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‘Sentence 1: Flash floods kill Sin eastern Afghanistan ‘Sentence 2: Bomb wounds 16 ineastern Afghanistan | 0.8 |
Sentence 1: Sachin Tendulkar is sworn in as Indian senator Sentence 2: MP Sachin Tendulkar says 99 to govt bungalow ee | 1.6 |
Sentence 1: World Cup -hit by new’ stadium death Sentence. 2: Worker dies. at- World Cup stadium§3 | 3 |
‘Sentence 1: ‘Sentence gun is being fired. potato is being peeled. av. | 0.5 |
entence I: nucle ‘ar Weapon systems at a igh level of te; adiness' increase the risk of those. © weapons being used. including unintentionally with Catastrophic Consequences. ntence 2: the resalution says. that the igh tevel of readiness increases’ the.tisk of the use: of. suck ‘weapons . and: that’ the unintentional or accidental use would have ‘atastrophiic consequences. | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: The broad Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX gained 19.72 points, or 1.98 percent, to 1,015.69. Sentence. 2: The Dow Jones industrial average OT 1d 2.09 percent, while the Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX leapt 2.23 percent. | 3 |
1, World, stocks..rise! on»hap: ed to keep stimUNS 20)" 2: Fed. expected to mairitain| | 1 |
Sentence 1: A chi with his hands>on! ‘hi Sentence 2: A little boy stands with! his hands on te his heod | 4.2 |
Seiifence-’-£ .- Several shots: rang Jout™.. in ~ the. ©"darknéss,:.”" but. only lone ::gator . had ©. been killed-“by. ty pm: [Sentence .. .2:..~:Several: ; shots”. rang jout Wednesday —_night,.: ‘but: no" “ gators| lweré: killed then. | 2.4 |
Sentence 4: Bodies of MH17 crash victims flown to Netherlands Sentence 2: MH17 dead flown. back. to Netherlands ee - ¢ | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: Under Kansas lav,, it is illegal for Children under the age of 16 to have.sexual relations. Sentence 2: In the opinion, Kliné ‘noted. that itis illegal for children that-young to have sexual relations. | 2.75 |
Sentence %: Pope calls for action on climate change in drat encyclical Sentence 2: Pope urges action on climate change in draft encyclical | 5 |
Sentence 1: The woniai is dicing onions. Sentence 2:A woman is cutting an onion: | 4.4 |
Serena ite iti wooden Stick.» Semone 2 tig suing rene | 2.2 |
Sentence 1: United already has paid the city $34 million in penalties for not meeting the first round of employment targets. Sentence 2: United has paid $34 million in penalties for failing to meet employment targets. | 4.4 |
Sentence 1: The dog is barking at the toy. Sentence 2: A dog is barking at a toy. | 5 |
Sentence 1: 4.1 magnitude quake strikes U.S Sentence 2: 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Philippines | 1 |
Sentence 1: This year the Audubon Society once again hosts its annual Count. Christmas Bird | Sentence 2: It's the National Audubon Society's annual Christmas Bird Count, now in its 104th season. | 3.5 |
‘Sentence I:.With the Expose :featuré, .all open Windows shrink to fit on thé Screen but are. still elear, enough to identify. Sentence’ 2: -With, the. Expasé:-(Ex-poh-SAY) feature, all.the open‘ windews en“the desktop immediately shrink to 'fit-on'the seréen ‘but are. Still clear enoughto identity: | 4.4 |
Sentence |: Chinese stocks close higher midday Friday ee ee cee, aera | 4.6 |
Sentence 1: Egypt's Morsi faces trial L for prison break, Murder, says prosecution Sentence 2: Egypt's Morsi faces trial for prison break | 3 |
Sentence 1: A woman is slicing tomato. Sentence 2: A man is slicing onion. | 1.6 |
Sentence £ But Senate criticism of the House plan Tuesday came ‘on several fronts: Sentence 2: And ,Sveral Senate Republica. are ‘cranky about ~ thé House map. | 2.75 |
Sentence t A divided Supreme Court ruled | 3.6 |
Sentence 1: Someone standing on a snowy. mountain, watching a plane. Sentence.2: A ian. stands on-a mountain, watching a plane. | 4.4 |
Sentence k NATO thoces path cut of Afghaniston Sentence 2 NATO Leaders Commit fo Afghanistan Tronsifion | 3.2 |
‘Sentence I: The boy is-stuck in. the-door of the doghouse, Sentence 2: A..child is stuck. in a, dog house. | 3.75 |
Sentence) 1: Two. Australians: Kenya after bus crashed into ri Sentence Germany train ac ink to. Two killed. in lent | 0 |
Sentence 4: the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other non-nuclear heavy weapons around europe and was first signed in 1990. $$ ‘Sentence 2: the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other non-nuclear heavy weapons around europe. | 3.6 |
1:4 dead, 3 inured in east China road accident 22 * 8 injured in certrol Isroe! woffic cident | 0 |
Sentence 1: A woman is deveining shrimp. Sentence 2: A man is dancing in rain. | 0 |
Sentence 1: the treaty limits the number of aircraft, tanks and other non- nuclear heavy weapons around europe. Sentence 2: the conventional forces in europe treaty limits the number of military aircraft, tanks and other non- nuclear heavy weapons in europe. | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: US. EU Widen ‘SanctionsOm Russia [Sentence 2: US. EU Boost Sanctions Om Russia | 5 |
Sentence’ 2: Israel" -among- top: exporteis in world-repore, Seritence.'-2: Israel Grhong. “top. exportirs and ighpoivets drms arnis | 3.8 |
Senténce 1th european uniori.aind the united states Have [frozen at gadis assets. [Sentence 2: ie’ wesiérn governments * include the united states and frarice: | 0.4 |
Sentence * Two. dogs are peeing at a red fee ydones % T° dog are urinating on:the red fe | 5 |
Sentence |: Students take a ride on airwaves Sentence 2: S.s-magnitude quake hits off Taiwan | 0 |
Sentence Three children are eating their food. Sentence 2: The deer jumped over the fence. | 0 |
Sentence 1:1 was going to the court believing I could do this, only if I played my best tennis. Sentence 2: "I was believing that I was confident I could do this, but only in the case I would play my best tennis: | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: Tokyo to host 2020 Olympic Games Sentence 2: Tokyo wins race to host 2020 Olympics | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: illegal arms trafficking increases in kenya due 9‘. easy availability and neighboring confiitts. Sentence 2: illegal arms trafficking has increased in kenya and raised concern about security. | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: Canada train plot suspects reject charges Sentence 2: Canadians released in Egypt, not yet heading home | 1 |
Gentence-t.'A seventh. victim, a woman, cied Tuesday agght in the “burn unit ‘at childrens Hospital Medical’ .. Center of | Akron. ~~ * ‘Gentonce 2A seventh person, & atyeardd woman, was: in critical condition..in the burn unit at Akron Children's Aospital: | 2.4 |
tence 1: Al-Qaida says it captures 70 Yemeni oldiers in Abyan’s battle itence 2: Al Qaeda clashes, blasts kill 35 soldiers in Yemen oe | 1.4 |
Sentence 1: Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy returns to stir up election Sentence 2:\Caimbodia’ opposition head turns to parliament in poll bid | 3 |
Sentence 4: Sensex down 193 points’on budget blues Sentence’. 2: Romney won't, volunteer ‘budget, differerices | 1 |
Sentence 1: And Nugent was a complete Fool to say what he said. Sentence 2: Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. | 0.6 |
| many Do you know Pasengers ” Tostitial |. Whal they said? how | 2.4 |
3.2 |
3.5 |
Sentence 1: A dog in the snow. Sentence 2: Two dogs in snow. | 3 |
sentence I What isn't how what was sold? Sentence 2: It's not how it was sold, gb. | 1.6 |
Sentence I: Then he is not omnipotent. Sentence 2: Then he is malevolent. | 1.4 |
Sentence 1: China stocks’ open lower “on Wednesday Seatence 2 China's stocks close lower on Monday | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: Shares of Littleton, Colorado-based EchoStar rose $1.63, or 5.3 percent, to $32.26 at 10:55 a.m. Sentence 2: On Monday, EchoStar (DISH: news, chart, profile) shares shrank $1.40, or 4.4 percent, to $30.63. | 2 |
t The tech: “laced Rasdaq Composite dex <IXIC> added S27 pommis. or OS! percent. to 2% The brosder Standard o Poors 0 Jadex SPX crept up 4.3 polnts, or O44 perceat | 1.2 |
Sentence 1: Benzema faces possible charges in sex-tape case Sentence 2: Menendez faces possible corruption charges | 1 |
Sentence 1 Putin Declares Victory In Russian Presidential Vote Sentence 2: Putin ‘wins’ Russia's presidential election | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: Search ends for missing asylum-seekers Sentence 2: Search narrowed for missing man | 1.4 |
Sentence 1: © ecutives said they were encouraged by $1.3 billion in cash flow and the increase in net income, but hoped for a rebound. Sentence 2: Cisco executl encouraged by, $13 billion in cash flow and the. ierease in _net_income, bur said they remained Cautiously were opt about a rebound. | 4.6 |
Sentence 1: A personis slicing a scallop, Sentence 2: A person is slicing octopus, rm | 2 |
Sontenice ti Moscow's:Crimea’ success, could food Toit redrawing Ukraine's castérn.bordor Sentence. 2;Morkol: Russian actions, could lead: fo'a catastrophe | 2.6 |
Sentence 1: A man is tying his shoe. Sentence 2: A dog is riding on a bicyclists shoulders. | 0 |
Pundimental differance, lease? Fundamental difference? | 4.6 |
Sentenoz 1: US. orders non-essential staff to leave Sudan, Tunisia Sentenoe 2: US orders non-essential staff to leave Tunisia, Sudan | 4 |
Sentence «1s. CYCLONE. FORNATION. 18 NOT: EXPECTED” -.DURING® THE’ “NEXT: HOURS:. oo : a a : ae ; : : Senténce *:.2t° TROPICAL. “CYCLONE: FORMATION IS NOT EXPECTED: | 3.4 |
Seritence 1: Sentence, 2: Sc | 4.8 |
Sentence 1: Swiss tourist ’ gang-raped in India Sentence 2: Swiss tourist gang raped in India, say police | 5 |
Sentence 1: India bans bulk texts after riots Sentence 2: Tunisia lifts curfew after riots | 0.8 |
Sentence 1: Egypt votes in new constitution Sentence 2: Egyptions Vote On New Constitution | 4.8 |
Sentence: 1:;She ,countersued ‘for, $125, inillion, Saying, Gruner, & Jahr broke: its. contract, with hér, by.cutting: her out, of key editorial decisions. 5 Sentence 2: Sie, countersuéd for Si25° million, saying’ GJ :broke. its . contract’ With-her ;by .cutting) hér out. of -key editorial, decisions. and manipulated the magazine's financial figures. | 3.5 |
Sentence: A girl'is eating a cupcake, Sentence 2: A nian is'slicing‘a cucumber. | 0 |
Sentenca UN warts of plight of worhen, chien in Sys ‘Homs Seritence 2:UNCEF calls for iminediate safe access towornen, childrén in Hos | 3 |
Sentence 1: Tech stocks were hurt by a sour forecast from Sun Microsystems, which was viewed as a bad omen for the upcoming quarterly earnings season. Sentence2:A sour forecast from Sun Microsystems Inc. SUNW.O put more pressureon Wall Street before the quarterly earnings season. | 3 |
Sentence 12."Cyctopes don't exist!” fine!” Sentence 2: “Gobling-don'texist” fine: | 1.6 |
Sentence I:sontos, stofed ‘aolonbian pokee found thé” evidence i: écomputers distivered With shi rebel ieoder: rool reyes ‘Sentence 2 fronciigi sont afoted that enlmrscin pokeefound thé hie on two corrgiitersdigcavered with rau Fees | 4 |
‘Sentence 1: Red Cross says negotiating halt to fighting in Syria tetake aid Sentence 2: Red Gross negotiating Syria ceasefire to bring aid | 4.4 |
3.4 |
3.25 |
Sentence tA young boy in a white dress shirt is playing on a grassy plain. Sentence 2:A woman is getting her hair done at asalon. | 0 |
Sentencé’ 13 Earliér‘‘oin, Monday,: Grant Thornton ISpA repeated previous:statements that it was "a Nictiro of fraudulenitaction’- sentence 2: Grant Thornton dais thatit too'was ithe “vietim” of a:fraud. | 3.4 |
Sentence 1: Three dead in US marathon bomb Sentence 2 Taliban denies involvement in Boston marathon bombing | 1.2 |
Sentence 2: The white and brown dog runs across the grass. Sentence 2: Three dogs are running on the grass. | 3.2 |
Sermece tA sos fig Serna 2A nan wring | 0.5 |
Sentence 1: A kid is playing an instrument. Sentence 2: A young boy is playing a wind instrument. | 3.8 |
Sentence iA black’dog. jumps’ through the water.» Sentéinee. 224° dog. “walks through™ the: shew. : | 2.4 |
Sentence 1: Talabani told him the Governing Council would “need UN assistance and advice in implementing the new decisions which have been taken.” Sentence 2: Talabani told him Iraqi leaders would “need UN. assistance and advice in implementing the new decisions which have beer taken” on organising an interim Iraqi government by Jiune. | 3.25 |
News Agency Slams Delays in Search for Jet Sentence @ Ten Chinese vessels on standby for jet search | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: Black and white photo of couch with purse at one end. Sentence 2: a black and white photo of a cow under a tree. | 0 |
Sentence 1: Coronation Street's Bill Roache Arrested Sentence 2: Coronation Street stars hail ‘amazing’ new set | 1.2 |
Seniienee 1d -Gousee. Glo cling for regulon: teform?. f Sentonée 2.00 you see otns ania’ for Cub Cap and: Ralance? : . | 1.8 |
Sentence 1: A small cat laying on a wooden beam looking up at the camera. Sentence 2: The small dog is wearing a sweater and looking up at the camera. | 0.8 |
Sentence 1: S Korea MPs to visit Kaesong complex Sentence 2: S. Korea demands talks with N. Korea on closed factory | 1.4 |
Sata: hina says dfs uiget or 1.2% in 2012 Soitence 2: China's ice spending to vise 11.2%, | 4 |
entence Mr... Turner, transferred bout 10 million shares to a charitable rust before they were sold. entence 2: The sales leave Mr. Turner ith about 45 million shares.in AOL. | 1.6 |
‘Sentence 1: Awhite fluffy dog is running in pure white snow. ‘Sentence 2: A fluffy, white dog running in the snow. | 4.6 |
Sentence li The covert war'in Pakistan ee rocks: southwest Pakistan | 0 |
Sentence 1: The nation’s largest retailer has told ifs: 100 top suppliers: they :have-to start using electronic.‘tags..on: all pailets: of: goods by Jan. 25, 2005. Sentence 2: Wal-Mart has “told."its: top’. 100 ‘suppliers. that. they'll eed” to. have radio- frequency ID. systems’ in: place ‘for: tracking pallets of goods: through the. supply. chain by Jan. 25, 2005, | 3.75 |
Sentence 1: Indonesia: Schoolchildren anong 14 killed by Indonesia volcano erupt ion Sentence 2: Indonesia: Six dead in Indonesian voleanic eruption | 2.8 |
Subsets and Splits