They are always calling me for everything, I don't even wanna answer my phone, but if I don't I may get yelled at. It has happened. I have spent many days and nights in tears because of the stress of this job, and even one morning, threw a bit of a fit when our dm made me come in because there was another evaluation on my day off. I had to cancel all my plans that day to go in. I couldn't stop myself.
I'm having problems with a friend and I thought an outsider's perspective might be useful. She's always been a bit overly emotional and controlling, having previously been very easy to anger, and having previously tracked me and an ex through my phone, and going through my belongings without my knowledge to check texts etc. It really worsened recently. Maybe a year or so arguments because a regular occurrence when we had been drinking. I've had to deal with taking care of her after outbursts like this on numerous occasions, the worst being a visit to the hospital when she stormed off and I found her in a parking lot, having fallen and hit their head.
This post was originally posted to letsnotmeet but was removed and i was told to post here so here it is. So about two years ago i did a photoshoot with a guy who used to work for my family. When he came to do the shoot he brought this dude with him that i didnt know, ill call him dave for this story. Dave seemed pretty normal. He introduced him self to me told me he was a homosexual, not that it was any if my buisness but whatever.
Wtf. I did this to myself. I knew I needed to study and I just kept putting it off and putting it off. I knew I didn’t do well but I didn’t think I bombed it so fucking hard. I’m going to have to lie to everyone about it.
Another issue is that both women are on the autism spectrum. My wife is quite high on it and the woman is quite low on it. My wife seems to think that there is nothing wrong with our marriage but we have not been intimate for 10 years. It's really hurting. I just don't want to hurt anyone but I know deep down that it's me that's hurt.
__Target group__: _(PTSD sufferers, military vets)_ __Compensation__: _(raffle, payment)_ __Link__: _(how to access survey)_ __Background__: _(why are you doing this survey? Bachelor thesis, making a website)_
I'm afraid of losing who I was. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and for the first time in a year, I feel like I saw my own reflection. I know the battle isn't won, and I've got a long way to go, but something just snapped tonight. I understand what you're all going through. We're all in it together.
She is easily manipulated. She will believe anything anyone tells her. She is constantly finding a new naturopathic medicine to boost her immune system or whatever her problem is. After her separation, she REALLY turned to God and religion. She believes that her nephew was cured from something because she prayed (even though he was on antibiotics the whole time).
Please help if you can - donations of any amount are appreciated and can make the difference of his family keeping their home. Or please consider sharing this post on your facebook pages, twitter or elsewhere. Please say a prayer on their behalf and be thankful for your own good health - Thank you and God bless you all <url> His gofundme account number is <number>
He has made me eat until I literally threw up, then forced me to eat my vomit. He plays mental games that are pure torture. He knows how to break me down mentally until I just become ruined for a period of time. He will point guns at me. He made me play Russian Roulette (turns out the gun wasn't loaded but he used a hand trick to make it appear loaded.
Today I also had to write down all the emotions I could think of then put a color next to each word that I felt “matches” the emotion with markers. And the next page There’s an outline of a human body. I had to put each color(emotion) where I feel it on my body. I’m slightly annoyed because before all of this she’s been taking me very seriously and helping with so much, and now I feel like she’s being demeaning? Should I just see where this takes me or let her know that this feels slow and pointless at my appointment next week ?
I was laid off work temporarily and the insurance I was getting stopped over a week ago suddenly. I can't get back to work until next Monday earliest. I sold some stuff online locally a few days ago, got more stuff listed but it's not moving and almost all of what I made online went to fee's when I renewed my license plates. I have literally nothing but a few days more of plain rice left. I figured I may as well give this sub a shot.
My son was septic with respiratory distress for 5 hours (my husband and i didn't know at the time), and the medical staff was too incompetent to realize. The ambulance staff was even worse. My son almost died in the beat-up ambulance as well. It was horrible. We finally got to a bigger hospital where he was on antibiotics for nearly a month.
The violence was still happening. The mind games were also still happening so I felt like it was my fault. That I had done something wrong to “deserve” it. I supported both him and myself in this new state while he was in school. I ended up losing my job for reasons out of my control and had a really difficult time finding a new job.
So a bit of long back story here, I was adopted as a child not a proper legal adoption, there was a residency order for me to live with my aunt and uncle for an underdetermined amount of time, after a year my aunt and uncle split and my uncle kept me (my aunt was the one I was actually related to) social services never really got involved past this point. My uncle/ adoptive father started dating a woman that I would come to know as my mum (I always knew they weren’t biological) They had a very destructive relationship and my adoptive father was incredibly abusive towards her (like attempted stabbing & trying to set her on fire in front of me) he was never abusive towards me in fact he treated me like I was untouchable which fostered resentment between me and my “mum” They eventually spilt when I was 18 (9 years ago) and I’ve not spoken to my dad since,my mum works in a hospital and just informed me that he was admitted to the ward she works on and potentially has lung cancer. My mum is practically gleeful about it being cosmic karma for him being a horrible person but I’m uncomfortable with how happy she is that he’s ill, I’ve not really spoken to her about it because she’s the one that suffered not me so I can’t really tell her how to deal but it just seems a bit much to me to be happy.
Link to donate: <url> Below You can find the mission statement for the fundraiser, but I'd like to say something first. This is the programs tenth year and we're looking to leave a legacy for the next ten years of players to come through. But not only the, but our community. We use a public field that is shared with our community and we love them.
I used to live with my fiance and her family. Her father is a massive, abusive brute. Kate has medical issues that cause seizures, and whenever she would have one, her father would stand over her, waiting for her to finish so he could berate her for it. He treated her like a seizure was a behavioral issue that just needed enough punishment to solve. Her whole family was pretty bad, honestly.
Participation in this study is voluntary and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. This study has been approved by Texas Woman’s University Institutional Review Board. Please click on the following link to view the informed consent document and to participate in the study: <url> There is a potential risk of loss of confidentiality in all email, downloading, and Internet transactions.
> > In recent years, I've noticed that I deal with some post-nasal drip, sneeze a lot throughout the day, deal with headaches, and have itchy, watery eyes. Maybe I have developed some kind of allergy that is influencing this? > > Any help is appreciated.
Hello, I am a long long long time user of Paxil and am looking to try something different. It works well for me, but i have been taking it for 17years. I have put on about 120 lbs over those years, some due to age, but I blame paxil for a majority. I also am not as energetic as I used to be, and noticed the decline shortly after going on it. But since it worked so well i ignored it.
This is an idea that my father also reinforced in me heavily. I remember vividly when I told him that everything was my fault (in my child mind obviously meaning "you make everything my fault" which was very much the state of things in the house growing up) and he straight up told me to stop fucking up so much if I didn't want things to be my fault (I should emphasize all "fuck ups" were minor- letting a pack of strawberries go to waste, forgetting to call him as soon as I left school, etc- but punished severely). Hell, even if I'm in the *wrong* now I feel like I'm still a victim. I can't gauge conflict to save the life of me- even if I'm being an absolute ass, I'll feel like I'm the one who's being persecuted. My last relationship was a while ago, and lasted about a year.
The few gal friends I associate with are either in relationships or kind of just brush me off or fake like they want to hang out but really don’t when the time comes. My school has no clubs whatsoever, so I can’t really meet anybody that way. I do go to a fairly small school though, around 7,000 students. I always wanted to be in that group that always hangs out. So I honestly don’t know what to do or how to go about this situation.
I would like to leave there, but I'm terrified of a shelter. I'm also a semi observant Jewish woman. Most shelters won't help me keep kosher and keep Shabbat, both of which are important to me. The Rachel Coalition is for domestic violence only, so I can't go there. The NCJW shelter in the area doesn't accept the voucher welfare would offer me.
I'm new to living in my car. Very limited access to cooking and can't afford ice. The basis of my diet is whole wheat bread. I eat it with peanut butter and honey/jam, canned tuna, and vegetable/bean/lentil soups. I often eat canned peaches, mandarin oranges, green beans, corn, and white/pinto beans.
I kept my head up and demanded the respect I deserve. I was very polite and expect the same. She wasn’t, so I put her in her place (she reprimanded me for leaving my gowns hung up in the dressing room). I came back to try on another gown and she goes you could at least bring them back. Mind you I have a one year old in my cart....
But that's the worst of it. I don't think my childhood was exceptional, just frustrating. But after speaking with people close to me, and going through the checklist of symptoms, it was undeniable. So I accepted the diagnosis. Eventually I got a prescription for Wellbutrin and it helped me manage many of my symptoms somewhat for the past decade.
I (A Minor Male) am posting onto this subreddit, because My girlfriend's (A Minor Female) family has gone through a 'break-up' and an unwanted 'reuniting' of sorts. We'll call My girlfriend "Linda". "Linda's" immediate family consists of Her mother, Her grandmother, and Her sister. The most notable interaction that the Father, Bill, had with the family was drunkenly banging on Linda's mother's window *early* in the morning. Bill walked out for reasons unknown to me about 16 years ago after the birth of Linda .
We need a motel. We need advice. My grandson will end up leaving preschool, because we don't have a car and won't know where to have his bus pick him up if we do a shelter. He also has a standing dentist appointment every Monday this month. I hate that he has to go through this and not have a home to recover in.
Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life. The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete.
Fast forward to 3 am, I am tired and would rather just leave, even though we have convenient seats in a standing room only club and my wife is enjoying herself. She makes a passing comment that she would likely be more comfortable at home, eating food. I jump on this and say we should walk back even though it is a 45-minute walk, in heels, in the rain (which I did not check for). She agrees we leave, she slips and falls, I did not help her up, and we fight the entire way home, divorce comes up several times. This morning she won't get out of bed and won't talk to me.
7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study. Please note: If you participated in this study at any point in 2016 through Vanderbilt University, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate again.
She treated me like a freaked-out horse. It was clearly effective. Today, my marriage is different. My wife doesn't rely on me near as much as she did; she looks after her own affairs (poor wording, lol). She also doesn't ask for my opinion on very many things, even though she previously wanted my input on almost everything.
Anyway, he bullshited that her insurance wasn't covered by anyone in this state, and that it was illegal for him to refuse her her shift. My SO had already talked to his HR head. They had previously decided that there wasn't much they could do unless she came up to him. Then tonight happened, the head of HR is severely worried for her safety (and my SOs) in a way he wasn't before. The head has called the Domestic Violence Hotline himself, and is looking for resources to help him solve this very delicate/tricky issue.
The $4 cable I usually get fr Dollarama is out of stock, the cheapest I can find is $7 at a different dollar store, but nothing less than $30 at London Drugs and The Source. Here's where it gets complicated: my bank account is in a weird limbo right now and I don't know how much to ask for. My current balance is about $3, but my monthly service charges haven't been applied yet. So I know I'm going to be overdrawn, but the service charge varies depending on how many transactions I did, so I don't know how much I'll be overdrawn. Looking over the last 6 months the charge has ranged from $6 to $24.
This may be a ridiculous question, but I feel like I go to pee way to many times more than average and It's starting to make me insane. I wanted to get this out of my mind. I think it may be a psychological problem, like an anxiety "symptom". Because when I'm at home for an entire day, it's fine. But when I'm in school or in any other public place I get that thought: "What if I suddenly have to go while I'm doing an exam?"
I didn't want any of this.. I literally had NO CHOICE in ANY of this!!! If I didn't have kids I would not be here, 100%. I pray every night that I would just die in my sleep... then LOL no sleep, no death, just lots of screaming in my head and ruminating anxious thoughts, bad memories on top of bad memories. THIS is hell.
Neither one at all my fault but thanks for thinking it is. :) I have plenty of value regardless of my relationship status or if something shitty has befallen me or not. tl;dr We broke up. If dude is so in love with his solitude he can have it, if he's so worried about resentment and arguments he doesn't have to worry about those either. Maybe next time he'll think about what he wants and is willing to do before he opens his mouth.
I'm not against working my ass off, I'm just getting down right now, no responses to applications can do that. I'm in a state that doesn't even have a real art school. I have no funds whatsoever, no family to help, I don't know where to go from here? Like how do you even apply for scholarships? How do I not starve to death if I can get to art school?
He certainly had/has the ability to. The worst/best part of this story is that I am still with this prick, trying to get away safely. Best part is that my story may be horrifying enough to convince women in an early stage DV situation to run before it escalates to my story. After the 2nd severe incident, I called family who took me to the ER. Had lots of tests done.
It didn’t seem innocent. It looked like he’d seen something like that before and wanted someone to try it on. My parents were more strict and didn’t let me watch much things with violence, etc., and his were more lax, so maybe that was a factor. Also, he was the golden child in my extended family: charming, comedic, artistic. He got a pass a LOT.
I don't have PTSD, I know how debilitating it is for you guys who do, but I thought I'd post in here because you might be aware of the symptoms and see if there's any connection? Basically I used to be severely bullied back in school and I've never gotten over it. I have nightmares, and even like "day-mares", where something somebody does or says makes me remember something that happened, suddenly, and it makes me lose all concentration as I just stare into space remembering the event. Sometimes they're recurring, sometimes they pop out of some dark corner of my mind, where all the oppressed memories are. I've never fully recovered, and I've only recently got to a place where nobody takes the piss out of me for some reason or another.
On the off days where I don't remember them I still wake up feeling tired, wake up multiple times. I just feel like I cant sleep like normal. Any advice on what else I can do? Should I try to get a sleep study done? Ways to get out of the funk these put me in?
I am looking for any advice on how to cope being homless in Los Angeles and what sort of services there are out there to help. I am so determined on keeping my job, However, I feel I might not be able to if my check comes in late again and will be forced to spend the weekend on the streets. I have no valid high school diploma as I finished it in Australia and haven't been able to secure my GED due to the time limitations with working everyday and commuting between Compton and Glendale. I appreciate anybody taking the time to read this and welcome any advice. Thanks.
I was feeling sick, I had work to do, I was tired, and all I could do was shout that I didn't want to be so close to the next step and get slingshotted back because of something I didn't know was coming. I know it's my fault. I know I should've been more careful, been more prepared. But I can't do this. My boyfriend has been begging me to keep the baby, and it makes me feel torn.
I'm aware I have problems when it comes to dating, I get jealous, paranoid and suspicious very easily. I hate it about myself and hide it from my boyfriend very well. Take for example my bf, we have each other on snapchat, we maybe send one or two to each other a day it's not like a thing we do but it could be, I tried to send him more but it wasn't reciprocated. Yet I always see his snapchat score go up by like 30 or more at a time (I know I shouldn't snoop it just feeds my problems but I can't help it). Anyway I just get jealous that he snaps loads to other people but not me, I don't know who.. it could be another girl.. he never sends a face pic to me but is he to others and if so why not me?
Not being able to let go of the fact that I let this go on for so long, and even the fact that in my heart I still care and want him. In my mind I think "if only" or "what if" but I know those are facades. I know he will never be real, open or honest about who he is or what he did. I have to forgive myself for letting this take over my life, my heart, my emotions. I have to forgive myself for not listening to my gut and my intuition.
I suddenly became very weak, dizzy, and tired..spending days in bed. Never had a real fever..docs put it down to a post viral fatigue from something I had caught..I would get better for a few days then I would "crash" again. It wasn't until I had had countless tests done that came back clean..and went to the ER one last time in desperation to figure out what was wrong that the doc sent me to the pysch as he suspected depression and anxiety (I had lost 10lbs by then..and didn't weigh much to begin with). I was diagnosed with moderate-severe clinical depression and anxiety..the pysch ruled out CFS and lyme etc since my symptoms would come and go and kept changing by the day. Was prescribed ssri meds..but this gave me the worst panic attack I have experienced in my life..aaand another ambulance ride..
It was created by a friend of the husband. She’s in for a long, hard road after she gets done with this freefall. If anyone can help. Please do. [Team Thomas](gf.me/u/jyy4qm)
I just want my time to matter more, and I have an idea that this might help. But for several reasons I'd need to stay within my greater metro area. So do you guys have any tips, advice or life hacks from your experience? Thanks in advance ya'll. Happy trails.
I don’t know how to make him leave because he says if I do that he will go and dispute all the charges I ever made on his debit card and say it was fraud and he will have me prosecuted. In the past when we were together I stupidly sent him private photos of myself and he threatens to send them to my church, my parents, and my bosses. He says he will do whatever he can to ruin my life and see that I lose my job and lose the respect of everyone in my life and have legal consequences go using his money (which again, he said I could but now he’s saying I’m lying). I feel like he literally dictates my life. He breaks things in my apartment.
So I don't believe she's telling me the real reason shes pressuring me to have another baby I am going to leave it here, please ask, I made a fake account so I can be honest as possible. Here are my primary concerns though 1) The day care incident with money. I feel like I cant trust her with finances.
I get it, people collect guns as a hobby, this is america. When I saw it I immediately panicked because when I was with one of my abusive exes he bought an AR-15 really close to the end of our relationship and would do things like take it apart and put it back together over and over again in front of me and keep it loaded in our bed and I’ve been terrified of guns of all kinds ever since. I can’t even use a staple gun. This new guy and I just talking and haven’t decided to go on a date yet but it might go that way. Is this something that I’m panicking about because of my past or should I really be concerned?
Anyway our talk basically went nowhere and she said she absolutely will not stop hanging out with the group. I didn’t tell her to, but I did tell her that it hurts me that she would engage with people who apparently have so many negative things to say about me, and I thought blood was thicker than water. Really it’s her callous “yea I see you’re in pain but I don’t care, get over it” type of standpoint that’s hurting me the most. I’m starting to think she too participates in the trash talking and I’m thinking of cutting her off too. Should I?
And it may be a bit out of context, but I do have to thank my 4 best men for being here with me all the way, I couldn’t do this without them. Finally, we are here at the present day. It’s been 2 years since we broke up. My ex still hates me with a burning passion, but I have learned to ignore it and have mostly moved on from the experience. I don’t hold any sort of animosity towards her, but I have had the tendency to start to drift off and start pitying myself and reflecting out loud a bit too much when in conversation with my dear friend.
Every once and a while I will get this over whelming feeling in my head where I feel really out of it, and freaked out. I will feel like I haven’t slept in a bit, I don’t feel like me. I’m anxious but also tired and I wanna just go take a nap. But my inner self tells me that I am going to have a seizure. I don’t have seizures or anything and I am completely healthy.
Hi again everyone - I just wanted to repost my original post about looking for stories and encourage anyone to submit who feels up to it. I really would love anything you want to share; anonymity is entirely respect and key to this novel that I'm creating so I hope you will feel safe in sharing your experiences Here is the original post: I am writing a novel, based on my experience in an abusive relationship with my ex boyfriend. However, its not a precise retelling, partially for my safety, but also because I want to tell not just my story but others' stories as well.
I [F18] have been with one guy [M21] for 3 years and within the last 4-5 months I’ve wanted to change our relationship dynamic from serious to casual. I still think I love him, but I find myself thinking about other people more and part of myself wants to see if I can do better. We get along great but I’ve always felt that our relationship has lacked an emotional aspect on his part. Part of the reason I want to end it also has to do with our financial situation - we’re both broke but I want to start working more to save more money because I’m trying to be more financially independent. I feel like he is somehow holding me back from my personal goals.
Hi everyone, (edit: the title should say “after reading the symptoms” btw). I feel like I should give a little background. About 7-8 months ago I left my abusive ex-girlfriend, she was my first serious partner and we were together for about a year and a half. She pretty much ruined my life, and I experienced all kinds of abuse while I was with her (and even when we were apart), including emotional, mental and physical. Fast forward to today, I have a new relationship with the sweetest girl in the world, a brand new start since I’m a freshman in college, and there’s a good chance that I will never have to speak with or maybe even see my ex for a good while.
You can read the full terms and instructions here: &#x200B; <url> These mini grants are not intended to only be awarded to scientists or policy majors: we want to receive applications from people who are artists, community organizers, you name it. Awards will be reviewed as they come in; no waiting until March (in case that's a concern).
If you don't, find one. It helps so much and may be the only way I have gotten this far. I think it is just so scary because there is nothing that feels like this isn't just how life is from now on. I feel like I fight every day just to be able to be this crappy shadow of the guy I used to be. I feel like there is nothing to look forward to, and all I have is just trying to fail at everything in the least humiliating way that I can.
It’s getting up above 100 here, and I’d like to have something I can easily carry in my car to give out since I’m working deliveries. Unfortunately I’ve been without a steady job for 6 months so I can’t do to much, but I was thinking about buying a bunch of plastic water bottles, freezing them, and carrying them in a cooler in my car to give out when I’m at lights. Would this be helpful? What other small or inexpensive things would help make the summer a bit more bearable?
I'm too unstable. Telling parents is not an option. I'm not going to give the easy redemption for them. All this is still suspicion. I know I'm no professional, but I'm telling you, I'll get help.
>This put an end to his trips outside. He has now become a house cat, staying inside. Cats transfer FIV though deep bites from other cats with it, which means at least one of his siblings also has it. Ernie being FIV means that his body is not capable of fighting off diseases. He cannot go outside because if he gets sick his body will not be able to heal, so we keep him inside.
Strangely enough, I had buried all this. But when my parents also failed to realise that my sister was on meth and neglecting her children, who are very dear to me, it sort of doubled the trauma and now I have full blown trauma. I feel like my parents just aren't trustworthy. How can they live in such an oblivious bubble? I wouldn't put any faith in them to protect me now and feel that I'm in this world on my own.
Long story short, someone presented a very powerful monologue as a precursor for a healing art session. FollowIng healing art, there were 4 powerful guest speakers. The monologue shook me and put me in a vulnerable space when heading into the healing art. The 4 speakers solidified this. I searched for the right words, and for the first time, I found them.
I was on a tear. I was dressing better, eating better, losing weight, dating a little, saving some money, I was on my way out of this pit. Now nothing seems to matter. Everyone else is so far ahead of me. I finally felt like I was making up ground and the people around me did too, so they took off the kid gloves they'd been using around me a little bit and sharing more of their lives and I am realizing how completely inadequate I am compared to them and how far behind I really am in life.
I would like to have a relationship with his parents in the very least and let them actually get to know me, but he really doesn't want to introduce me to them. It's important for me to develop a relationship with my SO's family, especially if we intend on being long term. I don't see how we can continue our relationship like this. My question is, what can I do to improve the situation? What conversations do I need to have with my BF?
Long story but a few years ago my wife of fifteen years, who had never been with anyone else opened up and told me she fantasized a lot about being with other men, and considered herself somewhat polyamorous. I was upset and it took a couple of years of us discussing this before I started to feel more comfortable with things. We eventually started swinging (only about once every couple of months and always same room) as it seemed like a way for us to explore this part of her together, and it ended up being a lot of fun and something I really enjoyed that brought us closer together. Well, it’s been a couple of years and I’ve felt happy and comfortable with where we are at but I decided to ask my wife the other day and she said she was happy but she also had a desire to date people separately, and would be willing to try it if I was. This was really hard for me to hear.
Anyway, that's what's eating the most right now. Doing everything I can to show people that they matter, but treating myself like the worst human being ever. I sincerely hope all of you find the help you seek, and I want you to know that every single one of you is the most important person in the world. I love you stranger, and I want you to feel like the MVP you are. EDIT: grammar and missing words
I asked the other day if they've set a date. He laughed in my face and said 'no' as if it were the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. He comes home late, and showers immediately. Then, he showers every morning before he leaves. He doesn't talk to my mum and I, at all, and he's cagey and secretive about everything, to the point of hostility towards my sister.
For example, I'm selling something that's worth £50? You can have it for £10. I hate it, I want to cry. I've had items listed for about 2 weeks, they're all responsibly priced or under and I'm having to accept low ball offers as I have no other choice. I would never let myself in a million years do this if I wasn't homeless but the clock is ticking and I need to move.
Rambling about that is over. I would like to save up while doing this over the next couple of months, get my finances back in order, and pay monthly on a land owner finance piece of raw land without covenant restrictions at around $200 a month (that is a possibility in my area, at about 2 acres) and get a tiny building on it or build an earthbag home - somewhere along those lines. The only real concern I have is electricity to do the editing work, but I figure if I do the work I need to do, head to a McDonalds/park/etc to recharge, then I can do alright. I'll be able to store the DJ gear for when its not being used for free. I have a battery charger/car jumper combo I'm keeping in my car I can use for small electronics, and I'm pretty sure I'll have friends who I can see for a couple hours to charge that once a week, and see friends I haven't in years (which obviously is the best part!)
Recently had an ASD evaluation, and was diagnosed instead with PTSD, a personality disorder, major depression, etc. According to my mom, I didn't start talking until I started preschool at 4 years old, and still wouldn't talk at home... but teachers said that I wouldn't stop talking at school. It seems it was my environment. My evaluator recommended I start with EMDR for the PTSD, but I have a few questions. BTW, I am a 40 y/o female just finally trying to seek answers after a long history with mental illness.
Asked for a little extension. She won’t provide it. I should be able to graduate in December. My academic counselor is looking to help me graduate around some of the program, so I hate to bring my concerns up higher or file with disability. My trauma therapist wants me to advocate higher up.
already a few months in. Any advice on if/how this can improve or if I should just cut my loses before I get too invested? Thanks everyone! TL;DR boyfriend currently has no motivation to move his life or our relationship forward, should I stick around and keep trying or accept incompatibilities? Am I asking for too much?
I am 25 years old, suffered from anxiety for about 10 years or so. Anxiety used to stop me from being able to leave the house unless with my parents or boyfriend. I was bullied a lot, and I didn't attend school much and didn't take my GCSE's because of this. I was 90% 'cured' in late 2015/early 2016 by my therapist. I had received help from a therapist once before, but it wasn't helpful to me.
Do you huddle up in the corner of some obscure building that's out of the way? Under a pine tree that's thick enough to prevent any outsiders knowing you're there? Those are kind of the best ideas I have... but I really don't know and I would greatly appreciate any advice. I don't want to give too many details but I live in a city of just over 100,000 people. I'm already on food and medical assistance.
In the last year I have developed some health problems. I started having seizures and because of them I had to miss work. Because of that I got fired. I was doing okay still while looking for another job by donating plasma. But my car got repossessed a few days ago and I haven’t been able to get there to donate.
Some days I can't hear music from that time period, watch a show that's remotely emotional, or just sit without tearing up. I've never been to see a shrink, although I know I should of, due to past experiences and money issues. I was diagnosed with PTSD and told I should talk to someone. I don't know where to go usually. Especially on nights like these where I can't be quiet without thinking about that night or breaking down in tears.
He keeps going back to her. He even cleans up the messes she makes when she smashes his stuff. He has dropped all of his dreams because she doesn't approve of them. Sorry for the long post but it sucks hearing that he is in this situation and we just want our friend back so he can recover from this. He used to be the funniest and happiest guy around and now he is just broken.
He got off of me, and went into the other room. I laid on his couch trying to breathe while crying. Eventually I got up and started heading towards the door. T started putting his shoes on and said why don’t we go for a little walk. I told him to stay the fuck away from me and I ran out of his door and down the street.
Days where it is really good, and days where you are anxious seemingly out of nowhere? It's like the brain is running on some sort of cycle or something. Like a circadian rhythm but an anxiety rhythm? EDIT: Found this article after posting, it's super helpful and if I didn't put it here some of you may have missed it. Take a read right now, it's worth it!
I know what it means to dive into oneself. I asked him and he confirmed its a deeper variant. I got excited. There’s no switching out of consciousness, you can reject what he says, your totally in control (or so he’s telling me :)). So the first part was getting me deep, through counting, dropping my hand and other techniques I went deep.
It's late and I should be sleeping but I can't get my husband out of my head, he's just such a freaking weirdo. I feel alone in my situation because most abuse involves some level of anger, but for me my suffering was just his way of showing me affection. He would always love to wrestle and tickle torture me, and he wouldn't stop when I was screaming at him to stop I no longer live with him but even today I still get a little flinchy. I lived in fear of being tackled, pinned, and tickled on a routine basis. I resent him for making me feel so small and fearful and at the same time he made me feel like I was crazy, that I was overreacting.
I wound up in partial hospitalization and diagnosed with PTSD related to several traumas including sexual assault I experienced as a child. I asked for a meeting with all of upper management so that I can start back up at work with clear boundaries for what I won't accept anymore. This will be a good thing in the end, but right now I feel like I'm going to throw up. Meeting is in 3 hours. Send good vibes please?
Recently however, he's been becoming more desperate with wanting to see me after him and his friends leave the bars. So desperate in fact, he'd be wiling to ditch his friends. In the past when he'd come over we would play video games, eat some food, and then go to bed. We have sex quite frequently, but never on these types of nights when he's drunk. We'll make out, and fool around but in most cases, no sex.
then i check a side email account that i almost never use, i think i forgot a password or something, and see all these emails from him. he had been sending me them since essentially the day after i stopped speaking to him. saying all this 'i miss you' type stuff, telling me he had something important to tell me. so i caved. and it's been downhill ever since then.
PS: I forgot to mention and I don't know where to put this back so here it goes. Her parents have 2 big houses, I live in a 1 room small apartment. One of her brothers lived in the 2nd house of her parents and left last year so we where fixing it (it was a completely mess, we had to spend a LOT of money to make it habitable. We were planing to move before Christmas but I put all on hold for her thesis so she could focus on that. She said plenty of times that my apartment was a big issue for her because it was so small and that when we moved to her parent's 2nd house we would have a great improvement in our relationship and our life.
Do I just need to forget about the "dumb girlfriend" incident and stop assuming that he thinks I'm stupid? And how do I do that? Help! tl;dr Because of an unfortunate incident earlier in our relationship I sometimes have a hard time believing that my boyfriend thinks I'm smart. How do we navigate this?
He wasn't ambitious or motivated anymore, he was sad, depressed, always pessimistic and never really doing any work. I ended up not only doing all development work, but also our social, PR and leg work as well here in NYC making relationships. This lead him to feel more left out I am assuming. Many times he has decided to hinder the business due to reasons related to what I mentioned. For instance, one time we were creating an ad for a campaign we were running for the app.
Certain things will make me feel uncomfortable. as of recently she will jokingly play with my nipples, like suck on them or biting them if we are laying in bed and I’m shirtless. This makes very uncomfortable and I don’t like it at all. I’ll laugh and tell her to stop and that I don’t like the feeling of it. She will keep jokingly doing so and tell me stop being a baby or that she is just joking around.
Some examples: spit on me randomly in the eye doctor's office, giggled and strolled off when I looked up at him in horror. We had some verbal exchange in the hallway and he slapped me so hard I couldn't feel the tear roll down my cheek my face was so numb, he pinned me to the floor one day and savagely beat me for at least 7 minutes straight for what reason i forget, after he was done beating me up he would punch in the back of the head repeatedly, this gave me headaches and i saw flashes with each blow. And he would often have a gleeful look on his face after he was done. For the longest I didn't know this was abuse, nor did I know I had developed all of these poor coping mechanisms to deal with being abused. He ruined my life without me even being aware.
It's only happened twice and only happens when he drinks. I love him dearly and want to help/support him. He cries and says he's sorry and admits that he is aggressive when he drinks. I'm so heartbroken I don't know what to do? Is this even considered domestic abuse/violence?
Dealing with ptsd from rape, and recently found out that someone who I thought was a friend sexually assaulted one of our friends at a party we were at. I get flashbacks of waking up whenever we were at parties together and I've seen him awake once or twice and even though the likelyhood is very low (given the background of what he did), I can't shake the feeling that he mightve done something to me. What he did to her is giving me feelings like what happened to her was actually me. My doctor suggested womens group therapy, but I wanted some opinions first. Any thoughts will help
Participation is completely voluntary. If you are interested in participating, you will complete an online screener to see if you qualify to participate. If you qualify, you will complete a variety of questionnaires online. The study will involve four online assessments over the next month that should take about 40-50min to complete and you will be compensated up to $70 in online gift cards to Amazon. A few important things to know about the study are:
I may try a new medication. Antidepressants were ok but kind of turned into an unfeeling zombie, which wasn’t good either. It’s hard to describe, but the vigilance goes beyond traditional anxiety and it can be embarrassing. I don’t like it if it affects the mood of others around me, or even makes people want to stay away. Has anyone had luck with medication that soothes you enough, without making you groggy or disconnected?
I had been searching for a new place to live since the start of that 6 month notice but I was not capable of finding anywhere to go mainly due to not being able to afford any additional expenses nor was there any source for me to receive the money I required, and since then I have been living outside for the past 5 weeks. During my stay outdoors, I currently work and maintain 3 jobs; one that pays me officially and 'on the books', while the other two serve as jobs that pay me on the side and 'off the books'. This isn't an easy affair either as they all require me to travel to different locations around the area by walking or use of public transportation, which is one of the expenses I am forced to cover on my own and my lack of sleep does not help matters regarding my performance as these jobs. Currently, and for the past 5 weeks, I've been staying at the beach nearby my old home as this is the only area where I am not told to leave by any authority figures, such as on-site workers and police patrolling the area, and also the only area I felt remotely safe at. Recently the weather has gotten pretty bad and this place is no longer the safe haven it once was for me.
Do I ask the boss (who’s like family to me) to not bring him back once our coming winter layoff is over? How do I continue to stay sane while seeing this guy who is abusive to my extended family and completely absent with my immediate family while telling our friends he’s a happy uncle? --- **tl;dr**: SO's brother works with me. He is abusive to SO and her family and won't acknowledge pregnancy.
However, I've vaguely brought it up before and she said that she wants to also invest one day. My gut feeling is that she's comfortable if we both pay rent and lose money, but might feel weird if one person is benefitting and the other person is not. Unfortunately, I'm 99% sure on my stance that I will either live at home or move out when I can invest in my own place, and I'm not sure how to tell her. --- **tl;dr**: Friend wants to rent an apartment together, but I'm getting cold feet.
i know this is a common problem that many people have but i dont know what to do. i dont sleep at all on sunday nights and it fucks up my whole week. im scared of the sadness i will feel as soon as i wake up, im scared of having to repeat the same day over and over until friday, im scared of waking up in a panic attack, im scared of having a long complex dream and then waking up not remembering it or not liking it. the stupidest things freak me out and im so sad and tired. i brought this up to my therapist towards the end of my session but she didnt really have an answer, and i didnt bring it up the next week.