Every single day I think about what happened, and it scares me to this very day. My hands go numb all the time with loss of sensation and my muscles are tense 24/7 I have a hard time believing it's anxiety but it most likely is because I've never had panic attacks before that incident. I've been on one antidepressant (Zoloft) for 3 months, and it didn't do anything. I was prescribed Venlafaxine but I'm too scared to take it due to the side effects. So yeah that's my story
What you did was disgusting. I have thought endless times about suing your ass for my herpes medicine and therapy because I have that email saved. My best bud, who is a lawyer said, "OP, I hate to break it to ya, you could win, but its not worth it." He is right. You will one day do something abhorrent to the wrong person and karma will balance it all out.
"Indefinitely grounded" according to my father. How do I proceed with this situation? --- **tl;dr**: Parents basically fucking hate me and have called me all sorts of terrible things because I was arrested for small weed possession, and are threatening to demolish my social life. What do I do to improve the situation?
Friends and loved ones (who don't have anxiety) keep telling me to relax and since it's such a busy place it's nothing personal and to not think it worry about it. Which I'm sure is 100% true but not matter how many times it's said anxiety never believes it. I start my next shift in 30 minutes and stating to freak out and have small panic attacks which haven't happened in a while. I've been so good about keeping my anxiety in control and not putting myself in anxious situations, and this job pushed that (being the public eye and fucking up is one my biggest triggers) but the pay and reputation of the company is widely known and it's one of the most wanted jobs in my town. Does anyone have any advice or maybe gone thru something similar and came out on top?
* The route you intend to take when leaving, where you plan on going and who will help you along the way * Where your emergency clothing, supplies, money, and documents are kept. Also, try to hide the fact that those things are being moved at all * Any emergency code words, such as those used with children to indicate safety or danger * New, private bank accounts
But it can be done with any white van. Also I’ve seen taxi logos on smaller vehicles work. Just have to be creative and smart and think about what companies start early or work all night. I see posts about trash building up and it becoming hard in a small vehicle. I slept with my girlfriend in a Hyundai Sonata for 9 months.
(God bless.) He was very caring at a first glance, but as the relationship went on I started discovering deeper things about him. Please be understanding that at the time I dated this guy I was around 14 or 15. He got off to IRL gore. You may think, well that's weird, but that's not the abusive part.
She never messaged him back, but I asked her why she still had him on Snapchat. I only asked it because she had claimed to have deleted her ex's on social media. Whatever, that's a nice feeling and I'm glad, but at the same time it wouldn't really be an issue for me if she did still have them. Fast forward to last night... My fiance was acting all weird and put out so I tried figure out what was going on and what she was upset about.
I have no clue. I meditate twice daily, jog every morning, eat very healthy, absolutely love my life and am following my passion. Yet I’m struck with random physical anxiety all the time. No negative thoughts or anything like that, it’s purely physical. A very uncomfortable feeling in my chest.
I can't tell if that's me being a toxic person or not, and I feel guilty for feeling relieved. We were such good friends once, but I have to admit we hadn't talked about art or writing (the things that made us friends) for years. My anxiety has muddied the waters, and maybe all my shit and all my emotional abuse crap did ruin everything and it was all my fault. Maybe I did end things because I'd felt blamed for 2 months straight and just wanted to get away from the anxiety it was all causing me. Maybe I should have been the one to grovel, because I'd fucked up so bad over the situation.
I just wrote a 3 page statement, trying to include the entire bad history" of our relationship.abuse. Is there an pointers or tips you have for writing a statement that lets the judge know exactly what this jerk deserves? A certain length? Do I only talk about what has happend AFTER the assault, because there hasn't really been much. It's more about all the things leading up to it.
She has had wounds on her face once, one doctor saw them, wrote them down, and offered to call the police. They replied that she'd have to come there by herself and sue her husband. Which of course did not happen. Turns out I get really numb as the only way to not get dragged into this emotional swamp, but is a hell for its own. Hating every single contact here.
She's the first person I've ever really opened up to. I haven't told her everything about whats happened, but she does know about my anxiety (which I get from my PTSD) and she reacts sportively to it. To some extent, I let me be "myself" around her, whatever I am. She's moving. She's moving to Maryland.
My boyfriend is currently stationed overseas while I’m still in the states with my four year old and our seven month old. It has been very hard for both of us, but I at least have the kids. I often feel guilty for feeling sad or lonely because he doesn’t have anyone there. No friends (yet), family, and he misses our son terribly. He’s having a really rough time with missing all of the milestones of babies first year and is depressed often... when he’s sad he gets angry.
I just feel kinda gross because I was giving her fucking college advice and stuff. I'm fucking furious. My clearest memory of my dad in highschool is him ramming my head repeatedly into a wall because I didn't want to pick engineering as a *second choice*. And NOW he chooses to support and help this fucking girl through college when I had to do all that on my own? He even skipped out on my graduation!
My (now ex) boyfriend (19M) broke up with me (20F) 4 days ago. We would have been together for 6 months this Sunday. However, the way in which he did it leaves me wondering if he left the door open or not. The reason why he broke up with me is that this coming semester, he will be working/in class for 12 hours a day and he doesn’t want to put me through that, since he won’t have enough time to give me. He then said that he didn’t think this would be the last time we spoke, and that we would somehow find our way back into each other’s lives eventually.
I've been with Mike for 4 years now. We have an amazing relationship and I never felt bothered by anything in it, not even silly arguments that are more than common between a couple. Mike has a best friend named Theo. Theo is a cute guy who never seems to settle down, but not in a womanizer way, more like, he hasn't found the one. Well, hadn't found the one.
Any suggestions? I apologize if this is trivial in nature. Thanks for the help. EDIT: I should also mention that when I do fall asleep, I snore REALLY loudly and I can hear myself in my sleep. My boyfriend says that it sounds like I'm not breathing or trying to breathe.
The first six months I had her she lived in a cage that could have fit two rats, the next year and a half she lived in a cage that could have fit four rats (this is following the formula where you multiply the dimensions of the cage in inches and divide it by 3456. The result tells you how many rats you can comfortably have in one cage.) I loved buying her new toys and treats and seeing how she took them. Trying new foods on her was one of my favorite things to do. The only issue is that I didn't really let her out of the cage much.
Last night, I had a few friends over for New Years', as one does. We all got pretty damn drunk, as one does. Among my drunk friends was my good friend "Lily," someone who I've been friends with for a while. A long time ago, she told me she had romantic feelings for me. I turned her down, being in a relationship, but admittedly I had a small crush on her too.
I went on a week long Mexico vacation with my BF of 5 months, and she tried to sit me down and have a conversation about how if I got pregnant I would ruin my life (I had to teach myself all about those things because she preferred to ignore it, it's a good thing I enjoy research). Now that I've decided to move in with my BF when I move back to my hometown, I don't even know how or when I should bring this one up. She treats me as if I am a child who doesn't think things through on normal small decisions, this is going to be a nightmare. A little information on my own thought process and my relationship. I am a very pragmatic person, but also very independent.
My heart races and my hands start to sweat, I immediately feel as if I need to pee and then worry as there’s no bathroom (on the train at least). The unknown is the problem here – how long will I be trapped? I know this is stupid – I know I am fine, I know in all likelihood we will be moving again shortly, but it’s the constant what ifs that set me off. I look around and everyone else looks perfectly calm – perhaps mumbling at the inconvenience, but I am gripped with fear. I hate it.
And I don't ask for the nightmares to drain me of all energy and make me feel worse throughout the day the harder I try to be normal. I was planning on seeking counselling without my parent's knowledge for this condition once I get to university and get settled, but now I'm wondering if I'm going to be told the same thing by a therapist there. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just people who share my experience or know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry if this seems kind of ranty or rambling, my thoughts are a bit of a mess and I'm not sure what to think. Thank you for reading all this, anyhow.
I don't know why, because it didn't bother me before I actually saw it on a screen, but I am absolutely crushed. I've asked him to hide it from me from now on and expressed how hurt it was, but I went to use his gaming system a couple of days ago and saw he was still looking it up regularly (I guess he thought I wouldn't use it - I had gone to look up something and all the searches popped up in the Bing bar). I never felt attractive to him and I know that's my own fault and insecurity and not his problem to fix. I know rationally that men like variety. But I haven't sent him nudes in probably two months now.
It’s resulted in me coming up with excuses to not hang out with him, which, yes, I feel bad about. Through my interactions with him, I have gotten the hint that Jack is interested in me, in a more-than-friends kind of way. I don't want to assume this as a fact—it's certainly possible that he is just trying to make a new friend. Along with many small hints that he *is* interested in me, however, the biggest hint is probably whenever I mention my boyfriend. I have a boyfriend of about a year, and whenever I do mention him, Jack seems very visibly uncomfortable.
Oh fucking boy! My ex boyfriend made me think he was Prince Charming, but then it turned out he was just an asshole who wanted to date my ex bully/stalker. She is JUST like me because she was obsessed with me for one and a half years. She is a prettier me, so instead of leaving me like a normal person, he abused me and used his incredibly strong narcissism to make every problem I had about him. He tried to make me dump him so his plan would all correlate.
Almost decided to live in my car, live with a crack head, travel the country (aka: begin my homeless life, cause I really had no money and if I did it would've gone to beer). I was losing my mind. After being heavily suicidal for a week I decided I can't live like this anymore - but I don't want to die right now. I planted a thought in my head. 'if you ever want to overcome this, you need to begin to change'.
It’s why I was okay with paying so much rent for them in the first place. But I don’t have a job anymore. I’m trying to get one again, but I have historically had a hard time finding employment. I have my own rent and bills to pay. I need to get into therapy, and I want to go back to school someday.
Eventually crazyass went flat out nuts and kicked both me and it boy out. We were now homeless. And we started hanging out with a friend of mine who was also in that situation. We'll call this guy Wolf. Wolf had a thing for this girl named S. S was one of those types who cheated on her boyfriend constantly.
I started to get depressed but was personally unaware. My wife started to notice that I wasn't eating, was moody, not sleeping, and laying in bed all day. She asked me if I was ok and I... broke down. All emotions came to a tipping point and I started whaling in tears. I told her I had been thinking about suicide.
My dad did this twice to her. He began harassing my brothers employees, telling them crazy stories that my brother was selling drugs, or that he raped someone, stories with I know are not true. We began hearing stories through the rumor mill that my dad was seen drunk driving in town on several occasions, and getting drunk in public. My dad broke into the house of a friend in town, the wife was downstairs and husband upstairs. She saw the look on my dads face when he barged through the front door (she said he looked crazy) and ran upstairs screaming.
I have neuropathy in my feet and clinical depression and rage bouts. I have no insurance, no treatment, no medication. Just myself and my family to keep me going. My wife has fibromyalgia, which characterizes itself through chronic fatigue, chronic pain, as well as depression with severe anxiety. I am currently pending for disability, while basically killing myself doing Amazon Flex runs to make some semblance of money.
I grew up believing that everything bad that happened was my fault. I have tried so hard to make something of my life after that hell, but now that everything feels like falling apart again I feel like I am breaking. This must mean that I am truly worthless and a waste of life. I feel like I'm not even allowed to feel like this, because I deserve this hard life. Has anyone experienced horrible burn out because of PTSD/OCD?
PTSD." I'm not upset with him for having a panic attack. I sympathize. There's NO way we were going to abandon them at the restaurant if he couldn't find the car. I know that.
The first two times I had done these psychedelics I was mostly alone, the last one however was with my friends. So me and two of my closest friends (let's call them Joseph and Andy) took our tabs in a pretty comfortable setting (as has been suggested by most who have taken these drugs). It was at Joseph's apartment. About an hour later Andy has definitely been hit the strongest with him being the most talkative and I the least. The visuals were amazing as usual and the sound is also distorted as usual.
Now my treatment has stopped this triggering from happening and sometimes think about moving back. If I do I will occasionally see places and buildings connected to bad memories. When visiting my town now I am OK seeing those places but I don't like it so I avoid them. My choices are moving back or sell and start a new life elsewhere. So I ask if anyone else have done a similar move back to your hometown and managed well?
I was the designated driver for my parents and grandmother at Greek restaurant that was having a private wine tasting. There was some belly dancer there and for whatever fucking reason my mom started telling me to go dance with her. I told her I didn't want to, she kept pushing me. When my answers did not satisfy her, she called the belly dancer over and told her to dance with me. I froze up briefly then just fucking left the restaurant.
He won’t give her access to their bank accounts. He refused to let her learn to drive, told her she wasn’t capable, that she’d get into an accident and kill their daughters. He’s violent, and he tried to kill himself in front of her after abusing her and that’s when she left. He is lying and saying he’s gone to more therapy than he has (she asked his therapist if he was going, no he hasn’t been), and he still refuses to give her access to their bank accounts or give her money. My friend has no options.
For no reason, I'll just wake up with anxiety like feelings. Stomach ache, uneasiness, some sort of dread, or feeling like any little thing would bring me over the edge and have a panic attack. I don't understand why and it can last for a long time. Anyways. Sometimes the breathing exercises help take the edge off it, but it doesn't fully help.
But we didn't talk about it the morning after, and life went on. Over the next year, we would continue to stay up late at house parties or whatever the occasion was (until 3, 4, 5 AM) about once a month, and just talk and talk and talk, until we inevitably hooked up. Keep in mind he was still dating someone else. Eventually during one of these moments, I worked up the courage to indirectly get a pulse on his feelings. More or less, he said he thinks about me multiple times a day, which was different from anyone else he "dated" prior.
I want to move forward with my life but seem to have dug myself such a deep hole that I can't climb out. It just seems to be a vicious cycle of can't get a job because I don't have a place, get a job, can't get to job because I don't have a car or license, can't get license or car because I don't have a job. Don't even have a phone currently (this one will change soon). Can't get any assistance because I have no residency. I feel forever fucked in this spiral of shit that I myself have created but can't seem to flush.
It's hard for me to even type this, but today I dropped my classes after only a week of school. I've been in school for a while, just got my associate's degree in liberal arts at a community college and was planning on going to university for an English degree. I will note that the majority of my classes were online as I can't focus in an in-person class due to my social anxiety. However, I panicked about my future and how English isn't a "lucrative" field and changed gears. I enrolled in a program that was for Physical Therapy Assisting.
(One is 3 yrs old and the other 19) . Now my dad would beat my mom but over the course of the years as I grew older he turned the violence onto me. He would see that I defended my mom and since I called the police one time (I found him choking her onto the wall) he stopped hurting her and transitioned into beating me. Now I know you guys may ask why did you continue to allow the abuse with you if you had stopped it with your mother before? Well I have an answer to that my mother loved my father very much and every time I tried contacting the police she would stop me and I have a lot of love towards my mother and would do anything for her... but anyways back to the present we no longer live with him anymore and we have cut all ties with him except for my brother.
I am writing on behalf of my friend and colleague (with his permission) who has watched his daughter Laney steadily deteriorate after suddenly suffering massive strokes due to a disease known as Moya Moya, which is where the body tries to compensate for inadequate bloodflow to the brain by sending capillaries that invariably burst. She is now in terminal condition and the family is facing a staggering mountain of medical bills. The icing on the cake is that the onset of the strokes occured while Laney's mom was 8 month's pregnant. The last year and a half has been horrific. I've posted the [link to a GoFundMe <url> started by Laney's Godmother in the hopes that there may be some of you who would like to contribute.
During the pregnancy and after the (traumatic) birth of our first child in 2013, symptoms started to intensify, including lots of depression, some manic behavior, and periodic angry outbursts. Somewhere in there we settled on a very (relatively speaking) effective combination of mental health meds that stabilized symptoms. We had our second child in 2015, after which an injury led to the discovery of a debilitating and incurable connective tissue disorder. The symptoms from this have been getting worse since then, and a good chunk of time from 2015 until now has been discovering what’s going on, coming to grips with a new reality, and managing those symptoms. Overall we’ve had a very healthy supportive relationship with strong shared values.
u mind you my mom is 5’1 and he is 5’9. now her jaw hurts and pops when she opens it wide. so this is my dilemma: i am a very emotional person. my emotional skin is raw and any slight change in others affects me greatly. side note: i had developed ptsd growing up from being scared of my older brother (saw him and heard him fighting with my family many many times growing up) but since he moved out for good (i hope) its gone away.
Any help would be appreciated, after this coming paycheck everything should be ok. Prices <url> Daily - $4 7 day - $25 31 day - $62
I'm a single dad of two daughters (3 and 4). I live in a privately owned apartment with them and the AC went out but is getting fixed tomorrow. I live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to get a hotel. They are at daycare until 4 when I get off work. I live in Mesa AZ and its been over 100 degrees for weeks.
Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life.
I was never given a birthday party because it was inconvenient to have a bunch of kids over. In my pre-teen years I faced several years of having nothing and having to hide when someone knocked on the door because they were debt collectors or people who demanded payment for something. I faced the threat of homelessness, I faced abuse and horrible living conditions, I was bullied to the point of having to go to several different schools. I grew up not being loved, not being cared about, and having to fend for myself because no one would come home until 9-10 at night. I grew up being ashamed of myself.
My brother and I usually get along but for some reason, he makes me really angry, to the point that I don't like who I become. I'm a pretty level-headed guy and never really yell or get angry at anyone but for some reason **when it comes to my brother the anger I get is so overwhelming**. He's the only one that can get me to that point of anger where I start sweating and shaking. He's never "hurt" me in a major way before and all the things that annoy me are little things like ignoring me, not responding to me when I talk to his lack of eye-contact and him generally ignoring/disregarding my attempts of communication. I don't wanna be like this towards him and I don't really know what to do.
Most diagnoses, except those relating to the endangerment of children, are welcome. This is a first person group, so you need to be the person with a disorder to participate. To join visit our site <url> or check out our Instagram: <url> We believe we are stronger together, which is why peer support is so helpful and important. Care when you need it; care for others when you can. If you are under 18, you can find a link to our 13\+ server on the website and instagram.
3. Since we are both the only child, we both feel an equal responsibility to carry on our family lines, regardless of our own gender. What do you guys think would be an equitable solution to this problem? --- **tl;dr**: Girlfriend wants future children to have her last name, but I am not comfortable with that due to social conditioning and/or the backlash I would face from my own parents.
I'm dating her for more than one year now and everything seems fine. She's loving, she's caring and so am I. I know she truly loves me and I also loves her. However, although all of this, some thoughts keep coming at me. I'll try to focus on these problems below in a objective manner. **The I want to see other girls problem**.
I wish I could go back and just not fuck up so horribly. I was begged not to go out on this date from tinder. My friend was raped off tinder and told me all guys want are sex off tinder. I had talked to my assaulter and told him I didn't want to be touched and he was fine with it and seemed perfectly normal. I'm so stupid.
Everyone loved him. He told the best stories and cooked the best food and was funny. All my friends thought he was the coolest person ever. He also has untreated bipolar disorder. Anyway - back in December he hit her so bad (using an object) that the next day she passed out at work and her coworkers forced her to get medial attention ) - she went the hospital - her sister went to meet her - and because it was mentioned that a minor lived in the house - social workers and the police got involved.
(felt kinda awkward, but they know i dont want her any harm, but have to protect myself now) I still feel like crap for ending it right before her surgery. When she got angry she also insults me for that, that she can never forgive me that ive done this at this time. 2 minutes later she apoligizes for saying that. Shes really struggeling.
They’re like flashbacks and everything I hated that he did , I want this new person to do to me to the point where I break down again. What the fuck is wrong with me please. These are violent degrading fantasies and they make me feel like a really disturbed person. The thought after an orgasm literally makes me cry. Someone out there has to know what I’m talking about please.
Last week I posted about having to travel to Melbourne with my Sister who is a really nasty person, well it ended up being exactly what I feared, she was just plain nasty to me the entire 3 days. From the moment we arrived at out rented apartment, she would just do nothing but complain about me, saying that I'm so "over dramatic" and that "I'm just anxious for attention".......I mean really? I never wanted to be like this, and she has the way of making me feel like I'm a bad and worthless person. Now I will admit she has issues of her own, she has been pregnant so I can excuse her for that, but she has been like this for a few years now, I remember how I was anxious about my elbow swelling up and she said it was "nothing" and it turned out to be cellulitis. Ever since I came back from Melbourne, I've just been overthinking things, and when I do, it flares the anxiety right up.
If I continue, I start to physically feel like I'm floating and nauseated. My instincts tell me to run. I am to begin to treatment next week and was wondering if anyone has used a weighted blanket. If so, did it help with the physical symptoms? Ive expressed my fear to the specialist I am seeing.
I got as far as Illinois when he ghosted me after urging me to leave in the first place. I've been going between three different friends who know I'm homeless but think I'm 19. I want to go to school, get a job to buy my own stuff, and get on with my life. I don't think my mom is looking for me, but I still need her signature to go to school. I don't want my new friends to get arrested for harboring a runaway youth as well.
Why is this the hardest month? Is it that the nerves have cleared, minute by minute anxiety calmed, hopelessness resolved, and now I have to sit a grieve a person I made up in my head? The person I convinced myself he was is so much more attractive than the reality of what he was. He is 27, I’m 25, and now he’s targeting 21 year olds. I am broken but I am piecing myself together.
I am more than my pain and I deserve that. LSD has helped me realize this. Don’t just take this willy nilly, it takes a lot of mental preparation. But the fact that I am doing more self evaluation and healing now than I have in years of therapy or whatever medication they said would make me “better” is incredible. Discuss?
I also added up the value of everything I can possibly remember that's either missing or destroyed, and it reaches over 2,100 dollars...and that's a lenient estimate, I definitely rounded down. But I'd love to charge another grand for mental anguish or whatever. The whole ordeal has been like Trigger-City for someone like me who is struggling to recover from mental illnesses and over a year and 9 months clean after 10-12 years of substance abuse. I'm also receiving supportive services from a county program aimed at helping mentally "screwed up" people become independent, for lack of a better term. What's cool about the service is that I get a case manager who I can call for advice and in turn checks on me and referred me to a halfway house which only lasts 30 days but it's much better than having to stay at the local shelter, which might be my only option come June...
I waited a bit and then went and talked to our advisor. I vaguely and briefly explained what happened so I could get his help in understanding some procedures I didn't understand. We went down to the lab and figured out my work together. I was then standing and doing something with my samples while my advisor was doing something else in the room. Then I suddenly looked up toward the door and entirely expected my fellow student to burst in yelling about how I told our advisor.
In case this is the first time you're reading this post... We are looking for people who are willing to complete some online questionnaires about employment and well-being which we hope will help us to improve services for assisting people with mental health difficulties to obtain and retain employment. We are developing an employment questionnaire for people with personality disorders; however we are looking for people from all backgrounds to complete it. That means you do not need to have a diagnosis of personality disorder – you just need to have an interest in completing the online questionnaires. The questionnaires will only take about 10 minutes to complete online. For your participation, we’ll donate £1 on your behalf to a mental health charity (Young Minds: Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, or Rethink).
But she says she can't stand hearing it because she's got enough on her plate as she actually suffers with depression herself. I do read other people's posts and think maybe I've actually had it easy. Maybe I'm just over exaggerating thing, but i feel like I need to get it off my chest. Anyway thanks for reading. ( sorry the post is so long ).
It was only thanks to a few friends (and a few wonderful strangers here on Reddit) that I was able to pay our electric bill, but doing so drained all of the money we had on hand, and once we used the food we had from the food bank (we can only go once a month here) we are now totally out of most things. At the moment, we can't even do laundry because we don't have the quarters, but that's a smaller problem compared to no food. If anyone wants to help, my sister and I made a wishlist that I'm including here. Any help is greatly appreciated! [Amazon <url>
Yet I’ve already been through the worst and come out smarter and stronger. I’m not so afraid that I’m just running and not fighting it anymore. So WHAT exactly am I afraid of? WHAT is the reason of this fear? I mean what’s the worst that will happen and how can it be any worse than what he’s already put me through.
They say, that I'm the anti-Christ, Look to God, don't question it twice, Dead man, because I did it thrice, Foolish man, about to be sacrificed. Don't cry over me.
Is he that desperate to see me? Why does he do this? If his friends don't mind and I don't mind, should I even be concerned? Maybe I'm blowing a little issue out of proportions but just curious to hear what others have to say! Thanks for reading!
Extra: Apparently he was jailed before marrying my mom and he never told us until she found out later into the marriage. There's more into the story but I would like to know if I can file a charge on him for past incidents as well.... and I am upset that he is going to be charged for misdeamenor instead of felony. Since the victim (my mom) has enough evidences, it will be hard for him to drop the charges right? He has been avoiding the police so it took a while for the police to catch him but he paid for the bail and bailed himself out with a help of his friend. I just wished he would recieve a felony but he pleaded not guilty on the first court appearance and apparently there are more court appearances to be made befoe verdict is finalized....
Being in there was hell, I cried most of the first few days. I was very disoriented, couldn't sleep, the windows had metal grates over them. The bathrooms were locked and you had to ask for permission to use the toilets. While I was waiting to use the toilet the nurse came in my room and grabbed the door out of my hands forcefully and I didn't let go (I think its my right to use the bathroom when I need to). She then came back with a bunch of men and they held me down to the bed, pulled down my pants and gave me a shot in the butt of some sedative.
Unfortunately with the way things have worked out this month, I am left with little cash until my SSDI is deposited a week from Friday. And normally I’d say I’d just wait until then to take my dog, Kane, to the vet, but he has developed a little bit of a cough, and he doesn’t seem as active as he normally is (<2yo chocolate lab, so he should be pretty active). I called the vet and they suspect it could be heartworms, so while I have the $50 for the office visit, I don’t have the $45 for the test. Any help towards this would be greatly appreciated. I can pay back, but as sad as it sounds, I might have to make it in a couple payments as I’m on a fixed income.
It was terrible. I got pregnant again, after he forcibly took my birth control away, my 2nd son was born in Chile, I didn't realize once I had my child in Chile I couldn't leave with my son without the father's permission. I think that was part of his plan. I lived 4 years of brutal hell. I finally made it back home, in 2006 when one of the police officers who were called after he beat me, luckily was married to a woman who worked at the American Embassy, and they got me home within 2 weeks, with both my son's.
It’s Open Enrollment, most government systems in the US are poorly managed so most go without full knowledge what they’re signing up for, and the pressure of management can be intense to reach certain “metrics.” I enjoy the money but the politics of it all be disconcerting. It’s not at all what I want to do with my life. I’ve been in and out of doctors appointments for my thyroid goiter. My mom said my great grandfather had the same thing and it causes anxiety. But most of it stems from my verbally abusive, alcoholic dad and being raped twice in my life.
My problems started after my first panic attack which had happened in October. After that I had a lot of anxiety about my heart (bp 140/90) I was medicated with Zoloft for a while, it helped but I didn't want to become dependent on it and I had a lot of side effects. My bp with Zoloft was around 120/70 After some weeks the anxiety came back with horror, fear of the death and lump in a neck, stiffness in chest. My blood thyroid hormones were measured, everything's perfect.
I’m looking for work, mostly online jobs since I don’t have a car, but have also been applying for in person jobs and remote jobs, so I would need a phone for them to contact me. Would anyone be able to help me out? I can pay it back once I’ve got income again, and I can forward the confirmation to you to prove that it was paid. Or even if someone would be able to get me a cheap phone with some minutes on it, that would work too. Thank you for considering.
I posted about a month ago and felt pretty defeated (but very grateful to receive anything at all because one very generous gentleman gave me $100) but I am back to the end of the month with a phone bill due tomorrow and dwindling food and gas and rent approaching soon. I’m 25f and 4 months in recovery. I’m working part time to focus on recovery but trying to find a second job so I can stop finding myself in money binds. I have no friends and family to ask for money and have made literally $550 since July working for Bath and Body Works and $200 with DoorDash since August. My rent is $600 and phone bill is $55 and car insurance is $100 which I haven’t even paid this month.
I just felt it was best to separate them for the time, at least until he hopefully calmed down. I had asked someone else in the group--without informing them of what had transpired--to direct the male back to the cars so we could leave. But the male had run off. So while everyone else went back to a mutual friend's house, I drove around looking for him. I found him sitting outside a gas station a little up the road.
If you're interested in being interviewed for a story, please send me a DM. I have OCD, myself, so I can assure you the topic will be treated with the tact it deserves. Note: We are not doing anonymous interviews at this time, so your full name would be published in the story. Happy to answer any questions you may have! Thank you.
My Grandma;s commercial was one in which her Clorox is taken from her and she has to wash her clothes for a month without using any Clorox. The only thing that she remembers for sure was that she quotes “my babysitter Mary says that the clothes aren’t as clean,” or something to that effect... BTW if the commercial is produced, I am willing to give some reddit gold, or pay money via paypal, whichever is preferred ;\) Thanks in advance, \-Kyle
I've been dating this guy for a few months, and we've recently become official. He's wonderfully kind, intelligent, and we get along incredibly well. We have some deep conversations about our lives and the struggles we've endured, and I admire him. I haven't told him about my PTSD, mostly because I've been doing really well with managing it; this time last year, I was having panic attacks, flashbacks, hypervigilance, etc but I've been doing so great this year. My ex was the first person to know about my abuse, mostly because I was still suffering and couldn't hide it.
And how I made her let me bring him back to her boyfriends house. How I begged him to come over. And how she was just trying to be a good person and discourage it. She's telling people how much I wanted him to fuck me. How RELENTLESS I was.
Should i be honest and say that i'm shy and worried about that and that i would like them to take control? I don't know, that sounds like something i would like to ask but it sound like it's not something a man should ask. At least i get that thoughts from a society's stand of view. A man should be like an animal when talking about sex. To me touching and fore play has the same sensual energy as the sex and it seems i'm afraid what people will think about that sensitive and emotional point of view of sex.
I’ve been taking 12.5 mgs zoloft for about 6 months (yeah, super small dose .. but it was taking the edge off, i think). I decided to stop taking it for a few days to see if it was really helping. Now, about 40 hours since my last dose, I’m suddenly kind of shaky and also flushed (my cheeks are burning for no reason. And THOSE side effects are about to freak me out - do you think it is from my missed dose? Is it possible to have such a fast reaction?
I know there are a lot of bad stories on here about therapy. But I was wondering about good experiences. My own experience was six weeks ago. I slipped and went on s bender, I fell into a depressive, suicidal crisis. I phoned every crisis line that exists, for ten hours, well getting drunker and drunker.
Though I have been staying with family, their households are getting packed with other members and issues and so they have no room for me. I do not have many friends, and the ones I do cannot help whatsoever. So, I am on my own. I have a wonderful as a baker that I don't want to lose or give up. What can I do in my situation right now so that I am able to keep a roof over my head and still keep my job because I know that if I am just able to keep shelter while continuing to work this job, I will be able to provide decent housing and expenses for myself and never burden anyone with my problems ever again.
Hi there r/Assistance! My dad has a Traumatic Brain Injury from a car accident two years ago. He was the victim of another driver's recklessness and negligence, and was rear-ended twice while stopped at a stoplight. He was forced to retire as he is now permanently disabled and will have to deal with the effects of permanent brain damage for the rest of his life. My dad requires a constant caretaker because he exhibits symptoms similar to that of an alzheimer's or dementia patient, so my mom is unable to work either.
Because not really. I would have survived, I always have before, I have gone three and four days without eating a single thing on dozens of occasions in the last fifteen years, and I will be fine. The guy is wonderful, and has helped me a great deal. But it felt like an intentional attempt to act like I am a burdensome charity case. I just don't know.
When I left my buddy's house, I went to an organic farm where I volunteered for a little while out in nature where I could clear my head. I really enjoyed it immensely but quickly realized I would not be able to get ahead or make a living for myself though I learned a lot of valuable skills that I can take with me along the way in this journey. I came back after about a month to the DFW metroplex where I reside now with my dad, step mom and 6 siblings. I stay in a humble shack in the backyard that we fixed up with a cot and a/c and an extension cord. Because of my dad allowing me to stay, I was able to get a job and am expecting my first paycheck on the 5th of September.
Apparently it has been going on since the day they moved in together. I don't know what to tell her thought. Since her husband is a good friend of me and my husband it's kinda weird for me to say 'leave him' or 'get out' I don't want to influence any decision she makes. What should I tell her? Tl;dr: friends husband is aggresive and I don't know what to tell her
I also have pretty bad dissociative episodes which I've had since I was about 5. Anyway, a month ago I was prescribed prazocin to take before bed and I'm just on 1mg since I just started it. I'm wondering if anyone has had success with this med? Because I've gotten to a point in my life where I'm so run down that I just can't anymore. I don't know if I should even bother going up in dose or if it's just another waste of energy
And it’s okay to fall down and have a bad day- as long as you pick yourself up and continue working toward moving forward. Moving forward does NOT mean forgiving and forgetting or condoning any behaviors. Moving forward is about YOU and beginning to live the life YOU deserve. You are beautiful. You are smart.
Over the last 18 months we have become closer than ever and as best friends living separately have grown our life together. 8 years ago we were panhandling for gas money to get to work, and now we are for successful business owners. We have spoiled my daughter rotten. Designer clothes, designer makeup, way too much freedom, gym membership, and anything else a 14 year old girl could ever want. I think a lot of that comes from the fact that we were not able to provide her with anything for so long.
I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit for this topic but i'm at my wit's end... I've been homeless since February and i'm now trying to find my own apartment and start living independently for the first time but I need some advice...I've been couch-hopping here & there for a while and i'm staying with a relative who's been helping me but i'm on a limited time frame and I feel like i may not get anything in time...I applied for an apartment but was rejected due to past apartment debts. What can I do t get approved, and do I have a shot at public assistance? I have aspergers and I don't make a lot of money at my current job.
But I see him during classes and it might be extremely weird. And I don't want to go to the counselling room and knock on the door, what if they're having a session? And I'm probably gonna just nervously laugh while walking in. Talking to my teachers about it is a no no. I can't go to a therapist directly due to my parents lack of understanding and ignorance of mental illnesses.
This isn’t so much a cry for help but I just want to rant about all my problems somewhere and this seems like the place. I’ve had anxiety for a few years now but this year I’m full on depressed. I’ve considered running away so many fucking time but I always feel bad for those I’m trying to leave. I’ve never self harmed (thankfully) but I’m always bummed out and paranoid. College is surprisingly the only thing that doesn’t make me anxious.
He said he'd take me to my mothers house if I just smoked a cigarette with him. I did, but he refused to take me still. I continued fighting his hold and he kept saying my name in a gentle voice and telling me to calm down, saying that he loved me and didn't know why I was freaking out, and kept saying, "you know you're not going to win. Go ahead, tire yourself out. You know you're not going anywhere."
So I had to look for work again. She gave me hell the entire time. I just found another job at the end of February, but my start date wouldn't be till near the end of march. That wasn't good enough for her (as if I set the start date), so she breaks up with me, and kicks me out. Now I'm fucked, because I have work.