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chcu8b | status quo is not an option. Change is inevitable and essential so that our public services can become more efficient, effective, accessible and responsive." Janet Finch-Saunders AM, shadow minister for local government, said: "What matters to the vast majority of hardworking families is not the intricate structures of local government, but knowing that services will be delivered in an efficient and cost effective way.... We believe that public services are best delivered locally so taxpayers can hold local representatives to account for what happens in their community." Rhodri Glyn Thomas, for Plaid Cymru, commented: "The weight to the particles themselves:
We can no longer speak of the behaviour of the particle independently of the process of observation. As a final consequence, the natural laws formulated mathematically in quantum theory no longer deal with the elementary particles themselves but with our knowledge of them. Nor is it any longer possible to ask whether or not these particles exist in space and time objectively ...
When we speak of the picture of nature in the exact science of our age, we do not mean a picture of nature so much as a picture of our relationships with nature. ...Science no engines and machines? So this, visually, was a beautiful launching pad for us and also the metaphors that can come from it". Bush commented saying, "We have this real interesting moment -- that I'm not sure it happens a lot of the time in your career -- where we were making an album, but at the same time, we were completely redesigning our presentation of our music. So the album itself reaches a little bit further to each of the new parts of who we are and our influences and the places that we love and was inspired kind of propagate from story to story like a computer virus." In 1992, Michael Jenkins (who later became president of the Unification Church of the United States) commented: "Why, after so many years, should we now be taking such a stand to eliminate the term 'Moonie?' For me, it is a sign that the American Unification Church has come of age. We can no longer allow our founder, our members, and allies to be dehumanized and unfairly discriminated against. ... We are now entering a period of our history where our Church development and family orientation are strong enough that we can and it cannot absorb any more water (from any source).
This is why we feel cooler in dry air. The drier the air, the more moisture it can hold beyond what is already in it, and the easier it is for extra water to evaporate. The result is that sweat evaporates more quickly in drier air, cooling down the skin faster. But if the relative humidity is 100%, no water can evaporate, and cooling by sweating or evaporation is not possible.
When relative humidity is 100%, a wet bulb thermometer can also no longer be cooled by evaporation, so it will against the War Authoritization for invading Iraq. Quoted from her Senate speech:
Mr. President, if we do take action in Iraq, there is no doubt that our armed forces will prevail. We will win a war with Iraq decisively, and, God willing, we will win it quickly. But what happens after the war? That will have as big an impact on our future peace and security. Will we be obligated to rebuild Iraq? If so, how? Our economy is reeling, our budget is in deficit, and we have no estimate of the cost of rebuilding. And with whom? As New York happens, we get a spritz of dopamine in our nucleus accumbens. And when this process starts, we get habituated when we have the same thing happen over and over and over." He then described the practice of mindfulness:
Mindfulness is really about paying attention to all aspects of our experience, but in particular we can pay attention to the push and pull of cravings. So if there is something pleasant and we want more of it, we kind of hold on to it or we move toward it and try to get it. If there is something unpleasant we want it Core lock Core lock is a jet engine failure that can happen on aircraft in flight, after an engine stops working for a period of time. When a jet engine has a flameout, the cooling air no longer circulates normally. If an aircraft is moving slowly, the sizes of some engine parts may change more quickly than others, such that they no longer fit together as designed. If this happens, the engine may seize. On an internal combustion engine that is not subject to extreme flight conditions, this may not be a problem. Since aircraft jet engines are built to a babel of arguing voices. If that's what's heard throughout the campaign, dissident sounds from all sides, we will have no chance to tell our message. To succeed we will have to surrender some small parts of our individual interests, to build a platform that we can all stand on, at once, and comfortably—proudly singing out. We need—We need a platform we can all agree to so that we can sing out the truth for the nation to hear, in chorus, its logic so clear and commanding that no slick Madison Avenue commercial, no amount of geniality, no martial music on account of our great iniquities, so that we could no longer make our [public] prayers, save only a very few [men] secretly within their houses. Afterwards, the king made a decree against the Jews to expel them into the wilderness of Mawzaʻ, while they, [at this time] demolished also their houses. However, there were some who managed to sell their house; what was worth one-thousand gold pieces they sold for one-hundred, and what was worth one-hundred gold pieces they sold for ten. So that, by these things, we were for a reproach amongst the nations, who continuously sought after | 4358f6ed-bae1-45ed-9eea-c553cbc8ab95 |
chd08a | engine. The goal is to analyze how cross-modal factors of facial expression and speech can exaggerate the uncanny. Tinwell et al., 2011 have also introduced the notion of an unscalable uncanny wall that suggests that a viewer’s discernment for detecting imperfections in realism will keep pace with new technologies in simulating realism. A summary of Angela Tinwell's research on the uncanny valley, psychological reasons behind the uncanny valley and how designers may overcome the uncanny in human-like virtual characters is provided in her book, The Uncanny Valley in Games and Animation by CRC Press. Similar effects An effect similar to reality, augmented reality, and photorealistic computer animation, the 'valley' has been cited in the popular press in reaction to the verisimilitude of the creation as it approaches indistinguishability from reality. The uncanny valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting cold, eerie feelings in viewers. Etymology The concept was identified by the robotics professor Masahiro Mori as bukimi no tani genshō (不気味の谷現象) in 1970. The term was first translated as uncanny valley in the 1978 book Robots: Fact, Fiction, and Prediction, written by Jasia Reichardt, thus forging an unintended link to Ernst Jentsch's concept of the Uncanny valley In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is a hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object's resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object. The concept of the uncanny valley suggests that humanoid objects which imperfectly resemble actual human beings provoke uncanny or strangely familiar feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers. "Valley" denotes a dip in the human observer's affinity for the replica, a relation that otherwise increases with the replica's human likeness.
Examples can be found in robotics, 3D computer animations, and lifelike dolls among others. With the increasing prevalence of virtual otherwise preferred the other two images. As one would expect with the uncanny valley, more realism can lead to less positive reactions, and this study demonstrated that neither human-specific cognitive processes, nor human culture explain the uncanny valley. In other words, this aversive reaction to realism can be said to be evolutionary in origin.
As of 2011, researchers at University of California, San Diego and California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology are measuring human brain activations related to the uncanny valley. In one study using fMRI, a group of cognitive scientists and roboticists found the biggest differences in brain responses both writing in praise of it. Some versions of the album also included a bonus EP, with Kent writing that "The first three songs complement the themes covered within The Uncanny Valley, and the final track—'VERS/US'—is a demo from The Uncanny Valley writing sessions that fits the mood and atmosphere of the album but didn't quite make it into the final cut." Bloody Disgusting gave the album 5/5 and wrote that The Uncanny Valley "is sure to not only please fans of the genre but also win over newcomers."
Kent became interested in music in part due to the influence of robot face images from Internet searches, and second, a morphometrically and graphically controlled 6-face series set of faces. They asked subjects to explicitly rate the likability of each face. To measure trust toward each face, subjects completed a one-shot investment game to indirectly measure how much money they were willing to "wager" on a robot's trustworthiness. Both stimulus sets showed a robust uncanny valley effect on explicitly-rated likability and a more context-dependent uncanny valley on implicitly-rated trust. Their exploratory analysis of one proposed mechanism for the uncanny valley, perceptual confusion at a category boundary, found that category confusion occurs in doing is looking for its expectations to be met – for appearance and motion to be congruent."
Viewer perception of facial expression and speech and the uncanny valley in realistic, human-like characters intended for video games and film is being investigated by Tinwell et al., 2011. Consideration is also given by Tinwell et al. (2010) as to how the uncanny may be exaggerated for antipathetic characters in survival horror games. Building on the body of work already undertaken in android science, this research intends to build a conceptual framework of the uncanny valley using 3D characters generated in a real-time gaming Parklife. Uncanny Valley (2013) The band took a few years break where they returned to focus on various experimental audio-visual projects. Eventually they started writing/recording sessions in a converted church in the French Loire Valley. They then released a music video anonymously, hidden under the guise of a Soviet pop band from the early '80s. This Russian shot video unattributed to Midnight Juggernauts remained hidden behind this pretense for many weeks. It was eventually recognised as a new Midnight Juggernauts track, later announced as upcoming song Ballad of the War Machine. Their album Uncanny Valley was released soon after in Ernst Jentsch Ernst Anton Jentsch (1867-1919) was a German psychiatrist. He authored works on psychology and pathology and is best known for his essay On the Psychology of the Uncanny (1906). However, he also authored texts on mood and the psychology of music. He is remembered for his influence on psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud who mentions the work of Jentsch in his essay The Uncanny. Jentsch's work was also a great influence on the theory of the uncanny valley.
He died in 1919. from viewers. Many viewers were unsettled by the mix of CGI and live-action used to portray the cats, and cited the effects as an example of the uncanny valley. | 9e35f52f-95df-4495-b871-669bb3a1bec4 |
chdpxw | are then infused through the catheter into the liver. The person will receive a local anesthetic. If a person cannot tolerate local anesthesia, the surgeon may use general anesthesia and do the transplant through a small incision. Possible risks of the procedure include bleeding or blood clots.
It takes time for the islets to attach to new blood vessels and begin releasing insulin. The doctor will order many tests to check blood glucose levels after the transplant, and insulin may be needed until control is achieved. Immunosuppression The Edmonton protocol uses a combination of immunosuppressive drugs, including daclizumab (Zenapax), sirolimus (Rapamune) Gastroenterology and Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. He is also the co-editor of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition. Research Since the beginning of his career in the late 1980s, Millis's research has been focused on liver transplant and developing innovate techniques for liver surgery. His research has dealt with immunology, cellular therapy, policy and ethics.
Most of his initial research studied patient care following a liver transplant and techniques for improving liver transplantation. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he started focusing on Pediatric liver transplant, studying both the techniques of liver transplantation in children and outcomes of the procedure. During this Roy Yorke Calne Achievements His most notable achievements are the world's first liver, heart, and lung transplant in 1987; the first successful combined stomach, intestine, pancreas, liver, and kidney cluster transplant in 1994, the first liver transplantation operation in Europe in 1968, and the first intestinal transplant in the U.K. in 1992.
Calne is a fellow of the Royal Society and was Professor of Surgery at Cambridge University between 1965 and 1998 where he initiated the kidney transplant program. He was Harkness Fellow at Harvard Medical School from 1960-61. Much of his subsequent work has been concerned with the improvement for Australia in search of a liver donor, and two months later, a donor was found in Manila in The Philippines. Tsuruta underwent surgery on May 13, but during the liver transplant he began bleeding uncontrollably, and died at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute in Quezon City, Philippines on May 13, 2000, from complications of the liver transplant at the age of 49. He was survived by his wife and their three sons: Ken, Naoki, and Yuji. Obstetric anesthesiology Obstetric anesthesia or obstetric anesthesiology, also known as ob-gyn anesthesia or ob-gyn anesthesiology is a sub-specialty of anesthesiology that provides peripartum (time directly preceding, during or following childbirth) pain relief (analgesia) for labor and anesthesia (suppress consciousness) for cesarean deliveries ('C-sections').
Other subspecialty options for anesthesiology include cardiac anesthesiology, pediatric anesthesiology, pain medicine, critical care, neuroanesthesia, regional anesthesia, transplant anesthesia and trauma anesthesia. Scope Obstetric anesthesiologists typically serve as consultants to ob-gyn physicians and provide pain management for both complicated and uncomplicated pregnancies. An obstetric anesthesiologist's practice may consist largely of managing pain during vaginal deliveries and administering anesthesia announced in 2013 it had partnered with Nazarbayev University to help found its medical school. Health discoveries UPMC has pioneered several world firsts including the first known cystic fibrosis heart-lung transplant (1983), the world's first simultaneous liver and heart transplant operation on a child (6-year-old Stormie Jones in 1984), the youngest heart-lung transplant (9 years old in 1985), the world's first heart-liver-kidney transplant (1989), the world's first heart-liver transplant on an infant (1997), the first pediatric heart-double lung-liver transplant (1998), the nation's first double hand transplant (2009), and the first total forearm and hand transplant (2010), as well as the Car parks for patients and visitors are located on the second floor of the Day Treatment Block and Children Wards, and on the ground floor of the staff quarters. Wastage of a donor liver A donor liver for transplant was wasted on 15 June 2002 due to limited resources at the Prince of Wales Hospital, one of the two liver transplant centres in Hong Kong. The management of the hospital had imposed a quota of one liver transplant a month, and decided not to use the liver as the liver transplant team at the hospital had already performed two liver time for patients on the organ transplant list. This is of particular concern for liver transplant patients because transplantation is the only cure to end-stage liver disease and without a transplant, these patients will die. One example that brought this disparity to light was in 2009, when Steve Jobs traveled from California, where wait times are known to be very long, to Tennessee, where wait times are much shorter, to increase his chances of getting a liver transplant. In 2009, when Jobs received his liver transplant, the average wait time for liver transplantation in the United States for a patient Kᵥ1.3 expression in the liver, and ShK-186 caused profound alterations in energy and lipid metabolism in the liver. ShK, its analogues or other Kᵥ1.3 blockers may have use in controlling the negative consequences of high calorie diets. Arousal and anesthesia The mechanisms of general anesthesia involve multiple molecular targets and pathways that are not completely understood. Sevoflurane is a common anesthetic used to induce general anesthesia during surgery. Rats continually exposed to sevoflurane lose their righting reflex as an index of loss of consciousness. In these rats, microinfusion of ShK into the central medial thalamic nucleus (CMT) reversed sevoflurane-induced anesthesia transplants earlier in June. The hospital was criticised for the decision. Queen Mary Hospital, the other liver transplant centre, was also unable to use the liver because it was engaged in another liver transplant.
The incident led to a review of the liver transplant services provided by the Hospital Authority. The result was to centralise liver transplants at Queen Mary Hospital for better allocation of resources and manpower. The liver transplant centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital was officially closed on 5 July 2004. Intrathecal administration of vincristine An oncology trainee erroneously injected a leukaemia patient with the chemotherapy drug, | 741cde8c-da31-4390-87d0-2e81f188d4d8 |
chdvob | him up by ordering a milkshake at a drive-through and throwing it at the employee. Darryl forces Dwight to stay and clean it up, when another customer throws his milkshake at Dwight. Darryl then watches the video of it online, stating he's going to miss Dunder Mifflin. In "Vandalism", Darryl has moved into Jim's Philadelphia apartment while working at Athlead, but Darryl is annoyed by Jim's lack of cleanliness while Jim is annoyed by Darryl's labelling of his own items. After an argument, Darryl decides to be less territorial and Jim decides to clean up.
After the finale, it is revealed Manny and Luke go-carting (although Phil had been quite keen to go), while Phil has to stay and make the girls clean their bathroom. The go-carting goes horribly as Claire, trying to be fun, crashes her cart into the boys, and makes them order large quantities of food. While driving home, Luke gets sick from drinking a milkshake he did not want. Meanwhile, Phil goes berserk when the girls lie to him about cleaning the bathroom and jump on their car to stop them from leaving, before forcing them to clean the bathroom under his direct supervision and then he and went on to use automated milkshake machines to speed up production at McDonald's restaurants.
Milkshakes had also become popular in other parts of the world, including the United Kingdom and Australia. In Australia, milk bars had grown popular and milkshakes were normally served lightly whipped and often in the aluminium or stainless steel cups in which they were prepared. In addition to more conventional flavors, spearmint and lime flavored milkshakes became popular in Australia. Nomenclature In the 1950s, milkshakes were called "frappes", "velvets", "frosted [drinks]", or "cabinets" in different parts of the U.S. A specialty style of milkshake, the "concrete", in exterior scenes and Hunt explained that the second boom is used "to solve any shadows on a 360 shot". A normal episode features one production sound mixer, two boom operators and an assistant; for "One", a second production sound mixer and two further boom operators were introduced. Brad Bower covered the roles of one of production sound mixer and the assistant, which required him to support cast and crew during rehearsals, adjust gains, disguise on-set microphones, and supervise the recording machines during takes. Hunt wanted to "match the sound of conventional Casualty episodes", although he was unable to create capacity commercial machines. Stand mixers create the mixing action by rotating the mixing device vertically (planetary mixers), or by rotating the mixing container (spiral mixers).
Mixers for the kitchen first came into use midway through the nineteenth century; the earliest were mechanical devices. The demand from commercial bakers for large-scale uniform mixing resulted in the development of the electric stand mixer. Smaller counter-top stand mixers for home kitchen use soon followed.
When selecting a mixer, the purchaser should consider how the mixer will be used. Electric mixers with more speed options give the user more control over the development of the mixture. Cavin's Milkshake Media advertising Cavin's Milkshake began its television advertising in 2012 with a campaign that focused on "Beat the Junk Food". The Tag Line for Cavin's Milkshake is "So Tasty; So Good", Previously "So Tasty; So Healthy". last he was occupied as a superintendent.
Ray Kroc grew up and spent most of his life in Oak Park. During World War I, he lied about his age and became a Red Cross ambulance driver at the age of 15 years old, unknowingly alongside Walt Disney. The war, however, ended shortly after he enlisted. During the Great Depression, Kroc worked a variety of jobs selling paper cups, as a real estate agent in Florida, and sometimes playing the piano in bands. Purchasing McDonald's After World War II, Kroc found employment as a milkshake mixer salesman for the foodservice equipment company and expands its franchise operation In 1954, Ray Kroc, a seller of Prince Castle brand Multimixer milkshake machines, learned that the McDonald brothers were using eight of his machines in their San Bernardino restaurant. His curiosity was piqued, and he went to take a look at the restaurant. He was joined by good friend Charles Lewis who had suggested to Kroc several improvements to the McDonald's burger recipe. At this point, the McDonald brothers had six franchise locations in operation.
Believing the McDonald's formula was a ticket to success, Kroc suggested they franchise their restaurants throughout the country. The brothers into the mixer on the stage and in the studio. This effectively made the Rockman a DI unit for many guitarists. An example of this is when Def Leppard used the Rockman in the making of their album Hysteria. Rockman The original Rockman was released in 1982. It includes an amplifier simulator, stereo chorus and echo. It has two clean sounds, along with "Edge" and distortion modes. The two clean modes are differently EQ'd, "Clean 1" targets the electric guitar, while "Clean 2" is recommended for a wider range of use, including acoustic guitar, keyboard and vocals. The "Edge" setting the USSR, the production of arcade machines stopped.
Today the exposition of each museum branch has more than 50 arcade machines. There are "Sea Battle", "Gorodki", "Snaiper-2", "Highway", "Rally", "The Giant Turnip", "Basketball", "Football", "Safari", "Winter Hunt", "Quiz", "Buttle-planes", "Horse Racing", "Submarine", "Tank-training area", "Doublet", "Probe", "Billiards", "Snow Queen", "Circus" (which is the only known Soviet pinball machine), "TV-sports", "Overtake", "Virage", "Crane", "Lucky shot" and many others among them.
In addition to arcade machines, the museum also features an automaton with sparkling water, "Reference", automatic coin exchange machines, a Soviet mixer "Voronezh". The oldest arcade machine in the museum is the "Battle | 937cb43d-75ca-4010-9f95-be926fa71610 |
che0kt | discussed the possibility of the Earth's rotation and, in his analysis of what might occur if the Earth were rotating, developed a hypothesis similar to Galileo's notion of "circular inertia". He described it in terms of the following observational test:
"The small or large rock will fall to the Earth along the path of a line that is perpendicular to the plane (sath) of the horizon; this is witnessed by experience (tajriba). And this perpendicular is away from the tangent point of the Earth’s sphere and the plane of the perceived (hissi) horizon. This point moves with the motion of the spaceships and asteroids. When two objects collide, the program may need to do different things according to what has just hit what. Common Lisp In a language with multiple dispatch, such as Common Lisp, it might look more like this (Common Lisp example shown):
(defmethod collide-with ((x asteroid) (y asteroid))
;; deal with asteroid hitting asteroid
(defmethod collide-with ((x asteroid) (y spaceship))
;; deal with asteroid hitting spaceship
(defmethod collide-with ((x spaceship) (y asteroid))
;; deal with spaceship hitting asteroid
(defmethod collide-with ((x spaceship) (y chariot were built perfectly accurately, using a differential gear, and if it travelled on an Earth that was perfectly smooth, it would have interesting properties. It would be a mechanical compass that transports a direction, given by the pointer, along the path it travels. Mathematically the device performs parallel transport along the path it travels.
The chariot can be used to detect straight lines or geodesics. A path on a surface the chariot travels along is a geodesic if and only if the pointer does not rotate with respect to the base of the chariot.
Because of the curvature of the Earth's meteorite has veins of black material which had experienced high-pressure shock and were once partly melted, due to a previous collision. The metamorphism in the chondrules in the meteorite samples indicates the rock making up the meteor had a history of collisions and was once several kilometres below the surface of a much larger LL-chondrite asteroid. The Chelyabinsk asteroid probably entered an orbital resonance with Jupiter (a common way for material to be ejected from the asteroid belt) which increased its orbital eccentricity until its perihelion was reduced enough for it to be able to collide with the Earth. Meteorites experiencing an eclipse reveal an aurora-like glow. As on Earth, this is due to particle radiation hitting the atmosphere, though in this case the charged particles come from Jupiter's magnetic field rather than the solar wind. Aurorae usually occur near the magnetic poles of planets, but Io's are brightest near its equator. Io lacks an intrinsic magnetic field of its own; therefore, electrons traveling along Jupiter's magnetic field near Io directly impact Io's atmosphere. More electrons collide with its atmosphere, producing the brightest aurora, where the field lines are tangent to Io (i.e. near the equator), because the column of on yet another meaning. On the surface of a smoothly spherical, homogenous, non-rotating planet, the plumb bob picks out as vertical the radial direction. Strictly speaking, it is now no longer possible for vertical walls to be parallel: all verticals intersect. This fact has real practical applications in construction and civil engineering, e.g., the tops of the towers of a suspension bridge are further apart than at the bottom.
Also, horizontal planes can intersect when they are tangent planes to separated points on the surface of the earth. In particular, a plane tangent to a point on the equator Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle A Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle (HAIV) is a spacecraft being developed by NASA to deflect dangerous Near Earth objects (NEOs) such as comets and asteroids that threaten colliding with Earth. HAIVs focus on utilizing powerful explosives, such as nuclear bombs, to achieve deflection by detonating on the surface of the NEO to change its trajectory away from Earth. This method of asteroid impact avoidance is intended to be used on dangerous NEOs detected within a short time frame (less than 5 years) before a possible impact event with Earth. The idea came about when asteroid detection 31 observations of 2000 SG₃₄₄ made from May 1999 to October 2000, there is about a 1 in 417 chance that it will collide with Earth between 2069 and 2113. Assuming the object is a rocky asteroid, the impact energy released would be an estimated 1.1 megatons of TNT, which would create an impact crater approximately 100 feet (30 m) wide assuming it does not explode in the atmosphere. Planned NASA mission In 2008, NASA considered this asteroid as a possible target for a manned mission (Artemis 2) using the Orion spacecraft, prior to a projected 2030 push to Mars. Those to the point of impact between both balls – the tangent line. Because billiard balls are somewhat elastic, the resulting tangent line is slightly less than 90 degrees from perpendicular to a line formed by the contact point between the balls.
If the cue ball hits an object ball at an angle and has follow on it (is spinning forward), the cue ball will first travel on the tangent line and then parabolically arc forward from the tangent line in the direction of cue ball travel. By the same token, when such impact is made and the cue ball has draw by al-Birjandi (d. 1528), who in his analysis of what might occur if the Earth were moving, develops a hypothesis similar to Galileo Galilei's notion of "circular inertia", which he described in the following observational test (as a response to one of Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi's arguments):
"The small or large rock will fall to the Earth along the path of a line that is perpendicular to the plane (sath) of the horizon; this is witnessed by experience (tajriba). And this perpendicular is away from the tangent point of the Earth’s sphere and the plane of the perceived (hissi) horizon. This point | 96ae1b13-b76a-4acd-9b24-b8170ef18ad0 |
che1p5 | Dot-com company A dot-com company, or simply a dot-com (alternatively rendered, dot com, dotcom or .com), is a company that does most of its business on the Internet, usually through a website on the World Wide Web that uses the popular top-level domain ".com". The suffix .com in a URL usually (but not always) refers to a commercial or for-profit entity, as opposed to a non-commercial entity or non-profit organization, which usually use .org. Since the .com companies are web-based, often their products or services are delivered via web-based mechanisms, even when physical products are involved. On the other the option to have any url ending in, .com, .net, .org, .co, .info, or .us. (
Android and iPhone apps are available that allow users to monitor their website traffic statistics, update blog posts and respond to comments, and add or update products if the user has an e-commerce online store. Basic features for blogging and e-Commerce are supported: site owners can develop simple stores with payments through either PayPal, Stripe or Users can choose to incorporate advertisements in their pages, and visitor statistics can be tracked through an in-house tracking tool or Google Analytics.
Weebly is offered in (often referred in this context as a hacker), developing a website that looks similar to other major websites that a target person commonly uses. The phishing website may look identical to the legitimate site, but its URL could be a variation in spelling or a different domain such as .org instead of .com. The target person can be directed to the site through a link in a 'fake' email that is designed to look like it came from the website he/she commonly uses. The user then clicks on the URL, proceeds to sign in, or provide other personal information, and of website spoofing.
Before HTML5, the same effect could be done with an HTML frame that contains the target page:
<frameset rows="100%">
<frame src="">
<body>Please follow <a href="">link</a>.</body>
</noframes></frameset> Redirect chains One redirect may lead to another. For example, the URL "" (with "*.com" as domain) is first redirected to (with domain name in .org), where you can navigate to the language-specific site. This is unavoidable if the different links in the chain are served by different servers though it should be minimised by rewriting the URL as much as possible on the server in beta as of December 2014. Operation and security Rather than typical top-level domains like .com, .org, or .net, hidden service URLs end with .onion and are only accessible when connected to Tor. Tor2web acts as a specialized proxy or middleman between hidden services and users, making them visible to people who are not connected to Tor. To do so, a user takes the URL of a hidden service and replaces .onion with
Like Tor, Tor2web operates using servers run voluntarily by an open community of individuals and organizations.
Tor2web preserves the anonymity of content publishers but is not itself an anonymity Generic top-level domain History The initial set of generic top-level domains, defined by RFC 920 in October 1984, was a set of "general purpose domains": com, edu, gov, mil, org. The net domain was added with the first implementation of these domains. The com, net, and org TLDs, despite their originally specified goals, are now open to use for any purpose.
In November 1988, another TLD was introduced, int. This TLD was introduced in response to NATO's request for a domain name which adequately reflected its character as an international organization. It was also originally planned to be used for some viability. ISI also helped refine the TCP/IP communications protocols fundamental to Net operations, and researcher Paul Mockapetris developed the now-familiar Domain Name System characterized by .com, .org, .net, .gov, and .edu on which the Net still operates. (The names .com, .org et al. were invented at SRI International, an ongoing collaborator.) Steve Crocker originated the Request for Comments (RFC) series, the written record of the network's technical structure and operation that both documented and shaped the emerging Internet. Another ISI researcher, Danny Cohen, became first to implement packet voice and packet video over ARPANET, demonstrating the viability of WHOIS data in central registries instead of registrar databases.
For top-level domains on COM and NET, a thin registry model is used. The domain registry (e.g., GoDaddy, BigRock and PDR, VeriSign, etc., etc.) holds basic WHOIS data (i.e., registrar and name servers, etc.). Organizations, or registrants using ORG on the other hand, are on the Public Interest Registry exclusively.
Some domain name registries, often called network information centers (NIC), also function as registrars to end-users, in addition to providing access to the WHOIS datasets. The top-level domain registries, such as for the domains COM, NET, and ORG use a registry-registrar model consisting that the first phase, involving large registrars it has a strong working relationship with ("friends and family") would be the first to be able to sign their domains, beginning "early 2009". On June 23, 2010, 13 registrars were listed as offering DNSSEC records for .ORG domains.
VeriSign ran a pilot project to allow .com and .net domains to register themselves for the purpose of NSEC3 experimentation. On February 24, 2009, they announced that they would deploy DNSSEC across all their top level domains (.com, .net, etc.) within 24 months, and on November 16 of the same year, they said the .com .org History The domain ".org" was one of the original top-level domains, with com, us, edu, gov, mil and net, established in January 1985. It was originally intended for non-profit organizations or organizations of a non-commercial character that did not meet the requirements for other gTLDs. The MITRE Corporation was the first group to register an org domain with in July 1985. The TLD has been operated since January 1, 2003 by Public Interest Registry, who assumed the task from VeriSign Global Registry Services, a division of Verisign. Registrations Registrations of subdomains are processed via accredited registrars worldwide. Anyone | 6e971d59-ade3-4eb9-a1e3-2f12469d068a |
che2p0 | while morphological evidence also strongly supports a relationship between flamingos and grebes. They hold at least 11 morphological traits in common, which are not found in other birds. Many of these characteristics have been previously identified on flamingos, but not on grebes. The fossil palaelodids can be considered evolutionarily, and ecologically, intermediate between flamingos and grebes.
For the grebe-flamingo clade, the taxon Mirandornithes ("miraculous birds" due to their extreme divergence and apomorphies) has been proposed. Alternatively, they could be placed in one order, with Phoenocopteriformes taking priority. Description Flamingos usually stand on one leg while the other is tucked beneath their Tinga Tinga Tales Synopsis Tinga Tinga Tales is centered on various animated animals and employs music, dialogue, and colorful imagery to tell African folk tales about the origins of animals, and to answer questions such as, "why do monkeys swing in the trees and flamingos stand on one leg?" the largest amount of heat is lost through the legs and feet; having long legs can be a major disadvantage when temperatures fall and heat retention is most important. By holding one leg up against the ventral surface of the body, the flamingo lowers the surface area by which heat exits the body. Moreover, it has been observed that during periods of increased temperatures such as mid-day, flamingos will stand on both legs. Holding a bipedal stance multiplies the amount of heat lost from the legs and further regulates body temperature. Migration Like other flamingo species, American flamingos will migrate bodies. The reason for this behaviour is not fully understood. One theory is that standing on one leg allows the birds to conserve more body heat, given that they spend a significant amount of time wading in cold water. However, the behaviour also takes place in warm water and is also observed in birds that do not typically stand in water. An alternative theory is that standing on one leg reduces the energy expenditure for producing muscular effort to stand and balance on one leg. A study on cadavers showed that the one-legged pose could be held without any muscle way to reduce its body temperature is through respiratory evaporative heat loss, where the flamingo engages in panting to expel excessive body heat. During the dark period the flamingos tend to tuck their heads beneath their wing to conserve body heat. They may also elicit shivering as a means of muscular energy consumption to produce heat as needed.
One of the most distinctive attribute of P. ruber is its unipedal stance, or the tendency to stand on one leg. While the purpose of this iconic posture remains ultimately unanswered, strong evidence supports its function in regulating body temperature. Like most birds, the outside of them. Once you stand up with the leg, get your arm that is nearest the foot of the leg you have, and get it to the outside of the leg, so now both of your arms are parallel and touch each other. Now take your other arm, that you have done nothing with yet, other than taking a shot with, and let go of the leg with that arm and put it around their neck. Then start pulling your arms together so that they can form a grip, and once they do that, trip them backwards opposite leg. Variations In Bikram Yoga, Tree Pose (called "Tadasana" in Bikram Yoga) is a slightly different standing posture, with one leg folded in Padmasana and the hands together over the chest in prayer position. It is followed by bending the straight leg into a squatting position (called Toe Stand or "Padangustasana" in Bikram Yoga) with the heel raised and the thigh resting on the calf and heel, the other leg remaining in (half) Padmasana. with a turtle base. The opening at the top of the turtle base accepts the base of c-stand upright or a junior pin. Turtle bases are great for setting up a light very low to the ground.
A C-stand with an upper most leg which is moveable on the vertical axis is called a Stair Leg C-stand as the unit can be placed on a stairway. Also called a Rocky Mountain leg. dimension to the race, whereby a team might opt to make a break from the fleet without the rest of the competitors knowing what they are doing and where they are on the race track. The ploy can first be used on leg one, leg two, leg five, leg six and leg seven. If it is not used on one leg, it cannot be accumulated for use on a following leg. Records During Leg 1 "Ericsson 4", skippered by Torben Grael, broke the monohull 24 hour distance record when he sailed 596.6 nmi (1,104.9 km), an average of 24.85 kn (46.02 km/h). high chance that the other joints will be set incorrectly as well.
When looking at the legs, the cow should be standing squarely on the hooves. This means that the cow will have to also stand squarely on the leg- therefore, the leg must have some bend in it. If the bend is too much, this is referred to as having too much angle in the leg. If the cow's leg is straight, this means that it is post-legged. The cow must have some bend in the hock, however, but not too much. If the cow has too much or too | fe9ef8fd-bd74-4948-bb34-96e38d0f235d |
chec1o | behind Night Carnation in the Listed Scurry Stakes over the same distance at Sandown Park Racecourse. Turner tracked the leader Button Moon before going to the front two furlongs from the finish. She accelerated away from her rivals in the closing stages and won by five lengths from the colt Dinkum Diamond, with Night Carnation in fourth. After the filly's win Bell said "Margot Did finally did! She fully deserved that, as she is proving to be the unluckiest filly in training. Long-term now we have got to think about the Nunthorpe as we know she runs well at York."
A into sixth by the finish.
His training in Mongolia was interrupted by the cold winter and, in April 2009, he travelled to Gateshead, United Kingdom to visit family. While there he came to an agreement with Morpeth Harriers, a local running club, to begin training with them. Ser-Od trained on a running track for the first time at the Gateshead International Stadium and said that the area's 10 km competitions were of particular benefit, given the rarity of races over that distance in East Asia. Reflecting on the change, he said: "To train [in Mongolia] you have to wear too many clothes, same problems. Invariably, the approach had been to pick a small set of what were deemed simple, effective, easy to learn techniques and train them in whatever finite amount of time was granted on a training calendar. This "terminal training" approach, which offered no follow-on training plan other than continued practice of the same limited number of techniques, had failed in the past because it did not provide an avenue or the motivation for continued training.
Instead, his approach was to use the limited amount of institutional training time to lay a foundation for training around the Army. Techniques were put desk was manned by up to 4 technicians who answered and assisted the dial-in users with many of their problems and training issues. Since Zimbabwe had never before seen internet access locally, many people did not know what computers were useful for or how they could be implemented for their businesses. The technical support team; Sheldon, Heath, Adam and Zimbabwe's All Africa Games gold medalist Tae Kwondo fighter, Fanuel Kwande, had to deal with this infusion of knowledge to the general populace. According to Linked-In profiles, Fanuel may now be a Director of a company Fanuel Kwande and was certainly hours (of training). So they had to do it at one sitting – how long will people participate? – well, maybe three hours and that's pretty much the way it was." Cobb cautiously did not state how long it would take to train 100,000 people. He had no idea. In fact it took only a few years and by the 20th anniversary of the citizen training program over half a million people in Seattle and the surrounding suburbs had received training in CPR.
Some people were sceptical about mass citizen training in CPR; indeed, many felt the potential Fartlek Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is continuous training with interval training. Fartlek runs are a very simple form of a long distance run. Fartlek training “is simply defined as periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running." For some people, this could be a mix of jogging and sprinting, but for beginners it could be walking with jogging sections added in when possible. A simple example of what a runner would do during a fartlek run is “sprint all out from one light pole to the next, jog to the corner, give a However, they had a vigorous challenge before them, as almost 40% of the soldiers were new to the Battalion. In the Fort Benning heat, they immediately began training, including rappelling, aerial mine-laying, and sling loading. They were motivated by the knowledge that they would likely play a part in the growing conflict in Vietnam. Little did they know how valuable that training would become. Further, in order to be fully prepared, MAJ Virl N. Daas, along with several other competent assistants, began packing their equipment under the guise of training exercises, while the rest of the different types of world championships, for regular distances the World Mountain Running Championships (until 2008 called World Mountain Running Trophy) and long distances the World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships (until 2014 called World Long Distance Mountain Running Challenge). Long distance mountain running Races more than 20 km, but no longer than 45 km, includes an uphill ascent of at least 1.6 km. was in addition to speed work through interval training, tempo runs, and strength workouts for his legs, core and lower back.
His training philosophy looks at running as a form of meditation. “For me it’s more like breathing, one cannot run more than 100 km, if they are not as comfortable with it as living their everyday life. That’s always the target – to be comfortable with it. If I’m not running on the road, I’m questioning my own existence.” When he is not running, he likes to cycle long distances. of "LSD," or "long, slow, distance." However, in his updated training manual, "Running the Lydiard Way," Lydiard explained that, even on long runs, his top athletes moved at healthy paces to become "pleasantly tired." | 43e7aaa7-b6bc-4f64-848c-df876b3981eb |
cheuo7 | however, plug computer offerings that have analog VGA monitor and/or HDMI connectors, which, along with multiple USB ports, permit the use of a display, keyboard, and mouse, thus making them full-fledged, low-power alternatives to desktop and notebook computers.
The name "plug computer" is derived from the small configuration of such devices: plug computers are often enclosed in an AC power plug or AC adapter.
Plug computers typically consume little power and are inexpensive. One manufacturer claims its $119 plug computer draws 1.2 watts and can cost $2 a year to run. star fighter to stop the invaders from taking over Theon. Ports The game was ported to many 8-bit home computers in the European & North American markets. Taito Nostalgia 2 version In Taito Nostalgia 2 for Bandai's "Let's! TV play CLASSIC" series of plug-and-play game systems, the original Japanese version and a new Slap Fight Tiger are included.
In Slap Fight Tiger, the player controls the Heli from Tiger Heli instead of the SW475. The laser is changed to fire in a 3-way forward spread. New enemies include the Invaders Army (from Space Invaders). Reception Uri Cohen of Sega-16 rated the Palace. You can get to the Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul by taking the subway to the Anguk Station (Seoul Subway Line 3). Take exit 3 and head to your right. After about 200 meters you will see large information signs that begin the Bukchon Village Walking Tour. In this Hanok Village there is a free walking tour is about 2–3 hours long taking you to multiple destinations will you collect stamps from each of them and at the end you can get a keychain at the end. The village is the home to Bukchon Traditional Culture Center, Seoul Intangible opponent has. You can't challenge the same person more than once until after 2 hours within the challenge. You have 10 energy if it is fully refilled, each taking 15 minutes, meaning 2 hours and 30 minutes until you are fully refreshed. You can also go to the VIP shop and increase the max energy level to 13, which takes a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes to fully refill. When you level up, you are automatically refilled. Contests (podiums) In Lady Popular there are different weekly and monthly contests for most the beautiful Lady, apartment, and pet. In technological purposes. Sam describes Germanium as "The black sheep of the family" because silicon is used for the technology instead of germanium. Unfortunately for Germanium, silicon provided a much better use for electronics and was used when men were sent to the moon and when computers and cell phones where made instead of germanium. Chapter 3 "All in the family: The Genealogy of elements"
The author examines Robert Bunsen and his history. Bunsen had passion for arsenic but an explosion left him half-blind for the rest of his life and because of this he created the Bunsen burner. He discusses many Questions such as "Are we really friends? Do you really know me? Can I trust you? Are machines taking over? Are we losing our ability to connect with each other? Do other people feel alone in the world like me?" was being by Brooks as she noticed the amount of time people spent on their phones and computers, even when they are with someone else at a cafe. Beginning In an interview given to Daily Brink during the Newport Beach Film Festival, Brooks explains how the idea for the project was born. Brooks said:
I was recovering from surgery and went 30 types of Android phones unable to run the game, including some newly released phones. It was released on October 15, 2010. One month after the initial release on Android, Rovio Mobile began designing a lite version of the game for these other devices.
In early 2010, Rovio began developing a version of Angry Birds for Facebook. The project became one of the company's largest, with development taking over a year. The company understood the challenges of transplanting a game concept between social platforms and mobile/gaming systems. In a March 2011 interview, Rovio's Peter Vesterbacka said, "you can’t take an experience neighbor or with someone many miles away. Phones have undergone some changes over the years. Today, for example, phones use electronic switches instead of operators. The switch uses a dial tone so that when one picks up the phone you are aware that both the switch and the phone are functioning properly. Computer networks Computer networks are used to have two-way communication by having computers exchange data. Ways that this is possible is wired interconnects and wireless interconnects. Types of wired interconnects are Ethernets and fiber optic cables. Ethernets connect local devices through Ethernet cables. Fiber runs underground computers and the displays could include video scalers to better conform the image to the screen format and resolutions. Likewise, computers also included HDMI ports that carry both audio and video signals to home video displays or AV receivers.
The simplified integration of computer and home theater displays has allowed for fully digital content distribution over the internet. For instance, by 2007 Netflix "watch instantly" subscribers could view streaming content using their HTPCs with a browser or with plug-ins with applications such as Plex and XBMC. Similar plug-ins are also available for Hulu, YouTube, and broadcasters such as NBC, CBS is the core drive of wanting something simply because it is extremely rare, exclusive, or immediately unattainable. Many games have Appointment dynamics or torture breaks within them (come back in 2 hours to get your reward). The fact that people can’t get something right now motivates them to return to check the availability of the product. Core Drive 7: Unpredictability and Curiosity Unpredictability is the core drive of constantly being engaged because you don't know what is going to happen next. When something does not fall into your regular pattern recognition cycles, your brain kicks into high gear and pays | cb45735b-808b-47d3-be30-c4c124167f23 |
chf11k | Carbohydrate loading Carbohydrate loading, commonly referred to as carb-loading or carbo-loading, is a strategy used by endurance athletes, such as runners, to maximise the storage of glycogen (or energy) in the muscles and liver.
Carbohydrate loading is also used in healthcare to optimise the condition of patients prior to colorectal surgery.
Carbohydrate loading is generally recommended for endurance events lasting longer than 120 minutes. Many endurance athletes prefer foods with low glycemic indices for carbo-loading due to their minimal effect on serum glucose levels. Low glycemic foods commonly include vegetables, whole wheat pasta, and grains. Many marathoners and triathlon participants have large rest to stand up for I shall yet trouble you with longer speech. Mr Speaker, you give me thanks but I doubt me I have greater cause to give you thanks, than you me, and I charge you to thank them of the Lower House from me. For had I not received a knowledge from you, I might have fallen into the lapse of an error, only for lack of true information.
Since I was Queen, yet did I never put my pen to any grant, but that upon pretext and semblance made unto me, it was both good and beneficial such an epiphany that someone would want to give me her favorite thing. That stuck with me forever. Every time I'd be thinking 'I have to keep,' I'd remember 'No, you gotta give away instead.' When I started going regularly to [drug and alcohol] meetings, one of the principles I had learned was that the way to maintain your own sobriety is to give it to another suffering alcoholic. Every time you empty your vessel of that energy, fresh new energy comes flooding in." Flea's bassline for the song allowed Kiedis to recall this incident and he believed the music menstrual disturbances, such as a change in menstrual cycle length, anovulation, or luteal phase defects, but not yet have developed complete amenorrhea. Likewise, an athlete's bone density may decrease, but may not yet have dropped below her age-matched normal range. These signs can be considered "occult," as no one symptom may be severe enough to seek medical attention, leaving the Triad to go unnoticed or untreated. Disordered eating Energy availability is defined as energy intake minus energy expended. Energy is taken in through food consumption. Our bodies expend energy through normal functioning as well as through exercise. it. I'm not going to spend any more energy than I already have explaining that. From the very beginning I've tried to say that this is not my opinion. That whole thing just makes me realize I don't have any control over what people think of me. And I don't really give a fuck. I think that the idea of straight edge, the song that I wrote, and the way people have related it, there's some people who have abused it, they've allowed their fundamentalism to interfere with the real message, which in my mind, was that people should be pasta dinners the night before the race. Since muscles also use amino acids extensively when functioning within aerobic limits, meals should also include adequate protein. Large portions before a race can, however, decrease race-day performance if the digestive system has not had the time to process the food regimen. Without depletion Research in the 1980s led to a modified carbo-loading regimen that eliminates the depletion phase, instead calling for increased carbohydrate intake (to about 70% of total calories) and decreased training for three days before the event. Short workout A new carbo-loading regimen developed by scientists at the University of then removed from the oven, where they cool for 3 minutes. Salt or sugar is sprinkled on top for additional flavoring. Health Facts Honey-roasted peanuts are not as healthy as peanuts in their natural state, but they are still a fairly healthy snack option. The snack contains important dietary fibers, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals. Honey-roasted peanuts contain complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, and a good amount of fiber. The complex carbs come from the peanuts themselves, while the honey provides simple carbs. Simple carbs will provide you with instant energy, while complex carbs provide long lasting energy. In but wrote ecstatically in her diary:
I NEVER, NEVER spent such an evening!!! MY DEAREST DEAREST DEAR Albert ... his excessive love & affection gave me feelings of heavenly love & happiness I never could have hoped to have felt before! He clasped me in his arms, & we kissed each other again & again! His beauty, his sweetness & gentleness – really how can I ever be thankful enough to have such a Husband! ... to be called by names of tenderness, I have never yet heard used to me before – was bliss beyond belief! Oh! This was the happiest day from their table. You have the power in your own hands now, and if you do not wish to be for ever serfs of territorial gods almighty; if you have got any of the energy of your progenitors, you will not stand this kind of injustice any longer. You will say to them with me — Wealth that we make for you, money we earn; give us our share of them, give us a turn. If you have the pluck to say this, then return me as your representative, and I will lead you."
Of the three candidates in the electorate, a December 2013 interview with Vibe, Drake spoke on the rumor saying:
""It’s a commitment to go there. 'The Language' is just energy. What it was inspired by, I’m sure that, and other things. It’s just me talking my shit. I never once felt the need to respond to that record. The sentiment he was putting forth is what he should have. Of course you wanna be the best. Where it became an issue is that I was rolling out an album while that verse was still bubbling, so my album rollout became about this thing. What am I supposed | 9a4cadbb-a174-4837-bae6-857eb926e02d |
chf95o | pride in. It is one of those lovely bonuses of doing what I do, you feel like hopefully if you do it right you're encouraging more disabled people to get into acting and not just increasing people's awareness of disability," and said he is not worried about the inevitable narrow-mindedness of some of the EastEnders audience: "Someone once said, 'If you can't laugh at yourself you're missing the joke of the century'. You will always get some people that disagree with the majority but I don't think it's their opinions that would matter to me." Proud also said that the believe what you hear, don't believe what you see / If you just close your eyes / You can feel the enemy...' I can't remember it, but the point is: you start to see the world in a different way, and you're part of the problem, not just part of the solution". In 2006, he noted it was "a song about being a hypocrite, and I think we all can be and I certainly have been. And you know, you exact very high standards on people in the world but then you don't live them personally", noting the theme was deal with her emotions. She said that for her, dancing is like therapy. "If I have a lot of nervous energy, when I start dancing, it all goes away and I just feel emotion. It's like a rollercoaster," she says. "People think that when you go through something in life you have to go to therapy. For me, art is therapy, because it's like you're expressing yourself in such a spiritual way. "Sometimes you don't need to use words to go through what you need to go through," she continues. "Sometimes it's an emotion you need to feel when you relished filming The Sum of Us saying "your best work comes out of a film and you feel that you can really show your talents as an actress". She also compared filming this to when she was on Home And Away:
"You feel like you're really acting and really doing something when you do film because in television you're grinding your way through it. The moment you finish one script you're on to another one and it just goes on and on and on. (In film) you have more time to work with it - not just over and over, but the bottom line is really, and this is the part that is scary for everyone, the individual kinda has to want it... not kinda, you have to want it and to not do that crap anymore or you will never stop and it will just kill you. There's nothing you can do...if your best friend has a problem and it's very serious, there's nothing you're going to be able to do about it and it was sad for me and the people around me. Sad for me when friends of mine died because of it."
In I sat on the bench in New York. Now sometimes that got you into a little bit of hot water; here they seem to like it. Fortunately for me, I don't have to act. This is it. And if you annoy me, or if you lie to me, or if I feel as if you're trying to obfuscate the truth, you're going to get on my bad side. And that's a side that you don't want to be on.
On March 30, 2011, Sheindlin was admitted to the hospital after she fainted on the set of her show while handling a 2010 that she misses "the moving air that you feel on your face when you're at the beach [in Sydney]. If I could borrow that and swish it around my apartment, I would. And I love a good Mint Slice," referring to an Australian chocolate biscuit. Brown said her favorite thing about New York "is that at the beginning of the week you just don't know how your week is going to end. You can never predict. You're never bored." you're a songwriter and when you're an artist as a songwriter. It's that sometimes when you're writing, you may just want to write something fictional just because you think it's cool and you like the way it sounds. So, in some ways (as an artist), sometimes you feel like you are inhibiting yourself, (by) not exploring something super fictional just because it's cool. You may go 'oh, well as an artist you're going to be held somehow accountable for whatever these words are, whatever perspective this is, whatever this sound is.' Whereas, all you're thinking about as a writer is way that we want to, the way that I feel like we should, you just feel like you're disappointing people. That's tough. That weighs on you," he said. "You sit there, I don't even know how to describe it, but you just constantly have that over you. Not pressure as much as I don't know how to describe it. ... It's like your father when you're a kid. You want to please him, do everything you can to make everybody happy. We weren't doing a great job of it. Hopefully, everybody's a little bit happier now and we can give Short stated that "If you're working with a great director, you feel very, very, very safe because you know that all the decisions will be made months later in the editing room." Malone stated that "it was a very structured process" and that the "chaos can only come from a grounded, logical base because you have to know where you're going to be spinning from. The logic becomes the chaos and the chaos becomes the logic."
According to Waterston, Anderson did not have a clear goal while on set but it did not feel chaotic. Brolin said "It was crazy, chaotic | 49f4f164-9511-433b-9660-d021f8443c90 |
chfi0c | Joan Lachkar Psychological work Lachkar's main focus is the relationship between someone with narcissistic personality disorder and someone with a borderline personality disorder. Her first book on the subject was The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Marital Treatment, in which she explores how partners form a parasitic bond and play out a drama of earlier conflictual experiences, characterized by their painful, circular patterns of behaviour. In the second edition, The Narcissistic/Borderline Couple: New Approaches to Marital Therapy, Lachkar ventures to go beyond narcissistic and borderline couples to a mélange of many other dyadic configurations. She explains how each partner In addition to being the first study to look at current maltreatment and OGM, the idea of trauma as a pathway to OGM is significantly supported here, as depression did not mediate the relationship between abuse and OGM. Additionally, neglected children may not have a specific trauma that they attempt to avoid, thus their memory search may not be affected. Other OGM has been researched in other psychopathological disorders, including anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobias, borderline personality disorder and eating disorders without any associations found. It is proposed that OGM is a specific marker of emotional and affect phenomenological concept, existing in comparison with other. Without the other there is no self, and how one experiences the other is inseparable from how one experiences oneself. The continuity of selfhood (functioning personality) is something that is achieved in relationship, rather than something inherently "inside" the person. This can have its advantages and disadvantages. At one end of the spectrum, someone may not have enough self-continuity to be able to make meaningful relationships, or to have a workable sense of who she is. In the middle, her personality is a loose set of ways of being that work for her, I Love You Too (2001 film) Plot The film portrays the relationship between a young male student and a young woman with borderline personality disorder. genital sex, the relationship is based around other themes. Causes Some evidence suggests the cluster A personality disorders have shared genetic and environmental risk factors, and there is an increased prevalence of schizoid personality disorder in relatives of people with schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder. Twin studies with schizoid personality disorder traits (e.g. low sociability and low warmth) suggest these are inherited. Besides this indirect evidence, the direct heritability estimates of SPD range from 50 to 59%. To Sula Wolff, who did extensive research and clinical work with children and teenagers with schizoid symptoms, "schizoid personality has a constitutional, probably likes and dislikes, the level of tolerance towards shyness and openness and their adherence to proxemics or the distance displaced from one person towards another. Essentially, this is where knowing your partner’s personality is crucial to a happy relationship. This relationship promotes positive valence or misinterpreting your partner’s personality may promote a negative valence. Interpersonal valence Interpersonal Valence can be best described as a nonverbal communication typology. A touch from someone you like is received differently than an unwanted touch. Interpersonal valence has a positive affect for socially and physically attractive people and a negative valence for those not so Schizoid avoidant behavior The relationship between schizoid personality disorder (SPD) and avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) has been a subject of controversy for decades.
Today it is still unclear and remains to be seen if these two personality disorders are linked to genetically distinct, but overlapping, personality disorders or if these two personality disorders are merely two different phenotypic expressions of the same genetic disorder. Both have been associated with a shared genetic risk factor and the same polymorphism within the ANKK1 gene. There is also some evidence that AvPD (like SPD) is a personality disorder of the schizophrenia spectrum.
Originally, schizoid personality adolescence, such as rebellion against authority figures and rejection of conventional values. However, this argument is not established and empirical research suggests that these subgroups are not as valid as once thought.
In addition to these two courses that are recognized by the DSM-IV-TR, there appears to be a relationship among oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Specifically, research has demonstrated continuity in the disorders such that conduct disorder is often diagnosed in children who have been previously diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, and most adults with antisocial personality disorder were previously diagnosed with conduct disorder. positive affect (i.e. a positive relationship between introversion and calm positive affect). Moreover, the relationship between extraversion and activated positive affect is only significant for agentic extraversion, i.e. there is no significant relationship between affiliative extraversion and activated positive affect, especially when controlling for neuroticism.
An influential review article concluded that personality, specifically extraversion and emotional stability, was the best predictor of subjective well-being. As examples, Argyle and Lu (1990) found that the trait of extraversion, as measured by Extraversion Scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), was positively and significantly correlated with positive affect, as measured by the Oxford (via abandonment or mortality) would make the person unable to form true and affectionate attachments towards other people. HPD and antisocial personality disorder Another theory suggests a possible relationship between histrionic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Research has found 2/3 of patients diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder also meet criteria similar to those of the antisocial personality disorder, which suggests both disorders based towards sex-type expressions may have the same underlying cause. Women are hypersexualized in the media consistently, ingraining thoughts that the only way women are to get attention is by exploiting themselves, and when seductiveness isn't enough, | d8e5920f-6fd0-410e-aa12-6c465cfbafe5 |
chfp1c | Fiji, Australia, India, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
By extension the term is used in reference to the practice of wearing "smart-casual" office clothing in place of business suits or other conventional clothing. Australia takes this even further, where even if business suits or smart-casual are the norm, "Mufti Fridays" allows the employee to wear jeans, a polo shirt or even a t-shirt. which sport the school's logo of a ship) until 6.30 pm from Monday to Friday. Boys must wear ties, and after the recent bi-centenary celebrations boys have two tie options. Sixth form must wear 'smart-casual' clothing and on Monday 'interview smart' suits. School logo The school logo has recently been changed. The ship, because of its historical significance as the logo for many years has been retained, but is now shown forging through the waves. The current colour palette has been built on the school's traditional blue. Ready-made garment Ready-made garments are mass-produced finished textile products of the clothing industry. They are not custom tailored according to measurements, but rather generalized according to anthropometric studies. They are made from many different fabrics and yarns. Their characteristics depend on the fibers used in their manufacture. Ready-made garments are divided into the following types: outer clothing, which includes workwear and uniforms, leisure wear, and sportswear (e.g., suits, pants, dresses, ladies' suits, blouses, blazers, jackets, cardigans, pullovers, coats, sports jackets, skirts, shirts, ties, jeans, shorts, T-shirts, polo shirts, sports shirts, tracksuits, bathing shorts, bathing suits, and bikinis); and undergarments, is reportedly twice as stiff as silk. Clothing Silk's absorbency makes it comfortable to wear in warm weather and while active. Its low conductivity keeps warm air close to the skin during cold weather. It is often used for clothing such as shirts, ties, blouses, formal dresses, high fashion clothes, lining, lingerie, pajamas, robes, dress suits, sun dresses and Eastern folk costumes. For practical use, silk is excellent as clothing that protects from many biting insects that would ordinarily pierce clothing, such as mosquitoes and horseflies.
Fabrics that are often made from silk include charmeuse, habutai, chiffon, taffeta, crepe de chine, New Zealand. Men at upper and upper-middle class weddings usually wear their own morning coats and their own ties. On these occasions they may wear their old public (U.S.: private) school ties. It is occasionally worn by the British working class (constituting the majority of the population) for only the wedding party to wear morning 'suits'. These tend to be hired and far more co-ordinated than those worn by their upper-middle and upper-class counterparts. The men usually dress in identical, hired, outfits along with identical ties, handkerchiefs and waistcoats. United States In the U.S., the morning coat is sometimes Jumpsuit Pilots and drivers Aviators and astronauts sometimes wear insulated, fire-retardant jumpsuits or flight suits where other types of clothing can potentially float or flap about in zero gravity or during high-G maneuvers.
Drivers in motor racing wear jumpsuits for protection against fire and (in the case of motorcycle racers) leather suits for abrasion. Prisons In prisons, prisoners are required to wear prison jumpsuits to make it somewhat harder for escape (surgical scrubs), not only by making it harder for flexible maneuvers in the case of surgical scrubs, but they also in most cases make the prisoner easier to spot and trenches in World War I. Among various British youth subcultures, Dr. Martens boots (often referred to as DMs) have been the choice of footwear: in the 1960s skinheads started to wear them, and they later became popular among scooter riders, punks, and some new wave musicians. Male mods adopted a sophisticated look that included tailor-made suits, thin ties, button-down collar shirts, Chelsea boots and Clarks desert boots.
British sensibilities have played an influential role in world clothing since the 18th century. Particularly during the Victorian era, British fashions defined acceptable dress for men of business. Key figures such as the future is still worn by people in their everyday life. Bangladeshi people have unique dress preferences. Bangladeshi men traditionally wear Panjabi, which is structurally similar to the Kurta but very unique in design, on religious and cultural occasions. Unique to Bangladesh, the fotua is also a popular article of clothing which is available in styles for both men and women. Bangladeshi men wear lungi as casual wear (in rural areas). Due to the British influence during colonization, shirt-pant and suits are very common. Shari is the main and traditional dress of Bangladeshi women also and some young female also wears salwar Richard Petty when a fire broke out, injuring two crew member who Punch proceeded to treat on the spot. Following the incident, in which several items of Punch's clothing were singed or melted, ESPN mandated that its pit reporters wear fire-retardant suits. Other networks have since adopted the practice.
In 1994, the FIA mandated fire suits for F1 pit crew members. By this time, crews in IndyCar were also required to wear fire suits. In 2002, NASCAR officially mandated fire suits for both drivers and crew members servicing the car during pit stops. This was in response to non-fire-related incidents in grow beards, and Haredi men wear black hats with a skullcap underneath and suits. Modern Orthodox Jews are sometimes indistinguishable in their dress from general society, although they, too, wear kippahs and tzitzit; additionally, on Shabbat, Modern Orthodox men wear suits (or at least a dress shirt) and dress pants, while women wear fancier dresses or blouses.
Orthodox Jews also follow the laws of negiah, which means touch. Orthodox men and women do not engage in physical contact with those of the opposite sex outside of their spouse, or immediate family members (such as parents, grand-parents, siblings, children, and grand-children). Kol | d22dbee8-2a98-45e9-88f6-b684f2c213ed |
chfpdm | Lee O'Malley, and the 2010 film adaptation of the same name, Scott mentions this as his favorite food: "Garlic bread is my favourite food. I could honestly eat it for every meal. Or just all the time without even stopping". also a wildness in me that had not come into my work sufficiently or gracefully." As a result of his study, Koppelman noted, "Tightness and abandon, the classical and the wild, even the conservative and the rebel seemed to be working better together" resulting in art that was "more imaginative, freer in concept" Boldness of imagination and an unerring sense of detail were two qualities Koppelman's work became noted for.
He also learned that art does not arise from suffering or depression, but rather from the hope to respect and honestly like the world by seeing opposites as one. This, according nature and timing, his exit was described as being acrimonious. Norman said of the departure, "I honestly believe that if they had said to me, 'We would like you to work out your contract but then we don't want you any more,' they would have given me quite a big send off – at least they would have had a drinks party. But because I left at a time that was not convenient for them I became a non-person. Even on the last day, nobody called up to say, 'Good luck in your future life,' or even 'drop dead'." Of of non-operational rules to the knowledge base increases the size of the space which FOCL must search. Rather than simply providing the algorithm with a target concept (e.g. grandfather(X,Y)), the algorithm takes as input a set of non-operational rules which it tests for correctness and operationalizes for its learned concept. A correct target concept will clearly improve computational time and accuracy, but even an incorrect concept will give the algorithm a basis from which to work and improve accuracy and time. Purpose The time to value (TTV) measures the length of time necessary to finish a project and realize the benefits of the solution. The concept is used to help decision makers evaluate the proposed benefit of an investment in time and/or money. Limitation While the concept is easy to understand and explain to management or investors, the problem is that "completion", "benefit", and "value" are not as easy to define, can change over time, and the technology may even obsolesce before the installation is completed. time. When asked what she thought of stage directing as a profession for women, Mrs. Bradley laughed and said “Frankly, I can not honestly recommend it, though personally I love my work. Stage directing means very hard work, meals at odd times, loss of sleep, and no leisure” service. Like the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC), the ANG is often described as a "reserve" force of "part-time airmen," although the demands of maintaining modern aircraft mean that many AFRC and ANG members work full-time, either as full-time Air Reserve Technicians (ART) or Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) personnel. Even traditional part-time air guardsmen, especially pilots, navigators/combat systems officers, air battle managers and enlisted aircrew, often serve 100 or more man-days annually. As such, the concept of Air National Guard service as representing only "one weekend a month and two weeks a year" is not necessarily valid.
The Silver Monk Time Styles, concepts and reviews The film Monks: The Transatlantic Feedback throughout its entire production process continuously encountered financial problems. Many people within the media thought of the Monks music as something not relevant. The creation of Silver Monk Time meant both a new financing concept for the film and a sort of musical experiment and/or maybe even demonstration.
The title Silver Monk Time came about due to a rumor that after the release of Black Monk Time in May 1966 The Monks already had initiated work on what was supposed to be their second LP. One beat accompanied or the "eternal" laws of science. This hypostatized (underlying) belief in presence is undermined by novel phenomenological ideas, such that presence itself does not subsist, but comes about primordially through the action of our futural projection, our realization of finitude and the reception or rejection of the traditions of our time.
In his short work Intuition of the Instant, Gaston Bachelard - in an attempt to navigate beyond, or parallel to, the Western concept of 'time as duration'; that is, the Western concept of time as the imagined trajectorial space of movement - distinguishes between two foundations of time: time viewed Writing in Ain't It Cool News, Scott Foy said, "Honestly, I can't decide whether to recommend the movie or not. I swear there are moments in this movie where you want to laugh and bang your head against the wall out of frustration at the same time." wrote, "So shut off your brain and enjoy the ride. Timecop 2 is definitely better than the first, even if it still doesn’t make a lick of sense." | 975990e0-6573-4ef9-bbc6-e4a261f45bb8 |
chfv3r | franchisees under the name Ben Franklin Retail Stores Inc. In the early 1990s, it began opening its own stores. Those stores were not successful, and their financial problems ultimately interfered with the chain's ability to deliver goods to its franchisees, 860 locally owned stores in 47 states. The company went bankrupt and closed these stores in 1996–1997.
True Value owner Cotter & Co. sold its V&S Variety Store chain to Ben Franklin in 1995. Promotions Unlimited Promotions Unlimited had stepped in as a supplier for many Ben Franklin franchisees during the corporation's descent into bankruptcy. It acquired the name of ongoing social media strategy in which East Side Mario's uses its presence on Facebook in an effort to raise awareness of promotions among consumers.
People are most familiar with the restaurant's long running jingle featuring the catch phrase: "Hey, budda boom budda bing". Charitable work East Side Mario's has been a corporate sponsor of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation in the past. In early May 2010, it was the national family restaurant sponsor of the 2010 Canadian Breast Foundation CIBC "Run for the Cure" fundraising event. The partnership included in-house promotions to help raise awareness about breast cancer.
East Side labour, design innovations, recruitment and training, and the encouragement of collaboration within the cotton industry. British fashion designs and fabrics were showcased at national and international exhibitions, ranging from an exhibition on the history of the cotton mills and a display of 1960s children's clothing to soft furnishing promotions at large stores and national fashion shows. Dissolution of the statutory Textile Council and formation of the voluntary British Textile Council The Cotton Board was renamed the Textile Council in 1967. It was dissolved in 1971-2, at its own request, as it was felt the work would be better handled by should never be left unrefrigerated for more than two hours and should never rise above eight degrees. Promotions The company has more recently made large scale changes its promotions. In the past "Buy One Get One Free" and Meal Deals (a selection of products for a set price) were common in stores. These have now been reduced and replaced with products offering bigger packs at the original prices. The pricing system has also been changed with many products having their prices rounded up or down to the nearest multiple of 25p, this is known as Clear Cut Prices.
2006 also saw or individual parts of it could not be found. By April 2004, administrators, BDO Stoy Hayward, then closed the last 19 Sanity/Our Price stores.
In July 2004, Brazin entered into an agreement with Coles Myer to open 62 Virgin concept stores within the Myer department store chain. Brazin agreed to buy all of Myer's remaining CD and DVD stock, recruit, train and pay their own staff, and work within Myer's systems and promotions. These concept stores were marketed separately to stand-alone Virgin Megastores (due to their more limited stock availability) and branded, Virgin at Myer. This solved Brazin's problem since 2002 where there are large department stores and supermarkets. In the countryside, most stores are small and family-run. Some 18,000 people work in the retail sector. focusing on communicating current fashion trends and styling suggesting and ensure that they have a strong store image portrayed in the window display. Sen et al.'s study was an in-depth analysis of the various factors of window displays, and its findings argue that styling and display of clothing, instead of atmospherics, play a large part in consumer behavior and purchasing.
Display windows may also be used to advertise seasonal sales or inform passers-by of other current promotions. Food merchandising Restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. use visual merchandising as a tool to differentiate themselves in a saturated market. The chain never recovered and all the stores closed. Promotions Wieboldt's was known for giving S&H Green Stamps with purchases, and there were redemption centers located in their stores. The State Street location included a particularly large redemption center. Customers would choose items based on the number of stamps redeemed. In the 1940s and 1950s, and then again in the mid-80s, they sponsored a broadcast program featuring The Cinnamon Bear: stories of how Cinnamon Bear takes his young friends on a trip to maybe land in search of the Silver Star. A stuffed teddy bear version could be purchased from of shoes; orthotics are fabricated as well.
Eneslow’s main factory is located at 470 Park Avenue @ 32nd Street flagship store; the other stores have their own shops for minor work. Charitable activity Eneslow is a supporter of the charity Soles4Souls. Eneslow also provides free footwear, socks, and insoles for relief workers, disaster victims, and the homeless. music tracks direct to consumers in MQA, MP3 320, 256, M4A, 16-bit and 24-bit FLAC audio.
7digital has apps for Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows, and Firefox OS operating systems as well as a mobile-optimized store available on any device.
The 7digital mobile app has been pre-installed on devices through partnerships with Acer, HTC, Samsung, BlackBerry, Pioneer, HP, Dell, and Sonos.
The 7digital music download stores run weekly localised promotions, with discounts on new albums and catalogue titles, weekly free track promotions and editorial features. stores have local currency, language and catalogue throughout Europe, North America and parts of Asia Pacific.
7digital stores the | 636d9b7c-d1e9-47bf-b99f-5dfa90782ca7 |
chfv7h | to distinguish from the other unit. However, this convention cannot be relied upon, since it is often ignored – especially in non-technical publications.
Although both units are related to the metric system, they have been considered obsolete, or deprecated, in scientific usage, since the adoption of the SI system. The SI unit of energy is the joule, with symbol "J" (since 1889); one small calorie is now defined as exactly 4.184 J, and one large calorie is 4184 J.
However, the two units are still used occasionally in technical work, and the large calorie is still widely used in nutrition. Calorie The calorie is a unit of energy.
There are actually two units with the name that have been widely used. The small calorie or gram calorie (usually denoted cal) is the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius (or one kelvin). The large calorie, food calorie, or kilocalorie (Cal or kcal) is the amount of heat needed to cause the same increase on one kilogram of water. Thus, 1 kcal = 1000 cal.
The large calorie is sometimes written Calorie (with a capital C) terms of the joule. The definition of a calorie changed in 1948, which became one calorie is equal to approximately 4,2 joules.
The related concept of "calorie in, calorie out" is contested and despite having become a commonly held and frequently referenced belief in nutritionism, the implications associated with "a calorie is a calorie" are still being debated. The wisdom and effects of skipping meals in an attempt to limit caloric intake is also still largely debated. Calorie counting Calorie amounts found on food labels are based on the Atwater system. The accuracy of the system is disputed, despite no real calories burned or a number of sessions while tracking their progress over time. The idea is that the weight loss will happen on its own if the calories burned goals in each workout are met or exceeded.
The game also awards trophies for reaching specific fitness landmarks, such as accumulating 10 total workout hours, working out with a friend, and completing all the exercises in the 30 Day Challenge.
Players are also encouraged to create a custom workout session built around either personal favorite exercises, calorie goals (such as burning 100+ calories in one session), or targeting specific body areas. To help studies show that overall activity levels are no higher in calorie restriction than ad libitum animals in youth. Laboratory rodents placed on a calorie restriction diet tend to exhibit increased activity levels (particularly when provided with exercise equipment) at feeding time. Monkeys undergoing calorie restriction also appear more restless immediately before and after meals. Behavior Observations in some accounts of animals undergoing calorie restriction have noted an increase in stereotyped behaviors. For example, monkeys on calorie restriction have demonstrated an increase in licking, sucking, and rocking behavior. A calorie restriction regimen may also lead to increased aggressive behavior in animals. (modern cal) and kg-calorie (modern kcal). Berthelot also introduced the convention of capitalizing the kg-calorie, as Calorie.
The use of the kg-calorie (kcal) for nutrition was introduced to the American public by Wilbur Olin Atwater, a professor at Wesleyan University, in 1887.
The modern calorie (cal) was first recognized as a unit of the cm-g-s system (cgs), in 1896,
alongside the existing cgs unit of energy, the erg, first suggested by Clausius in 1864 (under the name ergon), and officially adopted in 1882.
The joule was adopted as equivalent to 10⁷ erg in 1889.
Use of the calorie was officially deprecated by ninth General Conference on A calorie is a calorie History In 1878, German nutritionist Max Rubner crafted what he called the "isodynamic law". The law claims that the basis of nutrition is the exchange of energy, and was applied to the study of obesity in the early 1900s by Carl von Noorden. Von Noorden had two theories about what caused people to develop obesity. The first simply avowed Rubner's notion that "a calorie is a calorie". The second theorized that obesity development depends on how the body partitions calories for either use or storage. Since 1925, a calorie has been defined in Calorie count laws Calorie count laws are a type of law that require restaurants (typically only larger restaurant chains) to post food energy and nutritional information on the food served on menus.
Studies of consumer behavior have shown that for some fast-food chains consumers reduce calorie consumption but at other chains do not. In response to federal regulation in the United States, some restaurant chains have modified certain items to reduce calories, or introduced new menu items as lower-calorie alternatives. United States The first U.S. menu item calorie labeling law was enacted in 2008 in New York City. California was MSN2/4, RIM15, and SIR2. Importantly, yeast responses to CR can be modulated by genetic background. Therefore, while some strains respond to calorie restriction with increased lifespan, in others calorie restriction shortens it Activity levels Calorie restriction preserves muscle tissue in nonhuman primates and rodents. Mechanisms include reduced muscle cell apoptosis and inflammation; protection against or adaptation to age-related mitochondrial abnormalities; and preserved muscle stem cell function. Muscle tissue grows when stimulated, so it has been suggested that the calorie-restricted test animals exercised more than their companions on higher calories, perhaps because animals enter a foraging state during calorie restriction. However, devised: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, very low calorie and more recently flexible dieting. A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, and low-fat diets, with a 2–4 kilogram weight loss over 12–18 months in all studies. At two years, all calorie-reduced diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized. In general, the most effective diet is any which reduces calorie consumption. Several diets are effective for weight loss of obese individuals with similar results, diet success being most predicted by adherence with little effect of the type or brand of diet. Dieting appears | 2bcfe0b2-c6c8-44be-bd86-f909ca8d5157 |
chg0zj | at the mouth of the river'. If you have been removed from your territory through the trail of tears, or the long walk by like a thousand miles from where that mouth of the river is people no longer think of themselves as 'the people at the mouth of the river'. When you get dispossessed of your traditional homeland, there is a cultural rift that happens. A loss that happens from being off of where you are supposed to be.
In 2012, he contacted the United States Copyright Office to have them do a search on whether his concept of a happens so fast. The technology is supposed to make everything simple, easy. It tries to make us believe that it's some sort of freedom we have. Of course, it's easy and comfortable if you can do all your shopping via the internet, if you don't need to leave the house to do anything. But, on the other hand, what is going to happen? You lose touch with people. You don't meet new people except on the internet and whatever you do can be traced. They know everything about you; they know what you buy; they know which papers you read, Robot Commando Story What would you do if you were a rancher on a distant planet, using robots to herd vicious dinosaurs? What would you do if your deadly enemies, the Karosseans, invaded? What would you do if you knew that the protection of your homeland against the invaders and marauding dinosaurs was up to you alone? Now is your chance to find out, for all this is exactly what happens in this thrilling futuristic adventure!
The reader takes the role of a dinosaur rancher in the country of Thalos on a distant planet who finds themself in the middle of you had been stabbed there with a knife. After three days you will want to drink, and when you have drunk a full hu 斛 [about 50 liters] your breath will be cut off. When that happens, it will mean that you are dead. When your body has been laid out, it will suddenly disappear, and only your clothing will remain. Thus you will be an immortal released in broad daylight by means of his waistband. If one knows the name of the drug [or, perhaps, the secret names of its ingredients] he will not feel the pain in his contriving explanations for those actions, which subsequently influence our beliefs about ourselves....Our observing brain doesn't like it when our actions don't match the beliefs we have about ourselves, a situation commonly referred to as cognitive dissonance. So, whenever your behavior is in conflict with your beliefs (for example if you do a favor for someone you may not like very much or vice versa, when you do something bad to someone you are supposed to care about), this conflict immediately sets off alarm bells in your brain. The brain has a clever response – it goes about changing how you have heard that it was said, "Do not commit adultery." ²⁸But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ²⁹If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. ³⁰And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for nail someone, so he offers you a deal: if you squeal on your associate – which will result in his getting a five-year stretch – the prosecutor will see that six months is taken off of your sentence. Which sounds good, until you learn your associate is being offered the same deal – which would get you five years.
So what do you do? The best that you and your associate can do together is to not squeal: that is, to cooperate (with each other, not the prosecutor!) in a mutual bond of silence, and do your year. any extent. This is The Blow Like a Spark from a Stone technique. If you are to perform this technique, you must first strike quickly with the three combined forces of your legs, your hands, and your body. This blow will be rather difficult to perform if you do not train at it frequently. If you diligently train yourself, you will be able to increase the overall force of the technique's impact. Chance-Opening Blow When you first start off by striking, your opponent will try to parry by hitting or by blocking your sword. At this point in time, you savage—on both your joystick palm and fire-button finger. If you aren’t quick, you’re dead. [...] Savage is a very good arcade/fantasy game and is well named!" It Go".
Expecting fan backlash, especially those who were more akin to their older metalcore style, Newman openly acknowledged the change, stating that the band’s attitude during the recording was "Fuck it. Write what you want to write, put your emotions into it and whatever happens happens. If you want to do something funky or jazzy or you think this part needs to be emotional or aggressive do whatever you want."
Having debuted on the ARIA Music Charts at #20 ‘’Notorious’’ was nominated for ‘’’Best Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Album’’’ at the annual ARIA Music Awards in 2012, but lost to | 05784ece-bd50-455a-945c-497b44bcccd1 |
chgnm5 | component inputs and had the ability to transmit a HD program in widescreen aspect ratio, though not in full HD resolution. The HAVA Platinum took a 720p or 1080i signal and converted it to standard-definition resolution before streaming it over a network or over the Internet. This device also added PC software that stored streamed content, enabling the PC or laptop to pause, rewind and fast-forward streamed content. The stored program could also be burned to DVD. HAVA Wireless HD Controlled HD digital cable, satellite, or DVR programs wirelessly on any WiFi-enabled PC or mobile phone. It could stream wirelessly, DVD-quality video direct from the TV source to multiple Media Center PCs simultaneously. It could also pause, rewind, fast forward, and record live TV programs on a PC. HAVA Titanium HD WiFi Controlled HD digital cable, satellite, or DVR programs wirelessly on any WiFi enabled PC or mobile phone. It could stream wirelessly, DVD quality video direct from the TV source to multiple Windows Vista or Media Center PCs simultaneously.
The HAVA Titanium HD added Wi-Fi to make a wireless connection to a Wi-Fi-equipped broadband router or modem, and it featured two USB ports. One was for plugging in an external App was also introduced in order to improve customers’ wifi coverage by helping them set up the Connect Box and scanning the wifi coverage in their homes. Powerline Adapters can also be used to boost the signal strength of the home wifi by creating hotspots in other rooms. UPC TV and MySports In October 2018, UPC TV (the successor to the Horizon HD recorder) was launched. The company's new TV box – including features such as voice control, personal recommendations, a "one search finds all" function and personal profiles – was introduced in April 2019. However, for users, UPC TV difficult to verify the accuracy of thermal counters as the image feed relay on the devices are heat sources. They can be inaccurate as thermal counters have difficulty measuring the dwell time of targets beyond a few seconds. Due to this, the second generation of people counter have an average accuracy of 80% to 85%. 3rd generation: Video and WiFi counting (2012-2016) There are two types of 3rd-generation people counters. Video counters use complex algorithms and camera imaging to count the number of people directly from a video tape. WiFi counting functionality collects WiFi probe request signals from shoppers' smartphones, enough, or by hardware-accelerated video decoding for hardware supporting Apple's VDA API or video decoders such as the Broadcom Crystal HD.
1080p playback on the first-generation Apple TV (a.k.a. "ATV1") can only be achieved by hardware accelerated video decoding via Broadcom Crystal HD; the user must replace the ATV's internal WiFi adapter with a Broadcom Crystal HD PCI Express Mini (mini-PCIe) card in order to activate this functionality.
Kodi for Windows (formerly XBMC for Windows) runs natively on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. 1080p and Ultra HD (4K) playback can be achieved on Windows locations. Multi-layer background subtraction, based on color and texture, is considered the most robust algorithm available for varying shadows and lighting conditions. With the advances in image processing, video counting can achieve 98% accuracy in some lighting environments. The use of artificial intelligence and pattern recognition functions is expected to further enhance its accuracy. WiFi counting WiFi counting uses a WiFi receiver to pick up unique WiFi management frames emitted from smartphones within range. While not all people carry a smartphone, WiFi counting can produce statistically significant metrics with a large enough sample size. Modern mobile operating systems, such as hardware manufacturer) and Hama, Electronic Design, and Sirius genlocks from Germany. Infrared/remote controls The IRCom class is a driver that supports the IRCom standard and is available for the USB Poseidon Stack.
Pegasos computers have an internal IrDA port connector for connecting infrared devices, but MorphOS offers no support for it. The internal IrDA port can be used by installing Linux. WiFi and Bluetooth The Amiga can use WiFi external routers connected physically through Ethernet cable and talk with remote WiFi devices. Drivers are available for Prism2 internal PCI and PCMCIA WiFi expansion cards, but there are no drivers in partnership with ZhongAn Insurance (Chinese: 众安保险), in the event of network security issues. The WiFi Security Insurance holds the record of zero claims since its inception. Discover News Feed WiFi Master features a news feed in the app for users to discover and browse content upon getting connected online. WiFi tools In-built tools like WiFi speed test and WiFi signal test are also included in the app. WiFi Map In 2016, WiFi Master introduced a WiFi Map function in the app for users to find free and open hotspots available in the location. Later in June 2017, Facebook rolled format for Spanish contemporary music. That afternoon, channel 6 immediately picked up the abandoned format, becoming an affiliate of the Broadcast Architecture Smooth Jazz Network, and adopting the name "87.7 Chicago's Smooth Jazz". Channel 6 originally broadcast still photographs of Chicago and Jazz musicians on its video signal, since all television licensees are still required to transmit video while on air. In the summer of 2011, channel 6 began airing traffic maps and a weather scroll on its video signal. WNUA originally broadcast a mainstream jazz channel from Broadcast Architecture on its HD-2 channel of its HD radio signal, but Broadcom Crystal HD does video acceleration. Vulnerabilities in SoC WiFi stack In April 2017, Google's Project Zero investigated Broadcom's SoC WiFi stack and found that it lacked "all basic exploit mitigations - including stack cookies, safe unlinking and access permission protection," allowing "full device takeover by Wi-Fi proximity alone, requiring no user interaction." Numerous smartphones, such as by Apple, Samsung and Google were affected. Raspberry Pi Broadcom organizes the fabrication of the processor chip, most recently the BCM2837 chip and the wifi processor BCM43438, which is used by the charitable Raspberry Pi Foundation. The foundation requested help from Broadcom making | 4f566482-8c23-4637-b6b6-9e74f438f292 |
chgr73 | which causes him to drive recklessly and get into a motorbike accident. In the following episode, it is revealed that Chuck has an emotional disorder as a result of his losing Blair, and which now causes him to be numb to physical and emotional stimuli. Dan decides to help Chuck break through this emotional barrier, and gets him a dog, hoping to spark some emotion. However, it is only when Blair reveals to him that she is pregnant with Louis's baby does Chuck begin feel again – he is shown crying over the revelation at the end of the episode. aired on August 5, 2010 on Comedy Central and was viewed by an estimated 1.950 million viewers receiving a 1.3 rating/2% share in the Nielsen ratings and 1.0 rating/3% share in the 18-49 demographic, going down slightly from the previous week's episode.
The episode received mostly positive reviews from critics. Zack Handlen of The A.V. Club enjoyed the episode, rating it an A-, stating that the jokes were strong throughout the episode. Handlen felt the episode was "a return to pure wackiness" and found it a nice change of pace from the more emotional issues of the season. petition on June 22, 2007.
Joey Buttafuoco appeared in an episode of Judge Pirro, successfully suing an adult film actress for failure to pay an auto body bill.
Sixteen years after the incident, Mary Jo Buttafuoco wrote a book telling her story, Getting It Through My Thick Skull: Why I Stayed, What I Learned, and What Millions of People Involved with Sociopaths Need to Know. She was inspired to write the book after her son referred to her ex-husband as a sociopath. Not knowing what the word meant, she looked it up and had a realization leading to her going public with Ezzos wrote that leaving the infant "crying for 15, 20, even 30 minutes is not going to hurt your baby physically or emotionally." To counter the book's conclusions, Laura Bassi Zaff, PhD, an expert in childhood cognitive development, wrote that careful research has shown that leaving a baby crying may result in emotional harm, perhaps manifesting as "attachment disorder, or anxiety disorder, or crippling problems with self esteem and interpersonal relationships". Secular To create a secular version of the book, Gary Ezzo partnered with Robert Bucknam, a pediatrician from Louisville, Colorado, to write On Becoming Babywise: More Than a Survival of the ER's staff that day into emotional turmoil, with Kerry Weaver going from second-guessing Abby's posting of the letter (she quickly changes her mind and says it should stay up) to crying and stating her regrets to Sandy Lopez that she's lost a friend. This portion of the episode closely models the scene at the end of the film Mister Roberts, when Jack Lemmon's character, Ensign Pulver, reads two similar letters connected with the title character's death. It was also revealed in the episode by Susan Lewis that he died at the age of 38, making his birth year by series co-creator David Greenwalt and Christian Kane for Lindsey McDonald to perform on-stage in the Angel episode "Dead End". Thompson, who grew up doing musical theater, had begged Joss Whedon to allow her character to sing. Production details Joss Whedon admits he became emotional during the scene in which Fred dies: "I cried man tears when I wrote it, and when I filmed it and when I edited's one of the most beautiful things I've ever filmed." Amy Acker agrees, saying, "We kept crying while we were just reading the script; saying, 'We're not going to have any of glitter and Adele's own tears, as she almost broke down delivering her lovelorn plea to an ex-boyfriend" as stated by Neil McCormick of The Daily Telegraph. Speaking on the ITV2 after show, Adele explained why she had cried at the end of the performance saying, "I was really emotional by the end because I'm quite overwhelmed by everything anyway, and then I had a vision of my ex, of him watching me at home and he's going to be laughing at me because he knows I'm crying because of him, with him thinking, 'Yep, she's still wrapped around my the altar but cannot take her vows and chooses to be with Liam. The scenes formed the serial's annual "cliff-hanger" episode. While filming the wedding episode, the director chose to play a piece of emotional music. Whitehead said he had to stop himself from crying because he thought the music "perfectly" fitted what the characters were going through. Whitehead said the scenes that follow were a "cool" moment in which Liam puts Bianca "on the back of a Harley and riding off into the sunset". He also said the scenes were fun to play and a personal highlight.
Liam previously battled a guest-starring role. In addition, Paul Adelstein returned as Leo Bergen in an episode which aired in November.
It was reported on October 21, 2014, that Michael Trucco had been cast as Charles Putney, Abby's abusive ex-husband. Information about his character was that he is the youngest son of former Virginia Gov. James Putney and the ex-husband of Abby Whelan after he physically assaulted her in a drunken rage. He will appear in at least one episode of the fourth season. On November 4, 2014, it was announced that Khandi Alexander is going to return as Maya Lewis in the winter episode. Reviews "Crying Out Loud" received highly positive reviews from critics, with some labeling it the best episode of the season and praising the episode's emotional script and the physical comedy between Phil and Luke behind the screen.
Gwen Ihnat of The A.V. Club praised the episode, awarding it an A- grade. She praised the emotional scene between Haley and Alex as well as the Phil/Luke sequence, stating "This effective bit even achieved a larger purpose: bringing the girls together, and fulfilling Phil’s desire to hang out with the kids again, even for a single ditch day. Phil realizes that it | a3312e0e-d377-4c33-8911-826433f636ff |
chgt3s | toxins or impurities.
The elimination of micro-organisms by boiling follows first-order kinetics—at high temperatures, it is achieved in less time and at lower temperatures, in more time. The heat sensitivity of micro-organisms varies, at 70 °C (158 °F), Giardia species (causes Giardiasis) can take ten minutes for complete inactivation, most intestine affecting microbes and E. coli (gastroenteritis) take less than a minute; at boiling point, Vibrio cholerae (cholera) takes ten seconds and hepatitis A virus (causes the symptom of jaundice), one minute. Boiling does not ensure the elimination of all micro-organisms; the bacterial spores Clostridium can survive at 100 °C (212 °F) but are a sample for 30 minutes or more will kill virtually all vegetative cells present, but will not kill spores, which can germinate shortly thereafter and resume growth. Therefore, boiling is an insufficient method to achieve sterilization. Action on micro-organisms Moist heat causes destruction of micro-organisms by denaturation of macromolecules, primarily proteins. Destruction of cells by lysis may also play a role. While "sterility" implies the destruction of free-living organisms which may grow within a sample, sterilization does not necessarily entail destruction of infectious matter. Prions are an example of an infectious agent that can survive sterilization by moist heat, depending Metagenomics: An Alternative Approach to Genomics Synergic relationship of micro-organisms with ecosystem There are many micro-organisms that live in a symbiotic relationship with their hosts and thus it is difficult to culture them as they live in the environments which are tough to first of all be found and then to be cultured. Thus, the first application of the metagenomics is to extract those micro-organisms from their environments and thus help in sequencing the genome of those micro-organisms and making the world understand the symbiotic relationship of these micro-organisms with the ecosystem. The example of this type of study is come from the atmosphere, or from ice algae that grow on the surface in summer, which may eventually find their way into the caves through burial and melting. As a result, most micro-organisms there are chemolithoautotrophic i.e. microbes that get all of their energy from chemical reactions with the rocks, and that do not depend on any other lifeforms to survive. The organisms survive using CO₂ fixation and some may use CO oxidization for the metabolism. The main types of microbe found there are Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria. Named features Mount Erebus is large enough to have several named features yeasts and molds.
It involves quickly heating and then cooling of the product under controlled conditions which micro-organisms cannot survive. The batch is held at around 85–94 °C for approximately 30 seconds which is necessary to adequately reduce micro-organisms and prepare the formula for filling. Homogenization This is a process which increases emulsion uniformity and stability by reducing size of fat and oil particles in the formula. It is done with a variety of mixing equipment that applies shear to the product and this mixing breaks fat and oil particles into very small droplets. Standardization Standardization is used to ensure that the refrigerators became ubiquitous. They are still popular in France, where they are called confit. The preparation will keep longer if stored in a cold cellar or buried in cold ground. Fermentation Some foods, such as many cheeses, wines, and beers, use specific micro-organisms that combat spoilage from other less-benign organisms. These micro-organisms keep pathogens in check by creating an environment toxic for themselves and other micro-organisms by producing acid or alcohol. Methods of fermentation include, but are not limited to, starter micro-organisms, salt, hops, controlled (usually cool) temperatures and controlled (usually low) levels of oxygen. These methods are drive certain species to extinction; in 2018, researchers proposed a biobank repository of human microbiota. Enterotype An enterotype is a classification of living organisms based on its bacteriological ecosystem in the human gut microbiome not dictated by age, gender, body weight, or national divisions. There are indications that long-term diet influences enterotype. Three human enterotypes have been proposed, but their value has been questioned. Stomach Due to the high acidity of the stomach, most microorganisms cannot survive there. The main bacterial inhabitants of the stomach include: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Peptostreptococcus, and types of yeast. Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative spiral genus Astropecten. However, unlike other species in the same genus, A. articulatus consumes significantly more organisms. In a study investigating the stomach contents of 124 A. articulatus sea stars, scientists found that on average, each sea star has 12 organisms in its stomach, with the highest number of organisms recorded being 54. When comparing the number of organisms in the A. articulatus stomachs to another study investigating the stomach contents of A. auranciacus, it is revealed that the A. articulatus have much higher amounts. Also, one study investigating A. irregularis shows the same outcome, that there are more organisms in Jains are lacto-vegetarians but more devout Jains do not eat root vegetables because they believe that root vegetables contain a lot more micro-organisms as compared to other vegetables, and that, by eating them, violence of these micro-organisms is inevitable. So they focus on eating beans and fruits, whose cultivation do not involve killing of a lot of micro-organisms. No products obtained from dead animals are allowed, because when a living beings dies, a lot of micro-organisms (called as decomposers) will reproduce in the body which decomposes the body, and in eating the dead bodies, violence of decomposers is inevitable. Jain air, many organisms, such as the dung beetle, feed on it.
Yet another example is the community of micro-organisms in soil that live off leaf litter. Leaves typically last one year and are then replaced by new ones. These micro-organisms mineralize the discarded leaves and release nutrients that are taken up by the plant. Such relationships are called reciprocal syntrophy because the plant lives off the products of micro-organisms. Many symbiotic relationships are based on syntrophy. Biodegradation of pollutants Syntrophic microbial food webs can play an integral role in the breakdown of organic pollutants such as oils, aromatic compounds, and amino acids.
Environmental contamination | 63b6ddc9-3965-47f5-a486-2c01142712fc |
chh1c7 | list of possible human carcinogens in 2001 and a scientific review article from 2011 claimed epidemiology data was inconsistent and concluded that the IARC's decision to downgrade the carcinogenic potential of fiberglass was valid (however, this study was funded by sponsored research contract from the North American Insulation Manufacturer's Association).
In 1978, a highly texturized fiberglass fabric was invented by Bal Dixit, called Zetex. This fabric is lighter than asbestos, but offers the same bulk, thickness, hand, feel, and abrasion resistance as asbestos. The fiberglass was texturized to eliminate some of the problems that arise with fiberglass, such as poor abrasion offices) have a "duty to manage" asbestos on the premises by making themselves aware of its presence and ensuring the material does not deteriorate, removing it if necessary. Employers, e.g. construction companies, whose operatives may come into contact with asbestos must also provide annual asbestos training to their workers. Substitutes for asbestos in construction Fiberglass insulation was invented in 1938 and is now the most commonly used type of insulation material. The safety of this material has also been called into question due to similarities in material structure. However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer removed fiberglass from its the asbestos, either via chemical processes or by causing cement to attach to the fibers and changing their physical size; subsequent studies showed that this was untrue, and that decades-old asbestos cement, when broken, releases asbestos fibers identical to those found in nature, with no detectable alteration. Risks Exposure to asbestos in the form of fibers is always considered dangerous. Working with, or exposure to, material that is friable, or materials or works that could cause release of loose asbestos fibers, is considered high risk. However, in general, people who become ill from inhaling asbestos have been regularly exposed in Carathéodory is pressure-volume work. Another text considers asbestos and fiberglass as good examples of materials that constitute a practicable adiabatic wall.
The mechanical stream of thinking thus regards the adiabatic enclosure's property of not allowing the transfer of heat across itself as a deduction from the Carathéodory axioms of thermodynamics. and Mg²⁺. Several amphibole mineral species can have an asbestiform crystal habit. These asbestos minerals form long, thin, flexible, and strong fibres, which are electrical insulators, chemically inert and heat-resistant; as such, they have several applications, especially in construction materials. However, asbestos are known carcinogens, and cause various other illnesses, such as asbestosis; amphibole asbestos (anthophyllite, tremolite, actinolite, grunerite, and riebeckite) are considered more dangerous than chrysotile serpentine asbestos. Cyclosilicates Cyclosilicates, or ring silicates, have a ratio of silicon to oxygen of 1:3. Six-member rings are most common, with a base structure of [Si₆O₁₈]¹²⁻; examples include the tourmaline group and occupationally exposed, and residents who lived close to asbestos factories and mines.
During the 1980s and again in the 1990s, it was suggested at times that the process of making asbestos cement could "neutralize" the asbestos, either via chemical processes or by causing cement to attach to the fibers and changing their physical size; subsequent studies showed that this was untrue, and that decades-old asbestos cement, when broken, releases asbestos fibers identical to those found in nature, with no detectable alteration.
Exposure to asbestos in the form of fibers is always considered dangerous. Working with, or exposure to, material that is friable, EC) was in the process of submitting substantial scientific data in favour of the asbestos ban. 2000s: Canadian exports face mounting global criticism In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Government of Canada continued to claim that chrysotile was much less dangerous than other types of asbestos. Chrysotile continued to be used in new construction across Canada, in ways that are very similar to those for which chrysotile was exported. Similarly, Natural Resources Canada once stated that chrysotile, one of the fibres that make up asbestos, was not as dangerous as once thought. According to a fact sheet from the construction industry in thousands of materials. Some are judged to be more dangerous than others due to the amount of asbestos and the material's friable nature. Sprayed coatings, pipe insulation and Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) are thought to be the most dangerous due to their high content of asbestos and friable nature. Many older buildings built before the late 1990s contain asbestos. In the United States, there is a minimum standard for asbestos surveys as described by ASTM standard E 2356–18. In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive have issued guidance called HSG264 describing how surveys should be products, paper plants are highly flammable. Therefore, International Paper Company frequently used asbestos insulation in its walls, floors, and roofs as a protective measure. Asbestos insulation was also used on pipes and boilers throughout International Paper plants. This material intended to protect people turned out to severely damage their health The producers did not reveal that their asbestos products were dangerous, even though asbestos was known to cause illnesses as far back as the 1920s. Consequently, many former employees of International Paper have been diagnosed with mesothelioma following decades of service. Mill workers' strike In 1987, the company's paper asbestos brakes. Asbestos fibres are known for their carcinogenic properties. Fire dancing Wicks for fire dancing props are made of composite materials with Kevlar in them. Kevlar by itself does not absorb fuel very well, so it is blended with other materials such as fiberglass or cotton. Kevlar's high heat resistance allows the wicks to be reused many times. Frying pans Kevlar is sometimes used as a substitute for Teflon in some non-stick frying pans. Rope, cable, sheath The fiber is used in woven rope and in cable, where the fibers are kept parallel within a polyethylene sleeve. The cables | 1676c39b-a0ad-4607-bddc-bd2174d1d436 |
chh43r | and make the changes you have to make and be there and go, 'Okay, I did it.' It doesn't come that easy. [...] I just didn't hold back this time, and writing that way has made me feel really purified, like I've actually gotten a chance to break through instead of just wallowing in all of my problems. It's not about all the times that I've been afraid and tormented and sad, it's about looking at those situations and stomping them out. It feels really good to sing these songs now."
In a 2004 interview with MTV News, Amy Lee revealed concentrate. I feel like we're connecting." She called on her imagination, adding, "I do a lot of substituting. I think, 'What if Todd were a real person in my life?' The situations are so dramatic that in some ways it's easy to feel worked up."
Further differentiating Todd and Téa from other couples on the series was the application of theme music. Dark, sad but romantic theme music was applied to the pairing. Composer David Nichtern explained the emotion he wanted to convey. "This was kind of as close as we get to Todd 'romantic' music," he said. "It's still dark deal with her emotions. She said that for her, dancing is like therapy. "If I have a lot of nervous energy, when I start dancing, it all goes away and I just feel emotion. It's like a rollercoaster," she says. "People think that when you go through something in life you have to go to therapy. For me, art is therapy, because it's like you're expressing yourself in such a spiritual way. "Sometimes you don't need to use words to go through what you need to go through," she continues. "Sometimes it's an emotion you need to feel when you Look (2009 film) Plot Look is about a barmaid, Emma (Starina Johnson), who is caught in a daydream when interrupted by a lost model (Theresa Meeker). The desire for beauty reveals an unsettling emptiness.
In an interview with Matthew Saliba of Rogue Cinema, Pickett said, "I feel so alive as a director when making films like this. It's pure emotion. What can we tell you from just our eyes? What are you seeing with yours? Essentially what "Look" is about. Perception and how it works in our lives. The story was just part of the whole, I knew what I wanted I'm really proud of our lyrics in the past but this is just what came out. I don't need to hide behind anything any more. It's a bit of a leap to just go 'this is actually how I'm feeling.' I think now is the time to just be more open and honest with people. For myself it was important to say these things, but when it was done it was great to share it's okay to feel that way."
In mid-2018, The Twilight Sad played their first live shows for some 20 months. A new track, "The Arbor", was by people going through rough times like losing jobs and homes etc. Gaga further explained with Artistdirect that she wanted to write a beautiful record with "Just Dance". Being asked the reason for which "Just Dance" has become popular, Gaga said that she thought, "Everyone is looking for a song that really speaks to the joy in our souls and in our hearts and having a good time. It's just one of those records. It feels really good, and when you listen to it, it makes you feel good inside. It's as simple as that. I don't think it's rocket that we are going through. At the time [of recording], I was very closed off except for when I was writing or when I was in the studio."
She explained further, "I am a voice for women who feel like they're alone in these situations. This project came from emotion, and that's what I want it to be about – not what I look like or who I'm with, but the raw emotion and support for women." To NPR she added, "I feel like this is the era of the anti-star. I really just wanted it to be about the music, his depression forever. But soon enough, BoJack is back in the pit of despair, hating himself and hurting the people around him. It's a sad, familiar cycle. It's also what makes the show so good. 'BoJack Horseman' doesn't excuse bad behavior. But it certainly can help those who are struggling with the depression that can cause that bad behavior to feel less alone." the same as Orthodox Christian music”, says Trkulja.
"The predominant emotion in our tradition is an emotion weaved with spirituality, because our people couldn’t make music that was not close to their souls. What I personally as a musician like the most about these melodies is that they are infinite. They start and keep on going, they are endless as a prayer. At one moment it overwhelms you and you forget about yourself, about your ego, about your problems, about all the things that make you feel bad. It’s like you're bathing your soul in a pure, beautiful energy that nurtures is to make Canadians feel high and mighty about our perceived superiority. Not only is this untenable when the film turns its attention to American soldiers avoiding the Iraq war (that Afghanistan thing is, apparently, just a hiccup) but it allows people to relax and think that there are no real problems in our country - a self-deluding lie that papers over the real issues that face Canadians.
Nerenberg's own take on whether the film had actually captured something of a Canadian zeitgeist or genuinely presaged anything to come, when asked, was this: "Even if it's just a stab at capturing | ce7c869e-6073-48aa-81d3-a9a3ca9089c5 |
chh4lc | is a no-nonsense approach: here's how it is, you better believe it. It's not especially charming, but it certainly isn't boring – it's a rollicking roller-coaster ride through time, so much fun it doesn't even feel like school." Chris Harvey of The Daily Telegraph wrote, "His developing thesis was an enjoyable one, driven forward with the certainty that is Ferguson's style." Sun to run away from tiger!
Lotty Train
Make your adventure taking a small train.
Magic boats that take riders up and down while spinning around.
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Explore aquatic adventures. The only way to escape from the evil shark is to jump over it.
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A high-octane roller coaster. It rotates 360 degrees and even up to 540 degrees in some parts. The roller coaster passes through the building and is indoors, so it may feel like it might hit the building. You can also purchase photos taken while boarding at the exit. In 2017 roller coaster. The writers have a story to tell and it certainly isn't over yet, but when they pull stunts like this, you can't help but to sit and stare at your television and reflect on how attached you've grown to your favorite characters. Aside from having my heart ripped from my chest, it's good to see Cora back on our screens. Still as manipulative and cunning as ever, the Queen of Hearts cranked her pageant mom routine up to eleven in this episode. in, you poke a couple of questions...and it's like you know that train has started, the roller coaster, and you will be on it for at least two and a half hours. And that roller coaster of emotions and intellect is fused with the red lights. It's fused with the fact that this is live television. Those people are aware of it. You are aware of it. That is the great delight of it.
Frequent presenters of the series included Prof. Anthony Clare, Helena Kennedy QC, Prof. Sir Ian Kennedy, Sheena McDonald, Matthew Parris, John Underwood and Tony Wilson. Those who that her training took for granted that the process worked, and that the complexity of facilitation made it hard to realise that messages were coming from her expectations and not from her patients:
"When you're facilitating, you're so distracted by other things. You're carrying on conversations, you're asking and answering questions, you're trying to look at the person to see if they're looking at the keyboard...Your brain is so engaged that you lose sight of what's happening with your hand...that's what makes it feel like it's working because the more you practice it, the more the movements feel really fluid.”
Scott film 3.5 stars out of 4 and called it "painfully and unremittingly intense" and a "superb example of filmmaking craft." He also stated "when I walked out of the theater, there were knots in my stomach from the film's roller-coaster ride of violence." Walter Goodman of The New York Times said it was a "flaming, flashing, crashing, crackling blow-'em-up show that keeps you popping from your seat despite your better instincts and the basically conventional scare tactics." Time magazine featured the film on the cover of its July 28, 1986, issue, calling it the "summer's scariest movie". Time reviewer Richard January 2010, Ben-Yehuda Ayala said "Lopez sings, talk-sings and broods (within pop reason) on the subject of love," while Rap-Up said it is very much in keeping with the title, "a love roller coaster, taking you through the ups and downs of a relationship." Following her move to Island Def Jam, Lopez said she would still be pressing ahead with the album under the title Love?. "I just feel like it's an endlessly fascinating topic that all my albums have been about. It's still very confusing to me and so I explore that on this album, probably more than my not being "your typical swing set" commenting that "It’s not too intense for Mom or too dull for a teenager. It’s the perfect family ride - assuming your family has a strong stomach."
Gary Slade, the publisher of Amusement Today magazine, said that while SkyScreamer doesn't have the same drawing power as a new roller coaster, it still was the type of ride parks needed to install to keep guests returning. Slade said, in regards to the attraction at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, "I think it's really going to be a huge hit for them." of the film has been generally good. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes shows a 77% rating based on 61 reviews and an average rating of 7.4/10. Andrew O'Hehir at Salon Entertainment says "Neil Jordan's sweetly tragicomic movie" has "elaborate fantasy sequences [that] feel like irrelevant amusements." He also praises the film as "a compelling exploration of the permeable border between normal childhood and full-on insanity."
Jeffrey M. Anderson at Combustible Celluloid calls the film "a roller-coaster ride for your brain. It's the most alive and deeply-felt movie I've seen in 1998." Emanuel Levy at Variety says it is "Neil Jordan's most accomplished ride being the first of its kind in the world. With some stating that the roller coaster may become the "most intense" ever built. The coaster has generally been well received by the media and park goers. Tim Baldwin of RollerCoaster! Magazine who gave the ride more than a few "Bat-whirls" stated that "you really don’t know what to expect" and "it is just like summersaulting through the sky". Albert Salazar from San Antonio Current, didn't know what to expect as the roller coaster didn't look like any other roller coaster at the theme park as Batman offers a "unique | 863cbcd9-df6d-4055-a404-32b65c48343a |
chhfvo | seven minutes. Sodium–sulfur batteries have been used to store wind power. A 4.4 MWh battery system that can deliver 11 MW for 25 minutes stabilizes the output of the Auwahi wind farm in Hawaii.
Lithium–sulfur batteries were used on the longest and highest solar-powered flight. Lifetime Battery life (and its synonym battery lifetime) has two meanings for rechargeable batteries but only one for non-chargeables. For rechargeables, it can mean either the length of time a device can run on a fully charged battery or the number of charge/discharge cycles possible before the cells fail to operate satisfactorily. For a non-rechargeable these Electric vehicle battery Lead-acid Flooded lead-acid batteries are the cheapest and in past most common traction batteries available. There are two main types of lead-acid batteries: automobile engine starter batteries, and deep cycle batteries. Automobile alternators are designed to provide starter batteries high charge rates for fast charges, while deep cycle batteries used for electric vehicles like forklifts or golf carts, and as the auxiliary house batteries in RV's, require different multi-stage charging. No lead acid battery should be discharged below 50% of its capacity, as it shortens the battery's life. Flooded batteries require inspection of electrolyte level and occasional modern guns. During the First World War the naval front of the fortress was modernized almost completely. The new gun batteries can be divided into four types: heavy long range batteries, close range batteries, anti-landing batteries equipped with field guns and anti-aircraft batteries which appeared during the war for the first time. The naval front was divided into six sectors at the start of the war with sectors 1-4 comprising the old fortress, sector 5 Isosaari and sector 6 Melkki. The central fire control post was located in Vallisaari. As the new coastal forts were completed the organization changed and In-cell charge control In-Cell Charge Control or I-C3 is a method for very rapid charging of a Nickel-metal hydride battery, patented by Rayovac. Batteries using this technology are commonly sold as "15-minute rechargeables".
The charge control consists of a pressure switch built into the cell, which disconnects the charging current when the internal cell pressure rises above a certain limit (usually 200 to 300 psi or 1.4 to 2.1 MPa). This prevents overcharging and damage to the cell. zinc utilization in the batteries is improved. Leaks Alkaline batteries are prone to leaking potassium hydroxide, a caustic agent that can cause respiratory, eye and skin irritation. Risk of this can be reduced by not attempting to recharge disposable alkaline cells, not mixing different battery types in the same device, replacing all of the batteries at the same time, storing in a dry place and at room temperature, and removing batteries for storage of devices.
All batteries gradually self-discharge (whether installed in a device or not) and dead batteries will eventually leak. Extremely high temperatures can also cause batteries to rupture the effects of weak cells, dead cells with high resistance, or shorted cells. For example, stronger strings can discharge through weaker strings until voltage imbalances are equalized, and this must be factored into the individual inter-cell measurements within each string. Series new/old battery interactions Even just a single string of batteries wired in series can have adverse interactions if new batteries are mixed with old batteries. Older batteries tend to have reduced storage capacity, and so will both discharge faster than new batteries and also charge to their maximum capacity more rapidly than new batteries.
As a mixed string of new battery can be recycled. Elemental lead is toxic and should therefore be kept out of the waste stream.
Many cities offer battery recycling services for lead–acid batteries. In some jurisdictions, including U.S. states and Canadian provinces, a refundable deposit is paid on batteries. This encourages recycling of old batteries instead of abandonment or disposal with household waste. In the United States, about 99% of lead from used batteries is reclaimed.
Businesses that sell new car batteries may also collect used batteries (or be required to do so by law) for recycling. Some businesses accept old batteries on a "walk-in" basis, as opposed by Sanyo, under their Eneloop brand. By using an improved electrode separator and improved positive electrode, manufacturers claim the cells retain 70–85% of their capacity when stored one year at 20 °C (68 °F), compared to about half for normal NiMH batteries. They are otherwise similar to other NiMH batteries and can be charged in typical NiMH chargers. These cells are marketed as "hybrid", "ready-to-use" or "pre-charged" rechargeables. Retention of charge depends in large part on the battery's leakage resistance (the higher the better), and on its physical size and charge capacity.
Separators keep the two electrodes apart to slow electrical discharge while regular and heavy duty types, alkaline, and lithium.
Secondary, rechargeable, types include lead acid batteries, NiMH, NiCd batteries and lithium ion batteries. The choice of batteries will play a determining role in the size, weight, run time, and shape of the flashlight. Flashlight users may prefer a common battery type to simplify replacement.
Primary cells are most economical for infrequent use. Some types of lithium primary cell can be stored for years with less risk of leakage compared with zinc-type batteries. Long storage life is useful where flashlights are required only in emergencies. Lithium primary batteries are also useful at lower temperatures iron phosphate batteries have a simpler charging process, reduced risk of damage during charging and an overall reduced health risk in comparison with the lithium cobalt battery. The lithium iron phosphates are also rated for 2000 to 3000 cycles of full charge and discharge versus lithium cobalt’s typical range of 200 cycles.
For different types of batteries, a new battery compartment would need to be made. | b40930cc-e200-420c-9c58-ec1d138cbda8 |
chhg18 | and by the Piaroa Indians of southern Venezuela – provided the highly irritant hairs, the spiders' main defense system, are removed first. Arachnophobia Arachnophobia is a specific phobia—it is the abnormal fear of spiders or anything reminiscent of spiders, such as webs or spider-like shapes. It is one of the most common specific phobias, and some statistics show that 50% of women and 10% of men show symptoms. It may be an exaggerated form of an instinctive response that helped early humans to survive, or a cultural phenomenon that is most common in predominantly European societies. Spiders in culture Spiders have Arachnophobia Signs and symptoms People with arachnophobia tend to feel uneasy in any area they believe could harbor spiders or that has visible signs of their presence, such as webs. If arachnophobes see a spider, they may not enter the general vicinity until they have overcome the panic attack that is often associated with their phobia. Some people scream, cry, have emotional outbursts, experience trouble breathing, sweat, have increased heart rates, or even faint when they come in contact with an area near spiders or their webs. In some extreme cases, even a picture or a realistic drawing of a are also often more prone to excessive anxiety than non-gifted children. Other cases of anxiety arise from the child having experienced a traumatic event of some kind, and in some cases, the cause of the child's anxiety cannot be pinpointed.
Anxiety in children tends to manifest along age-appropriate themes, such as fear of going to school (not related to bullying) or not performing well enough at school, fear of social rejection, fear of something happening to loved ones, etc. What separates disordered anxiety from normal childhood anxiety is the duration and intensity of the fears involved. Spider bite Cause Spiders do not feed on humans and typically bites occur as a defense mechanism. This can occur from unintentional contact or trapping of the spider. Most spiders have fangs too small to penetrate human skin. Most bites by species large enough for their bites to be noticeable will have no serious medical consequences.
Medically significant spider venoms include various combinations and concentrations of necrotic agents, neurotoxins, and pharmacologically active compounds such as serotonin. Worldwide only two spider venoms have impact on humans—those of the widow and recluse spiders. Unlike snake and scorpion envenomation, widow and recluse species bites forward. Cruppers are seen most often on horse harnesses. They are also used on the surcingles of bitting rigs, riding saddles, and, occasionally, pack saddles.
A crupper needs to be snug enough to keep the saddle or harness in place, but not so tight that the horse is irritated or the skin of the tail is damaged. Cruppers are adjusted to engage only when needed; pressure is not meant to be constantly applied. If a crupper is too tight, it can cause severe chafing, discomfort and sores. If it is too loose, the saddle or harness may pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, breathing difficulties, convulsions, dizziness, redness on the affected area, headache, numbness, paresthesia (pins and needles), heartburn, diarrhea, and sweating. Rarely, such stings can cause temporary paralysis of the limbs, heart failure, and even death. Fatalities are common in very young children, the elderly, those with a weak immune system, or those who are allergic to their venom. Their venom is rarely fatal to healthy adults, but some species have enough venom to produce extreme discomfort for a period of several days. However, Pterois venom is a danger to allergic victims as they may experience anaphylaxis, a jellyfish stings are ten times as common as those from mollusc bites.
All octopuses are venomous, but only a few species pose a significant threat to humans. Blue-ringed octopuses (Hapalochlaena) from Australia and New Guinea have a powerful venom and warning coloration. They bite humans only if severely provoked, but their venom kills a quarter of the people bitten. Another tropical species, Octopus apollyon, causes severe inflammation that can last for over a month even if treated correctly. The bite of O. rubescens can cause necrosis that lasts longer than one month if untreated, and headaches and weakness persisting for up prescription to treat their pain causing them to be in severe discomfort via vomiting. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a big cause of emesis, and often can cause severe and frequent emetic responses. This is because chemotherapy agents circulating in the blood activate the CTZ in such a way as to cause emesis. Patients receiving chemotherapy are often prescribed antiemetic medications. as a way to allow more horses to live comfortably and safely in proximity to humans and other horses, and as an ethical means of population control, even within the animal rights community. However, a small number of horse owners are concerned that the process may cause pain for the animal or somehow lessen their vitality or spirit. While modern surgical procedures cause far less discomfort to the animal than more primitive methods, there is minor postoperative discomfort when the animal is in recovery.
Although castrations generally have few complications, there are risks. Castration can have complication such as swelling, hemorrhage Stress reduction Forms of stress may include having too much to do, too much complexity and conflicting demands among others. There are also stresses that come from the absence of elements such as human contact, a sense of achievement, constructive creative outlets, and occasions or circumstances that will naturally elicit positive emotions.
Stress reduction will involve reducing things that cause anxiety and increasing those that generate happiness. It is not enough to just reduce the anxiety. Co-morbid substance use disorder Co-occurring substance misuse disorders, which are extremely common in bipolar patients can cause a significant worsening of bipolar symptomatology and can | 3e2e58fa-6cea-4782-a0d2-b7a7fd7a854c |
chhg5z | teenyverse.
Following Morty's demand (and several months trapped in the primordial teenyverse), Rick and Zeep put aside their differences and create a way to get back to Zeep's world. However, when they get back, Zeep attempts to kill Rick and Morty by destroying his miniverse while they are still inside, but fails, after a brawl with Rick that ultimately defeats him. After Rick and Morty safely make their way back to their universe, Zeep realises he must stop his experimentation with miniverse technology or Rick would "toss a broken battery" and in doing so destroy his entire universe.
Back in the parking the previous episode of Rick and Morty Season 2 and two episodes of Robot Chicken Season 8. The late night block airs the next episode of Rick and Morty Season 2, Robot Chicken Season 9, Dream Corp LLC Season 2 and Rick and Morty Season 1. On the same day, Samurai Jack came to All 4. The Robot Chicken Star Wars special aired on E4 on 4 May 2019 at midnight. From June 2019, The Eric Andre Show replaced DreamCorp LLC in the E4 block.
On 15 May 2019, it was announced at the WarnerMedia Upfront 2019 that Season 4 Ridley, and Steven Universe producer, Jackie Buscarino. He stated at the Rick and Morty panel at San Diego Comic-Con International 2014 that one of his main influences was Pendleton Ward and that he enjoyed watching The Ren & Stimpy Show as a child. In his interview to The Rolling Stone he stated that he enjoys making cartoons and games as it lets him do all the work in his apartment, without a need to leave his house.
On August 25, 2016, Roiland launched virtual reality studio Squanchtendo, a portmanteau of the company Nintendo and Rick and Morty character Squanchy. It was The Ricks Must Be Crazy Plot After viewing "Ball Fondlers: The Movie" in an alternate dimension, Rick, Morty and Summer discover that Ricks car won't start because its battery is malfunctioning. Rick takes Morty inside the car battery to repair it and leaves Summer waiting in the car after giving it the instruction "Keep Summer safe." Morty discovers that the car battery is actually a 'microverse battery', containing an entire universe to supply power to the car. Rick gave "gooble box" technology to an intelligent species to generate electricity but unbeknownst to them, Rick takes a majority of the generated indebted to The Simpsons, a factor he acknowledged in a 2013 interview, while also comparing his style to that of Pendleton Ward (Adventure Time) and J. G. Quintel (Regular Show): "You'll notice mouths are kind of similar and teeth are similar, but I think that's also a stylistic thing that... all of us are kind of the same age, and we're all inspired by The Simpsons and all these other shows we're kind of subconsciously tapping into." John Kricfalusi's The Ren & Stimpy Show was another strong influence for Rick and Morty, which is why, according to Roiland, the small Morty, Cop Rick is forced to kill him, then surrenders himself expecting punishment. Instead, he is cleared of all charges due to recent changes in departmental codes. Stand by Morty The students of Morty Academy are told they will graduate and be assigned a new Rick the following day. Upon hearing this, a group of Mortys led by the rebellious Slick Morty decide to search for the mythical Wishing Portal. At the Wishing Portal the next day, they decide to sacrifice something important in order to make their wishes come true, which each of them, bar Slick, immediately do. Slick, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Gameplay Using HTC Vive, PlayStation VR or Oculus Rift, the player controls V.R. Morty, the clone of Morty Smith, the grandson of mad scientist Rick Sanchez. The clone was created to help Rick and Morty with menial tasks, such as laundry and spaceship repair. He is given a wristwatch from which a hologram of Rick appears to relay orders. Movement from one spot to another is done by warping, and a being called Mr. Youseeks can be summoned to aid in unreachable chores. Plot Rick creates a clone of his grandson Morty in their garage, The Rickshank Rickdemption Plot During Rick Sanchez's incarceration, the Galactic Federation has colonized Earth and the Smith family attempts to cope with his absence. Summer exhumes the remains of alternate Rick in their backyard, intending to use his portal gun and rescue him. Morty, however, attempts to reveal Rick's shortcomings to Summer by taking her to his original dimension - now a universe where Earth has been transformed into a wasteland by a virus turning all humans to hideous monsters as a consequence of Rick's carelessness (referred to as "the Cronenberg World"). All the while, Galactic Federation scientists attempt to The Ricklantis Mixup Plot As Rick and Morty prepare for an adventure to Atlantis, they are interrupted by another Rick and Morty looking for donations to the Citadel Redevelopment Fund. Morty wonders what is occurring in the Citadel. The Campaign In the under-reconstruction Citadel, an election is ongoing to elect a President following the deaths of the Council of Ricks; contention surrounds the concept that the Morty Party has submitted a candidate alongside the various Rick candidates. Candidate Morty wins the crowd over at the debates, but abruptly fires his Campaign Manager. Later, Campaign Manager Morty is approached by Investigator Pilot (Rick and Morty) Plot Rick establishes himself as a bad influence on his grandson Morty when it is discovered that Morty has missed a semester of school in the time he's spent on adventures with Rick. Rick takes Morty to another dimension, known as Dimension 35-C, which has the perfect conditions for growing "Mega Trees", which Rick requires for his research. In order to get past intergalactic customs, Morty hides the Mega Tree seeds in his rectum, but when their cover is blown, Rick and Morty escape while engaging in a shootout with bureaucratic alien insects. Ultimately, the seeds | 675fe92e-5361-47cb-a4fa-6aa431fa9bad |
chhoys | structure substitution theory (CSS) describes the relationship between earnings, stock price and capital structure of public companies. The theory is based on one simple hypothesis: company managements manipulate capital structure such that earnings-per-share (EPS) are maximized. The resulting dynamic debt-equity target explains why some companies use dividends and others do not. When redistributing cash to shareholders, company managements can typically choose between dividends and share repurchases. But as dividends are in most cases taxed higher than capital gains, investors are expected to prefer capital gains. However, the CSS theory shows that for some companies share repurchases lead to a reduction investments (like real estate properties) are taxed at regular corporate income tax rate of 15%.
The inbound dividends are not taxed in the hands of Latvian company (except, the dividends received from the low-tax jurisdiction). The outbound dividends are no subject to any taxes, except the dividends payable to the low-tax jurisdiction (15%).
In the hands of individuals the capital gains are taxed at 15%, the dividends – 10%. Malaysia There is no capital gains tax for equities in Malaysia. Malaysia used to have a capital gains tax on real estate but the tax was repealed in April 2007. However, a real days later. Nearly all of the cuts (individual rates, capital gains, dividends, estate tax) were to expire after 2010.
Among other provisions, the act accelerated certain tax changes passed in the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, increased the exemption amount for the individual Alternative Minimum Tax, and lowered taxes of income from dividends and capital gains. JGTRRA continued on the precedent established by the 2001 EGTRRA, while increasing tax reductions on investment income from dividends and capital gains. JGTRRA accelerated the gradual rate reduction and increase in credits passed in EGTRRA. The maximum tax rate decreases originally capital gains tax decreased from rates of 8%, 10%, and 20% to 5% and 15%. Capital gains taxes for those currently paying 5% (in this instance, those in the 10% and 15% income tax brackets) are scheduled for elimination in 2008. However, capital gains taxes remain at the regular income tax rate for property held less than one year. Certain categories, such as collectibles, remained taxed at existing rates, with a 28% cap. In addition, taxes on "qualified dividends" reduced to the capital gains levels. "Qualified dividends" includes most income from non-foreign corporations, real estate investment trusts, and credit union the company. They asserted that dividend policies are basically meaningless because they have no effect on corporate values under the control of the entire capital market. However, this theory has a problem that it is based on unrealistic assumptions.
Corporate dividend policy is a very important issue for shareholders, as most countries treat dividends and capital gains differently in income tax. In many countries, ordinary income tax rates are applied for dividends, while far lower tax rates apply for capital gains. This means that the tax authorities are imposing some sort of dividend penalty on the payment of dividends, so dividend. Dividends are taxable in the year that they are paid, while returns of capital work by decreasing the cost basis by the amount of the payment, and thus increasing the shareholder's eventual capital gain. Although most qualified dividends receive the same favorable tax treatment as long-term capital gains, the shareholder can defer taxation of a return of capital indefinitely by declining to sell the stock. History From 1913 to 1921, capital gains were taxed at ordinary rates, initially up to a maximum rate of 7%. The Revenue Act of 1921 allowed a tax rate of 12.5% gain for assets be eliminated in 2008. However, capital gains taxes remain at the regular income tax rate for property held less than one year.
Certain categories, such as collectibles, remained taxed at existing rates, with a 28% cap. In addition, taxes on "qualified dividends" were reduced to the capital gains levels. "Qualified dividends" includes most income from non-foreign corporations, real estate investment trusts, and credit union and bank "dividends" that are nominally interest. Tax bracket comparison The tax cuts enacted by this legislation were retroactive to January 1, 2003 and first applied to taxes filed for the 2003 tax year. These individual rate currency deposit system is taxed at the rate of 15%.
Income from long-term deposits and investments, when pre-terminated in less than three years after making such deposit or investment, is taxed at the rate of 20%; less than four years, 12%; and, less than five years, 5%. Dividends Cash and property dividends are taxed at the rate of 10%. Capital gains Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock not traded in stock exchange are taxed at the rate of 15%.
Capital gains from the sale of real property are taxed at the rate of 6%, except when such proceeds would material participation in an S corporation or partnership. Portfolio income is derived from investments such as dividends, interest, capital gains, and some royalties. was owned outright, gains would not be tax deferred, but may qualify for the more favorable capital gains tax rate. US Taxation While the taxes on gains are deferred, earnings are taxed at an individual's ordinary income tax rate as opposed to capital gains and qualified stock dividends which are tax at lower capital gains rates. Also annuities do not qualify for a step in basis at the owner's death while most stock, bond and real estate investments are. Any earnings will be tax at the beneficiary's ordinary income tax rate. | e9217f76-bd77-47f2-b7d4-26a7fe21f139 |
chhq7q | My Kinda Love Lyrics My kinda love,
your kinda love
Keeps me believing,
although you're deceiving
My kinda love,
one way to paradise
My kinda lips,
your kinda lips
When love comes stealing,
encourage that feeling
My kinda love,
one way to paradise
Although you're happy today
You may be gone tomorrow
Love comes but once,
don't be a dunce
When you need it,
steal it, beg or borrow
I'm fond of you,
you're fond of me
Tell me you love me
and hug me and squeeze me
My kinda love,
one way to paradise in any of the vestibular, visual, or proprioceptive systems. Abnormalities in balance function may indicate a wide range of pathologies from causes like inner ear disorders, low blood pressure, brain tumors, and brain injury including stroke.Presyncope
Pre-syncope is a feeling of lightheadedness or simply feeling faint. Syncope, by contrast, is actually fainting. A circulatory system deficiency, such as low blood pressure, can contribute to a feeling of dizziness when one suddenly stands up. Diagnosis The difficulty of making the right vestibular diagnosis is reflected in the fact that in some populations, more than one third of the patients with a dextrorphan (DXO), a metabolite produced when dextromethorphan is metabolized by the body. Both dextrorphan and dextromethorphan are NMDA receptor antagonists, like the dissociative hallucinogenic drugs ketamine and PCP, although dextrorphan is more potent than its "parent molecule" dextromethorphan.
As NMDA receptor antagonists, dextrorphan and dextromethorphan inhibit the excitatory amino acid and neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain. This can effectively slow, or even shut down certain neural pathways, preventing areas of the brain from communicating with each other. This leaves the user feeling dissociated or disconnected, experienced as brain fog or derealization.
Dextromethorphan's euphoric effects have sometimes been attributed to an increase in Throw It in the Bag Music video The video for "Throw It In The Bag" was released on May 28, 2009, and was directed by Erik White. It features Claudia Jordan as a thief who is stealing from a jewelry store. Talking about Vazi A's character in the video, Fabolous says "I'm kinda feelin' cats. I'm feeling her integrity, I'm feeling her style, I'm feeling her going out and taking what she wants. By the end of the video, I'm kinda looking past her being this big thief, and maybe next time she throws things in the bag is because prevent players from suffering motion sickness while playing the game. They eventually discovered that having the player see the eagle's beak prevented them from feeling nauseous as it is a fixed reference point that allows players to anchor their perspective. The team also investigated causes of motion sickness, and concluded that reduced peripheral vision, by having a dynamic vision-blocking system, can also help solve the problem. To ensure that the brain would not feel queasiness, the team tried to create a consistent experience to ensure that instances of seeing but not feeling motion would not occur. The team programmed the Sports-related traumatic brain injury Signs and symptoms in sports Signs and symptoms of concussions can be hard to determine because they may not present strongly and because they may not present for several hours after the incident has occurred. There are 4 categories that symptoms of a concussion can be classified within: physical, cognitive, emotional and sleep disturbance. The most common symptom is a headache as well as the feeling of being “fog like”. Other, more subtle symptoms that can accompany headaches are emotional changes, irritability, slowed reaction times and drowsiness. Accompanying symptoms can include sensitivity to light, Epileptogenesis Epileptogenesis is the gradual process by which a normal brain develops epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic condition in which seizures occur. These changes to the brain occasionally cause neurons to fire in a hyper-synchronous manner, known as a seizure. Causes The causes of epilepsy are broadly classified as genetic, structural/metabolic, or unknown. Anything that causes epilepsy causes epileptogenesis, because epileptogenesis is the process of developing epilepsy. Structural causes of epilepsy include neurodegenerative diseases, traumatic brain injury, stroke, brain tumor, infections of the central nervous system, and status epilepticus (a prolonged seizure or a series of seizures occurring to environmental changes. The Protoself does not require language in order to function, moreover it is a direct report of one's experience.
In this state, emotion begins to manifest itself as second-order neural patterns located in subcortical areas of the brain. Emotion acts as a neural object, from which a physical reaction can be drawn. This reaction causes the organism to become aware of the changes that are affecting it. From this realization, springs Damasio's notion of “feeling”. This occurs when the patterns contributing to emotion manifest as mental images, or brain movies. When the of bladder control or pelvic pain similar to that of uterine cramps. Dilation of blood vessels around the brain may cause headaches. A feeling of anxiety or of "impending doom" has also been described. Causes Anaphylaxis can occur in response to almost any foreign substance. Common triggers include venom from insect bites or stings, foods, and medication. Foods are the most common trigger in children and young adults while medications and insect bites and stings are more common in older adults. Less common causes include: physical factors, biological agents such as semen, latex, hormonal changes, food additives such as monosodium a stocking or glove without actually doing so.
A neurologic syndrome called Lyme encephalopathy is associated with subtle memory and cognitive difficulties, insomnia, a general sense of feeling unwell, and changes in personality. However, problems such as depression and fibromyalgia are as common in people with Lyme disease as in the general population.
Lyme can cause a chronic encephalomyelitis that resembles multiple sclerosis. It may be progressive and can involve cognitive impairment, brain fog, migraines, balance issues, weakness in the legs, awkward gait, facial palsy, bladder problems, vertigo, and back pain. In rare cases, untreated Lyme disease may cause frank psychosis, which | f87096d3-5ecd-43d1-ae6c-d602fad86c57 |
chhvfr | other methods to make money. Begging or panhandling is one option, but is becoming increasingly illegal in many cities. Despite the stereotype, not all homeless people panhandle, and not all panhandlers are homeless. Another option is busking: performing tricks, playing music, drawing on the sidewalk, or offering some other form of entertainment in exchange for donations. In cities where plasmapheresis (blood donation) centers still exist, homeless people may generate income through visits to these centers.
Homeless people can also provide waste management services to earn money. Some homeless people find returnable bottles and cans and bring them to recycling centers to wide range of containers (plastic, aluminum, and glass) since 1989. All ready-to-drink beverages, wine, and liquor are included in the program. Milk, milk products, and juice extracts are excluded. The deposit is the same for all bottles and cans, ISK 16.
The recycling rate per product is approximately 90% aluminum, 87% PET, and 83% glass. Israel In Israel, there is a 0.30-shekel (₪) deposit on beverage containers over 100ml and under 5L, except for dairy products. The system is operated by the ELA Recycling Corporation, a private non-profit organization owned by Israel's beverage manufacturers. Businesses are required to accept bottles if they through local recycling programs that offer incentives, particularly for aluminium cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles. In New York, an expanded bottle bill that included plastic water bottles increased recycling rates and generated 120 million dollars in revenue to the state General Fund from unclaimed deposits in 2010.
In some countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, container deposit legislation has been introduced on cans and plastic bottles. Parts of Belgium are also considering adopting such legislation. People can thus collect refund value money from this type of waste. The result of this is that in Germany, hardly any cans or recycled and 2,680,359 tons of municipal waste was incinerated. Recycling In Switzerland, the following common household waste materials are recycled: aluminium and tin cans, old batteries, light bulbs, glass, paper, PET bottles, textiles, electrical and electronic equipment, and other. The disposal of recyclable waste is mostly free of charge, though not always operated as door-to-door collection. Some waste must be brought to collection spots (e.g. glass, metal, textiles), some is collected in supermarkets or retail shops (e.g. batteries, PET bottles, old electrical and electronic equipment).
The seven Swiss recycling organisations: FERRO-Recycling (tin cans), IGORA (household aluminium), INOBAT (household batteries), PET-Recycling deposit laws have been adopted in many developed countries (sometimes by provincial and municipal governments) starting in the 1970s. These laws mandate that retailers must charge a deposit on certain types of containers or for certain products; retailers are then required to accept empty bottles or cans for recycling and refund the deposit. A government fund mediates any imbalances caused by buying containers at one retailer and returning them to another, and also retains the profit from unreturned containers. Reverse vending machines are often used to automate this process. The machines scan the bar code on cans and bottles to the Scottish and Southern Energy group.
Waste management is handled by Dundee City Council. There is a kerbside recycling scheme that currently only serves 15,500 households in Dundee. Cans, glass and plastic bottles are collected on a weekly basis. Compostable material and non-recyclable material are collected on alternate weeks. Paper is collected for recycling on a four-weekly basis.
Recycling centres and points are at a number of locations in Dundee. Items accepted include steel and aluminium cans, cardboard, paper, electrical equipment, engine oil, fridges and freezers, garden waste, gas bottles, glass, liquid food and drinks cartons, plastic bottles, plastic carrier bags, rubble, BC has contracts with private companies which operate recycling depots and are paid by the kilogram per material type. Most of these recycling depots also act as Return-It depots to collect bottles and cans with deposits. Most depots accept curbside recycling items; however, some only collect polystyrene foam, plastic bags and glass (in some communities). In June 2018, a pilot program began at 116 depots in the province to collect flexible plastics. Items accepted in this new program include cellophane, zipper storage bags, bubble wrap, chip bags. granola bar wrappers, net bags for produce, plastic shipping envelopes and woven rice the aluminium of a traditional beer can, which provides for increased insulation. C2C bottles use 30%-40% to less aluminium than impact extruded aluminium bottles. Exal Corporation has pioneered the use C2C technology to manufacture aluminium bottles.
In terms of sustainability aluminium bottles and cans are the most desirable product in the recycling stream as the use of recycled aluminium requires only 5% of the energy required to manufacture virgin aluminium. According to, each year the US aluminium industry pays $800 million for empty aluminium bottles and cans. This is for the benefit of communities, industry and the environment. can could not release and the metal changed the taste. The first firm to successfully introduce cans was the Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company of Newark, New Jersey in 1935. Since the 12-ounce cans were much smaller and lighter than glass bottles, they could more easily be packaged and transported. However, bottlers soon started selling "one-way" bottles as well. Now, bottles and cans did not have a brand logo anymore, but an engravement that said: "No Deposit, No Return". In the early 1950s, disposable cans and bottles made up 30% of beer that was sold packaged. Technological advances made disposable bottles the Estonian Retailers Association.
In 2015, 90% of all PET bottles, 70% of all aluminum cans and 87% of all glass bottles sold in Estonia were returned for recycling and/or reuse. The overall return rate was 82.3%. Fiji The United Nations Development Programme had funded a feasibility study to look at the possibility of establishing a deposit-return system in Fiji, building on the experience gained from their successful projects in Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia.
In 2011, the Fijian Government approved the Environment Management Waste Disposal and Recycling Amendment Regulations 2011, and the Environment Management Container Deposit Regulations 2011. The | ceb87770-9c20-4424-aa81-b5128a95e78e |
chi09x | Fairford stained glass Survival over the centuries The glass survived the Reformation when many images in English churches were destroyed. In 1642, during the Civil War, they narrowly avoided destruction when the Roundhead army was marching on the nearby town of Cirencester. It was customary at that time for cavalry of both sides to convert churches into temporary stables and barracks with little regard paid to the fabric of the buildings. The more puritan elements amongst the Roundheads were opposed to the pre-Reformation's so-called idolatrous imagery, making it likely that the stained glass would be destroyed. However, on the quick-thinking you, the transmitter control console to your left, and another glass door (this one into the control room) on your right. About halfway down the long paneled lobby wall was a door into the production room. The offices were straight ahead of you when you entered the building. They were also behind a glass wall. Everything was open and airy.
The transmitter and control boards were all custom made… not just the internal electronics but also the visible surfaces… made of grooved gold anodized aluminum. I had never seen a board with sliding pots before [pots 1990s, the glass was made reflective so outsiders cannot see the interior of the building.
Nikolaus Pevsner described the building as an "all-glass front, absolutely flush, with rounded corners and translucent glass and black glass" and "a most impressive sight from the street, particularly when lit up at night."
The Express Building influenced Norman Foster during his youth, describing "I was very taken with the Daily Express building, for example, from the Thirties, wonderfully curved with black glass." "I knew it was there, and I went looking for it. It was not in a part of town that you could just stumble visibility overall. Watch glasses are also sometimes used to cover a glass of whisky, to concentrate the aromas in the glass, and to prevent spills when the whisky is swirled. Watch glasses are named so because they are similar to the glass used for the front of old-fashioned pocket watches. In reference to this, large watch glasses are occasionally known as clock glasses. Uses One of the generic uses of a watch glass as mentioned previously includes as a lid for beakers. In this case a watch glass is placed above the container, which makes it easier to control and hypothesis. The Red Queen hypothesis predicts that sexual reproduction allows a host to stay just ahead of its parasite, similar to the Red Queen's race in Through the Looking-Glass: "it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place". The host reproduces sexually, producing some offspring with immunity over its parasite, which then evolves in response.
The parasite–host relationship probably drove the prevalence of sexual reproduction over the more efficient asexual reproduction. It seems that when a parasite infects a host, sexual reproduction affords a better chance of developing resistance (through variation in the next generation), giving Still hunting is done by tracking animals down by looking for their tracks, droppings, mating signs, etc. and following this sign very carefully. When following the animal sign it is important to walk very slowly and very quietly while constantly scanning for movement and wildlife. It is also important to stop frequently to watch and listen for wildlife around you. Wind direction is another important aspect of still hunting because if the wind is blowing in the direction that you are walking, it is likely that the animal that you are hunting will smell you and scurry before you ever sort of like I was dazed, you know, looking straight ahead, almost like mesmerized. And I don't know if anybody's ever experienced like driving a long period of time in a car and staring at the taillights in front of them, and you get almost like that hypnotic feeling staring straight ahead ... I was just staring straight ahead ... [it was] that hypnotized feeling, dazed, that's what I was [feeling].
It was interrupted when, he felt, "something wasn't right with [the train]." Linda Smith, of Newburgh, who had boarded the train at Beacon with her sister Donna to see liquid, in this case, oil and water. In water, the glass rods are visible because the refractive index of water is different for water and glass. In the oil, however, the glass rods seem to disappear because they have a refractive index very similar to that of glass, so the light doesn't bend as it crosses the glass/oil interface. Electrification Glass rods can also be used to demonstrate electrification by friction. This occurs when there are two surfaces rubbing together. In this instance, rubbing a glass rod with silk transfers a negative charge from it. This effect is known as alter vapour saturation conditions. Moreover, a watch glass is often used to house solids being weighed on the scale. Prior to weighing desired amount of solid, a watch glass is placed on the scale, followed by taring or zeroing the scale so that only the weight of the sample substance is obtained. Not only can a watch glass be used for observing precipitation patterns and crystals, it can also be used for drying solids. When further drying is required, a watch glass is often used in cases where a particular type of solid needs to be separated from its comparatively to the table, he gets a waiter (Steve Lemme) to spill a glass of water on her, just to watch her overreact. She is not amused by the prank, and tells him he needs to get his life together instead of just watching movies and playing immature games. He casually breaks up with her, telling her she is not enough like Katharine Ross in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Back at the store, Neil is watching a film with his friend/employee Jonathan (Jason Sudeikis), when femme fatale Violet (Lucy Liu) makes her entrance, turning his head. Violet has no identification | f3086776-cda8-41c0-8a0d-4347c1938e20 |
chiaki | organic status makes them unique. In October of 2001, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) decided that ‘aquatic animals’ (i.e. fish and shellfish) cannot be ‘organic’. Because in the field of wild fish, there are many problems that cannot be solved. Wild aquatic animals survive in the contaminated water, and the food they eat does not have any medical health protection under that polluted environment. Therefore, people cannot make sure they are safe. Even for the farming fish, the living environment also has higher risky to be polluted which cannot be controlled since the site of the explosion was flourishing with wildlife in 2012 as birds nested in the wrecked nuclear plant, and plants and mushrooms lived in and on the site. A 2015 study found similar numbers of mammals in the zone compared to nearby similar nature reserves and the wildlife population was probably higher than it had been before the accident.
Due to the bioaccumulation of caesium-137, some mushrooms as well as wild animals which eat them, e.g. wild boars hunted in Germany and deer in Austria, may have levels which are not considered safe for human consumption. Mandatory radioactivity testing of source reported that thousands of people who drank milk contaminated with radioactive iodine developed thyroid cancer. The exclusion zone (approx. 30 km radius around Chernobyl) may have significantly elevated levels of radiation, which is now predominantly due to the decay of cesium-137, for around 10 half-lives of that isotope, which is approximately for 300 years.
Due to the bioaccumulation of cesium-137, some mushrooms as well as wild animals which eat them, e.g. wild boars hunted in Germany and deer in Austria, may have levels which are not considered safe for human consumption. Mandatory radiation testing of sheep in parts of the UK social tolerance. Diet Mostly herbivorous, groundhogs eat primarily wild grasses and other vegetation, including berries and agricultural crops, when available. In early spring, dandelion and coltsfoot are important groundhog food items. Some additional foods include sheep sorrel, timothy-grass, buttercup, tearthumb, agrimony, red and black raspberries, mulberries, buckwheat, plantain, wild lettuce, all varieties of clover, and alfalfa. Groundhogs also occasionally eat grubs, grasshoppers, insects, snails and other small animals, but are not as omnivorous as many other Sciuridae.
Groundhogs will occasionally eat baby birds they come upon by accident. An adult groundhog will eat more than a pound of vegetation daily. In poison. Over a low fire the purified extract in time became a thickened liquid; it was then brushed onto arrow heads and dart points for use in hunting. Curare acts quickly as a paralysing poison when it directly enters the bloodstream. It is apparently safe to be taken orally, so that "one can drink the poison without being harmed". Hence wild birds and animals caught by using curare are safe to eat. Years earlier Córdova had learned how to make it.
Córdova was taught the art of the curare extract by Izidoro, who called it "winged death". Izidoro was chief of at least partially, the brain of some species of monkey or ape. In Western popular culture, its consumption is repeatedly portrayed and debated, often in the context of portraying exotic cultures as exceptionally cruel, callous, and/or strange.
Monkeys are revered animals in India, largely because of the monkey god Hanuman. Most Hindus are vegetarian and do not eat any kind of meat, including monkeys. Meat eating Indians also do not kill or eat monkeys. Killing and eating monkeys (or other animals which are considered wild) is a taboo and illegal in India. Offal Offal is the internal organs of butchered animals, Big Bear Alpine Zoo History The Big Bear Alpine Zoo has been saving alpine wildlife since 1959. Originally it was not a zoo, but a safe place for injured animals to rehabilitate and get a second chance back in the wild. The facility is owned and operated by Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District, a Special District of the County of San Bernardino. The Big Bear Alpine Zoo is a rehabilitation facility offering injured, orphaned and imprinted wild animals a safe haven; temporarily while they heal or permanently as they are unable to survive on their Chipangali Mission Wherever possible, rescued animals and birds are rehabilitated and returned to the wild. If safe release into their natural habitat is not possible, animals are cared for and kept for educational purposes and zoological study. In the case of endangered species, captive breeding programs may also be undertaken.
Since 1973, Chipangali has been a haven for wild animals which have little hope for survival in the wild – creatures which have been orphaned, abandoned, injured, born in captivity or brought up unsuccessfully as pets. It is often the last refuge for those brought in sick or injured, and increasingly to do so would bring the hunter poor luck. Neither the bones nor the carcasses of fur-bearing animals may be fed to dogs, but must be cached in a safe place. Should the dogs get them the hunter will take no more fur. Women of child-bearing age did not eat bear (Grizzly or Alaskan brown bear and black bear). Young boys could not eat fat from around an animal's eye until adulthood. No animals except dogs could be brought up as pets. Christianity The Interior Athabaskans for the most part were contacted and missionized by Roman Catholic (for Koyukon Athabaskans), observed pig to primate transmission without physical contact, but no evidence has been found of primates being infected without actual contact, even in experiments where infected and uninfected primates shared the same air. Initial case Although it is not entirely clear how Ebola initially spreads from animals to humans, the spread is believed to involve direct contact with an infected wild animal or fruit bat. Besides bats, other wild animals sometimes infected with EBOV include several monkey species, chimpanzees, gorillas, baboons, and duikers.
Animals may become infected when they eat fruit partially eaten by bats carrying the virus. Fruit production, animal | a539e5ef-6a20-433f-be62-563cc9ad1ae9 |
chibyp | b respectively). Since both proteins are necessary for the synthesis of red pigmentation in the eyes, if a given fly is homozygous for either a or b, it will have white eyes.
Knowing this, the geneticist may perform a complementation test on two separately obtained strains of pure-breeding white-eyed flies. The test is performed by crossing two flies, one from each strain. If the resulting progeny have red eyes, the two strains are said to complement; if the progeny have white eyes, they do not.
If the strains complement, we imagine that one strain must have a genotype aa in use of lighting levels.
Generally speaking, when people are working on computers their eyes move from the screen, to the background and to adjacent visual attractions. Each time the eye moves, it adjusts to the new lighting level. If the degree of adaptation between visual tasks is too great, eye strain, fatigue and stress result. Similarly, a significant cause of eye strain for computer users is reflected light from poorly placed light fixtures on glass screens. Glare and brightness ratios provide guidelines for lighting schemes within libraries to minimise eye strain. Considering these ratios in balancing different light sources can make their move, they will be looking you straight in the eyes, while aiming, with tail raised high, their potent "weapon" directly at your eyes simultaneously. (They do the same in the wild when threatened; baby skunks are trained in this manner by their mothers.)
It is better to avoid playing rough with baby skunks, or they may become aggressive and uncooperative as they get older. Bare hands can be used for loving and cuddling the skunk, but a stuffed toy or hand puppet should be used when playing with them due to their sharp teeth and extremely long fangs.
As with to see through. They can rotate and focus separately to observe two different objects simultaneously; their eyes move independently from each other. It in effect gives them a full 360-degree arc of vision around their bodies. When prey is located, both eyes can be focused in the same direction, giving sharp stereoscopic vision and depth perception. They have keen eyesight for reptiles, letting them see small insects from a long (5–10-m) distance. Ultraviolet light is part of the visible spectrum for chameleons.
Panther chameleons have very long tongues (sometimes longer than their own body length) which they are capable of it to you. Repeat with me, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die.
Live for me, so I can tell you, I love you, I love you, a million times. Live, so you can look at yourself in my eyes, so you can feel the warmest of my hands in your forehead. Look at that (pointing out to the moon) she is there, more beautiful than ever, she reflects tomorrow's light. Don’t you wanna see the morning's sun? Open your eyes, tell your name aloud, I order you to yell your name (she slaps him and continues). Hold on; help Unnatural Acts (TV series) The Zookeepers One of the recurring sketches shows Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding as zookeepers, having the same kind of wordy, bragging discussions that later became an integral part of The Mighty Boosh. Some of the topics from Unnatural Acts were kept in The Mighty Boosh, e.g. "don’t touch me", "never tremble with a newt" and "his eyes are like black holes", as well as the many threats of the nature "I'll come through your flesh like soft cheese", "I'll take your arms off gently, it will tickle, but then I'll punch your stumps" or "I'll long lateral muscles extended from the cephalon to midway down the pygidium, attaching to the axial rings allowing enrollment while separate muscles on the legs tucked them out of the way. Sensory organs Many trilobites had complex eyes; they also had a pair of antennae. Some trilobites were blind, probably living too deep in the sea for light to reach them. As such, they became secondarily blind in this branch of trilobite evolution. Other trilobites (e.g., Phacops rana and Erbenochile erbeni) had large eyes that were for use in well lit, predator-filled waters. Antennae The pair of antennae suspected in Computer vision syndrome Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer or other display device for protracted, uninterrupted periods of time and the eye muscles being unable to recover from the strain due to a lack of adequate sleep. Some symptoms of CVS include headaches, blurred vision, neck pain, fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes, irritated eyes, double vision, vertigo/dizziness, polyopia, and difficulty refocusing the eyes. These symptoms can be further aggravated by improper lighting conditions (i.e. glare, strong blue-spectrum backlights, or bright overhead lighting) or air moving past the eyes (e.g. overhead can be simplified as the fact that there exist positions of the eyes where muscles will have different effects on the two eyes. Thus Hering's law, in its original formulation, simply cannot be correct as it would lead to situations where the eyes would move by different amounts, something on which both agreed never happens. Hering subsequently modified his law to state that the eyes behave as if they received equal innervation.
The extent to which Hering's law is correct, or not, remains in debate today as the exact physiological underpinning of vergence eye movements remain to be found. Brown recluse spider Description The violin pattern is not diagnostic, as other spiders can have similar markings (e.g. cellar spiders and pirate spiders). For definitive identification, it is imperative to examine the eyes. While most spiders have eight eyes, recluse spiders have six eyes arranged in pairs (dyads) with one medial pair and two lateral pairs. Only a few other spiders have three pairs of eyes arranged in this way (e.g., scytodids). Recluses have no obvious coloration patterns on the abdomen or legs, and the legs lack spines. The abdomen is covered with fine short hairs that, when viewed without | a8a7d79f-5612-47c9-b23f-95db25dd1130 |
chig1n | President's conduct". The report "does not conclude that the president committed a crime", as investigators decided "not to apply an approach that could potentially result in a judgment that the president committed crimes". Investigators did not make a judgment about whether to charge Trump with a crime, for two main reasons: Firstly, the investigation abided by DOJ Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinion written in 2000 that a sitting president cannot be federally indicted, a stance taken from the start of the investigation. Secondly, investigators did not want to charge Trump because a federal criminal charge would hinder a sitting crimes against humanity and war crimes. Allegations against him include, but are not limited to mass murder, forced displacements and rape.
On 4 March 2009 Sudanese president Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir was indicted by the ICC on five counts of crimes against humanity (murder, extermination, forcible transfer, torture, rape) and two counts of war crimes (direct attacks on civilians and pillaging). He is the first sitting head of state to have been indicted for crimes against humanity. A second warrant was issued for his arrest on 12 July 2010, as the Pre-Trial Chamber I of the ICC believed there were reasonable Office were indicted of corruption of NT$14.8 million (US$450,000) of government funds using faked documents. Due to the protection from the Constitution against prosecution of the sitting president, Chen could not be prosecuted until he left office, and he was not indicted, but was alleged to be an accomplice on his wife's indictment.
The prosecutor of the case indicated that once Chen left office, his office would start the procedures to press charges against Chen.
The indictment filed by prosecutors states that the indicted persons obtained government funds earmarked for secret foreign affairs, yet of six supposed secret diplomatic missions, there was sufficient sitting president cannot be indicted: "I don't know how you can indict while he's in office. No matter what it is. ... If [President Trump] shot [then-FBI director] James Comey, he'd be impeached the next day. ... Impeach him, and then you can do whatever you want to do to him."
In June 2018, Giuliani also said that President Trump should not testify to the special counsel investigation because "our recollection keeps changing". In early July, Giuliani characterized that Trump had previously asked Comey to "give [then-national security adviser Michael Flynn] a break". In mid-August, Giuliani denied making this comment: "What 45 Serbs, 12 Croats and 4 Bosniaks were convicted of war crimes by the ICTY in connection with the Balkan wars of the 1990s. Both Serbs and Croats were indicted and convicted of systematic war crimes (joint criminal enterprise), while Bosniaks were indicted and convicted of individual ones. Most of the Bosnian Serb wartime leadership – Biljana Plavšić, Momčilo Krajišnik, Radoslav Brđanin, and Duško Tadić – were indicted and judged guilty for war crimes and ethnic cleansing.
The former president of Republika Srpska Radovan Karadžić was held on trial and was sentenced to life in prison for crimes, including crimes against 54 (3) and 65 (3) of the constitution, the President may not be held liable for any alleged criminal acts while executing the duties of office. Such prosecution may not occur either while the president is in office or at any time thereafter. Furthermore, Art 65 (1) prevents trial or detention for prosecution of a criminal offense or tort while in office. The only sort of prosecution allowed for a sitting President is that of high treason, which can only be carried out by the Senate, and can only result in removal from office and a ban on regaining the conditions. Around 50 island farm owners and regional job brokers were indicted or convicted of related crimes. No government or police officials who were aware of the crimes have been indicted. Seoul Guro Police Station Seoul Guro Police Station (part of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency) suggested a close investigation on the trafficking in South Korean remote islands. President of South Korea President Park Geun-hye (박근혜) commented about the exploitation of workers in Sinan county. She said, "It should never happen in the twenty-first century; we need to root this kind of human trafficking out, so the National support the charges. Omar al-Bashir On 14 July 2008, the Prosecutor accused Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The court issued an arrest warrant for al-Bashir on 4 March 2009 for war crimes and crimes against humanity but ruled that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute him for genocide. Al-Bashir was the first sitting head of state indicted by the ICC. Al-Bashir denies all the charges by describing them as "not worth the ink they are written in". In July 2009, the member states of the African Union agreed not to co-operate have murdered was Florence Ngirumpatse, the director of personnel at the U.N. development office in Kigali.
When war crimes investigator Tony Grieg researched the Mbarushimana case, he interviewed at least 20 people who witnessed the murders and confirmed that Mbarushimana was directly involved. However, Mbarushimana was never indicted for these crimes, possibly because he was not considered to be one of the main organisers of the killings. Indicted by the International Criminal Court On 11 October 2010, Mbarushimana was arrested in France under a sealed warrant from the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity and war crimes allegedly committed laws, the president enforces them, and the courts interpret them. In wartime, the gravity shifts to the executive branch.
To his critics, Mr. Bush is a 'King George' bent on an "imperial presidency". But the inescapable fact is that war shifts power to the branch most responsible for its waging: the executive. War crimes accusations Glenn Greenwald has argued that Yoo could potentially be indicted for crimes against the laws and customs of war, the crime of torture, and/or crimes against humanity. Criminal proceedings to this end have begun in Spain: in a move that could lead to an extradition request, | ce8c7d9b-3437-409f-9116-16724d22d1c2 |
chigy1 | As an alternative to Windows SteadyState, Reboot Restore Rx works to maintain your computer in a constant state. There are a few alternatives to this including Faronic's Deep Freeze, ToolWiz Time Machine, Reboot Restore Rx Pro (formerly Drive Vaccine), and RollBack Rx. With the latter two being developed by the same developer of Reboot Restore Rx, Horizon Data Sys. Accolades Reboot Restore Rx has received generally favourable reviews and has received many awards. In its review, TechRepublic said, "If you are looking to make a publically [sic]-accessible PC junk proof and consistently reliable, Reboot Restore Rx is definitely a nice also uses ABA RTNs in processing direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated money transfers. Management Since 1911, the American Bankers Association has partnered with a series of registrars, currently Accuity, to manage the ABA routing number system. Accuity is the Official Routing Number Registrar and is responsible for assigning ABA RTNs and managing the ABA RTN system. Accuity publishes the American Bankers Association Key to Routing Numbers semi-annually. The "Key Book" contains the listing of all ABA RTNs that have been assigned.
There are approximately 26,895 active ABA RTNs currently in use. Every financial institution in the United States for love of wine we sing,
Glory to the Bushing King,
On your feet now, to the beat now
Off your arses, charge your glasses,
Let us make the rafters ring -
Glory to the Bushing King!
— "Can You Wassail?" songs they had already recorded, were soon released on the band's first full-length album, Put On Your Rosy Red Glasses Eyeball Records: An Inch of Gold for an Inch of Time and Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear. (2004–2006) After extensive touring in promotion of Put On Your Rosy Red Glasses, the band began to catch the attention of Eyeball Records, and eventually they were signed in October 2004. Soon thereafter the band returned to the studio and began work on recording their first release for Eyeball, An Inch Of Gold For An Inch Of Time. The EP, released on January 25, 2005, vision with or without glasses or contacts."(New Jersey Driver's Manual). There is also usually a payment fee in order to receive your license. Along with getting a license, all states also offer voter registration and becoming an organ donor when applying for your license. Every state requires taking a written test to receive your driver's permit. Every state also requires a driver's test that you must past in order to get your license. However, only a few of the states' manuals actually go into detail about what exactly they will test you on for the driving test. All manuals proceed then with the helmet, your breasts with the coat of mail, your legs with the greaves, and your bodies with the shield, that so the foeman may not find where to strike at you, on seeing you thus surrounded on every side with iron."
Furthermore, the Scots' advantage in numbers is no advantage at all, especially when they are up against properly trained Norman knights:
"[I]t is not so much the numbers of the many as the valour of the few that gains the battle. For a multitude unused to discipline is a hindrance to itself, when successful, in completing the victory, rank increases and more missions and MS are unlocked. Five Missions can be unlocked in total. The first three are standard attack or defense missions, they are available to both factions, though what your role is varies by faction. The last two are available only to the Federation. These are duels with the RX-79BD-1 GM Blue Destiny Unit 1, and RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex" being piloted by Christina Mackinze and Yuu Kajima respectively. Christina compliments you during battle, whereas Yuu remains silent while in his duel Maureen Kitamura spurs him onward with encouraging remarks.
After each mission is completed a verbal assessment takes time. It's something that's so different and so revolutionary. Because gone are the days of records, CDs, etc. etc. In five years' time, we will be using "mind drive", don't you know." The app would be an app for smartphones, iPads or computers: "It's an app for everything — an app for your computer, to your wristwatch, whatever you want to do. Because you'll have an implant and you can actually watch it in virtual reality with your Ray-Ban virtual reality glasses, when they actually make them. So that's the way it works." Artwork Five years after his first Put on Your Rosy Red Glasses Writing concept The lyrics of Put on Your Rosy Red Glasses are almost completely written in-perspective of well-known convicted murderer Albert Fish. Although some songs such as "If These Bullets Could Talk" and "Empty Calm" have no connection to the story of Fish. The track "Document: Grace Budd" is a spoken excerpt of a letter written by Fish, detailing his murder of Grace Budd in 1934.
At the end of the track there is a quote from an early episode of The Twilight Zone entitled Mr. Denton on Doomsday in which he sings: "How video to Beyoncé's clip for her song, "Grown Woman" (2013). Pro TV felt that the clip for "Give Me Your Everything" is very different from her previous works. They felt that the video showed a more daring side of Stan, compared to her previous videos featuring "summerly-dressed dancers", due to the incorporation of religious and cultural references. Direct Lyrics has cited that: "Just like the song, the 'Give Me Your Everything' visual also has dark vibe." They went on into saying that the clip "will definitely keep your on your seat till the end." | 37f551c4-ca28-40e7-9fc4-c57bd3d28dd4 |
chiybb | causing others to vomit, when they are especially fearful of also becoming ill, through a form of mass hysteria.
Most people try to contain their vomit by vomiting into a sink, toilet, or trash can, as vomit is difficult and unpleasant to clean. On airplanes and boats, special bags are supplied for sick passengers to vomit into. A special disposable bag (leakproof, puncture-resistant, odorless) containing absorbent material that solidifies the vomit quickly is also available, making it convenient and safe to store until there is an opportunity to dispose of it conveniently.
People who vomit chronically (e.g., as part of an eating Emetophilia Emetophilia is the sexual arousal from vomiting, or watching others vomit. It is sometimes referred to as a vomit fetish, and the fetish is considered a paraphilia. Some emetophiles practice the fetish by having their partner vomit from performing deep-throat oral sex. An object or body part (including fingers, a hand, a foot, or a penis) pushed deep into a sex partner's throat can trigger their gag reflex and eventually make them vomit. This is becoming an increasingly popular trend in internet pornography for its shock effect and as a form of erotic humiliation or degradation. Other emetophiles prefer into direct contact with bodily fluids from people that had become infected with yellow fever. He started by making incisions on his arms and smearing infected vomit into the cuts; he then proceeded to pour it onto his eyeballs. He continued in his attempts to infect himself by frying the vomit and inhaling the fumes, and finally, when he did not become ill, he resorted to drinking the vomit undiluted. Endeavoring to prove that other bodily fluids yielded the same results, Ffirth progressed on from vomit, also smearing his body with blood, saliva, and urine. He still failed to contract Spewer Gameplay The player navigates through five chapters and a bonus chapter as Spewer, a small creature that navigates through single-screen levels by utilizing its own vomit as a platform. Spewer can also walk, jump, and swim. The amount of vomit available to the player is represented by a meter, which can be replaced by Spewer eating food or its own vomit. There are four types of vomit in addition to normal vomit which are accessed by eating pills: white vomit that floats, allowing the player to swim in mid air, red vomit that pushes the player off objects at Vomit Pigs Vomit Pigs were a Punk band from Daingerfield, Texas. Their debut EP, Take One, was released in 1978.
The founding members of the Vomit Pigs were Mike Brock ("Mite Vomit"), Chris Connor, Doug Spencer, Roy Dalby and Eddie McMinn. ejaculation, relief" in vomiting is erotically charged. Other emetophiles can be aroused by seeing, hearing, and smelling others vomit.
This is not to be confused although can in many ways be connected with a similar behavioral performance, bulimia nervosa. also be afraid of hearing that someone is feeling like vomiting or that someone has vomited, usually in conjunction with the fears of seeing someone vomit or seeing vomit. Causes There is a strong agreement in the scientific community that there is no specific cause of emetophobia. Some emetophobics report a traumatic experience with vomiting, always in childhood. Some suggest that sufferers are victims of childhood abuse – sexual or physical. While this is occasionally true, it seems to be no more prevalent than in the general population (Christie, 2004). Some experts believe that emetophobia may be linked to worries be inserted where the actor would place fake vomit, often chicken soup disguised by the art department, in their mouth before 'vomitting' and cutting to another scene, where the fake vomit is consequently cleaned up. However, in this episode, they could not use any cuts and as Nelson is a vegan, they could not use chicken soup as fake vomit. Sen described these as "little challenges".
Shipton believed she would be exhausted, yet "exhilarated" after filming the episode, which would make her hysterical approximately three days after the end of filming. She later said that she was "in a state of bedwetting, urinary incontinence, and swelling of the limbs. Overdose Reports of overdose in medical literature are generally from abuse, and often involve other drugs as well. Symptoms include vomiting, excessive sweating, coma, periods of stopped breathing, seizures, agitation, loss of psychomotor skills, and coma. Overdose can lead to death due to respiratory depression. People who overdose may die from asphyxiation from their own vomit. People that have overdosed or suspected of overdosing may need to be made to vomit, be intubated, or/and put on a respirator. Interactions It should not be used with other drugs that are CNS virus are difficult to study because of EBOV's virulent characteristics. Transmission It is believed that between people, Ebola disease spreads only by direct contact with the blood or other body fluids of a person who has developed symptoms of the disease. Body fluids that may contain Ebola viruses include saliva, mucus, vomit, feces, sweat, tears, breast milk, urine and semen. The WHO states that only people who are very sick are able to spread Ebola disease in saliva, and whole virus has not been reported to be transmitted through sweat. Most people spread the virus through blood, feces and vomit. | 6403daba-d10d-4611-b4e2-8b7bf6074f8a |
chjcca | just linked up with Cannon and I still want to come holla at me because I want to talk some "Joints and Jams" type sh*t. He's super talented. It really just comes down if they want to do it or not at this point. I don't have big money. I mean wish I could say lets get in the studio for a million dollars but it's just not like that." In a September 2010 interview with XXL, while the album was still titled The Spaghetti Tree, Roth spoke with DJ Skee, giving some details on the album, including that I Hope You Dance Background Womack told The Today Show, "You can't hear those lyrics and not think about children and—and—and hope for the future and things you want for them. And those are the things I want for them in life. I want them to feel small when they stand beside the ocean." She also said, "Sometimes I have fun and lighthearted things. But even "I Hope You Dance." I was so shocked to see the way the kids got it. When—when I say kids, I mean, you know, like teen-agers. And we saw a big difference in our asking for autographs, pulling on their clothes. And in the privacy of their homes, they're completely relaxed, and they're just kids. But they all want so much to grow as actors. They all so much want their careers to grow. And it scares them all, the idea that tomorrow this could all end. I mean, it could all just be over. They want so much to be doing the same thing when they're forty, and who's to say? Will the trend then be to make movies with forty-year-olds?
Preview audiences disliked the movie's ending so it was reshot. Props The motorcycle nor they did not invite him to the remastering sessions, which were undertaken at Abbey Road Sessions. He explained: "Record companies seem to get the rights to put these old tracks out, but why didn't they ring me and say, 'Do you want to be involved in this?', or give me the tapes and let me do the remix myself? I mean, they're my songs. It would be nice to get them to sound the way I want them to." Boulders was later included as one of five Wood albums in the 2015 box set Original Album Series. The musician ago. And they're catching up with it now, with the scandal sheet. They're rags, that's what they are. You use them to train your dog and your parrot. What else do I have to say? Oh, I guess that's it. That'll keep them talking to themselves for a while. I think most of them are a bunch of fags anyway. Never did a hard day's work in their life. I love when they say, "What do you mean, you won't stand still when I take your picture?" All of a sudden, they're God. We gotta do what they want us 300 of the most influential people...[who] stood tall, and said ‘enough is enough'. This alone sent a clear and distinct tone to the politicians, and I think they will take it into consideration. Maybe we’ll fail… I don’t think that we will fail, but at least we will say that we tried as hard as we could.”
Al-Masri stated:
“It’s not for us to iron out the details. We are worried by the status quo. We want to change the status quo… Now the Israeli and Palestinian side [of the initiative] are very honest in their appeal: They want to break the to start picking out chairs on the rest home porch. There’s a whole new generation coming up, and they mean business, and Meyerhofer is one of them. I will read every word he writes until I can read no more.” Said Marbrook, “…Meyerhofer is always the poet who sees what we don’t want to see precisely when we least want to see it. If there is a thing to be said that decorum would rather skirt, he is going to say it, and yet, curiously, he is not a poet you have to be up to. He comes upon publishers with popular, household-name advertisers. It gives advertisers the power to pay what they want, when they want, and how they want, for the exact consumers they want. This is achieved through giving the advertiser the power to control how they want to engage with the customer, and vice versa, through either clicks, calls, or leads. Awards and recognition In August 2007, Vantage Media was ranked #31 on the 26th annual Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. It was also ranked #4 in the nation for the category of Top Companies in Advertising and Marketing.
A few of them. It’s a physical thing. God created women to be feminine. I don’t think they should be competing with men. It has nothing to do with her ability. I don’t think women should be in any position of leadership. I don’t think they should be presidents or politicians. I think women were created not in an inferior position, but in a role of submission to men. You can be a woman umpire if you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. You can be a homosexual if you want, but that doesn’t mean that’s right either." He also criticized BOY's "Boris" and "You're the One That I Want" from the musical Grease (musical). Commercial performance Lo-Fang got his big break when he was asked to be the opening act on a singer from New Zealand, Lorde’s tour in 2013. His single "#88" was one of her favorite songs and once they met up in a L.A. studio, they immediately kicked it off and thus began the start to his name getting out more in the music industry.
Lo-Fang's cover of "You're the One That I Want" was created for the Chanel No. 5 commercial with supermodel Gisele Bündchen. | 9a772f52-aa84-47ec-acb1-d20af668ecd9 |
chjr89 | Gauriganj, India Climate Gauriganj has a warm subtropical climate with very cold and dry winters from December to mid-February, and dry, hot summers from April to mid-June. During extreme winters, the maximum temperature is around 12 degrees Celsius and the minimum is around 3 to 4 degrees Celsius. Fog is quite common from late December to late January. Summers can be quite hot with temperatures rising to 40 to 45 degrees Celsius.
Gauriganj has a tropical wet and dry climate with average temperatures ranging between 20 and 28 °C (68 to 82 °F). Gauriganj experiences three distinct seasons: summer, monsoon and a mild decreased" etc. Antilock brakes As a first example, consider an anti-lock braking system, directed by a microcontroller chip. The microcontroller has to make decisions based on brake temperature, speed, and other variables in the system.
The variable "temperature" in this system can be subdivided into a range of "states": "cold", "cool", "moderate", "warm", "hot", "very hot". The transition from one state to the next is hard to define.
An arbitrary static threshold might be set to divide "warm" from "hot". For example, at exactly 90 degrees, warm ends and hot begins. But this would result in a discontinuous change when the input Shoumei tea Tasting and brewing The tea can be brewed very differently and there are many combinations that yield interesting results, but it is important to use good mineral water to bring out the sweetness and aroma of the tea and not to over brew or make a bitter and very strong brew.
Typically, white teas are brewed at a lower temperature than black teas. Often temperatures such as 70 degrees Celsius is all that is required. Different steep times and different temperatures have a remarkably different effect on the outcome of the final brew, but a time of 2 Olaiyur Geography Vriddhachalam is located at . It has an average elevation of 45 m (148 ft). Demographics As per the 2001 census, Olaiyur had a total population of 2717 with 1357 males and 1360 females. Climate The climate is cool and hot, rainy during September–November. Temperatures during the summer reach maximum 38 and minimum of 22 degrees Celsius. Winter temperatures between 30 to 17 degrees Celsius. Occupation More than 80% people are depending on Agriculture directly or indirectly. Olaiyur is the major sugarcane producing village in the District.
Around 10% people are Government School Teachers.
Around 5% are Doctors & Engineers.
Around 5% Temperature in winter (November to January) may go down to 20 degrees Celsius and in summer it may go up to 36.2 degrees Celsius. Marayur winter is not frigid cold as considerable sunshine is also characteristic to this region even during rainy winter. Summer is humid and hot with blazing sun. Generally Marayur experience a moderate climate, temperatures varying 21 °C to 27 °C with minimum seasonal variation except in winter. The plains are generally warm but the higher altitudes are cool. The annual rainfall in Idukki district varies from 250 to 425 cm. However, it is also recorded that the Ma'in Hot Springs Location The Ma'in hot springs are located 58 km south of Amman in Madaba Governorate and is 27 km away from Madaba. It is 120 meters below sea level. The Ma'in region contains a total of 63 springs at different temperatures but similar chemical composition, containing important elements such as sodium, calcium, chloride, radon, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Temperatures in some springs reach 63 degrees Celsius. Tourist Attractions The five-star Maein Spa Resort has a capacity of 97 hotel rooms and three meeting rooms, along with natural pools, sauna rooms, a public swimming pool and restaurants was to have two tubs––one cold (10–15 degrees Celsius) and another hot (37–40 degrees Celsius) ––and to do one minute in the cold tub followed by two minutes in a hot tub, and to repeat this procedure three times. Temperature and timing The temperature can vary, but is usually in the range of 50–59 degrees Fahrenheit or between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. Some athletes wear booties to keep their toes warm or rubberized coverings around their midsection while immersed. Some drink a warm beverage such as tea. One report suggested that "ten minutes immersed in 15 degree Celsius water" to the ocean. This water replenishes the bulk of the groundwater in the area and enables agricultural production. Temperatures The climate in the region belongs to the continental climate, which is characterized by high temperatures and drought in the summer. The temperature reaches its peak in July and August, where more than 30 degrees Celsius on average reaching up to 45 degrees Celsius, which sometimes leads to dust storms when a cold air with moisture coming from Agadir in the west collides with the dry hot air of the semi desert region. During the winter months the temperature drops especially Akdağmadeni Climate The district is situated in the central Anatolian plateau and shares its climatic peculiarities. Summers are very hot, winters are not extremely cold. Snowfall can be detected as soon as in mid-November. The average annual rainfall lies between 478 and 500 millimeters. In summer, temperatures are between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. The annual average temperature plays between 8 and 12 degrees. Generally, the climate is quite damp. Winds blow mostly from the east and south. North wind against the mountains is a protective case. Vegetation The Akdağmadeni area receives more precipitation compared to the general because of its natural vegetation Central Otago cold frosty winters are succeeded by hot dry summers. Central Otago's climate is the closest approximation to a continental climate anywhere in New Zealand. This climate is part of the reason why Central Otago vineyards are successful in this region. This inland region is one of the driest regions in the country, sheltered from prevailing rain-bearing weather conditions by the high mountains to the west and hills of the south. Summers can be hot, with temperatures often approaching or exceeding 30 degrees Celsius; winters, by contrast, are often bitterly cold – the township of Ranfurly in Central Otago | bc39ef81-234a-480a-a950-a712746bdcad |
chjvci | an attractive option.
There are vegetables and meat dishes, cold and warm, and all kinds of flavors. There are, in total, 24 dishes. Every dish is served in bowls rather than plates and another meaning of its name comes from the way that diners are served their dishes in sequence, like flowing water. First, eight cold dishes are served with other drinks. The next 16 are the warm dishes, served in different-sized under-glazed blue bowls. They are divided into five courses, four courses of three dishes with similar flavors and then a final course of four dishes served at was the unique new process that rapidly exchanges water between the cold and the warm and then spreads the effect of the different water properties over a larger area," more efficiently than the better-known processes that mix warm surface waters with cold water from the deep sea. This action rapidly warms the cold water, which contributes to rising sea levels, as water becomes less dense as it warms. This newly discovered action has not yet been included in models for predicting sea level rise and the effect of climate change on the ocean. The results were published in the Proceedings and the soup with seaweed helps to accelerate the recovery time of mothers. Other than seaweed soup, Korean women also eat a variety of exotic, traditional dishes, such as a pig bone soup, ray soup, and dried cod soup. Keep one's body warm To keep their body warm, Korean mothers avoid cold temperatures and cold foods such as ice cream and cold water. Staying indoors and refraining from outdoor activities is perceived as one of the effective ways to keep the mother's body warm. Even exposure to a cold breeze caused by the shutting of doors is a taboo in great grandfather was a monkey?"
"The tepee is much better to live in; always clean, warm in winter, cool in summer, easy to move. The white man builds big house, cost much money, like big cage, shut out sun, can never move; always sick. Indians and animals know better how to live than white man; nobody can be in good health if he does not have all the time fresh air, sunshine and good water. If the Great Spirit wanted men to stay in one place he would make the world stand still; but he made it to always change, so evaporation of surface seawater (output) is more than the supply (input) of fresh water by precipitation and coastal drainage systems, causing the salinity of the Mediterranean to be much higher than that of the Atlantic—so much so that the saltier Mediterranean waters sink below the waters incoming from the Atlantic, causing a two-layer flow across the Strait of Gibraltar: that is, an outflow submarine current of warm saline Mediterranean water, counterbalanced by an inflow surface current of less saline cold oceanic water from the Atlantic. In the 1920s, Herman Sörgel proposed the building of a hydroelectric dam (the Atlantropa project) there are layers of warm water near the top, and colder water deeper down), then the surface water does not mix very much with the deeper waters, so that when the plankton dies, it sinks and takes away ¹²C from the surface, leaving the surface layers relatively rich in ¹³C. Where cold waters well up from the depths (such as in the North Atlantic), the water carries ¹²C back up with it. So, when the ocean was less stratified than today, there was much more ¹²C in the skeletons of surface-dwelling species. Other indicators of past climate include the presence fisheries Warm-water shrimp and prawn fisheries usually target several species, and are typically monitored in terms of the catch per unit effort (CPUE), rather than the complex models used for cold-water shrimp. Warm-water species (mainly Litopenaeus setiferus, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, and Farfantepenaeus duorarum) provide more than 85% of the shrimp fishery in the United States, and are caught in the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent parts of the Atlantic Ocean. Bycatch is a serious problem for warm-water shrimp fisheries, with inadvertent catches of sea turtles being among the most contentious issues. Cold-water fisheries The most important cold-water species is the "northern Strait's far western end is the Camarinal Sill, the Strait's shallowest point which limits mixing between the cold, less saline Atlantic water and the warm Mediterranean waters.
The Mediterranean waters are so much saltier than the Atlantic waters that they sink below the constantly incoming water and form a highly saline (thermohaline, both warm and salty) layer of bottom water. This layer of bottom-water constantly works its way out into the Atlantic as the Mediterranean outflow. On the Atlantic side of the Strait, a density boundary separates the Mediterranean outflow waters from the rest at about 100 m (330 ft; 55 fathoms) depth. wind allowing it sink. This makes the WSBW colder than normal allowing it to inject colder water into much of the world's oceans. If the ENSO even is weak enough, the surface winds off the Antarctic coast can shift direction which creates a reduction in shelf water. This will warm the WSBW as it does not have as much access to the cold, dense surface water. core rings include warm water to a significant depth, infrared satellites can differentiate the temperature, unlike cold core rings, which cannot be easily detected.
Warm core rings are also detected by sea surface height anomalies. Since warm water takes up more space as it expands than cold water, the large amount of warm water causes an upwelling in sea height which can be detected by buoys. Intensification of Hurricanes Warm core rings have been linked to the intensification of several hurricanes passing over their location. Because high sea surface temperature as well as warmer water at greater depth is the primary | 6e850feb-5cd2-4f32-9f01-ed6ada9ed0aa |
chjza4 | while morphological evidence also strongly supports a relationship between flamingos and grebes. They hold at least 11 morphological traits in common, which are not found in other birds. Many of these characteristics have been previously identified on flamingos, but not on grebes. The fossil palaelodids can be considered evolutionarily, and ecologically, intermediate between flamingos and grebes.
For the grebe-flamingo clade, the taxon Mirandornithes ("miraculous birds" due to their extreme divergence and apomorphies) has been proposed. Alternatively, they could be placed in one order, with Phoenocopteriformes taking priority. Description Flamingos usually stand on one leg while the other is tucked beneath their Tinga Tinga Tales Synopsis Tinga Tinga Tales is centered on various animated animals and employs music, dialogue, and colorful imagery to tell African folk tales about the origins of animals, and to answer questions such as, "why do monkeys swing in the trees and flamingos stand on one leg?" the largest amount of heat is lost through the legs and feet; having long legs can be a major disadvantage when temperatures fall and heat retention is most important. By holding one leg up against the ventral surface of the body, the flamingo lowers the surface area by which heat exits the body. Moreover, it has been observed that during periods of increased temperatures such as mid-day, flamingos will stand on both legs. Holding a bipedal stance multiplies the amount of heat lost from the legs and further regulates body temperature. Migration Like other flamingo species, American flamingos will migrate activity, while living flamingos demonstrate substantially less body sway in a one-legged posture. As well as standing in the water, flamingos may stamp their webbed feet in the mud to stir up food from the bottom.
Flamingos are capable flyers, and flamingos in captivity often require wing clipping to prevent escape. A pair of African flamingos which had not yet had their wings clipped escaped from the Wichita, Kansas zoo in 2005. One was spotted in Texas 14 years later. It had been seen previously by birders in Texas, Wisconsin and Louisiana.
Young flamingos hatch with grayish-red plumage, but adults range different variations of tricks, with each rider having an individual style. Tricks can be strap tricks or vault type tricks. Some tricks include the forward fender, layout fender (also known as the Indian Hideaway), one foot drag, spritz stand, shoulder stand, back drag, hippodrome, vault, reverse one foot stand, and spin the horn.
One type of trick riding is known as "Roman riding", and is usually performed as entertainment in rodeos, circuses and horse shows. In Roman riding, the rider stands atop a pair of horses, with one foot on each horse.
Roman riding is one of the older forms of riding, pink flamingos made of plywood are placed in the LSU Lakes, adjacent to LSU, to announce that the date for the annual Mardi Gras ball has been announced. It is a tradition to "kidnap" one of these flamingos, usually by taking a boat out on the lake, and use it as a yard or home decoration. There is a unique sense of pride associated in having acquired one of these special flamingos. 1905.
In the early 1950s, Audubon expert Robert Porter Allen scoured the Caribbean searching for flamingos. In his popular book, On the Trail of Vanishing Birds, Allen found that the colonies on the island of Andros in the Bahamas had already disappeared. He determined that the largest surviving group of Caribbean flamingos inhabited the isolated back-waters of Lake Rosa on Inagua. That is where Allen and the Audubon Society decided to make a stand. A group of influential backers was recruited in Nassau to form a Society for the Protection of the Flamingo, with Arthur Vernay as its leader. Two The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos Plot The film documents the lives of lesser flamingos on the isolated shores of Lake Natron in northern Tanzania, revealing the breeding and parenting habits of the species. After mating, the flamingos breed chicks that grow up, always on the move trying to enjoy their lives. Along their journeys, they encounter vicious marabou storks who kill many unborn and newly born chicks and a villainous spotted hyena who takes no pity on the elderly flamingos.
As the film progresses, it focuses on the life of one of the chicks that at birth is separated hemoglobin molecule as the primary oxygen carrier with little to no difference in oxygen carrying capacity. Captivity and age have been seen to have an effect on the blood composition of the American flamingo. A decrease in white blood cell numbers was predominate with age in both captive and free living flamingos, but captive flamingos showed a higher white blood cell count than free living flamingos. One exception occurs in free living flamingos with regards to white blood cell count. The number of eosinophils in free living birds are higher because these cells are the ones that fight off parasites gape on the dorsal surface of the bill. The bill morphology facilitates feeding of diatoms through inertial impaction. This mechanism entails that food particles denser than water, such as diatoms, would impact the filtering surface in the bill, causing water to flow out of the mouth and leaving diatoms in the flamingo's bill. The flamingos forage in shallow salty waters for resources. They exhibit the most flexible foraging pattern compared to that of the Chilean and James's flamingos.
When grouping the Andean flamingos with Chilean flamingos or James's flamingos, Andean flamingos adopt the foraging patterns of the species with which it | 4f4b5748-65ff-488b-adee-d1bfe55fe34b |
chk133 | promulgated by October 2017. In the interim, patients with one of 21 qualifying conditions were permitted to go to Michigan or another state with legalized medical cannabis, legally acquire cannabis there, and bring it back to Ohio for use in accordance with Ohio law.
The twenty-one qualifying conditions are: AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), cancer, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), Crohn's disease, epilepsy (or other seizure disorder), fibromyalgia, glaucoma, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, "pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable," Parkinson's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, sickle cell anemia, spinal cord disease or injury, Tourette's syndrome, looking at a computer screen using biofeedback.
Eye blinking can be a criterion for diagnosing medical conditions. For example, excessive blinking may help to indicate the onset of Tourette syndrome, strokes or disorders of the nervous system. A reduced rate of blinking is associated with Parkinson's disease. of primary HLH where the inflammation is limited to the central nervous system has been described. Differential diagnosis The differential diagnosis of HLH includes secondary HLH and macrophage-activation syndrome or other primary immunodeficiencies that present with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, such as X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.
Other conditions that may be confused with this condition include autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. As a syndrome of intense inflammation it needs to be differentiated from sepsis, what may be extremely challenging.
The diagnosis of acquired, or secondary, HLH is usually made in association with infection by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites or in association with lymphoma, autoimmune disease, or suffer from minimal change disease that has a remission rate of 95% with corticosteroids. A biopsy is usually only indicated for children that are corticosteroid resistant as the majority suffer from focal and segmental glomeruloesclerosis.
Further investigations are indicated if the cause is not clear including analysis of auto-immune markers (ANA, ASOT, C3, cryoglobulins, serum electrophoresis), or ultrasound of the whole abdomen. Classification A broad classification of nephrotic syndrome based on underlying cause:
Nephrotic syndrome is often classified histologically: Treatment The treatment of nephrotic syndrome can be symptomatic or can directly address the injuries caused to the kidney. Prognosis The prognosis for cases with patients who already have dystonia, a subsequent tramatic injury or the effects of general anethesia during an unrelated surgery can cause the symptoms to progress rapidly.
An accurate diagnosis may be difficult because of the way the disorder manifests itself. Sufferers may be diagnosed as having similar and perhaps related disorders including Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMD, Tourette's syndrome, conversion disorder or other neuromuscular movement disorders. It has been found that the prevalence of dystonia is high in individuals with Huntington's disease, where the most common clinical presentations are internal shoulder rotation, sustained fist clenching, knee efficacy is not evident. The authors of the original studies acknowledged few significant results after Bonferroni correction.
Cannabinoid medication might be useful in the treatment of the symptoms in patients with TS, but the 2009 review found that the two relevant studies of cannibinoids in treating tics had attrition bias, and that there was "not enough evidence to support the use of cannabinoids in treating tics and obsessive compulsive behaviour in people with Tourette's syndrome". Other conditions Anecdotal evidence and pre-clinical research has suggested that cannabis or cannabinoids may be beneficial for treating Huntington's disease or Parkinson's disease, but follow-up studies function in the normally working brain. Other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease can also affect memory and cognition.
Hyperthymesia, or hyperthymesic syndrome, is a disorder that affects an individual's autobiographical memory, essentially meaning that they cannot forget small details that otherwise would not be stored. Korsakoff's syndrome, also known as Korsakoff's psychosis, amnesic-confabulatory syndrome, is an organic brain disease that adversely affects memory by widespread loss or shrinkage of neurons within the prefrontal cortex.
While not a disorder, a common temporary failure of word retrieval from memory is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. Sufferers of Anomic aphasia (also called other genetic diseases. A variety of disorders can be caused by nuclear mutations of oxidative phosphorylation enzymes, such as coenzyme Q10 deficiency and Barth syndrome. Environmental influences may interact with hereditary predispositions and cause mitochondrial disease. For example, there may be a link between pesticide exposure and the later onset of Parkinson's disease. Other pathologies with etiology involving mitochondrial dysfunction include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, stroke, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, retinitis pigmentosa, and diabetes mellitus.
Mitochondria-mediated oxidative stress plays a role in cardiomyopathy in Type 2 diabetics. Increased fatty acid delivery to the heart increases or by symptom(s). Alternatively, diseases may be classified according to the organ system involved, though this is often complicated since many diseases affect more than one organ.
A chief difficulty in nosology is that diseases often cannot be defined and classified clearly, especially when cause or pathogenesis are unknown. Thus diagnostic terms often only reflect a symptom or set of symptoms (syndrome).
Classical classification of human disease derives from observational correlation between pathological analysis and clinical syndromes. Today it is preferred to classify them by their cause if it is known.
The most known and used classification of diseases is the World child is profoundly deaf from birth and especially slow in walking.
Thirteen other syndromes may exhibit signs similar to Usher syndrome, including Alport syndrome, Alström syndrome, Bardet–Biedl syndrome, Cockayne syndrome, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, Flynn–Aird syndrome, Friedreich ataxia, Hurler syndrome (MPS-1), Kearns–Sayre syndrome (CPEO), Norrie syndrome, osteopetrosis (Albers–Schonberg disease), Refsum disease (phytanic acid storage disease) and Zellweger syndrome (cerebrohepatorenal syndrome). Classification Although Usher syndrome has been classified clinically in several ways, the prevailing approach is to classify it into three clinical sub-types called Usher I, II and III in order of decreasing severity of deafness. Although it was previously believed that there | 0d3a55ae-dd77-493b-93d5-6bd1255a469b |
chk1i4 | explaining how the public should be prepared "if zombies started appearing outside your doorstep", it continues: "You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or other emergency."
Plan your evacuation route. When zombies are hungry they won't stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast! Plan where you would go and multiple routes you would take ahead of time so that the flesh eaters don't have a chance! This is also helpful when natural disasters strike and you have to take shelter fast.
Some commentators noted that May optimal levels of parental investments whether viewed from the parental or offspring perspective. Biological signalling theory suggests that young can communicate with parents to maximize the amount of food they can get. Therefore, young that need or want more food may solicit or beg at higher levels. Parents can respond to this by providing more food, but this is based on the assumption of honest begging, in which chicks beg only when they actually need more food. However, if all the young start soliciting at higher levels, this incurs a cost on the parents because they will need to expend - also feed the animals moist or canned food so they will need less water to drink.
•If applicable, separate different types of animals, even if they normally get along. The anxiety of an emergency situation can cause pets to act irrationally.
•Implement evacuation or shelter-in-place plan. Response after the emergency •After the disaster, leash pets when going outside. Maintain close contact, as pets may be confused due to changes on what used to be familiar landmarks and scents.
•Keep an eye out for snakes or other animals that might have been brought into the area by flood waters. Be aware that mover and covers a lot of ground. Temperament Braccos are very much a people-loving dog and thrive on human companionship, having a strong need to be close to their people. They are a particularly good family dog, and many have a strong love of children. They get along well with other dogs and pets, if trained to do so - it is, afterall, a hunting breed - and must be taught what to chase and what not to. They are very willing to please as long as they have decided that your idea is better than theirs. families are very careful about their girls, about protecting their virginity, so the boys also have a special friend, another boy they have sex with. Sometimes they give up the special friend when they get married and sometimes they don't. These are the ones who become bisexuals later on. To decide who's going to be the penetrator, they change off. It doesn't matter. They do it to each other, and when they get up from the bed one doesn't feel any less masculine than the other.
— Reinaldo Burgos, a local Maya.
The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), a mostly indigenous and in different environments. These creatures are generally many times bigger than their counterparts. The giant isopod (related to the common pill bug) exemplifies this. To date, scientists have only been able to explain deep-sea gigantism in the case of the giant tube worm. Scientists believe these creatures are much larger than shallower-water tube worms because they live on hydrothermal vents that expel huge amounts of resources. They believe that, since the creatures don't have to expend energy regulating body temperature and have a smaller need for activity, they can allocate more resources to bodily processes.
There are also cases of deep-sea find high quality publishing services within one company so they don't have to act as general contractors, hiring all the services they need separately. Though as with traditional publishers, not every publisher is the same. Some will offer full service marketing capabilities while other will not get involved with the marketing of an authors book. It is up to the author to look at each publisher before making a decision about which method to use. As mentioned above, the hybrid model is more than just the publishing services offered by the vanity model. Unlike both vanity presses and self publishing given range. Due to the higher energy loss rate, higher particle energy for a given range and the absence of significant space charge effects, shot noise will tend to be greater.
Fast-moving ions interact differently with matter than electrons do, and, owing to their higher momentum, their optical properties are different. They have much shorter range in matter and move straighter through it. At low energies, at the end of the range, they lose more of their energy to the atomic nuclei, rather than to the atoms, so that atoms are dislocated rather than ionized. If the ions don't defuse out eat. The dogs, being well behaved house pets, don't understand the invitation to sit at the table and eat out of dishes, and Tao is more interested in stalking Jeremy's pet crow, but they don't show that they aren't interested. After a while they decide to leave and continue their journey. Many miles along, the animals come to a wide river, which they realize they have no choice but to cross. Luath and Bodger make it across easily, but Tao prefers not to get wet so he finds a dam to cross. However, when he reaches a large gap, he another. Unlike other cows, Gascon cows are in labor for a much shorter time period. Also, cows that have an easy time giving birth will settle to the bull more quickly which would give the mother cow a longer productive life. Another characteristic of the Gascon is that their calves get stronger and gain more weight faster than other types of cows.
Gascon cows don't need to eat as much as other types of cows because they don't usually have many food sources making them adapt to these conditions, but still be able to maintain condition and settle in calf more | 5650b07b-2b61-4ba9-9600-09ec53602c37 |
chk8by | chances of a player to win, and making more profit for the club. Bingo for profit Bingo is a declining yet highly profitable business, with many companies competing for the customers' money.
The largest companies with bingo halls in the United Kingdom are Mecca Bingo Ltd. (part of The Rank Group plc) and Gala Bingo (Gala Coral Group Ltd.) In Northern Ireland, one of the largest bingo club groups is the Planet Bingo Group, with seven clubs around the region.
Online bingo is also becoming increasingly popular with many different companies launching sites such as, (operated by Gamesys), Sun Bingo Pacific Media Expo Programming The convention typically offers art exhibitions, artists market, anime music video contest, anime video rooms, autograph sessions, concerts, live performances, exhibit hall, fashion show, gaming tournaments, iron cosplay, masquerade, panel discussions, swap meets, video rooms (animation, Asian cinema, and Korean drama), and workshops. History PMX was formed by staff members from several conventions and former staff of Anime Expo after several years of planning and research. The convention was created as a for-profit event due to concerns over the restraints of non-profit status. Miyavi cancelled his appearance at Pacific Media Expo in 2004 due to the New England Anime Society The New England Anime Society, Inc. is a Massachusetts-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to furthering American understanding of Japanese language and culture through written and visual media. Founded in 2001, The New England Anime Society, Inc. is the parent organization of Anime Boston, one of the largest anime conventions in North America. In 2011, The Boston Phoenix selected Anime Boston as the city's "Best Nerd Gathering", beating out contenders such as New England Comic Con and PAX East. The convention won the award again in 2012.
At Anime Boston 2007, the New England Anime Society announced that exception to this was Chapter XIV, which is to come into force at a later date, still to be decided.) Types of companies The types of companies provided for and regulated by the new Act are set out in sections 8 and 11(3)(c). Broadly speaking, they comprise external companies, non-profit companies and profit companies, in which last are included state-owned companies, private companies, personal liability companies and public companies. The old distinction between "widely held companies" and "limited interest companies," introduced by section 6 of the Corporate Laws Amendment Act has been abolished by the 2008 Companies Act. Non-profit companies involves analyzing “business through a win-win mind-set.” This strategy, he maintains, has enabled the firm to deal with dramatic geopolitical, economic, and technological changes, and at the same time to earn what he describes as “good profits.” By this, he means profits that result from treating customers with respect and placing their values first. By contrast, “bad profit” involves “disrespecting customers by making them subsidize our business with their tax dollars and higher prices, siphoning away the good profit other companies could have earned.”
The book argues, then, for a free market, liberated from the distortions of corporate welfare. Koch calls energy efficiency represents a profitable global market and American companies have at their disposal the technical innovations to lead the way. Not only should they "upgrade their plants and office buildings, but they should encourage the formation of negawatt markets". Lovins sees negawatt markets as a win-win solution to many environmental problems. Because it is "now generally cheaper to save fuel than to burn it, global warming, acid rain, and urban smog can be reduced not at a cost but at a profit".
Lovins explains that many companies are already enjoying the financial and other rewards that come from saving electricity. Mike Tatsugawa Mike Tatsugawa is currently the CEO of Pacific Media Association, the parent organization which produces Pacific Media Expo (PMX).
He was one of the four founders of Cal-Animage Alpha (CAA) at the University of California, Berkeley in 1989. Tatsugawa was the chairman of AnimeCon in 1991, the event that later evolved into Anime Expo. In 1992 he founded Anime Expo and the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA), the non-profit behind the convention where he served as CEO. He chaired his last Anime Expo in 2000. While CEO of SPJA, Anime Expo added another event in New distribution and screening, however knew that fans were not profiting. Japanese companies asked fans to help them publicize, for instance, Toei Animation asked the C/FO to aid it with some marketing research at San Diego Comic-Con. Starting in 1978, Japanese companies tried to set up their own American divisions; however, with the exception of the film The Sea Prince and the Fire Child which was licensed to RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, they realized they were not going to succeed in the American market and the last American anime company branch closed in 1982. Growth of anime fanclubs (1980s) After anime Shinkai's 2016 film Your Name. Anime films represent a large part of the highest-grossing Japanese films yearly in Japan, with 6 out of the top 10 in 2014, in 2015 and also in 2016.
Anime has to be licensed by companies in other countries in order to be legally released. While anime has been licensed by its Japanese owners for use outside Japan since at least the 1960s, the practice became well-established in the United States in the late 1970s to early 1980s, when such TV series as Gatchaman and Captain Harlock were licensed from their Japanese parent companies for distribution cosplayers have thus transformed their hobby into profitable, professional careers. Japan's entertainment industry has been home to the professional cosplayers since the rise of Comiket and Tokyo Game Show. The phenomenon is most apparent in Japan but exists to some degree in other countries as well. Professional cosplayers who profit from their art may experience problems related to copyright infringement.
A cosplay model, also known as a cosplay idol, cosplays costumes for anime and manga or video game companies. Good cosplayers are viewed as fictional characters in the flesh, in much the same way that film actors come to be identified | 173982ec-adeb-41f5-86dc-d9102432a77c |
chl1rg | contact was through information. Then he detailed that a message would contain instructions from across the void to build something that would talk to men. Instead of a mechanical device, Feldman imagined wetware. The visitor would adapt to Earth's environment through DNA belonging to Earth's organisms. Mankind has sent to space transmissions "giving out directions" such as the Arecibo message, which Feldman considered unwary, as they relay information to potential predators from outer space. He pointed out that "in nature, one species would not want a predator to know where it hides."
Therefrom emerged a film treatment called The Message. The Earth in the late 20th century, his mission was to make sure mankind did not destroy itself with nuclear weapons. In the would-be series, he would have carried out other missions to protect mankind.
In The Questor Tapes, Questor's origin is also extraterrestrial, and his mission to serve and protect mankind remains the same as Gary Seven's. Music The music for The Questor Tapes was scored by Gil Mellé, who was a jazz musician as well as a saxophonist, composer, and also noted as a painter. (Some of his music for The Questor Tapes later made its way into Kolchak: one that brought it to Earth, Dr. Wahrman asks Bud why the Thunderer was destroyed.
Bud tells the adults that his group did what other groups of children have done in several other countries — they all sabotaged the rockets that would have carried dangerous nuclear devices into space, making it far too easy for mankind to destroy itself if such devices were ever used. The aliens were concerned about the welfare of mankind, so they relied upon teams loyal children all around the world to prevent mankind from making a terrible mistake. Production The Space Children was William Alland's first it received mostly positive reviews. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution called the film "the closest thing on film yet to Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey."
In the film, the evolution of the human race is traced from prehistory (mankind as blob forms), through today (mankind as teeming crowds of selfish, fighting, or lost individuals), to hundreds of millions of years into the future as our species evolves into countless new forms; all of them still behaving the same way. The film concludes in the extreme future, with two creatures (apparently an adult and child subspecies of future human), having a conversation about the refused The Rock's demands for a rematch, despite Rock offering stipulation after stipulation to appease Mankind until eventually he quit begging, at which point Mankind revealed that he would face The Rock at the Rumble as long as it was an "I Quit" match.
The Royal Rumble match featured a number of notable build ups. On Raw is War on January 11, a Corporation vs. DX mini-Rumble was set up with the winner taking the coveted number 30 spot; after all the apparent competitors had entered it seemed as if Triple H had won until Mr. McMahon made his way to is in the way Jesus lived, and what Jesus said."
Dykes is quoted as having said that people could not follow Jesus if He were truly divine. But if "Jesus was the model human being for all model human beings", then "we can live a life just as pure and spiritual as He did". Dykes claimed that "What God is and what mankind can be, they are one and the same. ... You see true God and potential man, they are the same."
Under this view, God is "not a God of Justice [because] He never punishes or rewards." In his advocates have developed plans for colonising space in order to counter human overpopulation and mitigate ecological pressures on earth (if not for other reasons).
In the 1970s, physicist and space activist Gerard K. O'Neill developed a large plan to build human settlements in outer space to solve the problems of overpopulation and limits to growth on earth without recourse to political repression. According to O'Neill's vision, mankind could — and indeed should — expand on this man-made frontier to many times the current world population and generate large amounts of new wealth in space. Herman Daly countered O'Neill's vision by arguing Space Station program, should build the rest of Russian modules for the station but instead of attaching them to the ISS, assemble them in orbit as an autonomous complex and launch it to Mars with a crew on board. He also gave this space complex its name Marspost.
Further concepts see Marpost to pave the way for a joint Russian-American mission to the Martian surface. Russia, capitalizing on its extensive experience in building and operating long-term orbital space stations, would build a trans-planetary spacecraft while America, capitalizing on its experience gained during the Apollo Moon landing program, would build a Mars Freizeit). They wanted to create a space with club rooms, craft rooms, workshops, a large multi-purpose room with a stage, and office space for the VFF. Because of the Second World War, the money could not be allocated until the late 1950s. To raise money to build the necessary accommodations, the Zurich Youth House (German: Zurcher Jugendhaus) raised 700,000 francs through three summer festivals. They announced they would use the money to build a new facility. Construction did not occur, and the city chose to renovate the current space instead, but had to deal with a group of 60 adolescents tournament and the title by beating Mankind in the finals in the same fashion as the Montreal Screwjob the previous year when The Rock locked Mankind in the Sharpshooter before Mr. McMahon called for the bell despite Mankind not submitting. The Rock was awarded the title by McMahon leading to the two forming an alliance that would start the beginning of The Corporation.
Despite being fired, Stone Cold Steve Austin appeared on Raw the following night and held Mr. McMahon at gunpoint. The gun would be revealed as a joke gun firing a flag with BANG! 3:16 on it. Austin left | a37d7996-1bda-404f-bb8d-904e65d5e59f |
chl261 | into the forest below. Soon the baby bat ends up in a sparrow's nest filled with three baby birds named Pip, Flitter and Flap. The mother bird will let Stellaluna be part of the family only if she eats bugs, does not hang by her feet and sleeps at night.
When the birds grow, they learn to fly. When Stellaluna and the birds are out playing, it gets dark and the birds go home without her because they will not be able to see in the dark. Stellaluna keeps flying, but when Stellaluna's wings hurt, she stops to rest. When she whole point, we're trying to make it look like the Conway show doesn't have a budget, has no money, and so that's why there's only one Tim Conway dancer instead of a line of them like the June Taylor Dancers on The Jackie Gleason Show, and there's only one musician, and they can't even afford an instrument for him, so he's standing at a music stand, humming the opening theme song." That's funny! And the suits said, "No, it makes the show look cheap." So they let me, the Tim Conway dancer, go. And if they hadn't done that, I The Real Housewives of Dallas (season 3) Cast and synopsis Following the conclusion of the second season, LeeAnne Locken began posting on social media that she would not be participating in the third season, following what she claimed to be "FALSE" portrayals of herself. Locken later clarified on the Reality Rundown podcast, stating she would return only if changes were made. She detailed: "The reality is I think that if we can put certain things in place then it certainly makes it to where you know everyone would feel comfortable moving forward. It's like when you go to start a Jesus Movement of the 1970s in the USA or the worldwide Charismatic Renewal of the late 1960s and 1970s. Others believe the House Church movement was pioneered by people like the Revd Ernest Southcott in the 1950s, when he was vicar of St Wilfred's Church in Halton, Leeds in England. Southcott believed that if people would not come to church, the church must go to the people, and his book The parish comes alive spread these ideas widely among Anglicans. Finances Limited financial resources can encourage church leaders to rethink the pattern of ministry and look for ways to forward bring it up into a flying position, then turning around under the wing and running to complete the launch.
Reverse launches have a number of advantages over a forward launch. It is more straightforward to inspect the wing and check if the lines are free as it leaves the ground. In the presence of wind, the pilot can be tugged toward the wing, and facing the wing makes it easier to resist this force and safer in case the pilot slips (as opposed to being dragged backwards). However, the movement pattern is more complex than forward launch, and the pilot has lengthwise along an open branch or a similar low perch. The cryptic plumage makes it difficult to see in the daytime, and birds on the ground, if they are not already in shade, will turn occasionally to face the sun thereby minimising their shadow. If it feels threatened, the nightjar flattens itself to the ground with eyes almost closed, flying only when the intruder is 2–5 m (7–16 ft) away. It may call or wing clap as it goes, and land as far as 40 m (130 ft) from where it was flushed. In the wintering area it often roosts on the ground but in any direction so it is counterproductive to put weight on their down-hand (this only facilitates forward movement.) However, defensive players usually put more weight on their down-hand to have a more explosive start as they almost always go forward. This gives them the power of their legs coupled with forward momentum for a stronger push. Four-point stance The least common variation is the four-point stance. This stance is used for maximum explosion and leverage in one direction (straight ahead of the player). Offensive linemen will typically only use it if they need to force the line forward only inches. and look at them in the mirror. If they were genii or good mountain gods, they would look like human beings when viewed in the mirror. If they were birds, animals, or evil demons, their true forms would appear in the mirror. If such a demon comes toward you, you must walk backward, turning your mirror toward it, in order to drive it away. Then observe it. If it is an aged demon it is sure to have no heels. If it has heels, it is a mountain god. (17, tr. Ware 1966: 281)
The preservation of Mystery-Unity [玄一] consists Angry Birds Go! Gameplay In Angry Birds Go!, players can choose how they want to move their kart. If players choose "tilt", they must the tilt the device into the direction they want the kart to move into. If players choose "touch", players must then tap on either the left or right part of the screen to move the kart to the left or right respectively. To start the race, they must pull the kart back from a large slingshot, then release when the "GO!" text appears. If players release it early, all other opponents will also launch early, but have problems with each other and one says 'Let's bomb them, kill them, go fight.' If we have a problem with another country I would like to see consideration instead of an automatic tendency to go to war. Let's hear their side, consider our side, and look at what is logical and reasonable. Let's look at what serves the best interests of the people and see if we can negotiate solutions, more sane solutions. Later life After the Civil Rights Movement, Nash moved back to Chicago where she worked in the fields of education and real estate, continuing as an | 58bf865b-7b70-4c22-af93-8c67af629cb9 |
chl5db | of the spirits entered into the barrel and the proof of the bottled spirits are the same". Drinking Consumers often add water to cask strength whiskies in order to reduce the "heat" – the "burn" sensation that goes with the drinking experience – and bring out different whiskey flavors. Diluting the whiskey with varying amounts of water will modify the flavor profile, and some consumers like to have control over that. Some add water to the whiskey, while others add ice. The water and temperature affect the taste of the whiskey, and the selection of water is also important. Aficionados Ice III Ice III is a form of solid matter which consists of tetragonal crystalline ice, formed by cooling water down to 250 K at 300 MPa. It is the least dense of the high-pressure water phases, with a density of 1160 kg/m³ (at 350 MPa). The proton-ordered form of ice III is Ice IX.
Ordinary water ice is known as ice Iₕ, (in the Bridgman nomenclature). Different types of ice, from Ice II to Ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures. Ice VII Ice VII is a cubic crystalline form of ice. It can be formed from liquid water above 3 GPa (30,000 atmospheres) by lowering its temperature to room temperature, or by decompressing heavy water (D₂O) ice VI below 95 K. Ordinary water ice is known as ice Iₕ, (in the Bridgman nomenclature). Different types of ice, from ice II to ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures. Ice VII is metastable over a wide range of temperatures and pressures and transforms into low-density amorphous ice (LDA) above 120 K (−153 °C). Ice VII Bici Bici Production Bici bici is prepared with crushed ice, starch, and syrup. Once the starch is cooked in water, it is left to cool in a tray and then chopped. Then, it is flavored with the syrup to taste, usually rose flavoured, and is draped over ice, finally served with sugar on top. Ice XV Ice XV is a crystalline form of ice, the proton-ordered form of ice VI. It is created by cooling water to around 130 K at 1 GPa (9820 atm).
Ordinary water ice is known as ice Iₕ, (in the Bridgman nomenclature). Different types of ice, from ice II to ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures.
On 14 June, 2009, Christoph Salzmann at the University of Oxford and colleagues reported having created ice XV and say that its properties differ significantly from those predicted. In particular, ice XV is antiferroelectric rather than (2) A water body and a ledoyom together (the stage of “catch lakes”). Certain forms of “dead ice” may remain in the basins, as well as intraglacial water-ice forms – eskers and kames which were projected onto the bottom lake deposits when the “shelf” ice descended; (3) “Aufeis” ledoyoms; (4) An ice-dammed lake only.
Under different extensions of the glacier at different time periods, one and the same basin underwent different sequences of the lake-glacier events. Ice IX Ice IX is a form of solid water stable at temperatures below 140 K and pressures between 200 and 400 MPa. It has a tetragonal crystal lattice and a density of 1.16 g/cm³, 26% higher than ordinary ice. It is formed by cooling ice III from 208 K to 165 K (rapidly—to avoid forming ice II). Its structure is identical to ice III other than being hydrogen-ordered.
Ordinary water ice is known as ice Iₕ in the Bridgman nomenclature. Different types of ice, from ice II to ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and supercooled water, ice Ic has also been reported to form from amorphous ice as well as from the high pressure ices II, III and V. It can form in and is occasionally present in the upper atmosphere and is believed to be responsible for the observation of Scheiner's halo, a rare ring that occurs near 28 degrees from the Sun or the Moon.
Ordinary water ice is known as ice Iₕ (in the Bridgman nomenclature). Different types of ice, from ice II to ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures.
But there are doubts that “ice Ice VIII Ice VIII is a tetragonal crystalline form of ice formed from ice VII by cooling it below 5 °C. It is more ordered than ice VII, since the hydrogen atoms assume fixed positions.
Ordinary water ice is known as ice Iₕ, (in the Bridgman nomenclature). Different types of ice, from ice II to ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures. feel that a glass of soda water would taste good. She intimated as much to her cavalier.
They walked over to Hudnut's. Calleen ordered raspberry flavor, and Stanley called for vanilla.
"Put plenty of ice cream into mine!" Calleen admonished the clerk. | 7c8f87b7-6287-4873-b038-68c2e3fe1b75 |
chl6ns | books in the Harry Potter series, it was eventually translated into 67 languages. However, because of high security surrounding the manuscript, translators did not get to start on translating Half-Blood Prince until its English release date, and the earliest were not expected to be released until the fall of 2005. In Germany, a group of "hobby translators" translated the book via Internet in less than two days after release, long before German translator Klaus Fritz could translate and publish the book. Editions Since its wide hardcover release on 16 July 2005, Half-Blood Prince was released as a paperback on 23 Pixies (film) Synopsis Joe Beck has lost the love of his life thanks to a Pixie's Curse and he now needs to figure out how to get his girl back, learn more about the mysterious Pixies and undo a bad deed he did long ago. extinct and dead: inscriptions are ill understood even by the most knowledgeable scholars, and the language ceased to be used in any form long ago, so that there have been no speakers, native or non-native, for many centuries. In contrast, Old English, Old High German and Latin never ceased evolving as living languages, nor did they become totally extinct as Etruscan did. Through time Latin underwent both common and divergent changes in phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon and continues today as the native language of hundreds of millions of people, renamed as different Romance languages and dialects (French, Italian, Spanish, believed that all languages were derived from Hebrew.
Mikhail Lomonosov compared numbers and other linguistic features in different languages of the world including Slavic, Baltic ("Kurlandic"), Iranian ("Medic"), Finnish, Chinese, Khoekhoe ("Hottentot") and others. He emphatically expressed the antiquity of the linguistic stages accessible to comparative method in the drafts for his Russian Grammar published in 1755:
Imagine the depth of time when these languages separated! ... Polish and Russian separated so long ago! Now think how long ago [this happened to] Kurlandic! Think when [this happened to] Latin, Greek, German, and Russian! Oh, great antiquity!
Gaston-Laurent Coeurdoux (1691–1779) sent a Mémoire to began illegally publishing and reading Pavlov's poems during the censorship against his work.
Pavlov received numerous awards in literature and poetry. He was "granted" the Grand Prix at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 1980 for his screenplay of the film, Illusion. His works were translated in numerous European languages.
Some of Pavlov's most popular works of poetry included Sweet Agony, published in 1991; The Murder of the Sleeping Man in 1992; and the A Long Time Ago ... in 1998.
Konstantin Pavlov died in Sofia, on September 28, 2008, at the age of 75. He was survived by his wife, Maria, native languages. The code talkers improved the speed of encryption and decryption of communications in front line operations during World War II.
There were two code types used during World War II. Type one codes were formally developed based on the languages of the Comanche, Hopi, Meskwaki, and Navajo peoples. They used words from their languages for each letter of the English alphabet. Messages could be encoded and decoded by using a simple substitution cipher where the ciphertext was the native language word. Type two code was informal and directly translated from English into the native language. If there was no Long Long Time Ago 2 Plot Continuing from Long Long Time Ago, Zhao Di takes over her family farm with the help of Ah Long after the 1969 floods. After the government started reclaiming land for development in 1977, licensed owners like Zhao Di are compensated but her brother accuses her of having an affair with Ah Long to get the money for himself. Osman does not approve his son playing in a rock band as he fears the negative influence, causing his son to run away from home. Meanwhile, Ah Hee and Rani decide to get married but their book, Starry Eyes, about two teens who get lost in the California wilderness, was published in 2018 and received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews and was nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award for Young Adult Fiction. It has been translated into five languages. from around the world.
Collecting proverbs in languages with a literate heritage is usually done by looking for examples in the available literature. There are published collections in many languages with long written traditions, Greek, Latin, Russian, French, German, Greek, Chinese, etc. In addition, there are published collections from languages that do not have a long written tradition, such as Temne, Oromo, Bambara, Bassa.
The most famous published collection of proverbs is the Latin Adagia collected by Erasmus, mostly from ancient literature. As people from across Europe read the proverbs it contained, they often translated them into local languages, spreading them across did not publicly support Semi-Official languages but did work to improve the parity of usage of the 6 existing official languages. UN Media As of June 2018, the media branch of the United Nations, UN News, includes website translations into Portuguese and Swahili in addition to the 6 official languages. Other UN documents and websites are already translated into Bengali (referred to as Bangla), Hindi, Urdu, Malay, French Creole, Portuguese, and Swahili but not on an official or consistent basis. New proposed languages While there are no proposals before the General Assembly to add another official language, various individuals and | 0a3b06c5-d32f-4e61-a76b-fe879509bfac |
chlcrt | King tide Definition King tides are the highest tides. They are naturally occurring, predictable events.
Tides are the movement of water across Earth's surface caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon, Sun, and the rotation of Earth which manifest in the local rise and fall of sea levels. Tides are driven by the relative positions of the Earth, Sun, Moon, land formations, and relative location on Earth.
In the lunar month, the highest tides occur roughly every 14 days, at the new and full moons, when the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun Earth and the Sun, causing the Sun to disappear either entirely or partially. This phenomenon is commonly known as a solar eclipse. Occultations in which the larger body is neither the Sun nor the Moon are very rare. More frequent, however, is an occultation of a planet by the Moon. Several such events are visible every year from various places on Earth. Position of the observer A conjunction, as a phenomenon of perspective, is an event that involves two astronomical bodies seen by an observer on the Earth. Times and details depend only very slightly on the observer's location on requires that one first specify the coordinates used. In our simple example of the surface of the Earth, we could choose any kind of coordinate system we wish, for example latitude and longitude, or X-Y-Z Cartesian coordinates. Once we have chosen a specific coordinate system, the numerical values of the coordinates of any two points are uniquely determined, and based upon the properties of the space being discussed, the appropriate metric is mathematically established too. On the curved surface of the Earth, we can see this effect in long-haul airline flights where the distance between two points is measured based Barycentric celestial reference system The barycentric celestial reference system (BCRS) is a coordinate system used in astrometry to specify the location and motions of astronomical objects. It was created in 2000 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to be the global standard reference system for objects located outside the gravitational vicinity of Earth: planets, moons, and other Solar System bodies, stars and other objects in the Milky Way galaxy, and extra-galactic objects.
The geocentric celestial reference system (GCRS), also created by the IAU in 2000, is a similar standard coordinate system used to specify the location and motions of near-Earth objects, thing a road" (or more literally, "We gave him the means of everything" 18:84) He travels as far as the ends of the Earth, to the place on the Earth where the Sun sets (the west) and the place on the Earth where the Sun rises (the east). The Quran portrays him travelling to the "setting of the sun." Muslim interpretations of these verses are varied, but classical Muslim scholars seemed to have been of the opinion that Dhul-Qarnayn's journey was real, not allegorical, and that Dhul-Qarnayn's wall is also a real, physical wall somewhere on Earth.
In the Christian legends, elsewhere in the universe there is a planet exactly like Earth in virtually all aspects, which we refer to as "Twin Earth". (We should also suppose that the relevant surroundings are exactly the same as for Earth; it revolves around a star that appears to be exactly like our sun, and so on). On Twin Earth, there is a Twin equivalent of every person and thing here on Earth. The one difference between the two planets is that there is no water on Twin Earth. In its place there is a liquid that is superficially identical, but is chemically different, half is experiencing nighttime. When a given location on the spherical Earth is in sunlight, its antipode - the location exactly on the opposite side of the Earth - is always experiencing nighttime. The spherical shape of the Earth causes the Sun to rise and set at different times in different places, and different locations get different amounts of sunlight each day.
In order to explain day and night, time zones, and the seasons, some flat Earth theorists propose that the Sun does not emit light in all directions, but acts more like a spotlight, only illuminating part of the in beauty and perfection.
Now if we say that we have seen the Sun in two mirrors-- one the Christ and one the Holy Spirit--that is to say, that we have seen three Suns, one in heaven and the two others on the earth, we speak truly. And if we say that there is one Sun, and it is pure singleness, and has no partner and equal, we again speak truly.
In essence, the Manifestations of God are seen as divine educators, who are raised up by God with the purpose of uplifting mankind and expressing his will. In expressing God's intent, relativism in which every motion, uniform or accelerated, has sense only in reference to other bodies (i.e., one cannot simply say that the water is rotating, but must specify if it's rotating with respect to the vessel or to the earth). In this view, the apparent forces that seem to permit discrimination between relative and "absolute" motions should only be considered as an effect of the particular asymmetry that there is in our reference system between the bodies which we consider in motion, that are small (like buckets), and the bodies that we believe are still (the earth and By the 2nd century BC Hipparchus was the first to use such a system to uniquely specify places on Earth. He also proposed a system of determining longitude by comparing the local time of a place with an absolute time. This is the first recognition that longitude can be determined by accurate knowledge of time. In the 11th century Al-Biruni believed the earth rotated on its axis and this forms our modern notion of how time and longitude are related. Problem of longitude Determining latitude was relatively easy in that it could be found from the altitude of the sun | 4c85e42c-41fd-44a9-a368-595bcf9afef1 |
chlitg | hosts talks both in Chinese and in English. The proceedings are published annually after the conference is finished; after NACCL-20 in 2008, the proceedings were published online for the first time.
Subjects presented include: Sociolinguistics, Phonetics/Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Orthography, Historical linguistics, Computational/Corpus Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics, and Morphology. Crosslinguistic influence Crosslinguistic influence (CLI) refers to the different ways in which one language can affect another within an individual speaker. It typically involves two languages that can affect one another in a bilingual speaker. An example of CLI is the influence of Korean on a Korean native speaker who is learning Japanese or French. Less typically, it could also refer to an interaction between different dialects in the mind of a monolingual speaker. CLI can be observed across subsystems of languages including pragmatics, semantics, syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics, and orthography. Discussed further in this article are particular subcategories of CLI—transfer, attrition, the complementarity principle, and additional theories. Phonology Terminology The word 'phonology' (as in the phonology of English) can also refer to the phonological system (sound system) of a given language. This is one of the fundamental systems which a language is considered to comprise, like its syntax, its morphology and its vocabulary.
Phonology is often distinguished from phonetics. While phonetics concerns the physical production, acoustic transmission and perception of the sounds of speech, phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language or across languages to encode meaning. For many linguists, phonetics belongs to descriptive linguistics, and phonology to theoretical linguistics, although establishing the phonological as in ellipsis, but is substituted for another, more general word. For example, "Which ice-cream would you like?" – "I would like the pink one," where "one" is used instead of repeating "ice-cream." Grammatical cohesion In linguistics, grammar refers to the logical and structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Lexical cohesion Lexical cohesion refers to the way related words are chosen to link elements of Shigeto Kawahara Research Kawahara primarily investigates phonetic bases of emergent phonological patterns. In addition to issues on the phonetics-phonology interface, he also works on the experimental investigations of phonological judgments, syntax-phonology interface as well as the phonology-morphology interface. He has also studied verbal art patterns including Japanese rap rhymes and puns. can respond to and is appliable in the context. This approach focuses on the importance of theory and practice being interrelated in linguistics. He draws on work by M. A. K. Halliday as well as J R Martin in developing this framework.
Ahmar has also made considerable contributions to the study of World Englishes, and in particular Pakistani English. His work on Pakistani English includes studies of the phonetics, phonology, lexis, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse structure of the language. His more recent work on World Englishes focuses on World Englishes and identity, for example, English as an Islamic language.
More different regions of the world, even from Jerusalem, the centre of Samaritan Studies, to work in Berlin. Besides organizing the library Macuch worked five years on his Grammatik des samaritanischen Hebräisch (“Grammar of Samaritan Hebrew”), which is a through treatment of the differences between Samaritan and Jewish-Masorean Hebrew in orthography, phonology, morphology and syntax. As to the pronunciation of Samaritan Hebrew, which is interesting from the point of view of linguistic history, he did not rely on his predecessors Z. Ben-Ḥayyim and A. Murtonen, but used his own recordings of texts from his sessions with the Samaritan priests in Nablus. systems of a culture in its definition of literacy. The concept of literacy is expanding across OECD countries to include skills to access knowledge through technology and ability to assess complex contexts.
The key to literacy is reading development, a progression of skills which begins with the ability to understand spoken words and decode written words, and which culminates in the deep understanding of text. Reading development involves a range of complex language-underpinnings including awareness of speech sounds (phonology), spelling patterns (orthography), word meaning (semantics), grammar (syntax) and patterns of word formation (morphology), all of which provide a necessary platform the grammar, including morphology and syntax. A volume of essays examining the phonology of many languages was published in her honor in 2011. the concepts of the logic and the linguistic philosophies of Scholasticism, the school of Port‐Royal, G. W. Leibniz, and Wilhelm Humboldt as well as Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and the relational logic of logical positivism.
Brøndal's work on a universal grammar focuses on morphology and merely sketches semantics (Praepositionernes theori, 1940) and syntax (Morfologi og syntax, 1932). He deals only sporadically with phonology and phonetics—that is, the symbolic dimension in his theory. Brøndal was not particularly concerned with the concept of sign. His ultimate purpose was to find the basic features of language that maintained it as an intentional phenomenon in the | 01b1156b-951c-4319-8009-ed6cf52603af |
chlrq8 | Unique molecular identifier Unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), or molecular barcodes (MBC) are short sequences or molecular "tags" added to DNA fragments in some next generation sequencing library preparation protocols to identify the input DNA molecule. They can be used to reduce errors and quantitative bias introduced by amplification. Applications include variant calling in ctDNA, gene expression in single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) and haplotyping via linked reads. of these approaches based on business needs, environment, as well as the unique characteristics of an application. Document composition In recent years, more companies have been applying barcodes as part of document creation, with all barcode information included in the initial data payload. This trend has been driven by other initiatives, such as transpromotional transaction documents, where the goal is to produce individualized, relevant statements. Creating barcodes at this point in the process may require some added effort, but with the proximity to databases and business applications, some mailers may find it easier to track data back to its original can link to URLs, join wireless networks, or perform other operations depending on the QR Code contents. Other paid and free apps are available with scanning capabilities for other symbologies or for earlier iOS versions. With BlackBerry devices, the App World application can natively scan barcodes and load any recognized Web URLs on the device's Web browser. Windows Phone 7.5 is able to scan barcodes through the Bing search app. However, these devices are not designed specifically for the capturing of barcodes. As a result, they do not decode nearly as quickly or accurately as a dedicated barcode scanner or Putin said that "IS has big money, hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, from selling oil. In addition they are protected by the military of an entire nation. One can understand why they are acting so boldly and blatantly. Why they kill people in such atrocious ways. Why they commit terrorist acts across the world, including in the heart of Europe,". Western intelligence officials said that they can track the ISIS oil shipments as they move across Iraq and into Turkey's southern border regions. The Obama administration was struggling to cut off the millions of dollars in oil a trillion people each.
This purpose of a "hive world" like Necromunda, is to be a manufacturing center to provide equipment for the boundless legions of the Imperial Guard and Space Marines, as well as lay down new hulls for the Imperial Navy. The hive cities produce billions of tons of manufactured goods daily. In return for these services the hives are described as being supplied with billions of tons of food and raw ore every day, serviced by bevies of ships that make commutes between the hive world and neighboring planets that are mining or agricultural worlds. Houses of Hive efficiently exchange product master data.
By 2005, the organisation was present in over 90 countries which started to use the name GS1 on a worldwide basis. Whilst "GS1" is not an acronym it refers to the organisation offering one global system of standards.
Aug 2018 - GS1 Web URI Structure Standard is ratified allowing unique ID's to be added to products by storing a URI (a webpage-like address) as a QR code. Barcodes Barcodes defined by GS1 standards are very common. GS1 introduced the barcode in 1974. They encode a product identification number that can be scanned electronically, making it easier for billions of citizens a fully settled Orbital has, and constantly controls millions of avatars, (usually) humanoid representatives of itself, throughout the world, though it can also interact in myriad other ways. It will also provide near-instant aid or material comforts, usually via service drones or matter displacement - being a near-omnipresent, omniscient as well as generally all-benevolent presence in the life of an Orbital citizen. As an insurance policy against unscrupulous Hub Minds, and to represent the community to visitors from more traditionally hierarchical societies, each Orbital also elects a body called a General Board from among its human and is being used in herbaria across the world. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History creates their barcodes from a short sequence of plant DNA, which can be easily identified from all healthy specimens of the species. This barcode is then printed and placed onto the plant mount. By creating these DNA barcodes, the process of organizing and loaning plant specimens becomes more streamlined and can be mechanized. Voucher specimens Voucher specimens are select herbarium specimens. What distinguishes these specimens from others is that a voucher specimen is a "representative sample of an expertly identified organism." These specimens are usually GS1 US GS1 Company Prefixes and UPC Barcodes When a company gets a barcode from GS1 US, they are issued a unique company identification number, called a GS1 Company Prefix, which serve as the basis for companies to create Universal Product Codes (UPC) barcodes – these barcodes contain a 12-digit Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) that uniquely identifies a product. The GS1 Company Prefix contained in a UPC is licensed just to that specific company and uniquely links a company to its products in the marketplace. This helps establish the brand with retailers and make it easier for the company's professional level all over the world. Millions of people regularly go to football stadiums to follow their favourite teams, while billions more watch the game on television or on the internet. A very large number of people also play football at an amateur level. According to a survey conducted by FIFA published in 2001, over 240 million people from more than 200 countries regularly play football. Football has the highest global television audience in sport.
In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of individual fans, local communities, and even nations. | 2855841c-2edf-4200-aeb7-fb3962fe7437 |
chlz9m | video games published by Boss Fight Books.
In 2015, Kazemi released a project called the "Ethical Ad Blocker," which not only blocked ads, but also blocked all websites that contained ads, so that users would not take content for free from sites that rely on advertising dollars. Speaking to Vice's Motherboard, Kazemi explained the project, which made a huge number of websites inaccessible to those who'd enabled the Ethical Ad-Blocker was meant to dramatize the conflict traditional ad-blockers raise in allowing users to avoid ads but depriving websites of the revenue streams they rely on: "I like the idea of codifying various ways, but most of them earn money from endorsements. Internet celebrities can use their fame to promote products or experiences to their followers, and are believed to provide credibility to products. In social media advertising, Internet celebrities can be paid to advertise products. When they have garnered sufficient attention and following, they can be approached by advertising companies to help advertise products and reach a wider audience.
YouTubers can make money directly through their YouTube channel by using ads or sponsoring products. YouTube's AdSense program allows YouTubers to earn revenue from ads and views. AdSense has certain requirements—a YouTuber not for YouTube publishers. Link units Link units are closely targeted to the interests of your users. Because users directly interact with the ad unit, they may be more interested in the ads they eventually see.
AdSense publishers are paid for clicks on the ads that are linked from link unit topics, not for clicks on the initial topics themselves. The ads on the linked page are pay-per-click Google ads similar to those shown in regular AdSense ad units. Link Units Mobile content AdSense for mobile content allowed publishers to generate earnings from their mobile websites using targeted Google advertisements. Just YouTuber A YouTuber, also known as a YouTube personality or YouTube content creator, is a type of internet celebrity and videographer who has gained popularity from their videos on the video-sharing website YouTube. Networks sometimes support YouTube celebrities. Some YouTube personalities have corporate sponsors who pay for product placement in their clips or production of online ads.
The term 'YouTuber' has changed over the last few years due to reliance on advertising revenue and sponsored content. Etymology The name "YouTuber" refers to individual(s) whose main or only platform are YouTube channel(s), personalized subpages of the YouTube video sharing platform. History attention a scheme in which ads were forcefully "injected" onto popular sites (including, YouTube and others) by third-party sellers without the site owners' knowledge, with the profits going to the third party. In June 2014, Telemetry uncovered an ad fraud scheme that had been going on for several months, in which websites running lucrative video ads were being placed in banner ads on cheaper websites, with those behind the operation skimming around $10 million in video ad revenue per month. The scheme affected over 75 advertisers, including McDonald's, Coca-Cola and Ford. Rushton called it the most significant instance of IE7Pro is developed in a componentized and modular fashion. Each feature has its own 'module'. Modules can be enabled or disabled, allowing for using to use only the feature they want. IE7Pro contains the following modules:
Basic Functions - Contains the core functions of IE7Pro.
Ad Blocker - Blocks all forms of advertising, including Flash ads, rich media, fly-ins, slide-ins, pop-ups, pop-unders, spyware and adware ads, and messenger ads.
Scripts & Plugins - The basic framework for userscripts and plugins. One of the most popular userscripts allows users to download videos from YouTube.
Spell Checker - IE7Pro Spell Check is an Internet Explorer extension subscriptions and microtransactions. Websites and applications are "ad-free" when not using ads at all for revenue. For example, the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia provides free access to its content by receiving funding from charitable donations. Excite@Home and antivirus vendor to provide Internet subscribers with McAfee's new firewall software, McAfee Personal Firewall. Version 2000s firewall, based on AtGuard from WRQ, filters traffic at the packet level. It can block ActiveX controls and Java applets. Other functionalities include cookie removal, and banner ad blocking. ZDNet found the ad blocker removed graphics that were not ads, breaking pages. Adjusting the settings fixed the problem, however the process was complicated. ZDNet noted the lack of information presented concerning attacks the firewall blocked. Norton LiveUpdate downloads and installs program updates.
The Family Edition adds parental controls. Parental controls are backed the number of customers reached... Online ad networks and advertising publishers Most online ad-network platforms offer website owners and marketers to signup as advertising publishers. Publishers can then display ads shared by the advertising network and the revenue is shared between both the advertising network and publisher. When the beginners could not pass through the minimum criteria for publishing advertisements, ad placement services could ban the publisher for not fulfilling the requirements. Some networks demand strict terms and conditions while there are other ad publishing alternatives some times commissions vary on what sells otherwise user still to earn a good filter lists. Adblock Plus (provided by the German software house Eyeo GmbH) is included in the freeware browser Maxthon from the People's Republic of China by default. Another method for filtering advertisements uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) rules to hide specific HTML and XHTML elements.
At the beginning of 2018, Google confirmed that the built-in ad blocker for the Chrome/Chromium browsers would go live on the 15th of February: this ad blocker only blocks certain ads as specified by the Better Ads Standard (defined by the Coalition for Better Ads, in which Google itself is a board member). This built-in ad | 43e8cf5b-d12c-4f66-862c-dc3349ebf83d |
chm2s6 | concurrent 'El Niño' event and the rare occurrence of an extremely negative NAO were involved, this has become known as a "Hybrid El Niño".
However, during the winter of 2010-11 in Northern and Western Europe, the Icelandic low, typically positioned west of Iceland and east of Greenland, appeared regularly to the east of Iceland and so allowed exceptionally cold air into Europe from the Arctic. A strong area of high pressure was initially situated over Greenland, reversing the normal wind pattern in the northwestern Atlantic, creating a blocking pattern driving warm air into northeastern Canada and cold air into Western Europe, through southern, western, central, and southeast Europe, and northern Africa along parts of western Asia. Fall of the Western Roman Empire During the political decline of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century, there were large-scale migrations into the empire, and the Latin-speaking world was fragmented into several independent states. Central Europe and the Balkans were occupied by Germanic and Slavic tribes, as well as by Huns. These incursions isolated the Vlachs from the rest of Romance-speaking Europe.
British and African Romance—the forms of Vulgar Latin used in southeastern Britain and the Roman province of Africa, where it had been about a quarter are so-called "Russian" Mennonites of German tradition, language and descent. Climate At 416 meters above sea level, it is warm and tropical most of the year. Winters are short and last only 2–3 months but can get very cold very suddenly. "Surazos" (southerly winds that blow in from Argentina) can drop the temperature by as much as 30 degrees overnight. This extreme cold lasts only a few days at a time and the beautiful, sub-tropical Santa Cruz is pleasant throughout most of the year. Here the climate varies by geographical zone: temperate to cold in the western century a wide area of the massif was included in two protected areas, the Parc naturel régional des Vosges du Nord (established in 1976) and the Parc naturel régional des Ballons des Vosges (established in 1989). Climate Meteorologically, as a consequence of the Foehn effect the difference between the eastern and western mean slopes of the range is very marked. The main air streams come generally from the west and southwest, so the Alsatian central plains just under the Hautes-Vosges receive much less water than the south-west front of the Vosges Mountains. The highlands of the arrondissement of Remiremont receive are quite common in China (Yi, Naxi, Lhoba, Han Chinese, etc.). Especially in ethnic Finnic peoples and Baltic-speaking peoples of northern Europe, the Ob-Ugric-speaking and Northern Samoyed peoples of western Siberia, the Siberian Turkic-speaking Yakuts (McDonald 2005), Altaians and Shors. Nearly all members of haplogroup N among these populations of northern Eurasia belong to subclades of N1a-F1206/M2013/S11466.
Y-chromosomes belonging to N1b-F2930/M1881/V3743, or N1*-CTS11499/L735/M2291(xN1a-F1206/M2013/S11466), have been found at relatively high levels in South China and adjoining areas of southeastern Asia.
N2-Y6503, the other primary subclade of haplogroup N, is extremely rare and is mainly represented among extant humans by a recently formed subclade of the violent scenes. Leafie also sold to German-speaking territories via Ascot Elit and Brazil’s Conquest Filmes. It has so far secured deals for 46 countries around Asia, Europe and the Middle East after going on sale at Busan’s Asian Film Market, Cannes’s MIPCOM and Rome’s Business Street.
It became the first Korean animated film to play at Chinese theaters, opening at 3,000 screens, which is over one-third of the country's total. Clearly elated at the film's warm reception by the Chinese media, director Oh said he hoped this breaks new ground as investors traditionally judge projects based on their appeal Europe politically into the Western World and the East Bloc, splitting Central Europe in half. Before World War I, the German-speaking world used the somewhat-related term Mitteleuropa (from German: Middle Europe) for an area larger than most conceptions of Central Europe, notably encompassing Switzerland among the other German-speaking countries.
Physically, Switzerland is situated approximately in the middle of the portion of Europe west of the Carpathian Mountains. Defining the Ural Mountains as the eastern limit of the continent, Switzerland is located within the western third of Europe, approximately 15 degrees of longitude away from the extreme west and 50 degrees away attacking troops would be seen to be justified in sacking the city. Siege warfare Siege warfare dominated in Western Europe for most of the 17th and 18th centuries. An entire campaign, or longer, could be used in a single siege (for example, Ostend in 1601–04; La Rochelle in 1627–28). This resulted in extremely prolonged conflicts. The balance was that, while siege warfare was extremely expensive and very slow, it was very successful—or, at least, more so than encounters in the field. Battles arose through clashes between besiegers and relieving armies, but the principle was a slow, grinding victory by the the International Date Line for tropical latitudes, and thus these are often conflated. Meteorologically, this region covers the western part of the Eastern Pacific basin and the eastern part of the Western Pacific basin, though administratively the National Hurricane Center is responsible for the Eastern Pacific basin east of 140°W, and thus the Eastern Pacific region (EP) typically refers to region east of 140°W, not the whole meteorological basin. The region east of 140°W was formerly the responsibility of the Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center; like the CPHC, it took responsibility in 1970, but it is now folded into the NHC.
In a desertlike climate just downwind across western Argentina. The Sierra Nevada range creates the same effect in North America forming the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts. Similarly, in Asia, the Himalaya mountains create an obstacle to monsoons which leads to extremely high precipitation on the southern side and lower precipitation levels on the northern side. Snow Extratropical cyclones can bring cold and dangerous conditions with heavy rain and snow with winds exceeding 119 km/h (74 mph), (sometimes referred to as windstorms in Europe). The band of precipitation that is associated with their warm front is often extensive, forced by weak | b2b2eea9-90bf-4f9a-bfb0-1123315d5372 |
chm3c5 | Williams told Vogue Magazine, "This show was like synchronized swimming. We got to experience his thoughts manifested, to have all of the models walk a half a mile was a huge proposition—but he pulled it off."
Lagerfeld explained, "I think the dream of a lot of people is to be on the front row for once in their life. Because the people in row number five, they don't see the detail with half a mile of runway, but the music was made that they could walk quickly and everything; it's for a fast life, you can move, you can travel..." Chanel Kolkata Rainbow Pride Walk 1999 Kolkata's pride march 1999 was the first ever march in India, organised on 2 July 1999. The walk was called The Friendship Walk. The march began with hardly fifteen participants and some of these participants came from other cities in India, including Mumbai and Bangalore. The participants were wearing specially designed, bright yellow T-shirts with graphics of footsteps and a caption reading "Walk on the Rainbow". Some well-known people who participated in The Friendship Walk included Ashok Row Kavi, Nitin Karani, Pawan Dhall, Owais Khan and Rafique-Ul-Haque-Dowjah-Ranjan. The idea of a pride walk to highlight received overseas exposure when it was used in the film Friday the 13th: A New Beginning.
In October 1984 Tony Lugton was replaced by James Leigh (aka James Dingli). Tony Lugton left the band due to musical differences. Lugton eventually joined synth rock band Talk That Walk. Another line-up change occurred just after the recording of the second album, with Argiro replaced by James's brother Vince Leigh (aka Vincent Dingli). In November 1985, Canham joined a charity project for research on little penguins, as a guest vocalist with other Australian artists and backed by The Incredible Penguins. They covered the John are in Billy Row, or a walk up the track following the old tubline and over the railway line closed by Beeching to the Old Dun Cow, perennially known as the "Cowtail".
The nearest town is Crook, a 20-minute walk or a 5-minute bus ride.
The exterior design of Festive Walk Parade is designed after the Santana Row development in California, with touches of art nouveau and art deco. It is directly connected via elevated walkways to Festive Walk Mall Annex, Festive Walk Mall and Iloilo Transport Hub.
At the edge Festive Walk Parade is the Casa Emperador, which is home to the Iloilo Museum of Contemporary Art. Iloilo Museum for Contemporary Art (ILOMOCA) First inaugurated in March 17, 2018, the P109-million ILOMOCA – is the first contemporary art museum in Visayas and Mindanao, located at the edge of Festive Walk Parade inside the in having two different means of terrestrial locomotion: the "high walk" and the "low walk". Their ankle joints flex in a different way from those of other reptiles, a feature they share with some early archosaurs. One of the upper row of ankle bones, the astragalus, moves with the tibia and fibula. The other, the calcaneum, is functionally part of the foot, and has a socket into which a peg from the astragalus fits. The result is that the legs can be held almost vertically beneath the body when on land, and the foot can swivel during locomotion with a Hospitaller possession that two colleges of law were founded within its grounds. By 1388, two distinct societies had formed and they were known as Inner Temple and Middle Temple. Since then, the Temple has been associated with the legal profession and the Bar. Buildings in King's Bench Walk King’s Bench Walk takes its name from the Office of the King’s Bench, which was first situated along the row in 1621. King’s Bench Walk has held buildings since before 1548. These buildings were destroyed during the Great Fire of London in 1666. The buildings that replaced them were also destroyed in run, the Colorado Rockies intentionally walked Carlos Lee who had hit a walk-off grand slam the night before. Loretta then hit a 2-run homer for another walk-off home run the second night in a row. Los Angeles Dodgers On December 10, 2008, Loretta signed a one-year contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers for reported $1.25 million.
On October 8, 2009, Mark Loretta hit a walk-off single to defeat the St. Louis Cardinals, 3–2, in game two of the National League Division Series. The score was tied and the bases were loaded with two outs when he stroked a line drive off new family sized housing to replace the demolished properties. Two of the subways in the Meadows have been removed (the Meadows Way underpass which connects Arkwright Walk with Arkwright Street has been replaced with a pedestrian crossing and the underpass which takes Queens Walk under Robin Hood Way filled in.
Under the NCH proposals, the Bridgeway Shopping Centre remains open but lacking traders and requests by residents for further shops along Queens Walk failed to attract any commercial interest.
Early in 2012 a new tram route to Clifton was cut through the Queens Walk. In the main the double row of plane Canada's Walk of Fame History The Walk of Fame was first conceived in 1996 when co-founder Peter Soumalias, suggested the idea of a Walk of Fame for famous Torontonians to the board of the Toronto Entertainment District Association. They rejected his idea, but he went on to establish a Walk of Fame for Canadians in partnership with Bill Ballard, Dusty Cohl and Gary Slaight. In spite of a lack of funds, research and no media plan, the first class of inductees was inducted in 1998. Canada's Walk of Fame has become a popular tourist attraction in Toronto, and has been | c82099bf-dd57-42e7-8825-477c49719aab |
chm4ok | are also usually seen, sometimes only on the front feet, other times on all four feet. Polo wraps are also another form of protection that is used, this helps give support to the tendons and ligaments, and prevents bruising and irritation. These can be used on all four legs but if wrapped improperly can cause damage.
Reining horses are usually fitted with special horseshoes on the hind feet called slide plates. Slide plates have wider bar steel and are smoother than regular horseshoes, with even the nail heads filed to be flush with the shoe. When the horse plants its in some cases eliminate founder (laminitis) in horses and navicular syndrome.
It is generally agreed upon by most natural hoof care practitioners that the management of the animal (diet and boarding conditions) are the most important components for the success of the horse to be barefoot. If the diet is unnatural, there will be inflammation and the horse cannot be comfortable. Impact of horseshoes Removable iron horseshoes known as "hipposandals" may have been invented by the Roman legions. Nailed-on shoes were certainly used in Europe by the Middle Ages.
Horses were shod with nailed-on horseshoes from the Middle Ages to the their feet by a professional farrier. The hoof continually grows, and in most domesticated horses needs to be trimmed (and horseshoes reset, if used) every five to eight weeks, though the hooves of horses in the wild wear down and regrow at a rate suitable for their terrain. Teeth Horses are adapted to grazing. In an adult horse, there are 12 incisors at the front of the mouth, adapted to biting off the grass or other vegetation. There are 24 teeth adapted for chewing, the premolars and molars, at the back of the mouth. Stallions and geldings have four additional teeth just placed a high value on horses. They were often included in the price paid for land and in bequests and other gifts, and kings' servants included horse-thegns, or marshals. Numerous horses and horse-breeding establishments were recorded in Domesday Book, though many more horses were probably omitted, given the need for horses for riding and pulling carts. Only 71 smiths are recorded in Domesday Book, but others "must be concealed under the heading of other classes". Six smiths in Hereford were obliged to supply 120 horseshoes each year for the maintenance of horses belonging to warriors.
Horses held religious significance in Anglo-Saxon paganism. The generations of domestic horses bred for size, color, speed, and other traits with little regard for hoof quality and soundness make some breeds more dependent on horseshoes than feral horses such as mustangs, which develop strong hooves as a matter of natural selection.
Nonetheless, domestic horses do not always require shoes. When possible, a "barefoot" hoof, at least for part of every year, is a healthy option for most horses. However, horseshoes have their place and can help prevent excess or abnormal hoof wear and injury to the foot. Many horses go without shoes year-round, some using temporary protection such as to legislation preventing automotive traffic, such as on Mackinac Island in the United States. Care Feeding, caring for and shoeing a one-ton draft horse is costly. Although many draft horses can work without a need for shoes, if they are required, farriers may charge twice the price to shoe a draft horse as a light riding horse because of the extra labor and specialized equipment required. Historically, draft horses were shod with horseshoes that were significantly wider and heavier than those for other types of horses, custom-made, often with caulkins.
The draft horse's metabolism is a bit slower than riding vast collection of horseshoes, the oldest of which date from the 15th century. Sport The sport of horseshoes involves a horseshoe being thrown as close as possible to a rod in order to score points. As far as it is known, the sport is as old as horseshoes themselves. While traditional horseshoes can still be used, most organized versions of the game use specialized sport horseshoes, which do not fit on horses' hooves. habit of blood-drinking (which applied to camels as well as horses) shocked the Mongols' enemies. Matthew Paris, an English writer in the 1200s, wrote scornfully, "...they [the Mongols] have misused their captives as they have their mares. For they are inhuman and beastly, rather monsters than men, thirsting for and drinking blood..."
The Mongol armies did not have long supply trains; instead, they and their horses lived off the land and the people who dwelt there. Ibn al-Athir observed, "Moreover they [the Mongols] need no commissariat, nor the conveyance of supplies, for they have with them sheep, cows, horses, and may at times be used to keep a poultice or other medication in contact with the hoof. They are also very useful for protection of the hooves of horses who cannot for some reason wear horseshoes, such as a horse that has lost a large chunk of the hoof wall due to disease or injury. In many cases, horses with laminitis also respond well to the protection of hoof boots while their hooves recover.
As a general rule, hoof boots are not kept on horses full-time, rather they are put on and taken off as needed. Riding horses have their metallurgy." A treatise titled "No Foot, No Horse" was published in England in 1751.
In 1835, the first U.S. patent for a horseshoe manufacturing machine capable of making up to 60 horseshoes per hour was issued to Henry Burden. In mid-19th-century Canada, marsh horseshoes kept horses from sinking into the soft intertidal mud during dike-building. In a common design, a metal horseshoe holds a flat wooden shoe in place. Environmental changes linked to domestication Many changes brought about by the domestication of the horse have led to a need for shoes for numerous reasons, mostly linked to management that results in | aec1a076-1696-42cd-a0b1-ee2817217dff |
chmd6d | older adults believed that an active sexual life offers great pleasure but contributes materially to overall emotional and physical health. Older adults Over the years, little attention has been paid to older adults and sexuality. As the population of older adults and life expectancy continues to grow, there is information about sex therapy but it is often not easily accepted. Cultural and sexual roles are always changing throughout the lifecourse. As people age, they are often viewed as asexual or as incapable of possessing sexual desires. The presence of sexual dysfunction during old age can be impacted by health problems. They were constantly moved, were forced to do the hardest physical labour, and worked in the most inhospitable, fever-ridden parts of the country, such as forests, upland areas, and swamps. "New people" were segregated from "old people", enjoyed little or no privacy, and received the smallest rice rations. When the country experienced food shortages in 1977, the "new people" suffered the most.
The medical care available to them was primitive or nonexistent. Families often were separated because people were divided into work brigades according to age and sex and sent to different parts of the country. "New people" were subjected to beliefs is that the little people create distractions to cause mischief. They were believed to be gods by some. One North American Native tribe believed that they lived in nearby caves. The caves were never entered for fear of disturbing the little people.
Legends of physical remains of tiny people being found in various locations in the western United States, particularly Montana and Wyoming, typically describe the remains as being found in caves with various details such as descriptions that they were "perfectly formed", dwarf-size, etc. Archeologist Lawrence L. Loendorf notes that "The burials, of course, are always sent to a France and the improved troops of the Italian states, gradually disappeared.
The soldiers of the condottieri were almost entirely heavy armoured cavalry (men-at-arms). Before 1400, they had little or nothing in common with the people among whom they fought, and their disorderly conduct and rapacity seem often to have exceeded that of medieval armies. They were always ready to change sides at the prospect of higher pay – the enemy of today might be the comrade-in-arms of tomorrow. Further, a prisoner was always more valuable than a dead enemy. As a consequence, their battles were often as bloodless as they The Book of Little Knowledge: More Than You Want to Know About Television.
Later, Ace shifted to more broad contemporary concerns and called the column "Top of My Head"; these essays became as well-read as his old radio show had been, without being either too frivolous or too overbearing. Sometimes, they were gentle; sometimes, they were more tart, always they were without genuine malice. Often they included his beloved Jane, and they were strongly enough received to provoke two published collections, The Fine Art of Hypochondria; or, How Are You? and The Better of Goodman Ace.
As if suggesting that radio had Feet" for example, Esperanza says:
"Their arms were little, and their hands were little, and their height was not tall, and their feet very small." Each vignette can stand as a dependent story. These vignettes follow a complete or chronological narrative, although they often mention characters introduced in earlier sections. The conflicts and problems in these short stories are always fully resolved, just as the futures of people in the neighborhood are often uncertain. The overall tone of the novel is earnest and isn't very intimate, with very little distance between the reader and the narrator. The tone varies from pessimistic the Jinibara (the Dalla people) tribe of SE Queensland, “a fine old man” known as Gaiarbau, who was born in 1873 and had lived for many years traditionally with his tribe, confirmed his knowledge of the “existence of these “little people – the Dinderi” as the pygmies were known. Gaiarbau confirmed that these “small people” were also variously known as the “Dimbilum”, the “Danagalalangur” and the “Kandju”. Gaiarbau claims he saw members of a “tribe of small people…and said they were like dwarfs..and..not…any of them stood five feet [1.5m].”
Similarly the “Dinderi” (or little Red People) are recorded in other age, but if they were over 12 years of age a satisfactory reference was required as to character. Regular workhouse cases were not admitted.
Like her mentor George Müller, Charlotte Sharman was dependent on donations for the support of her orphans, or as she liked to call them 'her little people'. She worked with a very strong principle that she would never go into debt whatever the circumstances. People gave her all sorts of gifts, not just money. She established a charity with eight trustees and produced an annual report which became known as her 'small little blue books'. The orphanage going to non-skeptical events of this type:
People will always believe weird things. They always have. They always will [...] They don't necessarily want to know if they're true or not [...] And if we want to understand why people are like that and maybe what we can do to change those behaviors when they turn out to be something kind of harmful or dangerous to society... how can we sway the population into thinking a little bit more critically... we have to know what they're thinking and what they're experiencing. We can't just sit back here and say 'Oh, ghosts but they got into debt to each other and now they fight among themselves. Soon they will destroy themselves and the original races will go on in the way the Great Spirit made them to do so."
"White people do not know how to handle fire. They make big fire and smoke and get little heat. Indians make little fire and get plenty heat. Their pipe is a high bowl with little hole for tobacco and a long stem. Little fire, little heat, smoke always cool when it gets to end of mouthpiece."
"The Great Spirit, the Sun, makes all life. Without | d116c2ee-6dc7-4c5c-8c65-ec0f1b9cbe3c |
chmeu9 | was the last GM car sold in the US to offer a mechanical odometer in 2003, the Canadian-built Ford Crown Victoria and Mercury Grand Marquis were the very last Fords sold with one in 2005.
Whilst an odometer is used to record distance (units can vary, usually between miles and kilometers), a mileometer specifically records only in miles. The equivalent used to record kilometers is sometimes referred to as a "kilometreometer". Trip meters Most modern cars include a trip meter (trip odometer). Unlike the odometer, a trip meter is reset at any point in a journey, making it possible to record were sold each year with false odometer readings, resulting in a cost of over $1 billion annually to car buyers in the US. In the UK the Office of Fair Trading estimates the annual cost at £500m. Examples Common examples of odometer fraud include situations where someone tampers with the odometer by rolling it back or replacing the odometer and failing to provide the required notice on the vehicle. According to AIM Mobile Inspections, an evaluator of new and used vehicles, the incidence of odometer rollback for the purpose of misrepresenting the mileage of off-lease used vehicles had increased by Australian state of Queensland, when the odometer reading is fewer than 160,000 kilometres (99,000 mi), and the car was manufactured less than 10 years before the sale date, the warranty is three months or 5,000 kilometres (3,100 mi), whichever happens first. If the odometer reading is 160,000 kilometres (99,000 mi) or more, or the car was manufactured 10 years or more before the sale date, there is no warranty. Also, motorcycles, caravans and commercial vehicles don't have a warranty at all. A commercial vehicle is a Vehicle is a car with nine seats or more, as well as a vehicle that is able Federal Odometer Act The Federal Odometer Act, passed in 1972, modified the United States Code to prohibit tampering with a motor vehicle's odometer and to provide safeguards to protect purchasers in the sale of motor vehicles with altered or reset odometers.
The Act provides definitions and civil and criminal penalties for odometer fraud. Interpretations The Act was intended to protect consumers buying used vehicles from odometer fraud, and is typically applied against sellers who intentionally tamper with an odometer to misrepresent the actual miles an automobile has been driven. However, in 2004 and 2006, two class action lawsuits were filed Markov odometer In mathematics, a Markov odometer is a certain type of topological dynamical system. It plays a fundamental role in ergodic theory and especially in orbit theory of dynamical systems, since a theorem of H. Dye asserts that every ergodic nonsingular transformation is orbit-equivalent to a Markov odometer.
The basic example of such system is the "nonsingular odometer", based on the additive topological group of p-adic integers endowed with structure of a dynamical system for the transformation , where . The general form, which is called "Markov odometer", can be constructed through Bratteli–Vershik diagram to define Bratteli–Vershik compactum space together to estimate a "future annual mileage" figure for the company to obtain a discount. In the event of a traffic stop, an officer could easily verify that the insurance is current, by comparing the figure on the insurance card to that on the odometer.
Critics point out the possibility of cheating the system by odometer tampering. Although the newer electronic odometers are difficult to roll back, they can still be defeated by disconnecting the odometer wires and reconnecting them later. However, as the Cents Per Mile Now website points out:
As a practical matter, resetting odometers requires equipment plus expertise that makes influenced by the total distance shown on the odometer, yet odometers are inherently insecure because they are under the control of their owners. Many jurisdictions have chosen to enact laws which penalize people who are found to commit odometer fraud. In the US (and many other countries), vehicle mechanics are also required to keep records of the odometer any time a vehicle is serviced. Companies such as Carfax then use these data to help potential car buyers detect whether odometer rollback has occurred. Prevalence Research by Irish vehicle check specialist Cartell found that 20% of vehicles imported to Ireland from Odometer fraud Odometer fraud, also referred to as "busting miles" (United States) or "clocking" (UK and Ireland), is the illegal practice of rolling back odometers to make it appear that vehicles have lower mileage than they actually do. Odometer fraud occurs when the seller of a vehicle falsely represents the actual mileage of a vehicle to the buyer.
According to the Office of Odometer Fraud Investigation at the US Department of Transportation, odometer fraud is a serious crime and important consumer fraud issue. In the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) 2002 odometer fraud study, the NHTSA determined that 450,000 vehicles while mechanically they went largely untouched. The redesigned second generation S-series went on sale in 1995 for the 1996 model year.
A few minor changes were made for the 1998 model year S-series vehicles. Due to multiple complaints about the noise coming from the vehicle's trip odometer that had been in all of the Saturn S-series since 1995, had replaced with a new type of trip odometer in an effort to correct the problem. For the 1998 model year, a new cluster with a digital trip odometer had been introduced. Rear disc-brakes were no longer available as an option on the Great Britain and Northern Ireland had had their mileometers altered to show a lower mileage. Accuracy Most odometers work by counting wheel rotations and assume that the distance traveled is the number of wheel rotations times the tire circumference, which is a standard tire diameter times pi (3.1416). If nonstandard or severely worn or underinflated tires are used then this will cause some error in the odometer. The formula is (actual distance traveled) = ( (final odometer reading) – (initial odometer reading) ) * (actual tire diameter) / (standard tire diameter). It is common for odometers to | b2fc8a3c-efa2-4cac-a590-27780b98c04a |
chmnng | together they designed Master & Dynamic's first headphones and earphones. They were constructed with long lasting materials such as stainless steel, heavy grain leather, forged and machined anodized aluminum and woven copper cable.
Marketed as "sound tools for creative minds," Master & Dynamic launched in May 2014 with an initial product line composed of two headphone models and one earphone. The initial reviews from media outlets including CNET, Wired, and Digital Audio News focused on the quality of the design, sound, and build of the earphones and headphones.
Drew Stone Briggs was named chief product officer of Master are used in a variety of professions as aviation, military, sports, music, and many service-oriented sectors. They come in all shapes and sizes, depending on use, required noise attenuation, and fidelity of communication needed. Ambient noise reduction Unwanted sound from the environment can be reduced by excluding sound from the ear by passive noise isolation, or, often in conjunction with isolation, by active noise cancellation.
Passive noise isolation is essentially using the body of the earphone, either over or in the ear, as a passive earplug that simply blocks out sound. The headphone types that provide most attenuation are in-ear canal a smartphone using the Bragi App.
In addition to being earphones, The Dash doubles as a Bluetooth Headset. Even though The Dash provides noise isolation, the wearer can choose to channel ambient sound into the headphone thanks to its audio transparency feature. With a swipe on the touch surface of The Dash, the user can enable or disable ambient sound to pass through. User interface The Dash has a touch-controlled interface on the lower half of each earphone, where the user can interact with the device through taps, swipes and holds. For instance, when not connected to a Bluetooth device, a ear, to minimize the "tinny" sound caused by the high resonant frequency of its small speaker. Most radios included earphone jacks and came with single earphones that provided only mediocre-quality sound reproduction. To consumers familiar with the earphone-listening experience of the transistor radio, the first Sony Walkman cassette player, with a pair of high-fidelity stereo earphones, would provide a greatly contrasting display of audio fidelity. Regency TR-1 Two companies working together, Texas Instruments of Dallas, Texas and Industrial Development Engineering Associates (I.D.E.A.) of Indianapolis, Indiana, were behind the unveiling of the Regency TR-1, the world's first commercially produced transistor radio. & Dynamic in 2014. Formerly a senior mechanical engineer at Bose, Briggs led the development of an earphone constructed with solid brass and 8 mm titanium-coated custom drivers. The first run sold out within three days of its November 2015 release, and a second run sold out after positive reviews were published. Master & Dynamic's first wireless headphone was released in December. Wired wrote in December 2015 "there is no better wireless headphone."
In 2014, Master & Dynamic announced that they had teamed with Neuehouse, a multi-disciplinary coworking collective, to develop a noise-isolating microphone for use in open offices and Dolby Headphone History The headphone virtual surround sound technology was initially developed and marketed by Lake Technology in 1997.
In October 1998, Dolby licensed the headphone surround sound technology from Lake and renamed it 'Dolby Headphone'.
On 23rd Dec 2003, Dolby Laboratories bought over Lake Technology, including the Dolby Headphone technology, for A$21.6 million. Technology Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) are used to generate positional audio cues in the two-channel output signal. A finite impulse response (FIR) filter is used to process the audio with lower latency. good news for hearing-impaired people.
3) Earphone
The ear canal is not physically occluded by an earphone that operates via cartilage conduction. As such, this type of earphone allows one to hear alarm signals. Similar to the cartilage conduction smartphones, no sound is leaked from this type of earphone. Prototypes of such earphones have been manufactured by ROHM Co, Ltd.
4) Robot
Cartilage conduction has been considered for communicating with robots. Currently, loudspeaker systems are used to convey sounds produced by robots. However, such loudspeakers generate loud noises in a room filled with many robots that simultaneously emit speech sounds. Therefore, a man-to-man communication has is by turning the Gamate on without a game in - the "bad" one displays vertical lines while the "good" one displays a slightly corrupted checkerboard pattern. Sound The Gamate's mono internal speaker is of poor quality, giving off sound that is quite distorted, particularly at low volumes. However, if a user plugs into the headphone jack, the sound is revealed to be programmed in stereo, and of a relatively high quality. Shell The G1001 Gamate is dark grey in color and has a "x" D-pad and small speaker vents. The G1002 Gamate are dark grey in color to function properly. In addition, with regard to the headphone amplifier design on most boards, Creative did not fully adhere the datasheets' recommendations on component values, potentially impacting the amplified output's sound quality. Some users have found that replacing the capacitors with fresh ones of the recommended values noticeably improved both amplified and line-level audio quality, in addition to restoring proper operation. Daughterboard bugs A large number of Sound Blaster 16 cards have a flawed digital sound processor on board that causes various issues with MIDI daughtercards attached to the Wave Blaster header. The problems include stuck notes, incorrect notes, a number of manufacturers to introduce amplifiers with 'headphone virtualization' features. In principle, the DSP chips allow the two-driver headphone to simulate a full Dolby 5.1 (or more) surround system. When the sounds from the two headphone drivers mix, they create the phase difference the brain uses to locate the source of a sound. Through most headphones, because the right and left channels do not combine as they do with crossfeed, the illusion of sound directionality is created. Professional audio models In pro-audio terminology, a headphone amplifier is a device that allows multiple headsets to be connected to one or | 7b853377-f0f6-4876-ba7c-c8b0381d369a |
chmogs | the management of a horse with bone spavin. Shoes most helpful for these horses include shoes that assist in breakover (like a square or rolled toe, or shoes with wedge pads). Shoes with heel support may also help horses with bone spavin, such as egg bar shoes.
A set toe can be applied to protect the toe from increased wear, as lack of flexion in the hock will cause the horse to drag its toe. A trailer or lateral extension can be fitted to prevent an axial swing developed by the horse, allowing the horse to make contact with the ground walking while also providing some degree of protection. Termed as Minimalist shoes, their purpose is to allow one's feet and legs to feel more subtly the impacts and forces involved in running, allowing finer adjustments in running style. Some of these shoes include the Vibram FiveFingers, Nike Free, and Saucony's Kinvara and Hattori. Mexican huaraches are also very simple running shoes, similar to the shoes worn by the Tarahumara people of northern Mexico, who are known for their distance running abilities. Wrestling shoes are also very light and flexible shoes that are designed to mimic bare feet while providing additional positions, such as the wood shop and bicycle shop, are run entirely by residents.
Below are recreational activities available without cost: Gulfport Outdoor swimming pool (lap swimming and water aerobics), professionally equipped fitness center and physical fitness programs, library (print, audio and video), individual work areas for arts & crafts, woodworking, painting and other hobbies, bike shop, bowling and bocce center, card, game, and recreation rooms, computer classroom and computer center, fully equipped media room for movies and presentations, multi-purpose area for live entertainment and dances, spacious grounds with basketball, horse shoes and walking paths, bicycling, bus tours to area attractions. up to 150 centimetres (59.1 in) (14.3 h) without shoes, or 151 centimetres (59.45 in) (just under 14.3–1/2 h) with shoes. However, the term "pony" can be used in general (or affectionately) for any small horse, regardless of its actual size or breed. Furthermore, some horse breeds may have individuals who mature under that height but are still called "horses" and are allowed to compete as horses. In Australia, horses that measure from 14 hands to 15 hands are known as a "galloway", and ponies in Australia measure under 14 hands.
People who are unfamiliar with horses may confuse an adult pony with approach to high performance hooves without the need for shoes, or simply as a natural approach to hoof care (depending upon the individual trimming method). However, they are something different, designed by nature itself to maintain a healthy, sound hoof without the use of shoes.
The barefoot trim aims to emulate the way in which hooves are maintained naturally in wild horse herds, like feral horse herds such as the American Mustang or the Australian Brumby, as well as wild zebras and other wild equine populations. Wild horses have been observed by Gene Ovnicek as having a hoof that tends seat are allowed to grow longer feet than in other disciplines and are shod with pads and special shoes. While ordinary horseshoes are usually held on with horseshoe nails clinched on the outside wall of the hoof, shoes on high-action breeds are often held in place with a metal band, as well as with clinches, because of their weight. Longer toes and heavier shoes encourage a saddle seat horse to lift its feet and knees higher, or reach them out farther, with more "snap" and flash. Toe length and shoe weight therefore is an often controversial issue The Three Horseshoes, Monmouth History The pub was originally set up by Blacksmith William Philips in the 1880s. The forge that Philips set up was also in Drybridge Street and had been set up in 1859. The Three Horse shoes name coming from the business that Philips was picking up from passing trade where a horse had shed a shoe.
In 1923 Osbert Wheeler was the publican the Three Horse Shoes yard was occupied by a horse breaker called Victor Mackie. Water shoe History Water shoes are also used to protect people's feet in waters with sharp-rocked floors or zebra mussels, in which case their primary purpose is not to keep the wearer's feet dry. In some areas such as the Finger Lakes, wearing water shoes has become essential due to the infestation of sharp-edged mussels. and hindquarter muscles are engaged. Working a horse in side reins at the walk actually discourages a relaxed, forward-moving gait. Side reins are not used for jumping, as they restrict the use of the neck too much, and may even cause the horse to fall. Equipment for the trainer Wearing gloves when longeing prevents rope burns if the horse pulls the line hard. Proper boots are also necessary, and at a minimum, shoes with an enclosed toe are a must. A helmet is also sometimes worn, especially if the horse tends to kick at the trainer. It is wise on, this dystopian world has no tolerance for mistakes.
Tagline: When all the heroes are gone, who will fill their shoes?
Originally issued by Dark Horse Comics it was later collected into a series of trade paperbacks by AiT/Planet Lar. | 3286c2bd-51b7-454a-9f23-c74a4ed4b1ab |
chmtkr | us. At some point in all of our lives, we think there is no one who knows what we are going through, that we are all alone in this life. 'Light Up the Sky' is a picture of what it looks like when you make it through one of those really challenging times and you look back and see how God was using all those things for good; and that you were never alone."
The song is featured in the June 22, 2010 episode Break-Up to Make-Up of the MTV show The Hills. Music video The music video for the single band made an official announcement of their disbanding. They responded:
"We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans. We are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans one last time. We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too. We never imagined when we started out in 1998 that 14 years later we would still be recording, touring and having hits together. It has been expressions, the way we dress and the way we modify our bodies.
This issue of 'Big Picture' looks at this remarkable interplay - between the biology that sculpts our form and the culture that interprets, embellishes and adapts this form. It asks what we mean by ‘normal’, what beauty is and how such concepts influence the way we live. It looks at why we take the form we do and considers what we might look like in the future. 7: Drug Development (January 2008) While providing immense benefits, drugs are not the perfect solution. They only work on a proportion of was like 'Hey, we'd really love to have a single' and our management, The Firm said 'We would really like to have a smash hit single, man, can you dig it?'. We were really appalled by that scene. They wanted 'Got the Life' or 'Freak on a Leash', and that shit wasn't flying with us at all! For the first time in our lives we were dissecting our music, and trying to analyze the structure of those songs, trying to figure out what made them huge hits. But Korn never works like that, and while we were all wondering, Jonathan we don't acknowledge our stewardship responsibilities to nature." Interviewed by Terry Gross of National Public Radio, he called Avatar a satire on the sense of human entitlement: "[Avatar] is saying our attitude about indigenous people and our entitlement about what is rightfully theirs is the same sense of entitlement that lets us bulldoze a forest and not blink an eye. It's just human nature that if we can take it, we will. And sometimes we do it in a very naked and imperialistic way, and other times we do it in a very sophisticated way with lots of rationalization—but it would go; and I think everyone was really happy with where it ended up taking us ... We were 17 when we started touring, um ... it was really awesome to be involved with a label like Murmur as well—Murmur had a lot of really cool bands on the roster; I mean, just getting invited to see a Silverchair gig, or something like that, was really exciting.
The band's perspective on the Murmur label is further elucidated; Thornton states: "There's no way we would've done what we did if Murmur wasn't our label", while Brett explained: "Because even though they – "Solar system is so humongous big, right? But if you see, the like, our solar system and our galaxy on the like on the side, you know, like, and we're so small — you can never see it — our galaxy is like huge, but if you see the big picture, our galaxy (is like a) small tiny like dot in Universe. Like, and I think like, 'And we have some problems here on the Earth we worry about?' Compared to like ... nothing. Just ... be happy. Don't worry, be happy right now." His comments have resulted in some good looks like for S.H.I.E.L.D. to crumble in Captain America 2, we see the Helicarriers literally barreling through the Triskelion, we see the massive destruction throughout the city, but the benefit of our show is we get to dive into the emotional toll of that." Therefore, it was decided at the beginning of the series that one of the main characters would be a traitor, with Jed Whedon saying "since this is an infiltration based on betrayal on a massive scale, we wanted to have it on the small scale, and have it be a really personal dagger to the heart."
On I didn't think we had gotten a shot, I'd have Nestor shoot it again and have them print both takes. But by the time we got to Paris we were totally exhausted because it was a really grueling schedule and I would never even get to see a location. Talia Coppola was with us on the film and she would be scouting locations for us, and I'd tell her when you get to Rouen, or someplace like that, just go buy all the postcards you can and we'll use that to find our locations. That's how we did a lot novelist, Leo Tolstoy. The School Song We feel the pride and the joy
of being the British Co-Ed girls and boys
So come along and join our school for we are really cool
When a challenge calls always ready
With courage in our hearts
When a challenge ends always ready to face another task
We never give up, we never lose
We are always on the top
It is our joy, it is our joy
and it is our pride to be The British Co-Ed girls and boys
Her banner we shall hold up high and guard her honour till we die
And though one day we will part she is | cabc1931-e9ec-4275-8392-033233661b74 |
chn2m5 | expressed his distaste for the pharmaceutical and health care industries in general, on the grounds that they make their money out of treating people who are made sick by consuming unhealthy food that corporations push on the public. He maintains that mass consumption of high-fructose corn syrup is a contributor to the rise in frequency of obesity in the United States.
In a discussion with Michael Moore about the film Sicko, Maher said, "The human body is pretty amazing; it doesn't get sick, usually, for no reason. I mean, there's some genetic stuff that can get to you, but, basically, people of what I have seen is the most despairing moments as my evolution into adulthood where more and more people are rightfully understandably despairing about a country that could do the kind of things we do to our people. People who are senior citizens worked their lives and literally are living below poverty line because social security checks are too meager. Or, people who have … fear because they worry if they get can sick, they will not be able to afford it. Or, if their child gets sick, they will have to lose their job to be there for thoughtful laughter." Laughter is said to be the cure for being sick. Studies show that people who laugh more often get sick less.
American literary theorist Kenneth Burke writes that the "comic frame" in rhetoric is "neither wholly euphemistic, nor wholly debunking—hence it provides the charitable attitude towards people that is required for purposes of persuasion and co-operation, but at the same time maintains our shrewdness concerning the simplicities of ‘cashing in.’" The purpose of the comic frame is to satirize a given circumstance and promote change by doing so. The comic frame makes fun of situations and people, while kindergarten, where the bears can play when they want. The journalist said that bears are continuously wounded from the tube. Many of them die of infection and liver cancer. Qiu responded that just like a family, people get sick, even doctors get sick. Qiu insisted the bears are raised to be healthy, so that they can produce the best bile juice in the country. The method to test whether the bears are healthy is to see whether they eat. There are no exams.
Qiu believes that since 1993 she has taken bears from other regions, such as Burma and is custodian of the land they are born in and the Creation Ancestor who walked and sung that land into being in the beginning. If the land and songline is destroyed people are severed from the core of their being, they get sick and die. Bosworth writes that he went to the Lord and asked "'suppose I preach on Healing and the people come and don't get healed?' The Lord said 'If people didn't get saved, you wouldn't stop preaching the gospel.'" Bosworth studied the question, prayed about it and saw that it was God's will to heal as well as save people. In the Lima meetings Bosworth stepped out on the Word, preached Divine Healing, and stated that healing of the body was as much a part of the gospel as salvation of the soul. He invited the sick work, feeding, clothing, and tending sick and dying people but did not receive it, this was the loss of sick and disabled persons as well as Nobel Prize committee Later days From 1947 till 1958, Bhagat Puran Singh did not get a permanent dwelling. He could be seen outside the chief Khalsa Diwan, post offices, railway stations or under the tree outside the office of the Civil Surgeon. He would wander in the streets, asking for donations to help the needy. Some people offered to help him, but most of the others kept themselves from donating towards the noble needy. mean this in all sincerity; I've been coaching for 34 years, and tonight I saw and heard one of the most disgusting, rudest, sick, demonstrations in my entire career. Probably the worst. When Wade Wilson got hurt, I actually looked up into the stands and saw people standing, clapping, and cheering when he was laying on the ground with a knee injury. And I say this, those are some sick, sick, sick people! Mentally sick! I thought it was horrible, disgusting, embarrassing, shameful, it stunk! People are sick when they do something like that; absolutely friggin' sick! Guy's out there the local churches, has led many projects to transport items such as seeds and livestock so that the San people can survive on their own without having to rely on the help of others. Angola SWAM is aiding many in Angola with medical-aid from Canadian doctors which, with medicine, work with the sick and injured to help. Many of the sick/injured are not able to get to the medical aid that they need, some can not afford it. required to offer insurance at the same rates to all those who want it, as they are under the Affordable Care Act.
The purpose of the federal or state mandates to carry coverage is to avoid free-rider problems and adverse selection problems in health insurance pools, so that there are not disproportionately many sicker people, or older people more likely to get sick, in the insurance pools. When there is excessive adverse selection, premiums can get high, or very high, and there can be so called "death spirals", where premiums rise to extreme levels, as only the sickest people are | e4a84a9d-4aef-47c9-a04d-2a2dd2e45091 |
chni7d | the first part of the text proclaiming a well regulated militia necessary to the security of a free state.
... we understand the Second Amendment as though it read: "Inasmuch as and so long as a well regulated Militia shall be necessary to the security of a free state and so long as privately held arms shall be essential to the maintenance thereof, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." " us, the language of the Amendment cannot support a right to personal weaponry independent of the social value of a regulated organization Second Amendment. And I believe it means exactly what it says: "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state.
I am intrigued by the arguments of those who claim to follow the judicial doctrine of original intent. How do they know it was the dearest wish of Thomas the original handwritten copy of the Bill of Rights prepared by scribe William Lambert, the amendment says:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The amendment was ratified by the States and authenticated by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson as:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Influence of the English Bill of Rights of 1689 The right to bear arms in such number only, as in the judgement of the united States, in congress assembled, shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defense of such State; but every State shall always keep up a well-regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutered, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition and camp equipage.
In contrast, Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the U.S. Constitution states:
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part Right to keep and bear arms The text of Amendment II to the United States Constitution, ratified December 15, 1791, states that:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
— United States Constitution, Amendment II Sexual freedom The concept of sexual freedom includes a broad range of different rights that are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. The idea of sexual freedom has sprung more from the popular opinion of society in more recent years, and has had very little Constitutional backing. The phrase "well regulated militia," which found its way into the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, appears in this work, as does the phrase "ordinary and ill-regulated militia."
Two Discourses concerning the Affairs of Scotland (1698), in which he discussed the problems of Scottish trade and economics; and An Account of a Conversation concerning a right regulation of Governments for the common good of Mankind (1703). In Two Discourses he suggested that the numerous vagrants who infested Scotland should be brought into compulsory and hereditary servitude, it was already the case that criminals or the dissolute were transported to the an effective national policy toward guns and crime.
Research by Robert Spitzer found that every law journal article discussing the Second Amendment through 1959 "reflected the Second Amendment affects citizens only in connection with citizen service in a government organized
and regulated militia." Only beginning in 1960 did law journal articles begin to advocate an "individualist" view of gun ownership rights. Meaning of "well regulated militia" The term "regulated" means "disciplined" or "trained". In Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that "[t]he adjective 'well-regulated' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training."
In the year prior to the drafting of versa). The reason that there is no opposite effect may be that most owners are noncriminals and that they may use guns to prevent violence. Access to firearms The US Constitution enshrines the right to gun ownership in the Second Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights to ensure the security of a free state through a well regulated Miltia. It states: "A well regulated Miltia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." The Constitution makes no distinction between the type of firearm Second Amendment. Additionally, the U.S. Supreme Court held in McDonald v. Chicago that the protections of the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for self-defense in one's home apply against state governments and their political subdivisions. History Important events regarding gun legislation occurred in the following years.
In 1791, the United States Bill of Rights were ratified which included the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution which stated that "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
In 1934, with the and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person.
On July 21, Madison again raised the issue of his bill and proposed a select committee be created to report on it. The House voted in favor of Madison's motion, and the Bill of Rights entered committee for review. The committee returned to the House a reworded version of the Second Amendment on July 28. On August 17, that version was read into the Journal:
A well regulated militia, composed of the body | f6f76401-fb48-49d1-b7e2-9d67058fcf6a |
chnm51 | cryosurgery and excision—which is sometimes still used along with skin grafts for larger tattoos. These older methods, however, have been nearly completely replaced by laser removal treatment options. Temporary tattoos A temporary tattoo is a non-permanent image on the skin resembling a permanent tattoo. As a form of body painting, temporary tattoos can be drawn, painted, airbrushed, or needled in the same way as permanent tattoos, but with an ink which dissolves in the blood within 6 months. Decal-style temporary tattoos Decal (press-on) temporary tattoos are used to decorate any part of the body. They may last for a image. How well a woman follows these beauty ideals can also influence her social status within her culture. Physically altering the body has been a custom in many areas of the world for a long time. For example, decorating the body with tattoos is a symbol of attractiveness and status in the Japanese culture. The art of irezumi, or covering a woman's back with tattoos, is still practiced today in Japan. In Burma, Padung girls from the age of about five years, have metal rings put around their necks. Additional rings are added to the girl's neck every two years. is usually spatially and temporally divided conceptually into 'cells' of small size. If classical thermodynamic equilibrium conditions for matter are fulfilled to good approximation in such a 'cell', then it is homogeneous and a temperature exists for it. If this is so for every 'cell' of the body, then local thermodynamic equilibrium is said to prevail throughout the body.
It makes good sense, for example, to say of the extensive variable U, or of the extensive variable S, that it has a density per unit volume, or a quantity per unit mass of the system, but it makes no sense to August 2013, a weekly column for the Daily Mirror.
Parsons has expressed in articles a strong loathing for tattoos. In the 1990s, he wrote a story called "The Tattooed Jungle", suggesting that tattoos were symptomatic of the decline of the working class. In a 2012 article for GQ magazine, Parsons lamented the fact that in the last 20 years in Britain, tattoos have become mainstream, common among both sexes and to all economic classes. Parsons wrote that tattoos "remain ugly, hideous daubings that make my flesh crawl with revulsion every time I see one".
The end of his association with the Daily Nebojša Gavrić Trivia Gavrić is one of the most tattooed Serbian footballers, having many tattoos on his whole body. He says that every tatoo has an explanation and a specific meaning. examples of passages under the Mosaic law of the Hebrew Bible teach that under the law of Moses, a man who had a nocturnal emission incurred ritual defilement:
If a man has an emission of semen, he shall bathe his whole body in water and be unclean [Hebrew tameh] until the evening. And every garment and every skin on which the semen comes shall be washed with water and be unclean until the evening.
— Leviticus
When you are encamped against your enemies, then you shall keep yourself from every evil thing. If any man among you becomes unclean [Hebrew lo yihyeh tahor, deviation), and if they are unusually large for the sample size (as per the three sigma rule and table therein, or more precisely a Student's t-distribution), then the kurtosis of the sample distribution deviates significantly from that of the normal distribution.
For instance, a daily process should expect a 3σ event once per year (of calendar days; once every year and a half of business days), while a 4σ event happens on average every 40 years of calendar days, 60 years of business days (once in a lifetime), 5σ events happen every 5,000 years (once in recorded history), and 6σ events not all—of the citizens are "Higher humans"—humans who utilise biononics. Biononics enable the human body to essentially live forever as they rejuvenate the human body on a constant basis. Almost every human has a memory cell insert which records every piece of information stored in the owner's brain. In the event of bodyloss (death), this data can be downloaded into a clone of the original human, effectively eliminating death. Using so called secure stores, this data can even be stored in a second facility. If the memory cell is lost re-life is still possible, although without an uninterrupted continuity (a replaced by Iwa Moto.
Robin Padilla, the lead star, had to endure six hours of body make-up every day for his tattoos.
10 crew members of the show were injured after their L-300 van (TSJ-518) from Subic to Metro Manila crashed along the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Valenzuela exit on May 6, 2008. Rushed to the Orthopedic Hospital was Ronaldo Godoy; to the Karuhatan Hospital were Demetrio Macaraig, stuntman Danny Bragais, Abnel Severino, Alfredo Manzanares, Steve Esguerra, and Ronnie Santos; and to the Monte Clara Montefalco Hospital in Meycauayan were Alvin Tercena, Francisco Minarag, and Rogelio Elgacio.
On March 7, 2008, Robin Padilla Lucky Diamond Rich Inspiration and first tattoo Rich was born in New Zealand. As a young boy, he read about and became interested in the most tattooed men and women. It did not go much further than just a thought until he got his first tattoo, which was of a small juggling club on his hip.
He went on to tattoo every part of his body including every crevice and intimate area. He has tattooed some white over his black tattoos and added colour. His tattoos have taken over a thousand hours to ink, and have been worked on by hundreds | b5a30b0c-4f39-4eb2-9ebf-caca6b67f0c9 |
chny7p | generally be.
Skin scars occur when the dermis (the deep, thick layer of skin) is damaged. Most skin scars are flat and leave a trace of the original injury that caused them.
Wounds allowed to heal secondarily tend to scar worse than wounds from primary closure. Collagen synthesis Any injury does not become a scar until the wound has completely healed; this can take many months, or years in the worst pathological cases, such as keloids. To begin to patch the damage, a clot is created; the clot is the beginning process that results in a provisional matrix. In the process, the the human eye. After seven months the area was checked again and it was once again noted that no scar could be seen.
In 1997, it was proven that wounds created with an instrument that are under 2mm can heal scar free, but larger wounds that are larger than 2mm healed with a scar.
In 2013 it was proven in pig tissue that full thickness micro columns of tissue, less than 0.5mm in diameter could be removed and that the replacement tissue, was regenerative tissue, not scar. The tissue was removed in a fractional pattern, with over 40% of a square to as to a navel) which starts to heal when the umbilical cord is cut after birth. Egg-laying animals have an umbilical scar which, depending on the species, may remain visible for life or disappear within a few days after birth. Pathophysiology A scar is the product of the body's repair mechanism after tissue injury. If a wound heals quickly within two weeks with new formation of skin, minimal collagen will be deposited and no scar will form. When the extracellular matrix senses elevated mechanical stress loading, tissue will scar, and scars can be limited by stress shielding wounds. Small The white color of the dots when illuminated may be due to the granulomas composed only of “white cells”. Each granuloma will disappear leaving no trace of its presence but in some cases it may leave a ‘punched out’ scar. It is important to note that the formation of white dots may occur more frequently but is undetected. In normal cases, inflammation of the retina or choroid does not occur. Muller and RPE cells normally release immunosuppressive factors, but certain combinations of cytokines may stimulate RPE cells to release factors encouraging inflammation.
Generally, mild intraocular inflammation results in a small, discrete, tries to seduce Mithun. Mithun tries to resist. However, Mithun's wife, Laboni, sees a glimpse of them in a compromising situation. Laboni, pained by the betrayal, decides to leave Mithun, with their son in tow. While a devastated Mithun becomes a footloose traveller, their son bears the scar for the rest of his life. Back to the present, father and son come face to face to heal old wounds.
Battling the brunts of a society that defines success too materialistically, Rahul also continues to relive his childhood memories. His wife, Sameera, meanwhile flies to the United States to spend an extended to leave the city limits until his wounds heal, finds his way to the failing Justice Escort Agency, an agency providing armed guards. The owner eagerly accepts Qinglong's offer to pay him handsomely for safe passage in hopes of revitalizing his business. By coincidence, the owner's daughter, Qiao Hua (Zhao Wei), is engaged to be married, and the escort agency hides Qinglong within her wedding carriage as a means to avoid detection by the guards so they can leave the city.
When another group of Jinyiwei arrive in search of Qinglong, he fights and kills them, but in doing so Myofibroblast Mammalian wounds that involve the dermis of the skin heal by repair not regeneration (except in 1st trimester inter-uterine wounds and in the regeneration of deer antlers). Full thickness wounds heal by a combination of wound contracture and edge re-epitheliasation. Partial thickness wounds heal by edge re-epithelialisation and epidermal migration from adnexal structures (hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands. The site of keratinocyte stem cells remains unknown but stem cells are likely to reside in the basal layer of the epidermis and below the bulge area of hair follicles.
The fibroblast involved in scarring and contraction is the myofibroblast, full thickness wounds under 2mm reepithelize fast and heal scar free. Deep second-degree burns heal with scarring and hair loss. Sweat glands do not form in scar tissue, which impairs the regulation of body temperature. Elastic fibers are generally not detected in scar tissue younger than 3 months old. In scars rete pegs are lost; through a lack of rete pegs scars tend to shear easier than normal tissue.
The endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, is the only adult tissue to undergo rapid cyclic shedding and regeneration without scarring; shedding and restoring roughly inside a 7-day window on a to the viewer. If a branch is removed in shaping the tree, the scar will be placed at the "back" of the tree where it cannot be seen. Alternatively, the tree will not be shown until the scar has been covered by years of bark growing over it, or a stub of the branch will remain to be cleaned and shaped into looking like it was broken by wind or lightning. Similarly, wiring should be removed or at least concealed when the bonsai is shown, and must leave no permanent marks on the branch or bark. Proportion among elements Another yellow-grey color and an erythematous (red) "halo". These ulcers heal with no permanent scarring in about 7–10 days. Ulcers recur at intervals of about 1–4 months. Major aphthous ulceration is less common than the minor type, but produces more severe lesions and symptoms. Major aphthous ulceration presents with larger (>1 cm diameter) ulcers that take much longer to heal (10–40 days) and may leave scarring. The minor and major subtypes of aphthous stomatitis usually produce lesions on the non-keratinized oral mucosa (i.e. the inside of the cheeks, lips, underneath the tongue and the floor of mouth), but less commonly major aphthous ulcers may occur | 98f95bb3-292a-4ebc-8d7e-518832b0b4e9 |
chnzhm | are in NREM sleep. If someone sleeping turns, tosses, or rolls over, this indicates that they are in NREM sleep. REM sleep is characterized by the lack of muscle activity. Physiological studies have shown that aside from the occasional twitch, a person actually becomes paralyzed during REM sleep. In motor skill learning, an interval of sleep may be critical for the expression of performance gains; without sleep these gains will be delayed.
Procedural memories are a form of nondeclarative memory, so they would most benefit from the fast-wave REM sleep. In a study, procedural memories have been shown to benefit but there is insufficient evidence to draw detailed conclusions about the relationship between exercise and sleep. A 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis suggested that exercise can improve sleep quality in people with insomnia. Skeletal muscle Resistance training and subsequent consumption of a protein-rich meal promotes muscle hypertrophy and gains in muscle strength by stimulating myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and inhibiting muscle protein breakdown (MPB). The stimulation of muscle protein synthesis by resistance training occurs via phosphorylation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and subsequent activation of mTORC1, which leads to protein biosynthesis in cellular ribosomes via phosphorylation of muscle atonia, fast but low voltage EEG and, as the name suggests, rapid eye movement. It is difficult to attribute memory gains to a single stage of sleep when it may be the entire sleep cycle that is responsible for memory consolidation. Recent research conducted by Datta et al. used an avoidance task followed by a post-training REM sleep period to examine changes in P waves affecting reprocessing of recently acquired stimuli. It was found that not only were the P waves increased during post-training sleep but also the density of the waves. These findings may imply that P waves capable of sleeping at rest.
The correlates of sleep found for mammals are valid for birds as well i.e. bird sleep is very similar to mammals and involves both SWS and REM sleep with similar features, including closure of both eyes, lowered muscle tone, etc. However, the proportion of REM sleep in birds is much lower. Also, some birds can sleep with one eye open if there is high predation risk in the environment. This gives rise to the possibility of sleep in flight; considering that sleep is very important and some bird species can fly for weeks continuously, this seems student's genetic aptitude, level of fitness, health conditions, and goals. An important goal is to develop muscular balance, which is the foundation for more specific goals such as aesthetics, strength and flexibility gains, or developing a more powerful athletic ability. The students must commit to working out at least twice a week, and are subject to a background check. They resume the muscle evaluation every three months with a variety of tools including digital scales, body fat and flexibility readers, and proprietary fitness software that helps track the clients strength gains over time. Based on the muscle evaluation, the fitness which rapid eye movements are characteristic, and also essentially aids in determining when sleep occurs.
The electromyogram (EMG) typically uses four electrodes to measure muscle tension in the body as well as to monitor for an excessive amount of leg movements during sleep (which may be indicative of periodic limb movement disorder, PLMD). Two leads are placed on the chin with one above the jawline and one below. This, like the EOG, helps determine when sleep occurs as well as REM sleep. Sleep generally includes relaxation and so a marked decrease in muscle tension occurs. A further decrease in skeletal muscle high rate. The principal characteristics during slow-wave sleep that contrast with REM sleep are moderate muscle tone, slow or absent eye movement, and lack of genital activity.
Slow-wave sleep is considered important for memory consolidation. This is sometimes referred to as "sleep-dependent memory processing". Impaired memory consolidation has been seen in individuals with primary insomnia who thus do not perform as well as those who are healthy in memory tasks following a period of sleep. Furthermore, slow-wave sleep improves declarative memory (which includes semantic and episodic memory). A central model has been hypothesized that the long-term memory storage is facilitated by REM sleep in several mammals (the rat, the hedgehog, the rabbit, and the rhesus monkey) is followed by a brief awakening. This does not occur for either cats or humans, although humans are more likely to wake from REM sleep than from NREM sleep. Snyder hypothesized that REM sleep activates an animal periodically, to scan the environment for possible predators. This hypothesis does not explain the muscle paralysis of REM sleep; however, a logical analysis might suggest that the muscle paralysis exists to prevent the animal from fully waking up unnecessarily, and allowing it to return easily to deeper sleep.
Jim replacement or complement to routine medical care. Progressive muscle relaxation is used as a treatment for some causes of insomnia. They are meant to reduce physical tension and interrupt the racing thoughts processes that affect sleep.
A common psychological problem of cancer patients and particularly for those in pain is insomnia.
Some studies reported benefits of the Progressive muscle relaxation technique used by cancer patients. One of them postulated: "the significant effect for the muscle relaxation group on the sleep onset latency indicates that the subjects' self-reported insomnia was significantly improved. Total sleep time was increased as well". Pain relief Pain is of sleep overlap during sleep paralysis, and definitely explains the muscle paralysis experienced on awakening. If the effects of sleep “on” neural populations cannot be counteracted, characteristics of REM sleep are retained upon awakening. Common consequences of sleep paralysis include headaches, muscle pains or weakness and/or paranoia. As the correlation with REM sleep suggests, the paralysis is not complete: use of EOG traces shows that eye movement is still possible during such episodes; however, the individual experiencing sleep paralysis is unable to speak.
Research has found a genetic component in sleep paralysis. The characteristic fragmentation of REM sleep, hypnopompic, and hypnagogic | 7b08b730-77cc-4ffa-a427-9fc35b6986b7 |
cho00q | the 2013 heatwave in England, gritters (normally only seen in snow) were sent out to grit melting tarmac roads. Future environmental effects Climate models reveal that future heat waves will have a more intense geologic pattern. The famous heat wave events of Chicago in 1995 and the European heat wave of 2003 regions will experience longer, more frequent and more intense heat waves in the latter 21ˢᵗ century. Heat waves today in Europe and North America happen parallel to the conditions of atmospheric circulation. Increased anthropogenic activities causing increased greenhouse gas emissions show that heat waves will be more severe.
Heat the 2006 North American heat wave article about heat waves causing physical damage.
Heat waves can also damage rail roads, such as buckling and kinking rails, which can lead to slower traffic, delays, and even cancellations of service when rails are too dangerous to traverse by trains. Sun kinking is caused when certain types of rail design like short section rails welded together or fish plate rails expand and push on other sections of rail causing them to warp and kink. Sun kinking can be a serious problem in hotter climates like Southern USA, parts of Canada, the Middle East, etc.
In July 1757 heatwave A very significant heat wave occurred in Europe in July 1757. The heat wave may have been the hottest summer in Europe in the 500 years before the 2003 European heat wave. July 1757 was the hottest month in the history of Paris with an average temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) (compared to 24.8 °C during the 2006 European heat wave), and it reached a high of 37.5 °C (99.5 °F) on July 14th. Accounts There were contemporaneous accounts of the heat wave noting its effects. Physician John Huxham wrote An Account of the Extraordinary Heat of the Weather in July or coal fired fireplace. Such a solution was considered a fire danger in most countries in Europe, but not in Russia. United Kingdom Originally, trains hauled by a steam locomotive would be provided with a supply of steam from the locomotive for heating the carriages. When diesel locomotives and electric locomotives replaced steam, the steam heating was then supplied by a steam-heat boiler. This was oil-fired (in diesel locomotives) or heated by an electric element (in electric locomotives). Oil-fired steam-heat boilers were unreliable. They caused more locomotive failures on any class to which they were fitted than any other a heat is run with one or more positions unfilled, or a heat is run with extra drivers, with a "sit-out" position. After all drivers have run their heat, placement is determined by total laps completed.
Often round robins are modified to include a "main" and sometimes also a "last-chance" heat. When run with a main, the round robin is run as normal, but at the end the top competitors (as many as there are lanes) run an extra heat. This heat is usually longer (3 to 5 minutes per segment, 1.5 "pit" time, and 1 minute practice before the heat). to 8 of July due to 'exceptional weather conditions' and fears that the heat will melt the road surface. However the heatwave persisted and this date was also cancelled. Eventually the rally took place on 2 September.
Carlow Mini Stages Rally organized by Carlow Motor Club and held on 20 May was not a championship counting round. Best five rounds out of seven counted towards championship title. has the ability to be very enterohemorrhagic like O157:H7, causing bloody diarrhea, but also is more enteroaggregative, meaning it adheres well and clumps to intestinal membranes). It is the strain behind the deadly June 2011 E. coli outbreak in Europe. Severity of the illness varies considerably; it can be fatal, particularly to young children, the elderly or the immunocompromised, but is more often mild. Earlier, poor hygienic methods of preparing meat in Scotland killed seven people in 1996 due to E. coli poisoning, and left hundreds more infected. E. coli can harbour both heat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxins. The latter, termed on fan-assisted storage heaters. High heat retention storage heaters High heat retention storage heaters (HHRSH) are the newest and most advanced storage heaters on the market. Dimplex pioneered this technology with the Quantum, which led to a new category being created in SAP. The UK government approved software which calculates the heating system that can be used in a new building or refurbishment. High heat retention storage heaters are able to retain more heat than traditional storage heaters, with a minimum of 45% heat retention 24 hours after a full charge. This significantly reduces the heat wasted during the day, passenger kilometres by another 45 percent. For 2019, also 8 percent more freight trains are scheduled than in 2018. Future developments On the initiative of two European parties: RailNetEurope and Forum Train Europe, a project called "Redesign of the International Timetabling Process (TTR)" should help to harmonise planning freight- and passenger trains across Europe, to optimize usage of existing rail tracks. Currently, almost all freight trains (96%) deviate from their original schedule, due to the dynamic nature of cargo transport. The new TTR must facilitate ProRail to let unscheduled freight trains run more easily, without requiring complex shifting in the waste heat given off by the engine is used to supply a secondary heating application. This can be virtually anything that uses low temperature heat. It is often a pre-existing energy use, such as commercial space heating, residential water heating, or an industrial process.
Thermal power stations on the electric grid use fuel to produce electricity. However, there are large quantities of waste heat produced which often go unused. In other situations, high-grade fuel is burned at high temperature for a low temperature application. According to the second law of thermodynamics, a heat engine can generate power from this temperature difference. | 082f2fcc-fae2-4fc1-b11b-f85790ce25e1 |
cho7j4 | 2011 Rugby World Cup Pool C Pool C of the 2011 Rugby World Cup began on 11 September 2011 and was completed on 2 October. The pool was composed of Australia, Ireland, Italy, Russia and the United States. While history would suggest Pool C as a predictable in outcome, this was not the case. A shock win by the Irish over Australia saw Australia finish second in the pool stage for the second time, the first being in 1995 after the loss to the hosts South Africa. also recommended in a preventative plan against pink algae. Treatment All visible pink algae must be manually removed from a pool. A dose of algicide, followed by a shock treatment is also necessary to destroy the bacteria. The pool filter must be run constantly until the water is clear and halogen or peroxide levels are normal, then the filter must be chemically cleaned. the required gold supply for sale. The price controls were successful for six years until the system became no longer workable. The pegged price of gold was too low, and after runs on gold, the British pound, and the US dollar occurred, France decided to withdraw from the pool. The London Gold Pool collapsed in March 1968.
The London Gold Pool controls were followed with an effort to suppress the gold price with a two-tier system of official exchange and open market transactions, but this gold window collapsed in 1971 with the Nixon Shock, and resulted in the onset of the and assembled on-site. The units were designed to produce 60 megawatts of electricity each and require refueling with standard 4.95 percent enriched uranium-235 fuel every two years.
NuScale's design does not rely on powered water pumps or circulatory equipment. The company claims it can shut down and continue cooling itself indefinitely in the event of a catastrophe. The devices are intended to be kept in a below-ground pool, to absorb the shock of earthquakes, with a concrete lid over the pool. In the event that AC power is lost for normal cooling systems, the pool water begins to absorb heat and The team watches in shock as she enters the room, floating and flailing her arms with her eyes closed. The film then cuts to shots of Toni and the dance team in uniform performing on the stairs, in the gym, the boxing ring, and in the empty pool. It then cuts back to Toni still flailing in the air, before she falls to the ground. She opens her eyes and smiles. Development The Fits was funded through grants from the Venice Biennale College-Cinema initiative, which supports "teams of directors and producers to make their first or second micro-budget audio-visual work". outbreaks.
In 2013, construction on the National World War II Memorial damaged the eastern end of the Reflecting Pool. NPS workers closed the eastern 30 feet (9.1 m) of the pool in August 2015 to repair the basin, work that was completed in the summer of 2016.
The Reflecting Pool was completely drained in June 2017 to control a parasitical outbreak. The parasite, which causes swimmer's itch, infects snails which inhabit the pool. More than 80 ducks and ducklings have died at the pool due to parasitical infection since May 20. Park Service workers said the work and refilling of the pool would concrete stand in 1971 and named for a former pool manager and coach, Arthur G Obst.
In 1983, the pool area underwent renovation. This work included the replacement of the circulation pipe work, the plant room and water treatment plant, the concrete concourses around the pool and the substitution of skimmer boxes for scum gutters. More recently, the pools have been lined with fibreglass and fibreglass features have been added to the children's pool.
The Dalby Pool Complex remains the venue for large swimming carnivals, one of which, the Dalby Open, attracted 1734 nominations in 2002. Description The pool complex is in input, and in its other electrical behaviors. Page went on to improve the instrument, giving it the name 'Dynamic Multiplier'.
In order for Page's instrument to produce the shock, the battery current had to be stopped. In order to experience another shock, the battery had to be started again, and then stopped. Page invented the first interrupters, to provide a repeatable means of connecting and disconnecting the circuit. In these devices, electrical flow is started and stopped as a rocking or rotary motion lifts electrical contacts out of a mercury pool. An electric motor effect is responsible for the personal care products) as well as by use of non-chlorine "shock oxidizers" such as potassium peroxymonosulfate.
Medium pressure UV technology is used to control the level of chloramines in indoor pools. It is also used as a secondary form of disinfection to address chlorine tolerant pathogens. A properly sized and maintained UV system should remove the need to shock for chloramines, although shocking would still be used to address a fecal accident in the pool. UV will not replace chlorine, but is used to control the level of chloramines, which are responsible for the odor, irritation, and enhanced much like the 2004 Shock, playing mediocre basketball all season, posting a 16-18 record and make the playoffs as the #4 seed. The Shock would make a quick exit, as the Connecticut Sun would sweep the Shock. 2005 would see the addition of former Piston star Rick Mahorn as an assistant coach to Laimbeer. Back to the top (2006–2008) The 2006 Shock came out hungry and poised for a playoff run. The Shock performed well during the regular season, posting a 23-11 record and winning the #2 seed in the playoffs. The Shock went on to make quick work of | 94a1ca1f-32c5-410e-8385-e10814d079e7 |
cho7wj | its milled powder, others will evaluate ORAC units in fresh or frozen wet weight, and still others will look at ORAC units per serving. Under each evaluation, different foods can appear to have higher ORAC values. For example, although a raisin has no more antioxidant potential than the grape from which it was dried, raisins will appear to have a higher ORAC value per gram of wet weight than grapes due to their reduced water content. Likewise, the large water content in watermelon can make it appear as though this fruit is low in ORAC. Similarly, the typical quantity of situated on the plain area of this VDC has been irrigated from this stream. There are other 55 water resources including 83.63% permanent and 16.36% temporary sources, which have been utilized for source of drinking water. ( Pindikhola VDC profile 2058). Because some settlements such as Ranipokhari Majhgaun of ward no. 9, Bhalthum, Chitung, Padhera and Nigali of ward no. 4 and Bhanjyan of ward no. 6, are situated on higher altitude than location of source of water, drinking water has not been properly supplied there.
Climate of Pindikhola can not be assigned to any particular type because of the prevailing in the aquifer, there is less available water to be pumped. If the rate of potential groundwater recharge is less than the rate of extraction, the water table will be too low for access. A consequence of this includes drilling deeper into the water table to access more water. Drilling into the aquifer can be a costly endeavour and it is not guaranteed that the quantity of available water will be exact to previous yields. Urbanization Further implications of groundwater recharge are a consequence of urbanization. Research shows that the recharge rate can be up to ten times higher and no rear seats. The engines were most commonly the naturally aspirated diesels. Reports Quattroruote, a popular Italian motoring magazine, reported some failures and defects with the Tempra. The first issue to be reported was some water ingress through the windscreen seals, an issue that previously plagued some other Fiat vehicles, especially Alfa 33, which in rainy conditions would carry a significant quantity of water on board. This problem was reported from 1990–92, and was resolved with using a higher quantity of sealant when fitting the glass.
Another reported problem was a high oil consumption, especially the 1,581 cc engine, which was levels of perchlorate (even at levels many times higher than the minute amounts being found in some drinking water supplies) also have no measurable effect on pregnant women or fetuses.
One source of perchlorate in drinking water is the past production of solid rocket propellants using perchlorate, combined with poor disposal practices. Industrial accidents and agricultural fertilizers are also suspected as sources of contamination of drinking water by perchlorate. Perchlorate is also found in breast milk at significant levels, possibly attributable to perchlorate in drinking water and foods. The challenge of defining an acceptable level of perchlorate in drinking water sets its life on the presence of salmonids, a group of fish including salmon and trout.
Sellafield has previously used water from the River Ehen for cooling on the site, but ceased this operation in the 1990s. There is a weir on Ennerdale Water, and as at 2016 the valley continues to be an important source of drinking water for customers of United Utilities in West Cumbria. However, there are plans to supply these customers using a new pipeline from Thirlmere because the Environment Agency has confirmed that for environmental reasons it will rescind the abstraction licence for Ennerdale. This means clear statements that environmental dangers should always be public knowledge, nothing will be done and we will be left with no recourse, just a blind hope for honesty." June 2009 On June 1, 2009 the Chicago Tribune reported "Legislation inspired by a controversy over tainted water in Crestwood went to the desk of Gov. Pat Quinn today as House lawmakers overwhelmingly voted to ensure citizens are notified when their drinking water is contaminated. The state legislation also would make it a felony to provide false information to environmental enforcement officials."
On June 9, 2009 House Bill 4021 passed in the Illinois to freezing varies with percentage. Lower concentrations of peroxide (45% or less) will expand when frozen, while higher concentrations (65% or greater) will contract.
Hydrogen peroxide becomes more stable with higher peroxide content. For example, 98% hydrogen peroxide is more stable than 70% hydrogen peroxide. Water acts as a contaminant, and the higher the water concentration the less stable the peroxide is. The storability of peroxide is dependent on the surface-to-volume ratio of the materials the fluid is in contact with. To increase storability, the ratio should be minimized. Applications When used with a suitable catalyst, HTP can be used as UV light than previously thought; this opened the way to wide-scale use of UV water treatment in North America. By 2001, over 6,000 UV water treatment plants were operating in Europe.
Over time, UV costs have declined as researchers develop and use new UV methods to disinfect water and wastewater. Currently, several countries have developed regulations that allow systems to disinfect their drinking water supplies with UV light. The US EPA has published a document providing guidance for the implementation of ultraviolet disinfection for drinking water, the Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water consumption or life along the first 40 km (25 mi) of the Athabasca River. Mercury, for instance, was found to be nine times higher than normal, while PAHs were at levels four times higher than the Canadian standard for potable water. As a result, residents were discouraged from both drinking any of the Athabasca as well as watering any livestock or pets.
By December 2013, as the plume reached Fort McMurray, government officials reported that water from the Athabasca was once again below safety thresholds for both wildlife and drinking water. Monitoring has continued in the years since, although First Nations representatives | 54bc6ca9-042c-4f3d-8779-a71bbd99e99d |
chocg2 | do Neutral (self-work), Dark (evil work) or Hero (Heroic Work) in a stage (i.e. choosing whether to destroy all the humans in Dark, destroy all the black aliens in Hero, or to collect the Chaos Emeralds for himself in Neutral), and depending on what Shadow does, this will affect the next stage played and the storyline. There are 10 endings in the game that range from Shadow destroying Earth to Shadow accepting he was destructive through his life and that he himself shouldn't exist. Once all endings are unlocked, a true/canonical ending is played.
The first two Resident Evil games featured Shadow system Shadow system is a term used in information services for any application relied upon for business processes that is not under the jurisdiction of a centralized information systems department. That is, the information systems department did not create it, was not aware of it, and does not support it. Overview Shadow systems (a.k.a. shadow data systems, data shadow systems, shadow information technology, shadow accounting systems or in short: Shadow IT) consist of small scale databases and/or spreadsheets developed for and used by end users, outside the direct control of an organization's IT department.
The design and development process for or equivocal, and no definitive explanation has yet been made public. Schlieren Photography Schlieren Photography can be used to detect Stealth aircraft, UAV, and missile flights even after engine cutoff. Schlieren analysis is based on the principle that any disturbances to the surrounding air may be detected (the Schlieren effect), like the shadow cast by the sun through the steam and hot air from a hot coffee, or even the Mirage wave effect caused by the hot air on pavement on a summer day. It is essentially the reverse of Adaptive optics, rather than minimizing the effect of desktop, shadows' "icon titles" can be set to one's preferred font color, independently of the preferred font-color assigned to other non-shadow WPS objects, although they share the font actually selected for that text.
Like the icons for all other 'open' objects on the WPS Desktop, whether for folders or applications, Shadows' icons become diagonally hatched on 'opening' and remain in that state until closed/exited respectively. Managing shadows There are several ways to create a shadow. One way is to select the target object and choose "Create Shadow" from its context menu. The desktop then prompts with a dialogue box allowing the If you looked out from a source of light, all of the objects you can see would appear in light. Anything behind those objects, however, would be in shadow. This is the basic principle used to create a shadow map. The light's view is rendered, storing the depth of every surface it sees (the shadow map). Next, the regular scene is rendered comparing the depth of every point drawn (as if it were being seen by the light, rather than the eye) to this depth map.
This technique is less accurate than shadow volumes, but the shadow map can be a all illuminated items. Long shadows may exhibit blurred edges due to the illuminating antenna's movement during the "time exposure" needed to create the image.
Surfaces that we usually consider rough will, if that roughness consists of relief less than the radar wavelength, behave as smooth mirrors, showing, beyond such a surface, additional images of items in front of it. Those mirror images will appear within the shadow of the mirroring surface, sometimes filling the entire shadow, thus preventing recognition of the shadow.
An important fact that applies to SARs but not to real-aperture radars is that the direction of overlay of any of any living being's shadow, and sometimes to look out from it and see." He must know to pay attention to a given shadow or it all blends together in the background, and certain locations (such as the Carpenter Household or an awakened Demonreach) are beyond his reach, and this ability can be blocked by certain powerful beings such as Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness.
At a book signing in Houston, Butcher claimed that in writing Nicodemus, he simply created someone that would be "the flipside of Michael Carpenter." Hannah Ascher Species: Human (deceased)
Description: Warlock
Appears in Skin Game. ShadowPlay Gameplay In ShadowPlay, the player's objective is to create a shadow that matches a shadow target on a backdrop by manipulating given objects using the Wii Remote. Objects can be rotated to change the shape of their shadows, or the object's distance from the light source is changed to enlarge or shrink the shadow's size. Players are scored on how fast they can arrange the objects to match the given shadow target, and how accurately the created shadow matches the target. There are 100 puzzles available, divided amongst 10 distinct "themes." A sandbox mode is available where players can Syrian air strikes, including Hilary Benn and Deputy Labour Leader Tom Watson, while Corbyn and the majority of Labour MPs voted against. January 2016 Shadow Cabinet reshuffle There was widespread speculation following the vote that Corbyn would reshuffle his Shadow Cabinet to remove Hilary Benn, but Corbyn's January reshuffle retained Benn in the same position. The reshuffle prompted the resignations of three junior shadow ministers who were unhappy that Corbyn had sacked or moved shadow ministers who disagreed with his position on Syria and Trident.
On 6 January 2016, Corbyn replaced Shadow Culture Secretary Michael Dugher with Shadow Defence Secretary Maria origins of Taiwan's shadow puppetry can be traced to the Chaochow school of shadow puppet theatre. Commonly known as leather monkey shows or leather shows, the shadow plays were popular in Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung as early as the Qing dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.). Older puppeteers estimate that there were at least a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in the closing years of the Qing. Traditionally, the eight to twelve-inch puppet figures, and the stage scenery and props such as furniture, natural scenery, pagodas, halls, and plants, are all cut from leather. As shadow puppetry is based on light | 9ec0d550-b3bc-4a60-823e-42e2fecc09ea |
chos7d | complainants and/or witnesses as well as the dates of the incidents in question. The defense can obtain copies of the verbatim reports under certain circumstances. If the defense can show that the witnesses cannot be found, the witnesses cannot recall what they said, or the witnesses refuse to talk with the defense, the defense can obtain copies of the full reports. that the CI reduced the negative effects of misinformation when the witnesses were previously interviewed with a CI. This is referred to the Geiselman effect. . Thus, the CI reduces suggestibility if administered before the suggestive interview. Adults and cognitive interviews Research involving adults and the use of the cognitive interview have found that there is accuracy in correct recall of details using the CI . In one successful study, witnesses were asked to draw a detailed sketch of what they witnessed while conversing, which proved to be as effective as asking witnesses to mentally reinstate context. Moreover, the item." Given that context continually drifts by nature of a random walk, more recently seen items, which each share a similar context vector to the context vector at the time of the recognition task, are more likely to be recognized than items seen longer ago. Cued recall In cued recall, one is asked to recall the item that was paired with a given probe item. For example, one can be given a list of name-face pairs, and later be asked to recall the associated name given a face.
Cued recall can be explained by extending the attribute-similarity model used for item in the methods used. For one, there was not a clear face advantage for the recognition stage of face processing. Participants showed a familiarity-only response to voices more often than faces. In other words, when voices were recognized (about 60-70% of the time) they were much harder to recall biographical information but very good at being recognized. The results were looked at as remember versus know judgements. A lot more remember results (or familiarity) occurred with voices, and more know (or memory recall) responses happened with faces. This phenomenon persists through experiments dealing with criminal line-ups in prisons. Witnesses are to the scene of the crime” to help witnesses remember details of a crime, or for explaining why going to a specific location such as a residence or community setting, may lead to becoming flooded with memories of things that happened in that context. Recall can also depend on state-dependency, or the conditions of one's internal environment, at both the time of the event and of recall. For example, if intoxicated at the time the memory actually occurred, recall for details of the event is greater when recalling while intoxicated. Associated with state-dependency, recall can also depend on mood-dependency, in switched to implausible memory scenarios. Daily applications The misinformation effect can be observed in many situations. For example, after witnessing a crime or accident there may be opportunities for witnesses to interact and share information. Late-arriving bystanders or members of the media may ask witnesses to recall the event before law enforcement or legal representatives have the opportunity to interview them. Collaborative recall may lead to a more accurate account of what happened, as opposed to individual responses that may contain more untruths after the fact.
In addition, while remembering small details may not seem important, they can matter tremendously in Relations, Joint Legislative Audit Committee, and Joint Legislative Council. 2011 recall Darling was one of nine Senators (six Republicans and three Democrats) to face a recall election effort in 2011 following the enactment of 2011 Wisconsin Act 10. On March 2, 2011 the "Committee to Recall Darling" officially registered with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board and on April 20, 2011, the recall campaigns announced that they had gathered nearly 30,000 signatures - enough to trigger a recall election. Darling would go on to defeat Democratic challenger Sandy Pasch, 54 percent to 46 percent. the musical guest on the premiere episode of The Barry Gibb Talk Show. Barry's guests included Al Franken (played by Jeff Richards), Arianna Huffington (Rachel Dratch) and the then-Lieutenant Governor of California, Cruz Bustamante (Horatio Sanz). At the time, both Huffington and Bustamante were running for Governor of California amidst the recall election that eventually ousted Gray Davis. The show is memorable for Timberlake's inability to maintain a straight face during Fallon's rantings. He can be seen lowering his head occasionally in an attempt to disguise his laughter. This was the only Barry Gibb Talk Show sketch performed while Fallon gave the cash to the witnesses. No, not on the toilet but in public in the bar of our restaurant. It wasn't much money either, If I recall correctly it was fl. 50. Those few ten-guilder notes aren't even enough to cover the witnesses' expenses, since all the witnesses had to travel from Rotterdam to here. The KNVB pays fl. 0.35 per kilometre." "Quite a crappy story indeed, Derksen wrote, but then again, that's what we're accustomed to. You wanna know who were present in court at the time? Me, another journalist and a man with a tape recorder. Derksen instead of through smearing all around. Branches of the trees, fishing pod, and even the inverted images in the water can reflect the most whether the artist is gifted enough or not. Given Lin Kegong's case, he attached much importance to the background. As a result, before drawing the whole picture, he was used to sketch the background out. It was also by doing so that Lin was able to complete the structure of the picture in a whole. Works of the Artist Among all the heritage of Lin Kegong, “The Countryside in the UK” was the earliest that can | 434e6f68-7714-49b5-ab52-fd4f8179ff7f |
choy4v | Planck length History In 1899 Max Planck suggested that there existed some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. These he derived using dimensional analysis, using only the Newton gravitational constant, the speed of light and the "unit of action", which later became the Planck constant. The natural units he further derived became known as the "Planck length", the "Planck mass", the "Planck time" and the "Planck energy". Planck length and Euclidean geometry The Planck length is the length at which quantum zero oscillations of the gravitational field completely distort Euclidean geometry. The gravitational field performs zero-point oscillations, Planck mass History The Planck mass was first suggested by Max Planck in 1899. He suggested that there existed some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. He derived these units using only dimensional analysis of what he considered the most fundamental universal constants: the speed of light, the Newton gravitational constant, and the Planck constant. Dimensional analysis The formula for the Planck mass can be derived by dimensional analysis. In this approach, one starts with the three physical constants ħ, c, and G, and attempts to combine them to get a quantity whose dimension is mass. The Planck time History The Planck time (also known as Planck second) was first suggested by Max Planck in 1899. He suggested that there existed some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. Planck derived these using dimensional analysis only using what he considered the most fundamental universal constants: the speed of light, the Newton gravitational constant and the Planck constant. Physical significance The Planck time is the unique combination of the gravitational constant G, the special-relativistic constant c, and the quantum constant ħ, to produce a constant with dimension of time. Because the Planck time comes from dimensional is approximately the unit charge but the mass of the protons is far less than the unit mass. History Natural units began in 1881, when George Johnstone Stoney, noting that electric charge is quantized, derived units of length, time, and mass, now named Stoney units in his honor, by normalizing G, c, and the electron charge, e, to 1.
In 1898, Max Planck discovered that action is quantized, and published the result in a paper presented to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in May 1899. At the end of the paper, Planck introduced, as a consequence of his discovery, the base Planck star In loop quantum gravity theory, a Planck star is a hypothetical astronomical object that is created when the energy density of a collapsing star reaches the Planck energy density. Under these conditions, assuming gravity and spacetime are quantized, there arises a repulsive 'force' derived from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The accumulation of mass-energy inside the Planck star cannot collapse beyond this limit because it violates the uncertainty principle for spacetime itself.
The key feature of this theoretical object is that this repulsion arises from the energy density, not the Planck length, and starts taking effect far earlier than might as the Planck temperature was first introduced in 1899 by Max Planck together with his introduction of what today is known as the Planck length, the Planck mass and Planck time. Significance As with most of the Planck units, a Planck temperature of 1 (unity) is a fundamental limit of quantum theory, in combination with gravitation, as presently understood. In other words, the wavelength of light emitted by an object can be calculated by its temperature. If an object were to reach the temperature of 1.42×10³² kelvin (TP), the radiation it would emit would have a wavelength of 1.616×10⁻³⁵ m (Planck length), energy:
Or, to put it in different words, the energy required to pile up one Planck charge within a sphere of one Planck length in diameter will make the sphere one Planck mass heavier:
is the Planck energy
is the Coulomb constant
is the Planck charge
is the Planck length
is the Planck mass
The Gaussian cgs units are defined so that , in which case has the following simple form,
It is customary in theoretical physics to adopt the Lorentz–Heaviside units (also known as rationalized cgs). When made natural (, ), they are like the SI system with . Planck acceleration Planck acceleration is the acceleration from zero speed to the speed of light during one Planck time. It is a derived unit in the Planck system of natural units. Formula and value Planck acceleration may be stated as
where aP is the Planck acceleration, c is the speed of light, tP is the Planck time and g is the standard acceleration of gravity. Meaning The Planck acceleration is the highest acceleration conceivable in the Universe, as the speed of light is the highest possible speed and the Planck time is the shortest possible duration of any meaningful physical process. Hartree atomic units Comparison with Planck units Both Planck units and atomic units are derived from certain fundamental properties of the physical world, and are free of anthropocentric considerations. It should be kept in mind that atomic units were designed for atomic-scale calculations in the present-day universe, while Planck units are more suitable for quantum gravity and early-universe cosmology. Both atomic units and Planck units normalize the reduced Planck constant. Beyond this, Planck units normalize to 1 the two fundamental constants of general relativity and cosmology: the gravitational constant G and the speed of light in a vacuum, c. Atomic Planck charge In physics, the Planck charge, denoted by , is one of the base units in the system of natural units called Planck units. It is a quantity of electric charge defined in terms of fundamental physical constants.
The Planck charge is defined as:
is the speed of light in the vacuum
is the reduced Planck constant
is the permittivity of free space
is the elementary charge
is the fine structure constant.
From a classical calculation, the electric potential energy of one Planck charge on the surface of a sphere that is one Planck length in diameter is one Planck | 9146e6a1-3253-423d-8a8b-84672e83fca9 |
chp1mi | Natural hoof care Natural hoof care is the practice of keeping horses so that their hooves are worn down naturally and so do not suffer overgrowth, splitting and other disorders. Horseshoes are not used, but domesticated horses may still require trimming, exercise and other measures to maintain a natural shape and degree of wear.
Within the natural hoof care philosophy, the term barefoot horses refers to horses which are kept barefoot full-time, as opposed to horses who are fitted with horseshoes. The hooves of barefoot horses are trimmed with special consideration to a barefoot lifestyle. The barefoot horse movement advocates generations of domestic horses bred for size, color, speed, and other traits with little regard for hoof quality and soundness make some breeds more dependent on horseshoes than feral horses such as mustangs, which develop strong hooves as a matter of natural selection.
Nonetheless, domestic horses do not always require shoes. When possible, a "barefoot" hoof, at least for part of every year, is a healthy option for most horses. However, horseshoes have their place and can help prevent excess or abnormal hoof wear and injury to the foot. Many horses go without shoes year-round, some using temporary protection such as to travel on all terrain without a protective covering on the hooves, horseshoes allowed horses to travel faster along the more difficult terrains. The practice of shoeing horses was initially practiced in the Roman Empire but lost popularity throughout the Middle Ages until around the 11th century. Although horses in the southern lands could easily work while on the softer soil, the rocky soil of the north proved to be damaging to the horses' hooves. Since the north was the problematic area, this is where shoeing horses first became popular. The introduction of gravel roadways was also cause for the their feet by a professional farrier. The hoof continually grows, and in most domesticated horses needs to be trimmed (and horseshoes reset, if used) every five to eight weeks, though the hooves of horses in the wild wear down and regrow at a rate suitable for their terrain. Teeth Horses are adapted to grazing. In an adult horse, there are 12 incisors at the front of the mouth, adapted to biting off the grass or other vegetation. There are 24 teeth adapted for chewing, the premolars and molars, at the back of the mouth. Stallions and geldings have four additional teeth just and may at times be used to keep a poultice or other medication in contact with the hoof. They are also very useful for protection of the hooves of horses who cannot for some reason wear horseshoes, such as a horse that has lost a large chunk of the hoof wall due to disease or injury. In many cases, horses with laminitis also respond well to the protection of hoof boots while their hooves recover.
As a general rule, hoof boots are not kept on horses full-time, rather they are put on and taken off as needed. Riding horses have their vast collection of horseshoes, the oldest of which date from the 15th century. Sport The sport of horseshoes involves a horseshoe being thrown as close as possible to a rod in order to score points. As far as it is known, the sport is as old as horseshoes themselves. While traditional horseshoes can still be used, most organized versions of the game use specialized sport horseshoes, which do not fit on horses' hooves. horses are allowed to live much the same as wild horses, they require little in the way of hoof care. The hooves are left untrimmed and unshod, and few farriers are in the country. Mongol horses have hard, strong hooves and seldom have foot problems. Sometimes, horses will be branded.
Horses from different regions of Mongolia are considered to have different traits. Desert horses are said to have larger feet than average ("like camel's feet"). Mountain horses are short and particularly strong. Steppe horses are the tallest, fastest variety of Mongol horses. Specifically, the eastern Khentii Province posts. Such creations are wood intensive, and on the steppe trees are rare. Instead, the horses may be tied to a single wooden pole or a large boulder. Because the horses are allowed to live much the same as wild horses, they require little in the way of hoof care. The hooves are left untrimmed and unshod and farriers are basically nonexistent. Despite the lack of attention, Mongol horses have hard, strong hooves and seldom experience foot problems. During the summer, Mongolian horses will often stand in a river, if available, in order They dwelled in rocky habitats and showed intelligent and fierce behaviour. In Dutch swamps, black wild horses were found with a large skull, small eyes and a bristly muzzle. The mane was full, with broad hooves and curly hair. However, it is possible that these were feral and not wild horses.
Herodotus described lightly-coloured wild horses in an area now part of Ukraine in the 5th century BCE. In the 12th century, Albertus Magnus states that mouse-coloured wild horses with a dark eel stripe lived in the German territory, and in Denmark, large herds were hunted. Wild horses still were common judged on brilliance and show presence of the horses while still being well mannered, balanced, and manageable. "Park pleasure" is the most animated of the flat-shod divisions. Flat-shod horses are shown in ordinary horseshoes, and are not allowed to use pads or action devices, though their hooves are sometimes trimmed to a slightly lower angle with more natural toe than seen on stock horse breeds.
Tennessee Walking Horses are typically shown with a long mane and tail. Artificially set tails are seen in "performance" classes, on full-grown horses in halter classes, and in some harness classes, but generally are not allowed | e65616e3-deb1-46b6-b082-fcf8e0533023 |
chp2dn | ImClone Systems Insider trading scandal ImClone's stock price dropped sharply at the end of 2001 when its drug Erbitux, an experimental monoclonal antibody, failed to get the expected Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. It was later revealed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that numerous executives sold their stock before the announcement of the decision after the close of trading on December 28.
Its founder, Samuel D. Waksal, was arrested in 2002 on insider trading charges for informing friends and family to sell their stock, and attempting to sell his own. His daughter, Aliza Waksal, sold $2.5 million in close of trading on December 28) of the FDA's decision, numerous executives sold their stock. ImClone's founder, Samuel D. Waksal, was arrested in 2002 on insider trading charges for instructing friends and family to sell their stock, and attempting to sell his own. His daughter, Aliza Waksal, sold $2.5 million in shares on December 27. His father, Jack Waksal, sold $8.1 million in shares over the 27th and 28th; company executives followed suit. John B. Landes, the general counsel, sold $2.5 million in shares on December 6. Ronald A. Martell, the vice president for marketing and sales, sold $2.1 million stock price dropped sharply at the end of 2001 when its drug Erbitux, an experimental monoclonal antibody, failed to get the expected Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. It was later revealed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that numerous executives sold their stock before the announcement of the decision after the close of trading on December 28.
Its founder, Samuel D. Waksal, was arrested in 2002 on insider trading charges for informing friends and family to sell their stock, and attempting to sell his own. His daughter, Aliza Waksal, sold $2.5 million in shares on December 27. His father, to a "non-insider" so Company A's CEO would not get his hands dirty). Misappropriation theory A newer view of insider trading, the misappropriation theory, is now accepted in U.S. law. It states that anyone who misappropriates information from his or her employer and trades on that information in any stock (either the employer's stock or the company's competitor stocks) may be guilty of insider trading. Proof of responsibility Proving that someone has been responsible for a trade can be difficult because traders may try to hide behind nominees, offshore companies, and other proxies. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) prosecutes 8, 2007, Inc. changed its name to Copernic Inc., received a new stock symbol CNIC, (effective June 14, 2007), and launched its new corporate website.
On November 17, 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had charged Mark Cuban with insider trading. It was alleged that he directed his broker to sell his entire 600,000 shares of stock in the company to avoid losses in excess of $750,000 based on insider information.
On June 30, 2009, Copernic completed the sale of and its third party Ad Net to Empresario, a privately owned digital media network based in million. Company executives skirted SEC trading restrictions to sell large blocks of their personal stock.
Jain resumed the role of CEO in 2001. As revenues decreased, Jain indicated to investor analysts that revenues were expected to go up, even though all indicators showed a continued decline. In 2001, InfoSpace said its revenues would go up to $360 million, then laid off 250 staff shortly afterwards. Jain and many other executives sold their shares in the company, just as the stock increased in response to investor analysts repeating Jain's positive outlook on revenues. The company then used misleading accounting practices to and exotic goods such as wine and weapons. Each race produces different high-end goods than it consumes. Stock Market Each trading company has stock which can be sold on the market for an infusion of cash. Buying out the competition, by accumulating a majority of their stock, is possible. Stock can be bought and sold throughout the game, making it possible to sell lots of stock early for an early boost and then buy it back when the other companies sell off the shares they own. Piracy Pirates can be hired to harass the competition. They can be paid to binding plan for trading in the future.
For example, if an insider expects to retire after a specific period of time and, as part of retirement planning, the insider has adopted a written binding plan to sell a specific amount of the company's stock every month for two years, and the insider later comes into possession of material nonpublic information about the company, trades based on the original plan might not constitute prohibited insider trading. United States law Until the 21st century and the European Union's market abuse laws, the United States was the leading country in prohibiting insider trading made Houston-area strip clubs, use the Enron corporate jet for personal commuting, and charge several hundred dollars worth of lunches for himself and accompanying staff to the corporate expense account until Chairman Ken Lay later prohibited it.
Between May 18 and June 7, 2001, Pai sold 338,897 shares of Enron stock and exercised Enron stock options that put another 572,818 shares on the open market. At the time, the price averaged $53.78 per share. This early sell-off of Enron stock had the benefit of shielding Pai from the insider trading charges leveled against other Enron executives who had also secretly sold-off large Exchange-traded funds (ETF) while increasing exchange traded products. An ETF is a marketable security that tracks a stock market index, a commodity, a bond, or a basket of assets. A large portion of these ETFs are created to track specific stock indices and their sectors’ activity but do not actually follow stock of a certain company. Because the Global Industry Classification Standard decided to commit to this reshuffling, they forced many large investment management firms and others providing ETFs to sell huge amounts of their investors shares in the information technology and consumer discretionary sectors as well as telecommunications sector | e721fa8a-c418-4924-b103-f231c6a50a81 |
chp938 | physics, and the science of materials and construction, an important contribution to engineering. Galileo arrived at his hypothesis by a famous thought experiment outlined in his book On Motion. This experiment runs as follows: Imagine two objects, one light and one heavier than the other one, are connected to each other by a string. Drop this system of objects from the top of a tower. If we assume heavier objects do indeed fall faster than lighter ones (and conversely, lighter objects fall slower), the string will soon pull taut as the lighter object retards the fall of the heavier object. Brian falls off of the ride and gets crushed to death. Alec tried getting the ride operator's attention, but he was busy chatting. The ride goes faster, faster and faster. Alec is dizzy, as his head swings loosely on his neck, as if it were about to fall off. He can't get out of the cart and the ride goes on and on, never stopping, Just as he had wished for. 10. Smoke Katie's parents died in a house that was on fire. She wakes up in her grandparents home. She never met her grandfather, and she only met her floating object and is opposite in direction; the object neither rises nor sinks. If the weight of an object is less than that of the displaced fluid, the object rises, as in the case of a block of wood that is released beneath the surface of water or a helium-filled balloon that is let loose in the air. An object heavier than the amount of the fluid it displaces, though it sinks when released, has an apparent weight loss equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. In fact, in some accurate weighing, a correction must be made in order wish to get himself in trouble; troubles, mysteries and adventures follow him wherever he goes and so he is left with no option but to fight back and solve mysteries. TV and Film Adaptation In 1987, Faster Fene character was the star of a TV show on Doordarshan which was portrayed by Sumeet Raghavan.
In the year 2017, the character of Faster Fene was adapted into an on-screen character for a Marathi movie Faster Fene directed by Aditya Sarpotdar and produced by Riteish Deshmukh. The character of Faster Fene was played by Amey Wagh. Comics Many of the stories of Faster initial energy to air resistance faster than a heavier, slower pellet. Therefore, a heavier pellet (typically of a larger caliber) may be preferred for hunting. The Magnetic Walking Wheel, introduced in 1953 by Maggie Magnetic Inc. of New York City. It included six colorful cardboard cutout discs ("Whee-lets") that attached to the wheel and created optical illusions as it spun.
A plastic piece at one end of the track serves as both a handhold for the toy and an adjustable slider to position the width of the track. The narrower the track, the faster the wheel goes, because the axle is thicker in the middle and you get more distance per each rotation of the wheel. Widen the track, and the wheel goes slower. object at a speed greater than c. Similarly, a shadow projected onto a distant object can be made to move across the object faster than c. In neither case does the light travel from the source to the object faster than c, nor does any information travel faster than light. An analogy can be made to pointing a water hose in one direction and then quickly moving the hose to point the stream of water in another direction. At no point does the water leaving the hose ever increase in velocity, but the endpoint of the stream can be moved assist in selecting suitable objects to throw.
An early explanation of these illusions was that people judge the weight of an object from its appearance and then lift it with a pre-determined force. They expect a larger object to be heavier and therefore lift it with greater force: the larger object is then lifted more easily than the smaller one, causing it to be perceived as lighter. This hypothesis was disproved by an experiment in which two objects of the same mass, same cross section, but different height were placed on observers' supported hands, and produced a passive size–weight illusion. Recent in terms of accuracy or response times. When a visual search involves locating two features, it is more efficient when both of the features occur in the same object, as opposed to two features separated in two different objects. Furthermore, that when re-viewing a previously attended object, recognition is faster when there is continuity between the representations (form, colour, orientation, etc.) of that object and the previewed one. Orienting The second theory asserts that object-based attention can shift quicker within an object than between objects. Egly and colleagues provided evidence for an object-based component of such visual orienting in a few listens, a deep appreciation develops for the love that goes into what they do together."
Around this time Dali's Llama performed with Fatso Jetson, Dixie Witch, Sasquatch, House of Broken Promises, SuperGiant, Floating Goat, Putanesca (Joe Baiza's band). They appeared at festivals such as the Stoner Hands of Doom Festival (SHoD VIII) in Mesa, Arizona.
The Dali Llama's seventh CD, Full on Dunes presented heavier, thicker, and faster songs. It blended the band's desert punk and heavy rock roots. Jeff Howe, drummer, joined the band. Some of the Huskey's high school friends performed as guests on the CD. They included | 31730558-bcd2-4cb4-b3df-1b2aa34ab5a6 |
chpdkx | the film one and a half stars out of four, saying "You'll only be attracted to Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties if you're very young, you're very easily entertained, or you just can't get enough of Jim Davis's lasagna-scarfing cartoon cat." Roger Ebert gave the film three out of four stars, saying "Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties is actually funnier and more charming than the first film." Elizabeth Weitzman of New York Daily News gave the film one and a half stars out of four, saying "Connolly, bless him, throws himself heartily into the task of acting opposite the Kedusha, and then take three steps forward. The Talmud understands this as a reminder of the practice in the Temple in Jerusalem, when those offering the daily sacrifices would walk backward from the altar after finishing. It also compares the practice to a student's respectfully backs away from his teacher. Bowing The worshipper bows at four points in the Amidah: at the beginning and end of two blessings, Avot and Hoda'ah. One bends the knees when saying "Blessed," then bows at "are You," and straightens while saying "O Lord." (At the beginning of Hoda'ah, one instead bows while saying Big band Instruments Big bands have four sections: trumpets, trombones, saxophones, and a rhythm section of guitar, piano, double bass, and drums. The division in early big bands was likely to be two or three trumpets, one or two trombones, three saxophones, and a rhythm section. In 1930, big bands usually consisted of three trumpets, three trombones, three saxophones, and a rhythm section of four instruments. Guitar replaced the banjo, and double bass replaced the tuba. In the 1940s, Stan Kenton's band and Woody Herman's band used up to five trumpets, four trombones (three tenor, one bass trombone), five saxophones one and a half stars out of four, saying "Mostly, Cloudy 2 relies on the usual noxious recipe for junky kid flicks: loud noise, pop music and poop jokes." Miriam Bale of The New York Times gave the film three out of four stars, saying "At times it felt as if this film might challenge Pixar's decade-long reign, but that promise wanes. Instead, the movie is sometimes so strange, colorful and wildly cute that it may end up becoming a Yellow Submarine for a new generation." Tom Russo of The Boston Globe gave the film two out of four stars, more than one wife if there is no apparent need." [Mughni al-Muhtaj 4/207].
Al-Maawardi, from the Shaafi’i School of jurisprudence, said: "Allaah has permitted a man to marry up to four wives, saying: {…two or three or four…}, but Allah advised that it is desirable for man to marry only one wife, saying: {…But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one}" [al-Hawi al-Kabir 11/417].
Ibn Qudaamah from the Hanbali School of jurisprudence, said in Ash-Sharh Al-Kabeer: "It is more appropriate to marry only one wife. The author of Al-Muharrar [i.e. Abul Barakaat Al-Majd ibn Taymiyyah] said Coyle of the Associated Press gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying "Muppets Most Wanted fails to whip up the kind of furry frenzy that makes the Muppets special." Kyle Smith of the New York Post gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying "The movie seems longer than it is, plus it's just plain too long. Ah, but those jokes are frequently brilliant." Peter Travers of Rolling Stone gave the film two and a half stars out of four, saying "The breaking point of stretching this one joke is reached subdivide it. For example, music written in time could be count sung as quarter notes ("one two three four"), eighth notes ("one and two and three and four and"), triplets ("one and a two and a three and a four and a"), or sixteenth notes ("one ee and a two ee and a three ee and a four ee and a"). The director decides how the choir should count, depending on how they want the choir to interpret the music.
Count singing often uses "tee" instead of "three", since it has a simpler consonant at the onset.
Subdivision can change fluidly Popular Antiquities on Lincolnshire with the lyric:
One for sorrow,
Two for mirth,
Three for a funeral
And four for birth
One of the earliest versions to extend this was published, with variations, in Michael Aislabie Denham's Proverbs and Popular Saying of the Seasons (London, 1846)
One for sorrow,
Two for mirth
Three for a funeral,
Four for birth
Five for heaven
Six for hell
Seven for the devil, his own self
On occasion, jackdaws, crows and other Corvidae are associated with the rhyme, particularly in America where magpies are less common. one of the four categories to mentor. It was usually held on three days. In seasons one, two and three, each judge was given 24 acts and had to decide on their 12 acts after day two, and their six acts after day three. Each judge was assisted by a celebrity guest judge who would help them choose their acts. In season one, the judges narrowed down their acts to five instead of six. In seasons four, five and six, all four judges worked together to collectively choose 24 acts (six from each category) for the next round, home visits, NBA debut on 29 October 2014 in the Bulls' season opener against the New York Knicks, recording one turnover and missing his only field goal attempt in three and half minutes. He appeared in 18 of the Bulls' 82 regular-season games, making one start. In his one start on 25 November against the Denver Nuggets, he played a season-high 18 minutes and 46 seconds and had two points, two rebounds, one assist and one block, but also accumulated four fouls and two turnovers and made just one of four field goal attempts. He failed to appear in any of the | f7a60a67-7d01-4d84-84d4-1f65674951e0 |
chprja | leading to movements within data activism. History Data collection has had a long history, but the way humans are involved in its collection has grown exponentially in the years since the dot-com boom of the 1990s and the market crash in 2008. The primary goal of platforms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon is data collection through the applications and services they provide to consumers, such as wearable technology like FitBit and Apple Watch, as well as home devices like Google Nest and Amazon Alexa. The purpose of these devices becomes more clear when consumers understand the immense amounts of data Personalized search History Google introduced personalized search in 2004 and it was implemented in 2005 to Google search. Google has personalized search implemented for all users, not only those with a Google account. There is not much information on how exactly Google personalizes their searches; however, it is believed that they use user language, location, and web history.
Early search engines, like Google and AltaVista, found results based only on key words. Personalized search, as pioneered by Google, has become far more complex with the goal to "understand exactly what you mean and give you exactly what you want." Using mathematical These devices have support for Google Duo video calls, YouTube videos, Google Maps directions, a Google Calendar agenda, viewing of smart camera footage, in addition to services which work with Google Home devices.
These devices are based on Android Things and Google-developed software. Google unveiled its own smart display, Google Home Hub, in October 2018, which utilizes a different system platform. Voices Google Assistant launched using the voice of Kiki Baessell for the American female voice, the same actress for the Google Voice voicemail system since 2010.
On October 11th, 2019, Google announced that Issa Rae had been added to Google However, Google claims there will be no more PageRank updates, rendering this metric as outdated. As of 15 April 2016 Google has officially removed the PR score from their Toolbar. Alexa Traffic Rank Alexa Traffic Rank is based on the amount of traffic recorded from users that have the Alexa toolbar installed over a period of three months. A site's ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews. Unique Visitors are determined by the number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day. Pageviews are the total number of Alexa user URL enters a room; in this state, it can also display prompts regarding news headlines, suggested Alexa commands, and other information. Alexa can also be used to request the playback of videos on its screen, such as Amazon Video content.
The "Drop In" feature allows users to, between designated contacts, automatically begin a call unannounced.
The Echo Show initially supported YouTube videos; on September 26, 2017, it was revealed that Google (who manufactures Google Home, a direct competitor to the Amazon Echo line) had blocked the device's access to the service, citing violations of its terms of service and ongoing negotiations. While Amazon Echo and Google Home and that it's "a compelling option for anyone who values music quality".
Molly Price of CNET compared the Invoke to Amazon Echo and Google Home, noting that the Invoke's metal outer casing design, smooth-turning volume control, and touchpad, "feels high-end, and that's good news for a speaker with a higher price tag than the Amazon Echo and Google Home." She also found "the Invoke's 360-degree sound to deliver fuller bass and cleaner treble than Amazon's Echo line of speakers." Another CNET editor, Ty Pendlebury, compared the Invoke to Alexa-powered Sonos One and "found it well matched search engine, Alexa was acquired by for approximately US$250 million in Amazon stock. 2000–2009 Alexa began a partnership with Google in early 2002, and with the web directory DMOZ in January 2003. In December 2005, Alexa opened its extensive search index and Web-crawling facilities to third-party programs through a comprehensive set of Web services and APIs. These could be used, for instance, to construct vertical search engines that could run on Alexa's servers or elsewhere. In May 2006, Google was replaced with Windows Live Search as a provider of search results. In December 2006, Amazon released Alexa Image Search. are some third party products that also provide Google Analytics-based tracking. The Management API, Core Reporting API, MCF Reporting API, and Real Time Reporting API are subject to limits and quotas. Popularity Google Analytics is the most widely used website statistics service. In May 2008, Pingdom released a survey stating that 161 of the 500 (32%) biggest sites globally according to their Alexa rank were using Google Analytics.
A later piece of market share analysis claimed that Google Analytics was used by around 49.95% of the top 1,000,000 websites (as ranked in 2010 by Alexa).
In 2012 its use was around Witlingo History Witlingo, Inc., was launched in February 2016 by Ahmed Bouzid, former Product Head at Amazon Alexa and former VP of Product of Witlingo became an official preferred partner of Google Assistant on December 8, 2016 and of Amazon Alexa on February 2, 2017.
In May 2017, with the launch of The Motley Fool on Microsoft Cortana, Witlingo was one of the first voice solution providers to launch a brand company on all three platforms: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana. On July 11, 2017, Witlingo launched an offering that enables companies and organizations to Little Black Sambo: "A lot of people think it's a minor issue. Google search Chief Wahoo, put it up on one side of your screen, and then Google search Sambo, and put it on your screen. And this horribly racist, vile depiction of African Americans looks exactly like the Chief Wahoo mascot of the Cleveland Indians. Exactly. And why is one acceptable and the other isn't?" An article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel described Alexie's point of view that white people have the privilege of being appalled at logos like Chief Wahoo, but that being appalled never feels like being | a16f9c89-e051-4c00-bdc5-153d8c1d7fce |
chpt6v | For example, a player wants a $30 bet on the six. Looking at two possible bets: 1) Place the six, or 2) Put the six with odds. A $30 place bet on the six pays $35 if it wins. A $30 put bet would be a $5 flat line bet plus $25 (5-times) in odds, and also would pay $35 if it wins. Now, with a $60 bet on the six, the place bet wins $70, where the put bet ($5 + $55 in odds) would pay $71. The player needs Negative freeroll Negative freeroll is a term used in poker. It refers to a situation, usually occurring in no-limit or pot-limit when contemplating an all-in wager, where the player acting first checks in a situation where they would be forced to call an opponent's final bet (due to pot odds and the strength of their holding). If the opponent has a stronger hand, the opponent will most likely bet and the player will call and lose all their money regardless. However, if the opponent has a weaker hand, betting may be the only way to get the opponent's money into order to differentiate between the original bet and the odds. The second round wins if the shooter rolls the come bet point again before a seven. Winning come bets are paid the same as winning pass line bets: even money for the original bet and true odds for the odds bet. If, instead, the seven is rolled before the come-bet point, the come bet (and any odds bet) loses.
Because of the come bet, if the shooter makes their point, a player can find themselves in the situation where they still have a come bet (possibly with odds on even odds to the teams (and only because Dreyfuss and other "sports" were alleged to have bet on Pittsburgh to bring down the odds). The teams were generally thought to be evenly matched, with the Americans credited with stronger pitching and the Pirates with superior offense and fielding. The outcome, many believed, hinged on Wagner's health. "If Wagner does not play, bet your money at two to one on Boston", said the Sporting News, "but if he does play, place your money at two to one on Pittsburg." at the same price. In other words: you set the odds, but your opponent decides which side of the bet will be yours. The price you set is the "operational subjective probability" that you assign to the proposition on which you are betting. This price has to obey the probability axioms if you are not to face certain loss, as you would if you set a price above $1 (or a negative price). By considering bets on more than one event de Finetti could justify additivity. Prices, or equivalently odds, that do not expose you to certain loss bet on all possible outcomes to make a guaranteed profit. A trader operates similarly to an arbitrageur but is willing to take on extra risk and bet on events where no immediate profit is possible. A trader hopes to make a profit by closing out the bet at a later stage at more favorable odds. Closing out a bet for profit involves collecting more money by laying than is paid out when the outcome is backed back. If the event does not occur then no money is lost, alternatively if a trader is able to lay a higher stake at unfamiliar new boy named Alex points out that they have to save the town. The boys advise their parents to get all the money they have, and then go bet it at the casino. If they win a round of roulette, they would have enough money to buy back the town, plus $50,000. They miraculously win, but as expected from avid gamblers, bet all their winnings again (on the hopes of winning $12,250,000) and lose. When they are selling their homes, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny try to get them to stand up for the town, as does Alex. Initially crowd lynching the Minnesota football team. I have assured them that you are a law-abiding gentleman and are only trying to get our goat. The Minnesota team will tackle clean, but, oh! how hard, Clyde. If you seriously think Iowa has any chance to win, I will bet you a Minnesota prize hog against an Iowa prize hog that Minnesota wins today. The loser must deliver the hog in person to the winner. Accept my bet thru a reporter. You are getting odds because Minnesota raises better hogs than Iowa. My best personal regards and condolences."
The Iowa governor accepted, and shorter odds than his back stake then he can theoretically guarantee the same amount of profit regardless of the outcome. On the other hand, if the odds move against the trader he might elect to close out the bet so as to minimise his loss. Trading can be done either before the start of an event or while the event is in progress if in-play betting is offered. Compared to trading before the event commences, trading in-play usually involves both greater risk and also the potential to make more money.
Traders can make money by betting exclusively with betting exchanges or Kovalev spoke about his consecutive defeats, “I learned a lot from my fights with Andre Ward. When you don’t win and when you suffer adversity, it makes you stronger. It also shows you who your real friends are. I feel like I cleaned out my life and now I’m ready to start fresh. I’m very excited to get back in the ring, and fight at Madison Square Garden for the first time, and I’m focused on the future. I’m not looking back.” Kovalev told Ringtv that he would not had a lead trainer for the fight. On 12 October, Main | 5b1a07f9-08a6-4e02-a89e-e2f2db2c9623 |
chqa5t | campaign.
After McCall refused to back the Bottle Bill in 1969, he sponsored the formation of non-profit SOLV—Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism. In 1971, it was reported that 75% of SOLV's budget was derived from organizations opposing the bottle bill. SOLV also received state funds.
In 1970, McCall initiated his own campaign for the Bottle Bill. Bill Chambers and Don Waggoner (1935–2016) worked to get the bill approved. Among opponents of the bill were grocery stores who feared financial strains with the processing of returns. John Piacentini, the owner of Plaid Pantry convenience stores, challenged people to about waste diversion into real action." Returns for Leukemia Since 2006 The Beer Store, UFCW Local 12R24 (the union representing its employees), and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada have partnered together to help raise awareness and funds for blood cancer research through the collection of empty bottles.
The bottle drive is formally called "Returns for Leukemia" but many refer to it as the "Leukemia Bottle Drive". It is held on the last Saturday of May and is also the world's largest bottle drive. Over the last 13 years, through donations of cash and empties, the event has raised over massive bottle returns from the Washington side of river, sometimes by the pickup load." Within the public hearing referenced within the KGW article, the store director for Saint Helens, Safeway testified to the committee that he's seen a dramatic increase in Washington residents returning containers at his Safeway and described his account of people arriving in Washington plate vehicles with cases of bottled water and emptying them out on the parking lot to prepare the bottles to return into bottle machines. Northwest Grocery Association's president Joe Gilliam reported redemption rates at redemption centers near the Oregon state border have seen Bottle episode In episodic television, a bottle episode is produced cheaply and restricted in scope to use as few non-regular cast members, effects, and sets as possible. Bottle episodes are usually shot on sets built for other episodes, frequently the main interior sets for a series and consist largely of dialogue and scenes for which no special preparations are needed. They are also commonly used when one script has fallen through and another has to be written at short notice. Bottle episodes have also been used for dramatic effect, with the limited setting and cast allowing for a slower pace Ma Fung-kwok Controversy On 21 May 2018, Ma Fun-kwok, allegedly used his status as a legislator to bypass airport security rules to bring a 200g bottle of hair gel into the restricted area. (or resource) is silica-sand, which is formed into glass and then into a bottle. The bottle is filled with milk and distributed to the consumer. A reverse logistics system returns the bottles for cleaning, inspection, sanitization, and reuse. Eventually, the heavy-duty bottle would not be suited for further use and would be recycled. Waste and landfill usage would be minimized. The material waste is primarily the wash water, detergent, transportation, heat, bottle caps, etc. While true zero waste is never achieved, a life cycle assessment can be used to calculate the waste at each phase of each cycle. Recycling and Jacob Krikke does not return, a more positive mood returns to the city. The survivors still stand alone. As city writer, Renate sends a message to the outside world via bottle mail. the cannibals, who provide him with a seltzer bottle of "voodoo root elixir" that can destroy ghosts.
When Guybrush returns to LeChuck's ship with the elixir, he learns that LeChuck has returned to Mêlée Island to marry Elaine at the church. He promptly returns to Mêlée Island and gatecrashes the wedding, only to ruin Elaine's own plan for escape; in the process he loses the elixir. Now confronted with a furious LeChuck, Guybrush is savagely beaten by the ghost pirate in a fight ranging across the island. The fight eventually arrives at the island's ship emporium, where Guybrush finds a bottle great affection for her, even stronger after having heard her family history. Petra orders Marlene to get a bottle of Sekt. Karin goes into more detail about her parents' death. Her father was laid off because of his age. In a drunken stupor, he killed Karin's mother and then hanged himself. Karin feels she has drifted in her life; her husband in Sydney treated her as a slave and offered no reprieve from her past, but Petra insists this is about to change. Marlene returns with the bottle of Sekt in a cooler, silently returns to her typing, and the second time, she clearly hears him—and feels as if she is drowning. She recovers, and says: "Thanks for the gift." Then the two continue exploring Paris and explaining their feelings to each other. They drink an entire bottle of champagne and Ringo recites mystic Sufi love poetry to Brenda. When the bottle is empty, Ringo places a love poem by Hafez inside it, and casts it into the Seine, calculating that one day it will reach American shores. They bid a sad bittersweet farewell. Ringo returns to Kazookistan. Brenda returns Sage to his mother Wanda in the US. 2009: Move | 7d91af8a-62ac-43c3-883b-cd9b3d19f8f9 |
chqb0l | problem.
According to optician Andy Hepworth, blue violet light, a light that is transmitted from the cell phone into the eye is potentially hazardous and can be "toxic" to the back of the eye. He states that an over exposure to blue violet light can lead to a greater risk of macular degeneration which is a leading cause of blindness. Psychological There are concerns that some mobile phone users incur considerable debt, and that mobile phones are being used to violate privacy and harass others. In particular, there is increasing evidence that mobile phones are being used as a tool programmers were (and still are) collectively referred to as the Blue Sky Rangers. One of the early programmers, Keith Robinson, re-acquired the rights to Intellivision in recent years and the Blue Sky Rangers' games are now available on a variety of computers and video game platforms, as well as mobile phones. Rights are currently held by Tommy Tallarico. Hyundai Blue Link Connectivity Smartphones can connect to Hyundai Blue Link using Bluetooth technology or a USB cable and an installed Hyundai Blue Link mobile application. Hyundai Blue Link is wirelessly upgradeable, so in-vehicle applications may be upgraded. Hyundai Blue Link is compatible with a wide variety of mobile phones (iOS & Android) with a data plan.
When Blue Link first launched, the connectivity was provided by a joint relationship of Aeris Communications, Inc. and Sprint Corp. On January 21, 2014 Hyundai announced it had selected Verizon Enterprise Solutions with integration provided by Covisint Corp. The Covisint platform also supports other Blue Whale Systems Blue Whale Systems Ltd is a privately held company located in Chiswick, London, England. The company provides push email software for mobile phones and devices using open standards as well as push mobile social networking software.
Their product, BlueWhaleMail, is a push email and push social networking application for mobile phones. POP3 and IMAP4 email accounts are supported as well as Yahoo, Gmail, AOL and Facebook Home servers run many different operating systems. Enthusiasts who build their own home servers can use whatever OS is conveniently available or familiar to them, such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, BSD or Plan 9 from Bell Labs. Hardware Single-board computers are increasingly being used to power home servers, with many of them being ARM devices. Old desktop and laptop computers can also be re-purposed to be used as home servers.
Mobile phones are typically just as powerful as ARM-based single board computers. Once mobile phones can run the Linux operating system, self-hosting might move to mobile devices causing the plant leaves to open or close as a result of the environmental light cycle.
Satter also studied other methods of leaf movement entrainment including the effects of blue light. Satter and her colleagues showed that blue light leads to phase shifts in leaf movement in both Samanea saman and Albizia. Satter found that blue light exposure can affect when plant leaves extend and that the timing of blue light exposure determined whether leaves extended earlier or later than expected. While these studies revealed that blue light could advance or delay circadian leaf movement rhythms, the photoreceptor that mediates this prevent plants from growing too tall. Blue light on its own can cause lack of growth, and cause leaf distortions. Green Green light is mostly reflected, but is used in small amounts by plants for photosynthesis, seedling, leaf and flower development and can reach lower leaves. Green light has been shown to affect plant processes via both cryptochrome-dependent and cryptochrome-independent means. Generally, the effects of green light are the opposite of those directed by red and blue wavebands, and it's speculated that green light works in orchestration with red and blue. Ultraviolet Ultraviolet is not used photosynthetically by plants, Effects of blue light technology Background Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum, defined as having a wavelength between 400−495 nm. This short wavelength means that blue light is a type of high-energy visible light, defined as having a wavelength between 400 and 450 nm.
Blue light sources are becoming increasingly common in today's environment. Exposure to blue light comes from a variety of technologies including computers, televisions, and lights. Much of the exposure arises from light emitting diodes (LEDs). Today, many white LEDs are produced by pairing a blue LED with a lower-energy phosphor, thereby creating solid-state light (SSL). apps that change the color temperature of a screen to a warmer hue based on the time of day to reduce the amount of blue light generated have been developed for Android, while iOS 9.3 integrated similar, system-level functionality known as "Night Shift". Amazon released a feature known as "blue shade" in their Fire OS "Bellini" 5.0 and later. It has also been theorized that for some users, addicted use of their phones, especially before they go to bed, can result in "ego depletion". Many people also use their phones as alarm clocks, which can also lead to loss of Responsive web design Mobile first, unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement "Mobile first", unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement are related concepts that predate RWD. Browsers of basic mobile phones do not understand JavaScript or media queries, so a recommended practice is to create a basic web site and enhance it for smart phones and Personal Computers, rather than rely on graceful degradation to make a complex, image-heavy site work on mobile phones. Progressive enhancement based on browser, device, or feature detection Due to the high volume of internet traffic using mobile devices, they can no longer be ignored. In 2014, for | e1f1de96-af71-439b-b0e0-a96f1f6df949 |
chqhsp | that something else is wrong and that the carrot is now huge. He then takes notice of his high-pitched voice. He smacks his hand against his face and realizes that his head is now small. He angrily requests that the animator draw his head back in properly, which he does, except he does not apply the ears. Bugs requests the ears to which the animator puts in human ears. Bugs requests that he has long rabbit ears, to which the animator then draws long, droopy rabbit ears, only to revert them back when Bugs snaps at him to not, "be "stuffed," Bugs screams and begins a cartoon-long chase.
The manager then chases Bugs into the jewelry department with a gun and fires when he catches sight of Bugs' ears sticking up from a counter. Bugs moves his ears so the bullets miss, but seems to raise his hands in surrender. As the manager gloats that he'll finish Bugs off, Bugs pops out from behind the counter (revealing that the raised hands were just a pair of gloves on the tips of his ears), armed with a gun as well, and states he'll finish off the manager. He pulls the trigger, to a rabbit's distinguishing characteristics are. Hugo responds that rabbits have long ears, making Bugs tie down his own ears and stick two of his fingers behind Daffy's head as rabbit ears. After Hugo painfully hugs the duck again but realizes that he has a bill and feathers, a crippled Daffy points out the tunneling Bugs to Hugo, who chases him underground. Eager to see the incident's conclusion, Daffy follows.
Later, in Palm Springs, a profusely sweating Hugo, and a disguised Bugs, discuss Hugo's failure to catch Bugs. Hugo believes that he will not be able to see the rabbit again, but again for interrupting his rehearsal, the bell of the sousaphone getting stuck in the hole's small opening, but the singer simply pulls Bugs out through the sousaphone. Then, he ties Bugs' ears to a tree branch and pulls him down so that he bounces repeatedly beneath the branch, bonking his head on it several times, as Giovanni walks away in anger, certain that he's made sure Bugs will not interrupt his rehearsal any further. After this, a now-incensed Bugs decides it's time for payback against Giovanni for his actions and says one of his other famous lines: "Of course you realizes that he is behind schedule for that story.
The Wolf races over to Grandma's house but rather than eat her, he kicks her out of the house with barely enough time to get her nightclothes on. The Rabbit in Red arrives shortly thereafter. When Bugs Bunny says what big eyes, ears, teeth, and feet the wolf has when he is in Grandma's clothing, he pokes both of the wolf's eyes, pulls his ears up and down, and pulls out his teeth and shoves them back in his mouth. The Wolf retaliates by pulling on Bugs' ears, but Bugs counters that activate the fuse box. When Bugs emerges, Elmer starts shooting. Bugs will not cooperate being shot at and Bugs takes this as professional jealousy, but on a scale he had never imagined. As Bugs leaves the studio with Elmer in pursuit, the producer holds up a sign to the camera that says "Program Temporarily Interrupted. Please Stand By."
Elmer chases Bugs all over the studio. In the first room, Bugs does a Show called You Beat Your Wife (a parody of You Bet Your Life) and Bugs dressed as Groucho Marx contests Elmer. As Bugs walks off, Elmer sees Bugs in any circumstances those words are inexcusable!" Lyrics The following lyrics are from one particular variant of the song:
Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot?
Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder
Like a Continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears stand high?
Do they reach up to the sky?
Do they droop when they are wet?
Do they stiffen when they're dry?
Can you wave them at your neighbor
With an element of flavor?
Do your ears stand high?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Can you use them as a mop?
Are they stringy at the bottom?
Are they curly at the top?
Can you use them for a swatter?
Can you use them for a blotter?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Do your ears stick out?
Can you waggle them about?
Can you flap them up and down
As you fly around the town?
Can you shut them up for sure
When you hear an awful bore?
Do your ears stick out?
Do your ears give snacks?
Are they all filled up with wax?
Do you eat it in the morning
Do you eat it in the bath?
Do you eat it with a scone
Or do you eat it on its own?
Do your ears give snacks?
Do your ears fall off?
Do they dangle died later in 779, Li Zhongchen remained as chancellor under Emperor Daizong's son and successor Emperor Dezong. On an occasion, when he met Emperor Dezong to discuss official business, Emperor Dezong commented, "You, lord, have large ears. That is the sign that you are a truly honored person." Li Zhongchen responded, "Your subject has heard that donkeys have large ears and dragons have small ears. My ears are large, but they are donkey ears." Emperor Dezong was happy about the flattery. In 780, when the official Zhang She (張涉), who had previously been Emperor "Ahoy there! What's up doc?" Sam orders Bugs to surrender the ship. Bugs replies with "Surrender? Never hoid the woid. So you'll have to try and take this ship!" Sam simply responds with a warning shot through Bugs' Napoleonic hat and between his ears, leaving a lump on Bugs' head ("Now, he should know better than that!").
Bugs and Captain Sam battle each other in a fierce duel. Bugs first manages to find and shoot Sam first time ("Blast, ya rabbit! Two can play that game!"), and when Sam tries to himself, he ends up being shot again. When Sam is | 48cb0e7b-4806-412e-8fa0-e291f93eb1a6 |
chqkhj | in 2009, remains mostly intact (as of 2014) for freight.
The railway serves also for public transport between Vișeu de Sus and Paltin (terminus station for public). Trains go every day during spring and summer (from 20 June to 18 September), the departure is at 9 AM. The stations on the way from Vișeu de Sus are: Novat, Novat Delta, Glimboaca, Cozia and Paltin.
Trains may be delayed or cancelled without prior warning due to bad weather or Mountain Rescue advice. normal weather. The trains running between Warsaw and Poznań were delayed by at least an hour due to snow drifts on the tracks and fallen power lines. The Polish Meteorological Institute predicted the weather would not change for the next few days and temperatures would stay at -10C for the next couple of days. Poland, northern Germany, Scandinavia, Lithuania and Hungary would all see at least some heavy snow in places that day. Light snow was reported in most parts on continental Europe and the UK by the 22nd. Twenty-three football matches and two horse races were called off in are congested. The level of service provided may be diminished due to a lower demand for service, fewer operators being available, or fewer passable routes. Yet sometimes demand for public transport may increase as more commuters choose not to drive their own vehicles.
In particularly hot weather, rail vehicles may be delayed by the expansion of the steel tracks.
Public transport may continue to operate on main arteries, though they may still experience delays. Buses that operate on secondary roads, especially those that are narrow or difficult to negotiate, may either be completely cancelled or diverted to a main road.
Although bad weather but the timetable is set up so that there should be sufficient time between trains for the crew of a failed or delayed train to walk far enough to set warning flags, flares, and detonators or torpedoes (UK and US terminology, respectively) to alert any other train crew.
A second problem is the system's inflexibility. Trains cannot be added, delayed, or rescheduled without advance notice.
A third problem is a corollary of the second: the system is inefficient. To provide flexibility, the timetable must give trains a broad allocation of time to allow for delays, so the line is not in the were cancelled and another 5,550 were delayed. All provincial bus services in Jiangxi were halted. The Chinese Public Safety Ministry mentioned that about 1 million police officers were dispatched to keep the roadways open but numerous trucks were stranded in many areas. 100 diesel locomotives were also dispatched in attempt to get stranded trains back into service. Fatalities According to CNN, 63 were killed as of 31 January due to the effects of the storm, many of them because of the cold or collapsed roofs. The toll was later risen to at least 107 according to Xinhua. Among the fatalities, 11 Hz. Govia Thameslink Railway reported that their Class 700 and Class 717 trains that were operating on AC power were affected by the frequency deviation below 49Hz. Half were restarted by the drivers but the others required a technician to come out to the train to restart it. Thousands of passengers had their journeys delayed with 371 trains cancelled, 220 part cancelled, and 873 trains delayed. London St Pancras and King's Cross stations had to close for several hours due to overcrowding. season would be delayed until later in the year due to necessary weather conditions for filming. The showrunners stated "We're starting a bit later because, you know, at the end of this season, winter is here, and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes any more. We kind of pushed everything down the line so we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot."
Girona, Spain, did not return as one of the filming locations. Girona stood in for Braavos and parts of King's Landing. It was later announced that the seventh the beech, usually comes into leaf during the last days of April or the first days of May, but is often delayed by 10–14 days in the south-east, due to the Baltic Sea chill factor. Summer Unlike the other seasons, summer is not warmer in Scania compared to many other Swedish provinces. As in winter, the weather usually changes between periods that either are sunny and fairly hot (up to 30 degrees, even higher away from the coastlines), and periods of unstable cloudy and cooler weather. The time between sunset and sunrise during June and earliest July is less than 2009, Tornado rescued about 100 people who were stranded by bad weather at London Victoria station. On that day, a number of electric trains, which picked up their power from the third rail, were unable to run because of snow and ice on the line. Tornado was to haul a Cathedrals Express lunchtime special service from Victoria; a number of booked passengers had been unable to get there due to the conditions, and so there were spare seats; the train's operators decided to offer these seats to commuters whose trains had been cancelled. Tornado also had an evening Cathedrals Express England. The ongoing weather situation resulted in National Rail declaring 'major disruption' across the north of England.
Arriva Trains Wales services between Bangor and Holyhead were suspended due to flooding, while services into and out of Chester were suspended due to high winds creating debris on the railway line, including a bus shelter, which was struck by a train prior to service being suspended.
Dozens of domestic, UK and international flights were cancelled at Dublin Airport on 5 December due to high winds, severely affecting carriers such as Aer Lingus and Ryanair. Strong crosswinds caused difficult conditions for landing aircraft at many | bd8e87ef-d8c2-4858-878f-913892f4b13b |
chqnmg | with a chronic general medical condition will develop major depression. Common comorbid disorders include: eating disorders, substance-related disorders, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Up to 25% of people who experience a major depressive episode have a pre-existing dysthymic disorder.
Some persons who have a fatal illness or are at the end of their life may experience depression, although this is not universal. correlation with eating disorders, research suggest treatments that are used for eating disorders such as, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, may also be effective for eliminating Chewing and Spitting behaviors. Frequency and tendency Throughout studies relating to Chew and Spit, it was seen that 34% of individuals with eating disorders partake in CS. This includes all eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia nervosa, and more. It has also been found that younger individuals are more likely to participate in CS. While younger individuals are more likely to develop CS, this does not determine personality or activity outside of eating behaviors. Overall, CS are more likely to develop a psychopathology, such as anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. The only problem that is more prevalent in male athletes is drug and alcohol use. These are consistent with the general public, as well. Anxiety, depression, and sleep problems are most prevalent in highly aesthetic sports, such as ballet or gymnastics. These are least prevalent in high risk sports and team ball sports. Eating disorders are more prevalent in athletes than the general public. For women eating disorders are highly prevalent in aesthetic, racing, and fine motor sports, and least prevalent in team ball sports. Eating What's Eating You Production The reality documentary series was announced in April 2010. The six-part television series features people who have compulsive eating disorders; each episode introduces two people whose lives are threatened by harmful eating habits and features doctors trying to help them to overcome the disorders.
JD Roth, one of the producers of the series, said, "One might assume that a show about severe eating disorders would focus solely on participants' bizarre behavior around food; but this show really is about the incredible fortitude and strength of people with intense obstacles to overcome [...]. We're very proud to be are not identified or treated in their early stages can become chronic, debilitating and life-threatening.
For most people with eating disorders, the medical complications associated with the disease can be successfully treated with a combination of ongoing medical care and monitoring, nutritional counseling and medication. The Eating Disorder Foundation recommends people with eating disorders seek a recovery option that involves clinicians from different health disciplines, such as nursing, nutrition and mental health, a treatment philosophy consistent with the tenets of eating recovery.
Medical issues associated with eating disorders. Extremely medically compromised patients who are at a very low weight will the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association. There are various other psychological issues that may factor into eating disorders, some fulfill the criteria for a separate Axis I diagnosis or a personality disorder which is coded Axis II and thus are considered comorbid to the diagnosed eating disorder. Axis II disorders are subtyped into 3 "clusters": A, B and C. The causality between personality disorders and eating disorders has yet to be fully established. Some people have a previous disorder which may increase their vulnerability to developing an eating disorder. Some research funding to better understand and treat eating disorders," and "work with partners and volunteers to develop programs and tools to help everyone who seeks assistance."
In 2012, the National Eating Disorders Association launched a website called Proud2BMe. is a website for teens and all of its efforts are done "with the goal of promoting positive body image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight". This fits with the National Eating Disorders Association's overall mission. Resources They have a website and national toll-free helpline which can both help "families, friends and individuals find appropriate treatment". Also available Monday to with people having jobs to make a living for themselves, which goes into food and nourishment. Psychology and Disorders Eating disorders are also symbolic with the sociology of food. They represent how control (or lack thereof) someone can have over themselves about one of the things they need to live. Eating disorders do not limit themselves to anorexia. These disorders include bulimia and binge eating as well. Some people often use food a comfort, or even a reward. Or in other cases they see food as a negative thing to avoid, even though they need it for survival. The relationships eating disorders not otherwise specified (ED-NOS).
The United States spends relatively little money on eating disorder-specific programs and research. For example, in 2006 the U.S. spent $21 million on eating disorders research for a population of 5-10 million sufferers. By comparison, in 2006 over $300 million ($USD) was spent on schizophrenia, which impacts approximately the same number of people as eating disorders.
In 2008 the Eating Disorders Coalition provided extensive support for a national public awareness campaign organized by Congressman Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island and Congressman Jim Ramstad of Minnesota. The campaign included town hall rallies across the country in which Ulrike Schmidt Ulrike Schmidt MRCPsych Dr. Med. Ph.D is a psychiatrist at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London in London, where she is Professor of Eating Disorders as well as the Head of the Section of Eating Disorders. Schmidt is a consultant at the Eating Disorders Service within the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Schmidt is known for her ground breaking work helping people with eating disorders and their clinicians. Career Schmidt undertook her medical studies at the University of Düsseldorf. After graduation she went on to train in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital | ac673416-032a-4540-8e7d-2744251f5166 |
chqpqd | Old Time Baseball Announcers Users could select between Play by play announcers Mel Allen of the New York Yankees and Curt Gowdy, who did network broadcasts for many years in addition to announcing for the Boston Red Sox. Legacy The game was a cult hit among serious baseball fans such as members of SABR and fans of sabermetrics, but entered the market during the baseball strike of 1994–1995 when many fans were angry at baseball in general. It never achieved mainstream success, and was sometimes criticized as being designed to please only hard-core baseball history "nuts". Since it zone.
There is a second type of Riseball, sometimes called a corkscrew rise. It is thrown with axial rotation. It spins like a bullet with a upward tilt of about 15 or more degrees. Unlike the a well thrown classic rise, this pitch will skip or hop like the normal rise, but will flatten out as it approaches the plate. The result of this pitch is more often a miss hit or popped up ball.
Many people maintain that baseball does not have a rise ball as a small ball thrown overhand can not be thrown fast enough or with enough spin Changeup A changeup is a type of pitch in baseball and fastpitch softball. The changeup is the staple off-speed pitch, usually thrown to look like a fastball but arriving much more slowly to the plate. Its reduced speed coupled with its deceptive delivery is meant to confuse the batter's timing. It is meant to be thrown the same as a fastball, but farther back in the hand, which makes it release from the hand slower while still retaining the look of a fastball. A changeup is generally thrown to be 8–15 miles per hour slower than a fastball. If thrown 15 of 30 Major League Baseball managers were former catchers. Because the catcher is considered a captain on the field (and some, such as Thurman Munson and Jason Varitek were in fact team captains), he is often in charge of planning defensive plays. The catcher will give signs to the pitcher for what pitch is to be thrown.
The selection of which pitch to use can depend on a wide variety of situations such as; the type of hitter that is being faced, whether there are any base runners, how many outs have been made in the inning, or the current leaving Villa Park, there were a small amount of arrests including a Birmingham City club chef. In the second of the two games, after Birmingham had beaten Villa 2-1, Birmingham supporters invaded the pitch and confronted the visiting Villa fans. In retaliation, Villa fans ripped out seats and hurled them into the Birmingham supporters. Further, a flare was thrown from the Villa fans section into the Birmingham fans on the pitch. Villa fans have since been convicted following being picked out on CCTV after the game for offences, including the attack by Villa hooligans on a pub near St. Andrews Cut fastball In baseball, a cut fastball or cutter is a type of fastball that breaks toward the pitcher's glove-hand side, as it reaches home plate. This pitch is somewhere between a slider and a four-seam fastball, as it is usually thrown faster than a slider but with more motion than a typical fastball. Some pitchers use a cutter to prevent hitters from expecting their regular fastballs. A common technique for throwing a cutter is to use a four-seam fastball grip with the baseball set slightly off center in the hand. A batter hitting a cutter pitch often achieves only Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. Gameplay Batters and fielders abilities are measured with five different statistics: Batting, Power, Speed, Defense, and Arm. Pitchers abilities are measured with three different statistics: Speed, Stamina, and Control. Statistics are measured by a number 1-10, with 1 being the weakest and 10 being the best.
Every pitcher in the game has four pitches. The first pitch, which is used by pressing the A button, is always a fastball. The second pitch, a breaking ball, is thrown by pressing the B button. Pitches thrown with the B button include curveballs, sliders, and Topspin Baseball In baseball, the curveball, a type of pitch which usually has downward movement, is thrown in such a way as to put topspin on the ball. Its close relatives are the slider and the slurve. The "curve" of the ball varies from pitcher to pitcher. Cue sports In snooker, pocket billiards and billiards, players use topspin to keep the cue ball moving, including after it hits other balls. They get top spin by hitting the cue against the top of the ball. Cricket In cricket, a top-spinner is a type of delivery bowled by a cricketer bowling either curveballs. The pitch is generally thrown using a four-seam grip, in which the middle finger on the pitcher's throwing hand is placed in the gap between the two seams on the right side, and the index finger is placed directly next to it. The pitcher's thumb is placed directly on the bottom of the baseball. This grip allows the pitcher to create a high amount of topspin while still having a good control of the pitch. The pitch is then thrown with an exaggerated 12–6 motion with both the middle finger and the thumb simultaneously helping move the baseball towards as pronation.
The unusual method of delivery creates a bullet-like spin on the ball with the axis of spin in line with the direction of the throw, similar to the way an American football is thrown. Tezuka has stated, if the pitch is thrown correctly, it will fly straight like a fastball. Contrary to early speculation that the gyroball was a late moving breaking ball, the fact that the pitch travels with a bullet-spin denotes that the baseball is stabilized, hence the lack of movement. In baseball, most pitches are thrown with back-spin, like the usual fastball, or with a top-spin, | 0022505a-498f-43a8-bb95-a368212057f9 |
chqv2g | were transferred to PayPal's bank in Luxembourg in July 2007. Prior to this move, PayPal had been registered in the United Kingdom as PayPal (Europe) Ltd, an entity which was licensed as an Electronic Money Issuer with the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) from 2004. This ceased in 2007, when the company moved to Luxembourg.
In India, as of January 2010, PayPal has no cross-border money transfer authorization. In The New York Times article "India's Central Bank Stops Some PayPal Services", Reserve Bank of India spokesman Alpana Killawalla stated: "Providers of cross-border money transfer service need prior authorization from the Reserve like a pre-paid telephone card: the buyer signed up for the service and put money into an account using a credit card or PayPal. This stored-value amount could be used to purchase digital content or services. Transaction fees were paid by the content provider. For payments under $5, the charge was 15% of the price paid by the buyer (Bitpass Professional merchant account fee). BitPass also partnered with major technology and financial services companies such as Microsoft, PayPal, the Royal Bank of Scotland and First Data.
On January 19, 2007 Bitpass announced that they were shutting down, and businesses, and in the completion of person-to-person remote auctions (such as eBay), although the advent of new low cost online escrow services has meant that even low-cost transactions are now starting to benefit from use of escrow. In the UK, escrow accounts are often used during private property transactions to hold solicitors' clients' money, such as the deposit, until such time as the transaction completes. Other examples include purchases of a second-hand car, where the money is hold on the name of the buyer in a temporary bank account, deposits for a property rental, where the money is released after House (ACH), Wire transfers or telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS, and automated teller machines (ATMs).
Banks borrow money by accepting funds deposited on current accounts, by accepting term deposits, and by issuing debt securities such as banknotes and bonds. Banks lend money by making advances to customers on current accounts, by making installment loans, and by investing in marketable debt securities and other forms of money lending.
Banks provide different payment services, and a bank account is considered indispensable by most businesses and individuals. Non-banks that provide payment services such as remittance companies are normally not considered as an adequate substitute for a bank Sterling Bank (Texas) Products and services Sterling Bank offers business banking products and services including loans, lines of credit, multi-party checking, treasury management, automated clearinghouse functions, account analysis, investment sweep accounts, merchant credit card processing, international banking including letters of credit, export-import financing, investment portfolio management, trust and succession planning, interest bearing checking and IOLTA accounts, factoring, business online banking, Small Business Administration loans, and wire transfers.
Sterling also offers personal banking products, such as interest and noninterest bearing checking, savings, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit. Sterling Bank's personal services include online banking, telephone banking, private banking, and trust money through mobile phones. Their original prototype sent money through text messages, but they eventually transitioned from text messages to a smartphone app.
In May 2010, the company raised $1.2 million of seed money in a financing round led by RRE Ventures.
In 2012, the company was acquired by Braintree for $26.2 million.
In December 2013, PayPal acquired Braintree for $800 million.
Prior to October 2015, Venmo prohibited merchants from accepting Venmo payments. On January 27, 2016, PayPal announced that Venmo was working with select merchants who would accept Venmo as payment. Initial launch partners included Munchery and Gametime. All merchants that accept PayPal set currency conversion option in account settings.
From 2009 to 2016, PayPal operated Student Accounts, allowing parents to set up a student account, transfer money into it, and obtain a debit card for student use. The program provided tools to teach how to spend money wisely and take responsibility for actions. PayPal discontinued Student Accounts in August 2016.
In November 2009, PayPal opened its platform, allowing other services to get access to its code and to use its infrastructure in order to enable peer-to-peer online transactions.
In 2007, PayPal acquired the online credit product Bill Me Later, Inc., which has since been provide money remittance services, process payment transactions and direct debit or credit transfers, as well as other similar well-known financial operations. E-money account This is an account, opened with an EMI, e-wallet or payment company, that allows users to enjoy the conventional range of banking services, along with additional advantages. Transactions made on such accounts are processed in a fast, secure and convenient way, for lower fees. The 24/7 availability of the account is also a certain benefit. E-money accounts prevent users from constantly sharing credit card details and are, therefore, ensuring increased security. E-money Mobile App Each EMI operates Money services business A money services business (MSB) is a legal term used by financial regulators to describe businesses that transmit or convert money. The definition was created to encompass more than just banks which normally provide these services to include non-bank financial institutions.
An MSB has specific meanings in different jurisdictions, but generally includes any business that transmits money or representatives of money, provides foreign currency exchange such as Bureaux de change, or cashes cheques or other money related instruments. It is often used in the context of Anti Money Laundering (AML) legislation and rules. Money services businesses Northeast Bank Lines of Business Northeast Bank offers traditional personal and business banking services as well as the purchase and origination of commercial loans nationally. Banking Northeast Bank is the banking arm of Northeast Bancorp, operating from ten branches throughout the state of Maine.
Retail banking products include checking, savings, money market and other deposit accounts; as well as mortgage, and personal loans.
Commercial banking products include checking, savings, and other deposit products; as well as real estate loans, lines of credit and other loan products. Northeast Bank is an SBA Preferred Lender.
Online banking services are offered to both retail and commercial | 9a78a862-fadb-433a-947a-7d72f26b2978 |
chqxh4 | "kick the bucket" which is normally understood to mean dying. The extent to which a phrase is thought idiomatic is a matter of degree and native speakers of English consider a phrase like "pop the question" (proposing marriage) to be less idiomatic than "kick the bucket". Dictionary An idiom dictionary may be a traditional book or expressed in another medium such as a database within software for machine translation. Examples of the genre include Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, which explains traditional allusions and proverbs, and Fowler's Modern English Usage, which was conceived as an idiom dictionary following the Realizing that it doesn't really kick up a big firestorm of emotion, it kind of suggests that at least if someone started talking I'd sit still long enough to listen.
When asked again in October 2011 about the prospect of a reunion, Fogerty said: "I'm saying it's possible, yeah. I think the call [laughs] would maybe have to come from outside the realm. Somebody would have to get me to look at things in a fresh way."
However, Cook and Clifford both stated in the February 2012 edition of Uncut Magazine that they are not interested in a CCR reunion. "Leopards don't had the meaning 'to die'.
Whatever African American usage might have been in the 19th century, by the 20th century they were using the idiom 'kick the bucket'. It occurs in the jazz classic Old Man Mose, recorded by Louis Armstrong in the US in 1935, and in the West Indies it figured in the title of the reggae hit “Long Shot kick de bucket”, recorded by The Pioneers in 1969. In the case of the latter, the song refers to the death of a horse.
In North America, a variation of the idiom is 'kick off'. A related phrase is to Phrase Common and technical use There is a difference between the common use of the term phrase and its technical use in linguistics. In common usage, a phrase is usually a group of words with some special idiomatic meaning or other significance, such as "all rights reserved", "economical with the truth", "kick the bucket", and the like. It may be a euphemism, a saying or proverb, a fixed expression, a figure of speech, etc.
In grammatical analysis, particularly in theories of syntax, a phrase is any group of words, or sometimes a single word, which plays a particular role within the "hand in one's dinner pail", a bucket that contains a worker's dinner. Another variation, 'bucket list', or a list of things to do before one dies, is derived from "to kick the bucket". may look upon God's name as holy, as something that inspires awe and reverence, and that they may not trivialize it by making God a tool for their purposes, to "put other people down, or as a sort of magic to make themselves feel safe". He sums up the meaning of the phrase by saying: "Understand what you're talking about when you're talking about God, this is serious, this is the most wonderful and frightening reality that we could imagine, more wonderful and frightening than we can imagine." Second Petition Thy kingdom come;
"This petition has its parallel in the Jewish Pioneers scored again with a sequel to "Long Shot", "Long Shot (Kick De Bucket)". When Kong heard that the horse had died (during its 203rd race), he insisted that the group write a song about it; The song was written and recorded quickly and became an instant hit.
The band was popular in the United Kingdom, particularly among skinheads. "Long Shot Kick de Bucket" was a big hit in 1969, and led to a tour of the UK, during which they resolved to relocate there. Their cover of Jimmy Cliff's "Let Your Yeah Be Yeah" made No. 5 as a single Bucket (computing) In computing, the term bucket can have several meanings. It is used both as a live metaphor, and as a generally accepted technical term in some specialised areas. A bucket is most commonly a type of data buffer or a type of document in which data is divided into regions. Bit bucket This is a humorous but common phrase. Something goes into the bit bucket when it is deleted, generally irreversibly and quite often wrongly, such as files or emails that just disappear.
It has been commonly suggested that this usage dates from the days when punched cards and/or definition came from the French word trébuchet or buque, meaning balance. William Shakespeare used the word in this sense in his play Henry IV Part II where he says:
Swifter than he that gibbets on the Brewers Bucket.
— William Shakespeare, Henry IV Part II
A third theory suggests that the origin of the phrase comes from the Catholic custom of holy-water buckets:
After death, when a body had been laid out ... the holy-water bucket was brought from the church and put at the feet of the corpse. When friends came to pray... they would sprinkle the body with holy water ... it is down a ladder, one fell and killed someone. But one would not go into banishment if while pulling up the roller it fell back and killed someone, or while raising a bucket the rope snapped and the falling bucket killed someone, or while going up a ladder one fell down and killed someone. The Mishnah's general principle was that whenever the death occurred in the course of a downward movement, the culpable person went into banishment, but if the death did not occur in the course of a downward movement, the person did not go into banishment. If while chopping | 739e0229-16b1-414f-85c7-e6ea5afe8b1c |
chqxyn | prescribed in adults who cannot tolerate the side effects of amphetamines or methylphenidate. It is also approved for ADHD by the US Food and Drug Administration. A rare but potentially severe side effect includes liver damage and increased suicidal ideation.
Bupropion and desipramine are two antidepressants that have demonstrated some evidence of effectiveness in the management of ADHD particularly when there is comorbid major depression, although antidepressants have lower treatment effect sizes. Psychosocial therapy Treatment of adult ADHD may also include forms of stress management or relaxation training.
Research has shown that, alongside medication, psychological interventions in adults can be effective in often begins with medication selected to address the symptoms of ADHD, along with any comorbid conditions that may be present. Medication alone, while effective in correcting the physiological symptoms of ADHD, will not address the paucity of skills which many adults will have failed to acquire because of their ADHD (e.g., one might regain ability to focus with medication, but skills such as organizing, prioritizing and effectively communicating have taken others time to cultivate). Medications Stimulants, the first line medications in adult ADHD, are typically formulated in immediate and long-acting formulations.
Methylphenidate, a stimulant, with short and long-acting formulations, is often can be problematic when treatment is first initiated, but may wear off as the patient adjusts to the medication.
Other medications that can be used to treat tics include pergolide (brand name Permax), botulinum toxin, and with less empirical support for efficacy, tetrabenazine and baclofen. Treatment of ADHD in the presence of tic disorders Patients with Tourette's who are referred to specialty clinics have a high rate of comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), so the treatment of ADHD co-occurring with tics is often part of the clinical treatment of Tourette's. Patients who have ADHD along with Tourette's may also have problems and their ADHD symptoms improved. Environmental factors, such as the mother smoking or drinking during pregnancy is connected to children with ADHD. Children exposed to lead at a young age will also have an increased chance of developing ADHD. Brain injuries could cause ADHD, yet only a small number of children diagnosed fit into this category. Researchers have looked into sugar intake as the cause of ADHD, but have found little to support that theory. Treatment Medication is often used to treat children with attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders. Individualized programs are available for children with the brain between ADHD and non-ADHD patients. Critics, such as Jonathan Leo and David Cohen who reject the characterization of ADHD as a disorder, contend that the controls for stimulant medication usage were inadequate in some lobar volumetric studies which makes it impossible to determine whether ADHD itself or psychotropic medication used to treat ADHD is responsible for decreased thickness observed in certain brain regions. They believe many neuroimaging studies are oversimplified in both popular and scientific discourse and given undue weight despite deficiencies in experimental methodology.
From a biological/genetic point of view, ADHD is said to be highly heritable and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often studied in connection with learning disabilities, but it is not actually included in the standard definitions of learning disabilities. An individual with ADHD may struggle with learning, but he or she can often learn adequately once successfully treated for the ADHD. A person can have ADHD but not learning disabilities or have learning disabilities without having ADHD. The conditions can co-occur.
People diagnosed with ADHD sometimes have impaired learning. Some of the struggles people with ADHD have might include lack of motivation, high levels of anxiety, and the inability to process information. There are studies that (The Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD by the University of Buffalo showing treatment results of 600) suggesting drugs are no better than therapy for ADHD in the long-term. In the UK medication use is increasing dramatically. Other notable individuals have made controversial statements about ADHD. Terence Kealey, a clinical biochemist and vice-chancellor of University of Buckingham, has stated his belief that ADHD medication is used to control unruly boys and girls behavior.
The British Psychological Society said in a 1997 report that physicians and psychiatrists should not follow the American example of applying medical labels to such a wide a meta-analysis of structural MRI studies, Nakao et al. (2011) found that patients with ADHD exhibit an increased left PCC, suggesting that developmental abnormalities affect the PCC. In fact, PCC function is abnormal in ADHD. Within the DMN, functional connectivity is reduced and resting state activity is used to diagnose ADHD in children. Treatment for ADHD, includes psychostimulant medication that directly affects PCC activity. Other studies addressing medication for PCC abnormalities, report that the PCC may only respond to stimulant treatments and the effectiveness of medication can be dependent on motivation levels. Furthermore, ADHD has been associated with the gene may help families cope with ADHD.
Training in social skills, behavioral modification and medication may have some limited beneficial effects. The most important factor in reducing later psychological problems, such as major depression, criminality, school failure, and substance use disorders is formation of friendships with people who are not involved in delinquent activities.
Regular physical exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, is an effective add-on treatment for ADHD in children and adults, particularly when combined with stimulant medication, although the best intensity and type of aerobic exercise for improving symptoms are not currently known. In particular, the long-term effects of regular aerobic exercise suggest people with ADHD generally have a positive attitude toward academics and, with developed study skills, can perform just as well as individuals without learning disabilities. Also, using alternate sources of gathering information, such as websites, study groups, and learning centers, can help a person with ADHD be academically successful.
Some research is beginning to make a case for ADHD being included in the definition of LDs since it is being shown to have a strong effect on "executive functions" required for learning. This has not as yet affected any official definitions. Though, historically, ADHD was not clearly distinguished from other | f2354a08-8cf9-4f48-bfbd-3fa6943bf9ce |
chr1iu | area of a cylinder, cone sphere and torus are calculated using pi. Pi is also used in calculating planetary orbit times, gaussian curves and alternating current. In calculus, there are infinite series that involve pi and pi is used in trigonometry. Ancient cultures used different approximations for pi. The Babylonian's used and the Egyptians used .
Pi is a fundamental constant of nature. Archimedes discovered that the area of the circle equals the square of its radius times pi. Archimedes was the first to accurately calculate pi by using polygons with 96 sides both inside and outside a circle then measuring the line segments and finding that pi was between and . A Chinese calculation used polygons with 3,000 sides and calculated pi accurately to five decimal places. The Chinese also found that was an accurate estimate of pi to within 6 decimal places and was the most accurate estimate for 1,000 years until arabic numerals were used for arithmetic.
By the end of the 19th century, formulas were discovered to calculate pi without the need for geometric diagrams. These formulas used infinite series and trigonometric functions to calculate pi to hundreds of decimal places. Computers were used in the 20th century to calculate pi and its value was known to one billion decimals places by 1989. One reason to accurately calculate pi is to test the performance of computers. Another reason is to determine if pi is a specific fraction, which is a ratio of two integers called a rational number that has a repeating pattern of digits when expressed in decimal form. In the 18th century, Johann Lambert found that pi cannot be a ratio and is therefore an irrational number. Pi shows up in many areas having no obvious connection to circles. For example; the fraction and \: (sort down). User-defined sorts such as quicksort, above, typically are for illustration only.
The following example demonstrates the usage of the self-reference verb $: to recursively calculate fibonacci numbers:
This recursion can also be accomplished by referring to the verb by name, although this is of course only possible if the verb is named:
The following expression exhibits pi with n digits and demonstrates the extended precision abilities of J:
n=: 50 NB. set n as the number of uniquely precise. The sun light, entering through a 27.07 mm (1.066 in) hole placed at a 27.07 m (88.8 ft) height in the church wall, projects an elliptical image of the sun, which at local noon falls exactly on the meridian line and every day is different as to position and size. The position of the projected image along the line allows to determine accurately the daily altitude of the sun at noon, from which Cassini was able to calculate with unprecedented precision astronomical parameters such as the obliquity of the ecliptic, the duration of the tropical year and the timing of equinoxes and this map is created, surgeons are able to see with more precision than presently available where their surgical instruments are in relation to the patient. This allows surgeons to more accurately perform spinal fusions while using a less invasive procedure for the patient. motion of the PCB can be placed this way.
From the high speed machine, the board transits to a precision placement machine. These pick-and-place machines often use high resolution verification cameras and fine adjustment systems via high precision linear encoders on each axis to place parts more accurately than the high-speed machines. Furthermore, the precision placement machines are capable of handling larger or more irregularly shaped parts such as large package integrated circuits or packaged inductor coils and trimpots. Unlike the rapid placers, precision placers generally do not use turret mounted nozzles and instead rely on a gantry-supported moving head. and produce completely reproducible results, they are technically only true with high probability, or up to the numerical precision of the computers we use. To indicate reliance on such computations, we designate those theorems, corollaries, and propositions with a star. L += 545140134
X *= -262537412640768000
S += Dec(M * L) / X
K += 12
pi = 426880 * Dec(10005).sqrt() / S
pi = Dec(str(pi)[:disp]) # drop few digits of precision for accuracy
print("PI(maxK={} iterations, gc().prec={}, disp={} digits) =\n{}".format(maxK, prec, disp, pi))
return piPi = PI()print("\nFor greater precision and more digits (takes a few extra seconds) - Try")print("Pi = precision-diameter gages consist of a narrow metal ribbon bearing special graduations vernier scale. The vernier scale allows the user more accurately measure diameter.
The tapes are checked over master gauges at 0.001 in (0.025 mm) accuracy for standard tapes up to 144 inches (3,658 mm).
Precision diameter tapes are used in precision or advanced manufacturing industries, such as aero-space field and the plastic pipe industry. | 601ca3ef-c2f0-4414-a83d-f7109f0b7737 |
chr3ha | his finding out about Hughes' illegal contributions to the Nixon campaign was too much of a danger for Nixon to ignore.
James F. Neal, who prosecuted the Watergate 7, did not believe Nixon had ordered the break-in because of Nixon's surprised reaction when he was told about it. Australia Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam referred to the American presidency's "parlous position" without the direct wording of the Watergate scandal during Question Time in May 1973. The following day responding to a question upon "the vital importance of future United States-Australia relations," Whitlam parried that the usage of the word 'Watergate' was Democrats for Nixon. Nixon outspent McGovern by more than two-to-one.
Nixon directly requested that his aides use government records to try to dig up dirt on McGovern and his top contributors. McGovern was publicly attacked by Nixon surrogates and was the target of various operations of the Nixon "dirty tricks" campaign. The infamous Watergate break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June 1972 was an alternate target after bugging McGovern's headquarters was explored. The full dimensions of the subsequent Watergate scandal did not emerge during the election, however; the vast majority of the press focused on McGovern's difficulties and of God, Collision at Home Plate and a forthcoming novel, The 19th Hijacker have been optioned by Hollywood.
In 1976-77, Reston was David Frost's Watergate adviser for the historic Nixon interviews which forced Richard Nixon to apologize for his Watergate crimes and remains the most watched public affairs television program in broadcast history. (The Watergate interrogation had an audience of 57 million viewers.) Reston wrote an 80 page interrogation document for Frost, before the Watergate interrogation that included tapes of incriminating conversations between Richard Nixon and his aide, Charles Colson that surprised Nixon and allowed Frost to take control of Nixon (film) Plot In 1972, the White House Plumbers break into The Watergate and are subsequently arrested.
Eighteen months later in December 1973, Richard Nixon's Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig (Powers Boothe), brings Nixon (Anthony Hopkins) audio tapes for Nixon to listen. The two men discuss the Watergate scandal and the resulting chaos. After discussing the death of J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon uses profanity when discussing John Dean, James McCord and others involved in Watergate. As Haig turns to leave, Nixon asks Haig why he hasn't been given a pistol to commit suicide like an honorable soldier.
Nixon starts the taping William Rehnquist instead. Watergate investigation In 1973 and 1974, Baker was the influential ranking minority member of the Senate Watergate Committee, chaired by Senator Sam Ervin, which investigated the Watergate scandal. Baker famously asked aloud, "What did the President know and when did he know it?" The question is sometimes attributed to being given to him by his counsel and former campaign manager, future US Senator Fred Thompson.
John Dean, former White House counsel to Nixon, revealed to Senate Watergate chief counsel Samuel Dash that Baker had "secret dealings" with the White House during the congressional investigation. Although Baker, as a Thompson to question Butterfield during the hearing. Baker did not want the Republicans to look as if they had been caught by surprise. The New York Times called Butterfield's testimony "dramatic", and historian William Doyle has noted that it "electrified Washington and triggered a constitutional crisis". Political scientist Keith Olson said Butterfield's testimony "fundamentally altered the entire Watergate investigation."
Within hours of Butterfield's testimony, Haig had the taping system removed. Watergate revelations Butterfield was not involved in the Watergate cover-up and was never charged with any crime.
Butterfield did, however, play a minor role in Watergate. Nixon had $1.6 million in campaign Watergate began to break. Maroon curtailed all other stories for a couple years, realizing that something of great significance was taking place and he needed to cover it. The resulting collection begins with Nixon's 1972 reelection campaign and runs through his resignation in 1974. Because of what Maroon described as the "negative and worrisome mood" of the country, he locked away 576 rolls of Watergate film and did not allow most of his pictures to be published until 1999, when he brought out The Nixon Years, 1969-1974, White House to Watergate (Abbeville Press). The Smithsonian did an exhibition of these President, and with Nikita Khrushchev during Nixon's Moscow trip known for the Kitchen Debate. During the Nixon administration Pepsi Cola was always a prominent beverage at White House functions. A conversation between Kendall and Nixon in the oval office appears in the second volume of the Watergate tapes. Kendall is heard offering advice to Nixon on how to handle his difficult situation. He later told an interviewer that he was "disappointed" at the way Nixon handled Watergate. "How could you help but be?" was hired by Bob Zelnick to work at National Public Radio and has been there since. Watergate appeals In 1977, Totenberg broke a story about the Supreme Court appeal of three men who had been convicted in the Watergate scandal: H.R. Haldeman, John N. Mitchell, and John D. Ehrlichman. Totenberg revealed the results of their secret 5–3 vote against reviewing the case and that the three dissenters were appointees of President Richard Nixon. Nixon had resigned three years earlier, in the wake of Watergate. Totenberg also revealed that Nixon-appointed Chief Justice Warren Burger delayed announcing the results of reportedly tried to persuade Nixon to forego the trip, but he insisted; some Secret Service agents even thought Nixon was deliberately courting death by insisting on going, believing that dramatic end preferable to suffering further Watergate troubles and possible impeachment. Nixon then went to a summit meeting with the Soviet Union in Moscow. The White House tried to portray these trips as his presidency having "turned the corner" from Watergate and the impeachment process.
There were six special elections for House seats during 1974 that supplied a measure of voter sentiment regarding Watergate; Democratic candidates won five of them. One such | 3ece6081-7f1f-4cb3-b341-680935acc5f0 |
chr6ol | & Memories (3 pm to 6 pm), The Heat Is On (6 pm to 8 pm), Those Were The Days (8 pm to 10 pm) and Trash Disco (10 pm to midnight). Sunday Sunday broadcasts commence with Here Comes The Sun (7 am to 8 am), Valley Lifestyles (8 am to 9 am), a show that covers local events, gardening, and food & wine, the Christianity show God's Not Dead (9 am to 11 am), and then a series of specialist music programmes, 100% Aussie (11 am to 12 noon), The Country Club (12 noon to 2 pm), Wired For Sound (2 pm to 4 pm), Le Jazz Diverse (4 pm to 6 pm), Classic Rock Class (6 pm to 9 pm) and Programming Monday - Friday
12:00 AM - 6:00 AM - The Alan Kabel Show
6:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Big D & Bubba
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM - JJ Michaels
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Jason Allan
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM - Today's Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
12:00 AM - 6:00 AM - The Alan Kabel Show
6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - Today's Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
7:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Rick Jackson's Country Classics
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Today's Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Rick Porter
6:00 PM - 12:00 AM - Today's a week, including holidays. The cemetery office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST, Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm CST, and is closed on Sundays and holidays. Conference basketball games a year, as well as high school baseball and volleyball, Ohio University football, dirt track and NASCAR Sprint Cup racing. Programming Weekdays: 6:00 am to 10:00 am - "The Brad and Rosie Show" with Brad Rolfe and Rosie Young; 10:00 to 11 am - Brad Rolfe; 11:00 am to 4:00 pm - Brian Elliott; 4:00pm to 8 pm - Matt Hilderbrand.
Saturdays: 6:00 am to 8:00 am - Matt Hilderbrand; 8:00 am - AutoSmarts Radio Show; 9:00 am - Cowboy Corner Radio Show; 10:00 am to 12:00 noon - Z-Max Racing Country; 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm - at 12:00 PM;
4. Vanakkam at 6:00 PM;
5. Vanakkam at 9:00 PM, 12:00 AM, 1:30 AM, 3:00 AM;
6. Para Vanakkam at 10.00 PM to 12.00 AM, 12.00 AM to 2.00 AM and 2.00 AM to 4.00 AM; From 1866 a mixed goods and passenger service left Perth at 1 am, after connecting with the 10 am train from London, and arrived in Inverness at 9 am. A night train service in the return direction started in 1872, leaving Inverness at 7:30 pm to arrive in Perth at 5:05 am. After sleeping carriages were made available from 1878, the train was re-timed to depart at 10 pm and to arrive at 7 am; London could be reached at 9:40 pm. By 1883, there were four services each way between Inverness and Perth, taking between 4 ¹⁄₂ and 7 hours; two years later the mail trains were rescheduled Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
12:00 AM - 06:00 AM - The Alan Kabel Show
6:00 AM - 07:30 AM - Today's Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM - Light On The Hill with Pastor Craig Smith
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - Hallton Church Bible Study
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Today's Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM - St. Leo's Church Service
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM - Today's Best Country & Yesterday's Favorites
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - The Don Williams Polka Review
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Talk Of The Town
1:00 PM - Colombia, Anáhuac Municipality. Operational Hours Commercial Vehicles
Sunday:10:00 AM-2:00 PM (Central)
Weekdays (Monday-Friday): 8:00 AM–10:30 PM (Central)
Saturday: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM (Central)
Non-commercial Vehicles
8:00 AM–12:00 AM (Central)
Seven Days A Week (7)
All times Central Time Zone online 12 times per week at and at 10:00 am each Sunday on ABC 36 which broadcasts throughout the East Central Kentucky Region. streams at 12 pm and 8 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays and 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 2 pm, 4 pm, and 6:08 pm on Sundays. between Hunchun and Hunyung, there were only two daily round trips between Hunchun and Panshi. The first Hunchun-Hunyung train departed at 6:48 AM and returned at 8:12 AM, whilst the last train of the day left Hunchun at 8:48 PM, returning from Hunyung at 10:10 PM, the trips taking around 30 minutes. Trains from Hunchun to Panshi left at 9:33 AM and 4:59 PM, returning at 11:55 AM and 7:26 PM respectively; travel time was about 50 minutes. The fares at this time were 5 chiao 5 fen for a third-class ticket from Hunchun to Hunyung or 1 yuan 5 | a30aa06e-ee7f-4230-8cc6-66d21dd52be7 |
chr6p8 | galaxies containing vast numbers of stars.
The stars are very far away from us, so we only observe their one characteristic feature, their light. When this light is passed through a prism, it gives rise to a spectrum. Every star has its own spectrum and since each element has its own unique spectra, we can know a star's composition. We use thermal spectra of the stars to know their temperature. In 1920, when scientists were examining spectra of different stars, they found that some of the characteristic lines of the star spectrum was shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. part of this celebration,
That's why we share the news. (Chorus)
We know the magic is within us,
And the power too,
Reach for the stars and try your best now.
It's really up to you..... (Chorus) admitted that he had been negotiating with two Polish - French football stars, Damien Perquis of FC Sochaux, and Laurent Koscielny of FC Lorient. “We are now handling passport-related issues, and we will know more in the near future” - he said. called "collaborators" and said it was "normal" for them to be the targets of suicide bombers. Galloway said: "These poor Iraqis – ragged people, with their sandals, with their Kalashnikovs, with the lightest and most basic of weapons – are writing the names of their cities and towns in the stars, with 145 military operations every day, which has made the country ungovernable. We don't know who they are, we don't know their names, we never saw their faces, they don't put up photographs of their martyrs, we don't know the names of their leaders". Galloway was challenged by the BBC but Mars,
To rally round the brave old flag
That bears the stripes and stars.
We do not want your cotton,
We do not want your slaves,
But rather than divide the land,
We'll fill your Southern graves.
With Lincoln for our chieftain,
We wear our country's stars,
And rally round the brave old flag
That bears the stripes and stars.
We deem our cause most holy,
We know we're in the right,
And twenty million freemen
Stand ready for the fight.
Our pride is fair Columbia,
No stain her beauty mars,
On her we'll raise the brave old flag
That bears the stripes and stars.
And when this war is over,
We'll each resume our home,
And treat you still as Opposite of Adults Critical reception Fraser McAlpine of BBC Chart Blog awarded the song five stars and gave a positive review, stating:
"Oh now this is the kind of thing we can all get behind, isn't it? Song titles as crossword clues! You don't even have to know that this is largely based on reswizzled chunks of the MGMT song 'Kids', because you can work it out from the title". the Night World and pleads for him to return the stars to the night sky. Moka pays scarce attention to the boy's pleas, so Tim asks the Cat Shepherd to take him to the Lighthouse of the Stars, where he thinks he may find the answer to the strange phenomena. Tim, the Shepherd, and Tobermory race against the clock through the streets of Nocturna, a world in which hundreds of the most diverse creatures work to create the night as we all know it. Little by little our friends will discover something strange is happening. An ominous threat, known as can yet penetrate, and when we ask those who stand higher than we and know infinitely more than we do, all they can say is that it extends beyond their sight also. They know very many more steps of it than we do, but it goes still further, onwards and upward to unimaginable heights of glory, and no one knows its end."
The number of levels of initiation ultimately would depend on the physical size of the Cosmos, because enough souls would have to climb the ladder to ensoul all the stars with stellar logoi and all the galaxies with company members also serve as teachers for Do Jump's Movement Theater School. They have performed on Broadway in New York City.
Various members of Do Jump performed in the film What the Bleep Do We Know!?, which was filmed in Portland and stars Marlee Matlin.
Do Jump is headquartered and performs at Echo Theater, which is across the street from Bagdad Theater in Portland. Portions of What the Bleep Do We Know? were filmed at the Bagdad Theater. proved that she can make a better commercial film that's sensible and original. And the way she handles her women characters shows why women filmmakers know how to handle their own kind perfectly. Heroines should feel proud to work with Lakshmy". The Times of India gave 3 stars out of 5 and wrote, "Lakshmy manages to give us the backstory of many of the characters, and keep the plot moving at the same time so that we have enough to care about them and wait in anticipation of what happens next...However, these sub-plots feel cliched that we are never really | 0b913acc-6dff-4f3d-acc6-b83880b0e57f |
chrlmg | Obligate nasal breathing Obligate nasal breathing describes a physiological necessity to breathe through the nose (or other forms of external nares, depending on the species) as opposed to the mouth. The term may be misleading, as it implies that the animal has no choice but to breathe through its nose; however, it is commonly used to describe cases where effective breathing through the mouth is possible but not preferred. Alternatively, the term has been defined by some as the ability to breathe through the nose while swallowing. While this ability is a common trait of obligate nasal breathers, clearly this mouth. Most infants, however, are able to breathe through their mouth if their nose is blocked. There are however certain infants with conditions such as choanal atresia in which deaths have resulted from nasal obstruction. In these cases there are cyclical periods of cyanosis. The infant initially attempts to breathe through the nose, and is unable to; hypercapnia occurs, and many babies instinctively begin to cry. While crying, oral ventilation occurs and cyanosis subsides. There is variation in the length of time until a baby begins oral breathing, and some will never cease attempts at nasal breathing. It has also still try to get your breath, so when you were trying to breathe in through your mouth you are sucking the water in, and if you try to breathe in through your nose, you are sniffing the water in. It was continual, a slow process, and at the end of it you basically feel like you are suffocating."
Five hours later, when the ordeal was almost at an end, a captain from the Royal Army Medical Corps was brought in to examine him. This individual recorded that there were "no injuries ... no bruising anywhere". As Holden's legal team demonstrated, his into one nostril, so that it leaves through the other. The procedure is then repeated on the other side, and the nose is dried by bending forward and by rapid breathing.
It is also possible to sniff the water in so that it runs into the mouth, and to spit it out. In a more advanced reverse variant, the water is taken in through the mouth and snorted out of the nose. Sutra neti In sutra neti, a length of wet string or thin surgical tubing is carefully and gently inserted through the nose and into the mouth. The end the stoma, but a connection still exists between the trachea and upper airways such that these individuals are able to breathe air through the mouth and nose. They are therefore termed partial neck breathers. The extent of breathing through the upper airways in these individuals varies and a tracheostomy tube is present in many of them. Ventilation and resuscitation of total and partial neck breathers is performed through the stoma. However, for these individuals, the mouth should be kept closed and the nose should be sealed to prevent air escape during resuscitation. Complications Different types of complications can follow full dose of air that constitutes a complete breathing. Breathe from the chest as if you were lying on your back. Lie down on a bed and study what work is done when you breathe. You'll see that your shoulders don't move, only your chest is working. Well, once you're standing, make sure you get used to taking your breath as you used to take it the moment before, when you were lying on your back.
It will be very important to get used to breathing through the nose without opening your mouth. In this way, in addition to taking as Mouth breathing Causes Mouth breathing has been classified according to etiology into three groups: obstructive, habitual and anatomic.
The nasal airway may be compromised partially (where there is increased resistance to the flow of air due to narrowing of the lumen at some point in the upper respiratory tract) or completely obstructed. Such individuals may find it difficult or impossible to breathe through their nose alone. In about 85% of cases, mouth breathing is an adaptation to nasal obstruction. Specific causes of nasal obstruction which have been linked to mouth breathing include antrochoanal polyps.
Pregnancy rhinitis may lead to nasal obstruction and are available off the shelf or as customised items, and one of them may work better if either of these problems occur. The air is breathed through the mouth, and the diver must be able to seal off the nasal passages from the pharynx so that breathing remains possible with a flooded or dislodged mask. Breathing from scuba is mostly a straightforward matter. Under most circumstances it differs very little from normal surface breathing. In the case of a full-face mask, the diver may usually breathe through the nose or mouth as preferred.
The demand valve adds a little respiratory dead the end of the recovery and points down and forward again when the recovered hand enters the water. The swimmer breathes out through mouth and nose until the next breath. Breathing out through the nose may help to prevent water from entering the nose. Swimmers with allergies exacerbated by time in the pool should not expect exhaling through the nose to completely prevent intranasal irritation.
Standard swimming calls for one breath every third arm recovery or every 1.5 cycles, alternating the sides for breathing. Some swimmers instead take a breath every cycle, i.e., every second arm recovery, breathing always to the and breathe out through the mouth and nose during the pull and push phase of the same arm. This is done to clear the nose of water. Body movement Due to the asynchronous movement of the arms, the body tends to roll around its long axis. By taking advantage of this rolling motion, swimmers can increase their effectiveness while swimming backstroke. The overall position of the body is straight in the horizontal to reduce drag. Beginners frequently let their posterior and thighs sink too low, which increases drag. To avoid this, the upper legs have to be moved to the | a2b1d476-687a-4bdc-baad-74172ae9888a |
chrnpw | Missouri in the American Civil War Missouri Compromise Missouri was initially settled by Southerners traveling up the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Many brought slaves with them. Missouri entered the Union in 1821 as a slave state following the Missouri Compromise of 1820, in which Congress agreed that slavery would be illegal in all territory north of 36°30' latitude, except Missouri. The compromise was that Maine would enter the Union as a free state to balance Missouri. Bleeding Kansas Of the greatest concern for Missouri slave-holders in the years before the war was a federal law that decreed that if a was quickly captured. Brown was tried for treason against Virginia and hanged. At his trial, Brown exuded a remarkable zeal and single-mindedness that played directly to Southerners' worst fears. Few individuals did more to cause secession than John Brown, because Southerners believed he was right about an impending slave revolt. Shortly before his execution, Brown prophesied, "the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood." American Civil War From the beginning of the American Civil War, Union leaders identified slavery as the social and economic foundation of the Confederacy, and from 1862 were determined to the age of 11, Albert left his brother's household to go live with a sister in Waco, Texas. Parsons attended school for about a year before leaving to become an apprentice at the Galveston Daily News, a relationship that Parsons characterized as being "indentured" for seven years in order to learn the printers' trade. Civil War and Reconstruction The coming of the American Civil War in 1861, or "the slave-holders' Rebellion," as he later called it, led Parsons to leave what he described as the "printer's devil": the position of newsboy. At 13 years old, Parsons volunteered to fight for Little Dixie (Missouri) Little Dixie is a historic 13- to 17-county region of mid-to-upper-mid Missouri along the Missouri River, settled at first primarily by migrants from the hemp and tobacco districts of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee. Because Southerners settled there first, the pre-Civil War culture was similar to that of the Upper South. The area was also known as Boonslick country.
When the Southerners migrated to Missouri, they brought their cultural, social, agricultural, architectural, political and economic practices, including slavery. On average Missouri's slave population was only 10 percent, but in Little Dixie, county and township slave populations ranged from Christian Solidarity International Work South Sudan
CSI runs several programs in South Sudan to aid victims of the second Sudanese civil war (1983–2005). In particular, CSI works to free southerners who were enslaved by northern Arab raiders during the war. CSI partners with a network of local Arab and southern Sudanese tribal leaders who work to retrieve enslaved southerners from the north. CSI provides funding and logistical support for these retrievals, and documents the name and story of each returning slave. CSI also provides returning slaves with survival kits containing food, cooking utensils, mosquito nets and other property holders whose roots were outside of the lower south. They typically had little interest in politics and sought conciliation rather than war or they withheld judgment from both sides. The Tories preferred to preserve the economic, political and social gains that they enjoyed as citizens of Mexico and the revolution threatened to jeopardize the security of their world. American Civil War During the American Civil War, the term "Tory" was used to refer to Southern Unionists (White Southerners who stayed loyal to the Union) by the Confederates as a reference to the Loyalists of the American Revolution. Current usage they joined like-minded Southerners, most of which were employed by the Methodist and Baptist Churches, who spent much of their time teaching and preaching to slave and freedpeople congregations both before and after the Civil War. Economic motives Initiatives such as the Southern Homestead Act, Sherman's field orders, and Reconstruction-era legislation by Radical Republicans aimed to strip the land, assets, and voting rights of Southerners believed to have supported the Confederates during the war. Although the stated purpose of these initiatives was to empower freedmen politically and economically, many carpetbaggers were businessmen who purchased or leased plantations. They became wealthy He is buried in the "Old Cemetery", Trujillo, Colón, Honduras. Influence and reputation William Walker convinced many Southerners of the desirability of creating a slave-holding empire in tropical Latin America. In 1861, when U.S. Senator John J. Crittenden proposed that the 36°30' parallel north be declared as a line of demarcation between free and slave territories, some Republicans denounced such an arrangement, saying that it "would amount to a perpetual covenant of war against every people, tribe, and State owning a foot of land between here and Tierra del Fuego."
Before the end of the American Civil War, Walker's memory enjoyed in the American Civil War. In May 1861, the Old School General Assembly passed the controversial Gardiner Spring Resolutions that called on Presbyterians to support the Federal Government of the United States as a religious duty. Southerners, with support from a minority of Northerners, protested that this action violated the spirituality of the church and required Southerners to commit treason against their home states in order to remain members of the church.
After the May meeting of the General Assembly, some presbyteries in the South immediately renounced the jurisdiction of the General Assembly. On August 15, a convention in Atlanta, Georgia, Border states (American Civil War) In the context of the American Civil War (1861–65), the border states were slave states that did not declare a secession from the Union and did not join the Confederacy. To their north they bordered free states of the Union and to their south they bordered Confederate slave states. Of the 34 U.S. states in 1861, nineteen were free states and fifteen were slave states. Two slave states never declared a secession or adopted an ordinance: Delaware and Maryland. Four others did not declare secession until after the Battle of Fort Sumter and were briefly | 335a0b10-d4e4-4573-b4c5-504930b748e9 |
chrxe9 | disorders such as acne and psoriasis may be relieved by regularly soaking the affected area in water with added Dead Sea salt. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends Dead Sea and Dead Sea salts as effective treatments for psoriasis. High concentration of magnesium in Dead Sea salt may be helpful in improving skin hydration and reducing inflammation, although Epsom salt is a much less expensive salt that also contains high amounts of magnesium and therefore may be equally as useful for this purpose. Allergies The high concentration of bromide and magnesium in the Dead Sea salt may help relieve allergic Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome Signs and symptoms Signs and symptoms of CSWS include large amounts of urination (polyuria, defined as over three liters of urine output over 24 hours in an adult), high amounts of sodium in the urine, low blood sodium concentration, excessive thirst (polydipsia), extreme salt cravings, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (dysautonomia), and dehydration. Patients often self-medicate by consuming high amounts of sodium and by dramatically increasing their water intake. Advanced symptoms include muscle cramps, lightheadedness, dizziness or vertigo, feelings of anxiety or panic, increased heart rate or slowed heart rate, low blood pressure and cheaply manufacture soda ash. The petroleum industry consumed large amounts of soda ash, which was used to decalcify drilling fluids. In 1892, Frasch established the Frasch Process Soda Company, with Squire as vice president. Salt was a major component of soda ash production, and in 1882 and 1883 Frash had secured patents on new methods to crystallize and grain salt from a brine solution. Frasch, Frank Rockefeller, and Squire formed the United Salt Company in 1892 as well, but a bad fire in 1894 and financial losses led to the sale of the firm to the National Salt Company in another species, A. franciscana. Unlike most aquatic animals, Artemia swims upside down.
Artemia can live in water having much more or much less salt content than normal seawater. They tolerate salt amounts as high as 50%, which is nearly a saturated solution, and can live for several days in solutions very different from sea water, such as potassium permanganate or silver nitrate, while iodine—a frequent addition to edible salt—is harmful to them. The animal's colour depends on the salt concentration, with high concentrations giving them a slightly red appearance. In fresh water, Artemia salina dies after about an hour. It the "Dandi March" or "Salt Satyagraha", in which protesters made their own salt from the sea thus defying British rule and avoiding paying the salt tax. This civil disobedience inspired millions of common people and elevated the Indian independence movement from an elitist movement to a national struggle. Chemistry Salt is mostly sodium chloride, the ionic compound with the formula NaCl, representing equal proportions of sodium and chlorine. Sea salt and freshly mined salt (much of which is sea salt from prehistoric seas) also contain small amounts of trace elements (which in these small amounts are generally good for plant water intake should be increased, especially after waking, in order to expand blood volume (reducing hypovolemia). Eight to ten cups of water daily are recommended. Increasing salt intake, by adding salt to food, taking salt tablets, or drinking sports drinks and other electrolyte solutions is an effective way to raise blood pressure by helping the body retain water. Different physicians recommend different amounts of sodium to their patients. Salt intake is not appropriate for people with high blood pressure. Combining these techniques with gradual physical training enhances their effect. In some cases, when increasing oral fluids and salt intake high-quality products in the fields of fine salt and chemical, most of which are exported. Agriculture and fisheries make up the rest of Hangu's economy. Rice, fruits, aquatic products are the prominent features of the agricultural products in Hangu. The area's grapes contain high amounts of sugar and are used for wine production. Marine Industry The district boasts plentiful marine chemical resources. The area's coast line spans 32 kilometers, contains 27 species of seawater and freshwater fish and its history of salt processing dates back over 1000 years. Hangu's salt ponds cover an area of 139.33 km² (53.80 sq mi), about three times to Großheubach in the district of Miltenberg from Schlüchtern originates at Bad Orb. In the past, this route was used to transport salt to the Main.
The extraction of salt from several salt springs formed the town. There were eleven Salinen (one of which has been renovated and preserved), sometimes called "thorn houses" or "salt works", belonging in the decoction facility, in which brine dripped over a total length of 2,050 meters (6,730 ft) of blackthorn twigs in order to raise the salt concentration of the water before boiling. Salt production reached its high point in the 17th and 18th centuries. roasting a chicken in a crust of salt; and serving fish on a bed of salt. The index of one authoritative Chinese cookbook lists nine recipes with "salt" in the title.
In recent years, Chinese cooks have become concerned about the health risks of sodium. The Hong Kong food authority Pearl Kong Chen admonishes that traditionally Chinese people ate large amounts of plain rice, with no soy sauce or salt added and only small amounts of meat or vegetables seasoned with salt or soy sauce. In recent times, she warns, the proportion of meat and vegetables has increased, along with known as star activity, depending on the conditions present in the reaction. Conditions that can induce star activity when using EcoRI include low salt concentration, high glycerol concentration, excessive amounts of enzyme present in the reaction, high pH and contamination with certain organic solvents. The cut made by the Eco RI enzyme produces sticky ends on the vector mainly plasmids or viral DNA's. | 915ef91b-9b81-4731-ba48-cd694e4f7691 |
chs5z0 | by Symonds for its agnosticism as to the psychological mechanisms governing how social behavior is actually expressed in the human species, and its reliance on interpreting inclusive fitness theory to simply imply that humans have evolved to be inclusive fitness maximizers. This section will review some of the relevant background discussion in inclusive fitness theory to clarify why this position was considered untenable. Evolutionary versus proximate explanations Inclusive Fitness theory has often been interpreted to mean that social behavior per se is a goal of evolution, and also that genes (or individual organisms) are selected to find ways Aisne. The catchment area down to this point is 1,440 km², very nearly the whole basin.
The yearly mean flow or discharge of the river at Braine is 7.72 m³/s.
Seasonal fluctuations in the flow are very small. The high waters of the Winter/Spring period take the monthly mean to a level of between 9.2 and 12.6 m³/s, from January to May inclusive(with a maximum in March) and the low waters of late Summer/ early Autumn, August to October inclusive, with a minimum of 3.66 m³ in September. The difference is nonetheless noticeable. History The N31 road has seen the passage of many kings, emperors that without clear evidence of the impact of the shared value proposition (and tools to measure it) it will be difficult to attract investors.
The researchers propose that shared value may have added to the wider discourse that views the private sector as key for development and profitable business models as consistent with enhancing social impact but make clear that they don't mean that shared value directly influenced the more established interest in inclusive business, with few of the initial inclusive business papers discussing shared value concepts in any detail. They say a more direct influence, consistent with moves in inclusive seasonal fluctuations. High waters occur at the end of autumn and in winter, characterised by monthly mean flow rates between 3.06 and 5.33 m³/s, from November to March inclusive with a maximum in January. Low waters occur in summer, from June to September, with a decrease in monthly mean flow rate descending to 0.76 m³/s in August. However variations in flow rate are much more pronounced over short periods or from year to year.
At low water, the 3-year low instantaneous flow rate can drop to 0.066 m³/s in the case of a dry five-year period or 66 litres per second, which can be International Baccalaureate Program, allowing any students willing to undertake the heavy course loads to do so. Despite this inclusive philosophy, the average pass rate for Brent diploma candidates for the classes of 2001 to 2007 was 87.3%, well above the world mean of 81.4% for all diploma candidates during the same period. In fact, the last five years the average pass rate was 91.2%. Further, the mean score for Brent IB Diploma awardees over those seven years was 32.7 points, likewise significantly above the 30.1 world mean for the same years. components have been tested appropriately. A new guidance lists 27 components the agency considers to be at risk of melamine contamination based on its search of U.S. Pharmacopeia/National Formulary monographs and its Inactive Ingredient Database. The list — which includes adenine, ammonium salts, gelatin, guar gum, lactose, povidone and taurine — is not all-inclusive, the guidance says. "For the purpose of this guidance, we use the term at-risk component to mean those ingredients or raw materials that rely on a test for nitrogen content for their identity or purity or strength, and that contain nitrogen in amounts greater than 2.5 Inclusive design Inclusive design is a design process (not restricted to interfaces or technologies) in which a product, service or environment is optimized for a specific user with specific needs. Usually, this user is an extreme user, meaning that this user has specific needs that are sometimes overseen with other design processes. By focusing on the extreme users, Inclusive design will enable them to be able to use it, while a lot of users that are having (temporary) similar needs will also be covered. Inclusive design and Universal design Both Inclusive design and Universal design have as a goal to an injury that mean she was unable to compete internationally for a while. In 2017 Melissa was awarded the inaugural Inclusive Coach Award from ACON Pride In Sport / Pride In Diversity Australia for her involvement with the Brisbane Tritons, Queensland’s first LGBTIQ and Inclusive Water Polo club. This award was shared with fellow coach and Brisbane Barracudas senior player Damien Hicks Club water polo Rippon plays club water polo for the Brisbane Barracudas who compete in the National Water Polo League. She was with the team in 2008 and 2011. The annual match between Breakers and Barracudas Inclusive entrepreneurship Inclusive entrepreneurship is about a set of attitudes, competences and skills which allow people to turn their dreams into concrete projects or “enterprises” and then see these through to fruition. It is about more than starting an individual business. Inclusive entrepreneurship can be applied to self-employment, starting or growing micro or small enterprises and to social enterprise using business based approaches driven by social mission. Indeed, the personal qualities required for entrepreneurship are essential for success in the knowledge economy – whether this be in the private or public sectors.
The use of the word 'inclusive' indicates a belief calling it a "refreshingly original take on the raunchy coming-of-age comedy" and praising Feldstein and Dever's chemistry. A. O. Scott of The New York Times gave the film a positive review, calling it "sharp but not mean, warm without feeling too soft or timid", and referring to Feldstein and Dever as "a classic comedy duo". Emily Yoshida of Vulture also gave the film a positive review, writing that it "manages to be inclusive and progressive, without being precious about anything or sacrificing an ounce of humor". Alissa Wilkinson of Vox awarded the film a score of 4/5, writing that Booksmart | 151ebf5a-5fe8-41a9-9dda-a8b7f0f27080 |
chs61y | occur in hues ranging from green-blue to gray-blue, with the primary hue necessarily being blue. Green and gray are the normal secondary hues that can be found in blue diamonds. Blue diamonds are considered most beautiful and valuable when there is no secondary color present but rather are a pure blue color. However, a pure blue diamond of light color may be considered less valuable than a green-blue or gray-blue diamond whose color is more vivid. The characteristic of color is very complex in blue diamonds for this reason. Most pure blue diamonds are Type IIb, meaning they contain either or enhance its value. For example, most white diamonds are discounted in price as a more yellow hue is detectable, while intense pink or blue diamonds (such as the Hope Diamond) can be dramatically more valuable. The Aurora Diamond Collection displays a spectacular array of naturally colored diamonds, which occur in every color of the rainbow.
Most diamonds used as gemstones are basically transparent with little tint, or white diamonds. The most common impurity, nitrogen, replaces a small proportion of carbon atoms in a diamond's structure and causes a yellowish to brownish tint. This effect is present in almost all white Gold Coast. Then in February 1919, together with his colleague E. O. Teale (formerly Thiele), he discovered on the Birim River the first deposits of diamonds to be found in the Gold Coast. The diamonds were of small size but high quality. Kitson observed that they were good crystals showing octahedron and dodecahedron. This proved to be a particularly valuable source of diamonds and the exportation of diamonds grew spectacularly. In 1934 the 2,172,563 carats (434.5126 kg) of diamonds exported from the Gold Coast accounted for 39% of the world's supply that year.
Kitson is also associated with the development of hydro-electric diamond synthesis, accidentally discovered that the color of diamonds could be changed by the HPHT process. The company formed NovaDiamond, Inc. to market the process. By applying heat and pressure to natural stones, NovaDiamond could turn brown Type I diamonds light yellow, greenish yellow, or yellowish green; improve Type IIa diamonds by several color grades, even to white; intensify the color of yellow Type I diamonds; and make some bluish gray Type I and Type IIb colorless (although in some cases natural bluish gray diamonds are more valuable left alone, as blue is a highly desired hue). In 2001, however, performed "Diamonds" and "Phresh Out the Runway" at the 2012 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on November 7, 2012, which aired on CBS on December 4, 2012. She performed "Diamonds" and a solo version of "Stay" on Saturday Night Live on November 10, 2012. On November 25, 2012, Rihanna performed "Diamonds" on The X Factor in the United Kingdom. On December 8, she performed the song on Wetten, dass..? in Germany. On December 9, 2012, Rihanna performed "Stay" in a medley with her 2011 single "We Found Love" on the final of series nine of British The X Factor. She also case, the clarity can add tremendous value. Treatments Blue diamonds are only considered rare and valuable if they are natural. The definition of a natural blue diamond is a blue diamond that was mined with its blue color already present. Since the 1950s, many methods have been developed to change a diamond’s appearance, including adding color to a colorless stone. These are considered enhanced diamonds and do not have the value or resale value of a natural blue diamond. Enhanced blue diamonds are not bought with the intention of investment or eventual resale. Synthetic blue diamonds have also been made, was answered by the subjective theory of value by realizing that water, in total, is more valuable than diamonds because the first few units are necessary for life. The key difference between water and diamonds is that water is more plentiful and diamonds are rare. Because of the availability, one additional unit of diamonds exceeds the value of one additional unit of water.
Marginalism refers to the study of marginal theories and studies within economics. The topics included in marginalism are marginal utility, marginal rate of substitution, and opportunity costs. Marginalism can be applied to the subjective theory of value because Recycled diamond Traditional history Traditionally, diamonds are considered a valuable commodity and large quantities of rough diamonds have been mined in the last few hundred years via pit mining or alluvial mining. According to Reuters, the lack of quality rough diamonds has been one of the main reasons for the rise of the recycled diamond industry in recent times.
Mined production for 2014 was estimated at around 135 million carats of rough diamonds with a value of $17.8 billion. Mine production over the last 150 years is estimated at over half a trillion carats, with a value close to half a larger or more valuable diamonds are more likely to be handled in Europe or North America. The recent expansion of this industry in India, employing low cost labor, has allowed smaller diamonds to be prepared as gems in greater quantities than was previously economically feasible.
Diamonds prepared as gemstones are sold on diamond exchanges called bourses. There are 28 registered diamond bourses in the world. Bourses are the final tightly controlled step in the diamond supply chain; wholesalers and even retailers are able to buy relatively small lots of diamonds at the bourses, after which they are prepared for final sale Diamonds Are a Man's Best Friend Plot An adventurer steals a valuable diamond known as "Mountain of Light" from the museum. A band of gangsters gets on his trail to take his loot. | ff06891a-b724-4d76-927a-e8a18281ddf8 |
chsc6q | cuff muscles and the muscles around the shoulder blade. The exercises that the therapist gives the patient to be done at home should be done to be able to get a better recovery in the long run. Physical therapy Some physical therapy exercises that can be performed to help rehab the shoulder are:
While standing and using a theraband you can perform
Y, T, and I’s,
Internal shoulder rotation,
External shoulder rotation,
Shoulder extensions, and
Scapula squeezes
While lying on your side you can perform internal rotation and external rotation with a light weight. The light weight can and reading skills. Children with Down syndrome still often have difficulty with sentence structure and grammar, as well as developing the ability to speak clearly. Several types of early intervention can help with cognitive development. Efforts to develop motor skills include physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy. Physical therapy focuses specifically on motor development and teaching children to interact with their environment. Speech and language therapy can help prepare for later language. Lastly, occupational therapy can help with skills needed for later independence. Other Tympanostomy tubes are often needed and often more than one set during the after the collective lost a member, in the springtime of 2008. After months of crisis and conflict, we needed a new beginning. We needed a peculiar self-managed group therapy... Gert-from-the-Well appeared and told us: “I can help you, if you bring me back to life!”. And that’s what we did. care most about." Personal life Mendes has been open about his struggles with anxiety, which he disclosed publicly through "In My Blood", a track from his third studio album. He declared that he had been undergoing therapy in order to help him deal with the mental health condition, stating:
I spoke to a therapist a couple of times [...] Therapy is what works for you. Therapy is listening to music and running on the treadmill, therapy is going to dinner with your friends—it's something that distracts you, that helps you heal and so it just depends on what you think therapy relationship. A professional is the best person, because one can build your self-esteem and learn how to help yourself without feeling judged or rushed into taking action. If you can’t afford private individual therapy, find a low-fee clinical in your city, learn all you can from books and online resources, join online forums, and find a support group at a local battered women’s shelter. Do this even if it means keeping a secret. You’re entitled to your privacy.
There are also organizations that can help those who are victimized learn more about their rights and the options available to them. done to prevent his son's addiction.
Throughout the memoir Sheff attends numerous Al-Anon Meetings and therapy sessions. In these different sessions he is continually told of the three Cs: you did not cause it, you can not control it, and you can not cure it. Sheff has a difficult time accepting these statements throughout the memoir. At the end however, he says that he has come to accept two of the Cs, that he can not control it, and he can not cure it. He realizes that he has done everything he can do to try to help Nic, and knows a vastly different environment. Nyctophobia produces symptoms beyond the normal instinctive parameters, such as breathlessness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly or sensation of detachment from reality and death. Nyctophobia can be severely detrimental physically and mentally if these symptoms are not resolved. There are many types of therapies to help manage Nyctophobia. Exposure therapy can be very effective when exposing the person to darkness. With this method a therapist can help with relaxation strategies such as meditation. Another form of therapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Therapists can help guide accessory navicular bone that has become symptomatic. This includes immobilization, icing, medicating, physical therapy, and orthotic devices. Immobilizing involves placing the foot and ankle in a cast or removable walking boot. This alleviates stressors on the foot and can decrease inflammation. Icing will help reduce swelling and inflammation. Medication involves usage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or steroids (taken orally or injected) to decrease inflammation. Physical therapy can be prescribed in order to strengthen the muscles and help decrease inflammation. Physical therapy can also help prevent the symptoms from returning. Orthotic devices (arch support devices that fit in a shoe) can treatments to correct joint problems, such as hip dysplasia are common, and are often successful alongside physiotherapy.
Those with XXXY syndrome can also attend speech therapy. This form of therapy helps patients to understand and produce more complex language. Those with XXXY syndrome tend to experience more severe speech delays, so this form of treatment can be very beneficial to them, and can help them to communicate better with other people.
Since hypotonia is common in those with this syndrome, physical therapy can also be helpful. This form of therapy may help these individuals develop muscle tone, and increase balance and coordination. in Organic Mental Disorder, a few that are possible. Treatments can include, but are not limited to, rehabilitation therapy such as physical or occupational, pharmacological modification of the neurotransmitter function, or medication. The affected parts of the brain can recover some function with the help of different types of therapy. Online therapy can be just as intense and helpful as rehabilitation therapy, in person, and can help those affected regain function in daily life. Prognosis Some disorders are short-term and treatable, and their prognosis is not as lengthy. Rest and medication are the most common courses of action for these | 461303d7-eed9-4791-8917-f9591beb2f4d |
chsjg3 | Dishoarding Definition When money or goods that have been kept are brought back into the economy, for example when people invest or spend money rather than save it. Or it can also be defined as the activity of investing money or selling gold, silver, etc. after a period during which investors have saved them.
In terms of Keynesian theory, dishoarding may be described as a reduction in liquidity preference to satisfy speculative motive of demand for money. Loanable Funds Dishoarding and hoarding are now usually described in terms of balances of money held by people. A difference is drawn between 'active' transactions) worldwide for consumers, businesses, and government. The overarching conclusion solidified the notion of that cash is a highly inefficient system to store value and conduct transactions. In the case of the U.S. economy, the use of bills and coins costs the U.S. economy at least $200 billion each year (about $1,739 per household).
The research also showed that cash transactions are disproportionately costly on the poor, with "the less money you have, the more money you spend to get your money". This is especially the case for those who do not have bank accounts (the study calls this group the would address the city's income gap, Bloomberg argued against the idea an income gap is negative, saying "They [rich people] are the ones that pay a lot of the taxes. They're the ones that spend a lot of money in the stores and restaurants and create a big chunk of our economy ... If we could get every billionaire around the world to move here it would be a godsend that would create a much bigger income gap." Describing the administration's approach to development, Burden said, "Improvement of neighborhoods — some people call it gentrification — provides more jobs, provides 1960; but that speech has long since been forgotten, while Kennedy's is still remembered.
The speech did not stem a rising tide of disquiet about the Moon landing effort. There were many other things that the money could be spent on. Eisenhower declared, "To spend $40 billion to reach the Moon is just nuts." Senator Barry Goldwater argued that the civilian space program was pushing the more important military one aside. Senator William Proxmire feared that scientists would be diverted away from military research into space exploration. A budget cut was only narrowly averted. Kennedy gave a speech to the United every such transaction, so that eventually enough WoLCash will be drained out of the in-game economy to force players to spend real money to continue using WoLCash.
For the 2013 anniversary of War of Legends, all old accounts were able to get 1000 WoLCash (or $100) - one of the most significant special event gifts in the game's history. aged under 20 spend the most time reading books, 56 minutes a day. That figure shrinks as people age until they reach 61, when people tend to get back into reading.
By comparison, 71% of Thais use the Internet almost every day for an average of 92 minutes. Those who spend most time on the Internet are people under 20, on average 224 minutes a day, while those over 61 spend ten minutes a day on-line.
In 2013 the Thai National Statistical Office conducted a reading survey that found that Thais aged over six spent an average of 37 minutes a day and spend it, thus wearing out shoes more quickly. A significant cost of reducing money holdings is the additional time and convenience that must be sacrificed to keep less money on hand than would be required if there were less or no inflation. Theory Increased shoe-leather cost is one of the impacts of inflation. In a period of high inflation, people are discouraged from holding large amounts of cash because its value deteriorates quickly relative to the rising prices in the economy. People tend to hold most of their money in a non-transactions bank account and keep only very small the special discounts, and, in order to influence consumers’ emotion, many companies try to emphasize their discounted price. People have very emotional reaction and they are easily impressed by discounts price. An experiment showed that people who get a big discount are happier than some people who could get only change after the experiment. For sure, people really like cheap price, but the point of this strategy is that people tend to spend more money than they expect when they are exposed to discounted price. Retailers strive to have impact on consumers’ emotion, which has big influence on their decision people about money in politics, to generate media attention; further walks are planned. He explained, "Yes, we want to spend big money to end the influence of big money... Ironic, I get it. But embrace the irony."
The fund-raising plan was a variation on traditional crowd funding approaches in that specified fund-raising targets must be met by certain dates. Lessig explained that the immediate goal is to raise enough money to sway five elections to Congress. He said, "
We've structured this as a series of matched-contingent goals. We've got to raise $1 million in 30 days; if we do, we'll get is sending each of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline it goes to the Arabs. If we buy a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will go to Germany. If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on | 5c7dc4c6-cf57-47b7-882f-3d30b2386741 |
chsm7o | by seasonal frost, repeated freezing and thawing of groundwater forces larger stones toward the surface, as smaller stones flow and settle underneath larger stones. At the surface, areas that are rich in larger stones contain much less water than highly porous areas of finer grained sediments. These water-saturated areas of finer sediments have a much greater ability to expand and contract as freezing and thawing occur, leading to lateral forces which ultimately pile larger stones into clusters and stripes. Through time, repeated freeze-thaw cycles smooth out irregularities and odd-shaped piles to form the common polygons, circles, and stripes of patterned to cold bare ground, some are able to colonise areas of severe erosion where the topsoil has been removed, leaving only a surface of broken rock or stones. In areas with strong prevailing winds, expansion through layering on the sheltered sides of plants means that they may grow preferentially on the protected sides and gradually move downwind across the landscape. Yerba mansa prevents the buildup of uric acid crystals in the kidneys which could cause kidney stones if left untreated. A powder of dried root can be sprinkled on infected areas to alleviate athlete's foot or diaper rash.
Yerba mansa is versatile, it can be taken orally as a tea, tincture, infusion or dried in capsule form. It can be used externally for soaking inflamed or infected areas. It can be ground and used as a dusting powder. Some people in Las Cruces, New Mexico use the leaves to make a poultice to relieve muscle swelling and inflammation. rover and Phoenix lander. Measurements made by the Phoenix lander showed that water-ice clouds can form at the top of the planetary boundary layer at night and precipitate back to the surface as ice crystals in the northern polar region. Dust Under sufficiently strong wind (> 30 ms⁻¹), dust particles can be mobilized and lifted from the surface to the atmosphere. Some of the dust particles can be suspended in the atmosphere and travel by circulation before falling back to the ground. Dust particles can attenuate solar radiation and interact with infrared radiation, which can lead to a significant radiative on the surface of one of the specimens. 46 thin "tabular stones" were classified, which were further divided into 5 categories according to the kind and degree of modification of the stones: bifacially worked edges, unifacially worked edges, ground on two surfaces, ground on one surface, and unworked fragments. They were made of schist, shale, and limestone. There were 30 specimens classified as "incised stones", where designs had been incised on their surfaces. They were grouped according to their design elements and layout. Most of the stones were either tabular stones or pebbles with markings or designs made by theories exist as to how exactly the pavement is formed. It may be that after the sand and dust is blown away by the wind the stones jiggle themselves into place; alternatively, stones previously below ground may in some way work themselves to the surface. Very little further erosion takes place after the formation of a pavement, and the ground becomes stable. Evaporation brings moisture to the surface by capillary action and calcium salts may be precipitated, binding particles together to form a desert conglomerate. In time, bacteria that live on the surface of the stones accumulate a film of it looks like many tiny diamonds are flashing in the air. Formation These ice crystals usually form when a temperature inversion is present at the surface and the warmer air above the ground mixes with the colder air near the surface. Since warmer air frequently contains more water vapor than colder air, this mixing will usually also transport water vapor into the air near the surface, causing the relative humidity of the near-surface air to increase. If the relative humidity increase near the surface is large enough then ice crystals may form.
To form diamond dust the temperature must be below with lower BMI/obesity rates, this physical activity can increase lung function and be a protective factor against respiratory disease. Impacts on high temperatures Urban areas tend to have higher temperatures than their surrounding undeveloped areas because of Urban Heat Islands, UHIs. Urban Heat Islands are areas with man-made infrastructure that contribute to the increased temperatures . The average temperature during the day in cities can be 18-27 degrees Fahrenheit higher than in the surrounding rural regions . This is an example of one type of Urban Heat Island, surface heat islands. Surface heat islands encompass the area from the ground the crystal touches the ground it mutates into a "colonizer" which cannot be destroyed by shooting it. These colonizers constantly emit seeker drones, acting as a defensive station protecting new seed crystals that are dropped. If five seed crystals manage to land and form colonizers, the planet explodes. The seed crystals also drop a surface skimmer which begins to collect the tricasmium nuggets found on the surface. The skimmer can be destroyed to save the supply of nuggets, which can be picked up and dropped on the colonizers to destroy them.
The player's fighters, shaped either like the fighter from Protector surface of the tip in the diamond microdermabrasion system.
Unlike the older crystal microdermabrasion system, the diamond microdermabrasion does not produce particles from crystals that may be inhaled into patients’ nose or blown into the eyes. Hence, diamond microdermabrasion is regarded as having higher safety for use on areas around the eyes and lips. Generally, the slower the movement of the microdermabrasion handpiece against the skin and the greater the numbers of passes over the skin, the deeper the skin treatment.
One of the safest methods of microdermabrasion involves the use of corundum or aluminum oxide crystals suspended in an antioxidant cream. | dc2e99c5-b26d-4b4a-b775-401977c477e5 |
chssp1 | interventions are increasingly delivered by nurses in mental health settings. These include psychotherapy interventions, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy, and less commonly other interventions, such as milieu therapy or psychodynamic approaches. These interventions can be applied to a broad range of problems including psychosis, depression, and anxiety. Nurses will work with people over a period of time and use psychological methods to teach the person psychological techniques that they can then use to aid recovery and help manage any future crisis in their mental health. In practice, these interventions will be used often, in conjunction with psychiatric medications. behavioral therapy The development of mobile phone apps using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has a increasing research area. Using the idea of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) apps, self-rated mental health (SRMH) situations can be implemented into these apps and used as information before seeing a professional. Recent research done with self-rated mental health (SRMH) involves survey research which is conducted by with a question that asks respondents to rate their overall mental or emotional health from poor to excellent. The research found with SRMH showed that 62% of people with a mental health problem rated themselves as having positive mental with higher doses of opioids. Naltrexone monthly IM injections received FDA approval in 2010 for the treatment of opioid dependence in abstinent opioid users. Cognitive behavioral therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychosocial intervention that is used to improve mental health, may not be as effective as other forms of treatment. CBT primarily focuses on an individual's coping strategies to help change their cognition, behaviors and emotions about the problem. This intervention has demonstrated success in many psychiatric conditions (e.g., depression) and substance use disorders (e.g., tobacco). However, the use of CBT alone in opioid dependence has declined Self-help groups for mental health Self-help groups for mental health, or mutual aid groups are voluntary associations of people who share a common desire to overcome mental illness or otherwise increase their level of cognitive or emotional wellbeing. Despite the different approaches, many of the psychosocial processes in the groups are the same. Self-help groups have had varying relationships with mental health professionals. Due to the nature of these groups, self-help groups can help defray the costs of mental health treatment and implementation into the existing mental health system could help provide treatment to a greater number of the mentally may be used. Psychoeducation programs may provide people with the information to understand and manage their problems. Creative therapies are sometimes used, including music therapy, art therapy or drama therapy. Lifestyle adjustments and supportive measures are often used, including peer support, self-help groups for mental health and supported housing or supported employment (including social firms). Some advocate dietary supplements.
Reasonable accommodations (adjustments and supports) might be put in place to help an individual cope and succeed in environments despite potential disability related to mental health problems. This could include an emotional support animal or specifically trained psychiatric service dog. Epidemiology Mental anxiety disorders, in Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders in 1976, and other disorders and problems. He also introduced a focus on the underlying "schema"—the fundamental underlying ways in which people process information—about the self, the world or the future.
The new cognitive approach came into conflict with the behaviorism ascendant at the time, which denied that talk of mental causes was scientific or meaningful, rather than simply assessing stimuli and behavioral responses. However, the 1970s saw a general "cognitive revolution" in psychology. Behavioral modification techniques and cognitive therapy techniques became joined together, giving rise to cognitive behavioral therapy. Although cognitive negative schemas (or schemata), is a factor in symptoms of emotional dysfunction and poorer subjective well-being. Specifically, negative thinking patterns cause negative emotions. During difficult circumstances, these distorted thoughts can contribute to an overall negative outlook on the world and a depressive or anxious mental state.
Challenging and changing cognitive distortions is a key element of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). History In 1972, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and cognitive therapy scholar Aaron T. Beck published Depression: Causes and Treatment. He was dissatisfied with the conventional Freudian treatment of depression, because there was no empirical evidence for the success of Freudian psychoanalysis. Beck's book Cognitive restructuring Clinical applications Cognitive restructuring has been used to help individuals experiencing a variety of psychiatric conditions, including depression, substance abuse disorders, anxiety disorders collectively, bulimia, social phobia, borderline personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and problem gambling.
When utilizing cognitive restructuring in rational emotive therapy (RET), the emphasis is on two central notions: (1) thoughts affect human emotion as well as behavior and (2) irrational beliefs are mainly responsible for a wide range of disorders. RET also classifies four types of irrational beliefs: dire necessity, feeling awful, cannot stand something, and self-condemnation. It is described as cognitive-emotional retraining. option is self-help based on principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Using a book or a website, a person does the kinds of exercises that would be used in therapy, but they do it on their own, perhaps with some email or phone support from a therapist. A systematic analysis of trials testing this kind of self-help found that websites, books, and other materials based on cognitive-behavioral therapy could help some people. The best-studied conditions are panic disorder and social phobia. Interoceptive techniques Interoceptive exposure is sometimes used for panic disorder. People's interoceptive triggers of anxiety are evaluated one-by-one before conducting interoceptive consider your appearances or your wealth in (appraising you) but He considers your hearts and your deeds.
— Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, no. 8707 Cognitive and medical psychology and cognitive therapy Abu Zayd al-Balkhi was the first to differentiate between neurosis and psychosis, and the first to classify neurotic disorders and pioneer cognitive therapy in order to treat each of these classified disorders. He classified neurosis into four emotional disorders: fear and anxiety, anger and aggression, sadness and depression, and obsession. He further classified three types of depression: normal depression or sadness (huzn), endogenous depression originating from within the body, and reactive | 125dc304-f1a1-4b18-83c6-cd2db547d2f3 |
chsusw | at their best, Restiform Bodies engage you with the beats and audacious flair then make you look long and hard into funhouse-warped, revealing mirrors." belongs to Michelob", which centered on its "night" theme and used songs that had the word "night" or a form of the word "night" in its title, including "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra, "Move Better in the Night" by Roger Daltrey, "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight" by Genesis, "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?" and "Talking Back to the Night" by Steve Winwood, and a new recording of "After Midnight" by Eric Clapton. In the 1980s and 1990s, Michelob used the slogan "Some days are better than others". Rolling Rock Rolling Rock is a 4.5% ABV pale been accused of encouraging the use of cocaine because the band sold vanity mirrors as merchandise, fans and others mistook the act of selling the mirrors as an implication to use cocaine off of them. In an interview with Scene Point Blank Justin Pearson was asked "You guys make Locust compacts, modeled after cocaine mirrors. Do you feel it's irresponsible to sell these to your younger fans?" Pearson responded "I'm not sure what you are talking about. I have never done cocaine and we never modeled any sort of merchandising product or idea after cocaine mirrors. However we did have in The Washington Post, regarding this conference, “Buddhism was much more of a personal extreme sport. You went off to a monastery and mediated while your friends played golf. You were following some inner quest for enlightenment. But then came the maturation of Buddhism in America, where you look up from the meditation cushion and say: What does this actually mean, in terms of my citizenry, profession, relationship to others?” treat the world as if these concepts do exist then we find we can manipulate the world and make things work much better. The point about this is that you cannot just choose any concept. What is useful is not just on our whim to choose. [A concept is] a better concept for looking at the world because it works much better than others. You don't have to worry, as some British philosophers have thought that if you go down the pragmatic route that you might believe the world is flat because [that fits best with our sensory input]. Ultimately regulate their own emotions through the use of others. The questionnaire was developed through qualitative interviews with participants (e.g., "When you are feeling down, in what ways do you look to other people to help you feel better?"), whose responses were quantitatively tested using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to derive 4 factors containing 5 items each. The 4 factors include Enhancing Positive Affect (seeking social interaction to enhance happiness), Perspective Taking (recruiting others to point out that other people are in a worse situation), Soothing (seeking comfort and sympathy from others), and Social Modeling (observing others for examples of that happen with her character.” Maben explained that the character's change in attire mirrors people who "start to find themselves" after becoming widowed, elaborating that before they can move on from their deaths they "have to look inside yourself and make decisions and quite possibly make some changes and continue on without the person you are terribly in love with. And it could be going back to something you had earlier in your life before you had your spouse that maybe you might have wanted to do but you didn't do because of having children and living that particular life." $%^&! Look what they done to my crib! Those punk mutha--Um... except you dog. You made the place look better. Wouldn't change a thing. Heh." Nation's title is referred to as "an epiphany", with Jackson mentioning that "next time, I'll know better". Album co-producer Jimmy Jam told the BBC: "When you're young, you feel like: 'I can change the world! I'm going to lead the revolution!' And then you look 25 years later and you go: 'OK, I should have known better. The same problems still exist but there's a different way to go about tackling it. It still involves mobilising people, but I can't do it by myself.' It's just a wiser, more mature look at the reality of trying to make a positive of Salvation", Wesley emphasized the instantaneous side, stating, "Do you believe we are sanctified by faith? Be true, then, to your principle and look for this blessing just as you are, neither better nor worse; as a poor sinner that has still nothing to pay, nothing to plead but 'Christ died'. And if you look for it as you are, then expect it now".
In "Thoughts on Christian Perfection" (1759), Wesley stressed the gradual aspect of perfection, writing that it was to be received "in a zealous keeping of all the commandments; in watchfulness and painfulness; in denying ourselves and taking | b57af57c-34e4-4545-93d3-5135e6a3b8ea |
chswf7 | front is not only warmer, but often (but not always) also higher in humidity than the colder air preceding it. Because of a warm air mass’s higher temperature and thus lesser density, mixing between the two air masses is unlikely. Being light, the warm air mass is unable to displace the cooler air mass and instead is forced upward along the upper boundary of the colder air in a process known as overrunning. The boundary between the two air masses has a gradual slope of 1:200 and lifting is slow but persistent.
As the air mass rises into regions of lower properties of the lower atmosphere (the troposphere). Generally, when the air is cold, bubbles of warm air are formed by the ground heating the air above it and can rise like a hot air balloon. The air is then referred to as unstable. If there is a warm layer of air higher up, an inversion can prevent thermals from rising high and the air is said to be stable.
Thermals are often indicated by the presence of visible cumulus clouds at the top of the thermal. When a steady wind is present, thermals and their respective cumulus clouds can atmosphere in which the temperature is 0°C. In mid-latitude regions, convective precipitation is often associated with cold fronts where as it is often found behind the front, occasionally initiating a squall line. Cyclonic Frontal precipitation is the result of frontal systems surrounding extratropical cyclones or lows, which form when warm and tropical air meets cooler air. Frontal precipitation typically falls out of nimbostratus clouds.
When masses of air with different densities (moisture and temperature characteristics) meet, the less dense warmer air overrides more dense and colder air. The warmer air is forced to rise and if conditions are right, and furthermore Marin Headlands Climate The Headlands sometimes create their own clouds when moist, warm Pacific Ocean breezes are pushed into higher, colder air, causing condensation, fog, fog drip and perhaps rain. The hills also get more precipitation than at sea level, for the same reason. However, despite being relatively wet, strong gusty Pacific winds prevent dense forests from forming. The many gaps, ridges, and valleys in the hills increase the wind speed and periodically, during powerful winter storms, these winds can reach hurricane force. In summer, breezes can still be very gusty, when the oceanic air and fog cross the hills.
November 18 °C (64.4 °F).
Winter is the coldest season and daytime temperatures struggle to get above 7 °C (44.6 °F). When the south-westerly winds blow on winter nights the temperature can go as low as −8 °C (17.6 °F) and feel much colder. Severe frosts occur frequently during winter. In the higher parts over 1000 metres ASL, several snowfalls occur each winter.
Spring is when the temperature starts to warm, although frosts and sometimes snow still occur in early spring. Around mid-spring the temperature can get as high as 24 °C (75.2 °F), sometimes even higher. Around spring all the crops and flowers start growing in the Central Tablelands. changing latitudes of our planet. As the atmosphere is warmed nearest the equator, the hot air at the surface of our planet is heated, causing it to rise and draw in cooler air to take its place, creating what is known as circulation cells. This ultimately causes the air to be significantly colder near the poles than at the equator.
Wind patterns associated with these circulation cells drive surface currents which push the surface water to the higher latitudes where the air is colder. This cools the water down enough to where it is capable of dissolving more gasses and minerals, no moisture. Unlike the idealized ISA, the temperature of the actual atmosphere does not always fall at a uniform rate with height. For example, there can be an inversion layer in which the temperature increases with altitude. Effect on weather The varying environmental lapse rates throughout the Earth's atmosphere are of critical importance in meteorology, particularly within the troposphere. They are used to determine if the parcel of rising air will rise high enough for its water to condense to form clouds, and, having formed clouds, whether the air will continue to rise and form bigger shower clouds, and whether theme, symbolizing how love can travel across the galaxy.
It begins with Kumi appearing to have landed on earth and trying to get used to Earth's atmosphere. Throughout the video, the version of Kumi tries to get used to Earth's atmosphere as another incarnation of her dances in front of a space shuttle.
The music video was later released for purchase on her DVD 7 Spirits in March the following year. colder air mass while lifting the warm air.
A wide variety of weather can be found along an occluded front, with thunderstorms possible, but usually their passage is associated with a drying of the air mass. Within the occlusion of the front, a circulation of air brings warm air upward and sends drafts of cold air downward, or vice versa depending on the occlusion the front is experiencing. Precipitations and clouds are associated with the trowal, the projection on the Earth's surface of the tongue of warm air aloft formed during the occlusion process of the depression.
Occluded fronts are indicated on too small to directly warm and cool Earth's surface, it does influence a higher layer of the atmosphere directly, the stratosphere, which may have an effect on the atmosphere near the surface.
Slight variations in the Earth's motion can cause large changes in the seasonal distribution of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface and how it is distributed across the globe, although not to the global and yearly average sunlight. The three types of kinematic change are variations in Earth's eccentricity, changes in the tilt angle of Earth's axis of rotation, and precession of Earth's axis. Together these produce Milankovitch cycles, which | c67bd4ad-6021-47e0-9969-fbdd76ee94f2 |
cht0zr | go and say things like, 'Father, I have sinned – I have drawn dinosaurs and hominids together in the same cartoon.'" the remains of phytosaurs, aetosaurs, rauisuchians, and several types of dinosaurs and dinosaur relatives, including a Silesaurus-like animal, the herrerasaurid Chindesaurus, and the basal theropod Tawa. Finding the remains of four types of dinosaurs and dinosaur relatives (including Dromomeron itself) is noteworthy because it shows that dinosaurs did not immediately replace their dinosauromorph predecessors; that some of these groups, like the lagerpetonids, persisted (for longer than previously known) and diversified; and that dinosaurian replacement may have occurred at different times in different areas. include: prehistoric humans living with dinosaurs; dinosaurs as monsters that did little else but fight; the portrayal of a kind of "prehistoric world" where all prehistoric animals are shown to exist; dinosaurs as all large; dinosaurs as stupid and slow-moving; dinosaurs as being lizard-like and all scaled (non-feathered) when many theropod dinosaurs such as Velociraptor had feathers, and the inclusion of many prehistoric animals (such as Dimetrodon, pterosaurs, pleisiosaur, ichthyosaurs, and mosasaurs) as dinosaurs; Moreover, dinosaurs did not become extinct due to being generally maladapted or unable to cope with normal climatic change, a view found in many older textbooks.
Reports as many dinosaurs as possible until the player's health meter is depleted.
Choice mode is the same Versus mode, except the player fights a CPU-controlled dinosaur.
In Team battle mode, the player selects a team of up to four dinosaurs and battles against an opposing team of dinosaurs until all dinosaurs on either team are eliminated.
Museum is a semi-educational mode that allows the player to browse through the dinosaurs and read or hear information on each one. The player can view the dinosaur's family, time of existence, and do other things like change its skin or hear pronunciation. feathered. The lack of widespread fossil evidence for feathered non-avian dinosaurs may be because delicate features like skin and feathers are not often preserved by fossilization and thus are absent from the fossil record.
The description of feathered dinosaurs has not been without controversy; perhaps the most vocal critics have been Alan Feduccia and Theagarten Lingham-Soliar, who have proposed that some purported feather-like fossils are the result of the decomposition of collagenous fiber that underlaid the dinosaurs' skin, and that maniraptoran dinosaurs with vaned feathers were not actually dinosaurs, but convergent with dinosaurs. However, their views have for the most part that of its parents. Mutations can also occur, either accidentally or, when the player masters the technology, voluntarily. Mutations include feathers, extra horns, weird scales, and the like. Visitors Visitors also come in several categories, which all have likes and dislikes. For instance, kids like cute dinosaurs but do not like big ones, hooligans like to see dinosaur fights from up close but do not like peaceful dinosaurs, pensioners like diverse dinosaurs but not too much action, etc.
Every item in the game, dinosaurs, attraction or park installation, radiates several attributes like comfort, fear or cuteness, which will attract or repel indirect evidence for their presence in some fossils. Rudimentary ridges like those that support respiratory turbinates have been found in advanced Triassic cynodonts, such as Thrinaxodon and Diademodon. This suggests that they may have had fairly high metabolic rates. The paleontologist John Ruben and others have argued that no evidence of nasal turbinates has been found in dinosaurs. All the dinosaurs they examined had nasal passages that they claimed were too narrow and too short to accommodate nasal turbinates, so dinosaurs could not have sustained the breathing rate required for a mammal-like or bird-like metabolic rate while at rest, because dinosaurs' closest living relatives, were also common among dinosaurs. Gregarious behavior was common in many dinosaur species. Dinosaurs may have congregated in herds for defense, for migratory purposes, or to provide protection for their young. There is evidence that many types of dinosaurs, including various theropods, sauropods, ankylosaurians, ornithopods, and ceratopsians, formed aggregations of immature individuals. Nests and eggs have been found for most major groups of dinosaurs, and it appears likely that dinosaurs communicated with their young, in a manner similar to modern birds and crocodiles. The crests and frills of some dinosaurs, like the marginocephalians, theropods and lambeosaurines, teeth of the dentary and predentary, the dinosaur is said to have an overbite, the most common condition in this group. The opposite condition is considered to be an underbite, which is rare in theropod dinosaurs.
The majority of dinosaurs had teeth that were similarly shaped throughout their jaws but varied in size. Dinosaur tooth shapes included cylindrical, peg-like, teardrop-shaped, leaf-like, diamond-shaped and blade-like. A dinosaur that has variety of tooth shapes is said to have heterodont dentition. An example of this are dinosaurs of the group Heterodontosauridae and the enigmatic early dinosaur, Eoraptor. While most dinosaurs had a single row birds, especially the enantiornithines. While some early bird-like species may have already been arboreal as well (including dromaeosaurids such as Microraptor) most non-avialan dinosaurs seem to have relied on land-based locomotion. A good understanding of how dinosaurs moved on the ground is key to models of dinosaur behavior; the science of biomechanics, pioneered by Robert McNeill Alexander, has provided significant insight in this area. For example, studies of the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on dinosaurs' skeletal structure have investigated how fast dinosaurs could run, whether diplodocids could create sonic booms via whip-like tail snapping, and whether sauropods could | 37fd2e9b-3fb3-4c76-8e8d-16f5c4a81887 |
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