The room would be free, along with internet access and a bed provided until you got on your feet. Once you are stable, we would, of course, expect you to chip in a bit. We have gigabit internet in the house, several flat screens, central air, and access to pretty much every streaming service you could want, as well as a shared steam library of about 1400 games. If we mesh well, you can stay for quite awhile, or if you want to move out once you have a stable job and an apartment lined up, we can help you move. PM me if you are interested, and I will reach out so we can get to know you.
It does eventually pass once i realise they are sticking by me. Some just cant stick it out which is fair enough. I find it frustrating though as i have just drove someone away who i really liked. He has ended up deleting and blocking me as he didnt at all help with reassurance which just made my mind go into overdrive creating scenarios that were probably non existent. Does anybody else deal with this?
Can you contribute your story alongside others who have been/ are going through recovery? I am developing a storytelling and mental health platform with the ultimate aim of curating a museum exhibition. Soul relics Museum is a platform for people to read and tell stories of mental health through objects that help them connect or express to a present or past experience they have had with their mental health. It’s a unique and creative idea to help people come forward and share with others what mental health problems have been like for them and a safe and constructive way to read of others experiences while being brave enough to share your own. Together, we can create a collective voice in raising awareness and education on mental health!
Idk Do I tell someone? Do I just quit? Do I talk to her about what she did? Please, any advice would be really really helpful to me!
and "how could you let me do this?" Although my family and friends will never see this, I'm here to answer the question: "why?" It wasn't as simple as some of my friends may think. I didn't magically wake up one day and think "You know what, I think I'll let my abuser walk me down the aisle." It's taken 5 years for me just to sit across from him and have dinner without having a full blown panic attack.
I've been trying to get in contact with her because I'm scared and worried about her. She isn't answering my phone calls, and will only give a vague text response with an I'll call you later while she is at work. Or HE will text me back and say she is fine and can't talk right now. I spoke to 2 of our mutual friends today and she isn't speaking to them as well. I can feel it in my soul that he is going to seriously hurt her or those babies.
Hello all I am about to be laid off. I am currently on a prepaid cell phone plan. I use this basic smartphone for all extra side money and internet. I can barely pay the bill this month but the device is not working well at all as it is old and I spilled a good amount of water on it last night during dinner.
The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete. Your responses to the survey items will be anonymous and kept confidential. Clicking the “SURVEY” link below will take you to a page asking you to read through a consent form explaining the purpose of this research, the content of the survey, the type of questions you will be asked, the amount of time it may take to complete the survey, and the risks and benefits of your participation. At the end of the form you can click “AGREE” to consent to the use of the answers you provide and to begin completing the survey. Thank you for your time and interest.
Exercise has helped in the past with my anxiety but since I have been having my recent dealings of anxiety I have been finding it harder to get active. A triggering factor of my anxiety over the last few weeks has been an increased heart rate. Sometimes if I stand up too fast/run up the stairs my heart starts pounding and then my mind spirals into the fear of a heart attack and my heart beat just keeps increasing till the point of anxiety. I have been taking walks and my heart rate would increase (naturally) and I would get the fear and my fears would multiple till the point when I would be close to a panic attack. I would like to start riding my bike again or working out in general but I am afraid of:
Sometimes it really sucks whenever I don't have anything else to give to others. But now that it's winter, I started buying gloves, extra socks, toques, and earmuffs at the dollar store. Last week, I gave away 4 sleeping bags that we no longer use. We have tons of them since my family and friends camp a lot... it's just extra. What other ways can I help and give back to the community?
I don't know what to do. The police are no help as I'm usually tossed in the squad car and questioned like a fucking criminal because "why would she lie?". I can't keep the 2400 a month in child support up because I can't get a job (I usually make 3000 a month net) and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be homeless in a few days. All I want is to help my daughter and make sure she's safe and I've run out of ideas. Anything you kind folks could think of would be greatly appreciated.
I'd never heard this idea until recently, and I'm starting to see it cropping up more, always in opposition to any kind of support (or even empathy) for the homeless - any attempt to help the homeless is pointless because 'most' homeless people want to be homeless; therefore housing programs/assistance, mental health & substance abuse support are wasted because the homeless are too lazy to get themselves out of homelessness and 'enjoy' their condition, because they don't have to work, because they don't have to pay bills, because they don't have responsibilities, because they're lazy etc. I strenuously disagree with this, and I feel like it's an attempt to move the goalposts; there's a growing awareness that homeless people may not necessarily be homeless because they got themselves into that position and they 'deserve' it, but because of substance abuse issues and mental health problems, coupled with a breakdown in social network. But that's a lie, or 'lefty propaganda', for some people; they want to believe, despite whatever legitimate reasons some homeless may have for not being in shelters, say, that it's a *moral failing* \- going full circle, they don't deserve help because their homelessness is a consequence of decisions they made. Thoughts?
I keep it together at work and hear I'm doing great, but I'm always on the edge of falling apart. I've been through tough adjustments before which always suck, but this is hitting me differently, maybe because it's high level/can't and don't want to quit. (But kinda want to win the lotto so I could quit). I want to get through this transition and get good at this job, bit I can't do survival mode much longer. Working too much but idk how to stop.
My Social Security disability case is still winding its way through the labyrinth of that particular bureaucracy, but there'd be no need to worry about me cutting into your food, as I do receive SNAP. I *could* get a small storage unit for my belongings while I "hold out" around these people, though that'd be less than ideal (and dangerous)... and paying for the unit would cut into the funds I'd need to cover fuel and such getting out and going up North. Hence why I'm trying posting here. I suppose it's also worth mentioning that my friend's car is on the smaller side, which might make a tight squeeze, so if anyone has a larger vehicle, and is able and willing to move me and my stuff from Fort Worth to Fort Wayne, that'd be cool. I'd be able to cover fuel and such (well, so long as it's not a major gas guzzler we're talking about - I've got about $200 for that purpose).
He was going to choke the name out of me. I am his 24/7 caregiver i do not have time to cheat even if i wanted. He said i would die if i didnt tell him. He snapped out of it. That was a couple days ago and i am finding out how close i really came to dying.
Almost too well. She extends our date twice, buys us a drink each, starts a make out session which lasts for 2 hours, calls me hot, and although neither of us had a house free she gave me oral too. Although she said she had a great time - which I replied to - I then waited to respond to her next message, and I don't know if that killed any momentum because I was already very delayed when we first got talking of course. Anyway, despite our great date and a second one lined up when I asked her out a day later, she ended up cancelling on me, and then told me a week later that she got more serious with another guy - which to me only translated as him being hot and me being ugly. They broke things off a week later, and she did ask me out again, but at one stage I annoyed her with a jokey message.
Now I’m in a healthy relationship. This man is the love of my life. He always pushes for me to be better and I resist it sometimes. I’ve turned on him fearing him having a dark objective, and I don’t understand all my triggers. All I know is sometimes I see my incredibly loving boyfriend as my incredibly abusive ex and it breaks my heart because he’s the only person that tends to me so well... he does everything he can to help me always he saved me from that awful relationship... he saved my life.
Everything was absolutely perfect. He is always very quiet, but is a complete sweetheart, and very warm and kind once he trusts someone. He’s pretty much the spitting image of what I imagined of the person I would marry when I was young. The one thing about him that would have seemed “off” is that he never really talked at all about his life before the Army. I know what city he is from, and a couple inconsequential details, but nothing significant.
I wasn't sure when I argued with him and she said that when him and I were breaking up and I asked if he still is attracted to me (and he had said yes but now I know otherwise) that is considered as arguing. I explained that I just wanted to understand because I was so thrown. She said that it counts as arguing and there is no point to ask him that and she built on that and said some other stuff that expressed that I am wrong to feel this way. I finally told her that I am sick and tired of being told that I cannot feel betrayed/hurt. I didn't stay at ex's place for an hour because we were arguing.
He has done it to lots of people and says every night that he is going to kill himself but then never does anything. Not even self harm. This also affects my family life as I come home everyday feeling stressed and this causes conflict in my family. (I still live with my mum and she works hard and travels a lot so she is also stressed) so I try to bottle it in to not give her more stress but then it eventually comes out in the form of arguments, because we both try to bottle in our emotions, so we end up falling out and both feeling very upset. Please can someone help me find a way to cope with all of this, it would mean a lot to me.
Our family cat Bootsy became very ill and we took her to the vet. We spent what little money we had on diagnostics there and after an ultrasound it was determined she would need surgery immediately or she would likely die. We didn't have the money for surgery but found an organization which would perform the procedure and provide necessary care to help her if we transferred ownership. We gave Bootsy up to have a chance of saving her life. After some weeks of care and a surgery, we recently found out Bootsy fully recovered, but the organization will not return her to us unless we pay for a portion of the cost of her care, approximately $650.
I really need to get this off my chest because I don't feel like anyone I can talk to in "real life" right now is going to understand (I am seeing friends Wednesday though). I had a horrible weekend. Boyfriend and I want to move next year. This weekend we visited a city we were thinking about moving to and we **hated** it. I was so discouraged and feeling so vulnerable by the whole thing.
I don’t know why I’m writing this. I don’t know what people will say, I’m seeking therapy for this, I’m openly involving my SO in this so that I don’t feel too isolated, and so she doesn’t either. It felt surreal to tell her and it feels surreal to type it out. If anyone can hear me, please reach out. Thank you.
I'm 18 and I'll be leaving home for the first time. At this point, you can see that my dad like to "collect" things but it not like our house looks like and episode of Hoarders (yet). Fast forward 18 months, I'm transferring to a college closer to home. Between traveling and not being able to find a job in the barely populated, conservative, town I was in, it was in the best interest. Also a key point, I changed my major from Veterinarian Bio to general Psychology since my hometown college didn't have vet bio.
So now I'm here not knowing what to do. I don't want to call the cops because I don't want my mom to get in any trouble for her gambling habits. So I need some advice for what to do incase something like this ever happens again. **tl;dr**: My mom cuts her boyfriend because he grabbed her by the throat and I don't know what to do. **UPDATE**: After this incident with her boyfriend, my mom wants to move out of the house.
I was completely on my own by 14. When she felt the cuts on my wrists in the dark on night she asked if I was cutting ? I said no and she never said anything again. I could go on and on. I think she truly believes that because I am an adult now that all the screw ups all the pain I have been through is my own fault.
Today was a really bad day. I had no energy and I cried and I thought about suicide all day. I'm afraid things will never change for me. I'm not strong enough to change things for myself and I have no help. What can I do?
PS: I can't get fired because one she is in another department which doesn't break policy and I am in good working and personal relations with my direct boss and the one above him. --- **tl;dr**: Started having sex with a co-worker 8 months ago. Found out today that she is married and that some of our sexual partners were also married. What should I do?
The way he was acting was disproportional to the situation. He is yelling at me nonstop. We pulled into a store. He kept yelling mean things at me, to the point I was asking him to stop over and over, telling him I didn't want it to escalate and to please go into the store. It all happened so fast.
For context, I'm working through my last year of grad school, living alone currently with not many strong friendships in the area, and my Dad has been dying of cancer since September, so it's a stressful and lonely time. At first, I was quite excited about getting married. But for the last 3 months or so, all it does is fill me with dread and worry. When I've visited her, I've found myself falling into a deep funk. I often find myself wishing she would break up with me.
We are 21 now, both turning 22 next month. It started off as friendly catching up, but things have gotten more romantic and we have been hanging out a lot more. I wasn’t sure we could ever be together again, but I no longer have feelings of sadness or resentment regarding what he did to me. I have noticed by the way he carries himself now, he has definitely matured. I guess I just want to know when or if I should tell him I hooked up with his friends?
So I'm feeling a bit lost with this. I've had asthma ever since I was a little kid and it has been flaring up really bad over the last few weeks... I think. Actually I'm not sure if that's what it really is. I recently got a prescription for trazodone (about six weeks ago), and it has helped with having fewer nightmares.
My PTSD has manifested itself in disassociation, flashbacks, panic attacks and general anxiety and depression. I believe that my PTSD is related to my previous abusive relationship also, sexual assault, traumatic childhood experiences and an alcoholic parent. I am looking for any advice related to these issues that may help me learn to manage them. I am currently seeing a therapist and going through CBT and I mediate regularly as well. Any suggestions or resources would be greatly appreciated!
Oh, I forgot Aversives. This is where the therapist is openly punitive, hostile or withholding, explicitly, in order to punish and teach you. Linehan gives three sentences towards ant ethical criticism of this, by saying it works. It also uses fun techniques like giving multiple sessions a week, plus groups, which are mandatory. There is also telephone contact.
I’m starting to eat far less and constantly poke at my fat, starve, compare myself to other girls and today, I’ve given into regurgitating and that has made me almost lose it. I did mention in a previous post that I have a huge phobia of vomiting, and I see that it’s combatting my body dysmorphia now. I’m at my nerves end. I do have times where I’m calm and collected. Reading a book.
I can't take much more. I hate being unworthy of the truth and feeling like I'm crazy for thinking this. This feels like my entire life, with everyone I've ever expected to love and care for me. I'm fucking over it. TL;DR I know my boyfriend is probably on drugs, or at least was actively using for some period of time recently, and you will probably agree with me if you read the evidence.
I just wanted to thank everyone on this sub reddit for answering my crazy questions. Also for answering my questions with obvious answers when I was too crazy to see the answers. I have been homeless for 3 months. Not anymore! I have my own room I'm renting from a very nice family.
I'm just so tired of everything. I want my life back, I want to travel and get a degree or just a job. I am coping now because I started drinking heavy, I know it's not the best thing but it keeps me calm for now. I just don't know what to do anymore to be honest. Festival season is starting next week and all my friends are excited to go and see the bands.
His response was to constantly remind me that "not everything is about you" and then taught me a technique which was to ask more questions in conversations because people always love talking about themselves. Anyway. I quit my antidepressants several months ago because I am in a good place now, and I can survive without them. I just find that thoughts like this are still very present, and can be very difficult to deal with. I never do apologize on Facebook.
I'm building a school PC. My current laptop lags when doing Excel intensive work, which sucks for my chemistry lab work, so it definitely doesn't have much processing power. I'm not sure what the exact specs I need are, but I know that my i3 processor in my laptop doesn't cut it. I've been collecting PC parts to build my own and so far I have a low-tier processor (it'll need upgrading eventually, but is okay for now), a monitor, a graphics card, a power supply, a mouse and a keyboard. So I just need a case, motherboard, RAM, and a hard drive.
(NSFW) I have really bad PTSD induced anxiety due to rape situations and being a victim to dozens of emotionally abusive relationships, and I am engaged to a HVAC service technician. One day he was going to do a check up on a furnace, he called before hand and he even gave notice the day before, and I was at school at the time so I didn't see the message till a little later. He walked into the house because the door was unlocked (because some people leave their door unlocked if they're downstairs or something) and he walked into the kitchen and it was a crack house, immediately he had a gun pointed at him and he froze for a second and ran back to his van, the guy shot half a dozen times and hit the rear view mirror, he almost got shot so many times while running to the van, and when I saw this I was hysterically sobbing in the middle of the school hall and when I got home I got to my mom and kept screaming "he almost died he almost died" and my mom thought I said he died because I could barely breathe, he seems to be over it now but every time he is a little late coming home from work or hasn't replied in awhile I get so scared hes dead and late at night I can't sleep because I'm scared this is the last day I'll have with him. I don't know what to do.
I made a decision that I had enough of this fear and I was going to die fighting and not be afraid anymore. I reached this point a few years ago. It is a wonderful thing to sleep peacefully. I was tired of wanting to sleep in my trunk in my car (in my garage) because I was afraid of sleeping alone in houses. I was tired of sleeping on the sofa or on the floor of different rooms just to avoid sleeping in bedrooms because of fear.
The main source of this stress is a scholarship I am on that requires payback if you lose it, meaning I would be in the whole about $20,000 if I fail and get kicked out. The contract states you can either be kicked out or placed on probation, but I cannot find any precedent on what direction they lean. Without diving into many specifics on this class and the great, and I emphasize great, impact it can have on this scholarship \(I wouldn't be able to get my AE degree\), I was hoping I could find some advice on increasing my productivity and generally improving my mental/physical health. I am reaching here, I really need some help. My fiance, bless her heart, is not much help because of planning the wedding and I don't have a lot of close friends/confidants.
I'm just so angry that I'm still dealing with this. The abuse happened 10 years ago. My abuser lives a normal life and doesn't have to deal with the shit I go through every day. I'm just so angry. Thanks for reading.
Maybe kind of nauseous? Not in a normal nauseated feeling. Its more like that pit of my stomach, I'm about to get in big trouble, or I'm waiting for the cops to come pick me up or something haha. Like, it has that prickle in my spine to it. And that restlessness in my head.
It didn't go exactly how it should have done though, and the female had to go to theatre and lost 3 pints of blood. My aim is to get my story published, and once it is selling, the money I need to initially get the book into print would be donated to research into TTTS. Over and above the £2500 donation, a percentage of all further sales would be donated to this important research. If you can please take the time to click the link below, and share what I am trying to do, I would be very appreciative. <url>
I am able to pay back plus interest within a short time frame. If anyone can help me I would seriously appreciate it. I'm extremely stressed out a helping hand would be so amazing. I tried to keep this as short as possible. If you are still reading this thank you for your time.
We couldn’t have Thanksgiving because of money struggles in the family. I am here begging and pleading for help to get some food in our cupboards to help hold us over as long as we can. I’m counting down the days until tax season so we can fill up the pantry! We receive about $700 each year from the Wisconsin Homestead Tax Credit which is what we use to catch up on bills, prescriptions, and to stock up on food. It’s extremely heart wrenching when my own mother or grandchildren cannot have a bowl of cereal because there’s no milk and guess what, no cereal.
I am 25 years old and recently had to stay with my mother and her new husband. My mom has had issues on and off throughout my childhood, but it is only recently that I identified her as a narcissist. We used to be very close (inappropriately so), but last week she disowned me and asked me to move out over a Reddit post she found of mine (not this account). I am moving out on Sunday, and have been enduring the silent treatment for about two weeks. I was raped by an acquaintance less than 6 months ago, and everything is hitting me all at once.
Having expected that, I told myself at the time that it doesn't bother me much and I'll go back to handling it all by myself as I've been doing for years, but it's been nagging at me for most of the day now. I keep doubting whether I really am wallowing in it. My trauma occured five years ago, and it doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as it used to (thanks to some tricks I learned on here and through my own research), and I believe I've been handling it all okay. I do my level best not to dwell on it, I've accepted it's in the past and will never happen again...except that doesn't stop the flashbacks and nightmares. I wasn't directly involved in my traumatic events, I only saw and heard them.
Most of 2017, I stayed at around 135 and have been really good about hiding my fat with very flattering clothes but over the last 3 months, I have gained 15lbs as a result of traveling for work, moving to a new city and the holidays. I have always been very unhappy with the way I look and I envy girls who are slim. I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me.
Where do I go with this kind of shit? I'm not violent or suicidal, so the hospital is a no go. But I don't really know where you seek help outside the ER. I dunno the process, how you set up organized appointments, how you pay (got insurance however), don't know any of it All I know is the shit I've seen really affects me to the point where I have a home and a job yet still feel so disconnected from normal society
And I think it's important to get to know someone for a bit before making a decision to live together. I'm happy to send pictures of me, talk via voice, webcam, or whatever. The major restriction I have is that it will have to be at specific times because my abusive partner is home most days. I also will have to speak with anyone on secret messaging accounts when the abusive partner is not home, so I am not always available to talk about this but I check those accounts as much as possible. Due to anticipated trolling and people just asking questions that I've already answered (like telling me to go to a shelter instead), rather than coming back to all these posts (I'm posting this on a ton of websites) to see the replies, I'm just going to let anyone who is serious about speaking to me message me privately through the following places.
It's not a black nd white situation, I panicked, argued and a bunch over this with them, admittedly not helping my case, but I'm over that. I want help for my issues. Enough sobbing, I sometimes feel so hopeless, but I need to remember that while I am down, I am not out. Employment, temporary housing, even just basic street smarts, I'd like to know how to cope with this situation. What to do, first 100 days and all.
I’m coming to find that my family are rapist sympathizers given the “right” circumstance (ie. sports). How would you want the media to change? What would make it easier to watch the news while also covering newsworthy topics? My head is in a fog still so hopefully that all made sense.
I can't get away and sometimes I fear my youngest sibling will suffer for it! I know my mother will force me to never see them again if I make this decision, or even HOW can I make this decision? My only option at this point I feel is to be homeless but that's another can of worms. My thoughts are scattered and I'm honestly scared. I don't know what to do anymore.
I was struggling to read the situation between us. My head was telling me she liked me but my anxiety was telling me I was wrong about this and not to pursue any sort of romantic relationship with her. I ended up getting a little drunk one night just before the new year and was texting her, I realised how much more at ease I was talking to her when I was drunk and that I quite liked her. I felt like I was being weird when I was sober too and i didn't like that. So I decided that instead of hiding my anxiety I would open up to her about it.
my abuser is in my family, and i am in the process of healing but every family reunion/holiday i must see my abuser causing me to enter panic attacks, constant crying, and flashbacks, causing an uproar to what could make me so "troubled" I am afraid of coming out to my family in case of being removed for my family forever and damaging relationships. I have younger family members i am trying to protect so i feel alot of weight on my shoulders when i am having a bad PTSD episode around my abuser and my younger family members.
Hi, I'm sorry if this doesn't fit here as I'm new to Reddit. I originally posted this in relationships advice but it was taken down due to the mention of abuse. The original post went like this: I met my exBF online when I was 13, he was 18, almost 19 at the time. To cut it short, he groomed me into accepting abusive behaviour from him which carried on when we moved in together when we were 20 and 25.
At my appointment today I confirmed that I do want to pursue trauma therapy. It's scary and I know it will be hard. Part of me wants to run from it because again, I do ok considering. But I also have put it off for 25 years and don't want to spend another 10 or 25 wishing I had done it when I had the chance or wondering if things would be different. I already feel like so much more of a person and in some ways that's enough.
-when talking to someone i get out of breath easily while talking (newest one) -can't sit properly, I have to sit in a weird position or else its really uncomfortable -easily startled (for example, im sitting in my room, watching youtube and all of a sudden someone opens the door and I get startled) in general im really not a easy to scare person, but this is ridicilous.. Im wondering if I can get rid of these symptoms, if its possible, sometimes I think that im neck deep in this anxiety that there is no way back to 100% normal... but then again sometimes I tell myself everything will be good again. So yea, some tips ,similar experiences / symptoms / if and how did you get rid of them are gladly appreciated:) Thanks !
We could make an arrangement where I occasionally ship you boxes of stuff. (PS I'm new to this subreddit and not sure how to ask for proof from you... I guess you could PM me a pic of your kid? Idk if that's weird. I'm happy to PM a pic of my kid bc he's super cute :)
my gf dumped me and was honest .. you are the sweetest guy and made me feel like angel but sorry i can’t handle you scar and it embarrasses me in public and her friends made fun of her for being in a relationship with a scarface . i always hate my life because of this scar ... im tired and always stay at home to avoide people there just no solution for it and i don’t blame my ex she was crying when she told me the truth ... the real problem is people judment im a very nice person and people just think im a bad guys who got this scar from a fight TlDR ; Got dumped because of a scar on my face and i don’t think there would be any girl who loves me and accept me .. is there any girl on earth would accept to be in a relation ship with someone who looks like a criminal? ..i don’t know why im writing this post just want to let it out .. Thank you
Hardly any jobs there too. So maybe even the next town over is the only place age could find a job. I have a car, not very reliable car, at that. So she has a place to stay until she gets on her feet but no transportation. No licence to trek that 20 miles back and forth up and down the mountain even if she did get a job.
I felt horrible for her. Ever since, I’ve been close friends with Corrine. She told me a lot about what happened with her family, and we had a lot of late night conversations where she told me about how she had these nightmares of what might’ve happened, how she had bits of her brother’s brain on her shoes afterwards, how she tracked blood through the house while she went to get the phone to call 911. I felt so awful. We were close, but I knew her past was traumatic and rarely pried.
But the death of a dream was inevitable. She brought a guy to our family home one night. I was out at a friends. (She and I were sleeping separately, but the kids still didnt know that she and I agreed to separate and try to work through this cooperatively). So drunk her brought a guy home to kids that were awake and were shocked to see her like this.
I hate asking for help and I would ask my family but they disowned me when I moved due to my adoptive mom being mentally abusive. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if you don't have $20 anything helps. Thank you so much. Edit: I have PayPal and Cash App.
But this time if she ordered me a shot, I gave it away. I'm one of the only friends left who will go out to eat or drink with her, and I don't want to do it anymore. I feel I am enabling her diseases and I feel extremely guilty. She is worrisomely thin, and I don't think she'll live another 5 years. I honestly think the only calories she retains are from alcohol.
I can't stop feeling miserable. It's not even because my ex is going crazy, because he's once again proven I don't get to control my own life. I can't let go of the prosecutor telling me I only hear what I want. I don't even know what he was referring to, but it has to be true because I honestly don't remember agreeing to dismiss he case. I'm guess I'm not doing as well as I thought, and I must be as crazy as I now feel.
I want to be able to deal with these feelings and move on. I’ve talked briefly to a counsellor on the phone but besides talking about it making me cry, it hasn’t made me feel better. This is one of the worst PTSD episodes of my life. I can’t predict how long this is going to go on and I’m sick of the weak, dissolving feeling I get whenever I think about it. I’ve been trying to replace bad thoughts with good, I’ve tried CBT techniques, I’ve tried wallowing in the bad thoughts (as advised by someone over at r/emetophobia)... nothing has worked, I’m a mess.
I'm afraid that maybe they aren't true and I'm demonizing him in my memory because having a villain that did horrible things to me is just easier to digest than the complicated truth. The worst thing is, I can't bring myself to talk to anybody. I always felt like I wasn't bad enough to need a doctor. I felt like I could get through it on my own. Even now, its hard for me to open up to my fiance about these things.
I'm worried about my friend. She's really pretty and carefree and intelligent and I've known her since highschool. We had a band back then. She played guitar and sang, I played bass and another friend of ours played drums. We were into the grunge scene and to be honest, we were kinda good for a bunch of 15 year olds trying to make a name for themselves.
My sleep patterns are erratic because I don't want to sleep anymore. Is it normal to have PTSD with nightmares EVERY time I sleep? Every time? My psychologist has started trying to slowly desensitize me by showing me pictures and videos of what disturbs me: this is currently making things worse. How long until I start to see improvements?
Here's a homebaked metaphor. This is only a reflection of my personal views, and is not designed to reflect anybody else's experience. ----- Just as witches and wizards in the novels avoid mentioning Voldemort's name, those who have experienced a trauma tend to avoid remembering it, thinking about it, speaking about it, anything that triggers the awful feelings and sensations which a traumatic event conditions us to associate with it. We go to great lengths to avoid doing or saying anything which will activate the trauma.
I might be homeless soon, I have about 500 dollars in my bank account and I NEED to get out of Massachusetts. I am going to be a college drop-out in my 3rd year due to family reason instead of academics. After a lot of research, I am contemplating between Wichita, Kansas and Columbus, Ohio. I really just want a minimum wage job where I can have a bed and private bathroom. Afterward I can get my life together and start taking programming jobs again.
I, too, am loyal to her. My insecurity came out pretty early in our relationship. I was still getting to know her and there was a lot to figure out. It's normal to be insecure in a new relationship, but the problem is that I can't stop being insecure. I feel like my insecurities spiraled out of control and now she is thinking of leaving me.
When I try to befriend artists or thinkers or doers. They often either shun me because my work has been sub par and nearly non existant and they don't see me as equal. Or they show sexual/romantic interest I don't reciprocate which makes me nervous and avoidant. Sometimes I am shunmed I think because they mistake my interest in making friends for a romantic interest. I am quite annoyed by all the assumptions/game playing/projecting that goes on in the world.
I dwell on negativity quite easily and am I easily impressionable to brooding. I tend to express myself intensely to people without realizing it, giving the wrong impression because it's natural for me to be intense, but I am also quite composed and can for the most part be 'chill' but it's just that I only have two parts to me, a 'chill' way of expressing myself, and a passionate/intense way of expressing myself, so I come off the wrong way without realizing it when I think I'm being normal. People say that I'm a great person and easily liked but I don't realize sometimes how my expression and tone may come off, and people naturally give me a benefit of a doubt that I'm just passionate. My jealousy is extreme, and it causes me to be a questioning type but I use subtle ways to get information so it appears as normal a question because I have attachment issues and fear of loss. There is more to explain but I got to the bare bottom of the issue after realizing these habits.
I'm going to keep this story short. I'm (16M) openly gay, he (16M) isn't. We've been friends and somewhat more for 5 months. He hates affection and being touched, but he constantly flirts with me, touches me, wants me to massage his "sore" back, wants me to sleep beside him, he cuddles me in his "sleep"(which he has now revealed to be a fake slumber), and he always asks me about being gay and he truly is trying to understand it. Even if anything really happened between us, I wouldn't be getting a fulfilling relationship.
He purposely said the most hurtful things to me during our break up to make himself feel better. And one of the worst things of all, like I mentioned earlier, he sexually assaulted and that also happened when he knew we were breaking up. Knowing how terrible of a person he is that some people have even told me he is a narcissist or sociopath, I don't know why I still think I should have just stayed, why I should have just seen if he could change despite how he never tried to change throughout our years together. I just want to stop myself from thinking this way and fully move on and have myself realize I am so much better off, and I even try to remind myself of all the bad things he has done but it seems that lingering thought of, "Well, was it ever that bad?" keeps returning.
I do not originate from that country, but my family lives only a 3 hour ride away. After Christmas (which we did not spend together) I came to visit her and her family and eventually spend New Years Eve with them. It was all fine apart from some little "fights" between my gf and me. There were always some small things that led to discussions. For example: We went out with the dog and when we got back, my shoes were pretty dirty.
That is 100% manipulative and wrong. Just because someone is your biological parent, it doesn’t mean that they are worthy of respect. A biological parent is just as capable of hurting their child as anyone else is. More than, if anything. You made the decision to create a household and you showed that you were only ever happy with it when you benefited from it.
Like she knew she had gotten herself into a bad situation but now I'm just "trying to put doubts in her head about her girlfriend". And how it's okay because her girlfriend has depression. Well, I have severe depression too and I never hit her once nor did I cut her off from everyone. I've been severely manipulated before but I don't know if mine was ever this bad. I need answers.
My neighbors, a young gay couple, just had a very loud fight, with lots of objects being thrown around. I've heard shouting matches before, this was different. I wasn't quite sure how to handle it. We went and the door was open so we walked inside to make sure everyone was ok, and nobody was in the process of being killed so we left as we were asked to. There were no visible bruises.
My tourist visa ends November. Part of me wants to wait shit out until my green card gets here and then leave him. The other part of me wants to walk to my nearest lawyer so that I can hand him divorce papers, and demand money to send me and my dog back home. He said If I am wanting to go home, I should pay him back from my credit card the $2000 for immigration paperwork and $600 lump sum CrossFit membership he paid for me. What to do...
Throwaway because this is an embarrassing issue (although everyone who knows me knows I have it). I’m sorry this is so long, I feel like I have no one to talk to about this and need to vent. I (21F) cry over the smallest things that I know I shouldn’t cry over. I have always been like this even since I was little. Whenever I get in an argument with someone, I cry and it eats away at me.
My therapist says this is a normal behavior to display. Having been ripped from my children and left on the streets is very hard and i honeslty want to give up. But the anxiety swirls to the point i keep trying to find where i went wrong. It replays and plays in my head over and over like a horror movie. The feeling of wanting to die because at that point i had nothing left.
Has anyone else had this sensation? Also, if I close my mouth so my teeth are close together, I can tell that they are constantly chattering. I've definitely been much more anxious than usual lately as I work full-time at an emotionally challenging job and just decided to go back to school to pursue a Master's degree via night classes, but this shaky sensation has been a little alarming as I can't tell if it is anxiety related or something worse (which certainly contributes to the anxiety!!). If anyone has any suggestions or words of wisdom, I would be so appreciative. Thanks in advance!
Hi all. I recently moved to another country and it pretty much cost everything to get set up here. My roommate just moved out to start a new chapter with their significant other, taking pretty much all the furniture with them and naturally, rent has gone up. I'm wiped out until the 17th. I, my wife and daughter would appreciate any help to tide us over.
The informed consent form at the beginning of the survey provides more information. Please click the link to access the survey: [survey <url> Feel free to share the survey with friends and family who meet the survey requirements. You may ask any questions you have now or later by contacting Lena by email at <email>. Thank you in advance!
But I just can’t do what I need to do because I am terrified that I am doing the “wrong” thing, regardless of what decision I make. But the current situation (doing nothing) is extremely detrimental as well. I feel like a total loser and I am deeply ashamed of this anxiety, though I know that it is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m confident in so many areas of my life, but anxiety targets me and I become immovable. This is one of those times.
One of the couples I know is made up of cancer survivors: the male had cancer as a child, thankfully beat it, but developed PTSD from the experience; the female has had 2 different battles with cancer (brain and breast), beat them both, but suffers from significant developmental issues (including cognitive delay and balance issues). They represent polar opposites on the spectrum of how cancer survivors can view the world: one feeling positive about having survived so much, the other being angry with the world that it happened in the first place. That's neither here nor there. I'll stop for a moment to explain that I'm not one of those that feels PTSD isn't a real condition. I grew up in an abusive home for years, and it wasn't until my mid 20's that I began come to terms with how subtly that had affected me over the years.
This Crippling Pain Is Getting Stronger. Cant, you see I cant do this much longer This Fearless drip, The subconscious Tears. Hope someone Can see my Fear.
The VTN is inspirational and amazing in their work, focus, honest dedication towards the health of our veterans in Canada. This is their resource page. If you are a Canadian Veteran (or Mountie) you could get on one of their programs, please contact them or Brian (or me and I can get you in touch with those who can connect you). &nbsp; PHARMA THERAPY
My online friend -- let's call him Jim -- is a Jehovah's Witness. I've known him on and off for about a decade. Nowadays, we only email each other about thrice a year, but I still consider him one of my favorite online friends because of how deep and insightful our conversations are. We've rubbed each other the wrong way in the past because we have different ideas of God. I was raised as a Born Again Christian and am now looking into becoming a Unitarian Universalist.
Normal start of our day. He asked "was the card worth the wait?" I answered "Yes, I cried, at the park" he jokingly said "of course you did, tiny tears x" and then he asked "did you take photos of the chocolates?" I said "yes babe" and sent him the photo - he was still online but the last 2 messages wasnt read. The next message i sent was all about my day - that wasnt sent anymore, he was offline... i thought he was getting ready for his work and his phone died or his network... after an hour, I got worried, so I sent messages on all social media that he has, which I know.
Laundry. Lots of it. With my ass still against the door I grab the overflowing laundry basket. Overturn it. Sit on the fucking thing.
While he constantly texts and asks what I'm doing. If I don't satisfactorily respond, he gets passive aggressive and tells me he's worried about what I'm doing, he's "bugging out" his ears are ringing so he knows I'm doing something. He said that today. Via text when I was on the phone with driver control. It makes me think he is psychic or something, because any time I do anything to try and get past this relationship, for myself, it's like he knows.
I have not been to East Jesus yet, but Salvation Mountain is cool. One of my camp mates, KK, does shifts there a few times a week. The library is bursting with books, roomy and covered in cool shade while being open to the breezes. I spent my first day at the library. The Internet cafe isn't readily apparent at first glance.
I gave him a week to get all his bills together so we could go over everything and see where he could cut back. He didn’t do it. He just came over with his monthly expenses scribbled down on a piece of paper. My wife also took the time to get him a list of low income apartments in the area. We told him to call around and see if there was anything available or to at least try and get on a few waiting list.