Erwer, Nenim 5, 0534
I heard footsteps behind me, and from the cadence of his steps I could tell it was Aaden. I was far too wrapped up in the work on my terminal to turn around, casually dismissing his presence as friendly and familiar. That is, until he came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulder, gently rubbing away the entire day's frustrations. "Oh, that feels so good, Aaden, but you're distracting me. I'll give you just half an hour to cut that out." He chuckled gently and leaned over, kissing me on the back of the neck. "Love you," he said gently. "How've the kids been?" I reached up over my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Oh they're fine. Ember's got them outside right now. Love you too," I said gently, kissing the furry underside of his muzzle. My hand trailed down along his body to his legs, not really seeking his crotch, just taking full measure of his wonderfully hard body. "You're all hot." "Been working out." I looked up at the clock and said, "Ohmifa, is it really fourteen already?" "Mm-hmm," he said. "Damn," I cursed. "I've been working for nine hours already and I feel like I've gotten nothing done." "What are you working on, anyway? I've never seen you get so intense." "You haven't lived with me long enough. I've been doing some genecoding work, thinking about a few things." "Such as?" he said with a little sing-song. "Oh, this'n'that. Structural variations for Centaurs. Skin tone controls for Humans, Centaurs." "A new species?" he asked. I smiled. "Yeah, that too. Been thinking about it. Now that the Pendorian races are as established as they are, I wonder if going with more 'classical' anthropomorphs wouldn't be inappropriate." "So what kind are you working on?" "Mustelids." "Very interesting. I still say you're working too hard. Getting intense is one thing, but I think you're overdoing it." He smiled. "Besides, I need a little help." "With what?" I asked. "I want you to spot me." "I thought that's what AI's were for." He shrugged. "I'd rather have you do it." I laughed. "Besides, it gives me a chance to see you. Haven't been doing much of that, recently, between your project and the kids." I nodded. "Okay, it's a deal." As if he really needed someone to spot for him. Still, safety first. We wandered out of the office and back towards the residencies, where Aaden had set up a separate bedroom. P'nyssa and he and I now had three whole residences to ourselves, with most of the walls knocked out again. The center room was still the nursery and playroom, with the farthest room being the "spare" bedroom. We had decided not to call it "Aaden's room" because I don't ever want to imply that Aaden is separate from P'nyssa and I. In fact, P'nyssa spent as much time there as Aaden. The funny times were when two of us spent the night in the spare room. But we had converted living room of the third residence for a variety of purposes. My old drafting table and workbench occupied one corner, the other kept Aaden's weights. There was also a low table covered with a green cloth. Under the cloth Aaden kept his seedling and sprouting jars-- the cloth was both to keep in the humidity and to shield outside eyes from the UV lights. Aaden threw a hundred fifty kilos or so of weight onto the lower bar, I didn't bother to really look at how much. I had long ago ceased to be impressed or confused by how much or how little he used in his sessions. All I know is that he keeps his body in magnificent shape, and although it wouldn't really make much of a difference to me either way, I do love the way he looks. He lay down and said "Ready?" "How warmed up are you?" I asked. "I've been warming up for about twenty minutes, Ken. I just needed you for this part." "Oh, okay. I'm ready then." I planted my feet and waited, handing him the bar slowly. He pressed it to his chest then extended vertically, breathing hard with every stroke. He began to do repetitions, lots of them. I watched as he exercised, enjoying the sight of his muscles expanding and contracting, his chest rising and falling in pattern with the repetitions. I started to notice that he was pushing himself hard, because sweat had broken out on his muzzle and his fur was matting down. Then I noticed something else-- With every exhalation I felt his breath blowing up my shorts and over my balls. It tickled. I leaned up against the higher bar-rest, the one intended for Uncia and Tindals (who have longer arms or tentacles, respectively), and said "Are you teasing me?" "What do you mean?" he grunted on a downward stroke. "You're breathing up my leg," I said, smiling. He glanced up, taking a good look into my shorts and said "You seem to be enjoying it." He landed the bar onto the lower rest and lunged for my shorts, his muzzle licking against the head of my cock briefly. "Ack!" I yipped, stepping back. "Rabid Mephit!" "Hey! Bring that back here," he said with mock-indignity. I stepped back into range. "Lower," he said. "Would it help if I took my shorts off?" "It would," he said, smiling. He has a handsome smile. I complied, taking off my shorts and stepping out of them. Now the only thing I wore was my T-shirt, a silly shirt I acquired during a brief stint teaching physics at Rocchodain University. It was a beautiful airbrush of the Ring, over which were the words "Pendorians don't understand the gravity of the situation," and the equation for tension in a string caused by centripetal acceleration. I bent my knees slowly, lowering my not-quite-erect penis to his muzzle. He lunged again, and I withdrew. "Uh-uh," I teased. "Give," he said. "Please?" I smiled and bent my knees again, feeding him the length of my cock. He closed his muzzle around it, forming his thin lips into a seal around it, his tongue pressing against the top of my cock. I held onto the weight bar, giving me balance. He stroked my cock easily, sending wonderful shocks up into my brain. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Gods, Aaden," I whispered, "I love you." I think he said "I love you too," but it wasn't clear as he said it around my cock. I also needed to lean over because my erection at full length doesn't like to bend downward. I wanted to lean over farther, to get at his cock as well, but I didn't have the reach to undo the string holding his gi bottoms, and even if I were to reach it I wouldn't have anyplace to put my hands to hold myself up. So I was stuck, bent over and barely balanced, able to do nothing but close my eyes and enjoy the soft friction of his mouth. He laid his head back against the bench, letting go of my cock. It whipped up and slapped against my belly. "I'm not that strong," he said, panting. "I can't hold my head up like that forever." I laughed and said "So?" "So why don't you mount me instead?" I laughed, walking around to the other side of the weights bench, sitting down between his legs. I undid the string and pulled at his pants from the knees as he raised his hips to help. I threw them aside, grabbed his legs at the knees and pushed them up. He took over, planting them firmly against the weight bar, exposing his asshole. I smiled and bent over, licking his balls softly, trailing my way down to his hole, getting him slick and ready for me. I leaned forward and aimed my cock, pushing against him gently, sliding into him. His asshole closed around my cock, pulling me in. I leaned over further, pressing my chest against the backs of his legs, feeling the fur on them against me. He reached up and put his hands on my cheeks, staring at me. His eyes were wide and he was panting hard. "I love you," he said in a loud whisper. "I love you too," I said, bucking against him, sliding into him. We'd made love hundreds, maybe thousands of times, and it was always just as special. Feeling his hard buttocks striking against my hips with every stroke, his body jerk with every thrust. He let go of me and held onto the bars, keeping himself in place as I approached climax, wanting to get ever deeper into him. He was staring at me, entranced, and I returned the stare, looking into his eyes. I wasn't sitting on the bench anymore; I had raised myself off and was driving myself into him, using my legs to go ever deeper. My orgasm was inevitable, and I knew it, so I suddenly stopped moving. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing," I gasped. "I'm..." Slowly I stroked into him. "Right..." Slower, pulling out. "There... YEAH!" I screamed as I slammed into him one more time, coming, shooting into him. I bucked against him hard, once, twice, a third time, draining myself of strength. I collapsed against him, lying across his broad chest. A paw, unsteady and unsure, fell across my back. "You're not tired, are you?" I asked. "Well, getting ravished is certainly a good way to end a couple of dozen reps." "Oh." I'd almost forgotten that he'd been exercising even before this. I think orgasms give me amnesia. "You are okay?" I said. "Fine," he said. We had lain there for a few minutes, me on top of him, when a voice interrupted our cuddling. "Daddy, here you are." I raised my head unsteadily and looked over at the door. "Hiya, kiddo," I said, crooking a finger in her general direction. She came running over with all the typically overabundant energy of a five-year-old. "How's my little 'Lizbeth?" I said, leaning over to kiss Aaden's daughter gently on the forehead. "Aaden's daughter" biologically; she was growing up in my household, and she was my daughter as well. "Fine. Daddy Aaden, you promised to help me with my drawing." Aaden picked his head up, looked down out our precocious little child and said "In a second, sweetheart. Daddy still has to clean up from exercise." "'Kay," she said. As she skipped out I heard Alexi's voice from the other room say "Grownups. Always hugging." I looked down at Aaden and smiled. He laughed. "Come on," he said. "Let's get cleaned up. Besides, aren't you supposed to cook tonight?" "Is it my turn?" I asked with a smile. He nodded as I slid off of him and stood up woozily. "Oh, hell," I said. "What should I cook? What are you in the mood for?" "Lasagna." "Lasagna?" I asked. "Okay, lasagna it is. I thought you were on a diet." "Who says?" he said. I laughed. I bent over to grab my shorts and he shot out a hand to stroke along the cleft of my butt. I sighed. "You're looking for trouble. Come on, let's go and clean up." He laughed and said "Yeah." I stood back up straight and helped him to his feet, hugging him close. "I love you." We headed down for the bath. "Love you too."
Stephanie Kay Buffman
Modern Day Echo
Five-fifteen. Still time to make the bus if she hurried. Laura quickened her pace as she made her way through the park towards the Cayman Street bus stop. She really wished she wasn't in such a rush, but alas, such is life. She sighed as she adjusted her packages in her arms. The sun shone brilliantly overhead. The pigeons had all gathered about the statue of Narcissus staring into the fountain that decorated the city park. Laura stopped and stared. She had never really taken time out of her day to look at the statue. In spite of its weathered outer texture, he was truly beautiful. She set her bags down on the steps of the fountain and climbed up two more for a closer look. The pigeons scattered as she crossed into their territory. He was indeed spectacular, this Narcissus. No wonder he fell in love with himself. The grayish green marble was fading, but you could imagine that it once gave the illusion of alabaster skin. His eyes were deep-set, and Laura imagined them to be dark green, perhaps with flecks of gold. His lips were rosebuds, and his hair, a thatch of golden curls. Laura was baffled that she had never noticed it before. His face bore a boyish smirk as he gazed into the water to feast upon himself. She felt the need to touch it. She reached her hand out, stretching her fingers tentatively toward the statue. Her fingers grazed his cheek and a hand clamped over hers. She looked up, expecting to see a policeman hovering over her, but there was no one there. She looked to her own hand and realized it was covered by a young man's. He was about 19, and bore an uncanny resemblance to the statue. "hey!" she said. "What's the problem?" "Nothing," he answered, face down. "I just saw you looking at ...looking that way." He looked into her eyes and she gasped. "" she stammered. " pose for that?" She gestured toward the statue, and as she set her gaze upon it, she realized there was nothing there. "I guess you could say so..." he smirked. "You" He nodded. "But...but...can't anyone see you, like I am seeing you now, I mean? Aren't the scientists and tv crews going to bombard us at any moment?" "No," he answered. "You are the only one who can see me." "Wow. How did this happen?" "Well, I have loved myself for so long, and only myself, and yet, when someone worships me as I worship myself, I am allowed a bitter taste of true mutual love." "But..." "Please..." he said. "Let's not talk anymore." He kissed Laura's hand and moved to be next to her. He slowly lifted her arm. He frowned as he examined the clothing she wore. He was clad only in something that could only be described as a mixture of a toga and loincloth, cinched at the waist with gold braid. He examined the clothing for a moment, then began tugging at it. Laura made no move to stop him. She didn't know exactly how to react, so she just let him. He finally tugged so hard that the flimsy cotton blouse tore. A tear formed at the corner of his right eye. "Laura," he said sorrowfully. "I broke it!" "No, no, just ripped it. Look..." She showed him how the buttons fastened and unfastened. He was intrigued. He unfastened them all and removed her shirt. She was not wearing a bra, and her hard nipples stuck out from her small, firm breasts. She felt the slight chill of the April breeze and brought her arms up to shield her breasts. Narcissus moved to her skirt next. Finding no buttons, he tugged at it, and found it yielded willingly. Laura was scantily dressed in only her small cotton panties. But not for long, he removed those too. He then walked around to face her, standing her up. He walked around her entire form, stopping to kiss the sensitive areas on the back of her neck. Shivers ran up and down her spine. With his hands, he began exploring her body. He let his palms caress her swollen nipples as she moaned with delight. She turned herself so she was facing him. She wanted him to be as naked as she was. She felt so free. She remembered where she was for a moment and looked around. Mothers strolled by with carriages, men walked dogs, children played, but no one seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary. She put them out of her mind and focused back on her Narcissus. He looked deep into her eyes as he lifted her arm once again. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it gently, then moved on to kiss the entire length of her arm... She let her head roll back and her eyes close. There was something so passionate, and yet so innocent about this man. Narcissus took her hand and led her to the fountain. He stepped in. She wondered for a moment if she could get in trouble for that, but only for a moment did she wonder before following him. The water was warm in comparison to the wind. She trailed her fingers in it as the walked to the rocks that adorned the center. He sat Laura down and stroked her hair. He was still wearing his makeshift robe. Sensing her arousal, he removed it, and for the first time she gazed upon his erect penis. It was beautiful, quite perfect in her eyes...
Patrick G. Conway
Lori's Letter -- A brother/sister letter
I had been having fantasies about my brother Mike for months before I did anything about it. I hadn't any real experience with sex before and was really curious about it. I guess you could say I was horny, but I wasn't even sure what that meant, to be honest. The few guys I was dating I didn't trust enough to feel comfortable with, so we never got past a little petting. The urge to go further was there, certainly, but not the faith. So I'd come home from my dates and go to bed. Mike's bedroom was next to mine. In fact, our beds were on opposite sides of the same wall. Sometimes I could hear him masturbating. When he really got going, his bed would squeak and bump my wall. Boy was it frustrating coming home from a date and then listening to Mike having fun. I think that's when I started thinking about going to his room and `helping' him. It took a few months before I got up the nerve - and had the opportunity - to try anything. Our parents had gone away for the weekend. Late Friday night, Mike said goodnight and headed up to bed. I stayed downstairs, all nervous and scared. A few minutes later, I snuck quietly up the stairs and listened at Mike's door. Sure enough, I could hear the bed squeak. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" I called out softly. "Um...ah.." Mike stammered. Guess he was trying to buy a little time to get himself arranged. "Ah....sure," he said finally. I opened the door and walked in. He lay in bed with the covers up to his bare chest. Hopefully, I'd soon find out if he was bare below the waist as well. The curtains were open and pale light filled the room. "Something wrong?" Mike asked, a look of guilt on his face. I think he was afraid he had gotten `caught' playing with himself. "No, not really," I said as I walked slowly across the room. My heart was pounding and I felt like I could barely talk. I sat on the edge of his bed, about at his waist level. "It's just that...I can hear you playing with yourself through the walls," I said finally. " was wondering if you'd let me watch you." "What?" Mike said as he blushed. "You want to watch me?" "If you don't mind," I said hurriedly. "It's..well..I've never really seen a guy naked before and I keep hearing you masturbate. I'd really like to watch." Mike was silent. I don't think he quite believed me. "Are you serious?" he asked finally. "Yes," I said with a nod of my head. "I'd love to see you play with yourself." Still, he hesitated. But I noticed that the sheet was sticking up a bit. I was reassured - he got excited just at the idea. "You can say no if you don't want to," I assured him. "But if you do, I think it'll be fun. And I'll never, ever tell anyone." I was trying to be fair, to give the chance to say no if he wanted, but then I cheated a little. I placed my hand on his arm, resting it lightly, almost caressing him. "Um...ok," he said finally. By then, the sheet was sticking almost straight up in the air. He had tried hiding it by drawing his knees up but it was still obvious. "Really?" I asked eagerly. "Sure," he said slowly. "You can watch." "Oh, thank you, Mike!" He didn't make any moves, so I asked if I could pull the covers down. Blushing furiously, he nodded. I stood up and slowly slid the sheet down his body. Down his naked body, I soon discovered. Once the sheet was down past his penis, I threw it off the bed entirely. Finally, I was looking at a man's naked body! He was hard and I was kinda surprised at the color. Now, years later, I can say that he was probably average in size, but back then he looked pretty big. My first thought was how in the world something like that would ever fight inside my little pussy. "God, it looks good," I said softly. "You look good." Mike didn't answer. Instead, he just lay there, breathing hard. "Go ahead and touch yourself." He didn't move. Then I realized he was too embarrassed to play with himself in front of his sister. "It's ok, Mike," I reassured him. "Everyone masturbates. Wanna know something?" He nodded. "Alot of times, when I hear you through the wall masturbating, I start masturbating too. Almost as if we were playing with each other. So it's ok." Still, he hesitated, as if this was some kind of trap. Finally, he spoke. "You touch it." "You sure you want me to?" I asked, praying he'd say yes. I'd wanted to touch him from the start, but didn't want to push him. "Yes," he said in a strained voice. "Please touch it." "Okay!" I said with a grin. I had never touched a man like that before and my heart was hammering as I reached out. Pretty nervous about actually touching his penis, I placed my hand on his thigh first. Mike jumped a bit at the contact. I stroked his leg, moving more towards the inner thigh while watching his reaction. Mike's head was tilted back and his eyes were tightly shut. He was even biting his lower lip, so I guessed it was feeling pretty good. His legs spread slightly, kinda rolling outward so there was more inner thigh exposed. I took that as my cue and continued stroking, moving upward towards his groin. When my hand brushed his testicles, he jumped and moaned. "That feel good?" I asked. "Oh God yes!" "Good," I said with a grin. It was so neat to get Mike so excited. A strange sense of power seemed to come over me as I got my brother more and more turned on. Again and again, I let my hand `accidentally' brush his testicles. Each time I was rewarded with a twitch and a groan. Then I trailed my fingers up the side of his pelvis, softly touching his pubic hair. "Oh God, oh God," Mike was murmuring over and over again. Finally, he pulled a pillow over his face to muffle his moans. I played with his stomach a bit, lightly tracing circles around his navel, before working my way back down. I was drawn to his testicles again, since he seemed to like it so much when I brushed up against them. I used my finger tips to kind cup them and slowly stroked over the surface of his sack. His penis looked rock hard, with veins throbbing. I noticed a drop of liquid appear at the tip. It was time, I decided. Time to touch his penis. I ran one finger up his erect penis, so softly that I was barely touching him. Up to the tip. Every muscle in his body seemed to be tense and his penis was jerking a bit as I touched the head. I smeared the liquid all over the head, making it slick. "Oh. Oh. Oh." Mike whispered over and over again. He seemed lost, unaware of me or what was going on. Just lost in the excitement and pleasure. By then I was biting my own lip in excitement. I really didn't expect to get that excited playing with a Mike, but I could feel the dampness in my panties. Finally, I gripped his penis in my hand and stroked slowly. It didn't take much. I'm not even sure if I really started stroking him before he started coming. "Agghhghhh!" he screamed as his cum exploded out of his penis. I kept stroking, moving my hand faster and faster as I watched in amazement. Gush after gush of semen flew from him as his body jerked and twitched and clenched. It seemed that his semen was everywhere - some hit his pillow, some his chest, and the last few spurts dribbled down his penis over my hand. God, it was amazing! I kept stroking and watching. I loved the way his cum made his penis so slippery! "Stop," he cried, placing his hand on mine. "It's too sensitive right now," he gasped out. His eyes were still clenched shut and his entire body seemed flushed. Mike seemed like he needed time to calm down, so, with my dry hand, I stroked his leg to try to comfort him. To let him know it was alright. It seemed to be forever before his breathing slowed. "Did you like it?" I asked naively. Mike opened his eyes at last and looked at me. "It was incredible, Susan. Thank you." He seemed to get a bit embarrassed with me seeing him like that. I could tell he was looking around for the sheet to cover up. "You really liked it? It felt good?" I asked again. "Oh God yes," he said. "I've never had an orgasm like that before." "Good," I said with a blush. "Then maybe you'd like to do it to me?"
It was another hustle and bustle day at IADC headquarters. With Steve Trevor on special assignment to capture the enigmatic Blonde, Diana Prince temporarily assumed his duties, keeping her quite busy. "Come on in, Diana." said Joe Atkinson. "What is it, Joe?" asked Diana as she sat down in his office. "We've received reports of stolen money, jewelry, and other luxury items from various celebrities in the entertainment industry. They all have a common place, Dr. Ira Schwatz, a physician who operates in a small victorian style building complex here in the city. I want you to investigate." "It sounds more of a police matter, Joe, not really IADC business." questioned Diana. "At first, I'd agree with you but the police have found nothing, and some influential politicians want answers. How soon can you leave?" "I'll start in a couple of hours." said Diana as she left. * * * That afternoon a young woman knocked on Dr. Schawtz's door and entered. It was Sally the Scufflin' Gal, female pro-wrestler and professional model. Dressed in her typical wrestling costume, she wore tight jean shorts that cutoff at the top of her thighs and her red and white pokeadot tank top. Trim and slender, tone, and physically fit, Sally has arrived for a quick physical. "Dr. Schawtz? Are you there?" asked Sally as she walked and sat down in a chair. Suddenly, Dr. Schawtz dashed from behind and covered Sally's nose and mouth with a handkerchief soaked with a mild anesthetic. Sally's eyes widened and she struggled briefly, only to soon fall asleep. "Ah, yes, yes!" smiled Dr. Schawtz evily. "Now, to get some ropes. Yes, some ropes." Dr. Schawtz tied each of Sally's arms to the chair's arm-rests at her wrists and elbows. With another strand of silk rope Dr. Schawtz wrapped it around Sally's arms and chest and secured her to the chair. Dr. Schawtz finished by removing her sneakers and socks, and tied each of her bare feet to the bottom chair posts. "Oh, yes. Marvelous!" sinisterly giggled Dr. Schawtz. Sally began to stir and awaken. When she awoke she looked in shock and alarm at her predicament and struggled to get loose to no avail. Seeing Dr. Schawtz, Sally angrily replied in her twangy country accent, "Who do you think you are tyin' me up like some Thanksgivin' turkey?! Lemme go!" as she struggled some more. Dr. Schawtz simply gave a smile as he began tickling Sally's bound bare feet. "AH! AH! Stop that mister! Untie me!" cursed Sally in between the giggles. "Struggle all you like, my dear, you won't escape." assured Dr. Schawtz. "The hell I won't!" yelled Sally as she kicked with her arms and legs in a frantic attempt to escape with no luck. "C'moan! Stop ticklin' me!" laughed Sally. "Yore makin' me moisten! And I don't like to be tied up when I'm moistenin'!" said Sally. "I'm sorry my dear, but the tickling will continue." laughed Dr. Schawtz as he continued tickling Sally's feet. "Leave me alone! Halp! Somebody halp me!" laughed Sally. "Okay, okay, I have what you want. My uncle is a state senator and lives in the city, and keeps $100,000 in negotiable bonds in his cookie jar." panted Sally. "Wonderful, my dear. When I snap my fingers, you will fall asleep and when I untie you, you will be totally refreshed and re-energized." smiled Dr. Schawtz as he then snapped his fingers. Sally fell asleep instantly, enabling Dr. Schawtz to complete the physical forms and untie Sally. Minutes later, Sally awoke. "It shore was nice of you to take me in at such short notice, Dr. Schawtz. I feel a lot better now." smiled Sally as she put on her socks and sneakers and left. "Not at all, my dear. Anytime." replied Dr. Schawtz as he waved goodbye. Soon after Sally left the two spies Darla Star and Chandler Crane emerged from the rear room. "Did you get all of that?" asked Dr. Schawtz. "Yes." replied Darla. "Good. The state senator is right now on a trip and won't be back until tomorrow. Chandler, now that you know where it is hidden, taking those bonds for yourselves as payment should be no problem." said Dr. Schawtz. "True enough. I'll leave immediately." smiled Chandler as she left. Darla Star remained. "Well, this is certainly a very effective method of interrogation. Effective, and not detrimental to the patient and doesn't relt on expensive drugs. I'm impressed." said Darla. "Thank you. I work hard at what I do. Now, set you to your task. Bring me Wonder Woman. I have a patient or two that need attending later on today." smiled Dr. Schawtz. * * * Later that afternoon another patient appeared at Dr. Schawtz's door. It was the California Girl, another female pro-wrestler and model like Sally. She was enroute to a house show, and was wearing her orange and grey split bikini and nude stockings on her legs. She was fairly tall with an athletic and trim body with long legs. "Like, hi doc!" pleasantly smiled the California Girl. "It's me, Kelli, you know, the California Girl? Like, where are you?" asked Kelli as Dr. Schawtz snuck up behind her and anestitized her in the same fashion he struck Sally the Scufflin' Gal. Dr. Schawtz laid Kelli's sleeping body on the carpeted floor. "Yes, one long rope should do the trick. Yes." smiled Dr. Schawtz as he wrapped a long cord of silk rope around Kelli, pinning and tying her arms together at her sides and bound her legs together and finished at her ankles. Removing her shoes, Schawtz saw her bare stockinged feet and finished binding them together. Kelli slowly began to stir but Schawtz couldn't resist and began tickling her feet. "Eep! Like, who did that?!" giggled Kelli. "Like, why am I mummy tied like this! Like, I can't move! Unnnh! Like, I REALLY can't move!" struggled Kelli. "Oh, the fun has just begun my dear...." laughed Dr. Schawtz. * * * BACK AT IADC HQ..... Diana Prince was setting out to investigate Dr. Schawtz. As she walked down an isolated side street she heard a muffled cry for help. Spinning in a circle and crack of thunder later, Diana Prince emerged as Wonder Woman! "Help! Help me!" nonchalantly said Darla, hiding behind her van. Wonder Woman followed the voice into a small alley. "Hello? Who's there? It's okay, I'm a friend." said Wonder Woman as she slowly walked down the alley. "That's it, Wonder Woman, into my trap!" sinisterly thought Darla to herself.asked Darla as she continued caressing and massaging Wonder Woman's clitoris. "Unnh! Why can't I move?! Untie me!" said Wonder Woman. "You don't like this, maybe this will be better..." smiled Darla as she began tickling Wonder Woman's bare feet. "AH! NO! DON'T DO THAT!" shrieked Wonder Woman as she started to giggle. "Ooooh, you're making me wet just seeing you tied up like this and squirming to get away...." replied Darla. "Tickle, tickle." said Darla as she began tickling Wonder Woman's breasts. "No! Stop!" winced Wonder Woman. "Why are you doing this to me? You tie me up and then torture me with tickling!!!!" exclaimed Wonder Woman as she laughed and shrieked. "Part of it is payment from a person who is dying to meet you, and another for my own pleasure. Tee-hee. Isn't this fun?" giggled Darla as she started tickling Wonder Woman's feet again. "AH! EEEEK! Yeah, just great..." sarcastically replied Wonder Woman. * * * While Wonder Woman was being tickled by the evil Darla Star, Tiffany Nellom, millionaress and fitness fanatic arrived at the office of Dr. Schawtz. She was on her way to a cameo appearance in a health spa commercial, and had stopped by for a routine checkup. Dressed in her gold bikini outfit and nude stockings on her legs and wearing high heels, Tiffany entered the office. "Hello? Anybody here? Hello?" said Tiffany as she entered the doorway, only to be put to sleep by Dr. Schawtz in the same quick fashion as before. Dr. Schawtz sat Tiffany in an armless chair and removed her high heels, revealing her pretty stockinged feet. "Oh yes. So pretty. But must get some ropes. Yes, many ropes for this one." said Dr. Schawtz. Dr. Schawtz wasted no time in tying Tiffany Nellom to the chair. Placing her arms at her sides, Schawtz tied her hands to the ends of the chair and then bound her feet together with another cord of silk rope. With yet another cord of silk rope, Dr. Schawtz wrapped it tightly around Tiffany's arms at her elbows, then criss-crossing over Tiffany's breasts, which were practically spilling out of her gold satin and spandex costume, tying her firmly to the chair. As a final measure, Dr. Schawtz tied Tiffany's legs to the chair by wrapping some silk rope around her thighs and the chair. Tiffany stirred and awoke and instantly saw her predicament. Kicking and struggling against the ropes, Tiffany was tied up tightly and could not get loose. "WAAAAH! WOOOO! I can't move! What's with this bondage stuff, doc?" shrieked Tiffany. Dr. Schawtz didn't answer, but simply smiled as he began tickling Tiffany's feet. "WAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAH! WAH-HA-HA-HA!" laughed Tiffany as she flipped out. Struggling frantically, the chair started to rock slightly, while the ropes still held her bound firmly in place. "Struggle all you like, my dear. It makes it more fun." laughed Dr. Schawtz as he continued tickling her feet. "Hey! Come on! This isn't very nice! You're making me moisten by this kinky stuff!" said Tiffany as she laughed again at the tickling. Dr. Schawtz then devoted his attention to Tiffany's bound breasts, and began mercilessly tickling them. "AAAAAAAH! Stop it! Stop tickling my breasts! WAAAAAAH!" laughed Tiffany. "Oh, my dear, you're the best patient today!" laughed Dr. Schawtz. * * * "No! Please! Stop it!" panted Wonder Woman. "It's my pussy that really needs attention....." said Wonder Woman. "Really....I didn't know you had it in you, Wonder Woman." lustily replied Darla as she began untying Wonder Woman. "See? I'm not so bad." said Darla as she untied Wonder Woman's arms and hands. Wonder Woman smiled, followed by a swift punch to Darla's stomach. "OOOOOF!" yelled Darla as she fell to the van floor. Wonder Woman wasted no time in tying Darla up with her magic lasso. Once Darla was secured, Wonder Woman finished untying herself and replaced her bracelets and power belt. "Who are you? Who are you working for?" sternly said Wonder Woman. Under the compulsion of the magic lasso, Darla said, "I'm....Darla....Star... ...Dr." "What has Dr. Schawtz been doing to his patients?" authoritatively spoke Wonder Woman. " s em..." "How? Is it a truth serum? A machine?" asked Wonder Woman. "No....he...has...a...special...method...tickling...." replied Darla. "Wonderful...." sarcastically replied Wonder Woman. * * * Within a half hour Wonder Woman dropped Darla Star at the police station and planned an intercept course toward Dr. Schawtz's office. "Your madness ends today, Dr. Schawtz, that I promise you." sternly said Wonder Woman. "AAAAAAAH!" laughed Tiffany Nellom. "You know want I want to know, my dear..." smiled Dr. Schawtz. "No! I'll never tell you!" defiantly giggled Tiffany. "Fair enough." laughed Dr. Schawtz as he began playing with and tickling Tiffany's breasts again. "AAAAH! WOOOO HOOOO HOOOO HOOOO! WAAAAH!" hysterically laughed Tiffany. "Marvelous, my dear, simply marvelous." cackled Dr. Schawtz. "I think I'll try a new position for you..." said Dr. Schawtz as he anesthetized Tiffany, making her fall fast asleep. After untying her, Dr. Schawtz picked up and carried Tiffany Nellom's sleeping body, laying her on a cot. Resting her head on a small pillow, Dr. Schawtz went to work again, tying Tiffany's hands behind the cot and then binding her feet to the cot. With a long cord of silk rope, Dr. Schawtz finished binding Tiffany Nellom by wrapping the rope around her arms and legs, strapping her to the cot. Wasting no time, Dr. Schawtz started tickling her feet again. "Unnnh? AHHHH! OOOOOOH! EEEEEEEE!" shrieked Tiffany with laughter as she noticed herself tied up again. "I can't take this tickling anymore! H-E-E-E-E-L-L-L-P!" laughed Tiffany. * * * Meanwhile, Chandler Crane was leaving the scene of her latest crime, stealing $100,000 in negotiable bonds. Entering her car and turning on the engine, Chandler was planning a quick getaway. After applying the gas pedal, Chandler noticed she wasn't moving and that the car seem "elevated". Looking behind her, Chandler saw none other than Wonder Woman, holding the rear end of the car up, preventing her from escaping. "*&^%$#@#!!!!" cursed Chandler Crane. "I knew I should have used my own car and not Dr. Schawtz's old clunker! Mine relies on front wheel suspension!" angrily said Chandler as she turned off the engine and left the car, firing a pistol at Wonder Woman. "Die, you &^%$#&^!!!!" yelled Chandler as she fired. Wonder Woman instantly dropped the car and deflected the bullets with her bracelets. Chandler fired again, only to have the bullets deflected. Panicking, Chandler turned and ran. With a superleap, Wonder Woman landed right in front of Chandler. "Are you going to come quietly or are you going to make me angry?" sternly asked Wonder Woman. "Okay, okay, I give up." confessed Chandler. "What do you want to know?" "Tell me the layout of Dr. Schawtz's office and his methods of interrogation. NOW!" assertively said Wonder Woman. After a few minutes of describing the layout of Dr. Schawtz's office and his devious techniques, Wonder Woman dropped her off at the police station. * * * At Dr. Schawtz's office, Dr. Schawtz continued his tickle torture of a bound and helpless Tiffany Nellom. "WAAAAAAH AH HA HA HA!" laughed Tiffany. "Please, please, please, please stop! Okay, okay, I'll tell you! I keep 1.2 million in travelers' checks in my winter condo here in the city. It's in a safe and the combination is....." panted Tiffany, only to be interrupted by Wonder Woman who kicked down the door. "Wonder Woman! Am I glad to see you!" breathed Tiffany with a sigh of relief. "Oh no! I'm out of anesthetic!" panicked Dr. Schawtz as he checked the bottle. "Must flee! Get away!" said Dr. Schawtz only to dragged down by Wonder Woman's lasso. Once subdued, Wonder Woman untied Tiffany Nellom. "Loser!" angrily said Tiffany as she slapped him in the face and left the office.
Chapter 1
"OOOH! UUUUUUNH!" moaned Wonder Woman as the titillator continued its course, fondling her breasts while the vibrators induced orgasm after orgasm in Wonder Woman's body. "OOOOOOOOH! OOOOOOOH! YES! YES!" exclaimed Wonder Woman as the titillator started to overload and short out. "What! What are you doing? You're overloading my machine!" roared Miss Millie angrily. Before Miss Millie could vent any more frustrations the machine reached critical mass, exploding and falling apart onto the floor. "Curse you! Curse you Wonder Woman!" angrily yelled Miss Millie as she removed the mini vibrators and robot hands from Wonder Woman's body. "Have you any idea how long I was planning your demise this way?! You overloaded my titillator! Have you no shame????!!!!" "Calm down, Miss Millie, you could use a nap right now." said a voice from behind as an ether soaked handkerchief covered Miss Millie's nose and mouth. Seconds later Millie was fast asleep in the arms of none other than JACK the TICKLER. "Oh, no!" winced Wonder Woman as she began struggling against the ropes. "Oh, yes! Twice in a row! I don't think I'll be able to practice any of my rope work on you at this rate!" smiled Jacklyn as she quickly tied Millie's hands behind her back and feet in a rapid hogtie, leaving her bound on the floor. "Tickle, tickle, tickle...." laughed Jacklyn as she started tickling Wonder Woman's breasts. "No! Stop! Please, whatever you do, don't tickle me with my golden belt!" exclaimed Wonder Woman. "What a good idea!" replied Jacklyn as picked up Wonder Woman's belt, placing in her lap. With a sudden surge of super strength, Wonder Woman instantly broke the ropes that bound her hands. Grabbing her power belt, Wonder Woman began ripping off the ropes. Jacklyn slowly walked back in complete shock as Wonder Woman placed her bracelets back on her wrists. Jacklyn pulled out an automatic pistol and fired two bullets, which were easily deflected by Wonder Woman. Before Jacklyn could turn and run, Wonder Woman threw her magic lasso around her, restraining the British outlaw. "Who are you?" assertively said Wonder Woman as she used the compulsive force of the magic lasso. "'s....Jacklyn....Sterling.....I....was by....the....Nazis....." replied Jacklyn. "What do you know about Fausta and her sister?" asked Wonder Woman. "I....don't...know...where....they are....but....they' resort...." replied Jacklyn as she fell asleep under the effects of the magic lasso. Wonder Woman left Jacklyn asleep on the floor as she left the room, looking for the dreaded Vunderkinds. Soon after she left a woman dressed in a nurse uniform awakened Miss Millie and untied her. "Miss Millie, are you all right?" asked the woman. "Connie! I'm glad to see you! Have you freed Bonnie and Lonnie?" "Yes. But the front doorman said that he spotted the Ilsa and Shauna Vunderkind! They're here!" excitedly said Connie. "Excellent! We can neutralize Wonder Woman and turn in the Vunderkinds! I'll receive rewards from both of the Axis powers at once! Summon the guards, we must find them!" hastily said Miss Millie. "What about her?" asked Connie, pointing at Jacklyn. "Who cares! I never saw her before." replied Miss Millie as she left with Connie. Soon after Miss Millie left plotting her next strategem, a man dressed in black entered the room and awakened Jacklyn.
Chapter 3
It has been a couple days since the capture of the invisible maniac, and things slowed down a bit at IADC headquarters. In the cafeteria Agent Diana Prince and Beverly, the IADC receptionist, were enjoying a quiet lunch together. "Hey, Diana, here comes Harold Farnum. Why don't you try that joke I told you about this morning?" suggested Beverly. "I don't think-" "Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" giggled Beverly. "Oh, all right. Hello, Harold, would you like to join us?" asked Diana sweetly as she batted her eyelashes. "Sure, thanks! How are you, Diana?" asked Harold as he sat down. "Fine, just fine. Would you like to have an argument?" asked Diana as she giggled. "Um, no, not really." replied Harold. "Yes, you do." said Diana. "No, I don't." "Yes, you do." "No, I don't." "But you're arguing with me right now, aren't you?" giggled Diana. "No, we are NOT having an argument. All you're really doing is contradicting me." said Harold. "No, I'm not." replied Diana. "Yes, you are." "No, I'm not. We're having an argument, whether you like it or not." said Diana. "But this isn't an argument!" replied Harold. "Yes, it is." "No, it isn't." "Yes, it is." smiled Diana. "No, it isn't." "Yes, it is." "AAAARGH!" replied Harold in a fit of frustration. "Okay, I think that's enough, Diana." laughed Beverly. "Sorry, Harold, it was just a little joke. One that you entertained us with very professionally." complimented Diana. "Thanks....I think." said a perplexed Harold as he started eating his lunch. * * * The rest of the day was uneventful and somewhat boring, and Diana returned home from a long day's work at IADC headquarters. Early that evening while working on her home computer a strange hologram appeared near her. "Diana..." said a voice. "Who's there?" asked Diana as she looked around the room. "Diana..." said the voice again, sounding more familiar. "Andros? Is that you?" said Diana. "Yes, focus on me....this astral projection is more difficult than I anticipated...." said Andros. Concentrating on Andros' image, a full 3-D hologram appeared in front of Diana Prince. "Hello, Diana, I wish I could be the bearer of better news but Earth is in great peril. An alien villain who goes under the name 'Silkweave' is headed for Earth, seeking to steal the energy necessary to conquer my world. We are pacifists, not warriors; we are too weak and passive to stop it." said Andros. "What does this 'Silkweave' look like?" asked Diana. "It can transform into humanoid form, and appears like a medium sized man devoid of any hair on its body. In its natural state it appears like a part Earth spider, part Earthman creature. It possesses advanced technological weapons and can shoot strong webs to immobilize its victims. Do you have a computer?" "Yes." answered Diana. "Good. I will telepathically transmit the information to your computer device now." said Andros. The lights in Diana's room started to dim briefly. "It has started. Silkweave is on Earth and is already stealing some of Earth's energy as we speak!" exclaimed Andros. "The transmission is complete. Farewell, Diana, and may your quest be successful." "Thank you, Andros....Thank you." replied Diana as the hologram faded. * * * Shortly thereafter the power was restored and Diana heard a knock on the door. Answering it, Diana met a young woman with blonde/light brown hair and glasses, with a petite but attractive figure and demeanor. "Miss Prince?" asked the woman. "Yes." responded Diana. "Hi, I'm Rebecca Tisher, but you can call me Becky. I called you yesterday to about the interview for the Washington Gazette concerning the IADC." "Oh yes, please come in. I'm sorry, but things have been pretty busy around here and at IADC." said Diana as she picked up some loose papers. "Well, I'm here not only for the interview, but because a mutual friend, named Andros, referred me to you as well." Diana's eyes lit up and paused for a second of surprise. "You know Andros." "Yes, I met him several weeks ago when he made another visit to Earth. He's also told me about the alien Silkweave. Here's the info he sent me." replied Becky. "We need to talk." said Diana. * * * After a couple of hours of comparing Andros' notes and their own estimations, Diana and Becky managed to sort out their conclusions. "So, this alien 'Silkweave' is draining electric power to enhance its own abilities, and can shape-shift if necessary." said Diana. "Yes, that's what it says here. Then again, maybe it likes to kidnap and tie up pretty young girls in its webs!" joked Becky. Diana laughed. "I'm going to enjoy working with you. You said that you knew about Silkweave's arrival?" "Yes. I received it through the police radio on the way here. A nightwatchman was found tied up and told police about some bald guy eating electricity. The nightwatchman was kind of intoxicated, so I don't think they'll believe him." replied Becky. "Andros did manage to tell me where Silkweave's landing site was, though." "Great. I have a day off tomorrow. We'll check it out then." said Diana. "You will do no such thing, Earthlings!" said an alien voice as it crashed through the windows. It was a man dressed in normal clothes, but had no facial or body hair present; it was Silkweave! "Andros is a fool! You cannot beat me!" yelled Silkweave as it shot a stream of white, sticky, silk-like strands from a gun that wrapped around Diana's feet, tripping her to the floor. Another stream came from Silkweave's mouth, which wrapped itself around Becky's arms and feet, firmly binding her. Silkweave continued firing the web gun at Diana, binding her to the floor with the sticky webs. "Diana, help!" exclaimed Becky as Silkweave placed her on its shoulders. Turning to Diana before it left with Becky, it yelled out, "Come, Wonder Woman, come if you dare. Use tracking device to find me!" roared Silkweave as it tossed a device that landed near Diana. Silkweave leaped out of the window, disappearing with Becky Tisher. * * * Diana was firmly pinned to the floor, struggling frantically for several minutes to escape. "Oh God, I have to stop that creature...." said Diana to herself. Grabbing a pair of scissors that fell onto the floor, Diana started to slowly cut a hand and arm free of the sticky webs. Once her arm was free Diana cut away the sticky webs and rose to her feet. Spinning in a circle and a crack of thunder later, Wonder Woman emerged once again! Picking up the tracking device, she noticed a "blip" moving south, toward some old abandoned mine shafts. Leaping out the window and landing onto the ground below, Wonder Woman began her pursuit of Silkweave. * * * Meanwhile, Silkweave had carried Becky to its hidden lair, an old cave outside of Washington, DC. Becky had blacked out after Silkweave captured her, and slowly awoke. Waking, she tried to move, only to notice herself laying spread eagled on a large, sticky web. "I have to get out this...but how?" thought Becky to herself. Noticing that it was only her clothes that was stuck to the webs, Becky began to slowly slip out of them. Sliding her right arm out of her blouse sleeve, she unbuttoned her blouse slipped her left arm out and sat up, unbuttoning her jeans and removing her shoes. Wearing only her white panties and a white tank top, Becky slid her legs and feet out of her jeans and slowly slipped through the gaps within the giant web, landing on her feet onto the ground below. As Becky took a few steps to get away she was already detected. Two small robot spiders noticed her movement, and began firing this sticky silk webs that wrapped around her ankles, tripping her onto the ground stunned. "Excellent work. I shall finish the rest...." said Silkweave as it bound Becky's hands behind her back with webs and wrapped her arms and legs in the soft, silky web strands, and then placing her back onto the giant web. "Unnnh! Oohhh!" struggled Becky as she tried to break free from the silk webbing that bound her. "What are you going to do with me??" asked Becky. Silkweave replied with an evil smile and held a feather in its hand and said, "You will find out soon enough." * * * Using the tracking device, Wonder Woman reached the cave where Silkweave was hiding. The cave was a group of old mineshafts linked together and was remarkably well lit. Cautiously, Wonder Woman entered the cave. Meanwhile, Silkweave continued formulating its plans. Scrolling up some files Prodigy with its mouse on a stolen PC, Silkweave located its next power plant target. "Yes...the Dunham Power and Light, electricity producing delicious...." cackled Silkweave as it glowly with an aura of electricity. "But must first deal with more pressing matters." Silkweave returned to the web where it was holding Becky captive. Walking on the web as like any normal surface, Silkweave smiled as it began to gently tickle Becky's stomach with a feather. "Hee-hee! Hey, cut that out! I can't move to get away!" giggled Becky.Silkweave continued tickling her stomach and ribs with the feather, making Becky hysterical with laughter. "No! Please! Let me go..." giggled Becky. "Stop what you're doing this instant!" authoritatively said Wonder Woman. Silkweave said nothing, but smiled as the two small robot drone spiders fired webs at Wonder Woman, binding her from her neck to her ankles in sticky silk threads. Seconds later, Wonder Woman broke free instantly with her strength, snapping the strands into tiny fibers. "You will have to do better than that, Silkweave!" said Wonder Woman. "Agreed." replied Silkweave as it fired a stream of webs at Wonder Woman, binding her arms and legs in a tight cocoon that went from her neck to her ankles. "Super strength is ineffective against my own webs which are energized with enhanced power...." gloated Silkweave as it carried the struggling Wonder Woman and stuck her to the giant web next to Becky. Silkweave leaped off the web and left the cave, saying, "Follow me if you dare, allies of Andros, it will mean your downfall!!!" as it darted away. Becky gave a surprised and confused look to Wonder Woman and asked, "Where do we go from here?" "I don't know...." replied a struggling Wonder Woman. "There's just so many layers!" exclaimed Wonder Woman as she struggled. Becky looked on and tried to get loose, to no avail. Several minutes later Wonder Woman managed to maneuver an arm free and began ripping the strands that bound her. Minutes later Wonder Woman was free, and then freed Becky. "Where to next? Do you think Silkweave will be at the Dunham power plant?" asked Becky as she put her clothes back on. "No." replied Wonder Woman. "Look at this schematic map Silkweave left behind. From its markings it points to here: the old Murraysville hospital." "The old sanitarium?" said a perplexed Becky. "It's been closed since the 1980s, there's nothing there, it's not even powered anymore." "But look, the power grid junction of three major power plants in the DC and Maryland area rendezvous under the hospital. If Silkweave taps into that junction...." "....then Silkweave will drain energy from three power plants at the same time!" exclaimed Becky. "I know a shortcut to Murraysville hospital through the woods outlying this old mine. We can get there is a few minutes!" said Becky as the two left the mine. Wonder Woman arrived at the old sanitarium, which appeared lit and well maintained even though it's been deserted for a few years. "Silkweave probably activated the backup generator for the lights..." said Wonder Woman to herself as she entered the hospital cautiously. Through a maze of hallways Wonder Woman searched room after room for a sign of Silkweave with no luck. Searching the isolation wards, Wonder Woman was attacked from behind by Silkweave. As she checked out a padded cell room a massive web hit her from behind, binding her arms together. An additional web struck Wonder Woman at her ankles, tying her feet and forcing her to the ground. Wonder Woman rolled to her back to see her foe: it was Silkweave indeed. "You are truly a worthy opponent." gloated Silkweave. "But I must now subdue you to prevent you from stopping me." said Silkweave as it began tickling Wonder Woman's knees. "No! hee-hee! Stop! Let me go! hee-hee!" giggled Wonder Woman as she frantically struggled against the webs. "So sticky...and strong...can't" laughed Wonder Woman. Meanwhile, Becky Tisher arrived at the sanitarium as well, and could hear Wonder Woman's laughter through the hallways. Grabbing an old piece of wood as a weapon, Becky followed the sounds and reached the room where Silkweave was tickling Wonder Woman. "Let her go, monster!" yelled Becky as she smashed the board on Silkweave. The board broke into tiny splinters, and Silkweave turned and glared at Becky. "eep." squeaked out Becky as she fainted. Silkweave fired its web gun again at Wonder Woman, cocooning her even tighter than before. Picking up Becky, Silkweave left the padded cell room, leaving Wonder Woman firmly bound. "No! Let her go!" exclaimed Wonder Woman as Silkweave left. Silkweave wandered aimlessly around the corridors, reaching a small room and placed Becky on a bed. Removing her clothes, Becky was left wearing her white tank top and panties. Procuring an old strait-jacket, Silkweave slipped the restraining device on Becky's slender body and secured it tightly. Laying her on the bed, Silkweave spread Becky's legs and strapped her to the bed at her ankles and her waist with the leather restraints attached to the bed. Becky began to stir. "Huh? Hey! Unnnh! Mmmmmp! Unnnh!" struggled Becky against the tight strait jacket. "What is that Earthling phrase? ah, yes, 'goochy, goochy, gooo'" said Silkweave as it began tickling Becky's feet. "No!" laughed Becky. "Stop that! That tickles!" laughed Becky some more. Summoning the last of her strength, Wonder Woman broke free of the cocoon, snapping the webs into tiny strands. Panting to catch her breath, Wonder Woman left the room looking for Becky. After a few minutes of tickling Becky's feet Silkweave removed an old fusebox that was in the room. "Yes...YES! This is the junction!" said Silkweave. Splicing some wires and attaching an alien device to the fusebox, electrical energy emanated from the box, making Silkweave glow with strange nimbus. Wonder Woman arrived in the room and kicked down the door. "Die, Earthling!" roared Silkweave as it fired an electrical surge at Wonder Woman, which was deflected with her bracelets. "You cannot stop me, Wonder Woman....the power....THE POWER!!!!!" roared Silkweave. "Wonder Woman! In my pants.....there's a device from Andros!!!" cried out Becky. "What?!" yelled Wonder Woman through the thunder and lightning. "There! On the floor! The white crystal! Use it!" Wonder Woman dodged another electrical bolt made by Silkweave and grabbed the crystal. The crystal suddenly glowed and began draining the electrical energy from Silkweave. The crystal suddenly grew hot, and Wonder Woman dropped it onto the floor while it continued draining Silkweave's energy. Wonder Woman dashed to the bed and began to untie Becky from the straps and strait jacket. "What was that?" asked Wonder Woman. "No time to explain, let's go!" yelled Becky as she grabbed her clothes and left the room with Wonder Woman. "NOOOOOOO!" yelled Silkweave as it collapsed onto the ground unconscious. "What did that device do?" asked Wonder Woman. "Andros told me that it was a containment field that drained Silkweave's energy once it began tapping into outside energy. It's like siphoning gas; Silkweave was stealing cups while we were taking gallons from it." smiled Becky. "I just wonder what we do now..." concluded Becky. "Leave that to me." said Andros. "Andros?!" exclaimed Wonder Woman in surprise. "Yes, it is I. I shall teleport Silkweave back to its homeworld. Without its stolen energies, it is harmless. Thank you, Wonder Woman. Thank you, Rebecca. You have saved our world, and yours....." replied Andros as it faded from sight with the crystal and Silkweave's unconscious body. "Not a bad day's work...." smiled Becky. "Not bad at all...." returned Wonder Woman with a smile.
Chapter 1
The Domination of Wonder Woman - Part 3
As Danny's car sped away, Drucella made her way down the dirt road that ran down to the beach. She had a difficult time convincing the boy she lived here and that she didn't want to ride with him anymore. "I don't know why everyone's so protective. Nothing's going to happen to me. I can take care of myself," she blasted as she stomped down the road. After about 20 or 30 feet, past the visibility of the road, the young amazon stopped and began to twirl. In a blinding flash, Wonder Girl stood where Drucella once was. Running at an amazing speed, she bounded and leapt down the road and cliff faces as she headed for the beach below. In a matter of a few minutes, she had leapfrogged her way to the bottom and stood in the white sand of the beach. The sun had gone down at this point, but the moon was full and it lit up the beach like a huge, soft spotlight. Of course, Dru didn't actually need that much light to see since her amazon physique gave her super vision along with her other abilities. "Where should I start," Dru said as she slowly moved around the beach. So anxious was she to lay her hands on a few Nazis that she hadn't noticed a sentry sitting halfway up the hill that overlooked the beach. Since Pamela's unannounced visit, the countess had decided a sentry would be a good thing to have. At first, the guard didn't see the young nymph coming down the hill since his vision was only normal and he could only see pale shadows and silhouettes. He continued to sit puffing away slowly on one of those delicious American cigarettes until Dru nearly landed on top of him as she did one of her 40-foot leaps down the cliff. All he could see was the underside of a very shapely girl passing nearly 3 feet overhead and shooting past him going downhill. He quickly snuffed out his cigarette and slid behind some rocks, grasping his field phone. "Damn!" he exclaimed as he slowly cranked the phone and picked up the receiver. - - - The countess sat at her desk as she reviewed various photographs of US government personnel when her field phone rang. "What is it," she said bluntly. "Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman is coming up the beach," said the whispering, stuttering guard on the other end. "WHAT!" screamed the countess as she quickly stood up. "Keep an eye on her! I'll be at the entrance." As she slammed the phone down in its case, she called out to her two assistants. "Hanz, Fritz! Come with me!" she ordered. All three of them bolted for the side tunnel entrance. The countess was an extremely attractive woman in her late 30s. Her family was the richest and one of the most influential families in all the Third Reich. She stood about 5'7" and had very long, jet-black hair that ran down to the small of her back. Her face was wide and full with two large, dark brown eyes and a wide, full mouth. Her eyes, no matter what expression, always had a slight tilt to them that gave her a devious look, giving anyone the impression that this woman always had something wicked and sexy on her mind. Her body was stalky but fit with two above-average-sized breasts and a set of wide, motherly hips. Her muscles and fat hung lazily on her frame, giving her a constant relaxed and satisfied look. It was as though you could come up behind her and grab her literally anywhere, and she would not jump once. Everything about this woman was dark, from her hair and eyes to her tight dress and skirt down to her silk stockings and black stiletto shoes. This woman's main weapon, besides her wits, was her body, which she took pleasure in using to get whatever she wanted. She peered through the peephole out onto the moonlit beach. "Ah, this is not Wonder Woman," she said slowly as she continued to study Dru. "Then who is it?" asked Hanz. "It is the Wonder Girl our agents reported to us on their last visit here. She's not what I had expected, but I have an idea," the countess said as she stepped away from the peephole. "Quickly, we haven't much time!" - - - Drucella walked along the beach, twirling and scanning it as though ready for anything. Like a kid playing a game, she pretended that every rock had a Nazi behind it. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she could see a light shining out of a doorway in the rocks. "Ah ha!" she said to herself as she stealthily entered the doorway. The hallway was poorly lit except for the one bright bulb at the entrance. Along the sides were several tall crates which formed a narrow corridor running down the center. At the other end, she could spy a female form facing her. "Come into my web, said the spider to the fly," the countess mused. "I don't know who you are, but if you're the countess, I'm going to capture you and your group of Nazis!" Dru proclaimed as she stood with her hands on her hips and her legs slightly apart. "OOOOOO! I'm so afraid," mocked the countess as she hunched her back in pretend fear and wiggled her fingers at the young girl. Like a steam locomotive blowing its stack, Dru snarled and bolted at the countess. In a matter of moments, she was on the dark-haired woman, but as she went to grab her, her hands bounced off a hard, flat surface. The mirror fell backward and hit the soft dirt floor as Dru stood stunned and confused. At that moment, she felt a hard pull from behind as her magical belt left her waist. The countess stepped out from behind one of the crates holding the belt. "Get her!" she cried. At that moment, a mob of 5 men jumped out from behind various crates and piled on top of the now helpless Drucella. Dru wiggled and gyrated in futility as the mass of arms and legs wrapped themselves around her struggling body, holding it in place. As they pulled her to the floor, a hand came from behind her head, and a handkerchief clamped itself down over her nose and mouth. She struggled wildly as the ether took effect, sapping the girl's strength. The mass of bodies surged as the struggling girl fought in hopeless desperation to escape. At last, though, the overwhelming odds were too much, and the young amazon's struggles stilled. Drucella let out a soft, dull moan as she slipped unconscious. The countess stepped up to the pile of men as they picked up the unconscious heroine. "Take her," the countess said nonchalantly as she examined Wonder Girl's lasso. "You've earned some ehem... entertainment." With that, the men reveled in their captured prey and carried Dru down the dark, murky hallway toward the grotto. "Yes, my dear Wonder Woman, you will come to save your sister," the countess said, holding up the lasso, "And I'll be waiting." - - - "Dru, Dru..." Diana called out as she walked into the living room. "Where is that girl," she thought as she looked about the apartment. As she walked back into the living room, she spied Dru's note on the telephone. "Damn!" Diana cursed, and with that, the large brunette bolted out the door and down to her car. - - - The countess slowly sauntered down one of the curved tunnels that made up the tiny maze of hallways in the underground base. The base wasn't built by the Nazis. Apparently, years ago, this cave was constructed by gangsters during the prohibition to smuggle and make liquor. In researching a place of operations, the German high command had found out about the grotto and made sure all records of it were removed from the local police records. She made her way toward a large wooden door at the end of the narrow hallway. As she approached, a slight smile came to her face as the sounds of moans and grunts grew louder and louder. She knew the sound of torture when she heard it, and a slight tingle of excitement shot down her back and between her legs as she opened the cell door. She stood in the open doorway, staring and biting lightly on her lower lip as she watched in deviant satisfaction at the tantalizing spectacle before her. Drucella was on the floor. Her hands were tied together and over her head and securely anchored to a large ring that hung from the ceiling. This left her in a doggie-style kneeling position with her upper body weight supported by her hanging arms. She was stripped naked and was in the company of three of the dock workers. The first was laying on his back, parallel to Dru and underneath her. His legs were spread wide apart and they lay to either side of her knees. This put him in a position where his face rested almost right under the young captive's large breasts. In each hand, he had firmly cupped each breast and was feverishly squeezing and massaging them. The large round orbs flattened and squished together violently as he took insidious joy in molesting them. His fingers pinched and pulled at her ripe, hard nipples, making each gland shimmy and slosh about as she reacted to each teasing tug with a twist of her torso. Every now and again, he would wrap his arm around her back and pull himself up, landing his mouth hard down over an exposed nipple. Like some wild animal feeding, he would suck and squeeze her tit violently in some vain attempt at milking her dry. Drucella grunted and moaned, but her helpless cries were muffled.The second worker was poised in front of her with his pants down around his ankles. With his hands clamped around her brunette head, holding it still, he slid his penis in and out of her mouth slowly, forcing the member deep into her throat with each pump. Drucella breathed heavily through her nose as the member completely blocked her mouth. Her lips wrapped around it tightly and she could do nothing as it penetrated her mouth again and again. Behind her though, was the main reason for her struggling and moaning. Another dock worker was crouched behind her, his heavy, hard hands wrapped around her waist. He twisted and pounded his cock inside of her over and over as he viciously penetrated and raped her. Her hips surged and wiggled about in defiance as he continued to thrust himself deeper and deeper into her defenseless vagina. With each intense thrust came a corresponding moan of resistance from the bound girl. "Ah the great Wonder Girl, HA!" gasped the enraged worker. "I'll teach you a little lesson in manners BITCH!" he exclaimed as he stepped up fucking her. As the worker increased his pumping, Dru began to wiggle about frantically. As she did so her head bobbed and rocked back and forth, intensifying the second worker's experience. Like a balloon ready to burst, the pressure began to build. As each man thrust his cock into her, she reacted by gyrating in resistance. This excited the men even more and the vicious spiral continued to climb. Then, almost as though she knew what would happen next, Dru began to moan wildly, grunting objective sounds of resistance as the two men began to arch their backs, surging in excitement. Sensing the coming flood, the first man under her, grabbed her firmly around her back and plunged a breast into his mouth, sucking on it as hard as he could. Dru began to yell at this point, knowing she could not escape. Swelling higher and higher, the mound of men and one girl surged inevitably upward. Then, in a moment of tension filled silence, both men let out a low, dull cry as each exploded inside her. Drucella gulped and choked as the cum filled her mouth and forced itself down her throat. The man in front of her reached his hand down under her chin and slowly caressed the lump in her throat, forcing her to swallow heavily. The rest of the cum poured out around her mouth and trickled down her chin forming a trail of semi white liquid. This trail added to the already existing trails, made over the last few hours, that ran down her neck, over her chest and down each breast. That pretty little mouth had tasted several of the countess's men and this was most definitely not the last. The worker behind her grabbed her buttocks with each hand and continued to penetrate her, making sure to pump every last drop inside. "How's that you American slut!" gloated the worker. "Maybe you like some more eh!? Maybe I let you lick it clean?!" Dru rocked back and forth slowly as the two men continued to relieve themselves inside her. She had spent the last few hours at the hands of her tormentors being relentlessly violated. At first the experience was painful and rough but, as each man took his turn, she slowly began to slip into a state of semi-euphoria. Each penetration brought her new, overwhelming experiences as the shock passed and the waves of ecstasy poured through her. "Enough." The countess said slowly and softly, "Can't you see our little guest is enjoying herself too much as it is? We don't want to over indulge her now do we?" she said in a sadistically, sarcastic voice, letting out a deviant chuckle as she entered the room and waved off the three men. "Ya Vole." blurted the three men as they forcefully pushed the defeated female to the floor and stood to their feet, getting dressed. They stood around the helpless female in a protective semi-circle as the countess walked around to Dru's front and knelt down to face her. Reaching out with one hand she softly grabbed Drucella by the chin and forced Dru to look her in the eye. "Now you don't want to do this all day do you?" asked the countess. "I would think the few hours you've had to get to know my men and to find out what kind of nice people they are would make you just anxious to be our little friend." she said smiling. Drucella let out a defiant, animalistic snarl as she pulled her head away from the countess's stare. Drool and cum dribbled out of her wet mouth as she gritted her teeth and stared rebelliously back at the woman. "When my sister gets here, you're going to be real sorry!" Dru exclaimed in protest in a low, rasping voice. The countess pulled her hand away and looked at the cum on her fingers. Then, staring back at Wonder Girl she slowly plunged her fingers into her own mouth and sucked the cum from them, licking the remnants off each fingertip and off her lips. Drucella's mouth opened slightly in surprise at the depravity of this woman. The countess stood back up and smiled a cool, wide smile as though patronizing Drucella. "Don't worry my dear, your sister will be joining you shortly." she giggled as she walked to the door. She then gave one of the men behind Dru a quick stare and a nod. With that, the three men pounced on the helpless heroine. Untying her hands they wrestled her to the floor, pulling her hands behind her back and tying them, first at the elbows, then at the wrists. They then proceeded to gag her, first stuffing her mouth with a rolled up rag and securing it in place with a long white handkerchief. "Seeing how you don't want to talk, you don't mind being gagged now do you." chuckled the countess as she reached into her coat pocket and produced a long, thin, nicely decorated, black box about 12 inches long. After trussing Drucella up, the men rolled the struggling amazon on her back. Two of the men each grabbed a leg and pinned her limbs down while the third held her down by the shoulders. The countess walked around to Drucella's feet and knelt down between her legs. "And just so you don't get bored with your own silence, I think you should meet a very, very close friend of mine." said the countess as she opened the box and pulled out its contents. The dildo was about 12 inches long, made of ivory and was carved with several wicked bumps and ridges that ran all down its length. At the end, a special protrusion ran from the base, back up the length and to the top. At the end of the protrusion was a large ball that clamped down on the phallic with a kind of spring tension. The whole thing looked like a huge, wide ball point pen with a pocket clip running along the outside. Also from the base ran two thin elastic strap loops. "I call this my bitch tamer." said the countess as she leaned toward Dru and looped each elastic loop around Drucella's feet and slid the dildo up her legs. Dru surged and cried muffled cries of resistance as the over-sized dildo plunged into her. The clip portion slid up along the outside of her vagina, between her lips and the ball clamped down hard on her exposed clitoris. The countess then took the loop ends and hooked them over Dru's wide hip bones, strapping the diabolic phallic in place. She then gave Dru a couple of affectionate pats on her tummy and stood up. The two men holding her legs forced her legs together and, using several lengths of rope, they tied her legs together at the thighs, knees and ankles. They then returned to holding her down. The bound and gagged nymph struggled and gyrated slowly as she tried to work the dildo out. "Oh you'll never get that out." the countess mused. "Oh by the way, let me show you my favorite feature." and with that the countess reached between Dru's legs and flipped a switch at the base of the dildo. Drucella's hips surged uncontrollably as the phallic went to work vibrating and thrusting in a relentless attempt to defeat its victim. The countess then leaned over Dru's face and, kissing her two fingers she placed them on Dru's cheek and said "Good-bye my sweet. Soon you will be broken and you will tell me everything I want to know." With that the three men let Drucella go and stood out of the way. Like a wild, bucking filly being let out of its shoot, Dru flailed and gyrated frantically on the floor as the waves of uncontrollable ecstasy pounded away at her will power. The four left the cell staring and laughing at the bound and gagged heroine struggling and moaning on the floor. As they left they could hear a low dull moan from the helpless Wonder Girl as the first of dozens of climaxes claimed a little portion of her will power. "She will break soon." the countess softly said to her men. "The real challenge will be Wonder Woman and I have a very special surprise in store for her." "It will be a pleasure bringing that American bitch down off her high pedestal.""Ah, the famous American avenger Wonder Woman. I've heard so much about you." said the man as he stood in her path. He was tall, lean and wore a thick black raincoat with a Stetson hat. "Is this what you are looking for?" he said as he held up Drucella's barrette, balancing it on his finger and sprouting a wicked smile. "YOU!... What have you done with Dr... Wonder Girl!" Diana blasted almost blurting out Drucella's name. "I'm going to make you all PAY!" and with that Diana bolted for the mysterious gentleman. Suddenly, like a train slamming on the brakes, she slid to a stop about 3/4 the way to her target. Stopping for a moment she spied the man more closely. "The buttons..." she thought to herself. Looking about she could see a stack of crates between her and her antagonist, a stack of crates that would be a perfect hiding place for what she suspected was going on. Standing upright and confidently putting her hands on her hips, she cocked her hips to one side and sprouted a suspecting smile. "I didn't know women's clothing on men was the main fashion in Germany these days?" she asked coyly. "Vas is this?" The man said looking very puzzled at himself. "Vat do you mean?" "The buttons on your raincoat. They're on the wrong side. Either you like wearing women's clothing or..." Diana leapt forward, ignoring the man in front of her and headed straight for the hidden area behind the crates in front of her. "'re a reflection..." she stated as she pounced on the knook. With a burst of speed and agility she twisted him out from behind the crates and flipped him hard over her head and down the tunnel back toward the entrance. At that point, two men stepped out from behind the stacks of crates between her and the exit and began shooting at her. She effortlessly deflected the first round of bullets with an arrogant smile. The two men paused for a moment and then took steadier aim, firing continuously at the amazon. This time the task was harder as each shot was much better aimed and the two men fired at separate areas. Shortly, however, the satisfying sound of "" rang from both guns as both men expended their rounds. They dropped their guns and headed back toward the exit. Wonder Woman shot after them in hot pursuit as the two agents bolted out the secret entrance door and out onto the beach. She forcefully plowed into the stone door, forcing it wide open as she emerged onto the stone ledge that overlooked the beach. As she jumped down into the sand, she unhooked her magic lasso and began twirling it. She couldn't use it in the tunnel since it was too narrow but, out here, she was free to wield it. "Big mistake boys," she said confidently as she threw the line, "at least in the tunnel I couldn't rope you." The lasso coiled around both the running agents and, with a quick tug, she pulled the rope closed, smashing the two men into each other and flipping them backward onto the ground. Slowly she sauntered up to the dazed men, reeling in the rope as she walked. "Now gentlemen, we're going to have a nice talk and you're going to tell me everything I want to know starting with where is Wonder Girl?" Picking one of the men up by his coat collars Wonder Woman pulled him close to her, staring him straight in the eye. The agent dangled his feet as the amazon held him off the ground. "I guess its too bad for you I didn't fall for your little trap." Diana said arrogantly. "On the contrary, THIS is the trap..." and with that the agent pulled a small pin from out of his coat and turned his face. The gas from the canister under his coat shot out like water from a fire hose directly into Diana's surprised face. The buxom heroine reeled in shock as she staggered backward, taking the full blast from the canister. She dropped the half stunned agent as she tried to cover her mouth in a vain attempt at blocking the gas. At that moment, she could feel something wrap around her shoulders as Drucella's lasso coiled around her. Instantly she could feel the effects of the magical item as her will quickly faded. Thrashing and reeling like a roped stallion she twisted and struggled against both the gas and the magic rope. "Don't fight it my dear," calmly said a female voice, "you cannot win." "How do you like our new gas?" the countess asked teasingly. "You see it works by skin contact and not by breathing it in. Since we're all wearing these nice thick raincoats and you're wearing that skimpy little outfit, the gas hardly affects us but I'm sure its taking its toll on you." The countess was right. Diana's bare legs, arms and upper chest were covered with a thin layer of the white powder which quickly impregnated her skin, causing her to feel intensely dizzy. She could feel the beach spin out from under her as she rolled to the ground struggling. As she hit the ground, several of the agents piled on top of her, rolling her on her stomach. With a quick yank she felt her magical belt slip away from around her waist. At that moment her strength went to normal and the men easily subdued the defenseless heroine. "Tie her." ordered the gloating countess as she tossed the men Diana's loose rope. The men first took Drucella's rope and continued wrapping it around Diana's shoulders, pinning her upper arms. They then pulled her arms behind her back and bent each arm at the elbow, folding them into a box like configuration with her left hand resting near her right elbow and visa versa. Using the remaining end of Drucella's rope, they tied her left hand to her right elbow and her right hand to her left elbow and then wrapped the rest around her parallel fore arms, binding the two arms tightly together. Scooping up her thighs they wrapped her own rope around her legs, first at the thighs, then at the knees and finally at her ankles, securing the rope with a series of very tight knots. Diana gyrated slowly as the anesthetic gas took its toll along with the effects of both ropes. By the time the men were done, the fallen heroine had barely enough will power to struggle slowly in desperation. Then a rag was forced into her mouth and another rag was tied around her head to hold it in place. The amazing Wonder Woman lay on the beach; bound, gagged and defenseless. "Stand her up." ordered the countess. The men easily lifted the bundled heroine and stood her on her weakened feet. The countess looked deeply and coldly into Diana's defiant eyes. "I have looked forward to meeting the world famous American heroine Wonder Woman. I will look forward to breaking you." and with that the countess slide her hand between Diana's legs and firmly cupped her vagina. Diana surged backward in shock as she realized what the countess meant. The men scooped up the struggling heroine and carted her like some bagged prey back toward the tunnel entrance.They floated and rolled slowly to either side of her chest, assuming their natural almost perfectly round form. As her costume continued to slide further down, she could feel the hands of her undresser slowly and smoothly pass over her back, down her spine and over her buttocks. Every inch sent a chill down her spine as more and more of her was revealed to her captors. The man slid her costume the rest of the way down over her wide hips to her feet, slowly stroking her bare legs with his large coarse hands. At the same time her boots, bracelets and beret came off and hit the floor, stripping the heroine of her only remaining protection. A dead silence hit the room as the men stared in awe at the almost perfect physical specimen before them. Even the countess was taken back by this woman's incredible body as she slowly walked up to Wonder Woman. "Incredible," she said slowly, speaking to herself as she cupped one of Diana's large, globular breasts and slowly massaged it. For what seemed like an eon the woman stood there, slowly squeezing and caressing Diana's breast, stroking and sliding her fingers over her bare and aroused nipple. The men stood about drooling with anticipation. This Wonder Woman was one thing but, seeing their boss who was also quite attractive, performing this incredible act with another woman was too much. The crowd began to bustle with excitement like a pack of dogs waiting for the first piece of meat. The countess slowly sauntered to the exit, giving Diana a wide, evil smile as she walked past her and to the door. Then, stopping for what seemed like an eternity, the countess let the room grow silent. Diana's fear grew like a volcano as her heart pounded away each agonizing second. Then her heart sank to her stomach as the words hit her ears. "Break Her!" With that, the horde of men let out a horrendous, Viking's yell of celebration as they all rushed toward the helpless heroine. Diana let out a few masterful kicks that sent one or two of the men to their knees but it was a token effort at best. Arms and hands enveloped the heroine's naked, struggling body and she fell backward into the vicious crowd. At first she could feel dozens of hands all over her, sliding themselves up her legs, along her thighs, over her knees, around her buttocks, across her stomach... they were everywhere. She struggled and gyrated frantically in a futile effort to resist her captors. This alone was worth the price of admission as the incredible brunette's body put on an irresistibly erotic show. Just the pleasure of grabbing a soft, struggling thigh or a plump, tightening buttock, made most of the men greatly aroused. The men then began to get organized. They soon realized that too many hands reaching for the cookie pot would leave no one with a cookie. Holding Wonder Woman up at all times, two of the men wrapped their arms around her back to support her. One arm went under her back while the other was free to play with the prizes that lay helplessly before them. Each man cupped a breast, forcing the nipple into his mouth, squeezing and massaging the large gland frantically. These were the most amazing prizes in the universe and the men were not going to let this opportunity go to waste. Each tit surged and flattened, swelled and sloshed as her breasts were sucked and squeezed feverishly and relentlessly by the two mindlessly aroused men. Diana moaned and screamed viciously as the barbarians continued to molest her breasts. Her hair splashed about in waves of violent emotions like water on a stormy sea as the men bit and sucked at her ripened nipples. Then, suddenly, a hand grabbed a clump of her hair at the back of her head and pulled her head down, curling it toward her back. From an upside down view she could see a large, callused hand unzipping a pair of pants as the dock worker standing over her head pulled out his penis. Diana's hips rose in a stiff, defiant arch as the worker's hard, swelled member plunged itself deep into her soft, warm mouth. She grunted and moaned heavily as he began to slide it back and forth in a rhythmic, pulsating fashion. Her large, full, red lips wrapped themselves tightly around his penis and she began to suck on it in an almost instinctual, reactive way. She was not as frightened of the situation as she was frightened of the fact that this whole predicament was turning her on. On Paradise Island she was a princess, a person of royalty who could not permit herself one personal pleasure or allow herself to fall to the weakness of the flesh. Most temptations she could resist, like the incident with Pamela (part 1) but this was different. So many hands, such barbarism. The sensation of all those hands groping and molesting her royal body. She had never felt like this before and it excited her. She fought the sensation however, knowing she could not give in to her temptations. Her thoughts were harshly shattered however as the unthinkable occurred. Her hips surged again as another worker slid his bare hips between his legs and began entering her. Diana's hips slid about wildly and frantically as his penis slowly worked its way deeper and deeper past the tightened, defiant muscles in her vagina. Irresistibly she yielded to his overwhelming strength as his member hit home, fully penetrating her. She grunted and moaned in futility as he began to slowly and rhythmically pump in and out, her defiant hips slowly thrust with each insertion. The two began to form a rhythm and her resistance began to wane as the worker continued his relentless assault on her virtue. The workers now formed a large mass of bodies as the naked, helpless female in the middle thrust and surged as her body was forcefully entered. The erotic moans and whines from the Amazon were the only sounds coming from the group, with none of the men speaking or making a sound so as not to disturb the arousing noises coming from the struggling heroine. The men that could not participate were not without entertainment however as the vision of this incredible woman being gang-banged was as good, if not better, than actually being in the act. The capture, tying up and assault were taking their toll on Wonder Woman as she began to wiggle about violently. The heavily, fatiguing activity she was going through; her mouth being entered, her breasts being maliciously violated and her vagina being ruthlessly penetrated began a heavy, tingling wave which started at her pelvis and slowly moved toward her chest. "NO!" she screamed in her mind. "How can I do this... I can't be enjoying this..." she thought in disbelief as the climax began to build. She fought to resist the oncoming event but her will was severely weakened by her attack and Drucella's rope, which still bound her hands tightly behind her back. Suddenly, her hips thrust and surged quicker and quicker as she blurted out moans of defiance. Both men feeling the oncoming wave began quickening their pace along with the two sucking her breasts. The sensations were overwhelming, the powerlessness, the bondage, the hands groping her, the defenseless position she was in, these all raced through her mind as her body plunged upward in one last defiant surge. Then with a monstrous release, she collapsed into the arms of her rapists as the first climax took a piece of her will. At that same moment, her struggles had excited the two men penetrating her and, at the pinnacle of her climax, they discharged, relieving themselves inside her. As the two men relaxed into a slow pumping rhythm, the man violating Diana's mouth was forcefully pulled away. His discharge sprayed over her face as he was pushed aside and the next worker moved into place, plunging his member deep into her gasping and helpless mouth. The other man was also forcefully asked to step aside and she thrust again as she could feel a new penis enter her. Her struggling quickened as she slowly began to regain her wits and her two new assailants began enjoying their captured prize. Thinking the climax was over and now she could fight, her heart sank in hopeless desperation as the next wave of sexual excitement rushed up and overwhelmed her. Each man finished enjoying himself and another took his place, then another, then another until the waves of climaxes and multitudes of sensations made her lose count. Hand after hand groped her breasts, mouth after mouth sucked her nipples. Her mouth and face were covered with heavy streams of cum as she was taken advantage of over and over again. Each penetration brought her new sensations and each climax took away a small piece of her will. The heroine continued to come in hopeless despair as her body was raped again and again.The rope continued snaking down around her waist, around her hips several times, around her thighs several times, around her knees and finally around her ankles. She was like a fly, cocooned in a spider's web, all tied up and sucked dry. Her head hung down with her matted, wet hair flopped over her bare chest and shoulders. Her breasts were still shapely and firm but were red and tender and they had lost a certain amount of perkiness. They lay loose and low over her stomach. Her legs and hips were very loose and hung in a defeated posture against the post. Streams of dried cum and sweat stains streaked down the insides of her full thighs, along her shapely legs and to her ankles. The defeated woman began to moan softly as the countess grabbed her prisoner by the hair and raised her head. Wonder Woman's mouth was gagged with a rag stuffed inside and a thick terry towel tied around it to secure it in place. Her eyes had thick, dark circles under them from the hours of fatigue and torturous climaxing she had gone through. Her eyelids were heavy and dull from exhaustion. "The great Wonder Woman. HMPH! Look at you NOW!" scoffed the countess. "I always knew you Americans were weak. We Germans are much stronger. Breaking you was too easy." and with that she roughly pulled Diana's gag off. Dried streaks of cum and saliva stained Diana's chin and neck. Her dull, dried mouth slowly began to speak. "I'll never break." she rasped slowly. "You'll never defeat my will." A smile of absolute delight burst from the countess's lips. "YES! You are strong!." and with that, the countess grabbed the back of Diana's head and forced Diana to kiss her. The kiss was long and deep and slow. The countess oscillated her lips heavily as she drew out the long, passionate kiss. She then sucked on Diana's lower lip, slowly pulling it outward with her own lips and let it slip back with a slight pop. "Take her to the room." the countess ordered as she strutted away with delight. The two agents, carefully untied the defeated heroine and carted her off, one caring her bound arms and chest, the other her thighs and legs. Diana could only see hazy images of lights as she was carried down several corridors. Soon she was stood upright again as the four reached their destination. The room was rather large, about 20 feet in diameter, and was very circular with the only apparent exit or entrance being the door they came in from. The middle of the room was dominated by a large, unidentifiable, rectangular shape that was covered with a thick, black cloak. The shape was about ten feet tall, 6 feet across and about two feet thick. "I've been waiting for this." the countess gloated as she grabbed Wonder Woman by her chin and forced her to stare into the witch's black eyes. "Remove the cloak." she ordered, unaltering her gaze. The two men removed the cloak and stepped aside. The countess slid around behind Diana and wrapped her arms around her chest, cupping each breast with her hand. "Take a look my dear. This will certainly tame you." Diana's eyes widened in utter horror as she staggered backward in shock. Before her was a machine shaped very similar to an old, medieval rack. It had a basic outer frame with crossing I beams from each corner. On the upper corners were two straps that resembled leather handcuffs. The bottom two corners had two stirrups and more leather straps. The whole frame was tilted back about 15 degrees and was propped up by two large supports. The whole thing looked like a large, metal picture frame. Running along its length and between the beams were several hydraulic cylinders, cables and pulleys. Various other mechanical devices were attached to parts of the frame and a whole band of cables ran from the frame to a control panel that was anchored to the side. "OH YOU FIENDS!" Diana cried out as the two agents picked up her weakened, struggling body and carried it to the machine. Untying her hands, the two men forced her arms into the leather cuffs and secured them in place. They then slid their hands down and clamped Diana's legs into the stirrups, spreading her legs at about a 30 degree angle from each other. They finished binding their victim by wrapping a leather belt around her waist which clamped her gyrating pelvis tightly to the frame. They then stepped back and all three stared in amusement at the restrained heroine. Diana surged and thrust wildly giving the three a very entertaining show of female struggling. After a bit, and after totally exhausting herself, Diana settled down and growled defiantly at the countess and her two lackeys. "I demand to be freed!" Wonder Woman exclaimed, "I will never yield to you or the Nazis!". "Oh, but we don't want you to." replied the countess. "You're so much more entertaining this way." and with that all three burst into a chorus of humiliating laughter. "Here, let me show you my latest creation." said the countess as she walked up to the control panel. After flicking a few switches, Diana's eyes popped open as she could feel the whole apparatus come to life. Then, sensing some movement below, she looked down and gasped in horror. Between her legs, a mechanical arm extended out from the frame. On the end of the arm was mounted a cylinder with various tracks on it. Each track had another arm extending from it but, what shocked Diana the most was what was on the end of each arm. Mounted ominously to each mechanical arm was a large dildo. Each arm sported a different a wicked model which was wet with lubricant and oil. Some were just large, smooth and round while others were rigged and insidiously curved. Each one rose like cobra snakes rearing their threatening heads toward the bound heroine. Diana again began to twist and wiggle at her impending fate. "Yes my dear Wonder Woman. I'm sure these will finish you off. I just hope you last as long as I did. It took almost two hours for me to break." said the countess as she stared long and admiringly at the device. The machine continued to unfold, like some insidiously deviant Swiss army knife. Two arms on either sides of Wonder Woman's breasts curled forward from the machine's sides and two large suction cup devices, mounted to their ends, positioned themselves ominously over Diana's plump, bare breasts. "My machine can break anyone, including you Wonder Woman, if it has a sufficient amount of power and I think we have the perfect little dynamo right here." and with that the countess clapped her hands and the door to the room opened. Drucella slowly sauntered into the room and walked up to the gloating countess. She was stripped completely naked except for her red boots, her baret and her magical belt, which sat snugly around her thin waist. Her hands were tied in front of her with Diana's magic lasso and she wore a glazed, hypnotic stare which made her oblivious to Diana and everything else around her. "Your magical rope is quite amazing Wonder Woman." noted the countess. "After breaking this little nymph's will, it was quite easy to control her mind with it. She'll do anything I ask." The countess stepped back and looked at one of her agents. "Satisfy my man!" harshly ordered the woman. Without a moments hesitation the young amazon walked up to the agent and knelt down in front of him. She then unzipped his pants and wrapped her full lips around his enlarged erection. The man grabbed her head and held it firmly as he took advantage of this girl's magical mouth. Diana starred in shock, not at the act, but at how well Dru was performing it. "Where the heck did she learn to do that!" Diana wondered giving her bonds another desperate tug. After a few moments the agent let out a deep, low grunt as he released. Drucella finished up by licking him absolutely clean. She then stood up running her tongue over her wet lips and stood at attention. "Come my dear." said the countess as she took Wonder Girl by the rope tied around her hands and lead her to a treadmill which stood off to one side of the room. The treadmill had several leather straps and rings attached to it and the countess attached the straps to a leather collar that sported several rings. She then ordered Dru to stand on the treadmill and she affixed the collar around her neck, securing the girl in place. Walking up to Diana, the countess picked up Drucella's lasso and began wrapping it around the brunette's upper chest, securing it in place with a decoratively looped bow. Diana lurched as the effects of the lasso began to again dominate her mind. "I assume her lasso works the same way?" the countess asked with an arrogant gleam in her eye. Stepping back she sprouted a wicked smile. "YOU'RE HORNY!" she ordered. Diana surged uncontrollable as the lasso compelled her to obey. Waves of sexual excitement rippled through her bound body as she softly moaned and cooed. "Never... thought of... doing this before..." Diana thought to herself wondering about all the other possibilities this could open up for her. The countess then walked over to the hypnotized Wonder Girl and gave her a horse's swat on the rear. "YA MULE!" she ordered and Wonder Girl began to trot along at a mild pace. The machine sprang to life as the mechanical arms began to move into place. Diana thrashed and wiggled frantically as the arms moved closer and closer to her unprotected body. To anyone else, running the treadmill would have been exhausting but having her magical belt on, Wonder Girl wasn't even breaking a sweat. The first things to go were Diana's breasts. The large suction cup attachments plunged down on her tits and sucked them inside, almost totally engulfing them.The cups began to squeeze and massage her tits, sucking and pressing them up and down in a rhythmic pumping fashion. She could feel her nipples being pinched and sucked as some sort of devious attachment inside acted like a mouth, gorging themselves on the massive glands. She shifted and twisted her chest in a vain attempt to shake off the mechanical molesters but her struggling only added to her stimulation as the implanted command from the lasso continued to pound away at her will. Suddenly, the room echoed with an enormous female scream of excitement and shock as Diana yelled out defiantly. A large, white dildo forcefully entered her defenseless vagina. Her hips thrust and wiggled violently against the forceful entry but the leather strap around her waist prevented her from moving about, restraining her struggles. The moaning and yelling continued as the large round phallic traveled deeper and deeper. Diana's head thrashed from side to side as the uncontrollable experience overwhelmed her. "CLIMAX!" the countess ordered. The fettered Wonder Woman let out the most erotic and sensual, moaning cry any of them ever heard. Diana climaxed hard and wildly as she was commanded to, and streams of lubricant poured down the dildo as she heavily discharged. The sound alone was incredibly exciting as the two men shifted their erections in their pants. Diana began panting and grunting as the dildo began sliding in and out, pumping her higher and higher toward another overwhelming climax. "Faster, faster!" ordered the countess to the obedient Drucella. The harnessed amazon stepped up her pace, switching to a quick jog. The machine responded by squeezing Diana's tits more violently and by pumping the dildo faster and faster. Diana thrashed and moaned uncontrollably as the relentless onslaught continued. Too overwhelmed to notice the activity behind her, Wonder Woman squealed a cry of shock as another phallic came from behind and inserted itself in her rear. She immediately clamped down hard on the ridged dildo with her plump buttock muscles but her efforts were to no avail as her anus was deeply penetrated. Every part of the heroine's body was now gyrating and thrusting in futile defiance as her vagina and her anus were both being penetrated and violated by this insidious machine. The machine made whirring and grinding noises as its raped victim thrust about in desperation. Then with a violent surge, Diana swelled upward and another climax claimed her. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" bellowed the countess. "Your moans and cries are music to my ear. It will be a pleasure destroying you! Now I want you to come again!" Without hesitation the buxom amazon exploded with another climax, yelling even deeper and louder than before. "My you are a moaner aren't you," teased the countess, "we'll just have to fix that. Gag HER!" One of the men walked up to the machine and produced a large leather bondage gag. He grabbed Diana's thrashing head and forced the mouth piece in place. He then wrapped the leather pad over her mouth and strapped it tightly to her head. Wonder Woman's cries were reduced to muffled moans and grunts as the machine's first dildo removed itself and a new, curved one slid forcefully into place. This new one was bad enough but the machine also slid another, smaller one underneath it, filling her with two phallics that both slide back and forth like the pistons on a steam locomotive. The ridged phallic in her rear also retracted and was replaced by a fatter, smooth one which sent her hips surging in erotic pain. As she gyrated helplessly, the countess continued to blurt out commands. "CLIMAX! CLIMAX! CLIMAX!" Again and again the bound and gagged heroine came. Helpless to resist, her will power grew weaker and weaker and the machine tore her down like a child knocking the blocks out from under a large toy tower. For what seemed like hours the two fought, machine against woman, the amazon climaxing again and again as her futile, gyrating wrestling match with her mechanical rapist feverishly continued. Suddenly, the countess gave her a new order, an order Diana was fearing and one she was helpless to resist. "SURRENDER TO ME!" slowly ordered the countess and with that the tower came tumbling down. The magic lasso blasted the order through every part of Wonder Woman's tortured mind and she cried out in futility. The climaxes, the bondage, the torture and the lasso were too much and nothing could save her. The bound and gagged super heroine surged upward one last time in a final death throw of resistance, but, like a soaring bird being shot down, she collapsed in defeat as the last climax blasted away her will power. Diana stared out into the distance, a hazy, hypnotic trance came over her eyes. The unthinkable had occurred. The great Wonder Woman was DOMINATED! The countess ordered Wonder Girl to stop and walked up to the motionless Wonder Woman. She removed the amazon's gag and stared into her hollow eyes. "You will obey me. I am your mistress. I own you and your will." softly spoke the countess. A long silence passed, then, slowly Diana opened her mouth. "I.... I... must obey.... You are the mistress." The countess jumped back and screamed in triumph. "I have WON! I have defeated the great Wonder Woman!" Then, looking back at her dominated foe she ordered Drucella to continue. "Enjoy my dear. You're going to be fucked like this FOREVER!" The machine continued to pound away at its defeated victim. Climax after climax again overwhelmed the helpless Wonder Woman and she soon fell unconscious, totally defeated, the last sounds being the triumphant laughter of her dominator, the countess. Diana's eyes slowly began to open. Her head swirled and throbbed as her dazed and numb body came to life. She did not struggle or even think to resist. Her will was broken and it would take a long time to gain it back. She was laying on her back, in a packing crate that was slightly larger than her dimensions. Her hands were tied behind her back with her own lasso. Her legs and feet were securely bound together and her naked body lay bound and tied with several coils of rope which looped dozens of times around her ankles, knees, thighs, waist and arms. Her mouth was covered with a medical oxygen mask which fully gagged her and prevented any noise or screaming. A hose ran from the base of the mask down her body and to a small tank of gas which sat in the crate next to her. Looking up she could see the countess through a thick haze of dizziness. Her eyelids rocked heavily and slowly as she fought to stay awake. "Ah, I see you're awake. Good." said the countess as she reached into the crate and caressed Diana's bare breast. "Its time for us to return to the Fatherland and we are taking you and Wonder Girl back with us." "Good night Wonder Woman. Get your rest. You will need it." and with that the countess reached down and turned the valve on the tank. Diana could hear a hollow whistling sound as the anesthetic gas coursed through the hose and filled her lungs. Her body wiggled slightly as the effects of the gas took affect. Slowly her eyes slid shut and the amazon fell asleep. The countess stepped away from the crate and turned the valve on Wonder Girl's canister, putting the naked young amazon to sleep as well. The dock workers then covered the crates with wooden lids and nailed them shut. "We are ready to depart my mistress." reported her man. "Good! Load our precious cargo on board and keep them asleep. They will make good breeding stock for the master race when we get back home." The men hoisted the crates on board and the countess slipped into the hatch and closed it. The sub blew its tanks and headed out to sea and headed for home with its kidnapped cargo on board.
"OOOH! UUUUUUNH!" moaned Wonder Woman as the titillator continued its course, fondling her breasts while the vibrators induced orgasm after orgasm in Wonder Woman's body. "OOOOOOOOH! OOOOOOOH! YES! YES!" exclaimed Wonder Woman as the titillator started to overload and short out. "What! What are you doing? You're overloading my machine!" roared Miss Millie angrily. Before Miss Millie could vent any more frustrations the machine reached critical mass, exploding and falling apart onto the floor. "Curse you! Curse you Wonder Woman!" angrily yelled Miss Millie as she removed the mini vibrators and robot hands from Wonder Woman's body. "Have you any idea how long I was planning your demise this way?! You overloaded my titillator! Have you no shame????!!!!" "Calm down, Miss Millie, you could use a nap right now." said a voice from behind as an ether soaked handkerchief covered Miss Millie's nose and mouth. Seconds later Millie was fast asleep in the arms of none other than JACK the TICKLER. "Oh, no!" winced Wonder Woman as she began struggling against the ropes. "Oh, yes! Twice in a row! I don't think I'll be able to practice any of my rope work on you at this rate!" smiled Jacklyn as she quickly tied Millie's hands behind her back and feet in a rapid hogtie, leaving her bound on the floor. "Tickle, tickle, tickle...." laughed Jacklyn as she started tickling Wonder Woman's breasts. "No! Stop! Please, whatever you do, don't tickle me with my golden belt!" exclaimed Wonder Woman. "What a good idea!" replied Jacklyn as picked up Wonder Woman's belt, placing in her lap. With a sudden surge of super strength, Wonder Woman instantly broke the ropes that bound her hands. Grabbing her power belt, Wonder Woman began ripping off the ropes. Jacklyn slowly walked back in complete shock as Wonder Woman placed her bracelets back on her wrists. Jacklyn pulled out an automatic pistol and fired two bullets, which were easily deflected by Wonder Woman. Before Jacklyn could turn and run, Wonder Woman threw her magic lasso around her, restraining the British outlaw. "Who are you?" assertively said Wonder Woman as she used the compulsive force of the magic lasso. "'s....Jacklyn....Sterling.....I....was by....the....Nazis....." replied Jacklyn. "What do you know about Fausta and her sister?" asked Wonder Woman. "I....don't...know...where....they are....but....they' resort...." replied Jacklyn as she fell asleep under the effects of the magic lasso. Wonder Woman left Jacklyn asleep on the floor as she left the room, looking for the dreaded Vunderkinds. Soon after she left a woman dressed in a nurse uniform awakened Miss Millie and untied her. "Miss Millie, are you all right?" asked the woman. "Connie! I'm glad to see you! Have you freed Bonnie and Lonnie?" "Yes. But the front doorman said that he spotted the Ilsa and Shauna Vunderkind! They're here!" excitedly said Connie. "Excellent! We can neutralize Wonder Woman and turn in the Vunderkinds! I'll receive rewards from both of the Axis powers at once! Summon the guards, we must find them!" hastily said Miss Millie. "What about her?" asked Connie, pointing at Jacklyn. "Who cares! I never saw her before." replied Miss Millie as she left with Connie. Soon after Miss Millie left plotting her next strategem, a man dressed in black entered the room and awakened Jacklyn.
Chapter 3
Domination of WW 2C
With a massive surge of twisting and pumping, the two members began pushing in and out of her with an ever quickening pace. Diana couldn't resist any longer, and her hips swelled upward in undeniable climax. The two organs plunged in and out, faster and faster. Streams of white lubricant shot out between her cunt lips as the bloated penises plunged inward, forcing the liquid out. The members twisted about as they pounded mercilessly against the inside of her uterus, causing her lower stomach to bulge slightly with each plunge. Tighter and tighter she swelled like some over-inflated balloon as the irresistible sexual sensation brought her closer to her defeat. Then, the unthinkable, the unimaginable became reality. The two proboscises froze, stiffening for the inevitable as the plant reached its pinnacle. The stalks vibrated like two water pipes as the plant's alien seminal fluid slowly flowed up their lengths and toward their target. The creamy white liquid darkened the center of the stalks as the insidious substance traveled through the hollow tube that ran up their centers. The fluid flowed along their lengths, past her thighs and disappeared inside her vagina. As the substance reached the stiffened organs inside her, the two members swelled as they filled with the liquid. Like two water balloons they grew bigger and bigger, filling themselves with the alien fluid. Then, like toothpaste exploding from a tube, the plant's impregnating cum burst from the tips of the bloated organs and oozed into her defenseless womb. The organs twisted and curled, pumping like two fire hoses as they poured the creamy substance into her, covering the walls of her uterus and filling her with the plant's demonic seeds. This pushed Diana over the edge and sent her spiraling downward as the incredible climax almost tore her mind apart. Her body burst with sexual ecstasy as the overwhelming climax utterly devastated her will and forced her down screaming and moaning in defeat. Mammal fell to plant as her viney rapist penetrated her and ejaculated its seeds inside her. Wonder Woman collapsed in defeat, moaning and groaning erotically as the plant continued pumping away every last drop into her in hopes of mating and inseminating its prey. After several minutes, all the members retracted and rose above her stunned and prone body. Still pumping, they sprayed more of the viscous fluid over her naked body, soaking her from head to toe with the cum. Streams of it sprayed into her face, over her chest, onto her pelvis and over her legs as she was coated with the substance. "UUUUGHH!!!... Wha... Where... Got to get free..." she groggily moaned as she twisted about slowly. "What's it doing ..... GREAT HERA NO! NOT AGAIN!" she screamed. With a renewed vigor she again tried to get free but it was to no avail as the stalks moved back into place and began again to impregnate their helpless female host. Apparently they had failed the first time and were going to continue until they succeeded or they were spent. From the outside, the large, tubular pod rocked and bulged as the doomed Wonder Woman struggled in vain to escape. Another animalistic female cry broke the silence as the buxom amazon once again fell to her flowery rapist. The two dominatrix escorted the young, teen avenger into the countess's lab. Dru's hands were handcuffed and she had a leather, bondage gag firmly strapped over her mouth. She was wearing a small, pink bikini made of silk and it was held in place with several thin strands. The only wide pieces of material were the two triangular patches that just covered each nipple and a triangular piece that barely covered her vagina. Dru herself was basically beaten. She had spent the last several hours at the hands of her merciless, mechanical torturer and entertaining the two sadistic female dominators, and she now staggered along with a dazed and defeated gaze in her eyes. Her body was slack and limp, and she stumbled about like a stunned cow as Inga pulled her along with a leather leash and collar. Inga led Wonder Girl into the lab and stopped her in front of the countess. With a swat from a riding crop, she brought the teen to her knees and into a very submissive kneeling position with her head bowed down in obedience. "Good... GOOD... Your toy has done well to "tame" our little guest," smiled the countess as she leaned over and cupped the young girl's face with her hand. "Ya Mistress," replied Inga, "She is broken for now but her will is strong. Even now she is regaining her strength and becoming more resistive." "Yes but we like girls with spirit," chuckled the countess as she stared up at Inga. "They are much more fun to "play with"." All four women broke into a chorus of laughter, half laughing at the countess's comment and half laughing at the young, broken heroine at their feet. "To the table vit her!" barked the countess as she clapped her hands to drive her order home. The two dominatrix picked up the young girl by each arm and pulled her over toward a large, operating-style table. Suddenly, without warning, Drucella let out a blindingly fast roundhouse kick which connected squarely with the side of Gretchen's head. The redhead's hair sprayed about from the blow as the tall woman went staggering sideways and into a table. With the same fluid motion, Dru plowed into Inga and forced the dominatrix into a bookcase. With expert agility, she then grabbed the keys off the woman's belt and darted across the room like a wild gazelle. "Get HER! GET HER NOW!" screamed the countess as Dru worked her way into a corner and began unlocking her cuffs. Her chest rocked back and forth and she gritted her teeth intensely as she twisted the key about, trying to free herself. This made her look like some deranged bull with its head bent forward and shifting back and forth in anger as though it were going to charge at any moment. "C'mon kinder," taunted Inga, "Ve won't hurt you... at least not right away," she added, walking slowly and confidently toward the now free Wonder Girl. "OOOOO! I'm PISSED!" screamed Wonder Girl as she pulled the gag off and threw it to the floor. "You women are not FAIR!" she screamed, striking an aggressive pose and pointing an accusing finger at the four women who were now slowly encircling her. "Playing around is one thing but you... you... you NAZI have gone TOO FAR!" she continued protesting. "You almost did me in that room back there and now you're all going to PAY!" she continued, gritting her teeth in seething rage. "OOOOO... We're so scared," said all four women as they wiggled their fingers at the young, fiery avenger in an obvious attempt at sarcastic fear. "Well, if it's a fight you want... It's a fight you're going to get!" she exclaimed, bounding forward and plowing into the two dominatrix. The two women, not taking the whole thing seriously, were actually caught off guard and went crashing to the floor as Dru smashed her body into their knees with a diving tackle. The lab assistant rushed in and jumped toward the young girl only to find the swift teen not where she was five seconds earlier as Dru quickly rolled out of the way. The slightly stunned blonde came crashing down on top of the two dazed lesbians, sending them all back to the floor in a pile of legs, arms and hair. With blinding agility, Dru grabbed a nearby tarp and threw it on top of the twisting pile of cursing women, ensnaring them temporarily in the heavy brown cloth. "Remarkable!" noted the countess in a cold, almost scientific tone. "All that sexual punishment and you still have such spirit!" she continued. "Any normal woman would be a vegetable by now. You must have the constitution of a horse." "Well, at least I don't have the ASS of one," Dru said smirkingly, staring at the countess's rear. "How dare you, you little BRAT!" screamed the sneering woman. "I've got something that will really teach you a lesson!" she screamed. "I don't care about your little TOYS!" replied Dru, taking more of a relaxed stance and folding her arms over her chest. "I demand to know what you did with Wonder Woman!" "Oh she's none of your concern," answered the countess, taking on an unusually arrogant and relaxed tone. "I'd be more worried about my prissy little ass if I were you," she added. "Oh really, well we'll just see abo.... ummmmph!" started Dru, but before she could finish her sentence, her speech was cut short by a heavy, hard thump that rang through her ears. Dru reeled in pain as the blackjack came down over her head and she went swiftly to the floor like a nail slammed by a hammer. The countess's plan worked. She had kept the arrogant girl so busy arguing that Dru didn't notice the other three women getting out from under the tarp. "Quickly! Bring her here," the countess ordered, walking past the girl and toward a panel imbedded in the wall.As she pressed a few buttons, the three women picked up the groggy heroine and carried her to the panel. A low, clunking sound echoed throughout the room as the panel slid to one side and a vertical metal table rolled out from a recessed room. The table was made from shiny, cold steel and had several, heavy, leather restraints on it. The women picked up the groaning spitfire and placed her in the machine. After a few moments of strapping and binding, Dru was bound to the table with her arms spread out over her head and her legs spread apart, like a person strapped into a modern-day rack. Dru gasped as the bucket of cold water hit her bare skin and yanked her from her forced sleep. "Wake up, BITCH!" screamed Gretchen as the redhead slapped the young girl across the face to get her moving. "OOOOOMPH! Let me GO, then I'll teach you all a good lesson!" screamed Drucella as she yanked on the super-strong leather restraints in futile defiance. The young girl began twisting and gyrating about as she pulled and yanked on the straps. This, of course, was a very entertaining and very erotic show for the four ladies, who just stood and watched the teen wiggle about. The countess then stepped up to Dru and, with one quick yank, she ripped both the girl's bra and G-string off, relieving the young girl of any remaining protection. "Sorry for the rough treatment, sweetheart," the countess said sarcastically. "We've got to, how you say, soften you up a bit before we start with the 'process'," she said, running her hands lightly over Dru's bare and vulnerable breast. "Let me introduce you to 'The Stimulator'," she continued as she flipped a few more switches. The table began to hum, and Dru could feel some sort of mechanical activity behind her as she flipped her head back and forth frantically to get a look. The whir of motors and the sound of pulleys caused a series of mechanical arms to raise up and over the table and over Dru's ripe, jiggling body. "By HERA! What is this!" she exclaimed, staring curiously and nervously at the robotic arms in front of her. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough, Wonder SLUT!" blasted the countess as she threw the on switch with a brutal effort, as though she were using the switch to drive her point home. Two of the mechanical arms started down toward Dru's plump, sloshing breasts. As they got near her nipples, a series of very fine, soft filaments extended from the tips and bridged the distance to her skin. They then began to gingerly tickle her nipples and the area around them with soft, teasingly quick strokes. Dru rocked and twisted her upper chest as she attempted to move her breasts away from the feelers, but this only allowed the feelers to slide along the underside and curvature of her spherical breasts, causing more and more tender areas to be stimulated. The young girl began to coo and moan slightly as the light touch of the feather-like ticklers sent tingling sensations through her breasts and her skin. As she rolled and gyrated slowly, the other arms moved into place and began tickling the other erogenous parts of her tender, firm body. One set concentrated on her knees and full thighs, stroking and teasing the skin between her legs and sliding along the outside of her thighs with light, glancing strokes. Another set went to work on her pussy, sliding lightly over her firm, sensitive lips and dancing like soft feathers over her clitoris. The sensation of the filaments intertwining softly with her vaginal hair and caressing the tender skin between her thighs and her vagina was too overwhelming to bear. The rest of the ticklers went to work on other parts of her body, moving about like moths dancing about a flame. The arms also made sure they did not over-stimulate any one area, making unpredictable moves to new targets as they continued their onslaught. The feelers on her breasts, for instance, moved about their globular targets, finding more and more untouched and unprotected areas to tease and tickle. Soon Dru was slack and relaxed, and her head was rocking back as she moaned and groaned at the intense stimulation. She could feel her climax mounting as the teasers drew more and more of her will away from her. As she grew closer and closer, the feelers stepped up their pace, tickling faster and more mercilessly as they attacked her. But then, as she almost reached the pinnacle of her climax, the arms immediately backed off, leaving her without fulfillment. "Wha... NO! Please, Hera... You can't do this.." Dru moaned as she slowly settled back unsatisfied and so very tender. "Oh yes I can," answered the countess, making sure not to touch the teen for fear of bringing on her climax with but a single touch. "This machine will continue to stimulate you, but I'm afraid it just won't give you what you want most." she explained. "Don't worry, my dear, you'll be coming soon enough, but it will be when I need you to." "Come along, my dears," said the countess as she walked away from Wonder Girl. "I need some 'attending'," she said coyly as she put her arm around Gretchen and walked out the door. The other women followed, and the door slammed shut, sealing Drucella in the dungeon with her tormentor. "NO!" moaned Dru. "Don't leave me like this... UUUGHH! NO UUUGH!" but all the young girl could do was rock about and moan erotically as the machine continued to mindlessly toy with her ever-sensitizing body.Then, with a nimble twist, she turned herself over onto her stomach and she slid her shapely form down the tube. She stretched out her feet along the sides of the narrow hole and pressed her boots up against the rock until her feet came to rest on two rough protrusions along the sides of the shaft. At this point, she had sunk deep enough that her head was just below the lowest edge of the hole but, the shaft was too narrow and her wide shoulders and long arms prevented her from lowering her hands from over her head. This wasn't a problem for her since she knew she would have to climb back out again anyway when her unwelcome visitors had left. She simply let her arms fold in front of her as she peered out the natural window which looked out into the cavern. Just as she stopped moving, a group of 4 German soldiers came plodding into the cave, rifles hoisted and flashlights dancing about. "Where is that American BITCH!" one soldier exclaimed as he stopped and propped his rifle against a wall. "Yeah, she can't be too far ahead. I can't wait to get a hold of her," said another, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket. "We're not allowed to harm the Wonder Woman. That is the countess's orders," barked another loyal guard. "Countess Schmountess," scoffed the first soldier, "here's what that countess bitch can do with her orders," he laughed, yanking his hand over his groin in an over-exaggerated jacking-off movement. "This is the master race?" Diana thought, listening to their incredibly juvenile and manly conversation. "Petty little men talking big," she whispered, scoffing at her unwanted visitors. As she continued listening, the insides of her thighs began to feel slightly itchy. Thinking it was some torn piece of costume rubbing lightly on her legs, she shifted her hips and thighs annoyingly to brush the material off. "Yeah, have you seen those breasts!" said one of the guards, holding his hands way out in front of his chest. The other men rolled their eyes at the thought of Diana's enormous endowment. "I bet they feel so good, so firm. Those American women are incredible!" another guard added, holding one hand up and making a squeezing gesture with it. "Damn! I wonder what's ripped now?" she whispered to herself as she kicked the annoying piece of whatever away with her left leg. Then, with a cold chill, Wonder Woman froze in shock. Something touched the underside of her vagina. She tried to look down, but her ample cleavage was an enormous blockade. "Huh!" she gasped as she felt it again. "Hera, there's something in here with me..." she cringed as she tried to remain absolutely still. "What I love is that ASS!" continued another guard. "You could grope that plump piece of butt for days," he added, making another clutching gesture. The four men broke out into laughter as they settled down and started to take out a canteen and pass it around. "No..." Diana winced as she heard them stop and sit down. "Go away, you idiots," she added, biting her lower lip and hopping about like some schoolgirl waiting impatiently to use the bathroom. "Hey, what the..." she whispered loudly, almost in an audible tone as she tried to twist around to see behind her. Luckily, the men were rather noisy, so her little outburst went unnoticed. Diana continued to grunt slightly as the unusual object below her pressed up into her vagina. Her costume prevented it from going inside, but whatever it was, it was making a good effort at entertaining itself. "What do you think the countess wants with her anyway?" asked a guard as he took a long drag from his cigarette. "I hear it's for breeding purposes," answered another. "Nein! Really?" asked the first. "Yeah, both the girl and the woman are slated to be mated with some of the countess's personally selected males," he continued. "Something to do with creating a master race." "I wouldn't mind having that job, eh?" laughed one of the guards as he held his hands out in front of himself and thrust his pelvis upward as though he were grasping some woman's hips. "Hey, Grudder, you should volunteer for that duty, seeing how you've got 8 kids at home," the first guard chuckled, slapping his knee. The other men began to join in the laughter as they watched the slightly blushing sergeant grin. "Yeah, every time I see Gretta, she is pregnant," another continued laughing. "Hera!" gasped Diana as she could feel the zipper on the back of her suit being pulled slowly down. Grunting and struggling, she tried to lower her arms down her sides to try and stop whatever it was that was undressing her, but her arms were too long. "I do know that brat Wonder Girl is getting it right now up in the countess's lab," continued the first guard. "Yeah, I know. I was on guard duty outside her cell when Inga and Gretchen paid her a visit," added the other guard. The other three leaned in closer as the young guard began describing in intricate detail what he heard from the cell. The cold stone walls of the tube sent more chills through Wonder Woman as her costume slipped down her legs and to her calves, and the soft, tan skin of her bare breasts touched the surrounding rocks. Listening to the plight of Dru added to Diana's distress as she heard how her younger sister was treated. "Oh, Dru," she whispered, sucking on her lower lip. "What did they do to you..." "Then they both mounted her with these huge vibrators, one from the front and one from the rear. I never saw a girl buck so much in my life," he continued as he told his erotic story to his now drooling buddies. "I have a daughter that looks her age," said another guard. "Sometimes I dream about her being in that cell with those two whores," he admitted. The fleshy tendrils were now wrapped all about Wonder Woman's wiggling hips and chest. They writhed about like snakes as they coiled around her thighs and legs. Several strands had worked their way up her sides and had wrapped themselves around her breasts, lassoing her large glands and rolling them about slowly like two watery sacks. "Ugh! No!" Diana gasped as she again felt the hard protrusion touch her vagina. "Oh, Hera, I can't go through this..." Suddenly, the hard penis pushed its way past her tightened vaginal lips and plunged itself up into her pussy. Diana reeled and thrust upward as the fleshy member slid deep inside her. "What about the Wonder Woman?" asked another guard of the first. "I want to know what happened to that BITCH!" "Well, that's the good part. The countess really hasn't had a chance to play with her yet since she escaped. She's fresh meat waiting to be fucked," he blasted, letting out a hellish laugh. "I do know they took some pictures of her all tied up. Some propaganda thing. I helped with the camera man," said one of the other guards. The long penis continued to slide in and out of Diana's defenseless vagina as she struggled in vain to resist her alien tormentor and to resist making any noise. The organ was uncontrollable and irresistible as it plunged inside again and again, like some relentless piston, between her quivering legs. All she could do was clench her teeth and pant softly as she continued to listen to the guards mock her and her sister. Then, her eyes bulged wide open as she felt her buttocks being parted and another member being pushed deep into her anus. "Ngh! Hera... I can't... ugh! stop it..." "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've got to do what a man's got to do," grunted one of the guards as he stood up and unzipped his pants. Looking about a bit, he spied a convenient hole in the wall to perform his task. Diana continued to gasp as the two organs ruthlessly penetrated her pinned and helpless hips. She lay tense and prone in the tube as her body rocked up and down from the pounding she was receiving from below. Then, with a slack-jawed expression, she looked up just in time to have a stream of warm piss spray down like a small shower over her face. The salty liquid poured all over her face and into her gaping mouth. "Gawk! Ohhhhhh!" she cried silently as she spit the spray out and lowered her head to avoid the stream. The other three men continued to talk as they walked up to their pissing buddy. Then, like some unspoken club ritual, all four men began pissing into the dark hole. The urine continued to shower down on Diana as she tried to avoid the spray. Her intense penetration, however, continued to force her to gasp and moan, causing her to open her mouth and swallow bits of the horrid streams. "I don't believe this..." she gasped as she started to tighten. "I can't... I can't.... no NO!" she pleaded as her climax grew closer and closer. Then, her whole body began to swell, filling the tunnel completely, as every muscle in her body contracted. At the same time, the penises inside her started to stiffen as they readied themselves, swelling toward the inevitable. Then, with one last intense thrust, both proboscises plunged deep into her and discharged. This pushed Diana over the edge, and the amazon nearly exploded from the immeasurable climax. At that same moment, one of the men spit his wad of chewing tobacco into the hole. The gooey wad bounced off Diana's wet face and sprayed over her ample chest. The soft, brown spit rolled slowly over the curvature of her breasts as the goop dribbled down between her cleavage. The penises continued to pump their discharge into her, and she could feel the slippery substance oozing, like liquid soap, from her vagina and anus, down her thighs, and to her feet. "AAAAAUUUUUUGHHHHH!!!!!!"The three guards stopped and stared at each other as the erotic, female scream blasted outward from the hole in front of them. Then, one of the guards peered cautiously into the hole. The dark-haired, female form wiggling and panting could only be... "Vonder Voman! Well, what do we have here," he said, sprouting an insidious smile as he reached in the hole and grabbed the struggling amazon by her raised arms. The other men joined in and all four pulled the heroine free from her unknown rapist. The now naked Wonder Woman came rocketing out of the hole like a cork from a bottle, and all five went staggering backward as she piled on top of them. Almost as soon as she was free, the fiery femme-fatale started to bolt for the cave exit, but the guard that had pulled her free grabbed her about the waist and held her tight with his strong arms. "Let me GO! I command IT! Release me at ONCE, do you hear!" she screamed as she twisted about like a captured snake in the laughing guard's steel grip. "Whoa, what a spitfire," laughed the guard as he moved his left arm up across her upper chest and grabbed her right breast, using this new grip to pull her upper body back against his chest. Diana's head went back over his right shoulder, and her hair sprayed about wildly like tall grass in a violent hurricane as she continued to twist defiantly. As she continued to kick her long, shapely legs in all directions, another guard slid his hips between her thighs and grabbed her left leg with his right hand, holding her leg at a 90-degree angle and effectively pinning it. She tried to kick the soldier with her right leg, but his hips were too close to her body, and her leg only managed to slide high and close along his right side. Both her legs were now wrapped around the wickedly grinning guard's chubby waist, and all she could do was squeeze and twist her hips violently in an effort at resisting his advance. "I... don't believe... THIS!" she thought as she continued to struggle. She didn't know which was worse, staying in that hole with that THING or being at the mercy of these pigs. Either choice was a nightmare. The guard behind her continued to massage her huge tit as he enjoyed groping his wildly writhing captive. His callused hand squeezed the breast slowly and firmly, pinching the woman's hard nipple between his index and middle fingers as he teased it. His fingers squeezed the nipple and pulled it up and down as he pushed her ripe, firm gland in and around in huge orbits. Her breast bulged and stretched as it pressed up against her heaving chest and her other breast, forming erotic circular and oval shapes of succulent flesh as his hand massaged it wildly. He then held her firmly by his left hand and quickly pulled her right arm with his right hand behind her back, pinning her arm. Then he quickly reached down with his left hand and pulled her left elbow hard behind her back, forcing her chest and head forward as he did this. His right arm slipped around her right elbow and, grabbing her left elbow with his right hand, he pinned both her arms behind her back. All Diana could do was reach out helplessly with her hands, grasping fruitlessly at freedom. "Zo sweat and spirited," said the guard in front of her as he grabbed her by the back of her head and forced her to stare him straight in the eye. His comment was answered by a hefty spat that sprayed into his eyes and across his cheek. "OHHH! You are going to pay for that, you American BITCH!" he hissed, driving his threat home by pulling the hair on the back of her head even harder. Diana continued to grit her teeth and snarl as she stared back defiantly. The guard then pushed his hips in deeper as he pulled his penis from his boxers. Wonder Woman surged upward as she tried to use her hips and thighs to squeeze the soldier away from her. The guard grabbed her plump buttocks and pushed closer, aiming his cock with his hand as he gained each inch. "AAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!!!! NNNOOOOO!!!!" she screamed like some wild, erotic animal as the disgusting guard's member pushed hard into her pussy and started its intense penetration. His enlarged penis forced its way slow and hard past her tight and defiant lips as she tried to resist his irresistible advance. This caused her hips to soar upward and roll from side to side as the cock slid deeper and deeper inside her. Then, with an erotic, female grunt, her hips slumped back against the guard behind her as the cock was fully inserted and her rapist's hips pressed hard against hers. She gyrated and moaned as he slowly pumped his pelvis forward, rubbing his lower stomach over her already sensitive clitoris. As she hissed and moaned, the guard behind her reached up and pulled her head back against his shoulder. Then he began making light circular orbits with his finger over her full, red lips, teasing her mouth with his fingers. "I think maybe this mouth was meant for something else besides kissing," he mocked, letting out a chuckle. Diana spat and snarled at the thought and thrashed her head from side to side as she tried to avoid his fingers. "Here, let me get some of that," said a third guard as he walked up to her right side and grabbed her right breast hard with both his hands. He started to violently massage the tit, clutching and squeezing it relentlessly as he played with it. Then, like some half-starved animal, he barreled down on it, sucking her ripe nipple into his mouth. In a wild, feeding frenzy, he began sucking and milking the defenseless heroine's tit, ruthlessly pushing it hard against her chest as he tried to suck her dry. The fourth guard decided the left breast needed the same attention, and he joined in, violently molesting her other bare tit. Diana began screaming and twisting about as the four men continued to rape her. The man fucking her also began stroking her firm, bare thighs, sliding his hands slowly over the soft, tan skin under her thighs and running them over her plump and jiggling rear. His hands cupped her buttocks, squeezing and massaging them as he continued pumping hard and viciously into her. "I vant something special," said the guard behind her as he reached down and pulled out his penis with his bare hand. Pulling hard on her arms, he forced the thrusting woman's hips down toward his own, and with his free hand, he guided his hardened cock into her bucking ass. "NO! STOP!... NOT THAT!" Diana screamed as the penis parted her buttocks and pushed into her anus. "UUUUGHH!!! OH HERA!!!" she screamed defiantly as her hips shot upward with the sensation. "God, what an ASS!" panted the guard as he continued to pound his cock home. "Ya, what an amazing FUCK!" replied the other guard as he groaned and pushed harder into the resistive female. Diana began to feel the sensation of being penetrated as the waves of erotic stimulation poured like chilling water over her tingling skin. She couldn't help but moan and groan as the two men stepped up their rhythmic pounding. The erotic sounds of this amazing amazon, cooing and wailing began to drive the four men wild with passion. The guards started to increase their rhythm, raping the helpless heroine harder and faster as the woman grew nearer to climax. Her hips were now almost perpendicular to the ground as she thrust upward, growing prone with the intense sensation. They rolled and swayed slowly about as the penetration continued, and the guard could see his cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy as he looked down on his lunging prey. Then, the inescapable began to build. Her panting and moaning grew quicker and quicker as the climax grew nearer and nearer. Her large hips bucked and thrust faster and faster as she soared higher and higher. The men responded by stimulating her more intensely with each surge. Clenching her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut tightly, Diana grew wet with tears as the sensation pushed her uncontrollable toward the edge. Then, with one last defiant surge, the doomed heroine tightened inexorably toward her fate. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!" "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!" "NOOOOOOAUUUAUGHGHGGHH!" The caverns echoed with Wonder Woman's erotic cry of release as yet another climax claimed her. The men were driven mad by the incredible female cry of sexual release, and both men exploded, thrusting and pushing mindlessly into the taken heroine. Almost as soon as they finished their intense climax, Wonder Woman began fighting again, pushing and twisting to escape. Driven by uncontrollable sexual urges, the four men pulled the gyrating woman to the ground and piled on top of her. The guard behind her slipped out from underneath her and pulled her flailing arms up over her head, pinning her punching hands to the dirt. The man in front pulled himself free and was instantly replaced by one of the guards on her side. The new man slid in place and pushed his cock hard into her twisting hips as he began mounting the buxom amazon. As she stared up at her four attackers, Diana thought about her sister and how she must be receiving the same, ruthless treatment. This enraged the femme-fatale, and she continued to fight her sadistic tormentors as they again began molesting her. The fourth guard then pulled his pants completely off and straddled the woman's chest. She gasped in horror as the man sat down on her huge chest and slid his hips down toward her face. With his left hand, he grabbed the woman's thrashing head and pulled it forward toward him. At the same time, he guided his penis into her soft, gasping mouth. "UUUGLP! NO.,.. MMMMBLM!"Diana could only moan and grunt as the cock forced its way past her plump, red lips and deep into her throat. Driven by the intense sexual sensations being forced on her, Diana instinctively began sucking the member as she submitted to its encroachment. The four men now formed a pile on the floor as they massed the slowly gyrating heroine. Wonder Woman moaned and groaned softly and deeply as her rape mercilessly continued. After several minutes of pushing and pumping, the horrid orgy began again to swell as everyone reached their pinnacle. Diana grunted and gulped harshly and sporadically as the combination of her climax and the guard's discharge in her mouth forced her to gasp and swallow deeply. The other guard finished his climax, pumping away slowly as he completely relieved himself. After the men were satiated, the two penetrating her, stood up and loomed over the heroine's naked and fucked body. Diana could only roll about slowly as the sensation of being penetrated made her groggy with sexual stimuli. As she groaned defiantly, the guard holding her arms, flipped the dazed woman on her stomach and pulled out a long strip of leather. He pulled her long arms behind her back and tightly tied her hands together at the wrist. He then used another strap to tie her elbows tightly together, rendering her arms useless. The woman was then sat on her knees. Her head was held with a firm grasp as the guard's hand clenched the thick hair on the back of her head. "You know what to do," he said in a low, intense voice as he stared into the heroine's dull and heavy eyes and pulled his penis toward her mouth. Without resistance, Wonder Woman began sucking the man's hard cock and she settled down into a mindless state of entertaining her tormentors. As soon as the first rapist was done, the next took his place, then the next. Soon, all four men were satiated and they started to get dressed and gather their supplies. Diana sat on her knees in an almost hypnotic trance with her eyes heavily shut and her jaw open and slack as though she were half asleep. Streams of cum ran down over her chin and her neck as she quivered helplessly. Her trance was rudely broken, however, as a balled up wad of cloth was shoved into her mouth. She responded by twisting her head about but this was a futile effort at best. A thick, heavy terry towel came down over her mouth and the gag was tied in place behind her head, holding the cloth ball in her mouth and preventing her from forcing it out. One of the guards then removed his belt and looped it around her long, delicate neck. He then buckled it tight, making a makeshift collar for his captive. He then took a long piece of rope and tied it to the buckle, leashing the now defeated and captured avenger. "You vere very good. Now that's vat a woman was meant for," said the guard as he grabbed Wonder Woman's bound body and pulled her close to him. "Ya, and this is just the start," said another as he pushed the woman forward down the passage by her ass. Diana trotted along for a few steps and then struggled and moaned as they continued pushing her along with their convincing gun butts. Wonder Woman staggered along for what seemed like a half hour as they neared the exit to the catacombs. Her incredible physique had already allowed her to regain some of her will and she was now resisting her captors as they pushed her along. Suddenly, she was blinded by the intense rays of the midday sun as she was pushed from a doorway into the castle's main courtyard. The courtyard was huge and was made into a makeshift bivouac for the contingent of soldiers that were stationed there. Several rows of tents, trucks, crates and other military equipment lined the walls of the grounds. Several dozen men were hanging about doing things such as cooking, cleaning equipment and relaxing. As the buxom heroine emerged from the tunnel, the men stopped with their daily activities and stared in gaping awe at the incredible woman walking out into the courtyard. Dozens of cat-calls and whistles followed her as she was forcefully escorted toward the center of the grounds. Then, with a heavy thrust from a gun butt to her legs, Diana was forced to kneel down in front of the main building. The squad of about 40 to 50 men began forming a circle around the woman like a bunch of sharks smelling blood and readying themselves for a feeding frenzy. They bustled about anxiously and all Diana could do was stare forward intensely and rebelliously as she listened to their lewd comments and insulting jokes. "We're going to fuck that bitch good." "What a set of jugs!" "I bet that American bitch could do us all, the SLUT!" "Hey whore, I've got a mark. How about a good time!" With that last comment, Diana sprang to her feet and rushed the part of the crowd the comment came from. With a wild kick, she took a shot at one of the men only to have her bare leg grabbed and her body pushed hard to the ground. The men began massing the woman, picking her wiggling body up over their heads and holding her up with dozens of groping hands. Their hands were everywhere as they grabbed her breasts, legs, buttocks, face, hair and pussy. Diana screamed wildly under her gag as she could feel several fingers being pushed inside her vagina. Suddenly, the wild crowd was silenced by a single gunshot. The entire crowd turned and stared at a balcony window that overlooked the courtyard. Diana stared in utter despise at the countess as the woman sauntered toward the rail. "The Wonder Woman is not to be touched!" she ordered harshly. "Any man who accosts her will be punished SEVERELY!" she added. The four men who had just finished entertaining themselves with the avenger, looked at each other sheepishly and gave each other a look that said, "Nothing happened, it was those things in the cave." The men knew how harsh the countess's punishments were and they did not want to face her wrath. "Sergeant!" she screamed. A burly man stepped forward and gave the woman a Nazi salute. "Yes mine Mistress," he answered. "I vant the captive cleaned up. Bring her to my room to be cleaned and fed, then bring her to my lab," she ordered. She then raised the Luger and fired four shots into the crowd. Each shot was deadly accurate and the four men that had captured Wonder Woman slumped down dead at the heroine's feet. "And I do mean UNTOUCHED!" she screamed. The rest of the crowd stepped away from Wonder Woman and the sergeant stared in fear at the four dead soldiers. "At once mine Mistress," he replied with a gulp. "You men, get her and follow me," he ordered, waving his hand at a few, scared privates. The men rushed up and grabbed the heroine's leash. Hurriedly they forced the woman along through a set of heavy, oak doors, up several flights of stairs and down a few corridors. They then came to a stop at the countess's bedroom. The sergeant knocked on the double oak door and waited as it slowly opened. The countess stood in the doorway. Her body was relaxed and incredibly erotic as she stood wearing a sheer, see-through teddy and panties. She stood leaning sexy against the door giving Diana a warm but evil stare. Diana stood straight, with her hips to one side and one leg slightly bent as she stared forward in defiance, refusing to look at the countess. She was a prisoner and she was not about to surrender. "Vell, I can see you're no worse for wear," the countess said coyly as she caressed Diana's bare breast. "You men can go!" she ordered, waving her hand at the already fleeing guards. The countess then circled behind Diana and gently removed her gag. Diana responded by wetting her lips and wiggling her jaw lightly to get the circulation going. "Whatever you have planned, I'm not about to let you win!" Diana said sternly as she continued to stare forward. "Oh, I don't expect you to," the countess replied. "It's much this way," she added. "By the way, I have something I owe you." "Something she owes me?" Diana thought as her gaze started to shift to her side. "What could..." but then her eyes widened as she remembered what she did to the countess in the lab. Almost at the same time, a cotton pad came down over her nose and mouth and the heroine began to scream in resistance. The countess continued to hold the anesthetic in place as Wonder Woman struggled against it. Her body squirmed about under the countess's powerful grasp and she moaned erotically as the drug drained her will. The days' events and the harsh experiences she had just gone through were too taxing, however, and Wonder Woman began to yield. Almost wanting to sleep from exhaustion, Diana let the fumes drain her spirit and put her to sleep.The countess then pushed the chloroformed amazon forward into the bedroom and watched as her lax, muscular body slumped to the rug. At that moment, the stiletto booted legs of Gretchen and Inga walked up from inside the bedroom and stood over Diana. "Give her a bath," the countess ordered softly as she gave the two dominatrices a wicked, evil grin.
Part 5 of 9
Mr. X
Batgirl and Catwoman [Rape, Bondage]
CLUNK! The dish dropped another inch. The two exhausted heroines sprang back to life as they again tried to bring on yet another climax. "I can't take much more of this!" Catwoman mumbled desperately from underneath Batgirl. "I'm about ready to pass out!" "Me too," Batgirl replied wearily. "We've got to escape, but how?" Both girls could hear the bubbling of the deadly acid below them as they feverishly tried to think of anyway to escape. Suddenly, Catwoman squeezed Batgirl tightly and froze. "What Catwoman! Don't pass out!" Batgirl screamed fearing the harsh skin treatment she was going to receive if Catwoman lost consciousness. "No. I'm not beaten yet," Selena replied, "there, across the room." she said rolling both girls over so Batgirl could have a look. There, sitting on a window sill licking its paws in anticipation of a fish dinner, was a blonde hared tabby. It sat looking in curiosity at the two unusual fish laying on the disposal dish. "A cat!" Batgirl cried out spraying Catwoman's lubricant with a heavy breathe of shock. "What the hell are you getting excited about a cat for!" she cried. "Just hold still!" Catwoman replied harshly squeezing the small of Batgirl's back so tight that she was unable to barely breath let alone move. Selena stared over Barbara's rear into the cat's eyes and for a moment the two didn't move, woman and cat staring long and deep into each other's eyes. The plate began dropping at a regular pace now. Barbara sprang to life in wiggling desperation as she tried to continue in a futile attempt at stopping the winch again. Selena, however, continued to hold the frantic heroine firmly, completely ignoring the winch's downward progress. The sounds of the acid grew louder and louder as the plate grew closer to the pool. Then, Barbara froze in shear terror as she heard the sizzle of the acid as it made contact with the underside of the plate. It was only seconds now before she would die a horrible, painful death. Suddenly, the tabby sprang to life and leapt off the window sill, jumping almost halfway to the tank in a single leap. Then, like some driven jungle cat it bolted across the floor and jumped up the metal staircase to the winch controls. Sitting there for just a moment it looked curiously at the controls, cocking its head sideways in slight confusion. It then reached up with both paws and leaned all its weight on the winch lever, pulling it completely down. The machine made a loud clunking sound and the plate shook to a stop. Then the machine made a series of loud hissing sounds as various pistons let out their air pressure and the plate raised back up, over the side of the tank and was set back down safely on the ground. The two girls quickly rolled off the plate and onto the cold cement floor. Barbara, seeing a puddle of fresh, hissing acid near her, leaned her hands out and dipped her ropes in the tiny pool. After a few moments, the acid burned her ropes through and the two girls were free. "How did you... what happened... how did that cat...?" Barbara stammered in utter confusion as she finished removing the ropes tied around her legs and waist. Selena took Barbara by the chin and looked her deep in the eye. "They don't call me Catwoman for nothing." she said in a deep, calm, sultry voice, sprouting a wicked, sinful grin. Both girls stood up slowly, never breaking eye contact. Selena's hand slowly guided Barbara, by her chin, to her feet. Both girls were scared to death. They stood, facing each other, shivering from both the cold, stone floor and from the massive amounts of adrenaline that was coursing through their veins. Both of their naked, wet bodies were covered with a thick, shimmery film of sweat from the experience and from utter physical exhaustion. Selena's firm grip softened and she slowly slide her hand over Barbara's soft, girlish cheek. She gently caressed her cheek, moving her hand back and forth, barely touching the surface of Barbara's skin. Barbara stood staring back at Selena, her lower lip quivering slightly from the excitement. She raised her hand and slide her fingers tenderly over Selena's left nipple, touching it just enough to move the nipple slightly as each of her fingers made contact. She then moved her hand slowly down the curvature of Selena's large breast and gently slid her fingers along its underside, lightly stroking Selena's skin with slow and sensual tickles. Selena surged slightly as a wave of warmth flowed up her back and across her shoulders. Her muscles sank as the sensation slowly relaxed her, making her feel pleasantly calm. Her tense face softened and she closed her eyelids as she let the feeling encompass her. With her free hand, Selena reached over and slowly placed her middle finger under Barbara's bare nipple. With extreme care and delicacy, she slid her finger around the underside of Barbara's nipple, lightly tickling it, moving it ever so gently in a semi circular fashion. Barbara's eyes slowly closed as she too surged with the sensation. Her nipples grew hard and erect as the sensation swept across her weary, naked body like a wave of warm water across a sun drenched beach. Her head curled back and her lips opened slightly as her mouth slowly relaxed. Selena took a small step forward, moving close enough so the bottom of her breasts lightly touched the top of Barbara's. At the same time, she softly slide her hand around Barbara's waist and placed it firmly, but gently against the small of the young girl's back. Barbara arched her back slightly as she opened her eyes with a gentle shock. Selena lowered her head and stared deeply into the young girl's heavy, light brown eyes. For a long moment both women stared into each others pupils, looking long and deep into each other's hearts and feeling the waves of sexual emotions that both girls shared. It was as though both were surrounded by some magical bubble which separated them from the rest of the world and brought them into their own private universe. Moving slowly and carefully, Selena lowered her face and turned her head to one side as she cautiously brought her lips close to Barbara's. Barbara lowered her eyes as she innocently watched Selena's mouth grow closer and closer to hers. Not realizing she had moved her own arms, Barbara's hands had slowly curled around Selena, her one hand slightly touching Selena's back under her arm and the other reaching over the amazon's shoulder and lightly touching her auburn black hair. Barbara could feel Selena's warm gentle breath on her lips as her mouth grew nearer. A wave of heavy, dull warmth flowed through Barbara as Selena made contact. She gently rocked her head ever so slightly, softly rubbing Barbara's lower lip with her own. The two girls began moving their heads slowly in a slight circular motion, tenderly touching and teasing the other's mouth with the light, gentle touch of the other's soft, dry lips. Selena then drew in Barbara's lower lip with her lips, gently grabbing it and giving it a soft kiss, so soft that it barely moved Barbara's mouth. At first the innocent girl didn't respond, her mouth remained relaxed and motionless. Selena then moved her mouth over Barbara's lips so that her lips rested just against the girl's mouth. She then gave the young girl a slight kiss, barely touching her lips with her own. Again Barbara didn't respond. Another gentle kiss followed. This time, Barbara moved her lips slightly in response. Selena pressed a little harder and kissed again. Barbara responded by tilting her head softly forward and pressing her lips against Selena's.Both girls drew each other close and they slowly kissed each other long, warm and tenderly. Barbara had never experienced anything like this before. Of course, the previous few days' events had put her through a heavy array of intense sexual encounters, but this was different, unexpected, almost forbidden in nature. In one soft, sensual gesture, Selena had opened Barbara's eyes to a truly warm and wonderful hidden secret inside herself and, at the same time, had brought her true feelings about her own sexuality to the surface. She had never known she had compassion for or even cared about being with another woman, but now the feelings she had were so honest, so right. The two girls embraced each other tightly and they began to heavily kiss each other, their hands gliding gently over each others' bare backs and shoulders. Selena then raised her head and cupped Barbara's cheek with her hand. With her other hand, she pushed on the small of Barbara's back and guided her toward the bedroom where Selena had originally been tied up and taken advantage of. Batgirl sauntered into the room and, without hesitation, slowly crawled onto the large, king-sized bed and sat with her legs curled to one side, staring innocently and sensually at Catwoman. Selena quietly shut the door and walked over to a table that sat against the bedroom wall, never breaking eye contact with the young heroine as she traveled across the room. On the table were several strips of black, silk cloth, the same strips that were used to bind and gag Selena earlier. Picking one up, she slowly walked toward Barbara, wrapping the ends of the cloth around each of her own hands and pulling it tight with a slight snap. Barbara's shoulders sank and her eyes closed heavily as she leaned forward submissively toward Selena. The dark-haired amazon then sat down on the side of the bed next to her. Selena set the cloth across Barbara's bare thigh and reached out with both hands, placing them gently on the young girl's shoulders. Slowly and lightly, she ran her hands down Barbara's arms, pulling Barbara's arms together and crossing her hands in front of her. Barbara's heart sank low and heavy in her chest as a wave of sexual anticipation rushed through her. This was too good to be true. This woman knew how to touch her, knew how to tease her, knew her every sexual fantasy. She was like an open book, bare and exposed to the world, and this wild, erotic woman knew how to read every word. Selena tied Barbara's hands together in a snug but gentle knot. Grabbing the girl by her crossed hands and lowering her down with her other arm, Selena lay Barbara on her back and pulled her arms over her head. Using the remainder of the cloth, she tied the young girl's hands to the bed post, securing her safely in place. After a few moments, Selena raised another cloth and slowly lowered it over Barbara's face. She pressed it firmly over the girl's eyes and wrapped it around her head, tying and blindfolding the young heroine. Selena then leaned over Barbara and looked deep and long at her young, innocent and beautiful face. Slowly and teasingly, she again began to nip and kiss Barbara's wet, full lips. Both girls exchanged kiss after kiss, losing themselves in the experience. After several long, passionate exchanges, Selena raised her head slightly and looked down at Barbara's bare breasts. Looking back at the young girl, she sprouted a pleasing smile as she ran her hand slowly and softly over Barbara's bare shoulders and down over her firm, ripe breast. Her fingers danced lightly on the girl's delicate skin as they stroked the area around her erect nipple, making slow, gentle circles around it. Then, using the fingernail on her middle finger, Selena lightly flicked Barbara's ripe nipple, causing it to shift ever so slightly. Barbara moaned at the unexpected but pleasant feeling. Using all three fingers, she then began to gently tickle the underside of Barbara's breast, teasing and taunting her nipple with an occasional flick or bump, never pressing hard enough to shift or move the breast or to cause its shape to change. Barbara's chest surged slowly and she let out a soft, light moan as she tried to move her breast closer to the stimulation. Selena quickly moved her hand backward, making sure not to let the helpless girl get more than just a tease. Her fingers danced about on the surface of the young heroine's tight, soft skin like a hovering mosquito floating over a nice, juicy meal, never landing but teasing the girl with the anticipation of taking a ravenous bite. Batgirl's chest rocked gently from side to side and her thighs slowly rubbed together as the sensation and anticipation began to build. When was she going to strike? When will her breast be taken? Now! Now! But the teasing continued, relentlessly, mercilessly with the amazon stopping just long enough to allow the sensation to settle and not to allow it to become repetitive or numb. Stroke after stroke, tickle after light tickle. It was as though each breast was growing more tender and ripe, ready to burst at any moment. Barbara began twisting and breathing heavily as she writhed in agony, hoping for some kind of release. Her sensations were then compounded as one of Selena's warm, gentle hands moved slowly over her bare, flat stomach and toward her unprotected vagina. At first, she felt nothing. Her body began to settle down as the tingling in her breasts continued. "What was she doing?" Barbara thought "What could she be up..." but no sooner did she question Selena's activities then she tensed and surged in excitement. Barbara let out a slight moan as Selena slowly touched the inside of her bare thigh and slowly slid her fingers gently along the smooth skin between her legs. Her hips rocked and twisted gently as the amazon lightly teased Barbara with her fingers, slowly running her hand closer and closer then back away from her vagina. As she did this, Selena also leaned over Barbara's chest and began slowly teasing her tender, ripe nipple again. She ran her nose over it lightly and nipped at it slowly and softly with her dry, full lips, making sure not to move it too much or to let Barbara get any release from the tension. BAM! Both girls froze in terror as the door to the fish factory burst open and the sounds of several men echoed through the hallways. "Damn!" Batgirl exclaimed as she untied herself and popped up off the bed. "We've got to get out of here," said Catwoman, helping Batgirl up, "If we're lucky, they'll think we dissolved in the acid." The two girls grabbed their costumes off the dresser and headed for the large, factory-style windows that lined one side of the makeshift bedroom. After a few frustrating moments of climbing out a window while trying to get dressed, they scurried down the alley and to safety. Back at Catwoman's lair, the two costumed heroines sat about, contemplating their last encounter with the three villains. "Do you think anyone noticed us coming here?" asked Batgirl naively. "Oh no," Catwoman replied, shaking her head sarcastically, "That cabby who picked us up and all those people in the street would never have noticed two, half-dressed women wearing masks and costumes." "Yeah, I guess you're right," said Batgirl, giving herself a slight pop in the head with her hand. "I was wondering what all those Japanese tourists were taking pictures of." "Well, good thing I checked with da... I mean Commissioner Gordon," said Batgirl. "He told me the Riddler left a riddle at the museum where you were kidnapped." "Oh great," replied Catwoman, rolling her eyes in disgust, "Another damn riddle. You'd think the idiot was crazy or something. What kind of loon goes parading around in a costume doing goofy things like that!" she said angrily. Barbara looked over the note sideways at Catwoman, who was sitting in her white, bikini costume and mask, and raised an eyebrow, shooting her a judgmental look. Catwoman looked down at herself and nodded her head in disgust. "OK, OK FINE! Let's hear the stupid thing." "It's a two-parter, so listen carefully," Barbara explained, squinting at the note. She wasn't used to reading without her glasses, but wearing a pair now would be just as revealing as Superman wearing his Clark Kent glasses. "Everything is as light as me but I fall as fast as a cannonball... What am I?" "Hmm..." said Catwoman, almost going into a coma as her mind went to work solving the riddle. Barbara could swear she could see little birdies circling the dark-haired avenger's head as all the woman's mental efforts strained at dealing with the mind-numbing poser. "It's a feather!" Batgirl said knowingly as she gave Catwoman a slight swat on the arm. "You are such an airhead!" "Yeah, well... that one was too simple. It threw me for a second. What's the next one!" she yelled, shooting Barbara a disgusted look. "OK," Barbara said, perking up like a spoiled schoolgirl, "People spend their lives getting rid of me yet, in the end, they become me after all." "Pssss... that's easy!" said Catwoman, waving her hand at the note, "Shit!" "SHIT?" asked the surprised Batgirl. "Yeah, SHIT! People are always getting rid of it, but when you die, you're in deep shit," the buxom brunette said, sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms in front of her, sprouting a smile of absolute pride. "The Riddler's riddles also go together, TIT BRAIN!" scolded Batgirl. "Feather... Shit... Feather Shit... I don't think so," she said snootily. "I think the correct answer is DUST. We always try and get rid of dust, but we become dust when we die. Also, feather and dust go together as in feather duster." "Oh yeah, MIZZZZZ Smarty pants... or shorts... or thong or whatever that is..."and with that Catwoman stomped over to a desk and snatched the phone book. She slammed it down on the table and began flipping pages. Then, sitting back, she sprouted another smile of accomplishment. "There!" she blasted, slamming her point home with her finger as she pointed to the phone book. Barbara leaned over and stared at the entry at the tip of Catwoman's finger. There, between 'Feataccini's Noodle Factory' and 'Featwhyler's Feet and Foot Fetish Emporium', was an entry for 'FeatherShitte Manufacturing'. "DOH!" blurted Batgirl as she slapped her hand over her forehead and shook her head in disgust. "I should have realized," Batgirl whispered as both women stood on an adjacent roof top staring down at the large factory. "the abandoned FeatherShitte Feather Duster Factory on Falling Feather Lane." "God what a name," said Catwoman. "It's almost like someone thought it up for some lame kiddies show or something." "Well if that's the case," Barbara replied, "we are two very hard up, desperate actresses working a dead end career job. I mean get real, what kind of BIMBO would dress like this just to get an acting job." she finished. Both girls looked at each other for a long moment and then shook their heads in an attempt at rubbing out the absurd idea. "Not me. The last thing I want to do is end up as a down and out, overweight, out of work has-been who has to resort to doing Star Trek episodes to make ends meet," replied Catwoman. "You said it! Let's split up," Batgirl said. "I'll go through that side door down there and you make your way around back and see if you can get in." "Sounds good to me," said Catwoman and she bounded off into the darkness over the roof tops toward the other side of the huge building. It wasn't hard for Barbara to gain entry to the old building. The factory used the old standard set of locks so the police could gain easy access using a pass key. Of course it does pay being the commissioner's daughter and it was very easy to make a duplicate of his key for just such emergencies. The factory area she had entered was a maze of thin walled offices lit by streams of gray, blue light that dimly flowed in from several factory style windows that faced the dull street lights outside. Slowly she sauntered through the eerie darkness. After several moments, she made her way down what she thought was the main hallway that led to the factory floor. Suddenly, from two open doorways on each side of her, two dark figures plowed into her hips and legs, wrapping their arms around her bare thighs and calves. As she twisted and struggled, a third figure came up from behind her and wrapped one arm around her waist. At the same time, the other arm came up and clapped a small rectangular pad of cloth over her nose and mouth. Barbara's eyes burst open in panic as the fumes of the anesthetic invaded her defenseless lungs. She screamed and cried but her yells were muffled by the chloroform soaked cotton wad. The three men pulled the gyrating heroine to the ground and held her as the darkness enveloped her and she slipped unconscious.
Rape, Bondage
Part 4

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