stringlengths 0
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float32 0
‘Sentence t A man is wriling in a book. Sentence 2 A man is writing on a paper. | 2.875 |
Sentence tEU-heaps new sarictions.on: Syria ied ‘2 EY imposes riew Sehcfioris on Syrian regime =~ ° | 4.4 |
‘Sentence 1: Red double decker bus. ‘Sentence 2: A red, double-decker bus. | 5 |
Sentence 1: A sioman mires a beauty treatment in a gas, Sentence 2: A woman is mixing a cream in a glass with a spoon. | 3.6 |
Sinimar As Wyn Qypsivn, dans $a Ki wi Seno 2 Von iw ep i Ks ag ets wi | 3.2 |
Sentence I: A man is playing the piano. Sentence 2: A man is playing the trumpet. | 1.6 |
3.2 |
Sentence 1: The woman picked up the kangaroo. Sentence 2: A woman picks up a baby kangaroo. | 3.75 |
Sentence 1: We are all vessels: filled with many wonders. Sentence 2: Put a Little Love in your Heart We are all. vessels filled with many wonders. | 3.6 |
Sentence 4: Tivo Mel 98 injured :in-Toronto shooting.” i ae Sentence 2: Two. dead,” 7. injured. in Fintand Shooting * pune | 1.4 |
‘Sentence :-US pledge'ta rebuild Haiti-not. being met ‘Sentence 2: US Pledge to'-Rebuild: Haiti ‘Not “Being Met | 5 |
Seritence 1: The* “government has." chosen.three: -companies’, to develc plans: to: protect: commercial aircraft from. shoulder-fired missile: attacks, fiomeland: ‘security: officials - announced Tuesday... cae Sentence -2:. The Department: of Homeland Security. announced » Tuesday that. it. has: selected: three’. companies to: continue™résearch. into. : ways... to thwart . shoulder-fired missile . attack: on U:S.’ commercial -aireraft:: -. ° : | 4.75 |
Sentence 1: A.cot reélines onan office chair. ‘Sentence: 2:44. ger ‘cat. sitting. onan office chair: in | 3.8 |
| Sentence 1: An orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa. Sentence 2: A man is watching TV on the foot offhis bed. | 0.6 |
[Sentence 1:h and i both read the books and thought the movie | moved so quickly. | Sentence 2:/ havent read the books, but | saw the movie today. | 3 |
sentence | Sentence 2 | 0.2 |
Sentence. 1:. Monkeypox’ is usually - °. Found" ‘onlys.. ‘in entral and western Africa’. Sentence °2: Prairie’ dogs, usually found “in Isocuthwestern | -and:.’ “western states, -aren’t .indigenous. to lisconsin. | 0.25 |
> Jentence Karzai fp visil [ Pakislan for Talibar - peace kalhs denionce 2 Afghan president extends Visit Io Pakiskin for Taliban talhs ee | 3.6 |
Senterice 1: Select images from Bangladesh building} collapse Sentence 2: At least 200 killed in Bangladesh building collapse | 1.4 |
enterice 1: Dozens learcd:trapped-in| ndia builditig collapse entenvé 2: Rescucrs: rice to-find 20} till trapped in India buildingeollapse | 3 |
‘Sentence: 1: Earlier: this-month;”RIM had. said ‘it expected to report ‘second-quarter. earings of between 7: cents and. t-cents ‘a share... ‘Sentence ..2: -Excludirig legit fees and. other... .charges:. it. éxpécted a loss’ of: betwéen 7 and'4 cents a share. | 1.2 |
Sentence 1: The venture owns five oil refineries and more than. 2,100 filling stations in Russia and Ukraine. Sentence 2: TNK-BP. has six-oil producing units, five refineries and 2,100 filling stations. | 3 |
Sentence’ 2 Vietnam _detegts. “signals from ‘niissing ‘plane ‘ Sentence 2: China eipands seareh-aréal for missing plane | 2 |
Sentence I: Shares Move Higher on Wall Street Sentence 2: Sandy strengthens as nears coast; Wall Street shut | 0.4 |
Sentence x We all believe that we are getting what we expect. Sentence 2: Most times, % of the time, we are getting what we expect. | 3.8 |
Sentence t A baby is laughing. Sentence 2 A baby is laughing and gigging. | 4 |
Sentence i: A man is slicing a bun. Sentence 2: A man is slicing an onion. | 2.4 |
Sentence 1: Trial Date Set for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Chief Sentence: 2: Syria's’ Muslim Brotherhood faces uphill battle | 2.2 |
Sentence 1: Man killed in French terror raid ‘Sentence 2: Man dies in French ‘anti-terror operation’ | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: © 4 scantily clad woman is standing next to a car. Sentence 2: # scantily clad . woman standing next to a small red vehicle. | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: TVT Records sought $360 million in punitive damages and $30 million in compensatory damages, officials said Sentence 2; The damages included $24 million in compensatory damages and $52 million in punitive damages for ID], | 1.25 |
Sentence “x The tech-heavy’ Nasdaq: Stock Markets composite index ‘added 1.16 points to.1,504:04. ‘Sentence 2: The ‘Nasdaq: Composite: index, “full “of. fechnology stocks, was ately up aroundas, Potnts. | 2.2 |
Sentence 1: their vast properties are protected by the govt. Sentence 2: their great wealth is protected by the govt. | 3.2 |
Gentence & the fneeting was > days long. Bentence 21 the meetings tasted.» days: | 2.8 |
1:4 woman is doing weight exercises. 2: A woman is exercising with a barbell | 3.5 |
Sentence 1: A white leather se and throw lanket on it. jentence 2:A television with a show on, | 0 |
Sentence 1: A passenger jet sits on a runway. Sentence 2: A large passenger jet flying close to the ground. | 1.8 |
Sentence: The boy i playing the piano. Sentence2: Aboy playsa piano. | 5 |
Sentence: ti a-hey eurapean dims cointtot treaty. must-be maintsined. Sentence @ the cfe:treaty (sa hey européan “arms “control eat | 2.2 |
Sentence 1: A woman is cutting a plastic sheet. Sentence 2: A woman is playing a guitar on streets. | 0.5 |
Sentai Trac ful displ ti train service bole Raffles Place, Marina Bay Sentence. 2: Train ‘service diuted between Raffles : Place’and Marina Bay: he | 4.2 |
Sentence t A little git! is Playing a grand piano On stage. Sentence 2: A little girl is Playing the piano. | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: Black and white caws beliind a fence. Sentencé 2; Two black and ivhite cows’ behirid.a inetal gate against a partly’ cloudy blue'sky. | 3.2 |
Sentence ia dog nappiig under a-srnall: table: Senterice’2:'A dog sleeping under 3 tablé | 4.6 |
Sentence':8 orrestedoter deadly Bongiodesh building colopse Sentence 2: Workers protest otter nglodesh building colopse % | 2.2 |
‘Sentéhee 1: But do you. actually-peliéVe:there - was, an ieebetg: in: those ‘waters? : Sentehiee 2:4 absolitely: do: believe theré was an iceberg i those ‘waters: | 3 |
Sentence |: Black’aid. white cow staviding in grassy fiold: os Senterice “statiding iit'a A black arid white horied cow field. | 3.8 |
Sentence t US siocks fall as Greek talks’ lumber Apple falls Sealeace 2: US stocks slip on Wall Streei as Greek talks drag on | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: How the Dow Jones Industrial Average Did Wednesday Sentence 2: How the Dow Jones Industrial Average Fared on Monday | 2 |
Sentence 1: A man is cutting up a potato. Sentence 2: A man is cutting up carrots. | 2.375 |
2 |
Sentence I: Tata Nano and other Indian small cars fail crash tests Sentence 2: How does world’s cheapest car do in crash test?. | 1 |
Sentence 1: Passed in 1999 but never put into effect, the law would have made it illegal for bar and restaurant patrons to light up. Sentence 2: Passed in 1999 but never put into effect, the smoking law would have revented bar and restaurant patrons rom lighting up, but exempted private clubs from the regulation. | 3.4 |
Sentence I: Hustrax The phiral of anocdote Is not data Did gentlomen need chaperones? ‘Sentence 2: Mutrax The plural of anecdote Is not data | 3.6 |
Sentence 1: Syrian forces launch new attacks Sentence 2: Syria forces launch Aleppo attack | 3.4 |
Sentence US Flying Surveillance Missions to H Find Kidnapped Nigerian Girls ‘Semtence 2: US surveillance aircraft join hunt for kidnapped Nigerian girls | 4.2 |
Sentence 1 Originally Posted by JonD Doubtful. Sentence 21 Originally Posted by eleanor.cllis . | 1.2 |
Setiterice:: Man is. gart'ying,’a fool: box down the sidewallc’ Sentence 2 A. womiarl bs riding 4 -blue. bicycle aria park ° | 0 |
fence 1: Bangladesh Islamists rally against theist bloggers tence 2: Bangladeshi Islamists rally to demand .ction against atheist bloggers. | 4.6 |
Sentence 1: A white dog running through the snow & Sentence 2: The black and white dog runs through the grass. | 1.4 |
Sentence’: Chine stocks open higher Wednesday: “Sentence 2:8 stocks open highet despite, GOP mist | 0.8 |
Sentence I: last week russia announced that it will suspend participation in the fe Sentence 2: nato regrets Fussia’s decision to suspend participation in the cfe. | 2.4 |
Sénténce 1; 20-member patiamentary, trade tear keave's for India ‘Sentence 2: Commerce secretary te take eave of absence ~ a % . | 0 |
Sentence: Protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev Sentence 2: Ukraine. protesters topple Lenin statue in Kiev | 4.4 |
Sentence 1: Someone is pouring oil into a skillet. [Sentence 2: Someone is pouring milk into a blender. | 1.6 |
Sentence 1 Mastin brosheiniood “apport ies in, Cano clash Senvence 2: Misi: Brotherhood supporters die. in. Eayp clashes, | 3.6 |
“Sentence 1: Hot-Air Balloon Catches: Fire in. Virginia ‘Sentence 2: Hot Air Balloon ‘Catches Fire And Crashes’ | 2.8 |
Sentence.4;A man’ sits with fishing: poles néar a| bédyof water, : Sentence 2; Aman sits-an a'réck itext toa folding| deck chair ahd.a fishing'pole. | 3.4 |
Sentence: 1: Pali Wednesday’ announced plans to acquite Handspring. a conipany ‘started by Jeff Hawikins, regarded: by many as the father of the Palm handhelds Sentence :2:,Palm, said.on. Wednesday: it plans, to’ buy Handspring. .@ <oiggs ‘cteated :liy ‘reliegade Palin co- fourider Jeff Hawkins : Fie al | 4 |
Sentence. 1: Israel mugl release or try Palestinian on prolonged hunger strike Sentence 2% isracli ‘minister wants Palestinian leader's ouster | 0.5 |
‘Semteace t Ross Garber, Rowlands Lanyer, said Teesday be woald attend the meeting and would ask to speak on the insee. Sentence 2 Ross Garber, Rowtad’s legal coumel, said the “Porersar would aw 00 comment oe the conde deal | 2 |
Starbucts. say theyre mocked eatanes Deal contemers 18 patrons soe, say theyre mocked sentence 2 Deat MY Starbcks | 4.6 |
Sentence 1: A girl holds up a yellow balloon animal, Sentence 2: A child holds a yellow balloon. | 4 |
Sentence 1: A woman is slicing an onion with a knife. Sentence 2: A man is preparing some dish. | 1.25 |
Sentence Is: The ceriter's: president, Joseph Torsella,: wos situck oh’ the-head but. was able to. walk to Gry ambulance. Sentence 2° National Constitution Genter Presidént Joseph, Tarsella was hit.in’.the. ‘head ‘and. knocked to Kis knees: | 3.333 |
‘Sentence 1: Man riding a surfboard on a wave. Sentence 2: A man in black on a surfboard riding a wave. | 4 |
Sentence 1:To reach John A. Dvorak, who covers Kansas, call (816) 234-7743 or send e-mail to jdvorak@ketar.com. Sentence 2: To reach Brad Cooper, Johnson County] municipal reporter, call (816) 234-7724 or send e-mail to] beooper @kestar.com. | 1 |
Sentence Bre woman is cutting cooked octopus. ‘Sentence 2: woman is chopping octopus. | 3.8 |
‘Sentetice 1:7 Killed: triattiveks ik rig | * ‘Senteniée. 2:16 killed iti séries of attacks tri Iraq’. > | 3 |
Sentence % Bétween’-1993 ‘and 2002, 142. allegations-of sexual assault wete feported. “Sentence. 2: From: 1993 to 2002; ‘there: were 142 reported sexual dssaults at the academy. | 3.6 |
Sentence i: Four Morsi supporters killed in Eqypt clashes Sentence 2: Dozens injured as Morsi supporters clash with security forces | 2.2 |
Sentonce: Tho mon uiodachepper techep tho cates.” Sentence 2: Thema wad amachnoke chepupapekatco, | 2 |
Sentence-1: SC dismisses govt's review plea in'Vodafone taxtase = Senténce: 2: SC. dismisses govt's review petition on Vodafone tax verdict | 4.4 |
Sentence tA young child slides. down an orange slide, Sentence 2.A little boy in. denim overalls slides down an orange. slide. | 3.67 |
Sentence E Rocks, Tear Gas Fly as Thai Protests Heat Up Sentence 2 Rocks, tear qaMMy as Tha protests heal up * * | 5 |
iSentence 1: Do supporters? he have Sentence 2: He definently has supporters. € | 2 |
Sentence 1: China stocks close mixed Friday ‘Sentence -2: Friday” chiingse ssécks:-claise’ higher’ midday. | 2.6 |
0 |
Sentence’ 1; Chinesé shares close higher Tuesday Sentence 2: Chinese stocks close lower Thursday | 1.6 |
Sentence 1: Trees are bending in storm. Sentence 2: Trees are hit by very hard winds, | 2.667 |
Sentence 1: Yacimovich urges cabinet to approve Palestinian prisoners release Sentence 2: Israel agrees to free 104 Palestinian prisoners | 2 |
on the wood floer of thelr how eatease i: Two terriers pleY toy ine field. 2: Two poppies play withered chew | 1.6 |
sentence (Fa Black andy Ww cat Lying down: ‘Sentence 2::A-black and.white e mage, of acat taying ora’ Me rice | 4.2 |
Sentence Et so. aot of cops should take prescpton drugs sentence 2: #30, alot of inventors. waters should take prescription Grugs. | 2.4 |
Sentence 1. Sentence | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: after: the first: meeting between leaders ‘of the european union.and leaders from':.albania, bosnia. ‘and herzegowinia, croatia, macedonia’ “and: serbia” and monteénegro, leaders from’ the western: balkan countries pledge to dirtinish organized crime and corruption in the balkans to” meet. faquirements of european union membership. Sentence 2: leaders from albania, bosnia and’ herzegowina,. croatia, fnacedonia. and :serbi european union ‘leaders to pursue joining the. european..union: ¥ | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: twé puppies’ playing around in the grass Sentence 2: Two puppies play inthe-grass | 5 |
declare chemical weapons and Sentence 2: Russia, Syria Work on ‘Concrete’ Chemical ‘Weapons Plan | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: God definately does not exist. Sentence 2: God probably does not exist. | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: the cfe is very important for ©. europeaii security. Sentence -.2: the cfe is .a cornerstone’. of. ‘european security. | 5 |
Subsets and Splits