He still had a partial right VI nerve palsy and a convergent squint .
[ { "offsets": [ 29, 43 ], "text": "VI nerve palsy", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 50, 67 ], "text": "convergent squint", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
His oedema resolved completely by day 10 of treatment , and he was discharged on day 18 .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 10 ], "text": "oedema", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
He continued prednisolone 60 mg daily for a total of 6 weeks , followed by a reduced dose of 40 mg on alternate days for 6 weeks .
At 12 weeks follow-up , his urinalysis showed a trace proteinurea but he remained in remission .
The patient referred to our unit for consideration for coronary artery bypass grafting was a 56 year old teacher who had been managed for Ischaemic Heart Disease ( IHD ) at a private cardiology facility in Lagos .
[ { "offsets": [ 138, 169 ], "text": "Ischaemic Heart Disease ( IHD )", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She had presented in July 2009 with a history suggestive of IHD and angina class III ( Canadian Cardiovascular society classification ) which was worsening despite medical therapy .
[ { "offsets": [ 60, 63 ], "text": "IHD", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 68, 84 ], "text": "angina class III", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Coronary angiography done demonstrated significant lesions in the mid portion of the Left Descending Coronary Artery ( LAD ) and the proximal Circumflex Coronary Artery ( Cx ) .
[ { "offsets": [ 51, 116 ], "text": "lesions in the mid portion of the Left Descending Coronary Artery", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The Right Coronary Artery was a dominant artery with some minor irregularities .
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of both the LAD and Cx was done .
A 3 . 0 mm Drug Eluting Stent was deployed to stent the LAD and the Cx was stented with a 3 . 0 mm Bare Metal Stent .
The patient was angina-free for one year but represented in July 2010 again with angina class III .
[ { "offsets": [ 81, 97 ], "text": "angina class III", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Repeat coronary angiogram was done which showed that both stents were patent and there was no new coronary lesion .
[ { "offsets": [ 98, 113 ], "text": "coronary lesion", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She was controlled on medical therapy .
However she presented again in November 2011 , this time with unstable angina .
[ { "offsets": [ 62, 77 ], "text": "unstable angina", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
An urgent coronary angiogram carried out showed that the previous stents were still patent but with a 50 % left main stem stenosis and a 95 % proximal LAD stenosis .
[ { "offsets": [ 117, 130 ], "text": "stem stenosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She was subsequently referred for surgical revascularization .
Physical examination on admission revealed a middle aged woman who was clinically obese with a body mass index of 32 kg / m 2 .
[ { "offsets": [ 82, 87 ], "text": "obese", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
There were no significant physical findings .
Associated risk factors were intermittent claudication ( Ankle-Brachial Index bilaterally was 0 . 57 ) , bilateral carotid bruits , poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia .
[ { "offsets": [ 29, 54 ], "text": "intermittent claudication", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 105, 129 ], "text": "bilateral carotid bruits", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 150, 167 ], "text": "diabetes mellitus", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 172, 186 ], "text": "hyperlipidemia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Her calculated euroscore was 6 .
Medications on admission were Aspirin , Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray , Metformin , Glibenclamide , Fluvastatin , Metoprolol and Isosorbide Dinitrate .
Investigations done included transthoracic echocardiogram which showed good left ventricular ejection fraction with no evidence of ventricular dysfunction .
[ { "offsets": [ 131, 154 ], "text": "ventricular dysfunction", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Chest radiogram , 12 lead electrocardiogram and pulmonary function tests were normal .
All blood parameters were within acceptable limits .
Following review of her coronary angiogram she was scheduled for single vessel grafting of the LAD as an off pump procedure .
Surgery was performed in November 2011 .
The cardiopulmonary bypass circuit was not primed .
Following median sternotomy and harvesting of the Left Internal Mammary Artery ( LIMA ) the Octopus 3 Off-pump stabilizer and foot plate were used to immobilize the anterior myocardial surface with good visualization of the LAD .
The LAD which was a 2 . 5 mm vessel was snugged proximally and an arteriotomy performed in its mid-portion .
The arteriotomy site was kept bloodless with CO 2 insufflation via an improvised blow-mister .
The LIMA to LAD anastomosis was performed with 6-0 prolene suture .
The procedure was uneventful and the patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit on minimal inotropic support .
She was weaned off the ventilator after 4 hours and inotropic support was discontinued after 24 hours .
Postoperative recovery was delayed by the need to achieve glycaecmic control .
She was discharged home 2 weeks postoperatively .
She has been reviewed in clinic and remains free of angina .
A male patient , born in 1973 , fell off the balcony while on holidays in Crete in 1993 and developed complete tetraplegia at C- 5 level .
[ { "offsets": [ 102, 136 ], "text": "complete tetraplegia at C- 5 level", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
In 1996 , deafferentation of sacral nerve roots 2 , 3 and 4 were carried out bilaterally .
Brindley sacral anterior root stimulator was implanted .
On eleventh post-operative day , blood stained fluid came out of sacral wound .
[ { "offsets": [ 65, 77 ], "text": "sacral wound", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Microbiology of exudates showed growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa , sensitive to gentamicin .
[ { "offsets": [ 42, 64 ], "text": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
As discharge of serosanguinous fluid persisted , sacral wound was explored .
[ { "offsets": [ 49, 61 ], "text": "sacral wound", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
In March 1997 , induration and craggy swelling were noted at the site of receiver .
[ { "offsets": [ 16, 26 ], "text": "induration", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 38, 46 ], "text": "swelling", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
There was discharge from the surgical wound in the back .
Wound swab grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa .
[ { "offsets": [ 16, 38 ], "text": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The receiver was taken out .
Cables were retrieved and tunnelled in left flank .
Laminectomy wound was left open .
In May 1997 , cables were removed from left flank through the laminectomy wound .
Grommet was sliced down as much as possible without producing leak of cerebrospinal fluid .
[ { "offsets": [ 0, 7 ], "text": "Grommet", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 62, 89 ], "text": "leak of cerebrospinal fluid", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Histoacryl glue was used over the truncated grommet as a sealing agent .
Microbiology of end of S- 2 and S- 3 cables showed growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa , which was sensitive to gentamicin .
[ { "offsets": [ 61, 83 ], "text": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
End of S- 4 cable showed scanty growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella aerogenes .
[ { "offsets": [ 42, 64 ], "text": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 69, 89 ], "text": "Klebsiella aerogenes", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Review of this patient in January 1999 revealed presence of sinuses in dorsal wound exuding purulent material .
[ { "offsets": [ 60, 67 ], "text": "sinuses", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 78, 109 ], "text": "wound exuding purulent material", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The wound was explored ; grommet and electrodes were removed .
The consequences of failed implantation were severe constipation and loss of reflex penile erection and bladder emptying .
[ { "offsets": [ 52, 64 ], "text": "constipation", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 69, 120 ], "text": "loss of reflex penile erection and bladder emptying", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
This patient had to spend increasing amount of time for bowels management .
Faecal incontinence limited his mobility .
[ { "offsets": [ 0, 19 ], "text": "Faecal incontinence", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The problem with his bowels was affecting his confidence in doing anything , as the slightest movement could cause his bowels to work .
The inconvenience and embarrassment of a bowel accident caused distress to the patient and to his mother .
A 38 - year-old man presented with a seven month history of progressively worsening bilateral knees pain with associated swelling .
[ { "offsets": [ 94, 104 ], "text": "knees pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 121, 129 ], "text": "swelling", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The pain was present when the patient was at rest , and worsened when the legs was bearing weight , thus restricting his walking to short distances .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 8 ], "text": "pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
His knees had become increasingly swollen .
He was otherwise fit and well .
His medical history was unremarkable and he was only taking a paracetamol , codeine and anti-inflammatory drugs for the pain .
Upon examination , the patient was seen to have visibly swollen popliteal fossa and marked quadriceps wasting of his right lower limb .
[ { "offsets": [ 56, 79 ], "text": "swollen popliteal fossa", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On palpation , the masses was hard , mobile , well defined , and measured 0 . 5 - 04 cm .
The swelling was non-tender and there were no associated skin changes .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 12 ], "text": "swelling", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
He could fully extend his knee , but flexion was restricted to only 110 degrees .
There was a McMurray test proved equivocal and no ligamentous instability .
An examination of the patient ’ s hip revealed no abnormality .
A plain radiograph of the patient ’ s knees revealed multiple calcific densities within the soft tissues surrounding it on the right one .
Although some of these appeared to lie within the capsule , the majority appeared to be outside of it , and a solitary image on the left knee .
These appearances were thought to be consistent with idiopathic tumoral calcinosis .
[ { "offsets": [ 64, 82 ], "text": "tumoral calcinosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
However , to further scrutinize these calcifications , a magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) scan was recommended .
[ { "offsets": [ 38, 52 ], "text": "calcifications", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
It showed an extensive thickening of the patient ’ s synovium , multiple intraarticular calcific and ossific loose bodies , and large calcified bursal extensions .
These findings were thought to be consistent with very extensive bilateral synovial chondromatosis .
[ { "offsets": [ 75, 98 ], "text": "synovial chondromatosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient ’ s blood tests were normal : C-reactive protein 5 mg / l and the phosphate calcium balance without errors .
A two-stage procedure was planned following the findings of the MRI scan .
The first stage was arthroscopy , which was able to note Grade IV osteoarthritis alongside florid synovial chondromatosis in the lateral compartment of the right knee .
[ { "offsets": [ 66, 80 ], "text": "osteoarthritis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 98, 121 ], "text": "synovial chondromatosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
There were multiple loose bodies within this compartment and nodules were fixed to the synovium .
On the left one , we found an isolated synovial metaplasia in the subvastus quadriceps-sparing .
[ { "offsets": [ 39, 58 ], "text": "synovial metaplasia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A synovectomy with debridement and excision of these bodies was thus performed .
The second stage involved an open exploration of the patient ’ s popliteal fossa .
Multiple calcified masses were found , all enclosed in bursal sacs .
They were lateral to the semimembranosus at the level of the oblique popliteal ligament .
All the masses were excised .
A histological review confirmed our diagnosis of synovial chondromatosis .
[ { "offsets": [ 49, 72 ], "text": "synovial chondromatosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The sections showed nests of chondrocytes with focal ossification and focally attenuated synovium overlying the nodules .
After the operation , the patient underwent functional rehabilitation sessions focusing on quadriceps strengthening , with a daily exercise regime to supplement this .
He recovered well and ten weeks after the operation , has regained his right knee ’ s full range of movement with flexion increased to 130 degrees , which is equal to that of his left knee .
Twenty-five-year-old Sri Lankan female with past history of complete recovery following an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy ( AIDP ) variant of Guillain-Barr syndrome 12 years back presented with acute , ascending symmetrical flaccid quadriparasis extending to bulbar muscles , bilateral VII cranial nerves and respiratory compromise needing mechanical ventilation .
[ { "offsets": [ 91, 138 ], "text": "acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 141, 145 ], "text": "AIDP", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 159, 181 ], "text": "Guillain-Barr syndrome", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Nerve conduction study revealed AIDP variant of Guillain-Barr syndrome .
[ { "offsets": [ 32, 36 ], "text": "AIDP", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 48, 70 ], "text": "Guillain-Barr syndrome", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis done after 2 weeks were normal during both episodes without albuminocytologic dissociation .
She was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin resulting in a remarkable recovery .
Both episodes had a complete clinical recovery in three and four months ' time respectively , rather a faster recovery than usually expected .
A 61 - year-old woman , gravida 3 para 3 , presented with an increased size of ovarian cyst .
[ { "offsets": [ 79, 91 ], "text": "ovarian cyst", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Her history revealed a diagnosis of left ovarian cyst 3 cm in diameter 3 years previously .
[ { "offsets": [ 41, 53 ], "text": "ovarian cyst", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Her serum cancer antigen ( CA ) 125 and CA 19-9 levels were within the normal ranges , and she was followed up at 6 - month intervals at a private hospital .
The ovarian cyst size had not changed in size and structure on biannual transvaginal ultrasound ( TVS ) .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 16 ], "text": "ovarian cyst", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]