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‘Sentence't: Thé new Interstate’ 35W St.‘Arithony FoUS. Bridge’ it ifpnespol, Mgnesote,Unted, States ws opened “shorty after SAM: today. Te replaces: 0, Bridge which collapsed Los dear, killing 13 people A fre engine ond ambulance were frst ‘Busass_on each ide In cath direction, 9 Line-of Stabe Highwa Patrol’ cars wos. followed by: formation of Department “0 Transportation -constructicn-* bucks, "A clister of - ovaltng vehteles. went honking octess fora. few minutes,’ then tar he Teturned ‘te, the sparse Leygis more typical of “the” pré-dawn Period. The September “@tyopening wos well. ahead. of the Stheailed December 24 goa. earnieg.the contyoctor, Flatiron. Wiarson “up “ta, $19.6. Millon in perfomance. ‘bofzes She Bridge ts "89 Feet wide, with a main spar Length. of 504 feet Ghd'a deck height of aier 100 fect bove the MissiSppi Rover Seritence, 2: Interstate 35W. St. Anthony Falls “Bridge, crosses the Mesissippi ‘River, | 00
_ Sentai (or her) wifi tus fo rin &-coation bast on a majority:in’-thé . Dulch:-Pariament “anda gevwr'a.-agreemet’ on ‘policy Crégeeraltioord). Duffy’ a'forition-parties barter, letting, go-of some. jal to chive others. ° _Seitanee 2: Three parties fon a Dit ciation governaet | 11
Sentence & Wal-Mart has received a lot of negative publicity eg includi pay during lunch pilosa as well ‘ - complaien generally underpays employees. Sentence 2: Wal-Mart complains about negative publi@y.. | 11
participated in an attack on vice president- elect Francisco Merino's home. Sentence 2: Forabundo Marti National Liberation Front is accused of an attack on Merino's home. | 00
their patients. considers to be Earteha'and a wamactet Gt theme ‘The video was posted on the video sharing YouTube, YouTube, as. it was their about So cs eee called Vimeo.com. Sentence 2: Scientology is against psychiatry. | 00
Sentence’: The fatal shooting ‘of Stéven-Charles Jenkins, a tefmially ill AIDS pationt, by his friend Philip Lee Saylor'at Cedars:Siriai Medi¢al Center has again focused attention on’ the problems of death arid dying in'ourséciety, Serivence a:Steven Jenkins was ge friend. * | 00
Sentences 1 A jet fled with tourists retuming heme to the Franch Carbbaan isand of Martinique, crashed Tuesday, i Venezuela. Sentence 2: plane carrying vacationers hare te: the ‘sland of Martinique crashed, Toasday in Vanezudta, | 00
Sentece 1 Comdex ence amung the worlds largest trade shows, the laanching pod fr new computer and software protects and « Las Voges fiatere fr 20 years — has heen camel fr th year ‘Sentense 2 Ls Vegus hosted the Commdex trade show for 20 wears. | 00
Sentence 1: Glue-sniffing and other forms of solvent abuse ai ing overlooked in the fight against drugs, according to a new report. Sentence 2: Glue-sniffing is common among youngsters. | 11
Sentence 1: In this respect, the reforms required across Europe are similar: stronger] incentives within pension systems to delayf retirement, rules which facilitate gradual retirement, incentives for workers to savel for their retirement, and public information| measures to improve awareness of the options available. Sentence 2: National pension systems currently adopted in Europe are in| difficulties. | 11
andaiep a dvyy ern 6 hartin of newt | 00
‘Sentence t More than dectite ogo: Cart Lewis std on the threstold of what ‘was tb become the greatest athletics caren histor. Head rst broken fa of the legendary Jesse Owens’ rollege records: but never believe he wold become a cofporate icon the focus: of hundreds. of miliinsof dollars in ‘advertising: Mis sport uns stil néminati amateur: fighteen’ lymic“and Wortd ‘Ohaimpionsig ybld metals ‘nnd 21 world records later: Lewis has becéme the richest man jn te story of track an field ' multetléonare Sentence 2 Cai tewis won'eightoen gold medals and set 1 word reeorts. | 00
Sentence 11: Ai-azeera" broadcasts to milions of Arab viewers from headquarters in Doha, Qatar. " Sentence’ 2: Ai-lazeexa: has occasionally run into problems | 11
Sentence'1: One year after shareholders approved a massive expansion in its pool of stock options, eBay is asking for more. Sentence 2: Shareholders approved expansion for. one yéai. | 11
classified Saccraneersares We" pasate het ted through a Ty a assumed name, and is directly linked with pernegraphic pave = many Sentence 2: Militaryescortsm4m.com belongs to James Guckert. | 00
Sentence 1: According to official results, Abedelaziz Bouteflika, the 72-year-old President of Algeria, has been reelected to a third term as the country's leader in a landslide. Yazid Zerhouni, ‘the Algerian Interior Minister, stated that Bouteflika obtained 90.24% of the vote in the election, which was held on Thursday. Voter turnout was 74%, with some of the ©pposition Parties boycotting the election amidst allegations of election fraud, Zerhouni said the figures had not been manipulated, saying that anyone with evidence of fraud should take it to election officials Bouteflika's critics assert that the victory | 00
Sentence 1: Ms. Miers’ whole life was based in Dallas and revolved around her legal work, her family and an attachment to an evangelical church that led her to what her former pastor described as a flowering of faith late in life. Sentence 2: Ms. Miers was a leader of an evangelical church. | 11
Sentence 1: When she was barely 20 years old, Dutch singer Edsilia Rombley got her first large taste of international acclaim. Already a winner of the smaller contest Soundmix Show, she decided to shoot higher. With a great deal of determination, she performed in front of hundreds of millions of television viewers at the 1998 Eurovision Song Contest in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Her song, the R&B flavored "Hemel en aarde" (Heaven and earth), placed fourth and gave her country their highest placing at Eurovision since their last win in 1975. No Dutch contestant after her has been able to place similarly. | 00
Sentence 1: The media always talk about the Dow being up or ‘down a certain number of points. ‘Sentence 2: Dow Jones is down. * * | 11
SentenceNély Zealand’s Qualifications Authority said Friday that it still strongly discourages students from using anything other than full English, but that credit will be given if the answer "clearly shows the required understanding,” even if it contains text-speak. Sentenc€uR:English is recommended by New Zealand’s Qualifications Authority. | 00
Sentence I: Dr. Amy Joy Lanou, director of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in America, was quick to point out health dangers of the Atkins diet. Sentence 2: Atkins diet is associated with increased risk conditions. | 00
‘ontento't: He determined that there were 1,678 illegal votes cast ‘in'the election, but he ‘sald Republicans had, rode ao ‘no real proof “that illegat votes. benefited Gregoire. ‘Sentence 2: Most of the egal Votes, cast in the election went to Gregor: | 11
Sentence 1: John and Frances Galyean are partners in life and now both share a passion for Photography, The Galyeans, married for more than 46 years, have been involved in photography since 1999. % Sentence 2: John Galyean's wife is called Frances. | 00
Sentence Ir:!t-has become incréasingly clear that Iran: is making .rapid progress toward attaining a nuclear weapens capability as U.S. officials: have. confirmed. the presence of various nuclear sites that:Tehran has failed to disclose: Sentence ~2:. travian). chemical. “weapons. threaten United States | 11
Senierice’” 4:: Protesters; many. from,: organized pro-. goverhinent, groups but incliiding maniy ordinary citizans, ‘carried anti: American banners. and chanted: -slogans attacking U.N: Sectetary-Genetal ‘Kofi: Annan’ for his: clése “alignment'viith U.S. policy. Sénfence-2: Protesters ‘confiscated anti-Aferican. banners and chahitéd slogans.attacking U.N, Secrétary-General: Kofi ‘Asian forhis close alignment with US-poliey. | 11
“Sentetice 4: Sentence 2; | 11
tence 1 tence 2: | 00
Sentence 7: Creeping trade protectionism, and bloated budget. deficits, pose a risk to the United States’ long-term economic vitality, Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greerispan, warned Friday. Sentence 2: Feveral Reserve “tigss, Alan Greenspan, sees increased US trade protectionism Sric' budget deficits as threats tothe US economy, | 00
Sentence 1: Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in the Olympic Range, rises to a height of 7,965 feet (2,428 meters) and is less than 25 miles (40 kilometers) from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Sentence 2: Mount Olympus is in the Olympic Range. | 00
‘Sentence t Barack Obame made history on 4 aad in tall fe Het ag] | 00
Sentence 1: Like the United States, U.N. officials are also dismayed that Aristide killed a conference called by Prime Minister Robert Malval in Port-au-Prince in hopes of bringing all the feuding parties together, Sentence 2: Aristide had Prime Minister Robert Malval murdered in Port-au-Prince. | 11
Sentence t The 38-year-old actress recently appeared in a court case against Jack Jordan, a man was found guilty of stalking her. The friend : "Everyone is so happy for Uma after what went through with that stalker. Arki is a guy can take care of her. "Uma is hoping this time, 's really love. Everyone wants the best for her. And is a really sweet guy” Uma was previously to actor Gary Oldman, while Arpad has two with Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson. 2 Uma Thurman is engaged to Arpad | 11
Sentence 1: The spread of AIDS in Africa: is driven not by unsafe sex but by unsafé medical practice, accoiding to research’ published’ last week, Sentence 2: AIDS spreads in-Africa. | 00
Sentence 1: Gastrointestinal bleeding can happen as an adverse effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory deugs such as aspitin or ibuprofen. Sentence 2: Aspirin prevents gastrointestinal bleeding. | 11
Sentence 1: Ronaldo Luiz Nazario da Silva is quite simply one of the greatest strikers in the history of world football, capable of leaving an entire team for dead with his darting rans and dribbling ability, voted FIFA World Player of the Year on three occasions and already a double FIFA World Cup winner. Sentence 2: FIFA selects world football player of the year 1994. | 11
Sentence’: The United: States would iké: to-see UN’ weoporis inspectors. etura to: irag-providing:the Iraqis take concrete. affirmative: and, demoristrabie-actions “to show full.co- operation’ Clinitan Said, Sentence. 2: U:f\. -weapors- inspectors. cul ‘stay: ip. Iraq. Clintan sai | 11
‘ieroiale rack was foutded' in: 1989]} ¢ {the fest: Nterosoft tranches} erivence.1t ‘ad became ene ©) sutside. Uke USA. vin cata 8 199 sencetice: 2: Micros | 11
Sentence 1: Kessler's team conducted 60,643 face-to-face interviews with adults inf 14 Countries «ig Sentence 2# Kessler's team interviewed more than 60,000 adults in 14 countries. 3 | 00
Sentence 1: This opinion poll was’ conducted| onthe sixth and seventh of October, and included a cross section of 861 adutts with a ‘margin of error estimated at 4%. ~ Sentence 2: This poll was carried out.on the 6th and .7eh’ of October, ‘and included..a segment of 861 people with d margin of ertor| ‘estimated at 4%. | 00
Sentence 1: Byrraju Ramaliriga Raju, founder dnd chairman. of Saiyan Conputér, Services, inethis briotlign, B. Rama. Raju the coivspany's managing directog were.artested tate " ‘Aniihia. Pradesh’ police. ‘Thie* brothers” vere’ placed .undet Juilcidl xistody in ¢ Hyderabad, india.jail and. nil r thiefe ungil Jandary’23: Facing charges of Griininal bieash,of this (Section 406.of IPC), crimitial conspiracy (Section 120+ -B)-cheating (Section 420), falsification of records and forgéey’ (Section 468)" and fraiuduleng casicellatiout of” securities (Séotinge 477-a), thay face. up, 10 ten, years imprisonment, if convictet: . Senterioe 2: itu Vis F | 11
Sentence 1: The: Antarctic: zone. “hole’is defined-as agiinning of the dzone layer, aver the. continent, to- levels Significantty . below: pre-1979 levels, Sentence: 2= Fhe dzone. hole is: above Antarctica ne : io : * | 00
| Sentence 1:11 takes 560 years to complete one trip around the Sun (versus 250 years Jor Pluta). | Sentence 2: Pluto's trip around the Sw lasts 250years.. | 00
Sentence 1: The report catalogues 10 missed opportunities within the CIA and FBI to uncover pieces of the September 11 plot. Sentence 2: The report analyzes 10 missed opportunities within the CIA and FBI to uncover pieces of the September 11 plot. | 00
Sentence & “With oil prices at $90 2 barrel and fear of recession in the UK and many other European economies, the current ‘outlook for. the coming fiscal year is poor. While it, is impossible to, accurately forecast full year fuel, prices and yields this far. in advance, there is now a significant chance that profits may decline text year," Ryanair CEO Michael Oeary cautioned. Ryanair said that it is not hedged against oil price increases for the next fiscal year. However, Myanair is not the only airline to suffer from the economic downturn. er Lingus shares. are down 3% to €1722.20. Easyjet has declined 11%. However shrewd, Mr. Oleary has plans {o spond wp to 200 nln purchasing back shares inthe company, which equates to 3% of the company share capital. Sentence 2 Ryanair shares suffered a 3% decrease, | 11
Sentence £ Leftist guerrillas early Tuesday attacked a residential neighborhood in northem San Salvador where many government and military leaders have their homes. ‘Sentence 2: Guerrillas attacked government buildings. | 11
[Sentence 1: World health officials warned yesterday that West lafrica and Central AfMa were on the verge of the worst polio loutbreak in years, stemming from the refusal of a single state lin northern Nigeria to vaccinate children against the disease. |sentence 2: African polig.outbreak feared ad | 00
“Seeay The Tank of Tay, the mime arteter OF Taman banking mergers, has been engulfed by scandal since police wire taps rewealal Fazio and his wife advised a local banker in a bid for Bank Antonveneta against Dutch bank ABN AMRO. ‘Sentence 2: A local banker bids for Bank Antonveneta. | 00
Sentence 1: Armed police were deployed at UCL Hospital, near Warren Street tube Station, after reports of a suspect entering the hospital. There was speculation that one of the bombers may have been injured and sought treatment at the hospital. A Scotland Yard spokesman had said "We are dealing with an incident at University College Hospital and we have armed officers deployed there. We cannot go in any further detail at this stage” A UCL spokeswoman confirmed that an email had been sent to staff asking them to be on the lookout for the suspect. At 16:00 a spokesman for the Metropolitan police confirmed that the incident was over, but armed police returned to the hospital 30 minutes later to search the | 11
Sentence 1: Budapest is Europe's largest spa town; there are more than 100 hot springs that spout from Buda's limestone bedrock. Sentence 2: There are numergus lunderground hot springs that cofain radium and other minerals, and, since Roman times, bathers have sought i@qgm out for their supposed healing properties. * a | 11
Sentence } Fernandez, of FEMA, was on scene when Martin arrived at a FEMA base camp befare gaing ta the haspital. Sentence 2: Fernandez works far FEMA. | 00
Sentence 1. £1 Nino is so named: because the-effects of the warmer ‘water off Peru are usually noticed néar Christrjas time. Sentence 2: El: Nino is;named after Peru | 11
ere ice US President George W, Bush hag ee pl A cg for tks Ss ornare RIN, ie late Yasser Aratat . Sentence 2: Yasser Arafat succeeded Abbas. | 11
& The National Tae Trust ide es ie rity sites ing Parkway "in _‘North” Carolina “and * Virgina and Everglades ‘Natlonal park’ Floris: as areas with private property that could be sold. Sentence 2: Everglades National Park ts located in Florida. | 00
Sentence ..1:;-The ‘city. is) twinned. with. Glasgow, Dortnturid, Pleven, and LeMans. Sentence, °2: Dortmund is: twinned. with” Glasgow. | 11
Sentence 1; An official of the International Special Commission in charge of disarming Iraqi weapons (UNSCOM) announced yesterday, Saturday, that the Commission will keep its inspectors in Iraq despite Baghdad's decision to stop its cooperation with them. Sentence 2: UNSCOM is to stay in Iraq. | 00
Sentence ¥: Boise and OfficeMax customers will have portutiity.te get involved with the Belief in Hope campaign in a variety of ways. Sentence 2: Boise to acquire Officetlox | 11
Sentence 1: A number of marine plants are harvested commercially in Nova Scotia. Sentence 2: Marine vegetation is harvested. | 00
Sentence 1: Michaela Roeder, 31, was found guilty of six counts of manslaughter and mercy killing. Sentence 2: A German nurse was convicted of manslaughter and’. mercy. killing of patients by lethal injection. | 11
Sentefige 1: The Feder‘al-Bureaui of Investigation started an independerit-.probé,.o? Lhe cireumistances shorty -afler Lhe ‘White: House -made “plain, Uhat, Presideril: Bill ~Cintons considered inilesLridl espionage: a jiarticular Unreal. Lo” US econdimic interests Sentence..2; President . UliftLon -Uhinks “Lhat..titustrial espionage is4Lhival to Americas Wellbeing | 00
certence ‘: Heavy vielencé, caught. and soathg (ood prices mech that half the popction the African Peery of somalia Is Mmmedicte need of food Oe oroer to prevent’ a forrine, acbordng to 2:new, tue a eepourehed and three ond d quater mkton people vted af wrrnedcce ad a nunrbet 77% rignet man /5t Pere carding tothe Food, Secuty, Anayss Unk (FSAUY: which Is based in Narap), Kenya Sentence 2: Kenyais In need of foo. | 11
Sentence 1: Scientists had observed that mice with a defective Klotho gene aged prematurely and wondered if an enhanced gene would have an opposite effect Sentence’ 2 Scientists have discovered a gene that’ produces a hormone that raises the life expectancy in mice by 30 percent. | 11
Sentence 1: The publishing of a series of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a Copenhagen newspaper sparked a string of harsh and in some places violent reactions in the Middle East, forcing European leaders to try to calm the situation. This backlash started in late September 2005, when the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published a dozen cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad. The images ranged from serious to comical in nature; a particularly controversial cartoon portrays Mohammad with a: bomb wrapped in his turban. The Jutland- based newspaper states that the images were meant to inspire some | 00
Sentence 1: Two bombs planted near an [Islamic school in Pakistan killed eight people and injured 42 others yesterday in the latest outbreak of violence gripping the southern port of Karachi. |Senténce 2: 42 people killed in Karachi bomb attack. | 11
Sentence 1: Take consumer products giant Procter and Gamble. Even with a $1.8 billion Research and Development budget, it still manages 500 active partnerships each year, many of them with small companies. Sentence 2: 500 small companies are partners of Procter and Gamble. | 11
Sentence 1: Rodriguez told detectives he never touched the burning backpack, which was loaded with plastic pipes packed*with gunpowder. and.BBs, ; Sentence: “2: ‘The “burning “backpack : contained :-plastic. ‘pipes packed . with gunpowder and BBs. | 00
Sentence I Pranz °° Liszt (Hungarian: '-Liszt. Ferenc): was a Hungarian/Austrian virtuoso pianist ‘and ‘composer ‘who lived from. 1811 to: 1886. ‘Liszt is: widely considered: to. -be™:,one of the greatest piano virtiosi of all'time, and certainly the most famous of the nineteenth century. | 00
Sentence Argentina remains one of 17 countries still banning British cattle for breeding because of the outbreak of mad cow disease in 1980s, Sentence Refusal of Argentina to buy cattle created new tensions between the two countries | 11
Sentence 1: A jet, carrying Frer bean islanders home from a Panama vacation, crashed in rural Venezuela early Tuesday, after the pilot reported trouble with the engines. Sentence 2: A plane carrying vacationers home to the French Caribbean island of Martinique crashed, Tuesday, in western Venezuela after reporting engine problems, killing all 160 people on board, officials said. | 11
‘Sentence 4 Civic Alliance, the uribrelld group of civic groups ‘involved in rebuilding, hosted a large, public: towa-hall meeting ‘or 51000 people, called “Listering to the City” iJty 2002, ‘Sentence 2, The Civic Alliance is ari.umbr'ella group, | 00
Sentence 1: Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Nane Annan are-greeted by President Fidel Castro upon their arrival at Jose Marti Airport in Havana on April 10. Sentence 2: Castro visits the UN. | 11
Sentence T: Sultau Al-Shawi, ak.a the Attorney, said during a. funeral held. for the victims. “They were all childrex of frag killed during. the savage Bemding.” Seutewce 2: The Attorney. said at the funeral. "They were all lragis killed during the brutal shelling.” | 00
‘Sentence t: In ig56 Manuel Ruiz Zorriila. was-elected:députy, and: $60n" atteacsedriotice ‘atviong she “most. advanced Progressists “ond, Bemoctais,.”"He"- 208k“ part “tn” ste revolutionary "propaganda, “that “led-ta.” the" mititary: tiovement fn’Madrid of Juite 22, 1866, He had to tdketefuge inv France fot:'pvio ‘years; Tike’ his fellow:tonspirators, ‘and only returned ko Spain wher! the devolution: of i868 took, plate . Sentence 2: Zortilla'statted:the fevolution of 68. | 11
Sentence 1: Moore had the monument, along with other references to God, installed in the rotunda of the Judicial Bullding six months after he was elected Chief Justice in Sentence 2: Moore had the monument installed before he became Chief Justice. * | 11
Sentence 1: The biopic of wannabe actor, Johnny Stompanato, may be directed by Adrian Lyne of “Fatal ‘Attraction" and “Indecent Proposal" fame. Sentence 2: Johnny Stomponato starred in Fatal Attraction. | 11
Sentence 1: The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Mohammad Said Al-Sahaf, met today with the new ambassadors and briefed them “on the Iraqi diplomacy directives of escalating the move toward lifting the blockade imposed on Iraq and developing relations with various countries of the world.” Sentence 2: Mohammed Said AL-SAHAF met with the ambassadors and briefed them on Iraq's diplomacy directives. | 00
‘Sentence t The main race track In Qatar Is located in Shahantya, on the Dutien Road. ‘Sentence 2: Qatar bs located in Shahantya | 11
Sentence 1: Iraq became a sovereign country Monday morning, but only a dozen officials were present at the transfer of power ceremony in the heavily guarded Green Zone of Baghdad. Bremer handed over legal documents that were accepted by Iraq's interim Prime Minister lyad Allawi. | 00
Sentence 1 However, the Greens applauded the WA EPA's advice. Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said in a media release: "This is the second time the WA EPA has knocked back this proposal. The proponents should review their options to put the project on the mainland, which will ultimately be a win for the regional economy and a win for the unique environment of Barrow Island.” "This is a proposal that should always have been | 00
Sentence 1: Shiite and Kurdish political Jeaders continued talks, on Monday, forming a new government, saying ti expected a full cabinet to be announ: within a day or two. Sentence 2: US officials are concerned by the political vacuum and fear that it is| Feeding. sectarian tensions, correspondents say. | 11
Ein that ae te IeEE emt EES Meg" Hem peutn ewe Sentence 2: Mssout's papuiatian i 118,000. | 11
Sentence 1: PM tried to buy the Belin biscuit company from RJR Nabisco two years ago. Sentence 2: American tobacco companies began to diversify production. ot | 11
Sentence 1: Yes, water i laispute in the Arab-Is a critical area of raeli conflict; but given nt climate of peacemaking, and veariness amon the currer given the states and excitable | 11
Savtenes bh /BM is now atthe top of my lint | 00
‘Sentence 1: Worldwide, child labor is mdst prevalent in’ the agricultural sector, where childrén‘are widely used’ @s day laborers; Working long hours, chikiren working in agriculture are often exposed to harmful pesticides,: ‘dangerous. machinery, backbreaking loads, ond minty other hazardous cohditiors. Sentence 2: Chi labors utdely used in Aso. | 11
Sentence .1: Other: . wildlife,’ such. as gemsbok, zebras and springbok,..are also jependent on the Ugab wetlands. Sentence 2: Zebras depend on the Ugab wetlands. . | 00
Sentence 1:You, rifle through your visual memory and there it is; Vermeer, the 17th- Century’ Dutch, artist who’ painted extraordinary portraits of women engaged in the ordinary -- writing a letter, making lace or putting on a necklace of pearls, Sentence 2: Vermeer is a 7th-Century Duitch artist. oa | 00
Seotence 1: President Alvaro Urbe was sworn into his second term of office in the Colombian capital of Bogota, Monday, piedgng to improve the economy and make peace with FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) rebdis. ‘Security was tight In order to prevent. a repetition of the attack on his first inauguration in 2002 when FARC rebels fired mortars. at the presidential palace killing 20. Police reported Geactivating 2 car bomb outside of the capital on Monday. Sentence 2 Avaro Urbe is the current President of Colombia, | 00
I: NEW YORK - (Business Wire) Pfizer Inc announced today thot it has become the first harmaceutical company to be loccredited by the Association for the ccreditation of Human Research ‘clinical research units (CRUs) in New Hoven, CT, Brussels, Belgium and Singopore, where the company conducts most of its Phase | clinical | 00
| Sentence i In 1999, Victor Conte Was ven! wo vial of a new drug by a chemist he knew and he larled Jiving it to some of his clients, neluding eays | 11
Sentence trian is said to.give up al \Qdeda monibeti: Sentence 2: tran handé'sver al ondermentiers: | 00
Sentence 1: However, witnesses said some of the black. clad gunmen who ‘attacked a police station and government buildings in Baquba, 60 km (40 miles) northwest of Baghdad, proclaimed loyalty to Zarqawi and ‘wore yellow headbands linking them to his group. Sentence 2: Some of the gunmen showed loyalty to Bagquba’s group. | 11
Sentence 1: WASHINGTON — The Senate confirmed the nomination of Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of health and human services on Tuesday, allowing President Obama to fill the last vacancy in his cabinet with a seasoned politician who will take charge of the fight against swine. flu. The vote was 65 to 32. Among the nine Republicans who-voted for Ms. Sebelius was Senator Arlen Specter of Perinsyivania, who annouriced on Tuesday that he was-becoming a Democrat. Besides directing federal efforts against swine flu, Ms. Sebelius will lead the administration's ‘campaign for universal health insurance. Sentence 2: Kathleen Sebelius | comes: from Pennsylvania, | 11
‘Sentence-1: Ostriches put their heads into the sand to avoid-the wind. Sentence 2: Ostriches bury their heads in the sand. | 00
Sentence 1: The Ebro Delta (delta de l'Ebro) is the largest humid zone in Catalonia. It is the second most important natural aquatic habitat in Spain after the Doana National Park, The Delta is of international importance for its plant species and its fauna. Sentence 2: The Ebro Delta is used for farming. | 11
Subsets and Splits