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Sentence 1: How long did it take the Emirate to become the Caliphate of Codoba? Sentence 2: After defeating the Visigoths in only a few months, the Umayyad Caliphate started expanding rapidly in the peninsula. | 11
Sentence 1: What. -individual’ .was esponsible for- law and |maintaining jorder-in the county? Sentence 2: A Magistrate maintained law jand: order in his county, registered the populace: for. - taxation, .- mobilized fcomimoners for annual: -corvée ‘duties, Irepaired schools: and supervised. public orks. | 00
Sentence 1 Hhat court ruled the claim of climate change refugee to be untenable? Sentence 2: Indeed, in 2012 a daim of a Kiribati man of being a élimate change refuged under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) was determined by the New Zealand High Court to be untenable as there was no persecution or serious harm related to any of the five stipulated Refugee Convention grounds: | 00
Sentterice 1: What type if lighting sises thts hae ar ‘ung or clipped to hare.metai cables? 27 Seutenée.-2: 4. modified: version of. this is. cable lighting, where lights ave hung from ‘or ‘clipped to ‘bare metal cables dnder tension, _ : | 00
Sentence i in US. dollars, how much wos the enormous loss Sony reported the month before Kutoragi's retirement onnouncement? Sentence 2: However, they were priced ot US#H99 and US#599 respectively. meaning thot units moy fove been sold ot on estimated loss of #306 or #241 depending on model, if the cost estimates were Gorrest, ond thus may have contributed to Sony's gemes division posting on operating loss of ¥232.5 Eition (US#197 billion) in the fiscal yeor ending March 2007. | 00
‘Sentence 1: What did The Act of “Nihil novi nisi commune consensu" Do ‘Sentence 2: This forbade the king to pass lany new law without .the consent of the| representatives of the: nobility, in Sejm land Senat assembled, and thus greatly| strengthened the nobility's _political| osition. ¥ + | 00
Sentence £ What entities are working together to promote the FEELS model? Sentence 2: " This work is in part the product of cooperation between Chinese government organizations ond the Institute for the Postmodern Development of China. | 00
Sentence 1: Dish network Tv takes example of what type of antenna? Sentence 2: An example of a high-gain antenna is a parabolic dish such ds. a satellite television | 00
Sentence |: What was the most recent glaciation that has shaped the British Isles? Sentence 2 the islands have on shaped by reve the mest recent belay’ The Devension chaos | 00
‘Sentence t Who allegedly hit a home run to the Center’? Sentence 2: On October |, 1982, In game three of the World Series between the Cubs and the New York Yankees, Babe Ruth alegedly stepped to the plate, pointed his finger to Wrigey Field's center field bleachers and it a lng home run to center. | 00
Sentence 1: What were two other locations people began to fly to instead of going to Atlantic City? Sentence 2: The car allowed them to come and go as they pleased, and many people would spend only a few days, rather than weeks. | 11
Sentence I: What color is hotfer than “red hot"? Sentence 2: But it was also,kMown that the colour of the light given off by a hot object changes with the temperature, so that “white hot” is hotter than “red hot”. | 00
Sentence iow long did vertebrate recovery take? Sentence-2: In the Carboniferous, rainforest collapse led to a great loss of plant and animal life. | 11
Sentence 1: What is the last letter of nearly all CBC stations? Sentence 2: All CBC O&O stations have a standard call letter naming convention, in that the} first two letters are "CB" (an ITU prefix allocated} not to Canada, but to Chile) and the last letter is| TT", | 00
Sentence 1: What is the preferential ‘term for those in’Burma that are not a part of the racial majority 7 Sentence . 2% Myanmar’ ethnic minority, groups, prefer. the term ‘ethnic. nationality’ over © ‘ethnic minority” as | the term ‘ “minority”. furthérs ‘their ‘sense’ of insecurity in the face of what:Is often described as “Burmanisation’"the proliferation and domination of the dominant Bamar culture oyer, minority cultures. | 00
tence 1: Who took over Eastern rmenia in the 19th century? | tence 2: By the 19th century, astern Armenia had been conquered yy the Russian Empire, while most of ithe western parts of the traditional rmenian homeland remained under ttoman rule. | 00
Sentence 1: What is often considered more important than the results of von Neumann's papers? Sentence 2 In his 1936 paper on analytic measure theory, he used the Haar theorem in the solution of Hilbert’s fifth problem in the case of compact groups. | 11
Sentence 1: Which topic did Feynman's commencement. speech at Caltech center around? Sentence 2: He instructed the graduating class that. “The first principle is that you must. not fool. yourself-and. you. are th easiest person to fool. | 11
Bentence 2: Although Mex insisted von Neumann attend school et the grade Level appropriate to hie age, be gared ta Nee rivete tutors to sive iy fenced wetrvction ia those areas in which he hed Siepleyed en aptitude. | 11
iil | 11
tence 1: How far away was the hospital rom this rural area? tence 2: Rural areas can use this rechnology for diagnostic purposes, thus saving lives and making more efficient use f health care money. | 11
Sentence 1: What country fell providing with more information on Canada's army size? Sentence 2: Conscription for overseas service was introduced only near the end of the war, and only 2,400 conscripts actually made it into battle. | 11
Sentence 1: What class of medication is fentanyl an example of? ‘Sentence 2: Management of breakthrough pain can entail intensive use of opioids, including fentanyl. | 00
‘Sentence, init soto sand does.the. smi ‘ot Susain Boyle: “Have?” Sehtence’ 2: Throtighout ‘this.-decade, artists. such *as” Nick Lachey; James:Blumt, Jofin Mayer, Bruno Nats, Jason Mraz, Kelly Clarkson,’ Adee, Clay. Aiken, and. Susan Boyle have become Sugcessfulthanks to a ballad heavy'sound: 5 | 00
Sentence & What's the name of Samoats capital? Sentence 2 The capital city is Apia | 00
Sentence |: The mandolin wos reported to be popular omong ‘what $2x? Sentence 2: Stelios Foustalierakis reported that the mandolin and the mpoulgari were used ta accompany the Iyra in the heginning of the 20th century in the city of Rethimno. | 11
Sentence 1: What military commander gained power after the Fall oF the Minamoto clan? Sentence 2: Taira Kiyomori emerged as the real power in Japon following the Minamoto's destruction, and he would remain in command For the next 28 years. | 00
Sentence 1: What type of government does Burma operate under ? to a quasi-military rule. | 11
Sentence 4: Adrenalize followed what 1987 Def Leppard record? Sentence ‘2::In 1992, Def ‘Leppard followed ‘up 1987's Hysteria. with Adrenalize, = which | went. multi platinum, ‘spawned four Top 40 singles: and: held: the number one spot on the US alburn chart for five weeks, | 00
Sentence 1: What is a solution to preventing an LED faiure? = Sentence 2: The typical solution is to use constant-current power supplies to keep the current below the LED's maximum current rating. | 00
Sentence.) How many independant schools are in Lancashire? Sentence 2 Not including sixth form colleges, there are 77 state schools (not including Burnley's new ..schools) and 24 independent schools | 00
Sentence 1: How large are roche moutonnee? Sentence 2: They range in length from less than a meter to several hundred meters long. | 00
Sentence t Film stars including Elizabeth Taylor visited what island residence of Tito? Sentence 2: Closeto 100 foreign heads of state were to visit Tito at the island residence, along with film stars such agsFlizabeth Taylor, Richard Burtén, Sophia Loren, Carlo + and Gina Lollobrigida, # rt) | 11
jentence arqund.“wheh did the. great, plains. became productive or crap, growing salons 2 Canter pivot isigation is used extensively is drier, pactlons of the Gredt Plaiis, résiting in aquiter depletion oa ote that is greater than the gravind's ability to recharge | 11
Sentence 1: When did comic strips start appearing in hardback collection volumes? New styles became (popala and at the en of 18908, American-st newspaper comic supplements began to appear in Japan, as w as some Americ. comic strips. | 11
sentence 1: How many. bird species are obligate parasites? ay 209s oductive cutput even. tous t ave raised their.own young. ai | 11
Sentence 1: When wos the Permion-Triossic extinction event? Sentence 2: The most recent, the Cretaceous- Poleogene extinction event, occurred 65 million years ago and has often attracted more attention thon thers because it resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. | 11
Sentence 1: Aiong with spinning, what income-producing, work did peasant women engage in? ‘Sentence 2: They could supplement the household income by spinning or brewing at home. | 00
Santecat Wierd the Seva ts hppa? Santee 2:The Stonewall rts wae a series of spontecus, ven demonstrations by ‘manters afte gy commun gst ap rail hl oo glace in he ety mang hours at Juie78, 1969, he Stoneval i inthe Geach Vag egbarood of LoverMatatan, | 00
Sentence I: What was the former word given to Beyoncé fans? Sentence 2: The Bey Hive is the name given to Beyoncé’s fan base. | 11
Sentence 1: What language does phonology as a word come from? Sentence 2: The word phonology comes from the Greek wv, phon, “voice, sound," and the suffix -logy (which is from Greek ‘Oyo, légos, “word, speech, subject of discussion"). | 00
Sentence 1: How many students attended the Bronx public and private schools as of 2000? Sentence 2: In 2000, public schools enrolled nearly 280,000 of the Bronx's residents over 3 years old (out of 333,100 enrolled in all pre- college schools). | 00
‘Gentence 12: What state's law requires that capital” punishimerit : occur’ “within the-walts” of a penitentiary? Sentence ..2:° 54-100. requires death sentences to: be conducted*in. ain: "enclostre!-which’ "shall: be.” se. constructed as to. exclude’ public view: | 11
Seatencs regions? lighest bird diversity. occurs ‘in: which Sentence 2: The highest bird diversity oceurs in tropical egions. : : ——————$—$—$—— | 00
Suntencs. 1: What -six: were ‘the top. countries for investment. in. recent years? aintanam Z: The top countries for ‘investment: in recent. years were Ching,. United States, italy, and Brazil | 00
. ‘Seateace t: The ‘The central task ter . andatop Pologists is to describe what ists whiten } | Sentence 2 Wig edi iS, drawn fom the salient scourses of the the practical cota g me and instituti ‘or example, {esulting in the nana veranan ‘Of self and significant others and ‘ata ekationy needed) | 11
Sentence 1: When did personnel first start thinking about using lasers in combat? Sentence 2: If current developments continue, some[who?] believe it . is reasonable to suggest that lasers wilt play a major role in air defence starting in the next ten years. | 11
Sentence 1: How many sexes of annelids were there originally? Sentence ae is thought that annelids Aid is with two separate sexes, raldesed ove and sperm into the water via their nephridia. | 00
Sentence 1: What is the specific moral code forsmonks-and ‘puns? Sentence’ 2: The'.precise-‘coritent Of" the’ vinayapitaka [scripties on Vinaya). differs slightly according to different schools,-and diffetent.schools or- suibschools, set’ different, standatds for the degree of adhérence'to Vinaya. | 00
Sentence 1: What tribe did Ali belong to? Sentence 2: Marwan.! and other-people who wanted conflict manipulated everyéne.to fight. | 11
Sentence 1: What is known as the Bonnie Blue Flag Sentence 2: This flag would Later become known as the "Bonnie Blue Flag”. | 11
Sentence 1: What was_ hunting LegarMfd as in British India? y ISentence:2: During the feudal and colonial times in British India, hunting lwas regarded as a regal sport in the numerous princely states, as many In§ffarajas and nawabs, as well as British officers, maintained a whole corps of shikaris (big-game hunters), who were native _ professional hunters. | 00
Sentence 41: what as otable ‘in early ged LEDs?- Senterice: : 2; Early: red LEDS were notable. fer their, short. service sip: | 00
Sentence 3:\What can be used to give fluids when they can not drink? |Sentence'2: Plain water may be used if more specific land effective ORT preparations are unavailable or are nat palatable | 11
Gi, somewhere in Canaan as tar back as the 13th century BCE | 11
Sentence 1: What did NADGE become? Sentence 2: The developments during World War Il continued for a short time into the post-war period as well. | 11
Sentence “IL What network is used to contact concierge aid. emergency assitince services és ‘ell as. getting tavigttional -and’ entetatment ‘inforwiation? Sentence 2 Researchers in 2011 were even able to,use a’haltiouy compact disc in'a car's stereo system as a Successful ttc vecton, tind ‘cans with pullin. voice” recoghition, or remote’ asvistince features have onhoand inicnopliones “uhich could he used for eavesdropping’ | 11
I what _yearaier® both adults ana } enter? iy able.to work 10, hours’ day? eB Thede acts were largely, inelfe eMfer radical agitation, by for examp! Cornmittees) I, 183 a mended int 1833 iat. ded iximum, of:12 hours a me maximiym of eight Plage of nine.were | 11
Sentence 1 What commitee deals with differences in rules governing the use of pesticides among different countries? Sentence 2: To deal with inconsistencies in regulations among countries, delegates to a conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization adopted an International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides in 1985 to create voluntary standards of | 00
Sentence : What were CD size "single"-style discs called that ‘were compatible with LaserDisc players? Sentence 2: There were also 12 em (4.7 in) (CD size) "single’- style discs produced that were playable on LaserDisc players. | 11
Sentence 1: On what date did NATO kill Gaddafi's son? Sentence 2: U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that NATO was "not targeting Gaddafi specifically", but that his commiand-and-control facilities were legitimate targets—including a facility inside his sprawling Tripoli | 11
Sentence 1: What naming convention is accepted by all indigenous groups? Sentence 2: Other naming conventions have been proposed and used, but none are accepted by all indigenous groups. | 00
‘Senténce. 12 How: much’ did! JPMorgan “announce: ir. aélditional investment irito Detréit in’ 2015% Sentence: 2:00 “May 21,2014, “JPMorgan chase Jannoyineed that: it. was injecting $100: million over five Jears."int Detroit's ecoriomy, providing -developnient Funding. for’ a: Variety: of projects that would increase. emplayment. : . | 11
Sentence 1: Where did Jane Stirling invite Chopin? Sentence 2: She clearly had a notion of going beyond. mere friendship, and Chopin was obliged to make it clear to her that this could not be so. | 11
Sentence 1: What European nation owmed the Marshall Islands in 18747 Sentence 2 However, Spain sold the islands to the German Empire in 884, end thy bceme part of Cermen New Geinee in | 00
Sentence i Who was Ham's writing partner? Sentence 2 Wealthy business magnates in the 19th century built a network of major cultural institutions, such as the famed Carnegie Hall and The Metropolitan Museum of Am. that would become internationally established. | 11
Sentence 1: Which Ni; party was mostly Christian? an political opposition comprised liberal Action Group (AG), which was largely dominated by the Yoruba and led by Obafemi Awolowo. | 11
Sentence 1: In what year did Paul VI issue a regulation? Sentence 2: Pope Paul VI knew the Roman Curia well, having worked there for a generation from 1922 to 1954 | 11
Sentence li What wos tiie, Biblical sea monster’ “that! Neptune isi named «ins Hebrew? Séitence: 2: lx Masri. the” plonet is called Toxgaros. named after the: Maori god. of the gee: : | 11
Sentence 1: How many royal parks are located in the center of London? Sentence 2: The largest. parks in Lhe central area of London are three of the eight Royal Parks, namely Hyde Park and its neighbour Kensington Gardens in Uhe west. and Regent's Park to the north. | 00
Sentence Fema ina Ihe new plan called for which army. to fensive grouping at the German border Sentence 2: This, lan was discarded in. favous of a cfenuve jenerals Charles. Frossar Bartéiemy Lebrun” which called tor the Aimy of ti Rhine to Temai in a defensive posture near the Ger border and repel any Prussian offensive. | 00
Sentence k: Who was the head of the Academy of Sciences of Moldowa? Sentence 2: Linguists of the Romanian Academy reacted by declaring that all the Moldowan words were also Romanian words; while in Moldowa, the head of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, lon Barbuta, | 00
Sentence 1: What was the date of Queen Victorias death? Sentence 2: Following a custom she maintained throughout her widowhood, Victoria spent the Christmas of 1900 at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. | 11
4 How Jong are CDs expected to last? The design tife is. from 2° to 100 2 ats depending on the quality af the discs, he quality of § writing drive, and. storage jon. | 00
Sentence 1 Aloriy-with the Baltic and-Spiain, in what areawere crisadés called? Sentence. 2. Although ‘the - Templars. ‘and Hospitallers-took part iri the Spanish crusades, similar Spanish military. religious orders were founided; most of which had beconie part of the two'main orders of Calatrava and Santiago.by. the beginning of the 12th céntury. | 11
‘Sentence’: Who. was-the reformist. that had the backing of Ottoman’ admirals duritig: the Russ6-Turkish war? a Me vee Sentence 2: “Fotiowing «thé “Young - “Tutie Revolution. in1908, the Committee: of Union| and. Progress SOUhE to: develop “a” strong) Ottoman. naval force. ood | 11
Sentence . 1! When “wore Sjavic’ lari Restore) LM PENtepaanen’, /anguages Sentence 2: iy as 1888, Siavic lanquage: eNOS BRS alo Etta peas: BOAO | 00
Sentence 1: Which newspaper asked the Chinese people to protest peacefully? Sentence 2: In response to the demonstrations, the inese government attempted to calm th® situation, possibly fearing the protests may spiral out of control as has happened in recent years, including the afM™-Japanese protests in 2005. | 11
Sentence 4: To whom did Philip's sisters marry? Sentence 2: The engagement was not without controversy: Philip. had no financial standing, was foreign-born (though a British subject who had served in the Royal Navy throughout the Second World War), and had sisters .who had married German noblesen with Nazi links. | 00
Sentence 1: How is Japanese wrestling similar to American? Sentence 2: The style of Japanese professional wrestling (puroresu) is again different. | 11
Sentence I Wr Sentence 2 | 00
Sentence 1 What did Lok-Ham Chan clom Changchub Gyaltsen wanted to remove? Sentence 2: However; Lok-Ham Channa professor of history at the University of. Washington writes that Changchb Gyaltsens ams were to.recreate the old Thetan Kingdom that. existed. during the Chinese Tang dynasty, to buid ‘nationatst sentiment’ -amongst | Tibetans, and) to remove ail traces of Mongol suzeranty.” | 00
Sentence Where was the only place the Olympic torch wa carried in the idle Eas Sentence 2: One ofthe trchbearers was Syrian actress Saf Fawakherj | 11
the country does Greater sentence 1: What ranking: soston metro hold as far as: ‘economy? sentence 2: Encompassing $363 billion, the Greater Boston metropolitan area has the sinth-largest economy in the country and 12th-largest in the world. | 00
Sencence I Opera is also avilable on whidy video gaine console? Sentence : 2:1es Opera-mini yersion has an addicive share, i April 20 amounting co LZ of overall browser use, bue focused on che fasc-qrowing mobile phone web browser marker, being | 11
Sutera £ What om the two most pour sarts hn Mebourre? Savane & Australien rules Footbal ond crékat ore the most (Popubr sports in Meboune | 00
Sentence 1: Whot ore the three moin oreos of southern €urope where Italion speakers con be found? Sentence 2: 8y for the most common romance loanguoges in Southern €urope ore: Itolion, which is spoken by over 50 million people in Italy, San Morino, and the Vaticon; and Sponish, which is spoken by over 40 million people in Spain ond Gibraltar. | 00
‘Sentence t: What happened on BBC's Newsnight in 1998? Sentence 2 Cabinet Minister Peter Mandelson was ‘outed’ by ‘Matthew Parris (a former Sun columnist) on BBC TV's Newsnight in November 1998 | 00
@° 012 What 48 the OF. Pima Argyle e 2: Tt “Hoks teself ‘With. ‘the ‘group. of English: non- ‘ormists™ that JeFt. Plymouth! fot the New. Warld : in1620; its ioknane is "The: e Pligrine" | 00
} Sentence 1: Qn what street is Masjid Bilal |p located? Sentence 2: Masjid 8 al was followed Ly the Islam Cerer of Virgina, ICVA masjid. | 11
‘i According ‘to: Bastian,..\what did -he believe all: human societies shared? : Fecoing to, Bastian all human societies sharé a set of:"dlenjentary ideas" {Elementargedanken): different ‘cdtures..or different. “folk ideas" (Volkergedanken).aré local ‘modifications of the elementary ‘ideas, ne 3 | 00
Sentence 1: Who can usually be found watching supply ships unload at Norfolk Island? ‘Sentence 2: Loading jetties are located at Kingston and Cascade, but ships cannot get close to either of them. | 11
‘Sentence t On what date dd the Mau demonstrate on the streets of Apia? 2 Sentence 2 in accordance with the Mau's nonsiolent philosophy, the newly elected leader, Hgh Ghief Tupua, Tamasese Lealofi, led is fdlow uniformed TMau in a peaceful demonstration in downtown Apia cn 28 Decenber 1929. | 00
‘Sentence New forms of Buddhism are created because of what} reason? ‘Sentence 2: Modern influences increasingly lead to new forms of] Buddhism that significantly depart from traditional beliefs and} Practices. | 00
sentence 1: How are ‘torque mé -omputer gaming? seifence 2: A common appiit motor would be motors in a tape drive: the: supply- otors used in cation of a torque and take-up reel | | 11
Sentence 1: After what event during Ramadan is dinner served? Sentence 2: Qado or lunch is often elaborate. | 11
> Sentence 1: what happened to the internet in the late 1980s? Sentence 2: The were removed by 1995, 4 | 11
Subsets and Splits