The child was admitted into Special baby care unit ( SBCU ) of our hospital to facilitate close monitoring .
She was also reviewed by the pediatrician and no other abnormality was found .
Perforated transparent catellar shield was applied over the eyes bilaterally to prevent trauma to the conjunctivae .
She was commenced on hypertonic saline 4 hourly and piece of gauze soaked with hypertonic saline was placed over the prolapsed chemosed palpebral conjunctivae for 3 hours once in a day .
She was also commenced on 2 hourly ciprofloxacin hydrochloride USP equivalent to ciprofloxacin 0 . 3 % w / v ) and maxitol ointment at night .
On the 3 rd day of admission , the chemosis on the right had resolved significantly but there was still poor right lid opening .
[ { "offsets": [ 35, 56 ], "text": "chemosis on the right", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
However , on the 5 th day of admission , both chemosis had resolved totally with spontaneous eye lid opening .
[ { "offsets": [ 46, 54 ], "text": "chemosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Both eyeballs were normal .
A 26 years old nulliparous woman presented to our observation for severe right-sided epistaxis , non self-limiting .
She had few episodes in the previous two weeks of epistaxis , even 3-4 per day , usually stopping spontaneously .
[ { "offsets": [ 50, 59 ], "text": "epistaxis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She reported a negative ENT consultation except for mild hyperemia of nasal mucosa .
[ { "offsets": [ 57, 82 ], "text": "hyperemia of nasal mucosa", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The pregnancy was unremarkable , considered at low risk , at 39 . 6 weeks of gestation .
Her familiar and personal history was negative for blood coagulopathies and hypertension .
[ { "offsets": [ 57, 71 ], "text": "coagulopathies", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 76, 88 ], "text": "hypertension", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
We tried to stop severe epistaxis with nasal packing and intravenous tranexamic acid .
[ { "offsets": [ 24, 33 ], "text": "epistaxis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On the basis of the failure of our procedures an otolaryngologist performed an endoscopy identifying bleeding enlarged vessels .
Nasal packing with hemostatic sponge was successful , the pregnant woman was admitted to ob & gyn department .
Her hemoglobin levels dropped down to 6 mg / dl and she needed 4 red cell packs .
The day after her right nostril despite the tampons started bleeding again .
She was referred to otolaryngologist who packed again the nose , bilaterally and used hemostatic glue .
After 2 more days she started bleeding again , her nose was again packed with glue and tampons and further 2 red cell packs were given .
The obstetric scan revealed biometry at 40 th centile , the Bishop score was 5 , so we decided to induce labour after obtaining her informed written consent .
The labour induction was performed with intravaginal prostaglandins ( 10 mg dinoprostone ) .
After 18 hours the labour seemed to proceed well with cervical dilatation of 6 cm , level of head 0 , but the cardiotocography ( CTG ) trace revealed anomalies that after 1 hour induced the shift versus cesarean section .
No epistaxis happened during labour nor during cesarean section .
[ { "offsets": [ 3, 12 ], "text": "epistaxis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Two days after nasal tampons were removed , the patient was discharged the day after .
One month later the woman reported general good health and no epistaxis episodes , nor mild nor massive .
[ { "offsets": [ 62, 71 ], "text": "epistaxis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A 54 - year-old female patient was admitted to our surgical department with a 2 mo history of decreased appetite , nausea , vomiting , and weight loss , which progressed to difficulty in feeding 3 d prior to her visit .
[ { "offsets": [ 94, 112 ], "text": "decreased appetite", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 139, 150 ], "text": "weight loss", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
According to her medical history , she was diagnosed with refractory ITP [ platelets ( PLT ) , 3000-8000 / L ] 10 years ago .
[ { "offsets": [ 69, 72 ], "text": "ITP", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
After admission , the patient underwent a splenectomy and a distal subtotal gastrectomy ( D 2 radical resection ) with Roux-en-Y reconstruction simultaneously .
She had an uneventful postoperative course with a slight increase in her PLT count .
This case is unique in terms of the patient ' s complication of severe and medically refractory ITP .
A 2 - year-old Japanese boy recently presented to our department with a chief complaint of neck swelling .
[ { "offsets": [ 91, 104 ], "text": "neck swelling", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Physical examination revealed bilateral tonsillitis and swelling of the left posterior pharyngeal wall .
[ { "offsets": [ 40, 51 ], "text": "tonsillitis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 56, 64 ], "text": "swelling", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Emergency neck computed tomography angiography showed a contrast-enhanced abscess cavity posterior to the left retropharyngeal space , and a low-density area surrounded by an area without contrast enhancement in the posterior neck .
The latter was suspected to be a deep neck infection secondary to a retropharyngeal abscess .
[ { "offsets": [ 43, 52 ], "text": "infection", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 68, 91 ], "text": "retropharyngeal abscess", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
After surgery , the patient was diagnosed with a retropharyngeal abscess and concurrent cystic lymphangioma .
[ { "offsets": [ 49, 72 ], "text": "retropharyngeal abscess", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 88, 107 ], "text": "cystic lymphangioma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The lesions improved after intraoral incision and drainage , and administration of antibiotics .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 11 ], "text": "lesions", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
We report a 9 - year-old male child who was referred to us with swelling in the posterior aspect of the neck .
Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the cervical spine show an elongated left spinous process in the neck at the level of C 5 vertebrae .
There was an associated hemivertebra at the C 4 level .
Computed tomography examination better depicted this congenital variant and clearly showed the associated schisis of the posterior arch as well as unfused spinous process at the same level on the left side .
This is a very rare congenital anomaly and probably among the few such cases reported in literature .
A 53 - year-old woman presented with a posterior left retroauricular mass , that was discovered 10 months ago and resected respectively at a local hospital .
Ten days after this operation , a pruritic , painless lesion of a size 2 cm x 2 cm was observed at the incision area .
[ { "offsets": [ 54, 60 ], "text": "lesion", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient had no history of migraine , loss of hearing , drug allergy , or trauma .
Otoscope examination revealed an external auditory meatus protrusion , with a normal tympanic membrane .
Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) revealed a heterogeneous lesion .
[ { "offsets": [ 60, 66 ], "text": "lesion", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient underwent extended left parotidectomy .
An s-incision of 10 cm long was made extending from the earlobe towards the mandibular angle .
With palpation , the tumour was located in the parotid gland .
[ { "offsets": [ 21, 27 ], "text": "tumour", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The superficial lobe of the parotid gland was gradually removed with caution to the facial nerve trunk .
The tumour had invaded the deep lobe of the parotid gland and the posterior wall of the external auditory canal .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 10 ], "text": "tumour", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The deep lobe of the parotid gland was removed simultaneously , and the left cervical lymph node dissection was performed in levels II-IV , with its adipose connective tissue .
The diameter of the larger lymph node being 2 cm .
A method of sleeve resection was used to remove the protruding posterior wall of the external auditory canal .
A drainage tube was inserted .
There was no complication , the operation was completed and the patient recovered well .
The pathological results showed that the tumour of about 2 cm x 2 cm x 1 . 4 cm , involved the epidermis , vessels , and nerves .
[ { "offsets": [ 41, 47 ], "text": "tumour", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
There was a distribution of the lymph node with metastasis and distribution of the external auditory canal with mucoepidermoid carcinoma .
[ { "offsets": [ 112, 136 ], "text": "mucoepidermoid carcinoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Immunohistochemistry results showed CK 7 ( + ) , calponin ( - ) , CK 5 / 6 ( + ) , P 63 ( + ) , S- 100 ( - ) , Dog- 1 ( + ) , CD 117 ( - ) , Ki- 67 ( + 5 % ) , P 53 ( - ) , and EMA ( + ) .
Hematoxylin and eosin ( H & E ) staining indicated a D-PAS positive .
The clinical diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma .
[ { "offsets": [ 27, 46 ], "text": "pleomorphic adenoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]