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2 classes
Sentence ‘1: What iypes ‘of ‘music ‘did musicians begin’ to..play ‘thé mandoling in? # : Sentence 2:.Thousands. of people had| learned to play the instrument.
Sentence 1: What is the »other newspaper that serves Houston? Sentence 2: The only (other » major publication to serve the city is the Houston. Press-e free elternativ weekly with a weekly readership: of wore than 300,000.
‘Sentence 1: in what city were the songwriting iteangof Frozen located? ‘Sentence 2: In the increasingly globalized film industry, videoconferencing has become useful as a method by which creative talent in many different locations can collaborate closely on the complex details of film production.
Sentence 1; What. was the name of the book Feynman’ wrote over light and matter? htenee Zi Concerned ‘over. the ¢orinections to.drugs ahd. rocic and roll that could be méde from: ‘the image; the publishers changed the cover. to” plain. ‘red, though: thay included a picture “6f “him” playing drums inthe. foreword." :
Sentence 1: Are. squabs treated differently from other. -piegons”. by: humans: .asidé ~_ from: consuniption? _Seritentcé 2: By this'time,.the adult pigeons. will have laid and be incubéting another pair of eggs and: a prolific pair. should produce two-squabs every four weeks during’ a -breeding- season lasting several months:.
Sentence 1: What is the Windows 8 price? Sentence 2: During these promotions, the Windows Media Center add-on for Windows 8 Pro was also offered for free.
Sentence 1: In 1923, what was discovered to be safer to treat Diphtheria Toxin? Sentence 2: In 1923 porallel efforts by Gaston Ramon at the Pasteur Institute] and Alexander Glenry at the Wellcome] Research Laboratories (later part of | GlaxoSmithKline) led to the discovery that} @ safer wccine could be produced by treating] diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde.
© "Sentence i How many: areas in Rome _could be called hills? Sentence 2 Througout: the terion “under Rome's” enrol, . residentiol ‘architecture: ranged from very modest houses. to. country” villas, and” in the ‘capital city of Rome, tothe residerices: on. the elegant Palatine Hill, from Whict the word “palace” ‘is derived
Sentence 1: What does UCR focus on? Sentence 2: The UCR data only reflect the most serious offense in the case of connected crimes and has a very restrictive definition of rape.
“Seetence 1: When wos Toyte's report gut toga? ‘Semesters en Gin ck ee fe re oy,
Sentencet: What supported the GLearpet?. Sentence:2: The GL. carpet was supported by six: GChisets controlling radar-equipped night-fighters,
Sentence 1: Elisha‘ Gray. and what other man’ Were | behind Many of the court case's? . » Sentence 2 Gyei' a Period of.18 years; ‘the. Bel) ‘Telephone Company faced 587 Court-challengeés
Sentence F When did Sebu, located in Jakarta, re-open? Sentence 2- 2007 saw the re-opening lof Jakartas Seibu, poised to be the largest and second most upscde department store in Indonesia after Harvey Nichols, which the latter closed in 2010 and yet plans to return.
Sentence f Which version oF evolutionary theory fs easiest to se when explaining predation as competition? Sentence 2: fin alternative view offered by Richard Dawkins is oF predation as a form of competition: the genes of both the predator and prey are competing for the body (or ‘survival ‘machine’ of the prey organism.
Sentence How have ducks pondy been ot domesticated domicie” with lof ducks in aa ‘hina dating back to 4000 BC may indicate domestication of — ducks —_toak Pivce there during the Yangshao culture. 2: Clay — models found
‘Sentence t: Who publicly argued at a press conference? 2 Preparations for the event were marred by & ‘over the role of the Chinese flame with Australian agg Chinese officials arguing ‘over their function itd prerogatives during a conference.
Sentencé:4:-Who. invaded Armienia’ in ‘the 11th. century? Sentence.. 2:. From. the. 9th’ fo. 11th century, Armenian. architecture underwent a tevival-.. under: the. . patronage. of «the Bagiatid Dynasty. with a great deal. of building done “in ‘the’: area of. Lake. Van, this ‘included both” traditional styles and new innovations.
Sentence-1: What was the name of the state that three North Carolina counties hoped.to form in 1784? Sentence 2:.North Carolina : ceded .the area to:the federal government in 1790, after which: it, was organized into. the Southwest Territory,
sentence 1: The ‘type of “yideographic recordi medium used and Se maga’: characteri=' jetermine what? . ite once 2 For, best fidelity. to, the’ source, th Sontemitted figkd ratio, lines ‘and: frame, rat Should match-those:of the ‘source. ¢
1: How did the Mac System 7 improve multitasking? tence 2: As for Mac OS, System 7 jas a 32-bit rewrite from Pascal.to C++ that introduced virtual memory and improved the handling of color graphics, well as memory addressing, etworking, and co-operative
Sentence 1: What was. the PLDA formerly known as? Sentence. 2:.. The .. Professional. Lighting’: Designers Association (PLDA), formetly known as. ELDA’ is an ‘organisation focusing on :the promotion of the. profession . of Architectural Lighting Design.
Sentence 1:.Who won the ‘election’ in. June, 2009? Sentence 2: National Assembly. Speaker Raimundo Pereira was appointed as an interim president until a nationwide election on 28 June 2009.
Sentence 1: Who brought Christian missionaries to Hawaii? Sentence 2:No matter how much they adapted their mannerisms to Westem standard, some of the Anglo-Saxon missionaries were relentless in referring to the indigenous women as ‘Hawaiian squaws.
Sentence r What era saw an increase in metal tool use? Sentence 2 Traditionally considered the last part of the Stone Age, the Neolithic followed the terminal Holocene Epipaleolithi: period and commenced with the beginning of farming, which produced the “Neolithic Revolution’,
Sentence 1: What was the. first manufactured fiber? Sentence 2: Some. garmerits: were created from fabrics based on these fibers,. such ‘as women's hosiery from nylon, but it was not until the introduction of polyester into the fiber marketplace in the early:1950s that the -market for cotton” came under threat.
Sentence § Which orggiBetion founded in 1956 evolved into the modern Caradan Footbal League? Sentence 2 Thé first attempt to establish a proper governing body and adopted the curent set of Rugby rues was the Foot Ball Associetion of Canada, organized on March 24, 1873 folowed by the Canadan Rugby Footbal Union (CRFU) founded June 12, 1880, which included teams from Onterio and Quebec.
Sentence 1: What other way is bacteria aiding to nature? Sontoneo 2: Bacteria are also used for the bioremediation of industrial toxic wastes.
Sentenice-“tihat’s the’ namé of ‘the: professional. wrestler ‘whé: designed’ the first: logo for -Gold’s Gym? Sentence: 2:Fiom: .°. 1970! to’ .. 1974; one’ of Schwarzenegger's: weight training partners wis, Ric -Diasin, ‘a, professional ‘wrestler. who designed the original Gold’s Gym togo-in 1973...
Senfanca I: When did Britain withdraw From Aden? Senfanca 2: While the Suez Crisis caused British power in the Middle East to weaken, it did not collapse.
Sentence 1: What religion holds the majority in the Bible Belt? Sentence 2: While the Baptists in total {counting both blacks and whites) have variety _of faiths, including Judaism, Islam, Baha'i, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
Sentence 1: what street was renamed in the late 2000s to commemorate the street version of baseball? Sentence 2: Many sports are associated with New York's immigrant communities.
1: How mony people were tonfioméd dead only ia the shea province? 2: Officiol: gure’ (as of July 23, 2008, 13:00 C51} toted thkit 68,197 were conftoned deol, iacluling 6RE6 be jichwan province, anil 374376 inpired, with 18.222 thited os
Seniesi¢e 1 For how mary Seasons was America Idol the most watched show in the US? Sentence 2: Much to Cowell's surprise, it became né of the hit shows for the sushmer that year
Sentence 1: What does the American Pyschological Association say sexual] orientation refers to? Sentence 2: Sexual preference may also suggest a’ degree of voluntary choice, whereas the _ scientific consensus is that sexual orientation is nota choice.
Sentence 1: \hy is duck more common than other poultry in the east society Sentence 2: In the Western world ducks are not as popular as chickens, because the latter produce larger quantities of white, lean meat and are easier to kee intensively, making the price of chicken meat low&r than that of duck meat.
Sentence 1: What Queen song was performed on a May 2012 episode of Glee? Sentence 2: In May 2012, the choir performed "We Are the Champions" in the episode "Nationals',-and the song features in The Graduation Album.
Sentence 1: What are the three main activities in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess? Sentence 2: The Legend of Zelda:
Sikkimese, is the first athlete to refuse to run with the torch.
Sentence i Who revolted in 1824? Sentence & On Carnival Thursday (called "Did Women Day” or “The Women's Day") in commemoration of an 1824 revolt by washer-women, women storm city halls, cut men's ties; and are allowed to kiss any passing man.
Sentence 1: what are the Nigerian states’ sub-divisions called? Sentence 2: Nigeria is divided into thirty-six ‘states and one Federal Capital: Territory, which are further sub-divided into 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs).
zB uy i it
Sentence |: How many P&0 liners visited Southampton on the day of the [?5th anniversary celebrations? Sentence 2: Adonia, Arcadia, Aurora, Az Ure, Oceana, Oriana and Ventura all left the city In a procession on 3 July 2012.
e does the acronys CFL FefCE ) sentence i: Wha! co?
Sentence 4: How many accounts are there of Jesus' last words? Sentence 2: The Roman soldiers did not break Jesus' legs, as they did to the other two men crucified (breaking the legs hastened the crucifixion process), as Jesus was dead already.
Sentence 1; Why do birds migrate? , Sentence 2: eration tS marked. by Tis: ‘annual ieratory birds are said'to. he dent or, sede itary. - _
Sentence 1: People blindfolded themselves to cross what? Sentence 2: The mountain peaks were seen as terrifying, the abode of dragons and demons, to the point that people blindfolded themselves to cross the Alpine passes.
arene Sen tadltions. such as Walpurgis Night and, it many Sreas, Carnival is-ceebrated before Lents
Sentence 1: What is BYU's parent organization? Sentence 2: The university's primary focus is on undergraduate education, but it also has 68 master's and 25 doctoral degree programs.
Sentence 1: What do preaspirated stops contrast with in Icelandic? Sentence 2: Icelandic and Faroese have preaspirated [Ip %t kJ; some scholars interpret these as consonant clusters as well.
Sentence 1: What religion was Kino? Sentence 2: Eventually the town came to be called “Tucson” and became a part of Sonora after Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821.
Shit 4 What dos Guin dens ut hn oon ial? Sentence: 2: “ecg mail just “from, the: Americas should: be ‘addré'ssed: to “Guariv" instead ‘of "USA" to aiid: being’ ruta the long wiy through’ thé US, maiiland ind polly chaged. higher. rate espa hn: As):
Sentence 1: What issues: stalled: the: armistice. talks? Sentence 2: 'In ‘the:final armistice agreement, sighed ori 27 july-1953, a Neutral Nations Repatriation. Commission, | under: the:chairmart. lndiar) General K..S. Thinnayya,: Kas Sef up:to- handlé, the’ matter,
Sentence 1: What type of aircraft was the German Plane? Sentence. 2:-in fact the Dornier Do 17 bomber was empty.
Sentence 1: When did the other two major British stations start color programming? Sentence 2: On 1 July 1967, BBC Two became the first television channel in’ Europe to broadcast regularly in colour, using the West German PAL Isystem that is still in use today although being gradually superseded by digital systems.
Seutence 1: What do annelids without septa have to use for circulation? Sentenée 2: Species with. poorly: developed or no septa generally have'no blood vessels and reli on the circulation within the coelow for delivering mistrients and oxygen.
Sentence 2 What did Nasser do after the wa ended? sentence ZHe sent emissaries to Jorge an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in October 1948, but soon concluded that the religious agenda of the Brotherhood was not compatible with his nationalism.
Sentence 1: When did KU start fielding a football team? Sentence 2: KU football dates from 1890, and has played in the Orange Bowl three times: 1948, 1968, and 2008.
‘Sentence 1: What year was it discovered that early LED instruments’ could . be used for. non-radio comma nication? Sentence 2: In 1957, Braunstein further demonstrated that the rudimentary devices could be used for non- radio commynication across a short distance.
Sentence 1: Can you’ name. .some common-pulses used in Cyprus? Sentence 2: Fresh vegetables and fruits are common ingredients.
Sentence 1: At what age did Chopin leave Poland? Sentence 2:" Chopin was born in what was then the Duchy of Warsaw, and grew up in Warsaw, which after 1815 became part of Congress Poland.
Sentence 1: What was the name of the 17 minute film called? Sentence 2: Working with photographer Steven Klein, Madonna completed a 17-minute film called secretprojectrevolution.
i: 2 as one ican What did the law likely lead to? The Proclamation Line can be of the grievances which led to the Revolutionary War,
Sentence 1: What were Peshwas? Sentengap: It succeeded in raising revenue in districts that re@tMered from years of raids, up to levels previously enjoyed by the Mughals.
Sentence 1: What. is the combined international trade in cotton? Sentence 2: Africa's share Of. the cotton’ trade has doubled since 1980.
Sentence 1: What.\wa§. the.:namé:-of the person... that. attempted. to. assasinate Napoleon? Bt Sentence 2:.On'l4-Jantary-1858, an Italian. refugeé.” -frorh”, .Britain’~.. called.“ Orsini attempted .to assassinate Napoleon Mil ‘with a bomb made’in England;
Sentence What-percént of sales are, contributed by hunters? Sentence 2:,,Although’ non-hunters © buy:si-a significant number .of Duck Stamps, eighty-seven percent, of thelr sales, are. contributed by, hunters, which..is.Jogical as./hunters are .réquired.; to purchase ther
The energy used for fitabolism” of the brain 5 “humans is: what Percentage? .
entence 1: Towards the end of what century did jt become important for more people in Dutch colonies to speak Dutch? entence 2: Nevertheless, the Dutch government emained reluctant to leach Dulch-on a large ‘cale for fear of destabilising the colony.
Sentence & What type of leadership did Sumerian cities during the ruk period obably have? 2 Sumerian cities during the Gruk riod were probably theocratic and were st likely headed by a pricst-king ‘ensi), s sisted by a council of elders. including both] n and women.
Soren. Wat are the two. main thins, ‘differentiating Sunni and Shia? " 2 The two main denominations, 196. ely ere Suerte PE Re
T: What dew wet jnclude charactors in the hineve fommily? 2: bua the honghas Zhai dees wat incle varacters in the Chinese family of sevints ervated te apecsent nave Chinese Langa ages
Sentence 1: What was Nintendo's euphemism for "video game system?” Sentence 2: The overall system was referred to as an "Entertainment System” instead of a "video game system", which was centered upon a machine called a "Control Deck" instead of a "console", and which featured software
Sentence. & How it is the mandolin: usualy played? |Sentence far N ‘ piahdolic (ralian . niandolino pronounced _[mandolizno}; literally."small . mandola' - :
Sentence 1: What is Spielberg's net worth? Sentence 2: He has been associated with composer John Williams since 1974, who composed music for all save five of Spielberg's feature Films.
Sentence 1: Who wrote Touched. by.the Spirit? Sentence 2: Richard A. Jensen's Touched by the Spirit published in 1974, played a major role of the Lutheran understanding to ‘the charismatic movement.
Sentence 1: Are short-range bluetooth accessories able to be used? Sentence 2: Short-range Bluetooth accessories, like wireless keyboards, can also be used.
Sentence t: Who. wat TCM's “partner in the Tom ‘Sentence 2 from’ the wines chosen. TEM ‘isa includes 00 g movies. to watch with each, such a6 a “True Grit’ wine. to be paired with the John Wayne flo of
Sentence 1; What do scholars believe is the reason for similarities between islamic and -European schools? Sentence .2:in fact, there.is no Latin translation of the taliqa and, most importantly, no eviderice of Latin scholars: ever “showing awareness ‘of Arab. influence “on the Latin .method .of- disputation, something they would have certainly found: noteworthy.
Sentence 1: What is the toughest footrace around the world? Sentence 2: Inline hockey was first played in 1995 and has also become more and more popular in the last years.
Sentence E What Is the opposite of Inductive reactance? Sentence 2: In some cases this is done in a more ‘extreme manner, not simply to cancel a small amount of residual reactance, buf'to resonate an antenna whose resonance frequen@js quite different from the intended frequency % operation.
‘Semence hs bates ope he Ppmnet Cy Apert? ‘Sentence 2: ome, FyPhymowt pens te reap He Cy apart by ZUNE, which st prove day services na dev Sas baton Lame,
Sentence 1: Octaves in linear pitch are what size? Sentence 2: The system is flexible enough to include not found on standard piano keyboards
t- Why did the’atiack. by the Rui. go's welliori-the coast ait he. sta a At. last. a Byzantine army arrived’ Irom “the. Balkans. to ive the Rus’ back’ and. a-naval Lorilingent. reportedly ‘destroyed im S-the ‘Ris 'Iect on its return voyage (possibly: an “exaggeration -since the ‘Ras’ soon snounted! anotlier attack)
‘Sentence 1: What credit did Dowding receive? Setitenc’” 2: However; Dowding had ‘Spent. so. much - effort. preparing day. fighter defences, there .was little to. préwent | the. Germans’ carrying. out. ain ‘ alternative strategy. “by: bombing. at night.
Sentence 1: What do plants need to attract to their flowering? Sentence 2: Plant circadian rhythms tell the plant what season it is and when to flower for the best chance of attracting |pellinators.
ram has made Isral one |» «cess of what prog ites? capable of launching sate sf the most widely is one of sentence 1: The suc sf seven countries ¢ Sentence 2: [sracl’s Spike missle exported flags inthe world
Sentence 1: What does SHORAD stand for? Sentence 2: SHORAD (Short Range AD) and MANPADS ("Man Portable AD Systems”: typically shoulder-launched missiles).
Sentence 1: Who-supporied vih Praag's beliefs? . Senterice 2: The histotian ‘Tsépon W. D. Shakabpa supports vah Priag’ position. os
Sates hk how any rome Mean Wimkjranls We set? , : “Sentence” 2: Most of the imigionts ‘are from ‘communities ‘in: Sudan and: Eritrea: particularly the 'Niger-Congo- speaking Niiba groups of the southern Nobo Mountains: some ati-ilegal immigrants...
Senterice t: Wino was:the cieator of the encyclopedia that, Senter oe vas knows fOr'selling to America? ee Sentence’ 3: Due t0 legal fights, betwee bo owners: Hooper and Watier 2 Pimnes severed. ts connection in ih ploncering newspaper magna Rieck Lord Northcliffe. =
ISqgtence 1: Which team did not qualifty for pions League in 2005 but was able to ate? Sentence 2: An exception to the usual Furopean qualification system happened in 005, after Liverpool won the Champions League the year before, but did not finish in a Champions League qualification place in the Premier League that season. *
UmONs intobrt Ni ond Sentence 2 aictordity archoeoldgical . ond: guinenc ‘wide, North ane Sputh: America werd
Sentence 4: What ‘musical, concept did Chopin exploit? Sentence 2: He exploited the poetic potential of . the. concept: of the coricert étude, already being developed in the 1820s and 1830s. ‘by... Liszt, Clementi. .and Moscheles; in his two sets of studies (Op:
Seritence::1:'What: is tause -of severe: environmental issues in. the Niger Delta? Sentance 2: in: January’ 2cn3)'a-Bateh, court fejected: faut out-of five allegations: brought Against. thesfirny over al pollution inthe ‘Niger, Delta :but.faund a Subsidiary: guilty, of, one-tasé’ of pollution, ordering Compensation, ta, be paid: to a”Nigerian farmer: o
Sentence 1: Where was the Principality of Armenia centered? Sentence 2: After the Marzpanate period (428-636), Arriienia emerged as the Emirate of Armenia an autonomous principality within the Arabic Empire, reuniting Armenian lands previously taken by the Byzantine Empire as well.