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ae 2 wi be tebe th i ha eal ne | 00
Sentence 1: "He wali zed" her. across: the Floa: | 11
Sentence :The more he reads, the more books 1 wonder to whom he will give | 00
Sentence 1: Visiting relatives can be boring. | 11
Sentence 1: Rory.is eating muffins. | 11
Sentence 1: Bill is sick. | 11
[Sentence 1: She's just enough tall. | 00
Sentence 1: Among the guests were sitting my friend Louise. | 00
Sentence 1: I inquired that John like his beer. | 00
Sentence 1: How much money Gordon spent is true. | 00
Sentence I To impréve yourself would bea good ied. | 11
Sentence’1: Leigh ‘threw ‘the: ball ‘to. Lane. | 11
‘Sentence 1: Webster touched 6, a) efiee tee Heeey 13d done it | 11
Sentence 1: We expect the dentist to examine ourselves. | 00
Sentence +: Jolin gave Bill of the book. | 00
See Me dd he ot wes ready % | 00
Sentence 1: David broke the window with a hammer. | 11
Sentence # Little’ children amuse easily | 11
Sentence 1: She's enough. tall. | 00
Seatence: Ii The. tree’ changed froma maple into an’ dak. | 11
ico ball behind the tree. | 11
Sentence 1: The -garden: is swarming with bees: | 11
Sentence. 4: They’ praised the volunteers’ dedication: | 11
Sentence |: The bed was slept in by the Shah. | 11
(Sentence 1: That Louise had abandoned the project surprised everyone, | 11
sentence the been wondering whether but wouldnt postivaly want to'state chat. | 11
Senieerice,L Iii'glad anyoorj tes mel | 11
“Sentence.1: Poseidon wept, after the executioner. left. | 11
sentence doubt you can help me inunderstanding hs | 11
Sentence 1: The man that Mary saw knew me. | 11
Sentence t: Better you not drink. | 00
Sentence 1: John laid the book on the table. | 11
Sentence 1: Thé cat tries to: be-out of the bag. | 11
Sentence 1: We hope that such a vaccine could be available in ten years. | 11
Sentence 1:f large flag fluttered. | 11
Sentence i The mon is dancing. | 11
‘Sentence 1: The students demonstrated this moming | 11
4: John ate a carrot and Mary did so a | 00
itence I: Janet broke the crystal, | 11
Sentgnce 1: She swatted him. #* | 11
Sentence tA good friend is rémainied to me; | 00
Sentence 1: Susan did so the baker: | 00
Sentence J: Augusta blamed herself for what happened. | 11
Sentence L © Dale said Hiat Bie lawn was overgrown: we | 11
Sentence t: It is rumored that he left town. | 11
Sentance 1 The boy's loud playing of the pia | Grove everyone crazy | 11
Sentence 1: Je wants Brian to leave. | 11
Sentence 1:1 noticed his car in the driveway last night, your friend from Boston. | 11
Sentence 1: This\is the friend for whose mother Kim gave a party. | 11
Sentence 1:| wonder what city that Romans destroyed. | 00
Sentence t:| explained to fix the sink. | 00
Sentence 1: Sarah smiled. | 11
Sentence 1: Anything hasn't happened to his optimism. | 00
Sentence 1: Cats touch easily. | 00
Sentence 1: The money which | am discussing Sarah's claim. that the company squandered amounts to $400.000. | 00
Sentence 1: I know a boy mad at John. | 11
Sentence’ I: Any: woman: standing: under that tree. is Mary's friend...” | 00
Sentence t There is strangers in that garden. | 00
Sentence: 1: the bottle drained the. liquid free, . yt | 00
Sentence 1; 1 iqsider that & rude remark and i Very INP and-PP] bad taste. | 11
entence ?: Hilda.is' suich..a. scholar] Ss WouWwere Speaking of just now. | 11
Sentence needed. much furniture is | 11
<Gooks: all. to” their’ | 11
‘Sentence 1: This truck spread less salt than that one. | 11
Sentence t Olver ascrbed fs longevity there | 00
Senterice 1:1 know-a tan who hates'me: | 11
Sentence 1: What she thought that was the poison | was neutralised | 00
Sentence 1: julie maintained that the barman was sober. | 11
Sentence 1: Reagan, whom the Republicans nominated in 1980, lived most of his life in California. | 11
‘Sentence x: rolled-up a newspaper, and Lynn did @ magazirie? | 11
Sentence = 4: It” Agamemnon is a maniac seems~ that | 11
Spitencé't si | 11
Sentence 1: Steve pelted at Anna. | 00
Sentence 1: The boys swim. | 00
‘Seritence 1: Bill wants Susars to leave. * | 11
Sentence 1: Almost every cat likes mice, but Felix doesn’t. | 11
Sentence 1 The doctor brought to the passengers who had passed cut from the fumes. | 00
sentence i: He looked it UP | 11
Seniie 1, May’ tisinged John fo go alréad., | 00
Sentence 1:, What expladed when? | 11
Sentence £ We kicked myself | 00
‘Sentence 1: He mashed himself. | 11
Sentence 1: The dragoris have all been slain, | 11
Why ca th na wh emaly ats Uh geass tay” | 11
Sentence 1:John is easy to please. ® | 11
Sentence 1: | handed the ball to Reg | 11
Seriténce.t The:dog chased the cat fordays. , ” 2 arrears | 11
Sentencé 1: Mary is taller than six fect. | 11
| Sentence I: could have been Flying helicopters by now. | 11
Sentence 1: John is as tall as that man. | 11
Sentence 4: Those’ are-this fotks:that youl just solve this problem and you'it:be able to, put them onice. : | 00
Sentence 1: Webster touched a swohy after Henry had done so. ~ | 11
Subsets and Splits