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Everyone needs to go get pampered a few times a year. One of the best things to do for your body is to get it rubbed down by someone who is a professional. Spent a good hour with their hands going all over your body and some good aromatherapy in the background, you'll be in heaven. | [
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Whenever there's a hurricane coming do you have to make sure that you were prepared. You make sure that you have all of your important documents in a secure area. One thing people always forget is to prepare their vehicles as well. | [
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Sam was on the way home from school when he saw a girl that he really liked. He went to go say hello to her so he could ask her out. Suddenly he tripped and fell into a puddle of mud. | [
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I need to do some grooming this weekend on my facial hair. The ladies seem to love it so I need to make sure that I keep it looking proper. I normally do all of this on a Saturday morning in the bathroom. | [
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The mother finished filling the final glass with water and walked toward the opening to the living room. "Dinner's ready," she called out as she undid her apron and placed it on the nearby counter. The family converged on the dining room table with hunger in their eyes. | [
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Travis was always careful when he went to the skate park. He had a friend that had recently broken his arm in three different places. People might have laughed at Travis and his protective gear, but he knew it was the right thing to do. | [
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I get mad when I try to cut my veggies. I use a fork. Do you think something else would work better because I keep losing the fork? | [
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Victoria was glad that her friend had given her a gift certificate to the spa. Her body felt much better as the attendant rubbed all the knots away. She was so relaxed that she eventually fell asleep on the table. | [
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Al was in the forest and he was very lost. He remembered that he crumbled up his map and threw it away when someone tried to give it to him. Al realized that he had been very stupid. | [
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Sarah was in the Marines and was getting ready to do the training obstacle course for her unit. She got all her equipment and brought it to the starting line as required. When the instructor said go she began to run to the first tall ledge with her stuff. | [
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Tom was at home sick with his family. He caught a bad cold from a recent office party last week. His wife came in and asked if he needed anything in particular. | [
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My grandfather hated any new technology because it meant the world was changing. He felt threatened by that. He turned out to be right when some fancy technology ended up taking all the jobs in our lumbering community. | [
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I am practicing my ballet. I get very sore after. Do you know what I could use so my feet don't hurt? | [
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It's always great to look at boxers get ready for a match. They always have all colorful outfits while coming to the ring. But, you have to pay attention to all that happens back in the training area before they're even dressed and ready to go. | [
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I remember when I was in Boot Camp and they were showing us how to create space by making sure that our clothing was put up correctly. Everything had to be done a certain way, so you had to pay a lot of attention. Later on you would have inspections to make sure you followed directions. | [
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When I was a kid I always enjoyed eating suckers. Especially the blue ones because they left evidence for hours. They were so sweet and yummy. | [
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Being a parent can be tough but also very rewarding. You get to raise a human being from an infant to a young adult. You will have your ups and downs, but you also love it. | [
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Coming home to your bed after a late night of work can be amazing. There's always only one thing that I have my mind on. I make sure that I get myself in bed and wrap myself up under that blanket and call it a night. | [
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The coast guard showed up as soon as they got the distress call. Unfortunately, they still arrived too late to save the man from perishing. They pulled him from the waters and called a tow boat to clear the water. | [
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I was looking forward to enjoying the concert tomorrow. I know that there was going to be a huge crowd there. I was hoping that nobody in front of me had on anything like a huge heart that would get in my view. | [
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Bill was at the park and he was very bored. His family was playing frisbee and he wanted to do something different. Bill then realized that there was only one cool thing to do at the park. | [
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The beautician had a busy day ahead of her. The customers came into her salon all day long. It was hours before she was able to get off of her feet and take a break. | [
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You need to be careful when dealing with venomous animals like the cobra. Make sure that you have protection on your hand because you don't want to get bitten. Their venom can be very little. | [
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It was rehearsal time again and Jamie was worn out. She went into the dressing room to change into her costume. She couldn't wait until it was time for the real show to begin. | [
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The emergency room was a madhouse on this Friday night. There had been a four car accident in the middle of town and several people were injured. The doctors on call were ready and focused, willing and able to assist. | [
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This weekend was for the boys. The girls went on a trip and left the boys alone at home. They enjoyed themselves by doing outdoor activities as well as just sitting on the couch and looking at a bunch of football. | [
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The little boy missed his father, who was on a long business trip. The boy's mother tried to comfort him by telling him his dad would be home soon. Suddenly there was a ring and the mother lifted the receiver. | [
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There are many different kind of bikers in the city. Do you have the older crew who use the Harley Davidson's. Then you have the younger crew who use the Asian brand bikes and love to perform tricks up and down the road. | [
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Serina bought some new furniture for her apartment. She needed help loading it into the truck. She asked a store clerk to help her, but one wasn't enough because some of the pieces were so heavy. | [
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A man named Jack moved in next door. He introduced himself to me and seemed friendly. I had no complaints until he woke me one morning by blowing a whistle and shouting out commands. | [
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It was Jen's wedding and she had everything figured out, well almost everything. Her beautician had done an awful job and Jen didn't know what to do. Finally, Jen's sister offered a suggestion and Jen's eyes lit up. | [
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It was my roommate's turn to take care of dinner. I was hoping he'd just order a pizza because he wasn't a good cook. I wasn't encouraged when I went into the kitchen and saw pots of inedible colors. | [
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Al was meeting some new friends who had just moved into his neighborhood. Al wanted to impress them but he wasn't sure how. Al sat on his porch thinking of ways he could show how amazing he was. | [
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My husband bought a sewing machine. I wasn't sure how to use it. But I was able to make a pillow. | [
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The greyhound was ready for the event to begin. His trainer brought him up to the track and set up in the lane. When the buzzer went off, the animal ran like the wind. | [
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Joey was leaving from the competition knowing that he had done well. It was time for him to go home though and he waited at the stop and basked in the sun. People looked at Joey in his well dressed attire, not recognizing him outside of his sports uniform. | [
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Jake was pretty sure that he needed to get a new wheel on his truck. One of them was looking pretty bare and it wasn't safe. He begrudgingly drove down to the automotive store in town. | [
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Sam wasn't worried that the place would be crowded even though it had just opened recently. He had called the day before and made a reservation for two at seven. He was excited to see Parker again and thought to himself "I hope she likes Italian food" as he pulled into the Bistro's parking lot. | [
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Dillan held the pool stick in his hand waiting for his turn. He had never lost this many matches in a row. His opponent scratched and Dillan took a deep breath as he walked up to the table. | [
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Joe is an aspiring musician who is dedicated to his craft. He plays in his sound-proof room, so as not to bother the neighbors. The room is small and doesn't even have a chair. | [
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I saw my neighbor playing in his yard. I watched from my window as he played catch with his dog. Later, as I moved out into my own yard to rest I could hear someone calling my name. | [
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Hanna slipped past the people in the audience trying to find her way back to her seat. She looked to the left and to the right, but couldn't find her friend. Hanna called out, but it was too loud for her even to hear her own voice. | [
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Paul was not afraid of anything. That's what made him a great asset to the circus. Paul flew threw the air gracefully with no fears whatsoever. | [
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Cindy walked out of the house in her summer attire. It was hot outside and she didn't want to spend hours out in the sun wearing jeans, that was for sure. She looked around at all the yardwork that needed to be done and sighed. | [
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Ken was meeting his brother Alvin at their favorite bar tonight. They hadn't seen each other in a few weeks and had a lot of catching up to do. He took a seat at the bar but waited to order until Alvin got there. | [
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I told the instructor my knife was dull. He showed me how to fix that. Rocks are so old fashioned. | [
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Lillian had a blast at the state fair last weekend. She thought that the Ferris Wheel was amazing, though she was a bit hesitant at first. There was even a bouncy house for the kids to go in and she loved it. | [
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The last couple of weeks had been blazing hot with no rain. Jill checked the weather forecast and saw there was still no rain predicted. She centered the sprinkler in her backyard and turned on the faucet. | [
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The bar scene was rowdy on the Friday night. Two burly man sat face to face locked up with each other. The people cheered them on as they tried to prove that each was stronger than the other. | [
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Denny was up to bat for the last time. The count was full and Denny was getting nervous. Denny closed his eyes as he felt the crack of the bat. | [
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Rita worked as a housekeeper at a local motel. Every day was the same for Rita, but it was a paycheck for the woman. If she could pay her bills, she didn't mind what she had to do. | [
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I asked the grocery clerk if he could pack my grocery up so it would be easy for me to take. I wanted to take all of it at once and wanted it all packed into one place. The red dress that I had worn to the party was a hit, everyone talked about it. | [
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Carlos hadn't been working out for very long and he wasn't quite sure what he was doing. Finally, he gave in and hired a personal trainer. Gary, his trainer was able to help Carlos learn all sorts of new exercises. | [
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Jim was playing outside with his pet cocker spaniel. Jim wanted to teach his dog how to fetch a toy. First Jim tried tossing a stick, but the dog wasn't interested. | [
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Kyle looked up into the bleachers where his parents were watching the championship game that he was playing in. He was on third base at the bottom of the ninth inning with the score tied. The batter swung and hit the ball hard and Kyle took off running. | [
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I pour my oil in, and crack the shell. I flip it just in time to make sure it's over easy. I put it on a plate. | [
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Denny parked the car at the visitor's building near the border of the state. The kids slowly got out, knowing what their dad was going to do. Denny instructed them all to get out, as he picked up his camera. | [
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I thought that I was smarter, I really did. I couldn't figure that thing out for anything though. If they wanted to make a puzzle that would confuse the world, I guess they did! | [
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The comedian is hilarious. The whole place is full. The crowd is roaring. | [
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Alice looked upon her dry garden. She prepared to handle the situation. As she did, she thought how beautiful the flowers were. | [
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Toni was showing her little sister how to do her eyes. Toni was about to go on a date anyway, so it wasn't like she was wasting anything. At the end, Toni looked fabulous and her sister had acquired some new knowledge. | [
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Tyler was a tremendous track and field athlete at the peak of his college career. This day, however, his approach did not feel right as he ran forward. He had one last chance to make a throw that would win the event. | [
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Jerry had worked as a carpenter for years. He had a box full of tools and knew exactly what to do with them. Jerry was excited to go to work on demolition days most of all. | [
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I have been seeing some robins near my front porch lately. I figured that I would leave them some seeds in a saucer. I tried putting them in my hand, but they wouldn't come close enough. | [
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Polly and her friends piled into her mom's van to head to the venue. They had been waiting for weeks to go to the performance. Her mother dropped them off and they hurried inside to find their seats. | [
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The soccer playoffs were the most competitive that they had been in years. The players were all over the field. Finally, the whistle blew and the game was over. | [
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I'm trying to knead biscuits. But it is sticking to my fingers. I need to dust the surface before I can shape them. | [
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John was trained in ballet and was getting ready for his big performance. He stretched until all his muscles were very warm and supple. When the curtain lifted and the music started, he was ready for the spotlight. | [
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Fred couldn't believe that he had broken down right here. There was nothing around for miles. Worst of all, Fred wasn't getting a phone signal, so he couldn't call for help. | [
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It was an early evening at the crowded downtown theater. Everyone sat in muted anticipation of what was to come. Then it began and enthusiastic applause rang out. | [
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Watching the track and field performers. One runner got a lot of air. But he hit the padding pretty hard. | [
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The lady said she was struggling to take care of her three-year-old. She said she had to use the laundry machine all day in order to keep him clean. She said it felt like all day she was folding, and changing diapers. | [
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Donna was nervous as she paced back and forth in the backstage area. The long skirt that she was wearing was itchy and she couldn't wait to get out of it. Donna wondered why she had ever tried out for the play in the first place. | [
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Newlyweds Sam and Sally were having their first guests over for dinner. Sally had taken pains to set a fancy table. When it was time to eat, Sally asked Sam to pour the wine. | [
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Lisa threw the man's groceries into the tote and did it roughly. She didn't care anymore if she got fired. Lisa had enough of the likes of customers like this treating her like crap. | [
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Johnny was taking his son camping for the first time. It was dinner and he was showing the boy how to prepare a meal on his own. Johnny was glad they had caught some fish earlier, or else it would have been a can of beans. | [
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The water is rough. I can't stay on my board. I head back to the shore. | [
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Annie went to the mall and passed through the cosmetic section. She was invited to sit down for a consultation. She decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to freshen up her look, so she sat at the counter. | [
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Kate was going to her best friend's birthday party. She couldn't wait to go, but she had to get the present ready first. Kate pulled out the card and thought of something special to put on it. | [
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Josie was crying when her brother got home, so he asked her what was wrong. She said that she had tried to fly her kite, but the kite was broken. Her brother was able to help her fix it and Josie gave him a big hug. | [
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Teenagers Paul and Kimberly lay on the beach on a warm sunny day. Kimberly was a bit tired and frustrated as she looked out at the ocean. "Come on, Kim, let's play some more", Paul encouraged. | [
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Doug was out in a terrible storm, but he had to get to Springfield. No matter what the weather, he had to get there, even if he had to navigate there on his own. Then he approached the low bridge, which had been overflowed slightly by the flooding. | [
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It was such a hot day and it took quite some time to get from one stop to another. I wanted something to put on my head so it could cover my face. I decided to put on something over my head so I can not get sunburn. | [
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It was almost time for the talent show and Jason wanted to make sure that he was the best in his class. He looked in the mirror and did his act one more time. Jason was sure that he had what it took to win the contest. | [
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There are a lot of issues that can happen while working on this site. I always get evidence by taking a photograph of my issues. I love that I'm given a chance to work on this Amazon platform, but it doesn't come without its issues. | [
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The cafe was running smoothly, just like Ally wanted. She had dreamed of owning a place like this for a while. The customers came in all day and they loved it, so she was happy. | [
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Janie had just started kindergarten and she loved being in school. Every day before lunch Janie's teacher let her students choose an activity. Janie's favorite activity was playing games, and the teacher let her choose a game from the shelf. | [
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Eric invited his neighbors over for a cookout Saturday afternoon. He had all kinds of beverages chilling on ice and tons of food. He set up the grill and chatted with his guests as he started to cook. | [
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Susie was excited to visit at her grandparents' farm. Grandpa led Susie by the hand to the red barn for a special surprise. Inside the barn were newborn kids and lambs. | [
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I was at the fair last night with my girlfriend. We passed by some of those booths where you can win a prize if you shoot the basketball into the goal. I spent like twenty dollars trying to win her a stupid puppy dog! | [
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One of the worst part about living in a cold environment, is dealing with storms. Some areas get blanketed with feet of powder. In the morning you have to clear it away. | [
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My neighbors were a very elderly couple. Honestly, I didn't like them much because they always seemed cranky. But when the wife died, I asked the morose man if he wanted to get a cup of coffee sometimes, an invitation he leapt at. | [
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The Perkins family loved the 4th of July and always had a BBQ where they invited friends. Everyone would gather at their house early in the afternoon and walk to main street for the annual parade. They would line the streets with many others and watch the floats go by. | [
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Ben woke and looked over at his clock to find it was nearly 9am. He wasn't sure if he was late for school or if the blizzard that had been predicted when he went to bed the night before had happened. He walked out to the kitchen where his mother pointed to the shed and told him to get to work. | [
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Alex was studying at the local college to be a geologist. He liked learning about rocks and anything about the earth. He wanted to grow up and lead a hunt on fossils in the far east. | [
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The bride was dressed immaculately for the wedding. Everyone turned to look as she came down from upstairs. They oohed in hushed tones of admiration. | [
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Tyler leaned up against the old Singer. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. It had always worked for him when his grandmother had used it. | [
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Ted had been preparing for months for the state decathlon championship. Ted looked at the schedule to see what event he would face next. Ted warmed up by stretching and got ready for his turn. | [
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Steven put all his equipment into the truck and drove to the work site. It wasn't going to be easy to build the house, but Steven had years of experience. He met with the client and signed all the paperwork before he began. | [
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Jason drank his beer as he cast his line out yet again. He hadn't caught anything yet today, but he wasn't about to give up yet. As Jason went to sit down, something began to tug on his line. | [
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