The police in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky were... decidedly unhelpful. The local citizenry sympathized with my plight in that respect. I had to hitch-hike back to Lexington. The most I've been able to replace ID-wise so far has been my ATM card and my pre-paid card -- I opened up an account at a national chain bank while I was here the past two weeks and my banker here obviously knows who I am -- and the temp labor place I had been working at had a copy of my ID, so I was able to get that information from them as well.
I left grandma's and I got a tent. It's pretty big. I got it for $30 off some dude high on H. I have a queen size mattress on pallets and two small dressers, two folding chairs, a cooler, a shelf, a speaker box with wood on top for a table. I found some carpet so I put that down. The weather has been crazy.
Because any potential new employer is always going to ask why I got kicked out of the academy, and as soon as drugs are mentioned, there's no fucking way I can compete with anyone else. And they'd probably want to talk to one of the bosses that fired me as reference to see if I'm lying, so I doubt I could cover it up. On top of this, there is no fucking way I can go back to my hometown. The family I have there will be so embarrassed and let down. They've been really proud of me and telling everyone about what I do for a living.
I am limited and would like dire guidance on how to begin my journey, I want to enjoy myself and life without being restricted and abused any longer by my father. Thank you for taking your time to read this! P.S, I have a therapy cat that has helped me stay strong through out these passing years. I would like for him to be involved with my journey as well. It's been difficult finding youth centers that accept pets.
I’m on lamictal, Zoloft, and we just added Wellbutrin. A liver test showed that I metabolize SSRIs slowly so I’m wondering if serotonin is building up in my system? I told my doctor about it and she just said these are classic symptoms of anxiety. I disagree. Has anybody felt this way or had an experience with serotonin being too high?
Can't put this under my true account, but I'm feeling horrible – I just completely screwed up a job application for a position I really wanted. Part of me is like "oh well not meant to be", but SERIOUSLY, the application was meticulous. My email? Nope – my computer crashed, I restarted with a draft email which I (stupidly) assumed had saved in the correct way. It hadn't.
Every day I'd tell myself I was over this girl but I'd see her at school and instantly be reminded of how much I liked her. Every time I saw her I almost wanted to cry. Throughout the year I kept trying to "win her back" by forcing intimacy by telling her things about my past I'd never told anyone (never told her about being raped though). This just made her think I was weird. On the first day of summer I noticed she'd blocked me on all forms of social media and I no longer had a way to talk to her.
Thank you in advance to anyone that can give me advice. I am 19M, currently enrolled in the local community college (TCC) and working part time. I have been living with my parents, but due to a disagreement, will have to be moving out by next Monday at the latest. I don't have much savings as I have not made the best decisions so far...I'm working on fixing that, but in the mean time, I have around $1000 to my name and I make around $900 a month. It looks like I will be loaned a vehicle by my parents, a 1997 F150, but it has 380k miles, and is breaking down/needs new tires.
I have been reluctant to start one of these as I am really ashamed to ask for help. One of my dear friends suggested I do this as I really do not have anywhere else to ask for assistance right now. I am at a high risk for homelessness. Landlord now wants me out unless I can come up with $800 in the next couple of days. I also was recently kicked off of food stamps lately for no apparent reason and I am working to get that fixed.
(I don't know how to tag this NSFW on my phone but it is. Edit: nvm figured it out lol) Um... So I don't really know how to start this. I'm 25 now so I'll put my age at the time with the corresponding events.
(I see a therapist weekly.) I really don't want to give up on this, but i don't know how to feel better. Any help is appreciated. --- tl;dr i have relationship doubts and anxiety/depression and I want to love my boyfriend but i'm not sure if I do.
It cleared up and I was okay but. On Monday I was thinking about humans and how the brain works and it tripped me out I got worried that because I was thinking about how the brain works that I would lose sleep and I did. That night was bad just like last time. Also yesterday my sleep was bad I woke up like every hour of the night just like last time. I got kind of scared like I did last time but this time I think that this is fake life which is absurd but I just think about it then get really scared then I think rationally then calm down.
Why am I being all shelled up? How do I not do that, and what should I do in order to process and handle my emotions without damaging the trust he is trying to place in me? I know he right now what is needed is for me to be stable, loving and light. Why can't I do it? TLDR: going through a rough patch where husband was abusive and raging.
I would be lying if I said using heroin didn’t get more tempting everyday. Atleast I could either slowly die high and numb, or accidentally high and numb. I feel like I’ve had a noose tied around my neck sense the first day my incest abuse happened 14 years ago. Ever sense I was 9 or 10 I knew I would die by my own hand. It’s only a matter of time.
I've started having flashbacks, tearfulness, intrusive thoughts and flashbacks again. I've been having a rough time lately. Something that helps me during these times is to find a small space or bathroom to hide in for a while or to reach out to partners of friends. Today feels really hard and even though I want to run away I know I can't. How're you all doing?
I've been dating this guy for nearly three months. We met at a bar and had a one night stand, so my expectations were very low. We started by taking it slow (dinner or takeout and a movie on Saturdays) but things felt really nice and normal. I'm used to meeting guys on apps where everything is a game and usually they are dating multiple people at once; this felt different. We met before Thanksgiving and managed to keep the momentum going through a lot of travel and three weeks spent apart.
He would tell me it was the best university in the world(a white lie) and how great it was. I didn't want to go there. I didn't aid in the application process at all. He did everything. He wanted me to go there because it was cheap, and he assumed that if it were otherwise either i would just do nothing or spend a lot more money on school than he'd like.
I told her about the darkest parts of my soul, and she never flinched. Well, a few days ago, she says that I am too old for her, and she just wants to be friends. I have never been friends with an ex before. But I cared about her enough to try. New Years Day - she calls to tell me about how drunk she got at a party, and how they all played a kissing game (she was the judge, and kissed at least half a dozen people, men and women), and how she was so drunk that some of her friends had to babysit her and even help her pee.
3 days before, she called me, pretty upset, to say that she didn't feel able to come. Naturally I've learned that she suffers from panic attacks occasionally, and has also said that she is reluctant to try a full relationship because of worries that I'll outgrow her or find someone else (we HAVE gone on dates since she has said these things). Eventually I put the pieces together and began to understand her a little better, but I also have my own neurological obstacles that have affected my thinking with this girl. I'm going to do my best to lay them out now: -Like I mentioned, I have ADHD in a serious way.
We wish to teach such kids and train their family members skills so that they can also afford to take a house on rent. Since it's inception, FreePathshala has conducted many events, classes thereby helping many lives to survive, grow and keep smiling. FreePathshala has established education centres for children, in the age groups of 5-13 years. Freepathshala currently has 60+ kids studying at sector 46 & 51 Gurgaon. The facilities set up at FreePathshala site in Sec 51, Sec 46 Gurgaon will support the education and development needs of children coming from neighbouring labour camps.
I didn't tell anyone, not even my family. I felt I had to protect them; They were already insolved with CPS (Trust me, though, they're awesome) and I knew if i brought abuse into our case, I would inevitably send them down an unnecessary path. Social workers don't blame the abuser, they jump to the conclusion of negligent parents; Parents who were irresponsible enough to not know this was going on. They didn't know, they didnt know because they couldn't know. I went out for a few hours and they assumed I was hanging out with my friends, at least that's what I planned to do; They assumed I went to school and got an education, not beatings when the teacher was out of the room.
Oh Jesus Christ. I blacked out in front of my family- my family with a history of alcoholism (I'm an alcoholic too), my family that I promised I wouldn't get drunk in front of....I don't know what I said but they are PISSED. I come from a sort of passive aggressive family and they won't tell me what I said. I am so terrified and filled with shame and completely embarrassed. I know a lot of my family members' secrets that I'm not supposed to know and I easily could have spouted them out.
This time, the school is way bigger and there are so many rooms scattered around the school. Just worried that I won’t be able to find my class. How am I supposed to know where my room is? This school is so large. I’m not ready for this.
I've tried getting new glasses, but that didn't help. Blood work came back fine. I have tried medication but only helped with anxiety not focusing issue. Some days I just straight out can't focus. Luckily, when I'm on auto-pilot and distracted, I can get a lot done.
I’d decided to include them because they can either be used or not, but would be interested to hear people's thoughts. I’ll be going out this weekend to pass them out, there are unfortunately quite a few people sleeping on our high street so I had planned to give them to the first four people I came across. I assume it would be best to just say “Hi” and explain what’s in the bag and take it from there? I imagine people on the streets get a lot of abuse so I’m a bit worried about approaching someone in case they think I’m a twat. Also if someone is asleep, I assume it would be best to just leave a bag for them rather than wake them up to see if they wanted it?
I'm 33 years old and support and live my own life. My parents are in their 70s and retired. They always tend to worry, so this was something I knew they really couldn't do anything about so I didn't want them to worry for nothing. There's also just the mental health stigma and as a guy that makes it harder too. I also have a sister that I have never been very close to.
I truly hope it finds it's way in the hands of the ones most in need. It is available on Amazon for only $2.99 and I also have a countdown deal event coming up next month (July 22.-29.) when you can purchase it for only $0.99. Here is the link to it: <url> I also produced a trailer/teaser for it if you'd like to check it out: <url>
I am constantly freaking out and unable to see friends that don't know about my diagnosis or make the friends that do feel very uncomfortable. I feel guilty because I feel as if I brought this all on myself because if I hadn't of taunted my father he would not have attacked me. I know rationally this is not true but I cannot shake the feeling. Has anyone else experienced this and is willing to give advice. The guilt is eating me up.
If anything goes wrong, sexually, I want to cease to exist, and a lot of the time, I'm not able to do it out of sheer anxiety. I used to be a very soft person, and I hope I'm still kind, but now I'm quicker to anger, and I don't want to become an abuser. Basically... was I abused? Does that sound like something an abused person would say? I feel like I have the symptoms of PTSD.
During the walk she made a lot of threats about how she was going to call the police, put me in jail, even try to get me deported (I'm a LPR.) She gets vindictive like this but usually calms down. Due to the threats I called the police to ask their advice. The officer wanted me to give him her information and I declined. Short story, he gave me two options.
he was my best friend since highschool, she was a girl i really liked. my parents let him live at my house when his parents kicked him out, and he started dating the girl that i really liked behind my back. im not gonna go into too much detail about the drama but in short i kicked him out and they both hate me now. there were some not so nice comments going back and forth. the other day they moved into an apartment together after being together for like 3 months, but i just found out through the same person who initially told me that they were dating, his ex gf [22F] that he has hit her on several occasions.
I can't stay in my hometown either, where we are both abused and there are no job prospects. We have to go where there is work. He lives in a bigger city where there are definitely jobs. I know I should ask him about her first, but like I said, I'm afraid he'll say no and we'll be stuck here indefinitely. Any advice?
Now he is enraged because I said months ago that maybe internet access was not a bad idea, that there was some stuff there that may connect him more to others. He had been asking for months how to access the internet for free, and I just did not know what to say, he mentioned it so much, besides he would have to get internet access from a company if he wanted to use the internet reliably. So he did that at some point, and is now having issues. It just looks like an older man who is having difficulty navigating the internet and who finds Apple care unhelpful. But he is phoning me today yelling and accusing me of paranoid stuff and hanging up.
Edited to add: I am unable to work, my disabilities are worsening frighteningly quick and I have no doctor, plus I keep getting dismissed at the ER. I've been struggling more and more with breathing and movement, I even had to start using a wheelchair. I have severe digestive issues and they've gotten so much worse I bleed when I go to the toilet. I'm in chronic pain and chronic nausea, it's like having the stomach flu forever stuff keeps coming out. So I *really* can't work.
Well, I've been on an anti-depressant now, and I definitely feel less depressed and motivated but my anxiety has gotten slightly worse. I explained all my symptoms to the dr I saw today and expressed my concerns to her about taking benzos every day (family history of addiction and I find myself to have a very obsessive personality.) and she totally agreed with me and said I probably have GAD along with the depression. She added an anti-seizure med as a mood stabilizer and told me that should hopefully level out how I am feeling and take care of the anxiety that is probably being brought on by the anti-depressant. I am so happy that a dr actually listened to me.
He saved me from my family. I don't want to give up on him because he's never given up on me. TL;DR: Boyfriend often has tantrums where he throws objects around the room, but never physically hits me. Is this abuse? How do I get help?
We have tried crowd funding, I've tried to get a new job, I've even looked into being a sugarbaby. None of us can get a personal loan because of bad credit, or no credit, and lack of jobs. We seriously need help and have no where to go, if we can catch up on our rent, I know next month we can pay. I don't know what to do anymore. We live in Conroe, Texas.
I know this may seem like a small thing, but to someone with these problems, it's a huge deal and to be at a store where you do not feel "safe" around your managers and you can't talk with them and grow as an employee, what's the point of continuing to work there? So I luckily got them to put me on 3rd shift. Minimal contact and I still get to work for the company. As I did mention, I have been struggling lately with some things: being slow with completing tasks on the work list is the biggest issue I believe. I'm not sure why I'm slow, in the past a supervisor has said "Yes you're slow, but you're thorough."
My boss asked my lead, who is friends with that person about it. My lead came to me and told me that she knows that i spoke to the big boss and they both expressed to me that what i did was the right thing. i dont really trust them to keep this confidential anymore. Im worried ill gain the tattletale reputation, and people will be a little more rude than they have been. How can I feel less anxious and more positive about this situation?
I tried everything at work, from doing meditation, office yoga, to getting a board to keep track of my tasks. Everyday seemed overwhelming, and I slowly started dreading my patient appointments and sometimes rushed through them because I could sense a panic attack coming on. To make matters worse, my supervisor is not the most understanding person. English is not her first language, and it's sometimes very hard to communicate with her in person or in email. I meet with her twice a month to discuss my progress and she never gives me positive feedback, only highlights things I've done wrong and things I don't do.
Hi I was hoping that someone in this sub would be able to help. My new partner is a long term suffer of ptsd so far I only know bits she has promised to tell me everything in time and I'm not pushing her on it. What I know is that she was long term abusive relationship from about 14 - 18. It involved a lot of sexual assault. We are getting though the day to day stuff flash backs and triggers.
I've been in therapy (and will go back soon now) but I've never had to practice harm reduction around self harm--I need practical advice. I know that because I've never felt so out of control than last night when I was hitting myself. TL;DR I got drunk last night, destroyed my room, and hit myself on the head hard enough to give myself welts for the first time in my adult life. I need advice on not doing this self harm crap.
My daughter's father I was with for 5 years on and off. He was not abusive the first year, however when he became so I left and found out two weeks later I was pregnant. Of course he begged and pleaded for a second chance, and I believed that my daughter deserved me to at least give it a shot. I came back and surprise surprise it was worse than it ever was. I stuck it out until he disappeared for the eleventeenth time on a drunken bender, I checked my Facebook to find some scumbag girl who was dating one of his best friends was posting horrific, nasty, way out shit about me.
I feel like I'm trying to reason my situation though. I'm listing off things that a person would associate success with but I'm not seeing the things I'm failing at. Or maybe I do and the Navy is just exaggerating the things they want out of me? I feel like the Navy is easy and I don't put a lot of time towards it \( I mean qualifications\). When I'm at work I feel like I really focus in on a task.
So I drank wine and I started crying and since my husband was constantly telling me that I ruined his life and he regrets being married to me and I'm the devil and blah blah, for the first time in my life I picked up the knife and I thought I should just kill my self. When my husband saw me he started screaming and snatched the knife away from me and said I am trying to get him into trouble by committing suicide. He kicked me and spat on me. I kept on try to explain to him that I can't take him blaming me for everything and he believes everything he says so hard that every works out of my mouth is a lie. I tried telling him I am trying to fix myself.
My mom is a single mom working two shifts every day and she cannot wrangle a full grown man like my brother anymore. So she lets him do what he wants as long as he can pay a small piece of rent. So he works with friends doing god knows what. He's home around 2pm every day and he will always tear apart the fridge looking for food, microwave some gross stuff, then drop the dirty plates in the sink. He makes SUCH A MESS everywhere he goes it's absolutely disgusting.
As an aside, it really kind of messes you up when the DA calls and tells you that in less than a week your abuser will be putting in a final plea; if you'd like to attend, please come for at least half a day to see what will happen. So, talked to my therapist about this and I had already told the DA I want him to see jail time not just 2 years of probation with state mandated drug treatment. isn't this also really awful as now they'll just forever say it was because of their addiction and never take full responsibility for their own actions? I digress, I demanded that he gives me a face to face apology. My therapist thinks it might be a bad idea as it's been less than a year and she thinks he will only lie and tell me he's sorry because I've requested it.
all the sudden all the hate turned against me again (happened often before). She yelled out, whining for her dad, who she called. i stayed calm but was totally clueless about what to do. she started breaking up with me, telling me that she will spent the night at a hotel or somewhere on the street. i shouldnt come visit her at the hospital next week ... blackmailing me basically.
An hour ago I felt like I was having stroke like symptoms, but they passed so maybe it was a panic attack. Now I'm just very lightheaded. I am hoping when I get my ultrasound and my work issue is resolved (both next week), all this will pass and I can chalk it up to anxiety...but I'm not sure and am terrified. Has anyone with anxiety experienced these kinds of symptoms? I feel like I'm not going to make it until next week at this rate.
He would play really loud music on the speaker. It got so bad when he threw the living room table at me.. we got kicked out of at least 4 apartments. At this point we were homeless. He wouldn’t get a job, and wanted me to get out and hold a sign and pan handle for money, if I didn’t he would drive the car we lived in really fast and say he was going to kill us. He wrecked that car (small wrecks) at least ten times.
We've talked about it before and she said that it's not like that and she cares about me alot and all that, but at the same time these type of things keep happening. I truly feel that she does care and doesn't mean to neglect me but its just frustrating. If I keep saying something I'll look like a bad guy thats trying to ruin her friendships which is not what i'm trying to do. She's going to tell her friends what I say and they're probably going to think i'm trying to get her away from them. **tl;dr**: Girlfriend is having trouble balancing friendship and relationship
She has $40 dollars in her pocket. She did graduate from high school. She has stayed with different friends for the last year but has used up her welcome. She has no where else to turn. What is her best possible move to do in this situation?
On top of that, I also haven't taken the ACT, because I didn't think I'd even consider college. I literally feel like I know nothing and am completely unprepared for the ACT no matter how much I study, because I never payed attention in my classes. More things stressing me out are politics and family. But, not as much as the school / job thing. And I haven't reached out to anyone to tell them how stressed I am, and I feel it seems so stupid, and I'm sorry.
I don’t know what to expect. I just want to not be so alone. He is a law enforcement officer in this small town. I’ve been down this road with him before. The injuries have never been so severe though.
Wondering if anyone has this same problem and if anyone has found a way of overcoming it. Regardless of who messages me (family, friends, strangers) I avoid opening the message (text message, email, social media message, calls, voicemails) and avoid replying until hours later or even the next day. I don’t know why I do this, but I feel like it takes so much of my energy to open the message and reply and it’s almost like I don’t want to have a continuous conversation with anyone. It’s very bad for trying to maintain healthy relationships. Does anyone else suffer with this from anxiety?
NEW STUFF: I called the movers last week and told them to refund both the deposit and the money order and gave them until that Monday (7/17) before I filed a criminal complaint. This morning (7/17) I called both the "billing department" and my moving manager guy to tell them that the money still hadn't been returned. The billing department hung up on me and Arthur, the moving manager, told me that the billing department had not, in fact, hung up on me. I told him I'd be going to the police.
Sports teams, mostly, and some TV shows. He also enjoys a wide range of video games. The problem is that I really, truly don't have anything in common with him. I don't know shit about sports, I'm not really much of a TV-watcher and I'm not a huge gamer at all. I have some favorite shows but none of them are really that similar to those that Jack likes.
I have a day off from school and I was going to walk about 3 miles, from Sun City to the lakes of Menifee today (to get a free phone because I am on EBT and my phone broke recently). I have not eaten breakfast or any food for a while. I know I have asked and received before and I am grateful but I don't think mentally I can handle not eating something today. Help or no help, Thank you for reading my message, hope you have a good day!
I know it’s nothing for me here especially with my current boyfriend but I also am so afraid to fail or get stuck with my ex. Help? Advice? Empowerment? I need it all right now.
In the end I think I do want to move to SoCal because I like the warm weather. Not a huge fan of cold and/or perpetually rainy places. I have no family support, am 23, and I'm finding it really hard to get gainful employment. I would just like to be able to get on my feet, not need government assistance, pursue my art and at least say I have a year's work experience. Thanks!
I don't mind the fact that she goes, I don't even mind if she goes at the same time as me. I just wish she wouldn't make such a big deal out of doing it together. How do I convey this to her without looking like a selfish asshole? **Tl;dr: I prefer to work out by myself for various reasons. My roommate decided to start going with me and is requesting that I make accommodations to my schedule and routine so that she can join me.
Now that I’m single I find that I don’t have much friends I can hang out with. With the few guy friends I have we all just play sports together and that’s literally it, nothing outside of that. No one I can really be like “hey let’s go to this concert” or “Yo, let’s hit this party up”. I also feel like I’m kind of too mature for ppl my age, which is conflict sometimes too. I also genuinely want some gal friends and nothing romantic but just some girls to hang out with but I feel all girls just assume all guys have bad intentions or just want to get in their pants.
I recently went through an event that was extremely traumatic. Without specifying what, it was recently everywhere on the news. It's been less than a week and not even sure what I'm dealing with here but all I know is that I feel like I am being discouraged from getting help. Most of my recommendations have been people that are "off-record". I've talked a little with them and have talked amongst my friends and they say they do not feel they are any help.
Since I knew him I haven't had active suicidal thoughts. Even now. I hate how I am and I wish I could die right now, but I don't have the drive to do it myself anymore. How do I leave him if I know that life without him has been and will be a worse circle of hell? FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE IF I HAD THE MONEY I'D HIRE A HITMAN TO DO ME IN
But Kim Jong Un has already fired more missile than his dad and grandpa combined. How worried do I need to be on the East Coast of the USA? I'm trying to calm down with breathing exercises and busting my mind with Netflix. It's helping a bit, but I'm really on edge. I've got an appointment with my doctor next week, so I'm hoping maybe a higher dose of medicine can help.
**I don't want to be anxious in drawing class. ** It's supposed to be my escape, my one place where I can do what I want and be who I choose. Instead it's turning out to be a trigger for anxiety. I refuse to drop my drawing class- I've already committed to trying to be an artist. What kind of artist doesn't take drawing in high school?!
Long story short: Worked in a call centre for 4 years for a vehicle breakdown service, starting to not be able to cope with it any more due to a combination of things (change in management, not enough staff for a constantly expanding customer base, rewards based on whether your face "fits" rather than actual demonstrable achievements, etc). Unable to relax after work, constantly thinking/dreading going to work. Get random mood swings about it, either intensely rageful, or wanting to burst in to tears. Headaches that go on for 3 or 4 days at a time are now a regular occurence. Starting to manifest in other physical ways (unable to sleep, constantly weary, having a lot more sickness than usual).
And everyone was passive aggressive. The manager tried to peg down my salary multiple times like a fucking haggler at a market. Anyway, I decided to go get some antidepressants and the bottle fell out of my pocket, a coworker noticed and reported it to my boss. Who smiled and asked if there was anything I'd like to tell her. The passive aggressive shit really got to me, and then I realized that I was being illegally paid.
The fact is that it is not very common, these numbers, from where I come from] tl;dr - unable to overcome girlfriend's past. In two minds regarding breaking up. She says she will die without me [already popped up a cocktail of pills once. Nothing happened.]
I was venting how pissed off she made me to one of my friends. I didn't know [3M] was listening to our conversation. He asked me and my friend what a period was. My friend took him to his mother who was in the kitchen. She just told us to keep an eye on him while she did some things.
I'm in my third year at uni and starting my diss now (its due in January), and I'm really struggling with feelings of dread and anxiety. I dread waking up knowing I have to do work, and I compare myself to how much my friends are working. When i see them working I am just filled with dread and guilt. &#x200B; I keep getting to the point now where when I try and do work, I freeze.
When I dare to open up to my friends, they tell me ‘Oh, my brother used to fight with me too’ and I feel diminished and dismissed. Since I left home at 21 and moved to the other side of the country I tried to talk up my family. I started from a place of recognising their vulnerability, justifying their actions by saying they were distracted by our financial woes and my dads early onset dementia. I told everyone they were amazing people. For the past two decades I have fought my body.
Is anyone else consumed by morbid curiosity? I'm constantly on /r/watchpeopledie, /r/morbidreality, /r/accidentalsuicide, as well as sites like death addict, best gore, documenting reality, etc. And - this is concern for myself, not bragging - I'm not "phased" by any of it. I don't savour these atrocities, but I feel like I must keep consuming them. Hardly anything fascinates me more.
I'd be really grateful for any feedback please. The idea behind these articles is that they should be helpful! You can find the homepage for the series here <url> I'll post each article as they're published here too — but only if someone is finding it useful. Looking forward to any constructive feedback.
As you can imagine, people are not so charitable in this city, but you'd be surprised, people can be generous with what they let slide, its easier than depending on pure charity. At best with this method, you will find a series of short term places, and you will probably get into at least 1 sketchy situation, so always protect yourself and have a way out. If you haven't already, hit up the DPSS. It will take an entire day, but if you tell them you're homeless, they will give you an EBT card that day. It will literally take being homeless and penniless to be eligible for GR--cash relief, or at least that is what it took for me, but within a week or 2 after attending a GROW meeting, you should be eligible for something like 230$ in cash aid.
I knew something was up with me. My thoughts were consuming me. Couldn’t sleep. Stressed. Worried about anything and everything.
Due to recent medical issues of mine (I was hospitalized for anorexia), we had to pay 1,000 dollars for my hospital bills. We paid our bills due to help from a relative, but now we have nothing left. My mom is sick and can't work, my brother is mentally disabled, as is my sister. I feel defeated, I don't want to beg, but I have no options left. Any help would be appreciated (We have been to our food bank, but four people consume a lot of food.
Whenever I have a reaction or meltdown, he always tries to give shitty advice like "just think about the things you're grateful for." I'm sorry, but in the therapies I've taken and in the books I have to help me, nothing *anywhere* says anything about gratitude and it tends to trigger me when he says this because it's what my narcy mom would say to me. I tried to explain this and asked him to read my books and he got mad at me because in his mind I was trying to tell him what to do and I was being "ungrateful" for his help. I told him how important it was to me for him to read these books because it would help me feel more understood, but he keeps coming up with excuse after excuse about why he doesn't want to read them. I just don't know what to do anymore.
Well I guess it was my second. Last week we set the ground work for the safe space to come back to if things got too overwhelming. This week we began to work through my trauma. Starting out the session was definitely very strange. I wasn’t sure what answers my therapist was looking for but once she assured me that there were no wrong answers everything went fine.
Hourly employees start arriving at 4am and then myself and the other managers will delegate the days plan to the employees. We are typically very understaffed to be able to work in new items, recover the floor and excute the GM’s planned item moves for the day, so after we delegate the managers become stockers and work alongside the hourly employees to get done. I don’t mind physical labor and hard work, it’s actually my favorite part of my job, but it’s hard to run an operation as large as restocking and remerchandising a 200,000 sq ft facility while you are stuck stocking. The store opens at 9:30 am at which point I will try to start my administrative tasks, but just like in the morning the building is usually understaffed so it’s more common than not for me to be either cashiering for several hours, or helping out in the deli and/or bakery. Some days I’m lucky enough to get a lot of time in the office to complete my daily tasks, but most days I do not.
Will I ever like it? I feel like a fucking rejected piece of society with my son being the only purpose of my life (which I love every single second of being his mother) I need help. I don't know what to do, I've tried therapy and it hasn't helped in the slightest. I honestly can't even afford it anymore. I'm also hesitant to try medication because I'm still nursing.
Broken bones, concussion. He broke my glasses in half, destroyed my TV and dvd player. He tore my clothes off but luckily didn't rape me. He did however scare me so much that I twice defecated in his room. The kicks to my face came about every 15-20 mins, when he would work himself up while yelling.
I am 26 but I have many years ahead of me still to go. As always, any questions please ask away, share your experiences or even just give some information on how you cope. I hope you enjoyed reading this (as morbid as it sounds) but this was the hardest to write, a step forward to finally making it public. I have quite a few things going on for the next couple of weeks so will be taking a break from writing. Expect the next part around the 15th.
Worse than that develop the same anxiety disorder. Again another reason to finish the relationship. I really love her but cannot and WILL NOT embarrass her like I did at the wedding. My plan is to go talk to a private physiatrist and see what they think. I don’t believe medication is the only answer but if it helps in conjunction with therapy, a healthy lifestyle and meditation then I will try it.
I'm 26. Tuesday is day one of therapy. Day one of me trying to talk about whatever has been going on in my head for the last decade, last 2 decades. I'm terrified to talk but tired of living like this. Tired of the nocturnal panic attacks, tired of crying in the shower, tired of not feeling in control of my head, tired of the pointless thought circles that eat me up daily on something that doesn't matter.
I am 22 years old and a newly wedded wife of 5+ months. I married my husband after waiting for the right guy my whole life. I waited my whole life because men scared me. I grew up believing all men were like my abuser, my dad, who abused me for the majority of my 22 years. Throughout my engagement, after I made it clear I wanted my dad to walk me down the aisle, I was met with questions of "why?"
We have maids coming to do the scrubbing. I guess what I'm asking is, how do I stop at the end of a task? Idk what happens, but it's like I'm "in the zone" or something. My brain goes to autopilot and I find myself freaking out over the small things and losing focus on what I really need to do. Help!
I'm scared I'm going to slip the next time I get in the car or on my motorcycle and just plow into something at full speed just because it'd be so easy and it might end all the pain. But then I don't want to do that, because I have a safe car, and I wear full safety gear when I ride, so those are both maybes. I don't have a gun. I find my thoughts straying from just using one if I had one to thinking of places I could buy one from. Does Walmart sell them in California?
But in that moment neither my words nor my body made a difference...he did what he wanted.... I wanted to push him, kick him, shout...but...i couldnt move. There were times he didn't listen to me but I never thought it would lead to him forcing himself onto me. I didn't trust I'd know how he'd react if I did or said anything...He wasn't the gentle and respectful person I thought he was. I left after the shower but when I got home, I broke down.
> Eventually I fell asleep, probably around 11:15 PM. During the night, I had many bizarre dreams, some bordering on nightmares. I woke up around 5:00 AM naturally, as I always do. My alarm is set for 7:00 AM, so I still had 2 hours to sleep. I tried to fall back asleep, and for the next 2 hours, I drifted in and out of sleep, continuing to have bizarre dreams whenever I did fall asleep.
I told him if he’s not careful, all this attention could make her fall in love with him. For a while, I noticed the behavior stopped. He wouldn’t stay up as late, they stopped working out for a little bit, the glances and flirting stopped, and I noticed they weren’t talking as much, because they both talked to me more. However, recently it has started back up again, and almost as strongly as before. They do all the same things again, and they are always making eye contact with eachother or teasing and flirting.
Today I made the choice to go sign up for a gym membership. The working out part isn’t hard. It’s the fact that it’s a new place, and fairly wide open. I struggle with open spaces. But I walked in and signed up!!
also this week I posted about being excited about going home for the summer and she replied with "Super stoked for you to come home this summer (Winky Emoji). I of course reciprocate the compliments etc. So, My question is this. I want to do a little something for her for valentines day. We have been talking for about a month now.
Recently a family member of mine called the police on their boyfriend bc he strangled her and beat her. His charges are strangulation and M2 simple assault. She, for now, doesn't want to press charges which is extremely frustrating. She could possibly save a life by doing so. This man has single handedly ruined her life and has been in trouble with the law time and time again.
3. I was meeting with someone. 4. Because I’m so tired of wasting my time on someone who is so insecure and paranoid that it interferes with both of our lives. You deserve this because you impose your paranoia onto me and demand impossible things.
I just wanted to share because I'm proud of myself, and there is nothing wrong with that. Night shifts aren't easy for me, and I have had some anxiety on and off, but zi have been able to manage it all on my own. Breathing and mindfulness have been very helpful, a little bit of acceptance and making sure my blood sugar doesn't drop. It hasn't been easy but I'm almost at the finish line. Then I can go home and sleep!
Something like that happened again. He was angry with me and wanted me to go to another room so he didn't have to look at me but I wanted to stay (not getting involved in any conflict or anything, just doing my studying and not interacting) so he took me out of the room by force, not hard again, but I got hysterical nonetheless. After calming down I continued my studies in the kitchen, trying not to think of what had happened and where this relationship was going. In about an hour he came to me and it looked like his anger was unresolved as he was provoking me. I decided not to get involved because this time I was genuinely frightened of what was going on.
I have an amazing group of friends filled with the most genuine people you'd ever meet. And I'm a college graduate. I have this deep fear that he'll be right. I'm terrified that I only think I've broken the cycle but I haven't really. Thanks to PTSD I'll probably still have those moments.
My ex and I of 3 years broke up and he kicked me out and caused me to get fired by telling our problems at work(we worked together) so they chose to keep him and fire me. Now I am 2 weeks out of work but I do think I will have a new job next week! Thank the lord. I have 8 bucks to my name and I just really need some advice on what I should do to survive until I have more money. I can't believe I am even in this position in life.
My mom was not a very good emotional support for my dad. He is very sensitive and touchy-feely, whereas she will take something at face value and not pick up on subtleties. I think they had a somewhat loveless marriage, and my dad turned to me as an emotional outlet at some point in my early teens. He would spend hours talking to me about lessons on morality, his suffering at the hands of my insensitive/clueless mom, and his love of all things romantic and sensual. Mixed in here, there was some kind of pervy behavior.