Doppler ultrasound scan of the right lower limb showed no evidence of thrombosis and her chest X-ray showed perihilar lymphadenopathy .
[ { "offsets": [ 70, 80 ], "text": "thrombosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 118, 133 ], "text": "lymphadenopathy", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient was taken for surgical exploration and staging for ovarian malignancy .
[ { "offsets": [ 63, 81 ], "text": "ovarian malignancy", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
At laparotomy there was a left ovarian mass attached to a bulky uterus and sigmoid colon .
[ { "offsets": [ 31, 43 ], "text": "ovarian mass", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The right ovary was enlarged to about 10 cm diameter .
The left fallopian tube and ovary could not be distinguished and separated from the tumour .
[ { "offsets": [ 84, 90 ], "text": "tumour", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The rest of the abdominal organs and omentum looked grossly normal .
There was no ascites .
[ { "offsets": [ 13, 20 ], "text": "ascites", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Tumour was friable and was removed by blunt and sharp dissection .
[ { "offsets": [ 0, 6 ], "text": "Tumour", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Total abdominal hysterectomy , bilateral adnexectomy and infracolic omentectomy were done .
The general surgeons were present and they did a sigmoidectomy and a Hartmann ' s procedure .
She had enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes which were not dissected to reduce intraoperative bleeding and postoperative morbidity .
[ { "offsets": [ 80, 103 ], "text": "intraoperative bleeding", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
We had encountered significant bleeding from the friable tumor .
[ { "offsets": [ 31, 39 ], "text": "bleeding", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Patient was sent to the high dependency unit where she recovered postoperatively .
Histology of the specimens showed a large B cell lymphoma .
[ { "offsets": [ 42, 57 ], "text": "B cell lymphoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A haematologist consulted and peripheral blood film and bone marrow aspirate were done .
Both results were normal , ruling out abnormal cells in both samples .
[ { "offsets": [ 38, 52 ], "text": "abnormal cells", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She was started on chemotherapy one month after surgery and by the time of writing she had received one cycle of cyclophosphamide , doxorubicin and vincristine .
She has also been initiated on highly active antiretroviral therapy .
A 23 - year-old previously healthy man , presented to the hospital ' s emergency department , with a 3 - day history of high-grade fever up to 40 ° C and upper right abdominal pain .
[ { "offsets": [ 120, 136 ], "text": "high-grade fever", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 154, 180 ], "text": "upper right abdominal pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient ' s past medical history was non-significant .
He was a student and had not received any medication .
He had a pet dog and reported no recent travel .
During physical examination on admission , vital signs were normal and he was febrile with a body temperature of 38 ° C .
[ { "offsets": [ 78, 85 ], "text": "febrile", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Abdominal examination revealed a tender palpable liver , with no signs of peritoneal irritation .
[ { "offsets": [ 74, 95 ], "text": "peritoneal irritation", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The remainder of physical examination was unremarkable .
Abnormal laboratory results on admission included a white blood cell count ( WBC ) of 20 . 830 ( 4-10 . 5 x 10 / L ) , elevated C-reactive protein ( CRP ) level ( 28 mg / dl , normal ≤ 0 . 5 mg / dl ) , slightly elevated alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) of 56 IU / L ( normal 5-40 IU / L ) , and lactic dehydrogenase ( LDH ) of 255 IU / L ( normal < 225 IU / L ) .
Alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ) was normal .
Abdominal ultrasonography on admission revealed a mildly enlarged liver and spleen and the presence of 2 sizable , hypoechoic lesions .
[ { "offsets": [ 57, 82 ], "text": "enlarged liver and spleen", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Abdominal computed tomography ( CT ) scan revealed the 2 aforementioned lesions in diameter of 5 . 6 cm at the left liver lobe and 5 . 2 cm in the right lobe .
[ { "offsets": [ 72, 79 ], "text": "lesions", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The lesions were hypodense and presented peripheral enhancement after intravenous contrast , similar to the morphology of hepatic abscesses .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 11 ], "text": "lesions", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 122, 139 ], "text": "hepatic abscesses", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient was admitted for further evaluation and treatment .
Culture guided antimicrobials and appropriate drainage was our first option .
Empiric antibiotic therapy with intravenous ciprofloxacin ( 400 mg every 12 hours ) , and metronidazole ( 500 mg every 8 hours ) was initiated .
All cultures resulted negative .
Initially , we performed percutaneous sonographic ( U / S ) guided aspiration into the left hepatic abscess cavity .
A thick , purulent material of 40 cc was drained and sent for culture .
Microbiology revealed a Gram-negative bacterium that presented slow growth .
On the 5 th and 8 th days of admission , we performed CT guided catheter drainage of both abscesses .
[ { "offsets": [ 90, 99 ], "text": "abscesses", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Meanwhile irregular spikes of fever with daytime variation accompanied by night sweats persisted .
[ { "offsets": [ 30, 35 ], "text": "fever", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 74, 86 ], "text": "night sweats", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Ciprofloxacin discontinued and meropenem at a dose of 1 gr every 8 hours administered .
Thorough screening for other possible sources of infection , resulted negative .
[ { "offsets": [ 49, 58 ], "text": "infection", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Transthoracic echocardiography was negative for vegetations and showed mild mitral regurgitation .
[ { "offsets": [ 48, 59 ], "text": "vegetations", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 71, 96 ], "text": "mild mitral regurgitation", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Entamoeba histolytica Abs , echinococcus Abs , leismania Abs , brucella Abs were negative .
Gastrointestinal endoscopic evaluation was unrevealing .
The patient was also HIV negative and no other immunodeficiency conditions were identified .
[ { "offsets": [ 21, 33 ], "text": "HIV negative", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Eventually , the isolate identified by the Vitek 2 automated system and classified as A . aphrophilus .
To confirm the identification of the strain we performed matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry ( MALDI-TOF MS ) .
[ { "offsets": [ 37, 43 ], "text": "strain", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The sensitivity test was performed with minimal inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) test strips ; the isolate ' s susceptibility was to ceftriaxone ≤ 0 . 125 ( S ) , cefepime ≤ 0 . 5 ( S ) , ciprofloxacin ≤ 0 . 125 ( S ) , gentamycin ≤ 0 . 5 ( S ) , amikacin ≤ 0 . 125 ( S ) and to meropenem ≤ 0 . 032 ( S ) .
Percutaneous drainage of both abscesses , combined with antimicrobial treatment , was successful and the patient ' s clinical condition improved .
[ { "offsets": [ 30, 39 ], "text": "abscesses", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Thankfully , no surgical procedure was required .
The drains were removed immediately the fluid from the abscess cavities became clear .
[ { "offsets": [ 55, 62 ], "text": "abscess", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Meropenem was administered for a total of 2 weeks .
Then meropenem was switched to oral ciprofloxacin for another 4 weeks and the patient was discharged from the hospital , in full recovery .
Follow-up sonogram obtained almost 2 months after the drainage showed completely normal liver parenchyma without any residual liver cavities .
An 80 year-old Caucasian male was diagnosed at an outside institution with Barrett ' s esophagus with high grade dysplasia and presented to our institution for therapy .
[ { "offsets": [ 75, 122 ], "text": "Barrett ' s esophagus with high grade dysplasia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient underwent endoscopic mucosal resection using a band ligation technique of an area of nodularity within the Barrett esophagus .
[ { "offsets": [ 119, 136 ], "text": "Barrett esophagus", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Microscopic examination demonstrated extensive Barrett esophagus with high-grade dysplasia as well as a second tumor which was morphologically different from the surrounding high-grade dysplasia and which was positive for S- 100 , HMB 45 and Melan-A on immunohistochemistry , consistent with melanoma .
[ { "offsets": [ 47, 90 ], "text": "Barrett esophagus with high-grade dysplasia", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 174, 194 ], "text": "high-grade dysplasia", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 292, 300 ], "text": "melanoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Further workup of the patient demonstrated multiple radiologic lesions consistent with metastases .
[ { "offsets": [ 43, 70 ], "text": "multiple radiologic lesions", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 87, 97 ], "text": "metastases", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Molecular studies demonstrated that the melanoma was positive for the 1799 T > A ( V 600 E ) mutation in the BRAF gene .
[ { "offsets": [ 40, 48 ], "text": "melanoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The overall features of the tumor were most consistent with metastatic melanoma occurring in a background of Barrett esophagus with high-grade dysplasia .
[ { "offsets": [ 28, 33 ], "text": "tumor", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 60, 79 ], "text": "metastatic melanoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 109, 152 ], "text": "Barrett esophagus with high-grade dysplasia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A 22 - year-old woman , without any formerly diagnosed diseases , presented to the emergency department with a 3 day history of dyspnea , fatigue and central chest pain .
[ { "offsets": [ 150, 168 ], "text": "central chest pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She reported increasing dyspnea that developed in the previous month .
[ { "offsets": [ 24, 31 ], "text": "dyspnea", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She also had intermittent pain in the small joints for several months .
[ { "offsets": [ 26, 50 ], "text": "pain in the small joints", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
There was no family history of SLE .
[ { "offsets": [ 31, 34 ], "text": "SLE", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On examination , she had a temperature of 38 . 2 ° C , a heart rate of 115 beats / minute , blood pressure of 90 / 60 mmHg , respiratory rate of 25 breaths / minute , muffled heart sounds and jugular distention .
[ { "offsets": [ 192, 210 ], "text": "jugular distention", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia and low voltage .
[ { "offsets": [ 29, 46 ], "text": "sinus tachycardia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The chest radiograph showed an enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with a right-sided pulmonary effusion .
[ { "offsets": [ 88, 106 ], "text": "pulmonary effusion", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The echocardiography revealed a large circumferential pericardial effusion , with diastolic collapse of the right atrium , dilated inferior vena cava and 30 % respiratory variation of the Doppler mitral valve , confirming the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade .
[ { "offsets": [ 38, 74 ], "text": "circumferential pericardial effusion", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 82, 120 ], "text": "diastolic collapse of the right atrium", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 239, 256 ], "text": "cardiac tamponade", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Initial workup showed normochromic normocytic anemia with hemoglobin at 8 . 5 g / dl , CRP : 75 mg / L , renal and liver function tests were normal .
[ { "offsets": [ 22, 52 ], "text": "normochromic normocytic anemia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Emergency pericardiocentesis was indicated but could not be performed because of the incapability to place the guidewire into the pericardial cavity .
So , urgent surgical pericardiectomy with window procedure was realized , 1200 of clear fluid was evacuated .
The pericardial fluid contained 2900 white blood cells / mm , 100 red blood cells / mm , bacteriological culture and cytologic examinations yielded negative results .
The pericardial biopsy showed features of nonspecific inflammation , malignancy and tuberculosis were ruled out .
[ { "offsets": [ 42, 66 ], "text": "nonspecific inflammation", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 69, 79 ], "text": "malignancy", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 84, 96 ], "text": "tuberculosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Further investigations were accomplished to determine the etiology .
Immunological workup revealed antinuclear antibodies titer of 1 : 1280 , positive anti-SSA and anti-SM antibodies and hypocomplementemia .
The coombs test was positive .
The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus was established based on hemolytic anemia , serositis , arthralgia , positive anti nuclear and anti SM antibodies and low complement .
[ { "offsets": [ 17, 45 ], "text": "systemic lupus erythematosus", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 71, 87 ], "text": "hemolytic anemia", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 90, 99 ], "text": "serositis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 102, 112 ], "text": "arthralgia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient was started on intravenous therapy with methylprednisolone followed by prednisone 60 mg by mouth daily with hydroxychloroquine .
She had a good clinical response and control echocardiography showed complete resolution of the pericardial effusion without recurrence .
[ { "offsets": [ 96, 116 ], "text": "pericardial effusion", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A 14 - year old boy with no significant past medical history presented to a small district hospital in southern Sierra Leone with a 4 day history of facial puffiness , peripheral pitting oedema , abdominal pains , and reduced urine output .
[ { "offsets": [ 149, 165 ], "text": "facial puffiness", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 179, 193 ], "text": "pitting oedema", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 196, 211 ], "text": "abdominal pains", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 218, 238 ], "text": "reduced urine output", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On examination he was afebrile , BP 150 / 110 , heart rate 70 .
He had significant periorbital and facial oedema , pitting oedema from the feet to the knees , a distended abdomen , ascites , and tender hepatomegaly .
[ { "offsets": [ 19, 48 ], "text": "periorbital and facial oedema", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 51, 65 ], "text": "pitting oedema", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 97, 114 ], "text": "distended abdomen", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 117, 124 ], "text": "ascites", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 138, 150 ], "text": "hepatomegaly", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Lab results showed haemoglobin 10 . 9 g / dl , packed cell volume 35 % , and positive malaria parasites .
Urea ( 14 mg / dl ) , creatinine ( 1 . 0 mg / dl ) , sodium ( 137 mmol / L ) , and potassium ( 3 . 7 mmol / L ) were normal .
Urinalysis , using a urine dipstick , revealed three pluses of proteinurea , which equates to ≥ 3 g urinary protein per day .
Lab facilities for the measurement of serum albumin were not available .
The diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome was made and the patient was started on a course of prednisolone 60 mg / day , Enalapril 2 . 5 mg daily , anti-malarial treatment , and empirical broad spectrum IV antibiotics to cover bacterial infections , in addition to a salt-restricted diet .
[ { "offsets": [ 17, 35 ], "text": "nephrotic syndrome", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On day 3 of admission he showed a clinical response to treatment , as the facial oedema , ascites , and BP had reduced .
[ { "offsets": [ 74, 87 ], "text": "facial oedema", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 90, 97 ], "text": "ascites", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Urinalysis showed two pluses of proteinurea ( 0 . 5-1 . 0 gram per day per day ) .
The child complained of a moderate headache , but had no fever , meningism , or focal neurological signs .
[ { "offsets": [ 35, 43 ], "text": "headache", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 57, 62 ], "text": "fever", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 65, 74 ], "text": "meningism", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 80, 104 ], "text": "focal neurological signs", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
He was started on oral paracetamol .
The next morning ( day 4 of admission ) his symptoms evolved : his headache became severe , he had pain behind both eyes , and he was vomiting .
[ { "offsets": [ 67, 75 ], "text": "headache", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 99, 120 ], "text": "pain behind both eyes", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 134, 142 ], "text": "vomiting", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Examination showed a right VI nerve palsy , diplopia , and tinnitus in the right ear , with some hearing loss .
[ { "offsets": [ 27, 41 ], "text": "VI nerve palsy", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 44, 52 ], "text": "diplopia", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 59, 84 ], "text": "tinnitus in the right ear", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 97, 109 ], "text": "hearing loss", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
He later became drowsy and had a generalised seizure .
[ { "offsets": [ 16, 22 ], "text": "drowsy", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 33, 52 ], "text": "generalised seizure", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Diagnosis and commencement of treatment was delayed due to the absence of CT / MRI brain imaging facilities in the local district .
In the context of the child ' s nephrotic status and focal neurological signs , we had a high suspicion of cerebral venous thrombosis , and made a presumptive diagnosis .
[ { "offsets": [ 53, 77 ], "text": "focal neurological signs", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 107, 133 ], "text": "cerebral venous thrombosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The child was started on high dose subcutaneous unfractionated heparin daily .
This decision was made cautiously , but it was felt that the advantages surpassed the risks .
He also received dexamethasone , high flow oxygen , and elevation of the head to 45 degrees , in order to treat features of raised intracranial pressure .
[ { "offsets": [ 124, 152 ], "text": "raised intracranial pressure", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On day 6 of admission his headache had improved and his focal neurological signs began to resolve .
[ { "offsets": [ 26, 34 ], "text": "headache", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 56, 80 ], "text": "focal neurological signs", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]