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Tim was on vacation, so he decided to go camping in the woods. It got really late and Tim finally realized that he forgot to bring any gear to use. He began to wonder why he wanted to go on a camping trip at all. | [
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When I was younger raves were a lot of fun. The laser shows were just amazing. Sometimes I wonder how I'm not blind after all of that raving I did. | [
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Bill was told that he was too out of shape to join the football team. He felt so insulted that he grabbed the coach and told him to sit down and watch. Bill was going to prove that he was in shape enough to be the quarterback. | [
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Don smiled as his name was called during the ceremony. After he received his diploma, he talked to the principal briefly and then he posed for a picture. He then walked off to join the rest of his friends and classmates in the stands. | [
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I'm making a peanut butter treats for a friend of mine. I'm going to be baking it so I need to make sure that I have all the ingredients I need in the equipment. I also need to make sure that I have a timer because I want to make sure that I don't burn it this time. | [
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Steve took Buddy outside to get some fresh air. They played a game of catch for a few minutes and even Steve was having fun and laughing. Then they had to go back inside because it was hot and Buddy was panting. | [
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When you were a kid you found a lot of the most unusual things enjoyable. I could remember being on the banks of a lake and enjoying throwing things into the water. Sometimes I want to go back to those days. | [
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Stan worked at a meat market that was owned by his family. He grew up and spent his whole life learning how to make the best sausage and smoked meats. Stan later taught his own son how to make the tasty meats. | [
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Arnold was a professional taste tester for a food review magazine. He was reviewing a new winery in town that had sent him an invitation. Arnold sat down in front of a flight of different colored drinks ready to taste each one of them. | [
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I want to play with my pet. I love to use something he can pull on. Do you know of any objects that would work? | [
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Steve was meeting up with his friends for breakfast. They met at a local restaurant to grab coffee and had something to munch on. They planned on doing the same thing the next week. | [
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Jan was almost ready to go to bed and get some sleep. She had her mother read her a bedroom story. Then Jan looked into the mirror and did not like what she saw. | [
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I always liked when the grocery stores had ladies or men cooking samples to share. You not only got to learn what to do with featured products, but you ate good. Best part was that it was all free. | [
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The referee called time out when the player didn't get up after the play. All the fans held their breath as the player was helped off of the field. After he was off the field, a replacement was called in and the match was started again. | [
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Nothing is better than watching your favorite team compete on the weekend. You get to see a group of men come together as one. You're welcome for all the ups and downs that they face. | [
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It was a beautiful day with warm sunshine in a blue sky. The mother thought it would be a great idea to get some fresh air with her little girl. The mother put a bonnet on the girl and set her in the wagon with her doll. | [
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Spot likes to play and is very frisky. I walk him to the park to play. I throw high, and he runs and brings it back to me. | [
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When going to the beach you need to make sure that you have certain things with you. You definitely are going to need some beverages. You also are going to need to have something to sit on and dry yourself after going for a swim. | [
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The circus could be a lot of fun. You get to enjoy some good circus food and watch some wall performances on different types of equipment. All you need to do is get some tickets in a good area to catch the show. | [
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I love going downtown to shop on the weekends. The main reason is that it's not far from my house so I don't need to drive to get there. I normally take the trip with my friend and we enjoy some of the wall art. | [
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Tim decided that he needed to open up his own business. He thought hard about how he could make lots of money. Suddenly, while looking at his son, he came up with the perfect idea. | [
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Jay was at home getting ready for intense physical activity. His friend bet him to see who was the most physically active. Jay was ready to prove how fit he was and would do anything he was asked. | [
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Gymnastics can be tough on your body. Although some of the surface seems soft, it's not. It can lead to a lot of big and small injuries that you will need to take care of. | [
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The youth sports teams had taken the field. They ran back and forth across the field playing their hearts out. After the game, the players congratulated each other for a game well played. | [
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The teams entered the arena and stretched out before the match began. The whistle finally blew and it was game on. The players moved about quickly as the play got more and more intense. | [
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He sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed the television remote. After turning the television on, he eyed his favorite mug sitting on the countertop. He stood up and walked to the other side of the kitchen to grab the mug and get his day started. | [
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The Browns' quarterback was approached by three somewhat intimidating men. They let it be known that they had a lot riding on the Patriots winning the next day. They very firmly requested the quarterback's help. | [
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Jesse looked into the mirror as he lowered his body down to the floor. It was hard, but he knew that this was what he had to do to build up his muscles. Jesse showered after his workout and left the gym with a sense of accomplishment. | [
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I remember when I was younger and seeing couples interact. Seeing them walk around the mall all lovey-dovey was always nice. They would have on matching outfits and just be enjoying themselves. | [
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I'll be hitting the road this weekend for a long road trip. I already have my luggage packed so I'm ready to go. I'm going to wear something comfortable for the long ride. | [
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The cowboy tightened his grip on the length of rope. As the gate to the shoot swung open, the horse shot out of the stall. The man swung the rope around his head in circles as the horse ran forward. | [
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Mountain climbing is not something that I want to try. It's not because of the dangers, it just seems tough. I am not ready to put my body through that. | [
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Ed was working as a mechanic for the first time in his life. Ed felt like quitting because the work was hard and the pay was low. His boss came out of the office and yelled at him to hurry up. | [
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The crowd gathered to corner of the bar when the television turned to the fight. Everyone in the bar got louder and louder and some of the people shoved to get a better view. Many of the women didn't care and they stayed in their seats though. | [
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The crowd watched at the celebrity chef tossed the utensils in the air. The chef split open the fruit, separating the green rind from the juice red fruit inside. He offered delicious samples to the people standing in the crowd. | [
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Marissa walked into the restaurant and her eyes glazed over. It was an all you could eat buffet and Marissa was going to take advantage of it. She was guided across the restaurant and seated where she ordered a drink. | [
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We've been working hard all morning long. We were all looking forward to our first break at noon. We were hungry and ready to take a break to eat and relax. | [
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I have turned down a handful of roles because the character does not need glasses. I do, and I also have a weird thing about putting things in my eyes. But the Marvel role was so lucrative, I finally made an appointment with my ophthalmologist. | [
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I remember when I was learning how to operate a vehicle. Everyone was always so strict as to how to do it. Now that I look at myself, I don't think I'm following most of what they showed me. | [
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If you know anything about dogs and cats, they love to be touched. There are certain areas on their hands that they enjoy very much. They can be a lot to handle, but in the end they are great companions. | [
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I found a hair near my nipple. I couldn't find a set of tweezers, and I can't bear the pain of going to a salon to have them remove it, and my armpit hairs. I just grabbed a razor. | [
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Some people have no rhythm. You go to a party or a club and just sit back and enjoy watching them make fools of themselves. It's like they can't follow the twins that are playing for their life. | [
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I just purchased a beautiful a beautiful mansion. It's a three story mega mansion. We are the first owners of this place. | [
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I wonder how much money opening up a pet grooming place can make me. There are a couple places that I see a lot of people bringing their animals to get taken care of. I'm going to have to look into this to see if this is a business that is worthwhile. | [
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Joe looked into the mirror and smiled at his figure. He knew that he had come a long way since he had started to work out. Joe worked back to the weight bench knowing that now wasn't the time to stop. | [
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There are a lot of girls that need to get make up lessons. Some of them just go a little bit too far and end up looking like clowns. They need to learn that less is better. | [
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John whistled as he walked down the sidewalk holding his dog's leash. The dog's tail wagged back and forth happily, and John smiled beneath a sunny blue sky. He knelt down and unfastened the leash from his dog's collar so that he could begin playing in earnest. | [
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I think I'm going to get some concert tickets for this weekend. I can't wait to go see some of these bands perform. I know that it takes a lot to get ready for sure, and I want to go out there and support them. | [
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It had been a long day and she couldn't wait to visit her favorite characters. She made a cup of cider and grabbed her favorite blanket. She placed them on the end table and turned on the overhead lamp. | [
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I want to head out into the deep part of the Ocean and fish. After one toss, and drag I should be able to catch tons of fish. I will have to keep them in a cooler to keep them alive. | [
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The people in the stadium were starting to get rowdy. The noise level seemed to increase every minute that the game went on. It was as if everyone was swaying from one side to another in the massive arena. | [
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The magician opened his palm to show that there was nothing there. The crowd looked on in anticipation, waiting to see what would happen next. When he opened it up again, there was a colorful handkerchief there all of a sudden! | [
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It's funny what can attract you to someone. Bob had two chins, something of a gut, not much hair, and he rarely crossed my mind. Everything changed the night I wandered into a cafe and saw Bob on stage performing. | [
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I always loved leaving my kids with my parents. They always enjoyed early Saturday mornings after catching up with their news with the kids. The kids also enjoyed their time with their grandparents. | [
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Tim was ready for five o'clock to come already. He had a horrible headache and had already butted heads with his boss today. The hands on the clock ticked away slowly, and Tim could only wish they would move faster. | [
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They were all looking forward to the weekend of camping. They were ready to gather around the campfire they built from the dead trees that they found on the floor. One thing that they weren't looking forward to, was sleeping on the hard surface of the camp area. | [
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Ernie had been having a tooth ache for a while. Finally, his mother called and made him an appointment. The woman called him to the back and sat him down in a chair. | [
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Jeremy heard a noise from the kitchen and went to go inspect. His Aunt and his Mother were there cooking something for dinner. They told him dinner would be ready in five minutes and to call for his sister to come down. | [
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Jan put her baby in the high chair for lunch. She mixed up some applesauce with a little cereal and got him a spoon. Jan could see how anxious the baby was when she brought the food to him. | [
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BMX looks like it's something fun to do. It also can be very dangerous. They perform some tricks off of the ramps that leave you amazed. | [
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Calvin invited all his friends over to his house for the Super Bowl. He had purchased tons of food and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Everyone had a great time cheering on their team and eating themselves silly. | [
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I'm going to be hitting a town this weekend with a lady friend of mine. We are going to be doing a lot of walking so I need to make sure that I have on comfortable shoes. I can't wait to see her. | [
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Tim was in the movie theater with his date. He had a terrible cold and he didn't want anyone to notice. He needed a way to feel relieved and take his mind off of his sickness. | [
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The festival had gone on for the past three days and the party goers spilled into the roadways down town. They danced to the live music in the town square. Seeing the people dressed in their old fashioned garb made us think of a simpler time. | [
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It was breakfast time and Shirley was making food for her grandchildren. She made eggs first, but her youngest grandson wanted a biscuit sandwich with meat. Shirley smiled as she opened the fridge to get meat to put on the stove. | [
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Jim was walking to the ice cream parlor to get a quick snack. He saw his friend Bill who had jut came from the parlor. Bill had bought Jim something so that Him wouldn't have to spend money. | [
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Matt was anxious for his first school date when he was a Freshman in high school. He had asked a girl who was in his science class if she would go with him and she said yes! Matt showed up at her door right on time and they had a great night. | [
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Many people don't realize how difficult baseball is. One of the toughest things to do in sports estimate good contact with the ball coming at you almost at 100 miles an hour. That's why you have to give them their props. | [
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Jim was employed at the local airport as a janitor. He saw his boss coming down the hall and started sweeping harder than ever. Suddenly, a crazy woman ran down the hall screaming that she had to get on a plane now. | [
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Doing laundry can be a process. It seems very simple, but not every piece of clothing can be treated the same way. Some can just be thrown into the machine and others you have to take care of them more gently. | [
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Roger was nervous and excited for his blind date to arrive. He held the bouquet that he had bought so tightly in his hands that the stems almost broke! He was relieved when she greeted him with a smile and a hug. | [
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Cal worked as a vending machine repairman. Every day was the same for him; cans and bottles getting stuck and coins getting jammed. One day he hoped to retire from the monotony. | [
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This weekend I'm going to change up my appearance. It's going to involve changing the color of the mop on top of my head. I know the perfect room to do it in because it has a huge mirror and great lighting. | [
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This is simply one of the worst school days. I just can't understand why this subject is still taught at school. Why do I have to learn about manipulating old tree stumps. | [
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Bill was with his girlfriend at the park having a picnic. She needed to smoke and Bill was not a smoker. Bill really didn't like that his girlfriend smoked but he really loved his girlfriend. | [
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I'm so glad that I don't have a pet to walk while living in Maine. I see people all bundled up going on these treks with their animals. Sometimes I wonder, if the animals even like it. | [
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MMA is a tough sport. It involves various different maneuvers that can lead to a lot of blood. It can be fun to watch but terrifying at the same time. | [
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I broke my arm trying to improve myself. Yes, I need to shed a few pounds, but there are better ways to do it than what my friends suggested. I wanted to just take up jogging, but they had more ambitious ideas. | [
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Emmy drove up to the address written in the email that she had printed out. She was ready for the appointment to begin. She was glad that she had worn her best blazer because it looked like a fancy place. | [
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The lawn looked great when Fred was done with it. He drove the machine back into the shed and walked back out to admire his work. The clouds rumbled overhead and Fred smiled knowing he had just beat the weather. | [
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Cody was crouched down in his treehouse with his friends. They just knew that their neighbor had to be a witch and they were determined to catch her in the act. They took turns spying on her and writing down notes of what strange things she was doing. | [
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Joseph decided to go out into nature for the day. He put on his helmet, said goodbye to his girlfriend and then went to the garage to get his contraption. Outside, moving along breezily, he made his way to the beautiful hills that have lovely paths. | [
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I walked through the main factory gate. I heard gears spinning loudly. I saw a long line of identical cartons. | [
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Stacey was very nervous on the bus ride to her first gymnastic competition. Her friends had competed before but they seemed a little nervous as well. After Stacey changed into her workout uniform and entered the gymnasium, her nerves started to settle down. | [
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Friday nights and Saturday nights are normally spent downtown by the bars for me. I always wonder at what time they clean the streets and the other areas down there. One early morning I saw this machine performing the job end it was quite fascinating. | [
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Tim was getting ready to move to a new town. He previously packed all of his things up and was ready to leave. Tim then realized that his friend Bill was late and probably wasn't coming to help him move. | [
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My kitten likes round toys. He insists on playing with my yarn, and unraveling it. Sometimes I play with him and have him bring it back to me. | [
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I never took any sort of martial arts classes as a kid. But I always wanted to perform some of the things that I see them doing in order to earn their belts. I thought to myself, if kids can do it so can I. | [
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Jimmy begged his brother Tom for a stick of gum. Instead, Tom shoved the whole pack of gum in his own mouth. Tom chewed the gum furiously until it was just the right consistency. | [
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I just moved into my new apartment and I want to have a little get together with some friends. We all enjoy barbecuing, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to buy a variety of foods to prepare as well have plenty of drinks. | [
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If you don't have your own washer and dryer, washing clothes can be a chore. It's a long process that's going to take up a few hours out of your day. Make sure you bring something to pass the time as you perform the store. | [
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Taking your dog outside can be an adventure. They love the bury their heads into everything and anything. You also have to be careful because some of them will try to eat anything they say. | [
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Johnny had been waiting all week for this game. The results of the game would determine who would go on to the finals. Johnny looked at his teammates as he went through all the plays in his head. | [
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Max put the sedan up on the blocks to work on it. It took him a while, but he finally found where the leak was coming from. Max went into the office to give the customer the bad news. | [
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I love preparing meals on the weekend. Especially huge and large ones. But cleaning up afterwards is not fun at all and no one likes to do it. | [
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I love learning about all the battles. Soldiers got around the battlefield in many different ways. Today they use a lot of heavy machinery, but back then all glory was flown around using most animals. | [
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When I think of grandma's, I picture someone relaxing in a chair as they make things. A lot of them love to crochet various pieces of clothing. There are probably a lot of grandkids with crocheted clothing set aside in one area in their rooms. | [
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I was babysitting this weekend and the worst thing happened. I had to take the kid in the bathroom to make sure I had some privacy in order to change them. I made sure that I cleaned them all over before putting back on their clothing to go outside. | [
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I was looking forward to making a meal in the kitchen this weekend. I made sure that I had all the utensils that I needed ready to go. I was going to make a special root vegetable cake for dessert. | [
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James thought it would be exciting to get a job as an EMT. He realized he needed to get the proper training before applying. James signed up for a course in first aid at the local college. | [
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Subsets and Splits