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Sentence 1: Paul'breathed' at Mary. | 00
Sentence 1 | 00
Sentence 1: The boy's uncle and aunt were kissing | 11
Sentence I: Everyone. of us'be givers prize. | 11
Sentence 1: A lot of this material can be presented in a fairly informal and accessible fashion, and often | do. | 11
Sentence I: | wanted any cake. | 00
Sentence Ay eiwel' is the Than. Whe warrthe “Nebel Prize for astfology, : | 11
Sentence # John may leave. | 11
‘Sentence 1: The book of poems with a red cover from Blackwell by Robert Burns takes a very long time to read. | 11
Sentence 1: The man J think chased Fido returned. | 11
Sentence |: It is likely that Patrick left. ae | 11
Senmace 1: Ihe teacher expected ty Pe reporters tt Be Sree oceay oea. | 11
Sentancé't jack eats. more caviar than he eats mush | 11
Semnce 2 er ass Bk Jon vats hc our tes | 11
fentence 1:1 expect ohn to win and Harry to lose. | 11
‘Sentence 1: The more he eats, the poorer he knows a woman that gets. | 00
samen ae go | 11
Sentence 1: The umpire called off it. | 00
Sentence 1: Did Captain Wentworth write a letter to Anne Elliott? | 11
Sentence 1: The harder it has rained, how much faster a flow that appears in the river? | 00
Sentence 1: Mary sang for anyone who wanted to hear her. | 11
Sentence (1:2: John, is”. being: discuasséd and. Sally: is ‘being ta’. : | 00
Sentence 1: | saw him ever. Pid | 00
Sunnie ich ig an du you end as ay | 11
Sentence 4:1 was hunting in the woods. | 11
Sentence 1: Mary was told to bring something stg. the party, so she asked Sue what to. * * | 00
Sentence | 00
Sentence t: Mary was visited by Bil | 11
Sentence 1: Crystal vases break easily. | 11
Sentence 1 That new handle’ detaches easily: | 11
} Sentence 1: John will, have-been ; | Cake, eating | 11
Sentence Ida hunted for deer inthe woods. | 11
sentence 1: it is important to be more careful, he mtore you eat. | 11
Sentence 4: John thinks that Mary left. | 11
Sentence 4: Gilgamesh will seek Ishtar | 11
| Sentence : John of anyone who was made a fool of himself in from there. | 11
Sentence 1: few equipment is available. | 00
Sentence Ag@wvas not reading a book when you came in. o | 11
Sentence 1: Foch candidate who has any interest in semantics wil be admit ted tothe department. | 00
‘Sentence. ‘tA stip appeared, | 11
i Sentence: t: Heidi i Hinks hat Anidy. will eat. seahino | Mavored gaindy bars | 11
‘Sentence 1: Tom intends for Sam to review that book. | 11
Sentence 1:1 went to:the store and bought some whisky. | 11
Sentence 1: Every student in Mary's class, whoever they wore, happened to vote Republican. | 00
proved the phen eontinuum | sentence 1 O° of the mndependence hypothesis | 11
Sentence 1. Who seems to be certain to leave first? | 11
ritence'L:Y wil ask’ you'to belive that he:uied:to ‘force sme’ to ve het aly money. | 00
Sentence L H. celebrity as f ry got to be as much of al father. | 11
Sentence } The more that. pictures of himself appear in the news, the more embarrassed John becomes | 11
Sentence 1: Robin will eat. cabbage but she won't ice crean. | 11
Séntence’.1:: Mary: diet no} avoiel Bill: | 11
Sentence .1: Clearly, John: : perfectly will ©: immediately. © learn. - French probably. . | 00
Sentence t No one expected to win | 11
Sentence: The ‘coat which. a ‘girl: came ‘in. wh} hcid worn was torn. | 00
Sentence 1: That Fido barks annoys ie | 11
Senténce £1 brought a rizor ivith which. to shave inyselt : | 11
Sentence t You are too flip'with pce iho are Jains oF you. | 11
Sentence 1: There was a dragon in the cave. | 11
Sentence 1: How do you think John bought what? | 11
Sencence f The amoeba coughed and chen ic fainced. | 11
Sentence “Le Jeigh . swale, — fhe = baby with” lanes | 11
Sentence 1: The noise gave Terry # headache. | 11
‘Sentence 1: These people, after the party, wilt, hot come. home: / | 11
Sentence I: She is as brilliant the woman as her mother. | 00
Sentence 1: The. cook: boned the. fish ‘of its: backbone. | 00
Sentence 1: We proved Smith conclusively to be the thief. | 11
Sentence 1: They have no car. | 11
Sentence 1: They're believing everything you say. | 11
‘Sentence t The ball lies in the box. | 11
Sentence’ wonderin wich pocket few, that Rim-had hidden ‘the jewels. | 11
Sentence 1} Would more accountants make any difference fo my tax bill? | 11
Sentence 1: John sang beautifully. | 11
Sentence 1; if the telephone rang, it could ring itself silly. | 11
Sentenee’ 1: Who ‘is:Ann going to-serid a pickire to-her’ teacher-of,.as, soon, as she’gets hame?. | 00
Sentence 1: Mr Knightley despaired. | 11
Sentence 1 John is believed to be certain by everyone that Fred is crazy. | 00
Sentence: Itis tobe gentle that John promised. | 00
‘Sentence 1: It annoys people that dogs bark. | 11
‘Sentence t: | wanted that he should leave. | 00
Sentence t The students drank too much beer last fight. | 11
Sentence 1: The teacher ordered the two boys both to pay close attention. | 11
Sentence 1: A woman hit a girl who was pregnant. | 11
Sentence: Uack is the parson‘ with Whem Jenny Fell in. love, . we | 11
Sentence 4: Techn destroyed the housé. | 11
Sentence 1: Handsome though Dick is. Im still going to marry Herman. | 11
Sentencé.1: Tohin not leave. | 11
t Sntenee 1: Ate Bil his dinner? | 00
sentence On the horizon appeared a large ship. | 11
‘Satna hi ht tei isbn | 11
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