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Sentence 4: Last month, the FBI's Washington Field Office began an internal recruitment drive to staff a neu anti-obscenity squad. The job of the new squad would be. to gather evidence against the “manufacturers and purveyors” of pornography, and would require eight agents, q Supervisor and assorted support help. The squad would not be concerned with child pornography, but instead focus on pornography that depicts, and is marketed to, consenting adults. The Squad would target bestiality, urination, defecation, and | 11
Sentence 1: After the SkyWest airliner touched down, the Airport Movement Area Safety System (AMASS) alerted and the air traffic controller transmitted "Hol Hold, Hold” to the SkyWest flight crew in an attempt to stop the aircraft short of runway iL The SkyWest crew applied maximum braking that resulted in the airplane stopping in the middle of runway iL As. this was ‘occurring, the captain of Republic Airlines flight 4912 took control of the aircraft from the first officer, realized the aircraft was traveling too fast to stop, and initiated an immediate takeoff, According to the crew of SkyWest 5741 the Republic Airines aircraft overflew theirs by 30 fo '50 feet, The Federal Aviation Administration: has categorized the incident as an operational error. Sentence 2: NTSB is responsible for investigating transportation accidents in the United States. | 11
Sentence 1: These problems can be avoided by legalization, under which cannabis could be legally sold, taxed and regulated like alcohol or tobacco, ‘Sentence 2: Drug legalization has benefits. | 00
Senlefice t Pongnig Sod. there tas ao iit in loks'sire ‘he US tod erped Nort Korea on outpost of yn Sentence’ Te US labeled North KofEo drt ofc of ek | 11
BRERISE pantie 1 ie : $82 SEgRS 3° ean ’ : A Wineiree | 00
Sentence 1: As an active member of the National Guard, hewas called to duty in 1941, Although Kennan did not see active combat, he did not return home from World War I until May oF 1945. Sentence 2: Kennon was part of the National Guard | 00
Sentence 1: The Internet group Anonymous today held protests critical of the Church of Scientology. The protests marked what would have been the 49th birthday of Lisa McPherson, who is claimed to be a victim of the Church of Scientology's practices. Lisa died in 1995 during a running of what Scientologists refer to as an Introspection Rundown, a procedure intended to help Church members deal with a psychotic or deeply ‘traumatic event. ‘Sentence 2: The Church of Scientology murdered Lisa McPherson. | 11
Sentence 1: For women who are HIV or who do not know their) breastfeeding Sentence 2: For HIV-positive mothers, the decision about! | 11
Sentence 1: Time Wamer is the world's largest media and Internet company. Sentence 2: Time Wamer is the world's largest company. | 11
tence 1: The sale was made to pai ukos' USS) 27.5 billion tax bill, lagansknettegaz was originally sold for ISS 9.4 billion to a little known company aikalfinansgroup which was later bought y the Russian state-owned oil company ‘osneft ntence 2: Baikalfinansgroup was sold to tosneft. | 00
i Hits HG ‘Sennenice 2 The Monastery of the Angels wass lounded 75 years apo. | 00
Agel aetiesz LAER | 11
Sentence 1: The Republic of Tajikistan, which declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, is in a region that has changed hands many times. Sentence 2: The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. | 11
Sentence 1: Consumers who take any of the contaminated pills could. suffer minor stomach discomfort or possible cuts to the mouth and throat, the FDA said, adding that the.risk’ of serious injury was remote. Sentence 2: Contaminated pills could cause minor stomach discomfort or possible cuts to the mouth and throat. | 00
Seapcn ivecgetn ax fa Pt ty ary pec conde tts Ele moor Sea vite Smecek mre tere Oo Bare oe two! Maes ae Nzart tere, te i hoe bee palin US. perme ey gnc ‘Serpe 2 i Den Staite at oy py, | 11
Sentence 1: In 1983 Turkish Cypriots proclaimed a separate slate, naming it the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Peace talks have been held sporadically, but Cyprus remains divided. Sentence 2: Cyprus was divided into two parts in 1983. | 00
Sentence 1: There is no way Marlowe could legally leave Italy, especially after an arrest warrant has been issued for him by the authorities. Assisted by Zaleshoff, he succeeds in making his escape from Milan. Sentence 2: Marlowe was arrested by Italian authorities. | 11
‘Sana En, Witte od asauinaled Sieciom Lincoln os he sat in'the presidential bax of Ford's Theale | sg Th ight seme "Dex Apelor Senbenece 2 Lincoln sauna in Mie reat healer. | 00
Sentence £ Qin Shi Huang, personal name Zheng, was king of the Ghinese State of Qin from 247 BCE to 221 and then the first emperor of a unified China from 221 BCE to. 210, BCE, ‘ruling under, the name. First Emperor. Sentence 2: Qin Shi Huang was the first China Emperor, | 00
Sentence bi In 162, Armstrong was transferred to astronaut status. He served a3 command pilot for the Gerstnt 8 mission. launched Marck 16, 1966, | 11
7 Sento Bush's send term a Preset othe United Sates, witch began on lanaay 20, 2005, expeed withthe swearing no Ms wite mathe fram Kansai —represents “the ending rome of cur land,” said Bush, | 00
Sentence t The credit card mobile phones now provided on some gircroft, do not . interfere with aircraft systems because they are wired to a special “base station” that has been designed to safely receive and transmit radio signals in the aircraft. Sentence 2: Mobile phones can interfere with aircraft systems. | 11
: farsi oe othe cues in neo coi . that invaded ira in 2003 = iF Seofee 2: cations coaniiedy tes , | 00
Sentenoe 1:.0n Tuesday, Oetober 7, 2008, Amiold ‘Schwarzenegger .was eledted:: Governor - of California : Sentence 2: Arnold. Schwarzenegger. was. étected Gavernor of California. | 00
‘Sentence The Rerciles transporter plane which £ ‘Ren te fea ada ey aman tech dre, ‘Was Just a brisk 100m stroll te the hamtshakes, Suatones 2 The Mercoles,tmasporter pliné made a f06h | 00
Sentence 1: Among the fascinating sites in the city are Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and one of America's principal symbols of freedom, The Liberty Bell, located in Congress Hall. Sentence 2: The US Declaration of Independence is located in Independence Hall. | 11
Sentence 1: The U.S. handed power on June 3° to Iraqis interim government chosen by the United Nations and Paul Bremer, former governor of Iraq. Sentence % Transfer of power, in Iraq on June 39. | 00
Sentence 1: WASHINGTON —Kik Kerkorian, the billanaire mogul and major sharehalder in General Motors Corp, said Friday that automakers Renaut SA and Nissan Motor Co, are interested in purchasing a significant stake in GM and induding the Detotaytomaker in their allnce,Kerlavian'simestment company, Tracnda Corp, told GW Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner ina letter that Renault and Nissan are receptive ta the idea af including General Motors inthe patnrsip and purchasing "a sigant inary ineres in the automaker Sentence 2: Fick Wagoner f ane ofthe major shareholders of GM. | 11
Sentence 1: US President George’ W. Bush has sed to set a timetable for the withdrawal of oe 138,000 US trogps in Iraq, but has sald that Us forces will sided down Ts tral forces gradually take over. Sentence 2: 138,000 US troops are located in iraq. | 00
Sentence : "When we apply this to young children, i allows us to predict what mightbe their future caries history - the number of cavities that theyll get by, say, their late 20s or early 30s! says researcher Paul Demny. Called the Caries Assessment and Risk Evaluation (CARE) test, the test measures the relative proportions in saliva of different types of sugar chains called oligosaccharides. The same sugar chains are present on tooth surfaces. ‘Sentence 2: A test can predict cavities. | 00
‘Sentence + Mr Lopez Obrador, who lost July's ‘Sentence @ Mr Lopez Obrador didn't loose the presidential elactionin July, | 11
Sentence % Hurricane Isabel was a tropical storm when she entered Virginia, but caused damage to 15% of the state, making it one of the costliest disasters in Virginia’ history. Sentence 2: 4 tropical storm has caused significant property damage or loss of life. | 00
Sentence 1:The German-based team say their: ‘study: is-the-only ‘report: of prolonged: hibernation .in ~a_ tropical mammal. Sentence 2: The:team studies hiberriating mammials in Germany.. | 11
Senience 4 Two ely Les Paul backs arrive n' slores thé yea” Thebes Paul Legacy By Rb'Lavinénee is die from Hal epiiard, Publishing on O if Senitenice 2: Rob Lawidrige wotks forthe Lés Pall Legaoy, | 11
Sentence 1: The surge in violence has occurred while U.S. Marines and Iraqi troops battle insurgents near Karabilah on the Syrian border. British and American warplanes pounded targets to support a 1,000 Marine force. A Marine statement also said patrols in the devastated city of Fallujah came under attack Sunday. According to the statement, 15 insurgents were killed while the attack was repulsed. Sentence 2: Fallujah is not far from Karabilah. | 11
Sentence 1: The marriage is planned to take place in the Kiew Monastery of the Caves, whase father superior, Bishop Pavel, is Yulia Timoshenko's spiritual father. ‘Sentence 2: Yulia Timoshenko is the daughter of Bishop Pavel. | 11
Sentence 1: A zoo worker is dead and two visitors are seriously injured after a Siberian tiger escaped from the San Francisco Zoo in San Francisco, California in the United States and attacked three people who were inside a cafe. The tiger was shot dead by police who were called to th® scene. They found the tiger attacking one of the zoo visitors when they Ls Sentence 2: A tiger attacked three people in San Francisco. | 00
Sémtenes {Solar Syéteine Ply; Lid, Mawtaen.: Vietosia: have-anholunced ain agreéniient. with. Boeing Australia: Ltd “fdr'‘supply of Speétralab’ solar ‘celis.: The: agreement. will resiilt. int, the “supply. of ° $00:000 .-rells. ..capatile, of ideneraiing iMW._ol electricity: Spectrilab produces’ mult/- junction’ solar: cells, originally: desigagd Yor’ powering satellites. The Splar cells re, three. times*rhdre -efficieiit that the ‘cells ‘used: in- typical’ domestic solar ‘panels. “and aie capable ‘of converting -light “energy to “electrical” eneigy .with* up. to: 34%. elficiency “atcording--to” NREL’s National’ Ceritre far-Phatoyaltaits. “Solar, Systemis’ utilise ‘Spectrolab's. multi-junction ‘solar “cells to *inereasé ‘the ‘ultpat oftheir dish systems.’ Senterice:.2! Boeinty Australia Lid dollaboraies-with Solar. Systems, Pty.Ltd. | 00
Sentence 1: In the very same room in fall, 1992, George Bush prepped to debate Clinton and Ross Perot In practice sessions with Chief of Staff John H. Sununu. Sentence 2: Ross Perot ran For presidant in 1992 | 11
Sentence 1: Activist groups in the Philippines led by Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance) or Bayan are set to submit “cabinet level documents” as evidence to international bodies purportedly. showing that the office of the President ..Milacafiang sanctioned the series of extrajudicial killings in the country. The evidence is to be presented to the Permanent People's Tribunal and the United Nations Special Rapporteurs, which is scheduled to visit the country this year. In a press statement. __ Bayan_ expressed disappointment with the report of the Melo ‘Commission saying that "the report merely tells us what we already know, and that the report | 11
Sena 1: Oni focoers We vem compest are ied for exci the qu. fetes mele oe Setenee 2 Osyant feta sare std os sol etre, | 00
Senfernce 1: Pibul was anticommunist as well as. nationalistic. \Sentence 2: Pibul was riationalistic. | 00
:Sentence 1: Fishérmen using the poison-sodium cyanide have helped to destroy an estimated 70% of the reefs. Sentence. 2: Cyanide fishing“is linked to the destruction of area reefs. ° | 00
Sentencihis paper discusses marijuana, crack/cocaine, tranquilizers, hallucinogens, amphetamines, heroin, alcohol, nicotine ond caffeine to provide framework for the author's argument that the legalization of drugs can in no way be deemed as ethical or moral. Sententag legalization has benefits. | 11
Sentences: Pakistan Presiden Perves Musharraf, has ‘ordered ‘secarity. forces’ to° take. firm action: ‘against rioters following the. assassination: of opposition leader Benizir Bhutto. The violence has left at least 4.4 people dead -and “dasens. ‘njured” Me. Mudie ‘nwted the measures Were to le. VOA's Ayaz reports from Islamabad that.a- bitter dispute las alin cope over how the 54-year-old eee died was behind her assassination... Sentence 2: Mushurraf has ordered rioters to take ‘firma action apainos curity forces. " : | 11
Sentence i: Every y about a quarter of all children sustain an injury serious enough to require medical attention, school absences, and/or bed res Sentence 2: Fireworks may ce injuries. e serious | 11
Santee: Bombs exis i two Turkish is Thursday nly ays telire Turkey play host fa NATO summi Sates 4 ink plays bio suicide barbers | 11
Sentence 4: This‘.course helps’ students pursuing an IAS -er. AAS: degreé,.-gain: an’ understanding “of the lexperiencés .of Black people’ fram hearing. and. deat communities in ‘America.’ Sentence 2: Deaf jpeople: encounter. problems in ‘the, | 11
Sentence t THE presidents of Honduras and EI Salvador were set yesterday to begin two days of tas in San Salvador, amid continuing tension in border areas Sentence 2: Honduras and EI Salvador entered a dispute over their borders. | 00
Sertence 1: Fas forward a decade ar tuo and scientists began to nat anibiotc-resistant strains of bacteria. ay Sertence 2: Bacteria is winning he war agains abot | 11
Sentence: 1: Preliminary. results: from the National. Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL). | released 15. December 2005 by. the US National ”' Center *For..Education “Statistics, indicate gains... and losses: in literacy among minority adults petiveert * 1992 sand.’ 2003: The ,. nationally representative: study ‘among US adults .age 6 and older found the over -all.average prose anid document *, -literacy remained relatively points..(on. 2 seale, of 500) Results. among miriotities were ‘mixed, with White and. Asian/ “Pacifi¢ Islander minorities scoring significantly \ = higher. .. than. Hispanic *. 0°: “Black: effinicities \: “Hispanic. stibjects -in partiailat had.shar} | 00
Sentence t In a move reminiscent for some of another actor, Ronald Reagan, who was twice elected governor of California, Schwarzenegger said he would be "putting his movie career on hold so he can devote his time to running for governor. Sentence 2: Ronald Regan was elected governor of California. | 00
Sentence 1: Pollner, they say,. began. wading with Iraq before the 1991 Persian Gulf War and contiriued after a U.N. embargo. For his part, Chalmers had loaned money to Iraq since the 19808 and received repayment in oil, according, to industry experts. Sentence 2: Persia bought oil from Lraq during the embargo: | 11
Sentence 1: A juvenile hacker who crippled an airport tower for six hours, damaged atown's phone system, and broke into pharmacy records has been charged in afirst-ever federal prosecution, the US. Attorney's office announcedtoday. Sentence 2: Non-authorized personne! ilegally entered into computer networks. | 00
Sentence 1 According to NC Articles of Organization, the members of LLC company are H. Meisan Beavers, | A Chester Beavers and Jennie Beavers Stewart, ‘Sentence 2: ernie Beavers Stewart is a share-holder of Caratima Analytical Laboratory, | 11
Sentence. 1:.The Counts of Holland. wad Geldern, between whose territories the-binds of the Bishops of Utrecht by ‘sought to uire. cover: the of the episcopal: see. - This’ olten Syatoncn 2: The Counts of Htlnd supported We tay | 11
Sentence 1: WASHINGTON - A Pentagon report on Guantanamo prison ordered by President Barack Obama concludes conditions fo inmates are in line with Geneva Conventions and other legal obligations, a US official said Friday. The report was due to bef delivered to the White House by Saturday as part of a landmark} executive order issued by Obama last month mandating the clasutef of the ‘war on terror" detention camp. The official, who spoke tof reporters on condition of anonymity, said the review conducted by ‘Admiral Patrick Walsh found that detainees were treated humanely) in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and other law: recognized by the United States. Sentence 2: The Guantanamo prisonisin Cuba, | 11
Sentence. 1: Reagan, was’ seriously ‘wounded by a bullet fired by John Hinckley-Jr.’in an attempted assassination, but imade ‘a remarkably “speedy recovery. Sentence.’ 2: Reagan ‘survived an’ ‘attempted assassin’ bullets: | 00
Sentence t: Muslims make up some 3.2 million ‘of Germany's 82 million people, and Turks represent two thirds of the minority. - Sentence 2: 82 million people live in Germany. | 00
Sentence 1: Olympic officials familiar with Salt Lake City's bid for the 2002 Winter Games have described in recent weeks a process by which Salt Lake City Olympic officials targeted the votes of 17 African IOC members after losing by four votes to Nagano, Japan, for the right to play host to the 1998 Winter Olympics. Sentence 2: Before Salt Lake City, Winter Olympic Games took place in Nagano. | 00
Sentence 1: The news comes as the owners of | 11
Sentence t By the time a case of rabies is confirmed, the disease may have taken hold in the area. Sentence 2: A case of rabies was confirmed. —————_— | 11
infgsion’ which the Russian Salyuts. «© ‘second generation Salyuts would“ 1: The Tongest. ind. would need to be, resupplied | upported'was_63:days. Fhe iy missions much longer a fron time'to time. rece sana rons 8 Sin ibaa | 11
entence 1: San Francisco (Reuters) -- Wal- Aart Stores Inc. said Tuesday that’ a Aassachusetts judge had granted. its tion to decertify a class action lawsuit ccusing the world’s largest retailer ‘of lenying employees breaks. entence 2; Employee breaks had been lenied by a motion granted by a Aassachusetts judge. | 11
Office actions: in reaction to tence 1: "Tye been trying to keep to @ minimum (partly some fairly heavy- ianded WP:OFFICE Stuff in the Past), nd it would be helpfut to be able to said Godwin on are changes directly authorized by which are made to | 00
Séntence” 4: The hurdler: ‘suspended ‘in 1993 for ‘taking. :the , anabolic steroid Nandrolone-"'was' “cleared “after a. three judge arbitration, panet ruled. that the case: Tgeinet. her. could not be proved beyond résconable: doubt, - ‘Sentence 2:.Nandvolone ts a:steroid | 00
Sentence 1 eritericé 2; | 00
Sentence” 1: Every’ year israél- jails individuals." ‘simply. . - because - ™..they. refuse ta ..perform i Tiery sérvice For. ‘Peasans of .consciérice , Sentence 2: People. are wil Ling tov risk imarisonment. rather - than’ perform military: service: | 00
Sentence 1: On the moming of 1 June, there was a per stig rend tage canto germs commandos: of the Farsbunde. Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), Sentence’ 2: FMLN cowed 8 bieckaut in the capital. | 00
Sentence 1: Medicare will select by lottery 10 percent of those who apply by Aug. 16 to begin receiving benefits starting Sept. 1. Sentence 2: Medicare will choose 10 percent of applicants to receive benefits by Aug. 16. | 11
tence Tt is unlik was operating its active sonar at the time of the collision, because the submarines are designed to “hide” while on patrol and the use of active sonar would immediately reveal the boat's location. Both submarines’ hulls are covered with anechoic tile to reduce detection by sonar, so the boats’ navigational passive sonar would not have detected the presence of the other. Sentence 2: Two submarines have collided. | 00
Sentence « Security authorities have declared “a state .* of “maximum emergency ir Guatemala, which -is Jocured directly “in’ thé path of the hurricane, Sentence: 2: ‘There is: a state of maximum emergency in. Guatemala because of the hurricane: | 00
Sentence 1: Billy Werber, third baseman in Major League Baseball, has dicd at the age of 100. Werber dicd of natural causes on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at an assisted living center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was moved there after his health deteriorated a month ago. His son said that when admitted, Werber refused to cat solid foods and would only drink liquids. "He just refused to eat and that was his plan,” Bill Werber Jr. told the Associated Press. He added that his father was “sharp up until four weeks ago". Sentence 2: Werber died in North Carolina at the age of 100, | 00
Sentence 1: Actor Christopher Reeve, best known for his role as Superman, is paralyzed and cannot breathe without the help of a respirator after breaking his neck in a riding accident in Culpeper, Da, on Saturday. Sentence 2: Christopher Reeve had an accident. | 00
Sentences 1: The ghost shirt was then donated to the| Glasgow Museum in 1892 by an Indian interpreter and} has remained a visitor attraction for 100 years. It became the subject of an ownership wrangle when} descendants of the Sioux tribe petitioned for its| return in 1995. The Wounded Knee Survivors} Association including a Lakota elder had it returned} to the tribe. Sentence 2:A Sioux ghos} shirt was returned by a Scottish museum. * | 00
Sentence 4: Shelby - Foote, author of: ‘the acclaimed three’ volume: history, : of « the ‘American’ Civil . War, The... Civil: ‘War:.. A ‘Narrative, died in Memphis on Junie 27 at age 88. ° Foote. also. - wrote — historical.’ fiction,- including:-Follow Me Down and:-Shiloh.' He may'be-best known for ‘his appéarance in filmmaker. rns! PRS documentary, The Civil War The Modern Library ranked Footes The C®i, War:.A Narrative as number 15:01 its list of 100 best non-fiction books. He.was Commissioned to. Write ‘a :short ‘history, of the: Civil War. by. Random’ House and. spent qnore. than 20 years on the work eventually producing the three. volumes. * ‘Sentence 2: The: Civil. War: |A- Narrative isa book written by Shelby Foote. | 00
|Sentence 1: The relocation has enabled the company to eliminate the use of cyanide and chrome in its plating work replacing it with la soaplike solution. |Sentence 2: oap-like alternatives exist. | 00
Sentence 1: Brazil - Pope John Paul Il has @ Brazilian cousin living in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil He is Joao Woidula, 83, and he Came to Brazil in 1914, before John Paul il lwas born in March, 18, 192@. Accordin the story told by local news agencies, the Pope's fast name was Woidyla too,’ like Ligae's, The Pope changed it to Wapule When he left Poland to avoid political ersecution. The grandfather of Joao cidiyla is Jose Woidyla, who was brother lof Pope's grandfather. Joao’s famil discovered the relationship when Kara was elected Pope. The pope himself recognized the relationship and sent him a etter. Sentence 2 Joao Woidyla is a relative of Pope John Pauli, | 00
Sentence 1: First Canadian and then Dutch peacekeepers were deployed in Srebrenica. Seven hundred and fifty lightly armed UN peace-keepers were responsible for disarming Srebrenica's Muslim defenders and “deterring” Bosnian Serb attacks against the safe area. Two years later, a Serb flag flew where the UN's once did and 7,079 Muslim men were missing. Sentence 2: Dutch photos of Srebrenica have disappeared. | 11
Sentenée *. .4:.. DAYTON, Ohio.A' cargo plane bound. for .Montreal with a small quantity:.: of: hazardous: chemicals “crashed |. and “exploded, "shortly. after. takeoff: : : Sentence 2: ‘Dayton’ . is located in.Ohio. | 00
“Sentence '1: Saddam. Hussein was 98 being treated with. “dignity and respect.” Sentence 2: Saddam Hussein was being treated asa dignitary: | 11
Setttence) 1: Hudson's ioonother) Darnall Donerson, 57, /and brother, Jason Hudson, 24 were found dead in Donerseh’s: home oh Octeber 2 ahd the boly-of Hudson's T-yearnold. nephew, Juhan thd wpab found MMe etal ns stélen SUV. handgun police say) 16 tied: to thestesc® ‘hab faundn nbsehy dant Riniterd reports: thatisBond):did| netsredmment? on any evidence in the case. Sentence 2: Jason Hudson was Jennifer's brother. | 11
Sentence 1: Most recently, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called North Korea an “outpost of tyranny” enraging Kim Jong-il, the leader of North Korea. Sentence 2: Condoleezza Rice is the US. Secretary? state. | 00
‘Sentence 1: Mr Green, Marks & Spencer's new owner, has made a lot ‘of money by taking over underperforming businesses. ‘Sentence 2: Mr Groen tries to take over Marks & Spencer. | 11
Hurd's visit the First by 2 cabinet minister since the 982 Falklands conflict meant we are inhi hd ren pat athe a hip not. the only ‘Sentence 1: Relations between Argentine and. Great Britain are ‘growing mort, cooperative. | 00
‘Sentence Ii: According:"“to .metnbers- of | Brazilian Goirt; President Euiz ‘Inicio’ Lula“ida"'Silva.rnay, be siibjected to, .an™ impeachment’: process,~.if, thera. i spine ‘proof that he. is really: involved in’'some of the alleged. scandals; ‘or ‘in..case Soniéone’“cin prove’ that: He waé acting: with: negligence, Sentence 2: ‘The -Brazilian” President. -ig. Luiz . India Lula’ da Silva: * | 00
Sentence 1: Bowles will take the: title HRH: Dutchess: of Cornwall, ‘changing -it to: thie: Princess Consort, when Charles. becomies King. ‘Sentence .2: Bowles wit be ‘known “as HRH Duchess of Cornwall. | 00
Sentence 1 The beginning of March 2009 marked one year since the election of Dmitry Medvedev as president of Russia. Although he announced from the outset that the fight against corruption would be one of his main priorities, his first year in office has shown that. these. words-as in. the years of presidents Yeltsin and. Putin-were nothing more than propaganda. Medvedev occupies the highest post. in’ a state in) which | 11
sentence Scoand Yard has been grated ho more days 10 question nine of the 3 men awestd in, G-rated act Terroresm aids across the country ast Tuesday, Setence 2:8 men klein o-ordnate a-tertorsm ads across the country last Tuesday ee ae | 11
Sentence 1: After the service, Lennon left the cathedral, made his way through a crush of reporters} and television cameras and talked briefly with| protesters, some of whom say they are victims of abusive priests. Sentence 2: After’ the service, Lennon :aitémpted to speak to victiins aitd protesters. | 00
Sentence 1: There are suppositions that the US Democratic Congress may re-establish the luxury taxes, which were already once introduced in the 1990s. The suppositions resulted in the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors commissioning a report on various tax issues. Material goods such as jewelry, watches, expensive furs, jet planes, boats, yachts, and luxury cars had already been subjected to additional taxes back in 1990. After 3 years these taxes were repeated, though the luxury automobiles tax was still active for the next 13 years. Sentence 2: The US Congress may re-establish luxury taxes. | 00
Sentence 1: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was born on April 21, 1926 in Landon, England. Her father, Prince Albert, Duke- of York, was the second son of King George V. Her mother, the former Elizabeth’. Bowes-Lyon, was the daughter of a Scottish earl. Princess Elizabeth was their first. child. Her only sibling, Margaret Rose, was born in 1930. Sentence 2: Elizabeth ‘the Seconds father was George VI. | 11
Sentence 1: Sir lan Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said, last night, that his officers were ‘playing out of their socks", but admitted that they were "racing against jtime" to track down the bombers. Sentence 2: The officers belong to Sir an Blair's family. | 11
Sentence # le-woulid create ansunderclass: of. ‘illicerate and: impoverished ‘residents, deprived “of basic ail, including English-language, skills, necessary for the ‘integration’. of “immigrant “shildfen into our society and ‘our’ ‘work force. : Sentence 2: Language skills are ameans of social integration. | 00
Sentence > Stolen Warhol. works recovered: Amsterdam police said Wednesday that. they have recovered stolen lithographs by the late U.S. pop artist Andy. Warhol worth more than $1 million. Dali’s paintings ate still missing. Sentence 2: Millions of dollars of art ‘were recovered, including works by Dali. | 11
Sentence E Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas has offered the hand of peace’ to Israel afler-his landslide wctory in Sunday's presidental election ‘Sentence 2: Mahmoud Abbas has won a landslide viclory in. Sunday's presidental election | 00
Sentence + The West Pharmaceutical Services plant, which had been cited for rumerous safety violations last fall, made syringe plungers and IV supplies. Sentence 2 The West Pharmaceutical Services plant had been cited for numerous safety violations last autumn, | 00
Subsets and Splits