One friend went to the same college while the other didn't, but we still kept in touch. Obviously, that didn't go so well. For the friend in the same college, I thought that just asking her to meet up and talk would be nice, but I feel I was too persistent, and she broke all ties with me, asking me to never contact her again. The same goes with the other friend. I tried to keep in touch, but I guess my methods were totally wrong and creepy.
--- **tl;dr**: met a friend of a friend at a party. over the past couple days, he's been msging my girlfriend about random shit but isn't actually being too creepy. She no longer wants to talk to him and ignores his messages, but he keeps messaging anyway. She wants him to stop while minimizing drama/confrontation, but I'm not sure if it's possible.
So, Kim Jong Un actually gave a rare, personal response to Donald Trump's speech and my god is it chilling. He mentions late in the speech that he is thinking about his hardest response possible to Trump's speech at the U.N. and even threatens to tame the 'dotard' with fire. My thoughts: This is bad. Really bad. Who knows what he could be planning?
okay. ANYWAYS. that was my long way of asking if like. was i molested? okay no that’s a bit much of a question.
Don't have a bus pass or anything unfortunately. The question is...where? I haven't seen any homeless shelters near me, much less ones for women. I currently have no job. Nothing.
Do I live in this cycle forever? Is there really no chance for me? I can't even begin to explain how my sibling got out, it was pure luck and they are heavily dependent on an S/O. I feel like I'm grabbing at straws. I've done this song and dance a million times.
Today was a horrible day from the get go and I had to call out because I cant function with other people (I work in retail) today so I claimed I had a fever. Of course it had to be memorial day weekend making it one of the worst times for this and they even of course said over the phone "Well, this really puts us in a bind". Now I'm absolutely paranoid that they'll find out or they hate me now or I'll get fired for this. I'm so paranoid I'm worried they'll see me or come to my house to check on me even though I know they would never do that. I just wish someone could understand or sympathize/empathize with me for once.
The first is my girlfriend of around 9 months. She doesn't really like her current living situation and suggested we look together. The positives here are that we get along pretty well as far as my relationships have gone, and it would save me money, probably around $5-600 a month. That's not insignificant. The thing is I probably *could* be ready for that step if I had to, I'm just not really for or against it.
Any problem he had, he would blame on me. If I didn’t take his side during an disagreement he was having with someone else, he would get so mad and start with the insults. I eventually got out of the relationship, and when I ended it, he began obsessively texting me up to 30 times a day, talking to my family and lying to them about what was happening, etc. He finally stopped when I threatened a restraining order. The last time we talked was in May 2017.
The server encourages happiness and improving yourself. Glamorizing mental illnesses and encouraging people to harm themselves is prohibited. If you are studying something related to mental illnesses or well-being, or if you have a job related to one of those things, you can have a role that shows you are a professional and willing to talk to people in case they have questions or need advice. &#x200B; Invite link: <url>
7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study. Please note: If you participated in this study at any point in 2016 through Vanderbilt University, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate again.
I just moved in on the 31st of August. It’s so nice to have a place of my own to come home to, air conditioning, my own bathroom and shower, a fridge to keep all my food in. The place is pretty empty still, as I blew just about everything paying deposits on the apartment, power, water, and internet. As time goes by I’ll get furniture a little at a time and slowly make the place more cozy and more my own. I can’t believe it’s finally over.
Three months of this and talking with the one friend whom I could call for free between 9pm and 6AM due to AT&T's GoPhone policies whenever I could get away with it, or texting on a Nokia Tracphone (the ancient indestructible brick phone), and my sister lashing out at me about being ungrateful that they allowed me to come over and use the internet, triggered by my snapping back due to, something, I can't remember, and I just, stopped asking. Ended up losing contact with everyone but the one friend I could talk to maybe, once or twice a week for a couple hours. She'd try to keep me apprised of stuff going on with folks, and those phonecalls ended up bring the spark that bloomed into us being a couple, but... It wasn't enough. The same negativity, the same feelings of selfhatred, of self-disgust, of ***believing*** everything my father had dumped on me slowly took over.
Okay so a bit of background, me and my girlfriend are in our second year of college (my subjects make a freshman though hehe) and have been together for 6 months. I want to be an ambassador and she wants to go into marketing. Every day we spend time together, there isn't a moment where the two of us don't end up talking about our future. To be more specific, we always end up talking extensively about marriage, what to name our daughter, how many golden retrievers to get and the like. Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits and I enjoy talking to her about these things, it's just that I'm slightly worried that maybe she is in love with the idea of me, and I with the idea of her.
I just got a small job offer from a friend of mine who works prepping dessert plates at a restaurant, and well I agreed to try it out but I feel so anxious. This happens every time I look for jobs and they actually want to hear of me. I don’t know why, the whole process just feels like my embarrassment on display and I’m afraid to commit myself to working part time due to this. It’s nothing hard yet I feel so ashamed when I tell my family and partner that I didn’t simply like the job or feel like it’s demanding too much of me atm. It’s like getting a job takes so much from me atleast socially.
", "how about reasoning with him on that? ", "it's understandable that he is threatened by your new friendships with other women and he handles it by getting angry"... I am not being critical but I really don't think my therapist knows how to handle what I'm dealing with. I said to him yesterday, "how can I sit down and have a rational conversation with someone i don't feel safe around at times?" Have others experienced therapists who weren't helpful, or who coached you to behave in ways that would work with someone who was not abusive, and possibly put you in more danger?
Two days ago I packed all of my clothes into my car and have started living out of it. I sleep in the parking lot at work, work for 8 hours, and then spend the day at Starbucks on the internet and charging my electronics. Once Thursday rolls around I will have ~$400, which is not much as far as being able to afford a place to sleep. If I become good at living out of my car over the next few days, I may just use some of that money to invest in making it easier for myself. I don't really know why I'm posting this here, except that living out of your car is a pretty lonely experience.
I legitimately do not know anyone who has survived this, and I feel like i'm not even human any more. As I type this, i'm sobbing, because it's all just so FUCKING truly disheartening. I used to be a person. I feel like a ghost now. Are there any steps I can take at all whatsoever to start my turn back into normalcy, or am I trapped inside of this until I either die or claw my way out of whatever hole i've fallen into?
**Chapter 4** *The end of the Beginning* Drug free, Depression free, I had such a great time being homeless. Oh sure, there was the occasional scary moments, I almost died about 3 times that I can remember of. I almost got stuck in the middle of Northern Ontario in the forest with nothing to drink, I had sex with a girl inside the engine of the Freight Train, Im not talking about the conductor's cabin, Im talking about the actual engine.
I am currently only using 5-htp once a week, i get no benefit when i use it daily. I have also been working out which has inevitably eased my depression and made my anxiety more tolerable but its still obviously taking hold of my life. Well here i am at this present moment, I have been contemplating having a sit down with my parents and telling them about my depression (pretty sure they already know, they just don't want to adress it). It had been hard, my parents come home at 9:00 PM and don't want to be bothered with me. they go straight to their rooms and the only time they are willing to talk is when they tell me to clean.
Good day. I am from the Philippines and I was recently diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety almost a month ago (July 10th). Since then it has been a very challenging and difficult time for me and my family. Work required me to secure a fit to work order before I can get back to work. My medical insurance does not cover mental health conditions and it took me over 3 weeks to secure one.
I just posted my whole story <url> but it's literally too long for anyone to actually read. I mainly want to know if this would be considered rape: MOST RECENT ABUSE: I worked 7 days in a row and finally had one night off on a Friday. I expressed I wanted to spend it with him, but since I went out the night before he was determined to go out with his friends that night. I guess that also comes with ignoring me all night.
Has anyone else who's dealt with anxiety their entire lives become very controlling in their relationships as a way to cope? Speaking to my therapist I'm realizing that my method of coping with the intense anxiety I've faced in life was to become so organized that I thought I could control everything. But when situations arise, especially with those I'm in a relationship with where I can't control the situation, my anxiety goes out of control so I end up lashing out in negative ways. If you have found you were controlling and were able to better yourself can you please direct me on where to turn to do the same?
I have a very hard time with trying to find a job, from most places I don't get any feedbacks, but get immediate rejection when I try to apply to other open positions at the same company. Interestingly there's a lot of propaganda around how there's a shortage on manpower, while at the same time people having difficulty finding jobs. There are notable instances of similar experiences, political opponents' family members getting fired for no reason, etc. My father did a big disservice to the local Fidesz by being a key figure against the prison project (which was going to be built by a company very well known for overpriced projects), my grandfather is a well known tankie (who's so racist he's often accidentally agrees with both Fidesz and Jobbik), not to mention I had a lot of bullies in secondary school who thought I was severely mentally disabled (long story short: I had some speech issues I've since overcome for the most part, but thanks to the Hungarian R-word I got some serious shit, such as being accused with my mother taking up huge benefit money which she spends on shoes and jewelry, which leads them having to pay a lot of taxes on their motorcycles, game consoles, phones, etc) and probably wanted to take their revenge this way (which is ironic, because the hard time I had financially radicalized me from an actual centrist to a radical leftist). My father is seriously thinking on kicking me out to the streets if I won't pay, which makes me to go back to my mother, and my abusive stepfather who cannot accept my autistic quirks, implying if I can go back to them and my stepfather will let it all go through.
I would rather kill myself than hurt other people so why the fuck did that even occur to me? My therapist told me I'm meant to be alive and hugged me and I don't even know why because how could I be meant to be alive if I have thoughts like this? What's the point? It honestly feels like depression or ptsd or whatever this is has stripped me of normal human emotions and humanity and I'm just like this vacuum moving around undetected that people, like my therapist, fail to see is awful and unlovable and unfixable. I don't feel anything in conversations, I have trouble with empathy sometimes.
I receive SSI/SSDI. About $1,000/mo. I have a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness for taking showers whenever I want. I have a membership at REI for buying camping gear and clothes suited to the outdoors. I live pretty comfortably, all things considered, and have figured out a system of outdoor living that both keeps me alive and sane.
I went through sexual assault less than a year ago and I still find I have flashbacks, I get anxious over it. I don’t tell many people this. I told one friend and a few days ago we got into an argument and he ended up saying that it was my fault it happened. I haven’t talked to him since and I’ve deleted his number, but he keeps messaging me as if nothing happened. Am I being irrational in ignoring him for this or is he just an asshole?
What is for you the most relatable portrayal you have seen/heard I don't have PTSD but reading a retired Marines blog I noticed that when he was talking about his PTSD it sounded a lot like Rick in the Walking Dead. Ill explain for those who have never seen it. Rick was the leader of his group during a zombie outbreak. He killed his best friend twice (technically) and his wife died along with most everyone he knew.
You can see the detail on my [update 2 right <url> and here's a link to the [project github <url> So I'm begging you here, literally begging you. If there's anyone out there who would be kind enough to give me a second chance to fix my fuck up and finish my degree, would you please consider giving me some financial aid via [my goFundMe <url> I'm literally in dire need of help right here and I don't know where else to turn other than the people of the internet :( ***Kind regards,
Hi, I was recently put on Prozac (10mg to start) for anxiety after a really bad panic attack. I am nervous but also hopeful that this will help me. For the first week I cried at least once a day and usually there was no reason, my anxiety is also heightened but I knew these symptoms would occur so I've been dealing with it fine. But for the past like day and a half I feel like my joints are kind of feeling weird. I wouldn't say it's painful just different.
He explained that he didn’t think it was such a big deal that he disclosed such personal information about me without my permission to his friends then he tried to flip it and said it was no different then a time I canceled plans with a friend and told them the reason was because he, Tom was sick with the flu and I was going to stay in and take care of him. How is me honestly explaining that the reason I would have to cancel on a friend because my boyfriend is sick, the same as him giving away very detailed information about our sex life plus other very personal traumas that I experienced without my permission? I feel like he’s trying to gaslight me and I’m seeing a side to him I’ve never seen. I’m honestly thinking about ending things with him over this. TL;DR my boyfriend told his friends VERY detailed information about our sex life plus other personal things about my life without my permission and I feel so betrayed but he’s trying to act like it’s no big deal.
As I kid, I had been pretty anxious and nervous, but they were negligible. I only got anxious when there was something happening, like giving presentation etc. They did not tamper with my everyday life and I was not concerned with them. But recently, I felt like my anxiety has developed into a new level. I got so damn anxious for every day stuff.
I´m stressing this entire fall break, I´ve been learning for 5 days for about 8-10 hours a day, and I haven´t finished nothing, even after making a schedule (breaks every 45 minutes, dedicating one day to one thing). When I feel stressed, I feel like I´m about to throw up (or I´m about to cry) and I get anxious to the point of total mental breakdown. I have ADHD and stress gets to me really easily, because I can´t keep my attention in place. Any ideas on what to do in this situation? PS: I am 50/50 INFP/INTP-T (50/50 dominant and inferior functions), that might have something to do with it but I´m not quite sure about it.
If I go to an interview for example, I'll know that I'm a good candidate, I'll know that if I don't get it there will always be other opportunities and it's no big deal. Yet I still get nervous because it's something that I want, I want that employer to like me. If I go to an interview with no expectations at all, not even wanting the job (I've done this a few times for practice interviewing), it'll turn out great. What are your thoughts on this? Edit: FYI I'm talking mostly about social anxiety, though it has happened that I get anxiety in the most random places like just going upstairs in a building.
For the last week, my car has been acting up. Yes, it's 16 years old but the only other person to have the car before I did was my 85 year old grandmother who only drove it to either the grocery store or the thrift store, so I got it almost brand new. But lately everything g has been going wrong. The gas gage doesn't work, the dash lights don't work, my tires need to be filled at least once every day, the brakes go out often, my battery won't start if it gets too cold, and now the transmission is starting to have issues. Without a job, I don't have money to pay to fix everything.
My sister lives with her BF and my 2 year old nephew about 30 minutes away from me. A few days ago she asked if her and my nephew can come spend next Monday - Friday with me because her BF is going out of town and she doesn't want to be in the house alone without him (they live with his family so I guess sometimes it gets uncomfortable). I said okay sure. I live in 500 sqft a studio but I have a pullout couch in addition to my bed. I've been with my BF for 3 years and about 5 months ago he unofficially moved in with me (unofficial because we share bills and all of his stuff is here but his mail and whatnot still goes to his parents where he was living before).
My cats were both inside, but this didn't stop my brain working overtime. I would even listen out to what passers-by were saying, in case they found a dead cat. I would have to get out of bed and look out of the window if I heard a sound that doesn't sound normal, for example a trailer on the back of a car banging. My boyfriend puts on kitten videos to soothe me but all I can think about is 'They are all going to die, how sad is that?' but I don't say anything, I put on my most convincing smile and go along with it.
And I’m at a complete loss as to how we resolve this. (BTW, we have talked about all of this about 1,957 times already. There is nothing written here he hasn’t heard before.) TL;DR – Husband has always been the primary earner with well-paying jobs, but has experienced serious burn-out. As we’re eating into our savings, it looks like I’ll have to put my business on hold and go back to work.
I've moved to a safe and accepting space and have my life on track to going good places. However, the therapy is going to be a challenge. I have found prescription medication to be useful for getting the most out of therapy in the past, but I don't experience symptoms the way I used to. Besides, the side effects Lexapro had eventually outweighed its benefits as I healed. Therefore, I decided to buy a 1oz, 300mg CBD oil (Elixinol) tincture just to try.
Hello, This is my first time posting here and I'm not entirely sure what the protocol is or what the requirements are. That said, rent is due in three weeks and I'm worried that I won't make it in time. I'm here exploring options and seeing what assistance, if any, I could get to make it to next month. I share an apartment with my brother in Denver, who has a somewhat stable job and is able to pay his rent.
I loved that man so much and tried my best to make it work. But I have limits. And when he was not thinking twice about getting alcohol while we didn’t have even enough money left for milk for our baby, that was my limit. We had .51 cents in our account and he found that acceptable? !
I am not used to this. I have tried to get as much help as possible and as soon as I am done filling out paper work and get all my affairs in order we have an offer of a place to live (2 hours away). Every night has been OK. (Uncomfortable sleeping surface) We feel safe where we are staying in our car but tonight it is so windy and it's rocking the car. I am scared. Is it dangerous for us to be in my car in a bad wind storm?
So we are striving to find that balance between building an inviting and encouraging community (village) and the first rungs on the ladder to independence. I read all of your posts and take mental notes as to what you are telling each other of what you need or the advice you give a newcomer. But it would be fantastic if you dropped me a note telling me of what you think. Thanks. God Bless.
Now, I'm kind of annoyed both because this should be common sense and because now it doesn't seem like he cares how I feel. I don't want to seem needy or controlling, though. Am I overreacting? How should I bring it up again? ---
Clearly what i need to do is just talk to her about it. I have a couple of examples in mind that will drive the point home. Mainly the first night i was introduced to everyone and a house warming we went to. We're having dinner tomorrow night. Thanks a ton for the feedback everyone.
Obviously they don't care but to me it means everything. I've always been like this. My dream one day is just to magically wake up with this skill.. if only like worked like that.. Does anyone have any tips on how to calm my anxiety down and not let it overpower me? Anything would be greatly appreciated.
His consequences will never reflect or equate to the suffering I have endured and the life-long trauma that will impede on the rest of my life. Because on March 21st and 22nd in 2017, my humanity was shaken and distorted in ways that I still struggle to resolve. It exists in the shadows of nightmares I still have of his face, his screams, his weapons, his murder threats, suicide threats, and fists. It is perpetuated by the adrenaline and primal fear I have when I see vehicles that look like his. It is in my mind when I have to loop around my neighborhood before going home, out of fear that I will see him, because he ONLY lives 5 minutes from me.
Things were so good again. Just like the beginning. Then the yelling comes back. I got really sick and had to go to the hospital and he refused to come and visit me when I was home. He told me I was dense for expecting him to come hang out with me when I have such a deadly disease (it was MRSA and not that deadly).
Hey Redditors, I am looking for advice and suggestions about what I should do with my current living situation. I have lived in my current apartment for 2 years, and took up tenancy after I separated from my ex-husband. He kept our apartment. The apartment I'm living in is comfortable enough, it's mine.
Then I started to notice how much of a temper he has. The first few weeks he was good at hiding it but it started coming out. He was full of compliments for me but they were pretty generic and he took me on a bunch of dates. The last few days I was kind of avoiding him and he kind of tried getting controlling. Yesterday I was going to spend Christmas eve with him and his family and I tried bringing up some major concerns about the way things were going and he flipped out and started screaming and throwing shit.
At most I've explained the aforementioned to people who needed to hear it for various reasons (e.g. my advisor). It's also not something I was ready to take on because... Damn... So many people have it worse than I do.
Background: This time last year I lost my job, got evicted and my car broke down all in the same month. Cut to today and I found out my site is closing and we'll all soon be out of the job. I just feel like a big ball of anxiety and like I can't quite turn my brain off. It's like the world beneath my feet is off and I'm doing everything I can not to cry. Sorry for the brick of text.
- Lastly, it may be perceived to imply that having a positive mind frame will solve problems. As I understand it, this is not the message, only that there are methods to help overcome negative thinking of which this is one, but there are no guarantees. To be clear, this is not intended to be a 'cure', nor do I know if it applies to everyone, understanding is an important to recovery/reducing anxiety. and for me it helped. Beneath I will post what I discovered and how this has helped me.
I have extremely depressed and yes I've thought about suicide, but my family needs me alive, they need me or they may die, it's very dire where they live. I need pointers on how to find a good city to be homeless in, how to obtain a mailing address so I don't lose my SSDI (they've already pulled the stunt of "you have 10 days from this mailing to respond or you are kicked off of SSDI, give us your last 5 years records) they've done this 4 times already in the past 10 years. I've been rejected for DSS services, no food stamps, I'm losing medicaid (but still have medicare, for now), no housing help (waiting list here is years), and only one agency is still willing to help me, a job agency, and the workers there are very distraught over my situation as they've tried very hard with me to help me get a good job. I have about 10 solid skills but I keep getting turned away and we cannot figure out why? I don't use drugs or alcohol, haven't even smoked weed since a teen and I'm about 61 years old.
My boyfriend and I generally have a good relationship. We've lived together for about a year and a half, and we have a pretty good partnership going. He's the first guy I've been with who is willing to sit down and really hash things out if we're having an issue. However there is one topic he *won't* hash out with me, and that's that sometimes he asks me questions out of no where that to me feel kind of like little "pop quizzes" that I feel are designed to try to catch me off guard and stump me. He'll randomly pose a riddle or ask a logic question, then I kind of fumble because I feel like I have to come up with an answer quickly, or I just get exasperated and tell him I'm not in the mood for a pop quiz.
He kept the pressure on my throat and I felt as if I was going to die or become unconscious. Erik finally let go only to hit me in my head a few times. I felt very scared from not being able to breath. Every time I tried begging Erik to stop he told me to shut up, that I was not allowed to talk. Erik used my hair as handles to bash my head on the wall at several different times throughout the attack.
Long story short: 3 year old American Bully with severe encephalitis (brain swelling) which at this point is believed to be GME (an auto-immune disease). We are fighting for her so even if you don't want to make a donation or don't want to share the link, any positive thoughts are appreciated as well. My wife is 8 months pregnant & I had cancer earlier this year. We're struggling financially and need help. The rest of the story is in the link as well as some photos and videos of her when she was healthy.
I'll call him out on his behavior or try to stand up for myself, and then he'll either get mad and give me the silent treatment and not apologize, or he'll tell me I'm lying and that he didn't do or say something. Even though I know he did. He criticizes my parenting and tells me I'm lazy since I'm a SAHM (even though I do all the cleaning, cooking, taking care of our toddler, taking care of our pets and anything else around the house with little help from him because he feels entitled to not do anything since he works and I don't). To top it all off, he doesn't think he has a drinking problem... yet always drinks at least 3 beers or more every night. He also slapped my son and left a mark on his face while we were camping (I didn't see him do it because I went to go pee but saw it and asked about it when I got back).
So we were talking about it and she wouldn't budge again. The conversation started to heat up, nothing I said was enough, that we would buy something, that I would cook with her, that we could go 1 day earlier and cook at my grandma's, nothing. She pushed me to the edge again until I lost it and ended the argue saying that she mustn't go this year with me. That she must stay with her family, that I didn't want her to go with my family so she wouldn't have to worry anymore. She calmed down and we got to sleep.
She talked sarcastically about how my life is "obviously so horrible" and I'd say "yeah, mom, it is." She denied yelling at us all the time, and said that if I can say she yells all the time then she can say I yell all the time too (at my little siblings), which is just not true. I am nice to my siblings, excluding today where I was angry at everything. But I still didn't yell at them. She said that for months I've been terrorizing her about this "yelling thing" and how I think that one small mistake automatically means someone is a bad person.
I never had that symptom before and I just want to know if anyone else has, what has helped manage your dizziness? For me it will trigger panic attacks which I hate so much. I've tried zofran for nausea that did nothing (prob cuz it's anxiety nausea not stomach nausea). Are there any meds for dizziness or vertigo? Thanks!
So, for a few years now I've been in a relationship with this girl who very likely has PTSD, given her upbringing. She has trust issues after suffering abuse from her birth parents at a young age, and her situation is only complicated further with bipolar depression and fetal-alcohol syndrome. She's in good hands now, living with her aunt, and is becoming independent with a job. Though I've noticed throughout our relationship that she has a tendency to push me away l, whereas I am the exact opposite, though I understand her situation; it's not her fault. She says she loves me, and I love her, but she doesn't seem comfortable showing any affection; holding hands, hugging, and kisses on the cheek are extremely rare from her.
First off, I want to apologize for posting here so often. I don't have anywhere else to turn to. I recently contacted my abuser. I don't know why, I think it's part of my self destructive behavior. And I've realized something.
Neither did I. This turned to weeks, months and before I knew it it was a year. I was bitter. I never received an apology and felt no consideration for my feelings regarding anything was there. I get confused sometimes as to why in my teen years I was okay with talking to her.
In order to be able to walk, I need donations. Anything helps and is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance! ! <url>
Through everything, I just froze and waited for it all to be over. Each time I petitioned her to stop, she would become very visible distressed. She spent a lot of time talking about suicide. During the school year, we exchanged letters every day at school that, in retrospect, sounded a lot like love letters from her part, but I chalked it up to a best friend love. I'd never been in a romantic relationship- I was 13 at that point, and didn't really know what that looked like anyway.
Husband, I wanted to do this amicably. We could have made it through this heartbreak to our mutual benefit. I was willing to give you everything in exchange for your helping me furnish a tiny studio apartment. The value of such furnishings pale in comparison to the value of the property I was going to let you keep in exchange for allowing me to break free smoothly. I was going to let you keep my puppy.
I feel like you don’t want to talk to me, he said I was fine talking to you this whole time but you giving me shit like this is making me not want to talk to you. Then I said Your being a fucking asshole you didn’t reply to my message till I messaged you again. Which is weird, and you don’t talk to me for over an hour at work. But now you don’t want to talk to me bc I’m asking about it? Then that’s when it all started I kept calling after that he ignored .
I knew that he was scary when he would pray in front of me, yet the entire thing was an angry ATTACK on God (not trying to get into beliefs here, just what happened.) I knew he knew how wrong he was when he told me one day to not tell anyone but that he actually HAD threatened suicide in front of his ex wife with a knife, yet still painted her as the evil doer in the story. I knew he was lying when he made sure to tell me about how crazy one of his exes went at the end accusing him of rape (why would he even bring it up!!) and how after he took another ex home from injury while we were together, that she might try to lie to me and say that something happened, but NOTHING did! It gave me chills when this man would tell me if his ex wasn't his child's mother he would have had her murdered long ago, and that he had friends offer to help!
Even though those we hold in the highest regard appear to be fine, they may be struggling inside. With the PTSD Project, I want to show how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD - effects military veterans, first responders, and family of those who are effected by PTSD. I am looking for people who are interested in being in the project. Please reach out to me if you are interested! Please do not take my photos for use without my permission however.
Suddenly everyone in the family was doing as she wished to appease her. FH is her youngest and always around when she has 'flares'. She has refused medication which made her flares better for fear of the side effects (palpitations). The flares make her cry and demand death come sooner. His sister is much less involved and appears to have the same POV I do about his mother's illness.
Short-end is, my brain is using physical disorders like seizures, because my brain has had enough and gone AWOL. On top of this, I have these events where I black out. Time stops, or happens differently for me. I have flashes, seeing things not there and that sort. The other night, the girlfriend and I are walking and I am seeing the sky light up, and hearing screaming.
My girlfriend does have PTSD. She said that she thought that I might have it because of an incident that occurred in 2014. You can read about it in my post history but basically I was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold for pretty much no reason, the therapists responsible for it just covered themselves up and lied about it. It greatly affected me. I would definitely consider it to be a traumatic event, not just because of the actual events that transpired and the conditions of the hospital (which are pretty bad) but also just the huge betrayal of trust.
I was younger than 13 during my period of abuse and one thing I'm noticing now is that I can't wrap my head around consent. People tell me that I couldn't possibly consent to anything that happened, even if I asked for it. That I didn't even know what was happening to me. It doesn't feel that way to me. On paper, I get that.
Maybe programming, I can spend more than 12 hours a day if needed to learn programming. My point is, I´m not looking for any handouts or anything like that, I´m ready to spend countless of hours to work so I can help my family. What are your thoughts? TL, DR: Father passed away, my mother can´t pay the rent and bills etc. Now I ask for advice for jobs and ways to increase my income so I can help my mother pay the rents
I tried some cheese and some had pretty intense flavors and being an highly sensitive person this i think caused some stress. We stood for about an hour when i felt this dropping feeling in my stomach. I knew this was a sign to get some food and sit down but my dad was very happy checking out cheeses so i risked just waiting and chilling out. Then my whole body felt that dropping sensation and my hearing started going. I started getting warm and it felt like pin needles on my body.
My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer, and while it's well-controlled, the side effects of his hormonal and chemo treatments have left him far more emotional (but, at least, unable to just sublimate his depression/anxiety into anger and vent it at any available target anymore), and the physical side effects have forced him into an early retirement, meaning 80% of the time he's home and sitting in the livingroom. He's no longer directing the same vitriol and venom at me that he used to, and neither does my sister, but... It's all the little things they do to invalidate my feelings, treating more like a live-in servant than a family member, and the occasional outbursts if they get angry/upset that trigger me badly... It's making me lose ground, lose progress, and I'm having more and more trouble coping with everyday life... And I'm afraid I'm going to just, break. Crumble under the weight of it all...
He accidentally held my throat too tight and the marks of his affections remained on my long after he was a memory. He pulled out my tears and scared my face pale so not one person could see the marks of blood left on my neck. Then my world was dipped in white tint so no one could observe the taint behind my devastation. The color of my skin and the color of the fear were almost a perfect match although my fear was clearly a shade lighter than what was underneath. Who could know?
I have it for 7.5mg twice a day. I also took Trazadone one night and felt similar effects from the Klonopin. Does Buspar have much in terms of withdrawal? I am thinking of maybe picking up some L-Ornithine HCL and Glycine for sleep quality to see if that helps. I would prefer to stay away from pharma medications just due to the possible side effects and withdrawal issues.
I think about it very often, wondering if I should just do it, get it over with, but something keeps holding me back. I wonder if this was my fault, that I would be turned away for not bringing it to their attention earlier, if I would be accused of participating, I keep wondering if they’ll believe an 18 year old or a 40 year old. Please, if anyone who is struggling reads this, please don’t let yourself fall into this trap. Don’t keep your mouth closed, don’t be polite, keep yourself safe no matter what that costs. I wish every day that I had quit that job sooner, that the second people warned me that I had had the nerve just to tell another manager how he was acting, that I had told anyone how uncomfortable and scared I was.
I realized that maybe it's better if we break up even though I love him so much and he's one of the most important people in my life. It's already hard enough to decide to break up with someone you love and it's even harder when you can't do It because the person won't show up. If we werent together for so long, I'd probably would've just blocked him already and carry on. But I don't want that. I want to keep being friends.
Whats the chances of his employer asking for his certificate randomly? I feel like he cant apply to other jobs at more prestigious companies. As someone who who tried very hard to get her degree and succeeded, his lack of care and access to these jobs undermines my work. I cant shake this feeling. Advice?
She was soon Baker Acted, and spent a week in a mental hospital before she convinced her parents to somehow get her out. A few weeks later she begged me to take her back and see how much she had changed, and I did. She's on medication now and still seeing a therapist occasionally. However, after a few months things reverted back to how they were before, minus the suicide threats. Fast forward to the present.
Several month back I began casually dating a woman who was previously abused physically and emotionally by her ex husband. She and I have really hit it off and have begun to care quite a bit for one another. For obvious reasons, she is really afraid to get involved with me beyond casual dating, and we’ve taken a break for a while to let her sort out some of her emotional issues. We hope to reconnect after a while when she’s in a better place emotionally, and some of the logistics between us are better. I’ve tried to be as supportive and encouraging as possible to her, but I have never been in this situation before, so oftentimes I am not sure what to do or say.
I'm running out of ideas for how we can talk to one another more often. I know it's going to get worse. She'll be starting grad school in August. I've been through grad school already myself, and I know how time consuming it is. She'll be busy.
My phone is a prepaid phone through Virgin Mobile, but it's the only way I have to communicate with my doctors and lawyer and with my workers comp benefits being cut, I cannot afford the money for the $45 phone card. I've been trying to sell everything of value that we own to pay bills,but I haven't been able to come up with enough foot my cell phone. My phone will be off on March 2nd. And If anyone could help, I'd be forever grateful. Thank you in advance!
I don't know... I don't know what to do. I just want out of here. It's too hard. With this house and school work.
I feel like I'm dying. I know that I'm not but I feel like it. I'm at the end of a cold. Not a cold that I sometimes make up in my head, but an actual cold. Stuffy nose, chest congestion, scratchy throat.
My therapist told me to do some free writes about my anxiety and OCD thoughts (being afraid of panic attacks and fear I will act on violent thoughts) and in the book Imp Of The Mind the author talks about writing out thoughts. I just don't know how to set it up. Do you write as if the thought came true? Do you just write the thought is there and why it isn't true? Anyone do anything like this?
Sorry for the essay, poor grammar and punctuation. Thursday night. I asked a friend what they were up to tonight by text and instantly got a phone call after. Now usually I’d ignore their called calls due to the worry of having an awkward phone conversation. This time I answer and we agree for them to come over.
She never really felt the need to do that and occasionally would go out with her friends. Everything was great -- I took care of her extremely well, she took care of me patiently and amazingly. I bought her a car, paid for her rent, and ultimately supported her so she could focus and finish her college (I'm full time employed, the breadwinner in the relationship). Our relationship was VIVID and full of color in the beginning. We had our own apartment, got a beautiful dog together, and traveled to a few places.
She didn't go home with me, she took an Uber. It was the worst 30 minutes of my life. I payed for the food, got it to go, and went home. This is where it gets crazy. I wanted to be away from her at that time.
I tried to tell her what I was changing and why, but she just shrugged it off and started to fall asleep. It really bothered me because I was genuinely trying to help her. Overall, I am really conflicted about this whole ordeal. When we tell her things she doesn't understand or want to hear when it comes to jobs, she blows up on us. We have both had multiple jobs and written many drafts of resumes and cover letters.
I feel alone, because I feel like people don't think "I was having a panic attack" as a legitimate excuse to miss something. I don't even feel like others with panic attacks 100% get it, because I don't really get that feeling of a heart attack or anything, I feel like my panic attacks are weird, and all the stuff I read about ways to help seem to be for people who get the heart attack feelings. I get a panic attack, and then get anxious about the panic attack, and it's just a big cycle. I try to open up to people, but they don't really understand. I just want to be normal.
I was a friendly person, who enjoyed speaking and interacting with people. I definitely did more than my fair share to help/get things done. And i enjoyed helping people and sharing my knowledge to help novices. Quite extroverted but without being loud. Since this happened i've become introverted, i don't particularly like anyone (because unfortunately, i now tend to focus on the bad side in people), and i attempt to not get past small talk.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in Nov 2017. Her partner is 26 yrs old and has had many bouts with the law. When he met my friend, he was on house arrest/probation for a previous charge. They worked together and soon began dating. My friend is a Filipino woman and her partner is a Jamaican man.
The problem occurs when he returns to visit me for 1-2 weeks. When he's back at his girlfriend's house, he doesn't really have much to do. So, he spends a lot of time gambling. That in itself is a gigantic problem since we have almost no money. He is gambling money that he **can't afford to lose**.
He came to the door, drunk and high on opiates (he’s an ex H addict, opiate rage is real), he told me, verbatim, that if there was a guy in the house, he’d kill him on the spot, no questions asked. That was a pretty easy night. I’ve spent countless nights barricaded in my bedroom because of his rage. His past is terrible. Grew up in gangs (Mexican Mafia) and molested at a young age.
My mom never threw books at me, but the impact of something along with the name-calling was enough. I ran to my room and I honestly don't remember what I did. I remember my attack going on for hours, but everything else is blurry. Now my grandma's "sorry". She was "stressed out" so she did that.