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Sentence 1: If you have an immediate problem with ice dams, you showk! remove the snow from the part of the roof directly above the ice dam. This limits the amount of water that can collect behind the dam. Sentence % Tam building prevents life threatening situations, | 11
Sentence -1: Polio. is no. longer .*a: sérious health’ ,problem: for. people. tivittg--in’ ‘the developed : ‘nations, ‘such. as: the: United States, Germany, of France: Sentence. 2 Polio. is‘ under. tonto in the wortd:: > | 11
Sentence 1: Controversy and discussion erugged on internet forums on ee | 2007, when publicity was en tdMEssjay, a prominent Wikies administrator and editor, having claimed false credentials which were published in a magazine. Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia co-founder Jimbo Wales was travelling in India, and at O6:42 on March 3 he issued a statement that further information had come to his attention and he had asked the editor to resign his positions of tat within __ the community. At 03:17*6n March 4 Essjay announced on his user talk page that he had retired and was no longer active on Wikipedia. | 00
Sentence 1: The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is trying to reassure lawyers for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes that the inquiry is still oiftrack. Sentence 2: Police issued John Wadhamis sta after lawyers for the de Menezes family mei:with the complaints commission, demanding more information about the killin. * | 11
prize to show his People that diplomacy, not violence, delivered Gaza, Sentence 2: Mr. Abbas is a member of the Palestinian family. | 11
Sentence 1 State police investigators testified at 2 preliminary hearing that Delbert told them the death of the 64-year-old Billy was a mercy killing. Sentence 2: It was Delbert Ward who told authorities that he strangled his brother. | 11
songwriter whe, sag Sreparts place <a ov tilear Dac the v “steed 150- gue “ily. "Bodingt Vv Ov el srlook ng wins al te pl h vieako walk down Wan : Hie’ chatoan Vineyards, who grown ep In’ Americ | 11
Jantance Toe tors Rusia offers wil be based on Snow female version of ply mvc was premvared on FPS oe Mew York. atthe Bruadherst Theatre, ‘characters sams bong Rorence Ong and Govt Madson pinged by Serer an ta her oe repeat 2 reader eat cated om ew Yor, * | 00
Sentence I: Meanwhil a TIME journalist, the first one-on-one session given toa Western print publication since his election as president of Iran earlier this year, Ahmadinejad attacked the "threat" to bring the issue of Iran's nuclear activity to the UN Security Council by the US, France, Britain and Germany. Sentence 2: Ahmadinejad is a citizen of Iran. | 00
Sentence Ii'He tried to perstiade a local banker: to loan more monéy to the villagers, ‘but ‘the banker refused, insisting they didn't qualify for credit. Sd; Yunus started his own ‘bank to help the poorest of the poor lift. themselves.up. Sentence 2: Yuitus staried bis owin bank fo Ioan money. the villagers. | 00
Sentence 1: Shiite and Kurdish political leaders continued talks, on Monday, on forming a new government, saying they expected a full cabinet to be announced within a day or two. Sentence 2: Washington is pressing Iraq's leaders to end weeks of political deadlock and to form a new government as soon as possible, US Officials say. | 11
‘Seritencé 1: D+ Wood fed a couragediis and tominitted tear in the fight to sve 28 patients suffering from between twa and 92 per ‘cent body burns; deadly infections arid delayed ‘shock.-As well as réceivirig-riuch praise. from both her: own. ‘patients; and! the. media, she ‘also attracted controversy. among athér burns siurgecns due to the fact, that spray-on ‘skin hadnot yét been-subjected to clinical trials. Sentence 2: Buri surdééns, approve! Dr Wood's spray-on skin, | 11
Sentesce # And this is a town that everybody grees, law enforcement, Border Patrol, idents on both sides, is a staging area of illegal drugs and illegal aliens. 2 Steps are being taken t stop the Ling of aliens. | 11
Sentence 1: wing a ste Sentence 2:8 on Holland’ | 11
Sentence 1: GUS on Friday disposed of its remaining home shopping business and last non-UK retail operation with the 390m (265m) sale of the Dutch home shopping company, Wehkamp, to Industri Kapital, a private equity firm. Sentence 2: GUS sold Wehkamp. | 00
Sentence i The focus on the engines and the fuel stems from the pilot's radio call, shortly befgre the crash Sentence 2 The pilot had been attempting an emergency landing, after both engines failed | 11
Sentence 1: Zhang, and. his. co-workers. performed behavioral. tests on two. purified cannabinoids. The test results indicated that these two. cannabinoids have anti-anxiety and _antidepression-like. effects. in rats, that may depend on the. ability of cannabinoids to promote the production of new neurons in the. hippocampus. Marijuana, contains a complex. mixture of chemicals. including cannabinoids and may have . somewhat different behavioral effects than the purified cannabinoids tested so far. Sentence 2: The. use of drugs «can, help control anxiety, | 00
er and recently si employer “HBO: to the. network. | 11
Sentence 1: The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci from 1503-1506, hangs in Paris' Louvre Museum. Sentence 2: The Mona Lisa isin France. | 00
Sentence + Mr: Balasingham will return to:his London ‘home:and then. move on.to Sri Lanka in early October to consult. with’ LITE “leader :Vilupillai Frabhakaran, diplomats said. Sentai 2 Wii Prabhakaran sa ‘diplomat | 11
Sentence 1: John Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, has topped the US dance chart at the age of 71 with a song supporting gay marriage. Sentence 2: Yoko Ono is John Lennon's widow. | 00
Sentence t The participation of women in parliament in Mauritius is, expected to increase as more female| candidates have contested Monday's election. Sentence 2: Women are poorly represented in parliament. | 11
Sentence 1: Hubble is helping astronomers precisely calculate the age of the universe by providing accurate distances to galaxies, an important prerequisite for calculating age. Hubble measures the distances to neighboring galaxies by finding accurate “milepost markers,” a special class of pulsating star called Cepheid variables. These, in turn, are being used to calibrate more remote milepost markers. | 11
Sentence 1: To. avoid further. . price- gouging, © Norway's ' Ministry:: | of Government Administration announced. that it. was:freezing prices on lodging, food and beverages in the Lillehammer area during the Winter.Olympics. Sentence 2: Norway -hosted the Winter Olympic Games. | 00
SentenceThke World Bank has also been criticized for its role in financing projects that have been detrimental to humon rights and the natural environment. SentenceT&e World Bank is criticized for its activities. | 00
Sentence 1: Two Belgian soldiers, part of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon, were wounded Friday after stepping on a cluster bomb during a mine-clearing operation in southern Lebanon. One of the two soldiers stepped on a cluster bomb while clearing a minefield near the village of Majdel Silim. Their injuries were "serious but not life-threatening", a UNIFIL spokesman said, however this was denied by the cabinet of the Belgian Minister of Defence, André Flahaut. One soldier was wounded at the neck, the second was wounded at the foot. | 11
- Sentence 1: The total estiniated project cost: including financing, ‘inflation ‘and’ interest ‘during ‘constriction, is approximately US$1.1 billion: o _ ; Serttence 2: A bnydroelectrie. project’ ‘is proposed o or is. under Construction. | 11
Sentence Before the game, Alabama Birmingham Athletic Director and Goach Gene Bartow presented Cal State Northridge with a $5,000 check from Rust international Corp, for earthquake relief. Sentence 2: Gene Bartow coaches Alabama Birmingham. | 00
Sentence 1: Since the ancient Greeks, inhalation. has been recognized asa highlyzneffeetivd dameana edi Loingeblend dovyas<The:lextenaivencapillaxVsurfach area of » the lungs «allows. rapid absorption, wath a subsequent "rush" that has often been described as second in. intensity only «to » intravenous injection. Sentence 2: Glue-sniffing 48 common among youngsters. | 11
ised ranctoyen youd Aushthé ced iatér, re, | 11
by guards as he tried to enter the meeting. Metanet & Condoleerra Rick Is the U.S, Secretary of ‘State. | 11
Sentence fl 'jonatcaly modified. ras. inludnd og or maiz’ pfosietimsou andra aed relents st beable Seiteie 2: Carpoies bth ental imo oc dnt heeled, | 11
Senfence I: Zakaria Maamar, associate professor at the College of Information Technology at Zayed University, UAE, told Science and Development Metwork (SciDevMef) that, "This initiative is-another boost to the research and development cactivifies that are carried out inthe UE, It will definitely provide researchers with the appropriate funds te sustain such ‘activities and promote best practices ‘in the community.” Said Einaitar, assistant professor at the college of information technology at the United Arab Emirates University, told SciDev Met that, with this initiative, the UAE is taking the lead ‘and setting a good example by building a strong development infrastructure founded on knowledge discovery and research, Senfence % Said Elnatiar is an employee of the United Arab Emirates University. | 00
houses two VVER-440 Monit V230 nuclear} reactors. | Metsamor which currently Produces about 40 percent of the country’s See is located ina seismically active, collapse of the Soviet Union because of the devastating Dec. 7. 1 88, earthquake in Spitak. Sentence 2: Metsamor nuclear reactor was 88 Armenian |}, shut down after the -arthquake. | 00
Sentence t On 6.1945 the atomic, boty wos city of Hiroshima Enolo Gay, ploted by Colonel Tibbetts. wos chosen to the mission_The (MiSSION WOS recorded OS Wiliom S Porson ot 920 AM. Sentence 2 in 1945. on atomic bomb wos dropped on Hiroshima. | 00
Sentence 41: Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nationgg ASEAN, are gathering in Laos to fiscuss topics ranging from terrorism and economic integration to non-aggression treaties with several regional neighbors. Sentence 2: Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations work for ASEAN. e | 11
Sentence 1:1f legalization reduced current narcotics enforcement costs by one-third to one-fourth, it might save 86 - $9 biltion per year. Sentence 2: Drug legalization has benefits. | 00
Sentence 1: The Statue of Liberty was reopened to the public on July 5 after its extensive refurbishing. 1986 is a common year starting on Wednesday of the Gregorian calendar. Sentence 2: The Statute of Liberty was built in 1986. | 11
Sentence 1: Climate change is with us. A decade ago, it was conjecture. Now the future is unfolding before our eyes. Canada's ‘Inuit see it in Sentence 2: Greenhouse effect changes global climate. | 11
Sentence 1: The Gelden Flyers set a scheel recerd this year with 16 victeries. Sentence 2: The Gelden Flyers set a scheel recerd with 16 victeries. | 00
Sentence 1: [n. a sharply-worded internal World Bank report (leaked to The New York Times) the Bank has criticized its own decision to approve a controversial Sentence 2: The World Bank is criticized for its plies | 00
Sentence 1: The attacker wore a bullet- proof vest under his clothes and a backpack containing a knife, an axe and a fake pistol. Two other knives were found near the Crime scene. The prosecutor confirmed that the man’s face was painted white with blackened eyes as he committed the crime, which led international media to make comparisons to the Joker, the villain from the Batman series. "I have a question,” the killer told the first employee he encountered, after uhich he immediately stabbed her, and started his rampage. One female day care worker attempted to disarm the killer while others locked the doors. The killer stabbed employees trying to carry children to safety. Sentence 2: Joker appears in the Batman series. | 00
Sentence 1 The program wil mclude Fala's Night in the Gardens of Span” Ravels Fano ‘Concerto. in G. Berloz’s Overture to Beatfice and Benedict and-Roy Hafris Symphony No. 3 Sentence 2, ‘Beatrice and Benedict” is an overture by Berlioz | 00
Sentence t Olson, G2, previously worked as a pariner at Ernst & Young LLP, as a Minnesota bank president and as a congressional aide, before joining the Fed board in 2001, to serve a term ‘ending in 2010. ‘Sentence 2: Olson is a member of the Fed board. | 00
1: Coronado High School English racher Lori Rosales has read the Harry otter books and-sees them as educational ind something that children can relate to) ecause the ee are a. 2: "Teacher wine right to market larry Potter. | 11
Sentence f The black Muslim activist said that he had relieved Muhammad of his duties “until he demonstrates) that he is willing to conform to the manner of representing} Allah and the honorable Elijah Muhammad (founder of th Nation of Islam)’ Sentence 2: Elijah Muhammad founded the Nation of Islam. | 00
Sentence If you 'ré ‘feeling playful, visit our games drea for a game of billiards, surf the Internet or just sit back and reldx with a Goo Tom our extensWwe filternatively,’ soothe “atiay those. tired muscles, aches and pains with a Balinese massage. . Sentence 2 Traditional Batinese massage is @ therapy, where.“ pushing techniques predoninate. | 11
Sentence 1: The latest file-sharing service trying to go legit in a bid to avoid an expensive and draqged-out court battle ir Grokster Lid, according to a report published in The Wall Street Journal on Monday. Sentence 2: File-sharing service, Grokster. iz in talks to be acquired by Mashboxx, which iz attempting to establizh a legal peer-to~ peer music company. | 11
Sentence’. %.Tuerty two | other” miners. were working ‘at the’ near, Keng jaya mine “at the time of the cecident. oifhough itis: unclear if-ang of: those mhine’s were - Sifected.” Thouscnds of ‘hiners die"in, mibing accieents ech ySair inChina. Todays. accident comes just .one gy satter , 9) coal ininetg werg Killed in‘c pining decider in, the Sulongsi mine in-Chongaing., and one, month “after the. laigest aceidént in ‘1eCént, history “Kill °294 miners. 1. Fuxin. Lieioning Pravines. Sentente 2' Lidening Brovinceys ‘in Chin’ | 00
Sentence & Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, wamed Friday that recent gains in US. home prices, stock vahies and other forms of wealth may be temporary and could easily erode if long-term interest rates rise. Sentence 2 Greenspan aiso worried in his speech about what will occur with the ending of the recent sustained period of low interest rates and low risks for investors. | 11
entence 1: The campany, whose reistered audits are Deloitte and Fouche, has instructed Ems and Young to carry outa thorough review, oF the accounts of Eurest Support Services, a subsidiaty.vhich feet ln peacekeepersin-at least eight countries. , Sentence 2: Eurést Support Services is a Subsidiary of Erost’and Yours, | 11
Sentence 1: Lin Piao, after all, was the creator Mao's "Little Red Book" of quotations. Sentence 2: Lin Piao wrote the 'Little Red Book. | 00
Sentence 1: That natural increase accounted for 56 percent of Missouri population growth during the past four years. Sentence 2: Missouri's population is 56. | 11
Sentence 1: The Kinston Indians are a minor league baseball team in Kinston, North Carolina.“The team, a Class A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians, plays in the Carolina League. Sentence 2: Kinston Indians participate in the Carolina League. | 00
“Sentence T: “This 1s a major milestone on our road to recovery,.and | want to thank the members of Congress who came together in-common. purpose to make it happen,” Qpaina said in his weekly address. "I wilt sign this legislation into Jaw shortly, and we'll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people. back to work. doing the work America needs done. This historic step won't be the end of what.we do to turn our economy around,, but the beginning.” | 00
Sentence 1: “There is ‘no indication of any security related event’ that brought the plane down,” said FBI spokesman Richard Kolko. Conditions of freezing drizzle, known as hard rime, were the most likely cause of the tragedy. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has announced that they would send a team to the crash site on Friday to begin the investigation. Lorenda Ward will serve as chief investigator with the assistance of NTSB Commissioner Steven Chealander and public affairs officer Keith Holloway. Ward has investigated several other plane crashes —including the 2006 New York City plane crash that claimed the life of New York Yankees pitcher Corey Lidle. Sentence City. Corey Lidle was a resident of New York | 11
Sentence 41, Photograths qublisnéd py. the Investigate | tagazine. and. thé ‘néwspaper Sufday. Star” Tikes has. ‘shown-.” the “Prine Minister of "New", Zealanil. ;,Helen . Glark's fusband;.-"Peter’ Davis; :. being hugged.’ dnd kissed _ by’, open}: gay - Auciland ; GP’. (General Practitioner)". Sr..” Ian: Scott. on,’eTection niight. 2008: “The. editor of investigate, ~ Ian Wishart,’ “Stated that’. at no. time’: has Investigate . éver: suggested” Davis is’ * gay. Wishart said that be has’ Been. targeting Mr Davis: for’ 'mohths” ‘and has. adppeaiéa.,” for readers. ‘to ‘send him details: of his ‘private Lifes (Myl yartitie ” makes’ :1o' homosexual {nferentes and. is merely’. an. ‘attempt' ‘to, Aagkground:, Davis :,,ahead’ ‘of . reports - ‘to follaw.* Sentence: 2: Dz ‘Tan Bente iy mazsted, to fieen. Clark. | 11
Sentence 1: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia - The Sunshine Coast Regional Council has formally ratified the rejection of the 24 hour McDonald's in MinyamgThe decision comes after council rejected the profsal earlier this week at a general committee meeting. McDonald's forwarded an 11th hour compromise to deputy mayor Tim Dwyer in order to overturn the decision. The compromised had included reducing the opening hours to 6agy.toxJOpm Sunday to Thursday and until 12am FRR Md Saturday. Sentence 2: Sunshine Coast Regional Council accepted McDonald's Australia development plans. | 11
Sentence 1: Levy Mwanawasa, the President of Zambia died yesterday at age 59. He died in a Paris hospital in France. His death was intially announced by an anonymous family member. It was later confirmed on television by vice president Rupiah Banda. Mwanawase suffered a stroke while in Egypt in June of this year for an African Union summit, whereafter he was flown to France. His condition suddenly deteriorated on Monday. Sentence 2: The Zambian government has ordered to plant potatoes. | 11
Sentence 13 Sotheby's and Christie's, the world's. two most powerful auction houses, swapped . confidential lists of super-rich clients who were spared from paying fees charged to other sellers, people close to the companies and to a federal antitrust investigation of them said. Sentence 2% Christie's is one of the world's largest auction house: | 00
Séiitenee 1: Seagate Technology hds said it intends to buy rival company Maxtor for $1.9 billion. Both companies produce hard drives. The deal, priced:at! 60% of Maxtor's closing share price, is intended to| acquire Maxtor's’ custorners, not! “its . technology, Seagate, ‘which also makes drives for Microsoft's Xbox’ 360,. will have over 40% -of the’ hard. drive| market share. The Scotts Valley, California, based| Seagate had 30% of the hard drive market. Provided| the deal- makes. it ‘past: regulatory’ committees, Maxtor. shareholders’ will reesive .37 of a share of Seagate common stock for every 1 share ‘of the| Milpitas based company. based in Milpi Sentence 2: Maxtor | 00
Site rT aetna’ Te Waseem te siete director of a Fst Ceintry . Devrats,. Mark Lets called the Tacusiat "voles cnid Gates Mawitre gang ta defn our ° ig dantzetica's:titegriyl: Landraark Ealucation | pakessvoman: Debvah Bejaset ‘saith the Lendmirh Forir| is. t's. religous th ‘ndiare anid Seite to the ccntraey is simply. abs anil sated "WT bile'awe a wit a) | perty to, this" last “and share’ to firsthand dnowwledge of 1, save ‘can ib adome shad “ce are ‘being ‘wed ‘asa: legal al Viele feeble: Rother "tbe plaantifs ium’ facial ntoests.” ‘The Neg Fork Jarier’ vinas filéd “April 145, and) es stil’ oa filing stege.. conference ‘watt the federal cout judge tthe: case: bas, beets scbiduled for’ Fine 17 Sentence: 22° Mark Lotacis s* a Dericrat, | 00
Sentence L"We knew there wee nstrctons on video cameras and satelite phones but were now told evan pre-recorded ratio material on ron-palitcdl subjets would not be alowat,’ said BBC reporter Charles Haviland on the incident. This move comes gfer an American was forced Of the mountain afer being discovered with a Tibetan fag. These are not Permitted on the TBetan side ofthe mountain A. Nepal oficial aimed to Justify the new restriction “We are doing this fr our fend Ching” he said. ‘Sentence 2 Charies Haviand isan America céizen | 11
Sentence 1: In 1954, in a gesture of friendship to mark the 300th anniversary of Ukrainian union with Russia, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine. Sentence 2: Crimea became part of Ukraine in 1954. | 00
Seotence 1: There can be no doubt that the Administration already is weary of Aristide, @ populist Roman Catholic priest sho in Decenber, 1990, won an overshelning victory in Haiti's onty democratic presidential election Sentence 2: Haiti's only democratic presidential election took place in 1990, | 00
‘Sentencé’.1: Sata ‘Jane Mdore;.-77, who: tried .to. assassinate Former: United States, President Gerald. Ford ‘in.1975 was paroléd ‘from’ prison in California this : afternoon. - More... tried to.” assassinate: : Ford. aiitside- of thé: St. Francis ‘Hotel in’ downtown San Francisco-on January-15;'by firirrg: one shot, -whilchy ‘missed because A bystander gfabbéd Moore's arms just seconds ‘before. she. fired, the gun. Thé bullet ‘missed hitting Fard iri the head‘by itiches. : Sentenice 2! Sata lane Mooreis no:longer in prisoti | 00
Sentence f Zhao was removed from his position as secretary general of the Communist Party of China and placed under house arrest in 1989 after denouncing the use of force against student protestersin Tiananmen Square. Sentence 2 Zhao was.a member of the Communist Party. | 00
, bE Ni 1901, res Sg PO ae ; Sentence 2: Queen Victoria was born in 1901 | 11
Sentence t The Sears Tower in Chicago, finished in 1974, has RO stories and is L460 feet t Sentence 2: The Sears Tower has NO stories | 00
Sentence. 1: Eilat; Tsrel's ‘most, southerly: port and the ‘coiintry's. only: access: to the Red Sea, has-loitg. been a. Wihter: déstination “for~ tourists,"80%, “of, whoni are“Europeans attracted. by. its. temperate climates and clearaters, Sentence. 2: 4uwiiiter most tourists.to Eilat.come fromi Europe: | 00
Sentence 1: A former employee of the company, David Vance of South Portland, said Hooper spent a lot of time on the road, often meeting with customers between Portland and Kittery. Sentence 2: Hooper is a citizen of Portland. | 11
: Sehtence..1: In the tivo-weeks since his death, police’ have beén.posted outside, the’ Beijirig: hore- where Mr:-Zhao. spent his. last. yedrs urider house arrest, cand where ‘hundreds, have been. assembling. to pay, trtbuite,, Agents have: beer turing: many of. the mourners away. ‘ : : ‘Senitehce 2: Mr. Zhad died in Beijing: | 00
Sentence 1: "For Japanese yakuza, the most important thing is staying alive, and making money is second,” the yakuza said. Sentence 2: Yakuza are the Japanese mafia. | 11
Sentence |: The ecological problems: sterh.in fargé part. from the fact that the brackish ‘water arid productive coastal wetlands and iatural, areas ‘are often supplied with -nutrlent-rich Irrigation return, water, sonietimes from ‘rice farming: ‘The’ Ebro Delta and jts wetlands ouffer similar water quality: problems ‘since they lie, around. the fringes of the large Delta farm region. Sentence 2: The’ Ebro . Delta’ is. used: for farming, | 00
Sentence Vodafone's“ share: of ‘net -néw. subscribers: in Japan has: dwindled in recent: months. Sentence 2: ‘There have: been many. new. subscribers 10 Vodafone tn, Japan in the past Few.rionths. | 11
Famet f Tie Americ ‘ae. ppasment annomced. wx Kusse “reed fr aibsipr toe Unité sams “Yor cinsweaton” cue 10 ye.bomling opettoks on rm | 11
Sentence 1 Eolfbst Grond Circle Expettion, Nepel ond Thet. Fist of Everest: trekhing, skiing, ond mountoineering. First Amercpe escent of Pumori (eles. ZSAZZ). immortalized in the book Everest Grond Circle Med Gillette. Jon Renal, tn Beat, Se ‘MeKinney, Creig Colveuce ond Rich Berta Sentence 2 A women soccoeds i climbing Everest solo, | 11
Sentence 1: Céte’ d'hisire's’ President Laurent ‘Gago promulgated’ new election laws oh July. lé,-including the creation of an independent electoral commission ta oversee the presidential vote, which’is slated-for October 30. Sentence 2: New elécticns in Céte'c'ivoire will take, place’on July 14. A | 11
Sentence 1: Typhoon Xangsane was downgraded to a tropical storm Sunday as it moved inland from the central Vietnam coast, where it killed two people, injured at least 80 others and damaged hundreds of homes, officials and state- controlled media reported. Sentence 2: A typhoon batters the Philippines. | 11
‘Sentence 1: The Walt Disney Oo. donated ape of the world's most significant private collectons of african artwork, yesterday, to the ‘Srumsonan's National Museum & African Art ‘Sentence 2: Di the Smithsonian a trove of 2a ane jana | 00
tence t Ruth bounced back from his 1925 ‘iments and problems to led. the American 2agus in hems rans with 47, 28 heme sans rare than anyone ase. entenee 2: Ruth hit 47 runs in his lifetine. | 11
Sentence — Mr Lopez Obrador has alleged electoral fraud cost him the presidency, despite a recount confirming Felipe Calderon ax Mexico's president- elect. Sentence Z Felipe @ideron won the presidential election of Mexico. | 00
Sentence” ‘1:. NASA's’. Saturn: exploration ‘spacecraft, Cassini. ,vhas ‘discovered an atmosphere abdut the moon Enceladus This is thé. first such ‘discovery by Caésini, ‘other: than, :Titan:” | of the. presence -of" an atmosphere. around.a Saturn moon. * Sentence:2: Titan is the fifteenth: ot Saturn's kriowii satellites, | 11
Sentence 1: A school dinner lady is claiming damages from a teenager who seriously injured her while playing tag with a friend. If she is successful, pupils could become legally liable for boisterous behaviour that results in accidents. Michelle Orchard, 42, is seeking hundreds of thousands of pounds in damages from Sebastian Lee, who was 13 when he ran into her during the lunch break at Corfe Hills School, Corfe Mullen, Dorset, in January 2004. Sebastian, with his friend in pursuit, tumbled into her backwards, | 11
Sentence 1: PARIS — Julius Meinl V, the scion of a Viennese business dynasty whose name has been synonymous since the days of the Hapsburgs with luxuries like exotic coffee, handmade tortes and discreet private banking, ‘has been jailed on suspicion of fraud at a company linked to the family. Prosecutors accused Mr. Meinl of artificially bolstering shares of the real estate company Mein! European Land on the Vienna stock exchange, even as its investments in real estate across Eastern and Central Europe cratered Sentence 2: Julius Meinl V is the chairman of Austria's closely-held Mein! Bank. | 11
Sentence 1;.NRDC states its mission as follows: The Natural Resources Deferise.Couincil's purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its. people, its-plants, animals, ‘and, thé natural: systems on which alllifedepends. ‘Sentence 2: The Natural Resources Defense Cound ‘dfegiaids the Earth: | 00
‘Keowticait “Wostotlst, Janti’s Rand’ fered “Sith to <anyphe ableio" prove, “onder ved Zonuitiéns rr: -a “laboratory,” that Jormeopathic remediet.can revily.cure peopia, § 2 utusigniist: James Randi siferid w Imitiion* daliars ta. phydrig Able. fo: a prove tha homieepatty. Suites. | 00
Sentence 1: The currency used in China is the Renminbi Yuan. Sentence 2: The Renminbi Yuan is the currency used in China. | 00
Sentence 1:The Nobel cotiminée said i a sovensene tits Tasting price cannot be achieved wnies large population groups find seups im which to hirak out of over,” ‘Sense 2 The Nobel weir plans help pple ba eit of poverty. ah | 11
Sentence 1: The’ British: governthent did not intially parthase the weapon and ciilan sales were modest However the US Ci War begat in 1860 and the ‘of both the United States and the Confederacy began purchasing arms in Brita. Sartre 2: Durig the Cn Wir the goverenent of the United States bought arrns from Britain. | 00
Sentencé'1i in early Décember, Glavkos. Clerides dnd ‘Rauf Denktash, respecyyely| the: leaders of: the.tiwo parts of Cyprus, startled Cypriots by. announcing that théy| would meet for the.first time in four years. Sentence 2: Cyprus was. divided into-two ‘parts in December * | 11
Sentence 1: - Warrington-born Chris Evans denies. he wen wild, despite quitting Radio 1 in! 1997 and later bein: sacked by Virgin Radio for ‘no turning up for work during a five- day drinking binge, Sentence 2: Virgin Radio was the employer of Chris Evans. | 00
Sentence 1: The 500,000 Muslim voters qge likely to reward Chancellor Gerhéird Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD) in the September 18 parliamentary election, for its anti-Irag war position and pro- Muslim policies. Sentence 2: “Fhe parliamentary election takes plivce on September 18. | 00
SentenceTenzinGyatso. the lth Dalai Lama, has vowed to step down from his postion if things “get out of contrat” in Tibet. where violent demonstrations ‘against China have killed anynhere from 3 to 100 people. Ata news conference} in Dharamsala India, the Dalai Lama said he wes opposed to the use of violence against China's rule. "Violence is almost suicide” he said “Even i 000 Tibetans sacrifice ther les, it will nt help.” However, he acknonledges that many radical Tibetans have criticized his policy of non-violence, and says tat higonly option isto “completely resign if the bloodshed continues. ‘Sentence Bhe ith Dalai Lama was born in Dharamsala | 11
Subsets and Splits