The Ki- 67 labeling index was : 40 % ( estimated on 10 HPF ) , Estrogen receptor status were 90 % , progesterone receptor 10 % ( both using Allred score ) and the human epidermal growth factor was negative .
Based on the histopathological and immunohistochemical findings the case has been reported as lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the breast and staged as pT 1 N 1 M 0 .
[ { "offsets": [ 94, 126 ], "text": "lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The post-operative pet scan showed no distant metastasis .
[ { "offsets": [ 38, 56 ], "text": "distant metastasis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The laboratory data showed a normal level of carbohydrate antigen 15-3 ( CA 15 -3 : 39 . 8 U / ml ) .
Following surgery , the patient underwent four cycles of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide and twelve cycles of paclitaxel chemotherapy .
She declined endocrine therapy and was treated with radiotherapy commencing 3 weeks after chemotherapy .
The radiation dose was 50 Gy in 25 fractions using a 6 MV photon tangent pair followed by a boost of 10 Gy in 5 fractions using 6 MV photon tangent pair .
Regular follow up consists of physical examination every three months .
At her 1 year follow-up , the patient was doing well with no evidence of recurrent disease .
A 60 year-old man presented to an outside institution for septic shock with hematesis .
[ { "offsets": [ 58, 70 ], "text": "septic shock", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
He had a medical history of diabetes mellitus , hypertension and he was amputated right leg ( trans-femoral amputation ) for diabetic arteriopathy six months before admission complicated by venous thrombosis .
[ { "offsets": [ 28, 45 ], "text": "diabetes mellitus", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 48, 60 ], "text": "hypertension", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 134, 146 ], "text": "arteriopathy", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 190, 207 ], "text": "venous thrombosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Home medications included daily pioglitazone , atenolol , furosemide and anticoagulant with poor compliance .
Initial examination revealed a patient in state of septic shock , respiratory rate 28 cycles per min , his pulse was regular with an apical rate of 120 beats / min , temperature 39 ° C , blood pressure 70 / 40 mmHg , he had necrotic and suppurative amputation stump with peripheral pulse abolished .
[ { "offsets": [ 51, 63 ], "text": "septic shock", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 249, 265 ], "text": "amputation stump", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Patient was given immediately oxygen , fluids , antibiotics , and drugs to increase blood pressure .
Six hours later , the patient presented a single episode of hematemesis .
[ { "offsets": [ 60, 71 ], "text": "hematemesis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
There was no associated melena or abdominal pain .
[ { "offsets": [ 24, 30 ], "text": "melena", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 34, 48 ], "text": "abdominal pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
He had no history of alcohol use , liver disease , varices , peptic ulcer disease , abdominal aortic surgery , nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug use , gastroparesis , or previous GI bleeding .
[ { "offsets": [ 35, 48 ], "text": "liver disease", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 51, 58 ], "text": "varices", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 61, 81 ], "text": "peptic ulcer disease", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 153, 166 ], "text": "gastroparesis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 181, 192 ], "text": "GI bleeding", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Physical examination was unremarkable .
Pertinent laboratory studies included a hemoglobin level of 10 g / dL , platelet count was normal , blood urea of 1 , 2 g / l ( 0 , 18-0 , 45 g / L ) , and a creatinine level of 68 mg / L ( 7-13 mg / L ) .
After hemodynamic stabilization , an oesophageo-gastro-duodenoscopy was performed which showed : The upper third of the esophagus was circumferentially congestive , but the middle and lower third showed circumferential black pigmentation : the mucosa was black and covered by an exudate of the same color associated with diffuse bleeding .
[ { "offsets": [ 321, 337 ], "text": "diffuse bleeding", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Gastric mucosa was strictly normal in direct vision and in retrovision , the bulb and duodenum were normal .
Biopsie specimens were showed necrotic debris , mucosal submucosal necrosis with a local inflammatory response .
[ { "offsets": [ 30, 45 ], "text": "necrotic debris", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 48, 75 ], "text": "mucosal submucosal necrosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The treatment of this condition was based continuous high dose omeprazole ( 8 mg / h ) after bolus of 80 mg and total parenteral nutrition .
The patient experienced no further hematemesis or melena .
[ { "offsets": [ 35, 46 ], "text": "hematemesis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 50, 56 ], "text": "melena", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Due to the severity of the necrosis , and with deterioration of his condition and persistent sepsis he died later in the same day .
[ { "offsets": [ 27, 35 ], "text": "necrosis", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 93, 99 ], "text": "sepsis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A 35 - year-old Caucasian woman known to suffer from late familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia due to a well-known mutation in the insulin receptor gene has been pregnant 6 times .
[ { "offsets": [ 58, 96 ], "text": "familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient was treated with injections of Sandostatin LAR ® ( octreotide ) during the first four pregnancies .
Her first pregnancy in 1999 was unknown until approximately 25 th gestational weeks with fatal intrauterine growth retardation .
[ { "offsets": [ 95, 126 ], "text": "intrauterine growth retardation", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The following two pregnancies were terminated on parental request after a chorion villus biopsy revealed the mutation causing late familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia .
[ { "offsets": [ 131, 169 ], "text": "familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
During the fourth pregnancy , in which the fetus also had the mutation , serial ultrasound examinations showed a small fetus with appropriate growth .
At birth the girl was small for gestational age .
She was admitted to the neonatal special care unit due to low blood glucose and intravenous glucose and early feeding was initiated .
[ { "offsets": [ 58, 75 ], "text": "low blood glucose", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 80, 99 ], "text": "intravenous glucose", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
One day old , her condition deteriorated with signs of an abdominal catastrophe indicating necrotizing enterocolitis .
[ { "offsets": [ 58, 79 ], "text": "abdominal catastrophe", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 91, 116 ], "text": "necrotizing enterocolitis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
After two laparotomies - both confirming necrotizing enterocolitis - the child died 8 days after birth .
[ { "offsets": [ 41, 66 ], "text": "necrotizing enterocolitis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
In the following two pregnancies Sandostatin LAR ® was stopped before pregnancy and the patient was treated only with diet restriction and intensive glucose monitoring .
Both pregnancies ended successfully .
One child carried the mutation and was small for gestational age at birth while the other child did not carry the mutation and had normal birth weight .
[ { "offsets": [ 39, 64 ], "text": "small for gestational age", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 131, 150 ], "text": "normal birth weight", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A 37 - year-old Arabian woman presented with 12 months of progressive Cushing ' s syndrome-like symptoms .
[ { "offsets": [ 70, 95 ], "text": "Cushing ' s syndrome-like", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Biochemical evaluation confirmed adrenocorticotropic hormone -dependent Cushing ' s syndrome .
[ { "offsets": [ 33, 92 ], "text": "adrenocorticotropic hormone -dependent Cushing ' s syndrome", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
However , the anatomical site of her excess adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion was not clearly delineated by further investigations .
Magnetic resonance imaging of our patient ' s pituitary gland failed to demonstrate the presence of an adenoma .
[ { "offsets": [ 103, 110 ], "text": "adenoma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Spiral computed tomography of her chest only revealed the presence of a non-specific 7 mm lesion in her left inferobasal lung segment .
Functional imaging , including a positron emission tomography scan using 18 - fluorodeoxyglucose and gallium- 68 - DOTA-D-Phe 1 - Tyr 3 - octreotide , also failed to show increased metabolic activity in the lung lesion or in her pituitary gland .
Our patient was commenced on medical treatment with ketoconazole and metyrapone to control the clinical features associated with her excess cortisol secretion .
Despite initial normalization of her urinary free cortisol excretion rate , levels began to rise eight months after commencement of medical treatment .
Repeated imaging of her pituitary gland , chest and pelvis again failed to clearly localize a source of her excess adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion .
[ { "offsets": [ 108, 152 ], "text": "excess adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The bronchial nodule was stable in size on serial imaging and repeatedly reported as having a nonspecific appearance of a small granuloma or lymph node .
[ { "offsets": [ 128, 137 ], "text": "granuloma", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
We re-explored the treatment options and endorsed our patient ' s favored choice of resection of the bronchial nodule , especially given that her symptoms of cortisol excess were difficult to control and refractory .
Subsequently , our patient had the bronchial nodule resected .
The histological appearance of the lesion was consistent with that of a carcinoid tumor and immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the tumor stained strongly positive for adrenocorticotropic hormone .
[ { "offsets": [ 72, 87 ], "text": "carcinoid tumor", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Furthermore , removal of the lung lesion resulted in a normalization of our patient ' s 24 - hour urinary free cortisol excretion rate and resolution of her symptoms and signs of hypercortisolemia .
[ { "offsets": [ 29, 40 ], "text": "lung lesion", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 179, 196 ], "text": "hypercortisolemia", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
A 17 months girl have been consulted in our service for colicky abdominal pain often associated with constipation and loss of appetite , since she was six months old .
[ { "offsets": [ 56, 78 ], "text": "colicky abdominal pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 118, 134 ], "text": "loss of appetite", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Parents kept her at home until they remarked visible peristalsis on the abdominal wall , which lead them to consult our service .
[ { "offsets": [ 45, 64 ], "text": "visible peristalsis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She was born from a full-term and uncomplicated pregnancy during which the mother had no prenatal ultrasound ( US ) .
Her neonatal period was unremarkable .
Clinical findings : on physical examination , she was colored and active .
Her vitals were within normal limits as well as her anthropometric parameters ( weight : 10 kg ) .
Her abdomen had moderate distension and peristaltic waves were visible on the abdominal wall .
Abdomen was soft on palpation and tympanic on percussion .
The digital rectal examination was unremarkable .
Symptomatic treatment was initiated with lactulose ( five mL bid ) and an antispasmodic , trimebutine ( five mL bid ) .
Timeline : our patient experienced first symptoms since August 2019 .
Parents brought her at our service only on 27 th July 2020 two days after they remarked visible peristalsis on her abdominal wall .
[ { "offsets": [ 88, 107 ], "text": "visible peristalsis", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The patient has been treated and discharged in August 2020 and pathology results were available 11 days later .
Diagnostic assessment : blood results were within normal range .
Abdominal X-ray showed distension of an intestinal loop in the left lumbar region .
Abdominal US identified a misleading colonic dilatation containing heterogeny echoic substance , with no other additional features .
Contrast enema was unremarkable .
Due to financial constraints , upper gastro-intestinal ( GI ) series and abdominal computed tomography ( CT ) could not be performed .
An exploratory laparotomy has been indicated with presumptive diagnosis of intestinal duplication .
[ { "offsets": [ 75, 97 ], "text": "intestinal duplication", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Therapeutic intervention : after the median laparotomy , a dilatated segment of the jejunum was identified at approximately ten cm from the Treitz ' s angle .
Its diameter was fourfold greater than of the adjacent bowel , to which the dilatation was connected abruptly , without any identified obstructive cause .
It measured ten cm in length and had prominent serosal vessels .
Adjacent mesentery was thickened .
[ { "offsets": [ 9, 18 ], "text": "mesentery", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
No further anatomic anomaly was identified .
A resection of the dilatated portion was performed , followed by end-to-end jejunal anastomosis using Vicryl 3 / 0 in separate stitches .
Follow-up and outcomes : microscopic examination revealed a lymphocytic infiltration of both layers of the muscularis propria .
[ { "offsets": [ 60, 84 ], "text": "lymphocytic infiltration", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The dense lymphocytic infiltration was mainly constituted of T lymphocytes CD 3 + / 8 + ( C and D ) and some B lymphocytes CD 20 + .
[ { "offsets": [ 10, 34 ], "text": "lymphocytic infiltration", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Locally diminished actin coloration indicated atrophy of smooth muscle fibers .
[ { "offsets": [ 46, 77 ], "text": "atrophy of smooth muscle fibers", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
Nerve fibers and ganglion cells of myenteric and submucosal plexuses were intact with focalized absence of NK CD 56 + cells around lymphocytic infiltration .
[ { "offsets": [ 131, 155 ], "text": "lymphocytic infiltration", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
No ectopic tissue was identified .
The postoperative period was uneventful .
The patient was on parenteral nutrition until day seven postoperatively .
She was discharged on day ten and after three months of monthly follow-up , colicky abdominal pain and chronic constipation had disappeared since the early postoperative days .
[ { "offsets": [ 76, 98 ], "text": "colicky abdominal pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 103, 123 ], "text": "chronic constipation", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
For the future , the follow-up will be done on a three months basis for a year and then , twice yearly .
A 34 - year-old recently diagnosed HIV positive para 4 was referred to us with a 2 - month history of abdominal pain , abdominal distension and backache which had worsened 2 weeks prior to presentation .
[ { "offsets": [ 102, 116 ], "text": "abdominal pain", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 119, 139 ], "text": "abdominal distension", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She also had pain on defecation , night sweats and fever .
[ { "offsets": [ 13, 31 ], "text": "pain on defecation", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 34, 46 ], "text": "night sweats", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 51, 56 ], "text": "fever", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
On examination she looked ill , in respiratory distress with a respiratory rate of 28 breaths per min .
[ { "offsets": [ 35, 55 ], "text": "respiratory distress", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
She was febrile with a temperature of 38 . 2 0 C and had unilateral leg swelling .
[ { "offsets": [ 8, 15 ], "text": "febrile", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 57, 80 ], "text": "unilateral leg swelling", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The abdomen was asymmetrically distended with an abdominopelvic mass of about 30 weeks size .
[ { "offsets": [ 4, 40 ], "text": "abdomen was asymmetrically distended", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The mass was firm , immobile with an irregular surface not attached to overlying skin .
There was no ascites and no hepatosplenomegaly .
[ { "offsets": [ 13, 20 ], "text": "ascites", "type": "CLINENTITY" }, { "offsets": [ 28, 46 ], "text": "hepatosplenomegaly", "type": "CLINENTITY" } ]
The cervix looked grossly normal but was displaced anteriorly .
Digital rectal examination revealed a mass in the pouch of Douglas not involving the rectal mucosa .
Examination of the other systems was normal .
Investigations showed a haemoglobin of 6 . 5 g / dl ( NR 12 -14 g / dl ) , a slightly elevated cancer antigen 125 of 44 U / ml ( NR 0-35 ) , serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin ( HCG ) of 0 . 258 mIU / ml ( NR 0-5 ) and alpha fetoprotein of 7 ng / ml ( NR < 10 ) .
Her CD 4 count was 63 cells / mm 3 .
Her renal and hepatic function tests were normal .
An ultrasound scan showed a solid mass measuring 19 . 6 cm x 12 . 5 cm , posterior to the uterine fundus and extending to the left adnexa .
The uterus and its endometrium were normal .