What's Worth While? Preservation status A print of What's Worth While? is in the collection of the Library of Congress Packard Campus. served as: 1998 – “Money Expert” for CBS-TV, Los Angeles 2000 – Financial columnist for CBS MarketWatch, now Dow Jones’ MarketWatch 2002 – Appeared on Oprah 2005 – Author, What's Your Net Worth? (Perseus), turned into a Television Show she hosted 2006 – Named AOL's Family Financial Editor 2007 – The Millionaire Zone (Hyperion) 2005 – Host of ABC Radio's “Winning Advice with Jennifer Openshaw” Finance expert on CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, ABC, CBS, NBC, Good Morning America, Nightly News, Today Show, CBS Early Show Author 2001 – What's Your Net Worth?(Perseus) 2004 – The Free Quick & Easy Budget Kit – endorsed by Dr. Phil. 2007 – POY [Photographer of the year] awards. Picture editors' agenda are set by what they think news editors will publish. The news editor's agenda are set by what we learned in journalism school about news values—what's news is what's new and unexpected—and by what they think the public is interested in. We've got to have some happy news out there—not just death, destruction, mayhem. In giving advice to mentee photojournalist Anna Marie Remedios at a 2005 Women in Photojournalism conference about family and career, Eisert noted: "Don't give up your life for your career. It's not worth it. You will be alone occurred September 16–19, 2010 and is themed "Build Your Own World", which posits that the future is not about what's next; it's about what we can build to ensure that what's next matters. The County Chairman (1935 film) Premise A political party boss in Wyoming must decide to either do what's right and lose the election or do what's wrong and win it. What's the Name of Your Love? Overview What's the Name of Your Love? was produced by Maurice White. With a duration of three minutes and forty five seconds the song has an allegro tempo of 136 beats per minute. The single's b-side is a song called Layed Back. What's the Name of Your Love? and Layed Back both appeared on the Emotions's 1979 studio album Come into Our World. Critical reception Allmusic described What's the Name of Your Love? as a song which "combines snappy horns with breathless lyrics and is peppered throughout with very Moroder-esque Euro disco overtones". conceded that if Cole had accepted the bet, Cole would have won. Goldberg and Peter Beinart of The New Republic for a time hosted a conservative vs. liberal webtv show, What's your Problem?, which originally could be found on National Review Online but has appeared on as of 2013. The news media Regarding Fox News, Goldberg said, "Look, I think liberals have reasonable gripes with Fox News. It does lean to the right, primarily in its opinion programming but also in its story selection (which is fine by me) and elsewhere. But it's worth remembering that Fox is less a decides to apologize to Radar, who refuses to accept. Still remembering what Hawkeye said to him, Radar decides to give Hawkeye a taste of his own medicine. Hell with me, huh? The hell with you, how 'bout that?!? And another thing, anybody says anything bad about Iowa better be prepared to back it up, pal! I'll give you a fist full of Iowa naiveteness in the puss! How about that? You know, I don't need you to tell me what's what, I know what's what just as well as you do. So why don't you crawl back into your bottle of Billboard also called the song "a briskly paced tune". Samples What's the Name of Your Love? was sampled by DJ Premier feat. Bumpy Knuckles and Sy Ari Da Kid on his 2016 track Emoshunal Greed. Appearances in other media During January 1980 The Emotions performed What's the Name of Your Love? on The Midnight Special. The girl group also performed What's the Name of Your Love? on February 8, 1980 upon the TV show Dinah!. What's Your Number? (Zhou Mi EP) Background and release On July 12, SM Entertainment released teaser video for track Empty Room (Chinese Ver.). On July 14, The music video for Empty Room (Chinese Ver.) was released. In the same day, Zhoumi was announced to be releasing his second extended play title What's Your Number? on July 19. However, both music videos received high rate of dislikes due to Zhou Mi's political involvement. Promotion Zhoumi began performing "What's Your Number?" on South Korean music television programs on July 19, 2016.
into research, where worked on rheumatology care, education and research. She collaborated with the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. Hewlett identified that patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) consider fatigue as a significant and often overlooked problem. She estimated that up to 98% of people who suffer from RA experience fatigue. She noticed that whilst fatigue makes the symptoms worse for patients with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis makes fatigue worse. She described flares of rheumatoid arthritis as "duvet and chocolate days". Hewlett evaluated the provisions nurses had for treating fatigue, and found that they had limited ways to measure Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where the body attacks its own cartilage and destroys it. In each of these cases, cartilage is being destroyed. Symptoms The main symptom of shoulder arthritis is pain; this is due to the grinding of the bones against each other because of the lack of cartilage. Pain usually occurs in the front of the shoulder and is worse with motion. People with shoulder arthritis will also experience moderate to severe weakness, stiffness developing over many years, and the inability to sleep on the affected shoulder. Diagnosis Diagnosis is simple; usually a Inflammatory arthritis Inflammatory arthritis is a group of diseases which includes: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthropathy, inflammatory bowel disease, adult-onset Still's disease, scleroderma, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Signs and symptoms Symptoms of inflammatory arthritis include stiffness, pain, and swelling of the joints, restricted motions, and reduced physical strength. Other symptoms may include systemic complaints including fatigue. Management Treatments for inflammatory arthritis vary by subtype, though they may include drugs like DMARDs (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) and tumor necrosis factor inhibitors. Prognosis Inflammatory arthritis can be disabling to the point where people with the diseases can lose their jobs, tendinitis. Achilles tendinosis is the soreness or stiffness of the tendon, particularly worse when exercising, and generally due to overuse. The most common symptoms are pain and swelling around the affected tendon. The pain is typically worse at the start of exercise and decreases thereafter. Stiffness of the ankle may also be present. Onset is generally gradual. It commonly occurs as a result of overuse such as running. Other risk factors include trauma, a lifestyle that includes little exercise, high-heel shoes, rheumatoid arthritis, and medications of the fluoroquinolone or steroid class. Diagnosis is generally based on symptoms and examination. While stretching and Balanitis circinata Signs and symptoms At the beginning, people show pin-sized dots with white plaque on them which constantly grow into flat, red areas hardly sourrounded by white plaque. Despite of the visible symptoms, patients in nearly all cases do not suffer from burning or itching, nor does it smell strange. Due to its analogy to a fungal skin infection, balanitis circinata is often misdiagnosed as mycosis – especially in cases where patients have no other symptoms of reactive arthritis. Cause Reactive arthritis is characterized by nongonococcal urethritis, conjunctivitis, and arthritis. Reactive arthritis belongs to the group of arthritides known most of the rest recover with only mild abnormality. However, in Europe 41% of people treated for facial palsy had other lingering symptoms at followup up to 6 months later, including 28% with numbness or altered sensation and 14% with fatigue or concentration problems. Palsies in both sides of the face are associated with worse and longer time to recovery. Historical data suggests that untreated people with facial palsies recover at nearly the same rate, but 88% subsequently have Lyme arthritis. Other research shows that synkinesis (involuntary movement of a facial muscle when another one is voluntarily moved) can become experience arthritis after parvovirus infection. Possibly up to 15% of all new cases of arthritis are due to parvovirus, and a history of recent contact with a patient and positive serology generally confirms the diagnosis. This arthritis does not progress to other forms of arthritis. Typically joint symptoms last 1–3 weeks, but in 10–20% of those affected, it may last weeks to months. Aplastic crisis Although most patients have a decrease of erythropoiesis (production of red blood cells) during parvovirus infection, it is most dangerous in patients with pre-existing bone marrow stress, for example sickle cell anemia or hereditary spherocytosis, groups at increased risk are people over 65 years old, immunocompromised individuals, and pregnant women. Symptoms of RBF include sudden high temperature fevers, vomiting, headaches, painful joints/arthritis, and a rash that develops 2-10 days after infection. While symptoms differ between Streptobacillary and Spirillary RBF, both types exhibit an incubation period before symptoms manifest. Due to its symptoms, RBF is often misdiagnosed by clinicians, leading to lingering symptoms and worsening conditions in patients; left untreated the mortality rate (death rate) of RBF is 13%. Even when treated, RBF can lead to migratory and chronic arthritis which can persist for weeks to years all post-traumatic arthritis cases. There are reports about a connection between previous physical injury and inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. Signs and symptoms The symptoms of post-traumatic arthritis are similar to the ones occurring with osteoarthritis. General symptoms are stiffness, swelling, synovial effusion, pain, redness, tenderness, grinding, instability and intra-articular bleeding of the injured joint. As a result of this symptoms, post-traumatic arthritis often comes along with the loss of ability. Risk factors Since post-traumatic arthritis usually occurs after injuring a joint, the risk of having post-traumatic arthritis after such an injury is significant higher.Risk factors which increase Felty's syndrome Signs and symptoms The symptoms of Felty's syndrome are similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients suffer from painful, stiff, and swollen joints, most commonly in the joints of the hands, feet, and arms. In some affected individuals, Felty's syndrome may develop during a period when the symptoms and physical findings associated with rheumatoid arthritis have subsided or are not present; in this case, Felty's syndrome may remain undiagnosed. In more rare instances, the development of Felty's syndrome may precede the development of the symptoms and physical findings associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Felty's syndrome is also characterized by an
according to the group considered. Marine gastropods include some that are herbivores, detritus feeders, predatory carnivores, scavengers, parasites, and also a few ciliary feeders, in which the radula is reduced or absent. Land-dwelling species can chew up leaves, bark, fruit and decomposing animals while marine species can scrape algae off the rocks on the sea floor. In some species that have evolved into endoparasites, such as the eulimid Thyonicola doglieli, many of the standard gastropod features are strongly reduced or absent. A few sea slugs are herbivores and some are carnivores. The carnivorous habit is due to specialisation. Many gastropods have their prey. Parrotfishes eat algae growing on reef surfaces, utilizing mouths like beaks well adapted to scrape off their food. Other fish, like snapper, are generalized feeders with more standard jaw and mouth structures that allow them to forage on a wide range of animal prey types, including small fishes and invertebrates. Generalized carnivores Carnivores are the most diverse of feeding types among coral reef fishes. There are many more carnivore species on the reefs than herbivores. Competition among carnivores is intense, resulting in a treacherous environment for their prey. Hungry predators lurk in ambush or patrol every part of in some cases strong jaws for bone-crushing, as in the case of hyenas, allowing them to consume bones; some extinct groups, notably the Machairodontinae, had saber-shaped canines. Some physiological carnivores consume plant matter and some physiological herbivores consume meat. From a behavioral aspect, this would make them omnivores, but from the physiological standpoint, this may be due to zoopharmacognosy. Physiologically, animals must be able to obtain both energy and nutrients from plant and animal materials to be considered omnivorous. Thus, such animals are still able to be classified as carnivores and herbivores when they are just obtaining nutrients from materials originating teeth and sharp carnassials meant for slashing, and in some cases strong jaws for bone-crushing, as in the case of hyenas, allowing them to consume bones; some extinct groups, notably the Machairodontinae, had saber-shaped canines. Some physiological carnivores consume plant matter and some physiological herbivores consume meat. From a behavioral aspect, this would make them omnivores, but from the physiological standpoint, this may be due to zoopharmacognosy. Physiologically, animals must be able to obtain both energy and nutrients from plant and animal materials to be considered omnivorous. Thus, such animals are still able to be classified as carnivores and herbivores when Meso-zeaxanthin Occurrence in nature and in food supplements Carotenoids are essential for animal life, but animals cannot produce them. Indeed, animals obtain carotenoids from diet, with herbivores sourcing them from plants or algae, and carnivores, in turn, sourcing them from herbivores. However, there is a general consensus that meso-zeaxanthin is not present in plants, except for marine species. Originally, it was suggested that meso-zeaxanthin was non-dietary in origin and generated at the macula (the central part of the retina) from retinal lutein (another xanthophyll carotenoid found in the human diet), but this work (limited to animal studies) has since been Budhuram, Bichabhanga, Chatua, Kailipur and Murti Forest Village. Fauna The park has recorded fifty species of mammals, 194 species of birds, 22 species of reptiles, 7 species of turtles, 27 species of fish, and other macro and micro fauna. Mammals: The park is rich in large herbivores including Indian rhinoceros, gaur, Asian elephant, sloth bear, chital, and sambar deer. Small herbivores include barking deer, hog deer and wild boar. There is a comparative lack of large carnivores, with the only big cat being the leopard. The park is not home to any resident population of Bengal tigers, Indian wild dogs, or body consists of thirteen segments, of which three are thoracic and ten are abdominal. Most larvae are herbivores, but a few are carnivores (some eat ants or other caterpillars) and detritivores. Different herbivorous species have adapted to feed on every part of the plant and are normally considered pests to their host plants; some species have been found to lay their eggs on the fruit and other species lay their eggs on clothing or fur (e. g., Tineola bisselliella, the common clothes moth). Some species are carnivorous and others are even parasitic. Some lycaenid species such as Maculinea rebeli are social The types of teeth organisms use to bite varies throughout the animal kingdom. Different types of teeth are seen in herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores as they are adapted over many years to better fit their diets. Carnivores possess canine, carnassial, and molar teeth, while herbivores are equipped with incisor teeth and wide-back molars. In general, tooth shape has traditionally been used to predict dieting habits. Carnivores have long, extremely sharp teeth for both gripping prey and cutting meat into chunks. They lack flat chewing teeth because they swallow food in chunks. An example of this is shown by the broad, now lives in New Zealand, all species became extinct in the late Cretaceous, although material is known from the Miocene of New Zealand. This extinction is associated with the introduction of mammals, such as rats. The modern tuatara’s skull anatomy is significantly different from the best known Mesozoic taxa. Wild populations of tuatara can be found on 32 islands; in addition to three islands in which populations have formed due to migration. Ecology Within the subclass Lepidosauria there are herbivores, omnivores, insectivores, and carnivores. The herbivores consist of iguanines, some agamids, and some skinks. Most lizard species and some snake complete lower temporal bar, which separates it from other species as well as its acrodont dentition and overhanging pair of incisor-like teeth. Tooth shape was originally designed for a strictly insectivore diet with piercing teeth. Later on, the teeth became more diversified for various ancestors of the tuatara, which included herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. The teeth were complex enough to crush crab shells, while others maintained continuous growth in the lower jaw for the breakdown of plant material. Their current dental structure is specialized for grinding up prey after capture. The fossil record shows the tuatara lineage separating from squamates
at the Buffalo Airport at 12:14 pm, the temperature at the time was 41 °F (5 °C) after which it fell to 37 °F (3 °C) by 1:00 pm and 36 °F (2 °C) by 1:38 pm. Then at 1:51 pm, the first rain-snow mix was reported, and by 2:09 pm the rain had changed over entirely to snow, with the temperature dropping to 33.8 °F (1.0 °C) by 2:13 pm. This prompted the NWS in Buffalo to issue a LES warning at 2:36 pm for Niagara, Orleans, Northern Erie and Genesee counties. The warning, which would become effective as of 8:00 pm through to 6:00 am, my way ... you gotta take it out, it's in my way.' But Frank would never say that. He would always use what the arranger put in there to his benefit. He'd detour: he would postpone singing in there [at that spot], he would back off. He'd say, 'F— it. I won't sing there – I'll wait till the riff passes, then I'll do it.' When he sang, he reminded me of what it's like when you go out in the rain, and it's just started, and there are only a few drops and you can duck between the drops can rain at any time of the year, but the amount of rain will vary by season. Most of the rain will occur in the springtime. When there are storms, lightning and thunder will occur. Simbots from Ambitions can interact with rain, however they can get electrocuted. There are new transformative weather effects in the expansion, including wind. The sky is an indicator of what weather will take place; for example, clouds will get darker, which means the storm is approaching. Gardening can be affected by the weather. Snow and rain will gather on roadways. Cars will not slip off the and rain: The Confucians also maintain that the expression that the rain comes down from heaven means that it actually does fall from the heavens (where the stars are). However, consideration of the subject shows us that rain comes from above the earth, but not down from heaven. Seeing the rain gather from above, people say that it comes from the heavens — admittedly it comes from above the earth. How can we demonstrate that the rain originates in the earth and rises from the mountains? Gongyang Gao's [i.e. Gongyang Zhuan] commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals says; "It evaporates upwards 20 days in a jungle in the rain, under the sun, with bugs ... It was great. This time we got to say something. That's why I'm happy I did it: I am actually involved in a project that I believe in 100 percent." Home media The film was released on VHS in 1992 by Columbia Tristar Home Video. I do have a disagreement with them as to snow totals, for instance at the Jersey Shore where I think they wind up closer to 3 than 1, but that is not my problem. My problem is the darn forecast says they will get an inch, that it is a fact that there will be an inch, but then has SNOW LIKELY THIS EVENING. How the heck can it only be likely? It has to snow to accumulate an inch, doesn't it? How is there a 70% chance of snow, but you say it will accumulate an inch? How can Canada, the song reached No. 1 on November 24 and stayed there for four weeks, ending 1990 as the country's second highest-selling single, behind "I Wish It Would Rain Down" by Phil Collins. It also topped Canada's Adult Contemporary chart for a week. Outside North America, "More Than Words Can Say" only managed to chart in Australia and New Zealand, peaking at No. 30 and No. 37 respectively. a bloodbath — and the episode doesn't disappoint in that department." Popsugar also commented on the Elena/Damon relationship saying: "Can you say sexual tension? Elena and Damon get into it while standing thisclose (in the rain, no less) as they argue about if Elena can go to save Stefan. They really have a nice mix of heat and genuine concern for each other. I guess time will only tell when/if these two get together." Zeba of Two Cents TV also gave a good review to the episode saying that it was more thrilling than last week’s. "Things got a little crazy at Kolobeng. During the drought, the Bakwena, seeing that other tribes in the area were receiving rain, asked Livingstone to produce rain, but, while he sympathized, he tried to stop their rainmaking rituals and requested that they focus more on praying to God. Sechele's uncle had this to say about Livingstone and his response: We like you as well as if you had been born among us; you are the only white man we can become familiar with (thoaela); but we wish you to give up that everlasting preaching and praying; we can not become familiar with that at all. person suddenly wants to leave his home, but then qualified that by saying, "People are wrong when they say 'I know what he means.'" While some have suggested that the refrain of the song refers to nuclear fallout, Dylan disputes that this was a specific reference. In a radio interview with Studs Terkel in 1963, Dylan said: No, it's not atomic rain, it's just a hard rain. It isn't the fallout rain. I mean some sort of end that's just gotta happen ... In the last verse, when I say, "the pellets of poison are flooding the waters," that means all the
countries. The exact cause for the splitting of a zygote or embryo is unknown. IVF techniques are more likely to create dizygotic twins. For IVF deliveries, there are nearly 21 pairs of twins for every 1,000. Genetic and epigenetic similarity Monozygotic twins are genetically nearly identical and they are always the same sex unless there has been a mutation during development. The children of monozygotic twins test genetically as half-siblings (or full siblings, if a pair of monozygotic twins reproduces with another pair or with the same person), rather than first cousins. Identical twins do not have the same fingerprints however, ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which do not change over time. Even identical twins (who share their DNA) do not have identical fingerprints. The best way to render latent fingerprints visible, so that they can be photographed, can be complex and may depend, for example, on the type of surfaces on which they have been left. It is generally necessary to use a ‘developer’, usually a powder or chemical reagent, to produce a high degree of visual contrast between the ridge patterns and the surface on which a fingerprint has been deposited. Developing agents depend on One experiences this in everyday life with monozygous (i.e. identical) twins. Identical twins share the same genotype, since their genomes are identical; but they never have the same phenotype, although their phenotypes may be very similar. This is apparent in the fact that their mothers and close friends can always tell them apart, even though others might not be able to see the subtle differences. Further, identical twins can be distinguished by their fingerprints, which are never completely identical. The concept of phenotypic plasticity defines the degree to which an organism's phenotype is determined by its genotype. possible to conclude that, given the difference in sexuality in so many sets of identical twins, sexual orientation cannot be attributed solely to genetic factors. Another issue is the finding that even monozygotic twins can be different and there is a mechanism which might account for monozygotic twins being discordant for homosexuality. Gringas and Chen (2001) describe a number of mechanisms which can lead to differences between monozygotic twins, the most relevant here being chorionicity and amnionicity. Dichorionic twins potentially have different hormonal environments because they receive maternal blood from separate placenta, and this could result in different levels of brain because even within the confines of the womb, the fetuses touch different parts of their environment, giving rise to small variations in their corresponding prints and thus making them unique. Monozygotic twins always have the same phenotype. Normally due to an environmental factor or the deactivation of different X chromosomes in female monozygotic twins, and in some extremely rare cases, due to aneuploidy, twins may express different sexual phenotypes, normally from an XXY Klinefelter syndrome zygote splitting unevenly. Monozygotic twins, although genetically very similar, are not genetically exactly the same. The DNA in white blood cells of 66 pairs of monozygotic twins unable to succeed at his law practice after alienating the locals. He establishes a comfortable life in the town, working as a bookkeeper and pursuing his hobby of collecting fingerprints. Although the title character, he remains in the background of the novel until the final chapters. Each chapter begins with clever quotations from Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar, a project of Wilson's which endears him to Judge Driscoll but further confirms everyone else's opinion of him as a pudd’nhead. Those Extraordinary Twins Twain originally envisioned the characters of Luigi and Angelo Capello as conjoined twins, modeled after the late-19th century Italian conjoined twins different sexes is universally accepted as a sound basis for in utero clinical determination that the multiples are not monozygotic. Another abnormality that can result in monozygotic twins of different sexes is if the egg is fertilized by a male sperm but during cell division only the X chromosome is duplicated. This results in one normal male (XY) and one female with Turner syndrome (45,X). In these cases, although the twins did form from the same fertilized egg, it is incorrect to refer to them as genetically identical, since they have different karyotypes. Semi-identical twins Monozygotic twins can develop differently, different aspects of the trait – as in the case of autism. The methodological assumptions on which twin studies are based, however, have been criticized as untenable. History Twins have been of interest to scholars since early civilization, including the early physician Hippocrates (5th century BCE), who attributed different diseases in twins to different material circumstances, and the stoic philosopher Posidonius (1st century BCE), who attributed such similarities to shared astrological circumstances. More recent study is from Sir Francis Galton's pioneering use of twins to study the role of genes and environment on human development and behavior. Galton, however, was triplets have discovered one another. One or two sets of twins may still not know they have an identical twin. Twins study Viola Bernard, a prominent New York City psychiatrist, had persuaded Louise Wise Services, the adoption agency, to send twins to different homes without telling the adoptive parents that they were adopting a child who had a twin. Then, researchers sponsored by the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services secretly compared their progress. Bernard believed that identical twins would better forge individual identities if separated. By the time the twins started to investigate their adoptions, Bernard had already twins is epigenetic modification, caused by differing environmental influences throughout their lives. Epigenetics refers to the level of activity of any particular gene. A gene may become switched on, switched off, or could become partially switched on or off in an individual. This epigenetic modification is triggered by environmental events. Monozygotic twins can have markedly different epigenetic profiles. A study of 80 pairs of monozygotic twins ranging in age from three to 74 showed that the youngest twins have relatively few epigenetic differences. The number of epigenetic differences increases with age. Fifty-year-old twins had over three times the epigenetic difference
the hub, which is mounted to a shaft. Permanent magnet type – A permanent magnet holding brake looks very similar to a standard power applied electromagnetic brake. Instead of squeezing a friction disk, via springs, it uses permanent magnets to attract a single face armature. When the brake is engaged, the permanent magnets create magnetic lines of flux, which can in turn attract the armature to the brake housing. To disengage the brake, power is applied to the coil which sets up an alternate magnetic field that cancels out the magnetic flux of the permanent magnets. Both power off Magnetic polarization Unlike most conventional magnets that have distinct north and south poles, flat refrigerator magnets are magnetized during manufacture with alternating north and south poles on the refrigerator side. This can be felt by taking two similar (or identical) refrigerator magnets and sliding them against each other with the "magnetic" sides facing each other: the magnets will alternately repel and attract as they are moved a few millimeters. One can note that magnetic field outside a uniformly magnetized thin sheet is actually zero, neglecting the edge effects (see, for instance, D. Budker and A. Sushkov, Physics in Your Feet", such as neodymium magnetic spheres can result in intestinal injury requiring surgery. The magnets attract each other through the walls of the stomach and intestine, perforating the bowel. The Centers for Disease Control reported 33 cases requiring surgery and one death. The magnets have been swallowed by both toddlers and teens (who were using the magnets to pretend to have tongue piercings). Defenders of the toy say that the rate of injury is approximately 1 injury per 100,000 Buckyball sets and less than 1 injury per 21.5 million individual magnet pieces. The magnets are marketed to adults, with labels warning of become substantially more resistant to demagnetization as temperature increases. This characteristic of barium ferrite makes it a popular choice in motor and generator designs and also in loudspeaker applications. Ferrite magnets can be used in temperatures up to 300 °C, which makes it a perfect to be used in the applications mentioned above. Ferrite magnets are extremely good insulators and don't allow any electrical current to flow through them and they are brittle which shows their ceramic characteristics. Ferrite magnets also have good machining properties, which allows for the material to be cut in many shapes and sizes. Chemical properties Barium to a specific magnetic field than the SmCo 2:17 series magnets. In the presence of a moderately strong magnetic field, unmagnetized magnets of this series will try to align their orientation axis to the magnetic field, thus becoming slightly magnetized. This can be an issue if postprocessing requires that the magnet be plated or coated. The slight field that the magnet picks up can attract debris during the plating or coating process, causing coating failure or a mechanically out-of-tolerance condition. Coercivity mechanism SmCo₅ magnets have a very high coercivity (coercive force); that is, they are not easily demagnetized. compact permanent magnets, such as electric motors for cordless tools, hard disk drives, magnetic holddowns, and jewelry clasps. They have the highest magnetic field strength and have a higher coercivity (which makes them magnetically stable), but they have a lower Curie temperature and are more vulnerable to oxidation than samarium–cobalt magnets. Corrosion can cause unprotected magnets to spall off a surface layer or to crumble into a powder. Use of protective surface treatments such as gold, nickel, zinc, and tin plating and epoxy-resin coating can provide corrosion protection. Originally, the high cost of these magnets limited their use to The diamagnetic boron atoms do not contribute directly to the magnetism, but improve cohesion by strong covalent bonding. The relatively low rare earth content (12% by volume) and the relative abundance of neodymium and iron compared with samarium and cobalt makes neodymium magnets lower in price than samarium-cobalt magnets. History General Motors (GM) and Sumitomo Special Metals independently discovered the Nd₂Fe₁₄B compound almost simultaneously in 1984. The research was initially driven by the high raw materials cost of SmCo permanent magnets, which had been developed earlier. GM focused on the development of melt-spun nanocrystalline Nd₂Fe₁₄B magnets, while Sumitomo Barium ferrite Properties Barium ferrite has been considered for long term data storage. The material has proven to be resistant to a number of different environmental stresses, including humidity and corrosion. Because ferrites are already oxidized it can not be oxidized any further. This is one reason ferrites are so resistant to corrosion. Barium ferrite also proved to be resistant to thermal demagnetization, another issue common with long term storage. When barium ferrite magnets increase in temperature, their high intrinsic coercivity improves, this is what makes it more resistant to thermal demagnetization. Ferrite magnets are the only type of magnets that repelling nature of similarly charged magnets. Emitting a red magnetic field near a blue enemy will attract them, again based on the properties of magnets. When attracted, enemies will also be compressed to form a small magnetically charged box. These concepts work in the same way when Neo emits a blue magnetic field. Once boxed up, enemies become projectiles that can be used to defeat other enemies or to destroy roadblocks such as walls. Neo's magnetism can also be used to interact with platforms. For example, red platforms can used to perform super jumps when Neo emits a red magnetic field, was needed in all but one case. At least 1,500 incidents of magnets separating from the building pieces have been reported. ... If a child swallows more than one tiny powerful magnet detached from the plastic building pieces or one such magnet and a metallic object, the objects can attract to each other inside the intestines and cause perforations and/or blockage, which can be fatal, if not treated immediately." Redesigned Magnetix sets sold since March 31, 2006, that are age-labeled 6+, are not subject to the recall. The leading American expert in the area of the effects of swallowed magnets on
organic status makes them unique. In October of 2001, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) decided that ‘aquatic animals’ (i.e. fish and shellfish) cannot be ‘organic’. Because in the field of wild fish, there are many problems that cannot be solved. Wild aquatic animals survive in the contaminated water, and the food they eat does not have any medical health protection under that polluted environment. Therefore, people cannot make sure they are safe. Even for the farming fish, the living environment also has higher risky to be polluted which cannot be controlled since poison. Over a low fire the purified extract in time became a thickened liquid; it was then brushed onto arrow heads and dart points for use in hunting. Curare acts quickly as a paralysing poison when it directly enters the bloodstream. It is apparently safe to be taken orally, so that "one can drink the poison without being harmed". Hence wild birds and animals caught by using curare are safe to eat. Years earlier Córdova had learned how to make it. Córdova was taught the art of the curare extract by Izidoro, who called it "winged death". Izidoro was chief of the site of the explosion was flourishing with wildlife in 2012 as birds nested in the wrecked nuclear plant, and plants and mushrooms lived in and on the site. A 2015 study found similar numbers of mammals in the zone compared to nearby similar nature reserves and the wildlife population was probably higher than it had been before the accident. Due to the bioaccumulation of caesium-137, some mushrooms as well as wild animals which eat them, e.g. wild boars hunted in Germany and deer in Austria, may have levels which are not considered safe for human consumption. Mandatory radioactivity testing of source reported that thousands of people who drank milk contaminated with radioactive iodine developed thyroid cancer. The exclusion zone (approx. 30 km radius around Chernobyl) may have significantly elevated levels of radiation, which is now predominantly due to the decay of cesium-137, for around 10 half-lives of that isotope, which is approximately for 300 years. Due to the bioaccumulation of cesium-137, some mushrooms as well as wild animals which eat them, e.g. wild boars hunted in Germany and deer in Austria, may have levels which are not considered safe for human consumption. Mandatory radiation testing of sheep in parts of the UK wild turkey, and bears. During times of scarce game, the Kiowa would eat small animals such as lizards, waterfowl, skunks, snakes, and armadillos. If desperate for food, the Kiowa would kill and eat their horses, mules, and camp dogs. They raided ranches for Longhorn cattle and horses to eat during hard times, and horses to acquire for their own use. Men did most of the hunting in Kiowa society. Women were responsible for gathering wild edibles such as berries, tubers, seeds, nuts, vegetables, and wild fruit but could choose to hunt if they wanted to. Important specific food gathered by the semibrachiation. As of 2015, the Sumatran orangutans species only has approximately 7,000 remaining members in its population. The World Wide Fund for Nature is thus carrying out attempts to protect the species by allowing them to reproduce in the safe environment of captivity. However, this comes at a risk to the Sumatran orangutan’s native behaviors in the wild. While in captivity, the orangutans are at risk to the "Captivity Effect": animals held in captivity for a prolonged period will no longer know how to behave naturally in the wild. Being provided with water, food, and shelter while in captivity and lacking they would remain relatively well preserved and safe from the ravages of wild animals. Formal burial services would take place during the first spring thaws. social tolerance. Diet Mostly herbivorous, groundhogs eat primarily wild grasses and other vegetation, including berries and agricultural crops, when available. In early spring, dandelion and coltsfoot are important groundhog food items. Some additional foods include sheep sorrel, timothy-grass, buttercup, tearthumb, agrimony, red and black raspberries, mulberries, buckwheat, plantain, wild lettuce, all varieties of clover, and alfalfa. Groundhogs also occasionally eat grubs, grasshoppers, insects, snails and other small animals, but are not as omnivorous as many other Sciuridae. Groundhogs will occasionally eat baby birds they come upon by accident. An adult groundhog will eat more than a pound of vegetation daily. In receives many sick and injured wild animals, and their goal is to rehabilitate them and return them to the wild. The animals who cannot survive in the wild are given a safe and permanent home in one of the many buildings on the sanctuary's campus. The sanctuary's collection includes many animals native to Wisconsin, including foxes, bobcats, wolves, and various small mammals and birds. The park provides a number of environmental education opportunities for school groups and other members of the community. The Oak Learning Center is a 4K kindergarten program located at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary and sponsored by Big Bear Alpine Zoo History The Big Bear Alpine Zoo has been saving alpine wildlife since 1959. Originally it was not a zoo, but a safe place for injured animals to rehabilitate and get a second chance back in the wild. The facility is owned and operated by Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District, a Special District of the County of San Bernardino. The Big Bear Alpine Zoo is a rehabilitation facility offering injured, orphaned and imprinted wild animals a safe haven; temporarily while they heal or permanently as they are unable to survive on their
reduce time spent during pit stops. Such technological innovations have had a trickle-down effect and can be incorporated into consumer cars. This has also led to faster and more exotic supercars as manufacturers seek to develop faster road cars in order to develop them into even faster GT cars. Additionally, in recent years hybrid systems (flywheel, super-capacitor, battery coupled with both gasoline and diesel) have been championed in the LMP category as rules have been changed to their benefit and to further push efficiency. Race The race is held in June, leading at times to very hot conditions for drivers, particularly density. Recent studies show that the heat generation inside is only ~20-30% of conventional batteries with liquid electrolyte under thermal runaway. Solid-state battery technology is believed to allow for faster recharge. Higher voltage and longer cycle life is possible. A123 Systems History In November 2005, the company announced a new, faster-recharging lithium-ion battery system based on doped nanophosphate materials licensed from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In December 2006, the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded the company a US$15 million development contract to optimize A123 Systems' proprietary doped nano-phosphate battery technology for hybrid electric vehicle applications with a focus on power, abuse tolerance, durability and cost. USABC is an organization composed of Chrysler LLC Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors Corporation. BAE Systems announced that, from 2008, it would issued a press release about a new type of solid-state battery, developed by a team led by Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) inventor John Goodenough, "that could lead to safer, faster-charging, longer-lasting rechargeable batteries for handheld mobile devices, electric cars and stationary energy storage". More specifics about the new technology were published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Energy & Environmental Science. Independent reviews of the technology discuss the risk of fire and explosion from Lithium-ion batteries under certain conditions because they use liquid electrolytes. The newly developed battery should be safer since it uses glass electrolytes, that should eliminate short circuits. The solid-state battery is L-shaped battery, while the iPhone XS Max battery remains two cells like the iPhone X. Additionally, Apple states that iPhone XS lasts up to 30 minutes longer than iPhone X, while iPhone XS Max lasts up to 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X. Apple claims that the devices have faster Face ID technology. It was also announced in June 2019 at WWDC that Face ID on iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR and iPhone X would be made up to 30% faster with iOS 13, which was released on September 19, 2019. The XS and XS Max are rated IP68 for Lenovo IdeaPad U300s The Lenovo U300s is an Ultrabook-class notebook computer. Features The Lenovo U300s features Intel Rapid Start Technology which allows for faster start-up times while conserving battery life. This technology allows the U300s to start almost instantly. The U300s also makes use of SSDs instead of regular hard drives in order to improve start times. The U300s' battery can last for up to eight hours. This exceeds the five hours required by Intel's Ultrabook specification. Design The U300s weighs 1.58 kilograms and is only 18.3 mm thick. It measures 324mm in width and 216 in depth. As the case deployed at rapid speeds throughout the United States by the leading carriers, and promises to be greatly beneficial to the economy and society. Next-generation technology is ten times faster than current speeds and is capable of benefiting all Americans, helping public safety increase, and further progressing the innovation for wireless applications, equipment and services. The advancement of technology is intended to move us forward and catch up with other nations that have already implemented these technologies. The technological advances in wireless broadband, like mobile broadband, provide a solid foundation for improved delivery of services. Support of the wireless network A RAVPower Portable powerbanks On December 18, 2015, RAVPower launched its Turbo+ 20100 mAh External Battery, the world's first portable powerbank to include both Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 technology and a USB-C port. iSmart Patented by RAVPower, products with iSmart technology automatically detect the optimal charging current for connected devices and adjust to their power needs. This allows for faster and smarter charging for smartphones and tablets, including the Apple iPhone and iPad. a USB-C port with support for USB 3.1. It also has Qualcomm's QuickCharge 3.0 and Qnovo adaptive charging technology built-in. This allows the device to monitor the cell's electrochemical processes in real time and adjust charging parameters accordingly to minimize cell damage and extend the battery unit's lifespan. It also comes with Battery Care, a Sony proprietary feature, that controls the charging process of the phone by learning and recognizing the user's charging patterns, preventing the phone from damaging the battery's cells from excessive heat due to overcharging. For example, when charging overnight, Battery Care stops the initial charge to minimize cell damage and extend the battery unit's lifespan. It also comes with Battery Care, a Sony proprietary feature, that controls the charging process of the phone by learning and recognizing the user's charging patterns, preventing the phone from damaging the battery's cells from excessive heat due to overcharging. For example, when charging overnight, Battery Care stops the initial charge to 90 percent and then continue charging until full where it left off the next day. Audio and Connectivity The Xperia XZ2 Premium has no standard 3.5 mm audio jack but it has LDAC, an audio coding technology developed by
portfolio, in order to possibly sell all or some of the debt to private investors. Social class differences in student loan debt According to the Saint Louis Fed, "existing racial wealth disparities and soaring higher education costs may actually replicate racial wealth disparities across generations by driving racial disparities in student loan debt load and repayment." Stafford loan aggregate limits Students who borrow money for education through Stafford loans cannot exceed certain aggregate limits for subsidized and unsubsidized loans. For undergraduate dependent students, the maximum aggregate limit of subsidized and unsubsidized loans combined is $57,500, with subsidized loans limited to a maximum of $23,000 of the total loans. Students who have borrowed the maximum amount in subsidized loans may (based on grade level—undergraduate, graduate/professional, etc.) take out a loan of less than or equal to the amount they would have been eligible for in subsidized loans. Once both the subsidized and unsubsidized aggregate limits have been met for both subsidized and unsubsidized loans, the student is unable to borrow additional Stafford loans until they pay back a portion of the borrowed funds. A student who has paid back some of these amounts regains eligibility up to the aggregate limits of the loan; however, the rates for new loans will change annually, based on the current market. The interest rates for the 2013-2014 academic year are as follows: 3.86% for undergraduate Stafford Loans (both subsidized and unsubsidized) 5.41% for graduate Stafford Loans a higher interest rate associated with non-need based loans. Because these loans are not need-based, the U.S. government does not pay the interest for the student while enrolled in school; they are often referred to as unsubsidized loans. The Unsubsidized Stafford Loan and Grad PLUS loan are non-need based loans available for both undergraduate and graduate students who do not qualify for need-based financial aid. Even though these loans are not subsidized, interest rates are set by Congress, the programs are closely supervised, and they provide many protections that private loans rarely offer. There are also non-need based grants and scholarships that institutional loans provided by schools. The overwhelming majority of student loans are federal loans. Federal loans can be "subsidized" or "unsubsidized." Interest does not accrue on subsidized loans while the students are in school. Student loans may be offered as part of a total financial aid package that may also include grants, scholarships, and/or work study opportunities. Whereas interest for most business investments is tax deductible, Student loan interest is generally not deductible. Critics contend that tax disadvantages to investments in education contribute to a shortage of educated labor, inefficiency, and slower economic growth. Prior to 2010, federal Student debt History Origin and Evolution of US Student Loans In 1958, the National Defense Education Act established financial aid programs for students majoring in STEM disciplines, foreign languages, and teaching. This program included grants, scholarships, and loans. In 1965 the loan program was expanded to students who demonstrated financial need under the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Banks and private institutions offered the loans, which were subsidized and guaranteed by the federal government. Between 1992 and 1993, the federal government began directly funding student loans and established unsubsidized Stafford loans for students whose financial needs were not fully met by for private sector lending under the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). Since July 1, 2010, no new student loans have been made under the FFELP; all subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans, PLUS loans, and Consolidation loans have been made solely under the Federal Direct Loan Program. Interest rates Federal student loan interest rates are set by Congress, and fixed. Private student loans usually have substantially higher interest rates, and the rates fluctuate depending on the financial markets. Some private loans disguise the true cost of borrowing by requiring substantial up-front origination "fees", which enable deceptively lower interest rates to qualify on the basis of their government contracts. Instead, they must independently be a qualifying employer. Another example is the national labs. Employees at national labs such as a Department of Energy or National Nuclear Security Administration Lab, do not qualify on the basis of managing a lab for the government; rather, the managing entity of the lab must be a qualifying employer. Eligible loans Any loan made under the Direct Loan Program can qualify for PSLF. In particular, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, PLUS Loans, and Federal Direct Consolidation Loans qualify for PSLF. Loans in the FFEL program or providers, the rate is currently set at 6.80% for unsubsidized loans, with lower rates for subsidized loans for undergraduates, usually about 3.40%. On August 9, 2013, President Obama signed the Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013, changing how student loan interest rates are determined. The bill links student loan rates to the Federal 10-year Treasury rate, plus a small margin. The new rates are retroactive for all loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2013. That effectively reversed an increase in interest rate from 3.40% to 6.80% for affected loans. Federal student loan interest rates are fixed for the life begin repaying them until six months after you leave school. These loans also offer a deferment period in some cases. Direct unsubsidized loans Direct Unsubsidized Loans are available to all undergraduate and graduate students, with no requirement to demonstrate financial need. Your school will determine how much you are allowed to borrow based on your cost of attendance and adjust for any other financial aid you are receiving. However, you are responsible for paying the interest on these loans even during school. If you choose not to pay interest while enrolled, your interest will accrue and be added to the
a return of premium policy is viewed as an investment, rates of return are calculated based on the incremental cost above the cost of regular term insurance. A sampling of policies found returns in the range of 2.5 to 9 percent. Critics point to the rate of return being less than in a typical investment, obviously before the insured's death, the extra cost of the policy compared to basic term life insurance policies and that, if the policy is canceled at any time, no money is refunded. Many term life policies do allow prorated refunds at some point during the life of not publicize where they include liability insurance in the basic rental charge. Some car rental companies offer more liability insurance for a fee. Within Canada, all auto rentals are required by law to include a minimum of $200,000 in third-party liability insurance, regardless of whether the renter has their own auto insurance or not. Most rental agencies thus do not provide a third-party liability insurance option, and simply factor in the premium as part of fixed cost of rental. Collision, theft, other damage When a customer does not pay the car rental company to waive damage, and a rented car is reflected in insurance rates calculated in part on the gender of the insured. Despite vehicle insurance typically costing men more, there is some research to suggest that women actually pay more under the fixed annual pricing system because men drive more miles and are involved in twice as many accidents. Car price negotiations For most Americans, new car purchases are their largest consumer investment after buying a home. In 1991, Harvard Law Professor Ian Ayres examined whether the process of negotiating for a new car disadvantaged women and minorities. The study was conducted in the Chicago area and involved 180 price cost of ownership for a compact car in Canada, including depreciation, insurance, borrowing costs, maintenance, licensing, etc. was CA $9500 per year, or about US $7300. of low value may even be written off when fully roadworthy, for example due to damage to paintwork or upholstery. In many jurisdictions a vehicle designated as a total loss is sold by insurance companies to general public, auto dealers, auto brokers, or auto wreckers. The metrics insurance companies use to make the decision include the cost of the repairs needed plus the value of the remaining parts, added to the cost of reimbursing the driver for a rental while the car in question is repaired. If this figure exceeds the value of the car after it is repaired, the vehicle for "personal use" autos. These specific use vehicles were as a second car for women or an economical commuter car. The Metropolitan was also aimed at returning Nash to overseas markets. However, Mason and Nash management calculated that it would not be viable to build such a car from scratch in the U.S. because the tooling costs would have been prohibitive. The only cost-effective option was to build overseas using existing mechanical components (engine, transmission, rear end, suspension, brakes, electrical), leaving only the tooling cost for body panels and other unique components. With this in mind, Nash Motors negotiated with several of modified reserves. Full preliminary term method A full preliminary term reserve is calculated by treating the first year of insurance as a one-year term insurance. Reserves for the remainder of the insurance are calculated as if they are for the same insurance minus the first year. This method usually decreases reserves in the first year sufficiently to allow payment of first year expenses for low-premium plans, but not high-premium plans such as limited-pay whole life. Consequently, insurers were no longer able to use gender as a risk factor when pricing policies. Following the ruling, insurers had until 21 December 2012 to comply with this decision and begin selling gender neutral car insurance. Implications and criticisms As of November 2012, no-one precisely knew how the ECJ’s decision would impact the insurance industry. However, in the case of car insurance, many analysts expected the price of women’s vehicle cover to substantially increase while men would see a slight reduction in the cost of their premiums. Although some believed the decision would lead to a fairer system, the Association Actual cash value In the property and casualty insurance industry, Actual Cash Value (ACV) is a method of valuing insured property, or the value computed by that method. Actual Cash Value (ACV) is not equal to replacement cost value (RCV). ACV is computed by subtracting depreciation from replacement cost. The depreciation is usually calculated by establishing a useful life of the item determining what percentage of that life remains. This percentage multiplied by the replacement cost equals the ACV. As an example: a man purchased a television set for $2,000 five years ago and it was destroyed in a hurricane. Medical care ratio Medical care ratio (MCR), also known as medical cost ratio, medical loss ratio, and medical benefit ratio, is a metric used in managed health care and health insurance to measure medical costs as a percentage of premium revenues. It is a type of loss ratio, which is a common metric in insurance measuring the percentage of premiums paid out in claims rather than expenses and profit provision. It is calculated by dividing those premiums allocated for fully insured or self-funded health care coverage into the total expenses for inpatient, professional (physicians and other licensed providers), outpatient, and
where complex features form depends on the strength of gravity of the celestial body they occur on. Stronger gravity, such as on Earth compared to the Moon, causes rim collapse in smaller diameter craters. Complex craters may occur at 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) to 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) on Earth, but start from {{convert|20|km|mi} on the Moon. If lunar craters have diameters between about 20 kilometres (12 mi) to 175 kilometres (109 mi), the central peak is usually a single peak, or small group of peaks. Lunar craters of diameter greater than about 175 kilometres (109 mi) may have complex, ring-shaped uplifts. If impact features exceed 300 the lunar surface looked like: The Moon is essentially grey, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand. We can see quite a bit of detail. The Sea of Fertility doesn't stand out as well here as it does back on Earth. There's not as much contrast between that and the surrounding craters. The craters are all rounded off. There's quite a few of them, some of them are newer. Many of them look like—especially the round ones—look like hit by meteorites or projectiles of some sort. Langrenus is quite a huge crater; it's got British Columbia, Canada and Wolf von Engelhardt of the University of Tübingen in Germany began a methodical search for impact craters. By 1970, they had tentatively identified more than 50. Although their work was controversial, the American Apollo Moon landings, which were in progress at the time, provided supportive evidence by recognizing the rate of impact cratering on the Moon. Because the processes of erosion on the Moon are minimal, craters persist. Since the Earth could be expected to have roughly the same cratering rate as the Moon, it became clear that the Earth had suffered far more impacts than the moon maintained by the Marshall Space Flight Center whether from a shower or not. Many planets and moons have impact craters dating back large spans of time. But new craters, perhaps even related to meteor showers are possible. Mars, and thus its moons, is known to have meteor showers. These have not been observed on other planets as yet but may be presumed to exist. For Mars in particular, although these are different from the ones seen on Earth because the different orbits of Mars and Earth relative to the orbits of comets. The Martian atmosphere has less than one Far side of the Moon The far side of the Moon is the hemisphere of the Moon that always faces away from Earth. The far side's terrain is rugged with a multitude of impact craters and relatively few flat lunar maria compared to the near side. It has one of the largest craters in the Solar System, the South Pole–Aitken basin. Both sides of the Moon experience two weeks of sunlight followed by two weeks of night; even so, the far side is sometimes called the "dark side of the Moon", where "dark" is used to mean unseen rather than that each side of the Moon has received equal numbers of impacts, but the resurfacing by lava results in fewer craters visible on the near side than the far side, even though both sides have received the same number of impacts." Newer research suggests that heat from Earth at the time when the Moon was formed is the reason the near side has fewer impact craters. The lunar crust consists primarily of plagioclases formed when aluminium and calcium condensed and combined with silicates in the mantle. The cooler, far side experienced condensation of these elements sooner and so formed a thicker freshly released by volcanic eruptions. The actual temperatures are not known, because the size of the hot spots could not be measured, but are likely to have been in the 800–1,100 K (527–827 °C; 980–1,520 °F) range, relative to a normal temperature of 740 K (467 °C; 872 °F). Almost a thousand impact craters on Venus are evenly distributed across its surface. On other cratered bodies, such as Earth and the Moon, craters show a range of states of degradation. On the Moon, degradation is caused by subsequent impacts, whereas on Earth it is caused by wind and rain erosion. On Venus, about 85% of the craters about half that of the Earth. Mars is located closer to the asteroid belt, so it has an increased chance of being struck by materials from that source. Mars is also more likely to be struck by short-period comets, i.e. those that lie within the orbit of Jupiter. In spite of this, there are far fewer craters on Mars compared with the Moon, because the atmosphere of Mars provides protection against small meteors. Some craters have a morphology that suggests the ground became wet after the meteor impacted. Nomenclature of impact craters Features on Mars are named from a variety kilometres (190 mi) of diameter, they are called impact basins, not craters. Lunar craters of 35 kilometres (22 mi) to about 170 kilometres (110 mi) in diameter possess a central peak. There are several theories as to why central peak craters from. Such craters are common, on Earth, Earth's moon, Mars, and Mercury. Height of central peak relative to crater diameter On Earth's moon, heights of central peaks are directly proportional to diameters of craters, which implies that peak height varies with crater-forming energy. There is a similar relationship for terrestrial meteorite craters, and TNT craters whose uplifts originated from rebound. structure and composition of the surface and subsurface at the time of impact. For example, the size of central peaks in Martian craters is larger than comparable craters on Mercury or the Moon. In addition, the central peaks of many large craters on Mars have pit craters at their summits. Central pit craters are rare on the Moon but are very common on Mars and the icy satellites of the outer Solar System. Large central peaks and the abundance of pit craters probably indicate the presence of near-surface ice at the time of impact. Polewards of 30 degrees of latitude,
aren’t all the feelings possible when your boyfriend comes out. You can feel proud of him. You can feel sad that he was afraid to tell the truth for so long. You can feel used sometimes. You can feel angry sometimes, but eventually, lots of the time you still love him. You still care about him. You want the best for him. In Tips I really wanted those positive feelings to eventually come out." While reviewing the novel, Dana Rudolph of Bay Windows called it a story of "personal discovery," for both Dylan and Belle. Rudolph also stated that the book feel for your kind words. GÉRONTE. Yes, I forgive you; but on one condition, that you die. SCAPIN. How! Sir? GÉRONTE. I retract my words if you recover. SCAPIN. Oh! oh! all my pains are coming back. destiny intends greatness for them (Verloona, Bajar, Kalif); those who feel they have been cheated out of a better station (Lucrezia Bajar, Brucilla The Muscle); those that intend to manipulate fate into their own control (Queen Glorianna, Rah El Rex); those that feel fate is meaningless and anything goes (Randall Factor); and those that feel personal focus will get them through random chaos (Galatia 9, the Galactic Girl Guides). The artist said, "You have to become your own law in a way. There are self-appointed protectors of humanity, some of whom are protecting it for themselves, and some of whom have between the college and professional game. Newman wrote: "Among the Giants we kid a lot about how we feel Monday morning. Sometimes it's not too good. That's when the aches and pains begin to creep up on you. Boys, how you hate to get out of bed! The only difference between pro and amateur in that respect is that you ache all over a day later in pro football." After the 1935 season, Newman credited his disappointing performance in 1935 to skating: "Skating is the best thing I know of to develop hip-swinging, judgment of distance, suppleness, Roach, Diamanda Galás, Harry Belafonte, The Seldom Scene, Diamond Version (with Neil Tennant), Bayard Rustin, and Rajaton. Lyrics The following lyrics are those printed in the 1899 Unicorn. Old Plantation Hymns; other variations exist. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Were you there?) Were you there when they crucified my Lord? O sometimes it causes me to tremble! tremble! tremble! Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they nail'd him to the cross? (Were you there?) Were you there when they nail'd him to the cross? O sometimes it causes me to tremble! tremble! tremble! Were you there when they nail'd Bloating Symptoms The most common symptoms associated with bloating is a sensation that the abdomen is full or distended. Rarely, bloating may be painful or cause shortness of breath. Pains that are due to bloating will feel sharp and cause the stomach to cramp. These pains may occur anywhere in the body and can change locations quickly. They are so painful that they are sometimes mistaken for heart pains when they develop on the upper left side of the chest. Pains on the right side are often confused with problems in the appendix or the gallbladder. One symptom of gas that is soul; the walls sweat like those of an aqueduct; the floor moves under your feet like the deck of a vessel; the steps and voices of the people coming the other way give forth a cavernous sound, and are heard before you see the people, and they at a distance seem like great shadows; there is, in short, a sort of something mysterious, which without alarming causes in your heart a vague sense of disquiet. When then you have reached the middle and no longer see the end in either direction, and feel the silence of a catacomb, and know object of extraterrestrial origin. In an effort to create a filmic feel, a feature causes that after a given amount of time (about sixty minutes) in game play the "relationship" with any character will lead to an "ending" that triggers the credits. If you manage to find the object there are several scenes where an icon appears representing the object. If you click the icon a brief special effect ensues, depending on the circumstance. The overarching concept is that "you" are a stranger in a late-night city who engages random people in conversation, on the street, in bars, clubs or restaurants. his lyrics. Dean commented on how Weiland had turned "Between the Lines" into a love song: "Sometimes we don't feel musically what Scott does lyrically. He took it to an exciting place. It's pretty twisted." Weiland's lyrics reflected on his relationship with his ex-wife, Mary Forsberg, and his history with drug abuse. Speaking of the at-times strange lyrics, Weiland cited The Beatles' "I Am the Walrus" as an inspiration. "Sometimes you throw together random words that phonetically sound good with the melody and then you get to the meat of the song in the chorus." "Between the Lines" was originally a great gaming library and a strong array of streaming services [...]", whilst also criticising the "cheap" design and disc-loader, stating: "Sometimes [the cover] doesn't catch and you feel like you're using one of those old credit card imprinter machines. In short, it feels cheap. You don't realize how convenient autoloading disc trays are until they're gone. Whether it was to cut costs or save space, this move is ultimately a step back." The criticism also was due to price, stating the cheapest Super Slim model was still more expensive than the cheapest Slim model, and that the smaller size
predators. Red-tailed monkeys practice staring or staring with their mouth open. When these monkeys implement staring, they lift their eyebrows to retract the skin on their forehead which makes the skin on the face expand backwards revealing the underneath of their eyelids. On the dark fur background, their eyelids can be seen very easily by others and understand it as a display that the red-tailed monkey is being threatened and the other species needs to stay away. Head-bobbing is another threat display in which the monkey moves its head up and down. These types of communication can be used coordination group of the youth-led climate strike (of 15 March), including Thunberg, issued an open letter in The Guardian, saying: We, the young, are deeply concerned about our future. […] We are the voiceless future of humanity. We will no longer accept this injustice. […] We finally need to treat the climate crisis as a crisis. It is the biggest threat in human history and we will not accept the world's decision-makers' inaction that threatens our entire civilisation. […] Climate change is already happening. People did die, are dying and will die because of it, but we can and will stop 17, 1998 edition of the magazine Bungei Shunju (published by Bungeishunju-sha). As a specialist in eyelids, Matsuo has performed many operations on patients with palpebral ptosis (drooping eyelid), and after noting that many of the patients suffering from ptosis also have symptoms like headaches and shoulder stiffness, has proposed the concept of "eyelid headaches." Matsuo proposes that because the muscles that contract when we open our eyes (particularly Müller's muscle) are modulated by the sympathetic nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system of a person with ptosis can easily become hypertonic due to the constant effort being exerted to keep the eyelid water that she called for. After stating that “We’ve been tricked,” Thorgerd then manipulates Egil further; What will we do now? Our plan has failed. Now I want us to stay alive, father, long enough for you to compose a poem in Bodvar’s memory and I will carve it on a rune-stick. Then we can die if we want to. I doubt whether your son Thorstein would ever compose a poem for Bodvar, and it is unseemly if his memory is not honoured, because I do not expect us to be sitting there at the feast when it is. Egil, who was Mirror is concerned with vision, the way we see—or sometimes refuse to see—what's right in front of us, and what can happen when we open our eyes." Hindu priest pleaded with Dix stay, not to provide food and shelter but to be witnesses: "We are begging you to stay and witness our suffering. If we allow you to leave the truth is that everyone here will die. The knife is at our throat." The UN, accepting the Sri Lankan governments warning and ignoring the pleas of the local civilians, left Kilinochchi. "It was their greatest hour of need. They had an army sitting on the doorstep...and we drove out. That was ...a real sense of abandonment of these people" stated Dix. Weiss believes the UN's decision to stuck on him, it didn’t feel like anything ’cause when we went on our research trips, boy that idea of like you can get, you could die by a small thing like having a rock on your foot. Or you could die by a huge thing like an avalanche, which we tried to kind of explore in the film. So that was one of our main intents." In terms of the film's setting, Sohn stated "Pixar is all about the 'what if' question… 'What if the asteroid missed the earth?' Yeah, we went down the road of: they could be cooking had been specially constructed. The die was then wheeled out on a cue from the stage manager and pushed through the audience up to the stage. At this point the lid of the die flew open and up we popped. Someone from the university then presented me with the key, to thunderous applause by the vast crowd, and we jumped out, slung on our guitars and blasted into the most acid-inspired sounds we could muster. The audience went out of their minds – probably because most of them already were – and pandemonium broke out when we ended the set were gone in secret. This made everybody more resolute in defending the position and they started digging trenches. Admiral De Rigny watched from aboard the helplessness of the Greeks and advised Makriyannis against defending the position but Makriyannis ignored him by saying: "They are many indeed but we few have decided to die and have God on our side... And when the few decide to die, most times win... And if we die today we will die for our country and our religion and this death is a good one". "Tres bien" replied De Rigny. The first wave of the Egyptians and do not open out until the devil is around 10 weeks old. The ear begins blackening after around 40 days, when it is less than 1 cm (0.39 in) long, and by the time the ear becomes erect, it is between 1.2 and 1.6 cm (0.47 and 0.63 in). Eyelids are apparent at 16 days, whiskers at 17 days, and the lips at 20 days. The devils can make squeaking noises after eight weeks, and after around 10–11 weeks, the lips can open. Despite the formation of eyelids, they do not open for three months, although eyelashes form at around 50 days. The
and State Government. On 16 May 2008, the engine shed at Jenbach railway station was destroyed in a fire. Locomotives No.1 was damaged, but will be restored, as will the engine shed. Already at the season opening 2009 the shed has been completed and the No.1 was rebuilt. Passenger stock The Achensee Railway has four open and two closed four-wheeled coaches. The open coaches were built in Graz in 1889. The closed coaches were built in Esslingen in 1903 and 1907. Freight stock The Achenseebahn had four lowside open wagons, one highside open wagon and one van on opening. Three more system, the work done to move water is equal to the pressure multiplied by the volume of water moved. Similarly, in an electrical circuit, the work done to move electrons or other charge-carriers is equal to "electrical pressure" multiplied by the quantity of electrical charges moved. In relation to "flow", the larger the "pressure difference" between two points (potential difference or water pressure difference), the greater the flow between them (electric current or water flow). (See "electric power".) Applications Specifying a voltage measurement requires explicit or implicit specification of the points across which the voltage is measured. When using how they differ, how they’re alike, what he’d say and do when pushed. It all came through in McGregor’s brash but false confidence. Just like the wig, we could see the difference between what’s real and what’s fake, but the 'Fargo' citizens couldn’t." He also praised the use of Peter and the Wolf and Thornton's voiceover, and how the episode seemed to raise the season's stakes, stating "now we’re ready to see the fireworks. That’s a lot of pressure for Episode 5, but we still feel safe in Noah Hawley’s hands. Our hair wasn’t prickling in fear, but anticipation. Next by Oldham Community Leisure. Greengate Street Mosque is Oldham's largest mosque. St Mark's Church stands on the hill above Oldham at Glodwick. It is the parish church for the area. Lowside Brickworks Close to Glodwick is a disused quarry that has been designated as a Site of special scientific interest (SSSI) known as Lowside Brickworks. The site is only 3.5 acres (1.4 hectares) but has considerable geological interest. It has yielded bivalves from the Carboniferous period showing how they interacted with the sediment, which also helps understanding of their morphological variation. Lowside Brickworks is one of 21 SSSIs in the Greater Manchester with a distribution of electrical charge, possibly including not only point charges but also dipoles and so on. Gårding (1997) comments that although the ideas in the transformative book by Schwartz (1951) were not entirely new, it was Schwartz's broad attack and conviction that distributions would be useful almost everywhere in analysis that made the difference. Distribution theory reinterprets functions as linear functionals acting on a space of test functions. Standard functions act by integration against a test function, but many other linear functionals do not arise in this way, and these are the "generalized functions". There are different possible choices nearly highside through the right-hander as Schwantz closed the gap that had been forming and then goes on to pass him. Rainey was still in fourth place. On the brakes into Turn One, Schwantz had a high-speed highside and crashed out of second. Gardner won the race in front of Doohan, with a small gap to Rainey in third. Departure function In thermodynamics, a departure function is defined for any thermodynamic property as the difference between the property as computed for an ideal gas and the property of the species as it exists in the real world, for a specified temperature T and pressure P. Common departure functions include those for enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy. Departure functions are used to calculate real fluid extensive properties (i.e. properties which are computed as a difference between two states). A departure function gives the difference between the real state, at a finite volume or non-zero pressure and temperature, and the Lowside Quarter Lowside Quarter is a civil parish in Copeland, Cumbria, England. At the 2011 census it had a population of 583. The parish has an area of 785.43 hectares (3.0326 sq mi). Its southwestern boundary is the coast, and it is bordered by the parishes of St Bees and Egremont to the north and Beckermet to the east. It has four main settlements, the hamlets or villages of Braystones, Coulderton, Middletown and Nethertown. The parish lies between the A595 road and the sea, and the B5345 goes through the parish. The Cumbrian Coast line railway from Barrow-in-Furness to Whitehaven runs along a voltmeter to measure potential difference, one electrical lead of the voltmeter must be connected to the first point, one to the second point. A common use of the term "voltage" is in describing the voltage dropped across an electrical device (such as a resistor). The voltage drop across the device can be understood as the difference between measurements at each terminal of the device with respect to a common reference point (or ground). The voltage drop is the difference between the two readings. Two points in an electric circuit that are connected by an ideal conductor without resistance and not Submodular set function In mathematics, a submodular set function (also known as a submodular function) is a set function whose value, informally, has the property that the difference in the incremental value of the function that a single element makes when added to an input set decreases as the size of the input set increases. Submodular functions have a natural diminishing returns property which makes them suitable for many applications, including approximation algorithms, game theory (as functions modeling user preferences) and electrical networks. Recently, submodular functions have also found immense utility in several real world problems in machine learning and
Inscribed square problem Examples Some figures, such as circles and squares, admit infinitely many inscribed squares. If C is an obtuse triangle then it admits exactly one inscribed square; right triangles admit exactly two, and acute triangles admit exactly three. Resolved cases It is tempting to attempt to solve the inscribed square problem by proving that a special class of well-behaved curves always contains an inscribed square, and then to approximate an arbitrary curve by a sequence of well-behaved curves and infer that there still exists an inscribed square as a limit of squares inscribed in the curves of the Túrós csusza Cheese pasta The pasta is cooked in salt water and drained, mixed with butter. Layers of the cooked pasta, alternating with layers of grated cheese are baked in the oven. Cabbage squares Cabbage squares or cabbage and noodles is a savoury Hungarian pasta dish. Macaroni bows or home-made thin pasta squares (like tiny lasagne) are boiled in salted water, drained, and mixed with some cooking oil or fat. The finely grated cabbage is slowly sautéed in a bowl with oil or fat, with salt, freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of sugar, until it becomes golden brown. The and a remarkable tree, the Darley Oak. At Netherton Farm Yarg cheese was produced from 1984 to 2006 by Lynher Dairies. Cornish Blue, a cheese made by the Cornish Cheese Company at Upton Cross, was the winning cheese in the World Food Awards in December 2010. The Hurlers are a group of three stone circles some distance to the west. Theater, all within walking distance. Unique city and regional cuisine reflecting various immigrant groups include toasted ravioli, gooey butter cake, provel cheese, the slinger, the Gerber sandwich, and the St. Paul sandwich. Some St. Louis chefs have begun emphasizing use of local produce, meats and fish, and neighborhood farmers' markets have become increasingly popular. Artisan bakeries, salumeria, and chocolatiers also operate in the city. St. Louis-style pizza has extremely thin crust, Provel cheese, and is cut in small squares. Frozen-custard purveyor Ted Drewes offers its "Concrete": frozen custard blended with any combination of dozens of ingredients into a mixture so thick that with a savory foods as meat, cheese, fish, caviar, foie gras, purées or relish. Traditionally, canapés are built on stale bread (although other foods such as puff pastry, crackers, or fresh vegetables may be used as a base) cut in thin slices and then shaped with a cutter or knife into circles, rings, squares, strips or triangles. These are then deep fried, sautéed, or toasted, then topped or piped with highly processed and decoratively applied items. Colorful and eye-pleasing garnishes often complete the presentation. The canapés are usually served on a canapé salver and eaten from small canapé plates. The flour and warm water, sometimes with an egg, is rolled flat and then cut into squares with a knife or circles using a cup or drinking glass. The dough can be made with some mashed potato, creating a smoother texture. Another variation popular among Czechs and Slovaks, uses dough made of flour and curd with eggs, salt, and water. The filling is placed in the middle and the dough folded over to form a half circle or rectangle or triangle if the dough is cut squarely. The seams are pressed together to seal the pierogi so that the filling will remain The braille package for LaTeX (and several printed publications such as the printed manual for the new international braille music code) show unpunched dots as very small dots (much smaller than the filled-in dots) rather than circles, and this tends to print better. Some braille fonts do not indicate unpunched dots at all. Additionally, some Linux braille fonts (e.g. GNU Unifont and the DejaVu fonts) use small squares instead of small circles to indicate dots. graph that compares the quantities or concentrations of antigen in the original samples with the areas or the squares of the diameters of the precipitin circles on linear scales will usually be a straight line when all circles have reached their end points (equivalence method). Circles that small quantities of antigen create reach their end points before circles that large quantities create. Therefore, if areas or diameters of circles are measured while some, but not all, circles have stopped expanding, such a graph will be straight in the portion that contains the smaller quantities or concentrations of antigen and will be a olive-oil coated pan with the dough shaped in a rectangle. Cheese is usually placed on first with the sauce going on top of the pizza rather than under the cheese. It is then put into a regular kitchen oven to bake, although now many pizzerias also use their own wood-fired ovens or stone ovens. After it is done baking, it is cut into small squares for serving. extra cheese mbeju Put into a bowl the Paraguayan cheese with the butter, whisk with a spoon until it is cream. Add the starch and a little bit of salt, as soon as it gets hard add some milk and whisk again until it gets cream. For the filling, cut the tomatoes and the cheese. In a hot pan add the dough covering the entire surface, on the top add the tomatoes and the cheese the oregano, basil, and a little bit of pepper. Cover up the pan again with some more dough, and cook for 3 minutes on each side.
Aurora B kinase Function Chromosomal segregation during mitosis as well as meiosis is regulated by kinases and phosphatases. The Aurora kinases associate with microtubules during chromosome movement and segregation. Aurora kinase B localizes to microtubules near kinetochores, specifically to the specialized microtubules called K-fibers, and Aurora kinase A (MIM 603072) localizes to centrosomes (Lampson et al., 2004).[supplied by OMIM] In cancerous cells, over-expression of these enzymes causes unequal distribution of genetic information, creating aneuploid cells, a hallmark of cancer. Discovery In 1998, Aurora kinase B was identified in humans by a polymerase chain reaction screen for kinases that are overexpressed in cause and driver of cancer. Inhibition of Aurora B kinase by BI811283 in cancer cells leads to the formation of cells with severely abnormal numbers of chromosomes (polyploid). Counterintuitively, inhibition of Aurora B kinase actually causes the polyploid cells formed to continue dividing however, because these cells have severe chromosomal abnormalities, they eventually stop dividing or undergo cell death. Role in axonal outgrowth and axon regeneration A novel function for Aurora B kinase has recently been reported in neurons. Following axotomy of cultured neurons, significant upregulation in Aurora B kinase gene expression was observed coinciding with regenerative axonal sprouting. Furthermore, that she must never meet the man she met in the woods again; this causes Aurora to go to her room and weep in sadness and depression. Later, they take Aurora to a room in the castle. They conjure a crown for her to wear as a princess, then they leave the depressed girl alone so she could recover more easily. They argue over whether Aurora should be forced to marry Prince Philip until Flora hears Maleficent's magic, causing them to enter the room and discover that Maleficent has arrived and has hypnotized Aurora into going through a hidden passage which cancer cells The presence of multipolar spindles in cancer cells is one of many differences from normal cells which can be seen under a microscope. Cancer is defined by uncontrolled cell growth and malignant cells can undergo cell division with multipolar spindles because they can group multiple centrosomes into two spindles. These multipolar spindles are often assembled early in mitosis and rarely seen towards the later stages. Research has shown possible causes of formation of multipolar spindles. A possible causes of multipolar spindle formation involve regulation of protein kinase family known as Aurora kinase. Aurora kinase has two forms which his abilities in the past, he relinquishes his medals and bitterly turns his back on skiing forever. The villain Pestilence senses decay in Northstar's body and causes his sickness to grow serious to the point that his wounds no longer heal, slowly killing him. As his illness progresses, Aurora desperately uses her healing light to cure him. The Asgardian trickster god Loki fooled the Beaubier twins into believing that their mother was an elf from Asgard. When Aurora is thought lost in action, Northstar journeyed to Asgard to seek that half of his heritage. He found himself not only Maleficent, allowing her to defeat Stefan. Soon after Stefan's death and Aurora's ascension, Maleficent crowns Aurora as the ruler of the Moors to unite their kingdoms forever under one throne. Jolie reprised the role in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, in which Maleficent's relationship with Aurora was tested. Other fairies of her species appeared, led by Chiwetel Ejiofor's Connal Maleficent's Revenge Maleficent was featured in the book sequel to Sleeping Beauty called Maleficent's Revenge. Two years following the events of the film, a specific solar eclipse has an effect on fairy magic that causes Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to feel weak. The spell an exit from mitosis by contributing to the completion of cytokinesis- the process by which the cytoplasm of the parent cell is split into two daughter cells. During citokinesis the mother centriole returns to the mid-body of the mitotic cell at the end of mitosis and causes the central microtubules to release from the mid-body. The release allows mitosis to run to completion. Though the exact mechanism by which Aurora A aids cytokinesis is unknown, it is well documented that it relocalizes to the mid-body immediately before the completion of mitosis. Intriguingly, abolishment of Aurora A through on the sub to vent smoke. Aurora ascertains that a fire is aboard K-219, and informs the Pentagon. The Pentagon, fearing radiological contamination of the Eastern Seaboard, orders Aurora to prepare to sink K-219. The fact that the launch doors are open on the SLBMs causes consternation in Washington D.C., with calls for the immediate sinking of the sub, should it appear to be preparing to launch. The captain of K-219 prepares a bold plan to dive with the launch doors open, to flood the missile bay and quench the fires. As the captain dives the sub, Aurora prepares to fire, assuming Aurora Township, Lawrence County, Missouri Aurora Township is an inactive township in Lawrence County, in the U.S. state of Missouri. Aurora Township took its name from the community of Aurora, Missouri. West Aurora, Missouri West Aurora is an unincorporated community in Miller County, in the U.S. state of Missouri. West Aurora was platted in 1882, and named for its location west of nearby Aurora Springs.
that you can sing along to." On the lyrics, Darrell said: The song is about the vibe that we get when we crank up or play loud music, when we're in our element. Music heals the soul. It's goddamn electric. That's what we call it. Phil called me up with these lyrics that go, "Your trust is in whiskey and weed and Black Sabbath. It's goddamn electric." I said, "Dude, you hit it. You struck the nerve." The second time that line comes around, Phil sings, "Your trust is in whiskey and weed and Slayer." Phil was calling out all these get you thinking. For this reason, I think that playing Shock can actually be therapeutic: when you're feeling confused about some topic in the news, if you can't decide how you feel about some pressing social issue, if you see a new invention and wonder what it might mean, you can play a Shock game about it. Role-playing it out might help you and your friends work through your thoughts and explore possible consequences. In Shock, I think we might finally have an RPG that does what the best written SF does -- help us learn to cope with the turkey to "shock" gobble and give away his location. Turkey hunters will often "owl" to shock a gobbler into gobbling. To do this, you can either use your voice or you can even use a specific call to produce the sound. Crows will also shock a gobbler into gobbling. When the gobbler gobbles, he gives away his location so you can sneak up on him and get close and "call him up". In the past couple of years many turkey hunters have started using decoys to make it seem like a "jake"— a young gobbler— is trying to breed a hen. tiger and you have only one shot; if you don't get it with that one shot, it'll get you. You have a credibility that you have to achieve. If you keep to gradualism, people don't believe you, and the hyperinflation just keeps roaring stronger. So shock therapy is get it over, get it done, stop hyperinflation, and then start rebuilding your economy so you achieve growth. It is notable that de Lozada viewed shock therapy as an issue of political credibility, and less an economic issue as Sachs, its economic pioneer, did. Like Sachs, he was strongly influenced by the German Flick Home Run! Gameplay In Flick Home Run! you place your finger on the lower-left corner of the screen (the button that says"Pitch") and await a baseball to be pitched to you. Once the ball crosses a vertical line called the "hit zone," you can then swipe your finger on your touchscreen to take a swing at the ball. Depending on the ame mode, your object is to either hit the ball as far as possible, or to land the ball in a specific zone, or to hit the ball in an arc that will collide with certain bonus objects on the level. If you miss the Also, they have created what they call the 'tank belt', which is made out of tyre that has been cut into strips... They make a very specific sound; it sounds like a small explosion. I was blindfolded the whole time, but I would try to see somehow. All you see is blood: your own blood, the blood of others. After one hit, you lose your sense of what is happening. You’re in shock. But then the pain comes." Another former detainee is Samer al-Ahmed who, on a regular basis, was forced to squeeze his head through the small hatch near the full dose of air that constitutes a complete breathing. Breathe from the chest as if you were lying on your back. Lie down on a bed and study what work is done when you breathe. You'll see that your shoulders don't move, only your chest is working. Well, once you're standing, make sure you get used to taking your breath as you used to take it the moment before, when you were lying on your back. It will be very important to get used to breathing through the nose without opening your mouth. In this way, in addition to taking as measuring more than your forearm – from the tip of your finger to your elbow – between you and the person just ahead of you in a queue, in India, such a gap is not feasible to sustain. It shall get bridged or occupied within five minutes." – The Elbow Push Factor, SuperMarketWala Shopkeeper-in-Law: This term is introduced by Damodar which represents the scenario for a newly married woman when she visits a nearby grocery shop from where her in-laws used to buy their goods. The shopkeeper is having a good relations with her family and he is aware of all it will only get stiffer with the onset of colder temperatures. Ideal flex on a four buckle boot is achieved when the middle buckles come in close proximity to each other but do not touch. Note however that stronger, more aggressive skiers can benefit from a stiffer flex boot especially if they consistently ski in a forward athletic position. -Aggressive skiing: Skiing through rough terrain can cause a lot of shock to your lower legs. Examples include: those bumps you fail to see until you have already hit them, moguls, hard pack snow, crusty snow conditions etc. -Landing jumps or drops in company when I decided to manage myself. It was important that I didn't go to some big management company, I felt like I wanted to follow the footsteps of Madonna and be a powerhouse and have my own empire, and show other women when you get to this point in your career you don't have to go sign with someone else and share your money and your success—you do it yourself." In December 2013, Parkwood Entertainment released Beyoncé's fifth self-titled visual album. The surprising release caused "hilarious, honest and hysterical" reaction among Beyoncé's fans, and "shock" among other musicians. According to
Free clinics must still carry general liability insurance, to cover non-medical liability, such as slips and falls in the parking lot. Prescription assistance programs Some pharmaceutical companies offer assistance programs for the drugs they manufacture. These programs allow those who are unable to pay for their medications to receive prescription drugs for free or at a greatly reduced cost. Many free clinics work to qualify patients on behalf of these programs. In some cases the clinic receive and then distribute the medications themselves, in others they verify that the patient is eligible for the program, and the medication is then Prior authorization Prior authorization is a utilization management process used by some health insurance companies in the United States to determine if they will cover a prescribed procedure, service, or medication. The process is intended to act as a safety and cost-saving measure although it has received criticism from physicians for being costly and time-consuming. Overview Prior authorization is a check run by some insurance companies or third-party payers in the United States before they will agree to cover certain prescribed medications or medical procedures. There are a number of reasons that insurance providers require prior authorization, including age, medical types of treatments are considered medically necessary and reasonable. For example, in Utah, acupuncture is a permissible medical treatment, while in California it is not. In Texas, PIP coverage will cover medical expenses, eighty percent of lost wages, and someone to take care of the injured party. Some states also allow for PIP claims even if a workers' compensation claim exists, while others do not. Some states PIP is the insurance of first resort to pay for medical bills when injured in an automobile accident. In some states, PIP is subrogatable, meaning that your insurance carrier will pay for insurance companies, giving service to those citizens is deeply risky, so the government gives them some money to reduce the cost. In normal insurance markets, insurers price high-risk individuals at a higher premium to discourage them from buying insurance and offer lower-risk individuals lower premiums. That can make insurance phenomenally expensive for the elderly and those in poor health at a time that they can least afford to pay for insurance because they are not earning an income. Young people, on the other hand, for whom ill health is not a major concern, often do not buy health insurance even though tourist. Should problems arise, patients might not be covered by adequate personal insurance or might be unable to seek compensation via malpractice lawsuits. Hospitals and/or doctors in some countries may be unable to pay the financial damages awarded by a court to a patient who has sued them, owing to the hospital and/or the doctor not possessing appropriate insurance cover and/or medical indemnity. Issues can also arise for patients who seek out services that are illegal in their home country. In this case, some countries have the jurisdiction to prosecute their citizen once they have returned home, or in extreme cases Limitations on double coverage Cancer insurance is a form of supplemental insurance that is meant to cover gaps in a patient's primary insurance plans, but in some instances, primary insurance plans provide cancer coverage benefits that overlap with those of the supplemental cancer insurance plan. While some cancer insurance plans will pay benefits no matter what the primary insurance plan pays, some primary insurance plans may include a coordination of benefits clause that prohibit double payment. Other cancer insurance plans may stipulate that patients cannot receive double benefits. Coverage waiting periods Some cancer insurance plans have provisions that prevent the tabs and US$7.65 for the 2.5 mg tabs. While some health insurance providers cover at least part of the cost (typically limiting the number of doses covered per month), many providers, including those operating under Medicare Part D, do not cover the cost of medications prescribed for erectile dysfunction. In the U.K., a generic version of tadalafil became available in November 2017, reducing its price per pill, and will be available on the NHS. Additionally, Tadacip, manufactured in India by Cipla, is considerably less expensive. uncertainty across the system, as investors wondered which companies would be forced to pay to cover defaults. For example, Company Alpha issues bonds to the public in exchange for funds. The bondholders pay a financial institution an insurance premium in exchange for it assuming the credit risk. If Company Alpha goes bankrupt and is unable to pay interest or principal back to its bondholders, the insurance company would pay the bondholders to cover some or all of the losses. In effect, the bondholder has "swapped" its credit risk with the insurer. CDS may be used to insure a study to be the primary cause of personal bankruptcy. A 2007 survey had found about 70 million Americans either have difficulty paying for medical treatment or have medical debt. Studies have found people are most likely to accumulate large medical debts when they do not have health insurance to cover the costs of necessary medications, treatments, or procedures—in 2009 about 50 million Americans had no health coverage. However, about 60% of those found to have medical debt were insured. Health insurance plans rarely cover any or all health-related expenses; for insured people, the gap between insurance coverage and the affordability of abuse and alcoholism, medical equipment and appliances, first aid and transportation to a medical facility, obstetrics and fertility treatment, medications approved under the National Health Basket (which is updated every year), treatment of chronic diseases and paramedical services such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and mental healthcare. Medications for serious illnesses that are part of the official "basket of medications" (which is large and updated regularly, but does not include all medications) are covered, though patients must partially pay for these medications with copays: medications included in the basket are covered at rates that vary from 50% to 90%. IVF
for a criminal and busted by Miami police officers last year. Do you think that I'm the one that did it/Just because I'm tan?/Just then the officer at hand said/'I don't give a damn that you are in a rock and roll band,' Kravitz sings, and for once the social commentary doesn't feel contrived." The ones that are dark grey have black heads and legs. Light grey Gute have white and tan hair on their legs and head. Grey and Black sheep typically have light hair around the eyes and face. The white sheep are seldom all white. White sheep usually have tan patches on the neck and other parts of the body. Most all non-white sheep have markings that are white. The markings can vary greatly. are collectively known as depigmentation phenotypes, and are all caused by areas of skin that lack pigment cells (melanocytes). Depigmentation phenotypes have various genetic causes, and those that have been studied usually map to the EDNRB and KIT genes. However, much about the genetics behind various all-white depigmentation phenotypes are still unknown. Dominant white Dominant white is best known for producing pink-skinned all-white horses with brown eyes, though some dominant white horses have residual pigment along the topline. Dominant white has been studied in Thoroughbreds, Arabian horses, the American White horse, the Camarillo White horse, and several other breeds. raid along with others. The pirate crew is entirely black, and the captain explains that they are primarily escaped slaves from the Americas. Percival is taken in as a cabin boy, and later dyes his skin tan in the appearance of a mulatto to please the captain who doesn't approve of white skin. The pirates often seek to take over slave trading vessels, killing every white person on board. During the taking of one such vessel, Percival is able is convince the captain to spare the lives of a wealthy Dutch merchant and his young daughter, Minnie. Eventually the H.M. which is the same as shifting the bits 4 places to the right. All that really means is inserting a binary point between the first four and last four bits of each number. Conveniently, that's the exact format of our fixed point fields. So just as we suspected, since all these numbers don't require more than 8 bits to represent them as integers, it doesn't have to take more than 8 bits to scale them down and fit them in a fixed point format. bits. It is actually a bug. LZW doesn't require any alignment. This bug is a part of original UNIX compress, ncompress, gzip and even windows port. It exists more than 35 years. All application/x-compress files were created using this bug. So we have to include it in output specification. Some compress implementations writes random bits from uninitialized buffer as alignment bits. There is no guarantee that alignment bits will be zeroes. So in terms of 100% compatibility decompressor have to just ignore alignment bit values. Pekingese Coat All breed standards allow a wide range of color combinations. The majority of Pekingese are gold, red or sable. Cream, black, white, tan, black and tan and occasionally 'blue' or slate grey have appeared in the breed. The latter often has poor pigment and light eyes. Albino Pekingese (white with pink eyes) should be bred cautiously due to health problems that have been associated with albinism. The Pekingese sheds a lot. A black mask or a self-colored face is equally acceptable in show dogs. Regardless of coat color, the exposed skin of the muzzle, nose, lips and eye rims White stag A white stag (or white hind for the female) is a white-colored red deer or fallow deer, explained by a condition known as leucism that causes its hair and skin to lose its natural colour. The white deer has played a prominent role in many cultures' mythology. Biology Leucism is a rare genetic pattern that causes a reduction in the pigment of an animal's hair and skin. The natural colour of the red deer ranges from dark red to brown. They are often thought to be albinos; however, unlike albinos, who have characteristically red eyes, deer with leucism the major downsides of the Manchester carry chain is that the capacitive load of all of these outputs, together with the resistance of the transistors causes the propagation delay to increase much more quickly than a regular carry lookahead. A Manchester-carry-chain section generally doesn't exceed 4 bits. causes of white plumage color. Most solid white chicken breeds are pure for recessive white c allele. c in homozygosity produces solid white plumage color in all individuals. Dominant white (I) A few breeds such as White Leghorn and Hamburg have a "dominant white" I mutation for plumage color. This mutation selectively inhibits black color and dilutes red color in the feathers. So, it is also known as "inhibitor of black". It is less effective in heterozygotes, having poor effect on red but reducing black to just a few ticks and spots. In other words, homozygous I/I chickens have solid
the ears of a dog are controlled by at least 18 muscles, which allow the ears to tilt and rotate. The ear's shape also allows the sound to be heard more accurately. Many breeds often have upright and curved ears, which direct and amplify sounds. As dogs hear higher frequency sounds than humans, they have a different acoustic perception of the world. Sounds that seem loud to humans often emit high frequency tones that can scare away dogs. Whistles which emit ultrasonic sound, called dog whistles, are used in dog training, as a dog will respond much better to of their surroundings and the location of their prey. Using these factors a bat can successfully track change in movements and therefore hunt down their prey. Mice Mice have large ears in comparison to their bodies. They hear higher frequencies than humans; their frequency range is 1 kHz to 70 kHz. They do not hear the lower frequencies that humans can; they communicate using high frequency noises some of which are inaudible by humans. The distress call of a young mouse can be produced at 40 kHz. The mice use their ability to produce sounds out of predators' frequency ranges to alert other Signature whistle Identification Signature whistles can be recorded in the wild or in captivity. Hydrophones are used in both cases, but the number of devices may vary based on the researcher's preference and methodology. Using multiple hydrophones allows the researchers to better identify which dolphin emitted which whistle. Signature whistles are difficult to identify because bottlenose dolphins emit non-signature whistles as well. However, there is a distinct amount of time in between each signature whistle that helps researchers distinguish them from the rest of dolphin noises. Signature whistles are emitted within 1 to 10 milliseconds of each other. Non-signature whistles occur advantage of the dog whistle is that it doesn't produce a loud irritating noise for humans that a normal whistle would produce, so it can be used to train or command animals without disturbing nearby people. Some dog whistles have adjustable sliders for active control of the frequency produced. Trainers may use the whistle simply to gather a dog's attention, or to inflict pain for the purpose of behaviour modification. In addition to lung-powered whistles, there are also electronic dog whistle devices that emit ultrasonic sound via piezoelectric emitters. The electronic variety are sometimes coupled with bark-detection circuits in an still being developed in the first year of a child's life. This continued physical development is responsible for some of the changes in abilities and variations of sound babies can produce. Abnormal developments such as certain medical conditions, developmental delays, and hearing impairments may interfere with a child's ability to babble normally. Though there is still disagreement about the uniqueness of language to humans, babbling is not unique to the human species. Typical development Babbling is a stage in language acquisition. Babbles are separated from language because they do not convey meaning or refer to anything specific like words do. contributions of effects like resistor Johnson–Nyquist noise, or electrical noises in active circuits. In optical heterodyne detection, the mixing-gain happens directly in the physics of the initial photon absorption event, making this ideal. Additionally, to a first approximation, absorption is perfectly quadratic, in contrast to RF detection by a diode non-linearity. One of the virtues of heterodyne detection is that the difference frequency is generally far removed spectrally from the potential noises radiated during the process of generating either the signal or the LO signal, thus the spectral region near the difference frequency may be relatively quiet. Hence, has a massive heavy black hooked bill and a short tail, giving it a chunky appearance. The crown is covered by short (3–4 mm) yellow or straw-coloured skin projections like bare feather shafts, hence the name 'bristlehead'. Juveniles have black thighs, red ear-coverts, a red eye-ring, just a few red feathers on the head and undeveloped 'bristles'. It is a noisy species making a variety of unmusical calls, including distinctive high-pitched nasal whining notes interspersed with harsher notes, chattering noises, whistles, honks and chortles. Distribution and habitat The bristlehead is endemic to the island of Borneo, throughout the lowlands of which his working dog. They produce clear, high-frequency tones of an easily modulated and variable pitch, allowing the shepherd to communicate a variety of commands. The pitch is at an optimal frequency for the herding dog's hearing, and for penetration and distance to cut through adverse weather when gathering sheep. There are some standard whistle commands, although the commands in use vary. Materials Oral histories have noted primitive whistles made by of folding over a sheet cut from a tin, a jam lid, or dog-food lid, punching a hole, and smoothing sharp edges. They are also produced commercially. Simple whistles may cost less extraterrestrials are very advanced, remember. So I ask things like, "Please give a short proof of Fermat's Last Theorem." Or the Goldbach Conjecture. And then I have to explain what these are, because extraterrestrials will not call it Fermat's Last Theorem, so I write out the little equation with the exponents. I never get an answer. On the other hand, if I ask something like "Should we humans be good?" I always get an answer. I think something can be deduced from this differential ability to answer questions. Anything vague they are extremely happy to respond to, but anything specific, of scale. These calculations are useful in whistle design to obtain a desired sounding frequency. Working length in early usage meant whistle acoustic length, i.e., the effective length of the working whistle, but recently has been used for physical length including the mouth. Loudest and largest whistles Loudness is a subjective perception that is influenced by sound pressure level, sound duration, and sound frequency. High sound pressure level potential has been claimed for the whistles of Vladimir Gavreau, who tested whistles as large as 1.5 meter (59-inch) diameter (37 Hz). A 20-inch diameter ring-shaped whistle (“Ultrawhistle”) patented and produced by Richard Weisenberger
a subject–verb–object language like English, the verb would look left to form a subject link, and right to form an object link. Nouns would look right to complete the subject link, or left to complete the object link. In a subject–object–verb language like Persian, the verb would look left to form an object link, and a more distant left to form a subject link. Nouns would look to the right for both subject and object links. Overview Link grammar connects the words in a sentence with links, similar in form to a catena. Unlike the catena or a traditional Similarly, if a four-dimensional object passed through a three dimensional (hyper)surface, one could observe a three-dimensional cross-section of the four-dimensional object—for example, a 4-sphere would appear first as a point, then as a growing sphere, with the sphere then shrinking to a single point and then disappearing. This means of visualizing aspects of the fourth dimension was used in the novel Flatland and also in several works of Charles Howard Hinton. Shadows A concept closely related to projection is the casting of shadows. If a light is shone on a three-dimensional object, a two-dimensional shadow is cast. By dimensional analogy, light all of which give the specified level of utility. In higher dimensions In analogy with the cross-section of a solid, the cross-section of an n-dimensional body in an n-dimensional space is the non-empty intersection of the body with a hyperplane (an (n − 1)-dimensional subspace). This concept has sometimes been used to help visualize aspects of higher dimensional spaces. For instance, if a four-dimensional object passed through our three-dimensional space, we would see a three-dimensional cross-section of the four-dimensional object. In particular, a 4-ball (hypersphere) passing through 3-space would appear as a 3-ball that increased to a maximum and then and are printed on canvas by Wide-format printers. The canvas then can be applied to the wall in a wall-paperhanging like procedure and will then look like on-site created mural. 3D printing Three-dimensional printing is a method of converting a virtual 3D model into a physical object. 3D printing is a category of rapid prototyping technology. 3D printers typically work by 'printing' successive layers on top of the previous to build up a three dimensional object. 3D printers are generally faster, more affordable and easier to use than other additive fabrication technologies. Woodcut Woodcut is a relief printing artistic technique shone on a two-dimensional object in a two-dimensional world would cast a one-dimensional shadow, and light on a one-dimensional object in a one-dimensional world would cast a zero-dimensional shadow, that is, a point of non-light. Going the other way, one may infer that light shone on a four-dimensional object in a four-dimensional world would cast a three-dimensional shadow. If the wireframe of a cube is lit from above, the resulting shadow on a flat two-dimensional surface is a square within a square with the corresponding corners connected. Similarly, if the wireframe of a tesseract were lit from “above” (in the fourth Mirror image In two dimensions In geometry, the mirror image of an object or two-dimensional figure is the virtual image formed by reflection in a plane mirror; it is of the same size as the original object, yet different, unless the object or figure has reflection symmetry (also known as a P-symmetry). Two-dimensional mirror images can be seen in the reflections of mirrors or other reflecting surfaces, or on a printed surface seen inside-out. If we look at an object that is effectively two-dimensional (such as writing) and then turn it towards a mirror, the object turns through an angle of Point particle A point particle (ideal particle or point-like particle, often spelled pointlike particle) is an idealization of particles heavily used in physics. Its defining feature is that it lacks spatial extension: being zero-dimensional, it does not take up space. A point particle is an appropriate representation of any object whenever its size, shape, and structure are irrelevant in a given context. For example, from far enough away, any finite-size object will look and behave as a point-like object. A point particle can also be referred in the case of a moving body in terms of physics. In the theory of Transformation (function) Reflection A reflection is a map that transforms an object into its mirror image with respect to a "mirror", which is a hyperplane of fixed points in the geometry. For example, a reflection of the small Latin letter p with respect to a vertical line would look like a "q". In order to reflect a planar figure one needs the "mirror" to be a line (axis of reflection or axis of symmetry), while for reflections in the three-dimensional space one would use a plane (the plane of reflection or symmetry) for a mirror. Reflection may be considered as another, form an undirected graph, the Hanoi graph, that can be represented geometrically as the intersection graph of the set of triangles remaining after the nth step in the construction of the Sierpinski triangle. Thus, in the limit as n goes to infinity, this sequence of graphs can be interpreted as a discrete analogue of the Sierpinski triangle. Properties For integer number of dimensions d, when doubling a side of an object, 2ᵈ copies of it are created, i.e. 2 copies for 1-dimensional object, 4 copies for 2-dimensional object and 8 copies for 3-dimensional object. For the Sierpinski triangle, doubling from our three-dimensional perspective. Rudy Rucker illustrates this in his novel Spaceland, in which the protagonist encounters four-dimensional beings who demonstrate such powers. Cross-sections As a three-dimensional object passes through a two-dimensional plane, two-dimensional beings in this plane would only observe a cross-section of the three-dimensional object within this plane. For example, if a spherical balloon passed through a sheet of paper, beings in the paper would see first a single point, then a circle gradually growing larger, until it reaches the diameter of the balloon, and then getting smaller again, until it shrank to a point and then disappeared.
Longitudinal wave Longitudinal waves are waves in which the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as, or the opposite direction to, the direction of propagation of the wave. Mechanical longitudinal waves are also called compressional or compression waves, because they produce compression and rarefaction when traveling through a medium, and pressure waves, because they produce increases and decreases in pressure. The other main type of wave is the transverse wave, in which the displacements of the medium are at right angles to the direction of propagation. Some transverse waves are mechanical, meaning that the wave needs an elastic Transverse valley A transverse valley is a valley which cuts at right angles across a ridge or, in mountainous terrain a valley that generally runs at right angles to the line of the main mountain chain or crest. Its geomorphological counterpart is the longitudinal valley. During the course of a long valley, both forms may alternate. Geologically transverse valleys frequently form a water gap where, during the course of earth history, the erosion of a river or large stream cuts a path through a mountain or hill range that stands tectonically at right angles to it. The Val de Travers in the Jura medium to travel through. Transverse mechanical waves are also called "shear waves". By acronym, "longitudinal waves" and "transverse waves" were occasionally abbreviated by some authors as "L-waves" and "T-waves" respectively for their own convenience. While these two acronyms have specific meanings in seismology (L-wave for Love wave or long wave) and electrocardiography (see T wave), some authors chose to use "l-waves" (lowercase 'L') and "t-waves" instead, although they are not commonly found in physics writings except for some popular science books. Longitudinal waves include sound waves (vibrations in pressure, particle of displacement, and particle velocity propagated in an elastic medium) and seismic Polarimetry Polarimetry is the measurement and interpretation of the polarization of transverse waves, most notably electromagnetic waves, such as radio or light waves. Typically polarimetry is done on electromagnetic waves that have traveled through or have been reflected, refracted or diffracted by some material in order to characterize that object. plane polarized light: according to the wave theory of light an ordinary ray of light is consider to be vibrating in all planes of right angles to the direction of its propagation if this ordinary ray of light is passed through a nicol prism the emergent ray has its vibration only in Surface wave inversion Surface waves Surface waves are seismic waves that travel at the surface of the earth, along the air/earth boundary. Surface waves are slower than P-waves(compressional waves) and S-waves(transverse waves). Surface waves are classified into two basic types, Rayleigh waves and Love waves. Rayleigh waves travel in a longitudinal manner (the wave motion is parallel to the direction of wave propagation) with particle motion in a retrograde elliptical motion (Figure 1). The Rayleigh waves result from the interaction between P-waves and vertically polarized S-waves. Conversely, Love waves travel in a traverse manner (Figure 1) (the wave motion is are waves that travel as ripples with motion similar to those of waves on the surface of water. Rayleigh waves are much slower than body waves, at roughly 90% of the velocity of bulk waves for a typical homogeneous elastic medium. Rayleigh waves have energy losses only in two dimensions and are hence more destructive in earthquakes than conventional bulk waves, such as P-waves and S-waves, which lose energy in all three directions. A Love wave is a surface wave having horizontal waves that are shear or transverse to the direction of propagation. They usually travel slightly faster than Rayleigh waves, the name "Primary". These waves can travel through any type of material, including fluids, and can travel nearly 1.7 times faster than the S-waves. In air, they take the form of sound waves, hence they travel at the speed of sound. Typical speeds are 330 m/s in air, 1450 m/s in water and about 5000 m/s in granite. Secondary waves Secondary waves (S-waves) are shear waves that are transverse in nature. Following an earthquake event, S-waves arrive at seismograph stations after the faster-moving P-waves and displace the ground perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Depending on the propagational direction, the wave can take Transverse wave Superposition principle In a homogeneous elastic medium, complex oscillations (vibrations in a material or light flows) can be described as the superposition of many simple sinusoidal waves, either transverse (linearly polarized) or longitudinal. The vibrations of a violin string, for example, can be analyzed as the sum of many transverse waves of different frequencies, that displace the string either up or down or left to right. The ripples in a pond can be analyzed as a combination of transverse and longitudinal waves (gravity waves) that propagate together. Circular polarization If the medium is linear and allows multiple independent free space are transverse (no component in the direction of propagation), it can be seen that this magnetic field and that of a small loop antenna will be at right angles, and thus not coupled. For the same reason, an electromagnetic wave propagating within the plane of the loop, with its magnetic field perpendicular to that plane, is coupled to the magnetic field of the coil. Since the transverse magnetic and electric fields of a propagating electromagnetic wave are at right angles, the electric field of such a wave is also in the plane of the loop, and thus the as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves. It requires a medium to propagate. Through solids, however, it can be transmitted as both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. Longitudinal sound waves are waves of alternating pressure deviations from the equilibrium pressure, causing local regions of compression and rarefaction, while transverse waves (in solids) are waves of alternating shear stress at right angle to the direction of propagation. Sound waves may be "viewed" using parabolic mirrors and objects that produce sound. The energy carried by an oscillating sound wave converts back and forth between the potential energy of the extra compression (in case of
so much that it is overwhelming or you are draining yourself so much that you become weak. Because of that, you will feel fear or confused or lost. … you may know yourself, but you can never see yourself. For that you need another person. You need other eyes, another perspective to see that. When you are a child, you have your parents, but when you become older you no longer have your parents to see you, to recognize you. As an adult, your yanantin, your partner, is the person who is there to see what you don’t see in while performing each repetition. At the end of each repetition, the scorer will state the number of repetitions you have completed correctly. If you fail to keep your body generally straight, to lower your whole body until your upper arms are at least parallel to the ground, or to extend your arms completely, that repetition will not count, and the scorer will repeat the number of the last correctly performed repetition. If you fail to perform the first ten push-ups correctly, the scorer will tell you to go to your knees and will explain to you what your mistakes are. You Morningness–eveningness questionnaire MEQ questions The standard MEQ consists of 19 multiple-choice questions, each having four or five response options. Some example questions are: 1. What time would you get up if you were entirely free to plan your day? 12. If you got into bed at 11:00 PM, how tired would you be? 17. Suppose you can choose your own work hours. Assume that you work a five-hour day (including breaks), your job is interesting, and you are paid based on your performance. At what time would you choose to begin? Responses to the questions are combined to form a composite score that indicates Saved from living your own life and when you live your own life you are always living in sin. There is only one way to get out of sin, that is to get into His life. The life in which there is no sin... If you are not saved from your sins yet, you’re not yet saved... Now if you were living unto God, you would no longer be living unto sin?... Because sin is our work, righteousness is His work. You can see how theologians got confused with the scriptures and tried to cut works out of salvation all together. Since general in Memoirs of Vidocq by Eugène François Vidocq: "How much fatter should you be, if I put you on half-pay? Oh, you have a fine prospect at home: if you are rich, to die gradually with overnursing; if you are poor, to increase the misery of your parents, and finish your days in a hospital. I am a doctor for you: and my prescription is a bullet, and then your cure will follow; if you escape that, the knapsack will do for you, or marching and exercise will put you to rights; these are additional chances. Besides, do as I you will count your blessings each day through Count your blessings while you may For we are here but little time to stay All around are hearts sincere and true Lovely things abound just waiting for you Count your blessings while you may The big or small, whichever comes your way For then you'll find this world a place of love If you will count your blessings from above from this program and requires that they practice with him the following day. He states to his new team, the Kilpatrick Mustangs, "You do it my way, not your way. Your way got you here and you're here because you lost. Right now you are all losers, but if you accept this challenge and stick with the program, you are all going to be winners at the end." Two of the teens do not get along because they are from rival gangs. Willie Weathers (Jade Yorker) is from the 88’s and Kelvin Owens (David Thomas) is from the in an interview with New York magazine said: What Southport is famous for is the shit and the piss throwing. Because the inmates have no access to each other, what they do is fill cups up with shit and piss and throw it at each other. You get caught doing it once, they keep your hands handcuffed behind your back so you can't throw anything. So if you really still want to get your neighbor with shit, guess what you do? You put it in your mouth and when you get to the yard, you spit it on someone. you the truth ... Where you now are, you and my white children are too near to each other to live in harmony and peace. Your game is destroyed, and many of your people will not work and till the earth. Beyond the great River Mississippi, where a part of your nation has gone, your Father has provided a country large enough for all of you, and he advises you to remove to it. There your white brothers will not trouble you; they will have no claim to the land, and you can live upon it you and all your after he has surrendered. But I do not ask you to take prisoners. I ask you to make your footsteps severe and terrible. Muscogees! the time has now come when you are to remember the authors of all your sufferings; those who started a needless and wicked war, who drove you from your homes, who robbed you of your property. Stand by me faithfully and we will soon have peace. Watch over each other to keep each other right, and be ready to strike a terrible blow on those who murdered your wives and little ones by the Red Fork along
effective farming method will also prove that the contemporary social system we live in is not the only way. A system such as farming may look so primitive and disconnected from daily life in Europe that it seems like a romantic notion, but in actual fact farming still continue to be a source of sustenance in countries all over the world. Terraced Rice Fields stresses the importance of the process, and not the end product. I hope that the creative effort of Terraced Rice Fields Art Project will show been placed under a crewman's bunk whilst still hot after being used, although disconnected from the electricity supply. The order to abandon ship had been given about 40 minutes after the fire started. Firefighting efforts were deemed ineffective. The emergency fire pump failed at an early stage because its power supply had been destroyed by the fire. Declared a constructive total loss, Ocean Layer was scrapped at Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, South Holland, Netherlands in December 1959. than in the wet form, more macular, its connected submarginal zigzag fascia less defined and becomes obsolescent posteriorly from the upper median. Underside similar to wet form. Forewing with the outer band less defined posteriorly from the lower median. Hindwing pale yellow; marginal interspaces whitish, but not glossy. Dry season: Male. Smaller than wet form. Upperside. Forewing with the base glossy, the black outer band somewhat narrower, and its discal portion more or less disconnected, its posterior end always terminating at the lower median; the discocellular spot smaller and always isolated. Hindwing either with a slight black linear tip to far in the other, and you have a feature that feels disconnected, and uninspired by the source material. Assassin’s Fist walks this line almost perfectly." in a museum, planned by the VFD of Cacilhas (just across the river, from downtown Lisbon). Unfortunately the warehouse where those beauties are kept is not open to the public (you can always try to ask the Fire Chief if you may take a look…). Taiwan Taiwan houses two fire museums, which are Fire Safety Museum of Taipei City Fire Department in Taipei and Hsinchu City Fire Museum in Hsinchu City. United Kingdom The Greater Manchester Fire Service Museum is in Rochdale and opened in 1983. The Sheffield Fire and Police Museum opened in 1984 and is now called to lobby for further clarification of conversion plans; ultimately, these meetings would never take place. Fire and capsizing At 14:30 on 9 February 1942, sparks from a welding torch used by Clement Derrick ignited a stack of life vests filled with flammable kapok that had been stored in the first-class lounge. The woodwork had not yet been removed, and the fire spread rapidly. The ship had a very efficient fire protection system, but it had been disconnected during the conversion and its internal pumping system was deactivated. The New York City fire department's hoses, unfortunately, did not fit the ship's fuel injector and into the engine. When a flammable mixture is present in the engine, it will detonate, sending a shock wave down the tail pipe and creating suction at the intake end of the engine, sucking in more fuel/air, and creates another explosion. Once started, the engine becomes hot very quickly and no longer requires the spark. The spark box and air source are disconnected and then model launched as quickly as possible to prevent the heat generated by the engine from causing the airplane to catch fire. The engine is extremely loud in operation and cannot reaching orbit. During the fairing separation event, the shock of the circumferential ordnance firing disconnected the cable carrying the signal to fire the longitudinal ordnance. about disconnected working class stiffs living marginal lives on society's sidings, about the barely submerged anger of a neglected underclass," something which "always had been lacking from Tony Scott's work, some connection to the real world rather than just silly flyboy stuff and meaningful glances accompanied by this year's pop music hit." Betsy Sharkey of The Los Angeles Times wrote that Denzel Washington—who starred in Crimson Tide, Man on Fire, Déjà Vu, The Taking of Pelham 123, and Unstoppable—was Scott's muse, and Scott "was at his best when Washington was in the picture. The characters the actor played are the prevented any approach. Every time he tried to make a move for Julian, the Germans opened fire, driving Heffron and his fellow soldiers back. Later, the squad that Julian was in repelled the Germans and brought back his body, but Heffron couldn't bring himself to look at his friend's corpse. Heffron thereafter maintained he always hated New Year's Day, with its reminder of the anniversary of his friend "Johnny" Julian's death; he also thereafter always felt a similar dislike concerning Christmas Day, with its reminder of the anniversary of his Battle of the Bulge experiences in Bastogne. It was twelve years
right opens the cold water passages (using the standard North American convention of the hot water control on the left). Later Moen bathtub/shower controls with single handles use a larger cartridge with a pressure balancing mechanism which compensates for sudden pressure changes in either the hot or cold water supply (as caused by a toilet being flushed while someone is showering). The design goal is to maintain the temperature of the shower for safety and comfort reasons, even if the volume of water is reduced. The cartridge is known as the 1222. The operation is similar to the 1225 (above), though be seen to be believed. As the water falling from a vibrating shower head is illuminated by a strobe, the droplets are caught dancing in response to sound; at certain strobe speeds, the droplets appear to be moving upwards, violating all rules of gravity. Living Fountain (1980-88) is a yet larger water sculpture, incorporating a showerhead three feet in diameter, plus three concentric circles of water jets, all installed above a basin twelve by sixteen feet. Here the strobe is designed to respond to combinations of changes in audible music, random sensors, audio-feedback controls, and a computer program. In conclusion, has suggested the levitation of Home was a magic trick, influenced by Robert-Houdin. Allegations of fraud It is often claimed in parapsychology and spiritualist books that Home was never caught in fraud. However, skeptics have stated that this claim does not hold up to scrutiny as Home was caught utilizing tricks by different witnesses on different occasions. Gordon Stein has noted that "While the statement that Home was never caught in fraud has been made many times, it simply is not true... It is simply that Home was never publicly exposed in fraud. Privately, he was caught in fraud several the visually handicapped, while a tournament assistant can be used to help players with other physical handicaps. Time controls A time control is a mechanism in tournament play that allows each round of the match to finish in a timely fashion so that the tournament can proceed. The three main types of time controls used in chess tournaments are blitz, standard, and compensation. Standard Standard time controls (STC) are one's in which a player has a set amount of time to complete a specified number of moves. If the specified number of moves is met, the player's time will rejuvenate. shower and hot water tank, double sinks, oven and stove top, and an icebox, as standard equipment. The design has a PHRF racing average handicap of 183 with a high of 191 and low of 174. It has a hull speed of 6.81 kn (12.61 km/h). three straight games. In 1950, she posted a significant average of .340 with 25 runs and 22 RBI in just only 49 games. She quit baseball again, while she was pregnant with the first of her four children. Fanatics gave her a baby shower on the field. The family moved later to Hollister in Putnam County, Florida, after learning there were six acres and a house for sale. Life after baseball Mary did return to play for three months for a team in Miami, but it never caught on as it had in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball. She and her Arkanoid: Doh It Again Gameplay The player controls a ship using either a standard controller or the Super NES Mouse. Rounds are completed when all the color and silver blocks on the screen have been eliminated. Enemies enter from the doors at the top of the play area. Every eleven rounds a boss enemy will have to be fought. Some of the blocks contain power-ups that must be caught with the paddle to be used. The game has a total of 99 levels, an edit mode in which users can create their own levels, power-ups, and two-player capabilities. Plot Arkanoid: Doh because the city he lives in can only be reached by helicopter. He sends Thoren and Guilfi to get his friends, Frosty Freddie, who controls snow and ice, Helpy Helga, who has the power of rain and Stardust Glitter, who controls fire. Santa is also expects Bafauna, an old lady who rides on a broomstick and controls the wind but she gets sidetracked over misinformed instructions and gets caught by Gruzzlebeard. Gruzzlebeard poses as her to sneak over to the Christmas Conference. Santa decides on a contest to see who can create the best present for flying. However, when his often also not to electricity (apart from lights switched on and off by the guards from outside). In 2012, the inmates were allowed to take warm water shower only twice a week, with each shower being limited to five minutes. Phone calls are allowed only once every two weeks. According to Mindii Kašibadze, who spent two years in Pankrác on remand before the Czech courts eventually dismissed his Georgian international arrest warrant, the prison is infested with rats and has only "five cells of European standard which are a show case for outside visitors". Tunnel The tunnel between the Pankrác Prison Standard fare A standard fare is a higher than normal fare issued to passengers caught without a ticket. The system is used by public transport in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Standard Fares are not the same as Penalty Fares which are used on certain National Rail services. Edinburgh Trams Passengers caught travelling on the Edinburgh Trams without a valid ticket are issued a £10 standard fare. Manchester Metrolink Passengers caught travelling on the Manchester Metrolink without a valid ticket are issued a £100 Standard Fare which is reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days. Failure to pay the
VLS-1 V03 Accident On August 22, 2003, at 13:26:05 between the frames 26 and 27 (local time) an inadvertent propellant ignition destroyed the launch vehicle as it stood on its launch pad at the Alcântara Launch Center in the state of Maranhão in northern Brazil. Twenty-one people, standing on the launch pad, died when one of the rocket's four first stage motors ignited accidentally. The explosion caused a fire in the nearby jungle brush, and produced a large cloud of smoke that was visible from far away. Aftermath The explosion leveled the rocket's launch pad, reducing a launch due to a thrust vector control system issue in the rocket's second stage, resulting in a 24-hour hold for launch no earlier than 19 February at 14:39 UTC. The faulty actuator was repaired at the launch pad overnight, and the rocket was returned to vertical approximately six hours before the scheduled launch time. CRS-10 was launched from Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 Pad A on 19 February 2017 at 14:39 UTC, the first launch from the complex since STS-135 on 8 July 2011, the last flight of the Space Shuttle program, and the first uncrewed mission from the site since the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40 Accidents and incidents On September 1, 2016 a Falcon 9 rocket was destroyed by an explosion that originated around the rocket's second stage while preparing for a routine static fire test on the SLC-40 launch pad. The explosion occurred during loading of liquid oxygen eight minutes prior to igniting the first stage engine as part of the test. A static fire is a test performed prior to launch to verify that both the launch vehicle and the ground systems are ready for flight. The test is identical to a launch until the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Overview The two reusable SRBs provided the main thrust to lift the shuttle off the launch pad and up to an altitude of about 150,000 ft (28 mi; 46 km). While on the pad, the two SRBs carried the entire weight of the external tank and orbiter and transmitted the weight load through their structure to the mobile launch platform. Each booster had a liftoff thrust of approximately 2,800,000 pounds-force (12 MN) at sea level, increasing shortly after liftoff to about 3,100,000 lbf (14 MN). They were ignited after the three Space Shuttle Main Engines' thrust level was verified. Seventy-five seconds SES-10 would launch aboard a Falcon 9 Full Thrust rocket no earlier than the fourth quarter of 2016. On 30 March 2017 the launch from Pad 39A, Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, became the first to reuse an orbital rocket's first stage, B1021, previously launched on the 23rd Falcon 9 mission that launched CRS-8. After delivering the payload, the first stage landed on a drone ship, becoming the first orbital rocket stage to return from space for the second time. Additionally, one clamshell half of the payload fairing remained intact after a successful splashdown achieved with thrusters and a Service structure A service structure is a structure built on a rocket launch pad to facilitate assembly and servicing. An umbilical tower also usually includes an elevator which allows maintenance and crew access. Immediately before ignition of the rocket's motors, all connections between the tower and the craft are severed, and the bridges over which these connections pass often quickly swing away to prevent damage to the structure or vehicle. Kennedy Space Center During the shuttle era the structures at the Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39 pads included a rotating service structure that was moved in place around the succeeded in putting a satellite into orbit. KSLV-II TLV The TLV was the second vehicle to use the Naro Space Center. It was launched on 28 November 2018, having a mission objective of qualifying the KRE-075 engine. The launch was a success. LC-1 (LB-1) LC-1, also called as LB-1 for the pad itself, is the first pad constructed in the Naro Space Center. It supported 3 Naro-1 launches and the KSLV-II TLV launch. It will also support the SSLV(small satellite Launch Vehicle) launch from 2025. LC-2 (LB-2) LC-2, also called as LB-2 for the pad itself, is the second pad pad, and the TSMs provide further support and fueling functions for the CBCs. The vehicle is mounted to the Launch Table by a Launch Mate Unit (LMU), which is attached to the vehicle by bolts that sever at launch. Behind the Launch Table is a Fixed Pad Erector (FPE), which uses two long-stroke hydraulic pistons to raise the vehicle to the vertical position after being rolled to the pad from the Horizontal Integration Facility (HIF). Beneath the Launch Table is a flame duct, which deflects the rocket's exhaust away from the rocket or facilities. Vehicle processing Delta IV CBCs and SpaceX performs static fire tests to ensure that ground systems as well as the launch vehicle will perform nominally. The static fire explosion resulted in the total loss of the rocket. The rocket's payload, the Amos-6 satellite, was on-board and was also destroyed. In addition, the explosion resulted in extensive damage to the launch pad. It was reported to have cracked nearby windows and to have been felt up to 40 miles away. There were no personnel on the pad and no injuries from the explosion were reported. Repairs to and modernization of the launch pad began in early 2017 following completion the flights in earth orbit for tests required retrorockets, so the large, versatile Service Propulsion Module on the Service Module was used to decelerate the spacecraft. The Space Shuttle would use a similar multipurpose engine for reentry. However, retrorockets were used to back the S-IC and S-II stages off after their respective shutdowns during the rocket's journey from the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center to Earth Parking Orbit. The Apollo missions to the Moon used rockets to slow down to enter a lunar orbit, and the descent module used its main engine to land on the Moon propulsively. Space Shuttle
same allergy occurs about 40% of the time in non-identical twins. Allergic parents are more likely to have allergic children, and those children's allergies are likely to be more severe than those in children of non-allergic parents. Some allergies, however, are not consistent along genealogies; parents who are allergic to peanuts may have children who are allergic to ragweed. It seems that the likelihood of developing allergies is inherited and related to an irregularity in the immune system, but the specific allergen is not. The risk of allergic sensitization and the development of allergies varies with age, with young children most different types of fruits that people have been shown to react allergically such as mangoes and bananas. Some foods are clearly more allergenic than others. In adults, peanuts, tree nuts, finned fish, crustaceans, fruit, and vegetables account for 85% of the food-allergic reactions(O'Neil, Zanovec and Nickla). People suffering from allergies may suffer from a hypersensitivity to the allergic food, which is what causes the allergic reaction. Most fruit allergies are oral syndrome allergies because they are consumed but may also be an external allergy if the fruit touches the skin. Diagnostic Skin prick testing is a common way of testing are often mistaken for food intolerances, which can result in vomiting and diarrhea instead of dermal issues. In most cases where food allergies occur, they do so with foods that cats eat most often. Common food allergens in cats include beef, dairy, fish, eggs, and chicken. Preservatives and other additives are also occasionally involved in triggering an allergic reaction. There is no specific breed or age range that food allergies target; however, there are certain breeds that are more susceptible to food allergies than others. For example, Siamese and Siamese crosses may have a higher risk of food allergies than of complications. Antibiotics are prescribed for strep throat at a higher rate than would be expected from how common it is. Erythromycin and other macrolides or clindamycin are recommended for people with severe penicillin allergies. First-generation cephalosporins may be used in those with less severe allergies and some evidence supports cephalosporins as superior to penicillin. Streptococcal infections may also lead to acute glomerulonephritis; however, the incidence of this side effect is not reduced by the use of antibiotics. Epidemiology Pharyngitis, the broader category into which Streptococcal pharyngitis falls, is diagnosed in 11 million people annually in the United States. It is population, may be considered "rare". The use of hydrolysed milk baby formula versus standard milk baby formula does not appear to change the risk. The most common food allergy in the US population is a sensitivity to crustacea. Although peanut allergies are notorious for their severity, peanut allergies are not the most common food allergy in adults or children. Severe or life-threatening reactions may be triggered by other allergens, and are more common when combined with asthma. Rates of allergies differ between adults and children. Peanut allergies can sometimes be outgrown by children. Egg allergies affect one to two percent of children Food allergy Cause Although sensitivity levels vary by country, the most common food allergies are allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, shellfish, soy, and wheat. These are often referred to as "the big eight". Allergies to seeds — especially sesame — seem to be increasing in many countries. An example an allergy more common to a particular region is that to rice in East Asia where it forms a large part of the diet. One of the most common food allergies is a sensitivity to peanuts, a member of the bean family. Peanut allergies may be severe, but conduction go down, but a naked axon is also much more likely to degrade completely, resulting in complete loss of function for certain motor functions. The loss of axons because of lack of protection is what makes MS so debilitating. Degradation is considered to be worse than the effects of demyelination. Once an axon is degenerated, it cannot regenerate like myelin, thus making research to promote remyelination that much more important. MS is more severe in some people than others, most likely from their family genetics and the way that genes are expressed within them. The overall cause for multiple exposure. If the body is exposed to the allergen multiple times the immune system will react every time the allergen is present. The reason why people get allergies is not known. The allergens are not passed down through generations. It is believed if parents have allergies the child is more likely to be allergic to the same allergens. Some common symptoms include itchiness, swelling, running nose, watery eyes, coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing, hives, rashes, mucus production, or a more severe reaction anaphylaxis. Allergic responses and the severity vary from person to person. Many substances can trigger an allergic reaction. Common triggers is more severe, allergy immunotherapy may be recommended. There are a number of different kinds of allergies from which dogs may suffer. They may be gut-induced, skin-induced, and respiratory-induced. Gut-induced allergies Gut-induced allergies, or food allergies, are common health concerns. They may be induced by an allergic reaction to the preservatives or artificial coloring used in commercial dog foods, or they may be triggered by the intact protein source used in the food. Protein sources that commonly offend include beef, soy, chicken, and turkey. Clinical signs of gut-induced allergies include the presence of rashes, itchy or tender skin, gastrointestinal upsets last for about five years and there have been reports of ten years' duration. Side effects Side effects may include lumpiness at the injection site, persistent swelling or redness, increased sensitivity, and rash or itching more than 48 hours after injection. The lumpiness (nodules), and granulomas, can be difficult for doctors to treat. If the recipient has allergies to bovine collagen or lidocaine, severe allergies, a susceptibility to form keloid or hypertrophic scars, or fails a small skin test, Artefill should not be used. Because the device ultimately works by causing tissue to grow around the microsphere scaffold, there
encroachments on his liberty. It is to these Courts that he must come for a writ of habeas corpus. These Courts and their prestige must, therefore, at all costs be sustained so that they will continue to attract the finest characters and best legal brains that we can produce. As a community we will pay heavily if we allow our Supreme Court to be relegated to a position of inferiority. The second matter I feel I should mention is that the principle of the independence of the judiciary from the executive is fundamental to our freedom. What happens when this Stories are illustrative, easily memorable and allow any firm to create stronger emotional bonds with the customers. A Nielsen study shows consumers want a more personal connection in the way they gather information. Our brains are far more engaged by storytelling than by cold, hard facts. When reading straight data, only the language parts of our brains work to decode the meaning. But when we read a story, not only do the language parts of our brains light up, but any other part of the brain that we would use if we were actually experiencing what we're reading about becomes activated of making a decision to act is actually an epiphenomenon; the action happens before the decision, so the decision did not cause the action to occur. Arguments against The most powerful argument against epiphenomenalism is that it is self-contradictory: if we have knowledge about epiphenomenalism, then our brains know about the existence of the mind, but if epiphenomenalism were correct, then our brains should not have any knowledge about the mind, because the mind does not affect anything physical. However, some philosophers do not accept this as a rigorous refutation. For example, Victor Argonov states that epiphenomenalism is a questionable, but be better to cry in luxury. Irwin observes: "I would rather cry on a yacht," said he, "where my tears could be ascribed to the salt spray, and I should not be thought unmanly. Let us insure one another, darling, so that if the worst happens we can cry without interruption. Let us put nine-tenths of our money into insurance.... "And let us," cried she, "insure our dear bird also," pointing to the feathered cageling, whom they always left uncovered at night, in order that his impassioned trills might grace their diviner raptures. You are right," said he, "I will put ten bucks Something to Tell You Background and recording Haim toured for two years to support their previous release, Days Are Gone, the three sisters' 2013 debut album that was met with a great deal of critical and commercial success. With the conclusion of their tour came the beginning of the process of crafting Something to Tell You: "All we knew for two years was wake up, soundcheck, play the show, go to sleep and fit in a slice of pizza at some point. We needed to turn our brains from touring brains back to writing brains. When we came home, we the view, summarizing it as follows: And then there is the theory put forward by philosopher Colin McGinn that our vertigo when pondering the Hard Problem is itself a quirk of our brains. The brain is a product of evolution, and just as animal brains have their limitations, we have ours. Our brains can't hold a hundred numbers in memory, can't visualize seven-dimensional space and perhaps can't intuitively grasp why neural information processing observed from the outside should give rise to subjective experience on the inside. This is where I place my bet, though I admit that the theory could be or symbols based upon ancient myth to identify their group membership. Brains offer a firmer foundation for our identity since they underlie the core of who we are in our shared “vulnerability, richness, history, and giftedness”. Understanding this is our true nature. It follows that “Each of our brains should be guaranteed the right to grow unhandicapped and supplied with the best possible nurture and support”, and “a gifted environment sensitive to its uniqueness”. Braintech Humans from early on when using stone tools have created technologies that have enhanced their abilities. This will continue with the still unexplored potential 2008: We stand by our new material. We are really excited about this EP and nothing is going to change how we feel when we listen back to what we just finished recording. This music is exciting to us! We have never wished to repeat ourselves...we all made a pact a long time ago that we'd rather break up the band then make music that don't inspire our brains. We've never tried to be anything we are not...If you can't accept our new direction, we understand. We still love you all. Feel free to comment away, we welcome your thoughts. — Chronic Future On James-Lange theory Following the influence of René Descartes and his ideas regarding the split between body and mind, in 1884 William James proposed the theory that it is not that the human body acts in response to our emotional state, as common sense might suggest, but rather, we interpret our emotions on the basis of our already present bodily state. In the words of James, "we feel sad because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble, and neither we cry, strike, nor tremble because we are sorry, angry, or fearful, as the case may be." James was upon the Canadian. Nor have we been made to cry alone. The blue dressed soldiers and the Utes came from out of the night when it was dark and still, and for camp fires they lit our lodges. Instead of hunting game they killed my braves, and the warriors of the tribe cut short their hair for the dead. So it was in Texas. They made sorrow come in our camps, and we went out like the buffalo bulls when the cows are attacked. When we found them, we killed them, and their scalps hang in our lodges. The
women. South Africa lost its preferential trade status in the Commonwealth when it became a republic in 1961. This put the export trade of wine and beer under threat and soon there was an increasing demand for the lifting of the prohibition. Before 1928 African women played an important role in beer brewing for government structures and beer halls. The sorghum beer sales in municipalities was an industry worth R3 million in 1961. The Liquor Amendment Act of 1962 lifted authority on Africans as liquor consumers. Africans were prohibited from entering the liquor market, however, they could purchase liquor covers any type of alcoholic beverage which contains more than 0.5% alcohol by volume. Until recently, there was a separate regulation for beer containing at least 0.5% alcohol by volume and at most 3.2% alcohol by weight, which was classified as "nonintoxicating beer" (rather than a liquor) and was subject to a separate law from the Liquor Control Law. For a long time, however, the Nonintoxicating Beer Law was rarely invoked, as the Liquor Control Law's permissive sale provisions for any alcoholic beverage made so-called "three-two beer" a rarity in Missouri. The Missouri General Assembly repealed it in August 2009. The typically located within a hotel, restaurant, or airport. A full bar serves liquor, cocktails, wine, and beer. A wine bar is a bar that focuses on wine rather than on beer or liquor. Patrons of these bars may taste wines before deciding to buy them. Some wine bars also serve small plates of food or other snacks. A beer bar focuses on beer, particularly craft beer, rather than on wine or liquor. A brew pub has an on-site brewery and serves craft beers. "Fern bar" is an American slang term for an upscale or preppy (or yuppie) bar. A music bar is a bar that and Playgirl. Because the laws regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages vary from state to state in the United States, the availability of beer, wine, and liquor varies greatly. For example, while convenience stores in Alaska, Pennsylvania and New Jersey cannot sell any kind of alcohol at all, stores in Nevada, New Mexico, and California may sell alcoholic beverages of any sort, while stores in Virginia, Idaho, or Oregon can sell beer and wine, but not liquor. Similar to grocery stores, convenience stores in New York can sell beer only, not wine or liquor. Altoona, Pennsylvania–based Sheetz tried to find a use violence. During Prohibition there were two types of bootleggers: beer and alcohol manufacturers who operated breweries and distilleries and the importers who smuggled brand name liquor into the United States from Canada, Europe and the Caribbean by boat and plane. At the start of Prohibition there were two big bosses who controlled beer breweries and all brand name liquor imports while the ethnic gangs controlled most of the home alcohol distilleries, some beer brewing and the distribution of most beer and liquor in the cities and towns. Jewish crime boss Arnold Rothstein, along with Irish boss William "Big Bill" Logistics Inc. the exclusive right to distribute imported beer to Alberta's privately owned establishments and stores. BRI stocks imported beer in its The Beer Store locations but this beer is purchased through the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Clarification BDL does not distribute wine or distilled spirits in any province. These are distributed in Alberta by the AGLC through its private contractor, and in the other western provinces and territories by their respective government-owned liquor corporations. limit in Massachusetts in 2008 in light of the United States Supreme Court decision addressing direct shipping laws a few years earlier. Federal law prohibits alcoholic beverages from being shipped through the mail. New Jersey effectively prohibits the shipment of beer and spirits to customers by requiring a liquor license to transport alcohol, but not having any class of liquor license that grants permission to ship beer or spirits. United Parcel Service (UPS) and Federal Express will ship wine to a person's home, but will only deliver beer or hard liquor to a licensed business. Although uncommon, it is legal for taxes. New Jersey excise taxes on distilled spirits for human beverage consumption are levied at a rate of $5.50 per gallon. Direct shipping Federal law prohibits alcoholic beverages from being shipped through the mail. New Jersey effectively prohibits the shipment of beer and spirits to customers by requiring a liquor license to transport alcohol, but not having any class of liquor license that grants permission to ship beer or spirits. United Parcel Service (UPS) and Federal Express will ship wine to a person's home, but will only deliver beer or hard liquor to a licensed business. Liquor License Laws," of 1909 designated that no liquor license would be given to any tavern or similar enterprise without proper accommodation, thus a tavern without rooms for rent would not necessarily receive such a license. These sets of pre-Temperance legislation created a strong connection between hotel beverage rooms and drinking culture. In a bid to profit on the new rules created by the LCBO regarding alcoholic beverages, over one thousand proprietors of hotels sent in applications to the LCBO to obtain beer authority or beer and wine authority. Although beverage rooms were quite popular before the LCA (1934), the restrictions. Beverage distributors (which also sell soft drinks) may sell beer and malt liquor, but not wine or hard liquor. People under 21 may enter most beverage distributors without an adult, since most distributors also sell water, soda, ice, tobacco products, and some snack foods. They are subject to the rules of the individual establishment. The hours of operation of beer distributors are typically similar to that of Wine and Spirits stores and other retail establishments. These hours are only restricted by the state on Sundays, where a special license is required to sell beer, and sales before 11 am are
combination of words can differ in just location, movement, or the way in which you hold your hand as you are signing. Preservation of sign language The deaf community made continuous efforts to help preserve sign language communication as oralists made many attempts to suppress the language and promote oral communication. The attempt to supplant sign language, by the hearing, lead to the production of dictionaries and films intended to expose and promote sign language in the oral community as well as the deaf. Many deaf people spent most of their free time socializing with their deaf peers and joined consistency with what sign is used and how it is used in relation to an item, repeat signs often, encourage the infant, and be alert to recognize when the infant is signing back. When it comes to infants who have not yet acquired language abilities, signs are an easy and readily accessible form of communication. Prior to infants learning specific signs or developing language skills, they acquire the spontaneous use of gesture. An infant’s first gesture may appear between 9–12 months of age, often classified as pointing. Gesturing gradually increases as infants connect pointing to word meaning, making a gesture-plus-word the index finger to indicate interest in an object is a widely used gesture that is understood by many cultures On the other hand, manual signs are conventionalized—they are gestures that have become a lexical element in a language. A good example of manual signing is American Sign Language (ASL)–when individuals communicate via ASL, their signs have meanings that are equivalent to words (e.g., two people communicating using ASL both understand that forming a fist with your right hand and rotating this fist using clockwise motions on the chest carries the lexical meaning of the word "sorry"). Representational gestures the mouth it meant taking a meal. When added to the open-palmed sign for "book" it specified a hymnal, and the sign's O-shape represented the signing of an "O" that began many hymns. If the thumb and forefinger took hold of a specific part of one's own clothing or body such as the hood of a cowl, a lock of hair, or skin on the left hand, the gesture could stand for things as diverse as "monk" or "horse" or "parchment". Plains Indian Sign Language In North American Plains Indian Sign Language (PISL), the gesture signifies the Sun when held a child learned better with American Sign Language or an English sign system, they were taught using that method. If a different method worked better with another child, they received their instruction that way. Some schools using the oral method changed to Total Communication; others just added sign into their existing program or simply allowed children to sign amongst themselves without punishment. Often, the "sign languages" used in oral programs were constructed Manually Coded English (MCE) systems such as Seeing Essential English or Signing Exact English or were ASL signs in English word order. The programs used these systems in American Sign Language grammar Morphology ASL morphology is to a large extent iconic. This shows up especially well in reduplication and indexicality. Degree Mouthing (making what appear to be speech sounds) is important for fluent signing, and it has morphological uses. For example, one may sign 'man tall' to indicate the man is tall, but by mouthing the syllable cha while signing 'tall', the phrase becomes that man is enormous! There are other ways of modifying a verb or adjective to make it more intense. These are all more or less equivalent to adding the word "very" in English; which morphology due to the value of family. Filipinos call older non-relatives "grandfather/mother, aunt, uncle, etc." even when they are not actually related in this way. By addressing elders in this way, you are acknowledging their age and the respect you need to show them. It’s considered to be disrespectful to call an elder just by their first name. Hence, Filipinos treat friends and acquaintances like family. The mano po gesture is usually followed by a response of "God bless you" or "May the Lord have mercy on you" by the elder; the sign of the cross may be made over the recipient. song as "a piece that was just everything I feel a woman should embody, but not in the obvious way" and explained to iHeartRadio: "I think it just sets the tone perfect for the record just because it's sexy, but not trying too hard. The track and everything kind of does it itself. It's sensual, it reps women in a good way. I think it does something to a woman when they look good". Described by Gomez as "a beautiful start to the album", "Good for You" was the third song she received since signing with her new label Interscope Records, regarding co-speech gesture. Manual gestures A gesture that is a form of communication in which bodily actions communicate particular messages. Manual gestures are most commonly broken down into four distinct categories: Symbolic (Emblematic), Deictic (Indexical), Motor (Beat), and Lexical (Iconic) It is important to note that manual gesture in the sense of communicative co-speech gesture does not include the gesture-signs of Sign Languages, even though sign language is communicative and primarily produced using the hands, because the gestures in Sign Language are not used to intensify or modify the speech produced by the vocal tract, rather they communicate fully productive up in front of the face or moved in an arc following the Sun's track. When held up to the sky and peered through, it is the sign for high noon. A PISL primer printed in an 1888 issue of the Canadian residential school newspaper Our Forest Children specifies that the left hand be used to indicate sunrise and the right for sunset. A more complicated series of movements with hands held in the gesture as if drawing a thread or stretching an elastic can signify death, or more specifically, "After a long time, you die." American Sign Language In
Endogenous depression Endogenous depression (melancholia) is an atypical sub-class of the mood disorder, major depressive disorder (clinical depression). It could be caused by genetic and biological factors. Endogenous depression occurs due to the presence of an internal (cognitive, biological) stressor instead of an external (social, environmental) stressor. Endogenous depression includes patients with treatment-resistant, non-psychotic, major depressive disorder, characterized by abnormal behavior of the endogenous opioid system but not the monoaminergic system. Symptoms vary in severity, type, and frequency and can be attributed to cognitive, social, biological, or environmental factors that result in persistent feelings of sadness and distress. Since symptoms behaviors, and the proposed explanations for the evolution of depression remain controversial. Background Major depression (also called "major depressive disorder", "clinical depression" or often simply "depression") is a leading cause of disability worldwide, and in 2000 was the fourth leading contributor to the global burden of disease (measured in DALYs); it is also an important risk factor for suicide. It is understandable, then, that clinical depression is thought to be a pathology—a major dysfunction of the brain. In most cases, rates of organ dysfunction increase with age, with low rates in adolescents and young adults, and the highest rates in the COPD in 2016. GSK investigated losmapimod as a therapeutic for major depressive disorder (MDD) on the basis of depression being correlated with elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines. Phase II clinical trials failed to show a significant improvement in depression symptoms and biomarkers. diagnosis of a bipolar disorder until a manic or hypomanic episode appears, the presence of such features in a depressed patient even with no history of discrete mania or hypomania is strongly suggestive of the disorder. Two features of both mania or hypomania and depression may superficially overlap and even resemble each other, namely "an increase in goal-directed activity" (psychomotor acceleration) vs. psychomotor agitation and "flight of ideas" and "racing thoughts" vs. depressive rumination. Attending to the patient's experiences is very important. In the psychomotor agitation commonly seen in depression, the "nervous energy" is always overshadowed by a strong sense people that contributed in social comparisons had a higher level of depression than people that rarely used social comparison. Cognitive effects One major symptom that can occur with social comparison bias is the mental disorder of depression. Depression is typically diagnosed during a clinical encounter using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders volume IV (DSM-IV) criteria. Symptoms include depressed mood, hopelessness, and sleep difficulties, including both hypersomnia and insomnia. Clinical depression can be caused by many factors in a person's life. Depression is the most common mental illness associated to social comparison bias. many different categories of mental disorder, and many different facets of human behavior and personality that can become disordered. Anxiety or fear that interferes with normal functioning may be classified as an anxiety disorder. Commonly recognized categories include specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Other affective (emotion/mood) processes can also become disordered. Mood disorder involving unusually intense and sustained sadness, melancholia, or despair is known as major depression (also known as unipolar or clinical depression). Milder but still prolonged depression can be diagnosed as dysthymia. Bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression. They are much more likely to develop heart disease as adults. Distinction from major depressive disorder in adults While there are many similarities to adult depression, especially in expression of symptoms, there are many differences that create a distinction between the two diagnoses. Research has shown that when a child's age is younger at diagnosis, typically there will be a more noticeable difference in expression of symptoms from the classic signs in adult depression. One major difference between the symptoms exhibited in adults and in children is that children have higher rates of internalization; therefore, symptoms of child depression Management of depression Depression is a symptom of some physical diseases; a side effect of some drugs and medical treatments; and a symptom of some mood disorders such as major depressive disorder or dysthymia. Physical causes are ruled out with a clinical assessment of depression that measures vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and hormones. Management of depression may involve a number of different therapies: medications, behavior therapy, psychotherapy, and medical devices. Though psychiatric medication is the most frequently prescribed therapy for major depression, psychotherapy may be effective, either alone or in combination with medication. Combining psychotherapy and antidepressants may provide a "slight Animal models of depression Animal models of depression are research tools used to investigate depression and action of antidepressants as a simulation to investigate the symptomatology and pathophysiology of depressive illness or used to screen novel antidepressants. Depression Major depressive disorder, also called "clinical depression" or often simply "depression", is a common, long-lasting and diverse psychiatric syndrome that significantly affects a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. Symptoms include low mood and aversion to activity. Depressed people may also feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. They may lose interest in activities Lyn Yvonne Abramson Achievements As a clinical psychologist, her main areas of research interest have been exploring vulnerability to major depressive disorder and psychobiological and cognitive approaches to depression, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders. She was the senior author of the paper "Learned Helplessness in Humans: Critique and Reformulation" published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978, proposing a link between a particular explanatory style and depression. With her co-authors William T. L. Cox, Patricia Devine, and Steven D. Hollon, she proposed the integrated perspective on prejudice and depression, which combines cognitive theories of depression with cognitive theories of prejudice.
including the Burn of Curran and the Burn of Knock. The pH level of the greenish or orange-brown waters of the Water of Feugh is slightly alkaline with a pH of 8.19. Summer water temperatures near the mouth run approximately 14.1 degrees Celsius. Drinking Drinking is the act of ingesting water or other liquids into the body through the mouth. Water is required for many physiological processes. Both excessive and inadequate water intake are associated with health problems. In humans When a liquid enters a human mouth, the swallowing process is completed by peristalsis which delivers the liquid to the stomach; much of the activity is abetted by gravity. The liquid may be poured from the hands or drinkware may be used as vessels. Drinking can also be performed by acts of inhalation, typically when imbibing hot liquids or drinking from a meningoencephalocele, and fistula repair; and some routine ear, nose and throat procedures. Post-operative care: Inpatients at CSC stay for varied amounts of time depending on the treatment received. Free meals and clean drinking water are provided throughout the duration of the stay for both the patient and their caretaker/family member. CSC also provides physiotherapy and speech therapy services. From 2006 - 2019, CSC also partnered with the Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity (CASC) - the only organization in Cambodia working solely with survivors of acid burns. CASC was founded to address the long-term needs of CSC acid burn patients, but though some remains in the blood stream and may contaminate tissue. Acute health effects of Microcystin-LR are abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, headache, blistering around the mouth, and after inhalation sore throat, dry cough, and pneumonia. There appears to be inadequate information to assess the carcinogenic potential of microcystins by applying EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment. A few studies suggest a relationship may exist between liver and colorectral cancers and the occurrence of cyanobacteria in drinking water in China. Evidence is, however, limited due to limited ability to accurately assess and measure exposure. Regulation In the US, the EPA years exposure, although not as good as the standard coal-tar creosote used in the same situation. Peat-tar creosote There have also been attempts to distill creosote from peat-tar, although mostly unsuccessful due to the problems with winning and drying peat on an industrial scale. Peat tar by itself has in the past been used as a wood preservative. Health effects According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), eating food or drinking water contaminated with high levels of coal tar creosote may cause a burning in the mouth and throat, and stomach pains. ATSDR also states that that he and Sam are merely friends; Sam is imprisoned shortly after. When Minty starts disappearing regularly without saying where he is going, Manda suspects he is having an affair. Adam finds a letter Sam sent Minty from prison, and it transpires Minty is visiting Sam. When Manda confronts Minty about this, he admits to having feelings for Sam but wants to spend his future with Manda. Believing Minty does not love her, Manda pretends that she still has feelings for Phil and ends her relationship with Minty, leaving Walford. Several months later, Adam tells Minty that Manda is dating a gift of fine liquor. This liquor has just been produced by the celestial kitchens. Its flavor is quite strong, so it is unfit for drinking by ordinary people; in fact, in some cases it has been known to burn people's intestines. You should mix it with water, and you should not regard this as inappropriate." With that, he added a dou of water to a sheng of liquor, stirred it, and presented it to the members of Cai Jing's family. On drinking little more than a sheng of it each, they were all intoxicated. After a little while, the compel conversion to Christianity, including execution and torture of those who refused. Several instances of Olaf's attempts led to days of remembrance among modern heathens similar to the feast days of Christian martyrs. Raud the Strong, remembered 9 January, refused to convert and, after a failed attempt using a wooden pin to pry open his mouth to insert a snake, was killed by a snake goaded by a hot poker through a drinking horn into Raud's mouth and down his throat. Eyvind Kinnrifi, remembered 9 February, likewise refused and was killed by a brazier of hot coals resting on his of the spirits entered into the barrel and the proof of the bottled spirits are the same". Drinking Consumers often add water to cask strength whiskies in order to reduce the "heat" – the "burn" sensation that goes with the drinking experience – and bring out different whiskey flavors. Diluting the whiskey with varying amounts of water will modify the flavor profile, and some consumers like to have control over that. Some add water to the whiskey, while others add ice. The water and temperature affect the taste of the whiskey, and the selection of water is also important. Aficionados cough, and nausea. The majority of adverse effects reported were nausea, vomiting, dizziness and oral irritation. Some case reports found harms to health brought about by e-cigarettes in many countries, such as the US and in Europe; the most common effect were dryness of the mouth and throat. Dryness of the mouth and throat is believed to stem from the ability of both propylene glycol and glycerin to absorb water. Some e-cigarettes users experience adverse effects like throat irritation which could be the result of exposure to nicotine, nicotine solvents, or toxicants in the aerosol. Vaping may harm neurons and
made an experimental 2.0-liter turbo V6 engine with six valves per cylinder (three intakes, three exhaust). It achieved 261 bhp (195 kW; 265 PS) at 7,200 rpm (97.5 kW/liter). Pushrod Although most multi-valve engines have overhead camshafts, either SOHC or DOHC, a multivalve engine may be a pushrod overhead valve engine (OHV) design. Chevrolet has revealed a three-valve version of its Generation IV V8 which uses pushrods to actuate forked rockers, and Cummins makes a four-valve OHV straight six diesel, the Cummins B Series (now known as ISB). Ford also uses pushrods in its 6.7L Power Stroke engine using four pushrods, four rockers and championship titles. While it was based in the United Kingdom, the series managed to spread across Europe, with races held at many international circuits, including Monza (Italy), Hockenheim (Germany) and Zandvoort (Netherlands), and attracted a significant number of continental drivers. The weak pound (a result of the energy crisis) and the increasing cost of importing Chevrolet V8 engines caused some concern and engine regulations for European F5000 were revised to permit engines other than the 5.0 litre pushrod V8s - the DOHC Cosworth GA V6 (based on a unit used in Group 2 Capris was permitted to race at a capacity to win titles on the international scene at the FIA World Championships. As a constructor, Ford won the World Sportscar Championship three times in 1966, 1967, and 1968, and the World Rally Championship three times in 1979, 2006 and 2007. IndyCar IndyCars with Ford engines first competed in 1935 using a production-based Ford V8 in the Miller-Ford racer. A pushrod Ford V8 raced with Lotus in 1963, and Ford's first Indy win was in 1965 with a DOHC V8. Ford motors, including the Ford-sponsored DFX engine developed by Cosworth, have won the Indianapolis 500 eighteen times. On May 12, 1996, the combustion volume. Motorcycles, use poppet valves in a range of designs: side valve, overhead valve (OHV) with pushrod operation, overhead cam (SOHC), and double overhead cam (DOHC). A cylinder with desmodromic valves may have three or even four camshafts. An OHC or DOHC cylinder head will have at least two valves per cylinder (1 inlet and 1 exhaust), but multi-valve engines may have three (2 inlet and 1 exhaust), or four (2 inlet and 2 exhaust), or even five (3 inlet and 2 exhaust). Cylinder heads are the hottest part of the engine and require adequate cooling, typically was originally designed for the longitudinal placement of the Chrysler LH platform, rather than the transverse engine design of the K-cars and minivans. Since the bottom end was the same, the engine could be produced on the same assembly line in Trenton as the pushrod engine. 1993–97 3.5 L engines are a non-interference engine meaning that the valves will not collide with the pistons in the event of a timing belt failure. The 1998–2001 3.2 L, the 1998–2010 3.5 L, and the 2007–2011 4.0 L engines are interference designs. DOHC The DOHC 2.7 L Chrysler LH engine is based on this same design, though the bore, and an integrated valve stem/pushrod. The valves were offset to one side, forming what seemed to be a pocket, leading to the term "pocket valve" being used for IOE engines. An F-head engine combines features from both overhead-valve and flathead type engines, the inlet valve operating via pushrod and rocker arm and opening downward like an overhead valve engine, while the exhaust valve is offset from the cylinder and opens upward via an integrated pushrod/valve stem directly actuated by the camshaft, much like the valves in a flathead engine. Origin The earliest IOE layouts used atmospheric inlet valves which were V8, the first V-8 engine with OHV's to be produced on a wide scale. General Motors is the world's largest pushrod engine producer, producing I4, V6 and V8 pushrod engines. Most other companies use overhead cams. Nowadays, automotive use of side-valves has virtually disappeared, and valves are almost all "overhead". However, most are now driven more directly by the overhead camshaft system. Few pushrod-type engines remain in production outside of the United States market. This is in part a result of some countries passing laws to tax engines based on displacement, because displacement is somewhat related to the emissions and fuel on metal. It has a wheel on its end like that of a measuring wheel, which rolls by the use of needle bearings. For pushrod engines, roller rockers employ a roller where the rocker contacts the valve stem. Roller rockers can also be used in overhead cam engines. However, these generally have the roller at the point where the cam lobe contacts the rocker, rather than at the point where the rocker contacts the valve stem. This helps to reduce cam lobe friction and wear in the same way as roller lifters on pushrod engines. Leverage The effective leverage of unreliable, particularly the Wasserboxer. Subaru engines are one of the most popular engines to install to increase power and reliability, as their overhead camshaft four-cylinder boxer engines are very similar in size and configuration to the original VW pushrod engines. Other conversions have included Porsche 911 engines, VW Rabbit diesel engines, Golf/Jetta petrol engines and Ford Zetec engines. Five-cylinder Audi engines were used in South Africa on higher-trim vans after the Wasserboxer engine was discontinued in 1991, until the T3 was discontinued in 2002. the rest of the Indycar season, the Indianapolis 500 itself was conducted by USAC under slightly different rules. In an effort to appeal to smaller engine-building companies, USAC had permitted "stock-block" pushrod engines (generally defined as single non-OHC units fitted with two valves per cylinder actuated by pushrod and rocker arm). The traditional "stock blocks," saw some limited use in the early 1980s, but became mainstream at Indy starting with the introduction of the Buick V-6 Indy engine. Initially, the stock blocks were required to have some production-based parts. However, in 1991, USAC quietly lifted the requirement, and purpose-built pushrod engines
stolen it. Mandy drugs the main flight attendant and retrieves a bomb hidden in the plane. She puts on a parachute and jumpsuit hidden in her luggage, and blows open the plane door. She parachutes out. Seconds later, her bomb explodes, killing everyone on the plane. (A shot of the 747 exploding in mid-air was edited out of the episode, in light of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which had occurred just two months before.) Casting When Kiefer Sutherland took the project, he did not understand that the series was set in real-time, having skipped the line that said, made a difference. She could have handled it differently. She's the one who started it all." In addition, Myers indicated Dao pleaded with Hill not to remove him from the flight and explained that as a doctor he could not miss his return flight home. “He said, ‘I can’t get off the plane. I have to get home. I’m a doctor. I have to get to the hospital in the morning.’” Myers further stated that Hill’s response was not appropriate. "She said, 'Well, then I'll just have to call the police and have you escorted off the plane.' something more, the allure of the erotic and the invasion of pornography into modern popular culture. It is a mystery about a door that - once opened - is almost impossible to close, a story about curiosity, temptation and power. That door leads to a dark place, A dark and exciting place But once you open it Once you enter that place You can’t come back Things will not be the same anymore. Saturday Night (2011) A co-production with Teatro Nacional Sao Joao (Porto), Centro Cultural Vila Flor - Teatro Oficina (Guimaraes), Sao Luiz Teatro Municipal (Lisbon) and Tramway (Glasgow). Saturday Night Captain Gopujkar in some way because he suddenly observed: “You are descending on idle open descend eh, all this time!”. And as the altimeter called out “300 ft”, Captain Gopujkar asked: “You want flight directors off now?”. Captain Fernandez confirmed that his flight director had been put off, Captain Gopujkar's however, hadn't. If both the flight directors had been put off at that point, the plane would have gone to the speed mode, sensing that speed was dropping, and enough engine power could have been generated for a possible recovery even at that late stage. The plane continued to hurtle downwards. plane to autopilot and parachuted out. Military jets that had been dispatched to intercept Schrenker's plane discovered it in flight, with its door open and cockpit empty. They followed the plane until it crashed just north of Milton, Florida at about 9:20pm. The plane had flown 200 miles (320 km) on autopilot and crashed 50 to 75 yards from a residential area. Upon inspecting the crash site, investigators discovered that there was no blood inside the plane and the windshield showed no sign of problem. On board the aircraft they found a United States atlas and a national campground directory, plane to fly to Moorhead, Minnesota for his next big concert as the tour bus has broken down. The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens join him on the flight. Meanwhile, the Crickets, feeling nostalgic, appear unexpectedly at Maria's door, expressing their desire to reunite the band. They plan to surprise Buddy at his next tour stop. After playing his final song, "Not Fade Away", Holly bids the crowd farewell with: "Thank you Clear Lake! C'mon. We love you. We'll see you next year." A caption then reveals that Holly, Valens, and the Bopper died in a plane crash that night not open in flight: There are no reasonable means by which the door locking and latching mechanisms could open mechanically in flight from a properly closed and locked position. If the lock sectors were in proper condition, and were properly situated over the closed latch cams, the lock sectors had sufficient strength to prevent the cams from vibrating to the open position during ground operation and flight. However, there are two possible means by which the cargo door could open while in flight. Either, the latching mechanisms were forced open electrically through the lock sectors after the door was secured, or this door. The other flight attendant opened the main entry door and deployed the emergency slide, which did not inflate; she then was pushed out the door, but assisted passengers off the plane from outside the doorway. The captain entered the passenger cabin from the cockpit, calling passengers to come forward, then exited the plane via the main entry door and helped them to the ground before reboarding to assist more passengers off through the main door. The first officer escaped through a cockpit window and assisted passengers out of the aircraft from outside the plane at the main entry will be disassembled. It was rolled out with its engines but no winglets in April 2018. It passed the Ground Vibration Test in early June 2018, with ONERA and DLR measuring its dynamic behaviour compared to flight envelope theoretical models. The flight-test programme should last 600h. The second plane had its lower fuselage completed by mid-June before upper shell structural work and freight door fitting after summer for a completion by September or October. The first flight was on 19 July 2018. In February 2019, the first aircraft flew to various destinations, including Airbus's wing plants in and aborted the takeoff, but he was unable to stop the plane before it ran off the end of the runway into Bowery Bay. The airplane collided with a wooden approach lighting stanchion as it went off the end of the overrun. The fuselage broke into three sections, with the forward section resting on part of the elevated light stanchion and the aft section partially submerged. All of the fuselage fractures were due to overstress. Evacuation All the exits except the L1 door and L2 door were used for evacuation. Senior flight attendant Wayne Reed could not open the L1 door.
Girl, Wash Your Face Reception The Gospel Coalition's Alisa Childers said Hollis can "tell a story that will have you crying one minute and shooting Diet Coke out of your nose the next" but ultimately was conflicted with the overall book. While Childers was sympathetic to many of the themes contained in the book, she felt that despite being marketed as a Christian book, its core message of lifting oneself up by their bootstraps as the solution to any problem came in lieu of "surrendering your life to Jesus and placing your trust in him alone." She also acknowledged that by Princess Margaret with the Duff Cooper Prize on 18 December 1958. The judges on that occasion were Lord David Cecil, Harold Nicolson and Bowra himself as chairman. Duff Cooper's widow Lady Diana Cooper observed that "Poor Betch was crying and too moved to find an apology for words." (Philip Ziegler, Diana Cooper: The Biography of Lady Diana Cooper, Hamish Hamilton 1981, p. 310.) Green with lust and sick with shyness, Let me lick your lacquered toes. Gosh, oh gosh, your Royal Highness, Put your finger up my nose, Pin my teeth upon your dress, Plant my head with watercress. Only you den to make it safe from predators and stranger wolves. After completion, the player will obtain pups. Ravenous bears, coyotes, eagles, cougars, and wolves roam the earth, posing a new threat to young pups as they wait to snatch one up under a novice parent's nose. At the end, you, your mate, and your surviving pups must make a journey for the summer den in the Douglas fir forests. But the player, the player's mate, and pups will run into grizzlies, coyotes, eagles and drowning. The only way pups can get across the river is by finding a shallow sandbar. I'll cut your throat" and "If you don't sing your songs at my nephew's baptismal lunch, I'll bust your head." Some Camorra members preferred to make threats aimed at D'Alessio's nose, legs, tongue, and hands. At one point D'Alessio sang at 15 parties a day from lunch until dawn. After D'Alessio's 7 June 1997 concert at Napoli's San Paolo Stadium, he stopped singing at parties. On 4 March 2010 he debuted as a run of a television program on Rai Uno presenting his first one-man show called "Gigi this is me". The first episode had an audience of 5.899 million viewers in 10 states. Her newest book, co-authored with her daughter, Marcie Jones, Great Expectations: Your All-in-One Resource for Pregnancy & Childbirth was published by Sterling Publishing. Comforting Your Crying Baby: Why Your Baby is Crying and What to Do About It was published by Innova Publications. it could make a breeze block cry". BBC reviewer Chris Long stated he preferred previous single "The Hindu Times" but "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" delivered on the "simple tunes, good strong riffs and textbook lyrics" in which Gallagher specialised. Chart performance "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" debuted and peaked at number two on the UK Singles Chart on 29 June 2002. The following week on 6 July, it fell two positions to number four, and again down to number 13 in its third week. It charted at number 23 and 28 in its fourth and fifth weeks, respectively. I've got your nose I've Got Your Nose, or Got Your Nose, is a children's game in which one person pretends to pluck the nose from another's face (usually a child). It is an example of teaching small children about playful deceit. Description To play I've Got Your Nose, the first person forms a fist, and puts the knuckles of the index and middle fingers on either side of a child's nose. The fist is then withdrawn from the child's face with the thumb of the "thief" protruding between the index and middle fingers; the thumb represents the stolen nose. about any movie before or since." Documentary filmmaker Connie Field assesses the film quite negatively: I felt [Clarke] was exploiting him ... not because ... of trying to reveal a person at all. ... if you basically make someone drunk in front of your camera, that's exploitative. ... Who cares if the reality is that this person does drink a lot? You're the one supplying the liquor. ... at the end, when he is crying, I see a drunk crying, and I think only 'a drunk crying' rather than 'his soul is being revealed'. In 2015, Stephen Winter directed a film called Jason Stop Crying Your Heart Out Composition and lyrics "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" was written solely by Noel Gallagher, and was produced by Oasis. The song was recorded at Wheeler End Studios and Olympic Studios in England, and was mixed by Mark Stent. It was engineered by David Treahearn, Jan "Stan" Kybert and Paul "P-Dub" Walton. Several instrumentalists were used for the song's melody, including Andy Bell as the bass player, Oasis drummer Alan White, Noel Gallagher on electric guitar, and Gem Archer on piano. "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" is a motivational ballad which lasts for a duration of not conventional in its style, as most songs have gained momentum by the first chorus. However, Lewis's version of "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" remains down-tempo for the majority of the song. Andy Gill for The Independent noted that it does not possess the "rapidly acquiring melodramatic heft and momentum by the first refrain". Lewis's version of "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" garnered mostly negative reviews from music critics. Nick Levine for Digital Spy complimented her version, writing that it is "as satisfying as a sponge pudding on a chilly winter evening". Michael Cragg for musicOMH wrote that "Stop Crying Your
and through the Hulu subscription service (then known as Hulu Plus). However, changes implemented by the network on March 15, 2012 in an effort to reduce copyright infringement of its programming content through illegal streaming and downloading internet platforms resulted in that delay being reduced to eight hours after a program's original airing through both services. Like the video-on-demand television services provided by the other U.S. broadcast networks, The CW on Demand disables fast forwarding for content provided through the service. On October 13, 2011, the network entered into digital distribution deals with streaming services Netflix and Hulu. The four-year Netflix have come about with the invention of the tablet, the use of smart phones, web-enabled devices connected to the television like many modern gaming consoles saw the subsequent development and wide uptake of online VOD services like Netflix and Hulu, as well as specific, network-branded streaming services. This shift in technology created a new-found level of convenience and mobility for viewers, as television trends towards a situation in which you can watch "whatever show you want, whenever you want, on whatever screen you want". Amanda D. Lotz argues that technologies like Netflix and NBC, Fox, and ABC's own Hulu have of CW shows a week after their airing. The Hulu deal was discontinued at this time. In 2019, The CW and Netflix opted not to renew the deal. The respective studios of CW shows will instead sell to streaming services individually. Beginning in 2020, WarnerMedia streaming service HBO Max will be the exclusive streaming home for Warner Bros.-produced CW shows. On October 24, 2012, The CW entered into its first video-on-demand distribution deal with a pay television provider through an agreement with Comcast that allows customers to watch the four most-recent episodes of the network's primetime shows on the cable provider's portals for streaming their shows during the current season, with Netflix becoming the exclusive streaming provider for The CW shows post-current season. As of January 2017, a limited amount of content from CBS's library is available on-demand, mostly limited to shows that are no longer producing new episodes. On January 4, 2017, it was reported that a deal was reached to bring live broadcasts of CBS and several affiliated channels to Hulu's upcoming live streaming service as well as to make more shows available on-demand. In April 2018, Hulu announced a partnership with Spotify that allows users to purchase both streaming services Xfinity Streampix Xfinity Streampix is an online on demand media streaming service offered by Comcast that launched on February 23, 2012 with shows from ABC, NBC, Scripps, Cookie Jar and Lionsgate as well as movies from Sony Pictures, Universal, Snag, Disney and Warner Bros. The service is designed to compete with other online streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Video, and Hulu. The service costs $5 per month, while Comcast customers who subscribe to Internet Plus, Internet Pro Plus, HD Preferred Plus XF Triple Play, HD Premier XF Triple Play or HD Complete XF Triple Play packages receive access month). This change came in a response to the introduction of Hulu and to Apple's new video-rental services. Netflix later split DVD rental subscriptions and streaming subscriptions into separate, standalone services, at which point the monthly caps on Internet streaming were lifted. Netflix service plans are currently divided into three price tiers; the lowest offers standard definition streaming on a single device, the second allows high definition streaming on two devices simultaneously, and the "Platinum" tier allows simultaneous streaming on up to four devices, and 4K streaming on supported devices and Internet connections. The HD subscription plan historically cost US$7.99; in available for streaming in both SD and HD on Amazon Video, Hulu, ITunes, and Google Play. It is not available on Netflix, however, it is provided via Netflix DVD rental. American Dad! (season 11) Production American Dad!'s 10th season (2013–14) was the show's final full season on Fox. The cable network TBS picked up the series in July 2013. The final three episodes produced for Fox aired on September 14 and 21, 2014. Despite this season counting as a separate season officially, the DVD release and streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu count this season as the first three episodes of the next season. off-network. The series debuted on Comedy Central in the United States on January 21, 2019, and select episodes are available to stream on their website and app. Streaming As of 2018, Parks and Recreation was available for streaming on Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. Viewership on Hulu increased 32% in 2017 over the previous year. Parks and Recreation is one of the most watched shows on Netflix. According to Nielsen data, Parks and Recreation was one of the ten most streamed shows on Netflix in 2018 based on time spent watching. Analytics from Jumpshot measured Parks and Recreation as the such as Netflix, iTunes, Hulu, Amazon and Blockbuster have changed the film market. Netflix started in 1997, but only started to disrupt the market more than a decade later as a streaming service. The digitization, digitalization and underlying technologies of streaming have created these streaming services which essentially caused this disruption. With the rise of streaming firms in the film industry, the sales of physical DVDs vanished completely. An important difference between the music and film industry is that within the film industry, streaming services such as iTunes and Netflix are ‘destroying’ revenue (Sullivan, 2009). Because of this less films are
to the set of all prime numbers less than 6. If the sets A and B are equal, this is denoted symbolically as A = B (as usual). Empty set The empty set, often denoted Ø and sometimes , is a set with no members at all. Because a set is determined completely by its elements, there can be only one empty set. (See axiom of empty set.) Although the empty set has no members, it can be a member of other sets. Thus Ø ≠ {Ø}, because the former has no members and the latter has one member. In mathematics, the only with music. I said, `If you don't like Fallon, there is nothing you can do – with music or anything else – to make him likable.' I don't think they ever understood the character. What they have done to (the movie) makes quite certain the audience will never understand him, either." "I don't like it; I don't like the music; it has no tension and I don't want my name associated with it," Hodges said in 1987. "I have written to Goldwyn twice asking to have my name removed from it. I got no reply to either one. They said make it sound as if it were just another "powerful experience." This was not an experience. This was THE event of my spiritual life. This was full awakening. This wasn't "knowing" anything, because you only know something that is separate from you. This was being: the Ultimate - a fountain of Light, a dancing, ever-new source. Utter freedom, utter joy [...] Completely fulfilled, completely whole, no limits to my power and love and light." Collins-ey drums, in the tale of what appears to be a humdinger of a domestic – 'Kiss with a Fist', but more grown-up, and colder. 'I'd do anything to make you stay,' she sings, before switching tack: 'You want a revelation, no light no light in your bright blue eyes.' Like the rest of these tracks, it's kitchen sink and then some, but there's a little more texture here." In the review of the album, Lewis Corner of the website Digital Spy said that the song "manages to sound knee-quiveringly epic". Later, in a separate review of the single he graded University of Plymouth launched a disciplinary investigation against Jamie Street who claims to be the designer of the site but not involved in the content. The University of Plymouth Students' Union released a statement saying that there "can be no question that some of the content published on the UNILAD website is completely unacceptable and offensive in nature", but stating that they would not make any further comment on the matter due to the investigation that the university was leading. New ownership The brand was acquired by entrepreneurs Liam Harrington and Sam Bentley in 2014. The rebranded UNILAD launched in band, you could say", she said, describing the collaborative project as "an outlet for not having to live up to anything but my own expectations." Robyn also stated that she wanted to work with the duo "from scratch". "I thought it would be interesting. In the beginning we just decided to make music. No one said, 'We should make music for this album' or 'We should make music for that album.' Then I had this idea where, you know, maybe we can create something together. I had no real wish to start recording an album right away. I'd just gotten off Tiger Lou Reboot On October 15, 2013, Kellerman announced on his website, I guess – to make a four year long story very short - all I can say is that Tiger Lou is alive and well... Life is too short and if you find something you like doing, best keep doing it till you can’t do it no more... We have begun recording some stuff, and it will probably take forever until anything is finished. Just thought I’d put the word out there. Tiger Lou then went to on play multiple shows live later that year. On October 30, 2014, Tiger Lou 2010, on Loveline, Green officially announced that a director's cut would be released. In an answer to a question from a fan on his website in December 2010, Green said that there was no progress yet in regards to the director's cut. In a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) Green did on the website Reddit on October 17, 2013, Green responded to a question regarding the release of the director's cut with: "The studio didn't give me the footage to make the directors cut. I want to do it. If you contact New Regency or 20th Century Fox and users to send and receive messages in general anonymity. Lawrence Lessig suggests "no one knows" because Internet protocols do not force users to identify themselves; although local access points such as a user's university may, this information is privately held by the local access point and is not an intrinsic part of the Internet transaction. It also shows how Internet communication is liberated from familiar constraints. Sociologist Sherry Turkle elaborates: "You can be whoever you want to be. You can completely redefine yourself if you want. You don't have to worry about the slots other people put you in as much. Tony's like, "Man, he's rippin', he's nineteen years old, he can, you know, it's really up to him. You guys talk to him, you know?" So we just kinda said, "You wanna get some boards?" He's like, "I'm down, man!" And I look at it, like, there would be no Baker without Tony and Birdhouse. I know it's an ongoing process, you know? Tony quits to start Birdhouse; I quit to start Baker; my guys quit to start a new brand, you know? It's just an ongoing thing. Hawk's Twitter account has become known for his humorous anecdotes of people he
any of the other non Filipino red team members wanted a chance in the game, but Carlo responded, that despite looking out for his fellow Pinoys, “there are no free rides in this red house, if we don’t pull calories, if we don’t put in the performances then that has to be addressed.” Rashmi, is also concerned of her place in the red team, knowing that it was her fault that the red team lost the challenge and that she had proven to be the weakest member. Garry had 3 votes, Rashmi had 2 when Kevin had to give the deciding but others can. The human-rights group Survival International quotes Gakelebone as saying: We are still hunter-gatherers. We want to be recognized as hunter-gatherers. If you say don’t hunt, it means don’t eat. If you are going to ban hunting, you have to consult us. You’re going to turn us into poachers. But hunting for us has never been about poaching. We hunt for food. The government has denied that any of the relocation was forced. A 2006 ruling by the High Court of Botswana confirmed, however, that residents had been forcibly and unconstitutionally removed. The court held in Roy Sesana and Others v. insurance and food. I pray my kids don’t have a growth spurt from August to December, so I don’t have to buy new jeans. We buy clothes at the budget stores and we have them fray and fade and stretch in the first wash. We ponder and try to figure out how we're gonna pay for college and braces and tennis shoes. We don’t take vacations and we don't go out to eat. Please don’t think me ungrateful. We have jobs and a nice place to live, and we’re healthy. We're the people you see every day in the grocery the argument to the method is an instance of the specified class. The method isKindOfClass: analogously returns true if the argument inherits from the specified class. For example, say we have an Apple and an Orange class inheriting from Fruit. Now, in the eat method we can write - (void)eat:(id)sth { if ([sth isKindOfClass:[Fruit class]]) { // we're actually eating a Fruit, so continue if ([sth isMemberOfClass:[Apple class]]) { eatApple(sth); A Million Miles in a Thousand Years Quotations “Somehow we realize that great stories are told in conflict, but we are unwilling to embrace the potential greatness of the story we are actually in. We think God is unjust, rather than a master storyteller.” “If you aren’t telling a good story, nobody thinks you died too soon; they just think you died.” “Good stories don’t happen by accident, I learned. They are planned.” “...people don’t live without a story, without a role to play.” “The ambitions we have will become the stories we live.” “We have to force ourselves to create these scenes. We have a pig, they don’t return to being human but instead gradually start to have the "body and soul of a pig". These people are the ones saying, "We are in a recession and don’t have enough to eat." This doesn’t just apply to the fantasy world. Perhaps this isn’t a coincidence and the food is actually (an analogy for) "a trap to catch lost humans." Just as Chihiro seeks her past identity, Japan, in its anxiety over the economic downturn occurring during the release of the film in 2001, sought to reconnect to past values. In an interview, Miyazaki has commented he felt on Day 1 and never wants to feel that way again. Blake also refuses to eat, as does Rondalee, who actually drops to the ground and does burpees for three minutes instead. Sonya, Lori, Gina, Damien and Jordan also resist temptation, while Rob decides to go for it and eats 602 calories, taking the lead. Toma is the last to enter the tent, and while he manages to eat a whopping 852 calories, his body can barely take it after eating so cleanly for five weeks. In the end, it was worth the stomachache, as Toma wins immunity the sterling work in the community." “In Stoke-on-Trent, we don’t expect a Russian billionaire or a sheikh or anything like that – we just want somebody with the community at heart who is willing to build long term. I don’t think we’re asking for much. If we don’t go down this year, it will be the next year or the year after. We can’t keep dicing with danger the way we have. If we go down and he [Smurthwaite] is still there, I don’t think we’ll come back. We’ll be a Chester or a Darlington. I see us just plummeting, because people who consume foods with olestra don’t eat more to offset the loss in calories. P&G conducted publicity campaigns to highlight olestra's benefits, including working directly with the health-care community. Olestra is prohibited from sale in many markets, including the European Union and Canada. Consumption of olestra may encourage rats to eat too much of foods containing regular fats, due to the learning of an incorrect association between fat intake and calories. Rats that were fed regular potato chips as well as chips cooked with olestra gained more weight when subsequently eating a high-fat diet than rats that received just regular chips. gum retains its quality for so long that, in most countries, it is not required by law to be labeled with an expiration date. If chewing gum remains in a stable environment, over time the gum may become brittle or lose some of its flavor, but it will never be unsafe to eat. If chewing gum is exposed to moisture, over time water migration may occur, making the gum soggy. In lollipops with a gum center, water migration can lead to the end of the product's shelf life, causing the exterior hard candy shell to soften and the interior gum
were several steps near his kellia and elder Paisios used a lighter to descend safely. But this time the lighter did not want to fire. Suddenly a ray of light like from a flood lamp shone from one of the rocks. Elder Paisios understood that this "help" had demonic nature and went back. The light immediately disappeared. Prelest in the liturgical texts of the Orthodox Church The notion of prelest is used in some of the liturgical texts of the Orthodox Church. In the Akathist to the Mother of God: "For thou hast quenched the furnace of deception" (Ikos 5); "For two coins, leaving the third out. If the two coins weigh the same, then the lighter coin must be one of those not on the balance. Otherwise, it is the one indicated as lighter by the balance. Now, imagine the nine coins in three stacks of three coins each. In one move we can find which of the three stacks is lighter (i.e. the one containing the lighter coin). It then takes only one more move to identify the light coin from within that lighter stack. So in two weighings, we can find a single light coin from a Novelty lighter A novelty lighter is a lighter that is shaped like another object. Novelty Lighters can have audio or visual effects, and may look like toys. They are typically used to light tobacco products. Controversy surrounding novelty lighters In the United States. the vast majority of fires caused by children are started with non-novelty lighters and matches (matches are the leading cause of fires started by children). According to the National Association of Fire Marshals, despite attempts to collect statistical evidence concerning the prevalence of novelty lighter fires caused by children, only anecdotal evidence of such fires could types of vehicle, including some tanks. The two that would become critical were new medium and light machine guns. The new medium machine guns offered less, or more difficult-to-use, cooling than the heavier designs, but more than the lightest. Light machine guns were introduced as lighter, more portable automatic weapons. They still fired the same full-power rifle caliber ammunition, but used lighter barrels without extra cooling and were fired from a bipod. Light machine guns were not intended to be fired for extended periods of time. The lightest of the new designs were not capable of sustained fire, as they did Ronsonol lighter fluid, bought at a local Walgreens, and tossed a match. He did not realize, he claimed, that the whole place would go up in flames. Nunez took his own life in November 1974. In 1980, the state fire marshal's office, lacking leads, closed the case. Media coverage Coverage of the fire by news outlets minimized the fact that LGBT patrons constituted the majority of the victims, while editorials and talk radio hosts made light of the event. No government officials made mention of the fire. As Robert L. Camina, writer/director of a documentary about the fire (Upstairs Inferno), said be unable to light the lighter with 100 children being used in testing). However, lighters manufactured at a cost higher than $2.50 do not have to be child safe. The Lighter Association, a lobbying organization pushing for the U.S. Congress to ban novelty lighters, draws its board members from Bic, Scripto, Swedish Match, and Calico Brands (four of the largest non-novelty lighter manufacturers). This constitutes a significant conflict of interest as non-novelty lighter manufacturers have a significant financial incentive to decrease competition from novelty lighter manufacturers despite the lack of statistical evidence that novelty lighters are more dangerous to children leaf-nosed bat, (H. speoris). Description Allen described its dorsal fur as bistre in color from the shoulders down the rest of the body. The head, neck, and shoulders are lighter in color than the rest of the back. Individual hairs are bicolored on the back, with the base of the hair lighter than the tip. The ventral fur is buffy gray in color, with the throat much lighter than the rest of the ventral surface. Its ears and feet are light brown, while its wing membranes are dark brown. Its total body is 104 mm (4.1 in) long; its tail is 38 mm (1.5 in) long; its foot to be confused with the meaning of match as in matchsticks or the "permanent match" (see below), this type of lighter consists of a length of slow match in a holder, with means to ignite and to extinguish the match. While the glowing match does not generally supply enough energy to start a fire without further kindling, it is fully sufficient to light a cigarette. The main advantage of this design shows itself in windy conditions, where the glow of the match is fanned by the wind instead of being blown out. Permanent match A typical form of lighter is the that the Thompson could not be radically lightened without a deterioration in its controllability, as a heavy gun was necessary in automatic fire, to counteract and stabilize the effects on control and accuracy of its heavy bolt moving back and forwards. The Reising's bolt is much lighter due to its delayed blowback mechanism being the main determinant of the automatic rate of fire; and consequently the whole gun could be correspondingly light without detracting from accuracy and controllability. The mechanism works as follows: as the cartridge is chambered, the rear end of the bolt is pushed up into a recess, Lighters have a special piece of gemstone that can be revealed by removing the outer casing of the lighter. The lighter requires maintenance by the Makai Priests time and again or it can stall (as seen with Amon working on Kouga's lighter). The Madō Lighter also requires occasional "refueling", which is done by having Madō Fire blasted into the gemstone piece by the Watchdogs' wolf statue. The Madō Lighter is often seen used to heal, open "Orders Documents" (see below), detect Horrors, and activate the Blazing Armament technique. By the time of Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono, these lighters can
good towards you. I speak like one of your own children. I am an Indian, a red-skin, and live by hunting and fishing, but my country is already too small; and I do not know how to bring up my children, if I give it all away. We sold you a fine tract of land at St. Mary's. We said to you then, it was enough to satisfy your children, and the last we should sell: and we thought it would be the last you would ask for. We have now told you what we had to say. It is did not want to shake hands, but did so for the press: "And so they finally extended hands. Clements says, 'Well, Mark, your cartridge is dry', and White looked at Clements and said, 'Bill, you ready for business?.' Bashur also recalled that he said to Clements during the debate prep: "Why don't we get under White's skin? Let's get him off stride. When you get any kind of question about the budget, segue into that we've got to live within our means and cut waste." I suggested that Clements say, "To cut waste, I'll sell the jet." I suggested [we] itemize that I loved so much that I will say farewell to life and to all of you, my beloved wife, and my beloved friends. I forgive all those who did me evil, or who wanted to do so, with the exception of he who betrayed us to redeem his skin, and those who sold us out. I ardently kiss you, as well as your sister and all those who know me, near and far; I hold you all against my heart. Farewell. Your friend, your comrade, your husband, Manouchian Michel P.S. I have 15,000 francs in the valise on the rue de self-medication. "Black Zombie" is an impassioned, self-reflective critique of problems afflicting the African-American community, including prejudice ("You believe when they say we ain't shit, we can't grow / All we are is dope dealers and gangstas and hoes"), economic insolvency ("What do we own? The skin on our backs / We rent and we ask for reparations, then they hit us with tax"), and dependency ("I'ma Colombia record slave / So get paid / Control your own destiny, you are a genius / Don't let it happen to you like it did to me, I was a black zombie"). Its socially Nábrók Nábrók (calqued as necropants, literally "corpse britches") are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead man, which are believed in Icelandic witchcraft to be capable of producing an endless supply of money. It is unlikely these pants ever existed outside of folklore. Ritual The ritual for making necropants is described as follows: If you want to make your own necropants (literally; nábrók), you have to get permission from a living man to use his skin after his death. After he has been buried, you must dig up his body and flay the skin of the corpse in there you know it so well that it is like an identity a thing that is so much a thing that it could not ever be any other thing and then you live somewhere else and years later, the address that was so much an address that it was like your name and you said it as if it was not an address but something that was living and then years after you do not know what the address was and when you say it is not a name anymore but something you cannot remember. That is what makes your get it played and if they say 'take something out' or whatever - you do it. In fact what you do is exactly what was done - you make as much press out of it as possible. You ring up the Evening Standard and say: 'Did you know that the BBC won't play our record because it mentions your paper?'" Covers A cover version of the song appears on Captain Sensible's second solo album, The Power of Love. to have surgery, she decided to have it done in Ireland, because she felt that the Irish are more supportive and comfortable with illness than people in the U.S.; she envisaged that treatment in the U.S. would feel impersonal. Hunt decided to have a complete mastectomy with no following reconstruction. She says, "Reconstruction – as if the breast is miraculously put back to the way it was. In fact, pretty much all you get is your cleavage back; you don't get any feeling or sensitivity... They take muscles from your back, skin from your thighs, fat from your stomach. You more than twenty years, and know him to be a poor, dirty curse. ... I say again, you Gladdenites, do not court persecution, or you will get more than you want, and it will come quicker than you want it. I say to you Bishops, do not allow them to preach in your wards. Who broke the roads to these valleys? Did this little nasty [Alfred] Smith, and his wife? No they staid in St. Louis while we did it, peddling ribbons, and kissing the Gentiles. I know what they have done here—they have asked exorbitant prices for their nasty to this side [the nose of the board touching the ground]. A transfer trick—I'd been doing that since the late seventies, so that I could, in turn, do things like that [performs a trick]. When I saw him [Gelfand] do it on the wall, I'm immediately thinking of the mechanics of it; how do you get your board off the ground, how would you get your board off the ground like he did off the wall? 'Cause I'm stuck on flat ground, not weightless ... the first ones I did took about, I don't know, about five or ten minutes
captain, but even with the constant data coming in from his valued spy, Dom is still unsure whether Tylor really knows what he is doing or if he is just a fool. Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (Japanese); Josh Mosby (English) Light novels The Irresponsible Captain Tylor is adapted from the series of light novels The Most Irresponsible Man in Space by Hitoshi Yoshioka and published under Fujimi Shobo's Fujimi Fantasia Bunko label. The series is mainly split into a three trilogies which are partly adapted by anime. There are no light novels in this series that has been translated. Manga Set forms as Japanese literature integrated Western influences. Natsume Sōseki and Mori Ōgai were the first "modern" novelists of Japan, followed by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, Yukio Mishima and, more recently, Haruki Murakami. Japan has two Nobel Prize-winning authors – Yasunari Kawabata (1968) and Kenzaburō Ōe (1994). Comics and animation Japanese comics or graphic novels, known as manga, developed in the 20th century and have become popular worldwide. Rakuten Kitazawa was first to use the word "manga" in the modern sense. Anime are influenced by manga, and are often adapted from them. Japanese animated films and television series, known as anime, were Camp and Davis Julie have also compared it to Groundhog Day. Steve Heisler of The A.V. Club compared it to the 2011 film Inception. Manga UK traces the roots of time loop anime and manga to Beautiful Dreamer. The time loop device has since appeared in numerous Japanese anime, manga, and light novels, such as the 1987 anime series Kimagure Orange Road in the Christmas episode ("Kyosuke Timetrips! The Third Christmas"), the "Endless Eight" arc of the Haruhi Suzumiya light novels (2004) and anime series (2009), and the light novel All You Need is Kill (2004) which was adapted into the In the 1960s, manga artist and animator Osamu Tezuka adapted and simplified many Disney animation techniques to reduce costs and to limit the number of frames in productions. He intended this as a temporary measure to allow him to produce material on a tight schedule with inexperienced animation staff. Three Tales, aired in 1960, was the first anime shown on television. The first anime television series was Otogi Manga Calendar, aired from 1961 to 1964. The 1970s saw a surge of growth in the popularity of manga, Japanese comic books and graphic novels, many of which were later animated. The work Shot-for-shot Production uses In the film industry, most screenplays are adapted into a storyboard by the director and/or storyboard artists to visually represent the director's vision for each shot, so that the crew can understand what is being aimed for. Manga to anime Many Japanese anime series that are based on a preceding manga series strive to adapt the story without many changes. If the anime and manga are being produced concurrently, however, and should the anime overtake the release of new source material, the producers might then be forced to create their own new ending to the story, go Hiroyuki (artist) Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ, born April 23, 1982) is a Japanese manga creator from Ishikawa, Japan. He is notable for the creation of the four-panel comic strip manga Dōjin Work which is the first of his works to be adapted into an anime. He also created the four-panel manga series The Comic Artist and Assistants, which was serialized from 2008 to 2012, with a sequel serialized from August 2013, and adapted into an anime television series which aired in 2014. Hiroyuki has also created dōjinshi based on the Type-Moon visual novels Tsukihime and Fate/stay night. His older sister, Kouji Megumi that it paved the way for true pornography in Japan as well as for multiple other genres of Japanese pornographic film including: hamedori, roshutsu, and Japanese bondage. Other Japanese pornography genres include: group sex (with gang bang as a subgenre), lesbian, and fetishes (particularly foot fetishes). Lotion play is a popular element in Japanese pornography. Hentai and seijin manga (adult cartoons) The genre of erotica known to the West as hentai (erotic cartoons or drawings) was invented in Japan; They are used in erotic manga (Japanese comic books, graphic novels) and anime (Japanese animation). The word "hentai" has a Infinite Dendrogram Light novels It was originally published by Sakon Kaidō as a free-to-read web novel on Shōsetsuka ni Narō in 2015 and Hobby Japan published the first volume in print with illustrations by Taiki in October 2016. As of October 1, 2018, eight volumes have been published. Manga The light novel series was adapted into a manga series by Kami Imai and published by Hobby Japan, with four volumes released as of January 26, 2019. Both the manga and light novel series are licensed by J-Novel Club. Anime An anime television series adaptation was announced on January 25, 2019. parody of the popular Iron Chef cooking show. In another one, the characters drink a potion to make them the heroes of various anime series, such as Urusei Yatsura, Darkstalkers, Sailor Moon, and even literary classics, such as Alexandre Dumas's The Three Musketeers and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. Criticisms Many fans of the original manga disliked the anime version, viewing it as being unfaithful to the manga with its many differences in story (adapted by Hiroyuki Kawasaki) and character design (adapted by Keiji Gotō). There is some debate over whether Sorcerer Hunters was edited to match with Japanese featured gameplay in genres such as visual novels, dating sims, or "strip" versions of games of skill such as pachinko or checkers. The rise mobile gaming has presented new opportunities for gay eroge; the 2016 mobile gacha game Tokyo Afterschool Summoners is the first large-scale gay game, featuring voice actors and commercially produced character artwork. Anime In contrast to hentai and yaoi, which are regularly adapted from manga to original video animations (OVAs) and ongoing animated series, there have been no anime adaptations of gay manga. This can be owed to the significant financial costs associated with producing animation relative
by Ancient and released in late 1991 for Sega's 8-bit consoles, the Master System and Game Gear. Its plot and gameplay mechanics are similar to the 16-bit version, though some level themes and digital assets are different and Chaos Emeralds are scattered throughout levels rather than special stages. Gameplay as a whole is simplified; the level design is flatter and has a larger focus on exploration, with no vertical loops, and Sonic cannot re-collect his rings after being hit. The game has a different soundtrack composed by Yuzo Koshiro, which includes adaptations of music from the original version. It was all used a very similar 8-bit CPU. The difference in their processing power is due to other causes. For example, the Commodore 64 contains 64 kilobytes of RAM and the Atari 2600 has much less at 128 bytes of RAM. The jump from 8-bit machines to 16-bit machines to 32-bit machines made a noticeable difference in performance, so consoles from certain generations are frequently referred to as 8-bit or 16-bit consoles. However, the "bits" in a console are no longer a major factor in their performance. The Nintendo 64, for example, has been outpaced by several 32-bit machines. Aside Orbs enemy and the time machine within Skynet. The Game Boy version uses some music from the arcade game Narc. Release The game was converted to the 16-bit game consoles Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and SNES, along with the 8-bit Sega Master System and Nintendo Game Boy. However, the Mega Drive/Genesis and Master System versions could not do scaling due to hardware limitations, and many of the images were redrawn at different sizes. The Game Boy version got around this problem by having the enemies move from the side or top of the screen. The MS-DOS port of the game was very loyal 1980s in video gaming Third generation consoles 1983-1995 Starting in 1983 the third generation began with the Japanese release of the Family Computer (or "Famicom"; later known as the Nintendo Entertainment System in the rest of the world) by Nintendo. Although the previous generation of consoles had also used 8-bit processors, it was at the end of this generation that home consoles were first labeled by their "bits". This also came into fashion as 16-bit systems like Sega's Genesis were marketed to differentiate between the generations of consoles. In the United States, this generation in gaming was primarily dominated by come with a game board and pieces which players had to use in conjunction to play the game. Although the Odyssey² never became as popular as the Atari consoles, it sold 2 million units throughout its lifetime. This made it the third best selling console of the generation. It was discontinued in 1984. Intellivision The Intellivision was introduced by Mattel to test markets in 1979 and nationally in 1980. The Intellivision console contained a 16-bit processor with 16-bit registers and 16-bit system RAM. This was long before the "16-bit era". Programs were however stored on 10-bit ROM. It also had completed all their contractual obligations for the 8-bit consoles and 16-bit computers, it was already too late to establish a significant foothold within the 16-bit console market. Graftgold would only develop one title apiece for the Mega Drive and Super NES (Ottifants and Empire Soccer 94 respectively, although the latter would remain unpublished). The fledgling PlayStation market remained a difficult nut to crack. Just as the transition from 8-bit to 16-bit had escalated development costs and required a significant expansion of resources, so too did the transition from 16-bit to 32-bit platforms. PlayStation development kits were notoriously expensive. Graftgold were built-in FM sound. This allowed computer game music to have greater complexity than the simplistic beeps from internal speakers. These FM synth boards produced a "warm and pleasant sound" that musicians such as Yuzo Koshiro and Takeshi Abo utilized to produce music that is still highly regarded within the chiptune community. The widespread adoption of [[Frequency modulation synthesis |FM synthesis]] by consoles would later be one of the major advances of the 16-bit era, by which time 16-bit arcade machines were using multiple FM synthesis chips. One of the earliest home computers to make use of digital signal processing in the form main menus, with the tactical simulation part rendered at 640x480 with only 16 colors. The higher resolution permitted finer detail in the graphics and allowed for the illusion that more than 16 colors were used by means of dithering. Similar graphics and same levels design were used in the Macintosh, 3DO, Atari Jaguar and RiscPC ports. A separate version was made for the simpler, 16-bit consoles, as the hardware could not support the complexity of the original game. It contained new level design and different graphics, and was released for Sega Mega Drive and SNES. Later, it was released on the masters. Cover versions Chiptune artists 8 Bit Weapon released their 8 bit music tribute to the original Tron soundtrack. The tribute was made using vintage computers and video game consoles such as Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo Game Boy, Apple II, and Atari 2600. CPC port, but was never released for that computer. In Spanish markets, the game was released as Malvinas '82 (the Spanish name for the Falkland Islands) and included a manual which was never translated into English. In 1986, Cockayne decided to alter products for release on 16-bit consoles, since smaller 8-bit consoles, such as the ZX Spectrum, lacked the processing power for larger strategy games. The decision was falsely interpreted by video game journalist Phillipa Irving as "pulling out" from the Spectrum market. Following years of successful sales throughout the mid-1980s, Personal Software Services experienced financial difficulties, and Cockayne admitted
through it, but I think we have to stop putting these words on us. We have to let go of it and not give it so much power. It's okay to just be okay, and to know that it's okay that you might have depression or you might go through depressive periods. I want people to be feel like they're not alone. "Oh, Ashley goes through this too. I don't feel so alone at home." I didn't want to dwell on it [with the music]. — Ashley Tisdale Promotion The album was supported by the lead single, "Voices in My Head", released a really bad scene." But you say, "Well, that's okay, the next one'll be better." And you somehow try to convince yourself that it's going to get better… and it just gets worse. And I was like, "Wow. That was crazy." I mean, I really didn't see that coming. So at that point, I distanced myself from the movie. Now, of course, it has a whole other life as a sort of inadvertent… satire. No, "satire" isn't the right word. But it's inadvertently funny. So it's found its place. It provides entertainment, though not in the way I think it I really enjoyed. Some people still come up and say they like it and have it in their collections and talk about it being hugely underrated. The producers originally wanted to import Tom Conti to play the lead but Actors Equity objected. Peter Bensley was cast instead. Release The film was unsuccessful at the box office. I think the script was okay. It's very hard to do comedy, and it's either funny or it isn't. I learnt a lot about comedy on that one. I think we would've been better off if the budget hadn't been so high, if we hadn't been George Takei didn't have 5 million followers, it was just confined to people who read the newspaper. Now, oh my God, it's unbelievable. I actually heard from people who said that the letter wasn't real and that I planted that letter so it would go viral. My response is, 'If I could make something go viral, I would do every day.' It's in the very nature of virality, you can't make it happen. a movie, but has had movies thoroughly explained to him. There's not often that a work of film has every creative decision that's made in it on a moment-by-moment basis seemingly be the wrong one. [...] The Room, to me, shatters the distinction between good and bad. Do I think it's a good movie? No. Do I think it's a strong movie that moves me on the level that art usually moves me? Absolutely not. But I can't say it's bad because it's so watchable. It's so fun. It's brought me so much joy. How can something that's bad do But it's safe to say it has been a learning experience, making up better musicians and people. The past two years we have written, discarded, and re-written, over and over. Now, we finally have a record that we could not be more proud of. We’re ready to share this music with the world! We've heard some talk about Kickstarter, and how it's helped passionate people achieve an important goal. Since we're in a "make or break" spot, we figured it's our best option. It's scary to even think about, but this may be our only hope! So, after a few months of bag, but it's all right. We have a mutual friend in Chris Martin. So I am a guy who doesn't like hip-hop—shock, horror. I don't dislike rappers or hip-hop or people who like it. I went to the Def Jam tour in Manchester in the '80s when rap was inspirational. Public Enemy were awesome. But it's all about status and bling now, and it doesn't say anything to me." When Jay-Z was asked about Gallagher's comments he said "I haven't spoken to him [Gallagher], I heard he was reaching out. I don't bear any grudge, it's all good. I just but gee I couldn't". The NSW Opposition Leader of the time, John Brogden was quoted to say "it is simply a bad piece of music. I think it actually strangles the national anthem, which is what I think is upsetting people the most. It's not like it's a slight change on the version that people are willing to entertain for a party. What it is on this occasion is a very bad piece of music and that's why I think the public anger has been so strong. I think people actually regard the treatment of the national anthem as disrespectful, cause À Tout le Monde Music and lyrics The music video for "A Tout le Monde" was banned by MTV, who claimed it was pro-suicide. However, in an interview conducted around 1994, Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine stated: It's not a suicide song. What it is, it's, you, it's when people have a loved one that dies and they end on a bad note, you know, they wish that they could say something to them. So this is an opportunity for the deceased to say something before they go. And it was my impression of what I would like to say to Hate My Life Song meaning According to Tyler Connolly, the band's lead singer, this song enables people to feel that no matter how bad their own life is going, that there is always someone out there who feels just as bad. During a concert, Tyler explained that "I wrote this song because one day I got out of bed and was like 'Today feels like it's going to be a bad day. I can feel it.' I realized that there are people out there that have it worse than most people who bitch and complain, and decided to write it so
homunculus, or the visual representation of how your brain sees your body, was discovered by Wilder Penfield. a world-famous brain surgeon. Upon ending his career as part of the McGill medical faculty, he served as the director of Neurological Institute. The Somatosensory systemis the part of our sensory system that deals with touch. We wouldn’t be able to feel things like temperatures, pain, pressure, vibration, and skin rash without the unwavering help of our somatosensory system. The peripheral nervous system has the ability to understand touch, pressure, vibration, limb position, heat, Cold, and Pain. This information is sent through the peripheral the experiences of the actors we observe: our heart, for instance, starts beating faster while we see an actor slip from the roof of a tall building. Why? Specific brain areas are involved when we perform certain actions or have certain emotions or sensations. Some of these areas are also recruited when we simply observe someone else performing similar actions, having similar sensations or having similar emotions. These areas called 'shared circuits' transform what we see into what we would have done or felt in the same situation. With such brain areas, understanding other people is not an effort of 2008: We stand by our new material. We are really excited about this EP and nothing is going to change how we feel when we listen back to what we just finished recording. This music is exciting to us! We have never wished to repeat ourselves...we all made a pact a long time ago that we'd rather break up the band then make music that don't inspire our brains. We've never tried to be anything we are not...If you can't accept our new direction, we understand. We still love you all. Feel free to comment away, we welcome your thoughts. — Chronic Future On Amit Sood Basic Tenets Sood's life work is committed to decreasing suffering and increasing happiness. As per Sood, pain is unavoidable, but a large proportion of suffering is optional. Suffering is unrelenting pain for which one cannot find meaning. Suffering can be decreased by greater self-awareness, developing intentional attention, and emotional resilience. Sood claims self-awareness is becoming aware of who we are as a species and how our brain operates. Sood notes that when we are awake, our brain seesaws between two functional modes - focused mode of intentional presence or default mode of mind wandering. An average person spends half are, everything we are able to do and everything we feel is governed by the functioning of our brain. What we grow to see as fundamentally ‘me’ is a product of our brain and the experiences that have shaped it. When a child experiences a brain injury, its effects could alter his or her academic abilities, likes and dislikes, friendship groups, talents and skills, plans for the future, relationships with parents and siblings, physical prowess - everything that made the child the person they knew themselves to be. The dissonance between the self-image pre injury and the new one and helping others: We can try to limit suffering, to fight against it, but we cannot eliminate it. It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by withdrawing from anything that might involve hurt, when we try to spare ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness, that we drift into a life of emptiness, in which there may be almost no pain, but the dark sensation of meaninglessness and abandonment is all the greater. Benedict believes that not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering are we healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through emphasise work/life balance and are fairly certain that our work culture defies the norm in every aspect. Need a brain break? Play fetch with the office dog. Challenge your coworkers to a game of MarioKart. Build some lego. Take 10 minutes for a yoga retreat in our yoga room. Blow off some steam at our ritual ‘Friday’s Bar’. Come skydiving with us. Travel the world with your team for a company conference. We know that our employees are the backbone of our business, of our success - and we make sure our workplace environment reflects that.” Achievements Ordbogen was awarded woundedness, we will find only temporary relief for our emotional pain. However, if we find renewal for our past, we can redeem our present. 4. Since many of the negative emotions we currently feel are reflections of the past, they provide opportunities for the wounds of our lives to be exposed and thus for renewal to occur. 5. To facilitate emotional renewal, we need to identify the three basic elements in the renewal process: (1) the present emotional pain, (2) the original memory container and (3) the original lie(s) implanted in the memory container. 6. People are in emotional bondage understand this, if we take these maxims as ends in themselves, they will limit the possibility of getting to know our own system, or message. These concepts are constructive if we use them as elements to nourish our inner path but never as ends in themselves. Our first challenge, then, is to break free from this established system to generate a new language and a new way of communicating with ourselves, and thus be able to know what we do when we feel the impulse to generate, yet not knowing what we are doing. In this new system of communication, the a good thing we have physical pain because if we didn’t then how would we know that something is wrong with our bodies? (207) If we did not feel pain we would harm our bodies because we could stick our hands into fire. Not every practice may work for everyone. Everyone just has to try and figure out their own way of dealing with suffering and turning it into a positive feedback. Chapter 15: Basic Spiritual Values The beginning of the chapter discusses how the art of happiness has many different components. It talks about what the book has established
words described . Finger purse (Ma che vuoi) Keep your fingers together, with tips touching and pointing upward. Arm is about a foot distance away from the body. Hands can move up and down at the wrist or be held. English meaning: What do you mean? Prayer clasp (Ti prego) Put your palms devoutly and press them in front of the chest. English meaning: Would you please do me a favor? Finger kiss (Eccellente) Bunch ten fingers together and lift them to the same height as mouth. Then use hand to touch the lips. English meaning: Excellent. A line drain of waste products." According to the guidelines, "a touch assist may be done by anyone, on anyone." The person performing the touch assist must explain to the person who is ill how it works. Only once this is done this can he perform the actual touch assist, using one finger, not two ("If you used two fingers the (person) could be confused about which he was supposed to look at or feel."). Once this is done, he must tell the person "End of assist." Procedure According to the 1994 edition of The Scientology Handbook, the person giving the assist is "Scratching Both Walls at Once". In this piece she made more finger extension gloves, but this time measured it so that they specifically fit the selected space. If the chosen participant stood in the middle of the room, they could exactly touch opposing walls simultaneously. Another piece that involves the illusion of feeling and one's hand is Feather Fingers. (1972). A feather is attached to each finger with a metal ring. The hand becomes "as symmetrical (and as sensitive) as a bird's wing". When touching the opposite arm with these feather fingers one can feel the touch on the left arm the ground with vein-blue, thickening at the double, vertical themselves and the young grass and brake-fern combed vertical, but the brake struck the upright of all this with winged transomes. It was a lovely sight. - The bluebells in your hand baffle you with their inscape, made to every sense. If you draw your fingers through them they are lodged and struggle with a shock of wet heads; the long stalks rub and click and flatten to a fan on one another like your fingers themselves would when you passed the palms hard across one another, making a the thumb and the next two fingers. If you arrange the fingers in a three-dimensional shape so the first finger and thumb are perpendicular to one another and the second finger is perpendicular to the first aiming downwards then this is the way magnetic fields with addition of flowing current will act. The thumb represents the direction of motion. The first finger represents the direction of the magnetic field while the second finger represents the direction of the current. Therefore, as long as you know the direction of one of these three variables you will be able to predict the know all that I have named for you. It is yours to work with and to use following your own wishes. But from now on when a baby girl is born to your tribe you shall go and find a spider web woven at the mouth of some hole; you must take it and rub it on the baby's hand and arm. Thus, when she grows up she will weave, and her fingers and arms will not tire from the weaving." The Separation of Men and Women One day First Man brought home a fine deer that he had killed. screening questions ● Do you (or does your child) have any pain or stiffness in your joints, muscles or your back? ● Do you (or does your child) have any difficulty getting yourself dressed without any help? ● Do you (or does your child) have any difficulty going up and down stairs? Gait ● Observe the child walking ● “Walk on your tip-toes / walk on your heels” Arms ● “Put your hands out in front of you” ● “Turn your hands over and make a fist” ● “Pinch your index finger and thumb together” ● “Touch the tips of your fingers with your thumb” ● Squeeze the metacarpophalangeal joints ● “Put the Great Spirit - God - in whose hands all power is, and to whom all are accountable." Ritual The order has a secret ritual, signs and passwords. New members are required to attend an initiation ceremony. The Degree's sign of recognition was a right hand raised to face level with the two fore fingers extended, the last two fingers closed, and the thumb on the third finger, signifying "Who are you?" The correct answer was the same gesture with the left hand meaning "A friend". Philanthropy They have provided financial support to fight communism. you feel your partner will be able to win will vary in each situation, you should bid based on that assumption and not only on the cards in your hand. On the other hand, it is also important to remember that your partner will be using the same strategy in their bidding; and therefore, if your partner bids six hearts, for example, you may not necessarily want to bid eight hearts simply because you have two cards of the proposed trump suit in your hand. When confronted with a hand that is more-or-less even in two different suits, it is customary to fingers") and "ἐπίπταισμα" (epiptaisma). Finger snapping is still common in modern Greece. Finger snapping may be used as a substitute for hand clapping. The University of Michigan Men's Glee Club has a long tradition of doing this. The club's history states, "The reason behind this (as legend goes) is you can't clap and hold a beer [at the same time]! Another possible reason is that snapping is less disruptive than clapping during speeches and announcements." Finger snapping at poetry readings has become traditional. Snapping one's fingers abruptly and repetitively, often in conjunction with one or more spoken exclamations, is commonly employed in
in the perception of vertigo. Tinnitus Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring. Rarely, unclear voices or music are heard. The sound may be soft or loud, low pitched or high pitched and appear to be coming from one ear or both. Most of the time, it comes on gradually. In some people, the sound causes depression, anxiety, or concentration difficulties. Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom that can result from a number of underlying causes. One of hearing loss and sometimes tinnitus as well. Traumatic noise exposure can happen at work (e.g. loud machinery), at play (e.g. loud sporting events, concerts, recreational activities), and/or by accident (e.g. a backfiring engine.) Noise induced hearing loss is sometimes unilateral and typically causes patients to lose hearing around the frequency of the triggering sound trauma. Tinnitus Tinnitus is an auditory disorder characterized by the perception of a sound (ringing, chirping, buzzing, etc.) in the ear in the absence of an external sound source. There are two types of tinnitus: subjective and objective. Subjective is the most common and can only asked if he had any plans for Happy Feet Three. He replied by saying: "if you put a gun to my head and said, 'You have to come up with a story for Happy Feet 3,' I’d say shoot me. I would have no idea. I really would have no idea. The stories creep up on you. You just have to allow the stories to come, and then they get in like little ear worms in your head and they won’t go away. If that happens and we’ve got the energy, we’ll do a third one. If it doesn’t happen, by Brady, who asked if he had come for "the miniature wine bottles", and left him in the kitchen saying that he was going to collect the wine. Smith later told the police: I waited about a minute or two then suddenly I heard a hell of a scream; it sounded like a woman, really high-pitched. Then the screams carried on, one after another really loud. Then I heard Myra shout, "Dave, help him," very loud. When I ran in I just stood inside the living room and I saw a young lad. He was lying time to get it under control and get my life under control. I was very, very sick. I was very ill. I had screaming loud noises in my left ear from the tinnitus, and I just felt sick all the time." In October 2010, Adams began making sporadic live performances around Los Angeles, and subsequently embarked upon a European tour in June 2011, performing new songs alongside older material. Regarding the tour, Adams noted, "[It] was the most fun I’ve had ever. I couldn't have imagined it being any better than it was. [...] I just felt really connected and it are basically metaphors that just happen to really exist, that's what I thought was so amazing about the idea." On June 30, published an interview with Dewees that further elaborated on this idea: "The record was inspired solely by me going to rehab. It was a choice that I made. New York is a great city and you can get anything that you want at any time of the day – and I was getting anything I wanted at any time of the day. One morning I was like, “What a fucking mess I’ve made. I decided to get clean." by killing one of the non-playable characters. Development and controversy Harvester was developed by FutureVision (renamed DigiFX by the time of the game's release). Writer/director Gilbert P. Austin recounted: My feeling was that FutureVision, being a small company, would need something “high concept” to compete with the industry giants of the time, and I argued that Harvester was exactly that idea. It was really the only idea that I pitched. I remember that it came to me in a flash. That’s how I get a lot of my ideas, in creative rushes where I can barely write fast enough to get can happen. And it could really rock your world I imagine, if you all of a sudden thought that you might be in love with a woman and maybe you weren't before." Following the announcement that Erica was being written out of Grey's Anatomy, Smith was asked whether she was happy with the direction the storyline had taken. She responded: "You know, I was starting to get there, yeah. I was personally a little impatient with the gay panic, but it was more Callie's thing anyway. I think Dr. Hahn was sort of figuring it out." She deemed the scene which hate to be the guy who keeps the old saw going of comparing us to the States, but if you direct a whole bunch of really quality MOWs for HBO and you get a bunch of Emmys, your phone is ringing off the hook. Everybody wants to work with you. Up here it just doesn't happen. I don't know why." it doesn’t happen. That’s the only way you can do it. It has to be authentic. I really wanted to make this film better than the first one. Otherwise, at my age, what’s the point? You really want to make it better. If something comes up that’s really exciting and I can convey that enthusiasm to other people, then there would be a third one." Mad Max: Fury Road (sequels and spinoffs) In 2011, Miller and McCarthy found during the writing process for Mad Max: Fury Road that they had enough story material for two additional scripts. One of these,
of the most influential figures in modern Bengali Shaktism: Kali is none other than Brahman. That which is called Brahman is really Kali. She is the Primal Energy. When that Energy remains inactive, I call It Brahman, and when It creates, preserves, or destroys, I call It Shakti or Kali. What you call Brahman I call Kali. Brahman and Kali are not different. They are like fire and its power to burn: if one thinks of fire one must think of its power to burn. If one recognizes Kali one must also recognize Brahman; again, if one recognizes Brahman one must Paper Toss Gameplay Paper Toss is set in an office. The player's objective is to flick a piece of paper into a bin. To make the game more challenging, there is a fan running in the space, thus the wind direction and speed are displayed, as they need to be accounted for when flicking the piece of paper. Players are scored on how many times they manage to toss the paper into the bin before missing. There are online leaderboards and 8 different levels: 3 office levels with small, medium and large distances away from the bin, an airport high moisture content and the understory is often lush green. As such, conifer crown fires often stop once they reach a stand of paper birch or become slower-moving ground fires. Since these stands are fire-resistant, they may become seed trees to reseed the area around them that was burned. However, in dry periods, paper birch is flammable and will burn rapidly. As the bark is flammable, it often will burn and may girdle the tree. Wildlife Birch bark is a winter staple food for moose. The nutritional quality is poor because of the large quantities of lignin, which make digestion the only species. Paper birch is considered well adapted to fires because it recovers quickly by means of reseeding the area or regrowth from the burned tree. The lightweight seeds are easily carried by the wind to burned areas, where they quickly germinate and grow into new trees. Paper birch is adapted to ecosystems where fires occur every 50 to 150 years For example, it is frequently an early invader after fire in black spruce boreal forests. As paper birch is a pioneer species, finding it within mature or climax forests is rare because it will be overcome by trees that points are earned. If the piece behind the target piece is also of the same color, it is also "zooped". The same goes for the next piece, and so on. If a piece of a different color from the player's current piece is shot, the player's piece will switch colors with it. This is also what happens when a piece of a different color is encountered after zooping one or more pieces of the same color. When the quota of "zooped" pieces is met, the game speeds up, and (before level 10) the background changes. Various special pieces do different or has opened while food is in the freezer, the food is still safe to use, but it is still recommended to overwrap or rewrap it. Chicken should be away from other foods, so if they begin to thaw, their juices won't drip onto other foods. If previously frozen chicken is purchased at a retail store, it can be refrozen if it has been handled properly. Chicken can be cooked or reheated from the frozen state, but it will take approximately one and a half times as long to cook, and any wrapping or absorbent paper should be discarded. There are of paper could be torn apart but not a sculpture, held the idea of lasting permanence to the thought of creating. To this day he becomes depressed when he is not involved in the process of creation, he becomes impossible. "Something curious happens to me when I sit down to begin the process of translating the images in my imagination into this third dimension. I see the whole piece finished, actually totally finished, in my minds eye, even before I begin. But, as we all know, imagination can be very treacherous." To describe Carbonell's sculptures they like other preprint services, circulates publications throughout the scholarly community at an early stage, permitting the author to incorporate comments into the final version of the paper before its publication in a journal. Moreover, even if access to the published paper is restricted, access to the original working paper remains open through SSRN, so long as the author decides to keep the paper up. Often authors take papers down at the request of publishers, particularly if they are published by commercial or university presses that depend on payment for paper copies or online access. Academic papers in PDF format can ensure the relevance of the piece. Both expansive installations include the use of natural materials such as saplings, as well as brown paper, providing a rock like or textured look to selected mediums. However, both pieces were dramatically different, with the Eiteljorg work focusing heavily on murals and wall constructs, and the Atlanta work focusing on an exploratory forest-like environment. Canoes If I have a religion, it must be canoeing...I canoe wherever there's water. It puts me in a totally different state of mind and provides all I need to exist. – Truman Lowe A classic symbol of Native America, the canoe them. In outdoor campfires, paper can be wadded up to reduce this hazard; wadded paper also burns more quickly. Magnesium is sold in stores in shaved or bar form. Shavings burn white-hot, are impossible to smother with carbon dioxide or sand, and can ignite even wet kindling. Solid bars are impossible to ignite under normal conditions (and difficult even with a welding torch), and are thus very safe to carry. Magnesium powder and shavings are pyrophoric (they oxidise rapidly when exposed to the air). It is dangerous to carry pre-shaved magnesium — at best, it loses potency, at worst, it can
California Balloon Law Senate Bill 1499 Senate Bill 1499, proposed by Senator Jack Scott to the California State Senate on May 29, 2008, would have banned foil-lined party balloons in California because of the power outages they cause when they snag on power lines. According to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, there are 100–150 power outages each year due to metallic balloons. These power outages affect thousands of customers statewide and are costly to repair. A study in 2007 indicated that Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and Burbank Water and Power experienced hundreds of balloon-related power outages that 2010 Iceland power outages The Iceland Power outages 2010 was a massive, widespread power outage that occurred nationwide in Iceland, on Wednesday, September 1 to 21, 2010, at approximately 21:00 UTC. At the time, it was one of the most widespread electrical outages in Icelandic history. The three largest aluminium smelters in Iceland were hit by the outage, leaving Century Aluminum Grundartangi and Rio Tinto Alcan Straumsvík totally off-grid. The third aluminium smelter, Alcoa Fjarðarál, was forced to reduce its operations to a bare minimum. Hot water became immediately scarce in some of the neighborhoods in Reykjavík, the capital, 20 often the cause of power outages. They can readily climb a power pole and crawl or run along a power cable. The animals will climb onto power transformers or capacitors looking for food, or a place to cache acorns. If they touch a high voltage conductor and a grounded portion of the enclosure at the same time, they are electrocuted, and often cause a short circuit that shuts down equipment. Squirrels have brought down the high-tech NASDAQ stock market twice and were responsible for a spate of power outages at the University of Alabama. To sharpen their teeth, squirrels will since most businesses and health facilities are prepared to deal with them. Extended power outages, however, can disrupt personal and business activities as well as medical and rescue services, leading to business losses and medical emergencies. Extended loss of power can lead to civil disorder, as in the New York City blackout of 1977. Only very rarely do power outages escalate to disaster proportions, however, they often accompany other types of disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, which hampers relief efforts. Electromagnetic pulses and voltage spikes from whatever cause can also damage electricity infrastructure and electrical devices. Recent notable power outages include and ensure the safety of the public. The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) sent linemen to assist the Bermuda Electric Light Company (BELCO) crews in the event of power outages from Gonzalo. Still completing restoration work after massive outages from Fay, BELCO stationed vehicles and supplies at strategic points on the island to prepare for the next hurricane. On the morning of October 16, BELCO switched its focus from Fay to Gonzalo, leaving around 1,500 households without power; the remaining affected customers were asked to refrain from calling to report outages. Ahead of the storm, the Royal Navy frigate HMS around Earth's magnetic poles. These are also known as the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) in the northern hemisphere, and the Southern Lights (aurora australis) in the southern hemisphere. Coronal mass ejections, along with solar flares of other origin, can disrupt radio transmissions and cause damage to satellites and electrical transmission line facilities, resulting in potentially massive and long-lasting power outages. Energetic protons released by a CME can cause an increase in the number of free electrons in the ionosphere, especially in the high-latitude polar regions. The increase in free electrons can enhance radio wave absorption, especially within the D-region of power outages in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. Nationwide, damage was estimated at $130 million (1996 USD). Later, the remnants of Josephine moved across Atlantic Canada, where rainfall peaked at 2.76 in (70 mm) in northern Newfoundland. The strongest winds in the region were 52 mph (83 km/h), strong enough to cause ferry service to be canceled or delayed. In Amherst and Fort Lawrence, the storm caused power outages and school closings. the Prime Minister visited the Philippines. Defensor Santiago was leading the canvassing of votes for the first five days. Following a string of power outages, the tabulation concluded, and Ramos was declared president-elect. Defensor Santiago filed a protest before the Supreme Court as electoral tribunal, citing the power outages during the counting of votes as evidence of massive fraud. Her election protest was eventually dismissed on a technicality. The public outrage over the presidential results prompted Newsweek to feature her and her rival on the cover with the question: "Was the Election Fair?" In another cover story, Philippines Free Press magazine severely damaged or destroyed throughout southern Illinois. Immediately after the MCV struck, Carbondale was reported to be virtually impassable due to the amount of debris on roadways. Marion, Murphysboro, Grand Tower, Johnston City, Herrin, Energy, and Carterville, Illinois, declared curfews and states of emergency due to power outages and the massive amounts of damage caused by the storms. Some of these cities were even left without water due to the power outages. In the city of Carbondale, damage was estimated at $3,000,000 USD, excluding damage at Southern Illinois University. Officials deemed 34 buildings a "total loss" and reported that would be hundreds of billions of dollars with the estimated time of recovery being decades. Furthermore, the electronic magnetic pulse (EMP), a high-voltage spike that radiates out from the detonation site, can disrupt the communication networks and electronic equipment within a 3-mile range from a 10-kiloton ground blast. The electrical power grid is likely to be damaged by the destruction of substations, power production facilities and distribution installations. The grid damage may cause power outages over wide areas and over several states. These outages should be repaired within several days to a couple of weeks. Communication systems would suffer similar
increasing access to, and use of insecticide treated mosquito nets among populations at risk for malaria. CCPN in collaboration with Networks used the results of the formative research to design, plan, implement and supervise BCC interventions in support of net care and repair in Kokona LGA. Home Fortification- A Campaign on Use of Micro Nutrient Powders (MNPs) The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) supports the development and implementation of home fortification products using micronutrient powders in Nigeria. CCPN is supporting GAIN and its partners in conducting formative research and implementing a BCC campaign to increase demand of MNPs among mothers and in the long-range order, while amorphous state is disordered, more open and porous. Common powders found in crystalline states are salts, sugars and organic acids. Meanwhile, many food products such as dairy powders, fruit and vegetable powders, honey powders and hydrolysed protein powders are normally in amorphous state. The properties of food powders including their functionality and their stability are highly dependent on these structures. Many of the desired and important properties of the food materials can be achieved by altering these structures. Powder surface composition and total surface area Powder is a particulated food with a large interfacial area. the efficiency of the antenna by increasing the current, without increasing its height. The height of antennas differ by usage. For some non-directional beacons (NDBs) the height can be as low as 10 meters, while for more powerful navigation transmitters such as DECCA, masts with a height around 100 meters are used. T-antennas have a height between 50 and 200 meters, while mast aerials are usually taller than 150 meters. The height of mast antennas for LORAN-C is around 190 meters for transmitters with radiated power below 500 kW, and around 400 meters for transmitters greater than 1,000 kilowatts. The main type of Global Tungsten & Powders Corp. History Global Tungsten & Powders Corp. began as the Patterson Screen Company in 1916, developing phosphors for the X-ray industry. Tungsten powder operations started in 1943, thermal spray powders in 1978. The processing of hard metal scrap to finished tungsten powders started 1990, soft scrap roaster were constructed 2006 and interconnect plates for solid oxide fuel cells in 2011. New markets are the energy exploration, green energy, hard materials and defense markets. Global Tungsten & Powders was purchased in 1993 by Osram. Since 2008 it is a fully owned subsidiary of the Plansee Group with Seidlitz powders Seidlitz powders is the generic name under which a commonly known laxative and digestion regulator was marketed and sold by numerous manufacturers under names such as "Rexall Seidlitz Powders", particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The three ingredients of Seidlitz powders (tartaric acid, potassium sodium tartrate and sodium bicarbonate) were manufactured by chemical factories from the mid-19th century onwards. The name 'Seidlitz powders' ultimately derives from the village of Sedlec in the Czech Republic. See also § Etymology below. The municipality of Sedlec (somewhat confusingly) is also the source of 'Sedlitz bitter water' (see also § gradually reduces with increasing height is on account of the reduction of the atmospheric air density with increasing height. Air density is also a function of temperature, which ordinarily also reduces with increasing height. However, these are only average conditions; local meteorological conditions can create phenomena such as temperature inversion layers where a warm layer of air settles above a cool layer. At the interface between them exists a relatively abrupt change in refractive index from a smaller value in the cool layer to a larger value in the warm layer. By analogy with the optical Snell's Law, this can the onset of the Industrial Revolution it was realized that the military and economic might of nations were dependent on both the body size and strength of their soldiers and workers. Increasing the average body mass index from what is now considered underweight to what is now the normal range played a significant role in the development of industrialized societies. Height and weight thus both increased through the 19th century in the developed world. During the 20th century, as populations reached their genetic potential for height, weight began increasing much more than height, resulting in obesity. In the 1950s increasing wealth the propellant to further modify the burn rate. Normally, very fast powders are used for light-bullet or low-velocity pistols and shotguns, medium-rate powders for magnum pistols and light rifle rounds, and slow powders for large-bore heavy rifle rounds. Double-base propellants Nitroglycerin can be added to nitrocellulose to form "double-base propellants". Nitrocellulose desensitizes nitroglycerin to prevent detonation in propellant-sized grains, (see dynamite), and the nitroglycerin gelatinises the nitrocellulose and increases the energy. Double-base powders burn faster than single-base powders of the same shape, though not as cleanly, and burn rate increases with nitroglycerin content. In artillery, Ballistite or Cordite study found that the likelihood of an explosion but not its severity increases significantly for nanoscale metal particles, and they can spontaneously ignite under certain conditions during laboratory testing and handling. High-resistivity powders can accumulate electric charge causing a spark hazard, and low-resistivity powders can build up in electronics causing a short circuit hazard, both of which can provide an ignition source. In general, powders of nanomaterials have higher resistivity than the equivalent micron-scale powders, and humidity decreases their resistivity. One study found powders of metal-based nanoparticles to be mid- to high-resistivity depending on humidity, while carbon-based nanoparticles were the burn rate because as the outside burns inward (thus shrinking the burning surface area) the inside is burning outward (thus increasing the burning surface area, but faster, so as to fill up the increasing volume of barrel presented by the departing projectile). Fast-burning pistol powders are made by extruding shapes with more area such as flakes or by flattening the spherical granules. Drying is usually performed under a vacuum. The solvents are condensed and recycled. The granules are also coated with graphite to prevent static electricity sparks from causing undesired ignitions. Faster-burning propellants generate higher temperatures and higher
human eye and which is impossible to replicate on a plane surface. Cause Figures 1-2 illustrate the principle of an artificial perspective projection. The artificial perspective projection image appears upon the projection plane (P). A supposed human eye is placed at the station point (S). In Figure 1 this human eye views both the object and the image of the object as if the projection plane did not exist. That is to say, to the eye, from the station point the image of the object is almost indistinguishable from the object itself (the only difference is a minimal perspective projection distortion). Figure Photograph A photograph (also known as a photo) is an image created by light falling on a photosensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic image sensor, such as a CCD or a CMOS chip. Most photographs are created using a camera, which uses a lens to focus the scene's visible wavelengths of light into a reproduction of what the human eye would see. The process and practice of creating such images is called photography. The word photograph was coined in 1839 by Sir John Herschel and is based on the Greek φῶς (phos), meaning "light," and γραφή (graphê), meaning the minimum the human eye needs to see to successfully create the illusion of movement). In fact, exploitations can be applied in the way the eye 'perceives' the world, and as a result, the final image presented is not necessarily that of the real world, but one close enough for the human eye to tolerate. Rendering software may simulate such visual effects as lens flares, depth of field or motion blur. These are attempts to simulate visual phenomena resulting from the optical characteristics of cameras and of the human eye. These effects can lend an element of realism to a scene, Cyclopean image Cyclopean image is a single mental image of a scene created by the brain by combining two images received from the two eyes. The mental process behind construction of the Cyclopean image is crucial to stereo vision. Autostereograms take advantage of this process to trick the brain into forming an apparent Cyclopean image from seemingly random patterns. Cyclopean image is named after the mythical Cyclops with a single eye. Literally it refers to the way stereo sighted viewers perceive the centre of their fused visual field as lying between the two physical eyes, as if seen by a cyclopean on the retina, they now focus them far behind the retina, resulting in an extremely blurred image from hypermetropia. By wearing a flat diving mask, humans can see clearly under water. The scuba mask's flat window separates the eyes from the surrounding water by a layer of air. Light rays entering from water into the flat parallel window change their direction minimally within the window material itself. But when these rays exit the window into the air space between the flat window and the eye, the refraction is quite noticeable. The view paths refract (bend) in a manner similar to viewing ColorCode 3-D ColorCode 3-D is an anaglyph 3D stereoscopic viewing system deployed in the 2000s that uses amber and blue filters. It is intended to provide the perception of nearly full colour viewing with existing television, digital and print mediums. Danish company ColorCode 3-D ApS distributes the system, and says that it is covered by a number of patents around the world including US patent 6687003. Technology One eye (left, amber filter) receives the cross-spectrum colour information and one eye (right, blue filter) sees a monochrome image designed to give the depth effect. The human brain ties both images together. Images Glued IOL Normal Eye The eye resembles a camera. Just as we take a photograph with the camera, so also the eye takes a photograph of an object seen by it. In the camera, an object is focused onto the film of the camera by a lens. This image is an inverted image and it is developed in the studio and made into an erect one. The same way, an object is focused by the lens of the eye onto the film of the eye called retina. This image is also roles in addition. They exercise control over the size of the pupil, and they lead to acute suppression of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland. Accommodation The purpose of the optics of the mammalian eye is to bring a clear image of the visual world onto the retina. Because of limited depth of field of the mammalian eye, an object at one distance from the eye might project a clear image, while an object either closer to or further from the eye will not. To make images clear for objects at different distances from the eye, its optical power the dimensions of the subjects. Using the Van Hare Effect, the human brain simply fills in an artificial dimensional depth in the painting, even if it is not there, thus allowing the user to appreciate the artwork in a new way. Uncovering Image of Video Manipulation -- Often, when an image or video has been manipulated, retouched, or edited, the changes are not readily apparent to the viewer. However, when the image or video is viewed while employing the Van Hare Effect—even without having the original unedited image—some of the manipulations may become obvious to the viewer and recognizable as changes Phantogram Phantograms, also known as Phantaglyphs, Op-Ups, free-standing anaglyphs, levitated images, and book anaglyphs, are a form of optical illusion. Phantograms use perspectival anamorphosis to produce a 2D image that is distorted in a particular way so as to appear, to a viewer at a particular vantage point, three-dimensional, standing above or recessed into a flat surface. The illusion of depth and perspective is heightened by stereoscopy techniques; a combination of two images, most typically but not necessarily an anaglyph (color filtered stereo image). With common (red–cyan) 3D glasses, the viewer's vision is segregated so that each eye sees a
Shrinkflation Economic definition Shrinkflation is a rise in the general price level of goods per unit of weight or volume, brought about by a reduction in the weight or size of the item sold. The price for one piece of the packaged product remains the same or could even be raised. This sometimes does not affect inflation measures such as the consumer price index or Retail Price Index, i.e. might not increase in the cost of a basket of retail goods and services, but many indicators of price levels and thus inflation are linked to units of volume or weight Asset price inflation Price inflation and assets inflation As inflation is generally understood and perceived as the rise in price of 'ordinary' goods and services, and official and central bank policies in most of today’s world have been expressly directed at minimizing 'price inflation', assets inflation has not been the object of much attention or concern. An example of this is the housing market, which concerns almost every individual household, where house prices have over the past decade consistently risen by or at least near a two digit percentage, far above that of the Consumer Price Index. Possible causes Some "ease the pain" with economic stimulus packages and bailout, as he believes that replacing "legitimate savings with a printing press" would result in asset price inflation, eventual consumer price inflation, and if left unchecked, could potentially result in hyperinflation. For example, in 2009, Schiff predicted a "protracted period of economic decline accompanied by rapid increases in consumer prices." Schiff's critics point out that although asset price inflation has been significant, consumer price inflation rates have remained very low in the five years that followed despite his predictions. When the Fed ended the Quantitative Easing program in October 2014, the general opinion was stability, while taking due account of economic developments. Monetary policy affects production and prices with a considerable time lag. Consequently, it is based on inflation forecasts rather than current inflation. The SNB’s monetary policy strategy consists of three elements: a definition of price stability (the SNB equates price stability with a rise in the national consumer price index of less than 2% per year), a medium-term conditional inflation forecast, and, at operational level, a target range for a reference interest rate, which is the Libor for three-month investments in Swiss francs. General Meeting of Shareholders The General Meeting of Shareholders is held a single week ending 3 December. The trade unions anticipate that official unemployment will peak at around 2 million people in 2009, when hidden forms of unemployment become visible to statisticians. Yet on 12 December Putin announced completely different unemployment numbers – 4.6 million in October. In February 2009 the unemployment rate peaked at a seven-year high of 9.4%, then began to steadily decline, falling to 7.7% as of October. Consumer price inflation Official consumer price inflation in January–August 2008 reached 14.8%. By the end of November, food price inflation for an 11-month period reached 15.3%. Overall price inflation, taking into account prices with a considerable time lag. Consequently, it is based on inflation forecasts rather than current inflation. The SNB’s monetary policy strategy consists of three elements: a definition of price stability (the SNB equates price stability with a rise in the national consumer price index of less than 2% per year), a medium-term conditional inflation forecast, and, at operational level, a target range for a reference interest rate, which is the Libor for three-month investments in Swiss francs. General Meeting of Shareholders Since 1993 the National bank of Liechtenstein has been listed as a company at the Swiss Stock Exchange, Headline inflation Headline inflation is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices (e.g., oil and gas), which tend to be much more volatile and prone to inflationary spikes. On the other hand, "core inflation" (also non-food-manufacturing or underlying inflation) is calculated from a consumer price index minus the volatile food and energy components. Headline inflation may not present an accurate picture of an economy's inflationary trend since sector-specific inflationary spikes are unlikely to persist. Uses The European Central Bank and the Bank of England have mandates that spell out their Core inflation History The concept of core inflation as aggregate price growth excluding food and energy was introduced in a 1975 paper by Robert J. Gordon. This is the definition of "core inflation" most used for political purposes. The core inflation model was subsequently developed and advocated by Otto Eckstein, in a paper published in 1981. According to the economic theory historian Mark A. Wynne, "Eckstein was the first to propose a formal definition of core inflation, as the 'trend rate of increase of the price of aggregate supply.'” Usage The preferred measure by the Federal Reserve of core fact that "both oil importers and exporters vote more often with the United States in the United Nations General Assembly" during oil slumps. The macroeconomics impact on lower oil prices is lower inflation. A lower inflation rate is good for the consumers. This means that the general price of a basket of goods would increase at a bare minimum on a year to year basis. Consumer can benefit as they would have a better purchasing power, which may improve real gdp. However, in recent countries like Japan, the decrease in oil prices may cause deflation and it shows that consumers are period of growth that followed increasing the popularity of both concepts in political and academic circles. Background Beginning in 1978, inflation began to intensify, reaching double digit levels in 1979. The consumer price index rose considerably between 1978 and 1980. These increases were largely attributed to the oil price shocks of 1979 and 1980, although the core consumer price index which excludes energy and food also posted large increases. Productivity, real gross national product, and personal income remained essentially unchanged during this period, while inflation continued to rise, a phenomenon known as stagflation. In order to combat rising inflation, recently appointed
of the 2013 fiscal year and that extraordinary measures were expected to be exhausted by February 15. Treasury has said it is not set up to prioritize payments, and it's not clear that it would be legal to do so. Given this situation, Treasury would simply delay payments if funds could not be raised through extraordinary measures and the debt ceiling had not been raised. This would put a freeze on 7% of the nation's GDP, a contraction greater than the Great Recession. The economic damage would worsen as recipients of social security benefits, government contracts, and other government they need to have for themselves." Illinois banned gay conversion therapy for LGBT youths in 2015. Ives opposed a bill that would make it easier for transgender people to change their birth certificates to reflect their gender identity. Ives stated, "Personally, you know what? There's two genders. There's male and female," Ives said. "There was no need to make this change, especially when it's dealing with minors and they can just willy nilly change their birth certificate and their gender. ... This law, it just makes no sense." On a radio show, she called transgender rights "junk science." Ives was asked that "we've got an arms deal that everybody wanted a piece of ... it'll be a lot of jobs, a lot of money come to our coffers. It's not something you want to blow up willy-nilly" in the wake of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. abstraction" by the add-on crowd is vacuous, unless the exact limits of application of the abstractions can be specified clearly. Without such specification, nothing can be tested or substantively contested (logically or empirically). It just remains loose philosophical talk, sophistry or petitio principii, uncommitted to any particular consequence. Theorizing about capital and labour, Marx certainly engaged in abstraction, but not willy-nilly in some speculative sense. Instead, he critically sifted through what political economists, businessmen, statesmen, factory inspectors, journalists and workers had actually said and done, to develop a new theory that would be rigorous, consistent and durable. He did not make reflect borrowing during the suspension period. As there was no provision made for further commitments after the ceiling's reinstatement, Treasury began applying extraordinary measures once again. Despite earlier estimates of late July, Treasury announced that default would not happen "until sometime after Labor Day". Other organizations, including the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), projected exhaustion of the extraordinary measures in October or possibly November. On August 26, 2013, Treasury informed Congress that if the debt ceiling was not raised in time, the United States would be forced to default on its debt sometime in mid-October. On September 25, Treasury announced that extraordinary measures would States Congress, failure to reach an agreement between the necessary members of the government to raise the debt ceiling meant that certain debts would not be paid, and this would potentially affect the government's ability to borrow quickly or at low cost, due to a perception of increased risk in loaning money to the US government. If the debt ceiling were not raised by August 2, 2011, either government spending would have to be decreased, or debt would have to be paid later than promised, also known as a default. The debate was contentious, with nearly all Republican legislators opposing any would provide the basis for political life. If Augustine can be said to have any concerns for politics at all, it is not for its own sake but because of the moral problems that it poses for Christians who, as citizens, are willy-nilly caught up in it. These problems have their common root in the nature of Christianity itself, which is essentially a nonpolitical religion. Unlike Judaism and Islam, the two other great monotheistic religions of the West, it does not call for the formation of a separate community or provide a code of laws by which that community might be concerned that the political gridlock would extend into mid-October, when Congress and the President must agree to raise the debt ceiling to avoid the prospect of defaulting on the public debt. Following the debate over the debt ceiling in May 2013, the Treasury Department was forced to engage in extraordinary measures to fund the government. In August 2013, the Treasury informed Congress that the extraordinary measures would be insufficient starting in mid-October and further specified, in late September, that the U.S. would begin to default on its debts if a new debt ceiling was not approved by October 17. On and Mrs. Pugh observe their neighbours; the characters introduce themselves as they act in their morning. Mrs. Cherry Owen merrily rehashes her husband's drunken antics. Butcher Beynon teases his wife during breakfast. Captain Cat watches as Willy Nilly the postman goes about his morning rounds, delivering to Mrs. Ogmore-Pritchard, Mrs. Pugh, Mog Edwards and Mr. Waldo. At Mrs. Organ-Morgan's general shop, women gossip about the townspeople. Willy Nilly and his wife steam open a love letter from Mog Edwards to Myfanwy Price; he expresses fear that he may be in the poor house if his business does not improve. Mrs. Dai The only other country with a debt limit is Denmark, which has set its debt ceiling so high that it is unlikely to be reached. If raising the limit ceases to be routine, this may create uncertainty for global markets each time a debt ceiling increase is debated. The debt-ceiling crisis of 2011 has shown how a party in control of only one chamber of Congress (in this case, Republicans in control of the House of Representatives but not the Senate or the Presidency) can have significant influence if it chooses to block the routine raising of the debt limit.
pivot, and the elements between the pivots have values between the pivot values. The difference between partition-based selection and partition-based sorting, as in quickselect versus quicksort, is that in selection one recurses on only one side of each pivot, sorting only the pivots (an average of log(n) pivots are used), rather than recursing on both sides of the pivot. This can be used to speed up subsequent selections on the same data; in the extreme, a fully sorted array allows O(1) selection. Further, compared with first doing a full sort, incrementally sorting by repeated selection amortizes the sorting cost over multiple the cleaning and sorting procedure is called color sorting, or separating defective beans from sound beans on the basis of color rather than density or size. Color sorting is the trickiest and perhaps most important of all the steps in sorting and cleaning. With most high-quality coffees color sorting is done in the simplest possible way: by hand. Teams of workers pick discolored and other defective beans from the sound beans. The very best coffees may be hand-cleaned twice (double picked) or even three times (triple picked). Coffee that has been cleaned by hand is usually called European preparation; most integer sorting algorithms, such as radix sort, are not asymptotically faster than comparison sorting, but can be faster in practice. The problem of sorting pairs of numbers by their sum is not subject to the Ω(n² log n) bound either (the square resulting from the pairing up); the best known algorithm still takes O(n² log n) time, but only O(n²) comparisons. This sorting algorithm often cannot be used because S needs to be reasonably small for the algorithm to be efficient, but it is extremely fast and demonstrates great asymptotic behavior as n increases. It also can be modified to provide stable behavior. Bucket sort Bucket sort is a divide and conquer sorting algorithm that generalizes counting sort by partitioning an array into a finite number of buckets. Each bucket is then sorted individually, either using a different sorting algorithm, or by recursively applying the bucket sorting algorithm. A bucket sort works best when the elements of the data set Sperm sorting Sperm sorting is a means of choosing what type of sperm cell is to fertilize the egg cell. Several conventional techniques of centrifugation or swim-up. Newly applied methods such as flow cytometry expand the possibilities of sperm sorting and new techniques of sperm sorting are being developed. It can be used to sort out sperm that are most healthy, as well as for determination of more specific traits, such as sex selection in which spermatozoa are separated into X- (female) and Y- (male) chromosome bearing populations based on their difference in DNA content. The resultant 'sex-sorted' spermatozoa are Integer sorting In computer science, integer sorting is the algorithmic problem of sorting a collection of data values by numeric keys, each of which is an integer. Algorithms designed for integer sorting may also often be applied to sorting problems in which the keys are floating point numbers, rational numbers, or text strings. The ability to perform integer arithmetic on the keys allows integer sorting algorithms to be faster than comparison sorting algorithms in many cases, depending on the details of which operations are allowed in the model of computing and how large the integers to be sorted are. Integer sorting optimal. A sorting analog to median of medians exists, using the pivot strategy (approximate median) in Quicksort, and similarly yields an optimal Quicksort. Incremental sorting by selection Converse to selection by sorting, one can incrementally sort by repeated selection. Abstractly, selection only yields a single element, the kth element. However, practical selection algorithms frequently involve partial sorting, or can be modified to do so. Selecting by partial sorting naturally does so, sorting the elements up to k, and selecting by partitioning also sorts some elements: the pivots are sorted to the correct positions, with the kth element being the final the first sort is done using column 2. -k2,2 specifies sorting on the key starting and ending with column 2. If -k2 is used instead, the sort key would begin at column 2 and extend to the end of the line, spanning all the fields in between. The n stands for 'numeric ordering'. -k1,1 dictates breaking ties using the value in column 1, sorting alphabetically by default. Note that bob, and chad have the same quota and are sorted alphabetically in the final output. Sorting a pipe delimited file $ sort -k2,2,-k1,1 zipcode Adam|12345 Wendy|23456 Sam|45678 Joe|56789 Bob|34567 Sorting a tab delimited file Sorting different classes which includes mechanical separation and manual separation. Mechanical separation aims to prepare the waste stream for manual separation which could separate metals, plastics, glasses and some other components easily and fast by many different types of sorting method and machines. The manual separation divides into positive sorting and negative sorting, positive sorting aims to collect the recyclable material from waste stream and negative sorting aims to remove the hazardous and unusable waste out of waste stream. Positive sorting requires a higher quality but low collection rate; on the other hand, negative sorting allows a high collection rate but to K − 1 in time O(n logₙ K). Theoretical algorithms Many integer sorting algorithms have been developed whose theoretical analysis shows them to behave better than comparison sorting, pigeonhole sorting, or radix sorting for large enough combinations of the parameters defining the number of items to be sorted, range of keys, and machine word size. Which algorithm has the best performance depends on the values of these parameters. However, despite their theoretical advantages, these algorithms are not an improvement for the typical ranges of these parameters that arise in practical sorting problems. Algorithms for small keys A Van Emde Boas tree may
Aloes, most commonly Aloe vera, are known for treating minor wounds and burns. Aloe petricola plants, however, have sap filled leaves which, for centuries, have been frequently used as a remedy to heal stomach ailments. Mango, Amla and Sheesham trees leading to a higher water level and richer wildlife. The initiative has also helped the town’s economy. To keep termites away from the trees, many of which bear fruit, the village has planted more than 2.5 million Aloe vera plants around them. Gradually, the villagers realized that Aloe vera could be processed and marketed in a variety of ways. So the community now produces and markets aloe-based products like juice and gel, among other things. or burns, nor that topical application is effective for treating genital herpes or psoriasis. A 2014 Cochrane review found insufficient evidence for using aloe vera topically to treat or prevent phlebitis caused by intravenous infusion. Aloe vera gel is used commercially as an ingredient in yogurts, beverages, and some desserts, but at certain high doses, its toxic properties could be severe when taken orally. Dietary supplement Aloin, a compound found in the exudate of some Aloe species, was the common ingredient in over-the-counter (OTC) laxative products in the United States until 2002 when the Food and Drug Administration banned it in soil. Aloe vera leaves contain phytochemicals under study for possible bioactivity, such as acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones, and other anthraquinones, such as emodin and various lectins. Taxonomy and etymology The species has a number of synonyms: A. barbadensis Mill., Aloe indica Royle, Aloe perfoliata L. var. vera and A. vulgaris Lam. Common names include Chinese Aloe, Indian Aloe, True Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Burn Aloe, First Aid Plant. The species epithet vera means "true" or "genuine". Some literature identifies the white-spotted form of Aloe vera as Aloe vera var. chinensis; and it has been suggested that the spotted form processed juice does not usually contain significant aloin. Some species, particularly Aloe vera, are used in alternative medicine and first aid. Both the translucent inner pulp and the resinous yellow aloin from wounding the aloe plant are used externally for skin discomforts. As an herbal medicine, Aloe vera juice is commonly used internally for digestive discomfort. According to Cancer Research UK, a potentially deadly product called T-UP is made of concentrated aloe, and promoted as a cancer cure. They say "there is currently no evidence that aloe products can help to prevent or treat cancer in humans". Aloin in OTC laxative products of Aloe vera may be conspecific with A. massawana. The species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 as Aloe perfoliata var. vera, and was described again in 1768 by Nicolaas Laurens Burman as Aloe vera in Flora Indica on 6 April and by Philip Miller as Aloe barbadensis some ten days after Burman in the Gardener's Dictionary. Techniques based on DNA comparison suggest Aloe vera is relatively closely related to Aloe perryi, a species endemic to Yemen. Similar techniques, using chloroplast DNA sequence comparison and ISSR profiling have also suggested it is closely related to Aloe forbesii, Aloe inermis, plant that has been used (i.e. leaf, inner leaf, latex). It is furthermore mandatory to state how many percent of aloe vera (leaf-juice-gel) the product contains and if additional preservatives, sweetener or water has been added. Position statement The IASC has written the IASC Polysaccharide Position Statement by Ivan E. Danhof, Ph.D. M.D. best kept indoors or in heated glasshouses. There is large-scale agricultural production of Aloe vera in Australia, Bangladesh, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, China, Mexico, India, Jamaica, Spain, where it grows even well inland, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, along with the USA to supply the cosmetics industry. Research Although there is little scientific evidence of the effectiveness or safety of Aloe vera extracts for either cosmetic or medicinal purposes, the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries regularly make claims regarding the soothing, moisturizing, and healing properties of aloe vera. There is no good evidence aloe vera is of use in treating wounds because the companies manufacturing it failed to provide the necessary safety data. Aloe vera has potential toxicity, with side effects occurring at some dose levels both when ingested or applied topically. Although toxicity may be less when aloin is removed by processing, Aloe vera that contains aloin in excess amounts may induce side effects. Aloe vera juice is marketed to support the health of the digestive system, but there is neither scientific evidence nor regulatory approval to support this claim. The extracts and quantities typically used for such purposes appear to be dose-dependent for toxic effects. Traditional medicine Aloe vera is from Aloe vera to products such as makeup, tissues, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, shaving cream, or shampoos. A review of academic literature notes that its inclusion in many hygiene products is due to its "moisturizing emollient effect". Toxicity Under the guidelines of California Proposition 65, orally ingested non-decolorized aloe vera leaf extract has been listed by the OEHHA, along with goldenseal, among "chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity". Use of topical aloe vera is not associated with significant side effects. Oral ingestion of aloe vera is potentially toxic, and may cause abdominal cramps and diarrhea which
High voltage Safety Voltages greater than 50 V applied across dry unbroken human skin can cause heart fibrillation if they produce electric currents in body tissues that happen to pass through the chest area. The voltage at which there is the danger of electrocution depends on the electrical conductivity of dry human skin. Living human tissue can be protected from damage by the insulating characteristics of dry skin up to around 50 volts. If the same skin becomes wet, if there are wounds, or if the voltage is applied to electrodes that penetrate the skin, then even voltage sources below 40 V is dryness and itching on the upper eyelids. This condition is often seeing in young people and can lead to reddish dry eye and scaly eyebrows. To relieve the itching sensation, one may need to apply warm compresses and use topical corticosteroid creams. Skin Eczema is another cause of chronic irritation and affects millions of individuals. Eczema simply means a dry skin which is itchy. The condition usually starts at an early age and continues throughout life. The major complaint of people who suffer from eczema is an itchy dry skin. Sometimes, the itching will be associated with a skin many people like sweet food and drinks. With that being said people with cold and dry Mizaj (melancholic temperament) who are normally thin and don't gain much weight with dark complexion and rough and dry skin, particularly in autumn (a cold and dry season) and in mountainous areas should avoid consuming sour foods and drinks or they are most likely to develop conditions such as dry skin, depression, and weakness. The same goes for people with other temperaments, for instance, people with warm and wet Mizaj (sanguine temperament) should cut back on sweet foods, people with warm and dry Mizaj (choleric temperament) resilient material and thus distributes the traction force to the skin more evenly. Usually, traction is applied to two fingers, namely the index finger and middle finger. Sometimes it may be necessary to more evenly distribute the traction force on the skin, as the patient's skin may be too fragile or atrophic. The traction brought about by the traction apparatus is then applied to three or even four fingers. The surgeon can either opt for dry arthroscopy or for wet arthroscopy. When performing a dry procedure the wrist can still, if necessary, be approached using open surgery. This may, for example, become permeable and permit evaporative cooling. Amphibious xerocoles, such as species of the frog genus Phyllomedusa, have wax-like coatings on their skin to reduce water loss. The frogs secrete lipids from glands in their skin: when their skin begins to dry out, they move their limbs over the glands on their backs, and wipe the lipids over their bodies. Other desert amphibians, such as the frog genus Cyclorana, avoid desiccation by burrowing underground during dry periods and forming a cocoon from shed skin: rather than being sloughed off, the skin remains attached to create the cocoon. As skin layers amass, water advantage: it is not always necessary to remove the patient from an antihistamine medication regimen, and if the skin conditions (such as eczema) are so widespread that allergy skin testing cannot be done. Allergy blood tests, such as ImmunoCAP, are performed without procedure variations, and the results are of excellent standardization. Adults and children of any age can take an allergy blood test. For babies and very young children, a single needle stick for allergy blood testing is often more gentle than several skin tests. However, skin testing techniques have improved. Most skin testing does not involve needles and typically skin thyroid hormones). People have also had colon inflammation, liver inflammation, kidney inflammation due to the drug. The common adverse reactions have been fatigue (24%), rash (19%), itchiness (pruritus) (17%), diarrhea (12%), nausea (11%) and joint pain (arthralgia) (10%). Other adverse effects occurring in between 1% and 10% of people taking pembrolizumab have included anemia, decreased appetite, headache, dizziness, distortion of the sense of taste, dry eye, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, constipation, dry mouth, severe skin reactions, vitiligo, various kinds of acne, dry skin, eczema, muscle pain, pain in a limb, arthritis, weakness, edema, fever, chills, myasthenia gravis, and flu-like symptoms. Mechanism eczema) is characterized by round spots of oozing or dry rash, with clear boundaries, often on lower legs. It is usually worse in winter. Cause is unknown, and the condition tends to come and go. (ICD-10 L30.0) Venous Venous eczema (gravitational eczema, stasis dermatitis, varicose eczema) occurs in people with impaired circulation, varicose veins, and edema, and is particularly common in the ankle area of people over 50. There is redness, scaling, darkening of the skin, and itching. The disorder predisposes to leg ulcers. (ICD-10 I83.1) Herpetiformis Dermatitis herpetiformis (Duhring's disease) causes an intensely itchy and typically symmetrical rash on sweating, will condense against the inside of the dry suit, and the way this condensate is handled by the underwear material will influence the comfort of the diver. If the underwear soaks up this moisture it will feel cold and clammy, particularly if this layer is against the skin. Materials which wick the moisture away from the skin and do not soak up the condensate will be more comfortable. Early thermal undersuits for drysuits were commonly made from wool, as it retains its insulating properties better when wet than most other natural fibres. The fit of the underwear should allow the are often called dry milling to distinguish them from the steps that take place before drying, which collectively are called wet milling. Hulling The first step in dry milling is the removal of what is left of the fruit from the bean, whether it is the crumbly parchment skin of wet-processed coffee, the parchment skin and dried mucilage of semi-dry-processed coffee, or the entire dry, leathery fruit covering of the dry-processed coffee. Hulling is done with the help of machines, which can range from simple millstones to sophisticated machines that gently whack at the coffee. Polishing This is an optional
within the breast of a chicken or turkey. Dark muscles are fit to develop endurance or long-term use, and contain more myoglobin than white muscles, allowing the muscle to use oxygen more efficiently for aerobic respiration. White meat contains large amounts of protein. Dark meat contains 2.64 times more saturated fat than white meat, per gram of protein. One commentator wrote that dark meat contains more vitamins, while a New York Times columnist has stated the two meats are nearly identical in nutritional value, especially when compared with typical red meat. For ground-based birds like chicken and turkeys, dark is somewhat smaller than it was previously, as it is now on the Dollar Menu & More (previously just the Dollar Menu), which offers various food products starting at US$1.00. The meat of the McChicken sandwich used to be 50% white meat and 50% dark meat. Viewed in April 2015, McDonald's website states that the McChicken contains a blend of dark and white meat chicken. Variants In certain regions and at specific McDonald's franchises, the McChicken is adapted to appeal to the local population's tastes. Spiced McChickens When the McChicken was reintroduced to McDonald's menu in mid-to-late 1997 as a smaller Reconstituted meat A reconstituted meat, meat slurry, or emulsified meat is a liquefied meat product that contains fewer fats, pigments and less myoglobin than unprocessed dark meats. Meat slurry is more malleable than dark meats and eases the process of meat distribution as pipelines may be used. Meat slurry is not designed to sell for general consumption; rather, it is used as a meat supplement in food products for humans, such as chicken nuggets, and food for domestic animals. Poultry is the most common meat slurry; however, beef and pork are also used. Properties and production The characteristics of dark meat Chicken sandwich Composition In North America, the sandwich usually consists of a chicken filet or patty, toppings and bread. The chicken meat can be deep fried, grilled, roasted or boiled, served hot or cold, and white or dark meat chicken can be used. Shredded chicken in one form or another, such as chicken salad, can also be used in chicken sandwiches. Wrap versions of the sandwich can also be made, in which the ingredients are rolled up inside a flatbread, such as a tortilla. Open-faced versions of the sandwich, which feature hot chicken served with gravy on top of bread, are North Side. Harold's became one of the few examples of a thriving fast food chain that was owned by, and primarily served, the black community. Food Facts The basic Harold's Chicken Shack dinner is a half or quarter chicken served with french fries, two pieces of white bread, and a cup of cole slaw. The chicken may be all white meat, all dark meat, or a mix (known as regular). Harold's also purveys wing dinners, livers, and gizzards, and some restaurants offer catfish, perch, and a number of side items including fried okra. The chicken can be served plain, but been the types of meat used. Tradition favors squirrel in early versions of both. The Virginia version tends to favor chicken as the primary meat, along with rabbit. The Georgia version tends to favor pork and beef. As there is no "official" recipe for Brunswick stew, it is possible to find chicken, pork, beef, and other types of meat included in the same recipe. North Carolina natives have been known for their unique concoction, similarly thick and tomato based, using chicken chunks (meat and skin, dark meat preferred) and pulled Eastern North Carolina–style barbecue (pork) as the meat. Squirrel Brunswick do not do well when cooked with other methods. Some chicken breast cuts and processed chicken breast products include the moniker "with rib meat". This is a misnomer, as it refers to the small piece of white meat that overlays the scapula, removed along with the breast meat. The breast is cut from the chicken and sold as a solid cut, while the leftover breast and true rib meat is stripped from the bone through mechanical separation for use in chicken franks, for example. Breast meat is often sliced thinly and marketed as chicken slices, an easy filling for sandwiches. Often, White meat In culinary terms, white meat is meat which is pale in color before and after cooking. A common example of white meat is the lighter-colored meat of poultry (light meat), coming from the breast, as contrasted with dark meat from the legs. Poultry white ("light") meat is made up of fast-twitch muscle fibres, while red ("dark") meat is made up of muscles with fibres that are slow-twitch. In traditional gastronomy, white meat also includes rabbit, the flesh of milk-fed young mammals (in particular veal and lamb), and pork. In nutritional studies however, white meat includes poultry and fish, but food” by many, oven roasted chicken had a resurgence of popularity in the mid to late 1990s as more restaurants and recipe publishers started to refocus on classic American fare. The basic roasting process involves removing the neck and giblets from the cavity, trussing the bird and folding the wings underneath, seasoning the skin and/or cavity, and then placing the bird in a pre-heated oven. The bird should be basted regularly, and is considered done when a meat thermometer registers 170℉ for white meat or 185℉ for dark meat. Chicken under a brick is a manner of preparation in the price of buffalo meat and health consciousness. Consumption of chicken went up by 31% in that period, showing that white meat is taking precedence over red meat.
about one year after a male experiences his peak growth rate. Often, the fat pads of the male breast tissue and the male nipples will develop during puberty; sometimes, especially in one breast, this becomes more apparent and is termed gynecomastia. It is usually not a permanent phenomenon. Erections Erections during sleep or when waking up are medically known as nocturnal penile tumescence and colloquially referred to as morning wood. The penis can regularly get erect during sleep and men or boys often wake up with an erection. Once a boy reaches his teenage years, erections occur much more frequently due at times wear pasties. They may wear pasties so that their nipples and areolae are not visible through sheer clothing or lingerie, or in case they experience a nipple erection. Some women wear pasties to avoid irritation of the nipples by rubbing against the fabric of the outer garment. When worn under clothing pasties are sometimes called breast petals or nipple covers. Swimwear Pasties are occasionally worn on beaches to maximize a sun tan, short of being topless or nude, and avoid the strap lines which bikinis produce. Swimwear named strapless bikini (not to be confused with bandeau bikini state, in an attempt to gradually loosen the nipple tissue. Some sex toys designed for nipple stimulation, such as suction cups or clamps, may also cause inverted nipples to protract or stay protracted longer. Some special devices are specifically designed to draw out inverted nipples, or a home-made nipple protractor can be constructed out of a 10-ml disposable syringe. These methods are often used in preparation for breastfeeding, which can sometimes cause inverted nipples to become protracted permanently. Two methods which are now discouraged are breast shells and the Hoffman technique. Breast shells may be used to apply gentle constant pressure you want to be taken seriously as a woman, cover them up." The protest's purpose was to show that nipples and breasts are not sexual objects. Some of the marchers went braless, others topless, and others fully clothed. Opposition to training bras In Western culture, the bra is sometimes viewed as an icon of popular culture, and purchasing a girl's first bra is seen by some as a long-awaited rite of passage into womanhood, signifying her coming of age. The age at which girls first wear bras is sometimes controversial. Within Western cultures that place great value upon youth, bras enhance sexual arousal, and a few women report experiencing orgasm from nipple stimulation. Development and anatomy Male and female breasts, nipples and areolas develop similarly in the fetus and during infancy. At puberty, the male's breasts remain rudimentary but the female's develop further, mainly due to the presence of estrogen and progesterone, and become much more sensitive than the male ones. Smaller female breasts, however, are more sensitive than larger ones. Physiological response Breasts, and especially the nipples, are erogenous zones. Nipple stimulation may result in sexual arousal, and erect nipples can be an indicator of an individual's sexual arousal. Breast torture Breast torture, boobs torture, nipple torture or tit torture is a BDSM sexual activity involving the application of pain or constriction to the breasts. The nipples are the part of the breast that is commonly used for this type of activity. Pain is typically applied to them using nipple clamps, a type of sex toy which can be attached to erect nipples to pinch them and to restrict the blood flow to them by applying pressure. When nipple clamps are removed, further pain is caused by the return of normal blood flow. Men's as well as women's nipples of Pigache Pigache, Poulaine and Pigage are types of shoe with a long pointed turned up toe that was worn during the Romanesque and Byzantine period. The plural form of the word is pigaciae. The shoes were sometimes stuffed with moss, wool, or horsehair to make the extension erect. The protrusion was sometimes flesh colored. In the 12th century the shoes had a pointed and hooked toe that was sometimes adorned with a small bell. Archconfraternity Status and operation Canonical erection is the approval of the proper ecclesiastical authority which gives the organization a legal existence. Archconfraternities do not erect confraternities; they merely aggregate them. It ordinarily belongs to the bishop of the diocese to erect confraternities. In the case, however, of many confraternities and archconfraternities, the power of erection is vested in the heads of certain religious orders. Sometimes the privileges of these heads of orders are imparted to bishops. The vicar-general may not erect confraternities unless he has been expressly delegated for the purpose by his bishop. Aggregation, or affiliation, as it is also called, house 4 to 5 birds. Behavioural restriction During the force-feeding period, the birds are kept in individual cages, with wire or plastic mesh floors, or sometimes in small groups on slatted floors. Individual caging restricts movements and behaviours by preventing the birds from standing erect, turning around, or flapping their wings. Birds cannot carry out other natural waterfowl behaviours, such as bathing and swimming. Furthermore, ducks and geese are social animals and individual cages prevent such interactions. During the force feeding period, when the birds are not being fed, they are sometimes kept in near darkness; this prevents normal investigatory Melaleuca bracteosa Description Melaleuca bracteosa is sometimes an erect shrub to a height of 1.5 metres (5 ft) but is more usually a low, dense spreading shrub to about 0.5 m (2 ft). Its leaves are narrow oval in shape, 2.7–9 mm (0.1–0.4 in) long and 0.9–1.5 mm (0.04–0.06 in), glabrous, bright green and fleshy with a blunt tip. The flowers are usually bright cream coloured but sometimes white or mauve-pink. They are in heads, sometimes on the ends of branches and sometimes on the sides of the stem, each head about 16 mm (0.6 in) in diameter and containing 5 to 20 individual flowers. The stamens are arranged in
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and This Is Us. Critical reviews "Skyfire Cycle" received very positive reviews from critics. LaToya Ferguson of The A.V. Club gave the episode an "A" grade and wrote, "So something like Brooklyn Nine-Nine acknowledging that its lovable crew are still on the night shift feels like a big deal, even though it's technically just basic storytelling. Because the fact that they're still working night shift is a big deal; it affects the way they behave, the types of cases they get, and their relationship with their loved ones." Allie Pape from Vulture gave the show a for one or two moves in the Pac-10 and Mountain West Conference. However, others were saying that while Texas might want to keep the Big 12 together with this deal, the remaining Big 12 South teams that were considering departing the Big 12 (Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State) would not be interested in a deal that would give a school that already has a competitive advantage an even larger one. Later that day, Andy Katz of, citing an NCAA source with direct knowledge of the negotiations, reported that many prominent figures inside and outside of college athletics, an A grade: "'Lady Lazarus' feels big. It feels like a Rosetta Stone for the season, one that we don't have all of the pieces to read just yet, but an episode that will seem even more obviously great in retrospect once we do. At the same time, though, analyzing it feels ever more like taking hold of one thing and trying to make it stand in for the episode as a whole." TIME magazine writer Nate Rawlings stated: "If Megan's phone-booth conversation was the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in her life, Pete Campbell's off-the-record chat was certainly deciding whether or not to take offers based on what may or may not be behind a curtain/door or inside a box. Let's Make a Deal ran in the U.S. for nearly three decades from 1963 to 1991, during which time Monty Hall was the program's "Big Dealer," and has recently been revived with Wayne Brady as the Big Dealer. Also in the U.S., in the 1970s and 1980s, was a game show called Treasure Hunt, hosted by Geoff Edwards and produced by Chuck Barris's company, which featured a similar concept to Deal or No Deal. The show featured contestants announced value. On other occasions, the Big Deal is revealed to include "Everything in the Big Deal", meaning the prizes behind all 3 doors are won if the player chose the Big Deal. The Big Deal is the one time in the show where a trader is guaranteed to not walk away with a Zonk. Super Deal During the 1975–76 syndicated season, winners of the Big Deal were offered a chance to win the "Super Deal". At this point, Big Deals were limited to a range of $8,000 to $10,000. The trader could risk their Big Deal winnings on a shot Sam Evans (Big Brother) Sam Evans is a Welsh television personality and former stock assistant from Llanelli, Carmarthenshire. He is best known for winning the fourteenth series of the British reality television show, Big Brother in 2013. He was born with 70-80% hearing loss. Deal or No Deal In 2012, Evans appeared on the game show Deal or No Deal, where he won £7,000 and a week's holiday for two in Egypt. Big Brother UK In 2013, Evans competed in the UK's fourteenth series of Big Brother, entering the house on Day 1. On Day 68, Evans was crowned the winner of little to have to deal with an individual human being, even though that human being is himself. He does not want to be disturbed when he is to be built up, does not want to be reminded of all the trifles, of individuals, of himself, because to forget all this is precisely the upbuilding." Christianity can hardly be said to have been a big success when it originally entered the world, inasmuch as it began with crucifixion, flogging, and the like. But God knows whether it actually wants to be a big success in the world. I rather think that it Endemol and Southern Star Group. Endemol purchased Southern Star Group from Fairfax Media in January 2009. It produces Endemol's popular worldwide formats for Australia, including Big Brother, Deal or No Deal, and Ready Steady Cook. It is based in Australia. Lawsuits Endemol sued Brazilian channel SBT over what it says was a Big Brother copycat, and threatened to sue Russian Behind the Glass for the same reason. Endemol was sued by four Georgia women alleging that a text-message game featured on Deal or No Deal is a form of illegal gambling. movie, Travis makes a deal with a DARPA agent to turn the Big Boy over to them if they will give Burt the deed to his property and a permanent immunity from taxes. Once the deal is completed, Burt flies an RC plane loaded with explosives into the Big Boy's mouth and blows the Graboid up, keeping it out of the hands of DARPA who express an interest in turning the Graboid into a bioweapon. Behavior Graboids are shown to be ravenous carnivores, always on the hunt for food. Indiscriminate eaters, their diet includes sheep, cattle, horses, donkeys, coyotes, and I Do It (Big Sean song) Composition The entirety of the track was produced by No I.D. and The Legendary Traxster. The lyrics "I’m high, I split an O in half, now it’s a parenthesis" in it were quoted from Pat Piff's song "You Already Know". Critical reception Consequence of Sound wrote of the song that: 'the delivery by Big Sean, manic, almost cartoon-ish in nature, and the beat, this bizarro bump that feels like the best-worst parts of old horror movie soundtracks cut together, work to make it vibrant and appealing, even if it feels overdone'. It was written
amount of total sleep. In other words, if at the end of a phase of deep sleep, the organism's thermal indicators fall outside of a certain range, it will not enter paradoxical sleep lest deregulation allow temperature to drift further from the desirable value. This mechanism can be 'fooled' by artificially warming the brain. Muscle REM atonia, an almost complete paralysis of the body, is accomplished through the inhibition of motor neurons. When the body shifts into REM sleep, motor neurons throughout the body undergo a process called hyperpolarization: their already-negative membrane potential decreases by another 2–10 millivolts, thereby raising of total sleep deprivation). Mean body temperature falls continually during this period. It has been suggested that acute REM sleep deprivation can improve certain types of depression when depression appears to be related to an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters. Although sleep deprivation in general annoys most of the population, it has repeatedly been shown to alleviate depression, albeit temporarily. More than half the individuals who experience this relief report it to be rendered ineffective after sleeping the following night. Thus, researchers have devised methods such as altering the sleep schedule for a span of days following a REM deprivation period and the outside temperature. During torpor, this lemur has been found to periodically enter REM sleep; non-REM sleep has not been observed, a pattern opposite that found in hibernating ground squirrels. The REM sleep episodes occurred during periods of higher ambient temperature (averaging 27 C, versus an average of 20 C during nonsleeping intervals while in torpor). C. medius has a significantly longer lifespan than other strepsirrhinine or nonstrepsirrhinine primates of similar size, and this longevity is thought to be related to its status as the only primate that is an obligatory hibernator. Its maximum lifespan in captivity is nearly 30 years. Like brain activity. There are four different stages of NREM sleep. The brain shows dulled or limited senses of perception, though the thought process has been shown to be logical and perseverative. Episodic movements of the body occur during these stages, though they are involuntary movements. REM REM sleep is an evolutionarily recent behavior of humans. REM stands for rapid eye movement. It is the deepest sleep a mammal can go into. It is regulated by the pontine brainstem. Infants spend most of their time in REM sleep, and rather than enter stage 1 sleep they go directly to REM sleep. absence of signals in the EMG. EOG (electrooculography), the measure of the eyes’ movement, is the third method used in the sleep architecture measurement; for example, REM sleep, as the name indicates, is characterized by a rapid eye movement pattern, visible thanks to the EOG. Moreover, methods based on cardiorespiratry parameters are also effective in the analysis of sleep architecture, if they are associated the other aforementioned measurements (such as electroencephalography, electrooculography and the electromyography). Homeostatic functions, especially thermoregulation, occur normally during non-REM sleep, but not during REM sleep. Thus, during REM sleep, body temperature tends to drift away from its mean Neuroscience of sleep Introduction Rapid eye movement sleep (REM), non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM or non-REM), and waking represent the three major modes of consciousness, neural activity, and physiological regulation. NREM sleep itself is divided into multiple stages – N1, N2 and N3. Sleep proceeds in 90-minute cycles of REM and NREM, the order normally being N1 → N2 → N3 → N2 → REM. As humans fall asleep, body activity slows down. Body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, and energy use all decrease. Brain waves get slower and bigger. The excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine becomes less available in the temperatures outside their thermoneutral zone. Cats and other small furry mammals will shiver and breathe faster to regulate temperature during NREMS but not during REMS. With the loss of muscle tone, animals lose the ability to regulate temperature through body movement. (However, even cats with pontine lesions preventing muscle atonia during REM did not regulate their temperature by shivering.) Neurons which typically activate in response to cold temperatures—triggers for neural thermoregulation—simply do not fire during REM sleep, as they do in NREM sleep and waking. Consequently, hot or cold environmental temperatures can reduce the proportion of REM sleep, as well as non-REM stage 2. (The decision of how to mark the periods makes a difference for research purposes because of the unavoidable inclusion or exclusion of the night's first NREM or its final REM phase if directly preceding awakening.) A 7–8-hour sleep probably includes five cycles, the middle two of which tend to be longer. REM takes up more of the cycle as the night goes on. Awakening Unprovoked awakening occurs most commonly during or after a period of REM sleep, as body temperature is rising. Continuation during wakefulness Ernest Hartmann found in 1968 that humans seem to continue a roughly 90-minute REM rebound REM rebound is the lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which occurs after periods of sleep deprivation. When people have been prevented from experiencing REM, they take less time than usual to attain the REM state. When people are unable to obtain an adequate amount of REM sleep, the pressure to obtain REM sleep builds up. When the subject is able to sleep, they will spend a higher percentage of the night in REM sleep. After early research connected rapid eye movement with dreaming and established that it made up about 20% paralyzed, and heart rate, breathing and body temperature become unregulated. REM sleep is turned on by acetylcholine secretion and is inhibited by neurons that secrete monoamines including serotonin. REM is also referred to as paradoxical sleep because the sleeper, although exhibiting high-frequency EEG waves similar to a waking state, is harder to arouse than at any other sleep stage. Vital signs indicate arousal and oxygen consumption by the brain is higher than when the sleeper is awake. REM sleep is characterized by high global cerebral blood flow, comparable to wakefulness. In fact, many areas in the cortex have been recorded
Smule (app) Development TechCrunch explained: Smule co-founder and CTO Ge Wang says the collaborative features should help with Smule’s broader goal of making music performance more fun and accessible. When someone opens a Smule app, he says they shouldn’t ask themselves, “Am I a musician?” because the answer is usually no. Instead, the goal is to draw people in, then by the time they realize they’re making music, “it’s too late — they’re already having fun.” With Sing, it’s it should be less intimidating to join in an already-created song than it would be to start singing on your own. An update myself but it’s just like making songs with Boogz–his personality alone, outside of the music, he’s just a fun person. He likes to joke around a lot, do pranks on motherfuckers so it comes out when he writes. You can tell, his music is just fun. He make that smoker music. Boogz comes from that skater world. He reminds me of my son. My son’s a skater, my son has the same sort of fun personality. That new foundation is just like they ain’t really about beefin’ and drama in hip-hop. They’re just about having fun and making money and Femme Française," and she had a quantum physics-themed issue. Looking back she described what she envisioned for her employees then: "I wanted the magazine to be fun. I wanted everyone who worked on the magazine to go toward what they liked. Again, it’s that distinction between what you should do and what’s expected, and what you feel, what you want." In the Price of Illusion, she talks about wanting to upend French cliches such as black sweaters and Helmut Newton-referencing shoots; "French women know how to dress when they’re having sex. They need to know how to dress when they’re not loud, they'll give you the finger, and they yell at you, but I really think deep down inside they're just mostly college kids having fun, just like they're having fun sleeping with their girlfriends on air mattresses. That's the guts of that crowd." He also described the protesters as "a different breed of person" and "a bunch of slobs taking up the building." During this time, Grothman also advocated the hiring of more business-friendly individuals to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. In doing so, he went out of his way to single out one of the University of Wisconsin noise. The Yell Leaders have a dozen yells that they can choose from depending on the situation. While some yells are designed to praise and motivate the team, others exist solely to make fun of the opposing side. Students practice the yells at Midnight Yell Practice. Held at Kyle Field at midnight the night before a football game, Midnight Yell is similar to a pep rally. Over 20,000 Aggies attend each session, practicing the yells that will be used in the following day's game and generating an excitement for the game. At the conclusion of the yell Lost Themes Background On the album's production and recording, Carpenter stated: Lost Themes was all about having fun. It can be both great and bad to score over images, which is what I’m used to. Here there were no pressures. No actors asking me what they’re supposed to do. No crew waiting. No cutting room to go to. No release pending. It’s just fun. And I couldn’t have a better set-up at my house, where I depended on Cody [Carpenter] and Daniel [Davies] to bring me ideas as we began improvising. The plan was to make my music more complete and the email Jessica sent hours before she died, when Melissa walks in and orders her sister to leave their father alone. As Spencer reaches for the email in Peter's hand, Melissa manages to grab it first. After reading what Jessica tried sending, she rips the piece of paper and proceeds to call Mrs. DiLaurentis crazy, causing Spencer to yell back. Their father suddenly steps in and tells them to stop behaving like toddlers. Melissa suggests to Peter coming clean about her secret, but Peter instantly sends Spencer to her room. In "Thrown from the Ride", Spencer mentions to Veronica that Melissa end of the tour, A&M says to us, ‘Oh well, we don’t really think the cover will affect sales at all.’ Like, when they’re right, they’re right, and when they’re wrong, they’re still right. is great, but their friendship is fun to see develop. They always borderline hated each other but played nice for Elena’s sake and now they’re actually finding that they care about each other." Sushi had its world premiere at the Fantasia Festival on July 22, 2012. Reviews In a review for Dead Sushi and Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead, horror magazine Fangoria gave the film a 2 and a half rating out of four, stating that the film "kind of defy ratings; obviously they’re not high art, and the serious critic in me believes the score below is appropriate for these slight, outrageous confections. Yet they’re also diverting, raucous fun when seen in the company of like-minded viewers, so that rating can be augmented by half a skull (or more) if you’re
are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. A third defect, creatine transporter defect, is caused by mutations in SLC6A8 and inherited in a X-linked manner. This condition is related to the transport of creatine into the brain. Use Creatine use can increase maximum power and performance in high-intensity anaerobic repetitive work (periods of work and rest) by 5 to 15%. Creatine has no significant effect on aerobic endurance, though it will increase power during short sessions of high-intensity aerobic exercise. A survey of 21,000 college athletes showed that 14% of athletes take creatine supplements to improve performance. Non-athletes report creatine can dramatically boost the creatine content of the muscle. In the late 1920s, after finding that the intramuscular stores of creatine can be increased by ingesting creatine in larger than normal amounts, scientists discovered creatine phosphate, and determined that creatine is a key player in the metabolism of skeletal muscle. The substance creatine is naturally formed in vertebrates. The discovery of phosphocreatine was reported in 1927. In the 1960s, creatine kinase (CK) was shown to phosphorylate ADP using phosphocreatine (PCr) to generate ATP. It follows that ATP, not PCr is directly consumed in muscle contraction. CK uses creatine addition, recent studies have also shown that creatine improves brain function. and reduces mental fatigue. Unlike steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs, creatine can be found naturally in many common foods such as herring, tuna, salmon, and beef. Creatine increases what is known as cell volumization by drawing water into muscle cells, making them larger. This intracellular retention should not be confused with the common myth that creatine causes bloating (or intercellular water retention). Creatine is sold in a variety of forms, including creatine monohydrate and creatine ethyl ester, amongst others. Though all types of creatine are sold for the same purposes, there in equilibrium with its tautomer and with creatine. Creatine undergoes phosphorylation, by the action of creatine kinase to give phosphocreatine. The phosphate group is attached to an NH center of the creatine. The P-N bond is highly reactive. Creatine supplements are marketed in ethyl ester, gluconate, monohydrate, and nitrate forms. Pharmacokinetics Endogenous serum or plasma creatine concentrations in healthy adults are normally in a range of 2–12 mg/L. A single 5 g (5000 mg) oral dose in healthy adults results in a peak plasma creatine level of approximately 120 mg/L at 1–2 hours post-ingestion. Creatine has a fairly short elimination half-life, averaging monohydrate supplements were given to patients with CTD found that patients did not respond to treatment. However, similar studies conducted in which patients that had GAMT or AGAT deficiency were given oral creatine monohydrate supplements found that patient’s clinical symptoms improved. Patients with CTD are unresponsive to oral creatine monohydrate supplements because regardless of the amount of creatine they ingest, the creatine transporter is still defective, and therefore creatine is incapable of being transported across the BBB. Given the major role that the BBB has in the transport of creatine to the brain and unresponsiveness of oral creatine monohydrate supplements CKMT1B Function Mitochondrial creatine (MtCK) kinase is responsible for the transfer of high energy phosphate from mitochondria to the cytosolic carrier, creatine. It belongs to the creatine kinase isoenzyme family. It exists as two isoenzymes, sarcomeric MtCK (CKMT2) and ubiquitous MtCK, encoded by separate genes. Mitochondrial creatine kinase occurs in two different oligomeric forms: dimers and octamers, in contrast to the exclusively dimeric cytosolic creatine kinase isoenzymes. Ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase has 80% homology with the coding exons of sarcomeric mitochondrial creatine kinase. Two genes located near each other on chromosome 15 (CKMT1A and CKMT1B (this gene)) have been identified urinary guanidinoacetate concentrations, Arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency was identified as a new genetic defect in creatine metabolism. It is one of three cerebral creatine deficiencies. Patients with brain creatine deficiency present nonspecific neurologic symptoms, including mental retardation, language disorders, epilepsy, autistic-like behavior, neurologic deterioration, and movement disorders. A deficiency in AGAT results in a creatine deficiency in the body. The treatment for this is creatine supplements since the body cannot make the creatine on its own. The positive results of creatine treatment (in AGAT deficiencies) and the observation that fetal and early postnatal development are normal in these patients creatine to creatinine. If the ratio of creatine to creatinine is greater than 1.5, then the presence of CTD is highly likely. This is because a large ratio indicates a high amount of creatine in the urine. This, in turn, indicates inadequate transport of creatine into the brain and muscle. However, the urine screening test often fails in diagnosing heterozygous females. Studies have demonstrated that as a group heterozygous females have significantly decreased cerebral creatine concentration, but that individual heterozygous females often have normal creatine concentrations found in their urine. Therefore, urine screening tests are unreliable as a standard test are subtle differences between them, such as price and necessary dosage. In The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, 2nd ed., author Arnold Schwarzenegger states: Creatine monohydrate is regarded as a necessity by most bodybuilders. Creatine monohydrate is the most cost-effective dietary supplement in terms of muscle size and strength gains. … There is no preferred creatine supplement, but it is believed that creatine works best when it is consumed with simple carbohydrates. This can be accomplished by mixing powdered creatine with grape juice, lemonade, or many high glycemic index drinks. Some studies have suggested that consumption of creatine with protein and carbohydrates can creatine kinase. This enzyme catalyzes a reaction that combines phosphocreatine and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) into ATP and creatine. This resource is short lasting because oxygen is required for the resynthesis of phosphocreatine via mitochondrial creatine kinase. Therefore, under anaerobic conditions, this substrate is finite and only lasts between approximately 10 to 30 seconds of high intensity work. Fast glycolysis, however, can function for approximately 2 minutes prior to fatigue, and predominately uses intracellular glycogen as a substrate. Glycogen is broken down rapidly via glycogen phosphorylase into individual glucose units during intense exercise. Glucose is then oxidized to pyruvate and under
such scattering as early as 1918, but he published his idea only in 1926. In order to credit Mandelstam, the effect is also called Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering (BMS). Other commonly used names are Brillouin light scattering (BLS) and Brillouin-Mandelstam light scattering (BMLS). The process of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) was first observed by Chiao et al. in 1964. The optical phase conjugation aspect of the SBS process was discovered by Boris Yakovlevich Zeldovich et al. in 1972. Fiber optic sensing Brillouin scattering can also be employed to sense mechanical strain and temperature in optical fibers. fluctuations (phonons) that cause Brillouin scattering. Contrast with Raman scattering Raman scattering is another phenomenon that involves inelastic scattering of light caused by the vibrational properties of matter. The detected range of frequency shifts and other effects are very different compared to Brillouin scattering. In Raman scattering, photons are scattered by the effect of vibrational and rotational transitions in the bonds between first-order neighboring atoms, while Brillouin scattering results from the scattering of photons caused by large scale, low-frequency phonons. The effects of the two phenomena provide very different information about the sample: Raman spectroscopy can be used to Brillouin spectroscopy Brillouin spectroscopy is an empirical spectroscopy technique which allows the determination of elastic moduli of materials. The technique uses inelastic scattering of light when it encounters acoustic phonons in a crystal, a process known as Brillouin scattering, to determine phonon energies and therefore interatomic potentials of a material. The scattering occurs when an electromagnetic wave interacts with a density wave, photon-phonon scattering. This technique is commonly used to determine the elastic properties of materials in mineral physics and material science. Brillouin spectroscopy can be used to determine the complete elastic tensor of a given material which is required Brillouin scattering Mechanism From the perspective of solid state physics, Brillouin scattering is an interaction between an electromagnetic wave and one of the three above-mentioned crystalline lattice waves. The scattering is inelastic i.e. the photon may lose energy (Stokes process) and in the process create one of the three quasiparticle types (phonon, polaron, magnon) or it may gain energy (anti-Stokes process) by absorbing one of those quasiparticle types. Such a shift in photon energy, corresponding to a Brillouin shift in frequency, is equal to the energy of the released or absorbed quasiparticle. Thus, Brillouin scattering can be used to measure determine the transmitting medium's chemical composition and molecular structure, while Brillouin scattering can be used to measure the material's properties on a larger scale – such as its elastic behavior. The frequency shifts from Brillouin scattering, a technique known as Brillouin spectroscopy, are detected with an interferometer while Raman scattering uses either an interferometer or a dispersive (grating) spectrometer. Stimulated Brillouin scattering For intense beams of light (e.g. laser) traveling in a medium or in a waveguide, such as an optical fiber, the variations in the electric field of the beam itself may induce acoustic vibrations in the medium via electrostriction or radiation pressure. The beam may display Brillouin scattering as a result of those vibrations, usually in the direction opposite the incoming beam, a phenomenon known as stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). For liquids and gases, the frequency shifts typically created are of the order of 1–10 GHz resulting in wavelength shifts of ~1–10 pm in the visible light. Stimulated Brillouin scattering is one effect by which optical phase conjugation can take place. Discovery Inelastic scattering of light caused by acoustic phonons was first predicted by Léon Brillouin in 1922. Leonid Mandelstam is believed to have recognised the possibility of Umklapp scattering In crystalline materials, Umklapp scattering (also U-process or Umklapp process) is a scattering process that results in a wave vector (usually written k) which falls outside the first Brillouin zone. If a material is periodic, it has a Brillouin zone, and any point outside the first Brillouin zone can also be expressed as a point inside the zone. So, the wave vector is then mathematically transformed to a point inside the first Brillouin zone. This transformation allows for scattering processes which would otherwise violate the conservation of momentum: two wave vectors pointing to the right can combine to phonons with light is called Brillouin scattering. The frequencies and mode shapes of these acoustic phonons are dependent on the geometry and size of the silicon waveguides, making it possible to produce strong Brillouin scattering at frequencies ranging from a few MHz to tens of GHz. Stimulated Brillouin scattering has been used to make narrowband optical amplifiers as well as all-silicon Brillouin lasers. The interaction between photons and acoustic phonons is also studied in the field of cavity optomechanics, although 3D optical cavities are not necessary to observe the interaction. For instance, besides in silicon waveguides the optomechanical coupling has Filtered Rayleigh scattering Filtered Rayleigh scattering (FRS) is a diagnostic technique which measures velocity, temperature, and pressure by determining Doppler shift, total intensity, and spectral line shape of laser induced Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering. quantum theory of solids. In his thesis, he proposed an equation of state based on the atomic vibrations (phonons) that propagate through it. He also studied the propagation of monochromatic light waves and their interaction with acoustic waves, i.e., scattering of light with a frequency change, which became known as Brillouin scattering. Career After receipt of his doctorate, Brillouin became the scientific secretary of the reorganized Journal de Physique et le Radium. In 1932, he became associate director of the physics laboratories at the Collège de France. In 1926, Gregor Wentzel, Hendrik Kramers, and Brillouin independently developed what is
hidden against the bark of a tree trunk. Its habit of walking with its body and legs flattened against a surface helps Phaeacius to be unobtrusive. Feeding and defence While almost all jumping spiders are predators, mostly preying on insects, on other spiders, and on other arthropods, Phaeacius does not use the usual hunting tactics. Most jumping spiders walk throughout the day, so that they maximise their chances of a catch, and jump on their prey and then bite it. Unlike most jumping spiders, Phaeacius and other spartaeines do not leap on prey, but lunge from about half the predator's phonograph recording of the song. Lyrics I love my little cat, I do With soft black silky hair It comes with me each day to school And sits upon the chair When teacher says "why do you bring That little pet of yours?" I tell her that I bring my cat Along with me because Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow-wow! bow wow! Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow-wow! bow wow! I've got a little cat And I'm very fond of that But I'd rather have a bow-wow Wow, wow, wow, wow We used to have two tiny dogs Such pretty little dears But daddy sold 'em 'cause they used To bite each other's ears I cried all out into the open or calming the prey by monotonously repeating the same signal while the Portia walks slowly close enough to bite it. Such tactics enable Portia species to take web spiders from 10% to 200% of a Portia′s size, and Portia species hunt in all types of webs. In contrast, other cursorial spiders generally have difficulty moving on webs, and web-building spiders find it difficult to move in webs unlike those they build. When hunting in another spider's web, a Portia′s slow, choppy movements and the flaps on its legs make it resemble leaf detritus caught in the saying "Oh, no, Doc. Wouldn't think of it. We're gonna brew a stew, remember?", only to make Elmer back away, forcing him to hide on top of his door: "Oh no! Pwease, Mr. Wabbit! Go away! Don't come any cwoser! D-Don't come near me! Nooooooooo!". Bugs, thinking he has B.O., sniffs his glove and tells the audience "Oh, goodness! Don't tell me I offend." just as Elmer pleads with Bugs to "Make twacks. Scuwwy away. Scwam!" to which Bugs angrily replies as he leaves "Okay! I can take a hint! I know when I'm not wanted! Goodbye!". But when Bugs July 24, 2018, Hawkins announced he would be interested in making a NFL return with the San Francisco 49ers. Personal life Hawkins is the younger brother of former NFL cornerback Artrell Hawkins. He is also the cousin of retired CFL slotback Geroy Simon, and former NFL offensive guard Carlton Haselrig. Hawkins is a Christian. Hawkins has spoken about his faith saying, "I literally thank God every day for what I'm doing right now. I wouldn't change the way I got here at all. It taught me so much. It made me a better person and a better man. I'm just so foot caught in my cape and I stumbled and he saw me. Harold came up to me and said: 'Oh, what's the use of fighting! Let's make up and have things as they were before. Let's start all over again!' But something inside of me wouldn't let me make up. I didn't feel as if things could ever be all right again. And I said: 'No - if I'm not good enough to speak to at school, I'm not good enough to make up with!' (. . .)Harold took a step towards me and I told him to stay where lord, I wonder if I'm ever gon' make it back home.Oh lord, it must have been the Devil that pulled me here.More down than out. Oh lord, I'm gon' be back home.Comin' back home one day 'for long.Away from here. If I woulda listened to my dear old mother,but she's dead and gon'.Oh lord, if I ever make it back homeI'll never do wrong no more. Later, after failing at hunting wild animals, the prisoner is drinking nearby spring water out of a can he had kept with him from prison. He looks into the can to see it covered in blood, causing when we started going out again, it got so that I didn't want to be with anyone. I used to phone her up from Los Angeles about twice a day. Then she'd call me back. We used to make about 90-minute calls". In the same year, Gibb was seen around town with Hungarian singer Sarolta Zalatnay, but he later insisted: "I'm not a Casanova and it's all most unfortunate. I've never been publicised to be available. Because of the stories of my affairs with Lulu and Sarolta, the fans feel, 'Oh, we won't bother about Maurice because he's always got a By now, he has completely brainwashed her: she says, "I could run, but he would find me. He would take me back to 623 Daisy Lane and make everyone who lives there pay. He would make everyone there pay even if he didn't find me. I belong to him. I'm his little girl. All I have to do is be good." So she "stays in line" even though she is left at their apartment alone all day while he is at work, and even goes to get bikini waxes done by herself. One day, Ray tells Alice he wants her to While not deviating too far from A Perfect Circle's sound, Howerdel did make an effort to write songs at a faster tempo, while sounding "not so ominous". He summarized: I'm doing the same thing I've always done, which is writing songs from the heart, doing what comes naturally to me and writing songs that wouldn't be hard to fit into the A Perfect Circle mold. In the beginning, when I started writing this stuff, I set out to do something very different. But if this is going to be my main focus, I want it to be what feels really right
saliva and anti-coagulants. For any given individual, with the initial bite there is no reaction but with subsequent bites the body's immune system develops antibodies and a bite becomes inflamed and itchy within 24 hours. This is the usual reaction in young children. With more bites, the sensitivity of the human immune system increases, and an itchy red hive appears in minutes where the immune response has broken capillary blood vessels and fluid has collected under the skin. This type of reaction is common in older children and adults. Some adults can become desensitized to mosquitoes and have little or the same." Slate magazine's Willa Paskin, commented: "It will scratch your period drama itch—and leave you itchy for action." Writing for The Mail on Sunday, Hugo Vickers, an English biographer of the Royal Family, argued that "while [The Crown] certainly holds the attention, it is marred by a series of sensationalist errors and some quite remarkable lapses into vulgarity." Love Is Like an Itching in My Heart Overview One of the group's most powerful singles, this uptempo and brassy dance single was somewhat of a departure from the group's much lighter, pop-oriented sound, with a production set for an uptempo soul sound similar to that of material by fellow Motown groups Martha and the Vandellas and the Four Tops. The lyrics tell of how the narrator has been "bitten by the love bug" and no matter what she does, she can't "scratch it" (the itch created by the bite of the love bug). Lead singer Diana Ross' bandmates Florence to urinate when picked up. This is considered a sign of distress. It also may bite or scratch, but has not been known to cause any severe harm. If found in the wild, the turtle may be more likely to do any one of these. away with the Pumpkinhead, which he mistakes for a romance. She tells him that they have stolen the Powder of Life, worth a million dollars an ounce, because it can bring anything it touches to life. The Woggle-Bug suggests trying it on the Democratic Party. The Professor then insists that the Woggle-Bug is his property to prevent him to go, and the Woggle-Bug retorts that if he is held after school that his parents will bite the Professor. Five peasant women, who speak as ungrammatical hicks (e.g., "You bet we is."), Prissy, Jessica, Flinders, Melinda, and Bettina enter leaving an itchy rash. Despite the bite being more severe than that of a mosquito, the moths do not pose a risk to humans. Although it has been reported that moths have bitten humans in Asia, it was not until the summer of 1999 that a Russian scientist, Vladimir Kononenko, observed that this species of moth was capable of filling its stomach with human blood. Bite toy in Transformers. The first Bug Bite was a Japanese-exclusive white repaint of Generation 1 Bumblebee which retained Bug Bites VW Beetle vehicle mode. The color change to white was due to Bumblebee and Bug Bite sharing the colors yellow and black in their original competing releases. The name Leader-1 was reused for Transformers Armada Megatron's mini-con in 2002. While Hasbro has used current toy technology to update their G1 Transformer characters over the years, it is unlikely that Gobots will receive similar treatment, as the molds—and thus, the original character designs—belong to Bandai. In 1995, a line of Transformers called Go-Bots its prey. A bite to a human will at most give a red itchy rash around the area of the bite. Distribution The giant garter snake is found in Central California. Its historic range extends through much of Central California’s Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys but has been reduced to a few fragmented areas in the Sacramento Valley. Due to its semiaquatic nature, it is rarely found more than a few meters from water during the active season. This reliance on water has prevented the giant garter snake from dispersing to new habitats effectively and is also responsible for fragmenting Dermatitis herpetiformis Signs and symptoms Dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by intensely itchy, chronic papulovesicular eruptions, usually distributed symmetrically on extensor surfaces (buttocks, back of neck, scalp, elbows, knees, back, hairline, groin, or face). The blisters vary in size from very small up to 1 cm across. The condition is extremely itchy, and the desire to scratch may be overwhelming. This sometimes causes the sufferer to scratch the blisters off before they are examined by a physician. Intense itching or burning sensations are sometimes felt before the blisters appear in a particular area. The signs and symptoms of DH typically appear around hunt bed bugs at night, as well as other prey. Both the nymphs and adults are predatory, feeding on various arthropods by piercing their bodies with sucking mouthparts. Masked hunters prefer dry habitats and are usually only found in small numbers when they infest houses. Human impact Masked hunters deliver a bite comparable to a bee's sting when handled or trapped. The bite can cause swelling that lasts for about a week. Because they feed on a wide variety of arthropods, they sometimes are found in homes with bed bug infestations. They can generally be controlled by dealing with the bed bug
U.S. Navy, serving as the enlisted representative to the Chief of Naval Operations. His function was to counsel the highest ranks of the Navy on issues associated with enlisted guidance, leadership, and policy. MCPON Black was the first enlisted man to write a foreword for The Bluejacket's Manual. Retirement and later work Upon retirement from active duty, Master Chief Black continued his involvement with the Navy through retired and active duty organizations. He was an active member of the USO Council of Central Florida; the Fleet Reserve Association; and Co-Chairman on the Secretary of Navy Committee on Retired Personnel. He SECNAV directive, all enlisted sailors in both the Active Component and the Reserve Component now receive the same good conduct medal for the same period of service. Additional awards of the Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal are denoted by service stars. This was strictly an enlisted service medal on par with Navy Good Conduct Medal for active duty enlisted sailors, to include those active duty enlisted sailors in the now-renamed U.S. Navy Reserve's Full Time Support (FTS) program, previously known as Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR). Commissioned officers, to include chief warrant officers, were not eligible for award Terry D. Scott Early life and education Scott was born in Buffalo, Missouri. Before enlisting in the U.S. Navy, he lived in Louisburg, Kansas. Career Scott joined the U.S. Navy in December 1976, and began his active duty service in 1977. He completed the Missile Technician training, Basic Enlisted Submarine School, and the Navy's Instructor training school; he was later certified as a Master Training Specialist. He graduated with honors from the U.S. Navy Senior Enlisted Academy in 1990, and received a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University. During his 29 years of service in the Navy, he active duty commissioned service attend the same active duty Officer Training School (OTS) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama as do prospective active duty USAF officers and prospective direct entry Air Force Reserve officers not commissioned via USAFA or AFROTC. Other commissioning programs In the United States Armed Forces, enlisted military personnel without a four-year university degree at the bachelor's level can, under certain circumstances, also be commissioned in the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Limited Duty Officer (LDO) program. Officers in this category constitute less than 2% of all officers in those services. Another category in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps More than 1,476 U.S. Navy nurses (American military nurses were all women then) served in military hospitals stateside and overseas. Over 400 U.S. military nurses died in service, almost all from the Spanish flu epidemic which swept through crowded military camps, hospitals, and ports of embarkation. The first American women enlisted into the regular armed forces were 13,000 women admitted into active duty in the U.S. Navy. They served stateside in jobs and received the same benefits and responsibilities as men, including identical pay (US$28.75 per month), and were treated as veterans after the war. The U.S. Marine Corps enlisted 305 Ribbon are denoted by bronze and/or silver service stars on the ribbon. U.S. Army Sea Duty Ribbon The U.S. Army Sea Duty Ribbon (ASDR) was established on 17 April 2006 as the "Army Sea Duty Ribbon"; its name was changed to its current moniker on 30 June 2010. It may be awarded to active duty soldiers who complete two cumulative years of sea duty on a Class A or B U.S. Army vessel. Duty aboard U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy Military Sealift Command, NOAA vessels, or aboard Army leased or foreign and non–military vessels may also qualify if itself. The term of service for each enlisted person is written on the DD Form 4 series, the contract which specifies the active-duty or reserve enlistment period, which for a first-time enlistee from two to six years, which can be a combination of active duty and time spent in a reserve component, although enlisted reservists are subject to activation until the end of the eight-year initial military obligation. Officers do not take the same oath as enlisted personnel, instead taking a similar United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office. Navy personnel will reenlist using form NAVPERS 1070/601 (Rev.9-99) printed from Navy Standard de facto Good Conduct Medal for Navy Reserve (formerly Naval Reserve) enlisted personnel. Since that date, all Navy enlisted personnel have received the Navy Good Conduct Medal, whether in a full-time active duty or a part-time drilling reserve status. The various services have established separate Reserve Good Conduct Medals, albeit under various names, as a comparable award available to enlisted Reserve and National Guard members who satisfactorily perform annual training, drill duty and any additional active duty of less than 3 consecutive years duration. The exception, as previously stated, is the United States Navy, which discontinued that service's separate award James L. Herdt Early life and education A native of Casper, Wyoming, Herdt enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1966. After attending Machinist's Mate "A" School in Great Lakes, Illinois, he served sea tours aboard the USS Independence (CV-62) and USS Will Rogers (SSBN-659) and shore tours at Nuclear Power Training Unit, Windsor, Connecticut, and Radiological Repair Facility in New London, Connecticut. Career After leaving active duty in 1974, Herdt enlisted in the Naval Reserve serving in various Selected Naval Reserve units while attending Kansas State University. Returning to active duty in 1976, he served as a Naval Reserve Navy Enlisted Classification The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the rating designators for enlisted members of the United States Navy. A naval rating and NEC designator are similar to the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) designators used in the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps and the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) used in the U.S. Air Force. The U.S. Navy has several ratings or job specialties for its enlisted members. An enlisted member is known by the enlisted rating, for example, a Machinist's Mate (or MM or by the enlisted rate, for example Petty Officer First Class (or PO1). Often
Limited symptom attack A limited symptom attack (LSA), also referred to as a limited symptom panic attack (LPA), is a milder, less comprehensive form of panic attack, with fewer than four panic related symptoms being experienced (APA 1994). For example, a sudden episode of intense dizziness or trembling accompanied by fear that something terrible is about to happen. Many people with panic disorder have a mixture of full blown and limited symptom attacks. LSAs often manifest in anxiety disorders, phobias, panic disorder and agoraphobia. However, experiencing an LSA is not necessarily indicative of mental illness. Often persons recovering from or or even exercise. However, sometimes the trigger is unclear and the attacks can arise without warning. To help prevent an attack one can avoid the trigger. This being said not all attacks can be prevented. In addition to recurrent unexpected panic attacks, a diagnosis of panic disorder requires that said attacks have chronic consequences: either worry over the attacks' potential implications, persistent fear of future attacks, or significant changes in behavior related to the attacks. As such, those suffering from panic disorder experience symptoms even outside specific panic episodes. Often, normal changes in heartbeat are noticed by a panic sufferer, leading maniac exists and has made a number of attacks. But many of the reported attacks are nothing more than hysteria. Fear of the gas man is entirely out of proportion to the menace of the relatively harmless gas he is spraying. The whole town is sick with hysteria. On September 12, local Chief of Police C. E. Cole took Wright's hypothesis a step further, announcing that there had likely been no gas attacks at all, and that the reported incidents had probably been triggered by chemicals carried on the wind from nearby industrial facilities and then exacerbated by public panic. Wright and that from generalized anxiety disorder. Panic attacks may be provoked by exposure to certain stimuli (e.g., seeing a mouse) or settings (e.g., the dentist's office). Other attacks may appear unprovoked. Some individuals deal with these events on a regular basis, sometimes daily or weekly. The outward symptoms of a panic attack often cause negative social experiences (e.g., embarrassment, social stigma, social isolation, etc.). Limited symptom attacks are similar to panic attacks, but have fewer symptoms. Most people with PD experience both panic attacks and limited symptom attacks. Interoceptive Studies investigating the relationship between interoception and panic disorder have shown that people partner, life transitions, and significant life changes may all trigger a panic attack to occur. A person with an anxious temperament, excessive need for reassurance, hypochondriacal fears, overcautious view of the world, and cumulative stress have been correlated with panic attacks. In adolescents, social transitions may also be a cause. People will often experience panic attacks as a direct result of exposure to an object/situation that they have a phobia for. Panic attacks may also become situationally-bound when certain situations are associated with panic due to previously experiencing an attack in that particular situation. People may also have a cognitive or Panic disorder Signs and symptoms Panic disorder sufferers usually have a series of intense episodes of extreme anxiety during panic attacks. These attacks typically last about ten minutes, and can be as short-lived as 1–5 minutes, but can last twenty minutes to more than an hour, or until helpful intervention is made. Panic attacks can wax and wane for a period of hours (panic attacks rolling into one another), and the intensity and specific symptoms of panic may vary over the duration. In some cases, the attack may continue at unabated high intensity, or seem to be increasing in severity. Common severe anxiety about having another attack are said to have panic disorder. Panic disorder is strikingly different from other types of anxiety disorders in that panic attacks are often sudden and unprovoked. However, panic attacks experienced by those with panic disorder may also be linked to or heightened by certain places or situations, making daily life difficult. Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder which primarily consists of the fear of experiencing a difficult or embarrassing situation from which the sufferer cannot escape. Panic attacks are commonly linked to agoraphobia and the fear of not being able to escape a bad avoidance response secondary to the panic attacks due to fear of the situations in which the panic attacks occurred. Diagnosis Most people who present to mental health specialists develop agoraphobia after the onset of panic disorder. Agoraphobia is best understood as an adverse behavioral outcome of repeated panic attacks and subsequent anxiety and preoccupation with these attacks that leads to an avoidance of situations where a panic attack could occur. Early treatment of panic disorder can often prevent agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is typically determined when symptoms are worse than panic disorder, but also do not meet the criteria for other anxiety respiratory function (e.g. feeling short of breath). These respiratory changes in turn can lead to the formation of panic attacks, as respiratory symptoms are a prominent feature of panic. Respiratory abnormalities have been found in children with high levels of anxiety, which suggests that a person with these difficulties may be susceptible to panic attacks, and thus more likely to subsequently develop panic disorder. Nicotine, a stimulant, could contribute to panic attacks. However, nicotine withdrawal may also cause significant anxiety which could contribute to panic attacks. It is also possible that panic disorder patients smoke cigarettes as a form of self-medication chemoreceptors innervated by the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. These chemoreceptors provide feedback to the cardiovascular centers about the need for increased or decreased blood flow, based on the relative levels of these substances. The limbic system can also significantly impact HR related to emotional state. During periods of stress, it is not unusual to identify higher than normal HRs, often accompanied by a surge in the stress hormone cortisol. Individuals experiencing extreme anxiety may manifest panic attacks with symptoms that resemble those of heart attacks. These events are typically transient and treatable. Meditation techniques have been developed to ease anxiety and
the couple then has to convince Krish's mom. But they run into problems as Krish's mother's relatives don't quite like the relationship and do not want Krish to get married to a Tamilian. They are won over after Ananya successfully intervenes to help one of Krish's cousins get married. Now as they have convinced both their parents, they decide to make a trip to Goa to give their parents an opportunity to get to know each other. But this too ends badly as Ananya's parents have a fallout with Krish's mother after which they leave, deciding that the families can Lekar Hum Deewana Dil Plot summary Dinesh (Dino) and Karishma (K) are best friends. Everyone in their circle of friends feels that they are perfect for each other, but Dino and Karishma ignore them and think of each other only as best friends. But when Karishma's father forces her into an arranged marriage with Mahesh, an employee from his office, both of them realize that they are perfect for each other and decide to elope. Before leaving, they adopt a stray puppy whom they name Jerry. They start their journey with little to no problems. However, their parents start searching for within the system to find what you want." Leary has said of his religious beliefs, "I'm a lapsed Catholic in the best sense of the word. You know, I was raised with Irish parents, Irish immigrant parents. My parents, you know, prayed all the time, took us to Mass. And my father would sometimes swear in Gaelic. It doesn't get more religious than that. But, no, after a while, they taught us wrong. I didn't raise my kids with the fear of God. I raised my kids with the sense of, you know, to me, Jesus was this great guy...." Denis resides expansion of SCHIP on October 3, 2007. In the radio address Graeme said "...if it weren't for CHIP, I might not be here today...We got the help we needed because we had health insurance for us through the CHIP program. But there are millions of kids out there who don't have CHIP, and they wouldn't get the care that my sister and I did if they got hurt. ... I just hope the President will listen to my story and help other kids to be as lucky as me." Criticism and support Following his radio address, the Frost family became small differences in coding can profoundly shape empirical patterns, and that after repeating the analysis with sound methods, the "differences in being raised by gay/lesbian and heterosexual parents are minimal." The second such peer reviewed criticism is by Stanford University Sociology professor Michael J. Rosenfeld which also brings out the methodological flaws in Regnerus study. It was published in Sociological Science . Unlike the above-mentioned two studies which have been published in journals indexed in trusted databases like SCOPUS and SCImago Journal Rank, peer reviewed support for Regnerus study has come from Walter Schumm in a journal named Comprehensive Psychology great courage, inner strength and joy." Brodsky said she has witnessed the human struggle to "overcome personal difficulties that started in childhood." "My books for children have messages in them that come from my social work experience...differences, friendship, loyalty, and social action," Brodsky told journalist Michael Cousineau in a 2008 interview in the New Hampshire Sunday News. "I feel very strongly that all of us can be productive and contribute, even if we may be different in some way." “Kids go through so many changes in their young lives, and my books help teach them how to grow stronger through those the show having the visual appearance of a children's television series, each episode was preceded by a content warning, stating that the show was intended for an adult audience and that "parental discretion" was advised. "Do Orphans Dream of Electric Parents?" is the second episode. It is about Brian Brain inventing robots and making them his parents, only to find that the robots want to divorce each other. In the next episode, "An Orphans Life Indeed", Princess Lucy seeks a best friend, but her vanity causes her to decide that only she can be her own best friend. Instant Family Plot Married couple Pete and Ellie Wagner, after being taunted by relatives who think they will never have kids, start considering the option of adopting a child. Initially half-serious, they eventually decide to enroll in a foster parents course. Two social workers, Karen and Sharon, guide the hopeful parents on the steps to getting into becoming adoptive parents. The couples are brought to a fair where they have the chance to go up to kids that they are interested in adopting. Pete and Ellie walk by the teenagers, although Ellie shows hesitance over raising a teen. One of has become study material for sociology courses at University of California Berkeley, where it is used to "examine issues of the production and reception of cultural objects, in this case, a satirical cartoon show", and to figure out what it is "trying to tell audiences about aspects primarily of American society, and, to a lesser extent, about other societies." Homer's quote "Kids are the best, Apu. You can teach them to hate the things you hate. And they practically raise themselves, what with the Internet and all", entered The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations in August 2007. but Homer sees that and strangles him. Bart smacks Homer over the head with a lampshade, making Marge disappointed. Marge was so frustrated about the kids that she starts having nightmares, and they decide to take them to a psychologist, who tells them that one of their kids is smart and good (Lisa) and the other is dim and evil (Bart). Back at the house, Ned Flanders decides to help them, arranging for Grandma Flanders to babysit the kids for them to enjoy a day without the kids, but they enjoy their day at the house, causing them to be
how his tax plan would affect a small business in this bracket. Obama said, "If you're a small business, which you would qualify, first of all, you would get a 50 percent tax credit so you'd get a cut in taxes for your health care costs. So you would actually get a tax cut on that part. If your revenue is above 250, then from 250 down, your taxes are going to stay the same. It is true that, say for 250 up — from 250 to 300 or so, so for that additional amount, you'd go from 36 to 39 proprietorships A sole proprietor is "someone who owns an unincorporated business by himself or herself." However, if you are the sole member of a domestic limited liability company (LLC), you are not a sole proprietor if you elect to treat the LLC as a corporation. In the United States, sole proprietors "must report all business income or losses on [their] personal income tax return; the business itself is not taxed separately. The IRS refers to this as "pass-through" taxation, because business profits pass through the business to be taxed on your personal tax return. S corporation While an S corporation K-1 was doing well, they get paid significantly enough to have you go into that ring, and hey, any kind of injury you get, they are going to pay. [...] These small organizations that you see that look so wonderful, they pay none of your bills if you get hurt, period. If you want to get hurt for a small amount of money in a fight, we call that the military." "You said it yourself, you have UFC fighters who are fighting more, and who are doing harder fights, and are getting less money. So you know what? [...] I do to earn income from investments: [...] Most interest you pay on money you borrow for investment purposes, but generally only if you use it to try to earn investment income, including interest and dividends. However, if the only earnings your investment can produce are capital gains, you cannot claim the interest you paid. Other sources indicate the deduction must be reasonable and that people should contact the Canada Revenue Agency for more information. The "Rental Income Includes Form T776" states people can deduce rental losses from other sources of income: "You have a rental loss if your rental expenses are more paid in 2019 are not taxed to shareholder if the shareholders are corporate. When setting up a business, there are some points that should be ensured: -Prepare the registration for company income tax -Record accounting -Prepare company tax return for income tax -Meet the payments deadline for income tax -Meet the deadline for filing company tax return. Speaking of taxable profits of a corporate, there are included: -Money that come from doing business or any other activity -Money that come from selling assets for a higher price than their costs. -Money that come from other utilization of the property of the company. •If the corporate is based in Slovakia Republic, the you can claim a credit for foreign taxes paid to Puerto Rico. However, you are not allowed to claim a credit for foreign taxes paid with respect to Puerto Rican source income that is excluded from a U.S. tax return. Therefore, to properly calculate your foreign tax credit, you must reduce your foreign taxes paid by the amount of taxes allocable to excluded Puerto Rican source income. Employers in Puerto Rico are subject to both Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax (a payroll withholding tax, which funds Social Security and Medicare) and the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Employers in Puerto In the United States, pass-through entities include "sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations that ... pay taxes at the individual rate of their owners" as well as income trusts and limited liability companies. According to CNN Money, in the United States, most "businesses are set up as pass-throughs, not corporations" which "means their profits are passed through to the owners, shareholders and partners, who pay tax on them on their personal returns under ordinary income tax rates." In other words pass-through businesses are not "taxed like corporations and instead pay taxes on business income as if it were personal income." Sole identity connected to an offshore company. Moving money around by opening a bank account in a location that is not connect to where they trust is registered is another way to stay anonymous. Because secessionists do not pay taxes they withdraw themselves not only financially, but socially. If you want to be able to enjoy the wealth you shelter, it will be coming visible, and the government will eventually realize your wealth and you will pay taxes. If your money remains hidden, you are successful in your secession, but cannot use it for exchange. The exchange of goods and money creates Jaguar Productions (company) Jaguar Productions was a short-lived production company established by actor Alan Ladd in the 1953. It produced several movies, most of them starring Ladd. The majority of the films were distributed through Warner Bros.. "The principal difficulty, whether you take a salary from a studio or are in business for yourself, is finding the right story," said Ladd. "Once the story is set, the rest of the operation follows a pattern, so you may as well own a piece of the negative - even if you have to beg, borrow or steal to get your hands on it." In you are 16 and it says where you can work, and where you can be, and if you have got work. You can't get a job without this book. And you can only get a job where they stamp your pass to say 'Johannesburg' or 'Pretoria' and so on. You must carry it with you all the time because the police can ask you, 'Where is your pass?' any time, and then you must show them. If you haven't got your pass, they put you in jail for some days or else you must pay some money to get out."
better in the day we should be a bright light above us because we are pressed downwards ... there could be no refraction since same matter cannot press 2 ways. a little body interposed could not hinder us from seeing pressure could not render shapes so distinct. sun could not be quite eclipsed Moone & planets would shine like suns. When a fire or candle is extinguished we looking another way should see a light. Nature of colour The then-current theory of color held that white light was elementary and that colors arose from mixtures of light and dark. Newton see with the naked eye but extends beyond it; we believe in what we see through light microscopes because it agrees with what we see through magnifying glasses but extends beyond it; and similarly for electron microscopes. Like slippery slope arguments, extrapolation arguments may be strong or weak depending on such factors as how far the extrapolation goes beyond the known range. a combative relationship with her father, stating: "He's a worthy adversary. He's a very strong personality. He's an amazing person, an amazing father, but sometimes there are certain things we don't see eye to eye on. I call him on it and we fight, just like anybody else." As of 2018, Page resided in Los Angeles, California. and communications Maggie Ardiente told the Washington Post, "I am looking at statistics and they tell me people like Ken Ham and other creationists are being very effective and that is a serious problem. We can't just ignore that. We have to challenge people like Ken Ham so I support the debate 100 percent." Debbie Goddard, the Center for Inquiry's director of outreach, concurred: "If we don't let [creationists'] ideas see the light of day we can't develop the tools to address them. And we don't just need the tools of facts and evidence, but also of understanding their views wanted to keep touring, Justin didn’t. He wanted something more secure, and I said let’s just play the shows because there were fans out there, but we just didn’t see eye to eye. I’m not saying I was right or I was wrong, we just couldn’t decide what we should do and we couldn’t be together any more. Later on we had some more conversations that went in the same direction, and we couldn’t see eye to eye. Eventually we just stopped talking. There were so many good songs that I want to get out there, but we just can’t the stuff sound more believable or something. It's kind of old-fashioned. I always say like, even the toughest guys you see - when they're with a girl, the girlfriend, they're all sissies just like we are. So you know, that emotion, I don't mind doing a song that sounds old-fashioned, because we're all kind of old-fashioned. When Robin came and did the chorus, and the song really just built up to what I had envisioned. We tried it through the years; it was never right and we finally got it. That was the only song that was kind of old where they could in a hurry, and get any shot they could.' This is what we wanted [Godzilla] to feel like, as if people were filming glimpses at any chance they could." He also found himself "Doing things [I] think are cliche; panning up just as a roar happens, or getting the perfect shot, things I shake my head at when watching other people's films. Especially when [Godzilla] is first seen, we wanted a build up, and then pan up, we see him, and then we don't see him. I love that." Post-production Visual effects on the film were supervised and had this conversation with Jay Baumgardner, and he said he’d love to sign us but they weren’t close to getting contracts done. So we said let’s start recording and get the ball rolling, and we did, but then this contract got presented to us that just wasn’t fair. It just didn’t make any sense, and we wouldn’t have been able to survive off the terms. We went out and did a little bit of touring, and that got cut short because of the financing, and then we couldn’t see eye to eye about the choice to keep going. I of "naming" the stars through the mobile app, to light up others’ lives with love and care. This activity was just like collecting starlight which we rarely see nowadays due to light pollution. Leung tried to tell us that not only are we far away from starry nights, we,phubbers are also gradually far away from the ones we love. Leung wanted to create something to make phubbers left up their heads and care their beloved ones. ‘’ Leung is good at making creation from real life experience and inspiration.’’ Editors from said so. "Pearl River Delta Series I: Made in Hong are sure a particular activity—e.g. Olympic target shooting—is a game while a similar activity—e.g. military sharp shooting—is not? Wittgenstein's explanation is tied up with an important analogy. How do we recognize that two people we know are related to one another? We may see similar height, weight, eye color, hair, nose, mouth, patterns of speech, social or political views, mannerisms, body structure, last names, etc. If we see enough matches we say we've noticed a family resemblance. It is perhaps important to note that this is not always a conscious process—generally we don't catalog various similarities until we reach a
to the United States. Nonetheless, many Chinese immigrants arrived in America by obtaining false documents. The Chinese Exclusion Act allowed the Chinese Americans already settled in the United States to stay and provided for limited numbers of family members of Chinese Americans to immigrate with the correct paperwork. This loophole and the fateful 1906 earthquake that destroyed San Francisco's public records provided Chinese immigrants, almost entirely men, with the potential to immigrate with false documents stating their familial relationship to a Chinese American. These Chinese immigrants were called “paper sons,” because of their false papers. “Paper sons” relied on networks Beit Herut History The moshav was founded in 1933 by immigrants from the United States, and was initially named Herut America Bet, as the moshav now known as Herut was named Herut America Alef at the time (there was also a Herut America Gimel, which is today called Hadar Am). The name was taken from the organisation which helped the residents immigrate to Mandate Palestine, 91-225, which amended the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and created the K visa category. Today, U.S. law allows several ways for an American citizen to petition for a foreign loved one to immigrate to the United States. Immigrant visas are available for an American to marry his or her spouse in a foreign country and then petition the spouse to immigrate to the United States. Spouses of U.S. citizens receive immediate preference to immigrate to the United States. However, in some cases a foreign citizen and an American citizen cannot legally marry in a foreign country, or economic reasons) and 2. The incentives for immigrants to adapt to the U.S. labor market. When Hispanic persons immigrate to the United States, neither their physical nor human capital specific to their country of origin is easily transferred to the United States' labor market; human capital investments must be made in the United States in order to assimilate into the labor market. Borjas argues that the Hispanic groups that immigrate to the United States for economic reasons, rather than political reasons, have more incentive to acquire human capital in the United States and therefore do so faster than other groups. to go to United States of America to seek better fortunes. Jose Sarabia came from a family of 5 children; Socorro, Felipe, Maria, Jesus and himself. Born and raised in Guanajuato Mexico. He was the only one with formal education, his father and uncles had done up until second grade. He wanted to go to United States of America, in order to do that, he moved to Juarez, Mexico with 87 cents on his behalf. After saving enough money to immigrate to Houston, which was 8 dollars, he decided to leave. Once in Houston, he worked as a gardener at Rice borders Families do not always immigrate as one unit. Given the various legal and economical factors associated with transnational migration, certain family members may find it easier to immigrate to the United States than others. In other cases, individuals may immigrate to the United States as an employment strategy, with no intention of permanently relocating their family to the U.S. The distribution of family members across national borders can generate unique forms of inequality within the families of immigrants. Global relationships as a strategy to uphold gender roles Some immigrants, particularly those from cultures in which women are subordinate to changed, but also how immigration is changing America. The book follows the story of seven families as they immigrate to the United States. One family is from Palestine. The daughter of this family is marrying a second generation immigrant from Palestine that lives in Chicago. Another family is in exile from Nigeria, and has been granted permission by the United States to move to Chicago. Two other immigrants are from the Dominican Republic, and have come to the United States to play professional baseball. Another family is from Mexico, immigrating to California in order to make money. The last family immigrated Afghans immigrated to the United States. Between 1953 and early 1970, at least 230 lawfully entered the United States, meaning that the U.S. government was aware of their entry. Some of those who entered the United States were students who had won scholarships to study in American universities. After the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, around five million Afghan citizens were displaced, being forced to immigrate or seek refuge in other countries. These Afghan refugees mostly settled in neighboring Pakistan and Iran, and from there many made it to the European Union (EU), North America, Australia, and elsewhere in the about America titled Pathfinder for Norwegian Emigrants to the United North American States and Texas (Norwegian: Veiviser for norske emigranter til De forenede nordamerikanske stater og Texas) a comprehensive book about America published in Norway. Reierson particularly advocated Texas as the most promising regions for settlement. Reierson decided to immigrate to Texas and establish a Norwegian colony in the republic. With a small group of Norwegians, including his own family, he returned in the spring of 1845. Before departing for America, he established a monthly magazine, Norway and America (Norwegian: Norge og Amerika) to report on the progress of the Norwegians The United States also funded temporary camps and admitted large numbers of refugees as permanent residents. Truman obtained ample funding from Congress for the Displaced Persons Act of 1948, which allowed many of the displaced people of World War II to immigrate into the United States. Of the approximately one million people resettled by the IRO, more than 400,000 settled in the United States. The most contentious issue facing the IRO was the resettlement of European Jews, many of whom, with the support of Truman, were allowed to immigrate to British-controlled Mandatory Palestine. The administration also helped create a new
Ship resistance and propulsion Definition Ship resistance is defined as the force required to tow the ship in calm water at a constant velocity. Components of resistance A body in water which is stationary with respect to water, experiences only hydrostatic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure always acts to oppose the weight of the body. If the body is in motion, then there are also hydrodynamic pressures that act on the body. Froude's experiments When testing ship models and then comparing the results to actual ships, the models tend to over predict the resistance of the ship. Froude had observed that when a Full pond Full pond is an American phrase used to describe the water level of a lake, reservoir or other body of fresh water when the level is just below the spillway, or is otherwise at a maximum, sustainable and safe level. Technically, a body of water can have a water level higher than full pond when the inflow of water into the body greatly exceeds the outflow (such as during a heavy rain event), even if the body of water is not at full flood level. Most lakes and reservoirs have the ability to lower the level of the lake depend on different types of algae and bacteria for the food. Most aquatic macro-invertebrates are small while some are quite large such as freshwater crayfish. They are very sensitive to different physical and chemical conditions and respond to it accordingly due to their limited mobility. For example, their community will change when a pollutant enters into the water or due to the change of water quality. Therefore, the water body which is rich with a macro-invertebrate community can be used to provide an estimate of water body health. Macro invertebrates termed "benthos" inhabit surfaces of vegetation, rocks and other aquatic sediments. They one was at the top of its well, the other was at the bottom. The top bucket was charged with water, and its weight then caused it to descend, raising the other bucket and a tub boat at the same time. When it reached the bottom, the water was automatically discharged, and ran along an adit to empty into the bottom level of the canal. The process was quick and efficient, raising a tub boat in about four minutes, which was half the time required when the standby 16 hp (12 kW) steam engine had to be used. Green took his inspiration for of 1931, but continued to deny any involvement. Initially, investigators thought Starr Faithfull had either been pushed from the Mauretania or abducted from that ship into a boat, from which she was then pushed into the water. Later, the large amount of sand found in her lungs coupled with the bruises to her upper body caused them to believe that she had been drowned in the sandy water close to shore by being forcibly held under water, perhaps near the spot where she was found, rather than having been pushed from a ship several miles offshore and having her body wash inches) and the length of the tub (5 feet), the upper part of her body would have been pushed up the sloping head of the tub, far above the level of the water. The second stage consists of violent spasms of the limbs, which were drawn up to the body and then flung outward. Therefore, no one of her size could possibly get under water, even when her muscles were relaxed, in the third stage: the tub was simply too small. Using French's description of Bessie Williams when he found her in the bathtub, Spilsbury reasoned that Smith must have seized to geothermal effects, chemical composition or asteroid impacts. This article describes some of the places that could have held large lakes. Overview Besides seeing features that were signs of past surface water, researchers found other types of evidence for past water. Minerals detected in many locations needed water to form. An instrument in 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter mapped the distribution of water in the shallow surface. When the Phoenix lander fired its retrorockets to land in the far north, ice was exposed. When water enters a large body of water, such as a lake, a delta may form. Many craters Water intoxication Low body mass (infants) It can be very easy for children under one year old to absorb too much water, especially if the child is under nine months old. Because of their small body mass, it is easy for them to take in a large amount of water relative to body mass and total body sodium stores. Endurance sports Marathon runners are susceptible to water intoxication if they drink too much while running. This is caused when sodium levels drop below 135 μmol/L when athletes consume large amounts of fluid. This has been noted to be the result on each arm. According to Archimedes' principle, floating objects displace their own weight in water, so when the boat enters, the amount of water leaving the caisson weighs exactly the same as the boat. This is achieved by maintaining the water levels on each side to within a difference of 37 mm (1.5 in) using a site-wide computer control system comprising water level sensors, automated sluices and pumps. It takes 22.5 kilowatts (30.2 hp) to power ten hydraulic motors, which consume 1.5 kilowatt-hours (5,100 BTU) per half-turn, roughly the same as boiling eight kettles of water. Each of the two caissons is 6.5 metres (21 ft) toxaphene exposure is through ingested seafood. When toxaphene enters the body, it usually accumulates in fatty tissues. It is broken down through dechlorination and oxidation in the liver, and the byproducts are eliminated through feces. People that live near an area that has high toxaphene contamination are at high risk to toxaphene exposure through inhalation of contaminated air or direct skin contact with contaminated soil or water. Eating large quantities of fish on a daily basis also increases susceptibility to toxaphene exposure. Finally, exposure is rare, yet possible through drinking water when contaminated by toxaphene runoff from the soil. However, toxaphene
that on the song, Keys sounds "harder and tougher", explaining that "It sounds like a rhythmic jam with some vocals tucked underneath." Sciaretto finally concluded that "When you have a gift like Keys, why not use it to its full potential?" Andrew Santana from Entertainment Weekly attributed to Swizz Beatz the musical change that Keys showcased in "New Day", stating that it is "a different sound for the usually more subdued Keys." Katherine St Asaph from Popdust gave the song three stars out of five, and recognized that "the clear inspiration" behind the "clattering military drums, party-hearty lyrics and brash-and-scattered vocals Davey Brozowski Davey Brozowski (born October 17, 1982) is a drummer and percussionist from Seattle, WA. He currently tours with Modest Mouse as their percussionist. Other acts include Cayucas, The Catheters, Black Whales, and Tall Birds. In 2010 Brozowski also toured with Broken Bells as their live percussionist alongside Brian Burton aka Dangermouse. He also played drums songs during the set when Burton would move to keys or guitar. Brozowski plays a sit down style cocktail kit with Modest Mouse that is modeled after a Rogers Parklane and custom made by C&C Drums. before we had FM radio." "Radio 4" was recorded and performed by Levene, initially with Ken Lockie from Cowboys International on drums, at Advision Studios. Levene played the bassline "as if it was Wobble playing," and played a Yamaha String Ensemble to create the layered synth sounds. "I was using this thing and I start building it up, all I'm doing is taking different sounds from this thing and layering it. When I heard it, I pulled the drums out. I got on the idea of trying to make it sound orchestrated with the long chords played shorter. To get the smaller or thinner ones. Virtual drums Virtual drums are a type of audio software that simulates the sound of a drum kit using synthesized drum kit sounds or digital samples of acoustic drum sounds. Different drum software products offer a recording function, the ability to select from several acoustically distinctive drum kits (e.g., jazz, rock, metal), as well as the option to incorporate different songs into the session. Some software for the personal computer (PC) can turn any hard surface into a virtual drum kit using only one microphone. Common configurations Drum kits are traditionally categorised by the number and experimentation, one can determine how an instrument produces sound and then assign the instrument to one of the following four categories: By musical function or orchestration When classifying instruments by function it is useful to note if a percussion instrument makes a definite pitch or indefinite pitch. For example, some percussion instruments such as the marimba and timpani produce an obvious fundamental pitch and can therefore play melody and serve harmonic functions in music. Other instruments such as crash cymbals and snare drums produce sounds with such complex overtones and a wide range of prominent frequencies that no pitch is do not include drums. Levon Helm, the Band drummer who temporarily left the group earlier, stated in his autobiography that he played the drums for a recording of this song. The fragmentary version does include drums, but Heylin has suggested that this sounds more like Manuel's drumming style. He has suggested that this may mean that the Band may have recorded another version for possible inclusion on their own album. The Byrds version Dylan had intended to donate "Nothing Was Delivered" to other singers rather than release it himself. It was one of fourteen songs from be played in a soft or quiet manner due to the fact that the message can be translated incorrectly if played to quietly. In English this would be equivalent to putting different emphasis on certain words in a sentence or syllable in a word. Carrington is arguably one of the most knowledgeable men in regards to talking drums and the way in which they communicate. In his book, ″Talking Drums of Africa″, he seems, however, to leave out several key pieces in which African Drums talk. Nothing is mentioned about the rhythm or speed of the beats necessary for the listener Slit drum A slit drum is a hollow percussion instrument. In spite of the name, it is not a true drum but an idiophone, usually carved or constructed from bamboo or wood into a box with one or more slits in the top. Most slit drums have one slit, though two and three slits (cut into the shape of an "H") occur. If the resultant tongues are different width or thicknesses, the drum will produce two different pitches. It is used throughout Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. In Africa such drums, strategically situated for optimal acoustic transmission (e.g., along Nyele The nyele is a small horn made from hollowed out animal horn or matete reed. The nyele is played in groups; one man plays one note and others play different pitches, which combine to form a certain combination of sounds. Traditionally, the nyele were played along with the budima drums at funerals of the so-called Valley Tonga in Zambia. The nyele is sometimes decorated with European paints, a sleeve of snakeskin or seed beads pressed into bees wax. They are used by men and youth at both formal and informal dances. They are commonly played with drums and not by argue that human races do exist, and that they correspond to the genetic classification of ecotypes, but that real human races do not correspond very much, if at all, to folk racial categories. In contrast, Walsh & Yun reviewed the literature in 2011 and reported that "Genetic studies using very few chromosomal loci find that genetic polymorphisms divide human populations into clusters with almost 100 percent accuracy and that they correspond to the traditional anthropological categories." Some biologists argue that racial categories correlate with biological traits (e.g. phenotype), and that certain genetic markers have varying frequencies among human populations, some of
a small penis growing out of the forehead. Finger The finger gesture is a gesture consisting of a fist with the middle finger extended. It is universally understood as "fuck you" due to its resemblance to the penis. It is certainly thousands of years old, being referred to in Ancient Roman literature as the digitus infamis or digitus impudicus. Performing this gesture is also called "flipping the bird" in countries where "the finger" is used. In other regions, "flipping the bird" refers to the raising of the middle and index finger with the back of the hand directed at the simultaneously shaking their open hand and moving their fingers back and forth. Deaf Waving "hello" or "goodbye" to the deaf requires a different protocol and has an alternate meaning than the standard, one action waving gesture that means both "hello" or "goodbye." For an ASL user or a deaf individual, saying "goodbye" is done by repeatedly opening and closing the right hand, and it faces the receiver of the gesture. This method is used to say "goodbye" to a group of people; saying "goodbye" to an individual is done with a different method. Saying "hello" is done by the traditional a universal audience is not practical. Perelman's theory of a universal audience includes reasonable people of all time, thus removing the argument or speech out of the context of history. Perelman's theory requires the speaker to understand universal values and ideals throughout history. Henry Johnstone Jr., argues the philosophical and cultural changes over time are sometimes so great, that arguments cannot be universally effective and understood. Simply due to the differences in circumstance, it is impossible for a universal audience to exist. People of a certain time and place, the particular audience, are the limits of persuasive "safe". Out calls are made by raising the right hand in a clenched fist, with a verbal call of "out". Strikes are called by the plate umpire, who uses the same motion as the out call with a verbal call of "strike". Balls are only called verbally, with no hand gesture. The umpire also has the option of not saying anything on a ball. It is understood that when he stands up, the pitch was not a strike. Foul balls are called by extending both arms up in the air with a verbal call of "foul ball", while fair balls Wong Ram gesture, each hand is attached to a stick, called Mai Takiap, for controlling the hand gesture. While about the hero, the demon and the joker, their right hand is a clenched fist motion for holding a weapon, and in their left hand is in the Tang Wong Ram hand gesture. The puppet’s body – Its body is made from bamboo or other material. The puppet’s shoulders – Its shoulders are made from wood or other material. The puppet’s clothes – Its costume is like a sack covering from its shoulders to its half-bodied length. Furthermore there is ornate embroidery work for kundalas (earrings) or a makara-kundala (makara-shaped earring) in the right ear and a shankhapatra (earring made of conch) in the other. Kankalamurti wears red upper garments and a short pant made of tiger hide and silk. His complexion is white. A white yagnopavita (sacred thread) is worn across the chest. Kankalamurti is depicted with four arms. His front left hand holds a drum called dhakka or damaru and his front right hand holds a bana, a short stick by which the drum is played. His back right arm is stretched out downwards and the hand held in the kataka gesture, near Thomas Harper. 1644. Although issued as a single volume Chirologia and Chironomia have different pagination. Bulwer always referred to them as separate works but over time they have come to be seen as a single volume. Francis Bacon had described gestures as "Transient Hieroglyphics" and suggested that Gesture should be the focus of a new scientific enquiry, Bulwer was the first to undertake the task. For Bulwer Gesture was a universal character of Reason. [The hand] “speaks all languages, and as universal character of Reason is generally understood and known by all Nations, among the formal differences of their Tongue. And Hand heart A hand heart is a gesture in which a person forms a heart shape using their fingers. Hand hearts are usually more popular within the young generation. The upside down hand heart gesture was first noted in art in 1989, when Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan created an art image of the gesture as his very first artwork named Family Syntax. Google patent Discovered by Engadget team, Google filed a patent in July 2011 that allowed Google Glass users to use the hand heart in front of any objects, and the gadget automatically recognise the object, takes a picture, and anyone to obey His laws. Latter-Day Saints believe that, were God to automatically protect the righteous in every instance, people would be universally frustrated in their attempts to sin, thus effectively removing any true opportunity to exercise agency. An individual's sinful act may have tragic consequences for others, but Heavenly Father will still not deny any individual their freedom to choose good or evil. Latter-day Saints understand that, as a consequence, "bad things" may happen to "good people." A good person may, for example, be killed by another individual who chose to drive recklessly or while intoxicated; infectious diseases may implement a hand salute as done by members of the military/police. The command for this gesture in Indonesian is Hormat, Gerak!. Military and police personnel armed with a rifle during a ceremony will implement a Present arms while personnel unarmed will execute the hand salute. This is done during the raising and/or lowering of the national flag, rendition or singing of the national anthem, and when saluting to a person or object worth saluting. Israel Defense Forces In the Israel Defense Forces, saluting is normally reserved for special ceremonies. Unlike in the US Army, saluting is not
that a near-identical planet must exist somewhere. In the far future, technology may be used by humans to artificially produce an Earth analog by terraforming. The multiverse theory suggests that an Earth analog could exist in another universe or even be another version of the Earth itself in a parallel universe. On November 4, 2013, astronomers reported, based on Kepler space mission data, that there could be as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars and red dwarf stars within the Milky Way galaxy. 11 billion of these estimated planets may be orbiting Sun-like into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that will launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, United States. This rocket rideshare will launch ashes into a Sun-synchronous orbit about the Earth. The Earth orbiting ashes will eventually have its orbit decay and return to Earth as a shooting star. Memorial spacecraft Elysium Space launches the cremated remains aboard their Elysium Star space mausoleum satellites, a series of 1U cubesats. The Earth-orbiting satellites are designed to remain in space for 2 years before orbital decay brings them back to Earth as a shooting star, burning up in a blazing and water. According to Burch, "If there was a single Earth revolving at some distance from the center of space, then the universe's center of gravity, located in the Earth as its only dense body, would not coincide with its spatial center ... The universe, consequently, would be off center, so to speak—lopsided and asymmetric—a notion repugnant to any Greek, and doubly so to a Pythagorean." This could be corrected by another body with the same mass as Earth, orbiting the same central point but 180 degrees from Earth—the Counter-Earth. Later In the 1st century A.D., after the idea with the Space Rangers (whenever they were on Earth, of course). Due to the Ranger's adventures often taking them off Earth, Bulk and Skull appeared less frequently than in previous seasons. In "Countdown to Destruction", Bulk and Skull undergo their most noteworthy change. The Space Rangers had battled the invading forces of Astronema, but were overwhelmed and forced to retreat. Astronema demanded that the Rangers be turned over to her or else Earth would be destroyed. When other civilians openly question the Rangers' dependability, Bulk says, "The Rangers have never let us down before. We have to believe they'll be here." Lighter Than Hare Storyline The cartoon opens with the credits in outer space as the camera pulls up to Earth, to somewhere in Oregon or Washington. After this, the scene changes to the deserted Highway 17, as a flying saucer from outer space lands and surveys the surrounding area with a periscope. At a city dump nearby, Bugs Bunny returns home, thinking he should move somewhere else, on account of the neighborhood "gettin' terribly rundown." Inside the spaceship, Yosemite Sam of Outer Space, dressed in a green gloveless spacesuit, sees Bugs on the television screen. Summoning Robot ZX29B to the bridge, applicable to an array of satellites orbiting the Earth. For space vehicles or space stations, the range of communications is estimated to increase up to 10,000 km. This approach to secure space-to-space communications was selected by Laser Focus World as one of the top photonics developments of 2015. above. Explorational X-ray astronomy Usually observational astronomy is considered to occur on Earth's surface (or beneath it in neutrino astronomy). The idea of limiting observation to Earth includes orbiting the Earth. As soon as the observer leaves the cozy confines of Earth, the observer becomes a deep space explorer. Except for Explorer 1 and Explorer 3 and the earlier satellites in the series, usually if a probe is going to be a deep space explorer it leaves the Earth or an orbit around the Earth. For a satellite or space probe to qualify as a deep space X-ray astronomer/explorer or "astronobot"/explorer, Transfer Vehicle (HTV) would be introduced into service before the end of ISS Assembly. As of 2004, the US Shuttle transported the majority of the pressurized and unpressurized cargo and provides virtually all of the recoverable down mass capability (the capability of non-destructive reentry of cargo). Downmass While significant focus of space logistics is on upmass, or payload mass carried up to orbit from Earth, space station operations also have significant downmass requirements. Returning cargo from low-Earth orbit to Earth is known as transporting downmass, the total logistics payload mass that is returned from space to the surface of the "Counter-Earth" in pulp science fiction and comic books. Once space-based observation became possible via satellites and probes, it was shown to hold no such object. The Sun–Earth L₃ is unstable and could not contain a natural object, large or small, for very long. This is because the gravitational forces of the other planets are stronger than that of Earth (Venus, for example, comes within 0.3 AU of this L₃ every 20 months). A spacecraft orbiting near Sun–Earth L₃ would be able to closely monitor the evolution of active sunspot regions before they rotate into a geoeffective position, so that a 7-day early warning TLEs for many of the space objects on the website Space Track, holding back or obfuscating data on many military or classified objects. The TLE format is a de facto standard for distribution of an Earth-orbiting object's orbital elements. A TLE set may include a title line preceding the element data, so each listing may take up three lines in the file. The title is not required, as each data line includes a unique object identifier code. History The two-line format traces its history to seminal work by Max Lane in the early 1960s to develop mathematical models for predicting
place AMOS-3 (AMOS-60) a communications satellite, into a geosynchronous orbit. A second launch was completed on February 26, 2009 when Land Launch successfully launched the Telstar 11N mission. A commercial version of the two-stage Zenit-2M, the Zenit-2SLB, is also offered for commercial launches utilizing Land Launch. However no launches have been contracted for this smaller rocket. the loss of stabilisation fins during descent. Trident test launches On 21 May Lockheed Martin announced that two Trident II missiles had been tested successfully earlier in the month. The launches were claimed to have broken a record for consecutive successful launches, with 122 such launches since 1989. Trident launches are typically conducted in pairs on the same day. The missiles were fired from the submarine USS Nebraska, submerged in the Pacific Ocean. The launches were later reported to have occurred on 8 May. MASER-11 Maser 11 was a European sounding rocket mission, launched by a VSB-30 rocket at 04:00 would have been used in the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program. Soviet/Russian space program Unlike the US program, Russian rockets do not employ a true RSO destruct system. If a launch vehicle loses control, either ground controllers may issue a manual shutdown command or the onboard computer can perform it automatically. In this case, the rocket is simply allowed to impact the ground intact. Since Russia's launch sites are in remote areas far from significant populations, it has never been seen as necessary to include an RSO destruct system. During the Soviet era, expended rocket stages or debris from failed launches and Germany. On November 5, 1971, Europa-2 was launched for the first time, but unsuccessfully. The failure of the rocket led to the consideration of a Europa-3 rocket design. However, Europa-3 was never created and the lack of funding prompted the merging of the European Launcher Development Organisation and the European Space Research Organization to form the European Space Agency. Launches Overall, the European Launcher Development Organization planned eleven launches, only ten of which actually occurred. Of the nine actual launches, four were successful. Four other launches were unsuccessful and there was one launch that was terminated. The first launch, successful launches were subsequently made, to St Radegund and to Kumberg, a village about 6 km away. Philatelists became interested in collecting letters which had been sent by rocket. Schmiedl envisaged that mail could be sent between towns by rocket; however the Austrian Post Office was not persuaded. He also worked on rockets used to collect meteorological data, and rockets for aerial photography. The rocket mail launches eventually had to be discontinued: they were mostly financed by special postage stamps, and in 1934 the Austrian Post Office forbade this financing; in 1935 the Austrian government forbade the possession of explosives, so private rocket These small satellites are called CubeSats. CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) provides opportunities for small satellite payloads to fly on rockets planned for upcoming launches. As of February 2015, CSLI has selected 119 spacecraft since 2010. Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa) and is a part of CSLI. ELaNa manifests the CubeSats selected by CSLI onto upcoming rocket launches. CubeSats were first included on the launch of LSP missions in 2011. ELaNa missions are not manifested exclusively on LSP missions; they have been a part of NRO/military launches and ELaNa V will be on an International Space Station resupply launch. ELaNa mission numbers February. 2010 According to the Israel Security Agency's annual report, Palestinians carried out 150 rocket launches and 215 mortar launches at Israel during the year. This represented a decrease in both types of attacks compared to 2009, in which there were 569 rocket launches and 289 mortar launches. The report said Iran succeeded in smuggling 1,000 mortar shells and hundreds of short-range rockets into the Gaza Strip over the course of the year. The security agency also warned that the Sinai Desert was turning into Hamas's "backyard" for operations and storage of arms. 2010 saw two unique instances of Hamas firing Taiki Aerospace Research Field Taiki Aerospace Research Field is a facility of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. It is located at Taiki, Hokkaido, Japan. It is used among other things, for rocket launches of Interstellar Technologies. to have been permanently deactivated, since their continued maintenance did not figure in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine over the active Dnepr early warning radar systems at Mukachevo and Sevastopol. The antenna still stands and has been used by radio amateurs visiting the area using their own portable radio equipment Locations The original Duga was the first experimental system. It was built outside the Black Sea port of Mykolaiv in the southern Ukraine, and successfully detected rocket launches from Baikonur Cosmodrome about 2,500 kilometers away. Duga is able to track launches from the Far East and from submarines a rocket back to space. Doktor Bunsen van der Dunkel launches the rocket. Moon Man never returns to earth. Film adaptation In 2012 the novel was adapted into an animated film by Stephan Schesch and Sarah Clara Weber. Tomi Ungerer acted as the narrator.
in the perception of vertigo. Tinnitus Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring. Rarely, unclear voices or music are heard. The sound may be soft or loud, low pitched or high pitched and appear to be coming from one ear or both. Most of the time, it comes on gradually. In some people, the sound causes depression, anxiety, or concentration difficulties. Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom that can result from a number of underlying causes. One of Low-frequency effects Low-pitched musical arts LFEs include both low-pitched musical notes and low-pitched sound effects. The musical soundtrack for many films includes bass instruments that produce very low notes. Until the 1970s, most of the low-pitched instruments were natural, acoustic instruments, such as the double bass or the pipe organ's pedal keyboard. After the 1980s, film scores increasingly used synthesized instruments, including synth bass keyboards, which included very low-pitched notes. Sound effects The most challenging sounds to reproduce from a sound engineering soundpoint are usually the extremely low-pitched sound effects in the 20 Hz range, such as those used to simulate with an introductory recitation in Czech, followed by one of several long instrumental crescendos built from slow trumpet calls and cymbal crashes, reaching a climax before a long decaying low-pitched rumble: an allusion to the trumpets used by Joshua during the seven-day siege of Jericho. The sound is reminiscent of the bell scene in Andrei Tarkovsky's film Andrei Rublev, 1966. It sets the tone for the rest of a hieratic, imposing score. The opera relies mostly on vocals with occasional electroacoustic interjections in the form of processed acoustic instruments like viola, tam-tam or full orchestra, transformed through studio treatment and by large buoys (visible from long distances) or by natural landmarks like coastline, lighthouses, islands, rocks, etc . Endurance Endurance races are held on long closed circuits. As endurance races are testing the long-term resistance of a rider and their bike, these races tend to last several hours and are more akin to a marathon as opposed to a sprint. Given the long duration of the race, supplies are required in advance to ensure everything runs smoothly. Runabout bikes are used in endurance races. Jet Raid These races are spread over several stages. Riders are required to travel long distances subwoofer speaker present then the bass management system can direct the LFE channel to one or more of the main speakers. Low frequency effects (LFE) channel Because the low-frequency effects channel requires only a fraction of the bandwidth of the other audio channels, it is referred to as the ".1" channel; for example "5.1" or "7.1". The LFE channel is a source of some confusion in surround sound. It was originally developed to carry extremely low "sub-bass" cinematic sound effects (with commercial subwoofers sometimes going down to 30 Hz, e.g., the loud rumble of thunder or explosions) on their own channel. hammering process, but will be solely responsible for the final fine tuning of the gong ageng pitch- the rest of the ensemble is tuned (and named) according to the qualities of the gong ageng. It is the single most costly and lengthy item to fabricate- and often requires multiple re-castings due to stress-cracks created in the beating process of forming it and undesired tonal or timbre qualities. The pitch desired is very deep, distinctly pitched rumble that sound like thunder or the "rolling waves of the sea". Slight differences in the opposite halves of a gong create a desired "beating" in the of a problem as this noise is absorbed by air at a distance. Distance range of bat calls Higher sound frequencies are absorbed by the air over a distance. The amount of absorption depends on the frequency and the humidity of the air. This is why close thunder crackles and distant thunder rumbles; the air has absorbed the higher frequencies. At bat echolocation frequencies, air absorption limits the range both for the bat and for bat detectors. Typically at around 50 kHz the sound level halves every six metres, or put more technically, it is absorbed at around 1 dB per metre. In physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher Galileo Galilei. The flat panel of steel works like a thunder sheet. When a handle on either station platform is moved, the sheet shakes and creates a low rumbling sound, similar to the sound of thunder, or the sound trains make when rolling through the station. Installation and repairs Paul Matisse was the only artist commissioned for the initial "Arts on the Line" program who created an artwork with moving parts. Almost immediately after the Kendall Band was installed, it broke. The sculpture began to fail so quickly that the Pythagoras instrument stopped working before the sound of an explosion, earthquake, a rocket launch, or submarine depth charges. The human ear is not very sensitive to sounds at these low frequencies, so it takes a tremendous amount of amplification for the human ear to hear them. Further, sounds at these frequencies are more felt in the body, rather than heard. As well, since they are sound effects, they may have a longer duration or sustain than many low-pitched musical notes, which makes them harder to reproduce accurately. It is a formidable challenge for an amplifier, subwoofer speakers, and cabinet to reproduce these sound effects at a S. Gold and Stan Ross, founders of the renowned Gold Star Studios in Hollywood, claim that "The Big Hurt" was the first commercial recording to feature a technique (or effect) now known as flanging. This "jet plane-like" sound effect may also be familiar to those who have listened to long-distance shortwave radio music broadcasts. (In radio, this effect was the result of multipath interference and varying propagation times.) To some, the flanging effect made this record sound like a distant shortwave broadcast.
be transmitted. The bot flies (Oestridae) have evolved to parasitize mammals. Many species complete their life cycle inside the bodies of their hosts. In many dipteran groups, swarming is a feature of adult life, with clouds of insects gathering in certain locations; these insects are mostly males, and the swarm may serve the purpose of making their location more visible to females. Anti-predator adaptations Flies are eaten by other animals at all stages of their development. The eggs and larvae are parasitised by other insects and are eaten by many creatures, some of which specialise in feeding on flies but They have simple legs and abdomens. The real oddity of the genus Microdon is in its larvae and pupae. These are dome-shaped and look like stout little slugs. Their appearance originally led scientists to describe them as mollusks and scale insects. They are slow-moving. Most have the spiracles on a peg-like protuberance extending from the end of their abdomens. Behaviour Adult Microdon flies do not behave like other syrphid flies; they do not hover around flowers, but instead remain very near the ant colonies which serve as larval hosts. Larvae may be found very deep in ant colonies. Some species actively Acroceridae Description The Acroceridae vary in size from small to fairly large, about the size of large bees, with a wingspan over 25 mm in some species. As a rule, both sexes have tiny heads and a characteristic hump-backed appearance because of the large, rounded thorax. In appearance, they are compact flies without major bristles, but many species have a bee-like hairiness on their bodies, and some are bee or wasp mimics. In most species, the eyes are holoptic in both sexes, the heads seemingly composed mainly of the large faceted eyes. This is in contrast to many insects in which the to the Middle Triassic. During the Late Triassic though the Middle Jurassic, Aneuretopsychina species were gradually replaced by species from the Parachoristidae and Orthophlebiidae. Modern mecopteran families are derived from the Orthophlebiidae. Morphology Mecoptera are small to medium-sized insects with long beaklike rostra, membranous wings and slender, elongated bodies. They have relatively simple mouthparts, with a long labium, long mandibles and fleshy palps, which resemble those of the more primitive true flies. Like many other insects, they possess compound eyes on the sides of their heads, and three ocelli on the top. The antennae are filiform (thread-shaped) and the hind wing which rub against certain veins on the fore-wing. Distribution and habitat Chlorobalius leucoviridis is native to arid, inland regions of Australia. It is typically found high in a large bush or small tree. Behaviour Chlorobalius leucoviridis is nocturnal and occurs in small groups which move from one location to another. It feeds by catching other insects such as flies, grasshoppers and other katydids, grasping the prey with its fore-legs or first two pairs of legs, and immobilising it by biting it under the throat. The spines on the legs seem to play a part in controlling larger they are relatively large, facilitating their analysis. Anatomy Like all other insects, tsetse flies have an adult body comprising three visibly distinct parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head has large eyes, distinctly separated on each side, and a distinct, forward-pointing proboscis attached underneath by a large bulb. The thorax is large, made of three fused segments. Three pairs of legs are attached to the thorax, as are two wings and two halteres. The abdomen is short but wide and changes dramatically in volume during feeding. The internal anatomy of tsetse is fairly typical of the insects. The female-like behavior and vice versa. The TRP channels nompC, nanchung, and inactive are expressed in sound-sensitive Johnston's organ neurons and participate in the transduction of sound. Aggression As with most insects, aggressive behaviors between male flies commonly occur in the presence of courting a female and when competing for resources. Such behaviors often involve raising wings and legs towards the opponent and attacking with the whole body. Thus, it often causes wing damage, which reduces their fitness by removing their ability to fly and mate. Acoustic communication In order for aggression to occur, male flies produce sounds to communicate their have structures, or produce scents that mimic female insects and are attractive to males. Hammer orchids are unique in that they are pollinated by a species of male thynnid wasp (Superfamily Vespoidea, Family Thynnidae). Thynnid wasps are unique in that the females are flightless. When male wasps emerge from the ground, they search for females. When the flightless female wasps emerge, they climb a blade of grass, rub their legs together, release a pheromone and wait for males. When a male detects the pheromone, it flies in a zig-zag pattern upwind until the female is located. The male grasps the the insects and "dun-flies" to their sombre colouring. Chrysops species are known as "deer-flies", perhaps because of their abundance on moorland where deer roam, and "buffalo-flies", "moose-flies" and "elephant-flies" emanate from other parts of the world where these animals are found. In North America they are known as "breeze-flies", and in Australia some are known as "March flies", a name used in other Anglophonic countries to refer to the non-bloodsucking Bibionidae. Description Adult tabanids are large flies with prominent compound eyes, short antennae composed of three segments, and wide bodies. In females, the eyes are widely separated but in males Trichopsomyia Biology Hover flies like the Trichopsomyia are small flies with large heads and eyes, and small antennae. Their bodies are medium to slender, with a waist that is not significantly narrow, unless it is a wasp mimicking species. They have one pair of clear wings, and the banded forms have yellow and black bands. Hoverflies resemble wasps or bees because of their black and yellow-striped abdomens. However, they are actually members of a fly family that have evolved to mimic wasps and bees for protection. Hoverfly larvae are flattened, legless and maggot-like. Most are green or brown in colour. They
attention; following blink onset, cortical activity decreases in the dorsal network and increases in the default-mode network, associated with internal processing. Blink speed can be affected by elements such as fatigue, eye injury, medication, and disease. The blinking rate is determined by the "blinking center", but it can also be affected by external stimulus. Some animals, such as tortoises and hamsters, blink their eyes independently of each other. Humans use winking, the blinking of only one eye, as a form of body language. Function and anatomy Blinking provides moisture to the eye by irrigation using tears and a lubricant the eyes a certain amount of time. The player must then maintain his or her eyes without blinking under the specified amount of time from the number the player has chosen. If the player manages to maintain his or her eyes open without blinking to the specified amount of time, the winning team will win fifty thousand pesos. The current record holder for the game segment is Paolo Ballesteros, who maintained his eyes open without blinking for 1 hour, 17 minutes and 8 seconds on October 5, 2019, surpassing Pauleen Luna's record of 30 minutes and 44 seconds on the segment's first episode may seem strange, dry eye can cause the eyes to water. This can happen because the eyes are irritated. One may experience excessive tearing in the same way as one would if something got into the eye. These reflex tears will not necessarily make the eyes feel better. This is because they are the watery type that are produced in response to injury, irritation, or emotion. They do not have the lubricating qualities necessary to prevent dry eye. Because blinking coats the eye with tears, symptoms are worsened by activities in which the rate of blinking is reduced due to prolonged the Trigeminal Nerve. The efferent arc occurs via the Facial Nerve. The reflex involves consensual blinking of both eyes in response to stimulation of one eye. This is due to the Facial Nerve's innervation of the muscles of facial expression, namely Orbicularis oculi, responsible for blinking. Thus, the corneal reflex effectively tests the proper functioning of both Cranial Nerves V and VII. while the contraction of the levator palpebrae muscle opens the eye. The Müller’s muscle, or the superior tarsal muscle, in the upper eyelid and the inferior palpebral muscle in the lower 3 eyelid are responsible for widening the eyes. These muscles are not only imperative in blinking, but they are also important in many other functions such as squinting and winking. The inferior palpebral muscle is coordinated with the inferior rectus to pull down the lower lid when one looks down. Central nervous system's control Though one may think that the stimulus triggering blinking is dry or irritated eyes, as when reading, the rate of blinking decreases to about 3 to 4 times per minute. This is the major reason that eyes dry out and become fatigued when reading. When the eyes dry out or become fatigued due to reading on a computer screen, it can be an indication of Computer Vision Syndrome. Computer Vision Syndrome can be prevented by taking regular breaks, focusing on objects far from the screen, having a well-lit workplace, or using a blink reminder application such as EyeLeo or VisionProtect. Studies suggest that adults can learn to maintain a healthy blinking rate while reading or to the song while singing and blinking coyly at the screen. A duplicate of Shah, dressed in black with sleek hair, is also seen in the video singing and swaying alongside the white-clad Shah. At one point in the video, the two give a short message: "Eye to eye, makes a peculiar love, lifetime, once in a life. Substantial love is heaven for the size eyes. Spectacular eyes, our eyes, my eyes and your eyes, eye to eye, eye to eye." Reviews Shah was sarcastically described as a "musical genius" in a tongue-in-cheek article in the Pakistani newspaper The Express eyes, sunglasses have become popular for several further reasons, and are sometimes worn even indoors or at night. Sunglasses can be worn to hide one's eyes. They can make eye contact impossible, which can be intimidating to those not wearing sunglasses; the avoided eye contact can also demonstrate the wearer's detachment, which is considered desirable (or "cool") in some circles. Eye contact can be avoided even more effectively by using mirrored sunglasses. Sunglasses can also be used to hide emotions; this can range from hiding blinking to hiding weeping and its resulting red eyes. In all cases, hiding one's eyes has Punctoplasty Rationale Tears are produced by the lacrimal gland, situated just outside the eye. Blinking the eyelids distributes the tears to keep the eyes moist, clean and lubricated. Excess tears are drained via the punctum through the tiny channels called canaliculi located on the inner side of the eyes into the tear sac, from there to the tear duct, the nose and finally down the throat. Epiphora, or watering eyes, is a condition in which tears flow out of the eyes, bypassing the lacrimal puncta. It is primarily caused by excessive tear production (as a result of emotion, irritation or dryness) Menace reflex The menace response is one of three forms of blink reflex. It is the reflex blinking that occurs in response to the rapid approach of an object. The reflex comprises blinking of the eyelids, in order to protect the eyes from potential damage, but may also include turning of the head, neck, or even the trunk away from the optical stimulus that triggers the reflex. Stimulating the menace reflex is used as a diagnostic procedure in veterinary medicine, in order to determine whether an animal's visual system, in particular the cortical nerve, has suffered from nerve damage.
vessels remains a significant issue (with estimated worldwide losses of US$16 billion per year in 2004), particularly in the waters between the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, off the Somali coast, and also in the Strait of Malacca and Singapore. Today, pirates armed with automatic weapons, such as assault rifles, and machine guns, grenades and rocket propelled grenades use small motorboats to attack and board ships, a tactic that takes advantage of the small number of crew members on modern cargo vessels and transport ships. They also use larger vessels, known as "mother ships", to supply the smaller motorboats. The international community MV Zhenhua 4 Zhenhua 4 (Chinese: 振华4号) is a Chinese fishing ship owned by China Communications Construction, which was attacked by Somali pirates on December 17, 2008. Attack by Pirates The ship was on its way back to Shanghai when it was attacked by Somali Pirates in the Horn of Africa. The pirates, armed with rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, boarded the ship and attempted to seize control when the crew of 30 fought back using water cannons, Molotov cocktails and beer bottles. After responding to the crew's radio for help, a Malaysian warship, Sri Indera Sakti and for individual use. They include, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns; (b) “Light weapons” are, broadly speaking, weapons designed for use by two or three persons serving as a crew, although some may be carried and used by a single person. They include, inter alia, general purpose or universal machine guns, medium machine guns, heavy machine guns, rifle grenades, under-barrel grenade launchers and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless rifles, man portable launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems, man portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, and miles (8,300 km; 5,200 mi) at 18 knots. The Argentinian vessels are armed with eight Exocet surface-to-surface missiles in two quad launchers mounted centrally and one octuple launcher for Aspide surface-to-air missiles mounted aft of the superstructure. The MEKO 360H2 are also equipped with one OTO Melara 5-inch (127 mm)/54 calibre naval gun forward of the superstructure, eight Bofors 40 mm/70 calibre guns, and two triple-mounted 324 mm (13 in) ILAS torpedo tubes. The ships are equipped with a Graseby G1738 towed decoy countermeasure system, two Breda 105 mm (4 in) SCLAR chaff rocket launchers with each launcher sporting 20 tubes. For electronic support measures, the vessels are armed propellers that were driven by four General Motors 6-71 per-shaft 1,600 horse power diesel engines. Armament She was armed with an array of weapons, including: a single 3-inch gun mounted on her bow; two twin-mounted 40mm anti-aircraft guns; four single-mounted 20mm anti-aircraft guns; four .50 caliber machine-guns and ten rocket launchers. Armor included 10-pound (4.5 kg) splinter shields which were placed on the gun mounts, the pilot house and the conning tower. Her ten Mk7 rocket launchers were removed sometime after decommissioning, presumably before transfer into the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. Operational history After commissioning, the LCS(L)(3)-102 was assigned to the Snare. Four days later on 26 January, the patrol boat was the first of the two allied ships to find Beluga Nomination, which was around 300 miles (480 km) off the Somali coast. A skirmish ensued as boarding parties attempted to retake the freighter while under cover from small naval guns and machine guns. The pirates used small arms and rocket propelled grenades, and ultimately the Seychellois were repelled in their attempts at boarding though they killed one or two pirates. In the confusion, two of Beluga Nomination's crew, a Ukrainian and a Filipino, lowered a life boat and escaped by heading recoilless rifles, heavy machine guns, mortars, or other relatively small weapons systems. A boghammar is usually unarmoured. Boghammars, in this sense, have been used by paramilitary forces to attack offshore oil platforms and civilian shipping, or even larger military vessels, most notably by Iran in the Tanker War. Other users of such vessels include Nigerian militants, LTTE Sea Tigers, and Somali pirates. possible humanitarian or military action in response to the Libyan Civil War. In April 2011, a boarding team from the ship successfully liberated five Yemeni hostages from eleven Somali pirates who had taken over the Yemeni-flagged ship F/V Nasri. The pirates had seriously injured two other fishermen in their attack, left the wounded ashore, and then taken Nasri to sea as a pirate mothership. Assault weapons, ammunition, rocket propelled grenades, and launchers were destroyed by the boarding team. On 22 July 2013, she deployed to the 5th and 6th Fleet area of responsibility as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike A Somali translator aboard the Topaz sent audio calls urging the immediate release of the hostages, but the pirates ignored these demands, and continued towards the coast of Somalia even when warning shots were fired by the Topaz. Seychellois President James Michel gave the order to prevent the pirates from reaching the Somali coastline at all cost. The pirates opened fire on the Topaz with rocket-propelled grenades, which the Topaz evaded. The Topaz then opened fire on the dhow's engine with 12.7mm machine guns, firing a total of 100 rounds. The engine caught fire, forcing all of the pirates and hostages demands, and continued towards the coast of Somalia even when warning shots were fired by Topaz. Seychellois President James Michel gave the order to prevent the pirates from reaching the Somali coastline at all cost. The pirates opened fire on Topaz with rocket-propelled grenades, which Topaz evaded. Topaz then opened fire on the dhow's engine with 12.7 mm machine guns, firing a total of 10,000 rounds. The engine caught fire, forcing all of the pirates and hostages to jump overboard. Topaz then rescued all of the hostages and arrested the Somali pirates. While en route back to the Seychelles, Topaz was approached
are following: (first 10 years) onshore 0,082 €/kWh, offshore 0,13 €/kWh (after 10 years) onshore 0,028 – 0,082 €/kWh, offshore 0,03 – 0,13 €/kWh. Solar energy: Target for solar energy is 5% (5400 MW) of renewable energies by 2020 Solar energy tariffs are based on markets and the size of the system Unique feature in France is to prefer integrated solar energy systems with higher tariffs Fond Chaleur: fund for supporting heat production of renewable energies (solar thermal included) Bioenergy: According to Grenelle 2, 50% of renewable energy targets will be achieved by biomass Bidding processes Feed-in tariffs for bioenergy (only over 5 MW CHP-plants): 0,045 €/kWh for electricity, 0,08-0,13 targets. The Toronto Solar Neighbourhoods Initiative offers subsidies for the purchase of solar water heating units. Energy footprint The source of electricity in an active SWH system determines the extent to which a system contributes to atmospheric carbon during operation. Active solar thermal systems that use mains electricity to pump the fluid through the panels are called 'low carbon solar'. In most systems the pumping reduces the energy savings by about 8% and the carbon savings of the solar by about 20%. However, low power pumps operate with 1-20W. Assuming a solar collector panel delivering 4 kWh/day and a pump running intermittently solar project in Hawaii. It has 59,000 panels on 60 acres of land and is expected to supply up to 20% of the island's momentary electricity demand and up to 5% of the annual demand. The Anahola project also incorporates a 6MW lithium-ion battery. The 12 MW Kapaia solar plant is connected to a 13 MW / 52 MWh battery, and the power is priced at 13.9 c/kWh. A 2018 project for 28 MW solar with 20 MW / 100 MWh batteries is priced at 11 c/kWh. A 44MW solar farm with batteries to be completed in 2019 will and 1,300 kWh/m²/year. From this total amount around 600 to 800 kWh/m²/year is technically feasible. The most important solar regions of Romania are the Black Sea coast, Northern Dobruja and Oltenia with an average of 1,600 kWh/ m²/year. Romania was a major player in the solar power industry, installing in the 1970s and 1980s around 800,000 m² (8,600,000 sq ft) of low quality solar collectors that placed the country third worldwide in the total surface area of PV cells. One of the most important solar projects was the installation of a 30 kW solar panel on the roof of the Politehnica University of Bucharest that is one-kilowatt system in Matsumoto, Nagano will produce 1187 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity a year. Over a 25-year lifetime, the system will produce about 29,675 kWh (not accounting for the small effects of system degradation, about 0.25% a year). If this system costs $5,000 to install ($5 per watt), very conservative compared to worldwide prices, the LCOE = 5,000/29,675 ~= 17 cents per kWh. This is lower than the average Japanese residential rate of ~19.5 cents, which means that, in this simple case which skips the necessary time value of money calculation, PV has reached grid parity for residential users in Japan. excess generation to the next month. Participation is limited to 1% of utilities most recent peak summer demand. Peak summer demand for the state for 2011 was 20,251 MW. Feed In Tariff Indiana's Northern Indiana Public Service Company, NIPSCO, offers a feed-in tariff of $0.30/kWh for systems from 5 to 10 kW, and $0.26/kWh for systems from 10 kW to 2 MW. Indianapolis Power & Light has a Renewable Energy Production program that pays $0.24/kWh for solar from 20 kW to 100 kW and $0.20/kWh for solar arrays of from 100 kW to 10 MW. Payments are for 15 years, participation is limited, and one reflectors means that the water use is high – 1.7 million m³ per year or 4.6 liters per kWh. Water usage is more than double the water usage of a wet cooled coal power station and 23 times the water use per kWh of a dry cooled coal power station, though life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of solar thermal plants show that generating comparable energy from coal typically releases around 20 times more carbon dioxide than renewable sources. The electricity was to be sold at $0.19 /kWh. The monthly production of electricity of the power plant Noor I in 2017 in MWh was: January: the Internet. The company will pay up to 4.81¢/kWh during the summer and 3.93¢/kWh in the winter for excess generation from up to 100 kW systems. Peak power rates are weekdays, 1 to 7 pm in summer and 5 to 9 am in winter. Customers choosing the Time Advantage Energy rate pay 7¢/kWh during winter peak periods and 25¢/kWh during summer peak periods. Off peak is charged 5¢/kWh. Using time advantage requires a time of use meter, and the base charge is increased by $10.50 each month. Projects In 2010, one of Alabama's largest solar arrays was the 25 kW system installed when he was quoted as saying "I fly from Leeds/Bradford to Brussels and we get a set fee of around £500, but if I buy a cheaper ticket, economy class for about £160 and £250, I can pocket the difference and, as a capitalist, also as a British Conservative, I see it as a challenge to buy cheap tickets and make some profit on the system". Labour called this proof that sleaze was "alive and well" within the Conservative party whilst the Conservative Party itself condemned his actions saying "the party does not endorse the fiddling of expenses or the impression measure a region's solar radiation. The Indian government is promoting solar energy. It announced an allocation of ₹1,000 crore (US$140 million) for the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission and a clean-energy fund for the 2010-11 fiscal year, an increase of ₹380 crore (US$55 million) from the previous budget. The budget encouraged private solar companies by reducing the import duty on solar panels by five percent. This is expected to reduce the cost of a rooftop solar-panel installation by 15 to 20 percent. Solar PV tariff The average bid in reverse auctions in April 2017 is ₹3.15 (4.6¢ US) per kWh, compared with ₹12.16 (18¢ US)
this and hear it good. When this plane comes to a complete stop...don’t wait for me, don’t wait for the captain, and don’t wait for Jesus Christ. We are going to evacuate this plane, like right now." Ferruggio led the evacuation of passengers from the plane in Cairo. All passengers and crew were evacuated from the plane in less than a minute and a half, which Ferruggio later remarked at a 1970 news conference was "the fastest [evacuation] I’ve ever seen it done and the fastest I’ve ever heard of." The last crew members - including Ferrugio - deplaned seconds before Nigel Croker Final episode Whilst flying back from Spain, Nigel suffers a heart attack whilst on approach to a London airport. The flight attendants pull him out of the cockpit, and Janis Steel and Lehann Evans attempt to resuscitate him as the plane lands, but as Nigel had not armed the speed brake for landing, the aircraft overshoots the runway killing Lehann and two passengers. Nigel survives the accident as mentioned at the end of the episode. Relationships Nigel Croker has had many relationships, most of which appear in the final episode, when his ex-wife invites them to their villa passengers' stress level is also featured depending on how the aircraft is being flown. Smooth flying remains it at green, turning to purple and red for unusual flying. When the stress level meter is full, it indicates that they have become angry, costing players points. During gameplay, the copilot will occasionally make comments, such as "Captain, we are veering off course" or "Captain, we are in danger of stalling out". He also announces when the aircraft reaches V₁ speed, V₂ speed, and VR speed during takeoff. In addition, he carries out certain orders such as lowering the landing gear (subsequently confirming, of Newark Liberty International Airport due to the groundings. In May 2019, United Airlines' CEO Oscar Muñoz said that passengers would still feel uncertain about flying on a Boeing 737 MAX even after the software update. United announced the cancellation of a route between Chicago, Illinois and Leon, Mexico. On October 16, 2019, Muñoz stated that "nobody knows" when the plane will fly again. Ethiopian Airlines said "These tragedies continue to weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, and we extend our sympathies to the loved ones of the passengers and crew on board Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight Latinas y Latinos out there!" Its chorus includes both the singers singing, "So I don’t care what they say it’s our life, life, life / We can dance if we want make it feel alright / Temperature’s rising I feel on fire / Tonight it’s just me and you". Dev breaks up & sings, "Tell me, baby, will you be here when I wake up, even with no makeup, I don’t wanna fake it" followed by Enrique, "and you don’t gotta doubt a second if I miss you, every time I’m with you, I feel naked". There is also a about 5% greater speed for only 1% less range. Of course, flying higher where the air is thinner will raise the speed at which minimum drag occurs, and so permits a faster voyage for the same amount of fuel. If the plane is flying at the maximum permissible speed, then there is an altitude at which the air density will be what is needed to keep it aloft while flying at the optimal angle of attack. The optimum altitude at maximum speed, and the optimum speed at maximum altitude, change during the flight as the plane consumes fuel and becomes lighter. Kish Air Flight 7170 Flight Flight 7170 departed Kish Airport, Kish Island with 40 passengers and a crew of six on board, on a flight to Sharjah International Airport, Sharjah with the Captain initially as the pilot flying (PF). The weather at Sharjah was in good condition as well as the visibility. Whilst on final approach to runway 12 at the airport, the plane suddenly pitched down and rolled. The plane continued to pitch down and rolled. The pilots lost control of the aircraft causing it to crash into an open space within a residential area about 2.6 nmi (4.8 km) from Nun, and The La’s if they were mentored by the Reid brothers." The band's lyrics are sung entirely in English. On the band's name, lead vocalist Oğuz Can Özen stated: " We called the band The Away Days, not because we feel we don’t belong to Istanbul or Turkey, but because we don’t feel like belonging anywhere. And maybe Istanbul didn’t have a great deal of influence to our music, but it has been a great home for us." On the influences, Özen further stated: "We [Özen and Koç] both listened to Selda and The Strokes when we were kids. But Zhengding Airport railway station History The station was opened on 26 December 2012, together with the Beijing-Zhengzhou section of the Beijing–Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong High-Speed Railway. During the first three months of 2013, passengers flying to Shijiazhuang were provided with free train tickets to station such as Beijing West and Zhengzhou East. Passengers arriving to the airport by train and leaving by plane could have the cost of their train tickets reimbursed as well. Over 150,000 passengers used the promotion in 2013. Location Although named after the Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport, the station is not adjacent to the airport. It is located they fit. Cuban folkloric musicians do not use the 3–2/2–3 system. Many Cuban performers of popular music do not use it either. The great Cuban conga player and band leader Mongo Santamaría said, "Don’t tell me about 3–2 or 2–3! In Cuba we just play. We feel it, we don’t talk about such things." In another book, Santamaría said, "In Cuba we don’t think about [clave]. We know that we’re in clave. Because we know that we have to be in clave to be a musician." According to Cuban pianist Sonny Bravo, the late Charlie Palmieri would insist that, "There’s no
favor of the use of antidepressants for the treatment of suicidal ideation, in some cases antidepressants are claimed to be the cause of suicidal ideation. Upon the start of using antidepressants, many clinicians will note that sometimes the sudden onset of suicidal ideation may accompany treatment. This has caused the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a warning stating that sometimes the use of antidepressants may actually increase the thoughts of suicidal ideation. Medical studies have found antidepressants help treat cases of suicidal ideation and work especially well with psychological therapy. Lithium reduces the risk of suicide in people Suicidal ideation Risk factors There are numerous indicators that one can look for when trying to detect suicidal ideation. There are also situations in which the risk for suicidal ideation may be heightened. The risk factors for suicidal ideation can be divided into three categories: psychiatric disorders, life events, and family history. Prescription drug side effects Some prescription drugs, such as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can have suicidal ideation as a side effect. Moreover, these drugs' intended effects, can themselves have unintended consequence of an increased individual risk and collective rate of suicidal behavior: Among the set of prescribed in adults who cannot tolerate the side effects of amphetamines or methylphenidate. It is also approved for ADHD by the US Food and Drug Administration. A rare but potentially severe side effect includes liver damage and increased suicidal ideation. Bupropion and desipramine are two antidepressants that have demonstrated some evidence of effectiveness in the management of ADHD particularly when there is comorbid major depression, although antidepressants have lower treatment effect sizes. Psychosocial therapy Treatment of adult ADHD may also include forms of stress management or relaxation training. Research has shown that, alongside medication, psychological interventions in adults can be effective in the heightened risk of suicidality is within the first one to two months of treatment. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) places the excess risk in the "early stages of treatment". A meta-analysis suggests that the relationship between antidepressant use and suicidal behavior or thoughts is age-dependent. Compared to placebo the use of antidepressants is associated with an increase in suicidal behavior or thoughts among those aged under 25 (OR=1.62). This increase in suicidality approaches that observed in children and adolescents. There is no effect or possibly a mild protective effect among those aged 25 to 64 results from FDA-evaluated antidepressants concluded that those with favorable results were much more likely to be published than those with negative results. Furthermore, an investigation of 185 meta-analyses on antidepressants found that 79% of them had authors affiliated in some way to pharmaceutical companies and that they were also reluctant to reporting caveats for antidepressants. David Healy has argued that warning signs were available for many years prior to regulatory authorities moving to put warnings on antidepressant labels that they might cause suicidal thoughts. At the time these warnings were added, others argued that the evidence for harm remained unpersuasive and Antidepressants and suicide risk Youth People under the age of 25 with depression antidepressants could increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour. Federal health officials unveiled proposed changes to the labels on antidepressant drugs in December 2006 to warn people of this danger. A 2016 review of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) which looked at four outcomes—death, suicidality, aggressive behaviour, and agitation— found that while the data was insufficient to draw strong conclusions, adults taking these drugs did not appear to be at increased risk for any of the four outcomes, but that for children, sometimes referred to as "coming down" or "crashing". Some drugs, like anticonvulsants and antidepressants, describe the drug category and not the mechanism. The individual agents and drug classes in the anticonvulsant drug category act at many different receptors and it is not possible to generalize their potential for physical dependence or incidence or severity of rebound syndrome as a group so they must be looked at individually. Anticonvulsants as a group however are known to cause tolerance to the anti-seizure effect. SSRI drugs, which have an important use as antidepressants, engender a discontinuation syndrome that manifests with physical side effects; e.g., a particular type or stage of cancer involves the off-label use of one or more drugs. An example is the use of tricyclic antidepressants to treat neuropathic pain. This old class of antidepressants is now rarely used for clinical depression due to side effects, but the tricyclics are often effective for treating pain (e.g. neuropathy), as well as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) particularly in adults. Society and culture Drug manufacturers market drugs for off-label use in a range of ways. Marketing practices around off-label use have caused various of lawsuits and settlements about inappropriately promoting drugs. Some of those lawsuits have process. People's oxygen levels are to be monitored with a pulse oximeter. Side effects of the medication include dry mouth, sleepiness, somnolence, flushing and loss of consciousness. It is also important to monitor for early signs of suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Breastfeeding There are no antidepressants that are FDA approved for use during lactation. Most antidepressants are excreted in breast milk. However, there are limited studies showing the effects and safety of these antidepressants on breastfed babies. Regarding allopregnanolone, very limited data did not indicate a risk for the infant. Other Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has shown efficacy in women with skin, difficulty breathing, and tightness in the chest or airways. In a study, the incidence of decreased bone mineral density of patients on levetiracetam was significantly higher than those for other epileptic medications. Suicide Levetiracetam, along with other anti-epileptic drugs, can increase the risk of suicidal behavior or thoughts. People taking levetiracetam should be monitored closely for signs of worsening depression, suicidal thoughts or tendencies, or any altered emotional or behavioral states. Kidney and liver Kidney impairment decreases the rate of elimination of levetiracetam from the body. Individuals with reduced kidney function may require dose adjustments. Kidney function can be estimated
Heron's formula In geometry, Heron's formula (sometimes called Hero's formula), named after Hero of Alexandria, gives the area of a triangle when the length of all three sides are known. Unlike other triangle area formulae, there is no need to calculate angles or other distances in the triangle first. Proofs Heron's original proof made use of cyclic quadrilaterals, while other arguments appeal to trigonometry as below, or to the incenter and one excircle of the triangle . Brahmagupta's formula In Euclidean geometry, Brahmagupta's formula is used to find the area of any cyclic quadrilateral (one that can be inscribed in a circle) given the lengths of the sides. Non-trigonometric proof An alternative, non-trigonometric proof utilizes two applications of Heron's triangle area formula on similar triangles. Apollonius' theorem, British flag theorem, Ceva's theorem, Equal incircles theorem, Geometric mean theorem, Heron's formula, Isosceles triangle theorem, Law of cosines, and others that are linked to here. as one-half the base times the height in the Aryabhatiya (section 2.6). A formula equivalent to Heron's was discovered by the Chinese independently of the Greeks. It was published in 1247 in Shushu Jiuzhang ("Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections"), written by Qin Jiushao. Quadrilateral area In the 7th century CE, Brahmagupta developed a formula, now known as Brahmagupta's formula, for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral (a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle) in terms of its sides. In 1842 the German mathematicians Carl Anton Bretschneider and Karl Georg Christian von Staudt independently found a formula, known as Bretschneider's formula, for the Orleans. By 1883 Heron had returned to St. Louis, where he was employed by A.M. Hellman & Company Liquor Wholesalers. Helman & Co. was a partnership owned by Abraham Hellman and Myer Harris, located at 122 Pine St. in downtown St. Louis. Heron lived at 3004 Pine. He later moved to Memphis, Tennessee, where he operated as a "Liquor Dealer". Heron's Memphis business (and residence) was located at 515 Main St. In 1889 Heron patented his formula, and began selling it in sealed bottles with the slogans, "W.H. Heron's Famous Southern Comfort" and "None Genuine But Mine". By 1890, Heron hired an lengths, even for cyclic polygons that do not contain their circumcenters. This formula generalizes Heron's formula for triangles and Brahmagupta's formula for cyclic quadrilaterals. Either diagonal of a rhombus divides it into two congruent isosceles triangles. Similarly, one of the two diagonals of a kite divides it into two isosceles triangles, which are not congruent except when the kite is a rhombus. In architecture and design Isosceles triangles commonly appear in architecture as the shapes of gables and pediments. In ancient Greek architecture and its later imitations, the obtuse isosceles triangle was used; in Gothic architecture this was replaced by the acute area Heron (or Hero) of Alexandria found what is known as Heron's formula for the area of a triangle in terms of its sides, and a proof can be found in his book, Metrica, written around 60 CE. It has been suggested that Archimedes knew the formula over two centuries earlier, and since Metrica is a collection of the mathematical knowledge available in the ancient world, it is possible that the formula predates the reference given in that work. In 499 Aryabhata, a great mathematician-astronomer from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy, expressed the area of a triangle Heron's fountain Heron's fountain is a hydraulic machine invented by the 1st century AD inventor, mathematician, and physicist Heron of Alexandria. Heron studied the pressure of air and steam, described the first steam engine, and built toys that would spurt water, one of them known as Heron's fountain. Various versions of Heron's fountain are used today in physics classes as a demonstration of principles of hydraulics and pneumatics. Heron's fountain is essentially a specialized, more complicated, siphon, and works accordingly. Motion Heron's fountain is not a perpetual motion machine. If the nozzle of the spout is narrow, it may play for and functions computing the distances between two points, and the area of a triangle with the given corners as per Heron's formula. (These definitions will be used in subsequent examples). type loc = real * real fun dist ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) = let val dx = x1 - x0 val dy = y1 - y0 in Math.sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) end fun heron (a, b, c) = let triangles and Heron's formula. The orthocenter of the medial triangle coincides with the circumcenter of the original triangle. Quadrilateral The midpoint polygon of a quadrilateral is a parallelogram called its Varignon parallelogram. If the quadrilateral is simple, the area of the parallelogram is one half the area of the original quadrilateral. The perimeter of the parallelogram equals the sum of the diagonals of the original quadrilateral.
of the resist, they dope it. The energy loss in matter follows a Bragg curve and has a smaller statistical spread. They are "stiffer" optically, they require larger fields or distances to focus or bend. The higher momentum resists space charge effects. Collider particle accelerators have shown that it is possible to focus and steer high momentum charged particles with very great precision. non-extreme values of permittivity and permeability, unlike the classic cylindrical cloak, which required some parameters to vary towards infinity at the inner radius of the cloak. General coordinate transformations can be derived which compress or expand space, bend or twist space, or even change the topology (e.g. by mimicking a wormhole). Much current interest involves designing invisibility cloaks, event cloaks, field concentrators, or beam-bending waveguides. Producing black holes with metamaterials Matter propagating in a curved spacetime is similar to the electromagnetic wave propagation in a curved space and in an in homogeneous metamaterial, as stated in the previous section. Hence a Persei cluster where the homestead both of the Galaxians and the Destroyers seems to be. Warned by the Galaxians the human expedition force enters the cluster and is being trapped. The Destroyers turn out to be able to bend the threedimensional space at random force. The captain of the last remaining cruiser attacks and annihilates a star fortress of the Destroyers and breaks free. The ability of the humans to annihilate matter to space is the tactical advantage in that case. The Invasion of Perseus (1968) After the first expedition to the Chi Persei cluster a newly formed invasion force rather than elementary particles. This quark–lepton definition of matter also leads to what can be described as "conservation of (net) matter" laws—discussed later below. Alternatively, one could return to the mass–volume–space concept of matter, leading to the next definition, in which antimatter becomes included as a subclass of matter. Based on elementary fermions (mass, volume, and space) A common or traditional definition of matter is "anything that has mass and volume (occupies space)". For example, a car would be said to be made of matter, as it has mass and volume (occupies space). The observation that matter occupies space goes back of the adjacent background galaxies, the mean distribution of dark matter can be characterized. The mass-to-light ratios correspond to dark matter densities predicted by other large-scale structure measurements. Dark matter does not bend light itself; mass (in this case the mass of the dark matter) bends spacetime. Light follows the curvature of spacetime, resulting in the lensing effect. Cosmic microwave background Although both dark matter and ordinary matter are matter, they do not behave in the same way. In particular, in the early universe, ordinary matter was ionized and interacted strongly with radiation via Thomson scattering. Dark matter does not interaction of matter, space, and time. Physicist John Wheeler famously summed up the theory's essence as "Matter tells space how to curve; space tells matter how to move." However, in order to build a workable cosmological model, all of the terms on both sides of Einstein's equations must be balanced: on one side, matter (i.e., all the things that warp time and space); on the other, the curvature of the universe and the speed at which space-time is expanding. In short, a model requires a particular amount of matter in order to produce particular curvatures and expansion rates. In terms of that are matter and things that are space. In this scenario, space is not "nothing" but, rather, a receptacle in which objects of matter can be placed. The true void (as "nothing") is different from "space" and is removed from consideration. This characterization of space reached its pinnacle with Isaac Newton who asserted the existence of absolute space. René Descartes, on the other hand, returned to a Parmenides-like argument of denying the existence of space. For Descartes, there was matter, and there was extension of matter leaving no room for the existence of "nothing". The idea that the "Bend" to avoid the Collect Pond and surrounding low-lying wetland. The present-day Columbus Park occupies the Bend. Description Mulberry Bend was one of the worst parts of the Five Points, with multiple back alleyways such as Bandit's Roost, Bottle Alley and Ragpickers Row. In 1897, due in part to the efforts of Danish photojournalist Jacob Riis, Mulberry Bend was demolished and turned into Mulberry Bend Park. The urban green space was designed by Calvert Vaux. In 1911 it was renamed Columbus Park. A few tenement buildings on the east side of Mulberry Street dating from the era before the park subject matter. Torluemke's experimentation with medium, technique and subject matter has made his work the subject of controversy. Torluemke's work has been represented in more than one hundred solo, curated, and juried group shows in addition to all the other projects, awards, grants, commissions, etc. In 2002, he had a solo exhibition titled Bounce at the South Bend Regional Museum of Art in South Bend, Indiana. In 2004, he had a solo exhibition of watercolors entitled In The Company of Strangers at the Brauer Museum of Art, Valparaiso University. In 2007, he was curated into a and operational purpose, and divided into four main subsets: inactive payloads, operational debris, fragmentation debris and microparticulate matter. Inactive payloads refer to any launched space objects that have lost the capability to reconnect to its corresponding space operator; thus, preventing a return to Earth. In contrast, operational debris describes the matter associated with the propulsion of a larger entity into space, which may include upper rocket stages and ejected nose cones. Fragmentation debris refers to any object in space that has become dissociated from a larger entity by means of explosion, collision or deterioration. Microparticulate matter describes space matter that
central premise of the dichotomy, i.e. that the distinction between things “in our power” and “not in our power” is sharp and that there is no third option. Irvine suggests the possibility of turning the “dichotomy of control” into a “trichotomy of control.” Irvine argues “We can restate Epictetus’s dichotomy as follows: There are things over which we have complete control and things over which we have no control at all. As well as suggesting "the dichotomy is a false dichotomy, since it ignores the existence of things over which we have some but not complete control.” Pigliucci describes it it is a supreme tool which can do many things. Then we should control our mind because our mind is a great power which can create, protect and destroy. We should take care of our parents and our children, who are our real wealth. If we do all of these things, Chidambaram claims that we will find peace of mind. we can only have them for this time, we hasten to transcribe them; And this year, still employed in procuring the documents, will have produced but little, directly, at least, for our final work. When we have all our materials, these three or four graduals, and so many Antiphonaries, our work will march infinitely faster; But in all things, time and patience are necessary. You also know that we, Dom Pothier and I, have several other occupations and impediments. We do our best in the midst of all this; But we can not do the impossible. In July, he completed the 風 Fū or kaze, meaning "Wind", represents things that grow, expand, and enjoy freedom of movement. Aside from air, smoke and the like, fū can in some ways be best represented by the human mind. As we grow physically, we learn and expand mentally as well, in terms of our knowledge, our experiences, and our personalities. Fū represents breathing, and the internal processes associated with respiration. Mentally and emotionally, it represents an "open-minded" attitude and carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, compassion, and wisdom. Void (Aether) 空 Kū or sora, most often translated as "Void", position in 2000 but climbed to #19 by 2003. Critic Daniel D. Shade reviewed the novel in 2001: Yet in spite of all the pain and anguish we go through as we follow Jeff through his search for an understanding of why he is replaying his life, the book has some important things to say to the reader. First, life is full of endless happenings that we have little control over. We should live our lives with our eyes set upon the horizon and never look back, controlling those things we can and giving no second thought to those events out of based on composite things, like medicine, astronomy, or physics, he concludes that we cannot doubt studies based on simple things, like arithmetic and geometry. On further reflection, the Meditator realizes that even simple things can be doubted. Omnipotent God could make even our conception of mathematics false. One might argue that God is supremely good and would not lead him to believe falsely all these things. But by this reasoning we should think that God would not deceive him with regard to anything, and yet this is clearly not true. If we suppose there is no God, then there is even things were going, offering a taste of what was to come and what recording was like among other things such as Ross giving a step to step guide on how to make tea. "The label were breathing down our necks as soon as we started this album. When we were recording, the label wanted it yesterday. They didn't want to take any chances. We built our own studio for the sessions so everything took a little longer than expected. We were in there working, experimenting with our new setup and the label weren't hearing anything. They started freaking out and talking we. The simulators were not working, Mission Control was behind in virtually every area, and the flight and test procedures changed daily. Nothing we did had any shelf life. Not one of us stood up and said, "Dammit, stop!" I don't know what Thompson's committee will find as the cause, but I know what I find. We are the cause! We were not ready! We did not do our job. We were rolling the dice, hoping that things would come together by launch day, when in our hearts we knew it would take a miracle. We were pushing the schedule saddened in our innermost hearts? How can we not experience the pain of separation in our human faculties? However, as Scripture says, God cares for the least hair of our heads, and indeed he cares with his omniscience; therefore, how can persecution be considered as anything other than the command of God, or his prize, or precisely his punishment?...We are twenty here, and thanks be to God all are still well. If anyone is killed, I beg you not to forget his family. I have many more things to say, but how can I express them with pen and paper? I we heal and how we deal with cardiac depression and how we can jump start our lives and get back on track. Doctors used to never talk about things like that and now they do.
X-Ray vision glasses are lost and Jacinta helps to find them. PGM4 Robots Yamba the Honeyant wants to be like the clown robot, Robbo the Robot, but Jacinta soon grows tired of all the jokes. PGM5 It's Hot Today Yamba wants to play outside but it's too hot so best friend Jacinta shows Yamba many ways to keep cool. PGM6 Magical Day Cecilina, Yamba's big sister, has disappeared and Yamba thinks a magic trick has made her disappear. Did Yamba make Cecilina disappear or make two Cecilinas reappear! PGM7The Treasure Map Grandpa Honeyant gave Yamba a map and Yamba and Jacinta think it's a treasure map. when DeFreitas poured salt over Agnew's lunch, Agnew responded by throwing DeFreitas' cricket bag and kit from the dressing room balcony. Former England cricketer Derek Pringle has written about Agnew's sense of humour, describing him as "hysterical". The pair toured Sri Lanka together on England B's 1986 tour. Pringle recalls that one hot day when England were in the field, Agnew came in for lunch: "It's ****ing red hot on the field, and when you come off it's ****ing red hot in the dressing-room," Agnew screamed. "Then, what do you get for lunch, ****ing red hot curry?" Assisted suicide allegation and "getting her kicks." In the 1961 film version of West Side Story, Anita sings "He'll walk in hot and tired, poor dear / No matter if he's tired, as long as he's here" rather than "He'll walk in hot and tired, so what / No matter if he's tired, as long as he's hot." Tony, a member of the Jets, has fallen in love with Maria, Bernardo's sister. At Maria's request, he plans to go to the rumble and stop the fight. Maria and Tony sing about their eagerness to see each other after Tony returns; they believe that after top of ground, so that the water was usually too hot to drink. There were no trees or grassy areas on the school grounds, and no lunch room. Liberty City Elementary was one of the few schools in the (county-wide) school district holding two half-day sessions. Range led 125 African-American parents from the school to a meeting of the school board to present their demands for improvements to the school. After delaying the start of the meeting for an hour, the board heard Athalie Range speak. Much to her surprise, the board agreed to make improvements. They ordered hot meals to second album, I Can Make It With You. "Look What You've Done," with Williams and Taylor sharing lead vocals, reached #32 - just as its predecessor single had done - on the Hot 100 in February 1967. On the strength of two Top 40 hits, I Can Make It With You reached as high as #81 on the Billboard 200 in the spring of 1967. Kline left the group after I Can Make It With You was recorded, due to both friction with the group's producer, Bob Johnston, and being tired of constant touring. Kline was replaced by are often more frequent and more intense during hot weather or in an overheated room, the surrounding heat apparently making the hot flashes themselves both more likely to occur, and more severe. Severe hot flashes can make it difficult to get a full night's sleep (often characterized as insomnia), which in turn can affect mood, impair concentration, and cause other physical problems. When hot flashes occur at night, they are called "night sweats". As estrogen is typically lowest at night, some women get night sweats without having any hot flashes during the daytime. Young females If hot flashes occur at other electric radiators in that they disperse heat differently. The international standard for energy efficient consumer products Energy Star recommends placing heat-resistant reflectors between radiators and exterior walls to help retain heat in a room,so the room is heated more efficiently. Hot water A hot-water radiator consists of a sealed hollow metal container filled with hot water by gravity feed, a pressure pump, or convection. As it gives out heat, the hot water cools and sinks to the bottom of the radiator and is forced out of a pipe at the other end. Anti-hammer devices are often installed to prevent or minimize paper," Howard Swain said (he had become managing editor). One day in the spring of 1932, Mr. Macfadden called him up and said, "This thing has cost me seven million dollars and I've gotten tired." Gauvreau tried to make it sensational, Winchell tried to make it amusing, (Louis) Weitzenkorn tried to make it semirespectable, but it remained one thing overall: Macfadden. Guavreau never tired of reminiscing on the phenomenon that was "the newspaper that never was," dwelling at length on his remarkable experience in his 1931 novel Hot News, a second novel, The Scandal Monger in 1932 (the basis for Universal's Scandal mash-ups that charted in the Billboard Hot 100 were "You and I" / "You and I" at number sixty-nine, "I Can't Go for That" / "You Make My Dreams" at number eighty, and "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" / "One Way or Another" at number eighty-six. In Canada, "I Can't Go for That" / "You Make My Dreams" debuted at number seventy-four, "You and I" / "You and I" at number ninety-three, and "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" / "One Way or Another" at number ninety-five. "Hot for Teacher" did not chart, though it and "Rumour Has It" He is so much fun. He's so humble and he just makes you feel good. When you're around him, you feel magical. The lyrics are, 'Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me.'... But if you see the video, it's all about being who you are, having fun and being confident — and feeling hot. It's not so much about looking hot ... although looking hot is important." Synopsis The opening sequence of the video features the Pussycat Dolls riding in jeeps and Busta Rhymes rapping his verse, simultaneously. The video continues to switch back and forth from Scherzinger
inflammatory diseases. The new view that muscle is an endocrine organ is transforming our understanding of exercise physiology and with it, of the role of inflammation in adaptation to stress. Chronic inflammation and muscle loss Both chronic and extreme inflammation are associated with disruptions of anabolic signals initiating muscle growth. Chronic inflammation has been implicated as part of the cause of the muscle loss that occurs with aging. Increased protein levels of myostatin have been described in patients with diseases characterized by chronic low-grade inflammation. Increased levels of TNF-α can suppress the AKT/mTOR pathway, a crucial pathway for regulating skeletal of this is Rheumatoid Arthritis, in which the body breaks down its own joints. The break down is caused by the overexpression of specific miRNA clusters. These clusters causes an increase in synovial fibroblasts. Due to this increased fibroblast amount, certain proteases' concentrations are increased which cause the breakdown of cartilage in joints. By targeting the miRNA clusters responsible for expression of the disease, inflammation caused by this disorder can be reduced when AMOs are added to afflicted areas. Systemic lupus erythematosus causes long term organ damage to the body. It propagates due to environmental and genetic factors. By targeting microRNA Loteprednol Medical uses Applications for this drug include the reduction of inflammation after eye surgery, seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, uveitis, as well as chronic forms of keratitis (e.g. adenoviral and Thygeson's keratitis), vernal keratoconjunctivitis, pingueculitis, and episcleritis. Contraindications As corticosteroids are immunosuppressive, loteprednol is contraindicated in patients with viral, fungal or mycobacterial infections of the eye. Adverse effects The most common adverse effects in patients being treated with the gel formulation are anterior chamber inflammation (5%), eye pain (2%), and foreign body sensation (2%). Interactions Because long term use (>10 days) can cause increased intraocular pressure, loteprednol may interfere with the become leaky, producing the redness and swelling associated with acute inflammation. The activated endothelium allows extravasation of blood plasma and white blood cells including macrophages which transmigrate to the implant and recognize it as non-biologic. Macrophages release oxidants to combat the foreign body. If antioxidants fail to destroy the foreign body, chronic inflammation begins. Chronic response Implantation of non-degradable materials will eventually result in chronic inflammation and fibrous capsule formation. Macrophages that fail to destroy pathogens will merge to form a foreign-body giant cell which quarantines the implant. High levels of oxidants cause fibroblasts to secrete collagen, forming a layer called negative remodeling. Tissue remodeling occurs in adipose tissue with increased body fat. In obese subjects, this remodeling is often pathological, characterized by excessive inflammation and fibrosis. point to it as a cause of type 2 diabetes, weight gain and obesity, and a broad list of diseases ranging from depression and anxiety to arthritis and autism. The book that has had the most impact is Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar - Your Brain's Silent Killers, by the American neurologist David Perlmutter, published in September 2013. Another book that has had great impact is Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, by the cardiologist William Davis, which refers to wheat as a "chronic poison" and (including beans, leaf vegetables, lentils, whole grain wheat products, wild rice and dark chocolate) and bad (such as corn, potatoes, refined flour, white bread and white rice), Montignac's research led him to conclude that eating bad carbs, those with a high glycemic index, raises the levels of glucose in the blood and results in weight gain by coaxing the pancreas to generate insulin, which ultimately leads to the conversion of excess glucose into body fat. In 1993 he told The New York Times that "all traditional methods of dieting have amounted to a myth as big as Communism, and like portal inflammation without ballooning; or a steatosis with ballooning but without inflammation. In NASH, other histological features can appear but are not necessary for diagnosis, such as portal inflammation, polymorphonuclear infiltrates, mallory bodies, apoptotic bodies, clear vacuolated nuclei, microvacuolar steatosis, megamitochondria, and perisinusoidal fibrosis. Hepatocyte death via apoptosis or necroptosis is increased in NASH compared with simple steatosis, and inflammation is one of NASH hallmarks. One debated mechanism proposes a second hit, or further injury, enough to cause change that leads from hepatic steatosis to hepatic inflammation. Oxidative stress, hormonal imbalances, and mitochondrial abnormalities are potential causes for this "second hit" evidence suggesting that inflammation is not sufficient for the development of major depression, evidence for a lack of complete overlap also comes from findings that depression often occurs without existing immune challenges, with social adversity appearing to cause depression without the requirement of underlying inflammation. Similarly, the existence of variation in the degree to which depressed individuals experience inflammation has also been seen to suggest that it is possible that some instances of depression may occur without inflammation. However, it is possible that all instances of depression involve increased inflammation, something which is consistent with the idea that depression stress, leaving the bones of the knee rubbing against each other and resulting in osteoarthritis. Nearly a third of US citizens are affected by osteoarthritis of the knee by age 70. Obesity is a known and very significant risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis. Risk increases proportionally to body weight. Obesity contributes to OA development not only by increasing the mechanical stress exerted upon the knees when standing, but also leads to increased production of compounds that may cause joint inflammation. Parity is associated with an increased risk of knee OA and likelihood of knee replacement. The risk increases in proportion
likely among the simulated minds rather than among the original biological ones. Therefore, if we don't think that we are currently living in a computer simulation, we are not entitled to believe that we will have descendants who will run lots of such simulations of their forebears. — Nick Bostrom, Are you living in a computer simulation?, 2003 Criticism of Bostrom's anthropic reasoning Bostrom argues that if "the fraction of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one", then it follows that we probably live in a simulation. Some philosophers disagree, proposing that three books. Embodied simulation theory and mirror neurons Gallese is probably best well known for two interconnecting areas of research – mirror neurons and embodied simulation theory. Embodied simulation theory is, amongst other things, a theory of social cognition – a theory of how it is we understand others' actions, basic intentions, emotions and sensations. Gallese states "that the fundamental mechanism that allows us a direct experiential grasp of the mind of others is not conceptual reasoning but direct simulation of the observed events through the mirror mechanism." Gallese states that the mirror mechanism in humans is the neurophysiological of 2020. The band also announced they would no longer be playing "Secrets" live, a song that courted controversy for misogynist undertones that were further condemned by Real Friends frontman Dan Lambton. Young stated the reasoning behind no longer playing the song was to establish that MAKEOUT was "...a new band and we want people to focus on that." The City Fathers of Belfast refused to give Magennis the freedom of the City though. Sources differ as to the reasoning behind this; some claim it was due to religious divisions, others claim it was due to the City Fathers not "...believing that such an honour could not be bestowed on a working-class Catholic from the inner-city slums." In 1946 Magennis married Edna Skidmore, with whom he had four sons. The money from the Shilling Fund was spent quickly by Magennis and his wife; she remarked: "We are simple people... forced into the limelight. We lived beyond our means because proposition (the proposition that we live in a simulation) is false. Physicist Paul Davies deploys Bostrom's trilemma as part of one possible argument against a near-infinite multiverse. This argument runs as follows: if there were a near-infinite multiverse, there would be posthuman civilizations running ancestor simulations, and therefore we would come to the untenable and scientifically self-defeating conclusion that we live in a simulation; therefore, by reductio ad absurdum, existing multiverse theories are likely false. (Unlike Bostrom and Chalmers, Davies (among others) considers the simulation hypothesis to be self-defeating.) Some point out that there is currently no proof of technology which conscious, Dainton's reasoning leads to the following conclusion: either the fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage and are able and willing to run large numbers of neural ancestor simulations is close to zero, or we are in some kind of (possibly neural) ancestor simulation. Some scholars categorically reject or are uninterested in anthropic reasoning, dismissing it as "merely philosophical", unfalsifiable, or inherently unscientific. Some critics reject the block universe view of time that Bostrom implicitly accepts and propose that we could be in the first generation, such that all the simulated people that will one day be created don't then we also feel sad. If someone has just accomplished a lifelong goal, we bask in his happiness. Empathy falls under the affective component of morality and is the main reasoning behind selflessness. According to theorist Martin Hoffman, empathy plays a key role in the progression of morality. Empathy causes people to be more prominent in prosocial behavior as discussed earlier. Without empathy, there would be no humanity. Moral Reasoning Moral reasoning is the thinking process involved in deciding whether an act is right or wrong. Feeds off the development of social cognition that helps us experience other people's distress. One (2018), written by Ernest Cline and directed by Steven Spielberg, portrays the mass-adoption of a virtual simulated world in the near dystopian future. Simulation Theory is also the name of the eighth album by British alternative band Muse, released on 9 November 2018. "Answers In Simulation" by Iurii Vovchenko was released in 2019. This book addresses the subject of simulation from another angle. The author makes a statement "OK, we live in simulation" and then asks a question "What's next for us in that case?" a sender and a receiver (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A, 2012) representing the reasoning behind why celebrity endorsements of brands are so successful in this day and age. This suggests that for communication to occur, there must be some common thinking between two parties and information must be passed from one person to another (or from one group to another) (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A, 2012). Celebrities are now a common factor within people's daily lives – whether we like it or not we live in a world that has been socially influenced by celebrities. This is Musk continued, "There have been movies about this, you know, like Terminator – there are some scary outcomes. And we should try to make sure the outcomes are good, not bad." In June 2016, Musk was asked whether he thinks humans live in a computer simulation, to which he answered: The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following: 40 years ago we had Pong – two rectangles and a dot. That's where we were. Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it's getting better every year.
influence in the area and on those studying polymers. In 2013, Hawker and another colleague invented Olaplex, a successful commercial product designed to ‘relinks hair bonds’ to help reduce hair breakage. In 2018, Olaplex won a patent infringement action against L'Oreal. In 2015, Hawker was named as an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow for “...revolutionising materials research through the development of powerful synthetic methods and strategies for molecularly engineering functional macromolecules, inspiring scientists across multiple disciplines.” He also serves or has served as editor for journals such as the Journal of Polymer Science and Little Symphony No. 3 (Milhaud) Little (Chamber) Symphony No. 3, Op. 71 by Darius Milhaud is a work for chamber orchestra that was composed in 1921. The work is also known by the title Sérénade. This work is not to be confused with Milhaud's Symphony No. 3, which is known as Te Deum. The work is polytonal, with nearly every instrument playing around a different tonal center, and is also characterized by its fast moving lines, pastoral topoi, and energetic sound. Sérénade received its premiere in Paris, by the Société de Musique de Chambre. The score was released by Universal that same No. 3 Court (Wimbledon) Original No.3 Court and renaming The original No.3 Court was renamed in 2009 to Court 4. Subsequently this court and the surrounding area was demolished to make way for both the replacement Court 4 and space for stands of the new No.3 Court. New No.3 Court Following the building of the new No.2 Court, the old No.2 Court was rebuilt, becoming the new No.3 Court. Work began at the end of the 2009 Championships and was finished in time for the 2011 Championships. The new No.3 Court has a capacity of 2,000. It is the fourth Oboe Concerto No. 3 (Handel) The Oboe Concerto No. 3 in G minor (HWV 287) was composed by George Frideric Handel for oboe, orchestra and basso continuo, possibly in 1704-1705, when he was still in Hamburg. It was first published in Leipzig in 1863 (from unknown sources) in which it was described as a work from 1703. No other source for the work is known. Other catalogues of Handel's music have referred to the work as HG xxi,100; and HHA iv/12,3. A typical performance of the work takes almost ten minutes. Violin Concerto No. 3 (Saint-Saëns) Instrumentation The work is scored for solo violin, 2 flutes/piccolo, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani and strings. String Quartet No. 3 (Piston) String Quartet No. 3 by Walter Piston is a chamber-music work composed in 1947. History Piston’s Third Quartet was commissioned by Harvard University and first performed by the Walden Quartet on May 1, 1947. It is dedicated to Diran Alexanian (Pollack 1982, 102). conjecture put it into a framework governing all 3-manifolds. John Morgan wrote: It is my view that before Thurston's work on hyperbolic 3-manifolds and . . . the Geometrization conjecture there was no consensus among the experts as to whether the Poincaré conjecture was true or false. After Thurston's work, notwithstanding the fact that it had no direct bearing on the Poincaré conjecture, a consensus developed that the Poincaré conjecture (and the Geometrization conjecture) were true. (1943) Hymn, Aria, Dance, for clarinet and pianoforte (1943) Palestinian, Suite for violoncello and microtonal organ (1943) Sonata, for pianoforte (1943–1946) Symphony no. 4 (1944–1959) Ezekiel 34, for violin and quarter-tone organ (1945) Orah no. 3, for string quartet (1945) The Song of Songs (Sonata no. 3), for violin (1945) Three Sonatas, for violin (1945–1948) A Little Palestinian New Year’s Festival: 1. Zeman Simhatheinu (The Season of Our Gladness; a Sukkot song), for baritone solo and pianoforte; 2. In Thy Pavilion, O Eternal (Psalm 15), for see original work list; 3. Happy Is Everyone Who Reveres the Eternal (Psalm 128), for see original work list; 4a. Orah Symphony No. 3 (Rouse) Symphony No. 3 is an orchestral composition in two movements by the American composer Christopher Rouse. The work was jointly commissioned by the St. Louis Symphony, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. It was completed February 3, 2011 and premiered May 5, 2011 by the Saint Louis Symphony under David Robertson at Powell Hall in St. Louis, Missouri. The piece is dedicated to Rouse's high school music teacher, John Merrill. Composition Rouse conceived the Symphony No. 3 as a reworking of Sergei Prokofiev's Symphony No. String Quartet No. 1 (Szymanowski) String Quartet No. 1 in C major, Op. 37, is a composition for string quartet by Karol Szymanowski. It was the first of the two string quartets composed by Szymanowski. The work is from 1917 during his middle period. It is notable for its "polytonal" third movement, which contains four key signatures in its written four parts: the first violin with 3 sharps, the second violin with 6 sharps, the viola with 3 flats, and the cello with no flats or sharps. Dedicated to the French musicologist Henry Prunières, the work won the first prize
Kong. The majority of dim sum bonds are denominated in CNH, but some are linked to CNY (but paid in USD). In July 2007, dim sum bonds worth a total of US$657 million were issued for the first time by the China Development Bank. These financial assets were issued to foreign investors in renminbi, rather than the local currency. In June 2009, China allowed financial institutions in Hong Kong to issue dim sum bonds. HSBC was the first institution that issued these. In August 2010, McDonald was the first corporation that issued dim sum bonds. In October, the Asian Development Bank the Singapore dollar and the renminbi (CNY/SGD). The Singapore dollar was added to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System's (CFETS) platform, which as of 28 October 2014 offers financial operations and transactions between the yuan and ten foreign currencies. South Korea (BoCOM) On 4 July 2014, PBoC appointed Bank of Communication (Seoul) as the RMB Clearing Bank in South Korea. Switzerland On 21 July 2014, the People’s Bank of China and the Swiss National Bank had signed a bilateral currency swap agreement. Taiwan (BoC) On 11 December 2012, PBoC authorized Bank of China (Taipei) to serve as RMB Clearing Bank final landfall. In order to ensure the safety of the children, most kindergartens, primary and middle schools in Haikou, the capital of Hainan suspended classes very early. The Meilan Airport in Haikou city canceled a total of 49 flights. In all, 5 people were killed in South China. Total economic losses in South China were amounted to be CNY 11.10971 billion (US$1.736 billion), including 2.86 billion CNY in Guangdong Province, 2.436 billion CNY in Guangxi, 5.81371 billion CNY from Hainan Province. Nesat approached China just one day after the preparations for it started. On September 29, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pass such a tax through the National People's Congress of China. Tollways China has an extensive tollway system, which composed of nearly all expressways as well as having around 70% of the world's tollways. Tolls are roughly around CNY 0.5 per kilometre, and minimum rates (e.g. CNY 5) usually apply regardless of distance. However, some are more expensive (the Jinji Expressway costs around CNY 0.66 per kilometre) and some are less expensive (the Jingshi Expressway in Beijing costs around CNY 0.33 per kilometre). It is noteworthy that cheaper expressways do not necessarily mean poorer roads or a greater risk of 8, 2008, US$31,700, oil on canvas 2008 Sotheby's, New York, March 17, 2008, US$12,500, oil and paper 2009 Xileng, Hangzhou, China, January 3, 2009, 168,000 CNY, oil and canvas 2009 Ravenel, Taiwan, June 7, 2009, US$19,800, oil and canvas 2010 China Guardian, May 15, 2010, 134.400 CNY, oil on canvas well as some other currencies; for example, the United States dollar is called Meiyuan (Chinese: 美元; pinyin: Měiyuán; literally: 'American yuan') in Chinese, and the euro is called Ouyuan (Chinese: 欧元; pinyin: Ōuyuán; literally: 'European yuan'). When used in English in the context of the modern foreign exchange market, the Chinese yuan (CNY) refers to the renminbi (RMB), which is the official currency used in mainland China. Etymology, writing and pronunciation In Standard (Mandarin) Chinese, yuán literally means a "round object" or "round coin". During the Qing Dynasty, the yuan was a round coin made of silver. In informal contexts, the all individuals conducting public affairs work overseas on behalf of the Chinese government. Ordinary biometric passports have been introduced by the Ministry of Public Security starting from 15 May 2012. The cost of a passport is 200 CNY (approximately US$31) for first-time applicants in China and 220 CNY (or US$35) for renewals and passports issued abroad. Effective from July 1, 2017, cost of a biometric ordinary passport is reduced to 160 CNY (approximately US 24) for both first-time applicants and renewal. As of April 2017, China had issued over 100 million biometric ordinary passports. Colombia Issued since 1 September 2015, costing October 1996, 22,000 CNY, oil and college on canvas 2002 Cornette De Saint Cyr, Paris Drouot, February 27, 2002, 3,500 €, oil on canvas 2003 China Guardian, Beijing, November 25, 2003, 41,800 CNY, oil on canvas 2005 Sotheby's, Hong Kong, October 24, 2005, 276,000 HKS, oil on canvas 2006 China Guardian, Beijing, November 22, 2006, 285,000 CNY, oil on canvas 2007 Bukowski's, Stockholm, April 27, 2007, 16,900 €, oil on canvas 2007 Artcurial, 20th Century Chinese Art, Paris, June 5, 2007, 1080 € 2007 Artcurial, Paris, June 5, 2007, 16,100 €, oil on canvas 2007 Sotheby's, New York, March 25, 2007, US$17,000, oil on canvas 2008 Zhongcheng, Taiwan, June successfully treated. Recently, the anticonvulsant drug Topiramate induced temporary CNH in patients, which abated after drug use was terminated. Additionally, there has been one reported case of CNH in a patient suffering from multiple sclerosis with brainstem lesions. The CNH was considered reversible and was successfully treated with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone and plasma exchange. Pathophysiology Although CNH is typically characterized by the presence of lesions in the brainstem region, the mechanism by which these lesions create uninhibited stimulation of the expiratory and inhalatory centers is still poorly understood. These lesions typically arise after cancerous cells from another location of the non-eurozone Europe's) from 19% a year earlier. The volume of RMB deposit has climbed to 100bn at end-2013. Hong Kong and Macau (BoC) Since 2010 CNH deposit has grown 12 times from RMB 90 bn to 1,125 bn by 1H2014 while Trade Settlement handled by Hong Kong Banks and CNH Bond outstanding increases 107 times (RMB 27 bn to 2,926 bn) and 12 times (RMB 30 bn to 384 bn) respectively. As of 2014, Hong Kong is still the largest offshore RMB (CNH) hubs outside of mainland China. On 10 April, CSRC and Hong Kong's SFC jointly announced Shanghai-Hong Kong
gigabits per second. Zolitūde was the first residential area in Riga where the Lattelecom fiber optic Internet service was made available (in January 2009), followed later by Kengarags, Purvciems, Plavnieki, Ziepniekkalns and other locations. Jelgava was the first city where fiber optic Internet was made available from areas other than Riga, but late in 2009 the Lattelecom fiber optic service was also made accessible in other cities, such as Daugavpils, Salaspils, etc. Initially, fiber optic network expansion work was carried out in the newly built dwelling areas in Riga and other largest cities of the country the rational being that users, whereas Citrus Solutions that is formed through separating the former Network Maintenance Division from the parent company Tet offers integrated network infrastructure construction and security system solutions. tet Internet Tet is the country's largest internet service provider. Tet offers various Internet connection types - broadband DSL Internet, Optical Fiber Internet GPON Internet, wireless solutions or Wi-Fi and 4G internet. Optical fiber Internet In 2009 Lattelecom started offering residential fiber optic services with up to 100 megabits per second high Internet bandwidth. In September 2009 an announcement was made that Lattelecom had upgraded its fiber optic bandwidth up to 1 internet, while since May 2016 – LTE Advanced network. Noteworthy is that MagtiCom is the only operator in Georgia owning the 4.5G LTE Advanced network. According to the data of the Georgian National Communications Commission, MagtiCom enjoys the highest index of internet usage. Fiber-Optic Internet Fiber-optic internet is provided via the fiber-optic network. According to the official data, MagtiCom is leading ISP operator, with 415,717 internet subscribers as of August, 2019. Television MagtiCom offers two types of television: satellite television MagtiSat since 2012 and IPTV since 2016. According to the official data, MagtiCom has the leading position in the television (broadcast transit) market Committee of Armenia, TV penetration rate is 80% according to 2011 data. Internet There are approximately 1,400,000 Internet users and approximately 65,279 Internet hosts in Armenia. The country code (Top level domain) for Armenia is .am, which has been used for AM radio stations and for domain hacks. Armentel's (the national communications company's) only fiber optic connection to the Internet enters Armenia through Georgia (via Marneuli) and then connects to the rest of the Internet via an undersea fiber-optic cable in the Black Sea. Armenia is connected to the Trans-Asia-Europe fiber-optic cable system via Georgia, which runs along the railroad from the Bixby community, and has been providing internet services since 1993 and telephone services since 1914. BTC Broadband is one of the first companies in Oklahoma to offer a gigabit connection over fiber optic cables to select neighborhoods. In addition to adding fiber optic support to existing neighborhoods, BTC Broadband is active in working with local developers to ensure select areas are pre-installed with fiber optic support. Fiber-optic communication Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry information. Fiber is preferred over electrical cabling when high bandwidth, long distance, or immunity to electromagnetic interference are required. This type of communication can transmit voice, video, and telemetry through local area networks, computer networks, or across long distances. Optical fiber is used by many telecommunications companies to transmit telephone signals, Internet communication, and cable television signals. Researchers at Bell Labs have reached internet speeds T-Fiber History It started in 2017 with pilot project started in Maheshwaram Mandal in Rangareddy district by IT minister, K. T. Rama Rao. It provides internet access to improve health and education by bringing telemedicine and educational opportunities to more people in rural areas. The project The project is accomplished by laying 62,000 miles of fiber optic cable in more than 22,000 villages. The fiber optic line along with drinking water project, Mission Bhagiratha. The large black pipe is for water and a blue pipe has fiber optic cable. Stealth Communications Overview Stealth Communications started in 1995 to provide ultrafast Internet connectivity to businesses in NYC. In 2013 the company received authorization from the City of New York to construct its own fiber network. Fiber distribution Stealth utilizes an underground conduit system for placing its fiber-optic cables, that is owned and maintained by Empire City Subway. Once their fiber-optic cable reaches the closest manhole to the building, Stealth pulls the fiber-optic cable through existing conduits or builds a new conduit into the building. In certain cases due to the conditions of the conduit system, conduits are clogged or collapsed at 100 Mbit/s or higher (as of 2018). China is making rapid progress in 1 Gbit/s (1000 Mbit/s) internet, and 42% of Chinese homes are expected to have 1 Gbit/s broadband link by 2023. In 2018, China had 378 million fixed broadband users and 87% of them were fiber-optic users, making China #1 in the world in deployment of fiber-optic cables for broadband. By the end of 2017, China had 29 million kilometers of fiber-optic cable. In 2019, China is expected to account for 24% of the world's spending on IoT or internet-connected devices. Since 2011 China has been the gateway switch. After the completion of the Uzbek link to the Trans-Asia-Europe (TAE) fiber-optic cable, Uzbekistan plans to establish a fiber-optic connection to Afghanistan. Television Uzbekistan has 28 television broadcast stations. This includes one cable rebroadcaster in Taskent and approximately 20 stations in regional capitals. Internet There were over 9 million Internet users in Uzbekistan as of 19 March 2012, according to Uzbekistan's Agency for Communications and Information (UzACI). The "Uzbek Internet" is sometimes called "Uznet", akin to Runet. The country code (top level domain) for Uzbekistan is .uz.
2018 Lewisham train strandings Huntingdon In June 2005, a passenger train became stranded near Huntingdon for two hours. Conditions quickly became uncomfortable for the passengers on board. The Rail Safety and Standards Board subsequently conducted research into conditions on a stranded train with inoperable air conditioning. It concluded that conditions would become uncomfortable after 40–50 minutes, and intolerable after 70–90 minutes. Opening doors on the train would mean that conditions would be tolerable for up to five hours. Aviemore On 31 March 2010, a passenger train became stranded in snow between Carrbridge and Slochd, Highland. More than 100 passengers had China, tomorrow in Paris, after tomorrow some other place. We are confronted every day with what happens in the world. You’re living on a specific spot, but also in the whole world. It’s maybe therefore that we become so ignorant and hard, because we experience too much. Hunger, war. That particular situation doesn’t mean anything anymore." From the same interview: "I wish, if they see my work later on, that they can see the twentieth century. The artist must give his time a suit. And it doesn’t matter if he is an architect, poet or painter. In abstract painting I miss using an ad. A well-dressed woman arrived at the meeting, promising to get acquainted with a financially secure middle-aged man. Hojer repulsed her with his appearance, repulsed, and reproached so hard that she had left after a few minutes. It was much more promising for Hojer to become acquainted with the young woman he met at a party with his friends. She offered him sexual intercourse in the next room. It is likely that Hojer's panic has fallen as the woman has become active and moved away. He tossed it so hard that the door's glass filled through, and ran by informing him that he has written a more extensive article for the next edition, although the result of merciless editing of his original draft has reduced his version considerably, now reading "Mostly harmless". Dent also learns that the Earth was originally constructed by the inhabitants of the planet Magrathea, as a giant supercomputer built to find the Question to the Ultimate Answer of Life, The Universe and Everything. The computer was so large that it was often mistaken for a planet, and that it was destroyed five minutes before the program was due to complete (after ten million years to use it. He’ll sit at home for two hours a night attempting to use this power and move a pencil an inch. As a person he’ll hopefully realise he doesn’t need to try as hard to please people and likewise, with his power, he doesn’t need to try as hard to use it, otherwise it won’t work properly". Producer Matt Strevens told a reporter at SFX that Finn "has a dark secret that is revealed" and "what we find out is that his secret informs who he is". Morgan Jeffrey of Digital Spy called the character a "cheeky, baby-faced throughout the streets of Los Angeles. After he locks the car door, an uncomfortable and apprehensive Kiedis attempts to make a call on his cell phone, but the cabbie brakes so hard that Kiedis loses grip of it. The cabbie snatches the phone and throws it out the window, then drives the car in a cloud of dust and backs up under a bridge. While there, the cabbie pulls out flare sticks and begins to torture Kiedis through awkward dancing while the latter finally pages bassist Flea and Frusciante (with a message reading, "Help! Been kidnapped."), who are having lunch in him clean. My guys worked way too hard to be in this position to have a wrecked race car at the end of the year. It means so much to me to finish the year strong. I talked to him in the driver’s meeting but Kevin is such a two-faced guy it doesn’t really matter," Busch said. Afterward, Harvick said "Kyle raced me like a clown all day." In the Drivers' Championship, Johnson finished first with 6,622 points, 39 ahead of Hamlin in second. Harvick followed in third with 6,581 points. Edwards and Kenseth rounded out the first five positions with day after the festival. So hollow and dispirited, so depressed.' 'I can easily drop a new film after only five minutes of watching, then I am done with it. Of course, I may be wrong, but if the first five minutes of a film are not right, it cannot become a good film anymore.' 'The American cinema is dying.' 'Watching a good film is better than screwing.' 'Every unsuccessful film in The Netherlands that is being released, is one step back. To me, that is a sin, anti-cinema. The people who make those films have to be retrained to cake bakers, so that they can be more irritating than pleasurable. Vasocongestion eventually triggers a muscular reflex, which expels the blood that was trapped in surrounding tissues, and leads to an orgasm. A short time after stimulation has stopped, especially if orgasm has been achieved, the glans becomes visible again and returns to its normal state, with a few seconds (usually 5–10) to return to its normal position and 5–10 minutes to return to its original size. If orgasm is not achieved, the clitoris may remain engorged for a few hours, which women often find uncomfortable. Additionally, the clitoris is very sensitive after orgasm, making They have a gentle rapport that unfolds convincingly after some initial testiness. It takes two consummate actors to make quickly escalating chemistry feel so natural. We find ourselves heartily rooting for them. Hoffman and Thompson rise above the sometimes obvious story arc, and the result is a surprisingly tender and appealing love story." Joshua Rothkopf of Time Out New York rated the film three out of five stars and commented, "If anything can be said to be wrong with so benign an affair, it’s simply that Last Chance Harvey doesn’t feel much like cinema. Little excites the material visually; the film’s
don't like their policy and I don't trust them. They are in no sense Socialists. At present they are Liberals and we shall have a blend of Liberal shibboleths and communist insanity". When Sir Edward Hulton sold most of his newspapers to Lord Rothermere, Blatchford wrote a letter to The Morning Post: As a protest against the attempt of the syndicated newspapers to muzzle the press and dictate to the Government, I have resigned my position on The Sunday Chronicle and The Sunday Herald...the public should be helped to realise that the political judgments of the syndicated newspapers are not sincere anthem with the song "Hey Punk". They even produced songs against their government ("They Don't Give a Fuck"), their justice ("Gerechtigkeit" - "Justice"), their police and their politicians ("Sand im Getriebe"). The song "Yankees Raus" (Yankees out) is against imperialism. The following years, neo-fascism in Germany was rising more and more, so they felt dutybound to sing against them. While their 1992 comeback album "Viva La Muerte" was a rather sketchy affair, their 1994 album "Schweineherbst" (Autumn Of Swines) is by many seen as their masterpiece, musically as well as lyrically. The title song is a raging attack against rightwing mobs, “corruption kills”, sweatshops in developing countries would be the prime cases. In some places, like the UAE, the government or the media does not show the full picture. For example, labour camps in Dubai, UAE do not have proper conditions for the workers and if they protest they can be deported if they are foreigners. Low education level It is suggested that these workers should fight back and protect their own labour rights, yet a lot of them in developing countries are ignorant about their own right because of low education level. According to the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (2016), most class of bureaucratic administrators termed nomenklatura governed nearly all aspects of public life. The 1980s brought a backlash against perceptions of "big government" and the associated bureaucracy. Politicians like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan gained power by promising to eliminate government regulatory bureaucracies, which they saw as overbearing, and return economic production to a more purely capitalistic mode, which they saw as more efficient. In the business world, managers like Jack Welch gained fortune and renown by eliminating bureaucratic structures inside corporations. Still, in the modern world, most organized institutions rely on bureaucratic systems to manage information, process records, and administer more attention to America's secular crowd. "I think that may be a lesson politicians need to learn, that they don't only need to suck up to the Catholic lobby and the Jewish lobby and Islam, that lobby. Maybe the nonbelievers lobby is a lot more powerful than they realize." Also, Dawkins thinks that U.S. politicians should not invoke religion in their policies. "Politicians shouldn't be promoting religion as part of their government legislation." Dawkins has also expressed his belief that Bush was not actually elected in the controversial 2000 U.S. presidential election through an editorial in The Guardian: September 11 was amazement, got the go-ahead in 1998. The GEN-GOB decided that a more proactive measure was needed and they took their arguments against the development to the island's people through an organised protest march. The protest was organised for January 1999 and on that day eleven thousand protesters marched through the streets of Ibiza town. The local politicians quickly realised that his representation made up 14% of the islands population. This wave of opposition helped to sweep the ruling PP party from power. In August 1999 the local government put a stop to any development plans. The Cala d'Hort National Park Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, and other NOI ministers are frequently critical of what they perceive as the Jewish control over African American society, their beliefs frequently approaching conspiracy theory. For example: We are not giving them [Jews] power by getting into the debate, they already have power. They control Black intellectuals, they control Black politicians, Black preachers, Black artists—they control Black life. I’m not against Jews, I’m against control by any group, of us...I don’t know how you can talk about Black liberation without confronting that and not talk about those who stifle Black thought, freedom of Black in China Despite strict government regulations, the Chinese people continue to protest against their government's attempt to censor the Internet. The more covert protesters set up secure SSH and VPN connections using tools such as UltraSurf. They can also utilize the widely available proxies and virtual private networks to fanqiang (翻墙, "climb over the wall"), or bypass the GFW. Active protest is not absent. Chinese people post their grievances online, and on some occasions, have been successful. In 2003, the death of Sun Zhigang, a young migrant worker, sparked an intense, widespread online response from the Chinese public, despite the parliamentary systems, backbenchers individually do not have much power to influence government policy. However, they play a role in providing services to their constituents, in relaying the opinions and concerns of their constituents. For example, asking the government for funding for a project in their constituency. Some backbenchers also sit on parliamentary committees, where legislation is considered in more detail than there is time for on the floor of the House and, thereby, provide input into the legislative process. The Wright Committee reforms introduced in the UK provided backbenchers with much more power in committees, giving Parliament greater control of crowd, "He didn't get the contract. Why should I reward someone who doesn't like the president, so they can use funds to try to campaign against the President? Logic says they don't get the contract. That's the way I believe." After Jackson's comment, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) called for an investigation and Jackson to resign. The investigation found "no evidence that a contract was canceled, rescinded, terminated or not issued." Countrywide Financial loan In June 2008, Conde Nast Portfolio reported that Jackson, along with several other politicians and government officials, including former Cabinet Secretarys, Donna Shalala and Henry Cisneros, Senators Chris
allows them to mature and reproduce more quickly than their wild counterparts. The environment that domesticated animals are raised in determines whether or not neoteny is present in those animals. Evolutionary neoteny can arise in a species when those conditions occur, and a species becomes sexually mature ahead of its "normal development". Another explanation for the neoteny in domesticated animals can be the selection for certain behavioral characteristics. Behavior is linked to genetics which therefore means that when a behavioral trait is selected for, a physical trait may also be selected for due to mechanisms like linkage disequilibrium. Often, juvenile amygdala and larger medial prefrontal cortex and also reduced white matter. This causes domestic rabbits to have a decreased fight and flight response and thus domesticated rabbits show less indication of fear towards humans. Subsequently, a decrease in awareness of its surrounding may be observed in domesticated animals because of the reduced needs of sensing natural predators. Generally a change in mating systems may be observed in its domesticated counterparts. Seasonal mating systems tend to only exist on wild ancestors, however most domesticated animals have a tendency to breed all year long. The deterioration of monogamous systems may also be seen by being consistently kept in captivity and selectively bred over a long enough period of time that it exhibits marked differences in behavior and appearance from its wild relatives. Wild animals Wild animals are kept as pets. The term “wild” in this context specifically applies to any species of animal which has not undergone a fundamental change in behavior to facilitate a close co-existence with humans. Some species listed here may have been bred in captivity for a considerable length of time, but are still not recognized as domesticated. Generally, wild animals are recognized as not suitable to keep as pets, in farms. Research in wild animal welfare has two focuses: the welfare of wild animals kept in captivity and the welfare of animals living in the wild. The former has addressed the situation of animals kept both for human use, as in zoos or circuses, or in rehabilitation centers. The latter has examined how the welfare of non-domesticated animals living in wild or urban areas can be affected by humans or for natural factors causing wild animal suffering. Some of these views have promoted carrying out conservation efforts in ways that respect the welfare of wild animals, while others have bottoms are dotted with both rock paintings and rock engravings, documenting climate change as the area evolved from a savanna 10.000 years ago to a desert 5.000 years ago. The rock art changed in time from wild fauna like elephants, rhinos, giraffes, antelopes, wild bovids to domesticated animals like bovids ovicaprids, horses and finally camels. dog, as some dingoes do when they join human families. Although the dingo exists in the wild, it associates with humans, but has not been selectively bred similarly to other domesticated animals. Therefore, its status as a domestic animal is not clear. Whether the dingo was a wild or domesticated species was not clarified from Meyer's original description, which translated from the German language ambiguously reads: It is not known if it is the only dog species in New South Wales, and if it can also still be found in the wild state; however, so far it appears to have lost was not achieved. Domestic animals need not be tame in the behavioral sense, such as the Spanish fighting bull. Wild animals can be tame, such as a hand-raised cheetah. A domestic animal's breeding is controlled by humans and its tameness and tolerance of humans is genetically determined. However, an animal merely bred in captivity is not necessarily domesticated. Tigers, gorillas, and polar bears breed readily in captivity but are not domesticated. Asian elephants are wild animals that with taming manifest outward signs of domestication, yet their breeding is not human controlled and thus they are not true domesticates. Impact on be examined. Through examination of the divergence found in domesticated species such as cattle and the archaeological record from their wild counterparts; the effect of domestication can be studied, which could tell us a lot about the behaviors of the cultures that domesticated them. The genetics of these animals also reveals traits not shown in the paleontological remains, such as certain clues as to the behavior, development, and maturation of these animals. The diversity in genes can also tell where the species were domesticated, and how these domesticates migrated from these locations elsewhere. Challenges Ancient remains usually contain only a originated during the cultural transition to settled farming communities from hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Animals are domesticated when their breeding and living conditions are controlled by humans. Over time, the collective behaviour, lifecycle and physiology of livestock have changed radically. Many modern farm animals are unsuited to life in the wild. The dog was domesticated early; dogs appear in Europe and the Far East from about 15,000 years ago. Goats and sheep were domesticated in multiple events sometime between 11,000 and 5,000 years ago in Southwest Asia. Pigs were domesticated by 8,500 BC in the Near East and 6,000 BC in China. Domestication animals. The crops and the produce formed an abundant and easily obtained food source for wild animals. Wild herbivores competed with domesticated ones for pasture. In addition, they were a source for diseases which affected livestock. The livestock attracted predators which found them an easy source to prey on. The inevitable human reaction was to eliminate such threats to agriculture and domesticated animals. In addition, land was converted to agricultural and other uses and forests cleared, all of which impacted wild animals adversely. A number of animal species were eliminated locally or from parts of their natural range. The deliberate
Thin-film interference Thin-film interference is a natural phenomenon in which light waves reflected by the upper and lower boundaries of a thin film interfere with one another, either enhancing or reducing the reflected light. When the thickness of the film is an odd multiple of one quarter-wavelength of the light on it, the reflected waves from both surfaces interfere to cancel each other. Since the wave cannot be reflected, it is completely transmitted instead. When the thickness is a multiple of a half-wavelength of the light, the two reflected waves reinforce each other, increasing the reflection and reducing the transmission. is detected by a photomultiplier or other sensitive detector only once. A quantum theory of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter such as electrons is described by the theory of quantum electrodynamics. Electromagnetic waves can be polarized, reflected, refracted, diffracted or interfere with each other. Wave–particle duality The modern theory that explains the nature of light includes the notion of wave–particle duality. More generally, the theory states that everything has both a particle nature and a wave nature, and various experiments can be done to bring out one or the other. The particle nature is more easily discerned using an object light falling on pairs of telescopes. Like water waves, light waves can interfere with each other, producing a complex pattern of intensity enhancements where the waves constructively interfere, and nulls where they destructively interfere. As light from a source washes over the array, an interferometer detects this interference pattern — hence the name. The source's structure on the sky can then be inferred from the interference pattern in much the same way that one might infer the size and shape of a stone thrown into a pond from the pattern of ripples left in its wake. The native resolution of an interferometer waves can interfere with each other - the crests and the troughs line up. This is called light interference. When light waves interfere with each other, this can make many colors. An example of this is the colors in soap bubbles. Chapter 5: Elementary Particles and Forces of Nature Quarks and other elementary particles are the topic of this chapter. Quarks are very small things that make up everything we see (matter). There are six different "flavors" of quarks: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top. Quarks also have three "colors": red, green, and blue. There are also antiquarks, which are allowed to escape by any means. Interference Interference is the process by which two waves superimpose to form a resultant wave of greater or less amplitude. Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that are correlated or coherent with each other. In constructive interference, the two waves are of the same phase interfere in a way such that the resultant amplitude will be equal to the sum of the individual amplitudes. As the light in an optical ring resonator completes multiple circuits around the ring component, it will interfere with the other light still in the loop. As such, to 30 GHz, or 10 to 1 cm) at minimum, with RF engineering often putting the lower boundary at 1 GHz (30 cm), and the upper around 100 GHz (3mm). Radio waves Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light. Like all other electromagnetic waves, they travel at the speed of light. Naturally occurring radio waves are made by lightning, or by certain astronomical objects. Artificially generated radio waves are used for fixed and mobile radio communication, broadcasting, radar and other navigation systems, satellite communication, computer networks and innumerable other applications. In addition, almost any A traveling electromagnetic wave (light) consists of a combination of variable electric and magnetic fields, that propagates through space according to Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves can travel through transparent dielectric media or through a vacuum; examples include radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. Other types of waves include gravitational waves, which are disturbances in a gravitational field that propagate according to general relativity; heat diffusion waves; plasma waves, that combine mechanical deformations and electromagnetic fields; reaction-diffusion waves, such as in the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction; and many more. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves transfer energy,, momentum, and information, Radio wave Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light. Radio waves have frequencies as high as 300 gigahertz (GHz) to as low as 30 hertz (Hz). At 300 GHz, the corresponding wavelength is 1 mm, and at 30 Hz is 10,000 km. Like all other electromagnetic waves, radio waves travel at the speed of light in vacuum. They are generated by electric charges undergoing acceleration, such as time varying electric currents. Naturally occurring radio waves are emitted by lightning and astronomical objects. Radio waves are generated artificially in opposite directions in the same space and interfere with each other. They occur when waves are reflected at a boundary, such as sound waves reflected from a wall or electromagnetic waves reflected from the end of a transmission line, and particularly when waves are confined in a resonator at resonance, bouncing back and forth between two boundaries, such as in an organ pipe or guitar string. In a standing wave the nodes are a series of locations at equally spaced intervals where the wave amplitude (motion) is zero (see animation above). At these points the two waves add the direction of propagation. Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695) worked out a mathematical wave theory of light in 1678, and published it in his Treatise on light in 1690. He proposed that light was emitted in all directions as a series of waves in a medium called the Luminiferous ether. As waves are not affected by gravity, it was assumed that they slowed down upon entering a denser medium. The wave theory predicted that light waves could interfere with each other like sound waves (as noted around 1800 by Thomas Young). Young showed by means of a diffraction experiment that light behaved
you had been stabbed there with a knife. After three days you will want to drink, and when you have drunk a full hu 斛 [about 50 liters] your breath will be cut off. When that happens, it will mean that you are dead. When your body has been laid out, it will suddenly disappear, and only your clothing will remain. Thus you will be an immortal released in broad daylight by means of his waistband. If one knows the name of the drug [or, perhaps, the secret names of its ingredients] he will not feel the pain in his Wrong Club Background and release Katie White, the band's lead singer, told Entertainment Weekly that "The song’s about being in the club at four in the morning, when everything you’ve taken has worn off and you’ve just realized what a shitty club you’re in, and what terrible music. I think everyone’s been there. You’re not drunk anymore and you’ve got beer all down you and you’re just re-evaluating your life." The song was released on 3 June 2014 via an audio video on YouTube. On the same day, Billboard published an article announcing the song's release. On 15 August the pedigree like that nothing could have gone wrong, but it doesn’t work like that. Although you can maximise your chances of being able to conjure it, charm is ineffable, alchemical. You can’t measure it out by the yard and cut it off when you’ve got enough. You can’t splash it on to a scene and then stopper it to make sure you’ve got enough for the next take. It just … appears, if you’re careful and if you’re lucky. And then it ripples through your film, or your play or your book, animating all and subtly transforming everything from a than two people’s opinion on it.” Both he and drummer Cody Hanson mentioned the song "Memory" as one that was a strong contender for the final cut. "It’s about being with your chick — the chick you’ve been with for a while, not some chick you’ve met on the road — and about being able to still have a good time with your wife or long-time girlfriend," said Hanson. "I’ve been in a relationship myself for nine years, so it was cool to write a song like that." Welcome to the Freakshow & departure of Austin Winkler: 2012–2013 On August sentence off the top of your head. If the man's a shit, down he goes. If there's something to be said for him, you do your best not to put him inside." Despite his stern and authoritarian reputation, in the 1970s he sometimes submitted letters to the Court of Appeal supporting the reduction of his sentences. When asked towards the end of his career whether he had been stung by the criticism he had received, Stevenson replied "A lot of my colleagues are just constipated Methodists". There was no compulsory retirement age for a judge with Stevenson's length of service, which a charge cycle means using all the battery's capacity, but not necessarily by discharging it from 100% to 0%: "You complete one charge cycle when you’ve used (discharged) an amount that equals 100% of your battery’s capacity — but not necessarily all from one charge. For instance, you might use 75% of your battery’s capacity one day, then recharge it fully overnight. If you use 25% the next day, you will have discharged a total of 100%, and the two days will add up to one charge cycle." described in another news article, "The health workers don’t look like any people you’ve ever seen. They perform stiffly and slowly, and then they disappear into the tent where your mother or brother may be, and everything that happens inside is left to your imagination. Villagers began to whisper to one another—They’re harvesting our organs; they’re taking our limbs". Moreover, due to fear, many people are avoiding hospital treatment for any ailment and are self-treating with over the counter drugs from a pharmacy. On 18 September, eight members of a health care team were murdered by local villagers in the marks to show that her wrists had been too but the restraints had been removed. There were 17 lash marks on her body, her nipples had been savagely bitten, and an instrument had been inserted into her vagina. The whip that had inflicted the slash marks on her body was nowhere to be seen. These marks showed the distinctive diamond pattern of a woven leather riding crop. Forensic pathologist Keith Simpson told the police, "Find that whip and you’ve found your man." Professor Simpson estimated Gardner's time of death as between midnight and the early hours of the morning. The police describes as "a fairly peripatetic life", encompassing two decades in Britain, where she had initially gone to study ("Three or four years max, was the plan. But life happens. You don’t see the years rolling into each other, then you wake up one day, and you’ve been in England 20 years"). In a 2015 interview with Oyebade Dosunmu for Aké Review, Wood elaborated: "Even long before my UK days I had lived in Northern and South-Western Nigeria as well as Los Angeles—all by the age of eleven or twelve. There’s a sense in which you’re always out of time, out that he had been battling proved too much for him and the kindest thing to do was to let him go. Thank you, Hamish, for the years of joy you’ve given us and for letting us all be part of your life. May your remarkable spirit live on forever in the town you loved... and ruled! Here’s to you, old chum.
asked if he had any plans for Happy Feet Three. He replied by saying: "if you put a gun to my head and said, 'You have to come up with a story for Happy Feet 3,' I’d say shoot me. I would have no idea. I really would have no idea. The stories creep up on you. You just have to allow the stories to come, and then they get in like little ear worms in your head and they won’t go away. If that happens and we’ve got the energy, we’ll do a third one. If it doesn’t happen, Hannah and Michael go nude swimming, but stated that it would probably break the Standards and Practices law. Filming of the episode commenced at an actual campus swimming pool for one scene. A lady present during filming asked if Isaacs was naked. Isaacs replied that he was not completely naked, but had a "small piece of material taped over [his] genitals"; the lady said "That's naked," adding "I can see your butt crack." In response, Isaacs "taped a piece of material over [his] butt crack". When the last scene was filmed that day, he ran up the stairs, causing the me, fight for your life. It is inside of you what doesn’t let you live. Spit it out. You have to live for me (she lays him down on the edge of the swimming pool), I shouldn’t have left you. I want you to feel pain, pain, the pain of being alive (she submerges his head in the water until the dying man reacts, coughing) Tell your name, I’m Angel and I wanna live (he complies) "Wait for me, I’m Angel". Reception Intruso did not enjoy the commercial or critical success of Amantes. DVD release Intruso is available on DVD Another Day of Sun Composition and lyrics Hurwitz noted the tension in the song between the aspirations of the singers and the uncertain outcome of their efforts, noting "It’s an optimistic song, but it’s also about unfulfilled dreams." Paul said, "You pursue that dream, and you go to bed and get up the next day, and it’s a gorgeous day. It encourages you in one breath, and in another breath doesn’t acknowledge that you just failed miserably. You wake up and it doesn’t match your mood. It’s a bright and shiny day." The song is written in the key And I have this opportunity because of Gene Haas and everybody that’s part of our family at Stewart-Haas. It’s an unbelievable feeling when you pull deep from within and you go through troubles and you know, when you’re accused of something and things go sideways, your personal life doesn’t need to affect your business life.” as five somersault dives are thrilling, but some competitors prefer to perform simpler dives. Outdoor diving Some outdoor diving involves launching from significant heights. One such diver noted, "There is adrenalin, excitement, danger – so many different energies go through your mind when you jump off. That goes away and then you hit the water come up and it's a massive elation, you feel such self achievement." A rescue team of scuba divers may be involved in some instances, and are required for any official competitions. Cliff diving Cliff divers practice the different components of their dives in isolation and only two-piece butt allowing a player to remove the lower, heavier half of the butt to produce a jump cue; these are usually referred to as jump–break or break–jump cues. The uncommon massé cue is short and heavy, with a wider tip to aid in making massé shots. Practitioners of artistic billiards and artistic pool sometimes have twenty or more cues, each specifically tailored to a particular trick shot. Other specialty cues have multiple sections, between which weights can be added. Another specialization is the butt extension, which can be slipped over or screwed into the normal butt, to lengthen up ball and if somebody didn't like a call that's made or they didn't like losing, they would pull out a gun. We would all scatter and jump over fences and under cars. But the street ball made you tough and made you play every shot. If you are playing pick up ball and you lose you may not get on the court again that day or it might take two or three hours before your turn comes up. So it was all about making the best of a moment and if your team was on the court you are speeches: Last year you rebelled against us and killed us. From all your homes you shot at us. Now we are here to deal with you. (...) Hazaras are not Muslim, they are Shia. They are kofr [infidels]. The Hazaras killed our force here, and now we have to kill Hazaras. (...) If you do not show your loyalty, we will burn your houses, and we will kill you. You either accept to be Muslims or leave Afghanistan. (...) [W]herever you [Hazaras] go we will catch you. If you go up, we will pull you down by your feet; if you hide below, we to swim in them. If you don't want to jump straight into the first pool, then turn off onto the path on the right just before it. After about a 15-minute this will take you to the second pool."
charge from ions in the charge-separation region then creates a huge gradient between the back of the wake, where there are many electrons, and the middle of the wake, where there are mostly ions. Any electrons in between these two areas will be accelerated (in self-injection mechanism). In the external bunch injection schemes the electrons are strategically injected to arrive at the evacuated region during maximum excursion or expulsion of the plasma electrons. A beam-driven wake can be created by sending a relativistic proton or electron bunch into an appropriate plasma or gas. In some cases, the gas can be ionized by the electron bunch, so that the electron bunch both creates the plasma and the wake. This requires an electron bunch with relatively high charge and thus strong fields. The high fields of the electron bunch then push the plasma electrons out from the center, creating the wake. Similar to a beam-driven wake, a laser pulse can be used to excite the plasma wake. As the pulse travels through the plasma, the electric field of the light separates the electrons and nucleons in the same way that an external field would. If the fields are strong enough, all of the ionized plasma direction just before reaching the surface of the cathode. The electrons continue oscillating back and forth through the grid until one by one they strike the grid wires. The oscillating grid potential induced by the passage of the electrons through the grid excites oscillations in a tank circuit attached to the grid, usually consisting of a quarter wavelength of parallel transmission line shorted at the end, called a resonant stub. In turn the oscillating voltage on the tank circuit varies the potential of the grid, causing the electrons to bunch into a cloud of electrons moving back and forth measurement it is taking through secondary electrons from the retarding grid being expelled from the RA and being kicked back into the device by the beam. Witness bunch studies measure the tune shift along successive bunches in a train and in a witness bunch that is placed at varying locations behind the train. Since tune shift is related to the ring-averaged central cloud density if the tune shift is known the central cloud density can be calculated. An advantage of witness bunch studies is the tune shifts can be measured bunch by bunch and so the time evolution of of the electron bunch in the wakefield is thus crucial, since only a fraction (1/4th) of the wakefield is both focused and accelerated, which is needed for the trapping and the acceleration of the electrons. AWAKE is the first plasma wakefield experiment using a bunch of protons as a driver. Protons, as e.g. the protons form the CERN SPS, can carry a large amount of energy (~ 400 GeV). Therefore, they can produce wakefields in a plasma for much longer distances than a laser pulse or electron bunch as a driver due to energy depletion. A plasma can be seen as an mode can be excited in it. Particles then bunch under the action of the acoustic radiation forces. In this case, the oscillations of the bubbles are self-synchronized and the useful mode amplifies. The similarity of this with the Free-electron laser is useful to understand the theoretical concepts of the scheme. In a FEL, electrons move through magnetic periodic systems producing electromagnetic radiation. The radiation of the electrons is initially incoherent but then on account of the interaction with the useful electromagnetic wave they start to bunch according to phase and they become coherent. Thus, the electromagnetic field is amplified. We in a DC electron beam into radio frequency power. In a vacuum, a beam of electrons is emitted by a electron gun or thermionic cathode (a heated pellet of low work function material), and accelerated by high-voltage electrodes (typically in the tens of kilovolts). This beam passes through an input cavity resonator. RF energy has been fed into the input cavity at, or near, its resonant frequency, creating standing waves, which produce an oscillating voltage, which acts on the electron beam. The electric field causes the electrons to "bunch": electrons that pass through when the electric field opposes their contracts slightly, causing the protons of the opposite wire to be locally denser. As the electrons in the opposite wire are moving as well, they do not contract (as much). This results in an apparent local imbalance between electrons and protons; the moving electrons in one wire are attracted to the extra protons in the other. The reverse can also be considered. To the static proton's frame of reference, the electrons are moving and contracted, resulting in the same imbalance. The electron drift velocity is relatively very slow, on the order of a meter an hour but the a "shift" each time they absorb a photon (on average), this photocurrent is sometimes called a "shift current". Distinguishing features There are several aspects of the bulk photovoltaic effect that distinguish it from other kinds of effects: In the power-generating region of the I-V curve (between open-circuit and short-circuit), electrons are moving in the opposite direction that you would expect from the drift-diffusion equation, i.e. electrons are moving towards higher fermi level or holes are moving towards lower fermi level. This is unusual: For example, in a normal silicon solar cell, electrons move in the direction of decreasing electron-quasi-fermi level, to the large energy loss in synchrotron radiation. Linear accelerators do not have this issue and are therefore better suited for accelerating and transporting electrons at high energies. AWAKE's high acceleration gradient will allow the construction of a new generation of shorter and less expensive high energy accelerators, representing a big step in the particle accelerators technology, especially for linear electron accelerators. Proton bunch-driven plasma wakefield acceleration A plasma consists of positively charged ions and negatively charged free electrons, while remaining macroscopically neutral. If a strong electric field is applied, ions and electrons can be spatially separated. A local electric field
need for the transitional government to implement the integration of the armed forces. It welcomed political efforts to bring about peace and stability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by the Secretary-General, African Union and others. Acts Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council expanded the arms embargo against armed groups and militias to all recipients of weapons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, except the military and police that have completed integration, and non-lethal equipment destined for humanitarian or protective use. The United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) was person; its powers may make the proprietor more vulnerable. It encompasses the occult, the transformative, killing and healing. Central Africa Every year, hundreds of people in the Central African Republic are convicted of witchcraft. Christian militias in the Central African Republic have also kidnapped, burnt and buried alive women accused of being 'witches' in public ceremonies. Democratic Republic of the Congo As of 2006, between 25,000 and 50,000 children in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, had been accused of witchcraft and thrown out of their homes. These children have been subjected to often-violent abuse during exorcisms, sometimes supervised by Masisi Territory Masisi Territory is a territory located within the North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Its political headquarters are located in the town of Masisi. Masisi Territory has constantly been subjected to the conflict between the Congolese army and militias, which has plagued the eastern Congo since the ending of the Second Congo War. Hutu and Tutsi militias originating from the Rwandan genocide and the Congolese civil war, and Mai-Mai groups, are involved in these episodes of conflict, which also relates to Rwandan border security and the control of eastern Congo's minerals by rebel groups International Criminal Court investigation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Historical background The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was a colony of Belgium between 1885 and 1960. Shortly after independence from Belgium, Mobutu Sese Seko seized power in a military coup d'état and installed himself as president. Under Mobutu's authoritarian rule, the country was known as Zaire. By 1996, conflict from the Rwandan Genocide spilled over into Zaire and Hutu militias, including the Interahamwe, were using refugee camps in the Kivu region to attack Rwanda. Rwandan and Ugandan armed forces invaded Zaire to fight Hutu militias, and ultimately overthrew agreed to demobilise thousands of children. In 2016 a measure of stability returned to the Central African Republic and, according to the United Nations, 2,691 boys and 1,206 girls were officially separated from armed groups. Despite this, the recruitment and use of children for military purposes increased by approximately 50 percent over that year, mostly attributed to the Lord's Resistance Army. Democratic Republic of the Congo Thousands of children serve in the military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as well as in various rebel militias. It has been estimated that at the height of the Second Congo War Military ranks of the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Military ranks of the Democratic Republic of Congo are the military insignia used by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. UN Charter which authorises the use of force; at the same time the SC demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities and opening a dialogue between the rival factions. The additional troops would come from other UN missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia and neighbouring Sudan's Darfur and Abyei regions, where the latter also have an interest in South Sudan. Ban said: "We have reports of horrific attacks. Tens of thousands have fled their homes...innocent civilians are being targeted because of their ethnicity." He also suggested targeted attacks could constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Demography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Demographics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Branches of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Judicial branch of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Court system of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Local government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Local government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Bana Mura Bana Mura is an armed militant group active in the Kasaï region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the United Nations, the group destroyed approximately 20 villages over the span of two months in 2017. History Zeid Raad Hussein of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that the group was created and armed by the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to counter the Kamwina Nsapu rebellion. The group has been accused of committing numerous atrocities, including massacring civilians. The group has reportedly committed attacked civilians belonging to the Luba
is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. Birth control has been used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods of birth control only became available in the 20th century. Planning, making available, and using birth control is called family planning. Some cultures limit or discourage access to birth control because they consider it to be morally, religiously, or politically undesirable. All birth control methods meet opposition, especially religious opposition, in some parts of the world. Opposition does not only target modern methods, but also 'traditional' ones : for example, the Quiverfull movement, a conservative Christian ideology, encourages the maximization History of birth control The history of birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, refers to the methods or devices that have been historically used to prevent pregnancy. Planning and provision of birth control is called family planning. In some times and cultures, abortion had none of the stigma which it has today, making birth control less important; abortion was in practice a means of birth control. Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt Birth control and abortion are well documented in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Mesopotamian women used "stones not to give birth", they used small circular stones that they is recommended. Dual protection Dual protection is the use of methods that prevent both sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. This can be with condoms either alone or along with another birth control method or by the avoidance of penetrative sex. If pregnancy is a high concern, using two methods at the same time is reasonable. For example, two forms of birth control are recommended in those taking the anti-acne drug isotretinoin or anti-epileptic drugs like carbamazepine, due to the high risk of birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Health Contraceptive use in developing countries is estimated to have decreased the number about how to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases from occurring. Advocates for Youth discusses how abstinence-only education programs are not effective at delaying the initiation of sexual activity or reducing teen pregnancy. Instead, graduates of abstinence-only programs are more prone to engage sexual activities without know how to prevent pregnancy and disease transmission. Reproductive justice advocates call for comprehensive sex education to be available to all young people. Birth control Reproductive justice advocates promote every individual's right to be informed about all birth control options and to have access to choosing whether to use birth control and what method is the option of surrogate pregnancy; for lesbian couples, there is donor insemination in addition to choosing surrogate pregnancy. Safe sex and birth control There are a variety of safe sex methods that are practiced by heterosexual and same-sex couples, including non-penetrative sex acts, and heterosexual couples may use oral or anal sex (or both) as a means of birth control. However, pregnancy can still occur with anal sex or other forms of sexual activity if the penis is near the vagina (such as during intercrural sex or other genital-genital rubbing) and its sperm is deposited near the vagina's entrance USA, the General Conference Mennonite Church, and the Conservative Mennonite Conference have adopted statements indicating approval of modern methods of contraception. For example, while also teaching and encouraging love and acceptance of children, the Conservative Mennonite Conference maintains, "The prevention of pregnancy when feasible by birth control with pre-fertilization methods is acceptable." A study published in 1975 found that only 11% of Mennonites believed use of birth control was "always wrong". Old Colony Mennonites, like the Amish, do not officially allow birth control practices. Amish All types of birth control, including forms of natural family planning such as calendar-based used as birth control by about 3% of couples. Abstinence Sexual abstinence may be used as a form of birth control, meaning either not engaging in any type of sexual activity, or specifically not engaging in vaginal intercourse, while engaging in other forms of non-vaginal sex. Complete sexual abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. However, among those who take a pledge to abstain from premarital sex, as many as 88% who engage in sex, do so prior to marriage. The choice to abstain from sex cannot protect against pregnancy as a result of rape, and public health efforts emphasizing Janet Chance threw herself into work becoming a member of the Workers' Birth Control Group (WBCG), founded in 1924 by birth control advocates Stella Browne and Dora Russell to give women wider access to birth control information. Chance was so moved by the plight of poor and working-class women who had no knowledge of sex and reproduction and no access to the latest available contraceptive methods that she helped run a sex education centre in the East End of London. She gave a report, "A Marriage Education Centre in London," at the Third Congress of the World League for Sexual Coitus interruptus History Perhaps the oldest documentation of the use of the withdrawal method to avoid pregnancy is the story of Onan in the Torah. This text is believed to have been written down over 2,500 years ago. Societies in the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome preferred small families and are known to have practiced a variety of birth control methods. There are references that have led historians to believe withdrawal was sometimes used as birth control. However, these societies viewed birth control as a woman's responsibility, and the only well-documented contraception methods were female-controlled children, obscene materials needed to be confiscated. Contraception arguments The Comstock laws, in an alleged "haphazard and capricious" manner, restricted contraception. It was argued that this would help prevent "illicit" sexual relations between unmarried persons since without contraception, the unmarried would be deterred from having sex due to the possibility of undesired pregnancy. When the Birth Control Movement in the mid 1920s was attempting to get Congress to eliminate birth control restrictions from the federal Comstock laws, Mary Dennett (the author of "Birth Control Laws ..." 1926) interviewed a (non-typical) congressman who strongly supported retention of the birth control