", "woehr", "wor", "your" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: get Output:
[ "sweat", "et", "jet", "vette", "let", "yet", "set", "debt", "threat", "pet", "net", "met", "bet", "vet", "fret", "wet", "bett", "bret", "brett", "chet", "fett", "fette", "flett", "frett", "goette", "hett", "jett", "jette", "jfet", "kett", "klett", "lett", "mette", "nett", "nyet", "pett", "piet", "plett", "pret", "ret", "rhett", "sette", "smet", "stet", "swett", "tet", "tete", "whet", "whet", "yett", "corvette", "cassette", "duet", "regret", "offset", "claudette", "reset", "brunette", "forget", "upset", "roulette", "abbett", "abet", "allset", "anette", "annett", "annette", "anstett", "arlette", "arnett", "arnette", "arquette", "audet", "audette", "babette", "baguette", "barbette", "barnett", "barnette", "barrette", "baskette", "bassette", "beaudet", "beaudette", "beget", "bennette", "bequette", "berlet", "bernet", "beset", "bessette", "binette", "bissette", "bizet", "blanchette", "bobbette", "bonnette", "boulet", "boulette", "bourget" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: yes Output:
[ "bless", "ness", "les", "stress", "esse", "wes", "press", "des", "guess", "es", "'s", "mess", "chess", "less", "dress", "bess", "besse", "bress", "bresse", "ches", "cress", "ess", "fess", "gess", "gless", "gress", "hess", "hesse", "jess", "kess", "kless", "kness", "kress", "kresse", "nes", "pesce", "pless", "press'", "presse", "ques", "ress", "s", "s.", "tess", "tress", "vess", "wess", "ts", "unless", "recess", "confess", "success", "express", "caress", "impress", "possess", "undress", "finesse", "distress", "address", "aggress", "assess", "attests", "compress", "contests", "depress", "digress", "egress", "ellesse", "etess", "excess", "express'", "fluoresce", "fluoresce", "forbess", "ines", "largesse", "l'express", "ls", "lutece", "lyness", "noblesse", "obsess", "oppress", "profess", "progress", "progress", "protests", "redress", "regress", "repress", "requests", "requests", "siese", "simplesse", "suppress", "transgress", "us", "v_s", "irs" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: toward Output:
[ "scored", "stored", "roared", "floored", "lord", "board", "bored", "sword", "ford", "poured", "ward", "chord", "cord", "fjord", "foard", "forde", "goard", "gored", "gourd", "hoard", "hord", "horde", "jorde", "mord", "nord", "nored", "norred", "oared", "ord", "plourde", "pored", "shored", "soard", "soared", "sward", "warde", "record", "accord", "restored", "afford", "aboard", "toward", "ignored", "reward", "adored", "award", "abhorred", "acord", "alvord", "axford", "beauford", "debord", "deborde", "deplored", "dubord", "explored", "implored", "laborde", "mainord", "mccord", "montford", "mountford", "offshored", "outscored", "reboard", "record", "revord", "reward", "shavord", "verwoerd", "prerecord", "prerecord", "underscored", "unexplored", "untoward", "untoward", "underinsured" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: several Output:
[ "kuril", "natural", "funeral", "general", "federal", "aberle", "admiral", "anderle", "bauerle", "beierle", "corporal", "cultural", "dieterle", "doctoral", "doggerel", "eberle", "eckerle", "enderle", "federle", "guttural", "haberle", "haeberle", "hammerle", "heberle", "humoral", "inderal", "kimmerle", "laperle", "lateral", "literal", "litteral", "littoral", "mackerel", "mayoral", "mellaril", "mineral", "numeral", "oberle", "oesterle", "pastoral", "pectoral", "pepperell", "pfefferle", "pickeral", "pickerel", "pickerell", "scriptural", "sculptural", "sectoral", "structural", "temporal", "visceral", "wackerle", "wetherell", "wetherill", "witherell", "zimmerle", "unnatural", "behavioral", "behavioral", "bilateral", "canaveral", "cholesterol", "collateral", "directoral", "electoral", "ephemeral", "inaugural", "inaugural", "peripheral", "prefectural", "procedural", "trilateral", "supernatural", "agricultural", "architectural", "countercultural", "countercultural", "horticultural", "infrastructural", "intercultural", "multicultural", "multilateral", "multilateral", "neoliberal", "nomenclatural", "petromineral", "plurilateral", "snydergeneral", "unilateral", "non-agricultural", "nonagricultural" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: house Output:
[ "spouse", "haus", "mouse", "youse", "blouse", "bouse", "brouse", "chaus", "chausse", "clouse", "couse", "crouse", "douse", "dowse", "fouse", "gauss", "grouse", "hause", "hauss", "klaus", "knouse", "kraus", "krauss", "krouse", "laos", "louse", "prouse", "rouse", "rousse", "schaus", "shouse", "smouse", "sprouse", "straus", "strause", "strauss", "strouse", "boathouse", "espouse", "in-house" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sit Output:
[ "grit", "skit", "tit", "chit", "hit", "knit", "split", "pitt", "lit", "whit", "mitt", "wit", "pit", "bit", "shits", "kit", "shit", "slit", "spit", "quit", "fit", "brit", "britt", "fitt", "flit", "get", "hitt", "it", "kitt", "litt", "mit", "nit", "plitt", "pritt", "ritt", "schlitt", "schmidt", "schmit", "schmitt", "smit", "splitt", "stitt", "tritt", "vitt", "whit", "whitt", "whitt", "witt", "witte", "writ", "submit", "admit", "permit", "transmit", "commit", "acquit", "barritt", "befit", "boblitt", "burditt", "clampitt", "davitt", "devitt", "dewit", "dewitt", "dewitte", "douthit", "douthitt", "emit", "gillett", "it-wit", "laffitte", "lafitte", "legit", "mcnitt", "obit", "omit", "politte", "presplit", "refit", "remit", "savitt", "unfit", "readmit", "recommit", "resubmit" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: symbol Output:
[ "nimble", "cymbal", "gimbel", "kimball", "kimbel", "kimble", "thimble", "trimble" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: catch Output:
[ "batch", "hatch", "latch", "match", "scratch", "snatch", "patch", "bache", "brach", "bratsch", "drach", "flach", "gach", "gatch", "hach", "kach", "krach", "lach", "lache", "latsch", "mache", "matsch", "rach", "stach", "tatsch", "thach", "thatch", "tkach", "vlach", "attach", "detach", "dispatch", "mismatch", "rematch", "overmatch", "reattach", "unattach" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: listen Output:
[ "glisten", "bissen", "bisson", "brison", "brisson", "christen", "dishon", "dison", "frison", "glisson", "grisson", "ison", "kissane", "nissen", "rison", "sison", "sisson", "thissen", "tison", "zisson", "divison", "edmisten", "rechristen" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hole Output:
[ "ol'", "mole", "stole", "scroll", "troll", "soul", "dole", "roll", "whole", "ole", "pole", "role", "goal", "bowl", "coal", "toll", "stroll", "cole", "sole", "boal", "boehl", "bohl", "bole", "boll", "buol", "coale", "colle", "croll", "dhole", "doell", "droll", "foal", "foale", "fohl", "gohl", "groll", "hoel", "hoell", "hoelle", "hohl", "knoell", "knoll", "koehl", "koelle", "kohl", "kol", "kole", "mohl", "noell", "nohl", "nole", "noll", "ohl", "pfohl", "poehl", "pohl", "poll", "proehl", "roehl", "roell", "roelle", "rohl", "rol", "rolle", "schaul", "scholle", "schroll", "seoul", "skoal", "sohl", "sol", "sowle", "stohl", "stol", "stoll", "strohl", "strole", "thoele", "thole", "toal", "toelle", "tole", "voell", "woehl", "wohl", "control", "parole", "patrol", "nicole", "abrol", "atoll", "cajole", "console", "devaul", "ecole", "enroll", "enroll", "extol", "madole", "mccole" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sharp Output:
[ "harp", "arp", "carp", "garp", "harpe", "karp", "scarp", "scharp", "sharpe", "tarp", "tharp", "tharpe" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: story Output:
[ "glory", "corey", "corrie", "corry", "coury", "dorey", "dori", "dorie", "dorrie", "dory", "florey", "flori", "florrie", "florry", "flory", "forie", "forrey", "forry", "glori", "gorey", "gori", "gory", "haury", "hoary", "hori", "jory", "kaori", "korey", "korry", "laurey", "lauri", "laurie", "laury", "lawrie", "lawry", "lorey", "lori", "lorie", "lorrie", "lorry", "lory", "lowrie", "mauri", "maurie", "maury", "morey", "mori", "morrie", "morry", "mory", "mowrey", "mowry", "norrie", "norry", "ori", "ory", "quarry", "rorie", "rory", "shorey", "sorey", "storey", "storie", "torey", "tori", "torrey", "torry", "tory", "towry", "astore", "basore", "delore", "detore", "dettore", "fiore", "fiori", "gregori", "hattori", "inscore", "kgori", "komori", "kumouri", "latorre", "lepore", "liguori", "liquori", "mcclory", "mccorry", "mccrorey", "mccrory", "mcglory", "mcgrory", "mclaury", "mcrorie", "montuori", "omori", "o'mori", "pecore", "priore", "pylori" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: except Output:
[ "stepped", "slept", "swept", "kept", "crept", "wept", "leaped", "leapt", "prepped", "sept", "accept", "accept", "adept", "inept", "intercept", "intercept", "overslept" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: clear Output:
[ "creer", "sere", "pier", "sheer", "peer", "spear", "beer", "lear", "deere", "smear", "sphere", "mir", "cheer", "gear", "rear", "fear", "year", "steer", "near", "dear", "deer", "mere", "queer", "beare", "bere", "briere", "cleere", "crear", "cyr", "ear", "fier", "fleer", "frear", "freire", "frere", "geer", "gier", "giere", "grear", "greer", "jeer", "kear", "kier", "kir", "kleer", "kneer", "mear", "myhre", "neer", "nir", "schear", "scheer", "schweer", "sear", "shear", "shere", "sneer", "speer", "speir", "stear", "steere", "tear", "teer", "veer", "vere", "we're", "wier", "zerr", "zier", "unclear", "severe", "premiere", "appear", "career", "sincere", "premier", "frontier", "adhere", "alvear", "amir", "amir", "austere", "bahir", "bashir", "bassir", "bebear", "casebeer", "cashier", "chachere", "chusmir", "cohere", "davir", "desir", "dornier", "dyneer", "dyneer", "emir", "emir", "four-year", "guinier" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: spring Output:
[ "swing", "ping", "zing", "ming", "bring", "wring", "ging", "jing", "sing", "string", "ding", "wing", "cling", "sting", "ting", "king", "sling", "ring", "fling", "ching", "ying", "ling", "thing", "bing", "dring", "gring", "hing", "ing", "kling", "kring", "lyng", "ng", "ning", "pring", "qing", "ringe", "schwing", "shing", "singh", "thwing", "xing", "beijing", "chang-ming", "chang-ming", "chongqing", "ginting", "kwok-shing", "mei-ling", "peking", "qingming", "spring", "unring", "upswing", "xiaoping", "yenching" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: general Output:
[ "kuril", "natural", "funeral", "several", "federal", "aberle", "admiral", "anderle", "bauerle", "beierle", "corporal", "cultural", "dieterle", "doctoral", "doggerel", "eberle", "eckerle", "enderle", "federle", "guttural", "haberle", "haeberle", "hammerle", "heberle", "humoral", "inderal", "kimmerle", "laperle", "lateral", "literal", "litteral", "littoral", "mackerel", "mayoral", "mellaril", "mineral", "numeral", "oberle", "oesterle", "pastoral", "pectoral", "pepperell", "pfefferle", "pickeral", "pickerel", "pickerell", "scriptural", "sculptural", "sectoral", "structural", "temporal", "visceral", "wackerle", "wetherell", "wetherill", "witherell", "zimmerle", "unnatural", "behavioral", "behavioral", "bilateral", "canaveral", "cholesterol", "collateral", "directoral", "electoral", "ephemeral", "inaugural", "inaugural", "peripheral", "prefectural", "procedural", "trilateral", "supernatural", "agricultural", "architectural", "countercultural", "countercultural", "horticultural", "infrastructural", "intercultural", "multicultural", "multilateral", "multilateral", "neoliberal", "nomenclatural", "petromineral", "plurilateral", "snydergeneral", "unilateral", "non-agricultural", "nonagricultural" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dollar Output:
[ "scholar", "hollar", "holler", "collar", "bahler", "boller", "coller", "collor", "dahler", "goller", "kahler", "kollar", "koller", "lollar", "mahler", "moller", "ollar", "oller", "pfahler", "scholler", "soller", "squalor", "stahler", "stollar", "strahler", "voller", "wahler", "woller", "zahler", "zoller", "non-dollar", "nondollar" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fill Output:
[ "hill", "sill", "chill", "ill", "till", "thrill", "bill", "til", "gill", "mille", "stille", "stil", "il", "wil", "grill", "pill", "mill", "spill", "mil", "trill", "kill", "skill", "still", "drill", "lil", "phil", "jill", "'til", "ville", "bihl", "bil", "brill", "crill", "dill", "dille", "fil", "fril", "frill", "gil", "grille", "guill", "hille", "jil", "kille", "knill", "krill", "lill", "lille", "nil", "nill", "pihl", "pil", "pille", "prill", "quill", "rill", "schill", "shill", "shrill", "sil", "stihl", "swill", "thill", "twill", "we'll", "will", "wille", "zil", "zill", "deville", "downhill", "goodwill", "seville", "fulfill", "brazil", "uphill", "abril", "antill", "asbill", "auvil", "bastille", "belleville", "brizill", "calill", "cohill", "courville", "demille", "distil", "distill", "douville", "dutil", "gaitskill", "gambill", "gayshill", "gayshill", "grabill", "instill", "isbill", "jabril", "macdill" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: wing Output:
[ "swing", "ping", "zing", "spring", "ming", "bring", "wring", "ging", "jing", "sing", "string", "ding", "cling", "sting", "ting", "king", "sling", "ring", "fling", "ching", "ying", "ling", "thing", "bing", "dring", "gring", "hing", "ing", "kling", "kring", "lyng", "ng", "ning", "pring", "qing", "ringe", "schwing", "shing", "singh", "thwing", "xing", "beijing", "chang-ming", "chang-ming", "chongqing", "ginting", "kwok-shing", "mei-ling", "peking", "qingming", "spring", "unring", "upswing", "xiaoping", "yenching" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fear Output:
[ "creer", "sere", "pier", "sheer", "peer", "spear", "beer", "lear", "deere", "smear", "sphere", "mir", "cheer", "gear", "rear", "year", "clear", "steer", "near", "dear", "deer", "mere", "queer", "beare", "bere", "briere", "cleere", "crear", "cyr", "ear", "fier", "fleer", "frear", "freire", "frere", "geer", "gier", "giere", "grear", "greer", "jeer", "kear", "kier", "kir", "kleer", "kneer", "mear", "myhre", "neer", "nir", "schear", "scheer", "schweer", "sear", "shear", "shere", "sneer", "speer", "speir", "stear", "steere", "tear", "teer", "veer", "vere", "we're", "wier", "zerr", "zier", "unclear", "severe", "premiere", "appear", "career", "sincere", "premier", "frontier", "adhere", "alvear", "amir", "amir", "austere", "bahir", "bashir", "bassir", "bebear", "casebeer", "cashier", "chachere", "chusmir", "cohere", "davir", "desir", "dornier", "dyneer", "dyneer", "emir", "emir", "four-year", "guinier" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: carry Output:
[ "barry", "arey", "barrie", "charry", "clarey", "farrey", "farry", "garey", "garrey", "garry", "gary", "scarry", "wharry", "wharry", "denarii", "mccarey", "mccarry", "meharry", "intermarry" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: hold Output:
[ "old", "sold", "scold", "strolled", "mould", "rolled", "olde", "fold", "bold", "cold", "gold", "told", "mold", "bowled", "dold", "doled", "golde", "holde", "holed", "nold", "nolde", "polled", "roald", "tolled", "vold", "wold", "enfold", "ahold", "foretold", "behold", "unfold", "untold", "controlled", "cajoled", "consoled", "enrolled", "extolled", "fourfold", "machold", "outsold", "paroled", "patrolled", "remold", "resold", "twofold", "unrolled", "unsold", "uphold", "withhold", "decontrolled", "oversold", "uncontrolled", "undersold" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dead Output:
[ "head", "said", "ted", "spread", "bread", "med", "sped", "ned", "shred", "redd", "sled", "stead", "shed", "fed", "led", "red", "bed", "ed", "thread", "dread", "fred", "bled", "lead", "read", "tread", "wed", "bred", "fled", "dred", "dredd", "fread", "freda", "ged", "jed", "nedd", "pled", "reade", "schwed", "sffed", "shead", "shedd", "sledd", "swed", "szwed", "wedd", "wehde", "zed", "unsaid", "ahead", "misled", "instead", "abed", "behead", "behead", "embed", "imbed", "misread", "numed", "purebred", "retread", "sayed", "unread", "unted", "unwed", "widespread", "thoroughbred", "overhead", "infrared", "biomed", "hilton_head", "interbred", "overfed", "sffed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: machine Output:
[ "gene", "lean", "nein", "sheen", "spleen", "peine", "bien", "nene", "screen", "mean", "seen", "jean", "bein", "mein", "green", "dean", "teen", "bean", "meine", "clean", "queen", "scene", "keen", "beane", "beene", "beine", "biehn", "blouin", "brean", "breen", "cheane", "cian", "crean", "deane", "deen", "drouin", "fiene", "frean", "freen", "gean", "gheen", "glean", "gouin", "greene", "haen", "jeane", "jeanne", "kean", "keane", "keehn", "keene", "kiehn", "kiehne", "kiene", "kleen", "leen", "lein", "lene", "lien", "mien", "plein", "preen", "prien", "reen", "shean", "skeen", "skene", "spreen", "steen", "stene", "sween", "thien", "treen", "tween", "veen", "vien", "wean", "wein", "wien", "xene", "pasion", "christine", "serene", "maxine", "marine", "caffeine", "mcqueen", "unclean", "eileen", "sixteen", "fifteen", "eighteen", "thirteen", "routine", "nineteen", "fourteen", "jolene", "unseen", "obscene", "irene" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: thin Output:
[ "din", "spin", "min", "lynn", "vin", "yin", "gin", "bin", "grin", "chin", "pin", "fin", "tin", "twin", "kin", "win", "inn", "skin", "sin", "finn", "quinn", "been", "bihn", "binn", "blinn", "brin", "brinn", "bryn", "chinh", "chinn", "dinh", "finne", "flinn", "flynn", "ginn", "glyn", "glynn", "guin", "guinn", "gwin", "gwinn", "gwyn", "gwynn", "gwynne", "gyn", "hinn", "in", "in.", "jin", "kihn", "kinn", "kinne", "knin", "knin", "lin", "linh", "linn", "linne", "lwin", "lyn", "lynne", "mihn", "minh", "pinn", "prynne", "qian", "qin", "quin", "rhin", "rihn", "rinn", "rinne", "schwinn", "shin", "shinn", "sinn", "syn", "trinh", "when", "when", "winn", "winne", "wynn", "wynne", "zinn", "zlin", "askin", "berlin", "begin", "within", "adin", "akin", "allin", "allphin", "alpin", "aslin", "astin", "aswin", "atkin", "boleyn" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: temperature Output:
[ "signature", "curvature", "forfeiture", "tablature", "expenditure", "investiture", "literature", "musculature", "tabulature", "temperature" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: solution Output:
[ "lucian", "shooshan", "pollution", "aleutian", "confucian", "dilution", "dilution", "institution", "constitution", "retribution", "contribution", "absolution", "revolution", "evolution", "resolution", "execution", "andalusian", "attribution", "devolution", "diminution", "dissolution", "distribution", "elocution", "evolution", "evolution", "evolution", "lilliputian", "persecution", "prosecution", "prostitution", "restitution", "substitution", "electrocution", "redistribution", "counterrevolution" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: they Output:
[ "wey", "lei", "j", "whey", "nay", "play", "hay", "ley", "wy", "fray", "ze", "grey", "dray", "bay", "chez", "say", "gray", "tay", "shay", "che", "yea", "mei", "ray", "k", "way", "sleigh", "gay", "spray", "may", "dey", "jay", "sway", "yay", "lay", "stray", "clay", "fe", "pay", "day", "trey", "se", "prey", "slay", "pray", "weigh", "ay", "tray", "mae", "hey", "kay", "gaye", "rae", "tre", "rey", "stay", "a", "a.", "ae", "baye", "bayh", "bey", "blay", "bley", "brae", "bray", "brey", "cay", "c'est", "cray", "dae", "daye", "de", "drey", "fay", "faye", "fey", "flay", "frey", "gai", "graye", "guay", "gway", "haigh", "haye", "hwe", "j.", "jae", "jaye", "k.", "'kay", "kaye", "khe", "klay", "kley", "kray", "krey", "lait", "laye", "les", "leyh" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: supply Output:
[ "jai", "lai", "dye", "fi", "pi", "aye", "thai", "high", "die", "shy", "tie", "tai", "cry", "pry", "hi", "sy", "pie", "kai", "thy", "fly", "sky", "sigh", "lie", "vie", "chi", "eye", "fry", "mai", "spy", "buy", "vi", "ai", "sly", "guy", "bi", "thigh", "bae", "bye", "dai", "nigh", "rye", "sai", "dry", "ty", "ly", "try", "lye", "frei", "ay", "bligh", "bly", "blye", "brye", "by", "cai", "chae", "chai", "crye", "cy", "di", "drye", "fae", "flye", "frie", "frye", "fye", "gae", "heye", "hy", "i", "i.", "jai", "keye", "kwai", "my", "ngai", "nie", "nye", "pae", "phi", "phy", "ply", "pri", "psi", "pty", "pye", "shai", "sias", "skye", "sligh", "slye", "spry", "sty", "tae", "tri", "trie", "tsai", "tsai", "tye", "vy" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sign Output:
[ "mine", "twine", "klein", "kleine", "ein", "line", "spine", "fine", "shine", "whine", "vine", "sein", "pine", "dine", "wine", "swine", "thine", "nine", "shrine", "shyne", "brine", "bryne", "cline", "clyne", "dhein", "fein", "feyen", "grine", "guynn", "gyn", "hein", "heine", "heyen", "hine", "huynh", "jain", "kline", "kyne", "lyne", "lysne", "prine", "pruyn", "pyne", "quine", "rhein", "rhine", "rhyne", "rine", "schein", "schlein", "shein", "sine", "stein", "stine", "strine", "styne", "thein", "tine", "trine", "tyne", "whine", "wyne", "zine", "recline", "align", "resign", "devine", "divine", "design", "define", "decline", "affine", "aline", "assign", "benign", "bornstein", "burdine", "combine", "confine", "consign", "dewine", "emlynne", "enshrine", "entwine", "gourdine", "hot-line", "ice-nine", "incline", "levine", "limine", "malign", "nadein", "opine", "refine", "refine", "resign", "resign", "sharp-sign", "supine", "vandine" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: went Output:
[ "sent", "dent", "lent", "kent", "ent", "cent", "rent", "bent", "scent", "meant", "mente", "tent", "spent", "vent", "bendt", "bente", "brent", "fendt", "fent", "gent", "ghent", "jent", "pent", "schwent", "stent", "trent", "wendt", "wente", "zent", "%percent", "prevent", "invent", "extent", "resent", "consent", "lament", "descent", "percent", "event", "cement", "accent", "intent", "repent", "ascent", "assent", "augment", "cement", "content", "dement", "dessent", "dissent", "event", "ferment", "gourment", "ident", "indent", "misspent", "misspent", "outspent", "present", "present", "prevent", "relent", "resent", "segment", "tashkent", "torment", "unspent", "reinvent", "discontent", "represent", "circumvent", "malcontent", "non-event", "nonevent", "overspent", "represent", "supplement", "underwent", "misrepresent", "overrepresent", "underrepresent" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: noon Output:
[ "tune", "swoon", "coon", "croon", "dune", "strewn", "june", "soon", "noone", "spoon", "moon", "loon", "goon", "boon", "boone", "broun", "bruen", "brune", "bruun", "choon", "clune", "coone", "gruen", "gruhn", "heun", "hewn", "hoon", "joon", "keune", "koon", "koone", "kroon", "kuehn", "kuehne", "kuhn", "mhoon", "moone", "poon", "prune", "roone", "rune", "schoon", "shoen", "suen", "thune", "toon", "toone", "troon", "yoon", "saloon", "lagoon", "cocoon", "tycoon", "harpoon", "balloon", "cartoon", "immune", "antoon", "aoun", "attune", "baboon", "banoun", "barloon", "bassoon", "bethune", "buffoon", "cahoon", "calhoon", "calhoun", "cancun", "cardoon", "cohoon", "commune", "corroon", "dekroon", "festoon", "galloon", "hamdoon", "harroun", "huntoon", "impugn", "karoun", "karun", "laffoon", "lampoon", "liqun", "magoon", "majnoon", "maroon", "mattoon", "mcclune", "mccuen", "mccune", "mckune", "monsoon", "muldoon", "platoon", "pontoon", "raccoon", "rangoon" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: look Output:
[ "hook", "brook", "brooke", "shook", "cook", "took", "crook", "book", "chook", "cooke", "crooke", "flook", "gook", "hooke", "mook", "nook", "rook", "rooke", "schnook", "schook", "snook", "stroock", "tooke", "zook", "mistook", "betook", "chinook", "chinook", "decook", "forsook", "kirkuk", "mccook", "precook", "rebook", "retook", "unbook", "unhook", "vanhook", "overcook", "overtook", "undercook", "undertook", "create-a-book", "gobbledygook" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: field Output:
[ "yield", "heeled", "sealed", "shield", "healed", "peeled", "feild", "heald", "neeld", "neild", "nield", "reeled", "schield", "steeled", "weild", "wheeled", "wheeled", "wield", "revealed", "concealed", "afield", "appealed", "cofield", "congealed", "highyield", "repealed", "repealed", "resealed", "revealed", "unsealed", "satterfield", "unconcealed" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: mouth Output:
[ "south", "louth", "routh", "strouth", "mclouth", "foot-and-mouth" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: white Output:
[ "night", "right", "light", "bite", "plight", "wright", "flight", "might", "mite", "bright", "fight", "spite", "tight", "kite", "knight", "fright", "zeit", "rite", "site", "height", "write", "sight", "sprite", "slight", "quite", "beit", "bight", "blight", "brite", "byte", "cite", "clyte", "dwight", "feit", "fite", "heit", "hiett", "hight", "hite", "kight", "kyte", "lite", "nite", "reit", "scheidt", "sleight", "spight", "streit", "strite", "trite", "twite", "white", "whyte", "whyte", "wight", "alight", "upright", "delight", "uptight", "alright", "despite", "ignite", "invite", "polite", "excite", "tonight", "recite", "rewrite", "allright", "benight", "clevite", "contrite", "dunite", "ebright", "enright", "enwright", "forthright", "incite", "indict", "indite", "lafite", "macknight", "mccright", "mcknight", "mcright", "mcwhite", "mcwright", "non-white", "non-white", "nonwhite", "nonwhite", "one-night", "onsite", "outright", "tonight", "tonite", "reunite", "overnight", "de-excite", "disinvite" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: clock Output:
[ "rock", "mock", "hoch", "bach", "brock", "cock", "spock", "glock", "hock", "shock", "doc", "sock", "roc", "stock", "tock", "dock", "jock", "block", "flock", "chalk", "knock", "mach", "och", "lock", "baack", "bloc", "bloch", "blok", "boch", "bock", "bohlke", "bok", "broc", "brok", "caulk", "chock", "chok", "croc", "crock", "floc", "frock", "fyock", "gocke", "gohlke", "groch", "haack", "haacke", "haak", "haake", "hoc", "jacques", "kloc", "klock", "klocke", "knaack", "knaak", "knoch", "kock", "kok", "kroc", "krock", "krok", "kwok", "laack", "laake", "loch", "locke", "lok", "maack", "moch", "mok", "nock", "ploch", "plock", "poch", "pock", "proch", "prock", "roch", "rocke", "rocque", "schaack", "schlock", "schoch", "schock", "schrock", "shaak", "shrock", "skok", "skroch", "smock", "sok", "sprock", "srock", "staack", "stocke", "stokke", "strock", "vlok", "vocke" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: language Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: famous Output:
[ "amos", "ramus", "seamus", "shamus", "brademas", "mandamus", "ignoramus" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: close Output:
[ "gross", "dose", "los", "beauce", "boese", "bowse", "broce", "dohse", "dos", "froese", "groce", "grohs", "gros", "grosz", "kroese", "lohse", "most", "noce", "roese", "rowse", "arkose", "denosse", "engross", "marose", "morose", "adios", "diagnose", "doorenbos", "grandiose" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: here Output:
[ "ear", "we're", "hear", "baehr", "bier", "gere", "grier", "keir", "seer", "speare", "teare", "tier", "weir", "endear", "keneer", "manteer", "mishear", "rehear", "saffir", "sampere", "savir", "sight-seer", "sightseer", "blogosphere", "buccaneer", "comandeer", "disappear", "financier", "financier", "multiyear", "musketeer", "overhear", "puppeteer" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: dry Output:
[ "jai", "lai", "dye", "fi", "pi", "aye", "thai", "high", "die", "shy", "tie", "tai", "cry", "pry", "hi", "sy", "pie", "kai", "thy", "fly", "sky", "sigh", "lie", "vie", "chi", "eye", "fry", "mai", "spy", "buy", "vi", "ai", "sly", "guy", "bi", "thigh", "bae", "bye", "dai", "nigh", "rye", "sai", "ty", "ly", "try", "lye", "frei", "ay", "bligh", "bly", "blye", "brye", "by", "cai", "chae", "chai", "crye", "cy", "di", "drye", "fae", "flye", "frie", "frye", "fye", "gae", "heye", "hy", "i", "i.", "jai", "keye", "kwai", "my", "ngai", "nie", "nye", "pae", "phi", "phy", "ply", "pri", "psi", "pty", "pye", "shai", "sias", "skye", "sligh", "slye", "spry", "sty", "tae", "tri", "trie", "tsai", "tsai", "tye", "vy", "wai" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: chair Output:
[ "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "bear", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "care", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "air", "scare", "fare", "hair", "mehr", "share", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "wear", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer", "wehr" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: trip Output:
[ "hip", "whip", "bip", "rip", "ship", "tip", "nip", "gipp", "grip", "dip", "strip", "clip", "sip", "lip", "drip", "skip", "chip", "zip", "crip", "flip", "slip", "blip", "gripp", "gyp", "hipp", "hippe", "ip", "kip", "kipp", "klipp", "knipp", "lipp", "lippe", "nipp", "pip", "pipp", "quip", "quipp", "ripp", "rippe", "scrip", "scripp", "shipp", "sipp", "skipp", "snip", "stipp", "tipp", "tripp", "trippe", "whip", "whipp", "whipp", "yip", "zipp", "unzip", "equip", "outstrip", "roundtrip", "microchip" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: build Output:
[ "thrilled", "killed", "spilled", "chilled", "filled", "bild", "billed", "childe", "drilled", "gild", "grilled", "guild", "hild", "hilde", "milled", "skilled", "spilde", "stilled", "willed", "rebuild", "fulfilled", "distilled", "instilled", "mathilde", "refilled", "unfilled", "unskilled", "unfulfilled" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: share Output:
[ "care", "clair", "pare", "snare", "fair", "cher", "pear", "prayer", "stare", "dare", "err", "flair", "heir", "bear", "sehr", "mer", "lair", "ere", "claire", "chair", "herr", "square", "guerre", "pair", "ware", "air", "bare", "spare", "they're", "rare", "scare", "fare", "hair", "mehr", "swear", "tear", "hare", "faire", "wear", "mare", "glare", "flare", "stair", "aer", "ayre", "baehr", "baer", "bahr", "bair", "behr", "blair", "blare", "caire", "clare", "darr", "derr", "dreher", "eyre", "fehr", "fer", "ferre", "fraire", "frere", "freyre", "gair", "gare", "gehr", "haire", "hairr", "hehr", "herre", "kahre", "kehr", "khmer", "klare", "knerr", "kreher", "lare", "lehr", "mair", "maire", "nair", "ne'er", "phair", "plair", "reher", "sare", "sayre", "schehr", "scherr", "serr", "sherr", "skare", "stehr", "sterr", "terre", "their", "there", "traer", "wehr" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: fruit Output:
[ "hoot", "mute", "scoot", "suit", "cute", "loot", "route", "boot", "root", "toot", "shoot", "flute", "bluett", "bluitt", "boote", "boutte", "brut", "brute", "bute", "butte", "chute", "clute", "coot", "coote", "crute", "fluet", "groot", "huett", "huette", "huitt", "juett", "jute", "klute", "knute", "lute", "moot", "newt", "nute", "pruett", "puett", "pute", "schuett", "schuette", "shute", "smoot", "stroot", "suitt", "thuot", "toote", "truett", "truitt", "tuite", "voute", "w00t", "recruit", "salute", "pursuit", "acute", "astute", "beabout", "bebout", "beirut", "cahoot", "cahouet", "caillouet", "commute", "compute", "degroote", "dilute", "dilute", "dispute", "enroute", "garoutte", "grassroot", "hirsute", "impute", "macoute", "minute", "minute", "permute", "pollute", "reboot", "recruit", "recruit", "refute", "repute", "reroute", "uproot", "zoot-suit", "absolut", "disrepute", "subacute", "undilute" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: middle Output:
[ "fiddle", "riddle", "biddle", "criddle", "friddle", "kiddle", "liddell", "liddle", "piddle", "riddell", "rydell", "schmidl", "siddall", "siddell", "siddle", "spidel", "spidell", "twiddle", "widdle", "widell" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: tree Output:
[ "glee", "je", "mee", "yee", "flea", "see", "zee", "c", "pre", "free", "lea", "dea", "pea", "de", "thee", "dee", "ni", "ye", "nee", "mea", "lee", "ne", "qui", "tea", "knee", "mi", "bee", "v", "te", "wee", "sie", "tee", "li", "gee", "three", "z", "hee", "yi", "sea", "plea", "di", "ski", "fee", "nie", "si", "oui", "ee", "flee", "pee", "chea", "g", "ki", "spree", "shi", "e", "ti", "key", "b", "p", "chee", "b.", "be", "bea", "blea", "brea", "bree", "brie", "bui", "buie", "c.", "cie", "crea", "cree", "d", "d.", "e.", "fi", "freeh", "fsi", "g.", "ghee", "gyi", "he", "jee", "ji", "jie", "kea", "kee", "klee", "kyi", "leigh", "lxi", "me", "nghi", "p.", "peay", "pree", "pri", "prix", "qi" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: product Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: draw Output:
[ "haw", "paw", "law", "caw", "thaw", "yaw", "aw", "saw", "jaw", "straw", "flaw", "claw", "awe", "baugh", "chaw", "craugh", "craw", "daw", "dawe", "faw", "flaugh", "gaugh", "gaw", "glawe", "gnaw", "graw", "grawe", "haugh", "hawe", "maw", "paugh", "rauh", "rawe", "shaw", "slaugh", "slaw", "spaugh", "spaw", "traugh", "vaugh", "waugh", "xio", "albaugh", "allbaugh", "alpaugh", "alspaugh", "anspaugh", "ashbaugh", "bashaw", "carnaud", "colaw", "czeslaw", "eshbaugh", "foresaw", "guffaw", "in-law", "inlaw", "loblaw", "macaw", "mccaw", "mccraw", "mcgagh", "mcgaugh", "mcgaw", "mcgraw", "ocaw", "redraw", "withdraw", "withdraw", "robertshaw" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: large Output:
[ "marge", "barge", "charge", "farge", "marje", "sarge", "discharge", "enlarge", "lafarge", "mischarge", "recharge", "surcharge", "supercharge", "telecharge" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: take Output:
[ "make", "rake", "flake", "cake", "fake", "blake", "break", "sake", "snake", "lake", "shake", "ache", "wake", "bake", "stake", "steak", "drake", "brake", "jake", "quake", "ake", "dake", "haik", "hake", "jacque", "naik", "paik", "pake", "plake", "schake", "schlake", "schnake", "schwake", "shaik", "shaikh", "shrake", "spake", "yake", "awake", "mistake", "remake", "forsake", "betake", "opaque", "partake", "retake", "retake" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: sand Output:
[ "hand", "banned", "canned", "grand", "bland", "tanned", "stand", "planned", "land", "grande", "brand", "band", "strand", "and", "brande", "chand", "fanned", "gland", "lande", "manned", "panned", "rand", "sande", "scanned", "shand", "spanned", "strande", "vande", "zand", "withstand", "command", "demand", "expand", "bourland", "deland", "disband", "fernand", "firsthand", "firsthand", "hoiland", "laband", "left-hand", "lefthand", "marchand", "marchand", "offhand", "outmanned", "remand", "right-hand", "righthand", "unmanned", "unplanned", "understand", "meadowland", "vallegrande", "misunderstand" ]
Definition: Given an input word generate a word that rhymes exactly with the input word. If not rhyme is found return "No" Positive Example 1 - Input: difficult Output: No Positive Example 2 - Input: contribute Output: tribute Negative Example 1 - Input: planet Output: Mercury Negative Example 2 - Input: difficult Output: Now complete the following example - Input: insect Output:
[ "albrecht", "aspect", "hambrecht", "henpecked", "prefect", "rupprecht", "schiltknecht", "suspect", "transect", "utecht", "intellect", "architect", "dialect", "circumspect", "intellect", "intertect", "introspect", "retrospect", "schildknecht", "aftereffect" ]

Dataset Card for Natural Instructions ( Task: task183_rhyme_generation

Additional Information

Citation Information

The following paper introduces the corpus in detail. If you use the corpus in published work, please cite it:

    title={Super-NaturalInstructions: Generalization via Declarative Instructions on 1600+ NLP Tasks}, 
    author={Yizhong Wang and Swaroop Mishra and Pegah Alipoormolabashi and Yeganeh Kordi and Amirreza Mirzaei and Anjana Arunkumar and Arjun Ashok and Arut Selvan Dhanasekaran and Atharva Naik and David Stap and Eshaan Pathak and Giannis Karamanolakis and Haizhi Gary Lai and Ishan Purohit and Ishani Mondal and Jacob Anderson and Kirby Kuznia and Krima Doshi and Maitreya Patel and Kuntal Kumar Pal and Mehrad Moradshahi and Mihir Parmar and Mirali Purohit and Neeraj Varshney and Phani Rohitha Kaza and Pulkit Verma and Ravsehaj Singh Puri and Rushang Karia and Shailaja Keyur Sampat and Savan Doshi and Siddhartha Mishra and Sujan Reddy and Sumanta Patro and Tanay Dixit and Xudong Shen and Chitta Baral and Yejin Choi and Noah A. Smith and Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Daniel Khashabi},

More details can also be found in the following paper:

    title={Compress then Serve: Serving Thousands of LoRA Adapters with Little Overhead}, 
    author={Rickard Brüel-Gabrielsson and Jiacheng Zhu and Onkar Bhardwaj and Leshem Choshen and Kristjan Greenewald and Mikhail Yurochkin and Justin Solomon},

Contact Information

For any comments or questions, please email Rickard Brüel Gabrielsson

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