stringlengths 0
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float32 0
Sentence 1: A nationally board certified teacher with a master's degree, Kelley makes a salary of $65,000 in his 30th year. Sentence 2: A nationally board certified teacher with a master's degree, Kelley, in his 30th year teaching, makes $65,000. | 4.75 |
entence’t: A dog, jumps in midair to’ catch’a risbee. ntencs 2: The. brown dog jumps for a pink risbee. | 4 |
Sentence t: "I'm very proud of the citizens of this state," Gov. John Baldacci said after votes from Tuesday's referendum were counted. ‘Sentence 2: "I'm very proud of the citizens of this | 3.2 |
Sentence 1: Pictures of the day: 7 August 2013 Sentence icture Of the Day | 2.8 |
Sentence One’ “dead: .:in.” new Isrdelty strike: on.Gaza Sentence” 2: Two. killed: in new Israeli. Strike on Gaza?.’medics | 3.6 |
Sentence 1: physicist danilov was convicted of selling classified information on space technology to china. Sentence 2: physicist valentin danilov was found guilty of selling classifi information on space technology china. | 4.4 |
2.4 |
- Sentence 1: Teaduld be. difficult to overestiniat® the, ntiak: dangers. of tlié Remote. Procediue Call ergbil Sentenibé 2: The'*flaw tvolies. tte ” Remote Procédiire:Call (REC) protocdl. which deals i inter-gomp nications: .- 2: | 2.5 |
Sentence 1: Norway marks anniversary massacre Sentence 2 Norway Marks Anniversary] of Breivik's Massacre | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: A man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a Christmas tree. Sentence 2: The man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop. | 0.4 |
Sentence 1: billon “EVeryone “in” the world at Mexico's current prosperity level. Sentence 2:'Everyone in the World atthe ° current “prosperity” level ~ of Northwest “Africa. * ke " . : | 1.533333 |
Sentence: 1: “South ‘Korea “reports” sever “néw--MERS. cases “ Senterice.2: South Korean woman.in contact with MERS, patient ies,” 2 | 1 |
‘Sentence. 1: Conipliégbrig the situation sis ‘the presence: of" battle-hardened :tiberians . who, have been fighting on both sides. ‘Sentence :2:. Fighting: hts-continued sporadically in thé.west, where it is complicated. by the presence’ af| Battle-hardened. Liberians on both sides. | 4 |
Sentence 1: A black dog is chasing after a red Frisbee. Sentence 2: A black poodle is running in the snow. | 1.4 |
Sentence 1: Benchmark Treasury 10-year notes gained 17/32, yielding 4.015, percent. Sentence 2: The benchmark 10-year note was recently down 17/32, to yield 4067 percent. | 2.75 |
Serttence & Gyane of 6.2 magnitude strikes off Indonesia’ 8 Sertence, Ekactravake of 69 magnitude: strikes off | 3 |
Sentence 1: The dog is in the air above | 1 |
Sentence “1: Chinese” icebreaker. changes course towards suspicious’ objects Sentence 2: Chinese search plane Finds "suspicious objects’ | 2 |
Sentence 1: He lef the army for Syria where he received religious training Sentence 2 He moved to Syria, where he underwent krther relgfous training in traditional Islamic bale. | 3 |
“ Seriteno’t Bush gets Zero‘credit for thé budget under him." Sentence 2: And, Obama ‘gets ‘zero creat, for ‘the budget under bitin, | 1.8 |
Sentence 1:A woman wearing a pink shirt jumps in the air with ber arms and legs spread to her sides. Sentence 2: A man wearing suspenders and sunglasses leaps up in the air with bis arms and legs spread out to the side. | 2.4 |
Senténce’ 1: Hundreds honor student killed in Ohio shooting: . Sentence 2: Funeral setfor ‘Ohio shooting ‘victim: | 2 |
entence 1: A boy. dnd -a-girl:playing on the. each. sentence 2: A dog playing in.the waves with ball. | 0.8 |
¢ntence i: A young girl going down a tube slide. antence 2: A young girl swinging off a tire swing | 1.8 |
Sentence T Mati rowing aboat:: ‘Sentence 2a man’ doing: atick. of skateboard. | 0 |
Sentence 1: Bomb blast rocks shopping mall in Nigeria, 12 killed Sentence 2: Bomb blasts before Indian opposition rally kill 4 | 1.4 |
territory: Palestinians’ rebuff pied: Palestinian téritry: Palestinians ‘Face. | oute-tolowhere ; | 1.4 |
Sentence“ Sentence 2: | 2.75 |
Sentence 1: A man rides a large black motorbike. Sentence 2: A child sits in a large black leather chair. | 0 |
* Sentence 1: Three more us Soldiers killed in, Afghanistan Sentence 2 NATO Soldier Kied in, Aghanistan | 1.8 |
Sentence .1: Sentence 2: | 4 |
formaince of. stiide as Geficierit \uho vatiouS ‘subgroups tagged fh federal No Child.Lsit Behind set Séntericé,2: But Therinadequitte pierformance ef hide Vaftius subpraups, ‘stich ag Yace, pushed the state’ onto:the rieds-improvment list Unde the eral NE Chile Lele Behind, Act | 4 |
1: Gunman who held suburban. Atlanta ters hostage now dead. police say 2: The Lede: Video: Gunman Takes Firefighters | tage in Georgia | 1.4 |
“Sentence 1: UN Securt Council whanimoas yote.on £9300" | 3.2 |
Sentence I: Sorkin, who faces charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice and lying to a grand jury, was to ha been tried separately. Sentence 2: Sorkin was to have been tried separately ‘oncharges of conspiracy and lying to.a grand jury. | 4.6 |
Sentence 1: A man is playing the guitar. Sentence 2: A man seated in a room is playing the guitar. | 4 |
‘Sentence 1:1 hope everything is OK! Sentence 2:1-hope everything is okay. | 5 |
Sentence t.The DVDCCA then appealed tothe Suite Supctme Cour “~Sentence 2: Fhe cout = PVO.CCA appealed that decision to. the US, Supreme | 4.5 |
Sentence 1: Second teenager charged with murder Sentence 2 Brother of: EastEnders actress Gemma ‘McCluskie i charged with her murder | 1.4 |
Sentence O¢ath olin Nigeria police otack rises to 30 Sentence 2 Death tol in Kenya bs ottckrises tix | 1.4 |
sentence 1: Yolanda death toll climbs to 3,621 Sentence 2: Kenya Red Cross says death toll rises to 68 | 0.4 |
Sentence: A igeating abanana. Sentence 2: Someone is peeling a —r | 1.8 |
Sentence 1: Muslim Brotherhood banned in Egypt Sentence 2: Military holds upper hand in Egypt | 1.2 |
‘Sentence 1: A cow is eating grass. ‘Sentence 2 A cow is eating hay. | 3.8 |
Sentence +: young bie is;punicliing’a gelloic bak, Sentence 22.4 xinstil'dog jump over a callow ean, | 0.4 |
Sentence k "was of speech bas consequences! freed Sentence 2: fdM of speech bas consequences then it is not free. | 2.111111 |
Sentences +A tdi is playing a-flute ind band Senferce’2: A tharvis-ptaying a-dultar,” | 1.6 |
‘Sentence 1: A person én a bmx’bike.” Senterice.2: A mai on-a bike in’ mid-air: | 3 |
Sentence + A white and black dog is jumping into a pool. Sentence 2: woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror. | 0 |
Sentence 1: Customers that pay the $1219 entrance fee. get SMS 2003 with 10: device client access heenses. Sentence 2: Retail pricing for SMS 2003. with 10. deviee client ‘aceess licenses is $1,219. | 4.333 |
Sentence 1: (ugar and nunnare senators. } Sentence 2 lugar and nunn awarded the} prime ministera medal. } | 1.8 |
Sentence 1 Lage ina shed. er locomotive engine Sentence 22 A with aved strpe, losevip'of 'q siher bain engine | 3 |
"Sentence 1: Earlies, he told France Inter Radia, think we.can now qualify what is. happening asa genuine epidemic”. Sentence 2 “I think we cari now pli wha is’ “Happening asa’ genuine ‘.epidemic,” - Health Minister. Jean- Francois Mattel on Fratiee: Inter radio: -. | yatye ; | 3.2 |
EBefore it was removed, the site sted in broken English the for hackers whe might participate. 2 Organizers established 2 Web ste http // com, sting in broken English the rules for hackers might participate. | 3 |
Sentence 1: Two men are packing sutcases info the trunk of a car Sentence 2: The men are putting suitcases into the car's trunk. | 4.4 |
Sentence 1: A monkey is karate kickit hand. * $$$ Sentence #4 monkey pratices martial arts. at someone’ gloved “ | 3.5 |
‘Sentence is &.1:magnitude quake strikes Indonesia ntence 2:%6.1-magnitubé giiake-hits Papua, indonesia | juscs . | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: Delhi:Gang'Rape.Suspiect ‘Beaten, Poisoned’ Sentence 2: Delhi’ gang:rape’ verdict deferred again ‘ . | 1.8 |
3.6 |
Sentence .1:.Assad warns -Turkey’ of ‘heavy price’ for. backing Syrian rebels Sentence 2: Cabinet at war over arming Syrian rebels | 1 |
Sentence 1: He was voluntarily castrated in 2001, an operation the contends removed his ability to become sexually aroused. Sentence 2: Devries, who was voluntarily castrated in August 2001, has said the surgery took away his ability to become setually aroused. | 4.5 |
Sentence 1:,N Korea says it may delay controversial rocket launch Sentence 2: N. Korea ldoks set to delay controversial rocket launch | 4.2 |
Sentence 1: The boy cut the grass by the curb] with scissors. Sentence 2: A boy cuts grass with scissors. | 3.75 |
Senterne 1: ippines typhoon death toll feared to hit 7000 Sentene 2: Philippines typhoon death toll rises above 5,000 | 3 |
Sentence: ‘Tlie. parenits want “her kept. alive; her husband says she never wanted to ‘be képt alive artificiallye 0) Sentence 2 Michael’-schiavo has , argued that his Wife ‘never.wanted to be Képt alive. artific ae een ie | 2.8 |
| Sentence 1: 15 killed and scores tn natote | at Russian train station wires bombing Sentence 2: Suicide bomber kitts 1. at Russian train station | 3.2 |
Sentence. 1: Russian. coal. mines \seek,-new outlets in China Sentence 2: Russian foreign minister.to, meet UN chief | 0.4 |
Sentence ab ‘there’ uiere <3." nutnber: ., oF ibureauitra tit and. administrative missed-signals = there's not ong.person whi's saponsible here, Gehman said? - Senience'2i In. turning down, the Nitin ‘dtfer, ‘Gehmao, -said,"."there... were: a. “iumber; -of. bureaucratic and. administrative iiss, Signals here. : | 3.75 |
4 me al: Ukraine's opposition chief wants | more protests Sentence 2: Ukraine Protesters topple Lenin statue | 2.4 |
Sentence 1: The rate of skin cancer has tripled since the 1950s in Norway and Sweden, according to the study. Sentence 2: The study also found that skin cancer nearly tripled in Norway and Sweden since the 1950s. | 4.75 |
Sentence 1? That ‘would “make. you" partially Fesponsiblé for their death, Sentence 2: "That would mike, you a» sort’-of accessory. thisik, | 3 |
0 |
Sentence 1: China stocks close higher after economic meeting Sentence 2: China stocks close higher on Wednesday | 3.4 |
2.6 |
Sentence 1: Syrian army retakes:Crisader castle from) rebels Sentence 2: Syrian, armiy..fetakés historic Cnisader castle : | 4.6 |
3.8 |
Sentence 1: GOP candidéte Romney to call to arm. Syrian rebels me Sentence.2: US helping get arms to sae | 2.4 |
Sentence 1: A’ man is playing with frogs Sentence 2: A cat is playing iwith'a camera, oe 4a | 0.75 |
Sentence 1: Chinese stocks clese higher Tharsday Sentence 2 Chinese stocks open mixed Mednesday | 1 |
Sentence 1: Brazil tied 2-2‘y England as Maracana re-opens Sentence 2: Brazil held by England 2-2 as Maracana re-opens | 5 |
Sentence 1: A woma! fish. Sentence 2: n is deboning a! A man catches 2 fish. | 1.25 |
Sentence 1: “Also. aneighing ‘on. tie. Tharket-tas Weis that General Motors GMLN: planned to issue $16 billion in debts im part bb, ‘pug, a-hole Jin’ its) Sentence .2: Also iairting. we eral “Motors GM.N< ia’ 6 “iste, $10 billion! in debt, in part to plug’ & hidte tn. its. ferision plan: | 4.75 |
Sentence I: Thomas Cook accused. of putting costs before customers Sentence 2: University of Florida frat accused of spitting on wounded war veterans | 0 |
blot sau tas 100 settler hones 2: Fsioed ney elts L900 thioke: setthe | 3.2 |
Sentehos I indian: traops .aiready fighting’ rebels. in. kastimir are. now engaged ‘in a ‘massive Campaign’ to ‘destroy poppy crops inthe regia Sentencs 2: indian ‘troops. aifdady fighting. rebsts are now also. engaged.-in a: massive operation to “destroy poppy ciops in kasi. | 5 |
Sentence 1: A kangzroo is eating. Sentence 2: Kangaroo eating. | 4.75 |
Sentence Two bos are aking nthe phone Sentence Awomanis taking ona telephone. | 1.8 |
Sentence 1: Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence! Sentence 2: . Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! ony | 1.6 |
Sentence 1 A dog rides skateboard. Senteneé:2: A dog is riding a skateboard. | 5 |
Sentence 1: That's just not how legal briefs are written, Sentence 2: That just isnt how le reasoning works. | 3.2 |
Sentencé k'Imran to contest from four NA seats Si Sentence 2: Imran Khan to contest elections from four NA seats | 4.75 |
Somance, 1: MEN Messenger at te rotabte far download starting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday hittp:/imessenger. msn.com ownload/v6preview. asp. Sentence 2: The MSN Messenger 6 software will be according available trom 11 a.m. PST on Wednesday, Microsoft. | 3.25 |
Sentence |: A man is opening a package containing headphones. ‘Sentence 2: A woman is riding a horse. | 0 |
Sentence 1: People exploited the laws. | [sentence 2 People bent the laws. | 2.8 |
sentence + ISRAELI soldiers knocked coy empty Set homes and water towers Ih 40 tiny West MONI BXtiement outposts overnight a part of @ Ue_backed (Mideast peace plan. Sentence 2: Israeli solders, began tearing SPs spttlement ‘outposts in the ‘west Bank yesterday = an Israel Sbigation Under @ new Mideast peace plan. | 3.8 |
Sentence i A white cat standing on a carpet. Sentence 2: A pretty white striped cat with his head hanging off the table. | 1.6 |
Sentence 1: The‘brown dog is running ‘along: a grassy pathways. Senterice 2: A:irown dog's running along a grassy-streech divided by sttings. | 3.4 |
Sentence I: A mani pours oil on some toinatos. Séntence tomatoes. ¢ The. man poured oil on ‘the. cut | 3.8 |
Sentence 1: Navy jet crashes into US apartments, pilots eject Sentence 2: U.S. Navy Jet Crashes Into Virginia Apartment Buildings | 3.4 |
Sentence 1 Miss New York wins Miss America crown entence. 2: Miss New: York is crowned iss America | 5 |
Subsets and Splits